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Chicago Sribant. " > DAILY, TRI-WEEKir AND WEEKLY, Editors an* -Proprietors, John u wwigt StSsSSLftrSf 1 ?* % iLLia a t’ ko gj SK D cowiiaf^* 1 “* nT,,l> office XO. Sl CIiASK BTSSBT. ot-tH* cmcifio TBtßtnm: rjflc. .a Ay to cattle* ye*r„. % .tftM \ <i <•• - C *V carrier, per week.. .. .YS n|w in tit sia-cfloer*, pur year j,qa i)t t <-•*'-i moattu 4*oo ||| - 5o •• I><- .. -v*c£, 10*00 -/« Latter*, nu.ybcieni.yasJ :■» CrlbuneV’eWoa^^jandMs, (Dijitago ®rtimnt WEDHE3t)A.Y, APRIL 17,1861. TBII ELECTION. Notwithstanding the light vote cast in the city yesteHsy, the Republican ticket tras elected by lather more than the usual majority. Siface the spring of 1557 the Republican majority in the teh wards has ranged from SSO to 2,600 —usually settling in the vicinity of 1,100. It appears at this writing (midnight) that Jlr. Rumsey’s ma jority will be about 1,100. "Wentworth’s majority last spring was 1,260. There was considerable scratching in some of the Ger man precincts against Jlr. "Warner and in favor of Jlr. Lctz tor member of the Board of Public Works, but according to present appearances the former is elected. The Council remains Republican by the casting vote of the Jfavor. Judging from the platform of the “ Peo ple’s Union ticket*’ and ihe known senti ments of Mr.'Sryan, neither party had any special advantage oyer the other in devo tion to the stars and stripes. The follow ing resolution was adopted by the Bryan Hall meeting on Monday night, and pla carded all' over the city yesterday morning, together with the announcement that the Timet would not claim Mr. Bryan’s election as a Democratic .victory: ** Sesolrcd, Th ->t the people of Chicago, Repub licans, D. moemts, Bell and Breckinridge men, should now know no parly b at that of patriots, and should unite earnestly and cordially in support of Vu To do so the People’s Union Ticket should be voted for witb such unanimity as to render its triumph a most emphatic declaration oi our whole people, ignoring all party in favor of the Unionand in evjjport of the Government." Aside from the endorsement of the Times and the special nursing of its Vir ginia cliques, there was no t-int of seces sion on Mr. Bryan’s garments, and the peo ple so understood it. Whether on the score of patriotism, respectability, sound judgment or public spirit, there was noth ing to choose between ihe two men. We have reiterated this statement every morn ing since thfc" contest, and it gives us pleas ure to repeat once more, that Thomas B. Bryan is an honorable, whole-souled citi zen, whose life is an example of the best virtues in the community—whom the peo ple of Chicago would have delighted to honor yesterday with a nearly unanimous vote, but for circumstances which , have already been explained. THE! HIVE BEGUN. The atrocious conduct of the St. Louis Republican and a few papers of that ilk, in saying that u the President has inaugurated civil war,” ‘‘the President is responsible lor the blood that will be shed,”&c., de serves the severest reprehension by men of all parlies. Ko newspaper thus falsifies tacts unless it is at heart thoroughly in the interest of the secessionists, and an enemy oi the country. We make no exception in favor of the republican —a journal that has done more to bring about the present con dition of affairs tban any other pro-slaveiy organ in the. West. CHICAGO PRODUCE TRADE. The receipts and shipments of Produce during the past week were as follows: Received. Shipped. .. 11.734 24.010 . 50.840 135,608 ..125,1*3 62,832 . 2.738 1.820 .. 3041 .. 2,074 8,104 .. 31,161 GM7O -472 ..214.512 528.600 .. 8,679 * 315813 .. 4.910 3.040 .. 3,008 1,442 65 Flonr, bbla Wheal, ba I'oru, be Oats, bn live, ba Barley, ba.. fwds, lbs >*ork. bbls <7at Meats, lbs Lard. lbs Tallow, 2)5........ Live Hogs, No .... Breezed llojrs, No. Bod Cattle.No..., 3,701 The following table shows the total re ceipts of Produce from the Ist of January, compared with 1650 and 1800: 1861. 1860. 1669. Flour, bbls 31(3.599 132.807 91,022 Wheat, bn 1.G4T.8U0 776.223 668 865 ftora. bn 2,550.021 2,546,303 694-BS4 Oat*, bn 133,484 555.165 15L973 Hvo. bn 93.625 40,803 13.43-3 105.759 155.843 83,475 Seed*. 2>« 2.251 CGD 2,109.616 1.053,351 Pork, bbls 29.922 31,000 5,770 Meat*, S>a... 7,163.130 5.489,469 2,108,959 Lank lbs ....... 4,29 C,594 3,255.610 527,782 Tallow. Jbs 134.689 4(5,W3 344.601 UvcU-'irs, No.. 85,227 83,310 19.029 Ure*>vd ilogg.No 114.014 46,192 26 240 Beef Cattle, No. 86,629 33,528 18,288 TLOUR AND CHAIN IK STORE, MONDAY, APRIL 18. Flour, bbls 6T,27S Wheat, bu 1,646,523 Torn, bu 1,991,724 Oat*, bn . 625.63G Kfc, bn 116,280 Barley, bn 78,002 ST. LOUIS. Our special dispatch from St Louis sets at rest the rumor which prevailed yester day, that the Secessionists had seized the great arsenal at St. Louis. The arms are Mill in possession of a U. S. officer who is true to his flag and his oath. Enlistment of Volunteers. Chicago, April 15,1861. Editors Chicago Tribune: Can yon inform the public in regard to the following points: Will the States make up their respective contingents for the 75,000 troops called for by the government, only of organized companies? Will the U. S. Army receive no volunteers di rect, and if so, where shall such apply ? Thirdly, must such volunteers of this State enroll into a company or can he offer his ser- Ti*™* to the government, Federal or State, di rect? uy answering these queries you will greatly oblige agreat many Ukiojs Coketitutioh Mek. Axswee. —The States will make up their contingents only from companies now organ* izedrOrlobe organised. The U. S. Army will receive no volunteers dirxt,- except by enlistment at regular recruit ing stations. There is such a recruiting sta tion here, at No. ISO South Clark street. Tho volunteers of this State must enroll into companies and offer their services to Gov. Tates. It Is understood that the Governor will assign one regiment to Chicago. Another Traitor. The St Louis BepvUicati of the 15th instant says: “ Major Beall, of the IT. S. Army, yesterday resigned' bis-commission and proceeds to Charleston without delay, with a view to ten der his services to the Government of the Con federate States. It is understood that no moro resignations will be received. AU such traitors as Beall will be ignominouEly dismissed the service and have their names stricken from the army roll as wretches, false to the flag of their , country. Wall Street Tmeto the Colon* [From the New York Herald, 16th.] Civil war having at length broken out, the mercantile .commualt y have begun to exam ine its probable bearings os the trade and the future of tbecountry. On one point, bo Coras ■we have been able to ascertain, perfect unan imity exists amo'jg our moneyed men: the Government must be sustained. Everyone deplores the terrible calamity -which has ‘ belaUen the republic. But there is no do- : eiro among the merchants or capitalists of New York to shirk the issue, or to evade the responsibilities of the contest. Upon New York Trill devolve the chief bur- ' then of -providing ways and means for : tho Tray; our financial community accept ! the duty and Trill perform it This view we J find to be universal among our moneyed men, including many whose sympathies have hero- ; toforo been with the South. If the govern ment prove true to the country. It need not led apv uneasiness about money. In the opinion'of bur leadifig bankers, a hundred millions over and above the receipts of the j Ciqveramcnt from customs and land sales, if necessary to defray the expenses of the war for a year from thfc date, could be readily bor rowed in Wall street, at a rite of interest cer tainly not exceeding that which France and England paid for the money they borrowed for the Hussian war. if, for the purpose cf bringing the war to an end, «T>d settling this controversy ofours forever,afurtheraumbe re quisite, it will be forthcoming. Wall street, bo fares we can Judge, is readyto sustain the government heartily nnd liberally. Ap idea of the Intensity of the Tinting! freTlng WMrh per 6lr®et may be gathered from the fact that -yesterday morning a thoughtless. member of the Stock Exchange, who offered some United States sixes on eellere 1 option, f was liis&ed down of " the three Bed and giyea for-Jisjor Aaderwa. ’ - dribwnf. VOLUME XIV. FROM WASHINGTON; | Tlgerons Intention* of tbc Cor* eminent. * 250,000 MEN*! A - fort Pickens to be Eeinfbrcddi THE KOBTH’S EESPOJSE, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Washington, April 16, 1851; The Administration expects the passageof a secession ordinance tn Vlrglnlapand is taking most effective and comprehensive measures for the protection of the Federal property in that State. Advices from Western Virginia state that the Unionists are preparing to eist secession. No doubt of the loyalty of a majority of the citizens of Maryland. The call for volunteers is rapidly responded to. The Government is already offered one regi ment from Baltimore. The Government fi«« information, that the Unionists in Virginia, Maryland and Missouri will raise contingents, even thoughthelr respcctiveGovemors should refuse to act under the President’s requisi tion. The War Department Is confident of the re-J inforcement of Fort Pickens. The command* er has been ordered to fire upon the Confedo i rate troops if they do not discontinue the I erection of batteries. At least five thousand troops from New York, Philadelphia and Rhode Island, will be here in less than , three days. A military camp will be formed on the heights commanding Washington., Some Ohio volunteers also are expected here to wards the end of this week. Offers of men and money continue to. bo received from all parts of the North by the Government. [The above ought to have appeared In yes terday’s Tribune. It was started from Wash ington ; but got hung up on the way, proba bly at Pittsburgh.— Eds. This.] Washington, April 16. Information received here shows that two hundred thousand men wilfbe in' arms in the North before the first of June. i<Vh State will organize a large reserve In addition to the contingents under the President’s reqnMtion. of seventy-five thousand men. Under this call thirty-five thousand will be used in pro tecting Washington and the military posts along the Potomac, and Chesapeake .Bay, Twenty thousand will be concentrated at St. Louis and Cairo, and the rest, with most of the regular army, will be used for operations in Texas, Pensacola Bay and Charleston- Formal orders to blockade the mouth of the Mississippi and Southern ports are not yet issued, but will be as soon as the steam frig ates now fitting out are ready for sea. The Government is about notifying the for eign powers, of its intention to collect the revenue off the Southern ports. Frank Blair, of St. Lonis, will be the Repub lican candidate for Speaker, on the assembling of the House on the 4th of July. FROM ST. LOUIS. THE UNION MEN FIBM. The Jackals Seeat-ng Out a Weak Place in the Arsenal. The Missouri Republican Traitorous. DOUGLAS FOR BIS COUNTRY. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribnne.] Sr. Louis, April 16, 1861. The Union men are firm and determined for the Government. The secessionists are prowl ing about the Arsenal like Jackals, and scent ing a weak point of attack; but the cominaud iug officer, C&pt Lyons, is true, and prepared for any emergency. We wish, however, that we could rely on the fidelity of all the officers of the army here. Gov. Jackson left this city on Sunday mom* log for the Capital. He is still plotting trea son ; but the people have their eye on him. The news that Maryland responds favor ably to the call of the President for troops, raises onr hopes to fever heat. The Missouri Jhpublican has gone over to to the rebels; but it Is nothing more than expected. It is believed that the great mass of our peo ple are with the Stars and Stripes. Senator Douglas’s reply to a dispatch sent him from here, that he was for his country and against its assailants, creates great rejoicing among Union men of all parties. Trade is dull and money matters confused. Poulterer & Brother, bankers, failed to-day. Sumter and Pickens. [Special Dispatch to the IT. T. Tribune.] Washington, April 14,1861. THE IMPRESSION IN WASHINGTON. The intelligence from Charleston has pro* doced a profound impression here, and at* though the statements by telegraph are one* eidedjfromihe wires being In possession of the Secessionists, still enough Is certainly known to cause unusual excitement in all cir* cles. The Government is cut off from aU in? dependent means of communication, and has to rely upon outside sources. It would be unjust to pronounce any positive opinion upon the events of the last few. days, without fuller and more satisfactory information. But it seems almost incredible, that a conflict, like that described, could have occurred without inflicting some serious injury, which the gen eral accounts agree in denying. major anderson’b conduct approved. No blame la imputed to Major Anderson by the Administration, and no whisper affecting bis fidelity and loyalty is tolerated. He acted upon a necessity contemplated by bis orders, which was to yield the fort in case he should be encompassed by aa overwhelming force, or j reduced to an extremity by the want of pro- : visions. According to information which reached here recently, his supplies were ex pected to be exhausted on Tuesday, and hence the extraordinary efforts which* were made here to recruit his enfeebled garrison. Major Anderson hlmseL endeavored to get rid of the laborers who had been employed in the fort, for the purpose of restricting the consumption 1 to his actual military command, bat the State authorities refused to permit their departure,' and these additional mouths were thus im posed upon his limited stock of provisions, i In view of the threatened contingency, an I attempt was made to communicate with him [ on the 4th lost, conveying discretion to j abandon the Fort, If, in his judgment, it could ; held until supplies could he forwarded. But that and other dispatches were intercept ed, which put the Secessionists in. foil pos session of the exact circumstances of his con- , dition, and enabled Gen. Beauregard to time his operations, as they were subsequently do- ' velpped. Then the order cutting-off Ms pur- ' chase in the Charleston market was mitdo. The dispatch which - Lieut* Talbot took down repeated this discretion, but also announced to him that a Teasel with supplies, supported by several ships of war, would be sent to Ms relief That dispatch could cot be delivered, ; and Its general 'wharacter was anticipated by the instructions of the Government, which had been feloniously .appropriated before. It will thus be seen, that the Revolutionists were fully informed, not only of the’ state of the garrison, but of the policy of the Government In every essential particular. ’With their im- • mense force, and numerous batteries, and con sidering that the storm bad dispersed the fleet which Had been sent to Major Anderson’s re lief, or, at least prevented their co-operation, the result is not surprising. - • BEISFO&CEUSHT OF FICHESS. Reliable intelligence has been received here, riving assurance of the reinforcement of Fort Pickens, according to the order* stated in the Tribune three weeks ago, and which have been repeatedly denied by ignorant newsmongers. ; That fort is now in condition, if property sup ■ ported by the ships of war, to make a success ful defense, even against tbe large army which invests it, and which will doubtless be en thused by the news from Sumter. The socia ble terms which have recently existed between ■ some of the officers of both forces have excl ■ ted much remark and some apprehension , that. In caeo of collision, there might hodfr fection. Events there Trill be walched with increased interest from this fact It is time : that notice was served on the besieging army that no further works would-be permitted bearing upon Fort Pickens. Msjqr Anderson t was hemmed in with ia circle of destruction, 1 j wlthoutbeing able to raise a "finger.. J ; Boats for Carrying Soldiers the # Southern Confederacy fTes of Charge* ( [FromthaSt. Louis Democrat.] ’ - , It is currently reported that General Baauey stated on Satamay that certain boats' In cur , port bad agreed to carry, free of. charge,'one . hundred aoldiersto the Southern Confederacy. i It is scarcely credible that the the marine of ‘ St Louis, which derives its chief support k frmn carrying the products and of the . 'United E&atcs, shonld turn who 1 ’ have sustained them. of this city owe it to themselves, and to their custom gnvernment-:- t< I comfort to their enemies,”—should receive no j armport r*Fhe merch^rnarinoof ttmi ■ *7V BY TELEGRAPH, THE &REAT OKISIW THE NORTH A UNIT. Voloo of The Northwest, New EnglaMj f New York, Pennsylvania, Maryland, New Jersey. Ohio, ana Indiana- The Administration Doing its Whole Duty. THE PEOPLE WILL STAND BY IT TO THE LAST. Interesting Details from Charleston. HO SURRENDER OP PICKENS. THE RESPONSE OF THE STATES, [Note by the Reporter.] from a mass of despatches received from al most every town in Ulmoie, lowa and Wisco nsin, that can be reacted by telegraph,we select the following-as indicating ito fienlimentsol the people of those States. Not a despatch has been received that does not declare a set tled determination on the part of the people to support the Federal Governments in its efforts to promptly administer the laws and uphold the honor of the National flag. ILLINOIS. Sterling, HL, April 16.— I The most Intense excitemenfrpervades the enire community at the news of the conflict and surrender of Fort Bnmter. All party feeling is overwhelmed by the universal spontaneous outburst of patri otic devotion to our country and onr country’s honor. To night we meet to organize a vol unteer company. Effingham, Hi., April 16.—The war news creates great excitement Meno - all parties, as a general thing, are fully in favor of sus taining the laws at all hazards, and will fight for the Stars and Stripes. Decatur, lIL, April 16.—The War news cre ates great excitement here. A large and en thusiastic meeting was held last night Sev eral speeches were made by prominent men of all parties in favor of upholding the Gov ernment in maintaining the ConstTntion and enforcing the laws... To day the Hon. Dick Oglesby is beating up recruits. Quite a num ber have already volunteered: Mendota, HI i April id.—The Wat news was received with feelings too deep for utterance. All agree that the Government must be sus tained at any sacrifice. Mendota is not par ticularly noted for demonstrations, but will be found ready to do her part of the work. Cairo, 111., April 16.—The war news creates little or no excitement. Business in financial circles is somewhat paralyzed, and all anxious ly await the final settlement of the question distracting tbe country. Many declare them selves unwilling to take up arms against the South: while others express a determination to sustain the Government at whatever cost. La Balls, April 16.— The war news creates profound sensation. Party lines are lost sight of. The Union sentiment absorbs every thing, and Democrats and Republi cs alike unite in support of the Government. Military volunteer companies are organizing in various towns in the county, and but one sentiment is expressed—that is, determined hostility' to rebellion. Kewanke, 111, April 16 —Strong feeliig In favor of the Uni oh prevails here among all parties. Flags axe raised on different staffs. The current -pinion is that the Federal Gov ernment should and must be sustained. Princeton, 111, April 16.—War news re ceived amid excitement and indignation, and with almost unanimous feeling to sustain the Government to the last with both men and money. }- -Galesburg, lIL, April of the gar j reader of Sam ter was received here with con -1 siderable incredulity. War news excites deep : feeling, and the disposition evinced by the Government to execute the-laws is heartily approved. IOWA. Dubuque, April 16.—There has been intense excitement in this city since Friday. Extras were issued on Sunday and contents eagerly read. Am immense meeting of our citizens, irrespective of party, was held last evening. Speeches were made by prominent men of all parties, and resolutions unanimously'passed to sustain the Government, stand by the Con stitution and enforce the laws. The Govern or’s Greys are ready to march with full ranks promptly at the call of the Governor, which is hourly expected. Fulton, lowa, April 16.—The news of the surrender of Sumter has created a profound sensation here among all parties. Stc >ngfeel iugs arc manifested in fevor of sustaining the Administration. Clinton, lowa, April 16,—The news of the cipture of Sumter was received here on Sunday morning, causing the greatest excitement and indignation, and costing a gloom over aIL . There is a strong and nnanl* ; moos feeling here to aid the Federal Govern* ‘ meat in every way. A company of one hun dred is now being raised for the State. | Burlington, lowa, April 16.—The war news 1 caused intense excitement here, and the Intel* ligence of the surrender ef fort Sumter crea ted a great sensation. The utmost anxiety is everywhere manifested to hear the latest news from the seat of war. Political distinctions are forgotten in the unanimous desire to sup port and sustain the Government. A master Toll is now open. The several companies of lowa volunteers, who have tendered . their service-' to the Government, are ordered to hand in the rolls of their companies, with* the names of all the members who are willing respond promptly to the orders of the Gov ernor, to march as occasion may require. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Wk, April 16.—An immense ' meeting was held at the Chamber of Com ! merce fast night. Men of all parties particl ?rted and the excitement was very great, ae feeling is unanimous for asserting the au thority of the Government, and crowds of men.are offering their services to theAdju taut General. Three Volunteer Rifle Compa ■ nlea were formed yesterday. The prepare? vllons for war are decided and unmistakable. \ Oshkosh, Wis., April 16.— The new® of the ' surrender of Fort Sumter, and the stirring : events following it, have raised the txcite • meat among onr citizens to the highest pitch. ! This county alone would easily ihrnish the quota of volunteers required from Wisconsin. Citizens generally, irrespective of party, are determined to stand by the flag of. onr conn i tiy afc any and all hazards, until the last traces lof treason are wiped out Military companies : here will tender their services to the Got* j emor. Fond 3>xj Lac, Wis., April 16.—There is a ; deep and determined feeling here to stand by obe Stars and Stripes, come what may. The fill of Sumter so soon was not looked for. The -effect here is to wipe bat party distinctions - anu unite all in the determination to snppor. - the General Government in its defense of the 1 Union. ► Janesville, Wis., April 15. — A large and en ’ thusiastic Union meeting was held here last 1 night Resolutions were adopted pledging * the citizens of Janesville, without distinction ' of party, to support the Government. Hence- J forth, and nntu the present conflict Is ended, - them bat two parties, patriots and trait '" orsT *We will stand by the Constitution and l our national flag, and endorse the action ol 6 Gov. Randall in responding to the call of the President -National honor demands that all * ' forts which have been seized by tra-tore should | immediately be retaken, and we will aid to 1 ijxicg about that result ~ ,1 : Madison, Wis., April 16.—The Governor is i sued his proclamation to-day, inviting the pa a triotic and loyal dtizens of the State to enrol] i themselves into' companies of 78 men each • and to advise the Executive of their Teadlnesc - to muster into eerrice immediately. DetaQec - instructions will befurnlshed bn acceptance i to commissioned officers. The' Governor - : doses by saying: “ In-times of public daugei *•. bod men growboldahd. reckless, the property i of citizens becomes Unsafe, and both publh tr and private rights ari liable to be jeopardized a 1 enjoin upon all administrative and peace of * - fleets within the State renewed vigilance ii h the maintenance andexecution of the o in guarding against exigencies leading to dis y order among the people.” r , . . d A. W. Randall, Governor, n I*. P. Hastet, Secretary ofßtate.~ • ■ - i ■ - ■« . v •* MTnmGAN. • MICHIGAN. ~ Adbun, Mich., April 16.—A larcc and cn* > thosiastic meeting assembled otrshort notice ls«t night, irreepectiTe of party. Resolutions ' were unanimously adopted expressing sym . pathy with the Administration, and recommen ding tha-Governor to adopt such measures as ’ will enable Michigan to cooperate with other .States,in maintainingtheperpetnityof the institutions bequeathed by oar ancestors. A similar meeting was held In Hudson, ; Michigan. ■ _.r ■ . 'i t Hetsoit/ Hhib.; April 16 —At ah informal meeting of dtizensto-day, at which Gov. Blair was preset, it was rescued, in order to expedite.rae equipment of the troops reqnir-' rjedfrom iHchigamto raise lIOO.OOOby-priyate Bubscrjptioru: A large portlon of the ampjmt ms subscribed on the will be raised 'Gait“ Oaiw re-; ponded Übendfy* x ' lit* CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, APRIL INDIANA. La Posts, April 16.—At a large and cn- Sistlp meeting of citizens, irrespective of , held lathis place last everting; the fol g resolution whs unanimously adopted: - “Resolved, That the Secretary of tills meeting be Instructed to telegraph the Associated Press that La Porte stands a holt for the Union of the States now and forever, one and inseparable.” Steps are being taken for raising volunteers. Rising Sun, Ind., April 16.—Our citizens are holding a meeting, thlt evening, express ing their sympathy with the Government. A cbnipany of volunteers is filling its ranks for immediate service. Secession sentiments are not tolerated in this community. PENNSYLVANIA Philadelphia, April 16, —The Union pledge is receiving the signatures of all classes of citizens. It responds to the President’s Pro clamation and declares an unalterable deter mination to shstaintbe Government, throwing aside all differences of political opinion. Lancaster, Pa., April 16.—'The volunteering is brisk here. The Judges and members of the bar, after a speech by the Hon. Thaddeus Stevens, renewed the oath to support the Con stitution. There is a <roll for a public meeting on Wed nesday. . Ex-President Buchanan exhibits intense in terest m the news from the South, and par .ticipates In the expression of a determination to sustain the Government. Philadelphia., Penn., April 16.—A mob of two hundred boys visited the res idapooa oC-eeeoMlocdeie; compelling them to hoist the American flag. The chief of poßce arrested the ring-leader. The Majorcddresaed the crowd and ordered it to disperse. He said he couldn't permit any farther indulgence of this spirit. He would proceed to extremities If they didn’t disperse. Mayor Henry Issued a proclamation that treason against the Union most not be permit* ted, and asks the citizens to make known ev ery person aiding the enemy by“enlisting, mu nitions or provisions. The Legislature has passed a law making connivance with enemies punishable bya fine of $5,000 or ten years imprisonment. The Second Regiment, 1000 men, tendered their services to the Government. They are Irishmen, NEW YORK. Trot, N. T., April 16. —A great Union dem onstration took place in this city last night. The meeting adjourned in a body to Gen. Wool's residence, who responded m a Stirling Union speech. Buffalo, April 16, p. m. —Millard Fillmore made a strong Union speech, saying, we most all stand by the Constitution. Albany, April 16.—A telegraph was read in the Legislature stating that the crowd in New York City compelled the Herald to hoist the American flag. That paper is now out for the Union. NEW JERSEY. TeekTon, N. J., April 16.—The .Governor has ordered the military to the arsenal. He is apprehensive that the arms will betaken away. An attack on the Trite American is appro* heuded because the American flag isnot dis played. NEW HAMPSHIRE. Manchester, N. H., April 16.—New Hamp shire will respond promptly to the call of the President for troops. The requisition baa not been received yet, but as soon as it is, Gov. Goodwin will take prompt and active meas ures for complying with iu It is not proba ble that an. ex:ra session of the Legislature will be called. The State will undoubtedly tender two regiments to the Government, In stead of one, as requested by the President. Concnrd, N. H., April 16.—New Hampshire responds to the President’s proclamation, and will furnish the troops required. The Con cord Union Bank has tendered a loon of $20,000 to the-Goveraor, and all the Directors, with the Cashier, agree to contribute SIOO each to the support of such families of soldiers of this city aa may fall in defending the flag of their country. VERMONT. Johnsburt, Vt., April 16.—1t is understood that Governor Fairbanks will convene the Legislature of Vermont in extra session on to-day week. He will respond prompt ly to the call of the Secretary of war for troops. - MASSACHUSETTS. Lawrence, Mass., April 15.—Our city gov ernment, this morning appropriated $5,000 for the benefit of the lamiUes of those who volunteered to defend their country’s flag. Boston April 16.—The fink Afanhaitasn, which’ arrived here tbifirnornlng from Savuhah, bad a secession flag hoisted. A crowd procetd ed to the wharf and compelled CapL Davis to take it down and hoist the stars and stripes. Boston, Mass., April 16.—Thirty companies arrived, 1,700 strong. The Governor of New Hampshire’s requisition for troops will be filled In a week. -A steamer has been char* tered to convey Rhode Island troops to Wash ington. CONNECTICUT. Nobwich, Ct., April 16. —Gov. Buckingham has issued a proclamation calling for volun teers to rendezvous at Hartford. The Thames Bank of this city has tendered SIOO,OOO to Gov. Buckingham, and the Fairfield Bank has offered $50,00 J. New Have*', April 16.—The Mechanics Bank of this city this morning tendered to the .Gov ernor $35,000 for the use of the State in sup porting the National Government. OHIO. Cincinnati, April 16.— The citizens meeting last night was an immense affair. Men of all parties participated. Bat one feeling was manifested, and that, to sustain the Stars and Stripes at all hazards. Great activity prevails among the military, and all the companies are fast filling their ranks. The Home Guard for the defense of the city will consist of 10,* 000 men, and is fast filling up. -The mer chants have stopped shipping goods to the South. Cleveland, April 16—An immense Union meeting was held here last night, Mayor Flint presiding. The meeting was addressed by Senator Wade, R. P. Spaulding, D. K. Cartier, and other prominent citizens of all parties. Resolutions were adopted to sustain the Gov ernment, approving the President’s call for ■volunteers, recommending the Legislature to make appropriations of men ard money, ap pointing a committee to ascertain the efficien cy .of the Cleveland Military. The greatest unanimity of feeling prevailed mid the speakers*, were constantly interrupted by wild cheers and responses. Similar proceedings and a large meeting were had at Norfolk, Ohio, last night. DELAWARE. Wilmington, Del, April 6. —A large meet ing to-nignt censured the course of Senator Bayard in not advocating compromise, having thereby placed the State in a false position as having an anti-Union tendency. MARYLAND. Baltimore, April 16.—Gov. thinks that Maryland should maintain the same poai’ tion as heretofore; that she should, protect Federal capital and Government property, and stand by the Constitution and this Union. En listments are rapidly progressing. KENTUCKY. - Louisville, April 16.— A large ant enthusi astic meeting of those opposed to Mr. Lin coln’s war policy was held to-night. About 8.000 were present. Resolutions were adopted that Kentucky would cot permit the marching of troops against the Confederate States, but would share the latter’s destiny, if war must come; sympathizing with all patriots in the Northern States, and endorsing Gov. Magof fin’s reply to Serctary Cameron. Paducah, April 16. — A meeting irrespective of party, J. B. Husbands -presiding,, adopted. resolutions recommending the Governor im mediately to convene the Legislature; that we are with the South in interest. and action; that the Governor be requested to issue a pro* clamation for a Convention at Frankfort at an early, day as practicable to consider the posi tion and future destiny of Kentucky; calling on the people of Kentucky to ignore party feelings and.oppose to the last extremity the coercive and trutracidai policy of the Execu tive. MISSOURI St. Lotus, April 16.—1t is understood that Gov. Jackson will refuse to comply with Sec tary Cameron’s requisition for troops. VIRGINIA. Norfolk, April 16.—One hundred guns were fired here,and there is great rejoicing over the Dill of Fort Sumter: An order has been received to fit out the U. 8. steamer Merimac immediately, and totow out all war vessels from the port. TENNESSEE. Memphis, Teon., April 15.—There is an in tense excitement here to-night, find a tremen dous meeting is being held, Memphis is out of me Union. There are no Union men here. LOUISIANA. New Obleass, April 16th.—The market is depressed by the war news. Lincoln’s war proclamation was received withno astonish ment; "Everybody is highly pleased, and the people are resolved to maintain their position at all haxsrds. Two more volunteer compa nies left to*day for Pensacola, and the rest will probably remain todefend the cily. Yol nnteer regiments are forming throughout the •State. three deserters from the Fed eral anhy have landed at Fort .Jackson, leav ing 13 months’ pay behind, so anxious were they to join tha Confederate army. . The steamship hence for Shreve port, sunk 5 miles above Compte. Boat and' cargo a total, loss. Passengers saved. Boat valued at 13,000, insured, f0r13,000 in Cincin nati.f • . ■■.. ' . Tbs Galveston (Milan, ays tbst timldes that there Is any considerable number > of per- EOns disposed to agitate the question of Union }a Texas, is entirely, ejonsous. Xt» steamer Arizona, was at Brazos oil the 9th, waiting tbs embarkation of troops forlndUtaGlfe . All ihe courts of this city* Indndlng.the Supreme Conti; have adjourn# to the third Monday in May, owing to thb - present state of Hon. Tipton -Walker afrived yesterday-aa a special, Montgomery from Gal veston, to rftiywnlt. with President Davis about the defence of the Texha is much excitement in Galveston on 'account of the war news. \ • .■: !_>?• The city council, in extraordinary sessloh, Strongly expressed a feelingTof .resistance. There isgreat activity on all sides. Several Jiecea of ordnaace wereto-davtakento Forts ackioh and St.. Philip* ; More volunteers have gone to pensbcoli . From GSuzleaton* Charleston, April 15. —The alarm was giv en la it night and early this morning by heavy booming of guns. Ac first it thought an attempt was making by the Federal troops bn : the war vessels to land at Stono, .but I learn from parties thence that the supposition was incorrect Toe Isabel is taking in provisions. More engines have been senfclo Fort Sum ter. The fire has been extinguished, but it is necessary to. cool off the-magazines. These are very hot, bud they are afraid to open thorn iest they explode : by vehtflatfon. One hun dred and twenty barrels of powder is yet in the magazine. SECOND DISPATCH. Chaeleston, April 10.— A gfeneifil order of Geo. Beauregard was issued Sunday to the Confederate troops. He orders that MaJ. An derson be allowed to evacuaSJ on the same terms he asked before the surrender. Gen. B, compliments the troops of the Confederacy for their bravery, and for the brilliant success which attended the hardships .and privations in reducing the stronghold hHSfc harbor. He says the feat! of arms was very, great, compli ments the gallant defenders of fort Sumter, says tbey only executed the orders of their Government, and conclifdes by ordering the return of the shots fired ? The city was unexcited. . . It was rumored that a salute was fired in honor of the British Consul, and that Great Britain had acknowledged onr independence. A salute was fired when MaJ. Anderson left the Isabel to go aboard the Battle, in which ho and his command are uow on their way home. Capt Foster sent a note to the city, addressed to his wife, saying he would meet her in New York on Thursday. There are many small boats, which remain with the fleet outside. All have muffled oars and oar locks. Great curiosity is manifested to know how the horses on board will be used* Fort Sumter 1b now occupied by two com* panics, the Palmetto Guards and Gapt. Hallo, way’s company. There is no officer of high grade in charge. My. Bipley wiU probably be stationed there. Workmen are busy clearing away the wreck of the burnt quarters of Fort Sumter. Companies are encamped all around the city. A land attack is prayed for. The Giro*. Uoians want to have a mortality list in the next engagement. 8.000 men are now -under arms. The news of North Carolina seizing her forte is received with great'delight. The neWs from Virginia is considered hopefuL Charleston, April 16.—The fleet stopped three vessels coming in, and afterwards per mitted them entrance. It won’t interfere far ther until orders from "Washington. It Is es timated that there are about r ten thousand troops in and about the city, and more arri ving. Beauregard, say s hecan, get flftythou sand in this State, and declines. offers of regi ments from Georgia and Alabama, Good authority states that there is no doubt that England and France will recognise/ the 1 independence of the South soon. The “Isabel” just come and reports Federal fleet Balled, ac companied by the Baltic with And ergon on hoard. From Washington, Washington, April 16.—Gov. Letcher, In, a private letter to a friend in Washington, says he adheres to the opinions formerly expressed in favor of a Central Confederacy. lf t how ever, there shall be farther. disruption, the will of Virginia shall be the rule of bls con: duct. Any sacrifice she r» quires, will he made , by him, and if troubles will take his share of them. '; • A report was in circulation last evening that Gen. Scott had resigned, hat meanwhile, he was engaged with the Secretary of "War and Adjutant General Thomaet ' New York, April 16.—A special dispatch to the says it is reported that tne Governors of Kentucky, Virginia, North Carolina and Missouri refuse to respond for troops; Mary land, however, responds promptly, and a Bal tlmo|e .regiment services, to the -president to-day. The quota for Massa chusetts has been doubled, and three regi ments from Boston ordered here at once. Gen. Jas. EL Lane of Kansas takes command of a thousand men here. , The Commercial's dispatch says Hon. Geo. Ashman has been sent to Canada on a secret mission. No orders are yet issued to blockade South* ern ports, or stop mails. The - Government has Issued orders to gar rison Harper’s Ferry, Forts Washington, Mon roo and others. One of the Massachusetts regiments goes to. Fort Monroe, with a New York regiment. The route between Philadelphia and Wash ington will be guarded by Western troops. Washington, Apr!) 16.—Union gentlemen here from North Cirollna and Kentucky say the reply of the Governors of these States to the requisition, misrepresents the people. Cameron replied that the services of inde pendent companies would be received. Washington, April 16.—Twenty tons of grape and shell have been sent to Georgetown in case of an attack on Washington. The Government has directed to stop sending cop ies of the Coast Survey to the South. Warlike News from Jeff. Davis’s Got* eminent. Montgomery, April 15.—Prominent gentle men in Virginia telegraphed to Montgomery that Virginia will probably secede to-morrow, Gen. (Ditch) Pillow has just arrived to offer Jeff. Davis a division of Tennessee troops. Everybody is delighted with the encourag ing news from Virginia. Vice-President Stephens has arrived. It is said that Virginia will unite with the Confederacy. President Davis will vacate his seat at Mont gomery, the Vice President assuming the du ties, and will make his head qoartera at Rich mond in ten days, with Gen. Beauregard as second in command. General Bragg cantake care of Pensacola. The foregoing is by authority. The Cabinet will await President Lincoln’s official proclamation before taking action. Montgomery, April 15,—'Ihepnbhc here are delighted that the uncertainty is at an end, and that we are now entirely justified in driv ing the invaders from our soil. No one feels a particle of doubt as to the result, and the only regret is that President Lincoln does not head the expedition. Montgomery, April 16.—The Cabinet were in council this forenoon. Mr. Lincoln’s proc lamation was read amidst bursts of langhter. The Secretary of War, authorizes the state ment that 33,000 more troops were csUedont to-day to meet Lincoln’s men. . ,; _ y . Virginia Convention* Richmond, April 16.—The Virginia State Convention is in secret session this forenoon. Reporters are excluded, and consequently nothing, is known of the proceedings. A tele gram, from Gov. Pickens to Hon. Henry A. Wise, says : u lt Is reported that eleven ves sels are! off the bar, and are stopping vessels engaged in regular trade.” The papers of this city express confidence that Gen. Scott win resign. The Richmond Whip hauled down the Stars and Stripesthls afternoon, andran up the flag of Virginia. Richmond, April 15.—An ordinance of Se cession will be passed by the Virginia Conven tion within two days. The Governor will issue no proclamation till he receives an official copy of President Lincoln’s.. The Governor has received a notification of a requlsilion-f0r3,000-men. - -. Federal App ointments. Washington, April 16.—John C. Baum is appointed Postmaster at Cincinnati. , . - The President has appointed lor Baltimore, Henry W. HofTmia, Collector of Customs ; Win. L. Marshall, Surveyor; Francis 8. Coch ran* Naval Officer; Fred. Schl y, John F.Mer idith, CharlesP. Montane, Appraisers; Wash ington BoniphapL Marshal for Maryland; John W.- Ingalls, Collector for the District or Cape Vincent, N. Y.; Andrew Stevens is an? pointed Collector at Manmee,p.; E. P. Oli phaat,Aß»o date. Justice, WaahingtonTsmto ry; Pennsylvania,. Indian Agent for. IJpper Missouri Agency; Joseph B Hofftnan,~N. Y., Agentfor Ponca Tndtana in Nebraska.- .• Zouave Sovcmealt, r Washington, April 16. CoL Ellsworth has had strong inducements offered him. to pro-' cecdto New York City and organise a.tegi.- ment of Zouaves; --If he does not go thither, ho will repair to Illinois for a similar purpose. He bftf declined the commission .In the army which was tendered hlnfc A Bee Line for tho SOQthsni Anny, Four Kbabnbt, April 16.—CapkiBee,? en route for "South Carolina, accompany to ’Capt. Stone, on leave of absence, B- E- Waro, suttler, all from Fort Laramie, arrived here yesterday 6vening, and left t<wsy.' it iB nD*. derstood here that Capt. Be© will Join the: Sodlheßt army.- -- -■ ‘ . Thete Tortc 3BfrrcK*aU* New Toek, April 16.—At» meeting- of .the, merchants of was voted to. call amass meeting,irrespcctive pf party, to - , sas tain the Constiturionasd the laws. ■ - •.« New Tors, April 16.—Quotation* of Vfav Kinia money ID©25 per cent, discount. Ohio 21-2 dißctnmt. iiif!r.ouri 10Q15 per cent* dis count. saKahle for bomlnjc la fbrsateAt seypa de&yeiv ~, . Fort Ddtmn* - parly to* Delaware _wliQ fay or tbs faking pf | , o«:DaaTme. T ''*' ' •**"' 17, 186 L Republican Victory. ; Bloometoton, HI., April 16.—1n the charter election yesterday, the Republicans carried everything except one Alderman. • Good. Pensacola, April 15.—Shot have been land ed at Fort Pickens by the Federal fleet. LATER FRO3K EUROPE. Arrival of iho Steamship North Briton; PoßTLifch, April 16:—The North Briton arrived, from Liverpool 4th and Londonderry sth- The -dStna from new York, and the Palestine from Portland- bad arrived out. Concession to the workmen in London will probably terminate the strike. Mr. Traill had bech nominally fined on com plaint Df obstructing the streets of London by horse railroads; and appealed. • •••.., . ‘ The French Navy bad been reorganised into divisions—one division ordered to Syria. .It was announced that the Emperor was about to review the garrison of Para. Government measures, are being taken for the suppression of unlegalised religious asso ciations. T^..reported modification in the Ministry is denied. Paris Bourse depressed, Rpntea lower. Garribaldi -was received withgreat enthusi asm at Turin. The at .Turin, advocates the with drawal of thte French troops from Rome, as a National Italian Army will soon .perform their duties. Tha military force in the provinces will be increased. . The Emperor of Austria has decreed the re sumption of payments in silver in Lombardo- Vcuetia. Tdbkbt.—The Porte has ordered the block ade of the coast of Montenegro. Omar Pasha will be Gommauder-in-Chief in Bosnia. Lithe. London money market, on the 3d, fonda declined bat closed steady. On the 4th, the market; opened firmer. The Bonk had reduced the rate of discount to six per cent. Later.—lt is reported that Garibaldi asd the Hungarian leaders have a perfect under* standing. It is expected that the Hungarian Diet will call Hungarian troops from other f ports of Austria to eoncentrate in Hungary. If opposed by Austria, the Hungarians will refuse to pay taxes, and insurrection will take place. AntliSlarery Meeting at Bryan Mall* Editors Chicago Tribune: On Sunday, April 14th, at Bryan Hall, at 8 o’clock p. m, a large and respectful audience convened in the spacious Hall for religions conference and prayer, on the questions now agitating the country and the perilous situation of the Fugitive Slave in. this Christian city, and the duties of Christian anti-slavery men in the present crisis. Rev. A. Wait, a local Baptist Minister, a veteran from Vermont, but now a resident in this city, was milled to the Chair, and opened the services by an appropriate prayer, and then addressed the meeting upon the religions aspects of the anti-slavery enter prise. Several other addresses were also made, which were listened to with profound atten tion. Several beautiful hymns were sang, and Bryan’s Kail received a Ireeh baptism spine of Liberty and pious praise. 1 is not strange that this assembling of the earnest Christian Abolitionists of city should have also called out a large num ber of the colored residents among ns. The meeting previous to its adjournment passed a unanimous vote of thanks to Thos. B. Bryan, Esq., for the use of his Hall for onr first Chris tian Anti Slavery Conference, The Rev. A. Kenyon, A. Wait and E. R. Warren, were ap pointed a Committee of Arrangements to call future meetings. The Committee, therefore, have decided to establish a series of meetings for Sunday after noons daring the season at 3 o’clock, at which all onr duties as Christians and citizens, and oar relations to the enterprises of the Church may be freely and fully discussed. The meet ing win be conducted with the usual forms of Christian worship. E. R. W. ft TEAM UEfiKLY^. kJ BSTWZKH NEW YORK AND LIVERPOOL, jAiiiUng and embarking^jiassengeia at Queenstown, The Liverpool, New Fork end Philadelphia STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Will dispatch every Saturday their, fhll power Clyde buut Iron Steamships CITY OF NEW YORK. EDINBURGH, CITY OF BALTIMORE, * KANGAROO, CITY OF WASHINGTON, , GLASGOW, . CITY OF MANCHESTER, Vi +O, jBTNA, BOSPHORUS Rates ot passage ns low as by any other line. Fas •engon forwarded to all the principal cities of Europe. • Persons wl-biogtj brmg oat their friends can bay tickets in Chicago to greac advantage; These Steamers have anperior accommodations, and carry experienced Surgeons. They are built In watbb tiqut iron sections, and carry patent fire anmhiia tora. For further Iniormation apply to CLEGHORb, LECKIE * CO- General Western Agents 13 Lasalle street. Chicago. t3T Exchange on Europe sold In earns ot £1 and up wards. mh2i*6i-lylstp TPOR ST. JOSEPH. The JL 1 Uppe? Cabin Steamer, LADYFRANKLIN, li. HICKEY, Matter, Will leave for St Joseph cm -A-pril And thereafter on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings for the remainder of the season. r„r .or apply » OHN B ap!3-eSIS-Ct Foot of Franklin street. rWCAGO MHiL-FURNISHING \J ' DEPOT. T. VO. BAXTER & GO., FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, OF ALL QTTASBJSS. a W. BROW’S PATENT POBXABLS Flouring and Grist Mills, DEWS «iSKES» 801X156 CLOTE'J, Hoisting Screw, tnd Sana, Bran Dusters, Picks, Proof Btf.flfr, &Q. FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, MILL FURNISHuHo GENERALLY. Flans. Bnedftcations and Estimates famished whan desired! and the constrocfionol Steam and Water MHls contracted for entire. gteaai Engine*, Boilers, &e* The subscribers havtag obtained the Agency for the •ele of Steam Kntinea and Boilers from me manuiho torv of GOULDENG, BAQLEY & 8E WELL, of Water town. H. T., would invite the attention of purchasers to their superior merits -of style, workmanship and powers;-also, their very low_pricea. The following is a fist of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with Beat er, Water and Stum PI pee. Cocks, valves, Arch Inga and Grates, complelo and ready for use* delivered tnCblescot 6 horse p0wer.....4 600 S3 horse power. 9U3Q S - • STS 25 - “ 1A» 10 . “ ' - 725 33“- •B - 80C SS “ - ...... 2,^0 18 “ - 14W « “ * and in IQs proportion fbr larger rises as required. - Every Engine is famished with JTOSON’S PATENT GOVEBHOE VALVX. For Floor hSQs we confidently BCoaunond!tbem as superior to say other style of Engine* and they will Sara from 2S to 50 per Cent In Fuel ever the usual dsn of boilers In toe lathe West We keep an assortment of different sins at our w* ‘tabPGhmenfc, where they may be examined andtto necessary information obtained regarding them. Con. ’ reteat meirwHL If dtotnsd, be famished to set op and stmt ewgfaaa la any part oftire country. We also supply WATER SHAFTING. SEABIHB, AC, * “At very low prices. T. W. BAXTEB & OO^f wto Furnishing Depot West Water, street betwea HaodolpaaaaMadfaon;Chicago THlacrts. Post ©flee address BoxtiiL' ocSTS-ly T: IJ it BE R .—Cargo of Strips : POH, aaJtiß, - - Just loaded on the dock, and offered to the trade, the whole or in porta to accommodate. - inquire at yam r piMBER-—Now discharging, deck X load, of HEWN TlMßF.n.from !<«*.« feet. Hml«r Yard will seonbefiiUjetocEed. Orders from the ir*de so'lcited and promptly filleg. . t Z °' aiSi?D cHrse. ■VrOXXCE.—A Meeting of the Board X\ ‘bl Trustewof -_,_,L r USD UNIVERSITY, epoe tte .*• T Secretary of the Board. TNSURE YOUR FURS FROM J. hot™ They wlllbe packed to «ucp a manner as to reader them Impervious to MOTH cr dampness, and Insured from all damage or loss. Receipts given surcharges lair.- J. A SUITE AJX).. apffil-ly Batten and rumen. XTEEDLE THREADERS. —The Xm: neatest article sold. Wanted by every Lady. 086 Win be sent, free. Tor 25 ceota, to stomps. Great Inducements to Agents, wb« are wanted to every para of the cannery, rarnls&ed to all quantities, by tots gross or dozen. Address. With stamp, fl. GURDON, 80. 48 South Clark street, Chicago, or F. O. _box 3731. -- -■••• *P*32w TJAKTIES HAYING JIOTJSE^ X eohd note to (Uspote of. caa lieu of a ca**i *—- a Uae to Q.L. Q-^° x OB&CEtAND eEMETEETOM- kk> after ’W&Sntslxr, ApdJilffl. aSota«l»i» .Ulnm. rsealKiy t«ijj «d.y‘S.fiSS.' lane-Cemetery, couaecaaswUh tie 2?oifo Cwago ,Qjbr Bilivay. The eWllmtt car®, with'wldci tfaVpnu ntbaa etm&easrlesve Cbirkatreet bridge as :xTendaJMrusL -Through fare eight cents. Tickets mAyhefaeloCthecoadncton. < , t> " THOa. RBBgAy.Pregdgnfc TJSeErVERS -’OE'. G BAIIT.--- Xfb Ffrigbt bißa on aHI Grain . coniJ«iedL to the SonthißranehElevator olthe.C.t B.&Q. tLBvwIIIbo fcondatoor office on the comer of SonttiWater and LasaUe ureeta.'.SteelVhloek, -where warehouse re ■ co., Ncto Bbhertisrments. O RENT—Second floor in an A- eligible location, over s wholesale and retail store doing • large country and city trade. To a party la a tlean business good Inducements will be oflereo. Address,wlthname of business, •‘B.JL" Tri>mao of. dee. apIS^S2T-6tPSt ANTED.—A Suit of nnfur- T V Dished rooms, with board in a private family, for a geritlemaasad wife, within five minutes walk or Lake street south ride preferred Address “C B_*' Drawer 5767. or call at 107 Lake st spl.'xSt TVf OTICE.—My -wife, Mary Trapp, i. v is hereby notified that unless she returns to her home within twenty-four honfs, I shall not after wards acknowledge or receive her as. ror wife. oplTxlt JOflK IKAPP. T) BENT.—A Cabinet Shop in the North Division. The steam engine asd ma chinery hi the samewfli be sold very cheap. ’Apply to T. MANaHAN. 163 West 3l* ditto street or to 319 Sooth Witer street op stairs. To'rent at Cleavcrvfliey a laf*e house, suitable for s boarding boose. Beni very row, .Also a seat Cottage with five rooms.' Ap ply to 319. Sooth Water street, up stalra. ap!7x3w T3 RENT —My House No. 243 Michigan avenue, tor Bsl»—TnTnltn r Hw?eg, Carriage, Ac. [aplTilw] N. B. JUDD. "VrOTICE TO COUNTRY MER -1-v CHANTH—Wanted, by a young man witli an ex perience of eight months a-stock keeper, and elxyeara as s&GemaiL a situation a» salesman and general cler-. AddreosW.fl.HASßlSON,ChicagoP.O. apH-eSINCt TO REJ^T.—North.; Side—From riwl-tof J£aV.tb« pew two-story dwelling, 1 lO Huron street between Market and Bedgewlck streets. Bentmonth. Address J.A.L- Box 3433, P.O. . ...... aplTxlw TO RENT.—Cooper Stop (Norih f Ue),oD Fr}e street, between Market and Sedjje wick streetsr Bent $8 per month. Address M J. A Box 3483, P. O. aplTxlw PRIME BARLEY MALT AL -- WAYS on hand and for sale it lowest cash prices; also Superior Yeast Malt lo Barrels. . n iiAtswv . apir-81-ly 9 Board of Trade Building. FOR SALE—SOO Bales Upland Pfalrie Hay. Also, any quantity King Philip or early Yankee Corn, that will ripen however late the season. Enquire at room No, 2-Walter's Building, Dearborn street. WALKER & CUTTING FOB SALE OB BENT.—A nice Cottaga, containing six rooms on We-t Twelfth street, in a good neighbor bo -d. Bent SIOO per annum, from May ist. 1561. Also, a Cottazeuwlth Cooper Slop In the tor, the cor ner of Dmaloa and Noble ttreeCs, West Side. Also, a Cottage, with two lota On Catherine street, near blue Island Avenue. Enquire at Boom No. 3 'Walker’s Bolldlng, Dearborn street WALKEB A CUTiING. £»pt7es4S-Vw] v <sjO —PERSONS desirous w ■ v * of seen ring the service* cf an experienced and thoroughly qualified mu'-tc teacher at the low price often dollars per term of twenty-four lesions, can do so by addressing “ il. B n n Chicago Pest Office, gi ring came and residence. aJHxSt r I s 0 DRUGGISTS —For Sale, a I well established Drag Store. In the village of Mazomaule, Dane county, tviscrnsln. This la a most favorable opportunity lor any one wishing to com* deuce a lucrative business on a small capltal-the pro prietor being obliged to dispose of the property on ac count oflllhealti. For further particulars apply to box 6199. Post Office, ChlCutO; GREEN & BUTTON, Milwaukee, or to the proprietor, ALFiSiD SENIER, Mazomaala. , - aplTcSoO-at T 'O TH -C GROCERY TRADE ... A gentleman who baa been connected with the grocery business tor many yean, bath In the whole* rale and retail branches orlt, wish** a situation. Moet ratbfactoiT references will be given. Add re w box 3630. C Die ago P. O. apilxSt CHIP AHOY.—Wanted to pur ebaae a sailing interest in a vessel by an experi enced nan. Good reference given. Address box 3518. Chicago F. O. . apiTxat Rural residence GROUNDS FOB PALE.—-The advertiser having moved from Chicago, offers for i*ale a beautiful resi d«nee lot. containing SK acres of the richest holl. sltn ated In the village cfWynnUka, is miles north of Chi cago on the Chicago, and Milwaukee Ballroao. It Is on the margin of the lake, affording a most magnificent view of its expanse, is 85 it above the -wa ter. and can he graded down so a; to ad'i at least 3 • it. to Its length. Corners In *n angle fonred by tue old Chicago and Milwaukee Highway on the and a graded road leading rrom the depot to the lake, on the sooth side; has some thrifty trefs growing upon it, and Is one-eighth o£a m;lc from the depot at the above f'lace. It Is a very desirable location for a person do ng business la Chlca-jo. For terms ard farther par tied a ra, address P. O. Box 1489, .Milwaukee, Wla. apl7-e«9-i ( JLLINOIS AND WISCONSIN Discredited Money TAKEN AT PAH FOR LAMPS, AT THE Lamp and Oil Emporium, 132 - - - - Clark Etreot, - - - - 122 After the 2d Inst* I shall occupy the five floors In Building 175 Xsalxo Street. CHAS. IAOBLE. THRESH VACCINE VIRUS, JL 1 Just received by GAM BROTHERS, Druggists, 202 Randolph Street. BEAUCHAMP’S FURNITURE POLISH, The best article In nee, told by G-ALK BROTHERS, Druggists, ate- 202 Randolph street. MANUFACTURERS’ GOODS. SAL-SODA, GLUES, BOBAX, SODA ASH, RESIN, CAUSTIC SODA, ALUM, DTE WOODS, ACIDS, COCOA NUT OIL, TWINES, PALM OIL, TANNERS’ AND MACHINERY OILS, - Wholesale and Retail J. H. BSBD & GO., MORTGAGE SALE.—Whereas, IYi william S. McWilliams did, on the nineteenth dayofOcmber.lntheyearofonrLord one tnonsand eight hundred and fifty eL*ht mike, execute and de liver to the undersigned bis certain mortgage deed, bearing date the day aod year aforesaid, convening the pioperty-herelnafter described, to secure the pay - mentor hia fro certain promissory notes of even date tnerewlth, for the sum of fifteen hundred dollars each, due In one aod two years after tte date thereof, re spectively, a d ea:h drawing interest at rls per cant. See annum, payable annually, which said mortgage eett is recorded In the Recorder's office In and forlue County of Cook, In the State of I(iinots, ln Mortgages, at page (S3. And whereas, also, deiault has been, made In the payment oi the smd promissory notes and the same are wholly doe aod unpaid. now. therefore, pubic notice Is hereby given, that I, the said mortgage'*, aha l, under and by virtue of the power and antnority Inmevestedlu and by »ald mort gage deed, and for the' uses ana purposes therein ex pressed, on'th* lOtb day of May, A. D, at ten o’clock In me forenoon of said day, at the north door oi the Court House In the city of Chicago, sell at pub lic auction to the highest bidder for cash all the fol lowing described lot, piece or parcel of land, situate In the county of Coox, and fctate of till ola. being tbe same premises described In and conveyed by said nurtzage deed, to wit: Lot numbered five <?>),lasuo-. dlTisum of block numbered tweoiy-seven ( .7). la the Assessors Division of the soathwert fractional quarter, cf section twenty-two (22), town-hip thirty-nine (S9), north range fourteen E. m the (.ity ol Chicago, afore said. tozetoerwlihallrlght and equity of redemption of. the sala WilliamS. McwidUmA, nla heirs and aa.lgns therein JOEL Ou BLEY, Mortgagee. Gallup* Hitchcock, Alt’ya, . „ Chicago. April, apV7-ei4.-it TAREED PEACHES.—3O tons On- XJ pored Peaches for sale by Feugnetf Ho. 3 Bollard's uifw*, cor. South Water and Clark sts. CHEAP DRY GOODS. A. «. DOWNS & CO., Sargalns: Bargatoa! MOZAM3SQUESC M CIS. YD. Ten Cent Prints for Sets, SHILLING PEIfITS POE 10 OEKTS. HOOP SKIRTS. AB IMMENSE STOCK. Tho Best 1 Cheapest in the City. 150 take Street... .150 mh2s-c3464m - -. i - ~ - ■ . ■ Q.EO7EB & BAKER’S U Z7oln«lena FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. •40 AND UPWARDS. Ho. 115 I>alco CUage, HU ijaTSblylstp] TT'EROSENE L AMPS WITHOUT -IV: CHmKIES. Bead wbai the editor of toe “ American Baptist” says ABOUT OUR LAMPS, - Then call afc - 122 Clark st. and Purchase Them, ah of {he DISCBEDTTED Illinois and Wlsconah BABAS received fbsmoub retail trade at pul ' Ambrose's Lamp.—We have been presented with one oftaese excellent articles. which euros Coal Oil ■without a chimney, and emits a so it agreeable Hght. aadismseb superior, especially for week eyes, to any other lamp we nave ever used. The smoke and-odcr are consumed by toe burner, and the llght la about equal to t&at of three caudles. The Inventor assures us that hall a pint of good oQ will bum thirty hours, ssmasmaß vsn vsMm, . Noble’s Lajnpasd OilEmporioßi, 188 CLARE RTRktn* -- io«i ■ . ' ' V -~ T OFFICE OF THE MICHIGAN ato> soßtamif esdiasa BATTiTtnaT) COMPOST, Wimam street. . -L . - »2W Yoax. March 230,185 L >'Th6 Annual Election tor Director! of thla Company -Wiabe-heMat tan ComnanVa Office, la Toledo, on WKDHBSpAY.the Stth-day of Anril next, at 12 o'clock*. The Stock Boohs will be dosed on thcSth croxlnxoats o’cloctp. x*and remain cloaedtcEttU the *33. P; BABHYPT, Secretary. * O RF.BK APPLES —A supply-if xtir dxolw GreoaApples u« ntnrbetrg r«- land a aaan&to of rood CnabenlM and Cider, at wy. iJwpfSSTs. W.IBIIW.' 1 NUMBER 248. iHtscrilaiwotis Ladd, i Webster & Go’s Ladd, Webster & Go’s SEWING MACHINES, SEWING MACHINES, They are folly warranted, are strong, well finished and reliable. Heavy goods win not strain them oat of repair —TheyTisc two threads, ip aka - thestitch alike on both sides of the cloth so tight as aot to • poll out or unravel. They hare the celebrated wnsßi.rKSD, capable of hand ling th: ttnest or ccarsest fab ric, or even leather. They do not bare curved cr crooked needles wnlchars constantly breaking, straight . etraluit needles art knows to bs the best. They do not break the thread, ssip stitches, nor form a chain aiitcn ridge on the underside ox tee cloth. They will sew over gathers or; seams without breaking tbe thread, or requiring a change of tension. They win stitch, beta, fen, tuck, gather and bird beauti fully, unking the stitch even end OD Doth oldpa. The? will do easily aU rxxiLTaQdTAZLOsiao work thus obviatlug the necessity of procuring one machine for heavy aad another for light work. —Tor Farmers requiring s nacbine that •will not get oat of repair on coarsest orfinest w- tH they are just the thing. WE PUBLICLY CHALLENGE MACHINES OF ANY AND ALL OTHER MANUFAC TURE TO DO AS LiRGE A RANGE OF OF ■WORK AS CAN EASILY BE DONS ON THESE MACHINES. IT* Cell and see them, or send for a Circular. JBk COOK, STONE & GO., General i gents for the Northwestern States, 124 134 LAKB STBBET.. | (UP-STAIRS.) CHICAGO. noS'eOJjm-irw.kj'-wSm ■\TEWS AGENTS AND BOOK _LV SELLERS, ATTENTION. tV*. the undersigned, having unrivalled facilities by Biilr ad, and our Eastern connections, are n_v pre pared to mrniah NEWS DEALERS AND BOOKSELLERS WITH EVERY PAPER, PERIODICAL AND BOOS Required by tbs Trade, at the lowest terms a-d at the earliest'ile momeat. We will supply the trade with the Chicago fnbane. Time?, Post and Democrat at 2>» cents per copy, EB PREPAYING EXPRESS CHARGES To destination. We will also supply them with the leading New York Wteklles, M 'uci.lles £C. cheaper tuaa they erenow purchasing eiaeWbCre. For lurtaer particulars raid fora e of our Price LLts. L. N. 3b PAR is G* apises324w 1 18 Van Borgn-at. P.0.80x 2704. QTJMNER’S HORSE LINIMENT kO Is used and recommended bv the following well, known Sportsmen of the Turt and Horse Dealers, aa the be-t 1 Inlment ever compounded for the cure of SPRAINS. GALLS. SORES, THRESH, SCRATCHES, COTS, AND FOOT.ROT IN H »RSES, And have volunteered their names aa reference, after havlngused it several years. It la abo a certain reme dy for the mange upon Dogs, Cud the Bite of Insects upon animals or every description: James Slmonds, Baltl- J. D. Walton, New York, more, Md. D. Tallm »n, " A-Banner, t'hltadfilphlaPa James Irving, “ ■ Geo. Wood, Boston! Wm. WhceUn, H L. A. UUcbcock, “ Jam?s Slcvartn, “ _ S. Kmewou, “ Samuel McLaughlin, JT.T. Wlliun Shaw, Frank Htlsrir*. Janes F. Pollan, •* Ezra White. T. K. Verv, “ Jitne-s Whelpley, “ Stephen White.' *■ Conklin C arle, Brooklyn, Sosorer J. Vln&L “ New York. _ william Woodruff, “ • N. Daryea. Brooklyn, 3».Y. CoL E. Goodwin. “ Daailsce, Providence, EL .Charles C. iJenry, “ Samuel Perkins, Mancnea- C. P. Whitcomb, ** ter, N.H. Joseph Hale, " S. Hayes, Natick, Masa. E, Maynard, “ Robert Walton, {south N. E. N'lros, ** heading, M&ss, Dr. Wm. W. Egleston, Veterinary Surgeon, Chicago. Sumssb'B Family LonoK is Invaluable for the core of Sprains. Swellings, Uluniiatlsm, *c. sojuts&'s pile tonos is warranted to extra the Piles, Ac. The above Eemedl**s are tor sale bv o. P. Puller & Co., and J. H. Heed & Con also bv Druggists generally. OSGOoD St DOCKRAY Foie Agents for the North western States. Ohice aad Depot, '0 State street. Chi cago. mho6-eSSS-TTAsCm.w6m i'MJJ GREAT Flßk IN X iULWAUKEi $300,060 Saved is Herring’s Safes. Un.w4TCrx, Jan. 2£ i960. Mb. LAjrsiSG BoinfXLt, Agent for Herring's Safes. Dzab Sta>-la tho recent are, which destroyed the City Officcs,Vere two of Herring’s SeCes; one large cue Id the City Clerk's Office,located in the fourth story, and a smaller ona, Is tbs scscol Commla tUmer’s room, In third story. . . _ We are happy to nay, notwithstanding the Safes mu so great a distance, and were subjected to such an In tense heat (the one forty and the other sixty hours,} that the boohs and papers were In a first-rate state of preservation. The only Injury received, was the carl* ins of the leather binding of the books by steam. We think. If the reputation of Herring’s Safes was not fully established before this fire, that an must now je satisfied that they are what they claim to be— “Kir.* PROOF.” The ca-tjra on* one, and the plates on the otter were melted oS. FRANCS HUEBSCHMANN., Acting Mayor. KELSON WEBSTEE. President Board of Councillors. 620. D. PODS MAS, City ClcrjC. JONATHAN FORD, Superintendent of School*. •Herringa’a Patent Champion Safes," though 10 often tested, Nerer Fail to eanre their contents. Only Depot In the West at W State street. HEkHIInG & Co_ deU*fiO-ly2dps 4Q State street^ gUPEBIOP. STOCK FARM FOB BALE, In Kane County, State of Illinois, COKTAIHTHG 394 ACRES, Sixty of Timber, and the balance Soiling Prairie. A goon two-story Frame Hons*, two large Bams, six Sheds, large Corn Crib, Grlneir, Ice-house, and Out house lor Milk Boom, Store Room, and Men’s Boom— convenient tov dividing into two Farms, all the Build ings and Fences in superior condition, lying on the Fox Hiver two miles from Batavia, four miles from Aurora, thirty-eight from Chicago. The trains of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad paw In view of the house. Mill Creek, a large cover-falling stream, runs through the farm. All the Stock, Hay and Grain, Implements, and Household Fnrnlt ire may bo pnr • cfaasee together, or the Farm separately. This Tana sed Improvement*?, beauty of location, richness of soil, and all its surroundings, perhaps, is second to none In -the State. _ Tibxs—Fifty dollars per acre, sU cash down, lor the Farm. Tta moveable property on one year's credit For farther carllcnlars aduresa Box 140 Peat Office, Batavia. Illinois. delSdfiSMm YOUNG’S MACHINE SHOP, Bear 155 Wells Street, Chlwg* MANUFACTURE AND REPAIR 3LACHUTEHY Pattern Making. Model Making either for ‘Working or lor Patent Office, Seroll Sawing, Wood Turning. W. B. YOUNG & CO, Proprietors. J. 1, Vbkcland, Foreman. mhiS’bl-ly QHICAGO LEAP WORKS, Cor. Clinton and Poitou street, West Side, LEAD PIPE, BAD AMD SHEET LEAD, Jbot) While Lead and Lytharge, PIG LEAD, PUMPS AND HYDRAULIC RAMS. Pr- Orders from the trade solicited. Cash paid for <#“4 £ fr. hS^htoed. A TJ T lON.—Where as, GEO. W. CHAP3IAH & CO, Hare, as the result of tto transfer of my York ftom the'rshop to that of K. 8. Boston, most TiQalaonsiy and wrongfally misrepresented me, and adverted to sell my Corn Sheller and Separator under the style of tending's Patent Corn and Separator. I berv ' )y caitUoa and warn all persona from purchasing the said Machines of teem,me the* iave no right tamann hctnre or seQ them, and ■ all persona Infringing upon She right of mTlnrentlon will be proeecatcd to the fun extent of the law. ' fesxat-em r£Q GRAIN SHIPPEBSII Richard's Iroa Cora Sheller, CHAMPION OF THE WORLD. CapacMy from 1000 to 5000 Bodttls ■per day* PATENTED SEPT. 25TH, 1860. Warns ted to shell clean In nay condition of grain, withotS cutting it and requiring, leaa pqwrt ta»n my sheller of same capacity. MANUFACTDEED .BY O. HTOHARDS, £0X1445, CHICAGO, ILL. Office and Manufactory at Lets A Johnston 1 * Iron Ko. W Franklla street t feiT6l-iy IUST RECEIVED—A large and V: splendid assortment of FBE2TOH PoPLINS, , MOZAMBIQUE. - : , Embroidered Mohairs, Valencias, to which we Invito - the attention of buyers, W. R WOOD & felteg-gm , No. IS and 155 Lake street 5,000 BfflSS WASTED, Top which- toe hfeheafr marketer jcn win la Mid. Office. 1« South water street; WareheqwL 219 Seam _ J. L. CHAPMAN, ChW* Ig. Qrdsre.ffikponSuaa wEI xecetra QTRAWBERRY PIANTS.—This rpHS KENOSHA WATER CURE kjjnosea, Wisconsin. '■■■ The best place in toe West f&rlnvsndsr Address for circular, Dr. JOHN B. GULLY, ifttOULLV, S, PENHOTiEK, froprtetpg.. . fnM»SB7Biq- ■SkTIQHT SCAVENGER.—Chariea Xi Knn* win attend to the cleaning of privy vsnlto removing of states manure, and uj oSns*» c sms£ta Orden directed Kuos, Chfoss^ - • ocSznn ADVERTISING SCHEDDiasf sah,t Chicago nunnof ' JT OneSqaare,OßQ monttldfa I#®*”*"* 2 **?**. KS ... . Qaa Square,threemouSis. r4ri?rv<ivT\ ********* - TaaUml Adrattemaoto - | |fc)^ WT Afi Antt» charged tarty : Bint «r mmiiat nr wm»> ; M4Q per toare, each week;^am*oa«aL tiff tut flifitm fnrmnh tnTi<rmniTmiwiT •AOO per Sdoare for ooe year. K DISCREDITED ILLINOIS AND WISCONBII* BOUGHT AT Highest Market Price. E. K. WIfXAKD & CO., Ho, 34 CLARK STREET.34 Bachango on How Task fiar Snla. apS-e4tS.itn ’ .-j Sales,! T?y Gilbert, Sampson & Warner, ■AJ GcmBAL Arcnosßxas, si Tav» street. - WTO give their personal att<*n»loa to the ■sift of. Household Furniture at tie residences of {kmulea or at oar salesrooms. Cash advances made fee ac* amonnt when required • Superior New sad Second Hind Furniture, Or* peta, Stoves, Oil Clotb, fte., &c,, AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY. April iSih. at 9# o’clock, we wm sell at oar s»lwroom«. for Dollies declining Kooks Keeping, a great variety of Furniture, con&Jaticg of almost every varlety-of Parlor, Dlqld* room and Chamber Furniture, Carpets. Floor Ol Cloth, cat to any quantities Ru-s. Mans, Stove*. Crockery. Glare, ware. Mirrors, Window Shades. Knives and Silver Plated Spoons, Forks. Cake Basket*. lee Pitch, altogether wfthagreat variety of new Furniture. Ac, GILBERT, SAMPSON & WASHES. apLtegl-3t • . AncttooeenL A. BUTTERS & CO., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS? 40, 43 and SO DEIHBORX STHJKHT, (Opposite the Trcmont HooaeJ FDENITI3EE SAT/R EVERY TVED>TESDAT & SATURDAY AT A,M» BET GOODS SALS Every Monday at 9 I*3 A-> M 1 AT OUR SALESROOM. ' VF_ Cash advanced on Furniture, Dry Goods. Boot* and Sioes. Ac. saaCLeSgLly SALE. STOCK or A Retail Boot and Shoe Dealer, AT AUCTION'. WIL A. BUTTERS <b CO„ will s >ll for cash or bank* able funds, cu Tnursdav, April iSth, at 9K o’clock, at tnt-lr sale* rooms 40. -4S and 5 > Dearborn street, a largo and fine stoc » of a first class Hctill Boot and bho« Sealer, com-iitlar rf a fall and general variety of La dle*, Misie* and Childrens Scotco.BnsklnvG altera, >tc„ French Calf Boot?, Pumps. Gaiters, Brogans, Heavy Grain Boots, Boys aid Youths Shoes, Garters, Boots. 4c_ Ac. Also—Blacking, Brushes. Lacing*. Bln dines. Per Cutlers. Last’,**.**. W. A- BUTTERS * CO- . By order of Robt. T. Little. Auctioneer*. apl3-e52Ut Assignee. I\JEW r AND SECOND HAND J.l . FURNITEfcB, Cane and Pla? Seat Chairs, SMsteada* Bureaus* Carpets, ftc,, {fee* AT AUOTIO^I WM. A. BUTTERS A CO., will sell Acash ojyHT* URDAT, April 2- th. at J. 4 o'clock, at 4- ar.dSO Dearborn street, the fnrnltnrv ot aaiiafly breaking up housekeeping, consisting of lack Row w..od Parlor Suits Oak and Palnt-d Ch-tmoG Suita, BrusaclU and ingrain Car, cts, Dining Room Fund tore. ic., Ac. ALSO—A Urge lot of Fnrnl'ure from the Trnncnt House, sn.h -a Bedsteads, Bureaus, Carpets, Chain, 4C-&C. aL->o—Anlnxoleoofnew Furniture. Bureaus, Bed* steads, Cana aua ilig Chair’, Sofas, Msttraasea, WiL A BuTTEES * CO., Auctioneers. gPEIKG DRY GOODS, Gloves, Hosiery, Prints, Silks, Pocket- Cutlery, Yankee notions, &c,, &c., AT AUCTION, W!«rA.BtITTERS * CO, will sell for cash, on FRI DAY. Aoril i9ih. at VS o’clock, at their sales rooms and to Dearborn street, a tine stock of dpring Dry Ga->da. consisting of a general varety of desirabla goring Good?. Prm'4. Dress Silks. Klbbons, Laces, Ac. ALSO—An Invoice of Hosiery and Ulorea of every B<c drz. English Pocket Cutlery of various stvirs and finish. ALSO—An Invoice of Yankee Notions, Ac, WA A. BCTIBIIS & CO* aplfl ci36-4t Auctioneer*. A T AUCTION. —RIBBON S OF J\. ALL KINDS, Bich Dress Trimmings, Gilt Belts, Splendid Pans, Paris Head Dresses, latest styles, Lin en Hem-sticehed and Emoroidered Hand* karduafs. Book and ?igured Kutlias, Laos Hitts and Ladies Hosiery, By W. A. BOTMMtS * CO. oa Wednesday aprlUTth. at 9W o'clock, w tfcclr salesroom*. 46. 43 aad 50 Deaxv bora'slreet. sale poiltKe t r cajh. , „„ WiU A. BUTTERS & CO., AUvUoneers. spi6-eUMt amusements. McVICKER’S theatre. MadUon street, between State and Dearborn, BENEFIT OF THE <3 ALE S'STEHS, Who respectfully pnhmlt for the patronage of their friends the following Brilliant Entertainment. 11l wsdeh they will make th r r.rit appears ce In dra» niatic cliiractars. First appoarmce on the auge of the two pnpUs vf tne Gal* sisters Petite Fanny and *DS*ESD »V EVENING, April ITtb, will be pre sented the petite Comedy of LADIES BEWARE. 6ir Charles Hyws After wllch, for the first time, the beautiful dram* of The Two IPagea. Au2U*tUS Theodore. To he followed hy * brilliant BaUst Dlyertlsement by the Bale Slate'?. Petits Fancy and Marian, aaatatco. by the Corps de Ballet. to concln le with the new Cores of the HAPPIEST DAT OF M T LTFB. Mr. Miw* Thvbssat—Second appearance of Adah laaxo* MesK*.v. _ PROF. A. O’LEARY will com mence a coor-e of TKV LECTURES ontbo Laws of LIFE, HEALTH AND BEAUTY, at Fit-van HUL ou Ti’E3o,it Lvzxurs, April loth. IP liistrat d witn the largj *t Cabinet of Franch Manikin* Sk-lctons, Dlazritns, Plates aod Oil Paintings n A nrrica. AdaiisM'm to tint lecture fszx ! apOx.w c.S. foWEicS, Agent and Eeporttn; T>RYAN HALL. —Clark Street, D opposite the Court House, Chicago, I3L Eminent musicians pronounce thU Halt unsarpsaeea by anv tiall In thj Union in iu Acoustics General Appointment*. It will seat 500 more persons than any otter HiC to the city—by accurate count ana report of CARTER * BAUER. Architects. • . . .. • The main audience Room Is on the first floor, tt* entrance being on Clark street, the greatest thorough- Cun In the city, opposite Court House square, yot tta Hall has a retired, quiet location In the rear. Ample Ingress lid. egre-B—i) feet of doorway to Clark street aai Court Place. , _ . The Hall contains the nealy National Gallery, valnea atBLLOOO, and purchased of Geo. P. A. commissioned by Congress to paint a dentlal portraits for the 'V hlto House. Thto GaDerT Mntalnitao t lenUoJ jra-.y icmre ror»tuctt tto «»g Maj.i iward'd at the world s Fair In ivn . also “Abaterla rvSr mHaWe, aadportrait. ol ail tit. to LSiita tntittafj.. aa SS wall as of maHJ BiHla mid the like. ItU provided with dressing rooms., akltcheu. cooking stove, numerous tables, &o, *c. Both Halls, or either, cau be rented for Concerts^ flOli’fiWy «irtce 1 n the RulWlng. gLOAT’S SEWING MACHINE. BLOAT’S ELLIPTIC LOCK STITCH SE IP/.Vtf JIACHtJS'ES. Thu Only Kachines Having tie ELLIPTIC HOOK, W. a SEASON & CO, BOLE AGENTS TOE THE NORTHWEST, la, BSSBS, S4 CUB& STBEET, Under the New Sherman House* CHICAGO, ILL. ‘ A6ETTS •WASTED In every town m« ' ' Northwest mhii’Sl-ljrlati’g... AH KINDS OS' SEW jt%. iNGMAcarffsa. Bepaired by X. J. Vroelaad, Brick Budding on Alley o*lss iWls street. mMssß>t-lniCitps r - - Home for inebriates, Clsttlasix, Ohio. SBmSiBS FSOM MMHBt OB OPIBB ' . Send fora Circular. - Proprietor* fWFICE OF TUB ■ IlttNOlS V 7 STONE COMPiNT.-Cincwo. ipm ; B onca —The anßoalmeetins of 2; toe Winds Stone Compaar. wul ae■ new. •* to dßeem - 9 non 000 WIISON’SAL- J»U' 'v# 'yyauTiiivajmPwns; *>r »ale a* $i per 1«V *2H per 531, r. rds3 perLOOC, D4ck-Ht. Ac. and larger <uaatttlea atjedncwk ratta snrPl'at*. are strong, healthy and well rooted, aid .welnTiCecnstomerstacalianddeefertoemselreNM* _■ ibr* purchasing elsewhere, at MOBsrAN'S GARDEN corner of Centre street and Rudco-Hoad, {m*r-SJy- ■- hoorae’s bridge}, Chicago, ill.; or address G3&>, B. DAVIS. f.O.aorTOiyChleago. 111. • agtcdm IS HEREBYOXVEN, / XV that wehasa'KJld the right ta maanfoctare *nOr mH for toe ettr of Chicago mod GookConaty, state ot r r i TOtenU. ynr.prVWTtoAAAAuJOt 0088**’ * W gftSTZItBtHBMBa, ara forbid hsaatt. cording to JaW.iAllUaftgemaiito unwonted ,t --at oned [apiSx3tl. C«aM& NORKih. .PIANO,. BodK FpR 5 - I cntLDfiES,--The eUfl’jFint Uo-Jo KOof An lutrodocltoatotoaAnofPfoyliit toe ftotokTorte*, 4i By J. T, Graven. Anewsod tmpeored edtOoaotthrt popular and iastrne&vfrwotk, cent itnlngnirout patr. --i: g'e and of easy cgaxprchcaaiou, with staosMod, ntens. g Exercise rapeclau.v adapted to fhAoso of young- : children. Seat poaM)aid,ta aayaddresa, at receipt . ; of to cents, by too panlU&nh DIT3QN A COvßteloa,; . - . j jjs/s .Mias Hannah Gala htlss Adonis Oal*