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Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1860-1864, June 03, 1861, Image 1

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Office, No. 51 ClarU. Sweet.
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Address “ anCACO TElBfbX” Chicago, TU.
C£t)icac|o une
MONDAY, JUNE 3, 1801.
At a late hour on Saturday evening we
learned that Senator Douglas's condition
was regarded as more favorable, though
no marked change had taken plage since
our last issue.
Later.— Throughout yesterday and lost
evening, there was no change to note In
Mr. Douglas's condition, Ids physicians
deeming the chances against him, and yet
deriving a faint hope for the bes*, from this
prolonged struggle of the strong constitu
tional powers of the patient with maladies
tinder which long ere this ordinary sys
tems must have given way.
The little affair at Fairfax Court House,
Virginia, yesterdoy, wherein a troop of
eighty dragoons liadja brush with fifteen 1
hundred of the ardent sous of tho chival
rous South, is probably of no great conse
quence in the present operations; but for
the rebels it has that significance that even
the most rampant, fool-hardy and drunken
of the lot cannot overlook. It will teach
their boasting of their own prowess,
and the poltrooning of tho Government
forces, or as they delight to call them, the
“minion hirelings'’ of Lincoln, is a fatal
mistake which no amount of lying can un
do. The swashbucklers who have enlist
ed In the ruffian army, laboring under the
delusion that the loyal forces would throw
down their arms and run off at the fire of
the first gun, will find even in this small
matter food for many a bitter reflection
on their ignorance and folly.
During the past ten days repeated in
quiries have been made of us,'by parties
living in lowa, Wisconsin and Northern
Illinois, whether or not it was safe to sell
produce for Wisconsin currency. In an
answer to these inquiries, and also for the.
general information of our readers, we ap
pend a list of the Banks of Wisconsin now
received by the bankers at Milwaukee,
With the circulation of each, and the value
per dollar of the bills, according to the
market price of the securities in the hands
of the con ptxoller of the Stale on the 20th
of May. By reference to this list, it will
be seen that the value of the currency gen
erally ranges from 51 to 85c. on the dollar.
There are a few banks ranging from 00c. to
100, but these, it will be seen, are of lim
ited circulation, and we understand their
issues rarely if ever see daylight Few, if
any of the Banks redeem their issues in
coin or exchange, and in this respect they
sire no belter than the Illinois hank bills—
now known as “ stamp-tail,”—and hawked
about our streets at or about their real
Such, therefore, being the case, there is
no reason on earth why Wisconsin cur
rency should not share the same fate as
that of Illinois. Both are frauds on the
community, and were gotten up by heart
less speculators, without the remotest in
tention that they would ever redeem a
dollar of the stuff—and our advice to all is,
to take it only at its real value.
It may ho said that if the people have
confidence In it, the currency will continue
** to go; ” but so far as the Northwest is
concerned, Una “confidence game” is
** played out” It was tried here by almost
every merchant and banker in the State—
agreements, contracts, and compromises,all
things were tried—bntinvain. WalcrwlU
find its level, as did Illinois currency; and
the same inexorable law will work out its
results in regard to that of Wisconsin. At
present, in view of the scarcity of good
currency, the bankers of Wisconsin are
moving heaven and earth to get their cir
culation into the' hands of the people; hut
it is up-hill work. The people of Illinois
repudiate it, and sell only for gold; and
their neighbors of Wisconsin, lowa, and
Minnesota are getting hungry for some
thing that is worth one hundred cents on
the dollar. Produce brings gold in every
market of the world, and there is no rea
son why the farmers of the Northwest
Should continue to take paper money
worth only from fifty to seventy cents on
the dollar.
U£T or cnmnrr Wisconsin banks.
Kane or Bank. Circulation Vainer dol
Sank of Beloit $18,500 51c.
Bank of Colnmbns C,852 60
Sank of Fox Lake 54,791 65
Bank of Grant Co 63,018 59
Bank of Green Bay 44,264 65
Bank of the Interior 40,403 78
Bonk of Madison 8,897 80
Bank of .Jdurton 48,700 94
BackofMcntka 47,265 77
Bank of Monroe 15.278 62
Beck of the Northwest 33,623 75
Bank of Oshkosh. 6,633 101
Bank of I‘ortage 47,233 74
Bank of 'Prairie du Clilen 34,093 94
Bonk of Bacine 2,327 • 82
Brnkof Itlpon 12,212 92
Bank of Sheboygan 23,565 53
BinkofSparta. 18.497 69
Bank of Watertown. 43,630 73
Bank cf Whitewater. 23,800 63
Bank of Wcyanwepa 42.110 95
Ctntrsl Bank of Wisconsin... 50,927 1 09
City Bank of Kenosha 19,411 59
City Bank of Prescott 49,666 95
Oneida Bank, Berlin ... 22,154 74
Columbia Bank 45,940 63
Commercial Bank. 20.560 87
Com Exchange Bank 44.199 96
Com Planters 80nk.... 37,373 55
Bane Co. Bank. 14,790 1 OCf
Bodge Co. Bonk 22,257 69
Exc£. Pink of Barling & Co.. 27,227 56
Eikhorn Bank. £1,949 GO
Fanners and Mechanics Bank. 14,460 75
Tenners and Millers 80nk.... 5,055 63
Forest City Iknk. 24.006 82
Frontier Bank 23,745 74
German Bank.
Ortcn Bay Bank 23,001 96
Hudson City Bank 21,835 83
low* Connty Bunk 23,451 81
Jeaereon Connty Bank 58,700 71
Juneau Bunk 7,805 69
Kenoehu Connty Bunk 8,800 83
XaCrouue County Bunk 12,800 • 62
lumberman's Basic. 55,X80 91
Northern Bank.. IfIOGO m
S*is!2? 4 rP“ nk i—i 43.100 96
Prairie City Qpnk. 20.100 74
Badne Connty Bank 20,510 G9
Bock Hirer Bank 45.1CS - C 9
Boekwcll & Co.'s Bank. 21,286 CO
heck City Bank 49,902 04
Sank Connty Bank 49,026 1 00
Second Ward Bank. 130 1 00
Ehavanav Bank 59,709 94
State Bank.. . v 10,459 99
1 ft
1 oc
Ct&te Bank or Wisconsin. 91,751 52
EL Croix Valley Bank 65,015 78
Commit I’ank. 17,783 73
Son Prairie Bank 58.C86 70
■Walworth County Bent 27.445 61
WaukeSha County Bark 62.883 59
Wanpnn Bank 22,005 69
Wlacoimn Bank of Madison.. 24,633 83
VTla. Marine nnd Fire Ins. Bk. 85.372 1 09
Wiaconain Finery Bank. 46861 78
The Chicago Time s is exceedingly ap
prehensive that a military despotism is to
be established in this land, because Gen.
Cadwallader arrested a traitor at Bald
more, confined him in Fort McHenry, and
refused to give him up in obedience to a
writ of habeas corpus, issued by Judge
Taney, of the U. B. Supreme Court
The fears of the Tima are probably
not bo much aroused in view of the
alleged'danger to our civil institutions,
as by the prospect that a conspirator
against the ' Republic will be hung;
because it must know that the pow
er exercised by Gen. Cadwallader is sanc
tioned by the Constitution and by the
practice’of the. Government' from the
days of Jefferson’s administration down
the present tima ‘ln 1806, Gen. TVil
hin&on caused the arrest of certain traitors
Orleans,suspected of being impli
-016 conspiracy, Judge
jV Of that city, issued Jhis writ of
cor which was duly served upon
T d he ■ di£re S arded iL 1104
3 -f etsaa - epprore and. defend
was discussed
in Congrtsstlie fafloro of thatTjody toex
prras of the officer, flrto
* make any change In the then existing
Statutes, is proof that the law of aafetyffi
times of emergency, was by it considered
as sacred as tbc law of the land.
During the u Whisky Insurrection,” in
1764 and ’95, Gen. John Hamilton, then a
man of distinction, and afterwards a mem
ber of Congress, was arrested and
in prison more than three months; yet,
during all that time, obedience to the writ
was refused. The arrest and subsequent
incarceration were solely by militaiy au
thority. But, though the man was inno
cent, no one thought of .making his case
the subject of loud complaint As some
times happens between the citizen and the
Stale, he suffered because circumstances
beyond his control conspired against him. •
We cited the case of Gen. Jackson, yes
terday. He set aside the habeas corpus
twice—once against the authority of Judge
Ilall in Louisiana; and subsequently
against the authority of Judge Fromentin
in Florida. The decision and energy dis
played by the old chief on these occasions,
and the acts themselves, have been the
subjects of great praise by all his
friends; and we have yet to know
that, as civilian or commander, ho ever
acknowledged that he had violated the
Constitution which he had sworn to de
fend. But, as the Times has no admiration
of the Jacksonian policy, in rebellion
against the authority of the laws, we may
may pardon it,-if it cannot commend his
acts. Its murmurs are consistent with its
antecedents and secret hopes.
The four cases that we have cited, and
the comment that they provoked from
jurists and statesmen at the time they oc
curred, would completely justify Gov. Cad
wallader in the policy that he has pursued,
were not the situation itself in which he
is placed the only justification which his
countrymen will desire. Wc commend
the Tima to the study of the history of
the subject. It will find that what Jeffer
son approved and Jackson practiced, can
not he far wrong, even though it should
hang half the traitors of Virginia, those
who emigrated to Chicago, as well as those
who remain at home.
Sale of the Times.
The proprietor of the Chicago -Tuna—C. H.
McCojmick—announces in his Sunday's Issue
that he has sold the concern to W. T. Story,
of Detroit. He confesses that the paper has
been a failure in his bands. “The course of
things,” he says, “has been such fhat he has
felt powerless to accomplish any good.” We
presume, that he means he has not been able
to render the secessionists any practical or
available service, though his Times has worked
for them as hard as he dared to risk. Seeing
that he can do them no farther newspaper
service, he sells out the concern in disgust
and despair. The paper can not have fallen
•Into more disloyal hand*. It is to be hoped
that its new proprietor will put it on the
Union track—not hypocritically but honestly
and earnestly.
Becent Order of tUe Secretary of War.
Editors Chicago Tribune:
I send you herewith a copy of an order of
the War Department, which we have to day
obtained. Tou will observe that the Hecker
Regiment, Scott’s Regiment, and our artillery
and cavalry at Cairo, arc to be received for
Ibree years if they choose. It is the under
standing that the two German companies at
Cairo, from Chicago, shall be received into
the Hecker Regiment if they desire it.
Wan DtTAUTsmsT, Hay 30,18C1.
The four regiments of troops organized under
the authority of the Illinois legislature, and com
manded respectively by Colonels Scott, Goode,
Harsh and Dougherty, (the latter of the Belleville
District,) and the Independent Regiment at cr
near Chicago, 131., and commanded by CoL Hecker,
or any one or more of said regiments, may report
to Haj. Gen. HcClcllan, and by him or under his
order be mustered and received into what Is com
monly called the three years’ service of the United
Gen, HcClcllan may also la his discretion receive
and attach to the same service, any artillery and
cavalry companies in Illinois not exceeding flve’ln ‘
number, which are at this date in actual organiza
tion, ready for service, and seeking to enter It;
provided this does not authorize the raising of
new companies, or the calling out of dormant
ones under old organizations.
By special order of tbo President,
Secretary of War.”
“N.B. The President wishesCapt. YanHorn’s
company Included in Becker's Regiment from
Chicago, UK , S. C.”
I have copied the above from the original
order, and can forward the same.
WARHiyciOK, May 30,186 L
The EogUab Government*
The proclamation of Victoria’s ministers
strikes gloomily on the ears of Americans,
coming so soon dftcr the warm and hearty
■welcome lately given to the son ot England’s
queen. The people of Great Britain were our
guests in the person of their trfture sovereign,
and right royally were they entertained. Nev
er in the whole history of t national intercourse
was there so splendid an instance of the ob-
U-Lr-n of former wrongs. Never did the rep
resentative of a foreign power receive an
ovation so cordial and so spontaneous. Little
did we then anticipate such a return. Little
did we think that a rebellion, the most insane
and causeless in the world’s history,would call
forth only a proclamation of cold neutrality.
Not one word of sympathy for a friendly
government—not one word of stem rebuke to
Flag Presentation at Egypt*
On Friday the ladles of Carbondale, to the
number of a hundred, visited the camp at
Anna, and presented to CpL Lawler’s regi
ment a handsome silkbanher with the assu
rance that these troops, now accepted for the
war, would cany with them their own prayers
and. hopes,* of which this flag should be the
ever present symbol. The party returned by
the afternoon train, and the regiment was
drawn up on each side of the track to cheer
than as the cars moved away from the sta
State Aettcollural Society.
Editors Chicago Tribune:
There will be a special meeting of the Ex
ecutive Committee and Board of Counselors
of the Illinois State Agricultural Society, at
the Trcmont House, in Chicago, on Tuesday,
the 4th day of June inst By order of the
President John P. Reynolds, Cor. Sec.
twt Parade of the Seventh*
Washisotos, May 81,1881.
The final parade of the Seventh was made
this afternoon. The President* Gen. Cameron
fkfJlS 1 * Ba ? kf * wer £ present, and reviewed
pie regiment. Gen. Cameron made a speech
x vl® f e ßi men t, which he thanked thorn
for thdr prompt and efficient action, and for
the patriotism they had manifested in being
the lirst organired and armed regiment which
came to the support of the Government He
assured them that they had the confidence,
the esteem and thanks of the Administration
and that they deserved the thanw of every
patriot He promised them that in the event
of another necessity arising for their pres*
encein Washington, or whenever the hot of
the contest might he, the Government would
call upon them again, confident that in the
future, as in the past they would cordially
and promptly respond. He also expressed
the belief that they might soon again be in
tented field.
. One remark made by Gen. Cameron had pe
culiar significance. He said that the war would
not close until the causes which produced the
contest had been entirely removed.
A Negro Preacher Hang,
I?rom the Memphis Bulletin of May SOJ
«+'w«!Fn?J E £ e f c £ e r’ belonging to Mrs. Haden,
u Fine Blnfl, indulged invlolent language to
feSiShSL till ?S ß »that he would be
free three weeks, and could raise a thousand
Purpose. His case was
reported to the authorities the same evening.
Mtemoonf Uken OUt and on MonSy
Brie* General Biccienumd* •••;
X D jni. Ill£jßl. 1 ll£jBl.
It is nndriatood. here that Hon. John A.
McClcnmnd.'member of Congreaa from thla
dlatrlrt, haa been appointed General of the
Third ullnola Brigade. ■ TUa brigade will con- :
alat of Coll Soott'L CoL Harah’a, Cob Bmlth’a.-
the.Gcrman and Irish regiments, of Chicago
and the recimenta raleedtn the wrenthani
eighth districts.
Tlie EUarcrortli Obßeqnles at Bryan
Yesterday, Sunday afternoon, tookplacc the
Ellsworth obsequies at Bryan Hall, Inaugural- j
ed and very appropriately carried out by the !
members of the original Chicago Zouaves, and ;
participated In by a very large share of our
community, frr in excess of the acconunoda- ‘
lions ol the Balk But for the wretched con* ■
dition of the interior of National Hall, which ;
has not been cleaned for months, and the add- !
ed disadvantage that it has no seats, both of ;
which render it in its present condition un- j
suitable for a Sabbath afternoon service, It
would have been far better to have used It on
this occasion, since probably not one-fifth of
those who delred to be present could obtain
admission to Bryan Hall. It was filled long i
before the hour for commencing the exercises
arrived, and even the space reserved for the j
military was invaded, filled, and packed, half
an hour ere the procession arrived, so that
but fer the strict reservation maintained for
the Old Zouaves on the platform, not a single
military organisation as a whole could have
found admission. As it was, the other com
panies, aside from the Zouaves, were only rep
resented by stragglers, most of tho rank and
file declining to attempt the pressure with a
very “ forlorn hope ” of getting in at that.
The interior of the Hall was appropriately
decked with the American flag, a very large
ensign draping the desk. At Sp. m., the hour
for opening, there was very little sitting or
standing room vacant. The audience in char
acter well represented the living Interest all
classes of our citizens take in the pres
ent war, and especially in an occasion in hon
or of one known to so many here, the first vic
tim to rebel hate In Virginia.
A profound impression was created as the
old Zouave corps, now a broken and faded
remnant of its- former glory entered the hall,
bearing the splendid SSOO stand of colors, won
in the Piize Drill 0f1859, and borne by them
in their great excursion. -The corps took
their place assigned them, at the cast end of
the platform.
The exercises were prefaced by the Light
Guard Band, also the companions of the Zou
ave excursion, who played on this occasion
the “ Ellsworth Requiem,” a piece finely exe
cuted cn this occasion and doing great credit
to A J. Vans, Eeq., the Leader of the L. G. B.
Wc learn that it is in the press of Messrs. Root
& Cady and to be shortly issued by that
Rev. Dr. A- D. Eddy read an appropriate se
lection of Scripture and followed with the
opening prayer, A hymn selected and circu
lated among the audience on a printed pro
gramme was then sung. Prayer was .then of
fered by Rev. Dr. Tiffany. A second hymn
was sung,
“ I 'would not lire always, I ask not to stay.”
The discourse was delivered by Rev. Z. M.
Humphrey, pastor of the First Presbyterian
church, and was a highly interesting and im«
preserve .sermon, from a passage in Corinthi
ans, —perils among false brethren,” The
preacher related briefly and powerfully the
leading incidents of CoL Ellsworth’s career,
and paid an appropriate tribute to the worth
and services of thcyoungofficer. He referred
to his own former relations to the then com
mander of the Zouaves, on the occasion of the
illness and death of a younger brother of Cob
Ellsworth who as our.citizens well remember
died at the Zouave armory.
The instances cited by Rev. Mr, Humphrey
abundantly attested the affectionate brother,
as the records now made up show him him to
Lave been a loyal and loving eon of parents
now childless. Said Cob Ellsworth to Rev.
Mr. Humphrey In 1559, on the occasion of
officiating at the brother’s funeral, “We had
hoped, my brother and I, to have secured a
home here in Chicago, where our parents
could pass with us the evening ef their days,”
How entirely, alas, has that filial hope been
The preacher dosed with a fervent and elo
quent appeal to the soldiers present, and to
all, to be faithful and true to their county, as
their first duty to make their peace with God,
and there await his behest.
The exercises were dosedby.the singing of
the hymn “America” given out by Rev. Ed
ward Anderson, pastor of Calvary Congrega
tional. Church, Carvillc, who also pro
ucunccd the benediction.
. The whole a flair passed off in a manner eu
tirdy creditable and appropriate.
Tlio CMcaeo Light Compa*
Ny B.
• This fine Company of 120 picked men, com
manded by CoL E. Taylor, have well occupied
the interim of several weeks since their en
rollment, with a systematic and thorough
preparation for camp and field service, from
which advantage .of leisure given them, and
so used, they leave to-night for Cairo, with
probably by far the best outfit of any compa.
Ny any of our State troops have possessed in
going into service.. Their tents are of the
very best description, of the French Crimean
pattern, and the men have practiced them
selves In handling these and their other camp
equipage until they arc very proficient and
expert in these respects for raw troops.
They have a fine b|ttcry of six pieces now
in Cairo awaiting their arrival, and nntil then,
these are in charge of a squad seat do wn some
days since by CoL Taylor for this purpose.
The uniform of the company Is the Cadet
grey, with red corded seams to indicate the
artillery branch of the service,- They were
got up by Messrs. Titsworth of this city.
The company of course do not know what
duty will be assigned them at Cairo, but from
the position of matters there, it seems likely
that they will be sent to the Missouri side.
They leave at 0:40 p. m. by the Illinois Central
A New Militabt Forage Cap.— One of our
Chicago citizens, the well known hatter, J V IL
Loomis, in Larmon Block, South Clark street,
has just invented a style of military cap that
is pronounced by military men who have seen
it, the best now In use. Mr. Loomis origin
ally ordered them made for him for the Stnr
ges Rifles, and the New York manufacturer
reports that large orders for this cap have
come in upon him from those who have seen
samples of this style, which Mr. Loomis terms
the « Forage Cap.” It may be best described
as resembling an ordinary.felt hat,therim dish
ing deeply, turned downwards behind and cut
away from side to aide in front where a neat
leather visor is substituted. Thus the neck
and head are well protected, leaving the front
clear and unobstructed. The appearance of
those we have seen worn is such as to com
mend this style of cap for looks alone, while
it has many advantages. Hr. Loomis has al
ready received large orders from onr State
troops at Cairo. They will be sure to take
wherever -introduced, os very nearly combi
ning the the utilities of cap and Havelock.
Ibieu Bhioade.—Yesterday (Sunday)* the
Douglas Guards of Lasalle, Capt Morlarty,
attended momlng*eervice in a body, at the
Church of the Holy Home, on Bosh street
near Superior. - *
The Brigade also acknowledge gratefully, a
Sunday dinner, at their.barracks, generously
donated by several citizens.
Movement op Qovzbsmest Tnoors.-—A
dispatch was received in this. city yesterday,
Sunday forenoon from St Paul, to the officers
oftheP.p.w.& c. B. 8., to have a train in
readiness to-day to forward immediately east,
the command of Major Fatten, 83 men of IT.
8. Infantry, to arrive here last night by the
Chicago & North Western Ranted,
Acksowebdgemebts,—The Chicago Light
Artillery, Company B. CoL Taylor command*
Ing, who leave to-night for Cairo as elsewhere
stated, desire to return their grateful acknowl
edgement to ladies of St. James Church, and
-the Sewing Hall at ilcYlckeris for a M outfit
of Havelocks.
Pkebokal.—Among thoso who have return
od to this city from Cairo we notice CoLW,
W. Mitchell,
and also Dr. Haven, of the Hospital at Camp
.Defiance both of whom •remain'here a'day or
or two. ...
MAHTKE.—JL fine ngw fnre
the' “Major Anderson 11 lies in our river, As -
she carries the draped “red white and bine 11
as her figure head, she manifestly always ‘‘fol
lows the flag,” and so is well
The Fortifications and the Guiu—Present Ifili
tary Status—Health of the Men, etc., etc.
[Correspondence of the Chicago Tribune.!
Como, Friday, Slay 31.
At List wo are able to see just whit oar
much talkod-of fortifications will amount to.
There have been so many plans and to often
changed withal, that if people at a distance
have been confused about it, we have been
confused as well But all the propositions for
running cross levees, for filling up between
the levees, as well as for a permanent fort of
of stone and brick, seam now to be absorbed
in an earth work redoubt, which will be all
sufficent lor the presert at least. The re
doubt is located upon tilt 'te of the distil
lery, which the Government . d condemned
and removed Its height is aome seven
feet above the levees, and its
inside extent 84 feet , by 180.
The bottom of the old distillery cellar is
what military men call the terre plane of the
fort; the surrounding walk, seme three feet
higher this and twenty feci wide, forms the
banqiieiic, upon which the gnus ore being
mounted; while the breastwork is being
thrown up outside, seven feet higher thin this.
An immense amount cf dirt is required, but
now that the river has fallen nearly to low
water mark, there is a sufficient- supply to be
get from the flats all around the redoubt,
where hundreds of men are constantly at work
with shovels and barrows. The num
ber of guns in the fort will be three
33-pounders mounted on pivot carriages along
the banquette on the. South side; three 24-
ponnders on selge carriages, ranged upon the
sides of the fort; the 8 inch
ing aCB pound shell; and the 8 inch mortar.
A magazine of timber and Cieclnes, to be cov
ered with earth, is being made upon the terre
plane in the rear of the guns. The pivot guns
arc eo mounted as to have a range of about
100 degrees each, and they will thus sweep the
whole riverfront To-day the 7th (CoLMor-
Can’s) reniment volunteered its in a
body, and officers and men are cheerfully at
work together In the trenches. Heavy timbers
for the gun floorings have arrived, and the 33-
pounder at the southeast comer will be in po
sition before evening. The two remaining S3-
. pounders will be mounted In like manner to
morrow. It must be borne In mind that the
“ big guns ” that have been mounted arc only
the 24-poundere, which, being field or siege
pieces, do not require such elaborate prepara
tion before they can be of service. When
complete, this redout will bo able to sink any
fleet that may venture to approach from the
South, and every situation available for a hos
tile battery is easily within range of its guns.
Besides the strength of the redoubt, there
are the fourteen brass six pounders winch we
have had all along, and the twelve pound
mountain howitzer. Two or tbree of these
smaller pieces have been taken to Bird’s Point,
for the Missouri troops, and they will give a
good account of their stewardship of them.
The camp on the Missouri side is well en
trenched and well defended. It is com
pact in itself, and all the arrange
ments for guarding it ore complete.
It is an error to suppose, as many people
doubtless do, that CoL Schuttner’s regiment
is actually located upon a point around which
the Mississippi river turns. The “ point ” is
a mile and a half below their camp, and a di
rect line across is only two miles, from where
they arc, while the river circuitis seven miles.
As before stated, and often staled, an at
tacking force wonld land under cover of the
woods, in the rear of Camp Stephenson, and
as there la no battery on tnte side, the only
protection is found in the largeeconting parties
constantly on the lookout. A battery will be
needed at this exposed point, unless what
would be far better, our troops are appointed
to take possession of Columbus. Ky., which,
if held by a strong force, would save Cairo
from its daily alarm. It may be considered a
weakness in ns,'but nevertheless it must'bo
confessed that these alarms ore renewed daily.
The steamer Cheney,plying between Cairo and
Columbus, is our only communication with
the South,and when its trips are irregular, we
arc thrown into quite a spasm, lest it has been
helu back in order to keep ns Ignorant of se
cession movements. To-day the Cheney has
not arrived, and the old fear seizes ns. The
Cairo coal boat, which may be described as a
great flap-jack propelled by steam—has. just
been chartered'by Government, as of possible
usefulness in transporting troops. It can easi
ly carry five hundred men on its broad ex
panse of deck. Of course you will say no at
tack is likely to be made, but please to remem
ber that we are net only within reach of such
a contingency, but are also enshrouded In
complete Egyptian darkness as to general
movements outside.
Appropos to the military condition of Cairo,
is the condition of the military themselves.
A more fearful .enemy than cUarrhms, er even
than a hostile force, has appeared la the form
of - typhoid fever I The resident physicians
had warned our military .surgeons from the
first that this disease is usual in the summer
months, though not appearing eo early as
this. To-day Dr. Sim informs me that he has
two or three well marked cases now in his
hospital, and that otherpatients are beginning
to manifest the same symptoms. The pres
ence of the disease is an alarming fact, and
the more alarming since it is likely to work
an entire change in the hospital treatment
required for even otherwise trifling cases.
There is not, probably, in the whole Missis
sieelppi valley a more unhealthy place than
Cairo. Twice the much dreaded yellow fever
has first appeared here, and from here gone
Southward. The changes In temperature are
sudden and marked. Tn the same day, and
in like manner on succeeding days, on op
pressive lieat is followed wiltdn an hour by
a chilling cold which has twice this week made
fires essential to in-door comfort. The Camp
Is thus beset on every band by dangers which,
to be guarded against, require & competent
medical head, with the intelligent co-operation
of every soldier. Both, these conditions are
now lacking. There is no medical he id: and
the devoted services of Drs. Sim and Haven
are embarrassed if not rendered nugatory by
the restraints constantly thrown in fheir way.
Of all the military surgeons hero these gentle
men have, against obstacle] both painful
and embarrassing, labored with the greatest
success, and it must be confessed, alsojthcy
have been the most roundly absurd. Their
Sosition is uncertain, and dally a source of
ispute. Notwithstanding explicit orders to
the contrary, the sick men of the camp come
to them for treatment, and are never turned
away, although the hospital requisitions upon
the commkariat are denied or honored accord
ing to a fickle caprice. The treatment of these
gentkmcn is all of a piece with the policythat
has In every other respect so effectually
snubbed Chicago. And ft should bo added
that they remain, albeit against their own in
clinations,{in obedience to what has teemed to
them and their friends as an urgent necessity.
Their departure would be lamented by all the
troops, as a calamity that, under present cir
cumstances, would be quite serious. S.
Late News fiorp Headquarters*
[Special Dispatch to the N. Y. Tribune. I
Washington, May 30.—The first invoice of
Virginia proptrty received at Gen. Butler’s
camp consisted of eight packages. General
Ashley was detailed to examine and report.
“What are you going to do with us f” the
negroes asked.
Gen. Ashley—We shall not harm yon.
Negroes—we know that, but will you send
us back? We want to know, because if yon
don’t, our friends will follow. Theyjwalt to
learn how we are treated.
Gen. Ashley—l have no authority to act,
but you may be sure that yon won’t be re-
your masters for twenty four hoars.
At this, about 200 volunteers, who had gath
ered about, from various regiments, and all
parties present, dapped their hands and cheer
ed, showing tne sentiment of the soldiers.
Gen. Ashley then examined the eight separ
ately, and seemed to understand their situa
tion. and to feel as with one of their number,
an old Methodist dass-leadeiv who .said that
they Were like the children, of Israel in Egypt,
they knew that deliverance was “gwine to
comebut how, was not so clear. But the
war was something towards it. They had
awaited quietly since September, “ when we
made up our minds that the North waa too
strong xor the South.”
“Who are ‘we’?” asked Gen. Ashley.
“Masters and slaves, both,” was the reply.
The next day, according to their prophecy,
forty or fifty more came into camp; and these
“Volunteer Virginians” continued coming,
until Gen.' Ashley left. An examination of
these confirmed the conclusions respecting
the knowledge of the negroes that something
was going on which might inure to their
good, and they determined to seize the op
An inhabitant of Fairfax Court-House, a
Union man, escaped to-day from the rebo
forces, hy whom he had been held in custody,
and brought information to Alexandria of the
transportation of five wagon loads of flour
from a mill in the suburbs of the town to the
rebel camp. Cob -Willcox sent out a detach*
ment of volunteers under one of his captains
to take possession of the mm. This was done
without difficulty, and a part of the flour was
removed within our lines. The rest will come
The Mayor of Alexandria, a violent Seces
sionist, avenges his wounded dignity by mal
treatment oi the negroes. A negro Is slow in
stepping aside at the Mayor’s approach, and
he la forthwith knocked down ana afterwards
arrested and whipped at the whipping-post.
Other negroes have been whipped foriirtenlng
to the evening music of the bands. In oppose
tion to the Mayor’s idea of what enjoyment is
Some citizens of Alexandria complain tba*
negroes are allowed more privileges and treat
ed with more consideration by our soldiers
than themselves. They are allowed, like other
peripatetlcproperty, to go aboutthe streets
at night. Free negroes complain that the city
authorities have them whipped and locked up
for spending t6o much time in looking at the
troops. Onewaswhlppedforglvingasoldier
a drink of water. -
With regard to no feature of the war has
there been so universal a concurrence of sen
timent In the loyal States, as upon Gen. Bat
let’s determination to-detain alPnegro slaves,
entering his camp in the rebel States, as con
traband of war. The country will be grati
fied to know that the Secretary of War has of.
fidaHy approved the actbl Gem Butler. FoV
lowing the dear indications ofptiblic opinion,
as well as the sound maxims of law, wo trust
the Government will direct all Commanders
of our land and naval forces to adopt and carry
out this doctrine.
the fight at aquia ceeek
New* from the Seat or War.
From ’Washington,
[Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.]
A skirmish took place at 3 A. M. to-day, be
tween a scouting company cf United States
cavalry and the rebel forces at Fairfax Court'
House, a hamlet 18 miles west of Alexandria.
The federal troops had all seen yearn of In
dian fighting in Texas, and. were r,»aro than a
match for six times their number of raw se
cessionists, whom they charged on a full run
with furious yells. The rebels scattered •
in every direction before the dragoons
got fairly at them. Tho federal loss of
four men and four horses, was caused by
firing from houses. Lieut. Tompkins, com
manding tho cavalry company, ha ; /t wo horses
shot under him. The dragoons captured
seven. Secessionists, two horses and a number
of muskets, rifles and revolvers. The loss of
the Secessionists Is variously reported at 25 to
SO killed—probably the latter number. It Is
said—lacking confirmation—that two of the
prisoners who attempted to escape, on tho
way in, were shot down to a halt
This little aflalr, in itself of no importance*
has stirred the blood of cur boys, and made
them anxious for the larger flghfyet to come
off ,
I visited Gen. McDowell at headquarters on
Arlington Heights this afternoon. He appre
hends no attack by rebels in fore?.
The Pawnee doubtlessly to de? finished tho
job of destroying the rebel batteries at Aquia
Creek, commenced by the Freeborn and Ana
costa yesterday.
From Cairo.
[Sped*! Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.]
*, Camo, Jane 1.
Capt Barker’s Dragoons appeared in full
uni'orm at the Dress Parade last evening,
making a flue appearance.
Two of the large guns in place were
tried to-daysending shots gaily toward
Memphis, making the welkin ring.
Several others can be mounted at an hour’s
Fortifications at this point are progressing
Gen. Prentiss, Col Webster, and your cor
respondent, visited Blrd’sPolntthis afternoon.
It is occupied by Col Shuttner’a St. Louis
Regiment. Fortifications arc progressing rap
idly ; they will be done to-morrow.
Col 8. took a secession flag from the Cairo
and Fulton train this morning, and will take
possession of the road if the act is repeated
or articles contraband of war a?e attempted to
be passed over it.
Five suspicions men were arrested this eve
ning; four took the oath to support the Con
stitution. One secessionist refusing to do it,
was set at work in the trenches. No more
half-way measures arc to bcobserved with trai
tors here.
Two Fight* with the Rebels
* [Evening Post’s Dl»pstch.]
NrjrYouK* June I.—The
patches staling that skirmished look place hist
night at Falls Church, six miles back of Arling
ton Heights. • Our pickets were attacked by
rebels, and several of onr soldiers wounded.
A later dispatch states that a force of cay*
airy and 45 infantry, under Lieutenants Tomp
kins and Gordon, attacked the rebels at Fair
fax Court House. The rebel pickets were
met four miles this side, ■who Ilea and alarmed
the' camp. The cavalry then charged on the
town, encountering vigorous resistance, the
people firing on them from the houses.
Tompkins’ horse was shet under him, and his
cavalry was surrounded by the rebel infantry
who poured in a continuous fire, but they
fought their way through them, taking a num
ber of prisoners. One cavalry man killed' and
two wounded. Seme staff officers of the sth
Now York regiment were wounded, being
with the Federal troops. Lieut Tompkins
reports SO rebels killed, und that their force
amounted to 1,500. They had previously sup
posed there were but 200 there. To-night our
troops will advance on Fairfax Court House
and take it. Another despatch says the rebels
are fast retreating from Fairfax.
[Commercial Advertiser’s Despatch.]
A Urge body of troops advanced on Fairfax
this morning.
Washington, June L— An official despatch
from Gen. McDowell to the War Department,
says the loss to the Union troops at Fairf ix'
Court House is 8 and the confederates 27.
Washington, Jane I.—Accounts of the
skirmish by the Cavalry Company under Lieu
tenant Tompkins and the rebels at Fairfax, is
confirmed. Two men are missing and three
wounded- Several horses wounded- There
were five prisoners taken and brought into
camp. Lieut Tompkins had two horses shot
from under him.
Alexandria, Jane L —The steamer Gipaey,
from Farmington, via Fort Washington, at
10 o’clock, A. M., brings the following infor
mation, which had been received at the lattct
place; The engagement at Aqaia Creek re
suited in the retirement of the Freeborn
and Anuacosta after a severe fight, in which
a number were killed on both sides. The two
steamers retired to await the arrival of the
Pawnee, She stopped at Fort Washington to
await the arrival of the transport Baltimore,
with troops, supposed to be the New York
71st Regiment The Pawnee and the Balti
more proceeded in company.
, Alexandria, June L—A gentleman arrived
here who was at Fairfax last night He says
that Capt John Mamma was killed and that
the account of the killed in the Washington
papers Is exaggerated. That when the Cavalry
retired the rebels pursued them and look two
prisoners. Extra Billy Smith figured in the
fight A Colonel commanding was wounded.
Tte rebels supposing this to be an advanced
guard on the army, sent messenger s to Center
ville fer 200 Confederate troops.
Rain commenced falling at Alexandria this
evening. No anticipations of an attack here.
Campaign for the present is being confined to
Guerilla warfare.
Anlual or Texas Troops.—The Aqnia
Creek Flgnt.
New York. June L— Brig Mystic arrived
from Indianola this morning with 210 Texas
troops, 86 women and children.
[Post Special Despatch.]
The Government forces had a conflict with
the rebels at Aqnia Creek. Steamers Freeborn.
Resolute and a schooner opened
fire, finally silencing the wharf battery, and
killing several rebels. None of our troops
were injured. The ihzcnee and Yankee were
sent there this morning.
The Commercial Dispatch savs itwashelieved
that the engagement at Aqnia Creek has been
severe. If the'batteries have not been dis
lodged, a large force will go immediately
and take the place. At 2 o’clock a dispatch
says two batteries at Aqnia Creek were de
Another Fight*
Alexandria, JnnQ-1. —Shortly before one
o'clock last night a skirmish took place at
Wellington Mills between a company of Zou
aves and company £ of the Michigan regi
ment and a scouting party of Virginians. The
. Fed ends drove them away. One Zouave was
killed and another wounded. .
News from St* Louis —mostly- Old*
Sr. Louis, June L —Two regiments of lowa
volunteers are now quartered in Eeokuk, and
a third is expected daily.
The lowa Legislature has voted an appropri
ation of SBOO,OOO for war purposes. - ■
The New Orleans Picayune, of the 37th, an
nounces the arrival at that port of the priva
teer Calhoun, having In tow the schooner John
Adams of Boston, brig F&aamajand the schoon
er Mermaid, of Frovmcetown, Mass., all whal
ers, having 160 barrels of oil on board..
- A Montgomery despatch of the 34th, to tire
Mobile Advertiser says, an order has been is
sued to the Clerks'of the Department to bo
ready to leave for Richmond on Wednesday or.
Thursday. . »
CoL McArthur’s regiment of Illinois volun
teers have not moved southward/ but are un
der ordeip to march at a moment’s notice,
- Gen. Doniphan has declined the Brigadier
Generalship tendered him by Gov. Jackson.
Harrisburg, June X.—■A •scout'returned
after two days stay at Harper's Ferry, reports
of provisions were taken there
from the Maryland side.- Army officers be
lieve that TmlwM the Harper’s Feny forces
, retreat, theywfll be surrounded within a wedt! ’
The number of troops' on the • heights- over
looking Harper’s Feny is lefis than 1,090 hsv
iega battery of 4 guns. The troops there
speak deprcsslngly of the.fi tate of afioirs, but
will fight bard.
No troops have yet been seat from Chamb
ecshurg southward.
Ai.cxAxnn.iA, Juno L—Asentinel at Cloud's
Mills, on the outskirts ot Alexandria, was
shot dead during last night, and another
wounded, probably by the rebel scouts.
A river craftsman who arrived here last
night, has reported that while passing. Aquia
Creek, he heard continuous firing in the di
rection of the Creek. The dispatch from
Capf. Dahlgren, In this morning’s papers,
gives confirmation.
The earnest hope entertained by many in
the North that seccrslon would dwindle away
before the United States forces, aad loyalty
raise its head, is not reassured by tho inter
view with prominent citizens of Alexandria,
who express their grievances In the strongest
3ar grace. The officers in command exert
themselves to the utmost to create a butter
feeling, with partial success. The experience
gained from this occupation will doubtless
lead-togreat discrimination in the future se
lection of troops for this purpose.
There arc many unsatisfactory rumors afloat
with reference to the movements of Gen. Lee.
It Is not believed that tho movement of the
Virginia forces will be go conducted os to un
necessarily hazard the lives of Southern wo
men and children, or the property of Southern
Washington, June 1.
Baltimore, June X- —A steamer has arrived
from Fort Monroe. Bartlett’s brigade ar
rived there. A battery is being erected at
Newport New?,
The Federal transports constantly pass Sew
allV Point, just bvyond the range of the rebel
There is no recent intelligence from Nor
folk. Commodore Pendergrast will not allow
a beat to go up with a flag of truce attached.
Parties here are anxious to bring away rela
The Quaker City yesterday brought up a
prize schooner, from Rio de Janeiro, with a
car"o of 3,000 bogs of coffee.
The fugitives now in Fort Monroe are en
camped and mustered and provided with ra
tions, like the soldiers. Gen. Butler has is
sued a stringent order against plundering in
the neighborhood.
[New York Tribune’s Dispatch.]
New Tore, June L —Several Virginians,
Union men, arrived la Georgetown to-day,
V.aving been forced to leave their homes by
threats of violence from secessionists if they
remained. Such of the Union men of the
counties of Eastern Virginia, opposite t.bfa
city, that can, are escaping.
A gentleman from Virginia, near the North
Carolina line, arrived hcrej says the store-house
of supply lor a large portion of the Southern
country, is three flouring mills, which ore
turning out 3,0C0 bbls of Hoar daily, all of
which, coca to feed treason. There are thou
sands, m his opinion, who only wait to see
Federal bayonets and the Federal flag to re
turn to their consltutional obligations.
A portion of the Garibaldi Guards who
went down to the Arsenal yesterday for guus,
on receiving muskets, threw them down, de
claring they would have rifles. The officers to
whose fault this breach ol discipline is attrib
uted, may be cashiered to-day. The regiment
received muskets at the Arsenal temporarily.
Three men stepped from the ranks and de
clined to take the arms offered. The Colonel
handed lib pistol to the Lieutenant and told
him to shoot any man who refused to obey or
ders to return to the ranks. The three re
turning, the whole loudly cheered..
The movements of Gen. Butler are consid
ered as indicating an intention on his part not
to trouble Scwaira Pointer Norfolk at pres
ent, but to strengthen his position on the
other side of James river, ana in time to move
. forward to Richmond.
Gen. Scott favors the establishment of a re
tired list, and Senator Wilson, chairman of the
Military Committee, will introduce and do his
best to cany such a bill through.
A traveler, this evening, direct from Rich
mond, reports that comparatively few troops
were in RicbnJond, as late as Thursday morn
ing, the majority being sent away Immediately
on their arrival
The number of rebel troops at Harper’s
Ferry is estimated at 8,000. This includes all
within five miles of the railroad bridges.
These are ail equipped, with the exception of
1,000, who are but partially supplied with
aims. At least 4,000 of the men have only
flint lock muskets. The bulk of their men
are encamped on the heights west of the vil
lage. Theybavc a battery of two six-pounders
and one 02-pouuder, all on the Maryland
heights. Thev have lourbatteries overlooking
the bridge and from three-quarters of a mile
to three miles distant. These command the
parses from Manassas Junction. These bat
teries consist in all of one 64 and five 33-
. In the rear of the main fort, back of the
village,‘is a battery cf one 64rpoundcr and 20
twelve andsixpounders. Theselast command
the approach from the West. All these
ore bthtnd barricades of two lines of timber
filled in with travel. From ail appearances,
their supply of previsions was small
. About lour miles from the Ferry, at -the lit
tle villcgc of Knoxville, the American flag is
kept flying, sustained by a small band of de
termined unionists. My informant had oc
casion to test the fidelity of these men, and
knows that ta all things they can bo relied on.
The two large columbiads lately shipped
from Pittsburgh to Fort McHenry, were
spiked in the streets of Baltimore, and it was
not discovered till they were mounted in the
There has been great dissatisfaction in the
Massachusetts camp at the Relay House, aris
ing from the unmUitary conduct of Brigadier
General Jones. He was burnt in effigy last
night at their camp. Brigadier General Fierce
will supersede Gen. Jones, and the latter will
go to Fort Monroe.
There are numerous batteries in course of
erection along the James, Elizabeth and York
rivtrg, but they cannot effect any danger to
vessels in the river, as the range is too low.
Several of the “ Old Dominion Dragoons,”
have been taken prisoners by the Vermont
Several Zouaves, acting as scouts, seized CO
kegs of powder and five tons of lead, in a
house lour miles from Alexandria, The
Zouaves being too few, only brought away
wbat powder they could, and blew up the
The forces in Alexandria are expected to ad
vance to-nicht, but don’t know how far.
Gen. Builer will probably supercede Cad
wcllader again in the Baltimore District, as
Gen. Bntlerknowsthegroundof the Maryland
District, and the people and the Secessionists
there know him by thin time.
There is no truth in the statement that the
Government will call out 100,000 more men.
' Philadelphia, June L—The Bulletin pub
lishes from the Richmond Enquirer of Thurs
day, the details of the journey of President
Davis to Richmond, and his speech to the
troops collected at tae Fairgrounds. Messrs.
Toombs and Wigfall accompanied him,
Indianapolis, May L—The remaining two
regiments, the Bth and 10th, of Federal troops
have removed their quarters from Camp Mor
ion to a point on the National Road four
lories cast of this city.
The Legislature will adjourn to-night, the
time limited for an extra session having ex
pired; A large amount of Important business
has been transacted at this session. A bill
wising a military fund of one million dollars
Las passed; also one appropriating $25,000 ad
ditional to the Governor’s contingent fund.
New York, June L—A letter from East
Tennessee says there is a great majority there
for the Union, and that 10,000 Government
troops could be raised there, owing to the no
ble stand of Johnson and Nelson.
Unfortunate Bailroad Accident In
onto. n
■CmLLiconrE, May SL—Last night a train
going east with the 82d Ohio regiment on
board, was thrown from the track by the
breaking of an axle. Geo. W. Ballon, of
Chili, Ohio, was killed. One soldier had his
thigh bones fractured, another an arm broken,
a’third a broken jaw. A number were more
or less bruised and slightly injured.
For Bis Entire Stott of
•il Railroad Rates,
To close out the Stock by September Ist after which
time the
nsyM-craS-UaUtp _
p B O Cl AM A T I O Nil
Snow an Men, Women and Children by these pre*
seats, that I, Samuel 1L FaaacU. Photographist,
Nos. 122. and 124 Clark Street,
/.FcrlbeLOWsnflicf ‘
' ;q±a > :
- Colored Photographs from $5 up.
■' ivorytVpes,
& ij Tt urn s,
For Card Photographs, Just received. JUse a vert
large stock of Gold Frames, bought at pa&lo prlco£
and win be told low. As Mr.Fassettluuiort returned
from Sew Tort; ha Is In possession of some nawstrlee
of the Photographic Art, the public mar Sad to their
advantage to avaU themselves Ot Gallery open from
7 a. x. to 6 p, ■ mjsAastalrtp
From tho Seat of War*
[N. Y. Times Dispatch.]
Jeff. IHuis at Blchmond.
From Indiana.
Front Hut Tennessee.
The Aquia Creek Fight.
[Special Dispatch to tho Chicago Tribune.]
Washington, June 2,1561,
The steamers Ana costa and Freeborn arrived
here lost night from Aquia Creek. They re
port another engagement on Saturday after
noon with the rebel batteries at that pfecc,
remounted during Friday night. The Pawnee
joined them in the attack. Twelve Federal
gnus played for four hours on the rebels and
again silenced the lower batteries, and de -
etroyed the bridge across the creek, the depot
end wharf. A huge number of shells buret
right amidst the rebel artillerists, evidently
causing much havoc.
The upper battery could not be reached by
.the fire from the vessels. It consists of three
rifled cannon, which threw a large number of
shells and shot, five of which struck the Paw
nee ; five the Freeborn, and three the Ath
costa, doing slight damage only. Two were
wounded on the vessels. The Freeborn and
Anacoeta will be armed with rifled Dahlgrcus
and return to the scene of aciionto-morrow.
Ihc Pawnee lies off Aquia Creek,
Fifteen hundred rebels are encamped at
Aquia Creek, and have erected two more se
cession batteries—one at a distance of two
and cue-half miles, and the other two miles,
from the Creek. An expedition will doubt
less be organized this week to attack the reb
els by land.
Thrte more regiments crossed into Virginia
this afternoon. One relieved the N.T. 12th,
•which returned to camp on this tide to-day.
No hostilities on the Va. side to-day. Two
messengers were dispatched this afternoon hy
the War Dep’t with instructions forGea’la
McClcmand and Patterson. John Sherman
carried the dispatches to the latter.
A farther advanceofFederaltroops intoWcat
ern Virginia and Sonthem Pennsylvania will
doubtlessly be made tbis week.
[Special Dispatch to tht Chicago Tribanc.]
Cairo, Juno 2, 1801.
Col. Cook’s regiment at Alton, and CoL
McArthur’s at CaseyvlHc, arc ordered to Coirp
immediately. A squad of CoL Taylor’s art!*
lery with four guns, camp eqnlppage, &&,
arrived from Springfield this morning.
The Fight at Aqala Creek.
Washisotos, June 2.— The following facts
have been obtained of the contest at AquU
Creek: The engagement began on Friday and
lasted two hours. On Saturday it was renewed
for four hours. The lower beach battery dam
aged on Friday was repaired. Thcforceoi the
Confederates was supposed to be 2,000.
Ol- Saturday the Freeborn approached with
in two miles and commented a fire. The
Pawnee took a nearer position for the first
hour. The firing was brisk from the shore
batteries. Daring the engagement the Pawnee
fired one hundred and sixty shells. An ob
server saw through a telescope numbers of
bodies carried away in warrono. The officers
say the Confederates had ruled cannon. ■ Both
vessels were damaged but slightly. One shot
went through the Freeborn’s cabin. The
Pawnee received eight shots. The Amcosta
was hcre-thls morning and returned. The Paw
nee and Freeborn taulcd off, being unprepared
fora long engagement The railroad depot
and buildings ashore were destroyed. The
rebels It is believed had eight guns.
■\Vashtkgto>', May 2,—The official account
of the Aqnia Creek affair agrees with the other
accounts. The enemy’s oatterles in range
were silenced. Only one seaman was injured.
The Ist New York Resin:cut did not go to
Aqnia, as repotted.
Xlio Fairfax Coart House Fight.
New Yoek, June 2.—The Herald's dlipatch
cays TV. F. Washington, Sen., late CoL Wash
ington, was captured at the Fairfax affair.
The i eported battery at Mathias Point proves
tb be a wood pile,
Lieut. Tompkins* official account of the
Fairfax affair, don’t differ materially from the
first report, and says three of bis men are mis
sing, three slightly wounded, and six horses
lost. He thinks he killed and wounded thirty
five rebels. He brought away five prisoners.
Washington, Junc2.—Word was received
here that two missing dragoons in the Fairfax
affair, had been secured and brought back by
their company, who heard they would be
hung, which caused the whole company to
rescue them.
An incendiary fire at Alexandria was extin
guished by soldiers.
Washington, June 2.—Among the ridicu
lous rumors is one that CoL Wilcox had joined
the secessionists, and that twenty Michigan
troops had been captured by rebels.
Another Zouave was shot last night.
A battalion of regular cavalry and a bat
tery of artillery proceeded towards Fairfax
Court House last night.
From Fortress Honroe;
Fortress Monboe, June L—No military
movements here y6t Heavy cannon are be
ing transported to the Jtip It U soH
four thousand secessionists are at Ycrktown
—none between there and Fort Monroe. A
stand will evidently be made at Yorktown.
Slaves from several counties have been sent to
work on the entrenchments. Magnifier com
mands them there*
A gentleman from between Newport News
and Yorktown, arrived* here for protection.
He gays numerous families have fled leaving
slaves unfit for work behind. Three hundred
free negroes have been forced across James riv
er to work on rebel entrenchments. A distin
guished secessionist confessed that the Union
ists were right and the secessionists all de
From St. Louis,*
St. Louis, Mo., June 2d.—ln the case of
McDonald, yesterday, on motion of the coun
sel for the Petitioner, the respondent, Gen.
Harney was discharged from further proceed
ings In the case. A new petition lor a writ to
be directed against Capt. N. Lyon, and all oth
er officers at the arsenal, was then presented
and a writ granted, returnable Monday mom
Dr. Geo. B. Sanderson who was stabbed by
Judge Buckner on the night of May lOih
during a discussion relative to the capture of
Camp Jackson, died Friday nlgbf.
Another Skirmish with the Rebels.
Hagerstown, June L —The Secessionists
this moraine attempted to take a ferry boat
oppOf-re Williamsport, probably to cross to
Maryland on a foraging expedition. The
Unionists ordered the Secessionists to desist
Not complying, they were fired on. A brisk
fire followed on both rides, lasting about an
hour. Several rebels were wounded. The
Unionists were unhurt The Rebels re
About Tennessee.
[Trlbane's Washington Dispatch.]
New York, May. 2.—Mr. Etheridge, just ar
rived here from Tennessee, saya East Tennes
see will give a large majority for the Union.
Civil war is unavoidable if the rest of the
State goes for secession. Soldiers are oiatrib
nted through the State to overawe the voters.
The dlsunionists ore well aimed; the Union
ists are unarmed.
A Skirmish—A Fracas.
Cpambebsbcbo, Jane L—There was a slight
skirmish to-day between a company of Home
Guards and some Virginians. Three Virgin
ians were wounded.
A terrible fracas occurred in a negro quar
ter. Frank Jones, a negro barber, shot and
wounded two soldiers. He fled but was in
stantly killed by the soldiers.
General Patterson is expected to-morrow.
Additional regiments are expected Monday.
Floating Batteries for Cairo.
Waseibgtok, June 2.—M. O. Ficldhasgone
to Cairo and is authorized to construct five
floating boats of the capacity of 500 men, in
tended to operate on Memphis and below.-
It Is reported that CoL Sherman of Ohio,
will be appointed Quartermaster General.
Five more regiments have been tendered
from West Pennsylvania.
Reporters magnify.
Alexandria, June 3.—Strong breastworks
here win soon be flntahpit. -
The reporters* have unimportant
skirmishes into battles, uumipunoa*
Thoe is but one telegraph Instrument here,
which is mostly employed by the Government.
From Baltimore*
'Baltimore,June2,—-A detachment of.sol
■diers visited the Police Marshal,* to Inquire
about the; arms delivered by him to the agent
of the State.;:* The result of the interview be
ing s&tisfactory, the soldiers resumed to camp.
LHarpetis Feny iUliels Seize Salle*
Balumobb, June Si—The rebels seized the
western-mails 'coming east this morning at
From California.
New Toes, June 2.—The steamer Northern
Light arrived at New York from AspinwaU
with three hundred and seventy-three thou
sand dollars in specie.
Oor Foreign Relation*,
Wasutsotok, June 2d.—Accounts received
from England state that Mr. Adams was pre
sented by Lord Palmerston. Important state
despatches reached him ou the 17th. Toe at
titude of the British Government *is sot de
cisively ascertained. There is nothing new
from other Governments.
From Chambersbnrsh.
CHAMITEK3BCT.GIT, June I.—There Will be
no movement Southward before Wednesday.
CnistEERSBURGU, June 2.-It|is certain tlat a
poxtiou of the force here will soon occupy
Krte a*ifarrttsnneiug.
C, U. SCmVaX, AdcertUing Agent, 63 ZJtor
temtC., if authorized to notice AdcertUejnents for
this and aft the Leading Paper* of the Xorthaeit.
win !eave for the above porta
June 3d, at 8 O’Cloch.
For freighter passage, apply to
*e!-e3#2t He*. C and 8 Kver street.
Corner of Lake and Dearborn Streets,
hukois, Wisconsin,
And other Uncurrcnt Money,
k, o. xittiltos. j. ai be ora r avoir.
Board wanted—i>y a Young
l!M.!nal,UWy r:s>vtablc privates family or
nrst clas« board.house, Th-xstwh--* would I'hc to
Lwe him sleep uilh:'. Crlcad cstd aot reply, as tu- ad.
Te.tUser has no friend teat Us earesi to slccu wltv lust
yet. AdJrv>» **C. tLT l>asi.>Clec-!>c-x l'2i. U*3x3t
PRINTING, —Business Men in
want of
Arc Invited to examine oar tpedmccs and lem oar
S rices before ordering. An ample et-'ck of the very
cst of material and machinery enabl.-* us to execute
larce or imull orders promptly and well,
TScare receiving a itreat many order* from the ner.
chants of villages ana cities throughout tha State, who
find U L>r ttelr advantage to sena here for tnelr print
ing. Such orders will in every case meet with strict
attention at cur bands. Estimate, made oat and for.
warded hy mail upon receipt of *necincat:oc».
Address Wit. U. RAXD.
Tilbune Oilco,
VVAKTiD, —A good Spinner is
Y » wasted at the Beaver Dam woolen Mills.
Kono but an «xpf rtenccd hand aeihl anplv. Address
G. H. prEWAItT & CO. Beaver Dam. \Vu. jcavjt
r RENT—A desirable Country
_l_ Residence and llflccn acres of Improved Lind m
Evanston. Will be rented low to a good tenant. For
particular*apply to LCDLAM & bitOWK, Grccen,
279 State street. JedeSjS ivr
TVTOTICE.—AII persons ars hereby
i.l cautioned against trusting tny wile,
LIIEHhE CAEY; ate havingleftniy bed and boird
without ju*t cauic. jehxlt
BOARDING. A few boarders
will find a quiet aadpk'OJaat home at HSLa
falls street—a desirable location. One or two jreut e
men and their win*, or four or flve wiKle Kemlemcn
canbciiecommcdatcd. A lew ray boarders v, ill be
received. Ecfeterce* exchanged. jt’ixia
BOARDING. —Desirable Rooms
with good Board, cun h? frond oa a nloasiat
street between W&biahand Hictlgua aveauw. by ad*
drcsaist: Dox !JIG. Jc:sai
• 1 ———-
BOABDIN GK—A small family
bavin* a larpe brick bouse, bandso'nely famish
ed, sltnafrn In a delightful neighborhood In tlu vlolal*
?! of Tt est Washington and curtis streets, near the
bird Presbyterian Church, weald wish to accommo
date a gentlcn an and wife, or two tingle gentlemen,
with b. ard. >‘oeo imed apply unless permanently
established la bn?ince?, acd able to farnlih tne best of
rciertacca. Additsj “A, 11. C. D-,” at tnl* oilicc.
33 OAKHIN S.—A Gentlemau and
-I_J Lady canbeacoommodit i cl with a Treat parlor,
lurrlfhrdor unfam'Fhcd. with Board. In a nrlrato
Curollr. a frw minutes' walkfbciMts Po-t Ooice. by
applying eorn lo “C. W.." Tilhuno Oiace. Two Dingle
Kfuileu.cn can also be accommodated with a pleasant
room. Je:ia3t
LOST —On Tuesday, 28th of Ala v,
a fmall Bl°.ck and Tan Tcr/lor SLUT, about dro
months old. cars ent and ncary well, a few wliit *.
lialre ntfi the A rciewr.i jf vitc Dollars will
be jrlvcnfcr returning the same to X 6-1 State street.
MEP. BATES deaires to rcuilrd ter frleutU and
patrons that she t* still to be found at th* ahov» oillca
where the is ready to rapi-ly then with competent
help-for every station. Orders fro rube countr- paa«-
tnaily attendedto. P. 0.80z5986. n:yl3-e7U-iwuet
WANTE D—A Situation by a
Toudj: Lady.—Can do anything a woman ever
Las done or half the oibor*ex. is w*u educated and
a tpte>'y ptemen. Would prefer going as raleeUuy la
aetorc; do book keeping or ropylmr.
a good beamstress acd would, in addltloa to tint, act
a- eoverncif. Her object !• to have a good home f;r
the neat tubes teaks, with fair salary. Her brother,
list; only relative *lic has, has sn'Med, and will be ab
sent Gut period. AddrteS “E. B at Tribune Oiflce.
A Boston Merchants to sell Boota and Shoes, Cloth
ing; Furniture acd Planes to the amount cf
Fcr cccd Western Mortgage®, running from one to
live years. CHA9. H. ATKI«°
tjoyal Havana lottery.
a., 0 so.
No. t0.13r drew SVC. or* i; L*o ’s.Tl2
being the live principal prizes. Prizes
cashed and Information nirabhvd oy
mwi**’ CHASE * co„ Banter*.
Jeailw i 6 wall street. New Tori.
v.-' LARS, NOTICES* 4c., on short at Tri
bune Office, 51 Clark street. WM. IL HAND.
EatMng Apparatus,
Plain and Japanned Tin Ware,
WOOD and WILLOW wattbi,
'SSftJSFLS? 3 * KV * Ki t3r Eome-E^ptg
No. 71 Lake street, (Trcmont Block.)
Xl PTgTT.PTt-9,
We, the cndcrslgued, bavluc unrivalled fiu»nit|ff by
Hallroad, ao<i our Lo3iem connesUons. are now are*
pared to furnlih *
With every Paper, Periodical
and Book
At Uio lowest term* and at the earll*
eat possible moment.
We will Buppty the Trade with the Chicago Tribune,
Times, Post ana Democrat at 2!*' ceuta per copy. We
win al«o supply them with the leading New Tork
Weeklies. Monthlies, io, cheaper than they are now
purchasing elsewhere.
. Fcr turther partlcnlata send for one of our Price
li. N. SHEAR & CO..
Pott Office Box 2704. jeSefiSitw
Haro got Irto their Kow OOce,
SO. 33 Clark-st., S.E. Cor. of Lake,
• And are prepared to bay all Had* of
Their customers am obtain a list cl Banks and rates
®Vry Quotations are liable to change.
Partner wanted with & capital of Two or Three
Thousand Dollars, one thousand cash now, and
balance In tlx months, to take fcalf Interest la
building a geist mu
On one of the best Water Powers In Minnesota, and
In an excellent wheat-growing country, where Is win
draw custom for Twenty-Five Miles Is all direction*,
and for selling Goods at same point.'where there t* no
other store wlti In twenty inJIM This la on» of me
best points tor business in the West. Five rhousaad
Dollars can he made the first year on the »
Theconntry to setuing Sat. Address‘•AUmßSOTA/*
Tribune Office,Chicago, llhi with real name. Je3z2w
ii - 802TS BDinOJC
- Prlo© r SSOonta.
The only TTBmntiUtedEJOleß, and the only cheap
edition, with all the original Engravings, comprising
the school oi tire 8oId : er and Company complete.
Approved by tie VarDepartmmt, and tha ao
ccpted drill of thh D. Pr Array,
njeSAEBSt Cor.Madlßoht'iiu^t^omHopaq^c^
, T*l>«*o, IpleM, x
AtlOTJeanc 10r cash buyers.
SOBB * CO, Ho. 1* Elver street
nr TUB
One Square, (S lines arate) one insertion. 8 .50
One Bqrwre. r*ch dev. K r. *1). .25
one Square, two neckrf, rnwST.Ofl) 3*oo
Uto Sqr.ert-, rue month. <*» iO.W) s*oo
S^lsn^ fc,l^ rtclurn:U * <•*« J15.CC)... 12*00
osc t'Ja jiS.CO) 20.00
unc square, me year \ 30*00
KnH»f.f*n*h!!' e Tor more eroco tTi.n One
Sqwe can be .tea at the Counting toon.
Ci^rA'it™' 011 A4Terl h™iaita to bo paldfor
%ST All ebangeg charged thirty ceata pet Squtro.
Baras or aDTanincis ds waatLT nuaona
-51.00 pui Square, each weat, totSpatmonth."
2.00 per Squire for each subsequent month.
26*00 per Square for one year.
Suction Salts.
Tsy' Gilbert, Sampson & Warner,
1 i GxKS3unAconoaxsss,B3J.*kSßtra9C.
Cottage Bedsteads, Carpets,
. «»jrE?D\T. Jnos atb, at 9?s o'clock, A.iL, we
fcu mom saaearemes. No Lake street. a mtctj!
' L?.-JU LO!t . DISISOBOOJt and CUA9.
.. V,w IT !■!-■ Al--1 flit, lb C. Bedstead. Car.
SfeSt cfertS'ic™ ***** towapocK""*.
fo’Jcetlon of Garden
F l a ?Jf’.j-.* GlißElrr ’ 9 At:PaO.-. & WaKNBK.
_ An.lio.fcr.J.
a. surma & co n
46, 48 And 50 OEAS39BN SXIUEiST,
(Opposite too Tremost Rcusia
Shwcry Monday at 9 1-S
tr Caeh advanced cn FunUMrc, DryGcx*. 7V3«n
acd Shoes.de. -~ r _iwp*C73£UT
Entire Stock of a First-Class
•If JRailroad Hates,
war A. BUTTERS & CO. will «Uwi*tont rrmrre
On THURSDAY. June £th. *1 o'clock, At tueir
fale?rocni3, -W5, 4o and .S) Dearborn ytrert, the rntlro
ftcck cf.» Crstcla?3 Sev York Establish,
meet, about
515,0C0 worth of Custom-Made nothing.
Of the latest styles cf Frock Coata. Ba*i;i '-s, Eac'aa
uzdOicr Coats, Vests oc»iran»yl every dc-sirfinloa
of rood?. The wVe ccaprLiaz a very dJilrabla
itcCk (or the I’.etal Trade.
By erd'r of the A **'zrce.
Jel-esi--5t WM. A. D L'TTEito A CO.. Aucfn,
XI anssio:: house,
107 Dearborn Street, (Portland aiockj
Prompt atlu'.tion will be eljea ioSXm ofFuntitura
at Residence*, cr Stores of Merchar.dlsa a; Stored,
and Salesroom. Buyer* will at all times dad a rooa
aaeortzbcat of weltmade Furniture kept on hand lot
IT.vatc Sale. Ca*b advances will be- mada on Fund,
ture. Gcod*. ilocu ani sho-s. Carpets, Ao. ftr
imbue oale. Sales by Auction three times a wcet,
CccilnnmeLts solicited of all kind* of Merchandise far
sals at Salesroom, crln any part of the city on reason,
able terms. Sales cached at onca. Best oi reference*
given, P.0.80x 3778. apJSrlra
McYICKER’S theatre.
Kathsca street, between auto and Dearborn.
Continued success of the eminent Arfsts,
Complete Triumph of the Enchantress. ■
aa Invitation and will vblt the Theatre this ereamg.
SIOSDAT EVLXIKG, Jnsc 3*L will bo presenb'd far
fre Cfin time tne Spectacular uperatio
Droiuu of
Ste’lo, (Tbo Epcliantrcse) Mha Cnrobne Rlchi-«.
Hammr, <Tbc Pirate) ifr. Pot«*r ICclmurj.
AscltJed r-y the entire company ami numeroo#
Ti to brilliant Drama prcs-nti to the pualic
TtrUilD;; Tableaux! t«raml PruccA*iona 1J
vivid rrcTmr.s!
Code Situations—Lot** of •'an—The pirate’s Ship—
The lIoj.U Te" t—E«vie-Mr!an Exercises—Terpaltthorcaa
Etfetfcf—The Enmirc Fleet and P»lao.» on Fire.
TXRYAN HALL.—Clark Street,
X) Opposite tv* Court lions*, CWca r-*. I’l.
Eminent mnsidar.s rroronrcc tills ilaUanjurrMfled
by any Hall la ti« fnlcn la Us
Acoustics and General Appointment*
It will prat fiiO more persers t K an an» other Hall to
U; ? c’tjf • —by accurate ccunt and report oi CARTEB A
B/UETI; Arftltc.rta,
Tne main Audience Uocia 1* rn the fln: floor, ttia
eetranc'2 feeing on Clark strert the greatest tboroairtu
fare is U:e city, opposite Coart lion-*' Square, yet o<
Ell- ho- a retired, qolet lecillcn la the rear.
Ample loprcps and eereaa—yo feet of doorway to
Claik street and C>~urt Flac**.
liie Rail ccatalnaitß Gantry, ralacd
at f uvea and purchased cfGea. P. A. Uealj. now
rcmnUßloaed by Cccjm* to a icrie* of W*«*-
dtttial portrait* for tue White Hcuvc. ThU Gallery
CCLtalo U*' Icectlraj creal picture for which th* fj.kd
medal was awarded at the world's Fair la Pans: also
“Wcletcr In reply to Hayce,** and portrait! of all tao
President* to Lincoln Lncluilve. as well as of Qatar
other ll'iuetrlocb Amcrlcar.#. by He&Jy.
There Is a gpsclcus Lover Ifall for Fairs. Feettrtls,
Balls, and the Hire. It I: provHedwlih draalogroTia*.
a tttchcn. cooking stove, numerous tables, 00, An.
Both .Hall?, or either, can be rent'd tor Conc.rti,
Lectures. txnlblUoD?. Balls, and the like, on applies,
tlca to • THOs. DARIJOL’U BUY AS,
nolTOCxly OtEca tn tha BnUdla*.
Iho Only • .
_ Hnisg tli.
Elliptic hook.
Under tiie US'ew Sherman SCoclckn
AGENTS WANTED la every tosn and etty la Cat
ItCltllW-Mt. m!UVSI.I»»Utpr
Eril 1 VOU
Go to Noble’s
its—±.dita aTHUB* Its
! —AT— •
78 Z*ako
837 Tons Measurement,
She has hero thoroughly repaired 'Without regard to
eztwUM. Herhalll* sound with alternate frames of
red cedar, well salted on the ator*«, and baa good
State Boom accommodations for fifty passengers.
Dining Boom of sufficient capacity to seat a hundred
passengers, and deck room for three hundred head of
cattle. Her bolds are In good condition f>r carrying
grain, and she la well calculated lor the Lake Superior
Trade. She win he In port
Pop Two or Hhxeo Says.
Apply to KewTcrk and Brie Bank, and American
Ejr.ni Company, at Buffalo, or to C.R. GAN SOB, at
K. Hibbard’s Office, h'o. 3 Board of Trade Bonding.
Chicago, m. Jetesa-st
Bafialo. May Sth, 1351.
WSSRSPSte*. SB^aSlgffi
go. 139 South Water street.
BTTCVA:Tr f dlOl
BO Hhfia. Sugar 100 Bhla. Sugar. 50 Boxes Scgar.
100 BhlaT S. T.Bttop, aOßbjLMolaasea.
WIL IOTTLEA C(X. 129 South Water streeQ
.TMPORTANT.—Look in at
17i BIRDOm IllUlf, ChtaA
And se* how low titer sen -on* White lead,
pxlcta. French and American m —fad Jk
pans of all kinds; Alcohol. Burntogirtnirf. rwi.
6^qnalirT;Bntthe^aaaan^gTO*«Tn 4 "^to^**«4et
ludlsg and coluaUßjtjtuMngeti as Queenstown,
tbs llrwpocl, Hew Terk o* PMUddpMa
■mn p«*» cw.
errr of balumqbA kahgabooT
errr op wass&gtow, Glasgow;
errr or xanchsstse, ymoP ■
-stna, - , __ Boaraoßra •. - -
Bateaotpe—geaatowacby any other cac. ftg.
wmgen forwarded tojsll the principal elttesof Suroye..
FeraoM wishing to bring out th3F tm b5?
tickets tn Chicago to gnu advantage.. > . -
Thtae Steamers hare superior accommodation* aad
carry experienced Burgeon* They are hulls ht warm
xiSßXtEQXcxonoxa, and cany patent fin
ton. For further tnrermatioaappJy to
general Western Aganta, B Laaifle street. Caceco.
BT Exchange oaXorope sol* la same of n ami».
Tarda. mUm-lyls^

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