@f)kaj}o STriiune, SATURDAY, APRUj 27,15G1. Letters from tho Camps, We learn from the proprietor of, Lloyd’s Tsobj Post that he yesterday received from lbs Illinois Central Railroad train hands febxno t#a hundred or more ictteifi'and'packages Stmt by our gallant volunteers. In the camps to their friends in this dlty, 'Many 6 1 theeo let ters whose contents have been shown us indi cate the boys are in good spirits, and. already, though on no considerable occasion, enough hu bseu shown to declare them possessed of the right fekti of pluck. Ward Hiuloßf Hew York— More fiMralu. The Rev. Mr. Vanileter,who brought to the West the first company of “ Little Wanderers, 5 ’ iasjost placed in good homes fifty-two more. This is the twenty seventh company t.Vta “Pester of the little children” has placed In the homes where “ they shall hunger »io more,” He has received into his Some for Little Wcm derers nearly one thousand during tlic past year. The triends of neglected will hold ft mass meeting In Metropolitan Hall next Sabbath P. M. at 4)< o’clock. All the Mission and Sabbath Schools are Vequested to be pres ent. The Mission Spools will occupy the galleiles. Mr. will relate some deeply interesting incidents connected with hie vrbrk. Honor to the Brave. The ceremonies to take place at McYicker’s Theatre this evening will be well worth be holding. The Irish Brigade will be present, hy Invitation of the Manager, and receive ss a gft from J. J. Sands, Esq., a magnificent silk banner with appropriate mottoes and emblem,. of the true adopted sons of our country. Mr.. McVicker will nuke the presentation speech and blend with it Qalleck’s address to the' American Flag. The entire performance is of a patriotic nature, and we call especial atten tion to the advertisement in another column. Go early. A New mail Bonte to Lake Superior. A new mail route to Ltke Superior via Grach Bay and Caicagiy, is being agitated. The route, as proposed, will be from Chicago by the Northwestern Railroad to Green Bay. Thence by boat to Bay de Noque, land to ilar quelte, and boat to Houghton. The lime through It limited to forty-eight hours, but it is expected that it can be performed in thirty alz boars with all ease in summers. In win ters the same route Is to be used with land Conveyances. This route goes Into effect onthe.lst of szid offers besides its mail faculties, a greatly Improved route ol travel between this city «ad tlie Hyperborean regions-, over one of tbe best managed raUroada 'coding ont of thia city. The Sewing for the Soldiers. The Sawing Machine men have come out liberally. Messrs. Cornell & Co., W. C. Mason & Co., E, jftichards -Committee. Mrs. J. W-. Smith, ) Wanted.—The Minnie Rifle Bullet Moulds, which the original company of Zouaves at the Armory. Parties knowing anything of them, or any other ballet rdoulds in the city, will please leave word at the Quartermaster’* offite, No. 19, or 48 Wells street. , - |sy* Rich household furniture, velvet and Braseel* carpets, pier glasses, Aar; at auction, PT GUbert, Sampson AWarner/Ko, 83 .Lake Otflif O’clock this mnwalwj- The &tUroad lßop and Ibe War, We have before referred to the ready alac rity with which the railroad employees have enlisted in the cause of their country. A very striking exhibit in support of the statement Is : : the following list of employees in the service ; of the Galena and Chicago U nioh Railroad in : ■ tl.l* city, now among our Rlluois Volunteers, ; ; nearly ttixty inntunber, and most of them ttdw ; i in the field ln acHye duty. as willho seen by a ; i list of.the companies: ■ ; ■ John Achoff, engineer* Artillery; Ja«, McConnell, dcuZouaves. Co. P*;-!. S.- Jnfttson, dodO'; Geo. : Whitney, do do; Thos Gilbert do do ;C. W. ■ Boynton do do; Chas. . do dot Edward Daniels, fireman. Zouaves, Co. F; John Whitler; do do; Jbhn Caliban, do d'-; John Booby d) do; Pat conn el e, do.do*. T. Dlsscnhach. do do; Nelson Al’en. bHcwftrfth, Zouave, Company F; Daniel Btali do.German Rifles; Patt Rcgan/cotA Sereralth. IRgblindGuards, Co. A: John Shields, oUer maker, Irish Regiment ; Wm. Riley, do, do; ThomasCntlghton,machinist, Zouave?,Co.F; G. C. wanner* do, do, Co. A; Fred. Butler, do. do. Edward S-uopk. do, do; Harry P. Eire, do, do, do; Ji«. ntzgibhone, do, i’o ; James McCormick, machinist. Highland Guards, Company A; ChasE. Brydges, clerk General Ticket Office. Ar tillery ; Du can McLean, do. Ensign W. I. Regt; O. F. Shead, do Freight Office, Artillery ; James Faulkner, clerk out Ireight, Harding’s Co.; Chas. McKuight, do, Zouaves Co. A.; J Schermerborn, do, do, Co. D,;.Chas. E. Dow, freight conductor, Artillery; Samuel Gee, do, do; James Fitch, bag gageman, Zouaves Co. C; E. F. Gage, do, do, do; Frank Calkins, do, do, Co. F; John Cook, do; William Kent, do: James A. Jackson, baggage man, Artillery: John Leary, baggageman, do; JohnE: Blsecll, brakeman, do; Horace Greenfield, do, do;'Juo. F. Utman, do, Zouave Co, A ; F. P. Brown, do, Sterling Co; Moses Jackman, do, Ram sey Guards; W. H. H. Thomas, do. Zouave Co. F; I). U. Rrgan, do. do; Edward Davis, do. Rifle . Brigade; George Relchum, do, Zonavc Co. F; W. H. Tilton, do, do; Andrew Bank?, do. Artillery; - J. W. Seymour, do, do; « has. A Currier, do, do; John Basteda, Zouave Co. F; H. A. Hawey, do, do; A O. Hawey, do, do; John Colford, do, Irish Brigade; Geo. Mitchell, do, Zouave Co. F. Brides these men, almost every station along the line of the road has lost more or lees of the employees. A Timely and Beautiful Pastoral Let< We publish below an appropriate and touch ing let ter issued by Rev. Dr. Clarkson to the young men from his church who have joined the army. It will speak for itself. The pray ers are especially timely for people and sol diers in this crisis: To the gallant men who have gone from St. James' Church , Chicago , to defend the Constitution and the lam. Dearly Beloved We are proud of you, and shall every day have yon in our thoughts and in our prayers. May the God of battles bless, protect and keep you. No men on earth ever were called to a plainer and holier duty than you have been; and we expect to hear that yon have done the duty well The Right must triumph, and Treason be over-- thrown, but it may cost ue your precious lives. Be ready, then, for death, aa well as victory. Repent of yonr sins, and have.faith in Jet us Cures*, your Savior, and the way is as short and straight to Heaven from the battle field from your bed at home. . As fast as 3on depart from ns to the scenes, of battle, your names shall be read in the Church,and constant and special prayers shall be offered lor jonr health, your protection and your triumph. And if y.- u fall in battle, I promise you that no efforts or means will be spared to procure your bodies, which shall be brought home and buried, if practicable, un :der the tower of the Church; your names shall be graven upon its walls, to remain there while the stone itself remains, and our chil dren and children’s children shall bo tanght to revere your memories. Following this, you will find two prayers, one of which we shall use for you—the other, I pray you, use for yourselves. “And to God’s gracious mercy and protection I commend you. The Lord bless and kesp you. Tho Lord make His face to shine upon yon, and give you peace both now and evermore.” That you may return to us In health and safety, with no wound upon yonr body, no s-aln upon your valor, and no scar upon your Christian character, eta 1 be the daily prayer of Your affectionate Friend and Pastor, Robeet H. Clabksof. Prayer io be used by the members of St. James Cnxtrck, for those of their own number who have gone to Battle. 0, most powerful and glorious Lord God, the Lord of hosts, that rulest and commsudest all things; that sitteat on the Throne judging right; and therefore we make our address to thy-divine majestyin this the necessityand peril of our beloved country, and pray tbit 'hou wonldVt take the cause into thine own hacd, and judge between us and our enemies. Stir up thy Mrei-gth, O Loid, and come and heljfns. Save and deliver ibis land, so long sheltered by thy mercy, from lha ungodly treacheries of her own children, from the lawless violence of sintul men, ana from tho wicked de vices of the devil. Especially do we pray fur those precious ones of onrown fold who nave gone to suffer, and if need be, to die for the protection of Goveyiment. and of law. Defend, O Lord, all those who defend u«, and our children and our land, from rebellion and anarchy, and make it ap pear that Thou art still the Saviour and Deliverer of those who trust iii Thee, and do right. All of which we ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. Prayer to be Used by the Soldier. O Lnrd, my Heavenly Father, give me unfeigned repentance for all the gins of my life past, and steadfast faith in Thy Sou Jesus, my Saviour and Brother; for his name's-soke forgive me all my transgressions, and •• do away mine offences.” De fend me from the temptations and keep me from the vices of a soldier’s calling. Save me in the perils of battle, and grant me Tby favor and bles sing here, in defending the Right, and hereafter, in Toy heavenly kingdom through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen. Serving for our Volunteers. Editors Chicago Tribune: As J. H. MeVickarhas kindly offered to fur nish a room to the Ladies lor the purpose of making the uniforms needed bjeur volunteers, I wornd inform the ladles I have a Sewing Ma chine and a practical baud to run it, atihcir service whenever needed I can be found at 17 South Clark Street, any time from 7A. \y. till 6 P. M. C. P. Ward. For the Camp. Any packages or parcels intended for any of the members of the Chicago L ! ght Artil lery, can be leit at the Armory, on Adams street, and they will be forwaroed with the quickest dispatch. CoL E. Tatloh, Abstt Nurses.—A special meeting olinoh-e ladles only who expect to go as anises in the army, will be held in Bryan Hall, on Saturday af'ernoou, at half past 2 o’clock, for instruc tion, &c. By request E. 3. Tuttle. Annual Estimate of the Bearil of Po lice Commissioner*. The Board of Police of the City ot Cldcago, in Pursuance of eec which section the Board would respectfully call jour at tention, and which is as follows: “Sec 24. The Common Council of the City of “Chicago shall annually raise and collect by tax up “ ou toe real and personal property, taxable within “ the City of Chicago, such sums of money. as “the Board of Police for the City of Chicago, “before the time fixed by law for the Comp troller of said City, to present to the Common “Council of said city, his estimate for the expen “ ecs for the next tl-cal year. In each year shaft ue “ port as requisite and needful to be ndsed by s:tid “Oily of Chicago, which sums of money *hsll bo “ applied by the said Board of Police lor the fiscal “purposes of this Acl Such sums of money pro “ vidi-d for, when collected shall t-o paldluuo the “City Treasury of the City of Chicago, and shall “be styled the 4 Police Fund,’aud t-hall M paid “•bereioaud therefrom, under the fiscal rrgula “ tlocs of law relating to the finances of said city “ and ibepro>iblonts of this act.” Health Department and miscel laneous $4,500 00 Scavengers, Ac 2,0.0 ( 0 Recorder’s Court 31,000 00 SALABIES. Mayor $3,500 00 Comptroller and Assls teats..... 6.000 00 Treasurer 1 600 00 Collector and Assistant 4,000 00 Clerk Surveyor Marshal Acting Snpt. to May 6th. JIM? PEPABTKENT. Salaries of Fire Department, re pairs of machines, supplies, &c . 62,000 00 eoTTH nmsioN. Street Comnltf loner’s salary to Way 6th 100 00 Sundry repairs in April. 60 00 . $l5O 00 west nmnoar. Street Commlssltßior’s salary to May 6th , 100 00 Market expenses 500 00 KOEm DIVISION. Street Commissioner’s salary to May 6th... 100 00 Market Expenses BUO 00 Having estimated the amount required to pay the necearary expenses, wages .and ea'atios of the Police Depirdnent nidcr their charge and control, haviog estimated the amount required for repairs, supplies, fuel, light, stationery lit and about the Station houses in said city, and Use necessary ex penses to be Incurred in the execution of criminal process in said city, and the maintenance of order at elections holden in said city, havtf* found the same to be the sum of elxty six thousand, two hnndred dollars. And the Biard of Police for the City or Chicago, report as requisite and needful to be raised by the City of Chicago, for the ensuing year ior the PullenDepartment nnder conuol ana do“S. U ‘ a Ett “ of lUt^U AH of which la respectfully submitted. A. Coventry, Fred. Tuttle, Wat. Watkar. Latest iroh Fort Pickinb.—The best piciisifff to ba obtained in Chicago, ere found at the well supplied tables of Messrs. Case & Parmelee’s La dles’ and Gentlemen’s Eating House, 2705. 133 and ISS Dearborn street. Citizens dine at 123 and IIS; Soldiers dice at 133 and 135; Ladles dine and snp at 133 and 1S&- Dearborn street. apST-St Low’s Brown Windsor Soap, and Low’s Glycerine Soap; another invoice received by Sar gent, Apothecary, Randolph and State. fsr~ If you wish for bnshv whiskers or a'feed nafing mustache, send for a box of Belling •ham’s Stimulating Onguent. It Is warranted to bring them oat In from three to six weeks. Sent on receipt of price and postage,'sl.lß, to any address, by J. H. Johnson, TO State street, Chica go, UL .mhSfiJto i* Foe any opemtion upon your teeth, or foe rKKraor artlfldal work of any desirable style, call an Dr. Albaugh, Ho. 88 WeetHandolph ft. JftSMxa ■ taro ook* McLain, 68 Dearborn street, have Blade their price for cleaning and dyeing gent’s gennests less than any other house in the dty. W AH ttooS4 act 641 tonU ti). tlr^tUemra Obif && ™E T OUNQ RECRUIT; A MOST Mb rv.nP'iSS on / tt «lra. Ellsworth Zouave Drill, Bardie.: Scott, and' any other book •»*>4n4 at Sherlock's BookAtore, IIS Dearborn. Orders by mail attend -1 ; * v ap27z3t Attention Some Onordit • " ; COMPANY A.—Ypt? AR2 HEREBY ■ commandedto fippearat your Armory, in ; Lmd’s Block, for Umhpany Drill, this (Sat •urduv) evening, AnrJk?T»;,;The roll-wIU be called : &t 7# o’clock. By order. i ...1, 1 i- ■- : ?ELW. ZxJDtBRMJLS-j.O.S, :: Homs Guard, Flr»J Ward, v-U APRIL 27tb, at T# Hall No. liO Ran iiaßtt dolph street, furu floor (over Vandervort, Warehouse.)". S. B. Williams, Sec’y. Tike Scandinavian Companies of Ar tillery and .Infantry. ALL WISHING TO ENLIST In either of those Companies yyffi WvreC tiPk are requested to call: forAr lillerv at No, 35 Kiozle street X4r 1 " —for Infantry, at No. 146 Dee pUlnes street. The Artillery Company is nearly roll and the Infantry Is rapidly filling np. Attention! DKrots Eoglncer. Sapper Bud miner «orps. MEMBERS OP THE ABOVE CORPS Titimn will meet at Geo. Steele’s Building, fonn- SbSb erly Board of Trade Booms, northwest corner of South Water and Lwalle streets, for the Koae of drill. Let all member - be promptly on , also those desiring to enlist. Arthur C. Ducat, Adolph M. lliuzeh, Anton Nre«AV. Chicago military Fire Brigade. v a THERE WILL BE A MEETING THIS evening at o’clock, at the old Armory of the Light on Dearborn street, * opposite the McCanell House.' Mem bers of the old volunteer Fire Department and their friends are invited to attend. , P. A. Bhaoo, Sec’y. tCAPT. LIGHT, FIRST LIEUT. DUDLY, AND Second Lieut Freeman of Company E., Yates Phalanx, are recruiting at No. 00, Randolph st. Persons wishing to join a Company under ex perienced officers, will do well to join the above Company. Hyde Park and ulevervllle. V ft THERE WILL BE A MEETING. OF SSL. tbe c tizens of the Town of Hyde Pars /fef& and village of Clevervllle, at the Hyde Park House on this (Saturday) evening, to form a military Company (Home Guard) at 5 o'- clock, p. m. Attention! Company 1 1, Illinois State miUtla. ' AS/4 YOU ABE HEREBY ORDERED TO laggjJr meet for drill in the old Light Guard. Ar mory, -o. 16 Dearborn street, this even ing, at 7j£ o’clock. Be Punctual. Geo. S. Wright, Recruiting Officer. BELIGIOUS NOTICES. Notice.— Rev. N. Colver, formerly of Tremont; Temple, Boston, will preach to-morrow morning and evening, in tho Tabernacle Baptist Church, Besplain street. —Bishop’s Chapel, corner of ’Washington and Peoria streets. Services at 10# a. m., 4p. m. and 7# In the evening. Seats free. The third Sermon of the course to Young Peo ple will be deliveied to-morrow evening, in St. John’s Church, Union Park, bjllcv. Dr. Clarkson. Rev. W. H. Rvder will repeat his Sermon, by request, at >t Paul’s Church on Sunday evening. CoL Taylor’s LJgnt Artillery will be present, and the choir will slug “ The first Gun is fired.” The Flf st Christian Church meets every Lord’s day on Monroe street, between Aberdeen and Rucker streets, West side. Preaching next Lord's day by M. N. Lord, Evangelist, at 10# a. m. and 7 p. m. Church of the Ascension, Protestant Episcopal, on Oak street near Wells, North Division. Divine services every Snnday morning at 10# ana in tho evening at 7#. Sunday School at 9# a. m. Rev. W. H. Cooper, Rector. Rev. S. H. Graham will preach in the United Presbyterian Church, corner of Jefferson and Washington, to-morrow at tho usual hours, 10# a. m, and 3 pm. jlttmter, &c. L U MBEES! WALUCE & HOLIES, (FOTUtEBLY JOBS’ S. WALLAOEj Rave constantly cn hand a well selected stock ol Hard and Soft Wood, LUMBER, LATH, SPOKES, STAVES & SKIHSUS AT WHOLESALE OE RETAIL. And will fumbih Bills for Lumber. Timber and White Oak Piling, to order on the shortest notice. They are also prepared to do a general Commission Business, and to make libera' cash advance on all kinds of Lum ber consigned to them to sell either by cargo -or at re tail. SZt* Office and Yard on the comer of Old and Grove streets. South branch, Chicago, ill. Post Office Drawer 6111. mhS-e'H-a™ JMPORTAHT TO BUILDERS. JAMES McCAMBIOH, Canal Street, bet, Madiscu and Washington Ste^ CHICAGO, tt t., Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds ot Wood Mould ings, Door Jambs and Architraves of any desired pat tern. Circular Mouldings, ®ny Radius, wood Turning in all its branches. Scroll Sawing and Cornice Brackets a variety of patterns: Octagon and four sided Balus ters and Newels on hand and made to order; stair Hailing and Brackets, Planing and Matching and Saw ing done to order in the best manner at the shortest notice; Fence Pickets. Particular attention elven to filling orders from the country lor aay and alt of the above dieclptlons of work. Bills for Bough aac Dressed Lumber filled with dispatch, and shipped at the lowest market price. Tour attention U Invited be fore purchasing elsewhere. My motto is“ Good work and low prices win." Agent for WM. B. BILL’S justly celebrated GOVERNING VALVES, Tog Steam Engines, warranted to regulate the mottoc o£ the engine perfectly under any and all dream EtAnces. Send for Circulars, Post Office Boi 4252- ■RUPTURES CUBED _Li> BY THE BAUD RUBBER RIGGS J { This Truss Is unlike all ethers ever T used, both in construction and mate* rial. Does not constantly press on th a rupture, and tnefbe give a call for a trass for life, like most tmeses In use, bat cresses In, four places, bringing Hie parts t> getter. giving nature a chance to cure, wbici. it dope In nearl} an x*»ses. Doesnot pmes Ui’ON THU CORD or ob-tr»ct circulation; never soils or corrodes, and. le always clean and new. Young persons and recent cos' s always cured. PhvsMans say it l» the ONLY PHILOSOPHICAL TRUSS IN USE. None but those wao have sud'ered with the misery of rapture cm ap preciate V’e value of the ** Rlzgs Truss. An Illustrated pamphlet containing all particulars, sent free. Per sons wishing this Truss can be fitted by sending size In inches around hips In line of Rupture with dlscrlp tion of case to J. B. SEELEY, Sole and Eacludve Agent for the Western States. Office, 194 Lake street Room No. 4. fup.stolrsj P. O Box 4355. Wholesale Trade supplied at New T>rk prlcm iTUfta-iv JStiSiS Stews. 'T'HE OLDEST AND LARGEST JL Music Publishing House in Chicago, H. a. UICGINGS, IX7 UaudolpU-St., (Successors to Higgins Brothers,) on band the celebrated Patent Inso. iatea Iron Frame Plano Fortes, made by Uchte & Bradbury of New York. Pianos to Rent and rent applied as part of the our ofiate mone-, If bought within one year . A Catalogue of Select Music and Musical Goods will Oe furnished to applfi an»s free of charge. Particular attention given to the luting of orders. Tearhcrs ana D.alera furnished at the usual discount. Ja9-d£SLly i A. I PIANO TBBTE TUNER AND REPAIRED ■AAKR ST ss (Up*Stalr») tfeia-eSMa] D 3 AN SUES A, 83... T ARGEST 'WHOLESALE , -*-< _ HOOTS El I Musics! Sostrumeats and Strings. IVLII'S BAUES, 90 South Clark Street, Chicago, Macaftvctnrer and Importer of Musical Instruments and Strings, baring connection with manufacturing homes In berlin, Lelpslc, Dresden, England and Paris, la prepared to famish Dealers, Bands and Individuals, with every article in their line. $27,600 00 1,600 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 101 00 AT THE LOWEST B£W YORK PRICES. OolSd2£94y jcucrs bad: Drums and brass DTSTEUMENTS. JULIUS BAUER, MANUFACTURES OF DRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 Snath Claris Street, Chicago* dpruit, (ffitoceries, &c. T ARGE OR SMALL ORDERS for Feed, Meal or Flour filled m short order oad MtHI tiTEVKNti » NORtUS. KA/I Boses M. E. RAISINS, in VV prime order. REYNOLDS, ELY & CO. 1 O H aieroes RICE, REYNOLDS, ELY & CO. fCAtf) Hhds. N. O. SUGAR, land- U\J -Jr tag and fbr sale veiy low hr REYNOLDS. ELY ft CO. 1 200 Ba SS MO COFFEE, AAfVV REYNOLDS, KT.y ft CO. 1 Boies PRIME CODFISH, Xv<*V/|u*t received and very cheap. TJ^ISH. —2,000 Packages Mackerel, X Pickled Herring, Codfish aiS Whitefiah, in etor* F»r sals by NORTON, ROBB ft CO^ 'J'EAS, COFFEE, SUGAR, Tobacco, Spices, At low figures fbr cash buyers. 27ORTON, ROBB ft CO n Ko. 16, ki rer street Xyß OFFER FOP. fiAT.E AT ' " LOW FBfiBS. WS S9SSR.PAIin, 800 BOXES STARCH, BBS iOO KEHS. S. C.SOdX SOOBOXKBUEB^^^ n oXE 3 POTASH, Wl LLi*.a lithe & co,; No. 123 South Water street. efiso i 50 V 8 100 Bhl*.Sugar, SOBoiesßugw, 100 Bhls. N.T. Syrup, s(fßt)i« Molaiwc WM. LITTLEft CO.. 129 Soith street Jh'PJJIT I FRUIT!I FRUIT!! I STEVENS & WEBBER, 108 BAKDOIiPH STREET, Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Fruit We are selling, until further notice, Oranges, at to £US; Lemons, $t to f ISO per box. Also. Apples, Caicr, Figs, Dates, Note, ftc* os low as the lowest. COUNTRY ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, ocfldnaoro • ■ WIGHT SCAVENGER,—CharIes Xv Knarwtn ettgna to the cleaning of uriw vanlts Attention { ffiruassa. Vo. IS River street. MOTSTETAU'S’’. ~ Friday Evening, April 26,1001. Tho opening of the Straits infused a more cheer ful feeling in business circles to-day; but the im mediate effect upon the money market was scarce ly perceptible. Exchange was very variable, i Some of the .banka were unwilling to. pay mnOh | aboyq.lo per cent, ; others allowed customers 16® ! 15#.::'Aboafci3©15 was;the average 'range. The ! i|ps pTfeeSvaa 15©17— -the higher figure ttrbh£ eiders. ■.■A.very.iew dayewiil now detenamoihe ; fate.afcttrHiladlittttrbDcy: If'shlpibda ts s Skduld i bo, active- andtho'demand-for currency 'firmans I many‘believe, thobanks not rnowin' tie rejected i list may be sustained* ‘.Times areso tmcerlain'mjd I unsettled, that we have no advice to oar 1 readers, Eacibhe most form his own - judgiiieiEt : andrnul isownriaks. >• ; -- : Gold la buying at 15, 'afelHng 16©20—thehtter for small parcels. Wisconsin.— The general rule to reject all Wis consin money, is still in force here.-’ Each one Of our city banks has a small list of itsown which are taken from customers. For the benefit of our Wis consin readers, wo publish the following list, which a dispatch from Milwaukee to one of our leading banks says has been added to-day to the Wisconsin banka rejected in Milwaukee: B»uk of Beaver Dam, Manitowoc County, Fond da Lac, Monroe County, Horxoon, Mercantile, - Manitowoc,- Southern, =' North America, Waupai ca County, Oconto City, Waush ra County, Oneida, Winnebago County, Lake Shore, Wisconsin Valiey. The Southern States.— All theßanka south of the Ohio and of Mason and Dixon's Line, are “ tin, current" here. Missouri, and a few of-the Ken tucky Banka have nearly the same value as Illi nois, but it ia impossible to give any definite quo tations. Stocks.— -Dispatches to SaltsnataQ & Co., No. 24 Clark street, show a decline In Tcnnessees since yesterday ofS cents, which Is really about 20 per cent, on the former price. The closing rates were for Tenneesees 31, Railway shares were nearly the same as yesterday. Closing quotations for New York Central 72, Ga lena 58, Rock Island 36#, Burlington & Quincy ’ E6. Market steady. • Milwaukee.— We quote as follows from the Sentinel of this morning: We doubt If such a day a? this has ever been, witnessed in tbe money market. Ever elnce Tues dayit has been known .that a convention of bank- ! exs would be held here to-night, and it was gene-, rally supposed that the meeting .wan'd take action in regard to the issues of ths banks heretofore ia good standing. To-day, and especially this after-. uom, the rumors of the probanle action of the banks toc-k more definite t-ltape. All was feverish excitement, business on 'Change was brought to a stand-still: nobody wanted to tonch any currency: business on the streets, to the casual observer very active, Woi*, after all, dull and vexatious in : the extreme. Large numbers thronged the stores, to purchase, hut the merchants wanted to do no ; badness, and many went so far as to close their stores entirely. Men rushed about the street to pay some debt which,'ot v «-wise, they would never nave thought of; but every one was willing to irnsc foranything; in fact, the whole city could have been bought on time, and very long time at that. Exchange was nowhere. The nominal rate at the banks was 12 per cent., bat they sold none. Here and there we heard > f outside purchasers, at 34©i6 percent., but they were lew and far be tween. ' Gra>d Trunk Hallway op Canada,—Traffic for week ending April 13,15G1. . . Pssaengers ~524,750.70 Freight and Live Stock—,.... ;... 59,495.07 Mails and Sundries 2,72f.09 T0ta1'......’.. ....] ..£56.073 79 Corresponding week of last year 70,858.89 Increase ..$16,114.90 OOMMESOXAL Tuesday Btbniho, April £0,1361. RECEIPTS LAST TWENTY-POUR HOURS. Flour, Wh’t, Com, Oats. S’ds. Bar. brie, bn. ha. . bn, fits, bn By Canal... 9500 i.izv. U.R.R. GS7 10400 964 1000 520 .... J.&ti. I.E.R. G43 3500 3160 LC.E.H GOO 2150 5600 B. & C.R. E. 372 3275 19515 2820 : 80 O.&N.W.R.E, 1433 0280 359 502 2000 330 Sofeft 3323 25005 38118 4412 2000 850 Drs’d High- Hoga Live Bides wna Cattle Pot’s No. Bos* Bh. brls. No. bu. 3.&C.T7.E.R. ISO 1570 IGI 56 779 3.&R.1.8.8 4600 350 (.C. R. It 850 2215 160 LB.&Q.R.R. .... 131 C7TO 651 49 .... ‘J.&K.W.B.K, 2 .... 1440 851 C. A. &Sfc. L. 30 3 1211 16506 1025 105 1930 Total BHIPJIHHTS LAST TWmTTY-POTJB HOTJEfI. Flour, Wh't, Corn, Oats, Rye, B’rly brls. bn. bu. bu. bu. bu. To Bufiblo :... 22307 28Q10 To Other Ports 13165 22307 42075 Total. The high rate of Eastern exchange, and the ur gent desire to get rid of currency, caused a firmness in all kinds of produce this morning. There was an active inquiry for Flour, but the offerings were light and the market firm, with sales of 5,000 bhls, at $4.55® 5.10 for Spring extras, and $6.00 for White Winter extras. There was also a good demand for Wheat,but holders asked higher prices, and the mar ket was not so active—about 40 000 bushels having changed hands at an advance of closing firm. No. 1 was sold at for common currency and OOjtfc for preferred; No. 2 sold at 92@93c for common currency, and 59#c for preferred. Corn was firm, and prices ruled higher, with sales of Canal Mixed at 34#c afloat; aud iu store at 33>i@31c—subject to 2c storage. Oats were firm and 1c higher, with sales of No. lat 21c—2c sto rage. Ryo and Barley quiet. Nothing do ing ia Seeds. Higbwincs steady at Provisions quiet and nominal. Freights dull. A propeller was chartered at Uc for wheat to Buffalo. Grain at Toledo. The receipts of floor and craln at Toledo, from Jan. Ist to April 13th, 1861, are as follows : Past week. Since Jan. 1. 23/263 136 957 IS,TOG 103 839 95,867 553,337 370 1.589 4,105 5,752 Floor, brls Wheat, bus Corn, bos.. Oats, bus... B±rley, bus. ilye, bos Total (floor to wheat) ISCI do do 1860. Increase, ISCI 143,001 The following Is the amount of grain in store at the elevators in Toledo, on Saturday: . Elevators. Wheat, bus. Corn, bus. M. S. Railroad ..119 628 ' 16,610 Kings’and.Wabash., 50,G00 2:0.000 Buckingham 29,770 30,760 Total, Slade. 3URKETS BX THE LATEST MAILS. / Bcfpalo, April 24.—Flour, demand moderate, ami prices a shade easier, but without quotable change. Inquiry confined principally to the bet' er grades. Sales 400 bids at ss®sl2# for extra Ohio and Michigan, and $5 50@G 0 j for douMe extras.— Wheat—ilia market is dull and heaw, andp-irtics nra from 3 to 5c apart in their yiewa for all dee criptions. Corn doll, at 40c for new, and 43c for round lots of old from store Oats quiet, at 23c and 94c from wagons. Berley quiet, at 54®58c as to quality. Eye quiet, and nominal at 515(&56c Peas—Canadian field iuffuir request for seed, at 50 ®ssc for fair to choice. Seed'—Timothy dull at $2 50 for ' auadlao, aud $2 75 for Illinois. Clover in modearte demand at $4 75®4 87. Flax firm at $1 (X>. Millet dull at 73c.— Advertiser. Philadelphia, April 23—'There is more firm ness in the market, but there Is littla or no de mand for export, the sales ot flour being mostly to supply the hi>mc trade, at about pt erious rates in eluding some 700 brls at $i 75 for scraped. $3.25® 5.50 for common and good western and Pennsylva nia and superfine, $5.65#@5.87# for extra,‘so® G 25 for extra family, and $6 50@7.25 $ brl for fan cy brands as in quality. The receipts and stocks are moderate, and most holders refuse our lowest figures ot the close. Rye flour Is held at $3.50 3 brl.-, .with small receipts and sale?. Corn moai is more inquired for. Po., meal is scarce at $2.75 W brL Grain—There Is a fair amount of wheat offering, but thedemted for it is limited, and the market dull. Sales of 4®5.(K)0 bn are reported at $1 23@ 1 30 for winter red, in store, mostly at the latter rat • for prime Ohio, including while, in small lota at $1.40® 1.45; and 600 bu Kentucky doon terms kept private. Rye is selling in a small wav at 6Sc for Pa. Corn is rather dull atprevions quotations, with sales of 10.0 0 bu to note at 62c for prime dry southern yellow, afloat, and 61c in store, mostly at the former figures, oats ate firm, and 200 bn prime Pa sold at 33#c in store. Tho receipts are light. Barley and Malt are qviet.— Bulletin. Daily Review of Chicaga Merke; Friday Etzktko. April 20, IS6I FREIGHTS—DuII. Prop. Kilo Wheat to Buffa lo at lie; prop. Free State, to arrive, wheat to Buffalo’oa p. t, Sch’r Harvey, corn, to Buffalo on p. t. FLOUR —Received, 8.825 bbls. Market Terr firm. Sales 1.750 bbls. “Albion” flat hoop, at $5lO on tra» k; 1250 bids good round boop spring extras at $5 00 del.. 510 bbls good flu hoop spring extras at $4 05 del-: M bbls “Planet” at $4 90 del; 12S bbls “Elmaker.” at $4 85 del: 100 bbls “South ern Indiana” White Winter at $6 00 del.; 200 bbls “Beloit City” spring extra at $505 deL; 100 bbls “ Da> ton City” do at $4 90 dtl. WHEAT—Received, 25.905 brie; shipped, 22,807 brla. Market Kc better. Silca. 1.700 ba No. 1 Spring at 95#c —subject to 2c storage; 700 ba do at 903»c—Scstorage—payable in preferred curren cy ; 7uo bn No. 2 spring at 92c—2c storage; 23,000 bn do at 9So—9c storage; 700 bn do at S9)tfc—Sc storage—preferred currency. CORN—Received, 39,118 bo; shipped, 42,075 bn. Market }ic better. Sales, 6,000 bn Canal at 34Kc afloat; 40 000 bn Mixed at 34c—2c storage; 10 000 bn do at 36c f. o. b., 8 000 bn do at SSifc—2c stor age ; 6.000 bn do at 33>*c—2c storage; 5,000 bn do at 34#c—1c storage; 5,000 bn do at 84c—1c stor age ; 20.000 bn Rejected at SOc—2c storage; 5,000 bn Rf jected Canal at 33c afloat. OATS—Received, 4,412 bn. Market advanced Ic. Sales. 1,000 bn No. lat 21c—2c storage. RYE—Received, none. Market nominal 42(&43c. ■■ -• ■_—••• BARLEY—Received, 850 bn. Sales 140 bags at 86c on track. HIGH WlNES—Received, 1,025 brla. Market steady. Sales 100 brla city at 16c; 60 brla do In lotsatlfi^c. MESS PORK—Nominal at $20.00(2*21.00 perbrL LARD—Nominal at 10J(@ll#c. BO brla No. 1 eoldatlOc. OUT MEATS—7S,OOO lbs Bolt Shoulders, at packed. TALLOW—Nominal at 9c. ; HIDES—Very dull. We quote Green B(jh 3#c; Green Salted 4<&4#c; Dry Flint 9s&®66ofdc new do* 68©64C;forNei|r*binejf yellow; 70#c for old do; 63 for flew northern* yellow; 70e white tsouthem. Oats in fair re quest, at S3@S7c fotwestern and; Canada; 36©37 c for state; email lota.ita trifle-dterihese quota tions. *■ ul ■ -:'y I*? } Provisions— Pork dull and declining. Sales 800 : trie at g'8.37©18 50 for mess, $lO 50 for prime, in i eluding 500 brls mesa at buyer's option to Aqgnst ■ S3thr ‘Beef quiet without quotable change.. Sales ; 2 050 brls at $4@4.60 for country prime, $5 87@6.25 ■ for country mess, $9 87@1U.50 for repacked mess. Prime meea beef quiet and unchanged. Sales SO tierces ledia mess .at sl9. Beef hams quiet at sl3 ©ls 25- Cut meats.unchanged. Sales ISO pkgs at 6K©6# for shoulders, 8# ©B# for hama.’ Ba con dull. Lard heavv and lower. sales -725 bbls at 9# @lo#, chiefly 10. Prime but ter selling at 10©l5c for Ohio and 15©20 c for state. Cheese steady at 7©lo# for inferior to prime. Groceries —Sugar—Raw dull and unchanged; sales 415 hhds Cnoa at 4#©s# by auction; 200 hhds prime Porto Rico at s©6#. Molasses quiet and unchanged; soles 100 bhri< Cuba muscovado at 22; 69hhds Porto Rico at 80 by auction; 150 bbls N O at SSX^Oc. Stocks dull and rather heavy, Chi & Rl3s#; Mil<£ Miss 4#; G &C U56; Panama 90%; Read ing 31; NYC 72#; Hudson 3d bonds B5; Erie bonds of' 62 55: Tenu6s42; Treasury 12a 100#; USs3of '7475#; Cieve & Toledo22#, b 10; C B & Q56! IC scripSC#; M S guar 27#; Harlem prei 29#; Canton Co 8; Harlem 3d 77; Mo 6a 37; Va 6s 43; U S 6a 'SI 85#, coupons. MAR IN E LIST. PORT OP omCAGO. ARRIVED April S6. Prop Backus, Childs. St. Joseph, 1800 H R ties, 57 cds wood, 43 bzs fi*u, 88 bf brls fish, 5 m lumber. Prop Lady Fnnklln, Hickey. St Joseph, 1316 RB ties, 18 brls fish, 130 brls flour. Brig Helfenstein Ferris, St. Joseph, 4049 R R ties. Schr Honest John, RolUn, Mu=kegon, 74,647 ft lumber, 11 m shingles. Scbr Magnet, Palm-, r, Muskegon, 75 m lumber. Schr Jane Louiea, Davis. Manitowoc, 4 m cedar post ß , 6 cds shingle bolts. Schr Transit, Humphrey, Sand Bay, 260 cedar R R ties, CO cds woods. Schr Monsoon, McGraw, Muskegon, 75 a lumber. Schr Speed, Reed. Muskegon, CO m lumber. Schr Telegraph, Hays. White Lake, 75 m lumber. Schr Laurel. McVey, Kalamazoo, 55 m lumber. Schr Hirondrilo, Contain, Kalamazoo, 65 m lum ber. • Schr Arrow, Scott, Kalamazoo, 60 m lumber, 48 m shingles. Schr Storm, Williams, White Lake, 42 m lumber, IK) posts, 8 hf brls fish. Schr Bates, Cannon, Muskegon, 91 m lumber. CLEARED April 26. ; Prop AHeghany, Boyington, Port Bamia, 10 m bu i wheat. Prop Backus, Childs, St- Joseph, 15 tons mdse. Prop L*idv Franklin, Hickey, St. Joseph, 15 tons mdse. Bark hand Crocker, Fitzgerald, Baffalo, 19,671 bu^ corn. • - Brig Minnesota, Hansom, Green Bay. Bng Helfensteln. Ferris, St. Joseph. ; Schr Telegraph, Hays, White Lake. Scar Hiroodelle, Coataln, Kalamazoo. Schr Laurel, McVey, - Kalamazoo, ; Schr Arrow, Scott, Kalamazoo. Schr Denmark, Fitzgerald, Bnfialo, 10,090 bn com.: Schr Storm, Williams, White Lake. Schr S Bates. Oannon. Muskegon.. Schr Racine, Brown, Green Bay. Sch; Pilgrim, Higgle, Green Bay. Schr Magnet, Palmer, Mnskeeon. Schr Transit, Hninphrey, Kewaneo. SObrb mdse. Schr Jane Loniae, Davis, Manitowoc. Schr Daniel Slaneon, McComber, Bnfialo, 18,103 bit corn. Schr Ellen Williams, McDonald, Buffalo, 19,811 bu corn. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Vessels Passed Detroit, April 24.—Hound Up —PropVermont; tngCleveland; eebra WmFiskc; Peoria, Comet, Midnight, L B Goldsmith. Bound Hoion—Schrs Patrick Henry, Forest, and Bush. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. ARRIVED Aquila, South, 2-28,800 lbs ice. Vermonter, Feeder, 42 cds wood, W U Brown, Lochport, 65 c yds ruble stone, 175 doz eggs. Ocean Spray, Ottawa, 5,000 bu corn, 700 lbs rags, COO Iba scrap iron. Troubadour, Lockport, 4,500 bu com. CLEARED April 25. £ R Hooper. Poison, 37,200 staves,l2,B73 headings, 2.400 boopa. Vermonter, Willow Springs. Lockport, Lockport. 3,000 bn wheat, 6,000 hoops, 1.400 lbs wire, 600 lbs merchandize. Joliet, Dupage. Alida, Lasalle, 101,035 ft lumber. 1 box sugar. Aquita, South. " Atlanta. Lasalle, 123,655 ft lumber. J D Harmon. Lasalle, 110,273 ft lumber. 10,000 ft siding, 15.000 lath. W H Brown, South Lockport. American Star, Lasalle, 86,536 ft lumber, 1,870 lbs carpchter work, 8,850 lbs mdre. Africa. Lasalle. Aurora, Lasalle. pmCAGO MTEX-FIIRNISHIKa DEPOT. T. W. BAXTER & FRENCH BURS MILLSTONES. C 7 ar.T. QHABBIBa. a W. EEOWJP3 PATSHT PORTABLE Flouring and Grist Mills, BUTCH “ANKEE” BOLTINS CLOT 23, Bmtt end Separators, _ Separators for Wershcueea, Beltiag of AH SlniJ, Hoisting Bcrewa and liana. Bran Dusters, Pick3,?toofSti£S, 60**0. FAIRBANKS' SCALES, XSD MILL FURNISHING GENERALLY. Finn*. Specifications and Estimates furnished T?ben desired, andtha construction of Steam and Water Mills contracted for entire. Stnm Engines, Eo!!er% &e* 9 dze* The subscribers baving obtained tbe Agency for tie tale of Steam Engines and Sellers frotnlbe ciannfao t:rv C? QODXDEH'O, BAGLEY & SEWELL, of Water town, N. Y„ would invite tie attention of purchasers to their superior merits -of style, workmanship and powers; also, their very low prices. The following is a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with Heat, er. Water and Steam Pipe?, Cocks, Valrer, Arch cast ings and Orates, complete and ready for use, delivered InChicago t 5 horse power. 9 MO ICO none power.-....13,233 8 u “ 573 Ita ** “ i,sw JD ** " ...... 1115 jS3 u a 13 •* *• ...... EDO S ** " IS ** M LIOO Ua ** M .1 333.P57bu. .1 215 056 and In like proportion for larger aKcs as recalled. Every Engine Is furnished with JDDSO2TS PATENT GOVERNOR TALVB. For Flour Mills we ccnfidoatlyrecommsud them es mparior to any other style of Engine, and they will Save from 95 to 69 per Cent In Fuel over the usual class of boilers In use in fee West. We sran keep an assortment of different sires at cur cs> tabiißCcent. where they nay be examined and fee necessary Information obtained regarding them. Com petent men will, if desired, be famished to set up and start engines In any partci fee country. Wo also supply WATER WHEELS, ETTA?TING. GEARING, &C* At very low prices. T. W. BAXTER & COSS 199,695 25T.428 HTH Furnishing Depot, West Water street, between KandolphanaMadiacn,Chicago HUncla. Post Office address Sor<7i. oeS’&Jy Qi-OVE-3, GLOVES, GLOVES' Don't forget to buy your Gloves at BOWEiPS, No. 21 Clark street The best and cheapest Buck skin and Fur,- all sold lower than ever before. N. *l.—Bowen Is also Agent for the West of Wilson** Dewing Machine, the moffc Simula and perfect machine WWAimIA ra:l a-Sjt ‘t -v-iy’K'LlF WANTED-A Situation l)y a T * young man as Book-Keeper or other employ ment In so ■ e Mercantile Hou*e. Can Icrnlah good recommendations a- to coaracter and ability. I* late ly from toe Ea’t. Ealory not • matter o£ imam-fence. Address -H. W. P.Box 813 P. O. _ ap2sx9t ANTE D—A medium gized T I second hand Safe, Address Box 5875 Chicago P. O. aphtxiw WANTED Srn'.rt, Energetic ToucgMen, with a capital of from ?2 to $3 they can make to f3 per day by s*lng tun beet Packages of Stailon-rv aed Jew-dry and Packaged of Bilk and Jewelry. Sena for Circular, (stamp enclosed.) Or fltaer of the abive packages, with terms, dc, &e. will be sent free o: postage to a y address on receipt of 25 cents. In et imps. J. H. BRUCE, JVO Fudbury street, Notion, Maos. ap24t597-2w WANTED—Agents to sell Pack- T T age of STATIONERY and JEWELRY at prices odo third lees thou can be purchased elsewhere. Cali on or address (stomp enclosed,) j. L. BAILEY, No. 154 Coart at, Boston, Mass. api-e4S3-ini TXT ANTED —A small family wish * » to obtain Vard la a private family where there are no other boarder*, and where the contort! ot a home can be bad. within fifteen minutes wale of the Exchange Clsrk aad Lake streets. Address ARENAS," Box 3908. ap2^74-lw AGENTS WANTED—SI,2OO a «aJL year made by any one with $lO worth of PATENT STENCIL TOOLS, Stcck enough Included to retail for 9130. Bend for circular. Sample and St°scil Catalogue. Adcrcis A. J. hDLLAM, No. 4A w Olive street, tit. Louis. Mo., cr 312 Broadway. New York. apSTai-Iy XTORSSS FOR SALE.—Artillery J—k- and Cavalry Horses fer sale at Stahl® cf f\ STKOMBgRQ, 302 South C ork street. ap2Sxlw SALE OR RENT—Dwelling A and Lot No <468 Wabash avenue, house con tarns eleven rooms, sraa and water, and stable. Lot 40 bv 180 feet. Possession Mav Ist Apply to WM. H, SAMPSON, No. 3 Metropolitan Block. apU-eSG3 fail FIR SALE OR TO RENT—The two-story Brick House, situated on May street. Just north of Lake street, containing eleven rooms, nearly new and thoroughly balls, with Iron fence, stone walk. ftc, for rentfrom May Ut cr wm be sold very cheap to a cash purchaser or on time. Apply to GKG.a. BtAVEENS, No. 73 Dearborn street. _apß-eii6-im . ■ ■ORICK DWELLING for Sale or ■aJ Exchange for unimproved City Property. The house is nearly new. three stories and ceu»r, contain, lug gas, hot and cold water, marble man ties, b»tha, etc, situate! on the North, hide, east of Bosh street. Aodrese Box 2669 P. O. - - apßxiw TJARE CHAjSTCE.—I wish to sell J-i my Warehouse, built of Stona 41x70 tert, three stories, situate on the track of the Mineral Point Kail, read. It is one of toe beat locations in the Wot lor a Produce and Commission Business. TERMS BAST. ;•_ For particulars en or addrsea GEO. W, COBB Mineral Point. Wla.- - TJOARDING—Two suits of desir- J .A able rooms for qunilies will be vacant at No. 68 Edlna.Plsce, cn the first proximo. Also, a ftv single and double rooms for gentlemen. ~ apJacw BO ABDING.—Gentlemen and theirwlvea and tingle sebtiemen can be accora modated with plearant front roons and board; at 99V .West Raadolph street. Terms moderate. • apefisiw T>o ARDlNG.—Pka«ant rooms for -l-F gentiemen and their wives and tingle uentlem ec, at No. -15. MlchlgfcUjUTenuei -from Kt May. Day Boaruera can also be 'aocommodated. Address unfit utHv.-M.ivßHissnnoant ttttvmn I iaigcrilgnmg. mmiMW Git i; - \ r. 0; ■; ; K0fi.113,114,118 lake Sirce*. | : 33Caa9«S£errlmaoPrtata. j .; I ~~.\2dSaleaßUrk Sheeting; -1 '■ ' J . , ‘ • . 1 c ... <. - - • -i _J 1.'.'.-L j 86 Bales do, Appleton Sheetings, I : 25 r OOO i STARE MILL BAGS. ■10,090 LEWISTON DO. £ll Unii sf Domretto isd Foreign Dry Goods, Hotioai, Holmij, fie, CARPETS, OIL CLOTH 9, CERTAIN GOODS, it Harr Tori Cun Prtou, Freight Aided, fe??xSm-4thp • •April 25. 3L,tHS .... 2.0 M fflaiantfe. Jto Sale. Garbing. SPRSSHQ OOODS AT RETAIL. Tlio Ziaurgast StoeU of DRY GOODS WEST OF NEW YORK, ’ O A. m PET S s Oil. CLOTHS, CURTAIN GOODS, Seddlsg and Feathen. X*a P A Xi BC S9 K, Ros« 112, 114, 116 &ak9 Street feSTxSm-lthp Rangings. TO MERCHANTS. m mm m The largest and only complete rtookwestoi New Tori, Paper Hangup., CURTAIN PAPERS Table Oil Clotlis, WINDOW SHADES, Curtain Fixtures, TEDIUMS, ftto AT SLiNUFAOTUREB’S PRICES. Cash buyers will find It for their advantage to can. L 6. L. FAXON, 70 - Lake Street - 70 [mhlS’Sl-egn] J}RAKE & BROTHER P APER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHOES* FIXTURES, *C., House and Size Painters, Paper Han< gers, Etc., Etc., NO. IS4 STREET. today ) E. RIGBT & CO. DEPOETESB AXD JOBBE3S 07 PJIPSSt IM'IJVGJJV&S, ISD General House Painters. 81 It,VTOOLPH-ST., CHICAGO. ISemobals. SHMOYAIi, 1861 - - Spring Trade - - -1861 6. M, SPEIBS, WITH ar. c£s a., xodxilsoO', If auulgctnrera and Jobbers of HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS. 152 LAKE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. Cap Makers supplied with all kinds of Cap Trim* dings at lowest rates. P. s.—Cash paid fo” all kinds of Furs. mh2S-UTLER & HUNT, 43 State-St., bays nerw onband the following tl£« ofprintini 11x47 * !Ss2s 2£=« 55=45 5Cx42 S2=2 Sz£S Sx£4 21x24 £3IS7 ST-ZIX Ss3 23x13 2*X3i 2n£3 25x55 01=2? And are recelTicsßlaKrcaßecrtsnsntcf BOOK PAP£3. 5,000 reams ol Wrapping Paper, of diksrent sirea. VtO reams Manilla go. 2CO reams Cap and Levtsr. and a general assortment ot Piinter’c Stationery. LOCO Sega gi Mather's celebrated Bock £ndi?swa Ink AD ot TTCiob. trill bo cold for back at tba lowest poc»l. Ola rates, ndil3 0” Cash paid for Bogs. _*g Da. insersoll, • State Sees HArcrayrcans, BOOK BISSEB AND B7IiSE< lam now prepared to maanfactnre Blank Books 0.- BTory description, ruled and bound to desired pat terns, witb. or Trttbontprlntedbeftdlnrs. particular at teatlon paid to from Countv Omcers, Banks. . . go < °°‘ iEl «• “"=«• t^^SS;-B e] S&S r #co.ia bums * 00. 7ohn «T £ew% Board of ControVD*W. DesiO^ ©omnußSian sa«csanls. MS. NICHOLS & CO. HAVE • opened at 188 Sonto Water ttree% Chicago, House, for tie purchase and Floor. provisions, &c. and solicit con- To panic* accessible to liil %SElSwSl aTcUcaPJ. to couneolloa with their s?sssSS!s-. * co. ■ Rive sachßaperioi »dvantnges, _ 2L s. gicaoiA o.a.aarrr. g^A.sicg.xa ■ p I J COSCttISSIO* mEBCHAHT, ' EsycnsNobts:—)3an.Win.B. OgdauCblcagoXUHoa ; B. W,Raymond,do; d. W.Mptey,Esq...do.: P. B«- monr. Neph’s A co„ Kew Tort; GcurdFrerea. do_ . Telvcrton Broi„ Jaa. King's Eons. do.iJaAH. ■ Lucas, Esq H st. Louis; Edward lesson, Eaq-daiCtaß Chouteau. do. [fslSuO-ly liberal advance* made oa Consignments. jgEDFORD, MEREDITH & CO., cescaissioff bckecisantb. 2To. 218 South Water Street. Clilcajo, give their erclp- Hvß attention to the ocrcbaac and sale cl Sionr. uras and all wnda of Produce. Stock, 6c. LibeiW advance* made on conslammenta. Agents tor Kiln Dried Ccrs Be far to £. L Ttaknsja & Co rt Chicago: Elila 3L£~a!pLe 6 Co- Cleclsnsd, iaA?.ly ■No. 123 JgDWARD SACKET, coirmissioN nEsoimx, No. 136;* South Water street} between Old and New Board of Traie Suiluings, aaS9*Go*ly Chicago, 111. WSIOHT & SHERMAN, SSOSSC3 OOiOSiaaGH KEMQA3T3. a«i?3»a SI £nz7 B«Mil»t!&a of Country FroAuec ozx Cemmlselou EKeluMively. . jaaiiLß sr?iTy. , tl ,B sad a OEICA6O. 30 and 0 ALLEN YANE & CO., COKHIfeSION M3KCHAJTTS, For tie aala d Ploor, Grain, Bee£ PorkTßamA Lsrvl, sdtt«r. CoeeA*. Seeds, Dried rrul’ja, Ac. 138 Sontb * atar atreet. Cblcajo. Ajeua for Hamburg and T?«s im Beserra Obseoe. _Hiss_7i23. LoalSalSUj] m. woaa WILLIAMS & HOUGKTSLING T 1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko.3£Ui Sooth Water street, second doer Weep cj W ells asroet Bridge, give tbelr exclnilro attsoaou to ibe sale and perenaee ot *!1 klcdu cf Produce gtocit, sc_ on Commission. Cacb sdvnacea mado on Eiiu of Lading and property in store, ftofer to George emitb 6 Co, Marine George steel 7J.:r Sooth Uaterand Clnrit yja-ia, ja. ranocs cals on consignment*. m. y. anirra. jpiIWSSWOOD dr C(X S 00253e1155102T raHEROTTAITOg 153 Sociii \sTas*r COalcssc* Zlh2*3 QULVER <3 COMPANY, OOSIMXSSIOH* MST3C7HA27TS, 313 veatv? Strsew a. ?. qgiras. D&ihsai q s cutTg. THOMPSON, BONHAM & CO*, X sxcirjsira cojcassicji assacHAsTs, ?TO. *3 SOUT-H WATER STREET, Hi rGjmn ro—Hercfaßntu* Earinsa, Lean end Trust Co, Blshiuoud dsC-cwEor. Jho. C.Hain«», Chicago; R. Draka A T4 B. S. King, Buffais, taulScijlv! TURPIN, LAKE & CO., 1! Cvi£L3SIQN SiEBCHAHTS, So e ISS I=s South ■'PS’alsr St«, daica^o, ▼. A. TUHFLK, WBLLS LAX?, D. 3, LAXE. UjfSg; jgAKER & SPAFFORD, General Commission iVerehsoti, Office and Warehouse... - Ko. 91 South Water Straet. ADVAJTCBS HAD? OS CONSIOKifUSTS. Particular aite-.tlan given to toe purchase and cals of F;.r»U'\ GUAIN SEIIDS, &c., Ac, on ccmmuaicu. mh3-e W-iy pORD & NORTON, Storage and Commission Sera&ante, ?lm proof Warehouse, on Marketsrreet, between »-*><* and Randolph streets, Chicago, m, SS“ Liberal advances' made on CouiifTimcata. iidsVßL a. reap. LsuiToS-u] g*raaai»-L ao»a. ipITKIN & CO., Seagal Commission SXereSutats, 123 SOUTH WATSS SXKSST, CHICAGO, ILL. yjJUS L. OAILIE & SEYMOUR, S-9 pr.ODUCS AND OENSEAL COMMISSION iIKHCHAiITA Office Li South Water-sc.. * > oo:aroj'3 it-Ldlaye. Par.Otuca Drawer £127, Culeago. Tl3. n. sahjx r. e. sirxona. Ssvs^buou^:— * Cc.; Vvm uir. cm. General rreigh: assus C. a. A Q. H, L. aulAcsai-ly B FABIAN, » OEST2-l.iT, CO^rM T SSIOR XCERCHAXT St. Joseph, illlssonrl. Particular atleutUsu paid t > the purchase andsala cl flidtti. Tallow. IlPEnp, Tobacco mil prodnc; of »>vcr? il-«crtpUon, Refers, bypermi-ssioo, io Mi: u = Wnsl.t & Sherman; Clt-ifboro, Leokla £ Co • Dici-in*. aon a Dakar: Plfifin ± Co. mhll-e";s-ly MORSE & CO., rEOurcE commissjos KEBcmarg, EOCTS WATER STREET US AlXla'a Buildings, Chicago. Bnslaeea oocLsal strictly to tySC-lyda JOSEPH ClAt3 cX tie to cf Tscbsr, SaaSolpb & s, p. General Commli'Jca merchants. No. 1 (Second Floor; Board of Trade Building, ;.l7e their personal attention to He purchase and aula af a.l Hinds ci troeuco. 52T Advance? mads on consignment?, soswaix ciAKTaa. iaai6eiT2-um) ajjfx, p. eairraa WATSON V. COE & CO., GOM3IISSIOX MEKCHA.YTM, * FOE ?HS POKCEABK AN'D SALS OF Porkj Flour, Grain and Stock. No, C6’-< Souta Water Street, Chicago. mine la. TTATSO3 T. CCA WH- 2- BICE, 8. L. UimCEtTOOn. dsrawy gHSRMAN & Tf ATX, Prodace and Commission H«rcbants ( 07 SOUTH WATER STREET 37 * Liberal cash advances cn f I'nr. Gra-a. Seed- Fro vision* and Cried Fruit*, for lale in this market or shlr»* meat x.ast. jal ci-iy HjTURET nelson* j- ? -l FKOBrcS ‘ OssasoSsaloa and Skipping aerclisss, , NO. 211 SOUTH WATER STREET vA^snt fortheFpitcaStarch Wcris,Ouvego Co Eberalcash advances cn Flour end Grain for *)!-. *\?:}2 i'?* r x . «?£• ** ~ givia- the yAF ISWAGEH & CO., General Commission slcrrftaat*. KO. ? BOLE'S BUILDING, C SuMy lltil WMSr “ d Clark itr£st »» Chicago. EL BSOTHEB * CO., EEarehante, ..? , IS^ ai7 attention to las purchase and ®*,7 t rain., an d other Produce, on Catamiaslon. *— o Wamr. ocr. Garish. Chicago [uctSaSiS SOWS3, C92£B2IBSIOK HEHCiaAST, I§J SsaUi €2aSeawo, y*’?, gPAFFORD, SFBWARY & CO., street. Chicago. foar&O-ly S?AT7OSD. 2, BTEWaST. 5. 7. W. SXA HOLMES & SON, See? sad Fork Packers, FSOVZgZSH Sfi2ISCSASfT3. OfSca So. 1C Enrer Sireot BACHING HOUH3 NOSTH B3ANGS. CHICAGO. SKf ?C!5 BA«i ssaaiosss USS, IT?. ««t icarket pnes far Cania and Sogs. •Rgvtm TO Banxxra sodßueiasesMen generally &S St. Louis end Chlcsgo Bftnkr J. Yoaag RMnantocTEsQ., iTesidect Marne Bank; J. E. Dun. hf.TT., £3ibour*MttwCematcr/, Becond-Traln leaves at p, 71. y Returns at 7 P* 3Z*t Glrlug oosheur attho Cemetery. j? AES wangle TlcStfta 13cents each way; padagw Of t«a TlcSets 10 cons ea:U way. Ticfcats can to tongue at tl*e Railroad Depot. JOEEJ 3. 2TSWIIOU3E, Fres’d-ntot R aetolll Cemetery. TT'OR LAKE STIPE iKcKf- 1 Si? isl S&7 * tKCTaTt WV.er street for Pons on Lake superior, on Gth Vay, 18»•- , p vpvfy 4 cc\ F->r freight or parage apply to A. HAK’.i.y * ro. or Capu.il oa b Jtlr 6 _ OFFICE OF THE P., FT. t«S Aprfl W f Si' ln^rafaas'va??*t J?'s° Pt \tg.i ni , w«t v i”r at •tv m*tto after .Ms uats £,&°617-fe 'j:r.HBHDEgP_!rT«!a-d. :? r^ TWILL THE PERSON WHO ?Y f >nn l * Ladies Portcraonn*la In Bryan P-.1 on Taf ?day afternoon rh seretnra * n p r •'tr l ticket on It. or the number aoo cf d-p I*. U. L’oi 4LV>. o-.tc.-ico 'vno* ' ■\fOTICE.—The Members of the J. a Horn 1 ? Mutual Fro insurant;*’ Company of 31. • jv>|» are r»qn*.*s < d to meet at tbelr ryv; Hall Hull -b'-r. •. n fl U.-SD iT, w A X Mar.A D ISG’.fo'-theparp c{ek-:tl-£ttf.c«nO.. rectors f> s-*»vo the voinran?. dnrlt*» —* B'suu-il rca r and to attend ncy iini *u Du I eaa tna» a-sy t-vaeS-C Mayidm-ieilu? P-rrroer, spjjxSt ALONZO CUTL- *i S c e*»ry. E. TUCSSE, CART E R, Season In The ah- vo sue {3 hereby further postponed to Moo. <*ay, tae (jib day of A?a*. , at t « Aime Qour and cgA&XGMaoar. QTEWART’S COOKfHG STOVE STILL AHEAD. Tha aeknoPledged superiority c-f th« Steven Stove iua given rise to several butte* tioas, Tha zanoiua article 13 tor sale by CL MkT2L iaani at IS3 =t£ta street, between Monroe and AdaaaC vs't. a seed szaortsieai cf Ho and Ttpw*.-*. j,*,'? ekruy "Vf ITCHELL & ZAHM, TALLOW S^^sPWsitsnss Ktszra bt. ©mral Ntrtitw. ROSEHILL CEMETERY. >Vx3S Q MORGAN has Removed to 169 Randolph Street, ’Jillbo pl-ased oieeri'M-s o’d wc’.l as tio*' 1 \i pu‘- i*a»c F.;r-iUure at LOW I*:; Iks TT.csi ck ? eivir 1- ;i>- r ar.d com;.rt*‘nj r.pfi o'f »h» i-»r—-t Cc-taud most fisulonabltj Purat tnre in tte West. parlor and bedroom suites Of Rosewood. Ma'iogipT an : WaL-ut. «ldebocrd Lx'euaioa Dicing Tubl> s -ud Chair*. Secrwtares > ; aT- It-* ScfA?, 8.-us: afs a d Chairs O! all alios, J2f" Please *.al. and enamlcs tins stock b-f->re ved buy. a 2‘fi' ▼ PARE CHANCE KUK toU.M XV' NE3*. FcjsSam.—Tho-lnckand Situr-a of a rijamnd Tobacco >tore—the very beat K’C.Uon u itv well and tUia* a {rood bas;i-f ?f *. l.ri*jd ior se'Unir, t';e present proprietor I* goa:;; V a-t .►q opportu »;iv now offered laruiy aet win-. Capitalr**. MoGEN N id 1 , apfreiiMai Secr-tar*. OFFICE OF THE MICHIGAN SOUTHER* AND KQRTHERS INDIANA R3JU2VAD COMPANY. No. Vi street. NSW Vons, The Annual Election for Director? of trds Carney will be oelaat me 00-npatv.** Ofllee. in Toledo, or WfcJ>N'ESD.VT, the tilth d»v cl Aorll UtSt, at U o’oiockiC Th>s Stock iiojk. will Cl cioaed on tlie :;U prosl uo at a o'clock i*. m,. and remain ctceed until the Sfito urosirao at w a. x , mh33-*S7i-i-Tid D. ?. BaRTTDT. Secretary. TiSCEIVERS OF G R BlN'. XV Frdsht b 11? on all Crain «• n«'caed to tha S-.-uih Bran :h Elevator of »a*)C., B. A (J. R rf.w'.llba f'nmi at oar ullleo < nut* c :rn;r ni bouih Water n&d LA-aPe ftreehs at'-el’s bl •• k. v.-hcra wareLoUsa r> Cclrt* wil* be Issued for tna aamc. apl'eiijJw. AK'-OUR. BOLK A Cf> TNSURE YOLTK FUR’S FROM X MOTHS by l=avlnutbetn -t oar St^r* NO. US LAKE SJ’uEET, They will ba packed 1* such a asuaer tu to mdr? them I cpervious to MOTH erdaufera*, and 'lif-ar.d from all damsiia Of lo«. Kectlpn riven and charges lew. j. A. SMITH .t CO., »pJ'al-l7 ILitten and Furriers 9 riAA AAA Wilson’s aL *!_/•* » *dxnt *TiwnsßitrPLAtrTs fbr tale at $l & per packed, ic. and lar;o q=antitl«--i at rMud»l raL*. OurPAnu are str -u-.-, healthy ami * ell rocto-d. «1 we Invite cuatDra»-r* t» call and see for tarma Ive? forJ par baaing elsewhere, as M>'>lljA n ’B «tAUDES, corner of Centre street and Racine Road. (ou*r CljT. bourne's bridge), Chicago. 111.; or tiddrtia '»E'*. S. DAYIS,P.O.i. ’.'s south Water street. I*. O. "ox gvs, Cnicag •. llliio* 3 . Wc sollrit tta of Ko->d, that are of toe be twork la ore.fourth the U t-ik with onefvurih t’-o and with>)u( 1 J cry to lh» cloin. t'or i»al-'by ihi! furnishing trade g^no allv. All pvrt »■« him va '.‘../rod uiulaat m ‘i'nv.vtDd* Jntorusu-g Wrii-s rswltu d I dla Eabbt? Il.l'i not f'>rn!t.he-i b • m. uuccr penalty rf the law. t he uopolixan *v aching *,ja*,-iTnsco, aseesc.-agmeaia. Mojitoaos s.v-e.- whar.-a,., WUlivuS M-’WHil.v*:* did. on tie ninety th diy of t>c-'ber.'n tii-» j-;ir of oar Lcnl cm tuunfjnd < IrV. tiTV'.'lral a : > ’ 1 i,-ht m-i-:-. er<*cut9 and da* liv rto t K .o und- M.ncd b;* cert.ia m-.rtg.-ga Ore-.!, licurios aat“ th ' «U.- ..t vc«r ; .fo*fta ! c»»T«*lrj Vio p-<> >e. tv‘i-p.l. at.--.nH-.i. t.} ,oc r : the pay* mont* This two itr'-u-x prao.us r-- n ncs of err a c- to ts.’rrwita fur n-->-ot Cdft-:n hn , :drs'i dctlsrs each, dual .0:8 an t two >‘irA site'* t >» date thertol r®. ep jctlvoly a nlcd la tm 'recorder'* -.lilt* la aud lor l-O County of C os. ia Hi- 1 , state of I lii ;s. In K .-jJc 4; t.f Mortgages, at i ag*? '/13. xt.cd wiereas »U\ desalt b>»4 been made la'ilie pavrac to! inf *ald pfouti lory note 1 * anc f>c s;» -s- ar • wh jUv one ard ur—aid. • r .r>er'-f-'re,pa'’- Ic notice!■» hereby s'ven, that L the said mo.-t/a-ie . «!n 1, under and by virtue of iha j over a ,d Aitiint. la mo vested i ’ and by ?aM niirt* g i’<» deed. and fir tu uses hu • purpo- cs ih-.rtd vs* preW. o * th* iOih day of Mar, A. D.l-St.at tea c'c'n-’k th-* iorerro <.i said dir, at the -orth door c: :a«? Ciari II l i :ne c;t.- of»; lc*go,aell •t ; a'v re auction t > the highest bidder f.r <«,u till the fob lowlrg described ':c. ;..c *>ul by tJ.il m rtrago ‘eel. to wit: •ot numbers': bya ( ), in mo* Aft'Cssora i'ivls.o • c.f :t o southc tr ctional quarter t f-ootlan tWfr.fv-t' o fi - !;, tjwn hp tbrty-nl *• £5), c<»rth range fourteen K. >.u the ( U; oi Chicago, «f.rr* add, together with adrl.r;:t!ir.-itqultr cf red-.mp.10 > of the sat i William S. Mf.Vldi- mOiU heirs and as igfii th-T-ln JOLL lie *LI.Y, mcrtgagaa. Gallup & HrrcncocE, Ait' .s. Chicago, April, i-ii. ap'7-e'lTtc pH iiJ CERY "NOTiCE—Siate"c? niir.ci-, C.-übty cf Co-k, sa—Superior Court cf Chicago, Jaav T-rni, Dl 3i. Fra-cis Wi'sln. ar.d J~-e..h j. Whiting T?. PsOl Cornell. H,-lenG Cornell William R Loveiov, chsr! j 3 M. Duou- James N. Jehu.-on, wa ■ :ni Lockwood, tdd* -'coi!. Jr., fjaerga CuekUan, Ilolbert .-malea, Wl* «a;uT. Uairon Jon a W .-iObri'gi% Jr. Nru.au Uvra, Jr„ AUrea Jam-rA Matlw-? LtUiu J tuP'lhm, R a ILta-s. WilUvm SsUlev. Sft!uu«i no-re, 1’- W, Henry. Adamson a X.wklrk, A. J fuel, werrea >ewtou, David A Ogd-;.’*.inea » 3 ring, Ih-.mad Ail’a, Evtoa S. William-. John A. Ja '.esou, ilas-an A. II pk-ni, sjwrah M. UupkliA, Char fB d. Wa to, George U. Soring. Wine..-.*? boring. TlmuuJ Taoiaosoa, Goorga A. Bryan, C-ariss C. Alloa and idwn 4oyt— r. okar-ctr.-. i Affidavit of tkeaonrciddvuce of William R. Lots- Snult, Jr.- IL-nonl Lockwood. Gecrjo luciham, Hclbwr: So;alen. ft. W. Seurv, Cicil G a. br>au, cLnrl-s C. All-n, i-reiwla Bojl damss>. oohuav-n. a. J. iJutl Wnrreu Newioa a*:d Joan Wllsou, fourtoeaoft-sdßftur and taing-i taersLi cnarg-.'i and -tatea, will fcv taken u conuaSfid,;vad a de>'.re-> entered :iga nit you sc cordlffit totne prayer-fiuid "IL VaAeh wxllup & lliTcucocK. Clerk, CompTa Sol’r'a. nr'- a, < • » 'TRUSTEE’S S4LE.—WueiwM, Atkins, cu the eleventh day of January. A.D. i?ja, executed and delivered to me. the under* tinned. 23 Trustee, a Deed cf Ir.Ht, conveying tbs premiSSo hereinafter d '3 Tib d, to secure the payment cf a certain Promissory Njce therein mentioned ana described, for a full of which said and of the enco is birthy made to the Record of salj Deea. which said Deed cfTrust was duly rec.-rded In the Recor. der’a Odice cf Cook County. DUuoK !a Book ’SB of Deeds, Pa**; T*And, whereas default haa been mads luthspeviuentof said l»T 'n:i.-srr7 >ote. and applies* tion has been made to me by John Brooks, the pay e# and legal holder th*reo*. to •ell said premises under and by virtue cf the power ir. said Deed of Trait coo* talced, and fer tna pnrnoew therein expressed. Sow. therefore, public notice !a hereby given that I shall sell at public aect’oa. at the north dcor of ths Court House- In tes City of Chicago, In the ttuo cf Illinois. fer the hlgaeet and nest price the iam* win bring In CASh, for the purposes la said Deed cl Trual expressed, at ten o'cloes in the torenoon on Saturday «ia twrtoaOdw of Amß. A. D,ISO, liepremise.S fcani Deed of Tnut described. and situate in £f action In the County of Cook, and State cf Illinois, to-wlti— CcEimeacimt « a point in the centre of the County Eoad four reds south of the north line cfStctlon eighteen o».Towa firr, -cue (U), Range tourtocn (11> east, thence running to tho east line cf the north* *U 1 .? r ?S r tae northwest quarter of said Sscdoa S™ a » ♦ kw-V**“, c -? 80001 sir rods and aliry-tcnr bun* wence west parallel with the S*Acton eighteen lo the centre of ««* c .onaty bead, tuenca northerly alaejf w e „? eto *v 01 ® a W read to the place of beginning. co* ?, Cf 'v D? ;' 4 b!l1 * < l M> acre, more or lee*, •ogether with the buildings thereon; together with all SPrfs.tPE??* 6 ? 406 ** thereunto bcloigli.g, and all th« ««ht. u.Je. beneds and equity of redemption of tala oearum Alums, hi* heirs or a signs la and to said nr> FfS: ~, r CII \RLE3 A, GREGORY, TrUBtCO Chicago. March 13th, ism. The above sale la herebT postponed until TsesdnY S3d lcst_ae same bcura-dplaca. CHAS. A GREGORY. Trustee. s*Ja *a further postponed to Fridar. aatk iniL.ataamahoQraaipace. acCStd CfiAi a. GRECO3T. Trustee Stshea. Ganges, m. ganblEg, Soap. &c. &p'7-e~rrd