%mcirJ Tffotiorg. A Friend in Need- Try it.— DR. BWSETff UTFALLITLE UKIMhKT 1* pra. Micflfrom the recelpe of Dr. Stephen Sweet of Con. aecttart. th« c«*t bone-setter. and has been Media b*» maetice fortbe last twenty years with the meat astonishing sncccw. A» an exuaal remedy It Uwtth. oetalTil.»nSsrin alleviate pain more epcedflytbaa %STo [ber preparation. For all Rheumatic and Ker xoes Difordeis « la tnxly InMUMc, and as a curative tor Boro*. Wounds, Spndns, Braises, Ac* Its boo thing, and powerful strengthening properties, excite tM Jtzst wonder and. art •alaliment of aQ who hare ever given it a trial Over four hundred certificates of re markable cures, performed by U within the last two rear* attest till yrrn supplied grads on application to J.E.EEED&CO, Wholesale Draggles, Chicago, m. gar* C&IX TO* x Tmxfsixz. apZScSSJy Kennedy's Medical Bisoovsry ctsd fnrotcla. fM-* :yt Medical Discovery care* Iryalpelsa, L-euiftiys Medical Dtsccrery care* Canker. Kenrecyt Medical Discovery ceres Nursiny Sore M*lh. Eesnedy'B Medical Discovery cures Hmnorof the Eyes Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Scald Head. fesnody*a Medical Discovery ccrea BannlaeortSiftlar cured y*s Medical Dlseorei? cures xnceratrdSora Leg ettedW Medical Discovery ceres Lepra, esnecy's Medical Discovery enrea Hheamatfaii. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cores Salt-Bheum.. Sensedy"s Medical Discovery cores Dyspepsia. S comedy's Medical Discovery Regalaies the BoweX r«2nedy*aMedlceiDlaeotury Regulates the Kidneys. Kennedy** Medical Discovery Bsgulsna the Liver. Discovery bee cored Dropsy. >?hßuyo* are nick, and do not know what theaastet akpediape yon ksretakvard honor. TryHsttnedyk Atadtel Dlxcovery. For sale hr aT. Pmgtca. oggjy_ Man Sing axis Bxcflauge. ALEXANDER & CO., Sa2lU.era r KO. S3 CLARK STREET *Ko. 63. Foreign and Domestic Exchange Collections, and dcslersln Bank Notw and Gold. mya-eTGD-tm JQAVpjPOKT, ULLMAKET & Bankers asiDealera laßzehanse) BAKE. KOT&S, GOLD, SILVER, fcC. 80. S Clark Street. .. Chicago, IDiaott. janlPSO-tyl Jg ANKIKS HOUSE B. F. CARVER & CO., Marine Bank Building, CotnerLakeaudLasaQsstroeta. A general Basking BnaJcew traometed. oe2?6D.ir I?XCEANGE & DEPOSIT BANK Hd -0T- CAHFEBXEK, S2TBBS & CO., (Successor ‘a Wears, Carpenter A CoJ Cedar Rapid*, lowa* aarmarcEßßead, Drexcl A CS*New York: Hoff, gua A Gelpcke, Chicago. jaaocia-ly A IKEN p GKO. T. FOSTER. Q.rLBER’T HUBBARD & CO. Ship Chandlers; ITfcoietile and BeUD Dealer* in TWINES and CORDAGE IM * 207 Eoafli Wtiet Bt, ICor. "Weill,) WooM c*n Mrttcolar attention of the trade to onr •toeh,a» veat an time*have thelarcaat and beat auertmess la the West cx fflasila tad Tarred Bepe* Bltchlag Bopta, • . Sms*, B«cctAe nA Burlap*. Canvaaa, Othnia, TV, Fitehf ObilQi) And Tickle Bloeki) UU TAI MBFIU riTEB MB FUTIII' ja bandies or barrels. _ L ___ BBLLAKOS&EaCOEOfi, KETB AKO 6215K8. Cotton, Flax and Hemp Twines, or sv£gg pEscmpnoK. nvfinz also a BAIL LOFT onr »gnWe« » •maijieSJnthexaaimjactaTeof non% WAGON COVKBSf AWSXNAB AND TARPAUJLXNB« aitcc stock or which we hare constantly on bsaao order U the shortest noace. °J?sas&i,ap mi&B - CAl jggs i - ptJIUNGTON & SCRANTON. r SHIP CHANDLERS, ASD BAIL makbss, Bert 00MSO07 «• *•!» « O* tate.l *..!!!. ui Tutei x»p* ni Gerbgt «f Ertrr Dtstrlpllea. sref tam, m s coSftaS. AKCHOB3, ■ 'r&mon4 Nit and Harrow Cotton Suck uad Canvaw, or ALL SUXBBBS, LIGHT AKD HEAVY, S‘SLS toMi eete. Tamolliifs,iwalas9} Wagon Coren, «BE TS BBOEI 81 Tfl£ BHfIfTOT BBTI6E. PDEnreTON A BCEAKTOIT. . • Ulill.rniin UTSouth Water etreefc Chicago ' XStms, IJotoirer, &c; GUKSn GTOS J!! \jr GtOO. BUM. Pistols, Colt I*, 1 *, Alta's. Sharpe's, every Tartaror Eerolrer.' Bowls Selves. Tents, ka, Boorela, Pans. Gold Scales, Blankets and all s*of btiaars Tools, Powder,Enov Capa aadAa onion centrally _ far-Af-nt tar Loals Shot and Sole Agentfar ufS'i Fosrder QEO. T. ASBET tiny . 186 Lake street fScfes* atvi- WRIGHT & TYRRELL, * • No. 5 Metropolitan Blook, Chicago. P. 0. BOX 0049. BaHaeup>MrbooriiUii6N>M. -nmoioßUMEoaateffl ■ BOBkBT o. wbioht - comirlMlcaer of Bred, for mart of toe state* mad Temtotlee. notary BeOlie for nuiiole. apll-esal-sm MONEY LOANED ON FIRST XTJL rt.ftßß RV.rmtmEa at the Banting Office ot WM. H. BICXS A CO.* 63 CLABK-ST. Three to; fits rears loans at it) per cent. Short Cash advances on Warehouse Scrip wanted. ny29oia.ly FOR MONET TO LOAN On Beal Estate SecuriUeslaCoakaadadlolnlnr Counties, apply to ERNST TRUSSING, Dealer in Forties Exchange, Holey and Beil Estate Broker. AGENT FOB THE BRITISH COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO, AND NOTARY PUBLIC, NO. 6 LARMON BLOCK, noU-ly K. E. cor. Clark and Washington streets.' WAN TED T ON NEW YORK AND BOSTON, By BENJ. F. QUTMBT & CO, Commission Merchants, cclTd:£S ly 163K Booth Water street. TO LOAN ON CHICAGO CITY PUOPEBTT, Or on Good Improved Farms in this State. CHAMBERS, LEE * CO -121 Latee street. eogicMlUl; €o4larttwtgf(ip Notices. ■niSSOLTmON OF CO-PAHT- J-/ KKRfiHTP.— I The Co-Partnership heretofore ex latlagbetween HIHAM JOY and AUGUSTUS FRIB - dealers In Ice, was dissolved on the 20th of Feb ruary lest A. FSIBBIS Chle3go> March SAISSL WADHAMS, WILLABD & CO., Having more than double onr Ust year 1 * stock ot Ice and greatly Increased facilities for delivering it, con* ■ns.cn can rely upon being supplied by m to their en tire satisfaction. WJU)HXmS, WILLJLBD A CO , AhS-eIMCm Office so. 2 Masonic Temple. nprre partnership . here- A toforc existing between the undersigned, under the name and style of AIKEN ArNOBTON, Is discos tinned from and after this date, and and ail per* tons indebted to said firm will please call and matte payment, and persona having cudms against eald firm are requested to receive payment immediately. The business will be continued by E. Aiken tinder the same &sim4bf Bur-it. Chicago, April nth, 3SCL my2s-«77£2m Musiiusa «atirs. T'lß.. J. "W. BROOKS, from the ■L/ Tidnltr of Cincinnati, respectfally offers hi* Proftaeional services to the people of Chicago. Rest- NO, 10 ADAMS STBEET, Retirees Michigan and Wsbash srennea. myTzlßt JJOCTOR W. HAT, OFFICE NO. 85 SOUTH CLAES ST. OmczHoras:—6toMA.M* 2 to 8 and? to 8 F-M. [mj-3^6£5-lrJ PAYSON & REYNOLDS. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW 112 Dearborn Street, Chicago, Illinois. oeoeg* wx a nsrsoms EEFEKEKCES—ReynoId*, Ely & Co* L H. Burch & Co„ Chicago; Wm.B. Reynolds & Co* Boston; John >l. Atwood, E»q- Philadelphia: Messrs Springer & Whiteman. S. S.i/Hommedlea, Ei«L. ClnclnaaU: John Andrews. EM* President Board of Control, D. W. Dc.lilcr. President, Columbus. O.*. Z. B. Ely & Co* Geo. Stephenson, EM* Edward Plerrepoot, York; Hon. Ira Harm,Hon.Amaaa J. Parker, Albany, y. Y.; John G. Deahler. Keq. Boffalo insurance. TF. PHILLIPS, Agent, , • No. 48 Clark street, Chicago. HUnols' Howard Insurance Company, Nrw Toax.—CtUSTXSKD.I!2S. „ Capital, 950.W0 Surplus, 9133,030. tmjtocsum} JAMES WADSWORTH, Ne. 1 Bole’* Pgliding, CHICAGO ILLINOIS. AGENT FOR Connecticut Fire Insurance Company, HARTFORD. Assets 9253,000, Weetem Hawaclimetta Insurance Co., Assets. 923^.099. Atlantic Fire and Marine lA Co., PROVIDENCE. Assets 9230,000. Boger William* Insurance Company, Assets ‘.....9176,000. Irrlßg Fire Insurance Company, NEW YORK. Assets 9227.N0, Wfiihlncte* Fire Insurance Oomp’y. NEW YORK. * spSetStAm OFFICE OF THE Atlantic • Mutual Insurance Co. Snr Toss. Jaaaaiy S6th. 1851. The Trustee*, In. conformity to the Charter of the Cocpany, rahralt the foDowing statement of Its affair* on the Slst of December MMs pweceaDer.lßS9,H«2.mT7 Premium on Palldes not marked offlstof Jannarr. 2560 1,f1a.T03.11 Total amount of Marine Frfmlnma. Bo Pollde* bare been laraed upon life Blaka, nor npon Fire dlaconnected with Marine BlaJa. marked off from Ift January, ISSO, to Sift December, JBSO HSUja&B Loeeee peld darlns the aame pe riod. uuß.tts.n Betorme or Premlpraa and Ex peosee. .No. 123 609,715 Si The Corapmy hare the following Assets, Tls Uritcd States sad State ofKew Tort Stock, CKy.Bsnk and other Stocks £,686,33.0 7/vyn« secured bj Stocks, Bonds and Mort esses, and otherwise WM.tstOO Eesl Estate 200,09101 IHTidesds os Stock*, loterestonßocds snd Mortgages sad other Loss*, sundry Kotes, Be4asnrance sad other claims doe the Company, estimated at......... 105,19113 Premium Kotes and Bills Beceirahle. 2.3M1151 Cash In Bank... 105.15L67 Total*aaonnt of Assets. 8H FEB CEKT. Interest on the ontitia ding certifi cates of profits win be paid to tbe holders thereof, or their legal representatives, on and after Tuesday, tbe fiftb of February next. reserving TWO AJTD A HALT MILLOB DOLLAP.S of profits, the outstanding certificates ot thelssne oflBS3 trill be redeemed and paid to tbe hold ers thereof; or their legal representatives, onand after Tuesday, the filth of February next, from which date all Interest thereon will cease. Tho certificates to be produced at the time of payment, and canceled, A dividend of THIRTT-FIVE FEB CENT, Is de clared on the net earned premium* ol tho Company for the year ending 81st December, 1860, fer which cer tificates win be issued on and afttr Tuesday, the second of April next The profits of the Company, ascertained from the let of July, !512,t0 the first of January, 18:0, lor which certificates were tuned, amount to ~.510£75£60.00 Additional profits from Ist January, ISM, to Ist January. 19Q.. Total profits for ISK yean—. 11W2.550.00 Tire certificates prerlona to IK3have been redeemed by cub. Net rcnulnlncwltii the Company ooiat Jaaaary, ISO-' By order of the Board, yr. TOWNSEND JONES, Herniary. TRUSTEES: John D. Jcaea, Geo. G. Hobson, Charles Dennis, David L*ae, W. H. H. Moons, J&mnßrrcc, Somai Tllcslon, Wm.Btnrela,Jr s , axr CoiC HenirK.Bogeit, ■Wttt.C. plctersdlL A- A.Xo*r, DewlaComa. „ WmiMJK. DOdge, Cbulm H. BtuMelL Dennis Perklaa. I/nrcll HolbrootT Joseph GgSgd, Jr. Bobert C. Goodhue, WU'lam Wood. &S3B. B g®»n. Edward C. A. Hand, 'WaW* Bbermaa, CatoßanSir. Bdward B- . I r , A-P.PlUot. Jieroy M-■wflej. Pujei b. Mffler, B.T.KIWU. joebu J. Ecarr. JOH2» D. JOSE 3, Prtddeat, lauwja DENKIB, Vice Presldnt W. H. E. MOOSE, 2d Vice President. ayteegSAir Oil ffiaorfes. BEDFORD OH. WORKS. • The sabeerfber* are manufactories NASON’S SPERM OIL, FOB ItACHDfKBT. Motea's Head-tkht Oil ud RUmuH Car Sox Oil* Ata, ft very superior TANNERS’ AND HARNESS OIL. 25 iS?slmdtwftSz MVeomparatiTeTalut for either preference eltierto lagsSSffirSS body or UtoaWe Oil. the vcftrtflCQnsntiM. Aaottier VERY SUPERIOR BURNING OIL, 6lTlßCfttieftt;brailanslsabt, which proves Its ptulty ud exceUeoee.' * TbeMOtu areftoia vnufiMale and Hetafl by F. E. M&KRTHB>y a co, ftt the Hannfactorr,. 2w State «w«JaD4b7C.GOODWDf.I27 sCjert. mhsaeasaaa p % k. mkbbihbw a co. YORK KEROSENE Oil, COMPANY, At Prices to Command tie Harketl SEBO6EKS ILLVUDfATIHa OH*. •pATtAPPTNB ILLUMIHATOTO PIT, DEPOT: OOZZEn ft CO., 88 Water street; Hew Tocfc apS-eC5&n . % "PRIME BARLEY MALT AL _■ WATB oo hand and far sals at lotrert cash ftK74Uf ©fjitago Cvifeune TUESDAY, JUNE 4,1881. CHICAGO POST OFFICE, Pally Arrirala and Departure r or Mali Train*. TraintD&art,' Mailt Ctou* Train* Arrive* BAST. ! MICHIGAN BOHTHEHN. 6.00&. fiu 10,00 p.m. 6.00 ft-m. 8.00 ft. 2L . 6.oCp«Bb 8.00 p.m. *’ 6.00 p.m. 7.80y.m. HKHIQANCKNTBAL. 4.45 ft. m. ' 10.00 p.m. 6.45 ft. m. KDO a,Jm. 7.45 ft. m. 8.00 p. m. 6.00 p. a. 7.45 p. m. PITTSBDEGH, FT. WATNS AND CHICAGO. 7-10 ft. m. 10.00 p.m. 7.30 p.m --‘7.49p.m. ‘ 6.00 p.m. . 8.00 p.m. SOUTH AND WEST* CHICAGO AND BOCK ISLAND. 9.00 ft. m. 7.Soft.m. - 6.16 ft. m. -3 0 P ’m-0.15ft.m. 0.15 ft.m. j 7. pale, haggard and for* lorn, nearly naked, they followed their cruel captors about the streets. The sympathies of our people were deeply moved at the sight of thdr misery, and every effort that an impov erished people could make was made for thdr redemption. But some-were tomahawked; seme were burned: and others roasted alive by a slow fire, .beginning-at the feet, so aa to prolong their terrible agonies. Most of them however, were sold to the inhabitants; The more squalid and sickly theprisonerappcared, the quicker the sole, at a higher price.' The usual price of a Kentuckian was one hundred dollars, that of -a Buckeye twenty-five dollars. Col Godfrey, one of {ho United States In dian Interpreters, brought several prisoners. His principal stock In trade, in this business, was an old white horse,' to which gates, ban and fences were no obstacle; he cleared them. at a bounce and went where he pleased. Old' White was at all times ready change fora prisoner, and with him the Colonel bought many a poor fellow fromlndlau servi tude. He parted for man, woman, or child, oldoryoune, freely. •, Old white was exactly the value; no change required either way. The Indians were glad to'exchange a prisoner - for the old steed: they didn’t know his tricks. The exchange being made, they put on a pack' saddle, (made like a saw-buck,) mounted some three or fourpappooses on his back, and off they started for their.dbtant forest homes, . Old White was a fine, gentle, sagacious l steed, with drooping head : and taiL . Ho sntK twitted quietly to Ms fate. His Indian owners on thdr way home spauceled him at night and let him feed about their tents: arrlrlngatthelr home and hunting they turned him - out to grace with thdr ponies. He loitered quietly about for a day or two. then suddenly, in the night-time, took a bee-line for his old home. Many a time was the Colo eel awakened in the night by the neighing of Old White under his bed-room window, announcing his safe re- 9 Board of Trade Bril dine. turn. He then Jumped Into his pasture and ws*ready for another trade. ' Often was he aoldfdr a prisoner and taken io Saginaw, Grand Kapldi, Bt. Joseph, and even to and beyond Chicago. No matter whit Was the distance, Old White was sure to come hack In dne time, and seemed to manifest bis joy at the trick he had played upon the Indi* tkTfW. The benevolent old Colonel, the captors and the captive®* the oppressor and the op* pressed,' have long since gone to that land where oppression la unknown. TarUllnc Narrative—Experience of a Txne*heartea Marylander* .. i {From the Albany Evening JournaLl We have been kindly furnished by a Mend with the following copy of-a deeply interest ing letter, from a gentleman residing in the vicinity of Baltimore, in whose word the full est confidence can be reposed, and whose ex perience famishes an Instructive lesson as to the traveling facilities afforded even to Mary landers by the “ Confederate ” authorities: “ Messrs. , Albany : Gkhtleicbx—Be ing but twenty-four hours borne from Mont gomery and other prominent points in the revolted States, I tave thought a private' note giving a brief synopsis of the appearance of things South, might inter est you. ,I visited Montgomery, noplng to recover my set of mathematical and topo graphical instruments which were taken from mein April, or, foiling In that, to obtain some remuneration. The onlyeatisfhctionobtaiued was the alternative of taking service under the Jeff Davis Government as Captain of Ea . gineers, with the return of my Instruments— or leaving Montgomery within ten hours, and the “Seceded States” within three days. I chose the latter , of course, and a pass “goodfor three days,” was given me by Mr. President Davis. My trunks, containing my wardrobe and books, were at-Tuskegee, but I had no leisure to go In that direction, and took the first train northward, uninctunbertd with lug- where the cars were crowded with troops hastening to Virginia. At Culpeper C. H. I was detained oil night, and threatened with a hemp cravat. On Tuesday morning, • being/or&tddcnthc cars, a friend loaned men splendid horse, and bade me “ride him to death” il necessary; and I did. He fell under me within lour miles- of Alexandria; having gone46miles inffveandahalfhours/ During , that ride I saw four men barging to limbs of trees. I bad no leisure Jbr inquiries, but heard in Alexandria that several Union man had beenhnrig for expressing their sentiments at. the election polls. In Alexandria 1 was caught again by the. picket guard, who were determined to detain me overnight; and, as my “paastlme” would expire at. midnight, they determined to in dulge in a little pattime of their ovn, and hang me at daylight. I bribed the rascals, however, with ail the money I had and a gold watch; and, stealing a crazy old boat for me from a schooner, they sent me adrift, and after two hours’ . altercate balling and scaling, landed in a suamp on the American side of tae Potomac. Floundering oat of the mndhole, I footed it to Washington—a distance of eight miles—arriving at va. m-, Friday morning, and presenting myself to President Lincoln, a beautiful specimen of the genus Mud-lark. 7.30 a.m. 8.00 p. m. The Ellsworth Association. The nucleus of a new regiment tsa been started in Albany, the object being to raise men who are to swear to arenge the death, of Colonel Ellsworth and to serve daring the war, each town and ward in the State to send one man, to bo armed and equipped by private contributions. The regiment will be known as the « Ellsworth Association of the State of NewTork.” The man who pretends to be “loyal under protest,” does but protest that he is notlo;aL BAGS I BAGS!! BAGS! 11 : FAEWBLL'S STEAM BAG MUTUFACTORT, : so. 22 xavkxt sTKxrr. cnmioo. - BAGS AND BACKS l Of every deacrlptloa famished on ; short notice, and printed with Kew and Beautlfm BraoAa, ; SIMEON FAB WELL. : apMTO-ly JAKES H. CHILDS & CO. HOPE COTTON KILLS, X>lttat3urElx. Fexm.* tußTVxanxzz, or Seamless srsm Sags, ÜBS 07 O S N A B U R <3- S SS iaeia to 40 iaeha* xrida, gw We are prepared to reevire orders from the trade. jal-d!fiß4y T> AGS—BAGS—BAGS- -B ACIS— JU cosnixchakqb BAG MANUFACTORY. HABTIASTEH ft cOh 157 South Water et* Chicago, B. Z. CLARK ft CO.* 129 Broad N«w York. Bags of Every DeeoriptioHu XSlers' and Qroccft’Bags made and printed to order «Uh beantlfiil brands. New and second-hand Seamlea Grain and Gnimy Bwra, for Shippers, JUUera and Far. 'Bsta’cae. Bags tor Flour, Buckwheat, Feed, Hams. - with fidelity and dispatch. Bags caned to ahhfren. myd.lT £JHIOAQO BAG AGENCY. BTS SOUTH VATEB STBEET. BFIMLSSO GBATK BA6B o! rulOU «Un and aaaUUefc PLODS—Halve*, Quarters, and Ught*. printed to Order or anydealred patten. HAM SACKS—Ererj size osed. . GUNNY BAGS—Two or Three Bashed. Cctamlsslon Merchants, Millers. Grocer* and Pro* Vision Dealer* will findjeat the article* wanted moot Stock. Order* solicited, • __ _ fSDl’Sklr.T HAWKIFB ft CHAPMAR. Humber, &c. WALLiCE & HOySES, (tOB9CESX.T jobs a. wallaorD Bare oocatantly on hand a well selected stock ot Sard and Soft Wood, LGX3BER, LATH SPOKES STAVES & SHIRBLE8 1 AT WHOLESALE OS RETAIL. And win ftunlih Bills for Lumber. Timber and White Oak Hllng, to order on the shortest notice. They are al&o prepared to do a general Commission Buuaess, end to make liberal cash advances on all kinds of Lorn* her consigned to them to sell either by cargo or at re* tali. - gar office and Yard on the corner of Old and OroTC streets. Sooth Brunch, Chicago, Ml. Post OfficaDrawer Rill. Tohs*»l6t-6a IMPORTANT TO BUILDERS, JAMES SIcCASIIIOR, - fonai E treat, bet Ifadioon and WfiilungtoaEti* CHICAGO, lUai Manufacturer and dealer In an kinds ot Wood Mould ings, Poor Jambs and Architraves of any desired pat tern. Circular Mouldings, any Radius, Wood Turning In an Its branches. Scroll Sawing and Cornice Brackets, a variety of patterns; Octagon and four aided Balsa* ten and Newels on hand and made to order: Stair Balling and Brackets, Planing and Matching and Saw* lug done to order In the best manner at the shortest notice; Fence Pickets. Particular attention given to filling order* Dw. the country lor aay and all of the above dlscrlptlons of work. Bills for Bongh and Dressed Lumber filled with dispatch, and shipped at the lowest market price. Your attention la Invited be fore purchasing elsewhere. My motto Is >— ** Good work and low prides win.” Agent lor WM. B. HILL’S Justly celebrated COVEBIfING VALVES, For Steam Engines, warranted to regelate the motion of tee esslne perfectly under any and an dream* stance*. Send for Clrcmaia. . . Pf»t Qfffy Pox <2*3- liSPfl-W XT ITCHCOCR'S PREMIUM S O. A L E S, Manufactured hr ,g. 8. HITCHCOCK, O Strath CaailStrett, Chios*. gyAU kinds of Scales Bepalred. JeZO-ly j? AIR BANK’S STANDARD SCALES OF ALL KINDS. Fairbanks &, CJrecnleaf. 35 liAk h STHE&T) CHIGAGO. gOWE»S STANDARD SCALES, VANDERVOORT, DICKERSON & CO., ffM. 198 and 201 Eandolph Street, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Weigh oat of Lord. Ko Check Hods. AH Friction received on Balia. Tel co-Vy Gutter iiimlarton Weifbanti, . 7 Steel's Block, Second Floor,• corner Booth Water ana Laealle streets, Chicago. Jomr j. iropD. ■ mylTffiy o.w.rynnc*- JJUPTUBES CURED BT THE! HARD RUBBER RIGO’S TRUSS, This Trots Is unlike «Q others ever need both in eon. Elmcdon and material. Does not constantly press on the rupture, and thereby give a call for a truss for life, like most tresses in use, but presses In £bor places, bringing thoparts together, gtvinw nature a chance to core, which it does In neapy allxasea. Does not .press UFOS THE COBD-or; obstruct elrcolatlon; never soils or corrodes, and la always clean and new. •Totingpersons and recent cases always cored. .Phy» siclans say It Is the ONLY PHILOSOPHICAL TRUSS IN ÜBS. None but those who have Buffered with the misery of rupture can appreciate the value of the M HlcgsTruss. • An illustrated pamphlet containing all particulars. sent free. Persons wishing this Trass can he fitted by sending size in Inches aroond bins in line of Rupture with description of case to J. B. SEELEY, Sole acdExclceive Agent, for the Western States. Office, W Lake street Room No, *. (dpatairsA - P. O. Box 4SCS, ST Wholesale Trade suppliedj»t New York prices. JyffMlr J) J. GARTH & CO.’S manufactured Tobacco. EWING, BRIGGS, & CO., ■Wholesale Grocers, 78 SoaUi Watewt, Chicago, Are Agents at wholesale for the shore celebrated make of Tobacco at manufacturer's prices, freight added. X frill stock constantly on hand. my3a-eS3fr*m gUTT ONS I—BHTTO NS U Broshes, Bird Coses. Belts, ' Box Tors Beads, Brooms, Boskets, WHOLESALE AND DETAIL, AT PEUGEOT’S GREAT VARIETY STORE, Z7o. 11l Randolph Street KINGSBURY BLOCK. ISagss* gTJQQIES AND CARRIAGES* The subscriber would c&B the attentloa of pur chasers to Ms Which be has made up and is constantly manufactur ing from wen-selected Eastern Timber, and by com petent workmen, and to hi* facilities for filling all or. Sera lor BUGGIES OB CARRIAGES of whatever style. PATRIOTIC mm jpcalgs. SCrussim. jHiscellaneous IaAK&E assortment of OPEN AND TOP BUDDIES, PLEASE CALL ASD EXAMIIE ODR BTOH. I am also prepared to do all Muds of Repairing and Fainting, with neatness and dispatch. N. B,—A good Light Bockaway and three Second Hand Basrefes for ealo at my Factory, comer State and Twelfth streets. ■ tL WILLS IS, . mjas-e7l«w TO All WHO LOVE UNION & FREEDOM. ROOT & CADY’S Tfxe First Gtm Is Fired Gpdßleu our Brave VonncTolcm- teen. (Quartette) 15c. Forward, Boyt, Forwards .«Qu&r* tette for Men's Voices 16c. Union Volunteers 35c. XbeStarsandUieStripes, the Flag of the Free 26c. tgyls-e760-TW ' ; p'NQLISH AND FRENCH TOILET SOAPS. LOW 6c SON’S BROWN WINDSOR, LOW 6c SON’S WHITE WINDSOR. LOW 6c SON’S GLYCERINE, 3 Sizes. LOW 6c SON’S SONET, 3 Sizes. LOW 6c SON’S OLINS AIL, NEW. BlmfVa Glycerine, 8 sizes. Cl eagre’s Glycerine, S sizes, - Clcalrc’s Honey, Silica. T Clealre’e Mask Windsor. Bocletc Hygelcqao Assorted Soaps. Lnbln. Assorted Sosos. Fetrollne Soap—A NEW DISINFECTANT. Tteab*ve Celebrated Stops are warranted genuine atd rondahed In anr qnantttT, SMITH ft DWSTER, Apitbecaries, Ko. 91 Lake street, opposite the Tremoat Home. IJIPBOVED Five Minute ICE CltEaJfl EJtEEZEUS. In the ordlnarymode of freezing. the Ice formed cn (he ontelde of toe mass of cream, acta as a non con* doctor, mid the internal portions are stow In congeal* leg. Ix iiasEXX's Fbeuzsb, tub utsTairr a rain* FILM IB FBOZKV, IT IS BCBAPKD OFF AMD MIXED WITH TUB WHOLE MASS. THE WOODZX BXJLSZ AMD BZATZE AU& nUUIA UiOO, AUtt ALSO KEEP TUB WHOLE CBBAM- WELL BEATEN, TbC freezing is quickly performed, requiring little labor, and but little Ice and salt around the outside of the cylinder. FOR SALE AT VAN BOHAAOB’S, 47 State Street. General Dealer in Housekeeping Articles. TVHXIGHT’S SPANISH LtTS XJ TEAL FOR THE HAIR, USED BT EFEBYBODTj And sold Wholesale and Retail by GALE BROTHERS, Druggists, No. 203 Randolph street. T> OTHE’S HAIR DYE.—The best Iti and cheapest Pve In use. A large Invoice just received by OAtiK BROTHERS, 1 molewle and Retail Drugglita, 203 Chicago, 111. mytS Q.LUE I GLTJEU GLUE.U! We offer to the Trade at from 10 to 25 pet cent below Eastern Hum&etorer’i 1000 BARBELS CLUE, Of o«r own ~ 606 TONS BONES, Whole or ground tor Gardeners or Grape Grovers. WAHL IS aonthJVater street TTCHELL & ZAHM, TALLOW JjJL MKLTEE3 AND CHANDLERS, and dealers 1b aides Wool. Felts, and Beads. Bay and sen Ore Stock on Commission. ~ . Omat asp WASZEOVBX-7} EEHZIB ST. . liberal Cash Advance* made on shipments of any 6/ shore article* fiirsalo In this market or shipment East.' jLuncHXLt fnoiai roots tamt TTARDWARE FOR THE MlL ii LION.—I hare this day opened one of my New Stores, at 68 Lake street, corner of State, with a very extensive stock of Hardware, igrlealtuai Implements, &e», Which I wish to tell at tot sxuH profits. AH kinds of Btump Taß taken at highest market rates, and good bargain* given. Baring been a resident In the west tor over thirty yean, ana moet of the time engaged In mercantile business, 1 feel confident I can give satis action to all who may favor me with their patronage. AU mv Wen da, former customers, aim strangers are reapectlhilT Invited to call and see: mySAtg&am H. 0. STOKE* - WEIGHT 3 .prn.T. AHEAD. The acknowledged npcrlortte cf the Stewart Store has gfreo rise to several imlta. tlcaa. The genuine srtlda is lor sale by C. KgTZ Agent at 180 State street, between Monroe and Adams. A3*a a good aaaortmgat of Housekeeping Hsrtwv* sod Hn ware ap3beS3Uy JJEW PATENT LAW.— BBOADHAX A GBAT, * ; uouius axd yoasiow • • • tiozu and Designs of every description In the .United State* under tEe NewLawof JfcuchSd, ififiL and In an - Foreign Countries are not - surpassed, .AH protea- Bicjnaibusinesa confidential. - Orwcass- : . ' Established., Washington, D. C- (opposite Patent Office).......Kw. - St. Loufi, MowlOld Custom H0UM).. M ...«....;..,t8U. Chicago, DL, (linnon’s Block) 1880. London. (England).. - Paris. (France)•••• .iSS). Clrow* wife fen instructions to Invertor*. mailed gratuitously upon application, - myFewy, XTIGHT SCAVENGER.—CharIes _L v Suns win attend to the cleanslnghf prlvy.vaulta. removing of stable manure, and anyoffettslre matter. Coders dWed to CHAS.KUNZ, Chicago P. Q,Box 414 ft wOl receive prompt attention. - oeazSm TRTATER PIPE, WATER PIPK, HfTs- IK AW anti i inch Water Pipe, bored wife Patent Auger. air, Bapvlor Wooden Suction Pnarea. made and sold Vntoleeale and Be»TLby J.KTXMPLB. mh&Sl-ly comer Polk and Canal tfe« Chicago. g HOLMES & CO., Beef and Pork Packers, AND PHOVISION HXHBOHAII TO. . t ' ■' 50,12 Elrer Street, PACKING IHOUBB, NORTH- BRANCH, CHICAGO. Dealers In BEEF, PORI, HAMS, SHOULDERS, LARD, ETS. ~ Highest nurlnt pries tor Cattla ud Hon* Hnrxs to Bankers and Business men generally at Quincy, nL 81 Louis and Chicago Bank: J. Young Scammon, Em. XTeeldcot Marine Bank; J. H. Don ham, Ecil. President Merchant** Sarins* Loan aid 1 nut Company, and Me3*n. G. 8. Subbaerl A Co„ Chicago. eoldWy BAM*!. gQLMXa. 3CT.8.11013CE9. B. D TJ P E E, WHOLESALE PROVISION DEALER, Office S7 Stato Street Packing Hcusa on South Clark Street, near Twelfth. In ctore and on hand through the season, BEEF, PORK, LARD, HAMS, TRIPE, PIQS' FEET, SHORED BEEF, AG. C. B. D. would Invite the attention of Grocer*, Hotel Keepers and Provision Dealers generally, to his SUPERIOR SUGAR CURED HAMS AND BEEP, which has had preference overall other brands offered for aale In the Northwest for the past five rears. Pf“ Ample FiroFroor Warehouse facilities for the storage of £1 kinds ol Barrel Provisions, Floor and Dressed Hogs. feM393#n QASH ADVANCES. WAKEFIELD, NASH & CO., Liverpool and London. y.rpTTRAT. CASH ADVANCES WUlbemadoon consignments to the above home of BACON, LARD, PROVISIONS AND PRODUCE GENERALLY, THOMAS NASH. ocfffltiyl By JOSEPH H. TUCKER & CO., Late of the firm of Randolph, Tucker, & Carter. COMMISSION MERCHANT, So. 6 Boud of Tnde Building, CUcigo, 01. Personal and exclusive attention given to a Commis sion business. ADVANCES MADS On property in store and for sale In this market, or for. shipment east Jg»d9i3-ga : r P E IT G NET., ’COMMISSION HIECCHANT, personal attention given to the purchase and sale 01 Grain, Hour, ana country Produce generally. Office, No. 3 Hilliard’s Block, N. E. CornerSonth Water and Clark streets. P. O. E016257. „ RxpxßnsCEa—Hon. Wm. B. Ogden, Hou. B. W. Ray mond, 0.17. Blnley, Em, Chicago. 111.; P. Harmony, btpbs ft Co., Gourd Freer*. Yelrerdan, Bros, Jas. King A Bona, New York; J.H. Lucas, Esq., Edward TeHK>n.£sQ,Chaa. Chouteau. Esq-St. Louis. u liberal saraaces made on coostgumeata. fe!3*6Q.ly jyjTLES,WRIGHT & SHERMAN, PEODDCE COHHISSIOH MERCHANTS, Dealers la Erery Deserlptlon of Country Pro' dace, oa Commission Exclusively. SO AND 32 LASALLE STREET, CHICAGO. ALLEN VANE & CO., XL COUMIBSIOir MERCHANTS, For the sale of floor. Grain. Bee£ Pork, Hams, Lard, Butter. Cheeie, Seeds, Dried Fruits, ftc* lid South Agents fer Hamburg* and Western Reserve Cheese. AZiZHTAsx aulSaUt-iy a. stone. WILIAMS & HOUGTELLING, f T COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 210 V South Water street, second door west of IVells street bridge, give their exclusive attention to the sale and purchase of all kinds of Produce Stock, ac., on Commlaaloo. Cash advances made on bills ol lading and property in store. Refer to George Smith A Co, Marine Bank and. George Steel A Co. 3. H, WILLIAMS. , Jal‘6o.ly «W. P. gQUQTgLTNO. ■\TEELT, LAWRENCE & CO., Xv COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the purchase . and sale of Grain, Flour, Provisions and Country Pro duce generally. Business exclusively Commission. Also, dealers In Salt, Lime. Water lime, Stucco. PJav tertng Bair, Land Plaster, &C- at 83d, S3i and 340 South Water street, a. n, nbslt, h. h. lawuesck, w.t. wiNprATx, g. t. laWßx.vck. mhSl’GO-ly QHARLES RANDOLPH, BEHEBAL COMMIBSIOH MERCHAHT, No. 3 Loomis BuQding. comer Clarx and South Water streets. Advances made on consignments. fel*6My Q.RIFFIN BROTHERS, commission merchants. No. 5 Pomeroy's Block, comer South Water and Clark streets, Chicago. AdvsncfS made on conslgraent«. y.r. ourvFiif. mb2b'6o-iy . A-oßirriY. UNDERWOOD & G0 > COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 153 Sontli "Water Street* Oliioaco. mIUTSS QUIiYER & COMPANY, commission merchants, 3X6 Sctutb. Water Street, Chicago. B.T. CULTEg. JaMbSU . C. R. CTULVBB. 'T'HOMPSON, BONHAM & CO, X EXCIDSIYE COMMISSIOI HEBCHABTS, No. 253 Sooth Water street, Chicago, Illinois. Ituzß to Merchants' Barings, Loan'and Trnst Cx» Alonzo Richmond ft Co - , Hon. Jno. C. Halaea, Chicago. J. H. Drake ft Co.. N. Ya B. 8. King, Buffalo, auftfry 'ptTBPIN, LAKE & CO., coamussiotf mebchanns, Ko. 163 1-2 South Water Street, Chictgo, H!. 176*60 .Jg AKER & SPAFEORD, GEHEBAI CDMMISBIDR RKRCHARTB, Office and Warehouse, No.DlßonthWaterStreet Advances made on consignments. Particular atten. tlon given to the purchase and aala.of Floor. Grain, Seeds, ftc., on commission. mhtßl37-ly pOKD & NOBTON, STORAGE ARD CDMMISfIOR MERCHAHTS.' Fire Proof Warehouse on Market street, between Lake and Randolph streets, Chicago, 111, L'bcral advances made on consignments. ramuel a. rosD. anri'&My MATHAyiEXEfOBTQir. piTKIK & COMPANY, GENERAL 6QMMISSIQH MERCHANTS; 119 South. "Water Street, Chicago. JAMES L. OATZH. jy£T6 & S. P. CARTER, AV EERERAI COMMISSION MERCHARTS, Ko.l Board of Trade Building, !d floor, will give their personal attention to the purenase and sale of all kinds of Produce. Advances made on consignments, zoswizx carter mhCelTMm sam'l p. carter WATSON V . COE & CO., ’ coitnmssioif heebchants, For the purchase aud sale of Pork, Flour, Grain and Stock- N0.216# South Water street, Chicago, Illinois. WATSOM T. CvX, WSL XL BIOS, A L. CHDEBWOOO. deadly g HE R M A K & HALL, AID GOMMISIOK MERCHARTS, gl Sonth Water street Liberal cash advances on Floor, Gram, Seeds. Provisions and Dried Fruits, for sale In this market or shipment East JaTSMy Murray nelson, tfEODUCE. COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANT, No. 214 South Water street Agent for the Fallon Starch Works, Oswego Co., N. r. Liberal r««h tdraocee on Floor and Grain for shipment t j Os wego or New York, or in stire, giving the shipper the privilege of selling In either market tor one commls* slop. ' apis yAN INWAGEN & CO., T GEIEBAL COMMIMIOK MEBCHAHTS, No. 3 Dole's Bonding, corner South Water and Clark streets, Chicago, 111. fell'SO-ly REDFORD, MEREDITH & CO., Xj COMMISSION MERCHANTS. No. 213 Sooth Water street, Chicago, giro their exclusive attention to the porchasoxnd sale of Floor. Grain and an kinds r-f Produce, Stock, Ac. liberal adAncea made on Confljmtnents. Agents for Klin Dried Cora Meal, Rzpzßta K. LTlnkham A Co., Chicago; EU'allc Alpine * Co.. Cincinnati. lai7-ly JgDWARD SACKET, COMMISSION HEBCHANT, No. 18G 1-2 Scmtli "Water Street, Between Old and sct Board of Trade BoD dings, CHICAGO. ILL. aniO’CO-ly rp MAP L E & CO., ’eCDEBAL CORHISIOR HEB6HAITS, 210 South Wator Street, cor. Wellj, Chicago, m. r*** adrancea made on Comlgnments. T. XiHX ImjfOl.ly] J.X. MAPLE. B FABIAN, GENERAL COM • MISSION MERCHANT. ST. JOSEPH. MO. - Particular attention paid to the purchase and cale of Bides, Tallow. Hemp, Tobacco and produce of every description, sclera, by permission, so Messrs. Miles, AVrichtft Sherman; Cfeghorn,LccMa ft Co; Dickin son *B^^PUkln&^r_____mhU ;^Sd^ TJTJMSEY, BROTHER & CO., ' COISniSSION MEnOHANIS, Give their exclusive attention to the purchase and sale of Flour. Oialn and other produce, on comnUa rion, No. 146 South Water street, comer Clark, Chicago. ' ' noSSsMa A L LBN HOWE S, ■ COMMISSION HEBCHAST, 135 Soutli 'Water Street, Chicago. jeiyco-ty OPAFFOBD, STEWART & CO., FBODQCE COMMIjjIOI HEI3HAIT3. Personal attention given“to sales of Grain. Flour. ProTlalonaand country Produce generally. Business excloalTelT commission. Advance* made wnaign menta.- u7Klnriestreet.‘Chlcago. • ft*F6oiy . O, H. SPATTOim. . pr*t*WA»Ti* . ,*• F, TIT a NICHOLS & CO., HAVE •JLvX • Opened at ISB South Water street, Chicago, a General Commlesloa House, for the purchase and sale of Grain. Flour, provtajpns. Ac, and solicit coa- Blgnmenta and orders. To parties aeoesrible to MB. waukee asweH as Cblesgo. m connecttoa wife their Milwaukee House, Hlchofi, Britt ft Co- think ther can give such superior advantage*. aplflLiy X.6.SIQBOU. O.*. 1»ITT. S. A.SmZ3U. Rousts. 1861 SPRING TRADE. 1881 H. W. HUNT ft CO., 33 and 35 lake street, Chicago, tfaaaCietarera and Jobber* or Heady Made Slothing, And Dealer* in GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Goths, Costings, Casalmerta, Sittoets, Tailors* TriaanSnga, Ac, Ac. Oax stock is largo end VaR assorted, and win be sold At Use totmt Prices* HARDENBERGH A WILLUNS, So. 20 Lake Street, Chicago, ncpOKsn ixs stunt cr LB A. TBEE R and iHOE FINDINGS. FBSNCH AND GERMAN CAUBKlNß,b«tbrttidi « - PATENT CALF, ■ OAK AND HEMLOCK AMERICAN CALF. « “ UPPER, ** - SOLE LEATHER, best tannage* Calf.Kid, Morocco, ejv&Xjl&m Z/ASTiJrs, SATTET PEAHCAI3, Silk and Cotton Oonsrsoo Gorlcjt, SHOE THREAD, TCWHSETO’S KIT, fce., Ac., ALL AT LOWEST PRICES. - [mharco-iy] M. HENDEKSOK £ CO., [anuftctorer* end Wholesale Daalsn la BOOTS & SHOES, go. SS lolcsSlnat, esrsar of Wabash emu, Hare tu store a large aid desirable stock of goods, 1 which they will sell very cheap to cash and prompt paying trade. Agents for Mitchell's Patent Metallic Tipped Shoes Injau the States without exception. Bawson &-Bartlett, BOOTS ASD SHOES, SO. C0....—....LAES BXSSTT... .~~~..R0. M We would respectfully can the attention of CSyaad Country Merchanta to our extensiTe stock of Boom and Sfcoea, which we bare now In etore, and are daily re. Ccivtoz from our Factory In West Boylstos, uau_ which conslsta of a fun assortment of thoeeCelebrated Custom -Made Patna Kip acdCalCand Grain Water Proof Boots; together with am llstock of alUtyles of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS.' ’ of thebest quality and manufacture, which we are pared to sell for CASH and prompt paying trade a; Boston and New York Jobbing prices. We are Agents for the sale of Mitchell's Patent HetaL Us Tip Boom and Bhoea In all the states. T'O ILLINOIS MERCHANTS. 1861 ..A CarA 1861. WEBER, WILLIAMS A YALE, JOBBERS OP RATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, PARA SOLS AND UMBRELLAS, SL— r ». LAfctt CHICAQO.i..,..,hiJS lavtta the special attention of Illinois mearehants to their very lane, well assortad and unusually attraejiv* BpringStockfarlKL which win bo offered at lowprt eea and on favorable terms for Cash or Approved gw prompt end careful attention given to orders. WEBER, WTT.tJAtfa A YALBL 16 * 18....STATESTREET....!« At 18 6. C. GOOK & Cl, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Gash Buyers are an examination GEOCEEIES. Fish, Woodea Ware, DRIED FRUITS, &c., &c, 6. €. COOK & €O., IQ A; 18....STATESTREET....18 tt 18 rohFM.ly 'J'HTTLE, HIBBARD Ss CO. atpoCTgaoff Shewing ANS TDi PMTE, 03 Y-ftYra gtTMi ■ - • O Si we otfer to to tnsa. to the LOWEST mabxst rBICESs-. ASOC boxes TOT gLAT^. B,i3oMll' SHEET ZBCR. BS “ 3DBSU EROS. 153 ■ nOTATIOH BD3SIA, S£» • BBI6HT esl A3KIALD WZEa CSeUkS SHEET ZIKC, 10 tons FIG TIB. UJOO me. COPPEB BOTTOMS, » sets TTNKKES’ TOOLS and MACHEnB, 63 casks HEIGHT OX and COIL CHAIRS. 2,300 don, tTW, U» " BH9TSA EPAOZS and BCOO2B, 30 tons SAD XBQH& TUTTLE, HIBBARO & CO., octt-’toly Comer of State and Lake dL Hats, caps and straw GOODS. BATES, WILLIAMS & CO., S3 ft 41 Lake Street, Chicago 39 ft 4L HAITDTACnrEZBS Atra DUALISM US Bats, Caps, and Straw Goods, OtTßt SPUING STOCK It THE LAB6EBT AID HOST COHPLETI In tbe city, which wottlH sell *t tbs LOWEST PBIOSS. VERY mhi2eSS-8n CONCESSION I PEAKE, MARSH & OELOMB, 37 Lake St. - - 43 Wabash Are., Conforming to the pressure of the time*, we barn determined upon CONCILIATION AND CONCESSION, So three they can be effected by Xiow Frloeo. We Shall offer AT WHOLESALE throughout the seuon and during the present agitations a stock of Dry Goods, Hoisery and Stations, Unsurpassed m nttHlEtt, GHUPIES* AID IUL TUDE. These are times tor Actions rather than W'orgt, And we have determined on a eoaraa of hard work, rigid economy and kwatj. PROFITS. and It win he SuICIDAL on tee part of CLOSE BDTHB3 aottoex* amine oor foil line* of KNOWN BRANDS OF HEAVY DOMESTICS, HOSIERY, COTTOHADSS, AND DB2SS GOODS. - ffilHj 1861. Spring Trade. ' 1861. We have this Spring the largest stock ever brought to COOLEY FARWEU&CO.. th'u Lpaght cheapen and will be sold cheaper, 42, 44 AKl> 46 Oor Ur. Cooley resides m Kew Tori; and gives hli Wahath Avenue, whole time to purchasing goods, which, with oor ex* DRY GOODS tensive sales, gives ns advantages In offering goods JOBSSBB. cheap, that win COMMAND the attention of the best trade. . T3AECOCK * PEEK, HI BUIOLFB STBEKT, - Kahogany, Boiewood and Walnut; un SHAH UK BWH ROOM Jb COHMBI FBUfTBKI TS GREAT TABUTT. wood-scat »ad Canapes* Chain. Bedsteads tad *® x gSbol yaraitßre ea lumd tad ta Order. piittßOltr Ooaatzy Orders, gABDWABE, TIN PLATE ffIET.IL WAREHOUSE, ErtaWiiiedin 1844. WlLLLfiik BLAIR & CO. 176 Lake Street, Oaleago* Baying received our Spring Stock, ire oiler At the Very l*owoirt SSarkat Sate% i.OCO Bores Tin Plate, aborted ti«*. Ssoo Bdla. Sheet Iron, No. Id to N a 28. 8,009 lb*. Copper Bottoms. s«iolha.Bra*let'aCppp«. __ tfloo Bdia. Bright Wire, No. 0 to No. «. Too Cwki Sheet zmo^^wldfea. IKSOBdIa. Best FencelHze.Na.T,BandS. ■ Kegs Nall*, Wheeling and other prlma _ AGBI CULTURAL ZMPLSMEMTB of &E deSCdp> uMrtmentof Cutlery, Shelf Hardware. Tmner'aToola, Japanned and Pressed Tin Ware, and Cnnaxa Goods of all descriptions upon as favorable terms as the goods can be procured from any market. WXXiiaXSLAZX. O. B, SXLSOOr. . O. W.BXLDXS. lapirm-iyl jparms for g»aU. XT'ABM FOR SALE.—WiII be X sold on Seasonable Tcnna, A WELL IHEHOVED FARM, Situated la Cook County, near a Station; abontiorty mluuea ride from fee. City of Chicago, consisting of QKE HBIQBED AHO OIE ASSES OF PBAIBIE, , And Ten Xens or Clioieo Taluble Timber. luc trees, of various klemi of IMr bnOdfen. For furtker description and tens*, inquire offtTL MILLEB, Colon. Mich, mr JAMBS MuABB. Kceh Block, ixarbotu street, Chicago. mylSxiw tSailroaftg. /CHICAGO* AND ST. LOUIS \J JJATLEOAD LINS. ' SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. • Two Frprees Tralee leare Wert Side Union Depot U pay Express and Hall at S.-OO'A. 2A daKy. (except MS ?*Ssi“^.|S“ r !P2 Jouet and Wilmington Accommodation, rt W* BMA.K.danr, c««p.B n ug^- MU!OS , gllll^ 3La&e TTOR LAKE SUPERIOR.—THE i- ' PEOPELLOR BACKUS TO ran dcringthe ensuing season front DoCtSS" and 352, on 6cnth Water-street 1 For Ports on take Superior* For Freight or Passage. apply to A. HAUVET A CO, 526 and 233 South Water street, or to Cape caxa. CHILDS, on board. ayteSPJa HE WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY, IKD ■WESTERN EXPRESS x sax. THE WKTEBS TEIS3POETATIOJ Ca, Haying made amagmamta to mathatr Lakn Etesja Propellers on alternate days with those of the NEW YORK CENTRAL Michigan Central SaUroads, Nmnberiag 59 first cites ftanneb and strongneamer* now offer w the mercantile and commercial public, the following eridently superior tadlltlcslor the trans portpUon ofnerchandlse and produce to and from the Fasten:, Western. Northern and Southwestern States. The Company's unequalled CANAL facilities, eon* siting of 130 Canal BoAt% Cfthelsrcest Class, riz of which leare New Tort and Buffalo daily, cannectlag at Buffalo with the toUowlng Propeller lines, enables It to offer merchant* and ihi> pen snperlorindocements for thetr patronage. THB WBQTDHN BSFSSBB, (Owned and operated by this Company) win ran over the New Tort Central Railroad to Buffalo, conneoiag with the yarions Raljoads leading West, and with the following lines of Propellers on the Upper and Lowe: Late*: The Vpper lAthe line Daily. W. T. Co. BTXJuaos." B.C.SC. Lm Stxxxxss. Totmtvuda« Feanuin City, Free State, TTenona, ■ Brobawb, ISendota, Flymoutli, Erergmn City, Neptune, Galena, Blay Flower, Chicago* LcaTlngthe doctet Erie Basin and foot of M!ehl* gan»tpe«t,eTcryeTenlngat7 o'cloct For frelzht or wuce apply a; the Western Transportation Office, Erie Basin, end the Buffalo, Cleveland and Chicago lice Office, foot of Michigan street. «wi«m n > The SJetroit Xl ne DctiJy. Via Herth Shore Direct. W.T. Co. Srxaacxsa. W. T. Co. Snum Bflttoorl) Dunkirk) Dlinoii) Concord^ Omar Faaluu Leaving!tfce dock. Erie Batin, every evening at 7 o’clock. For freight or passage apply at the Compa ny’s Office, Erie Basin. Toledo, Sandusky and Sreen Bay lAnt. Cmsix, JUp.ikup Smam Eqn&tor, Eqnlisi) ArazNy Eoplmtei, Eclipse) Comet, Rocket) HXarqaett*) GoTahogt) Orontem* Leaving the dock st Erie Basin at 7 o’clock P. H. Per freight and passage apply to T. D. DOLS, Agent, Office foot of JUcnlganstrees. Cleveland and Erie Line. JSbtt Stewart) Saginaw* Leaving Erie Basin at 7 o’clock P.Mf" For freighter passage apply to T. D. POLK, Agent, foot of Michigan street, and at the W. T. Co.’s Office. Erie Basin. For bins lading and contracts by Canal or Railroad, apply to the following Agents; EVERETT CLAPP, Agent. No. 1 Coe nttes Slip, New York. HUGH ALLEN, Freight Agent, No. 1 CoenUesßUp, New York. _ A, B. PETERS, Frit Agent, 9 Aator House, N. Tort a-c6lbon. - - “ - - 6. G. CHASE, Agent, 113 Pier. Albany, N. T, 6. G. CHALK, Agent 191 Hirer street Troy, N.T. H. A. GRISWOLD, Freight Agent, ivl River street, Troy, H. Y. j. J.HURD A CO-Hord’aDock,Detroit,Web. J.J.TALLUADOB. Agent Mississippi and Prairie Da Cbirn Railroad Dock, Milwaukee. W. F. HURD, freight Agent Boston. Maas. Jso> ALLEN* Prom* Manager. Erie Basin, Buffalo. COITSIG-KEKS* ROND & SPENCER. Cleveland. Ohio. DiNNISON B. SMITH A CO, Toledo, OUO. J. W. OSBORN, Sandusky. Ohio. JOHN HEARN A CO-Erie, Pa. DUTTON A KATMOJOJ. Baffin A Wli. KENOSHA PIRK CO., Kenosha, Wls. W. H. WRIGHT A CO.. Wankeran, HL J. F. KIRKLAND, Sheboygan, Wla. aZOBSTOKB 8t TUTTUB, Ajeatt, sp>«S7-Sm Foot of State steeet Chicago. 1861. ‘ 1881. SOUTHERN TRANSPORTATION CO, wm daring the pmeatteaton, rm tbetrllne of FIRST CLASS SCREW STEAMERS Otpe Tlneent, Otwece, and tbe Upper UkM, ronamre A DAILY ZiZSTBS. Foe Clcrtlaad, Sandmty, Toledo and Detroit, and tie IIINE, To and from Chicago, lElwanioe, and Intermediate porta. Connecting with the Railroads between Ogdens burgh and Boston, Lowell. Lawrence, Karima, Ifaa cheater. Concord, Worcester, fltchborgh, Keene, Bel- Icwe Foils, Batland, Burlington. and other la term a dlate points. At Cap: 'Vincent with the Watertown and Roma Baa at Oswego with the Kew Oswego Line of Canal Boat* between Oswego, Troy, Albany and Kew Tort |3F* Through irelghta subject to but one tranship pr* Connecting at Chicago with the sereral lines ot Eallroada to the Booth and West. TRI- AGENTS AND CONSIGNEES. 5. BfTXsa, No. IST Bro»dw*r. New Tort, J. L. yi assn, No. 8 Coenttea Slip, New Toil, Joinr Eocxcro, No. 96 State street, BostOa. C. L. Tnoxyeoar. Ojdeastmrgh, N. T. j. H. CiLUomLgf. Ogdenaboixb, K. T. 6xo. A. Eddt, Orrego, N. T. Cbawfoso ft Hqtzt, Oawezo, N. 7. y/AXJKXR ft Hatxs, Toledo. Obto. iu. R. Matuzws, DetrolLMlcb. 6. J. Haix, UUwxakee. wli. Tatxob, Mcbbat ft Co- Baclae, Wla. pit-Tos ft BKirD.ClevelaatL HATUEBft CO-Cblesxo. TJHFFALO, CHICAGO ASV Lake Enron Railroad Line. SSlf?[Es or PBODOCE MO KBCKAI9IU The 'Buffalo and Lake Heron Railway Company having completed thalr arrangements foraXri-neeklj Use of flist-CUss Stietr Eteuum HUflUat,...—.6Bo tau.—Cept Sietaea,' EDITH, 649 tms.—Cspt L. Host, OHIOSAGOH,.. -.687 tou....C»pt.B.'WiUdu, 80H,. 649 t081....Cpt Jcbm, . To run between CHICAGO and GODERICH, C. W (Toroznra at all ixtbuotoiaie nsisj in direct oonuectios. with the BUFFALO & LAKE HUBOI7 B« For Buffalo aad at Buffalo with the NSW YORK A ERIK B. B- for New York andßoston. and at Strat tort C the GRAND TRUNK R&. of Canada; tSr> tmota Kingston, ©kdensburgh. Montreal. Port land and Boston, aad mao with steamers. Sazlt. from Port DalhousleTlbr Bccheater, Oswego, Backetts Hap* Dor. Cape Vincent, Ogdcosburgh, Kingston- and Mon. treat, offering superior Inducements Tor the apeedy transportation of any aad all property committed to tbclr cars. nr Shippers from the Eastfbr Lake Michigan porta wUl&ndtt to their interest to ahlpbrthlsLuie, being more raDjoad and lew water than any other line, and a saving ol One-Hall Insurance and from 8 to 4 DAIBTUfi n »VPM-am GenTWesTn Ag*ta, toot South Lssallagt 1861. TO SHIPPERS OP PRODUCE, Time and Insurance Saved CHICAGO, PORT SARNIA And Gt, Western Hallway Line, BsUsble and ample arrangements for the transpor. tan on ol GRAIN and property of all kinds via this route by fliavclaa* Psopxllxxs and Sait. yzssxLa from Chicago to Barnia. Qbxat Wkbtzxx Razlwat from Eanla to Hamilton and Toronto, and nrauclaaa Propeller* and Sail Vessels daily from Hamilton to Oswego, Montreal, aad all American aad Canadian Pcrts on Lake Ontario, making this a most desirable route tor the ahlpment of Produce. Time and Insurance viU be lea I rj this than hy any other line, As the entire nn Gnetimti Ti™? < SS KJi^„TEAI S s l«*ao ffMl SU. Ualaa *»»*. SSUS’ SfSiittS'cStlSSl 'mbSS'SS •cnyflle, and *3l pStatt la Ceatral and BoafSerwUK dlana: also for LouisrHle, Fraalrfort. Lezmctoc. aad allpoint* fioatfL. . - _ Connections at Cincinnati tor Hataflra. 3farr!att&. parkereborx, and points on the Ohio Klrer. lime to Cincinnati only 13 hours. Elegant Sleenltar Canon Sight Trains! „ v , Through uelutaby thU Use can be obtained at an principal Ballrtad Offices la the Northwest, »n4 at the Company** Office, No. xss Randolph street, Chlci«k (under tne Sherman Hcnae.) ' JOHN BRANDT. Superintendent rms g.rOLLKTT, GenT. Ttehefc Agent. myll MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAIL- ItJL road. ■ ■■ ' GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE To New York, IF«w UngXatid auxd t hm Canadas, OnsalaftcrSUNDAT.itay 12th, Ufl. trains learn the Great Central Union Depot, foot oXLahe streets, asfcOowi: 4:45 A- at all Station?, and arrlres at De troit at aiop. m. 84>0 A. &L—lightning KxniwM (except Sunday). nr. rlre at Detroit at We n. m.: Suspension Brtdce a. a.; Albany s:*) p. nu Saw _ _ _ „ TcrE .30 p. m.: Bo»tcalU*Sa,ni. &00 P.lL—New Vorlc aai Boston Express (except Saturday), arrtra as Detroit *td a. 104 (Toronto AU P nu Montreal BrfO nts) Stupeaslon Bridge or Buffalo &0Q p, na. Jb , loy Yorx toa a. su Boston 1230 p.m. B.DOA, M.—Clndsnatf fetprew (except Sunday). through to Cincinnati fa 12 hoarv &OO F.M,—Cincinnati aadLonisTlQeExpma (except Saturday), through to Clncluaaa la U hour*. Loulsrllla In 11 honr*. CD“ S illabcrj’* patent Dusters are nu 00 d »y sz. press Trains. Patent bleeping Cars on Night traimu Baggage Chocked Through. THROUGH TICKETS for tala la tD principal Rad road Offices la the West, at the General Office, earner late and Dearborn streets (onderiha rrenoat House) Chicago, and at the Depot. K. N. RICE, General Superintendent, J.Q. A.BEAN, Wtstcra Patsacger Agent. my 9 CHICAGO AND NORTHWEST- V ERS RAIL WAT. For Rockford, Beloit, Freeport, JanetrUle. Galena Mstllson, pralne da Chleo, Fond da Lae, Oshtash, Green Bay. Berlin, Ripen. La Croaae, St. Paul, do. On asd after Wednesday, May Bth, 1501, trains wit lean ns: Day Express 8.-00 AIL; Night Express, &OO P. JC Thruurh to all-tbs above points, and connecting at both Prairie dnCffien and La Crowe, with tteamszs fbrSt.rmal.Ac. Wav Passenger 3-30 ?. IL, ft>r Jaaosvffls. Twins arrive 030 AM- 12:1 5 P. St; 0:00 P.X. L. BuKLAf, Sopjiutcailnt. 3C. Dx Wirt Rcrotsox. Gen. Ticket Agent. oeU-iy TLLINOIS CENTRAL JL RAILROAD. 1881....Summer Arrangement....lßßL On and after Sunday, April 11,195 L train* win leave tk* Great Central Depot, foot of Lila and Bona .4 M .♦ .. .t. . 630 A. IL, (Soudan ezeeptadj arriving at Decatar 2:39 P.M-Springfield-I:3OPAL.SC.LonIa 730 P. JL, Cairo 10:13 P. it, Memphis 0:30 A. M.,(uext day,) New Orleans in A boars from Chicago. 630 P. M_ (Salordaya excepted) anisine at Deem tar 2:40 A. M_ Spring held 430 A. 11, Quincy 10-30 AM., St.Loai» MH) A. ll'Cairo 10:43 A. Hi Memphis 9 P. >L next day New Orleans In it> boars from Chicago. On Saturdays an Accommodation Train will 08 m a* Car a* Urbans, leaving at 6:30 P.M. Through tick eta, to au Important point* Booth aa4 Bonthwesb for sale at t&e office of tbs Company in to* Great Central Depot. H7DB PARK AND WOOD LAWN. Trains will I care Chicago: Lease Wood Liwat IffiOASL, WAM, I*oo M- Al3 A, IC, 2:43 PiTC, H3P.M, LtSP.IL, AM P.M, 410P.M, *OSP. M, LUX P.M. 7:00 P.M. W, B. a ftrtfn k Gen, Bept. W. P. JOHNSON. Pen. Pasaongjr Ayr. pmCAGO AND MILWAUKEE \J RAILROAD. 'For nilwaakM) La Crow*, St* Paul Oshkosh* Merlin, and Utenas* dlate Points* On and after Wednesday. May STh. 1351, Passenger trains mil leave the Depot, corner of West Klnale and Canal streets (Sondayj excepted, as fallows: 8.00 A. JL and 8:00 P. M, and arrive st MBwaskss at 1133 A. M. and 11:33 P. M. Passenser train arrives at Chicago at 1:90 P. JL amt frSO P. M WAUKEOAN ACCOMJfODATION TRACT leaves Chicago at 530 P. JL. and arrives at Chicago at &4S AM. B. a BALDWIN. myS'6l superintendent. •|C(?1 SPRING AND SUililEß iOUi* AimANGEUSNT. Michigan Sonlhern & Lake Share BAILBOAS, On and after Sunday, April U, sad nntfl fttrttor no* Uce, trains will leave Chicago aa follows: Mail awn Exphxss; 6-00 A JL. Daily except Sunday, readme Tolsdd via Old Line 43* P. M. Kxw Tons awt> Boston Hxmnat 8.00 A jL Daily except Soaday, reached Totsdm Air Una at LB P.M. Eastwbx Exraxsa; 8.00 P.JL. Dally except Saturday,'readme Tole do via Old Road at (AO A M. Drrsorr Kzpszbs: q.OO A M- Daily except Sneday, reaches Detroit via Old Lice at 630 P. M. 8.00 P.M, Dally except Saturday, reaches D«- troltatl.is AM. pmsHLkan and PuTtAoiuma Ezmxss tzaTout DO A2TD CtXTXZJLXDt 8.00 A M,) Makes Cloto eoucctlcns st Clara > land—time always as quick, and fart 8.00 P. AD the above trains make regular connections tc Dunkirk, Enffalo, Marsra i'alla, Albaar, New Rc-stcn. Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all paints Eallebnry's Patent Dusters used on all galas. Laxortoos new Sleeping Co&chee, with all modem improvements used only on this sod all connecting roads. Through Tickets can be obtained at the Company's Office, do Clark street, under the bnennan at the Depot corner of Van Boren and Sherman stm, JOH M D. CAMPBELL, G BU. M. GUAY, GenT Soph. Toledo. O. Genl weetera Agt, “PITTSBURGH, ST. WAYNE * X CHICAGO RAILROAD. Paweaw Train* leave tie Depot, center oOlifi ton tod Ctnnl ttreets, Chicago dallj at 5 a. iu Fort Wayne Accommodation, WO ex. except Sunday*. and at S p. 1U except Saturday* FOE EOSTOS, SEW TOEK, PmUBEUHU. BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Harrisburg & Pittsburg. Alto—'FOß ALB ANT, BUFFALO. DUNSZBS CLEVELAND COLUMBUS, CETCIN. NATL DAYTON. As ctil latenaedlate Stations between Chicago and the cities there named. Trains leave at Jollowi 1—7:10 A. M. and 7:10 P.M Ft. ’Wayne Accommodailon at 9:00 A. M. t. eepiEf Can on night train*, and. by XhH rente checked through to all Kastem Clue*. Ticket* for tale at the principal Ticket Offices In thf We*t, at the Company'# Office, corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets, and at the union Depot, Wets SU« Chlcato. D.W. BOBS, WertTn Past. Affsat B. P. PATRICK. Ticket Agent. O_ALKNA & CHICAGO UNION VjT RAILROAD.—-SmtNd AaaANQxmrr. Oa and after Monday, April 14th, trains wQ leave Wells street depot as folio wa, Sundays exceptedl 9.15 A. U. and 9.15 P. iCtor Belrtdere, Boikforft. Vreepcrt. Warren, Galena, Danlcltn. Dubuque, and Uv tennedlate points; 9.15 A. M. and 9.30 P. it, fo» Dixon, Polo. Fulton, Cedar Rapids, and Intermediate points; 4 OO P. Xf. for E! cl n,Belrloere, Rockford, and Intermediate points; 9.30 P. ALfor Generaaadlntcf sediasepoina. Fasaeogrrs for Beloit and Janesville will take the 9.19 A, M. train. Passengers for Crystal Lake. McHenry, Richmond, Genera Lake and Inter mediate points, will take the 400 A. M. toda. Bleeping Can on night trains. * JfT B. TALCOTT, Gen. Supt. 6. M. WHBKLTCR. Gen. Passenger Ag't |yl pHICAGO & BOCK ISLAND \J RAILROAD LlNE.—Passenger trains. depart frcm and arrive at CLlc*'o an follow: Day Ex rrsa and Hall leave at9.oOA.M,andantTU at 6.30 P. M. Sundays excepted. N.'RhtExrrew leaves at 9.00 P.M.. Saturday* aa> eepted; arrive at AIS A, Mondays excepted. Joliet Accommodation 500 P. floadaya except, ei JOHNF. TRACT, Ota. Supt. w. L. Er. Jour. Pern Agent. deT CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & \J QUINCY RAILROAD. psaseceerTmns leave and arrive at Chicago aitol low sj—MaG leaves at WO a. x, (Sunday* excepted). arrlTes at 6XO p. w,. (Sardaya except: dj Express leaves st B. dclphla, Sew fork, Boston. Balttmora and Wsshlagto* City: thus inmlihlag facilities for the transportsuoa ofranesgers toaurpaaad for speed asdeomfbrtby any other route, EiWMa aad Fastllnesrun through to Philadelphia Without change ot can or conductors. Smoktrz Can are attached to each train: Woodru*** Rearing Car* to Express and .Fsst Train*. The Rx» ere** rani dally. Mall and Faat Line Soudan excepted Threedailvtralriaconnectdirect lor Newxork. Ex press and Fast Line connect for Baltimore and WMfc, *AUllxrough Passenger Train* provided with Lourk bldgs** Patent Bnxe speed under perfect control* the Engineer, thus addle* much to toe safety of tr» elera. Blx Dally Trains Between Philadelphia and Hew Yorkrtwo DallyTnlns between Hew York sad Boa* ton. cketa, all rail, are good on either of Boston are food via Harwich, Fan grefcorStonfaiftonLines. • Boston piwniiiin iniM jmrea free of charge throuxh Hew York. Tick eta may be obtained at any of the Important BaOtosd Offices in the West; also ca board say ef tht tegular line of Steamers on the MbslsslpplotOMO Brers; and at the office of the Company la Boston* jfrw York. Baltimore, or Philadelphia. RJ'Faxx Alwats as Lew axd Too is Ones u IBKTOsScSri«BTHSsHO^B. The completion of the Western coaaecttoas of Be PesEsylrsiflalUgToad makes tali the . D ERECT T.rwa BBTWKEK THK HAST AND xn« The connecting of traett by the Pittsburgh. avoiding all dranga orftartageoffteim g£SSSSVfc- sisS Moore. LoulsrSe; P. &. O’EGeyACouRnW atCe. Ind.; N.W. Graham A Co*Cairo,DL; B. ?. East,Bhaler£ Glsja,SVLoub: JohnH.Hart* N*sg» TiUe. Tean.; HarrlsaßtmLMemphiaTeom; Clarkj »• ; Bman, * r ■^isasaseasasrmasfie, c The pemsenvanla Railroad also eaaaeeti at nfit h«Wn with Steamers, by which Gooda esa be fbrward* edto aay port on Urn Ohio, Uaklnnm, TcDunsee. Cumberland. Blmols. Mlwlsstgpl, Wlseos*. UitMlsscrart.Kansas;Arkansas tad Bedßtrerat«d ’ stcleveland. Sandusky and Chicago witkflWsTSWta : sB Forts on the Northwestern Lake*. * Merchants and i to rtiysfatlWOl* (^he < S5^ g p^lkS from any te Bk.. tha PraMym'Ma Railread. *£aßttaq «n faverame as axe charged by T trs* pertsular to m*rkpacSa««s ‘vunDKAA 1 cat —BUFFALO Aim lODl» liOaUßOim^iTraoMl ■sd beat roQtataßrnflUoasd otto XartnetttMk rota* Km*. Ttofcsta Ttm cMi Bood o« o* oWatfti* /;■•■ r- 1 - --•■ —. -