Newspaper Page Text
-Cj)ieaaftCriJlunt, -WEIHffiSDAT, MAT 8, 1881. Tj'-TTT-SJTy-* JWWBtUMWtoIjgE. i : ThaMeesige of aleflhssSn Da -is to the i at Mont gomery, l*‘ajp«mll*i fioeohiaft- -as full of-' artful deceptive. U a Miagb -irilSß. < esert. Eat ■; tied States .. . under the Articles of. .lion, were i dmply-a. partnership of limlte 1 liability, and that, mate the Constitution the Fede- Si* vnlXJoVrifiEnsiStt-'B'tieSlf’nn 1 agent ”,qj file "ffiffifaficp that the jffindpali" the acts of. tig agent; and refuse to bo hound ■by - them,' ' -whenever they; choose. Whittling down the sdveregnty^- thp —• ITnOsi 'Stdta to this piginy '■iWddMiiy ftienejS maxim “ mfJtaH per. eSiSf *4»tibe dies aUlhis . fit the Jh*ejrf-fiw.p«wfe6w 'Ih«JWBWo . tifl'e-tff-ae.’ . old, ConiTedcmtiim.ofit?S wus Articles of- 1 ConEed eroiiori- and,. perpetual ■ Union he*-- ; ' .'tween Mas taehnset: s Bay,” demand (lutt the pream ble of ed, d eclarcd its; first olj e'ettebe “triform »nw« pHiiit’imin^ l ’ Steeii matfere'. Qf public record receive notsoflps at the hands of the traitor-in-chiet of tbeTTevii Dahomey. Prom this point Mr. Davis branches .off tS'ffidgfieVanfcS'pat 'npdn the Souftf iriUid 1 fifellOttof 'Abrtihattf Lincoln tt the_Pfosi deacy. Ho does not mention 'that South Carolina, Georgia, Florida, Ala Jain a, M’S- Bis-iupi, EouiaianVarid Texas, allpartici-' pared in the-electlon, ail strovi to elevate encther mw. tg ,lhe President y, and all tent, their, votes to -Washing on .lo ou pountodf thejfejy.admitting the porlect la-, gnlsiy aad.right. afrthe refosal of the Kortih to pwoteriti slaveryin the-Territories is skipped bv:r-by—Mr. Dayis as a' matter of trivial co ieem—the great anifiniolEiWe wrong beii g the elec tion of a man ta«r Soulli dots riot Hke !. Fired byl lis outrage he argues-that the traitor States did a per fectly proper -and. reasonable, .tl tog when, they u revoked-the -de|egatibn orpowers’ to the Federal Governments” - -■>■'"■■ Fcom, Mr. Davis, declares, ns; i&ri. lhe desire pf.his heart. It was we suppose, that Major Andpimm’Vas 1 bombarded, Sort Pickens Invfcstodc itho •rseriais robbed; 'lke-mW {fitnuered, file Itvenue ciitT£rs - -The! ertyjnlhViededtogStatis, 5wf r them, and regards it a piece uf tlle_gropsfis: impertinence for President Lincpln to tnlkt of reiaiidpg them —as though, inpeed, snch am act' would be" doiynright-rophery I It . also' stto hjrtii that .Tseeident I Ltocoln’a ‘jtoJpbSedM bong all pirates /ound .:i#^ i ;i jnerce on the.high' js .an tofirpdibld' violation Of the Taws of nations j -"*• ’ Tiroagh“ - 'such' - a tissue ofj lies is this'-melsege spun out to (bur col umns. of--cloadjii printed matter. Tnere is not ■ U;: w'ord, not a syilalile, about the stupendous crime <tf ..breaking up a greatianS ijica llgtftjsrAoieiftih-! Wherever■ the matter ytowcdiin. the light of a This was to be'expectedprbne iwlioier gards bombardment ’and 1 pfflagij 'M'Tadii conducive to peacC. rind the rct;ik!r^ l ,o'f,Uift bombarded and pillaged articles by-fheir lawful owners as acts bt piracy, | The- financial ttmdition pri tie Mont gomery "government is rather i gingerly' passed bveri .Mri.-Davis that eight millions of dollars jiat-C bcen the Bccretary . of- but ■ tbttt : “'it' “wiii. now...become necessaiy jto raise “m-aus of a much larger amount to; “defray; the our ■ “mdepetiencnapdrajftlljpg He then passes fiV I ?.'tk'l imbsYrticslcg topic; tor promisingUp mrte ft.lmrasfttit the sriby Ject of a ‘‘separate ,(tommuiucaiiop. u r . message contpades.with,toe.jwderit-gspiia'- u tton of Mr. Da vis tolj C'dat-'aloi; e. - ‘ —the usual appeal pf th?' 1 I tljieft, murderer and traitor; • . Aitw .readisg Jhc insane -arguments and aqaupjpttons,.jjddch have been noticed in tjila article, vvcmro not surprisedtpipd Ihp.tsrhele juill an invocation tp Almigiily. God, to protect tbejost and holy cause of the, New Bcho mey. A crown of :blasphOTy,.-surpi!oahiS Ing a body oT falsehood, tnsko? the taafiji?. jaoiMe perfecl if -o; --o •;-.‘.;’ , .1-11..-.; : - v -~ ‘J"“ EFFECT OIP THE BliiclttAßE. f> A fleeurf Jias put "to nemtor tbe purpose of blockading the sccesston. ports. It appears tbata vigorous blockade; is already lepforced by- rise • goverafriitavl ’ vessels in Jus -StoamVPljStdJ’ craft is_pereattedio pus-beyond old-goict, ComiorL . Norfolk, Petersburg and lticll-; mond ore cut y,li' from all access to tbe ocean. Virginia,, was the last Btato -to ieoede, and is the first to suffer,J the oonstqncnge. of her folly. Vfithto,- the ■next.;;four, weeks every port and inlet on. the Southern from tke mouto c -ef rfhq Jaimes "Etfrif to the 3io, dosed.'- Itwlll ; nat-be ajjaper blocl^de yr ‘ bat -thededwpn efHlie-StmTCjrtioiiat Pafialn 1850. toatto-be-recognized & blockade ■with ade quate Nearlc air the chlef-portaof the South •re situated- some’- drsiariee from •aast, h*y,«s HW-OrKSSif-Sohile, SavaS6a&', Norfolk, - -Hichmond; ■ ~A:k-s;vndria, {s, tuore. —This-circumstance— workof ■'blockading easy, for a power haTingchrauraridor the sea. £eaceteh .tto f«n2-‘iof-the rc ‘ bell ion novessel-wiiv beallo-treti to enter at depart ftCm any port in a seceding State. This-rule applies to coastwise as Well as foreign trade. Not a bale of cot ton will be shipped, nor a package of goods received. "Aifcomtnercial intercourse with the loyal Slates and the rest of the world will have 'tddjc conducted through the intcrnsdfct&nhch ofdonimuni cation. Tiro cotton 'h’drcltifoVc shipped abroad ■frOm NdW OtiekhpyHdhiie, Savannah and -Charles Uir.WVlU'heOhti&cdifb makeilsway Korthwardby jiver«nd-»aB to Cairo, and thence Eastward -by river" railroad and lake to New York and other Idyal Eastern. cities.. Butcven this finite .w3}l be wholly •t th,e jnerpy,.ojT Ihe, .iSoverament. Not a bale of cotton or hogshead "df. sugar ~can' reach antefstire -Govern merit of the United Kales ;An<lj the same isfrde.infdgard to the imfferU tion.of gooi : -ahß .pWfisions., If the tfei ceding States be allowed,to receive ttycni 1 , •t all, it must be through the interior rOptCS- In this way the’rdbelk will be help defray the -erpenses -' of the war, 1 to ■ pay i tribata •gainst which they have revoltcS, an&.to •well the basmessof the common carriers of the Western and Eastern -States,7andi the profits of the Iqyal merchants oCltha •eS-board dtres." Aifcxandri£'lß ■ Brownsville, the-rebels’ wilT have .before" their eyes, in -Bm prestradmr of commerce in ail their pjris, ln .the bankruptcy of their merchants, coiiapse.of their banks,” and failure of employmentihT their poor, a■ palpable, manifestation of Urn power of tile" Amerrcaa -Government, against which, 1 snore in six months tba>ringt&«ottd their' senses and restme them'to* idyidiyi than peace jtonveniiona 'fitrii- dij)loi2!»lic twad *’ dl« tlie end cf titat. -‘"'Tljeftiil iWgfi£ a ~ will inflict. tie, febelF," 'riSf 1 ?' ' .&Vtliis ■&{re , T -idistanCT. 1 ,‘ituVjtp tS^ ' gqp. | po»e Mmpis, ciccedißg ■* off ws»eltocaftcr>aifa.i -.- ..... *. ,>. .w ~ „ port or Ball out, what would bo tbo con sequence to the commerce of Chicago. Let railroad communication between Illi nois and the East be cut off at the eame time and imagine the ruin, confusion and that wcgjld^ropt gents. Every rebel will be made to feel gripe of Uncle Sam on his neck. It is em phatically a choking process, from which bone can escape. The preeaure ' neefca ef-their pones will bo as suffocating toufceir spirit t>f rebellion, as a gripe of their windpipes to the breath in their nostrils. The hundred war vessels constituting the blockade, will do as much towards putting down the rebclllcdaml re*. . : dpcing 4n»to« tie ■obidieacvy'ak- sar r =oq°-l nuprfrerofaeghneatsßnrcheitagifflg" • ■ —'AgalnsrOir'biockade r .yie' "rebels-can interpose ntf ' UbyeiiJskL, os r»"loriffleatießs!' ;ii%~' e)i&'sj»ti£|•?!*«' T«t aijsfft „ j[fr from an amtte&aa“' 'Eveiy';.,,iaajL;. in arms, ' and TSHUy man Eff'.liQ’Jim' 1 -wifi Enffceiam'i'lows which he .er.parry on.«saapei»»EoE >«rery dollar it wilLcostthe Go«tra.mcut to muliftom ll;e to tluklkf ridded the laifitfbf aiT irresStlble -arinj upon Eichmond fSHSHfeV ittppn ,Mwnpli!S; nt third, from Upon Monigomory ( «hd>alfetfrtli as, the probabilities are,-tb'af llie rebels tviff be-f brought to theirmilk.” They wtlElib-' bargain ;risipiTrfc f Ifti'rqikei*, requites tUe. assent of both pr; iefFlo Vcn der.niilhand, void. They will .be taught ■slsoftist Uncle Bam is able and ready to ciicctpbraryanffthSstlscthiireU'acforvyiind tcDßtaftadabs'metobert’bf'Ks. house®s(t' ■ -So much -for Ills; rGbclp. J Bnt 1:1 it’be' tremremtoad-Jliat >}ie btqcjside is a two-' edged swbrdywbite «the'. blow inflicted by TVupbri'tlto'Trisurgentrils damaging to an iqjajy by ilo Abo Jiomiibrce and iiKlustry'-obthe 1 oNortifcistauch ihax.aii ciatsci will fed it— iiffSw'Eixgfind^'in lha -waotlof- employment ./or.-h(ir. slnps’’'aßdiam£et ibr'lier :goods; r oimtemers ;,spd the. l tcpg^hfflg^^er ! j^j^L u q%jesources of ■^he, great gpv^i^i.sitdrflis $tp o H}nb n (s'¥&tßj l^'i pniklctfW istßserr-the" eujxramacytof-lffieflaws—is Im ■' perafive, that the blocfctdemaj! be raised,, -i'.v, ~5-t-T — ■ And arat-tho ttosmes; msy gojm. '•?.n an ~~ ‘ ■; vrrsupTHE BALtZB.! ' • Adtappe J. say-tbe- people ofi IhS‘Waf; the piratcrV- That’S the t0 capital The men for the wort-’4re‘ , full pf zeal/ _The materials are in tift gbyr eminent" 1 when eailed- fpr. The men, rials and-. Ibc leader want ; only' to be brought - ,em-. ■paiga'"mdy“ : -begii£ gUStM,; -earth^- to rthfe’Uhilt-tTOUfing traitors 1 from;’their lair?, digging -rip tbe lpg.t JiqjiqJieep tairijji and" hoisting ihe*;- on every bluff, everywherodim authority of the lawjnd* 'ODrnpbliti'igrespccty'iy’lhbUnyc.niiient and fear ’of the, jtndomiiabie courtige.W;;tiie : West proenect.y'.Tbere i broad-- hijhw*j|daai national ■■mgiway—in. which orir'narmtea l may ga Here the ygst msguyiictr upan 'which the CQrn;:un;:iyfch :iil:iy dr.T'.v' and never reach tholeshbaVrel tor ind there Is theifoe waiHbg whicliimust ijedaaght before the is at pMee,aud.our institutions are Sjtie. *J , -Let tiic foundries and- ibotst yards, of Y.-lhy ‘it i oi'4vii, AiUtay, ifit. rß)Jffloi_ to wodb.'''S2siy ; ld3y& woJflsuißce-io i«s put a fieet.of s’eim,gUn;hoqts,pnehundred can- uaii eii'l a liavrifttur—h Jilpt'iar,t.e enough . sujiporlod.hy fifty iiustcain-. hrs now ' afluab to carry eyory,v ballety- tod pit'to'Qight rill' O’lppiirigyftmces, andjtp t-'thdaui occupyAvety i edinddersbie town. il^isfiiiPlMih'iiiiiltbe : ..,t;r * ‘.,' its ■'jifl.tW? tii,eyafe'not w,th im-’ •patteucß' Uje Jlp-' ■sd'. the seat-:; To tiie itaShre-isit ttciw'or'j i - , BBW Feuttl-lOiTlisS. I^fiE~AtrttASI >a *x ' %/•‘wiiiiiogSSa-iSriiig. New ~-_■ £'aP. j wioSgQ of'Spaifi - ' wd iisr'peupTs mSIaTy * ffoiq, -fi^&g,-J , reecott and Mctfey. ; ' ffifiUttyiSp umes of Prescott and Motley inate ns^"ac- : ■ qa&inted with her hJetory and gives ns a ihoWl-J edge oi the home-life of the people—~heif" fete »ia» «n enrich asife eo»e o&'s choicest andiHe of Columhai, a*e gtonamenta of historical 3 iind- la his AOum'Mt’ji&j have a and MooiWiife; gsada and tales of-tS»”deeptßt interest. JBteT genina of the "peagia-te here pictnred lathe' life. The readci'/at This o a-a gigeida cm of toil ;} c - 2 The Albsoihnhlls the volumes in- the 1 national edUHJft “aft fgfag V works. Sabecrl bore for the at Tonga call for it at not subscilbsd, tq do so. KU Aid i. N 6 inSiS 4 ctoHhtkHlie pSiriotif c» of Gen. Soott, though all of to have thcdtf&ftfre.*: The time for*o£; fenelVe strange that neerjj ilie : general** prote?. ihbntd i Gen. Kolwttr' £. Lw,\rtft) fra3 Chi cl igjnstr of the 'army ‘ 'ln Ilexic », r oio--b ftlre' Viffinla •ttb‘sf4rn£s* t?uC’Hiucr,^rh4;^ta»4h.ded,the ; frdm ±p' Jftrp City of t . .the whQU«^e^^«^Kttodl»W^giQieii^ it: &&i3!iSii neat- -« it ahead oJa ; 6 'the: only hoftV ' .Jeters ‘ , I b jg'isl; tl& wlsheacf As eimim4»ft • :*crs baa CiUfCd great'dWT '"at t“oiibfe, tut "ihey are' iiwgotuld oC, ■bsye dobelbdr flrbr.L r.-r-■: .'ISfISUSt S^ssiSs^{iiisj&te>s.— Wo nleon k-tio SOtb Ciroll- Island dia % refuted t° upon* ; *PW& ;3t&yßri*<«bd rtioS^,S§jJfled bps sweeMp* eeh ii en>o6Qr "! feataers jjf ; {Bs fe&tg cblval-.’ H ?rr to forgtti ab‘3*B-,iiti aercbfd'to is. ■ twstets;ai»&:a], handed eM£l9ilfau l <U&i i ' - or ■’■-■•[■ , ,-j >bi wT'bUttttsii). t ' ~► . ~-« ■ LZTTEB Plffio.tx WAtHIVCrON’, ■ A , n .fl , ~^s na n»f.?r® ,i, - TS,n,,n twt.ja tho httHß *p4feA«umpqltmNSn^»^B 3 «bd Qa^n i ftboatpl j out of this CiplUl, to bo tacked, as Be&ore* g&rd eaye. Bat tbe men are oomioe back J* again, and they are Northern and Western rL . men ® The Utter fiave u gone out ft-om ns because 5 “ they were not of us—for if they had been if “of us, they no doubt would have continued a « witii usr but they wentf}dttt firbni ina T r that*Jt Is' “ h “sfl- w if you did bi and tn»ag Serintnre it is, these “ ionthrons” ft Jien to the Mextone p a foreign e haTfrtrfeisnJ and E»au ?. ;Land ilheto<Eiapß tow have their fr’ £ jrabds against 6te¥y an^BJidjihej Too, Xhal every > ffr Eif£ i OhV abaenha’of t&rj&fe • viS^f»t IreriSbn jwo. mfivj ag. Uiaior theiniplia’ - h.f Efmiw J n .(^of-xha.thcaßpUoee-orrefiaftfvqftnir'New II Jork State 1 rpop?,.th€fßiwfls‘. flltld chahte for [e. V SS. •At Ttpy. Baj-wexamb into)* regiment f ll <tf *8^,5 1/bdi Jp .n r ’ hsed'to plucking tceefcftod tbe-monn sf •txnr,-aT3trwiU"be fl*ve.BA» " ..die* ffhalaugb-«t tbeaa-a'rdbnd their fingeri Jiketwit&e. iWdtfrmxt3ddCLbSt of, Wik*®me -6 priest, said, tc itn 111 nbTwiut to ’tilltheykiTgonebutand'^roAghb -» -tnry-frem-the naqifeiee fhsro *i; aod raeo. •eoiAierrgpieg q,. PBatiaWlpMatwae wperfebt ■g« ? ft' £ flsv,"iaKr jert ,*r'' WQnid lcblne.'fe<jk: • Llt - on.tea-tb‘U3a&dbann*i». Old-ladepeiidtstH lo Sq iare !b consecrated tq]tr<^p^— . I ‘ ~aatnltua“.‘ ‘■'rSe '"Btreels'*v^rgi. -crowded del , wills i^^dFAviDg:tottbe« Vg/ i &o#a‘Atx i - anuub«e» wab. of-^tiie o- andblae.”. „;f l . i j )j‘ ’*’ BTvTe onr first experience of-a-vuiß - tarypxss; and let me tell yo%-that JwbfthTS l “ comaa to' Washington • now, tffoßT>geg:to’]pur -eue .pi 1C - Wr to return U Gin. EA,UT>oc Y arooms midget Ms endorse - - i\. j£»igi£d?by railroad ie Wnenjwe^ntocPerryvllle— ’ by tXiifr. 'Dalr, -^ ?„v ; steamer; act hig i cvnid when nt’ o £* the Nava u sue car#- t foTif Washicgtoq of Webalalko to get fpasa 15S > onr porter;’ou aaid>baok again td bb ß ® p BndjßmMks n .’ the a apie»fcwiti be about , the camp.' m>m< -fisiM-d c-a -»n baveHaecn cabbel-cea? or at : Aa !H»i grounds and military quarters. f££e was sen da)y attended to. Wi wem’pleMcd wU§ Annapolis. The Nava S aßoi®groand beautiful—three maim ■ s vr. imentf, occopyisg prominent oa^U • -woich was of tbs ’of ca,rffil f .cgnnpn'^ biffi,* at each corner b the Ann’s day in of the ,al which were built then, aad with oak and til fet. : •tnvmght-frooi rr:, i i,j . *”’iTacra:were fhonihmd 1 troops w t a gnsrsa, at ttwcailrtacy 'many: of when Y-" ‘ were out fk-*- efeEmedl.t! e 1 xl£e ‘iSete b'ntsd v— I dfcur and coxa to thing fUe. A* bur- porter vVM 4 .making hi ‘ * woywltb'ffit tiunlTon ElTfleadj whlca he ha; «t- 4bea-“toted” a-mUe<* we-met two im«nJ aju (fer ’’ftfetf tit? JCftm polnted-h -.tns WeiolFhim axtAOfiice r'i satd .wttißU tl?; rigtoto-W, sni- .fe"A;'. wAitolfi l4«Ji bai better not attempti to'■-direct; ns then ~ ' gofbur" In a ch'fci -tbe - depdtA‘t& nr - x bey' ,; to!d-«-hel»dto : goto i ttx oocn ry o :• ;.ha-i« ; sgg3‘Wd- uitlzeni wftpjbtnefeieU/o* sifftwgtCi. They ore afraid he~ ~we*TsCkon,.oi wanting all thcr provisions-h - ’ , ‘ rii* ChdL MeleS^fis ijf. 4 btf& PicKsns.-. ilejJEi 2d modest man. Bassvc Lieut. Biefl ,V ‘mirgrcus praise—aiudTwq'Teitera --- ©neof-bts Sergeants 4a -newspapers ofTdiinj (ie- i'.tri&es.lWy ao4-ra«iii > ‘' w.trg al® y' ■„ $ c .qL a Fsrt to open t& > s: rsaiES.'Wßdiiit’ty (toijarsaorcvwy man he wonlc “3" -9> l&i&ftuisqtfrr o&€« mere nf« and wtresomeiwho -looktd enspic bn*ly'artu';m, bs-’cngw y 1 - t-o ‘tue-ptrulcsl crittr- - dt-now-turns 9u> tfcß J; jaifil inrrjws ik Ta.nd.Ui3 bk&it4lioy Way to riinlcrci ujr -ggort M6ofeo^~ i yhie&‘ t was- t i ddnfe'T last -pigh* r \and7wi mkiWtr to iYUt -*rr lohidu ; and tad coneid *■l alsoScUa oif- r- a.'':t n d.,u. t-3* ■ s ’. 'ice » [S*. . jn, nide' more Uq^r^f—Fwipnaph U structicns. -To onr tiaui, Jifdctloh s.l ,'la=rb was sibedfa Hv , suaWfincußOindbi .the Hioope'-wiUdiave-some bt» ‘ erffi." '&^e~ "as' mapy .'fis;. 211000 eolditri baxrackfi, ?d“ asuvtrliappfineß.'tpxonianyrcgtmeotterOXkeo n itfise/lhi fids Uip pAicfft Qi^cc,'^? <slgs‘^ r tf ! @lt'6L^n>QEg t tß6rcise6 6t J^panesi a” aad tne veij had on wnen be resigned nU comnnsids&.Ai r of _ :o some forty, were*.on* our\.train from i “ bfi\V: also a dokitf bf ''f'fie' tfifc'Zo c a\'es >o 1& f, MlpSsr'Wl4-a?i«p' lelitog'-®-* Uat Witoa’a plugßgUe*«e«syrt)B* oCriffipta in • •Tnofle -feiiowß nrtead'io. tb go r snst when eg... they picaa£r-&nd iney please: xo?go thrcngl n is. TwoS: v. 4b3.Ztfiayc9:£oMQ&AA(&teiQ the citjthb a* evsnay,y,,isu cltizsns—bac they w** eiid *nney dtdmot caltihlt figntjng,’' ahd-Vl Tv. t :jduak..gima.Wit*ao r » xegLeaimt goittb ■ — tne enemy.” “ -o It is here to-day tbit Prt9 ! dent wilt oa out with a new prodajfltt*W on ilouday. Then look on-,all in armsagalnaj - tbs Govefmn^H-;-g.cd4otk-otrt w pytuui&rl CisU Cx»y and r ‘Oefi.■!.il ga ihit little rebellions' cor#cr;i3iow evtry *d*y. “dhangh Cisn has , aa3Ttfi'fur r ' Russia and . [S’- 'Me keep a .fii^d.up-&ll-the-tuud 1 an u U:k. A- Eeutiemaq jost m-lre6aT-baUimpre l v dvlLa'nislie a,iraln. ecme mordoi c- : - tnoesP CaraimsMUhersv if Mr,; .Isasjij-ionrpootfceis, hbveYer oMCty “ Eich if "niwiSiTEefe ps in~ '"Hitfe to-mor *'■ a,c. .v;Nd':. •■' W.a. !s;, i'’” '"A^F*isiAs3Kv3*i(is. IWA ,«it4 u u offqy am .naii* «■< ■•[!/ vn<m , ~•• f* 7 -The S—t ’1 iloß^*-^jlU»ii Jr f(ot»iraHiy s, « qnolng a> llin »Uie so be Prevcutra Eu> of Ibe Vo l un< rt trtr tictfUaemi* Stoyplug Provhlum fe uX Mean Aeiloa-micUlKi .J. -A eauw, .m; rvr.-t-tct a/> * J * j C< of>ti6s>Q&lChft Tribune.] L jack - - s%a r aa& known dinnSeref the Leg ® rendais tlto position S> «of affrirs In tBU 1 oßjKone of extreme denbt c: iniate»istVi!<A’Biatcsß& tfesjstot power of a jcprpupt E;sisjatots- aqd Gover - nor, altodßyrthe Stale 1 tnliitia (hklf of whom ■iiHt toward the * Wlff afrfittSnMKTffiiAßrSt. Lonis, will as ’ TO .■;wn i mve‘KO u ei«fidenco fix torirSvicssten* to-jlswevfo. '.th* and araijf A&tlcve -■ftott’re'tlGdi-oi, taken to , A sud pricetolevnad' iotosposc ruilbufi I, , to, wotnorttka.TiWhUe the ‘ secret j; 1 riefiSiS, i W-4i ,^afl if sea os tqjsfcat conne: =- -viU-be~pnr.nedi—The Govcroog-and -State t ;..oHlJcrsarefletcedifiiuLontsts,toepfieof pro 3. tisutiom to the t cqnto>J?.ajft-alfhn4:hlt Is V n-iritty feasible to paes '. recursion ordinance, yi Trtit.fibai’rifiaatora to tjcoerco" loyal cUlmu jc * hostile position to „ AnUeipated. K-: m w-o ±kift<R«Bd TMoakaedao ayl It -Is I United 8 ■ ; out* before j*| wctfOT v agilnstdir. day.. I* iihetithiatSutojjaanm'sa toward federal government XSusi * is kaa been advocitfig J for some time &»el v J)t course your readers 1 : the start. Itie, ta effect, «e«s*ton/ Anybody: L wn«will w*af «owxr«o onr levee wUi see at j onee the nature of the ngntraUfcy that a few " - wsftUkbsfcd^itiflhave ns submit" I toojjjf provijlpna aa<fpefj-;' I contKcled in l&m casks.' im. r\'.pirhuy, iltii J iiCJt.iman zmutmftdtSh* State to Aitted nen. r , trality P «<»ftforged, wonld tave to prevent the iznShXbais.arsenaUo { jtAlii asrvice, -a-jd, would o£=rite_prict4<ydly- to ; { *f 'fiaiis effemiisliyas tf j i* directly^and all. i ,r Jf U<i wMtear* iralwd wiilT’ '7 thla policy. . . ' “** ho arm# and the > lntead-th»UbAState eh&U 1 I faw days since that it was expected . IIW eOanon would be sent from. aMHMIIdn Railroad, and thence BHKQnKftlnt, where a battery trmdd be pmcW®? B Cairo, M isn’t a gon to apa'hiNrafavtiiUM', n tlty, ttn no means of procuring BB '■ere»asnpfr: or H ie wk of LdrajnJTOlOv *HB' n/vfh w^kr>' I aedtiep; but he *beAMfte can BT good I can re* slsslppl, and f * , c k and know (hat i anything that moy be used to our damtge over xn any of the other liUaohjroadß ; Uie _ th.’ :prhich oTArma .by-bmt : from brfow-wHHjo iße stopped atv r Cairp v Your- State- authorities-.. n should keep a good look-out for contraband " goods bound*t9 thft plac?: The Hclon' men “ Here ask no favors if the arms and munitions - i*it bf war designed to be brought to the State for • .of Gov. Jack-p oaj>fcatopn&d^-.- To day too State troops.fb into encamp- u "beyond the ter- * B, n .-jninus of the-OUve-street ra-lroad. AlfAiV ' ie JBqwin&WttdhsK been a bus# sceo»«4 a*; over which the .d z?dtK'"ttf'{bSf i S2CQni_Reg4naiit of-Mlwolul elr HrAte and the arms n°ed by the .ibOmpmfeiS^tlfrneffe4*( & nnkiyown at pr-seni. •'*,«• J'iot’iacie’than «; ; « ■ Their arms are the old -styte vastly ' Frost * % ■■ X? to theout i~p<- the'Cldm&irar? organ* SS‘ L 1 SJ.. > Avwoitbegocc Sfct4>f-f«n>wg4 - Tliey - ’ “ bard time of it Ic cimp v the " aST ln?| to fight flkb brflb w • degsrr Itli uptlifeefy" bs called l. ttgoitp do anythliu..«tjimrifini that 1.-n?. tn It wllTbe the policy of Gen. Fpcst to get the -7?-- them to obey Gtfem-lifteiheieo.*^where-'‘ s. -Baed-oien bave-eal'Btcd;aud ar?now Btationed ; fS- J3? Ji>’Jo ?TAj.—AtL Uixz. h.1000,t Bt Kmjftiff .'Sda/n t al-250; r ttf mar the Arssnsl 750.- &*sicle£'thQS6 t® ‘-therfeare6so-regulars, all aclomp 1 iaired : sol-' ■®!, e dlererwho have •*een plenty of aitiveietrvice: Hs.plains. M *fa£ Of- ttef Officers-Werd l hr> rX a , -.lfc^laadaringibewar.SßidwHl^taTTe 'fAfltr^ei.tothe lqst.' H^cintlythtfpnbt* havetakeir Ift® in' hand the sapplfiag of•'bodiar s eomfotft for.' 'm ~ t^’YdTabthel^^^. *bv.. 4>?-Ev Kajdr who tas' tmd oat-iieajJy' yff:■ss,ooo or-tni own Wdjwoeurod large' ’Hi. -giiJiCilp'doiu.ffaoiXilhac.seurcsS. Ttfedadreir - 9£d have not bean pending their sow asstsTance. A sewmg"machacf-hrfeade has been we formed. Headed by several of onr first ladies, I to an d under their: control, A Several hundred Sl-' f te, Miitarfauifß have teen made up and seat to the . volunteers... )ft portlqu of tts &ermimfl,.l£eV iiaamm sebarale' Vewipgßociep’- p w flea of their own; and alShbribh-'-mostly be and longing to the humb’ei they hsve con -sof fributed I rgely ’to the same service, ; ivaki is at thd Jefletson. °jh £*l»n£and his fimilyhage out. -gone therelikewlse. * ' 1 ‘ Shtteis fitst,rabe. I^s: Jtn|HtKy a ifyMhm&tor officering T! w»a joqmpani^iiidependsoitrf -Ststeand U. S for ®L® £~?j, . Min tfspable'Cfcommas d- Ing h cqmgarTy; naa eLte r ed.DaQaervice ortho 'hhQ- : -/>th€r. - The Home Guards, formed byJtutluxr- • irfV’lihiß-. Eolice,.jcommßsioa£rsi,'waa w ® well as the Unioa Home GoaJds. arte -hard: 1 tip for''-offlihrl7.“? piepty: ,of, p °* -however give -a good wccouqt of eemq jjhfloeier 3or that thefcvtreadi qturJera.iarOst ftie Tomer’s tUe . ■ wfir - r mainly seccßSion* iqm. - lata nuithein-sympithiscra. -They are wlth out anas as-yet, aali coowdueotly unfit for" etfl* ’ EetyriC ‘T'n? om* the lnfan*ry manu-J. xhus your reader’s can “ 7"* Jiee fcoat butside appearances M-^*^Hdl^ p «bff.T IB on bbffi • f «*- ; Bides—th e smouldering oT-'the volcano ready icfcF t firtt r --S r is ;riiAhl Eds' fed.vto d vf- am on -we merchants la that a of provisionsforthe South ffiV-fc at .Cdlro v 6; order of the Sec-,. *«B : r ireta^’<)f:Wal'ir-- ? ?bis htgWyprbper measure or ought to have bbM tagano We& y or fvfo ogo, : “ 8 and its rigid enforcement: will,.in realHyrtfe aid, .hailed wi,h delight By the loyal merchants of i byr«pk i liooisaaditt‘Wtßeri Allies where a love of Ui2v: m&M, with tra»^ pat ors. we are unable to tdi yet whether the. !e«“ jfcffigviiloft-of-thc'i i»ftfc4 aapanntendtntJaf -41H Tranaler tag. Company; and trans- IB*i ,ft!..WP?«B^ O .;&ftliSliVlepot of the me company, coraer^f'S^cond-fflUtPoolaretrecta. rffcd Wh.: iu-Seary&r g.ovoitni.a nitlve of Neirjereev,' PIC- auAapiofird^d^aTwnTifsft&' l The “boys” taa trutUreVel *9 li??4Jfe3%» -g»ia otQ?R' aitiJfmnst com*.. ] down. ..A%‘jjtbß.Tfins(cr C-jnuwpy stack Is jrce.]. owned "by L'maii of*-the’- ihV Qblo ana'MiasUuppti Creveliog, the act' la Tali same Crevel- Bid* lag the lieo useol twenty -U9- wsgonsto-HiesUßuiboatmea when tbevcele- Wsted Q!e Union aficu.*tick«t: +*'■??. ■ "~ PSriL-8 Accredited) has once obj ® t '^ ataia nej/ a#<ow It h&fc; eases money matters to-hdvdit 41 iera\"takensogtneiallynow. --.. tfite,- With all-aetefenee to €apt. Stdkcs’e mUibry e«*l,«ehiv» cmii-b' Ilßstory to-say v yio, 4- fhSUh*S-.mry, .pnhliehedjinKJMcaio, of nis .acKCT«ficot*;.to' muni to 4150*^-o.^.exaggerated.- ia-dmportancc. It ?£h.-Wvrd patoa DQArdM.rqjilrklj-asaHKei&rE.'iDd. iesr;‘ :th« bsfct; f S ihO slims or ■batteries- - pni. 0?' lbt«dkrtiwsult.-:The* : theye ert -fiaWAi'Of'tiheArm* Untd-lt was dose: tod' as ?# .to,the poster sel^d.bk MJaute Men, it wOs'- >ibf--tpnvata.prop^fiy Into posseeslonoT thS" ■hU - > BonrrfoV£i- frjend &w.oyer-r^ed t Capt, Slok€t*s */lTiseEWae Urthta-ipatter: amt'tmpTsea npffxithe r v i’partpf-i •■• *j» •!*»»■» - i : - o.:: - , BW? S li< 'l.*'. •, ,i KT-^^^r^ r iS^^s^s ro, « an: '- uj r-yj.; ; ir-r rt*^Ti^rssv . j: .. l -• —- ‘ - big' 1 v'>t[Oorre6poaaenea tbithetiiicagoaTdibnne.J -: 1-left ssy homo near ß '? onr ‘dtyX. 'forthii rflttH>jp6iw xfti 1 a^dtrS^- K-r an iotelHgent: ore .young America Geroiflu. who hasbeenacry rof:. rgdods-JClaJfi' i li/jAla., for the las t five- Mr. Qo;Spttdey last hs escaped enlistment-: be 'in'fisffi?rßDiU' DYvls* army," and ctme Ifotth;.: ■ jxxi LHe confirms current wortnats of the et*te of th. society there—no - min Uetween 'l6 s&d £0! or- 7ears of age qpn brutal insult ahd.ptr-" sonal' danger but by enlisting; that a'than" K without a aoldijtsrcap .is at ouce spotted aa-'. an Abolitionist; thAtUadlea. oiherwise-amJa- • hie, cnUivatld; with wealth,’ : ffe'awMMfifetofteitoince eyery man who' j s«r- a coward; that In ordinary ptr canvtrsfttipftfhcy *ay 10 the recruits that they sl zst&m -mtss&jssgi; «'»« Mas 3. ia-» smaifffWfc *R-otOfled-fhyhc-mldd'.e of the •° J afternoon, and but ona plawofbnalneaa open, u which was a d rink-shop; that If was yeiyht ck- tie better inlTennesseoj that mnUltndee‘bgre T .beenrsiriyen'Nhrth;-tfiM’tlioaewho leape dare: - 1 * not aiy they are going to any NorthernfitaSe, ■ ion but give tome.olhcr jiolnt aa their des’imolop; ' ibt that Mobile fired 100 gune at thc T newa : fw. ofccfianaraltScotiWreeignalion, and graad prociseion in honor of his a aaeof ’ slon to iheir_ ranks; that their papers' >m said hU going over was worth more than lie one million dollars to their cause; that when gg, the news was reversed the ssme papers said ha was old aad- chUdjsb, anl-' of no accounr, nd Mali drop this note to say tbit this y6uhe" to k’ enliat; that ha tdldma ' Osptain ibsthe would for the o‘atev Pal ■■ would not march oat of it, .HiaCsntsin.tald i •aa him tnat the bothpshy in- which hti hsd bren ho dnlllog was To siaei fob Canto oslmif ' le- SEsndF Baar, and If he woala .not go-wtth-' • them he would be considered as an, ~ “ their caaomopankttlch hint ho slipped on ret board a boat on Sunday and came ofitm New , B - OrJe.ns. - :...-<■■ lie ; No K tUs Ceptaln, doubtless, wonted-hia conpany and his SIBO psr month. He may aid' ro- may not have-been ordered, or hum aneeb&ia' •• Is be ordered, to Cairo. And If his rnTd oibef ‘ _ companies ahonld attempt to march on Gafe " • ofGov.- Msgiifflh mav forbid' - ns thSdffi3cslgg Kkithdky't to tne Ooio.bapcr * to daily ainco.the Kentucay Governor’s id. ■ '«We»»i»Bosnsll«r'‘iheiwiaea sincd"the Northern uprising. ' r.-T . t. ; itßsAU’fckimportmic* «f.(S!ro fody ami It ctatedbyour omapeopl* seccrndinlmi>o™nee r lid |Wa*uafgliijJiStpcj at -Scept IVaSne- ' ' j ton itself. < * ?*•% -.•* ' JoßßceddSatMt Backed in onr LeSfelt- J l re HwwrtortadittilolipilSnable to Lowef -■ „ SSphJ&Bte&M that .peat, and. that *QoC -< Y.fes was decLsred-ta lavor the chsoce. ‘ ART ly . .inw JJi Jto4oubtmhilqp«itf iwriteri* MuoS-S --'s flank and rear; canaidering that he would ra much eatiar fcepr oui than got out of Caffoff m. ooMifatriy iduconaidermgtaat tne attention ly. -otteeoatlontsso iargalycbnceirtratedupon' 't “ w .fitfitaowat of thia yo&cg. w man, that Els company was to desve.Motifif n>ere c n : care aad attention oaGHro. That his Captain t i- ! told the company tney wtre to btait for Cairo h i -djirtcno maXo er. of doubt; li > ”euilhiveaijiuUuoabs that the wioeat.pDJ* v « ° heaven aad earth to take it and to- seeanraci If w*a j IfiS b» feeJ theirtroope, Iw - *- p j i'k;-s«r.-w>-.vM-d<-it.W -v.gaSm°i-*«t- , i \* f ..., ffrpPT,—H-V. yixnrn S..i£yati»,udme .artcr. g “ ot tiis BiliamorerdtiO tof, who was driven Ifbnfi ‘J» e /Wi°>te!teta»»QC*»to» rMfflasm becanaphob 3 #WBSSBaBBEff!fI uof ftExncdm. i 4 TBAiroß, lon was read: 9 j _- - .gAsi jmc ABQoarg— ._. .] Prcm the SbuiA/m VSnficUraey (Atiintai. ! - ~-?-r -44. 3kJ®B»* pleaa-4 artialajing *■'''■••■—» '”-^- ( T8 the followlse rilract.froni^letfe'Teethti^igimHtmral afthifl city, Vllu iil« taVW iuuanyiag: note ofj few year* {from nom* _ with the i 5°W4- In a differ* I ca Staffer hare to-day ad- i dressed t<rP»rfdtf£rt savla fcr an., appointment, in whfelr.l of nun? • roar name as a reference* —Now* -my g«»cd Mena, I shall bo jour kind Co in my tehai/, jmdJxu*t toon to icceive aUappoincment/* - * “-' i *•;-• •. _ i *dv^iJe±trtte€ffik'-cnnai sisy, 'itTg 1 fraiff h private lme*Tw£tved-*froni «r. J. c. WhitehU!, an eminent .and baphttfe Illinois—*a Penns j Iranian Tyifo-thf .Se Sfav erfctoedn a trhrmend oflwPJonfei and de* atfisVbw, Iclierticta- brtiW.'tb'ffhltifc him sytawuby ia the ;] * Ofliaatfc*,^offia^FrT!^tor*Geo.-«^on. 1 tom wereep polite to J. C. WtutehiH'hbA rhj'ieri forward and explain-hlmUlfc »■ The Committee .retired f lS.ff ol S££&* e * ari «d » company wItSIBS Dsdfer. 4,7 7heDoctor plead entity aa lb wilting tjisiejtcrof Wfchtle above Is an extract, itia. also* aefcttowiefigednhat he had* Wrijttrrh lettte to fotL' a situation In the ttaeSsuthiin Army:*- Put‘said- fcu ■only rid acd< that? ■ ’the first Utter tv written In iet fi-onia frieHdlo'QepTafl&whtcb ba r nepei7- echahout them Ifid to '■of’Taas* DiCVmVevlorfr he(cre!thßwaa r efcmmciKsd‘,'ffiQd’hth)f^-k f, *S'' :hbUevediai«rthere^otdd''be , toy ' yn»* Doctor cVio'denkd'that'hrjtoß ’-in l sympathy vrtih th'e rebels, and.'mdd ±h& ever' ffm-e the ’ first fired-af'fiutrtCT, B’td 'PMden f Llmw-n had-tesuetf his ptoclitiaitiosiiicozn- dlspCTaerhe had been , tayS touhe'Stma hud Strtpce,stad also read a' Secretary Camerott, showing 4 ap plica, tion'fbra eitnatioffintSrfi'UnttedStatea Ariby. After which the Doctor rettredvendt speechwi were made by Wm. M. Smith, J. CwMaban.. Lr-R- Serdgto, *Er-Mabaa and othirs. "The msMing thfett'acpainted'Capt. Amoa H&lbtfl. i.R,&: r cgia, i,C. Lbffl>V BoV ertEei|.aad Ihbmaa acomndtitee to iiaUfy James B: Whltehm-to sterol instahter-, Thejneetlfag uhm Mon^,yMny : 6th,TSfilvst7^o , clQek|p.!at. : *»* ' i-Kw.-B, B. Claggsit. Preeidentwi > , Isaac A Mahan, ■: ■ 1 i .V. B,W-I Am fiiforjaecl.tEat -the-D|octor left thls.plaes -thiftMmoznifig South. .... •-.]UAC^ I Mimv, ~ ’ 1 't Kvrylandaad Kutlyr a j *v!v? z. •'• That-thertStl Kailsttriml JriottiW'fhs 1 unTOf desperate meins toget COiffoj ol 'S&jt ■ t)war«iei«' ifdMr*6ro*toftajrt£i ’Mr ' • Jeff Ckvla’tiaLß'tab TM aonlh; and' stimulates enlistihefi’ta'hyhoMing but-the idea of capturing Washington hya grand military 1 movcmetfc-fflß- lollowers believe |laTt reli giously. I: taor»-one reeident-of ilus- atV; who Mt-ffls»htitae some time since, dnd whose ■ - family expect him-Mek, eoojtwilh the'Soutli-' • : era army, 1-knosr another, on intelligent tfi an, • hut-a rabid Secessionist; who -In : Vir ginia, and who only n-day-dr tiWridce grave ly and sincerely announced that Washington -would-hs -captured bythe Confederite forces, . .»ShOBi.JiS-.-namfeera potebnt DaWa never . .bashadao Uiea-of taking-Waahiogtoc by a»- r i sault...Hft.egpeeted,£ealit bytbeaid here, but the day . of that hope hagloag'ninoe phased, jiffhe re-' lies now chhfiynnthe expectation that bathe ■ secession of Virginia hnd Maryland!the etty; will henoijgrfmjgnabjs foi tho Government, : and. will bs.abaadoned~ JtMaijUndnulßier-. self id-bpsMUs i(> thebEedcral- Government; and .is not subjugated, of hoSmbi-WishfuEton would be unttnaule, for it would ctjn tinners' no w, cut off from prompt Biiffil 'of eonunu nidation wttb-tfae,outer world, Henee-thd " importaueu-tci thdSeceaslonists to hire Mary . law!id. their bunds, I s ' Ellsworth's Zouaves,.Ebme.oftheiß,- have been boisterous today, and are ULder arrcst, . bnttbs great body OTthhin behave terv,welh; u joowin the HepieEerta . UVv.tHall---Ibey.cojnpUin.that the OwrcSn- ’ ..B».does,not sßppijlJbelr .physical -wants;- 1 MBS sajd js;jaa.tbst.bßnfßfcpar{ieUy willim: to flght and be shot, but didn’t know as he wanted to be started 10-UMth. " On being why WKe AtefebPS earning down ! ba’tteTxiiitog! TapTr#, J iao,.bs,3idn’t know " whatthey Iraa iO'-g-t sftk od,-m tie-hadn’t wnytJring tHe-ehginehonee ■ six days ego ” They bti'f their privattoßs well, and manifest due respect for inair cers,-wHhau evident des’re to appear well m the ejeoof-lhupeople amUbe Qoverfcment. " --Gove gpragpe-andrStaff, -of Rhode Island,r jwjl return ndmCf neobabiV .tomorrow, HU Cgieiaj duties cad iam-a-wsyfor tt fewdsys,- when he will return, bringing with hfin sebess sitZ-Prurhlons auinom’orts for buTtrooßs.-i to <JctT.*rtuuisiti«n on the Gov- -I eratneni lor wtat was .Decenary, Coh-Buri-'-l Bid? repbed.i “We neednothlcg,feir, for their 11 ?“ a ih 6 ,fromthe (JovexuaentiEcbdedsland and her Governor will attend to their wants ” Tno-artSiery are nowtt&aoned in tha-baae- ■' or Oslm*. • Tiiia 'iladaeloha-' movement 'hae Jud tbe.BWßOeo df onrene mreß to- protecnte Ihe.war in .earnest, and In upontheaVnneaeee and Kentae» odnaa. : Jt ramvoa, » threat which •the P“P« of thoah atatw Jain their t reth-' •*"? ' Arwatrategic maneuver jl ift yell taken, the DtUa wisely remarks “We,ehonia not nnderiaUanate lie imnoit teM Geography tas made a s ifafrglcal. poritlonof the very nt- ■ It, la thnkcj to' S» Un-- i®T»: •» %~ l Qrloini -and Uwriakei imdThe ■3 Cm arejhmltaf to tbo lAirer MUstelppl l*. liycan 'blockade 'B.t. .hoato.ohthe one hand :«id;Loalavlllßon l ti,eottier;wllUd,ifin potaea ,f ion of,; i COTtidttable force, poaaeeelng heavy ordnance, and commanding Use yaHroad’ lead -1 lug-south of iftH-polnt, wonldmemice the. p tfe^S r pS^ : -Gccopatitn.; ft iaxrotpleastettooon template U gtod-.poiicy to : toceH Mfrlji U.ipewoiUd 4el<»t It.effectnslly. ■ ft trust to tSphetflatidn iencr : «CfL‘P*l wgWgence' pt Fortune sioerof tbeVjglla.flV: Tub best cause tayor t^Pfovidcniet.' Awiseecnsr* iriship;; put ofabundant ui^B 1 aaßwaejhat tbe-cnemy wlitmake the moat of , ajs-dpi>ortraritl4», spd;thK *hattvfer adron- -later«tli»ft/rota^«irrMoßro«V * TT -i --, - . JrQßTjksi 3rsjrßes, as/feat - Agß^Waynoamg, rhabw rflred, ‘ log.* He thought it* was tha*Satt.inwy4 goat. 1 «ro did stfto mdce* fc£r wihe to' ’ the w barn ”9ti»toiii ahead H?h«£' : j W«» w>fflra l ateaiittg, wMShVfa- aeei 'r^T >“SS?6WW|«(* Tw««i.wactThiff Bam tm&Siz ■■• sJw^th^ahdatrß^hbrJti^ib^’thed^fe" •at They captured her, f<ff the schooner, and *mnd on board of hersomcgun her. She is not ljnHs beUered fe hare two fall* SEejprelended to be boned, r^Of'JJorthCaarpiina ? ■hot isk fche BS3KdfretnKew" W tiijUSdjbf Ithigk* The Colonel’s fcmily % 6llU«H«ef«ht’4l«cW %o I&fc‘6i thevfirst ahosi i^iNowsiEbricr vessels 1 here tmg eolely with a ■ ton,aiidwiHie6 an.' aJODaifori-U»-Eieeent.j»i ®9J >s!*>d by the timethoy get • ready_td. -- ■•/ Theßmipjtblal«WttAliii»one y t^iftdcl^hbvXp'iaire?.] r ’ . PrisnaeiPe h Ot-Gen. JohijL Blx, Jam * > eoperrWonof thedifftrentiegimenlal , ’ The oKl,beat-* arranged Is th»t of L . Senate ■i! ■ Ssniptar !a • .; ™™skgDgMgeifi aad.raak.ea.ariUi her own ■-■ .W?**- t Segrgffi, jalli£3, .'add,other delicaclqa 1 • > fiWMM admliiMrr-.* : t" . '■ ■J efimd ' C . JDfiLa*3£asE»dHtßettir,iietr a rneana '. she Oomforta. and.the poor j. ! ; SygWftCTSH» MlwJ.f r.* «j ‘ S Amwarr—iloimu* Wfied the ‘talafirepoj’tof General Seott't TTt- ’ . i^oktos^SeUa-;wd»inißg, gnna : tgw,ftr.tKfcoaja. aiaafrttge andidny ■ F Tactra-ond- to tear ’; WJPh tM6«gh- tEateity.. -He preaa It JflH°ga?d!t,the eflUrajSouUt-iwjß lend Inhla i b ; vr,» gitat-atUitiiy. chkiUth.-They da. d, thatnoanclfSoMlereytrltd armieslt> r ute held, eonqnerlßg and toconqneT: Harash: - baj waa nobbjy betidif General Scatt, Napo--. ?;«r? Pe«t<»rporai Indeed, compSeed'ti j : i^gintogi; l Blockading Squadron* •The Administration Is determined to place in commission every available vessel It can lay its bands upon for the purpose of blocka ding the ports of the seceded States, and con veying f not emb §£gn seas, which have wH ordered home, fordoes it embrace clipper ships which Government ti|s®flatlng for, andperhops not aU-of the gufchoati now fitfiogoni Bat the list "makes a formidable ' fleet, against which the rebels We nothing to muSL r—SCaay yMgATW.-aa ■»■ ■ : ~rr:Tirn97T^virett -../ writ,. —ovia*. 1 subifcA.— Niagara is; Home.qnadrop. Baanaafc* Kd...*n Hem. York.;.;"*t*i!»n Minnesota. 40 Boston rfßeadyr l - Waba5h..;;...;?;.... 40 New York.a.;Ready { ~~ > C010rad0.......- 40 Boston,.......^jSt’tr’dyj- Tita1..............ra. ' 1 - saxuno pbioatm. ~a •Potoinsorrr.r.cvi.. >, SO New York?.:. .74 weeks w St.'LaWance....;... BO PijHalelpTilA. t ilweeiu l - 8dQte&1:7...//JjlA. GO Pottatnonth ■ Sabins.... 60 Homs sqaadrop.; I. T0ta1...... «.,. t «.soo - : i* *y ‘ iraii etOorsor-wiJß.' ; Hlß.«it|ippl£Bldfiwh f ]) 1L 80tt0n.... ] .Heady. 7'‘ - Powhatan(sld»wh’l> 11 " Home eqmdroa.' T *” .Pawnee....4 Home sqaadion. PocabbhfEsl... .77... 6 Home sqoadioß. _' Pensacola.-*. .ww.<p... 19 Washington i...omo's. . HBAJI fiITK-BOATS. ’ Harriet Laner. 6* Home sqnadron. ' Wyantjot.. 5 Home squadton; T* *r- , Mohawk 8 Home eqnadrfotu'"' i"* *' Cmaadefv•:... 10 -Homewm-idionr“ ' Water Witch 3 Philadelphia? • Michigan:'...: 7.-.;... l Erie, pa.... .wJ _ ' £•, BALLIHB SLOOPS-OV-WaH. . Isli-. .. 24. New York.. 3*. Philadelphia.;. ,kwc«k»; ;i«)» f ,,sll,.K£<nA^M»Bl)»llßntetpUi. *1 weeks.: ■Cnpiiirr.ati(t. .-.i£ U iloinexjuwiron, ‘ ■ vtj l.ui) .a.-r»‘?aw?v:t; > -.7 j-i : r 13 . Z"Z2-"^ t ■HBBB9*#oc J a»BJ*asto«s*m:iiTED nrro Cus-soat* - t-MontlceHo. 3 Home squadron.- - i —*r ~ s-S a 4 Home squadron*. • -17* • “jYahftfee ' 2 Home squadron— ’»•_ .. cHaaHyffle. :.*i. 3t£tew Xbik ...... Heady. h.H iB/€«tfas.a,ViU.<i .7 »N<wTistk > •JrfiHy ; !^'NearsPeJk.....jTnflt.' Kellance braaa 2 New ...Wittier. - Baaolute brass 8 New York FitiinJ. Sooth Carolina 4 Boston .Plftink. ‘ JTJBopton .-Fitting,'. ... tr [ -i’.Tj IT" r«4ssC «s»&. ;V. Stffing-ffigatea m. Jlerchant-steanttja oonyerted . QnpA t^ai.^.• . r rltisi.r^portcd r 7that the/ gJyen.qfdWto the of^hena _T? gjjikboatt-otJibt' exceeding, * ihb -eaortest Tmasttile |pW«f. ; jiblp yards will be ret-nt - themv ironworks: of prP ' Vate companies *. 81905(4. T*UL-r-&nK Webb, or twlScjr Fork Courier tajs; “In'tbe t ptkmm,. *£b»e: V nm, . Vboaa 4eSth-we ; wbßl(f mnck rafluf roccnl, ss' • 1 tbeFort^ ■ tlianbu coiaptiled > tptb»Tiebd» ' loaaofa nas«*. ,! ’‘f ': , -- ... , AS W*TH the Eebkls.— jfißß.-Jrosß .TOrajtt TurniHia'-fay the chief ;Botief. ‘Jfottif'Trom- i6o Xfogtbit Vwm» :: ■•• ; \ iv;'.- * - A-MJMIke Cfc^BCTm^Do^Sonth r tW&- - «rsr Jm 3tovh£t]kai*tt <m ■ Uttfrway to steal negfpo?.; .TjjigMa a mistake; way 4cra&<£rebeia, If-neces.- ,_* *..r...... - ’Either fofauhod cap.ui to tbera-lroacs,&Ed eott ilhae fdriQsli.- Od a yaijyoftd tptfte r*ipU*l . . _ Thr-Right of Wat to Hass' Tracrs.— - General ,BftueV«jAinug tbeioid to WflaKv . logjam ~ rT . Frnaor XTItIb liitiy tawovb • -rcb?ie tftd Idsk of MntrK' . ‘ “"The 'o/'Vieqi^ia.— Sq iskonfd bo _ tried by a plumb lin&, '■"'~z*? fSB. ..Rebel in-dWet: .gg«wl', JBtagg.-:Kimfc r aad ~ Sift im^gnldS tfanfOT£a~Block* fOr.blo&bead*.., i*: i. - V ; ; ' -*•• -39ia -Istterof oarrcgßlarfaftacdltf <or» - respondent dually anougli.. -To?- BTHnotpiß'to' TOrreuder;: it *p- - ■»-ars,-conw»6 -fr oa* -tt*e tither tide this lime '*• : - V; -' j ■ <^-Pi ® c k6ff*toetwteeu 3rage - - . Ja»lN»Fetcbhlfis*in‘ T ;* —_ Bbagg— ctom&u- -‘ Jbpp—Tfa sn corns yourself, BjuQG—fie woa’tiefc^ae. . ~Coft Wilson's Z6T7Ay«;-uVaiy tojuribm m.a nuaet-tba ooiamaod -of-thU ientleman.- . TflUchare-otteriy wtt*dfc£ifo|iad&oih‘ (Doll, Wilson says; ‘* AI? work ing* honest men,-a large po^aon^O♦hoßl:iu^Tq , seen active favors bW with any bpdy-oC, men*:* e qlisted Afire to thecapld ip.whicb they navfi #Tedg«£ : tijelr. BervlECa.~Tli£lr only de- Slra. aad anxiety-Utc feß >ent immediately to scene o£ acUpa^Vi^: r. jimu. - - A ’“PsOTfck a of . . last Monday, - The- folio wing -verse -was -aung •WHii-etnpMslrto'onr j^r£7o£|hsboAse: ■V. ■? Go \>itH cgrtanrrfeg to t«e flrfht • £Kaa'Cbßf«denWGod-;- • ♦ *-- •' In Jrtdn confederate pcnctrf unite " Agaln4< Thy lifted rod.” :A»-I«!nidST'OT'>rH9 BiiraiOHE Fioei —- s n S.~°C|)i; eixth faSaa.)' regunent, in describing .thescene »t , B«aa- wihgfS'tJne-fellow wca Jranlngont 6f a window three onionr atorica tiring a-'rerolVcr mdrShrOwSig iiriokv; a, lojolcr of the, Stonebam noinfAhy, anettSd* Swe™-- w ® U .xeajhrllla^y.■ J.Tp. Afhley« thffjtestor otdhar Aftl?borp',* was last evening *feles&a" Oapfsn -or' t’ae volxmtevr -_TBBsmmy: 'We Iwrp. thCalmoSt Tellable sdnroe'thai uj. -! XojCSCiilerii 1 ’ umtiiT- JsoPc%3i<lcliß*n«i4«lta.- ,--■ ... H r : j BitfHb LS-o"Ki3DRgSS-6IL Rtf, ,o- choice ** - ------ Tytvitey ' i*Y PBSS*, - w -,xin^iiy^onrßirsWna*;', , * •4 *- v : - --=--- FHESCH SELKSL,. , - io . •>'■"■“ vS&gSk inoEsa &!3BiEliߣS|sSg£ «>: S^2*7z«.*4EAS3h^C»., l „ ... ■>JaJ»flyvtmaawg —**&v4-**-tkx9 »Q»*. . o.y, HX15013 MB WBCOJSH CESmcr^ r -* «Y^TrCFfH^jro6SwrBAKK«- if - ■> - ~ -1. ~- VAfi<>l»lf-fi:.yiKU^i Bracglitei SO3 U*Bdal*h stzmt. •- ' IEAUCHAMP FURNITURE POLltHf : cp: NIWA w>b MS Randolph Itzwta VAST SCHAACK, 17 ..... state StMCt,... -4t| '" ■' HAS THE^^i*^p : Roasting and Broiling: Cfi&aihur, In which Boaating eu ba don* on a tom spit ISgtrcr. itT bxtobb THIS ruut; and Broiling bo don« otfurs ooau, without any fume* or Knot# escaping lit© tbe THE BAKINCTOVEN : Is large, tboroogbly ventilated, and la lorn'sbed with* i a Patent Enameled Oven Bottom—* now. valuable and aUraoUve laveLtion. The atova la supplied with a MOVEABLE HOTWATEB BE'ESVOIB, v .which la than'the ordinary winv ficii'iiiii xaBT9-TO'Ta tlupr tlw Tt»a oarnot bwi‘r ' CAFiCn'V-I OJfB- B a|> *j - ateb, and contana porforsung too Mlb api -wpraci a-bopf ebold wltb iy ..." V- HPlg:eggr3tt>]-.,/ •- . "*’^OTSER-TRIUMPH USVU& '~JXr r. r ..:—, - ' [for herrmo*s saf£sl ; % }T* OL ' Ap' r Ql*tti 56fflt7 •■ fftjfcrai'A Co,' r ' I 'lii Sbe rscpatdtfaatroo* Crain this city.* I vaaoM •f ttkanafffr<ra, bavmg km* my aotLltTecAra -Xoutenta. j. my atoce two Salc±, one urge one' | Q iioclie»*-rrN.-V_ - tbsotb&ra«maU tlze HBERING’d Pat.nt raair. •of,tbeboU4lae*fld ffeu Into i&r cellar and «</» no>. Vobjecud to b gWw a&otiiit of hea 1 ; eifi-onetjdfs - iAa«aD«d« w/mbt-baT* - ~beea eplliw deetrcyrd if It,bad b«ea located wbcra ;ibft email Ucrrtag' r »SSTe was. ;Tre'HerrinE'a*af3 wit" '-ioeateff Id tne* .e3lay«saiintt«largeqaaitltyof-bancr wbl£b.-nuda. - vffloet lacepaa beat, tn «o bet as to melt soma •'oftbe lMß:Pirß'catapOt!jiig tbafip4iha‘ | theisafe ea-' rarely ©S-'NoWdmtapdißg-tbs terr.bli craeal wUlcb tfeji daltt p*»tiiHjren«aA am .-happy tn ear.-.Uiatlta entlri con testa, consisting of money bad outer viis abiee, tcrjbe %in e, cams cat : v * Uii leii-ef a-Sibgla JEaal'. > Begad a mott fatlaiaotftjy itect of tiuj^iaeci , oritr-of too- flra-ucocT tjuUdM' ofVonr 'PATENT SAFES over -«b> and alToicetiLl I'Earo ' .~4>MlM , Ojrdrr<bft' ft9otwr oCttr*- »<un«- rUa ca trie *n«. .>Mca*oiou<spUanat ®w»«4 tar - cab-e>-e crv t . .1 f .D. w r CAfiUABT. r _ jnVsboTa W« ca& sow. be wen;ln frstet ofour atora ‘ l-'-aglI t 8&-ty8dyy : •’ - "Tjj^ ‘ : M OQJ) , £ :.CQ-. r -.x . , . - ’ m iUSB ITBEIT, filTO 5 .mS xx«eiTed a larjs sad «fcole» o € - I?«rcales s ¥(V fej)a Ittstk- *2i Biglisll KTWyhint^ “ off**th«T»T7toxflJtpricafc : ’.aaette “ - ;■ .-, . ... •QOUSSETIRN^BIN»eOODS. - fiSluhlil Shlnt&Sa, ftZtdetijia utiPQi ’•* T" ■ PAMA9KB AJP, TQ’W’Bl/iygw. -MATtwinTg.tta ' house Firigrs gSty^-*♦• L" I If '-• Jifl® aiidlSd H-pSEefitroeiu.-’ ■felAgaga. •- ' 7* w. A COt -g R A £;' BKl'ftT S. TPitir* ihXtoci: a fiat taccrrtmeat of .... (Frix^rgraijn>.Wn>xa) ft medfaro and flee QoaHtsctiwhljir , w3 ctont gftft-' - I iiST .REGEfV-JtD -A. lari/d ~ ,;■ ~ . MOZAMBianat^.: - ie<i-*ia-Zm ;' .. • iss Lake s>*niX ' B-FTI TR- j-o R STS ©; -patterns, aad Chenille, ;i CSiICMT, BJUias AMDCOHOS, Knitting Colton inf Vof Kiniiaj .....gamiM 1 wooi, j, ••. .* : ■A'flnsaaiortjaeiit&f. '.sacjßi'Ax*. absne?sssbies as, .- r.f-i ’ U Idualle atrost ....41 - >SI-O®S*S . .. ■ VAN tEWFdsmaa. Every Article \ Japanaefl, p.atn aniPlaa. •■' " ‘ ,'■ j ...' • -• .■ • ■ . Tin-wars^* HOUSE KEEPDfe Majb« fotuul Lt ■- .47 S7-i7E STEZ2S.47 , Kiirfrhn o{entil«,: Ae. i ; Sfffß of the fieMei Tea-Settle. ; TO C’OtrSTJiY ME iICUAXXS. ,• *• 'Tfciro.Mn ■ ■,, •■"■* ,’, JZL't Not Cost, . 7or&tessxtfiixt7 d»jb, oor jcbbln* Sto«lt «f Seft For, Wool and straw H«tsy ontrarvca «Btbe LATEST SITLJBL V W» (;aa insure Bargains, ■> r j. 4c £o, -- - •'I : 4j[ .r ’ COXTOX HOSIERY,, .fir 'ladle*,- Mlssea wi fMlireß. ; CENTS’ COTTON HALF HOSE,: •Onr a«sr&aenti njßpteto iaipHct. loir. • WtTOS i lICSKITT, OpifotHa’.Hogntaia’a ipie-QO-aa .O.LUE I .frl/IHB! 1 GLU'Smr alCtfl« ilOto ,io»® ;■; «ilc%‘ ■ Of gpy rtw* winiifiitifi, . <TO VTffLOK S-BOSE S, psand to 6art«Bc**sr Crapa QteyrtrK trim feBOTBTERS, ‘ MB SqatfrWater ureaL- SSQU£34aT yo.niE*adolplvet«et,-E3p^bnrj i ploclc.'' ’ v ' -QABS 1 EGR 0311, ■ ■-.- «ta br iala viofciulii iid r«M, It sseit stoio^ - BTLO Csl, •" jt®<M«Oeß3cHaiket^-: r . ■ SASTTK.xa- -oip. AxiX. toimis, ’ 'ATPtB|E?r»eBEiT ¥Ail'ETy;ail>K, 90. 11l BandolgV Siigtinrj Bto^K gMAPA ; f C : I GA RS^ HAVANA” CiaißS, " sAVA<Mt'"6lsaSt£ V ’ ,BCa,7A»A C3IGAas, '“...1... - chiSok a. ~ j;;;. ,-. v .... i r...Ttr* .^UiSOT^CO¥(JWi.ij,,!,....;,_ yrr* ‘ q.Ctdt^, t „ ..tiiTiir «,?:» i-i £fc-*AiSO*« .sh! J.r.~ “ • ;-, > FapnlarßnotiU! : ** - J AME S ;. W>3} S WtJTR £H, .'• ■■“.■- ■ -Jr«w 1 Sole>F Solid] nX 62ICAGO; ........ GoiuucUeatFlre ißnrADntViiapay, ■«.' —■: ■'■ ~ -■‘BAStteso:-* 1 - ..„ ..AaseU ... ....... ■•-... . 1 -. -r FlCT»li!r.tlV , ' 1 - n^ lC -»• ■ u— l —~;..f.. tstMica. ...„ ..:. j juiil-'girlM any, <U.-= . .PBOViBBaCf"iJ.-< ,-»wa~;—.—.....—.....t5j^T0..:;:. ' SegtiririUlejbe Inmim Ovmikan j» - c .jiaoTpjEscit -v* - vTTf;. •• Irvins Fire laanraiien. Geatpisk t -- . ’ -JUIIT.TOSSr T-f ~£..\ ▲nets ...:. xr . « Wiihlßgtei'Ttn lannaes coißß^. • ÜBWTtfKK, «$29«837£m .. - < * : T* o BOOKSEIitEHS' •’-Himp ; ~rir^yOT'Urjrmfiiiiiii' rift ;^-.- ' toita per pacta^. -M C*lll t*k* ttmt. ■ •‘t - .GRKAT HIT.“- D ‘B. COOKB -fV aa*ir sit 'ostax JurmaFttc USMttwuarMn* CWjKuri t 8 - i fieHrosHeada^e-; Vasili Heaxl acinar : | __« Bj tba ne of staiUKaatte periodic jj TO?a os ftKx §^PAora*BJj*S^prerantefr MiY '2_~ * Thwy »«Moa Ct3!n T^mrrrl^g'*tha AC3SB& Obriilt.'* t -’’ Tate/’ 'ija£ 'g«iair' 'tr?oo Ifce bcrwdi-raaprtjifl '- uv •■ • „[* i. i-s. - -;• • -*' on: :t.r.}CCn _. Egrlttefnc Mae, DegcnH as* » ißjwrioes.dtiwieolanctabhk User** rSuiw* ju a ' * *M aT g*“*foi nrtytfi aM fiu a* II - ta»liele6tieltytod|*repgtyef tto^teflesystein. T b««*i»T»ia*is7 yeajapdtrfagw*Hflit.fca« }^li«yjho^i^ ! j.' e .TnsraidSad 'aad t vast' of, k jpaja aai : rogariag from. Headacfca, •ftteftnttVrirfna&ny jb t£e . itnrc^-'ifMmf or fro* % drot«d ■&•* ojfHtf CI ■wmnyH~- ■*.,_ . : - "'*■*'•* 0-i liitU .Tbe> OT^tlrtiiV^^iletoes^jOTpWew*^^ l * aurVo taiea & aOI t&ow wta-perteet %-ftboni.T *« Ba3dsgaarob*s«9vf tot *a»*a» iSssatnr atnjrr.=jc* TJL3T3 ■— mmgy : t' 1 tn.*sJnitoa-- - ' D , , VJ j iswisK s» wmmrmai ..TW gai]a» Irrn ttr» v iljj>irt<in''ijf £ BPALPKSoqoacbßox.' • ' ... . .. BddijyDrtjt^tojuaa -A.Bax.*ffifces«a» hy BMfi, prepaid, on'rrisdpt o/ 1 tt»V "■ JUlttrtesttonaisasSaiwe^te HBNBY , . H«. 4* Caa»if Ba<nt, H«wT«glh Sb« X^oxrißeren^mwaitiilr"e : GEFHAIIG FELLS HEADACHE, SPEEDY AND SURE CORK •v rt wrfggf.Taaut TraAgtt it Ufa IwtiiiimTsltfttn llstiltitgil'by & . JPilMND.eLtyrftiriniiiiijniUMklili ‘ jroclof tio aSnwr of fliU traSf' 1 ‘ - «faatM« ' . KUSOVYZLLX COBB^Teb.'^lM. Ufa, SrAEDZafe f*B;—l -fcA-yfr tried-your CcpbaMc POh. sadrfcTD worth more- • - *•' '• T-’art of ttc« art for tie wUoa, 1 art aifewoolof ttwfintbox lgettr*aiwiC - .Bead UAPIDe by E^n.aa3 t oWSge .‘.-i „ ;• Tour cbet-tehtsanraai- - • ' .. ~ *: «• . «jsSSi^SßA;jr ( ft. f . ■ .r* - HATxsTOBh; au ifS, SpA2J7y6> -.•♦ - * • . - - Six:—l wl#fc you toliefifi ms,ous jmor* yoaf- Cephalic Vtlli, t oati vaaoimiy a axu.xp%AA.Of~ jperem y*on ra*x ' n..’ •'”* •• ■- Tours nsmetfa&y, ... - . . jtAfcx AKXBTQIKfiOUait * . -T2« twQ.hoxeSrSt raw • Eespectfcn? yours L -- . - JSO. p. .tX.O^3. • -I, -d-IBI'TS C8U&OJO BOX 07 TOCS Pi HA, AMn BICXLLnr. .gb?s; - B*aat Vw?tojr, Okia, lan.iOa. M«r. .amrV'tmsuft £»*.,• - - toeaaatber ", 1 ol your Cepi*u£ r ll£ Tjxt ass rsuhT tax* * t-PwAxi B-ir» ma/ratta. . UteOL .. .-• . A..AToVj£U temyeraen, Wyandot CossLty,- -fe. ’ • ixxatr* Uut Dee. iitn. i 3£ H C. HtAitrfra; 2^.. : . IwlsXforwm«rtrcai'.p<»l*rx»*hovcjm6tr!ag rotrr Cephalic Pllla mots - art cmarly before 21 j eas terner*. If yottfcaTeaDTt'i.b'f oftbeklnd plfeb resend to me. ... 1 - •••■.'.; One of rnyffoatomeTß. whowcnbijeot <9 ectere' Heßdacba. (usually lasting Wo d»yaJ*TTAS rartexa 09 AS ATTACK. TS ocraous BT TOtnt Pin*- J .■entbexi Beaaectlatty ■ - SrrsotMßtxa, yraatlln Coonty/Okfe, 1 %. r » No.« Cedar eiredfcjr.y;- - ... •■ Dxab Sou—lncased mid tventx-flxx centarrab fat vbich send boaof ’CepbaildPU!* Bead tniddraM ..or SiT^WßLC.yiaet, Snj'noidslmrj,.rranSfep&mF' - - - - iToin. Pills . xroxx. tjtx a, coxbh—ctrxx' 3upl Acs* AisoßtanrAsra^ ■ ■' T>tauUm, - dnee I emt to jin ibta h&‘tk'tk&' balloPlOsfortiiacure of me NertOQXTleaJoaXa-And. Coetttenesa, abdrecefroi-mf »«me;-*ad.TiiXTnAi>BO •Ood aji jcrract thlat I wa» zaovcxaTO amf&nm • MORX, 1 • - Please wad bynSaza sult ■ Direct taT - .. - ♦ . « A. a WH3ELS3. ' . „ .’YfaUandfiA: (TranlM Ya.] Cephalic Pißa socompllali the obj&t ftjr which City j ms&&aa* l figt oterattHAdaOtotittiitogaiaM^ have been feeted far more a eases, aocceea. iTMm the Democrat, St Clond, USsAjk .' u*nl ' Jf TCaare/orhare bees tronfclsd with the headadh* have . Xlhod; the Advertiser. PrpTldaaee, TL tj -TheCei6a!!dPilSiteisl4SDbearoMricabtr efito nroneincdy-for (ho headache, aQdcnacfmeTerTbwt feorifti?' Creqi?9st e*«r tMMS ' S. ~ 5Ce beartlfrendoiio 36. ftpcldin* tiUdsnflZhfffled CephalicPlli; ” ; ■• • - v* ;• - -'-;t . tTromtCbKaaawfia yanefrßta*. K*B3hrh%3^ r ’~ Wa m oare ihat pence* «£&rtng ‘’With tti-Hiidr . ache,- Hhutrx tSn,. aaH qiclE UzOieat' - - TAOKI£, tba Ikmihim ! voq that srr araicteljacd we atwaora ttatVbaf tteosbobjteftbe oa» 'd*t that Lae rscelted beaaAtrthat an ttttt&ft'j ittaeanproduca.^.,.. . l ,>• . x - > Tha fiHiMßiu4aoaa*SsrthesrtidL6<Capfcii:« taraphaylaweaalafc..; . ... .IT ._ ': -r. : ; XT. wouldjuaoonadct.bla-bame .-iO-ft- ** aroae ne yd aot prow to g reaeea «. ;t . 1 pfto* W Q’ 1 •"•■ th 6 ,vj,- taking fli* j lm* w jffi ~ mi §** ») HT«T.rtw*<>«i*ti»» mwjmw. w-. .. (Trorn tti CoteeptsaWZtaetiiuti,,OU*J . paffitrtng hTimarttyrty aow- b* nfltui ggjgg'tffly lew gga ttmaa ; } - *. ,V,SPALDING'S EEEPIBSDttUHI- - ”*• (toil ;-ife •: ; -un~nDM&Miin>.. - soQrosrt’rf’’ .A sem«j g tm ijmiEn*«4t- -./ 4, KxMna, mm. me* » *:B«7..?*ft*Mrt>lirS w»» <*“«>“*• : —. .’a* iihii mgr, an* jg t*. PCtat ■ ' : - (ji ‘‘- : _ lt ; -csxzOT.w»naf*sc««* '»••■.- - >;!-* Eiubeogcvpuat <u*>- ; B<ne«i 3? E.XG-B 1 .- .:. : 4&£&e«». r* .',S ■i.-Lx; -1 uv ; : •" ' *•"'. lif-icz: .■■'■ ■ JMwa • fmjfat mTtfajf'iffiy -witter fndtotinT* oft^ rCBMMtHBjg^« ihw.XMm <ws«fea» ■ M ai'Sar AtKs Vris?«i"»a ifwi w' nMSac pntam. waiwur fox**!*: ?RICS; «5 OS&tVSi 1 -U* JSf>.9£2»£V«P« - - !W3 cos Hum lUvfco t&flMr. froa Till & 5 - ■ MS * a g>jm IjjfW-r V. 7-2 ’.“..‘J RESTORATIVE OORDIai, “3 2? rp. r,-» '•-*n strr* .au'in- n-t *r» iaarr ... ...’.fftis JWtaii ; ah tar- r'l v-3 a* ,-r.;aL __ ,v >y ttis c! V-r< *-»!**••»* - f- “~ r ■? v . ; n, ■■ w* #« Jt* •* * ♦ ■f'-** . y ■■■ ,-ta - ysfi pteftattt-to th> ta«ta u t» , Mfeffig. the .net * s^sS^SSSSSS^^B. csKW^Ate.te*^ T^tCTWl '” WU;ht? ~ >ll aerVC «M« It tea!** ®#rr cry W( j t* It to nerer allowed bj lanaltude or depreMiojj «# •pints. jfr-h eoCTpssed anMitly •* ▼ff'tehtes and the*, c” nr ?i:i o.t J :ur i(T *-2* - - 'JtestcratiTd! 47oEdiaL to •“* * “* -ttmGKaiosi less rr Arran ra vjn - *• *• ,c <HalfDr£S3irwcn*ts^ -,.-■ ■•,•••':' atfk'PTIOS, *323ill4[wt-#&a~«ratf<M*<*fe«rtiHrfit3l, eaSsd A» , ' .{pale VAkaeaaea and 2£retf«laiitlaa ~s , JS NOTHIwp, EQUAL! ' CHIUS , a”A£3 wit* them, at It .A t aeruitoretl to aacK oafcdoor exenrfM ■SlBf H SS*?SSoA m (t ’/or ills » ner>ct rellet Xalea amofifh nr a* **au trial, •*• *l4 pa«< the dreadful period with p«rsct and «aiety, rr UuCocdlalta «U#iKiMUb for ttll it. rs£t? steoyoitaaoniCabd bimtinds; for while the f rm«& fr-jtp falet* de.lcaerg TOftta go do«-n to • premeta»w “kWW;"Tfitfi*flfii'i pTeelr condition be known la latus uavttra -oftttztg an with toe erdtas mentor ba-inese. ihatifltwiretetforpna, thry tco tnwl in tfn saearddwnarard rtth, until It U t-'o late to arr. il fatal <, m they U alTars apseiU; for jrQf. Wo»47s. BukoraUw) Cordial - ' •' 4fid BIoM Bendirafor, i ■) *U Bro«dw»T, Tors, and St latUt ...... ’Wo ibft'.aftadla'paft of a Ijaalnoaii letter: !ta taats. ! >js«dac«»ntidly e tioo.-dittMaa)ro tna mel* • ' iri'V w *■ ' ' tfotfEca, Conn. Paor 0. J. Srs;, Please allow me fw fdfa*yfje*c*y-'tas*rry Tenable Rratora tlve cordlJl aad Bio adlitiio* at. r, I heso s*clc fotrncnrtSian Crte^-nlno«t fy*rt method to get r>»ll*C .a d have foimd hut Uitii ■ antii'l tneif foot Cf-iyi3l.‘»l7d«|tbSSirSjit ... . •.Tau^hadJentaetraat, ,J ' J “ * r i>jtTiirp.^krn,ocK. ■.^Tta»-«T«wJm*. ** ttattw Sowirfw'itKl how mnch n£L£? r .£i^ s^ r ' { *Vj. ftxnei ?f*<{ # -Aioi'AMnstant relief, Bow m*»y r-Vny wuTrsdrotf will Vfias tub dlt thatxnsia ATTxvnoi-wasCAUWrftIJSiT. coro-»U wf.o sqjfrr; d 0 1 wa jj cjnc nonr; there is ao mietalce ahoat-ii, u will cure you. h« well and &-itf.-r to io«g»r, Onebou:a wi-1 aara jou ftoax kaffexlas and a L J lV&b\ Jnit r?celred: Jl*; Wi- •&?«,'' I pare baaed of S?ir.«t^2 e? *?> » b 0 ” 1 * cf Prcf WpodM I;rg'ora* tf #n «i ncl ,, '3 n " ,lf *»«ir iy refieved of a r1» cr r .'V^^?- l iMLiri';* , 'b** projiodue a ftiopMge of brf-ailj. SA U^‘ ■ aad ptia ,ir tae f *rda Twact on* hcW Il e Ka Pk *ndbeh-ve tuat I sb»H wtered. becanaa tae pain *n tne slue and di&tretyia ,l ßia ttomacb u3 *MT 4*nf-ird, Oneida County, S.-Yit-freb. lets. IMJ. r -T * ,-. # DSWi&D. 1 •■•. **f' « * p fi«F. WOOD AMD msjSnCMPHa tutiitt aad * uitor Of ihu ’¥iS6«sTOM) Htraid? ’ lu4Baa o* tbe world’* hlaturv'ha* Cn.rvbcea sucu wond*rfnLc«»r<?*-»il a&now daily n*r* jsaa ?>£ . irnvm. ■ a*» tixtOerttivcxre for a3 SjhhifS e blood—ic Oysp, p»l* li l* r A speclec—j* btaabsottp l-n. l« SM. ca rt»^ Ukß ? latme. One trial wiu pro>a these AA ,l-~ -r .•..}■' <J,‘ U.iS . iw !SSI. __x*2oT. **Qgp~~DiLkß 313; Jtliow me to escrow tA VW WWaCSgd* rortxic tiouiWfelcua mfraeaSoaa Tlrtawoftiiy Reaturatt.a Coniai and Bipod Beoova* tor Ptr tue pa*t lira jcaaM Ui»«!wSuadwmS. f«SilKW?Bffte ! a srv to lam row a stroQ , tanii? wUJ.wlth ire. over ;haa.i t-i» • as um tnettmmeat (utdeff C*od to tnla great cure. iad kthM aaimy to ay tlk ilciei iiittw aJi.< rer me Jtad£ Wood » SeMoraa*« Cordialaad h* —i k ( am S3rvHlglTetKiihleMaati«Ut&' * -••» • i.-..«... Xcaz&HMUUoJj-. ’ MMIX aiSSt; u mof. tsooot l\ . Jk»>‘ttOOD SSSQT4^t WfUam*wl(*liw»entad Cordial hsaaSwarlj bees kalTed fcydmadieda «Xthftr<flt:zeMor the no»| q< sdisal pxppaculoa oVereOerdi to toe « e«X 9tcu(ih«slof and paw.inaCotMaL'acaijae azr?eab£>» ta« u*(« m tpKea Mine. A tr.eni clear•, whobeen taietbla ; wth eun« ‘ Ter, azures u* *bat a wr using oue buttle of this great r. tu red farmer baa aadtleepa wo *ains been lei to recommend Woc4*aTleeioiatlT« CoWJal fioaiahs tfcUable s»t«2wtfUMhek<t *bcv nametUand we cann-t give our re-uicra better aOTlee thao »J 7T: a buttle, aud Judge for tbseeairaa— Loola Jbpreae. far’n ... • ••'?>''. o JTrfmn oa etUxo. CuterrCM WeO»»' EE3TOT4WOB, - < •■* * I ,tst£v£u£l™kMe'' * Before it t» too iaie j Sli casiiirirjkTOßr health *■*!«» aeyoflL Aadygar boJ^iutaOTAia. :^s£2s^'iy^ j-* _ aaWk la wocu’a a. . 4. -i*.wfl}-oare ummlit, It I* a Wessea il*i if; . • -■•■ •-®to aillaesria offccMS r * " j tnuirtg on U* •«> ..„ ... ?„°^r rr ‘ .. .... Ko loozirdare -- i ~ l. e *. „ • :: wait, a wyqueftfjtiw***. . • - ~-.'V { -'* ■ 1 frylS< fotfioirlay tX % - LitjTsOfheC **' -'-• - - - street • I- Anti . ?^^i2rgjS 151 Wtttitadfsuastteow, ~ ■ “* Y-f^Jak* Jtteefcy HffSlSFiy, CH aBL E3 snV&i Lake itnet - - iBi!X«eOGiL-i<,-?«SUjertfeae.r * fiOoKßK,r,4H.ii.>< Wert Randolphtfrasfc J v• AniSSYt Wit cvblHJWt.' M4TTHBI, KBILIy r 4I-Blas lillnillt if |—_ yTw. V. P. .S CLurk Streew I,' . 'l. P^3iL^r«^tatisiafe<t^eoro«»illw*L A .._ vlisuiJsHZti3uir«jaiW6^oH»»etH‘'^i * - BUEMUBEd, J7W sortff CLiii KrttuS 'J HATEIt, r ."W. uuacr Slitru au Hous*; 3 ' WKES3C&Ca! «r~ : a Ji-. c: wi-aartu ojii.hK^ —-i :#**»¥»: •=--- -£^a^X’*.«OT rtoa t. oza* - ita^fae :.:::MmMmm, ■ R .ins • ac jilire. sas r»?; ir-?iM*aa «.. .JBBeiEuu - I nai'i ,j>««stscA,^ * JBSX * j BAtfCAilLakaagd RandgigH jtrtaC l*rt4fl% eraQMMt