Newspaper Page Text
Chicago Stftatc. WHY, TRI-WKKfe**® WEEKIY* Editor* «KLd Proprietor* I oowJr^™£' OFFICE HO. Sl CLiSK BTREB% '. vxaja of th* arrakeo Trannni i pair, deSrcrcfl intaty by carter, per rur.... .ft&Ot dcllv&red In city by carrier, per week.’. „ ,j5 p»u?. to mallAubscrtl'cns per rear 7.U0 pailr. to mail*tU»crfi)ere perilxmoatlq........ VoQ fc4.WeeßtF,Mrrear .. u weeldy,«U3*ie subscribers. 1.50 • 8 co;itea too • Scopls* * COO • 10 copies ** ■ 39 copies, ud ou to setter no of ci&'.SO.Ov Additions to elabs xnarta sums staarGmest wat* rite. far Money, In Beftsbered Letters, jut be sasi oa ft ear risk. Address, ‘HSrfwtfr Chlesf« t min»li» Cjjkfujo tJWJmne. MONDAY, APKIL 8, 186 L ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN MONET. Hereafter our subscribers and persons who send ns bills of the rejected XUinois and Wisconsin Banks will be credited for what they are worth in this city. We re- gret as much as they can that we are obllgedto make this announcement, but it is the only course that is left us. MILITARY AKD NATAL MOTE' MENTS. The war steamers Mississippi, Minneso ta, Colorado and Pawnee, and the brig Bainbridgc, in addition to those previously rtported, are getting ready for sea with al l possible haste. The Pawnee has already set sail from the 'Washington navy yard. The destination of the forces is still a well-kept secret. Boats for expeditiously landing the troops have been plaCed~on board the steamers. The Charlestown navy yard is full oi workmen, and all the highest state of activity— and, in short, everything is being done which would be done if a fight had been determined on at the earliest practicable moment Rather more than the nsual number of exciting rumors will be found among our telegraph dispatches. The latest sensation is that Ben McCulloch is bound to seize Washington the moment a drop of blood is shed on the Southern coast PENNSYLVANIA. it is rumored that Pennsylvania will immediately be put on a war footing by her State authorities, to meet any possible exi gency like an invasion of‘Washington by Jeff Davis and his fellow traitors. If not true, it certainly ought to be. There is but one way for the government of the United Stales to maintain even the show of an ex istence, and that is by holding the fortresses in its possession and collecting the revenue. If a treasonable foray is made upon Wash ington or the Northern States in conse quence, it must be repelled by the North ern States, and they bad better all be getting in readiness for the event. AN AMENDMENT. The Chicago Times urges all the colored persons in Chicago to go South -‘to their friends.” We have an amendment to offer right here, which is—that Mr, Turveydrop , of the Tima office, should go South to his friends. A movement of this kind would be more popular in Chicago than the one suggested in behalf of our colored people. Springfield Nominations, The Republicans of Springfield have made the following nominations for city officers: Mayor, G. A. Sutton ; Cltrk, L. W. Shepherd; Assessor and Collector, 8. B. Moody; Attor ney, Speed Butler; Treasurer, James L. Hill; Street Commissioner, H. F. Wickereham; Marshal, Horace Morgan. SPRING ELECTIONS. ILLINOIS. Sangamon Co. —As far as heard from the Re publicans have carried 8 towns and the Demo crats 8. The Board of Supervisors will un doubtedly be Democratic. Laoon. —The Democrats carried the city of Loeon, with the exception of Assessor and Street Commissioner, by about 20 majority. Adams Co. —Clayton, Ellington and Honey Creek have elected Republican town officers, and Melrose, Burton, Lima and McKee, Demo crat c. MICHIGAN. Lapeer Co. —The Beard of Supervisors stands 9 Republicans and 7 IJemocrata, a Democratic gain of one. Kent Co.-—The Republicans gain four towns in Kent county and lose two. Bat Co.—The Republicans for the first time have a majority in the Board of Supervisor*. Calhoun Co.—The Republicans have carried 17 out of the 22 towns. St. Clair Co.—The three towns heard from elect Republican town officers. Grand Haven.—The Republicans elected their Supervisor In Grand Haven by 17 ma jority. Returns from various towns in different parts indicate that the Republicans have more than held their own in the State. RHODE ISLAND. Gov. Sprague is reelected by 1800 majority. In the Eastern Congressional District, W. P. Sheffield, Conservative Republican, is elect ed to Congress by 500 majority, and in the Western District, George H. Browne, Conser vative Democrat, is elected by 1200 majority. The Democrats shout loudly over the suc cess ot what they now call the Democratic ticket. The peculiar Democracy of the ticket may be gathered from the fact that the Con vention which nominated it unanimous!} en dorsed the Administration of President Lin coln without reserve; and farther, from the political sentiments of the ticket—as follows, Arnold, Bartlett, Parker and Sheffield, Re publicans,.Sprague “for Lincoln,” and Burges and Browne, Democrats. WISCONSIN. Brown Co. — Cole gels the entire vote of Brown county forjudge, Jackson Co. —Cole has 500 majority. Racine Co.—Cole has about 1,200 majority. Ozaukee Co.—Knowlton’e majority is about 1.000. Another report says 1,700. Winnebago Co.—J edge Cole has about 3,000 majority in Winnebago county. Dans Co.—Judze Cole’s majority is about 1.000. Sauk Co.—Cole’s majority in Sauk county IB full 2,000. Milwaukee Co.—Milwaukee county gives Judge Cole about 3,500 majority. Boos Co.—Rock gives from 1,500 to 2,000 majority for Knowlton. Boix?8 Co.—Knowlton has about 8,000 ma jority. COLE PROBABLY ELECTED, Contrary to expectations derived from the first returns, our Impression now is that Judge Cole is elected to the Supreme Bench, and not Knowlton, the mortgage repudiator. Is It Sumter f [From the Cincinnati Commercial.] There are, as nearly as can be ascertained, three thousand effective Southern troops in the immediate vicinity of Charleston. They are scattered about on the Islands, and the communication between the city of Charleston tnd the Islands is under the guns of Fort Sumter. There are not more than fifteen hundred troops on Morris Island, and the batteries there are nearly all erected with the view of sweeping the channel, and not to prevent an attack in the rear. The resources ‘of the General Government are considerable. There are about two thou sand troops now at New York, andotherayail sble Northern points. There were four hun dred on the Brooklyn. There are at least a thousand just withdrawn from Texas. Now, if the Administration has been carefully maturing a plan of operations, and has determined to make an attempt to relieve Fort Sumter, and if all the talk about evacuation has been merely to gain time for the movement of troops, a United States fleet, bearing four thousand soldiers, sailors and ma rines. may rcndc*bous off Charleston harbor this very night, -and a landing may be at tempted under cover of the fire of the shell guns of the steamers. Two thousand U. 8. troops once landed could sweep the Confed erate forces from Morris Island, and taking the vaunted batteries in the rear, could come into possession of them at once. The. Con federate troops would, be made prisoners of wax—end it would be impossible for all the troops of Jeff Davis to relieve them, for Fort Sumter the communica tions— would also take care of Fort Moul trie. Then the United States would com a»nd the situation, sod Charleston could be summarily brought to terms. Fort Sumter could be faUy garrisoned and amply provis ioned and provided with ammunition. After- Wd, the business of erecting; -sand batteries Mdsr its guns would eesss to be practicable, VOLUME XIV, for Its shot and shellawould protest against such acts of ■war. An attempt by Jett Davis to throw his Pensacola army toward Washing* ton would be immediately checkmated by transferring.the fleet and army from Charleston to Washington. The poseiblllty of this plan of relieving Fort Sumpt er depends on the practi cability of a landing on Morris Island. That effected in force, the' rest follows'. It is re ported that there is great dissatisfaction exist ing among the Confederate troops on that Isl and. - Many of them are Germans and .Irish, and workingmen who are not in their hearts for the secession cause. The sight of the old flag of the Union, u that banner of beauty and glory,” might recall them to-their allegiance to the .Federal Government, and the fighting might hot be remarkable bloody. We shall see in a day or two, for if the blow is to be struck at Fort Sumter, it will fall speedily. THE CITY. SEE FOtTETH PAGE. Eeooldeb’s Couet.— The case ot the people Against JosiahW. Biasell, has been set down for trial on Wednesday, April 17th. Pebsosal. —At the Tremont: Gov. Yates, of Illinois; Ex-Gov. Seymour, of New York; CoL LB. Curran, of Springfield; Hon. L. B. Crocker, of Oswego, N. Y. 'The Late Disturbances.— -The seven col ored men who were arrested on a charge of "riot in the late disturbances growing out of the capture of the Harris family, are to be examin ed on Wednesday. * Discredited Currency.—ifesßre. E. K. Willard & Co. have opened an office at S4 Clark street, for the purpose of buying dis credited currency, dealing in State Bonds, Ex change, &c. - Police Appointed.—The Police Commis sioners held a meeting on Saturday, when the following additional were appointed police men; Richard Sheppy, American; Holmes Sweetser, ditto; Sherman C. Hoyt, ditto; Jacob Banter, German; Thos. Dahli, Norwe gian ; Michael C. Hickey, Irish; Henry Babe, German; Edward Mooney, Irish. Rascalities.— Margaret Conway was held to bail on Saturday by Justice Davis, upon the charge of stealing twenty-five dollars in gold, and fifty dollars in currency, from one Wil liam King, who keeps a store at the comer of Desplaines and Klnzie street. Henry Fish, who is charged by one Charles Gantz with swindling him out of some $230, in a transac tion that took place some two years ago, was held to bail in S3OO. Pnrr.TT armoniq Concert.— The sixth regu lar monthly Concert of the Philharmonic So ciety will take place in Bryan Hall a week from to morrow, on Saturday, April 14th. The programme embraces -the Overtures lu William Tell, by Rossini, and La Tirene, by Anber; also one of the most popular and pleasing Symphonies, by Mozart, No. 3, in E flat Vessels purchased fob Chicago.—The Buffalo Republic says: u We'learn thatS. S. Guthrie, Esq., has purchased lor Salomon Sturges, Esq., of the firm of Sturges, Buck ingham & Co., of Chicago, the following ves sels from Geo. W.Tifft, Esq., viz : The Naomi International, Corinthian, and Golden Har vest—and from Charles Ensign, Esq, the Yankee Blade and Young America. Tub Charlestonian Investment.—The sale of land to a Mr.-Button of Charleston, 8. C M noticed in yesterday’s Tribune, whs made by Messrs. Rees <fe Slocum. They in form ns that it was 20 16 100 acres at $1,175 per acre—s23,oßß cash. The tract is bounded on the east by Reuben street, and on the north by Harrison street Rees & Slocum have also sold within a few days 40 feet on Wabash ave nue near Hubbard court at $l3O per foot, Also, 36 feet front on West Madison street near Rucker at $35 per foot, half cash, balance in one year. Improvement in Western Business. — One of the strongest indications that lie Northwest la getting fairly over the hard times which have so long prevailed, is the fact that the Messrs. Fairbanks have sold heie during nine or ten months past, nearly three times as many large railroad, grain and stock Scales, as ever before in the same period of time. This shows a very gratifying improve ment in all branches of business, especial!} those in which much weighing is required to be done. It Is conclusive evidence, also, that Fairbanks’ Scales, which have been steadily growing in public favor for over thirty years, are now, after so long and thorough trial, more highly esteemed than ever before, all through the West. Triumphantly Reputed. —The recent scur rilous and outrageous attempt, by means of a a anonymous letter in the to blacken anc viliify the reputation and ejninent usefulness of one of the beat known and esteemed labor era in the Mission Sabbath School cause in this city, has, as it deserved, received the at tention of a number of Mr. Moody’s friend; and co-workers—among them eome of our best known citizens. The result fixes the base and ciutl slander very closely home up on one whose Mission in. this City should have far different results. When the field h all reaped, it will be a more suitable lime for harvest laborers to quarrel over the number of their sheaves, and we trust t be secular press will not again be used for such, purpose. As it stands, Mr. Moody is nuinjuved, and his as. sailant is the worse by a displa;r of spleen and ill-taste, to use no harsher term*, at once un becoming and unusual, in or ouA of the cloth, in the Sabbath School cause. Noe. 19D and 20i Randolph Street. The great establishment of Mciera. Vandtr voort, Dickerson & Co., at Nos. 199 and 201 Randolph street, near-Wells, has become one of the peculiar Institutions of our city, in occupying the entire number of floors of the double five story iron front store, and with its premises throughout gotten up on a scale of liberality and taste more nearly mdtropoli tan than any other of its class in the city. And indeed there is here nothing of inivdious ness to be avoided, for “ Allah il Allah,” there Is positively only one house of the kind here The moat complete system and order ha? been established in the several departments, where, on the lower floor end basement the Heavy Metals are unattractive but solid tokens of business, where on the second floor Howe’s admirable Scales in every variety are excel lently well arranged to answer Ifce convenience of. purchasers; and on the third floor, the Japanned Wares, and bright Wares iuTiu and Brass and Copper; and where in the upper lofts the stock is stored and piled high ready for orders and shipment. This house, some years since, was establish ed here as a branch of an old and not eri house In America and Europe, and has receaitly re moved to its present quarters, whert ; It has taken root for ltsel£ "We wish It all jsuccew. See the advertisement of to-day. Messrs. Doggett 6c Eaisonb The name of Doggett has been a ‘ c House hold Word” with our residents these fifteen years past, daring which time It has posi cseed a popularity only accorded to the “ art of pleasing” in trade, such as has ever been asso 'elated with it—the housekeeper needing no farther guarantee as to the excellence of the family staples than that they came “from Dog gett’e.” This is high praise, but it Is true,’and our city readers will bear us oat in it, who remember these facts of old, of the old stand on the comer of South Water and Clark street , whence Family Groceries went to the remo test part of the city, and more than that, for Family Supplies found their way thence to patrons residing on all the lines of railroads leading from the city, with a regularity and promptness equalling that enjoyed by our city residents. With the completion of Ewings’ new block, on the comer of North Clark and North Water street, Messrs. Doggett & Eas . son opened the comer Store in a style and manner that has been long their own. The jnnior partner Mr. Easson has been for years with the house, and was in charge of the branch Store on North’Dearborn street They are now happily located for aid residents of the North Division, and aa we have 3aid a little something of antecedents, we hardly need, to add the remark that many of their old patron from all parts of the city win follow them over the bridge, and, more than that, are reaching them from miles away with the family orders for which the house has long been noted, and: which could only be entrusted to a bouse of like reputation with theirs. A Family As ! ray, In March last, the driver on a mail route in Northern Minnesota, on a night as dark' as a stack of black cats, though where; cats are everpat up in that style la more than we. can tell, suddenly heard something drop, and worse than that, it fell in the water, ancl a damp conviction struck through him that there was a great danger of a vacancy in -Uncle Sam’s postal service. He and hfe horses, and His stage coach and the entire mails of . Northwestern Minnesota were In the Cannon ■'river. - • • ' - , The mail driver got out and, eatuponthe bank, and would have seen Ms. hones drown in the angry flood, if it had been daylight, but then, on the latter hypothesis the unfortunate fi T><TrmU would not have got into the Cannon rlv F .Iyer at all, eo that*" the driver did not waste anytime as a spectator. The whole thing was clear case of foundering and the horses were too badly foundered ever to mate their ap pearance again. The Tnflii hags were got out next day. The Mail Agent, Mr. Orr, sent them to Assistant Postmaster Armstrong at the Chicago Post Office, a damp clammy mass of pnlp, looking as little as possible like correspondence and printed mail matter. Here, nevertheless. In three days .time,tiw.tfouwmf letters and,pack ages were picked out, spread out, and, after drying, resealed and sent on their way. There was, however, a portion of this moist and ml: jixed matter whose destination could not he made out .There was a large daguerreotype miniature in a once gorgeous velvet case,- en closing the counterfeit presentment of a young man most elaborately gotten up. Some loving female heart was to have been gladdened thereby. ' , , ; Among the debris of.the Cannonaded mails, we were greatly interested by five charming little ambrotypes, of'three' slaters and two brothers, thus-unfelicitoußly cut.Off from fni ther progress eastward, by reason of the total destruction of their addresses. little folks of Minnesota will wonder why grandpa and grandma have never acknowl edged their pictures. There is a great deal of human nature spl- tomlzed and locked up in a mail bag, and a catastrophe like that of Cannon river touches -and breaks many fine little chords of life and feeling. Whose family in Minnesota is this that is astray at the Chicago Post Office? - Ministry at Labge.— -I have a fine little girl 13 years of age that I want to find a per manent home for, in or near the city—a child under half a year old to • be a poor pi an who is a capital house painter, ready to work at once cheap, an Englishman as ! garden er, two Swedish men to do chores, these are good men, steady and trusty I know., I have also a number of men and strong lads seeking work every day that I do not know. I shall tase It as real favor if those in need. of men and boys in or near the city will send round and get such of th“ above as suit them. • Apply to Robert Collyee, Minister, 177 Randolph street, from 1 to 4 p. M. Lectubb at the University.— The editor of the Christian Times, the Baptist organ in this city, thus notices the recent lecture by Mr. Mathews at the University of Chicago: “ The Prytaneum Society of the University, and their friends, enjoyed a literary treat on Thursday evening last, in alecture on “Words, their Significance, Uses and Abuses,” by Mr. Wm. Mathews, Librarian of the Tonne Men’s Association in this city. The subject afforded scope for the speaker’s almost unbounded knowledge of books, and for criticisms upon styles, and habits of speaking and writing. Mr. Mathews is a gentleman of fine: literary taste, and his views were just, while they were presented with force and eloquence. He showed no mercy to current affectations in the use of language, whether by speakers, or writers, and maintained the cause of onr noble tongue against those who would corrupt it with slang or enfeeble,it with fopperies. It was an important theme, w« U-timed.” The Weather.— Range of the thermometer for the week, as noted by E. L. O’Hara, at his drug store, No. 80 West Randolph street, cor ner of Canal: ... 7 a.m. 12 x. 6p. m. . 85. 43. 40. .. 84. 89. S3. .. 86. 65. 60. .. 42. 65. 47. :. 40. 48. 43- .. 40. 48. 45. .. 41. 44. 45. 1881. Sunday, March 81. Monday, April 1.. Tuesday, “ 3. Wednesday, “ 3. Thursday, “ 4. Friday, “ 5. Saturday, “ 6. News . Literature.— At 103 Madison and 100 Dearborn street, you may find everything in tne way of cbeap reading, and if you want any of the late hooks, you may find them at the same place. Also, New York daily papers of Friday, “ Consti tution of the Confederate States of America,” price five cents, and English papers of March 17th. Nor ris & HyJe secure everything in tto way of lato literature as soon as issued. McNally's.— Received at McNally’s, 81 Dear born street, “ Good Words,” by Norman McLeod; “Twelve Sermons,” by Horace Mann. A fresh supply of “Woman in White” and “Crossed Path,” by WlHde Collins; “Trumps,” by Geo. W. Curtis, and “Elsie Verner,” by O. W. -Holmes. Also, Hunt’s Merchant's Magazine for April. A variety of choice reading matter can be obtained by call ing on McNally. Chicago Sabbath School Union. —There will be an adjourned meeting of the Union held this (Monday) evening at 7# o’clock, in the S. 8. De pository Rooms of Tomlinson Brothers, Lake street, opposite the Marine Bank. As business of importance will be transacted, It is desirable that superintendents and teachers should be present. Do not forget this meeting. tVT Five Dollars will be paid for a copy of No. 1 of Yol. 1 of the Illinois Intdligtneer, published at Kaskaekia, H., by Matthew Duncan, in 1514 or ISIS. Address Box 2,870, Chicago, HI. Free Dispensary. —The Dispensary at No. 165 Clark street,’ so productive of relief to the sick poor of the city during the past year, is open each dav from 3 to 4 P. M. for the gratuitous medical and surgical treatment of that unfortunate class of society. All interested will please take notice. Cambrian Benevolent Society. —This Society will meet at Welch Church, on Desplalnes street, near Randolph, on Tuesday evening next, at 7 o'clock P. M., to elect officers for the ensuing year. John T. Edwards, President. Colips.— Few are aware of the importance of checking a Cough or “Common Cold” in its first stage; that which in the beginning would yield to a mild remedy, if neglected, soon attacks the Lungs. “HrotmV JBroncftioJ Troches,'" containing demulcent Ingredients, allay Pulmonary Irri tation. Pr Bay Sloat’s Elliptic Hook Sewing Machine, at 51 Clark street, under the Sherman House. Pr Burnett’s Cocaine. Burnett’s Kallston, Bur netts Florimel, (a new perfume,) Burnett’s Tooth Wash, Barnett’s Flavoring Extracts—Just received by Sargent, corner Randolph and State streets. SST’ I am bow cleaning and repairing gentle men's clothing cheaper than any house In the city. Try me and see If it la not so. Joan Jowss, 119 Dearborn street. “ 123 ASTt 125.”—N05. 123 and 125 are getting to he employed to represent good living and comfort able quarters. In fact, when “Dearborn street, Messrs. Case and Pannalce,’! are added, the mind of the reader needs no farther explanation. The early vegetables, game, delicacies of the eatable and drinkable kinds are always early found at 123 and 125 Dearhore etreo . ap6 81 Wm. M. Rosa A Co. will exhibit !this day for city trade, their Paris promenade garments for ladies, la“ailks,"cloths, Ac., at 167 and 168 Lake street. Pr Remember the Republican mass meeting to-night at Niemeycr's Hall, Canal fftreeU HiGinT-TiQnTT-ExrtODU*.— ’ The receipt for making oil which will burn, in Kerosene Lamps— imitative of Kerosene-and which we will warrant to explode like gunpowder, can be had gratis at Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, 188 Clark street, , »p6« . If yon wish for bushy whiskers or a • fasci nating mustache, send for a box of Belling ham's Stimulating Onguent. It is mnsated to bring them out ia from three to.six weeks. Seat oareceipt of price and postage, sl.lß, to any address, by J. 3L Johnson, TO State street, Chica go. UL , mh2B,Bm For xjtt operation upon your teeth, or for zssnor artificial work of any desirable style, call on Dr. Albaugh, No. 58 West Randolph st. - - - E£“Cook& TH>T*in t 98 Dearborn rtre*t,hare made price for cleaning and dyeing gent's garments less ** ,|tr| any other house Is the city. \SBT See advertisement of “Hardßubber Bigg’s Truss”—has cured eases of twenty years finding is this City. . - :• -• • • atlS-lm |3F" All should not fafltdreadthe advertisement of Prof. Wood in todays paper- _ _ , DIED. Eecsntiy at Denver City. Mce« Peak, SEOEGE C. BRADFORD, i&te of our city. He was wen known to oer bnslnestxOomßnnlty. Mr. B. leaves many trteads here mad elsewhere who win be pained to .hear< of his. decease. ... - - ■ At BeUevme, tIL. April ith, JULIA IL, Infant daughter of Gea ff. aad Julia A. Prlckett, of this , <diy.aged sixmonthsaad-Uvodays. _ - M Of each is the Kingdom of Heaven. I Neb) gtsbertiaetnents. a. B. aasrrßN, Advertielng Agent, 93 Bear tom ti.,U authority to receive S and da IMLeiam Pnpere of Northwest TUT"ANTED —A Situation as Porter , W ta.Eetdlor W “iSn German. Best references will oe gwen. ftDeiSt C.B.,atthisQtßcc • z_ XSTANTED —A Protestant Ger . VV man Korweefan or EnaU.h Girl In apriarfto tSSSlSJfSfhoase weat of Desplainea street apsist • . • TSrANTED—To sell Photographic irtiL “ln S)Box 45*Haes, Mien., until t*e &to cl April. apßX2t —• \\T ANTED A Situation as Ac- V.T conntant and Cashier. Huveh.lflfleeuyem experience C<n give as cood reference sa anj yonng SEtuSS B.hlS ttrtMiy temje..te ConMreaolly do the work of Salesman. Inquired. SaUry nos o mucirc as a good bUuV.lotu AdorePWL w, TI7ANTED—A few ladies and YY Bentlementolearna newand^attltdW^ which is easy and can he done athome, r>y wMca work will be elven $3 capital required uu »>“« tov,n£“. residence. 3« if Mate {tea. add see f.r yourselves Ladies will he taught hy alfdy. Cwl ne. rweea the hours of 9 and 4 o clock, Tms pOR SALE OR RENT —A first JT class with the to* —oTcmeQts. N«. 4 Park bow. Tor particulars -Booth Water street. tptoSt [olrc at No? 183 TO RE NT-A Few Rooms for first class Boarders—married <£®2t»asdliiiSS aentlemco—may be bad In one of tbe and locations In ’be city, If applied for ve,ry dress R, Box 2671: 2&Z-. TO RENT—The Marble Front Store, No. 114 Dearborn street suitable ft* »]“»“• saU-or mali trade. Also, the of Ikhtfd with the latent Sidewalk lights. Apply y* BROWN BROS.; 114 Dearborn street. apaxaw _ TX) RENT—To Large Brick Ware- A. house and Dock—also Frame Building, with Dock, situate on the north side of the hiver, just ne low Boah-street Bridge. Possession given May • .Al io two first-class Brick Dwellings on Michigan street, (three stories and basement). Possession mediately, if desired. Also building at corner of Pine and North Water streets-taloon below and dwelling above. For terms, inquire of W. H. SAMPSON, No. 3 Metropolitan Bgildings. apS-eiiQ~tmy T> Bn NT—Several Comfortable Dwellings on Edina Place, and Stores on State street, between Van Boren and Harrison street*. Al so twe Dwellings, with about one acre of ground to eacn. for rent on reasonable terms. Inqulreat Eoom Nd.2, over George Smith ft Co. a Bant, 17 Well sat. ap:xlt T'O KENT —Dwelling House No. X 147 Monroe Street, third door west of Clark street Possession c»n be immediately..Apply to THOMAS HART.ESS, No. C Pomeroy Block, South Water street. apßiSt TO BENT—The Block of Stores In the three-story wood-building, southwest cor ner of Wells end Mot roe streets. Are finished and suitable for Drag. Clothing, Boot.and Shoe stores, ftc." Will rent to good ■parties at *lO to * hpermonth. Also—The upper stories over stores, snWQBed 1 for large Boarding House or Hotel. WUI rent very low. Inquire of J.M. .>ILLIAMB.2It»* South 2d door west of Wells-st Bridge. api-e47fl;tmyi 'T'O MERCHANTS —A Young f JL. Man of steady and business habits, and thor oughly qualified,-li desirous of obtaining as Book-keeper or General Clerk. Address DGOH KEEFEB," Tribune Office. 55£iL- T-OOK HEBE!—I offer for a few 1 J davs, for the sum of|IOO, an undivided interest in a strict!* honorable basiucssi, which in the nsnds or an industrious man, with fair management, will ci''p an exceedingly handsome profit. This te no humbug, as will be demonstrated. Address *£, Tribune Of fice ■ apbxit ■VTEEDLE THREADERS.—The i_\ neatest article Bole. Wanted by every Lady. One will be senr, free, for 25 cents, In stamps. Great Inducement! to Agents, who are war ted in eviry part of the country, * urnwred in all quantities, by the gross or dozen. Addre-s. with stamp, H. tri'LDON, No. 48 South Clark ttreet, Chicago, or P. O. box 3731. TVTANTED— A few ladies and T » gentlemen to learn a new and beautiful busi ness, which s easy, and car be cone sthome, by which they cau make from »12 to *IS p.r wee*, after taev nave Uarned the business, *fter learning, constant work will be glvtn. $3 capital lequbcd. Call at the Inventor's residence, 312 State street, atd see ior yourselves. Ladies will be taught by a lady. Cal be tween tae hcnwof 9 and 4 o'clock. Tins is no h: in to apS-lt-net_ Housekeeper wanted "Wanted a young person to keep a small bouse fi-r a gentleman wnose wbe has gone East. The ap plicant miiKt be competent and willing to do all the nec«tsary work. - Qond a n (i uou-i home war rax.tfidtoher. Addrew “F. D 2158 Cbxag> Fori: Office, slating real name and where an interview can oe had. No Irish need apply. apSiSt ■VfETROFOUTAN GYMNAST IfX DM—Thoseformer member* who joined under Babcock * Curtla, can beat of something to their ad vantage by calling at the Gymnasium. Day ana Eve ning Classes w 111 commence on Monday, April Bih. Hours xt is o'clock, M., and 8 P. M. H. G. OTTIG NON, Proprietor. apjclw_ DO A RUING—Two or three suites i) of pleasant rooms for Emilies; a few rooms for single gentlemen, with good board, at reasonable pri ces, can be obtained at no. 68 Edina Place. A limited number of day boarders can be accommodated. apSxiw F3R SALE—One large sized Safe, Inperfet order, for sale chca". A good none will be taken la part payment. GEO. W. 11 AN MS, Scale and Safe Shop, 97 Kinzle street. aptxlw Xj'XPLOSIVE KEROSENE.—We JCi wara all consumers against the highly danger ous compound sold as Keroreee by unscrupulous dealers, aud give notice that we have for sale at all times tne PURE KEROSENE AND BARREN OILS Of the best qualities. GOfeS & HfU' 4 , No. S3 North Clark street. T) RENT—A three story Brick WooseluOatario Terrace, cast of Kush street. Has all modern Improvements, and the location is un surpassed. Apply to NORTON, IkOBB * i.O. No 16 River street. apß-edWWw inform the Ladies JLI and Gentlemen of Chicago, that lam doing a regular and legitimate business la Painting, and cm not In the least connected with the establishment at 31*2 State street. My rooms are at 170. Many not knowing ray nnmber have confounded me with the other establishment G. S. LACEY, 170 state street. apßx2t 'J'WO THOUSAND GALLONS FUBB JUICE OF WILD GRAPES, Prepared expressly for our trade, and warranted per fectly free from all Impurities and adulterations. This Wine la highly recommended by cor best Phys icians for Ita SUPERIOR TONIC PROPERTIES, . wh le Its rich fruity flavor makes it an agreeable medi cine for Invalids. _ , _ , GALE BROTHERS. Drnfglsta, Ac.. 202 Randolph st, Chicago. "WOOD.—Good Dry Beech, XJ and MAPLE, IS'O'R la the Michigan Southern Wood Yard, on Harrison-at DKT w oor>, Now lending and for sale, on the Dock. HICKORY, BEECH and MAPLE, Sawed, split and delivered M. D. DOWNB, »p3x3t North-West End Rnsn-St. Bridge. TXT ANTED—A few ladies and M gentlemen to learn a new and beautiful bußl ness, which la ea-y aud can be done at borne, by wMch they can make from 411 to sl* per w*ek, after they hare learned the business. After learning, constant work will be given. $3 caoital required- Call at ibe Inventor's residence, 319 tt»tc street, and see sor yourselves. Lacies will be taught by a lady. Call be tween the hours of 9 and 4 o'clock. This is no ham. bag spS-lt-Let MS. NICHOLS & CD. have • opened at ISB South Water street Chicago, a General Commission for the purchase and sale of Groin Floor, ProvU'one, Ac, and follclt con* slcnmema and ord-rs- To parties acceueiblc to Mil waukee a* veil as Chicago, In connection with their Milwaukee noose, Nichols Britt & Co..think They can give such superior advantages. Tnb29-e3S>'Utr.ct x. a. nichols. o. x. bsxtt. n. a. kiohols. "DOAKD—A very deferable suite .13 of Booms, with Board, can be found at 11 Adams street, If applied for soon. apsc4436t,uet ANY ONE HAVING EITHER _ZtL a good HORSE, or good light EXPRESS WA GON. can find a cash cu-tuner by calling with the tame at ROB' ITS Lamp and Oil Emporium. CO PARTNERSHIP NOTICE— V 3 We hare this day associated with ue Mr. S. P. WARNER, of this city, as a partner in our business. The name of the firm will hereafter be GILBERT, SAMPSON ft WARNER, GILBERT ft SAMPSON. April 1,1E61— iap6 2t F3E sale or to rent.—a rape chance for speculation. The subscriber of fers for sale one of the best first cla«s houses in Chi cago, containing twenty rooms and all the modern Im provements, with brick bam. Ac, Ac. The bouse Is centrally located on Wabash Avenue, and fronting the Lake, will sell the same at the present depreciated value of property, and will take any or ail of the forty depreciated Illinois Sinks, if not sold by the firSt of May, will rent the same for three or five yeans fur nished or unfurnished. Any person renting tor live years will have the hon«e no»ly piloted and papered to suit them. A person having a ia*te for the fine arts ■wffl be preferred, as there Is iu the house a fine coDeo* ti-m of modem picture'* to go with the bouse, if rented fundahed. Apply to ALEX. WHITE. 125 Washing ton street, between the hours of 10 A, Maud 2 P. M. 'T'O RENT—Store 219 Lake street, JL To store 39 Weils street. • r To Bent, store 152 Wash'uston street. ' The above stores are all la the South Division, rents low and possession fine of May. Apply to at.f.y, 'PO RENT—Four new Cottage - -1_ Houses, containing six rooms sod kitchen, now Dniidlng. and -will be ready the flzstof Jane, 1: cued oa comer or ComeUa and Warren streets. The Madison street canpassthe houses. Apply to at.vy WHITE. TO RENT —A Few Tenement Honses. from six to right dollars per month. Apply to ALEX, WHITE. l*sTWaahlagtonsireet , lap6ette-Bt] T 00K AT THIS.—AII those l. J Afflicted wlib Piles. CpQffti*. Son*. BwjmnCT. Pains, Sore Btlff Kne«, Sore Feet, Pimples on toe Face, Klneworaa. Cancers, sal aU tanning Sore* cored or no pay. BOSSES, &e;; &e. ; ,sp6xlw No. 23 South Wdla toeeVChk^^L CAPITAL WANTED—A Partner \J mill one, two or ttute thousand dollars to en cage Jsrnaaafnetailnc a newly Patented machine - for . rating and loading bay. Address “W.Dl,*? 80x4928, Chicago, EL apiss *T CHICAGO, MONDAY, APRIL 8, 1861. Neb) S^erttsemeitfs. rjpo THE. PUBLIC.— We havp opened an Office AT 34 CLiRE STREET job the Repose or buttng IHlsiois & Wisconsin DEALING IN New Yc|k Exchange AND STATE BONDS. Call upon so iaStl' idling ymi Discredited Honey. . 'mi E. S. WILX.iKD 6 CO., 01 Cl|rk Street-----34 ‘Jißne**’ Stock ■ T VAHWSEVOOET, DICKERSON & CO., TIN; PLATE, I And dealer. In Tinner’s Stools, METAL. WAREHOUSE. 196 & 201 Eandolpb Street 199 & 201 agents for Howe's Improved Scales, TIN PLATE, SHEET IBOS, TINNERS' TOOLS ANb MACHINES. Japanned and Stamped Ware, axes, Shovels, spades, Hoes, Bakei, Picks, Ban, borrow Xeetb. 'Wedges and. Sledges, Wmship’s Patent Ventilating Re frigerator. By the cask or box, superior to any in the market. FENCE WIRE, English and American CIRCULAR SAWS, From the celebrated manufactory of WHEELER, MADDEN & CLEUSEN, Fall Stock of Circular, mm, Cross-Cnt Saws made to Order, WITH FIXTURES. COMPLETE, EVERY BAW WARRANTED TO GIVE SATIS- g2T Orders solicited from dealers and aU parties using saw*. *r We offer the above goods to Ute trade at the Lowest Market Price. VANDERTOORT, BICKERSOIV&CJ., 199 & 201 Randolph £t. W. H. KRETSIN6ER, 117—South Water Street-—ll7 (Between Clark and Psabsobn.) The only bouse In the city selling Staple Agricultural Implements, GOODS FIRST RATE, PRICES LOW, Sealers will note this on their memorandums and call at 117 South Water Street 117 gloat s sewing machine. The OnirSlacilM Having the ELLIPTIC HOOK, >f»vw me LOCK STITCH, which is alike on both sides of the fabric, and having a positive upper and topes tendon. Every Machine Warranted. My w'e give foil instructions and guarantee the practical working on aQ kinds of fabric, thick or thin, without change ot tension. MASON a EASTER, SOLE AGENTS FOB THE NORTHWEST, 54 CUBS STREET, Under the New Sherman Houle. AGENTS WANTED In every town and dty In the Northwest. mhlTO-ljtUtpg £J-RO VKR A BAKER’S family sewing machines. 940 AND UPWARDS. i If©. IIS U)m Street, Chicago. HL _ ' QaTtUjlrtej. - - ALL KINDS OP SEW- J\. UTS MACHINES EepsdredbyJ. J-TroeUnd, Alter rear ol JBr.WM street. DISCREDITED MONEY. £»pß-e<7l*ltt | AND SCALES. Import6rs£-of- CHICAGO, ISA,., - Also for sale ZINC, AGENTS FOR SAD IRONS WE DEAL LARGELY IN MIDDLETOWN, N. Y. and Back Saws. FACTION. [apS-ettS-lmJ Exclusively at Wholesale. Neb) abbettlamenta. THE “PRESENT STATUS” Not to be Maintained!!! i FOB STRYKER & CO, 141 lake Street, ABB HOW SB f^EjYQfQ A Larger, More.. Extensive, and eJIUCH VUE&PER STOCK OF W SB Than ever before. They hare been enlarging and renovating their ♦tore, thereby increasing their facilities for attend, leg to the wants of their Customers. A MORE COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, In their line of trade Cannot be found In the City. WE CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO TEE POLIO WINO COOLS: Heavy Bristol Denim 5....,,., 10 cts,perjard. 4-4 Stiaut Bleached Muslin 3 “ “ 4-4 Brown Sfaslln 6X “ M Bprlas Stiles Fast Colored Print*'!..'. 8 “ «i Beautiful French Printed Brilliants...l2J* *• " ErcAnlClothsforTrftvelingDrcfcKs... 6}< “ “ SpyingStyleaof beatDe Lainca,...... , u •* Broad Tape Hoop Skirt, at price. In compatibly lower than ever before offered, AND A VERY COMPLETE LINE Of Embroideries from •Auction, At prloai greatly below anything ever before offered. OUR CLOAK AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT Is tu full stock of tho latest and most elegant styles introduced East. N7e manufacture f-om patterns purchased direct from the leading Houses East; and our facilities are such that every novelty of the season will be kept by us, and at prices that must command our goods to every ope. Any one desirous of purchasing GOODS CHEAP, And that will prove to be Just what they arc repreeented WILL DO WELL TO CALL AT STRYKER & CO S, 141 lake Street, Chicago, HI. ALL ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN B.AISrKS T,fKJE .V .1 T I* .lit, mom HBTAIL TRASH , -iT- Nobic's Lamp and Oil Emporium, IS2 CUBK STREET 122 flps-ei63 3t-net WHOLESALE. BPaOIAL HTOTIOH. 50 Cases WAHASUITA FEINTS, 7i per yard, IN NEW AND CHOICE STYLES. And never before sold la this market at less than B>£c, Also—Now receiving from the bankrupt stock of DEFOUST & ARMSTRONG, Op New Tons, Over $50,000 worth of Choice and Desirable Goods that will be sold at If s* than two-thirds the value , . P. PALMbR & CO., apß-eA73 2w . Nos. n% 114 and 116 Lake at. gLEACHED COTTONS, SHILLING LINENS, D.IM.ISU, noons. Towels, Diapers. MARSEILLES QUILTS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Oaeap for Casß. A.G.DOWNS & CO, 150 Lake Street 150 mh;s-c5155m TT'EROSENE L AMPS WITHOUT 1\ CHIMSIE3. Baad what the editor of the u American Baptist" says ABOUT OUR LAMPS, Then call at 123 Clark st. and Purchase Them. All of the DISCREDITED Illinois and Wisconsin BANKS received FEOH OCR RETAIL TRADE AT PAH. Ambrose's Lamp.—We have been presented with one of these excellent articles, wtiicb barns Goal Gil without a chimney, and emits a soit agreeable light, aid is much, saperlor, especially for week eyes, to any otheMamp we nave ever used. The smoke and odor are consumed by the burner, and the 11* lit U about equal to tnat of three candles. The Inventor assures u* that hall a pint of good oil will bum thirty hours. BnmsnißSß tbs place, Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, is* clajrk street iza Imhl4-e2434m3jtp] ft TE AM NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, Tending and at Queenstown, The Liverpool, flew York and Philadelphia STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Wm dispatch every Saturday their foil power Clyde built Iron Steamships CITY OP NEW TOBK. EDINBURGH, CirT OP BALTIMORE. KANGAROO, CITY OF 'WASHINGTON, GLASGOW. city of Manchester. vi«o. jKTNA, BOSPHORUS Batesof passage allowaaby any other line. Fas. sengert forwarded to all the principal cities of Europe. Persons wishing to bring out their Cl ends can boy ticket* in Chicago to great advantage. These Steamers have superior accommodation b, and carry experienced Surgeons, They are built In water tight xbox BicTioNS, and carry patent fire smnhila. tors. For further Information apply to CLEGHORh, LECKIE ft CO- General Western Agents 13 LaaaQe street Chicago. Exchange on Europe soil In soma ot £1 and up wards. mhZTSi-lyiatp TTOME FOB IBEBEIATES, XX Omo. SBFFEBEKS FBBM ALCOHOL OR BPIBM 1 T. T. BKKIiYE, M. D rt Pro] T O O K O U T FOR ADULTERATED KEROSENE. Certain persona an selling recipes for adolteratln* Coal or Carbon oil With Oampheno and Fanil Oil!» A more explosive compound coald not veil fee The nnderalgned have always on hand - Genuine Qil^. f ■Warranted to please consnmerl, at Tery lov prio. A. K. GOODRICH ACC Y^JJ k T\ISCKEDITED ILLINOIS AND XJ ynscossis monet j Bongbt « Ulghtot Prtec*, Si BELDEH * TOUKO. SxchugaOffloe, in CIM* it. Neb) aibertiaementa. WESTERN TESTIMONIALS HOWE’S STANDARD SCALES, GIVEN Vandemort, Dickerson & Co., OHIltaU. WBTEBH AK2HTS, No,. 199 and SOI Randolph GlUoago, Illinois. COTOi&o. sth AprfL 1861. ) Oitiob OP tbz Chicago and Mh.wauke« 8.8. CO,j To WHOM rr scat CosCE»w: We have had In use at the Chicago Depot one of Howe's R. r. Track Scales, since Jan. Ist. 1800. and are satisfied from the tests we have made, and which w*re a* thorough and careful M w« ccu’d poaslbiy coctrlre, that it U accurate and reliable. I have no hesitation in recommending these Scales to others. Youpj respectfully. S, C BALDWIN, 6upta I was present when theteits spoken of above were made end concur in shove reeommerdatlon. „ ~ _ . t . . „. ■ JaS S.GB«FFITH, General Freight Agent Chicago and Milwaukee. B. R. MusoATm. lowa, Feh. 11,180. Messes, Vandzstoobt, Dickinson & Co* Chicago: " Gents: In reply to voor favor of the 4th instant, wnulisaywe trj well pleased wtb theworklßE of oar ten tons “Howe’s Scale," and would cheerfully recommend It as the most accurate, least H*ble to In- Joryhyfrofitor otherwise, and the cheapest scale in existence. Whil-f our neigh Dors have found it tirpos ■lbie to work thrlr scales at times on account or frost ah'llce.oura has not been oat of repair in the leait, andhave tested it lu varlms way*, aun always found it accurate. We remain verv truly yonra, Ac-. LELASD & CO* Per o. W, Bbowh. WfiZATLixD, lowa, Feb. 14,1851. MtBSSS. VkSMBTOOST, DICEKMOS ft Co., Chicago. Illinois: GBKra: I have one of Howe’a Improved Four Ton Scales, la nse for three months past, and I find it to be perfectly accurate and correct, a'id very easy set op in worklug order. I take pleasure In recommending it to others who may want scales. They ar* superior to any otaera I have ever used. Respectfully yours. J.D.FEOAU. Bahtoul, Champaign Co,. EL, Feb, 11, 196U Msaasa. Vasdievoqrt, Dicxxnaos * Co„ Chicago *. Ges'tlexxn: I purchased one of Howe*a Improved Scales of 70a about one month, and have weighed over fifteen hundred loads of corn on them since, and the? have never tidied to give entire taUtfkc lion. Ido most cheerfully recommend them to any one wishing a good scale. Keepcctfhllys our?. J.TJSNFXELD. Font Watkx, Ind,, Feb. 12. ’B6l. Messes. VimßTOon, Diocxssos ft Co., Chicago, lUnola; Gents :’l am satisfied that the “Howe's Scales” are the best la ua«, Beapoctfnliy yours, _ * H. J. RDDIBILL. Pkncteton, Kosciusko Co, Indiana, to ALL WEOX IT HAT CONCERT: IhtS ll to Cfltliy that I have one of Howe's Improved Three Ton Stanfara Scales In constant use, and it works perfect ly sa'lsfsctory to myseli In every respect. I weigh a great deal on this scale for railroad transportation, acd mo»t say that! never saw anything that would com pete with it. I nave also one of Howe's Improved Counter Scales In constant use io my store, that works very dee. and I would recommend to any person wishing to pur chaseascalethatwillweUuaeourately. oget one of Howe's ImprovedStandardScales. D.F. NICHOLS. Pahtoe Mills, Mendota, 111., Feb. 9,1261. MsB3BB.Vain>MVOOBT,DiOK*BSOJrft Co., Chicago: Gents: Having used the “Howe (Three Ton Hay) Beale” in connection with our milt, we take pleasure la recommending it to be superior to any scale we have ever used. Respectfully, BLACKBIONE ft PANTON. Mendota, Feb. 7,1561. Messrs. Vakdeetooet, Dicekeson ft Co- Chicago: Gents: I have weighed over 4,ftM loads of eca l , wheat, corn and oa's In the laat 9u days, and I think the Howe B ahtar* durable andoc.mct Tours reap self oily, 'WM. CONNELL, Joust, 111., Feb. 6, ISftt Messes. Yakdbetoobt, Diceebboh ft Co- Chicago: Dbae Sihs : I tak! pleasure in attesting to tee supe rior merit* of the Howe 4cale, having nad both a three ton and a rlx hundred scale la constant use for several months, and can but speak in the highest terms of their accuracy and principle of construction. I am very truly j oun, 6. NILES. Kanevtllx, 111, Feb. % IMI. Messes. Yandsbtoobt, Dicxzsson ft Co.. Chicago: Gentlemen ; I have given the Howe Hay Scale you sold me, neany biz months trial la weletlog *hea*y and light drafts a-d am convinced that U U perfect la durability aod precision. . _ . Tours respectfully, B. A. COT. POKTXAO, HI., Ftb.«, IS6U MgflKßw. Vasdbbvoobt, Dicxxeson* Co., Chicago: Gents: We have had a set of Howe's Four Ton Scales In constant nse for the past six months, and lied them accurate la every Instance, and we are per. fectiy satisfied that they are tne beet scales la ase. The ■mull coant°r scale gives perfect sa Isfactlon. Tours, eta, RDSSELL. BABCOCK * 880. OmO! op T, & EL Smith * Co H Pekin, HI. Messes. Vandebvooet, Dicxbbson * Co, Chicago, I'lloolv* Bating now la constant nse one of Mr. How»’i Im proved Four Ton Scales, and finding it ti weigh very correctly, andforltssimplicity,notuable to get oat of reosdr. we cheerfully recommend U to the public, T. & H. SMITH * CO. Ivbshals, Platt Co., HI., Feb. 20,186U £Xn> i/lv&fiMun ; BCB- Till* Is to certify that T have been using one Of Mr. HOWE'S IMPROVED SCALKS. and can those that are In want of a scale that they can find in those aU that can be expected In a real •, and they far excel anvthlng that I ever saw for accuracy and dura bility. They require no pit, sad they are ea from place to place *lta little or no Inoonveulr-ncel flad they are taking the preference to all others where ever the* have oeea introduced. .. . i most heartily recommend theta to all la wantof scales. Youra, moat respectfully, a JOHJ(sO!f- We would also refer to the following parties, who are using difierent varieties of the Howe’s Scales: J Ewan 1 * Butlsb, Chicago, UUnoiß. E. w. Blatohford, Esq., Chicago, I'UnolA C. H. McCormick* Bbo* Chicago, Illinois. _ G. L. Dunlap, Esq, Sopt. N. W. K. B. Co„ Chicago. Gas Light andCoei Co, Chicago, HUnols. S Aloes-on.Esq.,ConnellHULlMnols. Tannbb A Fbxdebice. Paxton, Dllnola. Wobcestbb. Bbatton * co„ Momencle, Hllnots. M- B. Has Den, Esq, Abingdon. Illinois. Fulleb* QabdSee. AMngdon. Illinois. Mabtbt Pimick, Esq, Ottawa, Illinois. Geobo* Kline. Esq- Areola, Illinois. L E Pabsonb, Esq. Peru, Illinois. T. * H. SMITH ■Pekin, Illinois. 1L Eldbidge. Esq, D-ight, Illinois. Mass Cablet, E»q-, Drbana, UllnoU. L. Chapin, Esq. Martoon, Illinols- Kodsbt Timmons. Sontu Macon, Illinois. Popham & COSQBOTE. Warsaw, Indiana, j, Arnold & Co, bpringfieln, Indiana. P Hoagland * Co, Fort Wayne, Indiana. John übfp, K-q-. Fort Wayie. Inolana. J, W. Smith. Esq., Fort Wayne, loulana. Msbrxam. kick A How. Losjanuport, Indiana. ChaelbsLut, Esq,Logansport,lndiana. P. 8. HacklkT, Faq„ Peru, Indiana, ROSS * DOBAGHTT. Pern, Indiana. Lbvx Bbunbb, Evq. Wabash, Indiana. Btbiceland A Bbiqlanp, Richmond, Indiana. Beabd stabb A Co., Richmond Indiana. B W. Myers, Esq- La >-orta, Indian a, Geo. F. Jones, Elkhart, Indiana. McDonald. Deo. A Co- Aitica, Indiana. . C "Bigelow, Esq,, President of-blppon and wolf Elver Railroad Co., Dlppon, Wisconsin, P. a sos, American House, Milwaukee, Wls- C °TnoMAB Sbtebn, Milwaukee. Wls. c c. Gilman, E-q, Dubuque, lowa. W. J. AokLET, E*q, Waterloo.lowa. Dubuque and Sioux City Railroad Company, Du buque, lowa. _ , . - w. 8. TODD, Esq , Birmingham. lowa. Robert R. Bibqe, Peotla. Marshall County. lowa. Jo&m it. Parsons, panonvUie, lowa. It bavlnc been extensively circulated that an scales are Imitations of ralrb inks’, and that those of their manufacture are the ereat stand rd, we would state that tue UOWE SCaLE Is now, from it-, extensive ns© and undoubted accuracy, the standard scale of the Union, aad thatlt has become the test of merit with all othfTs The Hove S-ale took two prrmlnms over the Fairhaok- In tbxib owx frara, (Vermont) one at Montpelier and one at Burlington. ■«e aUorecciyed the sum medal of the Massachusetts Charitable Me chanics’lnstitution, held *t Boston In iB6O. We have ezhlb'ted is • art >ns fairs where the Hestn. Fairbanks have ssenacriD to meet na. We claim our scale to be the Siaudara Scale of the country, and are ready and wining at any time to test their respective merit* with Messrs. Fairbanks. HOWE’S BTASDAED SCALES. Claim the following advantages—Receive the Wear, Tear aid Friction on Chilled Iron Balia. Have no Check ttods. wai Weigh when Oat of LeveL Very C mpa.t and easily Transported. The Large Scales Reainro No Pit Can be set np with printed directions. No Jarring of the Platform afftcts-tne working of the Seale. Ooet of construction less than an; o« er scale. The public are layi.el to examine references and a large stooa of Scales, also a Railroad Track and a four ton flay. Coal and Cattle Scale, set np on the door and "Wolfing on Balls, which can he ea&y taken apartand set np again, to show In wonderful simplicity. Have been awarded numerous nrst class premiums by County and State Fain, some of which are the fol lowing: NEW TORE STATE FAIR. VIRGINIA AGRICULTURAL FAIR. FRANKLIN INSTITUTE FAIR, PHILADELPHIA. VIRGINIA STATE FAIR. VERMONT STATE FAIR. UNITED STATES FAIR. . ' CHICAGO MECHANICS’ INSTITUTE. ; X'Bo. STATE FAIR, JACKSONVILLE, DU 188 ft. VERMONT STATE FAIR, 4 years in succession, K.T. STATE FAIR. (Portable Seales), ELMZBAIBBS. icnrr. COUNT F FAIR, BUFFALO, isiq. WISCONSIN STATE FAIR, MADISON. l£6D OHIO STATE FAIR* jjrj* MAu>is STATE FAIB^ MASS. CHARITABLE MECHANICS* AfiSOCIA j TIOF, BOSTOF. I'M pile tor Cag aadownlae Scales of an Tarletin and rim. al waToarToa 6%le, actnpon the floor, working on These Siam are not only Warranted to be Aeennte end Durable, bat ate warranted to fire entire aattstoo* tton,or they will be taken back wlshout charge. /fob iazjs inr FANERTOORT, BICKERSOS A CO., _ QENERAL-.WE3TERN AGENTS, KQSt If? and 901 RANDOLFH4T* CHICAGO, ILL. [apßatfHt} NUMBER 240. ffiiKairteir, TXT”ANTED—To Purchase a good .t43Lig , iteg. , “ i Eipre ” WANTED—Board in a private » » family for a gentleman anil lady, when there are no other hoarders. Address care P. O. Box 3758. fiuoiSs WANTED—To exchange a light » T corama Bofgr. for .two tested on a 'of s light ctrnagc enlteblo tot 000 horse. Ihoolre st mg Sooth Water street; aptxat XXT ANTED—The subscriber wants T T a Furnished Honse. Most be fat a rood neteh. borbood, and comfortably lurnlshed. Addreta box 3397 Post-office. ap3e«Mt_ TITANTED—Amenta to sell Pack- TT igi of STATIONERY and JEWELRY at T*ices oae third less than can be purchased e!sawh a re, Cali on or address (stamp enclosed.) j. L. BAILEY, No. 151, Court at, Boston, Mass. aos*e43S4m \\F ANTED -AY oun£Unmarried T f Man. to take ctre of a Ga'rden, Horse. Cow, Ac.. » ftw miles oat of the dty. One acquainted trttu Kitchen Gardening preferred. Apply, at 33 Xorth Clark street. apJiSt \\T ANTED—A chance at someac » t tire good paying bnalncss. by au energetic au well acquainted In the city, with a few hundred dollars cash cap ta! to Invest in the cenceru. Address Post office Box 365 3. apsxSt_ VAT"ANTED FOR CASH—House - *l. bold Furniture bought for cash. Address Box 1309. Chicago Poet Office. whaixsif W"ANTED. —A healthy, strong -.-rT T ..Scotch or English Woman wanted as WBT JfDitSE. Tb» best of references must De given. AIL ply at3o6 Mlcblgsp avenue. mbSO-eSM-W WANTED To inform the Ladies . * * and Gentlemen of 'hlcaco. that they can get full and complete instructions, so as to acquire a knowledge of this new and beaitiTnl business, which »so easy and can be doneat home, by wMoh trey can make from fi3 :o %is oer week, as advertised by the establishment at % I a State sL. by enclslng twenty-five cents to Box 2377, Chicago P- 0. apSxst XXTANTED—The advertiser, hav * . to? retired from the Grocery and Prodace trade m Mtnneeoia, wonld like to engage as assistant In any business where Ms time can be wholly em ployed either at books or out door business. Any tit nation, temporary or permanent, at moderate pay.wlll be acceptable at present. Can refer to prominent men for hU past reputation, Ac. Address ••&. N. o, M pitta, burgh. Fa. Wonld exchange real estate in Mlnaeaota orabondoftheFL W.4C.8. K. for an Interest in gome concern. ap^xSt \V' ANTED.—Agents wanted to Tv canvass every connty In the Northwestern Btafesforthesalaof an article which every business man mast have, every traveler most hav», every rail road man most have,and Intsct,everybod» mast nave, Conner Areata appointed, who will be pledged the sole contfolof a county. The Small Price of thi« Article brings It Within the Beach of Ail. Enclose a stamp and receive by return mall a circu lar gjvlDg full particulars, Address J. H. JOHNSON, 70 state street. Chicago. P. O. Box 4783. mhlSe29S-im TXTOOD TURNER WANTED.— TT W. B. YOUNG A CO. apfliSt Brick Bgliding on Alley, rear of 153 Wells St. PARTNER WANTED. —Brew tog and Malting.—The subscriber, wishing to ex tend his easiness. Is desirous to secure a good man as partner, with to 15.000 cash. The Brewery Is well established and doing a good business, and has all the facilities tor doing a laree trade. Railroads diverging to. all directions. N. B. Satisfactory reference required- Address S. T. OSMER, Sterling Brewery, 'Whiteside County, ill. mh3Sx3w Eo um. 'T'O RENT—Three first-class frame X Dwelling Hitves. N0e,219,243 and 253 North La- Salle street containing each nine room 3, and dry cel lar whole size of buildings, with gas, water. Ac. Rent El O. Apply to PUKISGTON A SCRANTON, 217 omh Water street. apsfc7sMm TO RENT.—Wanted by May Ist, a small comfortable Bouse, or part of a house, at moderate rent, within fifteen minutes walk from Court House. (West Side pteftfred) by a prompt pay log and careful t-uant Adores*, stailni’ price and location. A- C. THOMAS, P,lO. Box 3387. TO BENT—Dwelling House No. Wabash avenue between Twelfth and Lib erty street. Apply to A.J AVEBELL, »7Q Wabath avenue, between 1 and 3 P. M. gp-nw TO' RENT. A Nice Famished House. Price $550. Also, 3 Pice Biases, with ail the modern improvement*. Price, s4o> Near Union Park. Address box 4163 P. O*or J,F. Non m, IQ J Washington street, room No. 6. sp4e6ilv TO RENT—Store No, 114 Ran dolpb street, lately occupied by Brewster, Bat ter, and next aoor to rutnam’* Clothing store. Apply to M. C. STEARNS. Office by Lake street bridge. ap4-o43»im TO RENT—On North Side. Onta rio street, near Wolcctt, a new Brick House, twelve rooms, with all modern Improvements. In quire of E. r. TOWnE.No. 789 Illinois street. ay4-e430-lw TO RENT—Dwelling House No. 110 North Dearborn street, to a responsible, prompt raying tenant Apply to A. B. WING. No. 1 Aiken's Building, South Water street. ap3xlm TO RENT—A new two-story Cot tsze, with stable adjoining, corner Gurley and Silver streets. Enquire of B. F. CHASE, 109 Ran dolph street. mb-3i2w TO RENT.—The first-class House, No. 49A Wabash avenue. Is for rent to a first class tenant ior one or m >re years from May Ist. Ap ply to tL G. LQOMia, at Marine Bank. mh2Wx2w TO RENT—A Farm on the South Western Plank Road, within a mlle-aud-one-half of the City limits—6o acres—TO of which Uln a high state of cultivation, well fenced, good house mi sheds. For particulars apply to GEORGE STEEL. Esq., or J. J. RICHARDS, foot of Lasalle street. _mh23ieS37-lm 'J'O RENT—A desirable Residence ON MICHIGAN AVENGE, Bent 0 per annum, near Ringgold Place, to a respon sible prompt paying tenant. Apply to R. NELSuN HATDON, mhl3-e2933m Cor. Market sad Randolph street. TO RENT—A first-class stone front, fresco finished dwelling, with brick out houses. No. 30 H North Lasalle street. Street and ?ard sewered. One of the pleasantest situations on he North Side, having a fine view of the lake and im proved grounds In Its surrounding*. Price SSO per annum. Apply at 302 North Lasalle street or No. 13 River street, ap3-e4ri-lw TO RENT.—Offices and Lodging Rooms. ALSO—SIX WELL LIBHTED BOOMS For any light and quiet Manufacturing Business. Apply to B. F. SHERMAN, mh23-*3IQ-2w Room No. 18 at 114 Dearborn street. TO RENT—The large Store, No. 33 Lake street adjoining the Store of Me««ra. Weber, Williams S Tale, and or Messrs. Cooley, Far well & Co„ for one or live years. Terms made known on application at No. 22 Washington stree, sou.h west corner of Wabash avenue. PETER PAGE. mh‘B-e33 j-tmyl'6l TO RENT—Dwelling House No. 331 Wabash avenne. Terms, ftfttper annum; or the premises would be sold on easy terms. Address O. RJaSITER, Lake Forest muSO-cSte-lm rTV) RENT CHEAP.—A four story .A. Brick store, with cellar, 20 by 162 feet construct ed for storage, bat can be used to advantage by manu facturer* Apply to (iEO. W. ADAMS, office In rear of ISO North water street, Chicago, mhl9»lm Ty RENT—Store and Cellar No. 131 street under Foster Honse, with good Stable on the alley. First rate stand for commission House, Possession given Immediately. Also, Store? with good Collars under each of No. 177, 183 and 133 Klnxie afreet; and, also. Stores wltn Cellars No. 42 and 48 North Clark street, under Foster Poosee-lon S' reu May first. Inquire ol GEORGE F- FOSTER or H.BAXTICR. at Foster House, corner North Clark and gintie street. mhl6-t>2ls-im rrwo FIRST CLASS BRICK I HOUSES, with all modern Improvement®, for rent, on North Side. No*. 146 Bush North Dear bora tfreete. These H-msea «ra very superior in plan and finish. Apply *t McCcrmic-'s Reaper Factory to W. s7MCUO or C. A. aPRING, Ja. ap4x4t-net ITURNITURE TO RENT.—A (? small private family desirous of having; their bouse furu'shed through’ut with good Furnltwe may bear of a good opportunity. The euboenher wt-hes to brets up housekeeping and, with his small family, board for a few weeks, if convenient, with the one who ta.e# the Furniture. Apply at once, with real name, through the Post-office, to‘S. A. K.” apSxSt TO LEASE. Whirling Lot on South Branch, 107 fact by IS) feet deep to Frank lin atrett. between Vanßnren and Harrison streets, with, a good doc*, suitable Cur Lumber. wood. Coal or Stone Ta d. Appiv to WiL. B, SAMPSON", TnhT»v>fittmyi6i ‘BoomNo. 3 Metropolitanßlock, TO RENT OR I I POB BALK. The Distillery at East Clinton, on Fox Hirer, on the Galena * Chicago Uni >n Railroad, three miles from Elan. Capacity 800 bushels, it will be rented or sold on the moat favorable terms. Apply to DAVIS A NlB - 46 Lasalle street, Chicago. mhll-r^-tei AT OTICE.—To rent or sell, a beau i.i arm Sommer Residence la the TOWN OF EVANSTON, Near the depot In that place, about eleven miles from Chicago. This premises U known as the Benson House. For particulars inquire ol GEORGE HUNTOON, Esq,, of that place. o CHARTER.- Fin First-Class Sailing Vessels To carry Grain to Buffalo, win be chartered by the tingle trip or season. TO RENT. Twentf-FITO Homo. (ImlmWj locked, -irin be rented cheap to responsible, prompt-paying tenants. GROUND TO RENT. Desirable Lota for a term of years, to persons wish ing to Improve them. _____ JAS, D. SH£BiSAS, 12 State street, (op^talrsj oc3o-dsol^Sm STORES TO BENT. 1 Hits nrrural •*““ •» “• • 1 » r » “ m «l I—M.h wmbaforrertoa tt» Hut ot Ajtfl or May. Apply to ••••-■ •r. TT. WADSWORTH) ■.vm«An - No. SB and 60 Lake street. TO RENT—Possession given M»r Ist-Mr ' Homeateadßouae. goatbwest comer of Jackson and Jeff«*on rtreeta, with Wooodhooaa, Garden and Barn. The lot I*l3 by 300 _ ON A COBSBR PLKABASTLT BHADEP.- The honaetsconFenlentlj arranged and ha* the by- - drant In it and cellar asoer the whole—Kitchen, ran try. Dining-room, HaQ and two Parlor* In main story. Trre chambers andbathlng-room in second story. In* . quire atm? office, t5 and AT scute Welle ttreet. un der Qeo. Smith A Co.**B«nk. ART KM AS CABTKB. , apl-aSMa Srftunf 1 ADYKETISINQ SCHEDXJIKi! &• ftiHowfas iwHti %xte* at Adnrdrtsf is a, Dial CHIGAGO TOtmiagf tea (dzhtJAea ifUe) oneJnsertSpx.* «M Square, each ssftsequetr* dey; (BtfLCO).,, !*» One Square, two One Sqrare, one month. (Smfe.W). .* SoM *“ °“ l»*anak«atughunaaiß7*aa»«aw» , aKasss**®* DISCREDITED ILLINOIS AND.WIBCONSIN BOUGHT AT Highest JSarhet Price. E. K. WUUBB Sc CO., No. 34 CXiABK STREET No. 94 on New ‘S’ork for Salo. aps-eUa-lm . auction Sales. A. BUTTERS & CO., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 46, 48 trad 50 DGIRBOBX STREET, (Opposite the Tremont House.) SALE EVERY WEDNESDAY A SATURDAY as 9* A.X. BET GOODS SALE Xr«ry Monday at 0 1-3 A* IVL, AT OHS SALESROOM. |W Oath advanced on Furniture. Dry Good*. Boots and Shoe*. Ac. aa3(Lc9SUy GTOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES O at Auction. WH. A- BUTTERS A CO., will sell for Bankable Funds, on MONDAY. APRIL 9th, at 11 o’clock, at their salesrooms, *6, 49, a. d 50 Oearbonx street, an-Invoice ot Shots. Ladles* Gaiters, ■fee. [sp&MfiO-tt) WM. A BUTTERS A CO.. Auc'rs. TLUNOIS AND WISCONSIN X CURRENCY AT PAR, fbr a Stock of Straw Goodi; Fancy, Dry and JSUliaery Goods and Embroideries, .A.T AUCTION'. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO. will sell on Monday. April Bth, at 9H o'clock; at ttaelr sales rooms, 46, •£ and SO Dearborn street, an Invoice of Straw Goods. Ladies* Hats, Children’s FiataAe. An invoice of Fancy, Dry and Millenary Goods. Ribbons. Ac. An uivoic:otEm broideries. Wisconsin and Illinois Currency taken at par. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO-. sps-e413-3t Aoeaoneers. $3,000 POCKET TABLE CinXEEY AT AUCTION. WM. A. BUTTERS & CO., will sell for bankable funds, on MONDAY. April dm. at o’clock, at thalr Salesrooms, 4\ 4s and til Dearborn strett, An Invoice of Table and Pocket Cutlery, Consisting of Fen and Pocket Knives, with on**, two' turee, lour or six blades. Bowie Knives, TaMe Knlvea, Ac. WM. A. BUIXERB ACU„ ap3-e441-3t Auctioneers. STOCK OF SAFES AND SCALES at ivenosr. VTSL A. BUTTERS A CO. wI.J sell at store No. IS3 South Water street, commencing Monday, April 13th. and continue until all are sold, the entire stock of the Chicago Agency of the DnryM A Forsyth Banofactarirs to,, Consisting of Eire and Burglar-Proof Safe*, of all sizes; Counter, Portable Platform. Floor and Pork Packers’, Wheat Hopper, Dormant, Bay, Coal. C;»ttle, Farmers’ and Railroad Depot Scales; Scale Beams, Warehouse Trucks, Baggage Barrows, and Letter* Presses. Also, 3 Locomotive Bead Lights. WiL A. BUTTERS A CO.. aps-e4&flt And lone rs. TQAW AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT AUCTION. WK A- BUTTERS A CO. win sell for on Tuea day afternoon, at iH o’clock, at their Auction-rooms, 4d, 4> and 50 Dearborn street. A FINE UW LIBRARY, Among which are Massachusetts Reports, 17 vols; Plckerlasa’s Kep irts, 34 voU; Metcalf* Reports. Itt vols; Ohio Reports. 31 voU; Übiety's Criminal Law; Halstead's Law vf Evidence t Disc iw«*ll <v Ist Tltlee; Mlnnfs Di est: Freeman’s Illinois Digest; Rotcoe'a Criminal Evidence; American Law Register, t? vols; together with at>ou T I‘.o vol*. of other desirable works. Also, a fine collection of Miscellaneous Books. Catalogues will be reaoy on Saturday. Wil. A. BUTTERS A CO.. aps-eWT-lt Auctlooeets. T)Y GILBERT, SAMPSON & I 1 WAB.VEIS. WULte Prenob CHINA AND DINNER SETTS .A,t .A.tiction. We will Jell at our salesrooms. No. 32 Lake street, on April sth. at9S o’clock A M„ French White Chin* Dinner Setts, coot .mine 23 p)ece*.al«o Tra Setta of *4pieces. GILBERT, SkMFSjN * WARMER, apAetet-St Auctioneers. A T AUCTION, WITHOUT RE j!jL SERVE, the Wholesale and Retail S toe if of Drugs. Medicines, Glass Wares, Furniture, Plate Glass, Boow Case*. Ac, 4c„ will be sold, commencing THURSDAY, April 11th, 1881, at 9K A. It, And sale conilnued'tbo succeeding day if necessary to finish sale, at the store of d. Sawyer, So. id La* a street. aiAxSt JA3. A. MARSHALL, Auctioneer. BY GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER. Superior Bosawood and Mahogany Furniture, Ciipats, French Plats Mirrors, Cooking- Stoves and Household Goods, at Auction. On WEDNFSDAT. April >Ctlu at !»M o’clock A. M, we will sell at H josu No. in Michigan av*nne, ibs entire fnrelture ami effect* of a gentleman breaking np nonsekeepinr, <y>nsl ilnt of a geoenl ass- rlmenfe of well kepi aosewood, Mabora- y and Walnut Parlor and Bed-rorm suits. Marble Top and other Tables, Bedsteads, Bureaus, Wasfwiauds. and Cha nber Cnalns Hair and S. G. Mattrassee, Beds and Beddiar. Elegant French Plat? Mirror?. Cit ing Tabl s, ‘Window Shades, Cooking and P.r’or Siotea, C'ockrry. Glas»ware aa-l Eitcnra ntrmlD, Parlor, Chajibcrand Dining-room Carpets, t» gether wlih & general assortment • f Hon?«ho ! d Goods. GILBERT. SAMPSON A WARNER. apße47«-Tc Aacti rc»r*. BY GILBERT, SAMPSON «fc JD WARNER, Auctioneer*, 82 Lake street LABGE ASS POSITIVE TIADE SALE Of $6,000 Worth of CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, C. C. WARE AY» FASCY GOODS, JL.T AUCTION. On Friday, April 12th, at 9* o’clook, we win sell at onr salesrooms, No. ax Lake street, without reserve. Six Thousand Dollars worth of the following goods : Consisting of Ewers and Basina. Chambers, Plates, Teas and Coffees, Tea Setts, Creams. Jogs. Sugars, Tea Pot*. Soup Tureens, Sauce do.. Gravy Boat*, Brush Trays, Pickles. Bowls. Salads, Mugs. Bakers, Platter*. Covered Dishes. Button, Soaps. Also, the same assortment of C. C. Ware. Rocking, bam Ware, Spittoons. Jugs. Chambers, Bakers and Dishes. Pie Plates. Fancy French China—Gold and Painted China Candlesticks, Vases, Paper-Weights, Jewel Boxes. Fancy Boxes, with Dogs and Girls, ink stands. Baskets, Cologne Bottles, Cigar-Holders, Fan cy Cups and Saucers, Card Receivers, GLASSWARE, Cnt Goblets, Tumblers. Wines, Egg Glasses, Lemon ades Dec nter 1 . Covered Dishes of all Binds, But era. Sugar l , Salt*, Shades, Candlesticks, Fluid Lamps, Kerosene OU Lamp*, with Marble fret Penoers, Vino parl, Mustards, Bottles, Bohemian Wine Bottles, Hrck Goblets, Wines, Preserve Jars, Celeries, Ac. Together with a great variety of good?, too numerous to par ticularize. The ab >ye good* will be sold in 1 its to salt the trade only, and will be sold without l any.reserve whatever. GILBERT, SAMPSON A WARNER. [spjel'j-atj ; #ox 3alr, FOR SALE A Second Hand Engine and Boiler?, of 40 Hone Power, cheap for e ah. Apply to JOHN ROGER 1 , on Kingsbury tl, near Indiana street bridge. apdxfit T7OR SALE OR TO BENT—The L two story Brick House, situated on May street, just north of Lake street, containing eleven rooms, nearly new and thoroughly b*iUt, with iron fence, stone walk, 4c, for rent from May Ist or will be sold very cheap to a ca*n porchaoer or on time. Apply to OEO. A. SkaVERNs, No. 73 Dearborn street. apS-ei-ft-lm FIR SALE.—For Sale or Ex change for other desirible property, a flirt rate distilling property, situated one mile south of the City of N’Uea, Berrien County, Michigan. Fur dßcriptlon inquire of the subscriber, at 13 state street, Chu ago. mi.27tiw D. W. MATHER. T?LOURING MILL FOR SALE. X The Frame Floating Mill, known as the “Chicago Clt? Mills,” situated on the corner’ of Jefferson and Klnde streets. now occnoled by the undersigned. Has been ran httle more tnaa two yean. Is well located and doing a first-rate business. It stands on a leased lot at an annual rent of f4t<X payable semi annually. Xfnotsoldat private sale before the 10th of April, 16 win ta«n be offered at public auction, ou the spot. For price and farther particulars, apply to jdASPLE • COLS, on the premises. mhifixtd TO WHOM IT MAY CON CEEN,—One of the finest opportanttlee Is offered to any one desirous of going into the GBOCEBF BUSINESS And wishing to purchase the entire stock and flxturea of an old and well ertabllsnod Grocery, doing a floe boatnMa. For information address Post omce Box 6164. mhlfrylm 1 AAA ACRES GOOD FARM- ' ING LANDS FOR SALE rHEAP OS EAST TERMS OR EXCHANGE FOB CITY PRO. PEBTY.—4ft) acres of those lands he only forty miles south of Chicago, near the Illinois Central Railroad, the test de In lowa and 17130003111. Apply at 4o South Water street. WASHINGTON SMITH. apjxlw . R SALE Cue New WASHHOUSE IMLSIi To weigh up to 3X tons, tor sale cheap. AddresePost Q 3f«Tsbx34a3. gthaftfJw 'RESIDENCE PROPEKTf FOB XV SALB-oear the new Trinity Church*—The new three rtory brie* Sons*. No. 48 Jackson street. harlne T .Tmrirr mdßeth Improvements, 6m Fixtures and Bangs, with brick Status la iw. Cottage House and Lot. 80 feet front err* ner of Wabash avenue and Jackson street; can be di vided Into three iota. If desired. Terms *■ d time favorable to purchasers. If not sold soon, tor rent from May Ist JOHST & WTT.r.UMB, 45 Water STeet aplxlw T> AliE CHANCE.—I wish to sell road. It la one of me bat locadonaln taa Wot tog a Produce and CwhWob Budaeit TXBIS EASf. Tar particulars call on or ad (Iren GBO. W. COBB, ttMSrln ashing. ■"DOARDING.—PIeasant suits, ss a 3 fgn m ftegia too™. *e*rba had at iflß Wabash aranhe. ******* glmwuncments. riLERK OF POLICE COURT.— \J a. D. BBADLS7 mpeetfany anaoqncaa that beta a Candidate torteaabora ofltoa as- CM easting Municipal aleetioa, mbieetto tha daebtion of the 80. pnbUsan ConTentton. »»nA>aMiw