; FRI'-A V, MAY 17, M»L
OF Dl^uVßl
«i the treatment of rebel
-1 on recently ad--pled by the Governou
in ibf of Missouri, Is fully acknowl
edged by the principhl of ibe Stcts-
Bioi-isis’m 'bat SUie. Missouri, it save, is ! udcd a«-d ,-&urr->undfcd by Federal
tro*ps and loyuocted now to lake her
cm of ihe Union and turn her over to the
leodft’ineiClt-Bt>f Jeff. Dans, would beau
act of madness because it is one of immi
nent ganger.. So much fora few Volbea
frortfkfew* volunteers. The conquest is
com dele. The roaring biaves who have
been*ii'rating for he blood of a “Yan
kee.” a “Dutchman,” or, as they call every
Uaion m«w, u hu Abobtioais*,” are as mild
they have ascertained
that La this business of shooting more than
one can take a hand; and ibat before Mis
souri ia plunged inro rebellion, their pre
c ouS carcasses w.ll be exposed to damage
by ballets, and, swaggering cowards as
they are, they have grown suddenly as
nn-vk and peaceable as they were iurolent
and truculent only a week ago. Secession-
U all, very well when it involves no un
pleasant consequences. As long os the
trators could pursue their plans with sup
p sed impunity, the business of break
I ig bp the government, depredating pro
perty and entail mg a debt ol dishonor up
on was only lun, which, was
greoly enjaytd. It was Ike mobbing an
nzurmed and ddenctle&s mar, lerrilying
w.tU threats a family of women and chll-
Ranging some uucflVndu-g Aboli
liuouisl. But put the const quenccs of
treason in a tajgible shape; hold
up a halier on the pomt of a bayonet
before those who threaten it; array
armed men in the defence of what is as-
and make ample preparations for
puniSh'mg blow with low, and ireasm
loses its ailraciions. The men who have
been hawing about oppression, find that
they have little to complain of alter all, at d
that Gover-m- nt is a thing not to be
trifladjjvith at aiy time. The story of the
man #ho looked lor the spalpeen who
sirurk B lly Paucitor*, contains the whole
philo-ophy of the iiiua'ion. Maryland
illusrra’ed ir, sod now Missouri comes in
with her testimory, not q-die as enipba'ic
yet as.toatt>rher Eastern confederate, but
sufficiently explicit to bear us out in aif wc
say. And so it will Lein every Sta e where
the GuYcmment puts forth its strength.'
Bend 25,000 troops to Memphis to-day,
and, jbey would not be able to find
any btjflJlijon men though not a citizen m<y
hi.e left the place. The boiling and bub
bling of that secession cauldron w«-uld
ceasefire t-cum that bas ri-en to Ibe sur-
sink again, and an observer not
pos'eil m rrcmt hLioiy would not be able
to say that Memphis ha 1 not always been
loyal. Force is what Secession wants. It
is thcdocirioe that its advocates can com
prehend. They hare appealed to it; now
let it come.
it Cairo Is 10 be perm;irjfcii
daring the continuance 01 the rebellion, as
it unquestionably -will be, we ste no reason
why tire Government >bouM not at once
order the erection at that point, of sellable
barracks or huts for the accumtnodft'ioo
oJ troops, w x>se health will speedily give
way, under the hardships to which they are
exposed. The nature of the ground is such
as to preclude the idea, that with the
moil careful care on ibe part-of the effi
com, afld on the pan of he men them
aelvw, the camp can be kepi healthy, if ihe
aitetept to live ia tents is persisted in. The
troopj are now encamped »n the mud.
Their tents have a liberal supply of etiaw,
and blankets are plenty; but neither wdl
suffice to keep oat the dampness, which
Wid poison the health of all, and
produce that plentiful crop of fevers and
dyseuterle-j which will be the death
of nuoy. Not quartis
be provided lor the troops that are well,
hut the hospi al of the camp bhouM by all
means be placed on the high ground at the
north, out of the nach of the miasmatic
exhalations which will r.iard if not for
bid recovery of the sick a-* long as they
are subject'd ’.o their influence. A car,
properly fitted up would, in half an hour’s
time, carry the sufferers out of the camp
With'ease and c. m:ort, beyond danger in
case of attack, and beyond the potent cau
ses which prevent convalescence.
dalrb is now under command of officers
of the army of the Called Stiles; and we
ho# that the tilings which we sag
gest will be so obriou-i to the commander,
that We shall have the satisfaction of know
ing, that our boys are well provided for.
Gep. SlcCltl an is well acquainted with the
locality. It is the terminus of the road of
which he was for three years the Yice
President and Superintendent; be knows
the drawbnCks to health thereunder favor
able circumstance-; and in his army lite,
he*fi&B veen enough of the disease and'
mxrulby which chug to crowd-d and tin
cUau camps to make him carHul of the
command. He is as hu
mane us he. is experitnceil; and we oie
wi' 'rir to trust to what be wdl ord« r. We.
are glal to know in connecUon with f is
m-iiiu ihat the Gem ral may be soon ex
pected iu this and that when he ar
ri\es ihecon .ition of th Cairo troopswill
engage his aitcnt o'*.
*0 CACvbFOK PskrTtHQ,
The valiant newspaper warriors who
lately proposed to push finy ihoueand
oraa huudrel ihou»aud men—raw vol
aateeri—ittto the field without eny pre
piratery traiuinj, and decide the fate
or the- Capital,, with.its $200,000,0(13_of
public properly, by a sinule b»tde
foogh: by troops nol yet acquainted
wjtii their leaders, iadiirefeotly
fuTaished with arms and muniiioD?, camp
eqoipm-nt?, aod the m*an* of irnnsi-oru
lion and sustenance, (>ave thought better ot
their .n?ane pre positicn ; and now, ns far
as we can learn, ah men unite in
the ample preparations and con&equent de
lay of the commander-in-chief. A Utile
reflection has convinced them that the
Ttfry wises* and best policy has been pursm d
liVh le Geo. Scol V prudence and tapacity,
which the load popular darner could not
disturb, bare been working .out their ie
atrits. The Confederates lave gained
noUiing. Tni”, they have emassed largci
bodies of men thaa bad a fortnight
ago; hut tiny have given no assurances of
their ability to move. Every day adds'
to the wants of their commissar af, to the
jaalomdesund dhcontents of tin ir camp, to
the depth of their dem'.-rahzati* n, lotluir
knowledge of the earnestness and determi
nalion of tlit»<jeveinment, and lathe r iear
of the miscarriage of what they have un
derl akea, Gen. Scott has already gamed
two signal victories—one over the igno
sutce and itnpalieoce of his critics, aod the
other over the prettige with which the tcai-_
ton .commenced the campaign. We are
told that he is about ready lor the third,-
which will not be bloodless. We are coii
tttVto be guided by his wisdom, and to
wait the day when the newrwUliflfine.
■ A FiVOBABtE si IK Pro a*
The m«sSt.,lhvoiahle Uiaication yet ob
served inithe South U the new-born zeal
tirthe InUgrity of the OonsViinUoa of tLe
TJniuil SUIC3. Our exchanges from that
quarter. will still continue to be loaded
/rig.* ribes against Lincoln anu the
Oabiuet K>r ihetr infractions of i£&t mstrq
xueut In-caUiug out yolun’eers forpuding
rcbtllion," LttTJslv>pcihanht-Be
thernDdameotal iawtxrliiiiavfi
occasion, while turning over ils pages, to
took own ociduct isvthe light
which they sheSi upon It; utd that their j
proles fed *<»re-for contuiuiionul foim?
JjeUe rtt-ans-k ■jffipeU'og them to
1 y Sowu'Uieir'krms wKl.ofOttto firiugior
ft gun. ~ ‘fjniess Uteir r j
9B»j regarded • p«ri oi Ut£
ofdiiw si-»u t h bas been |
toliige. • j
The Hon. N. B. Judd ieit h'a home In
this city last evening/ln company with his
family, for the capital of Prutsia, He will
sail on the 25ih inst., ia the steamer A.rago,
for Havre, and proceed thence by rail to
Berlin. N
Mr. Judd and his family carry with them
to the Court of William L, not only the best
w-sbes of this community in which they
have so long resided, but the warm
friendship add respect of a Very large
portion of UUnwia. There ere few men
in this State who have craved a larg
er measure of the public coufidence than
Mr. Judd—few ia whom that confidence
has been more worthily o*slo wed- Having
held a seat in the State Senate for the term
of s xtten years con secu' ively—having been
chosen by theunanimous voice ofhis patty
tomanage its struggles
es chairman of State Committee, ever
since it bad an existence—having, in view
of h sonceded sagacity and fitness, been
placed upon the Wationul Committee for two
Presidential terms, as an executive mem
ber thereof—having enjoyed for a long
term of years the eminent position at the
bar which earned for him the attorneyship
of several ol our largest moneyed corpora
tions—an-l, better than all, having secured
universal confidence in his personal inleg
riiy among all who know him or know of
him—it is not to be wondered at that we of
Cuicago feel a sincere and deep regret at
his departure. That he may have a safe
voyage, a useful mission and a prosperous
return, is the wish of the entire State,
which is honored by his official presence
at ihe court of one of the first poweis in
Mr. Herman Kreism&n, who accompa
nies Mr. Judd as Secretary of Legation, will
prove one of the most efficient and accom
plished young men who have ever been at
tached to the dip omatic service. "We
predict that Cnicago will acquire
:\ favorable and lasting renown ft ihe
Prussian capital from the presence of Mr.
JuJd and Mr. Kretsmana during the next
fouryeaip, wlido the interests and dignity
of the Buried States will be admirably
maintained at the important post to which
they are assigned by the President,
“ 250,000 sraxi> of Aeus from Etjbofe.”—
We see the Nor.hern pipers are clreuliUng
the story as a probable truth, started Ly the
Nashville (feno.) Banner, that 250,000 stand
of arms frem EcgUml had arrived at New
Orleans for the rebels. In the first pl*ce,
the New Oil ans paper* of the date
mentioned, “or any other” date, on
nonces no such.arriv&L lu the next placp f
250,000 stand of arms wculd be to the South
ern *iioy something like Fallataff 1 * directions
or p-ovi;loniag his nitn-Hiu' w Immense deal
of sack to a very small amount of bread.”
And lastly, 250,000 stand of English arms
would cost, ai a low estimate, |2O a stand,
<rhl h would foot up the handsome sum of
$5 000 COO—more money than the whole squad
of C i»i>lederatea have yet been able to raise
for the ent re purposes of the war. The
whole story is a transparent canard.
gqy Gen. Be&oregaia’a cfEUial report of the
bombardment utd of Fort Sumter
confirms the report made at the time, of the
remarkable performance of the Carolina
troops. Heeays:
0 ir brave treat**, carried away by their nat
•irtt. y gm-roua impulses, mouuea thecifiVr
;Di ba'Ccries, sod »t every Discharge from the
o *t, cheered the garrison tor its pluck and
and boated the fleet lying inactive
j -ist on’.side the bar.
Since the b omoardment of Jericho with ram’s
aorns there has been nothing t qaal to this ex
otnd.tare cf triad. Cheers At the fart, then
iroaas at the fl e‘, then a turn at the heavy
.uns. It mn.-t ture been terribly txbsuttive
Kentucky.—Mr Crittenden announces that
ae l» auwiUmg to stand for Congress in his
Jongresbicnal p.strict, but the Louisville
Journal and other Kentucky papers, insist
mat he shall be elected, notwithstanding his
JecUnatio j. Jqhn W, Henries is announced
a} the Union candidate for Congress in the
10ih District. He will be elect'd. John
r jung brown is a candidate lor r» election in
tat 5 n District. He U for ‘armed neutrality.’
Hiu. Hooen Mallory is the Union candidate
iur Congress in the 7th (Louisville) DUtiici.
tSTThe Zouivea iu Washington place great
unpjrt on Uic fact ihat-lhcy ace firemen. Two
of mem strclltd into tne office of tne Stcie.a
ry of War and siicosted-ihe clerk; u We want
.o know when we ate.going to tave a battle,”
s*id one. 44 Really s r,” said the clerk, “I
e juld not tell you even if I knew. You see U
*e were to tell the people who ask, the enemy
wottU soon find oatourplans.” 44 WeJV’saia
LheZaUiVe, 4> nobody wanti you to itll the
people. U e ain't.people. Were firemen f ,f
44 Laut Davis.”—The statement through the
cue ai.e of J.ff Divis isthedaogh
;cr cf the fate President Zacnary Tjrylor,Js un
true. Ihe fuel wile ot Davis was Gtn. Taj
iur’a daug iUr-a right noble woman—but the
aw been dead years. Tne pr sent Mis.
Davis is the daaughter of a prominent cit e=D
ot New Orltana, bat xriginaliy from Philadel
phia .Severat o Mrs. Davit’* relative^in Pml
adc phla belong to the volunteer force of that
South Casoluva Thoops—We mentioned
eome ddjri since that tne Ist Regiment oi
Cnarkston voiunteeis had refused to leave the
Sute, and voluntarily disband d. Now, the
■* Lincoln Gairds, 1 ’ of he same oily, have fol
to vtd ihelr exaurple, al'hocgi thfy call them
selves ibe *' game cocks,"'and clil n aa extra
«hare ot pluek. Is this the entertainment tbst
Virginia and other States have been invited ?
A geollemau with the dulcet name of
Ar*> Pa, proposte.;,to eaiwblish a European
orgio o ( the Ciofedtrate SU‘es, with a etpifal
a: tTOO.OW J.\ is to be puhlisbcd ,iu .P«rlr,
ma 10 bs devoted t> the inuocn’stion cf Eti
mpe w.tb the prioc'p'es of Secession ethics.
Che scbcm-.'tbctofair, and we cam see but one
drawback—*hfi expects the Fire-eaieia
to loot the bull
Noblt Do5B —Edwin D. Morgan, jr., son
of tiw.present Governor of New Tcrk, who
received, when peace rs'gned, a poeUioa on
ah la hei’s staff, has tendered bis resignation,
tajUg lhit tcTetU his iocapscPy for the pc
it.ioh be occupies;, aed Ttquestlcg thst en
older and. take hiaplace,
tud : he be employ -d In an Inferior capacity.
Tais is true htroism. ‘.
E3*Cipt James Montgomery, the terror
o'*vns M-vsiouri botd.r raffiana, has been tp*
pointed Gov Roblnson’Wlde. No man
tier fight, and It is understood that hie ap
j>oTatmentis to ba no' wtfsmental -position,
b it he white toaetpromptiy when oc
c-flion r.qnires. (
Episcopal Coktsstiqh
The Ep ocopal Convention of Masfiftjhdsettr,
ia sea.ion ,l»sti week, amotg o hers nnanl
monfety'paaiicdthe loUowisg resolution:
tbeConveniion of cUricalrad
,iav utl g»t«» of toe Prolestant Episcopal
’Ouu cu ia bt Masesebusctts do
ice Sa .iunav Govtroaient, in ail ngbt »fforU
,o v-n-iicatotacauinorVy ol tieF-deralUliol
a i ■ iu»t u all aeclUun, jr.vy conspiiacy ana re
Bssiaxxtios WtTEDaawjr —The Wsshing
tou oo .respondent oi the Poiia. elphla
er, ssya Fresident Lincoln has roquet ted John
JijCiscOrflab-rrfcaaarer ofNew with
olawhia ireaignsUon of bis plaer, which he
Btnt to the Freel dent on hia secession to
office. ,
The ; aoatbsrn pipers aij thatths North
ia given oyer to isms, that when one gWteour
anjther succeeds. The Providence Journal
thhsd-A gxeat vun some eighty years a,o ;
It is pSttioitea” .. ■
. lBbUtlD, : -rßotoe «cunp sajs thU Jefl. !>*.
Tie's proclamation authorising letters or
matqus and rtprissl, to have been
mails public*** It was strictly designed for
liS On. . '."7 L -
Esv MAO#* MlTT,—Tbefast of .the
Northern people " dVaiaif tdjgbihef inunity *
int^<3*rtS»ud£ t ‘.s‘**»ttQ Me ” U wt
wenuj jadisTioaithe lonoof the secession
-orgWiis, x>}« hate/01. '•They pro
Eiouace it alrangeAtid,. unnatural,' *ud th*>
hav*n» doubt they would stigmatise Ita*
‘'Tmcooautttlkmsl.” Tbe'Charleeton Courier
The p resent icy pint' on detef pee (trat>g>
<«g.iiieut about io march ««.e tij a*dewim it
inelibe a £-v- «i a,- Fnsid
«?■ top M»tr -Mid U. fid th ; : ltmb *J#f
VdwL-. liiythiLk of Itet t&eir tiatieu
rc&ia-&n wtti&ULg ui « 4he MH»eiTU6«<
4eu«w coaatcjnu wit& ihcii
imuti of fee (httjdi;
[Special Cotrespoudonce Chicago Tribune.]
’ ; Borrow, May
Next to the rallying ery of ‘Qodiavc the
Union,” which goes up from every loyal State
and every loyal heart In these trying daye, the
echo which corns* oftaneat to our ears la this
tri mountain city la w God aava the Common
wealth of Massachusetts.” For many years
every pulpit in ths Bay State bas soltm ly
pronounced this benediction—ln the lv-t few
weeks, it is pronounced everywhere. Had not
Massachusetts so strongly at heart the Union
and its safety, she would bs in great danger of
being spoiled by the univer al praise her loyal
promptness has . gained for her. But every
poise, manly and wem inly, within her border?,
beats so strongly to the music of the TJniojt
that so fears need exist of any undue foster'
log of her State pride.
It may doc be uninteresting to your readers
to know what the State has done and is doing
In thtsi days of the rap d march of events it
is not au easy tssk for the reader to keep him
self an eourani with all that is passing. And
the editor himself, though popularly accredited
with universal knowledge, finds even his
rapidity ot perception and generalization con
fused in the abundance of detail which reaches
him from every quarter. Each of us In hi*
little Fphere may contribute somewhat to I y
before his dlslatt brethren a true picture of
what is passing about him.
Up to thiatlms Massachusetts has put into
the field five regiments of infantry, a rifle bat
talion, and an efihlent company of tight artil
lery; In all, about 5.0W men, 100 horses, and
6 brass field pieces. Two of these regiments
are at Fortress Monroe, two In Washington
aod of the other, a port’Vn ia at Aontpolip
and the remainder wuhtln light arMlJtrv at
the Rday House. In additio ■to the
fir*t regiment of the State has b-en mastered
int ■) S'ate service tor two weeks, aud ha-a been
in dal'y expectation of being ordered to Wash
ington. Iw colocel has even now return°o
from Washington, where be proceeded the
past wetkto tender the regiment -to Govern,
ment for toe turee year** term The d slgna
tion,- however, has been entrusted by the
Commander-in Chief to Governor Andre* and
the gallant First Is now bringing a prrstnre
to bsir upon his Excellency to give ifs pa
triotism employment This regiment is
made np of men admirably qualified ly
pajsicil power to retain the cred.t cf our fl g
the surgeons and; the State Inspector* pf a’f
who, though strong.ln patriotic impulses are
weak ia body. •It Is well officer-d and well
drilled. Brides the regiments named, save
ral new one* are a-ready formed, orformire
and going into camp as fast as their ranks arc
filled. Toe 11th and 135b regiments are eta
liacedat Fort Warren ia onr harder. This
latter is the regim-nt raised aod commanded
by C?l Fletcher Webster. The ISttt aiid Mth
regimente) are in comp at Long lslano,
in ihe hirbor. The new regiment rabed bv
Major Gordon (a West Point mao and a thor
ough offii-r) Is in camp tt the old Com -ncist
farm in Roxoury. Brook Farniy Which a 1 rea
ders of Hawthorne** “B]ithc“ale
wll* rememier. All the reg'm-ntg a t* sublet
ed to tte moat thorough drill and discipline
aod wi l be rrady to take the fl-ld at any mo’
meat Fart Warr n mentioned above, is gar
risoned by about 1 700 men, the 2d battalion
of i'?« BTry being there in addition to the ll’h
and 1- h regiments Fort Icdependencßiß ear
mooed by two hundred men, tce4th ba-tal'on
of infantry comprisingthe flower of theyonng
men ot cur city. Companies from the towns
and villages in all pirtsof cur Slate, are every
dsy coming fn to pretent themselves at head
quarters, he accepted and organized, and re
ccive their mnskota. Ia the city, drill com
panies are the order of the day Every may,
odor young, la joining one. The eorrimon
salutaMoi Is »>ot “ How are you ?” but “Wnere
do you drid P” “Toe largest of these bodies is
biuguac’s Drill Corps, which numbers up
wards of twelve hundredmer. Ma sachusetts
could at this moment answer a r q iisition for
twenty thousand choroogh’y drilled men. And
the men that are sent from this State hereaf
ter, wiUbestmceaole to the utmost extent
that a judicious sad thorough medical exami
Ui’iou can ah' w ta« m to be.
Nop are our women wanting to the demands
of tne occasion. Every ii.use in the cly U
fl lid wit a oa*y needles and fmay sewl g ma
cilaes. ilied by pvnotic fmintoe fiogtn*.
Q lontltiec, incoaceivab e, offcloth ng, are ev
ery oay tarotd oat, and tne iu*p«,c.o a bay tfce
wjrkmiQship is unexceptionable. Now aid
idea a iiuie uopracticalness Is manifested,
especially la the making of under garments,
but that is read If pardons ■»!«. Miss oroth}
Dx-tce w»U-k(jowo p'iilanthropic d ngbttrof
ourS ate, ba* established netec f in Washing
ton, aad will probably be appointed to the
comm*td in ihief cf tae army of nurses.
Kaowing tie efficiency of her sisters In ihs
section, she win doabtle«s give t'em early
call?, wntn it shall bee me new s*ary to organ
ize a ,arge forceatthesi eaecf action- Ccvnt
ices tenders of service haVfe been made by the
noble women here, to act in any capicity and
proceed to aoy place ‘hat toe Government
may direct Miss Dix requests that they hold
tnemscivesin res loess to proceed to head
quintra upon a c&U Ir.m Ijtr. The name of
Florence Nightingale will not stanu a:one
wheci tne servicse of Atntrican women shsli
h*ve given them cpporlumy to gain the re
spect and gratitude of humanity ji> ihe noble
adhere iu which Mias Nightingale baa so
worthily lived.
Otiur goo.i things are being done for the
solaicrs A State cotcmiss on has expert
mentedupoo the new bread-making process
of Profeebor HosforJ, of Harvard
Ibis preparation is inttaled as a substitute for
yeast, and to obviate the necessity of any de
lay for the dough to be proptriv raised. By it
oread cm re made in less than an hour
from tne fir-t mix ng of the flour, and It is
foomi'to be of excellent quality md flivor—ln
no re-pect Inferior to the bread made by the
orditary procsts. Toe result of the experi
ment ut the Stite House was so fattsiactory,
tnat materials tor miking brt ad by the new
process were at once sent forward to oar
troops at the R Uj douse, where the whole
matter will undergo a practical camp test.
Tae dtste has made a contract lor tne supply
ui our soldiers., with light uniforms fur the
warm season, ‘fiix thousand* light Zouave
and trousers will in a tew days, be
ready for transportation. Tne State Govern
men r . Deserves the highest acd the
gr*iitad- of every citizen tor us prompt and
exeunt cire for the comfort ot our Bo.d'.erv.
oluch of mis is due to tbe^"thoughtfulness ot
onr Chlet Mogistrate, Governor Andrew.
Tnough new* to posi ion, bis Excel
lency (oot a merely compjimentary designa
tion m mis instance) has shown a marvellous
isci ityior adapting hirnsrit to the exigencies
of iir position. His energy ia untiring, and
hi} toictnonght ot great benefit to his State
Kiadness and humonicy keep his beau con
stantly alive to good 'mpolaes, which he
Da-tens to convert into deeca.
Private oonmy ia not tebind State appro
priation in good worke. A moat tnbstantia]
manifestation of good will na& ja>t been made
oy toe occu t aniß ot Qu Market, Tbe
ba r qua L»nra bailed on Saturday with a cargo
ot &nd lee, given ty deattrt luthee'e
aruclts. Fran and salt meats, poultry, tau
sigi p, butter, chetse, crackers, irtßircod fish
aid hi ibut lormed The'Ctioi Items of tee. do
nat.on. oi Ice one liberal drm gave the »ho;e
boppiy of muie'tkan three hundred tort.' The
portion bithls supply -will be la*, ded at
Wd hmgion; >*oi*ll pm bejr£ len,aiFori
Monroe on tee way. Xni« jg an tx’ijn-la that
defers m pruvl=ioug m-y wtl. lollow In every
part oithc Unior. Wnswvtr mu fortunes may
overtake persons in other brscents: of -bnsi*
ueaa during tne disistroa* mon hs before us
tbc provision dealers.sre aure ot a good mar*
net wr their wares, and of a good prefit upon
them. Lei ns trust that they will make a lib
eral use o r their means thna gaine •. Tnecon
inoutlon I have spoktnofwas the occasion of
exposing tne tr-diorous sentiments which
Lurked in the breast of one market ua>. &Fr.
E award H. Walker ebose to reiuse col.-.
nibutioi to me tsoidter*-, and coupled hie re
lueai with the remarks mat be hepad the
eolaitrg wotUdali. be kiUtd ; that they m'-gin
stove f.r ail tuh provisions he give
ttbiir, and, msreover,shat he. wanted to bee .
Che Confederal* flag wafmg over Faneaft Had*
inii was too. much evtu fjr Boston’s titer
auce or free speech, and so Matter Wslker ass
maue to rnuu in a ou»gTee:ble manner. Hr
was paced by s reßpectatde mobmso attitude
ui opposition to-Ute month oi a gord-bizsc
aotfet'jiud drenched until, he waa putAedol
saih treasonable sent mehts. . Arcacilda lock
i/lnce as &u teen.'as'me notorious bne of the
Now YvXk Herald, and the conittmacipiis pro '
visionieis iouuq mat he ha. beena Uuion maa -
Jiom the first. H s remarks wtrfe mace, raid
. e, wlm hrat, and were very foolish, aad weie
hereby retreated; »id to make bis ptacr wiih
tie intuited spiutoi patriotism, he volnutars
iy donated one honor d dollars to thesi liielV
iaiiai W«laer has added anotheriothemany
pTjois oi the efficacy ot cold water* Treason :
•vaa only atkm disease with b*m, and we a:l
know ho e notplngik better for skin db easts
mau c v ld water. Tocre are sums deep-seated
cases of tica.on, however, tha- must be tub
j ccted,by-and-Oy ,10 some mote ccg«nt curative
, Before quitting the soldiers, let me say that
. Auu,r.o*a. l tact Society is doing an excel
the thing iu preparing reading for the troops,
jeot r«>cy a Urge number of capital
It is o-v—*.catey aoa securely’done up in
lulls , These wil', if properly dls
d.xiol the cnspliin’awo k in
monte . Among these hooks are two
every it* Ire ever published: The life',
ot me uest memoud the hie ot Cspt. HedUy
of tvcO. iLaveiOvk, o hooks have beta widely
Visors* ineso vwvroih’thMr.high moral ano
*eadr asd apart lr<ry !sfer<sEing as cirool
Christian tohe, are No better approprlat on,
else of adventure. * g of arms .and clothing,
next to the mrnishin QpTernmeht, or. by each
couil be mad - by theiy such books. To Avtry
dxste, Hun to snpp And ki deisult of tbie,
ooioier in the army. - ardly take a tetter
private bounty eonid h _ - . * -
I a *y^ lon *' : •} ■ j nmorw»* wffered
j dome ttqllfiir r ujf * fy'rmlaabU‘
ff jncp tuW * 0 lipt,
yoßspa«?y tmx bt*u **o»*at t burolne 6t thT
iyr i\m uvjict i£ifc «iinaii»ti6oUi i- ofe »,.v i4 a _ ri
. -du* Oi K CW .*«*,
i tfuoton. Ttui bu 'UU4ii o* tbla iUt
tnma DfMtit of ibetidotl; t. J
twugiuw) •» gaiedJwn
Jl3 pouyie kludge. buL me eta t b the
->“>i M> »■ lODWed »iwnto tbthe p j M J
eovcrj 01 «i »lUntlit lo wwSh Bm
ji tac Uccauusu; Aqaecoctt nom mi j
dcnvw u»jwyt£ °‘i W * ltT - _>£elnthe
jut 01 ike cuj *a* indy,a|JSr
aigdC Ol rbttftd<y*lMsß« ttarOiim* tD*y
iuU a o ongiiug awtßipi.toJ l^^.ll L tCtß&ful
.04 kt»v» ftWout uiH>u mu u tlf^llnf
(ij*ro& ol
\ao a'qotduct, ilflk my '^Sfc»p4TV
.014 bftiuce* w» U lumio by SoOVMrB J
Mt or A wiiiitiß laborer oil ol *™*t
Mutt llu
,a* yuii: I*o WiilrfaaV o- fiMde
t'kiu rf> i*ii^‘ > y-
• VJttt
* t«li
" ‘ f pro‘
luve combined to raise the whoieeale prioo of
Uleir re.pscttve leense from one nod a q rartcr
to one and a half cente The newsmen, th-lr
chief cnatomere, nainra'l/ rebel at tbie abrldc
ment of tuelr prod e. Tory have held several
meetiags, paea.-d roaolntioee, and oppointed
committees with the otfandine
to'mtke'Li It? M*' rth ' ybareaotbeea » w “
to make an tiTo ive remonstrmce. The
flr iIM by th “' r Proprietors. Tv
0 mll tt'O to thedbnrr/a/. TtieJmr
no! refers nicin to ate propria, r, who ia now
nviJ “ ot,y “V hi ll “ d of bl » comp*
Tba S a| leot captain de
cnnes rcc.iviog the contnutt at the Fort, ee
country's business, not
" ad ihe committee is, perforca,
♦ t l-; d visit to town, ween
t iey propose taking him by etorm. There la
little prooabi'lty of the r itduiins the propri
etore to return to the original tariff, as the
rhiog-jhas really b±en force! upon them by
the graht expeoae nectssary to m »i< tain their
woramg force in proper cider. Bit no; oner
55 iWi this, Tbibctne, better than yourself
Waite paper la ra, and thought and
eu-rgy is tspsnriv-, and don’t let the lonrasl
uta he crowied la these cays when uity are
■ a necessary. *
l Jr iog acd industrial interests are
ym-rtag somewhat the pressure of the times.
Bsferilof the m Us In tnis vicinity are run
ningathalf or iwo-tfcirda time. - neb as are
fortunate enough to get a contract ftt army
clotiare dong betta-r than taelrneighbors.
Tne print works and the large cotton mills era
•fugrea'-est sufferers. In gen-r*l busine;s.
cur merchints maintain themselves well on
der the st-oog bur Jen they kwe to bear.
Coose with S connections have bttle
reliance to pUcs upon aid from \ ha*, quarter ■
repudiation hemg the order of the day. And
your cruel Western exchange weigts heavily
n? oar^ enoagh to have debtors
at the West. w<s are wa tiog impatiently to
seethe State of Illinois come forward in its
•■n and re establish upon aac uad baa a its
vlt at id currency.
lu*4 (armors in Massachusetts and through
0W * u v ®°S ao 4 are pr parlcg for a warm
and thorongu campaign with nature. Evtry
where they -eem to be awake to the necessity
of ylintinsf every fquare foot oj ground whicn
th*y can cultivate t> ad rentage. Au*> they are
iook-ng sharp after a l the "artificial a da to
LTocucrion which can by an* poasibl ify give
an mcrea 4 e to the crop. Uodsr their oilmu*
|ns of poulrtttes and New
EJ2 ! aad s acres may'be relied noon foragood
vpM waea the harvest of 18111 shall come
mrant to give you a prel f mlnaiy touch of
h'fcrj-nrs and the drama as they now are in
•he modern Athens, bnt the dimensions of
this letter warn me that one cannot take at a
single view a cursory survpy-ofall
interest Imu it leave the*© foraocthtr time.
Batons more paragraph sea pendant to what I
have said aboee about readiog for the soldiers.
1 have this moment ieamel thit Messrs,
licknor & Fl-lis, thinking the forthcoming
(Jan-) number of the Atlantic jlfon'rMi/ admlra
biy adapted Wo the wants onttesoidicrs,- pro
pose printing an ex'ra numherfor gratuitous
circu ation in camp Ii tirii pa-riotic enter
prizs they will be aided by. contributions of
several of our literary men and prominent
cinzjns. Thennmbrr in question will con
tain several artleies of lively in’.ereat upon
American topics. James Lowell mr
ullb?n a piper upon the J?ff. Davis is represented in a moot,
admirable hymn, appropriate,, to.,the crisia;
the march oi toe Seventh R giment io Wash
mgton is graphically dsecriotd.- y one of Ita
members; HggiQsoa wti'is sn-account of a
save m Cuarlestou in 1822; and
a timely article upon Ameiican NiVi/atioa
deacrihee-tDe origin and formation cf the
Amtricatj navy, and Its rcUtion. to the em
bargo ol 1807 and ihe war of 1813.
Ihe Cue ofßtv Blr« VlunTquy,
Messbs Editors : I take the liberty to send
you a correction of some mistakes found in an
article in your journal ol the 13ih insh, headed
“Father Chia ; quy in Trouble.” Having been
present as a memb-r of the Presbytery during
‘be whole of the Judicial investigation of Mr.
Cblniquy’s case, and having the txrct tabular
aicountof the decision made by that body
now before me, Icffdr the correction not as a
part zio, but to pravent error and to have the
truth known. v '
Instead of being in session on fM* case only
44 three days,” the Presbytery were in session
from Tuesday evening till Saturday a^emoou.
Tne attendance of spectators” during
the moat of the session did not exceed thirty
or forty, X should j idge, and at no lime did U
probably exceed sixly. . •
ProfcSior Scott was the Proaecntor of the
caie; yet It is but justice to say that he was
appointed to this service by the Presbytery,
and brought the charges in the name of Com
mon Fame” - .
Tuecuarges presented and prosecuted at
this session of the Presbytery, were not touch
ing his Integrity as to the trust committed to
him ia the large benevolent enterprise he has
made his own, but were, Ist, fabehcod; 2nd,
raising money on false pretences.”
*‘A vote of the Presbytery, by a majority of
one, was passed, to acquit Ur. Chiuiquy of”
two oat of the eight apecificitions under the
two general charges, and a voto was passed iy
a large m»j or.ty to acquit him of the other six
specifications. Instead of a direct vote on
the specifics ions, some of the member* an
swered, Aon liqwt.' On one specification the
number voting Aon liquet was greater than the
number voting to'convict or to acquit. Four
members did not vote at all, viz: the Prose
cutor of the case, the Moderator, and two who
wereVltnesses. The Prosecutor was debarred
from voting by his position, of course. The
Moderator had been cu the committee to pre
pare the case to come before the Presbytery,
and in bis office as Moderator declined to vote.
The two members, who had been witnesses
against Mr. Chiuiquy were excused from vot
ing at their request.
ThePresbyttry did not pass a vote w to cen
sure him (Mr. C ) for his course in the entire
matter.” A majority not having voted that
.any of the specifications were sustained, the
Presbytery of comse passed no vote of censure.
Siveralol the members left before the fi al
vote was taken, and a considerable number cf
the Presbytery were not present at aIL An
appeal was taken from the decision of the
Presbytery to the Synod, which meets next
October, to review the ca-e. It was voted
s.lso to hold a speciil meeting of the Presby
tery on the last Tuesday of J ana. T. P.
Special Seaslon «fth« Vlicoiutn Letiw'
[Correspondence of the Chicago Tribune.]
Madison, Wia , May 15.15C1.
The Wisconsin LegUUtnrr, called together
by the Proclamation of the Governor, to u pr6-
vide completely for making the power of the
Slate useful to the Government and to other
loyal States,” met at noon to day in extra
Both Houies promptly organized, within
twenty minutes, by thj unanimous re election
of the effl :ers of the last session.
la the Assembly, Ama a Cobb is Speaker,
L. H. D. Crane, Chief Clerk, and Craig B.
Beebe, Arms, Istbe Senate, S, H.
Warren is Chief Clerk, and J. A, Hadley, Scr
geantat-Ams. The committee appointed to
wait on the Governor anuounc&d that he
would deliver his message at 3 p ir.
There Is the utmost harmony and good
feeling, and a general determination tha'. Wis
consin shall' be outdone by nous of her sister
States. Tours, R.DB.
liqporiaal fr»m M. Louis.
The N:w Origins Picayune has important
news from Sf. Louis in (hs robowieg dispatch:
[By the South west Line]
May 10—It is rumored that
Missouri b:ate troops, und r Gov. Jackson,
h*velnv<sed St. LouW, and that eome
thousand men, under Bioir, are defending that
[Therein nothine Improbable in this. For
»wks t>ast, the Blwa KepaMlcans, under
F.-aok BUir, and «im the aid of Germ in mer
cenaries from Illinois, have tyrannized ovtr
S' Louis, and the people would be'icss than
Nttasounaua, did they not ns-* en masse and
drive them out It would have been done
<od; ago, tat not B air h>d possession of the
and bad gans pointed on the city.—
3Js.^P*ayun£Jl. ..
The cspujre of Camp Jackson tockpUce on
tbelOih. .The Piciywie haaa dispatch atnoanc
log the stabbing of Dr. Sanderson by Judge
Buckner, but has not a word about Capt. Ly
on’s brilliant coup de main.
ilfew llchtca the Disunion Business
The Washington correspondent cl the New -
Orleans Picayune throws some light open a
piece of legtrdena .n carried though Congress
about a year ago by Jeff Daria. Hesays:
|Tae Federal G rvemment does not poraess a
fl’hgle rifle cannon, which would seem to he a.
gtsat oweislgot on their part. They are about
«d remedy the deficiency by adopting tne
ot rifi'ng the standard ordnance,
ladjiftl' g therewith the Junes shot end she 1
"SeerjUry Floyd, at u>e recommendation of
a board bt ordnance effic rs, ordered all the
standard brocze guns ot the Uaited States to
berifl d by Am**, atChlcopfe.and contracted
fhr jiTQes*spr» j ctil*s tobfeused inthesame.
The Jefferson Due's restriction upon the purchase .
of anypitent articles by the War Department de
footed tM prefect; otherwise, the. United i-tatee.
Government would have- now hadtwokundrod of -
the moit efficient riJU casman in tfie.tpQild—
jiat is to ei»y, thao numotr ot brocard r.fia
c ijjppn would bars been -distributed tbr* ugh
£edlff3te*rt I, WBohala,. and Mr. . Fioy4
*ould probably Lavs- helped the Southern
Goveramaht teiT Übtra'ly.,
Col. Anderson
• The Washington correspondent of the New
Oriesus jfoswff* pays 5 the following. trtbnte*
to the loyalty wd demotion of OoL Robert
Anderson; . - ;
* Mayct Anderson speaks wife enthusiasm,
Mld bVen rdlgloUe fervor, of the Union* No
cusulnthe service U" more X'
oppose this wdl be the case wife ail the offl,
cere who.reseda ia the *rmy cr iutfj. They.
*illhe more devoted to-fee-ffif because If
us denounced end flouted.?- j.. ; .
_Bu« SOTp»wjo3r.*--We hern feet a els
patch was’rttsdvtdlar vhl»: city yesterday to ;
che effectthst'tbe New Orleans banks sus
pended specie payment on Saturday.—£«*<*■.
[Oon-Mpoiuleuwijr th» Presi nd Trflmiio.]
. Wioijje, Vi„ H*y is, 1881.
With the Union mea of' North-western Vir
ginia It bent for- some time a foregone
conclusion ttqtv the Convention assembled
here would be a success in more ways
than one. v " •. .*.■■■
Slace Friday, the., delegitel'have been
coming to the city, nod the streets during the
day crowded* with people, and almost
striped wl»n fivgs. ' to see two
steamers that were ina business point of view
.dfamstrica'iy. ooposed to each oth-r, come
down the river bound together, and so ibrorged
with peopl&and baentrs ih»t we could hardly
nave duiltgpished one rom the other.
‘ In a Central por Im of the city Governor
L“tehe.r and H- A Wise were expended in
♦fflgy* anf l I saw a crowd of people hurrahing
forme Union and-jcryicg deata to traitors.
AU over the city the enthusiasm Is Intense,
and can be ob’y compa r d with the days of
hard cider in “’4O” Nearly thirty counties
are repressed here, and there is hope in all
r Speech « were made daring the early part
of.the Q.o n ; ng, from the verandah cf the
1 M“tgatn House,” to *n immense crowd of
people*' and strong Union sentiment was
tweathed with unbounded approval, Toe Hon,
Wm. G. Brown, of Preston county, nominee
of me Union pariy for next Congress, was
called for and responded in his usually plain,
straight-forward style. He was in favor of do
lig all that could be done to heal the difixcnl
ty* but if Ent&ra Virglaii would not part
with the Wcet without a struggle, lh*Te was
b»t one way to act. He advised cocci! ation
and firmness, and hoped that every one before
him fit that the Sta'e could not exist as a
wnole if any ponF n of U should go with the
8 u'hem Confederacy.
You are prooa ny awe that our County
Co of, at the disire of the people, and with
but one dissenting voice, has ordered the polls
for the usual elections to be opened in this
district at the proper time, in opposition to
Gov. Letcher’s prpclamaton requiring the
election to be postponed, ill a f the vtte on
secession had £*o.«u wdl be
elected by an overwhelming majority to Con
gress.' la fa't, his opponent, a Secessionist,
cmnot induce the people la one of our coun
try to wns to hear him
It is aim st impos ibie for you at Cbfcipo to
appreciate tbe posMoo oi affairs la this por
t-on of Virginia. Though the people are uni
t:dto a nn<t on tbe question ol secedirg from
the Esst, yet it is hard for ihem to epooss
their own State—it is bard to cut loose from
all tbe ties-that have bound them as a common
peopls together for so many years—t is hard
to ta? to their friends over *he All-ghanies
aud Blue Ridge, that there can he to more
brotheruooi, nor any m >re of the old and
cherished relations. But then they /eel that
ic will never do to let these western counties
be lead ov<r tbe brink of disunion into the
whirlpool of rebe llioo »g -lust the General Gov
eminent. So with these opposing feeing?,
the Convention silting here to day, will have contend with and much to overcome.
Z> would be useless forme to go iut«- a dis
cussion of cause* that brought about a
■vote for secession in the Richmond Conven
tion. The Union majority was a large ouefor
week* ; but simultaneously with the fire on
Sacu’er there was a change. Some say that
Pxj or bal the management of it in his Bands,
aad others claim that a portion of tbe mem
oera were bought. At any rate, the State was
voted oat,and tbr people who gave atthepolls
a majority 0f50,0C0 for Union,were to a'l iol e its
and purpos-s a portion of thsSon’hernCodied
o:caT, Now, if Wes'em Va, follows the lead of
the E *steiu part of the State, we will be in a sad
fix indeed, sn»rjunded as we would be in
that even* 1 , with hostility on every aide, and
not the least - chance of succor. Bat, if the
West will hold fast totheSt&rs and Stripes,
the peop’e will be sec arc from barm and inde
pendent of danger. More than that— t does
seem to a close o&aeryer tint this portion of
Virginia may ha instrumental in bring
ing about .a settlement of the present
difficulties, standing aa she dots, like
agrtatroad between two seas. Let ns hope
then, that the Convention aasemtl-jd here to
day be characterized by firmness and a
just appre iitijn oJ the imperant f ositlon It
occupies in the micas of tne thoughtful and
patriotic all ever thel»ud.
Major O <kes of the (J 8. A. is here at pres
ent, recruiting in companies. It ia presumed
that oae or two regiments will be in ctmp on
the island in a few days. Ia fact the love of
tbe dear oil ffig is in *-very heart in this city,
and I am sure t >at the people of uh'o county
will be found as loyal to tbe Gov?ramsnt as
any ia the Uolon. Remember mat it is ea-Ur
to be a staunch frieidto the Washington Gov
ernment in Illinois—much easier—:ha in
Southern Bofflanllm.
Ihe Dubuque Times gives an account of the
narrow eeeane made by a gentleman now in
Dubuque, He was engaged in the provision
business .at Aiuns'a, Georgia, He was sus
pected by the Georgians of having been an
abol.tionlst when he lived in laws, and a mob
surrounded his house and threatened him
with violence. He says:
Myself and son-io law stood all that night at
the head of the first flight of stairs in my
boose, with fire arms and axes, resolved to sell
onr lives as dearly a* postibU, should the
miscreant* break 10. My I rave wife knew no
tear, and would leave roy side, a'thongh I
en’reated her to do so. She seemed nerved
to desperation by out cou.mon dacg- r, and
ready to face i nd aacnfice htrl fe,if ncceisa'y,
in dffen-e of our hom%. Tne people were
pacified at last when tney found ns too reso
lute to be impoeed upon, and alter a short
time I was a lowed to pursue my business as
nsuC, altaough I satisfied lh“.m, apparently
that I did net entertain print ip es rtpognan*
to thtir peculiar views, and convinced them
that the information they had rec-.ived was a
tissue of falsehoods.
He finally sent his family North secretly,
and was obliged to enlist in the Confederate
army. Oae day he determined to escape, and
ao left hU store, with goods worth $9,000, and
all his furniture in his house. As he left on
he car s, he witnessed the following Incident.
The committee went through the can after
the passengers were seated, and closely qn s s
tiontd and scrutinized every individual In
one car they found tn old mm who answered
to the description of a mad who had been
tarred and feathered at Savannah and shipped
off. Appendtd to the dispatch deficrioicg
bim, was thi* Christian injunction, “If you
ca»ch bim, give hun bell”
One o: the rnfiUns lifted his grey locks and
saw the tar still adhering: to his brow, where
he had been unable to remove it. He fairly
yelled with delight, “here’s the oid devil!
We’ve got him,” &e., &c. They howled and
then dragged bim from-the car to the pla».f »rta
outside, although they dldnotknow anything
he bad done amiss.
“Gentlemen,said the aged mvt,respec l <hTy.
I am an old man, and do not know that I ever
md any man wrong. All I ask Lj for thepriv
ilege of ge tirg heme to my family. X big
that you will release me.”
They laughed his entreaties to scorn, and
bore him Vvgy in the dark, screaming and
yelling like demons, donbllrss to fr ure Mm
with scourges, and p rhaps to murder him as
they have so before him. During all
this time I lay within a dozm feet of some of
toe parly, cxpfetlrg every moment I would
be uncovered by eom unlucky fi-nd. It is
well for him and me he did not, for that mo
meat would be the signal for his drath. I
would have shot as many as I could and died
At last the train moved out cf the depot
elo»ly around a c i ve, and when It was out <*t
range of the depot lamps I dropped from my
psrcu and (Umbered upon the rear platform of
the car. Going Into the car l sat down lu the
darkest corner, and drew toy hat over my lace
lu oner to escape recognition.
B, feigning s ecp I escaped the attention and
remarks of my towmmea, many of whom
.were on boar 3 of the tram until morning, when
we reached Atlmti, soma two hundred miles
from Auguste.
When it became light he pieteudei to those
who knew him that he was trying to buy pro
. violooe, which he wss.deallcg in, and so eon
tinned ip come farther and farther north, not
fiadirg a market, until flaallyhe and several
companions got into Indiana, on tie r way to
Cincinnati, when just before the train was to
start an old man arose snd made this remark .
w JLdon’t know how you all reel,
bni / tbs*. k G >qffihn on tree soil once more.”
Oh I you should mave heard tie shout that
tht-n w«nt up Every min of us had been, feeing
yrwrt the Souiherit Unitors * d oared not. avow
uto each other. Wj all got out of the cars
again upon the plstiorm, and there r freshe:
onr t* r ts»s forflriiwwiUi three load cheers for
A New Excltemeßt In Texas,
We learn by the steamer J M- barp, which
arrived this morning from J ff=rs.oo, TrXu',
that news reached that p?ace T «day last by
expres :, in a Utter to J. &1& J. C Murphy,
ttat of ILausai Lotori, tv, at tne
bead:of3.COO men, had taken F->«t Oachira.
Mtssetgers had been sent to Marshall and
other places for, men money, guns, powd>r
and lead. --Capt BUI Young, w 1 b about 600
men, was' on the march, trying to oppose
Montgomery. This news was corroborated
last Wednssdiy at Shreveport. The greatest
excitement prevailed throughput the country.
The bells were ringing when the Sharp left
Jeff. Tson, for the purpose of calling a town
meeting; Already a large meeting had been
held at Shreveport. -
Tbs axeamerTDake, due here fo moirow,
w-li, doub'T-tfs. bring u* fuller particulars.—
AeioOrfeani Picayune, llfA. '
0/course, was not even near
Fort OucMta, and probably does not intend
to go; but “a gu Jfy conscience needs no ac
cuser.” ’ J.': •
The.fteait UwlSJiMja*--
Toe stampede of.elave, from the Sonth has
not been eunfued to a paiticnlar locility, >ii(]
the fugitives have not taken any special route
A. great number have -been, passing through
this city daring ihe-lsst few weeks. Ofcourse
no citizen or cffldil wilt interest himself to
send Inittirts lMCkno enetnl a o thoGovirn
ment,_ hut night the. number that reached
the city was aald to be t wtniy.. A ncorner ot
9% f °d&ed Is Station hohsea. ahd Vrere as
sisted to gp former.. The stoiy that they tell
be fflcfiSoV”. 0 !> th ! S 88 M iheSonth should
2* 10 indoudite the rebels, ©r they
&•. In a leHwr*sand;by * friend of Mr.
BajOiMb, laNtt' Jersey v ttajß'ago. lie
~.i J ' I SJ :3 / ‘ - -■'• r*
:* i hope IboAflaitnUt ration out noirprac
ecnyr ;the jdtii w*r,‘ eo. noxlgfeuonftly. com
The Galveston Xews of the G:h Bays
.We I earn {rota Mr. W, A. Allen, who ar
rived thla mor&log from H*rdiu county, that
the rains in that action h*ve been very neavy
Ihe crops are all locking well and lave eua
titofd no d wer« jcitcp,
snl flour wia#&ling a* sls oer barrel, wbUe
com was bringing ’s2 50 per bcshel, owl g
to the repor f . oi the blousadd o* ihe Misal*
Bipr»-, which was generally b.-litved. The
mtlirafy rxc.tement was ’•try general ia Ty?e*
aaa Hirdm couatifs, and lomp-mlca wer*
bslng formed in reidtnem to def cd onr coast
if ntci«aary, aid move at an hour’s no ice.
The Gilveaton Civilian of the 4th, pays:
Tbe steamship Geu- Rask. Captam Le*»b
?. m i l Tr arr ‘^' id IDiB morxnog from I'-dian !a
J-ol Vad Dora is reported to have ord re<
back volunteer* tf the coos’, coao***«. a*
he cnnsiders he wlUb« joined by a ttffir.m
Jorce from the iclerior to-am»t the U. S
troops on ihtir way to In.’iiatio a.
The liidiaaoli Courier of the 4 1 .h mat,
Persons from every quarter of Western
ftx« report fine rains aud a splendii pro?-
pactat'ae coming harves Tbs.prosper is
S® <J thronghoot t e entire Sta.e, and the
Jitld wiil be mnrh greater than in tbe fin.
crop year of 3,853, wo.en la-ge quantities c
hr adftr.ffa were exported. Wahoot som-
Unusual set-b tek to tbe trips, Texas will make
this season a t„ree yean>’ »upply.
The Galveston Civilian of the 7th inst,
We understand that the breastworks aud
other fort'fi *a’ions of th'S city a r e now al
complete, aud ihat a few more h-avy gnn?
only remain *o be placed ia me bitlery in or
Ctr to pat GiUeston ia acotdition ot dffetet
against the threatened blockade. Our citiz-ns.
Junrg and old, have been constancy -cgugAc
in dridirg during the p?st two wtese, wt
believe wc hive now about 15C0 m?* 1 all our
own citzsns, r*»ady for the enemy. Oar nu j U
bors also, o! Houston sod otter towns aoc
counties iu the vicinity, hare bren uetttrg it
readiness, and wid, jn twenty f_> U r hncr/no
tice, eena ns ihreeor four thousand wth arm
ed msn.. Th're is now a general fe.Uog C )
satisfaction that the eatmy cannot take ns
surprise. -
Gtn.Tlariiej’a Proclamation.
The St Louis Republican dots not like tbe
position of affiirs in Missouri, since it has di
g€B-ed Gen. Hire./a proclimstioa. It t«j»:
ios'-rurtioo. com macd bim fo
SIS’""" 18 ' Draema-id pastp,.!-
to Union, and th s he Is In
,o. . hazard of lighting no war all over
tue State, by marching bis troops to pm
aawn any organ: z»tiou wiich m>y be tortured
as Limp Jicksou was—into to tb»
G-di. Harney fetb bimself abie to
j S * l oa wheatverit may show
i seit, and tue sigQifi.>aace of his mini csto i?
embraced ia this particular lac*: alone. S'..
Louis ia overawed by arm:d biais of mso,ea*
glue thti >- Vengeance Upon thdse who up to tbe
present time, were t.hrir aeiuhbars and Iritr ds
but who are so no losger. ‘The whole eastrrn
ir nt on the Mississippi river is c-'-mcaaodeo
mthe same way, andthe lowa and Kmr&s bir
ders arr, cr soon will wdlguardcd
Homey’s manifetto ia moae t enough in
noise Utgiorh with some paticularPy taebt
iicts, aedthe advantages which they K vehim,
e^ rerestrAlll€(i °J 110 suca deiicacv, and
notry the perple < f them, tba>. rhev mat tak*
warning. Tfo State of {5 «o e/rfiladcd
andcojdroUed by the military fwu fated by ih-.
Lnited Hates Uouermn-t-t Vmt it icoultt be icarse
iMntnadness to think of opposing t/um with any
expectation of success So much we have Ith
oantlvde, Duund 10 say by way caution to the
people of Mitsonri.
Now let the Republican be informed that
Missouri will continue to be “cnfilided and
controlled” as lo:g as hertraitore plot seces
sion, and we si all see that journal join
ing the Un on cause.
Burying the National Flag.
Ag-ntitnun who has just madt h s escap*
from Memphis, Tennesser, has given uh ta*
folic wig a ecu at of a scl?mn cert rcooy which
took pUee in lb it. ci»y a cay or two b-fore le
quitteo if. ttat he wa? an tye witness
to the whole ot th i prt c * d ? g-», ana us he is
a man of the greatest respectability his state
ment m-.y be relied cn. la the oue «>1 tarj
equare which Memphis p wsef-see, sUucr s
statuecf Andrew Jack-on. By «he side r.f this
status a Irfgepit, was dusr, end « n he. dtv in
irmia’, .'t.a>;diog near
tne place, saw a ro«iy of aoout. llvohuidrtu
menslowlv fpproa/iiiiat-, beaded bv a cand of
music p rfo’mU'g the “dead unrcbV’
At r tr the bind came tigai mm bearing the
dead body wbcli wa* to na f.,*ns goed to the
pi-; this enjp e was nojnore less Hun a
ja-gd standard of ihi tiers aad .-t pe ; , which
lowtred into rs fioulmt-rg
place. Ine earth was thc-u thrown npon i‘
“aate*to ashes and dost to duet”—and »Lepit
was fill dup TheepecUtors then di-perse »
quietly,apparen-lj tfio-oagU'y?aih-li:d at hav
ing ta.d t titir >ast respects to aa old irl-no’e re
mutrs Tnetomoslonehas no:yet b.en pntup,
ncr have we heard what sort ot aa epitaph i
to be inscr bed on it; but no dcubt it wi.i co
credit to Tennesste.
Our informant adds, thatcurinsr tbe evening
of the d yon which our national Hag wastluo
flolemoiv interred, ther-- a rse ote of
most violent ta'es cf wind wit cessed m
Memphif, and every sec.fS'.oc flag ia the cl*y
was biiiwp down. SiugLlir to relate, a Ttiv
fl»g, which was euspeuced neir th*r.
grave, was blown away from tte statf and
carried by the wind to the ce v!y fi 1 .i up pir,
where it was depo-i ei aod left; to soak in toe
rain and mud, au appropriate holoiaast to the
di-parted great. Tne anger of ht-avens was thus
naiquivov-ally d at the ia’amons dess
oration of onr honored bana*-r. Was-, is the
next form in which S >a'hera lasaaiiy wuldis-
Pi*y iteeli? —Philadelphia American.
News of Fort Pickens.
[FromAgeNew Orleans Picayune, 11th.]
The ex»r»c»s ia from a pr vate
letter from a soidicr at Pensacola to a friend
in this city, dated tue 6 ,q:
We have erected two fortifications by our
own labor, and at t .reif;nt we are aUe t) repel
any attack. Tae enemy could hare lakm the
phee before (ur arrival, The ollj commuoi
catioa we have is by the railroad t > Montgom
ery. I f a loss would h*ve placed the army in
th* power cf the Yankees.
The blockade by t-even large m 9 n*of-war is
complete and effective. No ingress or egress
is allowed. Last night we put a clincher on
the operations of lht> enemy. Toe ships on
the outride which intended to etiam up when
the at'aik was opened hare been nude cem
pirauvejy iibrm-tfcs on account o? our sink
mga large number of brig?, echocuers aid
barges, completely stopple gup ibeen’r-mce
to the harbor. This Is a great point gamed.
wVa W3 emsid.r thi tuns on ihetbpj,
numberlne some four hundred of the largest
ta’ibre _ Now they cannot get neir-r tcaa
three milts-of up. With a clear chant *l l bey
could have peppered us at hail a tulle dia
We have been waiting for some ten inch
colambiids and Armstrong gnrs, aleo beavv
mortara, etc., from' Charleston. The gap in
Ihe raiircai wa< closed on da? before yester.
day, ani to day’s traia broagit u* the lon*'
expected material. I*, wi l ill be pat ia Place
within a week or ten davs at farthest. W&lie
I an writing, S 000 men are busily «n aged ia
moving them off io titlr proper places. Our
success will be mr ala, thongu ttt Lded with
some loss. We can see ineta work
hour in the dry a'. For P.c ens Xhiir cols
are now pointed at the Nary Yard.
‘*They are for Ca'ro »
' [From the Louisrd e Jaamal 14 h.]
Weladan int<rview yesierdaT whhavery
distiegmshed cirizen of N-sw York, woo came
through G-orgia and Florida lr< m Fior.da,
where ne had oeen- sr-j mrolng some m7nth<
icrtte benefit of his tumiiv’s health, iled.-ee
not beiisve tiattbe U. S Gavfrommthas any
aatquale idta of tae extent ga'lrericg
ol troops id the Sauth.
t»een Chattanooga abd Nashville, to a
place cn or near a st< am’ where a body of
iroops was a*.- enabl'd, A gentle aan told him
that intir uact-ber a aau thit it
would be loaror five 1hou»-,nci ttJore n git
“I suppose th y are'goioir to Mckeuf
onrJnesd. . “ Oa no,” eau tfl« otlur, **these
are for Calrc!”
How to Account for It.
ThslEcYcasli-g Lrvur iu the S .uih is due to
the want r f ihs umal supply oflee. The New
Orleans Pfcof/une of the ll'h fajs :
Toere was e.jme t»lk about the s*ock oflee;
»hat it is eeillag at Very huh prices, std soon.
Id cannot be g-iinrald hut » battue* xporUUoa
of ice from boston
ed, that itla b’dckaee-’, add's » U tae importa
tion of paving stones. Our square block pvvg
meuts caa not be progressed wita for mot of
the stone. As lor the Is-*, It will be bird for
ma* yto give it up. Hrvcv.-r, tber 4 are tinny
cftzus wt.o have residtd for jfars in New
Origans long btfore ic3 was anarfcle of tra ;p,
t x brought here for sde; so if the stock of
ice gives out before the summer tnda, we
mast do as ia old times, go without.
General Harney’s Property Seined in
The Galveston CtWian of the 4th ssys
We learn from a-friend in Austin, that aa
soon as the news rsac, td Aus in ot Gsrerai
Harney eEl ; «ticg troop* ht St forXld -
coin, Gov. Edward Clark deputed L*eut‘l)2-
bray to Gisn. iiara»y’fl Tdgfneace, Bud- fbok
from there fopr pwctaof arnikry cliiotd a*
belonging to him by Harney V agents at bis
place. ‘ u These pieces,*’ tbe wr tEr ss'jeC « are
now In the possession of the State of-Trxis
and will be used, if neeca b% egum t Gsn! r any o her of Mr. -Lincoln's a:my
who may pay us a visit.!'
Gsrat Tornado in South Carolina,—it
tmiDle torus/io passed over the district of
Orangeburg, Soutu Carolina, on JloncUy-afUr
noon of last we’et, doing great damage to
and several lives were- lost. -The'
gate extended a distance of mile*,
and the width of the path of the whiruvim
was aoout a garter ,oi.a mil®, 'The roar of
the teroprat ‘was- frghrui ‘ Its' power w-is
wonderlnl It bore heavy- fragment,bf ; Dr.
Jenkins’s house more thap t«o mUesfcunj
its site, lh traversing the wood it twisu d
ap ahd proetrattd the largest pine trets m
every direction, and in one instance It'toreUp
a stone wall entire, leat log It with ia .ouu
jUtlona j highest; ; : -
*%&'.Thß indications,;** opr readers will see
firem the despatches, are ihit Wee term -Vir
ginia is about to met i'srlr ink? a ije-vfj3:a;e.
S’ate will leap from the liead of tbe old on?
Irka Priiea from the bead of Japftcr, fill!
thrown and fall armed, and taking tnel&rgtr
p >rtion of the bia na'witb it, Toe people of
Vthnnia ibieattnio ct&n* tbe people
-I Western Virginia. •*lb»y prutefft biust v* .
G«nfentij that they will do-this. ■ Tiey cartt
»bough. It I* tMy esldrat that tbc Uutual
States- GcmaxbeDt win defend Wttttm V.r.
giolaaa apoition wf U)« Baited States,- U she
wishes to remain go,—Zouurwk Journal.
wonts or coxroßT.
* Como fly to onr arm# /” cried Georg# Sanders
to D*vls;
“Yon ebill have Northern aid for yoar armies and
Bat, ala- ] Davis finds that oar arms are a stock
And the aid we iatend to seed Soalh Is—a block
tf> Stephen? — 4 L t’a cUmor for strife,
11(1 we li rope iu ihe wh-Js South for war 10 the
Vt.B, bolri Uavia I yon'Uflad—at the end of thia
,on r uauQra wi.l fc e roped in—?ome way or
oChei 1 -y. Y. Sunday Timm.
aoTiDRfCE.—The hacking institutions of
rovidcncf, R L,have addressed a circular to
aon - S. P. Chise, Secretary of the Treasury
proposes to ta*e $500,000 of the ne«r loan, to
oe tal * sa the shape of convertible Treasury
ootes. *
,Z ai , T Gun.—lt bow «pp€a-»
n "Web ™«p
--n w- b> G “■ Butfr . ÜBS. lets alter all. Mr!
u lkusjh, the iLven.or, was not captured, as
nvfJJ?*'?' v at **<**9*6 with tbe ao t ts
i J l °. f . tbe aaebine—'»ioe gau’* itself
w.LtiO!ii, v?tic!j th-i machinery is 01 do mors
ui e h. h J?* a ? ola . vya ? oE - The masuintry has
Ail been to p trees and examined by the
*lafeß 9 c t. u . c aj s mechanics, bit use? fioa that
oothinj can be mads oat of the wonlufal
ih i *- c party arrested was aMr Bra fjrd, interestedm the sale of
to the Virginians,
fiTEon. William A Graham, of North
Alixi ddiverc-3 a «p ecu at H-lutoro. the
•peer day, m favor of ihe of the
a a‘.c. tie ran with G-n. Suott i-i 3853, buihe
dJ ~ no. appear to run wuh him m>w.
Laf* - Please, Sou‘h Cirrlina, doa’t take any
jaw. at present. Tour secession
admirers iu Kentucky hive soc'ZAd them-
SiiVtS almost co death— Lcnt'suilU Journal.
100 Pieces Sich Ptalß Silks,
Ir aU Colon.
?50 r»c«, Hiack Stgured Bilka.
Over Five HaadrsdPltoes
Ir all tbs novel styles »l! choice -
Sstraor-iinary Bargains in Siiij
TUI yon we our Bsrg&iaa.
511 laminated tvlozainbiq.u.ez,
M S4O2AaiHIQCrS3 tor LvUes Snia,
4.a4 all the ebdc«t novelties in Drew Gsods la on-
Umited variety. Tee la*est Par a nove:;les la Ladles
and SUk H&jtles and SLa v|« now In stock.
W2L m. BOS-S d CO. }
is; aid ixiQ
L Jost received by
G-Ai.2 baotsnstCL
Brngjlit*. £O3 Randelph Street.
The beet Article in ass, sold by
GKAJL3J brothers,
gee.. 303 Randolph street.
W* will tell
A.'t TCTot Ooat^
For fee next dzty days, our Jcbtuss Stock of
Sort For, Wool and Straw Bats,
Whim Is fresh ad embraces all fee LATEST StTLSS.
can insure Bargains*
J. a. SnIlH & CO ,
a- LAKE street.
L-auod each r'ay. and v
Union Letter Paper
To n atth,
J-'ewand Original designs issued every day.
j.j.ey ar- x uir d ami , u ai ri ~NF AG tor a
*•»*». n rried tree < I charge In <»aon packao, axount.
mg to T •.« LOLiAita. v\eiiaTa
S°nd THREE Lett»r S amps ad we will return a
aamplj by lirJt n.a.l.
1776 :
Envelopes Sc Letter Paper,
Repr g a S >’• EVK descend
ln| fro a tin talons i f Lite \ E JCAN EAGLB
mrougb,aau re^Uji-a r ALmETTj THee.
Dying Rattlesnake
1* e a* of L'BSRTTTnd th«*C ‘ STI rp r't>s* »ra
rcpr-.Beittad ae ne>i-g -iigtio.l t> the opposite scale
Willi t >e BBOKE.V tUi-IS s,* Discx.ox and the Tiua-
W f» a Rordsrtf
Hod, tTOliita db Blue,
v ’LOP..B, ard a ur-.t -«rlel>- *1 uUkj b e>v dCAgus,
xe-ore now abl= to .up ly.
station >r»’ Sail,
S?l9-ev2s<tn bU. 14u LAKE bIREET, CHICAGO.
17 .... - state Street, 47
HAS ins
iloasflny and Broiling Chamber,
Id ifth Roasting van be don- on a tarn spit. n*»*fTp.
LT BEFORE THE ft he ; atl'i broiling be d IRft dv*;r live
coals, without ivnj n.m.9 c.r smuke e&CApUc law the
I* Inrge, foronuuiv 'cnuluted. iua te »uro shed -with
s P&t- Ll Etnim-le-l Ov- n Us.itjm-* new. Tula-hie and
itcraetive I jve-tioo. The .t veiasiipi>l{ d wltn a
whloh Is more c av uirat tba-i tbe ordinary "'ms
nett C- p.«r A IT BE ISED OR
Occaple* b*» m-re rc» in th*a th» Wai of
c-MtigPt ve »i ho lyfoaro--! t *ol<4t «hn<* ITS
CAP\dTT l-ON'K-UAL" O -Ka’ Hi. at«s CoauHi
In t righ st degree .II tue f&cUft'cs for perfuxamig
6- e c«lr »r wor» .fa ho > «.|th
li • XOr.TH^SsT
B2«,£F, Wia, April IStt. S6i.
I t)>e freest d< a-lr-ne fr?? la tela city. Jcm ors
r-f tSe r-, utdj I 9* my Ft re ai.a !t» 6Lt ra
conWLtH i h«-i In mj BMre two o* e larp» one
.-sl<t ro tiave be**ii twin d 1q 'iocLot r, X V„
lh« otuvr a ?Ue EARRING'S Par NT C -AM
1"> - o; voarzaske e arg : !*a*e t tood by the sld*
cl ibe bnildl.-.i; m 4 fell lnt*j ins cellar tad
eubje-.H d to a great amount <-i hca : t: e
•treb-d'v wot »<eo, - d c am Bat-fitd ••mid
h-F-e er-arih j d li'*!cba<> fn-ea 'orated Wiir-p*
tnesiiiai. u-rrl Vaijafe wai Tie Utrrlm: 5 a e »a»
located In tu s c nte cf ca- ®t T 'rj a-.-< ftll Ini tne
CrlUr am >• alarga-'qda- ilty of butter walen mvJs
a T.*>atlateca- lo f*ct l»vt a* to melt s-tae
O' the Iron -ari cono'i.’mf the frani*-• f rne #afe en
off nsreoiliLg the t-rrhle creeal which
uii.ikU pamhd U*r>ui*. I au. fc»Pi» » aav that its
.iur cvotfsui, > ouii»tiDS e. moh-y aod oiner vala-
Lies, to the ae;o‘> t cf anuut u, came out
And without ths Loss cf a Single Cent
i r?caru Oils a* a most-auaisetury te t of the Bop-?rl
cr ly uf tu- cr -i-io I of j-v_r Pat£s'T
CnAilrl'tK SAFES o*er au\ and all ett era. I bars
t--dari>rU ritd ef ih : tin a* tao one
wcfonco irlumrsaou* parsed tar
D. CA'-«AST.
Tbe Safe caa new be teea Infract of oar «tcre.
gOil E rii U T G N-JiiW.
Po»es?lag Taluab.a propsrtho for neaasiag the carC
tla: between ths teeth, and hapariLiga dihshtfal sea.
ratios ol coolness to the month.
try it.
~ .
/j_Y V’A.C'i SU£LiACJi-j» ’ ,
nearly Eys^-t, Article \ Japsaacd, R'afn aoa piaa
. ■ * - - Jshed -
ScrnlMd br tin-waes,
bouse kESPisejS^^
.HsybelfbMdU - ': APr^Tcs,
_ ■ . . H ira Cage*,
42, 6»at» btbxs* 47 Kitchen, U
Sign of the Soften IVa-Soule.
For Latin, Misses aii CUMms
Cnr'isgortaient is eonipletß sad prices loir.
*xrrrow * bcrkot,
W-t-t'WBL, ; . ~ , QppOfelK TT/\*fmanvs*n p >n fc
J MPO ST AK T. -Look la at
TEOa. awc>ol)*“
Hors aad Hors Popular Smy D*y.
A ibUBgaUAM St. Lonb Pkyaldan inttes.
o. j. wooa itbu teKmiirmaß
J ’** R --!K:-A1H. nr tba pUaenre an;! aat*ata».
tfoa to transom t -yon tie benefic*al effaeta of yoop
Ha*r Re-ioiatlve afrera trial of five years. I com
“tT c . B tonr R storatlvMc Ja-’narv, 835.since
w.'lch tliLe I bare cot been wltiont a bottle on Land.
» ce. r . i Comm.-tod tt-e oso. my hair was quit? thin,
“r* at . I le '*;V oce ' thi i < J crev a epplicati’.u
•totp' d it- fallmc aad lot' Tee there was cot a
iS y tim» 13 S * toaad * neltaer h “ t-enj boea ap to
*J if[er v rd7b^L'*' t ? #om P letßl y I continued
It? o»p by apr lyinc it t» ■or ttres t>m-s a mouth. My
hair has c f-rco. ti-'ued h*altcy. soft ana cl-issy. and
u, scatpfrec from caodnm. I do not Imasl-'* ha
Zaots above tied will be cf any Particular ad
var.tagj to yea < r even Batter ycur varlty at t->ls late
day a» iam a-are ar* a I wvli known alr-ady
and even e or c w. ndt-nul t“.r ogboutthe Union.
1 < ?.’ r<!^ cc ' J . : w flo my ,Iwetn tra*el>l % he greater p«rt
of the, tine the part three years and nave taka pride
atdpleaa r-in rec mn-endi * yocr Restorative and
exoimtiag it* efiects mmy own case Jn sevtr-1 in
stances I have mrt will; p cpl - thrt bare pronounc-d
It a hnpbog: saying they had used it and without -f
--fect. In every l.i-tanoe/h rvvtd. by rrob
ins the matter that they had not clvkl y , Qr ar trie at
all. bat bad used some new art! le. ?aid to b« as rood
u yon s, »na sell ”z at abon half the pries I have
eoticed two oi taree art cle* m'acl adverU-td aa
above which I Vave no doubt are bumbo-s It L) aa>
t.i. Milne that peo-ie will atronlre an article el no
reoutattor when t*: ere is one at hand that has been
proved beyond a d mbt.
Apparently, seme . f those charlatans hare not enough to write an adr-rt eement as I roflee
theybaveto Jedyi orj. wo d for word In several la
stances. mereiy InatrU-g some other name in place ci
y* ora.
I have, within the past five years, seen and talked
wits mor* tnau two thousand pers ns that have need
yonr preparation witn lerfettsu.Tess—»iqc for bald
ness grey hair, scald head dandruff, and every dia.
e*« tne scalp a- d head trs subject to.
J M to you. rerson»liy, at your original place
w»re now living in
Ton are a» liberty to r-nbllsh this, or to reftr puttee
4 n J commonlcaiion a‘dressed w mo. car*
Box Sw. J&v. will be promptly answerer
Yours truly,
JAMES WUll'S, UL z>.
Winner gMnraa, psny Coattr, Pena- )
Jane .th. iS», (
Pbot, Woos,
waslndncedm re than a year
to try yonr valuable flair . *Moratlve. for *be rart-osa
of cleansing tn> head 0.-la crntf I nad snfff rtd with
U Qpon njy head for y>ar ? . i c had never bcfn able ta
zei anytlilcg to do m; aa\ gnud lu rcm.vlngtt al
though I had tn«-i tn. ’ p'Cp«ratlon, un-U I «aw
yonr a >*er L-ement 1 1 i Uairl-bur.h paper. Being
thereat the'line I cal-; r at & Ruukle’e Drag
et re, and bongut a » • if «•. and now am p roared to
rrc-isnjcodlttouQlv’. realnae. frit has completely
removal all -an lr nil > mmy h» a>l, an i an apples
bon once m two Wsetc* keeps it tree irom any twhins
or ..thcr nnpl-a ajt ova I
bal? had b-coim- t *e wlrte in place-* an.l by the ose
01 y.,uri , reparatlia fcao b-.:£n re-lured to 1..* orl-Mnsl
c-jl;r. lam no*-ft t> vrar- of «ga a ~•} alt ; oUvh I
have■ nied fvo bottle? of t e irestoratU e. ro ol« hu
an- tiiottle.)"e ot it as i allow a »etr grey hairr ro re.
main, lu oruer to bare my apt*aran. r comport with
my bond. My head !•* now or e?a rouble to me, la
lee; lug u clean *c,tfcao at any time -I.cb I bars
oeenacpi' J I c nsl-J-r your preparation o( ercat
Tala-, a. d although 1 do net like to expose myself. 1
CcnMder It uij duty tossy so. Ton can u» tn «or any
part of it in any shape yon think praper, if it is worth
anything to yon. Tonra, *cT
BLOMEDrewir, ln<U July *th, HR,
?r *, ; T I I fccw s«d you a statemart that I tbtok
.n are e.-tuled to tiv bei.ei t of. I am a resident of
loomtngioo and have been f r ov*r HiMt mars. 1
am now over fifty years of age. F.;r about twenty
years past ray hair has beet, tori. lag con idvrably grey
and ffSßa mo*tefltnUwbU- a.d very B Uh and uk
£}- a, |f. * l4 ‘i te sa a number ot certificate# of the very
W'j.derful effect 01 voar Hair he.-torative. butane
posedu.ere wad more fiction tnau truth lo them: oat
entertaining a strong dt*lre to have tty hair u possi
ble, restored t c its original ami fineness, as It
»5? . 1 . 1)y y, oaa *er da\ a, a beautiful bl tck. I oo> ctad-d
I would mute the • xpenmett comme. cl’s la a small
7 a rT«« 1 t, ‘J r '- ha od 0 °f tour «ruall batlea, atone
1°™'?,?“”?“" n,l f- dlrt-crt-n. u
new hs I C 0..10. I s<-oa discovered tu-• dandruir re
moved, and my hair, that was falUnc off In large qaan-
S?®?- *■?. considerably cghtenel and a radical
Jn i 1 k G P llct l° 1 * Cclor. 1 hart co fnued to
k 1 u / 1 ree of yonr small bottles and
iust begun ou th-. fourth. I have now as pretty a head
« b,sck h “l r “ maS «r u I
my r ? ou , t, | fu ' days. w ’ en a bo. tu ti,e hllh- of
tera ? M r ] ieacl b* entirely clear of dan
drufl, auo tin- hair ceastd entirely from falling off «> d
lsa» ■ ft and fine, and le«>N a# oily. tu tnougfi it wa«
lti?t from the hands of a French stiampoone? Maav
of ray acouamisnee* tly say tor;-. ‘Butler
’s U e ‘ tr,at flue R J ” ‘ t- -H them It was
J-,‘* f ecti bf your - er-tc-raibe. It b almost impossi
ble to conv’nce tnem that It la the original hair of the
UGI9 old greti head *“*
Yours trul«,
Bloomington, Monroe County, tndu^
J. H. EEKD Sc CO.,
Also, by Us follow lug SngglfiU U imseis
J r-& Mouse, S. T Smith. Sandwich,
J. K. AjLJtjr Hock Island. Davit * Denman. CiUrln>
W. a, Uoar-e. Cor i-.vl* ton
s.T.Chdmb rials.Mollle, H.Svmmcr M.D..Mattoca.
C. T, Cl«p(» Ogiera A Co- A. H w o.k. Areola,
Conlovta. EQUdge « O linen, Akh.
Batti , Camden Mills. more,
J. if BoiUogt n, Jersey- G. tv. Mc-Cocker, Oakland.
_ Ttoam- McK“f, Mattoon!
! ' arljle. J. D. Cope, Fairdeld,
» "•JL'-jeKw-.-od. Carlyle, Tbompaon
r S’ ?■ do.. Le*U i Hacdlv, aotrlwß
KorrUon, Humphries, A Brown.tair»
I> H- TLoeqa , • tiiJicothe B. T, w Uic. ktr,
E-J- Pfr ri*. Star A Taj lor. ba-h>lllaL
bille. o, La =allr, J. M, Cacao, AHiley,
7a bn-g 4 Cuppy, Karl D. B. Rice, McCoalbL
_ yiiw. Jci, Drake. Lmlri* City.
F. L. Butterfield, Mar. Lock* Hro. BUudicvijta
„ ** J !ea • I «. Tarwboo, tlsla.
D. TV aUrr, Ottawa, 17 n. Co. ant Ue.,evtT
Kcca Ur & Co, Ptra, B ick * Hot AarorC
C,A,Johnston, Mtndotl, L. B .Marti Aa -a
AiD *°y. T. *aki;» Jcarsb-rok
V- T* T f- 5?P‘P*» Ottawa, Bldtevay 4 Bro, kAv. Car.
J. 1. 4 l. J. ihemtvß, mei,
-w HlfiAibil 4 Johnston, Star.
; Jno. Dixon. Calhoun. lioz,
f J. ii. A r. Jub-srtoc,l)ear-
i -m, OIO1 * . —Vk.ter * B'O-Morrieon,
: Bligewa? 4 Will Jims, Ol- Wierich 4 Qs.
i übV, . | e .». 1
i Cullen, Obiey Johi - owicr Mannoln.
I O.CjJvcueaour c»«annout J. =, KtTixsml
; sb'artev 4 tike Xcuia, <t, H. Abiogtom
I SeQ-e Qiuwiiw Looiev’a, J. Du. can, KnoxviUa
i r -wLit Isii.a. Winter jfclwj, ao^
; ft. C. B«>bera Decatur. £. c. Delta
■ w.A.6sraea, do. bn-e,
i«• r k v „ Thca. Warrsa, Bridgeport.
; - AaU-r-ca « Glaaa. CarSu
catiir. ?ille
Ia»or a c «"'o, Beeatnr.*r am . CarlenTiCa.
?-i 5 -V rrsse ’i d-o, R,MeatjarL ?hlp.t an,
J D.dga buena, w. W. *Savkiu* y Tator»»
Dexter id h, do. Till*
C. Galva, W. MtddUwortb. BlnevEle
H. i. Wcsv, Keaaaee, G. 17 Cottar, V?a anw
Davenport* Dairy mihl, W. D. :-ayu.L Uol ’
Ambridga Laisrv^
Casvr-IL. Beard 4 Hudson, ii, Siio-» . ra, CsrtbaztL
o(jua-.ka, O. W.CMii do,*^
T. w. ttciiiU, Vqnaw'a, Sldaner4 Co- Aaentak
Lee, Bra-ibury 6 Cv„Har- J, Coi p 4 Boa. PuJiakL
j> re Mllta, O. ft Calvert. Twl«a_
FarUy Ttooiat 4 Co. D. Ur euleaf. Caittua
-Ploreacs. F, Koliatwaj, Wotmw.
D. E. Atfidnaoß, Plttafie’d. G w. feeaman. L- tiaaon.
Bice 4 Siaxwe.l, Beards- Baknt 4 fioller. Bockfbrd,
town, xL BrcoeH, no, I
Herke* Fletcher. Bearda- a. l>. M*>rrm. WootUtock.
sows. jr Baldwin 4 ttone, da
W, WMppe, BearsHtowa, OJ. Jeaks Ha- engo?
P. Sptt£ic.r. Laacar>;-r E. J. Hall 4 Co. CbestOL
70«a4 Bon, Batn Ker a Bpol. P*.da BecSar
Harpbana 4 Cadwaladrr, A. Blais. do,
a a mi S. S l«'lrgs, AttboJ,
Bavana. J B. yaab. Diion.
£. TQoma*. Blyomi>en, Nelson 4 Co. Wilmington.
Thomson 4 Uu„ J. P. Darj. Lockport,
Freston 4 Bro. Huuos- J. Maaey, Wilm ngtoa.
ride; _ Q.-W, wo .-draff JoUeL
J. B. A J.M. WallMte.Hut- Lonzwvnh 4 Bidgeway,
aon-Ule, . aUrria,
Tfojdwonh 4 Lagow, James Uldsob, Sforrk,
bobiiieoo, _ Dye 4 Phili ps Clmtio,
Suck Slnun 4 Qtc, Srhana Sam. Socket, Pana,
'nnt t.J, CWia, do,
'A. J. CD-tt, Urbana Eaas, W. W.Woodbt.ry DanTtHa,
R. B.fciultii, ' cO, Bam. We*ks Bulge farm,
Boyer 4 CQi K&B.-B4 . Baldwin 4 Son,Ueorge7a,
Colllaa 4 Pam. . . J. iLrlatiertuwata, Aora- i
Hague 4 iork, {
■u. firemiy 4Leo#Art,J4y<r*
g.Buludo, Marshall, still*,
'lscodADclonteltalb Farliaw a Short. DanviUa,
Pavia'4 Barnard, Charlea- fclla 4 Gambol, Wvanltl,
ton. A. if. Mcra SheSeu 1 .
• WiF. Brown4Co.,Sra«4 TT H. Wiater. Prlceetoa,
Tills. B. A. Bodzera, Quincy,
17. p. Warner, B’Ton, O. H Moeller, do/
■J. M.SaoW(t«m, Oregon, SH. Hoffman, deg
CUrk 4 Dana, ha:« . Bobber * Co* Alton,
W.H Parmlee,MtMorr!s, J.Travis, Edward^vblA
-5 Newton Woodruff Polo, w. A. Aitom
J C.- Bockmaa, sentos, ik>« re 4 Dakin, rreoaert
J FraiJt, d>, J-B. ScamerUorn, Sera,
G. L. Tnonas, pehln, C. D. Wuri, KvCSVIUe.
M. W. Case A. H. itt,Gajrel 'V
W.J. Edgar. J Ct3wnrfll4 Sobt. B ai. Lacon. *
aHoetUiebuil. do. G. *v. ,\etL Wen. na.- ■*'
w. H. FairviaSi - B.B.Pec£ra..Wia^op
Eeudar * toUktanwa. puike* 4lUrve*_^h«n»v
RDelwortfe VtrmocV • vObB. YC,T “ aeAD *’
Hamu er « RuSaril, SO, - LTirtaWs SnUlTira
Ti.oa.SlnQtvant.bUUbQro. J no. PernmAQ.^dTv 3 * -
Hood* F.E bryi
6. H. Dleiman. VandafiA Dv
McutrdAßro,. dt,
«■“ * uJi s t ri=«- t a stemrid dT
M JLVoodMra.gprtiigs’4 T;i£b*ri Pe “sS‘“ t
Bird 4 Son yr*rt an Ingfearg J.
Wholesale. Agente la Chicago, and told
at Uanafaetoren Piioea,
fuller a fikch,
w\wn. MN*»4r Mm, u ui 24 Uutuitr
<aaß» rf
Head aclie
*7 aa* of feaae Mis a» parish access of Ste
▼ous os Sick Hxapachs may be preTeotaa u, !r
taken at the commencement of •’a attack ImmatftaM
rsUeffrom pale and ddknflMwlU he obtained.
Thsj the li&cKaaasd Bsa»
*•**■ to which females are so anbjsct.
Tk«7 act gently apoa the boseln-eeiiWTlcc COa>
For literary tfea, Stcdeata, Dtiyate Temalea, and
aa ?erscß3 ot eedestary UMta. they are rateable a# a
aXA,TtT *’ fa*proTiag the arranra, slTiag tots and
noos la the dlgOTlrs or-jan*. aas restoring the
551,1 a»d ttreajcth of Css whole syataot
The CEPHALIC PHia are the reanlt oi loa* mwa.
tiaattaa and cawlhfiy eoadactod experiments. hamg
bees tense many yean, derm* which am# the* *t»«
noraaheo sad r-iUgveq a Tast amount of yslx id
srftetog from Haadsote, whether ort*i-atla« * the
sssrowa system er from a dcr-vagid state of fee
■JOTAOT, . .
nn»M«Mira7T*»M.wi ! nit!!3^—nfc,. .a*
w*7 ba tafcas at «Q ttaioa wlto ttct ■:: *v&ty Ttttfcoat
a “ Uo *HU Oban,, ef dtet um , Im „,„ CT „
““““J unnniuiruinuua
ns tom* to ckxsobss.
sxvub *t nmsa.- Ki
The genuine bare fire dguteirm o. SZSST a
SPAI.OISH os each Box.
•eWby Broaalaja »ad •OtttiwD'ii'.'ri niltdlalßMU
wmliesent by w> * n jrspiii. oa rt.tiiLtof
PRICa, 86 OSST^,
UH erderi) should be *d J r>enoil to
49 fliwtor 9nwi) T xfc*
T%v» Bn*
oonvtaca ail wuo miser troca
it fIUN Taetiaonixle trsn by KK
S?AXJ>37O, they afltoo
|*oof «f the efficacy 0/ title fraiy
«riirattfle diMorezy.
HAjovrzua, Cca tu Fih lea.
h*-re tried yonr Cephalic pm» 4 T tt«
tixm so tnu that I vtat 70a to send et. two dolUte
rorth mor«i
Part of tbm« are for the to whoa I «*tb
- few ont of the am box I get tr ra 70a
Seod Uo PSH* by m*H. and bilge
Tour obedient servant,
JAM&fI K «Jn*g. Y,
hb. BpijiDnr*, JUT “ raD - ft,. «. an.
_Si*>-I wWI yon to tend me one acre box at pntr
vophallc Pill*. 1 h*tx wnmi> a wtxt dixl a?
l«vni* nnuf»» u •'rrtr mt
Toon rt*pecrfcl>.
MAjnr dToxsaocßs.
Srsco* ttm. Hnsttarton 00, Pa. 1
Jaasar? Ittx tflftL j
H. C. Spaujcts,
. 81*:— ■ToawUl pl«Me *OO4 me CTro bcze* at 7oaz
‘-fijiliattc oe~4 them Immediately
BMpectfall? yam
, T JSO. B
Bwu Viaaos, Ohio. Jm. i.ta, Ba.
Plea M*. i >*clo*ed twenty-fir* costs. torwolahMiUl
S3e acether •.• * ol year Ctp-sl’c pUs T-ixr *»»
TBTtT THH» n 1 PliiS 1 HAT* «▼*# TUXD,
BJrsct a, STuVsj* p. JL
s«fc*T«rnoa, Wj*mict entity. O,
„ _ _ maiT. Ham.. Dec, Jth. & .
K «. fipaLocn, aw.
• »l£h for some r treat r ‘j large show c_il3,tohrtiie
vocr Cvpnallc PHis mom aw cnlarly before my BM>
semera If yoa aaveaayti s~ ei the kind jbaeaead
One of my sustosiera who n ?übject to severe v »*•
Haadn-ha lasting two -la-raj w*a cubed o»
»«at here.
Krar«.iJ«BTrs». moklla County, ualo, I
.’miiAjy 9tQ, iStt. |
Ssn? C Splicer*,
No. 43 Cedar S. T.
ooecJ ftrd cent*. (35J tat
Wuicb seed box of Opbß icPma. fiemi to addrMi
of He*. Wax. C. Filler. Fraa*Un CotUk*
Yotrm Pxlxs woittna j. aoijui—«ni Him*.
Tntly yoort,
Tpsojotti, MicA, Jaaaary itth, ISO.
ICt. Spalsob.
fcJjPST.? O .? IO ?* 6IO6 * I sen* to you far » box, of Cap*
ciaflp. Pim for the core of tha Nervoue 3rit - aohe and
L?****™ 4 '6 ’ aad received toe same, and tu*t »«»aO
Picas# Mod by ratnra ouQ. Direct to
YpalLtaGL JCsft.
CFrwn the Examiner. Norfolk, Va.]
Cephalic Fill* aacoatpUsh the object for widen
v*re«tede,vU; Curaof Headacbela »a Italbraa.
(From the Examiner, Norfolk, VaJ
«2Z w«£ «2T.aSiS to ■«" *«» * QOMB4
rrrota the Demean*. 3t Cloud. Vlanj
*£* 07 f?ve twaWed wtte tia
sand for a box, ( Cephalic PUKy to that you "»fr *wre
nea hs oaea of an attack. J a * T *
£Frcm the Advertiser, Providence. S. Lj
The Cephalic PlDe are said to be a n?m»rtah!v effe*
HT'l r *f let lY fr-r ths headache, and one ct very beat
SScffiuMA* ®** a#as aompUlat which has ever bnoo
(From the Wwten B. & Gazette, Chicago, HL]
Mr. Spalding.aadhiaonmaOed
the It awh* 7aUey star, Ta.J
17e are ran • at peaoca etifenae *tth tha *«*-*-
»»«, who try i.ea, VuisAvktutiieni.
IFroa tea Socteen Pate Ffeder, New Orihaag Lh.l
Tfyteem! yon ta*> in aflboted *ad wa era bum
**« eddsdtotec already uuaer-
S. 'oLplmS'T'” l ’*' •“ »««■•» “««•
EFrom tea Bh. Lonja Bemoeratj
i.’Safflgsjay** . aw
grotettaGaMOu. Davao pert lowa. ,
Mr. Spalding would soteounect t;» uam. « a
arapM ha dla aot tjow to po—oaq rt=alat^X
(Froa tee tdvertu«r. a. tj
iJS£SSSJ6J ,-,:11 '
(From tha Dally Naws. Newport R. t,}
CaphaCa PUla are tee place of all Mad 4
£Prom tea Ccatmerelal BuDstln. Boeton, v«»ti
Said to be very efßeadoua for tee heedaoha.
(Trom tee Oonuaarelal, CLar«nne« t r»y-«j
faceting humanity eaa mow ha relieved.
6LBE .irtD eeva tea tteeee its eeet anauafiy.
srAU>nrcKs skspamso slusi
As aoddeuta wm happaa. «rat tn wetf Trgu&teft’
iamDiM, it h very Inalrvbla tokarsKase eftaveiMf
eoavaafoat way Ibe tapairlug Fuzaitoru, Ifovi, Cniofc.
«?, he.
svAiaan pxdajub wsm
Hafts hQ tueh emergaadea, and no hausabold eah aft
te bf vlteout It It la alwaye ready; and sp W
H. Bnrit eaapmpehl— each Bocda,
HSRY e SFlSBim. *
KfK 48 Otiaf teieel > T*iu
|.»i ,p -iirHt. Tn^nim
rlfcftHidtw I va«M «mUm »U panowM
TPUMMte gT.Tfi, JH