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Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1860-1864, May 09, 1861, Image 1

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031490/1861-05-09/ed-1/seq-1/

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SSditom acd Pwqtflgtunn
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Mop*ry.toJß«e*s«yß Letteza, ety»*i«ESW»
eu-'Si. Actfr^ss,
twi/ono, 0 Cfajeifiyllliiiiti
Cljkago STribune.
The Maryland Lt-gMaiure have voted
vnanimm>ls .-.gainst a Convention. Bal
timore is in a perfect race of loyalty to the
Union! Having lost over a million of dol
lars for each Massachusetts soldier killed
in her street*?, and having felt the first pres
sure of the ponderous coil drawn around
her by tin Gove nment, she has turned her
attention to the business of arresting the
murderers and traitors in her midst, who
are fleeing in all directions. She now pro
mises to furnish her contingent of loyal
troops in answer to the President’s procla
mation. Good again 1 Let her next de
liver up her millionaire traitor Winans,
the arch-fiend of tbe rebellion, and thank
her stars that she is not now, as Sodom and
out >.va i, I iriilob t> ;li3 eye* of „ human
By telegraph we are informed that Sec
retary Chase has ordered Gov. Tates to
stop all supplies going South at Cairo.
While this step was actually necessary be
cause of the rebellious position assumed
by the States of Tennessee, Aikansas, Mis
sissippi and Louisiana, it is also a simple
act ofjustice towards the loyal States of
theTniou. Curing the~past two weeks,
SL Louis and Louisville have been reaping
rich profits from the shipments of flour and
provisions to the rebels ; while Cincinnati
and Chicago Lave nobly refused, at any
pries, to supply them either with bee f ',
pork or flour. Kow that Missouri and
Kentucky find out that the “neutrally”
dodge can bring them neither honor nor
profit, they must either go over to Jeff
Davis, “body and breeches,” or remain
loysViinder tbe Stars and- Stripes. There
is Xo middle ground to stand on. Secre
tarv Chase’s order means business. If the
traitorous crew are not willing .to be
starved into submission to the Constitution
and laws of the United States, they must
make a dash at Cairo. When they do it
they will find the whole adult male popu
lation of Illinois pouring down into the
Cairo tunnel to meet them.
A dfcp-UCii fr.j’JL Montgomery saya that
the Confederation newspaper of that city
slates that over three hundred thousand
applications have been received hy Jeff.
Davis’s government for letters of - marque
and reprisal. Quite likely 1 This num
ber is about four limes larger Ilian the
whole naval and maritime power of the
globe, including registered lake and river
craft of all sorts and sizes. We suppose
the balance will be induced to come out of
Symmes’s hole to participate in the extrr
ocffinaTy advantages proffered by the New
A den of conspirator* calling themselves
the Legislature of Tennessee have voted •
that State out of the Union subject to a rati
fication by the people on the Bth of June.
Yeiy well! The Legislature had no more
right to pass an ordinance of secession
than it had to establish a system of religion
for Camscbatka. But let the people make
up their minds well and t- oroughly in the
interim. They arc aware by this time that
if they want war they can have it in the
most liberal doses. We hope their free
dom of choice will be unrestricted; but we
suggest that tbe appropriation of only
$2,000,000 for the equipment and support
55,000 men is likely to Btfirve them all out,
before they get within cannon shot of
Col B. M. Prentiss, commanding at Cai
ro, was yesterday elected, by an almost
unanimous vote, Brigadier General of the
«lx Illinois regiments. So says our special
dispatch. Wc presume the election will
not be legally valid until the commissioned -
officers of the other three regiments (Col.
Wallace's, Col. Cook’s and Col. McAr
thur’s) have voted- There are 198 com
missioned officers in the six regiments en
titled to vote. There can be no doubt of
CoL Prentiss’, election. *
The capacity of this able officer for his
important command has been proved,, not.
only in Mexico, bat in his new sphere of
patriotic duty. We predict that the Illinois
troops will never regret the day when they**
chose Benjamin M. Prentiss as their
.highest field officer.... ..
A Washington dispatch says that the
War Department is refusing all applica
tions fromregular army officers requesting
leave to accept commissions in ihe volun
teer brigades. This is probably the reasoi) .
wbyCapt Pope's name does not appear in
the election held yesterday at Cairo.
Captain Lyon and Captain Stokes,
6t, Louis Arsenal, May 6,1861. .
Editors’ Chicago Tribune : . --
I notice ia the N. Y. Tribunes, letter from your
paper, written at Springfield. HI., on the 28th of
Apr& giving ku eccoant of the remoral fc o{the JSI
S. arms from this place, containing so many an-
Justifiable errors, that Z deem it proper to state
. j -th«t po reliance can be placed upon the facts as
Tours, respectfully,"*
IT. Lvov, ,»*-
Capt- 2d Icfoutry, Commapdicg.
Ajcsweb.—Our correspondent* referred
to by Capt. Lyon, is now in this city, ancT
lie avers that the statement in the Tbibuke
of .S pril 2Dth was taken from Capt Siokesfc.
own lips in the office of the SL
Hotel in Springfield; cn the afternoon ot
tire preceding day. He also avers that
the TocaTediLor of journal
informed him that he had received'the
game, or substantially the same, statement
fioiii Capt Stoke* -which was printed in
detailed therein.
that paper of April 20th. A question aL
veracity being raised, we therefore turn it
"'"over to Caph Stokes himself J^urcqg 5i
respondent went to the right quarter for
iris news, and very properly gave the pub-,
lie what he received, \
Hon* Owen Lovejoy*
"JWfeSte-toe Joliet jßtk
Trader Lave wanted to know, of late, why the
Hon. Otren-lwvftey-did' net volunteer along’
with the thousands of his conftitueßtS who
«« rushing to the battle field—signing tbhl J
t>»wi be, of all other men, ought to be in at
the death—we observe that the Chicago ihi*
■ serioos that gentle
man’s participating in the war. ~8«7b the
mr. ... . 1
«The appointment cf such a man [as H&
Lerrjoy} at this eriib would do mote: to 1
Kow we Insist that either Mr.Lovejoy‘ought
not to be cuffed for keeping out of the fight,
or he ought not to.be cudgelled for gohsf
In. At our'latest advices from Springfield,
• ca»didftk«fo*‘the
of the regiment of the Hid Congrescicbsl
District, and his election seemed’ to oe taken
as a of course. Wc have learned
Joliet, however, that Jbslah McEoberts, Esq.,
tlon. We shall cordially Indorse the election
Of either of these gentlemen, firstly, because
we know them both to be tine, faithful, brave 3
end competent, bet chif’fly beoauf 6 the sue*
S> . *OKfol ceadldate *IU be <to pammd:<**a. of
*>* *oiunt«n. Was, they do win 'be dtme
Aatewo. jrt* «rf«d IB
the bearer from *>♦ ffW
*" J>W*#Ma goltWcoel'ibeNew Tortiwib
yMblngtoiu— WadtlnfUn Oarertide, Omdoy-
M a 3Tisisnder*tftiidlos—Gen* Sco t—Sec.
Cbue’i «»rder—nforo ’Troops—Mlctil
- C»n —»li«« ailaUt«r> Leave—Fort
' Mckena-How a Traitor Oaofclic
Himself-New Jewey-Ulnei-Spltij I
~ ■ "TSpeclai dispatches to N. Y. Tribune 1
Washisotok, Monday, May fi—6 P. IT.
‘d A serious misunderstanding exists between
, the Government and the State Governors, re
• 1 stive to forwarding troops to Washington,
ie which should be remedied without delay.
, There are fifteen thousand volunteeis in New
*' York, and ten thousand in Ohio, awaiting or
;d dcra ffom here to come on, and the "Dieter
g . County Bagiment of yonr Slate is understood
to have been ordered home again, despairing
>d of being called into service, and supposing
2t that Government does not want them. On
the contrary, Government wants them ail,and
xe orders them to this point just as fast as it re
to ccives notice that they are ready to march. If
- not ordered here, it is because the State Gov
ernor has failed to notify the War Department
al that the troops are ready to come. The mo
a . ment Government is thus notified, the -order
of march is issued, but it is the business of
each regiment to see that the notification
g reaches Washington.
* I am officially authorized to say that the
lK troops are wanted, and wanted hve. No regi
id mens which is armed, equipped and provision
m ed as was the Rhode Island Regiment, need
fast but that it will be accepted on arrival
here, whether it comes with or without or
Tne transport should come up the Potomac
directly to tne Washington Navy Yard, where
will be found ample quartern for troops until
they can be otherwise located, and abundant
As to batteries upon the Potomac, none
have been erected up to this time, nor can
they be, for the only points where works
could be erected are constantly and thorough
ly watched, and there are seven armed steam
ers plying on the river steadily, with orders
to cut to pieces any body of men attempting
to erect batteries. * >
To day Gen, ficott again, for the third time, !
voluntarily took the oath of allegiance to the ;
Constitution and laws of the United States, j
HU staff here followed his example.
Secretary Chase has issued instructions to |
Surveyors of Cusfome at ail tne ports on the j
Onio and Upper Mississippi Rivers, directing
tit m to keep a most vigilant eye ou ail wau-r I
craft .ud railroad Hues, to preivnt them from 1
carrying provisions or munitions of tear into the •
seceded Stotts, The various important ques- '
. tious arising out ot this complicated sta e of ,
affairs, receive the careful scrutiny of the See- i
rotary, notwithstanding the great pressure of
other DUiioese, which keeps him at his office ;
until late every evening. I
Four regiments have arrived in the city since '
8 o’clock l*st evening,—the First, TrirJ, and
Fourth of New Jersey, and the Twenty-eighth
o: New York.
M-j. Cnmolf,Commandant of the Baltimore
Miliary, under Police authority, to-day issued
an order to disband them, stating that their
services were no louder needed to I reserve
order. True is regarded as the result of
the approach of Ucited Slates troops.
Thi Seventh remain in Camp Cain- ron, un
less some active engagement lakes place, until
the expiration of their thirty days. About
one half bffer to remain to the eud of the war.
The Massachusetts troops, Sixth Regiment,
which was assailed by the mob, are to go to
Fort McHenry, and to march from, theuca as
the advanced guard of Gen. Patterson’s troops
i in pissing through B urimore.
i The War and Navy Departments are rapidly
filling the vacancies made by recent resigns
! lions. They are mostly Lieutenants in the
Army and Marine corps.
A large quantity of provisions arrived to
i day from Baltimore by wagons. Five bund-;
! red head of beef cattle and cue thousand I
, horses ar» expected before Thursday night. 1
1 Tney are to come by the Northern Central
Route across the country to the Relay House.
. The Government has declined accepting
more than one regiment ofthree months’ vol
unteers from Michigan, but will, however, re
ceive two regiments under the latest procla
i nation.
I N. B. Judd.Mlsistcr to Berlin; D. K. Carrier,
I Minister to Bolivia,and A. B. Dickinson, Min
ister to Nicaragua, are here receiving their
fisal instructions. Mr. Judd sails on tne 24th
inst. Canter leaves at on early cay. There is
an important commercial treaty to be negoti
ated with Boli- ia, which will be entrusted to
his care and akin.
£Us worth V Zouaves would like very much
to be sent on service in Virginia, and they are
not unlikely to bs among the first corps or
dered there, when the time comes. Some of
them say that the best thing to be done with
themselves is to march them over the long
bridge, and then take away the draw.
The exciting rumor is circulating that or
ders went to Fort Pickens, some days ago, to
attack and disperse the rebel forces in that
■vicinity immediately" after the expiration ot
the twenty nays’ notice gjvtn in the Presi
dent’s ‘ Proclamation. This is erroneous.
While Fort Pickens is now fnliy prepared to
"■Withstand a six months’ siege, the lederai force,
there is not yet considered strong enough to*
attack the rebels, as a large force would be
necessary not only to put the traitors to flight
in the first instance, but to publicly gamton
and hold the public property ata Pensacola
after it is recaptured. The rebels, in the
.meantime, are exhausting their money, and
demoralizing and discouraging their men. If
they can only be betrayed into tbs weakness
of attempting to play the Sumter gome over
again, they will receive a needed aad valuable
■ lesson.
• Major W. M. Emery V resignation baa been
| received at the War 'Department He is a
native of Maryland, but is on service some
where in the West. Some time since, he left
hi& r situation in the hands of a member of
his family, to be filed whenever Maryland j
.should secede. Accordingly, Immediately!
alter the Baltimore riot, when the State ]
seemed ready to plunge Into secession forth- ;
I with, Emory’s relative bonded in the Maj’s res
ignation. faince Md.haa recovered its semes,
Emory's friends have been making earnest
efforts to recall his resignation, but they pro
bably will not succeed. The fact that he even
contemplated the desertion of his flag in the
hour of peril, under the delusive idea that he
4>w6» <hjs allegiance to'his State "paramount,
shows that bis loyalty is conditional upon the
loyally of Maryland, and the government is
puly too glad to be relieved of such officer?,
that the faithful and true men may be in the
right places when the military crisis comes.
The President and Secretary visited the
Zouaves yesterday, at their quarters, and nar
rowly escaped with their lives, from the en
thusiastic welcome and hand-shaking which
greeted them.
The New Jersey troops arrived here by rail
road from Annapolis, two hours after last mid
night, in a drenching rain storm, to find no
.quarters provided for them, and nothing to
e*t. Not knowing where to go or what to do,
some of them fired their gnus as “signals of
distress,” thinking that would bring some one
to their relief It certainly aroused the neigh
borhood, many of us thinking the battle had
begun at last.. Temporary quarters were found
for the - Jersey Blues at lost The fidlpre to
find accommodations ready for them resulted
from the fact that they-wure expected to come
up the Potomac river, and to land ,at the
J Navy-yard, where ample accommodations bad
been provided.
News has been received here by Pony Ex
press, of the arrival of Gen. Sumner at San
Francisco, And the resignation of Gen. Albert
8. Johnston,after turning over to his successor,
'faithfully, ail the public property in his charge.
Johnston is a native, of Kaiiucky, but bp
pointed from Texas. 8. De Gran Val and Con
nor,-arrested as spies, are still in thfe'guard
house. The former will in time, doubtless, be
released, but the case of the latter, the son of
w respectable famUyln Annapolis; Is peculiar
ly aggravated. He opened dispatches intrust
ed to him at Washington. He yesterday made
a confession to his priest, and requested to
see the commandant. Cob Smith, before he
slept. Bis ease is under consideration at the
. War Department In Washington.
New Plan for Iran Gunboat*.
t We have before ns an engraved model of an
. English steam gunboat, drawn by John West
wood, sn experienced machinist, and ready to
L -be manufactured by the vreff firm of
t George Stacy & Co. of Cincinnati.
The model represents the boat 180 feet in
»a length, and 50 feet breadth of beam, catvj lag
• four gone,—which-has been- 1 recently con
structed for the British. Navy. The boat is
*• constructed throughout of four Inch iron,
which I| capable of resisting the. fire of gnus
M powerfulas os eight-inch Columblad. The
'|bf m of the boat is convex, wifh&i iron roof,
to fh&t all the operations of the machinery
and the working of the. gnna. are carried oh
®„ .under cover, while the convex frnn presented
I everywhere to balls and shells, secures the
y boat from being perforated or sunk, as every
.a 4ur|ectile- most glance oncoming in-contact
1 witn it.
t Messrs. Stacy Sc Co. propose to bnild.sjeam
4* fgtmboatsoo-this model, but -smallest drawing
only three feet of water, to adapt them to the
western’rivers, and ISO feet in length, for the
o, 4am of SIO,OOO each. This does not* include
(he armament
. As we entertain no doubt that cur govern
it must «K»hcr or later havetesseteef this
■ constrnctioDj /or ‘the peculiar emergency c:
river waefare and. blockade, wA commend the
, 'masfer-to > tfce totnediate J df ihos«
1 interested.—GSorinaoN Commercial,
i'MM'Mfcre on the'TraUbr TwlJg*,
f [From the' New Orleans Delta.} .
’ Besides this, all the towns and residences oi
7 C theLkke shore and the Gulf coast beyond thi
iX Rigfclets where Fort Fike ls situated, are lia
_ ble to bepfflaged.and homed by .expedition!
yyjjtjnopen Xoata and. hargea- fronkJhe eca
mja ships anchored ip the neighborhood ;. fr
say nothingof the possibility of Ilght-drangh
_ gup boats and yachts being cmployedXor tin
„ ’ object of capturing the Beit 'Drlean
>n and Mobile steamboats, and ravaging the in
se : tervehlag coasts. Centred 3Scism, who has i
re a residence at Pascagoula, looking at the situs
_ rtlonwilh his practiced mlßtsfy eye,,-entei
tainsaerions apprehensions of reahlu snob a
y. we have detoribed; apd thk General feels wel
ie assured that the "Lincoln forces emit opt£
t pfipteh’(reason and rtbrillon, will not-toll t
embrace the first convenient - opportunity’ fo
bfiniiag the -house and laying waste the-pre
t^Tperty of ao’caazs>icaons a “traitor”esd‘*r(
jcoeT* as hlmaelf.. We h^ej^cauih^iti/ . gfdhi
Thi Attempt to get Pcusaalon of Fort
rick«B« by Bribery,
| A correspondent of the Washington Sunday
Chronidty writing on board the Sabine, off
Fen eacola, nnder date of April 20, gives details
of the recent unsuccessful attempt on the
part of the rebels, to get possession of Fort
Pickens by bribery. Lieut Slemmer having
had Ms suspicions aroused by the frequent
passage of letters and papers between tbe
Fort and Warrington, gave orders that all such
communications must be stopped. The very
next day a roll of papers was sent over from
Warrington to a Sergeant, which Llent. Slem
mer opened and examined. He was rewarded ,
for his trouble by finding a note inclosed, j
making vague offers to the man if he w< nld :
betray his trust. A watch wis set over the
sergeant, and the next day another package
came over, addressed to the same man, and
baring this note inclosed:
“What a jackass yon are. I again renew my
offer of a position, with a lieutenant’s com
mission, and asl your pay two-fold that is due
yon from the Federal Government. Also to
: Flynn. If yon will help us along to cave
bloodshed, Icm offer any private in the com*
paoy $503, and any non-commissioned officer
SI,OOO, together with a guarantee of future
promotion as high, or higher, as he now stands.
Every man who will take upon themselves to give .
us the fort without bloodshed, and save the lives of
your girrison , will . be well paid —all back pay,
SSOO tor ths privates, SI,OOO for non commis
sioned officers, and a commission in the Con
federate army. Tl is I offer by authority. I
•would notoffcrii otherwise, ion, wafnend,
I believe will trust me. We must and will
have the fort, but *tia not worth due drop of
blood; but if it cost 5,000 lives, toe must and
t oiUhaveU. Fill it full of Federal troops if yon
will, yet toe must and i trill have it. Don’t be a
darn’d fool. Wnen and where can I see yon ?
I will go over to night, and will take a cock
ta 5 ’, if yon say so.
Answer first opportunity. Tours, &c. B.”
The same day, (April 10, ) Lieut. Slemmeb re
ceived private information that the troops on
the opposite side were making preparations,
providing boats, &?., and intended to come
that night or tbe next. He immediately ad
dressed a note to Capt. Adams, commanding
the squadron, informing him of the fact, end.
requesting reinforcements. A storm prevent
ed the Wyandotte from going out the harbor
that nlihc, but Lieut. Slemmer kept his men
lu position during the night, and had the ser
geant strictly watched.
Just at this critical moment, Capt. Adams
received information from Washington to re
inforce tie fort, and immediately cc.molicd wi h
L-euL Slf mm?r’a requisition, and cn the morn
ing of April 11, the latter sent the ordnanca
sergeant reterred to on board ihe Sabine, deem
ing it unsafe to keep him at Pii-kens, even if a
go od man, subject to the influence around him.
On the morning of the 13:h of Aoril, a pri
vate of Slemmer’s company.made the follow
ing statement:
*• I was on picket guard last night Daring
the night I saw a small boat approach the
beach. I stepped back to see what It was
about, when a man came before me. I brought
my market to a charge, and ordered h’m to
halt. He said, ‘Don’t shoot; lam a friend.*
Ha then began to talk to me, and to ask about
the fort. While he was talking, three others
came came up behind me. They asked me
m«y questions about the number ol men,
&c., about the flank defence, and whether the
gnus could not be spiked, &c. They said
they would give any man plenty of money
if he would only spUce ihe flank defence
guns, and asked when I would be on
picket-guard again. I told thsm on Monday
night. They said: ‘We will be over and
ready.’ As they were going away one of them
said to me, * How are yon off for money in
Vho fori?’ I said, ‘We have not been paid for
sis months.’ Hs then put a roll of bills In
my hand, and said, ‘ Give that to them.* He
then gave me a roll of tlllsaaiounting to sixty
dollars, which I now have in my possession.”
After making this statement he gave the
$63 to Slemmer. Tne gallant Lieutenant de
clared that it was only when he saw these evi
dences of intentions to bribe his men to spike
hU flank defence guns, and thus obtain pos
session of the fort, he believed it necessary to
call for reinforcements.
Cavalry Grapnel.
This is a newly invented weapon of warfare,
and Is designed to render cavalry vastly supe
rior to infantry. It ia an admitted fact in the
science of war that infantry formed into a
square, or in mass and standing firm and un
broken, can defeat an equal number of cavai
ry, each being armed with tbe ordinary wea
pons. The tact haa been folly demonstrated
upon many a Well fought field, in the la t half
century, the most notable of which was the
celebrated battle of Waterloo, where the
French civalxy repeatedly charged Hie squares
of English infantry, and were uniformly re
pulsed, the squares standing firm and un
broken. Thu firm stand of the infantry and
uniform repulse of the civalry were doubt
less the mam cause of the defeat of the French
at that celebrated battle, contested between
ths best cavalry and infantry of any age, and.
commanded by the greatest generals of tho
world. A man and horse, acting as one, have
the strength and speed cf several men, and
ought, if properly armed, to be competent to
the defeat of several men. The cavalry
grapnel Is a new weapon, adapted to this
superior strength and speed, and a regiment
of horse armed with this destructive weapon,
mid well skilled, in its use, can easily defeat
four times their numoer of infantry, mowing
them down like grass before a scythe. This
weapon can also be used by cavalry against
cavalry, and even infantry could use it against
infantry with great destruction. The grapnel
was invented in one of onr Northern States,
and 100,000 have been recently manufactured
for a European government for the arming of
cavalry. The present widespread rebellion in
onr own country caused the inventor to offer
them to our government. They were submit
ted to the proper department, and approved
of and purchased, and it is expected that the
President will shortly ea-1 into the service of
the United States 60,000 cavalry, to be fur
nished with the grapnel as an additional arm.
With this destructive weapon they will be able
to cut in pieces and annihilate the best in
fantry that ever entered a field— T. Sordid,
7th insL
The above is ratter a blind and muddy ac- i
count, and we are not prepared to believe.it *
Tbe reader can do as he pleases about it
How Tenneis*« Propose* to Balsa a
War Faad.
[From the Cincinnati Gazette,]
The following from the Memphis Avalanche,
shows that something more than mere passive
repudiation is intended for these Southern
We a»BUtne that Tennessee, in her sovereign ca*
parity, is in a condition of hostility to the Federal
Government. This .being the case, what course
would we be Justified In pursuing towards the
property of the citizens of those States that adhere
to the Government, that may be found within cnr
There Is a largo commercial debt due by the
merchants of Tennessee to those of tbe North;
citizens of the North own a very large proportion
of the best hank stock of the State: all onr corpo
rations and railroad bonds are held by Northern*
ers. ‘ ,1
There is ■ an immense amount of other property j
in Tennessee owned by citizens of the Northern I
States. • • }
The question we propose to discuss is: What
have we a right to do with these many millions of
dollar*' worth of property, if our foreboding prove :■
tree as to there being a stale of war -between ns )
andthe North? ' )•
It may be reasonably anticipated that the -
war will not be closed without some provls* j
ion for tbe payment of Southern debts to the :
North. |f Secession is repudiated, the crush* j
1 tdgbtil’ of Secession mast .enforce payment |
The Smth'haa appealed to arms to avoid pay* \
meet, and arms must bring them to a sense of
honesty. Our citizens will be pleased to see
their claims confiscated by the "Confederate
r States; it will enable them to hold the States .
'responsible, and a Government would be un* ;
worthy the name which should draw from the
resources of it-* loyal citizens to suppress re*
bellion, and then should leave hundreds of
millions of their property in the hands of tbe
rebdlir without any provision for enforcing
The following has. been handed ns by a
prominent .gentleman of business of this city.
[From thoCSndnaat! Commercial,]
May 3,1861.
Gevtuucsv lam in receipt of years of Ssth
Apl, which says you-have send bill for $4ftSS by
. Adams SiprosaTor Cffilxion. , v. ji i.
I ~ T regret that tbenorth hare thought fit 1 to wage
an unholy war against ue, and in reply to yours I
■ I hare to say that yon need not expect anything
until this unholy war ceases,. . ,
- .J—rieineollppincfrom*oo# : eP r ourpap&Sj and
by the “ Home Guards ” difflnition any person
Bonding funds toyonr city would be guilty of .
Treason. This role most apply henrolso.
Yours u- m. Geobvxsoe
The enclosed -sHp from a Memphls paper
-give? the following as the reason whyjßouth'
• eboufifnht r^ythe!r‘lndebteanessto
Northern men: ; -•■■■ ' j
The debts were contracted unde? a different tar*
a treat in the honesty and’Mf dealing of
1 the North, which, if verified. would have secured
payment, Mt wfaio, wiifnllv broken, ean&it iht
- i This paragraph Is from the paper edited by
■ : an_.ex convict-of Sing Sing penitentiary, who
i terfeff a tergi of three years for fbrge|v, s and
> left this town aojua mouths since,* branded as
■ a thief and liar by aSX whO Khew'hiiij. He ifi $
. very proper persontojostiiy the action of t|ie
■ ; repumatora of Memphis. . -
Thepaitre who crawl throngtjibe
i “holeludJcated In the latter pnbHahed aboye,
msyrest as&ured thscfc lfce,‘sunho]y war” which
> they are snuffling about wi]l not ceua until
► —each fellp va as they are haT* received la full
• j all thaUjoneatfflen
•■) ‘ inland tn ttu Fleld*
i! New Toek; lUy B.—Warren ljolandj Of thnj
k. ‘ Hotel, hastandoreil h!s sendees
' 7 Governor of his native State, thread
j the Ut Vermont Regiment,
Election or Col. Prentiss as
Brigadier General.
Heavy Ordnance Coming.
military Election in Epxingfield.
Major Anderson to Command the
Kentucky Volunteers.
Tits War to lie Short and Energetic.
[Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.]
Cairo, Hay 8,1861.
At the Brigade election to-day CoL Prentiss
received 93 out of 93 votes cast for Brigadier
Hon. L N. Arnold and W. L. Church of Chi
cago, visited the Camp to day.
The ceremony of hoisting the Stars and
Stripes at the head-quarters of the Brigadier
General came off amid music, speeches, etc.
Col. Wallace's regiment Is encamped twefity
miles above ns, 900 strong.
There is nothing new or strange from the
South. The same feeling still exists there
about the occupation of Cairo.
Our heavy ordnance have not yet arrived,
but are expected every hour. When received,
we shall make the place perfectly Impregnable
and be prepared to execute the older of Sec
retary Chase upon every thing afloat toward
the New Dahomey. C.
[Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.]
SmiNoraxu, Hay 8.
To-day Joseph R. Scott was elected Colonel,
Fred. Harding Lieut. Colonel, and S. D. Bald
win Major of the first of the ten Regiments or
ganized from the Companies reported in yes
terday’s Tbibgne,
There have been detailed from the Adjutant
General’s Office the following named gentle
men, to muster into the service of the State
the nine Regiments in the nine Congressional
Districts:—Col. J. E, Smith for Free
port and Dixon; Capt. C. C. Marsh
for -Joliet; Capt. J. A. Paddock for Peoria;
Msj. J. B. Wyman, Assistant Adjutant Gen
eral, for Jacksonville; Gen. T. 8. Mather, Ad
jutant General, for Quincy; and Capt. U. S.
Grant (late of U. S, army), for Mattoon, Bell
ville and Anna. The election has been held
to day, for Brigadier General, at this place,
Alton, Yilla Ridge and Cairo. Result not
known. CoL McArthur's regiment departs to
night ; destination unknown.
•From the Seat of War.
Washington, May 7.—The greatest acllv
ity prevails at tbe War and Navy Departments,
Serfeetlng details for encompassing and p nu
lling traitors.
Another committee has been here from Bal
timore They reported to the President that,
the mob spirit was down, and the loyalists
were preparing to welcome tho Government
troops. There will be at least three regiments
raised in Baltimore, of 1.000 men each, and be
accented by tbe Government.
40,000 troops will be concentrated at Wash
ing on.
The Massachusetts Bth regiment yesterday
sent 500 loaves of splendid bread, made by
themselves, to the New York 28fch regiment.
Gen. Patterson of Pennsylvania will move
troops by detachments through Baltimore as
soon as the railroad is repaired.
Major Hanter, U. S. A, will be made a
Late Richmond papers announce themarch
lug of military companies towards Harper’s
Ferry. The Kentucky Battalion Is expected
to move thither.
Senator Morrill tenders a regiment of lum
bermen from Maine, none to be lees than six
feet, foi the regular army. They are likely to
be accepted. The Governors of Pennsylvania,
Ohio, Michigan, ludi&na and Illinois have
agreed on a plan of co-operation for the sup
port of the Federal Government. They act
as an unit, their action having been ratified by
the President.
Wasehttow, May B.—A Louisiana regiment
arrived at Richmond on Monday; 1,400 Ten
nessee troops and a battalion of Alabama
troops have reached Lynchburg. At Norfolk
there are about 4.000 troops, including two
companies of Georgians. The authorities
were fortifying Norfolk in all directions, alsd
Hatteras Inlet, North Carolina..
A board of medical officers will convene at
the Naval Hospital, N. Y., on the Ist of June
next, for the examination of candidates for
admission into the Federal Corps of the
Frederick, Md., May B.—The Court
House was nearly defrayed by fire last night.
It is supposed to have been a piece of incen
The probabilities sow are that the Legisla
ture will adjourn on Friday, until the 10th of
July next. At a caucus of the House mem
bers last night it was almost unanimously de
termined to abandon the proposition, of a
Washington, May B.—lt is reported that ex-
Gov. Reeder, of Kansas, now of Pennsylvania,
will be appointed Brigadier General in the
Lieut. Jones, who fired the Harper’s Feriy
Arsenal Js appointed Assistant Quarter Master
General with the title of Captain.
The Virginians are not ready for an attack
on Washington. Gen. Lee insists that the
State line shall not be crossed by Virginians
until they are attacked.
It is reported that the troops now at Perry
ville will soon arrive here. It is understood
they will land ou the Baltimore tide, joining
Gen. Butler's forces at the Relay House, and
with troops from Harrieburgh will make force
enough to pass safely through Baltimore.
movements In Fcnniylmltu
Habrisburgh, Friday, May 6, CoL Piper,
of Cambria County, offers a foil regiment irom
tbat County, to President Lincoln, through
Gov. Curtis, to enlist for any period designa
ted by the President.
In the House, to day, Gideon J. Ball, intro
duced a resolution statins that James Ka-.
. son, late Senator irom Virginia, owns large
; property in the State of Pennsylvania, and
{.proposes that the Speaker appoints Commlt-
I tee to investigate the foots, and If found true,
i vhereas he ha- been guilty cf treason, no con
! veyauceor transfer of the same shall be as*
I knowledged or recorded in this State.
! The books of Adjutant-General show that
163 companies, besides eight Philadelphia reg
iments, have been accepted and mustered into
service. Twenty-eight regiments and three
companies additional have been accepted and
offered up to May 8. . ' ' I‘ •
j Camp Curtin is in bad condition, caused by
! the excessive rains since Friday. Great dis
satisfaction Is expressed about the location of
the hew camp at Westchester, which is con
sidered valueless as a strategical point by
military men.
Habbwboboie, Pa., Monday, May ft.
-Three hundred of United States Cavalry,
well mounted, left' Carlisle Barracks- this
morning lor York. It is said they wiUmorclr
through Baltimore before the end of the.
week,' - j ;
Michigan legltlatare. ,
Dbteoit, May 8 —An extra session of the
Michigan Legislature met at Lansing yester
day. The Governor’s message, recommends
that the law of last session, providing for rais
ing two regiments be amended, to authorize
four more with power to raise ten, if needed;
> to pay volunteers while in service of the State,
preparatory to being mustered into the-ser
vice of the United States, the same rate as they
. would be entitled to after being musetred into
that service ; also that all' subsequent enlist
, meats be for three years, unless .sooner
, fflMhuged. To BiMt.
he favors a loan of not less,than opo
I million ; of -dpUus. be Issufed
[ IbßmaUamouQts^lnwhiQhoase,hethfnksthe
t whole will be takoi by citizens of this Btate.-
r' He recommends to the Legislature to enact»
i J3W authorizing townships to levy taxes for.
r the support of the fomlliea qf YoJnntcerj,
> He says the national government cannot long*
I er confine itself to mere defence,
i strike treason wherever it is found. Alt the
> deluslya pretences ot rebels about coercion
9 and Invasion or htates must be thrown aside.
- and the fall right of federal troops to march
s at pleasure over every inch of territory of the
I the President, Is as much guilty of treason as
1 > one which makes actual wa|y ■ ; • ■
:■ A Mew golag Uueadi
J , BsUimors. - - j
aJ ; Third Hegfahent
i of AitipardAakbv
I railroad for Washington, via Baltimore, this
SFnitt HontgoaiciT* i Vhe Wax to be t{ Short* Spirited and
resented a blfcftdng the time of election for i New Yoke, May B.—A gentleman of this
epresentatlvrCm CpngiTES, alaoproTldine city, bearer,of Washington, re
for the President and vice Pkeaf- ports his conversation with secretary Seward,
dent under the permanent Constitution. Be* He told Mr Seward of the determined feeling
ferred to the Judiciary. Committee. . in New Tork’fo sustain the Government, aha
An act waaparsed recosnizmgthe existence that energetic action was expected ox the
of war with the United .elates, and concern* Government Mr. Seward replied—“ The peo
iiiff letters of marque and reprisal and prize pie shouldn’t be disappointed,” and thought
goods. ‘ The preamble recites the acts of Pres- they would ne well satisfied with what would
ident Lincoln, his proclamation, asserting take place in a very few days. This gentleman
that it is necessary for the Confederate States also had a conversation with Postmaster Gen
to accept the war thus commenced by him. era! Blair, who gave him the programme of
The act authorizes the granting oflettera of the Government, and thinks It will oe effective
marque and reprisal on certain conditions. A in quelling the disturbances. Troops will
proviso announces the doctrine that free ves- probably be sent to New Orleans. Mr. Biair
aels makefree goods. Thirty flays etc allow- thinks the war will be short, spirited and en
ed for Federal Vessels how at_ the ports of the ergetic.
Confederate Stales for the-purpose of lawful ‘
commerce, to return home. The five per cent
prizs is received as a fund for the widows*and
orphans of those killed on privateers and
armed vessels for the support of the
Montgomery, May 7.—A salute was fired
here this morning, rejoicing at the “tenth
star to the constellation,,” Arkansas having
Montgomery, May B.—The postal depart
ment Is ready to take charge of the mails and
any movement Congress directs. Office, sea),
books, blanks, routes and clerical force are
complete. No detention of mails, need be
feared in consequence of any polity of the
Lincoln Government. • , • •
Congress—Brest. Ccbb read a despatch
from J- P. Hall, Commissioner from Georgia,
that- Arkansas had passed UOani*
momiy, an unconditional ordinance of Seces-
Morton, of a rcsguUo^
GhaplalMof ‘ ' •
Ochiltree, of Texas, offered a bill providing
for compensation disbursing officers of the
several executive departments. .
Conrad, of Lpqjafena, moved a committee
on claims.,, Adopted. i r ,^
Secret session followed.
Speeds of 800. Bererdy Johnson.
Baltimore, May 7.—Toe Union demonstra-*
tlon at Frederick city to-day was a grand affair.
Hon. Beverdy Johnson, in behalf of the ladies,
uresented a flag to the Home Guard, who had
150 members present, besides a large and en
thusiastic gathering of the people, Mr John
son said in the original causes which pro
duced the present emergency, Maryland had
no share. Her people ever were and now are
zealous in sapped of the Constitution and
Government waich they were foremost in
forming and adopting. No threat cf tree- ;
son has ever been whispered within her
limits, while the blessings and advantages of
the Union have ever been fully estimated and
appreciated The loss of these advantages, it
is felt, would be utter ruin. la this ruin all
the Stales would more or less share; but onr
geographical position would make it to us im
meSate and total Separation is impossible.
But for the resistance to its just and legal au
thority the Government had given no cause,
and had the friends of Constitutional
rights remained at their posts in Congress,
the power of the Government to transgress
its authority could have been effectually
The leaders of the rebellion were actuated
by an unholy tbirat for official power. The
fact is evinced in'jhe elevation to place of all
who have desecrated official position and plot
ted treason. They may as well strike at tho
heavens with their arms as against the Ameri
can Union. Defeat was certain to rebellion.
Tne free States, according to tho last census,
have 5.778,000 n»les between the ages of 18
aud 45. The slave States have 1.065,000. The
secededStatcs, exclusive of Virginia, bad only
631,000, and the difference in wealth is propor
tionate to that oi men.
With sack a vast disparity, the end of the
struggle Is beyond doubt, it was the aim of
the South to coniine the war to the border
States. Mr. Cobb was even now congratula
ting them on the removal of it from their
midst Bat Maryland ahonld frustrate this
cowardly policy. Let those who have pro
voked the war, bear Us entire brunt Mary
land’s proposition is to remain firm in her
loyality to the Government The rebellion
leaders dnnft all they could for Mr. Lin
coln's election, as The means ot precipitating
revolution in Inc WUth. They relied for the
success of their pAasflon the intervention of
thc-border glides 4ndenvisions m the North,
hut they were shaft sighted men. The first
gun fired at anob»audat|rvl. g garrison was
a- blow at the naSafe?s'-b&rt,‘«nd a united
North hid sprang* to arms sn vindication of
the fl-gaud for tu%sointeaance oi tne Gov
ernment. Heaven tfcst tho dtny of that,
vindication should gbe forgotten by Miryloud.
Grand Union fe»ttW«itlsn In Vlr-
Wheeling. Ya. Mav B.—A large Union
meeting was had at Kmgwooa, Preston
county, Virginia, on the 4jl Resolutions
we/o offered expressive of unalterable opposi
tion to the ordinance 01 secession, ana layer
ing a division of the Slate; and to vote fox
derogates. Congressional delegates were ap
pointed to t£e Wheeling Convention.
Nothing has been heard from the Kanawha
region. Advices from various weatnra coun
ties indicate a great increase in Union senti
ment. All necessary arrangements are being
made for holding in this city on
Mo day; fourteen counties have thus far ap
pointed delegates. A great deal of enthusiasm
is manifested over the receipt of 2,000 stand
of government arms which reached here to
Plsg Presentations Indiana Seel-
Indianapolis, May B.—The Eleventh (Col.
Wallace's Zouaves) Regiment, -was presented
with two silk dags thi. afternoon, one by the
ladies of Indianapolis and the other by the
ladies of Terre Haute. After the presenta
tion ceremonies, .he whole Regiment knelt
down and took the oath to protect the Ameri
can, flag and avenge the wrong done the In
diana volunteers by Jeff. Davis at the battle of
Buena Vista. The Seventh Regiment (CoL
Dnmont»was also presented with a Bilk flag
by the ladies of Aurora..
Wisconsin Troops.'
•MTT.wArrrfßß, May B—The Ist regiment of
■Wisconsin volunteers, CdL Starkweather com
manding, was reviewed. hy.Gov. Randall to
K'jfos King, Minister, to Home, who has
chosen to slay at home and serve his country,
has been appointed Biigadler-General by the
Governor. ..
At the review to day a handsome flag was
presented to the regiment by the ladies. All
passed off with much satisfaction.
Storemen* of lowa Troops.
Burlington, May 7.—The German Rifle
Company, Capt. Mitthlas, and the Burlington
Zouaves, Capt. Stripper, of thld.city, left on
the steamer Kate Casael for their rendezvous
at Keokuk this morning. An immense crowd
of citizens of both sexes gathered on the
levee to see them depart. A,steamer passed
Sunday night and . one Monday night, each
leaded with troops for Keokuk. ’
Frankfort, Ky., May. 3.—The Legislature
has adopted resolutions calling for the cones
pondence between Gov. Magoffin and the Con
federate State authorities, and'also esquiring,
whether the Confederate States had nude any
requisition bn Kentucky: for troops, and the
Governor’s reply thereto;.also to appoint a*
committee to enquire into -the expediency of
the suspension, of specie payments by the
~Raahß- j • ■ *;.
Growing Store Loyal*
Loxnsvni®, May-B.—The Surveyor of Cus
toms <&as-been, instructed to prevent ship
ments of arms, inanitions and provisions to
the seceded States, including
.Carolina- and Arkansas, Intercept such
shipments passing by or going through Louis
ville. • ;
- Tennessee Goes Oat.
Nashtuxu, May 7,—The proceedings of the
Tennessee Legislature have just been made
public. The Ordinance of secession and alli
ance with the Confederate States was passed,
subiect to a vote on the eighth of June.
The Military bill passed, calling tor 55 k OOO
volunteers, and appropriating $2,000,000 nn
conditionally, and $8,000,000 conditionally.
: Baltojosb, May arrests were
made of parties charged wUhpartidpating in
thsattack on the Massachusetts troops, yfes
terday, and to-day there has been a stampede
among the suspected. Seventy of the rioters
have disappeared. - ~ l ~ ‘
The legislature did nothing to*day.
Tlrzlfkia Troops' OoQeentnttlui at
Harper** Ferpy. % ;
- • [spedaitp .
■ ' Pmr.iftgLaaga; May &—Virginia troop* gre
concentrating la. fores at Helper’s Pony, eti*
dantlyintenSng to resist any attempt hy:the
Goveromentto re-possesa It lio apprehan-,
Bibniaftltbf the Ghjyemiden.V of an attach on
the forcee at Cairo. V ;
•; ■,
ftnrfnir.pmi, May BL—-Fifty West Eolkt
Cadeto<wereiietame4 fight by the
by tho polio* on the
to Joln the
iad-been receded that they hadpnrchascd arms
The mistake wu soon Rectified
and-they proceeded .to Washington, yghtte
tbeywlii; be oonuatesjopefl ba gad TJefiteh-
WU. : ; -
A ’Promlalns ;!i«yy f
■ Hxjstoouebt; May 7.—Th? Montgomery
CoKfa&rptiQn this .morning,, says -that over
300,000 applications hate beea recelYed at the
State Departmeht for letters of marque and.
reprisal; j.
Ths Sbrfltnd legtslatoi* Unanimous
- Agislxi'st a - 1 ,
- PhsDKBiQK, Mi, iliy B.—The LMjalature
Itat efdhhgToted unanimously sgamst coQ-
IngaOonryeatlpji. r:.. I’‘t.. 1 ’ ‘t..
-vj —i. Ji. ; J
. b.iii Troppß; ’ i
regimeut of Feunaylyania, CoL
started South this morning byTailrcpd, "
The BKls>oari Loyal Volunteers.
St.- Louis, May B.—The Union Home Guard
of the drat and second wards, numbering
1500 men, were sworn Into the volunteer ser
vice of the United States to day. Companies
from other wards will be sworn In daring the
week. These men srs allowed to remain with
their families, and follow their usual avoca
tions, but will be required to do guard duty
one day In each week. Capt. Lyon has orders
to receive 10,000 volunteers. He has already
upwards of 5,000 mustered Into the service
and the Home Guard of this city will com.
piete, and perhaps exceed the complement
Capture of a Light Boat*
Annapolis, May B.—Lteut. Crosby, U. S. A.,
arrived here with the Li ht Boat which was
stationed off Wind Mill Point, and removed
by the Secessionists. When seen she was 13
miles np the Wlcomlcs River,. Her crew de
serted her. Lieut. Crosby reports seeing large
numlxxsof cavalry on shore. . • '
The importance of Annapolis as a Military
Depot is daily becoming more apparent
True as Steel.
New York, May 8. —Senator Johnson of
Tennessee, made a manly union speech, for
the enforcement of the laws, and the preserva
tion of the Union at all hazards, at Knoxville,
a few days since. The speech was received
with great applause.
Arkansas Secedes.
Louisville, Ky, May B. —A reliable private
dispatch says that Arkansas yesterday passed
the Ordinance of Secession by a vote of 69
against L
Capture of a Bebel Schooner.
• New Yohk, May B.—Tha Express Washing
ton despatch says a schooner iuliy aimed was
captured at the mouth of the Chesapeake and
taken to Annapolis, two men were captured
the rest escaping in boats.
New Tome, May B.—The Asia sailed this
morning for Liverpool. She took $4,800 in
Boston, May B.—The U. S. frigate Minneso
ta sailed this morning under sealed orders.
Major Anderson,
Washington, May 7. —Anderson has
this evening, with the consent of the Presi
dent, accepted the command of the Kentucky
The New York British Volunteers,
.Albany, May 8 —Orders have been Issued
forthe inspection of the New York British
Destructive Fire la Memphis*
Memphis, May B,—The block corner of
Front Row and Court street is burned. Loss
Items from the Capital.
[Special Dispatch to Cincinnati Commercial.]
Washington, May 7,1861.
The following are the troops now stationed
here: sth Pennsylvania, sth aud Bth Massa
chusetts, 7th, 13th, 35th, 28>h, 69£h, 71et and
Firemen Zouaves, of New York ; let, 2df 3d
and 4th, of New Jersev; the Rhode Island
regiments,. Reading and Providence flying bat
teries ; representing an segregate force of six
teen thousand Nor hem volunteers. In addi
tion to these, there are fifteen hundred regu
lar and three thousand District militia, mak
ing a total of twenty thousand five hundred
The tender of two regiments of Kentucky
volunteers for the maintenance of the Union,
is received by the Government with great sat
isfaction. Forty thousand dollars are allowed
by the Secretary of War for their equipment
with uniform, and in addition, CoL Terrell
- 'esterdiy obtained an order for Minic rifles
: ur tile whole force. ’ He leaves for New York
to-night to contract forthe uniforms. Msjor
Anderson, was moved to tears by the offer of
the command of the Kentucky brigade. Ho
expressed his hearty willingness to accept if
the consent of the war Department Mn be
The appointment of the second levy of vol
unteers among the several States,will be com
pleted by the war department to-morrow.
The department has already issued orders for
the organization of the new regiments to be
added to the regular army. Staff officers will
be at once appointed by the promotion of
loyal an 1 meritorious officers of the old regi
Major Sherman, a brother of Senator Sher
man, late President of the Louisiana Military
Academy, will be among the Colonels. More
than fifty applications of army officers for per
mission to take command of tho volunteer
corps, are already received at the War Report
men. All were refused, the increase of the
regular army rendering every map indispensa
Large quantities of military stores and pro
visions continue to anlve here. Two im
mense droves of beef cattle came hi from
Pennsylvania to-day. Gov. Buckingham of
Connecticut has persuaded the Secretary of
War to accept three instead of two regiments
from this State. They will arrive here bn
This was. general field day for the garrison.
Some fifteen thousand men were out tfria af
ternoon*- The President reviewed them. Four
New Jersey regiments of troops are here, a
good deal crammed, In quarters la the city.
All are anxious to go. into camp, - *
The Kentucky Regiments.
CoL Gothrie has succeeded beyond his high
est expectations in getting the sons of Ken
tucky to rally under the stars and stripes. So
jrrsat is the press noon hiin by men from
Boone, Greenup and Jefferson counties that
he has applied to the Secretary of War to re
ceive a third regiment Major Burbank visit
ed the Kentucky volunteers at Camp Clay yes
terday, and expressed himself highly pleased
with the quartern and general arrangements
there. He will muster the first regiment Into
the United States service to morrow.
Coi, Guthrie has appointed Lieut, Connel of
Lexington, Ky., Adjutant of the First Regi
ment This gentleman is a West Point gra
duate. He drill master of the celebrated
Lexington Rifles.
The “ Washington a company
of Germans, attached to the First Kentucky
Regiment, passed through the city yesterday
morning, on their,way tc Camp Clay. They
are nearly all experienced soldiers, and having
been under constant drill the -last ten days,
inarch with the precision of veteran troops.
They are in command of Capt. Wmewakl, a
soldier who has seen service fn big native
country.— Cincinnati GaziUe.
] 1 Rebel* Before Fort Clckeiu.
The rebels, in the vicinity of Fort Pickens
evidently begin lo think they are not in do
desirable a position 6 they had been led to
anticipate. An outspoken letter in the
Charleston Mercury, written at Pensacola on
the 25th of April, represents the condition of
affairs there as very desperate. The rebel
force there at that time numbered 'some six
or seven thousand, and they expected a ele£e
of six months’ duration. The writer is frank
enough to admit that the advantages were on
the side of Fort Pickens, In point both of
armament and position, while, having coni'
stand of the sea, It could he reinforced aa4
supplied without hindrance.
(fOT* And. Kentucky Arms*. |
: Some of the peace papers of Kentucky, are
prolessing incredulity as to the mission of
Dr. Blackburn in Louisiana and Mississippi,
and his coutr&cta with the authorities of those
States for anas. We happen to know-that {
Dr, Blackburn hss.procurcd.a large supply of :
arms in Louisiana and Mississippi IbrtheSo*-*
cesslonlsta_ of Kentucky, and that they are
being shipped to interior places in Kentucky, ’
by way of sTash-jille., A. considerable number ‘
have already arrived la Kentucky. Therein '
so gueaarwork about thin.. It la i
Cincirviati ConvnerfkfiU , j
4n Illinois Bow . . |
They nave a fanny quarrel about military !
matters in Illinois.' Chicago wants to famish
all the troops called for hy the State. The
rural districts want, to- do the same thing!
Then the Democrats want .to do the principal.
part of the fighting, and the Republicans are v
furious to get in.. do.there is a general row
and much ill temper, in-the expression of
which there is an immense mroendijure of
hard words.—
“ Xikb BtraiKMa.—Wq Ittm'lliif an
order for the'immediate nr&paratlon of a large’
JBumbfg Of flAeSh inch bomb shells has beer"
received at the Fort Pitt Foundry. As there
is but ouegan, : wwbellevb, ’in this country,
for which Mfdi shells are adapted, the a Pitts
hmgh Pet” is likely to ha vehotwork.-^-PWr.
, sraiaiEK, quods.
• c j A Cholee Selection of ’
A. &■ ’ Bawii* d) Co,
15<K ..Lm Stßxar TSG
TnMßeff ni Ttq
Neto abbetiisemetits.
O. S SOBiVjsS, AdwerUtinff agent, 93 Utar
iamtt.itatahorixtitaTtaist AdzerlltematU/Or
qu ota all ths Leading JStpgrt qf Ote UarOaeeet.
TICE.—Girts with good references cm be *>fd
** Btre « t » directly oppoilta the
Post Office. Pieaaa ealL my7x7t
\\7"ANTBD —By a young man a
v T situation u Hark or Salesman. Is *nil«sr to
make himself gen* rails useful. Salary not so much
■a obieet as Immediate employmaaL Address •* l.
W. G.," Tribane Office. msfcJt
SLP nlahed room, by a single zentleman la a private
famDy, a; moderate price. Befereuoci e» changed.
Address “HA'ULTOSf,’* tribune OSes, stating L-c*.
tloa 4 terms. Ac. > Bydzlt
Exercises and of Light-Infantry
For tbe use of the MUitl* of the Us!led States Pab-
IMteu by the Department of War. under the authority
of w act of Coagreuofthetnd of March. Was. with
thirty fine UlMtratlona. Price 75 cents, Bent bv null
>r £W* fe ‘.ESh lWl ?‘ l MOaS, BED. A cO ,
A3O Market street, Philadelphia. my3xst
s. 8. surras.
Has removed hla stock of Boots »rd Shoes from 3T\ 8
South dark street. (Battle's Old Stand), to vj Ran
dolph street, bet. State and Dearborn. in
“Ooifn with tin Seipeit FlisEnrtlapej”
Z*wVtng qaanCtieaatss.P9 mr Ihonsand, at
A. JUPsOITHIgQINS’ iflqtlc Store, ayi^esa-ltugt
. V T sltaatton-by a yotmg msn, to tak« charge cf
horaaa or drive team, la wd-ng to mike himself
generally useful tobla emplaver fa any res .actable
% ioes« tor a reasonable <-occpeD/»£Jon, Good refer
eaets given, please address -‘ls. H. W” chtcaco
Post Office, mj9x*t
j T\TANT£D —By a young man
f * T whoh'Bluui oocßldertMa experience In the
business, a situation as s Miller Tbe best of rater
. encesgl/eo. He is al«o azxndStone Dresser. Would
gt> In The coabtry if dealred. Address **T. WV at
Uus office. . - ny?2;t
JL desirous of engsrtcr In ether bn : tness. offer*
for sale a newiv estaoll-Ged badness fn tni< city,
whlca esa be made, bjr prop-r exertions, to pay a
large tom on the capital invested. It a a bostasas In
woleh there U no comp3t Uon, and to a sun of un
doubted business Qualifications * rare ehat.ee is of
fered. Addroea ~G. W. T..” Tribune offleo. ms9xst
X>OARDING.—ISB West Adams.
-I~) Two suites of Booms and Beard can be had if
applied for soon. Also, a few single rooms lor settle
men with board. mjTxSs
and Dwell lug Ko. 14V North Habted street,
sell mushed and resdr fur imtnelltve ocvnoascy.
Apply CO FtiAKSUN & BATCukLLEB, coraet of
Mjuket and Aaains streets. myS-evSi-Sw
TO RENT—A small furnished
House, six room* near Union Park. The omer
(a «ldo<?) wisheato boarj in tue hoosd. Apply on
toe premises, corner of mlton and P ck street* or to
No. 7 Steel’s Block. A UPDiDk.
-E-J and Sl&t) B’.di, the late>t Improvement*
ne-CtiSilonea &ad Morale or Slate Boas pat on. Alio,
two Second Hand Marble Bed* ur Bale. Order* by
mail promptly attend a to. No. 183 Maolsoa street,
betvv eo Clara aud Wells. Post often ooz&QU
m>9-e7OMw A. B. GRIFFITH, Agent.
meeting of uud bodeiy wilt be h*U ac their toonu.
Bryant, Bell A Strait n’d (JOIL-ge. •raUliSß.i.r EVI-JC
laO, May'JSU. ate o’clock, a fnU attendance is ra
queaujj, boalneu of soaie impjrtance uoa Laud.
WM. WjIKMAN. Preeloett
Thoh. B. PornaON, SccrcUry. m>9xlt.
▼ Vessel that well carry about U0 E, to go to
Cedar Kivts., uu Green Bay, for Lumber. JOnJ. Mc-
CAi'PEIi Y, second yard »oatn ot Folk street Bridge.
O OAR DING.—A gentleman and
U wife can find desirable Boom) with Beard in a
prlrata Uuni.y. on North hide, by adore*ting Pcs.
Office box ZAdl. mp jist
FIR SALE.—A extra New Milch
Cow and CalL Also, acme Eastern manufac
tured Buggies. Can be 100010 rear of No. 17 Congress
street. tpj9xlt
iv SOLING.—“Tax Nt<SHXiKOALs. n —A Collection
ci Bong.-. Cbanta aud H»mus, deigned for Juvenile
ClasseAPa&licßCaooisandßeinliisriee. wicaAlimen
tary instruction, by W. u. and d. S. Perkloa; it com
prise* many ui the b.st *ong« of (ha d«y not to be
rouudlu ut.erOquks. Frl c,docents, bent, postpaid.
Dli'bON A CO, Pubksaen. Boston.
ky CHSAP!—A silver-plated pipe Soda Fountain,
raarb o clanayrapouttics J■<<,and alltteflxturea
lu perfect oraer. coujis u«v aA.wu. L> olftsreilior une
Half 18 cost. 848 oven used but one season. Inquire
at 1 9X state streek between 7 aud Ba. m. or Vi to 1 p.
jl, or address P. u. .cox 4331. my9xlt
TO REN I—A beautiful Residence
in tb? City of Waukegan. Tbe boose Is of brick,
01 targe uitoeuiijns, and suuds opsu tne bluff over-
Lake MMiijmi,
Tb«t« urs tbree atjei of ground la tbe highest state
of caliivdUon. Two Greta senses filled wlta every
variety of cnoije fiuWcr*.
Tbe gruouas will more than supply a laree fijnUy
witn Apples, Pears, Uurrlea, Plums, Currant*, fcroosa
berries. Blackberries, Ba*pberrlt», Pis Plant, As
paragus, Ac, »c. Taa (*«ro«a is already, planted
xltit tbe best of Vegetaoles.
Possession siveu iaimecU»taly. Apply to Mrs. 8 B.
COBB oa uepremises, or 10 bEßax A wii.i.i
la oad 13 Dickey's Building, umcago. »f
Army equipments,
And so arranged that thsy may be formed into Tenta.
The &b >ve are newly Invented equipments, and are
fondjiud In i»rge so the hauiem Troorfc—
behig cooa>dereu tu« bM is sa?. Fuaix KXAPdACEB,
Hav*g3At;Ka, uajo* Biujrxxra, &übskb c&otb, c*x
7SSX4. «to , may be had la auy qaautity at tUa Bob
ber Agency ot JO us b, ißisSuß « co„ lid Bon
tt-JphvtretS. Kingsbury Bluer. my^eTOOSai
First Train leaves Chicago and Mlwaoaee Depot, at
Bi.iL, RSTUUK3 AT 1:50 P. JL,
Giving 4 boon at the Cemetery.
Second Tra'nUave* at
4.30 P. M, Its . GENING AT «:30 F. M..
Uhiuf one hour at id.: Ckmiiery.
FaKM:—Single UC4tts via cants eacn way; pack*
age* of ten Tickets, 10 cents eacn way.
Tickets con be bougat u tbe Uallroad Denot. .
jo as a, NbWuOusß.
_Pre»ldfcns_ofBoaebUl Cemetery.
AajtuiQAif *jn> roKfciQK
vor faciiiJea io.- r«Uuts ijr Aew inveu
tlon-> ana Design* of every aescnptiaa in the United
State* nuoer tae New law olMon.ii *d, i b6i, auu in all
Pormga Co ou trie* are n:t *urp«.ed, All profea
tUmaronsinua conAdintAL
offices: Established.
Washington. D. C. (opiiuatte Patent Office) i 8 •»,
St, nouL, Mo. (Old Custom House; .859.
caicagviii., (Lanaoa’ijuoca)."
LoiaoQ. (atgumd; .. ...tesu.
Peru. iFraooei •> i 859.
circala.sfttuifalllixstractloaa to inventors, mailed
grataitousiy upon application. a>lT6i jy
"D OAR DING.—A Sujt-of. two or
JLX more Booms
bn "Wabash'avenue, near'Monroe afreet Address
*NA my_
The raVetfber would «»H (ho atteattaa of pert.
chasers to hi* ::
Which he has made up and Is constantly mannlkctar
lnifmnwßiloeieeteaiUaMra.TlmDer, end bf com*
pectot workmen, and t* hn facilities for filling til or,
a«» ior nuuoitfd or oabßiAGßs of whatever
I an also prepsred 10 do all kinds of Repairing acd
painting, wiiU nearness auo dispatch
.i.jKB-4 good ligftt boekaway tad three Second
Head Bogzie* for tele at my ± artery, eorn.-r Mete
: &hd Twei.tti streets, K. WXLLETB.
| m J 9c -W' '
Port Sarnia and Great Weilcra
* ’'Tfie'FiniiCUM Propeller **AILEGHA2«r * wiU
. leave the dock of A. £. GOODRICH.
i THtS EVBNIIG, 9th Inal,,
' And the Few Propeller •TTHIOH,"
| OnAaturday Evening, XJ.th.lnst,,
I Tot Port *amla. connect! ng with the GREAT WEST*
I SRSt RiILWAy fcr Hamilton, Toronto. Ac, - ;
Gtren to grain and freight of all kin da to Oswego.
Ogdenahnigh. Kingston, Montreal. An. wa Sanaa.
Great Western BaUwrny and Lake Ontario Fropellaps,
, from Hamilton, > -i. " i
,* for freight or passage apply to A* 9. GOODEIC3L
Ho. ftandS liiyer etreeVoetJ: r
' Bill way,
: yydeqeSE' ~ P^hotarfA
CTATS of Illinois, COOK
’ V 3 cO rare Cast* “f citowo.
),ij JwOTby^ento thesaldX K. Hal
lan»Ki writ of attachment toned out of the<jffl Ver
of the Clerk of the superior Court of Chicago, dkted
& , SMSSSSt3Stt&SSS^
thsShepHTotOo-k County which aatd writ has been
executed. How, there&re, unleeayou, the said
J. K. Hallam ahaU personally be and appear before
the said Bnnertar' t>rart nfTaitMga Xm «. ft*
- • -frattar oftbowna thereof to beholden at the Coarr
House. Chicago, cn the tint Monday of
Jane, A. D t®JL rfye spcdal balLand plead to the'
said plain tiff’s acQoo. Judgment will be enVredagainet
yon. add In favor of tan said pUntUQrandao much of
the property, attached aa maybe snQdSDttosaticCr
j QAtf.rg Fife ** Attysy n^Se&i
,^om© s N,O.SCGAB, COM
'S-1 :'i
Madison street, between State vA DesrtMm.
Of TlMEL—lleresfler th® doors •win od«b
at half pfet teres. aa*-thaenminrtae « wghto’cSS
iMIMMt rf
Vocal Ut, MW. COLLINS, who lias been received with
large aadlenc'B. and ntgtitl»eneorid la hi* three tones
“ra Mourn the hop*s tiiat le-we me," “The Cmiihotn
Lawn,'* and **The Boys of KflHse«iry.**
THURSDAY Evn.vnra, May fth. win ha present,
ed Cor thefoarth time, the most popular IrishL-taiua of
toe day, entitled
Or, Tiio Brides of Garryowen*.
Myles Ka Ccppaleea (wit? Songs) Mr. Collins.
Assisted oy an excellent cast of characters.
- loot suchajhcxl *?t*cts bt d. pbliTT.
|y Friday—BENTfTlT OF 1C& BOIXIS3.
BF* A grand Operatic Spectacle ts la ptepara'.laa.
and vi 1 m produced Kith entire Sew Scenery, Dreeaea
and Deaoratlo&a. and Musical Talent of hub order
will be engager for the purpose of matiag u * grand
snceee*. i
E. F. & J, M ABIE’S
Mammoth Menageria, and
££ff&D FOB. IB3L
/. J. NATBiSS, Marian,
2£H exhibit at Chicago, (opposite the Conrt Sonsa\
Thursday. Friday and Saturday, fay 9th, 7Qih and llth.
_ABinsaio9:->6ox scouts; Fitts cents; Children to
Box 25 cents. Doors open at 2 and 7 o*cl xk par
KT'r'intperfomsaceTbarad.ynlght. my2.eM4.Ut
TARTAN HALL.—Clark Street,
J—l Opposite the Conrt Houaa. CWcare, TIL'
Eminent muslelana pronounce this Hall unsurpassed
by any Hall in the Union in its
Acoustics a«d Oeaeral Appointments.
It will seat 500 more persons than any other H*ll la
the city—by accurate count aed report ot CARTER «k
BaUEk, Architect i.
Toe main Audience Room !* on the first floor, the
entrance being on Clark street, the greatest Dtoroush.
/hrMntbedtr, opposite CourtHouse Square, >et the
Hen has a retired, qoiet locatioQia the rear.
Ample ingress and egress—3o feet of doorway to
dork street and Court Place.
The Ball contains the Healy National Gallery.valu-d
at JA 00, and purchased of Geo. p. A. Uealt.now
eommltftoned by Congress to paint a series of Presi
dential portraits for the White Boose. This Gallery
contains the iuentica- great picture for which the gn?d
medal was awarded at the world’s Fair la Pans: al«o
“Webster In reply to Hayne," and portrait* of all t&e
Presidents to Lincoln Inclusive. a* well as of many
other illustrious Americana, by Healy.
_ There I? » spacious Lower lull for Fain. Festivals.
Balls, and the like. Itia pro *l J .sd with drewlag rooms,
a eltcfaen, cooking stove, numerous tables A tv *c.
Both Halls, or either, can be rect-d for Concerts,
Lectures, Exhibition*. Balls, and tbe like, on ao plica-
solTOOzly Otfioaluth* Kniwiiur.
®b Stria.
r fiX) RENT CHEAP.—A four story
A Brick store, with cellar, 20 by l«a /bet, construct
ed for storage, bat can be used t» advan tags by mane*
Aetoßrs. Apply to 6KO. W. ADAMS* oSca ts rear
of ISO North Water street, Chicago. mhlgiaa
T> KENT—A Famished House
to rent on Michigan avenue. Pcssmslon given
*i ee May Ist. Inqcta of B. B. HAVEK, No. 69
Bandolph street. ap9 eiy-la
RENT—On West Madison
A street, number 133%, a Store with Dwelling
shove; fifi per nronth, with some fiztores, used as «
Milliner’s Shop. Al£oawor< shop Is rear of the above,
and lots to lease on Madison street. Aprly ar Dr.
DUCK. S Oflce, comer Madison and death Clarkstrett,
80. t49 Clark street (opstairs;, from9tolla.it.
'T'O RENT—From May Ist. the
A three story Brick Store, numbered iso Lake
street, between Wells end Las»Ue street Also—A
larva Dwelling House, Sa IKJ Monroe street with
Bent Inquire of W2A LW3K. Ho. 121 Lake street
'T'O RENT—A Furnished Cottage
JL Hiuae containing eight rooms in a desirable
part of the city. <an ps-vlng within a bio-* gy. ry
fewmlnatas. Apply toLLOID’S MilUnerv Store. No.
193 Randolph sore&t hear the corner cf Wclls gireet
'T'6 RENT—Tito five story Store
A No. 197 Lake Street now occapie Ibv H. Lelb.
sustain, Pcsseesloa May Ist. Also tbe dwelling bouse
No. 547 State street. Appty to J. B. RICK, cSoaNo.
9. Second Floor, over 77 Dearborn stree*. spiSxlm
With Gas, Bach Bo'-iup, Hot and Uold Water, Sc. and
use of Stable if desired, v* 111 be pot in thorough ro>
pair. Price S4OO. Addrenßoi 4162. or inquire of J,
F. NORTON, 100 Washington itreet. Room &
Ten House No. 399 Wabcsh avrmr* la for R?rt
TheFnmttare will be s >]d chgap to the Lesee. If net
disposed of tni* wear thn <u-niturs will be so.d &t
Aactlon on MONDAY NEXT. For terms. Ac. apply
at the prvm's;s any da' from 1 o'clock till d, and also
at No. 99 South Wafcr
For »sle on reasonable terms, the Let and Brick
House Ko. 3SS tfabsah Sfenue. m;7i£t
The Distillery at East CUntoo, on Fox Htw, en the
Galena A Chicago Uni >a Railroad. three miles fteta
Elgin. Capacity 800 bushels. It will be rented or sold
on the most favorable terms. Apply to DAVIS A KIB
IKK, 4M Laaade street, Chicago, mhH-e2g-Stn
T 0 RENT.;—
To Bent—new and second hand. Pianos ior~tale low
at lie Lake street, (up stairs) near Clark street.
The rooms orer Scott, Keen & Co’s Store, No. 148
Lake stmt tvrent low to a good tenant. Apobr to
L. D, OLMoTKD A CO. myi-e&tl-Iw
TXT’ ANTE D —One Book-Keeper
Y * and one Sitting Office Desk Address Drawer
8991. - , mjtx2t
WANTED -A Situation by a
young man of thorough bu-iao-s experience
as Ba>imaa or General Clerk, is willing to ina&e
himself nsifnL Salary not *o iruch aa e l jrct as
steady employment. Best of city and c nn»ry refer,
ends given. .Addresa “C. C," 'irQmne Office.
T T House ard lot, to pnrehose. In a reap* etable
neighborhood. The cash «)U be- paid. Price from
*IOOO to Aiao—S'corioty la City Real Estate
f >r loans of 92000, 997‘V, &*>, ISuO. and other anoar-u,
for one, two or three yea**. verv \jw rules of inter,
.eefc 'Apply to KBSSP PRDSSING, N<». « Liraon
Block, northeast corner C*ark and Washington streets.
myS-eSTj Iw • ■ ■ « •
W ANTED.— To purchase for
I T Cash, a Dwelling House and Lot or vacant
lot In a desirable location In this city. Ac ply to G.
W. WOODS, at A. A. Putnam's, 116 Bandclph-etreet.
-LTX MEDIATELY.—Four good Machinists. Clo d
wagraaad pay every Saturday nig it. Apply hrme*
dlstely to B. LANE, Freeport AgricoT.aral Wor-*,
Freeport, DtlncU. ; uyt.et73Bt2e6
Board and furnished
ROOtIB W‘vHTED by ag-ntlemsa, wifi, child
and none, in a genteel private family where t-ure are
no other board** Location doutu Side ecnoiS-aia
street. EeCereaeeaexchsni©d. aodre*s M £.S. n TrL>-
hune Office s attog term-* and particulars. mv7x3t
Smart men ean make frim
A week- taking ord’n J o p our niusirat-d Work*.
very plea iigyrtt work, Apply to VLKTUK a Cj*
U7South Clark
14 Oalhouo P. COTTLE, Agent,
Jt\. yepr made by any one with $lO worth of
Stock enough included to retail for 91A3. Send for
Circular. Sample and Atmdl Catalogue.- A4dre>t A.
J. FCILAM, Ha 45K GUva street, oh Louis. Ho., cr
813 Broadway, Hew York.' ai^ll-ly
#as Salt.
Hordes for sale.—a fine
lot Of *
For file at Stables of F. BTEOMBEHQ, 303 Ron*
CUric fetteet. my6xlw
Tj'OK SALE—A very desirable
X 1 DweUlng.No. I©4 Michigan aveinir, os leased
ground haring between like and tlx yean to run Im.
prcrementi to he paid tor by the lessor at tr*e teml.
nation or tbs lease. Tb* property win be sold et a
bargain. > Inquire of toe rnbicrioer at 33 • Syntb
•Water street CmyflXtW] G. H. KDuD.
TpOB SALE—At Sheiton & Tut-
X 1 tie’s Eastern Carriage Expository. on Market
street, near Washington strait - o Eocta way’s cnewi.
oaedo (»ecTnd-Bana> arm Open bugles (aewj. cn
eoaslgnmeot and.wlu be sold ca»«p, my£t«2-3w
"DOABDIJJQ,—There are now va-
Clark street acme
S. <^ Q * «nnt roonrt scmble for accommodating
Pfw oSanfrrs, as It Is only a tow modems
y4*UPglT»a.got>Oaee> vaySy* •
XJOAROINO—2S Washington St."
XJ’.GneaollaOt Booms wUhßcsrl can be bad If
bpsre ftr Immediately at Waablngtoa street, bo-
Wsftsab arenna. ' a coopt* of Day*
Bosrden can a»o And accommodations. , mjSxiw
•• Bid On3y~yarhniiM Kk’ring thn
El.L,i|jiC HOOK.
; W. O. DEA6B3I&GD, J
■ TTaßvr th. Iffavr BHormaa Houml
: CHICAGO, m, -
ABKST3 WASTED la mrj tosra nl cHj
-JTortbwert. . - - ■ --■-•■
sSnr«t *• *• THOM3Ott • co- ****'■*"*.
tto* tf Un&hg fcS4
un? ratßuie nawM'^
Kgn3|±gp«g 4
** T * , " ,, "“* ** ** ®*
S§{b ’
Stutum Salf2.
US. 107 -..Dearborn Street ... Ha 107
On T3UB3I>AT.Ma* 9th, atOjfoVccS, h? order
of the Administrator cf the bu daeeafej,
Camera, Mnaueal Initrnmeats,‘Bedstead*, IW.dicj*
Moslcßcota £&.«& A* t, tluiga stoca, of Hcua>
, hold Goods and Fnrcltore.
On Friday. May l r th. eoraaesotn? precisely at 3M
oclocte. Trad* sap* o? KQHST).CoiH!tasi> rfc»-
fr»*ne. The largest off.-ring '/ these desirable B*<t»
ue*ds erst made to Coicozo. The attention o* dealers
b farted. Sale y slave. *o«8t
48, 48 and SO DEdKBOBN ST36UBJET,
(Opposite the Tremont Eonsej
IVES? * aATUEDAT *p ft* *. HL
Krery M!on.<iay at 9 i-fci jl*
ff“ Cash advanced oa Paraltare, Try Cot Boca
J) R Y 00083,
BOOTS, BHOB3, &c., C4.C* t
▼M A, BUTTERS * CO. ■will eeT C;r cash, *(j
FRIDAY, May 10th, a: i>i o‘c:rc’-L at cv Lf sales
rooms,-‘■‘s 48 end M Dearborn street, a Inc lotofcctir
able Dry Goods.
A lot of Boca, Shoe*. Ga'tvr*. As.
mjS-eO&a WH. A BUTTKR- A CO., AucffS,
Household Goods, Ac.,
W>L A. BUTfEBS & CO. Will ssll ft- <•«>. en
SATURDAY. Ha? rt't. at 9% oc oek. asticir »i'e*
rooms id. 8 and so Dearborn street. * Cat; .’oi-’tcU'-u
ot N«w Far-ltnre, such a; Carl, centru *n.i
Tables. Sofia, Cane a-a Flag beat Chairs, Pcresus Ac’
Also—k port cl tie Forcitoroof »f*m .ly rit.-.Ucs
up housekeeping, r
myS et9a it WH. a. GUTTERS& C;-„ Anci'n.
Lam and Miscellaneous Eiolii,
WM A. BUTTER* A CO. will *-11 for rash cn
TUESDAY. **ar nth. at Id o'clock, at their
roouis, 4s, 44 and st> Dearborn tires:, a -div. La--- iv
bnry, Vvwhl-.'h willb* Laid Joh2io.;‘<* nepottj. :-i
v cl*.; Wendell’s Reports, roK- C->wca’» i.v
9r Dcaio’s Reports, a vela ; HliTeßonorls ? re-’. •
Ilarrhwu’a Ulgess. 7 voL.;Howar..’.* Uuictd ride- i.o*
ports Id tulj; Paige’s Chancery ‘.epona. !! v.jl- •
Greenleafon BvtiUnve. S v v ls.t tfruls- r-u R-jol pro
perty. S void.; togvther with nan/ other d-oirable
works. also
A largo and fine collection oi MkccllAneoua 800 .
By order of ths Mnrtsags*.
t a. BUTTERS &
T>y Gilbert, Sampson & Uai-iser,
JL# GcnsiL ArcTiOssesa, Lika rire-ru
>ViU give their personal atfmJon w the »Mc« ot
Household Euralture at l 1 ' or
at oar salesrooms. Cash sdvanct-i maiv to tnv
amount when required.
Housaaoua rus^^susa.
Carpets, Mirrors, Piano Forte sod Slialr,
On THURSDAY, May ftb,:at 9v o’clock, we win
sella: our.'a'u.-«ro*»'iss. hg*r»cr:il sa j rt!.e'.to: Ja-nl
tnre, *O, eocswtl?g la part of -olas, Icf a i ft*a.
Wbatcots. Marbk-lopT ;Mps, card and rciur t , La 5 *
B'oS Coses an I a-crctarca, Drea rc uurcais
Washataad*. Maugany r arl>r = naita. Kvca&tica
Ctulrs, Mahoganyaud uakciiamb-r suit?.
rich rosewood and p vt.lok
French and Care Choirs, Lonn-.-
Carr-ets Ol »:*o:b Plivrr.ri** *i “.3
Forks. Ivory Teased ELoWfs and T.Eulr
»=■! other Marcre*<es with maay other tr.ia-j tco
nnaervua to pAcGculirlae. .
itso—At 11 o'clock, a cno!-?.-’ --.d bJ-ia'l'nl ct-licc
tlonof Garden House D'ant*.
myocß9s-3: Auuti.-ss«rs fc
107 Dearborn Stroat, {Portland Bleciu)
►lOG?i ALRXANU'*'!?
Pr-wpisttaaCon win be .lv« . r.-» of PufSiir-a
at Rcs-d-mce*. or Bto-k» of at
and Solasr-jr m. , Bayers w.li a: all tin- s ,i «• -ran*
na ortneutof wellaiAde hursitiir« k^p>
Prvatotfale. Ca*a advance.-, will b> 1 F-,rr«‘
turn. Dry Good . Boats aul su-jvl. n W r.'J.
Public SUe. Sal -b * Auc*- iVn-* Ji .rtf
Si* n! klnosof .'J-rciiatvlts** for
* »ny p.rr of tit* - it\* ,ji. r ssoa.
cashed at once. Bast 011-:; r rrej
fttven. P.Q.»hXA73G. apiivim
Landing nod at Quetaeto-vc,
ffct Liverpool, Jfcw Turk mi
Will dispatch a very Saturday their inll roy-r cVMa
haJt Iron titei*ai£hly«
-etna, eosrnoiur
Katesoi pawage aslnw asbr any otuer
S«p»er» forwarded to all th.i hSUls of tape to.
rarsonswlihlngtabrinsout their Mead* e»n h*a?
tic.<eta In Chicago to great
Tncsc ateamer* have superior accoiamodaUo:*e. and
e*rry rrperleuced Surgeon*. Thevars onhi in waria
TOonzcKur motions, and oarr/paunt Hr# aamhilk.
tors. For further latartnattaa &f.nly ti
General Western Agents. 13 Lasalle street, Udrago.
i3f“ Azchaogo on Korop* sold la string or?! endup,
warda. mh2rt>r-i^i»ip
(U. lIC Aik> mrasx, C»leas*i IS.
iSutfitr (Socbss.
JD to. The patent solid *
Warranted to be tha beet in se*.
' SOSE AND 1*108,136,
LEATHER beltiing-
tiAOi ÜBAtmB,
Aid an Unde cC
J*NO« B» i r
a?l4gMm lisliaadolph Rl*^'ir
<§ims, at
VJ Gant KUea, pistoli; Co't’j 'jr. '
cn'i, giirpya. snd every •’art-.iy ci h >- £ \
rUrtr. fisob K|W Tealaf i'lefc A-oP*-,
SlndS fcoa; fo=- Ti
torit. Lent". Shat. Hc-a A*ro-ie for
|ri‘B Pevifer. T, aTbIJT?.
jFartua for Sale,
Lam us fob sal a. chea?,
la McHenry, Kans, Ogl®. W'lit'slfi-
De Kaio, fco-K Island, Boone, Carroll and Luke ‘ iy-v-p
tea aama land cheered b» THoN»a3 K.
And now owned ty ArdeLaE.*nd Mar.
'Title perfect Teresa eajy. Aar : " to vuiiifZ
f*o. i i %i»cbod)&tfl>’'civu*Rlo<vlr
p R O CL AM A T I 6.X li
. Know- all Men. W*im*vi and Children hrt*w rr®.
8-nta, teat I, aamnel M. Fasaett mot grayuias,
. Nos. 123 and 121 Clark 3'reel,
Ter toe hOy? «ua of •, f_•
. OSNT-Ei 6SO£il»a,l«('i
Colored Photograph from CSnp.
IS. <^S^-^^«gg S g|^tAa Sr
; ' : ;dtß4«w, ;, A
To* Card PHat**grapb3 t last. recelro-i, - ft Sp
urge stock of Gold Fr-imej. jnasto at panic-eritei
amfwtUtwaoMloie.: As Mr. Tw* t b-u r^tfrned
from s«wTork. he I* to po-sea-100 of sjJ.*asw»sit»
of Uie TQOtogß*ahld Axt tbu public tn*tLrlr
ndrantagj to ar»H ttwmselTee oC Uan<K?..->p<m i*< -tu
»• A - - ■at**L&wr JZ v,„
-isrx** ’w-cwCT
: ; «o to Sable’s ‘ 1
'Lamp And oa emporium.
i7s..„idißa i hTitnnr...i7s
>W3Sfe«a£ “
.li -tfi ..wwid *y>ui Ski **“W' i: “ - '*
T OST—A Portemonmi? c.-at.ua.
ft«am (tf tbr«« or t. jtsr or

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