pworSSlfcune. 'r:t\tr iu »■» *•. £3*' ? —‘.v;. TUESDAY, APBIL 9, 1861. &nKra u 588*" ■a. P Mr. liira»litfi|riaiEia'npon the ad •i'e ministration of the duties -of his ofUce as :.. President, he said in; his Inaugural that.h(fi «.i3. .. . rccoghfrednorightin any State to secede ** M ' He alsoiyowed his in ** creation to enforce the lavra and .collect the - -..revenue. Wo have no idea that he has deviated an hair’s breadth from Xt & “Uy with him a* .'Question df phtver. Has he the power cti-* dertbep’- ’•»< tofogecyjie revenues -.-eucdStatcsT' The enforcement of the revenue laws is , , about the highest duty that devolves upon !«s ’ CtteiAdininistratio£! ?Tfae r revehue is Hie food upon which it exists, and if hostile parties are allowed U seize and convert >-V to their own*. uses, the. Federal Gov ernment will shortly find itself in the jaws , ,!■> of jtarvstiQn. Any .government that will not defend its own bread and butter, outfit td stem -* ThecohauctofWmsnrirents more lawful than the act of, the freebooter Saturday n.ght, androbshunof his weekfi wages : and tithe man should draw a pistoland ' ’ “bber mhis tradtLfie Would be , justifiei .The forms and cere monies and usages ofpolitQsociety are not ■ . • ■ .Siccc tbe control of the custom-houses and.warehoases in Southern ports have been usurped finder allegediState inthVii r Federal-' revenue officers have :: t«. ; ; bM ?,foKdfa!y,deluded,Jh has becoinfi fini collect the imposts on shore, on goods -shipped to those ports. Bat the' place where the owher of the goods pays V -dutyy is popart of the substance of the, ■®?~jt gpMmprelyto the form. ; There.’ «Spt of the Governiaent, given ori thfedecfc ■■' - -bf-a revenue elownfirpf 1 ownfirpf the, goods iwhether ■he psyMfcem in,the cabin.of anAmcrican ,-jftFKSredeted, anfli'&S (■value is regulated byfte difficulty and ft risk incident to their conversion. iMone » : ftcfafqre fte'nnly bafis for iumking ;; . Koamopht of legisiation can make apa per dpjlji - .thiag : it pniixma^ ft “(Yr.uioitei' pr, cented. for redemprion. This principle ha been demonstrated so often ftat the p»8r! ildqpt it and to en I. r.HSftyii SO: striegent -and compr< - i ' ieneivethatßis.evasiQn..would: beabsoluh lyimposrible. ; u I' The Josses whiai-therptopleibf tie TVei wai btftftligbd'^'SUflferrdfi time to come. The circiilation of ti •j-b - i" ' ;^r^?‘^i^'«;aear l get'; ytorn -K,' extensive - HstjmwAjgfiW,(them; the brol£raiexps( > afloat decreases, and especially if etod '4 should improve, they will undoubtedly a _ vance the price. Now, suppose the We geta rid of the trash on an average at I pWe are sure as to of Wisconsin, but in our own State the: ’ is this very decided source of comfort thi j when these “wild-cats” are once gon Tbe!frflt»m~:ifl gjflaUbnj vrr U *S?^! u i e ¥ t *?P- Under the amende *'■ theircircul new banks'nnder the law must' deposit tl Q Aiwa bn credit, iiptead _ pciney; n e know flf , nothing t -PWh ,A| present-Unite iStatea. ikocka; iijemselves. must tßteteh s ' •'•■■■ •“ 1 >£> by-thifl polity, ’ wddid Wm-thlt every alwurdSy iftifiV h - cYhfliistGdbcfOrei*igbt prindplea in fiiianc ® its in bttethings hre adopted. ; Thefetoc r security system in theory protects frertectj «V? pf/thfe~biUfholder. The jm£e rwhere : : .the:- T j ’ .‘hnd., ; against,wigci£;. tfrk b our readers, ris I that’:® ■ , sufficient safeguards were placed in the bn against the unlimited expansion of ourcul -- reacy.. And again, no sort of reqjopsibU ~ ity was required Intheowners of banks a The old and well settled o ' bank manager 3 6houl( I of experience o r f 'substantia V -character and substance, whereas ourehavi been mainly owned by. peculators: anc ’ adventurers. these princi pies, aIBO. banka should’belocated at-com v mercial wh€re th6re iabusinCss tc /. can be profitably-employed to do iti -Moitof ihe hankß , lh"tiiiß ; ,Stat€ [■ and ih Wisconsinjare locatcd iat.ihe great r andihe more inaccessible, the more- sure to'b'e se • iected hyowners.;. ought > always tptte .keep oh hand a reasonable amount ot specie;, azud to be •- forced to redeem their ?bills in coin; ‘fif -of-the bill-holders. . ‘ : :- All these defects must be tborooghly , amended if^wd ace Jverto be frefe from . currency troubles. Some, perhaps], most of them, have been provided against in ohr amended"! law, "when- once fitsj provis-. ions come to be fully in force. Let us nil, as patiently as we can the. evils that are now upon us, as we shall have a better currency when we gdt~rid of the trash,that? is now in the disfcredited list ASOHBSB~ntOBiBLE SECESSION. The particulargrievances of which South; CarolinaAas been complaining for thelast thirty years, are, Rafter the obstinate.' refu-; saTdf pTOpTTdf flfif free Statos io be*; lleve'ih the Sivihity'of Human Slavery;) policy of the Government und the consiltuifonafprohibition of pan slavejtrade. She learns, tbougiriate; that thereisno her condi tion in regard to either &f these, flings, in. the new Confederacy. The U. S. Tariff of 1857 ftidl theirS: markable addition of half a cent per pcrUud export 3tfsfiA&bolfoti bdeptfrgg-t dollar of which comes out of the planter ; the of “ middle rpaasage-’ ds not except in penalties for infraction. ThO did. grievances 'are •coritihWd in full force.. Hence we are not surprised that a member ■ofibe Sodth Carolina ‘CdhYehtion, J a till in session, introduces a series of resolutions, contemplating a new secession—secession . from the Confederacy to which tbit king dom has_united her fortunes. The reasons ■ for the movement are the did sources of grief. The resolutions were tabled' by a ’ vote which promises other fruit in: the fu '••furt.'-. ' v.•• ;.v i It is needless to hope that any conces sions orany’cohiproinlses-—comatterwhat they grant—would have the effect!to rec- again; in the Union. Give her the Crittenden proposi tion, the plan of ttfe* Peace Conference, or Confederated States, and her griefe would not; Ije as suaged. She~"demands nothing b^trabso- i: lute Free, Trade and illimitable copimerce in niggers. These granted, she wouMjbo .content.Tire -the Democracy- treaidy - ; fqr the sacrifice f . - rV- ~ “ ; r. v. q ufcMittAxcai* | The Border States are urging a Conven tion at whichlheymayadoptanuitlmafuin to be submitted to the North, as ah alter native of Disunion. They may spare .trouble- The NoHhvhas an "ultimatum—the Constitution Un^te|^mte s Trand : ,it|^eeds ri -Will ac~ cept ho other. : -And the agitators South of the Ohio—the most potent helpers; of the confederated: traltdk • at.'Montgomfei^and' Charleston-may as well understand-that now as at any other time. If they want they owe to that "instrument and thn-peo pie °£ the free States,. they need notgb through the farce of holding a Con' ’entlon to propose - any -new- terms; upon which they will stay.“ ThereV'tiie bond,' under whioh they are secure. Denial of its pbli upon: it' dr their loyalty/* T|ie time for their choice Is hear. 1 ] ~ '.i- *' (xn^hdndint Of* the" N? officer of thelmrk Indian Queen —writes tbat ie.and'-the ■aeoonh same yese’el were lurniedout of fi‘ Marine Hospital because that Slate had edeeded- Cha|r£ : i%vcTV Becefe-i sion, howeter,diff not prevent the patriots of : St Marks from attempting the kidnapping of seven colored Seahien whd'Were'bTi bpaM the' vessel, and who wouldrhave been curled off, had not a rumor of the Intention caused’lte Captain tO'Chartera steamer and tow the In-/ djanOneen outside the bar. The leader,-in' pre?iie' ; Coiirtl•**&*««•,* ovi ; H | • /tt- / -?! : Among the successful applicants for por tions of the new *8,000,000 loan, a& .‘Geo;- Jiißfaia^fete'^ctet^yaaie $25,000 at 94—and the American Colonization' Society—ss,ooo'at : 94. The National:' JbfcM-., geuccr says: ; V-.-: : e 'We learn that the pettier interested were-aIF immediately the result of .their bids,nhd.tbai:rifti whdlescbirespondence waa completed for yesterday morning’s mail. The ■ number-jof bidders was unprecedented:,’mid rihe-amou a C bif ilhbbr Thus* Tecei airily per formed is corroborative of the butlness.repxK bn^. Conamp],t«d Selrare «r U4e ciedeMl Capital, The followingla an trtmct'ffoin'iletter- re cciTßd inUM.cLty.XnHn, a gentleman of Ugh position in Waehlngtom It la dated on (be «««•? T?mi gcans ! “The poaseaaion of the Beat of government ■ - by theSoulbcm Confederacy it anWventjaost confidently• predicted to take place; -within sixty dajg. The wife of a United’ Mates i Senxtar-tdldmfc'ah anecdote ilJaaratiTe ofthe purpose r pf ~ -Confederacy;--geSoWe-fr-veiy-elhgibie pew in (: tjiellev. Mr. HalTe Church* and a fedy wishiae to obtain it. wrote' to hlmthaf she ilould jrtre nfy^Sew t I have ord^i - ed anengraved plate tobe affixed toLitbeariDjr - myfiamg* AL^Jn^frb£lfadl|Dm^ v is taking leayc of Mrs. Davis, asked. ‘ And what mraaagytttdst XJbehp ftMl you to yoiaviady , friends in Washington ?’ She replietL^l’eU . be tfappi £5 a£' ' the^White' t Sause “Before . or “TS : tfi O t —cTTyrrzSO i -- fy A Washagtonoorresponden telegraphs U> one of opT cbtfgpdrartej thM ; r .rd ■ “W^der.of^Jl&rylano^igned 'Ws poßltKtfln ffitfitirmy.-- fic is fcbnofGeu. fought at 1 in she 1 £o hsy^ftyt®ng rated to harrow np the feelingtoff our Bor- Bacea.”;. aadvrthafcßen. Winded waa In them, did / d .! In fhls same connection, it Is objected that c there was no “ emergency,” as -spoken of in d ) Constitution, to authorise the Legislature U /.to patthe act in force t . was, the Legislature should have set out the ' fact in so many words.,'; The answer .to this '* ~ aliegationis t Tfae laW-givers arethe.solejudg eaof-ah emergency.;”it Is an exercise of a. B - ; kherd dlsCTetfoharypdw»,of which they alone 1 • ; are the' pole ,depbsltory, and ; which they alone 2 'areleftrto'decide. (WebstCTdeflnea‘‘Emer - geucy, 'any event or ! combinations of circum t Btanee8 r which ; cails for inimedlaie action or k , remedy;*’;,-’Query? Didnot, fob condition of j 'j our city speedy ifo ind e r an'etgeigency ?) ; -*Adrolttfog,however, for the argument, that np emergency can be shown to have existed, the Courts win not go back of -legislative action, where they are clearly vested with a powerj to be exercised in their discre , tiofl-rtbinquire what circumstances existed . to influence the of the Legislature. ,j .The.courts will not reverse the decisions,even “ Of inferior Courts,’ where the exception is taken ' to a decision bn apc tut clearly and solely with ‘ ! in the discretionary power of the inferior ; ■ numerous author!- ; ties, audby referenee to many deciaions of our ; Supreme Court.' Nor;can it be neceeeary that . the Legldfliure should state, in express words Sat there was such ah emergency as author ises them'tb’put the act in force circumstances,' and ac ' company them wUh affidavitsj or the evideaei ; virtually and clearly declared that such ai -emergency did exist, by using the language o - -the Constitution and.the power given them U ’ emergency.- - - • • further objected, “thit the repealiui ■ ckusewaavoteddowiL” If Bectlon. 90, repealing inconsistent acts - -was intended as a mereamendment,and so vo ted down ‘ (Which does not appar altogethei , .^certidn),’still" all, former .inconsistent i oi . -parts ofactfljinconflifitentbr repugnant, are bj the well Imown rules of law‘in the cpnslxue 1 tloa s oT; Btatates, virtnaily and'effectually re fpbided. “ Whe% the'-.fcommon law and a stat ■ - differ/ thfr common law giyea place to th« ‘‘statute; .and an old statute gives place to’« “ new one.' Legespotteriora priores conirariai . ‘‘di^dnt. ,f Jiladeslone's Commentaries, p. 39. And the-Bame rule appliea to conflicting 'Beclions of different acta or of the same act; . tiiis rule may be found ‘in every authority or the construction of statutes^ ‘ The chief objection (made by interested par ties), however, is to the constitutionality ol the whole act That the Legislature by sub. mitting certain sections oi the act, as amend ments thereto, to a vote of the people, thereby delegated their power, and consequently the whole act ianncbnstitntional and void. ■ This objection finds some authorities in de cisions of--Pennsylvania and Delaware. But not to make this article too long by any fur ther -reierence to those -decisions, it iis suffi : cient to say that they have been presented in .'argument before the; Supreme: Court of the State of HUnols, reviewed) condemned and dlsre ■garded by saidcouri. The case will be found in the sth volume of- Gilman’s Reports, pages Tto 20-~-27ie IbqpZe, v-}r:> ; .v.-h^v jSSESSaM# 1 ’ Si - * '•’..•Cl A lTifiX-3 ,*■ t-„: 1 * ~ —— PERSONA!,, ; a member of the NewYorkAi> ; sejfiSly from Albany county, haafaeen expelled I that body by a nearly unanimous vote " forndtsimlog a bribe of SIOO for Toting for a" i eertk^fneasnre. -—Hon. Howell Cobb addressed* Tery largo an&ra* in Maeon,' oaths 98th alt., on the cf. the country. Charles Francis Adams, by Ms fellow ; citizens of Boston, ufrithout distinction of : party, as a testimony of their approval of hie. | conduct, during the late eeasion of Congress, I In relation to oar national difficulties. A pub i llCTdlnnerfraß also r fus King, our Minister to Borne, bjythe .citi zens of Milwaukee, 'without- distinction of : party. It has been accepted, and will take place to-night sfc the Kewhall House. —One hundredcltlzGas of Nevada hare sub scribed for the Knoxville (Tenn.) sou3rownlew t 8 paper-.The money will be, : forwarded by the next steamer. So says the ■ Nevada - Democrat, - - - -i • Mr. Thomae W. . Field, a prominent Re publican of. Brooklyn,' New York, applied to the Administration for an appointment as As sistant Engineer in the Bureau of Construc tion in the Brooklyn Navy Yard: He obtain-* edthe endorsement of the Hon, Wm, Wall : and other eminent Republicans, and went on to Washington. Mr. Field was-successful in ' bis application, obtaining the place be asked, -for;; On Monday (April Ist, rattier ominous,) . be went to the Navy Yard and presented bis official credentials, when Ms attention was po litely'-caEedtoa section in an act, passed at. : the close .of the last .session of Congress, wherein the office, which had been a mere sin- . eenre, was abolished. —Gen. James M. Cook has resigned the of- < flee of Bank Superintendent of New York I State, which he has filled for seven years past, \ and Gov; Morgan has -nominated Henry H. < Van Dyck, now Superintendent of Public In- : straction, to replace him. - - I . . Gem F. K. ZoUicofier, formerly a member. 3 of .Congress, is announced as a suitable candl- I date for Governor of Tennessee. | ' The Philadelphia Inquirer says that since a Mr. Buchanan retired to private life at Wheat- c land,he' has evinced no dlsinclinatipn to mingle with society. -* To those disposed to converse j on such matters, Mr. Bnchanah very freely ex-. , t presses his disapproval of the coarse of Floyd 8 and confederates, and denounces the traitors I in severe terms. He defends strenuously the a policy pursued during the; close of his admin- c iatratlon, insisting that it was the only true £ one to avoid the shedding of fraternal blood.. -n ‘ —The Lincbhurg j, "Republican states that Mr.. u Brace, the mail agent who has been reported as tarred andfeatheredin Virginia, was wait * ed upon on Saturday by a • deputation of citi-. t] zens of Culpeper Court House, and informed that he would not be allowed to pass through that village again as mail agent. Mr. B. repli- tl ed that he would do so, no matter what were Ci the consequences, and he went through to Lynchburg on Monday, and returned to Alex- n andria on Tuesday, without being molested at ai anypointon the entire route.- . a Biskop Philander Chase was about t* consecrate a church at Waukegan, Illinois, bn • having written the deed di consecration Jus " before going into the churchy fount his hand r were soiied-with the ink. .. He did hot observ 5 this-until he had entered the church. Caßini upon one of the clergymen present, he oskei him to bring a bowl of water and towel fron > tlieveatry.hebeihg.toolarge andunwieldly ti 5 go there himself. The clergyman ventured t* . suggest ;to him, .sotfo vdce t ’ that a wet towe might do as well, and would be less notice* ‘ by toe congregation. The bishop-loekedat hln > over hts spectacles* and said, “Sir, I neve wash with a • The services were goinj . on, notwithstanding the commotion in th • chancel around the bishop. At last the senio , warden of the parish—noW ecea9e d— wa r obliged to go out and bring inabb*7l°f w atei ; And by a singnlar coincidence, just Vs 03 . fieUtlng clergyman was giving out (accord^ to the rubric in the consecration office! tm ■, 21st Psalm, partSd-? } ’■ “HI wash my hands in innocence, , And round thine altar »o ” , the bishop dipped his hinds into the bowl and washed them,.-Some .of the people of th< • pariah to this day think that this was part o] 1 the ceremony of consecration. • •—.Mrs.Myra Gaines is thus described, as sM t appeared at a late Presidential levee, leanino on;tiie arm of a youoggentleman, a relative ol her family:. Her figure!* short and alight: hei weight, perhaps, one hundred pounds Sfie , ™>re a Quaker-colored watered silk dress, exit low oyer a full bust;, the veiyshort sleeves ■ revealed a finely-proportioned and fair white arm, that would have graced the belle of the assembly. Though her age is about fifty, no \ one would estimate it over thirtv-five. She wore bright gold bracelets upon *her ‘wrists, Iter hair, which is black and glossy, was con finedin a netcingofgold lace, and two long bright curls tell one upon either shoulder Her eyes are -black, restless, aad expressive. Two email ostrich plumes, of white and blue, were partially concealed in the dark folds cf her hair. Her step is elastic, her manner graceful. She is very conversational with her acquaintance*, an 1 her countenance indicates unusual intellectual ability. Thus let your readers form a conception of Mrs. GMnes, a« with a magnificent white camelia upon her bosom, she glided round and round amid the gay and happy throng in the great east room . oi the President’s mansion. Effects of Secession la Baltimore, [From the Baltimore Clipper, 4ih.] Here in.'the city of Baltimore, lately so proud and prosperous, even-when a portion of her press were‘g'focsly calumniating her citizens, and wantonly endeavoring to drive-prosperity from their dobra, the sad consequences of this disunion madness are severely experienced.- Never in all our history was there so much suffering among the, masses of the people. Families that never before knew want are cry tog for bread. Men whose honfest toil had al ways afforded them a competence, are forced to beg or steal, or starve. The Councils have* been compelled to lay aside all other business to provide food for famishing thousands of honest, industrious mechanics and laborers. In this spring time, when every trade and occupation was wont to be In full opera tion, our wharves are silent, our warehouses deserted, our workshops closed; and our peo xhe condition ofßaltimore ia only a type of pie starring, aye, absolutely starving because they cannot find employment; that, of. other communities throughout the •• country. _ Where sballwa look for the cause of this distress ? What has occasioned it ? -Not.the new Federal administration, for that has, tlms far at least, proved quite as conser vative os either of the Democratic administra tions by which it was .preceded; not the Re publican party, for that has attempted to do nothing-more than it did, or attempted to do, four years ago. There is but -one cause, one poisoned fountain, whence flow in deadly and death-dealing currents all these alarmingcrils and tot is Disunion! To this fell heresy! this damning doctrine of reckless demagogues willing to sink the whole country in perdition, to gratify their mad ambition, can alone be. .attributed the misfortunes that oppress the people. Let disunion be put down—let it be crashed out—and peace and prosperity will .pneejnore smile upon,us. It is the duty of the sufferingpeople everywhere to raise their voices in thunder tones against these wanton ! and cruel disturbers of the public peace and destroyers of the public welfare. They have borne this madness long enough, and they should speak out and speak in suen a maimer as to make the small souls of the Southern Disumonists shrink to nothingness. Their indignation-Should find vent against those who -ruthlessly bring upon them all this need less suffering and privation. They should in -their-turn-rise-np and assert their rights and revolutionize the revolution, rebuke the trea son and shame the traitors. Let the Border * States speakfirat, for they suffer most; they will Uud a party in the very heart of the so-- called Southern Confederacy that will echo their words mid respond to their efforts. PJBBSONAIu Romance of tbe St ; am Imagine. -James the inventor of the steam en gine, was bom in the year 1736, and died, in .1819, at .the age 0f‘83.:; Prom an Interesting article In the Scientific American we make a. few extracts concerning : this great man and Ms invention: The. comprehensive mind of Watt took in all the principles of motion—all the devices and-parta of the mechanism, and the power which gave .motion, .ton:the steam engine Watt first, invented condensation in a separate vessel from' the cylinder; he was the first to operate the piston both backward and forward in the cylinder, by means of steam, making it truly the steam engine; he invented the par allel mbtion, applied ; the governor to the throttle valve, the mercury gauge to. the boil er, the'dash pot to the puppet valves, used the adjustable and worked steam ex pansively, invented and applied the steam jmket,'and mode the .damper self-acting; in short, he left the low pressure engine easen tfally as if/ia at the present day.- Macintosh; said of him: M Mr, Watt has long been, by the consent of the greatest men gf science in the world, placed at the Head of all inventors in aU ages and nations.’' Professor Robinson said of him: ; “Every new thing that -came into his handrbecame a subject of serious and systematic- study, and terminated in gome* branchof science. l 7 Great Improvement In Slaking Sugar. IP Opinion of Paris, * under the -. heading, “ARevolution in the, Manufacture : oC- Sugar,” announces a discovery byM. Rous ’seux, which,lfsays,will tnore..Mxu tioubb the 'l&to'frwHpro cess is exceedingly simple, ancHhe editor gays ; thathshas repeateditwith complete success . ‘in the laboratory, and sees "ho reason why it ahuge.Bcale. ~ from plants, alters rapidlyTipi, the air, because if contains albumlnousmatterawhich become brown er black by thQ actioa of-- oxygen. M. ’ - Rousseau removes the albnmxnbhs mattefsljy heaWngitheluide ivtth about -three gnethou saadths of its weight of crude pulverised plas-* 'ter. at hbmng heat, a thick senin- forms oa the surface, ana. r by decantation, a perfectly clear liquid is ob-- v ,taiiie. ■ In the Confederate States which have aospaded payments: . Oobtjoebats Stats* or Axbbioa,l ' • Treasury DEPARTMENT, >' ItoirTooxzsr, Ala., March 87,1861 j .. GamAMEH: the! sus pension of specie payments by thebacks of the Confederate States; daring;. tKepast win ter, was the result neithcr of specohfyionVmor of a desire oi gain-.but' that i twain pollticaL act-doneby theauWority of 'the'Sfete'gdt einments, and that urgent public necessity justified the action of the public authorities : yd oHhe-bankg.—Tito-obtectrtntended- iry both was for the public good. Permit me, in furtherprpnjotlQpi yf 'tberaame gopisto rAi mich ea*pfcißiofa:v-/i Congress has authorized a loan of fifteen millions to be taken up for the part of the 17th .of April: -la the Lduifllaua, MfakfaJ* ■ : aipph Texas, and inthetowe? part of Alaba ma the currency is either ,co or nfttea, ' redeemable in coin, while 'in' Carolina, Florida, and~ln l the upper part of Alabama, the currency is in bank-notes, which are from two to threeper cent.beldw'the valueof coin. .It is therefore, that’ under existing subscription to the loan cannot be paid In tank notes in all' the Confederate States, without producing in equality and confusion; - The only taels' of making the subscriptions equable to require pajmyt in coin, or-in currency at its value'm coin. And as the former would bo an imprac ticable condition, the' Department has been ’ compelled to adopt the other alternative. Yon will readily perceive, however,, that in all tne States occupied hy yourenrreneya serious will arise to individual subscriptions; from the Idea thattbe two br‘ three per. cent. ■ difference between the value of tank notes . and,coin, is a premium paid.on.the- loan. 'I would earnestly recommend td yon a : measure' wbibh will remove this obstacle It Is the im mediate adoption by yon Of a resolution that you will redeem in specie such of your notes as may be paid in npon this subscription. ’ It Is true that this amounts to a virtual return in part to specie payment; but it is done to advances great public Interest, and the cost, of providing specie for the entire loan would amount to less than $150,000, to be distributed amongst all the banks of the Southern Con federacy, But it.will be far less than that tp you, inasmuch as more than half the loan will probably come from the taylng States, and; > the real burden would■ not amount •to more than eighty thousand- dollars; equivalent to an abatement.ou your annual.dividends of V of one per cent on your banking capital - :The differences will be'fhrther dimihishfed to you by the fact that the notes will be in the bands; of the government*, and will of course ' b ft»?, Be r Budl a way-as. to produce the • smallest possible inconvenience to the banks which had thus come'forward to the aid ofthe ' government Coin will, in fact, be wanted 'to ! a very small extent At home, the bank-note' ' currency will pay. current demands ;andfex change, foreign and domestic, ‘ cin be substi tuted. for coin; and will furnish a moreconve- ; -nient .means of remittance to pay demands upon the government Besides theaei another important relief to the. demknd - for cotn’.will ■' arise from the issue of treasury notes,.which is to be made as soon as shey can be prepared by this department *f. - ■ ■■. Ana laiuy, it may be urged thata prepara- • tlon forageaeral resumption of-specie pay ment is always desirable,- andi that; season of the year, when crops haveall been sold'and calls for money are .less urgent, is the most appropriate period for such preparation.. I would, therefore, respectfully ask your im mediate attention to.this subject, and the adoption, at your earliest convenience, of such : a resolution;as that above recommended. ■ With muchrespect, your obedient servant, . [Signed] ' ’ . C. G. MEMMnffaEB, Secretary of the Treasury. '• Proposed Foray upon Washington, V ’ [Correspondence of ttie N. Y. Tribune.']- 3533 a Baltemobe, April s,, 1861. A painful suspicion has seized upon. , the public Washington, It hag extend ed to Baltimore in some degree, : that the oc cupation of the Federal Capital is actually en .tertained by Jeff Davis,- who is all-supreme in his miilitary power. The question Is ashed,' What -is -that arch^thitot, 1 Ben licCuljongh doing in Virginia attbis juncture Why has so machpains.beea .taken to create !aSeces sion sentiment along the line, of railway from Wilmington in North Carolina to' Alexandria in Virginia? Why are the rebels so eager for the Virginia Convention to -precipitate an ordinance of. Secession, upon the people of fbat 4 State ? What does the recent bellig erent card of H. A. Wise & Co.' to the men of kidney in the counties of Vir ginla meC n? Wljy are the Richmond Whig, the Lexington" TdUe \> S *T> older Virginia Union newspaper.'. and made to fly. the secession flag? these and a hundred other kindreh. ib, that the invasion and seizure of Washington by the rebel Government is mplated, and, what is -worse# is actifts { ? V T f?’ licible. Toey say that nothing is eos!*C. r -? r Jeff. Davis than xo land 5,000 troops at Wa*w * ington, and to make them the herald of their, own arrival bytbe seizure of the telegraph and the railroads, and by the sympathies*of the section though which tjjey run. The public alarm is not for nothing, in my judgment. It is increased by the withdrawal of any portion of the Federal troops at the Capital, for people neither there nor here, have any too great confidence In the militia in such an emergency. Let Jeff. Davis’s bugles spund. aud hosts of men in Washington and Balti more, who are now giving listless obedience to the Federal Government, would soon rally to the rebel flag. .Nothing short of the con-- tinned presence in Washington of an adequate ’ force will quiet apprehensions. To show you how widespread the defection is in the Government Departments at Wash ington, I need only mention one fact that has come to iny knowledge in the last few hours. One of the clerks in the Indian Bureau, in the enjoyment of an SI,BOO salary, received yester day a commission from the Montgomery Gov ernment of Third Auditor in that concern, and he is considering whether he shall accept it or not! If he were a true man he would have laid the commission instantly before President Lincoln. The Washington Star of this afternoon thinks that the anti Secessionists will carry all.but one of the districts of Virginia for Congress at the election nest month. Perhaps so,'and perhaps not. Leaders that are for the Union with arms in their hands, as the Virginia Unionists are, are very apt to fall into the ditch of their own digging, and carry their fol lowers with them. The New Outlet for the Cotton Crop. “Occasional” writes as follows to the Pidla- delphia Press , Intelligenee from the Northwest presents two facts.whichpre entitled to grave cpnsid r ation. Cotton seeks., the easiest and cheapest method of transportation, and the fact already asserted, that the difficulties produced by the Southern conspirators would cause cotton growers and cotton, factors to patrobizeother outlets to market, and .cause them to prefer the process-of overland shipment, is now.ire . qaently and splendidly verified. It must not ne forgotten that.all .the Cotton States are not outot in North : Carolina th re is an immense production of cotton, an -almost illimitable .extent' otsoiL-gnscfcptible of.the most profitable cultivation of the great Southern staple. The cotton regioh bf Ten nessee is said to be the richest in me country, and Andrew Johnson will- fake good care to hold that State in the Union. These States, not to speak of Kentucky, Virginia, and Ar kansas, have additional reasons lor remaining inside of the Union, when they contemplate .the hesvy taxes levied to maintain the' Disun ion experiment, and behold the vastadvanta nes ne w]y -opened to : them by the officers of Northern railroad companies to carry their product, to the seaboard.. They are thus doubly .tempted—by indisposition to unite theirfortnnes with those of mere political desperadoes and gapieatere, and-by commer-. dal reasons. If we-calculate the immense supply of cotton necessary to maifithin' our own manufactories,-those of New . England, New York, New- Jersey, Pennsylvania, this will be found to be an item worthy of the at-. tsntlon of the cotton growers, in- the Union . States South. ■ We haveonly to look at the number of large cotton factories scattered over Pennsylvania and‘tuke-lnto view-the j enormous, amount of cotton goods Proven in the free States, to com prehend the value of-this-thought- 1 Hereto fore most of these concerns were snpplled by water via Newt-Means, Charleston, Savannah, Montgomery and Mobile, and this means of transportation is always attended with many risks. Northern buyers; when thev see the i.porjts.of Louie Una, Georgia, South' Carolina, Alabama, and Mississippi held by armed J'orc ; ns, with. the double intention of defraodtrg and.destroying the governmentof our fathers, and of converting our greafeities of the free 1 states into so many modem Tyres and Sidons, wul do what interest aid patriotism prompt them to do—they-will save, money and help the government by insisting that their factors in the South shall forward to them their sup plies overland. ; Three: continuous .and unbroken rail con-, nections bind the muon -cotton States to the Free Slates; chief among these : is our unri valed Pennsylvania Central, and Geiieral Pat tcreon, with- the energy and_courage of his, chaiacter ? has accepted the opportunity thus offered to him by establishing with these aids • a depot for the purpose of meeting the do mestic demand for cotton. ■As an evidence of the rapid increase of the transportation of cotton over rail, it is r stated in tnree days of last week there were sent from' Buffalo to Bos ton, onan average, twenty car loads of cotton bales; and it ia atm coming. r The price for carrying this cot-. . ton from Memphis to Boston Is four'dollars and fifty cents per hale of fife'hundred pounds. Hus is cheaper than it can beehip • ped doro the Mississippi ; river to New Or loans, and thence by -vessel, the difference be ing about thirty daysin favor of the Northern route, nud a saving of about ninety cen taper hole bh theireight,'withoutcounting the risk of a sea’ Voyage. For the list four months, up to the Ist of February, the New York Cen tral carried from the bridge at Bnfftlo -7,feod bales, mad in Februaiy. over 3,000, "while .one' own Pennsylvania' Central railroad carried 7?,-. 000 bales last year—being an ipcjreaeeof 70,000 bales In three years. It ia 4 anticipated these_ roads will dot. a larger business this summer than they have’ ever done before. It is equal-} ly : clear' that it would be.- much' cheaperr-a. saving in money and time —if the overland' rail transportation frnm New „ Orleans to New- Tork of cotton intended, for Liverpoohwere adopted, instead or the hazardous mode of senoingitby eea.,,; 'A B, .Savannah Republican, of .Monday says thaithe steamer Georges -Greek, Gapt. "Willeto,'from Baltimore, in.goihg pp the Savannah River on was ‘nred into and brought to i haTing, when abreast of-the :*ort, lights, waa hailed, and giving jrno twoblank ~cartridges were firedat her: stiii.felling leln-th6 - resides a man of so varied attainments, or of , t su iuteU.ectso vigorous and origTnal| V '- yr . u ‘ ‘ l ®.‘ ' The underreview, as UaTitfemdl cates j ; iC treats ofthe origin, character and dastihy. bf ’ men on this eon-r : “ tmehithe yellow race’beinglightfy, passed r J" over 2 as ofno great significance in. the wStem fr hemisphere; The ethiiblogica! viewsare.for : the. most: -part original,; and will lie tended > h, - .fanciful and-yisionary, by..many; but the evi - . denismeerity and’earnestness of the author, " 1 the vigor of his and the strebgth bi : 'f: the dogmas of and .YMLEvrie—-uppu h the aholitiOmst and the apologist lor slavery; “ aud’thebookis therefore equallylchlcnlated ■ “ ior Northern. Mid Southern uistnbuii&iit; far DemocraticandßepuhlicauperuEal—-belhgTiot - * partisan, hut philosophic. \ l * The human family fa divided into three great . races; each of which ia perfectly fitted for reai -8 . denee between certain geographical ■ and ieo -1 thermal parallels—the white, or polar race; Q the yellow, or tropical, and : the black, or ? equatorial. The geographical pecaliaritiM of ; J their original location are descrihedandcom i pared, and their physical, intellectual and . - a . moral qualities noted as important elements * in deciding the question “-where are they to . ‘ ? live?” Prof Turner has unbounded faith'- frt' ‘ } the “nnity in variety” of God’s proyldeiices, - ‘and that everything he has ordained means ' * 3 something.' j . ... t ’ He devotes a Chapter to the consideration of ] -• the .questions,.^‘Wby.did the black rkce come < here, andrbow, And where shall’mey gn?” J These are thqroughly and earritotly ekanuned, 4 ' and the Professoris opinion given Ivery em-. o 3 - phatical)yindhefr>llowiDgßentenc&:| i “Now; i|.these andali accordant ,; i , not ehpW 'the flngef' of God -in th^ : whole ’ < '. . down to our own, and ■ ,iutinwte,ythfe -fihai,,do3tlnyr of the b&ck man 5 aud. oar highest ; dnty towaxd him, Ido bet i know what conid show. :it. - Immy jview, it. t takes no*mpre of aprophet or.a wise inan 'to : -i ■ see’that Ihafthe black man wiilgo to the val- : i | ley of the AmazonV whether we wixl or no, I [ than'it; does to iee that the.^white man will r# b 1 main in the States, or that thei Amazon i 1 iWilirun into ihe sea” Page 5L '| ■' •t r “In review of these facts,” ProC T. inquires,- what shall -we do?” and opens hischapter' > 'on the.subject thus: ' - f ( ’ ', * l We may, in 'general, like Christian free- -■ < men, by ail . the mjeans God has pnc in our I 1 power, instruct and comfort our feablf brother j \ in his: pilgrimage toward the far South, and f thus prepare.him'. for his new home pud final t - destiny lhere< If so, our own destiny and oUr ■ • I J own glory will be unrivaled paet’ali power of 1 1 . human,speech to express. ; : | •' “On the other hand, we may abuse; crush, trample and torture him as he goes'; deny him ( all natural rights, simply because we have-the v ; power; Bcouige; the race and desolate the e earthy and. explode’the volcanoes df eternal t Justice - beneath our own feet, jtiil our a own freedom Is a'hopeless wrefk—our t own strength and wisdom a .strength forsui- --e * cide—an, infatuation that arms',the rads of man' . ■ and the omnipotence of God againsT us—till 1 at last this .once, patient’but now phreneied *■ ; and despairing man, skilled in the aits of his 4 ! ; tormentors, and aided and abetted by all the -. monarchies of the globe, shall burstjforth to i reek upon our mbtitutions >: : and kindred, and homes the unutterable vengeance ofjhfa’own unrequited wrong—the justice of; thej ever-lfv- <4 mgGod. For God still reigns;, not away up among the stars, and the eternities, and^the dogmas, but down in therice swampa^and cot- j ton,fields, over.those sable souls, triad still cry, tt from beneath the altar, “ How lone, bh. Lord. J ; how long?’”— ‘ , - B ; Messrs. Bailhache& Baker, the publishers, have faithfully and creditably attendeid to- the J typographical execution and general ‘fget up” of the work, aud so far as looks are coincexued, fa a publication: which ho publisher : w&uld e he ashamed to own. :The fact of its belng'fche G production of an- Illinois author, given to the world by Illinois publishers, should doubly commend it to our citizens. : : . r p •It may .be had at the booksellers in city, - .and also at the Joumat counting-rooni. Price; i I 25 cents for single copy. Newsmenind deal ..era may obtain terms ,by the dozen or [hundred by addressing the publishers, at Spriyfield. A Speck of War. | , [F/oni the N. O. Crescent, 3d.]j m There is-a speck of war on thejWestern horizon. The neV® we publish this imoming from Texas is, that atithehead of three thousand i® marehlcg on Brownsville, in that Slav®-., Brownsville is on ■the RW* Cfrande, ths Texas and Mexico, and Is opp o ® the Mexi ,can town; Mataraoraa. to the re port, Ampudia has issued a to the people, telling them that Texas now de lenceless, the United States troops hefc£” with drawn, and that now is the time lor MfexicO to take her back, having always.■ claimed lh*V Texas belonged to her. Furthermore, that the Mexicans were rallying under Ampudia’a banner, and pressing .forward to the Rio Grande, being then only sufly miles ofe . x The report is not an improbable ona, though perhaps somewhat exaggerated- : Ampudia, it will be recollectedj-waa one* of the Mexican Generals in oar late war with- that country, : and probably has not yet recovered facin' the : 'sting of detest. It is likely that this enterprise is his own private, individual raid, got up on his own account; lorhecannotbe silly enough to think that he can conquer Texas and annez her to Mexico. However it may bejhe will meet with a warm reception if he ventures an attack upon Brownsville, and the Texans will give him. a worse defeat than even old Santa Anna encountered on the plains of Buena Vista. The idea of subjugating Texas with three thousand men, or even ten times that number, hardly rises to the proportion of T a : good joke. Tne Uret hostile gun that echoes along the valley of the Bio, Graude will be the signal for a rally of the Texans there in force sulllcient to scatter Ampudia and hi? men like' leaves ‘before the wind. : ; - The United States vessels that arejoff the coast of Texas, were sent there to bring away the Government troops. Among them is the Star of the West, the fembus vessel that was ! lired into a few weeks ago when she attempted to enter Charleston harbor: Butfor the feet that Iho Goatzicoalcos had left .Indianola with six hundred United States-troops, on board, a suspicion might arise that there was edme con certed movement between the.United States and Mexico to attempt the,reda.ctibh and con -. quest of Texas. But mere ( lsevioe.hlly po foun dation for such a suspicion, since fhq United States soldiers have been sent away. •' Fort Brown, which protects according , to the report, is to be reinforced, and, supplied with heavy artillery. ,By t£© time the audacious Ampudia gets there, if he ; should undertake the audacious experiment of storming the fort, the Texans will be ready for him, and he will, in all probability, ; be forced to retreat at a much quicker palce than . when he advanced. It may prove a costly thing to Mexlco,;iii; more ways than one, if it subuid turn out that this movement was au thorized by the Mexican Governmentj Xhe Eijgbt Bullion Itoan.i [Prom the New York Correspondent of the Phlla ' . delphia Inqnlrer.] . The "Wall street, talk to-day turns principal ly on thenewloan. It is said that the chief partner in the firm of Drexel & Co., has taken the initiatory steps to compel the-Secretary of the to • issue a certain amount of bonds onthcir bid. A mandamus is to be’ap -plleci for, and the' legal management- of the case has-been eutiusted to a prominejit law yer (Mr. Carlisle) of Washington citv, t?hb has already pqcketed a retainer of $2,000. Talk no more,-ye croakers I about the low credit of Mr. Lincoln’s Administration, when the money kings thus are resorting to legal proceedings to force it to accept their loans ! " The JSrpress money article, in regard to tho-matter,sa.>s: “ The case of the bidder is a hard one. After the bids were declined at a Cabinet m .eting,: he waited on the Secretary and urged his dai i. Upon being refused he offered to take $2,000,000 of convertible notes at 18 premium, .wnichwas. declined on the ground that no plates were r«-ady. Not to be put off, ■he of* lered to take $2,000,000 for one year, and these', to be exchanged lor two year notes as soon as they could be prepared* which was -also de clined. The’Secretary declares ‘he did not want themoney.’ The Secretiuy .added* that when he had a seD, he mast re-adver-- tise.7 ThsTinsncceEsEnl bidder finally left, re-* solved to lake the law of the Secretary, wMch : ' he is sure, to use his- own words, will * briny the bonds.’”, Southern pespotism. A Tennessee paper, prints a letter from & “ Southern Planter and a Union Man,’’in which it is positively affirmed that the Montgomery, leaders are already planning the overthrow of their own Provisional Constitution, .with the intention to substitute in its stead a monar chial government. The writer 1 asserts .that ■ they are only waiting for the borderfitates.hv join them bedore attempting this new act Of treason against the people. r r ;: , ;v- > Several elaborate articles on the evils of democratic forms of government, which Have appeared in De Bow's Jfcvitw andother influen tial- secessionr journals, within- the last sir mbhlHs, hate doubtless been thrown out as feelers in thisdirecrionVThehriatocraticfcel-, • ing in South Carolina is very stPohgly in iavor of substituting a monarchy for the democracy' to which that State has never, in reality ■ bon* seated. There, are no popular electionsim South Carolina to this-day. -Thepoor whitee f have never been, to yote; rand even those who have the.required property quallfi tlbn (they must “bwnafreehpld ofimy Uteres* 'ora'townlot”) ohly of .the : OHe Leatelfitfare electa all the ,State. officers and the judges, and alawappoiiits the .electors who cast.the tote of the State for President. To keep whites from all “ Share in the it Is . one shall be eligible ta a : seat in the Lpgiaift,. ture whodoes-not own five hundred acreu/pff . land and ten negroes.' *" 7 J ' 'Prom South Carolina democracy to * 'ism. .Is:but ‘a itep.‘ The aristocrats of .that: State;began .the. secession -movement. .They, wanted the, African slave tradereopened.’Pear - of the people oftheseceded States has, so far, : prevented the attainment 6f Bat’ they wfll not rest till they have soplaced tho powers of government tw they wield «d exclualYelylbr.theic benefit—Af. T.Ebenirig .T e i:-n:iT .}•! J, z ;n:_ .Eieaic-.S .Y. Gnat DefaleatlennTax Collector A.S> Monded«*Flftj Thonsand Dollan [From the LouiiriHe Courier.] * ,». On yesterday, the securities of N. L. Me Clelland, Tax Collector of the Western pi* Jrict, sued out an attachment against hiuros IkfropUiit he had absconded, seeklngia lowanlty aggasl? their liability' onhisofficial ‘lbohd.- We give’up fiwrtssqtferas weeangath? IrftiuoL r | McClaJland was rejected tax collector last the fomtlL or fifth time. He waa-at temfingto btfiHwes op,to Tneaday eveniiij lastTMnce which time he has not been seen, neither did he leave any one in caarge of hla business. At the last meeting of theOouncil, the finance committee reported a balance against him so large that we, and probably -jaost-of the common!tv, supposed It was a ty 'pwaphical must pay hear $50,- 000 to set hia quietus. On Tuesday evening, several days after the finance report was made, and the fact of so large a balance officially McClelland went to the Mayor and xbldhlm that be wairgolhg to' Cincinnati to figs was-owing to film by Mr. Anderson, and upon •getting tms sum lie would. return and settle his accounts. The sun& thing -was' told to though tfls delinquency was known, and he "‘himselfa,nnonhaedto the chief;executive of ',fl«rdf the‘dty ’tfie fact of his going away, upqn/tf jmetense so bald, that obtuse and ■Weafcaa Major Crawford ■ is, it. is,astounding he'- shonid' ; havo„ been deceived ' McClelland checkedputneariy $9,000 from one of the hanks-'oh and it is known 'he had a "considerable amount besides. It is that he has in his possession city war rants for many thousands of dollars, hnt where , they .are, or. whether he has disposed cd them : pr not,' is yet undeveloped. ■A dispatch was received yesterday fiom Xarez Anderson, stating that he had not seen ■orheard'of McClcllana. One of his sureties attached 1 property of the alleged defaulter, yesterday, worth about $7,000. There are va rious'rumors toizthlng his flight, which we •will not mention afpresent. This much is certain, however; the default ing' official has flown, and the city loses thous ands upon thousands. The official bond is only for and consequently covers less than half of the defalcation. And this is not aU that is chargeable npon those in authority. There ia an ordinance'requiring the Tax Col lector to settle at stated times, so that If the settlements are duly made, all ihe revenue •wul be paid m by the 10th of March. Why was not this ordinance enforced, and ilcClei iand compelled to make his settlements as the mty laws require ? • Had this been done there Would have been no defalcation—or none of consequence; hut, by neglect and mismanages /menfc, a heavy loss is thrown upon ciUieua •trho arc so unfortunate as to be sureties of the ’ delinquent, find a still heavier loss fells on the city, besldeii -feiy Dr. Landerer, of Athens, states that garlfc elands pre eminent, as a plant, which snakes dislike. In Greece, gardeners who suf fer *reqh«Ny from their bites while collect ing cucumbers and melons (under the laree a>e reptiles conceal them selves) find-it an excellent plan, before com men ring operations, to strew crushed earile among the plants to frighten off the reptiles. "tPW *o ths Southed—Mr.S. HarU,ofEl Paso, Texas, . one of tbe Commissioners from that State to hew Mexico, has offered (tbe Montgomery Cea) aloan of $200,000 to the Con federate States, without interest, to be paid at the convenience of tbe Government. Mr Hart proposes to-have.the amount doubled by his irieadsjilsnch a step shall be necessary. meeftog of the Manchester Society, Dr. C. Cal vm stated that he bad recently analyzed sev ™chie found °f lead. This is a most dangerous adulteration, as the lead in such snuff will nl- ; timatfty accumulate in the heads of snnfftak ers and produce dreadful diseases. 500 I’AC iv AGES OF CHOICE SPRING GOODS, ; , WErfeiy Description, EccdTelwlttln.* few days by WM. aoss it) cso., 1 'i67 and 169 Lake street. 25 %K "• Mm »S for CASH O.NLY.t WbofeSl? oi aicca BEIOW BEGUIAE PH ICES. Just opened from Auction, :o Pieces Choice Colore, "Plain Silks for 75 Cts §Sl2rlZiS aCk EWI, " J *» .lx shillings. Domestic Goods of Every Kind | ,^torcS^pood%^< Urely a dnrer“rV < &onf found elsewhere in this cLj. And h.vfSSVETetore inndaipaxahly the largest, Choicest and Chean *«t Stock of General Dry Goods, over Exhibited in this City. M, M. BOSS tc CO- JaSO-dSCt-gmldpg 157 md les THE “PRESENT STATUS ” Not to be Maintained!!! FOB. STRIKER & CO, ... .141 Lake Street, NOW RECEIVING ,A Store Extensive, and Jtructr cheaper STICK OF ffi GOODS THAN EVER BEFORE. They have been enlarging and renovating theii •tore, thereby, increasing their facilities for attend, log to the wants of their Customers. A MORE OUMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GOODS, In their line of trade Cannot be found in the City. WE CALL PARTICULAR ATTENTION . TO THE FOLLOWING GOODS: ‘Heavy Bristol Denims , 4-£ Stoat Bleached Muslin ... 4-4 BrownMoslln ..... . .. Spring Styles Fast Colored Prints 8 Beautiful French Printed Brilliants... Ernant Cloths for Traveling Oresasa .. 6}* Spring Styles of best De Lalnes . Broad, Xape Hoop Skirts at prices la coimparlbly lower than ever . before offered, AND A VEST COifPLETE LINE OF Embroideries from Auction, At prices greatly below anythin? ever before offered. OUR CLOAK AND MANTLE DEPARTMENT Is Is foil stock of the latest and most elegant style* ... . introduced East. '•t We ananufectoro from patterns purchased direct Irom the leading Houses East; and our acuities are such that every novelty of the season will be kept by .***» and at prices that must command our goods to every one. Any one desirous of purchasing GOODS CHEAP, itod tfcat wm prove tobe Just what they are represented WILL D 0 WELL T0 CALL At & CO’S, 141 Lake Street, Chicago, Hi ; = [ipieCS-St] ■pEGTOPS AND BASKETS— mu m mj Penceot’sCreat Variety store, - 111 RUTDOLFH aseortment ■in Vengoot'e Great Variety store; • M^RSHDbfipaSTRBSt VVAKBEES—-Eire Casks Marbles China whqletilaaad rpt*g * z 7o Fwiseofi Great Taristj Store, r ai RASPOLFg BTBEBT. P. Peugeot, Mana -vy tndJdbbCTof CUldTO'i diea. ■ a Hl HAICDOim STREET- ' - 5,0 M BIDES WANTED, , ' Q. DOWNS $"~CO. , c lbs arow oncrxar« SUH UMBBBLL4S AND PARASOLS - ~-I2r CRKAT VAETETT. Eitra QaaUty Hoop SfclrU ±1 tb* ptlM of Common Goods. Wovoltlo* in UADIESSUWMER CLOAKS. gssoorrtoct before purcbaslnff, ■ A. O. DOWN 3 & CO ISO Lake Street -I*o mh2SeWS-2iu V___ 1861. Spring Trade. 1*61; -We hare ihia Spring the largeifitbci ever brouat t to ■■ COOLEY, FARWELL & C 0„ _ till* market, bought cheaper,'and *QI be Bold cheaper, 42, 44 AND ■Oar Hr. Cooley resides la Kew Tort; andgtveahia wboletlme to purchasing goods,- which, wlth^ar,a3p 9 -• '-3D R Y G-O O IVS-Ui lansira sales, advantages in offering goods JOBBBBB. cheap, that will COMMAND the attention of tbs beat traoe. ■'2? EPH YK JY O BST ED, Patterns, Canvass and Chenille. CROCHET, BRAIDS AND COTTON, Knitting Cotton of all Kinds, SHETLAND WOOL, AD SRXSSBSf suttom <» Bumcnr, XasaUa street. 4 41 apl*e399£ci H. REED & CO.’S WINE BITTERS, BEST VEGETABLE TONICS, JPine Old JfSadeira WHne^ SPUING MEDICINE, F«r Debility, Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite, *e. J. H. BGED & CO., Apothecaries 144 and 143 Lake street. 44Q.ET THE BEST” FRimroa C 9 P 1* I,V 6 I.YS. An article which la unsurpassed by anything of • kind now in nao; it dees not become thick, and will make Three Perfect Tramfterj. JOB SALB BT S* .. 3MC XT 10- SQ3W , 14:0 Lake Street, "WBer* mar al» b. fonnd a great rarlcty of ctrar INKS AMD WRITING FLUIDS. . novmy r. wood & co., 153 and 155 LAKE STREET, Hayejuat received a large and choice assortment of FRENCH PRINTS, JACONETS, Percales, Sew Stjlas French and English Ginghams, "Which they offer at the very lowest pricea. faU-etS£m JJOIJSS FURNISHING GOODS. We hare a large and complete stock ot Bleached Shirtings, Sheetings and PU» low Case Cottons, LESTER SHEETINGS, DAMASKS A3VD TOWELIITGS. MABSEILLM QUILTS, AND BOUSE FUBKLSHEfQ GOODS GENERALLY. Which we are selling at the lowest prices. 155 and 155 Lake Street, feli-eIS-Sm W, E. WOOD A CO. BAKNUM’S gkeat yaeiety STORE, 138 hake Street 138 BABJfUI BBO’S., Direct Importers of aadWholesale Deaten la TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, 33 lx* cl Cages, ALLIES AXD AIAKBLES, Peg Tops, Baskets, Children’s Gigs and Cabs, Yankee Notions, &c. 133 .LAKE STREET IS* Q-OLD MUSING MACHINERY. IMPROVED STAMPER QUARTZ MILL. A Savins of Ten to Plfteen'Dollan per ton freight guaranteed. Wc made the First Mill -ent the Peak in ijwo vTVPTPrv- operat 08. and the success NINETEEN Mills, (over JW) Stampers.) Ibr jmii^r e feit y “ sjsa&af sKerttozu “ t ce^dTomsUn™n™»“ S w,T2 c J Mills r 'i, e b “' t in Mountains, aod hare the Best reputation for saving the Gold ” KENOsHA QUARTZ COMPANY , Gbkoobt Gulch, Januarr aach. iSfil, •r«3«u? TeoT l r^' nT l p S nu c worka Bke a charm? yourMUUarebyfarihebeaUa the MmnUlas" . ,_. B. F. CO. ir r »L ric .r*i or rnac , ! ?l^P r * re “ low as at Chicago or the East, and wc will GL «It aJ* TEE Parties who p»ir. cha'.e ol us a saving of *lO to *ls per ton freight. .Tver «»SMj.feJs3'RfS?* cu “ so w •» polnt «*« »^>'m. coliirg i v,D ?* a . drftwln - and description of the Mill, can be obtains with prices, by a'ldre*slnz »«r* a uiti - S' S^mdiiUx 6 BGea 10 op€rat ‘ OQ ■* OQr Merita, gAUIOEAL SKIRTS We hare la stock a Cno avortment of BALMORAL SKIRTS, (Full Lexoth aad Width) In medium and flue qualities, which we offer at crest* ly reduced prices. Al*o, sui-erloi quality hoop Skirts tv; it. wo »p & 0., ISS & is~> i ske street. JUST RECEIVED -A large and U PKZSCH FoPUNS' “f MOZAMBIQUES. Embroidered Sfobalrs, Valencias, the attention of buyeis. W, R WOopico" 1 * fei4-&i8 3m No. laS and 155 Lake street.' L£SaLLE street, COXTOS HOSIERY, For Ladies, Hisses and Children. CENTS’COTTON HALF HOSE, Our assortment Is complete and prices low, SUTTON & BURK.ITT, apt e 00-2 m Opposite Hoffmann’s Bank. .10 eta. per yard. . 8 THE GREAT FIRE IR -*• mLWAUKSE. $300)000 Saved In Herring’s Safes. ! 1 fj^frlyFi?.^ 6 Clerk'd QSice.locited lathe a ? d A?5 Bller one. latte ticnool Commit siantfr’p room, in third story. E i py 40 notwithstanding the Safes fell ft " l t^; ere .sobjected to such as in- ° a forty and the ocner sixty Jioaw,) thattbe boots and papers were in a flrst-rate etau> rf ?™n£ oa -.J h l9*X Injury received, was binding of the books by steam. ”C thins If the reputation of Ecrriuz’a Safe* vu P? c fully eatablldhed before this Are, that aE must now 7 “• what ***'SSi S K mcitedoilf" On ' on ®’ and tee platea on ttaotoar were ?BAJfCIS HUEBSCHMA>W, 2TSLBON T7EBSTER, ACtta2 • c -™‘ an <~ City Clerk. JONATHAN FOBD, Superintendent of Schools, ‘ He f ri ?ss'» Patent Champion Safe*." themrh an Often tested, Krser Fall to saxe thel^^tentl 2 *° Only Depot la the Weat at 40 Stetestret. - • HSSEIaG a co« deirstUjMßK 40 State abfnet WS S hot air wtttors patest Mr ire escijts : »e«n la operation at our store, 133 Clark street BaUroad Men, Printers, Bakers, the moat economical motlxe r v? a v revested to call ana examine 8410 by FAT & CO. ap4fri37-lw W.ILDOANE, Agent *j* o LAWTE RS . Heady Soon I THE PUBLIC LAWS OF ILLINOIS, Passed at tee Last Session of the Legislature, WILL BE READY SOON. D. B. COOKE At GO.. 11l Lake Street. ■JO LA W Y ERS. NOW READY. Tol. 34til ILUAOIS REPORTS Is now ready. .Price, 1 |5J30l “ ' D. B COOKE A CO.,m Lake street JUST published.— W. DlH' OH YUi rma nit mt'■ Hus* • Music Store, ao. 40 Clark street ' - ap?-eii7- .w - VERY CHOICE COLLEC nosop . rrrr. - BEATITIFni VOCAL ihteis, -■>- awastajK Wabash iTenae. A fine asaortment of Composed of the An excellent IN GREAT VARIETY. {anis wyi f~'asS£c; Nervous Headache ..ty O. „ „ „ Bxtkslt. Mms., Dec. -It: i 3 . H C. Spaucts. Eaq, . I wish for same rlrcularsor large ‘■how c Jlfl, to br'ng Snap Cephalic Pills more particularly before -07 cos* )mers. If you have anything ofthe Kind ulca esood to me. : One of my customers, who Is subject to >■ ck Headache, (usually lasting two -dava.) w\s cchsd or JLK ATTACK IX OSS UOCh BT TOUTS PU.U3 'Vt.iCl I scut here. Respectlally yours, W. k rtILLH... Rktxolbsbceo. FraafcUa County. uuJo > January 9th, *£3l. > Bzkbt C Spxldcso, No. 48 Cedar street, M. Y. DeabSib;—lac wed find twenty-five cent?*, (25.1 for ■which send box of Cephadc Pills. Send to address of Rev. Wm. C. filler, Beiooiilaborr, Fruntlla coun ty. Ohio. Yotis Pills work lix-b a. chabu —cnas iisad iCUl ALMOST LXSTAN72B. Trnlv vonra, WJI. C. FILLE2L Mich, January nth. 1951. Hit. SPALDDfO, v l Q Bff since I sent to you for a box of Cep- BsUc Pills forthe care of the Nervous Hea.'ache and Coaliveae&a, and received tae same, and they had i-o ®ooa ait effect that I was lxduced to aEsnyoa MORE. Flease send by return mall. Direct to A. xL WHESLER, Tpsilanti, Mica. prom the Examiner, Norfolk, Ya.l Cephalic Pills accomplish thu oblect for which they ■were made, via: Cure of Headache in *ll ltd forms. [Freni the Examiner, Norfolk, Ya.] i.«TS?^rt I A T ® £ eeQ tt>?teil 'more taan a thousand caaes, with entire-success. [Promthe Democrat, Clond. Mlnn.l a^ s ? a or h* 7 * been troubled with the headache, box. (Cephalic ITJIi,; so that you may have them in caaa of an attack. [From the Advertiser, Providence, B. I.J riJ?*/' ap i ia V c F| IJ a are said to be a remnrkably etfec are remedy L****«* [Troui the Daily News, Newport, H. IJ Cephalic Fills are taking the place of all kin da [From the Commercial Bclletta, Boston, Man*,] Eald to be ? cry etncaciuiia fcj the headache. rrrom the Commercial, Cincinnati, Ohla.l Suffering humanity can now he-rehexed. CTA single bottle of BPALDENG’3 PREPARED GLUE will eavo tea times ftreost annually. SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE I SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE! SPALDING’S PREPARED GLUE I BATS THE EIgCM [ ECONOMY! I “A StitchPtTmaßi.XXaSm" yl A, KcMena wlntumpen, even to wen ragutood amfllee. It I. Ter/ desirable to bare aonto cheap ,nd W * y ‘ Qr Parnltnje, £o/e, CrocK- SPAtDHTO’S PBKPAHZD SX.TTE Steein all incbeaeisenelea, and no household can at Swdtohowllhontie. It!aalwa/a Mad/.and op to tee point , , •dbstdlih zvasr HOTsaL” K. B.—A Bench accompanies'each Bottle. PRICE, 25 CENTS, Address HEHKY C. SPALDIHG, Re. 48 Cedar Street, Rewr York. o ajxtt 16 if J"'* Ascertain unprincipled penom ato ittetnpUnr to PEBPABm QLBZ. I wonld «ntlo. ;.a p«*n» to eondne Ma pathaato*. andfifta MUante liontheonttlJa TOJW: "aa'aftii ara. rrtnm •otassraaa. eclMewiy DISPATCH ?