Cijitngo Cniunc.
WSDK ESDAT, MAECp 20, 1881
; When QemJacksori eniithed out-SObth
era nullification inlSSfi,; had when Rrcsi
dent Polk hcedleaslji'audtwitkcdly, as was
beUeredby the to his ad
ministration, involved the counby in a war
withJfexico, men of ail patties rallied Jo
-f- thempport of tie - There was
'“‘ -no (hctiOus' in (»flji£ress
* to the passage of a Porcuhill in the former
;;; instance;;' trtdlcr c n :~and
' rT Jj the Administration to'
~,r , prosecute, the war vigorously, wi|h scarce
ly a dissenting voice. The newspaper or
. .gaps ofthVWhigparty cordially approved
_ of_theyigorpus measures of Old Hickory j
-- ■ - -and, after the cause of President Polk had
- ' been merged in tbeVaus'e ofthe
they supported wfthi equal ae£
irnoasures, were lo* imng"tHe*
_ Mexican war to a speedy and satisfactory
•; -r conclusion.' ■ / ■' ft
The contrast between therol d WHigpunty
, ■ —aicparty pj Spposition on ihese twpjry-,
. _ingoccasionsrraftd-dhe.Democratic party,
in the present perilous condition of the,
v'.‘ VronhtryV is martedi and exceed-”
■jngly -painful to patriotic cqnlOrvplafiqn.
•'r“ ‘ A-rebellion lias 'been' in.itie
r *- : -ibnnient; It has extended from- State to
State : without a" solitary' effort being
.. put forth' for its. -suppression; - its.-
- r ; • leaders .lihfe; organized};’ a; gaveinmeait,
appointed the’ reqiiisitq : Officers,. and.
*. have •• had,- the audacity to ,_send .a
” '--Commission; .to ', treat.
.'- _ with- the Government •■whose allegiance,
'. they havethro-wii. off for : tljeir -share l of
. . : the puUic proper^i thQr have organized'
an arinjibftheexpresspurpose of resist--
’■ iiigtte enfoicemeht oFthe laws the .
n' •—•- rinafaitamjice' Fedcraf tJmoh; they
. -have seized the forts, the shipsjthc cuslom
- —r houses. and
aituated withinrihe rebellLousStates;"
'.the 'Whole federal 1 Jmisdtfflxcja has’bcen :
temporarily at 'least, qyerthrown, and
_ihe power .of .the -Fedcral; Government
' - to 'arrest orfrustrate thhdesigns of Ihere-^
• hels defied.* During t%greatpi: partof-thft-.
"time ih these scehes~have been in
process of enactment,., the Government
;haa been in posaessionTof the Democratic
• jKirty. Instead of-employing its power .to
,-:-crush -the, rebellion;} the leading .traitors
« : : were permitted tq 'hdld -Itlio position of
• : Conslltutional; advisers i p .the 1 ; President,
' - - ' and their counsels were most faithfully IBS'-*
v ecuted. The opposition in Gongress
ready, as in the days of J^ckson, T t6 clolbe
the Executive with the necessary power to
’' ‘ r put down the treason. But the President'
■ r ditfnot evenuse the powerconierred_uppn r
him Constitution, to m|imtam the*
integrity of.tire Goyernmen t well ns
the Democratic members of Congress,a^3ffl-,
edto in view of the legacy' SvhTcii
taey would have in their power to bequeath
to the incomingltepnblicanAdminis^atloh. 1
.Since the inatiguration 'of 1 President :
Eincoln, the only change iherejias'been/in
• i this respect, is a more open apdjmore.dis-
__.. tlnct avowal of,sympathy^with treason on.
r-"-' 1 '- the part of Democratic leaders. I The Ex
- : : -ecative finds himself witßout the means’ to
. enforce the, seceding States.'
Democratic leaders in Congress assertthat"
/ * they Trill never consent to furnish him with'
, . „ ..-those means.Not only do they make tins
. declaiationto the world, but- while, doing
..Bdtheyoffer resojutioua in ihe-Senate' tho
: objectOf wlnchis to place bMcldllyfefdfd ‘
* ' ; : "the' country a virtual.'aclmo wledg-'
ment of the. toabUUy, of? the Federal Gov- 1
.erpment to overcome • the existing .rebel-'
; ‘ _llpn. .The .design.of this is, Mo. ileter:Mr.
. . from calling-an extra sesaknof
.. f ./ Congress, and .to prepay
friends for their opposiilon loiahy supply
mea»uiesh6uM ! an'eirra r ‘vessioii Recalled/
• 'jinnore'unpatriotic, vre may say a more
.infamous, move.hasnever been znadebymrj
... American statesman
of Senator diiw. out a state- I
; ' -ment bf the imprepared cohdiiioh ofthe !
- , Federal Government to,maintain its initeg-.j
, jiiy.and.. to,vindicate the majesty of ; law.;
-The , traitor Arnold--permitted British !
spies access ;)tpf the linep of tie* 1
' Americanforces the belter to ascertain the
i i-f most fhvotihle points lor : iiri v atlack;* Jmt. i
’ /Mr. Douglas stands'.'fcp'jn',liie/A rn’erican''
Senate and the’CDemikpf.lhe.
.-•Xioyentoentlts’utler. 'weakness, and gives
*■. v them to understand tUatncr.vo'te, hi his will*
-lie given for strengthehing'it:" <.
.TVe ask the nornhe* 1 .-
. - *..{£? coprse of the Wh g/pa^t#..
> : time©and ; during^lie^f^s»a
. lean "War, and to contrastTtwhh thu course
- f.: of theDemocratlc r
• : iher.voted far that I
J 7 brought forward. nudYtood! JJy.the.; 1
r -Government jaud .the count iy front first 1 toj.
last. The' hitler defeated the _ vojlvjntccr
.hill just before the'dose of ; us^^t&eai^ : i
- •of Congress, 'and ~Hipy hoW' ds&rttbat, if
;T : r. Congress is. called"tbghtlicf 'i/gain Yhei'rl
.//course will hot be'changed:-TjLid
'itanoVp ftll dbubts of-tl^cifoniireondfpcr;-'
' fect ' Syrapalliy with 1 {they/
openly -rejoiceVQn accomit.cdVthg°wg^
*' <7 ceaa^r t .3j®fch k»mpcjft l .tiie * evacutjlion of
Fort;Btalcr-fa; - >f .
'• • alonearc -responsible;for—md neopenly,,
"express their' gtatiflcatiba' iii ysiw -of;th)s :;
~r r |»r6beble feottlmt the’ )SHminS®6oh!.TFi^!
■' not hare thepourer to colicci til el r cvhrrjcy..
sgteeto Confer upon it,- : ,{UiUh -oiicae!
' of »b? Whigs it oa..Qf,!
Jackson and Polk was patribHc, : wSat,isUo;;
~I of the. course; leaic;
./,';.-dsstibye4 end oar Waeo^'^&ydinitiifr
- - ytewgM. into iio: ;
' ” the Demptiaiiic Jafly^onbrilißl:
,t jjpjf,'
T UTink
■" ofHifise things. ‘
,• :!■«, - It" is noi to ,lio"' ; &eSiit3 J tfsi
: ; r of jjufc'
‘.inwtiß one of oxtrcmeTdanniny l and ia>~
■•■'■. atealordestTOy, 4oss!-
■ bk to infect or demoidl-ji* Trtri'StLlcn,
~;dtt^jf^: ; iUo<acd nodTdeaioraJSei -tyi
Buchanan; and Ms Cabinet : . Th ei u J pare■
- .'■lleled : >as accomplished “ more;
”"warwitlitlie slrotogist pon^!i‘ :
—dnm could-produce in JiolXa CCnUiryi ( A
• scattered iftpenscof..
' ■ : llie eirtt-jmorniy; i^t^butedisif^iilhcdss-:;
oowards-ftlib ~ijcnsivf'-f ijhnuklca 1
■;;;; C9J®® preffi^^fd|^T:p/d4-l!ic)
■■• ■j ,2l^^^^rtantfortrp^pafa]lnrhuI jiiUinEs
_ :^Jsfilrtered-gKiU‘3di]sfv tbe enemiekiOf
■f«“ SBdimjJKWtj JmWmt’Oiefr gloTn# l
! r.5 ; juid;'
'} in-Vfii:i dbfrC crnmsfrjLil,.
JrfftfiglSt Mielaj- and''
: . , ciui.Lhc ollU’rdcmundlliK
g aiffl and,,
;aa,appn|a| ijosi'i ?
- ’TOey‘'n-agt~'aa^rh:t. :
J^towSS' 1 •
l .'A*h«naelTesi 11 ianda^ttey-'iiiu ■
, i WB revenue, Congress must be re- ] ■
assembled, the navy called borne, an
army raised, equipped and drilled, and tbe
treasury replenished. It wojld bo
disregaifvtho Jeflg
to m|tch qjioh w4s>o£i|n
ma|i|o ccjHiit
>!gan B«g|em tjSjers. th^ehoui4*
treasonable foray he would come of course.
Mobs may be raised in a day but armies
cannot. Mobs can furnish themselves
with fowling pieces and rusty scythes in
bhurfumer, mn it is the rk- -"
is tae-Work- of-timp tn
p^fi|Mipi e fifl® 8 and sword bayonets for
bn army- Lefas keep a practical view of
..this :
we jre cpmenipiig j s no less »than the.Can,-f
stitution <jf the United States To preserve'
iii its integrity, and *to transmit it tmim-'
paired to future generations I we'nre ready
B utjwe look to
se P- the vlctory gained by no miracles.
The usual paraphernalia ud,laboraud.
iknp&s, Urnc,> pat|ej|c , endurance-
wffljbe tbie-.
price at which the legacy *of is
be possible to in,
any peaceful w;ay^let s it by 1 11 -means be
; fcaved^ceft3iy'^Bnt : wc do
•aaciny f-)v^ck r |sy^er^y r *conv6rtmg’ the
-Oonstitution-frottth shrine of liberty to .a.
.propagator and defender.of slavery.: *:«•
...-Thalgold fflriats in largeflaabtiticain the r
Mountains at and-in the yiclnlty of.
■ P&e’s -Peak;-has hecn ‘ahUndantlyptQVed.
It is-also well ■understood .that it is found,
-mainly-in, ; the quarlzTrock, ijnd requires:
.capital and
.ring the last summeraome thyee hundred
..sjamp .were, pub up, at the mlnes;.bnt,
it ..was, iate rin ' reason befpre.' they -
got successfully:, at vvorkj i and "‘very
considerable'sums'ivere not realized. Add*-
■ed .to-lhc lateness of the season } wheh'op;
erations -were commenced, was the - iiiex
p'eriehce.of most of those wlio managed
the mlßs • • all things oonsilderod, e.
as much gold was obtained as could reason-'
ably be expected - *!
.'-Tfcis^ea^Ujriirbe fari differeiit, aria
the westerri States n;ay .expect to be largely
benefitted bythe. ; increased receipt..of
gold from tills • promising region.
lieatd, the -aggregate-estimated at millions
, prdpllarSf and even .at the' Idlest figure
we hive heard named, - western interests ■ largely benefitted/bj| this new
source of wealth. It wiU Furnish a large
ibr *onr products. The ’ in&ers'
; look' to- ■! - eastern *. Kansas’ ’ and r
...western lowa - and to
for their beef, 'flouri;
provisions all kinds, _mules
horses mid cattle, .and the amount required
fall’tie very large and constantly ~increa?-;
ing.T It is;trae that all: these akicles will
, bs purchased in the section of country- very
c^^erably r hnttldffdemand.
'from the Rocky Mountains, draining*that"
region, will take off. the produce that.fath
i|Vf -it wopld, -be; pressing /eastward with ■
ours L and_tljqs help to glut the market -The
entire northwest direct in
terest m the success c of;every "quartz - mill *
; The mahitfactured- article* and the mer
chandise |£6e all.that regionwiU befurnish
.edby.SLliOuis and Chicago or the smaller
cities upon the. Missouri. Gur ownshare
df the trade'is’by iib means-what if.ehduld;
be; 'but heretofore the goods shipped by the
Burlington & Quincy and the HannibAlj£T.
■ St Joseph Railroads from this city have fori
nished_no,. inconsiderable items in theearii
.mgs of. those roads. When the extensions.
of the Rock Island and the Galena Rail
! 'wayff , are -: 'completed 'directly 'through to
ilie Missouri, Chicago, dealers wUI grasp
the lion’s share ofthe tiadeof thenewTer
rltory of Colorado. Hence the importance’.
.of budding those roads at the.EarlieEt pds--
siblemoment , . ; s • .
• w TheTßtoniaVhich-wffileni Ihrmers ahd
psrachants will receive for their sales. Trill
: bo deddddlm aaliafiiirihTir jib,. deihltha
“ycllowr dost? ."trill be far preferable to
‘‘bank-rags’’ even though they be 11 well
;Sephro4”" r by •tie : ;-atockti7 :of I Southern
Statea. An mfusionof coin toanunlimi
'tedextent mto. tie ppckels. of.our people,
■rcalbe a dkpension deyoully acceptable.
■;;> With h,cqntlnued'dcjnand, for onrstaples
at falr.prices from the seaboard and from
Europe, mid' with the new and valuable
market thills opening up at Pike’s Peak,
the lYest has,most encouraging, f prospecls
’ btfore hcr It is true that .theso promising [
tokens of returning prosperityanay be de
liyed, or for,a -time blasted by tie ■ t reason
are, Gulf States;'
ints, pimp oliioaitEoublescanbe adjusted,
thcmpslsangniuc wotda ditro to
will be
k the:Wesk
77 ! riisiv hjßifdiTioss,!
. f BEKT.OK!s jUamoatEST of.-the-Debates of Con*
. ."Egress front JlB9 to 165 C. • New York rD.Apnle*-
' </f ■"-tfci.&'Coi Chicago f S.'C/Orlggs & Co.
:: -:Grfgga &Co.have : Bent nsfttie fifteenth and
*fcterotfa TOldme*oflbift^rcatsrofk.
Wrvc bn ’the wrapper of the sixteenth; volume
publishers consider the
fclete/buiirtijvire are not InfoAned,ibrtho'
•grea on Ihe and tho:
i bbwr*, it . cmbrac6> the period, between■
however, pfav
at some future pe-
Tied. •
Oi thoVork ' itself ire ; Lire frcquontij
;»nd. Ci4 jvbulihemhfaoc;
; thehUitorTOf;anr connfrt’. Here wchave ia
foim ibeepoeciicß pf aU {|io geest;
cbmieli'jhaUs: or,
lie natiop; ■ Thcvotu,' quail jjaportaat-eoVi
ttte'oj ; jl kinds in n.
meesigdrand State
cyciopaylia the-financial and*
from the
-d,c^3fto 1850. Ah=
fflich, • tiß* 1 iffStL^arm^'g^ueidiai car afford
will tpr
•Tdrerto'it'lo ’dolermlno Important/gnostiomT
: ! ntnr prephyedtg fafslsh tom-’
5 ■
i-ijasfitaica B^prg.:
/s^tat!'^efii'aild ihdr'tiinea formation, aifcir ;
. ; T T mo :
■*C&nneoiTcai .:'! TlXpril i'" i^^ackvi; r.. C i.. Ancj 6■’
Bhode ..Ang. 8:
\kSiai&;,.:^ t
iy«meß«ee^ , Xrt..Ang. X Kapsag^vvJi.-;-. .... t .. ;
, „ t w 9 pt tie seceded Stains tove chosen-^
t.SWj 'Houfl^n*
«MiW ia ve<&DMfi -in- rM £
OcU&er—possibly may ' " '■
* i the sSu&Xtis*'^
: i : . , r pmoctau^tTr... :T£r
; Of those tST.
.^fot^lybyvie'ee^en.-'.V-, ';icr<} ’
BtyMtaflSMO i n regard t0
tho,“floi4%, .tciy.i”, l '°~:
tfc-£UA«lfei/. ■<
rffer<they*aye ffiatama
IWpi. vi i. at a ;» T*aio fJ. :.■ •>. *
:tAyßooihci* B(ghts i at
LouiaTille on .Friday-evening, {vn‘d a long JUt J *
af, fieixrcsolnUoDisjead:' 7 .Oae Bpeteer fol-
BpoecSr^hea, Roifr Jaft'.'' 5
icalied inpon- TiMj l
Mtrlott woTdd'flot
at: ,'j
iilf mewtoloiatfSiDaoiablc manywonkt not
istetttD the advocates of secession Trba j rfftpft|* ! - 1
in" i
ras aa'UflSlmil aojb&nment at a late hour,- i
g‘™ tt L “ I grcat-m3S6 ' K
mion-ETTfStice •■ <1
• .-•• -a cV_- • - ... .'
,%« ’AtB STATE FAmFfSiP%
from the President of jthittkte
TritlT noUcaSEtlio
Jaimiry m«fipg of the fipSo Agricultural
cijs|wat SgjSjjfleld, applications for
the next flannui Fair Vere consldereitThd
acted upon. Among the many liberal and
sufficient proposals made by the various points
in competition are fivo from Chicago—one by
aonrern TV ostensibly- fcpjffouUpg citt*;
hens*of Chicago—the other by W. W. Boylng
ton, President of the Mechanics’ Institute.
As has been customary 'with the Society
among t^e, appl^uts,-before them, was the:
-point or placc hold the next Fait/!
~T3athavihg bchiTdeclded in favor of: Chicago,
bosiaessln order seemed to bo the
.delicate duty.of choosing or accepting one or.
tbrother of the understood;.
That decision, as liras the -party'with;'whom' -
;the .Society would -conclude to'.act lh‘tho' ;
■premises; wlthvfeference to“ilxtures, arrange*
\ men.U-ond ;aecbmmodßtlona, fell by regular
ballot Of members with- this
reservation—that- the a
. committee 1# eiaminc,-seloct and approve of.‘
grounds ‘Upon; which”- to}-fflect buildings and';
allot which:-
■Mr,'Gagonn condi tlonaily^ac&pted.
... During: .the .'month 'qf February last the
18 qd ety’js- Comffli t tee;' ixjniposed of es-PreM
Invired‘aM f istanc.e ( and presence of ArJ; Matte-'
'sot, Vice-President of the Second District,
:;andJi;p.. Reynolds,* Corresponding • Secretary
-of-'the - State 'Society/;!!}. Company with Mr.- 1
Gage .’and Mr, 3oylngton, »examlned the fol
lowing places.and grounds ihtheir order:' ■ f :
4 • .'First,'it locality neat' the State Fair Grounds
oflSoo; next the-grounds r at' Brighton; thCu -
’ some vacant lands on or near SUte- street and
west of the tJnited ; 'Stetcffl:Pair,*Grounds; and
lastly the- -Cottage v
by the V. B. Society in,1859.. The Committee, •
’after mature - deliberation,- considering'all'
■ things connected with jibs .respective points'
.referred to, decided in ffivor Of Brighton* pro
; Tided ample} convenient andlcheap. facilities.
for gettlngTisitors and "freiglits to and from
the grounds'.were.Satisfactorily guarantied;
which” waa^subsequently‘done.-
. The ShLouis, Alton and Chicago Railroad;
■ has pledgedhU necesaaiy trains. to' convey a 1
vlmiprs whO-'may-desire togb to the Fair
Qrpuhds- at.'lqw rates .of -fere—their track
rioncMng;: immediately afc.the.Groxmda. The
proprietors of the steam Towßoats.upon the
river have pledged thcmselvea'to low
rates of fare all -whomay -wish to gobythat
*. conveyance, but a short distance from
■the Fair Grounds.;• There are .also two:diago
nal thoroughfares - in.-that. direction : Blue
Island avenue, on mid Archer road
oh the _eaat of tho .river,■ connecting at that
point, as well as twolinportant roads from lhe
uCbuntry—-oncr ftoni the}south, the other from
-the-' uniting , at the.
_ Grounds ,".giying greater accommodations • to
the people- from the„ country with their own
tefuns to reach the Fair Grounds thin at any ;
.other point T -At Brighton, the Fair Grounds ■
- proposed, acres; besides ample
outside grounds for camping-purposes will be'
secured; which fortho T>ast few' year* has be*,:
.come' aneceseity at .all State FairsVas thour
'.eaudA.-wiil attend. thcac.;annual gatherings,
where' this is -furnished; who would.,
otherwise ’ remain at/home-f-tfins supplying
■•“ the -greatest good-to the greatest number,”
at the Jeast possible post. The fact that these
grounds can be obtained for a long term of’
local-aseociatlon in potting’
up suitable and permanent buildings, and oth
erwiee beanfxfying'-ah.d' Inipro'ving the prem
ises, which; is ho -small ■ consideration, to the
convenience of the State Society in holding -
.any glven exhlhitlon, as. evidenced last year at
: Jacksohyilici , •'
• Gldeago being emphaUcaUy tbs great Eall
way center; of tho .Union, together -with the
ready and liberal response made 'by all the
.EaHwiys whose lines break upwithih herbor
idera, to; carry at half-fare, and all
stock and artlcles lp and Iroin; the exhibition
free, wo therefore leave the subject to lier,
.own-citizens and the-Local ■ Committee to do*
cidpwhctbbr complete, ample and necessary
grounds, bnildipgs and' fixtures shall be pre
pared as a sure guarantee of success for the ap
proaihlng State Fair in- September next. .
■ ; ■ Wj», ; H. Y,is Epps,
Fron’t IIL State Ac. Society.
■ ' OnXWew. OCack.
-'{Ctorreipondence of the Chicago Tribune.^;
. _ , . 111., Starch 18, 1861., ••
i I danbt not y<m .-are?, to as-great an extent
a.3 any set of men alive —posted upon all £or
ient events'" think it not amiss
, to. coll the latest news; ‘-The
following from our paper, the Whigdnd ifeT
, r indlcates which way the
wind, blows, n0w..,-“Old Nebraska Dick” has
j usj
-M bhe&hy Stfpkenio prepare the hearts of the
Democbact 'Abandoned—A new Party to be
deep laid Scheme—Sculduggeet { -Blade
djs i . , . .
[*yte accordance with - Instructions transmitted
I from Senator ponchw thronch his Lieutenant here,
a meet frig of the fAithfal followers of the Little
uj : bc held,here on Saturday -evenlnff next
—papers been .secretly circulated for tbe
purpose Or obtaining names thereto, for some
da £»- In tblamonung’a Herald we find the call
; published, which ia aafollows/ i ' P
•; The undersigned, citizens of Adams county.
Ulipois, Invite aij who a,re in favor o'f anch amenfll
meats G> the’CoiifctfWHon'as will banish the slat-
Pence of tlie conntry mid perpetuate the Union ot
: ■ these -States; to infest St tuff Court House It the
c i l Z°, f .9?l n . c - T - ™ AVeninc, theiSrhlnst’
afruiaetk,- tacopsnlt midthke each action as mar
bo deemed advisable.”. . 3
■’"‘rWefi, ‘Uio 'mccUng'mci'nf tie Court House;'
Hon. J amet M. Pitimn / ci-iTajor, li the chal r, "
.and CoL Richardson- end'exijpdgeio. C. Skm
ncr, chief TuglemW he" Hein I. N. Morris
got'biMo: p"few hours heferc ! thq meeting, but •
dy’pflt.atlpiii,' ’,Th(i Wcetlpa'VFas jfetty large,'
but several parties wjio seemed.npfto uude*A
eland thVo'tefo of the call were ; t(jid by'Eicb-’
ardson aad Skinner that they badhi) business
, Jherp, snd.tbairthey Bndbettefary up.
■WppoSmg that this wasa/reo-mceting, Spoke
-a little. Ilia remarks bad the effect to add
.a-jal.Ccheetfulncsslb ttfo handsome", features
of Old Dipk and Judge Skinner. Jim intimM”
“ YiHkh graal lirdj ffie JjoJdeM IHtiahr' whero^
upnp tite pcople could'dot help setting "Sira
loupes diditheKofiesians
There wa%.cpns id crable fan nil round. Sev
eralshwt J rthfffld*s-irtr'e let off in different;
JBrtt'Of the
.tQEQmeUapg—That’s bo, in a hs?a •
eye; I *--TffsnoH; the mcetlDgdid not seemlo
; .^pgiQlate ■■■-• -
‘ coL RlchwdAonjmoved the appointment of
•a committee or fifteen toprepareTefifilntipng,-*-
. Jipfrtoreport-it bh adjOnmbd/feniptimr to be
held nea» >FA<ißesday;cvemDg. \Jr
Dr. Stohl, who is ?.Teryrpromineni and hl*h« : *
• tljftspectahlo Democrat* pjoved : .t6 : amend*ty "•
•Jnyming 'threci-ahd-fhdf they report to tbta
meeting.:Hite Colonel did not like that i he'
, r apcltsum|cn in that, oiwd-ti-tiraught there
-batl better-De- atradjotiTDCd-’'meeting *&c.;.
. i-Whlla ttpiitheoColonel-maae a-yeTynice-fTi-
:that ilr. Xfncolh/hadr.ah--
: ■JXop.'accd.] In:-hia - Inaugural :'Addisßß.:tbat Ke w
’ interfere with
, say try, Fa, The Ho honored btr.
■ Xmcpin. fOT saying so. .Me did, not believe'.
“thCrC wWa man m' thcilJoytb, iff- anypaftw-'
sisveiy m life
j uSiates! [A Tofce—Why didn’tiyotusiiy that'
before the election 1] He raid there had beett'
mhde.iWhyjietnow.SiSe.-dto. xix r
J-dfUhat htrimd .bera mistakeifo"
Eehad-signed the
:: csHj hnt bad not neithtt; Hedhl not want to
am.oßd-. bur; gbpd HonstitulJcthA'M wasi
: He said he under.tood_ the matter t
tn from the cal^:
ana'also bis amendment.
: rthedfietingP ■
The chairman put one side of the question on
qartl®, and
. -meellng^onrahn-toTVednesdaV evening!".
: r .Cf> .£T . 2 1:
letted -ona .of dnr
. tiTni,bft aatea:Fobrnfuy^S > »iBgX.
i j.thciWEjtoii-haytfi «»?~
' *of ; the ! B , o , nt'Lefn’ effect
. SLfVq’i* that
‘ rall'.bb'ati'anivlag be sub
- -j«ct > tO‘Aß^^aioe' ; laws J
as.Eurppeim and, other-foreign tvassels-now
j JtdkingTclodisanc&aodpciitLlt htthianimtj” Sh
' ‘btr y Withopf^iiartlier’:
Uons: .Ln-r-.:VjJ.!oTA
■j htwo i .msoiC^te oC the 1 cargo :
-feMDg • tmd bWemtiil ' «aani- }
. by,'.
H^^aniw^“M)Mitoea^ideio^--licrDiijpther-' i
■. e'wise.'BOttDtii
: •!!
■ 111 Tiilsl3lhofi»emTig«tiaao£«heifl^^^pL.;
? hWhitir-s-'ebdLb l .•
lm. : lfie»*/railer of*
. , fed di&qutUOiSk.rmii :
to exercise theuncondU
ttonat wntni iftfo gnat Mghwy to 1M oc*an t
%bo New
New Orleans
Shjih, contains this flail;' Itttfia
aeiegraphcd to that jouroalfroiiL.MoDtgoittery
fCiWenpth, “a feat oftfclcgraphltenterprlso,”-
ithn Ddta remarks,*? without precedent v
of theil&ntherif press.”
The Consiltution:;flllß~flve closely printed*'
addusit is,- In "its Twain provisions
as to legialatlve,',executive and -jadfcifll.'fnno- '
tlonsjA closarcopyof.the Federal Constitution 1
of 1787, ttc neednbfpuhlishltatlength.'W'©
give below, however, a carefully prepared sum
mary of all the points of difference between
fangled Constitution of the slave
tutlon. *"
It seen itjiat, while;- Ch'e &oHfldans
and-the publicists of the-‘‘Southern- Confed
eracy” could not improve npon the provisions
of the instrument the lathers lor'
.thepurposes,of. “.establishing justice!’ and
• “aecnring the.bleasingh pf.liberty,” they have.;
-amended and added to 'it abundantly Jor the *
purpose 'of; cstabllsUlhg. and perpetuating
alavery,-. • ■•••'.. - ' t : v
.coKSTinjnoN f of the ‘lcoxeederate states'
. 1 [Note; —The passages In parentheses are add*
■\-lU>fa to our prelchtu. S‘. Constitution. The pae- ;
.sages in-brackets are omletitn* from that docu-’
• merit.] ‘ c / |.. ~ ...
- ’ 1 • PSEASIBLE,' ‘
' 'WeVthe people of the (Confederate) [United]-
States, (each State' acting in itssovereignand
• - independent -character,) in .Order to form a
(permanent Pederal Government,) [niore per
fect Union,] establish justice, insure domestic
1 tranquility, [provide for the common .defence,.
. promote the general’ welfare,] jahd tosecure
the blessings of Liberty to ourselves and' ohr
posterity, (invoking.the favor ahdguidance.of
Almighty .God,) do ordain and!establish this.
,: uonstltntiou for the"(C6nfederate) [United].
. .Statesof-America. - ■ '
r section n.—cLADan L ‘
. ..: The Hondo of -Representatives shall be com-'
posed of members .chosen every second-year
by the ‘ people of the several States; and the -
electors In each State shall have the qualifica
tions requisite - for electors of the inostnu--
.merous branch of the -State L r gislature; (but
no person of foreign.blrth, not a citizen of the
Confefate States, shall be allowed to vote foe
any-officer, civil or polltlcal/Stato or federal.)
--Representatives - 'and direct taxes be;
.apportioned among the several States which
may be included within, this. Confederacy, -ae-’ 1
cording to their .respective.numbers, which
~ shallbe determined by' &ddlng to the whole,
number of free persons,"incluaing those bound'
to service-for a term of years, and excluding
.Indians not -taxed, three-fifth's of all (slaves,)-
pother persons.]
The number of Representatives' shall hot ex
ceed one to every (titty) [thirty] thousand, but
each State Bhall have atr least'Pne Eopresenta- -
itive; and until an-eaumeration-shall be mode,
.the (State of South Carolina. ehal| be entitled
to choose five, Florida two,-Mississippi seven,"
Louisiana six, Georgia ten, Alabamaseven;and’
Texas felx!) i .
- . Clause C. The Senate shall have the sole
power to try all impeachments. : When sitting
for that purpose, they...shall he on oath or af
firmation. - When the Preshjfht'of "the Con
federate States is tried, the Chief Justice shall
preside; and no person shall be .convicted
without the concurrence of .two-thirds of the
' fnembers present, : (But any judiclalor other ’
Federal officer resident and acting solely with
in the limits of any.Siate may be impeached
by a vote of two-thirds .of both branches of
the Xeglelalnre thereof)
'? ' T - SECTION* YT.—CLAUSE’2. •
No' Senator or Representative" shall, during
•the time for which he wag elected, be appoint
ed to any civil cffico under the authority of.
. the Confederate States,-which shall have been
created, or. the,emoluments whereof shill have
been Increased, during such time; and no per
son holding any. office under the Confederate
States Shall bo a member of .eltheriHonse dur
.leg his coatiDnance ia office; (but Congress
may by law grant to: the principal .officers in
aach-of the- Ex-.cntive Departments a seat
upon the floor of either House, with the privi
lege of discussing, any. measure appertaining to
his department.) ... .. .
• section Additional Articles.)
,9. (Congress - shall - appropriate no money
from the . Treasury'except, by a vote of two
thirds of both Houses, taken by yeas and hays,
unless it be asked and estimated.for by some
one of the heads’ of Departments and submit- ;
tedto. Congress by the President, or for the
purpose of paying its own expenses and con
-tingen.cie?, or for the payment of claims against
the Confederate Slates,rthe justice of which'
has been judiclallv declared .by a tribunal for
the' investigation of claims against the Gov
ernment, which if Is hereby made the duty of
Congress to establish ) —• ; ■
. -10. (All- bills appropriating money shall
speqify.iuFederal currency the exact amount
of such appropriation, purposes for is mpdc, and Congress'shall grant no
extra compensation to any public contractor
officer, agent, or servant, after the contract
shall have been made or the service [rendered.)
,v -The-Congress sball'have Wwer’:
I. To lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts,
and expbes, for the revenue nccbgaryto pay
the debts and carry oh the' Government of the
Confederate : Btates: (but no bounties shall be
granted from the . -Treasury, nor sh&ll any dn
, lies or taxes on importations from na
; tlons be laid to.promote or .foster any branch
of Industry.) ‘
Clause S.. To regulate commercc-with for- ■
® vn*- n iauites.imd‘
. with the Indian tribes: (but neither this nor
, other clause.contained fn the Constitution
shall ever be construed to deltaic the power
to Congress to appropriate .money for an in
ternal' improvement, intihded to facilitate
•pommerce, except' for the purpose of furnish
ing lights, beacons and buoys, and other aids
-to- navigation upon the coasts, and the Im
prpvement-of . harbors and the renjovin o, of
. obstructionsjn river navigation, In allwSich
cases suchrdatles shall be levied oh the navl
' gallon; facilitated • thereby, 1 bo as to nay the
coats and expenses thereof.) *
Clause 4.—To establish a uniform rule of
naturalization,'and uniform laws, on the sub
ject of bankruptcies,'throughout the Confed
erate States ; (but np law. of Congress shall
discharge any-debt contracted before the pas
sage of the same), .
■ Clause 7- —To establishpost offices and post
roads;^(but.the- expenses of the Post Office
■ Department, after the first day of March in the
year of our Lord.elghtech hundred and sixty
three, shall, be paid .out of its own revenues).
. . IX—2grtV CLAUSES.
: {L The importation of negroes of the Afri
-1 . can race from any fdreigo.couhtry other than
’ Slates or territories of the
i United States of America; is hereby prohibited.
; -and-Gongress is required to pass such laws as
.. shall pffectuaUyprevent the said Importation)
(2. Congress shall clso hare power to pn£
.hibil the introduction of slaves from any State
not a member of. or from any territory not be
longing to. this Confederacy).
- b. No blll bf or ex pojf facto (or
Jaw .denying or.lmpairing the r.ght of property
In.nrao slaToO, shall hepssssd. = ‘
5. No fas of duty shall be-ldld on articles :
. exported ftom any State,.Cexcspt by a vote of
'fit&thliiJSbfboth Houses of Congress),
CiaUßßl.—The Executive' powcr Ehall bo
vested in a President of tho Confederated
States trf-Amerluc- Iloahd tho Vieo-President
shUlhold their ofllcea for tho term of ffonrl
.; (sixy ears;); (hut tab President Bhsllnot be re
shall Tie elected as follows:
7i •.’fiECTIOJC'-l.'"' r -' • • :
• ’i President shall have power
. ■. ?P aU. up aU vacancies that may happen dnriHff
. C ommif- ;
slons which shall empire at the end of their
next BCf|ihJiß4.,(hafrno person rejected by tho f
Senate shall bo re-appointed to the same office -
. dnruig the-ccaning recess.)
:> <Th£ Principal offleer jn each drihe Eiecii-'
i.tiTOUeJwtmepts,. ;and all .persons
with the diplomatic service, may be removed
P leaeiir e- bfi the' President. •
All other civil officers rof. the ihrecutive De
partment may be at any time bythS'
or any other appointing power wbeh'
tUdr. services acapimccesßsry.or for dishones,-
:.ty, incapacity, inefficiency, misconduct, or
neglect of duty; and when so removed, the
removal shall be reported' to .the Senate to-’
gether.-wjth the.neasona-therefor.) -
- - SECTfOB IX —ADBITIOXAT. rr. 1 nyv ' : .
' 7X£very law. of resolution- having - the fofee
of law, shall relatcto butone r-nbleot. and that'
.Ehaltbertrrpresacjlinthatiliet); -
.Xubbb&--£6 Stale abai). wllhout the con.
eep txf- pqpgmyiny■ any duty 5 tm toanace.
„(^JrtoUßt%gbing v ycß;,elß, forthe fanproviy
.ment.of its-nvcrs and harbors, navJ'nted-bv
the r vessels;.but inch' dulies'lhall Bo t
Conflict with any.treaties br the.CohfederatA
'i&tateg'tfini-;foreign - nations, and any surplus
pf revenue ihas deriyed shall aftermakincr
such improvement,- be paid Into: the edmmon
keep troop* or
I ships df; ,-ffar Ja time of peace; enter into any •
.agreement or compact with. another' Stat e; or
• with:* foreign power, or engage in war unless
actually Invaded, or in such imminent danger
ab-wilf not odinlt'of delay;, That when £iy
• Tiver-tlivftjer or flows.' thronga two or more--
;Btabes, iheyjjciaj' enter Into; compacts with"
each navigationth'creoC) ‘
.j .ABiipLE iy.^EcnpKn.r ~yr / r
T.£ach.Sfath shall
bp and immunl
i fif*f eeveiul States; endXatiU.'
Mhiyathe'righx-.0f.-trinsifc land sojourn in any-;
-'-otfaerproperty: and thejight of prpperfy .in
' said Elay shall thereby not be impaired.)
‘ jCLAtfisa (No ElajVor other perton held to
service or labor In [oncSfatc] anySlateOrTer.!'
ritorynftho Confederate Stales) under the lawa •
Ihercdfi naming fir (lawfallyicarried) into an
other, shall, la consequence of any law dr
rfegulation :th*cem,cb6--6tsthiiTgEd ;from snedr
labors hut shall. he
claim of the party (to whom such slave be- ;
s s^ ice or ****£
r.:, W.-J W ta a .-SECTION in, |
Clithe L States miy~bo a3-‘ '
of two-nurds House olßepre. •
ueutaliroa.-and t,wo:thirdß :oHlm:&natc-qiie‘
:Sehate voting by. States ;)hdt : no- hew .iStato
withln'. theiurisdle.
r.:, W.-J W a .-SECXIOK in, j
Clithe L Othef~£new] States
of fwo-Uurds oCtirearbule House oFJfcpre.
;:Sebate Toiingt by. States ;)bdtm>- new .iStato
I^W%f^« 41 ° r (S ns ® EW withlb‘.tiieiurlsdle.
pfiiiy O Uier'.Stcte ;-j£6r any State
atatts ok- partsuraCitcsj wituoulTEe consent
of the Legislature® of the States concerned, as-;
well as of the CfrVgresa. ’
b 1
‘J_ to oft and make ‘all ucedfUl', wes aad’ 1
: h uht -lands there-.,
| oh} ,‘imiavi .‘i nrlw ,«*iT5 •*»u<*V 3!: :vr; ,
[j. £Eespcfth«4ho terytmlofcrth^propStyt^ocgT'
; ; legislate and provide- gOrprnmehts'lortEg ino.'
{ times and in such manner as it may be by law
I provided, to form .States to be admitted into
; tie Confederacy, In *lJjioifrj'£Britory tho in-
exists In
recognize land
protecled-hrQongrresjim’d' by. the Territorial
several 1 ,
:; «S«U Una a&TlgU,ta'<i^a'istsM<dtdiMCait
th»-BtoU« "or TMrttori«;pfli»-<3oiifeaeijio
.•W. '
;■■■, AHITetK T«»4lCTtng^-
jfnils chmHTl* In pStiffcoerjnffiiaiii titu
tlooal provision for amendments.]
Clause 1. Upon the demand of any three
States, legally assembled in their several Con-
the CuiigfHHH MikWsummon a ConT
vention of all the States, to take into conside-
lmeaduieqts/tb the CorStit&iba
!as the said Slates'BhalFcohdur imsuggefitingat
the time when the said demand is made; and
-ehonld any’bf thff-pi®poscd r 7Smen3men&' to'
the Constitution he agreed on by thesaid Con
.ventidn States;'"abd the same be
•ratified’ by ,thd Legislatures of two-thkds
thereotV 33 the one or the other mode of ratifi
cation m&ybeprop&ed by-the General Con-
Ten*ion^theyshallthenceforwardform apart
of this. Constitution; bat no. State shall witte
out its consent, bedeprived af its equal repre
sentation in theSehate.' '
: The Government established by this Con
stitation of the Provisional
• Government- of -the - Confederate States -of
America, and the latte* 1
shall continue in force until the same shall be
-repealed dr modified, and'alLthe officers atf.-
.pointed-hy 7 the same:shall remain in office
. until their successors are-appointed and quall r
fled; or the offices r abolished. - ::
• •,, ABTICLE I.
1. The ratification of the' conventions ofjfye
States snail be’ snfflcfehtTof the establishmchfc
pf this Constitution between the Slates so raK
ifylng-the same* r--
. - have ratified this
Constitution, in' the manner before specified.-
the Congress, under'the Provisional Constitu-'
tlon, shail-presbibeihe' time - for holding
-election oufresident end Vice- President: and"-
for the meeting of tbe.riectoral college, &mi ;
ror counting the votes,and Inauguration of the
!Preaidcnt.' ‘ They Bhall'also prescribe the time ’
lor holding thofirst - election' of members of
Congress undey-this,Constitution, and the'
time for the assembling 'of the same. UntQ '
the assemblingbTsuch Congress,
under tbeProrifiio&olConstitution, shall con
_tinuetO£X&rci?e.the legislative powers limit
ed by the Constitution of the
' GoverniuenfT - " : ‘ "* •
Gens. Scott.
idJotteu with th» Cab«* :
[Special'Slipatali to thoJJ. T. Tzihane,
- --- V -L^rUHINOTOS.3ajttCh-B t lß6l.
The Erjsidenl considered It djxe to that por
tion of the Cabinet which dissented from the
policy of 'withdrawing' MajorAnderaon’a coin-’
from Forj Sumter to hare tho opinions
of Gens. Scott.aid Totten, In-connection with
the official data upon which they were predi
cated," presented orally be v ore the final order
was 'distingnlshed offleers
.were accordingljrsummonedto- attends,spe
cial Cabinet Cornell this .morning, which was
In'sesslonfdrojw threehoure,"wherealTthe
original-reason!- and considerations that-in- ■-
dneed themto.iavise the abandonment ofEurt
B °®ter were elbmitted, together with each
additional explanations and jmswers'as could
not have been -tSanmnnicated in their official
No one.dohbiithat a. military-plan may be
devised for reldbrclng Fort Sumter, but the
kfdre the' Administration is,
■whether It can le done' wlth'tho means-atthe
command, of thePresidept,.or r if not, ..wheth.-
er Major AndeEop,.can hold ont Tjntil Con-.
CTess could be cfledltogetber. It is piafthrelr
Known that thoavailable'force is entirely“in* *
sufficient, even ly. stripping., all the--forts yet
held m iheßontiem States, which, of course*
would fae theaignal - for their 'immediate seiz
ure, as eoonas sich a-purpose became known,
could Gow Pickens-:
would at once oiler the. daily supplies- which.
Major Ahdereohfeow receives cut oft His car
bon could not told ont till Congress’ assem
f. le !k w PP9 sln £ Mo meet at the earliest, prac
ricabletime. We aiteraaUyesVtboWe, are!
withdrawal or stirvatlon. - • : . - -
• The President’kud Cablhet ieel the Iserious
nesa. and (importance’ of this act, ahd.there
forc, are determined to, protect .tbemselvfes-' at :
evdy point before taldpg the Irrevocable step,' ■
They will show tie oGunfiy that it cannot be
avoided, and tha: the w£ole be
iS » their 5 u? l ecessdrs, who purposely eh
tailed-Uds-complbatlounpon thltn, “-••
v * r * l Usoal Cabinet meeting, will
be hdd at U o’clock, and, before it.
wm doubtless be
completed. Evew hour'of delay Increases the'
♦^ to A*SJiB? t dw^ lkMlB ’ tlie Potion of
♦w tiy ‘creating the,belief,
ivf i s a ’ B crioua division in its councils,
tho Really admits of ah alter
native: different ffem that first presented; - It'
has now been ondweek under- consideration,
not lesathahhineMuings.
of the Cabinet, wim all the Momation Jnpos. -
J-Jt* ® qr in any -way* 'at-'
ss{s :
w science va the .engineer corps
requisition.'; Superodded
to aU these, sources; of Instrubiltih.
fufi-^ cofct hsve '
They all- concur in advis ng.
ua9, f ,^ a i-Pr-Auderson’s .cpip,-
bo presumptuous to ducs
0n 6tric Uy military '
e K'-
&*SOi Of XQErTnsmiAWAIf ‘OE teljoh'
; ANDEBSOif.:::. . 2 ;
„ . CitAeLEsTON, March lfhi. :: *
U1 course the proposed eTacuatton of ; Fort {
■ Sumter'Q almost.:thc esduelva • topic of-con: -.
vertallon..-. No one.really doubts it now. ’ iTiw -
autbenticated report affords inexpressible re-’'
lief to pundreds of families in CHarleston ahd-”
elsewhcre tbat bad - fiTjsbaodg : and\brothßTß In
tbe rebel ranks, wbere generallr the gralifica*.
tion J« pot leas sincere, though there are some
who prefer a fight to onjthiu? else. I there I .'-
fore conclude, that there wiU-bo no serious*.
manner of thewith
arawal of Major Anderson, for whom there is
and has ever been the greatest -good feeling :
notwithstanding tho .extreinevsltuation of 'af-'
Sii 8 ' r o l,
iJUy, with one, of two exceptions,' perhaps,
there is likewise a fcindly feeling, in this
“unity. Until thegetreat from Fort Moultrie
to Fort .Sumteri their social-relations, with'
Charlestonians were of .the most agreeable
£jy Apr',"
:lei’ : '• ; Cft»tfthsTiM'cimt)tt ; Nmm ,, A^)^ l pi^. t :-
of , , L J t the voters of Franklin county and North
Alabama remember, that acquicsehce doea not
Imply approval.i Notwithstaadlmf
: gates from, North Alabama to; ibe SU-.te Con
bo ventlon acquiesced, so .fir as to remain In the
n? In ItaSemSon)!
the acj-of a«,=Blon hsd been jaseedj yet -
JT]. from beginning to end they were nmmimoiSiy
s “t., sqa ffffl fnrthertwitKb * -■
•ut- Comlog ffimmees and respect fofthawlll of
. their constituents, thev urged'thafit ought
. not to be enforced nnlees. first aub'mittedfto •
-er ' 'ho people and ratified by them.- -~ r ' --- -.'
«*■•••’ HJ 4 weforseen-tbn extentof which th&iref
0? £“ s ‘°fl was designed
elr thunreafboJy ot lho othw
he S^?W 4 XBJrd;,tbedeclmOon l 6lhca made'
Ids! 10 ?? uovve3anmlng..t6:commim*d...that : ihe=
.separation la deeigned to ba .final,- ami nnder
nocircnmstaneea.ivUl theyever-consent.
-'• -WS2 Stafsand Stripes thatSS:
»- |£f«r beenthe-pridecfmnrftiendiSffthgTiil?
Ed ror of our,foes, we shaßld-lmvciic timid itad
* ■ |£J?>
L 6 ’ f?s r hadheenmoranmSt
ha, Jpq.undlrtl the .xeaponslhUity of fhrthermm
en tion wholly to,thmdisnnion meiabefa.i
a- is, thCTlmvtt ■wittfew>execntfons.'feoisod to“
or sign tile ordinance oi ectciait-ij - end we trust'
be iSdSd
thrircqnsUlnents. .Not.
that the withholding nf f>w>?r names--rvitniri
ee the people, theyjrepresent, that the recoldb
at , onld Ebow who.were. in, favor of fnrthercef ■
forts to restore -to;tiio.South peace and ira
- ■ tornal relabons with the other States, and wlm- -
; were in favorofpreclpilatlng the gonth intn' :
a--: revolutlDD,;;in wSotS-''
a, least, a very respetmhle fetdhfe
)t ' SafUng of lhb Bjieot. ---..
, gunboat'Holmwki thetransbortsteam
;s er Ktnpire City.and thc ftnresbipgnnply s^i, . .
» . 44 J“tfday -moraleg from (he; i
n. where they bavubi-ee ni nni-tiarvfor two dava
£■ gone) bunri c
% ,
%■ :: ■
ngglug and copper are needed ; and 4E& said
\ ‘Wcit
I- --,*—? il Warr&r' i '
r-_ dock yesterday morning, and In an hotoev q!
1. &aer she was being loaded with army, stbrstoc 3
3f a 0 brought to this citv tia the SL : £iWrench -
:■ i
- -^°°P 3 } besides two hundred tons of cargo Her'
- aestmauonis unknown at present, but itls 4 71
1 1 trim, -i
l ,'E troops" to ‘Sbnffiert! fens. _ She wflb, --
■ ' < “ J * tf-doy uaderoonmiffiavtf f
:i prdm. tmd. as soon as.the ContSoiN
n : the dock, iwiu (akeher-plsee tb to.- >U
- ce i! , '7 the same hind of cargo; i
;-■■■-'-There are two ortbresyeiseln w&seiirenta’ n
Ariel are said ttri *
be T. World, l&A. , ; t
pelny laaSi t|ro till J
- - Sdsaya-theMdbfle l pfocecds to a
1 •-doinbastratethepri^osf^lSh: l ' l^.’ *' 11 "" l
l! Stf for ou?’X fi
-preparetionß are 'cofatfonlog- ■ifitli&M‘‘Vi.Wi»f. t Si
1 , ! “ttauO;faomhs -WQißhall bf hetteo Am
' -’Whaknowa thateveyy Cnni.! l »il
-ihq.oonaict.and.tbocblefconimaod at fltoicil|
rmd oitf hop&for-peace lej
that when onr enemies are driven to tbeir laat lie
resort we shall be so formidable that they dare I nn
not employ jt," 1 »«
Secession Items.
The military bill which has passed the South
ern been approved by the
hlhe/GSpfehLdght LkSten-*
ant Maj inured
one fifty awplne hunted
efflv Sjamd hundred
mis, nnd^fn
ty-elght privates, fonr black*
smiths, and three hummed andfqrtv-two am-
Bichns, eight Adjutants ongWht Sergeant
Majors—making a total force 0r10,737. To bo
added to the above are four BrfgadlerGenerala
nv. b 1 ! .T. mi. _ Ti... * ii b - _
r —“* “ 1UJ ' , veueima 1
get 53|012 per annum, andlhe Aids the pay of
£*4emtenant and $35 per month additional,
une Colonels of the Engineers receive $2lO.
the Majors $lO3, the Captains $l4O per month.
-The r ofthe-artQleryr'
cavalry and infantry, vary slighUy from these!
amounts. Surgeons are paid from sllO to s2oft
per monthrnnd the SorgeonGeneral $3,000 per
annum, with fuel and quartos. Privates and
ndn-commEsioned officers, receive from $U t6
.s34per month.
—The.fifteen milUoarioanrof the • Southern
Government does nbtaeem fa be taken up as
the traitors hoped. A writer in th*e Charleston
Mercury -rates the banks soundly'-for -k not
snatching atit. He says it is disgraceful that
while Noe York banka greedily take govern
ment loans of only six percentthe Southern •
banks dpmot show an equal zeal lo- sustain
their own Southern Government by readilv fa-
Of Block,.which *jrsg 6b'
laigo an Interest aa ebhtpertSnt. per annum.
secured briands-ana-uegfbes; which famish
? ve , 4,000,000 balea ofoottm.Ho
mll ten mifriona.-thiv
other fivapllhona would ha, taken ,hy"nri M tb
citizens at ;once. So:lt:6EcmS thit' littlo or
none of tho loan has' jefbeen called.-fln-.-T Bur
the Counts on the contrary, says that “all th n thn-world is not in Wall street as will
be seen lna few day?.. - information-will'soon
m^ r^ I i Ved K tliattll ? Cflnfedewto laan-of.sl5 r
-000,000 has_been taken - at a premium of five
per cent, probably.” _v - . .
—Mr.-Rwney writes to The TVot, from'
Washington,-saying:”. t ;‘ *>.
No onoreqn meet ; a-Sotdhhni secedef—for
there are-afew of them left among
watch thfeexpresslon of his countenance, and
weigh-the.-words that fall from his lips with
put being-convinced limt h'eliaano heart in ■
the cause he advocates,"and that he Is looking
; forward with anguish and fear to thc speedy
coliapse of the whole Secession consp&cv.'
One of t&m yesterday fixed the limits of en
,"that most temporary experiment,
at four years, and another confessed that
milcss sorofe coup d'etat could be eflected!
there would-be an outbreak.on thepart of the
Ud on miffl-In the Cotton States that would .
eitingnifg-ftc whole iqhfiUtonVleoders, snbor-'
dmales, organs and all Two offleere of tho
Ivavy, lately arrived from Florida, and one of
them some time located at one of onr naval
stations on that-coast,giTea;. the most mdan-'
choiy picture of the manner in which tho dis-"
-unimasts suppress freedom of speech,-end the •
; fedpm.p^ihe.pre4B. t - ; Th e y.-dcclarelhatnoth.'
known incur conn
tryt that If all could be told it wcmld be re-'
;aa' tbs ravings of a man!ae.;'and yet
in.thefacfi of-this terrorism,- there .exists In
..t h c kewtsjof the. people of .Florida a warm
and vital affection for our whplc country:
• .used by ultra Se
'cdslon papers.’to force the. hesitating state*
into rebellion is* entirely characteristic of tha
'Kriiglitli of the Tb'ng speaks-tha.
Mmphls Avalanche ip Arkansas: ...
~ C '^ e^“ ll A. co ’ ?Er ' il y .eabmlsßlon has been
deep Into the brow of a majority of
the delegates, win be forced to
jdss .the .band- tbit, smites -her. .■'Without
pledgee for tba safety..of her pronertj-ortho
-Security ofber honor, .she has marched into
Sewardte Confederacy' es qhlefly ns the sheen
goes, to ■ the shambles.- AS' n- general thin<i
■r “‘IS 1 ?- IQTCS • company,” but we must eo£
ftsa that wo were nnwUUng to see Arkansas
hetsclf by bad associations; but she
has linked her destiny with that of Tonncsseo
andlikeayoke of trnstyosen they bend their
n , aa ‘ l tlhase are riding. : like ’
weU broke dray-horses, 'they ire tnfglng et
.the wheel, while the whip ol coerclonjs liein
cracked,oyer their, bac£s,.«. ~. •
A Traitor Shot at Fort Sumter*
• The Chariesfou correspondent of the N- T
■ Tribun* relatea'the'foHowing: ’ 1
■JIJK® speaking of Major Anderson’s loyalty
: ' a ? d t0 own honor, r ctmact
Rive yon; an illustration of it.
dealing with.traitors!
There !3 an Imp ruffian loafs upon the
Wharves, who has, as an ironical tribute to his
- beat dubbed “ Handsome'
•'SlSfev sTpgaboad is to' Charleston
what Billy Mulligan was to.New York— 33 no
torious a scamp as ever went unhuerr' Tba
a sdldiS-attach
■ r and was often-Bcnfc-by Ma
jor Anderson,, with, others,-.dor -provisions.
-Ties* two Tillains,T)tothera In f -
« seeins. plottinl
treasoainconneotion m th thslr heticre asainet
tke G°Yen!B<:aMt. : tlie.Unitea.Stalca. 'sS
smuggle ii, Slcafor ttW
gwe of spiking the guns' In Fort Sumter'
Ho w. they expected-ta eccomplishthis raecaU
m™Sri ll f r ( qtt ? Uo ?V b ' lt '' certain la that
- If- 1 WHSSgk taW the. fortress con-'
oealea in loaves of bread.' - The .files and-the
totOT were both-discovered.' 1 ’A mea-enger
..was v dispatc.bcdto. Charleston for a priest
The caußc . for,, his -presence Trss tho :
SS? .consequent dan-'
-ger, ofa soldier's wile. The real heed for him
SJ?,* 0 pWrrea.Aasterdly wretch ibr the next
' to ilve In this.
tl 'o!h-.r 5n !aw of Charlie"
afiflipg doom Tor a traitor.
at; IBleblganCongrci.ioiial Districts.
IfS* -' r: ' ltX ola .thQ LatwiogitcpuMicfn.] - ■ .
£- -tos parscdtha followiE".
Jhim that of'
«T- of
ob the EepabhrausJ of this! State;*n mar hot
r: , F .X® P oo P|'l everywhere, but Is probably the
j rf
»• first district shall eoniisU
fi? ■ i dh'ffnS2a a i UCa -S f; "i a ' s ' lle ’ ilcmro e,- Lenawee
aist of ib? t , CT -'7, The^ c S“ oisirict shall con
£•- «.t oE^S^^^Ptahallcoß.
t 'Sma*' moay
Is" S“ lk ? 5 . k i«g«.
5t 'Gcnefi^-GratfoE,'SagitoWV'TuscohL Huron’'
- cF are Res’
a- common, Ogemaw, .-.Iosco;: AJconb’- Osco-’a,-
16 Mqntmprcnci, Alisha
?, . School--"
ly ' *'Population; l
e*‘ ' ::: ’•’*•
* : lndlaiai: t',
-.’■ «* -'•tftohl'Uieiaajcae’Coiriijt; iifc»frfr t i > !)i,:; d
¥■ : tßr.--Jam»&^awo^trtoEe J 6u ; a3ci! dite«':
it.- that ha,.
a ' o|nl^uE eu murdfreH, by .parties,lisinf?.-tn thfif -
l - 5JS 4 T In
*c er-tho oitijil:
•i cS^.T
t-; 1
) - aopemeftl- •■•
tt. O M-t railed; upon Knur-.: ■ ••
>.; -AjS^JSmtv-sfMmd lathejnlWP«&bonmfi
t; stoaUHgti tZS& »
L J -
lb it iwas-tvbollV' -Bolirtcntional
»-. i-* of Halt- it
’ ■ s «?s!nis^/^ ,MWer »^ 4 about f,
1-. siceonfwo men,-L
b iSSPSCsO“hijB and erigervAvereirreStcd dfid ,
,e .ialbmmikiii ibf ■fbac m ,is,tjP?r - --
him, and made numerous -othfrglytcrnrij;,: ;5
\i fu£ar,y TlHiiuattiT cxinjics' -c
2 J Cri^F‘Str P^?i? n o^^” :oa madita 7,
Cngcr tnaC rf ho would before tn“o
i !ofra««iaWSe in
: trjil.QiLthe-.coonlcrfeltine^eher-r. l Tffs '
. J?r u ,l > 9 fl ]‘tbu;.r-ie,jE:ulih’/iacceidc,\'hr*Crby*:! l ' - r '
, tXrfigh r ( a:alhtem*nt*,:iFfts oi»ef”tietei^Khri.' r
: ft* wfeke gee? ;B S‘ ™
• -
J mil I.' Udikj r--' i»iU uo 1
IP Uii '{.i-t'J I '*]
S.edltdriil;, > 1.
: b .“
f Ss®i^^T* ,e6insUlß ‘ llno,ua * tiß e 1 ®?
isssaasasaisfeSag j
; J - !
|teu»She;ttafoldi.hisi l»daetf'«tolari&,-wiu ;
i; 7£ I lfc, 0 8 r ,S r fdictipui-tl»t_Aiidy:J'ahnßoe *•-“ -b ~
£ S^i?»tteeC%fCfCe^iC*CttlOU6 Jl
Jfewuuhe .mlasmi: ;thit be i»‘<!romertmt dn-' W
JSfflSWieMjjhp atUtobaUJJiSßdtaellsßfir 3 * -■ 3
55Si7H^^ffSRmiStBjPiHlffiuaaanir j-t ‘
cA ®~AO e orgla pjjittdijiadlittwN}(e!S?cts,
S“5. f J l ?® 5? a ““ tted dutyfree, lire be- r>
here that la Georgia this means breadstnffl, ( 1
spurs, and shirt collan.—Xeui.!
The XTstoh Mkethto is MissiesiplMa. Ist
♦m/SS Mi ? siMl PP i says : “ At the eSsSon in
about onlajnttegaij, and
abont, : the/totere tmSla Safffor a
drmk of afjdsky. fes'tte pS. ortre
gponcd, ifett-; therafaro E-C cession indond the
■Si? R S® rCl ‘bofeforo diror tM
S“- So.joa may.ieo that there era But few"
'who speak on the etnmp for thav Union ; and
• all who expect office, &c., mov&ahd act more
t intensely than others. The wishes rif the ma
-4 down * yet Ffeel confl
! dent that the people of Mississippi. If properly
r fairly iiskud'luffiltHbdy woaiJgo lIHKxJ ior
the Union. The people of North Alabama re
fuse to recognize the authority of the Conven-j
tion, and at Athens celebrated the 22d of Feb
ruary la an old-fashioned Union mariner,**
Sores Taiteh Killed.—Since the return*
J>f me Karov-to this country and his very anc-
in New Torkatrd tiffibred-'
..ties, a number of horse tamira hare started uo-
J ? of the original who has
made the art so famous./Some'brihese’atP”
have achieved, considerable success m
the business of subduing horses,
may be doubted* whether their endeavors to *
attract paying andienc/s have met with large'
snbjecta'tave resolutely refused
~ to bo tamed, and. have inflicted serious hrinries''
upon the neophytes’who attempted to operate
upon them. * The jhost serious case was that
; £jr-a naan :named/’Mnrla*gtn: -who “dlefnear ‘
Sikesville, Maryland, -from-
while attempting to put a horse through thn
.laming process.- The vicious animal ravahiznf
ja fetal bite..,,: ;
SS The Plukdolph!n-S2*3fffn tells ns “how
, Wigfall, talks .ami.,.looks! 51 ft you
-want to know how Senator Wlgfall feelsyonMl
have to get 'drunk hn'd stay sbTor a month.* Ho •
hasnteeena momeiE since he has beer. in.
’Washington that Tie could hit the erotmd'with"
his h&t^yiisAviUeJhirwt.'' '
*• •
ExTra Qualities Mpqp Shirt's?
.WakaT.jastopcncdoTer lOCOplsoes-of liasn Goods
■HECE LISENS, ■■ —“ dlI!£ -
UNEN DAifASE, .. '•••=*•
'IDCKN SHEktiSG, •• •
NAPKINS, W81 -'-
•' •- • ‘-TOWKL^;- 1 *
. AC oXextra-qcalltyAadfinlrti, m:ds expreoslrto oar
. 9rder, and which wcwlilsellit.-.•• -
h . aTic arriyali or Sprlaar Oooj*
w. a. boss & com
Ja£o.dKa-fim3dpg ICTand i® Laks
Splendid. Stools."
‘ —lT—' i '•
Greatly JXeduoed Prices
a. quavds,
Wq* 78...rake Street No, yg
STA2ffT©3ff»S ?
JTft 43 * ■ - - Clark StrsaiL • •• • Hoi"4B
AmclEEg’s Celebrates Secelea
. tfoilphalla onra, anjaunr Qctllijs.nd runt,
15 OAKS,
GREEN FSii),;' '.. .IDfA BEASSj'
mushrooms, ~r. ...seesh -beaches,-
HSE APPLES, " OLITEi . ; '•'
' ; SW,'IH,,,CA3i:s. ; ;
■ . Coal’aHySir] ■ ' ~
-•---■. 133 and 153 Lake Street,' c >
H4t« opened Tltiia a few dara, a Urge ezdeheW
•■ f • - •-• • < aeaortmeniof
Fiienci, English eiul American
POINTS AND eiatcsiM?,'-;.'^
In the lata at Printings!. to -which they cai tha attention
« hBTQ a large and complete stocS oi
Bleacbed Slilftings, Slieetlnss and Fil«
■ low.Case Couons,...
. ' ; : X,r&TEIN’ r SHEETINGS,. .^V
•:•■»'’ ■ .* -> GOODS GSNitaALLT,
TFWchwo aro selling atthe IbwcatprlCea. * !
lus : arid 155 Liike'teei. :: - - t
jWMiiMitt " ' " " : w!a! VooD &, 00..-
T » Maortmectof
(Fdl length sniTrHth) la medlua ahd'fihe qaaliti'*v
■■ ,‘l *■■.■■ 'J •-:!:««'lOK;PrtQea..-r ? ,;i;• -
:■> Alao—Alaacand«r»®". CloVei’'
.tojAetfgat - -r. ;
aad \ alsacLuv .Adapl&i to eirly.--
: W. ; B,)fOOD
. • * yoa,. IBiadligiAtn gtrect>
k ! rtt ljL
'■* ' *' J3' ‘‘ " ■ >
- f iasos,
-WfcMi-ijaTQ T^entr'First ftccJaai
no> '.■ ovetftii,eoinet«U)?e ? i~' • • •'•
HEW"^X)BEPisßsTitrippsji2?<)§. o 7'octßt% od fally
; --,varraatcafor ...
- n1861v..;.;;.: A '*!.
: -.;j - .; ::h : . OOBbEfti -OF.n’! .‘-7 .o-l
SOI.S AND TOIBKlBit:£ii;~ 7V
...imKEjqjuiiait.cmciQcc:;.... ~ai
lajlto.the.apeeiaiattoaUoß-of T llllao|9ta«arC}iar.t»-t»
: raeir vary trull sp?orteiTfcn^utia'cilltiUractrf4
jrar oft TSVorahia'tsnns for Caxti oc.Api rov^l,
a uT6Qits) i'jmj , O „ 7•wlli-.w-' j. 17 w
, t3T v
■**•-***“ "" J: - J wkit’gg' Vat ff—
: it£ i-jf
• l;
: ' L-; . ■
lln. Soxstzu;
DSAS la the rv-ceot flee, TCtlchTdcamiyed tKf
i sift^•
oho larjiqoo# lntliß l tU.v-Cliirfc's OacAAyceted'.Li flia
■ ! -fSaan Btorv.- anff-k arbiter ohS. lathe Seaont i
r jlQßcc’iroQHi.iathird eiatv..^- ;. ciV 7 '■_!
• • • -TTs are'bartrj* to iaj*; notwjift'tacdlnz the Safes IteA <■
snbjMUedT4»ittcw&Q bu;
Xctfie Beat (thecae forty aiyi the piner ststf-rhoara.) ,•
i ::thtttba^lrook*ndli«pti*'«efeh’iira.£ret-ritar-staUT‘r
. “Si
> We ttlak. if.thß.repntetton tof HmWag’sdsaft* wm.
not fcJiy^tabTlihctrbefore ihl* ire. teat aU matt cotf"
■ f *^w^^«^at < .tii£yjora-tTbat..UieyxoatiiPtd be-^f
Tbe c&iston itstm
melted on.
ilu ;1 i -do.
~, -1.„ .’ ouIJBM«W:HBB*tBm£5 I SSSS p p r » *
s .nJG«^g^sgs»»!sa<>^
I id a i .j off iroiN ! f^my.' !j ' :eilr '- ctl t c -' r;l
, ~i vj -iu;. -iii! :;-‘-h ■ .:sas!rinreedeatorEehooli;- :
‘HerrtiiM’s Patent. Cham pi oc, -, SafM,”. m*
• Oalyl)f^m.tb9W«9at^9StstenrwUr(>t)*iL
i. .eauxauMpg. :■ .-~naaiat»rtrt«!-' 1
TSEGTOP3 AKD.." : BASKgi^~-'
■ Jjn.ZobgWtor my'
i„n .Fensoul’* Great VartetrStPro]
■ i On ‘ Ml -'-ih.l- - n
i'k’O iyjutlg --jJ.'. .1 . Si l!J 'l JliOijaittl !i.W * 3 *
■i ii-r t ■ ■ - - ■ ■ ■<» BANootintaaagr. i i
,X|ARBLES.— give -Casks MarHesr’
i>L a; c TensOaUs firekt Varftty-Storo 5 ,; : I lk
aioiasv anliln ina.iiOTfl Inirtvnttl^s’ri/it^li
/~tAßS.—Edn. F. Penecot: Manu-
V-/ actum andJbbberof CUldrcu’s Gl’s.
Bytiie t(» of th«s pins me periodioattacks of Nsa
vocs OB aica Hiinxc&B wad"*
• tatomrarffiis ediroetteeaent* attack .
-rfetief tiTEZTialnriLai al<Aseaa wlllbt obtalaad.-... -• -
‘~ L ThefsehlomlkQiiiitoovirig<Kel?ATesuao4JßxAD..
.if jtrt-to are ad rnbjact. "j
.^owela—rmovlag, Coe
_ Jf r UtoMyilea, -Slmlsata, Dtßtatoremalai iaa
.iHhTaanaotSi'l.nt.fy h-tMti. th.j- are-rateable u a
tie intira. tlrtnj tom tad :
Tiaoa Te3Usa avv,
■ tß=fl CJ “ a =»TMii roaistsoir U>V»i,o!ajaßttm.. ■
. .Thr;Ci;pjlAU t>i'hLlS Mttj otlor-a.laTo^-
-.Vzaticaand-catcaiitiy dondnrfetl
Urns they bay.
p T e f??*?i..«ad«ll2iai-a Taat-amoaat'or paii iid
!iycrta s &o3i_Eenlachvwbea«r : or!alaaUc;to a.'
.wraroc; system or,Aon. *• deiaag»l steto or &T
•vroiuciE. *—
, Tfiay arasatlrely TtreteblaJa tlejr eompo3U6a, U2
■mim tto atlin'tS'M'ili psttti
caaaaaici orair
SEsnzasrt sast<xojl&us;7S>
«B lu>iif TO rwTT.Tnfwg •* :
]T~,* of TraaH. 0 ,
BPAIibDfC on eanh PfrT
.35at, by. man, on reedpt A
thn .....r:...,0 -.j
. FJildE,;a3 CENTTS;
. AUorOsnsiioaldba addnasid to
U«d»r Street, Weir' Tort;'
E'ollowtoa liJndorataznent of*'
■ # br
TTUI bouTtatu Buffer,fronr
Aa these Twtotmfo* 'twA j
SPAIDUiG, they afford xmqnestloaaMe
~ procf;dT tiieefßcacy of tide truly
■ ~ BfliCTtiSe ditcoyery.
ife fwi:* S o, CM! V- Frt - '•tt. rfe ■
tis.—l have tried roorwbishalld Pin* aatfi tt**'
I w*afryqu to
' J*iMrt of few are for the neighbors, to' rh-jm I *&««
of lb© Cyst box I ffoftr^mTou.'
- Send tbo Puis by nail, ana oblige J
•* Your obeaienf torrent,'
• } * • •.
r£?,Sri SS M “• ran boiot yoM
...-■ yoCT*. resroctftinr, . ... •., .
.’•••■: Spares Coi, Pa,)
a'aspilioo. : January*™, nsi - 5
..O^^l^sS&^rdfifSy lol ” ot imr
. . Respectfully yoara, * •
o » : t I' • J*o. «. HXMONS.
TtSTD THSaC.SXCSUKST.- ~. j..„ ',.,
~.Dlrtp« . A, SXWVjSit,!*. it,-
. Ueffß Tcraon, Wyandot County, CX.
I for wme circulars or largo ‘boTbilKto brine
.' ... . wilkbs.':'
» BaTJroiawßTOet FtanJcliaCoiarty,Obl4>
-tore. snifenrS,- : -r^ J«wr.9m.Yacu,.
.■■■• bo. *3 CefljiT Btteeii -K.T.
Jncio»€iiilnd centi. <%i ftr'
wbtth send box of 'CepluLicPilli a-Q«l“to aJdra£l
tf Fraablln Uon^'
Tesmjjri, Mldt,, 'January 14th, -wnr;
MB. SPALDDfO,.. 1} . ~ir
• K^Sw2, < !? ,o .?f- i * ,lCfl - I- F n * fteV,hor of Ccp
baUe Pflls for-the core of the Ntrrcns'Headache and
CogtlTemm. andTgcelvedthe Same. and -rarr bad so
; ‘ Er ' ? - aCT - TI2AI - £waa nroro*i>f to ses* fob
f rhJae*aeodh7retiira : tai!l' Direct to*- J - :
*.,» ... ypellaatl.3Ceh.-Tr
*XxU"asU»Bxaralft«r,Korfolt;Ta.3 '"' :
* f ’ CaphaUcftni accomplish .Ut&fityfl£t{ftr whlcfc'thejr'
were made; rlz; Curebf Hcaticbelatilltsfbrms. •
• 4 :.:••» riTtcnalheSxiwnlaer.-iCbrtoUc;Ta.] .
. j-XTromthaPemoefafcst:.Cteirf- ( :«i«w j
*' / trVeiri’tbo AdTeitiser, 71
V TbV Prila : ii-a*£t! to t'VitrmatfertrfT rffea-ri
_ '{ [ttsm lis'V''
, . * IflJ r . p
[From the Kanairhp Etar. ,ya] '
aarpiniiis : tnireiini Vtah tha&£&
:«■%*&* <*£«■)«* wn.CcfcM OaSoftH.iPT
v«:*’'*;x:i c z'j ’yiiz'>z? ' ' ;
Try tttai'! rautta; are agjcted. and m
tiiatioaistafljasfciy cin
.KJL'/JiU .:i _ 2rra d
-g iei
** ' x
T 00 ®
. 0 -,j n j-lfrap tie ~~<M
•J Ctjd3UcHUaire.,.„
:iO al Hal ti III? ** . sis '-:
'• > CojmaercW
dTsSw l*t UJ '
jta»*allr«BerlßCßtiiete<ti i 3:n
111 A .Sssaroacs stf lira's d£ «rj
tcS J-otr.Ta" ns3u Jo*: ioc c-ci eiacicij:
Irci otcu rit
itt cd o; aoil'
:ifj fjaiaejj: cl it izJ
,23 to: SIC.
iiSESSSf *Mpjtnm~
J oi iwtsqatq—iUixiil ,sclvi< itu^
soidssjo scj lo iiotaJas-tmii oi :>:y«ii>i;.oo ,-., ,1
i 4:
lo iTJ-hpas stl'r ?;ai btulu -^u:\
•? aviiß7jsuU€2rccii cx j
■}&*!Sfr% a jaon tnclvlu.i*.' l 10 .:u
.•“IwSwW** II * ; aJ,iiv».*aMlJl J^-opto'.
,feaßlicSJjjjj'polaC,, j if->il T>ji:o ; i,*_n i-uii
■ „t?i, is
'’..iU V-M ,jii.'J-‘ -ui iJycno'hTj lai’ij
v - i-1 •« ej '
!.l:I-. «. i.-i-i •■:>/;> 3ttJ full tjr.t>a:>iiU i’.t jj ili
„::,i:. b:« - t SS*^lMlCSiSTO^.iau,,.
.Tazaasdcl ."5 S’.uot,
Ms Si* scxu: Xi'ilwniSftA—.TOTrixl
tovo cm J*.n ;,:
4£SKW% to*
PREPARED GLUE, I would eauttaDlattzpfeqpns t4*<
ezsznlne before purchasing, end see tbetthefollnaae
Is on the ontside Trrepper; eH oUaen era svindUaz
fonsttifsits. toKklAtwiy
f* •’-'t
ft I»T33'«-T^*T
mimmmm new.
■ ? *s —■ - • ■*■•
and, Uora JPopnlar Every Bay,
--- -■' it-is
ses ymAt
A Faysleiii writaa.
|-O.J ? J7con, Zsa.
vw **yora«* to ,Ti-..-:a r ;.' W
&lsthtie^ be ac;l » “iiiJtr.’Ui, t«ru been op to
»t4CC« UlSTOßiei. Wictpropl,. tAnlM*. Vr
r£ h, r* bO3: B ? srta - **•■•> b»a n-!ic nvi
rf-^fc. la every Uuuaae,
lac the matter. that they fca.l nn; .*. ~y *'*■• .7, r .‘ ot) :
alt byLtai u*oil soruo m*w-mif•!.“' -> a ‘,c C i o 7?
aayuum. amu-llnn- a = aJ,ou Jj. t3 S ufHl
noticed, taro .or*thwe 4rt;e^»-mJ«j* : p^[ v '
above which I rave no doubter” £*
toafeUius ttutpaooio will • dtroww-an aAv-e 1
reputation, when there Lj ont at ha*’? t»“Af *.«. >:
proved beyond it d-jate."r .V. 1 -**-L-a beco
Apparently, peso . f Shos'* r;i-- , -'fn-j h
.BUnce* merely lasmiuffsokue of
•_lb»ve, within thapaac -•*
with more than tvfn
yoftrpr6par»flo W^tt -p e
new gr*r hair, scald, head. dandnur.- asVi l£l~
em.*c me »ealp a-,d head ?r<> subject t • *• "***
Ira Jett to nee you. i erdon:.llv, airoarc- : -'-a!
refo- r-r’-%
£“£. £?/ M«aaolftHt<a.aJdri»«i
itox tfv» LKO, will d*j promptly auswere W| *
-- - -. . M. D.
.' ‘W’AMtor 'Snare* tear Caa-Kr. Pena, >
Psor. WootC ' 'ita, ISSO. )
*4&9iaHß&«Se >
yoar aitertfaeratut In' A''n£rrjtbur*h pV'p *‘ h:.uZ
u ?’ W-8A J’ BvV You c*ri n* It. .% or iny
-••:*. Ewo»t«OTO» (r lw^-Jtt!yKtli.lß^.
_*^ a gra . ? r*ljl ( rc »00d you 1 Sta trim OEL that T tM-V-
v ' .
■ to-WT W air years of i r.rS, % nt *
ycarapast my ba-rlu.s tuT.-ir-er" v
'•ntl-WB RIOW entirely Whfci* n£
P ll »nt I had icfta R.mi!a:;<r cu o*-r hi v*u a < fi w ~
* wonderful ehcet of*onp * H ir ife torauvn hr l l*7
MV'lfwnttiiSi,l Kg“T tw 1
entertainingaiiroogdolr.* tnfc-ivc “,n - ii t v
of msKwantibutfc* fta**. jh- S! .y if. j.::, 1 —.r.'.Vvf
where d dj-cu rot thaiflm-u i .v; f , .> b.* _
■■* '■ •'• ••• • Tcnra frciv?' ‘
sots tH CmiJASa BY
:JT.;;.; H.; JJEED ’S~ C O
Xi O ItP) & SMI T PI.
fcj:UH Msiriagrßinedsta in t'la noli:
. <?n-Ai*-v
Pni,, Thoma- McJCe, .Miutoot.
. - -. - *^i>.*COr , f. i®?ifil.i
Car!?ta; ‘luo:h!j.-.d .v (.lark- .iJhUs,
-2 - |«J'Tt».cC HCtifiV.'biarrl oa
&&■£&* "&#•:»• _ Huruphris,&Cairo
- ua. nraib-. c:t*.
J:■ Sljr.^Wil-.
j-n vcJtP **-«h -*'-•■ r -T 7 i b. TRrwoor*. H-ln.
'^W^ak.'fSfe I ,' ’»<• DioJa-kS?'Aarfr^'
:: :-: st.r.
I'.fT **Owe JfrLltJtliSPoT!, ?c’tonCstr.
.g. c. ' 01 ' ! JoS “CwltsriMaqMln.
; f
£* re* r.^ ar j £ rj* al ’' a » ‘W. vt£nilowcrUiill%ißTlU*
n. r. WcjiVKewAnec, r., fr, .Wi/iaw
• 8, ”'■
Cmtcli, Baird illodiOßi • l* .• S»ro csrtSle a
_ Oqua«ks, G, M\ CM# dor*
‘•?li V p Mc AtW*'• hi-iuri--
Xee, Eradoaryi co„ Ear- J-.t-Viiy iSaaiu.tei&etM
_ P rr ‘« Spia.'? o. S. «^lyetfci)*3aß.
rerley Tbomsv &■ Co+ D. Urycalaa&rajrcnagw
„ Florence- 7 v; KqiTa^^vSKr^
D. B. Atklaaoo. Pittefle <t ■«*
Elce & MaxSv£X Evanli-. JJaVo# «ft*zsbtr ( Rbi k:or*
Lllttfts A t FE:tc2wr -A.t)'.
Beard *tbwK 'O.’M^ert^i^nireiji?^
►wnwwap*'-- %s&ggg» d fte
iJamw Giwon.rM«rl3.
n.tJ'wfeJ-vV.I r.;r,r &T3?M
S?“ Ikilawi:, * XivG«iveS*
•fe.®«D. M»3iiit °®gS£V«»E»ii«.'
i).jfcsMaSSS r '
,J.UBodqont iaewtoß,»£» Uaklnr*W*n<-.r* «
-■i- frank; .a do. .... XaScam^wl^Sf ‘^
.ft W’PjociaA ~.. .C. 1>- WinJ.
7i(. Ciso, lariiaeik \JL sJ^»-C2i?l*SSl*
."3V.J:Edgar. Hie, liohi B^?&5^ a *^ ros
'^B«kh»gt.a'V- «o, • g. vrlicisTr\M^tep
=|®gasassaF' : '-
G. H. Dlefaaao, D. ~
McCord & Bro, do, y/ B(Wl«*MvS?i Csll °
*• Sprin-.- E.-^;
l rajSg;sa !i Eates
r luu ~3i. ;pn;.i lo
,J o!.
‘ u * ttzxi'dartc'tr
I>WMI gwftk; a: r\
i 4 ffios
*Hmxwu4j Hw,
Si. lona, iay loos, 133.