Newspaper Page Text
I' gpectsl Notices. O" Convincing Testimony.—The aaeDseriwiyMia of Ltob*» E-athairok, and tbe tbotaands oftPctimoDla’s to its excellence received tronf-dl rtsssM Ofsochtr. prove It to 1m tbe finest preparation tor tbe Heir erer made. Koroe detfrin* aflesbeadef Bar tbonld&U to nae U. Bold every, ybere. apis 1m An Important Discovery for th« care ol Cooiumptlcn, Eroachltta. Oon*hs and Colds. THE JIAKOBA ARABIC!, XKsoovcreA by a ilbsloiary whilg traveling In Arable. Tb* Makers Arabics cores Consumption, The, M skon Arabia cores Bronchitis. The Makers Arabics car** Sore Throat, Coughs and Ocllx The Makars Arabics cons Asthma, Scrofula aad toparlttes ot the blood. Tbls aasqusled remedy Is new for the first time {zu traduced to the public. It was providentially dlsoov* area by a nUs-lonury while Crave dag la Arabia. Ha was cured ot ocusnaiptlon. by Its use after his ease wa> pronounced hopeless by leaned phytidins in Europe. We import the ASABICA direct from Bin? rue, through the boose of Cleon A GyUppua, and ire bare tl« ays cu hand a foil supply put up in bottles ready for m c with fall directions. Price one dollar per bottle. Sent by mail, on receipt Of price and Si cento for postage, • PoriaU wholesale 853 retail by LEEDS, GILHOSB & 00, importeri cl Drue* and Medicine*, Ko. 61 Liberty-sh. Few York. Sola also by druggists generally. mh2o<MS. , m, Friend in Need. Try it.— DH. SWEET'S ZXFALLIBLB LZHIMEST la pro. pared from the recipe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Oon. aecdeut the great boawetter, and he* been rued in bis practice ferthe last twenty years with the most astonishing success. As an external remedy It Is with out s rival, end will alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For all Eheumatlc and Fer* yens Disorders It ia truly Infallible, and as a curative B>r Sores, Wounds, Sprains, Burns, Ac, Its soothing ksttTiPE and powerful strengthening properties, excite thejust wonder auu astonishment of 13 who have ever given ah Over lour hundr certificates of re markable rea, performed by. it within the last two years at eat this fact. For sale by J. H. JOHKSON, Genera. eat, ID State street, Chicago, and by an Dealers. nom&weow4y IST* Kennedy's Modiosi Difiooveiy cures Brrorola. Jteiu&drt Medlcoi Discovery cores Erysipelas. Heaaedr's Medical Discovery cares Canker. KeaaoCy*r Medical Discovery cores JtcrslngßoroM’th, Seaaedr* Medical Discovery cares Eoraor of tbs Eye* Kocaod.- e Medical Discovery cores Scald Head. £&u'dr*B Medical Discovery cures Banning of the tor ancd>Medical Discovery curse tnoeravaSore Leg stosr-edye Medical Dlpcovery curse Lepra, leaned)'s Medical Discovery cams Shenmatlßa. *xaaedy*s Medical Discovery cores Balt-Bteoia, Hanoedy'e Medical Dlaoovery cures Dyspepsia, fl.ecned’-’s Medical Silvery Regulates the Bowels, Medics: Discovery Regulates the Kidneys, tanuKiy’c Medical Dlsocvery Beguittea the Liver. Sasaedy's Medical Discovery tea* cored Dropsy. TUen you are sick, and do no*. know whatthemstter B, perhaps you have an inwerd humor. Try Kennedy*! SSedleal DLscvery. Ter tale by &l Drupgitie, Banking anJj Bidjange. ULLMANN & Banker* and Dealer* In Exchange^ DAML NOT-fc, GOLD, SILVER, &C. 80, 83 Clar-Etrf it.. ...Chicago, Illinois, laulffSO-ly] JJANKIN-G HOUSE B. F. CARVER ft CO., Alarme Bank Building} Opener Lak-. and Laaaile tCrecta. A general Banking iroajrcifcd. vtTi 60-ly IT SCHANGE & DEPOSIT BANK A op CABPEBXEB, STUBBS & CO., (Soocesao* * • Wears. Carpenter & Co.) Cedar Rapids, lowa, tisran uncusße«d.Drcxel & Co„New York: Hoff. Butted) Geipckc, Chicago. ja20012.1y A IKEN & NORTON, AJL BaNKEB3 AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, Corner of Lake and Clark atreet*. Ocnecdor'S made in all the principal cities in the U, 8, X, AIEKK. J. X>. NORTON. JONATHAN UUZB. Ua74>J ■C'B’W. I. TINKHAM & CO., X2j Haring returned t ■ their old stand; UOENSK O" LAKE AND CLARK STREETS, Will continue their business a» and exchange dealers. fclxchango on all part* of nurope. XSWAXI) I- TLKEHAM U&'Aa'aSj JOHg C. Awnt-rg, MARINS SAM'S} JJX CHICAsK) MARINE and inburascb CO. Hamilton a, DOS, Cashier and B'iCTEtary. J. iOUNU SCaMMON, Fresldert, tgy gpllaaCcsamaia and draft remitted to all parts Oftbe umoa. fsS* IJlumiung. Bnsa God: BtEiattoers. mwir COFFERS RUTHS, ijso le^LSEsm WROUGHT. IRON PIPE, STEAM AND GAS FITTINGS. SHEET COPPER, BLOCK. TIN, PUMPS, &c. Also— Particular attention paid to Jobbing of all kinds connected with the Trade. 223 Washington St*, €lxicago,*HL Cnoiceo-lyl D. MoFARLANE’S R. Gas, Steam Fitting ASD PLUMEIS6 ESTABLISHMENT. 54 Lualle Street, OliletgOy OAS FIXTURES AKD IBuH FDBRITOBE £*it*£€TlC*2L PJLUMBER, AU ot Steam Worit TO THB TRADES The trade supplied with tools and every arttals In the EKa. Steam Fitting and Plumbing Business, Ko-Crlld. mg and Hrflr.riEg done to order. Manufactory IST and 163 £ast Washington street, my£s gsetomg OSWIK9 MACHINES. L 66RHELL & GO’S Paznily and. I&anufhottirliis 940 SEWING MACHINES. TAGGART A PATENT. * gWe or* happy to eay to tbe thousands whoare using «mr Xachintis, and uie tnonsandstbst want them- thw £i JdACEIriE NOW BEAKS THE PATENT LI- XiE.S £ STAMP OF tfBOV'EB * BAKER, FXTAB H j ' . £, Jil, and all persons sailing or using them are MV re -< gainst any molestation. sj r Machines are now Just where we want them; la fil;ect competition asd on aa equally popslar basis W Ih *ho best made and highest priced machines In any Sa'ket, and they are still sold at $-0 and 845, Including exiawe (ol wdch we have eeveral styles). Needles, and •TTerytnlngnreeaary totheli'usa la family or shop, Tha make* them still tno ohbaps6T,msitii£atb act Kz.rtzrvE nr kausxt. In Ins ties to our Machines as well u onr customers we Oa 3T to REFUND THE MONEY in sixty days for any machine welch dhes act wholly satisfy the pur. Coa—r. - Thh> feature alone makes cur machine worth loush more than any other, as Uieveia nooeesartly some Sisk in buying mod machine*. a. :*w of Us superior qualities are those:—lt usee a etrskrat needle; aae gr. at space under the arm; sews {To " two common spools, neither being fastened and both *n sight; torus on bingos; Is secured from dust eaoj jxpoeee co oil; Its lever purchase is greater tb&n tnotoTaur ether machine; it Las bet two regulating KT:yP' and both are aoove and In front: the driving . vru-*“i lr-entirely out side of table; it require* no alter •Cto stbr all varieties of work: it win ceruduly do neat ly * WXSAT2B TaBIETT OT WORK THIS XXT XaCHHB, ■nwO’ the hundred* with which we we acquainted; ■ is. *c>aucn Is perfect; It runs easily and still; it botnera soboay noncoscan manage U. sronßOtherwilia&Us ts *vrt it is kn »wn. W* can safely say that no piece of labor-saving ma- Cknsry ever grew so rapidly Into universal favor a* ©ur sewing machine*. Throe yean ba& placed them In the wary front ranks of first-class machines, and though our manufacturing facilities Jiave been largely t> *T we have not bee: able to supply the demand* dttrta« the pastseasoa. Wecannowdli all orders. We £>-r*«d<ledtoour styles the BIQHTSIDE BLAKE A JOd *SON ADJ OSTABLE HEMJAEE, and can now defy ti»« world to produce better instruments far d-in r ell kinds of sewing and embroidery. Let every on* who is mteroitei ta the great Improvements Is Sawotg Machines, wheJier they wish to purchase or a»u for ft DUorlpttva Circular and sample* of stitch We must caution the public against unprincipled and irresponsible names who have claimed to be. Juts accessors, representing that our machines were cut t- f market. end Oder a east-sway machine of ours & >ts place. We c.xly sell our own machines, Tag p*rt«Tarrs Patent, and are the sole proprietors m - ffcft eJgfctKortowestero-Suws. Addre» • Itt CORNELL 6c OO^ V Post Office Box EL chlcagoin. x . Call at IBS !■»>* street. (Hp-dtalrs.) de3bdT2Mm Co lacopcttg (©toners. *J\) PROPERTY OWNERS, ASCHITGCTB. AKX> BYJXU>EBB« WTjMPTO.jilimandoaßdgoodbulldlßg. No buHdlug A GOOD HOOF. I have the materisfa and am here to pm It on and to' acoch a root. It will oatlasiTinorGalvanlxed wo or three time*. and & iproacn eg nearer to Firs taaa any-otter material except guts, and is a #wnpoialonw» ail understand, . IROS-bQRRUQATED IRON, j with hit mineral erneu the mots tare*ad unites with theiron. bo that it wilt not and Drf t bv * TeAra win *. m* IWVESTIOATB XT. S£SfW ft FREES, Cleveland, Ohio. A. Q. <rgAT?T - R . Agent for Chicago. iMtiPs at Pay * Cc.’e Machinery Depot. 183 South a tract where i ample* of tha roof can be seen. ttia-oHaa ®rttfges. PtJPTURES CUBED BT THE eaed ecbbeeeiggs truss. 1 ' sfi5 fi t 4 *fe? tlllaca o ß • . r»a>. i>oas not ooEitamiy nresa on me rapture, ana . In use, quereaees la fbnr places, brining the parts ggtftcr. giving jutore a to cure. Whien it does r: 6 r*"**. OoDMdt prm UPON THE COE© . or obrtraotolrcuutloa: never soils oroorrodea,andls always uean and new. . Toons per«ftT»i and recen; - -cas'e airfare cured. ftivsitSS su It Is the ONLT n-. wao have •offered witn t&e miser? of rapture can ap 4. Aamuatrafed I jMPh!««3taliltjs .si psrtteulareTaeat free. P«- # rflsalnt this Ttom csq be fitted br aeodme tosa A. ffionea a«ii Ssciiange. ‘ Wright & tyrrell;™ ■ * * New 6 Metropolitan BlocJc,'CMcadO, P.0.80X €049. v.'. Commissioner of Deeds for imat of Ulc States and Territories. KotairPnblletorlfflDQts. apl'-»finy*>n To X<oan from One to Five Yeojfts, IN SCOTS XO SjPIT. , , ! B. P. DO WHINS & CO. K'Sontt CUirtc street. ANTSl>—Land Warranto, MW TO J» Zi* Lua, gXOH A H Q K REW IOBK AITO BOSTOK, nutMlqr • KSm.r.QtmcßTACa, < OcTi-dZS-ly (kgnrrdfslon Merchants go.ISBKAW.aj, MOJSfEY TO X. OA K ' ’ or ?. . OBIOAGO CITY PBOFEBTT, | Or on Good Improved Farms lu this Btatto. CHAHBEBfii & m. t •MgflßMr • • . MO NE Y to A N ED ob first-class securities at the • Banking Office of Wm, B« Blet 4c Go®, No. 68 Clark Street; Three to five yews' Loan* at 10-percent Short Pa per disco on ted. Oaeb&dvattee*onWarebonacEe«krta. f&~ City-Scrip wanted. my2B-c4534y For money to loan Ob Beal Estate Securities to Oeok and adjoining counties, . Apply to IRNBT P HUB BIN Q, Dealer in Fcreiga Exchange SGJiEI AM) REAL ESTATE BROE£&j Agent far the British Commercial 2a. sunnoe Co., and Notary Public. No* 6 - - Itamen Bloek • - No* 6 noxi-ly H, E. cor. of Clark and Washington sa. iiisucational. TiTRS. A. HART WIG, Teacheif of XU MUSIC AND THE GEBM&N LANGUAGE, Hns returned from the South, and informs lier p&tfcns and the public that she la prepared to clve lessons again. Inqulr* at the Music Stores of Mr. Cadyand Mr. Kimball, TO Clark street ana leave jour address there. . apllxSw X?AMILT SCHOOL, limited to !2 A 1 Toons Ladles, by Rev. Q. W. Woodward, Gene. va,Kane Co. Term begins May 7,1861. (5 per week with usual extras. - • uetsbs to Dr. G. H. Bay, Capt, J.D. Webster, Bev. R. Colver, Hon. Thoa. Drummond, Eon. Van EL Hig gtns, W ** Larrabe* mh2-BT*T-tm7 slus(c stores. 'T'ITE OLDEST AND LARGEST JL Music Publishing House in Chicago, : H* Df. DIGGINGS, 117 Bandolpk-SC,, (Successors to Higgins Brothers.) ocSTU-ly Keeps constantly on hand the celebrated Patent Inso. latea Iron Frame Piano Fortes, made by Llghte & Bradbury of New York. Pianos to Bent and rent applied as part of the pu> chase monct, if bought within on* year. _ A Catalogue of Select Music and MusicalGoods.wUl be furnished to applicants free of charge. tar* Particular attention given to the filling of orders. Teachers and D.alers furnished at the usual discount, JaSLdHSMy OS- AN GUERA., A. PIAIO FORTE TQHEB ARD REPAIRER LAKE ST,, (Up-Stalr*) [felS-eSMm] T ARGEST WHOLESALE XU EOUS3 IN Musical Instruments and Strings. JULIUS SAYTEIt} 09 SoutlyClark Street, Obleago, Manufacturer and Importer of Musical Instruments and Strings, bavins counecdon with manufacturing houses in Berlin. Leipelc, Dresden, England and Paris, ta prepared to rnrnlth Dealers, Bands and Individuals, with every article in their line. AT THE LOWEST HEW YORE PRICES, ~ ocls-d2SB-ly JULIUS BAUSB. Drums and brass INSTRUMENTS. JULIUS BiURB, MANUFACTURER OF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 fikmth Clark Street} Chicago, '• fodfi-dres.'ly] • ® Notice a. Dissolution of co-pakt- EERSHIP.—'The Co-Partnership heretofore ex. is ring between HIRAM JOY and AUGUSTUS FBI - BDfi, dealers in Ice, was dissolved on the aoth of Fein rnory last. A. FBISfiXB Chicago. March 2d. ISO, WADHAMS, WILLARD k CO., Having more than double our last year’s stock ot Ice and greatly Increased facilities for delivering It, con, turners can rely upon being supplied by us to their en tire B&ttsraction, wad hams. Willard & co„ mbS-eIST-am Office No. 2 Masonic Temple. PARTNER"HIP.—Theunder * J rign.d, G«>rgß IV. Pilckett. h.vivg iold and transferred all bis stock in . The Ohicag’o ISarble Company, And having np longer any Interest in said Company, has formed a co-partsersnlp with theu'-denilgnea. An drew Dryadale, under the Arm nameef G. I VTPricke , t & Id the business of mauulacturlDg Panor Grates and Fenders, at No. 180 6;ate street, Chicago, where we will be happy to see all old curomers as well os n-iwones who may want well finlaaed and low priced armies la our line of basin ess. April .< th,iß>n, apisxlw Insurance, STATEMENT of the Conhui.n O OFTHB HERCISTILE EC! DAL ISSDBAXCE CO. OF NEW TOBK, On the thirty-first day of December, 1860, made 1c 'Le Auditor of tye State ofllllDois. Tiienatneo the company is the Mercantile Mnlrrl Insurance Company, located at the city ot Kaw ink in State of Kew York. - . Tbeamonotorltscapltal stock la Six Hundred ■»» d Forty-Six Tkoosand Tour Hundred Dollars atn ie paid op. Cash on hand or In hands of Agents or otter persons BjQds owned b; the Company as per voucher* accompanying to New York City six per cent stock.. S9MOO NewT rk SUtis five per cent. stock 15,000 United States flve-per cent loan .. 20,000 Brook yn permaneot'Water Com mlsdoncrs bones, six per cent.... 80400 Willi msburgh Gas Ugut Company _ „ Hudson Blear B. B. bonds ofISTS, Sd morgaxe seven per cant New York City B*nk Stock 163509 Otner stocks owned by ths Company 24,1*3 Far ralue 1310,660 Total bonds and stocks, market .... value.. * $309,00410 Bonds and mortgages •• 60.500W L'an* buyable ou demaud secured bv pledge or stock and bond .... UO.ISO GO Intere*ton above seourlties due and , _■ not collected - • • ••• ••• .8.600 ® Bills Receivable and uncollected «««.„« premiums. - , •• 813,863 65 Salvages andsuudry clalmsduethe > Company 31 Scwp owned by the Company 43,160 00 $1,14Q,v73 U LIABILITIES. ; . Amount of liabilities, doe or not duo tobanksorctbercredltora—none. Losses adlnsted and <me « Losses adjusted and not due 2,Ti5 rd Losses nnadjoited,..- •... ... ...LCI4 24 Lo-Afts in suspense waiting for far. Iher proof ..i - 6,146 M Aii other cla-ms against the Compa- nv— " 111 ■ . Total liabilities SV\B» 09 3>. TT. IB WIN, Agent Ko. 9. Board of Trade BaUdlnjt April 10th, ISO. OEIGIKII [Certificate torexplre oaths fiist day of January, ISO.] ACTTOB 'ii^l?irrU^Si; Ol ‘’l Where**. The Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company located at New Vowcln the State-of u New To ik, has filed In this office a statement of tho condition pi its affairs, as required by “An act to regu ; ate the Agencies of In a nrance Companies not.lncorrprated by the State 01 niiaola."-epproved iTebraary l«h, i«3, ad act amendatory th ere to, app rov ed J anoary 22<V1357, and whereas, said Company has fQttUshed sattsfactory that It is possessed of «fcerequired amount ot capital, invested in stocks and mortescesk and has filed In this office a written instrument, sigirnd by-the Pre* idem and Secretary thereof; appointing DAVID W. IRWIK, of Chicago, it* Agent for trans action of the burin ess of said Company, and folly and unreservedly authorizing him to acknowleoge service of process for and.on behalf of said Company, con •entiog that service of-process upon him, the said agent, shall betaken and held to be as valid asst served upon the Company, and waiving all claim ol error by itason of such Service; - - ... „ . . now therefore in pursuance of the provlßlpni;Ot Che acta aforesaid,’ L JEBSK K.’DOW)lfi, Auditor ot Public Accounts ofthe State of Illinois, dp hereby - certify that the said DaVU W.IKWINI*i authomedaa agent forthesald Company, to transact the business ot Insurance In this "6Late "Ulitil-the thirty-first day of January, in the year eighteen hundred and so lar as heVnay oa legally empowered sotc do by said /* In testimony whereof ItmHtm«ento sib } bul: > scribed my name, add affixed "the seal ci mr Shf** aplOotßl.lm Auditor P. A QTATEMENTOF THEAFFAIRS O OP THE Marine Bank of€Mcago, Located at Chlcaao, Illinois, as they existed on the first Monday of April, A D„1861. _ LIABILITIES. Amount. Total. Capital sitoca, paldinaadlnvested accordiogto 1aw.... $444,100 00 .... Amount«i debt- owing to the as sociation other than for depos its and circulation Kane. Amoont due to depositors B&,u3S w Amount of notes or bills In circu lation... ... ...50000 _ Less amount on hand 85.70J- ™ •Amount'd tie banks sod banters.. 11,741145538a® 01 RESOURCES. . .. Stocks deposited as security for circulation it(,7Sol B*al estate None, Notes of other banks on hand .. None, Amountof debts owing to theA«- - scciation other than loans or discounts. None.. OUCUUUie..... —wmw. Bpedeonnand --• •••-- 14.5J0 00 Amount deposited with other basks andbankers «B,IMSI Suspended dttit Hone. STATE or ILLINOIS, COOK Corarrr. Tounj: Bcammon, President, do solemnly. iarl®asiy and truly declare and affirtm andHantilton Caihienoo eolemnly the shora Js aWd aud correct statement of the aflilr* of *£s hPs»t'- Bank ol Chicago as they existed on Monday the day ofAprtQL D. 180. to the best oTom-toowledge aaibeUef, J, rduSG6CAtfMON,R«Id«t» ; „ ifA34IX.TONB.DOX. Cashier- w Subscribed, affirmed and sworn to before mo» twemh dey ur Aprtl. A. ; . apifreSHw Notary PubUe. WBIGHT & MoCLUBK, .UST TT BEBTAEEBS, So. S3 lAUde HEIAUU GDFFIU. A AHO-JlMdOoffloaKiSetoma* ol iH rtll*,, AW /ALOVES, GLOVE@, .GLOYEat sSiren Agent for'S? Wmonto s,oOrffl»ES WANTED, I Tot »tlch Ox wmjxjpaiL office, UTSooa WUtr Bre«i JwiiimMt lafenth. ®b*wa® ®#ww Dally Arrivals and DepartweceflßiU ■ Trains* Traint Depart. Mail* Cion. TraintAttiv*, EAST. L 1 • MICHIGAN 80UTHEBN. 600 ft. m. 10.00 p.m. 7-Mft.m. Q (VI fl « .BWBiUL SOOoml 600 p.m. 8.00 p.m. SOU P ' MICHIGAN CENTEAL. : 4.60 turn. 10.00 p.m. 6.45 a.m. a ftp «i in. 8.00 i. n». ROOD m. PITTSBUEGH, FT. WATNB AND CHICAGO. 7.80 ft. m. 10.00 p.m. 7.00 p.m. aoop.m. A 00 p.m. aOop.m. B Clark street, comer o ® SOUTH AND WBST. CHICAGO AND BOCK ISLAND. . 9 00a.m. 7.80 m. m. 9 oop. m. „ 7.80 p.m , 6.30 p.m. p DIXON AIK LINK. i . 916 a.m. 7.40 a.m. 3.60 a.m. eiwmS: no malL . 6.00 p.m. fttrmorfc A<Kl _ b fiA«. w. - 7>lSa> nt< ®;oop.S: Sp-“- NOSTH AND WBT.„ GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. . 915aV 7.80 a; im 64Sa.m. o'tsim 8.00 p. m. 6.00 p.m. tiScAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. 0.16 a. m. 7.00 a. m» 6.10 p.m. a %Sb. 7.80 a. m- 1-20 P-®* 7.80 p.m. 6.45 p.m. 9.15 a. m. 9.00 p.m. Fbaxbicide. —Weleam from the Bhawneo townlllinotean, that Frank Cummins, a youth of 16 years, shot and stabbed hie brother N, A. Cummins, the proprietor of a groggery in that place, causing his death in. a few moments, A vn*™ named Cochran, who wat present during the affray, and who endeavored to j re« strain the young demon, received a severe stab. Young Cummins was under the influ ence of liquor* A man namivl 'RphpnVflulrm, waa attested in Havana, In this State, a few days ago for a revolting crime,and placedin jail. The follow* Ing riight, a large number of the citizens went to the jail, .toot the brute from the cell, stripped him,.shaved his head, gave him 25 lashes, put on a winter suit of tar and feath ers, and then replaced him in j&IL —A young lady - named Virginia Washing ton, fell from a ferry boatat Stumptown, onihe Des Moines Rive r, and was drowned. Emigrants to the Pacific, Take Notice. —For the protection of emigrants to the Pa cific coast, the United States Government will furnish an armed escort under the command of Capt Henry E. Maynadler, U. 8. A. The expedition will leave this city about the 10th of May. —Omaha Ntbraskian, Drowned.—John W. Minniz, Collector of Newcomb Township, was drowned in fthe Sangamon river, at Hannah’s Ford, on the 10th Inst Mr. Mannix attempted to ford the river on horseback, but the horse floundering and refusing to swim, he was unseated and pot ! knowing how to swim, perished before; he could be rescued. —Champaign Union, Fall Wheat.—We have taken considerable , trouble to enquire after the wheat crop, and from what we can learn, the prospect is veiy favorable for a good crop of fall wheat in ihis county.— Champaign Union —There was a most brutal murder commit ted at Oilman, on the L C. B. 8., south of this place, on Saturday last An Irishman and Frenchman got into a quarrel, what aboutwe did not learn, when the Irishman picked up on axe laving near by and literacy split the Frenchman’s heal open. The Irishman has been crazy, or pretended to be so, for some time; but his hiding the body In a well,would not seem to indicate that ha was so crazy as to not know what he was doing. He was not arrested at last accounts, bat a number! of citizens had gone in pursuit —Kankakee Hem. Horrible Accident.—A most shocking accident occurred Wednesday afternoon, at the shipyard, just above Oneida street bridge. Workmen were engaged in raising the propel ler Forest Queen, which is on the dry dock, sufficiently to put a new keel on her. A num ber of men were underneath her, when k was observed that one of thejackecrew blocks had commenced slipping, and some one shouted— “lookout,” when a man attempted to jump between the blocking and the vessel, but Was caught by the faffing vessel, and his head and one arm smashed to a jelly, of course killing him instantly. His name is John Wood, and he was recently from Michigan, where:be leaves a wife and child. —Milwaukee Wisconsin, Serious Collision.—Wednesday night a collision took place between the propeller Dunkirk and schooner E. T. J. Bams, near Fighting Island, a few miles below the city. The propeller left here with a large load of freight for Buffalo, and about 11 o’clock fell In with the schooner, which was sail ing up, when they collided with tremen dous force, resulting in the sinking of the vessel a few minutes afterwards in ten fret of water. The extent of her damage correctly cannot be ascertained until she has been raised. A squall of wind from the Southeast at about the same time, may possi bly have disconcerted both steamer and ves sel The propeller’s wheel-house, cabin, up per works and bulwarks forward, were bad! broken, and one of the crew slightly injured A valuable pointer dog, belonging to Capl Estes, of tha vessel, was so terrified that he fled to his master’s *tate room, In the cabin, where he laid down and died in five minutes afterwards. The schooner will be raised: as soon as steam pumps and a tug can be got to her. The propeller returned to the city this morning. —Detroit Advertiser, • j A Distressing Occurrence.—Yesterday a daughter of Mr. John Smith, of Chililcothe, some eight or ten years of age, while playing about some' burning rubbish in her fathers yard, accidentally set her drees on fire. Her mother, attracted by her cries, ran out and caught the child up in her arms, and ran into the house, setting her own dress on fire with out relieving the child. The latter was horri bly and fatally burned, though living at the latest accounts. Mrs. Smith was also very badly burned, and doubts are entertained -of her recovery. —Peoria Taanseript. li. W. PRICKETT, ANDBhW DBS SCALE, I7i t 57j a MOMDAT, APRIL 23,1861. CHICAGO POST OFFICE, WESTBBN ISiTIEBS* 3USGELLANEOUB. Bentley, the London booh publisher, has Induced Mrs. Yel vert on—the unloved one—fto write a book. What a bright thought in Bent ley J I lt is said that there are-now in Washing ton between sixty and seventy men, mostly from the West, who have informed the Presi dent that he must either give them an office, or lend them money to get home with. The gentlemen from whom the Albany Ada* and Argus leases its office, has notified the proprietors that they must cease their trai torous utterances or leave the building. The Legislature of Pennsylvania T has passed an act making any connivance with the Snbllc enemy a felooy punishable by ton years* nprisonment and $5,000 fine. I Vanity Fair gives ub the following para dox: . . . • “ Old dog Tray’s ever felthfol,” they eayv i Bat the aog that is faithful can never Be Tray. ' Quilp says,’when he-sees kisses between, women, it reminds bim of two handsome un matched gloves,- charming things with their proper mates, bat good for nothing, that wcy. A letter written a few days before the attack on Fort Sumter, says there is note wife in Charleston,* not a woman, who has slept easy for the last four days. A rifled cannon, bavin?: a range of five milofl has been received in Charleston, S. C., from Liverpool, a present from a Carolinian, —ln Madrid, last month, a Spanish mer chant drew a prize in the lottery of $300,000, and soon after became insane. The intended voyage of the Empress Eu- Snla to • Palestine has been up. Her aj iißty was folly occupied in the most strhtf observance of Lent-thin as a rail. A DOUBLE CHANGE —TXBSmKD BT QUILP. | ... Agxavo Professor, much renowned Por classic learniife deep and sound, Butvurf a Master of the Arts Which must prevail with female hearts,-- Once met a spinster, it is said, Whom t bluntly, he proposed to wed: Bat, proper modesty to show, -The lady promptly answered “ No.” Soon, from his silence, she began To fearthat ehe had snubbed the man, And, the first chance tha*. she could find, . Remarked that she had “ changed her mind!' When calmly thus he made reply L worthy madam, —to Tiave Jr % ' {BotUmFotL lt arrives from Paris that at a recent din ner party at the Tulleries, Mr. Lincoln’s inaug ural was under discussion, and the Empress Eugenia, who had been studying it diligently, was able to dificuss all. its principal points. She thought It just the thing for the occasion. She would make this State do this, and that other. State do that; she would send out proclamations ' (Spanish pronuneiamentot, Srobably,) and ahewould rot ready her army i case the proclamation did not have the de&lrd effect. In fine, Her Majesty’s plan was a-most charming mosaic of impossibilities. Even the little Prince had his say; hut was limited too desire to konwwhat the party were talking about, and whether Hr. Lincoln was a great emperor. The New York WbrW thinks that when the stars and stripes went down at Sumter, It it was the signal for the elevation tlou of the still undishonored ensign on a mil lion, of flagstaffii from .Maine .to Missouri When the seventy adrrendered to the seveu. thousand, seventeen tollUbns of people , with one voice declared that' not a star soonld he stricken out or a stripeerased ffomltshon ored folds. VAUABBiiSHiit—TheMonteomeiyGnHd*, when .bout to leave Dayton lor the war, In nnirf»d fnr in a speech St Richmond, Vo., pledged ’the South thst : the troops of his district shbuld march , over his. dean body. - In antlcipatJon of this disagrees-: ble passage,.Capt. Noun order to his -Company to hold their noses; an laid down la Scott hr Hardee’s tactics, bst spring*, as ah.great Idsagdo- ttis emer* April 30.' " jarlheLonisvilie IteKcenO, of Thursday, ‘•VS?. --- • - Wehear a goodtieel these times about sub- lo Abolition rale. .If anybody ia sitf-. ferittg tender in tms'State, we hope he will, report OiiiMtiAvthaihe mtji be re* 'listed.' We don*t know soy in that condition, there be shcfc oojjhl ftrthwlth to. j T1 n ners’ St oc is. SCALES. VANDERVOORT, . DICKERSON & CO.) Importers of TIN PLATE, And dealer* In Tinner’s Stocbj METAL WAREHOUSE.! X 99 & 201 Sudolpß Street 199 £ 801 CHICAGO, ILL, agents fob [owe’e Improved Scales. Also tor sale tin plate, sheet ikon. TINNERS' TOOLS END XAOBINSS. Japanned and Stamped Wafe } AXES, SHOVELS; SPADES, Hoe*, BikM, Plot#, Bars, Harrow Teetlt Weflao. and Slodg®*. { AGENTS FOB Winship’s Patent Ventilating Re frigerator. SAD IRONS 67 Qie wV or tox, superior to any In tiie market WZ BEAL LAEGELT JS FENCE WIRE, English and iliiMrinm, CIRCULAR SAWS, From fiie celebrated manufactory of 'HEELER, MADDEN & CLEMSEN, JODDUETOTO N. T. Foil Stock of Circular, mil, Crosscut and Buck Saws* Saws made to Order, WITH FIXTURES COMPLETE.; SVEBT SAW Wj gar Orders aoltolted from dealers-and an parties tiling saws, We offto tb« above goods to thi trade at tbo Lowest SUrket Price* VANDERVOOET, DICKERSOS&CO., 199 & 201 Randolph St. jfruit, (Srocews, Set. T ARGE OB SMALL ORDERS 1 J for Feed, Meal or Flour filled in short order and at the lowest ratra. Tlvlil tiTRVENti & NQRRIfi. FT A A Boxes M. B. RAISINS, :in t)UU prime order. BEYHOLD3. ELY & CO. 1 fin Heroes RICE, IvU KEYS OLDS, ELT * CO. KAO Hhds. N. O. SUGAR, land- kly a 00. 1 OAA Bags RIO COFFEE, i IfIVV REYNOLDS, ELY * CO. lAA Boxes PRIME CODFISH, lU ' J *“* "Bg-ELTtCO. -I K A HHDS N. O. SUGAR, COM LO\J MOHANKCT. j. 9 A A BBLS. REFINED SYRUPS “ —New York, Baltimore and other brand*. For sal* by PARSONS, PIIKU &HANKEY. 18 South Water street. AKA HLF. CHESTS TEAS—Y. rttlV/ H, Imperial, Gunpowder and Colons, of superior flaror and quality. . ..... __ •; PABSuNS, PuKIK eHME£Y, i 16 South Water ttrecl - 1 A A CASES TOBACCO—The XV/V/ beet brands In market ; PARSONS, JPIIKIF * HANKBT, 16 Boath Water street. lAA BXS. PRIME CODFISH FOrpASsSITS, PITKIN A BANKET. 16 South Water street. KA TIERCES PRIME RICE— -16 South Water etreat. apiiy T715H.—2,000 Packages Mackerel, 1 Pickled Herrin* Codfish and Whlteflsh, In store For Bale by HOBTOtf, EOBB ft CO, ! \o. 16 Efrer treat 'J'EAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, Tobacco, Splees, At low figures torcash boyere. KOBTOH. EOBB ft OO m Kq. 18 Bltct street WE OFFER FOR SALE AT TT LOW PRICES, 600 BOXES SOAP 300 BOXES BTABCB, 158 KEGS SAL B'iDA. 100 KEHB.S.C.SODA, £OO BOXES BALERATTTEL 25 BOXES POIABH, 100 CONCENTRATED XXB. ■WILLIAM LITCLE * CO., i Ko. m Bona Water >tr«A. cflso i fruitm fruit m STEVENS S' WEBBER, 108 BAND Oli PH STREET, Dealers in foreign and Domestic Knit! KSgBSSSBS^** CQTDgTgrOBDBBS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. jpattna for Sale. T AITDS FOR SALE CHEAP, I J in McHenry, Rene, Ogle, 'Whiteside. Grundy. De Kalb. Bock Island, Boone. Carroll end Lake, being too wine uid entered R. GBfeEJf£ And now owned by Ardella K end MmtAwi Greene. MS.aSisys&^c^A^ aiJPERIOR STOCK FARM 10 ' rai uui h Kane County, State of Illinois, OOHTAISIHa 884 ACSBS, i eoPTanlea* tor dWdtog into all the BnUd tnssand Fences In ropertor condition, lying on the FaK RlTBr two mUea fromßatavia, > foor mliee from Anrora. thirty-eight from Chlgtgo. ■ 1 The trains of the Chicago, Bonington A QatacyHallroadpasß In tlew.ot the Loose. MUT Creek; a large neveiHWllng stream* nsa thronghthe&n£* All the Stock; Hay andGreln, ImpletnfencL and Household Fornltir© raar.bepor cfcssee together, or the Fam separately. This Farm and taprorejaants, beauty of location, riosoeas oieo% and all Its inzToandlngs,ierhapA to second to nonebi ffltnfilL ■ -■ delWfiSMlß .JE^A.ALMpW,.^^p^: . imwui>imhon «i,aiKa«». /Mn^ KUtSCO: AND DI 'se!®Be, *a,in DUnoli md -other SUtfe F ' ■WeSoglveeetetiSroHaaito the GmlnlM of Wool. :«sd HsrSln, of ufr fIOPPEB : MQHTNING ■ HODS ■ LIOHTBIMB ° O POUT* AID FIXTURES; MMnttctared'Mu. jappMed* and Dealers. Local Amenta wanted for the", sale ofXyon’a latent Conner Bods throaghouttho Western and - gtates to_whom great L-daceipcia will be'offered: angle Bods sent by express to any part ofttecoun t « E.P. HAKSH, Box 8174, Chteag&HL. Office .No. tf Bole’s Building, corflw of CUTS and South Water streets . aphLalM-im . T IGHTNING RODS.—Newand Jk Btrle of Insolaton and Attachment*. _ , . tg* order* for City and Country Tradepromptly - m bfixsm. - T IGHTNING BOBCAT: THE 1 J old Stand. 93 Ktoxle street, 'lron and Copper Lightning Boda. Copper PolnfawUh-rilTer and gold plate; PlatSaTlp. the b eat In use* Also Attachments aad Insulators of an kinds. • Orders promptly fiUed. Offlccaadllwtory.fißKiniie street. Chicago* ZB. Boat Office Box MSS. . - ~ CUTLER. BALL. *' np JVTXMBBBI LTJMBEBII : WALLACE A HOLMES, : „V (TOi2AXBi.T jpgff 8. WitXACXj J 7 ~ | - Esre constantly on' hold a wel} dejected steels of HardJaod^floftWood, IBKSBEB, LAttt,, BPGHS, STAVES A BKIBBU8■ And win furnlih Bills tor Lumber. Timber sad White Oak Filing, to order on the shortest notice.' • Tbey;are also prepared to do a general Commission BosLaeea, and to klsdsof Bm* her consigned to them to sell eithei by cargo or at re tail. l ir Office and Yard on the earner of-Old and 6K»ve streets. South Branch, Chicago, HL < PortOfficeDrawerflllt. • mbß-eIM-an Cjuul ItrNtj t«t Badi*m ikd ‘VuMogtm SU^ : CHICAGO, SUL, ; ,7 Hann&ctnrer and dealer In «Q klailpf Wood MotaitL bigs. Door Jamba and Archltraveaofanydetfred pet: tern. Circular Mouldings, any Baffin* wood Tuning In au Its branches. Scroll Sawing aodCornlee Brackcta, a variety of patternsi OclsgOD and Conr sided .Bains ters and' Newels on hand and madp to. order: Stair Thtillng Tlftnlng Matching and Bal ing done to order in the bait manner at me shortest notice; Fence Pickets. Particular attention given to filling orders from the country loraay andean of the above' inscriptions of woric' Bina for Boogb : nnd Dressed Lomoer filled with dispatch- and’ Shlppezl at the lowest market price. Tour aUenflon is Invited be fore ' purchasing elsewhere. My motto la Good wort: and low prices win.* Agent for WM. B. HILL’S justly celebrated : ZINC, COVEBHI9S TIL7EI, . For Steam Engines, warranted to regulate the mottos of the engine perfectly under any- add- all - cirgmn. stances. Bend for Circular*.' .; ~‘ L Post Office Box 4258. laßm4y & Fairbanks & Gr*emlc*fc B Laka Street, Cblcaaa. TO GIVE SATIS* FACTION. [apS-al6B-lm Hatat&e. - r-.v PAINTING £umiet,&c. AT 'WHOLESALE OB BETAIL. •ORTANT TO BTJILDERS, JAMES McCAMMOM, ; - iocalra. AIR B ANKS’ BTAKDAED OPAILKDTDfI. ' DTJRTEE & FORSYTH, • • Manuftetoilag Company SCALES,/-^, ITBB * SUEQLAB PROOF .f : jjrjX »p 'I - /Jj\l | Warehouse TrQokß,Bagg»ge rows, Sugar MDto, do. . . A. EL. awmaynew, *g*pt., : • 0eg?.d9516a . 183 South Water St, Chleaga. jjttchcogk’s Premium Scales I H I -f- Hannfeotored by H v j . 8. S. HITCHCOCK . 89 8. Ganalyst., Chicago. jej AgUnd S of Scales Repaired, HOWE’S STAND ARD BCALSa VAHDESVQDRT, DISUISH I No. 199 ft 201 Randolph, Chicago, IH Weigh out of Level. No Check AH friction received on ® -Mb i MacSiiwtg, , &«. DOANE'S NEW BARREL * MACHINERY. WAEBAHTED IHB BEST IB AWIBIP*. To Coopers ■ . , In Offering this rv to the Coopers of the Northwest ud Socth,wa do bo with the fullest assurance that it will be found the Beet and most Perfect,, the .most Economical and Labor Saving and cheapest or any In use. DOAKE A HTTELBUra t - Stare Sawing and Dreislng Tffaehtßa, . FOB TIGHT WORK. Tide Machine surpasses an othervlßerwr particu lar. It saws-the stare from the Twit, ourres and planes It ready to set up in tbs barrel all at one opera tion, from 5.000 to mboo per (l»y.JlUMks» to ane per day clear of all expenses. To go with this we bare a mu set of machines for TlgM Barrel Wo fkct DOANK f 8 'STAVE CUTTING MACHINE, for Flour ROANE’S -HEADING CU'iTKR. tor.Fionr Barrel*. ROANE'S HEADING TUHNBB, lor all Kindt 01. , Barrels. ■ ROANE'S HEADING JOINTER for all Uadt Ol Barrels. • _•> • r • ROANE'S FOOT JOINTER forFlonr Barrels. i ROANE’S HEADING PLANER for all kind* of bead* ROANE’S EQUALIZING MACHINE, for aH Unfit Ol Barrel staves, '. ' ■ ■ - ROANE'S CROZE AND CHAMFERING MACHINE. for all kinds of Barrels. • • - < DO ANN'S NEW WHEEL TIGHT STATE JOINTER for all kinds of Tight Barreto. . • ‘v, DO ANN'S THCAD SAWING MACHINE, for all Mndt of heads. TUI machine la also the Bast Shingle Mm extant. • •- ( Doanehas the only Barrel Machinery for Oomplettaff Flour Barrels (Tom the Grade Timber. Thl* machinery Las cost thousands of dollars to perfectr-is made oflron andatesi—patting ancotqpeUon oat of the question. gar-Don't spend V. for Barrel or Stave Maohlneiy, untilvon see Doans'*. Bend for our catalogue and aio Address P.0.80x am W.H. DOANS, . myUcSSajy] 188 Clark street Chicago. YOUNG’S MACHINE SHOP, Bear 155 Wells Street, CUcag*. ICANOTAOTDEB AND Rg?ATB MAOUiNKBT. w. B. TOUKe * CO, Proprietok. J. i, TBZELxaro, Foreman. nihlFSWy.-,- QHICAGO LEAD WORKS, Cor.Cllnton and Fulton *t»*et, West Side, • LEAD PIPE, BAR AMD SHEET LEAD, Shot, Wlilte Lead and Lrtliatse,i FI3 LEAD, PUMPS AND HYDRAULIC RAMS. stationaß» &«• gTATIONERT, Blank Books, Printing, JONES, PERDUE &: SMALL, I sxiT la^isßS^ 123 Lake Street, Chicago, JONES, PERDUE & SMALL, Blank Book Hanufactrixers AND book; binders. 122 Lake Street, Gbleago. JONES, PERDUE &. SMALL, COMMERCIAL FBISTEBS, .No* 123 No. 18a..——Eake Street. QARTER A STOK^Deakraia BAeSiNDPAPEK, »6oeW C^«ee^ < i.U : T>UTLERn& HOMS, - 48 State-St., JJ hare now ca hand tha&nowlartime; printing ‘ ifa* ,'iteii ’ ■ " ; »brt* aazs» SSSfI asztf sixM u 9szs> ewi stia —-MsH-- asffl SBzflS And an lecelTingnlazge MKjrtiaent of BOOS PAFE3. B,oooreamsd wrap|lng Paper,of different riseAi - reams ; ot Printer 1 * Stationery. < 3,M0 Ken dHatherWoelebratedßookandH'ewiliik. All ot which will he eeld tor cash stthe lowest pent ■’Mr.-.-. pyrCeto paid tor Bsge,,^f T| A. IHSEESOLI, XJ • ... Buw BoarMinoKfcmaA • BOOK BINHEB AfiB~ECLEB. *I an ntrirprepared to mrentochire TSarik Boohs of every description, ruled and boondto eny demrad net terns, with or wttoontprtotMhcadlagvParttcnlafat. tentkm paid to order* from CotmtyOfflccra. Beaks. Ac. BOlßeada Letter HeadA SUBphgLßma, Boiecl end Printed .to order. - Magaiuiea, Periodicals, etc., bound in any style. OldHoolalboaadAndnSound! All kindsoXTrintCAdone with aeatnee* end dispatch. Tennamodcrate,:- NCL 435 LAKE BTREI&. \ Steam E&oclte. | SCHWARZ’S B^TOSFINCTSrEE4ai)TEaO|fSE, 198 ffiteols _Mr. Schwarz will,colororcleanany^oolenorsnk Btoffls Is all its branches. . He colds to any' derirabls shade required and warrants good oorknunshlD _Alao antne saw colora.ns Solfcilno. ooloreiin-any As a nracttfcaj and ex&rlence& Dyer he is determined not to oesoroaaeedby iinr estab. 1 UshmenC. Hja prkiea are:tetsottibls.eMbTthlaMs principle* to do toe-best workf^tatscoatomers-wm ima.tito estahUtiaaent tao cheapeat. - apZuenMm ■ ‘ ’• r ' ' l ' m/ -‘ •■ ' i t Pwr'and aen^Q^^’ •m^t rfr : foods. “Alse,- 86raw:Bonnee-BleasS^to^iro»d • Ragyaan:.;. •; - • 'T'HBKEirOSHAWATER CURB EJHOSUi, WISCOXSET. r tssgs mmms' ; i 1851^SMtDKJ FIELD,BENEDIGT&C&* : gl and 83 South Water Street, IMPORTERS AND JOBBERS'OT FOREIGN ANO DOMESTIC WOOLENS, Linen and Cotton Goods' ADAPTED to HEN'S 'WEAS. THK VZIADS Can rely upon finding at this old established bouse.*: fall line dPteca Goods, edited to Men's wear; at the AoM Prices. IGESTS FOK THE AHEBICAS FASmOSS. -wiiihotiMAw ; ' ‘ ‘ ~ ~ 1801. Spring Trade. .1861. . Wo harethls Bpring theUrgeaUtock everbrought to DODLEY,. FARWELL & G0.. : ! tUs market, bought cheaper, end will be sold cheaper, 42* • 44 AND 46 Our HP. Cooley reaideß in New York, gpd gives bis Wabuh Arenas . whole to purchasing good*,'which, with our ex- DRY GOODS tensive tales, gtree us advantages In offering goods JOBBERS. cheap, that will COMMAND the attention of the best trace. . ; ' HAKDENBERGH & WILLIAMS, Ho. 20 Lake Street, CMeagOj XKFQBTEBB AND SUIZBS IS Xi E A T EC E R SHOE FINDINGS. FBENCH AND GEBHAN CAU SIOHB. b£t brand* •.1.-. • PATENT CALP, • nkir AND TTgWTJwnc AMEBICAN CALF. • - TJPPBB. • " • * TWA , TTriiW | >WMtiA'iiw>gwf Calf Kid, Morocco, EJVGJLISH Ii£STIJr», SATIN FEAHCAIS, : 81Uc and Cotton Conenu Oozing, ‘ SHOE THEEAD, TOWSESD’S KIT, fce., kb, ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. - [miiargMrt ~ : Q t M. HENDERSON A CO, ManuActoais and Wholesale Dealers te ; BOOTS & SHOES, Xo. 38 latoltrut, tour of Wohuh Ansu, Have ts stare a large and desirable stock of goods, which will sell very cheap to cash and prompt paying trade. Agents for MltobeQ'a Patent Betaine Tipped shoes lu all the States without exception. *J*O ILLINOIS MERCHANTS. 1861.-.-.... A Card........1861. . WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALE, JOBBERS 07 HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, PARA BOM ANDCHEBRB3LDAB, 0 -LAKE STREET, CHICAGO ...» Invite the specie! attention of Illinois mearchsnta to their very large, well assorted and unusually attractive Spring Stock for IBfflU which will ha offered at low pri ces.and on favorable terms for Cash, or Approved Credit: - . .. Bf“ Prompt and careful attention given to orders, WEBEB, 'WILLIAMS A TALE. 16* 18..-BTATESTBKET....I6 * 18 iC. LOOK m, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Borers ere particularly Invited to an examination of our stock of GEOCERIES, Fish, Wooden Ware, . DRIED FRUITS, &0., &o. G. C. COOK & CO., M & IS .-.STATESTKEKT....I6 & 18 mhS'fil-Jy • ' TJABCOCS: & PEEK, 171 BASBOLFH STREET* Hahogany, Bote wood and Walnut; Al6O, ... BHAMKSI9IKSRIIOQM &f fiHMOI FBRHTBII IN GREAT YASIETT. Wood-SeaS an 4 Oano-Seat CButn, Bedsteada and Tondton ea, Sand end te Order.; ■ Bf-Parttenl&r attention paid to OooatrFOrdank Dal6*»ls] BUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO, IABDWIBE MB TIN PLATE, ea ■ ■ ■ Zißke B tract .• - • .68 We offe *oßia trade, at ts i% LOWEST MASER PESOS)- t£oo boxes TO? FLATS, MOO bdls. SHEKT IRON, 650 • RUSSIA ffiOK, 163 . ■ t ndrATION BUBBIA* RBDB - ~ BBIBHT-aad AHSEILE WXB& BS BMtt SHEET ZERO, ... 11l ton* PISTE*. IMOOIbe. COPPER BOTTOMS, : 23 act*. ♦ TINNERS* TOOLS and. MAOHIS3& : 50 eaakei BRIGHT OXaad COIL GHAJH& fYTM, . i»0 “ EE9VKLB, SPAMS and SCOOPfc Stone &APZBONB. TUTTLE, HIBBARD ft CO., MB-V4r' Corner of State and Lake TTATS, CAPS AND STRAW XX „ , ; . GOODS. BATES, WILLIAMS ft CO., 89 ft4l-...-lftk« Sfewti Chicago-....39 ft 4L . MAirUTAOTUBEES A2fß DEALEES ES Hats, Caps, and Straw Goods. OUR SPRING STOCK. 18 THE UR6EBT AID MOST CQEHPLETE iln the city, .which we will seQet the ; VERY LOWEST PBIOBB. INTER &;SPRING TRADE. Serlsgcompleted the EamoTerof oar Dry Gflods Jobbing Department 10 SOS. H AH3S TB LUX BIKEB, We ere bow mating additions of FBESHAND SEASONABLE GOODS, -’• -,r • eow. Bboarelm tomeetthaylewsof i ■ iIBK WIB JUUI SRBBT TIME MTU*. , BOWEN BROTHERS. Importers and Jobbers. ~ - CONCESSION! PEAKE, MARSH & DELONO, 37 lake St. - -43 Wsbash ATB., 1 ' bentonoisgto thapresiareof the t!mefl, we. bm determined open, ■; COIBGILIATIOH AMD SBNCESSIOH, So tor as> effected hy t - : .-’;•■• Wttall offer throoghoot the seaecaasd dnring toe presentagitattooa retook of - Dry Goodv Hoißery : rod ITotiom, - r - . ■, rcirarpasaedia PlEifllEMj BHEAPHEM ABB BEAL VALBE. ‘ Otese aire times ter - _ ; *£eHens rather ffiaw lFVjrtf*, Andwebare dhardjirort^ - SfiTCIHALan the pert of CLOfiBJBHTEEB;potto 1 fln»»of gtf OTVIT BRAfaPSOF gfSATT DBEss.eoofo-. ai«T /, 1861 SPRINGTRADE 1861 *3 and S6 Chicago, Seady MadeCbMng, .• -' »' • BEMTIEMEH'I FURHISHINQ eOODS, J-.. .-.i;.' ' weuaaorted. ttd via b» MU' SS&frbleßale' fgtrttiges. 1 JJARDYVARE, TIN PLATE METAL.' WARE HOUSE, ' .V-'” -■ - "jwlhlsji in lMi WILLIAM BLAIR & CO., 176 Lake SCreet, Chicago. „ Haying,-reoeiTed our. Spring Stock, we offer At tho Very towosi market Sate*, <OOO Boxes Tin Plate, assorted Bliec. v ajar Edit. Sheet Iron. No. M to No. 28. 6,fOQ.lbs. Copper Bottoms. - > 0, lbe Brazier’s Copper. ' -LBOO Bdls. Brigtit Win; Bogota No. 80. 100 Cs*ks Sheet Zinc, asserted widths. 1, Bdla: Best pence 'Wire No. 7, f and 8. <6OO Kegs Nails, Wheeling and other prime brands. of, sU dMCrlp- A. ootpo'eta assortment of Cutlery. Shelf Hardware. TtnnertiToola, Japanned aodPrasedTln Ware aud Tinners Gooda of aIL deai riptloo* open aa favorable terms aa toe goods can be procured from any market. . wxuxAMßLanL- - c,B."3TZLao% ' d.w.bxuxn. - • . TaPl3-&My], -- W. H. KRETSINGER, 117—Sooth WaterSireet—ll7 ~ ffIIVUIBBt CIAMf awn TVv»~»T»fm-g^ The only bouse In the city selling Staple jgricnltural Implements, Exclusively at Wholelale. GOODS HAST RATE, PRICES LOW, Dealers wffl note this on their memorandums and can at 117.. ...50uth tflnm Stbsxt 117 " - .. Cspge4fi9-ia3 YARD, GILLMORS & CO., JATBTK’g VAKBT.T. ETULDIBe, < Ho* (17 Chestnut ud 614. Jayne Street*, T¥TT. iIWtT.PITTA j Have opened their Spring Importation of SILK AND FANCY DRY GOODS, Dress Goods in Great Variety, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, *C. f IThloh they win sen at ths Lowest Eastern Prices. j)EARSON & DANA, 49 •• - LIKE STBEEK --- 49 Manafactnrers and Jobbers in BOOTS AND SHOES, Savanew in store a fan end Complete Stock which ■will o« offered «S low prices for cash or approved credit, as our motto la Low Bents <nd Smsll Profits. apfi-oiS2*lm ataxies, StpWf pROCTEB & GAMBLE, 84 VEST SECOND STREET, OINOINNATI. . Kanu&cturers an Wholesale Peelers la Star and Tallow Candles, Melut, Genua ud Pda Soap, LAID OK, FEAOI (TABOR, FAIBT SOAPS AS., CASDLEa SOLD BTACTUAi WEIGHT. • • it la well known that many Star Candles that are really seven to the pound, are branded and told aa “sixes.” There la s' disadvantage and a lose in this practice to both retailers and consumer*, even if the Candlea are bought at a redaction’of two cento per lb, from the price of the regular article. Thus; A box of “Sties,” shout wzieax, contain* 340 ' Candles, and Is sold for U lbs at say 18 0t0.,. 17J9 A box of Sevens contains the same number of Candles, same size U sold for 84 Iba. actuai. WBXQHT, ataocto ........ &8S Difference In fSvorofbuylng by welght-i.... A 8 And this difference becomes greater as the price ad vances. It to obvious that the retailer cau get no more fbr hto 240 Candles in one case than In the other, con* aequently on every hundred boxes of “short welsht" heseHa,beloeesrogTY pollaha. mhl6e2ra-laditw “IVfTTCHELL & Z AHM, TALLOW i*X KELTERS AND CHANDLERS, and dealers in Hides, TToot Pelts, and Seeds. Buy and sell Live Stock on Commission. - Ovnos akd Wabkhottss~T7 KINZHS ST. Liberal Cash Advances made on shipments of any of above articles for sale in this marketer shipment East. 3, c. wrrcazLL inolS] lotus zahx. S>!)ip ffiftanlilets. STORE (—NEW STORE 11 CEO. F. FOSTER Invite® the attention of all Interested .in Chicago or any other of the Lake Porta to his new SAIL LOFT Aln> SHIP OB&ND&SB7 STOBS, At SSI South Water Street, - NEAR LAKE ST. BBXDQB. Constantly on hand Vakila ajt> Tarbsd .Rots, Hay Bope, Lath Ties, Canvass of ah kinds, and all otaer articles found In Ship Chandlery Stores. Sails, 1 ent», Wagon Coven; Awnings and Tarpaains -famished at the SHOETeiT Noxios asu Lowest Prices. aplFoliy ChOttGE J. POSTER QILBERT HUBBARD & CO. Ship Chandlers, TTLoleuto and BetaU Dealers In TWINES and CORDAGE, SOS ft 207 Sontli Water St, (Oor. Welli,) Would can particular attention of the trade to our stock, as we at an times hare tbs largest and beet assortment in the West of HaafTa and Tarred Bom. Ditching Bopew, Bass, Basßins and Biuiapa. - Canvass, Oakum. Tar* Pitch. Chains. • And Tackle Blodu, 60AL TAB BOOFIIB PUGH AM FUTII9- BBD coma, CLOTHES LTNES, BROOM Twfarga. anoualltiesL WRAPPING TWINES, In bundles or barrels, BELL AND SABHCOSDB, NETS AND HEINES. Cotton, flax and Hemp Twines, OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Eating also a SAIL LOFT cur ara un equalledlntbe manufacture of TENTS, WAGON COVERS, AWNINGS AN© TARPAULINS, ▲ large stock of which ire have constantly on band o oaks to order at the shortest notice. *■ fr. HUBBARD [ J. S. TURNER [ G. A CARPENTER fWT Bend for our prices . ie>cU-Sm pURINGTON & SCRANTON. SHIP CHANDLERS, ■ ASO SA I L MAKE RS. Hay* constantly for sale at the lowes prieea, Bfarifla tad Tarred Cepe and Cordage ef Every Cescriptioß. HATAND BALE ROPB, LATH ROPE. IXTCHING ROPES, - . SPUN YARN. BASH A BELL OTRDGU MARLINE, &0- TAB. . OAKUM, PITCH, BLOCKS, ROSIN!. CHaXNA COAL TAR, ■ ANCHORS, BRIGHT ’VARNISH OARS. PAINTS AND OILS, : PAINTS AND OILS, Wide and. Narrow Cotton Dock aad Casvu^ OF ALL NUMBERS, LIGHT AND HEAVY, Oottou, Hemp and Flax Twines,' Wool Twines. Bur* laps. Wool Sacking, wool Sack*. . Teats, T&rpauliDgs,iwiiliigt, Wagoa Cover*, Ac., 3BABE U ORDER 01 IKE SHORTEST IDTI6E. pxtrington * scbanton; . .mhlse36Usm . : ti7 Booth Water street, CUeago Sags. BAGS 1 BAGS!! BAGS!!! - ' sms BIG HAYTFACTOBY, jro. a aimr stbbr; emeus©. - BAQ-S ANI>J3ACES „ Of erery description famished cm abort notice, and tainted with Hew and Besntlfal Branda. BIMBOK FABWfitL. apfrtTJMy JAMES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPB OOTTOir HUiS, Fl««ail3'U.xrsl3L,S a exLa. ' acumrmmms or Seamless Siam Eap, ASD or „ P S NA B XI H. <3- S - - tSiadiMta tOisduiiiiaA' ff*Vi «i« "DAGS—BAGS—BAGS--®AGS— _JLf' ■ , ; , : COWECHAK6S BAg HAS ITPACTOBI O Bags' of 2hr€»ry l)e«oription. -MWaw* as£ QtoMrt’Saeasadß asdvzintod to ordap. with besotObl terodSfc-aev andseccmdJmad Be»™i«e Ss«ttt®nd<JßMiyßaga,ftjrSU»pcaL HZQen an'dTar-' ggtfMiL Bass &U&-Sssa* ngyMijtaaa iriilr fldgßSj ana tepatea. jge« il*_L *-«4J' r *4 QffIGAGO f BA« sil SOUTH WAW» kumt.mb' qa±nr-aaca at Yglwa tfw» nfl. SBroyJAWprwocr-Rigbßttft<^ : -- J , J -i ' ' ?V»w««S«lAa~ llClaf. BwMWt «M tm. taosr Hake STtatisportation. J* H E ’WESTERN TEMSPOBTATIOIf COMPANY, H», „ ' WESTERN EXPRESS. ' I a 6 i. THE VESTEK9 TEASSPOETATIOS CO, Having made arrangements to .ran their Steam Propellers on alternate dayt with those of the NEW YORK CENTRAL Central RaUroads, clm sod strongeteamere 2? the mercantile and commercial public, thefoßowirg evWontre superior fadU tie* for the tram? portoaoa of merchandise and produce to and from the Eastern, Western, Northern and Southwestern States. The Company’s unequalled cawst. fisting 01 130 Canal Bouts, Oftha largest Class, si* of which leave K-wTork and Buffalo daily, csnnecttng at Buffalo with the fellowlmr Propeller line*,' enables it to offer merchants andahhv pars superior inducements for their patronage. TSB WBBTBRU SSPBSBB, (Owned and operated by tbit Company) wQI run over the New York Central Railroad to Buffalo, connecting with the various Rai.roads leading .West, and with the following Lines of Propellers on the Upper and Lower -Lakes; The Upper Lake Line Daily. W. T. Co. STeaxna. B. C. & C. Lrsw Btsjlksss. Tonawanda, . Fountain City, Free Suite, 'Wenona, Mohawk, Mendota, - Plymouth, Ererereen City, Neptune, Galena, May Flower, Chicago. Leaving tho dock at Brie Basle and foot of Michi gan etreec every evening at 7 o’clock. Forfreightor passage apply at the western Transportation Office. Brie Basin, and tie Buffalo. Cleveland and Chicago Line Office foot of Michigan street The WSetroU lAne Daily, Via Forth Store Direct W.T. Co. STTCAWIBa. W. T. Ca STfAEZBa Missouri, DnnklrX, ZUlnoia, Concord, Omar Pasha. Leavlngthe dock, Erie Batin, every evening at 7 o’clock. For freight or passage apply at ny’s Office, Erie BaSta. p Toledo, Sandusky and Oreen Bay Line. CxmiL BxZLEOJLD St&ucebs. Equator, Equinox, A raxes, Euptaralts, Eclipse, Comet, Boeket, Marquette, Cuyahoga, Orontes. Leaving the dock at Erie Basin at 7 o’clock P. H. For freight and passage T. D. DOLE, AgenC Office foot of Michigan struct. Cleveland and Brie Line. W. T. CO. &TZS3CZB9. Mary Stewart, Saginaw. Leaving Erie Basin at 7 o’clock P. ML For freight or peaebje apply to T. D, DOLE, AgenC foot ui Michigan streeC ancatthb W. f. Co.’s Office, Erie Basin, ForbOls lading and! contracts by Canal or Railroad, apply to the following Agents: - EYJEfiEXT CLAPP, AgenC No. 1 Ooenttes SUp, New HUGH ALLEN. Freight AgenC No. 1 CoefrSes BUp, A, H. PETERS, Frit AgenC & Astor House, N. York. A. COLSON. - “ S. G. CHASE, AgenC 118 Pier. Albany, N. Y. 8 G. CHASE. AgenC 19T Blver Btreec Troy. N. Y. H- A.G H ISwOLD, Freight AgenC Blver streeC A CO, Hurd’s Dock, DetrolC Mich. J. J.TALLMaDGB, AgenC Mississippi and Prairie Du Chlen Railroad Dock. Milwaukee. BT. F. HIJBD, fridightAgant, Boston, Mass. JNO. ALLES, Jr., Pres. Manager, Erie Basin, Buffalo. CONSIGNEES, BOND is PPENCF.R. Cleveland. Ohio. DENNISON B SMITH A CO, Toledo, OMe. J. W. OSBORN.- Sandusk*. Ohio. JOHN HrtABN A CO„ Erie. Pa. DOTTON A RAYMOND, BaclnA ‘Wla, KENOSHA PISH CO, Kenosha, Wla. TT. H. WRtQHT * CO. Waukegan, HL J. F. KIRKLAND, Sheboygan, Wla. azcH£aON2> 9t TU7TI.IL Affonts, apG-a457-2m Foot of State steeet Chicago. 1861 1861 NORTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO. ’Will during the praeeat&eason, run their line of FIRST CLASS SCREW STEAMERS Regularly between Ogdensbarglu CapoVlneent, Oswego, and the Upper Lalcesy Tcaxaa \A. liISTE, For Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo and Detroit, and a TBI-WBBKLY IjINK. To and from Chicago, Milwaukee, and Intermediate porta. Connecting with the Rail roads between barzhaod Hoe too, Lo well, Laurence, Nashua, Man* Chester; Concord, Worcester, - FltchburgH, Keene, Bel lows Falls Rutland, Burlington, and other In terms dlate point*. At Cape Vincent with the Watertown and Rome Rail Road. And at Oswego with the New Oswego Lina of Canal •Boat* between O : wego, Troy, Albany and New York. . to-bat one tranship, mant . . py Coo necUng at Chicago with the several Lines of Railroad* to the Suuth and West. AGEKT9 AND-CONSIGNEES. J. MTBBS, No. 181 Broadway, ?Tew York. J L. W4ayxß.No 3 Coentles Slip, New York. Jony Hocktko, No. 9 > State streeußoiton. C. L. Tuostrsox, Og*ea,bargt». N. Y. J. AL COAKBBBLts. Ogdenibargh, 17. Y, 6*o. A. ita&T, Oswego. N, Y. CSAWPOSO & Hovsr, OSWegO, If. T, Walk** « Hatm, Toledo. Ohio, E. B. Mathbws, Detroit, Mich, o. J. TTtr.fc Milwaukee; Wls. Tatlob, Mcbbi-y « Co, Caclne, WK. Pbltox & Rsbxd, Cleveland. MATHER ACO .Chicago. . ap«e4s94a JgTJFFALQ, CLEVELAND 1861 -CHICAGO LlNE.>lß6l2^®! Trr the cnaulng season of navigation, the steamers ofthla One win run la connection, and on Alternate days, with those of the WESTERN TRANSPORTATION CO. • BXTWHtZf' Chicago and Buffalo. Touching at Intermediate porta when practicable, and forming a • DAIIeT XiPfa (Sundays exceptedj fbxthe transportation of Freight and Passengers. 8., C. Ss C. Line Stmrs. W. T, Co. Steamer*. FOUNTAIN CITY MOHAWK. GALENA, FBBE STATE, *■ WKNONa TONAWANDA, KEN DOT A, PLYMOUTH, • CHICAGO. " MAY FLOWER, ‘ EViiEGaEEKJCrTT. . NEPTUNE, Bunting la connection, at Buffalo, with NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD, PEOPLE’S LTWH BXPBBS3, WESXBBN XZPBSSS; The Western Transportation Company, an d Trey' and Brie, and Troy and Western Lines of Canal : Boats, on the brie CaaaL At Cleveland, with The Steamers composing this Una are of the largest glia, and ofgreat strength and speed, with superior accommodations Ibr Passengers. With these unequalled faculties, the Use la prepared to contract to transport property horn New York. Boston, Albmy. Troy, and all the principal points on the Uns of t:e N9V York Central Kailrjsd and tbs Erie Canal, to the parti on the West Shore of Luce .Michigan: and from those portato Cleveland, Buffalos . and all points EvA For rates of frelgbt and passage, apply to JOHN H. M( VRE, Agent New York Central Railroad, No.233Br'adway, New York. PfiTKKS, No. 9 Astor Honae, Broadway, New I Agents Western Transportation Co. A. COLSON* j No. 1 Coentfes Slip, New York. W. a RICE, Agent Troy and Erie, and Troy and Western Lines of Canal No. 7 Coen ties Blip, New York. . JAMES SNISTH.No. 68-Washington street, Boston, Masß.:- -- ■ ' ! . WTeTHURD, Boston. Mass; - • i ' _ -A.A.WEMFLEiAgeniKewTorkUen. BEL, Albany. tf;‘GL CHASE. Agent W. T.fio-No. US Pier, Albany. ■J. A, J SPRAGUE, Agent N. Y. C- BB- Troy, N-F --■ H. A. GRIS WOULD, Agent W. T, Co, 191 Elver street, •L. HTiofeß’S. Cleveland. Ohio. „ , . . .B. Cv MdDOwfeLL, Special Clevelaad,. Ohio. WiL STEWAET, Aasnt C. * P. BJL, Flttsburgh, Fa. J.L. HURD 6 CO-Detroit, Mich, j. j TALUMADOfi. AgeaL Mdwaokee, Wla. DUTTuN.» RAYMOND, Eaclne, Wlfc •’ * SHEL9DN PEAS 6« Naasglsg Agt, Office foot or Michigan street, Buffalo. HIOHMEOWD & TUTIM, Agent*, epleSSSdw Foot of State street, Chicago^ T>UFFALO, CHICAGO 13 Lake Huron Railroad Line. shippim or piodbce us mebshaioise TAKE KOTICEI TheTJaflaJo and Lake Saronßißway- Ccgrpaa harlaj completed their arrangement* foraTri-Week Use of Flrrt-Ctaa Sa nr Steuuni HUHTEB,... -680 tons-...Capt Diekam, _ EDITH,... -.849 ton.—Capt L. SxaX, - OHTOBAGOB, 687 tail—. Copt B. WaiißJ, SUB) Toranbetwtm CHICAGOand GODERICH, C. W fuoccnrso ±t : a2J. m mw>nriT»T» pobtsJ in direct connection with the BUFFALO fcIAKE HOBON B, Far.Buffalo asd at Buffalo - with the'lfEW TOBE * ERIE Hew Tort Boston. and at Strata ford, CLW- With the SBaNDTBHN'K EJI. of Canada-; fee :K!testtra. Ogdenshnrgh, ilontrealrPort- I&Hduiidßoetoß, and aho- with steamers.D4lLT. frpTti Pot* JQallKnule; fbr Rochester, Oswego, SactetteHac- : bor,~Cape Vincent,' Ogdeisbargb. Kingston and Hon* treai. offering aapetior indaccmesta rar the speed; transportation ‘ o lany andali property committed to their care, tromtheEastytof Lafceincßlgaa porta, will find It to their Interest to ship by thin Line, being morerailroad andiloee water than any other line, ana a saving ot One-Halt Insurance and from 3 to 4 DiTS a. CO. TnhaiiafttJbri Gen*l Wesfn As*sa, foot SgnthJjwaUfvst *Sse aiii IBs* %B, CADWEIIo 'MMy.: ‘ OPXBATUS OW.ZBB HYH JLXI'H rafA-B, Vttßu ’ baa&fr' Dt. C. la* re«nlag?«fticited professional niaeicln, r ulveiy to ttie treatment d dteatse* of- teoiye *«a y>r - - '^saneisassamESss^w caeo, affix eontainnigTtfeggacw. teatuusiataLote. to ;AGENCY. ■ J % • ■ : ' •.- ggjfa tpwtaag. tsE®, iMtUMhsMtmMa«aiinr^« r , aiflr (tf alitfrcnia* pO S T 'E X PRE BSI TEJf " TO Si AN- FRANCISCO. £E3 wm be received attjia ogee of tha Unite<i States Express Company* CORNER OF CLARK AND T.atTR BTSESUL (130 LaknmuUO Clark streets^ wrn be forwarded to connect with the petQF Expreaajeavlns St. Joeeph. Missourierarr™ -WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, AT n p W, TELEGRAMS to T *?# Keameyon the mornings of Monday and. Friday, anil connect with the Pony, leaving be JcsSS Wednesdays and Saturday?. • EXPRESS dBARGES; • Letters weighing k oz. or onder l wm Letter* weighing over l on 40a . The I ialf o uncd letters will be reduced to ona dollar alter July Ist, - PT~ In all cases to be enclosed in Government ftampid envelopes, Kid all Express chorees prepaid, ELD.cOLVDT, Agent JONES & CARTWRIGHT. transportation line DESTER A3i» HttlTTi™ <TT¥, In connection with theChlc*go,Bn»Bngton a Ontarrr J. A C. bavin? been engaged In the transportseea business for several years, and transported a lana amount of freight to During the past year, respectfully Inform their frfeeda and patrons that they expect to engage largely in thft business the easolng year, and will he prepared to Transport any Amount of Freight THAT MAY OFFER, Freon One Thousand to Fits Thousand Tcoul AD freight bills wQI be require ’ to bo settled at the date of shipment; o- cash will barequlrcd on deUvtcy at no lot • f destination. Our Agents a!«o la SC Joseph, SC Lrnla, Chicago Boston, New Tors and Cincinnati will give THROUGH BILLS OF LADING TO DSSYSS CTTT Or u scon befbre u the grass on the P.aias TUI lev. Oar terra* wlllhe made krown noon application to oar office In Leavenworth, or to the offices of 107 of par agents. Cw -For rates and contracts call on Wlf. MARTIN, General Freight Agent ol the C. E. A Q, R. E. Co, foot of booth Wsier street. mh2s.c3lS«m JONES & CARTWRIGHT. gPSCIAL NOTICE Michigan Soothers ssi NertAerm ladings Ealircsi EXPRESS FREIGHT LINE _TOB TOLEDO, DETROIT, CLEVELAND balumobs and omk3 eastern ernat Jetli in the Halted State* nd Canada. An Eipresa Freight Train win leave Chicago Station corner of Clark and Twelfth streets,’clock A.H, tor the shove d lace a. Shipper* by this Line can rely on having thetr protw ertv transported to its destination w tS as QUICK. DESPATCH and os raw isaSßrxxa a \ by any other This Company have within the past few months bunt Cars especially adapted tor this trad*. If desired. Freight | - nri be sent from Chicago to Cleveland, Dua> kirk, Bodado, Pltubargh or New Tork without ehaog* of Cars. EatMatanUmresalowasbrscyother Una. ry Mark Freight designed tor this Line, VIA Michigan Southern Railroad Express Freight.* Contract* given at the General Office, So. 88 Eons Clark street, and at Chicago station. ‘ JNO. D. n*MPmt, E. H. POBTBB, Gen. Sup. Toledo. Act. Gen. Fr*t lA * ]>3-lT CHAa M. GHAT. CmtAjat BEDFORD OIL WORKS. The subscribers are manuiaetarlng MiSON’S SPEUJI on*, FOB MACHINERY. O ■649 tau—Capt. Joaea, PIKE’S PEAK yitOM LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, DUVU Birr MB THE ISIS BEaiOB Our first trains will start about the 20IH DAY OF APB IT*, So TO BHIPPBBL ©il aaotks. Sofon’i Ilead*L!ght Oil and Sbsoß% Car iiox Oil, Aim, a very superior TANNERS’ AND HARNESS OIL. And would Invite all who desire a really nice artW# to a trial of the same, with Ue fall btUcf that coOQ can be found hearing anv comparative value for rliner light or macamery to tuooe Oils, m rtferesce cither to quality or price, . We nave a process by whluh all the fibrous sad grpu mey substance In Fish Oils is precipitated, leaving them reriectl ,!- pure and transparent This proorea also Increases tha bony or durable characters 01 Jie OIL thereby Inere&slag the wearing qualities. Another valuable qualitv is, u will stand a very l'w degree cx temperature. The tame UU used for machinery la a VERY SUPERIOR BURMINS OIL, Giving a Clear, brilliant light truck prove* Its purity and excellence. These Olle are sold Wholesale and Retail by P. S. M2RRIHEW A CO- at the MaaofiCtor®. 32u Slate street, and by C. GOODWIN, 12 : Sooth Water street xSsraa2m P. £. MERKISS W A CO. YORK KEROSENE OIL COMPANY, At Prices to Command the Market I keeosese illuminating ore. PAKAFFTVU 1 LLLMINATING OIL. PETRO 1 EUM ii.LU.MINATLNG OJLL, MACHINERY OLL6. DEPO.T! COZZEHB ft CO., 89 Water etreet, ZTear Tort. ap3 ©425 8m ' ■ TMPOSTANT.—Look In »t 1T« RANDOLPH STBJ2BT. And see bow low they sen Oils, White Lead, 21ms, PUatsTprench and American Glaa% Varalabat Ja pans mankinds; Alcohol, naming Fluid, Coal QSU o Bra!ia *** Suiter (Scobs. Belting, packing hose, Ac. Tbs patent solid VULCANIZED BVBSXB BELTING, Warranted to be the best in use. BOSE AND PACKING, or ..... sizes, LEATHER BELTING AND LACS LEATHER} And all kinds of. RUBBER M.OODS. JJJO. B. IDESON & CO,, Sol« Agents, apl-40Mm 115 Eandolpb street. Kingsbury Block. (East Steel Hells. TRAYLOR & COMPANY’S Cam t Steel tfll'HCH AAD FIRE ALARM SELLS. We are' prepared to fIU orders fbr these CELEBRATED BELLS At Now Took Frioeo, Witi Froigit Addod. Every Bell is WARRANTED lor one year with fair and proper usage. - if a bell shool-i break after a year half price la allowed in exchange for a new one. Tor toll particular* send for Circulars to TUTTLE, HIBBIBB *.CO n Agents and Importers of Hardware and Tin-Plat* mhU-e295-6m 69 LAKE STREET, Chicago. furniture. fl ' MORGAN, 190 Late Street, -WlHi'npto iitofMayutfit, sellfOr iiaas cost Eli large and rldi stock of . 6ABIXET FUBSITUBE AlfD CHAIBS, Cctoprialcs oca of the largest and best,stock* to ■We*t,«nch as Roeewood, afaboeanr and atont Pa> lor and Bedroom Suite, Oat isJcte6«oa XMuck Tables Hat Tree* Bnreaoa: and other articles too aomeroaa to mentloo; ad oi which will be sold cheap for cash. . wh-Jfijmim - So f nbeiitocs,; m o I-Jjj Y T O BS • BROADNAX& CRAY, . Paled Attorneyaimd SollcKow, Have opened an office In Chicago,: where one' of the Arm can be consulted WIFHuCTr CHAHOaTapca HEW BHJSCTEfr FERES CES, EEISSCm CAVACTSw ADDITIONAL EXAtiIMATIONS, -IXFBISUBIKSTd. cations prepared and prosecuted upon a CosnarGearr KftPtTErf >*o Tat. tf taw inventor so d» obtained through this agency .will be :• Tjobilahed In most of the leading h*»»*mscriß» \e*sx mas or Cha*o*. wuen brinyi tac iaraaHoe : HfawHy before tac-pnbUc. All protsSßKmai bustneag transacted hy member* of the arm—hotst sxnot* : to Patents secdied In an lorelga coontjles. AdTlcS glTea. and clrgolarsßant grata! ,:. ■ j ... oygiQggi COSHES SE VENTH AKtf T STSEZtS, directiy op ' *?*•** LABMOirs BLOC&ccxner Clirk and. WaaltiMtan - street % CblcagoTlll. p. O; Box 441?—EstaoiChod InissC: ■ .. • i«s>e9Mm (guns, pjtobev&t; . : rr w,- . u -T r .nUNS!—GTO3 I r^SUSSJ-R— --jot* CTEWAKPS GOGEES&SPOVa tJ STILL AHSA2X Tbs acknowledged *Q?3rt&tkV