Newspaper Page Text
Stescisl %Tatk«s. 1 Or»t Orchard Ae»d Spring TampM*’* «?atalnlng the eptatov ofcelebr*- ViTtaln *m >« replied grail< oft *ppl!catio» to J.B. UKBD&CO, WLcIo.kU Dmgcl'ti. CbiMso.lo. fST Call ros a fxjTxar.T. J3f” Testimony. - The istneaF? T r “-1* of Lvov's Hathsiwm:, and tbs tbeoMrd" Of t'ftlrr.on'&'s to It* received iron Ml ?l4»es cf‘o-Kr, prrTe it to be the finest { srsttoD tor the Hair orrr made. Xo rne desiring sfcns bead of Ha.r should f»n to «sa It Sold errry rfler®* • spit la A PViend in Used. Try it.— TK S’VTHFT’S INFALLIBLE TTViirFKT U pro from tzf rccfpe of I*. Stephen Bwcet of Con ibe great bcnp-rcttc-r, ar.d has Peer need 1b Ms practice for tbs last treaty years with most astonishing pactr-s. As an extent! remedy Jt U with out a rival, osd nil alleviate pain more speedily than any other preparation. For *1) Kh-nmatic and Her- Tons Disorders U u truly IxfulliMr. and vx a curative for Bores, Wounds. Sprains, Burns, ic„ Its sc-otLlrg healing and powerful wtmienhenl'g properties, excite the Jest wonder niiu a-tool-hmentof ilwtc hare ever given ah eertifektes of re* isarhahla res*, perf 'nres by s within the ta*t two year* atest this ta-'t. For e-ale by J. n, JOHNSON, Genera. eu. 72 Elite street, Chicago, and by all Paelfera. ooSTapyaow-ly SS?" -Ecri-r-o/j ijfnaicaJ Disooray cars l£C-U? , iA.---vtr? rirw varntnelast i'ttie-hi- _!-• ••- -w -crv. Ctvkar. i r v- ‘i'i'- n czn* rr-mingSu'irerrft. s? .iu s v y.-'* b*sm:rof SheCyw ’fanvdv't b; •:»•=.) :>:*-.uTtrj -t.m So*!,-. £t-ad. <o*\: -':£•» •Iv.svfcr.f surtft of toe S>a *cr,f .'cvnr 'z.r*tv-.zsr-ji-zQzs «Lae *4^.-' u - >■ i ■ "t'Cvvcry ir.rrj* Lcyr*. ... vl- cuvs Hr.>n*s>*.tiTa. Xe.-e--; - ■ C- ir.-l .3L AC: ..'-Tc •-:l'*.. Ti =-'-ver;; cur Si ae... .>...-c -• •.!- r h»-,jv„c-? »•« • s r I}^ - £*:s Sidiyyt . *-• i; -p- * .yu'-'ji'tia livrs. • • --r ' ;iir pry tj. • i-‘h c~.5 I^u.;-;kncrpwb-tvft*mscca r :z ■*,-OLtzv. 'irci-tm:-?. ‘TrrXJcmviyl Vifh-a. r-l*. -r Vf~. Y---r-vt> b. uj Uantuu} -rnV- i-icijaiigs. JjAVs.Xf.u.Xi ULLMANIir & fli-'a Nvi-••. Gw„.D, bIL'VI'.G, A,C. .CM**o. Iltl-Cir, UO. S2 Clar. fir l jg AITK 1N G HOUSE a F, CARVER 4c CO., i>acii SaUdleg;, Corner Lak-. a: •• A general Eauktng tlawUica* ct'.d oU-ly V XCIUJi u K & DEPOSIT BAXK X-/ or CACPKISTIiR, sTiSDS & CO n (bacTc-c::* - w'eire Car. cc'cr & CoJ Ciditr itaplds, lowa Usrxß?Kcrsl’.? -a. *l Co- Sew Tori: Huff, giaii totilpike- Ctl;d b -c A IKEX & NORTON. jtx. Br Ml: a;-:d nrEicnsuTGE, tJeroer of Kake aiud CUrli street** Cc’-ir.'t l i'-t made la «11 ice ri -dt-ai citir* in the U. S. x. xi£E.*. j. d. yor.xos. jo-aiuas eceu. .DeMjj, EOW L ItXKii’AM & CO., ITatlag rer-irr.- d t tha'i* -.rid stand. LORNEL o’-‘LA<«; a:• D CoAh-i SfUtCTS, Will c_ i.tL. j- t «ir biwh ebia.. EXCHANGE BAEJIEES AitlJ :a all p: ft cur'i’.e £.aV££J JDViHD 1. zsac±.*<.<- L?A r -:i'- c at-13 irrstriii?cs co, C&p-rav, KrysCO* n S ios. • &.ai'rs.'.d --i : OUL.u Frtsldc t. IT~ jjuc.rLrvsmadeard'irift remitted to all ci.*ta 91 tlid iiluuitmg. »j' s c. smith & coag^rr, Jsisf Ci-tk Sttrfs^-syci; co?pir« mrm, ALT* PSHBgS IS WROUGHT JEON PIPE, STEAM AS 5 CAS FETTiSGI. SHEET COPPER, SLOCE TIN, PUilPo, dK. Amo—Ftrticti'-aT -l pals tc Jotbir£ of 611 kiaia ccaiinctcd vita tLe Lr*i= 2,’S WatfiiEgt&B «(,, t-bEop-ge,El, tr.w-'ev-'.y] K. 2>, UoF A XIL A M E t S u-as, Steam Fitting ASD PLf n SIS® SSr&BLISBSEKT. Stoics®^ £4 Lteflir .*■>.?* *.«- a*s asp izis fmrtut FH*S€TIC££ i*S,UMSJEJB f lis.--i-. -nry Sind* of Work, T<F fH£ t£U?S( Tie a-i-te i'fcd = it. to.-I? sndcrery articled the Bs. '‘.lt:'-'s.n:! Piatrh'Jl" £a^lld> J«rO'.z'. - 3-n« ti/cruet, Masufsct-T? i» 7 ft'-diijetfeptWacblisstoa afreet. ffy.-'t Eo Ptaptrtg ©imitrs. 'J'O FKOPtUrT C-wKSRS, AKDHITEim ATf® BUILBEES, Wbo own. plan and juUf coedhaildlnga. Ss baSdlai la ssoh wituvLt A GOOD HOOF. - I hare the material* sad am here tc pet It on and to »it*- such a root It sill out bit: Tic cr £*'Tsulied ban two or drat c '■.•it and a >proaCucs nearer to Fir* proof than any orL-T laal-.’-rio! exobpt Bluta.asd u a •ompouKcs we all osdanusd. M?ON-COrIRSiQATEa 1*&H 9 Saturated wlto a »t n : ir.«ra» pa*ct tnr.t «rpels toe ICCI3- ture •utl coit.>j thtircu, 201 ; at U wil, nt-lorldU#. tndil painted a-.ery nve yr»rs wdl a W*-S&\ £T *L£» - A FBZEfi, Clarelcni. Otla. i. O. aU-CLa. Agent for Chicago. Inquire at F:tv tx C-Vs MacMcsr? Depot 133 Sooth Clar«. Bir*ret w<j*r» ample* of tbs roof can beSoA £i,Es3gg?S. Ruptures cured BT XES {USD SIBBER UICC-5 J T-i* IVcse u r,T.uyp tii c-ta&rs :\er Vnl botu In CoOßtr ictlou and icnl*- i»o y not constantly i>r*w oa th* rupture, and tvsr'hv a tall Coratr.H- for lifr. llte raosttruefc* Is see, but nre-ses In four places bringing tUe parte to* geturr. ftlvliis nature-,', rUai>c-: to curt, wi-'u u it does U cesrl; mu I/oe-friiot pr"A« Ll'uX THK COILD orob.tP'!ctCJr!iilftt!o- : >.?v-r -oils r.r cc-sotlea, and la al«raj<* and tew. Young prraou-> and rsccrt c&£ « alffnvp «-ur«;J. rr. »•'. inn* say it is the OS’Y FHILOSOrHICAL, THuhs IS USK. bat those wir<> li*» 9 faiit-nul wSiu Vie uiUury of rapture ca . ap- Wfecsav*. t'fe’.nJocof t'i* "Ur.<i- ttum. An illustrated pampLUtcorita! Jnz nil parl<t.ulnr<, cent free, hr •out tu.i Tiutecou b.- cuctf by Bending else Jr arouc.-: Lli*. tr. ii'ie of iiufiure with dTactip tton of rase to J. 15. Sr.Ki.’sY, bold and Ikidiiklv* Asent (or the Westerc tslaw* Office. Lahostr *-; iXiira »■?. 4. (up-stain.) P. ft Ps> i 4433 &S" Vbf lasale sappll-a at Kt7 T-flr or l * ** Mestmw €atß». T WARD BLLlS,^^r^r, 9 DENTIST, OCoe—'Bacm No. 1; Portland Bl‘-ch, ccir.erof tngioit tad Dtrrborn oir^cta,Chicago. Bp^u-ej7»-lm Removed to xo. TmM MTUOTeI bU Deu»l tifh-je't'OTn - ** l,r BuaColph Mr9*;t Jo Kr. C;«rt street, over Ur-. 2<ral6h b KUUn'r/.AtwA'i*’ kc Ks -'< n- w|y &a eu't ol a a it-d to Ins protE^ioual wanes,and, *hcr.7l.e v-tl no p.c&'CiJ to ?e w eU f.,ra«er »swpa» aau «*wJia Us prof «sl anal awiioga. -ly " A. W. ...W**srff;rc-f S-jtm OsnUOa. IO» c." Gitrk Street, in— godatrfete:*? vesrs-'.- 4 ** **>..•■*••* \wfr , O Box v..t« SLb fciiDciusrs. ITTo |N Vi "a>' iO a a BBOAS^jT* CRAY, Patent Attorneys end Sellcitere, Save opened as office In Crlwu» whew one of. the fro eon be consulted CHakG_<, toos SFew inv a3j»cr£o nnfc VERE' : £ ism 3 n-.c' ra, ESTsyrio^a, ADurnOMAL L‘L !J K'n V tr'ME.''TS% PBILLIMir aBY £XA»I SAIIOSi IK?iitSU£MENIB. etc. AppU- Mdons prepared nod prcsecota-i vjjgb a Continozht Ttx- that U So Patcxt bo Fat. if t&e lnveotor»o do> Mrea. Patent* obtained tiiroueh this agency will M mbJahedto moet ri tot 1-t-nnr NewSPArxas opthn Westvkzzop uaOos widen brlox* de CtreoCty before tc* tutlle. Airprobsdonal basis ear Sracsseted by Lveoi'.er; of the firm—not bt BJtPDOV pu. pateoUsecctt-L. iU .or-:lxnoc.iintrtea, Actios fa, aad rtmclart sent gTui.iv3trrn.Ty < OFS'XOaet S'fSS «S FIHIS HTEEET, OldCaftsa Room, BL Lotii.Me. JP. Q. Bex 230T-Eal*3 Uaodiasu^ |r jrte« F. 0. bez tsaSCL i*2'<S7Aa gj* ERfi Sat. Ji'TJS AND iAB. CAP ffSlilii cn&aToa ox tub ■ Tot DeaCaeea. BJladaeea and aB £*&*» ofatobt and haarteg. Dr. Cis & nlari-eflutited *bd baidevoVd rveclr years ofhifiprotFsskaslsillfa ercla ttvw? toth-: tr'atmratol di*ea**s t*f ttve Kft asA Ear. _ IW No chary *5 made icr an emirHf««Bep or opinion, no fee rtqulred fer oa- nctvcsefa- ser*lce*. -Du. Cajwi,ll% 1 rcatlw caibe fcye asa Ear, (ChS- Mto.BUi), coLtaicltc rfrrwicea, teirfmonlal*. etc- to oaapjficadtKL f>oetage ® reee * hand-Ipi. eirecL Chisago, aeAWHy , „LOniß pbactjcai optician,' ' _ batnu . - <*• &£ones stig • $5,000 la Hew Tork kxchsnen, f» 1-tms n first oiso GUf Ke&l TMate OJf FAVORABLE TERMS. Address P. it Office Vos a JO. VA7 RIGHT & TYRRELL, » * Ko. 6 ll* tropolitan Block, Chicago. P. O. BOX 6049. Easiness Soomiiadsiier nfDeed* far west of the B f tt« ted Tfcirit jrige. KourTPabllciorlUlnoia. tpl -aSOI-tta jy AK T E D-'-Laod Warrants. ti. LEJHi. iiaraiy B dart siraet, earner Lahu. jgXCHAHSS OK HBWTGSK AleE Wasted by BKF.S. F. QT7QES7 & 00* oci7-cSSS4j C3tardssioal26reh6Bsaso.lßSi4 6.7r.i1, JJOH2I XO LOAH €E3CA<34S €?ST!c r?S«OPBS»TT. Or on Q-ood jTsjraa In ♦>•!«» Stata, CSUiBBSS, LEE * 0O„ an£lc9l*-ly 121 T »vc. Money loaned oa ftnl-eltia tsenrlclca st the - BUrtfyg Ofiw or Wes. S« Slm ft Ho. OS Clark Street. Three to i»« jtsrs'l<par.e at lOperccat Short Fa. IyOB MONET TO LOAN On 3eai arMTc- BsMiikMe as 009* **o ftfictalas to D«Csr Esahas^*. s£D £SiAL S<raATS ter the British r.ta jj, aamnoe 00,, txd Kciir? Pohlle, t?*. 9 - ■ Xeftrsaea I«So-5r - • pfe, s mAI. g. g. rot C.t-V and TTAtibiston stt. @Bs|lErtffitrg§i? Hstwes. -«r--vr "FIISSOL^TTIOX.—The firm of L. ■ ‘ A. "WHlird & Go. li diisclvcd by mutoa' cca 68Qt L A. 'TILL - Kf). _ OF CO-PAHT -SEKSnrP.—The Co-Partnership heretofore «x --between HIKAt* JOT sod AUGUSTUS FRlii filtk. cenl'js Is 100, w&s dissolved on the ifOth cf Feb raair li t •• A. FRXBBIS Chicago, Karen 2d, I£CL . WiBHAMs, WSLL&S9 & €9., Srrtsg mere tban double cur lan -rear's stock o! Jet fcad greatly Increased facilities :ur dsli-rerine It coa* toi&ere can relf upon b-Miig supplied bv us to their eo tire sat section. WAD *3 Si IS, WILLARD mCO Office rto. 2 iiasoMc Temple. Suginessf €ats®. J W- BROOKS, from th® *-< rlclrlty rf C-rciunaM, offers hi* Pr jfeesio’-al * err.css to tbe people tf Chitare. Tic** deno* a'd office NO. 16 AD IMS STREET, PstweeajHehiganan; "aba-h ayectu*. myTrtm IjOGTOR w. hay, OFFICE HO. 85 SOUTH CXiEK ST. #m« Horas;—Sto 10A.JJ„ 2to 8 and 7 taBP H. . [my3-eCOS- yj PAYSOS se REYNOLDS. A ATTCBSXrs 6 GO rr V7>rt.T - < : 35 A t *,577 lia » • 3s*rkora Street • - nj * sdosos pane* .. amcieo. niiHoii kkmtja 5 5 A Co, u Bzrci « Oa, K*h- Meseya. Surlrrer & Trritft. Esq-Press oonrd oTCoawol, D W Dectlcr Biwsrd si-q„ T’-rk* toz, Ira DEALERS. iScmobals. REMOVAL Edwar-i Fester, TVho'csile LlQorr MrrcbfiD 4 , ar d *Vp-t for 7 id & DRcreyV Al-, ».air‘T He r. P:r;er and Malt Vlaer&r. Las remo ed from : 79 South vvat-ir street To 39 South Water Street, Between j M.chU&a avenue. Chicago, Til myC.t6.B-lw Removal — Bn<nr3 & Co„ wholft«a7e Gr'c £ rsard Com*nl«f!oc Mer chant*, have removed from >£-. bouth 'A attx street, te Ho. 75 S-Tiii Water Street, Third door east cf State rtr*« t gSMOVALI REMOVAL! I 053 'lE*?*, TOTOngBS & C', r'moved offle-- their Mill or; ra>-al«t'.ect, D*-twe°n f akc n 1 i?au<Mpi, -*-licra w 11 *»e ß T>on hand a stock of Fi ml!y ana Maker's Floor. my<-o tS-lw Jtisararif?. TF. PUfL'IPS. Acr-rt, • Jfa. 48 Clark street. Chicago, Illlccls Howard Insurance Company, Kcw TOBE.—CHaBTEEED 1 25. Capital, giSU.oi-O Surplus, $125,090. [£n -m] QTATSMENT of the Conuiivja O OFTHJS SIESCiSTitE SUirAL IXSFBIXCE CO. OF BTICff YO&K, On the tblrty-CrS' <* *7 of December, 1868. j e ; j,® oft:ie State olllUaA.ii. toe n»xe o tnecoapanytaUts Mercantile Mm f I Inaonnce Company, located atthecit; ot iia w 10l 1c ntate cf S>w Tcrk. The aracuat o: lie capital eftockla Six Hundred r’ <* Forty-Six Thousand Four Hundred I>oUaii ar« Ja paid up C*ata vd hand ct in hands cf Agents cr o' pen»-*Le . B :Kds owned hy the Company sa per vcachera acccmpaa.-tEg. tu witi BtwTcrkd-^alTper eests'oek.. NewV rk Sth 13 five i*er c: i't stock li,tts Unit-d3 f .ate» five-percent 16au K,uoa Brook ju perfu&ne-.-i W*ter Com mU R.ncw bonct, six per cent ... 83^QQ WlUi icstiu-gti Gas Uj; lit Company ■ et'-ck .t: . tt,«os Hudson Hirer it. U bonds of!B7S,Bd uxorgavcper ceLl 1-V>3} Kew York City B:-r-k Stock . 168iE0 -OtaexatociKOwnedbyUisCoiopaDy 33,1(4 Par Tains 1^669 TcM t and stocks, markst Talac tcOVSI 50 Boons and mortgage* .. gkoii fc) L'an p-iyable oa d«n»fl securad by pledge of stock nod bond .... ttQLi9O 06 -IntoretonsboTssecurtUtsawKiC sot collected ' -• ‘ &*O3 W BIU* ;j?eelyab« v)A PrSoUwrted fcirmlufli#. .. £5,33« Bahrcgt* and sundry claims duethe Company Scon? owned by tts Company...... 45,W3 « «ißn.mFfl. *W%-n 1: of liabilities, uo# 1 or act das to banks cr * ther creditors—aons. Loses adjusted ana me s?ftJ Losses tdi a-ted and tot das .... 2,7 £ ~*4 Losses oandjut tod ...1,014 24 Lome? in suspense waiting for far ther proof :.6,i«60 Ad othsj claans against tho Coopa- ny—2nc.e. Taut VaUl&es. ' |V},EB fc No. Apnl lota, MCL. OBljmi lO*rtaficate to empire cn the Slst day cf January, ISQJ irsnos'j Omci State or Illctois. ? tpr-ngfleld, April 6th, ikl 5 Whereas, TbeMercautUeSutaal Lnßoram-e -jocpitiy located at Sew Yor*.ln the S-a’.e of New York, baa Sled la this office a statement of the condition ot Hb aflairs, as required by “An act to rega «t* the AgcD .Jeri of Companies not iscorr-oratec by the State ot Illinois,” approved February 11 Ui ISGS. an act amendatory thcrt-to,anprovedJanaary2Ud.lßo7. and whereas, said Company baa famished satisfactory ctl lenee tLsit It la posaesaed of the required amounts capital. Invested in atoektasd mortgages. and ha? Sled In this office a written instrument, ugued by the ‘dent and Secretary thereof! appointing DAVID W. ERWIN. ot Clikigo, lt« Agent for the Iran?* actionof toe burtneMOfesld Company. and folly and unreservedly nathortxicg hl-n t > acbaowlc «ge eerrics of nroceu for and on behalf-of said Company, con tenting that service cf process upon him, the eald agent, shah be taken and held to be as valid as it served upon the Company, and waiving tli claim of error by reason of such service, Mow thereto e la pursuance cf the urotlslona of the arts aforesa'd. 1. J&S£t‘ K. DEDOIS, Auditor ol Public Accounts of the State cf I Unola. do berebv - certify that the said D aYUi W.IKWCf 1* authomeda* agent for mesaid Company, to tranaßCt the bualneseot insurance In thJa state m-W the lUlrty-itrsi day of January, in the tear eighteen hundred and sixty .{wo. so tar as ns maybe legally empowered aoto do by said Company. < ~*-r'» th teattidhay whereof I have hereunto sub -1 aaah. > scribed my name, and affixed the seal f f my Anl&««9*4B. Aud*» iialis. T IGUTN IN6 ROD3.—New and Improved Style of Iron tad Coptw Lightning Rods. Gold and Silver Ficied Co >perFokiW.„ New Style of InsuUtory and AUacsuneßta. DT Orders far CHy sad Ojmury Tfade promptly ettecdHi to at the Star LtghtLfaigßod Waanfactory, b0. 91 Elnzia street, Chicago. 6LO. W. iiANNIS. r. O &oz7l(|. mbfjgm 1 3GHTNTWG BODS AT THE A / Old Stead. SI Klrxle street. Iron and Copper 11 tntag Bodfi copper Polite with (Over sr>d sola t * viaOtaTin,tfi«bestla use. Also Attacbn&tita I Ictrciatort of all Bads. i oexspromptly tiled. Ofßeea&d7setory t Ol£lnxle I.Chicago, ZU. Ppit Oft'*® Hot JSWI, n Jfm OPTLBB. BALL A CO jptGPPER LIGHTNING RODS VA*n«*Uklalacf , UGHPBIta * 0 FSIXTS AfiD fIITDJH M>nr.fectared juppUcd to agents and Dealers. Local Agectt w■: sted lor the tale of Lyons Patent Copper Boos th* Westm and South* era States AO whom great Ldoeer&enia «1U be offered. ttngto Bods teat by express to say part of the conn, try aot occupiedbv A-*ota. PAMPHLETS SENT FRES. _ .. *■ P- m iKtfH, Box srrt, Chicago, HL, , Office Ho. I Dole 1 * Boildlag, comer of Cl»rfc and flAwll. Wall ■ ■!■ .... ~iu (ttaat Stfrt 53e11H. JJAYLOR A COMPANY’S OMt Stool CnUHCHASB FIEEALAEM BELLS. .ire sr. prq«n< to An cram tor am CELEBRATED BELLS ' At Sew Tork Prtoa, VSh IMgtt AiM. Srer? Ben is WABRANTSD for oae year wltb USr •m proper usage, if a beU should br«aZ alter a year h»tc Is allowed la exchasge for a saw o&s, ats tad particulars send ftr 'Circulars to wms, miiBABB & oo M Aceas* aad importers of Hardware and Tta-Flata, . .:»fciA-«teAs «a T-Agu fiTRKET, ealcagj WEIGHT * McCLUKS, UK DSBTAXEBB, He. 8S Laa&Ua etmetsg^us. HCIALU6 eOFhBS. AUb-yWoodCoffins aad ffiipouds ot an > Aitt smetted with Hearses uA and wm aim 3*«!rtp» *tosof»ftf at ail a.-aa» Sn? tQasal caff VsnUka Cemetery-- ”*ll™ fiaAr Vy are row preparFd to Cavalry CotapardM wltt SADDUSa, DLES. AC- of tbs aq» apjirored styles ; tadWftcl. «Eesare «ttb wwfficuwutofimffmiamipatdes “ d Cljicagij Suiiinme THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1861. CHICAGO POST OFFICE. Daily Arrinliaud i>ep«rinrr«f JUU Trains. Trains Dtpari. Mails Class. TnbaAhits. EAST. MICHIGAN SOUTEESH. 6.03 a. bu 6.00 a.m. 8.00 p. s. - 6 00p.a 7*Bo p, a. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 4 43 a. m. 7.43 a, m. 7 45 p. in. 6.66 p.m. 7i43j». in. PI fTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO. 7 80 a. m. 10.00 p. m. 7.80 p. m. 8.00 p.m. 600 p.m. 8.09 p.m. SOUTH'AND WEST, CHICAGO AND DOCK ISLAND. 9.00 a. m. 7.80 a. m. 6.1S a. m, 6.00 p.m. 7.30 o-m. 6.80 p. a. DIXON AIK LINS. - 9.17 a, m. 7.40 a. m. 8.50 a. m. 6.30 p. m. no msiL 6,00 p. m. ILLINOIS CENTRAL—KRANCIL 6.50 a.m. 10.00 p.m. 6.00 a.m. 6.60 p.m s.Sop.m. 9.00 p.m. BURLINGTON AND QUINCY. 8.45 a. m. 7 00 a. iru 7.15 a. m. 8.45 p.m. 7.80 p.m. 6.00 p.m. F ALTON AND ST. LOUIS. 6.15 a. a. 6.09 p. m. NORTH AND WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 6.15 a.m. 7 30 a.m. 8.45 a. a. 9-15 p. m. 8.00 p. m. 6.00 p. a. CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. 8 00 a.m. 7.00 a.m. 5.90 a.m. MOp -"- JCL-.VAuSa, 6“p-m --8 00 am. 730 a.m. 9 00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 7.80 p.m. 7.«0p.m, COME OUTS ST CH4HLLS Ot'TirnET LBLtiTD. (Alr—Burjc. : un Jieraui!) Northmen, come out! Forth nntolvutle with i-lonn aud shout I Fri'P-dom cal’s you rnce again. To Qik: and fo r t and tenti o plain; Then cue- with drum ard trump and aonfc And ral*e the war-cry wild and strong | Norihiuen, come oat I Northmen, come out 1 The foe Is walling round about, TVlthpalx an, mort’ircnd petard. To tender ns their Bean Recard; With phot and shrapnel), prapi* ap * cbfctt We’ll give them bndk the Are of ► Nortlimcn, come ou f j" 4 * Northmen, c*--io'. _„ f . p-m^saroarf ss;teKir»« tV^fSs- How JHua il e a rike cn steel; A w .amen, come oat! Pninal*' Northmen, come out! * fee yonr CTancHre*, stern and etont. Cotton be of Kingiv stock, royal heads mavrt-ach the Mock; / -ie Puritan tauch* Jt once in p*in. Mis eons shall teach it once ag-du; Northmen, come out 1 Northmen, como on* J Forth Into battle with storm and shoal I He who lives with victcrfra blest. He who dies trai- a peaceful rest. Xivinc or rtyinp. let us he Still vowtd to Rod and Liberty? Northmen, come out! War Work for iadlfg—How to So If »ttyalad) r . A thine: improperly done mteht os well not be done a 4; all; therefore, first find out how it may best be done, before expending time or mo'- ey- It i« naM that very much of the labor of the French ladies daring the Crimean war was entirely lost, because the work was iirucr tr Vy done. In the various mf-etiugs cf la, die?, winch have taken place during the past week, experienced nurses have explained th* be'tway of preparing lint andbandages, kad sfi it nr-y be desirable information to some cf onr we wll. give it as correctly as cossibla. " Lio- Ptould be ravrJled from scraps of old linen, the old?r the better. If it fc a piece, cut it into smaller ones, not more rt’an three inches Fqna- e , and rav*l i£ all cut •<t is better than serspine, because the lint dous not adhere so tenaciously to the flash ‘ Bandars should be made of common nn b'eiched muslin, about eight cents per vard which has neeu shrunk ; if this latter p’-ccan* tlon has not been Uktu. it will shrink a t=r application, a%d became very painful Thew should be torn apart, from two to four inchef, wide, and net less thsm seven fret long and then roll .d up very light,and perfectly smooth and even. For shirt?, materi Js easily washed are best snchas cheap fUcm-.l v.l h a large ada>lz*urt of cotton muelin. Thsy should be msdt la the plain* st and simplest tray pos sible, without an extra button, thoobj et be ing lo supply the men with frequent change so as to encore per. onal comfort and cleanli ness to tne wounded. ta-4.e570.1Ti Sheets should ba two yards and a hdlf in lengsb,»nd the usual wld?li for b- da. A !argtr size would prove unwitliy, £ud hare to be toi n la t *0 parts. Towels should be larce atd eql>, vra=b cloths nea‘ly hemmed, eo as to berp'dv f-r in stant service. 3 Tttre is mother thing which tho girls shooU see that the roldi-vs are each rrotided with belcre leancg feopje, and that ia a tin* coropiet, morojro ueedUbook, of the hind waieh can be rolled np in the smallest vossi me compa??, and contain, at tbe earns V.m s facilities cf every description for patcMnr or supplying buttons. ’ Tne matt-rlois useo f.<r the Feaclebook cra only a smal pleca of brocz 3 , or morocco which any shoemaker wi-1 give s r ze tir inches loeg and three wide. Buffing and Cover for a email round otk-hion at one end made lbs entire w:dta cf the morocco, and *bout the circumference of a born bat ion. In the center of this cushion atulowi left for the thimble. for the will be required, and a narrow bindfez for iba edge, a FmUl piece of flinntl for leaves a»d plects of fills- or ribbon for rockets, daa f.-r thread, white &ad black, one for nations, taloou and shirt buttons, one Sos patches, and a little relief 0;d liceo, which may be found Teryusf-fsl, Between two of the pocket* a BmalL strip of ieitber will serve as i case for scissors. l^tQa lieae errailent little “boasewiTes” tatonp tweeij any room, an.4 ,j et hold everything which belongs to tab work basket, betid 5 separating tm-iy, re such a way as to prew 1 contaeicrh ‘.oi make each article more ~ hie f« tbalart service. • ,aJ »- r fbc heat oftheeonthem son Ip diiflinitiea which onr soldiers e' . e 01 tao ter, arid the best protection K tohe of thin white flannel, sewVdMl^.f 0 ™ a I r , d which can be dipped ij> n dl nfmW a to faU down from th' h„T^L a JI“ Girls seftthfttfh.- - ae ®a over the shoulders. ® Y.Sun- Protection the Troop* from Son* Wjj Me Indebted for ihs following imnort iat practical suggestions, to the Son. S. B Haggles, who ha* a bod serving in the Seventh Raiment —A r . Y. Times. Experience has shown, that troops service m warm climates, greatly need protection eu 2-Etrok«e, often quite as dangerous end fatal as the lire of tho enemy. 6 The judicious care and foresight of the Brit ish cfflcfir, iu the.iecent campaigns in India and in the Crimea, protected their soldiers from the danger, by thick vhiic linen cap covers , having a caps protesting Va hack of the neck ' which reflected insteid of absorbing the heat of the bud. The regioae Jn and about Washington, ut ffom latitude 3,7 deg. to 40 min.; in which, cur troops may eooh take the have an Aver age temperature quite as hUhas that of Se bastopol -in latitude 45 deg. An exact pattern of. the cap-cove* used in iheCmnea wes furnished last wer’x by a Brit ish cfllcer, to an association of patriotic ladies in this city, who have ahead* completed one thousand for the use of one <vf onr W,mentß at Washington. b Another association cf’.ndlea has since en tered on a similar labor jf i OTe to en pnly tho same number to another regiment. We trust that exaxsp&s may be follow ed, without delay x until all onr troops shall be protected from needless exposure and fcard *Wp on the scorching plains of the South. Ihtre Is no diiScnl'y or delay In forwarding theso ccp covexnxo the regim-nts. A travel ing trunk o* ordinary size will hold at least eight hundred, and can be sent by Express ia tw«Uy-fcur hours. J'Q. a» Stars —ltwould be no more latal to the Republic to withdraw its jurisdiction from Maine than from Texas. The of war can;: be repaired. Cities can be rebuilt; population will return to the ravaged districts ; other mat Will take the place of thore slain in battle. It is like catting off a man's beard, which will grow again. Bat the loss of a S’ate is like the loss of an eye, a leg, an arm—t&e body may sur vive, but the di- figuration is for life. We can afford to lose none of our country. Free la bor needs it all, and must have it* The rebels may go to Japan, if they will; but they can not take an inch cf terrltoryiwith them.— iWia .Imnicnpi. • - Carr ting Born Coloes—Dan Rice’s circus his beai down South ctr a sicambcat on the Mtesiseippl. ,He has just returned tathe free States. His tteamtr was armed with fifty muskets and two cannon. . Dm sajs it was .“bard skinning” In Southern walet»,au<i he declkies returning-there yet. At one place he was orresled, and escaped with some difficulty. Off tbe Gumberlacd ziver, ho saw a steamer Eteilijjg away from him. Asa Joke** he fired ashot acrcss her bows,followed ty another. The clerk-of the strau/e eleanjer rushed up ln his. shirt sleeves, wared a Bec€Eslonfiag. Dan flredanoUitqabot, when the clerk disappeared, and another man ran up the Stars and Stripes. Dsn then let-him ca in peace. \ .. ‘ Blbibikgs in preacher who wea warnUy-lnelinedin favor oTthe tory party during the Revolutionary war, happened to gtt fato an American camp on Suhd'ay, and. was consequently called on for a seimon «nd a prayer. He firom force of habit tomm*«iced the latter with “Qot pless teKiDg,” where upon there was oonriderahie exdtement -mnongthe soldlew; when ho,perceived It, he, W«h admirable presence of nund-continued: :* f Xes l mlnehcarers,Taay Grotplees de kinc— pleas him mlt blenty of bnfdfc luhes. plcss film mlt a whig parliament—pleea him mlt defeata. •onlandtuhtch te aea—plcsa him of pad luck—pless him mlt sickness—ph gu Idm mlt a abort life—imt Lordt, I«crdt, r a« we have no more of him p» - , A TnhHIbl.TC Tni>VLTW_l Vnriw aoU«4M>ii& A TEBRIBLB TORNADO—A RgMABg A*TTt EscaM-K)n Ssturdsy eveoice last,‘sa* i» the reftetnee of : Hr. J t me Stone, who llv e near Klmr’s -Millr In. - fiercer county—tore down ,the fences,;.the <* igue, Bid St t3 titghg P- tsDpsnwTth.t, HflSpdW HoM a . Q t E chililrec *rerr ;^v omer wid tlie wsa tom hn «5 erotmd, BOt <mo of .-tv—u-i J 60J*. a, CEL 10.03 p. m. 5.45 a. m. 7.45 a.m. 7.80 a.m. 7 80 p. m. 6.90 a. m. A 40 p. m. ft«* deafen In Tinner** Stock, US a 201 Ihndolpti street—...l9# ft 201 Uom’s Improved Scales. jIS pgiATE, SHEET IEOS, Japanned and Stamped \lTarc, now, lialet, Mch% Bar*, Harro-w- Teetli TT««*m mad «leds««. WiasMp’s Patent Ventilating E«* friger.^tor. FENCE WlJ£, 'WSEELEE, MADDEST & CLEMSSE, Foil Stoeb of Circular, 31111, Cro|ts*Ont and Back tern* Saws made to Order, WITH FIXTURES COMPLETE. SVEST BA.TV WABSASTED TO GISTS SATIS- Pr*OMKen aoUcitel from dealers and «n pa!fiUa tudn« r *wa.«sa TTe offer Use above goods U> tbe trad* fit Uxo Lowest market Prlef FiXDERVOOET, MCKEH3OS&CB., JAMES E. CHILDS & CO. HOPE COTTON MUIB, Plttstoiarcßi PmWW Silroke. Seamless Grain Bap, are prepared to receive ordera^fro iEttal .auwegniiwi METALS, Tinne r.’o Btoc It SCALES. VAFOEEVOOET, i HTIIREHSON & 00., Import oro of TIN PLAT METAL WAREHOUSE. CHICAGO. ILL. agents fob Also nr 56IKC, y/yi/gßit* <TOOLS JJ3T> UJiCSJNXM, AXES, SHOVELS, SPADES, " ASSETS TO3 SAD IRONS 9j the cut .or boa; superior te I“*^ -ws SEAL LAEQELT IS' English and *3mtr I earn CIECULAS SAWS, rrom tbe eelebrsted msauSctcryvif KIDDLEXOW, N. Y. FACTIOK. 199 & 201 Randolph St. C»ps>e«6S.fa BAGS! B>'cg 11 3SII 'tiBTSLL’S' STiiH BAG MASUFIC THSTi XO. 28 MABKET BTHEST, OHT- UV». BA9S AND SiCKi* Of every description fomi?hft abort notice, and prmted tub Xew and Beautiful Brand* > SIMEON FABWS. VU apc-vm-ly &SD OF ©SNAETTR-GS *3 inch« to 40 huhas widt. "DAGS—BAG&—BAGS- -BAC- A> cobn xxcnANca BAS BIiHfIFAOTOBT* KAHTAernsae m muts at Bags ofKvery Desoriptflon* KmcT*’and Grocers’Kags made anfl*l‘Atedtocrd4 t wtUi beautiful brands. New andsecono-feAndSeamlaA ' Grain and Gunny Ban, for Bhipnera, Mllfce and Far. mcra’ue. B&ga toiicur, Bunkwherat, Fael, -Hamr, illcd wlfli fidelity and dlspstA. Base eta fed to chip para. 07647 CHICAGO BAG AGEKOY, V ats WPTH WATER STREETj SSAKLESS 6HAIN SACHS Of vaz&sa dace a&fl FLOUB—Hatrea. Quarter*, sad Ttghtr grhitod to order ot any desired pnttom. HAM eACKß—Every else used. GCNNV BAGS—Two or Three Bushels. Commission Uerobanta, HCleis. Grocer* end rltion Dsalen win find Just the erticlee wanted la : cas ieSocll Orders aoUctted. i HAWxjqgg a crapka^' gUnxicr, See. LUMBER!! WALLACE dc HOLMES, (TOBvaoxT soss b. wallauej Ears OOMtiEUy on band a weU selected stock of Sard and Beft Wood, ina,un srtnt lunttnunur AT a WCOLSSAX£ OE g~TSTT. And win fomlah BOb frr Lumber, Timber and Itblta Oak Httog. to order on the shortest notice. They arc; also prepared to do a renenl Commission Bsiltesi. tad to make Übcntto am ad ranee- on all klndsor Som ber consigned Doth* m toselieltnet by cargo or at re-' tall. tar OSes v,a xwd on the comer ot Old: and jmporvant to builders. ScGASSIOBSi ■ Canal» BUdiicnaad WaaiSnfftooltA, cmcAeo, ILL. Him dealer to all kinds 01 Wood ICtolfr fagy Door Jamba and Architraves of any desirai pat !***■ , Circular Mooldinn, any D its branches. Scroll Sawing and Comica Brackets, patterns: Octagon and tons aided Wm* W rsand Newebon band and made to order; Stair l I-amn* and Brackets, PUnlng and MmtcWnr aid Bnr. , mg done to order In the best manner at't&e morteat i nobeet Fence Plcketa. Particular attention mean to fining order* from the country tor any and au of the ■ above dtecrlutlona of eor£ BUIa for Bonghl and , Dressed, tamper filled with dispatch, and ablppCd aJ ■ the lowest market price. Toor atsenuon U Invited be > fbre purchasing elsewhere. Uy motto ls>«- w 4ood work and low prlcea vtn.” \ ' ' Agent for Wit It HILL’S lastly celebrate® CtVBBRINfi Tor Steam Engines, warranted to regelate tbfc mmiw cf the engine perfectly under any and \a ttmiQflir' dftafl Ir.r OiWlard ' “ ; Foat oaice Box A2£i .~j -, Ifcißtsm ■pevwieA-TtT.MnjT dffffliF4tii •■ O ' rnmaßi Bwanffi^^M^^ 6 [a £> A 0 : in ITiiUutcsiU Qilca w t Ay ~ F3SSOO- AMD PgCfjßATlTO^^^n latUfi fazlofv Xttnlsg 53m»EmU1«u)«i. Jjfio.'U atetetlaMjjHsSfcPSC •$4 B|OTHlttd folidtj pnr ~.7-JSSffiwßm. kt. f g TATI ONE BY, BUnkßooks, Frinttag, JOMEJj PERDUE & SMALL, ‘ ST ; A;TI © , 183 Laka Stmt, Ohle&go. JONES, PERDUE & SMALL, Blani Boole HannfaotnreM' AND BOOK BINDERS. IS2 lialn Street, GUo^a, JONES, PERDUE & SMALL, COMMERCIAL PEESTERS, ■liObo Street. No« 183 RASTER & STOKE, ■ Beakrc ia JSMI. iKD ; S Boato Cteai XS. Ctoiii &=da ctcbttoa g^Woolca T>UTLSR & HURT, 43 O hste.acv on tod tbs toUTuisg fixe* of printing faScr- lasa amta askb"' sera ;«xai »za 'SBx« S£tS4 ssm SMI^JBZB ssri* sdzSi f sazs aoza? . And era r ecrtytoealure ueonbcnt of BOOK PAPER p,GW rc-ur« ofwrapnos Paper, of different rise*. - . ißaoreams,Manilla go.- • . - 3m ream? On and letter, and a general asoztznsct ol.Pxinter*e Stationary. «n>is B^Ca^'pcUlcrßsga..jS DA. INffERSOIIj * Blabs Boos Maanyaonnam SOOS BINDER &NQt »CLEB. Ismntrßcraparedtoaannfisctere Blank Books of raledand boned to any desired pat* terns. with or without jHatedheadteesTParticaiarafi. tantioa pain tootf cseaooiCoTmtrOlseera, Basks, Ac. EUI Heads. Leit&ißeads. Slipping Bills, &Q., Baled sad Printed to order;* Hasadces, Per*odlcats, eta, tvSccd In any style. Old Books bound and -re-bonbd. ssssfes* 'rapists Sljtp <Slj anti lets. ■AJEW STORE!—NEW STORE!! CEO. F. FOSTER Invites the stteetlon of all Interested In Qhteago or any other ol the Lake Ports to hi* new SAIL LOFT >«n 030’ OSAHSLSRT BTOBA At 281 Sontll Water Street, HTH A-B T. ATTIC ST. BRID&H. C<BBtatlT<mhandMiXn.. inTniro SowH.T Boiw, L*tli Tie* cmtms of all Usds. «U otaer Q.ILBERT HUBBARD & 00, §Mp Cbandlerij Wholesale and Retail Deilere in STONES and CORDAGE, 80S ft SOT South Water St, (Car. Welle,) ■sc-Q-nia call particular attention of the trade to orr W ° stock, m we at all times have the largest and post assortment In the Wart oi jg«.m und'XMTOd Bopa, '^^b^Ssssssjt^ Tar* Pitch, chatafc And Tackle BloekSf HBAL TAfi aacfmfi Aii feltimS' WBAPPINQ TWINES, in bundles or barrels, . SELL-AND SASH CORDS, NETS AND BBDTCB. CottDE, BaT «® d Bemp Twines, O?ST^WBESOHETtQB. H»!a* du a RAIL i'«s ” fcC2I! “ °* “ equalled In the manafsctui * r*. ._ . ______ lENTS, WAGON OO SB?*. A.XVNINGS ANDTAUP^t' l ®"*} A Urge stock of which we have oil B»na O tisake to orucr at the shortest noa.V. ' j HUBBARD | J. 8. TURNER iG.K. iSAgsSajtaF’ S*r Send for our pace* ."*^*o°*. pUBINGTON * SCIBANiION. SHIP CHANDLERS, SAI Xi M A E3s S, Have constantly for sale at the lowesapElccs,. g>nmn tad Tsrred ead Catdajs of Every Bdserlpttoa* . RAT AND BALE EOPB, LATH tJOPXL J ITCHING HOPES. SPUN TAM, * SASH A BELL CORDS*! MARLINE, A 0» TAR OAKUM, PITCH, BLOCKS, ROSIN. GH*lN£ COAL TAR. ANCHORS, BRIGHT VABNIHH, OARS. PAINTS AND OUR PAINTS AND OILS, Wide and NarrewCottcar-Siirit and Canvaaa, : OF NUMBERS, LIGHT' AND HEAVY. Cotton, Hemp end Flax Twines, Wool Twiner Bur .. laps. Wool Sacking, wool Sacks. Teats, Tarpeullngi, Awßiagt) Vtsoa Conn* Ac.) HUE TO SIDES 08 THE SHagTEST BITiSE. PUBOTStON A SCRANTON, ahISeMSSm an South Water street, Chicago Scales, JP AIR BAN KS’ BTASDARP m o a Xfl m m t OP ALL Slips. VftSrtma&a * »l*ia6ij«st,CUca*o. -, ■ • BL -^U J - 3?^ TVTJBTEE & FORSYTH, B 9 Kaantictnring Company SGALES,/^ KS3 * BURGLAR P3OOF f IlpT O.A.X*S2», | TTawaoeso Tmcta, Baggageßai^V.' rows, Sugar Kffia, 6a. ’ . .A. S. SPEHC2B, Afent oaSMSffMa. IS3 South ffater St, Chicago. -pproHCOCK’s ; -fix Premium Scales! B "4 ManafactnrodlJT- B v ’ St S. HITCHCOCK %T VilTiL U fi. Canal-St., €Um«9, ati n»\ia of Scales.Bepsdrsd. }e#wy ■ -STOWE'S STAIfD-,. Jfea 11 ASD SCALES. . t TK==>J uiocHSuvn bihebmb 1 ... K«JS9 & VI Randolph* Chicago; 18 . Weigh, on? Qfl^cL.yoChMk feiltill frtVloa BT Balls; • ' * ‘ . ~ ***■ 6s. TVOAKS’S ; BARREL JJ ' HACUKS3V. ’ * yAmatjgg'gag gfflT or Aynur-A. To Gooperaei > -• In offering this Tew and DneqnaHea Barrel Machine m to the Coopers of the Horthwcat and south, we:d< fj -with the fullest amnmnoa that U win be foam •!?_ Best 'and meet Perfect the-.most-Booacmlcel SS- UkhoroaringAEdctEApeetof ahylnnaa. DOASE A EURtBUra Bta. '•* Irwlbs and Prwring Waekiia, ■ . . FOB-TIGHT "WORK. mma^ ! ■ Mke&is Barbara *U paftts^; i tuinthe'froajbe Jwtt t readyei s*t all at one opera- Am nOesfto &ooa per day. Wai make stftTto; lav ul S expSaes^.TegowltoaSTirß Sr- r »a\ aetof maohlnaa fefßarrelWo^ol St 01 1 ‘STAYS CUTTIF3 for Flonr j. D HSAUZHG .JOurrdß Trtadt OS it JOISTEB. for Flour Barrels. oo Sil^®S?2 TBrOTJ,)IIS '“ ai ;; - - nenr-dsmls frvo feeCrudfr'Tna swr. This maddner; . - f«» «j*t of debars to of trta ’ , mmA ctQeH*nntciar au compettoa ont of - ■ or Stave HRcidnanr. ‘ *std Gi'Janu' y.H. 1 WAjH - j - - " ’ ■ ■ ; - i jjTOUNG’S MAdaIKK SHOP, *. .. 3MT 1 W Wlfli Stn*, CUcap., nit \J3tfFACTCHB AHD BIPAIR MACHDQEBT. :Wcn flit :T*brkb« pr ■% or Patent Offlne, gcroUßawinfc Wood Tnrslng. - W:S.:TbCTB * CO^TWpristora. /; ywt.iirt, yowaaa.^ t - • mhiSMI-ly q rmCAGO : LEAB I^OIUKS, : / . Car. cantem and Mtoa Test 3da, - 111 D PIPE, IEAD, I Aot, WW» te«d«i4 Lytharge, .Stß LBAD. HTPFATOrO WtITH. •-'W • Order* from the tmdo mttaieiL- rtai paid-M **"* - - - : ■ - c-l> iKOHG.BIATCHFQBP. fiTaiOiles, SW& Sx. TkCI3^ELIiVtZ/W£M,TAUX)W : J :^ 1 dr.t! 1 , ; liiberAXlsA AdrMMesroade eeLßhlpmente crfaayAf ? l - *- r* •' t*mi X-, T»B3 S6AtEiffl&^^Ci*rle. waits Si* " vsn !MS '' ,!<, »«l B®§oUsal? fgotww*. 1861. SpplngTradp. ;18«I., We bare tide Spring the tii geet eftic ever t^roiieht COBIEY FARWttISCO., We Bttkci, bought cheapen and irJinje sold cheater, : 49 f .44 ; ; 4s: OvfMr, Cooley reside* ta New Tort, esdglTeehli - 'Wabaeb Avenue,•*; Whole tfraeto pnrchesfaig wbloo, With odTtt^ : B R Y O O B S ♦autre mUb.give* at Edyacttgc* in ofltrtar geode' 1088886. <*ejs>,to»twm COMMAND the attention of the best lUBDENBERGH & WILLIAMS, Ho. 20 Lake Street, Chicago, LEATHE® .No. laa SHOE JIJLIIDISOS. ZSSBC2 ABX> QSE2£JLS CALF SKEW, best bn&dl PATENT;CAL?, ■ •' MgßTfliy CALT. “ UPP3EB, - * BOLS LEATHER beat tUßftfM OAK ASD HEMLOCK Calf Kid. Morocco, EJVSJLISH ■ £j[sTlJr «f. EATrsmurCAIS, Hit and Cotton Coagraw Ooiiagg BHQS THREAD, IDWIfSESD’S KIT, U., At, : ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. JVUNMA £J o M. HSNDERSOK A CO., Weanlhrtnrere anQWboleesle Dealers a BOOTS A SHOES, , -Hoi 13 USnßtreeL «uurof WibotlL Antu, Havebistorea large and deetnble stock of roods, Which th-7- wCI, sell very cheap to cash and prompt paying trade.. Agents rcrMltebelTe Patent Hstalfio Shoe* to au the Statea-wttaoat exception. |J>O ILLINOIS MERCHANTS, €ar*........1*61. WEBEK, WILLIAMS A YALE, JOBBERS 07 MATS, CAPS, STB AW GOODS, PARA SOLS AND mniBELLAS, B. ......LAKE STREET, CHICAGO. ■ ' Isritetbe special attention of IDtnolß mearebaats to the<r very large, well assorted and nnnmxally attractive Spring Stock for lan. which will be offered at lowprt. cea and on lavorable terms for Cash or Approved Credit. BT Prompt end careful attention given to order*. "WEBSB. WILLIAMS A TALK. 19 & 18....STATE STREET....Ift *lB li CDili, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cash Buyers an particularly inTltedto aa < of our stock of. GEOOEEIES. Fisk, Woodea Ware, DRIED FRUITS, &0., &o. G. C. COOK A CO., IS * I»....»3TATESTREET ...IS *lB BldUr W. H. KRETSiNOER, in—SoClk Water Street-— lll (Pprwim nr-ATtw aan Dsissoman,) Ths only home In the city selling Staple Jgricultnral Implements, Exclusively at Wholesale. GOODS FIRST RATE, PRICES LOW, Dealer* win note this on their memorandums end Ilf .**..SotrxH Water Stxzsy 11T {ap?e4&-lnQ ijrCOTTLE, H3SARB * CKX, Panama of EISDWIB& MB TIN PIAI®, ZB XJSiSßtJ^ aaai ••• ®® We offer lo tts teals, si tbs# MABDT HilCSSs— i ZJBK box** TJH PLAT% &A»bdM IHBSTTIBOa S3 11 BCSSIA mo& ia ■ XHTTATZOtf BUS2A, SS&Q • 88163T sad ABIfXALD \TJZQ ' 936 CM B BBSS? STRO, 12tcsa ; JSSTTN, imooh*: coppss BorroHa, 13 cats 7IKNES9’ TOOLS «4 MACHTCTSi B casks BRIGHT OS ezd COIL CHAIS& LWdoa, AXtB, L®B - BEOVSLB, SPADIS ani 80001 ft « teas BAD IBOKS. TUTTLE,: HiSBA3B & CO., TTATS. CAPS AND -STRAW XI GOOD! BATES, WILLIAMS A CO., S3 ft a.... taka Stmt, OUctgs.—.S3 ft 4L KAKH»ACTt7SEES ABD DZAISES Dt lata, Caps, and Straw Goods. om *PBINO STOCK It TO LAMEST AID MIST COUPLET! In Chaetty, which we trill asE at the YERY LOWEST FBIOSS* Havtog toomplatad thHSemtnl of oar Dry Goods Jobbing Depart Heat ZD EO4. 74 JUTO If> UD BXKRT. Wa are sow-maW n* addlttoca of ■BESS AffD BBA| iOSAELE COODS, And Invite bnyerato taasjtno tta eana. His our aha o meet the views ef : ■IHE BASS Afß tKOßTtnil IBtBS. BOWEN BROTHERS. IneoKßn and la bben. ■ CONCESSION i i PEAKE, MARSH &mism '■'■ 37 Lake St. ■ - 43 Wabaoh AvA, . _ eoo&noiaf ta thenombs rsf thaSßaea, '■*% mfV yßßynlnxl UpOtt. ... CONCILIATION AiO CONCESSION, Bofiarasthereanb««lfectM.l}F , Xjoxwr 3C?AU.o®«»‘ 1 * ; IT6 ihsß offer AT '■WSOIS3ALB ttirsoghont thfl. •fcmon, and dnring tho prweat aeltatkma anbcYolv; o ' Dry Good*, Hoiaery ani S'otioM, Pnrerpanadm j • 1 ,7" FIUHHBIs StUkHUB AM BEAL TAIBL ; ,\.^W ; ar«.ttmeaftK^ ; •gctiaita r&her ihan Vfynrd£ ■ determined ca.a of BMff 'wmk. ; rUdd-MOBomy and SMALL PBQgras. and xtiwin m, iwnClDAl.em thupArt of to ax asataN OttS fnnu&caof ICETOWS BRAHO&SE HffAVT HOBIKET, • _ COTTOKS3k3 ARB 1861 y SPMNG IR4®EV. j IS6I H. W.HUNT&CO., 33 and J> take rtreot, cidwgg,, • - MuraOaiuvrft m&-jobber, ol Bead? Hade Nothing , OESTIEHER’! FURNISHfNQ GOODS, CSelhy Coatings, Casabnerea, Satinets TaSoohi s - - Trimmings, Ad, AC. j bar rtock Is large and waQaaeortß£wllll>f,Kl d. At *b«‘ tonreo* Prlwa.. JJABD W^2»,jWißtj43||r ■ 1 HST4IWAREHOIIBE,- __ ataUlihed in IM4. - WILLIAM BLAIB&CO.^ It6t«tke Btre«t« Chicago. 7T>^n g raerived onrSprlng Stock, ▼« oSor'-ii... . At tbo Very! I*owo3i gtarket J 4000 BorasTinPuts,Miortsdaitea. : T-V'v--.*: SEwSdSTsbeet Iroru KO.TS to Ka & Vs - STjOO BivCoppW Bottoms. . -1 CAita SJuctZlnc. averted width*. ' “ •--] MaoßSto.B««Feßcewu»-.»0.7.;Kid8. , ; ?»o Kegs pUJU, w and otbeu*ima bit I AGkictrtTcrEAi mpLßWKirnrof .ah fiaecxtp ;slS^£Mgiiߧ^ .TkacES Good* o£ all dan ripSteiA.opoU as: fromo)* * K * f*wvu m» «v™» * maiint.'- .. ,w«. Brwßoq & Bartlett) r KAebT4OTQK*3» A«» WIWUBAiy Miin» ■ BOOTSINDSHOES, SO. .UXX »THBI...~„_TO.** •• '• 2 s - : * : . , :<PQdieps.-m. ? \ CWBtry SSI vwhtebocJbitrtßot * CUfrleoitiiaeßt ef towefflehnSg . JBPHIWK MU tVUUittWOH, 8< toe beet qaezily*adm»ntitctore,whicliw* are ore. TgABCOCK A PEEK, aaS 'Walnat; nuniß inniionutnainiFintnii f . Cu*o<tt QA IUMMI K< •-- 'J BeiderTuißltaro ea teed asdtaOrln. o°°** o««> YAEI). GILLMORE & : CO., • JATBOTRABBLEBTOBIM,. Rot. 61.7 Chestnut aad 6X4 Jayne Streets, wnr.inm.pmi t Spring linpoitatloeef S&K AHD FAHCYDPUSOODS, *;■: c.;:- » • „ : DiMtQoodsinQwrt Variety, WHITE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, SC., WUahtoßTWfflteßaMhaJaweetEastcraßilcec. fetleßAn ’ ; CALL AKDBSB California atfo jjUfcfa 13caS. pON X EX PR KS SI tejv Bjrsa&i&r> tfSs^SSi TO BAN FRANCISCO. : totTBBB win be received *t the office eftke United States Express Company, COBKBB AKD LAKE STBEXn, ’ • ' (feSLekeandtSClarirstreeU,) Which will be forwarded to connect with the Poos . Express, leavtog.St. Joseph. Missouri, every WSDKEB9AT AMD SATUKDAT, AT U P. M. TELECRAMS Sect to Port Kearney on toe mornings of Monday and Triday, wULconnect with the Pony, leaving 81, Joseph Wednesdays and Satordaya, EXPRESS CHARGES: Letters weighing t2js after Jnly jit. - : XW Lx all eases tobe enclosed la Government rxssff***"* •".Swfiißrisr goi FOR PIKE’S PEAK, Tta tmienigned lb are connected (with their wen known Freight line from Atchlnson : a&a Netueihs City) WMcb enablerthem to transport freight with neater dispatch than b«*retciore, or than any other line now established. Also, can contract at as low ratal as any responsible line, . • Earing been engaged le the transportation of roods from th* above pcl&ts to Pita’s Pea* for the paat three years feel confident of their ability to give PERFECT SATUFACTIOI TO All SHIPPERS. Either by regular or onr last line. "We haTe this dar established Messrs. HAMMTTL A REYNOLDS. ISI Kinxie street, Chicago, onr Agent* who are authorized to contract freight to Denver or Mountain cities ferns. _ HAMM ILL A REYNOLDS. Ag“nU. Ho. 16*. Kmzle street, Chicago;lD. BT Mark good* “care Parker, Dana A Co* Atehl eon. Kansas,"and“careStarr, Johnson A Co.,Kebra*. SaCitj. ap«xaa JONES & CARTWRIGHT. TRANSPORTATION LINE DENYEB AND MOUSTAKI CITY, In-connection with the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy Railroad Company who an prepared to give through Bills of Lading-from Chicago to Denver City and Mountain City. - - - - call at j. A C. having been engaged In the transportation bulls ess for several yearn, and. transported a large amount of freight to BEIVEI cm AH THE ISIS IEEIBI During the past year, respectfully Inform their friend* and patrons that they expect to engage largely In the business the ensuing ym, nod wllibe prepared to Transport any Amoaat of Freight THAT MAY OFFER, |Tom Ob* Theuaad to Five Tiotmaad Ten* AH freight >nis Win be require: to be fettled at the date cf ahlpta nil; o' cash win be required on delivery Joseph, St Louis, Chicago, BoaumTNew York and Clndnaati will give THROUGH BILLS OF LADING TO DENVER QZTT Our first trains will start about the Or u soon before as the grass ba the Plains irQ si low. Oorterma will be made known npon application to oar office In Leavenworth, or to the offices oT eaj «C qi rates and contracts call on WM. MAETTS, General Freight Agent ol the C. B.« Q. R. B. 00, foot of booth Wafer street. . •• _ _ mh2S.eSls-6m JOBES ft CABTWBIGHT. Ooroer o£ fitata tad Xaßs ttM, 1861* Ss TO SHIPPERS OF PRODUCE. Time and Insurance Saved VIA, -„ M CHICAGO, PORT SARNIA And Ot. Western Kali way Line. Rdtoljle end emple errepltmenb forthe tower, talon of PRAIN and property ©fall kind* »la this rovta b* flrsteUs-i PnopsLMtßs and Bail VxsaeLS from Cllcseo to tarnit. GiiiT TTsirnu Ballwat from Sarnia to Hamßtan ana Ccronto, and Propeller* and SaiTVeuels dally from Hand.ton to Oaweeo. NOntreal and all American and Canadian Fi rts on Lure Ontario, making this a moat desirable route for _tae shipment of Time sad lamimcs will be las by this than otter loiw, Altbe entire dtauece Brftdsmrof eyelfeßoii eta **BtClalr Flats "and* Lake Brie Is saved. Tot Freight or Passage apply to A. K. GOODRICH, Ttsildßlierttneiorto • - JL mrl-esSS-ftn cornerLakeana-Dearbomsnresta. CPECrA L NOTICK W® IHIFFEBI. Hteklfn Smtken nHtrtkm liiimED, RsilrosA JEafjolwalt f^BUol«|. A FAST FREIGHT LINE, PIKE’S PEAK msom LEAVENWORTH, (KANSAS, BOTH DAT OF AFHIL, So dbtpptte. SXPRISB FREIGHT LINK dim Bethißtsi»riißel-*trt«l«iaota»to. to m dßßttatKm wtfiaa OmCK TXurtmi übj any other r moattahnßt g I S l KOBE * B «XiS LONDON DOCK &O.M. : THiS DILICIOU 70M1C STIMULENT, ’ * XBFSCIALLT tfWSFD 7or tbs OMof.tlie madLSairnifiadon .. ..anui. tba Xaunily* eft, ; JW» PMMHTaM.;_ ' Fo. 13 Bn»d ctrwt, F.T. : npio*ofciy . . i Old) RACHBM BPOEB3 AKl> Wig-waui Tonic. T <nrpw srs recommended 07 t&e First ghystoif.'ni of thy Oonatry, on aoecost of tiMarFrawr ABD 6BBA* MKCHnsrAiTEETD*. -Thar tre pteßMDt m natttr to tti# tMfe *#4 55r ■ "t" »s«ncodttiß iiMft'TMit as* liliaaTeiit 1 'tou»FkMi*- .-tv,-f t : TWr wunmuafwca a ew wt Loe» oT iOTPirra, oomwa^oJ .. -Triinirirwl ta vbat w w^*l rTTstimt Wilse!loaß «zeißte«e4br m ? ffit.ntah> ofTri* WHft ly|n» UflMMjtoctiflL fgmm .»mimi>TO«iw*aiin> ILafetn riEtattay ortatiow. fTOR LAKE StJBE- w X’ EIOR-XhePropenor . -ImHOBK backus «wm from Boa i.t ud For Ports on Lake Superior. .For fojgbtorPagace. •>!* to A. H iRVET « CO. ‘W.V&®* £?«h Water street, or to Cap*. c*»AS. CHILDS, onboard., X HE WESTS RN TBASSPOUTATIOS COMPANY, WESTERN EXPRESS. x"o a x . THS WESTERS TEiSSTO»TiTOX (A, Saving made arrangements to ran toetr t,«w. Propenerton alternate day* wtto those of toe • HEW YORK CENTRAL 118 Michigan Central Railroad*, Jfmnb«ter» first clew ttamseh and «trotg ttram... no.vififtrto tlie mercantile and the lOTowJt d eTldentlT superior facratWtortt? S2£ portptlon cfi߀reiiendl«e and prodor- to fSjJSSt Eastern, Western. Northern and Bouth»-Si£nßS£f Tbe Company*! nneqcalled CAN Air toctotle*. con! elating of : ISO Oanal Boats, Of tbe lareeet oias, rta of which l-are N< w Tori and Buflblo dallr. caoneortejratßnlMowlth tbe icliowtne : PnpeDer Lfnee. enable It to merchants and iht> peninperlorlndncementsfortbelrpatrccaga TBS WHSTBEJI ESPESBB, (Owned and operated by this Company) vfl! ran orer &e New Tori rentral KaUrrad to Buffalo, connectica yttt toe rartonaßaLroada te«.dlpr ard with too following Llnee off ropellere on toe Upper and Lower Lake*: The Upper Lake Line Bally. W.T.CO.STrXHIPa. tCAC.lmlw.ifw. Toaeweadai . Fountain City, SFiee Btati| Weaoiaay Mohawk, Sfeadota, Plymouth, Svetgnea Ctt^ Kepthne, * '.Galena, May Flower, Chicago. Leaving the dockat-Wrlc Basin and foot of VtebL gsa street, ejerrerotilnr at T .o’cloifc. For frelrtt or E*«*2“ eppJy at toe western Transportation Office. Srie Batin, and toe Bn train, Cleveland and Cblcaxo Lino Office, toot of an«iig>« street. The Zfetroll Line Bally. Ti. Horth Shcr. Sirwt, W.T. CO. STTIYTM. W. 7. CO. frm.wM, maeooji, Doxklrk, Blllaelij Concord, Omar Pasha. LeaTfagtbe deck. Erie Bar in. every evening at 7 o’clock. For freight or passage apply at toe uompa ny* £rla Toledo, Sandusky and tlreen Bay Line. Cnnu BiTT.iyun Erma. Eqnator. Eqatnox, AraxM, Eoplmtt, EellpM, Comet, Socket, Marquette, Qnyaltosa, Oronteo. Le«Jn.lhedoetrUXr!eEatfh.tto , elc«kP.k. for to T - “• <*** Cleveland and Erie Lino. W. T. Co. Btsaxebi. Mary Stewart, Sastnaw* Leaving Erie Basin at 7 o’clock P. M. passage aapty toT.D. DOLIS, Agent foot <;t MlcMsaa street, and at toe W.T. Ca’a Office. Erie Batin. Fcr billsladlngaod contracts br Canal orßallrcai. apply to the tote wing Aganta: _ CLAPP, Agent Ho. 1 Coen ties SUp, Haw H ALLES', Freight Agent No. 1 Cocntlee Slip, A TVt Agent 9 Astar Eosm, N. York. B. Q. Agent US Pier. Albmr, V. T A t*. CHAsE. Ag**nn Ifli Klver street.Troy. N.T. Freight Agent Isl Elver etract, J J.HURD*CO,Hnrd*»Dock.DetroitSCeh. i. J.TALLMADGK,-Agent MMaippl Prairie DaCMen baJlroad Dock! ililwankte. W.F. EUBD, Freight Agent, Boston, Sfase. JK4>! ALLEIV) Jr,, Pres. Manager, Erie Baela, BnflUa. C02781G-0S EES. SOND * SPENCER. Cleveland. Ohio. HKNI3OK B, SMITH * CO, Toledo, CM*. J. W. 08B0B& Eandoakv, Ohio. JOHN HBaRN * CO. Sri*, Pa. DUTTON * RAYMOND. Radae WTa. KENOSHA PIPE CO. Eeuosba, Wla. W. H. WEIGHT *CO.Waabetan,nL J. F. KIRKLAND. Sheboygan, W BIOBfIIOHSk TUT 7 ZiS, Ayaata, ap6-6487-2m Foot of State eteeot Chicago, 1861 ad* .1861 NOBTHEBS TRANSPORT ATIftN CO. mil dories the present «eeaoa, run their’dne oi FIRST CLASS SCREW STEAMERS EegnUrly twtxeaa Ofdeiulnirch, Cape Viaeent, Onrefo, aad tlk« Upper Lalcea, rostraa A DAILY I*3 575. For dareland, Sandusfey, Toledo and Petrels, and a TRI-WEEKLY XJ^STE, To and trow Chicago, MUxauhee, and intermediate pert*. Connecting with the between bnrjhand Poston. Lovell, LaTr-ree. Xa j hcs, Ml"- Chester. Concord, Worcester. Fitchborgh, Keere, Bel lo wb Falls, Rutland, Burlington, and ether Interna dlatept list*. At Cape Vincent with the Watertown and RocaßaU Bead. And st Oswego with the yew Oswego Lfce of Canal BestsT>fetxreen 0 ; ween. Trey, Albai? New York, pT Through irelgtts subject to but on® itranahip. inert IF* Connecting at Chicago with the tersral lines o2 to the Sooth son West. AGK2JT9 A*U COSSIGyEES. J. Htsbs, No. :»i Broadway, ?feir York. J L. Wabbeb, No S Cwntle* Slip, N«w York, Joss Hocxjsq, No. •'< 6 tale Blreeußottoa. C. L. TUOEPSOS. K. T. J. M. Cbambsblik. Ogdeosbarsb, N. T, 6*o. A tDDTjUnWCgO N, T. Cbawfobs & HnrgT. Osvogo, y. 7. tTCTB * Hates, Tckdu. a£io. i_, R. Maths wb, Detroit, Mlciu ?. J Hazjs, Milwaukee, wls. atlon, Mcheat « Co-Racine, Pxxtos & Bubs, Cleveland. MATHEB * CO. Chicago. 'DUFFALO, CLEVELAND J3 AJD ls6i - CDICifiO LISE.-180’SISb, Per the ensuing season of navigation, the steamers of this line win nm la connection, and on altercate days. with those oftha VESTSBR TBAKIFOBTiTIOir CO. niwiu Chicago and Buffalo, Touching at Intermediate ports when practicable, and forming a, daxxiV Xinra (Sundays Car (be transportation of Freight and Passengers. dcC.LineStmzs. W. T. 00, Bteaswm. fountain enr mohawk. ftALENA. FB>-E STATE, WEN OH A, TON AW AN DA, MKHDOTA, FLY MOUTH. CHICAGO, MATFLOWfca IYAEGBEEHrCITT. HSPTUNR, ' Running in connection, at Buffalo, with inter TOBS CKKTRAIi RAILROAD, FSOFLS’S LZHR XETBSS, WEBTESH EXPRESS; ThsWrtteniTranßpOTtatlonCoiDpany.andTroy sod Xrle. and Troy and Western Lines of Canal Boats, on (be Arte CasaL At Cleveland, with AND PITTSBURGH RAILROAD. The Steamers eompostßgttla Use are of the largest, die. and of great strength and speed, with suptnor aceominadMlOH ft>r PaoMngers. . Wltii these sneqnalled fact tl ties, the one is prepared to contract lo trsuaport pr :pert7 ftotn Htw York, Boston. Aib<ny. Troy, and all the principal ppinta on the line of tne sew Tbrk Central Kailr ’Od and the Brte CanaL to the ports on the West shore of Lske Lyi»ht«rM • and from those porta to Cleveland, Buffalo, and au points Eset •- 1 - - ’Stofnows, Seiw »T«HB PENNSYLVANIA' X fBAL S*JliSg-*Z>. fiO S£ILS» I>o\Jsl3 TEA-X. ... Tit* oapacttl 9f Uisßp&dteao? ffOAiso 7 a tt* C5 5bS«« 'Skrouh P»««a*eT 35r^as Between Pluahurgh and PM>rw?a»?ma,> Conasotfeg dbeet la tbe Ui!» Depo* at rniwlwsrc*, 'wttß Ttiroagh Trains from mil Western CUlca for ?a£fc Sew Tors, Boston, BalttaoraandTTsaalcgto* dry - uina rondiblsg facilities (or toa irons jortncca oTratfengen ananrpsaapd lor spaed and «£ any oUer route, • • Teresa and F*a Lines ran ttuc sgi to riulaos/pila witiont'rfmnsocfcsraoreoQdaator*. * ••■ £aaoaaisCir9»reßiiacliad*o*4ckwila, ~>o Keening cars to Snpt-ees ami Fa« Trains. Tea 3z» Tvr>?s> rasa dally, Llali and Past Lina ercepit'd dauT Kalis connect dlraos frr Ebtti or<. -Sspi wees and Fast Line octinaci for a»l6teto« and nsia» pascmstr Train* sryrtdrd **Mi ic-fi. bidge’i Br-uca—©peed nader peridot con ... 4 t£e?ln£inaer. iflua —s mned to tat ia^tj ‘>t «*. ; Train# end JfW Tori: rwo batirwa Jr? rorS.-n-dot* -lop. rjrongTjtofaa, all «!i.a»s-odoa •itaars! ; fcs a&crearaias. • , -,. . __ goat Ilsk«s to sxatoasrsgiOu na NrnrtJi Fa 3 • Etna otSwaingtqa Unaa. Boston :ra~i farm Era* cj t&ron*4 Tor-. - .tidies* i» *C7 o£ifca,lmp«tcjt| m j±o*a OSc» In the west; also onboard any ®f si* SJb«"o# Btssnwrs on tb» Bflawteiwppt or Sro*. and as ifcs oinoe of la Bostco. YorS, B*ld«sr*. or FUiaddtekU. • ••■' BTfiia uo Tis» a* ©rrw ix its ?ca SqSS s !?/piTrE5tjae!i. /vjTspiedoo. -or tie Western ooanecj£;%i Of !&& KaLraad aitM tfala Ilia Jlil £Sgßi U2J* z±ss tsu Tfeo o< trade# iy—Jia Barrosd Brfdga « Bcatajib, »70ldltgaadrs , fags i rJq: taretii<s.wklt Us avlascfiimc, ara *dT* «*-•*» rtalZ. jyaopreslitedfcTStipoQis clsralgiit,ar4l&«iTra*3b Ins trolls* • . - - , -*• , JorFrrUSaOoasracfii sad Skwplac to or Mdtesa eßfcsr cittw toSrelac Asiata srfifet Gwaw °* i 2j SB. fisrw * Ca,. gangsvCle,,p. ; J r -AyQf»<». ; SjS i Huns, iempnb, : CarW aS Sap>rP> a*3f Jocao* Alton, d, orw BtEiPaSi st dlilersot poiaM In B* CHStat 7«3aiajgiire4 Sb_£» fesa ml iMgT B . dad good aacopimodanspMnei nmai. ai t»7«l£iS Is eSSrge tisreoc -^Md&atoTaaTfrfert2*i!sTpMa. Jtyr ■ «?»> —' 1 - 1 ”—y. 1 ■.. ■■_ SandmiSf andQ^ffTwMtStsaaer to ifATiaAN ties •motSlS^K»d Sblppsa sattfifagtetnasraMs : toU& Cprntm, Wl ra^TC*oeafc > to Q< /ibb^ssbb^k: ,j, HnoH - ALLE2i.lA«nt»Weet«raTricrx>rt»tioa Co, A. COLSON, f No. J Coen S3« Slip, New Ycr*. W C BICE, Agent Troy and Erie, acd Troy aa4 "■Western Line?of Canal Beats, No. 7 Coentias blip* Jfo. SB Washington street, Boston, Boston, Maas. _ A. A.- Agent York C«- FR- Albany. S. O. CHASE. Agent W. T. Go. Hx U» Pier, Albany. J. A. J BPRAOUEL Agents.T.C. REiTroy, Kl. j- H. A. GKI3WCJCLD, Agent W. T. Co, 191 EiTtr street, L. T OMa ‘ ' . B. C.McDOWELL, Special Agent. Qsrelaad. Ctio. WM. BTSWABT. Agent C. A P. Bat, pUtscnrgk, Pa. 3. L.KURD A Hlab. J. 3 TALLUADG B, Wl*. DUTToN it RAYMOND. r.adr.e. win. IHBXiDON PEAS& ISanaglDß Aft. fnnt/tT Mtfhtf-an Sn'JaiQ BZOBBEOK9 fc &S eats, <fiaacßj»w •; - FootrfSUte street, chkaga. jgDFF AL O, CHI CA G O AS 9 Lake-Boron Baibsai line, c fniwM «i nniu Mi iitipuniit'. TASS NOTICE! ■n» ■BrtflUo sb 4 laks Huron Itnlhray- taring eosoMed tbsir •Rangemma CiraTrf-weekij Um tf nnt-Oia Soew Sfcraaa HD1058,....™.,’e»0 baa.--.OtFt BUM,. HHra,.„...V„,’.618 !■ HttsV onanuxat,- .jst a wnssia, ten-.-Capt-Jcwa, ToFsabc&rooa CTICA&O and C, Ty posmJ ia. dawt toud6tU«*lt!it&e ... JRITBFjUbO * LARB HCBON R. it Boftio *ttll the SXV TO2K A f*r T^wYeritand- Poston, andatStrat. wsr& toeGILUiOTRCNK Catoadar KtegatoPt OEdoabargh, feat ‘ i *s*®SSSsmo»Baehester.tevtgo. EacicnaHiJ* 52» fsm*Vlnoimt OedeasbarsilJ, Els»U:n and Moo. traairpartfttoa of»nr*Dd aSfiopertr committed to itaVlrat ifDnf-IMf £ “ * DiTBUMS. i“o. ' jFttra&titf. ; p ■ ' MOiWfAN haTTßempTed to ~V/ ' 169 Baadoipb Street,']' ITbereliaWaibfpteaaddHpMaaßMacJd wisidnatoporcfitte rtucltmc PBlctß. entirislriisir aad.comcruicf coaof tbaUnWbcstanA boss lUtaßaabla fqts3> mtrnWWm* c.C : .'•• : - s. w PARLOR AMD BEDROOWrSUITES Of BaMwosdJ Stt«ado»l)loliurT™eßjedQiA*iß*fetaitaikTa^i aTetei. 6cfta. Badstearfs an* Qtattp.of.aQteda dtttt atotfc yoa Mailraaag., , IdtifeAjßOi* ST, : LOUIS RAIL. KJ EOiD LISE. - -_j' _ CHASGEOF TIME. Oa and after SUNDAY, AptH T4to.Lr*ln» will laavft 'We \t tide Unloa.Depoi, Chicago, as follows: • fttl .1 A. m. Dat FTpmrsod Mall, (except 9*.ao K y. Night Express. 50l _ 4 4:OtoP. SL Jaltet and Wlhalngt«**A«Cßiai(>d*(Ua, Throoghr ftintnlre at 5:20 A, W atid *: r O P.l/. Jr.Uet aid wnMi ß |>tei« aiv'raimVlUt-*"' arrives tfe ftSOA.II. .7 _ mjS M ABON»-fr!parintgagact. fi-REAT CONSOLIDATED M. lets. Cincinnati and Chicago • k . , AIR LOB BAIUtOAD TTETbe opened &r njn’»r brr lasts on KOS9AIW . , . , . Hat iSth,l;6L. TOBTY MILES THE «OUriS rrw. - CEfNATL INDIaNAPOUS A3D LODI&YILLV TWO BZPSBSS TSXZ2V* WSH leave Wr«t Dewot daUr, toronto t» . C nfllm attend Loox-vlUei* Twaiiva Boua®. ■ Ho Change of Cars to Cincinnati fovpclita on the W»b~% Talley B-tU-oad. at Kotom • wlw Pern sac 7 r * La.- 1 p UaKailroad, eonne-ting wiw« traimaGr-tt UcJfi* Dopjt, Indian-tiroli*. *H prloeit-al town* i-. Ceat-. f aadXcnh-ra lad Una; a! o, for Loolsviii*, P;aas". rt; K , ani *tnoPit*sa«b; st'Airieraoaaad t It most* tor Da-1 't, ; pW, Oi lamb * Ncwwk. ?Ui.hMu Juic-. a,.<j ad poifiu in Central and Baiter** 0 f r B-iiUfi, WnecUng. Baltbaore and Wa*nlaitaa. ISSRaadolpbetmt. (v» «et Stamaa Soa«».) o v JX X. PALLgTr. Gaat-T ek6tAgtn»» =-j if M' c C o? d TGAS CENTRAL RAIL- CHAJfOE OP TIME. XTnt3 fgl^ereoilc* l Stores* Tia’na Icara Grtßt CSM - twl Union Depot, cht at 7:45 A. M. AKD 7:45 P iT Piasejtrar ash New Tori and Boswa’wa tana emrl e>' ner.toft>r« ***“ A:all lea-r-a 4:43 A_ V. >« eblxan riir accjaiiodallan \9vr*» a‘ p *■- toNiLaonfiaiurday. J Q A se-^n Che.SO. y«» - liT ‘* ! *<■’£s OmCAGO AND NORTHWEST. ER«BatLWAT. For Rockfi'rd, Freeport JacesTtHe. Ksdl-ea. Prairie d i chlen, road »!-: -.e, o-iiosa Giten Bay, Berlin. Blp n. La'' Faol i.- Oa a-d after Wednesday, Mat sth, ;Si. train* win leav* v aj Day fexp-e» S.-flO A. Night Exyrasa, S.-no p. M. Throncb to all me above points and cimae-.-tt- g &a both Prairie UuCulaa aadLa erwaae, wtta .leansje IbrStP-al. Ac. Wa. Paiges, er P. V., for J~ :^v( : la. tr r, ■«., igr u .yivi:m. Trates^«p.ra *U9 a. M: i9:-aP M : B-..'*- p.ig, L. rlntecca t S. Dx Witt Boscraox. Uen. Ticket Agent ceigjy ILLINOIS CENTRAL X EAILftOAD. IKsl—Summer Armnjensnt ...3c6L On aadaftrr B onlay, April it ’SSi, tra'na < sU> Itavw tor Great oatral Depot foot u( Lake and booth Water str^eto? 6JO A. M., to 2» P. M.Sprt»gsa ! d hitfPX,SI Lo»» e. Jf, Cairo IO;l?v P M, iierr .bSi 9:30 A. M, (nasi day j New Oneuosl&S hoars Cblcag ► &S0 F. K, (Saturdays evc«i>C*d) arriving at Deeatit tiriil A. M- Spttngitld 4 30 A 34. gnlncF IftlO A SL, St lonia r*nH» A. M, Cahrn tihlS A. M- Memphis 9 P. M., next day New Orleans la A'h art from CiiJcnio. Oa Batardays an Acoonunod*tioa Train will lie run as tor as Urbans, leafing at &&A P.JI Through Unketa, to si Important points Boot-! west for sale at tbe often of toa Company hi tot Great Central Depot H rDE PAHS AND WOOD LAWN. Trains will leave Chtoaget sAave w.xm luwm LSS-.M* «:4in, l?fl)bL BsW»A..V, S^SPTIC. ftOP.M, fcl-t P. It, feuS P. M- SftQjP.M. ?r<lP Sf, W. B, ABTHint Gen, Sms**. W. P. JOHNSON, Pen. Passenger Ag't CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE KJ . RAILROAD. For IHlliwanbee, La Crone, si. Paul OaiUtoab Berlin a*<t Ibtirms dlais Points. 'On sad :fTer W*ine«d«v, w«y ■vjh 23 >l, P«»easfr trail.a wUI 1 ;ara the Depot, corner or‘"■'e t Kluiicwcd Csaaistreet* (sancaysexcepted. a* follows: 8:00 A. il and 'vOO P. M, and arrlTe at itilTaalaa at a 4:3* A. M. and t*:**P **. sender train arrives at Chicago at l;JOP. M. and WAUE-iGAH ACCOMMODATION TIMIN' l.'avos atChl aio a. 8,4 i A.M. 8 C. BALDWIN, my&Sl Soperlnteadent 10£ i —BUFFALO AX3) iOUl* LASEHfTROI* RAIL'TAr.-SB^rtW and beet r -ate to Buffalo and other Train leaving Chicago at H P. M„ Deirr.'.: v j*.25 A S„ arrives at Buffalo at O.4DP. M.. New Ti.>rr. ]<XSO ar 2^OP tL, cotm«r- ag wnr >p.w Tor's Central at Bnffa! :* and K a w Tor’-; & t-!rV: tmin* going East. Tldlc-w via this tend cm b> oM-load at Depot. It 3. CA*ITZiJ» tien’l M.'- nr';?. A. FELL, Tri-i'c SapX Buffalo. tj?h‘r-;!vr 1 Q£l SPRING J-CJU 3L.« A3«AXGEatasr. Michigan font hern & Labe'" hors RiXLBOAB. On andnftrr Sander. Apnl’-Ltml urtU farther no. tic-, ual'A-wUI l.*>e uhtcago aa toll xa; M.aila.'oi Exeassn: 6 CO A M. 11.1W except Sunday, reaches rl*vl' r M STsvr Toaa m Bosrox PxPuss: H.iX) A in., -u i> txctpc nu- a ay. rsacias Toii-'a T'3 ‘ lr • Li* at lit P. M. EatrxaH EXVBJE3B; 8.00 PM.' inly parent Saturday, reacts 'iwa do rl* Old ttcad at Id* a. H. Dztbott SPBSSS: B.UM) A. M. D dly Sunday, reaches rsp J| vu O’O u:i« afiSj P. ii. 8.00 P.M. I'ady er-ept Satv.rdcr, res-ni? Pa tr..Kat T .V- A. :4 PiTrearccn PuiLaijsxpni* Exrnsse Vc.ts I/O .\xu r 8.00 A. iL, ( >i,4Jece close *: >l:md—•. • sm 8.00 P. SL,;alwa.aaaL/w a* any 1- All the above tr.dne tnafce regu'ar con»*c* *i Thrklf'-t Buffalo, -Ug.trn Fall*. r ■'» V j/. Bo*tm. Phlla -tl.-hl*. tUltl oore.a-d a l rolut. raiisb: r-'« Patent Du-ttrs use l on all tre^s Ln*urKm*' j-lag o3oa only on this &cd wil coturcccj ro»1& ufo gh Tlcke s caabe obtslce! at tb* Cc:r.r>tn‘.’i Oli'e**. Att Clark street.under the Suerroau £ .'ts st the Dcp- t comer ».f Van Boren aud&heir/<• v JOII' I). CAM-DELL, OK ). M O-.aT, Osn'l Sujt., TnliiO, O, G< aT We<- n. Agtk PITTSBURGH, FT, WAYNE & i CHICAGO UAILaOAO. rass'acrP TTatT-a IssvetLs Depot ilidS* •on and Ca"-*! itrecta. 'hicsgo daily at 94. it. Fort Wj» jne Accomm "xJat’.OJk ercepi.-jaxKlsje, and at Ip.i. (Saturdays. «F9ft BOSTON, HEW TOUR, rniLACEirKLIa BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Harr* f burg <Sc AMO-FO* ALBAHY, BUFFALO DTTHSILK CLEVELAND COLT7VBC3, CTNCIN isATX DAYTON. Sptoti&fca And all bufiraedlats Stations between Chicago scft~ tne cities »bj-e naneL Beeping Car* ea ilsr* tran*,oad bocgoge by thfc rente ehecxea through to all Lxattra cl ic~. for sale at tua prtu IfAl TV Art OiSece !d tin West, .ttbe CumpanyV oifico. corner or Fa.u-Iph su« Yearocrustreets,oneat tUeU-lon Depot, "lee; sin* Obi cars. D. W BOS 3 W«il*a Part, Acent. B. F. PAIUICS. Ticket Agiit, OALENA & CHICAGO UNION VJT RAILROAD.—' ; rnES i As&AKsmnNT. On mod aft r Moscsy. Apra nth, ' .*■%, rra's# wffi leave Wells stre t d»pottwjo S.ia A.MLs.'idfMS t*. U-fvr IlslViCere, Ko v; .rf Freeport. Dn:>e ;uo. and in termediate points; 9.1 A .. M, «ad 1)1X33, Poio. Fiilt -a, Odar Rapid*. a..a L:t:-rs.ed »ta Eiiau, 400 i*. M. for Eg* n. riv I »!■ !*■ re,- Roe ft; ni, and term-oiate A.JO P M.JC.-r Gunnva vid ned a j e p >lafa. poasens'-r* for Belelt and Jio:*«vUia Soke the 0-16 a. ii. train, rasatagers for < lake. McHenry, Richmoao. G-n<va L»feo aad later* mediate potato, win take the LOO A M. train. . Become Cora on it-ill train*. ' * £b. .a •corr.Ti.sapx G.M. WHEHLSR, Gsn, Passenger A,/t Jyi pHICAGO A HOCK ISLAND \J RAILROAD LTSB.—Passenger trains depart fr-m and arrive at Chicago sj joHo**»; Day Ex rtssand -fall at 9.00 A-M*andarriva tt »i^£Ms£ti»v3| € K € iSS.P.iSL»-astßTdajs » eeptedt arrive at fi IA A, M,’ Monday 4 Jotlil AocommodstioQ A P. 2A, <reept» ed. JOSH F. TRACT, con. Snp- W. L, St. Jomr, GenT Agent. do? /CHICAGO, BTJ3U<GTON & \J QUINCY RAILROAD. . Pasae’i'er Trains leave ud ottlth at Calczffo «» rcu Io»a>-Mali Ks7«sat I'JO a. a, (Sn d\yi-«xet-pceu>, arrives at 6JO T. if., eieei tcd.y tpreas it, (Satordaya exe-pted), a-rvea as ris j, n (Mo days sxcepteA) Aurora Acooc. medau tlon leaves «t 4J5 p. isuscavs exespted., arrives atIOJO a-X. (Saturdaysexrep ed.> G. C. HAMMOND. Snp*t.