Newspaper Page Text
CJjicagoCr&wijt. T~ feAILY, AUD WEEO.Tr I Kd<toi» ftn<i>PO:pifJ*tor«» . | *g- ' *'sot -. ' qjrpfcs K<?. £ 1 ,CLAB*|nBMBEXii T*DT» CHTOieO TKCBCmii \ rtfSfy' delivered In olty oy carrier, per year,... fiiftfl ig^y , j^ CM 5a r ' f^lf tqiPf?=E |i «sgssgsart : C|fo*go EtiJutte. ' ~SATURDAY, APRIL' 6, 1861.: XLLINOISANDWISCOASIHJaONEY. Hereafter - -our -subscribers and -persons who send us bills -of the rejected' L Ulinois - »- a si.sD s .® o ? s l? l Banks will be credited for * -wliat.ibey are this city. We. re* g*%t *M‘ touch ; as 'tiity ■• teatf ■ thht we 1 are to make this aim6imcpmen£'l)Ut -«dt.i§..theonly eourselUat is left us.. j iSOSE LIGQT^ *'* »The'6t6ftmers Baltic and Ariel havebeen by the governtoeht tb sall’^ffom Kew York immediately with a b_attery of ’ ■■light-artiilerj' and several companies of ■" iftfkntry.' * Their destination is not disclos ed, but the best informed .authorities point to Forts Sumter and Pickens as likely to receive their early attention.— The war steamer Pawnee is also said to be under Bailing orders. • ton. is of course convulsed with jutnors by these developments, a large variety of which will be found in our telegraph col- mans. There has been no change in the aspect of affairs at Charleston. A dispatch to the New York Etenirtg Post, says that agents of the government have relumed from Europe with the assu rance that neither England nor France will recognize the new Dahomey, or give it any countenance or assistance what- LfV’l?. *- ' 1-- .- • •*«' KANSAS SENATORS. The long and exciting contest for the two seals in the Senate of the United .States, belonging to Kansas, is terminated by the election of S. C. Pomeeot and James H. Lane. Both gentlemen are well known to the public. Gen. Pomeroy is, in our view, the fittest ratn that could have been selected for the high position, and his election is the best possible comment that could have been made by Kansas on the snarling accusations put forth against him eelfand Mr. ’Hyatt'in co'nnectfon'with the farnffi’Cand- iheifnbbleefibrts'to release the sufferers;' Gen. *Poftterby, if we mis take not, was ‘the earliest agent of the New England Emigrant Aid Company in ..Kansas, and certainly its most effiolentone. -The-cause of Freedom has had no more zealous friend anywhere, than- he, and it will be found that in his new sphere of usefulness the State which he has served so well has given'to the whole country a warm-hearted patriot and a judicious coun selor. .. : " THE cits: election. • One week from next Tuesday an elec tion wilt be held in Chicago for a-Mayor, three members of the Board of Public Works, a -Treasurer, an Attorney, a Sur- veyor, a Clerk of tlie Police Court, and ten members of the Common Council. A con siderable apathy has hitherto existed .con cerning this-election among the people r and politicians' of both parties. It is suf clent to say that the persons then ‘chosen, though, they, receive bat onb rote apiece, will enter upon their "‘offices respectively, andholdthehi through • -the next municipal - year.' This ...fact is so patent that a number of persons whp are known to derive their inspiration from the Democrat offlqe have actively taken the field to secure nominations for -tbe varioufl •pUces.lobe Voted for.' • It is quite olmous - that -however muck the editor of that sheet may inveigh against the validity of'the election, he knows that the election will be htQd,-and that the successful candidates will be installed in their offices on the, day by law for that purpose.’ .y,.--' | What it may suit tlie to do in the premises, we are not advised, nor are we ■anxious to know. They be arrant fools if they do not ho!d*a con vention and put a ticket in the field; anci the same remark will apply to the Reput - licans. Whichever party neglects to do s > •confesses itself beatea:at-the-outset. W i believe that the Republican paVty ’can'car ly the city as readily and decisively nov • as it has donc at every election'fclnce 1850- If there ever was a' time when nationa. politics ought to be influential in a civ; ■ election lhat time is now. It is quite ap • parent that the new. Administration ha i determined to grapple the monster of se . cession' with a strong ’ hand' add naaintau. ‘“roe supremacy of -the’ Constitution at -al. hazards. We believe that the people o' a ye^ - large are de termined to sustain this policy by thei • TOtes, whenever the opportunity is givei. tlyync desire to eee capabie.&nd nnei ceptionable men nominated on each side and tile issue of “ thepoastitution of Wash i isgton ftnd Jefferson or the Constitution o - Jeff. Davis' And Aleck.,StepheDs” lairly pre seated to people. OBU^^IPFAIttS, We hear’'w/tU great satisfacdon that W P. Dolfe, Esq., of Edgar county, Illi noia, who was appoinLed lo jUi&timportan post of of Indian Affairs enters upon his ditties to the great satisfac tion 1 of all- whcv' h,sre 'business- with tha Bureau. The place is one of great respon eibility. The Conrmissioner negotiates treaties, ! pays annuities and look's generally oiler the Indian tribes vvith reference the! relations to’tbe : 6overKtneDl; Und'in hi multiform tronsacUons dlAburses-annuallj about three and a half r millions That the trust reposed In Hr. Bole's hand will be faithfully and honestly executed those who know the man can have ik doubt. Under the Pierce and Buchanai Administrations, this Bureau was one o: the most corrupt nests in Washington We are glad'that hahdfe o a reliable man, Who will not only dowel what he is appointed to do, but will at th( same time uncover.some of the iniquities that have been practiced by his predeces sors. • TmcnriA. ■The Virginia Conventloii yesterday vo teddown a geceasloa ordinance bya larg< nmjflrity, and adjourned sine die. This ii r„ua»t. delegates irer6 .electcd ••••While we rejoice thauhe Wl spirit of ties son hue taken no tangible shape in VlrgTn la, we ore not disposed to consider th( chapter closed hy the timely action of th( •aChayghtfeh- --EJSfd, or and their fellow conapitatom aiil.enlj redouble their exertions from, the dayo their seeming defeat Whether they shal .-at last be successful the future can alom —. - '• T spring Eutcnomr"' nxinois. Muroori.—The entire Eepnblltan ticket foi towu -offloera w»s eJectsi on Tuesday. The Democrats mode no show on a portion oi the ticket Where there- was a contest, thi Republieso majority wns about 100 on a smsl Tote, • ■ .> ‘ *' ’HoHaffl.-£ThV" d&ried '-flii '*••«»»} ! Btrm'CbimS»SWSr, R ’~5 6Uer «ieh-; tbfDejioeraii'(Sfetsd^eli ele«Uon en?' MedtJ ,_. „V7„-. fmfCaCOa.—Tt'f. tVrf. 4lh«tva »r m%7 <~z* VOLUME XIV. mm— town office* on Tuesday without opposition, except on Moderator) the Democrats making an unsuccessful attempt to4efeat Hon. Owen Lovejoyforjhat glace. West Galena.— At the*"town election on Tuesday, thd RestiblfcaSurelected Supervisors In the 3d, 4th and sth wards. • 1 Pontiac.— The. Republicans made a clean! sweep in the township election on. Tjxeaday, by an average majority of 75. :This is the big gest Republican majority ever given in Pon tiac, Lincoln’s'last fal£being only 42. Wabsaw.— The entire Republican ticket was elected on Tuesday by from 60 to 100 ma jority. This is doing jnuch better than usual. Rook Island.— The Republicans elected the Supervisor, Assistant Supervisor, and Assessor on Tuesday, byinAjoritles ranging from 15 to 54 on a vote jo£ 7G4,.the largest ever given at a town .election. 7 iThe.remainder of the success fnl;Cftn&da4efr.Eig Depipcrata. The Democrats carried the-city of Rock Island a few weeks since by about 200 majority. Moline. —The Republicans elected most of the town offices by handsome majorities. At the corporation election on Monday, the People’s Ticket—mostly Republicans—waa elected. Byron.— to this tpTfn.the Republican, ticket” was successful. * Coe. —The Republicans elected their whole ticket Zuua. —At the election on Tuesday there was a tie on Supervisor. . Peoria County.— The Republicans elected Supervisors in Timber, Logan,Richwood,KLck apoo, Elmwood, Radnor,Hallock and Metamo ra. The Democrats elected in Brimfleld, Hol lis, Limestone and Peoria. Hamilton —The city election in Hamilton resulted in the success of the entire Republic can ticket; from Mayor down. ’ 1 MICHIGAN. Adbian.— The Republicans carried the mu nicipal election on Tuesday with the exception of one Alderman, Calhoun County.—The towns of Albion, Marengo, (gain) Marshall, Convis, Tekonsha, PenfleidjEckford, and Clarendon electedßepub licaa town officers; and Homer, Lee, Sheridan, Fredonia and Clarence, Democratic. Jackson County.—The Board of £upervl- Bors'slands 15 Republicans, and 8 Democrata, being a Republican gain of 2. Ann A33QE.rrJ.ohn -F, Miller,. Republican, was elected Mayor of Arm Arbor ou Tuesday, by 73 majority.' The' Republicans also elected the Manhat and <3 Aldermen. - Monboe.—Mr. O’Connor, the present Repub lican Mayor’ i>y than double what It.was last year. Macomb County.*—The Board of Supervi sors stand 10 Republicans and 4 Democrats. INDIANA. Plymouth.— The Republicans, of Plymouth elected their Trustee by ,1 majority.. Last spring the Democrats” carried the town 43 majority, and last fall the vote was a tie. In the county (Marshall)- the Board of Trustees stands Republicans 6, Democrats 4—last year 5 to 5. Jj '‘ j 071 Gov. Buckingham/ and the whole Republi can ticket,-Is elected by'lßoo to 2,000 majority. The Senate stands ’l4 Republicans to 7 aH 'sorts; the' House, largely Republican..; Thd Congressional delegation, will-stand 2 to 2, be ing a Democratic gain x>£ 2. Hu CnlH oftlie: MeQnecn—-The Straits. ■W. L. Sir : ' Hav ing been requested by you to accompany Capt. Prindeville, of fie JdeQucen, to ascetUdil the : condltion Df the iceintheStraits of Mackin aw and-vicinity, I herewith givean account of our observations, and -my conclusions In re* gardtd the probabilitieacfa passsgettocrogh. •Leaving heremthe forenoon of the 37th'nlt., the afternoon of the following day ice drifting slowly to the Southward and West ward between-the Manltou--Islands and the East shore, to which we made fast for the night 6nthemonilng of the29thwo found* a passage along ihe shore aroundip Northpprt, •where we were ‘shut in by"_the ice for about' twodays; the wind having changed to_ the Northward aadjaecomp fold*,-The evening df the 31st we in the immediate vicinity of Point Waub^shance; the last thir ty miles, or more there were no. considerably bodies of Ice' iii sight, lodging there during the night lie next day we made an attempt -tb pass through the ice and get to Southward of it, but the wind blowing very fresh from Southeast, and the weather being very thick, we worked our way back to the Grand Trav erse bay, for shelter daring the night Onthd 2d inst-we-foUowedtheace.aronh&irO B eaves 1 Islandy finding it-, drifting etc Southward and Weetoar&between the different Islands. Af ter-wooding,-.-left thereat about noon, passing the head of the Beaver without difficulty, 1 ; stealing well to Westward for several hours, thence wefotmd much floating ice which had the Westward of thfc Island; remained in it during the night and worked out of it entirely during the 'forenooi of thc-Sd.' I am folly satisfied 'that all the ice which,the. Eastward-of the Island, i l now so macb brokea np wnd-spread, that np difficulty.would be found in getting to Point WaabashancC,' And that '•possibly'' a- passage through the* Stmts teAtr be found by 'the timfe any resael caa gettbere; and,inallprobl ability, A veiy few'days,'at farthest, will be suf ficient to remove : evcry- obstacle. There' bo* ing much snow onthe iee, -it will waste verf rapidly with a warm snn or wind. ■ Respectfully* yours, j • ' '*• . R-C. Bwstol. I , ,• Piiem* 5th;.i86L;.., V:r THE CITY, -. Xebs ohai^-r-Gdv,... Ramaey . ahd ikmlly,. o| . are, KlchpiPhd House. . . : j • • IS” The funeral 6£ • C&pt, Bigelow tsk< -place at IP. ,1L to-day. , - Snooltonj' barber named Hanj lan wai'hddto bdl 'yesterday for attempting to Ehbot a mas named Hodges. J ~ Whlpjile of Mimieeot! ■ aJ TOp4 in -tWs citj_laat evening, and intend, to spend a feiv days among ids qid friendsanc weU-wlshew. '-Daring JUs stay he b? th. gneet of Dr. : Allport. Alex. White, as will be pur tad vertleing columns, offers for eala . a,, choice piece of property, at reasonable terms Also, a number of desirable stores to rent Set 123 advertisement paper-with tbii heading. .Truly,.pleasant numbers to. a- b«n. .& Earmelep,; D§arbprii; luui. also! i eweetly ■' v ; . ■: Tns SoDxinmjt dorred .PQPJ Of .the the'iCoufederale Kates, neatly printed in - published, pad-nay be had for fird cents from John R.JWaisb, .corner Jiadisoni* street’tad Honftß.HhCC,. ..V.n,! 1 ..;' -V',’7 M/Rosb & Co., hi another column. Thi.7^a, logTftyGoods house is in the flfo4 with amost attracdre and seasonable array of goods, to -whfi&eiidHP<wß wfll ftodthcte ynty wljßn^c Capital TASKfr'CASaroPITSEu.—a gentle- hUe of Charleston, 8. C„ has just bought r tvfenty-two acres of land in $1,170 per acre, cash. An ‘ tin $!(),. 000 in thin way ehows tnoWi how «udwhem4M«Kff&w ofiteelH pen.'ltimiefijffloietsl of* fhe Fimadel* phis appointed GencHC' KreigbP Vtgiht 'ofjtho Chicago and IWlroja -ge ls thoroughJrdioabßtln’raitooad'hnaliwasaDdUic *PP°&vm¥* eymm** -7 ' ■: xmamm^mysm^soi Capt.JWsrdia to put Into bla Bonir,. yitlfor the HOrQi Braaefa, two flee ton for the mannSlctttreSf r»lt beadß'and »(ibafts. t-t.s-1. lb -an™. «l,e' the W " RI " 1 to build bridge*. * ■" - *•' x ~ ' ’ u ... TT,.M.TT.'r t. -is-sii; >4 g'|'- I.jr. , iin; «t *!•■•' •■■*■ nf ■ ■ii- -. iin.. -r- ■.-.' + tt-'j Q j The past week has been marked bj^iii ibc s whlchjfl without parallel Jn - theuanna] j of our* city. ulfidowtonrortfitfe apbu< the caj q, v tore and rendltion-of tßh Hortti iSnlily by th . ‘ b^W^difeada ’.i ness of details expected of- 4s aaa/phhSic jonj ' nal,’ It was onljr fhirwfc might a!qd S^pli .unwilling.toi pads upon the-.earliest.i officialac • iofa EepnbUean ; office#hold& > andf'yitj'whid 3 w& f£el r earned m thaminds. of tlus.cwnmimitj j. Man: hunting-'in Chicago haa^neverfouUd : x more zealots Und. tobL' * V.' r .'!'!• ..‘We^ix.e "jictf j of the constitutionality--of.-A .i&-«;odloas>ani i hateful, and still a law, 1 but it - fcud* fiio • great' which ,ani f . superserviceahle. official and'/ hi» smimons (. hare manifested in carrying ont its enormities 3 The lawputs its processes, civil and cfityinal t f idto‘ the‘hands *b£ qiijlchffl ij£ . and ,»OTe ?x{ i j- brute of a-*conßtobie, T bdMto'eKaUttoj£b;\- , rhi 1 Mnd l andHehrpfef'q£‘the;^^ 3 .Feiieres it of hisEshness, «s-i»-as p6eßibl#7 ! €hi , Other,‘-ofmed w*tb MB''ph£ierß; himself npon the rorrows he hasTa right" ti 1 bring hia-power, and inthii ’ r light United-States Mafcl& J Jbn6*hii‘ com' ' He entert'intq Jhe with. a, t ?est. qnii keenness-rwhich* awakens : wonder how talcnto no ‘Useful Oh’ the • runaways-haye Ujytb latent'iu the lead, regions. OL-Notiheniilllinole .Instead; of- *ln : i ttiilder cllmatfe'.. :,It;&:tdtf Him .‘f6,’iff! tymsplt of any openlng;in.-that- direction now jfor la Jeffi kingdom* they* would trta a Republican Marshal as Wti< lat ely caused the. Harris, family'to b'e treated ,wliich r we regret to andy is (saying ai grSatdeal i. AVq object ton Federal ; d£Ecb|fi6lcter'nh‘3e: Abrahaih Lincoln'eufpasslpg .hUiriiqg kuoffioeL .j.Sh$K is-a palnfu duty under * lawi'aud making'that d&ty'a de light, and ybt* T ibT T ?atfef < haabeen chosen ty Mr. Jones. -- r ~~ The leading points of this painful case hart _ ( heen already, given, but* tenfold.more. caald,b( wr 11 teno f ; ‘ the, ive features-of- the affair The United States Marshal.held. fhw« writs several .days. .V, He tooji.imn.e but-Ero-Slaverj Democrats .mtphis office, topnewhombehftd already giv.ep/prqbabjy vrith reference Jo such affairs as, this,.a regular, ,peputjahlp.; Othei , too ? £ ? bk e .antecedents and sympathies, were chosen and then; hard,*hparto^Qßs-tested aa a , man tries, the. steel pn which ho la <te. With a zeal, see repaid by a service qi plat^ ; from the. nigger .driven, witlilpg. .he .became, engine, tyres Hayea to tbetray his colored bfjpthren, and the omnibnsrdriTer! and Van figuretis , scene shiftem, All is, done as- if the Jaw -was e pleasure, and Its. service.a deUght-tq the-Mar /•hal. , ' The inah Hayes' Went to.the oqpupled by the people of color where* |he. fagitiye ihni: tlywcre visiting, .He iiad, himself, pn Edina Place, but for sbmVupcxplpmed reason insisted ik lodging,>t’| street, and'did sp against the, profesta pf.the 1 household 1 . "At an early hqur ,f^mortyng 'he fiUed'out his part of plpjt by slipptyg ’’ down and opening the door/tq !thq btypd ■hbtmds Bent frbm pfficq. Jones denies thailie there,. *{hongh‘ he pdgty.aa well have been.' It would have, heeq more courageous, to ?a«d father of. dhp family, for whose' return' to,’ ( hqn4age ' been for iiays so'eagerly mean ness of the thing ;the Marshal only managed ~tp," pause when Bome fqr' * ■' The brutalities thar.werp.lrtyicted family, dragged bound arid gaggiki naked down staiis, the.oaths, and,curses ,and ‘ 'show of'‘retpiyera'' thp .tpoie oi Marshal Jpnfea did.his bidding, rin4 ahppk ' Ing fijaturea bf a capture ttyit yopldJiaxe be* Dahomey, we' f pould£jrget: 'thht they bccUriedJn a’ £hri£tia£ that they were done' at the Bidding' of a Republi-j can office holder. - But the-amurnfol fact ret mams, and whils'konest men and humani men look sadly st one, .qndrsskjf .'lhpsp Ihliigs ar§ Bo*,.end, aiie ■to'iong.dlegxacb .our. civilisation; men whom*’ change-of-pikei -would make capithl ;driyerß, - y : h , e ‘ .pfinc-batr ..rooms and fitews,, tyl .praise-.Marahali Jpnes land-chatit his pecans 'over budwhlfikey? We do not envy him the earliest laurels won' jn‘&i , official career,.even . of plate, and. the-itOQ.reward offered poor fugitives: ' ,1,: '■ 4 •* [ V Had wewyitien thus, mpFhmgfpJlnw-- ing the arrest, it might havpi been upon ns that we were- i t«jKnfßlblb ; tifrjfeomi ‘measure mtuuty, that .have foUowedL. .Tituacolored pao. •pie have been intensfely i, aud , dkngtr6usly'.ez cited. It has b ehU' With'thst lhe o^l .grp traitor was ..rqscaedt trpin an angry .armed mob of. cotyred,xima j-seveu -of Wb&m are under arrest . They werC'tP 'Kate' bfedh s fai amined yesterday, Jbnt .fPri'ed of -riot'bre&er^'ontV itl felmj passible tP •kay Whertit 1 bat many lives might have been . shall say that the. supeiizcalons t of th&Uxf itca Stoles .Mar&hSl‘-nright-not-h&ve ■•bitorgedwith'it .KhP^tygJ.iß^ef^ea^'^t be iced to outrage. th4(feeiing«;of an * entire- community - with' ' bsrbHritiCs that would illy become hlbiW^'l^^prtsqk'di^' tb © veriest crlminajs.qnif . the most dangecctos felon would not < havoW ■celved moreconGlderatlon pt'&ii MiithflJ DriSi did jius ‘idyes of Thursday.mpriung ; laßt...ji-r.4 •' Oao. effect -of thto tmusdtt* hunting is inevitable.' ‘ ■'M|rdhal now .a. ..down, .catch, mid- return -fugitives, and.'kf- city, located as is oure, lm wlll pfentyof business, ‘ Hd .miay as ai ' would’-ttid of a paefc -df •that hehds •’ PhoVenTor ni^e^’nntingji^^wili I promptoessand . sways. o.Doea -JjDttednfitotes Marshal Janes j discover no more honorable fonctlons'belpng- I ing to his office 1 in the Northern District ? j Certainly there'hf® noUe-ho'has' made more •salient. v \x j I The city and ! man-huntera v Thermos} excite- I mentprevalß among 6nf coidred people, ana i within the v fogiJ ;tives,-%6riie 6t have j found dominions. Some :of these,hayp lett-Shcic-homes cir4 | cumstances of peculiar, thej buhter'of huinan' "&Ssh, 'was * uppm Inj some cases, most narrowly capture escapj : Ou-Thuwday,- a mother and Xer*/our«ftffJ ! dren iwrc concealed i&uHr a heap qf manure, ~ in! : the rear.of.s. bam street, in thik j city, when the m afttyrff tjie mother was tumJ ing over, the hay, loft, hoptyg them there;-' -Think of-that, motHeri- wUhj bappy whose faces yon may look?an<l‘-£ali theth This ; family TriU.* tre the eager hands of ike ncw United fitotee MarahaJL: j 1 -irittea ty ns. .Thereis enough,abroad,-in; , thcuA tjjnpfl to «.waken aiarfq and dreudunJhej 1 minds of every patriot and i Events ore moving down npoßths, at whose! rooming. eycßk : the stoutest BtajOdagf^l^.ngjn] the coming tornado^.or-.h6Ur : .pto.firßt ram-j bings olam earibqua&ei; events the mostj stupendous of/jUto &S& two centuries, foe which History ; cord what men In after years shaM ofj : vast portenfina world’s agslrs.* Aad it is Into such a as tST; Marshal Jones has roshed, exultant, with his captives present j and prospective, asHaQ was lackingjnstl ’ *Io cement a'hroken Union, clause a I ored j °V-^»*«^******> L I . jiv>U*<7 AK«e-v ; I in, !) jiijpimi. 1 mu' ■ mu j. ii ■ t ; i ; pap«o£yMterday; .r .■./-■•f: . 1 • > h T<nWE Old ‘LißXßtT^SuAnn.—-TheTiewTJnlted , S^tes / ’Haß%’saLl 1 , aoy ilaTtted,to- evening .at-.haif a past T Noi.Bt-Clark street.-.- live men 1 are tftvitefc Fb»il| pUfstiani dwith thß*fcfll the’Unfllß Of’Mr. j^ereinfelci^ .towhy gesfion. of a gathering of sym ' pathixers with the purpose -of the rally.- '^ fto-hls advantage,for.the.trnthhMißjuo man, albeit It might not have been plea£Antt6 have |n ( t^e f him. - - The following resolutions wore’unanimous ly‘passed \ : V \\ 7 \ * 7, ; "A '7 ‘ ( *. ‘ 7‘ 1; i* 1 '•titttfobsTßiaTetawYequlre; • ,J " ■••• • 1 I coramfllee be appointed tb 1 draw up. a /petiUoD and «Jfcalate It for .•ce»pficthilly.Tßqa«Btiiig;the:Prßßideat-tQ removje r S“tolng--c6f?rM?6bpleai^ ; Sfelntl J UttwryT no' DUud bY Stealth 'trecekaary • tO'carfy out?his-pdrpoees. i' -i • -- - 31 ‘ l ' 1 1 /theHalted;States Haf , ehal.'pf nthis district ihes, by hie .recent. course ig .Uiearrest uonying. toem Into slavery, evinced a. mean .and ‘'alrbclotts BfiTbsenriendy to'the feave pbwe't.-a’nd baa xmtTiged the'rlTOtrof ! oarconrmcm htirfianity and •oP*Ub«ty« tbarthe'tliie-liaH-«joßie-when'every frieod.of liberty vhoold become Acimmittee do a{- .jteud<tbeiatepaof> the.feeid.Marshal and hia Uepn- pbjfipri rircajnetancea .aB .ehafi .. ; :i , voted-to call apublic meeting. of-.cit •’isens sir-'Metropolitan Hall on ‘ Monday eve ’■^^,aHd^^fi^.iUb’w^''chbßeh(^am uthemboTOTesolutionS) the foUowing was cbn|- r '‘ l 'fo a^xyiEEl—Cj’ I).‘ man TbUo.-fiarpeij. ■* u ' j • 'The'.'atidVe. Committee are to'meet •at Mr ,^regr T p , pfS-ga xangaments will he<-znade for call .of;thc ■ MetropoiltntiH^lmeetiDg.-'' 1 A-lftrgcGoimnlt[ petit drawn to lemovb i Irma office thd -Marshal 'of 1 the ■ Northern Dis| 'frfdl ofHfliroik 1 ' Baslneu improTmehti* j 'imtfce&eehrtokens s>f huainess improvements! ■Bereral first- class 1 structures- other than the ‘aJaTMt, ..hetwesuT-Luke and Boutn ■Water,-the fine marble" fronts -Owned respect fendMessrs. Walter .'-.basements are to bepui under them. - -/ . 'On'thc cbmfer ■of Ldke and State-street, H} Jpo^fer,"Eiq.', r U font .AtorAt ,-jtnd'ildi |td -«ay that thiwtore*throughout has-been taken 'Separately,- And in.thear former bußfeneas reW •'tlOMjtd a'yery wi9e circle 1U fMS-city and tiie ‘'■jr.'.Ji; 'Sat'terlee,7and - Eaplkner wvra fcametly of.the house of Satterf lee, Cook & Co., andE S, Wells has been long and j!4s. c|tf,Tiie new fep'ihna ppjsseEt roiaandexcellent elements foD.success, ana •havej it will be : retriembered, 1 -retunied to the f ikinV' egret & by the 'pained, firm,, of.which two .of .this, new house :yvetre«etivemembers; ,i: : ■ ' ,f I ready ifor aaextenaivfi business, under the happiest -auspices fortsuftcd*#’. t The tlrafes are tife~6utfo<fc‘ aibaajs r _ these 'abovepajped are .among the.tokens that.our > merchants are noteitting down in deapedr;nor Indeed ’c&nse,'pb Judge framlhVtegj* timdhy peered iy a walk through : our baßineaa etreeta,-at-the business period oit ■thedsy. l 1 ' :ißar JOecthiga- in •A'tteetiag 'of the members of life Bar i > * teD!. : 6’cl6ck In'lh 5 TJnlted' Stales’ Circuit Coqft.’jopin, to.' iqk j such action aa may be deemed appropriate 1 1 the announcement 'ofthedeath of th > Hoa,'Jb^ Mtteii - . ‘■'Z propqr,*jad weconld.wis i the BarofrthH city r reserVed'-these l high test!- 'monies' pfotei * 1Q& Jthat <$ Vh^rethfe jcareor of the deceased may bo heldup>for ■ th i ■-emniatioii' flayp; ’bytheir.fcexinency, andiack of disorimioatio: i too cemmonand’empty.' Itwillhe i tfitfe fb frodi ‘ aiid only'ac • ■''Qojfd labels to.thpsei who lii s .hay* deserved: themr-'Gver those Who , rhak s ■their Uvei‘- ih'e Chicago 1 Bar’b > ft * } "'>4ehtr'’ v Vj -. »r W . Vo,- Msr. - ,s tlß«td Sales; •' fl Messrs. ars:; BJ'iifobt jeal . eiji'at ‘brol^ei^’-iconic,.'.'jepiple, Pearbom street Inform na that they haver within a- ■ few week ■ p&sl ’^i6tc‘ , \H£n' ( tKe; ' SM$? J .■'■ -•< - The sales generally'have -been of proper!; 'designed for actual nsb, fehbWs i :^nd^‘i^ ; towAr^[s o a aji( :% jeSoratkm ofabilityon -th Apart of. men M ■' ;T •• r '■ ’ rCm 'kmo'bg tyfhers'lfiey t ‘iiie One lot nearHra. Clarke's, and lot on Monroe near State' street,, i ••‘taglf'V,. k " * '■ , l ■*’ sfio of uie Hty I'imSsi fisb’X-‘slS! .OnArOreueerMadfeOD’Btreet.atthewßsteWi 1 ,i time<i. ; nivsv ‘1;25 .TwedotMm Polk street near-J^ersan r OB • ♦n_i *• • '*•«• • MO Twolo.tsoaTweuthß^eetneacO&aalstreet. ''od'tliao'',^.r.;, ...vil’ yowkrtß otiTmrie dt'^nue; 1 neir the 'Car ' '■•<’<, -Worksion time..' ! stXX : Gae lot on JBUie 'lelanQ- iaVeone, aear-Tay- ■' ' lor.«reefc, t caßh.w l « 1-«H .mufcopdlpt-on Ehn :K«rtb» . Cuuk n wpirismn street, on .time. 10JXX 'Hbdse and Idt on’ HhbbMrd' street hear Ben-' ’•■benatreet.'-Tcash.-..A-.V-;:.v..rT: .7t\ ;t B(K •Moosedod-iet on Boflklo street,’TSadi .■ 'I;BCK •’ itraddltidir to 'liifirm~uh,‘ fjkej foßjMlM.iow pend .10g,.,-v.» .a.IU .•»■ S.i . ... Mei&s. Jweat& KUk &£°> fcave.eataUiflh ed, and have in active operation, a very eztcn aivo and completoinanofactory of Soahaci nnd’ic a.anaiyy.ii .the «e»ral.,grade», forawhichdong experieno and" an.excellent repctftfiori ■ wtm'inthoeann afipn They occupy fctihiapnr pose theduge hrtek building. Jfo’e 08 and & bf'.WSbiait krdphe ,tic residcn tpartncr and emu ago Of tho taEinEßahero, iu ; reoently ahowedat ■■throughthe works, : which at'aHbtral-onflai 'appliance aid made qne.of the. most completi Stlta (dasa-in .-the-West; -Vast: steam ■ heatet 'chntdronkj laigc'Bßongh fdra’thWdferjKit'fo china, which r tnm out. thousands ‘of. the« .■wiekvedclnyention»\for‘-mhihlration; ■ grta piles'/Of mahiiflrttired staples' ’oftht ,'houßcho‘ld. *, ■ guard erery .family in-.thia region 'apdnrt.thi •*roaTl»ur«lt *d i ar)teffl«, i ;fli at,‘trace do *and a. jnannfaotoiy. con ducted .on principle that mutt giTC-it-sheccss. - 1 ‘C»»- ■ ... faalfa ‘ ifcgejTjS ; t&rMjjEt slreeslon -'S6ii*^»WhSlU^ nxhau*tl<»B.'«npply-from pur paddnghotues ■eiflyjßSy aiMfa thcrajd ltWrnMijfadta»& ■fteigfetV oastjmctahiretnni. .ObyJoaaJy.tiii ,H^^iojeot^aaUty'waiT : nie'afteraJl; atfdheri i*» WM Bl»du«s,’iu':bothMt!dai haga.won' i drighTepaUUdn in- ■ the anarietj -end; indeed ■BonoßettoHa‘ d®tfea-hhfKr Wd.ardit •5® WyS 'Jofii&eSljwter prltewln.atatdlshing.tioinmaaniactoryhnri though in a .dnU tim'e'ahd'one :ht'genera 3®SS^3#^Ssggi^w.>>®s»i jflffußW' .Suta instances ahonld -ggnotteannhi jfS.faa u~iu HiySirru. iwpljsrswrp) -.ttaXonpaißgrof JtnSstoo Loflgß-ofGood.Tem. or^, ■ Itrr . !-■’»- n ~ ’ rninolj liil-C'a i >, 4 ./*■»>! ,a V.~ *3 I*• . » _.; ~, . , u «•; ii k. li; -in • -nr-v i A ~r,'.9«eord«r!MVftlUW'r<-: i - h pkadgaiUj tOßteaiiijgbed ■ *IT * \ f«I u\f Ist u.’.l * -'iin* r Jame* Hawtty>}«a&: Cbm&'.&.&smsnton trial for defrauding a Theodore Bell, by found gnfltyv. v - 777:7, ' J.vs.v^'T. : ’'-.'7...:} Jacob liichmOnd-'WtLS'- QtmTicted of Etecling a piece of of Klein «Ss Manad,’ ; TOWed tenced to ono the State Penitentlaryti =««> -■ .<•: --n‘ '• %'eioliebl TfiafthV ! tJ&tikif •Be%S«rßi«>».'F. 'Ha¥aca ; manner <ln which-Ke“ttaß periornred'the •dntdeaof foreman- daring thejweSenr Wrm -of this .Com*,.., i y... r.n 1,: :.> j*.. •■ SewloedrThat tha tbinha dtthlfl'GratidTcfrr be tendered to Carlos Haven, Esq.. Dirtriet Attorney, and A. C. Heselng, Esq., Sheriff of Cooßconnty, for the very efficient aid famished by them in dis pathing the busteea* HWngfct ‘before tbfr Grand : Jurydwing^hU.t«nnotthe eonrt.- ;-*j? t ; -« »-i.-.'. ; .Hadqock*-W ..-it .... c - _C, fl fotemaq.Grand Jury. jpidjwll ..tWw’jeihitUahmmt o£ la KoHflin,.,iN<fc> 57 Sooth Clark streets, oppohtie' the Shcrtoan House, wh siw'hist Waning a _ piece of, say er i imd-,of W.’-etjle and eleganoo. that-.arould. as credit- to my toose! -'lt wad 4/pitcher W the Solid'silver . htdesigh and,finish.; -It. > war made--to orter-for afpreßentaUea gift. ■ We have tab JM;oc(Sloi‘to'patice', the" Work of'.Jtr. Nowlin articles,.;»nd ho. has quite a repntatiqn-fan that particular line. Thla pitchmla one %Jf.gerjon pjlght be proud either to jntfe,' tj giyei or to ijecejra. We m oif .o^’’three modes of teat we’ouraelyes should,prefer,. .Jfcja eiegah|. mttde' of sre,aeuthUon. J was marked R. Jones,” and prove a _ . .. i .. ! gence was received in this -city : yeeterdhy- of the death of Rev. Heman Humphrey; at Pitts field, Haaß»chUßetts, 'faa€r of Rev.' Z. M, Hatnphreyv l ‘Pastor* of : the-Firtt Pfeabyteriku Church in this city.‘ J '‘Hc died on ’ 'Wednesday night last, at an advanced age. ’ Dr;‘Humphrey •wasformeriy Piftoldfent College, : d'w^ i oiie-pf. moat: known-and in-New-Eogland. A-great •and ■good-Tnau- has :beeh ‘called y 1 jiy e. tend through manygenersSons to comeJ - Ha -has left r hiS'Chndrenh'rich hiujs like W. itii-as whati eveatidftidUs.npon along and glorious ? dajj» r fl»de W«sed* ia' even? hour with works ' fafuiß^i^lleßfl,‘ i V, . . • ! .. , * • Bale 6f the; &t!: Louis,; & Chicago RiJ^Q^D.TTJames, Robb,.- special Master in Chancery, for that purpose appointed; adver. -•tisea'in &0 : & tOe Register thhtrte , der a deepee Entered in, ,‘t ‘ o-Macoupin Circuit Court, the. St. Loui»,Altbn <fe Chicago Rail ■road, andall fixtures; &c.j 1 &c.* : Salut'd take placeonSlay in the :<fityofgprinfiielii ' ,-i . .... i V Cmci.GO.A^sociATß, Cosoeess.”—The; mem pers of the above are requested to be ■ promptlyph time’ at their ball thia evening. .Ques tion.lor dfficnsbldh: “if .bupebzboqance a nices eiiy in'eanyin&out trieiPvgiUveSlate Law f" 'The public are respectfully invited to'bepreßent. ; ..., ' Ex.*Com; ! .1 The cheapest and. moßt reJiablc, Stick Machine, 6i Clark street, under Sherman House. .. CST'lanx now. cleaning a^d.irepairiog-gentle* men’s ckjthiagjch caper than-doybonao In the : dty. Try me and Beelfit‘!S-notrSp,V ‘John Jones; - ' ‘ ‘ ’ jV : street j be employea tp gOod living and cqmfSrt Parmalee,” ara-added, ;the minfl .pfihe.readar.needa-no further explanation! --The early game* delicacies- of the'-eatablfc ■anddttnkrfMoldUda are always early fbundati2& eiud 125Bearbofestree . 1 'apß‘_2t j • • -Spbinq OraKiHo.-tiMfas A. E; Wimatoß- wm : b4 happy to se? faef' friends' at the vooma df "H. wl WctfferelF, Nffk. 66 aria’9B tike i'treet,"(oVi Ataej Scan Erprew Office,) today, Satnrday, Ap,rU 3 8(ji, I S'" Wm. M. •Eos&afc 00.- WHI exhibit tala day for city trade, ttadr Paris proiienade garmenta lot la4leff,in.»Ukff,,cloti».' d:c.,Bt- IGT flad'iG!) takt ; r: . i!.;;- ■ >.> :' ffpSSt itutiemhcr the 1 RepcMkcff ; :i;u=g nr’dc-.h.g -ta-dlghtst Momeyer’a Hair, tanM atfeeil 11 ' receipt .'for making off will bum in J K6rMene : ijunis4 Imitative of Kerasene-and wM<hW\tfll warrant • to explode like igntopbwder, can lie hit cratla at 'Wobwf* yandVou .132 B “S*?v-f i ,i f.: ;,-ap64t ! IST* bhalneea iaeeting.ol‘ihq’cth. No, 101, Milwaukee Avenue j, are expected to attend. i ...v5 «.*- ... A.''President. i -'FieiWK fictajiisrswitD, Secretart: * ■ ; i ■'^V;Btmiett , fl'Cocalne, ! jcut received a largs iii • folce-directJftom tie preprint h • Warranted • tine, by Barge*£ Apothecary R&ddlptfgtf&et. 1 j ~ Dlinoiaßaoka taken at pbr for -Allc kinds of fashionable fdothingi nt TMin&m’k -Great Eastern Emporium. 116 Kandolplrstfeet 1 i - : Ap^6ti" : *-;• •••^ , - • ,r ~ •••/ *' ~u - | yon wish for;bakhy whiskers, or -a 'fcsei , gating■ .mustache, .tend- for a hox -of - Beilin g . ham's -Stimulating Ongnent;- ' It h Warranted • to brtag*them*eai in‘'from"thiee' to' elx 'tr'egki • flAdr ehs, by £ $ «tjse.»treet. CMcrf. ifWi4V= r... - =,-■■;■ -■/ -'■■■ ■■ mh23,toi j Deration npon" youj-.toporfo* 'wiuiKflf sljW.adj .Jaa6-3m--- . - ; .T- a-.,..?. ...; i • ... *r ■ .• Copk A, McLain, 98 Dearborn itroet, have zuadat their price for- cleaning and dyeing gent's -ganhents less thaa any other bonse in the dty.' I i 1 adrerilsemeiit of' ‘‘Hard Rnt)ber Elgg ’ j ;ljraß?'J--iias curodcaaei of, twenty ycara-standliuf ,lathis^ty. : . v mrtMm * Bfrooldtiot fialltb waidthe'sdvertiseraent w " f : ' mh-iy j "The,Future,PoniahmentofiUe Wicked’-’--wili be thesabbatbcwiiing.dl&courße. at the TTnipn Park.^Baprist. Chnrcb. by the Pastori Revr'James Dixoli. Serrices' coimmence at •o’cwefc: ■ ■ ■“- ■ i —There will be regular services in the Church of Ascension every Sunday morning at 20X a x 1 andSp x., and on Foday evening at 7X o'clock] Rev. Im. H.-Cooper, Rector. , ■ < . .Tabs Rev. Mb. Baeton.—The* numerous frie~ji J hP l tbe fJtev. ; Hr.Barioll; - formerly the toro£^(Jnrchof th ftl AtOhment, jgaSj S3 wilTleam with pleasure that he has received and call - of ; 5? 1 T OoinmuniQUiiPa .-.Wabash, .ami ms. ? Mra Barton win enter npon his duties -TO? JTfie'reMtaUon-foPildeUty^WM J?Pr.l^^? lre< L 111 -residence in* Chicago -Yendirs MsaiOepthnce of the cal! very | JOWofi service Protestant.Bolwvmal Church, corner of Indiana and Franklin etatatafaf 10* a. x. and 4p. k. Seats freeT . .:.&&\T?iTs£l&f£ori I —-The Rev. J. O.Barfou officiate isijhd 'Chhrch Of the Holy to moproy-j at jp* 3- There will be (Hviheßervice to the'Btohoh’a •Ch4pel,.comdfhf Wishington andFeoriastreets! ►on fionday and lh the aneraixm ten'boHrOccaHonp; ,Ia the evening, serriceat 7.30, •SeTtrinttbyEer: Ji Scats Ssrvlees in this Caintch-tor _ morrow, at halfptet ten,>. end in ithe evenkiff MTSS- TSo sesta jin- thjajanrch.iro no# tree and strangers httehd;-~ n ., "’-‘m,-. J '‘-‘-rßevrHehry “Keiil of Iktroit-wlll officJatC'at thff Flrai PreshylerLahlChurch w>m'oirow mnwiing ■dad'«*nlßg,-'’ >* 1 ■ v ... • ■v:- j jtJ rooms, /rjiiERK of police eongrrU X D. BBADLET iMjiecMT.KmSnibS Uut •he UwCamHdatirfortneiSove omc6*atih4*T6nßi!ng .Huffietpal sJectloo; sob) oc*4o 4hsrfsclMothof- tb»'Re» ;puhtt"aa GnoveDtiqp...,' ■ iLl:x.\\ I *•*«£ K«Kb Mrwt* QUeacViß. ; I-,, -..-™. SlKOn omuyafe] ■ -■• J ok«r r{ Neto abbcrtisementss.’ - -f* ?: , s A.dv^iHngyAgevi y M P arf.aU^iU.%am9i?mr* qfiiihejrarthmit. 'KOREAEfc.dB'TO BENT.^-A rooms ahdiuithe modem Jm- T l *? bricfc:bar®, ftcitSc. The hon*e Is K«Tor ffiSfihSf“x l Sr p.™i'&K'fa Ia‘ VI A^ e hcn l e palatedanlpfiftered l, i?,'v.. b *^ l ? e ?l % e turttißOßearta •fnrnUbeiw Apply to. ALEX.rwaiTE.- tM ton afreet, between the hoora of in a m >nd!»”.M A few ladies " and - Z' f to-learn a ofr* and-beaiitlftil wi. •P easy, andcsi be rone which they-cfen mike tram «3 to ffe ptr'ireer after tsiS i? e 283 * rtf l° r gl/tn- $t capital reqnlied. Cal! at the Inventor s residence, 312 State street. ; and .w yoorselvea, Ladles niil be taught by a lady Oa-lbe •tweea the hoars of '9 and 4 o’fc&cK. *TbSni ft i. ron ■-■'■ ■ ■-■■■ aps^het yOU ANTED—To Purchase a sorj “W^ANTED,— Board in "a .private ™ ™ r ° T ?£ e(rtle=,!n ' , liad hdy.w&re there other twaraera. r idflreaa care p.-c. Pox • "*”■ ■■ - -■ - ■ - ■ - ■• aptxst Geatleroen ofCMcagT. that, i am doing a r«fi!arand It-giihnatebusiness la Feinting, 'and cm ’ «?AS£JS£ oodn-cted^With-the establ&mbrt 2t ? I^*Hta^®‘Btreet, \.^ I yv ro < >< ® Bare «t d7ov-.Ma»rifaot ' \,V/"'ANTED —To inform the ladies Co ™Pf| tc Inetmctionfl,- bo *s to-oogalre a •^novle ofthia new aadhea -ufal. bufilneas, which SPJ? “d can be dene et hom’d b> wMnhtney can “iS?.* I ?™*' 2 ° r * :s ‘ D « r d*’ ad^erti r od''by the ■ostohjAhmeutat 312 State st, by encialoa twents-five . Wdtato,jk>x2a;7..Chjcago> o. FIRST, CLASS BRICK ■* with dll tiinffetn Ifljpro'veni t-ht'’' for M" S.- NICHOLE tfc GO; have opened at .fW-Sooth Wateratreet ■ Chicago .-a tioaera*. ..aale of .Grata lop.r, Frovla'oQg. to, and follc!t*con- Blgnmehte an'd ora. rs. To 'parnca' accessible to Ton ■ waokaea, well a* Chicago, k connSmwltMi Hpare, Nlchoi*, Britt & Co., think >h»r can - °. r aavan .taspß. niS»e?Bs-ii* net M. B. yiCgOLS." o. s: bectt. ■ • -g; afjTIfHOLS. ■ ‘VVAN"tED —A few- ladies and .■-..1- "' ■'gcnUcrneQ to learn a. new and’-beantlfnl bn‘l* • S®® B * SPhlch Is easy ard«<m,be dme at home, by wMch •th?y can makefrom s>2 to sl“per after they •^« v .l Te ”°K d the buslnew. After .work will be {capital (required "•fcallat'the inventors residence, 3*2. Mite street, and see t >t yonrselres. ' Ludid4 - wiu"be taught by a lady. Call be. tween the hoars of 9 And -iolcTock. Thirls no'trurn Dt7 " a, ‘ felrable- suite ‘ Bo *rd, can be found at ll.Adams lf for soon- apsc44B-6t.uet " ANY ONE-'HAVING-EITHER i£w ? OES E- or good light EXPEESS'WA uu«. can Qua a casli by ca>Umr--with the aui * iflljd Emporiom. , V T'O -fp" ‘TV Kent, store 30 Wells (street. ' ■ •tore’iaS W'aah’nKton street- I • . i Tb? abpve 6t^rea ; are all In poaae.Blon Arse of Maj;. to ALijx 'TP'O RE K T—Four- new Gotta^e i n .l\ t » lDin e® i *rooms and kitchen; now building, corner 01 uornella au,d Wayren streets. The Madis- n street care pass thefaoosfis; Apply to aLEX WHITE TO KE-N-T-'—A Few Tenement BI X- -to Hght dollars permdnth to ALEX, WHITE J3». Washington aireeL , fapCclGj-StJ iOO PARTNERSHIP N-OTlCE— MßD'cratedwith us' Sir. S’ P. WARNER, of thl3 o-ty; asa partner In -mr .bnMnept. samplost* - w *S;)3U-»bbt. j SAMPS ° K - CTOCK OP BOOTS AND SHOES Wir.’A.'BETTERS * cd„ wilt sell for Bant JjlßFMldll.'off MONDAY; APRIL Bib; at It o t lock, at their salesroom?,. 43, a. d .Dearborn street, an Invoice ot Booti Pho*a, Lacldj' Gaiters. *C. WM. A CO,Aqc’rd For sal, E—A Second Hand pDgtne and Boto,-TODoree Power! chSipfor .o »a. Auply t-J JffHN EOoEBr, on ■ near Indiana street bridge. -.;-.-ap6iSr Q'C —A ; Purse,, .-c.ontaluujii have Injy.palling at street, and lienturlng • aement "» I'aptixU TURNER WANTJKB.-- •v!L - W.B. . - apeiSt Brick BaUdlng on Alley, rear of 155 SYeljaS^ A TTENTION- COMPANY JTc Tlrit'Re’glT'ent Ilffnris State Trf'otra- There wlUbea, me ep^ofthej-lcl,member- of for the parpoßj of rcorganUlnir, on Saturday tvenTiig. the Cta last, at .Parljr.No-,-.l'.Tremopt.-Hon«e' iAH yoong men Who ara la favor of forming a oew Com pany are Invited Vvdttftnd r - • iTr» r t apfixlt- .v. B^yoDEB.OFTgECO^VXT'BEE. • sNotice —Th'c anUual mtctlneof tie Stick b&Mfert of StonpOomniDv, bebeld StoSI 1q aentodj r*° - ' ;*fJwHN jßepre nosa,-whTctt ts ea'-y alia Can be done at bome;by trrich tireydan mate from gw tosl».per w-eb, after they -hare learned .tbe After leamiojr. «xnataiit w. rk will benivei. M inltalr Invent.*** tcMdence, 312 'kWe street, and -pe^'lor ? ourselves. - .LpoMs wlHibetaaght by a lady* .€aU4o weep tn?4oora : of9 audt ; 4 o’clci<?lc...TLUUano bnm rb°fr . • ~ ; apSSbaet eTRAWBEBRT PLANTS.^Tfiis V3TBthe Tight Bbasdri r for'tfareplantlnff. "' Tbe sbb • ecelber offere pUnti-Of'tbe-'WifonVAlbaiiv Sbed a law ca*h dedriptto coltirate large plate, h© will sec outthe bnrliea ‘■and t»Ke apwrtlonkJftTiefrtift raised Til payment' - - 1 ■'fq©’6My- j : bags r r wagsifr* " ~'V " i ‘ steam U XO.QxaBEZTBTBEIT.'CdMaOO.--- 1 ' BA.QSAND BACKS ‘ ■»* ■ Of every description'farn Is hed-oti'; >•• ■- . .abort inotice, and' printed,.witiu , . . i- QiewandßeaadfaLßrands. ■ 0 SIMEON. FABWEhL, . V«-4771;1y r A O’.K. AGE S . & F :i': CHOICE,SPRING 6000% Of Efory Deseriptiobj ,A Eecelyed-witalna'tew daysby r CO., 1 - . v and'l69 * Stake etreet, ;,AII bo,u|ht t!ba“or dlredttr6m Aianmlfcfar/rgind IrOtoorters,'Snd whien-**eve selling- at Wkoletnl^or ... o. JBDGH BfiLOV BEGdltjut PBICES. ;Jtet'-opened froto Auction, w-Piece* Choice "CdWTs, ‘Piaiii Siliis -dfor.:7s*G&- ■ Eitra gd for Domestic Goods of Every End/" We have Jnst opened a Sarvfrb aswrtmeni'of Rich from am to be f £jtmit elsewhere In And have now lostore laigesti Choicest ,*n<Lch«p- Stock-of General Dry Goods, - Exhibited in this* City,- ■.■''• W. SL JaaOd9sMm2dp* 157 and 168 lAie^grpet, A Mmcak. EXPRESS 06m- SOnCfiTOSHIBPEBS. • • From andhftcr data tthf COMPASr WILL KOTBE ’RESPONSIBLE'* • ' - *’ r- ;; sh'pped byTreight TralßS,'! ] Consigned to.theJr_^r>Dtvunies3-each r Good* are BulppeatnroogiUiU office, to widch rase tae usual cartage and commission 10f Ship piss win ; charged. ; w .. . c JAfi, C.^ABGO.. .Supetiatea&ht. • : \a/ ANTED“Tho advertiser, 1 bav *'.■■*"l b>g. rctjrad 'from the-Orocwy kmi*Produce dn.Mlanc?>o6a, woul4 Uka to engage, as asxbtint übtioß, tenaporary orpermaneati*t moderate pay; will be- acceptable <(»*wißdofth*l\ , TF;liC,'R liefer an’luWrerVia some concern. .apiXSt TT!ESO3ENE : L4MPSW3THWT JLV. CHIMKIE3. . ~ Bead what the editor of the ** American Baptbt^sayi i "o-oir^oirE^ . v ... -Hen-cali ai-- ■ —- -j j«r^ ' titscShniTs tr- nmioß- sad- wßcafflin BANKS received FKftH OUB RETAIL TRADE AT PAC Amoaß’a Laxp.-Wp'haTe.been persenSett>ith 'flpeotttiaae watch .bmraa Goal on without a and ftoslts a sort r :stillXfmaai •4«bertaTnpw^eaTeevßmß«l, i -T*tf'«ao)»-»nd l r)dor Mm wmauiaed.hy.tlia bumea equal to tuat of three candles. Tfie Investor 'ssiures CBathtthi®rht«Sfgbo® onwm bhw Mre’sLajmp '■■pTOMfi -INBBKIATES. ■!■■£. Cletxlaxd, Ohio. .'.sii f ; i ' Klrta ; ALlriUNqis Aub wiscoMSfii ■W&MM&WW. yHOMEDTAIL THADB i/ 1r . ' ; f v . ■•.. ... ... . NphlfiVtampaßtl Oil Ejnptfrinm, 122- -V-vCliAittW STBEEX--^.-122 ap^el633fc-ifet 'J' H /R' WEST EB X TRISSPORTAIIOS COMPAST, EXJPjtiiSS. 3L ’O ■ THE TEA_\SPORTATIO!f (0. > Haring made arrangements to ran their Lake Steam Propellers on alternate days with these of the •. YORK { V .■I >■ -1 . ; ; A XDi i . Mlchlann Central Railroads, Cambering 29 first class staunch a«d strong Etcshhts * °,uer to the mercantile ;aod.o*mnifcraial nubile." 3uperiorfacmtl-&f J rUie(ran? pwtpttoh and produc- to an-tfrom the JKastcru, :We»tecri; Northern and Oaiiai . Of fhe largest niaw. six of whlc>* Dave-'N’ Vrbrk and BafWo daily, pajmeeflagat Buffalo, with the flowing Propeller L:oea enableslj,to otf • r merchants aadabl£ pets superior mdademecUfor their patronise. •• K -I THa.WBftTEaN > BSPBH3S, . with the r art bos Ratmsas le.dlf'g-west. ai.d with the jjjfflg. Frupallcr*. on tne Upper and Lower .i The Xfcqpht Lahe JLine Daily 1 . ■ W^‘ ' ‘ ’’ ci IJNE - STJUJC|E3. . . jPountaha CMy, . r, RmState,-. U.-.i Wenona, .. . . '■Slohawk)- n. i-r. "Plym»Uthy ■ l ‘- Ereigrein€ity, Galena, ; ? • May Flower, i Chicago,' l .‘;', ’ I<aylng Ui6_dock atJSrie Baain' and .foot, of Vicbl* gan strear.-erery ev a IneatT For Crelzbt or the Office. Cles eland, and, Chicago Lme Office, foot of Mlc-igan street. “ ■ ; ThepetroULUitnaUi/' ■ «; • >■■ "'ViaNorth-Shore-Dareet. •••• Wit. Co. feriAsiEEaV ‘W.Y. toVsraixMa. ' .Mt«ioiijr!l, 7 ' Danklrh, ; i.Bfiwl**: r- Concord, ■.‘.■nn »!: . Omar Pasha. ■ bavins the doc&. Bria'-Ba-ln. every evholnr at 7 ■ TaleOa,’ Sandusky iuul 'Green ; Buy Xiine. - Cbxtkil Baileoai> Sviaama. E^hato^ I .' ' l ! Equinox, ' A raxes, >(i , (ii .EnpUrates, • , EcUpae,.Comet, ... • Socket, Marquette, ■ < Cuyahoga, : Orontca. Leaving the dock afßrfeßasth at ro’cloek : F.M For ; Cleveland and■ EH« I.ine. ' « ’■ - ■: W. It Co. Stsimbbs. Mary Stevvart,' ! Saginaw* Lcavii'g"Frle Bisln at7b’clock Pi St. Forfr'lebtor passage ®PptJp'L Dv DOtE; A gent, foot'. -1 Michigan Go.VfUfflce, Edeßaeln. * : ,YQte**! E , r ; 1 Cotntiec SBr-Xct t f^Lsos 83,Frt **** * M " “wK'tiii JNO. W. «UT l‘Lh. ActnL toot Stale at. Chlrapr) in C.-rRjiHMO.ND. • atim ‘’ r ' , . v.cpjsrsiGjsßiEs.."V ■BBT.TOS. S «AriI«SB; B»cl»e Tfll. - •■ %fA - ~ap6-eu~-2m xsttt “ z .-a&Ka»isoi ’• /■■■■■'•'■■ - the * A6fiTnERNTbANSFORT4TIOX«>, 1/ ■ tVffl dnring'the present : tbetrline pV FIRST ;C 1 between .. . .. t O^G^lbay£th,CTapeTincent,’OiWßg;o s . t and thA v-r; t U . »xossrcf»' -For 01eroIia!S:Sandiisky T .Toledo sad Detroit,4M % TRI-’W’EBKCt; XpsrtßJ, : J •yo«4fro«-<»lcaa?. and mtkrmedlate -Cofnnftc«ne f wlto ■t’he Eanr?kt* :; betw»en •barohßtKl-BostoiiLoweU, La*r«nco, iTa-baaf Vsd 'matepoints. *• Cape Vincent with tbs .Watertown and Borne Ran flag line Of Canal Boats ..tanThrongßJrelgatej»ay«t to bat oae tnasblp ®&r at CMc4go-with 1 the Mveraf Eloea of BattroadS'totbe Stmth and West - - / w -^rr*° l T coksrasiEEs."'' 1 •”•• J.Ii.WiB’TKB, No-scoerrtles Slip. Newfork: .-o* Jomr^ruf«.-No.atatM©ateeeaßottoiU - -c SaSKWir.- ' ” *» QEO.‘A ,Kddt, ■N-.'T.'* ... .-GnawFOßOAHoTrLOaweco.N.-Tv ■ = • ■ . . Waijc*»-» Hatis, Toledo.X)aio. E.'R'MattrEttß. - ‘ *o-'J-Hal.*.'Mltwankee.WLr *■• •• /Tjltlor, UuBXaT « Kaeloe.-Wh. . ■ . PiLTOK&.BBaai>, CleT’elamL MA fUES A CO , Cblcaeo. - . ~ ap6e4sS6ai S TEA #»iS«W m iiiww; - Binding s&d afr Qaeesstown, The- Uyerpool, Xew York and P&bdeipfala ' WBI dispatch every SamrtisT tbglr foil power Clyde t ~ ~ . t oollt Iroa Bteamsbfps 1 ' CITY’OPTTIhV YORIC. ' 'EOENBtTBOm' - Cirr or BA'DrtHOKfi. • H \NGASOO; • • - . rCirr-OF^WASHUTGCON*...GLASGOW, CITV Q< TI -*O. , - pis*ege ailow.«ft7 soy ecner-Hne.'-’fss seagers forwardtsttasU-tbaprlanlpsl ciUeacfEorose. Persona wi-bing i > bro»g oat ihetr Crtenda cm bay tickets In Cblcigo loglvat - -- XhesaSteemersbasesapcrioraccjmmodstlocsi and CW experienced Sore-oas. Tho- are built In watkb aadcArr/ patent Bm' knn~MT«_ •torß,-- i For-fQrtbertoionnition»ppl<t-> • . _>:/ ...... CLEGHDJEA, LEGE IE, 6 CO. ; Ggperal Westera Agents IS laaaUe streeC CkJeago. ' Europe soil In soma ot il anirup erarda. -• - --<■ Tnh2re>-tytetp '^LbAt T S .sktrai'# , m^Cht&e. tis" ...i fi L Ti C H-O OZ, -TOtD**'tensioo.‘■ , v- • ■ Warran ted. QTJVs tin and guarantee tbs practical working on all kinds of fabric! thick or *>»«", without change or tension. . Tii-- MASON Sc EASTER; ' M ‘ I.lnili T *— TilT,' it ■ 17iC; r* SOLS AGENTS FOE- THE- NORTHWEST, T. ? ._’"r.s-t‘iiUABICSTJB^i^ ! '-e ... i the Neyr- SHoirniaA ’STotijse. WASTED la erery town sad city In Cha yorttt^gfft.- 1. abiySßjrmoit O known Sportsmen o£lhe rtxrC<aod Hone-Dealers, at •V OGTa. ANI> thelr iamaaaa tflpr OaBBSB3@IBW : Jasac-Js l t3^iS®'2SW« ■'« : Op GFfmstcoSb7'“ MMhtt- Lo»w»taiMWmMeftrUi4cti™ -j Western <* -n’Mi • miaw <: .-.I ■ ; «'» ‘.atf >• ■ fit -,rj : a'JTght ' V\^ VNT wants' ■;V .•Tiiß>Uli«d.»Mt'.MoK.botoa.aood acuik- WANTED*—Agents. to* selhPact »U. SfSSS9£ ,a&£RS&« Tfip - A Tonn® TJnmarriei ■* » ' Ma*. to tike'eweif aUSwiten, EkTstr.’Gow.' , SP- a few'miles oat of the city. Oo« scqoaJnfed -with,- Clark'tree* I''* 1 ''*” 1 * 111 ’ Petered, - ApjflJ- xt SS-Xonh VVT AKTEDv-r-A- chance .at some sc-' ro”t Kr P 3« s iS ves^ a ' c ‘° ce “- y, d . r ,?» ' WANTED FOR CASH—House • ' -A*}. Fajulttre bcwigtit for c*h. jM<tr«s Office. . , mh29x.w • Box 1509. Chlcagc \\T EDA.. .Wealthy, strong SCQtcli or English Woman wanted aa WE i% °fw*«w tan* &&£> Ip-' Michigan.avenue. . Vvi • Situation 4$ Book <r-L,L-J i il?J > £ r , a y.°. na & man a graduate of Comer's Comm«cfaU Col.effe. Boston; Maa&« 'Has bad pracCovl Sfilfii*?.? e bookkeeping, apd brings good recon mendatlonaTO to rb»racter^iida>iary.-'Adlfess*' H. ” >r -» .. apU*C • ■\U~ : ANTE D,—Agents,, wanted! e^erT c s? nt y ln the Northwestern States for the sale of an &rticie"wUtcb n ev«rs , -btmßess man must nave, every traveler must hav-. rS. road man most have, and la-fsct; every bed* moat hava. .Ota S^SSag^s^wat» tie or tbiarArtiole brines It Withln tbe Beach of All, f " “Enclose a stamp and“ receive by return mall 'a circa. is'satf^sggs’- tnhl.Se?9S-inv . t L ,-_. v .j. v ~ i 1 T>ARTNE R; WAN TED —A good' • Q C i p^°*rta ? l ' J ’ { abVb’esa: Jnaa.*Hh:a capital of smO. or t .-on in cash. - or Its eouivaiert Ira Deal tstate.-wno U will-ogto-dwote h*« .n»»«tx*idn to* the onaneial manaeejient of a distillery Id the Tlri-itr o{Oucaxo.!Sltnsted on ajraUta>ad. to' whoja-aa-equal ; . «i^SSlss^^^S^SfSSS?.^ l ■■ *. p i&. k> APITAL Partner \J with one, two ertivrea thonaand dollars-'*© era gage In manufacturing a newly patented machine for and toading hay.-Addrese** W. »; li iJoivt2llß, i-xicago, ill. ... . ..aplxM. l .pAR.fNEfI, WANTED.r-Brew r“-. v. ns L at s Malting.—The subscriber. wishing to ex* tend old burners. to desirous -to tecdre*a*eood man as ®.>i ) '9e to cash. Tpe Brewery Is well eaiabliahiect and dolhg-a good buatnesajMd'hJH all -tnc faciiltiea tor doing a larre trade. Railroads dlvenrlmr lAaildirectioaa. h B; satisfactory reference i^ao&ed. £• T, OSMKR, Sterling Brewery, Whiteside County. xU. ‘ mli2ssSw; HPQ BENT—Xhi:ee first-.clasa frame ■ eallo:aire*t',6untalalig‘each-nlne rootnV-acd drytel- K" hol « Blze ofbollmi.M, with gas, water, <te. hent I' 1 to.£DKT*GT«Jf ■* SOHi.NTON. 217 South Water street. apse7sl-lm r rO RAy May Ist, ?a^r®»a location, A. i C.,l4!Ojk£AS,i , i;O.Boxa;i®7r ' . ■ apj-efT-lw RE' Tf) RE VT—Dwel | i Dg. JI ou s e No. 6*5 lielWeea Twelfth afid-Üb my street. .Ajpij to.A. J -A.V£R£l,t, *7O Wabash avenue, betweeal and 2 P. M. sp xiw T° A Xic’e burnished JL. 'House. Price Jssl.''Also,‘3 nice H uses' with >?Ji.. t H* in ?‘ le .! r s Imprqyqmsot*, .-Price, JSe«r FnlouPartr. Ad 'Toss box 4<63 P. 0.. or LFyort -n ,JLQJ Wjiauio^tuQstreet, tjont yo. 6 40-Ufljlj,* TO R tNT—Store'Noi IPt Ran dolpb street, lately occupied bv Brewster Hat ter. and j ext aoor to rutoamV Clothlns rsor . ' Adplt to M. C. STBAiiys, Odice bj Lake street bridge, i apt-e43*ltu *• i r FQ liliNT— Oii XoF.thtSida* Ontai -L rjo ft-eet, near Wolcott, .a new Brlcfc.House, twelve rooms, with all- -modern lmpfdvem»-itia: in- - • t a->4-el3!Mw , i TTO RENT—P,w.e}liflg,,House .Jlol -*> IfO North Dearborn street, to a responsible, promptpsrtasjeritni 'i Appivto A. B. WIS6, Ntf 1 Aiken s Ralldlag. booth street. aplzlQi ; T° BENT twoetofy Cotf ~!?• wre, wUh-rtablo -carper .Gnrlej tnA Silver street j; Enquire of B.F. CHASE, 109 Had* doJpo.ntieet. - ; i,.-. v i i imh.lxaTr 1 TO K£NT. ; —The firdt-class Hansel ■No. 491Wabash«reaue, dsttrr- Tent'to a ‘ifrsi ciiuj tenant lor one or m >re years from .May Ist Art ply to «T. G. LGGMIj; at •' TQhiKrSw ! TO KENT—A Farm $n the SoVtii •TTbstem Flint Roid. within* mne.anctane-half ortnocuq Limits—6oacresr-K) of which lain a hfca stati of cultivation. well fenced, good house aol Bheda.. For particulars-apply E mif^ej3“ l lia^ lCaA^DS, ’ fJW ' t j ".: ■■* i,. !■ ~.. —mr rrm XpPE .SAtiEiOR.TO RENIMtU .JL two story Brick Hons.*, situated,.on Afar strati jttstnorth of Lake street, containing eleven room! >m* .wlth»lron i»c3 stone walk. &c , fjr rent from Slav Ist. or will be sold very: c dean to-a ca-.n purchaser ot on tidier-' ApoTr te G LO^A- A.V£ltN"a, No. 73 streets ,• j r J , 'P .desirable. Kesi^ehc^ .; 0X 3OCBIGAN AVENUE, . . ( .Rent *3*ll per; annum..near Ringgold P|acc, to a reepoii rtble prompt paying tenant Apbivto \ : :, a •• BkifEuSuH s- j mhlS-eiSo 3m Cor. Market and Randolph street TO RE N T—A -first-class' stona frontfreaco fialahed-dwelling 'With* btlcfc and nonces. No. HO' North Lasalle street Street and -yardsewered:' One otthe-pleasantest fdWailOoa-on the North Sloe, having a fine view of the lake and IfOr proved groaads^lo’lte'adHrooßafnes.-' Price-BjO -pet gjiDaiu. Apply at 302 North Lasalle street orN/j. 12 River Btreer.- 1 - - -- -- - t ipjitfaiwt ALSthHBII'VEII LISHTfO ROOMS I >Fae any ilghb iad' 'Mdtiattcttirlig-BtikiQesi ' ' A JiPt h Bit*.- BREBI6A2I. :-7l ta:i23-e5 >0 2w Room No v l3 at Lit Dearborn strqeti Ty. RENT—The-large Storey-NoJ 33 Lake street, ain-ilalng. the: Stone o£ UmiotJ tvener, vnn ams ®TTs!e, and bT Messrs. Coo lev rarl well foroae or dve years. ..■Terms tasde'knowd on application at No. 23 Wiping too stree , sonjil west-oofnar of-Wabash- avenoe. • PBTEft' PAQEi 1 . mMS-eSS’-tajiyrfil . ... v . ■ H ENT—DweHng' Hohse’ l^oj -<JL -231 Wabash avenue] per 'aHnMmi or the premises would be sold on easy terms . Addreai Q. KUsSIFHU, Lake Forest. * - - : lS j rPOiREST OHBAl’.—Afour storji . Brici store, Tltb cfU.c, 20 by4Si fpst. construe! etf fbr storage, bureaa Dfe useTto advantage by zuanni •®WSS r t--^ p^kto yBOJ - of ISO North water street, Chicago. mhlSilm [ vfT'O .RENTES ’ Cellar »NbJ . •• JL vISI Slnzie street nuder Foster BooseJwlth srbf>a Stableqn the alley First rale stmd for commlsßion Hosts.; Postetslan'gtmtflmmedlMeiy. ah,-., storel with good Cellars under each of No. 177, jS aodlM Klaeio tdimd C'iMk ateeeA-Mder.Foatef. PoesodoS siVea May first. Inquire oi'GEoHCB F/FuirKßori Et B AXXAR, • at poster floasa? cernen Norttt Clark and Kinzie street, mhlfre27s»lm 1 Tj'UKNJT.URE -.TO RENT-—A .small private deslijOns,of "bousefnnrsneit thtongßitit wiaigoodTurnnuje niay hear of ;opporte»ity.. Taeaanhacnber to break up housekeeping and. with nis family! board fora fnw weeaA-lf^CohveaieuA'with the one who ta. es the Forniblre.. Apply at onse,.With ml name, through the Peat-office, to ‘S. A. R. - *' '' apsaßt{ TO XBASE- —Wliarfing lot. on South Branch, WT ffefßy 130 feet‘deep tbTrank, :Jla ftmt.. between. Vaitßaren avliHarnsia ttrueui ■with »£Ood does, BaltabUfufLn.aber. Wo.hL Coal o3 StoneJYad; Apply t-i-' M . mhlSea&Ugiyi ta.. pgamK'o^MetipoollUnßl-'CE. Furnished house to leth .Asraalibooss-wUhlaa faw minutes-waJfcof.-ihs Po--t OSc-. MSr ’particulars' aedresa “H, 8.”" i>o3 1900; Peat Office.- id n’-v o o -uV «yat | TO RRENT "DH JL/' i'.-iR -FOB SALK- ■ ii-irl - iTbe.Blsllllery at Bast .Gintoni-enifox Bttar, mlbei Galena dt Chicago Uni Q Kailruad, three tulles, frtnm Ktitn. ' O*p-MS;ty-809 boJhela; lt*«riß>erenttid'6e l e^ or’aell, IfceajJ ±1 tifnl Snmraef Be&lWce la the - J - x— n 1/ 1 irs year the. depot iataat piifce. r Ahtmtefc*Bg £.«&■■ ikjtt <a : . c ; h/a rte r : . 12. ;...j... t HeaEhMwWOii t, To carry: Gain .to ‘Buffalo; <wffl dw clustered kyat *Hfefcte<n*(aifißar rv -nr: -O i: j j located .{win. J* rotted cheap prompt-jjaytag fagiapta^ GROtp TOJBpX Lsts o^jtm^U^emo^irtih c cllt. . I£t:l:h.j ■• streets which trill be Car rent on aijß Asz;j,a May. Apply to .. _ “** T. Tr. ;i wiawwoaT|^^: SfiLisi&3 i -'^ s^ u , T £ :.3aome«tea(l3oiMe, : *ON, f A BffieBBgSBSSS- MsandMe&sraliSr apl-eaflMm .\oeifcaߣsacte9Eriii;isaqijaa rtr.»u- J, s'. n NUMBER^23& ®o %Lmtu Cljwago Cttimnt Tk* toßowisi tr»U» Bate* ot Advertlata* taQ) BAUtI COICACiO IBIBCaBf ■.SSsssSStbS®® 13 tl ‘Xtstetas LL ■■ DIS GBE I> ITE D ILLINOISAND. WISCONSIN BOUGHT AT Highest Jttarket HirUte. , G,K:imtitßD & CO., !t®. Sf; .v. CtlBE STRKBX.:,,. No, 2 ■, New York fer Bala, , ~«pl*4i3.lai . "‘ ; " * ” Euaion Safes. £" BIUTrE K.S & cp.. GENERAL AUCTIONEERS,- 46,'48 and £0 DEARBORN STREET, ”■ (Opposite tl»-TreiaoatHoa»eO PXfRKITUBE SALE, ST*BT WEDNESDAY * SATCEDAT «1)(A,» : BEY GOODS SATE ,Eyary- JVlonday at S T-Q A . XT AT OUB SAIESEOCpt. aMßtSS?q?o°°&Bo°t. IHS™' CIGARS^O "•Ajt U^TlOtlbXl! B ' e TTEBS ■*' CO. wm ten'ta- Satrfrtiar »K o'clock, at their S»SS*S?? #CT i et * * ldl of New andS^oSThaaff/Jr. n * c | also Brussels and urraln. Carneta. A1a0.9 .OOffspanlah Clear*. boxei Tobacco, •-•-«££* £”*s 9 L!( l 4c. - Also Cooking and other' StoTea" -'*-•• - / .Ai^o l »lpt t ofaia t -ewarv-%c..4n - .•DiettWt " CDi -. . . . Anotionegra. TLTiINOIS AND WISCONSIN ■ *A* - CVBRBXCT AT 1 . PAS, fear attack of Straw Gqmlj; Fmcy, Dry and MUnery G«oda and Embroideries, ’ ’ : ‘at AxrcTiojr. '••■■" ■ Rth^t■«Lr ß^T i T^ tS ? Jt,°i on Monday,' April 2?SSiaSfSE T ifi“ • ~ p < e ■ Auction eg rs. 53, 000 w°kth d bucket - TABLE CUTLERY AT AUCTION. ™ s aS? S*lesx»om*,4^4 3 and fa Dearborn «t?ftt£ “ w • • . • An Invoice of Table and Pocket Cu‘lery. * Conalstlog of Pea and Pocket KoFrea. with oni> ’two Sl" 1 _ap»«M«t .... ? . . Auctlon^r*. JQarge stock of SAFES AND SCALES AT AtCTION. Wit A. 6 CO. wil aelL-aC mimV. er 9tn 2f» commencing, Jlonday April ' Djuyee A Forsyth Manofietniicg Cc, y ConaUUai of.Fire and Burglar Proof Safe*., of all sizes; Counter, Portable Platform Flonr and Pork Packers Y Wbeat Hopper. Donaant, Hay, CoaL -CsttleL Fyrters andßiilroad Beoot Scales; 8cal« Bearon! Warehouse Truck*. Baggage’Barrows., aad Tkesaes. Also, 2 Locomotive Head Light* ,apo-fLls9t Auctioneer*. AND, iIISCELLASEQTTS BOOKS AT AtTCTIOSr. wjt a. BCTTEKS 4 CO. Tffl isU for «■*. on Tom at 0 clock, at tbelr Auction roomK 4d, 43 and 50 IlaafOaiu. stuet, “ VU,UVU)^ A . FINE. i.%W 'IIBRABY, Among which are'friisaachuictia Reports, r: xola- Pipelines s Rep ru, 24 7tvU; MetcaUTa ReoArta. 1(5 t Rc DOr voli ’ CrlT!«nSl2iw; Law \it Evidence; Bias ..w*»ll o* .• Tadkttea: r£l2£fjLi D n C £ : Frfe 7‘ ,tll ' a . liUnola Digest; Bo*coos Cr.-mfiwl Evidence; Araorlcao Law Register. oTxola -5°5li lier ai ,’, oU v Jl* of other deslrabie works! iiS’i a Abb ci>lt*cttoa of M Ace Haaeoas Books, u Catalogues will be re»-»v oa Saturrt \y WSi. A. BUTTERS A CO*f Auctipneer*. ,»p5-eU7rit RY GILBERT & SAMPSON. •*-* . _ Auctioneers 83 Lake Btre©{. O USE HOLD FU R.N'ITU RE, , -A-t ./Lacticm, We'will sell on BATHED\T. April ’ 6tb’ atW ©.clock A if., attoase No.L-T North Wells »u. tb©ra tire lurDltare of sail noa-e. consUttus of Parlor. Dla u£TOt>-~n* <;Uaiuber 4tiff KltoQea au-( Ingrain Carpets, Mirror-, &c. ©lso. one No. 2 'Buffalo Hotel frtovo Tina •tb'kco-'n prise* a-eeoenl assort Jient, and will be po d without reserve ' " ‘ OtLBEBT ABA*pBON,- ■; aj4<435-st _ Auctioneers. T>Y GULtJKRT, SAMPSON & Af. , , WABSKB. - , ... . 1..,.., wMte Freuclx, CHINA-AND DINNER SETTS -A.l -A-tictioiil ; ' ‘■" "* We will sell at our salesrooms. No. 33 Lake street ■pa Apnfy|o.M9Xo’clock A. iL. French WBltaOhina pinner setts, co<.t Inlrg iA p’ece-*, alio Tea Setts of •4*plpc«. - . QII.BE«T, SaHP3A apa.6fa>A4t i . ... ■ Auctioneers. amusements. McVICKEH’S theatre Madison street, between State and OearhoieC. SATTTRDAY EVENING. AdtH 6till Twelfth-nlghi of the eminent actor,* , . - MB. J. E. MUBDOOE, Who Is greeted every night with crowded hon»ee. B« srtll appear forthis night only ln-hte ; »-eas dwatlo character of HOLLA, la Kotzebue's celebrated pla^of P i z A u r o, ~ ynil bo placed before the public in a correct manner with appropriate scenery; hfesaesan-l attnbnit. foeate. The entire company and numerous sozluartea will appear la tue grand chorus dad procesaidn. ‘ Gbano PAB,pi Dyux ax jHk.PAfJt Si^xsM.^ To conclude with thrtncceaafnl fkree of yi'- ’j A B«siiXar FSx* Hugh Ob Myan. e^ir^Sm.'’ m ‘ tqTti7ll,^ s r « atTr **' BRYAN hale:—Clark ' Street, Oppedteilm(3<rartHotis«;CJhleat6 - nL-’"’ Eailneot magicians prononnea thu u«i. nr.anyrmtnil by any'nail in too Union In fta .• Aconsties azid General Appoiatmante. '^ It will seat 500 more peraens than any other Han In the city—by accurate count and report of CABTKS * BATTER. Architects. * Tnemaln •ndleuce Ibioifalson the firtt tb« entrance being on Clark street, the greatest thcreugh fare in the city; opposite Court House Square, yet mi -Hall>ha«a. retired, quiet location In :■> - ..Ample logreas a>d egrens-r3O. fees of. doorway -to Clark street and Court Place Tfte Han contalsß the Heal? National €WDery. a V«lbed at JlAooo,.andparchasea of Geo. p. A. . commiasiooed by Congress to paint a series of Pr«i. dentUl portraits fir the- White House.' Ttda GaflSr contains tie 1 lendeat great-olcturo for which the Mia -medal -as awarded at the; World’s Fair la Pane other nitwtrious America os, by-Healv. • - • There la a spacious J*ow«r Hall fjr Filra FertirMa. v? 6, 13 provWed»fihdresaiagwoiaa, * S^?^ B rl’ caking stove, numerous tsble£*c' ■ Both ■ Hula, or either, can be rented for-Code«rdk Lectures, dixaihUlons HaUa. and the iike. on aßoite* tionh) . ..THOB7BAS«OGR BfeYANL 90 *^ ■ •_ - • •• ••• Agee 1o the .for Sale. FORSAIiE— 5;000-Do2;HoBiefy, :.A«OQ4>o*,BrAJBnH)IKGw “ 4 8.000 gross Boot Webs. , l,noo pieces Rein Webi. «.*» pieces Girth, Webv-£o» . « 'l^OR-SALE;—For Sale or r ßr- fo r 'Other desirable property, a first nM« lE®*?? Wtnated one mile sooth of the cSy “S.tSt.# tto bab *«ll>«r 1 at iVstate street. Cliemo. .. . - H, W- MA*KttER» JT O R SAL E —On e *3f «%• ,'. -, ' zoixiaa,‘^' i ' to tons. Cm* sale cheap. Address Pojt TO ‘WHOM IT MAY COJT CBKT.—One of the finest b «*ml to any one desirous of eolar into tne And whr ms to pqrcnaae the entire stock and ftrtnw* of an old and w«I litabllsaedr Grafters; • aolngTiy ftQ# bnsmfty». For Information address fostofffeti.Bo* "919*. ••• '■-••• • ,L - *’• •• aiUiste acres ,aoqp.i’AsSr .» 15,1 FOR Bitß rm:s P OK aqatholQUeneD, jct Ue iiaaots. CeayaK y ilbaaA the lest de la Io«a and Wisconsin; Apply" ar m '.South-Water street . .WAflHCn^loy.^ioriu apixly * ' ” ' f: A ,GQOD %dYfir ix tlser has one hundred and twenty acres of good r.Ummorored Land wiLeh he- !MLkmideiJsn sttraiil stock of Goods. Ready-Made Clutbinr or Boots ** A aptxSt ■pESIDENCE PROPjgEXY. tbR 1-Ij pw,tie new Trinltr ChorclC—Tbe new aters^.. . Jidedlnto three tote, if desired. ** i ltmfirnmitTnt* * tn3( l , R' »W. fcf .l. Jwt . :T>ARE <fe4ss , ss“tsssi»aisi^£ss! L ,x- !t'p»iß , s ,ft ow- ‘sipwc Gtlt «•; *?TO ti*,