OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1860-1864, April 04, 1861, Image 4

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Ci)(t<>jQ Snlmnc.
; s ; THOBSDAY, APBtt. 4,1881.
Wedst&dat ETEKtko,
Esxhangc continues dull decidedly. With the
large amount of currency how discredited It can
not be maintained at present rates. The selling
price was 4 per cent premium, but best custopofers
could readily obtain cohcessioM ot 'M sfid perhups
even more on round lots. The bhying price was
S cent. The large margin shows decidedly a
weak market. Gold nominally the same as ex
change. , - „ • -
Thu xntokut is still abundantly supplied. Reliable
fcusineas paper Ib not only scarce; but there is al*
inost none of it offering.
t Tee Merchants’ Association.—lt will be recol
lected that a bank with the above title, to„bo lo
cated In this dty, was chartered at the last meet
ing of the Legislature. The capital is one million
dollars, with power to increase it tojtve millions.
It has foil banking powers, with the exception of
the privilege to issue bills. The corporators are
*C. L. Harmon, j. C. Walter, Wm. Blair, J. K.
•Botsford, Thus. Chutch, K. S. Wadsworth, M.
George Armour, Geo. Steel, Thos.H.Beebe,
•R. M. Hough. N. Tuttle, Ed. Hempstead, F. D.
Gray, Eli Bates, C. Briggs, H. G. Poweia, J. V.
Clark, C. C. Parks, J. fl. Reed, C. G. Wicker,
Geo. C. Cook, Jos. T. Eyerson, C. H. McCormick
»ad S. A. Smith. The names of the corporators
«:c a guarantee that the bank will be started with
actual mid that it J»nducted on
Eoond ficancLal* principlea. Over $200,000 of the
stock has already bden subscribed and 10 ft cent
Las been paid in. ; Thirty ft cent more is to be
paid on the 25th of April. The institution will
be organized whfen SIOO,OOO ih cash has been paid
in. This wiHTequire 40 ft cent on SSO s OOO, and It
Is now certain that the cash will be ready by
the first of Hay. We have heard gentlemen of the
highest standing spoken of as officers of the hank.
It will prove a most valuable addition to the busi
ness facilities of th: city.
Merchants m?crk : m EzjeCtkp —At a
meeting of the Mercantile Association held on
Tuesday evening, 2d lust., the following resolu
tions were adopted: ;
'Whereas- It has become certain that public sen
timent is no hostile to our present system of bask
-log thxt our mercantile men have been compelled
co rejet a part of the currency in self-defence;
Resolved* That the recent action of our .city
bankers in throwing out depreciated currency
meets our hearly approval: first, because the par
ties issuing it have violated their plighted faith to
public, and second, because when legislators
refuse to grant relief in such cases, we deem it but
an act of justice to the public for those who ban (He
and control the financial interest of the city to
take the reepozn-ibility upon themselves.
Resolved, That we will by every means in our
power sustain any and all banking institutions
which, wdi discredit all currency that is not prompt
ly redeemed at its counter’in coin or
diicount in Chicago.
Resolved, That ul banking houses which sustain
any other currency, from any motive whatever,
lawful or unlawful, are unworthy of the confidence
and sup .ort oi mercantile men, and should be sub
ject to the censure of every nun who desires our
commercial prosperity.
Resolved, That the city papers be.requested to
publish the above. George C. Cook, Pres’t,
W. G. Teoxtson’ Secy.
The Paxbt Bans.—The Pamet Bonk has made
good its securities, and was taken yesterday as
other currency. Several others arc expected to
do the same within a very few days.
The Rejected Loan oib Banes.— The Auditor’s
report showing the precise condition of all the
Illinois Banks onlast Saturday, will he found be
low. The Springfield Journal has figured .up the
exact valqe of the bills of the rcjecled Illinois
Banks according to the prices now ruling for bonds
in £he New York market, with improved results
from those given.in the report of Mr. Hurlbnt,
heretofore quoted. Three months more will
crease their value by the July coupons, if in the
meantime prices do -not decline. We omit from
the list the three that have been made good. It is
as follows:
Bank of Alfaio i .....$144,580 96
•Bank of Chester 78,452 " 86
Bank of Carmi *.... 112.196 90
•Bankof Pike County, ...125,518 91
♦Bank of Quincy. ...’ 49,734 86
Bank of the Republic 241,203 91
Hauk of Southern Illinois .. 274,971 91
Bank of the Federal Union 84.170 -03
Canal Bank 72.820 95
Bclvidere Back 7,776 84
Commercial Bank, N. Haven— 65 805 8S
Continental Bank 307,535 95
EdgarX'ounty Rank 57,814 90
•Omzenß*' Bank - 65,152 87
Corn Planters’ Bank 94,849 95
Farmers’ Bant of Metropolis... 77,235 94
PHrmcnr BankofJS. Canton.... 52,760 93
tFarmcxs & Traders’ Bank 91,896 90
FrouUtrßank 447,610 92
•Grand Prairie Bank 66 501 85
Uliaoiß Stale Bank, N, Haven... 48.895 ’97
•Merchants A Drovers’ Bank... 63,052 81
Mieeirsippl River Bank 118.950 91
•Morgan County Bank 59,302 85
New Markctßank...; 319,490 95 -
•Railroad Bank 90,632 . 65
fcbawanese Bank..’. 86,995 91
Pralrife State Bank 06,207 89
Union County Bank 60,210 97
•Heretofore discredited.
Business men should preserve this as well as
that sho wing the condition of all the banks of the
Statement of the Condition of the
■ Banks of Uliuois* for the Quarter
Budiug march Si, 1861*
Alisana Bank, Sullivan—Secured I>y
101,000 Tennessee 06}.
24.000 Virginia 6e, • •
Agricnltura' l Bank, Marlon—
«0,0(i0 Louisiana Os,
C 2.000 Tennessee oa,
.35,000 Illinois and Michigan Canal,
2,(XX) -North Carolina 65,,
. 4.00(1 Missouri 6s,
* 2,000 Virginia 6s,
1.000 Illinoi»6H, *
827 XU. New internal Imp. Stock.
v .circulation
American Bank, Vienna—
-6C.000 Illinois Ge,
45,000, New York 6fl,
37.000 Tgi'SeesceSs.
5.500 HUnols and Michigan Canal,
escalation.— ..
American Exchange Bank, Raleigh—
** £S,<WO Missouri 6s,
53.000 Virginia 6§,
t . 62,000 Tennessee Cs,
J',ooo Louisiana 6s,
w - Circulation..
Al ton Bank, Alton— =/.
23,820.25 Illinois 6s,
Circulation... .7
Bank of Aahlahd, Golcoada—
. 60.0U0 Tennessee 6*,
30,iHW North Carolina 6b,
. 1.1)00 Virginia 6s,
Bank t>f America, Chicago—
-2.000 Mieponri os,
Bank of America, Mt. Carmel—
-252.000 Dlinois (is.
55.250 Illinois and Michigan Canal,
6.000 Georgia 6s,
Bank of Aledo, Aiedo—
-21.000 Tennessee 6s,
17.000 North Carolina Qc
10.000 Virginia 6s,
10.000 United Slates sa,
■‘I,COO Illinois and Michigan Canal.
Bank of Albion, Albion—
■ 50,003 Minnceotaßs
35 030 Tennessee 6s,
27,'Ki> North Carolina 6s,
44, Georgia 6s,
5.280 Coupons, over dues reserved.
Bunk of Aurora, Aurora—
-364.000 Missouri 6«,
11.000 Louitlanh 6s,
Bonk of Benton. Benton—
-53.000 Virginia 6s,
42.000 Tennessee 6s,
v B,(XW U uited State* 6s
- circulation.
Bloomington, Bloomington—
• 34*945 OS Illinois New Internal Im'nt
15.400 Illinois and Michigan Canal.
Bank of Brooklyn, Brooklyn
20.000 Minnesota Bs,
50.000 Missouri Cs,
B.oOOTcnneseee Os,
Bank of Cannl, Carmi—
-56.000 Virginia 65,
■44 uQO Missouri 6s,
22.000 Tennessee Cs,
15.000 North Carolina 6s.
„ , Circalatlba.
Bank of Chester, Chester-*
- 80.0UJ MisbouH 6s,
12.000 North < aroiina Ga.
Bank of Commerce, Vienna—
r.7,ooo Tennessee 6e,
(>6.000 United States ss,
icoiw lilluoia 6s,
16.500 Illinois and Michigan CanaL
• - Circulation
Bank of the Commonwealth. EobinVnn—
-61,01*0 Missouri 6s.
Bunk of Elgin—
- 57.000 Georgia 6s,
3,0CK3 Missouri 63.
B%uk of ih« Federal Union, Island—
GO. 000 Missouri 6b,
21.000 Illinois 6s.
20.000 Tennessee 6s,
2,003 United States 6s.
•Dank of Gaioua, Galena
-17,003 Missouri 6e.
11.000 Georgia 6s,
5,0u0 Virginia 6s,
20,415 45 Illinois New Internal
Circulation i5,65S
Bank nf Genesee, Geneeeo—
-32.000 Michigan 7s,
27 OOU Tennessee Ge,
32.600 North C aroiina C“,
2.000 Mlseouri 6s,
Bank of Illinois. New Haven—
• 78,000 Michigan 6s.
45.600 Louisiana 6s,
• 16,661 Ohio 68, •
, 10,000 Virginia 6e,
‘ .
4.000 Tennessee Ge,
2,0U) Kentucky 6s.
TUrjlc of Indemnity, Gallatin—
-92.000 United Stages ss, .
60,258 28 EL New Internal Improve.
' 10,000 lilioois 6s,
Circulation ifiLmn
Bank of Jackson County, Catbondale— .
37.000 Tennessee 6s, V
86.000 HUnois fis.
10.000 North Carolina Gf,
10.0 00 Michigan 6s.
•SJOOJCentackyGs, -
6SSSOIU. New Internal Imp'!.
Circulation 69,550
Bank of Metropolis, New Market—
-130.000 Tennessee Cs,
—48.000 Louisiana, 6*,
30.000 New York 6s,
17.600 North Carolina fis,
1.000 Virginia 6s.
■- Circulation
Bank of Naperrillo—
. 84,000 Tenoeaeee fie,'
ISvOOO Missouri 6s,
’ 2,oooNorth Carolina fts..
. Circulation $2,670
Bank of Northern Illinois, Waukegan—
. Ohcntetloß
- SO,OOO Louisiana 6a, .. ..
28.000 Teunesaeefij,
, -17,000 North Carolina bs, * '■■
10.000 KentudtyTSar.
« .• ■ fc Circulation ...’135,518
Bankpf, Gainey, Quincy—
01,OW Missouri 6s,
*_ ’ ‘ “ Chrchlatlon ; 49,734
Bank of Raleigh, Raleigh—
-167.000 Missouri 6s,
.16,000 Ohio 6«, -
4.000 Kentucky 6.
Circulation... *.151,670
Bank of the ReOublic, McLsanaboro— .
182.000 Tennessee ft, - - •
27.000 North Carolina 6*.
•** 22.669.96 Ohio 6s,
18.000 Illinois and Michigan Canal, -• j •
- 18,000 United States 6s,
4.000 Illinois 6b.
Circulation 1,,.., 541.50S
Bank of Sparta, Sparta—
.73,ooo NewTork6s,
30.000 Hlinois 6s,
19.182 Ohio ft,. .
15.000 North Carolin&fis.
14.000 Louisiana 6s,
10.000 Georgia 6s,
3,458.80 Hilnoia New Internal Improvement.
Circulation...., T7TT... 145,911
Bank of Southern Illinois, Bolton
-117.000 Tennesseefls,i >■■
82,006 Missouri 6s,
G0,500 Virginia ft. -
20.000 Michigan 6a,
18.000 lUinofs 6a,
16.000 niinoia and Michigan Canal,
10,000 Louisiana os,
Circulation 374,071
Belvidere Bank, BeMdere—
. 4,000 Missouri 6fl,
5.000 Virginia 6a,
Circulation . v , 7,776
Bond County Bank, Greenville—
20,000Tennessee 6s,
18.000 Georgia 6s,
17.000 Illinois 6s,
. “ 15,883 86 81. and Michigan CanaL
• 4,000 Kentucky 6a,
8.000 Michigan 6a,
340 Interest reserved.
Circulation 70,890
Bull’s Head Bant, Ste - Marie
-108, 000 Tennessee 6s,
46.690 North Carolina 6s, ’
46.000 Ohio 6s,
42.000 Illinolsft,
2.416 64 nr. New Int. Improvement,
2.000 Virginia 6s,
' Circulation 913,535
Canal Bank, Thebes—
-71.000 Tennessee 6a,
10.000 Georgia 6s,
10.000 Louisiana ft.
Circulation 72,820-
Central Bank. Peoria—
-44.250 Illinois and Michigan Canal.
39.000 Missouri 6s,
6.000 North Carolina 6s.
Circulation 77.164
City Bank, Ottawa—
-14.000 Tennessee 6s,
SO.OOi'United States Ss.
Circulation....- «* 28,187
Citizens’ Bank, Mt. Carmel—
-73.000 Missouri ft,
6.000 Virginia 6s,
5.000 Tennessee6s.
Circulation h 65,162
Chicago Bank— - .> . '
6,454 111. New Internal Improvement,
Circulation 4,908’
Com Planters’ Bank, Marshall—
-40.000 Tennessee 6s,
63.000 Virginia 6s,
15.000 North Carolina 6s. ' •
Clculation 94,849
Com Exchange Bank, Fairfield— v
172.000 Missouri 6s,
13.000 Louisiana 6s,
. 2.000 Michigan 6s,
3.000 Illinois 6s.
Circulation. 151, MS
Continental Bank, GrandviHe—
-43.000 Tennessee Cs»
18.000 Virginia 6s,
- 19.000 Louisiana 6a.
32.000 North*CaroUna 6s,
•16.000 Missouri 6s, ’
4.000 Kentucke 6s.
Circulation... 107,535
Commercial Banff, Palestine—
-120.000 Tennessee 6s,
25.000 North Carolina 6s,
10.000 United States sa.
.. Circulation 122,787
Commercial Bank, New Haven—
-76.000 Tennessee Os,
4.000 Louisiana 6s,
8.000 Illinois 65..
Circulation 65,805
Columbian Bank. Elizabethtown—
-92.000 Illinois 6s, * '
50.000 North Carolina 6s,
27.000 Tennessee 6a,
3.000 Ohio 6s,
4.750 Illinois and Michigan Canal.
Circulation ;..... 139,259
Cumberland County Bank, Greenup
-25, 000 New York 6s,
. 15,000 United States sa. '
14.000 Illinois and Michigan CanaL
Circulitton... 60,778
Douglas Bank, Metropolis—
-40.000 Tennessee 6s.
25.000 Virginia 6s.
Circulation 50.400
Eagle Bank of Illinois, Thebes—
-40.000 U.dted States ss,
32.000 Tennessee 6a,
I, interest reserved.
Circulation '63,065
Edgar County Bank, Paris—
-59.000 Louisiana 6s,
8.000 Missouri 6s.
Circulation : 57 gj4
E. I. Tinkham & Co.’s Bank, McLeansboro *
103,992 Ohio 6a.
Circulation 108 779
Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker & Co— ’
493 specie. -
Circulation 493
Farmers’ Bank, New Canton—
. 49,000 North Carolina 6s,
12.000 Tennessee 6s, -
120 Interest reserved.
Circulation 52,760
Farmers' Bank of Illinois, Metropolis—
-51.000 Missouri 6s.
81.000 Tennessee 6a,
19.000 North Carolina 6s.
Circulation. 77 235
Fanners & Traders’ Bank, Charleston— *
108.000 Virginia 6s.
Circulation 95 851
Franklin Bank, Greenville—
-55.U00 Tennessee 6s,
, 40,000 fllino! s and Michigan fhtiyi.
8,000 United States ss.
- Circulation 91,890
Frontier Bank, Benton
-835.000 Tennessee 6s.
91.000 Virginia 6s,
91.000 North Carolina 6s,'
14,285 Coupons over dua reserved.
Circulation 447g10
Fulton Bank, Vermont— ’
82.000 Tennessee 6s,
. 27,000 Ohio 6s,
il 000 Michigan 6s, .
: 8,000 Illinois 6s,
10.500 Illinola and Michigan CanaL
Circulation 78.082
Garden State BaakyHatsonville—
-85.000 Tenneseefis,
79.000 North Carolina 6s,
15.000 Virginia 6s,
11.000 Michigan 6s,
10.000 United States 6s.
Circulation 166,083
Grand Prairie Bank, Urbana—
-48.000 Missouri 6s,
30.000 Virginia 6s.
2.000 Louisiana 6s.
Circulation 66,501
Grayvllle Bank, Qrarville—
-225.000 Mieaonrine,
60.000 Minnesota Bs.
Circulation #87,989
Hampden Bank, McLeansboro—
-35.000 Tennessee 6s,
15.000 Virginia 6s,
12.000 North Carolina 6a,
1,230 Interrst reserved...
Circulation.; ; 61,110
Humboldt Bank,'Naperville—
-1011.000 Virginia ft,
69.000 Tennessee 6s,
750 Illinois and Michigan Canal.
Circulation 138,852
International Bank. Raleigh—
-83.00J Jllino e 6 s
88.000 lowa 7«,
9,600 Illinois and Mfchtgnn ftnnal
5,003 MicMson Cs,
Circulation 129.165
Illinois State Bank, New Haven—
-53.000 Tennessee 6s.
.2,000 Illinois and Michigan CanaL
5,069 18 Illinois New Internal Imp’t.
Circulation 46,895
Illinois State Security Bank, Equality—
’ 85,000 Illinois Gs,
70.000 Georgia 6s,
25.000 lowa 7»,
20.000 Michigan 6s.
3.000 Hlinois and Michigan Canal, ‘
Circulation 191,230
Illinois Central Bank, ' cwton—
-65.500 North Carolina 6a,
57.000 Michigan 6s,
28.000 lUinols 6s,
25.000 New York 6«,
15.000 United Slates ss,
3.000 Illinois and Michigan Canal.
Circulation 175.693
Illinois River Bank, Hardin—
-95,900 United States ss,
9.000 United States Gs,
6.000 Tennessee 6s,
Circulation 100,957
Jersey County Bank, Jerseyville—
-28.000 Tennessee 6s
14.000 North Carolina 6s,
11, Virginia 6s,
120 Reserved Interest.
Circulation 42,991
Kankakee Bank, Kankakee—
-53.000 North Carolina 6s,
17 000 Michigan 6s,
1.000 Illinois 6s,
780 Interest reserved.
_ Circulation 50.610
Karksekia Bank, Sullivan—
-50.000 Tennessee 6s,
10.000 North Carolina 6s,
11.000 United States ss.
5.000 Kentucky 6s.
Circulation 62,516'
Kane County Bank, Geneva
-18,541 specie.
, . Circulation 18,519
La Layelteßank, Bloomlncton—
-61.000 Missouri 6e,
7.000 Tennessee 6s,
2.500 Louisiana 6e. ‘ '
. Circulation 63,728
Lancaster Bank, Lancaster—
-133.000 Tennessee 6s.
Circulation 99,907
Lake Michigan Bank, Harrisburg—
-87.000 DUno is 6s,
83.000 Tennessee Gs.
21.000 Illinois and Michigan CanaL
11,486 64 111, New Int. Improvement,
Circulation, 181.420
Mafaalwe Bank, Marion—
-40.000 United States Ss.
18.000 Michigan 7s.
3.000 Tennessee ft,
1.000 North Carolina 6s _
Circulation 68.514
Marine Bank of Chicago—
-53,098 89 Si. New int. ImptbVement.
Circulation. 50,000
Marshal County Bank, La con —
24.500 Georgia 6s,
19.750 Illin 01s and Michigan Canal,
7.000 North Carolina 6a,
3.000 Illinois 6a. -
Circulation 50,468
McLean County Bank, Bloomington—
-19.000 Illinois 6s,
14,680 Illinois and Michigan Canal,
14,029 07 HI. New Int. Improvement.
4.000 Michigan 6s, *-
1.000 Louisiana 6s.
Circulation. 60,848
Mechanics' Back. Hardin—
-56.000 United Slates ss,
SV, N ® w Ixll Improvement,
7.500 Illinois and Michigan
C1rcu1ati0n...,,.... 63,921
Merchants* Bank. Carmi—
-258,000 Illinois 6s,
25.000 Tennessee 6s,
Circulation #65,430
Merchants' and urovers* Bank Joliet—
-50.000 Missouri 6s,
14.000 South Carolina 6s,
Carolina 6s,
1.000 Lonmiana fls,
f’S® IRlnow and Mlchlgah CanaL
1,095.80 111. Now Int. Improvement.
.4- circulation fisiwa
26.000 Tennessee Gs,
15.000 Missouri 6s,
50.000 lowa 7s, ■
14, 00 Louisiana 6s, -
*--~/ wv $ l ooo'North Carolina 6e, - .
Circulation 118,9®)
Morgan County Bank, Jacksonville—
SjOOQ.Tennesaee 6s.
Loaltianju ”
•■r CUcaUtion......
wt t]
Tennessee 60,
- •"31,000 Virginia6o, ; 1 ■ : *
- y :.. 10,000Minnesota8s,- :
‘ Circulation Masn
National Bank, Equality— •♦/•••••••• w,wjo .
75,000 Missouri 6s,
8.000 Virginia 6s,
3,oo9Georgia6a. -. , .
, Circumtion '........... 69.856
Bank, New Market—
- 151,000 Tennessee 6s. v -
/ . . Circulation 119,490'
Ohio Elver Bank. Oolconda—
-187.000 United States 6s;,
13900 United States 6a!
13000 Virginia 6s, , --
5,460 Ohio 6s. - r v
• Circnlatlon.... 158,665
Olympic Bank, Metropolis—
s: Tennessee .. ' =
11.000 Lottisiana 6s,
f 10,000 North Carolina 6s,
10.000 United States ft,' •" ■: - c - 1 .
. 19,500 lUinala and Michigan. Canal,
6.000 minois 6s. *
, Cireulation.... 62.040
Pamet Bank, Qrlggsville— #
• SIOOO Missouri 6Si
20.000 United States ft, ’ ' ‘ '
16,86120 HL New at. improvement,
4.000 North Carolina 6s,'
8.000 New York 6s.
Circulation. 57,760
Patriotic Bank, Hnntevillo—
-89.000 Illinois fis,
t :.»,000 Tennessee ft,* *' ’l
- 111.118
Prairie State Bank, Washington—
' 80 000 Tennessee 6s,
22.000 Louisiana 6s, _• • ’
15.000 Missouri 6s. ” ' "
Circulation.. 53807
Pittsfield Bank. Pittsfield—
-51,00717 Illinois New Internal Imp‘t;
6.000 TUinois ft. - •
Circolaiion 66,611
Plowman’s Bank^TaylorviU©— '
85.000 Virginia 63,
87.000 Tennessee 6a,
Railroad Bank, Decatur—
-89.000 Virginia 6s,* ~ T
- ‘89,000 North CaroHna ft;
22.000 Tennessee fla,
Circulation . 90,083
Reaper’s Bank, Fairfield—
-112.000 United Statesfis, '
15.600 HL and Michigan Canal Stock,
Circulation 161,945
Reed’s Bank, Galesburg—
-80.000 hUssourl 6s.
Circulation 22,034 J
Rock Island Bank, Rock Island—
-2.000 Missouri 6a.
Circulation., 1 801
State Bank of-Ullnois, Sbawneetown—
-101.000 Virginia 6e,
124.000 Illinois and Michigan CanaL
66.000 South Carolina 6s,
60.000 Louisiana 6’s,
17.000 North Carolina 6s,
10,500 Georgia ft,.
4.000 Hlinois 6s,
Circulation 873402
State Stock Bank, St. Johns—
-45.000 Tennessee ft,
81.000 Michigan ft,
- 30.250 111. and Mlchigcn Canal Stock.
* 27,000 Kentucky 6s, _
17.000 Loolslana 6s.
. 8,000 Illinois Internal Imp. Stock,
6.000 Illinois ft,
5.000 North Carolina 6s,
1.000 Virginia 6s,
Circulation 151,608
Shswanese Bank, Elizabethtown—
-40.000 Tennessee 6s.
20.600 Georgia ft,
- 16,000 Louisiana 6e, : ‘
10.000 North Carolina ft,
10.000 Virginia ft, : ‘ ■ . r
5 000 m. New Internal Improvement.
3.000 New York 7s,
Circulation 86,995
Southern Bank of Illinois, Grayvllle—
-56.000 Mia-onri ft,
35.001 Louisiana ft,
82.000 Tennessee 6s,
2.000 HHnols 6»,
Circulation 104,650
Toulon Bank, Toulon— - -
14.000 Tennessee 6s,
10.000 Virginia ft, •
10.000 North Carolina 6s,
9.000 Hi; and Michigan Canal Stock,
5.000 HI. New Internal Imp. Stock.
5.000 Ullnois ft,
3.000 Kentucky 6s,
Circulation. 60,004
United States Stock Bank. Sparta
-82, 000 United States ss.
20.000 Tennessee ft,
Circulation..;. - 89,565
Union Bank, Benton—
-55.000 New York 6s,
80.000 United States sa,
10.000 Illinois 6s,
3.000 Tennessee ft,
1,500 HL and Michigan Canal Stock.
Circulation 92,472
Union County Bank, Joneeboro— .
41.000 Tennessee Ca,
- 10,000 Virginia 63,
10.000 North Carolina 6b,
2,180 Interest reserved.
Circulation 50,210
'Warren County Bank, Monmouth—
-64.000 Missouri ft,
38,000Hllnols 6s,
13000 Michigan 6a,
5.000 Louisiana 6s,
. 4.000 Hlinois and Mich. Canal Stock,
8.000 North Carolina ft.
Circulation 93,070
Wheat Growers Bank, Anna—
-62.000 Michigan 6s,
25.000 Tennessee ft,
16.000 North Carolina 6s, "
2.000 Virginia 6s. ‘
Circulation- 86,022
Western Bank of Hlinois, Savannah—
. 85,000 Tennessee 6a,
24.000 United States Ss,
1,650 Interest reserved.
Circulation 60,666
■Value March SO, 1861;
$2,007,000.00 Missouri 6s 66jj» ft ct.
3.288.000. Tennessee 6s ; 75M “
1,177,500 00 Virginia 6s 76M “
511.500.00 Louisiana 6s 80 “
873 500.00 North Carolina 6s 81M “
100.000. South Carolina 6a 60 “
330.000. Georgia 6s 80 “
254,854 06 Ohio 6s 100 “
66.000 00 Kentucky 6s 95 “
91.000 00 lowa 7a 102 “
412.000. Michigan 6s 100 “
60,000.00 Michigan 7a. 106 “
140.000. Minnesota 8s 100 "
257.000 00 New York 6s ...101 “
3,000.00 New York 7s 105 “
901.000. United States 5a 92 “
47.900 00 United States 6s ...95 “
570,268 86 HL & Mich. Canal stock.. .100 “
334,931.85 HL New Internallmp’t,... 102 “
1.820.000. Illinois 6s 108 “ ”
68.012.00 Specie and ras’d Interest.. 100 “
Total Circulation $11,107,600
Auditor’* Oitioe, State or Illinois, I
Springfield. April 1,1661. f
I, Jessie K. Dub.*ls, Auditor of Public Accounts
of the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that the
foregoing is a true statement of securities and
circulation of tbe Banks of the State of Illinois,
a 4 the same appears-upon my boohs, this first
Monday in April, 1861.
' (Seal 1 Given under my band and official seal
loeai.j the day and year above written.
Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Raii-ROad,—
The earnings of this road, for March, were* as fol
lows :
Freight..-...5106,455.00 $115,063.20 1nc..58,627.25
Passengers... 46,470.70 39,664.86 Dec.. 6.805.84
Mails <6 Mis.. 8363.11 4.065-46 Dec.. 4,297.95
T0ta1....5161,268.81 $158,792 52 Dec..52,676.39
The Grand Trunk Railway Company or
Canada. —Statement of traffic receipts for week
ending 23d March:
Passengers 1 $19,116.44
Freight and livestock 68,807.21
Mails and sundries 2,728.09
Total $80,651.74
Corresponding week last year $71,417.34
Increase T.. $9,284.40
Imports and Exports.— The following are the
comparative tables of the trade of the port of Now
York for the week and since Jan, l;
1859. 1860. 1861.
Dry Goods $8,530,226 2,627,662 1,580.621
G aeral mdse 2,741,816 3,123,893 2,865,872
Total for the weck56.371,541 5,751,565 3,896,493
Previously reportedSl,B97,B7o 56,648,314 41,455,724
Since January 1. $53.169,411 62,399,889 45.853,217
1859. 1860. 1861.
Total for the wcek51,725,486 1,688,836 1,411.242
Previously reportedll,B47,Bs2 17,089,094 23,061,411
Since January 1. $13,273,288 18,777,860 30,373,653
1859. 18TO. 1861.
For the week.. $205,955 465,115 6,088
Previously rep0rted.7,025,406 8,506.863 1,451,342
Since January 1..57,234,891 3,971,973 1,457,430
New York, March 80.
Exchange $18,107,139.15
Balances 1,107,343.49
" Orncs op Assistant Treasurer, C. S., )
New York, March 80. |
Total receipts $274,354.62
Total payments 319.20010
Total balance 6,092,841.99
For Customs 194,850.55
New York.—The Herald of Monday says;
Money is easier than it was a week ago. Large
amounts Were offered to tbs brokers yesterday at
four per cent; at five everybody could obtain all be
wanted. First class mercantile paper goes at 6®
6; single names, highest grade, 6&T; and the'same
for long paper, gilt edg*. This class of paper is
extremely scarce; the lower grades, especially
names In the Southern trade, are not easily passed
even at very high rates indeed. Collections in the
South continue pooit At New Orleans some par
tie*-are paying, and the same is true of Savannah.
Bat the general tenor of the mercantile letters
from the South is that people In tbat section feel
uncertain about the future, and in their uncertain
ty think it prudent to keep their money, and let
their creditors wait.
Wednesday Earning, April 8.
: The following are the receipts and shipments tor
Cm past twenty-four hours:
_ Floor, Wt't, Com, Oats, Rye, Bar.
- crls. ba. , bn. bu. bu bu.
ByXtenal 4994
a. *£C. C.K.E.-621 13827 118 *853 ....
C.&B.LS.K, 100 .... 1750 ..
LC.R.K - 100 1400 550
C.B.&Q-R.B. 650 2335
UfcN.W,R.E. 035 2710 .... 148,... 105
. 5306 16587 10598 485... 455
" High-
See fij Dad Live Hides wn* Cattle
lbs Hogs Hog* &s brl* No.
9210 .... 60 3380 60 ....
0.&B.LB.B 6 18 19310 40 IS
LC.8.8..... .... 100 6030 .... 16
—• —• 0169 150 ....
0.4H.W.K.8. 1010 51 .... 13683
C. 381' L..', .... 80 ....
55 178 60173 286
The steamer America, with Liverpool dates tb r
the £4tlv was telegraphed this morning, reporting
breadstnfife quiet and steady. In London, white
American wheat had advanced is per quarter, and
and the hank rate of Interest had declined to 7 per
There Very active inquiry for Flour today
both by Philadelphia, New York, and Southern
buyers; and the market was firm and brisk, with
aales of 6,300 bbls at for medium to
good spring extras, and $4.15 for good superline.
The Wheat market, however, was we*k,owing to
less Ihvoiable news from New York, and we quote,
a decline of #TZ&#cwlth' sales at 85# forwin
ter receipts and S7^.Cpr : freEh receipts Northwest*
em Club; fScfor winter recelpts.and SJK&SSJfcfbr
fresh .receipts No ! Spring; Mid 78#@T9#c for
veryduH at the inside 'quotattob.' -Corn wsfi«alß<>-
easier, and the demand was less active, with Uml
tsd tales st S6M’®36#elor winter receipts
■for fresh receijrta Mlxed ifl^s toie. Oats,' Bye and"
Barley- continue dull 'and neglected.' Highwlnes ;
were steady at 14c. • AlcahSi,-si^SSc.^
-The market for Seeds of aHkindsfia very dnTl.,
Timothy was sold freely at lot.
,of tafr Clover Seed was sold# $3.80-sthe Inquiry .
Jjeing very light. , . _ ’
The provision market is quiet buLflrm. Td-day
a lot of 9.0 brla early packed city Mesa Pork chang
ed hands at $16.50, jsnd 70 brla good country at tbs
same price. The stock of Meas Pork ia rapldlybe--
. ing reduced, and holders -«ro generally very firm,.'
Lard Is entirely neglected.
There is little or nothing doinglk To*
day a small schooner was chartered to arrive, at l£e
for wheat to Kingston. • - - , Y , ,
. Commercial Circular by the Africa,' .
j^liTvinPOOL,' March 16. "
' Grain.—The trade has assumed a livelier and
healthier tone since this day week*'commencing
with an advance of la $ quarter on. wheat ih Lon
don market on Monday. On Tuesday our Com Ex
change Vas better attended by’country and neigh"
boring millers ah&dealers than for some'time pre
viously. Wheat sold more readily at.an advance
of id ft the quotations of ihatdayweek,
while upon,the lower classes,which had bcerfseUing
at very lowand-irregular prices, the advance was
more maiked. Flour was rather slow to sympa
thise, but -had undoubtedly more attention at ex
treme prices, the’demand running chiefly-upon
Western Canal and New Orleans shipped O bios, at
2SsGd®29s for the former, ana 302©&s6d ft 186 lbs
for the latter. The demand for Indian corn, was “
not proportionately Improved, butfoll prices were
paid where sales resulted. A good consumptive’
and-partly speculative business has since i.een
passing, at extrema prices, in'wheat and fllonr,
whHe cwp haa maintalced its positioru - .
Anxiety is expressedin many quarters as to the
condition of the growing wheat crop, owing to the
severity of the weather, &c. It is said in many
places to be very much Injured, and farther that
spring sowing has been considerably, interfered
with from the unfitness'of the soil to receive seed;
should these fears prove well founded, we sba lhave
additional incentives to higher prices ere harvest.
Oar corn exchange yesterday was fairly attend
ed. ■‘Wheatmefagoodconsumptiveenquiryatthe
extreme prices of Tuesday, and In one or two In
stances rather more money was obtained for fine
samples. We quote white southern J4««Sl4a Qd,
western Sd, California 13<* 10d@15s 6d, red
southern 12s 6d@l3s, winter Us 4d, amber
and Milwaukee 12a 1d®123 lOd, Chicago 11a 3d@
Us fid-ft lOOIba. Flour sold forconsumption at full
prices, chiefly of western canal at 2Ss 6d©29a. and
fine quality 19s 6d, other classes were not so gener
ally inquired for, but were firmly held. We quota
Ohio 29*®31s, Baltimore and Philadelphia S9s&
Sis, western canal 27s 9d®SSs 9d ft 100&8. Indian
cbm did not meet a very free sale, bn: some quan
tity changed hands for consumption,
at fully late ’ prices. Wo quote white
295, yellow . 38s, mixed 87s ft 4SO2)a.
PBOViaioss—Beef—There has not been quite to
much doing- in beef during the past week, but
E rices have not altered materially; the tales are
etweeqSOO and 400 tierces,_of which 170 are old
prime and India mess at as in quality; ISO
new, of a well known brand of prime and India
mesa, at 80@90a respectively,.from the quay, and
some odds aud ends; arrivals oijgood quality will
meet a ready sale at bur quotations. We quote
prime and extra prime mess, old, <u@7os,. new 80
@853? ordinary, old 55@605, new : India
mess, old 75&8SS, new 85®95s ft 304 lbs. Fork-
No new American on the market, and the demand
is still supplied with Irish cure at prices varying
from 80@90s as in quality: American •of good
quality would sell at 80@82s fid ft brl. -We quote
prime mess, eastern 60©755, western Co@7ss, re-
Sicked new cure So@B2a fid ft 200 lbs.
aeon —arrivals prnr in rapidly; some holders
have submitted to a decline, which ha* led to pur
chasers to hold over; but there are now few If any
sellers at our Inside quotations. Some 600 bxs per
“Wild Hunter,” which owing to an accident have
been under water for a short time, are to be
offered by auction immediately. We quote long
middles, rib In, 493@50 «,, boneless 51s 6d®52«,
Cumberland cut 49=(a518, short middles, rib
in, 625@535, shoulders 86a@88s per cwt.
Lard aleo arrives very freely, and in the absence of
any active inquiry sales are difficult, and in com
parison with the imports trifling. About 100 tons
nave changed hands during the week, at sft @543
for fine quality, and, 51-@s2d for ordinary, with
Tuscan and Servian at 52a6d®58c, and 50 tierces
tainted American at 49s ft cwt, exti a “Wild Hun
ter,” sales have been made of 450 tierces, all faults,
at 4659d@50?6d ft cwt., nett cash. We quote good
to fine at 52e6d@555, ordinary 51s@523,iu£erior and
grease 445@49s ft cwt.
Wm. Haughton, Sons & Co.
” ’ London,. March 15.
Cohk—The supplies of English wheat continue
Email, ana as the condition has rather improved,
there has been a lair sale at an advance of about
Isperqr. Last week’s average price of English
wheat was 64s 2d on 64,930 qrs returned For
foreign the inquiry is good at full rates. W A
whe-it 63®G7c; red 69@63s per qr; flour 29<2,33s
per brL
Glasgow, March 13,1S6I.—Provisions—Nothing
doing in beef and pork beyond the raerest retafl.'
llacou jb still hard to sell, unless at a considerable
reduction from our quotations. Cheese have been
sold at 53s for very line quality, and the value for
anything Inferior is quite nominal. Good quali
ties of butter still command a steady sale, but all
other descriptions neglected. Lard—Tho market
is weaker. Some forced sales have been made at
64@655. Tallow—There la less disposition, to go
into stock, and we c«JI the value of good North
American to sell at 56@57s Breadetuffs—i he
weather, this week has been changeable, and farm
ers are making slow progress with spring sowing.
Our market has been very firm. and a fair amount
of business has been done in woeat and flour at
our quotations. Any advance asked appears to
check business at once. Indian com in lair retsil
demand at 22s for mixed. Canadian peas firm
at 23#- John Athta & Co.
Grain in Store In Buffalo.
The following shows the amonnt of grain in
store In the warehouses In Buffalo on the 30th nit.;
Spring Wheat, bn 535.700
Club “ “ (jyy
Red Winter Wheat, bu . . . .""" * 89107
White “ “ “ 34,571
Total Wheat,
Corn, bu
Oats bu
Barley, bu
Peas, bn
Total Grain.
Flour, fi)B
On the 10th of April 1650, there were in store,
658,725 bu wheat, 26.85> bu corn, 136,164 bu oatt,
30,809 bu rye, and 16,165bu barley.
Receipts at Toledo.
The Toledo Blade furnishes the following table
of Receipts for March, for two years
IS6I. 1860.
Flour, brls 80,691 13.252
Wluat ha 18,032 41,565
.171,542, 822,060
. 433 ' 34.100
Com, bn
Oats, bu.
Barltjy bu..
Kyt\ bu...
Pork, bbls.
Beef, brls-.r.T*.
Cattle, cars ...
Bogs, cars
Sheep, cars—
The total receipt* of grain for the month, reduc
ing flour to wheat, compareae follows;
No. bushel*.
1860 462.276
1861. 347,833
Sales or Pboduce at Montreal. —The Toron
to Oiobe eays: ,
Mr. Augusts Howard, Montreal, effected largo
sales of produce on Friday, in that city. Among
the parcels were:
86.000 bushels Chicago spring wheat at $1.19 for
May delivery.
40.000 Milwaukee at $1 20 per bushel.
20.000 Canada spring at $1.22# per bushel.
This shows a very considerable movement, and
we are glad to notice a disposition In that direc
tion. - -
Stock op Flour in New York.—The stock of
flour in New York, 22d nit., was 350,000 barrels,
all grades.
Daily Review of Chicago Market.
WedkeßX»at Evenejg, April 8,1861.
FREIGHTS—Schr. Mark H. Sibley, to arrive,
wheat to Kingitonat 10c.
FLOUR—Received, 2,SOS bble. Market more ac
tive and firmer. Sales, 500 bbls ‘‘Chicago Mills”
spring extra, round hoop, at $4.45 del. nest week;
1000 bbls “Lockport Hydraulic” round boop, at
$4 401j be delivered next week ; 300 bbls Smith
Mills*’ round hoop, at $4.45 on track; 360 bbls
“ Morgan” flat hoop, at $4 35 del: 50 bbls “Magno
lia ” round hoop, at $4.35 del; 300 bbls “ Washing
tou Mills*’ flat hoop, at $4.25 del; 200 bbls do.
round hoop at $4 30 del; 93 bole Beaver Dam
“Washington” flat hoop, at $4.27 on track: 500 bbls
‘‘Allen” flat boop, at $4.30 del; 350 brls “ Ra
diant” flat hoop, at $4.32# del; 100 brls “ Impe
rial” flat hoop, at $4.30 del; 300'brls “ Highland”
round hoop, at $4.80 del; 100 brls “Exchange” a:
$4.30 del; 200 brls “Flour City” flat hoop, at
54.25de1: 100brls “Phillips” flat hoop, at $4.80
del; 332 oris mixed brands Fife wheat extras,
round hoop, at $4.30 del: 100 brls extra, flat hoop,
at $4.30 del; 200bris fair spring extra, flat hoop,
at $4 25 del; 300 brls do. round hoop, at $4.30 dti;
109 brls “Eagle” round hoop, at $4.20 on track :
500 brls “ Globe Mills” at $4 delivered at Daven
port; 200 brls do, round hoop, at $4 30 delivered
here ; 3)o"brs “Banner” round hoop, at $4.30 del
SO brls good Superfine at $4 15 del.
WHEaT—If eceived.l6,s37 bn. Market #@#c low
er. Sales were; 2,00j bu Northwestern club at
85#c for winter receipts, andß7#c for fresh; 3,600
bu winter receipts No 1 Spring at SSc in store:
Isoobu freehrecelpts do at Ss#c in store; 700 bh
do at SSc in store; 1000 bn winter
Spring at 79#c in store; 10.0C0 bu do at 79#c in
store; 12 000 bn do at 79c in store; 700-bu do at
78#c in store: 1000 bu fresh .receipts do at 81c in
store. Sales dj sample, were as lollows: 140 bags
good spring at BSc on track; 140 bags do at 66c uu
CORN—Received, 10.033 bn. Market quiet and
easier. Sales were:—4.ooo bn old receipts Mixed
at 26Kc in store; 1.000 bn fres-h receipts do at
2S#c m store; 16,000 bn Mixed at file, free of
storace till the 6tli of May, to be delivered on or
after the 20tli lost.
OATS— Hecelved, 495 bo. Market neglected.
Saless,ooo bu winter receipts No 1 at 13c in
KYE—Received, none. Quiet; 45bags at 40c on
BARLEY—Recelved,-455 buT- Market very dull.
Salesl4o bags goodrat 35c del.
SEEDS—Received, 8,220. . Txacoiar more act iva
and a shade lower. Sales ;—l3 bags prime ,at
$2.25; 10 bags good at $3.20: 62 bags do at $2.15;
10 bags good at $2.12#; 81 bags dirty at $2 00.
Clotbb 1q limited demand and dull; 15 bags lair
at S3.SO
HIGH WlNES—Received, SS6 brls. Market
steady. - Salesl4o brls country at 14c. Small
lota of dty, I4#c.
ALCOHOL— Steady at 31@83c cal.
MESS PORK—Steady. Sales 900 D>s early pack
ed city. andTObrls country pocked at $10.50.
LARD—DoII and nominal at 9#@9#c.
TALLOW—IOO bbls ci ty packers* at S&c.
HlDES—Received. 50,472 lbs. Market steadv
and more active. Sales to-day were at the follow
ing quotations:—Dry Flint 19#®13e; Green Salt
ed, ; Dry Salted, 10©Uc.-
Bm v TER—4,OOO lbs country roll at 9c; 24 tubs
roll at 9c; 18 bbls common do at 7#c; Dairy. 11
®l4c. i' "•
EGGS—Id fair demand, with tales of 40 bbls atS’
®S#c—packers' count.
PoCLTRY—Live Chickens in good demand at :
75@$2pe r dos; Live Turkeys 7<S7#c per lb.
PO.i ATuKS—IOO bushels choice fTeshannocka at
21c del.
LIVE HOGS—Received, 17. Market quiet and
Inactive. Sales 140 Hogs. av. 235 lbs, at $4.65: 42
Hogs av. 304 lbs tt $4.60. * ‘
BEEP CATTLE—Received, 81. Market dull,
with sales of a few <ots of heavy-shipping beeves,
av. 1540 lbs, at $8.35. ,
NEW YORK, April S— FLOCTt —Opened
fair export and home and trade demand; closed
dull and slightly in favor of. buyer. -Sales R&GOU
bbls at $5.30®5.85 for super state; for
extra state—closing at [email protected] common to’
medium extra western; [email protected] for- shipping’
brands extra ronnd hoop Ohio; [email protected] for
trade brands do—market closing, quite dulL Of
the sales, about 9,000 bbls were fur export at priets
within the range. Canadian dour doing and?
without Important change. Sales 1,300 bbls at :;
$5.50®57 for common to good extra; $7.25<&7.G0?
for choice and tavorite do. Rye dour steady; small'
sales at Corn meal quiet. Sales- SOO
bbls at $2.80 for Jersey; and $&15. :
Wine. « - -l.
Whibst—Moderate, demand
change in price; sales4so bbls at 18€hl8|fc.v -Tv,.-
Gbais—There is less doing in wheat. Market
.scarcely so firm;. prices without .--important
change, hut shippers find It easier to buy. Salsa,
of 18,400 bn Chicago spring at $1.25(&1.57 in EtotC
*S4^^ l) ??®* MOO bu nortowestem dub at
*I») M,»olm Milwaukee club at sLßo®J.«ffi
it£J9,aaa delivered: 3.800 bn red state »fst»6;,
S,2ooiravery choice amber do at $1.44; 1,500 am*
,ber Zimmerman at $1.45: 28,000'- ba winter jed
VwHtern at> $1.85@1 8S In etore and delivered;
MOO ba Canadian «lab at fl.SOdelivered; 0,600 ba
-:s*ltsLwwt«n at [email protected]: *.OOO bn white
Otaihdx at $l6B. Rye quite firm /with a
.&lr -demand ides of- 3,800 baahrprime
At 66@67c*... Barley market continuer heavy:
•alas X.600 Ira' at too for Canada West : TO
-©T234«xor state.. Bar.ey malt qnlet at 85®88c,
Com opened steady and dull and a shade- easier •
aaieß®,ooo bu at 67@68c for old mixed western m
atom; 69®70c clos-Rff at in*
Sldeprica;62c for new do at railroad depot; 6Sc
for heft yellow Jersey: 60c for inferior new white
r northern; 03@6934c for new southern yeßbw and
A934@72c for white southern. Oats in moderate
request at 81@32 for Jersey: S3@B4c- for western
and Canada; 33J<@84 Wfor state.
• Pnovisioxs—Pork —Demand continues, active.
‘ hut market'scarcely soflrin. Sales 1800 hr la'at
$16,00®17 for mess; $lB 6234@13 for prime. Beef
firm but rather quiet. Sales 160 brla at $4.75®$
for country prime; [email protected] for country mess;
sß@iofor repacked mesa: SIO.6O@U&O for extra
mess; 'irTdme mess beef anil and prices nominal:.
Beefbama in moderate request at sl2® 15. Sales
ISO brls at SIS for western. Cut meats steady at
6£®6#c for shoulders, B@B#c for hams. Bacon
-quiet—-prices without impor ant change. Lard
marketßteadywithsaleßof2sobrlsat9®loc. But*
ter selling slowly at 10@14c for Ohio, 14@19c for
state. ■ Cheese steady at 7#@lo lor common to
prime.. l *-
- GnoCEiza-Coffee continues steady, demandgoqd.
Sales 3,000 bags Bio. at 1134@1334;400 base St
-Domingo at 12#; 250 mats Java at 17, and 900 bags
Sagnayra at private terms.' Sugar-raw in itfle bet
ter request but prices without material change.
Sales 102 hhds Cuba at 4#@6#; 140 hhds Porto
Bico at 6J4@634. Molasses continues steady.
Sales 110 bbla NO at 83©37; 40 hhds nba Musco
vado at 19@30; 60 hhds P. rto Rico at 25@33. Tot
low-prime city firmer and in fair request. Sales
25,0001bs at'9X@9K*
Stocks —Lower. Chi &R 156#, 111 C scrip 82.
MS gtd 8834* NYC 7834, Beading 48*. Hudson4s*
Mo 6a 6534, Erie 8134. Gal & Chi 7234, Q & Tol 45#
b 30,,C8&Q74, Harlem 16, » 5, BaoMail ß434, M <J
Cattle Market.— Beef opened more favorable
than for some time east. There was an increased
demand, and notwithstanding the receipts were
pretty-heavy, a sUght advance was realized on all
grades, above common. Milch cows plenty and
dull, at irregular prices. Calves were pteady, with
fair demand at about previous prices. Beef receipts
8,740; quotations, 7@9#c. Sheep declined. Re
ceipts, 7,857; quoted at 434®Sc. Swine steady.
Receipts, 8,000; quoted at 4# @s#.
Foreign Markets.
Per America.] LifEnroou, March 24.
Liverpool Bukahstutfs— Quiet and steady,
London Monet Market— Consols 9134@92f0r
money, 92>4@92M for account.
Liverpool, Sunday—Breadstuffa quieL- Provie
lona quiet. Consols 91*4@91%.
ARRIVED April 2.
Sclir Jaue Louisa, Davis, Manitowoc, 4,000 cedar
Schr Westchester, Borrows, Grand Haven, 110 cda
Schr Helen Kent, Heed, Wilkinson's Pier, T7 cds
Scow Cygnet, Williams, White River, 55 m lum
ber, 87# trie whiteflsh.
Schr James Christy, Hays, Milwaukee,2oo tons old
railroad ties.
- - CLEARED -.Aprils.
Schr Lady Jane, Ingals, Manitowoc, light.
Brig Sebastopol, Smith. Grand Haven, 100 hrla
whisky. 2 tons mdse,
Schr Helen Kent, Reed, Fuller’s Pier, light.
Schr Ashtabula, Hammer, Grand Haven, light.
Schr Octavia, Johnson, Centreville, light.
Schr QF Foster, Smith, Muskegon.
SchrKewarcum.McElligott, Grand Haven, light.
Schr Southron, Petrie, st. Joseph, light.
Sclir Wyoming, Furlong, Grand Haven, 11 cords
stone, GO brla salt.
ARRIVED April's.
Marion, La Salle, 4.944 bn corn.
Resolute, Athens, 90 cubie yds rubble stone.
Aquilla, South.
Fame. LaSalle, 1.220 ft lumber.
Clyde, Utica, 82.352 ft lumber, 4.650 It siding, 10,500
shingles, 800 tbs nails.
Resolute Athens, 500 ft lumber, 2,000 shingles.
Acadia, La Salle.
Arkona, La Salle.
A Lincoln, Morris.
Mazeppa, Morris, 12,893 ft lumber, 2,000 ft siding,
6,000 shingles.
L F Dodge, La Salle, 07.099 ft lumber, 2.600 lath,
4,625 lbs carpenter work, 150 lbs dried fruit.
C'arinda, La Salle, 83,616 ft lumber.
Baring Beo.
Tn W. BAXTER A ©Q a?
Flouring and Grist Mills,
Smut HQlfi and Separators,
Separators for Warehouses,
Eeltlag Of All Flada,
Hoisting Screws and Balls,
Srsa Dusters, Picks, Proof Stalls, Ac., Ac.
. 12,331
Flans, Specifications and Estimates furnished when
desired, andthe constructionof Steam and Water lima
contracted for entire.
Steam Engines, Boilers, &c,, Sen*
The subscriber® having obtained the Agency for the
isle of Steam Engines and Boilers from the manofac
t >ry of GOULDLNG. BAGLEY &SE WELL, of Water
town. N. Y., would Invite the attention of purchasers
to their superior merits of style, workrnaiehlp and
powers; also, their very low prices. The following Is a
list of pijcea of Engine and Boiler, together
er. Water and Steam Pipes, Cocks, Valyas, Arch Cast-
Ing^aad.Grates, complete and ready for nee, delivered
In Chicago!
5 hone power. 8 600 SO horse power. »L 250
8 “ . « 575 25 “ LSOO
10 “ - 725 30 M “ L 675
U “ - - 800 £5 M “ ..... 2,000
13 ’* ** 40 * e 2aCO
and 1c like proportion for larger sizes as rcddiei
Stery Ecglnels furnished with
100 2,117
3,671 2,024
9,208 £6,597
363 732
289 317
77 126
For Floor MHlri we confidently cs
superior to any other style of Engine, and they will
. Bet 6 from 25 to 50 per Cent Id Fael
over the usual class of hollers in nee In the West. We
shall keep on assortment of different sires at cor es
tablishment, where they may be examined and the
necessary Information obtained regarding than. Com
petect men will, If desired, be furnished to set np and
ftart engines la any part of the coud»w. Wealaosupplj
At very low prices.
Kill Furnishing Depot, West- Water street. between
Randolph ana Madlscn, Chicago Illinois.
Pti.t ©hice address Box 314. oca'EMy
Richard’s Iron Corn Shelter,
Capacity from 1000 to 5000 Bushes
Warranted to shell clean in any condition of grain,
without cutting It, and requiring lees power than any
shell ex of same capacity.
7. O,
Office and Manufactory at Lets & Johnston’s Iron
Worts. No. 34 Franklin street. fc3ff6l-ly
JL) Ac. The patent solid
Warranted to be the best In use..
And all kinds of
XSO, B. I3DESON & CO., Solo Agents,
The subscribers are manufacturing' v .
SI A SON’S sperm" osu :
ttosoa’s Head-Light oil and mason’*
; Car Box Oil*
, -Also, a very tuperipr
[ And would Invite all who desire a really nice nrtlrlc
to a trial of tbe same, with tae fall belief that no OH
ota be found bearmj any comparative value for ritber
. fight or machinery to these Oils, in reference either to
quality or price.
TVo nare a process by which all the fibrous and ram
mer substance in fish Oils is precipitated, leasing
term rericctlv pure and transparent This process
also increases the body or durable characters of the
Oik thereby ineieasingtheweartngquabtles.- Another
valuable quality is, Itwlllstand a very low degree of
temperature. 'The tame Oil used for machinery la a
Giving a clear, brilliant light, which proves its purity
| and excellence.
TTiwe oilajare sold Wholesale and BetsfiTbr P.• E.
MBBRIULEW A CO„ at the Maacfictor* l . 229 State
street, and by C. GOODWIN. Li South Water street.
mtSteS9l2m P. £. MEBBIHEW ft CO.
A —I have Just received and opened a splendid as.
eortment of tne above Clears, which I warrant a gen
uine article, and was imported via Boston from Havana
»r my particular trade. Connoi*sUW.aad.other&aro
: 5 c-- :
,mhsa-c391 : 1w > No.€ CustomHousellacsi
-A-e eed Slale .Beito. the latest Improvement,;
adoptedL: Cloth. BallsToees. CneTips, 4c, OldtaB■ fid
.Kfe-CosMonea .nd MfU'jh! or Slate Bede pet no. - Also,
t»o Second-Hjnd-Marcia Beds or «Mo., Orders By
S“U Prompttr ettsoded to. 'So. TSS HadUoa street
■Bet.jj” Ol.ritand Wells, tostoffloeßox96l.
mhtT eSSMw A. B, GRIFFITH. Agent
IT\i LQOaU comeasy, Ho. 13 Wiulam atreet. < -
_ - NSW TOB& Marched, ISSL
AmiPsl Election for Directors of this Company
a*3- 106 Compsns’s Office, in Toledo, on
SD A r .JL b « day of April next, at 12
H. The Stock Bouts win becioeod on the Sth
3 5i2 ck^ A and, remain closed until thu
,ath proximo at 10*. u. -
by Stewart Hamfitofi.
Block, k» lark street, where Male.
i.MdEemMe help of may be obtained fre city.
go™ attended ta
wllJ find Bituattona by calling at
this Office. Pott Offloe Box, 1643* tnhartm
per day.
■" L: '■ Important
* New York* April ’ S’—The ComnurrcUu's
Washington dlspatch stateathat a meeting of
the Cabinet, attended by Gen. Scott, was hast
ily summoned this, morning. Gapt. Foxhaa
strived &om Sumter. .It is thought the con
sultation is in reference to reinforcing Major
Anderson.* There is considerable exoteinebt
here. ■' ... c
. :A]spec!al messenger on the Alexandria and
Orange BaQroad has been tarred-anti feathered
because he was a Republican. ' ,
Charleston, April 8.-—{Special Dispatch to
the-Doy criala has at list arrived.
Prevision to Major Afßemon werestopped
to-day. { Gen.. Beauregard is now inspecting
the fortifications. Diners’ from Montgomery
for the commeucement.of hostilities arehoox*
ly expected—the preparations are all com
plete. ' • a.. :;oV -
, From Washington*
' Washjhqtos, April 2.—The Comxnlasionerß
from the Southern Confederacy disbelieve the
reports relative to the reinforcement of Fort
Pickens, and have so advised tfie Government
at Montgomery, Commander Frendegrast,
named in the reports as ordered to land men
at Fort Pickens, is at Norfolk instead of Pen :
sacola. . . . .
I It is believed that the heavy bidding for the
loan to-daywas mainly in consequence of. as
surances from high quarters of a pacific policy
on the pmi of the Administration.
The War Department has received .the re
signation of Capt, 'Windes, appointed from.
Maryland. . *
. The Federal company of Supers and Min
ers will-leave here to-morrow,lt is supposed
for Fort Hamilton,- and the two Artillery
Companies, captains Magnifier and Barry, wiu
probably follow during the week for the same
New Tore, Apiil3.—The TTorkTaWashing
ton dispatch states that the new Minister to
Belgium took out explicit Inst ructions to all
our foreign Ministers regarding the policy of
the Administration towards the Confederate
States, and a protest to the European Govern
ments against the recognition of these States.
Quite a number of Clerks have been re-,
moved from the Patent Office, including one
principal* - Examiner. John L. Carlton, of
Bath, N. £L,- has been appointed principal Ex
Senator Nesmith left for Oregon, under
standing from the President that no extra ses
sion would be ca led.
The Herald's Washington dispatch says
three companies, of artillery left on the Paw
nee to day with sealed orders]. The troops on
board the Brooklyn were fortbe reinforcement
of Fort Pickens, and were doubtless landed
some days ago.
Orders have been sent to the Charlestown
Navy Yard, to fit out the steamer Minnesota
for sea immediately.
The Times Washington dispatch says it is
said that Dennison will bo appointed Naval
Officer in New York. Blatchford’s chances
for Sub-Treasurer, and Oilman for Assay
Officer, are good. Evarts will be offered the
Attorneyship. If he accepts it, it is under
stood that Delafield Smith will do the work.
Washington, April 3. —Contrary to the ex
pectation of the bidders, the Secretary of the
Treasury has decided to accept no. offer below
&i for the $8,C00,000 loan. The amount there
fore, determined cn is, only about $3,100,000.
It is said the Secretary can issue treasury
notes for the remainder, but on this point
there is no determination.
Mr. Elm of the Treasury Department, has
gone to Mobile on Government financial busi
From California and South America.
New Took, April S.—The steamer Northern
Light. .’Arrived to-day from. Aspinwall, the
25th. She-brings the California maiia and
There was a doubtful rumor in Nicaragua
that a party of filibusters from New Orleans
had appeared on the Bio Grande.
Advices from Peru state that President
Morina ot Ecuador has been Intriguing for
the annexation of his country to France.
Letters written to him, advocating the meas
ure, have been printed in the Lima newspa
per. - ■ -
Republican Victory.
Feeepobt, 111., April 2.—Francis W. Hance,
Republican candidate, was yesterday elected
Major of this city by 73 majority. John H.
Meece, Republican, was elected Marshal, and
the Common Council stands 5 Republican to
1 Democrat. This city has been claimed as
Democratic, but the Republicans have literally
“ swept” it.
The Virginia Convention.
Richmond, April 2.—ln the Convention to
day, Mr. Montague made a secession speech.
Mr. McFarland followed in favor of the tecon-
Btructtion of the Union. The proceedings
were of an unimportant character.
From Texas.
Galveston, Texas, April 3. —Houston sent
a message to the ' Legislature protesting
against the action of the Convetion and ap
pealing to the Legislature to snstain him,
claiming still to be Governor. The Legisla
ture took not the slightest notice of it.
The South Carolina Convention.
Charleston, April 3 —The Convention is in
secret session, discussing the new Constitu
tion, which will doubtless be ratified on
Wednesday by a large majority.
From Fort Sumter.
NewTork, Aprils.—The Herald'i Charles
ton despatches says it is reported that Mt jor
Anderson’s supplies will be cut oflT Wednes
municipal Flection.
New Tore, April 3.— At the election in
Brooklyn yesterday, Kalbfleisch (Dem.) was
elected Mayor, and the Democratic ticket was
successful generally, by a majority of 4,500.
This majority is about the same as the
Fusion majority last falL Thtbune.
Lalcr From Europe,
Halifax, April 3.—The steamship America,
from Liverpool 23d, and Queenstown 24th a£
rived this morning.
The steamer Adriatic from New Tork ar
rived at Queenstown on the 23d.
The Bank of England has reduced its rate of
discount to 7 per cent.
The French Corps Lagislatiff had rejected
the amendment to the Emperor’s address in
fivor of the withdrawal of the French troops
from Home, and finally adopted the whole ad
The America has £87,000 in specie.
There will be no steamer on the Galway line
from Galway till April 9 th.
England. —ln Parliament, M. C. Fortescne
explained that the present convention between
England and France, respecting the New
Fonndland Fisheries, only regulated the ma
chinery under existing treaties, and as it did
not affect the rights of New Foundland, it
would not be laid before that legislature.
Lord Woodhonsc also explained the terms of
the new convention with Mexico, by which
certain enstomduties are appropriated to Brit
ish bondholders.
In the House of Commons, Lord John Rus
sell promised to produce the correspondence
with the American government, relative to
the fugitive slave Anderson. Lord W. Gra
ham asked whether explanations had been de
manded from France relative to assistance ren
dered the French Minister, in the escape of
Miramon from Mexico. Lord John Russell
admirtedthatMlramonhad violated interna
tional law,but said in the absence of an official
dispatch, the French Government had not
been replied to on the subject.
France— The Bank of France on the 21st
nit. reduced its rate of discount from 6 to 5
per cent. In the Corps Legislalif, M. Jules
Fabrehad moved his amendment to the Ad
dress, requesting the withdrawal of the French
troops irom Rome. He strongly urged the
necessity for such a proceeding, and asserted
that the maintenance of the Slates would be
impossible, Tho amendment was then re
jected—246 to 5. The entire Address was
finally agreed to by a vote of 218 to 13. So far
from recalling tho French troops in Rome, it
was generally reported in Pans that 10,000
men were about to be sent out, nominally to
reinforce the garrison there, but really to
make a counter-demonstration to that of Aus
tria on the Po.
Italy— The new ministry is not yet an
nounced. Rumor gives the following combi
nation: Cavour, President of the Council and
Minister of Foreign Affairs and Marine; Fanti,
Minister of War.
London, -Friday—The funds exhibited great
dullness, but quotations steady., .In the dis
count market a good demand tor money has
existed. Since the reduction of the bank
minimum to 7 per cent, gold continued to
flow Into the bank, and there were anticipa
tions of a further reduction, of tho bank mini
Paris, March 23.— The Paris papers of to-day
publish a telegram dated 20th Inst., stating
that the Porte has consented to the prolonga
tion oftbe occupation of Syria. The Interna
tional Commander at Beirut had demanded a
prompt execution of the condemned Druses.
Railroad Accident.
■ Bsttsbcbgh, April 3.—The mail train due
from Philadalphiu at 1 p, u. today waa thrown
from the tract near Wells Station, about 13
miles from this city by the breaking of an
axle. The forward car went down an embank*
ment fifteen feet, the others running off the
track. About 80 passengers were on the tram,.
but no one was seriously injared.
The following were slightly injured;—-Mr.
Dobbs, dsguerreotypist, of Pittsburgh; E. Car-
Penter, drover,of Holmes Co., Ohio; F. Afal
iory, of Hollidaysbaigh, Pa; and J. Simmons,
express agent, of Philadelphia They will bo
able to leave to-morrow lor the places of.thdr
destination. The mails caught fire' from the
upsetting of a stove, and the contents of'sev*
j ciie JL were baaly damaged or destrov-
Washington letter mail ‘ escaped.
The New York and Philadelphia mail was
slightly damaged. The Baltimore and Hanis
buigh was considerably damaged, and the
way mail between and Harriabnrgal most en
tirely destroyed. -
BaDroad Extension ln Iowa«
3.—The Dubuque andSionx
City R. It. is Completed to Cedar Falls. The
first trams ran between tbls crty and the Cedar
v.afley yesterday. This completes one J
.hundred miles of the road, which wifl.be ex
tended westward to the Missouri. * *: -;
Pamet Bank,
Spbikgptbxd, DI„ Apra a— The StateAndl
for announces tint tße Pamet Bank haa this
day girea ample security for an of its note# in
circnlatioa. ‘
XD« Snsslsatppl.
Rocs Islajtd, April 3L~-Water in the river
at a stand.' .
! Titb Wheat Crop.—The very changeable
thawing and freezing weather of the past two
weeks Iras "created a great difference in the'
appearance of the wheat fields'of thifi jfSt Jo-
Beph).cpuhty from, what it was the first week.
of this month. the flelds'lOok&d green
and thrifty—now they look dark and blighted.
As far as our observation extends, the crop in
this locality' Is greatly injured, and it Is feared
the ylddwuUwtJtern out over half a crop.—
Three Hirers {Mich.) : Chrordde> March 28.
The' LttAub'r' Bcatiraas:—The' lumbermen
continue to return' from day to day from the
pineries, thODgh’alarge number of teams and
men are actively engaged' In getting out tim
ber—the snow continuing' good -in the heavy
timber/ The post tjjntef has been very favor
able for this business. We have heard the
axhouht of lumber that wDI be run out of the
St. Croix the present Season, variously estima
ted at from to 90,000,000 feet. Either
figure might be compromised upon without
: detriment to onrlocal interests; Fair prices Is
eR that la needed to. set. our people on a whirl
of prosperity.— {Stillwater (Minn.) Messenger.
DBOwrmn.—lAst Monday; two Indiana, hav
ing tasted of she sweets of civilization, and
mixed a little too much water with their whis
ky, launched their, canoe upon the waters of
the noble Saginaw, opposite this city, and
started for their wildwood home. But to their
1 eyes the canoewaa quadrupled’; it danced and
turned in a thousand different directions; the
shore was running around them so rapidly
that they found it impossible to keep te canoe
direct down stream. In this predicament hav
: ing heat'd probably that cold water applied to
; the outside drives the effects oi fire water
Away, they overturned the canoe, and one of
these wild men of the forest found a watery
grave. The other succeeded in reaching the
* shore, and, without paying the least attention
; to the death of the brother,'sank exhausted on
the dock with the single exclamation, “ Whis
ky I n —vS«< Saginaw Courier , March 2Sth.
Obtained from our best City Physicians,
Sent to practitioners In {lie country, postage free, upoa
> . , tha receipt of One Douar;
WboleMle and Retail Dealers In choice Drug* sud
CbemlcaU of every description.
The best pi ice tn tha West for Invalids, Address for
circular. Dr. JOHN B. GULLY, Mrs. GULLY.
S. PENNOYBK. Proprietor. mbt2e2S7 Sm
tl Wx*l Dis on tub Field ob be Free,
Bong aod Choma by Samuel
Katy Lea aod Willie Gray. Qoartette—by Grants.
Pitee W* cento.
■ The Lithe Boy that d ed. Ballad—hy £L J. HiEglna.
Price 25 cents. To be had at JUDSON HIGGINS’
Music Store. >0.40 Clarkstreet. • sp2-e4iT*.w
114.2 334,3,8)4 and 4 Inch "Water Pipe, bored frith
Patent Anger
Also,, Wooden Suction Pump?, made and
sold Wholesale and Retail, by J. F. rEMPLE.
- mhfiHSt.ty corner Polk and Canal street Chicago.
JMPORTAN T.—Look in at
And see how low they sell Oils, White Lead, Zinc,
Faints, French and American Olasi, Varnishes and Ja
pans of all kinds; Alcohol, Burning Fluid, Coal Oils, c f
best quality; Brushes, and all appnrtalnlng to the trade
1a23>61.1y THUS. R WOOD & CO.
IT DEEIAKKE3, No. S3 La-'aUe utreelr-^—,
Also—Wood Collins and Shrouds ot all styles. Are
prepared with Hearses and Carriages, and will give
prompt attention at ah noun. Have a Chapel urn
Vault loCameturr *t>u
Don’t forget to buy your Gloves at BOWES *B, 80.34
Clark street (up-stafca). The beat and cheapest Buck,
akin and Fur, all sold lower thiw eve? before.
. V. B.—Bowen Is also Agent for the West of Wilson**
be wing Machine, the mott simple and penect machine
arar made. Cali and tea it. Aclimo.lT
S-J for Feed. Meei or Floor filled m short order and
fctiiielowestrat'* ItvUl STEVENS « NORRIS.
(Stommissfimi JHcrcijaniß.
Pork, Floor, Grain and Stock.
Ko. JIG* South Water Street Chicago, Illinois,
Produce and Commlulen Merchants)
Liberal cub advances on Floor, Grain, Seeds. Fro
visions and Dried Fruits, forsala in this market or ship
ment Boat Ja7sl iy
l£locr, Grain and Produce,
Also—General Shipping Agents far all hinds of Fro.
perty oy Railroad or Vessel.
49 Quay Street, Albany, N. T.
Rrfebejjces:—B. Corning & Co., Albany, N. Y.-15.
A. Durant ds Co. do.; Cbas. Van go.; Wil
liam Smith, do.; Tf.urlow Weed. do. mhtxim
3Legal anberttsnncnts
]Vf ARSHAL’S SALE - District
1?X Court of the United States, Northern District
of Illinois. Notice Is hereby n that by \ irtne
of a special writ venditioni evpooHs Issued obtor and
under the seal of said Court, dated the athday of March,
A. D. 1880, to me directed to favor of the Union Line
Transportation Corapinv, and against the »t amboat
Wenona. her enelnes. machinery, apparel and fur
niture. 18DaUesp.se the raid steamboat, her eng nes.
machinery, vpparel and furniture to public sale, where
ahenw lies at Peoria, in said district, to the highest
aud best Udderrorcash, on the J2thday oi ApiU, A.
D. 186 ,at the hour of 10 o'clock A. si.
U. S.M.rsbal ol the Northern District of IILuoU
By GEO. L. WEBB. Deputy.
_€h!cago, April Ist, 1861. ap3e4oM&t
'T'RLSrEE’S SALE. Wbeieas,
X Franklii V. Chamberlain and Mary S. Chamber.
n his wile, on the twentv-fllth day of September,
. 1857. executed and delivered to me, f.e nnder.
• signed, aa Trustee, a Deed of Trust conveying the
i premises herelnaitcr described to secure the payment
of certain Drafts and Promissory Notes therein men.
tloned uni deocribed, f r a lull description ofvhioh
said Drafts and Notes and of the power In sold' Leed
contained reference is hereby made to tue record of
said Deed, of which said Deed of i rust was dulv re
corded In the Recorder's Office of Cook County, Illi
nois in Book No. lit of Deeds, Page 478; and. whereas,
default bas been made in tne payment of tho said
Drafts and Notes, and application has oecn :> ade to
me by George Smith an t Geotso Smith &Co„ tho
raveesand legal holders the.--of Cj sell tbs said pre
mises under and by virtue of the (wrwerol sale i i sold
Deed of Trust contained and for the purposes therein
. Now, therefor**, public nolle* is hereby siren that I
Phall Bell at public auction at the north dour of the
Court House, in the City of Chicago, in the State r.f
Illinois, for the highest and best price the name will
bring in ca h, for the purposes in said Deed of Trust
expressed.-t ten o'clock in the forenoon of Frida*,
the fifth nay of April, A. D. I*6l, the premises lu aald
need of Trust acs'-rloed as follows, to-w.t;—The west
quarter of Let tl-’ht (8), in Block one hundred and
seventeen ■!!♦) of t<;e a hooi Section Addition to Cid
caco; together v4ln all the ap jurtenai.ces thereunto
belonging, anda'l the zlgnt, title benefit and eqi.iy of
TedemotT>a -f the said Franklin V. ChauiberUm and
Mary 8„ ids wife, their heirs ma ass gns in and to said
p.arolses. W. H. BROvVN, Trustee.
Chicago, March 23d, 1832. mhnjfSfrLtd
-jl/TASTER’S SALE.—State of Illi
-LTJL nofs. Cook County, S.S. Adolph Yachdc rs.
Julios Wolff CalebO Halstead and William B. Ogden
In the Superior Court of Chicago, In Chancery.
Public notice Is hereby ziren that L Hiram F. Mather,
a« Mssterln Chancery oithe Superior Court of Chicago,
will on ne ninth day of April *. D„ isti, at ten o'clock
in the forenoon of chat day in obedience to the mail date
of adecree of said f ’-oort to enforce a mechanics ilea,
entered In the above entitled cans?. and to pay tna
petitioners’Judgment for that cause against tt,e above
named defendant Wolff, sell at public sutioo, for cooh,
to the highest bidder, at tae a.rth docrof th<- c3v;
House of the County of Cook, in the City of Chica_o
the following described lot with the building thereon
situate in said County of Cook, to wit: not one, Block
twenty-nlne. in Ogden’s Addition to Chicago and tne
building thereon. HIRAM F. MaTaLEH,
Master m Chancery of the Superior Court or Chicago
Kiho, Scott & Wilson", bolMtors for Petitioner.
Dated, Chicago. March IG, IS6I mlil6«2Tltd
MASTER’S SALE.—State of Illi
-LtjL nola. Cook County—SA. SaperiorConrtof Chi
cago—ln i :hancery. Nathan C. Platr, Pre-ldent of the
Artisans Bank. vs. Stephen A. Doogliu, Adcle Donglae
and August Belmont.
Public notice Is hereby gtvea that In pursuance of a
decretal order entered w the above entitled cause on
the ninth day of March, A. D. IS6I, L Ira Scoit, as Mas
ter in Chancery of the Superior Court of Chicago, w ill
sell at public auction to Hie highest bidder for cash, at
the north djoi of the Court House of Cook County,
In the .city of Chicago, In said County of Cook, < 0
TUESDAY, the tweuc*-thlrd dav of April, a.. D. .-Wi,
at tea o’clock In the forenoon of that day, the follow
ing described real estate situate, lying and being In
the CUy of Chicago. County of Cook, and State of
Illinois, to-wit:—JLotenaaioered one U) to twenty (20;,
both Inclusive, in Block live (s>. In Arcner’a Addition
to Chicago, or mj much of said premises as may be
necessar to satlfrtv tno Indehteauese due snld com
plainant under said decree and costs, together with
Master's fees, commissions ana dbbnrsements on eaiu
aaie. IRA SCOTT,
Master In Chancery of the Snperior Court of Chicago.
_ClUcago, March 16th,1-fil. mblfi-eS-Ma
Cy COuuty, 8. A—Superior Court of Chicago. March
Term, *'Bsl. Tristram CampbelLand ¥ ranch. hlasuirc
tk Gideon D. G itfoni, Qecrge P. Gifford, F. W. TTUIs
and Je&se iL Blciinrds.—ln r. J
■ Affidavit of the'non-residence of Gideon D. Gifford,
George P. Glffixrd and F. W. Bitten; dtieadanto above
earned, haring been filed In the office of.the Clerk of
Bald-Saperlor Courtcf Chicago. Notice 1b herehv gives
to the said Gideon D. Gifford, George P, Gifford and
F W. Bitkin, that the complainants filed their bill
Of complaint In said Court, on the Chancery side mere
ot •» the Sist day of December, IS6C# and that a sum
mons thereupon Issued ont of said Court against said
defendants, returnable on the first Monday of Febru
ary neztt.lwl* a*la by law required, and afterwards to
wit:—On the 5tS day of February, A.D. fc6L on alias
summons lagntfooutof-said Lioort against sold deft a.
cants returnable on the lint Monday ot March nezk
Now, therefore, unless you/the said G'deon D
George P. Gifford and F. vf. Pitkin, shall personal!*
be ana appear before said SapcrforCoart of Chicago
of Coos County, en the first day of the next term
thereof, to be boldsn at Chicago, In raid Comity, cn
the first Monday- of May, l£B£ and pload, *n-»wei
or demur to the said complainant** bill of complaint
the same, and the matters and things therelncharged
and stated. BiH be taken as confessed, and a decree
entered against you according:to the prayer of said
bm. KIMBALL. Cleric.
ASMiK ft Bxttxs, Complts* aoVr.
J- Jesrubi Aunnw, on the Seventh day of January,
A. D. 1559, executed and delivered to imaer
: signed, as Trustee, a Deed of Truss, convey isg tne
premises hereinafter desrrU> d. insecure the payment
of a certain promissory Note therein mentioned and
described, fin: a fan description of which said note,
and -of-the pawee in said Deed contained, refer,
race Is hereby made to the Record of gala Deud. which
said Deed or Trust was duly recorded la the Decor.
der*s Office-of Cook Crmnty, lUlnot*, in BookiSSof
Deeds, Page 713. And, whereas, defttultlHßbeen made
-in the payment of tola Promissory .Note, and applies,
-fion has been made to me by John Brooks, the payee
and fecal bolder thtreovto seDfeld rremi.ee under
and by virtue of the ha wee in said Deed of Trust oon.
tameft and for the purpose* therein expressed.
iNow, therefore, pobllc ooUce Is hereby given thstl
shall sell, at public adetfeat attho • north itiocr. of tne
Court House, In the City of Chicago, -in the State of
DUnois, for the highest and best price the earn* will
bring ta cash, forth# purposes In said Deed or Trust
tea o'clock m me forenoon on Saturday,
'thatblrteentli day.of April, ISO, the premises la
. said Deed of Tru«-t described and situate In Evanston,
in thoCounty of Coolc and State of Illinois, to-wit;—
■ Commencing at a point m the centre of the County
’ Bead fsur CO rods south of the north line of Section
eighteen Os). Town forty-one <4l), Usage tourteeu (1-0
east, thence running east to the east line of the north,
west quarter of the northwest quarter of said Secion
eighteen, thence south six rode and lixtyAmp nun.
dredtesTfiM-lObrodsh thesee'wwtt paraUercwith the
north line of Laid Section eighteen to the centre of
the-aioresaid county -noad.'&esee northerly along
the esfitre of said road to the place ex beginning, con
taining about oue-aud-a-balCCvO acre, more or less,
toget&r vith the building* thereon; togetner with all
the appurtenances: thereunto and all the
right, idle, benefit and equity -of mi emotion-of cald
Jearum stfrtnaM* heirs ora-edgn* in and to sakLprc-
smttsts’ earn.
A : if -‘Ttiiririr'ii it p.mi
wOTturfftn cr ÜBSBCcewftOwgfc.
imiiiY son.
Nos. 113,114,116 lake Street.
20 Case*XatrbnaePrints, ppefyirf.
20 Balaa stark Sheeting* Wf per yard,
28 Bala do. Appleton Sheeting* SX per yard.
934.10 p«r huidrat.
10,000 LEWISTON 80.
$34*00 par bnadred*
All Uadi of Domestic ssd Foreign Dry Goode,
Bottom, Holeery, &&
Ats*vrYork Cash Prices, Freight Added.
Tlio Ziargost (Stools, ot
Bedding end Festhen.
P. P A Zi M a R,
Nob XU, 114, 11* Lake Street.
IJaptt Sjangings,
cm JQili HOUSE.
r&eUrgett and only oonjtleM itoctvest of K«w Tort.
Paper Hangings,
Table Oil Cloths,
Curtain Fixtures,
Cash buyers will flcA It fcr their advantage ta <llll,
E. 6. L. FAXON,
70 « Lake Street - 70
Lisesst AHOBixsrr or
#aintebs and papsk hanskss,
, e • Sooth Clark Street • • • , 184
jFarm for Sale.
Is Ease Conut?, State of Illinois,
Blitr of Timber, and the balance Bolling Prairie. A
good two-story Frame Hons*, two large Barns, su
sheds, large Corn Crib, Grtneiv, Ice-house, and Out
house lor Milk Room, Store Bo im. and Men's Boom- ‘
convenient for dividing into two Farms, all the Bnlld
tegs and Fences in superior condition, lylrg on the
Fox River two miles from Batavia, four miles from
Aurora, thlrtv-elght from Chicago. The trains cf the
Chicago, Burlington A Quincy Railroad pass in view ot
the htluse. Mill Creek, a large ..ever fulling stream
runs through tae arm. All the Stock, Uav and Grain.
Implement*. and Household Furniture iaav be pur
cha«ee together, cr the Farm separately, tbla Farm
and Improvements, beauty of locutiou, richness of sc!L
and all its %orrouadlcge, perhaps, is second to none In
the State.
Tkhsis—Fifty dollars per acre, sH ca*a down, lor tbs
Fans. The nioveabt* prop-rtr on cne year's credit
ccrlartn*-r naUicalara oedre**! Box ‘-10 Post Office
baUria. fllinola delndrSMtc
44 Water Street, New Xork,
Offer for Bale, from United States Bonded Warehouse.
of their own Importation:
COGXAC BBVKDIES—Otard, Dupay & Co_ PJnet,
Ca;tliloD £ Co„ and other b’an's of various
Tictases, dark and j ale, in halves, quarters
aad eighths.
ROCHELLE BKAXDIE^—-Pellerolsln. >. Selgnette.
J. P. Kellogg dr Co., and other brands, dark
and pale, in the n«aal packages.
HOLLAND GIN—J. P Kellogg & Co. t> acbledara, and
Uroo.in pipes and three-qr. pipe*.
RgM— c t. Cron and Jamaica.
WH laKYS—Melmn“s Irish aad Ramsey's Scotch
WLNFS—Port. Shery, Madeira. Bordeaux. Hock, and
others, of various grades.
OH—Fine Bordeaux Table, In cases and baskets.
-i. Mrsic Ptblishixg Hocss nt Chicago
H. lit. DIGGINGS, 117 Handolpb-St.,
(Successors to Higgins Brothers.)
E>eps corsttnfly oa hand the celebrated Patent Inso.
late-i Iron Frame ♦'lano Fortes, made by U 2 hte 6
Bradbury ofJnewTork. - *
Plauoe'to Rent and rent applied as part of tba uar
cfcite mc*ae», if within or** vear '
A Catalcgae of Select mus c and Musical Goods’will
be furnished to applKan»a free of ebarre
_ 53? Particular attention gleen to the ulilcrof orders
Tea* n«M ana D .altrs furnished at the usual discount.’
tl Vrsiso »ai HhflttM!gF'‘ |»
E> N T E R B,*|K ' 2f
101 Washington at, Chicago.
Ic the Parlors, Dining Halls and Lfinnn ol first
c3a« Residence". Also, the Ulterior of Churches, Pa}>
He Halls,,4c. In Chicago, Illinois and «hars?tatS
We aieo give strict attention to the 6raln2nzof Wn£i
and Marbiea, and solicit jour ordan. of
curing then to jour entire MriaCiCtloa.
aoatfKlj JBVivBA ALHlifl.mWMhiagtottS
tetter Heads, t tags.
Boobs, Ate.,
Tastefully got up to order, at
Tletart o( Hort mn*J Admn»-M»eldiiOT. Nt emetor
the very beet of workmen, aod are teeieTJre wt ww
to execute any order—'larg® or *S*u”£2L **r?* lk S»
promptly anTwell. Examlae our specimen* and learn
oar prior, tetor.
TO PRINTERS.—For Sale, a
Address WU, H. RABD* Ttibnno Office.
Xtj toot Printing at Tribnne OflW. of
.. wM. H. BAND.
MERCHANTS, order your Print
(SOCIETIES, order roar Catai
kJ logits. Beporta, «c. si Horn oaa, of
( wmT2.kasd.
order yonrPrlntlß*: atTx&ane OBw>,of^
order Wr
JLTX Printing at Tribxme Office* of
FOB 9A&2S,
CoimnigHum jHmfrante.
coxnssiair meechasis,
180 South Water Street, Chicago, HUndi.
saxpTov L2edo.it, w. l. BAmtnroroir»
_RiTzExjrcsd :—Marine Baric. Chicago, 111: AlvaJi
Buckingham, for the am of StonjeaA Backlflgh4io,>
Chicago, in ; Fanners* and Millers' Bank, MilwaaMefc
Buffalo. N.T.; King Brothers. Toledo. Ohio. fctda»ißtt
conaissioN seekchaHts,
No. SlB Booth “Water Street. Chicago, give their
live attention to the pore base and sale ot ?i on £ 7?i£sr
Sad all lands of Produce. Stock. &c. Üb4£S,S52
made on conaknmente. Aacnto for Kila DrUAfiSS?
jßSt&szs&ss** * c °-
KnxrVeseitVttoß'Bf Coansrr Frodneo
OB Co«*SoSs«lo3 HbtCI^IoSTCjF.
3Q and 33
Frounce tommiailos Marches*,
Xtl?3i < pccl and Leads*.
Liberal Cash A-Ivhtdxo ttUI ha made «a aooalga.
aunts to the above house of
generally, by THOMAS NASH.
• CctSTJClyl -
General commhaton 3lcrcl»ant*»
OiTceend Warehouse... • • Nr. 6* s>>nUi Water Street.
Particular »tte-<t!o.i given to t c pnrshaae and eajo.
Of FLOirttaud oEED&un coiaal telon. mhiVo 3T-3m
iXI tliOLl Ch.
flesaamlwdea And Shipping MerclMAti
(Agent for the Fu’toa hU’-rch WcrEj, 0;-r~:o Co., NEO
Überal cash advance's oi 1; or iUd Grain for amp.
mens to Oswego or New Tor-: or la fv orr. giving the
shipper the prtrilege of in cither market tar
one commission, ftpla
General Commission •ffeTcUanta,
Corner South Water and ('lark streets, Chicago, HL
3HG7HEB • & CO.,
€Hva tteir aiclonrs avscarwa sc tae purci3f« *&d
ul« ofi'k cr. Grala, auti o»ber kTcuCtie, oaComrnlseiOa.
No. iA6 &. Water, oor. Clark *r., Chintz ?scAa.3g!
COSOOISSXOK sdbbchabv,
185 Tc&Jsr Stress, Ciicai?. 117»
Produce Co2&ml*»2oQ
Ptrsoaal aUcctSon jtfT js. v,' or Giz_o. Floor,
proTlsions sad Prrdcc? ssasrs'.'y. L’calocts
sxclu&ltclt Comml&alcs. aads on ccas'js.
menta. IT/ Xlaii, ss-scs. CM'Ago. feUfi.o-1/
a a. arxTToaa. s. C-'-’vas?. x 9. *.
holmes & son, .
Beef as£ Part Packers,
Gfflca No. li'
LiiT-rs. csicago.
De*;*:? ta
Mr KH «AK& SKS&iSI?* U3O, ITS*
f »cdHos4,
REFER Tt> BanK-rj and F-.oesa Mea generally at
Quincy. 111*. St. I * 1-1 *l*. 17 oak; J. Toua*
Boaminoa, £.sq„ i e ’* T H; J. H. Cun.
baa, Baq., »rui.is:r Loaa sad
Trust Ccictfiny, sea v.rirrt. «•. a. .anbtard d Co„
aax’L moixx*. x r.&wajoß.
jCX oosciiisajbi
For tba sn'.a cl Fl-jur. Sr-JiVSei-C Fwk. Swaa, Lard.
Water street. Chicago. ft: If-tiVcrg axl Wesv
era Be serve Cbccee.
im iim tax; ____ x_;?<anL
ccmnssio:* merchants.
no. Scarb ?.’arer streut sectiui dear Wat oi
Weil* street I'ri.ire, clve tr.elr ctcluslva attention to
the onle and pure ,sm; ot *.l irlads of proiaca Stock,
£c_ oa Coci'v.L-el.'a. Case sd'nac-"» made on Bills
of Lading and prcpsrtv In airre. liefer la Qeorsa
S'oitQ £ tc. lisnac Hark, ;:;*l Steel A Co
j. a. w:I tail*)- -r ■: v-. c- a-■'.-rr-Trtxtzs*.
it COMMISSION MERCHANT; for its parciaw
wad sale C£ v-r.:lc. rl-’ur, ; r :> u-lrnc-. .i.:a Ccanary
sTvil'itoseartai'-v. iv.-Cnt c-- * Tt'.Mfl'-'e'T C'’--—'-.-let'.
Also dealers ia S-.lt, I!: :r. .ymc, arvCoc-.r
erin* Hair, La- d dr-.. „.-. ... i.t ■'! TM
South Water jt.
A. s. jntar. . /. -farvra, *. Ttzts-^ira.
mhdltJO-'.? v. r.
Wcsj 3 A-OCir.iS 6ttJlql J ig)
Gurr.sr cl Ciark az-.l ns,u-b <■ v.- r "‘,r ie
jiari* re Cor.^‘,;r~' - ': ;.a
ifl-rnesiN'-iia* 1
80. 3 ?OMi.
Ccm&r Scot'- W.; r unj
<r»Qcefl made cc c>. .■■: u
o i' » - 0
U Kmilv:o
333 Scstii ■?.' :t 'CtJc'i'A'"'
QULTST; & vOVF.’- t
ccarhii se.; o:v
Sl6 sters*h.JM*z*v ~
a ». cirtTs^
HO. Si tOC'-Vii : >:v.’-.
' Harjn - I-' •■-•
\lonno lUcusccd
J. B. i.*ps ~r * .•
> '». tlji-
Jin if
y~; i3i« »2
A. »us?i rr.sLL,'.
C<-Xi3sil*ai«;zt 7t c-.« -o.r-.
Wc. -• y-ut: J’.-.i'/r struct b.to-u iSI
BCtird cf Tr-.d-
Hsrsa to licrciu - . Tv -
—Smitn. t0i1..,- '.
2sd.. Cas'.lt r. * > ,i
piila ;F. r. Fui-'c: -,t. •„(
rt' -.ni Trustc-t.. Chi.
.u-igo, i-rk-'r Launy,
i phir.deU
poi4l s i uCKi
i”"3 pTC-5: Wii-.u";.'. ~ :r.‘.:t bv: .-'T,'.
as 4 B.- - •
: -trt
nr rt.i.
Übtrii a
•imxtzl X. ;-Cir.
General ■
us anmi wasse
innm, '■ 1,- .
\TcGEE & VTIX \ Viv.luce ard
‘ I-*- CornmVsj-'.r. Mer'l-a- ;.■* .*• "Ci;t v ‘-f ‘ Mcag'- and
Sc. Louis Transport.! thin LI; <*. Or^f C Cu rout!: j.a
sallc-treer. Cur.h •’.dv-ui- . A.h-o-Ud Udine. v r>
party In store and 01; r'ln; K.i>r. Fanii-ohr at.
tentton paid to the s-.lf and ; .r.-iij of ‘-rai?, Flour.
Wool. Pr.ivlsfr.os, ♦'t-. Krvr t • It F. C;m r 4 Co. E,
L TlukLam & Co. Sturaf? C-tckingUasn 4 Co
J. W. McOee. r-uhS E. Wnro.
BAILIi, * .juYMf.'tVa.
M2KCHAiiTi. IJsouc. * ..lev
it;'. r>, j_sn.ii;.
... *
tsu. CrcnPTs'
getor*!. coarwsnox m^kohast
St, j.tsepli, iil&sKMSl*!*
Pactlcal.ii- i.ti; arid sale cl
1 allow. »mi ;>rodacs or "Tery
Ui-criutlon. K'lrrs. bypet'.oi- l-n :o Milrtv
>Vri4ut& Sheravin; clti.ivra, <s : i'lcVJju
•oa A Ualcer; iitiOa « Ov.
ISJ: bOoTH TTATEi; fin -JiT is!
AHrin'a Chicago.
Business confined strictly ic Crtnalssloa. lyaj-jji*
y uciCßaj
(Lata of tta dn= cf Tuc’ier, Haafcsph A Carter.)
Is. A S-ptti •)! Ttiie Seydisj*, DJ,
. pi r , S?lS‘ l flgSS* A l " 3 «® 3 Comm*.
Ja33ußl3dci -" fc - aat -
XT PK 2, >V holesalo
Oaoa 37 sS^gfct?igf?iss*" *«4
2& - stiw and on hand through tno states, ‘
tmauasuF, as.
C. S. D, mrdd In-.ite the attention of Grocery. Hotrf
Keewn and £rovtnloa I‘calerj temruJlv. to 53-
yzish bas had oreierencc overall ether br.ada offeral
for sale In the icr the past jj veyear*. -
%T Ample Fire-Proof 'Warehouse yadlltics tor tlm
DrgJSSol* 11 01
Pereonal attpnl.on give a to t v .
Grain, Floor and (.cnntiy Pvodaca generally.
K S.cor. S.Wateracd t lariat* F. u, BoxffSfft
Kx?KSK2»ca£--Hon,Wm,B. Og-lca, Chjeatto.m«i&i*-.
B. VV. Knymcmd* do.; TV. r1; Uy, j 0 . p '5%
ajOQS, ts Co- Sew York* dkuiti Fme» dot
Yelverton do.; Jaa Kina’s bocs. dot; Jaa. a*
Lncaa, Esq., St lonia; Edward feasoa, Esc d<£ ebir
Chouteau, £«f. do. -
lyidoeral advances made on ComUgamcna,
& S. P. CARTER,-
General Commission aterelran;*,
OT Adrancea mado on co&saKß&a&tß.
.is ss*. n
j . >
■ft? WV3.
■ lA-IC 1
i-i lx** r;*,
v-£2Ci£C, ILL.

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