Newspaper Page Text
CWtflfls gfrifau TOBKESDAY, HAT 8. 1861 TSB QITm • JgT Soa.adraUMßest of P. Maple & CO4 (new Commissltm House) ln,tp-day’,fl adver tlsemoata; • ■' - ~ Tin Wxathie.—We had our little bhbWct &f**&f*to**V>' Mar Is following suit *T&op«thlcallyiwlUti April. ’ - '■ r+ « vi®wii*«iwir , i»' wiXbere are'eighty at ~... . ~M onday gave them twenty-two - : naamonsi. ; V > T ~Ma*y&bVOmox.—-Mayor Eumsey has taken ap.hia quarter* in tbe -eame apartmentirith ~ thq Board pf Public Wotka. - . Stsay Cows.—Thepollce are vigorously enforcing the ordinances relative to straw •owe. Jdvrnat qf yaUrday. “What are they going to do with ahem—hay? ' AtmimoK Club —We are requested to state ■ that the regular monthly meeting of the Chi . ago Audubon. Club is postponed till next month, when dae notice will be given... . Pbbsojol.—Got. A Ramsey, -CoL A T. - Pierson,' Mayor T. J. Galbriath of Hon David Tod, Judge Banley of Ohio, are .stopping at She Tremont House. At IroPAMons WEXTCH.—A man -w*™-* Philip Kline was held yesterday, for farther examination on the charge of an Indecent aa aanlt npona-ltttie girl only five years of age, daoghteYnf Mrs. M. £. Raymond, reriding-on South Qwk street ■ Bcyawat.—A spirited pair of horses had a runaway on North Clark street bn Monday evening, near-the corner of Clark and •. Michi gan streets, they came in contact with Die heavy grocery wagohof Messrs. JSoss & Hosg,. capsizing the same-and breaking one of the axles. The XogUivew belonged to J. Bradley. - • 'Xh* two Plaob.—A Jndson Higglns/inu sic dealer, at 41 South Clark street, has issued a very neat envelope with the two flags, one of them the-glorious “red, white and bine,” in excellent keeping, the other the Palmetto and Battlesnske looking as though it was in a bad way, whlch lt certainly Is. ■ - . SiiE op Fore Hoesbs —Mr. George Smith hM purchased a splendid team of blacKhbtsea from Mr. Stewart, of tbia city, with the intend tioa of taking them to Scotland. They are a handeome-pair and have made last time in harness. Tfacy will make a fine representa tion of American, carriage korsea among the stock over the water. , f . - - s * Tee Chew of tee Stab of the West.—The Illinois Central.Railroad Company and the Mich. Souths passed free the company of ten, late of the crew of the Star of the West -They resisted all endeavors to cjk Hit thexh at Mootgomery, and go through to Washington, to proffer their sendee to the Flag of our Union.- -The New Cut excellent ap pointment is that made by Mayor Bumsey and confirmed by the Council installing A,mJ» Marble as City Clerk . Hr. Marble -baabeen fbrtfae pertinent of city affairs, and has, experiepep, tact and industry to make him a capital Inwim. bent of this poet - v • : ‘ Notice.—The ladles of the North* Side axe requested to meet at the Lecture Boom of the North-’Presbyterian-. Church-on Wednesday atSP.M;,tOwork for’our’volucteerß/''Ok- bleached yard: wide muslin will be required; for the work especially-assigned to us in in ference with the and It is desired that it be accompfts&ed at~ speedily fii JpOiifeißie. Will every Taffy‘cb’me; early, and be provided ss far as possible with material ? ?erwder,of Committee, .c:- -. ▲ Box fob tbs Chicago Abtuxebt.. —The Ladies ot St James Church Intend to send on Friday evening, ’a 'box of necessary and useful artieies down CairoV ; fOt tfee «Chicago Light Artillery' one desiring to aid in. thU enterprise, may emd anyth|ug suitable or. ffeairable fer caiap life to the residence of .Eey. Dr. Clarkson, on the comer of Bush and Hoxpn streets,- before'; Friday noon. Persons intending to contribute tiiay find' out what the company most need byiiuialrliig atthe same place. _J»o list or bandages are areded. The Ekreld BiFLX.--ln another yn call attention to the advertisement of 2fe6srs. W. B. Lang & Co. of 54 Cliff street*-'' American Amenta jpf ths.Eng-.. liahmanalacturerß of the-Bnfield ket; Meetre. JoEhna Sehflfefldd Be gland. This 1b the pattern, used by tlie BrlOsh Government. • for ;--^..4Uiaeeantis "TTiUbe fiUed irr-lmTilsAtbcyare -3S,.AtfcbttßQn,.tfce .of: Ke«r Tprk Npxtbiceat to ; ' ! orderß ttoee who this Ad- .mlitfble lFedpon. He theT'remdnl'Honse, vihere <me of these miukelß, znaj he^seen^or '.r. •_‘- €«pt. Jatnes Smttb. - i -.-/ r .',.- The salotes of Inat eveniijjf were fired In' feoaor of the ; *nind*~of jDapt Jamee Smith* .thegallant commander of the Chicago Light —Artillery, who'in'akee~a flying yip It to this city. H&and his command were the first to occupy thepoststCalro, atneewheathey have hel<f » point -Second tmlvln importance •te’TTgs^. . . Ingtonitself. -The Light Artillery will rt plain ibere, though heavier pieces will dcmbtlesa tie wtpptted them. . ■ jrias Balstec «th« WtR Side Colon ----- ‘ •IJepo*, _ * * “ 'TSterday, a little after, one- o'clock p v in Ha£ . onr Community..were aroused from the quiet “ahdicompoeursthat follows the dinner hour, : J ’“ hythCßound of cannonading, Inlhis ferathe 4 “ " burning of powder inpound andahati;'ttr J r ~~ i ~ "tlfo-poand” packages 'means 'something, -Jiffy ,these be war timea,'aad the-spouge.oopld _ • -adb-celyhave been-irenthbme In the gun, fo ! - < lo^ l g the first discharge, whim oifr , '6it!k&6‘ l #prang to thelr feet as'one man, and theft; ~ ‘V^Vquesttoia -enough asked in the next two! - .minutes to furnish a foil blown cateahismio , every child in the city. -We may add that aa- : ewers were fitted to the aame with a prottrpt —• ‘ neis and do^cftdH~tb _ tte_aTcUcsi Wathlngton correspondent pfa^ , MewTorky«per, and perhaps we may &dd,of- Tciymuoh.tiie same clMa-of information. _ ... Whai if itet&ingjbrf... . .. . Whfy iteS. Daris and have come, sipthe S^uthßftnchon’.a canal . letter of aivqde, Ittft" captured Van .Boren, - «tr^ ; bridg6, r W -up aiid down the. - -—-<treatn,-«ad ; h&ve - a hattery of-rlfled v ......_-.. cannon oh'the draw. They, are now.-, firing, point blank-atiheGae Work? and the Ecser- Tmtepn; Adams and Morgan streets,-to -ewt : bff f - - Whatisijiqi firing for ! . , Theßebels hare comedown the long pler in force,have A and- B,*ahd' ■ are no w hsving a hot fight wlth tha-Stwigee • x JJUfteCorpt. They are meanwhile shipping • the grainin. smallboats to Calumet, which U Snaring with a Beceaslon flag flying over the Custom House, and the Arsenal, consist ing of a shot gun end two pocket pistols, • in the hands of the enemy. -• * -• ~ • WhatUiheJlringJur?.' — -* • Qen. Beott has stolm v ' ~ sdtesdLetcher, and chased into thighs tree,- - Kentucky has twenty thousand-men:- > . cHwlngthe river on arafr, bonnd forXUro. /.. ■, 'WhMiftyJbty/erfr ~" ‘ "!Rfe'oWc»go Light Aaifiicry* ttnder ftflliffr . adesperate fight ax the.Sebelf h»?tog‘ca£i^chediattsm • selves In 1 ® SdiooL (This watt>t • gcnen&y creuto, for the O. L. A. neye?^ • xetnat) Wkaiit&tfiririfffcrrf Mobody 3cn£w, though the whole eity was' . on the qnlvlye.; _ tptojMrwapap** offices win besieged, and the telegraph employees were' ;/f JJ*-.. body knew, however. TffobodyciC€ptthe,saythreethou^. < i° d a l ! r^ o , were aware that Dan Boca was at the bot**” l ofitiaudafl*g,the_gloridnß “fitar. Bpangiea • Swffler’ 1 at tt* top of ft, where, on the . Side Ualea Dspot ground, there was a pole - J. ’"■... andaisg iaiaing tjj the boya-«tf * ' Wayne Chiesgo, vhonow ‘ Ht of-colors In the - -• ■ - 'i' - • • tettipeti.l.jtt. ' KothU, of the MtasUdppl ttenau ' - « *- ‘ rfiioi Xmt nor mal r^WSW'^^’wlßwt'aS r ' a ateuaer, ofrthfi MCwOrleans and sfc Xoni# r UU‘ iq>at »owd gave the • u for a general av«a»ge hmcsgthemselvee. Al , .-#SKSMiW , 'thiqr madea vcry atriMig. affair of U,, c *ndtheCahagp ..^C^^ylocxommaadij^-gaT^a^maadtSß '•’V'v. gunadn handaozzie style^and 1 ■ OUs ex- Tf^anybodyidks you, UB fhetojTM; inf haye told yon, ‘ v ,*r£ Ml SIUXABr HOUSE nm. ... Two of cavalry from this uity, having been accepted, to be mustered Into the of the OovernfoAfi of equip-' plhg themhi?bfigUtf In earncst. These are the Ch}cag(jDragoonß, Capt, C. B. Barker, andr theWaabihgton £!ght Cataliy, Capt Schaum berg, a German Company;:; •' .By 4 the month for the use of each company* to provide tbemdvea wittL.tho .aame, and for fMa purpose LCspt Barkers presenting these respective! -now In this city,' To the credit of onr bankers' is experienced irl Becnrlngat once ’ an: advance of the fall sum required, and. this wlll-bo hUhe aggregate not far from $30,- 000 for both these companies. This substantial sum, in tighttiinca, has created, as may well be quite a stfr inthe hOftelotorket' Oar city has an ae- k&owledged-reputaHen; for iahd~ 'as'a: horse znsrt,~and a d&cl'ded sensation prevailed in hone dvdes yssterday. TbeTocallty deslg-’ nated. by Capt Barker, who wishes to phr chasc one hundred good horses fortheChics’' go Dragoons, was Morgan’s sale stable, on the alley in the rear of the new Sherman House, where, all day long, a hone convention was inprogresß, largely attended by the learnedln horse science, and a large crowd of spectators,' who” enjoyed the whole scenes hugely. Several were heard to express deep conviction that It was-“belter than a circus ' - A very -excellent display of horses was made.. The colors were generally dark* - The reds and bays piSvafled,with one or, two, blacks, and ee veralshades The ani mals were broughtin from all sources both in the city, from sale stables, and by_ citizens*, and from the adjoining country. They were tethered in a tried One* by one Capt. Harkoi.Mn Morgan and t&e crowd at 1arge....... .The, crowd stoocLranged on each side the alley, mid the animals came out singly rmount ed by lad) of that breed that are found indige- • nous about stables, who possess a quality of adhesiveness, to the- spinal column of a horse marvellous to the uulnitlate'd, * but which if transferable, would be purchased out right at a heavy sum by some of onr green cavalry and Arid officers In these daysi ’ 'One part of the'trlU~ consisted of sending the horse and his rider ata pipe. down through the lane of spectators across ito biocfcfr<m.<3laph street to; Leaalle, gene rally accomplished at gen erously assisted by flieKSl Hlj’ of the crowd.,, pooches from "canes and umbrellas, and ;, slarii fa3goatoofwhlpt.;,fibme of thhanimalsenjoy others dida!t“ the clbwd -and-sent them all directions. One-made a sudden flart iiito the arcs of the ‘ShfehiianHou-e. ' ,-pre'dpltakd- himself Into ,the utebleyardatteeriffe of thp itrack, and that without adding with his rider; wbo-«tfn< on,, • and reaHsbd the : Idea* 'of a tangent, ; jn hand,-,', -some, style, the boy fortunately saving his by alighting .cm vthß»vest pattern .'bf/a’,' stoat seamed struck with the >T ~ ptii'.*- A ■ i'-\ jCSiSVHrt , . k Th£he.'werß' hoEseß laughs -with' the advice- totheir; bWhersfo* remove ‘their <r ;Ü Bat' ttiC' majority, were •■Well 1 knd ! -compi»ctiy'bnilfc arimak, .dr fifteen’ end a half hands high.. None ■figayejin .helght-were-received. .‘The fefter . nopnp wofck.resulteff in the itemf' -fiftyhoraesby C&pt. : sums ranging frbcbsloo to $115.“ ‘He -will easily make out hisjromi&Zßsnkto day. The horses are ter be taken at ones to Cairo,where the Dragoons havV been for immediate eeiviea, Judging fromtherespita of yesterday theywill "he ad-‘ mirably mounted, and the Washington Cav alry wiU he uot lesa so.. • Their ■ other,, equip ■ ments arelnantatp of forwardness. ,\j : Capt Barker’s Dragobns-are to be equipped -with a J pair of Colt’s Navy .RevolHre,’and a sabre.’ They are a magnifi--; cent set of fellows and will malm 'their mar£T pecuKafpridffla them. - * v A. Fall niluary Company; Tendered.';- ? Will . seven able bodied, fine lookiDg-. mfin, which-have-been’ ' 'dnlt for three' whl9hr*ke‘ fenjera* fb any in any part of the State not -yetiMed:--' c : --- -Wrtaitr» of which' the' Companylsformed; and know, tod7'that.they.. . is With tents,” provided it he jwhere-thoy Um V smoke of battle **' among the first .We commend therfebldle^p l conduct, of the Company, 'and recommend. offdr to theacceptance df any Eegimmt jotyetihlL , .. ; V' jSV»<V A Gre4lXnl»ftnc«. ~‘" J x ~13i9 .-flrlng. o£ .cftn&Oß^yeEterday afternoon, on the occasion of elevating, a-Bag Bomewhero in the . Serefai tbqgßands; of people swnrzned onfc'cf their, houses,.offices anff workshopß torfebwr -bytie firing./ The nesrepaper officea were brsleged. Tfcestreet f«p rmpf ffttarrest of half .dimes fixm. persons cording down toyn with thtlr moiitiiß open in eipec "tancy of great erenta sf^galtimbre or CalfO," T Vug. that-sort;* * Paaeieigeca from Cairo- -yesterday^ •havlngrpassed at the intaaection of the Illi nois Central witE iritlfs&'^raaTr l two tousdebs, dte-* tinedfbr CtCto. If this bejtrne, ifcmay be, GenrTilloW’ -will be pretty careful dKch ,J -<ftUedthe between. -him aiid4hoae,big guns/"""" |i. - • i "' ,i ■- of >nblUWotk»," Thq. their new quarters .in.thajsecond story‘ hottir 'front of the tTdM^Mmae;They have fully Organized. In drawingloU for the!fT£rar'of / office, Mr. fiindele the six years, Mr. 'J.eftslhe fpdr,'and 3ii;."ciupenter th^'tVbjfc^ra; v/st • (ij . ;^'^'V^-J^ibkham.waaelcctedSecrelaryj Cheabro, Chief Ekiglneer. MaSnperinttodeht. tjpt J.' CrTlibmpgon was elected ■ as Assistant lgte-orihe office, was elec t©d4o thechapfeof-epecUl nqM«men^ OrdlakUon ela Aitaoury. The ordination of Edward Pay son Sco&wfao with his with, Is soon-to. sell from this' country .and th&£Lddua a missionary auspices of the, lt XJni&iJ? will oanirAt the First BapUst Church . -The examination .of; the take - place at 11 A- Mess .Missionary meeting • P. M, Ihe ■ Ordination ous churches of the city and! of the FoxElvcr Acsocdatioa Distingofahed-- present, and the services thronghpul V&be of arf rhiierß&t --lag character, foe public ere invited -t<r-atK : -‘teifd; .'. t> The New snlebdld hrcfiiajig 'over"t£e house, the flights, of ataira’Breln; Jolnefaand stuccpere giv6tgthl!r the: floors ar& in the yeati bnles, and the interior is fastsaieuming a set tled air. loads of furniture have been- hguat The ment will be opmed earfy in June. A Mr. < dipa6A£iy, : 4» to be associ ated with /Meesra Bherman &Eoberts In the management of the cewjSherman. i ‘ ‘ RainEoaD MEK asd 'THE^wXk-—The cm ployePs'bf'file "Ghfcago Wrntnm bswi jhree splendid, flags. flytog.-fiom their build jags. Qae.oyet their General .Freight House, overthefr In Frdght House is twenty-fiye by alxt^bi;: aadihe the is twenQv' -by .fifreen.” ThEy were obtained atVtofrd t of Which ISfli-was donated by the :Sto‘ lb the company ead tbe*. emplojeefl. .. .•. - Xmjibs Cnt TSiCr ,fi6<ani;—Ti£? ®°- deqr vtU bold its" not monthly meetUg-n fh* wvy» of the Young .'itfna’ 1 Christian As* •oclflllon, No.. 15, Methodist iCfahreh block, this (W6dnefidsy)afr«rnoonat 4o*clock. in-- portsntbuainecß makes afttUatteadance most desirahte.”’' " F.'lh<^M3f,’Bcc I yV7 oeairaDle. . is. jt. uicktbboh, occjr. a , —VUltiPCCartftr- Hr. Jinss Vsscxukb, the orlgtsal Ameri cattCardWrlttr* btitiMd m Chicago Mii'ufim' Sooputt the Metropolitan Hotel- Bti»ug«r»and jdttetn' hare now an with tie- £&emonahls-'9la&> idg ‘ r*- uaftTalftTakloße •taafitef’ with a bfontlfqfly cnoqated Ajnedcan Flag on the ennur.' yL>iUw,<aa izrrited <■ 0i jC e> Si.^, 7 M. lam In thole tinea of war and P ”? e , I ‘‘?| CO °* ollng _ to Uutt realeiute flow «ind dollars worth has bom sold within a few -daw hWnriata.WßUu, Eeq.i as followa* «" ' 100 feet on Van Boren to p^mp-yradawoi*^ Sawyer, qlbco -fififfiferent lotron Sout&Weat ride toPJ& *) >£/ ; Roberta, the while amountliietp;; h .:' IfcfiW .18p«a* A. 1,500’ 'ftO* i flerawfoHla Chlwige Tfompndetr — ~ T0ta1...: .T‘sw,b6d . Pretty wvUdqnelfcaa : ou£iiaer. ' * 1 ' Mr. Wllkliis bas 'pMHdialttd in : thte kn trades and spe> -riarioas,heaMuresns;liß‘bas dOoTaho# :Wbl£hhfrcaaflubßt«itt*te wtth ihe documerrts. ' ■ . ,Wllfeins which he will •openrlunbout taawericrwitfi a splendid stock of goqdji. .Callandseehixa. •; jv ; : “ ... Atttriloa, auttaxy Men! * MIL* W tlfl ' n^ B - I .Maaa a l of QQ 18.00, postage 88 cents. : Young Bet .This u lie. tUle of e most useful ‘ bppk to riTroimg'mlStiry uictl, -price SI.OO, post- «ents. k Bnsworth’a Zoiave Brfll, SI.OO, postage 12 cents'. Major: Bobert-AB<Jersoa*B'Art3- leryv,postage 10 cents. Scott’s postage 97 centoi-Hudee , 8 > Tactlc8 v sl.6p t postage 91 cehtsV "Active Service Book,; $1.50, postage lS cento. Cavalry Tactics,- Army Segulations, and any other book on'the science of war, at the lowest'' : price, w tob®-h»dat SHERLOCK'S BOOK STORE, No. 112 Dearborn street. ’ -maySjOtx^^ An elegant assortment of fine EngUsJk«nd< ‘"Free''Brushes Jnet received by Smgent ApotiKearyrcomer-Banfiolph and State its*. ’ i.' ••• H, M. Wlhasrth has 1 Mmoved his Gas Fix ‘tbe mid Lamp SlAwfo 183 trite |treet apsom, ‘ -IS? Gas Steve and MEfw s Goods'' O^^jeej^t^takestreet... %<ts ap2ol2t ’ iLhCWzuusm C 7* if you wish for bnahy whtokers or k Thiti hating “muatoche i Bghd "tor"a box. of Belllng haaTs Bflmulaflng Ongoent. It warranted. i to bring them out in -fraa * thtee lo six weeks. Sent on receipt of price and jKWtage, sl.lß, to any . address, by J. H. Johnson, 70 : State street, Chlca-.- go, IIL _ . . | . Cook * 'McLain, "of i made their price for cleaning |usd dyeing gent’s ' : garoeaito leßo than any othßr house In Oie city. ' j AH Bhoajd not toll the advertisement ‘ "of Prof. Wood fo"ti>iiyß psper mh-ly ■; . . ' ‘ ?= '' jausnsi^s. r O R E.N variety «afw hew. Ssh.sEcbiro-Sijn>. J On Reasonable Terms, , . At EjyS-e6SI-?w 1 Ho. 93 Clark itrest. TQIOi>, BL ESSiOHR BRAVE r;,. , .::;;'riniinni’"VSLMlflEßS * >&GOT A \ .:,;. .95 C7arj- &reft 6e6;f.BQPT price a'eesfe.-- 1 :fTM ! LARGEST i Music‘FtraLfteurG fidtrsk ne Csioago, - - , - .?■£ &maegsfa, , ~ (fiuccettOrs to Hlgsins&qthtfß,) cc hand the celebrated Patent baa-' Tated Iron Frame-Plano Forte* f mS(le by Brmdbujy.-oftHnrTork * PlanostaSeatasdreoti epwiM-aapert ottbe but .l etaeS money, if bought witbm one yeerTSSi r>.-Jr'. ; . - A,Cetol«gae of Select atnilc'iad Musical Go©4s win .befQrniahßdto«pphcant*-frße<Qf tdiarge. _ PT'ParUenlar attention glrantotha fflilos of orden.: ■ Teach era and Dealer* forznthed at the usual disced. .. iaadß . a , ■, v D E A S G’tJ"IS R~ A , . fUIB FOBTE TOIEI AID IEPAIREB - - * Bi'.....:i,AK»gri.i, (Bp-suaw) x:tir t Aitf#gßT >tfi wwoT;e a at.-r~ ■M/.V . > HOUSE nr • Moslcal lostramwts ab£ Strlapi. “*• 1 ‘Vioitfi "BAUEB, . 99 Booth dark Street, bhleaaro, , tCannfectnrer and Importer of and Strlngß, beTing conneetfomrlth manntactnrlnr J bpnßCTjn.Berlln,;L*lpsta,».OW-^*n,-ICn g and PaH£ laprepared to faruian Dealers. Banda and Individuals.^ ATTki iowur nw im u oeiMasny ••»•••= :v ; / juxjpsßAUg^, D.RJIMS AND IHBTBUICBrrS. fJUt.I C3r;; BABER,.; , itLftOTi!dttiE4E-br 'SRUHS AND mSS IHSTRUtfENTt, ■. 9» Boati> Glarir ttnn, Cblcaco. i* • WRAKI'- di: BBOTSM f' ~^ a * Bai * > iSU&fSf* ; |- nrcrs, ■.,. sc., -BobWHoml Stew iPijnVSv Paper ifn. .a, .-redd .~.d. Sts., I . BiaaasEa is e a . „ ■„„ ...- r . i.C.-J»-.e,r.-v. -r 5 ,--- -re .. ,- j. - ... r, .XETOStSM ATO'JPUtiltt OF ...Uix L ’ GeiieraJ Bonse Painters." ” r Sl BiVDOIPHST.^aieAGO, ii -sa t; . JBltooi CHPBefl AffBPIKE ALARMBEfcIS. J* itf«l& g&£ «* t« / I. , B|ILS iiSsvu ; ii Nra Yotk ■ :• Bfary BaU laWABRANTgP far am <w>i ■■ should ftr«*k after n year * Wi yßOTlltMPftW4igeal|W to V ‘ ‘ :>XUTXMS,':BXBBAS3> ACOi," ' [ > MM eSMstßonfenutf and Tin-Plate, r hAES BTRKST. Chicago. : Bedford O|E woitkS: I. : »4s«3s?i,.:' spEten > «a/, - ; ’ ‘ * : | BteifeLtelit Oil ml iinmonH Car Box Oil* f ■ -~- j i £ TANNeR 3* AND JQh:* ' , AndVonMteTttefrUVhbdesli'e.a itally nice Article - ' ‘ that coOll i. canheXoniid bearing any comparative value for either' * intetilnerrw these Ola; m reference either to * qnaiitvor-prlce; »■.'■ i. ■■■‘iVieft*** *-t>roe*MbywhichaUtte-flbron* andgma mer Babstance-ln Plsb Oils 1* precipitated, leering v them wieeti» pare end transparent Thle nrocesa also Increase* the booy-ordnniwe cbar*cter£of the 041, ▼aloable Qnalityls, Itwlll stand a vecy low degree ol temperatnre. edme'Ctl naedXbr J» ; XEBy »UPlil0«'«URlilII0 OIL. ■, Partly i IV ' ‘ \ V. it* ~u4m*iC*mPANvs At Prices to tke jceiT * fmoosiss ttLciriNATlNe Ott, ’ PABAFFIffB ILLUMINATDB} i . , _ r raiEOtEUM ILLUMINATOR} narf *-*• MACHTNEBT OILS. - s&'iSk. *..!d^ll»:^«qcmrs, > d i —>*{«wiJiCi <.i.-ii‘ ! •■••••“ Boxes .M, R. RAISINS, ia t>VV yhmrar. BEYHOUM. Bit * 00. lAA.*ITieEOM..RIC£, IUU BKYHOLDB, ELY A CO.', : rV^^ te^gsg^mT*cja. . , AjUX*nJs.t * iSJ .*r. BagHOLDg, ELY • 00. * *IAA 'Boies PRIM® CODl^H^ i?ISH.-2.000 Packsgw MaokereL A PlcUedH«rtofcCodßsh«swh!teß^tnS6re .’teiitoiifc«; Z'r&mcmsmmmsn*.. - • . Naieamatreet- , STJGA^ 5 , VetoDM, Aiid^r^kareliflweash ’ TfQgroN. Eogs'ytPranK »Brar "tttt: offer 'FOR <SALB AT- T^S.BPZESB4 ...... WILLUMimIB* co^ Sortt* lkßrtfc-W*t«rßtrt«t. ’" ■.tt/o. a TP» >. i . «• >». «*a | r".».it.- . * «(»*rt-»vi *•! . .AAJtWfW d WCT, , i ' kbat ■" r-r "r: 'Temur Xilnm,']^; 7,'lflßL few Wzxbxt Bxviiw—Thb WsATHzn'Axn Chops. --- Tie wealher dnrtog.the past week has been Ye rtj, disagreeable alternating between high winds ai ocmflonif Winks of snnshii M-endgood-wettlteß-:*While it cannot be regard* crops - of whea ,800 bale, and barley* -yet -it - retards the planting ■ 600’ cort “*fc® famera most Important task atpraaaa tjqO* The winter wheat-aB ore the North-West 100 l -LZ r admirable; And there is promise! of agood and. 000 : J The’ spring wheat in *any sections; also well forward- ohd although the npneon : i in ‘ »ther hopes of aTtfdc Tyieldi J -■ f-",;. 13<v - BaHaeaa'dQrlhg the feat Mi been actlT '—there being a good increase "In the recasts as T^'hjea^iri^mmtts'o£gtt&' 1 ’ iriU The following tables show theireeeipts and shl] cof ments ofJeadlng.articles.of commerce-during tt pest week and since January 1, compared wit . __.1860t.. ; on BBOKFIS or LEAD ISO ABTICLZB AX CHICAGO. pjs S /. Wettendlng; since ‘ Seine tin ™ , ' ' Met V “ Jan. 1. 1880. fnl Btonr.bbla 23,53-1 373,310 . 160JS »t- 271.691 S.MB-459 1,100,91 00 487,2)9 3,661,849 3,888,74 la ; SftJftt-VP - 191.C65. ~ 410.14 1H- 7 Byg,bq... ~ 2,025 106, M- - —4931 60 Seeds, lbs 88 833 2.883.545 ‘' enos Si > ‘ 36 * 345 * " 58.MT JS&fjSS 1,821 -« nd - -• 12,12 srt'- f!ii J 5? ta >’ ,U- *’’' 34S - sss “• M 66 504 .Sjnta a JSft® I tv 413,090 6,181,789 SM«« E, TlUow, Be 28,158 210,192 64,61 “ 9,653 110,819 44,40 i 14 144.086 - 45,24 4,479 48.187“- 44,61 nt S 3 *?’ P* 135,897 8,729 206 4,87218 nt , Wool, Be 4,120 10.030 1000 l-LTO6er,fea....-4,898-60» ,13.052 053' 30,707,61 I Sblnglea, No 787,000 9,217,750 .68,890,75 tr- Jeth ,, .658,260 1,231,260 9,128.80 K “815,000 636,070 81340 Poets, No 79,709 158,169 13246 i- ‘86.000“’- 88,000 -81650 " i Wood, cords 8 491 13,170 .90,80 :» M2J»):i 1)4,568,794 ■ SftJJ 1 ’- vOV 14 ,451 14,451 11,16 3S. „ fgj J 455774 S^M “!• Apples, Me..,.. 615 - 86,924 - lEw a. Broom Corn, Ba - -191,610 Bla st - •*■.» 8,660,980 S,99Ufi J, teat:Ha 67,876 817,646 ?IS4 34' imw ,• ,H* 1 j SHEPMSSTS or UEADXSO ABTZCLSB AT CHICAGO. - TO (v -- - ■-- - Weakend’g .'-■ Since Sjimetlmi :’e „ , , May 4. Jan. 1. ■-1860.- :• v Hmir,btla.i...i.- 47563 404,054 151,281 -Wheel, bn I- 819,496' 1,447.793' ’ 693 61! ’ i'Ooraib«.i,.'.-'.v.:-1405,sm 3 :"—stem* nt Oats, bn.7.771::; ■ ' -43,232 287,621 Bye, bn. 1,693 6,95! Barley, bn 1.015 60,196 41,347 Eli Seeds,lba...,Bß.SS9 1- 9,931,662 1,680,87! Potatoea, bn 13 860 -.153,797- ■ 29.21! or se“&5 e “& W* » . 2,059. 9,142 7,74! or Pori, brls 9272 71,775 688# ■ -fiiyfef*" }'“•■.> . St’Sl - Ijo-a," 1b5.1,579,SB 1 “11M3 OSS- 0:418 265 TaUow. lba -... 143,669 701,177 888,86! IlTeHogß.no.... 6,092 44.929 94.170 . 2?SL C ?J Ue ' E0 “ ‘ 8,041 34.418 81,181 *VB*ftM***. UtH 9,611,999. •4^570 Wool, Iba . 6,023 11103 8t996 |yinb«r,:<r-ii a .74,119,811 ■ 49,417,148 62,096 840 ■ -Shingles, no 5.805,250 14,474,760 B7MI TOO Ttatbetift r.,'“"' 99,427 7L297 ' - -3.00T-.: 57.457’ “111890 L ■ ■ -«w« -‘Stwci. no. 87,800 B,MSioS' 389.880 Balt, brls. “ 1,296 19.113 yjsjl ■ SS? w! 5 e *< W9*“ 4:838 - I.’ ®r,7U 20 904 S?“, Pfe? ••••• 1° #798 . . 3,619 - 8ntt0r;88....... ■ 68,042 4371915 “ S10a« S ; fermt, lbs. . 12,120 698930 395|794 • i Apples: JlHa “ . .. ffi 5L796 1,067 - Br-om-Com, Iba. 15.076 64C441 113141 | MUlalufla, iba.... 54,030 140,885 895J67 ft /w r'-v'-! 41,870 .« 893:225 1,969M0 ■Caal, .73a! ' 5,-!52 .. , 3^38 n ,,.. T#e,foUoiring are the receipts and shipments for p' tWpaat-f6ity<l|;it' I fionM:‘ : ~" J i {,«e>w • . jirczicTa i-AST nocna. ■ A v.i.ofi _ OIW nTU DP. Jhg, Hn •t.By Cana1...... 67 2281 129433 L... Sil 4500 r53 1640 -898 or ts-%-A.-ii---i 00 -849?^ r :-7oi . t k i0ta1..„.. 8465 ffilOO 168810 M IMO 89S r*. j «s.-i t i4>rg*d ••4- t -i v High > TaL Ure Hldes was Cattle Pot*s I OeB.&Q.E.g. 2660 ,310■. 5Q -W 497 g O.A.&SE.L. 1440 1316 260 .jTqtat sm,- -1660 24624 65‘ 1506 5S t BHZPJBHTS EAST rOBTT-EIOHT SOOBS.'r -vJto ( ,-jj Oats, Bye, Wxtf Z, Tjfls. *bd. bn. btt-'btt. To Buffalo 100 2700Q 74688 f To Kingston 82600 .... *’*] ‘ y*BfeApts.''*'* * Tippleafbrls.... ‘ 255 /j •... p - • • I Lath,Bdle“h... 164,000 Com, b if.uil-. -4*4,087“ P»'V> No 4,310 Wheat,bn iSsoO cda. 30 Bighwlnee, brls iso - _Coal < :lonr,,;..y. 800 Hldaw, lbs . ' 'l® BBCKPT9 AND BBmßHirsr CAHAL—KAT 7. i Pdti, : brla - 1 Cera.lls 180,498 ~mipmenU. ■■ Wheat, 2,881 Lumber, ft ; Flour,"bllrr.... 67 Bhioglei, N0... 75.000 - . ‘ Jt , to , i r ! '’ bn —.. .. 73 Lath, pcs. 66,050 ’ j The to-day .comprised GS-lOOTm wheat" and 103,810 bu i mentslnaoded 131,800 bn wheat atnd , conu— v. n • j I The demand for Flour-to-day-w&s la&,'batat-.- j lower which h<ddßN did'not accede to, and ! only aboirt “ l 1 ‘ grade to good/ spring extras/ ; At a concession of . , : ,10c pej ’tel a txrge conldhaTe : 'as there - was a by .parties desirous of j | making Easfern 'exchange. The Inereaseia thfe I ; /at tha,u opsning j' bat- after the receipt of U New~ Jforic . diapetohes an active-ship- I ping demand took- placer and the market 'be' ! r wblchwas i in Nearly 100.000 bushels of cL werejqld, ut 92@98c for No. 1 spring ; .in BtQye > .and e9(a9oc great Jjbalk_Qfjihs,tcansaetiQ,Qa being..nt-the flg- i market doalng steadr/ Tha fv^-. ‘ aCflte; owingto tjgljrgmeaa of j ers, who refused to make conceflalozg. J 2! J&.Q^^^K.^,<hangdd.hands, at for Ca 1 afloat, andv3ly®33c for mlx-~| v fid*lh store, Oats were quiet at 18c. Nothing do- I are quiet at 14c. There is still an active inquiry for Hess Pork at I SS9DO; which 1 ePfice- .aold to-day. The Advance j in the ratq of. Bastern .exchange has brought-4 ' ihW , 'lhe ifi^roytßtttf A fttaftot a number ] liacilajq.l lfl®ilyy, anlwe sfle- ofiSO brig. I principally at IQc. \ T“ Prelghts remain steady To-day “ten ■1 Mia were Bngag*d t 4t'iicffbr wheat to KingstEn, I ! for wheat to Buffalo, and 9c for com to I I Traamr Emnns, MSyT. 1861. T J»teotonT i tlew Treinhta closed at 7c for corn toiß-iffalo and-i 10c for wheat to Klngaipa. Theae wp*e the lowest I •-■Bgures-ttmcliea tWa'aCiiron. Since then there haa I j l»en a gradual improvement, and rate close at an f j-adraacemp U»» yeikof 2onn aaglAvHnff.b. 1 ..e f . 4c on wheavto Lake Ontario Oswego The engagements dratog thn tnnh iiii iii‘l '*« folfowa: On the let inat—schr Bob rte, cora to I 3ndhloatqo7*bSrk JQ Deahler, com to BoffiUo'at I 7>tfc; schr Star of-tBF to Bjtfc; bark David Morris, corn to Buffalo at 7Vc* I 4 Sfldf.MMepna.'Corn tttßqffaftiSc. On l |To Ogdeosburgh: schrs Northern Light, White I • ! qiond. Republic, ar d SovereLm of the Lakes, com. | W ntaac..- To Boffaloi. sfihrs-BalUd,*Hubbardt'OlJver t Culver, and brig Wm. Treat, com at 834 c: schr I via Ogdensburg, at 81c; To Oswego; eehcPJhlr-. I Childs, wheat at Her r - Kingston: schTßivaL ..wheat at To Bn Sal prop • Montgomery J at.Stfc. On the 4th 1 •-dcSti-TD wheat atl4c I schr Banlet Boas, com at 13<v To BoSd<r*- Hricbow and at 9a On the 6th ■ fesnuii <Hty, wheat **J r ~ To-p.T there wm no change In ratea. The en-1 I schrs John Thereby, Wings of the uSnSns I ■ night corn, at 9c. To New York.'-! Ne wSork •tau4-L«e HQtQn.routo TiauSamm, the rates are* 1 : Flour to New-Tork, 95c; to Boston, fLI(H tOil(ftK T : ..ireaj,.7sc. . . ... . . ~-u~ .•..■■ r.. > j. Boston, >135. k , -. FLOUR—The receipts and shipments 6f past weeti will be fosMTin the | ( :^[ By Canal L 6» ?!7r , l «18S i*ua «;«; ’*** I j IE. Central 4.789 A Lis j 1 I C. B. 6Q 1,458 . ! b Wr?. : 7* .. f -V< J J Total last week, Z ; Tot*Tlrfe«dHWSSk,fe.799 i£ua [ i ftormpidwltih hr* ; . isjam Li L-to*S*» *- “—*Bs9^49,as fa,ap4 P ! Prom the above tatye It will be seen AhatAhells mevßmentlnitoardimmfriie nut week has been 1 more active; the fbcdTpt* ehbwJD»'an nearly 8000 obis, over those iff Ibff week beforal, jMtoxThlfliie. (BOsefe mainly Ay the bloekedetoa< 'i;| the Mississippi river, by which shipmentain j « dlreslfan srwrtnrtmrni rrtia hitsninnn As i sequence, the flour seeks this market. ; - -I 1 ? r „Tfae paatrwehkjhas * ‘B^a^, ir bS£ieWfes 1 } } and Mhavs tonote a decline in prices of 10 4 I raWjpery?li,-Tbe. chiefly tor;h* New idrit and W4»delphu. although then, has * ‘ hllb been Bbmrtn^il« : ter , PltoEbflApt and^aton,. , Wurraa ,«w*{l3B%»' •«««dy. s K-j wirifir liaute* ToceF rTfty* Ptora la not much Inquired Tftfradd ri» market is unehangefe Co us rioting prices I x aaflAlowa;^-:Tj piAßros r ;:-3 OOMMEROI&X. Soperibw $.75 ©4.00 ■By JlWv dnll K .. .ra.75 1 *© - r ComXMl,Sfad; fine.. .. LTS 5 tB6 “ “. S ton. coarae .11.00 ©HUSO . .; j fr .....1&60 illOKl ?' «t gantta Calorie Dried, Bfari... 195 ©ZOO xSihi XSalorip'Dried, • 9 _ y ton 7..:.....xa00 ©isjoo : To-jut the market was qnlefc Sales were * ICff* ■ Mia “fifOUm” round hoop, 75 brl* “ Norelty,” and 885 brii good spring extant $4.90 del; 101 brie flat.hoop, at $185,de1;900 bria bdop. at sl.Bs£d4l; no srl£ “Cedarßltct”roand hoop, ats47Bdd: SBObrls - * Lapca tier" flat hoop,nt $l7O del r 66 brie low grade extaak $155 KXMbrle “Capitol" and SOObrla “Boutbßaocb" cap t;9oobmMarsh's Calorie Dried Com Meal, at s9.oo—preferred cur-- ***» ' WuEArT—*nve.receipts and shipments of Wbe&t dnringtbe j>aal aefoDows: " • ipcm®. amprti*. ByLake 1,000 685,808 si f":;;;; ‘istiio By m. c. hr m.eea SfCr) ks. t 8it....29,M0 8y0.8.&Q.EE............... 13.657 ByC. Alton i St. lonUHB... 1,700 ...e- WCratXtr.Rß.-..'. .-.18,621 ..... By C. A MB. 88. Bp'ts not rec’d By Mich. Cent, HR <2 mdcfl). By Mick, Bonth. BB tt weekfe By Fitte. & It. W. BB " ' Total Hat Track.. V.. 271,691 649 496 _ Total Previous week 151.650 167,834' • Corresponding week in 1860.. ~161,989 173,808 Corre*fßmaingweeklfilssr...T 46,138 125,910 From the-abovetnbler it wQI lie **een flap* u an Increase of 180.000 bushels in the receipts ;jmd Deailj-600,000 bushels In the Smi - oi the enlaiged. supply is. doe £o the shipment hither of wheat from points formerly tributary to •fit,Look;.batia-now--turned from that city, be cause of the prospect of Missouri -JecetHiip fibm'J the United State*. Notwithstanding all this, how ever, our receipts much heavier, if ,wehad asoradjmrrencytoboyttwith. Since the dale olTaa* last .weekly tendency of ,the market has been downward, and whtehis due partly tcthlgher freights ana hekvier ftftTdrobpfcig markets in the East ~ Wlnterffheatati scarce and in demand h? pflj? r s» «* <1 .IgaPOtor White, and 1100© l.lOWrßed- i • -To-dat the market opened vert dull, with*kalfes pf-80-.*!Springstore. and No. 3 atß9c: bat onder a more active ihqnJry, prices advanced end dosed steady at 93c for Vo. 1. and Ptafcvafo. i 2. The transactions were as followss,ooo bn No t Spring at &o In store; 10,000 bn do at 92* c loJStMe , SMUO bn do at 93cla store: 5,000 ba ho. 9Jspring atfiOo |n store: 3,000-bn do at 89#c in store! 45,000,bn do at 90c in store. By sample the . Sale* were as«;Club at 96c on •track: JOO-bgagood.Spring at .99c on track; 700 .bgsJkiedo at 4)oc on tracks - ■ . - - CO BN—The fbßowtes cable-shows < W -WieljJts * and^pmantrdnringthepaatweek: • Received. Shipped. •••• 1.089,813 By HI. & Mich. Canal 919 774 34417™ --;* V. By iniiiois entral Railroad 42.000 By Chicago & Bock Island R.H.. 57.450 Bttr. * Quln<w 9&7&*»'?V .*? By Chicago, Alton & St. L. R3. 44,866 •By Chicago & NoriWesfn R. 8.. j!si3 By Chicago «fc Milwaukee R B. .. Cen. E. B. (a weft) By R * R; (3 weeks) By Pittsburgh Eailpoad^,.., A .... Total Urt week..:;/.487,209 i.kmimm. Total Previous week. al so? wire weUC In 1860. 672.271 JSaCT so*re^ondtog.weA-%lBS^.. 5 .. 89.448 fi0,217 -♦-w l ® dur £*S the paet'week. aa the above ■UUa indicates, ha» been very active. Under heavier receipts and an advance in freights, how ever, as-welTardrooplng markets below. prices have -Mined 2c per bushel since the date of our last-weekly review, • - . - -tw--. To-DAT market opened.flat, but before the close mWre actlvity prevailed and the closing pri -ces. of yeslerfar were .sustained. The transac tions we >e MfoUows r-rIO.OW bn River Mixed at 34c afloat; 15,010 bn do at BiUc f. o. b : 6000£ Cwd 83Kcafloat; WOObtt MixeiatSS? instore; 23,000 bu do at 32<rln store- 8000 bn &C Jected at 28c in store. S&lealn , a^eonS^ l^ 9 * Mte 800 bushels yellow - ° AT £^^ ecel T e 4 3*# *eek, 84.765 bn; shipped “«“«■ The market during the past weei has been . local and specula*-~ tfve crtnafldat 18c for Nb/7 fa etore. To-dat bco bushels were sold at that figure. ' KY ®^ EecelT week? 2.02$ bui-shipped. . “we, The market.dprlne.the weefchas Ure ‘ »% wlrpart,p|tfce>dTk thfeewis % 4 1 -speculative Ho. J was sold at 48£b43c instore. Paring the past few days, howevetjihe ' hwek.tosu bags oiYlraSt* ’ week - 8.481 bu; ship • p«drl{9i6 bushels.- The market daring the week >£?B^ een<^sif*f sales in bags o a track at 83c @45c,-accordi gto quality. To-dat the SSs.Were* : at 30c on track. . v!iL HIOMWirJ ES week. 1034 bbla • shipped. 4.833 bbla. Under-ha-4ncreased supply the market haa been vcry dhU the past weekSrafc have, decll- ed lc per g«U—closing at 14c. with sales of 150 bbls at that price. - *T.. AUCOHOIr— per gal. • * ii .. SEEDS—Kecelved last .. eek, 35532 Iba • abln. ■RfSeS 1 ns 552; 1 of CMOS 'lsdeH. A few lots of Timothr-'have been soldftt at whkh,lhemarket remalns-nominal* . Pa-groceriPß..-We.qupte'as follows: : ' —v-tSSSt®' l “ faUy 'tair'tdVrlmV;.!.’!!! ** Clarified inthda.;. 7 awwdi u ' *White- coffee ixwhhda BT®Ba§8 T ®Ba§ N. Y. refined white coflee 9K@9Jtfc .J, i ... Jt granulated- S7l* ~ ~ granulated 10©10 Mc Moutsa*fc-N. Y7 Sugar House ao @aac Portland as <a2Bc v cW .. Coirn- Mjtglsjfc •. - i • . tw*fW&r.r •••♦MkSwSc S^?h/ aTa : Q BO c Spicks— C« ,,..[. 25 ?«PP« 10 JET c Allspice 9 ®ioc Cloves ll -Stot PROVISIONS—The Tellowing toWa*t£6w»{kk !i receipts and Bhlpaentß*iriiij¥4lie.paat veek: i tor. , * Beef. Pork. Cut Meats. .... 4900 ..... .... 69,170 '■'lß,6Bl ! t&Tn&v;.'*/. jv; i Or- ' iso Mi;iM 830,020 Total Isitweek ... 473 U9 : 555 413090 Mg as **»* *M» ->»e%so-f-“ 4tS 4 4'- BicricteT* or U.ET week. ® ... .-fsjfc- KMtB. iari’ By late... ■ , .... 1.009..- . 17.-. jo M.C. E.R “60 ■‘.073,401 161.204 1.326 '370,932 1,238.76S - P. T. W. H. B. 100 1,029 610,100 191,809, TnWiTaatwset* ‘2,053'" 9.272 "1,364,483 1,579.355 prerloHl'* --1,899 -6.74Q 234,600 329,083 Corrreßponalng,;.ii.;; t ..,. week-1359-r. 2,063 11,097 833,440 861,962 The Punrislon market darlngthe past week has -tol«Upx)et.'Ta.thoearly part dC the week there was no Inn oiry~w hatevei; but within the past two 'or thxee- j&ygj.pwlng to ihe hfeh' rate oTeastem exchange, there has been a good demand for Mess Pork, finaOsalea havebeea, made at S2O-00©?!Ofr ; for good-Chlcago packed—the market closing firm i Balk Meatg-»».wggtected.>apd holders or Sides have been making them into Hess Fork. Lard!6~ quiet aadTrtewiy-wlth'sales of prime leaf at 10c— K-closine v ... -. . a,a* » r. *> the tales were':—lOO hrls Mess Pork at S2IOO :70i Jpcfrclear-rides at-7Xc loose: 800 hrls prime lAfLsrd at 10c. —TALLOW—Received last week, 28,796 lb* shipped, 148 659 maAet we^- B»«heea "shade Idwer-r-cioaing at $)( l * e4 £‘ Bt y^ M5 ’ B ®7l>; shipped, 162,833 ». The market during the past ruled qnlat--onaing-aafc4lowflDry Flint. 9<aioc * Green BaiCed,'4®4x« - Green, B©BVc* ** ’ ■ BBOQM’>roltN-£prtae'i* izf fsfr demand at week were MO PlgwJT*e mW for Srontis very d»% bqt Whiteflskf lain ■ ' No 1 half bbPsß fio©363K Noil^Troat No 9 “ “ 44 *75 " j..-.- ' TBdTSr-flcepa Apples. ia fhir demand at $S 50 ©S.7§ |ar prime:fßd-$9.5&©9.60 for medium to “Übt. ij>ried Apples dauat .d©lMe tor Eastero<aad 9)f®Bstor-Boathern. u neared Peaches. 6dsVc* -Pared PeThw».t2©lßr, Blaokbeeriea. like, BUTTER—IITgOod supply. Common Firkin Is - EaTB-TbejraMlr dnringTha yredivmlme, - Stuket rtU* Jpww-tlMtee at mflilS per do*—packers count. v . POTATOES—Bfebmved last week. ;hu •. . there has been an active Supping -ahanef^i,- at- per bnahel; hat Pinkeyes common mixed qualities here ml«ldoll-at U©3ota To>i>aT; the sales were* 900 bass mod Neehahneeke attic; 100 bags do at SBc.^? OOAfr~BeceivedlataWee£-15,lfi8tons: shipped. '738 foils. The large supply by take ba* the market dallaqd heavy. The following sales Wemoported:—cargo ntßriarhill, per echrTlnter at <&7h; jeargo of Mineral Slfe-e, per corda : market eootinnesto tend downward. Daring the ptat week* the eaiteo sales -of West shore wood “'wriremade 'at 48tf0©8.39, knd for' Hickory, SBAO 1 peat week' tiiw 1 receipts were:— -feet dumber,'. 787.000 shlngfes,, , SS&appesUth, tUMMO-fret Timber, 79,799 poefc-t 86.00(1 picket*. Hie shipments;were as follows: 1 1- v- i>.~ 'lumber .Bhiagles Lath !£}■*3s- HS • r. -414,000 80,000 .By.Q.&C.U. bW.SBQ-8,&i2,000 78L000 mw -:«29,500 -I7iy«n By-ChLA E tß'Bi:. tllw: yJQMH sJoOO fiasco 570,000 .mooo- 4tm~ - By GM**S.W w B. 108.142' By Chi. & UU.R.8... . wm wfa -JT.-r * £%:. : !9oM». r ;\«,ooa - v .._ T^iastwed:..' 55T$at!B^ V Total prCTiooa‘eeWt.-. - qgojpp ; CorrtS'tng'Wßek. *6o...6.2o3'qfr'4;«aaook^as ? •” f w..:e,aoßßos Aifio.aooi.iae.ißo shipments of lumber daring the past week have increased one million feet. The recdptstSTfafiP* tncrtsseerf lbont 1.600,000 feet; bat the eurply Is yet far short of what it was at 'tUedata last yea*. hast yet reached oa~ from Green Bay, Lake Boron or St. Clair- Bfrer-r-' the receipta from whichpoints are expected to-j>e - _ The for jaugOM during the bas-hbenniore «ctive,lud. f« good gnilWaa lhli. priota have ' ThSThnowiDg are a. Tew tit - the aales reported: Csogo of Alvin clark,m&Ee& . er from Grand Biver, at eSJk) and ASOO; air. famuMiMfiMfit, from Holland, mneem-at Gngl&er,. PortAntalD, a ta»fo%f Itodßftegoat qommoh $T80: cargo of Haven, woftly at $7,00, - i . ZntDh mil 4een rath rmfirs activity tbaa daring the week prevloaa: and-wlthdut any'- ; matttial.ohango in- Prices- r-TaetdOwaward tea-, deMv hks been v ihecked by the wflac of cootdence* detferejcefbrringthe Taihbfer M P&S&A. JKices . baaedeare adttng_at ozy and, sß.oo' ■ to-BhtP^as; dull and heavy. We hear of two cargoeabeingKdd at $t;7S gMnglea t •. <*i.w vy ,ja~' latbii quiet end eteadr at tl.OOaLa tr tin heatfo, Wu quote ae toUnae,. . r . ttnra*B—HratClear, perl,oooft.„..«j’ooa Common Boarde,diy Oommonßoardß,U feet.. 9.»© ; - Clear do do ; 18.OOmd.W- SbaTC^Stdsgles t Afl)£A.(v.\.; 2.50 a . Sawed Shingles, A s.fioa Lath lAOa Porta, VIOO AOOQOADO BASKETS BT TELEGBAPB. . a 3 I T-FMT^^rittV^xhlhlU I aßtt&Jcjorj to-day; prloSl Without im- I pofl&f chapter - Sales 16,150 brls'at' sS.oo<as TO I for super state; $5.15©5.80 for extra state; $5.00© I 610 for super western; $5 to I medtnm .extra western; £5 50@5.60 ibr : shipping I brands extra round hoop Ohio, andlt6,6s©7 75 for I trade brands do. Market closing steady. 1 - Oaha* I dlan floor In nttle better request, Wftndut change L Inprice..; flrte*OTbri»af&flD©TSo for common |--teeond axtasi *-By« flOarcsteidy with small sales, I at $3 60©4.00. Com meal quiet andnooxinaliyim- I heavy and easier. - Soles 750 rials at 1 chiefly inside price;' ’’ I Grain—Wheat market heavy and In favor of I bnyer.for common descriptions and'qdlte’flrm for f mimb White'Smlch is scarce and wantbtttbr mill. I ing. Sales 8,800 bn northwestern club at *1 22 Ju I store; 39,000 bu Milwaukee club at $124&1.2S del* h 4.500 bu Canada dal* tt-M 24@1i25-del: 7.400 ba [•winterreil westetn at sl2S©l.3i:; 8 800 bu choice I I white Kentucky iattsl:»@i 75;1.190-bu choice I bite Mich at sl-70; 1,900 bu white western at $1.40@160. Bye more and firm. Sales 7,oooboat 68a Barley doll and heavy; 4-400 bu f«rtrtfl'ao4 QuagUp-ftt 58©6fc: 8,500, bn barley malt on private terms. Canadian peas dolLat, 72©76 c, com heavy andcloees l@2c lower. Sales 4,900 bn at 65@67c for old mixed western deL clss: i for hertedda; 69® 69#c for old Jersey yellow, and66c for inferior white southern. Oats drooping, 83<a34c for wes- Ka»and436aa#aa; 6t-teJ7- Phovtsions.—Pork unchanged.' Sales-600 hbla I .at,f;i7.Ss©l&Qoformeßs:sl3.2sfbrprlme; *l9 25 f for clear. Bedf continues quiet and eteady. ; Sales I 350 bbls at $4.00©4 50 for choice! prime; £5 87fli .6.25 for .dhtftetat9Brslo.oo@ 11,00 for repackedJ I mess; f 11.25@t2 SO for extra mess. Prime mess I 1 beef doll, and round beef hams rules, doK- at 18© .1 con dull and nominal. Smuked m*»t» nnfpt 7«. I Bcfor shoulders; for hams'. jsrd daS 1 and heavy sales, of BUO bbls at 9@9*£" Butter sell*' I ingatlS©l4e for new Ohio; l3©lficTornew state.' Cheese 1q moderate demand at 4©9 Ve. I Gsocxmxs —Eaw sugar duflanahtaw* salea4»rz I hLd * Bt4J4®4X for Cuba, 4jiQSX for Porto Elar by auction of Iffi hhds and 87boxes Cuba atBX@4X for the former 4 M@?&J or latter * MolaseesTune/iangedL I SalrtTOTldrCnba muscovado at 20®&jani;9Ads 1 ai«. J r^§T0 c ? 8 - Less , ac llve and irreeular; 'Government' -Stock* very Well Chi 4 H139- CB* C AT24K; Q&Chi 5914; IC 6Mf• MBgtd2B#; PacMall 71; N Y,C73#; ■Hudson M S sinking fond 74; Erie 4tn bds &|; Cal 7a 7a«- Mo6a4o^; Va 6s -61, coupons,£B. w 7.7 11,(93 Foreign markets, 1 ' • pesnhM V : '. s 6d lower. Weather very fine. . ■ —'- -- luvebpoolh April 25. • very- • duH : owing lOniitiweather. ■MiAtB INE LIS T. Y/ . Poa* W iaioAM^ AIiHTVED .‘iOii'iiCi'li Richardson, OgdensbMig,'' 59 ton Buffalo. 'l3oaida im eagar, 40 casks Honor. 80 chaftyklf Brig, Magin, Oconto, 165 sn lumber Two River, 4 Sdl lSw * w ° olaoD * Boflalo. 225 m lumber,’lWm Karen, 25 mimfceVi. SScdsbiTk. • &«kar' : ocflrGemade,Hsia, Kewanee, 300msMnglcs.ld .^^^^MJaa.azoo. I ! Prop Empire, Rlfihardiott, OgJenaburg, 17,300 tm' Pr°P f obtain City, Pease. Buffalo, 10 m bu wheat. *-A°9. b q Sour, 2,300 sacks com, ISO brla c_tnc4eo ibfchia«? W4«ftandrlea. . ■. Bark AJgonlb Ogtojsbnig, 19.876 bn corn. - S^.«POTfliuTaQmnff > ba-wheat. 4 * W Commerce. Eocko. Buffalo, 20,000 ha wheat.' L&togdtespK*oeottto. !: V "• ' Lkfet Penny, Ogdensborgh, IX3OO. Scbr Mornins Light, Heir, Buffalo, 14.5001 m wheat. J SchrFishce^Olose, Buffalo, 20C0(ltncom ••■ i . *"**>, 11,000 . ha.' M. s ** l ™ wheat.' Brig Aatjatjc,Miaor, i^iapean,'i9,2ooJ>a cota, .. : ..UlttlM! ChjMgo: brigs Concord. Mahoning Andea; eihrs I -j •Bo*Jfe^pp»Btadtiy*% ; «h^feh4niia,- 1 MsndotLi w^gaassa? tclm .■lllinois isiwnianGis casax. ... : j ARRIVED May % Investigator, Athene, 48 cy dimension stone’' % WHBrown, S cy rabble a tone.' 1 ’ MarlonSeneca, 6400 “ •;•• J L Alexander Lockpoit, 6369 ♦» ; . ■ • ■ Lionggg, OtUtya, soon ♦« . Oneida, * *• 5000 “ Cljde, 5500 “ • • -HUff* 0 “» ;; SSTOftfW Wmgi.Wlnz,,LaJSalle l 4649 “ [ - J; .* 6600 “ TsbitoßOtau; Garibaldi LaSalle, ' “• ' -j--i ii**- ia'Salle;- 5300 “ liJ .w/ c u/ •ISralrioGbiefJw- * 5708 “ : '*■■'■■ J ' ..v-v.-H 9 " -Arctic,-Morria, SCO “ •-• • Golden Cloud, La Salle, 8979 •• : ? Amazonia. “ 5200 *» Laura Ann. Ottawa, 6900 “ , / Prairie Queen, La S&He, 6475 1 ’ u -‘ u * ‘diKisiSr:Uj. -nifs. 1 I Lockport. < • t-W-W Dodg^^.Laßaß^. I Baltimore, “ t■ T^iSS? '* “ '« I 32 w ZinHnwmiiy. ■ -«« I Ee«cne PrlKm ' " M,C47«tlTea*i€«dlnp) I " I A?Uop»,Xj»SHl<l 78,580 ft lumber. _ Troubavour, Lockport. ~ • •'• CS ’ <iS3 ** lati, 60 bblr ***• ra ’ <c ?: QHICAGO MILL-FUKNISH3NQ Ti% BAXTER Sft CO., ■s-si: irij ois; i * kiijQsniHßs^ V. %SV:MLL QUAKSraa. ■ vjf. f Floaring atad (3-rist Mfflp;; r wnra«ißMr> xounse anffl, ■'' i;: text mm aadfieparaton, s •■' -b-du ■W‘A IBBIKRS S Jd'A tE S, .... ... ; **■■“■'■ , JUtt TiiKWSHINS SEMIRUIY. Flank BwwiMlfal?ftni» Sag* Itg&n*to»afßrr.fa?i‘cJt ' wutnSS yfe«<y»j Bollera, fcs,' • na robacrlben baling obtained the Arency far qT* Mleof Bteam Knaftifaand Boilers fromth*iw««nft. ' of Vato town, K. i H would iQTtte the attentHcnf porcttaaera. to their superior merits of. style. w<w*tn>wiMf> *r,A ;»gr«al*^^etomao«Bitoe2o r The fbOowtaa•to* -u " ■ m • ■ k^iSar i-andlargertiseaaarecßlred. -- =- r jmyjngtoeiaftaatohedTOh ~ , ■* ■ixnmya% EiimcraotsEsoaTiL-™. ; m- I rapextor tossiyotfcerfltyle of Klime, - ezid they wm ■ po<CuUtii Raid'’. 'I orerthei—lei— oftwOewte rate the Wa«t. 'Wfl acaUksep an —ojißßesTof dUßivnt Ozesat oorea. - tsTiftiiiii nl. ii in in - they may bermmliied tedthh^ itartmghiealnanypartoitheoonntrT.WealgidßflOTr I *- TifW GBABIHsTmII "I Mm BSlf A4lwiH#J!^^^l^^^.; CmrtUftMi JOM .Is (DM Bufeals V * * » >-* ii i V*£*<bT**> r “ ; ‘s^rahra^ 'Utamuted tojball n?ii <rf cbObl . fiiittit 'M&tdifcpiriatD bt . V,L :' OSes MtiJtemActOT'sifttfi.*' jolutßtoaV&ott xy?^aa^a^B4 i, v % * “plßfitfE ' BARLEY' MALT Air JL 'WATBonluad ud st lowcrt'otafe' aaieMr>Mi7TnnwrlQrYia>t.yittto£toTgk .-•■ "•fISSF"* y •' •tdfSV.: —**•* - mi w m P. PALMER, Km. 113, 114, IIS Lake Street. |l CswMsirtniiwn Mots BBttegßfcrkekaettap. WBalegda, ijflufrii n—«nj»i STAKK MITJi BAGS. 10,000 LEWISTOK DO. AUkUa.tfSoßMtlaudnnlgs DrrSoodr, CARPETS, ■ ■ on. cloths, CVRTAJSCMHMM, At Sew Tea Cult Fiisea, "mtnirftUM. SPRING GOODS /, ■,..; -s at Aetail. .. Tli« Xj|h)rc»at Atoolx. or ' DRY GOODS w*bt or mar tors. CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, OXTBTA ITT O- 0,0 DS. xo xv, I i Mm. 113, lift, 11* Uu nntt, teHJjSmJXbp TWENTY THOUSAND -»-■ PEB DAT. SiTIOMI AXD PATRIOTIC ENVELOPES., .... . Xietter Paper, -; ■ Are printed and seat off In' our orders. ■ AttERICAN EAGLE : tetter Paper and Envelopes. , ■ /. IRISH BRIGADE ' Enreldpes . and Tetter Paper. lAVALtEmi PAPER.AID EIVEUKt ’Jmt tha thing for Jack Tar* - A*®R Oolumbi. envelopes and letter paper. - Old Continental IBTTEBPAJEBASD ESVM.OPES, . . . • . And a groat variety of other kinds. WitW AXPOBIGINU DBSIGWB Will be Issued by oi every day. . 1 .. ORDERS -FILLED IMMEDIATELY In rotatfoa aa’they are received, AN AMERICAN FLAG, ■' : VXhafi appropriate Inscription for a sign. - - -’-'L ■ *• EIWBOW, _L.- Sta tlonrtr*’ TFT g1 X , HO; MO LAKE BTEEST, CHICAGO. Utter aUmM an'd we wffl Mind W». pkeof lire different design* ny man, nptlrifr~niii 70 - - lake Street. - - 70 GREAT BARGAINS IN PAFEft SIM(il \(^ L.-.ilO , To Clpge Out Stock. haif mi “ SSObmwbost TODO¥ SHADES, XflJlil 0^ &o. t &e,, &a. E. G. L FAXON, Jkafee Street ■ yo , , , NEAR STATE STREET. - - ■ # '•». REED &. CO.’S ::C;f^kwisVJ<iUA ; .. y Madefroassopartofartlcleof sarsaparilla root. Which wo Import erprealy fet tt,'axid by A.proßeaai •: which mainsail-th* • ' ■'; ACXIVE PKJ WCIJPI.ES, . ..Aftd wlßbe.-firaa&A RBnCT ABB HHT.roiif.n PEEPARAHOB ■ ’ . tqitALL' “ : *"* DISHASBBOT THU BZiOOS. j. H. mewo ft co H^l. h*ik bri,!pes, •- . HAIR BRUSHES. - LOW & SOKy- Satin Wood (Jyal—Very stiff' and' JOttST eoSWZLTj-* CO.*s Vanons Style* ; - Paris Buffalo Horn Oral, . .. u:. Earur BalQJo Horn £qaare» . ■ ~-Jrafis .Horn Fancy Backs,.-. Bpaewood sad..S«MnwQSd. fancy and plain,: of •▼try’ • ( detcrTptton at Low P/Icea. /, .Tobtli Uri-iskes- . 1 ... . W* catt particular. attention to on* assortment of as article, which asoallr consists of from 3B to MO wren, emblaainraUthe beatstyles aoo »gre*t- Paris with plsln^ndfancyHandle*. .... SMITH.ftDWTRb, ‘ .Apothecaries, .opposite Twqoot House. P ISHING TACK I, E.— n«ii 'Boo&b, Hag*. Spoon Balto/Bcel^Floats, *<x, £«. :^Rgg jpliAds, DRUMS, ROSETTES', FLAGS from 3 lacbea to i feat lonx. , ’ WWrtt&'Amtnliai &&d'Gtrtnap—tfslaea. * " J BtpSTTES, rations patterns. Wholesale trad* tap. plleiatUS Lake street. BAHNUHBBOa.'. jQmLDRKN’S GIGS/ Carriages, - - UK; UVTB, ttftfflt; BtftDIES, At.; ' / Whbia»t3e sad Ectail,at iSB likVitreet' .—. «. «-•- - BAgypif Bsoa. XJT&D - GAGES.—IO€- Patterns/ v aod SqolrTßl Cafes, Cm Fou: «»ay. sf,»t yboleaale,.... it r i ; ..’AT.vUS isaj*s crass?. ...aaWPrty- :. ... - • -■ ■ BABNUM ww. ncoHnk. 4 J - The bast place la ttia WeiAiaclßvalidae* JUIdNM ftr circular. Dr, JOHN B. GULLY. Mrs. nhUate7-to K. FjCNHQgm, Proprietor JfX&l N DS TO NEG!—GRIND \JTfiT#NSS!J*-JB)tOße«ele«tad-): -- ... BBMA GMUBMOSia, ■•Feraaie at maanttetar-rie prices by — " wiiaMir. . faffi ' 8 e H W A B z>s “MSTOT mCTffmffDTEBfilHE, ' cbadereqnlndattf vazraiitacoodvoTtmanalLliL^Aiaa alllMaear colon. MMAdso, FrenchParols. 'and five .books.— . J-F-Modem 8«ool-fl»itha Drito is. teaelitr. Ftlea SrSSSi..* «fprt—. PaMteh.dlttmraoy & Ca£Boitoa?T” TELESCOPES;^- - -ULL JutMMllKl,* mwuntret S.ptrtor Kims; TSLMOOFES, mftmf4yf ■ '•■W -• »•* 90,000 XotUmi, EataK7, k *. g # Beef u4 P*rtrP»cKen, ..a■»! yaovi«xojf«Hf>wijrTa, Ofloa Ho. I 8 Btr«T Sferaat MOKORh SOUBS jrOBTH BSAHCS, CBXO4H(X. •nr rm lAnlvutiat uiß; m W*HHBMtmnrstffno< teCCTla»adHogfc • . .. j^^SsSfeg "Yf m SCOTT STEWARD • ' Miawxj» - ■_ mjpi^ ||A S H A D TrA ROK S. ’ WAKEFIELD, ;*ASH * CO., • ■ Xtepodasd TiTiim fya~AAroMMA «u Hi an m ogmUp ■■ttitoewabovehoeeot uw,uh mranAMnaw ***>*:_‘-r ■S' -i* Sis iittA j '*•« ’lVy* A.tK). HAVjfc ass'gsss ■csssgrifaßfe pkdsmbt, C93lMlSglOirilßßCTfAirff ( ~Pw»aal attention ftren to the sate Bnio, Ftour ami Country Prodnco generally. . OPTICS 80. 3 BIZXIIBD’d BLOCK, K *.««.&. Water and Clark-st»„ P.oTboxWST. Lacaa, E»q tf "OioirtMwr&fl-'do, ■ [Jaiwcuy liberal advances aid* OS ConMgiUne«B. jgBDFORD, MEREDITH* CO* osannanoif aateoßAirn, , Vo. HI Sort. WaUrßtrwt. Chttvo, Urttiuit ante. «fre gttention tothepurehase and sala-ot Ftenr. Orals and all Undo of Produce, Btoefc. So. Lfbgtefl edVaaeff made tmconetanments. Agents Ibr On Dried Gen MeaL SeflSr toß.LTtalESaia * Oa. CUcaro: XU* Me.Atpin ACn, aB3»i»M.. . , .. |AIUj •JfJDWARD SACHET, coaanasxoN buschant, Ho. H6* toti Water itreefi* between QU as* Hew Board of train Buildings, abSPSMt tei oaQO, lu. jyjTLES, WRIGHT & SHERMAN , nmvta mnemam anmnim. tpnrmrimos cf Caatay FrfHitn n tandtrin Kntaatnlr. Kind 33 .:. a ...iguuaflßn - . OHIQA6Q ALLEN VA2JE & CX>., «L ■_ ■ JDOSDCaSIOITMSRCHA3TBL TorthgMda of Tlccr, Grain, BeeEpork,Hais,L«d. gttery<Waegg.-flgßdTPried yrmta. But, IW'SooU Ataaa tor Hwahurx and Wsw lupTAia - (masaadiy] ' a. non VyiLliTAMfl & HOUGHTELING - IT. OOaOfISSIQg MgßfflUPni water street, second &er Wait et Walls street Bridge, give their ezclastre Attention tc of Produce Stock, advAhcea made onfflj 2L “Mtor scd vroMrty In store. R etm- to OeaSs and Qeorn Steel* to” •*»!!■ WTWJniR. • Uar<a4yl I W. P. WWW* I Ml rm»„ XTEELY, LAWRENCE & CO., AN COHMIBSIONMSBCHdJSTS for the goxekasc g°SM of Grata, Flour, Ptotisloqa, and Cocatrj ProdccaffeßeraUr. BastaeteeiclurieSy Commtek>R Atoodeatosin§£t, P!s»t ‘-SSS&- tztssss. QHARLES RANDOLPH, samnuL ooioaaaios kxbghami; No, g Loomis BofUia^' GemcfaarkandßotfkWatersfrMte. Adrenal made <a - ■ . t*wiy Q-RIFETN BROTHERS, . Ofifhm, BOHSOT'S «LO«,' c£SS2gS l^^gf tei « , ‘® ta «- «•. Bt.BBmK. [BMgamr a«"i" ■JJNDBRWOOD &CO., commission mebchait 1*» *o«tk. Water M. dUeaca. gaps QULVER A COMPANY, OOBIMISSION MSBOHA29TS SIS Sauth Water Street. ar.QgiTga. . paibaq o x ooivm 'THOMPSON, BONHAM A CO., X etcLuaive COnmiaSloy HSBCHAKTS. HO. » BOUTS WATSB BTRKST, CHICAGO. HI Sena to— Merchants’ Gaytan, Loan and Trust Co. Alonaoßiohmoiid a Co. HbvTJno. C. Estae. QttfiAcO' J. H. Drake A Co. K. T4 B. a.-King. Baffldo. 'TURPIN, LARS & CO., .1 nflMTßgrnvr Mxgfraaww^ Koa 283 1«3 SoiUi VaterSt, Ohleago. ▼. A. TUXPAX wxxxa Tilth ». J. on, [lyg’SSl • " JJAKER & SPAFFORD, General CommlMloa Slerelilntif Offlce-and Warehouse... . Ho. 91 South Water Street. . ADTAXCSB XA93 OS GOHaiS3XSNTB. Particular attention given to the purchase and tale of FDODJf, GRAIN sfiu£jjS, Ac. Ac., on eosmalseloD. mhS-e S7-ly ; . , pOR D & NORTON, ftonj* ai Coicidialda B«nkak% fftre rrcofWftTehoTua.on Market street between lake • • andßandolph streets, Chicago, lll, liberal advances mute on CondfiunflnlL' ' iijtDai. j. fOBD. CaalTtU'j liwilrr. »aim JMTKIN A CO., Ctoaml Coaainloß F*tttwH% HH KHfTH OTSEET, CHICAGO. ILL TOAitfil <fc SEYMOUR, PRQDJJTJS AJTDGUfZBAL COUMIBSXOft Offloe • ÜBotttt.Water At., Pomeroy* Draper SLSI, Chfcago. Q.K.B.* *** • «tftcaßl4y- • B FABIAN, •' - -QESTBRAI. COVHTBSIOX MKSCHAHT - to Maeen. Mllea I Wright * Sherman} Ciegbpra* LeSde 4 Co • thj>m<C Kon4Baker: Pitkin4 Co. xnbll-eSISdy ’ - HORSE & CO., ■ FBOSVCX OOKKISSIOH EESCHABTt, -latT^w^V.--USGBTIf WATER ftfrggWT TTlMi ,.uw - BnitagM confined artctly jo rvimmwfrm, - JOSEPS K XU CKER, ttgteaofTtigkar, . OOSCDtSIOR JDOUHAin^ 5*- « iMTtf *f Tnub Sißdtigs, CUagvSß. Pe ?s?B* l escfadTe-ettentiottgiyeato a Connate Boaßaalneaa. Advances made on property tester*' sadtortetola tide mctet, or fior shipment East Q. B, D UP E E, Wholesale PKO VISION BKiIKB, Zb store adST bn band through seaeoßj~~ KB Fill, USB, HAMS TilFI, FIRS' FKT tarns reef, as. - C. B. D, wonldtaTlta tha attention of Grocers, Hotel ; Rv- A-vA. Rv'cXrth®, General Conmlnleß BEerehanls, Vo*X (Second Floor)’"Board ef Trade BoQdtnr. mD glTe their personal attention to the purchaaetad aalc Of all kinds ot Produce. jJt 'AdyUoeee made bn consignmaats. apawwij, cakcte. eert, p. euxm TffATSON V. COE <fe CO - ST ---eojongsJcKt'MKßCttijfre, ,lOBTHBPCECHiSB ADD SALS OF r»t£f Wear, emnans. stock. So.. SUM .Bests Wmel stnet, CUeaco, mfsddA WAIM9 T. OO*. VX. a RIGA A ITSSSwOOCI 4-.c - .-•• . -dersb-ij • SHERMAN & HALL, o&bc*. and. Commiseto n Merehants, . WATER {VfpagT , yr ‘ DSeral cash adwieea on Floor, Gram, oede. Fro TtoloM aadDrladFrultß, tor sale in this marketorefaliu pieotgaeA JaTa^ly All^yjoa^ON, jXB. PRODUCT - Onaintn art flßfpptes Isr^OL CAnatfi»°' 84 WOUTHWATERftTOETsw/ ’ f y * ” piflag - ** mart^^tey yAN INWA6EN & CO, V . COBMlidnii KO, IDOLffS BUILD IK SL Ctek itmn odowi m jjxjmsey; brother * 00,. Ho,lg^Wi<et,oocCUrfcSvi^Sp'’pSflfcSg ll ' HOWES, coMinmaH ancKui, Its »•*«*- Vuk ttnMjCUnn in. IWTBJj] : gPABTORD, STEWART * CO, ''TBOMtS SAO. —€^mtai“-Noti«B. Y4JELS INSEARCH OF GOOD VI sit»atk>«a os JU** Dearborn rtrtet FamMsg can ahwfltul food Domtatlca by in, ptybgxitSiesaawpmoft.— myTxJt HOUSE i KKXPOte, and Goods. «- to dl'poee ot can t>e*r oraTZilBH pur-'hater by ad. aitnuz&’ Foat-Dfllcg Box 3187. myTjaw LOST —4 Portemonnaie contain ice a ram of money, *hd three or Ihnr checks or tcketr Wag loir DeCveta Mo Post Office And How* Dry Goods store. TtwranderwQl *e nimbly reward, ed or leaving tn« game at awK&TS Dreg Store ror. De»p!ataega*dgta*<s streets. mjTxU TVR. J- W. BROOKS, from tie HfA’rfclrliy of Cincinnati, rtgpeetfally offer* kia PTo^alcv>^err;e3Atotk»peopi«cfCtucago. B<» (fence at a oiflc« . NO* 1& AD4JBS STTOBBT, Betseea Michigan an i Wabato arrant*. my?rTi^ 40,000 nHew, 7ork Exchange, t> loan oa flntclaag Cttv Beal Estate. T OJT FATOBABtE TEB3IS. Addreai p k as Office Box SlO HAVANA LOTTERY; Xp.drswdn* of April 2QtlvjWt-Fo. iT.ff’Odwwtift) (r» Ko IS OBJ drew #J)«o r °- »W draw^ffio'3? 7.711 drew ».«*]Ca **» drew $n Don. beta® prlncipa« t»faa& Fftoe formation mrZ Shed by CHASE * CO. Bwkera, 23 Will street. tort. m>3iiw DEMO V A Fester XV wjtolei.le Ugoor Uerchan% and n. pn ror rrj ft DlvOT/a Ala, Lw-I ne-r, Ff.rler and MdltVlneraa baa remoted from 179 Sooth Wat sr street * * To 39 Snulh Water Street, Between Wabatli and HtcUtao aresne. Cldcago. m mje-eas.lw *“■ OEMOYAL—Ewing, JBriggs & I V Co., Wholesale Grocers and Com-nlesion M.T. rhaatr, tiare removed from 141 Sooth Water street, tg Ho. 75 Soniß Watat Street, ..Wand 9 Third door east cf State strait. OOARD OF PTJRMG WORKS. U —The Board ot PaM’o Wor>» will thi* <Uy oo* copy as their Oltt -e th» Bocina at tee Court' oixwio* On the second fl'H»>*’itlyoct;aptea ard known sa The Mayor's oaice.” Water Rdf u areroa»t<rr pay. able at tm< offlo . ». w TISKHAM. • „ PuhKc Chicago, May fitly 186 L rnyM-eft O-Iw ■VTOTICK—The Anmud Meeting of vt Stockholders of the CDlc»’o Branch Dock for the election of Directors and tap Uietraasaed f >aof tti*t mu come ba. fore the Company, will take rUceoa WednMdsr Joba CMca-o. [royle'] a. j. ksissi.t s Chicago and north ■WESTERS BIUWiT COMPANY, holdraSrSl i f?° an - ffit f”» l( ier8 of this Compaor, will he held at t*e office of s?h £°™ D , a 7 V> *“ »« of Chlcag -. oa Thorailayfthe ’?*» Clock f x. for toe pJectlon l£P : Irectcrs ftj/* the .v>«ni(i«g year, aud tar we traarao. tlon of any other btaltess thir mar com • before them. myfi-e-T4-td WILLIAM B. OG pay, SSP* ■ A NNU 4T. MR h.TING NOTICE Xx TO STOCKHOLDERS. Orncx of Gaum a A Chicago H nox B R.Cou> _ . Chicago. Mav 2d, I:6L i TtoMaoal meeting of the atoclcholdera of the 6a* *9®* l °d CWcaso Untoa Ra lrcaU, Company, fbr the efecti'in of Directors tor t e ensuing trarwae- of other bnafnejs, will in i*eld at the offleenfthe Company,la Chicago, Illioofa. on Wednesday, the sth day of Jnnepeit.4tibo , ''locicA_M martgfiCT.lw W.M. LARRABRE Recretarr. Pf YD K ?AKK HuUsK ll* 3NTOW OI»U3Xr For the accommodation of Permanent and Tranacleni ■ • ’ ; B«ard»rs „ Trains leave mmol# Car tnl Depot at 7:30 x x. 15 x. £« p.x.fcSp x. *10? x. Chicago, April 3?rh. Cap27r3«T J. BARRRLL /CHICAGO, BUkiInGTON & V.' QtrnycY bailroad. Passer Trams I»ave and arrtvt at Chicago as fol« lo^s?—Mall leave sat %00 A. it. {Sundays exceptedk arrives at 6LOO r. x. (-andavs eaceit-d.) hxprwe leaves at & « p. x. {Saturdays excepted*. aT'ves at *L5a, m , {Mo days exce pt-*d) Aoror* Accon rorda uod waves «t 1:15 p. x. {Sundays excepted* arrives at Ith3o a. X, (Saturdays eznjp ed.) G. C. HAMMOND, Sopt. OFFICE OF THE P., FT. WATHE & C.8.8. co _ „ * . Pittsburg. April Ist, IML W, B. f>QDl3r, Epcplt9- Tho latest due v»y lit IfiSt on tha Chicago Da. .notßaadeotthe-P.Ft Wame * Cricago R, R. Co, will he pall upon nr-seutstlon of the coupons at tha Marine Hask, Chicago, at ilme after tMs data WlidWy J. P. HENDEShO v. Treasurer. .f'j MORGAN has Removed to 169 Randolph Street, Where he will be pleated 'o see all hi, old pattroua as wellaathos*wiping to onrohase FcmUure at TOW Ptu ’FS. Thest'c'c-s cn r ir Ij new and coracri>m< one of th* Ur»ait, best and most Ashionable Fnrut tors In the West, , .y PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES ?f Rosewood, ztsasioß Dining Tables »nd Chain. Secretaries Tr to. • Tfttcs. Scfas, BedPta.Ja aid Chairs of all ilrds. XW Please call and examine this stock before you o*7. •. ■ : ■ ■ • ; - anSRI-ly OF THE ILLINOIS \f STOUTS COMPATfT.—CajoAoo, April«, isq. ‘ Vo«o» —Tbo RrnualTaeetiae of tho Stockholders of the Illinois Stone i.cmaanr. »U1 be held .t Its oi*ce la Chlcsgo. on Tjiwoar. &o ?th day of Mar. proximo. st •Jo clock P.MLfbrtha election of life JMirctors, »nd transaction cf any other baafnee* that mar bo ore •BOffd- , JOJiH ,W/ McGEJTNIS®, ap6-<4ge-ja Secretary. TKfSTJRS YOTIK FUR* FROM *. MOTH 3 by Iswlajrtfcem *t eur-at-ire _ NO. 118 LAKE STniEET, be packed In .ucb a manner as to render teem Impenriona to MOTH ordaupneat, and Inanred froatail damage or kwa. :Becclp» riven and charsm low. j. a. moth a co~^ ■pgSMT Hattere and Fanfare. 2.-000 000 w rLsoN>s aC m tfcs3gSSrS r £lSE P«CKM. ±O . and larg* quantities at reduced mea Oar.PUaU.ata «trnn& bealtty and well rooted, ard we fsTlle easterner* to cell mad see for tnems*Ue* bo fcre par *ha«i»»ic elsewhere, at MOSctAVS OARDE& Ro*t (near Clr! PIPHT "WATER PIPE; Patent Intw B** 8 *** 1 4 Pipe, bored vltfc moASMy corner Polk and Canal tel. Chicago^ HP. BTANSET, " * „. ’‘HKenAsr. dealer m Trait and Prodace-No. us South Water O-. Chicago,llicolC. We aoHcit tho -coaJgnmeatof goodsthat are of-ti**-best qaalitr—lt wruH be oar own choice to dwU in no other cla*£ J*ftr-inaToaeT*imlacrte oJ the * llson's Albanw jjssrgg- "d ntMr «“» COAL, AIBIVAI 6f THE SUSSI. I aam receiving. LEHIGH LUTTP. for Foundry as*. * BLOS4BITBG, fo> Smiths use. LAChaWaNA, largß*esrg size. - , • - LACRAwana, range size A* B. 9XXEBDL ■Do«*ft«of. ScitiMulKt M 1 (in codfish— iwV Xorsaleby . PARSONS. PITKDT *■ BANKET, T'HE UNIVERSAL CT.ottttm X WRINGER. MccUye. Cheap and Pnrablo. Fits any wash tab ait .stettoaary,teh- Does tee work In one-fborth the ttmte with one-fourth the labor, and without injury to tM •Joth, For salehy the Honw ftrntiitrtag trade ceaSS ally,- AH parweeare eanttoped ngataetAn • ftinr. wiA‘ lag.or using Wrtpgera with Vulcanised. I dla Rubber ■gCTTngtjarnWlFg rrVTTg, mrAni- 0 f (no j. w • ME t KOPOLTTAN WASHING MAC CO VUHI-H.M. Onnm. aimoumnnrata- f'ILERK SUPREME “COURT.— LORTyNZO i.ETANn <a » tor re elec. °® c « cxClerk the Supreme Court Thud .jßraed.DtTlaton. JUectson JnaeScd. iflfii. a yaxst pIEKK OF SUPREME COURT. —CHARLES B. WELLS, of Kane. County. be> □eying that the candidate fcr Cle'k, has been from Ot fartheThird Grand Dlrfalon. ... aplftvi— OF THE SUPREME \-J QOCTT TOE TBE TRIED 6EaE]> DITISIOX RAvjjj L.HOC(iH of the City ofLwSaOe, In LaSalle Clenrof the Supreme Court fhrteeTßlrd «rtnd Dirt too. Election to be held oa the iat Monday In June neat, api2-uit Argal RhSjmisrnwma. Mortgage sale.—whereas. McWtHiatce did, on the nineteenth otoorLord bne taowml ,:S.SMSBSSffi s&?ss^S . «r Kmom, wable azmoaßy. which «U morton ' deed b rf corded la the Recorders -offiwja «"»f Ignaty of CcoA In the Stato.ofßliaidarih Book ai? lortgagea. at page. ess. And wheeeea also, detail haabeenmade In the paymert ot thEealdprondsaen Rotes and.the same are wholly dn« art »ow, theraTcre»poMQ notlos a hazabyglTen, that L the aald aha 1. under aad .hy *trtas of ttus ts^tismfsssitsssvs^s o* thoOsurt House dCy of Cfiicago, »eU at pub ic auction to tae highest bidder for- ~f -“ all the ibl. o^srdea^bedjoLpiece or parcel of,land.situate te the Couaty of <S»k, tad ‘'tate of iWeia betas the ■otewpremaes deserlbed bx and conveyed by n UL d»wd,towit;xotnoobere* five oXiQsatu dtritton of block numbered twenty-savaa (U7), la the -sSS^^^^S!SSS^di??*iSS north nan fourteen E. tn-the City ot Chicago, albr£ rtAWgettwwtthaarldtfaad equity ofretUmpdoa el the saioWUllam AMbwmiana lOaheln, andaa.ln a SS£- ro * HHo-JSSSfW^^ nurag ■. A Mil, l**' ' anW-eSgta al ' SAfrH;» w hereto. * ~ * ~ AtkJM.’off ffiis eletuuft (lay of January A.P. 1839, executed sad la oiet the nnSfr ,: oace mi htrtby aisda to the Becordof said d«S, MW JJeod of tputJWM dalyn«£ Sa Bacon. S“5 o£C°<>h County. nttaoK la BookSaS default has been mad* «nd legalhoider thereof, to teH iald eternises under • power lit aoU peedjof Trust oafe noticeS aeSßynvßn tfcaftl toJulsaU. sipublic auction. at the aorta door of Cm Chicago, la the State ot forthe nlzheatend best pries the sane w® bite*la purposes in saldDasd of Tjtm3 •xprewad, at tea. o'clock is the foranooa on Saturday, the thirteenth day of April. A. D, 18S1, the premise*!* |*W Qeed of Trust described, and situate in Sraastow filths County of Cook, sad State of PoMienelng at a point la the centre of >hfi Coonn Boo&tbur (fi rods south of the north nM» of Seettow edilrtoeii qfl)/T<rya forty-one «iy. gmre fourteen aS ’Wit thence rnnslnr east to the ease Use of the ooitaj wB iMitn crftheiiusUuroai tna-tr Seodg eSakteen. thence sooth tlx rods ana sixty-tour tmu S3 atorenid County ao»£wenca northerly along tonther with the bondings thowm; togstter wlthafl SrßSssagaftSWMS sa SSSitTn Alans, hto heirs erajitffsja ana to said 5Z -gs^ T r 4 ** mhggiW-W 1 Ttt« ** *“’-Ti'||| lilfti’aM il to MiA dg^tao6to day of mi4^Q.ia