Newspaper Page Text
WHY, TRI-WEEKLY AHii WEEKLY. Editors and Proprietors: OFFICE KO. SI CUBE STBKET. tbjjjcb or *aa gbioaso tsebtjk** DaUr. delivered 1b cky by caafcfc. pw r»«>, w pajly. delivered iacuy by carrier. per Pally, to mall subscribers, per year. V 7*' *■• ,*i? ViUy. VimaU subscribers per ax mon Tri weekly, per year «.UO ‘Wedoy, Jnjflesubscriben. * ** Sollies ***** i*jS{ ** Scojiles yJS “ iok>pi» r-.s-sa •Z- so!ua Jr#**" 10 =“*»»“**> rt3wum?s. oS5.^°"S^Sf sl,to£l ****• ***'* "s*•« e>lbani-,'>CU!ca2»,minoU. c jjicago Ctiiune, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 18CL WiA INAUGURATED J .By the act of a handful of ingrates and traitors, trar is inaugurated in this hereto fore happy and peaceful Republic! While We write, the bombardment of Sumter is going on; and the blood of the few gal lant defenders of the glorious old flag which yet, we hope, floats over that for tress, is being poured out for their fidelity, to the Constitution as it is, and the Union as our fathers made it I The people know the cause of the fatri cidal strife. The party, which,'in the interests of a barbarous institution, has governed the country for the last forty years, was beaten in the November elec tion. The verdict of the people which does not touch a single one of the rights of any. man, guarantied by the fundamen tal law, forbids the extension of that bar barous Institution into national territory as yet uncursed by its blighting presence. This is the cause of the rebellion which months of effort has ripened into the bloody strife this day commenced! This and nothing else—this determination of a meagre minority to rule a powerful ma jority—this deification of Human Slavery as the guiding principle and polar star of a free people—are the dragon’s teeth which, sown in a pestilent soil, have produced armed men. “While we write, the issue of the conflict, which is yet going on, is doubtful. Major Anderson contends against feariul odds. TT?h men are few and weary of prolonged con finement, and perhaps awed by the por tentions preparations of the enemy. The fleet has not come to his aid. Only the. Harriet Lane is in the offing. The accounts of the fray are from the traitors, in whose hands the telegraph is. They represent that a oreach has been made in the walls of the fortress, and that two of its great guns have been already dismounted. To morrow will tell us more; meanwhile we pray that treason may have Its reward. The duty of the Government from this moment is plain. The resources of the Re public must be put forth with no grudging or tardy hand. The strife must be short-the war quick, sharp and decisive. Whatever ample means, courageous men and univer sal patriotism can do, must he done at once. Our fathers fought seven long years that the Constitution might he framed. We, their descendants, can afford any sacrifices, any exertion, that their labor may be preserved to the world for the blessing of mankind. Now, men of the North, for the struggle! AS IT SHOULD BE S The traitors commence the stri;e. They crown their months of insult, aggression and robbery by the act which plunges the country into war. Heaven and the civil ized world needed not this-last enormity to justify the Government in putting forth its utmost power to crush the men hy whom it is assailed. But rather upon the trai tors than upon the friends of the Union, be the responsibility for blood which must now be spilt. The most supple apologist for treason is henceforth silenced- This on the part of the Government is to-day, a war of self defence. To-morrow let it he one of quick aggression ! OUR DISPATCHES. At the moment when we most need the special dispatches for which we bargained on Tuesday last, they fail to come, being probably suspended, as Jeff Davis ought to be, on the poles somewhere between here and Washington. We regret the mis carriage, and hope to have it occur no more. ELECTION OF DELEGATES. The delegates elected at the Bepuolican primary meetings yesterday, are, so far as we are Informed, unpledged to any of the candidates in the held. They will meet to day untrammelled; and the responsibility of not selecting the best men for municipal honors will rest npon them. Let them ex ercise their tiusts with an eye single to the best interests of the city, and all will be Well They will have the satis action of knowing on Tuesday evening, that their good sense has been rewarded by an ap proving vote of the people. We cannot refrain from urging upon them again the necessity of great care in the selection of candidates for Commissioners of the Board ot Public Works. The men elected to those places virtually have the government of the city, so far as it may affect taxation, in their hands. Their duties will be delicate many times, and always onerous. Great labor and responsibilities will he imposed upon them, and, unless they should be of the right stripe, great temptations to corrupt administration, will be opened them. None but men whose integrity is above reproach should be thought of in that con nection. Will the delegates see to this and do their whole duty in the premises ? IS Hit. BSftN ELIGIBLEt This question is fully discussed on the second page of this paper ; and the conclu sion is indisputable, that he has not the legal quallficstions.ibr Mayor. Mr. Bryan himself, after reading the law bearing on the'case, will confess his inability to take the office, and withdraw from the contest, else he is not the man we take him to be. We invite his attention, and that .of all others interested in the municipal election, to the article in which'his Ineligibility is., proved. IS IT TBUB t Is it'true'that Mr. Bryan’s letter to Gor don S. Hubbard, Esq;, was dictated in the caucus that named that People's Union Ticket? We ask the is that story true? LINCOLN’S ESCAPE. r : ’ E Tire narrative in of this paper, in which Mr< Lincoln’s escape from the Baltimore Assassins is related, is neces sarily imperfect. That the plot which-it details was formed, and that it was feated only by hifi r honied journey, we have not a particle of doubt Care for the' lives of men yet exposed to the fury ahd revenge of the plotters,' demands yet a while, the silence wlhch the startling fea tures of the case make it hard forna to ob tant, the whole Btory wiU be told; and . Wh«i it ia, the people of thia countryjwill : a tele the likeef whkh®oit)iiisi^e vlfiordk. TOLUME XIY. KEPI'IIUCANSI Here is a flag like that which waves over beleagured Sumter, and the heads of the‘gallant and faithful ANDERSON, and his little band] Let it be carried in triumph through, this city. 1 Will you assist in that good work, typical of its march through all the land? LET THE PEOPLE COME! THE CRISIS DEJtAJTDS THEIR PEESESCEI ®HB OOTBBNmBIIT 0AX.1.8! ItALLV J BIUIII UALIY II J There will be a meeting of the people of Chicago in favor of maintaining the Gov ernment in its war against Treason and. Disunion, by all the means that freemen can command, at Metropolitan Trail, this evening at 7H o’clock, at which time and place there will be consultation as to the best men to be elected to the municipal offices for the ensuing year* Now, when danger is new, and the .sound of hostile guns is ringing m the ears of the nation, let the Republicans put forth their strength! . We call on the Republican Guard I Let them come up to the work before them, and see to. it that no secessionist, or secession sympathiser, steals official posi tion, to he used for the comfort of those who are warring upon, the Republic I AN INCIPIENT ROW. Unquestionably one of the objects which certain parties hope to accomplish by running Mr. Bryan, who is ineligible, is to create that condition of things which will afford the present Mayor an excuse for holding on to his place, and governing the city in defiance of the will of the people. It is clear that the city must have a Mayor; that if by any lukewarmness on the part of the Republicans, Mr. Bryan should have a majority of the votes, he would be declared ineligible to the office by the Courts; and that the present Mayor would still continue to hold the reins which he dreads to lay down. We state what we know when we say that the zeal exhibited in certain unexpected quar-. ters, n:ay he attributed to the fact that we set forth. Now, whatever we may think of the executive head of our city affairs, we are correct in assuming that if the people want him they will call him; and that, least of all things, do they want him forced upon them by a trick like that which a few sharp wire, pullers are endeavoring to play. Let men of all parties look to this question of Mr. Bryan's eligibility and see if we are not correct. The Fugitive Case in a New Phase* We print in another column the resolutions of the Grand Jury of the U. 8 District Court, in relation to certain fugitives “ owing service or labor,” hy Marshal Jones, in which the charges of super-serviceable zeal in planning, and marked inhumanity In making the ar rest, are rebutted.: From the beginning, we have had no desire to do Mr. Jones injustice in this matter. As we have before said, he has been for many years an intimate associate end warm personal friend of one of the editors of the Tribune, by whom his appointment to his present responsible post was, hardly a month since, urged upon the President; and only after the presentation of testimony from many apparently independent sources, which seemed to substantiate* all we alleged, conld wo consent to censure him as we did. He is no more gratified than we are, to know that in carrying out that atrociously barbarous statute, he indulged in no unnecessary severity either of act or speech. We do not excuse or defend the zeal which impelled him to hire'a special train to carry off the captives, nor that danger ous reasoning which made him regard the writ in his hands as of more consequence than a capias for debt owing hy a white man; nor do we applaud that want of discrimination in the Grand Jurors which overlooked these things In the examination which they instituted. But the sum of the whole matter is, as the case now stands, the Tribune has been mistaken. What new aspect the whole affair might wear after the publication of the testimony upon which the resolutions were based, we do not know. There is a possibility that what seemed praiseworthy to a jury fresh from the instruc tions of Judge Drummond, might have a dif ferent look when seen by the people at large; The character of the jnry, however, forbids the supposition that they have been unduly influenced; and we confess that, at this mo ment, we would infinitely prefer the imputa tion of having dealt harshly with Mr..Jones, than to see our own charges against him sub stantiated by indisputable proof! That’s our reparation. While the affair teaches us to exercise still greater caution in sifting out the xalsehood in the many stories which float upon the popular breeze in moment’s of high public excitement, it increases and intensifies oar hatredof thatblot upon Americaujurisprudence— the law which mikes a debt “ owing for service or labor” a crime of the magnitude of murder or son, subjecting the unfortunate mau gullty of It to indignities against which we should be meu if we did not revolts HABMORT HALL H JBGOBLIN* The Conspirators Smoked Out—^Who Are, And What Ahey Were XK>ius* • * . • . ■ Enters CMc&fo Tribane; { . Wh&t U tie cause of all the screeching and lm caterwauling In .Long John's paper about 16 “Harmony Hall?” ‘Whathas that hall been 11 doing whldi has so wrought upon his narons li system ? The man seems to be almost :e although there is method in his madness. He it, Processes to have discovered anawftd plot, e. concocted by a secret midnight conclave of jl’4 Know Nothings, the object of which Is tp rein his Influence, and oppose hla policy of“econo . my.” -When this la accomplished, the con a splrators are expected to fire the city Injwvan -placet,'and then escape under coyer of the smoke. ■ These dangerous characters, he tells his bewildered and frightened readers, are in C- the meeting at Harmony Hall, a Urge e room cm Clark street dtu cast one block from n Jackson Bali, which is another snspiciohs'e&r y cninetahce/ O'. ! The signal at, the door, he says, is one rap, ' the pass “ B anker,” theaTwo raps, and then “Hill,” which lets the assassin in. jSuch is L the plot, the place, the 7 pass-word and the puf- I pose of thosedeeperatccharacters, according Tsy to4he veracious editor of the Jkmomd. f* | Now see how a plain tale will put down this TaVhead and weeks 6* when reports begsn ’to 6fljhe pfrand re painthe hearts of true. Bspnblle&ns, that the ie*' Administration intended a do-notii .W men met together and resolved, that whoever might prove false a pisoeß,iAm: woald stand true - .fbvheplitfbrm and cause of . ■Theraimi*an,lertdent.demonjSUdni taking; l>i plaSTln the Tanks of the party in coneeqaeuco g. tie sad news winged here by the tongee of _ trnmor.M yeH m by tte llffttriinp- enrrent. itl; .These Tonagjnenbald ftyqnawt nrTMitttßUfTn' U t.meetlng*, eadmrltad -othertrne EephUieam* i>toioeet wlththem. The. orTOitmHn..! ~mA •S,Ljr»pM3y.‘ Prieete tombsend “ytoo null to bold them. They jao&tjT* have room, formerly known u a Harmony Baft;” which 4b centrally located, 7 and wifi comfortably Beat several hundred persons. At some of the meetings the haR web filled to ov erflowing,with .unswerving and enthusiastic young men, who pledged their faith andhonor, one to another, to stand by Freedom’s banner to the last, Id some of these -meetings, the apes lacy of the editor Vof the 'Democrat was discussed and denounced? It wad plain that he had made up his mind Id-betray ms party and turn the government of the city, over Into the hands of the Secessionists. Holding the highest and best office la the .clty by . the grace and suffrages of Republicans, he was now basely and treacherously employing its ! influence and patronage to strike down the very party that had elected him. With hypocrtticaTdevotlon to Liberty onhis lips, he had turned Secession ist. . He was- found consorting in the day time and conspiring at night with avowed Seces sionists, to compass the defeat of the Repub licans at .the ensuing municipal election. The whole cry and. noise he had raised abont a “Court House Clique,” had been done to throw dost in the eyes'of the people, mislead their minds and cover , his own tracks and treachery. ■; • - He calls -our organization a “ Know Nothing club.” It is sufficient answer to ;the charge to remark that, among its first and most active members were several, men of foreign birth, and that its membership consists of Ameri cans, Germans, Scandinavians, English, Scotch, French, Irish, and other nationalities. Branch es were also organized in each of the three Divisions, and ifwas our Original intention to have orgaolzed.a club In each ward, enrolling all true men. ‘ But events have come- to* light within the past elght.days which renders it unnecessary to continue the or^nization. The policy being pursued by and the Administration is exactly what we desired and prayed for. Old Abb has proven himself to be all right. 1 Our feats" andapprehenelons were groundless. The cause of our . country is to be upheld’and vindicated. The laws are to be enforced*' and the traitors and tories to be “ put through a vigorous course of sprouts.” The members of our party are rallying with joy acd alacrity as one man'to the support of the Government and the flag of their country. And all patriotic and honest Democrats iwili rally with them. . ; Our specxal organization being ho longer needed,’it has been fused with* the party at large. We meet with open doors, without signs or and dodnty as high privates in the cause of and Union. Mayor Wentworth having sold, the Republicans of Chicago to McCormick & Co., will discover that he has selected ‘ toe wrong time for toe delivery of the property to toe secessionists.. . Oks of ’Em. Newspaper Fusion, Editors' Chicago Tribune It is about time for *he Democrat and IVme* fa , consoli date. They harmonize very closely in opin ions, and differ only in style of expression. The similarity of sentiment must; strike every one who happens to have read those two pa pers for the past four weeks. The Times de fends the Secessionists, and the Democrat as sails the Republicans. Both pitch into Lin coln's administration, and denounce resistance to treason and rebellion; The Time* demands that the right of secession shall be conceded, which is the destination of all government. The Democrat declares that if the Government defends itself and enforces the lavra, “grass will grow in the streets of Chicago.”’ The Times, of course, endorses the statement. ■ The editors of both these papers oppose the nomination and election of a Republican mu nicipal ticket. They are each laboring to elect the Secesssioh (bogns Union) ticket. A day or two ago the Democrat declared that “Lib erty Is abont played out” The Times agrees with it.ln short, the editors of the two pa pers pull togther most harmoniously, and have double-teamed it, to beat the Republicans and turn the city over to the keeping of pro-slave ry Democrat# and Secessionists. A# they are substantially of one mind, and one purpose, why should they not be fused together, and' make one concern of the loving twain ? ' The Case of ISanhal Jf>nes-*-Oplnlon oftteGtaud July, To the EonoraUe Thomas Drummond. Judac of the United States District Court : ' * J ‘The undersigned Grand Jurors having had their attention directed, both by the comments of the public press and the charge of jour Honor, to the circumstances attending the recent arrest of several fugitive slaves by the present Un ted States Marsha], have deemed It their duty to investigate the matter, in or der to discover, if possible, the truth or falsity of the serious accusations brought against the Executive officer ot this Court In pursuance otthis object, they have summoned before them several of the moat prominent of those making such accusations, for the purpose of learning the exact nature of the charges, and the facts upon which they were predicated. The Jury have also examined various wit nesses who were present daring the entire ar rest, both as assistants and disinterested acci dental spectators, and have come to the conclusion, from the testimony thus elicited, that the charges brought against tbeMarehal are unfounded; 'that no undue harshness characterized either the conduct or language of the officers, but on the cohtraiy, their ar rangements were admirably adapted to pre vent the almost inevitable occurrence of scenes far more serious than any said to have Occurred. Under a candid examination of facts elicited from eye witnesses, under the solemnityof an oath, the Jurors find that said officer performed his constitutional obligation faithfully, skillfolly, and with whatever leni ency the law permits. The Jury have therefore unanimously adopt ed the following resolutions; . ; . Jlesolved, That the charges recently made by the public press of this city, and other parties, wainst J.R Jones, United States Marshal, in connection with the arrest of the Harris family as fugitives from service and labor, are without any founda tion ; that the gentleman deserves credit, both as an officer and a man. for honestly executing. ln stead of dishonestly evading, a law which he had sworn to sustain. ; . flared, That the Honorable Judge tot this Dis trice be requested to have the above resolutions *“o®Pa?ying statement placed upon the reo ords of this Court as an act of simple justice to an honest and efficient officer. _ . Edwabd L Txnkbaii, Foreman. Eli Bates, Cha?. Q Wicker, Hiram Wheeler, Thoa. B. Penton, C. Beers, Hiram Joy John Bates, c. T. Hotchkiss. W.-A. Baldwin, . "P. Tuttle, W* Wright, - Isaac Sherwood, ' Wo. W. Saltonstall, D. O'Bara, Samuel H. Kerfoot, Theodores Dotr. A. -D. Titawonh, - Samuel J. V-am-iy, Clerk. THE CITY. E3T The Ramsey ; (Mayor) and Rrisble (Commissioner) ticket was elected in the Tenth Wark, by SBl against 73. Rose Hill Cemeteev.— On account of the inclement weather the special train for Rose Hill is postponed to Monday aflemobh as will be seen by advertisement In another,column. t3f~ “ Godey’s Msgacine" for May. will be received at McNally’s, 81 Dearborn St, at 10:30 A. M. This number, j ndglng Horn the speci men copy received, is superior to any of the preceding numbers. See adyerasement In another column. i. 1 Notasial Appointmest.—tiov."Yates has appointed Franklin Hathaway, Notary: Public for the city of Chicago, In place of George A Veecb, whose term has expired. The friends of Mr. Hathew?y will fiadhimat the office of Win. B. Ogden, Esq., ready to serve' them to the best of his ability. ' ; Dodge in the Country.— Osslan E. Dodge hs* been traveling through Wisconsin, and has jost re-entered this Slat*: ThelFaferfoiwi Jbpui&caa .’says .“ Dodge had a crowded house 'i—aud we haveTiever 'Been- a* congregation imore delighted, nor a concert—the recoilee tion of which wouid continue to inspire such unndred pleasure;”' f;V ' i . The Wabash- Avenue Main.—Thegreat brought iron pipe to belaid across* the river at Bosh street, Tor the Wabash' Avenue of .the Ghicago Water Works, in length and else, as It floated down the river yesterday, seemed to, realize the ,original conception of the Sea Serpent. It Is to be putln place as ’soonaa poaidhfei i v->' l \ i First Baptist Church.—From to-morrow,’ Sunday, serrfee_ will wmmence at? half past ten, instead of; eleven o'clock. The eaai annual 'of the.-home and mission schools ~ ebhhedled' wftJi’ £he~ church, tikes place to-moTTOw aftemoon in the iof the jkoußg»3 different abort speeches, and tinging by the sfeholAra. j All are invited toattend and judge for them sayes the prograa improvement our . hayemade ffi tboiaEt, six months. - ■ MuEi>ocjLir-!nie:acting of Mr. Murdoch last *yeding,lnhia Pkprks> lhe : Schol ‘ ar,' in Bejsamont &nd Fletcher’e '?6sgarit “‘com edy of,“ The Elder Brother,” and as ftgridin the drew out a large houte,' withstanding the raim . It,.is tq praise his personation- of iut wa. think every theatre going citizen—and hl» wife—should attend 'this evening et. McViclt er’s to bebold - atage. ( .^b^A^qfj^pjcea^d 1 UNION FOR THG SPOILS, The Bryan Hall The Democracy cf this city, beggared and penniless, are just now in amorous pursuit oi - a Marriage for.Money, and are trying to catch an Heiress. They have had quite too severe ■ arid serious lessons on the point of Republican . strength in this city, and are now desperately trying to marry into the family, and come in . for a slice of the estate. Their Union and their Union meetings mean no more than I' this, and the farce was a mosttransparent one ; at Bryan Hall last evening. Themeeting looked like one of (he old style Democratic rallie . -The “ byes” had all been. | told to come, and were there in tolerable | force. R. M. Hough presided. He had per • formed the to him professional feat of “pack" Ing” a list of speakers, winch certainly turned out to be u Prime Messi” Tt was-a grand opportunity for the hungry young lawyers who have so long been starved out of opportunities, even to make speeches. A list of Vice Presidents was read, which con : talned quite anumber of names of Republicans ; who were not there, and so could not protest against this use of their names. The Demo* i cratic Cow-boys held the larger- share of the list for themselves, . First Hayes spoke, and Henry Waller. Then <L M. Richards advertised his business and his politics, claiming to be a Republican in the Southern trade, and so the better qualified to judge of matters generally. He mistook his crowd, however, annd they mistook him, for he paid a compliment to Lincoln, and the “ byes,” forgetting the Union dodge, hiesed Mid coughed and told. Mr. Richards to “shtick to city politics, bedad.” , The candidate for the Mayoralty, Mr. Bry an, was next called out, and made, the best speech of the evening, but If he was not ashamed of his crowd, it was because he resolved to shut his eyes to it. . B. G. Canfield made an anti-coercion speech, and J. G. Rogers followed in the same track. J. M. Richards was “ himself again,” and G. C* Walker, C. G. Wicker, H. 8. Fitch, and Chas. Willard, closed the list. Let any Republican read over this list of names, and if he had be fore possessed any willingness to support this Union ticket, he will experience the sensation irresistible to the few Republicans who were present last evening, one of disgust at the au dacity of the Times clique. Now is not a time to consort with Cow-boys and traitors. Read the stirring news in anoth er column, and ask if this is a time for Mlicg in at the tail of the schemes of Secessionists in Chicago, aiming to weaken the arm of the : Administration. The people should under stand it, and seal the fate of this hungry horde of political jackals on Tuesday next. Let it be done, and the trailers we have among us will be fearfully and wonderfully dumb from this time ont. The War News. The exciting news of the commencement of hostilities at Charlestown was made known at an early hour last evening. It brought the end of sospense, an answer to all the questions and conjectures which have for weeks past be sieged news channels. The city was in a state of intense excite ment throughout the evening. Newspaper offices, and telegraph office, and hotels, were thronged and visited by a constant tide of e*ger applicants for fresh and later news, and the numbers of these visitors did not diminish for hours after the dispatches had ceased coming. Observer. But one tone and sentiment seemed to per vade the community, the Secessionists throughout the evening, being held closely at Bryan Hall, busy at the “Union Ticket,” and so shut ont from hearing the news until the adjournment of that odd afihlr. It will be a less pleasant business for the Cow-Boys to ventilate their sentiments hereafter, and they were generally mum last evening when the intelligence reached them that we have a gov ernment, and that government is in arms to punish traitors. Early Newspaper Press In Illinois. We are glad to see that much interest exists in recovering the early history of the newspa per press of our Stete. Several of our pioneer printers and veteran editors—the Blackwell’s, Churchill’s, Warren’s cfcc., yet live, and have from time to time favored the public with their personal reminiscences. Such individual memorials valuable; but we need something more comprehensive and complete—a full his tory of the newspapers of each county, and in general of the entire State. Such an un dertaking, generously assisted by editors, and executed by an able hand, would be an honor to the profession and to our. State. We'learn that Mr. H. R. Boss, .late editor of the Polo Advertiser, has taken this matter zealously in hand; and having some experience, as the au thor of a history of Ogle County, and withal a taste for historical research, we wish him success and encouragement in his labors. Mr. Boss has already been favored with valuable help from our earliest living printers, and we doubt not the cordial co-operation of editors generally will be generously and promptly ex tended to him. Mr. Boss Is now a resident of Chicago. Lind Unlvemti Tbeologleal Seml« We learn from the Presbyterian Recorder that' the Theological Department of Lind Univer sity is to he located, at least for the present, in Chicago. The Board of Instruction has de termined to open this department as early as October first, of the present year. An ad journed meeting of the Board will be held in this city; opening May Bth.: At that meeting at least two Professors will be appointed, and arrangements will be made for satisfactory in struction in all the branches usually prosecu ted in our Theological Seminaries. Endow ments have been secured for two Professor ships, mid an effort will soon be enteredupon for the endowment of a* third Professorship. The fourth it is hoped will be provided for at once, by a special arrangement, when the third shall have been completed. Ihe United States Life Insurance Co. To any one at all familiar with the different plana of Life Insurance, there can be no doubt that the United States Mutual Company offers better inducements than almost any other, and will prove more satisfactory to the insured. I life Insurance Is becoming so common that people Insured without Investigating the subject to know which plan is the best, and no doubt many who are now insuring hj giv ing a note for part pay, will live to sea the folly of leaving a legacy of tMrotcn paper to their families. Notes given for policies will be taken j out of the policy. Belterfar insure for half ' the amount and payforit,andgetthe dividend ; in .cash. The United States combines all the advantages of the mutual and the security of stock companies. Its - directors are alone worth fifieen millions— of whom are Bov. Bra dish, Henry Grinnell, Herman Gelpke, Edward Minton’s, &c. ■ Its assets are'now about a mil- I lion dollars—its dividends from thirty tp fifty ’'percent. It has a large list of policyholders in this city, and with the efforts of Mr. Moore, every day increasing. iWe chn safely assure everybody that this it one of the besi compa nies in the country. • Tmmm The Baptists Hoviko toe Lieeeti.—A CrnuSTiaJt. Anti-Slakebt HsETtso. Ai a meeting of a few Baptist brethren, held at Warren’s Music Rooms, 85 Clark street April ’9a>, It was 'tettlnrtewof the present state of theoounuy, with luUbertles imperiled, iherights of our common humanity oatra. edby thovioionco -andcruelty with which the odious AtfUveSW Law has been rCcenOy executed amonfns, tanv log an Innocent famllyinto liavery, MdcmnSo- Ing hundreds of onlctand Indnalrionspedoleto dmne latallie-iAod ov rwhdmlng tbemin sorrow • ’ luvieworthe apwhy^fcS- eh touching thaeubfoct of ElatSy— the time has come for •holomg aa anttSUmay Baptist meeOnz or meetings; andwe, thefbfbiu, earnestly Invito onr brethrenand slaters wholorellberty knasnaml- SUtbit Gospel, and antl-aavcry C&riatlais of an the Irtmda or freedom central, ly, to meet at Bryan 'Pall,-on Sunday AnrliijVt Mpt, at three o'clock P. At/fbr wow&pond tAnpSSS' *• ** Wabhwi, . T.B. Bbhkjxi, - " C. R Ouivnutt :‘. R. BoY2>, • • : O. fia’SiLXIBUBr.' ■ > ‘ to Bdsdtos Bhe Boshm, Commercial I Bulletin contains each yook a list er Failures. As- Jdgnraatts, Changes U Business, »c,, ln til the 1 prliti#ti cltiM <tf thd’TTapn. 'n-- sate by 5 Johns.■Walsh,at hh'hookahdpertodlcaldepot, 1 eotnec Madison streei and Custom House Place. I CHICAGO, SATURDAY, APRIL 13, 1861. Not a Candidate. i. Chicabo, April 13,1561. Editor* Tribune .•—paving seen in to-day’s Journal an advertisement m which my name appears an the Repdhlican straight ticket as a candidate for Commissioner of Public Worts, North Division. I bteg to state that lam no candidate for any office ; nor have I given per mission to nse my name, i By inserting the above in your naner. von will much oblige r J Tours very respectfully, Geobqb Schneider. Suspended.— Dava Brown, the Jailor at tiie County Jail, hafl;meen stispended by Sher iff Hesicg for alleged improprieties witii a woman named Alvna Hammond, who has been confined in i he‘Jail daring the past few weeks. She was arrested in conjunction with one Alfred W. Morgsb, oh the 3d of March last, upon the ebarge of larceny and adult- ry. The alleged larceny ifos committed at the Ev erett House. against Brown, which are alleged in dffidavifs by the woman! will be made the subject of investigation.— Journal. Headquarters op TjfcE W. I. R. No. 1,1. 8. 2£. To the several CaptaWand Commandants of com panies of the ment No. 1 of I, S. M.: Ton are hereby ordered to fill up at once yoar re spective companies vftth- able-bodied men fit for military service, to the number of not less than fjrly-eix nor more than one hundred; and sixteen rank and file, and deliver to me in person a true copy of your muster-roll, containing the name, rank and residence of each member of your com pany on or before the 22d day of April, A. D, 1861. At the same time and in the same manner, you will likewise report to me the number and condition of the arms, accoutrements, &c., in the possession of your companies. ; . Recruits are at present excused from appearing In uniform. Bone at Headquarters, this 12:hdayofAprilA. B. 1861. 1 Thomas Shirley, CoL Commanding W. I. R. No. 1, tsP That Coffee I Thit nice Coffee you drank at Bryan Hall yesterday* noon and last evening, was Ingham’s Prepared Coffee.” The label says * l IX L. Try me I” Whit say those who drank it Orders addressed to J. ijolncy Ingham, 183 West Madison Street, will reedve prompt attention. E*' - Wild Cherry Tonic Bitters, a valuable Ton ic for Spring, with Pure Old Bourbon •Whisky. Made only ly Sargent, Apothecary, Randolph and State Strata. E® Sloat’s Elliptic Bock Stitch Sewing Ma chines at 64 Clark Street. W. C. Mason & Co., agents. Send for a circular. I am a candidate tor City Attorney, and re spectfully solicit the support of my fellow citi- Brown's Troches cannot be spo ken of too highly. W4 have used them and re ceived great benefit frodthem. They were recom* mended to os by one of ir bestphy.-leiass. Try . them, reader, if you araenffering from any of the complaints for which bey are recommended.— Concord Standard. 1 nary* The Latest vbox j Sumtxb.— Bonders at Messrs. Case A. Parmelte's Lady’s and Gent's Dining Booms are servd with the early vegeta bles and all luxuries of Us seaon, not forgetting substantial. If you wait to meet a man you know.wbo dines “ down town,*’ go to 133 and 136 Dearborn Street—you are sure to flnd him about meal time..... . \ April 13, 1861. • 1 aplS-2t Removal aitd Opehths op Smzxa Muuxebt. —Mrs. Cary has removed to ttore No. 90 Lake street, opposite the Tremont louse, and will ex hibit, her Spring styles of Miniiery on Friday and Saturday, April 13th and 13th. ;. apl3-2t t3BT If you wish for bushy whhkers or a fasci nating mustache, send for a oox of Belling ham’s Stimulating Onguent [it is warranted to bring them out in from, threi to six weeks. Sent on receipt of price and postiqe, SLIB, to any address, by J. H. Johneoa, 30 State street, Chica go, 11L - - mh9a,frn For akt operation spoa yoir teeth, or to fxbtzct artlflcUl work of anj deniable 1 style, call oa Or. Albeogh, No. S8 West Basotph st. * 0?“ Cook& McLain, 88 Dearborn street, tare made their price for cleaning and dyeing gent’s garments lee* than any other hones In the city. See advertisement of “Hardßnbber BlggV Truss**—has cared cases of twauLyjoara standing in this City. . ; auiUm BTAII should not fell bread tie advertisement of Prof. Wood !n to-days piper. mihlj Dirine Services in the First EagUsh Evan- S lleal Lutheran Church m Monroe St., between arkand Wells, Every Salbath at lOitf A. M. and 7# P. M.. Sunday School a2P. AL French Sbkvtcb.—Thelev. F. J.B.L*bote D, D-, formerly a Roman C&holic Priest and now a minister of the Presbyteria Church. wl l ) preach at the Church, comer of Juliana and Peoria Sta.. Wen side, tomorrow (Soniy) at 10# A, M. and 7# P. M, _ . I • ' Sunday School Ajouwesakt.—The Sunday School connected with Sti Paul's Churdi in this city, (Rev.Mr. Byder’s), wfi celebrate its atmiver* sary on Sunday morning wrt.- Tbn anniversary exercises will take the piao of the ustml services. ■' ' i Bev. Robert Colyer wit preach at the first Unitarian Church os Wselington Street, to-mor* row evening at 7# o'clock,^ The first-course of Semoas to the Tocno, in ,St. John's Church. Unbn Park, will be deliv ered on Sunday evening Irthe BL Bev. Bishop Lee, D. D., of lowa. All ae invited. 1 ; On .toe itto iwLby Bav. H. Cox. 3tfr.; G. W. W. ▼AIL to MLs EMILY 8. MAXbothof *. gLOATS SEWING MACHINE. sLOATsmimc LOCK STITCH s« jamtcaurES. TS»Onlyl£»<iluiie« H»TiagULS ! ELLIPTIC HOOK ; : ;-.w.;a k&sor&co, ' BOLE AGENTS EOS THE NOBTHWEBT, ’ *4 clark ffiaKßx, : Under tli« JJVttr SLcrmAn Ho^lse. _AaHttn WASTED to CTCT tawn «pj ettr InlM Soronras, aUrarijßMic "nffiXie (&&amry : : Ths following aatthe complete retoras'cf ddegotefl &teen t$ ihe Repnbilcaa City Con vention that meet* at the House to- day ; Pt 2P. 3L, together with. gn6h Ward nomina tions as were made? • | ' ' i Wadaworth, Lewlß H. Dnb, K D. Oaband, Joim C. Pore, B1 E. Haven, John B. Pae&onß, E. O. Dow, H, R, Bnel; George Egert, Henry Winning, J. Q.-pwen, TWiaa L Elchinan. H.’N. Sofloort; Alderman—3, E. Bjatsford - • BBTOTD WAXED.. | ’ ' Elcc Pay, peter Wolf, .PeridosEiM, C. SHimU. L.MEllken, Endolph W.-Wehrli, A. D.-tßaker. W 1 Sarrr earner Welder, J. iL Yan CHdel, *** Alderman—3. Q. Hon. i - ConstahU—3 rr/ Cartwright. ’ The delates to ; the Convention were - an-' thorized to nominate a Ward Committee. ‘ THEU> WARD. \ • IMmoUs —A. D. Tliaworth. if. Hemrlch. Frank v^?***® 1 Schmidts, 5..0? Blake, H. H. Haaff, Jacob Hottineer and Calvin DeWolt• For Alderman—AiJ). Titsworthi, 0 WaMwiw, VOUBTH WARD. ' luWunderie, B. Adcock. John Leib, Christian ScSelLD.Latoy f AJderman—Wm. Hi’Mueller. • i Constable—E, Adwxi. • ■ - mtavViSD." | C. R. Jones. W. Ar Oroves. Sanrael p Wi ß*»L J- H. Wb, P. B. Gardner. M- Ayery, J. N. Bewicks, John Braun, J. A. TyrrelL-'v.-. - For Alderman—''., a P. Holden,; For Constable—H. D-Carthew. I SZZ|f& WARD. _megata-S.C. Wilier, A. C. Elllthorpe, T. B. ?r*? ge A- F - K A- Webber. John Eh. harts. Heoree MorgjK>eter Bergeh, Chaa. Bnen rtng, B. H. Brnnf, j3Kia Jaeger, Geo. Boeenherg, D. 0. Eergnjen, EmOJOreier, John Olaon, John AmondßODj Emannel jEngelstcd. ■ For Alderman —Bditard Salomon For OonstaUe—AS&n ata. Ddegata Elliott: Anthony, Frederick Prill" C- O. PaoH. B-Begole, Conrad Folz, Hen ry Zlodaon, W. s, uoleon, Henry Klii-tel, Chaa W, Hninmcr, Chas.?Tlnnt, Henry; ScMotthaoer, Christoph Johnson, Jiihn K. lUUer, John Stick metz. : -*= Alderman-~A. Harvey, Gomiable —C. Ulrlck^, Ward Committee f<* the Harvey, Em* ott Anthony, Anton Hjclman, John W. Nelson. Jo seph Brosche. Delegate- S. L. Bhtrelt, Albert Sanderson, Henry Beckert, J L .Smith. Henry Lamps rter John Anderson. William G. White. Alderman —Wtlllam (3- White. Constable —o. Tunnicllff. | KDrra ward (wfobtzncoiiplxtk). Delegate*—J. C. Bates, F; Qnnd, Ha Charles Riels, c. Hop «°“n-A- Thieleo C. BtOhandler, pi L. Kollmimt G. W. Edwards, C. Loading, J. c. Blaladell, Louie Nebe. ’i - . * ConsidbU —George F>i2£iiler. ! BQKarjr. BEGnaSSTAX ORDER. B. B. Bkisooll. April IS, 1861. BEUGIOUS NOTICES. Nchi^berttsmeitta. TV" ANTED—A -jirßielied room W To convince tiie pub 'tiaLiin U c t>lat the new Crv*tßl KcrQ'nr oil, which la ro ‘ ev Pda. Anv ha“ une iOWaL _ aplSxlt*" Ccnunlaslcn Me^S^eeF^.^ WANTED —To exchange first *l in Michigan anoßomemooey, t «rbrf Good«,. nltabfe WAITED—A situation by' a betw-en Monroe andMadlaon gtieetaT * fc apttßft T . T.—Wednesdiy Morning, *—* April 10th, on Hftdlsbn or Mtrket street* omp £?**!*■* Hooflß s Meersr&aam Pip**, »nver mount enAtably rewirdyby ‘lawlneflt APPLES —A supply of MaA e St, ehrlCo Green Apple* are now bel»g re- State Ptreet Alston hand b qoMtUy of good Crvcbeirieasrd Cider, at very lowprieea. . [apl3>Btl S.B. FiNLEY. 'T'HE UNIVERSAL CLOTHES J- WBDTGEB. Fffectivp, Cheap and Durable Pita any wash tnb or ftaUonarytQb Does the work in ona-fonith the time. with one-fourth toe labor, and without l*j*ry to the cj;>t&. Por salt by the Home furnishing trade gener* ally. All parpea ere cautioned against m riq? vend or using Wrlrgcw with Voltf»n’2 d I dla Rubber B.Lanotfiirplsbeu bvna.nnoerpenaltyrf ih*» Jaw WE EOPOiITAJT WASHIKO MACHINE CO, apl3-esi7-im Mlddlefield. Conn. TARTED PEACHES.— BO tons Un- J~y pared Peaches for sale by A. - Feugnet, totart's Biock, cor. South Water and Clark Eta. TD REKT—Dwelling Ko 71, Bu ff loarraet. near Van Pnrenstreet.f r $ o per annum. Apply to MYRON D. PBAKCiS. Real Estate Onme 173 btata street. api»i*t FTJRKTTITRE *which cost abon-- J4O -.for tale for t 7>. Address R. tliro-gh tue Poet Office, etaiite -where an in terview may b a had apiaxSt TAN BARK —Wanted 500 T C ? r t"r T n a Sf?r ot l Ule^ ea{ ««•“** M JAMES m.i>LY A CO., 243 Lake street. . apl!-e;23-it MOT ICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ~ . th«t we hare pqld the rlg! - ttonnnuf«ctnre and sell for the city of C Jcsgo and Coo* County, ?tat- of lUlqA*, CBaMSPaTSET FOLDING FUEXirCRH. com prlal g Lrorlng Titles, Wash Bences, S>irt Boarjp, Chair,. Camp Sto la step Ladders. Cloth Dryer.', a' 4 •1* »rt cle3niaruCaptQr-aund?r oar patent?, to E. K. J* Blake, of tb)» city. All rersous are forhid mana nctnriOg. selling or v»>ndl <g in the same without an th< rliy mm .-aid Bloke, as thty ul:l be dealt »itb ac cor *lug to law, all 11'riDgemeots will be prosecuted at once. [ap Bx3t] CfaAM & NOl.’Bltf. ’HW™ Convincing Testimony.—The Immense yearly pale of Ltok’b Kathaison, and the thousands of Vstlmonia’s to Its excellence received from all classes ofeodety, prove it to be the finest preparation lor the Hair ever made. No me desiring a fine head cfHa rfchonld fall to use It. 801 l ewry whe™: apisim_ UMBER.— Cargo of Strips FOR. SAXjEI, Jnst lauded on the dock, and offered to the trade, the waoie orm sorts tj accommod* e. -nflulre at vard on ,^- m Plre blip.” Office We«t Twelfth sireet. _apl2xUv SAML. D. cLafigg. TIMBER.— Now discharging, deck At toads nfHEWNTXMBER, from «x 8 to 14x14, 45 feet limber lard will be fnliybtockHt Orders Irotn the tr tde so Idled and promptly fille-i Offi ;e near the bridge, W&t Twelfth street.' api2xiw SsMI.D. CLARKE. POR ST JOSEPH. The -^GA JL Up?er Cabin Steamer, aaff, LVDY - R AISTKIjnsr, I/. HICKEY, Master, Will leave for St Joseph on Monday, April 15ttu, A?d make Tii-Week ly trips fc.r the remainder of the sea-on, Fvr freight or passage afply to • « JOHN B. KIKG. apla-esis-et Foot of Franklin street. Q_ODEY FOR MAT, 18 61. OUR SIXTH Doable Extension Fashion Plate, Colored. X>AD7’S BIDING DSSSS, More Spring Fashions. Could we only publish some of the thousands of let tern andnotlceswe li*ve received of the>e beautiful fashions we should be pleased Our reader* will ob serve that we give a Ictnre us well a« a fashion. Look at the background of tills Plate, Its drawing and Its :oiorlng; It would be pretty even without a fleure Look ai the lany on horseback-how well engraved! how well colored I “BUTTER-CUPS AND DAISIES.” ASoperbSteel Engraving, suitable to the season. A marry group cf b -jb and girls. Dawning on3enlus”l i an engraving of great . Auengravlrgof the near Chevron dress. from the house of Messrs.A. T. Stewart & Co„ New York, is in sou number. « e have also a splendid cloak from BradK For sale by all the dealers. : apls-e522.1t PIE SPECIAL TRAIN" TO RO3FHTLL CRMETERY wl'l be postponed on aSSi??.*a f i5 e w^ alQ er ULtll next Monday afternoon. April I-tn. when the Cars will toe « bicego and sUt«s? k^?i.'® epot » at a f’clock P. m. and return at 5 f clock Ihe treeilog of Lot Owners that was to have taken place at the Cemetery oh last Saturday, but de lered on accouot. f rain,.wlU bo held. Th< Be wL-hlne to goc in procure Free Tick ts at-tbe office of the Cemet-.ry Room. Nx\ 8 Uethodlrt Cbnrcii Bluek, or of any meb ar of the Boara of Managers, or a ihetrala. _apl2x2t j, s, MEWHuUaji, President, JJARDWARE, TIFT PLATE METAIi WAREHOUSE, Eftftbli.hed in 1844. WILLIAM BLAIR & CO,, 176 I<ake Street, Obleago, Having received our Spring Stock, we offer At the Very Zepwesc market ftateg, 4,030 Boxes Tin Plate, assorted sires. . ASM Bdls. Sheet Iron. >«o. Is to No, 28, 6,i 03 lbs. Copper Bottoms. * 5. 0 • IbA Brazier's Copptp. LB.e BdKßrlgit Wlw. . I'o CaßkJSntet Zinc assorted wldthA 7,JOu Bdls. Beat Fence Wire hio. 7, • and 9. 4,500 Eega Nalls. Wheeling and other i>rime brands. au A n ?S c pS;^pH L e. IUP “ S,EMTS of ia d “^ safa WTI.LTAVBLAIS. ftk SIIIOj, O.W.SKLSSM [apu-ai-ijj 47 VAN" SC HOUSEKEEPER’ JHAACK’S 4J 'S EMPORIUM, . Heuly Simj Article Required for HOUSE KEEPING Japanned, Pain and Plan ished . TIN-WARE,: Wood Were Baskets, SRBSHEB,DOOB MAU, BATSUTH APPA2UTTS, Hay be found at VdW SOHAAH’fI, 47 Stats szbzxt 47 Bin - Cages, Btoves f Kitchen Htemils, &c. jgLEACHED COTTONS, SHUTTING LINENS, HOODS, Towels, Diapers, MARSEILLES QUILTS, LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, Cheap for Cash. A. G. DOWNS & CO, 150... ..lake 5treet........;....i50 mh£S-eSi?'Sm _ . i - - IT EKOSENE L b MPS WITHOUT IV CEHMBIE3, Bead what toe editor of toe “ American BapOsi" says ABOUT OUR LAMPS, . . Then can at 132 Clark st< and Purchase Them. AH of the DISCREDITED Illinois and Wticonsla FROM OCR RETAIL TRIBE AT PAR. AHxaosjfß Lamp.—We have been presented with one oftbese excellent artiebw, which burn* Coal on without a chimney, and emits a eoit agreeable Ucht* and Is much soperior, especially tor week eyes* toany otberlampwebaveeTerased. The smoke and odor are consumed by the burner, and toelbht U-about euoal to tnat of three candles. The luveator ietont as that hall a pintof good oil will hum tidrty honra, , ssssßbcs tbb puaS) Noble’s Lamp and Oil Emporium, 1*8...... CLARK STREET OHERIFF’S SALE.—By virtne of KJ Rcertain writofExwrtim,iesnrd fhim the Or-’ colt Ccortof Cook County, in frorcf Jaeeph o. Bat* ter end William F. Endlcott PadnUffi. a?d ecaiitat feartna Atkins Defendant,at !■« o’clock A.M ,onth« jttdavotMay. iml m; the north doorot the'Ccort Boose, tothedtroCChlcago,! then offer'for sale'at tmbllerendae, ellihnriaht, title end interest of said peffeodeptlaegd tothe following describ*d prxrertr, at t irfvn w — n « to wU? Atarta»nnl*ce orparcel of land, sKoite 1q and A JaJj KINDS OP RE W beliie apart of block one ft). la toe onjdnaltownof ii, ■■ iwo v* nmoiro a - TT Chicago, commencing one hundred andaf.y flag) £«*, i J - >u*«* MACuuusS - eertof tae norttwest conifr ofsaldbl-HA,*ndi£ nS* - ‘ - Hepaired by J. J, Vtoeland. of Dnxle BtrcetHne hundred : fw-?-; • - • aaMMOilfeatto apolattM tr») f*t Wt-oT Alley rear ol 155 W*Vt street. enmUxtooflotoneciXlnb-oceoned) lnK>nriP>Ari ■ . xahlSeKMzuttmr , dm on to Chicago, thence running eomh ninetv*#wn • - H OME F M. IN =? RIATES * 04 )feet theoeesorthaloiu the eact ttaaof latdiabv •- u * v ' w CEmtuuro, Ohio, tarrEiim FSOW Meoaam BPIBH i s*odfcr«'Ctro>Sr. -‘. J * Oflmaunmp-. t.t. sEq.mM.D.rrogHttor' A . STjSWS -DEPOT. "WITH iAS. | ISLI'ICA^NTCJS • CDIVfPA'VfftS or. dwe^tS 4 wrideaCQ^m*tho J. J ■ dtTMias uncertain, be trffl sell a butnesa that, i aniwjijttcmwta. P ; LERK OF POLICE COURT,— heißrgspectftrtly'announces that MMirtSfSiJwk 10 ® Hi® s&oto offlca at tbs coming pLERK OP SUPREME COURT. c? , Edmund SJaS^RKfJ£Jf“! T6 ? *2 ’*■ •* “■« ’’•pSbiSoiiUSS: Convention last eprin gwbe n he wasnotac*n. didate-he follcit* the Iniaenco urn. port cf his Mend# now irhen he liT jpr *S?' P>OR CITY SURVEYOR I hereby nn«ir m a Candidate for the °*, City Snryvyor at the ensuing Municipal Elec for 1110 Patronas* °f itt rltizena. CHAS. HERBEin rT - ~ ("'iLERK OF THE SUPREME CoTK.ty.isiomdldat-?for Clerfrot tlieSupreme Court Sft Kt Dt rt toa - Election to be heldon ibe UtMonday la Jnae next. api24oSx '0 W. H STICKNEY, ESQ the manner in which yon bay® tow diw JSIamHS Mr M»7 an invitation tobeccmea “a^s? l c'^°“ I \ : SgS,? r Prmi ° W °““ ta ” W. P. Knight B g. Hor-kP, J. Baxter, Cba-. Vargea, Deary Dodson. Bit. H. Bchtoetzer R-rnolds, j.. h u E gen * r ;JLI?Z ss * t h'„. Joseph TnuPlcliflL ?ftT! , As: irtm * joeeph w - F^7 Ja“« li. McCUy. ““ y oUle ”- T0 Msecieeac ’. Whiteit. Keioiit and I have delayed * public answer to your kind Inrlta HS^fhif 0118 the proposition Tou ha*e ma&'e The '^fSS l> ll <^ n J ,4rty ba^e now cal'ed a Convention to tfefcetSV < tS? e « B; ijJ lia t h ® ! « la also a ao-caUe<t Colon T.mnM«. , /«*“ e S l- * eoD«IstPPt Republican, LVnil?i rea 4 y *° d * 9,>rt our flag In Its hour e f ere&£ est danger. Oar texts Union kxn -will r.e fonnrt in ocrata W .pß^, h^H er 11197haTecaU, ' i * elve- 9S™! 3 ’’r RepublNa- 8 now . tanil by the C -nstltritloQ MdYn^F^I 85 °^ poß ' Itsalleratt nor destruction! a “ hn s? mewtrca of our Gotirnme-1 to preserve the public property a»d enforce ob'dlence fo tne laws: ha; ia»,,t,.; tended Ut 100 t-cket agr.e, I presume ft rnhllraiii never find one Bellcrlng that the VonbUean <V,o SniH? a l t » cal .I t,, . W8 sre yours, though I trust yl.n will pardon their ejptesalonia relurnlug to you "mv grate ui acknowledgements. * Joa my Bespectfullyjonrg. W.H. STlChvtty. T° MK. SYLVESTER LIND : Believing that the Mayor of the City of Chfcaco hs* nothin* to do with National Politic?; we ihlntft bet W to have a good mao chosen for the rfflee-one ■who will honestly and economically d scharee iS «««£? tbaut * have the choice made a p“St ask yon to ran for tie office as a PEOPt f*u CANDIDATE, entirely Imspecrtve of er «5 2u?La aoinll “rt? I ’S Tru * !l B should y you he elected you w‘llnotu»e vonr official nosiitnn J* w anvp.racnlar partv. But “ill only »° ofa SSf.PS™. SStffS* B w Tif',™° ,nß ' -larvla Case“ WSn.rgeS*' I n GHe “ h “ v - SS SSSS3W ■ ?S d clfe ■ hp&cSBSS- nKfl' 00 *' CijnsEortl. iESAiSr rh« H <Sj2 1 ’ ?»» "lltu-J. gassas™^ N Smith. Wm Downs, Wm U Draper, Alfred nr^a gßG» i drK: , i “SreMtlS- JCBob'Si 10 's'’ 5 '’ uiJ?.VGreW, Asa I Ulln-tt Jose oh Pe rr- 1 ’ b A Lyrtan P Babcock, Robert Place, ■ ? ner ' i Joel Jenn.son, *£ b £S ld -? msßlfl * Joseph S ennens •Ausln bwift Walter Reuben! MrdasE ■ HfiSSSS-w. aSSSj Chmii&w*. S^dte J J C |co° & ? ed Sh-sney, ToSeJdFtfle., i‘£tf£S* bu ■ WmCCUirne, Piferw’ ?iV.“£°S*«. BDnwe^' TU., R| ' C M m cLaazf Un, T Marcuse, Brewster* u2? cte i- I Shore, ’ Johnsc .anck. John V»eec. &55»w Brass?* ?iar“ John McGraw, f C hn R g^ rtoCtCr - 7S*S** fe-SSSt f JffiSSSas . SgFSJtf 4 "- MK^nr 6 ’ T Magrilrt^ EdwafdC^W JT G Corley, Wm BmSStt 7 ' Ml e Corrigan, James Mowhrer Dominies Floy, James Keenan ** inhS lQslord t M B * JobnSnav, pRt»-tnn S& r £B llarun, Joha”stirk, PRevnoldS, FDortwe “-S 1 ! 1111 ”I®™. 1 ®™. EilWiiltoey. Md axo others. 'J'O FREDERICK LETZ, ESQ, full? aatt you to become a CMdlo«e?or toeofficeof S 0 ? er ?k from toe Wtet DM. si -i», btli-vtae that in»ecurlog yonr cervices we than h»y,e a foltbful, efficient and oprlgbt officer one who will wortfor the beneat of the w*Sle Sv * yew pl-uSS bert 0 CDr beßt eQdcav °rs to secure KSBSS 1 gSIS?* gfSßf ?i I - H, ?F ln9on t PSUu»ry, • ‘t’hpSv l ** F Martins, J H Feck. John H EJnile J F Von llnnfinr j R H.n ell, '' sLl\ , * p j Hoyne, A Bei>gler, vr j Wall ■? Willard Cock, MBlvewr. Pfe. - R St-wart, JFeetme r. C l IchtethfTger, H C Wlndhelm, nIKH 1 ToLuan Whe-ier.F Barky. * jprJ2w* Wra. M.BatUr, H Schoelkcpf, i £ a Sampscn, C C Wllco£ P * tHagaoln, F Brans W-o Metzeer Jiv S« weft, FR miser.- PRmSI *** IjSSfe, iSffi**, IHT’ IE"' 187- asss* SsgT J Liebenstetn, r W Bergfleld, J K Scban’b AUebeneteln, C Gelh * Wm BMW Ktoßwer. A Htlmntl F 0 r -g|Woo. iiSSf^. J, I* Becker, B Or'lrup M Quslaa, F cchoch. w D Schntler * H-.pp«l John Brown, A F Otto * FHdl. “m- JFlteger.l3: OMeS-clmer, ■VS..’ CHAtkma, UB Far well. JWctleracfc WBFowl%, s "niltn OTecMneyer, WPWelle, JV . arien PT,p, onlr , PCUnu, M VleldT CiI * ?F.'S? 1 “ ir ' CbM AreoU, J H KlnV, I Ke&Une j Holmes. c Q Wlclter «S-1, WCfteers, J "E rr£D nnou8 ’ yLKlng.- WBsraia«m, Sc-W , Jr^SSmL WnlT.’Brim5 t3E, H S - p -I KoeUe! wm <; Bnes, HRosin, e Coburn. ¥5° D< E, Geo’S; a B-itea, JH cart-la. pn„ , * Ira W Buell, "W Nlemeyer, Ctehilii.n J'MmlTEwen, J H Munlke, C. H. Wiicox, OMenr * J j HrfTfer: so, Jam-s Bog»B, j Moorlr gU J M °« WmKlirgcr/ McKmim, OKrcuoS; .H A Goourtch, HFeniTA H C Janaon, -J D Lanulw > oaiin e ' jDhn r N aitnama, 5 Sjfe A* c M uefiep. RGalle! A Kroger, FO TaMer, Geo w Hands. J A Hues, AHlgtlow, J Fox, . And Five Hundred others. Me»Tß.Wra B, (T I slhfbi^bd, oulera-^ gn>rtS ' H. LiysasT, and JSr^ c '- T °? r of ft. 2d tot, logemer Mih a call for mo to become a Candidate for toe office n oa i m i, s ''i opQ bUc Works from tit Weft Diff < £ iCelv><) l - ln reply. I woula eay t»-*tl *®? ot V 4 offl c-rseeker; bat. la view of the laree Bwnberof stgeento jour call. I can bdt placemr «* lf shall u£ mybSJ tte dQttci 0f 1116 «“ to “ ••i'7SSS“ p * cttl **• y°« servant, - KHKDRRtCK LETZ. goaaimg. TSQ ARDING.—In a retired and healthy locality, near toe city, with fieboal ■OO aKDIN T G—T-sv-o or three suites , of pleasant rooms for fiunmea i a few rooms fm* single geatljmea, with good board, at reasonable^rl .oes, can be obtained. at-.H0.68 Edina Place. A Uotei number of day boarders can be accommodated, 'apaiiw X> CARDlNG.—Pleasant suits, as J-JweUassiaalerooms, maybe had at iO9 Wabash *gg°°gj mbSxAv Host. JO REWARD—Dog Lost— CU/ I V/, Strayed on Thursday merui&m to thevieL nicy of Clark or State street, south oj Harrison, a laftje Kew>oan<tland Dog. answering the same of Poato.” Ooe-half of hlsheadis white, and half of it b ask, hair very. mn<h cnrleo, lose aid bandsoma tail. Ten dollars ym be paidlbrlnfSnn^onleaoiTf to toe recovery of the Dog at SItTASP A AYEli’h 48 aoato Clark street.. - aplSs.’ Q.HOYER * BAKER’S \srols«l*«B- : FAMILY SEWES’6 MACHINES, : . ; ; ; MO AND UPWARDS. vßOi.lli KakeStnet) Chicago. H3* :.,vv .oaraoiiitßi NUMBER 245. Co Brat T ko Famished Houga Hmwe No. ToreA *“ y ttnn3 - P E^rTEK.'li^ —:—: maao>eßQß-im TO RENT—The buildm? known A BiSiSfSSaffiSßf £&"• *>■’* ' [aplOefiU-lTj T3 RENT—Dwelling Honse on West BMdclph street, b'tween May and Ana RENT—Dwelling House Ho. -d12.5]®5 Wabash sTenie between Twelfth and Lib. asg&4Ky.a T° ? ENT —Owelling Honse No. ; TO RENT—The first three sforv Brick House north of BtoeoM Flare on TT.K..V TO RENT—A Furnished House -Jvv H ,cW ?“ aTuaaa Po»BMlon liven T9„ T ! ENT - House ad Stable No. • . __ apiOsaw Tn,£ E S T ‘^ ce Furnished Union-Park. Adlreasbox HfiVp o e?o 100 Wash!ngtog street or J ' 11 - T3 KENT—Store No. 1U Ran dolph street, lately occupied by Brewster Hat. » r \f n c STEA^ns'.’^% C l 2 ippfr W »W&<lm ClS,t oalce LakMtrees bridge. T'O RENT CHEAP.—A four story ->ssKa«iSSs?.®gS6is?s£ SPJS™Tarty to übo w. ADiii om“l of ISO North Waterafreot, * m2U9xlra T? KENT—A three story Brick S^Ktne^ plTttiroaToll ' RoBB HPO RENT—From May Ist. the e* *tory Brick Store, numbered ien l«v b ?■£ ffiii and Las allc street a!ic large Dwelling Hou-e, No. 1 -tft Monroe street, with ypDxto q LUOK - - Vo - >2l TO RENT- Three first-class frame nail DRre 'l in « H pev *os 219.249 and 253 North La- 'T'O RENT—A Farm on the South of cola. .Hoc, Well fenced, good house ani shedi Por particulars apply to GtOtiOE STFft* SiS- r ijT im RICHAIiD3 - *** o! T° KENT — On Madison MUllu* r s Shop. }so. 141. Cottasc oneorntFi f u*iti “« ’!"<?■■ •« f * tlVper montp l Cot JSPborth'I 1 ” li'mfo" SSXEJtSHSSt 141 « J «as3Sig,sJ r p < -* RENT—A desirable Residence ON MICHIGAN AVENUE, jnhiaea93Stn Cor. TO RENT—The large Store, No. tr»w 3 trn? e Adi'doing the Store of We^rA Wllfams & Tal?, and of Messrs. Coolev. Far. well & ‘-o, for one or dwa jeari. Terms male "known on appiltmtloa at bo. a® Wiitlngton stree . sou h miSSm Mh * toA - pfiTfili PAGE - T° —The Block of Stores 4or>^jg?SK rssss^aTass and soluble for Drag Clothing, Boot and Shoe SSw! Ac. Will rey to good parUea at id to \per month i a^p L 3 -Th u Qpper atoriss over stores, arranged for large.Boarding House or Hotel. WIU rent very low Inquire °f J. M. WILLIAMS, ‘JIOK South Water-st! 2d door west oi VellMt Bridge. apW-y-tmvi 'T'O RENT—To Large Brick Ware- A house and Dock—also Frame Building, with i^»,^l ua . te co rthaide of the i.iver. jnatbe low Knsh.atreet Bridge. Possession glreu May Al- il rs > cllias Br Jck Dwellings on illcUigan street, ® 9 , t01 basement). Peaseaslouglren im. tp d r 4ir ‘ i<1 * Alao bQ ß<Uag at corner of Pino a 5!? or^ 1 streets—ealoon below and dwelling above. For terms, inquire of W. H. SAMPSON No 3 Metropodun Buddings. ft^-oTfu-tmv r PO RENT—Store and Cellar No. oTTki 151 Klnzle street under Poster House, with eood Stable °u the alley First rate etind for oommlfaloa Hoaje. Poß*e.*-iiOQ given Immediately. Al*o. Stores with good Cedars under each of No. 177. i© and ill L aad - ali * Stores wlto Cellars No. ii and 46 North Uark street, under Foster Hou-e. Poaaea-loa $ W? oI OEJKGE F.VoSrEBo? - d-- i T . KB, at -^ oater corner North Claris and K'nnle street. OhmihifS T3 RENT—Dwellings Nos. 243 and 345 on Wes: Lake etree., ascend bnlldlns wu»i> of Pe rla stre t Said are nearly new anu yreU flnlshtd/with wat randgaa, acd la agood nclgtborhood. T.rnu low. Also, one btoiebltbe «ory wood bulldlne con tr of H eat i ak- and Balated aireet?. Rent very low. Also, Lumber lard, well imptoTed. isoiett frunt on South Branch of u*T 52 e ?/r 7 wh Terms sls« per year. to J 3L MiLLTaMS. 210k Po3th*WaUr street Brccno dcor Testof ft elia street bridge ap*^^i>'iw 'P O RENT.— , PIANOS AID WEIQDEOIS^^^^ J.°7; e PV" n J 9 * r and second hand. Pianos ‘or sale low at lift Lake street, (up stairs) n-ar Clark ttreet. LaplO-si-iyj TO LEASE. Whirling Lot on Fraat- TjIaTILLERY TO RENT OR -i-c FOS SALK The Distillery at East Clinton, on Fos River on ih« Galena*CUcasotTnl.n KallSad. toeTiSefmm EUdm. Capacity SOO bushels, it will be rented or sold «*^i« 0 t t .£' , Ti or *? lfl *WK* APP*T*<> DAVIS A Nib- BaN. 16 Lasalle btreet, Chicago, ™ki XTOTICE.—To rent or sell, a bean.' 1" tifnl Summer Residence la the TOWN OF EVANSTON, Sffl 0110 tbat P H?°* abont eleven miles from Chicago This premise* U lennwn as tne Benson House. For MrUcolan Inquire ol GEuIiQK BUN tOoN. LbqJ or that place. TO RENT—Possession given May Ist—My ° SCoznoatead. Souse, £«?£*•* i?” 8 * S r J«taon and Jefferson streets. wjtbWooodaoose, Garden and Bam. Ite lot Swby ON A CORNER PLEASANTLY SHADED. The bouse U coavenlently arranged and has the by- ? ra ‘ 1^^ a . i£ aaf l ccl i4r ''Oder tne wbol-*—Klt-men. Pan. £^ D l ola £ room ’A® 114114 two Parlors In main story Five chambers andb ithmg room In second -norv lb! ?® c «* * 5 404 »'>' Sooti Wells street, in dcr Ge>»._&nilth * Co. sßaat. AbiEMAa Carter. spi-es* -im £AKE * SOUTH WATER ST. STORES TO RENT. ZharQsererml desirable stores os the shore named streets which will be tar rent on the flm ot Apr 1 1 or itsj-. Apply to X. XT, WADSWORTH, 'J'O CHARTER.— Fin Flrst-CUss SiDlog Vessel! To carry Grain to BaSalo, trill bs ebarterod by tbs ringl* trip or teaecn. TO RENT. Twenty.Tlva Houses, desirably located, wd be rented cheap to responsible, protnpLpaylng tanawt^ GROUXD TO BEST. Desirable Lots fbr a term of jean, to persons wish* tsg to Improve them, JIS« D. SHSBS4N, : 12 State street, (upstair*.) oegldaoi-ftm Sale. "POR SALE OR LEASE.—For ,-L Sal* SfLeaw. that bna fire story Brick BnUd- Folk street by IQ9 on Beach street— Kano deceased,foraßrewery. is llH^^?S-ni 1 v pte<i r for eonvt raioa Inloa cotton Fac » *»V«?L e £P*2y C .k*tPt_ or leased icr a term of M"*; h i-QQ 3 G * HAwTUroy, Boom-7 Methodist march Block. .. . gp vxiw ■pORSALE OR RENT—Dwelling -1- and Lot No 469 .Wabadr. avenue, house con- J* 1 ?* fc le\ r n r-Kims. gaesnd water, and stable. Lot 40 baI??iS«K - Possession-l£av Ist- Apply to wjf, H. BAMPSOS, No. 3 Metrepolitaa Blocit. apll-ettO tm F3R SALE—One large sized Safe, In perftt.orler for sale cheap. A gded. horse w-ai be taken il part payment «EO. W. HaNNIA. Scale and Safh shop. 97 Einaic street. apfrxtw F3R SALE OR TO RENT—The two story Brick Hooae, situated on May street. Just north of Lake street containing eleven rooms, nearly n*w aso thoroushlyboilt; with Iran fence, stone walk. 4c. rent from May let; or villas sold verv cheap to a ca *n purchSMT or on time. Addlt to GSO. A. SKAYSSNa, No. 73 Dearborn afreet - ‘ ap2e4 6-lm ' : PESIDENCE FOR SALE.- For JA> Bale tbe cheapest reaidenoe la the dty, eontiining eight room* and cellar far northward from Unionrark. Ap-'U j rom 8X 131W o clock a. at, at 107 South C ark street Booin No. 7. (opetalra) - - spimw , A FIRST-CLASS CANAL BOAT Is belne ball t and lar .«ala brtweea Ede street bridge and Chl'ago arenua bridge, Weat Sid* ft actively on flrbt of Hay. apU»lw - TO WHOM IT MAY CON CEB3?,—<toe of the finest opportunities k offered : * , "'rteg»saßas*, Si’S?*' For s®™» at “, K»aa«Lgg T? AEEQHANCE.—I ..wisli fo'ciQ}| muL -It la OM nt turn Produce and Comwlmlon Bnrtnrsa 3-TOgB. Bte. of JUwrtWwha, OHIOAeo VBtavatMf IS One inrS££* S?® ®*w® fifeSSSjMSi# HgSj^Sa;s~ discredited H.LINOIBANO WISCONSIN , ATJ ’ S Highest Market JPrice. No - 34 CLARK STREET Wo. S* A^PT lOX SALE CONTINUED rt tie sSo" 11 < ”' rr 1,1 DRUBS, MEDICINES, «.. At the/tore of 8. SAW ter. y D ?« T .>* e .om3t JAS. A. maSsuai! 8 iiSoS? - T) Y GILBERT. S AMPSON & CO. Auctioneers. 83 Late street gS^isas^s&'ysjasg S.o°SSteSW“ advancJ SUS'S*^ Kew sad Second Hand Hmavhold Tnrnitll*, ■ Carpets, Crocker; and Silver Slated Goods, at Auction. On TUESDAY, Anri! Icth at9><o’clock, we will aril atoar aatoroom*. !T>. 32 Lake •tmt i ta. wiws pliT'r l Goods, c naistlnsr fn jwnToJ Hair and other «*" * ltw*A Cai?%fttS do. blirer w lat«d Ca« e Raekrt-s JcePJtehera. &c - c '"} a d »-h^B«n?frame JfISSS togetherwlrhageneralTsrij-trof kone^koeM***coo a. aolie=?i.^ IU3EBT ’ SAiIPSOX * WABSEB; * _api3-e32t-3t Auctioneers. A. BUTTERS & CO., general auctioneers, 48, 48 and SO DEARBORN STREET, (Opposite the Tremoat Housed EVEKT WEDNRSDAY A SATURDAY AT 9!f A, M. DRY GOODS SALE Every Monday at O 1-3 A. M, 011 F ° mlta ”’ T*T 400 CAIrE SEAT CHAIRS, Rockingham and Planished Tin, AND JiPAMHBJ) WABB, AT AUCTION. Br "Wm. A. Butters Sc Co. On SATURDAY, April I3t\ stss* o’clock, at Salesroom,. 1, 1, »ja ,0 Dcrb .rj.t, .pScliajt STOCK OP SAFES AND SCALES AT AUCTION, tf cSS-nmJta? tt?cuc4S.°Sc“S too*'" rae '» l^-.'[^of Da>-yee A Forsyth Jlanarartarin? Co,, Consisting of Fin? and Bnnrlsr Proof Ssfe* of all s|z9s; Cooutsp, Portable Pl.vform Flour and Po*k Patter-*. .er. Dirm-mt. Hav, C 'aL Cattle. Fjraera* anl Riilroid Deoot S-al-a;''Vtafe ’ »Ssft Wsra.uise Tmcvs, Baguagc B<rrows. and Leitwr Presaei. Also, 2 Locomotive Read Ll »!i{» anSetuat WiL BV&ztis * CO, aps-844SJt ■ AacUoneera. PEE S H STOCK OF Dry Goods, Hosiery, Clotbs, Caul* meres, Satlaetts, Ac., ■A “t uo 11 o 3a. • THTs : OA*r B F T 0, y 5 , 11 9651 for otsh, oo iUifiaDAT, Anil! 16th, »-to clock, a: t!i-lr sain. s;*"m »J5, 4-i and 33 De .rbowi sireite. aiar*e 3”d t>esh stock of 4ea,onab‘e Dr,- Go-hls, cloth.*. mereA Satinctls. 1 ,suL"~ *V Sc WM. A. BP£T£Ks A’cO'VAactT.*. sSIGN EE ’ S bAL"eT STOCK OF A Retail Boot and Shoo Sealer, AT AUCTION. Bt7 XJ ER3 . & CO., Win a 11 for ca»b or bank able funds, on Tuursday, a rail sth„ at <n< u’dock. at tu-lr sale* room«, is. »s and 3 Dedr > ')rri!*t'-eer . ic.,» and rtu* stoe ; of a first rlicss hetill Boo7and7bo« coa-ltlla.r > f a fall ar.d central varb-tr of La *s“’ afvd Ohlldreiia B otee ,Bussins.'Galterm *c. Ireuch Calf Boot*, Pumps Brogans! Boot7 Byyi a d aaces, Uafters! ALSO—BlacMug, Brushes Ladnc*. Binding" Pee CuLer-s Lasts*.-..* t. V A.BDTITIW e O)/ 8 ?/i^ r °/ RoBT ' T * L A rm ' B ’ AUctlouewL _apu.ead.-/t M cVICKEE’S THEATRE. iTj. Madison street, between State and Dearborn. April irtuel htoenthand lajt nlj,ht hat one of the dlitl galshed actcr MR. J. E. MURDOCH, ■WTiose ent’rs cngsgem-nt of three week* h«v« cc-vraH a co itlnu.d triumph of f'rama, th • th»a. S' 10 . 1 ? 11 dnightly admin-ri or tsriy dellaeuioas who hare tesafled their deli^bt "With Rapturous Applause. Mr Murdoch will tav e hn fire»ell for the nrcene sea 'on, of his frl-nds, this evcntar. whe-. b- unreT^sl ,Je '““ bmh Sl “*»wara-. HAMLET, “ a 11 •**»>*»«> tr Without an Bqual. The performance will coccluda with a Geaxd Dahcs bt ths Gals SiaTsas, orJ - "■ Beaato Artist of PHILHARMONIC -*• OP CHICAGO. Slxtb Concert. Pint Season. BRYAN MUSIC Saturday Evening. April 13, 1861. 1. Overture— **Gniranme Tell,” HamJni a. Cavatina for "Donna Csrit-a Jiercadaata. 3. Violin Solo. MR. EM I WEINBERG *. Symphony—No. t in #a*t.. 8. Scotch Song— Oonlcc,’* MRS. MATfESON. 1 Overture— “La SLrene.' 1 _ MUiICAL CONDUCTOR .. HANS BALATKa] Doors open at 7 o’cloe*: to commence at 8 oVioele punctually. Extra Tlcs*t%so Cents; cap oe obtained at the having Office of Messrs. E, I. Tinknaia & Co or st the Music Stores of Root £ Csdr, and jolinis Bautr,laLarmonßlocjc. apic-eiU-1 PROF. A. O’LEARY -will com many * foorMi of TRV lETTURRS on the «*g«. A Ulrica. Adi£dßel ">a to Amt lecture rsxz! C. 3. POWEiiS. Agent &jd BepcrUrv PJRYA2T HALL.—Clark Street, Opposite the Court Kmlnont maddens pronounce this h«i. ansanassad 37 say Mail In thi Union In In - 1111 No. 68 Md 60 Late steeefc Acoutici and Gsnaral Appointment* ItwUlM.tgOOin'SPe personattiaaanr other Han la BAuKiT^mdteaSi 5 “ imt a “' l report 01 .°ABr*a • rnemaln •aileace Room boa t*ie flrnt Boor th* «itr»ice being oa Clark «tree t, the greatest thorough asxasawsfiatfisa^ fest ° f . T*}f cootaloa the Healv National GaDerr, valusd ». tLVKft and porctuaea of Geo. f. a. H?al? now I>7 C°agre« to paint a aeries or Preal- portraits for the Whits Haase. ThU Gallery * great Dtcture for which the ga& • war d«d at the World’s F-Or lo Pans; tM VP I7 Harue. aadporrait- ol allth*- Lincoln mclQiive. aa as wtdlas of maay oUuar Ulistrlona America as, by Healr. Therelsaapscloaa Lower Sail fjr Ftlra Festivals. Balls, and the like. It is provided with drasaln? rrvima, atracnei, cooking stove, numerous tables, 4c_ 4c. Both Halls, or either, can bs rented Car Concerts. Lectures; Banlbldons Halls, and the Uko. on aoDlioZ ttouto TfloCßAttHOmtßayadf^^^ noi:*6o-tT ■ f -« The patent d-luax^nu BOOM DSSRICK. Messrs. Fuller 4 Hobaxt are ln*trac£»rf ta new for SALS by AUCTION, on iST at the Auction Mart, London, Sns^d’thc Vatkvt* FLOAfIKwBoUMOBSHIck, JffiSrttoiaßlw Lren Works aod Solo Building C.mnany XttjpJjl?®)* Comp my, at a cost of £W 000. and intended to bo used In raising sunken vee- ton* known and applied in the Bolted State* w-ti :roat. The powers of this ■*®P* >fl®»ia floating dfmekhave been most aoverdr tested vita penectsaecess. ltt»caoabl® oflifOnga dead weight of 1,000 tune, and eonsi-to oi an iro>i a*t bottomed »eseel 270 fcet untg and so fast beam. <dvld«l tnringneut by a namber o i water tight eomoa* tm«i t*. which can be filled t> eounteroalaoee any welslO on the opposite side. On th»one side H raised an iroa tripods* f'etlnhelgh*; on which revol*e« a gfrantie • boom, 12) length, aod front one side or which are soi' ended 1*) powsrfal blocks wtUch work «niv .others Immediately eo&neeted «ith the vesa» to b« raised On th" opposite 10 ppwerml crabs, concerted with thechaiMSonhe puller blocks an * werxs by a enMoes. The derrickttoelf ta ca jable oi b-Rie nron*U 's^e« T ha7^slS!l^2w? e,l !®y card-1 tittir. Which London. Kngland. Q. O AN D SE E X X.— . J The Scovilleltnartz Mill, .VWt •aaetblbUedu lb, bCeebuln tw, tat an. and which drew tie first premium of its chess, harts* Brsasrswa mines, may now be seen- . - . nsr QBBIEtA3CIO3Sr, ■SSSS S! (3S?w£aaSa& E'IRST PIANO BOOK. PUt i gis^sagss^^srT-jes mum atHitjn* ADVERTISDre SCEEDUIS, E. K. WIILARD & CO., Exchange on 2fcw Tork £br Sale. . sps-et4S.lm Outturn Sal?B. FUMETOBB SAM AT OUB SALESROOM. 'amusements. socxet: PROGR AMiIE MES. MA.TTESOJJ. .Mozart. •Aabcr.