Newspaper Page Text
a »P“J**, Acid 'Sprimp nplnlUi of ~. r _ E l r - * d - Ph^ cl «*» <a« of oxmt 4hHMfIC sTebnmiißW J?- dm b« applied grattam application to la' B * CO, Wholesale Druggists, cuoago. I XF“ Call ros a PjjtPflxxr. An Important Discovery for -01 EroncUtU. cW«4 im MAKORA ARABICA. m«U.tMT, , Ar.Wc.cnh n ,c OM ninptto£-- “ I ~ d*!“ rl Anblct cares Bronchitis. ..s iuton Arsbica cares Sore Ttroil, Conjhs m? Al * W “ ««• AIUaM, Bernal, w, tri.-u-.tlea ol the blood, f’acdjanow tor the Hut ttmc la. CTM ay a missionary while trava.lnx in Arshin H. w». cored of consumption by Its use alter his case •a* pronounced hopeless by learned physicians in srope. . . hnport the MAKORA ARABICA direct from eu-TTne, throngh the hoase of Cleon & Gyllppos, end we have ileays on hand a fall sappiy put up in bottles for ui e trUfi fall directions. one dollar per bottle. Seat by mail; om receipt •-T*nce md Scents for wstage, 'creala-wholesale and retail by JLEEDS, GILMORE. & CO. Importers ol Drees Medicines, No. 61 Llbe rty-ec New York. Bolu also by dreggists generally. ndi2S.eA4^'m What shall I do for my Hair? i.YON"S K ATHARIO>;, it I&,beyondquestlon, ths 2*•« preparation ever r jade _ Itß ia meiise prQTeg Nothing aB ever gi Ten BUCII ■*; saualaeOon. It ’lestorea, preserves, and beautifies «?■ Hair and Imports a deHghtthl odor. . To florae Owners. Dr. Sweet’s Inlaiilbte xinlment Ibr Horses la unrivalled by any. In of Lameness, arising from Snradus, jjnrfsee or A waddle Galls, Scratches. Mange, &c. It will also core *3«*dlly. Spavin and Ringbone may be easily pre w<nteu and cored In their incipient stages, but confirm eases are beyond the possibility of aradlcal cure. «** t«se of the hind, however, is so desperate or hope •3s* but It may be alleviated by this IJniinent, and Its taahnj application will always remove the Lameness, find enable the hone to travel with oomparittve ease. Every horse owner should have this remedy at hand tor «a timely use at the first appearance of Lameness allectuaUy prevent those formidable diseases ttoaea, to which all horses are liable, and which render jsany otherwise valuable homes nearly worthless Be* «dvertUement. For sale by S. H. JOHNSON, ventral Agent. 70 State street. co22'soeow-dly Kennedy’s Hedicsl Discovery Kenedy’s Medical Discover? cures Eryßlpela*. Sennedy'e Medical Discovery cures Canker Keanedye Medical Discovery cures NarsinrßorelTth. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Humor of the Eras K«anedy*B Medical Discovery cures Scald Heed. ceacedy*B Medical Discovery cares Ronnlnrofthe'Ear Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Ulcerat'd Sore Ler i».ennedy*t Medical Discovery cures Lepra Kennedy’s Medical Discovery cure* Rheumatism. ‘ Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Salt-Rheum, S.eanedy'a Medical Discovery cures Dyspepsia n.ennedy*e Medical Discovery Regulates the Bowela. Katoedy*B Medical Discovery Regulates the Kidney* i«an®dy*P Medical Discovery Regulate* the Liver Medical Discovery has cured Dropsy. ■KTwu you are aide, and do not know what the matter u, perhaps you tavean inward tumor, TryEecnedyl Medical Discovery. JTor sale by ah Druggist*, Banking anU ISicljange. 1; "i A VEN PORT, NLLMANN & CO., 3anker» and Dealers In £xch&age« BANK NOTES, GOLD. SILVER, AC. No. 32 Clark Street.. Chicago. Ill' . [aniyeo-ly] . _ •* 4ola - "D ASIINS HOn s E 3. Building, 9 ■^XCHA^k ge & DEPOSIT BANK OV STIBBS & CO., Successor to Weare, Carpenter A Co.) Cedar Rapids, lowa, IP J S^^^ B: Tpf 8d * I>rci£l& Co„NewYorS: Hoff. * Gelpcke. Chicago. JaSOciaiy A IXCEN & NORTON, *•*--5*- Bankers and dealers in exchange, Corner of Lake and Clark streets. •CWlectfoßg made In all the principal cities In the U. B. £. XIKEN. J. D. SOKTOJT. JONATHAN BUKS - Is’DW. I. TINKHAM & CO., t ■ their old stand. CORNER O- LAKE AND CuAUfi. STREETS, • -t -■ continue their business a» BANKERS ABU EXCHANGE DEALERS. . exchange on all purto of Europe. ZDV LED 1, TINKhaM (Jans’sSJ JOIIS c. * vnm Marine bank, ■LTA. CHICAGO MARINE AND ENEURASCB 00. Capital, 8500)000. ft W7LTO*t n. DOX, Cashlar and S'JCretiry J - tyUHG SC AMMON, Preside? t. >llecooß4nift(ic * 3d<l raft remitted to all partt Itzii plumbing. 'T» < G. SMITH & COMPANY, Brass Cock Manufacturers, COPPERS MITHS, == Vu AND DEALERS IN WROUGHT IROH PIPE, STEAM AND OAB FITTINGS. SHEET COPPEK, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, .V-v>—FarUc::',!vr attentlg. w c- all icxrus ooanacted with the ’frade. Washlojion St., Cliicag'o, Hl* [noU’SWy] D. MoF ARLAN E’S Gas, Steam Fitting aSD PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT. 14 iaaalle Street, Clilcaffo, BEALES IST - GAS fiXTUKES AGO !BQK FURNITURE PiMCWCJt PLUMBER, And Manufacturer of -AH Kinds of* Steam Work. TO THE TKADE: The credo supplied with tools and erery article In the Oav bfeam fitting and Plumbing Business, ite-Gild mg ami Bronzing done to order Seining JEac^ines. gEWIKG MACHINES. L. CORNELL £ CO’S and Manofsotscins *4O BEWIHO MACHINES. 4c PABB’fi PATENT* V« are happy to lay to tee thousand 5 who ire Mdthe thoQsandstljatwaat them, teat EACH MACHINE NOW BEARS THE PATENT U- C%9£ STAMP OF GROVER A BAKER, SLIAS £ CWK, J&. and all persona selling or using teem are soon« against any molestation. Our Machines are now just where we want teem ; In •trect competition and on sc equally popular baste wttt. tee bt»C made and highest priced machines In any market, and they are still sold at »40 and *42, including Mem mars (oi which we have several stvies), Needles nan everything necessary to teelru*e InamUyorEhop. This mate them still tee ciieapf.BT, LEC-matAtE asd kachtbe ts mabset. -3 ‘asace to oar Machines as wen as our customers We-ofcxto REFUS’D THK MONET in sixty days for •T which does not wholly satisfy tee pur. chaser. This feature alone makes oar machine worth ranch Qore than an; other, as there is necessarily some (U buying moat machines. .Ale* or its superior qualities are these;—lt uses a straight needle; basgr. at space under tee arm;*ews &CQ two common spools, neither being fastened and bate in sight; turns on binges; Is secured from dust uu exposes no oil; its lever purchase la greater te*" tea* of any other machine; U has but two regulating •crewsand bote are aoove and in front: tee driving *£ entirely oat side of table; tt reu tures no alter* naon far all varieties of work; U will certal uly do neap It a G3LEATZB VARIETY of WORK TELiir A3TY KaCBXBW. ?w>u" tee hundreds with which we are acquainted: maernaou la perfect;itrunseasily andatttltitboteer* -Jv-oay uovicescan manage it. * one other will satis* frw;*creltu fcn *wn. V a can safely say that no piece of labor-saving os -Scasry ever grew so rapidly into universal tavor as ©ur *ewing machines. Three yean has placed them in She vsry front ranks of first-class machines, and though ww manufacturing facilities have been largely in •tewei we have not been able to supply the demands flarmg tee past season. Wecannowfiliailorders. We uave addecto our styles the RIGHTSIDC BLAKE & •oHXSOH ADJUSTABLE HEMMER, and can now oefy tee world to produce better instruments for *uasg all kinds of sewiog and embroidery. Let every one who is interested in the great improvements la Machines, wheteer they wish to purchase or send for a Dlacriptive Circular and sample* of •ttteh. We mast caution the public against unprincipled and Stfffectiy Irresponsible parties who have claimed to be ear successors, representing that cor machines were out of market, ana oiler a cast-aw&y machine of ours te »tt place. We only Mil our own machines, Tag uurv £ 'sit'b Patent, and are tee sole proprietors m theoigtttaorttwestern State*. Address t. COHNELL *k CO., Oca at IB Lake streetf 1 fojpcovccti) ©toners. TX) property owners, J. aechitb nrs asd uchdees, Kid oulls Ko bundle. A <3-OOD BOOK ihave the material# and amhere to put it on and to <**se snefa a root. It will oat last Tin or Galvanised lrc?» two or three ti'nea.aad a iproacaeanearer to Fire src-.i than any other material except Slate, and la * we all understand,, ~ (RON-CORRUGATED IRON, . sutnrated with h >t miners! paint, that expels the raols ♦ore and unites With thefron, sotbatltwlli not oxidize, anu ptUued ater/fir? years will last a ll£e-cime^ HTVEBTIOATB IT-- vfVri- A FEKSS, Cleveland, OM& A.'fi. 6EABIS, Agent for Chicago. •' at Fay * Cc.a Machinery' Depot 133 South wo era i ample* of the root can be seen. (£IF F AED’S PA?ENT Self-Acting Waterfatfector, B'KKX»HT» BOHiEKa -J,*‘ r * »*>i'o^oi- ; j r < ;,,;; To Ijoan from On© to FiVo Yoare, IN SUBS TO SUIT, *■ T - South CUrfc^ttMt ANTE D—Land Wasnuitß. . mirto i'• I J • Ti. I. KB, dSIIUMy -oh NBWtORK AND BOSTON, QCI7-iUaB.IT OomnlMton Merchant, KoJIBK ATf.JI. jJJ OS Kf T O L; OAN r_. tUBMABd Or on Good.lmproved Farms In Jthiaßtato, JSW~ CEAMBKBS -WiAh^ L O A iN E D _• . - ffl.^t-dl&waaCTgffleastthe WBceofWauH. H(e«AC» H —., . y .°» SB Clark Street. ' POR MONET TO ;LOAN Beenrstwla Cook (rndwUotalp, _ _ Apply to 1 - ERNST PRUSBINC, ■v, - Dealer in Ibreign smss AB® M ESTATE BEfiKEB, Agent Jbr the British Commercial v.ifh in. “ - Educational. 1 Y OUK G- LADIES’ SEMINARY Xifilne Forest, _ . B. DICKINSON. FAMILY SCHOOL, limited to 12 * hy Rev. 6; w. WooSwcrA oeno. W(?S S n e cl?l n S rmbeSlD ’ Miy7 ' la; - :*» ® r js* H. Ray. Capt, J. D, Webster, Rev. 5-9°& e^r Hon Thoe.Dronunond, Hon."Van aHig ginA w *f inustc £tous. gT EI If "WAY & SONS INCOMPARABLE GOLD MEDAL PIA N O FORT: ES . The demand for thesa'lnstniments hasoflate bo rap idly increased that onr stock ia now almost entirely exhausted. Our customers trill please bear with ns in the hope that we shall hare a foil assortment bf the 10th of April. TV GILBERT & CO.’S Well taown Piano Fortes at in ctl(m fticOT> ASU FULLY *i~NTEI\ ftS fS 7 0a i “ d oar r -o*T Octave Rosewood MU ' PIANOS f.QR THE MILLION, Warranted to s*.and well In aar climate. Two Hundred. Dollars. Hamlai's Celebrated .Helodeons, Constantly on band. ONE PEIC2—CASH OS DECITERY, Satisfaction Guaranteed^ Catalogue? of latest and most popular Sheet Music and price of eve/y description of Instruments ami iinsica! M -rchandlse seat on application, post paid, to any part of the country, ' , K geo. r. boot, ) r. t. HOOT,, y BOOT HS CADT, C. M. CADY. ’ ) 7 BS Clatk ma *’ CMca =°- OCS'CC-lr. r FHE OLDEST AND LARGEST -L Music Punusnufo floces nr Chicago, H. Iff. HIGGIIVGS, 117 RandolpU-St., -(Successors to Higgins Brothers.) Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated Patent Inso lated Iron Frame Piano Fortes, made by Uebte & Bradbary of New York. Pianos to Rent and rent applied as part of the pur chase maoe», If bought within one vear. . A Catalogue of Select Music and Musical Goods will be furnished to applicants free of charge. _ 07 Particular attention glren to the filing of orders. Teachers ana D.aiere fnrrußhed at the usual discount. Ja3-db33-ly _^ L> D E AN GFEEi, PIAIO FORTE TUBER ARO REPAIRER S2 bAK£ ST*, (Up«Stalrs) ...83 _ [fe!2-e3S3m] T AR-GEST WHOLESALE A-i HOUSE IN Maslcsl Instruments and Strings. JCLJUS SAFER) 99 South Clark Street, Chicago, Mannfactnrer and Importer of Musical Instruments and Strings, liarlng connection with manofacturlt’E bouses In Berlin. Leipsic, Dresden, England and Pari- Is prepared to tornlrh Dealers. Banda and IndlvldnaK with every article in their line. AT THE LOWEST MEW YORK PRICES. OCIS-d2ffl-ly JULIUS BAUER. Drums and brass INSTRUMENTS. JtLIUS BAUER, MANUFACTURER OF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 South Clark Street, Chicago,, toels-d2£] Scales. P AIR BANK S ’ BTASDABD Fairbanks Sc Greenleaf. 86 Lake Street, Chicago. so xi xi s: OF ALL KINDS. DTJRTEE & FORSYTH, Manufacturing Company SCALES, FZBB 6 BUEGLAS PROOF j Warehouse Tracts, Baggage Bar-' rows, Sngar Mills, &o. A. K. SPEKCBPs Agect oc2T-d354-Gm IS3 South Water Et, : Chicago. JJITCHCOCK’S Premium Scales.! IjN Mannfactnred by B S. S. HITCHCOCK 89 S« Canal-St., Chicago, of Scalds Repaired, HOWE'S STAND ATtn SCALES. VAKDEWOORT, DIHERSOI i ' No.lM * SOI Randolph, Chicago, til vJSjJSljgpfojfc "Weigh out ofLevel. No Check Rod*. All friction received on e)r Balia. aereo-ij w Bse at?® Bat. AND EAR.— DR. CADVEII, OPERATOR OS TUX . BYE J±TXT> EAB,^ ’ For Deafness, Blindness, and all defects of sight and hearing. Dr. C Is a regular!*- edncatedphvßlclan. af.d has devoted tweuty years of hiaprofesslonilllfe excln-' “S£lE 1? treatment ol diseases of tne Eye and Ear, ‘ fp No charge made tor an examination or opinion, andnoteeroquired ft»r unsuccessful services. £Lt.'S Treatise on the Eve and Ear, (Chi cago. Mh). containing references, testimonials, etc- to m S i IU S «Pr"“‘ 1 2"; poitase ten cents. All dress 93 Randolph street, Chicago. »e29*6My MAUSS, PRACTICAL OPTICIAN, 79 South Clark Street. ...79 _ Opposite lh* Cuurt Houaa. Best French crystal and Brazilian Pebble Spectacles, Eye ujw rn Masse*. TELESCOPES, mathematical Instruments. etc. «-ts, constantly on band. All kinds of-instrumente and spectacles re paired. and glasses Inserted lx to old frames. ja9 Humber, &c. LUMBER!! WAItiCE As HOLMES, (roßUi.rxr jQHN a. Wallace,) Hava constantly cn hand & well selected' stock of Sard aa fcoft Wood, LUMBER, LATH, SPOT ■ STAVES A SHIISLES AT WH-JaJSSAL . OB RETAIL. 5S 1 flUTilfh Bill f for Lnm * <r. flmbst and White oak Piling, to order c n tee shop vUnotlce. They ere also prepared to do a general L'.mrtißftlaa Bnstnese, to nj^te Uhcrvlc eh advance* c i all-kinds of Lam per consigned to teem to sell either a y cargo or at rc ]?2* W“o£Qce and Yard on tee a ynier of Old-and °p<£ CMcas °' JMPORTANT TO BUILDERS, u/.; JAMES McCAMMO®, '' dual Street, tetlt&diioiiendWajHiigtoiiSa., ■CHICAGO, ELL* Manufacturer and dealer In aßilnds of "Wood Momd-- Inea, Door Jamba and Architraves of any desired pat tern, Circular Mouldings, any Radios, Wood XarDlce. ia iniia branches. Scr oil fiawlog and Cornice Brackets,: a variety of patterns: Octagon andfbttr sided Balas ters Mid- Newels oa hand and made to order;-stair . Hrtiing and-Bracket*. Planing and Matching and Saw* to order In the .best manner at the shortest' nodee: Fence Pickett. Particular plven to' filling orders from the eonnwylDr aw and au of tho above dlacriptkma of .work.. Bills for Roach and Dressed Lumber filled with dispatch, and shipped-at the lowest market price, .Tonr«ttetauoa Is Invited be, fore purchasing elsewhere. My motto« ls I—** Good work and low prices win," Agent for Wit. B. HILL’S JaeUy celsbraWd _ «»vEßjime vai.yea, TOT6teim'toißto6s,wMTtoMtbiWl*to"ithe irioHoii ®o=s»rtnets!)ip Itfafimf, OF CO-PAiiT ±J f> ERSHIP-—The Co-Partnership heretofore ei twingttftweeo HIBAM, JOS-end At£(HJBTD&-yBIS. BBS, dealer* tnlce,*Mdl»olTOft oa tfceatoh of £eb- _ a - f “ ,3i iribWiis; watiAb &co., Office ao. a Mgeopio Temple. survu' : • ! TUE3DAT, APBUa-Jj lfiSt':,« ,; j?!; -Jqdbil liifA «Be: . ® £;Q- Wheat far aS to are able fo learn, thewheatcrop l In J thlscountyknd] section of ftt' this ■££&< ©fthe-year. r havecohvfereed 'totffpeoplo fromauparta of lhe«rahfy I l: 6^'ti|a^ree<thist r ; Fire—ThWre&dence tttt\ rffcji' ated Just south of OnWpjjh .ington, street,cau^htfire'nsaftoe cUmneyln ; .thnebnth even the roof ■tyjgg nearly all borne Go- Assault, WITH INTEND TO KILL.-f-Wl Won-Rose, living at Concori .ln fr-bfo. county, made'an attmpt to ahoot a ybpng. man by-the-name of Cyrus Byers, of tte same place. Thegnn.iresohaigßd;wmi Ifo. 5 shot, and took effect in Byer’e neck t and shoulder? 1 It is feared that the wound .TfiU'plwe tfatal. It appears that the yoang mto Byiiea haafop some time back beenopayisg attention daughter of Bose* which Jughly displeased him. Byers was threatened.and forbidden to keep company with thegtife On Tuesday last,’ however, he and: the fgiii went i riding ;ih n wagon, when the father of -the girl' met them in the road, and firedupon Byerek Afterwards Byres escaped tGutbatavens, where he was fol lowed by Bose who tempt to kill hint "We understand [that Bose is under arrest.— MiddUport {Hi,) iVew. Fire at Geneva.—An empty house inGene va, Kane county, formerly. .occupiejd by Ben jamin Dosenbnry, ires burned' on Wednesday, last. Loss SBOO. ’ ■ ■ ■ ; j ■ * A Governor Rides Five Hundred Mtt.v* in a Dog Train.—The St. Cloud {Mnrtf ifcmo end gives an interesting account of the trip of Gov. Barber of Dacotah, of five hundred miles on a sled polled by dogs, ..The Governor tra veled from Selkirk to St. Cloud, and visited the office of the Democrat, where hie honored the editress, Mrs. Swisshelm and her daughter with a short excursion. { ; .88 Clark stmt. o6mer t-aim.' The Xorth Star.—This schooner was, .cast on our beach lost fall, afterwards moored into. the harbor. On, Thursday last the i Leviathan steam tug attempted to take her to Mil wan-* kee. The bar, however, proved impassable to: the tug after an ineffectual attempt, and the., schooner was towed bads to her mboringa.— Grand Haven Clarion, i -. .v- .A-Hoax.-r-Tbe report published m Louis JiepulAican that Mexicans ahcLAtneii-; cans had seized Fort Maty, located pear Santa Fe, is pronouuced.a hoax by juit in from Los Vegas three days-after the repott ed taking of the Fort.— Leavenworth (Kansas) Conservative*, •- 3 Arrival op the First Boat.—The eyes *»£. the people of St. Paul were gratifiedyesterday, about twelve by the sight of the Fan-' ny Harris coming Up the riven - She was from Red Wing, and brought up the mails and:, pas sengers which came around the lake from be low on Tuesday night. A great crowd rushed m the levee to welcome, her.— SU ifauf Press. Treason rs Cincinnati —The equipments foranartlllery company, including three pieces of bfass ordnance were shipped yesterday pn the steamer Glendale for the Confederate States. We were unable to learn the* names of the pannes who sbippedthe articles* Who ever they are, they are traitors to their coun try, acordiug to the decision of the New York judge—Ci«. Gas, : 1 - r The Trial op Livingston.-TUb trial of Robert Livingston for.tha,'murder of Busan Livingston his wife, commenced on Wednes day last, and closed on Saturday. The trial of this cose occasioned a good deal of interest, ■ which was manifested by an increased attends ance upon court. The prosecution!was. con ducted by the Prosecuting Attorney, assisted' •by Mr. Burcbell, and the -defdiSe by 'Messrs. Batcher, Campbell and Carpenter. The testi mony was closed on Friday afternoon, and the. case, committed to the jury on, four o’clock, and they remained outi till Bab-‘ bath afternoon, when the Judge called theih' for a few minutes, and there bemg no prospect of their agreeing, discharged them;.so the case will have to be tried over again next June. The jury stood eleven for conviction and one for acquittal. —Tuzewell Reporter. ; Frightful Railroad Accident—Woman smdGblid Killed, and Another Child bcriously Injured. ) 1..; c .. _• pfFromtheCieve]andLeader.]| .*r A terrible accident occurred on Friday,- on the track of the Cleveland & Erieißailrosd, about two miles east of Euclid Sthtion, by which two lives were lost, and a third placed’ in great danger. The facts of this .mournful tragedy are as follows: 1 * -. At the point mentioned, the railroad track is crossed at right angles with the' public roadway. Another roaa-crosaeS the • track di agonally at a short distance east of the main read, then runs parallel with the tradk. and at. a few rods 5 northward from it, until it joins the main road. In the space thus eiclosed-ls occupied by a man named! Whalen,' with his family and his aged mother. The family were moving to another cottage near the main-road and southward of the track. On Friday abotQrfour, o’clock, Whalen and another man took some of the furniture and went towards his new home,. taking the way by the.publicr roads. At the same time his mother, abotatetxty yeare carrying anarmful of goods, and accompanied; i by two of the children, little, girls aged lour and six years respectively, set out for,the same direction along Vie track , although it was known that the accommodation train from Cleveland' was • nearly’ duo. Near the crossing of thq main road the track is Intersected bya “cattle, guard,” or pit crossed by ties placed wide apart. Just before the women and j children had reached this point, the accommodation train came in sight The engineer (whistled repeatedly, supposing they, would get off the track, itbeiug a usual thing for persons td tie ’ on the track on that, as oh other portions of the line. Just before the train came pear her, the woman left the track, and for the first time the engineer saw the two children! He at once whistled down brakes, reversed the en - gine, and did all in his power to stop the train, xhe woman ran back to the track,j and.ap-.i peared to bs helping the childreh over the cat tle guard to the main read, instead, df taking them effon the bank, when tbe traiji rushed on them, and knocked them ; lnto 'the ;cattle guard, instantly killing the woman add young est child, and injuring the older child so that there is great danger of her death abb. • Iron Becoming hyj tlhra* - tIOU. • . The Paris correepouatut of the Photographic Xacs, writes as follows: j 1 The spontaneous change forged and rolled iron undergoes when submitted to continuous vibration, is productive of sb.inucbl critical danger, especially. in the case iof rui|way ma chinery, that an investigation - into jthe beat means of remedying.the,resulting, evils, has been viewed as an engineering question of vital importance. Among others, Air. Schim mclbuch, of liege, has undertaken jthe sub ject, and the lolio wing is au epitome of his In vestigations. A'bar of pure’unalloyed iron was-struck by. a hammer three, limes in a , minute forsix consecutive weeks; at the ex piration of this tune it broke into threjs pieces. Before the experiment, the bar was a gdbd specimen of fibrous iron; after, onUhe con trary, its fracture exhibited a briliiaht crys tallized structure, resembling that j of anti-' mony. ; - A bar of iron. alloyed with nickel,: submit ted to the same treatment, underwent no change. i A very simple means exists of rSfcpgniring this changed condition of iron, so dinger oua'- in its consequences. Pure iron, whenjmagnet-- ized by contact, loses its magnetic properties immediatelywfien the needlelsdetached. On the other Hand, iron'combined witii minute qumtities of some foreign body, such as car bon, oxygen, sulphur or phosphorus, (remains magnetized. The'tffibacy of this simple test has been established by repeated experiments.' Specimens of iron alloyed with i carbon, manganese, zinc, cobalt, tin, chromeaad nickel:: 'successively.tested,, show :that nickel. is lhe„ only one that can be adopted commefclaUj td correct the tendencyto crystallze in pure iron; which it is so desirable to . overcome. The -quantity of nickel produce the oeslred viiies between' * per bent and 2-1000 part. , ‘ i Air. Schimmelbuch’s experiments jweredi-' reeled <*hiefly to studying .the: effects of the addition of the mineral wuilram ,to; pure iron.. This addition imparts the greatest i liirdhess, tenacity and:density -to the Iron; invaluable qualities inaxlea. bf.Thachlnery, locopiotivefi, steamboats lin'd in steam cylindere, can-, non, &c... The most inferior-kinds; of‘iroti acquire an extraordinary tenacity, and & hard : nets superior of cast, steel,- by an ad dition of 2to 6 per cent-of .this mineral, ac cording tb the quality of iron employed. Pnosphoric or sulphuric iron becomes very tough and strong by the addition of i half ta: 1 per cent, of wollram,; &ad:S to 5 pbr .cent, tenders it extremely haurd., lion, thu4 treated., does not lose these qualities, -'eVenJ after'tt second or third fusion, and the castings are Xreefrom-bubies..l v r-'-u The"addition of wolfram to copper and its alloys exercises the same beneficial' action. The addition of one-half j*f cent.-imparts great tenacity; 4 per-cent, render the copper very bard, without (in'; the least diminishingits : | ’ The most important consequences rto engi-, neerlug science ..will doubtless result fram these mid other luvestigation3, cohdudod with the same object.— Scientific Aniftieatu \.i - • r- tgs-Under ttei'old lariflLrwool YforttfSft: cents perl&. or under was free tom duty,*nd ; wool worth oyer tot coifc. ‘ to avoid paying this dhty wtfs as follower iSieageat of the import® in thte ! country’ bought a qoantity of.wboHmFranog.' He expiainW to the seller howmattefa stood?* and he asked him-to iet faiza-naye ;tieWopv . which was,perha|)9,wortli 25cCiit4pef- Hgjor; 20 Cent6.‘‘lwillgive donfor OS in psymentthertTo*.) Id could selithis exchange at 10Sk,btlt Iwilljaake" fJw aa It la .y on.” was complete, thefr wept xffthflii&tfeat , ffmnnr *nrt -rnade an affidavit’ ftst’the 1 wool bad bees bbught and/edld for 20_cepts per pound, andiiLwas imported frefe,,-' telegraph line* hag.cpmeltQ. the ■ United-States. by.hrder,of3JftpoJeon the purpose of studying the parlous pystems of_ telegraphing (a Uiia:<»ijat*y> i?WP^ l »*”*.(?:■ ealatiiig. the construction and working of'ihe UnesVas well aa the methn4<tfkeeping the ac - co&hts connected therewith.' L He mal Tfeified ;*lat teeMrUwie.::: : ■ far An American cngigecrywhp! has^ffly c maae anextenafre tour thrwiglt the ntaakjSe* r ■tnririg dlstricts'oT Great ‘Bmaln^cotmted i 4£ s new fercamstiipsinthe:.codr»eo£conite(®cml on Angela? size Horn 6 t OQQ jmg-lp^OQ, oTuxeni are otct 2,000 inns.. ; '.w; - -?*r Europe. •Wobavo flie opening of ’a'hUreo-car railroad at Blrkefbead, opposite "‘Liverpool,- Epgi&nd, : and tliß of s -similar enterprise at under tHe- J Au AmeTldan.; iL ; <: to'-ataw - that ‘ecteral other •iSantfacfc, rorMfiailar* dUefiii Contincodial En made. Street are about to be commenced at Hamburg, Copen* hagen, Beritapsud' Pes th in .Hnngaiy. •Tfie*» s rba&%te I f6‘wunflfe & bSr American engineers, i Worcester, Hass., baa been selected as chief, and-expects to sail - shortly’ with an effective corpsof; assistants ifor- tho-aceaeof labor. |aiid other , appurtenances will be made iU 'this country, and.tho wholawork wlllbe doneih theTeiy best xoiimer.^'' : ; •- i 1 ’ - CT" The aldermen of New York city hare voted decorattuaß Ibfr'themselvea. have -gjveuß&cb otters gold bultoiijof oval shape, amineb an^* quarter long,'and three quarters broad. .These -ornaments are.;of pure gold, . and imve. tbe -clry arms engraved: upon the : jwiUutbe name of the owner and the district lie representeucTOibe wom npon to the city, S6OO. : r A >•.■. gtattonetg.&t. ■ •gDA;TI ON DRY, t: ;i•••; Blank Prlntiiiff, a jMilu, IE M S., I isi Lake Street, Chicago. ; TONES, r PERDUE & SMALL; •u Blank-Hook Mannfacturers AND BOOK BINDERS. 122Xake Street, Chicago. JONES,, PERDUE & SMALL, J COBDIERCIALPRISTERS, No. 122 .Lake Street. >Vnt od f&peb; •jgrctsil ail Unde of CbttbnSJ^^n ;X> UTUKR '& HUNT, 48 State^t., JJ hare now os hand thefoUotrtng of printing -'' mtu. mk« aszis: aaxa »X4B - aSzAI -.‘ JHjßt 95X87 - B7«U 33x83 Xxa 2ixU sszss ssrss aw? And are assortment of BOOK PAPER. IyCO reams ot wrapping Paper, of different sires. :i3QW reams ManinadoT. - ... 85D reams Cap and Letter, and a general 1 assortment ' - ol'Printer's Stationery. , LWOkegsot Mather’s celebratedßookandNewi Ink, All ot which will be sold for cash at (he lowest poasl. ■ fl £ar. ISF" Cub paid fcr Bags. ] B A. INGEBSbLL, • . Bujn Boos Munrraohrßn* BOOK BINDER AND BtlEB. lam now prepared to manufacture Blank Books of evei-yiieecnpflon, ruled and bound to any derired pat terns, with or without printed headings. Particular at tention paid to cnviere from County Officers: Banks, Ac. BUTHeads,LetCer Heads, Shipping Bills, i&c., Baled and Printed to order. Magazines, Periodicals, etc., ,-bohndln any style. .'Old Bookstand and re-bouad. All kinds of Printing done with neatness anil dispatch. -Termsmoderate. - NO. 1W LAKE STREET. . Northeast corner of Clark, (entrance on CfcrksireetJ Post Office Her mv2S-dBBI-Xy Stopre^angre. QMALL COAS: SMALL COAL, imallCcal, bull Goal, Small dog]. KpST BS USED WITH i HUOT BB USED WITH'. ‘ LITTLEFIEtIPS '(OOAI*.. BUKRUBfi* UTILEFIBiDiB COAL BOBNEBB. BOLD BY 1 BOLD BY • V«JI jßche*ekj*7 Sttte gtrwet, 7u Sobsack, 47 State Street, Chicago. gy*G«ugsi Dealer In Housekeeping Articles. £myßfc STEWARTS COORIXG STOVE STITT. AHEAD. The acknowledged superiority -of tha Stewart Stove has given rise to several imita tions. The genome article Is tor sole by; C. METZ, Agent at 160 State street, between Monroe and Adame. Also, a good assortment of Housekeeping I Hardware and TOnrar*. - ■ • TapaWWßy • .jFarnw foe J*ale. CUPEBIOR STOCK FARM . - EOK SAAB, In Sane County, State of Illinois, COHTAIHIKS 394 ACRES, Sixty of Timber, and the balance Bolling Prairie. A good two-story Frame House, two large Barns, six Sheds, large Corn Crib, Qrinei v. Ice-boose,' aod Oak bouse lor Milk Boom. Store Boom, and Men’s Boom convenient fbr dividing into two Farms, all the Build togs and Fences In superior condition, lying on the Fox River two-miles from Batavia,- four miles from Aurora, thirty-eight from Chicago, The trains of the : Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad passln view ot the house. Mill Creek, a large never foiling stream, ' runs through-the ftmn. All the Stock, Hay ind Grain, Implements, and. Household Furnlt ire miy be pur ' £ha*ee together, or the Farm separately. This Farm and Improvcmcnta, beauty of location, richness of soil, and all its surroundings, perhaps, none in -.theState.-I- • ; • Tanas—Fifty dollars per acre, all cash down, for the Farm. The moveabm property on one year's credit. For further particulars address Box 140 Poet Office, Batavia. TUlnuht - delftdfiSMm T AMDS FOR SALE CHEAP, IJ Jq McHenry, Kane, Ogle, Whiteside, Grundy, De Kalb.HoAfc Island, Boone, CarrollandLake, being the same land entered by THuMaS R. QRKENk, And now-Owned by Ardella E. and Mary Ann Greene. Title perfect. Terms easy. Apply to H. B. HURD, No.» 1 Methodist Chnrchßloct, Chicago. mhS-e* 1 -SW»m ® a Enbentcrs. O INVENTORS.— BROADNAX & CRAY, Patent Attorneys and -Solicitors, Have opened an office in Chicago, where one of the .firm can be consulted WI rHouT CHARG*Vupon NEW INVENTION*, SEJKCEED CASKS, INTER FERENCES, REISSUES, C&VAETS, EITENTIO'-K ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS. PiiELtMIfABi EXAMINATIONS, INFRINGEMENTS. etc. Appll .cations prepared and prosecuted anon a Coittnoekt 'Fxtftlmtla-No Patent No Pat. if tue inventor «k> de siroa. -Patents obtained through, this agency will oe published In mo«t of toe leading Newspapers op ray West tbeb-of i’Tiaeos woloa brings tae lavei.tlor directly before .tue public. All proLssioual buslneti transacted by memt-era of the firm—not by employ - ees. Patent* seem ed in all foreign countries. Advict given, and circulars sent gratuitously. OFFXOBSi CORNER SEVENTH AND F STREETS, directly op poJto the Patent Office, Washington. D. C.—E* tabliahed In 1&9. Ai PINE STREET, Old Custom Home, 8L Louis, U*. P. O. Box 3So7—E»tab Uhed 1855. LARMOIPS BLOCK, corner Cl<rk and Washington • ; «treei a ChicagoTllL P. O. Sox 4!A}—iitaoiit bed In >661. lei -eSH-Sm JPtuit, Sweeties, &c. KAA Boxes M. R. RAISINS, in t/yv prime order. REYNOLDS, ELY ft CO. 1 fid Tierces RICE, • , J-VV BEYKOUB. ELT * CO. KAn Hhds. N. O. SUGAR, land- Wv/ lag and for tale very-low by __ - • • EKYNOLDi. ELY ft CO. t OAA Sags RIO COEFEE, BEYKOUS, ELY 6 CO. lAA Boxes PRIME CODFISH, Ay v Inst received and very cheap. . • luev ELT ft CO. |KA IHIDS N. O. SUGAR, COM -Lvv MON to choice—for sale by : > r • F-AnSONS, PIXKIN ft HANKEY. . 16 sooth Water street.' 9A, I BBLS. REFINED SYRUPS .PU --New York, Baltimore and other brands. Foraaleby PARSUNS,PIIKI * &HANKEY. lt> South.Water street. AK A HLF. chests teas—t. TT# IV/ H; Imperial. Gunpowder and Oolong, of superior flavor and Quality. FAthsvNb, PITKIN ft HANKET, - IB South Water street. inf! OASES TOBACCO—The JLVsV/bestbrasdalnmarket-. PARSON b. Pi I KIN & HANEET, ■ • • . ■ ■ 16 south Water street. inn BXS PRIME CODFISH— 'XvV/ Porsaleby , . PARSONS, PITKIN ft HAN KEY, '' • 16 South Water street. K A TIERCES PRIME RICE— t/v Nowlandtogand for *al« hr • •, - PAhbONS, PITKIN & HAKEEr, spl-ly. - , . i< South Water a tree! t'ISH.r~2,OOO Packages Mackerel, ,X : PtekledHentofe Codfish andWhltafish, in store For sale by NORTON, ROBB * C0 n ' | Vo. 16~Htct street COFFEE, SUGAR, * Tebaeci), Spice*, At low figure* for cash buyers, .. - NORTON. ROBB * CO, No. U Btrer street JURIED PEACHES.—3O tons Hn- A-/ pared Peaches for tale by . A PougHet, ; NaSHMart’aßlodt.cor. Sbnth Water and Clark sts. - <pawl>3» ;XSn3/. DFF£R>.FOE- SALE AT .i'-** vjLOW JPBICSS, :• < - witi.iAin[ i.ErtiiE & co., r r ‘ 3?o. 129 South Water street. ..1 tlsor J'RUm ’FRUIT! t ERTJITU! It S HANBO LPE ST BIE X, farther nbttee, to &c, asiowas the lowest, ; v ; TBOUmt ATTENDED JO. |diiecto^6f 5 >■- (Bte; ;&ci ~rf ; Caps, and ammunition generally, HW for Bi.Lools Shot. Bole AeentferH**- . v 1 lid's fowoer. &SO.T.4£BE? 18Bl*fcfr«t. spj^y utrnimmtmimm. * SPRING TRADE. T . r.HirtaeooavtoteatbaßttieTslof oar Dry Goods Jobbing Department ID StOS.74 AND 7B t&KX STSKEI, ‘ Wsarehow makingadditionsof - FRESH ASDSEABOSABLE GOODS, And inv&eboyers to examine the same. It Is oar atm temeettSeTleiwof/r. , (HIE, CASH MB SHUT TIME BOY^IS. bowen Mothers, Importers and Jobber*. in ■g&Ajr-s ■;, AN,p r :~l\ HARDWARE. - We offer the fi&owlag iat Qie lowest market rates LOCO Boxes Tin Plste, asorted sixes. , WOO Bundles Sieet Iron, No«, lfl to SL .900.** Russia Sheet Iron. 100 " Imitation Sheet Iron. ■ 100 Caake Sheet Zinc, assorted widths. 1000 Lba, Braze r*» Copper. 3,000 Lbs. Pressed Copper Bottoms. ' LOOO Bundles Wire, assorted Nos. oto XL . LOCO Kegs Nalls, Wheeling and other prime brands. 3 - WU.LIAS BLATK & CO„ in • - ‘ ; t ia.'ns CONCESSION! PEAKE, MARSH & DE LONS, 37 lake St. - - 43 Wabash At*., Conforming to the pressure of the times, we hays determined opon • _ CONCILIATION AMD CONCESSION, fio far as they can be effected by Xjow Prloen. W. lluU offer All WHOLESALE throoebent tJii Hucn ud daring tie preeent .glutton, . etoik of Dry Goods, Hoisery and Notions, ■No* 122 Unsurpassed la FBESHIESS, CHEAPNESS Alb BEAL VALUE. Three are time* fbr Actions rather than Words, And we have determined on a coarse of hard work, rigid economy and SMALL PRO FITS, and! it will be SttICIDAL on the part of CLOSE BUiTKßßnotto ex amino our famines of KNOWN BRANDS OF HEAVY SSSb!™” 1 ' ; COITOSAD^ fti AW Eawsoa & Bariltett, acixuraonrana an wHcmaur an SOOTS AND SHOES, .LAKE 6TEHT HO. 10 NO. 50...... oanuooi ox. We would respectfully can the attention of city and Country Merchants to oar extensive stock of Boon and Shoes, which we have now in store, -and are dally ra. Belying from our Factory in West Boylstttn, Maes,, which consists of a foQ assortment of those Celebrated Custom-Made Patna Sip andCaltand Grain Winter Frocf Boots; together with a l i 1 stock of all styles of ' SPRING AND SCHCNEB GOODS, of the beet quality and manufacture, which we are pre- Kto sell for CASH and prompt paying trade at n and New.York. Jobbing Prices, we are Agents fbr the saleof Mitch Si’s Pttm* Hatal. He Tip Boote and Shoes In all the States. 1861 SPRING TRADE 1861 H. W. HUNT & CO., 33 and 35 Lake street, Chicago, Manure tor era and Jobbers of •' ■ Ready Made Clothing, And Dealers In GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GO9BS, Cloths, Coatings Casslmeree, Satinets, Tailors* ' - "trimmings;'4c4Ac. ■ ■ > \ Our stock Is large and well assorted, and will ba sold At the Lowest Prices. 16 A 18 .- STATESTREET ...16 AlB 6. E; CBBI k CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cash Buyers are particularly Invited to an examination of our stock of Fish, Woodca Ware, DRIED FRUITS, &c., &o. <;. C. COOK & €O., 16 A 18,...STATESTREET....1C tc 18 i- Hats, caps, and straw ; -' ? <JOODS. BATES, VVILLIAMB A CO., 89_& 41-•••..Lake Street, Chicag0.....39 A 4J, r V MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, and Btraw Goods. OUR SPRING STOCK [IS THE LARGEST AND MOST COMPLETE In the city, which we win eel! at the VERY LOWEST PRIOHS. ■ mh12e235-3m 1861. SPRING TRADE. 1861. FIELD, BENEDICT k C 0„ 81 and 83 South Water Street, DIPORTERS AND JOBBERS OP FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC WOOLEN Linen and Cotton Goods ADAPTED TO HEN'S WEAK. THH TRASBI Can rely upon finding at this old established house a foil Use ol Piece Goods, adapted to Hen’s wear, at the . &otccst Prices. AGENTS FOB THE AMERICAN FASHIONS. mh2eiG-2m ■ TVE COURSET, LAEOtJRCADE XJ *co, 631 Chestnnt Street, Phllsdelphla, Are now receiving their SPRING- IMPORTATIOWS CLOTHS, CASSDIGRES,. VESTINGS, AC., TO WHICH THET INVITE THE ATTENTION OF -BUYERS. teSclQ-Zm gABCOCK ■& PEEK, 11l BANBOIuPE SXBBET, HahoswiT, Botewood and Wahist; L ' AMO, wumkm amnioniamiMainiinHi IN GBEAT VARIETY. Wood-Best and Cane-Seat Chairs, eud Bureaux. ' School Hamittire oa head end t* Order, (OT* FartlcuW Oouatzy Order*, r 'J'LTTTLB, HIBBARD Ss GO., HARDWARE AND Tffi PLATE, 8S >■> £«ke Stmst 9B We ofin to the trade, at the LOWEST PEICMs- . W boxes TZS PLATA MOObdls SHEETIRON, 650 • BCTOIAIEOir,- - IGO - IMITATION BHBBZA, mfiOO. m BBIGHT and ANNBALP WlSa. 135 Casks SHEET ZINC, > .'• 10 ton* PIG TIN. ISA® ae- COPPEBBOTTOMa IB acts TINNERS 1 TOOLS and MACHIHBR 60 casks BRIGHT QX and COIL CHAINS." I.BW dOT. ' WOO" BHOVM,SPADEBin* SCOOPS. - Bfems SABIBpNS. • HIBBARB 4 CO., oeS-TMy : 'Cornsr.of State and Lake rts. Q M. , HENDERSON & CO., yfMTiftu»tttTwfw flaaTmnliwnTn ; BOOTS & aHOES, -:■ . Hp,SS Lika Aroma, Hire In,torn a I.JT* *to«fc ofcood*. ; wWchtimywlll-fien r«nr cbwp to c*ah an<JjponS oayln* trade. - Agects fbr Mitch cIIV Patent MetalSe lipped Stoce InTB the Btatea -vrittout exception. •;■>. -‘y’ABB,--. €HUac6B®>j*i COi, ; JATOT’S KiBBIE BTODIBff;.. ,„j £ Hoi'leiT Chea&ui StWOfi^" ■ a«u i .. ffTfl flfffnfir* Tmptri%H«n nf WUdi they win ien et theLoverttieteenMcei,. ftflleßMa CALL ASD6KB 1 tpsa|||E«a= p ; B Arson -- & - Tji a-;N a-^ 49 LAKE Manufactarers anA /obbcrs!■ BOOTS AND SHOBSy f Complete 1 BlocJu-wmoii: Prt “* for “ u ‘!° r »PW>T64 tow- lt«nu and Small Profit*. ' - apmtWm •*- ••• ; . l ;/ . > ■.. . T° ILLINOIS MERCHANTS. 1881. .--A Card 1861. ■■ ■•■• WEBERjWI L LIA M S &YAIE, JOBBERS OF MATS, CAES, tmV GOob^PABA -8 .LAKE BTBKBT. CHICAGO. . M Invite the ipecUl attention of HUnoto zaeanhaats to~ their very large, well assorted and nnn anally attractive - Spring Stock Ibr which yrtll he offered at lowprf gMmd on Arorable terms for. Cash or ApprovS tW~ Prompt and carefnl attention given to orders. WEBER. wn.i.TAiUfl A T* T -W. HARBESBERGU & WILLUMS, , Ho. 20 Ial» Street, Chicago, ZXPOBTZBS AND DZALEKS ET I/EATHER : ANS SHOE UNDINGS. FBKKCH ASB OEIiMAJTCALF EKCJS, beatlinmd. M ** ■** PATENT CALF, * OAK AND HEMLOCK A%rpnrrAV CALF. M “ “ UPPER. " “ SOLE LEATHER, best tannages Calf Kid, Horocco, sjyetijisu i<ji%Tijya, SATIN FBANCAIS, 8111 c and Cotton Congress-poring^ SHOE THREU), lOWXSESD ! S KIT, Ac, Ac, ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. ffianblcs, «oap, sct. PROCTER & GAMBLE, *4 WEST SECOND SXKEET, C I N C I N N AT I. Mannffietnrers-an Wholesale Dealers in Star and Tallow Candles, Oleine, Germanand Palm Soap, UgO OIL, PEARL STARCH, FARCY SOAPS *C., CANDLES SOLD BY ACTUAL WEIGHT. V* It Is well known that many Star Candles that are reauy seven to the pound, are branded and sold as sixes There is a disadvantage and a loss in this Eractice to both retailers and consumers. even if the anoiesare bought at a redaction cento per lb from the price of the regular article. Thus; A box of •‘Sixes,'’ SHORT WEIGHT, CODtalfS 340 Candles, and Is sold for 4j lbs at say 18 eta... $7.20 A box of Sevens contains the same namber of . Candle*, same size Is sold for 34 lb a. actual weight,at2o CM T7 tM Difference In favor ofbnylng by weight .40 And this difference becomes’greater as the price ad , it is obvious that the retailer can get no more for his -40 Candles in one case than In the other, con eeqnent.y on every hundred boxes of “short weight” he sella,be loses forty dollars. mhlGe2T3-ltodltw ATITCHELL &ZAHM, TALLOW ir.T£ L 7EUS AND CHANDLERS, and dealers In p . aai Seeds. Buy and sell Live Stock ooCoramleßlon. T.v op, Fi? B^s r 9 Warehouse—77 TONZIE ST. . liberal Cash Advances made on shipments of any of above articles for sale in thU market or shipment Cats. J. O. MITCHELL jnol9J LOUIS ZAHU, Slip fflljanhlers. Q.ILBERT HUBBARD & CO. Ship Chandlers, ...' Wholesale and Retail Dealers.ln TWIMS and CORDAGE, 805 & 207 South Water St; (Oor. Wells,) Would call particular attention of the trade to our stock, as we at all times have the largest and beet assortment la the West of Manila and Tarred Bone. Ditching Ropes. Bass, Bagging and Burlaps. Canvass, Oakam, Tar, Pitch, chains. And Tackle Blocks. BOAI TAR BOOFINR-PITCH AID FELTINB BSD CORDS. CLOTHES LINES. BROOM TWINES, all qualltiet wrapping twines, in bundles or barrels, DELL AND SASH CORDS, NETS AND SKINEK Cotton, Flax and Hemp Twines, OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. ' al*p a SAIL LOFT our facilities are ua eqoalleo In the manufacture of 'AUNTS, WAGON COVERS, AWNINGS AND TARPAULINS. A large stock of which we have constantly on hand o make to oruer at theshortest notice. t , j. HUBBARD | J. 8. TURNER J G. B. CARPENTER. XW Send for our prices. le^-cUdm pURINGTOFT & SCRANTON. SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL ■ M A K-E R S. ' Hare constantly for sale at thelowess prices, Manilla and Tarred Rope aid Cordage of Ererj- Description. HAT AND BALE BOPS, LATH ROPE. ph|h. ex'ocrl, BSW . ScSi'dk BhIODT VABKISH, OARS* PAINTS AND OILS, PAINTS AND OILS, Wide and Harrow Cotton. Suck Canvass, OF ALL NUMBERS, LIGHT AND HEAVY. Cotton, Hemp and Flax Twines, Woo! Twines. Bur* laps. Wool Sacking, Wool S-ar-Vo Tents, Tarpaallngn, Awnings, Wagon Covers, ic., [MADE TO ORDER 01 THE SHORTEST ROTI6E. FURINOTON ft SCRANTON, mhISeSSWm 817 South Water gtreet, Chicago Sags. BAGS I BAGS!! BAGS!!! FAEWELL’S STEAH BA6 SILNTFiCTOET, no. 22 arjunorr stbxst, emoaoo. BAGS AND SACHS Of every description furnished on short notice, and printed with Kew and Beautiful Brands. . WWIHJ BIMEO - V FABWEM -- JAMES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPS COTTON MILLS, Fittaburgli, Pexmi HtirorACTUBEB. o. Seamless Gram Ea^s, ABO OF OSNABURQ-Si 32 inches to 40 tucks* wid*. We are prepared to, recalve orders from the trade. ' • jal-dmiy T> AGS—BAGS—BA6S--B AGS— .JLP CORN EXCHANGE BAG HINtFAOTOBTo HART. ABTtcN Ik C 0.,-157 South Water st., ChleafO, B, X. CLARK & CO., 128 Broad street, New York, ' luxuricToasssAaosEiLßSXX Bass of Every Desoriptiozu: ' HUler*’ and Grocers’ Bags made and printed td cider with beaatUttl brands. New and second-hand Seamleai Grain and Gunny Bags, /or Shippers, MUlera and Par. miar v* Bncrwheat, Feed, Hass, filled with fidelity and dispatch,’Bsc* loaned to shippers. mys-ly QHICAGO BAG AGENCY, i»T« SOUTH WATER STREET. SEAMLESS GRAIN 1 BAGS of tailocs Uses and gnnJltlefl. . v - FLOOR—Halree, Quarters, andEthto, printed to order <rf any desired pattern. HAM SACKS—Brery Acs used. GUNNT BAGS—Two or Three Bnahels, Commission Merchants,- Mill ere. Grocers add Pro-' rtsloa Dealer* win find lost the arasles wanted In oar stock. -> Orders solicited., - .[apl.*9MyJ . HAWKINS4CHAPMAN. SttamßpSffiUncfeg, B«STOS FAS'CTSTEiMI)YE HOESE*-^ SBSHlinOli street, seoMddoor-weifc of North Clark street, ana 's «potfe dark (street, opposite the Coartßopte.ChicacOk.ZU ] Mr. color or clean an* #oofcn or Silk' StnffS In all Its branches. He cstt«de required aQ&waxraatsrood As ; a practical and, experieocad .pyetoe ta dstemlaed pot ?to os.sorpassed by aoy.establUhmcnV Stia terms .are - •reasonaßteandbyH&teM^tttrMSdldsUodot Whitest*- ‘ TroikrliU cottoi£er»twm&di4Mß -efiti*lifettnidnt toe .taieajKStlAtliaeait-... i*.i -,*p2i©UMai ■ ■•XfiSW! - rOBK ;; -«TEAM D 538. -o_l eeJ>fe«BT 1 »i cua^tet^^M^y^ «R tos ffftSPS. 811 8 *^ aicadQa « mwoeawMgortc. lifee’affgafe alia talifonria. e x pr e s sr TO SAN FRANCISCO. .- f ;wm bp received at the of the : ’ ***** StateaJExpreM Company, COENEB OF CLARK AND T*ww BTBKKTK- J -; " : (ISOlike and 20 Clarkstreets,) .Ifhlcb -will be Jbryarded to connect with the poav* - - Express, le avlng Bt Joseph. Missouri, every o7 .•WEDNESDAY- AND SATURDAY, AT Up w . TELEGRAMS BgtttaFort Kearney on themornlnea of Monday and wMSsdS.'SSiaSd^^ -rlu—' l EXPBfcfiS dHABSBS: Xetten wejtfdng ;* ox or nnder L..... . e»,w> Lrtten weighing overt os - *; *4OO after* oly tetter* will be reduced to one doßar *U ceses to be enclosed in Government • u^^?n c , tt ?sr Ess 8 -. JONES & CARTWRIGHT. PIKE’S PEAK TRANSPORTATION line !■■■■ ITJOM LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, DENVEH ASD MOIHSTAIS CITf, 'ggggtssssspm v Js*C. bavins: been engaged In thetranspartatfoa iste r *“* tr “ sptrtM • “9(» DEIVEB GUT AH THE CGID BEGIOI the past jar, renuctfaOy Infcrui their Mend, and patrons that they expect to engage largely In the badness the ensuing year, and wmbeprepared to . Transport any Amount of Freight THAT MAT OFFER,i From One Ihouud to Rvo Thousand bills will be xequlra to b* settled at the «£tat“7d^u‘ o iS' o r ! * * m *• I ' linlKa o ? aaiTO ? CMc « 0 ' THROUGH BILLS OF LADING TO DENVER CITY . Onr first trains will start about the - 20X11 DAY OF APBBL, Oroa soon before as the grass on tbs Plains will al low. Oar terms will be made known npon application to onr office in Leavenworth, or to the offices of anr of oar agents. For rates and contracts call on Wit MARTIN, ?rSoShw''i& t . A S 01C - B - * » B- B. CO, foot JOKES A CARTWRIGHT. €o Snippets. AMERICAN EXPRESS COM S™*******t**‘ OFPXCA. NOTICE TO BHIPPEBS. Prom and after date this COMPANY WILL NOT BE RESPONSIBLE For Goods shipped by Freight 'Mas, Consigned to their agents, unless such Goods an shipped tbroogn tills office, in wldch rase toe usual cartage and commission for shipping will be chawed. ' ... . J AS. C. FARGO, . apS-et'il.Tw Superlatendent gPECIAL NOTICE TO.SHIPPERS, Michigan Sonthern and Northern Indiana Railroad EXPRESS FREIGHT: LINE yOR'TOWDO, DETROIT, CLEVELAND, BALTIMORE AND OTiLEBEASTESIf hjti Seth iatlxe United fttataf and Canada. An Exprots Freight Train will leave Chicago Statics comer of Clark and Ihvetfth streets, dally atll o'clock A. Mo for the above Places. . - Slippers by this lane can rely oa having their ptotl erty transported to its destination wth u omCK .DESPATCH and as raw aiby any other' • This Company have within the past few months'built Care especially adapted for this trade, ilf desired. Freight cab be sent from Chicago to Cleveland. Du£ kirk, Buffing, Pittsburgh or NewTork withoutchange of Can.. ' Bates at an times as low as by any other t.lwa BT* Mart Freight designed for this litia “VU Michigan Southern Railroad Express ' . Contracts given st the General Office, 80. 56 South dark street, and at Chicago BtaUcn. .*»■»»•*«* 3NO. D. CAMPBELLT* H. H. POSTER. Gen. Sup. Toledo. Act. Gen. Frit *r*t JaS-ly CHAA M. GRAY, cS»t AgmP ©u ffisaotitß. BEDFORD OIL WORKS. The ■ubeerfbert are manufacturing MASON’S SPERM OIL, FOR MACHINERY. Bfoion’s Head*l.Vcht OH and Msmu’i Car Box Oil. Also, a very anpertor TANNERS’ AND HARNESS OIL. And would Invite all ■who desire a really alee article to a trial of the same. with tae full btllef that oo Oil can be bearing any comparative value fcr either light or machinery to these Oils, m reference either to quality or price. ■We have a process by which all the fibrous andenm raey substance In Fleh oils la precipitated: leaving them reriectK pure and transparent Tbta process also increases the bobyor durable characters of the O L thereby increasing the wearingqualities. Another valuable quality is, it will stand a very low degree of temperature. The came OU used for machinery la a VERY SUPERIOR BURNING OIL, Giving a clear, brilliant light, which proves Its purity and excellence. ,™ese Ong are sold Wholesale and Retail by p‘ E. MERBIHEW a CO- at the Manufictory, 2is State street, anl by C..GOODWIN.I2' South water street, TnhSo-c3332m p. E. MESRIHEW ft CO. YOHK KEROSENE OIL COMPANY, At Prices to Command the Karket! KEROSENE ILLUMINATING OIL. PASAFKIVB ILLUMINATING OIL. FETRO-EDM ILLUMINATING OAJL MACHINERY OILS. DEPOT: COZZEHS ft CO., 89 Water street, Hew York. ap3 e-fcS 3m JMPORTAN T .—Look in at 175 RAJVDOJjPH STREET, Chicago, And see how low they sell Ofla, White Lead. 2tnc, Faints, French and American fi last Varnishes and Ja> pans of all kinds; Alcohol, BorningFlald, Goal Oils, of Bnune^aud Uubfccr <@ooha. Belting, packing hose, fte. The patent solid VULCANIZED BUBBEB BELTING, Warranted to be the best in use. DOSE AND PACKING, OP ATT. SIZES. LEATHER BELTING AND -*. , ItACE LEATh urtj And all kinds of RIJBB KB GOODS. JBO, B. IDESOX lc CO., Sole Ajtila, apl-lOWm 115 Randolph street, Kingsbury Block. ■ dtm Steel Sells. jq'AYLOR & COMPANY’S Oast Steel CHURCH AND FIRE ALARM BELLS. We are prepared to fin orders for these CELEBRATED BELLS At Hew York Prices, With Freight Added. Every Belli* WABB ANTED for one year with ihir and proper usage, if a bell should break after a year half price Is allowed is exchange for a new one. For toll particulars tend for Circulars to XUTTtB, HIBBABD & COi, Agent* and Importers of Hardware and Tln-Flata, mhl£e29sAm 53 la Kb STREET. Chicago. furniture. G MORGAN, 199 Lake Street, • Will, up to Ist of May next, sell for . XiCBB TSCAST COST Hb large and rich stock of CABIIET - FUMITagE AID SHAIRR, Compiling one brtbe larzest and best stocks in the- Weit, snch as Rosewood, Mahoeany-and Walnut Par lor and Bedroom Suita, Oak Extension Dialog Tables, Hat Tree), BuresQ3,and other articles too ndmerooa to mention; all or which wlllbe sold cheap for r*« h , mb# eSSWm.. V T*“ . trusses. ■RUPTURES CURED XI) ET THE - \ . HABD j J This t^nMiS’'nnHhe‘smothers u - rrrT?rTr -^jgag : £fftf?s«&oßß Jlt LAW, ' > a££ ewT- HaSe grtawapottation. T>ROPELLER -I. BARBER A ~ITILI.COMItEgCE ir ■ ’ I: Her regiJart£i r » to'snifrom V, GjrKANX). HAVEN, On Thanin £rsuing, April (ft Emtalii on boom, or to Galeaßutman at Us office on West W*teratre*t south ofßandolph street bridge. beft'-nttamrwareboase.aaabave, sc inr tins sna wlllbe fjrwarded wttb dispatch to Grand Seven or Grand Biver. GALEN EASTMAN r£ H E WE S T ERR TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, ahd - : .£jg£jsg£ WESTERN EXPRESS, IS Q X. . THE WBTEES TTUSSPOBUTIOT CO., Hating made arrangement* to ran their Lake Steam. Propeller* on alternate day* with these of the NEW YORK CENTRAL ttichlgaß Central Railroads, ■sa^ssaaras^iaiiSS Eastern, Western.Northernand SonthweiternSutSi* Company's unesaaDed CANAL IhcUtoek coat 180 Canal Boats, g*the Iro* Class,-»lx of whit* l»ave N w York and Baffalo daUr. cannecttag at Buffalo with the following PcaoeUer ZJnes. enables it to off»rmerehaatßaadshl> pew •uperiortoducementslbr their patronage. tbb wrsraaxt Baranov, The Upper Z,ake Line Daily. W. T. Co. Etxamxw. B, C. &C. Lot Stxamem. Tonawaada, Fountain City, Free State, XTenona, Hohawfc y Sleodola, - Plymontli, Evergreen City. Neptune, Galena, Stay Flower, Chicaen, at Erie Basin and foot of vichl* ganstreet^^ at7 o'clotx PorftiirttTV The Detroit Line Daily, Via KotUi Show Direct. W. T. Co. STIAXZSI. ' W.T. CO. finivrr. jniaaoorl, Dnnfcirb, niinola, Concord, Omar Pasha, Ijsaviag thadoct. Erie Ba‘ln. every evening a* 7 “ “• ““p*- Toledo, Sandusky and Breen Bay Line. CUTSIX. RiTT.»nin STKAJOCBS. Equator, Equinox, A raxes, Euphrates, Eclipse, Comet, ® ocil »*» Marquette, Cuyahoga, Orontes. L«.vlQs tbs dock at Frie Ras) n at T o'clock p M For OmS, Cleveland and Erie Line. ■ W. T. Co. Stiucxss. Mary Stewart, Saginaw. Le«vliis Erie B«la at r ocelot* P, M. For (Mentor pajsaseaoplj to T.O. DOLE, agent foot ‘t Mlrilz*i meet, andat the W. T. Co'aofflcs, ErteßMiT *,” d contr acta by Canal orßaßroad apply to the foLowing Agents; v *‘’ •yo« ESETr CL 4 PP * l Coeatles sup, New 2.*«?Y5t LLEN,rrelElltAjEent ’ 2To ' 1 Coentl M s Up. 1; StLSON^ 3 * P £ tAffl '? t ’ 9 AstorHojue, N. Tort §• *4 i£4®lf'4s® at ' ll3 pler * Albany, IT. Y w A* Troy. N.T. Trey A V i T IS • “ t 4ht Agent, in River .street, t COtHunPsDock, Detroit, Sflch. Agent. Mississippi and Prairie Ducmenhallroad Dock, M'lwaukee ,'V. P. SURD, Frdjghl Agent, Boston, Mass. JWO. ALIEN, Jr., Pm, Manager, Erie Basin, Buffalo, CONSIGNEES. BOND & SPENCER. Cleveland. Ohio SMITH A co.. Toledo, Ohio. . J. W. ObBOB3T. Eanduakv, Ohio. JOBE HCaRN & CO- Erl-, p* DDTTON A RAYMOND, Badne. Wls. KENOSHA PISR CO, KenoJbTwS WBiGHTA CO, Waukegan, 111. J. F.SIRKI/AND, fchefioygan, wlal JEUCanoMO & TUT! LB. Agents, _apft.eg7-2m Foot of State steeet Chicago. 1861- 1861 NORTHERS TRANSPORTATION CO. Will daring the present season, nm their line of FIRST CLASS SCREW STEAMERS Regularly between Ogdenilraigh, Cape Vincent, Oswego, and the Upper Lakes, Fonxme ■A. DAILY LINE, Pop Cleveland, Sandnaky, Toledo and and a TEI-WEEKL? XiXXrE, , To and from Chicago, Milwaukee, and Intermediate ports. ‘ Connectlag with tha Railroads betw-en Ogdens burriiand Poston, Lowell. Laurence. Nashua? Man. chestor. Canrord, Worcester. FlL*hba.-gb. Ke-oV.Bel. lows FalH Rutland, Burlington, and other Interme diate p'dnt*. Vincent with the Watertown and Rome Rail And* tOs wegn Tltil tb "New Oswego Lin* of Canal Boat* between o ? weuo, Troy, Albany and New York, tarThrouga irelgnts subject to toot one tranship. „ Cormeetfug at Chicago with the several Lines of Railroads to the Sooth and West AGENT3AND consignees. J. Mtbm, No. 191 Broadway, New T^rk. J L. Warjtbb, No 3 Coentle* Slip, New York. Jo® s HocKnfo, No. 9*» State street-Boston. »• li o **®ow. Ogrtensburgf, N. V. J. K. Chaxbbrun. Ogdensburab. N T. Oxo. A. Eddt, Oswego, n. T. Crawford A Hdvxt, Oswego. N. Y. Walkzb « Hatm, Toledo, t) mo. E. B. Mathbws, DetrolLMlch, «. J Hals. Milwaukee. Wls. Tatlob. Murray * Co„ Kaclne. Wla. Prltos A hbeed, Cleveland. MATHER & CO , Chicago. &p6©438-fta Buffalo, Cleveland A2TD 186!-CHICAGO LISE.-186 /2fthe ending waion of navigation, itoamer* ofthijUnewaimii id connection, and on alternate days, with those of the WBSTKttS TRANSPORTATION CO. Chicago and Buffalo, Jonailis ■ Bt tnt ® nEOdl * to P ort * when practicable, and PAXIiY IjIKTU (Sundays excepted,) for the transportatljn of Freight and Passengers.. 6 8., C. Sc C. Lino Stmxs. W. T. Co. Steamers. FOUNTAIN CITY. MOHAWK. gALRNAt FREE STATE. Mfc - ■ESffl&ffi*- Banning in connection, at Buff Me, with SEW YOBS CENTRAL RAILROAD, PEOPLE’S T.nm EXPRESS, WESTERN TTPRRH3 j The Western Transportation Company, a«d Trov and Erie, and Troy and Wet tern Lina of Canal Boats*, on the Erie Canal. At Cleveland, with CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. - The Steamers composing this line are of the larcat six-, and of great strength and speed, with superior accomm ioatious for Passenger*. With tb«Unequalled facilities, the Use is prepared tb contract to transport pr uerty from New York, 80-tou, A'b-ny. Troy, and alt the principal points on the line oftie NewTork ‘tontraf Railroad and the Erie Canal, to the port* on the Wat shore of Lsse Mlohlzao: and from those ports to Cleveland. Badalo, and all points Ea-t, - PorrstaofTrelgktaod passage, apply to JO3N h. MoRE. Agent New York Central Railroad, No. 23rBr adway. New York. A- H. FATEtiS, No. 9 Axtor Home, Broadway. New York, HUGS AL T EN, {Agents Western Transportation Co. A COLSON, f No-1 Coeo&esMlp, bew York. W. C. RICE, Agent Troy and Erie, and Troy and Western Line* of Canal Boats, No. 7 Counties Slip, -N-w Tornr. James SNIBTH,No. 69 Washlagton S&ee - ; Boston, Ma*e. W. E. StTRD, Boston, Mass. A. A. WfiMPCK, Agent New York Cen. BR, Albany. S. G. CHASE. Agent W. T. Co. No. U3 Her, Albany. J. A. J SPHAGffE, AsensN.Y.C RB-Troy.N.Y. H. A. GRIS WOULD, Agent W. T. River btieet, Troy.N. V. L. R. MORRIS, Cleveland, Ohio. KC.MCDOWELL,SperiaI Agent, Cleveland. Ohio. WM. STE WART, Agent C.AK.RJL, Flttsburgh. Fa. J.L. HtfHD A COTl)etrolt MlchT* J.J TALLMADOE, Agent, Milwaukee, Wls. DCTT.-N & RAYMOND. Eaclne, Wla. SHELDON PEASE, managing Agt, Office foot or street, Buffalo. aiosaiowD & iuii lb, Agsatt, apleS9Bßw Foot of State street, Chicago, Buffalo, Chicago r IT Tm.w us Lake Huron Railroad line* SHIPPESt 8F PRODUCE MB KElfCAygiiE take soneat •• } ; - Tha Unflilo and Lake Huron Hallwirr bavins completed their arrangements Com* lii® *f Hfst-Cltss Sciew Stttaii EDUa^:.........549 toni....C»ptX. OHTOSS6OT,- ..687 ton«....Ctpt B. 5T0, ,^777..M3 t001... .CaptJo VQttoetwtmS CHICAGO and GODKRK (TOUCHISQ it it.t. nSUIBUZLrORB.I eoßtteatowaffS^jV?^ EUSV4LO & For Bnffitoa^.at Buffalo with the NBW E EMB RJbL fw New Tork and BoatoSJanfl at Strata ? theQBAJTDTfiDNKBSr^CafiKa}'. for ' S - land and Bceton, aad also with BteameriTDikL'r.-from - - . .Port Dathoaaie, for Boehe>ter, OewegjJSacaettß Har> ‘i bor, Capaaflaceot, Ogdensburgh ElogvtßDmul,Mqo-_ trail, OTering-superior iadoeements Br-tne-BfeiW - 4. .ox jkftj and all propel ly aaii|nfttn*rVCt > their cart? • tiLL I “ '“MT • th« Fitter wul their interest to ship by »1» i4b<vaeio|f ■ ; J more ra arced and leas water than aoyttfney qa,ciag<jL ,• lw .a. savintfibl .One-Half Insurance to 4 sr to £ HoEg, ;r:iGi|rsiNG RODS.-?ireWand' • improved Style of bon and -- Soda. GeM-and-Silver Plated ■ L ' style of insolatsn and Attachments —- I°£ < [SSSTISS^K?^S»itSi£e , -^«o t^S!fe^- and insnlaton oiaaklndii street. Ctdcago, CL Post Office Boz ÜBS. ronuam COTLXbTbAIL 4k 00 «aUroan». 1 Qfi4‘—BTTFFA L O AST D lUUi* LAKE HCTRON RAlLWAY.—Shortest and beat rote UrßoAio and other Eastern title*. Train leaving Chicago at 6.3J F. m- Detroit at it,-trrfves at Buffalo at 6iu f. x* New York at» Boston at 43»; connectingwltn Sew York Oentral at Buffalo and New York Aißrls train* going Ra*A Ttekatavfethla HoaAcaa be obtained at too H.3.CARTEL GanT Manager. A. FELL, Traffio Supt, Buffalo. mh27M-ly CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE RAILROAD. la cßoaag gr. path* octt EosH, rerun AKDnrrsßMßDiA’rs poena. Ch» and after FHIDAj, Han* Ist, I3SL Pasacng« oonwr of We« - C 7 mA^&JOSSnt** excepted)aslolluwa ; Pg££tSlSk*Z*i*'* li " rIT " “ MUWKiIM. Trains arnvo at Chicago at Uds a. to, and A ccommodattoo Train leave* Chicago at WBf. to, arrive* at Chicago at fcso a. w. •• .mal .-■•■■ A C. BALDWIN. Supt, PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE A J- CHICAGO SAiLBOAD. WOA. to, except Sundayi, and at 6i30 r. to, except Saturday*, rn msm, saw tom, phiudelphii BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON. Harrisburg <to Pittsburs?, AJm-TOB AL3AST, BU3TALO, DtrsDKß: CLETKLANIX COUTMBD3, CDJCUf at.ii, datton. And all' Intermediate Station* between Chicago and the cities above named. .Bleepmg cars on night train*, and baggage by this rqate checked through to all Eastern cities. Ticket* fbr sale at the principle Ticket Offices to tt>« Company* Office, comer of Randolph EilfiST-” Itraeu, ml 1111, Union D.pc*, WMI TPHE PENNSYLVANIA CEN JL THAT,. RAILROAD. _ *® MILES DOUBLE TRACE. la AM Ptaaennr Train erttaTbmogh TrUpa from all Western an esforPhHt .wSSS^»“ arpiu,w<l *" Bpwd _Mt>reae and Fast lines ran through to Phlladclnhlto Wlthont change of care or conductors. “**• Smoking Can are attached to each train; Woodruff*! Keeping Caw to Express and Fart Twine. The £a» KS!S. I 3 Ba d *ii7»M*ll and Fast Line Sundays excepted, EXtJrce dahv Uato* connect direct tor NewTork. ess and Fast line connect IbrßaUhkora Wash> two. . .All Through Fusenger Trains provided with Lough, under perifect control o aeKtginetx, Urns adding much to the salts ty of sra- bet ween Philadelphia and New TCTk; rT^ l> aU7jr^ n , between New York and Boa- all rail,are good oa either ol Boat Tlclcets to Boston are good via Norwich. Pan fi Tet ?orStonlngtonLines. Boston paaeengeis trana. f»ma free of charge through New York 1 obtateed at any of the tnaportani Raflroad OfllMaln the West; also on board any of the SlSli*. H5 a -? f 3 teM^tan on t*»« Mlsalwlpplor Ohio gvWjtod at the office of the Company m Boetmi. New York. Baltimore, or miadtiphta. Frrts Always as Low ua Tim i« Qmcx A! AfiX FOB Prn^BURQH. p^&E^d t S^tSTtS anecao “ of rrsBCT LINE BETWEEN THE BAST AND THE .. GREAT WEST. _The oomiectlag of tracks by the Railroad Bridge a STS? 3111 * S? or ferriage ol Freight, together with the saving of time, are advantages reidC teg br Bnlppan of “d Travel. "For Frffight Contracts and Shipping Dtwctions, apply address either of the ibQowtog Agentii ofihe _ _ A. STEWART, Pittsburgh; IL 8. Reroe A.Cq,, Zan«vllle, O.: J. Johnston. Ripley. O.J B. HcNeeley, May*vlUe,Ky ; Ormsbyn «3Soc*« Co.. Je^jrew* mix-- Broyo <k Co.. Clnchmatl; Athen M Hlbbera Clndnnay; R C. Meldrum, itadlson, Ind. Joa. E. Moore.LaulsyCle ; p. G. O'Riley A jUHfcKL; NW. Graham A Cairo, HL ;R. F, baa. Shaler A Glue, Sv Louis; John H. llarrt< NUhl * Hunt, Memphis. Tenn.: Clarke a. Ogs** /MamrnMrti to the Pntee tioa and fomq)oitA£io& of And good accommodations with usual rrtvUerester poisons traveling to charge thereof • U1 „ FREIGHTS. By this Route Freights of all daMriptton* can be lor« to and from Philadelphia, New York Boston, or Baltimore, to and from any point on the Railroad* of. Ohio. Kentucky, Indian* dtoote, Wisconsin, lowk or utasoarL by railroad direct. The Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pitts burgh with Steamers, by which Goods can be forward' ad to anv port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky, Tennessee, Cumberland, ULtoolsTMiSsslppi wiscon. ■tojMlßSpurt, Kansas, and Bed lUrers; and at Cleveland, Sandusky and Chicago with Steamer to aU Porta on toe Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transportation of their freights to this Companjfcan rely with cood. deuce on its speedy transit. The m« of Freight to and from any point to tha West, bv the Pennsylvania Railroad, are at allamee u favorable as are charged by other £C B. Companies. *w Be pmlcaliT to mark packages “via PbiJß. B.* E, J, sNEKOER, Philadelphia/ MAGRAW a KOQNB.BO North street. Baltimore. LEACH A CO., No. 2 Astor House, or No. 18. V\b Urts street. New York LEECH A CO.. No, TT State street, Boston. JUa HOCBTON, Gen. FreightAgt,Philadelphia. THOB.A.SCOTT 6«a. Sapt, Altoona. Fa* jatAliy pmCAGO & NORTHWEST \J KEN RAILWAY. DIRECT ROUTE To Rockford, Beloit, Freeport, JanesrJle Galea* Madison, Prairie da Chien. Fond dn Lac. oshlwak. Green Bay, Berlin. Ripon, La Crosse, St t »-il Ac On and after Monday, November *&t . y.y train! leave, via: Day Express—l2.4s Noon. Mf. t for Janesville and Way Stations. L#' ihroajjh tickets can be pore based at all Railroad offices on Dearborn street, or at Passenger Station*. GEO.L. DUNLAP. Superintendent. &Dn Witt Eoanreox, GenT. Ticket Ag’t oclf-ly MICHIGAN CENTRAL AND i'l GREAT WESTERN (CANADA) RAILWAYS. _ winter Arrangement* Trains leave the Great Central Depot,toot oj Lake . „ street, Chicago; WO A K.—Lightning Express (Bandays ezeeptedj arrive at Detroit tfc!s r. x. Sospensloo Bridge 5.00 x. Albany too r. jl: New York UJI — Boston £OO night. I* l, New York and Boston Express, (except Saturday.) arrive at Detroit A3O a. x- Boa. pension Bridge of Buffalo ISO r. x- Albany ?-00 a. x., New York, Boston nooa U0 a. x.—Cincinnati Express, (except Sunday ) throogS to Cincinnati in 15 hours. UO r. a—Cincinnati and Loofivtlle Express; (except Saturday) through to Cincinnati in 11 hour* Louisville In 18 boon. Uu p. x.—Train, Saturday only to NUaa. sandal Trains at BJO p. x. BT Patent Sleeping Cars on all night Crain*. The SJJO p. x. train connects at Pans wUh t'>e Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway tor Buffalo and all points eaat; at Toronto with the Grand Trank Railway to Kingston. Ogdenaburgh. Montreal. Quebec, and all point* to Canada East, Northern Vermont New Hams, •hire and M--ne. Baggage checked through. Through Tickets for sale at tbs principal Ral<roa4 office* in the Norm and West and at the Co o> many's office; comer Lake and Dearborn streets, and at tae depot Lake street. _ , „ E, N. BICE, Baperiita- dent. H £. Sarozr, General Agent. SeSS ItflCHIGAtf SOUTHERN AND ITX LAKE SHORE RAILROAD. 18604 L.....Winter Arrangement U6CM& Taka effect Sunday. Nor. 23. LOC a. x—New York and Boston Sxprea -daily ezca Sundays- via Old Linn, UOr. x— Night Express—dsHy except Saturday, Tta Connecting at Toledo and Detroit with trains to el point* Interior In Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York the New England States *prf Canadas. ABO a. x. and 6,30 p X—Pittsburgh, Baltimore end - PhliMdeipola Ripreae, via Cleveland, mating as antes time *e any other route. 9-Ox«f BJO p.x—Detroit Express ria Adrian arriving in Detroit at 6JO p. x. and 6. Sa. m . connecting directly with train*on the Great • 'Western and Grand Trunk ttoada. tW* Woodruff’* Patent Sleeping Cara accompany all the Night Trains on thlsronte to New Torkandßoaton. Tickets can be bad at all ticket office* tn the WcsA and *t the Company's Office, 58 South Clarkstreet, and at the depot. Trains leave Toledo at 10.35 a. x. end ISL23 p.xi arrive in Chicago at and 8.00 r,x GED. M. GRAY. GenT. Western Agent. John D.Caxphxu, Goal. Soph JertO-iy nme’AGO & ROCK ISLAND V_/ RATI.ROAD LlNK—Passenger Trains depart tram and arrive at Chicago aa fallows: Day Express and Mall leave at9.45A.X* and arrive atA« p.jt. (Sunday* excepted). Night Express leaves at 11.45 p. x (Saturday* except* Od); arrive at 5.13 a- x (Mondays excepted). Joliet W.LBt.Joxx Genl Agent. * defJ QT. LOUIS, ALTON & CHICA GO 60 RAILROAD. WlsT£& ARRAWGMM'gWT The only direct route to Bloomington, Sprtnrfleid Alton and 8L Louis, WITHOUT CHANGE OF CABS Two Express Trains dally leave depot. Canal street; every morning (except Sunday) and every evening cex cept Saturday): „ _ Day Express. Sight Szpt. Leave Chicago at. 905 a. x &00p,x Arrive at Joflet 1030 “ B£9 - “ “ Peoria SJOp.x too*.x ■ “ Bloomington 330 “ 151 • “ “ Decatur 640 “ *• “ “ SprlngUelo 338 " 438 *• “ “ Jacksaav-De ;.534 “ 1236 PX “ •* Alton 900 ■ 830 • '** ** fit. Loals .mas “ ipsa « Through tralne arrive at Chicago at 930 X x and Bril p.x Joaet and Wilmington Accommodation leave Chicago daily (except Sunday), arrive at kao A. x %W~ Elegant Sleeping Can on aO night trains. wNNKCTIONB—At Cbenoa withLogaosport.Peo ria and BorUnzbm Railroad tor Logaaaport. Peoria. GalaborgandßurUngton. At Bloomington with yrS noi* Central Railroad for Decatur. At Springfield wish great w atom Railroad of Ulueis for Jacksonville, Hapleeand Quinsy. At St. Loo.-, with Paddc RMlroei for City, Syracuse, t eorgetown, BoonvUl*, Leringtoo, Independence, Kanaka Cto and Leaven worth, with North Missouri BaQroed for St. Charier Hudson and Bt, Joeph, mid with Iron Mountain RaO road for Pilot Knob and Southern Missouri, with Ran Memphis, Vicksburg and New Orleans. For through tickets apply at the Company's Office, B Dearborn street, oppjafte Tremo&t Bouse, and « the Depot, Canal street :f JAMES ROBB, • -i)-...,,.,. ' CHAS. COKQbOHLI* $e6etTes ’ Buperintoudent. . jpggg.rag^^^ Tt RAIL. A. . BOAR. , . ' I860.:. . imaranti US On and after balsa wS IflsVc tits Great GeEtmDepot* foot of Lake and Boots Water Poeeia. •*•» • . ,! -*f , - v 1 B£fca*a£« (Bundi»«»Pted)juvtvtig'§t Peoria at MB P.jc* - StioQM.IhSO ti. jiti Qdfo 4JB a. jt, mv&SKISSZSSSg^ISSSi 0rk “* 1!1 Trains arrive-In Chicago at: 'Beatfnresttbrms «S la the - Greet Central Bepofc'i •“- • t" :<i ▼. ABTHTTB, Gan. Bnp*t M. P* Agent. - SBES* lakfej.; brnfcfwa-% r- 2 • |^LE^ AmA 1. RAILROAD; —WnJria _ , It-«*r Dixon, Pol£ . mnn<L _5eiSU- 6 °s A * ”“li‘ jflPjitfcf saiLripaj). * ardrea at arrives at tkfgAJM&bSD.Beg't. iHp.aiß.,. tn, direct ~.l *&*' - no We ateojdve strict totha Giatotosof Wool , «pd warwa. and so Uett roar orders. - ts&natj JZTHS * iIMOUiVMMca