Newspaper Page Text
CHICAGO TRIBUNE, iIU, TRI-WEEKLY AND WEEKLY. Office, No. 81 Clark Street. nsxt ot th* emexoo muulki: ®*99 ttHy, £«liretefl In city, per wtek. , -*i 9 lo null mbecribcre, per jw •••••• ]• JJ> wily, to m&U eobcolber*, J>cr *l* month* 4.00 rri-w*«k3T, per Weekly, tingle cnbsoibfca'*'”* 5*29 " 2*22 n S IVo getter np of dal) *O.OO tS*** Addition* to claDi<w*y,t* riufc at any *' - jy momt la WfUteni letter* tnajW mt s>>twittitt •;■. okiv>-v ia jdirws “ nnCIGfl THBCTV ChUag^m. Cpcago Ifriittne WEDSESDAT, HAT SS, 185 L * Tbe Oar- Patrons* Wc dW cot decide till after business opened rwtcnlsy morning whet,wa."ought. to do. is tCguxl to whit Is now kDown as tho “Union liit n of Illinois currency. A few hours 1 ex* rericuce convinced ns that it would not and c*uld not be made to “ go, 1 ’ With the cxccp- j tU'D of the lumbermen and o few others, the ] U»lncEß public sternly -adhered to the Kail* wsj list. .Therefore till farther nolle?., we tisll take - ted pay out Illinois currency ac cording to the •values fixed by the Railway?. 0«r patrons should send ns no checks or drafts on any Chicago, or other Illinois Banks ujiess drawn for exchange or coin, or with lie direction to pass to their credit what tho tcrancypsldus, is worth. The same rule la explicable to Wisconsin currency. lowo,lnli jo3 rv, Ohio, and other good Eastern money re- edvod at par. The following It the Railroad list as now r»r- rxrged UST No- 1. PAR, P'k ofAtK-riCA, Cbtcago.Kxchange Bank, Et of Northern tUifioie t £aiic Coast; Bank, Cticagv Baak, Marino Bsnkr * LIST No, 2. NINETY CENTS, Alton Bank, McLean Ooan’.y Bank, Aairrici-n Bart, Mechanics’ Bank, IVhot Ato«?rtca,mCaisx*lHcrchaot*.' Bank, Back (<i Blch ritteficld hack, E-mfc of InQrtnnitT, Reapers* Bank, CmuLetlfti-d Co. Bank. Union Bank. L. I. TB.kbao & Co'c BkMahaDre Bank, iiighland Bank, International Bank, UST No. S. EIGHTf CENTS. _ Brooklyn, HI. State Stfcarity Bock, Bark of t emmerce, lUlt-ols Central Bant. iUuvUof IlUuole, Lake Micbluan Bant, Bar.l; rf Ccnr It, Ohio Biver^Bank, Bai-k of Sparta, Pamet Bank, Ik vd i oai ls liaat. Patriotic Bank, Columbian furnk. Slate S; ock Bank, City Bank or Ottawa, U. 6. StiKk Hank, Kc.ton Bai:k. Wheat Growers’ Back, iiliccli BJvrf BiUjk, LIST No. A SEVENTY CEN’K, T&nkcf GaUua, Pracklln Bank, Bank of Gei esco, Kankakee Bant, BniU Bead Bask. Hart-haU Co. Bank, Cvttral Bank, Toulon Bank, Bank. Olympic Bank. LIST No* 5. SIXTY CENTS, /iriculturul Bask, Commercial Bank, Ail-ana Bank, Kafkaeki&Bank. iiiik cf Alcdo, IVcctem Bank of EHcoif, lark of >l* tropolis, Warren Co. Bank. Junk of Elfin, LIFT No. 0. FIFTY CENTS. Bsi'k o? Benton. Jersey County Bonk, Taokef Astlana. XjSX.caster Bank, lank of NcjxtvjjjO, lalsyeßelJank, Di.cclnre Bink, Natrafaneel Bank, (t’ordec Smtc Dank, Plowman’s Bint, Ban-Twh-n Hord> Ban>. ilcaboldl Bane, Rock Island Ba^k. BIG GUNS* We have advices, this time rtUahJc, that Ike bill of lading of those “ big guns” has been received at Cairo, and that the said guns are actually on the road from Pitts burgh I The distillery down on the point, at the conScencc of the rivers, has been a ncemned for Government uses, and the ground is being surveyed for a permanent fortification. nIsSOCBf. Gen. Price, who recently issued a pro clamation calling ihe militia to assemble Mhtler thejtog of Miasouri at their respective headquarters, la pursuance of Claib. Jack ton’s treasonable military bill, has bad an. interview wit. Gen. Harney. Gem Price has concluded to countermand his order snd issue another, recommending all good citizens of Missouri to stay at home and at tend to their “civil duties” Could any thing indicate more forcibly the moral power of a few loyal regiments under com mand of a determined officer f ■ The Bt, Louis Democrat,* in an article printed elsewhere, declares in unequivocal term£ that if the banka and Rivings Institu tions will pay over the July interest fund ♦o Claib. Jackson, to be used for military purposes, f&'S* tsiUbd daaU itiih a* ttattoft. POBWABP EIAKCBCt; f The. concentration of large masses of troops at Tort Honroe, it is alleged, is for a purpose of.TOcapturing.lhe Gosport Government Navyyard, andrirlymgthe in- Eotgcntß out of Norfolk. Xt ia also hintod that a strong column wiH push its way up the James river to Richmond, at the same time that the main-army crosses the Feto 2nac~and tfikefl.up lUJline of march for the rebel capital. It is reported that this army I will consist of 6,000 regulars and 25,000 Volunteers,—-a force which thetriat ora have not the means io resist About the time these operations commence ft di vision of Pennsylvania and Ohio troops arc .to piiireh from Chambcrsbuig -upoa- Hfliperis Ferry and dislodge, the toriesthere posted, who arc said to be poorly equipped, and short of provisions. * The troops of Illinois, Indians, lowa ■Wisconsin, Minnesota and several regi ments from Ohio, It is expected trill march on Memphis, following both the river and railroad routes. ’ The batteries along the river trill be taken or silenced, and/ the_ Kailtray repaired, where“tho bridges are" destroy ed or the mas removed.; Once clear ed of secessionists both avenues of com-1 joumcation can easily be kept open by the loyal forces. more healthy than Cairo. It is shoaled on a high bluff; the soil is dry, and the air pure; the mosquitoes are much mailer than their brethren on the low. wet grounds about Cairo. Memphis is a far healthier place for the army to spend the hot and aiekly season than where a portion of it is nCw encamped, at Camp Defiance. It is furthermore the key point of the Southwest held by the rebels. Should V fail 'into the hands of the soldiers of the Republic, the insurgents would bo terribly weakened. Its lots lotbemwonld be a fatal blow, as it would render the capture 5 of New Orleans certain, and place the !■ sfbtdc line d: the Mississippi in the possca r J-'iSon of the patriots. If the order to advance on Memphis ho given simullsieonsly with that for' the touch, on Richmond, a splendid and ex-, citing rivalry will spring up between the. troops of the Northwest and the soldiers of the East, whidi'will first reach their desti nation. Thedth of Jnlyshould andean be celebrated by the two patriotic armies in Richmond and Memphis. The Jail and win ter campaign will then close tie war and crush the serpent's head. aaonont ?®n_ iutiiwiiiia- Xtß*. The citizens' of Chicago Would like t» Imow why lie discrimination, ogainst lhair ■volunteers has assumed tie character of a relentless persecution. - Tier would like to know rrbei her this fault lies principally -t tbe doorofthe Governor, or of tließrig edier General. They would like to know liotr it happen* that with all the expendi ture of money, cad all the enlistment of men in this'city; barely three Chicago coin- | panics h«»e wormed their way into the of the United Elates through the avenue' of the Executive Chamber of Hit nois. Th«y would like to know why the first companies on the ground at Cairo, (Capt. ■' hlihalotzy’s • and Cspt. Kow bold’s), rftcr being rAstered into' the eerrioe of the United States by Capt. Jopc, hare beet excluded from any place either In the tot or second levy, of six regiments. They would also like toknow some n asonfortho jealousy which exists at Cairo against Capt. Sinifh's artillery and Capt. Barter’s dragoons. '* there a»jr be in the complexion ©f Chicago which crdtcs the ire of oar £ta\£ ttxxKAlonariea,' civil bir ’-niiniaJ7» 'or both, wc cannot conceive. One thing is certaio. If no Faiisf&ctory answer Is re ceived to these •plain In. fairies, an appeal will be taken .to fccouii . \if- *■"» • >-»< '■ «. XlsSi naSA'W* c‘. /Wfl v ! ?*«r r*& t-r. “ ■n—l «tesi t r - r # >- i -'J'. ?r i s*t£j AraJH*** - VOLUME XIV. of higher jurisdiction, and leas contracted bptical range,, where we believe .Chicago has come influence, and where we know all communities can obtain, justice. No less than four thousand men hundred men have been raised in this city, drilled, and tendered to the Government. Of this number fin? hundred and ffty-tvco have run the gauntlet at Springfield so far as to get into the service, of tho United States in ■ regimental'' order. A like proportion, on the basis of the last census, wonid giro the whole.Statc only 8,560 men in the United States army, in stead of twelve full regiments, or a mini mum of 10,080 troops. In this reckoning 1 we do not include the thirty-day MhOXess. v Wc have a very generous allotment in this line of the service. We Bare suppressed the complaints which these nngenerons acts have elicited until they can he suppressed no longer— until the commonest principles of fair dealing demand that they ho suppressed no longer. We hare explained the dis crepancies ■which exist In every possible troy to shield those upon whom the blame termed to reel. We shall do so no longer. If the magnates of Springfield and Quincy want all the offices they can take them without asking anybody in this latitude. But it does not lie in their hoots to inuh the volunteers of Chicago with impunity. CHICAGO PUOnUCE TRADE* The following table shows the total rc celpta and shipments*of flour, grain, live stock, provisions, &a, during the past week:— Kcc/ lp*s. Shipments. .... £g,!»J5 &i,ius ~..292,833 SfiShSS ....€05,811 •*. 704,443 .... 21.5J8 '* fc ß2.SJ3 Tlcnr, bbl3. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu... Oate, bu.... Ji\e, bn 6.829 27.732 Barley, bu 4.182 Seed*-, 11>a 7.1T9 74.4 M P«.rk. bhla 1,4 1 Cut Meats, lbs 02,330 Sls 010 Tallow, lb* 18017 38.8:}) Live Hc»£n, no 2,902 1,332 Beef Cattle no ‘ 8,953 1422 The following table shows the total re ceipts of produce in this city since the Ist of January last, compared with the re ceipts daring the corresponding periods in 1850- and 1800: 1861. 1800. 1859 Flour, bbls... 430,133 171.238. 231,412 Utcauba 2,726 659 1,312 32J 601951 Coin, bn 4,615,406 5.045.4W L1«i,218 Oats, bn SSSB6I 445 039 231,969 Bve.tni 118 259 84,6iG 13,075 E.-LrJrr, bo 2=7,310 175.402 96,012 Seeds. Ibe... 2,419 219 2,543,534 1,911691 Poik. bblfl SO 016 12 297 10.937 GulMeats, lbs 7 800.560 6.815,290 3‘97a,4‘2 WQ, lbs 5,237.877 3,913.595- 1.6 M.133 Ti.llow, Jbs 5K8.734 74,071 150,836 Live Hoc*. no 117,260 54 897 81.740 Drffcftd no"«* f 50..., 144.113 46.2j0 28,353 Ikuf,..;.'. 45,923 60,863 * 9.516 ! The following tabic shows the amount of Flour nnd grain In store In this city on the hpth in&t, compared with the statements of three previous weeks: May 20. May 13. May 0 April 29. nocr.bbla.,.. 83.WS 44,356 47.100 60,050 Wheat, bn.... 6S9SC3 504 199 1.039,512 1,415.449 Coin, bn 1.052.5 M 1,155.620 1,470,639 2,091,856 Gala, bu 5(5,201 566,229 670,000 651,054 . Business during the past week has suf fered very severely on account of the cur rency excitement; and although our re ceipts are fair, compared with those of the previous, yet they are much below vthtd they ought to be at this season, and what they would probably be had we a sound currency to eend into the interior of this State, lowa, and "Wisconsin. IBS TTOiOEH OF TiUS NORTH- WMT, VTliftt they can do In the War, ■When the war Invaded the “dull, piping times of pence,” in which the present genera* tipu had Wfcxed prosperous and thrifty, the grirtlex Bfx,.with a nobleness and sell-devotion characteristic of true womanhood, were fore. meet ta theta response to U« towiflfc They. ■ give all they had to give, eons, husbands, bxothm—'wllh their own gentle' ..hands buckling on the accoutrements of the soldier; 4 dwhat waa more, with their own courage and'devotion to. their country, kiadlftg high, and noble zeal in the breasts of those thus bent lorth , 3Jnt woman sahed for,' a lazier share of the, labor than this, and grieved that theta sex' cduid do ao little, though in no sense can each dntica and services as above noted be deemed slight. They sought out the opportunities to do more, and when the History of the War is written, It will lock many of its most distinc tive andiatcrestlrg features ‘ Ifltfail to nar rate what' (ho ’women have already accom plished in many localities. Everywhere they answered' generously' to the.appeai, in .mhny instances they have dona notable aer vibe. ' This in our own 6lty in the equipment o£ our troops, sad the outfits of camp and hos pital. The lint and Bandage movement had its limits, long'tince reached, and there seems up occasion.ibr further outlay of industry In that direction. To say nothing of Manufoc ■tured Lint, enough has been produced and etht in of the domestic artlcle'to glut IheHos pl|ata and supply every possible and. prospec tive demand be these what they may. ~ It will bdw-cll for the Ladles to : remember this,, for np more Lint and Bandages con be wanted for o twelve months, or even thrice that lime. • ’ Let not this cause any disappointment to any of our lady readers. Enough remains to bp done, end will continue. a duty and obligation while our troops ore in tbjc field. A* the unavoidable and cec npcescary consequence of so, sudden arevo- lotion from a peaceto aw footing, there art a multitude of details that will ho oyer locked by, or crowded oat of the attention of these in charge, even if the proper Depart ment see that the great essentials in Camp and Hospital are not -wanting. Much will do* valve npon private individual* which if left undone will ho to the loss and consequent Buffering of. our brave Volunteers. In all 6upb catcrpises, system Lb Indispensable, and large organizations intelligently constituted arid ordered will answer £\r better the ends tojbe attained than separate individual effort, ‘ however earnest and general. In the City of 2*4 w York a “Central Belief Association ” has been formed for a combination of efforts end results. The venerable and widely es teemed Valentine' Mott, M. D.yis Chairman, Luji Kcv. Dr. Bellows, Vice Chairman. The Board of Management,bears namcSjOf reddest* of that rityof, prominence,-.both -ioUaßyand In works of benevolence. . This Society has prepared a Circular letting forth it ialme/MidgiTingthefollowing, \ utfr or nosrrraL Jlxh ticld auPTLiM rqn tot KICK AMD woransn. 1, Bacdagea (without sclrcgev and shrunk) 1 — Assortment ana proportionate numbers of cachr*- rWy required: 1 dozen. 1 Inch wlde.i yard long. : *Sdozcu, 2 inches widu.Syarda long , , ! 8 dozen, 9x indies wide, g yards long. >' - . 1 drzen, S inches wide, 4 yards long. | X dozen, ZH inches wide, 5 yards long. (S dozen, 4 lichee wide, C yards long. 4. Lint—Scraped and rareled In cqnai propor tions. parked in boxes cTMnlform size. & Old Linen and Cotton Cloth, without aclrcge or team*, for compresses *. Ping Pads and Curhlone fi. Cotton Batting and Cotton Wadding; fine Hax and Sponges, a Bed Flannel, in the niece. 7. Bookbinder*’ Board,.for.SpUnla; pieces.,lS Inches briinchcs. ■•* •- - 8 Saddlers' gak for Ligatures, Skein* waxed and wound on cards. •• . . - - 9. Sewing Kcpdica, assorted In cases; Unsn .Thread, Tape;awlSdsaots. •. • . ■ . ID. Adhf-slrs Plaster, Camel-Hair PeadU. OBid ptfc. OHcdldualin,lndiaßubberand Guttapercha I Cloths, In theplece..- , _ . •; ■ t ' U ' n. frfag^algM^^olc^ofltha SWto, i f«t»iaiind 7 m. fjSi. f. o - Stfcfa,Cn^cMrsM &°£^A2Si^ad yiiiie of such an aaaoolation, we bare present* j t OTi 1 IDO' : 2Mi>*H.SOHT fler jjMKOSAtS.oVI | (fccUthaio&U* iitfoicsS, iafi s^ts-l tOO^OZBLO £ Us almathus fully to urge that step’s • be •at mca taken to institute a similar enterprise In ■ his city, ibrthe wide Northwest of irhich' 1 t li-tlieMetropolis-XtlahoTlghthpr l ‘ ; ' emporary class of duties devolved upoaour i IXQpbrtitftt . frolll :omxnu&itlcshj the war, and it Is time that j j 1 - he results.oforderand BjitemßhonU j ii»m / rAPUirv >e sobght out and M'they can be in'i I vl/la , fUlftxiiuit be manii& indicated,and already Inaugurated i In Ntw York- The hearts of the iromca are j in this work, and they only ask bow they may ' best be employed. It will be the province of - S guide bad direct In this matter. ( ’ j j . ' Virginia tlccitTO*. 1 The election in Virginia will take place to- j morrow. Several important propositions arc | to-fce voted upon that day; among them the j ratification or rejection of the ordinance of } secretion, and the adoption or rejection of a 1 proposition to amend the constitution of the | Stale ao a*jjto tar all property according to its t value. On the fame day members of the leg. lelotare arc to bo choecn. It is also the usual time for the election of members of Congress; but an ordinance of the State Convention de clares that no such election will take place. I Two Union candidates, however, arc in the field in the western section of the State, aad one at Icact inthe eastern section. . , The Secession Ordinance will doubtless car ry, under the Influence of the reign of terror cow calablifhed, in three fourths of the State. FLnat CAIRO* Eote the Chicago Eoys art Treated—Quarter rratUr McKay — X>r. Sim — Capt, Jiarker't Iyragoon's — Capt. Smith'* Artillery — Capt. MihoJofey's JUjUa, and Capt. JCoicioid's Tar nert — Bird'* itfnf. ICorrcspoDdencc of the Chicago Tribune.! Catuo, May isdl. My last, (abruptly terminated by the depart; ure of the train), gave the composition of Brigadier General’s stsiL It may aa well be repeated: Bxlg. Gen. BcrJ. Jf Plenties, of Quincy. MfjerS D. Baldwin, Inspector, rapt. Win. Dfinetrcet, Am-de-Camp. Lliut. R O, Bntherford, Depot Commissary. Llect.R. B. Bnteh, Depot Quartermaster, Col. J. D. W«bster, State Eugmccr, ex-cjftcio uitmtcr of the Staff. : J twill be seen that Cspt. McKay of Chicago Ifi displaced from the quartermaster’s cffic?,to make room fora younger brother of the Sec retary oi State at SprmgflchL The struggle for this position was the most dcr-parate of nr-y, and its disposal is not unattended now bj Ot-epfctlimr-- Bat this case Is not alone, aa sheeting Chicago- interests and men. The unctrems niouu—not to*say ungenerous— manner In which Dr. Sim of Chicago was dropped from the stall, and the post of brig ode surgeon declared vacant after it had baeu QHurca to him, adds to the general discontent. Another cause for dorm, mid one which will pi ot-ably call out some -formal expression, is ibned In the fact that while not one of the regiments now in active service has been al lowed to Chicago, as attempt is how making to-day to prevent a formation of the dragoon and srfi.l* ry rfeimentß authorized by special lew, and for no better reason, os it is regarded htn*., than that they,- would be likely to Call Into the hands ol Chicago officers, whose pioneer companies arc now in tho Held- C ipt. Barker’s dragoons, Capt. Smith’s artJllerr, , CtpU Mffialotzy’s Rifles, and Capt Kowbold’s Turners, all fronTCfcic ( «go, are still ranked here as u detached companies,” and not one of 1 th« ui baa been muttered into regiments In the Cniteoßtatts s men. Capt.Kowboldlaeven without hie commission, and has been subject ed to delays which hare well nigh exhausted bis patience, lam credibly informed that the Goveincrnowurges that these companies be , u.cislered Into the service here, just ns they .stand, by any means that can accomplish tho. object; Of c:nise acquiescence on their part would be to subject them to the tender mer cies of men who nave not thus far shown any muted partiality for tha city of thelr resi dence ; : aud besides it would mostlltely result In their demoralization. The Lockport Artil lery, aleo a ” detached company,” and intend ed for (be ccrnercglmcnt as CaptSmllh’scora tesed, is cow Included in tms movement from headquarters. The proposition has not only received no encouragement, but It has been broacit d at a moment when the Chicago vol unteer*! already sensitive, were less likely tb&n ever to receive it kindly. A meeting of the officers of these ’‘detached companies” will piobablybehtld, for consultation and com*, blued action. Ibero was-great times in a social way at Camps 'Smith and Barker, last afternoon, caused by the presence of a Urge party of ez- and military men—from Chicago, bringing donations lor. the boys.' These |kmpaxac* v J*vcbotaihmivtheotttae6 •ttßjkfi troops of your city, and they have re ceived such liberal supplies that there U quits ahaadrame credfthafasce to their account In', the commlMarr’s department. The amount in rations which-thcy have not drawn. Is not,' 'however, available in the future.: Capt Smith’s new tent was raised near the o&company head quarter*, and dedicated onibesppt by a happy, iPterchairge of good feeling.' Capt- Barbara l dragoons have not yetmoyed from thiflr drat location near the *rtHierf, three miles up the levee. The town hu been prospect .cd for a better site, and it, has at last, aflsr' ecvosl changes of opinion, boon Bottled that tic dragoons shall camp on the Mississippi, • tbeut telf way betwecn Camp Smith and Camp Defiance. Th y. have prepared to charge quarters tomorrow. Some of the dragoons have quit, for reasons honorable, to themselves, hut there are enough of tho u left ready to .an their .places, especially if Chicago is mot to be too much; tl&bVed in'the miutaiy honors of the Stated ' Some llttio stir was occasioned this after* coon, by the departure of tho Quincy 'com pany to Bird’s Point, oa the steamer ** Charley Bowen.” The rumor Instantly spread that the Point was to be occupied by these : troops as an advance guard, but It subsequently ap peared that they were the escort m°xsly of Capt. Blccham, U. 8. A,, and CoL Webstar, (he engineers respectively to Gen. McClellan and Qcn. Prentiss. Those gentlemen went over to examine tho place, and remained' ut ■ the point nr-til near suuaet. They conversed with Cel Bird and were shown all th-: courte sies which the little hamlet would aUbrJ.— CoL* IMrd has been suspected of accession rympathica, but he took no occasion to show iU The Lost, on its way bock, steamed along (he Kentucky shore for a little distance; Tvo men of the company were Ifeft at Bird’s Point, having strayed away, and three others were driailfdroflnd them.' ' ' _ ~ ncV« Messrs. Coming and Dickinson, of services here today— the lomcr at the St. Charted Hotel,'for the benefit of soldiers and dUaens collected la front, and the latter at' Camp Smith- Mr. Coming was spirited-end-happy in his re matke, and left-a-good Impression on the mlnda of all'ha*, heard Idm. • fl, . tbe Second District Iteglment* [Cofres pence of ihe Chiccso Tribune,! *• „ Dbm-kt, Dixok, May 21, JS9I. I observe that, in jour notice* oi the evapj thus far, you and your correspondent* have ©milled to mention some of the best camp> nies-hcre. Among others thus neglected, are the Sj csracre Greys, under commandof dipt. Zelotts B. Mato, Ist Lieut. EvewlF. Dot ton. Sd Lieut. R. A Smith. This is compa ny Fld the Regiment, to the left of the cen tre, the next to the banner. Capt. Is a veteran democrat* who is now enUited'a* beartUy in the came of his country as he has been /or nearly half a century In the cause of hi* party. Sunday night was a terribly severe one for our soldiers. The rain camedownintorrents, and drove hi through the roofs of the sheds, hood ing »n the quarters and driving out their occu pants so that sleep too rendered an impassible' fty. A harder 100 king set of men never were bccu tßsn presented themselves next fyestcr day)morning, lio drill waahad during thoday, ■ and when the regiment appeared oh dress pa rade in the afternoon, Lieut,. CoL-Tarks od drrrsed the men In substance as follows: •’ tt My heart haa been peined with the suHer lugs 1 have wllneesed In.lhe; last twenty four hoprr.and yet the manner-in which thoaeaof- * feitoCT have exhibition of heroism which convince* me that yen are ready to light as bravely in de fence of your country as men ever-fought anywhere, and that you sre. prepared to -put up cheerfully with any hardships or privations ■ that may fall to your lot in defence of theflag. of your country* X have called yon together, i not for the putpoee of mkleg-you-a- lottg ! speechjhutmerelyto say, God bless you!-‘My heart hied for you lost night, and to-day my heirt goes out in gratitude to you for your, cheerful submission to the trials that-hava «o eariy come upon you.” _ . .. These remarks were received by the regl *ment with an enthusiastic 'burst'of applause. They were, just what w<* needed to reconcile the spirits of the men to their situation, and -I venture Id sty fhat theyhave cemented the .friendshipbetweenCoh Paths and*the regi ment under hi* temporary and probably per- j Bifisent command. Oob ,P» is a man.ijrho al--j .ways makes strong friend*and equally strong 1 enemies,’personally; -hut his BeLPsacrfficlnz ; course In this trying emergency has_eoft«noa ; ill asperities and ;1 lyjKonttUj flflilt having, In ihft midst, cf the storm, pulled off his overcoat ftad qfr iferedTEto put over Ws tnen'who-vrero vainly •trying to sleep. Bach conduct ever conquers ,Ihihearts of true-heartedmen-" :■ A bright sun to-day smiit* fcpooT3ho camp \ anp gladdens the hearts of the fpldiers, almost •craafijfir the memory of the .hardships of yes terday. There or* hut'throe"aid? -soldier* in .'the camp, a* I have Just by the j Burgeon, Dr. hammer. i 1 Cxxr Xnaaa9iV*fp, IWL - Below I give you a etatement. wees, a :Wprk is the Poet Office Department of Camp / Dement.which pfOVMthsitbqvolputegm m 1 letters received..l/..1 6® Ar&oaat-ofrtai&xM'aoSd.-; f.ifr. Sr. ..Ib.W' 3 d i. M. ,7a:j3 ?g3:!tsr;s ( 001 -,?5?>- 3 0 <Xffl j -arc’s rsraD tottl*j*Q < j . OX'SHiITB flHi’-a ta ?A ; . jc'i tt-iJXJ .rmrjg 7r3-!»?r:3 li-TTTi£'i*'Wa CHIGAGd, i WEDNESDAY, MAY j 22,: 1861. H M v v W A = K;v. Wa&hiogtoa. BELATIOSS. Fro in. Spring U eld.. Important to . the Soldiers. - FHO 3VE O AXH O'. THE REBELS AND THE 'WHEELING TROOPS., ; KOBE PRIZES CAPTURED. NORTH CAROLINA OUT. Important from tfaslilnston. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribanc.] Wasoisgtos, May 21. It lias been cfttclolly given out that tie Gov ernment Is determined to adopt stringent measures of retaliation against any foreign power that will give direct or Indirect aid. or ' comfort to Southern rebels. The President and all tbc members of tbc Cabinet being convinced of tbc enthusiastic and unanimous co operation of twenty mil liens of people, ready to make any sacndccs of Die and property for the preservation of cut nationality, are animated with a firm and fearless resolution to vindicate the supremacy of federal laws against rebellion at home, and nil foreign intermeddling, however backed up by physical force. But although a vigorous and defiant course is fully decided upon to suit any emergency, the Government docs not apprehend tfcat any foreign power will In any way recognize or tolerate any exercise of pre rogatives of sovereignty by the rebellious States. The governments of Austria, Prussia and Russia have already ex* pressed, through their representatives here, sympathy with the North and India position to recognize the Southern Confeder acy ; and os to England and France, the Sec retary of State is confident that, no matter what the English Minister's conclusions will be, the sjjrpatby of the EogUch Parliament and people will he with the loyal States, The Mexican Government has been informed ere this by Minister Corwin, that It is the inten tion of the Government of the United States to cany out the Monroe doctrine to the letter and protect the sl‘ ter Republic against aggres sion from any foreign quarter. Spain has been notified that the United Stales will not, under any circumstances, ; allow her usurpation on 81. Domingo. The shove statement is authoritative, and will be received, it Is to be hoped, as additional ovl \ deuce of the animus pervading the Adm inis- trction. ! Twcn-y-cigbt vessels hare already been captured by the blockading licet at various points, according to advices at tie Navy De partment. Wasbltgtonis still full of prominent men f from ell parts of tho country, offering men, ships and money to the Government Im mense quantities of ammunition and provi sions continue to arrive here. Two thousand more troops have arrived since last night Cot Yosbnrgh’s remains were escorted to the depot with imposing military display. May 21. Dr. Leib has been appointed Quartermaster In tho regular army with the rank of Captain. Interesting from Cairo* ISfcdal Dispatch or the Chicago Tribune.} ■ ■ ' ‘ Csrao, M-iy 31,1661. Capt. John Rogers, D. S. Navy, has arrived hereunder orders from Government, which, though as yet not divulged, are, supposed to be to take command of the foet of gun-boats offered by Messrs. Sturgeg & FrindlviUe, ot .Chicago, and scon expected here.-Xfc is hinted* that he will provide some means of* conveyance of the troops down the river. > Government,- felling to agreenpon terms of purchase,, has >condemned the distillery of' I.Arter <fc Harrell,' and wiUpay damagesmore at leisure,' The work of demolition commenced' .this afternoon, and the budding wffi be wholly removed atonce. -On Its site the proposed fortification wffi .bo erected. An Invoice’ of. hcsvy-eUsd guns* chipped from Pittsburgh, has been received at head . quartrrs, aud the gun* wbl be here .in a feif days.. This is authentic. There aroihree twenty l four pGtmders.two hundred' and sixty ? balls,wlihallotherappurtenances* l J' r The country hack of C^ro, was ttconnol-.; lered by’engineera and scouting parties to day,' as far as Villa Ridgy, where ,’CoV Wallace's ecotbinend are. stationed. It* waa. found less swampy than expected, and Its-topographical features were duly noted for Ihture use. : S. XJio Six Xlllneia Rcclmenta for Three Vtejts* • - [Special Dispatch to tht Chicago Tribune.] -. Spanrornan/May 31.1881. The Governor to-day made the following e elections of six cut of the ten regiments to be Immediately mustered into the service of the United States for three years; The Ist Congressional District regiment at Freeport, Col. Thomas J.- Turner; tbe 21 Con gress! on al District, regiment at Dixon, CoL John B. Wyman, now Assistant Adjutant Goa eral; Ibo 4lh Congressioual District regiment, Col. Leonard P. Ross, at Peoria; the sth Con grffrslonrfDistrict* regiment, Col. Robert F. Smith, at Quincy; the Oih Congrccsionnl Dis trict regiment, CoL Jno. M. Palmer, at Jack-. ccnville, and the 9th Congressional District regiment, CoL Michael K- Lawler, at Anus. It Is understood thise six regitneols will be or dered to rendezvous at two points, (three at each) next Wccck, and the probabihiies are , tbal Decntur and Springfield will bo selected as, those points. These stations for ren dezvous have been selected solely with utxrcticeto the facility of moving the troops at on hour’s notice West or South. Captains pepe and Pitcher of the. TT. S. army ara here arranging the preliminaries for mustering these troops into the service of the U. 8. Well informed mem generally entertain the suspicion that there will be no movement of troops from or upon .Cairo for some months to ccme. I hear flattering testimony given to the energy and zeal with which CoL Palmer of the* Cth emera upon the dlaeharge of the du ties of his responsible position. Cbarlta Mcrah, H*<p,oC New York, together with James Robb, Esq., and other gentlemen: of Chicago, connected with the' Railroad in terest#, arc In’town to-day, • Thy Jburrisl of to-day cays the commiad at Cairo was offered first ip Col. John A McCler v nojld, who waa compelled to decline onac connt of the elckness of hls.wifx' • . • -. From Springfield* ‘ ’[SpccialJ>Ucptchtotlio Chicago Tribune,! ■ t: V-= ”• • -Snasoratii,Hay 2l. " • I : tmdmtimd It has been definitely agreed Chief- this eve ning, that the eix regicieaU: mastered .Into the United States service, Trill rendezvous JA ,vlz; Decatur,’ Springfield,, end regiments at each 'pblpt' \ ' ■ ; ‘ / The Tarcnrß, begs to call .the' attention of Captains cf companies - composing’ the six regiments' of three•» months r volunteers, to j the necessity of making an early Ttlim "of their. . master rolls >to head quarters, - One copy should be-sent to 'the! AdiU.Genersl’a office, and one copy to the BUBtering.offlcer. Gapt'John. Pope, Spring* are' notretumed inseason, the ; «meh cannot‘get their pay, as they aretheonly 'crljJeneo of .service cm ■which landiwranta "Or pensions will be issued. A,tauatcr;r6U, retained, la at pace s title deed to pay,boanty smj pensions, and s memorial of the patriot* jss} of the voltmtecrs. make thc*e‘return* Is.littJo la thcttu^hqwegnlUylnthiapariicalar. - • | m r-' . ■■ * I • 1 BZZCtslCe* ‘ j . toiiyamts, 2i —Thbre|wh'MmJVartln county ■ seems.iobb>'mi3- taker • There IsjhoVct cr» s bsndpt'deepera; dote to tiat county,*T»ho have" bfctai'phmdbfr leg, robbing and .threitenisg tlfes of clttseni. and veJfarn' this .morning froth gbod authdr r tbitfoormim.Tfdrq krrteted at Boyer,HlE u . ! S’ :: ,:i W ■; -r-. brn 'll: « —— ; r-T rrs zr <T I ' '«•>- »! »«I Or U mJ. x UM\i it &W.S rx»%*i > k •;/*/-u t."? 1 v? .-'i.i r-5.1.1 '* £. XT.*> Mlditl h; y'-P.m ntf - \ vie 4 2 iiiuls'-ijl t-«J , I •., From itoSeal ,of,TVir« . ■WAFnraqxoKj„ May FI.-r-A .force, of LOGO rebel’trcops left ErtrpeFs Ferry yesterday for Uofton, v*. to resist Uis passage of Federal ... i [Special to the OcamertlflL3' ’ .The Governor of.Delaware has appointed. Htuty Dupont Major General of that .-tc,te. Ho ib a graduate of West Point; hss seen ser vice, and is the cclsteakd • mauulacturer of gw powder; • ■ ,V; ' : • ’ The Commercial learns 'from an au thentic scurce that the extra,session of Congress -will be short, and the business will be compactly arranged aud presented. 'Ac cording to present appearances,; almost per lect unanimity will prevuiL • ■ An impetus will 'be given to the loyal sentiment; and every thing dene that can be W bring the contest to a speedy t crminalion. Information just received loads to tha firm belief that Kigland and France will concur with out Government in frtena taken to rw?. fiejt its authority. This is also the case with all the olplomaticrepreccnbulvcsin Washing ton. A cordial understanding exists with them all. It will he found, that Lord Lyons will JnlJy suppofl the viewf* expressed in the infctrncUona io Mr. Adamf. [K.T. Herald Die;-alcli.l - Washington, May 20.—There was a fight at ScwcJl’c Point, between two IT. S. vessels and a rebel battery, it being the eighth and last wo»know in rebel baccs to Norfolk, and la regarded as au Important work against blockading Zzmcs Hirer, where there are now lying twenty prizes laden with tobacco. The atiamcr Su'.r commenced on Saturday noon shelling thr-work*. Soon, af ter the was aided by the Freeborn, driving cut the rebels. She then proceeded to Wash ington with the despatches of Com. Slring ham. She capttm d two small vessels on Sun day near Cidar Point, unu *,-1 them having 50 men bound for the rebel anny. The Post Master Gcncra^iaaissued an order to cut off all the the coast, also all mail* on the river 61 ceded Stales. /“jC ' - T. Tribanc Weshicgto^Ccrres’Jondeace.l Yesterday, by a bold strode, tha Govern mint obtained poisesfion ol most invaluable documentary evidence against the eympathlz eis with tr-ssea in the At a given hour ibe officers of tbe law visited every con siderable tekeraph office In the Free States, acting the manuscripts of despatches lot n year. The Government can tow trace the se cret operations of the rebels and their aidera and abettors, and henceforth hold the North eiu eutmles of the Bepnbfcc at Its mercy. It ;= undf rstood that Gen. Butler has orders to proceed at once to active movements into Vjiginla, and will directly remove the ob t(riictioij& la Norfolk Harbor. Gov. Lctthtr has met with a loss. He had mace tor his study accurate military maps ot Y.iginla. These-Laving been fiolsbod at ■Wflfchlnfcton, were on their way to The Govern or, when tiny were seized by order of the "War DitSTlmcnt. • • • t Tbe adjourned meeting of the Wheeling Convention ol the 4. L of dunewill bo attend eo I>J delegates fjom counties east of the mountains, and the C* nytclion will be urged to declare the-oonduct of-the authorities of Virginia usurpations of power, and the actors rebels and traitors. Ilcluml of dividing the S«atc, the policy will bo proposed of fencing a PxoTifcional Govcnmemior the wholeStatc, atd un elccticn wIU be proposed of & Govern ci and State officers. . Four ngimeuts will bo accepted from Mich igvji instead of three, ou sc-yount of the favo rable impression made by t-ve here. [Special to the N.Times.] HaJ?PEU’b FEIiKT, Vis pRKBEBXOE, M 2JTI9 | Two thouarnd Mlsstesirptew arrived here to dt>. Two repimtnts arrived from Alabama ! jieferdav. Th«y arc alia lardlot. The small I tlx Las Lr< kin out pmo>2thft troops here. A ccmrar.y of cavalry left 'Harper's Ferry for Mr.rticsburg, to prevent Union men from vo ting on the 23d, as there is ;i strong Union ma jority. The Home Guards of‘Frederick City havq. aimtcd a man who was soling fire to a large tan yard. The city is-guarded by union men, and all eecLtsic-nlsfe are wa chcd. The Unjou men of this district will ncminsfb. on unconditional Union candidate for Cocg-cva next caturday. [Special to tho Herald.] A reliable Union man living in Maryland, ea y aLe was at Hutpc r's Fei ry ou Friday-night, IU saw'eixteen Indians in one f q’iad, but did rot see more. Be says small pox is known to exist among troops there, but to what extent la unknown. He believes the troops are be ing scattered over Berkeley, Jefferson, Lou don, Frederick and Clark counties to carry Hum for StcefiUcn at the coming election. The legitimate voter? of those counties aro largely lor Union. ’ • | Passengers this afternoon from Hagerstown isv 1,500 more eeceeslorr troops are expected at'Wi lSamfport to-night Th«y were sent over the river for blares to construct tents, incbca 13xg the j>uipo£e of fomuega regular encamp*' meat. \N, V. Tone* Corr«*pon4caco.3 WASBtsoTOSv'toky 20.—Tbe Post Office Do. rpartxnentbaa-discontinued thesteamttoat meU on the Mississippi river, ell the way from Bt. Louis fo New Orient:s, the steamboat mall from Mobile tiaLakePonehartTAlnjtheateam- G-ilp moll from New Orleans via Optfochlcot*, CeoarKeys, and Tampa Bay,-to Key West; eleo all tie steamship mails from New: Orleans lo the seaports In Texas, at Sabina City, Gal- Teftor,lndlaiiol*, and Brazos Santiago. Wabhikoton, May 2L—The time for the re ception of pror-osnlß for th© remainder of the tCB Btcckimonntlrg to nearly $7,000,000 un-. •dcr'tbeact of' February, has been extended to SainrctSFy. The offers, regarded as the most advan r sgcons to the u. S. Will be accepted. : EX Governor Fioyd having beencommis slotted as a Generally the Comederats service, fcss commenced raaelrg a brigade in Virginia A despatch dated Porfsmon U, from aaouih ern source, saxs owing to firing into the bat* teiy at BewalTs point, lively times are expect < d, end perhaps troops will be marched to the Point from Norfolk. '1 tSpcclfil Dispatch to the New Tork Harold.! 1 Hagerstown, Md.,May 20— are to ibc. effect that* great dissatisfaction exist among the troops at Harper’s Perry on so* count of the existence of aer-ral factions. One favors the annexation of Virginia to‘the Conf.derate States; one the unconditional separate Independence of Virginia; a third, the mi conditional Union. Soldiers of both the lart two classes, roibse to take the oath of al legiance to the Confederate States. Tie people of Sbarpstono village, thirteen miles sontneast of the road lo Harper’s Perry, i wear that no mere soldiers for the Coafcder utu army should pass through their places. New York Seventh. BAT.TiiionE. May 21 —The NVw York Bcc cro Regiment j*a£«d tbronuh thla city to-dav. They were well received and cheered in parts cf the city. Ben. Cbatir.cpy Sbsffcr mad© a speech to toe New York 7th Reclmeat to-day, and iavorUol them by no means to return home before toe close of the war. It ia understood that they will be guided in this matter by Qcn, Scott, atd arc vlUirg to remain if there is a pros? ptet ol a speedy opening of the campaign. A Big Prize Captured. rniLADBLPEiA, M»5 2L—The Gee, Parkhlß, from L'v* ri-001, fur Cbarlcßton, has arrived la cLcTgfrofthe NJcg&ra, from Charleston. Sho was suokec off Cape Romdlne, on the 13£b, and ordered off* Tbe next day she was cap tured iu oUtmvtikg to ruu the blockade. The j rizc eliip Is COO tons, with a general cargo, a Urge portion being fialt. Iclasnspect-Atoat aim© and munitions of war are concealed nn dcr the sa-t. She was commanded by Captain - Forbes, her own captain being murdered on the outward vojageoy aomool the crew. She had two sccmelou flfigs-fijlog. A Nittahe, Cincinnati, May 21—‘The special dtopatch published inn New York paper of the ISA nneoutebsc that the Bank of the Ohio Vattey bad been thrown out on that dav by the Cin cinnati eJearine-hotiac, is incorrect The bank baa no circulation, and the error probably crew out of the - rircumstsuce thatthla Bank threw cut Kentucky money, upon question, , •. .. < ; ‘ A nether Boult Failure Uv Albany. • ALBANT.Mayffl—Thcßaukofthelnterior, anew irstltution, having been in existence only a few-years, and -doing business almost wbrllywith Canada, suspended at ttm duse of Banker's hour* to day. • Its circulation is Yuliy secured by State stocks and fo fowde pcfrltors are fully secured. -The suspension of ibis Bonk will net affect banking interests -hcie.l, / Steamboat Fxplodon asd Terrible Lon of litre*. Bt. Louts , May 21.—Pri rato dlFpatchesfrom Helena, Ark., announce the explosion of the if earner Kentucky yctferday and loss of - 20 Ut<s, Including both clerk*; botnoparticu lar* Th® Kentucky waa a Memnhia and Ylcksburgmall packet, valued at $20,000. A Soathera Blockade; Et. toura. May 2L—Private diaoalches also OEnannce that the Southern Confederacy hat established ablockade'at MemphivpTOhlblt* leg the passage of all upward bound boats. . prom CaHTornlo. * Post Kuasnxt, May 2L—The PdoyEx pree* from San Frandeco llth, arrived to-day. - The news irom California and Oregon: la un important, Tbe Dnlon mioa meeting at Boa Francisco on the Uth was on Immense affair.' - ")y,ffqt. flemralScott*' " vlranforoK,' May &*&>& will be appointed Burgeon- gen wm. of tbo Armyiu litre of Drwson.dfcemM -- - iv-r -.'.: " ■ It to o/tta'f'Porto «»lo lieot. General Scott’s Jr<n» tesfth, U-sw ttathe to efeijreSni the atodtoree of hbbf -flclnl the a»jr, Vult6»l»l*lionret l a7t>%!A ■, .- r j i i •-- • ■ - - o* - ;i-. v ], or u>;.oup«uun ©»«,■; 1 .2’ ‘•* tMOKTtiO«nBT, J Msyj a—G^r. 'Ems W*? graphed freeldent p»Tla ths\ North CsroJlitoj 'ptMea.ns crilDMCt iif. pniav :.thoosJjr.~'w;.Y<..ta.:-.«w I i-~:: ;oT oT ; t\?~7 '6 &*■*•' -■» ■'*’ s-l J*at i)*iia ,Z‘ i .-ci it *>.3AT l> • -71 ,ry *•••• • t£v-- '*«■*■ i.u>V-> : ., 3V ,* r ‘ T>3l y& f iC* 4<J 1 -[■ -e-i: ->f •*•:•»■*’ *!3 .* 47. : o.‘s; 7-; ixi' ' peace to b« Beston4 la ! Sr.-Lome, Hay St-Jtfajor Genet MJNce, Commander Is Chief of the Missouri tv V Itin, arrived last ulzht, and this morning hati an '&• tenltw with Gen. Barney, when a pUi. w tv sgreed upon for the maintenance of peoetjani avoidance of future conflicts betwcif tho Fed eral and Slate troops. They mutually dsdiNs a common object of restoring peace and good order to the people of the State, and sabor* dinatlon to the uwe of the General and State Government*, and unite in recommending all citizens to respect each others rights through* cut the State, and make no attempt to cxsrelso unauthorized power, os it U the determination of tic proper authorities to suppress all ca* lawful proceedings, -which con only disturb theputilc peace. Gen. Price pledgee the whole power of the State cXDccreto raMntMa ordcraaoiigthe peo ple of the State, and Gen. Harney declares that this object being assured, he caa have no occasion, as he has no wkb, to make military mere dents which might, otherwise create ex citement, which he moat earnestly desires to avoid. They therefore enjoin upou the pea pie to attend to their civil business, and ex press the bopc that the unquiet elements that have threatened eo serioueiy to disturb public peace, may eben subside and be rcicembcrcd only to he deplored. lumt by the Persia, Naw Tons, May 2L—Tha Eersla arrived this evening. The reason the war freight was not receiv ed -was because it was cocsideredth&t It would vitiate the insurance, and tho ajeut of tne lice wished to keep a neutral position. Tbe London 2'ir.xe* says u regular e-iinpvgu(?) In Man land appears unavoldable(l), and tne bordus will perhaps wilueza horrora which w iii be remem btrea ib r generally us. All Eog lai’dcandoistostscdaloot Kot only posi tive law, tut the moral feeling of thccom muulty, will forbid any British subject to en grge m the conflicf. Seizure of Arms. tlaATUrcnr, M&J* tJL—Two tluladelpLU Cvmpoaixb etized a large quantity of ana* stored In an unoccupied house, conmrklag L&CO niUEkels in boxes, marked “Virg»ala muskets;”, also 4.0C0 pikes. The whole were taken to Fort McHtmy. The arm# had been in the custcdy of the city authorities. The Union mtn of .the Third District nomi nated C. L. Leary for Congress. Selzuro of lilapatclic** Teektok, N. J. May 21.—The U. S. Mirshal, by order or Ibc Government, this afternoon seized all the dispatches in tho cfll cea a Newark, Princeton and Trenton, num bering back several years. They are now in the possession of the U. S. District Attorney. Know Noihltg About th« Blockade. Philadelphia, May 2L—Ciptalu Forbes, of the prize veeacl, denies knowing anything about Ibc blockade, and that the secession Flag found on board, belonged to the former Captain. For Protection. BostoWj May 20.—1t is reported that the V. 6. brie Bsinbridge will proceed direct to AfeplnWtdi and act as convoy to the California steamers crossing the'Gnlf, and protect them from privateers. From New York. Ntw Tons, Msy 3L—The eloop Time, with 150 of powder onboard, wse seized lathe Norih illver to-day. Tho Edinburg, from Liverpool Bth via Qvcensto*n 2Ui,’arrived thii.P. JL Nows anticipated. Cood Slovemfnt. J Bpstox, May 2L—A reaclotion Amending the Constitution and allowing naturalized tonignerfi the riebt of suffrage after oue year's residence in the Stats p£sSCfd both Houses. Funeral of Col. Toiburgh. WASBUuixos, ilsy 2L—The .President and Cabinet and others attended the funeral of Col. Yosburgb. IZarsell. Nnw Orlbatts, Mav 2L—Russell, corres pondent of the London Times, arrived this teeming. iaaj. Hadley’S Visit to Cairo. A few days since, Mnj. E. W. Hadley, of thb city, visited Cairo as a special messenger, largely freighted with substantial tokens of remembrance on the port of our citizens for the troops there stationed. The following Is from him since bis return: . Chicago, May 91,1861. Editors Tribune: Deah Smsln my late visit as special lueshfenger, .with private supplies and stores fur the hospital and for Camp Smith, I visited afid thoroughly examined the arrangements for the medical treatment of all who require such attention, to be most 'complete and efU cter.t.. I -visited the rick ward on Sunday afternoon last alone, took each, of the sick soldiers by the hand, and asked him if his wants ana comforts were attended to, asd bow they liked their surgeon. The answer was invariably to the same effect, but in Varied terms, as M bully for Dr. Sims,’.’ and ‘ l Dr. films is the man to take care ofus rick boys,” &c. Everything about their cots appeared clean and comfortable. The annexed condensed report of the num ber of cases treated by Dr. Sim and his assist-* ant. Dr. Haren* speaks foriWett The results hero noted are certainly vary eatlsfastory. • Very respectfully, - E. W. HADLEY, Maj. 6th Reg. 18. State Militia. Abstract of coses treated In General Hospital, Omp Defiance. Cairo, from April 21 to May 13, Inrlntto: Diarrhea 408, Dysent&ry 115, Bltllous Favor 27, Bilious Tntcnnltent 17, F?rer and A jus 19. Gun Shot wounds 8 (accidental), Rbenmatlaoi 7, Pneu monia t, Piaro-Pnfcumonla 11, Mlaceilaneoue eases 191. Total number of cases treated..........772 : Number cured 74S Bcmnlnlcu In Hospital. Death*.* SATimnw. Americana, Germans.. Dish../...: TdUl Tuoa. Lind, Brigade Surgeon. (•A citizen ofCairo was brought Into the Hospi tal mortally wounded br accidental discharge of a mbfitt hi the hands of oldler.) Caw fiancv, M«yl9,tS9t. ToAlcto Whoktt .'Concxen: The Chicago Light Artillarr lake t' method ofiururmlDg-heir frlfEdn that every’vel and letter sent us by ilaj. Hadley aud Mr. &eitb on the 17th l*f>t.. was received on the 18th, and was acknowledged by the parties to whom f-eut. , t Janzs Ssonr, Cosunonoast. A ?r«bl-ni in Currency. Editors Chicago Tribune: ■Will gome member of the astute committee which patched up the new currency list for the Board of Trade me ting on Monday eve sire, please furnish ns an answer to the fol lowing problem. When a falllcg body has do eccndid within ten Inches of the e&nh’s sur face, wbat are the chances of its being arrest ed and held at that point by means of wind? Don’t all speak at once. JaqiTE3, Xbe JToly Intercut ou Missouri Dunks, [From the St. Loulb Democrat, Tuesday.l A Sdgql&tion to the Banks.—Wq would BttgceEt to the Mifrrouri banks to call zneelings of their stockholders os soon as practicable, to coniidcr the action they will hike In regard to the payment of the July in tercat on the State debt. The ?500,0DQ se cured to the State by the banka to meet thit internet. Is now menaced with a mlsappropriar. : lion; and if the stockholders are brought to nether before the villainy is consummated, w© have no doubt the credit of the State may be saved.. The prompt and concerted action of Enters and Western shareholders will do it. ' While upon this subnet, wa would reiterate what we have before, said, that the General GmrrrmerU tciK mbit in (he military fund for arming, tht* State. oz (reason, and jmtiish U -accorduigty” We would further caution honks and eavmg.lnsti tutions cot to be caught by the new dodge of the Governor “asking these Institutions to ad vance money to take up bonds already nego tiated. ThU done, and the Governor will un doubtedly, have assets command, upon which a considerable amount of money may bfr.rcaHzed, to carry outhls nefariona schemes. The only safety, for the banks, orthe people, is to decline hartrg anything with thc Governor, and spurn, the treasonable legisln t!on otthc late extra session. That legisla ticT> Is a base fraud, and ahulUty. It waa coa coctrd. passed, and sanctioned by as deep dyed and urblmhire a pack of traitors as ever sat Jn coundL To treat their acts with anything but scorn und repudiation, la‘to be morally guilty with them. In their traltrous designs to ' ovf riniow the govcrom’nt of the U nltedSUtes. Erffy principle cYtbe Constitution of the United States, ond.ths SUtu of Missouri, Is violated by that infamously despotic military WD, and any. act'to give it force U treason. IJndcr these circumstances, the banks and the people have their election, to i&veat their money in that military fond, pay a tax under that low, the object of which Is to, arm, the State for rebellion, end stand their chances oi puiflshmect fbr aldlcc and abetting treason; *cr to cpcnlr and loyally.repudiate tbe whole thing, and oe (nstaosed by tha Govomment, yrs tpeah by the card; and' Vhai wa eay 'in Gtie matter, we hut* atfterttV 'for sajfiag. The Urea loyalty and trsasoa arc ncw closely drawn,' and no man need flat •ter himself tb*t the”govern menk-or escape the exe*uHoner,'if ha bravei its authority. The -Dleutiiat wo have no Gov liotiheTJflbnris broket mwih- * the Cbcatilntron has no longer onj - bfedlrg loot save thefLpccju from the barer if they undertake io ssfatde -fishce the laws of lhoDnlted BUfcea.- Tt»lton stthave a cheap way of araa ment te the-htflMo". denYawthlnk,- \Ba' -fh4t tame win not wotki- 1 S«»,a Gorern - of ample powers iq pu\ do ?s.'- 1 ? : Bang traitora ; aid that power. I t for thosepuffiM«T 1 3 Thin let the Btoka ber btatwitirt aadath * wdi a: .---J-O r ,a ■yvA k ’ '-JC rrr.?u -f-i i .-i civerix*-- w****>;. 6 Ncia asbeetteemnus. a E, SCBIVSE* M*rH*frg Corn it, ii authcrludto £A{« ami eg. the Leading Pcpert qf tA* EorthweH, W/ANTED—A young waa wishes f f Bay Board In a riirata tamttr or hoarifcu: kvV*«,ac(i»iicartcoasutenui.nwin pi re i«*soaaoa t>e FUim-, »d<l farebh as la»lrcfflL-nt t£ drrlrc*! ad- On* ~B M Ha* amt. rayti-tTnn HPO BENT —A god h-'use, with .JL J»* r FornUar*. «ftn»t<a on Waba»h ntcattsv tt«lb of i'wrlpon »t e«t willber»QtfU to antes and »j«e wiUio.-»chii<li«a.. Bent may re pa dlg board ot f-aily. Addre.-afoslouyoßoi JI7I. • 2* ¥7OK SA.iJB OR B&NT—AD w>U- X 1 ire,: mt>* eflana. tins station oa --a'.-na Ballad. .'-ir&tn.'le. ro*. Uilraso, twenty ro*t« from Cak Bids*- -Semln*n. Mnd -lit/ rods fr-ci StjUa i t-. vte, restoaxommodata C.Mca; jun;lse3* men Far C'.c MdUbw: term* ate re >i»l A fai»U t’*-wet* required’ Die Ul«im on flyy yea?i J-tai pe.*tcuuml*so. to a aiaal GmUyouly. Fcrfcrturrei ’-nbra ire at USt Sooth Water .ir*-c(, tl'.rago v. s l myt'rt* AGliKa’S WAN i*KO.—A Safe i\ Fn>»Dih*!--' tkaoce tonuu from *1 to IS jwr iav. t U!» a r ■*.«>. la »*.' » aew a-,d Y-rr mcialartch wiot-oit»everyhc*.M,'n tbolaal ,J?‘T iwcttj Muilicarted, l aJI o-.on .• strtet. t» i»«i ito,v. Uooa S.oradfirea*. :»»)atU-tA sr* M.’> aCKNCT, it hr. 3«r|,Oii-. •£_n T?OK SALE.—♦‘wSturap-Tal*” Cur- JL rccr-tak<*i»J I'SH .\COS acre* oft-’VI Lwd 1i Trwaftoir |i*.o S'-tt* R*tv On- -.-ftt *a >\e City Llo-Itr.nror»i|*iau.r.{ft,v< r'..'sc'*rc sfo-vnat mton'seturer * i-rlces. One C.". U«dc. netr» now. «co*t rxu .at Aptly tv BaTuR SsWf *£7 t-Ute alrcet. tnf&.r t TfrAKT>:D —A by n \\ wh*>l«* fatly competent to ta*<* cliarcy r.r a public or private C,\i Vafidrcssai llir iitlt the J-o*t Om- o. MH3. e.. TTCtI art.. l»« oO i>t iccc.*» ea. _ Pf^yt TO BtKT—A H->useand tvonrr*sef laarl. royofFLaXo and Ocndor trko l-.rfc, 1 ricet’Xpi.ra&ath, ARplym Vs*. 1L my 5 -.-o3t BOABDXX ft. —Two fuits' of rjtt'.v tad cc« dcohls ro.->n, wi’U boif\ ?oa li»d, li applied »ar tcoo st >o. uat W*»»:.rc»tja »tro«t A lew Day i'oerJet* caa alto t« arc m.* > i!ew«i. M r- LUbT —On the North Side, a B>y, year# old. Hni on blvk elct'i o«r.l». e>oth tap. Ac. *ny It formation will be thankfully «i a liberally rtwardcu by A. tCIIivoCK, HM> »trle Ptr-ft. ______ OLD ESTABLISHED ZNTIZJJOENCE OFFICE. No. 171 \VA>*mMiTO.%’ OTRBRT.. JIBS. BA*T I*B desire* t-» ro .-*ad icr frleßdJ *ud rrtro&a that »lie v* (•‘ill to b« oandatiu »*v>v« orlca wi tr«»he» ready lo vupily t»eaa wUli iotepeteat iHlpforercryatat:©!*. Order*lrotnUia c.ion«r* p«no- Icahyft tftidedto. R O.Cot-HQOC. Mwnet BOOK -K H EPER.—Situation wanVdbyar'lUUcnian (of family) u Book. Kccpf r. Has experience a. da of bnsuc**tiaufacUo».a; fi ct oVpct l> a , i>> unt of work to b' «on». Wonl>l rtefer a s'laat'on w.tera there wor.ld be nopr- bu'BUy olac fur sercral Co*. ttv«uitd* uS«cdreffreu;eaa t.> c*-»ac:tr atd icteirrKy. is at |>r.»ent empl yed. Salary tot tl*tn FS>oayeor. Addrtra INDEX at tliL oSlee. nyaSiSt TiOVAL HAVANA LOTTKRV. IY —in cf M-yTih. iSfit, Ko V JV> dr’ w ■ aiUulO; Ko l*-,6 & drew 15 /'C; bo. drew | VWdicwfr i* 6; No. I .U3drew 5 ; bi-lturtLCflve principal prl*<*s BrU»*aca»bfd an j in loru t tlc» mtnlfiUeo by CHASE A CO., Danker-, So. 1C wall *trtek N.T. my-dx.t ptTRE TABLE OIL.— Sm-IISES ISUITI OIL. ALEX. EYQUEM’S BORDEAUX SOIL, Tte best bricda loporttd, Choico Cooking .ArtxXas, DOUBLE STOESFHTE MUSTAED, From Tailor feßra’*., Loadoa. Tauloct*. Sazot Arrow Root, French Chocolate, Cocoa. Uroma, . GALATINE, ISINGLASS, OAT MS AT*. J. 11, BEED A CO.. Drocgktl. JU* 'UH*k*ntr*tt.- jgEDZIE, ALEXANDER* CO., EnnJi.ora, So. B2 CLiHS. STREET .150. 63. rcrMjni Rrd r.xchingo Conwtlom, *ad defiers ic J'rpVj Nomt* «nd “o'-Vr myy.»-<£i »ni QLD~ SACHEM BITTERS AND WIGWAM TONIC. ITSE THE CID SACHEM BITTERS. It U the finest and best EFBIKG mBDXOIUD ItNOWN. tr is Air rjrzQUALio - Fniifier and Kegulator of fhd Blood, IT IS A DBLIGnrrtTL Tome. TRY IT AMD. IT WILL 00 YOU GOOD. FopMlebr EDWAKD FOSTER W!n« and UtjQor ilwchJmf, iWEoulli TF*t«p*tre6t Cltie«g«A WM. GOODRICH. Proprietor. »Near Hsven. Conn. Principal Dvpot 145VTAtrr*ireet.y.7.» unfair X r EWB A GENTS AND BOOK- X> EKIiSUS, ATTENTION' Wt tie un«J«dfned, having aaiiraUed fittClrtoa by out Eastern connection*,'are now pre* P«Tcdto-tbrnt*n • • ' SEWS DEiLSES JSD BOTK.3ELI.VaS ■WITH EVERT FAPFIL FER'ODICAL ASD BOOK REQUIRED BY THE TRADE, At it>el«wert »enrn at tb» tarbtßt no*»lbla *v<v me*-A We will; supply tas trade with tas chics go Tribune. Time*. Post and Danogrt « JW J copv. TPewlUsJsofucolyeiaawlttitbeieailnsnaw ■Verb W« llwthlica, &c. than th-.y arc n*'w porch elsewhere Fl-t farther particular* reed for on* oX onr Priftt lists. . . . o^rte t , • . _ . - 7-. W. SHEAR A CO.. US Van sur?B-at. Pott Office Poi 3701. mvHert lv NATIONAL HYMN. In obsdienc? to tbs request of many citizens who lave ebsened the tendency to give poet! ? expresdm to the emotion which stirs the heart of the nation tho f enlltnun whose name* arc nnderaljmed bars con rented t* act- as a Committee to awarUaprtaa of PIVS liUNDtFD DOLLAES for - _____ A NAIIONAIIITMS, fret to ir uslc (ei’her original or elected), upon tbs following condition*: . TbeHrmuis t® be purely patriotic, adapted to the whole cool try—cot a war *ocg, cr oaly appro r-riate t? the present mow out 3 —lt must co3*i-t ol cot less than sixteen Hues, and U cot to exceed forty, exclusive of a chorus orburttiea, which Is eeeer.tlal. 3. It shcnld ha of the simplest form and ,lha moat markedrj Unn; Ibe wcrds,c*«y to bo retained i>y the por-ular icemory, and the melody and hvrmooy, such aa ma> be teadUy sung Ivy crdluaryTolcei. 4. Tor the wctdi and mu lo (whether the latter bo , crmltal, cr idected and adaptedl from ttesamohand, which the committee w-nld pnf-if. rtVS HtJKDRKD DOLLARS. Or a gold medal cf th%t ralae, whlbe awarded. For the Hymn atone, or for the musrc alone (If orlgl- ncsDEED axd rrt-rr, Orago'dmedalofthatvalua. - - 5. s er.ta’ntl.ecop3Tlz v tofbo‘h words and of the B vmn to which theorize Is awarded*, and reserve the risht of rejecting all contribution*, wl atever their merit should acne cC them be deemed enltehle. 6.—lbe prrfits ol the sale ot the Hymn are to be de- Tctedtotberatiicttc Ford. 7,—Tbe wcrtJ* and music mart be fondled by tbe zCtb d*y ol Jose cert. B.—Aiihecvtamlttecnuydetlreto jablUh aaelee lion Iron, the mana*crtptstn a Voluae, tar! 4of the Palrlollc Fund, they reqnest tho?o wr!t«r« -who are vlbise that ttetr rredact os • thouid be toed for that p«»rpce« to rigolfy Ui*lr a«*eat. . 9.—lidlrldaal appUcatlona to member* ©T the com-’ sil'teewjnbe 30.—lacli Hymn offered moat be dUUngobhed only, by a motto or cypher, and be accompanied by a-aeiltd envelop*, bearing the same motto or cypher, axde ?a talhlrg the v liter*! name and addre**. AD cdnnnaal cations ehcnld be addreastAto SXaovnzi. fl. PiKJX Fiq. BccreUry of the National Hymn Committee, »wVeracity, . .. - ■ - - - U.—Tie comwlUea winrelarn Boma^aseitptß.- GrißAjr - rn»»Tir« Kuo. _ It H,'ußU»ilX* , , XSS&SU ’ SKSSffiW j. j. Cisco’ - aan Gxobqs T. ereoyo, Aothtib Lxast, - - Hauvsxu. a Fizxp. ,r i myC?-*?Mg«cod jpEOFOSALS FOB ARMS.: SeVed prcuoeth -sin be rtortrad at ScHnje*U.Tm ttol. on or before the n»tt> deror Jauenaxt at noor. bt Iba aoderrienad. CoaimW-oaara on-toe part ot tbe state of IWn ls, for forrUhlnf, dellrirrod rcllo'«lnS arm* Sad cqalf* ten throated Ml&rle Ril'd Jfuktb, with srjniiav bsyobfts, o Oy-elfibt■ hundredths C«) toch leestborbureL .. _ . (i CO- \ two tboo»tod Minnie RlO o\yrl Ui** tonrtrrdi&eCJtf) IrcStli of barrel. The barrel* to be rlSed vitiiiarM ®To*« athmuiket and tlfie t »««^ r 55,*°“* wrench; I wiper; I tompwc.and ooeaP«J Toeach 2»«»eeW-Sva waekete awl 1 unv: , *FriajTic*;>toioSUrsndwln»P ,m^l * - j . *W '‘SuS^Jiiiir. v ". JoSaTiutsos,JCom*ie»•■ - '■ • • • •' WM-PBEPHaBIJ.) .« - ’ tftyStemmd BOL •JL hAJßcflßtedaCmTTweywKited fair good pay*, iag BoainsfS and R«aeß*e Wasted la tas^■’( BEABT OF VBQR CVTSU \ v l; ! Te»pa«tltßlari~didr<sß V2j*-tbat Oflca Bor SS-tST . Cbl<agaUl. «**--•*-—-- .. - ■ ayloxlw : CXEWiBBS.GGBK3N&STaV2 * iSL ABhAD.L'Ibs >ekac«ladxad Kty.stwm • dgtta Etcrmrtßiorabae tlvec.rUe tq aaTCmUnd<% iftctatnowtsatiaevtirwaaß MowojfradAdyga ftp »rrood se»Sw^< isvfffrw-siawwir- 1 '' } Z\ • -iTd— -T.tC « t* 4 .nrs-3-vcb-n-. iT ; ' ; ; : eraeW*®*' .V?- NUMBER Ntto abhertisement: Q IIA K3 E TIOKB 5j 10 & 25 Cent CHARGE TICKETS, Beady Printed on Stiff Cards or convenient size. TV illi Space left for Signing NTame. ORDERS if ROM THE COUNTRY, AC COMPETED ty theC ASH, PHOifPTLY 3ILLED. "WTs'n U?9 tJvftrt a rtol!.v*3 Tfort'v U ordered, tho money U buusps. pi-tCb—Fer 10’. (MACrtvd), “ sfl *■ - 10 0 •* TfM IT- IIAIIC, TrT>imo OSce, Address jy Coruncy xaien atln Tila« In «>ee a « on'y. iJEE UKIOX FOREVER.— NEW STYLES OF UHEON GOODS Every Day. I'NIOX BREAST PISS. « SCAUP » W COAT u « FINGER KINGS. »» SOTELDS. •< BADGES* COCKADES. 14 BJCTKIOPES, O LETTER PAPER. « r.OTE PAPER. Wh HAVE NOW 4o Different SI; icsof Union Pins,ic., Andara receding -.-w styles cTcry day. TEE UUDE SIPPLIO LOW FOE CASH. SEND ORDERS TO BAWFORD & BALDWIS, .T-Tt n TAKE Cfclf ;o. TO. erip votr _zu GODS LAMPS AND GOOD KEROSENE OIL, Go to Noble’s LAMP A>'D OIL EMPORIUM, 179 2JUSH BTRSSX.—I79 aw T. B. CARTER Is Selling tha Best S K I II T S IN TSB Cl nr AT 15, 20,30,40,50,75,1.00,1.25, 1.50,1.75, 2.00. ILLINOIS MONEY TaKcn at Highest Rates, 138....,..1..1aAKE SXfIJBBT. m jH-*73P-’mlatp p E OCIiJA T I O J!f I! Know »11-Men. ■W’cmen’tadCliUdreaby IbAJeprs* MB«,tbs:i,fiattOdil.r»a3ett PbtW.yrapaiit, sog, 123 and IZi Clark Street, WILL COSTISDE TO TAKE THOSE IBS PLATE PHOTOGRAPHS ' For the LOWsum of ■ "* 01*33 li OL liA.Il, DCECra THE WAR. Alto, AHBSOnPES II CASES FOR OK DSIUR. Colored Photograplu from «5 up. IVORYTYPES, Tie original ttyla, and only soft method. taksQ br faacK A Cook O.VLYIa Cntcaza. ju,ssjii\irs, Tor Cord Pbotngrnphs, just weMrad/ Also s Ten laiues<ocWof QoU r'r»nj<**, bought at panic price*. wA wlUbc v»U low. As Mr.Ts»»ett h*a Jn»t returned Iron >’«tt York, ft* U In po-stsalon. olaooe n«w at? Ira c,f tie Pnotogwrblc Art. tbe public is* And to tbelr adrantsirr- to its4l ttomselrra ol open fro® 7A. M. to 6 p. K 3<nldtp gLOATS SEWING MACHINE BLOAT’S ELLIPTIC LOCKSTITCH SEWMJVO fll.lCfff.VEs. yha Onlj ELLIPTIC HOOK w. o. niAsorf & oo H EOLB AGENTS FOR 'CHS NORTHWEST, S4 CXARK STBEET, ■Under tHe ‘N’e-w Sherman House. CHICAGO. ILL. AQKSTB WANTED to every town u4 el&.lntbi Itortb »"‘k •HEIWUfi-.tM TTAILET, DAVIS & CO.’S it TTEW STALE Improved Phino Fortes. Tb«e PUnoabirerecelfed TWSSTY PISBT S^RQ3lxO3ls ovn aix compstitobo. tr Erery tc. trnueut warrant d for Bxo Secruidili drianoaforf’OO. I-ew srd9eo'Od-naud Ploro* threat Hicitr.te * price 'aUloffasaotPuao* KdMdodrec Kavt«e ol apt KTM,AlX »yi.'L»*~,.?wjstjy ft? STEAM WEEKLT^SgQk sum < BM& NEW YORK AN9 LIVERPOOL, Trading and et QaeensSowa, B# UtojhwJ, Hew lerJt *ad PilUftlphl. STEAMSHIP COMPANY - , _ vm* out si? w §srT??.^v, cHy op wasuinoton. 'Glasgow; gTTOKHKSCHKKTKR iuoens wtHdac to oat tbdr trlunda Can bay ticict* In Chicago to *reat - : . ‘lfcese Steamers rave 80iM;rlorftcc?iaaw>aattOn9. ail •airy.experiencedSaryaona. -Tbajara balltto watos nuaT tEQX sicTioaa. and carry patent flru aaainUfc ten For turtixer IntcruiiUoa apply to ; tILEGHOKb, cecsis * CO &«jeral Wetter* Art ata 13 r tr EKbacgnoaSaxope ooldlnwmola Q. ROYER & SAKER’a . . irolaeieni FAMILY SEWING MAC9ISE?. •40 AND UPWARDS. - H». US Uki SMM, chieaco, 19. A. G. DOWNS & CO., Dry Goods ! sTiamßzt ' thauh. 3f<rar optztaz Cfcclca Style* or FBENCn MUSLL\ T S f : FIGURED JACONETS, / ■ ■ Fienth Print*, Brifflaati, Ac., T.nV<V Street 150. EEABYp-HMnes I Township. Orgaaizatioft laws. B^i2!SeSSßteßg : call’onaiWfUißotea.Tefacaeoa* •vae'aec. - , - ; -.j TBr’SL-m n^ata*; AiJisoi drfiAdßa'TßcXTiia ron justices '• poAtfa etaTrrrV tailsnh&gyr 9r'\\. i :i-i •*> a hit.. ~,jJ uT:*l ‘io 3vrr.;*-t ?-il i> icacd >:*.; ji 1 ‘ftr-*-: ;^ : rnr S>>‘»*pid «s ’ ■** ... iwAliiO W* . X- * CHICAGO DAILY TRIBUNE; One Square, (8 lines agat?) one Icaertina. 9 .**o One Square, eftch'iuWeqQestdAvvX&fl). . : '«SS OndSquare, tvonteefc*. ($wffCCQ) -.•» • 5,00 <to* Square, one-month. (JmfPflOV • fc®o One t-qa»re,(hne mount. (Im#l3 O£Q... 'IS 00 One Square*six.months, (Bias2S.GO>^r.Bt>*4>o OteEtyaw, onuyeat-. 00 0* Schedule of Prices fbf’mort twee than Osf Square cm be teen st the CDBntSSffßoom. trofient AdretiiWHeiieto Mptfl (br js.aotaxcx. . . . •.3 AH change* tbarged Ihlrtj cent* per Square# sxtta o? fJ.OO per Square, each week; £? first month*’, u 2.00 per Square for each aqhaequeat month. Y £6«00 per Sqare for one year, mrOBTJIiT. JNNOUNCEaEfT, So not Sacrifice your ipMTiii mm. \%, -anjcmeaW to farclab tin paMa tire aauW wilt X b Xnti>s V ? **nad Tor tocA UUHois & t^onsin CTKEEHck At rates tint all etuMs them to r«\ IKE FULL VALUE OF IKE SEGUm^ LZSS cun CO?rJT=£IOH. >» Partleel’cWn* a «etHrt*nt of Dl«c*e*Mted Ccmr-crtoce. aOoudCAasetU&oai o* for dix-xl jot*, o' m d» <r. V. e v’.l’ »-!l tie Boola, I* de»tred. bv te erraolt, and rtre ■ mil oa Xetr V« rafor ftp jmceeiw t*>« >»mo Sajr. V* ta»» toa**s flrrv!is*m»'*u for ample a «p --plyoffPtt* E ter tfcr purpo o *;fp\T»nr th* p?»c««3 (u I’om'J It U ore ene.i to adraftoa V*w p»rtu*> l>oldi-i{ smalt ax<>uat« canlc»<o Itwitiim frre* Ut’Ct cn, O' »•» will par mem alatrp-i'v?, - ofJ* ■•’ato •’- '^arvet\t!uc * 1 U’.e tKuUsltiCila or £*at- , McNutt. .(A-.iJ •* lesto ibe mar' era Moo**. *ll Hilda of ITUu-'fa art! ino&sy can b« laiobaDdabyappUoattaotJiu Eo act se’l you* nroaey without calling open as, it addressing as by leuer. We will always •»>* s snpplvof bond* »»n bssA BO %i to be able to furauh u.tiit uj>oa E. £. II 'XEL.IKD S CO., B.ISKEHS, 3G Clart Stmt. iiiijnim 2>aura. T?y Gilbert, Sampson & Warmr, JD Gaskbaz. Acctioxssm. *? Lsfc* stwet \w:j gIT« then ptrscnal Atteadan to tbs sales ot Fcrsel old Tcrrltorr a? th* re»l<l«*nre* or at cor s-icsrocx*. Cub sdvtoc*4 made (4 lay aarcut »htn trq’ilr^d. EBFEBsoa eocfeecld rtrasnrtras; Carpet*) Kcdnftd*, gii cloth*, an£ Office Varnlture, AT ATJOTION. On TI»UFSPATt Msy HW, at oVlork, tt* wt»t self at i>r r M>i>rarr>». al»rje »n.l r Asn-rtnent cf thefollmti, ggoodJ. rU;—Oss, walnut, Ma’jojfAiy and o» d PABtOB AND CHAMBER SUITES. Wl»h a fun f Ti*nturrv>Tn, ra-rraud fctdrcota Fumllarr. Bedsteads, Uarcvxs and \Pa*V «• tf?. SftttrC**** lo.:n;ea, Carpets, flvW? OU Cloth*. Olfir* Knmttnm. Alao-Oo f tto Co»t, co.t |*3o. A!*o— %t 10.V O’clock, a ctolccTPrtctyof G*rd‘n «r.d U:ta* Pfcintt. GlLbKilT, SAMPSON « W/viWSiV mysn iS A. BUTTERS & CO, GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, 46, 48 awa SO DKARBOttH STBKBT, tOpFO'F, tbe Tremnat EottwO ETTEI-TXTIR3 SALE KTZ&Y VfIfDNB&LIAY A BATDBDAT tPSHIV. 3ST G003J3 SAI2 SJrftry Monday a/ O 1-3 A* MW AT Otm SALES..-OOX. |C Cash adrnored on Pnrnltarc, *ti- ftic-f *e- «a«-c4 JJESIRABT.E DRV GOODS, Sic, AT itenos. vrm. a. bettssb u 00. V! Ul pcU for good Cmreat Ponds, On TUUKi OiT, M"vj- m At 9>i o'eUck. •: ihcU*«slos- 40, 4S At 50 Dearborn Street, Afire lot of Durable Dry sod F«rrG-y>d» Ac-Afi. V.m C V Aocfra. CARPETS, GLASSWARE, Nev IkditHdit Glsmln* tl* quart) 4e« ( 4c^ A~rv auction. WJf, A- PITTTEHS * CO. %*H *«U By good taftrat feci- on WFr>*»EaD AV Mat *. v tS. at ■»>* o'clock. at Ui«rt*Je-rrt*ot».4*. 4* and a ttarton «lr-rt a |r*» Torleti ef HouoebcldHoo.:* Carpets, At., Ae. A L » O, Frw Bat aw* Cart. «p4 Centra Tobias, Cano and t log beat C hah«. *<•, 4c. ALSO. A lot cf liquor*. Tobacco, Wrlttoj Ink. Wrapptnx iuo-A latof Gla»-w*re Ar-ftc Bijii a3--u H-t; .a sir i tkr* a "O. MpF**,. JQQ Cases BOOTS AH I) SHOES WM. A BCTTKES A CO. win Mil for coni, o* Tt7F-SD*T. y*r 2{h at •;< «'c oc*. a* their .»lea room*. and 50 Dearborn stmt, lo> Case* BOOTS AfO SHOBI, roMtAfloyof arrr*r»lm-letyof f»*l aid derirqbt* gooda. Ju»t received n «mu *mM wUh*th ttitrr£ fIOTTEBN A C». • my** *7** 7t Aocrt'r—r*. I\TEVV AUCTION AND COM ±y MISSION HODSX. 107 Dearborn Street, (Portbnl Blocks HCOfr ALEXANDER. Pmrnt attention wjnbe clveu tn Sale* otPuruinra at or fcbvJts of M*r«*nandtv at St-rs*. audSaleerc*m. QaycrawlUafttn Uairafinda ••'CrtoentoC well made‘■'armterea-pt on band toe rtivatefale. Cw». advaace* wUlbroul-. uu Purak turr Pry P<x>t* and »ho-a. Carn-r*. 4n. ttr 2 - obHc&lc. Sol-ab* Auc&>o fire* tlm-* a east. Cw-Jcssseuts solicited f)fallki«:d3of Mercnaudl*" t>r »»!«• atSaletroosLcrlTt any part of tfid«uty on r ahletrrma Pole* eulied at ouco. Pcit'U fIT.-n P. o.Uox - Ttft *P*r ® xlmaHcmnUri, Jindlrra street, bttrewn Staid aid Dearbjru, Tie public arc laTcrmsd. that tba Tbext'* wOt 2330* On Tlnirsday Evening - , ■VTlcc tte dlatlEijuLfced Amurteau Prlma Doan^ MISS CAROLIHE RiCUIHQS, AEd btr &2»cr. ?be eeleirated Coaediaa. rotor riltslilxtcfl. WILL APPEAR IN’ A GRAND MOSICAI AMD DRAMATIC EBTEaTAiaMllft. KINGSBURY HALL. TTXSDiY 130 WEDSJ3OIT ETE.YKCS, May Slat and. 2 2d- - Alio, ou We-iiiesdaj Afteznoaa at &o’e2Mfc» W!U be cxblftited for the drat tlsin thA k , 3SOEW DIORAMA BGMBARDMEHT OF FT. SUSATEB, Ccmpiiiisg canscVvlewialrUlUio . Forts aadß»tleiSM as aatlisßattlß. ' ' vnn bf?ec t s, 3Totw before attorpted ta jpXORAMIC. Co=P<»itiM. • Tbe.ortntticzccit.irin coaantoca vV> < NEW MOVING. DIORAMA OPTHS.MP3 • Civil War in Syria, op the Panorama - of Palestine. KIACiABA MJ/18 & •» “» s *W,^£?te*-ST!frai ta snaMBE - 1 KMtfvidt'OU ... CiiJWrto went* . , TsciC2tco cpeD-Gtita 14a.*.tailp. 00-<Uy»or exJ'lbJLLc. . ar.n:* _ •DR'SAN . BALL.—Olart Street. tJ Oppctltc the gaJpAnt awletuw pronfcarco tbla aiHaasogAWA toy any Ball In lift Union ta lu ■ Atctaßo txi Gfnwral ■ ' «T feedtr—toy accorafe count and report oi CABTSB ft -BAtm-Architect*- 1 . . . -v _ -v-‘ •- «n»»v»»!w *p f>or?> n oft the first fioor, tha . ettmi£«t*tiioftO«lctnft«t ttipwMtßi&NjiA. " i tki* la the city, oppuette comrt Boom Bq»vM«t BenhMAT«tLno.qftte&loeatS<atnttaeM>» •• ‘ • *• *- AmplelagreM «cd «ro«—3o .feet of.3o«nrsy feft. • Di»l »£r*’Sta»dO‘artPU«k > ■ . 1 > pureiese* of See: &. A. Bnir, uav temefaetoceahj CQomge xaczlee « rr«* r drttUlportwjuroTth* WMft Boom. TftttCanary ecaialas tea tdcaUeaajmMMetm eopwMdS tbo *nA 'BieGaJ wi' oarardetf iffesWorld** Fair Iftpam; *l»o *» to Ham,- ftt**ceftft!to of ah too to xail a* ,of.taaaj •*.. sse^?!^feMßaaM^ ;: f -A : '6B^T’gnr:DHrCQQ£B.^! yJ^blrjoya * i i WSWW^aMI siJ Oj I Mti lo -Jr oana <u ;'iCo. 4M5??'5 *•'» ,L ? : .v i! 3T*f>{r. .i. v j* , u*.*i‘ ;as/. ua j iaA ipeii.'lC i'li v** o: k Tini cc ar22stf^BSca*yr MOI2\ AT AUCTION. May 23d. OP TSZ