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SAIL*, TRI-WEEKLY Aiß Wlßa*, Proprietor*, ; •mpß HO. <1 CJtAHK STHKim si«»SSsseM^d^v//.v«.\;f.^ we 4S ieopio*. I*S • teojdu £aa ' Ss»a‘So to 'into op if asi ;iaol debt may be gaga H ****’■ “** •“ - - t‘CM<»t» Tribune,’’ CUot., miW-ito € THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1861 REPUBLIC** cmr CONVENTION. The Republican voters of the City of Chicago ere requested to meet at the places hereinafter deilg- Bated, in their respective Wards, on Friday the 12th instant, at 4 o'clock f. x., for the selection of delegatee to a Convention, to be bekLattba Be -order's Court Boom, in theConrt Honee, on Sat urday, tho 38th Inst., at So’dock p. x_, for the pnruoee of nominating candidates faf the different offices to be fiQed at the next xnnnldpal election. At each primary meetings, they are requested to rote for candidates for Aldermen and Constable* in the several Wards, and also to appoint a Ward Committee of five, to act until the next Republican City Convention—and report tho same to the Con vention. The Primary Meetlngswlll be called to order and presided over by the members of the Ward Com mittees, as follows: Ist Ward—C- B. Farwell, F. Schlund, L. C. P. Freer, Carlos Haven. ‘‘a Ward—C. L. Wilson, V. R. Hawley, Geo. W, Liage, Theo. Hartmann, L L. Milliken, 3d Ward—Geo. A. Flagg, Wm. Murray, A. D. • Tittsworth, A. Garrison, M. Bemrick. 4th Ward—L. Lampertz, John Baber, PC. Frank, Win. Justice, O. H, Salisbury. sth Ward—A. Akin. W. A. Groves, Geo. P. Han sen- Chas. Ippel, C. N. Holden. Sth Ward—D. C. Ferguson, Beuben Taylor, Jno. Amondtim, G. Leverenz, Wm. Wayman; 7th Ward—A, C. Hesing, L. Brentano, E. An thony, Neils Peterson, 1. Brosch. r • Sth Ward—Geo. Schneider, M. D. Ogden, C. Wahl, E. C. Lamed, Iver Lawson, nth Ward—A. C. Coventry, H-. Krelßjnan, N. Jackson. E. Bawson. - • 30ih Ward—Lewis Dodge, C. F. HopMnson, Jno. Lobatcin, O. S. Merrick, Che*. Bietz. The election shall be kept open until g o'clock «. a. of said day. The Delegates are appointed as follows: One for each one hundred Republican voters at the Presidential election, and one for eactv fraction of two-thirds of that number, as fol low*: Vote. Delegates. .. 1284 IS 1249 12 .812 8 ..651 ... 6 .. 1423 14 .. 1668 17 ..1581 15 ..752 7 ..440 4 ..991 10 Ist Ward. Sd “ 4th " sv& *th “ 7tn “ Bth “ Via '• 10th “ The places for holding the primary meeting! for the several Wards will be as follow#: ■ First Ward-Orient House. Second Ward—SS-G State street. Third Ward—Sheriffs Office. Court Aouie. Fourth Ward—Armory. Fifth Ward—Engine fiouae, corner Clinton and Washington streets. Sixth Ward—West Market Hall. Seventh Ward—Frederick Pullmarm's, corner Division and Welle streets. Eighth Ward—lfoxth Market Hall. Sloth Ward—Carpenter's shop on Cass street, between Michigan and Klnzie streets. Tenth Ward—Chas. Linfe, corner Twelfth and pnlon streets. JohuL.Wii.iok, 1 E. Hanson, ' John C. Uclleb, I City Jacob Eeh*, f Central Geo. W. 2s’oble, I Committee. Lieb, j THE NEWS. The contradictory surmises and discor dant statements received by telegraph last evening, will leave our readers in doubt about the expected conflict at Fort Sum ter. Fortunately the suspense in which the latest accounts creates cannot he of great duration. The question must be solved to-day, or, should the weather on the coast he unfavorable for the operations of the fleet, soon thereafter. We are at present inclined to give credit to the report which says that Jeff. Davis will prevent a fight by permitting Sumter to ho provisioned. We have never believed that the Southern stomach was as greedy for lead and cold steel as the chivalry would fain make us believe. All the incidents and accompani ments of Secession, from first to last, have been of a sort well calculated to create the impression that the movement was the re sult of momentary passion rather than the profound conviction whieh inspires even timid men with courage to do and dare all things for success. But we shall see what a day will bring forth. , MB. SEWARD. The allegation that there is dissension in the Cabinet at Washington, and that Mr, Seward threatens to withdraw in conse quence of the policy which the President has inaugurated, is an invention of the ene my, behind which an excuse for a want of loyalty to the Government, in this crisis, is sought No man in Washington, if our private advices are correct, is more ear nestly in favor of the enforcement of the laws than the Sccretaiy of State. Sin cerely desirous of peace, he has the wis dom to see that it can he attained only hy obedience to the constituted authorities. The efforts of the New York Herald and other Satanic journals, to create dissatis faction in the Republican ranks by the as? sumption that Mr. Seward has quarreled with the President, are purely gratuitous, and have their origin in motives that no patriotic man can entertain. STAND BV THE GOVERNMENT. Now faltering now. A step backward is utter and irretrievable ruin to the cause which every man in the North must make his own. It ia a confession of error and cowardice which the Republicans of Chi cago will never make. In ordinary times the doty of standing by the Government is not necessarily imperative. Where only partisan issues like those which have been presented, arc involved, to oppose or sus tain an Administration is hardly a matter of merit or demerit. But now the very existence of the Constitution and the Union depends upon the fidelity of the people to the rulers whom they have chosen. They must be supported; because they are the representatives of law, order, constitution al liberty and national interrity. To ob struct the plans which they may have formed, or to discourage their patriotic en deavors to do their whole duty, is to ex tend aid and comfort to om country’s ene mies by whom they are assailed, gave we any Cow-boys in Chicago ? PBEPAKE TO HOWL, In quick response to bur advice, the New York Herald, of the Bth, comes to us fiiTH ■with lamentations over the alleged fact that “the President has plunged the coun try Into civil war!” Thai’s the key-note. Now let the little secessionists here setup a howL Let them gloss over the acts of hostility, of which, during five months, those gentle patriots of the South have been guilty—the occupation of Federal forts, ar senals, mints, navy-yards, custom-houses— the levying of armies with the avowed pur pose of shooting down the Federal troops —the sieges of Sumter and Pickens-—the Montgomery Convention—-the Ordinances of Secession—and all the long and black list of treasonable offences, and swear that the President, in the plain executionof one of his most obvious duties, " has plunged the country into civil war” Somebody who has no seen a newspaper since the Novem ber election, may be induced to believe it. Let ns expose the Timet to begin! a arasrm Tire Chicago Timet has to claim to be an Union paper. Will the edi tor of that sheet answer—ls the Timet 3*. favor of the reinforcement and occupation of the fortresses in . the seceding States by the troops of the Federal GoTcmmeht, in cluding Forts Sumter and Pickens ? FOB WAS HIK GTON* battery of. light artillery stationed Fort Bidgely,*nd>lßteiy * ordered to Viewport, ig, by command of the Secretary of War, to proceed to Washington.? The *!?** . ara.-nxpficted to , pass this city, probabty, pnFriday.' 1 ‘ - 1 > ’~' ; - ' ■■’'"■ ~' - ; ' '•—■ --- • ■’• .; ■ • --^ ; ‘ '--.nte-.--. ■ j.:'.~ ..*, VOLUME xiy. ‘ the cmr bibciios. ‘ The Chicago Timet publishes the follow ing ticket for dty officers; B, BBTAN—{Eepobil- Tm CommittUmort of Public M vision—Philip Conley—(Democrat) ftooth Division—Chas, M. Gray—(Democrat) West Division—Frederick Lets—(Bepnhlican.) : ZVwttrar-Calvln C. Parks. Jr.—(Dem oprat) -. . ... . City CoJUcior-~ John P. Chapin— (Ecpnbli- .JfottvMlorntv-aaheTt 0. Wtfker-OJemo- Wy Survtyor—'Blch&ii Potti-(S«cMHlon- Por q t On Pallet Court—vm Uam D. Haw ley—(Politics unknown.) The Times gives this ticket the benefit of the following endorsement: “ Th « time has evidently arrived when new and all important issues are to agitate the minds of the people of the Northwest. Thousands of men who have heretofore acted In opposition in party poli tics, feel themselves Impelled to a coalition by a common sense of danger to their country. What ever may have been their abstract views on philan thropic or political questions in the past, they feel that all mere abstract opinions or temporary policy ought to be subordinated to the integrity and unity of the government and nation founded by their fathers, and to the security of their own happiness and liberty. Impelled by this common impulse, and by a deep conviction that nationally, the radi cal elements of society. North and South, are driv ing ns to disintegration, war, anarchy and ruin* and that locally the -sharks of office and combina tions of political hudesters are impoverishing the people to aggrandize themselves, the people, irre spective of party, have resolved to assert their le gitimatelprerogative, and make one more gallant •Sbrt for self-control and a pore government. l ’ The ticket is fathered by & Bolf-oonstituted committee, in which the names of C. H. McCormick, Walter B. Scales, Elihu Gran ger, Thomas Lonergan, Aaron Haven, -M. F. Tuley, S. S. Hayes, J. F. D. William Price and D. Cameron, Jr, are the most prominent, in giving character to the concern. With fine sarcasm these gentlemen have dubbed it a “Union Tick et”—McCormick, Scales, Granger and the Chicago Timet having been distinguished the past winter hy their opposition to the schemes of the secessionists! Of Mr. Bryan, Mr, Letz and Mr. Chapin we have not a single harsh word to say. We have long known them as valuable citizens and sincere patriots. If they have chosen to let their names go abroad, in this momentous crisis, in the doubtful connec tion in which we find them—nominated and supported by rank secessionists—we can only grieve that it is so. That they are personally friends of the Union we will not for a moment doubt. That among -their supporters are many other true friends of the Union is equally indisputable. The fact remains that they are selected by the worst disunionists in our city as locomo tives to drag the train of the pro-slavery rebellion in Chicago, to victory in the com ing municipal election. It is but a few days since the Chicago Tima contained an article taunting the delegates in the Vir ginia Convention with irresolution and imbecility because they do not at once plunge into secession. If any other reason can be assigned for its sneers at the Old Dominion, we should like to know what it is. This is the kind of Union sentiment which lies at the bottom of the ticket, and which seeks to monopolize our Board of Public Works, in the coming election. When the Tima talks of “a coalition im pelled by a common sense of danger,” the public know very well what kind of a “co alition ”ia meant The fact is grasped and comprehended, all over the city, that the “ coalition ” is formed to cheer the traitors at Charleston and to weaken the arm of the Government at Washington. What ever may be Mr. Bryan's own views and feelings in this crisis, he cannot deny that the Tima and its sympathizers all over the country, will proclaim his election as the verdict of Chicago against the reinforce ment of Sumter, Their mouths are all made up to swear that it is a triumph of the rattle-snake principles of South Carolina over those who would defend the stars and stripes to the last drop of blood in their veins. We are sorry that we cannot support Mr. Bryan and the other Republicans, who bare been placed upon this ticket to relieve its arrant seceasionism. Aside from the bad company in which they are found, we have nothing to say against them, but very much in their favor. We should regard the election a', this time of the ticket which ,bears their names greatest calamity which could befall the good name of Chi cago, and the worst stigma we could affix to the glorious flag under which the Amer ican name Ims a patent of nobility in All lances aqd aU seas. The Glam Visible* The Secession organ—the Tima, hoists the mongrel clique ticket with great alacrity. As the editor helped to-hatch out the ill-shapen bantling, it is 0l?ly natural that he should feel a warm affection for his progeny. In the course of a laudatory commendation of the ticket, occurs this remark; “We are in \he midst of a revolution; and, for the benefit alike of our party and of opr country, we hail this movement of the conser vative men with equal pride and pleasure.” The mongrel ticket ia for the “ benefit of our party.” If it be elected it will help the Secessionists ip Chicago elsewhere. The General fa oTiferfog nppp a fearful struggle with traitors and rebels. It Is the Constitution, the Union, and the en forcement of the laws on the one side, and secession, treason, and violation of law on the other. Those who oppose the Government give aid and comfort to the enemies of the country. - ■ " Hie Primary meetings ftnfl die Ticket. On Friday afternoon the prijnary meetings will he held to elect delegates to the Republi can City Convention which will assemble the next day, to place a ticket before the people. "What is wanted Is perfect fairness in holding the pjimsjy meetings. All persons supposed to heiopg to cliques are invited to stand back. Let the rank ana file manage the matter time. There emst be no packing, stuffing or gouging. Let ns have Mr and square work. We want the very best citizens selected for delegates, confident that they will nominate the strongest possible ticket, pie indications ore, that there will be a Mr and satis&etory convention, and that a ticket of unexception able men will be nominated. This if the gen eral desire of dll true Republicans, The au thors of the mongrel secession ticket are pinning their hopes of electing it on the ides that the Republican ticket will be a weak one, and that there Wi# pe enough dissatisfied Re- 4 publicans who will bolt to it Let this point be carefully guarded against Certain men of doubtful popularity, who are anxious for important nominations, opght to see thisis notthe time to press their camps on the party. If the right spirit animates the invention, ;all such will be set aside, and none bpt the yciy best and strongest men will be placed on the’ track. The real Union men have a grays duty before thepj. every true man make up Us mind to do his part faithfully ep4 honestly. With a' fair nomina tion and good candidates, the old flag wilt' ware-in triumph over the municipal eonteet next Tuesday. .. Wiecojnatn. The Madison Journal contains reported ma jorities for Judge of the Supreme poprt from' S9 counties, ih whidi Cplcie 185P ahead of Kuowlton. The official returns from Milwau* kw and Eock counties Increases Cole’s major ity to over 2,600. We thinV the <2O Rimes "to hear from will hardly, change: the result,and ▼e led pretty certain that Colb U elected Republican Mayor Elected, r April 9—Wm. El Ms-' Ecu, Republican, was elected Mayor -to-d»T. On the city and Irani tickets, the Destoetatt were generally euceesEfnl - ■■ ■ THE CITY. 6M“BEK FOURTH PAGE. Rvcoeder'b Couet.—W. B. i Dempster wi on trial yesterday for forgery, \ ' ; PsEoociotrs.—A boy, fourteen years old, named WllliamS. Fish has been arrested for passing counterfeitmoney.- ApponiTMm.—E.lJeiunan, ofthla dty,his receivedthe appointment of . Route Agent on the Chicago, Alton & St Louis Railroad. United Sixths Count.—The Grand Jury are buey preparing cases.' Unlted States Dis trict Attorney Lamed;enters upon his dutlea next week. . . - Law School—The Law School 6f the Chi cago University opened yesterday. _ It 'has al ready won an established reputation among professional schools.- ■ Vacation.—The Public Schools close on Friday nest, for a vacation of two weeks. Host of these schools are prepariog for,exhi bitions on Friday afternoon. r Route Agents.—We I earn thatiW. H. Eddy has received the appointment as Route Agent* on the Chicago, Burlington-& Quincy, and Wm. DeWolf on ithe .Galena & Chicago Union Railroad. . Melancholy Accident.—On Monday after noon a man named John CaHaganwas tiHed while in the act of raising a one-story cottage, belonging to his sister, on Jnild street, be tween Clmton and Jefferson, West side. . E3T By reference to Messrs. C. Follansbee & Sons, advertisement, it Till be seen (hey have purchased the interest of F. Mehring, in the Ice business, and are prepared to supply all demands. Fair and Festival.— The ladle* of Christ Church, Rev. C. E. Cheney, rector, are arrang ing' their handi-work for their forthcoming Fair and Festival, to he held at Bryan Hall on Thursday and Friday evenings of the present week. . . • .. ; - As A fpoistmekt,— Mr. James Smith has been appointed Freight Agent of the Michi gan Central KaUroad—the aitnatipn formerly held by J. W. Smith. Mr. Smith ia no novice in railroad matters—having been long connect ed with the N. Y. Central Railroad. List or Fin. uses. —The Boston Commer cial Bulletin contains each week a list, of fail ures, assignments, changes in business &c , in all the principal cities of the Union. The num ber for April 6th is just received by John E. Walsh, comer of Madison street and Custom House Place. Cubist Church Fair and Festtval.—Do not forget the Fair and Festival of Christ Church, which opens at Bryan (lower) Hall this evening. : Tho design of the Festival is a truly beneficent one, and should command the support of the Christian public. We trust there may be a full and generous atten dance. New Warehouse. —Messrs. Armour & Dole commenced yesterday to reeeive grain at their new elevator warehouse on the North Branch, on the C. B. &Q.R. E. They have a Storage capacity of 750,000 bushels, and ran Teccive and unload 300 cars per day. The Chicago & Northwestern Railroad will give them a track in a few days. The canal slip, is nearly in readiness. taf" Persons wishing to be informed as to the correct positions of the different forts in “Savannah river and Charleston harbor,” would do well to caU on McNally & Go., 81 Dearborn SL, and purchase a “ Chart.” Also a new work by the title of “ Three Great Ra ces of Men, their Origin, Character and Desti ny,” by J. B. Turner? and the “Life and Career of Major Andre,” by Wihthrop Sar gent Annual Meeting or tzzs Young Men's Christian Association. —A committee was appointed at a meeting of .the Managers of the Young Men’s Christian Association, held on Monday' evening, to make arrangements for the Annual Meeting,which is to take place next Monday night Reports of officers may be expected, showing the transactions of the So ciety for the past year, and the services of Rev. Dr. Tiflany have been secured to deliver an address on the occasion. Held to Bail.—A young man named Prank Ktnzie, was committed to jail in default of SBOO, on a charge of stealing, on Saturday last, a lot of jewelry from No. 188 Madison street. It consisted of a gold watch and chain, valued at SBS, a pair of heavy gold bracelets, a gold cross, several rings, ear-rings,, studs, ete., be longing to Mrs. Eads, Miss ; Brown and Miss McAllister, all leaving at the’ house aforesaid. Suspicion at once fastened upon youngHinzie, an indentured apprentice to Mr, Eads, who was found to be missing,; The telegraph over took him at Laporte. Miss Dbessee’s Leotubb this Eventsg. The history of the young lady who, will speak this evening in Metropolitan' Hall. is one of a very romantic character. ’ At the sge of four teen her parents escapedfrom Salt Lake. The family was Impoverished. - She undertook to educate herself by her labor at a boarding school. Afterwords, on a journey as lady’s maid, she began to prepare her lectures, and since that time she has spoken. In nearly every city in the Union, before several State Legis latures, and has supported;her parents by her labors. Miss Dresser admits that while she does not prefer her position as a profession, yet as a matter pf duty she hopes to accomp" lish some;good for the deluded, and support her parents, who lost their health and pro perty to resene their children from the jaws pf a living death. • , Real Estate ani? Manutactuees.—We hear of a sale of real estate recently made by Enos Ayres, Esq., of this city, of a-lot, corner of West Water and Madison streets, for Hugh Msher, Esq., to Messrs. C. E. Olmsted & Co., of Burlington, lowa, on which the purchasers propose erecting a large merchant Flowing MHI, capable of turning out 6po barrel* per day. This and other transactions of the kind, noticed by us during the last few weeks, give ample evidence that read estate, if not an upward tendency, is certainly becoming more active. Our city needs an influx of man-, ufacturing men,’and it gives a glimpse of the ‘.‘good time coming,” to see that shrewd and and intelligent .capitalists are beginning to look to this city as the paying point, for in vestments. Such items of news gladden the hearts of our property owners as well as those of the laboring classes. Let ns have more of the same sorb . _ grey of the morning. The household within Tlf e at Harmony doors are silent The wretch'Hayes Whom Pursuant to a call,’the true and real Kepub- ■^ ar6^ial ? one * does hpt flare to feay tm# not llcans of Chicago met on Wednesday evening hired, had left the bolt drawn and six armed at Harmony Hall, to.take jnto*consideration ™ en P B * B ®thijrs. One or two persons, ■ the prescat state of- th% party, and the nomi- ne *Skbors, Tyhose testimony *we have, hear nations to be made for municipal officers. outcries and a scuffle. The children are The meeting, ofterihaving been organs jadfry flowu,and placed In the nmnibus, the electiOnbf Bobert Knight as President ea 8 stoot colored man is dragged down, B. W. Wehrii, Ytce Pfesident, and Johan * aan « l e d i his elbows tied behind hisbkck. Kune, -Secretary,' was most eloquently and dresspd, and the woman if -addressed In language that had the down wrapped in a qnlllfor decency's true Sumkrian .ring,* by Umn. Gage, Bradley P*®ci*ely the form* of arrest. King, Harvey, Bud, Davia, Page, and Denman. Mr. Jones may make what fine point he pleaa , Ailerjhe speeches, the following resolutions 8888 tQ-the actual state of. il tomnoleMe" of were Reported by * the' Comraittee- captured. There was certainly a Stickney, Rogers and unanimously • onlno icoce to aIl ordinary calls to humanity idopfcedt* . on the part of the captors.'. . Whvbkab, It Is understood that the Government' of the Police Commission's has since of the Halted. Stalf* touods_ adopting t effectual, the arrest, questioned- the Federal measures to protect and defend the. fonifitations. > /?, r , yeaenu Oncers property sndlsws of the Union,therefore . somewhat closely as to “who the men were , Hescivtd, That we as a portion of the free peoi. who wore stars 1 ' at the fini* nf pie of the United States, do hereby declare burd£ £“ • r • - ■ eCf capture, termination to support the present Administration -ti ® was told they werenone of the city police, ™ a* ‘ j _ • . gahy worn by theplmps and bullies who were WefiUw W itoW Jq ? i - Haoirtd, That wewifl Support no Tn«n forofflee iu kncßNtagty as it appears from his in city, 5 late or nation, who Avon the Institution card.- Mr. Jones vouchSffidr his Demits* Ra: ofslavery; whoadvpcatestherightof seoesslonor. 't'i. ~v v-„ j~~.■ e P ac J BKe .apologies for treason.- v pubucanism. It. - mil strike the : minds of EctolvecL, That we will stand bvtheßemibllcaa manypf our cUiaens as anovelty and we are thorough-brad ■BepubUcaMoqly*hji yandidtrtos at x ? p - i . n ® that this . Deputy : the forthcoming municipal election, • ruv , r songhtmeh whoTfrere A Committee of three, consisting of Messrs. aad'abpadri^>U^ l i| T ~ ’ - • I B^BkTAdDiTta.TOippolnteditfl^vttb 1 : ijfiaa' to ife .• on.J,P.yara»wotti l Jd»(it. Got. BEpfimum, Udaarrert.and-tho eoggeation of aooMlH. toaddreM.*; ty^'tefois;. citron. ■ *d elegant.akicia of iW -Market J iaadetooiderl>yoi*df ota'i«#elet»i«ad S a rseolnttonpaeaed by this meeting, AB trad .-iciibaS'. ‘‘Mts. <T. ! K ?of&t”-., : No one coold to orderand ; tv . .......J«uui bj ’ CHICAGO, THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 1861. THE ARREST OF THE HARRIS FAMILY. A Card from U.S.Marehal Jones, FURTHER COSDtEJSTS ON THE CASE. To the PublJe. . Chicago, April 9,188 L ' I had; not designed replying to the statements contained in.the Chicago Tbiuune, in relation to the-arrest of to e fugitives' in this city on Wednes day last'; but so much'has been said and so mauv false statements-made and repeated, Ibatl feel it doe to'the public .and tomyeeu that a correct state ment of I&cts should be made.' ,r - Thedntyof a Marshal Is suggested by the lan guage of his official oath, which Isas follows. “I '”do‘solemnly swear that 1 will faithfully execute “ all law/idprecepts directed to the Marshal of the “Northern District oflilinola underthe authority • of the United States, and true returns ™«Vf» and ‘‘in all things well and' truly and without malice or perform the duties of the office of Mar “shal of the Northern District of Illinois durine ** my continuance in.said office and ta>e only my “lawful fees.eo help me God.” The law makes it as much the duty of the Marshal to execute a war rant for the arrest of a fugitive elaye as it makes It his duty to execute any other process, and baring sworn to execute the law In good faith, I. saw no other alternative when the warrant was placed in my hands hut to execute it. The warrant was' carefully examined hy one eminently qualified to j odge of its legality, and I was told by persons in whose Judgment I placed implicit confidence, what my duty clearly was, and teat anything short of its •faithful execution would be a palpable violation of • my oath. I knew too that if I succeeded in getting"; the fugitives Into my custody, the huv made me responsible for the full value of such fugitives in the State from which they escaped. In the event of their escape, whether with or without my assent. I also believed (&-belief justified by the result, In as much as a mob of several hundred negroes did assemble immediately after the arrest) that the arrest could not be made pnbliclv, without the cer tainty of. a serious risk and probable loss of life. I therefore decided to have the arrests made early in-the morning, before there were many persons on the street. The arrests were made at a tew minutes past six o’clock, in broad daylight, and at half-past six the train started for Springfield (stop-' pmg oat of the city limits two hours and a haft awaiting for the regular morning train down 10 ; t ike them forward), 'ihe warrant described the fugitives, so minutely that it was impossible ’ to' mistake them. • The claimants brought letters from citizens of St. Donlsof the highest respecta bility, among others one from O. D. Fllley, late ’ Mayor,. indorsing, him as a man of high moral character, and one whose statements were entitled to thenunoat confidence. The Tbibcke’* state ment .that the- fugitives were “ aroused from a state of somnolence” is not true. : They were all up and dressed, with the exception of one of the children, which was but partially dressed. No such language was used towards the woman as Is attributed to one of the party making the ar rest. - The statement that “ the United Stales Mar shal, Jones, was the while frowning down the ef forts of a grizzly braded colored person to get out of a bed room, against the dmr or which the majes ty of the law. In the shape of Mr. Jones, had placed its bact, with a revolver at the key hole should the grizzly colored person prove obstreperous,” is utterly false. I was not present at the arrest, did not go near the house where the fugitive were and did not sec them or any of them, until they got out of the omnibus at the depot. The statement that I “took none but pro-slavery Democrats Into my office, to one of whom I had already given, proba bly with reference to such affairs as this, a regular Deputy-ship.” is utterly untrue. The only Deputy -1 have appointed is as sound a Republican as any In the country. He pupported Scott in 1852; pub lished a Republican paper and supported Fremont In 1856, ana was heartily a Lincoln man- in 1860, and never voted a Demo ratic fcket in his life. In regard to the statement that ‘‘ other tools ot like antecedents and sympathies were chosen, and their hard heartedness tested, as the man tries the steel on which he is to rely,” I have only to say that 1 did not know one of the men selected by-my Deputy to assist him in the arrest—had no conver sation with any of them on the subject, nor do I now know what their political sentiments are. Allusion is twice made in the Tutbune's article to the probability of my being rewarded by “ a Ser vice of plate from the nigger drivers.” In the same issue la a notice of a silver pitcher on exhibi tion on Clark street, marked “lire. J. R. Jones;” but the writer of the article carefully avoids giv ing any of the circumstances connected with the pitcher, leaving its readers to infer that the reward above referred to had already been received, I shall be pardoned for saying that the Pitcher alluded to was presented to my wife hy the Merchants’ Association of Chic igo, as a return for the zeal which It was supposed i had manifested in looking after their Interests during the past win ter at Springfield—the presentation of which I knew nothing of until 1 reached home on Sunday last. The statement that I “hired the wretch Hayes to betray his colored brethren” is utterly false. Neither my deputy nor myself ever saw or heard of the man Hayes, until we saw his name connect ed with the matter in the Tbi j dne ; we had noth ing whatever to do with him, directly or indirectly. The statement that ** the i fatalities that were in flicted upon the whole family, dragged, bound and gagged, and half naked down stairs, the oaths and corses and show of revolvers with which the tools of Marshal Jones did his bidding,” &c., &c., is ut terly false and without a gejablance of truth. There wasno more violence nsed than was abso lutely neoessary lo make the arrest. No revolver was displayed or seen in the transaction, and no one gagged. , „ Neither my deputy nor myself ever heard of the S4OO niward referred to until we saw it In the Tm buhb. I have only to add, In conclusion, that be ing first fully convißced that my oath required that I should execute the warrant in good faith, painful as the duty was, I sought to do it in such a manner as to avoid any scenes of lawless violence, and the more than probable loss of life in the event of a riot—and the riot Itself—which would have been inevitable had the arrest been made at any other lime or In any other manner. I very much doubt if any of those persons wh6 are now so ready to censure me for a faithful discharge of an exceed ingly unpleasant duty, have really any more sym pathy. for the negroes, or will do more to relieve their sufferings, than myself; or that they are at heart more thorpughly opposed to slavery than I am. The difference between them aad myself is, that I have taken a solemn oath to execute the law, while they have not.lf for a faithful discharge of my duty I am to be condemned, then I am pre pared to take the consequences. J. R. Jokes, U. S. Harthal. COMMENTS. We give place, and have given a •arefol pe rusal to the above Card of United States Mar shal Jones, It is no wonder that he desires to free himself from the just odium that would necessarily attach to an officer in his position, -were our recent strictures on his.couree in the arrest of the Harris family true, the question is how far this letter of- Marshal Jones ia to be taken pa a defence. ; And we do hot see that the: features of the affair, whereof we complained are relieved a single whit by the careful special pleadings of Mr. Jones. The earlier statement in our first notice, quoted at length above, as to Mr. Jones’ being present at the time of the arrest, .was folly and distinctly withdrawn in our nest issue, but the further and indisputable fact rcmalnSj on -the* best of that “sorrwperwneffinghimsdfJS, S. Marshal Jones” did play the part at the bed-room door, and that one of the inmates of the room, a colored woman, wes so the violence of the persons making the arrest that she leaped from the upper window to the ground, so severely.injuringhepseifthat shets still un der physicians care. We censured Marshal Jones severely, but reluctantly, for the spirit and mode of this arrest, we do so still. We called it an outrage not aside from the htrocity and severity of the law itself, precisely as we might, without questioning the laws for collection of debt, •ensure a sharp constable for over and inhu man zeal in the discharge of his duty. Marshal «Tones says he wqs not there, but hp was not ikr for he state? that he met the party at the depot He denies tjiat he knows any of . the men who aided in the ar- we are bound to believe him; but not to excuse him. A man is responsible for the acta of his' - Deputy. It was Marshal Jones’ business to know who was aiding in this ar rest, and how it was accomplished. We tell him it 1 was done Inhumanly, anfl. see nothing in his lelter fo disprove It, for the strongest point Mr. Jones mokes is lock dU personal knowledge of the mailer. The oihnibus is driven to the door in the forty flncSSßui B&to afflji. sad there was no s'u eh ! ; lYe, leaybMarshal ‘Jones' connection with an- arrest l we trust will be withdul a paralidln ihefututo, as it has none in the pMf of Fugitiv processes in this city. ' - H was with, reluctance that we found our selves called to review and comment upon one of the earliest.. ofifoJal acts of bur new United States. Marshal. -;|The .personal relations be- ’ tween Mr. JoneßMd bne of the editors of this paper run 'of kindly intercourse, mad we had hastened to these columns to con- ■ gratnlate and welcome • him to hia’ hew post. It was unlocked ibr, and unwelcome to us, to be forced to cenraire him; and we are willing to accept ibe most. charitable construction to be derived from his letter above given—that, With a determination’ to perform his duty, in the' very place his reputation for hu manity was at stake, as a man and an officer, he gave over the whole toto'the hands and con duct pf men with neither , humanity nor repu tation, forgetting;, that although ignorant of what they might do, he was none the less ac countable. Had Marshal Jones sought his ad visers. and assistants from men «thoroughly opposed to slave*#” as he claims to be him self, the law, odioia as it is, might have been vindicated, and community. V: ' j Aitonudigg Developments—Slave Stealing and Negro Hunting, Some weeks since, a man, a stranger, came .to a respectable colored' woman, for fifteen years resident In folia city, a Mrs. Johnson. He Introduced . himself by , saying that ho was a Mend of -{he : colored race. He had learned that Mrs. Johnson had a danghter in slaTerj in Missouri.' This started the bid colored jwoman’s confidences only slowly, and it was |not nntil the second visit that he made much headway with his errand. Finally, howeyer H jieperenaded her of his good intention, his experience and ability in this particular line, afi| she agreed with him that he was to receive from her *l3O, for services and expenses in riming off this danghter and her family, a hnsband and three children. Mrs. Johnson mo&gagcd her llfoe home for a part of this stitti . u r . This family waafom Harris family, and they arrived in dnetim£ and were closely sheltered here. Their new (found friend and rescuer stuck closely to them, bade them keep the house of the mother and never he seen out of doors, and they followed hla Instructions Meanwhile thia identical man, after a trip to St, Louis, came b|ek, and was closeted again and again with Federal officers in this city They used a roomat the Tremoht House for this purpose; andSwhen the scheme was care fully ripened, the Mring was pulled, the game bagged, and the Very party who stole the slaves in Missouri and was paid i one hundred and fifty dollars by the mother of the woman for so doing, is equally officious in sending them back, and so sbares in the reward offered by the master. There is rcaaon to believe that the ecoundrel is one of a organised gang in St Louis and. Chicago who make a hnsin-ss of running off and then returning slaves, by the shuttle-like process making a very good thing of it The principal operators are ex police men, and policemen high in favor at St Louis. , Y - H- B •—AU members will be at their headquarters Thursday evening. l at 8 o’clock i?'i l ‘S’S on dut y- The E. Tis Fri uay. n. a, L. Q.y, f. ‘i Olcott B, Pabks, C. P. Chauncey T T, West Chicago Grand Mass Mszttno at the West Market Haxl.-AII who are Id favor of sup porting our present -flsderof Administration in administering an<X_ enforcing the i Constitutional iates <f the Nation&xo requested to meet at the West Market Hall, on this (Thursday) evening, at o’clock. The union and perpetuity of the Re publican party, as will be iully dis- Cttßßsed * Prank Schoenewald, Sec’y Sixth Ward lsep. Club. A. B. Johnson, President. English and French hair brushes of new and superior patterns, Just opened by Sargent apothecary, Randolph and State strett. t®"The Utest Improrement In Sewing ila chmes la fonnd In Sbnfa EUlpac, Lock Stitch Ma chine, which can be ccen at 64 Clark ctreet, nnder Sherman House. Hiobtt-Tiohtt—EIPIODCIT-JThe receipt for matins oil which will burn In Kerosene Lamps— imitative of Kerosene—and which we will warrant to explode like gunpowder, can be had gratia at Noble's Lamp and Oil Emporium, 123 Clark etreet - : apMt To Sendees Hoarseness.—A music teacher in the “ Southern Female College,” Athene, Tenm, says of Brown’s Bronchial Troches, or Cough Loz enges : “ Having tried expectorant for hoarseness without much benefit, I seemed cured by the use of one box. lam highly nieased .with them.” \ If yon wish for bushy whiskers or a ’fasci nating mustache, send for a box of Belling ham's .Stimulating Ongnent. It : is warranted to bring them out In from three to six weeks. Sent on receipt of price and postage, sl.lß, to any address, by J. H. Johnson, TO State street, Chica- S°» _ mh2B,Sm For abt operation upon your teeth, or for fxbtzct artificial work of any desirable style, call on Dr. Albaugh, No. 68 West Randolph at. Ja2fr*n Cook * McLafri, 98 Dearborn street, have made their price for cleaning and dyeing gent’s gaments leas than any other house in the city. Sm advertisement of “Hard Rntbcr itlgg’, Truss'-—hae cured casesof ttfentv years standimr in this City. - uuls-im S3f All should not fell to read ths advertisement of Prof. Wood In todays paper. mh-ly peck, gLOAT’S SEWING MACHINE. BLOAT’S ELliync LOOK STITCH SE IPI.Vff .V&CSII.VJES, Iks Only Machines Having do ELLIPTIC HOOK w. a ZOABON & CO.. SOLE AGENTS FOE THE NOItTHtfEST, fi CUBK STMET, ’ ’ TTndei- tlio Nsw Sherman House. ; CHICAGO, ILL. WAOTB ° te OUMNER’S HORSE UNISIENT S U Mveral T£*n* «taaboV«3StoVSl‘ dy for the mange upon Dogs, ead^the upon animals $ eyejy d^^lp^on: ■ orins « Jtl James Blmonda, ‘ Ralti-,, J. i>. Walton. Kew Tnrfc ' • more, Hd.- ' D. Tallman^ A..B*Mer,FhltadelphlaFa - g h^ o tc?Sf’ : , m : AHayest Natick, Mast Dr. Wm. W. Egleetoo, TetotoMTi^eSfcUe^a EngcSn® to me The above Remedies are tor sale bt O F FhHer * wggmsay. ONE THOIISANfr A <mim wanted |o q«U Clark's recently Improved. : PATER! IIOELIIU NAIKIRB PEB6IL. Splendid inducement* offßMd.---Bnrnpie* sect by mall' on receipt of as cents, or circulars, terms. &e_~bv-ari dnasUig. Trtlh stomp, & P. CLARK, tfortSampton. “«*«• ' . ipioa w QARPS, v ;.. ;. • v:, , •' BBA'-MSkAPS*' ‘s-, - mintsivu, ' POSTSBS, ■ „■ UUBELB, ~ ' . i TACUh :I^tt«P'.He»d*,- ; ','.'!.'.:i! , .i::'.. -.. ■“. •' ■ Envelop**, ' ■ S*awphlet», . Books, '&c„ TMtafoUy cot up to order, it TzSreu Office, br • • - • ,-• \*: s '"wst hTrasd. l^An^QADeOJ^ANlSS^order NTeim Sttbettißramrts. C. S. SCBiyjiN',- Advertising Agent, Dear tow st., is authorized to receive AdzeriUementsfor thie and gu ike Leading Papers of-iheJrorihtceaC- \VANTED —A Situation as a : encM iS‘55i >y * Gemmn. Brat of refer. a|RC™.feet' e °- JOHN NAEPERJO. VY-^-^TEp—Board in a-private a »ithi e J#is lere B f E n ® otoer hoarder?, for or ten minutes walk ofthe Office ±lonse - Address “BOSTON," at TrihnSe ■ - ' apu-esoast- A Furnished House, w*lk of th tnSs?£S aaa !P' “ItMn twenty minutes’ G^re,eraocS t *& £*f|"ri£, — : - . . apuast w™ Furnished Rooms , ’ ilt,* ? na Boar<i ta some private Ikmllv where there - apu.e3g.Bt \\^'ANTED —A Lady of respects &s*ssss.’&sg& aftsass sag renll?inm g h n « Me “ ,4mi ? J '* would endeavS"to vtSon Sf?Mi&’ #n(i 2!, al4notlill ’ e i t t o the super- Vf 100 ,ofchildren. a widower’s farndv preferred. drem^Sr 1 w a £ 1 »? ,ll fl a Rjtereocea exchanged. Adi dress GH.1..” Chicago Post Office. apilxSt WANTED —By a man from the sre^ffre-S* t -^ 1 ?- T *«® r *- C* ll fiuhishdty and East- of 0 ot,Jcct iMKBB nO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE— A/-, x s'= ba y«Uil»day associated trlth os Mr. S. P. 'ri...,.ss apartner In onr business. slill-EOj; * ~ APIA l,l£n-soS.m 6 ug ILBEEI & EAMF6 ° y - TROARDING. —In a retired and' •““"'T. ” ear Vie city, with School “a be had «t reasonable m «i. Addicts 4, z n ’’ Tribune Office apil-e:(9St |RIED PEACHES.—3O tons TJn pared Peaches for safe by Peugnet, ■ Ilotk * COT * SouQI Water and Clark Eta. RENT—On West Madison number 133*. a Store with. Dwelling used as I ann l ‘|A» Cotta ?e on Madt eon and Colon street, fll per month Also—A fnt. toff® on Union street, on the rear -of 141 an ner ?n°* Qt &«*£ l $ y at Dr. DUCK’S Office, coral; Madison r^wsn^ rk , ,*** 6 ‘ 141 Clark street (up stairs;, from 9 to 11 a. apll-eSOMm r T'O RENT—Dwelling 1 House on street, between May and Ann streets, containing ten rooms, ga •, water and large garden.^Apply at ISC Lake street.; ■ apll-e5£S-St ■ROARD—A very desirable suite, -LJ of Booms, with Board, can be ftmnd atllAdama street, if applied for soon. ’ ■REMOVED TO~No7 Xi» CLARK STREET.—Dr. FULLER has 0/7? Wy removed Ms Dental Office from 5S - r r<r ?.?.? 1 dolphstreet *° Clark Street, over Mrs, Hopson’s MUUnfry. at wnlch place be baa n-wly famlahfd an elegant suit of Booms adapted .to! Ids proiewdonal be Pleased to see Ms former patrons and sack other citizens as wish his professional services. ■ _apn’6i-ly. SALE OR RENT—Dwelling X and Lot .No 469 Wabash avenue, hourecon «««“. gas and water, aud stable. Lot 40 Sllfoortb -? oa *e8 a ion May Ist. Apply to WM. H. SAMPSON, No. 3 Metropolitan Block. apll-e£C3tm CLEVELAND, “PITTSBURGH \J AND WHEELING RAILROAD EXPRESS FREIGHT LINE. Merchants ordering goods fr?m Pittsburgh or Wheeling, Can depend on quick transit snd rates as low as by any other route. Present rates on 4th class. Iron. ■Nalls, dc., 27c per 100 lbs„ all rail, _ __ M. C. HALE, Agent, Office Board of Trade Building, South Rater street apio-eifla-iw Chicago, Dl. CALE THIS DAT, April 11th, K-/ AtAuctlon, of the Wholesale ard Retail Stock of DRUGS, MEDICINES, &C., At the Store of S. SAW STEB, No. 16 Lake street, com. menclng at 9* ©clock. aplixit JAB. A. MARSHat.t., Auctioneer. lIfRS. A. H ART WIG, Teacher of UX MUSIC AND THE GERMAN LANGUAGE, Has returned from the South, and informs her ratrrns aud the nubile that she Is prepared to give lessons ¥ nßlc Storea of 1ft 1 . Cady and Mr. Kimball, 99 dark street and leave your address tbfcre - apllxgw PROF. A. O’LEARY will com mence a courfc of TEN LEOTDRES on the i fS2L® r AND BEAUTY. ?* S?** 2 a fvSSuiir £TK2ru.-e. i\l lustxat d wlto the largest Cabinet of French Manuring. Skeletons, Diagrams, Plates and OU Paintmgs in Am-rtca. Admlsalon to first lecture rass! ap9xiw C. S. rOWEuS, Agent and Reporter. CHOPPER LIGHTNING RODS and all kinds of LIBHTHIBB 800 POINTS AUD FIXTURES Manufactured and supplied to Agents and Dealers. Local Agents wrated for the sale. of Lyon’s Patent Copper Rods tnronghout the Western and Sonthuim States to whom great Uducements will be offered. Single Rods sent by express to any part of the coon try not tccmiledbv Agents. ■ PAMPHLETS SENT FREE. „ E- P. MkkSß, Box 8174, Chicago. 11l Office No. 6 Dole’s Building, comer of Cllrk and South Water streets. . aplo-e494-im A FIRST-CLASS CANAL BOAT Is being bnlit and lor «ale, between Erie street and Chfrago avenue bridge, West Side. Ready i-r delivery on first of May. apllilw WRIGHT & TYRRELL, » T No. 5 M-tropolitan Block, Chicago. P. 0. Box GOI9. ...... BuilncjspsjiCTb^nfJtMdjoli^-nmclaaTisnßgotlalcd De S d !. (or most of the Stole, end Tsrritarles. Notary Public tor Illinois. Api -esoi-Sm TNSURE YOUR FUR 3 FROM •A. MOTHS by leaving them At our Store _ _no. ns Lake wueet, They will be packed in each s manner as to render them lnpemona to MOTH or danpness. and Insured from aU damage or loss. Bectlpts ziven and charges J. A SMITH * CO.. •p3 61-ly Hatters and Fnmers. J)R. FOORD’S PECTORAL, SYRUP c . h d?rZ lr .ssvirc c oVy? on “ * Jooed— Dear Sir Allow me to contribute my testimony in favorof yonr FACTOR AL.SYRL P. The fovorablw notice of It by some of my acooatntanccs whose judgement aad candor give wfelgbtto thaic tea. S®®?*W« ced own • a of It atthp store ol one of vohp Amenta Jn aboptsli Weeks since, top pjy otfly bsd been-afflicted about two months with a serlohs Cofitb and Pain in the hide, which increased with the rest of the family was nightly digarbed by bis incessant mgnuy TJU=a, N. T. T bS! ®- T - Syrpb 80 snrenr In use lor Lube Complaints la tala vicinity, that it becomes necessary StatßsV" °er package. cendto “ Canartota p^ eT «° r IS SBliffi ■ -x • Canaafots, Madisondoturty,Ja^stf - FiSK ‘ WHOLESALE AIR) fiJgAJL »T J. W. EHRMAN & CO., Cor. Clark and Adaw ets., Chicago, GENERAL AGENTS FOR THE NORTHWEST, [aplO-etSS-Stdltwj ‘ JC E! I CHii I C E'!!! 0. EOLLANSBEE & SONS, avoiLixsßXE. x o, ponoarsßXE. w.p^pollassbis. (SuccessorstoF.Mehrlng,) . Office ITS State it v ??«Sgspiee, Ohlcago, HI, Oppoarr* Post Omcxj Haytug purchased the entire Interest of Mr F Mebr- we take pleasure In saying to the Ofq Cob tom ere, as well as to the aaLAsca op ths oxtizxrb op that we hare' tae oniv B RING ICE, a larger quantity on hand Ind of bitter QBtIUV than any le» cqncero who are now or Who way he tor a short tta* tavhe Ice frsde. It Is our fun aetcrmfracon 'to leave nothing undone to eive the Mb.iio entlje aatirfactlon.' Our Ice Pedlars are all of ueo old Ana experienced met, whose only u'to be phompt, please their and give the Ics Bnsluas their ml divided attention? 6 w ir« ■ PleaflefiH op a Blmß. hand tt to'ths Drivers of the W|lU« «W«B ICE WAGqiS, Or Kcti vo-jr order to tne Office, pos, office Box ia .pUOB-lm W?H. SWEIT. Qen hnnt A DB. COOK & CO., LAW • BOOK6ELLEBB, No. HI Lako-st, Chicago, ” on hand a fun assortment of LAW lr«Ss^2^R a LP 4r S. culAr^atteDti ‘>D *t> orders from £^L thr 2 n * ll<mt ttQ Nortawast, fouowing new books and new editions itfst received* StSSSSSSr-- T .AWGOTOOI OF, CHICAGO( wm find afrUrtick of-TEXT BOORS on our shelves. D. b. ronwß s re—- Law BooiaeUera, m Lake, street, SHERIFF’S SALE.—By of g|S|s® as.*ft-"a “fdu ▼endue, an toe right, title *ad taterest orailSS? sasss ■■■■ •» r > , *>*wß^S!SraS' ! ,j Sww”--1 B “^pSaa s ' "WANTED—To Exchange a Piano to SSOO. worth of Rosewood Furniture, . the balance In gash. Address P. o. Box 900. aplOiiw TV ANTED—Board for a erentle ara t a ly where there a ° other b3ardera - Address Box«s WTED —A first-rate Cook, w^ 1, b '“* wnu!ate WANTED—A situation is wanted pL„«. br “an In the Wholß.tf O Dry Goods Sasliiees. Hu haa some ten years experience in Fa t. moderate until an fc SIS? 1 lrlHl 1110 mule. Address Poit Offleo Bo“ ■"Si spltast WANTED —By a youngman who ■ T.nn ft good h&oq. understand* flenres, and ?* Y fl P tomsse himself generally useful, a situation *•*" *i ore °® ca ; or anv capacity where hla services Acdresa “J. C. Trlbnne Offlce . V\T A NTED—A situation in a J- a Urug House, hv a young man who sSl^t de . le7en, / esrß e»nert«Q--eln the busmens. Has several years Basapr.c knowledge of b >ok.keeping. Ua^xcentfonal rei a^ QC w CaglT “- Addressafel cffiSS 'W'^S ED “ By a t >rom P t P a y™s A GOOD BOUSE el*bt rooms. atoated past ol state } v Li tare possession istof MayoraioaTtSSi ? 6 ** TITANTED—A situation as Book nf 80D J e ppodhomeby a young man j£*££W emp crate haftrg. Have fisd six years™ perlence, five years In one house. Will give the verr Mid will come on trial for one S mv and o lfT 9 Aif^ii f 15° * ot P lease wI II ro. ask any uay, o will ex«»pt a, moderate salary. Direct ;to J. H„ Poat Office Box 2389. aplOxat -WANTED—A situation as Book- Keeper or Assistant by a mm who has been fet^S2*w n Ss5j ft S? n and U acqualStS witn oanxlßg. forwarding «nri general -Is willing to or all references to any pam who “? y Jemplor him. Desires steady employ. ”“. t gs.gag , gsa it modcrate WANTED—To find some person 1 ® Boarding Fonse orHotel either in the city or conntrv U veUlocated. Address -i. •• box2l*"hK e; °ap9l3t W ' MAP?A ’ S <>&».NaTT IClaKklrVt WANTED.—Agents wanted in ln th " "■«>« » sell the -Hie. U*i?£? ÜB ' < A!,l> , , MwlOßtA ** OF Dawisl Webster.” ®®?,* °2». rec , e,pt cjf P rl ®6- Catalogue of Hooks, with lUhPe 0 ! by S 4 ** 3 ™? c. apSiS? 1 “ d 99 LOCUBt Btre€t > »t l*oul3, Mo. WANTED—Agents to sell Pack- J T ago of STATIONERY and JEWFT.TIv at oae fe U y°S L. BaTley* No. 154 Coart Bt.-Bo3ton. Mass. . * WANTED FOR CASH—Honse nln . atif 1 ?.. '■""'taro honpht for cash. Addreaa Box 1509, Chicago Boat Office. ; mh29i.w TATANTED.—Agents wanted to B .'i’ every connty In the Northwcitern Bals 1111 article which every business Stdm5 8t ba !?\. everyt ? reler most hare, every rail, must have, and Intact, every bod f mast hare aeo'Sw. 1 ‘ 0W “ b6 ‘ ,le,i S ed “e Tfre Small Prtce of ga. Article bring. I* Wlthla the Reach of All. ?«?i am ilt ail ? rec ® lTe by return mall a circa particulars. Address J. H. JOHNSON CMcaso * p ’ °* Boz 4333 PARTNER WANTED. —Brew- J ll6 SQ bacrlber. wishing to ex 38jla desirous to secure a good man as to » s -*» c »ab. Theßrfwery Uwell business, and has an the aclUttes lor doing alarge trade. Railroads diverging Addr^ eC K°^‘o«Mfel att^fa^l7 T^ ferencer6< l“^ r<%nnni T * OSitER . Sterling Brewery, Whiteside Loonty, ill. mh2srSw JTst Sale* SALE—A Lot on the corner X of Wabash Avenue and Old street 112 ft bvigaft asaae” * ° sssit SALE—One large sized Safe, inwrtte* order, for sale chean. Agocd norse will be token la part payment, GEO. W7 HANNIk Scale and Safe Shop, 97 Klnzie street. apSxlw^ R SALE.—For Sale or Ex •^r«„ cll ' nge for other dcalrtble property, a fir.-t rate diaOlliog nroperty. situated one mUosonth of the City &Ni^p£f riea .y o s. , i t 3 r ' Michigan. For dlacription subscriber, at-13 State street Chi* mo. °ffi27x2w ; D. W. MATaEEL Jp O R SALE One New WAHZ2HOUSS 80AZJBB, ton3i forMl ° ■pOR SALE OR TO RENT—The T'O WHOM IT MAT CON iAny^SiiTrSS^ , • GBOCEttY BUSINESS ,n £ to purchase the entire stock and fixtures of an old acd weN-establisned Grocery, doing a fine boamesa. For information address Post office Box - ■ mlilSxlm CHANCE.—I wish to sell my Warehouse, built of Stone, 41x70 fret, three stories, situate on the trajk of the Mineral Point Rail, road. It U one of tne best locations In the West lor a Produce and Business TEBIUS EASi’. For particulars call ©nor address GEO. W. COBB, Mineral Point, Wla. mhSxlci announcements. /"''LEEK OF SUPREME COURT. —CHARLES B. WELLS, of Kane County be lieving that the candidate for Clerk has been from ot HITT SURVEYOR. —Edmund for^e^n^lfrited 1 liner ocs anppprt he received for It at the natln?. Convention lasi spring when he was not a can. dlaate. he respectfully solicit* the Influence and sno port cf his friends now when he Is. apllx^ P OF POLICE COURT.— A/*). DBADLET respectfully announces that he la a Candidate for the above office at the comine MuniclpantJectton, subject to the decision of pnblioQ Convention. tjy** Ypo MR. SYLVESTER LIED : ter to have a good man chosen for the JUT honestly and economicaUy discharge bifantteS than to have the choice made a pawit isstte Wa -.bp re fore ask yon to run for the office as a PEOPJ F's D^T E -^ ntlrel lir r !. 8 P ec «ve or o r - 0 f PJrty nomlnatloua. Truatiag that hi elected, you- will notu.«e_Vdlir official poaaouto -vance guv particular partv.but will only regard 5m ;,aiSTi}iT X S joJJpYLeMbyne, Jams Case. asst*’ sea. 0 ."—«• isa K lX dy -3 PvsmlS' l Dayld Stlasot^ -| r i^sr y - L^SnP*B7bcock. ; ssssiaa. ■ - Joseph S'epheua. Austin Swift, • Walter Benben, n sssta - * «ggggg»^. Igpsoocomsll. IJnSjA. James WatMna. Xewcsend Fuller. , Hwah Brow p\C Ctanie, pßerw? * B Dewey,* TnSLSff MMcLanjblln, ' SSKne "I fcfhofe WBlei "’ JohnScnanck. Johnleuer , Chas Schanck, m WiffiS^ifetter, r2?r.-i? rk ’ ■ JCorwan^ PW Johnson. ' e f agT » J H Sweeney,. iML M&y, ■mm- -■fspk* - ■■■ - pllMl - :: : » TsoAßl>ljyG—Two or three suites 1 8 few roo^for wh? suits, as nj&ybobadat 109 WAb»ab TnhW^g A tL■ K I’N I>S’ OF- SEW 7 Eopalrodby J. J. Vroohuiit, Alley, rear nt&4emaiftf x. t. asmTE, u. b, rmptirtor NUMBER 243. Tp RENT—The, four story brick Tvo House TO RENT—The buildmw* known -t- aa the; Republican Wbnram , to O. LUST, No. 37 2 B^tf"® 3 apply _ [aploe49Mv] ' 'J'O REi INT—Dwelling Ilonse No .695 Wabtah arenaa between Twelfth and Lrs. erty street. Apply to A. J AVER ELL, *7O WablSh avenue, between I and 3 P. M. ap'xxw T'O RENT—Dwelling Rouse No. n ™„¥lA Dearborn atreet. to & responsible. gaytne tenant Apply to a. R. WIHQ. No 1 Altea a Building, Sootb Witter street. apfrxTm l KENT—The first three story RTAniSr^HrtFS? 8 * 80 /* h Rlnrnld Place, on Wabash T°. t0 Rent on Em- Trac^.first 100 feet *•<( A. A 4g^f° T-0 KENX-J-A . Furnished House .fZ- Rfgnt oaMJcMSaa arcane, possession rfren T9 RENT—A new two-storv Cot •• ~■ -• na.■Htffy . Ti-Mw'iS? - ' Dwelling House No. TX) RENT—The two Brick Houses ? lh «. for a Boarding .rTuai ' *■* Md a ® Lak* street between Wabaah rgg” B - S. BAWYEB.No. T° —House and Stable No. s,P ? et » tetweeh Randolph hDnßehaa 10 good rooms and. S!S",Lt “ *‘ Y “ Al> j^s»* HPn ®^NT.— A Nice Furnished aif;th° oSe™'Sp^cm^ 0 Se™'Sp^ cm^: 8 B Union Part Address bog .1(63 P- O nr t p 1_0» Washington street, room KZg.- ° f J> a^n^ X? RENT-Store No. iu Kan *“J“. °®‘P“ street, lately occupied by Brewster Hat. 1 spi-e43Mm aSS ’ oflice by Lak * ***** tri< *se. RENT—On North Side. Onta rlo street, near Wolcott, a new Brick TTona» TX) RENT CHEAP.—A four story ,4* S3M “5P- w- ADAMS, oa?Jm“i of ISO North water street, Chicago . mM^n^ TO RENT—A three story Brick -A east of Bush street. — 1 “°dera Improvements. and the I''Cation lam£ mSSinn f ' APP ' r “ KOttTO -'’. HOBB A CO, No 18 raver street. __ apAetSlv T° —From May Ist, the D TnTmfefiswi& Monroe street, with Bm&q«ip.«fw»ELOCl£,lfo. 121 Lake «roe“ T'O RENT—Three first-class frame jaU. if-t'S* 1016 * 8 * 2 ? °* ba 4 l^1 5P a ? eaa, water, 'T'O RENT—A Farm on the South B°»d, within a mllc-aod-one-half ?/aia® Llplts— 6o acres—.H} of which lain a high of caltivUlon. well fenced, good house mi sheds. For particulars apply to GEORGE Stkkt iSSSSSSt X 0 — A desirable Residence OX 2IICHI6AN AVENUE, TO KENT—The large Store, No, 23_Lafce street, adjoining the Store of Ue&sm. Talc, ami of Meagre. Cooler, Far *,9 0 -ii ftir °P® five years. Terms made Known w -WasUngtoo stree . son h *’,<m°e - - PEIEa PAGE - T° —The Block of Stores A^^^srsss^^s r sss& and JtLP C,< 2i!?* aa * and Shoe stores, a . togoo 4 P«**es at «io to sii per month! , ALS 9r u PJS er stories over stores, arranged for large Boarding fioose or Hotel, WUlrentveiw low Inquire of J. M. WH-LIaMS, 2!OK South Water-st! 2d door west of Wettest Bridge. .ape-e473-t»wyi T'O RENT—To Large Brick Ware - koaae and. Dock—also Frame "BnlMintr with E»p n S 0 l“V e OD thCDorthsldeof the l°g Rash-street Bridge, Possession given May i *t -80 two lirat-clasa Brick Dwellings on Michigan street. 9 , t0r . 1 and basement). Pessesslon given Im- ILdeaired. Also building at corner of Pine streets—saloon below and dwelling ™ 7 ™£f> teri S 9 ’ I^ Qlr o of W. H. SAMPSON. N® 3 Metropolitan Buildings. ap3-e4TU-tmyi TO RENT—Store and Cellar No. 191 Klnzle street under Foster House, with rood Wrtni£°V hBmU f y - rate st»nd for wnaSlISSn SP,h 30 * ?°??^ Btoa B I T eQ Immediately. Also. stores with good Cellars under each ofNoTITT 183 and ias Klnziestreet: and.also. Stores with «»Si *6 North Clark street, nader Foster House o! OE.JKBE F. FOSTERor T° ElENT—Dwellings Nos. 243 _1» and 243 on West Lake etree-, second building west of Pe -rla stre-t. said houses are nearly new and well flnUhed. with wat r usd gas; and In i good neI B tborh°o(£ JTcrma low. Also, one Store IQ the HJf«?P/L^ od n a H d,n * S 0 **" °f w«k Lake and west of Wells street bridge. a*s«sufy r /p o RENT PUIOS fIHO meiodeoisl • « , „ «V"? ew> ttaA second hand. PUnos wrule ic?w at 113Late.treet, (opaUlrsJ [apio-ei-iTi Lot on Hn a Jil l ? tfl vPr ancl1 ’ *.£• f^ 6 * hy 19) feet "deep to Frank- SSffS TAISTILLERY to rent or FOR SALK. n?isS?ts®; rJr ‘ t^ t canton, on Fox Rlror, on lie Galena A Chicago Uni >n Railroad, three mlfea from U will be ranted or sold on the mo»t Apply to DAVIS & NlJ brn, 46LaaalIe street, Chicago. Tnhii^.w«»j>w. ISJOTICE.—To rent or sell, a beau- XI ttatil Summer Bealdence In the TOWN OF EVANSTON, chdL™ Pj*ce, about eleven mile* from premises Is known as the Benson House. £r JiiffSSS? 1 * Of GHOKGR HUNTOON. or place; Bbhl4.e2BiSt T O REN T—Possession given -L May Ist—My ® Soinestead Soixse. SrtJhx?®* 1 A orner 5 f Jactson and Jefferson streets, with Wooodhouse, Garden and Barn. The lot la 75 by luo and J ON A CORNER PLEASANTLY SHADED. The house Is conveniently arranged and has the hy drant In it and cellar under the whole—Kitchen. Pan try. Dlntog-room, Hall and two Parlors In main story, rive chambers andtufchmg-room in second story. ln- Sulreatmy office, W and »7 Soctn Wells street; on er Geo. Smith & Co.’sßank. ARXEHAS CARTER. apl-C33Mm * south water ST. STORES TO RENT. I have several desirable stores on the above named streets which win be for rent on the first ol April or Mar. Apply to - t. \r, immroßTH, ndAeliMm Ho/SS and 60 Lake street 'P O CHARTER.— Fire ilrst-Qasi Sailing Vesscb To carry Grain to Buffalo, win be chartered by the single trip or season. TO U.3JTT. Twenty-rive House*, desirably located. Trill be rested cheap to reapoualbte. prompt-pajlnj tenants. GROCXD TO BENT. Desirable Dots for a term of years, to persons Trisb luy to Improve them. US. D. SHEBJIUI, 0c3X43Q1-ftß XTEROSEHE LAMPS WITHOUT H CHECHES. Bead what the editor of the “American Baptist" aaya about;iulT LAMPS, Then call at 122 Clark st. and Purchase Them. All of toe DISCREDITED HUaols and Wisconsin BA2T£S received. FROM CUE RETAIL TRIBE AT PIS. Aioaosi'a Xian*.—We have been presented with one of these excellent articles, which burns Goal OH without a chimney, and. emits a aoat agreeable and b much superior, eepedaDy tor week eyes, toany other lamp w» nave ever used. The-smoke and odor are coosamedby Che bnrser, and toe Baht la abont equal to tnatof tone candles. The Inventor ssanrea ns that hall a pint of good oil wIQ ban thirty boon. Hanmmßaß tm pmcb, Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, 123».,.;....i.CL48E5T8E81~; -ISB [mhl4ra3AMtnl»tp3 Q. B OVER A BAKER’S _ . . 3XTo£«*leM FAMILY BEWIN6 MACHINES, ; «40AiiDUPWARDa . - No.n* nu : -q»auyi«w. - SOxiaiaghipStsgk 7g Tumi KVerf.‘ cunwrraM®^^^. I ADTEETIBIN6 SCHEDU^ ft.<nr oKiueo tbibddb< 33 Oaa Square, ons monSli, ptn 4900 > B.oc One Square. three ta'dei ** tti|Ssa^. fc ilSf •®a^JsroSLssw' i^ TTBBO* AdrntiMMat. to „ tnTO Kg^gS^ftsasa LL DISCREDITED ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN BOUGHT AT Highest Harhet Price. E. K, WIIUKD & CO., TTo, 34 CZiAHK STREET No. 34 Exchange on New Tork lor Halo. *£a-e« auction Sales. T3T GILBERT, SAMPSON & CO. ■wm *v * &.* lake street, hJSJiS? sat ? tt "3 i! , ,n t1 f¥ «>« ®« CAE - W.U KSSSte'afltr jA^SSI; oor store for convenience of sai • 7*-n-?-f :Cm i Te<^ S^S&SSEfiS I & £ tt°. s*SSS B |T GILBERT. SAMPSON & CO. Auctioneers. £2 Laic s treat. ÜB6E AID POSITIVE TBAOE SALE OF $6,000 Worth of CBOCKEKT, GUSSWIKE, C. C. WISE ASD Fixer Go(ins, -4.T AeCTIOX* Igggg^s- P^i t .„ C ‘ ,v ‘-' rcJ Button. S,bp, *■• ers ’ hAr?i- t!le H :n , eMßortment of C C VOira r.ockln n™J fii p?iSS o^i" s v a >“? b, ’'' j - »»«, £ra SinS B S xe a- r*9K uorraTSuii n o i Jiaoi-uSsr glassware. Cut Goblets, Tumblers. Wines. Ec~ (v*« P , t ades Dec uter#, Covered . Sugar#. Salts, Shades, Candlesticks F5 ,‘m rvAIJX 0 B.ihemian Win- Bcttl-i’ Unci Goblets, Wlues, Preserve Jap#. C-*iert*j »•• T^i,K C * HeS.rtS“Tr U, k l:y ° f nnm.r’.J ffp'S The ab>yegO Kl< will besv.-Idln I ip* to thafrade only, and will be soli wl'hon whatever. GILBERT. SASIPSO.V& w/rneT - A. BUTTERS A- CO., general auctioneers, 46, 48 and 50 DEARBORN STREET, (Opposite the Tremont House.) FDEHIXUEE SaT.E EVSBT WBDNESDAT a Saturday at as A it, DET GOODS SALS Every Monday at 8 1-a .V. _M,. AT OUE SALSSKOOK. an^aSS, 1 ! ° b Famltare, Dry Boot, arge stock of SAFES AND SCALES AT AUCTION' Daryee 4 Forsyth Maaaraetaring Co., ConalaUa? of Tiro and Bnn*Ur Proof ~, BBjrUn£p frewe*. Also, 2 Locomotive Head Li -hN J LLt * cr ' wit a. mr-miiis * co. apo-e»3-9t amusements. cVICKER’S THEATRE. Madison street, between State and Dearborn. SUKsentt mo l„t night bnt rt-nrf ths omln-ntactor _ MR. MURDOCH. THAGEOY s £s-D COIIE T Dv‘" e *“ t ' J Charsctcrj- THE SIBiSGEK; Or. Miaimtliropj-arid Repentance ? 0 h L 3n '. ■ ••Ir McVlcker, Grsxd Dasc* bt thb Gal* Sistbbs. To conclude with the rousing Farce of - M"S" AUNT. Dick Dashall Mp Mr ., . METROPOLITAN’ HALL, Thursday Evening, April 11, BRIGHAM YOUKG, His Life, Character ami Designs. This Lecture was pronounced hv hi t!ie Hall of Representatives at Spnr.gfle d- also tin mlMuPom-n Institute. Washington. Admission; sw£*.;| ~ BRYAN llAr.L. —Clark Street, Opposite the Court House. Chicago ni by^aTSgrßaKK?a w Acoustics »nd General Appointments. T lt YL m °. re than ai/ other n.n In BAnlSr^cS^a 8 ““ repotiot cj - et EBS * adle °re Room is on the Oct J-v,- th. SITSe.Srf!l on <->ern Kreet.the grestp.t thorinSl SlKS‘«?SSuon yet Cl^'r^’fi'olfrt'SrS 0 r "‘ ot ‘■"orwsyto , ( T ";S? U “f ul ““>e HealvßstionsT Otili-rr..slued at *15.000. and purchased of Geo. E. a Hekl? bow commla»toned»hy Oongresß to paint a aerie-* dentUl portraits for the Whiteman* T'-'s contains the Identical great nlcture for whii «th~gS ®«UI was awarded at the World’s Fair in Paris • ai«» PrSlSftetoTPnrMn? portrait* ot ailths _Tb*re to a spacious Lower Hall for Fi'ra. F,«Meaia * Q d the like. It Is provided with dro-tun" rooms. * ®ooMng stove, numerous taU«, Both Hails, or either, can be r«*nt**d for r‘on.-ort»_ LectweaTEililbUlona rfajla.and the Oki. on Mpffifc o°° to , THOS. BaRBOCTK BRYAN* in rs»-» JMMENSE SALE OF FRENCH GOODS. The subscriber will make A PtTBItIO ISAX.E, O3 Wednesday and TUnrsday, April X7tii andlsth^ nraouGa MESSRS. WILMERDIxes $ BOKST, At Six JSontha Credit, or the largest and most varied; asortaeat of Spring and Summer Dress Fabrics, * f “ Urelr ""'"We* and eepec lacy adapted to every branch of trade, inelndlng rich and elegant Summer Stuffs and Silks, imported for the best city retail, and comprising: 5,000 |J?SS* E*** Jaconets. Organdies Prints SSm®?/°V« e celebrated mana «j^ il^^ o€C . bllD ’ ***% »he choicest ■ (wi «zS£.« n °‘ beaatlfoi styles ever produced. Crepe Maw's. Tamartmea of the of Seydoox flieber* Co.. In black? iam colors and modes. • * ' 1 » ow of black and colored Chany?. black Item- Daslnea, Grenadine and Bernard Bareges uf same ___ amaiinißCfcorq. ’•""sasa.sL l^.^ 1 “ lmd mi ■»«>«. 1.000 Pieces rich printed MonssettnedeLalne-* naw«' and Grenadines—spring styles. . ■ -.Jiaregee 4.000 Pieces of Saxony Sommer Dress ’gtnffj of every »«d B^S.eSl boos 1.000 iota!* fl4ld “4 Chine; iParis Foulard Sills, entirely new Anrine Strict and^i^Stt lftßi^ fc vJi ri & h P ririt «diltk Uernaale SnSioP**?®-.** Doable Faced Colored and Black TafeS^^aSo^ 069 ’ BlaCt . aad Colored **Me?*w f Blac * I>r * p d ' etes * en.qnalltioa, fbr SJJOO SQUARE LOKG SHAWDS AXD SC VEFS. P'&ln, broche and printed. HighiCol red and Black Silk Fringes, with an extensive variety of Stella snawia, sad new atyles for sommer wear. .The above go-xla wfil anlta tea h>rgest.and most de sirable asaortmantof choice Kew Goods ever offered tt Auction, Theywlll be pot up lalp» Salable to? toe Trade, and catalogues ready toe day prerloai to BEHEASD <k HBTTOX, 144.. .DUAST.S ST«KKX, 144 aplQ-eflg^irtp ll, ' WW . HEW YORK AND tlVB&QOl, liWfllag and embarktogj»s*cm*ora atTQaeanatown, lie UrerpooF, Sew Tori uOUladelp&U STEAMSHIP COMPANY, TOD dispatch every Saturday their fttlb power dvd* boils iron Steamships - • " ' CUT OF NEW YORK, EDTyBURGH. Cirr or b , kwsaboo"* CITY QF WASHCSGToy. - QLASGOW/ VIvO, * JSTSAI BCSEHORTW exchangeonEarope •oldlaaonmoiiaaS^S