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t555-*-====f===£ , ei<tss9 cram lUIT, TRf-VEEKLYJNI VBKtft jMltont wad Fxoprtwtacm •mci h®. ci rmmt muff or m CEsoiso ?uium Bi*Ur«red Id oUy by e«Rte~. per v«r.. „ in cinr br.e?-r:r!« per ■wcaS.. Cr\ih xo BlDll iubictJoexa. ptr T*tX PM tooDCscbeortberepercxatoatie . . M mSZ efOT.Psrvtu ~..,12 Z3m !y,«in*it*Ki2»firliws*. fjrg • .**.’*’.**rt'*lltr'* &)£ • Meopic* ‘iS;^ • ci^.:4s:se ■F” Addition* to ctabt autyba aui tay wS*; ecrtuJf c Z’S£Z flssexl lsae » “f »* mtmrn •■Cbletfo Trlbnite," Gbieax*, IHtMfe Cijlraflo Cribmt& FRIDAY, MAT 1?, 1801. ILLINOIS CCRBEKOT. A. large number of our merchants end end business men having refused to take the bills of a considerable number of Il linois Banks except, at a discount of twenty to tutor oar «ent_ and » *«>»• thtrifore, impossible for us to pay this currency to our workmen and for the general expense* of the office, till farther notice, only the bills of the following Illinois Bank* will be received by us at par. Other Illinois and‘Wisconsin money will be taken by us for what it is worth, in exchange on New York with one per cent added'on the day it is received: Alton Bank. International Back. American Bank, Illinois Central Back, Bank of America, H ; inole Suta Security “ BU'omlngton* Bank, •* Commerce, nUuuis River Bank, •* Galena, Jtaae County, 44 ** Indemnity. Lake Michigan “ •* Jfonh'n Illinois Habatwe M u Ottawa, Marine “ “ l ‘ern, ilcLven County “ Sparta, NerchatU’ “ Chicago Bant, OMo Hirer •* Cuv fctock of Ottawa, Patriotic * Colombian Rank. Pittsfield CatnbortHTid County B‘k ReapwV M E. I. Tiukham & Co.’S Bank. Union “ Fnlroti Bank, U. States Stock 44 Highland Bauk. M-rrhants,’ ** THE UJUHEKCY QUESTION. In common with hundred* of other citi zens who have business to look after and interests to protect, we were entirely wil ling that the attempt to sustain the cur rency of the Illinois banks duilng the con tinuance of the present rebellion, should be made. And when we yielded assent to the arrangement which was entered into between the business men and the bank ers of this city, we did so cheerfully and with the hope that the mutual stipulations would be carried out in good faith, and that we should have for home use a cur rency which, if not readily and cheaply convertible, would meet the pro-sing wants of the people until such time as a better could be obtained. Since the date of the arrangement to which we allude, impor tant events have happened, which render it certain that a considerable part of the circulating medium—all that based wholly •r mainly upon the bonds of the seceding States—must be discredited and thrown out. We referto the following; I. At the time of the arrangement, Ten nessee was still supposed to bo » member of the T so wedded to her pat lotie duties and material interests that she would not secede. Ihe anticipations •f her good conduct in this crisis have been disappointed. She has gone out; but not content with an act of seeession alone, she has joined her fortunes to the Confederate Btates, and thereby virtually dechued war upon the Federal Government, for which she has prepared by authorizing the arm ing and equipment of 5-5,000 men and Uio borrowing of $2,000,000 certainly, and ,000,000 contingently, for war purposes. Her bonds to the amount of near one mill ion seven hundred thousand dollars under lie the currency which is threatened; indeed they make up the bulk of the securities of the doubtful and soon' to be discredited notes. That, waging war upon the North in the way contemplated by the magnitude of her preparations, she will involve her self so ruinously and hopele sly in debt that her bonds will be almost, If not whol ly valueless, is as certain as that the levy ing of armies costs money. There remains the hope that the people will, in June next, disavow the treason of her legislators and compel her loyalty ; but that hope is so faint that it goes lor naught. Practically, then, Tennessee has seceded; and invaria bly secession is ruin and repudiation. IL Missouri has followed the bad example of Tennessee. Her Legislature did its ut most to force her out of the ■Union; but falling in that, succeeded by a series of acts cunningly devised, as if for that very purpose, in giving her credit a blow which even the vigorous proclama tions of Gen. Harney cannot ward off. She will pay no more interest. The fund pro vided for that purpose, and even the school fund, have been diverted to war prepara tions ; and her repudiation is just as cer tain as that the day of payment will come. Some few of our banks are bottomed in part upon her bonds. It Is needless to argue that these notes have but little in trinsic value; everybody knows that they are not convertible and that as the effect of the recent legislation becomes apparent, they will each succeeding day become mope and more worthless. Missouri credit, for years stale and doubtful, is now pros tra*£ Elsewhere in this paper, we print a list of the securities and the banks holding them, from winch a definite idea of values may be obtained. TIT. The bankers have not kept faith with the public. In their agreement they stipu lated to receive and pay out Illinois curren cy meaning aU Illinois currency then bankable. They have not done bo. They have received the good and the bad—that based on bonds of loyal and interest-pay ing Slates, as well as that bottomed on the credits of the disloyal and repudiating States—but they sorted their piles, stowed away all notes that approached par in val ue, sod paid to tldlb customers the worth less trash, and nothing else. The result has been that every day the currency has grown worse and worse; and exchange on Kew York has been ja=t as steadily appre ciating in price, until yesterday it rose to to the unprecedented figure of 85 per cent, premium! This bad faith is common to all of them; and in itself, affords complete and perfect justification for quashing the compact made with them by the business men. When the agree ment was signed, the bankers stipulated, that, they would sell exchange at 10 per cent., and that it should be further re duced as confidence was restored. We have not been able to learn that any con siderable number of hills have been nego tiated at the rate mentioned. On the con trary, the rates have, as the good currency •was sorted out of the poor, and the latter left in the channels of trade for the busi ness of the day, steadily advanced, and ths tendency is still upward. The banks at last have the money based on the tree Stales fi tocks and the people have the secession and until the latter is thrown out, we may not expect to see another dol lar that will buy a Mow York bill at any but a figure that is ruinous to all business. We have stated the reasons which justify a new deal, and a breaking up of the lato compact The banks have themselves to blame for the most potent of these. Had they treated the people with that fairness which has been extended to them, the crash might have been postponed. But wc sec no way now except to begin anew, and ge hack at once to a solid basis, making specie, not the measure of value; and from this day to receiva all bank notes—those of Illinois, Wisconsin and all other States— at their market value, and no more. That cours& —'he honest, direct and safe one—is the only way out of the difficulties in which the business of the city n involved. That that wm not be attended by serioosloes and great we do not pretend.— v all the evils, and as cash wsreeottmsndit. , . VOLUME XIV. "n n "r T ™ TKEM *«?"*■»■ LATER PROM CAIRO. Our dispatches announce that wil B. _ Aston, the great New York millionaire, j yjgj T qj PATRIOTIC TESNKSEEISS. and Sotox Draper, a leading stock i broker, called on the President, Secretary i of War, and General Soott, and urged them Arrival of fh© Chicago DfftgftflßL to accept fourteen regiment* of New York . rolunteers lor the war, who are organized, jmjSTEB ROM* OF THE TROOP. armed and equipped, and ready to thatch on a day’s notice lb Washington. These Ate in addition to the thirty regiments already accepted from the Empire Slate. The offer was promptly accepted, It is also stated that Gen. Don. Sickles' brigade of 5,000, weed in Baltimore, Phil adelphia, New York, Boston and Albany, has been tendered to the Government to fight fur the Republic during the war, and have been accepted. These troops are the Tammany Hull boys, and other hard-shell Democrats, of like antecedents, It is further elated that ifesers. Astor ami Draper exhorted the President and his Cabinet, in behalf of the capitalists, to prosecute the war with the utmost vigor, assuring them that the necessary funds would be advanced to the Government for that purpose. They were told that the GovernmcU''- intended to put forth its whole power to crush the secession hydra, and sate the Republic. lh« Carreucf SlMtias-Tli* Board of I'nde, A vsry full meeting of the Board of Trade, with a Urge number of eltlxena, was held at the Board of Trade Booms last evening, to adopt, if possible, seme uniform policy with regard to the emergency. A great number of propositions and short pithy speeches were made. The only conclusions reached were the passage of a resolution offered by his hencr Mayor Ramsey, to invite ten represen tatives to meet at the Board of Trade Rooms on Saturday evening from each of the follow ing interest*, vis: The eity banks, the country banks, the Beard of Trade, the Merchants* Association, the Railroads and the Lnmbcr Trade, to mature and recommend some uni form courts of action In regard to the curren cy. The committee on the part of the Beard are Messrs. Ramsey, Wolcott, Briggs, Fair banks, IloaghtelUng, Kent, Randolph, Wat ■on, M:Chesney and Cartiss. A resolution offered by Mr. Fairbanks, recommending that all advances heretofore made on produce should be settled In currency on the basis of the pries of N. Y. exchange on the day on which the money was paid, was also adopted. Another resolution, recommending that coin be adopted as the basis of future transactions. vcU4 03 lto &*si i'.m it wcsia (.reach upon the duties of the committee that had been previously appointed. The debate embraced a wide range, and the speakers were spirited, but it is impossible for us to make room for even a synopsis of the arguments. The feeling was very strong in f*vor of a coin bails. Nearly all seamed to think that the west had suffered enough from the currency mongers. Vnlon Sen la 9Hs«oari« Wabiaw, Hancock Co, Hi, May I#, 1861, Eds. Tribune: We have a good word from the Union men of Clark County, Mo.,whkh is across the river from here. Ten days ago the Secessionists s.cmedin many parts of the county to have the complete ascendency, and many Union men feared they would be compelled to leave. For their mutual protection, a few days ago the Unionists about St. Fraccisville determin ed to organize, but fearing that any pnblle demonstration in that direction would be put down by their enemies, they went to work forming secret Union clubs. In a few days the members of these clubs in the county amount ed to about 500, when, surprised at their own strength, they abandoned the secret organiza tions and boldly went to organizing military companies, with the open and avowed object of resisting any attempt to force than out of the Union. They have already two full com panics, and are forming a third. The effect of* this movement is very salutary—the Union men are now the loud talkers, and the Seces sionists are in most localities completely col lapsed. T. C. S. Letter From Camp Dement. Camp Dement, Dixon, May 16, 1861. Editor Chicago Tribune: This day has been one of as lively interest as we have had the pleasure of experiencing during our sojourn in Camp Dement, and city of Dixcn. A Convention of ths legal profess ion of the 2Cth Judicial District met at 2 o’clock p. 4L to-day, at the court house, and nominated Wm. W. Ueaton, Esq., as candidate for Circuit Judge of this District. After the adjournment of the Convention, tho profession attended the dress parade by invitation of Lieut Col. Park. They were escorted to the field by Company B, of Ster liag, ana Company C, of Amboy. The parade by An iu’l companies w s highly compll- Uk<4fikd by the distinguished gentlemen. tj C ha# her n web provided for by the c tv Prober, in equipment and the fr» ;; .lZ jy/.'Z'l of <l».e delicacies inviting <> wc k Li-cote. TLc ladles of Dixon and. SLerbr? in the** kindly ministrations are caaaiwtttfctc of their generous hearts. Tba Comissary Department is under the di rect tupervisioa of A- W. Pitts, the popular aid efficient proprietor of the NachusaHouae, who catered for nearly the whole regiment on ths day of t-eir arrival, and has, wc are in formed, cared well for their wants since that time la his department. Characteristic of the liberality of the peo ple of fM* section of our Stale, the Supervi sors of Lee county, in session yesterday, mad© an appropriation of $6,000 for the benefit of the Companies from Amboy and Dixon. Surgeon Plumber re t oris the health in the camp good—there being only four eick, and thev doing welL Capt. Cole, cf tho Morrison volunteers, who no doubt U well known to many of the citizens of Chicago, being the lint to offer a company to tho Government at the com mencement of our troubles with Mexico, has a fine company, but are net well provided for. Cap* McNeil, of thoßoek Iziand company, is one cf the old settlers of western Illinois, and is closely related to Gen. John McNeil, who fought as CoL under Gen. Scott at the batthe of Lundy’s Lone, and we feel assured Hut he will receive the first charge In battle with, as much firmness as did his cousin in the battle just mentioned, should bis position plnee him under tha necessity. C±pt. Blanchard, cne ol tho oldest men in command of a company, is every way well salted to the position he holds, and manifests a good deni of tact and energy in drilling his company, which will without doubt render a good tccount of themselves if an opportuni ty shall offer. Capt. Partridge, of the company from Sand wich, we feel warranted in saying, is' well wor thy the position he holds, and is in command of tho second company irom that portion of the District, and we regrst to say that his com pany has not been as well provided for by the wealthy citizens of the section he represents as the brave and patriotic hearts that come forth to defend our country from the hands of traitors and rebels do deserve. Bov. J. Christian Miller, of Amboy, has as signed to him the position of Chaplain, and is a man well calculated to provide for the spirit ual wants of the regiment. H- T. Porter, serving as well known to. many of the citizens of Chicago, from his former connection with the firm or Loomis & Ludington, lumber dealers, is des tined to rise to higher distinction in the mil itary arena, if we may judge from his appear ance on parade. Lieut B. F. Parks, in command, manifests a military skill and ability seldom equalled by military men of much greater experience, as we find his camp working under good army discipline, and wc congratulate CoL J. B. Wyman in having so efficient a man as h;e first assistant; and last, bnt not least, we think that the regiment have studied well their interests, in ail points of view, in sslect ing CoL J. B. Wyman to guide their move ments on the parade ground, and on the field of battle, should theybe called to active eer vies, as he no doubt £s one of the first military men of the western country. Long may he live in support of the cause ot our common country. Truly yours, T. k HYDE. From Fortress Rebels JSa* klas 2:40 Tim*. The transfer of Qea, Bailer to Fort Mon roe and sanding there largo quantities of am munition Is believed to Indicate important movements. Advices from Fortress Monroe state that on Monday a hand of Secessionists of Hampton sent a deputation to GoL Dim demanding the sole possession of the road leading ecrois the dike, which has been lately under guard. Dimmlek’s reply was that he would give the rebels just ten min utes to disperse. Two eempauiee of Massa chusetts troops were ordered Northward, and cannon wore placed to a* to sweep the entire dUUaee. The Colonel, with a watch in hand, waited for the expiration of the time,, whtt net a rebel was to he eeeu. Two hun dred Massachusetts troops then book posse* sloe of thrsfc»*od Meg* [Special Correspondence of the Tribune.] CAHF DeELANCTS, Oil 80, ) Wednesday, Hay 15ih. [ The sensation of today Is decidedly the vis it of a party of twenty-live gentlemen, all Un ion men, from Tennessee, who made an excur sion to this eity by the river, taking boat at dresden. They were headed by the gallant and loyal HonEtnerson Etheridge. Their pur pose is to see the camp here and test its feel ing, to carry back a report to the noble Union men of Teane&sc. They come from a State where just now Rebellion is rampant, but where, niV erihelccs, a ban£ of loyal hearted men men arc pulling lorth gig*ntlo exertions to roll back tha tide of treason, and save old Tenneiree from dishonor. They speak cheer imly, too, of the tjro»Dect._bUt are not blind to tue dangers that threaten. A few nights since, Mr. Etheridge went to Memphis to fill an appointment to make an Union speech. About forty of hU friends, however, knowing the mad frensy of the comunity, induced him to relinquish his de sign, and they gave him llieir liriaed presence as a haiy gUard until he was safely out qf Memphis. This is all that gavtd himfrciii outrage If not from death. A day or two later, on his way to speak at Pans, ky , he narrowly reaped falling into the hands of 400 furious secessionists, thirst ing for bis life. These distinguished Tennes seans were appropriately received with mark ed courtesy by CoL Oglesby, in temporary command of this post. From Mr. E heridge I learn that Andy Johnson, T. A R. Nelson, Maynard, and oth ers, are bravely and devotedly canvassing lor Union. He says Bell is misunderstood, and that he Is doing good service for the Union cause. These brave and loyal men, in the lace of these difficultly, claim to be able to see light ahead, and that old Tennessee will, by the voice of herpeople, again take her place in the ranks of the loyal States. Mr. Ethe ridge and his party were the liens of Cairo to-day. CAPT. BARKER’S DRAGOONS. Tbs Chicago Dragoons, Capt. Chariot W. Barker, reached hare from Camp Tate* last night. Their horses, purchased in Chicago, had preceded them. They will be splendidly mounted and fully equiped at once. Their arms are a Sabre, Saarpe’s Carbine and Celt’s Revolvers. They will be of great service hero as mounted patrols, rendered necessary by the long extent of levee to be protected Tne following names constitute Company A, selected from the original 170 men of Capt. Barker’s company of Chicago dragoons, the law not allowing bat 100 men. Of the balance of the original enrollment, some have returned heme, while quite a number haye enlisted in other comhaaia* i vAattait—uuries w. uawf. liivTßNxxTß—let, Ed. Oiband; M, Ed. Webber. FBIVATSt. H P Bnshfori B Borttle S F Woodin CII Chapin B G Webiter. G W Spears C B Thronp J*6 Anderson Thos W tinrlbert W u iiodiii Win Bennett Fred Guiller E J Ooolelgh N B Marshall CII HufehiDgs E 0 King 8 P Chitnuion George Higgins W W Th'impion W E Leach J W Hile H G Greenfleld John Pcrmell Wm McCauelandJ Conroe O II Sitt* C F Vasa C E Wadeworth E il Main James A Strong David C Brown E Moore 11 Donne!’/ P It Winter O F Warner N J Aivcn E R Ditls B Ucach QSPIMoa I) Wollaher AH Milner E A Jo.-ija J J DvLacy F 8 Spicer AD Bm iugton David Phillip* H M Stall T W Grosvenor I) W Clark . G A Waiters J W Go i Martin Gardiner J P Page J Slade J W KeUey W J Steels HvV Gardiner J M Bruner A P Moors B’iti Gjuld John II Haight TWWard M Stewart G A Forsyth Lewis Rucker E L Bain J M Beardsley 11 C Cady 6 L Barnwell Geo P Rneaeil \V II Towns B C Bradley Theodors Reese EAI Raymonth II L Bigelow L Gould E F Brown P L Wyckjff C G Haddock J M Foster A Cslllus B 8 Wing O H Silver Q F Hodges MII iog A Lambert Jatne-- Sherlock F P Clifton D Busker 0 XI Adams G W Edgerton Many gallant fellows were of necessity out off oy this cutting down, but the array rule U unbending, aud “ the best of friend* must p*r\ M • The steamer J. H; Dickey, from Bt. Louis, loaded down ro the guards with hog ana hom iny for Columbus, was stopped here to-day. Yours, r. THE AMERICAN CBISIB IN FRANCE How tharnews was Received—Char* ae eristics of American Telegraph* lug* [Correspondence of the New York Times.] Pams, Friday. April », I*6l. For four foil days the European public hare had before them tbs two columns of ex traordinary dispatches which the Charaeton people sent north during the bombardment sad fall of Fort Sumter ; and these dispatches being the. only history of that event that wc have received or can receive before the ar rival ©f another steamer, you may judge some what of the singular effect they produced here. A dozen glowing dispatches each terminating: “it ;s impossible to describe the grandeur of the scene” or, “For Jlfly mile* around the scene is boe of indescribable grandeu I” with high wrought pictures of crumbling fortlfio lions, exploding magazines, burning bouses, heavens obscured with tbs smoke of bursting shell?, &c., was enough to preoare the mind for tie ultimate Mil of mortality known to military annals. But we are assured by Mr. Miles, who has just returned from the cap trued iort,” that not a life was lost on either side ! The European wipes his glasses, and looks back again at the paper with amazement to assure hum elf that he is not mistaken; bat tho assertion is repeated over and over again, and he very naturally exclaims : Those wonderful Yankees! they have invented a way of taking forte without hurting any body !” The Fall of Sebastopol was announc ed in three lines, without one word on the grandeur of the scene, much less cn the ex tent of country over which the scene was fraud. The battle of Solfeiino was announced i six lines, and without one word of fanfar ronadty and y*t fifty thousand men “ oil the dust” in the short space of sixteen hours.— And while this great massacre was going on, instead of “windows, house tops and church steeples crowded with well dressed ladies and gentlemen, watching the scene through their glasses with deep emotion,” the farmers were quietly cultivating their field* within hearing of the musketry, and the housewife went on with her daily occupations, as if the artificial earthquake on the neighboring farms was a thing of every day occurrence. To a European, then, who knew nothing of the animus of the fight, who knew nothing of the diplomacy which lay hid behind this ap parent: fary of arms, the two columns of tele graphic bombast must have appeared to the last degree ridiculous. In London a word was invented on Friday, on’Change forthls event, which has had great success also at Paris. It was called a very rivil tear. News of the Rebellion* Wxiulkstok, Tuesday, May 14. Thera it some anxiety relative to the officers who were lately captured by the rebels in Texas, and discharged on thoir parole of honor not to serve against the Confederate States. The Government will bold that they owe service to the United States, and will probably require them to take the oath of allegiance. In order, however, to relieve them from the embarrassment of thtir petition, the officer* will be ordered on duty at posts which will not require them to come in direct contact with the rebel forces. Gen. Butler has complete military possess* ion-of Baltimore, and declared martial law. The Massachusetts SlxJh had the boner of leading the advance from the Relay Honse, and to be the first to enter the city. This was the Regiment that the mob fired upon on the 19ih of April. They were mostly unarmed then; yesterday they returned with arms, and the wUI to nee them if occasion required. Tna mob, however, was prudent, manifesting their valor by their discretion. The Government will ss rapidly as possible remove the troops now quartered in the pub* lie buildings to encampments, within reach of tbs Departments, and where they will be sig nalled, if required. The plan of these en campments eontemplates the environment of the city, in a circuit of about six to eight miles. There is a necessity for the immediate removal of the troops from the public build ings, in order to prepare for the aeeemblirg of i Congress on the 4th of July. For, Jeff- Davis ; to the contrary, the Government still adheres i to its purpose of holding the session of the legislative branch at the capital of the nation. The Massachusetts Fifth Regiment are ex pecting P-arching orders during the present week. They have bacn out skirmishing all day. As they passed through the streets they made a very fine appearance, and were londly cheered. They went out of the city four or five miles, and practiced at skirmishing nearly all the afternoon. The practice wae witnessed by several Army officers. _ . There is no probability that the Great East ern will be purchased by the Government. It is hardly probable that she will be chartered. She is not fitted for any servlet tilt Gov em inent now ha* in hand. Tli« Bemalss of Wublnitoaj WasHnrtTOw, May 16.— None of the man* fare of the Hu Vernon Society, residing here, ave any knowledge: of the reported .'removal ef the remains or Washington, beyond what has been published in the newspapers. They reasonably presume that if the facta were aa reported, those in charge of that place would before this have informed them. From representations made to the Depart ment, it is probable that nearly ell If not the entire river mall service will be officially dis eoutlnued in the sours# of * few in the SeKMlefi Sfet*. THE Will. 3Tr»m "WasUington. FROM SPRINGFIELD. Col, Anderson and Maj. Breckinridge. ISBEST 07 A EEBEL COMSIISSIOSEE. Colonel Andsnon la Cincinnati. VANDALISM AX HittPEHiSrEnKT R. P, BVTL3U A 2UJOB-QS2TSRAL. Fast Time by a Hebei Delegation* THE CRISIS APPROACHING, From Washington. (gpetial Bispaieh to the Chicago Tribune.] May 18,1891. I had a long conversation with a distin guished member of the Administration late last evening. lie expressed the hops that the North would receive the acceptance fcf four teen additions! New York regiments, as an earnest of the intention of the Government to re-establish its authority in all parts of the country; iud mb to assure your readers thit not only would the 6otcrhinent vigorously endeavor to repossess property, such os custom houses, naty yaru£, arsenals and forts, in Virginia as well as other seceded States; but secure to Union men every where the full- qf all their rights as American eitixsns! I asked him distinctly whether and when aggressive movements in Virginia were intended, and ho replied that the Government will assert its authority in Virginia as soon as Gen. Scott is ready. I can state authentically that Senator Chase is determined to have the prohibition of Southern shipments rigl'dly enforced. Ar rangements are now making to place armed guard boats at the disposal of the collectors in western river cities. A deputation of Union men from Louis* “viUe visited Mr. Chase to express satisfaction with stoppage of supplies t* rebels. A committee of New Yorkers headed by William B. Astor, assured the Government yesterday that money shall not be wanting until the rebellion is suppressed. Mr. Chase has been urged to issue Treasury Notes for the fourteen million loan, and will probably do so should not the whole be taken lu bonds at the old rate, of which there are strong probabilities. The last iurop«: «? Tic “ produced somS apprehension of complications with England, in consequence of blockade, among promi nent Republicans. The Government, how ever, appreheeda no difficulty, but the hearty sympathy of the whole English people, as soon as the unanimity and determination of the North to preserve the integrity of the Union are known. Dan. Sickles is here to prepare the way for his Brigade. The report that Gen. Butler has been euper seded la command of Baltimore, for trans greasing his authority is untrue. The Gov ernment approves his every act; he will be assigned to an important command. It is now understood that fifteen thousand troops will be concentrated about Fort Mon roe. Gen. Wool will probably command them. Butler is appointed Major-General Offensive operations will probably commence simultaneously with demonstrations on Har per’s Ferry and Richmond. Important from Springfield. [Special Despatch to the Chicago Tribune.] SrntvenxLD, Miy, IC. Several ofileers of the United States army arrived to-day, and others are expected to morrow. Capt. James H. Stakes, (late of the Illinois Central Railroad,) Chief of the Com mission to purchase half a million dollar* worth ot arm* for this State, arrived to-day from Washington. The sixteenth section of th* act creating the Commission, jpoyides that the Commissioners shall publiAan ad vertisement for twenty day*, in eomenewipa per in each of the cities of Now York, Boston, Philadelphia, Hartford, Cincinnati, Springfield and Chicago, inviting sealed proposals con forming to the provisions of the law, and shall let the contract to the lowest and most responsible bidder, subject to the tests of effi ciency adopted by the United States. Col John M. Palmer of the sixth Congres sional district regiment, tad Col. Thoa. J. Tur ner of tbe first Congresional district regiment, ars expected here in a few days. Both gentle men distinguished themselves at the peace conference at Washington, and their future military career is the subject of much inter est. It it believed that the Secessionists are con centrating in foree at Jefferson City. Union acid Free State men are fleeing for their lives, and pouring over Into Illinois. The story of their wrongs is raising the war spirit of the border inhabitants in Illinois, to the highest pitch. The condition of affairs is no doubt engaging the attention of th • Government, ai td the prospect every day grows stronger tl lat the theatre of war will be transferred from tlie East to the West. Important from st. Louis. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Spbinqxibld, Hay 16. In St. Louis, to-day, a detachment ol United Slates troops, under direction cf Gen. Harney, took quiet possession of Camp Spring, Hyde Ifark, and the heights near the reservoir.,. Latest from Cairo. [Spatial Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Cairo, 111., May 16. Gen. Prentiss returned from Springfield to* dl.y. He has appointed S. D. Baldwin, In spector ; J. D. Webster, Chief of Engineer!; Tfaomas Sim, Surgeon, and Wm. Hemstreet, A : <l o:her members of tha Brigade staff are to be announced to-morrow. .Emerson Etheridge and a party of Texmes* se«i Unionist*, paid a flying visit here on Wednesday afternoon, returning the same evening. He witnessed the evening parade and remarked about the flue appearance of the troops. He was hopeful for the cause in Ten nessee. Barker's dragoons have damped between Smith’s artillery and the river, three mile* up the Mississippi levee. Omp Barker will be fully completed and the dragoons supplied with their saddles by Saturday. A flag made of fustian, which wa* part of the confiscated freight of the steamer Hill man, was raised at Camp Smith this afternoon. Speeches were made by Dr. Davis of Paris, Ky, Major Baldwin and Lieutenant Willard of the artillery. The latter waa very happy in his remarks and promised to plant the banner in Memphis, or file in the attempt, which was enthusiastic*!]*/ received. A German showing the marks of southern lashes, cnlis 4 <ed today in Capt Michalotzy’s Rifles. Steamer f Denmark, from St Louis for Louis ville, loade dto guards with pork, corn, and provisions, passed around this noon and though ej Bongly suspected of intent to take a shorter cut south via Cumberland river, there;w a* no warrant for detaining hsr. Com ipaaies from Perry, Franklin and Wafer came down to the Ninth District Cair*p at Anna to-day; and at least six feom- I» T iies ware present Great demonstrations of loyalty at Tamaroa, Carboadale, Joneeboro, ond other stations on the line. Egypt is now for the Union. The officers hers arc preparing a ball in honor of General Prentiss, and expect the present® of Got. Tate* and staff, besides other distinguished persons. Including some frem down the rirer. The Temh or W*sMn*ton. «. lf *r- T< 2“' “V 16 ~ A prt«t» letter, frond tne wise or . leading politician of tha Coafatfl .rate Government, to a friend in this as follows : “ Northerners need have no ex pectation tu regard to the bones of Washin*- ton. Ws wlUssa that they are not deeeeratlk by ths tooth of Abolition Thiv are our saored inheritance.” J From Fortress BE^nroe« New Tons, May 16 —The, propeller Bow* man of Xroy, Copt. Claris, arrived here this morning. She left Fortress Monroe on Wed* nesday afternoon, and brings the remainder of (ho women and children £on4hO;totr«M. - CHICAGO, FRIDAY, MAY 17, 1861 From liil Seat of War. ] From St. Loiili Wxbudjotos, May 16.— ' XheSkcretary of the I Bt. Louis, May 10. — Tts-imony in tie cede Treasury epecilicaity explains-what is meant | oi the Walnut street tragedy Saturday even by the words “other'sQppUee’Ua the enumor- j log, closed yestericy, and the following verdict ation of articles contraband otwar, contained 1 rendered: That six of the persons shot on in the circular of the 3d of May, -addressed to Walnut street Were killed by *mu?ket balls dis collectors and other officers ofc the Customs, charged by volunteer U. S eoldkrr, under the They mean mercury in all Us compound*, command of officers ucknoWn to the jury— chloride of potash, and pearlash, bigging, that two of the persons shot were killed by ropes and nitric add. The named could pistol shots fired by petaom unknown to the be used for the manufactiirwof gun cotton, jury. Tho Department will all In its power to A dispatch from Staubzrt to the Democrat exemp; loyal citissn* of the insurrectionary save Dr. Lel*ncr, residingia Liberty township. States from the operation of tS$ circular, and near Osage Bridge, has arrested and sent therefore it has suspended it 80 far as Western to JdTewoa City for trial by martial law, for Virginia Pi concerned, and of this due notice raising a company of Union volunteers, will ba officially given. About 2003ta?e troops a*; St Joseph, mostly Nrwfd’ie Mir 19 The Btrald'* special «med with guns recently taken from the *rumor * &P**fA «i the 18th. ?hV thoi T&ntuckiaaa lit Hamer’s Enlisting at the arsenal continues active, 4 ' , sv'T l l ed - y s R la , Late of mutiny, and haTOltclarad lor th. : *» nuderatood tUK Hyda Park, m the uothem Uaira, and are ibeut learlog for homo. , port of the ciiv, tea been 1.-ased by the Gov- There 1» trouble there and deration. are su- ! emm , re = UEa -‘ 01 tro °P* wm ba mcrous. Tha Jltraid's Chambereburg (Pa.) ccr- ; quartered there. respondent states that an attempt was made last night to blow up the bridge on the Bilti merr© and Ohio railroad, jaqLhbelow Point of Hocks, which failed. *ljgßKfa Y. Times Special Wa*hla|Hpwr., Slay 15.] Secretary Cameron baa tendered to Simeon 15TiD A r a Colonelcy of a new regiment of dro gions. Mr. D. hoida the proposition open for future consideration. ‘ , , . It Is understood that the rebel State* have made proflkre of the purchase of English and oruer European vesstli, but our government has notlhid the diplomatic corps tini no su-'U purchase will ba reepeeted, no matter What the flag that covers them. The language us ; d on this occasion was unequivocal and de cided. It has also notified the diplomatic corps if any commissioners from the rebel Stav s ba received by any European power, this government wiU not hesitate an instant to br-ak off all diplomatic relatiooa with sack c W. o din* power, and not only recall the Min isters oft*® Halted States, but dismiss from " 1 °f “* d power. It waTremarted that tuC entire (UpiomlJ?‘““l Wia present at the military soiree of the Becre lary of State, last night. The Timet correspondent sayg all works up on the Capitol were suspended to-day, by or der of the CanamUsiouer of Public Buildings. A messenger wot sent to the commander of the Ihitnee, now off Alexandria, with guns pointed upon the town, and it Isjanderstood th* Secession flrg, now floating over that city, will soon oome down. A schooner was seised to-day, at Baltimore, having oa board two boxes Minle rifles and three boxes ammunition, and also detected soma of the Baltimore police taking boxes of Mlnie musket* from a warehouse, with the evident purpose cf secreting them from th* Government. The arms were seized and ta ken into camp on Federal HUI. Conclnsive evidence was formed beyond doubt of the complicity cf the police of Baltimore with the rebels, Washington, May 16.—'The President has promoted Brig. Gen: Butler to be henceforth ‘ a Msjor Gsnsral of the United Slates Army.— | The most significant oner yet made, to. the I Government is just received from Scotland. Certain prominent Scotch merchants, doing business in this country, arc responsible for a tender of ten regiments, unequipped, but 1 well built, hardy, activd men, who are now i earning eleven dollars-a month aboVe their living, and who are ready and willing to entof tha service of the U. 8. for the war, be it long or short C" that at the expiration of th 6 -rar,* Government will grant them ench a b °The'j°eht3 belonging to prlT? 4 ® individual. ! have to day been formally aceepten lua Government, and detailed for service by the ■ Treasury D.-partment. Their owners, James G. Bennett, Jr., of New York, and T. P. Ives* n- p- ” nee, R. I , have been commis sioned 08 Lieute .ante in the Revenue service, u.w -..a a .-a to their respective vcseels as L-.‘*.u’dna-iU Commanding. Nbt»* York, May 16.— The Herald's Wash- ; in <r ton correspondent states that ms the 17th ult, the War Department Issued ah order di rec r ing the commander of Fort Smith, Ark,, Forts Cobb, Gibson and Washita to evacuate, aud repair with troops and Government pro perly to Fort Leavenworth and authorizing the occupation of these posts by Arkansas volunteers, called out by the first proclamation* of the President. This explains the abandon ment of Fort Smith by its federal garrison some time since. The Government to day received advices from the squadron off Fort Pickens. No change, up to the last date, of the military status. The squadron, in accordance with in structions, haa pat a stop Co the landing of vessels from Monile and New Orleans, with supplies for the rebel army, being a complete blockade. It appears the rebel troops have been almost wholly supplied with provisions from these two ports. The stoppage of these supplies at this time will, it is tnonght, oper ate most disastrously to the troops, as they were but poorly supplied before. From the Seat of War* Harbisburou, Ma> 16—It is now reported that CoL Anderson merely told Gjv. Curtin as a report, not ae a ract, that John C. Breck inridge was to take a federal command under him. Ev Gov. Geary is spoken of as a Brig. Geo. of PennAyltauia. Seventy-five members of the House, beaded by the Speaker, have ten dered their services to the Government [Post's Special Despatch, May 16,] The Government will receive troops as fast as they can be advantageously used. Ex-ra Billy Smith arrived here and visited the War Department to day. He was in excel lent spirits, and says Virginia is aroused and arming to fight, but the sight of the vast pre parations here evidently oppress him. The freight mail from N. York via Baltimore which has not left here since April Gth, was made np to-dsy. Mr. Ciephaae entered on his duties as our Portmutcr in Washington to-day. A special to the Commaviai says Gen. Butler has received orders to take command of an Important expedition. It U believed here that Virginia 'secession ists have erected batteries at Aquia Creek, to prevent an approach to Richmond. Certain develop-nents indicate that Govern ment will make a decisive demonstration la a short time. Important From Baltimore* Baltimore, Tuesday, May 1-t —Gen. Butler’s coupd' etat is uot so much relished by some people in Baltimore, of coarse, sa it would be, but for the unfortunate circumstance that, os enrred to the Sixth Massachusetts Regi ment. There is no expression today, even, that any person eonld take exception to. I never saw Baltimore more quiet or peaceably in clined. Gen. Butler's proclamation was scattered in extras from the Clipper office by ths thousands. Everybody on the streets a&d In the Note's seemed to hare Ik It has been the subject of discussion ever since it was issued. The as* surauce contained in it that the troops were not in their midst to interrupt the business of the city, but to protect the people, preserve the peace and sustain the law?, seems to give geacal satisfaction. Shortly after its contents became kroirn, Gsa. Butler, accompanied by Colonels Ctemenoe and Parker, and three offi cers dstalled from # Msjor Cooke’s battery, all mounted, appeared in the streets, proceeding to the Gilmore House, where the General and staff dined. Before the General had finished hU dinner, a company detailed from the Sixth Massachusetts regiment, under command of C-ipL Follansbeo, appeared in front of the ho tel* !o escort Gan. Butler and staff back to his quarters. The people flocked in to see the distinguished military strangers, and looked on with respect, *occe smlllnjgjgolhfrs looked gram, bnl othfr:|froqumtlyf|Blbrteg they passed. At about twilight, two trains of wagons proceeded, under escort of the polies sm Gen. Batter’s mllitarr, from tt e city to : he latter’s head quarters onFed:ralH»ll,eeiitaiDg arms that had been seized bv Gen. Butler’s for ces. One train numbered udfefcfeone wagons, aud the other six wagons. Wp It is rumored that Virginia troops were encamped in .the rear of Arlington Heights, two miles from "Washington. Rumor not credited, - although all troops are ordered to sleep on their arms, with artillery on the alert, with double shotted guns. There was auothej attempt at riot on Pratt street, Baltimore, on the occasion of the passage of the Doylstown Guards, with the Rlngold battery, but the fret being known that every man had a loaded rifle, deterred any serious movements. Baltimore, May 16.-— The’ New York and Massachusetts troopa withdrew from Federal Hill this morning, taking half of their battery with them, and returned to the Relay House. There is another report of the removal of the remains of Washington, which says that it is done ou the ground that the North was about to do the same. Col. And TSaJ* Breeklart^* Philadelphia, May 10.—It seems that Lt. TUden, Aid de-Camp to Gen. McClellan, of the Ohio troops, accompanied the train on which Col. Anderson was passenger to Harrishnrgh, and when akMiddleton he received a letter from a friend is Kentucky, desiring him to In* form CoL A. that Mr. Breckinridge would meet him at Cincinnati to to take command under him to assist in organizing the Federal troops in Kentucky, CoL Anderson read the intelligence with warmth, as Mr. Breckinridge was an old personal friend; bat it Is said he remarked tint the sews was almost too good to be true. The fact of CoL Anderson's men tioning; the circumstance ts Got. Curtin, how erer, came from an unmistakable Bourse. The Tutdalf at WoA. [Special Bispfttch to th« K«w Tork Herald.] Whbblxbo, May 16.—Pastengers who hare returned hare tms morning, who attempted to reach Baltimore by the Butimore and Ohio Siilro&d, report that two culverts on the road hear Supers Perry hare been blown op, and the trains .removed. A number of secession* Ist* have arrived from below, and report the temporary detention of a party of Vugio lane, ; Including Jodgsßaoekenßrough, amember of the Montgomery Congress,. at Chdhapolis. Ohio. - Appointment. ;;i - WiSBPCRQVturv Jtfay Id—’Wm.'Qi Coffin, of: Indiana, has beep appointed to the Southern Baperintsndsncy of Indian Aflhtrs, tn plane of Rector, yrhahas left for the Wsst with Impoc tentisßtrnetiotolernvorsldßdtan (rife* Thl«r»Twfl_ FamUtfs Vriyes out of Northern ffllssoarl. St. Louis, M:ty 15. The Keokuk (Iowa) Oats City of the 13:h,has the lollowing; ‘On Saturday last soma six families arrived in this place, having fl.d from near iltmphia, Mo. They report that some 33 families la all have left'th&t teighboraood within the last two weeks, and are now seeking places between here and Farmington. They are compelled to leave with each property, etock, eta, as they could bring with them, mo-t of them leaving growing crops in the ground. Our lufoimant said that he and some of his neighbors were warned to leave by secessionists, who were armed to the teeth, while he and his friends had no arms at all. “ The sis families here were seeking houses for shelter, and we were glad to see that our citizens were disposed to aid and assist them all in their power.” ailmluippl Hirer War Kewa« Louisville, May 16.—A letter whichsve find *q a Naahv. : lle paper, confirms the statement recently iZ“* a cutting the levees on the riyer below. - It is Mist., May 5, and says: ; “Weare ail in trouble here. The enemy I haa made attack on our levee above this place. I Tnree of the Black Republican ra-cala have i been sank in the river, and others have been : shot at. More of them will meet the game | fate. The levee is lined with armtd men night and day.” I The Memphis Avalanche of Saturday has the following item: “The Dose Douglas arrived from Arkansas river yesterday with a large : detachment of Arkansas troops for Mound j City.” From the Southern Confederacy* Montgomery, Ala., May 16.—Smith, of Ala* bima, introduced a resolution in Congress in reference to establishing a district court in Virginia. Keitt, of South Carolina, introduced a b 11 for the protection of Indian tribes south of Kansas. Augusta, May 15.—We learn on authority that the Southern stockholders of Adams’s Express have purchased all the property, privileges and interests ol the Compaoy in the Southern Confederacy, and a new company will oe organized in a few days, and continue the business without interruption. Col. Anderson la Cincinnati. Cincinnati, May 16 —Col. Anderson arrived this afternoon, and was met at the depot by a committee of the City Council, Mayor Hatch tendered to him the hospirahty of ihe city, to which CoL Anderson replied briefly. was then eecortett through the principal streets by Ci? Home Guards end an immense throng of citizens geZ“r a( l. v - Everywhere along the line of march most hesrij expres sion* of welcome were given. At Camp Den nison the soldiers were drawn up in line, pre senting arms as the train passed. Co*. Ander son is the guest of his brother, Lorz Ander son. Afreet of a Rebel Commissions?* New Yore, May 16. —Gustave Hollaid, who was dispatched by the Montgonu-ry rtbtls to Europe io make arrangements for a recogni tion oflhs Southern Confederacy, was arrested here on his arrival in the Arago Irom Eng land, and was discharged after an examma ion of his dispatches, which were retarded to him, they bamg such as wal be productive of little aid or comfort to the rebels. A B-bel Story Denied. Nbw Orleans, May 16.—The r-port that a eomuuasioacf iud been sent from Havana to Montgomery L denied. The FostmasSsr-Gtneral at Montgomery gives notice by proclamation that he will be ready to commence the mail service on the Ist cf June. Plan to Float an Army Down (be ItliMUaeippit New York, May 16.—The JWa dispatek says Congressman Ashley, of Ohio, propose* a plan to float an army down the Mississippi river, to take New Orleans. The World's dispatch eaya It is believed 10,000 Pennsylvanians are moving towards Maryland. naauehiiMUi. Bostox, May 16—The Legislature paflfed bills appropnatlog three millions for State military, and seven millions as a Government loan. For Pensacola* Nbw York, May 16.—The steamers Cheea fsake and sail this afternoon for ensacola and Key West. The boat Mount Vernon accompanies as convoy. Military Appointment, Wasniaoiox, May 10.—Dr. Wallace of Dll* ncis has been appointed a Paymaster in the army. Fatal Accident. Hekbt. (III.) May 16.—A man named Kelly was instantly kUled here this morning, by a wagon heavily loaded with wood passing over his body. Anticipated Difficulties In Louisville. Louisville, May 16. —Street rumor* say that there is likely to be difficulty here be tween the opposing parties on the advent of Col Anderson. Amit of Bom Wlnani by Federal Officers, BirmroitS, Tuesday, Mat 14.—When the train containing mas; members of the Legis lature from Frederick reached the Relay House this erasing, Ross Winans was arrested h; Federal officer?. And retained. The train came on without him. Got. Hicks was in the c»r3, and with others endeavored to hare Mr. Wiuana released om security; hut that was re* tused, and he was placed under a guard with the assurance that he should be well taken care of. Lust night, after midnight, the ears, son t&ining a considerable body of troopc, came up to Frederick from the Junction, and after reeoanoiiering awhile returned, as is supposed, to camp. To-day, I learn through a reliable source, that quarters were ordered to be pro- i Tided at tho Relay House for 600 troops from I Chambersbnrg. | The arms seised to-day by the Goyernment , at a warehouse on Gay street, comprised 2,200 - muskets and 4 000 pikes. The latter were mauufiaetured by Ross Winans for the elty. A. Tery large and cnthueinstic Union meet ing was held to-night in the extern section of the city, and it is estimated that 7,000 persons were present-. The meeting was addressed by Henry May, Hon. Win. Price and others. The Maryland Gnsrda stripped their armory daring last sight of all the arms contained there iii; sqme 600 Minie muskets hive been secreted in come unknown place. It is un derstood that the aims were furnished by the Government over and above the regular quota ; of the State, and therefore all the property of ■ the Government. I Wisconsin lezialsture. Midisoh, May 15. —The Wisconsin Leedala- I lure convened in extra session to-day. Gov. Randall delivered his message this afternoon. It refers to the difficulty encountered in this S-ate as well as elsewhere, in preparing troops for active service, aul points out the defects in Gristing laws. He urges that au outlet must bolonnd for the spirit abroad among the people to give efficient aid to the Federal . Government in patting down the strange and inexcusable rebellion; to sustain the Union ; men in border States; to control the naviga- . tlon of the Mississippi river, and protect our scdl from. Invasion. The Northwest needs a military head under the Federal control, and should out, arm and equip large bodies of men. . Though Wisconsin was called upon to fur nish but one regiment, five had been offered within ten days atter the coll of the President. Fight are now ready. In the absence of in formation from the Government as to what will be required of the State, it is recommen ded that six regiments, in addition to the one • aiyllxaw 1W and 07 Lake street. now awaiting orders, be put into camp, armed ■ : and equipped by the State, also that six rifled cannon be purchased in addition to the small arms, and that one million dollar* be appro priated President Lincoln and «•»•*« Pone las. _ j [Special Dispatch to the N. _ - , WasHEfCTON Mar 15. Haying acen it ,tat«ftSt^e»ator T D»aeU» had receirea ml appointment of Brigadier General, I asked tje trident If It was ao. He that he had not thought of tendering it tehAnL Ho also said that If general! were to bo*£ pointad from civil lift, he imagined tht re ■were many who would be inferior to DongU a in that poaitacn—that Senator Donelaa wsj thy* flirt to tS him of aafielpated fronble In Mary land, to point out the proper route. Tie Perry. Ttlle and Annapolis, and. suggested that. Port Monroe and Feint Comfort were the points that commanded the,whole of that section of the country. Mr. Lincoln referred with pleas ure to thfe feet that Mr. earUer-lhan efiy. ealled upon him, enouncing Ids deteiv I mfirtton -t* rtsad hy him,and approving o& ■ .MS* Amtralsaes Wagons for ths Avery humane movement is on foot In this olty to procure ambulance wagons for the conveyance of the wounded. The following la the description of one being built in Boston, for a portion of the Massachusetts troops: Its cost will be about SOOS. The rear part Is to have two decks, with three windows to a deck ou each side. It will be capable of car rying two or three persons in prostrate form ou each deck. Tha next partition will carry three or four In a fitting posture. The front is to hare a seat for the conveyance of three or lour persons, and a place beneath is fitted for carrying a barrel of water, a medicine cheat, surgical Instruments, Ac. The wagon is to be drawn by fdtir or six horses with out-ridersr and the top is made to raise four inches fo l the purpose of ventUliatlos. The London Timet of the Ist Inst., In its news from this country by the America Just at band, states that “ An offer is reported to have been made to the Treasury Department at Montgomery to take the whole loan of the Confederate States, fifteen millions, at par, by parties in New Orleans." What would not Jeff Davis give to have this report verified? We are confident that lees than Five Millions have been paid on account of that loan—that this amount was taken like physic—and that the owners of the bonds womd be very glad to sell them to-day at twenty five per cent, discount, and couldn’t do it at fifty. Farm for sale.—wm b# sold on Seasonable Tenor; A WELL IMPROVED FAHM, Sitna tel lo Cook County. n 3 ar a Sailrsad Station, abo txorty mlno.ea ride from the City o2 Chicago, •oaaUtlcg if ORE HORDRED AID ORE ASMS OF PRAIRIE, And Ten Acres or Choice Valuable Timber. This Farm Is under • gool e-ats o' Cnltlvatloa. veil fenced there 1> oa toe plw » a gx)d Orchard o' b ;ar ing treei. rf rarloa* k.ras of frttit, with fair bnlldi'E** For rurtaer ce crlptlon ana terms inquire of C. L. MlLLlStt, Colon, »lch, or Block, Dearborn street, Chicago. miisxiv /'SHANGK THE STANDARD. Vj " >-Tgj( WA3 EHDEO." Ws hereby announse to our customers and V afiroas tost we gysx DECLINE To receive In pifitteu! of debt* the KOBX of assorted <!tfrr?. nc y Bow forsEd upon the community by t e plan • f hoar?* In* the g-'od and circulating tuat pcrtlou welch is >«• cured by Southern Stects with which we catnot pay debts, buy goods or purchase Hxcna' ge. It la worth only whit it will bmg IN GOLD from da j to day. Tux Tsun urox which wx pxoposxd to uoiin rs oxaxawißx. a*vx xot stay aduskxj. to. We tale thi* course for our protection as well u that of our friend*. The use of It u DRIVING BUSINESS OCT Oil* ITS USCJA.L srd pvttln* a RUINOUSLY INFLATED-ralne upon ALL K>L»S OYPROi’SRTY. biend from under. s:d let us have MONEY THAT IS MONEY. We shall take all eurrsaey at )T3 VALUE IN BPB. ClAfroa sad suer t:l date; allowing oae per seat, for new York Exchange. BOWEN BBOTHEBS, mjlS Nos. 7i end 78 Lake street. WORSTEB. Patterns, Canrats and Chenille, CROCHET, BRAIDS AND COTTON, Knitting Cotton of all Hinds, SHETLAND WOOL, A Use anortssest ef BCHKD DMBSSiH, •UTTOM * BURKITT, 41 LaasUe street.... Kpjjawja_ Q.LUSI slush slueui We eftr to fee Trade at fro* 10 * gf per mat, ketow Eastern MufiCutvoA 1000 BARRELS CtXiVE, W eer own eanßiactore. A3ae 500 TOMft BOKSIf Whole •» pevad for Gardeaen or Grape Grower WAHL BROTHERS, qißQitWTPie 163 South Water street^ pismire tackle, WBOUBAM A3Q> XXTAZL AT FMVGSOTS GREAT VARIETY STORM, So. in Randolph rtrect. Kingsbury gloch. QHILDREN’S GIGS, Carriages, 6AM, BARTS, GHAIRS, CRADLES, AO., •WI.W *ni «t M L*. Baov BIRD CAGES.—IOO Patterns, Also, Parrot and Squirrel Cases, Capa, roan tains, at waolesala. AT 138 LiKB STREET. • amirse-iy babnum bsos. WISHING TACKLE.— Fiali FCoolxa, Uses. Spoon Balls, Reela, Bile*. Float*, *a. ta jas ag*-** Jj'LAGS, DRUMS, ROSETTES, FLAGS from 8 Inches to 4 feet long. DBUMa, and German—ls sixes. BOSETTEa, Torino*pattern*. trade; plied st US Lots straw BABNUMBBO3. Army equipments. CAMP BLANKETS ANB KNAPSACKS COMBINED, And te arranged that tb?y may bs formed Into Testa KNAPSACKS WITH CAPES. Tbs sbwe are newly Invented equipments, end ore fumUtied In 1 »rge quaaUU'S to the Kadern Troors— being eoni'derecJ the best In na a . Piaiit Ksapsacxb, Satsbs&ckb, Campßlaxusts, Bubbib Cloth. Cas ts sxb Ae, may be bad lu %->j quantity at the Rub ber Agency ot JOdM B. lUfiSus A CO, UA R»a* dvlph etreeV Bleak. mj^cTOe^ka A LITTLE MORE GRAPE AND SO BBiOO IS BALE BROTHER’S NATIVE WINE Than la any other, either Domei&fl or Imported. TRY IT. field Wholesale and Retail by GALE BBOTHEBi, Druggists end dealers in Pare Medical Wines, Liquors, Alee. Purlers, * e. 3CJ Bandotpb-st,, Chicago. UL T'WBNTT THOUSAND DOL ,I LARS of Illinois Currency '■' anted lor good pay ing Buamote andaeeldflofe Property Eitmtedlntne i beibt of the htt. Forp&rtlcnlara addrees “A," PoatOflc* Bos 3343, . Chicago, lIL tnjMxiw JW. DOANE & CO. HAVE e BEKOTZBTO | Hoe. 12 &14 Dearborn Street, I FROM WATER ST. Aim DAVIS & CO.’S VEW SCALE Improved Piano Fortes* These Plano* have received ; IffSNTT PIRBT KUUUtnBB oTXft Ail coxrsnroxa. Etott lo>tr warraat d for fire year*. Baa'ind-Ha' dPlanoafor |i«o New and See md-Baid Flano* v* rent mn«r;.t«ißdc» Catalogue* oiPaac* tt dark BtrMt. nyl&aiULSvlstp ajlSaiSJVUtp ■* war* Knew ; ACCOUNTS. I The Board of Commissioner* appointed order the ■ } »ct of Assembly, entitled **An act crest i ing a war fund, aodpro«ldiagfor aadiU g all accounts and dlobnrsernfma arising under the call for volun - tßera" approved second of May, 18rf«, Js now organ* IsadTaad ready S3 too Ire accounts from aU p-tsobs bavlna claim* against the government. Claims and accounts accrolrg before the passage of the act-aro reQidrrd to be presented within three mcntns iron that date, and all other claim* and aecouot* are re <m«ped to be presented within torse n-.ontaa from the atccroal of the san-e, or the tame will ba considered as -donated to the State, and notth«realter to oe aJowed milder any pretense whatever. , The Board wfli occupy the room m the aorthwe-st • * -omer of the basement of t e State House, numbered . 1 sur. WILL*AM InOMA'jj j . 1 BUr * J. B. WOOD^ORIrf. . CHAS. H. LANFHIEB, 1 SprtirfleM, m, M«TI. Ml. Commlralccm The Board will adjourn to CMcazo, to receive, and «aet upon claims accruing ia that city, as early as prae nicable, of which timely notice will be given. ; gylS 6T17-1W T“" } MILITARY COMPANIES JTOW ORQAKTZn*&.—The undersigned, b*Tng mow engaged In filling a large order from toe Bute, : and harms an the freOldea Tor mauuketurttg. U a good manner and the an or test time, all kinds ox Cloth : adapted for Dutfonna. are now prepare dto receive orderaf r aooh on as xavorable terms as any house in •the country. Hess Goods aud Trimmings for Dai fbrmaon sand. Jal. MARKS A CO, ’ myllxsw Udand or Lake street. [ ! TRAPPINGS, 1 \J —We are now prepared to ftmisb aHHp • : Cavalry Companies with RADDLES. BSI i DLEB, Ac, of the most approved styles; and oar frd. . iltiea are such as will enable as to furnish Companies . ' : abort nottea sad at low prices. Samples con. • : stantjyonhand. _ TDBKEB A BTOWaT. i. HweStia Vo. Ha Randolph ttmet.CoI'** 1 '** ' T; Tribune.] A N ELEGANT STOCK OP EMBROIDERIES GREATLY REDUCED PRICES, 78...,.:.:i*k0 5treet........ O.XLBRBT, STAKABD <fc CO., PBODUQBOOHinsaiOK HEECHAHTS, JTo.S-fiteel’a Black,‘(3d Fleer), corner Youth Water and Lasalle street*. - - 0.2. erLUBT. 8.0. BTAHAHD. J. B. ULUS. ugffii*® 8 * **«*» —AT— WOW OT/Xauw AT LVS3v NUMBER 274. Keto abberttsmewtg. C- Si SCIil v&y, Adseriitlng Agent, 88 Dear born it, is otfi'i orised to receive AdsertUemenLsfor Mil and all the Leading Papers 0 f the Northvmt. 'V€7"AN" T ED—By two younc men, V T who can rt'e the be tof references, a fcrut.n td room with brarn, on tte West aide. \ piac* where tiers fire f wboardare preferred, Addre*«. 'H. a .*• Box *29*. 18 myiTe.-U-U WANTED —I -want" to trade a Plmiror.fO-Kl bone Willper dOTere.eeln cash. AaersuP-O-BiXtgl mi^sM M T UMBKRMEN, ATTENTION- Jj A young, active man. with wish*" to engage Mil lumber esC boo<-ke?per, sa’eemas. chanter, or in auy n. Pcctaoie capacity connected wltS the lumber butines*.. —?f produce flNr-clsMretrreceea. Please adorese -* g- BERMaN " Tribune office. aylTxSt TO THE MEMBERS OF THE LVW INSTTTCTE.-Vhe eeeeeiment fbr the currea- year Is now due. Somamemb n also are la arrets icr stock and ihe assessments of Jart v* r Member* are re Qne*led to *aU unmeulately ac d settle the amou'-tsdne respectively. O. B. WalTk. my.fxlt Treasurer. "VSTANTED —A famished house * * war ted for six months or a yrarbv a desirable tenant. Tne wh 1« rent will be paid In advance If ma-ie an object a"d the be t of care takes ot the far. atmre. House most be pleasant a*d de-l r abiy lora-ed Snuth a.’-vision preferred. Address Box it Oac.-i xnyl7&7H^6 TO DRUGGISTS. For sale a Braz>trr* with stock and fine srt of fixtures, an c:moiete Situate la a good location, anout *4 niT« rro u iMs cl v. Jor pirtlcniai* aedr se P. O. Box 463 Chicago, ID. myi7c7 9-Iw X_[ UD D & UPDI KE, General Commission merchants. 7 StaelM Block, Second Tlocr, corner Boqlli'Water and taaalla strati*, Chicago* my?76ly ». w. rpprxa. ions J. MCPD. A SPLENDID CHANCE FOR » drst olaae Patent Right nua. Somelb'ng ready valuable. CftU to-day st BOLake tfre>-». Op stain. my Ta74i«t J)RT GOODS, LADIES’ GAITERS, &o, at auction. lUi Horning, PBTDAT, May 17th. »t 9* o'clock. «t oar Sa’esrecmi, ea, 48 and Dearborn aiteet, wo will sell wlJtont ra gerre, Jor *a*h,a Acs stock of FASCT VUt SKI GMDS, h. 600 PAIRS liT.IEI’ GAITERS. xr We shell ti»e ib. TUIO'U Cnfttiy °. f tomsrs fts long fts too Cnlesgo Marine ana r ,r r 3’ eurance Company, and F. Granger adama. Esq, H*® It on deposit. W. A BUTTER* £CU. myiTeitt-it Auctioneer*. LOST —On Desplaines street, be tween Fulton and Lake streets, a Silver Case Ranting Watch. St-el Cnatn *1 ached wltbont key or hook. T* e Under will be LlßttrvftLLT K*WaKDED by leaving It at tamn a Harvey's Planing Mill, ccrntr ot Polk and var.U street*, or at’a Grocery, corner of Dtsplalnea and Euuia street#. myl7x*t P. B. LAMB. Elf” Howard Association, Piiladel phis. A Benevolent Institution established by Special Endowment, for the relief of the kick and Distressed, affected with Virulent and Chronic Dl-easas. Medi cal advise given Gratis, by the Acting Surgeon. Tala, able Deports cn SjercaatcirhCsa and ether dlscaies, and on the NSW i>EME JIE3 employed la the Dis peuiarr.seatlnseaUdlaitir envelopes,! eeofeha ge. Address Dr. J. SKILL IN HOUGHTON, Howard Association, No. 3 Sooth Ninth Stract, Philadelphia, Pa ny.Txaw DISCREDITED Illinois & Wisconsin CURRENCY Taken at 75 Cents, FOR LAMPS, FROM RETAIL TRADE, -AT COBLE’S LAMP AND OIL EMPORIUM, 1?5 LAKE STREET. tmyl3>e7»-4tanti VEW EMBROIDERIES A CHOICE SELECTION OF EMBROIDERED COLLARS, EHBSOIDEBED SETTS, Embroidered Baade, &o. PARASOLS, PARASOLS, THE FEWEST STIXE3. STJ2T UMBRELLAS. AH Sizes And Qaalltle*. a - o-> Downs efts OOi, ISO Strut ISO mhg-efk&An CPRIN G GOODS CHEAP.— *T. B. OARTBR Has a larja Assortment of BPBISG and 6L.115E8 GOODS Which he la offering st low prlctt for aaah. MAS MOW A flit StO» OF Valencia*. Bere - e* sad MaramMques, •rench Bereger, Uob<a, 4e* very ehatp, French and U Del alaea. sod ChaUlee. Popiica, Bombasine* French Prints, Lawn* and Organdies, Km-rclderlcs at half pnea. 6LOYE3 AND HOBUERT. . Lsdle-s and l ipn :lemen« ▼ary aheap. LlnanaadCottm Shlrdsga, T-.weia, r-apKiaa, Table Cloths, CLOTHS, CAStiinEiUSs, v . . Parasols, Son Umbrella*. 4a., 4e» All Good Illinois Money taken »t Par. GOODS MUST BE SOLD. taru-erj9-iwi»tp t. b. carte a p ROCLAMATIONII Know all Men. Wemen and Children by theee pre •eata, that L Samuel M. Fsaaett Phot grip hist. Nos. 123 and 124 Clark Street, wm. continue to take those nsx flaw PHOTOGRAPHS For the LOW sum «f oma *;>o DURING THE WAS. ALSO, ANIBOTYPESII BABES EDI DIE DBUAB. Colored Photographs from $5 op. IVORYTYPES, ; Th* origin*! style, and only, safe method. talas "by Fasseit i Cook ONLY In Cnlcaeo. AMj £P* For 6ard Photographs, Just received, AIM a very large slock of Gold Frames, bought at panic pncse, and will be sold low. As Jdr.Faw.thasjnst returned fraa New York, be la In possession of some new t» las o; the Pnotsgraohic Art the public ma < find to ihtlr advantage to avail themselves oC Gallery open from . 7 a. m. w 6 p. M ■ myA’’ PEUGEOT* GREAT VARIETY 6TOBE. Chicago, May 18th, 130, TO MT GTTTOiCEEB ASD PATEO^S: Ton are hereby notified that from and after this 1 shall restive in payxnsnt for debts the sort of ASSORTED CURRENCY But for what it is Worth. THAT IS: At its value in Specie, Allowing oasper cent. fjr2TswYork*«haDfa. EDW. F. PEUGEOT. T AND FOB SALE.—Pour Hnn i J dred Acres Boning Prairie, looted on the Una of toTDabaqu* ud Pacific BaUr u s?. lowa. JOB ILLINOIS CBSBENCT AS PUL A. a. chaOBOOHSS. P*rd&e*i Kook, Bom To. 8. fiecond story.) MisJfc TTJISEASES OF HORSES, OXEN XJ *SD DOGS. 68086S SCULLY, Veterinary Surgeon, member of the Boval CoQeca Ot • Veterinary-Surgeons, i codon. * Office and Infirmary, 3a state straet, naxt door to PatrictTsetaate. myisnw QPLENDED PARLORS, ALSO W dißJTablssnUa'ofßooms to rant, -Witt Board, at Ctfjitap - SCHEDTIUEt Th. fihowlagan tha Bate* BAIIiT CHICAGO MU** 811 * 1 Oaa Square, («tght Dues agate) #mjS Oae Square, each subsequent day* (» •**■!)•♦• UA §ac square, two week'*, :Sw $70&) v M month. (2m 1W5K........ •••• One Square, three months, (tm .....*.• If® One Square, six months, (8m C£JM> jyfl One Square, oae year ..... ty Schedule of Pricn tor more tpeoe ttHB MS Square can be seen at the Counting Room. |y**AU Transient Advertiaemcntsto bepeUftftf advancs. 0T AU chenge* charged thirty eeati fer 8400% Kara ofr xDnsnam nr wmT gl .00 per Square, each week, fbr first a oath. 2,0 * per Square frr each subsequent mouth, 99.00 pur Square for oca T«r. astiton *alre. T)y Gilbert, Saopsoa & Winer, I > GzxKaaL Accnosmsa, lake street. Will rive their personal attenDon to the hM «fi Household Furniture at toe residences of nuam* « at our salesrooms. Cash advance* mad* to *W amount when required. tOJSBIOa HOT! i 5 HOLD FOSHIXTOB, Carpets, Oil Cloth. Mirrors, tern* AT ADOTIOS. On T=tTniSDAT. Mar l«th,at 9H o’clock, we wffl s*U at our tal?sro'*m«. a large and ■upj*rlt/rai*oTtttef» ofSnnscUo;,* Furniture- caroete- »c. consuttocwa Mak*gia •, nosaa ooil. Walnut and OUt Partor, Bed. ro»m aid Dla’njrooTi Fur.unre, Rich Rosewood id 4 PracueLa Parlor S t hamper Suites rl dn no. Cara--u. Flo rOH Cloth, a Able Cutlery, MU* t-j.*, S.lvcr-Hsted TabU Fores, L.2OCg-s. MiWT—% «C. GUSfcdtT. dAALPiOS * WA32iXiv uiyi3-s73*i; Auetlnnsmw. Q.ARDEX AND HOTXBB PLANTS. AT SCtTC T IXJf On rJTCTRSDti. May V>tn. at H o’clock, VIVA i«Uetoor?^“ r K , “;»Jn 1 '" “ d , bjanaftl •«»•» ti-mf o«rd-u 1± j'- >9 Pl ‘ aj - Ladle* are parties UrlytAYita^?.| A wamcHH. mylS-eTll it _ Ancflaue—> _ •yyiL A, BUTTEIiS & CO H CSNERAL AUCTTONEEM, M, 43 ui SO DKIBBOB'-' »TB*tJ, (O;po«t'.e me Tremout HeeaeJ FURNITUSE SALS KYSBT 1TE35330AT * lATUKDAT DRY GOODS SALS Xr«T Monday at O 1-H A. DCa AT OUB SALSSBOOM. ' Cub sdrascai oa Faraitcreb Dry & bow. 3c a. « Dry goods, Yankee no- TICKS, FANCY GOODS, Ac., A*, .A.T A>XJC TIDIN’. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO. wm B*ll for ea»h oa TRIP AT. Vayl7th. st 9* o’eMjH at their salesrooms, id, is and fit) Dear bora attML an invoice op ITAPIE DRY GOODS* AS* INVOICE or DRY GOODS* FANCY AN INVOICE O? Ti!»KE£ NOTIONS, As. my’t-eTU-St WM. A. BUTTERS <t CO.. AMh» J AR G E STOCK 03P Boots and Slioes AT AUCTION. tfv, A Btrrrpns & eo. win sell for task. «a TTE?D}T. May 25at. at 9* o c ock. at their room*, -id. >8 via S3 Dearoora street, a largo ana ftw stack of Boo xS AND SHOK9, Consisting of »deMr»^ my’jj aTJB 5t WiL_X* L rTBRS ACO* An«m* ATSW AND Vi FURNITURE, FEW TOP AW) OP*H BOGGIBi, GHas aware. Carpets. &*• AT AUCTION. W>L A BUTTERS A CO. will sell for each m SATURDAY, M>y iSth. xfi i .Vl'Ck. af tk.Mr sales* rojcis. *♦». <3 and 0 Deari'ora street, a fine stem* oc Nev and Sscoud-Uaud ware, Ac„ Ac AIS9, at 12 C’Clock, On# sew Top 3n;sr ou« S-» OpM : BhBT Vi’fkji'n. Wil A. nL ITERS at CO„ _ ii ii i■■■ ;mylAe737J3t_ ■\TEtY AUCTION AND COM il MISSION house. 107 Dearborn Street, (Portland B'oekJ HUGH ALEXANDER. attention will ho -iv-i t-' of Farttlmf at Reaidnuce-. or fcto -K4 of .M-rc ; i.yidua at Store*, and Salesro. ra. Bayers will at .ill tin-attnda good as-ortmeat of well made i‘ uraitu»'<? * c l>t on hai a lo# Pr-vate Sale. aivancvs w’.ll be on furnl* rare. Dry Good -. BomU an 1 *Uoes. La'p-t* k«- Public Sale. Sal->b- auction fir.-e tlrq-s a ■eel. Con Irnmvntia:ucUtl of all xlnosof »al-* at Salosfooni, or in any p vr: of the nlti cm r sjmw. able tarras “.ileacashed at once. Deato. rei<noew jjv*a P. Q.Bov -tTtA Smusmtnts. MoVIOKEH’S theatre. Madison street, State and Dearbora. rTTi'C—w o» TIME door* will apWl at Half pa’-.tiavec, aid tea curtain at e’ght oclow. FHID 'T EVEN 273, MiJ 17th, wigfat out .lio cf Mr, OOZiXiINS. yiwt md only cigH cl tha Coirrly •fA* J57Si7 Sir Pi.trick CTiccipa. Mr. CMBM. With V-«;a7cnteSon; ‘•Tießold SoWlwßoy.* etllD PaSCI. To with the comedy of JU3 LAST LEGS. ©‘Callahan. With tie entire atT*" Ter * ton of Widow Machree and 'Pr™* to BRYAN HALL.— Clark street, Ophculte the Court Honse, Ch'ewh.m. Eminent trcnoancc into H*Uaa»w c hy any Kali in tie ijclon in tfc» Acoustics sad General Appojntmantfc It will seat 9» toora persr-e> »“/»“« r ß sfi 5 thac’ty—bT arcir»ta scant aid reporte. CABTla# E T»eoVt"adlsoco fleets 1» ra th. ant Boer. t« on i. Urs stre-t the greatest thorough* S™ tnJclP. Court Horae!-g“*. »*» H S^*t3^ ,, 4*‘'ef^-*‘^ , t °f dixitwwie S?? 1 i^lSiSSr mJSiSWSJ b! 0 .WMU »““*» ‘"I'hVuSlS foi? frr j Pair. Fußt.*. b2k and theUße. It is pro *1 -va piVt aj-s llaUa, asJ the IIKJ, on aPPH**- 6K”' w i„AS w is-IS* -STOTT WAWTjB GOOD LAMPS A STB GOOD KEROSENE OIL, Go to Noble’s LAMP AND OIL EMPORIUM; ITT t.aitb STBSST IT3 gLOATS SEWING MACHINE. BLOAT’S ELLIPTIC LOCK STITCH «* . 'Mci/i.vis, Sbt Only v«ai»n— SsTisg Ik* ELLIPTIC HOOK W. O. XSASOH k CO, SOLI AGENTS JOS THE NORTHWBBt, Si CLARK STBKET, Under the New Shsmten Soe.fc CHICAGO, ILL. A6IHTB WASTED la erarr h>»“JSS,fSAS* Berth watt g NEW YGRXAH9 LIVERPOOL, ui mß«raagMMmiCT It QoMUtn» n» uref?«l, aew I«rh ul FhSsddfUa STEAMSHIP COMPANY, WBI dispatch sv-ury Saturday their inn power bmlc Iron Steamships CITY OF ITKW YORK. EOETSUTiS^ CITY OF B\LTIMOa&. YANGAROO, CITY OF WAaaiHOTOS, GLASGOW, CITY OF ICISC2S3TSS VI Bates ot passage as low aby any other Bag. MBgen forwarded to all the principal «Bsss of KVOPJJ Persona wbaing t > bnrtg cut their ttlsada osatraf r “ rf^-B fc‘ftfG r i;oiS S' * CO- mH**'*.ir*» nfiOTEB A BASSE’S NelmlMW FAULT 3SWINB MACHMEW *4O ANB UPWARD*. n. ns ut« idm, raiui^E*.' • ijartldglsopl n EOBGE F. f OSXEB, SHIP CHANDLER And Sail Maker, Bara eonstantly lor sale at the lowest pticaa Manila Bop*, Pitch, Tarred Sops, Hay Kept* las, Lash Bop*, Oakum, Bloc&% Spun Yctil SAILS, nuns, TASP*Xn,nf3, APTOHG*. WAMR , COVERS, 4?. 4C, !»■ s£*U »ot4« «t liortert wjtrtA.*! SSI South Wuter itmt, snr lAk«t BtidfK , .tffl-OJr n : o*o. J.IOSI**,. .Gals SztnM. Mr. GsHtei.