£sifSgß Sn&s&
and ftopTietam
v #.-®T7Pa. CSA&LSS H. US
"wSan oretig? 1 ®
«F7ICE KC. (1 (ÜBE IfßagK
roacF op csx ckida*o mxmt
gsrf-r ti2‘wed!cdt7brei'jiter I pery6tt..—^Bjßß
K?.V. de'-ivwe* -a c*fi’ carrier, feer week.. (,'.ll
£*•>- v- ci&ileabeofibcnpanixi&esths 4.$
<" cm
r SS
_* W eopLea. *IC one to sr»t«r upor Club-,SOM
S?“ i.rtsHtao> vc club* mayb« made at eayti^exi
rase. - . -
55T- y.ow, ir Rechaorea Lessen, may beasaUbfll
«r,r Adoijß,
■ Trfbxße,” HUswlS*
Cljkago SrUmne.
The BDiri of Trustees of the Illinoil
and Micliican Canal, in session in this city
resterday, directed their collectors along
the line to taka no more of the“atump
tail” currency for toils or other dues. They
have $30,000 on deposit in this city, and
though willing to p -y the current rales of
exchange {twenty-five per cent,) to convert
it, they succeeded in getting no more than
one hill on Xew York, and that for only
$2,000. Which being the case, they have
l int down the gate, and not another stump
tsil note goes through the lock. The cur
rency based on the Free State bonds ia still
The r.rrett of'Winans, of Baltimore, by
the officers of the United States, on a
chjuge of treason, is an event which ia
verv significant of the intentions of
the Administration toward men of his
class. He is immensely wealthy and a
man of large influence. His money and
hi! personal favor have been freely used to
overthrow the Government Kow it*, him
bide the consequences.
The report which comes to ns of the
Speech of M*j. Anderson, at Harrisburg,
Yesterday, in which he is made to say that
John C. Breckinridge would join him ia
Cincinnati for the purpose of entering the
•eirice, is to be received with many grains of
allowance. That man Breckinridge was
late one of the most malignant, and because
sneaking, dangerous of secessionists. That
he his aid in putting down by
arzaa, the mem whose rampant disloyalty
he ha? steadily encouraged, is evidence
that he is a greater villain than the world
haa thought him—a villain to desert those
whom he has pushed od, or a villain who
embraces the Union cause only to belray.
We are sure that the telegraph U in error,
or that Msj, Aoperson is mistaken.
bvflß uuAb^kli*.
Cap;. C. C. ilarsfi lias been elected
Colonel of tbe Tired District Kegiment
now in camp at Joliet; andTbos. J.Tura
•r, of Freeport, Colonel of the Regiment
tt that place. In the lest regiment there
was an anim-led contest between Tomer
and Capt. Harlbert, of lleHenty, who
would soon make, if be is not already, a
gallant and cflicient commander. Col.
Marsh is already known to out city read
er* from bis long and honorable connec
tion with oar .Light Guard in its palmy
Harper** Pmy. j
X gcntlem« a who spent ad of Monday at 1
Harper’s Ferry, pissed through this city lat
evening, westward. We learn from Mm that |
there arc about seven thousand troops there, .
end that more are hourly arriving. Tney tx
pect an attack from the forces of the Govern* I
meat and are industriously preparing to re* (
celva it. They aro throwing up earth-work* i
on the Maryland sMe of the river, constantly 1
employing 150 to 303 metf to that duty. Tne
rottroad bridge to mined and ready to be blown ,
up on the approach of the foe, and the aide .
of the mountain, as our readers will remem
ber, is at that place almost perpendicular, the
railroad and c*ual hugging the lost. Over
theee, huge rocks have oeeu so skilfully piled
taat they may be toppled over by the strength
oi asingle man,and thrown cown upon what*
ever may be peering beneath. Tne attack to
ezpcctedfrom the direction of the Belay House
and toward that point most qf the defensive
operations oimad. Oar informant, roaming
ft >out on Monday, ascended several elsvated
to the vicinity, and hid a full aad p .r ■
feet view of all that is going on.
The machinery of the Armory is being
moved aa rapidly ae possible toStaunton, where
It will be set up anew, and the manufacture of
ftrms recommenced. Many of the old work
men arc left to the vicinity aad they are being
pressed into the service, some by promises
and others by threats. It-to arid that 15,000
troops will concentrate on that spot; and it
i< farther said, that Lleah Fauutleroy, of the
Confederate army, has left the Ferry wifha
detachment to lake possession of Grafton, the
junction of the Northwestern Virginia road
with the Baltimore and Ohio. The rebel forces
ftrs not well supplied With ammunition—per*
mission caps bring their greatest want. Small
ftrms and light Said pieces are abundant Pro
vMoas are also lacking. The drove of cattle
■deed there will uirntoh meat yet a while, but
the supply of broalsSuflVto exceedingly scant.
The discipline of the camp was lax, the troops
fuming to make in. boasting what they lack
la drill.
Our informant was carefully searched and
closely questioned, but as he had taken the
wise precaution to rid himself of all papers
which might reveal his sympathy with the
Union eause; and as he bad influential sequoia
tanees In the army, he was suffered to re
main in peace. AU trains passing through are
carefully searched; and wo to the la-jkless
puMTC*" who stops off there Without the
ADflity to prove that lie is u sound on the
goose.” It is supposed by our friend that the
ptocetotobe held as the baste of operations
against Pennsylvania; but he does not doubt
from what he saw and heard as to the inten
tion of the Government, that the rebels
noon be routed and driven off.
Qiye AddrtUliuuil.
I* our milling department great confusion
and pt-rplexUy Is diSscd by the common prac
tice of Post Masters and others ordering pa
pers sent or discontinued, to omit the name
of their Post Offba, cr If this is given, the
name'of the State. Aj there are very numer
ous Instances of towns of the same name in
different atatee, for example .Bristol, which
scarcely a State to without, the name alone to'
so guide. Give us the Post Office address in
fall. The same will apply to a large number
of onr correspondents, both on news and bus
iness nutters.
Fljarei Will Lie*
Tbe Memphis Argu* trios to pertoade the
Southern ignoramuses that the following is
relative mihtarj strength of the Free aad glare
reetio&ft of tbs Unicoi t
Mai"*- 8.003 New Tort .60 000
y*wHatoMhlre,...«*« New Ja/ier .10,0.0
Vermotit 7.500 Pcnoeylvaula... 75U00
MA*fcacboectta ...2\ooo Ohio JO.tW
Rhode 1-laud 4,500 Other State* ....25,W0
Connecticut 9.oft)
Of this number the Argua says fall CO,OOO
ttUI have to be kept at the North for securi
ty’s sake, thus reducing the entire available
foree to 20D.0W.
The military strength of the Slave States the
puts down as follows;
.20 050 Georgia 88.000
..4.0W Alabama....... 82,000
.SOO3O Mississippi.,... *3.000
.CO <WO Kentucky 60 <KKJ
.oi.uoo —:—
South Carolina
ToUL ••. •
AH of wliScb, for 6 CfLt south' of Muon *nd
Dtjoj’i liar, the ArgM thiaks would be avail
able. The mrthemMlod genius displayed In
the above tables Is truly refreehing. The Idea
of potting the State* of New Torkand Lonlsl
ana on an equal wur footing is thoroughly
Southern in its conception, as Is also giving
to the States of Indiana, X.llnois, Wisconsin,
lowa, Minnesota, Kansas and Nebraska ah ag
gregate 01^5,000 men—about 0500 to each.
Vesteni TlrglfeH.
havntg acceded from the Unlcn,
th»t portion West dTths Alleghany Moun
tain* has n solved to secede from the East,
and retntex itself to the 17111011. A conten
tion i* in session at Wheeling tepreeeotfijfe
twenty eight counties. Thoee eoxmtle* coh
tglned lu 1830 a population' cf 207065 whites
asd 8.696 aim*. I*, i* beUevod -fcafc forty
aevan ccunUes will in theintf*******
repudiating the a;t of
tha legislature, and of erecting a newfltate.
Tha population of this new Virginia will b«
}9vX *50,000 of whoa not 20,000 nr* alare*.
Baltimore Occupied by Federal
TroopinFoite at ih« Capital—«•«.
ftoott’fi Kealtli—Caxtadlaa Asxlfttance.
[Special DUpateh to N, T. Times.]
.Washchoton, Monday,-May IS—lO P. M.
The Post Office Department has just recelv
ed a dispatch, stating that (he bridges on the
Philadelphia and Baltimore'road were all com
pleted to-day, and the road opened.. They . \
wacUdtbc-maill sent over that route as aoon I
ax possible. The Department replied that |
they would do so as soon ax the time tables *
■were -received. They -will start to-morrow. 1
the route is now. folly open, at which there Is I ▼
great rejoicing. '
The oath of allegiance was made out for the
clerks in the Treasury and War Departments p
to-day. , . 4
At 7 o'clock this droning, Gen. Bntier took
possession of Baltimore, with 1,500 of the T
Maaaaqjiqpetts Sixth, 500 of the New York
Eighth, and one'section of Cook’s Battery.
Taere was no resistance. Thousands welcomed
them to the city. They camped on Federal
Hilt !
Gen. Botleraentont a car to Frederick with. R
seventy five 'Massachusetts troops, to take .
Boas Winaus and bring himtoAanapolis, on ; ■
a charge of treason. *
Thera nowin this city, or within sight
of the Capitol,- about 81,000 men—mbre than
enough to withstand any forces that can be
combined against the city, .
There wa* a parade oi the whole District
Volunteer Militia today, numbering thirty. I
one hundcsd, seven battalions, under o?m- _
mand of Col. Eton-, of Com- x
mauder of tifc’ District troop*. Thiyiormtd a;
at 12 o’clock, at the different battalion head- If
quarters, and were in line on Franklin square
at half-past two o’clock. The whole division
passed In. front of the White House, where c
they were reviewed by the President, the Cab- tl
Inet, Gms. Scott, Mansfield and Tncmss, with
a Itrge corps of military officers. They mado ,
a p jade through the principal avenues, ma- u
kiag a magnificent appearance. There was a o
presentation of a due stand of colors to the &
National Bides, by Hudson Taylor, Esq. The
President and the officers of toe army compli
mented the whole brigade highly. r
Messrs. Ira Gould & Son, of Montreal, have a
forwarded, through Mr. Glddings, our Con- «
sul-Geneml In Canady an offer lor $1,000,000 J .
treasury notes, at six per cent, and to p«y the 1
amount in drafts on Bariner Brother?, at three 1
cays’ sight. Of. course, our capitalists will t
offer so much better terms as to prevent tha (
Secretary of the Treasury from accepting this •
bid, but It does none the less credit to the , *
Messrs. Gould.
Proclamation of Cen. Harney, |
' Military Dzvaetxzjst or thx West, I
St. Low, Maj It, 1861. J '
To the Peopl-3 of the State of M;tsouri:
’On my return to the duties of the command <
ofthls department, I find, greatly to my as- j
toulihment and mortification, a aibatextror- -i
dloary state of things existing in this State,
deeply affecting the stability of the Govern- 1
meat of the Uclted States, as well as the gov- j
trnuieulal and offier interests of Missouri ]
iUelf. " • ,
As a citizen of Missouri, owing allegiance to 1
’ the United States,’and bavlcg Interests in I
• common with you, I feel It my duty as well \
as privilege, to extend a warning voice to my ,
‘ fellow citizens against the common dangers
i that threaten ns, and to appeal to your pairl- : J
. oiismand sense of justice to exert all your ; j
moral power to avert them.
► I„ is with regr t that I feel it my duty to !
t cill your attention to the resent act of the ■ ]
General Assembly of Missouri, known as tue - 1
• Military bill, which is the result, no doubt, of .
• the temporary excitement that now pervades
the public mini This bIU cannot be regarded
ia any other light than an indirect secession or
r dinance, ignoring even the/nmu resorted to by
other .States. Manifestly its meet material
provisions are In conflict with the Constitution
and laws of the United States. To this extent :
it is a nullity, and cannot and ought not to be i
• upheld or regarded by the good citizens of ;
t Missouri- Tuere are obligations and duties .
, resting upon th 3 people of Mlssr.ori undertbe j
" coasti uUon and laws of the Un ted Slates, ;
• wnlcb are paramount, and whica I trust you
wili carefully consider and weigh well before
. you will allow yourselves to be carried o*it of
the Union, under the form of yielding obedi
" ence to this Military bill, whica is clearly in
1 violation cf your duties as citizens of the
r United States.
0 In,this connection I desire to direct attea
' tloh to one subject, which no doubt wi I be
1 made the pretext for more or lass popular «.-x
--e citemeut. I allude to the recent transactions i
at Camp Jackson, near St. Louis. 1: is not
proper tor me to comment upon the official |
e conduct of my predeces-orin command ofthls j
1 department, but it Is right and proper for the
d people of Missouri to know that the main ar- ]
h enneofCxm? Jaokaoc, recently under com- !
maud of General Frost, bad the name of Davis
l * osad a principal street of the aims camp ibat
lx ot Beauregard; and that a bouy of men had.
. e be -a received into that camp by its comman
der which had been notoriously organized in
re the* interests of the secessionists—the men
ig openly wearing the dress and badge dlstln
-5d gnisning the ar.ny of the bo called Southern
Confederacy. It is also a notorious tact that
r a qaaatity of arms had been received into the
camp which were unlawfully taken from the
ig United States arsenal at Bit On Eooge und sur
fe repiioualy passed up the river in boxes marked
F marble.
°* TToon facts like these, and having iu view
Upon tacts axe mesr, ana naving m view j i
What occurred at Liberty, the people eaa j
dra*r Ihelr own Inferences, and It cannot be •
difficult for any one to arrive at a correct con
elusion as to the character and ultimate pur-
pose of that encampment. No government !
m the world would be entitled to respect that • th(
would tolerate tor a moment such openly j er ,
treasonable preparations. I h e
•It mail be apparent to every one who has 0 f
taken a proper aod unbiased view of tbe sub- ! y<
lect, that whatever may be the termination of : re
the unfortunate condition of things in respect cf
to the so called “Cotton Stales/’ Missouri «jj
most aharo the destiny of the Union. Her gg
geographical position—her soil—productions, M
iniin short, all her material interests point to : _ r
this result. We cannot shut our ejea against ;
tins controlling fact. It is seen, and its force
is felt throughout the nation. So Important *j,
to thte regarded to the great interests of the
country, that I venture to express the opinion
that the whole power of tbe government of
the United States, if necessary, will be exerted „
to maintain Missouri In her present position
In the Union. I eipresw to yon in ml frank
nets end sincerity, my own deliberate convic- *
tlons, witlioDt essumlng to epe»k for the gov- "
ernment of the United Stetee, whoseauthority, “
here and elsewhere, I shall »t »11 times, end
under all clrempstences, endeavor faithfully to “
Ul ftoire, shove «U things, most esmest’y to P
Invite my fellow cltiime dispssslonstely to
consider their Interest* «s well »s their tree £
relation to the government under which we K
live, end to which we owe so much. •
but simple justice, however, that I u
should state the fact there were many good
and loyal men in the camp, who were in no “
manner rejponslble for its treasonable charae- v
as I do, all desire or Luteatlon J
to interfere in any way with the prerogatives 0
0-" the State of Missouri, or with the fane
i ions of lu executive or other authorities, yet “
I rez&rd it as my pUla path of duty to express J
tntle'Moule, ia respectful, but at the same ■
xoededaed language, that within the field *
and scope of my command and authority, the
enmpreme law of the land moat and shall be 5
malotrined, and nd whether In I'
the forms of legislative acts of Otherwise, dftS •
be permitted to harass or oppress any of
the good and law-abiding citizen. I shall ex- *
ert my authority to protect their peisout and J
property from violations of every Kind, and I )
ehaU deem It my duty to suppress all unlaw- *
fal combinations of men, whether formed un- *
derthe pretext of military sitions or ,
other. Ue. WM, 8. HARNEY, J
Brig. Gen. U. 8. A. Commanding. ‘
Affairs at the Capital. \
(Special Dispatch to the N. T. Tribune.] ,
1 'WxaHiKGTOs, Monday, April 13,1861, i
The people of this city welt now for news,
* few days since, the people of the country
ewerly watched lor the latest intelligence
from the Capital. Here, nothing new trans
pires. Governmental, presidential, and De
partmental duties flow smoothly on In their
appropriate channels, and though all is activi
ty, sad ail are busy* tnero is nothing which, to
non-residents, would prove of special interest.
£C 1.-00
From all sections north of Dixie’s Land,
tcmders of additional troops continue to bs
otede. The uprising of the North-west is par
ticularly-grand and imposing. Every S:ate
wants to ao it all, and there are more hearts
grieving because they cannot come, than are
here hoping for an opportunity to serve their
x ffiSDSoit* nxam,
CoL Ellsworth ha* bid a present of a one
thousand dollar boras from Saratoga, N. T.—
The Colonel is in fine health and spirit*, and
has cot Ids men under first rate dlseipline.
He feels, as well he may, proud of them.
Commodore Buchanan, who formerly had
charge of onr Navy Tied, but whose conscien
tlouA scruple* would AOtraJioir hid longer to
serve hi* country and protect its flag* *nd w “°
resigned, has made application to be re-enter
ed upon the Kavy list. ihe Government po
litely, but peremptorily declined thehpnor of
hi* distinguished aid.
The C&h&wra U expected soon with adcll
tloaal troop* from that State. Among other
daily tender* of troops by gentlemen dispatch
ed hither for that purpose U that o! the Irish
Brigade by Major Mnfrgan, of Cnleago. They
anxious for service anywhere, and offer fcr
the war. Theffwaraorowded out Off the State
rtgoisiricffi. - -
A Commlaafrmer ts Kontgonary,
NewOsLEiJni, Hay 15.—1t U understood
that a CommtMioner from Havana hasgone
to htonteomery to confer with the Confeder
ate Government concerning Southern shipping
at Cuban ports, against which the Federal
Consul General is acting in an wtfnatilable
Tit* President Breckinridge to terrs
lender major Anderson*
Apprehended Attack on Wheeling
by Rebels.
[Special Dispatch to tha Chlcaeo Trfhane.l <
WjLgumcTOK, M*yls. t
A. D. Banks, formerly ot the Cincinnati |
?*2uir«r and now of the Richmond Enquirer,
nd spy of Jefferson Davis all winter, and
itely from Montgomery, has kept himself 1
onsealed here for several days. He was dis
overed to-day, but managed ta escape across
be river. !
Washington has been very quiet during the ]
sst forty hours in spite of the presence of ; j
iver twenty-five thousand troops. There is (
n almost absolute dearth of news. Parades
nd drills are the only occurrences; but eve
y Iking indicates tbat a grand advance move
uent wid be undertaken before long. Let
■our warlike readers have ptiience for a
ew days longer, they will then hear jest as
nueh clashing cf arms as they can poesibly
There is a report that Washingson’s remains -
utve been removed by rebels.
A drove of Government cattle were stam
>e::odl»it night by aecessioniats, and scat
«red in every direction. A large number
were drowned in the cacah
Outposts on the Northern outskirts of the
illy have been harassed during the laet two
rights by mounted insurgents, supposed to be
Marylanders. Shots hare been fired on both
lidee without effect.
Four New York regiments paraded In a
body through the streets this evening. They
made a epUndid spectacle.
Cipt EUis’s command is not accepted by
the War Department In spit* of the President's
Letter recommending them. Mr. Cameron
replied, in writing, that Qea. Scott wants only
infantry and riflemen.
The New York Union defence committee,
beaded by Simon Draper and John Jacob As
tor, arrived here to-day to urge the acceptance,
for immediate service, without any further |
formality or delay, of fourteen regiments new j
fully organized and equipped in New York \
city. Thtir offer was formally accepted this j
evening, and orders were sect to New York
to dispatch them on here without delay. These
fourteen regiments will be in addition to the j
quota of New York under first end second *
calls, making an aggregate of forty two regi
ments from the Empire State.
[SpecialDispatch to the Chicago Tribune.}
EPBmcriZLD, May 15, 1561.
Gen. Ben. M. Prentiss, with a troop of mil
itary‘friends, arrived here last night from
Cairo. Among them were Hij. C. D. Bald- j
win, Assistant Quartermaster Mitchell, and I
Capt. W. W. Burns U. S. A, Chief ot Com- I
miss&irat at Cairo. Gen. Prentiss was reoeiv- I
ed with much consideration. The party left
on a special train for Cairo this evening.
Gen, N. G, Lyon, commanding U. 8. volun
teers at Sh Louis, has intimated that it may
be necessary to establish a military surveil
lance of the telegraph offices in Missouri.
E. F. Smith of Hancock county was yester
day elected Colonel at Camp Wood, Quincy;
Samuel May, Major. Capt G. C. Marsh of
Chicago has been elected Colonel at Joliet
The Commissairat at Cairo has pissed into
the hinds of officers of the U. S. A. The ; Q j
Quartermaster's Department has not jet been ‘ ec
changed. a
From Waabfnsftoi&o ol
WassnsoTox, M-y 15.—The Mcnrano'e that J*
the Admiuistratlon 1* vigorously prosecuting . D .
ili meoaurcawgiinst the msurrectiunarj States
have a substantial bail*. AH the members of : "
the Cabinet together with the President, ara ' _
animated by a common principle in farthering ' *’
the plans for the consummation of the Gov* ; n
ernment’s policy. An increased stimulus, : .
however, was applied to-day. A committee “
of prominent gentlemen from the city of New ™
York bad along interview with them, and the £
result was thtir consent to accept the eervicea - 1
of fourteen additional troops from New York. r
i This meets with the concurrence of Lient, Gen.
| Scott The committee urge# more prompt J
! and effective measures, wit i no halt in the •
! proceeding, and it appears from their private *■
j conversation that the supply of money to sup* 0
port that Increased force is a matter which
should occasion no concern to theadminlstra- *
tion. ' i '
A report Is curent that an engmeer officer .
discovered that Virginians are throwing “
up defences. •
Wuhixotor, Miy 15.—1t la reported that , c
Virginia troops are throwing up breastworks i
wltnla spy-glass Mew of Washington. This t
may be a repetition of a former unfounded
rumor; at all eveutslf It should be Confirmed . (
it is not at ah probable that the Government
would remain an indifferent observer of the ]
proceedings. t
At the adjourned term of iho Conrt of .
Claims, to day, on’y one Judge (Loring) was t
present, who ac-journed over till the 4th of j
July. The presiding jadg*, Sarborongb.hav* (
log resigned, there i* a vacancy on tbe bench. ,
Toe Virginia and North Cirohna Collectors, J
like those of the seceded Sta’es, have ceased i
to make returns to tbe Treasury Department. ,
ijtrshal Fisher, of the Eastern District of ,
Virginia, is the only judicial officer of that j
State who has not resigned.
The following appointments have been .
male: Royal Back, Register of Lind Office j
at Nebraska City; James C. Sinclair. Register -
at Marquette, Michigan, and Ed. P. Bassett,
Postmaster at Toledo, Ohio.
Wasoixotox, May lA—in consequence qf
pressing public affaire, no personal application .
f?r appointments will be entertained at pro* .
sent. .
Adjutant-General out of the
whore number of troops to whom he ha# ad
ministered the oath of allegiance, only about
thirty hadretosed, and In no instance did a re
fusal originate in disloyalty, but from family
or business,ties.
The ultimate direction of the troops now
here, and dally arriving U a matter of corjec* j
tare, tbe Admluatration, in thof# matters, !
keeping Its own counsels. There Is, however, .
no doubt of the tact that among other vigor- ,
ons measnrea determined upon by tbe Ad
ministration, is tha construction of from forty
to fifty gunboats, by contract, for operation in
shatow waters.
The reports that Gen. Scott is sick or Inca
• paeitatsd t > perform the duty Incumbent up
f on him are false, and, lam afraid, \ malicious
J misstatements. The veteran is quite equal to
• the emergency. He works from Bln the morn
• lag until 13 o'clock at night, and ot course, la
r greatly fatigued, but his mind Is aa clear and
I his intellect as strong, apparently, as when he |
3 commenced his campaign In Mexico. Hetho- I
■ roughly comprehends the military necessities ;
of the hoar, and I am convinced a little time
1, will prove his last campaign to be as brtTUoant
• and conclusive as any which ho has ever con*
•- calved. It may not be aa bloody «s some cam*
e palgns, bat It will be a glorious JUti* to Gen.
■ Scott's long and useful career
e Baltimore, May 15 —A portion of the first
r Peanylvanla regiment arrived at Woodbridge’s
this morning, and the rest of the regiment la
distributed along the line of the road from the
Pennsylvania line down.
• It is reported that a large body wllV come
” d6wn to day.
d Eirly this morning Ringgold’s Artillery
passed through the city on their way to Wash- ( \
Ington. Two thousand troops, via Penyvil le, «
are now landing at Loeust roint. It is now
a supposed they are «n route for Washington. |
" WisnixtrtoK, Met 15 —The W«r Dcpw-t- ■,
“ 0 ment Jom refined to enow the transportation
! 0 of streetcars to New Orleans. , _, 1 i
- Tnere is reason far believing the reported :
removal of the remains of Washington is false. -
; He]. Anderson at Merrlabargli. j
HxnaißßcrEOH, M*y 15.—C )L Anderson ar* ’
i. rived here -this afteraooo. He remained but \
I ‘* a few minutes. A large number of the mem
bers of the Legislature and Got. C iridn, and :
h* others were present, alio aa. immense con
ffi course of people and twelve eompsnles-of mil*
itaryfom Camp Cartia.-'The Ooionel was
cr greeted with loud cheers. He. stated to <Jov. .
Oartin that John C. Breckinridge would Join i
him at Oneinnatl, to take a oommvid under ’
m™. This spnonoeamaat create da profound
and-gratify mg eeaastiea among all elaaees.
od Obi. Anderson also stated that the European ,
ne steamer yesterday brought a large quantity of i
er- improved arms for therederal Government, [
Sand each succeeding steamer .wilt brihgrjnore.
He egresses the utmost cOhfldftne© of the
>le final snooees of the Federal arms, and a recon*
rtruetioa of the Union on the original basis.
\7k*ella: convention.
Whesuso, May 15.-Tfie tomvenUm .M
--flembledat 9 o’clock. Mr. Crllsle’fi resolution
being the order, Mr. Carlisle movig an. men j
ment by adding that the committee be to
etrusted 1 to submit the ordinance suggested
In his resolution of last night, to the people,
on the S3d day of May.
Mr. Willey, of Monongalia, continued his
remarks from yesterday, opposing the organi
sation of a provisional government
Mr. PauUe, of Mason, spoke at length, fav
oriiu a provlslonalgovernment oyer the entire
Slate. There was no longer a State Govern
ment, Ths Government authorities had usurp
ed the power. We are now in a state of
anarchy. We have the precedent of California
to act upon in this matter.
Mr, Carlisle accepted the proposition.
A morion was mide to go into secret sess
ion, but was withdrawn.
Mr Picrpolnt, of Marlon, made a lengthy
speech in opposition to the resolution. He
said if the Richmond Convention had acted
unconstitutionally, this Convention should
not follow their example.
Aftcenodn 589310N —Mr. Paulse offered
an amendment to Mr. Carlisle’s resolution in
structing the committee not to report an or
diaance of secession from the State, but In
favor of tha counties of Western Virginia
voting for Stete officers to fill the plices of
those now nominally iu office. .
Mr earllsla accepted the amendment, and
farther amended, tbat if the ordinance of se
cession of the Richmond Convention be rati
fied on the 13 tb, a Convention be called early
In June to Uke such further a .tion as may be
deemed netifissry.
On motion of Mr. Lamb, of Ohio, the report
wi»h these, additional propositions,was recom
mitted, and the Convention adjourned till 7
TTsesiino, May 15—Ch3 Committee on
Federal and State relations report d the eup
plemen’ary report previously reported. In
addition, they recommend the appointment
of a Central Committee, empowered to either
order the re-aseembliogof this Convention or
a new one, at such a time as they may deem
necessary, prior to the General Convention on
the 11th of Jane.
Tue resolutions hope tor peace, deprecate
the sending of Confederate troops into West
ern Virginia, and recommend the appoint
ment of a committee of five from each county,
to co-operate with the Central Committee.
Mr. Paahsy moved the report be laid on the
table and prmtei.
. Qea. Jackson urged action, as many mem
bters found it necessary to return Lome.
Mr. Carlisle said be saw in theappointment
of a‘C?ntfri Committee the germ of a rea iza
tion of all the members bed hoped tor in- re
gard to the form tion of New Virginia. He
was satisfied that this report went as far as the
Convention ever would go, and was willing to
acquiesc®, if it was. agreeable to those who
acte d with tfye Government. The report was
adopted almost unanimously.
The fallowing committee was appointed
Joan 8/ Carluh?, of Harrison coauty; C. D.
fl ib-ard. J. S. Wheat, win-low Wilson, S. H.
Woodwurd. and James W. Paxton, of Warren;
Gampbeil Farr, of Brooke; and Geo. P.
Laf am, of Taylor. Brief and effective speech
es w- re then mode by (Jen. Jackson, Carli 1?,
Pierpont, Willey, Biown, Moae, and other*..
Tte “3fc*r Spangled Banner” was sung and;
prayer offered, and the Convention
sine die. Most of tbe members leave to-night
for their respective home?.
Htsh’7 Important from Baltimore* -
Baltimore, Monday, May 13.—About 6 o’-
cloci tms evenlflff a arge train filled with
.troops arrived at the depot, Iron* Ibe Relay
House containing one thousand troops, from
each of the regiment# stationed at the Relay
Sixth Massachusetts and the Eighth ifcl
New York R-glmsiits, with a battery of artll- \ n
marched through Smth Baltimore to Q;
Federal HUI, a high point of ground on the Tj
south of tne harbor oirectly overlooking the- 80
city and oob mil* west cf Fort McHenry.
• The sudden appearance of the troops took? j i(
the citizens by surprise. They were greeted
with every demonstration of approbation, and ;
immense crowds quickly gathered, cluering
at every step, Udiea waving their handler- w
cuiefi.aad miny brought lamps and candles w
to the windows. Prominent citizens accom* le
pauled Lbs troops to th Hill, and assisted tho M
officers io taking the best route thither, and
procuring quarters for the troops until tents r8
could arrive., - ...
The troops seemed to be hlg- ly pleased with q
their reception, and all expressed surprise and
delight at the commanding position and fine j c
prospect with the whole diy and country
spread out before them. c ,
Biltinure will hereafter be held under mill- „
tary occupation. If resistance Is mace,-the
most extreme measures will be resorted to in
order to enforce respect to the Government _
: It Is probable that martial law will be pro* g
i claimed there, la order to arrest and punish e
MiwaaiKmoaad Ross Winaus—the one tor a
| inciting the attacks upon the Government
i troops and resistance to its officers, and the E
other for aiding and abetting the enemies of
of the United States.
From at, Lout*. J
St. Loots, May 15.—'After ton examination c
;of many witnesses, the UoroaexM jury return- r
| ed the following verdict in the Camp Jackson g
case: “Tost the several victims cf events
wnlch took place at Camp Jackson on the 10'h
of May, came to their death from gun euot
wounds iafllcted by musket-balls discharged a
by certain United States volunteers under j
command of Gen. N. Ljoo, CoL’s P, P. Blair, (
H. Bamstein, and others.” <
Tae examination of witnesses relative to the x
Walnut street tragedy, Saturday evening, la <
notyet finished, (
The application lor a writ of habeas corpus i
in the case of Capt McDonald, on Monday,
wus not granted by Judge Treat, In conae- \
quenco ot the petition being attested by a Jus- ]
tlce of the Peace, and couid not therefore bo 1
rscogaizad by the U. 9. Court. j
Yesterday; U. 9. Commissioner Hickman, ,
visited the arsenal, to certify to McDonald’s j
affidavit, and was Informed by Geo. Lyon that <
tae Captaia was a prisoner of war, and more- ]
over, was not on Missouri soil. i
Tne affidavit of the prisoner’s brother was ,
then properly attested, and the writ issued re*
‘ turnsole at eleven o’clock this morning.
1 Gen. Hiracy denies any insubordination
having taken place among tne U. 8. volunteers,
but ou the contrary, ssys they have submitted
i with alacrity and eneerfolnesa to the discipline
of the service,
i Tne public schools of this city will be closed
| on Friday next, in consequence of the act of
| the Legislators prohibiting the distribution
*■ ■ of the school mosey.
' Si Loots, Msy 13.—The cqse of Cqpt Me
1 Donald came up before Judge Treat this
f morning. The writ was served on Gen. Hat*
' ney, who answered in wrl'lng, In effect that
I the person of Cipt. McDonald not being at
‘ the Arsenal within reach of the officers oi the
’ Court, could not be produced; that he da
* plored much at any man the state of things
» existing here, but was bound to maintain the
* higher law of Government over any and all
•, reoellion; that Capt. McDonald was token
\ prisoner while lending his countenance and
t support to an assemblage of men
: whose every act, move and design was in op
* position to tha government ot the United
5 States; that he doubted whether if Capt.
r McDonald was still held at the Arsenal, he
» wo aid be justified in delivering him up on the
demand mat had been made upon him; that
‘ t i'c wool# matter had been referred to the fcu*
~ thbritfea at Washington, and that he should
y await and endeavor strictly to carry out tfefi
• J i»iruvT-«dn» ha ia*g«receteh relative therein.’
Jrlel Wright, the counsel for McDonald, en
ered hi# demurrer, and Judge Treat post
voned the matter till the regular session of
he court, on Monday next, as the question
presented being a grave and important one, to
be decided in chambers might reopen the
whole case hvreofief,
Gen. Bntlor In Baltimore*
Baltimore, May 14.—Gen. Butler I# here |
with lourteen hundred troops. He has issued
a proclamation asserting military power in
Baltimore. He proposes a friendly concert
with the authorities to preserve order. He .
demands the delivery of all arms and muni* I
tloua of war, except these possessed by the t&
regular military, and claims the right to ea- wl
tabllsb posts here. He proposes to encourage of
trade and cultivate friendship. He seized five re
thousand stand of arms to-day, and sent them th
to Fort McHenry. Ail is quiet here. be
Camp Goodcll. ea
Joliet, 111., May 15.—The regiment for the J
third Congressional District elected to-day, B -
Cipt. C. C. Mirsb, Colonel; Cspt. Wm.
Erwin, Lieutenant-Colonel ; Lieut. J. W. *
Goodwin, Major. After the election, R. S
Goodcll presented ths regiment with a flag
accompanied with anaddress by J. Mcßobtrta **
Joliet, 111 , May 15 —The regiment at P
Camp Goodel took the oath of allegiance yes
terday. Only one man in the entire regiment “
refused to tike the oath, and he assign a satis
factory reasons. 0. C. M&r&b, formerly Cap. *
tala of the light Guards of Chicago, was ,
elected Colonel of the Regiment, to-day.—' v
The companies are in the very best of spirits
sad uger to be mustered into active sendee.
I Camp Scott. s
; Fbsspost, Hi, Mij 13.—At ths election ot s
officers of tne first raiment held on Tuesday, c
Hon, T. J. Tamer, .of Freeport, was elected A
I Colonel; Ellis of Rockford, Lieut. Col; God* e
: dard of Lsna, Major. The Camp at this city 1;
has been christened Camp Scott, In honor oi c
' General Stott.
i • i
Beeeentlon ef tfis Tomb of. Washing*
j ion—An Improbable Be port.
• New Tone, May 15.—The Herxdd's Wash *
: Ington dlsp**cb states from a rebate aourbfc, 1
that the sacred remains of Washington have !
been removed from Mt Vernon by OoL Wash- i ]
’ Ington, who has recent]/ Joined the Oanfeder*-’ i
ate army. In the sale of lit. Vernon. Got ,]
i Washington reserved to himself not only the i
! Tomb cf Washington, but also on sere cf <
(round around It. Es also bound himuelf to i
renovate the tomb. ■ «
| Canienadlac Heard.
I Mw ToKKjMay 15.—The Savannah Mta~
atatea that on the morning of the Pth heavy'
eaanonoding was heard in toe direction of toe
Oorpllna ooast at sea.
I Tkt Vigo arrived toil morning. No news.
From thetfeat of Wax.
Washington, Ma/sloUu —Gen. Butler's Bal
timore Proclamotii’4 has been emphatically
approved by G.-n. sStt.
Is Is probable tinti Marshal Hsnej of Balti
more, will shortly b€ arrested.
A spy has been cajjtured, baying dlepatchcz
concealed In a panekef his carriage,for Gen.
Le 3 , the Virginia rebel ccmmicder.
It is understood that Government Is fttily
prepared to protect tlj« Union men of North
ern Virginia, whv-relb* assistance Is invited.
[Special to the Commercial Advertiser.]
Washxsios, May -ISth,—Government has
offliilly campUmHOted- Gen- Butler for his
prompt action at Bau&nora
Itia said Winaue 4UI ha sent to Annapolis
for trial Waat difigHitibn Govcirmeut will
make of bla case, la of corjectnre.
Gov. Hicks reportafive Maryland raiments
will be ready hex'; meek fur Federal bcnice.
It ia agaln rumoTid" that Virctela con. tin
plates r moving fbe vemaine of Washington
from Mount Vernoui^
Baltimore, May Is reported a fleet
‘of seven stahm&n troop j, la coming up
the river. ..
New Yoos, May 25th.—Capts. Engle and
McKmatry went to E&ope, in the Adriatic, to
purchase, steam gnfcboats for Government,
Tor coast guard. -
Tae World's dispatch reports
all .telsgrapoic cotnn^sdcation south of Wash
in ;ton so&p?nled, tip Secessionists having
removed all the wires; A new company.baa
be ,-a organized, embracing ail the Southern
lines. r :
Tae Cabinet held %jneetlcg to day.
Trams on the oldjjsfcedtile will be renewed
Thursday, bet wem Washington and the North.
Toe £ • ropean ne«9 is highly satisfactory
to the Government^-
Waseungton, May. 11— J. C. Vaughan has
been appointed Military store keeper at Fort
Laiven worth, and other changes of civil offi
cers have been mads both at that Fort and
Tort Rii-y. - "
[Dispatch to tbe New York Herald.}
Tbe President takes the deepest interest In
the desperate struggle now going on In Ten
nessee between the Secessionists and Union
men. Measures ari Id contemplation fer tbe
support of the gslUnt Andrew Johnson and
friends in their devoted efforts for the Union.
Massachusetts regiments have been pnrpcse
ly selected for opening the way to ‘Federal
troops, through Maryland, lnora«rto render
the humiliation ot theSi-cessioniete the greater.
The triumphant re-entrance of the e rth regi
ment proved a pill of indescribable bitterness
to the Blood Tubs.
It is altogether improbable that a demon
stration against Hirperis Ferry will bs under
taken from either Pennsylvania or Maryland,
without a fclraultaneous advance of a fclrorg
corps from this city to some point between
Richmond and the Ferry to cut off succor
from Southern Virginia.
Toe Pawnee ia increasing her armament, as
though she was expecting ai early brush with
the rebels at Alexandria. Two more heavy
dablgreus were mounted on her to-day.
The Secretary of War announced last night
to the President that Gen. Sickles offered ids
brigade,'soo3, stroagto-the Government for
the whole war, fully armed am equipped, and
ready lor any service,' Thu‘ President -said it
most be accepted Imjnediately. The Secreta
ry has accepted it.
San«tor Pomeroy of Kansas has satisfied the
Vfii Department that several officials at Forts
Leavenworth and Riley are open sypathizers
with the Southern rebels. A thorough clear
ing has already been-ordered.
: iParties from Ncttitern Missouri, now here,
&rs urging Govern cceat-to station an corny in
that cart of tha country.
A large quantity tf powder was discovered in
the new building occupied by the New Jeremy
troops previous to Ibelr going leto ramp. No
officer of the Government knew anything of
it, or how or wnenit came there.
A keg of powder has also been discovered
la one of the basement rooms of the Patent
Offish which had not been used for some time.
Toe powder seemed to have been therefor
sometime, and is yearly worthless Orders’
have been Issued fora strict search of all pub
lic building* and a more stringent guard of
It is said great discontent prevails among
the miliary at Harper's Teiry. A serious and
bloody row occurred a day nr two since, in
wn;ch one or more of the Kentucky volun
teers of Blaaton Duncan's squad were killed
and others wounded Following a
throat by Duncan to disband his squad and
return home. , - ’ >
ludlinauon is expressed by Virginians that
Gov. Letcher, by,: bta. proclamation, has pro
hibited. the i-rportatfau of a 1 kind* oi
lons from Virginia for any purpose.
Before Saturday night, according to the cal
eolation o* the War‘Departmen«s~so.ooo men
will be concentrated at Washington, Baltimore
and Anuoplia.
The World's Washington dispatch says two
geutlemeu connected with Southern telegraph
nes, and furnished with.paeaeAy Gov. Pick
ens, have arrived, and confirm alt the reports
about military preparations in Maryland and
Virginia Beauregard had not been in Rich
mond. The prevailing sen timent is that an at
tack must and will be made on Washington. It
Is thought Davis would take the field on the
border as soon as the military preparations
are completed Geu. Lee la chiet commander
of forces in Va. Gov. Letcher haa prohibited
military authorities from giving passes to per
sons to leave the State. '
From narylaod.
Baltimore, May ip.— Gov. Hicks has issued
a proclamation in answer to the President's
requisition for troops. He calls on the loyal
citizens of Maryland to volunteer their servi
ces to the extent of four regiments 'for three
months to serve within the limits of Maryland
or for the defence of the Capital, subject tothe
ordtrs of the Commander-In-Chief of the
United States.
Gov. Hicks replies to Mayor Brown’s charge,
that be authorized the destruction , of the
bridges. He denies the charge and says: - “If
the Major's communication and accompany
ing certificate! have induced any person, to
doubt my trae position la the premises, X
specially ask s suspension of judgment until
a sufficient time be afforded me to collect the
necessary proof, and show, as I shall be able
to do. that the. burning of bridges, &e, were,
all a put of conspiracy against the Govern
ment ”
Tbe city Is quiet Members of the Ma;sa
chusetts and New York regiments are stroll
ing through the streets, wholly unarmed, gen
erally in couples,having full confidence in the
loyalty of the city.
Humors are afloat that Geu.Bntlerwillmake
another test to-day of those In high position.
Patriotic Excitement In Western Vlrw
Wheeling, Va, May 15 —There is the great
eat enthusiasm here in favor of making Vir
ginia a separate State. Such an excitement
has never bsen known here. The feeling is
general and determined against the Southern
There are not less than two thousand flags
flving, onewlth thirty-five stars for (he SUIQ
of Western'Y rgln|»,
Nothing special of Importance occurred is
the Convection ih’s me-re leg. The regular
business was Carlisle's motion of last night,
to re-commlt the report of the ConuaiUee on
State and Federal R-litioos,
Mr. Willey of Monongalia, finished his
speech, opposing the motion and advocating
the adoption of tha report of the committal
He was folded l*v Mr, P-lauatary of Mason,
7 ho aUo opposed Mr. Carlisle's proposition
at this time.
Front Baltimore.
Baltimore, May 15.—Fifty members of the
Maryland Qaard left last niwht tor Harper's
Ferry, takiag their arms. Wlnaus has been
sent under guard toF irt McHmry.
Winana was to-dajr nominated for Congress
at an informal meeting of friends.
Baltimore, May 13 —Gen. Cadwall&der,
wl h taree regimen'*, arrived to day. Thera
not being room on Federal Hill, they encamp*
©4 near Port Msflanry. It is reported that
Gan. Bitter returns to Annapolis. The Vir
ginians at Harper's Parry unsuccessfully at
tempted to blow up a culvert neap Frederick.
IlllueSa State Loan,
Bprinottbld, 111, May 15.—The SicUe Journal
tavs: “Hon. Wm. Butler, State Treasurer,
who went to New York after the adjournment
of the Legislature, on business of the State,
returned on Saturday evening. He reports
that the blank bonds for the State Loan will
be ready by the 2Sttu The feeling in New
York in reference to the two million loan is
excellent, and the probability Is that It will be
readily negotiated- m kuch qaaatltiea as the
State may desire.
prom Boston*->Reparted'; Death or
Boston, May 15.—The Banka agreed to take
five millions oi Government Treasury notes at
Hou. B. F. Thoms of Worcester, Is desig
nated to take Mr. Adams’ place in Cougrua.
A letter received from a Udy in Charleston,
spates that Beruregard recently died from
wounds received at the bombardment of Bum*
From Ifetfen Thgiatt.
[Special Dispatch to the New Tork Herald.}
. Wheeling, Vs., Hay 14 —M>.jor Oakes, U.
S. A., left this morting for to in
spect the military aad distribute U. S. arms t?
companies formed there. The citixens of
WeLUDurg are under 180,000 bands to the Gov
emment, for the safety of the arms now there 1
iaclndlng 3,000 rides and 30,000 rounds of
Arms fr»m Earep*—Trouble In Texas,
New Toes, May IS —The Tribune states
that the steamship Africa, now unloading at
Jersey Citv, has on board 10,300 Infield rifles
for the United States Government.
fine 2Vi£ua« eays tne Government has intel
ligence that large bodies of Mexicans are etr
risonlcg their frontier towns. Thera Is ndw
no doubt that Texfrs wQI sopn tm lively
times lo looking attar our Gonmmant troops,
various tribes of merciless Indiana and prsoa
tory bandi of Mextesu soldiers, and may "w*.
hspa wish she was safe home again.
From’ Kentoeky. '
Frasefobt, May lA—Tha'JSafctc yesterday
passed a bill suspending the Civil Courts vntu
January, and ordering all executions issued
January last te be re-issued, retumableuex*
Marsh. « * ■** **
Appnbssded Attack on Fheeilngi
Hasnisßcno, May 45.—Apprehension Is felt
of an attackon Wbefliugfrom HBrcer’a Ferry,
tomorrow. The Governor will sign a stay law
to-morrow. • ■ *
Bt. Louis, MiyM—The'Legls’atere adjourn
ed attw<L<re o'clock tb-totlUthlrdMonday oi
September. , . ;
For Eornp*.
Boston, May 15 —Tha steamship Arabia
sailed this morning. She took out about;
$13,000 In specie.
€el« Anderson-
New Yobs, May 15 —Col Anderson left this
mommg for Ciuclhuatij via Pittsburgh.
Violation of Lake Fader writer’s Law.
Messrs. Editors: The writer la credibly
informed by a shipper that certain vessel
agears at this port have agreed with shippers
andownerS'Cf cargoes to reduce thocumnt
rates of freight on all cargoes for which they
(the vessel a/enti) furnish insurance; or, in
other words, if they control the insurance on
the cargo for which they famish a vessel, the
rate of freight w 11 b3 lower than whtrclhey
do not control it, tons dfefrauding the owner
of the freight and -aiding always to reduce the
current rate? —for the purpose of givlrg bus;-
■ness to such Insurance companies as allow
broker’s commiaU ?n.
Therriore, these a e to request all whom it
may coacero, not to empl-y an vessel agents
any persons who coacec: the business of ship
broker with that of Insurance runner, and to
advise owner* to consign their vessels to’par
ties who STZVissdagenis, not ipsnrmce brokers.
Yours, Fbeigbt Inxebest.
How Kentucky ii to b* Forced out of
sue VaiuQ.
[From the ludLmapolls Journal.]
A gentleman who has be n travelling in
Kentucky and Tennessee for several months
past Is in this city at present, making arrange
men's to settle himself and faml-y. His bus
iness has been such as throw him daily among
the people of the Sates named,, and be rea
sonably claims to know somethin* cf the In
fluences brought to brarin 1 favor of secession,
reoeliioa aua tre eon. " Tae Knights of the
Golden Circle, he says, are numerous In these
Bta:ee r aad work with all the ardor of men en
gaged iu a loyal and righteous cause. They
koow the masses of tin people abe patriotic
and devoted to '.he Constitution and flig of
Ihsir country, and adro.t means sre. resorted
to to weaken patriotic feeiinsr and ultimately
array It against the Federal Government. The
Knights first work bp on the prejudices against
Lincoln aad the Republican party, and gain
ing tha confidence, in a measure, of their In
, tended proieiytee, induce them to meet “some
friends” at a'“pr;vate room.”
■la this “private room” the preliminary Ini-.
, t : Rlion into tae Golden Circle order, is per
formed, and the heretofore loyal and Umcn
loving 2 msu is tempted, step by step,' to go
thronga ali the degrees of the tn
rqil hlmself a-t.ocg the sworn enemies:of the
Government—taking the most bitter oaths to
subver-rlaw, override-'the Constitution, and
give aid to organized rebellion. Being thus
e worn, and under solemn pledge, the late
. Ujaion inun finds himself, either secretly cr
openly, as may best suit him, against tbe
Union and coustitotioual government. He
belongs to an organized band, well disc -
'plinth and ready for any treasonable service,
however desperate. At an election, where
tbe question or secession is enbm tted, ten
Ealghts of the Gol len Circle would be more
efficient la working against the Govcroment
thin onj hundred -Union men would be in
working for lr. An effort is to be made to
have the question of. secession submitted In
some shipa to the people cf K?ntucky, and
in that event, the Kutghts know they ar= sure
of success, and will take Kentucky out of
the Union by what they will call a popular
vote. Tae same kind of work will injure a
confirmation of <he ordinance of secession
ptiaeu by the Virginia Convention, at tbe
election to be held on the 24-.h ia.-t. The
Union men ia the Border S'.a-.ea are at tbe
mercy of the treaiouaolj orgm zation known
as the Knights of the Goideu Circle. It Is
not ualiaely, Indied it is very that
taere are some numbers of this order In Indi
mja. Soma m?n. in Indlauapohs, we know,
are suspected of belonging to it, aud doin<r
what thc-y dire to aid the treason so Widely
sp.eadlng at the Sonin.
Bailable Seetiilon News.
[Special Dispatch to the Memphis Avalanche.}
Washington, May lU.
Twenty thousand Ohio troops hare volun
teered to join the Confederate army. Camp
H-irrieoa /rill be occupied oy Brigauicr Gene
ral Biowaard Dooatue’i Tennessee State
Bights Volunteers to-morrow.
Tae Coofsaeraw dig wives triumphantly
over the City Hail, New Tori- Tne Southern
mot:o of “Borrowed mU-ioas lor defence
not one cent to pa/ dents,” U beiag adopted,
Matters at Washington arj mDVing brilliant
lyl. Tha Zouave* aal Seventh Regiment
-waited on Mr. Lincoln yesterday to request
hem to resign. Tney found bim lying dead
drank on tne floor of the White House kit
chen. Gen. Scott was staggering in the par
lor witd a bottle in his hand. The Cabinet
was asleep in Wiilard’a bar-room} surrounded
by cocktails.
.Tne troops held a grand Southern rights
meeting last nigat, ana passed resolutions de
claring mat Abo Lincoln was no longer Presi
dent, and teat Jeff Davis should take the
chair until 1864. Tney appointed Mr. Floyd
Secretary of tbe Treasury.
European Telegraphic CobhespoWevcb
o» the S. O. Delta — L By the Atlantic
Line ]—London, ilay 16, ISdi —Tne Di
rectors ot the B*uk 01 England nud a desperate
tight with the Rottißcmias yesterday. The
former wanted.to take ail the Corned crate
l.<aa, bat the Uttar declared they must have
hah of it. Xne military was caked out. It was
tiaalSy agreed that i; should be tairly divided
between the two at ten per cent, premium.
The Southern Commission ra aieibe eutsts
of her Majeity, at Windsor Castle. XhoPritco
of Walts Intend! \i=itkg the Southern Con
federacy in coinp.ny wi-h Mr. Yancey. He
will be m Montgom ry in a few weeks.
Lord John Kusseii wroteas follows to the
Commissioners yesterday;
Hows oy Lonps, May Ti—The Qoeen con
gratulates the Commissioner! on tne success
of tudr nobie cff .na to throw off the yoke cf
Black Republic in ism. Joe hopes the re
Utions that wnl fjrevcr exist between
Great Bii nlu and the nation you so
aoly represent, will be moat cordUL She Is
fully aware of the im tnorU character of the
tariff passed at the I st session of tbe North
ern C ngras*. Her sympathies are always
with cotton, her dearest interests and these of
her subjects are cloe&Ty allied to it. I' em an
thorlasd by h=r Majesty to tender to ti*- cause
of Sonera army a .'d navy
ol Great B.Utiin, with her check for
gae pounds Sterling oh the Bmk of
England.: Your obedient servant,
Loud John Rcssxli.
From .Washington.
i [Special Dispatch o> tha Cincinnati Gazette.] ’
Washington, May 14.—The Second Con
necticut Regiment, one thousand strong, ar
rived to-day, making the forces .here some
thirty-five thousand strong. Attempts have
been made to blow np the buildings in which
the troops are located. Extra precautions
have beta taker. Several secession clerks
were removed tram office today. Spies from
Richmond have arrived htra to d-y, but are
hdt mo\e--ted, LhcElgbtn Maaa&caufcettsßeg
iment left to-day for the R-Uj Hou*e. A large
force will be concmtta'ed there prepariory to
au attack oa Harper’s Feny. S.versi North
ern men driven oat of Richmond arrived here
to-day, and tally confirm the reports of t-xten
sive military preparation*. The t-eople there
are daily march on Richmond by
this Federal troops. It is believed that the
Government wilt have seventy-two thousand
troops in Washington before the first of June.
Ocean Vessels Usemploted.—The Detroit i
Advertiser of yesterday says: When business
hs-t beea doll on the Lakes, we have been ac
customed of late years to vessels to the
sea board for employment. It will be seen
from the following extract that the order of
things has changed sod our seaboard frknds
are now looking in inis direction for employ*
mart of their numerous Teasels rendered idls
by the blockade of the Southern pcrU. Should
ifie wheat crop of XS?i prove os heavy as now
rri shall cot tilhly need in the fell
1 pester facilities for conveying it to market
ban we no and in that case a hand
some thing might be made by owners of coast
ing vessels, by sending a, number of them
around through the canals. .The following is
from the New VorkPubt:
The necessary restrictions imposed by the
Secretary of th-s Treasury upon the clearerc-i
of vessels to Southern pwrfe, together with
the fact that the trade of vessels engaged in
the lumber, pine wood and oyster traffic I*-
tWesa this port and the Chesapeake has been,
almost entirely stopped, las thrown a large
number of sloops and schooners out of cm*
ployment, and several are now Ijlng Idle at
odr wharves. It Is stated to us, on good au
thority, that these coasting schooners can be
employed Co good advantage on the Lakes,
where ther- is a present pressing demand for
tuch vessels, and where freights ars plenty,at
high rates. All vessels now unemployed are
%anted there, and would meet with employ
ment at remunerative takes.
Gen* Dovgla*,
The N. T, flr/m, of Tuesday, publishes a
special dispatch from Biidmcra saying:
, “A gentleman,} tut from Washington, say*
that Mr. Uncoil, has positively had a com*
IS made out ?cr S-n*. 7
tor Douglas, and that tt U known la Waahmc
ton that he will accept” > - *
jß42?x FAiLUnE.--The Bank Albany, one
of fria'oldest reputed. moneycdinstL
fc. hes
said to be In a lamentable condition, and the
loss to the stockholders will probably be ea
tfee. sstotalliabilitiesVf over 11,050,00 a
O. 'S. BCRJV&X, Advertising Agent, 93 Dear
bom s(., is authorized to receive Advertieements/pr
this and att the Leading Papers of the ybrthwesL
T OST—On the night of the Bth
M-J !n-k fiom i S Kinfe etrtet, a large Kewfoand
-1 j»d T>«r. hilr wwta arontd the n*ck
snjlp.lciDf d»a tail. Any one returning the same
trUbesal.able rewarded. myiiaat
JL wouH Uke to eegaze Pastnrace for
hlsHo.-ael«ranotnberof weeta. i* win t t_p*y a
Z od irl :e and wi 1 exp ct zood care fjr LI H rse.
Di-taucenotoverteaortWelye a Uta from the city.
a ail at U4 v L-akc ttreet. royi«i t
DOaRDING.—Board with vei 7
U plaaaant tingle or doable
•t lln L -salle tir-nt. 0-'-> cr two gentlemen and
Fitir wl n <an be aecommvdutel. A lew Da/
hoarder i -will al*e be recti /eo. Beferencea ex.
f* AND FOR SALE.—Four Hun
-I—i d'ed Acre* Boffins P.alrie, located on the line cf
in Unbnqas and Facile Ballr a ’. lowa,
A. S. CHAUaoOiiNE, F.rdee'a Block, Bo m No, 8,
Veterinary S<irzeodr 4sembtir t-ir tbe Bo *1 College ot
OiSeflandla&rmdi’y, sn ctata atrett. next door to
PatrlcX* lUCIe. ■ mjiSx.w
rtsa la“any oteer, elUjsr Dom»tlc or Imported.
TH.T - IT.
Bold Wholesale sod Retail by
nroMtita \od dealer* In Pare. Medical WJo a'-Hinow, '
Ale«,P neri. «o. gfrßendo-.pargt., C.leagv, il’.
WANTED —A Situation in a
Drug Sl'in by * your* rasa who ha- aome
tu-o-eilcsl Kaowledze of tb* ba«ln<3«*. aseeksFsj- ’
lisa, French s d .erxsn. Wooli be wLlng tonra.o
hi :.*elf geaermUy asefaL fcelsry as * aoo of in
object «b lmmea-» te employment Address for one
*«ex fresenlsptas,” Odlce Box U97.
m,iae799-et ;
LABS of llllacl* Corref-ey vsnted tor good pay.
Inyßusmsti uetideo 'a Property aituUdLt the .
' HSABT of the cixy. !
Ffirps-tlcn'sri sddrees 1 E." postOfflcs Box 9343,
Chlckgj, 111. _ tnylez.w
sold oa Seasonable Term*, :
la Cook Caaaty. n - sr a ksllrcsd Ftstlon,
sbo t ioriy mluu.es rids from Ui* City ot
oOisWUng tf
And Van Acres. of Gbolee Valuable I
Tbi*7anst*underacools‘ate or Cultivation, well
-fenced rbsr?l ontucpliC'ttg-odOicturdo'b.ar.
log tree*. <*f y*t lt>m k.•*nM\trfnur, aitn lair
For lort ier co crlpuoa au-- us.au, inq.l-e of -. u.
wILLKtt, Coloa, < k *icn, cr JAai£j» ICL.LER, Bt e‘*
dlook. ue itrfeet,Chicago. tU/H>x4w
We hereby aaaooaca to our coitosen and I atrcna
thpt we
To receive t« payment of dtbta (he
aoitf of aMvrted Curr«u«.y
yow fore.d a: on tbs community by t e plan ■ f toarl.
lo< t«iat iLniou wilcn ia se
cured by Southern Sticks. wha which wo pay
ajuu, bay good, or purchase fcxeua-ge. It » worn
only wait it wul bring IN oOLU irotn da, to day.
Tub Taxx-i urox wmen vi pb posed to txoiva it
oraaxwitz, u*vn bot bbi s auuxbbi to.
We Utec this course for onr protection a* weil asth«t
Afonrfrienua The a«s of it u DRIVING BUtiiX£aa
OUT or** ITS DbJaL odi.frNe.L9. pitting a
tttlNoD'LV INeLAIKU vatne up>n ALo £
OVPajfEuTf. siaadfrom aitdoi, aUUtuabave
7a shall take all carreacy at ITS V ALUE IN* SPE.
CLai, irom and auer t l.date; allowing oae per cent.
lOfflow yorit ivicoaaga.
Koa 7t and 78 Lake.*treet.
: CstOxeo. May 16th. lefil.
You are hereby notified that from and after this
data. Z shall receive In payment fer debts the sort of
But for what it is "Worth.
At its value in Specie,
Allowing one per cent t* Hew York Exchange.
Illinois & Wisconsin
Taken at 73 Cents,
17 5
IT bs a candidate f.r Clark of tbe Third Grand
Division of tbe Supreme Court ot Ullaols at tbe er* a- -
log July slsetlou. BcylSxtJS’Sl
Embroidered Bands, &c.
AU Sizes and Qualities.
140 !•*»■ Stout.
Saa a aaacrtnsact of
SP»I\G and ftimnsil GOODS I
Wblebb* li offering at lav priori for eaab. j
Talesdu, Sere - m and MoramMiiae*. 1
Irenes Befegsv Kobe*. rorekeas.
Frardi and Eu*U h Dolilaos, * *** twtwi*
ChaUles, Fopd/*. bo-obaalcc* I
rmchPrlnta T i e %Tn*i&.iOrgan<llsi ;
r.nnrcWariM as fekif one®.
6&OTZS A3Ol SOslKitr.
L*‘lleiand»i«n.leacn , »H , dk'ft,Twycli«n. 1
.linen and -
' Tdwela. Table Clotha, .
Boa Umbrellas. *c, fte.
All Good Illinois Honey taken at Far. :
; BJltrtJUwUtp T. B. CASTE*. j
Kaow all Men. Tfonien and Ctofttren by tbeca CMi '
lenu, trial I, Btanej 4L Fusett That. gr»p4>t,
Sos. 122 and 124 Clark Street, -
. .. For B»* LOW nmof \
Colored Photographs &om $9 up.
TSa erUtotl style, and only safe method. t&kj 1 j
8 cook OttLYiaCafc*»c,
Jnst reeelTed. Xlw a raj
i SatoswaK of Gold Trainee b-jaiflit at panic oneer,
iKrA ‘few Tdrk.be'lsW poteevri'ra ofto'-ce Qt» M 3 Its
ta.il tod*. n -__ • • •
; O **K&*bJe»ni»cf Boeasstn rant, via Board, at
) Bat. t and 8 Van •
1 aayuziv
Snow all Men. Tfotoen and Ctofttren by tbean cm 1
aenta, that I, oainnei & Fasten. FhoA gznph’at,
McVIGKER’S theatre
MadJaou street, between State and Dearborn.
CHAS9S O r TOtß.—Hereafter the doom wm ooen
atbalfpastteren, and tae curtain rise Height o’clock.
Last night of the popular Comedian and Yocallat,
Who win app tar in two great character*.
EleShaae and Morgan Saltier.
Introducing la famous Bongt *' wfl»w M-t ensue, *
“Spain or socnaLSH, M “ a hat Kid*T Too Lone,"
TBFHSD XT EVBXTsiiMay Ith, wd he preseated
the excellent CotqUdi ef
McSlisae . .
To c;nc’a:e wits tas roaring fare* of
■ Morgan Battler .. Mr.-CcOiaa,
\ pT Friday—BEsßFlT OF MB. COLLTBS.
BRYAN HALL.—Clark. Street,
Qpoeaite the Court House, Chicago, ID.
! Bmlae-'t Tcoi:ci*n« nroponnee this H«UmiwvpMMi
• by any ball in the Calonlalta
i Acoustics tad General Appointaenti.
I It vUI seat so® mere persons than any other Ball ti
the c’tr—b* accurate count aad report o. CARTER A
B»URR. Ajcalt-w.
Tab mala Andicnc* Room li on the flnt floor, the
••trauoc b‘laj ob Clark street the-jrreatwt thorough
far* \n tae cic*. cppoeit-t Conn H oqm Square, jet the
: Hall has a retire, quiet location Lu tuc rear.
Ample luktom and egrsss—w t*t of doenray to
1 C>*rk str’et aad n art Flare,
the San co-talns t*e 3- air Gallons!
I at t'-*s PO, and pursnased of Geo. P. A_ Healv.
! conrntsloned br Cocgre« tc pAint a series of Vro*t
deuttel p rtralts tor tae Whlt> douse, TIU Gallery
, contalv great pictow'oreihlch the :rn!d
mrdal »»< §T»-d?d at the vf orMVFalr la Pane: also
“ WTaoster l-s reply to Sayne,” and portraits of all the
President* tVunc'!u Inclusive. a* Veil as of many
olb*r lllastrloas Americans by H^aly. • •
There Is s spaoi.iuß Louer Hall for Fair* Festivals,
! Balls, and the life. XthprO’l-;dssl:bdrß«lx l gn>oaa >
a numerous tables, Ac. etc.
B *b Sails or either, can be rent'd-Cbr Coaot-rta,
Lectures. Exhibitions. Balls, aid t*e like, oa-applica
tion to THO*. BABBOGR BRfAN.
eolTt&tly OdlcaiutA* ftw»U\iu«.
_ asaaimu.
WA V 'TE D—' r en Experienced
Cloak Makers Tnqalrc of Mr. MARSHAL!*
at W .M Rii3& *67 ami 16*La-e<-.txact Mf.ra
Oo’clo kla ttemorilLg a/tS-*T;iU
ANTED—A. Pitu.tim Trente ’
f I by a yonn? maa of lib*ral foacation atd
ba’inesa •‘xper « ce L a store echoed or conctlrg
mem Wo IdtaiethepJa-e of * voiaet er. rr n:e
wl4hlog : c c l -tr f raf>vD S(« and with
draw *b»n ddlreL Adc'reaa HENKSTSTORKS, ca a
CMca w Trlooce. my !?riw
"VX^ANTSD —By a gentleman and
T ▼ wife, a salt of aafura’Bt ei r oxs. win tw arc,
litprl at-s faml y >m«t» a-eie 9 or no boarder 1 ,
located wicbli f«a ralrat-V w>lXof Pot v file *, /d
- foat Office. mjl*x£t
TXfAETdD—A Piano to Rent, by
rv alady,T>ottoexeeed|lOp«rqaarter. Addre**
Post O-cc BuX 9j. m) luit
X\T ANTED—To rent by a gentle
T T maa a; d wife. f'nr <r Are rooms in a ho*ia
withtftmliv. Yorth or West Side td
dreat *‘B S,” tii.a office, >t*Uag eril, my.ixSt
W‘ NTED—By a bigh’y respee
tibia Xagllib Lady (widow) a sitaabro aa
HfUBO-keep* r. t > a lady, ur to lake charge
of two or taree you gehldrea. S.iary not so much
of comkrable ho tie. HUb-st irfcr
ea ea given and r- quired. Ad cm er ha* a Ptif oto
rent A dr<a» wot ame and realUroce, to “L. M,“
Pass Office. Chicago. my sx t
TAfANTED —A situation as Book-
T I K-‘p,-r. D.iß t»d Ufi t ijp-rlenc-.
fveyeania oa-hmse. *ill£ira tmdoubt-S c‘t re
for a e »* to moral charvjibx, b ati&lldo*iio iB,
*•.,*5.. month or M»i. «nd will
excep'a mode;a butlf Idnnot pl-aio after
awionth uriiO- “-Uidaino pay. Addrat*Box
’vXT’ANTED -By a re-pectsbie
▼ »L Toarg Tnai (German), a S tnstlcr. aa Porter
In a or Entail Stur-. Cby refer«a<*e* givcu.
Addr. >3 «t. A. B. Box 25 - 4 Chicago Tost Office.
*n / 13-iu
WANTED Agents wanted to
canvass every County In the Yorthwrtt‘ra
Stats* *or th R^l s - of an article «"I h every ba-ln. m
mio m i.t have cv-ry trav« lev nm-t have, every rail
t ad maa mast •»?« aid in fact evtnbody ma t
tav«. Al*o-A large a*-ortm?ut of Patriot c radgta
and Pins, Mapi. wLaru. Ac., oi the seat of war.
7be Small •r**e of these A*tie « brings thsm
Withla t. e Beash of AU.
Fncloje a it*mp >nd rec-lve bv n-tom mall a Clr.
cilar jpvlna foi 1 partlcula a. Addfew J. tt. Jox>*
SQM. CLic.»g<i, HI Post Office Box 4353.
»>U am tin
HOME. —A gentleman wish ng a
Urge frrn'B--ed rum with tne of %
hone »n * prtrai* f miiy of hl*o mpeetabU-r*. c»c
OJtatn tie aanieln a ce>lrablo l ca'loa oy .ddreMing
a ette-to**E B T.’ att-eTribune •-■flice, A Car
rUge Hone aan btaolt may also be had .f desired.
FFI'Y DOLLARS will be given
toacy eemletnio who can prtcure tor the ad.
TffTrtier a situation as Bookkeeper . r as » IpaVelcr.
In a good Ho<is.\ «orth ac least gi.v) pery«"r.
L*o expeilan-e, and can far ’is'- god r f ranee* a* to
ability and antecedents P. Q. Box 3417.
B.y .4~tx
A GENTS WANTED— *1,200 >
Xa. yea* made by any one with 910 worth of
Stock enoagh included to retail for |UO. c \*g <w-
Circular, Sample and St a ncll Catalogue. n , ■
X FDt-LAM, Ko. .-15 SO lira ktreet, „
an Broadway. KewYofk. T^rfoy
Ss turn.
T5 RUNT—The two-story Frame
Dwelßtg Vo 59 N«rth Rash street.
Fob sate—fi'o .'eoi on North Clark etreet, running
thrtiQihTo De»rb rn street.
Foe sSal* on Rent—Th f untoryßrtckDvelllrg
3*o. llllboi < treet, to * oasplote order. Uanlre of
aLFRED SK-T3, North P.er. a.la.y
TO RENT—A First-Class Honse,
with modern laproTNtnenU, and Fnrnitare for
fSi.t f<«PBIT ra*> t-a or on j year Aw ply to 5. LIND,
Ko. 6 Lnd’a Blcc-t oroa pre-mfees, ff«t Ran
dolph street. corner of Morgan street. mjllxat
and T>»elUafi v «l 14' Nor b Halted meet,
well fta’abed ani raid 7 tor imme'D'e occaparcy
App’y to P* ? AK- i 'ON « BATCBI&LUBR. Ocr »r cf
Mai tot and Adnaa streets m;9-etg-2w
r PO RENT CHEAP,—A four story
A Brick store, with cellar. 30 by Vtt feet, construct
ad toratorage, bat can be aaea tn advantage by mana
fitetorera Apply to wBO w. ADAMd, office la rear
of ibO North wateratreet,Chicago. mblOxSm
TJ RENT—The five etonr Stort
No 117LakeStreet now oocapie-m H. Left
eastela. PoasoeMon May let. Also the dwellingboose
No, 447 State ntr let. t > J. a. BICE, office Ko
9, Second Floor; over 77 Dearborn street. apiAxlm
TX) BE RENTED—Near Union
With Iyu j , B*ih Ro 'me. Hot and Ould tvatpr. Ac» and
useot fttab elfdciirea. In th-'-'ensh rr.
®4r- PrtcotiOL *dd:«%auj 4»G1,t)TlBQUl»ol3.
r, KOuTOS, liM) tswti Booal
-7 .
i REN r —A beautiful Residence
I X lathnCityof The h-tisi is '->rbrick,
of large oimeT 1 os. and s>«nds upon tns bluff uvc;.
lo klug Lake MUlUmu
I There ar . thrscaAre 1 -fgroanl In t v e .fgt ?t*t«
; of cnltivsiJoO. Two Green Houles irlth every
var-ety of r.holos fl-w-r'.
The ground* wi 1 uic»r- than •>'' D iy a Urge fimlly
wlt'i Appl-s. f, »vrs Gh rr'>. 'j Q3 n-rajp-x —ocav
bt-rrle*. Blvckbsnleu Pl* PlafL Aa
paragn* Ac, u G*rden u already plaited
with the b-»t -‘fT?Estate*
, , ii-8 ' fomeaiAtcjT. A'p'yto Mr* 6 3.
CQB 8 .0- cnoFER-T* *?ILLIAii3,
• i a and it Pickoy’s Build ug. Chicago. myyxi.r
• ” l-cH'Ui’. nearly rew, wl h ninemoma iwaerea
of land/ located -t Ha-lea, first SUt’lOA on U-lina
Jtslir ai, elg'it mtlee iToai chic gx twenty r ids froa-
Oax BUm Spmtnarr. .and ft-iy red* fr.-.a Stsaon
• H-ojo *r» i*arat* to accoaxi.^'dale Chl«-go bu-:nese
me Fair One st’-l Term* of a.l*. t 90Q A
iinaQ p* mii.t requirrd. the btdiice ut five yeara
tae item p€r $ jv», tb asu all fam ly c* It.
For torti* r parti-:* lax* laqairs at ‘22 L b~utu "atsr
ttmt,Col ago. RL n»t ''v w
PilSlliiLEßY TO KKNX 014
i_' FOB SALS. .
The Dwtlflcrr at Bast CUr-ti-v. Os Fox Bir«?. en tip
OaleoA& Crdcato Dai >a tiailr.a-i fare® mlla* tma
£iela c»-!i»*r.ty9Totmsiela. it »lUbsr*=f« s sreote
cii ta* mu>t favorable teraa. . Arply w DAVid a Mi
gjj.s, LU-i la t treat. CMcagc. gdul-ogSan
db Oo. r
RENT.- j&SStm
; To Beat— sad second head. Ptaaoe (or wte lov
■ u lift Uis street, (cp a*at CUrt »£;>.*£.
. iaplQ.-I.lyl
F~IR »aLE—Five Buckeye Mow
an, at a ere*t b-viva'll ■ three Wheat'DrQta, Terr
cheap: noe Hack, cost when new ** O', r*-r law'
cish; ii. r-0 v ,rth ui Hardware and sl4 OCO of
«oa Sha et' »xc-aase lor it? J*rQutrtj. Ap'lt w
• piSTthH SH-tMP. 167 State street- my Writ
FOR SALE —A sraa'l stock of
Rood J«~*Tiyfar crtrtn ex
changefjr i-s'ierpetcDirrrreal proper y, *r» *9** l
e»t*o liued bn-Jie*B In citror'o.>trvrj. Call >u iiie
. ertakig -iswel rat the titfce auae Mt-rccanW
| bate , or address ’* Jeweler,' £w*BO:2ceßox*939.
B}U: t
FOS SALE - S,OtO yaids sec.cd
' band Caavaa, at Sail Xoft 1*79 Waters*.
FDR SALE—A Tory desirable
l)weTllPg, TTo. H»4iDchls»n arence, on Ifaeed
troamtat'lng between flva aadsli ysn to ran Im.
prjTemect- tj to pan for by tbe Iv&ior at tt>e terml.
iiaLotto B'elHßfl Tba property wID be eold at a
brgala. Innate of su «ab*crl*>tr. *t tS< &oota
Water itreet [ipyerdw] G. H. RPuP.
"C'OR SALK—A*; Sheltoo & Tnt-
P tie's Esste-n Carriage Repository, on MasSe*
street, near Was-Inrtonstreet t*o Rocs* wvr'* (new),
ooed - ) (s«c md-hand), Are Open Boggle# on
Consignment and *LI be sold cheap. mr!-civ*^aw
LOST —A Lady’s B'aok Morroceo
s eo'talol?eonassßlU, aaoxa QLaa;a.«iw|
laid a bain rr ac»i d « n*-cic. The cue*-*. by r*.
toroirg tbe same to -Lt Baflal: OT©e% inJl b« imwM*
J syrJftsjT
rt 9; , REWaRD!—The abora r«-
' vzid wfllMpitita aty aid retartioitbi
: A>f« t flra ye'r» 1 1J. ;L*t Strayed frooa or ttfionJiai
>tay ut. . -v.JD.ATwfl'OKD,©prttr
. TnitoottreAti Cfci«miO,lß.‘ *- • uyiT^l'^iw
Q.11.83RT, STAffABD* tO~“'-
So.3Steel'* Block, (in Pl-00, M» tr -o taw*--
ttSSSi^Sf 8 • so. a^’SS
Chicago Crituw '
ThofoHotdsff urn the Bateabf 14*«rtlflag
One Square, (elitjt Pncs agate) om
Oar Square, each subsequent day, 01 fh00).., -3»
One Square, two weeks, (|wf7&) g.OQ
One Square, one month, (to 19.00) S.M
One Square, tnree months, <4m il&Ofl) 13.04
One Square. six months, (to «BJ0) SO-M
One Square, one year. SO*oo
CP* Schedule of Prices for more space Chau Om
Sqoare can be seep at the Counttag Boost.
All Transient: ddrsiWaamena to bepsldftra
All change* charged thirty coats per Square
sans or
St.oo per Square, each reek, fbr flnt mouth.
3.0:1, per Square for each subsequent mouth.
SO.OO per Square for one year.
T>t Gilbert, Suipsai a Wanw,
JD smtii ironomai *rLaka street,
wm (dee their personal stteaiion to the ealee cd
Household Furniture at the residences of {amOiee or
at our salesrooms*. Caah adrsaom made to aup
amount when required.
Carpet*. Oil Cloth, Mirror*,
AT A U 0710 Y.
«S^tlS! ?R ? OAT » *** «* »* o'clock, we w?Y
a large aal nawtf
?f.w°Forultare caroets ■»c , conalsttei of
Waiaot aid Oit Parlor. Bed-
Si??*?* murngtoom rur-nurt. Kick a*4
starhia.fop. burntarSana*
e&.i r ( 2 1 Cloth. Tatis Oilers. ttoe
Tjra, BUTer*rlated Table Forks. M.to> Mta
.Mr. Coßlntt
\» . PLAKtft. AT A.TJC'ITO.
Oa TSTffB’DaT. Miy mm, at u o‘< lo**, vt wffl
MU as onr Kaleaeooma. ft chylee tad b**atifai ooltta}
tJ"OofG'M‘Qfcnd nou»ePUb:*. Ladle*parties
lariy iariUa So attend. _ _ _
GlLBaB;. SAXPiOH « W*rvti»
»yl*e33i it _ iu^aa-^n.
<•, 4* ui *0 diabbou maq
Cash ad-raaoed on F oralUr*. Dry Goods,
and Shoes .Ac.
••QroceMboi FRIDAY, Vay*?th»£Btfo>c2eaA
it their talaarooxa, to, 43 and aw Dwirbu»u\t:*eC^
ay Divoica or
TilfKlß NOTIONS, * C,
tqt <«7- «t w< a. BUTTgBS A ./*,
Boots And Slaogg
▼m. a. bttt rißs a ca win §*a fr- ca*», «
TCE.iD'T. May 3>*c. at «H oeook. at tbalr
room*. 48, s idaM Daaroorn itmt, a larf . aad Cwtia
atock of
Coasts'!n iof a desirable variety.
mylfie7J9St WM.jl
IN s'orotjMjse,
GHas»j-ware, Cirpata. &<x
m A. BUTTSRS A CO. Wfn a«U f-r ewh on
SATUBDar. :BtN, at 9* .’circle, a th ’- .ak-*.
rooma, *A. «Baas n D«ur**orn strict, a i!ce (too ■
N’sv Secoad-Qaad Firmcure, Ca.,et>. wlas>
wars. &c* &e
Oaa Yaw Top Buggy Wagon, ore Yew Open BofiCf
Wi-n. Wit Ax.lTlTßSSiico^^'
£tutum ibaira.
(Dffodtatts Tmot Iwwj
Bwy Monday «t ® 141 A* 2fi%
sxw Toe i-ro opih stogies,
Alaat 13 0>rlo«Y,
107 Dearborn Street, CPartlaad T.e020
pr-«vp6 attwtion win be l»» i *«» &»tee of Fornttore
at Hes deoce''. or sto ka of M*retiandis« »<.
and SaletTO'm. R >yers will a* all tl n- s acd a g <od
ai-ortotent of well m«d« rarmtare k*p( oa Laid tor
Private rale Cash alvanoea will be mi 1•on t _rot*
ture. Dry G>od . B'Kti anl C*rp»ti Wc. f cf
ritibllc Stle. Hal •» b Auc 100 three Uin a « a —•“ A.
C-vi Irnm mt»a >l clt-vi i>(all
jil • at Salesroom, or In aoj p irt of the city on r*-»ao *•
able to-ms **aia» cashed at oace Beat oi ref-rc-oeae
gl«n P.0.80x 'TTti an Ri B
Go to Noble’s
179 ZULU 9TM8T....17S
SB HV.Vfi ,E.iCH/.\Tf.
Ik* Only VkrSii-am Sniag '<k*
w, a KAS«3t at 00,
CTadsr tlis Xsw Shsrmaa Smuie
AGENTS WASTED la mrj lows sad ett? to tb*
Sorthwert •
trading aad at Quaaatcw*.
n* Urwpttl, Hew T«k ul fMtJttfil*
WH dtopatub every Saturday their toll power Q&4S
iroa sieamahlpa
CIIY OP SS\LTIMOB&_ kangaroo.
Bases ot pa**»*e a« low aa ty any ow*er Ittt Plfc
acaz-rs forwarded to alt the pßnclpal C.CL** of Strom
Persomwl'hlngtj bring oot their oaa nf
aet&t-4lDCnic.tgotogr«*£a«lEauiagi. „
TneM dtesmew have superior acc.vamo(iaao*a,
«rr7 azevrt meed Sorgooa*. fhaf ar-j built u> Veta
TjaarraoN sacxioss and carr/ patent In aaa bl>y
to». For farther la ormatloa s6nl- tv
Westers Aleuts 13 LAsaUnsernet
S4roye soil in ram < oi Si and
W», lit MU WWW, a.
Q.EOKGE F. EviriE,
And Ball Mnlicrj
Hwecoastv.t.j or He it tae I. west n.o
KlsiUlLrp*, Pitch, Tarrai Bd p, Hay 3:p%
T ns, Lath Hope, Oatua, Bloois,
Spaa 7«rl
COVEBA, Ao. *o*
TJf- to onto.* o> •aorteo* sot on trO
281 Sooth W«:er itnot, sail laio-it Bjidg*
«p,osi-.r SK3. f. rosTta.
A “USiOa, QOQAN3 ÜBiRTY. 1 *
-oxm KATiONAI* yX*A.O.*,
▼lUi a bemwtal enter 4 Hite > ream's- rt’S tin
Ciblta 1 , »m WurUi-gf'B on 7r>e r la >L« raeJt
eronnct, and to* “duu" sp>.‘j?led B-vi r'c* r*M
by a- 1 * it aUntbe
to fail draw In front -Jut oabUshed by
H. H. 'Zl*Q*Sd> iI7 Randolph stmr«
Prtee, Tlfty C»utr
lO In used nod recommended br fiie tbQowior *bll>
taova Sportsmen of tbe tnrt nod Sana Dtalen, am
the be*t i lalmenteyerM'iWQidsd forth* curs of
bc'raiss. i}i«u aoßEsc Xus aa, scßAicaat
And hare rwnoceered tflelr onus m m reference. after
bavtoKawdUseraralyam. ltlsal«o*oer:atnrccin>
dy for the mange noon Doga, «ad the Rite ofuueoM
nponanimali of arety deacxteUo&s
Jucm Slmoada, BUO- J 'a- Walton.
msra,M4. D Tafloi«B. t
A-Baaaer rtiUidalph’il** Juts train*. •
Geo. Wood, Boston, Wa. WwSa, -
lu A. Hitcacock, J«a** McMvS.
&.Eao«XMn, •• B*mo«l n
yr»ak Rrlerv - WLU a *oi*. V*
JxretF. HtSaa. • a*r» Wait*, »
T. K, VftTT, “ J-iOHS *•
Stephea SfWto, • Conklin r* *•
|»nm -I. Vioai, - M * r £ l £ StwW
William Woodraff. - F. n ,.i°^vw a .v T
c h -
&e. stei , Z B ° a SLibL* l BSL *°***
w. Xttartesrr aarsaoiJ^Salaf^
rJ^iS > ? T i a & n^**rs,w, ol» l >rO. r. EnUra *
• .. * dOia dtatuts furt.a NOW*
• western StatM. Otßea* 4 Oapv T* '*-v - '"**
i *****
Hos. 13 & 14 Dearborn Street,