Newspaper Page Text
- o*k , 'Orcfiflrd Snrinw' Water.—Puaphlcts cortfalaJ- rPP^Bff . ■ tod •.WMi»liUrtesMV ‘ Ibe aioof ttl» ‘--teii-wm thebnman Bji. *CO P”* to J. H. ■, Wixiit X:dcf forjmy Hair ? ‘ i**?!®** o®* 0 ®* ■ Kottl{l fi»» ora‘ &ren roch tmlver. i — rwtorta, “preierTta, and iJeaotiflfi W* folljtitfgl Odor. mhis-im Horee'Owiiers./ Dr. Sweet’s - .. ent fhr-if by any, In ‘ -»B c»m of Laasccsa, aridag from Epriunvaratoe* or h ' T_to6a^i<Hll* i .‘Bpeeflny.- Spavin and-Ringbone may bo easily pro. Teatedand enredtn thdr Incipient stage*, bnt ennfinri- 1 ' ••- Mewei are beyond ’the jrossari’Uy of a radical cure.' . .«p case ofthe kind. however, Is bo desperate or hope;. . ,-leaslmUtjnarbeaflflTlated-bT: this , „ f apphcattacwm always lemui e the . »a4eoablethe horse to travel with cornfArttive ease. ‘ t. horse owner ahOalfl haveihfc remedy at hand ; tor it* timely cm at the am appearance of • • ■=. -wffl eSeetoaHyprcvent those formidable dWacw men 'fiOMd, to which ellhoreea areilahnj, and whl& *° Myoa ! OTiie jalnablo bora nearly worthlS*-* *or sale by J. H. JOHSBOftI' : - - -jteeral Agent. TO state atreet. r: • h<cssoeow4ly >■ Kennedy's Medical Discovery rm ’ - SJs&ssmss •’ S ann °s^| Medical Discovery cures Scald Head. « sl^i c& J-£} scorer7 ' cures mcem , d < Bore£w . . Medical Discovery cures Lepra. , fecnnedy*a Medio! Discovery cateaßhsTirm«rt»w> • A 7 - 7 Medio! Discovery cures stit-Hheom-' r.-;. ‘ Discovery carea.Dyspepsla Kennedy's Medical Discovery Begnutaatbo Bowala.' Scnnedy'e Medical Discovery Bsgnlktea the Eldn?j« • • yanedy*e Medical Discovery Bagniatai th«? Bgmedj*g Medical Disco very hu carod - ■ . Wlifia yonare sick, tad do not knowvrtiat tt» e natter -• . TryZennedfs Medio!Discovery. . . OCI * - JWitletrrilDroggtstg. D E A NGUEIi A, PIAIO FOBTE TBMEB ABORfPAIREB , - ■ LAKE ~ - ■ .[fftifressanfl ■’ -Bftr. : /ELDEST MUSIC HOUSE IN V/ ' CHICAGO. h. m. HiaaiNSi' - • (Baeoeuontoaiigiiilßfotferßj - ■•: •• >Io. U7-....EstasSpK K»et Hot UT: , -It the only place In the tdty where all kinds' of'Mhito Books ana Sheet Marie cae be fou>;d. Do not forget . thsnnmber. iW EaadSlph street. «*ar the oorner-of Clark, tn Kingsbury Block. wwoer o* ~~ - -Orders from-the country promptly attended to* . . • IsMSS&Q T ARGEST WHOLESALE JLi BOT3BK IS ' - . • i Htosle&l Instrimeats anl String. J3ILIUS BATOR, 99 SputU Gt&rk. Street, Chicago, _.• Jtanuftctnrer scd-Jmporter cf-lfnslcal Instruments and Strlngß. having coopectioa with Tnancf&ctnxinE bouat In Berlin, Loipsdc, DreEden, England and Paris, •J* props red to tarnl-n Dealers, Sands and Individuals. : ■with every article in Ihelr line, - - • - • AT THE LOWEST HEW TORS PRICES. 001M2O-IT. ' ■ ’ 'JUUBB BAUER, Drums and- brass .... . tsaißDUEirrs: ' JULIUS BAI'EB, MAIirFACniKEB 07 - - DRUMS AMD BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 Soath. Clark-Stnet, Chicago. • - • . . ... XoclS-d269.1y] - - <J' i C. SMITH & COMPANY, - Brass Cock Hamifartams,' ' COPPERSMITHS, AND'DEALSES IS WROUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS. SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, TUMPS, &c. Amo—Partlonlar attention paid to" Jobbing of all Ifladaeonnectedwiththe Trade....... 933 Washington St., Chicago, 111. CoolfSO-ly] D. McFARLANE’S Gas, Steam Kitting MD PLUMBESG ESTABLISHMENT. . fil Laaioie Street) CUcaso, __ ■ muXEBET BAS FIITBBEB AID IRON FDRUTDBE, PJLV.nBER, . KannCsetum-of A2l Kinds of Steain. 'W'orlsi. . TO XHE XBADE: : . *0:8 tradewppMeC with tools and every article In tba Ofia, Stoain Fitting and Plumbing Business. Ke-Gild liur and Bronzing done to order, • gyafl • • . •. Vetoing THE SINGER ... SEWING MACHINES! IKOBSES TO PLACE THE BEST FAMILY MACHINES In. tlie "World Within the reach of an. we here reduced ear LETTER A* or Transvcr** Bhattie Machines; beautUally oraa." snouted, to , J •: yXPTTT DOliliAna. THESE LETTER A MACHIKES CONTAIN Recent J'aluable Improvements* - - Vs wocld ask for them (before purchasing whore) the special attention of VesVilateri, J3ress 'Makers, and all those who want Machines for light maanftctnrtng purposes. , , . 'Sojtr’slfo. land 2 Studird sintui Hiehlacs, Bath' of very general application and capacity. and' popnlarln me lamUyand manufactory. Priceredcood respectively from $lB5 and $l5O to s9u end 9100. Sixer’s Jfo. 3 StasdardSlnittle flaeUne and heavy loath erwork. -Price,- THE SINGER MACHINES ' ' • Make the Interlocked stitch which Is the best-sUtcb .- jrnown.- Theyare of great speed, «uuy ttSderetood,' t •'. simple struct am, of great aarabOßjv adapted to tho - beaTieetand lightest goods, am finished tn the most '. ■ * perfect manner, nod may be ‘used for several mats : - , without rogoirtng repair; ■•:••.■••-* r THE STANDARD MACHINES I?:-; •• : Tot Tailoring. Boot and Shoe MaUns,;Harness Mak r - mg, Carriage Trimming. ctcA cto, wlEdomore work. ' ■ earn more money, and are cheaper than those of other > maker* as a gilt, ffc have always on handUemmltiE • Ooagevßillr, Twlrt, Linen and' Cotton • ’ ' J J*" All per?ont requiring InlormatlOD shoot Sewing ' , Machine*, thetr sizes, priced' working capacities, and v She beet methods of purchasing, can obtain It by secd.c • ' log for a copy of • ■ 11L SIHBEB & CO’S OAZEHE, ■“—• I. HI, SINGER *: CO,, , r So.» South CUrk «roet, (ander the Bhernaa Boosej JMIESBOLTqy.-'Agegt. r ftarSMy g EWING MACHINES;) r T :i, CORNELL & CO'S. ! jpamlly ’ fcad.‘ MaixTif'abt’aritig* •:' v • Vwsewinq machines; Bi -:r . ; TAOOiBT A F ABE’B PltEp l^ „’' '-'Weera happy toMy teibe thotxmdaVhotya *dng cor Machines. and the tionMKuia that vast them, th&t --• - *ACH MACHINE NOW BEARS THE PATENT IJ. ; CENSE -STAMP OFGBOVEB :* BAKER/ RI-lab -* ‘ j HOWE, Js« and. all persona aalliag or using them are ;■ . aocare *gain»tanymolestation.■. ~ " enwt completion and on an 'equally popular basis* - .with the best made acd highest priced maculaesln acy '• market, and they are still pp!4 • mrowMawlikfrwe-lwro several RtyTesTi.'ee«*S^ ._, Jff?-^ re^s?yiI S neeeceaqj-.totheir a»e inAmUMrahop, ■' C T{ etiUi&gajpuxspgtit cuinZaTK asS TtssttcLass iucnii-r xs mEctt. t ? roj MachineseawßllaaoTireastoragra. ■ r Ve offer to EEFtjn jfitusnosET In sixty ~.,- * A ** w .°* Mft a W lor <lßaUttee arothroes-dt nstaV ■ • nn from two COTXmomapoolJL neither and -'•• S^eeiU-wcjil^SmdiSt' . .-ocrewaSaTJOtii axe above and in frontfthe*drmnr .1' 2ja BBMJICXS. TABIJE-rpP WOES -,-7*ooo* the hundreds with which ' A >to«aiunon<sp<rteos; RnmaeatiT^detnitftbotSSj _#ol>aiy- ,-no vice* can toanocel^Koaeathe^SS 1 - if where It is ' of labor-aaring mi - ... - univ«r*a urbr.a*' . . .. .•onreewldgnufhiAee.'<Tbrce yeaaiiaaplaced them in > r'V- 'the very£roctmQtA,oTirst-«iaaa machines and though ( . -.‘Our’manufacturing fsciUilroTbavfr been : largely In -- ’ tzeaaed wehive Dot-beeeaMe to supply the demands r: r 7'doqacßift paat-ecasom .We cancpvilUjgl flraßra. We taaaea&dedtooar style* theKKJHTBQ>H m.Agp& JOHNSON ADJUSTABLE HEMMEEL andean now defy-tUa world-to hotter .-instruments fox 1 doing-011-klndiol’-scwlcE ana emtJTDfdery.. Let every * xc"! onawhq-JaßxteresCed'ln'ttie not Improvements In .Bevtcc MichineeJ Whether they uwlsb .to'pnrchase or., '“' aDiagrlpttTeiCucular■and-samples■ of ,f> t*. •W.wnuxit oantthH'lhß~phT>ffeacßtwtfi» ■Vr t^SFSS*^ 'ronponslblp pames who hare c&uniad to ;t» -T~.■ Jv)^lS^* B*Qru» 8 * Qru » ’ropreeeatJhg roat.our, maeolha were- 1 cß ‘Krsw- Yong ** urm. /aim „Djw and Ctoaer of ah hinds of Rn> Woolsa goods, .Also. Straw Bonnet FresMr erteoouto wcrtpaaeteally aexaded to. f.O.S«ItR ffiUnteßggfr 35icSanse. jypJNET 'TO LOAN;—I have ■S to Loim,- “ ' : Ji&ssssfe 30 Lake stmt, c®go; ili! qilirc of ; IWarrants. -- ♦£ f. j t 1 earner Lata. .A HQ B Q if. - - W«ato4 ir BZSI.T. QnncET ft CO, •.OcnwßHMy -Qcfcidilasiaa tW. it- 'M O N E T T O LOAN Chicago errr psopehti. Or on .Q<K>d Improved Farms In tils SUte, L. O a NED on HretcliM seorirttie* *t tJio Banirltig Offlee offfia, H. Ulc« ft Co., . H. 0.,6 3 toJva at IDperecat Short?*- on wSehoiile EeSilpa! ytr-aty. vPQR. 1 MONET TO LOAN Count: o1 * Be»l Sfctrto SecurtUai la-Oooi »»«* - to ERN S T P R OSBI NC. : ■■; -•■•' Dwder -ia FprajgaXxchin^*, SOSEi ASD MAL ESTATE BROKES, Afi-eat Ibr -tba' British'- Oosujwrrcial r.<fa in* "-• •: raawe Cor, sad Notary Public. *&«■&“ 't,^|»»nnott 1 Mock ;• - No. 6 voii-lj K. E. cor, of Clark aad-~Waahlngtoa sta. ISttgiWjega <Earbs. F F. HeDEBKY, M. D., Home . Europeanmedlcal education. with a practical experience m hub country, the Doctor feels confident .55 6*X« entire eatisfacuon la the treatment olali ■ curable diseases. Acute and Chronic, * -• Office honrp-.tiil 9i.K. end 1 to 8 p. it. and all hoars of reeUteoee, 6i West Randolph street. otJBMy ■pAYSOKT * REYNOLDS, : ’ :JL r : ATTOHHXyS* COUNSELLOBS AT LAW,- , tO_- •. IJearbora Street •• • 80 vtr/mv* ...............«■. a ggrunr.iw. ..... -- CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Atwood, Eaq-PbUadolphU; Messrs. Bprfnger * ‘Whits man. S. SrlTHommedlen, km., Clncumia: John *t>. sssasssKraf tit ig&t .SBSKgtesagES rTRAWFOBD, SHARP & CO., TMPOBTEEB AKD DEALESS tn-CrockSTT. Glaaa End China Table Catlerv.Booklaff Glasses, Csa! gtraand- EAaci'WarvKo. ISilakenfieet^cßcago, Cftffiattwmti TVSSOLUTION OFi GO-PAiiT . : The 'Copartnership heretofore ex* • IsUng between HIRAM • JOY- end AUGUcTUS FRIS-. SIE, Feb* -ruAry-iaat.— A. FBISBIE, ..-Cbicaso, March 2tUIBCL- : - ' • WABHAHS, WILLARD l& CO., Saving mom than double onr last year’s stock: of Ice. and greatly Id creased faciUUes-ror delivering It, con earners cmrelf -npon being supplied by ns to tlielr en tire BstUf«tlon; • wajhavr, willahD & CO., mhs-e154-Sm ; Office No. 2 Masonic Temple. #Ol 3Jgaxt.- JOSEPH &. PIKE’S PEAK Transportation iLLae. ■ ;■ A. -WASSSS ft oo;, I ' o«nenl Freighter* to the SCnse, ETOSASK, COMMISSION ' We hire -Trains lea Ting Bt, Joaeph weekly throngh ■ont thajeaivfor-all-p&rtaln the mines, and can giro parties nnnsnal ikclfl ties for getting ontlfrelght with dispatch and at reasonable rates.- All goods shipped to onr case, destined for the mines, wm be promptly at-' tended to. “Warehouse on Sixth Street, . A. WAEBEK* CO., ' St. Joseph. Mo. xcsrst-tf . !—GUNSi I—GUNS 111— Vjj Ghms.-Hlfica, platola; CoH*i,A3- i - en'a, Eb&rpea, and every variety of ■Tolver* Bowl© Knives, Teste, Picks, gboTelß,£&Ds.Goldßcalea,Bl&nltetatma ell Unde of miner’B tools; powder, Shot. . Pypf, 'for Bt, liOdlb Shot, Bole Ayent for art’s Powder. GEO. T. ABBEY. IS6 Lsk&at, ap23y iiainttrs. /TEYNE&ALMTNT, Freaeo »nd Decorative fcLaßmjlv 7 - - aft ¥ A. I K T S! B S, Si Sg&. §& •IDI Washlngtonat,’ Chicago. PEES CO AND: DECORATIVE PAINTING In the Parlors, Dining Hall* • and Libraries ot first, class Besldenca; 'Alto, the interior of Churches, pdfe. Me.Halls,- Jn. Chicago, Illinois and other States, We also give strict attention to the Graining of Wood: and Marbles, and solicit your orders, confident of exe. . eating them to yottr entire satisfaction. - > aoarttly JEVNE & ALMINTIOI Washlngtons gcales. t- AIR B ANKS’ ~ BTASDARD_ r _ _ : : •'Jjpi .iTaA;ij :eijs s./h| , ■ OF ALL K.CKD3. Falrbanlu Ac Crcenleaf. aSsSslgst r ' l - S Late Strtcti Chlcga. ' : ‘ ! DURYEE & EORSYTH, ’ Mannfhcturlng Company | s;cips,:/jir ' HEB;& BTOCFLAB PEOOF y i |T|^ ! V 5 :L W&rehotuß Trncfai Baggage BaenV '• &c, A E. SPZNCEB, Agent. ' “ 183 South Water SU, Chicago. iprem ium Scales : ;1 ffj" —' - Mannfflctnredby B ■ „ r _ S. Si HITCHCOCK * 89 S* Cft&al a St (| .Chleag(|i .^HHSH- of Bodes Repaired. ' JJITCHCOCK’S Howe’s stand: ARD SCALES.- VASDEWfOORT, DICIEBSOR' *6o.* • ,--Wo4» ASOlSandolph, CWcdgo, ET C -TCitlehont of beret' No-Gheclt'J Bods.All friction received oa-fl •Balia. ■ eelWr * ggfegt?.g;jßin:T I .JpE- AJIB : E - -° K - cADWEXi,; ,: SK|MW OPERATOR OS THE '' , E.YI3 ‘ A.OX ID .-E v iFor Deafhew, BUndaeM.and all defects felchtand 1 bearing. •■Dr. C 1» a.reemarlvodnoated-.physician.and bas devoted twenty yearn of hteproteMlonali&et*«a. lively to the treatmentot dlseaseaof -tooEyaahflEar.' - tr- Wo-charge made lor w examination oc opinion, ££ .acceisral service*... DR. CAOW ElAi’S Treatise ana Ear, (CM- ■ cagp,4th),-contalntiis reference arreiluEbnla I*. «Vcv to-’ C ag^S3-iy d ■ "_ ? '?3ACTic^ r»;..;^^...^.800TF-Clare Stbiit. 1 T9 -r the Conn-Honae.-. 1 Crystal ao XBrexlhan pebble LBpccteclas,’ ■ ■ z^Ei^BC’OPfcß’,l r.tO etc* .etc- tsooiUnUy ca -imnd. ? rAUrlosdr.'Of and: epecUclas- t®. I -.ttf-- •D | - • o Ai^BAUQH. 1 jgg«TJ«T-. i*r:a cJIGsTOf *S-....7rvrast EASDOLSH-BT., CHICAGO I ttr&.iiiTi&ii:- wVi;V:S3HW mi FOUNDRY ISD j PRINTERS’ WAREHOUSE/ — _ And eyery artlcla a* j *■ • ‘ boos 1 on :ios jifjice, ■ k ecfcrtaarty 1 '".J: llailAi««- SEntt-uiosne ewet' of Psixtiiq Cokib|]iK6£>)3leial Fornltnrel t? " ; noo ‘ ;from‘W r k: and H^^ Wilrbo sent to parties wleblng to'brder. ELECTfiDTUIBei AIO^«TiB£OtTPIIfi Executed In a superior tnaandr.—, l JixutStm g^ : crri I «•- juio iKcraM wcm •‘Wg'WHiM P used, both In c*>Hstrnctioh.ana -■ Juidocs; aro^^s^sc%tioarwf<;-T»oii3WMrro4<§.mdto vPiOLOSOfHlCAL TBUiSIN O SE~ who have Botfered with the misery of rapture caien predate f>e value of tae-Blegsiraaa." Anmostratei pamphlet contalalng all particulars, sent free per eons wishing this Trass can be fitted bf sending size ’ in laches around hips in Uae of Rapture with duerio. Won of case to J, B, SEELbY, Sole and Exclusive Arent for the Western States. Office, 184 Lake street. Boom No. 4, (ap-Btalre.) P a Bor tss. Pr WhoitMls Trade luppiuSU Now 7«k]Kl9^ Cijicano &ilwn*; "WEDNESDAY, JiARCHi DtUjf Arrival and Departure of ... . ~ .. .Twlni. o 1* * 2Voint Depart' ‘"‘'H'dlU'Closa, 7totoi* , JLrito*^- . EAS9P* t i: ‘ • ‘ * mcaraAN 80UTHBBH. 6.00 e. a. 10.00p.HL | 10.S0a.EL -6.80 p.m. 4.45 p.m. ! 11.00 p.m., v— -aCeffIQANCENTEASj. , k . _ 6.00 am. .10.00 pa. ’ c - -10!« ggOp-gy illL _ 4£sftvSa . HTTSEU3S, n TKA-TNil iKE>CHTCA«O, - - 5.603:3.v: riodoft-nC ; iii:BtOQ‘ajm;: 6.80 p. m. 4.45 p.m. - I.; 10,40 p.pS. soict rtfi® ■ T~Z • ■ : -- - - omoioo AND KOOK IfILAOT.7 ' ' 9.<S a. m. 8.00 a. m. .■■-» 11.45 p. A*. 9.00 p.m. ■ -•• SUCH Am LUO. r. . ; Ta 10.00 a.m. 4.10 a; m. : Ho mail* fK i --S^Op.m; •Bsahoh. 11.40 a. el. v ?.o& ......... 9.80 a. m. 9.60 p.m. UJDTs. m.'* V'* s3o&.cu 9.00 p.m. '■■' r " r JABBOBA ACOOJCKODATIMf*. 8.45 p.m. ' 10,40 a. m ... .ALTOS. - ; 9.15 a.a.-: . 8.00 a.m. - A»a.n. 8.00 p.m. 0.80 p.m. *..-.B.Jfrp.A. GALENA AND CHICAGO HHTON. ■ 11.40a.m- - - . 30.00a.m . A45t,.m; 630 p.m. 7.00 p.m. -AiOp.m KOBEH WESTEHK, 11.00 a. m 12.30 p. m_ 8.40 d. m. 4.45p.ZQ«< mWAMB. • - •6.00 a. m 11.00 a. m 1845 p:ra./ T 8.00 p.m. '7.2o’a. m, 12.40 p. m. Offlco Seekers Sdpttlfcr&HiiHS is enter's state I Moat miserable man whom wicked fate Hath brought to court, to sue for had yyrist;; - J. * ‘ That few hayg,fQßsd r ajidmanieAohe hath mlstr' ' FuDTittle knowest tbon, that bast not tried. What hell 4t Is ia suing long to hide l ; To IgoEc good dares, that might be better spent: in discontent ;' : To to.btrpnt back to-morrow; To feed on hope, to pine with fearc and sorrow; To have thy Princes grace, yet want her Peeres: Tohavst-tbyaskingiyetwaltmanieyeerea: . - To fret thy soule with crosses and with cares ••' ~- To cate thy heane through comfortless 'despalresT To fawne,- to crowche, to waite, to ride/to rohne •’ Tospend, togire, to want, to be undonnffl ’ " " Unhappio wight, borne to desaEtrons end, That dothhia life in so long tendencs spend! Who ever leaves street home, where meane estate' Jn safe assurance, without strife or hate,. Pindes all things needful for contentment irieeke : And willto Conrtfor ghadowee value to e£eke, • Or hope to painc, Limeelfe will a draw trie. That curse Godfccnt unto mine cneipie I ■••• A BIT OF. EJISHSH SCANDAL. The Attractions of an Enpllali'llialor - -*4 secret Sarrlrcs anffirhat Came Of It. *"" ■ " ... >r , ", iq) 'Nottces. ' A trial’ is now iokißg plnce at Dublin, which is extensively reported .fcjhe. English papers , and Is attracting great attention in: England' and'.lreland. 'The characfers ihvolvM in’the ; affa!r ? afe r Jikft tfcdac which Thackeray so ad-, mirably paipts. From 'the, London Star of the. 15th wc copy (he 'fbndvflng- statement of- the fects: v Between eightr and -nine years ago the Bon-* jogno packet DoatwaaunitipafisageioDoTeri It was a sultry eveningilri August, and the gentlemen .on .hoard passed*;the "night On' decK.' Of these,* one lady and gentle jnansidehj Bida-.. The gentleman folded'hU ! plaid, and laid "it •across the ’knees of-himsclf and his fair "companion. An odic fbrcp/waa communicated-through- the innocent woolen,* and from that-moment* admixed rapport of • magnetism and: lovewas established between them; ■ 3Bss Tbresa Longworth—for that was , the lady’s name—seems to have been tascinat-' ■ <4 of Jfefct Jelverlon* who' Was, W Houbt, personally- an agreeable • ’and,' to a lady, a loveable man.- -Ha' -teas, besides heir apparent to the earldom of Avon more. lilies Lcn-woriii belonged to what is called, ■ a good family in Lancashire, and was educated from infancy in a French Convent, had' lived little at home —her father having been a man who feared neither God northe Devil—not bet Having in either—but' much abroad oa visits rtorrelatives-and-lriendfl. Her allowance from her family was £2OO a year. Twelve months afterth srapport In the Boulogne boat th- in fluentbegan Jdajor Telverton" was stationed at, Malta; Miss LVngworth-set off forTtaly.' “She sVcms to have been attract ed by Wm. “My recollections of him,” shd : . says, “were agreeable, and I hadm sire to have further acquaintance.” Her cons-" in was consul at Monaatir, in Albania, and ' wishing to scad him .a letter, Miss Longworth, with the assistance of her Naples ‘honker, and - of« h Anthony; the pattdn iff Italian postmen; could see no readier method of doingso than' by enclosing- the letter in one to Major Tel -•—ton, with a .-request to him to- post it at Malta; ' ' xiicoorrespondenoe tins opened was warm ly continued on both sides, bjit it,was not un -1850 tbattbcMajor abd the lady again inetl In .that-year be -was with his regiment'la thn- Crimea; and odlc. force, assumimr - unconsciously to its objeet tbe form of cbdrt-' ty,' drew Miss-Long worth .-to his vicinHvw the lady nurses tolling la the hospitals •of Qalata, eho was visited by the ,Major, who ■renewed his espressionsr.-of attachment and . . proposed a secret'marriage. ; Miss Longwojth • was willing to many; butrejeeted'the cbndi r tloa: ofrsecrecy.-J&tTWhy-fiecrDcy? ‘This' • -the Major, wm in. dlfficuliipa. about wimfc -hoi calls'the pccunia, and had promised his broth • er, on whom he dependent, not to marry any Udy except one-who could pay his 'ffebfr.,'’ His subsequent conduct must decide, Mk* I -XoagwotthlyonlßfibEllSt&i toieCTecy.''' ~ r In.lßs7;Majof, Yelrejton was in Edinfctfrifc?' and Mlbb lOngrprOi »]*: taA.ieturnea-.lrem' . tuoCnmeathe s’cart>efor6 l 'wiisiigaifi attracted : tottiartdultj. audTisUed the cupitarortbor north. Hereihe-' renewed proposals fora^e-. • cret marriage, andspokc.of the. facility of.lhe. . Scotch laW tQtleJLhnkhotl ' have become more facile, for shb-joinod-hlnf l : in .reading together a marriage formula, but dldnotjgp he ■ to consummate the union. Bred a Catholic? • • The-could see a maN° ; riage not the face of the churehT Finally,-in-the August-of 1857, she aasent&Lfdi ' the. pledge nf-e ecrecj.hq, on Jnapart acqules :ipg iri.marrlageby jajCathoMcpriegt;- •- ■ > They were so. married, at Bostrevor, in Ire? of their love- • According to thedsdyjwntitbjaiiai-: - Tmbouuded,in - •cambinditferCnt^but'theirjvtbaftws: adQnt herald 1 she was tbodearefit;sfedl;TooK6oV - that ever-lived, Shad she -thought ; “isWe wfcstf • not In the wide wide world aaotherCarld jiko)* , hem’’ V-”. _ .C-r: In a few months, : hbwetcr,‘ ’ blrcninstahcbe; .were thonght-by hec.tqyyendprrthw malnto-." : nauee'orsecrecy' respecting' the marriageno- - 'longer possible, and then" It appearedlhatcou?- e! derations touching , family, were pahimonnt ia .-Major Telverton’s mind over regardrorhla wife’s reputation as 4k . virtuous woman..'.' '.V The.Qat 'mnstbe kept la > thc.bag just now,!’, he writes to her* “ior.-lf j - the.fiery devh gets out-now' Bhe’li-i&jlode k! precious mine, aadblow ns,.all to the deylU’/ : By .mlngledthreata.Qud suasionhe bought his ' -wife to respect the secret f.JH 165£ ’they * eled-abroad os hnsbWaridwifb,-.vShe fdliafr* » rionfely. ill at Bordeaux, where he-left her-to ' -rejoltfhis regiment.- Htriri eriG waa'esposcdto' : tj;e distress, ot being considered his mistrw&i '- t -'On her recbveiT^nd-return tir England wrote to Major Yelverton a toncaiug letter, • which he JShecommunicated ■‘thefact of the marriage to his family, and the catastrophe which tiai heartlesgness haa.pre-t pared, followed. • Open repudiitipriwas aftcr-J , wards with- a lady who,' II Is presumed, was aWe to pay Ms 1 1 debts j and aow,Mr|i. Teresa Yelverton, as she. ; cjaims to be,' appears ia conrt to support a'de^', -mand against him,- made b>’biie of her friends:- ’ ibr necessaries •supplkd 'to'hCT. '. It is,'no " ; doubt, h sadand. prosaic ißsnb'to such a story:) '.butalthoaghalTectlou. be -lied, -the 'character ■of the lady mav be vindlcatcd,'; yr;, j . The this coznedybritragcdy was very' • ranch addicted to calling his wife * 1 Tooi-tdol ’’ and “ UtUe Tool-tdofj” and We copy'one of Tua. .communications, hot,’. 'hawever,Tecommcndlng lt;as * . , * - A. SIODKL DOTS IXTTEB. ‘'PoorlittleTooUootleffc alone. How docs she geton? Thought- $f derail night wkciu ,awake, ; and dreamt of'herT^vhen^asleep. Ar rived jit sh. 14 min'.', had a bath, and having .still a quarter of an.hour, write.-tj^small Tool'! tool. Dld'ifadamfi Andre get hot icy? I tamed tho.anuoiie where your dresses are, intending to get her to keep it jintil she i Ut-tbe '"brotight Ureses. wd* 1 discovered it about^Ve’o'clock, wriCa'rsent it hack to the address she .launched,'from Angon lexhe.T think. .. r *. 1 .-Deiresf6mMl-T6d!-te6!i : you must get well •and strong and we’li■ Have te lark h ert ; autumn t ones). r iX.nutiv«ry t, mfeeAble at leaving yon, .©specially in such, a •weak"Btnt i e.' ,i JSVsxt time -w© have to partyeihust pbthj; travel ;in dlfectiohs, for. the necessity of do-2 uhg somethingis natural tyareliertb the mini I' eay : 'the amazemeatofa bonne and two pretty girls Inkerchorge^-one'Pflthe'-latter.a)tatry aboW.’ lwelye _o!d* ■. found;-me - ont in the fact, 'and'announced the same Uma wanting to console me. j Good Wget'Mdame to do so. ...(Sempra, a. 4c, mills - •hdcric. 1 ' ::’; - - h Twe: Inundationstn Houand.—A correal: < hia ffoMAmsterdani oajie 8d inst, says; ; “ The to in my lost ara. spreading with fearful rapidity.. Ab the lire 1 pp, nptvyiths&nSlng thhtthnthaw if -, gradual and unaccompanied with heavy gales, the waters oclkitia-thooppep localities of tho country, and, osetflowieg the dykes, lays the §g human. lifeT Thf small pGerpiah. frontier town of feet **uadcr is. impassable the fioodWlflctf -^fefnieatti More and.. .th9U«vQdi-of jM>Uged to TcaTC I thelrhDni,ea.tQ - this “, yet hcconjc : ■demenr. 1 /niß. _}a K ; thb.’daugw* incrcascsiwith the ■ c i . rgagway TlSb been nniwEuwl£tfe*jhrtSd; the^ ’ mis displaced, so that communication trith Germany has become almost impossible. It , would really seem as if old Neptune had turned annexationist, and had commissioned his tributary streams to flow over the domain wrested from him by the industry of tnftr> and, reconnect it with the ocean from which it wu jrtoleiu' ‘1 8.03 a.m. ,7.10* m. .. . - 8.60, p. CL; roij and QtnNcr. r ' 5.45 a. DU 11.30 piia: .mi " 5.08 pirn. ST EDMUND SPENBEB, THE COIIUSE OB'UKTRUE LOVE, ■ rn r Postil♦ >s?:. rM- fQrr the African “3T3i • .iravelficc:' r> £~.: .'io';;’J uitc —The late dreqdfoj EngtandW6fe -rri. . aßEOnnbea three doyßiij adr&ncfe bythe-Xori* tall fanMdeorologlst, , I h * " .:'^ , bioNbfthjrsst riW— Fruvlii efts',of India? tofiTJEelnetfr crops are i fln :c - * I übu-‘ is regularly quoted inv-thq I.DJ, market-prices.current of several towns-4n “Garcieny,,jiot:oii*the hoof, bit cut up for j Zzzn 'tf? 3 .' mported into tl,. : provided: they are re-ex- rjM^ed^erTisyipgbeen printed. :i a I .v*?rThe PririneALVEaWs* revenue from the :■-,-; Duchy of Cornwall.wlUirforSii last year, be. .about t22S,QQ(>, anliicreas6-ffem the year:pre r Jfcj. .Aonrof-OT»^ooa.^ : -a ;• :^faerehMnotbe^'itraffipf,the<3anil-. ;s«. yaMnVemee. inhsnuo ;?;■ ■^.'^rith.'ilsTinluckj:lnhab3hmte.j -I - ; .-; Augustus :Cniteii.prwMei to -too: the* ,i&*t :waters offthd VoltiirnoVto -innatethe: thoh •a; gfiiids'of: acres; of hitherto i>rbp.flesß landiiear • - Naples;;;-:-; j 11 -rrcLr. .nu- - -"Dr.-Lavdle-of-Paxis ajmcunees unEwaud ini .pcffllrive^care^fbrthegontr Wejtrusfthat he - _mayhave.'«ucceeded:Hi xonouering thisVcpr • W- -proiniummedi cphinL”. b* *2 } - .a. :" Emperor of-"Austria haj given tothe .A. Vienna Protestants a place’ to: worship iij,-Gon '• r.The building Kaa been for years-past a ma^zihe^ ,-m;: r ■— secretary totho French 1 ' "Emperor, Issaia to be implicated iiitheafihiis* j_ of Mires, the insolvent banker'ofParisjand .auT Australia mail-from England cbnir ■ini; pris e d 1100 boxes; rttf O' feet each ij^oue iu. ■ 81 deep, and.required,hlnftteeh.o nnlbuses sad’ one cib; to, tony. them to tEe : railway temd^ .nu3 V1 ..v.-, : r-*' f .o-j ... .'■> -~Sir Eodetlck Morchifion r at adate'emet*,' ' ; Ibg - .of'--the-;Ethnologicai :i Society*- eaub there were now living in the forestaorPoland animalS-whichhavehitherto been Bnpposedfp ' -r-ThSTJudgftS inihe-House of Lords have atf • -deddcdjthat:a-;cleigyioan. : 'hai ho.-power;tor Bolemnize -hifl-.-ownt ‘ and jlhat-Die eipidren.ofiflaclta-uiiion are illegitunate,' - j ~ h r r.r i-;A cable befcweeii the coast of Sasser and Holland was recently by. ; driyinganajl iijtQ-,the etrand. This Waa"doho ♦D^aman'<m-board the veßscLlayjng it down, * - -employed to do so">y parties interested in a : iff. f j ' ht r : ’ V !e | ! " chaplain bfltb rnaniw df. Oliva attcinpted recently .to lave msfatherde-. dared a lunatic. He was turned put'of courts «•; abUl ”?°l ß;to ;3^s ; The': lading railway lines ini Freiice pay' : from cent- dividenda.- fhe r. .. : gross .arinual earnings of the. 'British lines-are £25,000,000,-^-which one-half goes for ex pensesjand^i6.-dividends are omy about ..... .per cent r: p ...f? . afc : -i tiieifl coaslructionaad ie -bad ventilation of:the:school-hDiiseS In and' ; about London,- seven-thousand:children. b£ : tween the ages of five and 'an-- ch nually lose their lives from these ciusea dehe, ire So-eays Dr. thaMetWpdli ... itanMedical'Association; j •'••■■: K : i-- »Beapait, witia-flne 1 efiniate iimllfonritiiou-: Ho . Sana mhabitante. -Itls boas'essed of cicellent, le - "tracts of timber. whlch’are' fo Iw bic-ci iathe construction of French ehifis of TforT Pcthana Monaco may one day be a second Elba; .:? ... recently.tudd i Eneland; n- Mr. Bnxtoni H;P.,In the,cliMivitTfisasserted ir; tbat fliß property ncqnifed ;by .the j negroes of re Jamarea,.pince Ureir.pinauclpatlon amounted re ' to eleven mllJlon-flve Snndred,thousand dol-, e- lars, and that.the,pfodnets of the island—tho la result of their special industry—were'.worth If- -fivemillions ofdijnarsdnfing'thelastyeac.'- ■■■ S. w rrtV“ snddettj deathrof the viscount “de' “v Hichemont, collector of taxes Ini Paris' bv ' m a th:. snppoied' ® crinunality of. Mires,-the “ larri* diit” of the 9, VT / j' 1 ' ; ' ■ jjrrThe Isslandmost aatddndiig prolectilbol d- the Cannon ptder is that eslled. thelGlovnirnl-' : d ftnnct mortar cannon. .The carinoh Itself is J ofopen worjc llketho late steeples bfCalVarv n church ; the breech Is solid, and riaybe do' ’ s z .taphed jtpr throw-a shell, dr be acrewed ofi to' 3 propdaspUdshot. The gnn tribe fcannotbis' n heated by the discharge, and the apparatus' ! a be easflyitrandpeirfcd.hi, J' ■ isArpBOERiiTE'TEST;— Tld.Edrt c'h'EJ- Bulkley of Patterson, New Jersey, preached-a' , tilscourae, last Sunday evening; on the Inatliru ,™ 1 f^ da r>;¥ ! ' His text was the.fourthivferee ' of the rdthrPsahn:’ “ A man was diunons' , be ?“ d . : l 11 ?™. if>?; .V- 9 v , 'A't^tennxTEDTßoiTEil—Momi tam, Maid, a, trptfciDg'inare' well ‘Known to sporiingimen,- died, tft lifthcaster, last week. Her death is attributed to poison, ioHlnistered • 6?iiS^^?i-x^ 0 deemed- it fo‘r their interest to getmer outoFtheway.v; , ! t.. fj. * r General Miramon had bis lady, at’lftst' accounts, ,‘were :UVing,; ; iu Hayana in a very •itaple inauner, without any retinuoT: >Thfev' for France*, wherd the W.OOObOO 1 ,they nave between made-useful:,; . prospect?, for bOtmtlfil j -wiiKit' 1 never, batgr .in-TennesseX afctthla Benson of-the year JWe hear good hcconnts from dhegrswrng crop m.eqcryAirectlomTu the wfical; crop Is aJao-proitiiMng.' ■■ ladd, Webster & Co’s Co’s , ; ; SOWING- MACHINES, ;: mfEs,.;,- . V.Vif ' rf rr'j'ther'aro fally.wsrrittted,: ’ -'Ji i'- 'i ■ ' .v ;,iPstßti?jn,tln)in ontof • t r r\ j: TherußetwptUft&dfc . 1 •-the stitch allkc'on-both-ade* :I Lzr. -rroa hlof-lhfifcloJttsq tight 4ffpot to pall oat or unraTcU- ; • > -j : u2 ' ,t;» • <nr 'IT] VThtr ,tiohot- bate* o* '•• a-: “■ L L 1" r orcrobEeUneedles WElch tr« .:r..i.^oßßtanflfbreaklßg, straight ...»• .-, Btr^{flt^e«HernirEOOWß'to .. V , .HjO-i .KMW'irilOil r • i^e-i' L r^7fiojj*itfeak.)ibtii • - j • the.dpflvl T" :z :~ j 3 ..'-‘V ■ •• - ; - ■ r:®.r_ acqnisvxrtttpat,* breakine ' ,“1 • vtie.— ftjlir.'titafciae-tne'giitcheien"'' . - : ;*-; i —mml-ante-uu^^TiuKeg,... - i - i t \ T V '< rr i o *r ' * iJ, “ “ _V/ 0. .J. Yjjgy eas uy alii t i )i .Yuioss^siasss^s^ niV: i ui ■ '; '■, I', r.l WjcVy , ; esbijm i i nNc 'Aifr trTHEIv MAKTJFJcr, ■ rj ■ ■! : c 0. .; ifieiijSdjrlliw&leS JtaUa,'? : , it.. Ji i ■-■ <Dp-sTirra;j;cmci^o‘;., ** :■ STEW. PATKVT I,A \V~,- 1 Bl> OLH.U .‘I '/.HO : snoil ■- ” hu;a o .!»/ v. Nt^r^KSßjetont, S'b jAOA'IXST ‘ rOBEIC NEBS. •■» V i.iiul {.•-■.--•r-r-;..,-;;:: , rta§sait ii R° ogaadtmßr^!qC patent^.. r ,.. j,. t 20 The law [Of(Ufiltfß| CAPepLIU T(!lb/coltto RUttlWOlikiCS ft 4 dir AHsmcustJuiVCkMiir arrsßcementa folly penrctedn f patent ander the new law. and wlhtio" * bftphyvs-hhve iaveators address them by letter lOM a} 1 baßlnesa conntyted with the Patent DSgeo O SrvS 1 s , parttcalftraoddreaft ■... & CO,. if“l-» ? c * fß«S*pw TftUflfonift. a i -tua-i tali VNWat IJI EPft miilpKal6BjtfcDlCmiL nrt'fn ria£‘ 1 1 U T 1.24’- :1 miiHtiMobiiponiileticli dont^utfres^reesiratQlmoMartto.uSlEßbiE i3»|» amfldTonlo to.thestomacMflCtcaslntthe&. petite, H c d Tg* JP*t Wian biunlatfts welt «4 WrO that anmty coc^MttwtQfiQlm^^tolaKSSS 0 ti^'StSiS^vSio'K'™ 10 ' “-“•SpS CHA.S. H. ATWOOD 19 Ooßtral 0 treat, tkwtom. Wholes ila and HetaU by £ urn ,?r .xrrJ PWHtET AND OFFICE ■T.etnr onww.'f^JT 'O-v3RT J3J ; .. , Vaj*;ie#3& ' “ '>•;> ‘ 'fijffaus fi? v;511 2 i5S JOXES,.PEKniJE & r ‘ 7 ; No.'ia2 : taiie Street.^ -iLf'Z:' J; - I “• : v - -- taa RERDUE - :. jD£jU£|£ - 'Bies'isD- KAPEE,":. : ,;-f “ .jo;- tr rittcn »?a‘ woolen •OUTLBR ;& mrerr, ‘is stalest;, l JifcjiiTe izai' <&pflattog .We3Si&*~wi' -ssa-.'ssrsi t 25x?7 . !sim -ana -j.-icj-SRC ; o jsfcSl - -25=® ;: ajiw ••, . ’ Ajaare rewitte • laora isamat of BOOEPAPES,. „ tr, oMlfferept ::,‘. - •• ?860 agflsCitrinJ Letter; fed' ayg ' be WBL-ICt;cwa.*ef uje Bnreet Jjos.iL . .. nhia . T-gy CBeh-p&idfirTLiTT -Ad ''-' Ij A;, o. ,:1 V N ;& E K fe,&. I, : £' •■'r-i:: 1 vir: Item --; ErtE,E. -j I«m now prepcitflti masciactnrc Blank-Boots of • eyerfdescrrptteiyralcS -nad bcrcad tA at y'deslrcd pat. ; ” Wnßon taddto orders from Conn tv ntpreryan nh *c - KJi Heads; Letter. Heads, Skipping v *o.7*ll^ ■ etc;, •botmdJnamjfßtylfe. fOldfiooka-boundandre-bcnaid! -AlTldnd* pfprinticffdono vlth ceatnesa and msnatciT :^TfeHd» modgrite. - : :.-TOX’iaS'LaSB STREKT, - Giarta rreeO * Poet Iptt MEIIGiSA' VW iiliii ■ i h elaygest »nd obly. complete .fitackimt ; Fapp'JaS^iip;:^ ; €TJETAI# : 'EKS, SHMDKS. :3 / vfextnr 3s, V; J-AT-ES. Cash buyers yelll find.itftr/tiifr.ijran aga to eaii. ,'ff ,3,.. .. , .- [mlili'SKSTH vpiteEK s. Mo; - Btre6tc;,..a'o. SI ■ wuesosm . . , ~ e m In- .r>v.vWw' ASBOETKESI ’O. ? -V-' a?i’3f.385 , 4 1 NS *..r r ; y. i.-.Mt.n.-DBiSB' U-T.-*--.' :ii Z ?AIHTEES AND PAP2B : HAKQZ •' - ■ .. 4 SoutU ClArk Bt-e*? 0 j ?v->; .-■■ Codßnyir -• • j . cf) ’ AJTiNPORT,; :X~ & Banfcoi 1 and"Dealer* iii ExclJaagc, , ‘ I ■- BAXKSoiHS. COLD, Sii.A:sr,;i;. Ko; ; a3 Clsrfc Street..'-' .' Chicks., miauls. [aniyco-ly] .- 1 . r^ ;g,A n".k : -i >it o i ■ r s e ' ta;.! ' nrarine BaalK Bonding, ... CABPJEttTEB,,STIBBS .& CO,, i; ... AVe»s. CwpaMw.d!Co) “““ ' Cedar Bapldp. lomP. ir— >r i ; A-'IKEy .& KOBTOX, : i,; 1 uV;I EIctjANGE, - ’Cozier of l*ake and Claris«tr( eis. made in nil the nrlndpal cltlca In he U. g. -r J - ?! .TINEHAM & CO., stand. ; LAKJ2 ANI).<3UAataSirBE2T3„/j i .. 1 wni cnntlna*>thpTr, -«c«l«s BANKEEfI: AND , 'Tib, t.ttpg -inii: MCtchanßeOUanbarHo^haiMrie^ UPWARDLTismtuc , Ua3’s9]’l i-jctorq.. vm^bq . . : 'GEip :er,, :';Zy' ! x^i " 1 Cur.!Cs »ois. hwSit'M-iA. |mdi4B>3UsaUe ( r‘HriTfkiivo^E^^'fe^ : y v pepUcv ahd tab Uical a«srauu datkpp •, fi^ri^®5 n l^ r * d^iltor8 * lia ® rr «paaftc itiZ_l tUtftrarlpuoolaiiCiia-can only.fce allowart 11 ca«eqi 1 »“ ?assa!«»:st BP*WJ9SW toBSi .cciflcd “C6lteCtfOnsitf,Chlcd2b7lOA37andprocco<i&. remitted An o^ v i-ffpH>camm'S»llclloawi Wcrt.« r tonlabil IwMSTIO EXCHANGE "HEP; IRX- ITIENTj^ We'draw Sight or Time U|Jp> on the nrlncin?. ' of the jnaoavaTAUalllSPftiypartof iho Dnltec States or •rMAHodTo ibi* j>atn ent of tanAfc6mm64, &t,' iSWw-To k. J buOTOCHK wdio . uhdeell ago or through onr Agents, atNtfwSbfte BlWea&r#H ounlx.. ■ Hallway,jfcc, nns In ygwxbdtlare-Bilohaa IMnßnre'nTDiiiuLhnU.ja Uclons - promptness and emem in the miqa»-»t?ret» TorlrtermK pnpfrrcpnSponij nn yp! ‘ “ crne » IjnsStaß. }°,f£ Orders, botes, Acceptances, InheritsanSittc &ill ItniS,: , For-, mgn jßlvsfeJlond-iTAna s^g^} ncgutfawtnrofoha. a nolliia i cv 7 ml' nunl &VCS unTilqsiS iTuT Jraffiifeß •s^SrKliSSi“ amiP KKIL • [ ac-ut'jtit}iil bun aellualt iUcbnnnlaJl ou BLI ' ! free i| iMTIRINE BANK, INBVaANCI CO."‘ A u,~£ $&OtoO»*aioiO J_L ! i£^IOISOK<St p'ia" biiU't..’4F*Hrt b -Wr JJ CKi‘f l t t u v« =! 1 '«“>W. ml. 3ll<»?Wg& <W«£T &XU ’ li uv«i ifrmT*.“sl,;,qcM> A. In )is , * Chicago, the house. Mill Creek, a large nerer-faiilng stream, rnns through the thrm. All the Stock, Hayand <iSS Implements, and Household Fnmit ire mar be sntw ehosee together, or the Farm separately, tida Farm “4 p .*? T s2£? tß, J? eauty °* location, richness of soil, Se sStt? •oironndlngs, perhaps, is second to none S P® ftw«L afl cash down, for the IlL* q«ui SHALE wIBESf-^BB^TONS" HOHostt i ■ ■ «ZgFsmg2aiKtia-,r:l ‘-tnref -■ : -,.:lndfirtadmdijQrstieOT- -, .. , '•■ ■ Srw^CMgirn. gC5g~- a Vi : - ‘ ''• *T I : ~ | vvv'''. •>'■’- s£ SFBDfG A?fl> SMOIK!! GOODS, ... ~sm3 I SS™* «®'o..-wbloD Tt are pro. :. IB 6i. ; i^SpiS^xEA]bE ; ißcf ■HfW.HUKTfeCO,, ; -"j .33 and 35, toke street,; Clijenjjo, :. . .".. Seady MadeMotiiiig, *';• • : • Attd-Beaierg tn | :>..V ®LEMEH J S - EUBIiISHIHG 6DOD .. . : Clotha, CcaHDg*, : Tailors* *• •;•:;* ;;TrimmlDgs r ii:<x.&<x 1 Oar stock W&sdk ■ ■■:■ 'y ~ : At-tU) Xiowes t -Prices. t® *IB....STAXE-STHEEX;. ’.le'-drJi tiiiici. GjRbCERS, C«3b Defer: areporUcolerlV invlteatb ia examination ..., . - - . ofoor etQct'Of.. . - ■ Waire, ... PKffSv IXRIEb : &0., &c. •V C;4Sok' £ C^‘ r i 1G Sc IS....STATESTREET.!..IO & *£• - •- mi. tlof Keir York, 186K; SPRIRR TRADE. FIELD, OiNEßfp & SO^ SJ and S3 Sout!i' TSTatoi Street,. 'IMPORTERS AND J688E1,3 OF SSTIOI iinen : arid • Cotton' Goods ADAPTED TVF«p ■2? 3SC 33 "X- ES.’j£Wlx>’3El. -CraWy^pM'DifJKgTir HiirbH cstibnrtod honie a' Uue ol piece .Croofli, acfaptecl to ilen’a wear. at the Hottest Prices. I • AGESIS, FOB .TEE iIIERIC.LV FASHI6SS. mh3e141.2m .. . - j e ; COKCESSIONI A BE £Bh| ~ 87 Lake St. • - 43 .Wabash Ave., ■> Fr “ !nro oftbe ********** cdficiLlATiori mk cdhcessioh, So to as they can bo effected^? liow t?ricos. 1 ■ ... .. Gg®?*, Hoisory and notions, r XThsurpassedin’ ! FBESttIEBS, ClittPaEßS A(l8 BEfli. VALUE.' Tbew are times fqr. * •‘lcttom rather. t’uxn. W'drds, . ; ApAwe have detu'wined on a course of tiari'Wrt. PRO FITS,-and. It Will ba i£^ nAl ; 0^ ie P a /i^« CioSE BDTBR4 not to «x --rJR* r n of KNOWN BRANDS OF HKATT DaE , l | S O I (?Ofe 3 . nOSIJJIiY ' .COriONADES^.ASD: T)E LAFOPRCADE •Jj/ "V :1 • • & CO, • ' : ; 631 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Are now recelTlcg thelr y-' | si?xirN-c», iM3?o,RTATijdirA .... . ... ... . -.??.’ fV ~.1 S.. ■€jLOTH§^ ; <CASSpffERES^ ; " : z ..,. vfiSTiNcs,:; ;; to which TCTyiNTrrB Atg attention or 1860'■ ' 'PAIi. TKMSK" j 1860 I ‘?.v r | 5- ? •-» r ■»! mmi; p/ j > :i,: ' WABASH ATESTB^ U3BW 2HT KSI'iWIAKD T 4rg>:si:oß: ]gI3GOQK-.& PHSK, ‘ | ;et , jHWßOttMeßaafcßßJvl’r:’;;;' Ilaiogary,, Epaewsad iM j ~ rfliijftifa ; mfiaiid and to Order,^ t47rSonlli Water Sta<£eagp^Uiftre: 1 Dgjbt for eelchrated Standard Medicinal Speclamics, dealgnad«£; and the FarSily".'; : DOCS SK" Blaluper’a Celebrated Old Zonave Gla i ~ y. Btoingert Celebrated Old Zonave Conran, ; -•- 1 'rEalagerTf Celebrated Old-ZonaVh BOurbocoCSatro* ■Srre. ! ■ . n , SlSJ2i££ 9 £SJ&»£3 OJd Bourbon. » Celebrated Genuine SfedßaifiVCoffiiaa.-, ;. gjiilnjier’s celebrated Gennlna PaMSheiraWltrrj' “ Blnlcgcr’s Celebrated Genoine“Pare Madoria THai:' Blnlngcr s Celebrated Genuine 'WheatTonic. ■ 9fflniadHhboßgaha!ft Whisky. BlhffigeiVTieleßnited Genuine Apple GordlaL froOf B nlnpertHomesteAd, i 1 ■ _- Blnlngert'CeffehraiediGeauinc Tiaro Ripe CoMfitC - * * PBlnjoger a Celebrated GenulneOldame* Family Bye,. wolngejrs CetrtfratetrGcflultfh Banada Panch, ni -jU Also, Ulrdnger's Bqn.inet Bonbon, Cognac and-Gln' - n-> In liandapmnr “ onarebottfe of ofib ana two dozen In a cue' * byall Dragrlsra. ! ?*Jagj<gaß-to.»tTlfitV ftv|» *3K)TTAFKIEG&>f.-. t trtTLfeV''HIBBARDiv I & CO^ iA 7 T/i ~' ; taKiiraaa-^r r - i 1 i ,Sj Z MmAA piiiir Qfcjtqfc eg : errr tb ti* trtda,',t tia i.O'rfS2T i*i^rrrr QHA JiVof ifiK tozes TQLPLAT3. i •? .mtte uramjraHU.T h \ la v IHITATIOR BU3SU. j *' biKSaVulSß®* mMvmrtms*, \ .wr i f35 ea«£s SHEET ZDTO, ' .; .ta| JTttcrrsiH Tnijiia y.i COPPED BOTTOMS, » , w ca«i» BRIGHT OX at! COIL CHAIESI c •* ... rrtnnq s L»o u spades tnfi scoora s - -- S5 toni —BAD IBONS j t£ < ■“ '■■°- i TUME/lll^RD i i-ci.i erg. ::‘earnerorststefcnd laVr Kt*.- 1 tajfr.iS '— .i',.'Ml >r<nr‘e»ffl?gre7B'ana'^o^ea: aD^Jwtln| j bx ■H6. : of Vabash-tomi*. U\£Qi' Si f ■■-ii i^. l '.., i =••. 1 Hare Estoraa toga-and-'deslraMe‘ l «tec*-of goofed iSWch t2T*y srfil sell•jrery cheap to cash, and-prompt . wmokittadaii lA^anUiforintcficlTE'Patent Hotalfio jffiii Shoes la all the States with ont exception. : iu.;. •'T'-!"N U &! •”^^ppEED^|^Kß|ir5 1 =:i Tfe offer nsm ' I ■,! .3m :,* ; : _totr»ilcn WILLIAM BLAIS &. CO., Ho. 173 Lake street. UN" DRIED COEN ATE AT. - Infield HUIa-SCO this, of tMa ■ — Reuses. iMais & CO,, ■, C\T ,i?f : \Vf Jaynti; Streeisj ■"'' :i ■■■■■■• r a»7» pieced t&etrSprias of -r ■ I Mit Dress Gooas.lnGrcatVariety, •. WHITE GOODS, embroideries, &c., •;;^TM^‘ttejyflJaen’attlißXdWe3tEasteraPrlcea. fsJlS.eSJra CALL AND SEE. ■4Sfc& CAPS:. STRAW -•• -ft GOODS. '- :*. •* WjSSi W!LLIAMS;& CO., S9 & 41... .-lake Street, -Ohictgo.-.;..39 ft 4L itSyUh'ACXUItEBS'AXI) RFuT-gya JK -Bats,-Caps, and Straw Goods, i :•• P l ® spbikg stock ■ -:. IS TK OBBESt AID MOST COMPLETE. .: :. v*;;. tte dtp, which we will seU at the . jVjstyy.::. prioes. mhUcaMm-i- : - -.* • RIOTER & SPRIIfG- TItADE. • _ - completed the ftemoyal of oar Dry Goods Jobbing' Department TO HOS.T4 AND 70 T.iTTR STEKE?, .;:: j _we,ate new ocik&g additions of FRESH ASD SEASONABLE GOODS, » «M»t TIME BDTEBS, BOYHSISr, BROTHERS. Importers and Jobbers. Snswana; 1 R B t . M A B INK, -LXEST IIS ITS ahc e; KILLSa A WILLIBABTBi 1861. ibr tlia :'SlA'traiATa'AJr : MFE, of Sew Imk, -H9383, —, • -■; -■« II -BSIBNIXj'i « ■« visaraem, CITIZENS, TBOVIDEKCE WiSHEISOTN, S>r«« ;f Tldonce, R, I, ; : : COSWAY, of Bolton, infoii, HcwpEf, or sprinefloia,mu*!. , C&plts! £S» Sarplas, ' ■ OSce, Ro« ; 250 Soatb UTate; Street* pHCENIX INSURANCE CO., os EiarTosD, cootscucui. L jABMIjr jot, 1880. ; CASH CAPITAL J...,.,,. EUBFLDB .'Cash-on band, and in 8an^T^........ ‘ »LS63«a B^llloll3llsl3o *duefrotaA«6ato..l. S4J3L9B ■■Real Estate, aula cumbered BJOda -Loaned on Mortgages of IJeßiEstßtc;.... ptyonr ; Amount loaned on pledged Bansuiock.:..... tfaww TL-.yEu.ns tr. B. Traß Co.l Et .^rtfordßankßlock..».,.i.,„;.,' i ,..istLfiOil - : HAI7S -"If alertnrynant5t0e15............... urj» BUffordßankßtock.fltafford..«oJ . • .ita. Holyoke Water Fr. Co.’s Ptocla 13,000 mxat New.Brllaln Water Bonds • iff ■tv i • Hartford City Bonds .- IQM3 13.50Q V_|g. • ■ Toot IRaLIIKIrr. - - . 840,704.58 '•.'‘ - H, KXLLOQO, Secretary. ft HUmr, Aganta. - • -.. •• t; v .•; ... . ’ No. 1 Lootula* SaildlM: ' Corner Clark and Water streets, ChSago.' . AppucAttoM Cor Insurance, or tbs renewal of £oll des ssd attbudneas connected with the o±ce, tnaj be -55Sl?S-5?^5i.5Si 1 ? r ** p P fll ? ted ’4P nSa for the or Chicago, With-full power to rccefre proposals and laroa - .‘Policies, pa a* -favorable term* as other responsible ; wmpwdei; and to aim wlil be to secure the coni. ,dmeo of the public ny an honorable course of dealing. ; 'it MAO ILL, General Agent- a and S3 West ThSd ' itoaet-'CiadSatl, Ohio. toTwhom djappllcations fti AsOndes. la the Western or Southwestern States m»y -heoddrteaed. • - lapaAO-ly iKanblcfS, Soap, At. JJIiOCTOIi & GAMBLE, :':. 24, WEST SECOND STBEET, ■G .l ' isr G I 3ST- 3ST A T I. , ;fP -.->.Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la Star aid-linpw Candles, .I. j ' 0I?!np, Genual and Palni Soap, I ABB OIt.PEABLSTJROH; FABCY SBAP3, &C., ; if."f CANDLES SOLD B¥ ACTUAL TFEIQHT. ... •J'.ltla'welltnowa that many Star Candles that are sewn to the pound, ar«-branded-and sold as *‘Btxes."-TheraJs a dl* ad vantage and a loss Inihla- to bolh retailers and cotsumere, even If tha. . C4Colea are bouebt at a reduction cents nerlh- iheprlccof thoregular article. Tims: ' of contajra ijio Candies, and Is sold far iJ lbs as say 13 ct5...j7.20 ‘ A box'tfsernw" contains tbe same number of - ~/iC»Bidles.e*m9'ai«l*»6ldfopS4lb3;aCTr*i; - gcp * ‘ v In, favor ofbuylcg by weight. ,<o indifference becomes greatrraa tbe price ad- tbattbe retallercao-gct no more forblsSSOCandlesln one case Stun la tbe oilier, cbn* seqneotly.on every hundred boxes of .“short welchf* * betclls,'bQ losestobtt dollies, mhlSe2l3-lmduw ;M IT.CHELL & Z A HM. , .■ macjiCTuma of : , IALLCrW, CAjrDLEB Ain3 SOAPS, 'Woo!. PeJti, BewJa and pork, Factory on corner of State street sad Archer Bead. Offlce H Kliute atreet. • , J. , ; . Jllfclal.. .. - tJWIB ?&) Rippers. -g-P'RCIAL N 0;T Ic E ,' TO SZXTPPESSt Mlolifgaa-Soatherasad rforthera :^fS^la4l»Bia;,Eillrda4: i■: ; FREIGHT lilNB’ isTEOTT, cm V ELAND, bOiIiAXOrALBANY* -NEW-YOBK.- BOaTOH ..nrrny,' zii - J Bstiia the and^^oAda."' ■ to Erprew Weight Tridh wfl] leave CMcairo Station * Twelfth itreeta; daDyjatii o’clock' ha haring their wm, Dg|AlC2.aild u rtw msinss asfty any other- -j^ssges^ig^%%sa!. -.froe*'* y*: Cssen*: from CMcagbto Clsrelaad, Dan- or hfewXort irtttout ckiage Line v ‘ »"ilark Freight darned,fbr.thla One. ’"Via .-Mgdgarf SOdfeern-BaHrmwl BrpreM Freight" • a l-GffioO? South dark street, and at Chicago Station. .; .X „ ■ • .—B.-B, Pfißntß, " •■-■gga.-Snp/Toledg.; "'' . Act." s-Ja&ly-—.i ••• : ~ MrGBAY, Coa’tAgenu T;IG B-T 0, - : ; S EIPPIRS ■ 3 f 6 'offer Shlppei ; a , snpezlor «d - from ■ aWc«»to^^etwi%ißtoi-.Hiarlnr®7elyiJDcreaa. and machinery, and;. faowtf :popnlAr-rJata to : hntxne change ofdarabTtween • Chicago by, % / ; : - St.y-- >3^u»lsi^r»janthrrtieA ; Bills of: ne&inalgned, in Chicago, to “Pittsburgh. Ft frame diChicago K. K, via PUtsbnrgh & Peonstlrauia E. &."*■• Ort^tbajiewand-upecUtlotu ronte,* via Crestline a' io Jlnnklck, New.-Tork; Boa tort, qndall pqiotslnNe wTorfcadd tbeNewFagland Stat^ 1 -Trelght forwaraed via tale ronjereQolrtaaoitroiisier bf jto Agent for this ronte.-andakm'e 1 sntfiorized tc> issue' Throogn EIUs of l^ta^yar-Ffelghtlowjirded via- Crestline and Clevelaim. AHFrtlgut Intended; to ta East, -vi* this rontesbojUd becoa«lgne<L in Chicago to -^,£y a cmc e 3 RTa. line A Cferdand. , .. ... i . .-n j the famd' Saff toother »»• ronrpettoff-lia ea." ftnd'alrciib£lventfl d«>a»fe*o4Ap6ildr«ap»W-ef t ft... ,:a:s oltt dud oif ViSO&stOV } i -*[IZ: j | ;;r hnd i^^Sssss^sm sisyy.tvj : ..i --u- •fWifi? 4 aW»Kteiie*tr«i/ ftpri ; aiia- Wpper . jCopper Points-with surer acdlgold, i Sm * Wivth &b?ht incise. ‘X Attachments ‘q. if Self-Acting Water Injector, FOB FBBDUfa BOILKBS •WBftwi; ii ■!-. - ■' a«jaei»sr'ajt*nKl j V’ : notMsisa the Recalled “eta*,"’ “Aromatsa." A - tt muiiiGEa ft co„ inrraj ■ ■ ••—I- ,-•• • 19Sroad Street,N.T. OLD'- TB&CS.KM BfcmSßS ■ . ■ ■—; ; ■ -AND ■ • ' ■■' :. THkftg DKICIOTJ3 AND PA&PAMSD BITTERS ■ y First HijMdaaa oftka Country, caaocoont of thur TCBZT? AND QERVT , HEDZCZKAL-TIDTUS ;• ! ‘ Tbej K6 oJmanl u metir to ti« k. jro „4searfM, 'toicenmlf. -. _• - • ;• j -Their erasurepo-yert la cesaa of GENERAL DB.- BXETT3V LOSS’ OP . APPSTITS, CONSTIPATION, Et&, ca paralleled, aiitLaa a gaapactSee that ws fbel warranted in dalTlLg what we do, we beg tea-rate ' Hate that oarMeertiona : OT endorsed by &*6f» SULIMAIT, ofTmle ColleffO, HATES] of Sbuaeluuetts. . And htmdrede.Qf others. 1 : For sale Wholesale LrCWcago by .; I - - •• "'■’••■ £pWAHD FOSTER,' :■ irtift-xoi* w^^^lioeaM^ooriMerchant, ■ - So. IP Soofti Water street, rhiwg-Y.. Set: QEICAGO LEAD WORKS, .. Cor, and PdKon street, West Side, LEAD PIPE, BAR. AMD SHEET LEAD, ‘ Shot, TFUieXead and iLftltai^e, HG LEAD, FCiTPS AND. HTDHATTLIC HAMS. nfe** ftwn the trade’solleitedj Cash naldfor OMLead and flax Seed. - r. o. Box!s2gT —f” ' : ■ - B. W>BLA.TCHFORD. •—AjO>- JgEEBE’S CORE SHEERER S : S A^ ; ;A:T OJB , PROPRIETOR, Post Office Box 1932, Cbleago, HIIhoU. u a m; . « TH!s Machine is cbnilderad by- those nilaj !: to bo the cheapest and most economical crer constructed. The amount of pbyfey required to ran U Is very small, and It .wastesno «rala..~ With from two to six horse power It will .. . .. ; , ■ SHELL, CLEAN AND BAG From 1000 to 4000 Bushels of Com • • - . j per day. * . .Prteefirom flMtogns; according to style. All persons Interested in machinery of this class will find Itto thelr.advantagato: '•. SE WD FOR A CIRCULAR. QJ A UTI ON; W:h ere as, .sioaKoxa . lS3^gj.9l ' GEO. W. CHAMiS & CO., H»tb. m tbs remit of tt-a-transfer of mr -wots horn the-r shop to that of n. Si Benton, most "villainously «ii^9j?£c£ t n ,r?pr s , S otea me » And adTtrttted to wiiJi^9°s^ tl ? 1 l? r ands fP ara * orm,derth e style of Keadlae s Patent Corn Shelier and Separator. There. t 1 ! all persona-from purchasing the said Machines ofthem, aa thev hare no right to manu. tactnre or sell them, and all persons latrinziog noon be prosecutldto the DGANE’S NEW BARREL * machinery. VABEAHTKD IN AHEBICA. To Cooper® i ' w l f„°,Jlrtng'Uil3 tfew and Unequalled Barrel Machine. S ofthe Northwest and. South, *j> «~ < .^ se a ftineß \ that It win his found j Beet and most Perfect, the .moat and Labor Saving and cheapest of any ta use. 1111641 DOAKE <fe mmLßtrrs Stare Sawing, and UTaclilns. ; FOB.TIGHT WORK. - ’all others,b» ereryparttcu to--It. saw? the stave team the bolt enrvesand the battel alfat ©Soper*. non, from WWQ to.IOJXO per day. WUI *33to $5« par day clear of all expenses. To go with thawe aUUndL AJso° f m4Clliae * Tight Barrel Work ot MACHINS, for Floor DOANK*B HEADING CUTTER.fetF!anrßam>,’» • all tlnda or DUANE’S FOOT JOINTER for Floor Harr*!*. DUANE’S foriJ kfodf?f heads D °t£?d fflSJ*™ 1 ® SaUSS B AWING hi ACHUTE, for aD hinds Tnacrilne b also the Best Shingle Doanehas the only Barrel Machlnerr fhr OomnicHw* Hoar Barrels from Iha latcostthonMnda cfdollare to perfect—la made ©firm r *ll compctlon oat of the qaesttotu' IST Don't spendil ttr Barrel or Stave Macnlnerr, until ypn see DoaneM, Send for our catalogue and dr* cnlard. Address S. O.Boxma. W: a DOANS. - tnylttSSAly] , . iSi .Clark street. Chicago. •• Eg. hall, rtmbark & co., • : ■ Importer* and’Dealers in , Xarc>jXf steel. • ; AND HEATS' HARDWARE.. . H0a.139 and, 133■ Chicago, Q.UNNIES! IGUNNIES |!! lt«se Cenalgainurtaf GITW : ]V;Y : -: : B-A;G : S,; ■ FOB’SALE BT - GILBERT HUBBARD >• CO. f : : Hot, 205 and2o7 South Water Street, Chicago. feJteni-Sw rj-UNNT. Bags,—loo,ooo Gmmy VA Bags, Extra Heavy, ; -- FOB SALE CHEAP, At the Com Exchange Bae'-Pactorr. 177 South Water 'TJ&n-m . W.'ASTE.N* CO. . JAMES H. CHILDS,. & CO. HfiiU Flttaburcii.'paxub'i Beamless Srimi: Bags, ■ attd;df ; 'I-;, - • • ; A ; B VTl—Wft *r.ipwp«wttg rtoalva 'onjen'&oia too. trada. - .... m-dTSJr ;TJAQS-BAG3kBAGS4-BA6g -3J " edan vxcskrmv - . BA« •IHAittFiiioirdßy.r ,? kasttictussks msoiixas St. - .. /Rflga ofKyfery IDescription. ’ *®?, Gro «e***.Bas»3naae aedprjated t. anler' wlth.beaotifolorandi. ' « Qlin rßa?X-for6tdpp«ra, Adlers and For- AorsMise. for Floors Bnntwheafc-Fe6a, Ilaina. Be!LB66dZ " ’■v • -■^OrtoMsdSrttt'ini^ait^ind til&ttSh. &n losaed to shlppera, ‘ ‘ AGE^QY; ; 3Z&-90 tlil'- W of Tarion* sizes sad gttSJlneg.*. '* . , . • r w r ; 6 * l ***- p!iztad 10 vHAU ■*■•'‘ ‘ - : . . Commission Grocers ua vm. :£Sg. »? 1 innurj ;•— ; .-gnneas*cgAi»wiif: J sisis^i 'SMAIili OOAD, ["■ ■■•.gtauai-]d<i>«l^''‘ u V SnatCbaA ' BsuQ Coad,’ i KmaU Oom]^ , i ii.’. .i kcsfaa vsm .-yiig‘j;",„• ; i unKsinEbv« ;<»«,. wcjwbhs, •■■ LITTUiFIiID'S <>oll, BVBXEB& JBOJJ>MWiiVAi£.“iit 1 ' r V\: - - SOLO : i :y«a 6ci*aci, EWART'S GOOEDf&STOVE of HoraoiMplnjJ£rg£S XT OOPS. HOOPS. MESSRS. * CO-at FcrtWayne, Indiana. FteW&gfcSS Set, B 1 *1. 1 :W: s:;E‘ e■* - a i**u -„«> Xa-Sir" I sjul ti# Family, Wigwam Tonio. AND t. A. BEEBE, sJags. ‘tail* : jT liisa m. •MB?ii,;!t'a - sisis «X»fecc B'-itiitu'cassiOa' ■ -ataffliiTD BACKS 1 Of every description, farnlafeedoa. * •snort -notice;* ana ‘printed. -wlti-' ISrtr' ajuT BriirtCiVUngM* ‘'‘ ‘ -1- * ZASffILL. SpM3ptnj r t7Ul. • . ■• v j„'v- s-.i’.- gtofeesi &f.:: Nchj DE CBEATION f COMBINED •“ - ■with nrerertrm>. v . CZERMjp’S One Bondred Lessons, ' I - B iT C AEi, C Z ER2TV. SSHsjBS^sSS sSSSHH tne master of the. vartottakiyaaai &!• Tv * e ,l** meats of the piano-forts. - *• w “ iL - ClJT '»‘ ; Price,.. Published by . mhlSeOTSw TX4INES’ ‘NEW’ TREATISE’— D * B -, C P°K« * <*•’* RerUdd’Edltlon. an India. thQ Peace- PoUee Magls. Ta •™.i ♦ New Treaiiie, « complete eleaaat ocUrb TotumeJVoatalnlc hc?t u^:S: UM^lfx2s , s. Co - 4W X teed -* 4tf, *R. t ' f Hal eV Trei: S*maImSHJS “V*a««Mo.-roocipt Of the pnc«, S it tA? tte edition of 1 NasTTruatfce U ftmlS and LT?H_ not l* cs4 le to delay cmiars. Sccdatonca end secure a copy; *aare» ftt brdepTto 1 onca D. B, OOOKK 4r CO^SolsPubUsherft, - * ' 111 Latte street. M R -TAYLQE-’S DEC!GET PUR P ■ SKD JCSSi" by B. -. ... D. B r eoftcK * CO.. 35burgttoaaR AURORA::. [EfSTITBTTE ASD XXCLABK SEMlNAßY.—Snperh‘Sto~e Bnlldlnz. IlreProeC__Ten experlencrd Philoso cal ApparattutPianos, Cabiaat,- Hert«rlai£^etc Spring- Sins -Opens E* l(^ys 3 t * ha >e ® 4=4 xo*t oob-ttaia'al cdncatlonaX estahiahmento In the cotmiry.'*—((Sleago^ lrtbocc. °» soch iS wl-h to seenre a thorcegh cdacation at low i^u^" r -taprla-2€ld Joar. PAMILY SCHOOL, limitcl to 12 „ Toang-Ladlea, by Rev. G. W. Woodisaril Gene 9thSS>lStIS. tmbq:lll3 iIayT.ML JS perwert T' t S^?*^? Dr -^: H - C*Pi Webster. Rcr lv^’r H T ° a \T&°3: imnasoiidi £Wn. Van ft Kig. gins, Nv. M. Larrabee. Ksq. .. __ jah2-STaT4m. Bruggists anb-apntljecaties. pONCENTRATED LTE - Incase ■ wholwsls Dras-lils, in ma ns Lite soeet. T>OTASH—In ca«ks, orkt'sjs—For J- . J;ltfcß*D£co. -■ - nhoiesaie Druggists, B« acdlg Lake strear. DORAX—Refined. mD JkJf sale br‘ J-H-feSi _ . Wholesale Druggists, &tand:fr T) AT & RACKING. A RNOLD’S sized For -*•*- *' J.-te-'IiESD £ co„ Lake Btxeet. R H 6 S, E T.''oij| E T C., 50 Ibslodila Potass, B., 80 lbs Oil priaSj£ 80 lbs Oil Lemon, -primal•■■ 60 lbs Oil Saasatras, ; 50 lbs Oil Wintargrtan,; ; ‘,r 20 bbls Soil Brimstone, ■ • l 100 Kegs Bicarb. Soda, Castlo, f .. 60 bus Canary Seed*: ■ 50 bus Hemp Seed, --u'-r. 1000 lbs Be final Borax,’. 20 bbls Assorted Glnaa' ' ~ * SMITH & CWTFR. Oppo.«»e_Trcmoat House, JjVREtfCH ARTmdt& Eim Loir fjr cash. lotKfiSS^S? 0 * 8 * ' TCrof- AT GALB BHoralKS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL OEIfGG’.STS, No. 2JJ Randolph, street, Chltaso. ELASTIC "STOCKINGS. «^S£s@S§.« Beb r» f»=#p usMrtmtnt GALErBROrnERS, “Wholesale and Retail DrerclsKttWßfrdolph street ilumbfr, ifr.] L E R!! WALLACE &. MOtnCS, (FOSaUBLT JOHN a .vr>r.i!jnrji Hare constantly on band, a stock of Hard and 'Woi^L, LBMBEB, UTH, SPOKES, STAVESSttHIISIES ' ,AT WHOLESALE OS' KsfijL. And will fumhh Bills forLumbcc-■'TltiWr and VThfto Oak Piling, to order on the shortest duckfr. They are also prepared to do a general-CommlMjan Bn»Ja*.9, and to make liberal cash advances oa all finds of Lum ber soßalsocd to Them to sell either hf-car~-> orrunv «“L Office andTard. on.iha>aflracv of yui and Grove streew. Sooth Branch, CldcagS Jr? PostOtaeenrawerGlli. mhs-a:6Ma JMPOP.TANT TO BBILDER3- JAMES McCAMMOS, .. ,;i :j .1 7 Canal Street, *«t Ifadfmn And Wa&ingtai Stff* CHICAGO; j, Maanfscturer and dealer li all kinds-M Word Mcnld laga. Doorjambs and ArchltniTe«r«anv desired pat tern, Circular Monlrlinss any Radius Wood T;inbj m all Its branches, Scroll Sawine and Coralc-i Brackets f-S?2SS r -S f P a ?«ni»r -Octagon aiui four sided Baliiv m hapd asd made to order: ftatr Hailing and Brackets. Piftnia* anil Matching anti Saw •lD?l^oD«P order In th® beat maaqef shortest .notice*. Hence Pickets. Partfcriar nfemfKm clrcn to filling orders from the country loeajfrJaDd all of the above JlaQriptlona of.wort. Bilk ftr-Oloash and Drnaed Lumber Ailed with dispatch «u<b shipped at the lowest market price. Tour aC&ntfas ts invited be fore pnrchasdng elsewhere. :— *• Good work and low prices win-." • •-* Agent for WM. IE HILL'S Justly .celebrated COVEKMNG VALVES, For Steam jingfoe*. warranted'to regulate the motion Port Office Box 43SL '■‘twmAj Mo ©lifWrs. J’O • PBOPmTT;;iVOStNER3, ABCHTTECTSy ASD Jaiji£l)KKS, . and bolldgnoabtfldi^.' 1 ifo building a &QPP_^^y;|g>r. ” I hare the naterlala and amhcrc to. not.rt oa and to srooC ItwllT oatSscTiSorfialTanijod Iron twoop,tor*etf>T>ea;aridmp»a(4ai»arerto Fire “du‘ IRON^-CORRUCATEAiifiON, Saturated with-hot mineral lalbUtta* the mnb tnre-and onUea with tee Iron, so that isadunot ovkilze. and If palmed every flve rears will inrtTQSltiinft v igZtoUT. -EB? D i FREES, Cleveland, Ohio. T..* - T ■•.-A Ct. hXA liliS, Agent for Chicago. • BaqalfeatFay*kro,VMffcfitflS)r Sooth Clark street where sample* cttlwTobf-odtfbe a^en. fel3rSß-8a- :zJ .-z±\irti tons -: J PHIKn PRtirHIB^S •-rorMie-br; co - mmfcaic-iT ■ , . -re .irat j ERumi 7 11 1 10 8: KASDftVPH EE T, ''Baalaiiin We are’ selling, until' Ofaaaes « to CUcr TXRO VISIONS ASTD GRO- - _ CEBIE3 TO BB - - CLOSED- XTI3T¥ Oc* •: . ,?an»>g Very Xi e s :: ; « Atß’o.rlS Sfifeisas ■ i _> ; k : .T a.,vs**lX .. so.imaßiortv : ■sxo.issßfdttg . 8000 lbs. -r| i o$ •; ; STOBETO-B^l iXte' pfs’kr fou;?sS£6 at >fj i-: : *LQW, PRiCHgeqlafctildt 200 BOXES sItERATtrS. ■_2a L BOX£%PQ fash* : 100 ooKCßSTfey«y™p2r r inima T.rri ..- ■• M __.w aoesdx Sal U!Cr^J^ly >OHhdisogar; 10V EMa. Samr • ioo Bbla. X. TiSytapr; TvSiraiintif^^^? 00 *" ~: . ACOu t??Sa!£^ 'pBAS, PQ^K.|S^SgAR, At low figure* tor caah buyers. .:£?, .-. . - KQBTOK.~BOtrn * CBi.TKEW’BtffrjitrMt. <WaSX&M*B> - i * ■ 1 BCTKPWttifrTltfc CO. io MfiSSiS «®g!S6i®MWN* ; = HBfaOLlS_ TtT.T .v ™ 12.00 lOO^^^.CODFiSH. &ayao*aja»‘£LT* CO. T^^f,*rrJi2. 00 Packages ilackereL _ Plcklod Herring, Codflafc kk! WMteSeh, ta atcor 91.50. A. JODSOjr HIQfJUtS, - • t*.o Clarlc street. |rrel3 For cp * co.. _Laiestre*’S.