Newspaper Page Text
Chicago Srftuw. SUIT, TBI-tfECRtT ABD WEEHJ, gp^rlertor.i . ( »FW€K SO. SI CLARK mm& Du*?, dcUretud In city by carder SS iSSr*** !**£. to man «>W&e^^^f erT ® ftk * • - M Si£J£ ttet ' r ' a I * ttOT ' «ai kiMM -CMce-o Trtbgne,»» Chlcsca, 11t18.1.. Chicago Qtnhnm, TUESDAY, APRIL S, 186 L !!>SiIKOIS AND WISCONSIN MONEY. Hereafter our subscribers and persons who send us bills of the rejected Illinois and Wisconsin Banks will be credited for what they are worth in this city. We re gret as much as they can that we are obliged to make this announcement, but it is the only course that is left us. REPUBLICAN CITY CONVENTION. The Republican rotere of the City of Chicago are to meet at the places hereinafter desig nated, in their, respective Wards, on Friday the 12th instant, at 4 o’clock p. for the selection of delegates to & Convention, to be held at the Re corder's Court Room, in the Court House, on Sat nrpay, the 14£h Inst., at 2 o’clock p. m., for the purpose of nominating candidates for the different offices to be filled at the next municipal election., At such primary meetings, they are requested to rote for candidates for Aldermen and Constables in the several Wards, and also to. appoint a Ward Committee of five, to act until thenext Republican City Convention-Mid report the same to the Con vention. The Primary Meetings Trill be called to order and presided over by the members of the Ward Com mittees, as follows: Ist Ward—C. B. Farwell, F. Schlund, L. C. P. Wrecr. Carlos Haven. *u Ward—C. L. Wilson, U. R. Hawley, Geo. W. wage, Theo. Hartmann.'J. L. Milliken., 3d Ward—Geo. A. Flagg, Wm. Murray, A. D. Tltteworth, A. Garrison, ST. Hemrlck. 4th Ward—L. Lampertz, John Haber, H. Frank. Wm. Justice, O, H. Salisbury. sth Ward—A. Akin, W. A. Groves, Geo. P. Han sen. Chas. Ippel. C. N. Holden. sth Ward—D. C. Ferguson, Reuben Taylor, Jno. Amundson. G. Leverenz, Wm. Wayman. 7th Ward—A, C. Hesing, L. Brentano, E. An thony, Keils Peterson, I. Breech. nth Ward—Geo. Schneider, 3L D. Ogden, C. Wahl, E. C. Lamed, Iver Lawson. wth Ward—A. C. Coventry, H. Kreieman, X. Jackson. £. Rawson. 10th Ward—Lewis Bodge, C. F. Hopkinson, Jno. LobsUin, 0. B. Merrick, Chas. Rietz. The election shall be kept open until 8 o’clock V, a. of said day. The Delegates are appointed at follows; One for each one hundred Republican voters at the Presidential election, and one for Baca fraction of two-thirds of that number, as fol lows: «aca ira lows: Ist Wat 2U “ 3d 4th « ata “ «th “ "ttt “ Wh “ »ii ' *• 10th “ The places for holding the primary meetings for the .several Wards will be as follows; First Ward—Orient House. Second Ward-836 State street. Third Ward—Sheriff e Office. Court Aouse. Fourth Ward—Annorv. Fifth Ward—Engine Souse, comer Clinton and Washington streets. Sixthward—West Market Hall. Vote. Delegates. .. 1284 ia . 1249 12 . 812 £ .551 • 8 - 1423 14 . 1668 11 . 15S1 IE . 752 7 , 440 ' 4 .. 991 10 l*x Ward. Seventh Ward—Frederick Pnllmann’e, corner Division and Wells (streets. 2ighth Ward—North Market Hell Ninth Ward—Carpenter’s shop on Cass street, between Michigan and Kiczte streets. ieath Ward—Chae. Lint's, corner Twelfth and Union streets. John L. Wh.bok, £. Hanson, John C. Miller, City Jacob Re its, ‘ Central Gxo. W. Noble, Committee. Charles Lieb, THE CITY ELECTION. The argument which we publish else where on the constitutionality of the new city charter, and the validity of the elec tion Id be held thereunder one week from to-day, will he deemed conclusive by all fair minded men. The decision of the Su preme Court of Illinois in the case of Gal latin MMBty, there cited, knocks the special -leading of the Democrat into flinders, and assures all parties that if any liti gation shall grow out of the election, it will result in the prompt affirma tion of the charter, and all acta done in pursuance thereof, by the same Court, whose present Chief Justice deliv ered the opinion from which the quota tions are made. We learn also that the Attorney of the Sewerage Board has, at the request of the Commissioners, pre pared an exhaustive legal opinion, cover ing the whole ground in controversy, in which the constitutionality of the charter and the validity of the election next Tues day are affirmed in the most positive man ner. The gentleman who is responsible for this opinion is the newly-appointed U. 5. District Attorney. The only surprising circumstance in the case is that any one should have doubted the legality of the coming election, except those who hope to hold city offices the en suing year in spite of the people. It now becomes a question of immediate interest, who shall carry on the municipal govern ment the ensuing year. We have hereto fore urged the necessity of holding a Re publican Convention and nominating a full ticket to be voted for next Tuesday, un less we are ready to acknowledge the Republican party impotent and beaten in advance. We again urge that the Com mittee, in whose hands the interests of the party are intrusted, issue their call a Convention. Events are rapidly tend ing to the conclusion that there is henceforth to he a Government of the United States, unless the people, by their own supineness, shall refuse to have one. The momentous issue is in the hands of Mic American citizens. They can sustain their own Constitution, they can main tain the supremacy of their own flag, they can put down the accursed treason which has well nigh mined their country—or they can do the opposite. There is no better time for the people of Chicago to express an opinion on these prodigious questions than now. The re sult of Tuesday's election will be waited for with the profoundest interest all over the land, as the first popular verdict on the vigorous policy adopted by the govern ment at Washington. Let this issue be ihiriy made, and we shall have no fear of the result. ’ ?. B.—Since writing the above we have been placed in possession of the official call of the Republican City Committee, for a Convention to be held on Saturday next io nominate candidates for city officers, which will be found in another part of this paper, 1 HOtT ITHAJPPENS. “How do you manage to keep up the in terest of your dispatches ?” said one of the editors oi this paper, when lately in Wash ington, to a reporter for the New York press. “Easy enough,” was the reply. “Weinvent a story to-day and contradict d to-morrow; arid thus the pot is kept all the while bubbling” What was in tended as a bit of. persiflage, is un fortunately too true, as our Associated Press dispatches, called mainly from the special telegraphic correspondence of the New York journals, from day to day ere proving. W 6 would be glad to avoid me necessity of putting their guesses and fictions into circulation in the West; but we have not the means of distinguishing the true from the false in what is sent over, the wires, arid as the appetite of the public* for news is excited to . the last degree of aridity, we are compelled to print all that comes, and permit our readers to take it, oath with, the gffcihA of allowance neces to his digesting- . . . The truth is, imd makes it : Clearer, h> determined to Seep its own secrets, fkat tke lively gentlemen who “do the semsation items” for the metropolitan papers as pro tommy ignorant ot what'is u'o'mg or in tended as the wires .over., their (milling despatches ' are * Mr. advisers are engaged matteft/ and" ttieir ; sut'cess wmbtless depends upon ' ‘the ’ "secrecy ._ | ’ — ■. — . ■■■■■'■■•■■ ■ ... .' ” **""* ' "■' | VOLUME XIV. with which their deliberations and tesblves are guarded. Possibly, however, Hr. Chase and Mr. Seward, or Mr. Cameron and Mr. “Welles daily unbosom themselves to the Time* man and Herald man ; but untll lhe Ttmes mid Herald agree in their statements of fact, unsophisticated people hereaway will be quite content to believe that the members of the Cabinet have the reticence which becomes their grave and responsible i posts. We have no doubt that ; they‘are j doing, with the means at‘their disposal, all I that the situation - 'demands; and we are | content to await the results of their action.- -At all -events, we are not silly enough to r.qnajrel With them on the strength of state-. , meats of men .no deeper in-their secrets I than we are ourselves—a bit of philosophy i which we cannot too strongly recommend I to our impatient readers. A CHANGE OF TUNE. It is om of the most noticeable things in the despatches from the seat of war—the ; altered tone which the confederated scoun | drela hold toward the North. Lately they were to “ carry the war into Africa, march upon Washington, spend their first winter in Philadelphia, their next in New York and their third in Boston,” &c., &c. ’ That was when secession went on and Uncle Sam was snubbed with impunity. But lat terly they see a wicked light m the old fel low’s eyes, andnow they declare their in tention to “resist to the bitter end,” to “die defending their altars, their niggers and their homes,” and to do various other un pleasant and dangerous things, if the Gov ernment marches down upon them. We are not disappointed. Let the Administra tion put forth the power at its command, and sixty days would not elapse before the most ferocious of these Bobadils would be willing to make affidavit that they have been for the Union all the while, and that their warlike demonstrations were only a highly flavored joke, to which no attention should be paid. They want to know who struck Billy Patterson. Will Mr. Lincoln point out the man who did it ? SURGEON OF MARINE HOSPITAL. Dr. Ralph N. Isham, of this city, will be named as Surgeon of the Sparine Hospital, in place of Prof. Brainard. Dr. Isham, is, we believe, a Professor in the Medical De partment of the Lind University. He is . a well educated physician, who will credita bly discharge the duties of the place; and his appointment will doubtless give gener al satisfaction, though there are many who will regret that some one of our older physi cians, Dr. Freer, or Dr. H. A. Johnson, was not selected for the important trust. SPRING ELECTIONS. RHODE ISLAND. The official vote for Governor of Rhode Island is as follows: Sprague —11,844 Smith. ...10,5100 Scat M 3 Sprague over Smith, I,6l4—over all, 1,501. Lust year Sprague's majority was 1,460. The majority for Sheffield, Conservative Re publican, for Congress in the Eastern Dleiric t, is 312; and for Browne, Conservative Union Democrat, in the ‘Western District, la 555 in stead of 1200, as before reported. CONNECTICUT. Gov. Buckingham’s majority in Connecticut 1b full 2000. The Members of Congress stand as before reported—two Republicans and two Democrats. The Senate has 13 Republicans and BDemocrats, and the House is Republics by nearly two to one. WISCONSIN. The following arc the reported majorities lu the counties named for the Supreme Judgo, all from which we have any reports: Cole’s maj. Knowlton’s m?j. Jackson 500 Ozaukee .. 1 000 Racine 1,200 Rock i,(ko brown 1,600 Winnebago 8,000 Waukesha -soo Dane 1,000 Walworth. too Sank 2,000 -Jefferson; Milwaukee 800 Lafayette goo Grant 3.000 “Washington 1,70) Calumet 1,000 Columbia 500 Kenosha 500 Crawford lowa 600 Waushara jjik) Grant 8,000 Green Fond da Lac 1,000 Marquette r.t-) Green Lake 200 Juneau soj Ontjgamie 500 —- Sheboygan 500 Total 11,300 Total .19,300 Cole ahead 8,500. If there be any reliance on the above reports, Cole is elected by a larj; o majority. ILLINOIS. McHknbt Co.—The new Board of Supervi sors stands, 12 Republicans to 5 Democrats— same as last year. Sangamon Co. —The Board of Supervisors c-f Sangamon county is politically divided 10 Republicans to 12 Democrats. Pike Co.—The Republicans carried Pitts field and Perry on Tuesday of last week. Warren Co.—The Board of Supervisors consists of 9 Republicans and 6 Democrats. DuPaoe. Naperville, Lisle and Milton elected Republican Supervisors, on Tuesday last. These are the only towns heard from. ST. PAUL, MINN. The Times and other Disunion prints are shouting over a Democratic victory in St. Paul. The fact that St. Paul has always been a Democratic city, and generally by a larger majority than that obtained this spring, ought to somewhat modify their exultation. From 'Washington* [Telegraphic Cor. Cincinnati Commercial.] Washington, April 6, 3861. , Lieut. Talbot, the special messenger of Ma jor Anderson, early this morninr. He was immediately taken to the White House by Secretary Cameron. The information he brought induced the President to convene an extra Cabinet meeting, which remained In ses sion for nearly two hours. Nothing has yet transpired as to the precise character of the dispatches. ■ Mach significance is Justly attributed to the failure of a number of members of the Virginia Legislature, who cam c here to nine a continua tion of the present military status of the South, to obtain satisfactory assurances at an inter viewthey had with the President last evening-. Mr. Segar, one of their number, openly de clared this morning that they could donotb- Ing with the Executive, an.l that the country was on the brink of civil war. The arguments before the Naval court mar tial in tne case of Commodore Armstrong, were concluded this morning by the well known criminal pleader, P. Phelos, of this 'city, with a brilliant effort in behalf of the ac cused. The trial has been one of the most remarka ble on record. It was a most touching eight to sec thirteen Commodores in the navy, none of whom had seen less tnan forty years ser vice, and all of whom had fought and bled in the defense of the stars ana stripes, set in. judgment over one who, after a spotless car reer of over fifty-two years, was now arraigned upon the charge of cowardice and treason. The result of the trial will probably bo. known on Monday, , The eloop-of-war Pawnee left the Washing ton yard for Norfolk at 8 P. It She sailed with sealed orders, and her officers and men are utterly ignorant as to their ultimate destination. She carries elghtnine-inchPaix han guns, two twelve pounders and a hundred and ninety men. She was put in perfect fight ing trim before starting. Mr. Russell, of the London 21bk$, dined, with the Southern Commissioners yesterday He is about leaving for the South. ; .Marshal Sands and Gov. Dennison, and At torney General Wolcott, arrived here this morning. The.former two win urge Col. Swain as a proper successor to Judge They will find that the President's old friend. Judge Logan of Illinois, stands most in their tat '- . ; D The name of Secrecy .Chase :is con nected with the same position by some of his Ohio friends Rut X do not think that he has the slightest desire to be placed on the bench.- TomCorwin returned here last night; htf -wol«mbaik nert week' from York on a Government vesseL - The Mexican Govern ment has tendered him. an escort from Vera Cruz to the Capital. Gosrronre Mur.—A young man, giriog Ms _.Mme aa JWyle D. Gaff pro teasing to be &- young r brother of the Aurora Gam, recently ■went to rranfefort, Ini, where hepurchasea. ■a tract of laud oa which to erecta distillery, and put a number of men to work at making :In a time hia creditors becam©' clamorous, for their pay: whemhe care .them a Bank- The;check was not honored, when, professtog gmt: indignation, he borrowed* horse to go to JA&yette to aee about toe mat ter;" Thehtert" diy the hone camabick. but not Mr. Journal, ~ ft?6ta ranwebliu'; : J;*‘ /V ■ From the Pensacola Observkr 01. the we lave the subjoined extracts: _ u ; the Wyandotte createdabmfistlr piiycstcr day by her ♦.its stearoedjip and went out to the Sabine.»d<Bt Louis off,the. bar, the latter hoisted salleopn afterward! the Wyandotte, returned,' wenr’up to the Navy Yard, left there soon afterward and proceeded to Pensacola,'.-It appeare that proVisiohs bvefr at Fort Plckfehs ire hot bo veiyplentifrfi aa was eaid to be the case. Anderson's fate seems /to be pursuing Slemmer.' v CoLClayton of the Alabama regiment for merly, now ot the. Conlederaleßtates, gener ously donated.the man whq lost his ann, one hundred dollars,... , '../-'.'ri* ' ; A man was the Redoubt last night, in attempting to pass the sentry without the countersign. He died soon-, afterward. No blame is attached,, to tfie'eenfiry, as he-ohly performed' his duty. The,deceased was a member of the Bed Eagle Company. The steamer Kate Dale from Mobile, arrived here this morning With a large quantity of pro visions, five hundred stand of arms, and 200,000 ball cartridges from Mount Vernon .Arsenal, in charge of our gallant townsman, Lieut B. L. Sweetman. . , The MobileAdwerfwcrof the 28th, gives the following: - : -'- Cap! Ben Lane Posey of the “Bed Eagles,” arrived at 6}4 o’clock this motnlng rington, Eli, havingleft there yesterday eve ning at 8 o’clock. We gather from him the following items: That he left there thirteen companies, num bering In the aggregate about 1000 men. Elev en of these companies are from Alabama from Atlanta, Ga., and. one from Uilton, JHa. He informs ns that ten companies of > Alabama troops have gone Into the service of the Con federate States, his company being one of them. Capfc. Posey returns to-morrow, and wiil," in the meantime, - receive new • recruits for his company. Capt. P. has command; of the “ Eedoubt"a veryjretty little fort* 1000 yards in the rear of Barrancas. It Is now, he teUa ns* the strategic point of Pensacola, and upon it depends, in a large measure, the safety of all the jest of the mainland posts, as it defends their inland ap proach in case of an attack in the rear., , A letter appears in The Montgomery Kail of Saturday last from a correspondent just* re turned from Pensacola. We make the follow ing extracts: . i... The most stirring incidentofthe past few days was the capture, on the night of the 26th inst,, of the schooner Catty by Oapt. Steedman, .of the Wilcox True Bines. Theschponer, tak ing advantage of the shadows of -night, was trying, against orders, to convey coal and sup plies clandestinely to the ship Wyandotte, for the use of the United States fleet 1 The officer in command getting wind of her mission, or dered Capt. Steedman to proceed with a detail of men iron) his company, and, if possible, in tercept her. The gallant young rapfain- curing an open boat, made chase,-and, after some difficulty in finding,her, succeeded-in capturing her almost under the very bows .of the Wyandotte, and proudly bore her back as thefZrstpri&ol'tbenewConfederacy. : Another noted “ Institution” connected with the military arrangements below, is a very diminutive steamer used for petroling the bay, to prevent *Bupplies reaching the enemy. Some .of the boys have dubbedherthe u WildCat,” and manned with & detachment of volunteers, it is interesting to watch her as bird-like she scuds o’er the dark blue waters, now stopping and dallying, about the Wyan dotte, as if coaxing her for a fight, now eccen trie, breaking away and running close, to the walls of Fort Pickens, seeming to say to her, “ Take a pop if you want to,” and then, ap parently emboldened with her success, dash ing out beyond Pickens, and with a sort of dare devil effrontery, making the circuit of (he fleet, and may be overhauling some suspected craft, under guns, a single broadside of which would blow her to atoms. She is the terror of the few bad men on that part of the coast whose cupidity or treachery leads them to carry on an illicit traffic with our enemies. As the germ of the .Navyof the’new Republic —“ long may :he wave I” i - THE CITY. SEE FOURTH PAGE. Common Council Meeting. —There was no quorum last night. Present, Aldermen Mar shall, Kennedy, Hubbard, Prindiville, Perkins and BottsfortL : . Gone. —The colored man Hayes, the wretch ed stool-pigeon used by Marshal Jones to be tray his colored brethren, has left the city. He borrowed a team at Cicero andleft for parts unknown. . . . .. Miss Helen M. Dresser.— This young lady lecturer who has been before the public for two years past, and in that time delivered several hundred lectures, with great' accep ‘tance is to lecture at Metropolitan Hall on Thursday evening next. Subject,. “Life, character, and designs of Brigham Young.” Philharmonic Concert. The sixth regu lar monthly concert of the Philharmonic So ciety will take place in'Bryan Hall on Satur day, April 14th. The programme embraces' the Overture to William Tell, by Rossini, and La Tirene, by Auber; also' one of the most popular and pleasing symphonies by Mozart, No. S, in E flat. ' • Presentation—Chicago Highland Guard. —This fine Company gave ihe ball of the sea son at their armory last Friday evening and. a brilliant affair it was. A remarkable feature of the occasion was the presentation of a splen did tea service to Capt. McArthur, to whom the members of the Company are devotedly attached. The presentation was made by En sign Maclean, in an eloquent speech. Captain McArthur responded in a short but feeling manner, thumbing the members of the Com pany for their splendid and unexpected pre sent. This Company, with their gallant Captain, deserve the credit of the community^—they have always been first to offer their terviccs, when needed, and our citizens will remember the patriotic spirit displayed by them in offer ing their services to the General Government. Sale of the Wigwam.— The great Wigwam has become the property of Orringtoii Lnnt, representing the Board of Trustees of Garrett Biblical Institute. The price paid is ; $966, nearly three-fourths of whidi will be required to meet the outstanding liabilities; on the building. The excess is to be divided between the charitable institutions named in the condi tions of the agreement between the Building Committee and the city. : This dividend is ; no large one, but it would have;been larger far had the city authorities'pursued a course in the matter that might justly have been expected of them. As itis, the OrphanAsylnmandthe Home of the Frieudleesget little or nothing, all due to petty 'official spite and Uliberallty. The building, by means of a total lack of com pletion has become the property of the owners of the real estate on whichit stands. We learn It is contemplated to divideit up for business purposes. . . ...... Just as Ws Expected.—lf any ‘ person doubts whether jadvertiaemgnta are read, let them consider such instances as that-of an impudent trickster, whose 'advertisements in the daily papers "of this city within the past fortnight have netted him from two to three hundred dollars, taken and swindled out of persons Thy able to lose their $3 fee, but which latter sum will be no bad investment, either, if the experience bought • leads them hereafter to keep clear of impudent quackeries lof this nature. The fellow offered to teach pupils the art of painting upon glass in a certain number of lessons, and, as an : additional inducement, that after,theijupHa learned, if; they gave satisfaction, he would give them $3 per day, and guarantee them employment l fbr a year. The pupils were to pay him three'dol lars in advance. r , ;;;w_ \ - The swindle’was ''effpoabd* last week’ in our columns, but not in season to save tlie'frdm' seventy-fiTOjtajjprie hundred, chiefly ladies, who were victimized. The professor of the art .of painting oh glass ifeund his ham-; bag a trifle too transparent, and he vamosed on Saturday, leaving nothing behind hut bis guarantees. pitythe girls vihd wrere dc luded, bat advise one and all to be more care fol neri Umc. As to he ailed iumselTPfof. Rroadberit, which may or ■ may hot behis real name. Thepress of neighbor ing cities win-do weil to lookout for him* ' it is a good rule to readadvertlsemerite, but it a still bettor one' to be carnal io what extent' you believe them, or any other man. I . v ■ - l lieeorder’aConrti j• ■ -Herarxßlssel, cdia* Prescott,was eoanfcted. yeeterday -inonilag of-lawsetiy of a jpair of bones and » wagon. He plead not griutymid Insane. Dra, Brairds aadAßeu as to Ids taniiy, teiy. ■ _ f I^nisPnfer,fta c the Criminal Courts, was conylctod of larceny, and the tala* J of the property* fixed at H;?, Thfe Bares .again-fiomths P®Ut«»S«7 i W6’jfcl7is fim *• chance for the Bridewell. i'A»‘ BOARD Of* TRADE MEETING. ISAECraiTION asd spkkhkS ©I? OPPIOBB4* “■ | * ISirGCBAL ADBRESS OF THE PRESIDENT. Announcement of Committees, ■ - The regular monihiy meeting of die Soafd of Trade last evening was numerously attend ed, stormy weather. The ■Beard was called to order, President I.: T. Munn in the chair, at eight, oldock; and Mr. Mnim immediately thereafter made a short yaiedietoryaddreas, toankingtoe membersfor ; their courtesy and numerous kindnesses to ward him and the other officers during the past year, if they had erred in conducting'the af fairs of the Board, it was. from an eirbr of the judgment, not of toe heart. He said, In con clusion that if toe Board of Officers retired from their seats with a less number of ene mies than they had when they entered upon their duties, they would rest perfectly satis fied. Mr. Munn then introduced • Stephen Clary, Esq., the presiding officer elect, who spoke as follows! ME. CLARY’S INAUGURAL AUDRESB. GmiUmen of ttu Board of Trade .-—The fame of your organization is co-extensive with the -Northwest. From the small beginnings of ten .years since, yoh have grown to be a power among men, and your influence is felt and acknowledged by the whole community. In the astonishing changes that have occurred within the last quarter :of fi century, there is no more marked improve ment than in.the manner of'doing the grain and produce business. The effectiveness oflßoards of Trade and Chambers ,‘of Commerce are of recent origin. I well',‘remember.When in Buffalo and Cleveland (Chicago not being then thought of,) no euchorganlzstioaa existed,-and when a few san guine individuals attemptedto show their necessi ty'tbey were treated as. enthusiasts. - Buffalo at length, throrgh the liberality of one of ber citi zens, built an Exchange, and an impetus was given to trade that was marked and distinct.* Cleveland upon after got up an organization, bat its progress to usefulness was slow, Chicago followed, and like all her undertakings, gigantic results have at tended. The Preamble to your Rules and Regulations re cites that, “ Having a v eetre to advance 1 the com mercial character and promote the'manufacturing interests of Chicago, and wishing to inculcate just and equitable principles in trade, establish and 'maintain uniformity in the commercial usages of Ihe-city, acquire, preserve and disseminate valua blehnsinees information, and with a View to avoid and adjust, as far as practicable, the controversies and iqud nderetandings which are apt to arise be tween individuals engaged in trade when they have no acknowledged rules to guide them, do agree," &c., Ac. - How far we may have been successful in accom {illßhlne the results,here indicated, may be seen u our admirable system of inspection so happily inaugurated by Mr. Eumsey’s administration, and so successfully continued under Mr. Mann; in the additions to our numbers of the manufacturers of Chicago, and the earoestness they feel in our suc cess; in the few misunderstandings that occur among us, and the readiness with which all of our members look to an adjustment of occasional dif ferences by the constituted authorities of the Board. In October last the whole Northwest gave prom ise of a year of unusual thrift. The wheat crop had been harvested, and the com was known to exceed that of any other year. A foreign demand was certain, and the most lively anticipations were indulged in. But the political disturbances that ensued came near involving us in common min. The clouds have not yet disappeared, and evil por tents come to us on the wires of the telegraph. In the event of a state ot war at the South, and a consequent blockade, practically, of the month of the Mississippi, it may be expected that a vast trade will be carried on through Chicago of the products of the 'Southwest, and it is eminently proper that our organization shall give tone and direction to. such & state of things. Happily we are too far removed from the scenes where the ac tual conflict must ensue, and while in one sense we may be the gainers, we can bat deplore the seeming necessity of a resort to the arbitrament of the sword. But should such a state of things ensue, we of the Northwest must stand ready to throw oar influence and oar power upon the side of right. Organized bodies of men have power to make themselves felt, and of none in the North west will more be expected in the correct forma tion of public opinion in reference to questions of trade and commerce, than to the Board of Trade of Chicago. Let every man, then, connected with this institu tion. Inform himself fully, and be ready to act as circumstances may require, iu the eventful chang es that may arise iu the fitful future. In reference to the affairs of our Board, I have no recommendations to make. The able report of the 'Beard of Directors for the last year, is before you. It exhibits a flattering statement of the condition of our Treasury, ana a succinct epitome of our flourishin g condition. - It is to be hoped that the new Board majwetfre ' from office, at the end of their official year, leaving our affaire in as good a shape. Oar system ofuiain Inspection I look npon as nearly perfect as circumstances will admit, and ' while the new Board may find from expert nee that it will be necessary to make some slight change*, it is to be hoped that no radical alterations win be made. Mankind is fond of change; and new Boards of Directors, in all institutions, are desirous of mak ing improvements upon.t .o systems of those who have preceded them, and while there should be exercised a commendable spirit of improvement, it is to be hoped that no serious innovations will be made npon a system that has engaged the pro found-attention of so many of our test members, and that stability and uniformity will be the rule of action. Your Board of Directors, gentlemen, are yonr financial and business agents, and while they should generally consult yonr views in matters where there may be a variety of opinion, it is proper that yon should support and sustain them when they do take action, in matters affecting the welfare of the Institution. It Is too often the case that a spirit of faction is fanned into great excite ment by an opposition to some course that the Directors may have adopted, where they have* given more time and attention to the subject than the whole Board are enabled to give. A case in point is the recent order of the old Board lu rela* tlon to the tables. A visitor would have inferred from the spirit of the debate the other evening oh this subject. Chat some great outrage bad been perpetrated, while the result of the sale evinced that there were tables enough for all that wanted them. Oruer is “ Heavens first law.” Without order In oar proceedings we become an incongruous mass. Should any question arise daring tha ensu ing year, as excitable as in the past, I have to re* quest that la all discussions a courteous demeanor may be preserved, and a strict adherence to parlia mentary rules observed. By a determination on the part of the ©residing officer to preserve order, seconded by all good members, our deliberations may be preserved from contempt, and all questions decided in a proper manner. I have been requested to call yonr attention to the * 4 noise' and contusion" of our meetings’ on .’Change. -It la a delicate matter for me 30 dictate rules of deportment, and I have only to suggest that each member will not forget in his appearance at each times that he is supposed to be among gentlemen, and *• govern himself accordingly." You are all aware, gentlemen, that our daily meetings are deslgaatep by outsiders as a “ bear garden, where men are “ taken in and done for." I am happy to congratulate you upon the obvious improvement in that respect, and that the vacant places of many of our previous “ short" operators are now filled by*legitimate business men. .While there may be nothing legally wrong in the system that has prevailed among ns to snehan ex tent, of “ shut" operations, the experience of the past five yearo has tally demonstrated that it is a dangerous business, and when carried out to its . logical conclusion is sure to end in irretrievable run. I may be permitted to add that the prompt-* ness with which all such undertakings have been performed, is a marked feature, and while we see . the lamentable proofs of its results all around us, is a proper subject for commendation. It has been often remarked that in no place of equal business pretensions has such a high sense of honor prevailed, as among the merchants of Chi cago. Let U continue,’ gentlemen, and let it be un derstood far and wide, that to be a member of tbe Board of Trade of Chicago Is a synonym for all that is proper among business men. £. G. Wolcott, the second Vice-President elect, being loudly called for, came forward, and made a few remarks. He said, as the du ties of his office were light, it would not he expected that he should make a long speech. He had but little to do. He would endeavor to do that little welL The following appointments by the Direc tors were then announced: Treasurer —Geo. Watson. Secretary —Seth Call in. FMi Inspector —S. H. Lathrop. Inspector of Provisions — j. H. Lsthrop. Inspector of Highicines—T. D. Clark. COWOTTSSB OF THE DIRECTORS. On Groin Inspection,— Samuel Shackford, C. Hinckley, C. J. Davis. Other Inspections —Chas. H. Walker, Jno. Ban> cock, Hogh. Adams. On Admission Qf-Members—E. G. Wolcott. Chss. £, Culver, C. H. Oort is. On Finance —Clinton Briggs, J. y. Clark, Y, A. Turpin. On Telegraph Messages— V. A. Turpin. E. G. Wolcott, John Hancock. The-Committee on Flour Inspection, ap pointed at a previous meeting, not bting pre sent, an expected report was not received. This Flour subject is crritfag considerable at tention, and it is the intention of the Direc tors to give it full examination and act in accordance with the expressed desires of the Board and dealers in the article. All seem to agree that something should be done in this . direction. The Committee haying the busi ness-in charge consists of Messrs. Wheeler and Adams. L T. Munn, of the Board of Directors, re* ported on the snbject of funding $4,000 of the Society’s. money, that thus far a suitable se curity-had not been found. Further time gnmt£i£.V; '■. . .At this' stage of ,the proceedings, Clinton Briggs, Esq,, First Ties President elect, was vociferously called for. He came forward and maie ahE^address,which was weQirecetad. He said: he had .never nude a speech in his life, had not had time to prepare one, and only return tha^‘to hia commercial brethren for toe honor conferred upon hlmby electing him to an office he hoped and should certainly endeavor faithfully to fIU. ; Messrs, Mumi and Watson yrtxi then ap pointed :Telleat by . tho Chair, to declare the , TOte for Committee of Arbitration. The fid- eald Committee tbrthe,first half of the year ensuing; SQ&6 PnQ, J. D. Bailey,.Tfcoa. pww •nr »v >• ■' c Committee for the aesond eirmonthe: t Finber, T. T. Qarnrv. L. D KorUm, w. N. BntnsztL v * "• CHkcAGO, TOESDAT, APRIL 9, 1861. 1 % Muss, Esq* introduced a resolution ra solution regaiding' the collection of statistics of our home manufactures, exports, and Jm pofta of foreign goods* and calling upon the commercial paper* of the city to aid pecuni arily in the undertaking. Alter some discus sion Uto resolution was carried. The Board then adjourned. ,1 Height or Policemen, j Our snarling, slander-peddling mayor abuses the Police Commissioners because they hare selected good sized men for their force. The men most be over five feet eight inbhee, and under ffirty years of age, stont built and able bodiedr? Why Is five feet eight too ihigh, toe reader would like to know ? There i|a no thhh in the United States would offer the reason for toe objection, but Long John, 'which is given, yls: That toe majority of Germans are men of flow stature, and- tost toe rule was sdoptedto cut them off! The true reason was, that the Board wanted a force: of stont, muscular, large-sized men. As toe number of policemm is limited to about sixty, it was necessary|o put on the most efficient men in every respect that could be selected. ? Those our readers who have been in New York must have been struck by the large size and powerful appearance of toe policemen. A majoritybf them will weigh over 170 pounds, and meagre five feet eleven inches, They are emphatically big fellows andzneh of muscle. Every one can handle Bis man with lease. A great deajk pf the peace and security of a city depesdsupon the impression lajw break ers and characters have of toe police force. Iffthey are known to be powerful, res olute, actfve men, evil-doers make it a point to keep out of their dntohes as far as practica ble. In .a . city like Chicago where; there is such a superabundance of good material we would have advised that toe standard bight should hq five feet nine, maximum age S5 years. |- The tallc' about excluding Germans is a Wentworth canard. A German regiment of 1,000 men can be raised in this city, and not a man of tfiem will measure under five feet eight inches. Many Germans may be short men, but there are a superabundance tall enough to ? eonfonn to the stand fixed by the Board. Though their legs may not average more than half as long in proportion to their bodies as do the Mayor’s. * Police Court. —This tribunal presented its usual motlejr appearance yesterday, and sever al old bruisers were sent to bruise stone at Brldewell.3 |3P“ Wild Cherry Tonic Bitters, a valuable med icine for spring. Prepared only by S absent, apothecary, Bandolph and State streets. Bloat's Elliptic Lock Stitch Seeing Ma chlue, with the improved Hemmer and Gauge, the very best ever invented, at 54 Clark street, under Sherman House. at the Literary Emporium of McNally &Co., 81 Dearborn street, an extensive assortment of Stereoscopes and Stereoscopic views; Ballou’s Dollar Monthly for May; late New York papers, and a well assorted stock of station ery, togetherwlth Charleston and New Orleans pa pers of a laffipate. “The Eaib qh the Eoor.“—H. M. Higgin*, 117 Randolph;atreet, has published that sweet bal lad, “ The on the Roof,” with piano accom paniment. Itwas composed by James G. Clark, and la snng byhlm at hie concerts. English Papers. —The Illnstratsd London News, TimesjpPanch, Once a Week, &c., &c., for March 23d, hate been received by John B. Walsh, at his book and periodical depot, corner Madlion St. and Cnst&fci House Place. lam now cleaning and repairing gentle men’s clothing* cheaper than any house in the city. Try mo and it is not so. John Jones, apCxSt 119 Dearborn street. Hightt-Tightt-Explodtih. —The receipt for making oil which will burn in Kerosene Lamps— imitative of Kerosene—and which we will warrant to explsde like gunpowder, can be had gratis at Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, 122 Clark street. apG4t If yon wish for bushy whiskers or a fasci nating mustache, send for a box of Belling ham’s Stimulating Onguent, It is warranted to bring them out in from three to six weeks. Sent on receipt of price and postage, sl.lß, to any address, by J. E. Johnson, 70 State street, Chica go, 111. • mh2S,3m For ant operation upon your teeth, or for perfect artificial work of any desirable style, w»n on Dr. Albangh, No. 68 West Randolph it. jaSS-Bm i S3?" Cook & McLain, 98 Dearborn street, have made their price for cleaning and dyeing gent’s garments less than any other house in the city. \pST See advertisement of “Hard Rubber Rlgg’a Trass”—has cured cases of twenty years standing in this City. ’ J miiS-lm All should not fail to read the advertisement of Prof. Wood ’D to-days paper. mh-iy In this city. April 7th, 12 o’clock il. of Scarlet Fever, SA- LIB A. E.. onlv daughter uf Anna 8. and lpc& J. V D. Sootnwfck, aged two years. The funeral »iH take-place at the residence of her grandfather, (v>m.J. “awkes), No.SDesplalnes Et on Wednesday, at 3 o’clock t. h w Philade phla and Trenton papers please copy. In tills c'ty, on the 7th Inst- STEPHEN SEXTON, aged 45 years. rFnneral services win beheld at his lata residence, U North LaSalle street, this afternoon, at 3 o’cloc . Friends ot tbe family-are invited to attend. fW Memphis papers please copy. S TEAM ..™ KLT iffik HEW YORK ANR LIVERRRfIL, landing and at Queenstown, The Liverpool, Hew York and Philadelphia STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Wm dispatch every Saturday their full power Clyde built Iron Steamships CITY OP SEW YORK, EDINBURGH. CirY OP baltimokß, kangaroo/ Cirr OF WASHINGTON, GLASGOW. CITY OF BOSPHORUS Rates ot passage oi low as by any otuer line. Pas sengers forwarded to all the principal cities of Europe. Persons wLhmgtjbnngout their Wends can buy tickets In Cnicago to great advantage. These Steamers have superior accommodations, and carry experienced Surgeons. Theyare built in waxes TI6HT xbok BBCEIOSB. and carry patent fir© anmffiSJ tora. For farther imormatton apply to „ CLEGHORh, LEGK.LE & CO- General Western Agents 18 Lasalle street Chicago. fy’Exchange on Europe soli in soma ot£l andnp warda. ... mharei-iyistp XT EROSENE L AMPS.WITHOUT XV cbucoes. r Bead what the editor of the M American Baptist" says- ABOUT OUR LAMPS, Then call at 122 Clark st. and Purchase Them. AB-of the DISCREDITED Hiinots and Wisconsin BANKS received FROM OUR RETAIL TRADE AT PAR. Aauntosx’e Lawp.—We have been presented with °ne of these excellent articles, which burns Goal Oil without a chimney, and emits a soit agreeable light, and is much superior, etpeclally for week eyes, toaay other lamp we nave ever used. The smoke and odor are consumed by the burner, and the Ikbt is about equal to tn at of three candles. The Inventor assures ua that hall a pint of good oil will burn thirty hours. aaassazßfi& tss x>z.dcs, Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, 122... CLABK STREET 12a : [mhl4-e34S-6mlstp] 'J 1 O CHARTER.— Fire Flr£-Class Sailing Vessels To carry Grain to BoiTalo, win be chartered by the single vip or season. VO KBS7T, Twenty-Five Houses, desirably located, win ba rented cheap to responsible, prompt-paying tenants. GROUND TO RENT. DoriiablflLotsforateraofymtn, to persmis wish ing to improve them. - JAS. B. SHEBMAir, oc3o-dßoldm ia State street, (op-staln.) Q.ROYER A BAKER’S STolseXeui - FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. ; *4O AND UPWARDS. '; : Ho. US Lake StRM, Obleago, m. i - - tuivumtl)] ; Alilr KIJTDS OF SE¥- jCX.--.: . .ING MACHINES , : HepairedbyvT. X, Vreoland, Brick Building :onAHey rewoblSWr Us street. mhl3e36GpTrtpg ; .... , TTOME FOR INEBRIATES, ULL axmum, omo. ' ; • SBfFEBEW FBBRUIUBBBI OB SFIDH : " Send for a Orenlar.' - • - . nMßea7o4mlstp T. T. BBELTB, M. P M Pipprietor* "VrOTICE—T° inform the : Ladies. JuV aad Gentlemen of Chicago; tiiat lsm doing a Teguter aod legttimate bo&lncee in Psiattng, and sm . sot in the leaKConnQctod.wlth tiie establishment st SlMState street. 1 My rooms are st IfftManv sot knowing my nmnber-haTe-eo&flnnded me wlm the othwerabnabmsot G.S.LACEY, ITOBtotestreet. -^6x2t DIED Neto abbertisemnus. this and dU the Leading Paptrt of the Northwest. ftt 43 Lake street apSotgSt W.A IST.TE D—A first-rate Cook, tf f - English or Scotch preferred. Mast be able to betweenotate and Wabash avenue, - apj-esto-iw T\T ANTED—A situation as Cbam- WftftW.JlSiJyW %®d Seamstress. by a young woman. Sflffigag• aMllgcaro of q**™-. r w ANTED—Board for a eentle __T L in a brivafs family where there no otaer t>osrdefß - Adtfr<ag WANTED—Permanent Board in «.£ p li v Twf a ,?^. y i o * a gentleman. Ad dress H. p. p. Box 2682. ap9-e4St*t \\f ANTED—To Rent, with privi a.T ’ lege of pa«hasine, a email house in a ablo part of the-city. Address, with location and terms ofhouse, P. 0. Box 3538; ap9xit \\T —By a young man who «.«*m ’’rriteaagood band, nun-pstanS fl-nrefl. and is .willing to maKe himself generally useful, a situation in a store office, or any capacity where hla services Andress -,!‘ TriboneOflice, T\T ANTED—A situation in a J,, . Wholesale Drag Hcuse, bv a young man who * has had eleven years exueriante In the busmesa. Has done business for himself several years HaTa pr-” tlcal knowledge of bookkeeping. Unexceptional B * l ™ 1 * Addresa “ B "'’ 3577 Chicago. By a prompt paying : 'A GOOD HOUSE situated east street. Will take possession Ist of May of s few weeks Address Post Office Box 6071..: > 'V\/ r ANTED—To find some person «J- lot of not very costly furniture Bedding. Carpets, Chairs, ana who win * or ale * months, or sell It and take thsir KjAl Or would like to rent a fUrni-hed § wSin«2S 6e a*? 1 ° tel lH ae ,T £“0 city or country, u »eulocated. Andrew *• box2l*. Chicago or feS • w ‘ MAPPA ’ B o&eJW T\TANTED. —Agents- wanted in £ P £ E £ HE S asd Mjhobiats op Daniel WiBaTEB? J5-K. l **°Wextensivelyby subscription at TWO ?f r CO PJ’ and each Babscriber receives a C °P? of s*J?Magnfficent EaeraTinr—£ by 80 inches— eaaua. TheLastHoursofDanlel Webster.” Samples sent on receipt of price. Catalogue of Books, with 101 l parPcolare, sent by addressing, C. DREW, Pub. Usher. 97 and 99 Locust street, st. LouLs Mo. _ap9xae TO RENT — Dwellings Nos. 243 and 245 on West Lake streer, second building * e * s °f P‘ 3C ; r iA street Bald booses are nearly new £? nlB J ie,J i^ Itll wat;r sn(l gas, and In a good neJgtbprbood. Terms low. Also, one Store lathe three-story wood building carter of West Lake and Halsted streets. Rent very low. Also, Lumber Tard, well Improved. 150 lett front on South Branch of Chf SBAlffit Terms *450 per year. - Apply to J. M. a *o*l Booth water street second door west of Welle street bridge. ap9-f4Bi-2w T wo FIRST CLASS BRICK -S- HOUSES, with all modern Improvement?, for Wn S&SSWP* £ oa * 146Rash North Dea r?^ a n£ r £ et3 \ These Houses are very superior In plan and Apply at McCormick’s Rearer Factory to W. 8. McLORMiCK or C. A. bPRING. JB. ap4x4t-net TO RENT—The first three story Brick House north of RingoldPlace, on Wabash avenue, wit a gas, water and ctable. Bent 0420 Anniv to H. M. WILMABTH. 75 8. Clark sfreff ap9x&iilw RENT—Dock to Rent on Em- Eire Slip, with railroad Trac'c, first 100 feet west w’ °f n ’r TW ?£ Ul Street A P?S to a. jroaTER « CO., West Tweiftn street. apSxSt T° —A Furnished House to rent on Michigan avenne. Possession given Itoodolpir atreet In<1I1 “ e * a - TO RENT—A Furnished House Applj *° tssy TO RENT— From May Ist. the s l ore * numbered ISO Lake street between Wells and LasJle street aUc—A large Dwelling House, No. 146 Monroe street, with SoxlS* ° f ** WCK » 121 street "O-OARD—A very desirable suite c ‘° l,6 tm usssSss‘ TpOR SALE—A Drug Store. Part 4^l^S=Tm=J* nnl,,EL,md 1,1 ™ n T pta^ PARTNER WANTED—Any » ,n|,en ‘ telll, ' lta - ’“'•OB. capital o. “opportunity to invest It In a city. For further parti.mars address po«t Office Box 2078 Elating where and at time an interview may be baa. ap9irt ANY ONE HAYING EITHER £|°°£ HOBSa or good light EXPRESS WA wiai tbe ‘THE PARTNERSHIPHERE iimtn. c °- wardsJ Chicago, April 6th, ISCI. F ~ SMl ™mt (^O-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE^ havethia day associated with ns Mr. s. P. WARNER, of this city, as a partner iu our business BAnlloSt tU berCAf " r b0 OmBEBT, April l,lE6l—apsejSCthet bLßEKT & SAMPBoy - MS. NICHOLS & CO. have • opened at 188 Sooth Water street Chicago. ■?-VL e i!SE' Commission Honse, for the pnrchaseaml Sfi2^ G . raln J Fl^ ir ' Provisions. &c„ and solicit con- To P arde * accessible to >lll - “ Cliicag 0 , JLq connection with their Milwaukee Honae, Mchols, Britt & Co., think they can give such superior advantages. mh29-eSSS-Rtnct m. a. SICBOL3. Q. s. BKITT. n. A. NICHOLS. T{ OARDItfG—Two suites or large rooms wanted with board In a desirable loo*! I** 1 ** -£JS wer immediately. “M. o." rest Office nrd»cr a»al. ap9x£t 9n Tons MILL SCREENINGS TT 0 RENT—A new two-story Cot iW \J fin Tons Mirmr.TVnq 1 «... tase/wlth stable adjoining, corner Gurley and , n _ _.. °^l? 8 ~V , *; LlN ® s * Silver streets. Enquire of B. r. CHASE. 109 Ran *o Tons Ship Staffs. 75 Tons Bran and Shorts, doiph street. mh^raw No- * Hilliard's B1 cck, corner Cljtk and SouU?Vater RENT,—The firat-claßß House, streets.. ; ; ap9i£t -L No. 494 Wabash avenue, is for rent to a first. - : : —• class tenant lor one or m ire years from May Ist. A> T>ROF. A. O’LEARY will com- pl? »° a - °- couMia. .t W M jam, if-. at Bryan Hill, on tub 3 uV i Evexiho, Apruioth. til -£r. Plank Road, within a mHcand*one-balf Instrat d with the largest Cabinet of French Manikins ©/ the City Umlte-60acres-ao.of which tela a high Skeletons, Diagrams, Plates and Oil Palntnns In B ‘ At ? of cnluv-uioa. well fenced, eood house son Antrica, AdnUssna to first lecture fso' sheds. For particulars apply to GEORGE STEEL, apQgiW OS. POWERS, Agent and Reporter. Esq r£ r HICHARP3, foot of Lasalla street. . 1 1 1 ! 1 " ■' i . . Tntia>eagi»im ALL ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN TJA'i.V yIT P&R, FBOM BSTAXX. TBADB -4T- Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, 132 CI\RK STKKK’X' 122 ap!-e463-st-nek gLOAT’S SEWING MACHINE. SLOATS ELLIPTIC LOCKSTITCH SE W*BV« .W.f CBIJVES. The Only Machines Having the ELLIPTIC HOOK W. C. MASON & CO, SOLE AGENTS FOB THE NORTHWEST, SICUBKSTBEEI, Under the 3S"ew Sixer-man. House. CHICAGO, ILL. AGENTS WANTED in every town and dty la*tha Northwest. mhls*SMj rlstpg POR SALE OR TO RENT.—A .L rare chance for speculation. The subscriber of. few for tale one of the best first class booses In Chi cago, containing twenty rooms and til the modern im provements, with brick barn. *t, Ac. Toe house is centrally located on Wabash Avenue, and fronting the' Lake. Will sell the same at the present depreciated value of property, and will take any or all ox the forty depreciated Illinois Banks. if not sold by the Gibs of May, will rent the same for three or five years, for matted or unfurnished. Any person renting for five years win have the house ne» ly pointed and papered to suit them. A person having a ia->te fur the fine arts wulbe preferred, as there Is in the house a fine collec tion of modern picture* to go with The house, if rented furnished, -Apply to ALEX. WHITE-133 Washing ton street, between the hoars of 19 A. M. and 3P.M. ■ r PO RENTr-Store 219 Lake street,- -A. To Rent, store 39 Wells street. - * To Rent, store I S3 Washington street. The above stores are all in the South Division, rests' first, of May,. TO RENT—Four new Cottage Bouses, containing six rooms and-kltchea, now Duudiag.and.wni be ready the first of Jane, Leafed on corner. o» Cornelia and Warren streets; The Madison streetcars paeathebooses. Apply to ALEX. WHITE. TO RENT —A Few Tenement Houses, from sir to right dollars per month.’ , Apply-to ALEX. WHITE 133 Washington street.. , . . [apßetSMt] ; i .. : QHERIFF’S SALE.—By viitueCf k} a special writ of Execution; Issaed from the Clr cuit Coart of Coles County, in fiivor ofWiniam w McCrary, Plslotta. and agsoust Rufus Harwood. De fendant at 10 o'clock a K,.on the 2nd day of Mav. • - 188 Vat the north.door of the Court House, la the citv of Chicago. I shall offer-for sale at public vendue til the right title and InterMt ofsald Defendant tn and to-the following, described property. A cordedtatte Recorder's C^W'and County, B^nsnsis -A T ap!-e463-3t-net a^atrtrb. \\T ANTED—A Situation as Porter _ * • It Retail or Wholesale Grocery, by a young WANTED—Board in a private T " family foe a gentleman and lady, wh*re the» are no other boarders. Address , -BJ n care P O Box 3?M. ■tpfrrat ■\TT ANTED—Agents to sell Pact T T age of STATIONERY and JEWELRY at Ericas ooe third less than be purchased elsewb*reL all on or address (stamp J. L. BAILEY. ■Ho. 154 Court st. Boston, Mass. aoEeoß4m TATANTED FOR CASH—House * ▼ bold 'Furniture bought for . Address Box 1509. Chicago Poet Office. , mhgtew \\F ANTED—A Situation as Ac-, T T. conataat and Cashier. Havs had fifteen'yean experience. Cin gin as good reference as any young man needs. Habits strictly temperate. Could readily do tne work of Salesman, if required. Salary not so - much consequence as a good situation. Address P. 0. box 4503. . apSxgt WANTED—To sell Photographic *T and Ambrotyp& Rooms, Ina town ofdjfotn. habitant) In Southern Michigan. Wishing to quit on account of health will Belt very cheap. It lathe best location la the city, and doing a good paying business. For*-« good Photograner this utrsn charce. In. qoln-ofN.C. TUAYBR, l|a Lake street or address to Box 45 Niles, Ulehunto tie 2Cth of April., apßx2t WANTED—To inform the Ladies y T and Gentlemen of 'Tilcaga that they can get lull and complete instructions, so as to acquire a knowledge of this new andbeataful business, which la eo easy and can be done at home, by which they can make from sl2 ro sls oer week, as advertl?ed by the establishment at 312 State it, by enclilog twenty-fire cents to Box 3377. Chicago P O. ap6xat TAT’ANTED.—Agents wanted to T T canvass every county in the Northwestern otatesforthesalaof an article which every business man must bare, every traveler must have, every rail, road man must have, and iufitct, everybody most nave. . County Agents appointed.who will be pledged the sole coatroiof a county. The Small Price ofthle Article brings It Within the Beach of All. - . .Enclose a stamp and receive by return man adrcu. lar giving fan particulars. Address J. H. JOHNSON. TO otatestreet,Chicago. P. O. Box 4253. mMBe29B-lm T~> MERCHANTS—A Young. Han of steady and business habits, and thor. oughly qualified. Is desirous of obtaining a situation as Book-keeper or General Clerk. Address “ BOOK KEEPER," Tribune Office. spßiit HOUSEKEEPER ‘WANTED Wanted a young person to keep a small house for a gentleman whose wife has gone East. The ap plicant most be competent and willing to do all the necessary work. Good wages and rood home war* ranted to her. Address “fVD," 2158 Chicago Post Office, stating real name and where an interview can be had, ho Irish need apply. apsxst WOOD TURNER WANTED.— T? W. a YOUNG A CO. apflxSt Brick Bull ding on Alley, rear of 188 Wells SI PARTNER WANTED.— Brew log and Halting.—The subscriber, wishing to ex tend bisouaioess, Isdesirous to secure a good maa aa. partner, with $<,030 to $5,009 cash. The Brewery is well established and doing a good business, and has all the facilities tor doing a large trade. Bsllroads diverging In all directions. N.B. Satisfactory reference requfre£ Address 8. T. 03MEB, Stapling Brewery, Whiteside County, 111. mh2Sz3w p APITAL WANTED—A Partner with one, two or three thousand doSarsto .en gage In manufacturing a newly Patented machine for rakmg and loading hay. Address M W.D^ M Box 42S8s Calcago. lIL i aplxfit gTo &ret TO RENT—A three Btoiy Brick House in Oatarlo Terrace, east of Rush street. Has all modern improvements, and the location Is on* aorpassod. Apply to NORTON, ROBB A VO , No 16 River street apfriiesiw T) RENT—Dwelling, House No. 147 Monroe, Street, third, door west of Clark street Possession can be given immediately. Apply to THOMAS HARLESS, No. 6 Pomeroy Block, South Water street. apSxSt TO RENT—A Few Rooms for first class Boarders—married couples or single gentlemc v— oav be had la one of me Snett residences end locations In 'he city, if appliea for very Boon. Ad* dress R, Box 2671. ap^xSt TO RENT—The Marble Front Store, No. 114 Dearborn street suitable for whole sals or n-tail trade. Also, the basement of same, lighted with the Patent Sidewalk Lights. Apply to BROWN BROS., 114 Dearborn street/ apSxSt T3 RENT—Three first-class frame Dwelling Hwea Nos. 219,24S and 253 North La ealle street, containing each nine room*, and dry cel lar whole size of buildings, with gas, water, Ac. Kent *3 O. Apply to PtJRINGTON & SCRANTON. 217 Sooth Water street. spSeTSI-im TO RENT.—Wanted by May Ist, a small comfortable House, or part of a house, at moderate rent, within fifteen minutes walk from Court House. (West Bide preferred) by » prompt pay. log and careful truant. Address, stating price and location, A. C; THOMAS, F.fO. Box 3367. apa-e427-lw , TO RENT—Dwelling House No. 695 Wabash avenue, between Twelfth and Lib erty street. Apply to A J AVERELL, 270 Wabash avenue, between land 2 P.M. ap>xlw TO RENT, A Nice Furnished House. Price $550. Also. 8 nice Houses, with all the modern improvements. Price, |4o> Near Union Park. Address box 4163 P. or J, F. Norton. 109 Washington street, room No. 6. ap4e6lly TO RENT — Store No. 114 Ran dolph street, lately occupied by Brewster, Hat ter, and next door to Putnam's Clothing Store. Apply to M. C. STEARNS, Office by Lake street bridge. api-eiSilm. TO RENT—On North Side. Onta rio street, near Wolcott, a new Brick House, twelve rooms, with all modern Improvements. In quire of E. F. TOWNS, No. 389 Illinois street. aoj-eidO-iw TO RENT—Dwelling House No. 110 North Dearborn street, to a responsible, prompt paving tenant Apply to A.B, WING-, No. 1 Aiken’s Building, South Water street. ap2xlm TO RENT—The Block of Stores Inthe tbrce-storywood-baUdlng. soathwest cor ner of wells end Moaroe streets. Are well finished and suitable for Drug. Clothing, Boot and Shoe store*. &c- Will rent to good parties at |ta to sls per month. Also—The. upper stories over stores, arranged for large Boarding House or Hotel. Will rent verrlow. Inquire, of J. M. WILJUIAMS. 210* South Water Jt, 2daoor_west of WeUs-st Bridge. api-e4M-tmyi RENT—A desirable Residence ON mCHIGAN AVESUB, Bent S3?O per annum, ncarSlnggoldPlace, to a raapoa« alble prompt paying tenant. Apply to , _ • . R. NELSON HAYDON; Cor. Market and Randolph street TO RE N'T—A first-class stone front, fresco finished dwelling, with brick ont houses. No. 30i* North Lasalle street. Street and I yard sewered. One of the pleasantest situations on the North Side, having a fine 'Hew of the lake and im proved grounds la its sarrdnndlnes. Price SBOO per annum. Apply at 302 North Lassie street orNo.ia liiver street. ap&eilidw r J'O RENT.—Offices and Lodging ALSO—SIX VELI lIBHTED RBSMS ■ For any light-Wad quiet Hamfisctarlng Basin ML Apply to RT. BHERMAN, mmS-e2»2w Boom No, 18 at U* Dearborn street TO RENT—The large Store, No. 33 Bate street adjoining the Store of Messrs. Weber, Williams & Tale, and or Messrs. Cooley. Far* well Ss Co., for one or five yean. Terms nude known on application at No. 33 Waiting ton street son A* west corner of Wabash arenoe. PETES PAGE. mh23-e331-tmyL'6L T) RENT—Dwelling House No. 331 Wabash avenue. Terms, fSOOper annum; or the premises wool! he sold on easy terms. Address Q. KOsSITEB. Lake Forest. ~ • mrttO-eSOS-lm TX> RENT CHEAP.—A four story X Brick store, with cellar, 20 by IS2 feet construct* - ed for storage, bat can be used to advantage by manu facturers Apply to trEO. W. ADAMS, oifieelnrear of IM North Water street, Chicago. mhlOxlm TI) RENT—To Large Brick Ware house and Dock—also Frame Bonding; with Dock. Fitoate on the north side of-the hirer, lost be low Bn Bridge. Possession given May i. Al so two- first-class Brick Dwellings on Michigan street (three stories and basement), reascaalou given Im-' mediately, if derived. Alsobaildhigat corner of Pin# and North Water streets—saloon below and dwelling above. For terms, inquire of W. H. BAMPSOS.No, 3Metropolitan Bmldmge:' apS-wTO-tmy*. TO RENT—Store and Cellar No. Ifl-Kinrie street under Foster House, with good Stable on thraUey. First rate etend for commission House. Possession girenimmedlately. Also, Stores with good- Cedars under each of No. 177,183 and l&S Klniie street: and, also. Stores with and' 45 North Clark street. under Foster House. Fosseedon Sven May first: Inquire of GEORGE F. FOSTER or .H. BAXTER; at Foster Honae, center North Clark and gtnrtw gtreet. . ' ; rpo LEASE. —Wharfing- Lot on: ; X . Sooth Branch, 107 ftet by 180 diet deep to Frank lin street, between Yaaßaren and Harmon streets, wltha good dock, soltabla for Lomber. Wood, Coal eg T\ISTHJjERY TO RENT OR ■ -X-r-,:.’. - -. FOBSALE. ■ i-.- r' , • lamPs qtreat, Chicago. -mhll-eSSMa .TiffOTICE. —To rent or seß, a .bean -V v tifalSummer Residence lathe ■ - : . JOWB OF BVMSTDS, Near the depotia that place, abont eleven miles from This premises la known as the Benson House.. . inquire 01 GEORGEHUNTOON. Esq, Of that ! placv w _ WMAJHIHI;; T7 0 REN T—Possession given. ~.X' May ’ Soioojßfiteart South wmt oornaPof Jackaonsnd Jefosoa, : wtth Wooodhouse,Gardea and 1*75 by . I^& ONA COBSEE PJUBASANTLT SHADED. The ho oasis -dryntinltaodeenaraaiw the w-toto.Kiteaea.rau i * NUMBER 241. amusements. McYICKER’S theatre. Madison street, between state tad Dearborn. CROWDED BOX7SSS. Third and LAST WEEK of the eminent and pcpn lar actor ' ‘ MR. MURDOCH, Whose masterly personations have been witnessed daring the last two weeks by large and fashionable aodieoees. ’ - TDESDAT BVKNIKG, April 9th. will be presented for the last time, with New Scotty, Dusbxs APFOsmcxsTs, the new American Tragedy, in fire acts, written by O. H. Miles, E*q„ expressly fcr Mr. .Murdock, entitled SB SOTO) ’ 01, THE HERO OF THE MISSISSIPPI. St Sc to, f Commander the Expedition against the Florida*) jir. Murdoch. Grand Dancx bt tbs Galt Srsma Toeosclnde with the Farce ofSAMUKL IK SEABCH Oe HIMSELF. Special None*—The public arere spectfuny Informed that the following performance! will cot elude Hr. Murdoch's eng-igemeat and seats can nowbaae'-ared for either night. Wednesday—Tne Inconstant, or Wine Works Wonder*. Thanday—Tbe Stranger and My Aunt. Friday—Tbe. Eider Brot&er end The Dramatist. Batorday—Hamlet. ■ XJKYAN HALL.—Clark Street, XI Opposite tbe Conrt House, Chicago, Hl. ■ . Eminent nulcUu pronounce tniagai. ggnnsMd 6y any nail intttf Umoa InTts ■ ? Aeotift&sand General Appointments, Itwfll scat SDmore persona than any outer Hall In BA CoQnt report of CABTSB * The main *a<U*oce Room is on the flrat floor, the entrance being on Clark street, the greatest thorough tee In the city, opposite Coart House Square, yet the Hall has a retired, quiet location la the rear. “•* of d ° OTw * r *° Tae Hall contains the Healy National Gaßerr. valued afegls,ooo, and porehased of Geo. p. A. Healy. now commissioned by Congress to paint a aeries of Weal, deatl&l portraits for the White Hoase. This Gallery contains the Identical great picture for which the gold medal was awarded at the World’s Pair tn Pans: also ** Webster In reply to Hayae. and portraits of sol the Presidents to Lincoln inclaalre, as as well as of many other illustrious Americans, by Healy. There is a spaetons Lower Hall for Fain, Festivals, Balia, and the like. It is provided with dressing rooms, a kitchen, cooking stove, numerous tables, Ac. Both Halls, or either, can be rented liar Concerts. Lectures, Exhibitions. Balia, and the nke. on appttc*. ttonto thoCbarboub BRYAN, nhIVSHy Offlee In me Bailaing. miscellaneous METALS, Tinners’ Stock SCALES. VAHDEEVOOET, DICKERSON & CO., Importers or TIN PLATE, And dealers In Tinner 7 ! Stock, METAL WAREHOUSE. 199 & 201. Budolph Street 199 A SOI CHICAGO, ILL, AGENTS FOR Howe’s Improved Scales. Ako for sale TIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, ZINC, TINKERS' TOOLS AND XACSINES. Japauned and Stamped Ware, AXES, SHOVELS, SPADES, Hoes, Btkes, Picks, Bars, Harrow* leeth Wedge* and Sledges. AGENTS FOR Windup's Patent Ventilating Be* frigerator. SAD IRONS By the cm* or box. superior to any S& tbs market. WE DEAL LARGELY IN FENCE WIRE, English and •American* CIRCULAR SAWS, From the celebrated manufactory of WHEEIEE, MADDEN & CIEMSEH, MIDDLETOWN, K. T. Full Stock ofClrenlaT) Bmi, CroMKnt and Back Saws, Saws made to Order, WITH FIXTURES COMPLETE. EVERT £AW Wj FACTION. IT Order* solldted from dealer* *od an parties sains eaws. M ffS ITe offer Uie above coods to the trade ax the liowect market Price. YASDERYOORT, DICKERSOtf&fO., 199 & 201 Randolph St. [apS-elfiS-lm] W. H. KRETSIHSER, 117—South Water Street—ll7 CBZTTXEX Ctig ATO DXAXBOXX.) The onlybocae In the selling Staple Agricultural Implements, Exclusively at ’Wholesale. GOODS FIRST RATE, PRICES LOW, . Dealers wIU note *w* on their memorandums and can at 117.....50uth Watts Stksst 117 Eapß etfMm] TJLEACHED COTTONS, SHIRTING LINENS, MAM ASM GO OJ9S, Towels, Diapers'. MARSEILLES QUILTS, ' LIMES HAiDKEIcmEFS, Obeap •*<«. Oa »L, 4. GtDOWNS & C% [lake Street.: lW;»'-.v- : : : pbHjeS«Utei JjASB A SOUTH WATER ST. STORES TO RENT. aborranttf Etreetewto&wflllwteTeEteß. tbofint o£ .AprU or 's. iOra-j laatawn^wat.t. £ qq ADVERTISING SCHEDULE! ItofMowiaCintte Btfe. ofAdnrtWav taftt D4H.Y OOUMO TRIBUNE! . ggr«s«?j BgßSssial»= rfg qmm ftn •nvirnmnnnßTin^ S&B&SsS&SSS* ILLINOIS AND.WIBCONBIN Highest Market Price. E. K. WIMjAKD St CO., No. 34 (XiBK STREET No, 34 Bxxhaago on Now ’STork for Bale. WUi MEW AUCTION AND COM JLI MISSION HOUSE, 107 Dearborn Street, CPortlaadSßlock.) Wffl »*n this morning. Tuesday, April Kh. eomaen4ag at 10 o'clock. Furniture. Matrasses, BUnteta. Trim. Dungs Hoop Skirts. Maps of Chicago, shelving. Also, an invoice of Jewell? and PhUadelphtamade Beet*, ■JL* A. BUTTERS & CO., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 48, 4S u>d SO SBABBOB3 STREET, (Opposite tbe Tremont Hoase.) FUEHITUBE SALS BTEBT WEDFSSDAT * SATDBDAT rt iff A. JC. BEY GOODS SALE Svary Monday at S X-S JL. M, AT OPB SALESROOM. STOCK OF SAFES AND SCALES AT AUCTION* A. DtnTBRB A CO. will selL at store Xn. IBs Sooth Water street, commencing Monday April and continue until all are sold, the entire stock of the Chicago Agency of the Dirjte fc Forsyth Xmfiutulig Co, Consisting of Fire and Bnrrlar Proof Safe*, of an rizea; Counter, Portable Platfbrm Floor and Pork Packer*'. Wheat Hopper, Dormant, Hay, CoaL Cattle. Farmers* andjteilroad Deoot Sealea; Scale Beams! Warehoose Track*, Baggage Burrow*, and Letter! Preaaea. Also. 3 Locomotive Head Urtta. WiL A. BDTTEBS A CO_ Auctioneer*. _apS*UAßt AND MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS AT AUCTION. "WSL A BUTTERS A CO. will sell for on Tuee mt aßeraoon. U ax o'clock, at their Aacuon room*, 43,48 and 90 Dearborn street. A. FINE liiW ÜBBABT, Amoo2 whkh are Massachusetts Reporta, n toIa; Picks flan's Kapirta, 24 vols; Metcalf's Reports. \S QMo SetwrtejJl xola; Chlttj*s Criminal Law; Halstead's Law of Evidence: Blac iw«U on Tax Tlßctc Minot's DUeat; Freeman's Illinois Digest; Bowoe* Criminal Evidence; American Lawßegister. VTvoU: together with about 100 voKof other dmlrable wortal Also, a flue collection of Miscellaneous Books. Catalogues will be reay on Saturday. «« WSL a. SUTTEES a CO, *pß-eM7-4t ■ Auctioneers. Q.ILBERT, SAMPSON & WAR- HEB cell THIS MORNING, at 9X O’Clock, ▲ Laxox lot or BMond*Hud Furniture, Carpet*, Ac# [Y GILBERT, SAMPSON & Waite FrenoEi CHINA AND DINNER SETTS WswlllseUatourtalwooms, No. 82 Lake street, on AprUath. at 9* o’clock A. M* French While China Dinner Setts, coni >laiac 23 ntecesaHo Tea Sett* of « pieces. GILBEin; SiMPSjN ft WAKSEB, Auctioneer*. A T AUCTION, WITHOUT RE- Wholesale and BetaQ Stock of prus*. Medicines. Glass Wares. Furniture, Plate Glass. Snow Cases ftc, ft«x. win be sold, commencing THtJBSDAY, April Uth, 1881, tt 9X A. a, And sale continned the succeeding day If necessary to fiolahsale, at the store of d.Sawyer,No-ldLs'-osim* JA3. A. MAKSHAI.U Anettonerr. T>T GILBERT. SAMPSON & A-J WARNER. Bapsrior Basswood aad Hahogsaj Fornitors, Cirpets, Preach Plata Minors, Cooking Stores and Household Goods, at Auction. Oa WEDNESDAY, April 10th. at 9* o’clock A. M . we will sell atH;nse No. -13 Michigan avrnue, the entire furniture and of a gentleman breaking no nonsekeeplnr, cons! fine of a general o«a rtmeoi of well kept oosewood. Mahogany and Walnut Parlor and Sod-room suits, Marble Top and other Table*. Sedate ids. Burdens, Withstands, Parlor, ’ la log-room and Chamber Cnalrs Hair and S. G. Mattraaaea. Beds and Beddlnx, Elegant French Plate MlrrorrTDliilne Tables, Window Shades, Cooking and P-ir'or Stoves. Crockery, Glassware and Kltcnen nkenstu Parlor. Chamber and Dining-room Carpets, together with a general assortment <>f Household Goods. GILBERT, SAMPSON ft WARNER apß-e<74-3t * Ancdoneers. T>Y GILBERT. SAMPSON & SJ WARNER, Auctioneer*, 83 Lake street. LASSE ARB POimVE TIADE lAIE OF *6,000 Worth of CKOCKEBT, GLASSWAKF, C. C. WIRE ITO FARCY GOODS, AT AUCTION. Oa Friday. April Uto, at 9 * o’clock, we trill sell at o?r salesroom*. No. Nt Lake street,.wlthoat reserve. Sir Thousand Dollars worth of the following woods: Consisting of Ewars and Bakina, Chambers, Plates. Teas and Co (Tees, Tea Setts, Creams, Jogs, Sazan. Tea pots, Soao Tureens, Sauce do.. Gravy Boats, gfojfc Traya, Plcklea, Bowls. Salads, Mug*. Bakers, Platters, Covered Dlihe*. Button, Soaps. . Also, the same assortment of C. C. Ware. Rocking hsm Ware, Spittoons. Jags. Chambers, Balters and DLancs, Pl« Plates. Fancy French Chiair-Gotd and Painted China Candlesticks, Vases, Paper-Weights, Jewel Boxes. Fancy Boxes, with Dogs and GlrlaTlnk staads. Baskets. Cologne Bottles, Cigar-Holders, Fan cy Caps and Saucers, Card Receivers. GLASSWARE. Cat Goblets, Tumblers. Wines, Egg Glasses. Lemon, ades, Dec-nter#, Covered Dishes oraUxlnda. Bat er«k Sagar<, Salts. Shades, Candlesticks, Flnld iVth™ Kerosene OU Lamps, with Marble feet, Peppers, Vino gars. Mustards, Bottles, Bohemian Wine Bottlea, Hock Ooblea, wines. Preserve Jara, Celeries. Ac. Together with a great variety of goods, too numerous to par ticularize. Theabovegoodiwlllbeßoldlnlotatosalt the trade only, and will be sold without any raervo whatever. GILBERT, SAMPSON A WARNER. faPteHSOtl F)R SALE—One large sized Safe, In perfct order, for sale cheap. A good non© wm oe taken la part payment. GEO. W7 HANNIB, Scale and Baft Shop, 97 Klnzia street. apfxlw T?OR SALE OR RENT—A first A class dwelling house, with all tba modMQim provement*. No. 4 Park Bow. For particnWfig tu quirs at No. 183 South Water street. agr«3t FOR SALE—A Second Hand Engine and Boiler*, of 40 Hone Power, cheap Ibr c ab. Apply to JOHN BOGSBd, on Ktagsburv st_ near Indiana atreet bridge. aptaflt TO GIVE SATIS- POR SALE OR TO RENT—The 1 two etorr Brick Boaae,altaated on Mey street, jort north of Lake street, containing; eleven rooms, nearly new end tboronnUy bnllt, wttb iron fence, atone walk, *e, for rent from Mey Ist, or win be sold ▼*£? Cheep to e cun parehsier or on time. Anoly to GEO. A- SKAVEKNo, No. 73 Dearborn street. 1 * sp3-e4.S-lm 'R FX. SALE.—For Sale or Ex change for otter desirable property, a flrrt rate awumcg property; situated one mile south of the City of Mies, Berries Conoty, Michigan. For dlscriofloa Ingnireof the subscriber, at 13 State street. Chi.ago. mnzmw X>. w. MATHEfc 'LOURING MILL FOB SALE. The Frame Flooring Mill, known as tbe “Chicago Cltv MUla," situated on the corner of Jefienonaod Klnae streets, now occuoled by the undersigned. Has beeni ran little more then two yean. Is well located and doing a flret-rato business. it stands on a leased let at an annual rent of (400, payable semi annual!?. Hoot sold at private tale before the Wte ol April, it waj ta.n be offered at public auction, on the spot For farther pirtlcalara, apply to MABPLK * COLS, on the presuaee. - mhiSxtd TO WHOM IT MAT COST CBHNw—One of the finest opportunities Is offered to any one desirous of going Into the . _ GBOCSlil; BUSINESS And wishing to porenase the entire stock and fixtures or an old ana wen estatiUaaed Grocery, doing a fine busmen. For information address Post office Box 6194 mMSTItn 1 nnn ACRES GOOD FARM- X)\J\J' r INO LANDS FOR SALS CHEAP ON EASY TERMS OB KXCHAHGB FOB CITY PRO PERTY.—4W acres of those Hade He only forty miles sooth of Chicago, near the IlUoota Central Railroad, tbe reat de in lowa ami Wisconsin. Apply at 4S Sonth Water street ’WASHINGTON 6HI fH, aptzlw pOE SALE One New WABSSOUBB UALBI, To I weigh to to SJi tons, foe sale cheap. Address Poet OJceßoxidaa. mhffladw "DARE CHANCE.—I wish to sell ■lt) my Warehouse, boot of Stone. <lx7o tset, three stories, situate on the traik of tbe Mineral Point Bail, road. It la one of tae best locations In the West for a Produce and C'*m r nlaaion Buateess. ' TEBNS EASY. For particulars call on or addrees SEtX:W. COBB, " - - . a.1,, 01. w 'OARDINQ—Two or three suites JLf of pleasant rooms fbr Sundae; a tew rooms for ategle ittUeaen, with good board, at rcascnaNwpri- CM.»abeQbtainedMho.*BEdinaPlacm. A touted “Jraberofdaj boarder* can be accommodated. suits, as J-r weQ as stogie room* may be bad at 149 Wtbaab avenue. - • " • - * • • - • whwiaT annoiriumeitts. 150 riIiERK OF POLICE COURT— V/ A. D. RRADLKT TespectfiiOy aanotuess that toritteahora olSca U th* earning wbfactte tta ummjpt fteafc XTeaflod. "VrEEDUS; THR BiAD KK& —*■ Xhs BOUGHT AT iction Soles. [apt] wabnbb. -A.t Auction. Sot Saif. fioarinng.