OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1860-1864, May 21, 1861, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84031490/1861-05-21/ed-1/seq-4/

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letJD-cCTIc Older. the public v*TK
Lnwiily \i) j-:' Sn Ivi
abn lime th»>itrt-cover* V V,U‘ It^r
time, au« ftovt Uv-'.JkO't*; ;.c t>- tvlty 4/v
Mac prwulsfcs artlnAt* \ ter \2c.v, ' simp
UU" withdrawn.
List o» Jusobi— U, g. Court.— -The names
of petit juror* saw*is?- <cd tc terre daring tue
May term of the Caited States Circuit Court
irhieh commences cm Tuveday morning, May
Slat, are as follows:
A. E. Hale, Cherry Ttlley; I*. Y. eery, Waufce*
m; tilram Blodiecom, do; Jasper Parker,do;
P. H. Mather. Wheaton:Z. B. llayq, syc&more;
.E.B. Alien. Aurora; G. W. RecwJ'Jc,Elgin: Ch&a.
Patten, Geneva; Wm. V. Plnm, A iron; Geo. F.
Kateoo, Woodstock: W. W. 6altons?all, Chicago ;
Edward Hamilton, do ; Warren E. JokneMi, do;
Jno. W. Kennedy, do; Wm. Thomas, %?o ; Ws. H.
Kellogg,do; L. K. Osborn, do; John S.Soaeell,
ggy» to Bail.—ln yesterday's Police Court
Ptter C.Sxvauwu held to tail for
steallcg sundry dry goods, rained at s2l, and
file property of Hr. and Mrs, Goodman r - f
I>tmton. The lltfcr came into tho city on
ifrday last and purchased the goods at Boas
A i meter’s, tearing them temporarily at a as*
loon near the Northwestern Depot, from
Which Jhey were taken by Reran. Reran, at
the tint of the larceny, was at large on. his
own recognisance to appear at the next term
of the Recorder’* Court on a similar charge.
80 tt would appear he has now a double inter
est In the approaching term of the Becorder's
Th« Rifles,
UnfitTorahle weather on Sunday modified
the plans announced for religions exercises at
Camp Bturgea Cottage Grove, At SP. JL the
company marched cityward, made an attack
upon an excellent Sunday dinner at the Orient
which in no respect diminished the repnta
tioa of mine host Daaolds as a caterer. They
thence marched to 6t James church, where
an eloquent and patriotic sermon im de
lire red to them by Eer. Dr. Clarksor. Thus
well provided In the food administered to eoui
and body, the boj» went back to camp la cvra
fcmhhed b j the City Railroad Company.
We learn that at 6>£ P. M. to-night, tht
fiturgee Rifle Company leave by the tllinol*
Central Railroad for Gilman Station, on the
Illinois Central, cighty-one miles from this
dty, where they will go into camp for a few
day*. In a short time, unless otherwise or
dered, they arc to present themselves at the
head-quarters of Major-General McClellan,
Tfhst the UdiM «» Bolss.
The ladies are untiring in their efforts in
Bearing for the soldiers, supplying those in
camp with necessaries, and the sick in hospi
plUls with comforts and conveniences. Mul
titude* of garments hare been already sent
frcmMcTlckar's sewing room to oar different
companies, comprising hundreds of under
•hilts, uniform shirts and pants, caps, socks,
woolen blankets, India-rubber blankets lined
snd unllncd, needle books filled, sheets, pU*
low?, towels, mosquito nets, &e., &o.
It is pleasant to see those from different.
churches and organisations dropping In m
they-haye leisure days or half days, stopping
from their marketing and stopping excursions
ftwaa-hour or two; finding something for
ftar their willing hands to do any day, and any
bom; -Uniting their own convenience, thus
woddsg irlth greater efficiency than In any
Other way.
Other iodettee sad churches remote from
this circle, find it more convenient to meet
Among themselves, answering to this univer
sal c&U.
Dteeereu ir not Fsiial AJTtvf*
On Saturday night, or rather Sunday mors*
SngAbcmt 2a. m, a desperate fight took place
between one Michael McDonald, a fireman on
the Lake Superior steamer Sea Bird, and Pat
rick Sands, a deck hand on the same steamer.
Ths attention of officer Cummings was first
called to the affray by two men on La&aHe et,
who informed him that a man was murdered
at the dock of the Lake Superior line of steam
ers, Coot of locfdle street. The officer hurried
to the spot and found lying upon the
dock, weltering la blood, from a dangerous
cut in the left aide.
A short distance McDonald was found,
eorered with bleed and u> &c e battered™ fa
»terrible mama, bearing nnmlatakablo eri
fiEßC# Otadesperate fight The officer arrested
hlm.brongbthln beck to the dock and con
fronted him with Saadi, who incited that file
Donald bad stabbed him end thrown the knife
Into the rlrer. The wonnded man was eon-
Teycd to the Marine Hospital. jllthongh re
•elTingthebeatof medical treatment there la
little hope ot his recOTezfagsa fatersalhemor
prisoner was brovght cp fa yesterday's
PoSca Court bnt remained to await the result
Of the Injuries of Saadi. It la known that the
parties wore good friends on the Toyagonp
the Take, and theqnarrel it is likely grew out
Of their caps fa a Saturday night aprse.
«!lS !ti Ztr.tc lie?; 2
f'Tlon; the low? ‘"s «S?«»!i-.!!■•• cams rvt '
’ 'J i fT’- Vi- h.*H in : Jj.’ W .
• u :x-- •* f U* >^ '
> :.' JJ'U«*t f.?»J
■ It w»r U Im ‘ t./<“got or u!si! j
1 I !,ti" 10 cVOpi], I’-riThW* 11 * 11811 » million
I banks, ft ai*V* t>^Ss-J* r^ Bii,Co°,Ooo
j dollftn, £22 tt Trill g:7O
| accapcfl by Novthocftt'id U.; left laM
{ (beaUtuawTUiCkuiecurrtf
tight by the. meeting In qaeef
The New
Hi* “ Ilecker Jaeger Begbnent *
©d their regimental officers, as follows rV\
Cdon eZ—Fr ed e rick Hecker. \\
Lkut. Odonei —C. Knoheladort
Major —Julian Kune, S,
Adjutant —J, Gosch.
i. committee, consisting of Messrs. Gosch,
Bcdecker, Mersehner, Paul, and Gerhardt,
were appointed to celloct the necessary funds
and provisions for the temporary use of the
It was resolved to send a committee of three
once to Washington to urge the acceptance
c; the regiment for the war. Lint. Colonel
Knohtlfldorf, Major Knne eadCept. YoaHom
wer-' appointed each committee.
The following Is & list of companies com
posing this regiment, all filled with picked
Company A, Washington Grenadier*, Cspt. L.
Company l>, German Rifles, Capt. MarMlmer.
Company C, decker Jaeger Co., Capt. KnobcU
} Company D, Union Cadets, No. t, Capt. Lang.
Company E, Union Guards, Capt. Endrla.
Company P, Swirs Sharpshooters, Capt. Joliet.
Company O, Jeffenoo Volunteers, Capt. Mess
Company H, Chicago Ja.ger.Capt.Tlchksman.
Company J, Pioneers, Cai't* Von Horn.
Company K, Cicero Volunteer co., Capt. Lam*
Chicago Suhdat School Ustow.—At their
late annual meeting (ho Union aloefcad mem
bers «a follows:
Provident—James T. Qriflia.
Sec:*iary —E- 0. Wilder.
Eaxcufit* Committee—B.F. Jacobs, Wm. Tom
li’-.boti, J. A. Parsons, J. 11. Caller, J. J. Under
Closing MormcKKT.—The Dry
Goods Clerks’ Early Aetoclation of this t\ty t
eicanlzed for the purpose of procuring short
er uoors *>r business in the dry goods csUb-
UsbmenV* of tbeclty, appointed a committee
at a Into vexing, to wait on the employers
and reaptttfniiy solicit thoir co-operation.
The followiig employers, in the kindest man
ner signified their willingness to close their
places of buslnrso at 7 p.m. In the summer,
and 6 p.m. in the winter, providing all agree
to it:
P. P»lidpx & Oa, Pbelp* & Seeley,
J, H. Orar, C. i . American,
T. B. Carter. _ vr & Tinee,
A- r. Downs 4 Co., Gocctran & Bedaun,
W. JI-Rom ACo.. P. B!faraa,
Pr«daan & Good bind, Cba*.
C. & S. Stela, It. Phllil«,
Philip Conley, Cline & ilxndle,
K. IS. Larswsy, Vchon £ richer.
Birr her & Co., L. navciVrrur,
8. Bstexnsn, B. Goodman,
Peroen & Koenig, 6. Irvings ton,
A. Karens & Son, K. Loob.. .
j. 7jn« B. Qoofiklnd,
Shoenfleld Bros., T. Ms renw.
The above shows aa almost unanimous kd-
Ing amongst tlie merchants favorable to
movement, there being only two exceptions.
It is unnecessary, In each a notice as this, to
I enter into the many advantages, conducive to
I the clerks, each &s moral, social and Intel
| lectnal Improvement and'happiness derived
from shorter hours of business, without being
detrimental in the least to the best interest of
the emplo’jert, the convenience of tho public
by such an arrangement not being interfered
with, for it is a well-established fact that no
respectable house finds it to their interest to
keep open longer than the persons we wish to
procure. It Is only third class houses
whose stock of goods will not bear too
close Inspection, who find pat light better
than the light of Heaven fn which
to exhibit their wares. Custom no
doubt exacts a certain amount of influence in
the city; but when no necessity exists, cus
tom can be easily overcome. We do not wish
Immediately to bring this matter Into optra
tlon, but respectfully submit the Ist of June
as the period at which to commence. Hoping
by that time the two respectable houses who
have refused to co operate In this movement
will rescind their determination, and grant
the privilege to their employees which their
fellow merchants so willingly agreed to grant
theirs. But It Is to the todies of Chicago we
appeal and put our trust as to carrying out this!
undertaking. You, Mr ones, who would not
have a noxious Insect in your path, think how
much there is in your power to do. Benieia-
Tin!tatnakeTnn!lf>nii Balaeyour voice In
your own household and forbid lateahepplng.
Forbid even all trading with houses Mao
keep open, and our object is accomplished..
Think;—lt is the month of May; bright Sum
mer, golden Autumn is before us. Tnen turn
your thoughts, as yohhreathe the perfume of
Sowers, or inhale the fresh lake breeze, to the
crowded stores and their alckly.heart-crurhed
Tet they might hare their morning
»?7® T S iD J£ walk in the bright summer' and
cheerful fireside, the friendly
eemvene and the, pleasant book.
oa m clisets i Joy sparkle
To your.hearts, ladles, and
or shorter hours of business.-
By order of Cojonram.
■v ■ »»• ' •*
cxFrofrWooa iii &>-*>*« mjw-
Stf ■** »*|*fc f; v Hi?iy v*t£r*rp err. ffsvV
-Jr..* a '. si. •r'
inu*:*' *t h y 'ruire}
*. ?•«*<• V'.n :w- la ircnt io alt v.-Nste.
Eel'; ** I'jcwipl or pries and ocalaijo, sl.lß, to**'*
addm.l, by J. H. Johnson, 70 State street, C'hlcv
go, ML tah33,3cj
In Brooklyn. fR. Ti_Vi7 Y. oo tit a 9th lost., by Bar.
K. L. Jstrt.JuaEPu t> MEAD, oX CMetgO. uL aud
KMZ& W„ dtoghur of Fleming Donecii, of the
former rises.
223 an UK.
TXT AN TED—By a young man
v ▼ from the Eaat, a Situation vita tome good
business house In tb't city. The best of refer*ae*s
Xlven- Addrsa B. MoEAT, cm Box IMS. Chi.
r t 'Vo Pott Office. niy2Jx2t
Ooj ANTE D—A medium-sized
V\’ Second-Hand Safe. Alio. OBelawofflcaUeik.
VV‘w M B. M. C”P. O. Box 1259. xnyiAemat
f^ONTED—At the Waverley
XTTx?' ’w.No 33S Klniiestreet.aHonse-Keeper,
W C'-*«Ua4s taking charge of a Hotel, and
V v nosVoamended. and none other need apply,
onevho not'.
Como veil rtt ——- - - ■
—Ac\P —By two young men,
ttt AiJtHiX «'4iebe>tofreftreacei,a croUh.
lA/ "is * • C V\ on the 'West Side. A plac * where
f f who can riVV ' preferred, Adhrew. “K B
ed room ■*> Ith bcsroVA mylTe.l 2t
there ere f-w board A" \ "i —
53i--*®?4; —want to trade a
v f Plano for acood haJ' —■ ■- ■ ■■
< ?t b._AdArta,p.C.B ? - 1 ult ion wanted
*trxT A TCTTm A ft Twral education and
VV ' ari SLkU —OL .<nool or counting
Tj by a young man of V- volant rer, or ono
business experience. In a etoreX. uvuha and with
rocm. Would take the plaee of A. ■ -STOBBS, care
wishing to leave the cltr forafewV. my-Sxlv
o*sv when desired. Andress ÜBaV
Chitago Trltonpp. \ flted to
WANTED.—Agents \ *£s‘>S
v T canvass every County In the V Vrrrall
States tar tlie aale of an article vhlta eA 7 must
man most have, every traveler mats have\
rad man must lava, and In fact eveivV,'.
have. Also—A large assortment of Fatrfotw* ~
and Pins, Haps. Charts, Ac, of the seat of wA VOv
The itaall Price of these AvtioVr brings .
Within Ue Beach of AIL \ V
HncSoee a stamp and recel re by re*rra xaU aV
enlar giving foil particulars, Addree* /. 3, JOm
SON. Chicago, EU, Post Office Box 4252.
myll-eTU rm y
X advrrtiaer would like to engage Pasturage Sir
his Horse for a cumber of weeks, Is willing topny a
good price and wl 1 expect good care for Els ajru.
jjbtsLCe not over ten or twelve miles from the city.
Call at 94'' Lake street. ■ myux t
HOME. —A gentlcmav
Urge ftonsUhed room. with the a
home, la a private f-mlly of high rerpectaonur, c*a
olitaln the came In a devirable h-catioa hr addroißtag
a.'etterto “E. B T-’* at tte Tribune Office. A Car
riage Hoare and Stable may also be had if desired.
.tX year nude by say one with $lO worth of
Etc enough Included to retail for flsfi. Send for
Sample and Steodl Catalogue. Address A
J. FtH-AM. No. 45S OUre street, ot LoaiL Mo- or
SIS i*roadway, New York. apSS’Si-ly
®o sum.
TO LET—A Small House, be
tween Wiba-haod Michigan tvenaee, north of
Costren ureev, itc**ly forclabed. Fnrnltnre would
be * Idtokwtc. Address foes Office Box 4139.
myW tfßMw
To BcDb-eev nod mood*' {mad. Pfcaoi for tale low
nt 115 Lake street (epsitln) Dear Clark Mroet.
tod Dwelling Ko. 14A Jfoiih TUlsted street,
wen finished end ready for occupancy.
A*.*pTy to PEAHSOK A DATCi’KLLER, corner of
idu bet sad Adaraa streets. xaT9-eei«w
■'J'O BE RENTED—Wear Union
TKKEE Finfrr CS.ASB mouses,
With Gm, Deth Boftras, Hot end Cold 'V.'ter, Ao. end
naeolftal if desired, wmboput In thoeonzta to
f^^r.£th'S^! ?LAP dr & , 001 or squire of J.
.bOBTOcit street. Ilex m &
I / -*OR KAT.W
The DtettServ at Tabs CUqksv, on Eir*?, oc the
Oalena ft Chicago t7«t >a Bailroad. three tali'* from
wgin Capacity SB bnt>.ela. U will ba rested or v*dd
on the BJo«t ftTarablo term* Apply to DaVLS a
BBK, 4B LamHc ttrtyjt. Chicago. n:bII-c323-Sia
TJOARDING.—A pleasant suit of
EcKima to rent; wlib Board, !i a r*irate family,
located on Wtbasb Aresae, nortr -if AJams ttrect.
Addre** P.0.80x 1948. royli
TJOARDINQ. —Three i :\hhori
Boewe to rent, TrtSi Board, la thr z :U-«
80. Cfißuffaloetreet, Atoo,afew day t
be accommodated. ;
XA canbß*ccmnmcHjaxod#t3VOßUliitTMt. lU
ferene circa and ratereaeea regntmC. tnyilSfra-lr
DOARDING.—Board with very
ifitfßafste'sß’iras aaasa
chargee. . ‘ mjistSw
BOARDING.— Desirable Fur
nhfced oMTnftmrtabed Boom*, irltb Board, mar
now be fcadatKo. 40 Vaaßarea street* between State
street aid tfabarti nygne. - -nm&ttm -
T OST—A Wallet containing valu-
J J able papers and noUe, payable ~to the order ot
latter floSater. Tba finder will M suitably rewarded
.by icawzit tt at tbls office. myiß-eTt*-lw
awcntiw u*6T fiORTr-xrcnT Homs.
P"*)n* Wb*t. *>rn: 0«»8. Rv«, Bar.
i-tiV if>. Dn. Im, mi.
i,J VatliJ. .. .. ' t'X'l. . . .
0- o. <7. yr. s4i *f?“ i-oi <>4 iw
{P, !. C- 3,. !jt) iW? llipVl .
1- C.H A...... U*» Okiw ‘iOJO . .. :k- ....
C.E. 5M 3?? TS
0.AN.W.2.2.3147 litvS 1300 lw» .... 8
0.A.A81.L.R. .... 350 8150
Total.—.. 8007 68083 81255 2020 1813 803
LHogs Hides wna Cattle Pot's Lead
>'-j, S>s. brla. No. bn tbs.
O.SC.TT.B.R. 300 50 153 193 ....
0.&R.LH.8. iS3 .... 130 197
C.810.E.H. B0 1080 .... 354 ©OO ....
C.&N.W.8.8, 438 244 157 785
aA.ABt.Ii... 4 1899 .... 40 555 ....
M. C.R.R 300 6250 100 807 .... ....
■"“'Tow 1079 Him 4©r 2297 imt ~
Floor, Wh't, Corn, Oats, Rye, B’rly
brls. bu. bn. bu. bu. bu.
To r Bo&lo 500 .... BSSI7 33763
Pt. Colbom 10344
To Kingston 14000
Total *6OO 14QOO 103691 33783 “ ~
EecHpff. ShipmerUt.
Core, bn 81,425 Lumber, ft 239,733
Flour, brls 197 Shingles, N0.... 134,000
Potatoes, bu 60 Lath, pcs 62,000
Beef, brls 653 Salt, brls 10
Icncsirra a::c aziraKiTs nr cast, scat 16.
Stceipis. Shipments,
Cora, bu 19,681 Lumber, ft 207,610
Wheat, bn 074 Shingles, N0...; 161,000
Lath, pcs 180,000
Posts, No eoo
Pickets. No 2,330
Salt, brls 20
Fish,, hf brls.... 4
Eecelpte. Shipments.
Lumber, £1.... 9,245,000 Floor, brls 2,430
Shingles, No.. 126,000 Corn, bu 5,800
Lath, pcs 00.000 Lard, lbs 40,000
Posts. Ifo 11,500 Pork, bids 633
Timber, ft.... 80,000 Pork, tea 218
Wood, cds 70
Coal, t0n5...., 223
Bides, pbes... 13
Apples, boa... 85
The Canadian, with Lirerpool dates to the 2th
Inst., -ras telegraphed to-day, reporting flour firm
and slightly higher; wheat firm ; corn quid and
steady ; V*.f steady; pork firm ; bacon quiet;
kid end tallow dull.
, There was a good attendants on ‘Change to-day;
lr>i there Is nU much disposition to transact bnsl
onr currency troublcsare settled, and the
a b/ U1 kinds of produco wero light. “Stump
v'Hhr'« was rejected nearly by all; some
V) take checks forpreferred currency;
ererything but gold or eastern
und otheb^Sa!' ,e was lUUe or nothing done In
f ° fair request, aud about 80,-
Flcur. following rates; for
000 bushels were Y> Bl * ht dr&fu »
gold, No. 9 Spring at No. 1 at
No. 9at 85c; and for
91083 c, and No. 9at 88@90e. Abtk 5 for N. T.
Core were sold at the following r*W '®d 89s
sight drafts, mixed, at 27088 c In stort v s
afloat; for preferred checks, 33c afloat,
store. There was nothing done in either'Ot.
Bye, or Barley.
Freights were dull and lower. Three Tesseh
were engaged at 10c for wheat to Kingston, 6c fo:
wheat to Buffalo, aud4&c for com to CoUingwood
TVa fAllAnrlni, lliha nf 11, P«tUn Qaa.
Tbs following lathe estimate of Hr. CatUn, See*
of the Board of Trade, of the amount of Floor and
grain in store, Kay 80:
Flour, bbls.
Wheat, bus.
Corn, bus...
Oats, bus.
JSceelpta at Ude-Water,
The quantity of flour, wheat, com and barley
left at udo-wnter. during the 2d week In Hay, in
thcye&rslGCoandl&6l,lsas follows:
Flour, Wheat, Corn, Barley,
brie. bus, bus. bos.
1860 68,758 177,878 897.489 97,017
IbUI 11,4*7 059,1 iS 828,823 . 18,450
Dec £7,815 Inc 431,750 Dec 79,161 DeeS.MT
The aggregate quantity of the same article left
at tide-water from the commencement of naviga
tion to the 15th of May Inclusive, during the years
IMO and 1861 la as follows;
Flour, Wh«il, Cora, Barley,
brls. bus. bos. bus.
2850 43,953 199,178 409,488 41.053
1661 31,400 726, Ml 832,843 33,047
Dec 13,553 Inc 637,1(8 Dec 69,670 Dec 8.605
By reducing the wheat to flour, the quantity of
the latter leu at tide-water this year, compared
.with the corresponding period of last year, shows
a *aln of *2,ffi& btis flour.
The following comparative table shews the
quantity of some of the principal articles of pro
duce Ufi at tlde-wster m>m the commencement of
navigation to and Including the Uth of May, In
tic years indicated:
1650. 1850. 1361.
-Canal opened Anri! 15. April 95. May 1.
PJom-.brla 40,469 43,893 81.400
Wheat, bus 88,918 199.173 736A81
Cora, b*p 197,666 403,493 553.828
Barley, lvs 77,800 41,068 86.0(7
O&tB. DCS 409.400 830,058 8*1,057
Bye, bus 89,419 W.7GO J£3l
Beef, brls 10,837 L'o3 —-
Pork, brie 19.935 702
Bacon, lbs 97.300 —•
Batter, lbs 78,000 8,217
I**d, 87.900 690
Chcero, lbs,. M . 83.701 *,700 19,631
Wool, 1b8..... 4,000 800
Tlov* Mabsst—May ?.—Tbo
bijjiipt'cwp&ld for wheat, and the lleht recelpU
ofccOTL-vm a li eoarceabavo Imparted more flrm
oki to it* l floo.' market, _'nd moat holders are
offering tha.r etoOca loss The demand
both for «x>rf and homo ass •* limited, and the
only tales wo hear of are hat, mostly
rood Ohio extx/ famU', at $6 3?X V brl; standard
•operflae ta held at with a moderate
trade demand at r-vm tfceje rates onto [email protected]
for common and i'O* d extra, £9 SSV&&6O for extra
family, and ts.’S&m for oner brands, as in
Quality, and tho mark* ratitr quiet. Byo flour
vs doll, and selling in u small way only at £9.50 9
H “ •• ifftS •’ 3 in gold.
t3 *• *» mo “ s«j.R)|ibred In i T ,T. c.t,
• if'd:: TIl; di'an-d f"r fforn* I* vv-y rm!
f -!i.y .c :.v-> >. w •*,!.* L,f t> Imy
Hi, 1 !, ihe UohMtUoos w«>f« light. jra'iCi
dt. vii.i ii'-n-r uvt •’
350U i iX>Vbtul, VO^lnrr-M,
•*5 •* 11 SJ2 “ ... 5.5b luJ». t. eACaaiige.
60 “ “ 100 “ ... 1.80
*4B “ ■* tea “ ...»eo ,l
3IIZEr~ lie demand la Rood, but as holders de
mand gold, U *.ri were uo traaaictluun.
Pn-TCBimon, 7r*nr Wayne A Chicago Stock
Hoards.— Scisj/tr the week ending May 90, re
parted by S. H. L.trter, Commiwton Salesman :
IB Bead av'g 1397 1be«*..53.45 preferred currency.
47 “ “ 1320 “ , 8.46 “ “
18 “ " 1587 °.. 8.50 *» "
6 ** '* 1400 “ .. VOO “ “
16 “ “ 1806 “ .. a.* « “
(4 •* “ 1286 * .. 8.7* “ “
14 “ “ 1565 » .. 8.43 M “
8 “ “ 1115 “ .. 300 “ “
80 “ *• 1409 “ 860 " “
•4 “ “ 1400 " .. 3.60 “ “
81 “ « 1480 *.. 875 “ “
10 “ “ 1550 “ .. S.OO *• “
15 “ “ 1250 “.. S.B7Jf “ “
30 “ “ 1400 “ .. 8.65 “ “
99 “ “ 1425 “ 863 “ “
48 •• “ I*B4 “ .. 3.60 “ “
as “ “ 1120 •* .. 8.10 “ •;
68 “ « 1197 “ .. 8.66 M
17 “ “ 1033 ** .. 875 “
16 “ “ X2SS ** .. 3.00 “ u
63 SSO 00 $ bead eastern ex.
S4 “ “ 3600 “.. 8.46 preferred currency.
*1 “ “ 1865 " .. 8.70 “ “
70 head ar’g 160 S>« at $4.40 preferred currency.
67 •» “ 810 “.. 4.00 “ “
46 u “ 170 “.. 4.50 “
419 “ “ *4l “.. 4.00 « “
48 “ “ *33 ** .. 4.00 *• "
m " “ 840 •* .. 4.60 “ “
14* “ “ 175 “ .. 4.90 M *'
18 “ “ 100 “.. 4.00 “ “
US “ il *BS “.. 4.80 Cor gold.
967 sold.
Foreign Sarkels.
Pxis Canada.]
Liverpool. May 9.— Sugar quiet, Coffee steady.
London, May 9.— Breadstuffa dull and unchang
ed, 111. Central shares 39X00&K discount; Erie
Litre pool, MaTO.—BHEADsnnrps.—B. 8. A 00.,
and W. N. & Co. rep rt flour firm, slightly higher;
wheat Arm, red 11a 840133 8d; white l*s 6d0145.
Core quiet, hut steady, mixed 44s 4d: yellow Sis
edoßSs 9d white UtQ&e 6d.
Beef steady. Pork Arm. Bacon quiet. Lard
dull—quotations unchanged. Tallow dulL
Pss Caxadiah.] Liverpool, Hay 9.
Sugar quiet. Coffee steady.
London, 9th.—Bradstuffs doll aud unchanged.
TlUnois Central shares 89ji£0S9.V discount; Erie
iarsEFOOL, Hay 9th.—Breadstuff's—R., 8. & Co.
and W. N. & Co. report flour firm, slightly higher.
Wheat firm; red 1153d01238d; white 1256d0145.
Corn quiet, but steady; mixed &4s6d; yellow
44sCd0SSe9d; white 34--©Sss6d.
Beer steady.. Fork Ann. Bacon quiet. Lard
doll—quotations unchanged. Tallow dulL
London, 9th,— Funds doR, hut stationary. The
principal cause of flnm css Is the belief that the
American crisis will throw considerable demand
on England for many articles of produce and man
ufliclure, uhfle its effect is being strongly mani
fested on shipping The belief inaneariyadranco
of the Bank minimum is coining ground.
Daiveat prospects of France represented very
bad, owing to bad weather. Wheat crop has been
seriously damaged; also the brandy crop at Cog-
Sonreo flat on the 6th, bat dosed firmer. Harries
NX s*- 5 *-
’L'. "dd,K4ahA Co. report floor firm and ad
•* ft«ace. Wheat firm and advanced Id. Pro*
MtMv%* werally steady. Sugar hear/. Coffee
Tlsiosa "aurot cloaca at 9I#OM for exchange
and account). "
T9 nt tkubg»a*s|.
. . • ya r SO.—Floto continues AaiL
ITBWTnTnf "tile heavy. with downward
imdcwamosßraSs. ***** 9 **> bWa 66 *4 *SO
5 €6 for superfine fita% tat *hl£
g ' 2Swl is?s
o ltl6 Sm
MUtoB lo am*fl pared,.! T SSTsJ
Mealln moderate request. «k ww
unchanged. Wlaky a shade can. vtn»p fnr
bbla at 118&®16e.
Grain.—Wheat heavy and aboufwv
coarse and interior erodes. Demand %
moderate. Sales 88,500 bash Chicago Sh
TSI; 6S,oootaah Milwaukee dab at |l.l«Kk T
SAGOO amber lowa at SI.BXOt.M; 17,40T0. ■•;
winter red western at *1.3901.*3: 17,600 Mt
white western at ii.STOI.4B: 4000 bosh red suk,
at *L 8701.89; ISCO bush white Michigan at $1.70$
01.72; 18J0 trash white Kentucky at J1.7501.80.
Rye quiet Small sales at 67053, Barley doll hoary.
Bales, ecoba state at fi6c. Corn heavy and lower;
larco receipts and holders anxious to realize. Sales,
59.000 bu al 580S6i*c for old mixed western* which
Is scarce; CMtSJcrorcew do, closing at 50051 c:
45045 c for damaged do; 60058 c for for now round,
yellow. Orts firm, with fair demand; 80033 c for
western and Canada: 81X@3Sc for state,
Ihtuv ismas—pork dull and heavy; sales lft> bbla
*17.25 for mcBK SIS for prime. Beef ccm‘lnu*» In
active with trifling sales at *4 0004 B0 for prims;
*s.B7o6.Steriaew; *IOOU for re-pecked mesa.
Beef hams tide quiet at 19015 c for western.
Prime mess beef dull at 17018 c. Cut meats Tory
heavy; sales SSGphn at fie far shoulders: 6j407e
for Earns. Bacon quiet and unchanged. Lard
without Important change: sales 530 bbu at 9©9 Xc
forconanon'toT>rtme: o.s®lOc for very choice.
Batter In wind* l **** request at 10015 c for Ohio;
qua Sty for state. Chow® steady at 408 c, as la
—very quiet and we hear
of no sales to report. Sugar is dull and without
change In price : sales UGhhds Cuba at 4#04
CO bxs Havana at 4MOSc. Coffee very quiet and
without material chacre In price; tales 100 b»£»
lit henoa 35- Ko fi!, gl; X CO; Treairy
IS. 101*,• IT SV 81. rejrUUr«L«BK.
. Bmenmam
tocreM.Uiipecl«tm«si>“e»“ ladreotaUon
. 83,516
. 680.383
. 605,301
BUFFALO. Kay Bteaflr. Sales, of
1000 brio at SSQS.SB for good to choice BUnnls:
15(^8.87^ftvtidr to ehwee extra Indiana and
OWq; $5.6008.18 tor doable extra-
Gbais—-\fneM steady with moderate demand.
Atlico*. 43 c y rubble atone, SS c y
dMaI«;» riouc.
il(f AJh‘'ns, 7Hc f f*rbl’l« -lone, ISO c J
division “toilf,
,f 1. AU'Xstulrr. I.nckport, Sill bn corn.
Lothporl, bIJO bu torn.
Tbsmos, Otiaun. D4OO bu corn.
V W Zimmerman, OtlawajSUSbncorn.sbabeans,
9 WO* fiftss. _
. f«ry Emery, Ottawa, 4691 bo core, 60 bhli Pota
Fvpe, LaSalle, 137 bbls floor, 434 bbls beef, 415 tea
Bant er State, LaScUo, 6447 ha corn.
J D Ivtroton, LaSalle, 296.7C3 lbs white lead.
CLEARED .Hay 17.
North Bxfir. LaSalle,
J L Alts*-»der, Lockport.
LtiDont, L-xJrcort. 25 bores glass, 8U ft lumber.
AUda, LaSa’lc. 19,994 ft lumber.
Mariner. LaMile.
New York, I*6*l!©.
Jefferson, LaSt Uo. 60.648 ft lumber, 35000 lath, 1809
tts wire.
Luella, LaSalle, ; ! 0 bbls salt.
Aleona, LaSalle.
Progress, LaSalle.
Arania, LaSalle,?4l.W9 ft lumber. 600 ft siding,
I*l,ooo shingles, COCO lath, 2247 & p.-oods.
Gibralter, LaSalle, 38,.‘50 ft lumber, 20,000 lath.
ARRT»T.O Hay 18.
Vermonter, Feeder, 38 co: ■ wood.
Resolute, Athena, 90 c y stone.
Globe, Lockport, 4431 bu cm u, 974 bu wheat.
Maaeppa, Morris, 6000 bn core.
Lockport, Lockport, 6300 bu core, SSO lbs shorts.
W BBrown, Lockport, 40 c J r.bble stone, SO c j
divlcloQ stone,
li-'scue, Utica, 160 tons sand, 1 lot . ..©elharrows.
W L Hawley, LaSalle, 60C0 bu core.
# CLEARED May 18.
Verm inter, Springs.
Mary i.’merV, Ottawa, 960 ft lomber, 60ii c poits.
Arkona, iASalle, 14.323 ft lumber.
Atlanta, LaSalle, 77 621 ft lumber, 0000 A siding,
261.C00 singles 1020 lbs carp woik.
Beloit, LabaPc, 7369 ft lumber, 8000 shingles, 1 sew
ing macbiLn.
St. Conls, LaSai’e.
Fame, DuPago.
Globe, Lockport.
Resolate, Athens, AXW brick, 1 ton coal.
WHBrown, Lockport.
BA Thorp, Joliet, 79.16r ft lumber, SOOc posts.
Tide, LaSalle, 25000 ft 11- nber, 280 pickets.
Prairie State, LaSalle,26 hbls salt. *450 lbs marble.
C LHuntoon, LaSaUe, 81J0» - ft lumber. 9000 pick
ets. 90,000 ft siding, 60,09. lath, 16C0 lb* c work,
< hf bbls fish.
B F Beeehy, LaSalle. 10,900 ft K her. 200 ft siding,
101,000 eulogies, 10,000 lath, liv c posts.
Thames, MarselUca.
Maaeppa, Morris.
JU OFFICE. Chisago, HU May U, W.
Sealed proposals will be received at this office, x til
II o'clo- kA_ M, on Wedaesday, the «d lust, for fur
ishlne Two Millions of Hard Burnt 8c >er Brick, to hi
&x<zs>4lnehes Is dimensions, made of the best maten
ala, square edge-1, free from lime, pebbles and bats.
Specimens must accompany each proposal.
The bricks U> be delivered in quantities and at times,
ae follows, viz: One-fourth of tne quantity contracted
for on or before the first day of June, ana the remain
ing three-fourths In equal quantities in two, four and
six weeks thereafter. The Bricks to be subject to the
inspection and count of an inspector appointed by toe
Board of Public Works.
Proposals will state the price delivered and piled up
on the Une of sewer* on the streets, wverc required
for use. Tbccoatractor to rsmoro all rejected orlcks
from toe work without delay. Each proposal to be
endorsed—"Proposal tor Bricks,” and addressed to
toe “Board of Public Works."
Also, at toe mm, tune and* place, for constructing
aboutL«o it oi s ft., ♦,«» rt. of t fi,a,m> ft. of 4«ft,
1.9 on,of 4 0,2.000 ft. of 2H ft, and i.a oft. of Briofc
Sewers, circular in. term, to be eight inches thick,
when 4 ft. or upwards in diameter, and fonr Inches
thick when 2X ft. or less In diameter, and to oe laid in
PropOfalswiD state the price per lineal foot for tbs
work complete, Including all materials and labor ex
cept bricks, Junction pipes and manhole covers, which
wul be lurnfched by the Board.
Also for Trenching and Backfilling for the laying of
abont&ir«aofSft. water main.
For Flans and Specifications inquire at this ofllee,
In the Court House.
Batisfbctory security for the faithful performance of
aUcoatracu will be required.
The Board will reserve tee right to reject any or all
proposals at their discretion.
By order of the Board.
iaylAe747-4» A. W. TIXEEAU. SecT.
jfor Sale.
FOR SAI^E—A very desirable
Dwelling. No. 104 Michigan avenue, on leased
ground having between Ove snu six years to run. Ita.
provemeots to be paid for by tee lessor at tee termi
nation of the lease. This property will be sold at a
bargain. Inquire of the subscriber, at 3*l South
Wafer street (oygrXwJ Q. H. KUOD.
'TO DRUGGISTS.-For. sale a
JL Drug Etcre with sleek and fine set of fixture*
ail complete. Bltuatvd la a good location, about«
miles worn tela dtr. For particulars addreM P. O.
Box 46S Chicago, DL myl'eT »-lw
~ .I».. cmjiliUte far CteS of tan TOM Qtind
Vv l ofttf Buprem. Com ol Illinois at to. eora-
DjA ' olectloa. tnyUrUysi
of supreme court.
hinself es tank. ‘ Dtrisioa. apiteia
■ fT LKBK \" DrnsiOT-,
Cotrwr you m Bail* hi LaSalle
DAVID L. HOUGH, oa. . 'iS hiPS ifS
County. Is e esndldstelsh •* Kecfloa lobe held on
ftor tea Tblrfi Grand D 1 rla splMrax ■
the Ist Monday to June
. JLP - —— vqeatlea of pa»
wotid o*B u\ v
*° - - v.” off-.
Phe hai mode up and ta ootartattly \ n
n weU-aeleetod Sasun Timber,
workmen, and to his ffcclUif e« for fllk ’
HUM BAU MB UAHISI 808 tm 1 «
I« also prepared to do an Uada of BepsMaa <
Patat*ng,/»Uh Beatcsn and dlspasch. ..
K. B-r-A rood Light Boahaway aafl three S«a y
Hand Barrfc* for aale at ay raetoiT. corner 6tV
and Tireumstrectk tL WILLSIS. *
■(Bfir A
Tahl yvi-tsTn
Also—Particular attention paid to Jobbing of all
kinds connected with the Trade.
333 Washington St,, Chicago, BL
|' j E. RIGBY & co,,
XHFOaTSBS and jobssbs 07
General House Painters.
Boom and Sign Painters, Paper&sa*
sees, Etc*, Etc.,
ST) i
.Q- ,f S T E B,
IU tc coortanUy lor *ale at the lowest prices
Manila .Uope, Pitch, Tarred Bose, Hay Hope,
Tar, Lath Hope, Oakum,' Blocks,
Spas Ton.
L'OVEIS, Ac, &(X.
tST Slade to cnler at shortest
261 South "Water near Loks-et Bridge.
SplffeM? OEJ. F. t'OSTEU.
We hereby announce to ow ccitomen aad Patrona
that Vi
To ree>lre In payment of drbd the
S&.HT of Assorted Currency
Kow forced toon the community b> tie plan of hoard*
tor the prod aid circulating that pc Mou U »c
--cored by Boot?. rn Stocks. with wnlc.i ve cacaot pay
debts, buy good* or purchase Kxcha va. It la worth
only wbiu ft will bring LS UOLU ircr-’ day to day.
Tex Tms ttpojt ir;rrna wi ntneosiro n. w-rgrrz it
cmtaxwr&s, a* 7 » not sxsa adbsus> to.
We take this course fl>- our protection aswvtl at that
of our friends- Theuse v *iti> DRIVING B'-.'sISESB
OCT OF ITS USUAL O- ‘ANVBL3, aad pr.Umra
OF PEOt'KBTi*. Bland h n.' under, asd let ta hare
We shall take an enxre&ey at 1 VALUE IK
CIE. ttom and after tab date; aur.wlcsaae p<r. cau.
ftt Bew York Exchange.
INos. 74 and 7k T -ake atrsat.
Envelopes and tetter Pape.
Is constantly Increasing. We are Issuing
Per day. and thus &r have been able f> but Ju?t keep
ln,sdvaoee of our orders. We issue tela d*y the
1 n
Decidedly the best hit cf the season. Abo,
Being a match ter our
We hare issued over
And have a foil sepply of the fallowing:
ifflJAlt ANBEBSOff,
T.ightmug among the Palmettoes,
A. I-., (His Mcrks,-)
. * OUBCOUNTin’,.
And other new and original designs.
Bead THSES Letter Straps and we win return 4
sample by first malL
f. airasox,
Stationers’ .Ball,
THis best place to the West fcr InraUda. Addre:#fct
rtrauar, Dr.JOffit B. GULLY.Mm. GUXLX.
BhVH237im 2. F22&OXS3,
39 South Caail Stmt, Cblt»so.
fyAll kinds of Scales Repaired. johUy
Fairbanks Sc fireenieaf,
So!. 199 ud 901 Bindolpi strut,
Welch out of Level. No Check Rods. All Friction
received 00 Palls. aei**o-tr
©tiwral ’Notices,
jjX. Property or Finns la Cook and adjoining Ooua
J.L.LKB, S3 Clark street
Post Office Drawer qiay. diUKI-ty
T T Photography Colored In OU, nod warranted
w-fis factory for three doDare lor the next thirty dan
by Mr. 6 Mrs. Q. a. LACEY, 170 State streiU {ap
atalraj C»n and see cpectmena. Instructions rivea
lo the art oa reasonable term*. m v\Sx6t
GO PEOP2ETT—A Lime Quarry now doing a
good buslacs*. with Ste«m Engine. Howe*- Wagons,
oases, Ac. together with a Farm of dfty-three acre*
and beautiful residence situated within an boors'
ride of Chicago. For further particulars Inquire ol
MAPPA A COLLlStyKeai Estate and MerchsndDe
Brokers, Kocm Ko. 9 Warner’* Hall, oTtr lit Ru
dolph street. mylsx3 w
1* TOUKO—'“Tan KianxisoAte."—ACoilcritoa
cf Sengs, Chants and Hvmns. designed for Jnremla
Clawe*. Public Schools and Seminaries, with Elemea.
tary Instruction, by W. O. and H. 9, Pcrldns. It com
prise* many of the best iccg* of the day not to be
found In otner books. Prl e,?-ocents. Seat, postpaid,
DITEOK A CO* PnbUshert. Boston.
]STOTICE. —The Annual Meeting of
Xl Stockholder* of toe CMcazo South Branch
Dock Cttncany, for the election of Director* and tor
the transaction of otocrbustoMS that may com.* bs
fore the Company, will take rtacenn Weiiaesday, Jane
Bth, ie£i, at the Companv** OiScc, SS Dearborn street,
Chicago, [myteo»iitdj AJ. KFISALT, Sec’y.
And dealer In Krnlt and Produce, Ko. i»>s South Water
street, P. 0. Box 22i Cblcag i, Ilicoh. We solicit the
consignment of roods that ure of the best quality—it
would be cur own choice to deal la no other class.
V 3.-1 have rewral acres of the WUaoa's Albany
Stravqcrry, and will sell plants of that variety as the
o*oal rates, and ta aay quantifies.
The co-partnership
heretofore between the subscribers, un
der tbe Kyle and firm of Carter ft Stone. U tbU day
dissolved br mutual consent. The btulnew ot tae
late firm trill be settled by J. T. Carter. who alone la
aotb- rlred to use the firm same Is UquldaUoa-
CMcagn. MsylTlh. 1561, .f. T, CABTET?,
I3>lß-e7<«t H. B. STONE.
TAKES AT PAB. —#15,0 ft) worth of ClotMnff
Just received from New TorJc. la offered at coat for
Illinois t'nrrsiicy AT PAB. The subscriber. believing
lo the ultimate redemption cf this money, •will sell
Uls entire stock la large or aaaU lots, and receive this
t urercy as above stsVd. R. N3LSON.
*tjiexlw At Fargo ft Bill, 4S Late street.
\y v/s\/Vr V/ Goods sr.d Books and Shoes at
ole*-!e price* to Exchange for
Inquire of H.B. EOBEBTS, "Tregost,* nyiax’t^
A SDtTES by leaving them at oar fltcre
N</. H8 iiKG BTtIEST,
Thr/ will I e packed la eccit • manner as to render
tbeniAxperrjoasw'MOTH ordampuMi, aad Insured
from damage cr l?e*. fiecelptt gtvsa aod charge*
low. J. a, »yna co.
Hatters and Furriers.
Xi pice.
163»ttsUra«treii o?tTcst 0&&-
«fisg ~
JICB. 12 & 14 Deal "bora Street,
nro -a Randolph street.
A o. a. BTOPDia,
Has remortdhla stock of Boots aod Shoes U 'VI N' v 3
Booth Clerk street (Battle’* Old StaadJ, to .’3 B»=.
doJph street, bet State and Dearborn. nry? f&J-ir.
O desirable anlts ci Boost to rest, with Board, *4
Xct. 1 tad 9 Vaa Barca street, sear t s « Lika.
TVWh a beaatlfsl colored title page, r»re*e»tta* the
Capital, and Wa*Mi jfton oa hone back la the back
groaad, and the “ war fipaailed Banner" tanponed
dt a sailer, with the Ofllcen of the Coattaeatal Aray
la fall drees In front JostrnbUshedby
Prl**, UT a “ tolp ' sSrWt *
I l!am O. Applrtnn tprt TT.lia O. App.’rf ;# '"bis Vw»
/ Ah'iaA fi. ut-. Hubert r,-o K >' toaW^.
' WUJLt/a 11. Wartto. ym**PTfr i VaOimhW W.
.•“rtmriej Da/iVy: 'VilUin ff;,- - 3 snj KJcn.*r-c
It. t-H" >ll ■>}•*! riT i<‘ v-l .» : .pr*r b«-r>-r;rt»M
J'fj/vrtttf I'ourt ot Chicago uf f i.'.’t t.iunt/. on ise
first day nf fh<* ri*tt term Ihr-re- f to .•)•• fiol.Mn ,»t rai
cakri'. In i*a:<t l umifr. Un ;-t. jJr.-t NlomJay of Jntu*. : -n.
and pU‘:»d. aiish t r or cletuar to the jaM civu-iWiitM'*
biilwf o-mpialnt, th«* e.imc and Hit* mailers and t
Usrrviu r.t n:ul etuKrt. will bt* tA.< M n .n couf-*a«**<U
and a dunce cut. red against too according to t.ia
prarrrof raid Mil. WALTER XIMH.VLI. c'Mrk.
Kiso A 2*r<vrT. rompruHoVr. myl-Hjvj.vw
k? COrhTT, S. 3—3nparior Court of Chlrato.
May Term, A, D. J6fli. Asa D. Reed and Sylrester
Hred re. .1. K. Hallam— Attachment.
Public notice la hereby given to the said J. K. flai
lam that a writ of at-acumcat Issue 1 out o t tbs office
cf tb* Clerk of tb Superior Court of Chieago, listed
the tlih day of April A_ 1). 1981, at tbs suit of the said
Asa D. Eeed and Sylvester Reed, and against tbs ea
tat- of e said S. K. Bailftm, f;r tho suns of fire
Hundred Seventy 'two an:t3-Ii»- Dollars, directed to
:be Sheriffof Cock; count?, which said wnt baa beea
returned eiecuted.
Hour, therefore, aulcsA yen, the said J. K. Hallaux
abal* personally be and appear bef'-re the said Bum
rlor Court or Chicago, on or before tbo flr*t day cf the
tem thereof, to be hold- n at t«»o C-»u»t House, la the
City of Chicago, on the first Monday of Juai A. D.
13tl, give special bail and plead to the said plaintiff‘s
action, Judgment will be entered against you. and Is
£F?or of the said plaintiff*, and so much of tbs pro
petty attached uov besufficientto satisfy tbeiv.t
judgment and coats, will be sold to sat&ystm a>
GattCT & Hitchcock, Fluff's At l*ya ayd-eTAt-bn
J the undersigned, Lawrence J J. Klaiao, baa been
by decree la Chancery of the Superior Court of Chi
cago, entered on May lOth, IS6 , la a suit wherein Isaao
Buchanan la complainant, and Robert h Psbiaa.
Sinaia 3. Fabian, TScmas L. Forroat, Philip R.
rest and Mary Forrest, am defaailaua. appoinOl
Trustee In place of Heary L, Forrest, deeeaaed. til
carry out the proTLdona or a certain Trust Deed, «ta.
euted by Robert L. Fabiau and Emsta A Fabhsa, ta
said Henry L. Ferrett. Trustee, »o secure a certain
promissory note of Fltc Thousand Dollars, dated May
Sotb, A. D. Aa. and payable can rear afttx data to the
order of Thomas L. Forrest with Interest at tea mc
per annum, which said rirfnal Trust Dead U
filed of record in said cause, and Is also r?*ord3d ta
Hie Berorderis Office cf Coo* County, in Boos WK
Face 19K, Dr which said Deed tbs Beal JUUU Uersto.
after deaenbed waa conrayed to said Henry L. Forrest
to secure said Rote.
And. whereas, said Note with Interest from the date
thereof U now wholly due and unpaid, aud there i»
due thereon the sum of Fire Thousand Slae Hundred
acd seven ty-Two Dollars, to nay which laid sum *aid
Beal Estate has beaa ordered 07 said Coots to be *o*d,
as la aid by said decree appears.
Now, therefore, notice ishereby glyast that the na»
daralgned, Lawrence J. J.Flssaa, will seilatpubdo
auction on Mo3rn.lT, too seventeenth day <*
A.D.ISSI. Ltldo’cjoeknooaof thotdsy, Mthe norifc
door of tii« Coart House !a Chicago, to toe highest
bidder fer cash the Beal Eatat 5 conveyed m aforesaid,
rlr:—Tbeioutaha'fuf Let Tea. 810o 1 : One Hundred
and Twenty-Two, School Section Adaltiao to Chics giy
Dlinciywith all the right aad equity of redemption
ol said Robert L. Fabian. an" of « itoima S. Fshlao
hlawlfe; subject ho-ever, to a certain myrtqajs of
said B. L. Faolau and wife to D. Waldo Ltos-jls. to se
cure the sun of &1500 COdCO, recorded In toe Se*JT
tier's Grace of cook Conner, la Book st of ilortaag*V
Page m-LSi.
LAWR-FCB J, J.M2SZF. Trnde*.
Hasnaorcs Dina. Solicitor. w n M»Tt:ia4
npRUSTEE’S SALE, Whereas*
JL Jtarnin Atkina, oa the eleventh day ol January.
A. D. ISP, executed »ud delivered lo me, tbs and#-
Birred, u Trustee, s Deed of Trust, conveying
premises hereinafter described, to secure toe psyxeos
of a certain Frcmhuiory Note therein mentioned ana
described, tor» full description efwulch sail aoka,
and of the power la said Deed contained. reftT
eace Is hereby made to ths Record of sal I Dee A wnfcA
said Deed 01 Trust was duly recorded In toe Bogota
dart Office of Cook County, Illinois, in Book U3 of
Deeds, Page 712. And, whoreas, default has been mada
In tfce payment of raid pramlasdrv Koto, and applies
tim has been made to me by John Brooks, the ?a/oa
ana legal holder thereof to reH .-aid f-rctalßW ur.de*
and by virtue ci the power In aald Deed of Trust con
tained, and for the purposes therein expressed.
Few, therefore. public notice la hereby given that*
shall sell, #t public auction, at the aorta door of tha
Court fiiiuiu, la the City of Chicago, la too Stats 3
Ulipcla, for too highest and beat price the same w!3
bring la cash, for toe purposes In said Deed of Truss
axpre««e<L at ten o'clock in the forenoon on Saturday,
tor thirteenth day cf April A. D. 136 L top pfealsw a
aald Deed of Trift described, and situate to Eraaafim
In the County of Cook, and State cf Illinois, to-wist—
Ccu tct cclng at a point la toe centra of toe Coootv
Bead four (it rods south of the north tine of Section
eighteen (13), Town fbrty-coo (11), Range fourteen
east, thence running easttetoeeast life of
west quarter of the northwest quarter of Add sootiag
eighteen, thnee south six rodA aad stiyr-fosr htaa
dredtos (S W-100 reds), these* west parallel with
north tee of told Section eighteen to too centre <X
ton aforesaid County Acad, tnenca northerly si os?
the centre cf said road to the place of begranlaft eos*
talnlng about
togtther wild toe building* tacreca; togeacr «lto ad
tor appartanaacce thereaoro Ndocri.-g. and au .ha
tight, titie/baneat and equity, of redemodoa of Htt
• Chicago, March idto, lAII.
The above fialclaher.br nnta TbWKJI
““cSiiGSSSOBT. IrartM.
Tie .I tercet!** flinisr PCSpOMd to ao
k^r-ii !i= * lL ‘ r “caSi- aaaaoßT. i™t««
Tie abore Mia 1* hereby further postponed to Mas
p __
Tt a above sale Is hereby farther postponed to Weft
BMd»r. the sth day of v»y, isrn. at tbs same hoar aeft
The above sale U hereby further postponed to W«j.
aesday. May auth, lit], at thesame sour ud place
r |'KUST h K’S SALE. Whereas,
JL default has been mads by Charles Schmidt U th*
raiment of hU two certain promissory notea, dated
1 ay GO, irCO. one of tta inroc f.«- mo Uioa--and dor
lain payable to the order cf Erma Zooua on* year if
ter date with interest at tra p-w cent; ard tbs other
f<.t two hundred dollar*, psyaolo toth* order of Aiiax
Pcpp ore year from ths dit» t*:er*“- f with interest a*
teu percent. Ami. whereas, the rarmentofsaldaot-*
wrt secured by Deed of Trust, wf date win said autc«
aaecntrd by said «e :midr. sod oy oae David L. Jaao
but, tw Trust* is < f CoroUuw Sc’arud'. In and by wMcft,
raid Deed <>f Trust said parties to the under
aimed, a* Trustee, the . orth h-df ersab-lot two <ru
cf Lot J*t>. seven u;, la Blajk lea kii; of Fractional
Kant* loorte-a ft U. ewtof the third Principal HerC
dlat-Tln the Counts of coot and Stata of URnoli. w~.tl»
Use bulb.logs ami InijiroviuvnU t.ircon, and whtiti
Det*a rf Trustwaarvcofdtdia tft« c-Cths laa
c:.r*2F 3{ said Coc£ County, la SooA dU of Deed®,
1 wtereaa. AppUeattox baa been smda to tha am.
rter*'ve,J. Tr«Tt«v. to ex-c’ste ths pc-wsr* %
Deetfby selling Use said lands or so much ther wet tS
m«T ba nwestsry to maXstbs aoceT flao cm She said
aiiA wim tao Inters: tb*peoa *rd costs.
Now. therefore. pubCa no tic* la herebr ztveo mat L
L. c Paine * taer. s*ld Trutwe, will, ca the d*y
r.( May. A.D. WX, at 10 o’clock !n Sh« fore&ooa
>.wx. »t tfi2 north doer cf its Court Uouaa of mo Ca*ta
-3 cl Coca, la the Oty cf Cfafeftga, aeU at pihila au>
a. .ft'.- ensn to the highest bidder, the aiovid-scribed
pur I of land, with ths IssprovesMata taerron, to
v .'k* the money due upon, the saUMfracalaeo? 3ot«*
t ‘3ia Coata acd expenes of aaia
„ CJL SX S*a nussa Truatak
>l*flstb. i?*t. myler*<td
Vi DEBTASgBfr No. S tasaSostreet.
nnAuifi im
Also. Wood i, ttnasand Shrouds of all style*. Ara
prepared with «>a«es and Carriage*, aa 1 wUI sire
prompt attention «t all he on, iiafj a CbAP<*l and
YatiiUtou C«6i*\tj, VtA

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