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Chicago STriimne, DAILY, TRI WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. Editors and Proprietors % i' : S ' ALFHED COWLES, ™ OFFICE NO. 51 CLIBK STREET* TEBSIS or TBX 02ZKU.90 TSIBtm: DaEr, (Jolncivd mclty By carrier, per yew gg,M Pi,\{y, d'Hivercd lu city by carrier, per week.... .l| iuuy. to mail subjcn&era, peryear..... 7410 Daily, to mailsubscribers porax m0nth*......,, 4.0(1 Tri-UceSiy. per year .. jjw Weekly, single subscriber*... >.50 .* • ■eeoi'tc*... ....... 6.00 MMpiM 10.00 “ 2j copies. Mid one to getter up of Club.. 20.00 I3r A«JdiUv>as> to club* may be made at any time at jamc rate. fir Money. In Keglstsred Letters, may be aentua at ourrbbi. AUureas, C~ ; Trlbnae,» ChiCagOi minol*. ~ ®3)itago CriitMW. MONDAY, APKIL 22, 1861 EXTRA EDITION. We shall print bn Monday morning, an Extra Edition of the containing the dispatches of Sunday evening, for sale by news men and at the counting room only. City subscribers will be served on Sunday morning with this Edition, which contains the latest news up to the hour of going to press—Sunday morning Si- o’clock. .We .have made .this arrangement as that. which will best satisfy our-sub*. scribers and meet the demands of every body for the. latest in'.elligencc. - THE BLOCKADE. The excitement created by the attack ’ on. the Massachusetts troops on their way through Baltimore has for the moment - eclipsed be»ore the public mind the most important move on the chess-board of war yet made. "We refer to the President’s . proclamation ordering ,a blockade of all the seaports in seceded States. : The traitor Davis has Issued his procla mation offering letters-of-marque, inviting aft persons disposed to commit piracy, to seize and confiscate the m- jcaalHe. ships and'cargoes, the private properly of loyal citizens. Lincoln promptly gave orders to shut up every rebel seaboard town, and permit no more vessels, coastwise or ocean bound, to enter. The weight of this blow ... iUptm the insurgents can hardly be ,estimat-. ed. If the order be vigorously executed, -grass will. soon grow .in. the streets of Charleston, Savannah, Mobile, Galveston, New Orleans, and Baltimore, U she don’t behave herself. AU com merce and trade in these dries will cease. : They will be literally suffocated to death. No mo e revenue will be collected at any - secession .port during the continuance of this war. AU moneys must- hereafter be raised by direct taxation or forced loans.- The products of the South wiU be forced .to seek interior routes to loyal ports; and what is more, the rebels from now forward, . will be able to purchase such articles only as the Government shall permit them to have. No more arms, ammunition or mili tary munitions can be obtained North of Mason and Dixon. They will “be put on short rations, unless thay can eat their cot ton seed. Hard times, heavy taxes, forced loans and hopeless 'prostration- of trade, wiU press down upon the traitors. _ But these afflictions will be light, compared to • some of the horrors of war which wiU overtake them. They have aroused a people slow to anger but terrible in their wrath, who will-smite them until they ■ ground the weapons of their rebellion, and' return to their aUegiance to tbe Constitu tion and the Union. There will be neither truce nor peace until this wicked rebellion is crushed. Jeff Davis and his desperate: . confederates wiU be made to rue the day on which they declared war against the . private property of Northern citizens, and issued their piratical warrants to rovers. y They will be taught that “peculiar prop erty” on land, is as muchexposed-as and cargoes at sea. 'WASHINGTON CITY. If the dispatch, in this morning's paper, that the Patent has left the Navy Yard at ■Washington with troops on board, is cor rect, there can be little apprehension there i that the city cannot be held against any <’. force which the rebels will be likely to’ bring against it. It is not Gen. Scott’s usual method to weaken his front in the ■ face of au enemy. ' - Whether the dispatch is reliable or not, • r we may believe that the city will soon be out of danger. There could not have been lees than four thousand troops in’Philadel phia yesterday, most of whom are the very flower ofthevolimteer corps. These were. scut to.Havre de Grace by rail, thence by ~. steamer down.lhe.Bay to Annapolis, from \ Which point an easy march of 80 miles, or perhaps transportation by rail, will bring, them to the Federal city. That road bc . ’ lug open, the reinforcements will go for ; . :^ ord a 2 S rec of rapidity that will A£sur*ace to the country thst;the traitors ha re put off the seizure oftbe Cap ital a month too long. Before the setting of the sun to-day, Washington will be safe. The Assurance will be exceedingly grali fymg'tb all classes of men in this city whose' fears of the loss of the Capital, yesterday drove them almost frantic. ' They saw Baltimore in the hands of the mob, the Pennsylvania, Bhode Island, New Ohio troops resting inaic * lave on their arms, while the, roads leading .South were under control of the thrall,they saw ap proaching from Dahomey, a mass of 25 000 to 30,000 picked men, into whose power the city would surely fall All this im plied President and Cabinet, the, destructioh of the public archives and the • quick demolition of thejmbUc buildings— possibilities that were not contemplated without many a pang of horror. Men rarely affected by public exutementrf blanched beforethe prospective na tional disgrace, and others shed tears be ■ - difficulties of time, Apace could not Jig overcome, and they permit ted to take part in the app reaching fray. We r£&y he mistaken in our calculations °f «Uef; but At tins me* meat the'chances are greatly in favor of" s the,presumption that the conspirators will be baffled and beaten back toward Richmond, where |he troops of the Gov-, ermpent will speedily follow, if for no. ofrier.puippse than-tb dean out the 1 nest of vipete that have befouled that plate. cimo—sorxitEßs liunois. A . inforfas- ns that everything is quiet there’ and the* Union feeding overwhelmingly • ,’...'r.V : , . . The Southern lUinoitan of Ehawnee JKBonce; - . ■ sas neighboring county of* " ni&rc: “ Southward when-. CKJtt CftiV rt VOLIJME XIV. - OtJB WASHINGTON-JUSFATCXEES. The failure toreceive -onr special JWash- ’ mgton dispatch- or • Any -other-telegraphic Advicea-from-the-Capital- on. Saturday sight, suggests that- the-wires- have bear ffifceifpbssesaiohdrby the miob" in Balti more, or cut at some point betweM there ''^’ ‘ “ ■""* ttufrois twoots, -• * i ‘ The six Illinois regiments arehbW foil and win all be' In campby Ttiesday'.' ‘ The Govern t . or urges all eompanlesnOtihcltiaed Jri'theae ueptedyegimenfe ttrdriH' arfhstr n«- possible, ' and hold themselves in readiness for the'nezt call, which may be expected in a short-time! . ; v ;[ George Smith, Esq., and financier, yesterday subscribed to file Chicago * volunteer ‘ Mr. Bndth, therefdfe',’ liTetifitled'tb head' the lief:.• Fort ftekeai. A rumor came hi Lher. from - Springfield. yes terday, that the Insurgents had attacked Fort Pickens; -thatthree hundred df them had been' killed; and that the fight, _-yhen_the reported author of the rumor jell the vicinity, Was still , jfolngpn,, Tye kjiQW pfnp Eufficient.authori • ty for the story, and presume ft,i»lncorrect. ■ Notice from the Finaiibe Committed. ThfrOoiJnnltteeorT2i3rty ; tfet-Tras appoint ed by the meetings ; Biyan. ,anA. Metro politan Halls, on the IBLh, known as the “Mil itary Finhnte Committee,have this day met .andeiected Jessys. E, g-.Paddock, H. F.Ma filer, Samuel fioard, J. S. Ramsey, Thos. B. Bryan, L. P. Hilliard and 0. Lunt, as Execu tive Cbmihitlee, and com munications, must be addressed to them tor filed adjustment at thevrffice of Che-Oofflmit tee, over Messrs. Hoffman & Gelpcke’s Baik on LaSalle street t. 'i ■* -- /;■ ! The Committee will regard the /»lnlwg ‘of the families of those volunteering -as -under : their peculiar charge and they ..hope--that all who are disposed to enlist, will do so in per fect will be well provided for. AH military /Companies. accepted by the State will apply to the 1 Committee, who-will arrange for their transportation. “Hrif-Haddock, Chairman! J. J. Richards, Secretary. . ■ Sandwich. Promptly In the Field, A company of S&meny composed almost en tirely of farmers’ sons, has been raised in t'je town ofSandwich, have tendered their services to Gen. 6 wift, and befenicceptedbyhim.' tJapt. Xi. IL Carr, an officer ia-the" Mexican wary is the Captain.: Dvers6ooo'li&B'been, raised;in the towns eff Sandwich, Plano, and"Bomonauk to support the families of the soldiers while absent. .ThU company of yeomen. wiU give a good accpuut.of .themselves,- V'‘ ’ Pittsburgh Arsenal. The United States’ areehal at. Pittsburgh is tunring out immense quantities-Of war-like material A force of 400 men is at work night and day. There are 190 pieces of artil lery of different calibre, and an immense quan tity of shot, shell and ammunition. On Tuesday last, there were of smaU arms 1100 stand of. rifle muskets,new model; 20,365 percussion mu&kets, old model, whlch-wcre being rifled-' at the rate of 100 per day; and. there were 11S2 percussion rifles. Therewere4,oßspercM6ion pistols, one fourth of which are of the newest pattern. The greatest delay wiU be In getting the muskets conyci ted Into rifles. ' exi gency ofthe war may oblige the Government to issue many of them before the improvement is put on. It is Satisfactory to know that the . arsenal at Pittsburgh is, so, well supplied with weapons, and baa such ample capacity during the medicine for'toe Insurgents. 1 Tbe War Spirit In Western Pennsyl vania. An Iron’ founder in Penn., writes to an iron boose in this city that Old Penn sylvania Is in a blaze. The business men in the Iron Cltyhave entirely,suspended opera tions, mid the attention of aU is given wholly to war preparations. Traitors have to leave the city in hot haste, as every "lamp-post is hung with arope and noose at the rild, with the striking-motto of ‘ Death to Traitors ’ at tached. . There ,js -a large home ‘guard forming herb, bo be ready for a new call, and an active vigilance committee to for traitors and stop any. arms, !df; Supplies for the rebels.” ’ .... To Onr' JeWlah Reaflen, The. Cincinnati' CbrTimerciat ’says that the -Hebrew papers of that city favor secession. The last issue of the Isradile says: “With every passing dayyre get more and more con vinced'that the secessionists are right.” ' • The above item makes the round through the papere of the'country,-and particularly the organs of theXebels make : use of-iffdr the; purpose of ‘ Turtherihg’ fhar'*‘ r tialtorous schemes. ,flo'we .notice iti& luthe Richmond ot thelTthinst; We call upon our- Jewieh friends who 'are subscribers to~ the iffroritfe, to discard this so coZZedreligions pa per, which in truth 1 is nothing' more tfaftn one ofthe meanest in the country. Let it be stopped forthwith. Do not sttstalk'tHiifora who misrepresent you. Secede from that secession oigan. m masse. The Railroads and Washington City* The distance from Harrisburg to Baltimore is,by the eighty-, five miles. The road strikes * the Maryland .State,lhie at Gienrock, forty-two miles North" of Baltimore, It is \hirty miles mbre, by rail-" road, fromßaltimore' io' Washington. Har per’s Ferry is eighty-one miles from Balti more. Theltelay Souse, junction of the Washington. Branch with the trunk Rue of the Battimore and Ohio Railroad, is nine miles from Baltimore. . Coming south from New York,therPhiiadelpbia,-Wilmington and Ball- Umore Railroad ‘strikes Maryland at North- East station, forty-elx miles from Baltimore. It isrsboat thirty miles from Annapolis to' Washington; ‘-j r t Ttic i .Hiwrper’|i JFejrry Arms. \ ...A, the. : Cincinnati Gazette from? Maztinsbiug, Ya., says, the zeoesridnlßts'ebm phun, that a large. quantity of .arms have been tn-CarHsie*' Barracks, Pa. ’ | General Order* ,•» [By Telegraph.} ■‘■l- 1 Castf Txtis. j ; ; SPBnrG»i*iii), April 30tb,168i. f f The Sheriffs of this State are hereby directed' to collect all arms, equipments and cannon in their respective jcoanUeft,..andc-hold -the some subject to my order, except those ’required by actual volonteere. Jomr Wood? ; 5 •i-.-: ~.i a s*&*&&&#% ?CVfOl.; • . Rarnh-fprSittttie dfiudf, j > [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] ; 5-. j.-rj didaSj^iipraaoj Editors Chicago Tribune: Oitfßoerdof JJaperriior^lA 1 session, a Ppropriated by a unanimous W. C. HiiOfELi*. H S*ywllle» |R«atßcky- Thr»t«ned Opposition' to lit© that by 'a'gßirii€&jta» Msygville, Kentticky, last • nlght,' ; th*&'there wasanlntense l exdtetoeutsttfeat places The Secessionists were in the ascendant^ known thafa company’wot on boani the Bos ton* fcoimtig » I hsd cannon eight pounders, with the Purple.of-firing into the boat. The scoundfetg JiM cndeaTor cd in dude to refuse w trdops. He defied etßaltlinore, were' SHr.V.Qw ’informant leftsMaraviilc sjm a at kM’doac St*?* fiT(i °’ do *. and half m, W after t ho Passengers on the Pittsburgh boat OnSM f offleent MaysTin&f above. report.— Oncinnrii Commercial , 2oiA,\ , IPixwn BKJWMOW OB the C&b>. | issmsss t eSAerio goto S&L, or W»r“» , VsKiS2*% | SF • I 1." •• I THE- REBELLION, , „ the . CLIMAX APPROACHING. IT lie P* ep p 1 e Arouse d,. SCEJfKS AND EVEWTS AT BAE- MOJrJEME&W'tiF' TROOPS., Missouri Bitten by the Snake. AXtXj <STTrHT3?AT CAIRO, The Virginians „ £atberlng at _. . Harper’s terry.. TEE BIG UKIOH MEKTfS6 ±# HEW YOEK. -Reported Killing of Secessionists at - . Fort Pickens. . - MAtiTLAND. Saltimobb, April 20.—The Melville Bridge onlhe' Northern 'Central between Woodbury and ML Washington, has been buhit down.’' Itls'repprted thattheNoriherU soldiers ere ai the Belay House, on that Hoad; A bridge bn the Northern Central Road and one onTtQladelphia, Wilmington & Baltimore Railroad axe also .gone. ■ Philadelphia, April. 30.—The 7th regiiaent df New York and the Massachusetts men are at Baltimore R. R. Depot. The care are get-' ting ready for the contfeyanfce of the A secofid OisbAteh eiy 6 they-were to goby. Railroad to -Havre dQ GraCej thence by -water to Annapolis, Maryland- - - TITTUP DISPATCH. The Railroad bridge, three miles north of Baltimore Is reported to be burning. All the bridges between Baltimore and Havre de Grace have* been destroyed oc. rendered use less. The Pantheon train, due in Philadelphia at 11 o’clock this morning, has not yet arrived. The 7th Regiment of New Yolk, and others, are still at the Baltimore depot. BixiiitoßE, April IS—Evening.—The Phila delphians', who, unequipped and remained , in the last car at the Station, were assaulted With atones and other missiles, and some were slightly wounded. The train wai taken back. Quite a number escaped to the city, bat. haring no uniform, were nOtrecogr nized. -The reported difficulty on the road between here and Washington, is .incorrect. It is understood that.aH reached Washington in safety, except the Philadelphians, who were taken back.At the meeting this evening, the Mayor announced that the Presidents of the Roads ha i promised, that they would bring no more troops this way. It can scarcely be true- that any of the Railroad bridges are to be blown up to prevent the passage of trims. PARTICULARS OP TBSTERDAT’S COIXISIOS, 20 cars, containing a Massachusetts Regi ment-, -arrived at' the depot without disembark ing soldiers from the train-. The several cars had horses attached and about nine were re drawn from Pratt street to Capen station,'the first six without creating disturbance. For some reason the horses attached to the 7th car were taken off at Pratt street bridge, and the car moved without their aid to Capen. • A short distance from Gay street,• between Gay and Frederick streets, a number of JabbrCra were engaged in repairing the bed of the street aadJoHt stthemoment when the uar reached Gay street, were engaged in removing cobble etones—some 30 or 40 men assembled there, having followed the car from the depot, and with cheere for Jefferson Davis and the South ern Confederacy, hurled bltter taunts at North ern BHck Republicans; This continued for several minutes, when, as the horses were •again attached and the car moved Off, It was proposed to stone it. Before the car had gone twenty yards, almost every window was brok en, and a portion of the crowd foHowed a con siderable distance, huiiing stones. v The eighth can was treated is the game man ner, bat. tbe ninth car, apparently being emp ty* reached the station with only one window broken- The crowd exulted in their work, dx cl riming that Black Republicans should not pass through Maryland. A lapse of five minutes succeeded, a number of respectable persons in the meanwhile urg ing the crowd to tear np the track. After the firet train had passed, one was observed on Pratt street bridge, when obstructions were thrown in the way, and a portion of the track was taken up. Observing Ibis, the cars were turned back to the President-street depot, and the men disembarked and prepared to march through the city. Mayor Brown, with a number o* police, appeared at their head,- and led the way. They came along at a brisk pace, and oh reaching Center Market, ah im-‘ dense concourse of people' closed in behind them, and commenced stoning them. ' When they reached Gay street, where the track had been taken up, a large crowd of men -arrived with .paving stones, and showered them on their heads with such force that several of the men were-knocked down. -- At the comer of South and Pratt streets, a ■mairfired a pistol Into the ranks of the irniHfo, when those in the rear ranks and fired upon their assailants, and' several were wounded. The guns of the sol diers that had fallen wounded were seized and fired upon the ranks effect in two or three instances. After they reached Calvert .street they succeeded id chtefcing'their phisu ers by a rapid fire, which brought down two or three, when they reached Howard street, another, large .crowd was collected.- -Some stenes were thrown at them, but their guns, were not they passed on down Howard street towards the depot. , It-soon-appeared that orders were given to cl bar the Tracks near the Main Depot building. .This. was. soon-afler a large passen ger car of the Philadelphia and Baltimore Co at a rapid rate; filled with the soldiers.’ •This car wee soon followed by 'about sixteen more, all of which were occupied by..the mill*' tajy,Jn all eleven companies, bringing an ag gregate of 860 men. As soon as the train ar rived, some of thotroops'wert'compeUed to v&ange cars, when they were hooted at by the crowd, hnt no overt act was committed. Sev eral young men appeared at one of the can ■■ and displayed revolvers. ■ A few minutes after the train left, a dis- 7 charge of fire-arms attracted the attention of the cfowd'tcrthe corner of PrattandHoward streets, where a body of infantry from one of the Northern States, about 150 strong,' was seenrapldly approaching the depot, and no doubt anxious to reach the, _Some assaulted the command irith stones, when a .number of the latter discharged their mus- - kets. • ■ A. crowd broke into the warehouse of-Pat teredh’&Walfred onlxmrDedk, this evening, r. and took therefrom some 500 rifles and sworn. Squads are parading the streets fully armed, on the look o’utfbr the mißtia'from theNortb, .who are expected to arrive tonight.? All the city military have been ordered to meet on .Monument square,and are nowassembUng. Pnn.aDRTjHU, April aa-»CoL SmalTs'Xegi ment, arrived back here last mght_ Six'men were wounded by'the'etbnea *threWat them by the mob at Baltimore. - A -largenumber- are missing, who separated from tXefr comrades .daring the affray. ,BAXtH£OBB, .April 2ft Armed men are moving In every direction. The Mayot and Governor haye-notified the. President that no mbre troops cad' pass through Balthibre un less they fight their way. Bridges on Northern Central Railroad have been destroyed. , - The f number killed yesterday, were eleven Baltimoreans and-three- Massachusetts sol diers j and wounded, four citizens and eight ;sbld(ers. -- •The .President repßes that xo more troops wfllbe brought through Baltimore, provided that; they are tilowed to pass around the city without , PENNSYLVANIA. ! I nAKEisanßGn, Pa,, April l9,—The report bf the assault on the Massachusetts Bajrimeflt at Baltimore, 1 • occasioned ' > much excitement tamong the troops at Gamp Curtin. They BTfeartwriWe yengeaac& troops are ■ * acre. Two Ohio regiments reached here to [_ I zagHaafl Pennsylvanians to march.-- y ---,, , < - it 1 Ma]or_Blmontop, commander, of the Pitts | burgh Arsenal, is suspected of Infidelity to n - \ the union, and is watched by a o r « ; safety. .-- - i l 6 jf--rCtof/-Hldfcft-oTHftryland declines- to’telc-' graph not tolet any more armed, troops pass , g : tiuough Baltimore, -yt ■ April2o.—Aktterhas been b- recelyed- flrom Gov. Letcher ofVa., offertnr d 1 18,000 to the pstentee tjf the bnUetmonid! {■ The reply t was .no > money .can purchase It against xhfrcoimtiy. - 1 I - Jones, whoCommanded ‘ the gairteofr at- Harper’s .Jerry,!* now at f the, Carilsls Barracks. .He stites fhafhearlDg yesterday that 600 Virgin ,rianrwere approaching by-the .tray of win : Chester, to seise the arscnaL they put piles of powder lu stratr in the buddings, and waited onieOy tho. approach of the Picket Guaro, He gare the alarm and. the. garrison i waslaetjon flr e, ponder fees,' andthea; began to retreat. The citizens of Harper’s Perry, -who Veter erl ir : itt'lißagaß 'Ot the* partyi advancing to _seiza the. arsenaL .trare instantly 4n> arm® And ptuiiie4andkl^dtWojregu]^ , i. r :- Oth*iß de 'Wftedbeibre'thc troop* reaihsd'B&eeistown- - Xtiteelrthe ~raSlr&ad M oamibwhee to Chimbereborg to-day. 'They are all much ei-; hawtedby.tte %htVBMJ*6; Vert fed Chambereburg, ftna.r.Trere re ceived -with cheers along therontaio Carlisle. ■I '! f. explosion.' RepeatedexplOßloasoccnrred,and be saw the light of the burning buildings for manymlles.' .-■ * FBOCtA3£iJnOK OF GOV. OUBTTN. ' r HABBMHUBQj Pa,, April 20.'.; ’ Whereas, an armed rebellion exists in a por tion of the States of the Union,' threatening the destruction of. the National 'Government, perllifig pablid and private property, endan gering the peace and security of this common-' wealth* and intiting systematic piracy; tod whereas, adequate provision does nohexist by law to enable the' Executive to make'the mill tafy poWer of the State as able And efficient as it should be for the common'defense of the State and General Government; and whereas, ah'odcasioh So exCraordihaiy requires prompt legislative action; therefore I, by virtue of the power vested in me, ■ do hereby convene the General Assembly of the Commonwealth, and require the members to meet at their respect ive Houses, at Harrisburg, on Tuesday, April SOtb, there to take into consideration and adopt Such measures in the premises as the exigencies may demand. (Sighed) Andrew G. Ctmirtf. Philadelphia, April 20.—The Massachu setts regiment which arrived' here yesterday hks gone direct to "Washington by the Key stone State. . ' : . The Government has taken possession of the Baltimore Road. No trains are leaving here for . Harrisburg, April, SKt—Twenfy-flve htm dred men were in Camp Curtul Ixst night. Six thousand stand of arms have been received from Pittsburgh. Three Ohio companies ar fived to-day, and five hundred more will be' hire this afternoon. 1 ■ Tb£ Orders of Governor Dennison, recalling ice Ohio troops, have been countermanded. Eleven hundred will strive to-morrow. Bears nre entertained that Maryland volunteers will make a demonstration on Chamhersburg. New Yoke, April 20.—The steamer peake will saiTtbls dfterrioon for Norfolk with .250 sgamenfor the navy yatd. , The Monticel lo will sill this afternoon for Noffoikwith 100 marines; from thence to Washington., .-.Anderson’s officers and men .wul be present at the Union mass meeting this afternoon. Major Ariaereori If ill address the audience, and the digs ol Sumter and Moultrie will float over 'ike btife* of nwHingtoor Trie steamers Pocaiidntda aria Philadelphia go to Washington* -The Harriet tarie Balled fo* the same place. ... Buffalo, April S).—Hiram Sliley, Presi dent of the western Union,. T R. Walker, President and J. D. Reid, Superintendent of the New York, Albany and Buffalo Telegraph. Company, have issued orders that no messages ordering-arms or muriitiona of war willhe're ceiVed by companies- unless.fot the de fence of thb government of the .United States, and endorsed by the Mayor of the city from which it proceeds. ; . .• . Messages in cyphers, ; excepting dispatches for the President of the United States, or the ofacers of the Government will be refused. - New If ore, April 2s.—The,-Union Meeting is now being held at Union Square. The as semblage is immense. - All the lower part of the city Is deserted; Jas.-A- Dix presides at the chief stand* Hamilton Fish, Wm. F. Have meyer, .and Moses Grinnell at others. The § jeakere include our most eminent citizens, eeolutions were submitted and will be adopt ed pledging support to the Government to the extent ©flaying down lives if necessary; that, secession Is unjustifiable and treasonable; and appointing a committee of twenty-five to col lect funds and transact such other business in aid of the Government as the public interests require. Gov. Morgan has quashed all proceedings against CoL Corcoran of the 9th regiment. Itia reported that a large number of empty cars were run down from Alexandria into Vir gluia,.Thursday night, with the intention of bringing up troops for the attack on the capi toL The steamer Columbia has'been chartered’ by the Government, arid will sail to-morrow morning for Washington. . ; A dispatch frpm Col Lefferts, says the 7th regiment left Philadelphia by rail, for Havre de Grace, thence to embark by steamer for Annapolis. A gentleman from Washington reports from 5000 to 6000 troops under arms, including 2000 regulars and four batteries of flying artillery. CoL Smith is confident that he can defend the city for the present against any force that is likely -to. he brought against -it. The same gentleman reports that the origin - of -.the trouble at Baltimore, was that a rowdy came behlrid the* last ‘platoon of the Massachusetts' regiment, caught a musket from one of the soldiers and snot the latter in the back killing him instantly. The order was immediately given, to fire and several of the mob were District Attorney Smith has called on the i Judge of the United States Circuit Court for a special Jury, to bring to justice parties sym pathizing with the South in the city. The schooner L, C. Watts- has -been seized with a large Quantity of arms,shipped at Hart ford. for the South. Enlistments at Wilmington, Delaware, 'are at the rate of from 70 to 100 per day. Dela ware will send herfull quota of troops. A secession paper in Wilmington was ob liged to hoist the American flag. A special dispatch to the Tribune says orders were received from Gov. Letcher to seize the Custom House at Wheeling, but Wheeling is strong for the Union, and last night it was guarded by the Mayor for the United States.- The witizens were greatly excited at the news, and declare that they will stand by the stars and stripes.. The same dispatch says Harper’s Peny is occupied by 3000 men, and the wild est excitemcntprevails. Governor • Morgan has ordered the Sixth, Twelfth, and Seventy-first Regiments to go to Washington by steamer, unless railroad com munication is open. A private dispatch from Baltimore says the Union men have no hope unless the Govern ment occupies the city with an overpowering i ces fr° m Norfolk report the frigate ■Merrimac getting her armament aboard with all possible dispatch, under the protection of : the Cumberland’s double shotted guns. A sword from the citizens of Taunton was presented to Major Anderson to-day. . Anderson attended .the -Union meet ing to-day and was most enthusiastically . cheered. - He goes to Washington to-night. , The Scott Life Guard, numbering 1,000 meD,:ha3 proceeded- to Governor’s Island, ihe Government has also chartered ’ the steamers James Adger and Marion. They sail to morrow night. The Bth and 69 Regiments are ordered to be ready to march Tuesday morning- t f Gen. J. G.vSwifl, formerly Chief of the U. ~P‘ Lorps of Engineers, at the age of 78, has his services to the Government. • nr l!is®Vj3haw Jc.-Co. have- presented to Colonel .Wilson’s Volunteer Regiment 1,000 gray shirts. - Californians resident in this, city and State are about to form a mounted company forthe • service of the Government. The Pacific- Mail Stemship Company has their vessels with cannon, muskets, cutlasses and ammunition, to ensure protec tion to passengers and treasure. Orders went out some time since W'sheaththeir bows with iron so as to enable them to ran down givateers or pirates which may attempt • eir capture. ’ The Washington Star of Friday-says an attack on Washington with such means as the assailants have would be eimply a sure sacri fice of their lives. , Rochester, April 20.—Twenty thousand dollars were voted for families of soldiers to day. .- ' j Oswego, N.T., April 20i-TheCoimnonCotmcU of Oswego have unanimously votedslo,ooofor the relief of the families ‘of those who enlist for thewar. WASHINGTON CITY. Washtnoton, April 20 —About 150 of the Massachusetts aoldiets-are to the hospital, doing well, and in fine "spirita. The steamer JPawnee Idt last night with Government troops on board. There are whisperings among the military that martial iaw win soon be pro claimed here. The St. Nicholaa.'a steamer plying between "Washington and Baltimore, was seiied this moming fop prudential pur poses. ■ There are about 5,000 men under arms ; at Washington, and vicinity.’- AddltionaL meas- ■ sores tof guard the entrance of the city hare beetrappointed, including the lUil road-termi nus. ' " ‘ 1 "' ' ’ : ' s . The TJniohmeh in Delaware are in a bad .fix.thohgh the population is largely Union. •AH the State arms are in possession of’the se cessionists, transferred, by the Governor, who ;has hot responded to the r&ralsitlon of the President, andwill not. The Unitm men hope the Governor will take possession of the np> pef part bf the State in order to secure the powder mills at Brandywine, at which the se> ceealonistsevidentlylaim. \ v : ; j. fWiuasQTQS, Council appropriated isß,ooo to defend the city, and proclamation, also asking the wvemor to la* sne same purpose. ': The Brandywine bridges and all oh St sent to restore the bridges destroyed on thb Northern Ccntralrpadl ! ■UA.IU sent us by the telegraph bar no locatldmof lt-is from HarTiabu»gh l Tsra.] \ asssesw ls®if 6 ,J aUrQ^'bria S es > llel ' s feea Harrirtrai* MUfflore, luWS beto aietrttyM, - Tpf Btite Artminiatfattoaposaesslmportaiit iiifar- S»tipa -ftbonl plans of.secessionista, of.Vit ip all .directions.. lit is said there is not a Uniot l |feipM! \ j : / •• f : CHICAGO, NEW YORK. DELAWARE. t VIEGINIA* Boston, AprilJ9,—The Fifth Massachusetts Regiment is under arms and wiHprobably leave, for by Monday- next.; R will number‘ljOTOrßieni- reports: this, afternoon, from Baltimore rcaUße painfol .ex citement, but it Is hoped that;the accounts kft exaggerated- :•;•.■ . Boffroir, April 90.—This city was terflbly ex ‘cited Rat night tod lids : at the; at?» tack on the Massachusetts trbbps at BaJtfanoreT ’ The Govfernbr &e similarity in day ' and event, toggesteahytheiOth of ApHHT<S, and-the. immortal memories which cluster around the men of. Lexington 1 and Concord.. The Governor has sent theToXlPwing dispatch to the Mayor of Baltimore :* , f - I pray, you cause the-bodies of our .Massa chusetts Soldiers," dead in’ battle, to be fan.:. mediately laid qn|, preserved in ice and ’ ten derly 'Befit'' forward by - express ib me. AH expenses will be -paid by thS coroinbnwtolth. [Signed], . , Jso. A. Akdbew,- ' ; «... * r ’ ■- s ",' ■' ' Goy.of Mass. .. rAt-Pall’BiverrlSßfenight, a. meeting of* citi zens waa. callecLon the reception of-the news. Patriotic epeeches'weremade.and the city government was--instructed to appropriate. SIO,OOO to fit out and to pay each volunteer S2O pfgfcmonth In addition tb the Gorersmentpay.*/n * ••h'’;-. j , : Boston, April 35,—The Fifth Massachusetts-. Regiment and Barton Flying Artillery start forWashingtph tjfiUT evening. . . .There is to be>n'public.meeting in State street^'tins morning to raise a volunteer xegi- - meat. The callior the meeting is headed by ■ , Fletcher Webster; HiTNOIS. Lacon, April 20.—A large arid enthusiastic meeting was held here, this evening toexpress thefeeuaga ofthjßxonnty.onthecrisis; Elo quent speech eswere made hy members of all parties in supporter the Administration. ’A fall company of volunteers, was. organized *nd tendered to the Governor. . , ; ‘ PecaXONICAi' April SO.—A large Union Meeting is being held here to-night 34 grins. firing amidst much excitement. ' ; v QtrrscTj April 20.--Brig'. ‘ Gem. Jas. TV. Sin gleton has tendered the services of. self T and' staff to-thcGorernor^orday.• Peobia, 111.', 20.—Meetings are held; here every night • - Enlistiig and drilling con tinue’from morning until midnight We have nearly.BQo men already enlisted—2oo oigan-- ized and accepted; ."Win double the ehUstmemt in a ,-tf eek. The, Board of Supervisors to- day appropriated the support of the families of vbluhteefi. , . A ' T’.tAtv, April 2fh—A large dfic determined meeting was held here last evening fbf the nurriC 0 ® of enlisting volunteers to fill the by prayer, . After spirited speeches rij. : of our prominent cza2eii6*. the, .folOSteen! .pressed deafening appiafisej and , thetaußtafftfll wsb fapidly Ailed; :T Spsikgfielp, EL, April ■ continue to arrive, and -the army -begins io look quite forriiidable. Great excitement .has 1 existed hefe,relative to rumors , that .there is serious trouble hr«t. Louis: but ■ priyate dis patches assure us that there is no War ’’there except npon the and Wisconsin cur rency. -V A gentleman direct : from Memphis informs us that it -is’curmitly. reported there, and be lieved, that Fort Pickens had fired npon.the secessionists;-wt^ w ere making an offensive display on:the beach, and that three hundred were killed. Sfrikofield, HL, April 20.—The six regi ments required by the President are all fml, and have been accepted by the Governor. He' thinks that all other frill companies will be accepted, and would recommend’organization and perfection in drill, . f. Quikct, lit, April 20.—At a meeting of the Directors pf the Quincy Savings Bank, at two o’clock this afternoon, the sum of $20,000 was' tendered to the State as a loan to aid input ting it in a pogitiori for defence, and for sup porting the National Goveririrlent ill the pres-' ,ent crisis. ..... '. A regiment called the Home Guard is. about perfecting its. organization to-night.... - Alton, April 20.— Two full Companies; num bering 2SO men, Are now organized here: Another Company will he -filled on Monday. The Alton Bank-to-day tendered $20,000 to the Governor formiliteiy purposes. '- Private dispatches from CairO'represent that a secession C&mpv*y of volunteers has been -formed iafr®* agahaot wbioh there is much in-' digcatlon.. -They nave sent to Memphis for asSstanee. * Cairo, HL, April 20. —The reportthat a mil itary Company of-secessionists occupy Cairo, is unfounded. No such Company has been’ formed. .■ Cairo, lIL, April 20.— There is great excite ment here. Business is much hindered. Our home guard is being increased for protection from thieves and marauders. Forties prepared' a secession 'flag, yesterday, but were not per mitted to iuifie it Our people are strongly for the Union, and will ■ fight under no other other flag than the Store and Stripes. - Kankakee, April SO,—The largest meeting ever convened in this city, was held at the Court House last night Two military com panies were organized, and SI2OO. subscribed to equip volunteers. The negro W. J. Morris, tried here on change of venue from' Livingston" county for murder, was found guilty last night ■ • INDIANA. ’ :’ ! Indianapolis, April 20.—Troops are still pouring in. There are nearly 4,000 meh : at ‘Camp Morton. The Governor has tendered the President 7 5 (WtMnorc men than the requi sition required from the State. An officer arrived to day from Washington, to muster the troops into service. The ladies are supplying large quant ities of flannel shirts and other clothing. ' MICHIGAN; Detroit, April 20.—The Michigan Central Railroad offer to carry Michigan Volunteers over their rood free of charge, mid the West ern Transportation Company offer free trans portation on the Michigan troops during the war. Ten thousand people Assembled in front of the Post Office buildmg to day to witness the administrationjrfAhe oath of . allegiance to all National, State, County and City officials here. After a prayer by Rev. Dr; Duffield, the oath was administered by 'the' venerable^Judge Wilkins. The Star Spangled Bazmer was sun g by the Nelson Sisters; the immense concourse Joining in the chorus. The scene was the most impressive ever witnessed in Detroit. Messrs. Jackson <fe Wiley, founders; ofler’to make over fifty tons shot and shell for Gov ernment to be paid for when convenient. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, April 29.—Another exciting meeting took place at the Chamber-of Con? merce to-day. . The Baltimore news strikes to the heart of the scribed by the Chamber of • Commerce alone, for the benefit of the soldiers* families. The streets vare thronged, and business hardly thought oC Kenosha, April 20.—One of the laigest and moet enthusiastic meetings ever convened in this city, was held last evening. The meeting was.called to raise funds which may. be.neees* saiy lamiUes of the volunteers from this city. : Short speeches were made, and's sub scription taken up on the spot, amounting to $3,260. The most unbounded enthusiasm characterized the meeting. -All parries evince a determination to stand by the Government to the last. KANSAS. Leavenwobth, -April 20.-1,000 stand, of :«B&d3UCre been ihrnifihedcitfemw of Leaven worth, from the AfftJnai at Fort Leavenworth, and the Commander of that post hanaccepted the services 6f SOQvolnnteera ofthis city to guard the Arsenal pendingthe arrival of the troops from Fort Kearny: All ‘quiet here Bare preparations poasibfe contingencies, ’- • = -oma • | .CoLUMBus company willbe raisedi to-night hi response totbe..caUor.oar.Qonntry.;-..;.•. .* . Iqlbdo,OJ4o, Apffl2o,—Thcwarendlteinent Is very high here. Ten. companies will be ready ‘ “to leave MexVWfeek;' Ffrb thousand doßartTia subscribed to support the Emilies of‘volun teers. .• vs .-.- >. • . - PADiEsmLB, Ohio,-Ajttil 20i—’The Bank 6T Stste 01 &om • NEW JEBBET. Jm April 3b,-~Gen. Emiyonhaa received orders Tor one.regiment He will semi the strong to Wasli *«koawartr TheCoiamfcn Conn cul will volunteer*. Aboutcotnpsto!es“ strata wady to march in jNew&rk alone. r; - : » i Tfielfew the ■-■ ■ MISBODEI. . . i ‘rnl^m^m a&MSSStS: at flic demand of some citfzecn > gimsfc.' aSS: oi'ja - mg sentiment*'-:'-; mp* i'*rt7n*,i7z/&%TT ' Thoosam&e tom aJloliߣg^T*aT«S^S.S r ' KQ^GOMERY. Montgomery, .April, 19,—The demand for the loan of the Confederate States was so grjßitbst President Davis'has determined to differ the whole sl6,ooo,ooo.—Tie-amount al ready.Bubscribed exceeds,. 1X5,000,000. . The dooks were dosed- to-day, and the smallest sums had'preferdfCc'over the-lareer ones. Clhfe Is : .-v .. LOUISIANA G^leans, April X9.—The Crusader was the only war vessel at Key West on the 12th. TheTexasaulhoritiCs have fitted out the Mat-' agorda a. war steamer-to intercept- the Star West The citizens of. Brasher City, nave seized two schooners laden with ship timber, vaiued at $20,000, for the' Brooklyn and Charlestown NavyXards, - ; ? * • Th# Feeling In Canada, • Toronto,' April 201—The' Globe of' this morning Jias :a long article on the relations .between-England and the United advd catipg a sincere and firm-alliance, forgetting , past differences, tod says the North haa a jufi cause, that the permanent good will of the American people, is worth striving for and hopes tosee the rebellion put down and the traitors dealt with aa they deserve. " From Europe. : : -.Bi.Johss, April 80.—The steamerColnm- Dia, from Liverpool Sth, arrived" yesterday The.wires are down till evening. Breadslnffi i PfOTisilpa steady. Conaola '9lJ^@. rep°>-ted that Prance sent a frigate to Charleston at the anggesUon of Jeff Davie. • Slave Insurrection Ini Maryland, . Philadelphia, April 20.—A resident of Amt comity, AM., has received information that the negroes were burning the houses of. b^n^eatroyed. buildings had already TheMlsaintppl, ? IstAKD, April 20.—Water in' riTpr rteing tire rate of 6‘to 8 incites per dav .... Drowned* D k Hf™ T ’ m ' A P*a 20.—A mm named Shoots, carpenter on the steamcr LaClede. Was drowned here last evening. His body has not yet bean recovered. J ■ Death or Bnfns Hefner. .. aO.-Rufiia Hoemer, lately Cpiisal (o Frankforf-on-the-Malae died at today. The Buckeyes on Band. [Special Dispatch to the Cincinnati CommerciaLJ ■ : Cor.t’Hnrs, Aprilly. I am informed at Head Quarters that in one ■ “eek from to-day,- companies enongh, with ot R 6 ?'* l ! l have been organized. fiSfeu K ®W., “d pula’s coritffigerii of iieoy*. . -a ebritriicts closed .tb-daywlih ® arid Xmbn & Bro., Cincinnati v for 10,900 re* n - Ifltion riniforiris t and 6,000 more With ties in Dayton, Zones title arid Cleveland, at sl6 each... ’ Contracts for subsistence arid quarters a| Camp Jackson, to Sriiith, Donaldson, Corn stock, andßutlcf, of Columbus, at 60 cents per man per diem. I Contract closed with S. S. Ashcraft, of Cin cinnati, to manufacture shot a&d shell. - u -r ' ...... f Five companies Oolumbne volunteers repor ted for. duty; two departed this morning. Master rolls of Southern and Central Ohio are enormous. Northern Ohio offering liberally. The Governor is almost exhausted with busi ness, und Itotlll accumulates. . [From the Itilnois state isih.] . Additiosal Companies.— The Adjntfflt General’s office, in the State House, began yes terday to assume quite a military appearance an orderlyln full uniform being station* d out side the door, and military men- constantly coming and going. Capt James H. Adams, of the Hardin Light Guard, Jacksonville, has been detailed to act as Gen. Mather’s assist-' ant; and his skill and energy contribute much to the prompt transaction of the business of the department. Ten additional ■ companies yesterday oflfered their seivices; as follows j comrrr. kaMr, captazh; C01e5........ .^Mattoon......Jas.H. Conniugham. Montgonjeiy..Bunker Hill. ...J. F. Cummins. Mac0n...«... .Decatur*. John P. Post. Adams ..Quincy RlSea. Sbroer. Coles :...Charleston W. S. Marshall. - gnmay'----• : -Morris-,;.......J. W. Newport.. St. Clair .Belleville Augustus Marcy. C00k...: .Chicago.... ....Jas. R. Hugunm. LaSalle... ...HlghlandßiffesH. H. Carter. Peoria, National Blnes.Chas. E. Dennison. This makes a total of fifty companies offered before the close of the second day after the Governor’s call The above companies have been tendered and enrolled as full; nearly as many more have been informally tendered. Camp Tates.— We visited the Pair Grounds yesterday, and found active preparations in progress for the reception of the troops. All the stalls have been thoroughly cleaned, the ground cleared, all neccessary repairs made, and everything is assuming a ship shape ap pearance. A quantity of provisions have been sent out by the commissaries, which are stor ed in the buildings, consisting of potatoes, sugar, co :ee, rice, flour, salt, etc., and from present appearances, the quarters will be very pleasapt ‘' f A guard, cOtiSlst&gof twd non-commission ed officers and ten-privates, with ; a lieutenant as officer of the guard, was stationed laat night onthegrounds, by order of General Mather. The troops are expected to begin coming in early next week* ‘More Supplies.— The Commissaiy Board yesterday concluded the purchase of the fol lowing supplies for the troops at Camp Tates, a-portion of which have been delivered. 5,000 pounds bacon; 5,000 do, pickled pork; 6 barrels flour.; 5 do. vinegar; 1,000 pounds soap; 509 pounds candles; 20 bushels salt; 25 - sacks coffee ; 7,200 pounds sugar; 5 barrels pickles; 150 bushels barrels beans; I tierce rice; 5 boxes ground pepper. The contract for furnishing beef has not yet been awarded. Whir* Is Ctaßt Vallimdlgiiain«4aiii»ta» dienhammcrT If an army marched firom his “ deestrick,” It was understood that the necessary steps mnat be over his dead body. Wo have not heard of his death—but the troops have much* cd from Dayton.— Cin. Com, ON AND AFVER Tlte 33d Inst. y I shall occupy the fire, floors in . Building No. 175 MEE STREET. • • mhU-eas-ftnirtp gLOATS SEWING MACHINE. SLOATS ELLIPTIC lock stitch sis iraw Jtf.acsif.vtns. ■ - - - ThoOaly lUdtinefl Swing thff Elliptic hook vr. c. mason, &co, SOLE AGENTS FOE 'THE i HOETHWEBT, 54 CLABK STREET, TTnder tli© New- Sherman Souse. ■ ii^iiCAGOiILL. AGENTS ’WAUTEIi ltt every town tad cdty Inthe Northwest. . ; mhiS’fil-ljrlatjig ft TE4-M r: , KJ ~ Bzrwm H^xoWiira.UVEifiPWi, TAndlngaad QaeemtoTm, TSe liY«rpo©l, s«w Tbrfe and Philadelphia STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Win iiapatd. po TO cuda CITT OFNEWYORK. EDINBUBTtH. CITY OF BALTMORjI KASOAEoST : CITT OF waseukqtok, GLASGOW, cnr p f makcfCEs-rea, viao. ■ ’SSL* i • - -‘ / 30SHJ0BDB Bataaot jaaaagi! aaloWaatw’aay otter line. Paa aeacen forwarded to an tbe principal clttea of Snrope. r *®gf s£Sg aa •.«“^ r . - -These Steamers ha?e i ftaperlor carry experienaedSorgSoaS. ilbey are-built in vmsi TroaxiaoH ancnoyiLand cany patent-arc-anroMta j ,iort. r ; For fartfagr tnformstloa apply to ,=. . .. , W«rtoa CLEGH * '(1 BAKER'S .»»> ... FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, «WanPUPWARDB. ; ■. rte. 21S t*K» atmzL. €lia«ji‘Wb I ..W'tWßJimttl • - ■; w»r.ol streat. (GSesthW' 'te 0 « irtii Nets 9ajh«ti«enwttts. . C~‘S. SCRl i’er.y, Advertising Agent; 9S Dear- tmOwrieed to reeeto AdeertUementefor ms and oa the lending Papers of the Sbrthmet TJ OARDING.—Board wanted in JLM a smatrflMnlly where there areftworno board era by a gentleman and his wife. Address Box fit a. giving location, terms, ftc. sp22x2t POTATOES WANTED—2,6OO A - ‘ Bushels Prime JTeshanocka by D. T. LAN MAN. ItS South Water street. , apyi-r^ BRICK DWELLING for Sale or Exchange ibr Improved G(jr Property. The house is nearly new. three stories andcelUr, contain ing gas, hot and cold water, marble mantles, bstba Andress Bo* onUie NorUl tide, east of Rush street. WILSON’S SEEDLING STRAWBERRY.—The eaanln? week lathe mayttnte to eat Strawberries. ’PUmts-wOlbefarnlah ed teat axe rrowliig In the city and they can bera-tet ydthoat bein' oat of aronnd nut a few hours. H. P. STgShEY. No, 165 Soath Water street P, O. Box ap22xlt LOST —Last night, a.small Black and-Taa Pop. Ran oat of a store In the Sher- WANTED. —A goofl girl to do -Ap^^gS»g^b°o^.T UpriT^gt? -- TO RENT—Second floor in an eligible location..over.a.wholesale and retail score doing a large coontiy and dty trace. To a party w a hoalness .good inducements vm be ottered. Address, with bates of badness, “B. il_” Tribune of- Acs, . apls-es27'6taet T\TANTB3X—An assorted stock: of ▼ T Jewelry or other light goods, suitable for Country trade,-fro nr fIOCO to s*m, in exchange for - vMnablalinprovodra -1 estate uetr ‘Niagara Taila. or would bay on Ume if price is low, goods suited md terms agreeable. This ,te a are ’chance to convert «eweiry. into’ cash or good property. Andrew McO.” Iribnne Office. - apatxlt ’ TO RE & T—Three Dwelling Houses on Michigan avenue, south of Twelfth ■west, and store TSo. SßStetejrteec*, from May irt, . 185 L lnqnl*e ofN. p. WILDES, 47 sad 40 state street,op-stalr*:) - 1 ■ ■ sjtiaxrt - ~\\J ANTED ; —A firef-cTasa Spinner T? la a "Wboien Factory. COODWACES WILL BE PAID. _ Address S. FQSD, Watertown. Wig. ap22x3t A-GENTS. WANTED-^x, 200 a ,-CA yearmade byany one with slo^orth.of ' PATENT STENCIL, TOOLS, Stock enoagti Included to reevll for fl--a Send for ''■.idd'-dAM. No. 45 j£pHTO street, ot Lonls, Mo., or 2<sßro«dw«y. HewVOrt.: «W6l ir MA S ON ! i C.-~A ’Regular A .Conrocstton of -Lafityutte OfaAptar i ft- A. M, wflj be heldat theMatonlc Temple /V\. • tela tMoßa*y->veniß2) o’clock. requested aa wort ma T be «• ap22zlt r- ■ - JAMES BROMFIBLD. Seotetoryl Oak Orchard Acid' Spriuw TTster.—Pamphlets containing the opixdona ■ ted Chemist* and Physicians respecting the use c? this WATXEIn ‘be ease of many diseases of thehnamnsys. will be supplied gratis on application to '■&*' ciLrirofl Tjtxrmxr, •ap3£eCs.ljr ~ ■ LOST.— The persons who borrowed of me ’ ’PIeM FortJacafi6ns M and “Army Begulationa,” are requested to. return them forthwith to the Counting Boom oi the Tribune. ap3B.«t J. D. WEBSTER. TO DEALERS HT Sealed Proposals for furnishing the Slate of lowa Stationery, as per schedule lollowlng, wQ} he re ceived at the omce. of Secretary of Stafi j at DesMoinet. in said Htace, ttalh fbe 10th day of July,' 1801. On said day such proposals £1 shall Bare been received,' will be opened at sold office, hud the contract or contracts awarded to the lowest responsible bidder or bidders; toe parties contracting for the State, resettle* the right to let the contract'ln parte to different bldae?e; if advisable. Proposals mu-t be accompanied by sani ties of the articles to be furnished, which said.articles are to be delivered at the office of the Secretary of Slate, at tae Capital, on or before the 10th day of Octo ber next, without claims for freight, boxes, oranytMaz extra, over amount bid. SCHEDULE. ' 1200 refrua Book Paper, ZtzSStucbes. 15>' “ Legfll Cap. 2IQ “ Commercial Note. • 25 *• Flat Cap. . V--.: -t 1 14 Largest size heavy packing paper, - 60 •-*.*. Enveloping Eaper.- ,? .... 60“ Pampblet covers, Assorted, 200 M Envelopes assorted -2i dozeo InSblands, common. 10 “ ' GoidPetjSwitfa’Eliver cases. 15 “ Letter Pads., 8 “ Erasing Knives. , .14 “ CoalUng’a Manual.. 14 •* Maps of lowa. 20 “ Japoued Caodlettlcln. 6- ** Quartbottles of Writing Fluid. 2 u S ttlea Carmine Field. .2. u Quartbottles of Mucilage. 2 Mucilage bottle witn brushes, s Gross Rubberßands, assorted. I ** Blotting Boards. 20 " r&bec’a Pencils assorted Kos. 8500 QulHs. 6 Eyelet Machine. 75 Boxes Paper Wafen. or seals, SO “ star candles. 25 “ Eyelets, large size. 100 pounds rlax Twine, assorted. 10 M Sealing Wax. , J. W. CA.XTJBLL, Auditor of State. Dee Moines, April 13.1361. a:2aet34-itewOw NEW ROMANCE MRS. HARRIET BEECHER STOWE. THE ATLANTIC MONTHLY, For JSay, 1861 : Agues of Sorrento; A new Novel, by lira. H. B. BTowi, author of '* Tbs Minister's Wooing,” “ Uade Tom’s Cabin,” etc. /This Romance wQI he continued in every cumber throughout the year. During tho progress ol the story Mra. Stowe will trace the Influence of the Roxan Catholic' Faith upon the Intellectual and moral development of a young girl, her heroine, in the skme manner and with the same power with which ahe de picted in the “Minister's .Wooing." the influence of the Protestant Faith. . In addition to the' above, the May number presents the following : , TABLE OF CONTENTS, 1 Best and Motion; Lights' of the English Lake Dis trict; Fink and Blue: Pomegranate-Flowers; The Prairie State; Cencernlrg Future Tears; Brother Jonatßofi’a Lament for Sister CarolinerOriglna! Me morials of Mrs. Plozrl; xhe Niger, and Its Explorer* '• Reviews and literary Notices ; Recent Am»rjc*B pnh- Ucatiors. TERMSThree Dollar* per annum, post-paid to any pare of the country. Subscriptions may begin wlih any number. Back, numbers ean always he supplied. ' CLtTßßrse 'AiauTraßaarej—Subscribers to nay their own postage. Two copies. Five Dollars; Five . copies. Ten Dollars; Eleven copies, Twenty Dollars. All letters should be addressed to HCKHOR 4 HELM, Punishers, •. sptaesß 135 Washlngton-st, Boston. /Chicago akd northwest. 1 EES' RAIL WAT. - ... Per Bockfiird, Beloit, Freeport,Janesville. Galena, Madison, Prairie da Chien, Toni da Lac, Othiosh, Green Bay,-Beiim,Ripon,Xa CK»6e,St. Paul.-Ac. On andaher Monday Apill.S2d, 1961, trains will leave Til: Day Express 9.T 5 A. H.: Night Express 9.15 P. M. Through to all the shove points, and connecting at 4oth Prairie da Calea and La Crosse, with steamers fcrSt-Padl, Ac. War Passenger 520 P, Sh, for Janesville, and Bockford. Trains arrive 5.1S A. M.; 11.4S A. M; 7P. M. L. DUNLAP, Bnperiat-eßdant. E. DM Wirr Bobctsoh. Gen. TlcKet Agent. ocia-iy piBST SALE 3JO New Bedstead! In Mjipte, Cherry andßlacfeWslnal 103 Me wßoreanaln Mahogany ana ilia* £ Walnut, 50 New Commode and flnreao-Waahstaads la Mahog any *nd BlacX Walnut, - AT AUCTION! . On Thursday, May 2d, at 9k o’cloclr A. M., at oar Salesrooms, No. *2 Lake street.- ' Samples can be seen the day before the gale.' BF“ to- be sold witaou* any reserve. ' GILB£BT, SAMPSON & TTASNBB, ap22esßS-10t . Auctioneers. .pHIGAGO MD MILWAUKEE V-/ ........ RAILBOAD. For SlUvaokee, La Crosse, St* Pan!* Oshkosh. Berllo, and Inlezme* dial© Points, On and alierMooday, April Sid. 183, Passenger - trains win leare ttoe Depot, comer of West Elnzle and Usual streets (Sun days-excepted), as fbQovs: , 0-15 A. M. and 9-00 P, iL, aadarriye at Milwaukee T WACKBGiH ACCOSfMODATTOK TEACST leares Ctdcpgo at 9-25 F. >!-. and alrtra^tChica|o>tß|^o. i !- Bppertnteitot, NO. MOSS.— SO / Bales of New • Hcked Mon, In 100 Ito. bales. reetirOd and for sale at la cents per fb- by- ' . apgveai-st ~y S. W.*A3?DESB3, aeXate street. QHICAGO WATER' WOKKS. •spwssiisas '-■■«£**■? S*®W yawiVherda decl&redto bodo<od tfie - *£?« % next, Utortue ttfeTbf water ftrto l uiti v 1 ybichttie^^Sngws^pltwwt^lrot'rMch^ Ttar commanded lurKt. lSdi.Aod cndlss M«yig% isa, md ptMM at flit titnc ttae uid^ - WeteT’CoimahiJdwn*OSce,' -•*- s icsf -• '■■ ‘ ■ ■ -as: FOB INEBRIATES; ’Curmunx* Osfex - MmiUl raW AUSMt M MWM ! ’ J.H.REED&CO, Wholeisle Droggiats, ' Chicago, BL STATIONERY. NUMBER 252 i Eo^ttd. TO RESTT—A desirable Dwelling -JL House on Rldrldge Court. between «t.f A Btwwt aadmbwhsTCuue. apaj-eoi3-3w ■ r rPO EENT.-rA neat,, small Store, JL suitable for a Jewelry, Millinery or Taney Store, ’ Apply at 170 South Clark it. '"PD RENT.— North, Side—From A the Ist of Mar, the new two-atory dwelling. 770, -HO Huron street.'between Market and-Bedgewick streets. ■ fient sls per month. Address** J.‘A; 8A93.F.0. - • aplTzlw 'T'ORENT.—Cooper Shop : (North -f~,i •* oaJErte street, between Market sod Sedge- Rent *6 per month. Address **ff. A. 3J„” 2ktx 3*j93, X*. O, --- • . .-■•••- ■ apl7>l"W * I*o RENT CHEAP.A four story -ft Brick storey with cellar. 20 fcyie construct ed for storage, but can be used to advantage by manu facturers. -Apply to GEO. W. ADAMSTofflce-la rear of 180 Norm Water street, Chicago. TX) RENT—The brick, house 199 ■ J Erie street It la In good repair, well painted and papered. - It- bag- ten. good- rooms, with hot and cold hatha, and a bade yard suitable for a garden. - En \nlra othtr. MUtiGKB; corner South Water and La Salle street," Steel’s block. Kone 'but a good paying tenant ttegu apply. ' ' * apisesfe-iin TO RENT-From May igt, the iron front No. CO Lake street. T& store laahelr S?o« r -<ljy goods the entire building. For one year Two lower floors HSOX S. KING. So. 14, Methodist block. ... ap!6a2w rPO RENT—Dwelling House No. A 231 Wabash avenue; or the premises would be MlAon easy terms. Address Q. BOSSITER, Lake Forest. mh2o-eSQS-3ai .rpO. BENT—-Dwelling Bouse No.' X 695 Waba<ih avenue. between Twelfth and Lib erty street, - Apply to A.-J AVBRELL, 370 Wabash avenue, between I and 2 P.M. apix2w rpO.BENT-7~The_first three story -ft- Brick House norto of Btogold Place, on Wahaah .arenne, with and stable. Ben* jm Apply toH: M.WlLSabTH,7oS. Clarkstreet. apftrtS? S'w r pP ■ RENT—A, Famished House X to rent on Michigan avenue. Possesion riven AKy Ut, . -Inquire of S. E. HAVEN, Nts 69 Randolph street • ap9 eVSdm HPO SENT—House and, Stable No. Jefferson Street; between Bandolph and, waahtagton. • Thls.hosas has 10 rood rooms and large yard, T>oßse«lon given Hay is*. Apply at 61 Buffalo street. - •., . , ap!oi2w TO KENT— Store No, 114 Ran dolph Street, by, Brewster. Hat ter: add next doer to Putnam's Clothing Store. Addlt .to iL C. STKABNS. Office byLake .street bridge. - TO. .BENT—A first-class Bricfc House oh Pearson stmt. North Side. Hot'and coldwater.andgu. AUlnflntrateoraer. Wouldbe sold on favorable terras.* Apply to LELAKD & , MUEEBgibot of Sooth Watecatreet, or Box 4276. RENT.—That large dwelling X hwißfrwlth bath.* ga*. and eeDar. large lot and. to good repair, corner Harrison. aodßoffata street. Bent (£O. - Also good dwellings over 479 and474Stote street, $lO per month* Apply to JOHN' 8. BUCHANAN, 5 ILake street, SpS*esß7-lw • nPQ BENt—On West; Madison X street; number lS3>L’a Store with Dwelling above ;• Signer month, with soma fixtures, used sa a Manner's Shop. Abo*wor< shop in rear of the above, and lots to leas© Oh Madison.-street. Apply at.Dr. DUCK’S Office, comer Madison and South Clark street* No. 141 Clark street (ap'stNw>‘oaiato Ma. jl apU-eSOLIm . . . ' ■T'O BENT.—A Cabinet Shop in X the North Division. The steam engine and ma J chlnery 'ntbff same will be sold very cheap. Apply to T. if ANAHAN, 163 West Madison street, or to 319 South Water street.' up Btairs. 'rorent at Cleavervllle, a large boose, suitable for a boarding house. Bent very low. Also a neat Cottage with five rooms, Ap ply to 319, South Water street, up stairs. apiTxSw T) BENT—A three story Brick House In Oatarlo Terrace; east of Rush street. Has all modem Improvements, mid relocation Is cn- RUrpasead. Apply to NORTON, 8080 4 CO, No 16 River afreet; "" sp&-e4SS-2w 'T'O RENT—From May Ist, the ’ ‘X three-story Brick Store, numbered 180 Lake street between Wens and Lsaslle street Also —A large Dwelling House, No. 146 Monroe street, with Barn. Inquire of WM. LOCK, No. 121 Lake street. ap9xlm •• T'O RENT.—One-half ot store No. ' X 16eabcteserce*,-*oailst May. Has been oecs. pled for three years past as a stove store. A rare oHince for any wMdag to commence to the Stove and Tinware bSfltoess. laqdlre as above. aplaciw T 3 RENT.—Tiro first class houses Xm. tl Kid43Cnrtl»»t«el,batwis**®*' ton and Madison streoia. Houses nearly new, with gu", bath room, Ac., and use of stable. Willbe put m flrst-rate order for a prime tenant.- Address' Box No, 4t63,*0r tcqulre'of J.~F. NORTON. No.lOO Washington«teael»Boom.No.<L .... apl-efii-ly TO RENT.—A firsr class stone Croat, fteeco.finished dwelling, with brick out. houses. No. 306 North Lasalle Street. Str-et and yarn sewered.. One of the pleasantest situation* on the North Side, having a fine view of the lake and im proved grounds In its surrounding.. Price SBOC per annum. Apply at 3t)2 North LaaaHeitreet or No. 13 Elver street. . ... ap!BeaM-2w 'T'O RENT—The five story Store i No. 197 Late Street no - * occuplel toy H. Lelb ensteln. Possession May Ist Also the dwellingboose No. 947 State street Apply to-J„B. RICE, office No. 9, Second Floor. dvcf 1"T Dearborn street aplsnm T3 REKT.'—From tie first of May, Dwelling- No. 3 SO, Wabssh avdllho*-containing eight rooms, sped cellar gas, Ac. ■ Bent sls?. 4?P.V to GEO. W. M) AMS, In rear of ISO North Water street spisxlw ! • ■ - - - ; ■ • TO RENT.—The first-class House, 494 Wabash avenue!» for rent to a ftwt-claai tenant, forone or more year* from tools* ofMay ntot. The bouse retain* tvelve rooms, two toath rooms, hot and cold water, and is warned btsteajQ or grates. The lot la 63 feet toy Ifij £ecL.wUh good ham. Apply to H. G. LOOMIS. atMaHnefianlc. apiv^* TO first-class frame Dwelling Houses. Nos. 219,319 and S3 North La sails street containing each nine room*, and ary cel lar whole size of hull dings, with Baa, water, Ac. Rent tJt'O. Apply to PUKTNGTOJTA SCRANTON. 217 South Water street apSeTSMm TO RENT—A Farm on the South Western Plank Road, within a mile-aud-one-half of the City Limits—6o acres—3o of which is in & high state of cultivation, well fenced, good house and sheds. For particulars apply to 6EOBOB STEEL, or j,-J.-BIGHARD3, foot of Laasffie street mh23-c337-liQ . . TO RENT—The large Store, No. 93 Lake street adjoining the Store ot Messrs. Wdber, Williams A Tale, and or Messrs. Cooley, Far well ft Go. for one or live on application at No. 23 Washington street setr-h --west comer of Wabash avenue.. FETES PAGE. - TO RENT—Wharfage Lot No. 2, Block 80, South Side, toeing the second lot south froar Madison street Bridge* directly opposite the Union-Railroad Depot. Said lot has 100 feet River Front theilca through* to Market street ‘ I* well planned, and has tot several years been occupied- for a Ccaland Wood Yard, for which pttrpree it is oneol the most desirable tn the city. Inquire of F. M. CHAF.MAN A BRO„ Lind’s Block.. apitalw r PO RENT—A nip? two-story Cot- X tage House, heal* Union Park. It contain* nine rooms. Derides closets and. tbed t a good bam on the lot; lot large and dry. WRI bo tented to a good ten ant for one or more years. -Bank HS.OQ per month. Also, to lease for fifteen yean, four .desirable resi dence lot*, on the cornet of Randolph and Carpenter streets. . Terms moderate. .Also, for sale, four lorn in Sampson A Green's Addition to Chicago. Apply at 63 West Randolph street, to DR; MELLINGEB. agl9xSt , ~ TI RENT—The Bliuck of Store? In the three-story wood-building, southwest cor ner of Wells end MonrOe etreeto. - Are . wall finished and suitable for Drug, Clothing, Boot and Shoe stores, Ac. Will rent to good - parties at sU3to sia per month. -Also—The upper stories over stores, arranged for large Boarding House or Hotel, Will rant very low. • Inquire of WILLIAMS, 310* South Warer-sU 2d doorwest of Wells-st Bridge. ap^oCMmyl T'O RENT—To Large Brick Ware- X. house and Dock —aHo Frafnb BuDdfug, with Dock. situate on the north slda of the Liver, lust be lowßuah-street Bridge. Possession given May L Al go two firat-claaß Brick Dwellings onMichigaa street, (three stories and. basement). T?easeaaloa given Im nsedlatelv. If desired. Also boCdlng at corner of Pine -and North-Water streets—saloon below and dwelling above. For terms, inquire of W. H. SAMPSON* No. S Metropolitan galMmgai . . ■ apß-e47Q-tmyi - qiO RENT—Dwellings- Nos. 243 .X and 214 on West Lake, street,- secqnd building west of Peoria street • Said houses are nearly new and well finlshethwith wat;r and gas, and la. a good neighborhood. Terms-low. Also, one Store in the threeetory wood bußding corner of West Lake and Ealsted streets.’ Bent very low.-Also, LnmberTard, well Improved. 150 leet front on South Branch of Chi cago fciver. Terms $420 w r«c. Apply to J, S L .WILLIAMS. 310 X South water street second door west of Wells street bridge. • ap*-»4Bi4w 'J' O REIT T ; PUIOSAIB MELOOEBISff fy®Jl Toßent—new and second band. Pianos for sale-low at lts Lake t-treet, (np stairs) near Clark street. jspiQ.ffl.4yi . . rpo LEASE. Wharfing Lot •on .X_ ■Sonttßranch, 107 featby IS&ftetaeeo to Frank lin street, between Tan Boren and Harrison streets; with a good dock, saitahhafor Lumber. Wood. Coal or Stone yard. Aoplyta - *wm.H, SAMPSON, -mhl6eSsitmjl , ci' : Block. TfciSTiLLEKY* TO "RENT OR rjjr - FOSSAIiIL r- • TheDisffllenEatKsacHntoo. saFoxßlvor, pnjho Galeqa A Chicago XJnUn ‘Railroad, three miles from Bight. CapsdtyaßObaßhekfc -Itwlll be rented or sold on the most favorable terras. Apply to DAVIS & NIS rp O. RE If T —Possession given ,X ,Mas;iaWMy. ? SoikiestefadSo'uuse, * Southwest 1 ednier' of Jackson 'and Jefferson etreete,. wUhWooodhonse. Garden and Bam, -The lot Is Why 100 »ni • •_ . 2 OK-A COB2STBS PUSASASTLT SHAPED. : The house J* coaTenlentiy amngM -has drant th It and'cellar under tha whole—Blfchen, Pan-. tm Ffre'cH^oersandbathlng-roomiaseconastory. In., cmlre at my office. 15 and £7 Booth weHfc'ftreet,-na* ’ I lave«yeral deiflT»bto Aiwii «i the above named, first oS Apri or. Miy. -*,*■'*■>-J*'--1 : '. ■. jir-u. wAJwrwoara, ••> «• ■-■ > r gd.Sßma«QlJtaßtra^ o;; ■ - TOO!ry Grain''(oßsijilo,’ will 1 'be' (iirtwrid'by a* ff»fqH* i tAfrir*»aaisaZi!-.-y -?Cr? L?'-GS *->”(<» f n*-1 r!f_- , renleaeceapto rcspccalhle, proEptpaylna t« tun.-’--: 1? -.w rsiwffi^aaSSßS*.'. semsDULaf! R&ia*-of AdwtlhfrfftifrJ CTXKLIGa XaZBUSXI ~ vBSStt $9. 4iraEßßSf X3t fg —• DISCREDITED A LL ILLINOIS AND WISCONSIN BOUGHT AT Highest Market Price, E.K. No * 3-4 CL4BK STSEST.....XO. M ttechange onKewTorlt fcr Bate. aps-enaon •• Suction Salts. T3T Gilbert, Sampson & Warner. -M-J Gsssbjll ArcTioxxsus, 33 Lai» stmt. Elegant Household Furniture, SABRETS, FIEICH PLATE, MIBBDBS, M., -A.T AUOTIOW. April 34th, at 9* o’clock a.*, w« . Ko» 15 Congress street, Micliigaa Awe., The entire Furniture and Effects of a family breaking up housekeeping, and going East, via; : PARIOE FtTEKiriTEE. One line Parlor Suite In Gr’en Plush, 7 piece*- largo French. Plate Mirror, Etagera, Engravings. PdtoSna, three Rosewood Marbl-.Ton Table-. Tet-j-*Jefe, Stands; Hshog my Chairs, Easy Rocking Chairs, what* note, Gas ChandUers, Kich Brussels Carpttg. DBINGBOOS FUBNITURE, One fine twelve foot Extension Tab’s, Twelve StoflteA Seat Oat Dining Chairs, side Tab'es, one Elegant Eta s'*® Sideboard, Oil Carpet oa the- floor. Gas fn«rv. oiler. HALL AND SXAXBS Oil Carpet; Hat Tree, Gas Fixtures, Brussels StalrCar pet and. Covering, stair Bods. BEBBOOi'I FCBXITUBE. Tbreo Elegant Marble-Top Chamber Sulla, In Bebd Oak, Walnut and Hahogauy, consisting In each sett of Preach Bedstead Marble Top Dressing Boreas* and Wasbstanda, Putnam's Patent Spring Beds. Ml'jor*. Marble-Top Tables, Mahogany Chairs, ■ Paintings, Card Tables, Toilet Setts. Hair and Ha»k Mattraws, Whatnots, Lounges Stoves, Cottage Chamber Salta, Blch Brussels Carpet, Cane Seat Chairs aad Jlocicn, Tables and Stands. 2N FGSNmJBE Of all kinds. Cooking Stove with heater complete- WoodandCoal Stoves through the house. The above Furniture is as good aa new. being only used since last November, and 1* all firat-tlaas zooda. Can be seen day before the sale. GILBERT, SAMPSON * WARNER. ' apC-eSTMt Aactloneeri. T3T Gilbert, Sampson & Warner. GssEßax AccriojJxßßa, 32 Lake street. 3000 Pairs Boots and Shoes AT AUCTION. On FRIDAY. April !!th. «t,y; o'docS. ,nwaiM* at out Salesroom, No Si, Lake Street, a large Invoice of fresh and desirable Boots and Shoes, Just received from the east, and to be sold without reserve, cooiist* lug of Mens' and Boys’ Calf and Split Boot* aad .Shoes* Kip, Split and Buff Brogans, Womentf -fln •meled Jenny Lind Buskins, Goat and Lasting Heeled Gaiters,-Mens’ . .Oxford Tits, Yoatbs and Children. Dealers will find this a desirable stock cf goods; and Will do well to attend the sale. ■ ■ - GILBERT, SAMPSON 4 WARNER. afr’gJ-aS7-5t Auettoneci*. T>y Gilbert, Sampson A Warner, .I J Lakh street Will give their personal attention to the sales of Household Furniture aJ the residences of families or at our salesrooms. Caa£ advances made to any amount when required. SEW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FURNI TURE, CARPETS FLOOR Oil. CLOTH, AND FANCY GOODS, AX AUCTION. On TUESDAY, April -5L at o’clock, we win sell at oar salesrooms, a superior assortment of House hold Goods, coatla-mg of almost all kinds of Parlor. Dining Boom, and Bedroom Furniture, Rich Chair ber Suites, with Marble Tops, Second Hand and New Brnssells and Ingrain C.Trptt', Gas Fixtures Floor OH Cloths, cat In any quantity, Turkish Kswy sod Kocklog Chairs, C-ittage Bedsteads and Cnalrs. Silver-Plated Spoon-, Fori-* and Table Cutlery. Together WSh a general assortment of Housekeeping Goods. Sale positive and withouu reserve. . GILBERT, SAMPSON 6 WARNER, sp3?.as%& Auctioneer*. A. BUTTERS & CO., GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 46, 48 50 BEIBBOBN 9TBBET, (Oppck. ,£ « the Tremont HooseJ FDESITTJ2E SATE EVEEY WEDSBaDAT A BATTIKDAT at 9X A. U. DEY GOODS SALE 3Sv6ry Monday at 9 X-3 A. at our salesroom. Or Cash advanced on Furniture, Dry Goodaßoota and Shoes,4c. aaSO-c9*g-iy amusements. \.T cYICKER’S THEATRE. IVX Madison street, between State and Dearborn. MONDAY EVENING. April 22d BEXEfTT OF HB. R C. PBIOB. Mr. Prior rcsneet'ully presents for the pntronaga oC hU friends thofyliowlag Excellent Eutortalnment • The Great Moral and Domestic Drama of tttr DBUSKABJ); or tie Fallen Saved; Edward Middleton. «ha Drunkard)..,. BlUDowton, (a Yankee) ... .^s* Mary Middleton, tnoDrunkard a wife... .Mrs. Plunket. After which a Qbahst-Daxcs bt Ttra Gale Sistwbiw To conclude with the Irish Comedy of HIS LAST LEGS. XjpOIfDERPFL LIVING ' ’ CURIOSITIES. The moat extraordinary human brings everaean. FROM BARNUITa MUSEUM, NEW TOBK.U THE TWO AZTEC f HIEDRES, Foundln the lougloatrttlesof Central America* w:th all the features and characterises of the Bcnlptnres ftraad there by Stephen* And other Central American Travelers; facts trttot »eem to Identify them with the race which was thft ORIGINAL TYPE OF THOSE SCULPTURES., Investing them with the deepestinterest to aU elaaem. They are fully matured, vet only about 4 feet high, and their heads are smaller than any Infs at i. Also, A SOUTH AFEICAH EASTS 'WOHAH, ‘ rha only specimen of th'a tribe of humanity In thia cJynntrr The above will be on eialtoliioa. fcr ona* SStcommmcla." llanaiiy Kveolns, April A), ln«o QAERI4TT BLOGE, corner of Randolph and Stats streets. - apßxiw QT. GEORGE'S BENEVOLENT O • ASSOCIATION OF CHICAGO. ’ the tieoia ui«ai dihiier or tk.'s aociEn ' will tah placx ax rss . ■ .BRIGGS HOUSE. On Bt. 6aarga’« Hay, Tuesday, 23d Ajrfl, at 8 O’clock P. H. precisely. FRANCIS HUDSON, President; ■ Tickets fikSO each; to be bad at tie Briggs Heos£ Hr. Blackall, grocer on South Clark street, Dozeett £ Eaesoa, grocer* oaSo/th Clark street, of the ometre of She Society, and Committee of Management. jeusAfirso eovxrrxss: _ . Mr-Baragwanath, B. Tree. B. Clift, ■B. HolmeeC - Urn. Waymao. T. B. Ponlson. kutthtickt coajcrrxss: j. e. wiiwn., .•xc.'W'.Bßflflr. J. Tamer. • . - . . lW E. Putrtsos; Secretary., -Br Ha-lc by the Light Guird Band. apl3-as7i>td jyjETROPOUTAS IIA EL.— TOS OSE -WES3E, COMMBSCISO . , ■Monday, April ’ 23d, XSOX, ■. Ross, Rainer and Leslie’s C AHl’BliUi MI\ST3IEL», Comprise? the Stars of the are now on their Second Anneal Tom*, since their return from the Island of Cuba, where the? visited the orinasal cities—Savana. Gaaiiahecoa. cardinal Matanzai Pa* srto Principe, Clara Villa afld Beelas. Fortranicaiara ol each evening* ehtertalamcht see email bills. jrarKAmsH; josh a. oraoksa, BoslaesglLicagcr; .. Agent. T>RYAN > Street, -*IJ Opposite the Court House. Chicago, ID. .. ■ Eminent musicians pronounce fids Bali unsurpassed by any HalUn .Galon-in its' ,r ■ Aomutia Ml OmmkU.* Anji&itniaat.. . Boom Jaon> the fin* Soon th« entranMbelng on ciarlcstresLthe greatest thorough. --bn la ue atty.t>j)poaite CourtTßwsc Scpiara, yet 5m ‘Halt has & reared, quiet locsUhn. in the rear. ftetof doorway to n«rk ojttchaaed, of Geo.'P.A, H«al/. usw - coamdmumedby Congress to paint a series pit Presl dential House. This Gallery •: condtaatae felentfau peat otetdre for whlchtha geld awarded at da WoriiiXFUir inlans ; atoa **Webs*erJh JwtftttoHayne; 7 andpertraa* ol aßtoo Preddeota to LmSla inclusive, as as well sa of many ottgrmostrlouaAmerteaaa.byHeSly. - w . ; t&U -f-xe-^^FesttridA. , Hxila.-aaJSfaailjcaJ.on appUe». , BOirsp-ly -■ -7^^ CHEAPD&YtHJOua. -7P.U TwCsut PrinUfor 8«U = -• smijjfChPßiiras mw caras. .-' " : ’ .isnoßswsipcK. * ■ iad in ta» City, «Mn ,- 4C0., .Mr. prior.