Ci)tf.ijjo Criimne FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 188 L ' IRE CITY. So.—'The tag Bapty now bang fitted m a gun boat ut Albany, is not a Chicago craft, ,1 oil, and never Tie.. , A Eelic.— Mr. dames Patton, of Rockford, who haajnrt returned to this city fromWoth irgton, baa brought wltb him tho bannlaler ran of the atalrajon which Cob Ellsworth wm shot, nt the Marshall Home, in .Alexandria. Yibe ok ‘West Jackson Street.— At two o'clock yesterday morning a large bam, be longing to B, W. Rooetead, situated in tbe block bounded by Jackson, Van Boren, Loomis and Thioop streets, was entirely de stroyed, together with a small cottage adjoln- Ing. Loss about S7OO. Insured for S3OO. Photographs or the Late Senator.—J. Cortmtt, 131 Lake street, has published a meznorlcd photograph er Judge Douglas, en circled with a neat mourning border. There is also a medium and a cabinet size, both fuR length. Walsh, on Madison street, has them for sale singly or by the quantity. McViceeu's Theater, after being closed four nights, out of respect to our late Senator, 8. A Dcuglos,*wQl open this evening with the operatic spectacle of “The Enchantress,” when Miss Caroline and Mr. P. filchings will resume their engagement. The Stuigea Rifle Company, which was Invited to attend, on Monday, will be present *b!c evening. Noun ib & Hire, news and periodical deal crs/100 Dearborn and 102 Madison streets, have on their counters all the late dallies and Weeklies, Vanity Fair, and also a new Dime Ford entitled The Trail Hunters, Wilkes’ Spirit, and all the Irish papers for tho week. Just received an approplate rosette of the lamented CoL Ellsworth, and photographs of Douglas by Heeler. \ Change in a Commission Firm.— By an ad vertisement to be found in another column, it will be seen that tbe firm of Bedford, Mere dith & Co. has been changed to that of Bed ford, Meredith & RusselL Mr. Russell is from. Cincinnati, and has for many years operated largely in flour—which will hereafter be aa Important branch of the business of the new firm, * Pleasant Boms at Evanston To-Night. —The young ladies of the Northwestern Fe male College, ETan£tOD t will hold a Strawber ry and Ice Cream Festival to night. The proceeds will be appropriated to make addi tions to the College Cabinet and library. They Invite their friends of Chicago to visit them on this occasion. The festival will close with a sale of fancy articles, paintings, &c., made by their own lair hands. The Douglas Obsequies.— Wc are request ed to state that the Post Office, CnstomHouse 2nd the offices connected with the TJ. 8. Court, wQlbe closed to-day iromlO o’clock a. m. till 'ftp. ic. r ' ' The Mayor and Common Council respect frilly request, that business be suspended in this city to day, during the funeral obse quies of the late Hon. Stephen A. Douglas. We call attention tea card from, numerous merchants in another column. A Chicago Bor in Washington.— Lieut Frederick Mcnrs, 9th Infantry, U. 8. A, who has been lately drilling seven companies of tbe Twcnty-Fillh Pennsylvania Regiment at the arsenal, with such satisfactory results, has Been assigned like duty in connection with the Connecticut Brigade, by General Mans field. The Connecticut volunteers will find it Lieutenant Hears a skillful drill officer and % thorough gentleman. So says the Washing ton Sunday Chronida. An Insane Man on His Travels.— Tho Jhvmcl says that a young man named John McDonald, representing that he has relatives In Gettysburg, Pa, was taken to the Armory on Tuesday night,* perfectly crazy. He be lieved that some one was trying to kill him, •and when accosted would fill down upon his knees and beg for his life. He hod a draft up on a Pittsburgh bank for two hundred dollars, and about twenty-six dollars In eastern money. He wHI be cored for humanely until his fritnda can-be applied to. Luscious Strawberries. —Mr. G. B. Davlsi Of thcweß known Morgan Gardena, on the Keith eide, has placed-upon our table a box of Strawberries which deserve more than a pass ing notice. They are of the WRson’a Albany variety, of the highest sub-acid flavor and large size—many of them measuring three to four indies in drcumferaace—and; Just from the Tines as werecelved themjn point offrtahnass are in pleasing contrast to those scat to this dty from points from one to- three hundred Julies difitantr ‘Mr. Davis is making the grow ing ofaH small fruits a specialty and his en terprise cannot be too highly commended to the attention of those In our community who Lev f good fruit. The Beathof Jadce Bovglos, ACTION 07 EEAHAS’B BENEVOLENT SOCIETY; At a huge meeting of the Beaman’s Benero lent EodeJy at their rooms, Wednesday eveu irg, the following resolutions were passed: ■ Eudted, unanimously by the Seaman’s Benevo lent Society of Ue dty of Chicago, That we most Sincerely mourn the death of Senator Douglas, and thotwc will testify onr grief at his loss, and re spect for his memory by uniting as a Society in the obteqnics of 10s funeral. itoo lud. That ilia a source of unfeigned satis faction to the members of thl* Bodcty tnatths honored remalne of the great and gifted Senator are to repose upon the soil of the State of minds. That wc know It was hie oft expressed wish while living that his final resting place should be in his own loved State; That a time so much honored by his illuhtrlons life and abilities, and which, to her turn, had repeatedly bestowed her highest honors epon him, bad a Just claim, In the historian’s page, to the rerowu oi his Dame.and memory. Saolted, That the death* of a eta tee man so end sunt, patriotic and influential, at this critical juncture of onr national affairs, mobos h’s loas mote profoundly felt and deplored, and nearly Ir ycparsl lc to the country. Mctoirtd, That these resolutions be published in *hc cHy papers. c. N. Holden, President. Daniel D. Waite, Sec. ACTION OP THE CATHOLIC TEMPERANCE SOCJKTT. The Chicago Catholic Total Abstinence and Benevolent Society, met on Wednesday, stb Inst., and passed unanimously the following resolutions: HuUvtd. That this Society sympathizes in the Escral grief which the death of Su.-phcnA.Dong s has cast upon the community, wno recognized In him the real and ability requisite to sustain the fortunes of onr country in these critical days, and who, moreover, esteemed him for qualities of heart which seldom in a similar degree are found combined, with the eminent merits-which distin gol:bid great statesmen. £emlttd. Learning that the remains of tbe de ceased Senator will be interred on Friday-next, tl v members will meet at 8# o’clock A. iL. on that day, with draped regalia, to join the funeral precession. Army Nurses. Miss D. L. Dir, the well known philanthro pist, Laving been appointed by tbe War De portment as the Matron General of Army Hos pitals-and Superintendent of the Nurses of tbe Army, has appointed Mra. P. £. Tates, of this dty, presiding Matron of the Military Hospi tal at Cairo, and the latter left this city last evening for that place. Mrs. Tates, who has the appointing of her subordinates in the nurse department* of the Western Division of the Amy, has already designated Miss J. A Babcock, Miss L. Slay maker. Miss T. Zimmer, Miss H. E- Babcock, snd Miss Ada Miller, all of thin city, as her as dßtacta, and these appointments have been dnly sanctioned by Hlu Dlx. Two of these— Hiss J. A Babcock and Mias L. Slsymaker— are already acting as nnnee at the Hospithl at Cairo, and Mias Zimmer accompanied Mrs. Yates thither last evening—and the others are ready to go as soon as their services be required. There will be seed for more nurses in this Division, but Chicago has her fall quota, and weß-quaiified ladies In other parts of the North western States, deeiringto volunteer in this important service, are requested to com municate with Mrs. Tates, addressing her at “Camp Defiance, Cairo, HL” None will be Accepted as nurses unddr thirty years of age, or who, cannot give the best tion. from physicians and clergymen. *ru« • Dlx wm accept all sunea whom Mrs. Tates may recommend or appoint. Hoffman Dncooos. Capt. Bchaumbecks Dragoons were in readi ness yesterday morning at 9: o’clock, at the Store of H. A.Kohn & Bro., Lake street, and there received their uniforms. The company . were then marched to the Washington street i &ont Court Hook, where Llont’Qov. -Hoffmanpreeented them with a flni aland of i regimental-colora of aUk, trimmed with gold fringe. On one elde waa “The Union , Hcrerer—National Union." On the other “ininola Mounted Co. B EoamanDragotme” ’ The Lieut. Governor delivered a neat .to the soldiers, praising them for their disci, pllne and soldierlike appearance. The colors Were received in behalf of the company byAr mo Voic, Esq., & former member of the Wash frgton Independent Company, who responded • bravery brief speech.; The Dragoons then gave three cheers for the Governor and three . mere for the dty of Chicago, and repaired t£>‘ their quartets.. - ■ ' /"■ •‘Earth to Earih—Dast to Dost,” THE FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OF JUDGE DOUGLAS. Imposing Bites by the Masonic Fra- {entity. THE FIIERU OEBEMOIIEt TO-DAY. The Last nesting Place. The solemn and imposing ceremonies to* day ore to fittingly culminate the tribute of mourning and respect .our community is ac cording to illiißtrions,dead. Throughout yes tefday Bryan HaU was visited by a conthmbos throns, paaalng alowly In double file between the lines of the military guard, to toko a final look of the departed statesman. The events of to-day, will witness tho bearing hence of these honored remains to their last resting place at . Cottage Grove. Tho hnrlal service will be the Roman Catholic, conducted byßlshop Duggan of this diocese—not that deceased was connected with this form of re ligious faith, but since bo belonged to no reli gious denomination, tbe desire of the bereaved ; wife Is followed. The rites will be those of her own church. Last evening at Bryan Hall took place the solemnities of the Masonic fraternity, of which deceased was in life an honored member. Tbe Fraternity assembled at their respective Lodge Booms, at 5 o’clock P, M., and clothed themselves with the usual habiliments of Ma sonic mourning, Masters and Officers of Lodges wearing the collars and jewels of their office, and in other respects attiring themselves like brothers. The different Lodges repaired to Metropoli tan Hall, where tbe procession formed under the direction of Brother H. C. Ranncy, Chief Marshal. At G o’clock a detachment of Knights Templar,with a deputation of Masters proceeded to Biyan Hall and relieved the military from guard duty in the interior of the Hall. At the same hour the procession moved from Metropolitan Ball, proceeding down La* ealle street to Lake, along Lake to State, up State to Madison, along Madison to Clark, and down Clark to Biyan Hall. Tbe doors of the Hail were opened at 0 o’clock to a limited number of holders of tick* eie, these being ladies and gentlemen accozn. -panying the same, friends of members of the Order. The “limited number”proved, as is not nnusual, to be several hundred mere than were provided for; but the circumstance .was disposed of with only moderate confusion. The inevitable infants who always attend pub lic occasions were there in arms, and made even more than their usual share of annoy ance. Long before the arrival of the procession, the space devoted to spectators was well filled. The spectacle was an imposing one.- Within the open area cf the hall kept clear for the oc cupancy of the Fraternity, the honored dead was watched by a guard of TTnigbfa Templars with drawn swords. In accordance with Ma sonic usage, the body was made to take aposl tlon with the feet to the Eastward. For an hour the large throng waited in a breathless silence, broken only by the light tread of the Templars on guard, as they paced to and fro. About half post seven, the procession com menced to enter the hall in double file, and passing round the outer circumference of the area, continued to move on, contracting tho circle, until the rear of tho line had entered the area. The following is the ODDER OF MASONIC PROCESSION. Lafayette Lodge, No. 18, A W. Hitchcock, W. M. Oriental, Lodge, No. 83, G. F. Haines, W. M. Garden City Lodge, No. 141, W. C.Bateham,W.M. Germania Lodge, No. 182, H. M. Feolets, W. M. Arcadia Ledge, No. 271, —— WunfeTd, "W, H. W. B. Warren Lodge, No. 209, 0. H. TunnlclUr* - W.M. • Cleveland Lodge, No. 211, N. W. Huntley, W. M. Dearborn Lodge, No. 810, 2L N- Horlbut, W. M, Kilwinning Lodge, No. 813, F. C. Green, W. M. Blaney Ledge, No. 271, Gilbert R. Smith, W. M* The ceremonies were performed under the auspices of the Layfayette Lodge No. 18, that being the oldest Lodge here. The exercises were opened with an impressive prayer by the Rev. Dr. O. H. Tiffany. Following this a se ries of Resolutions, paying a tribute to the worth and services of the departed brother were read by D. H. Cameron. Tbe Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge, Hon. H. G. Reynolds, then recounted the Ma sonic history of the deceased. He said that the departed brother on tbe 24th of May, 1810 became connected with the Springfield Lodge, W£& Grind Orator tho same year, and in Dec. £Bih, 1840, was elected Junior Warden. Mr. Douglas was In that year Secretary of State. In Feb. 1841 being elected Judge of the Su preme Court, and assigned to the Quincy Dis trict, he removed thither, resigning his poai { tion as Junior Warden. On the 30th of Aug., 1844, he received the .mark Master’s degree, and on the 8d of December was made R yal Arf-h Mason. Brother Hotmer A Johnson then delivered a brief and appropriate address. Then sue. ceeded the Impressive Funeral Service of the order conducted by Grand Master LA. W. Back. Tbe following invocations were made by the Master: Master—“Msyve be tree and faithful j-ondmaywo live and die in love I". motcltbe." motcltbe." MasUr—May wo profess what Is good, and altrays act agreeably to our profession r Answer— - *‘So mote It be." Master—“ May the Lord bless us, and prosperous . us; and may all our good Intentions bo crowned wltb successl" Amwcr—“Bo mote It be." Matter—** Glory be to God on Ugh! on carlh,peaco; good will towards men!" Amwcr—“So mote it be, now, henceforth, and tor. evermore.** . One of the moLt impressive features of the occasion was when during the singing of tho Funeral Dirge, to “ JPlq/eV* Symn ” the entire Fraternity passed in single file by Die remains each depositing thereon a sprig of evergreen. The following was the dirge sung: Solemn strikes the fon'ral chime, Notes of cur departing time; As wo ioumey heto below. Through a pilgrimage of woe I Mortals, now indulge a tear, For mortality la near I Sec how wide her trophies wave O’er the slumbers of the grave! Here another guest we bring,— Seraphs of celestial wing, To our fon’ral altar come, Waft this Mend and brother home. There, enlarged, thy soul shall sec WhAt was veiled in mystery; - Heavenly glories of the place Show hie Maker face to face. Lord of all! below—above— Fill our hearts with truth and love; When dissolves our earthly tie, 1 Take ns to thy Lodge on high. About eighteen hundred masons were pre sent, and the occasion by its impressiveness was made one long to be remembered. The guard .duty was done by tho Apollo Com znandezy No. 1, of Knights Templars, M. J. 6. W. Dcering, Commander. THE FUNERAL OBSEQUIES OP TO-DAT. Throughout yesterday workmen were pre paring at Cottage grove the beautiful estate, and the anticipated homestead of Judge Doug las, a place for the reception of his remains, the narrow house appropriated for all the liv ing, In place of the home where he had hoped to pass the evening of his days. An excava tion seven feet in depth has been made in a reddish gravelly soQ. A brick flooring been laid, and the aides walled up with brick, and arched over about three feet in height. This, of course, will form hut a temporary tomb. The selection could not be better, and is especially appropriate, as the site was a fa vorite one with Senator Douglas, and was selected by him as the spot for his future res idence. It is immediately adjacent to the spot where his permanent tomb and monu ment will be reared, to mark the spot. This tomb is being erected upon a high knoll of some three acres of cleared ground, bound ed on the west and north by heavy oaks, on the east by the lake, and on the south by the Langley estate. In which direction the fu neral cortege wfl probably enter. Judge Douglas* sons, Stephen A and Rob ert Martin Douglas, arrived from Washington yesterday morning, by the Pittsburgh & Fort Wayne Railway, in company with J. M. Cutts, Eeq., the father of Mrs. Douglas, and tho en tire bereaved family win to day have their place in the funeral cortege. The* eldest of these lads is thirteen, the youngest eleven yews of age, lu the procession to-day, delegations will be present in large numbers from different places in this Slate and adjoining States. It wfll be one of the most imposing demonstra tions ever seen in the Northwest. The order of procession we gevein our last issue. It has been modified only In some of Its Immaterial features. Its divisions, with the officers of tbe day, as detailed to as follows: ; Chief Marshal—CoL J. H Tasker. Aide—Kaj. Geo. E. Stanton, J. H. W. Jones, i . Tost Division.—Assistant Marshal, Col H. D.- Booth, consisting of military escort. . This Dlvi .. ion-win form on Clark street, right resting on Lake street. - • 6*ooh» Division.— Assistant w.wKhai, JohuH. .Klorie. Tbeftmeral cortege, with dergy, escort rJu!*?* °f deceased, and committee, This ' > a T lll fertt 011 dark street, right resting on Randolph street.. \ . Thus Dtook.— AorUtant Marshal, jStephen A. Goodwin. This Division will form on Clark street, right resting on Washington street. retrain DmeioN.—Afelstant Marring Col. G. S. Hubbard. This Division will form on Clark street, right resting on Madison street, FwmDmeiOK.—Assistant Marshal, J. H. Bow cn;.the Masonic Fraternity; tho Mercantile Asso ciation. This Division will form on Madison St., cast of Clark, right resting on Clark street. . • Sixth Dmaox.—AisUtant Marshal, C. N. HoW «i. Tbla Ulrlfilcd it 111 form on Madison street, righlnitlng on Clark street.;. , i -• Seventh Division.—Assistant Marshal, David Walsh, This Division will; form on Washington street, east of Clark, right resting on Clorkstreet. Exgiith Division.—Assistant Marshal, W- T* Slmfddt. This Division will form on Washing ton street, west of Clark, right resting on Clark street. * Noun Division.—Assistant Morubni, CoL Wm.. 6. Johnston. This Division win form on Ran dolph street, cast of Clark, right resting on Clark street. ’ Tenth.Division.- Assistant Marwfert, n. H. Bl criy. This Division will form on Randolph street; west of Clark, right resting on Clark street. Among Die military present in the proces sion will be Zouave Companies “ A” and **B ” of CoL Scott’s Regiment, now CoL Pitcher’s, who are to arrive here this a. il from Spring field. .The following is the . LINE OP NAHCH. The several divisions will form under the direc tion of the Marshals, designated in their respec tive processions, promptly at half past 9 o’clock Friday, p. m. The procession will more at 10 o’clock precisely, east from Clark on Lake street, sooth on Michigan avenue to Cottoge Grove, the place of burial. The streets and avenue through which the pro cession Is to move will be kept dear during its pasEage. • • We are glad to notice a general and mostap* propziate disposition on the part of all classes of onr citizens to pay respect to this occasion. The banks, and stores will be dosed. There will be no meeting of the Board of Trade on ’Change, the Public Schools will be closed, and thus our entire dty will pay its last trib ute of respect to the illustrious dead. Tho Funeral of Judge Douglas. Proclamation or Matob Bunbet.—By order cf tho Common Connell, I hereby request all busi ness to be suspended in this city to-morrow, dar ing the obsequies of ths late and much lamented Hon. Stephen A Douglas. ■ .Julian S. Eumbey,,Mayor. • Chicago/ Jane 6th, 1661. ' \ To Jouhketnek Tatt.ob3.—AH the journeymen tailors of the dty arc requested to meet on Friday morning, corner of Washington and La Salle streets, at 9 o’clock, for the purpose of attending the funeral obsequies of the late Hou. Stephen A. Douglas. ’ Lawtzbs Attention.—The members of tho Chicago Bar ore requested to meet at tho Cook County Circuit Court Room at 9 o’clock A. M. on Friday morning, for tbe purpose of joining In the funeral procession of Judge Douglas. Notice to Pau. Bbahess.—The escort of pall bearers are requested to meet at A. M., to day, promptly, at tbe Recorder’s Court Room, in the Coart House. Tho dress to bo worn is black hat, block coat and pantaloons, and white vest and gloves. Crape for the arm and white gloves will be famished at the place of meeting to-day. Gbk. H. L; Stewabt, Col. J. H. Fostes, J. P. Clarkson, Dn. L. D. Boone, Matthew Laplxn, Committee. Fjbe Department Notice.—Tho Fire Depart ment are requested to meet at 9% o’clock A. M., Friday, on Lasalle and Washington streets, with out their engines, to join in the funeral procession of Hon. Stephen A. Douglas. V, P. Hawus, Chief Engineer. The merchants of the dty are Invited to join with the Mercantile Association, at their rooms, comer of Lake and State streets at 9 a, an, prompt to attend the funeral obsequies of Judge Douglas. Badges will be provided. Pes Cedes. , • Mebbill Ladd, Scc’y. ‘ The members of the Bar are requested to meet at the Circuit Court room at 9 o’clock this morning for the purpose of attending the fnneral of the lamented Senator Douglas. Each member Is requested to be present, and if possible to ap pear in black. Badges will bo famished by tho committee at the Court Boom. B. S. ilonnrs, Ch’n. Jas. B. B bad well, Sec’y. tST” The Board of Trustees, Bcgeuts and Fac ulty of the University of Chicago, arc requested to meet at the office of Thomas Boyne, Esq., op posite the Court Bousc,tbls morning at 9# o'clock, preparatory to participating in the funeral obse quies of the daj. By order of tho Executive CoamxrxßS. Chicago TrpocnArmcAi. Ujtion.— Members of the Union arc notified to meet at the Times office on Friday morning, at 9 o’clock, for the purpose of Joining the funeral procession of Senator Dongles. Jakes W. Sistzbsoh, Chairman. Notice.-— We tho undersigned Dry Goods Mer chants, agree to keep onr respective establish ments closed on Friday, 7th Inst., in respect to the memory of the late Bon. S. A. Douglas, and there by give our employees an opportunity of partici pating In the funeral obsequies of the day:. W. JA. Boss & Co., J. B. Shay, Freedman 6s Goodkind, C. S. Stein, A. 6. Downs & Co., T. B. Carter, Stryker A Co, Philip Conley, P. Palmer * Co., Hollister & Wilkins, Bigelow, Muhlke 6s Co., W. B Wood & Co., Phelps, Seely & Co., O. H. America & Co;, Timine Schloaser, Charles Wetz ler, Goodman 6s Beincman, F. Stenson, Halbert Esnn, Ferdinand Eoenug,W. Marc ores & Son, Scbsfddt 6s Bro’s, Koha 6s Brother, L. Frederick, L. Bamberger. Company B, Attention ! You are hereby notified to assemble at your quarters. West Market Hall, tbla morning at 8 o’riock. The company will march from its quar ters to take tbe position assigned it in the funeral proceeelon, at precisely 9 o’clock a. m. - S.B Raymond, Captain. Attention Volunteers! Company A, Seventh Regiment Missouri Volun teers, CoL John x). Stevenson commanding, attach ed to Gen. Frank P. Blair’s Brigade, have opened a rccrnltlnc office at No. 76 Dearborn street. Any good men desirous of going to the war and seeing active service at once, can have an opportunity, a fall band of twenty-four members, for the regi ment, go with this company, which will leave posi tively cn the evening of the 9th for the Arsenal at St Louis. Capt. Jos. S. C. Rowland, “Boss Rifles.” Homo Guard —First Ward, Ton are notified to be at your drill room tMg (Friday) morning, at 8 o'clock, to attend the funor era! obse qolea cf the late Judge Donglar. - • y S. B. Williams, Orderly. Attcntloz?, Chicago City Guard, Com* pany F, COtb Begtxnent. There will be a meeting of tho Chicago City Guard, for the election of officers at their Armory, Garret* Block, on Saturday, Jane 15th, 1861. By order of J. Mason Loosas, 1 Rost. Bkadlet, VCommittcc. J. A. Cutlto, . ) Company B, 60(la Ileclmcnt, Atten- tlon. Every member Is expected to be at West Market Dali on Friday morning, at 9 o’clock, sharp, to take part in tbe Amend obsequies of Senator Douglas. Uniform, -black coat and pants, bine military cap, belt, and white gloves; also, cr»pe on left arm above elbow. Samuel B. Raymond, Capt, Wheeler & Wilsqn’s • Sewing Machines—office IC3& ICSLakc.St, Geo. R, Chittenden, General Agent for Illinois, lowa, Wisconsin and North In dlana, ■ mySHOt VST" Services will be held in tho old Trinity Church next Sunday, as cenal, and for the last time. The Sunday following the congregation ex pects to worship in their new chnrch on Jackson street, between Michigan and Wabash avenue. Mzkistbt at Laege.—l wane work for a man able and willing to work one week for bis board. Be 2ms come from the South—got here entirely destitute, and is thankful at that. Be wants a place unto he can get money from his friends in the East, to carry him home. Apply to Robert Collyer, 177 Randolph street, eecmd floor, froml to 4 o’clock p.m. feW Cook & McLain, 03 Dearborn street, bare made their price for cleaning and dyeing Gent's garments leas than any otherhoose in the city, el tST" A large and fine assortment ofHalr Brashes and Dressing Combs, Toilet articles of every kind, will be seen at Sargent's, cornet of Randolph and State streets. Drug Store. my9otf ; Pates Haxoism.— The best stock at the lowest prices, at Faxon's, No. TO Lake street, apSOtf AH should not fan to read the advertise xnent of Prof. Wood In to-day’s paper, mh-ly. Hardee the Traitor Superceded. ANEW BOOK OP anUTAHY TACTICS 18- sued by the War Department, Ist of Hay, 188U In fantry and Blfle Tactics for the Army and Volnn teers of the United States. Price $1,33, Posts? 10 cents. Zouavx Drain.—The drill taught by the late CoL Ellsworth to the TJ. S. Zouave (£dets, written by CoL Ellsworth, with the roles and by-laws attach ed. Price SI.OO. Free by maiL Tax Youxo Recbdit.— A cheap and most useful book for young beginners, wherein everything is simplified and explained. Price sl. Postage 0 cents. Active Some* Book.— By E. L. Vide of the Seventh Bcgiment of New York, beingpractical instructions for the campaign duty. Price 81.C0. . Postage 13 cents. Cavalbt Tactics-— Svbls. Prepared by a Board of Officers, under direction of tbeU. S. War De partment. Price $4. Postage 83 cents. . Fxxzj> Astzzxebt Ikstbuctioks.— lnstructions prepared by a Board of Officers, by order of the war Department. Price SB. Postage 18 cents. •*r. • Exxrcisx.—For the use of the army of * SSpf U rat?’ 67 C * Pt McCleDia - Prloe *l-50. Ananr Bxguiatjoki.—Containing the rights, da- Hea, powers and pay of every fn thw service. Pries 02°, Postage 18 cents. Beautiful Potographie Portraits of the late CoL Ellsworth and General Scott, Ufa like larro Dio tores GO cents by maiL •• - Tv- *° P, S.- A large (±srt of the Seat of War. Price $L Colton's Map of the Beat of War. Price 60 cents; A new Map of SewalTs Point. Portress Monroe, Norfolk,ett Price 16cents. PortPlctens.lstife Military Map ofthe-United States: pleton’s Map of the Seat of War, S5 cents. - BaOroad Mspof the United States,S3 cents. All free bymciL The trade supplied. ' All the above Books or Maps, .together with etayoOurloohdnvar literature, willbe forward ed by P. T. Shxslocs, 118 Dxabbobk Stkkxt, either by mall or express, on receipt qf the amount in*peeUorpOttagistamps. Jel-6t: MONETARY. TmmsnVri Junes, 1801. There Is nothing worthy of note in the general money market. The. bankers are principally en gaged in compromising and settling with their depositors, and their business with the commer* dal pnblieat present Is exceedingly light, On ’Change Eastern exchange was sold at Xc© IX 9 cent discount for gold, and at par for Indi ana, lowa, and good- eastern currency, - The mar- - ket for exchange, however,, is very Irregular, and it,win probably continue so till monetary affidrs are in amore settled condition. Some ,of'our dky r bankers and broken are at. tempting to depredate the bQIs of. the State Bank of lowa by asking 3©4 per cent premium for gold; bat the issues of this bank and Its branches are redeemable In gold, and we are requested to state that Messrs. 8. Stnrges & Son will redeem them at the same rate as any other good currency. On Change, to-day. It was< sold freely at parlor N. Y. exchange. . Stocks.— The following are thequ otatlons of to day’s New York Stock Board: ' • ■ Ist boabd. So board, N. Y. Cen.,ZL B. Stock.... 72 . 7tv Galena..... B7X - 6GX * Bode 151 and.............;.. -83 X 83- Burlington & Quincy Masked Michigan Southern (gtd.).. 24 94 Illinois Central. •» MX 64 Cleveland A Toledo.'.; 91 ... Erie 21X Tennessee 6 9 cent, Bonds, 40X 40 ’MiMonriOs.—..... *» 40 ' S9X Virginia 65... ** 45V .‘45Sf " North Carolina 6a.... “ a .... Market drill.. A CoimzcnoN.—The Chief Clerk in tho Trea surer's Office of, Wisconsin our attention to un error in the recent published table of the value of Wisconsin banks. The Eadae Bank was quoted by ns at 09 cents, when it. should have been 06 cents—tho figures having got Inadvertently trans posed, * Illinois Central Baileoad,—The following is the statement of the stairs of this road for May: Acres construction lands sold 12,947.09 for $193,767 80 Acres interest fhnd lands 1,245 80 for 10,572 35 1,447.50 for 23,501 03 sold—.. ...... Acres free lands sold,. Total sales dozing the month of May, 1661 16,639.89 for $227,811 20 To which add town lot sales. 2.800 03 Total of all. Acres sold since Jon. 1, 1861 65,528.07 for $859,357 00 Acres sold previously (net sales): -.1,260,278.46 for 18,147,033 01 .1,315.801 53 for $17,007,241 81 Total Total cash receipts In May, 1861. $51,780 81 Total receipts since Ist January, 1861.. 190,255 00 Total cashandbondsrec’dtoMaySl,*6l.4,43s,6s3 02 TRAPFIO DEPARTMENT. Receipts from passengers $83,380 30 Receipts from freights 116.181 45 Beceipts from mails O,SSS 33 Beceipts from rent of road 6,633 33 Beceipts from other sources 1,060 Si Total receipts In month of May, ’61.. $211,793 65 Total receipts in month of May, ’6L. 219,889 8S Total receipts since January 1,1881... .1,247,722 83 Total receipts in corresponding period of 18CO 934,824 42 Original land grant, 2.593,000 acres. Railway, 706 miles of main track, and 93 m'Jea of sidings— -110 engines—2,4s6 cars. Funded debt, $16,559,240 1858. 1859. 1860. Traffic SI,97GATB 72 $2,114,418 93 $2,721,599.94 Wkg expos. 1,410,054.80 1,469,579.62 1,693,403 80 $556,623.72 $624,809.40 $1,023,187.64 The earnings of the Chicago. Burlington & Quincy Railroad line in May were: r - 1860. 1661.' Decrease. Freight $159,712.53 $123,632.00 $30,030.58 Passengers 61.003.00 84,546.82 16,456 18 Molls and Miscel. 0,817.04 2,724 00 7,092.44 Total $220,632.62 $160,903.42 $50,629.20 FonaiaN Exchanges at New York.— The N. Y. Courier and Enquirer of yesterday says:— The growing dearness of money in England has made drawers of exchange less anxious to sell, but the supply of bills continues large and the demand is not improving. At present rates there Is a flair margin lor profits on the importation of specie, ana it is probable that it will continue to come forward for some time yet. Wo quote the rates current to-day for the mail by the Persia, to-morrow:— On London, 60 days Bankers’ Bills...lCStf@lo6 “ Commercial Bills 161 ©lo* “ with Bills of Lading “ Southern and Canada B’k Bills .• 105 @lostf “ short sight,B&nkers’Billalo7tf @lO3 On Paris, 60 days Bankers’ 8i115....6.85 @6.80 . x t* short sight, « ....6 27tf@5.25 Amsterdam, 60 days..B9 @-10 cts. $ guilder. Bremen 60 “ ..76 @77 cts. $ rixdollar. Hamburg 60 “ ..35 ®Bstf cts. marc banco. Frankfort 60 M ..89tf@40tfcts. $ florin. Monet Mattbm in New York, June 6.—The money market continues very dnll and easy. The demand for money is on a moderate scale,*and where the securities are unexceptionable and the borrowers in good credit, money can be obtained payable back on demand at 5 percent. In many instances balances are left with old established slock and bill bouses at even a lower rate, while, as usual, there are many transactions at higher figures. In the discount market tho offer ing of sales grow smaller daily, aud}at the banks the line of mercantile liabilities is runnier off very fast, the vacant place being taken by the se curities of the Government. Of really first-class paper, there is but little in the market, aud that Is bought after at 7 per cent. Longer dates than the banks take sell at 7 to 9 per cent., and names of a shade lower standing than first-class sell at 12 per cent. Below these quotations It is impossible to to give quotations as the classification is entirely arbitrary. Dry Goods paper makes little progress toward recovering its credit, and with very few ex ceptions it Is not negotiable except at exceedingly high rates, too high to leave any profits to the Im peuter or manufacturer, and only submitted to In cases of necessity or nndertbo influence of fears of further depredation. Business In all branches of trade continues dull, as Is natural, but our mer chants seem disposed to look more cheerfully on the immediate future, aud already begin to antici pate a fair ampnnt of near by and western trade lor the fall season. —Courier and Enquirer. $900,000 7 PER CENT. BONDS OP THE CITY OF CHICAGO, twenty years to run, inter est payable semi-annually In New. York. The total Issue authorized $500,000 Is for the purpose of extinguishing the floating debt or the city, which to the ex tent or $100,009; has been done since Mar Ist. ■ . The population of Chicago is about 115.000 Its total indebtedness on the 6th of May was nearly as follows; Bonds issued for hydraulic {Purposes J.. . $1,105,000 Do. do sewerage do. $900,000 Less purchased by sinking funds cancelled 15,000 City debt bonds outstanding. Floating debt $3,974,110 Cash on hsndbclongingto water and sew erage tends 202,000 Total $3,773,110 The City Charter provides that a special tax shall bcievied annually to pay the interest on tho Sewerage Bonds, and create a sinking fund to meet them at maturity. The Revenue from the Hydraulic works, exceeds the interest on that y orl lon of the debt. By act of the Legislature, the Common Connell is trdtred to levy a tax annually to pay the inter est ou the Bonds now offered. Apply to G. S. BOBBINS Si SON. No. 54 Will lama street, New York. We fled the above in the New York papers. Wisconsin “Stnmptall.” In the 'Wisconsin Journal we find the follow ing: Now, It la well known that the bills of our banks aro much better secured than those of Illi nois, having a personal bond in addition to tho State stocks deposited with the Bank Comptroller, which is not tho caec with tho banks of oar sister State. In our edition of yesterday. It was shown con clusively, from the report of the State Comp troller, that tho securities of the Wisconsin “stnmptall”-currency weronofas good as those of Hlicots. In the list published. It was found that out of four millions, there were $2,792,760 of Slave Statebonds—of which $1,631,760 were issued by States that have seceded, and who will pro bably repudiate both interest and principal, while In the list of securities of*the seven mlllions of Illinois “stumptaD,” there were more than ono half secured by the bonds of Northern States, and only $908,600 of the bonds of seceded States. But it is assumed, the Wisconsin wildcats are cccnred In addition by “peraonalbonds!” Whew! Of what value is the “personal bond” of a ban ker worth, who never redeemed a dollar of his issues, and sever pretended to ? How much more will a money broker give for a Wisconsin hank bill, when tho day of reckening comes, on the strength of the “personal bond” of the man who has Issued It? Of what use will this “personal bond” be to the farmers or mechanics who hold the stuff, after the man of straw located In Pinery Swamp has disappeared, and when they have to sell it to money shavers at from forty to fifty cents on the dollar, as is tho case at present with a large portion of It? “Sue Mm and get judgment” says bur advocate of “ Stump-tall bnt in order to do this yon must first find him— and, when yon have found Urn, what then ? You. find a “myth”—tho real owner of the bank will be seen chuckling at yon with his pockets full of gold and silver, wMch he has received for the wheat wMch ho bought from the farmers with his irredeemable trash. Bankers’ Convention at Springfield^ Tho Springfield correspondent of the Missouri Ifcmceraf writcsasfollows: t The country bankers arc sow In secret session here. Is consultation upon the state 01 the curren cy- The expectation Is that they will fix upon seme kind ot a list which they will take at par on ccpoflt, and of course will solemnly promise, after *T e » to keep it up, come what will, imt the people are too well tutored to bo caught They will not take cur- It goes into bank instantly, on deposit. And the merchants have been swindled dodgeof sustaining the currency Just once » Standard, Infallible for teßt the specious promises Of the bankars. The Question with them is, “Win “ it will, good; If not, they are fully resolved not to touch ft. And let theli/t Ass SJS3; o&fp for «“ .^sffissassafflsaaasss: There is only one way in which miaola banter* can ever again get their currency into the »■"*■ of the people. It Is this: Put up, securities In the hsnds of the Auditor, dollar for dollar of their ds cnlatlon; then get a ea*h capital, and redeem er ,ery dollar in gold that is offeredat your counters!. Without a redemption in tpecU all your efforts win bo .“vanity of vanities” ' 1 miat be Xakcnfor Grain* :v [From the Prairie Fanner, June 5.] •; .As the lUnois “wild cats" seem to be pretty ef fectually killed as a circulating medium, much cau non is nocewary to he observed in taking other Statea’rnoncr. as nearly all kare got a aeries of wild cat but little better than our own. Provla fons and Grain will command void or 1U equiva lent, when it la demanded. Ihbzava. Hokbt.—Tf of the Free Banks, Is'bnt Ittlo better than onr own, and should only be andled whep yon know yon can use it for 100 cent* on the dollar to pay debts with. The Issues or the State Bonk is the only well secured and re liable money in that State. - Wisconsin Monet.— There Is a list of some 68 bonks that the merchants and bankers of Milwau kee have agreed to take and pass until December next Very- many of these banks are worth bat from 61 to 70 and 80 cents, and secured as are the banks of Illinois, and worth no more, and we can not see bow they are to bo sustained as a drcola ting medium above -their real valne, in compe tition with money worth 100 cents on the dollar. *Wo-\ronld advise our .Wisconsin readers to only ;lake them at what they are really worth. COMMERCIAL. TmmsniT_EvEKTNß, JtmaC, 1851. The following are the receipts and shipments for tho past twenty-four hours: - BIODPT9 LAST TWENTT-fOPB HOPES. . Floor,Wh’t, ConVOata, Eye, Bar. _ ■ - brls. bu. * bo. bu. . bu. - bu. By Lake 90 .. * By Cac&l 370 83576 G.iC.U.B.a. KM 29787 8370 500 991; .... ChL&B.L GOO 4200 7350 .... .... .... LC.E.E......100 7850 18650 .... TOO" 200 C.&N. wTe. IL 1452 16185 130 2630 959 C.,A.*StB.B 9411 .... T0W...... 8496 67697 74994 8186 2733 . 200 High- Live* Seeds Cattle Hides wins Hogs Pot's • lbs. No. B>s. brls. No. bu.. By Canal....•: .... .... .... .... .... 6.AO.U.KE .SBMK 42 990 . .... 1760 C. &8.L8.8.V—-• 8 22460 90 .... 700 LC.8.8. - 1600 10 200 400 0.8. ft Q.8.E. : .... 113 25 C.&N.W.H.B. .... 18 218 1156 C.,A.&StX.BB~— SO .... 80 .... ’ 600 Tcisi 2340 188 25258 243 200 4641 Flour, Wh’t, Corn, Oats, Bye, B’rly brls. bn. bu. bn. bu. bn. -Toßofido £53 44600 86900 To Oswego.... .... 80800 .... .... ' To Ft. Coiboni .... .... 1800 To Kingston....... 15200 16500 To Fort Sarnia. 83S 634 .... T0ta1!.;... 6693 91334 70460 T.’TT nrcmpTß and suipbents bt lak*, june 0. . BeceipU. x Shipment*. Lumber,.ft -700,000 Flour, br15.—...,8,700 Shingles, No 170,600 Wheat, bu 93£72 Lath,No 16,000 Corn, bu ........160,830 Salt, brls —...2400 Oats, bn 15,500 Coal, tons 1,825 Barley, bn 12,400 Posts, No .„.6,60(U Potatoes, bu. 2.500 Wood, cds 170 Pork, brls —5 High Wines, brls .16 Hlghwines, brls ISO Fish, brls 4X beceipts and amraocTTS nr canal, jpne 6. Becelpie. _ . . Shipments, ■ Com, bu ; .-..*3,570. Lumber, ft.; 247.453 Wheat, 'bu— 370 Shingles, No 82,000 Potatoes, bn..54 Lath, No.- 13.600 Coal, tons— .194 . High Wines, brls—lso $230.0*1 23 The leading markets were more active to-day and generally firmer. At the opening .there was on extremely dull feeling in the Wheat market, and Bales were-made at concessions; hat as soon as the New YotkjUspatchea were received, the de mand became active and prices rallied—closing firm at an advance of folly Sc over those of yester day. The day’s transactions amounted to up wards of 75,000 bushels of all grades, at 73c forN. W. Club; 70@7Scfor No. 1 Spring; aud 6C@72c for No. 2 Spring. : The Flour market was oa the whole more active—though at a shade lower prices —with sales of about $1,300 hrls, at $3,80@4.25 for fair to choice Spring extras, and $2.60@3.60 for su pci fine. There wasan Improved shipping demand for Corn, and the market was more active at. full prices—with sales of about 100,000 bushels, at 33e for Fiver Yellow afloat; 24tf@25c f or ju TCr and Canal Mixed afloat; and 23e for Mixed in store. Oats were quiet aud steady at 16@16tf c. Ryo'aud Barley were neglected. Hlghwlnes dallaadnoml nal. • Freights opened steady, but dosed easier, with engagements for 9c for corn, and 'loc for wheat to Oswego; andStf @oc for com and Ctfc for wheat to Bnffalo. No Meeting ox ’Change To-iioEßOw.—As a to ken of respect to the memory of Senator Douglas, there will be no meeting held oa ’change to-mor row (Friday). Tuesdays* Ntw York Cattle market. [From Wednesday’s N. Y. Tribune.] Bnx’s Bead, Tuesday, June 4.— There la a de eded decline In the price of bullocks to-day, from quotations In our last report of the market. Mo»t ofthe drovers think their bollocks at full half a ccntperponcd less thiq week than last. This may be the fact, taking the lower estimates of weight into account, as well as lower price perponud. The general report of the brokers to-day shows the range of prices from Ttf to 9 cents a pound for the net weight of beef, sinking oflkl, and at least three-fourths of all the sales at 8 to Btf cents per pound, indicating an average of Stfc, Last week the average was giv en as btfc; but as there were only 2,976 head on sale, against nearly 4,000 this week, there Is no doubt that butchers are getting bullocks to-day of a better quality os well as of better estimates of weight, at the same rates per pound, so that the decuno is really cqnal to balf a cent to-day, with a very bad show for to-morrow, as from the state of trade in the afternoon it is probable that there will he a larger portion than usual left over for eale the second day, and owners fear they will have to submit to very low rates. 1 A good many of the bollocks on salo to-day are iu the hands of men who went to Albany, Buffalo, Suspension Bridge, Pittsburgh and Harrisburg, and bought the stock of drovers, to sell again oa r-neculalion. As they all predicated their opera-* 1 lion* upon the prices of last week, it is needless to say that the speculation will be u left-handed one. The quality of the stock this week is as good as it has been for several weeks past, including a great many Western distillery fed cattle, an das the average weight is greater than we ever knew before, for a long period, the supply is quite beyond the wants of the city and suburbs for beef, and the only hope that owners can reason ably have of selling all out to-morrow, is to farm ers, a considerable number of whom are here to day on the watch for good bargains, but disposed to wait ISB chances to-morrow. The weather to day has been favorable for business—cloudy, with slight rain, and not very warm. FliUadolpUa Cattle Market-Jane 8. Osly about 750 beef cattle were ordered, and pearly all sold, at Phillips? yards daring the past week, at rather hither prices, ranging at from $8 to $9.79 the 100 B>s., the latter for extra quality; the demand was brisk. The followiogara the par* licnlars of the sales reported to-day at the Avcnne yard: . 40 L Abrams. Illinois, at Btf ®9tf 40 John Sanderson, do Btf @9 45 McQnald & Carr, Ohio.'. Btf@9tf 19 Kimble & Kirk. Lancaster C 0.,...1.. 9 @9tf 49 Jas. McFßlen, Jr., Indiana 0 @9tf 40 Ph. Hath way, Lancaster county 0 @9tf £6 P.McFiilcn,lndiana...; Btf@9 J. Seldomtidge, Lan. & York Co’s 9 @9tf 140 Mooney & Smith, 111., and 0hi0...... 0 @9tf 4 Shanmoerg & Co., Ohio Btf@o 25 H. Chain, Ohio B@9tf 86 Mustln, Lancaster county 8 @9tf 19 Knox, do 9 ®9tf 64 Airsmau, do 8 Cfi9 28 Haymaker & Bro. do 8 @9 8 John Kauffman, do Btf@9 12 Franks. Berks county... 8 @Stf 27 Fuller & Co., Beaver Co 8 @Btf 431,000 60,110 The receipts and sales of Hogs include 2,414 at Imboff’s, at ss@o for still fed, $5.75@7 for coin fed. and $9.26 at at the Avcnne Yard at s6@6tf the ICO S*s., net, which is rather better.— North Amer ican, Daily Review Chicago Market. Tbomdat Evextxo, June 6, 1861. FREIGHTS—Easier. The engagements were &s follow*ro Oswego: Schr Mediterranean, wheat, at 10c; schr* Maple Leaf and Hungarian, corn, at Be; echr Pcr*y, rye, via Port SarnU, at 9#c. To Buffalo: Schrs Cuba and Hamlet, whes t, »t6#c; echr York State, corn, at 6#c; schr Jupi ter. and anotber vessel, name not given, corn. atlE#c. FLOUR—Received, 3.496 brls; shipped, 5,693 brls. Market dull. Sales, £SO brls " Morgan " fprlng extra on p. t: I£o brls “ West Lake Street Mllhj” onp.t.; fiTSbrls fair spring extra at $3 80 —N. T. eschar 100 brls choice extra at $4 35—cur rency; 100 brls “Janesville” onp.t.; 600 brls fair tprlng extra onp.t.; 11l brls choice superfine at S3.SO— N. Y. exch.; 200 brls fair do at $3 00—gold: 100brls do at $2.90; 80 brls do at $2 60— N. Y. . cxrh&ncc. WHEAT—Kccdvcd, 57,597 bn; shipped 91,831 bn. Market opened dull but dosed firm and 3s lugher. Sales were:—l,soo bn N. W. Club at 73c in store—gold; 1,000 bn No. 1 Spring at 70s la store—gold; 1,000 bn do at 70 c—currency; TOO bn do at. Tic—currency; 8,000 bu do at 72c—currency and N. Y. exchange; 6,000 bn do at 72c—cold; 6.000 bn do at73e—N. Y. exch; 4,000 bu do at 75 o—N.Y. exchange; SCO bn No. 2 Spring in store at 66c. gold; 1,500 bn do at 67c, gold ;4.ooobtt do at 6T#c, gold; 8,000 bn do at 65c, gold TOO bn do at 69c, (.old; 3,600 bn do at 67c, currency; 18,000 bn dn ct C7c, currency and N. Y. exch; 6,000 bn do at 70c,N.Y. exch. and currency; TOO bu Rejected in store at 00c, currency; LOGO bn do at 65c, gold; /TOO bn do at Cle, gold. Sales In bags by sample were as follows: 1,000 bags dab at 75c on track; 116 sacks fair spring at 73c on track; 800 Mfiw do atTOcon track. • CORN—Received 74,994 hu; shipped 70,409 bu. Market firmer and more active. Sales were ns fol lows : 6000 bn prime River Yellow at 28c afloat— currency; 30,000 bn River and Canal Mixed at 21#c afloat—currency and N. T, exchange; 17.000 bu River Mixed at 25#c f. o. b; currency; 1300 bu Rejected Canal at 23#c afloat—currency; 6000 bn Mixed In store at 23c—gold; 45,000 bn do at 23c— currency and N. Y. exchange ; 1009 bn do at 2l#c B. K, currency. OATS—Received 8.186 bn. Market qnlot. Sales 30CO bn No. 1 atTSe In store—gold; 1000 bn do at Is#c In ttore—currency; TOGO bu do at!s#c—cur rency. BiE—Received,2723bn. Salesßobagaat36con track-currency. » ; BARLEY—Received 200 bu. No demand for lots in store and market nominal. Sales by sample were as follows: 250 bushels prime In sacks at 40c dd—gold. " HIGHWINES—Recdved 245 brls. No demand and market nominal at ISfolSc. 30 bags fair Mixed at $L00; prime do POTATOES—Received 4,641 bu! Market active and easier. Sales 800 bushels Neahannocks inbalk at 28c on trade; 800 bn Bloc Neshannocks and Mixed at Sic in milk on track; 700 bn Mixed atSlc del: 400bn do at 16con track. SEEDS—2S bags Hungarian at 85c; 7 bagsTlmo thy Seed at $1.50. - PHOVISIONB-25 brls Mesa Pork to lumber trade at sl6 00. TALLOW—7 brls country at 7c. H Dry Flint 9©9#c; Dry Salted, 7 Grain—The receipts since Saturday hare been 17,784 bu corn and 650 bn oats. Corn continues dnlL Sales of southern and western yel low at 6C©GOc; western mixed 54®55c 9 bn. Oats are in steady demand. Sales of westemand Canada atSSQSCcllbn. Byo is doll at 70c $ bu. Proyi sione—Fork continues dull. Sales of prime at $18.00©16.00; mess slß.oo@lß 50; clear $19.00© 90.00 brl, cash and 4 mos, Beef is firm and in fair demand. Sales of eastern and western mess and extra mesa at $9.00©1100 fi> brl, cash and 4 mos. Lard continues dnU.. Sales In brls at oJ£© 10c; kegs U@UXc9Jb, cash and 4 mos. Hams are selling at 9X®loc $ |b, » : acres, south of Brighton, on Plank road, (tenced); 12ufe«t Docking Lot, near Hoogh's Packing House, with aside track from the Alton £ at. LoolsiLK: 4 Lots in Evanston. Together with various other Lots and Tracts of Lard, which wilt be shown at myoffice.asClar«Bt- Bp stairs. - JOHN EVAX3. myaicSCl-Cw intelligence Offices. H-ENEKAL employment VJ AOiXCT, Churchßlocfcto9 ClarkstrectTOld cage, Illinois, for supplying Farm Hands Ihiiircad Men. Lumbermen. Hotel and Boarding Uonae Help Also private families. Hein of all kinds constant]r os hand and promptly supplied In city and coo-'try. Office Box IMtf. STEWART HAMILTON. Good servants may And respectable sUoattotu at tills office. my:-xtm Nutv intklligenck OFFICE. 163 Dearborn street. Op. Post Office. Famines enpplled with nelp of the jost reliable character. A Orders fmm tvo country promntl/ re- Bpcndrd to. AdfireasPost Office Box S3 45. mraifiw MBS A L BALSAM. ®o Contractors. QAK LUMBER WANTED. Omcs of tux Board or Public Wobks, > CmcAGO, s SEUED PBOFOSILS Win be received at this office until 3 o’clock; P. M., on Satnrday. Jancetli. for providing the following aaan titles of White Oak Lnmbcr. SO m feet 4 In. by «in, 13, 14. and 18 feet long, s m feet 4 In. by 4 In* H and is feet long. 7* m feet 2% In. plank. 8 feet long. W m feet 3 In. plank, 18 feet long. 73 m feet 3 In. plank, 14 feet long. 53 m fett 3X in. plank, 12 feet ong. _SS m feet S In. plank. 14 feet long. The Lumber to be provided must oe good, sound. White Oak. to be delivered at tho Bridewell imck Polk street, one-half by July izth, and oue-half by August izth. It Is howcverdesirablo to obtain certain of the kinds as early aa practicable, in particular the 2K Inch plank 8 feet long, and the 2 Inch plank 18 feet long; and parties bidding are Invited to state bo * much earlier than the days above named, they can furnish these or any of these different kinds bid f w. By order of the Board. A. W. TINKH AM. myaceSMtd Secretary. J>ROPOSALS POR A LOAN OP OOO.OOO. lOmclAL.l . SPXcrorxxrD. iLLnroin. Vay BS, im. Scaled proposals will be received at the Office of the Treasurer of the State of Illinois, la the dtp of Spring field, Illinois, until 12 o’clock nooa of the twenty-flfen dsTaf Jane, 1881, and at the American Exchange Bank. In the City of New Tork, until 12 o’clock noon of the flret day of July, ISHI_ for One Million Dalian of the Stock of the State of minds. to be Issued In accord* ancewtti an act of the Legislature, entitled “An act creating a war fond and to provide for auditing aU ac count* and disbursements aristas under the e*n for volunteers," approved May 2d,ltfii. The stock thus leeuedtobe relmhurrable at the pleasure of the State, after the year of onr Lord 1879, In the city of New York, to bear Interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum from the first day of July, l?«l. Intercstpiva. ble In the city of New i ork, and to consist of bonds payable to bearer with seml-aonoat Interest coupons attached, payable on first Monday* of January and July of each year, in amounts as follows, to wit: Two bnudred and fifty thousand dollars In bonds of one hundred dollars each. Two hundred and Ally thousand dollars In bonds of five hundred dollars each, and five hundred thousand dollars In bonds of one thousand dollars each. Tliepropc»alsjuu9tstata (be sum offered for each cundrrd coDars ofst ck, and the denomination* of stock bid for. And must be unconditional without re* ferenee to other offers. One per cent, of the amount offered must deposited with some bank In the city ot Springfield or In the city ol CMcaco, H'lnola, or la the -Itr c r New York, and a certificate showing such de posit must accompany the eff-.r. subject to the order ot the Treasurer of ibe Slate of HUsoU, said cnrUfl cat< sto be retorted in casqthe offerings are net ac cepted. The persons whoso bids are accepted will be re quired to deposit the amount thereof with the Trsa surer of the rtate of Illinois, at hi* office In the city of Springfield. ITllcols, or at the American Exchange Bank, in the city of New York, subject to hi* order, within five days after th* acceptance of their bids, at which time tne bonds will be ready for delivery; the place where the offerings are accepted to be the place of the deposit and the delivery of the bonds unless otherwise specified In the bid*. The rigbtl* reserved to relwtar y and all of the bids, if considered neces sary teprotictcrpromotethelntersstofthe State. ibe prccosal* mntt be sealed and addressed, lYOllam Butler, Treasurer, Sprmgfleld, UL “Pro posals fcrLcan. 1861;” or mulam Butler, Treasurer of the State of Hltools. at the American Exchange Bank, New York- ** Propos tls far Loan. lS6t, n RICHARD TATE3, Governor of the* State of HUnola. JESSE K. DUBOIS. Andlter. WILLIAM BUTLER. Treasurer. • PROPOSALS FOR ARMS. sea ed propaeaU> wm be received st SprlnTfleld.HU. noD, oner before the eleventh (llth) day of June next at noon, by the undersigned. Commissioners on the partofthe State of ILlaus, for famishing, delivered at Springfield, mmols, the following anna and equip ments: 00,(00) ten theesud 2Qnrle Rifled Musket*, with angular hsvoneta fifty-eight hundredths CW) Inch calibre. aadtOloeh lenath of barreL (Abo ) two tbouiand Mlaclc Rlfies, with sword baytv nets, fiftr-eight hundredths (.U)«lnch caliare, 3J Inca length of barrel. The barrels to he rilled with three grooves, one twist in six feet; the lands and grooves to be equal. Each part to be equal In all respects to the standard required by the Unfed States, and t> bo subjected to the same tests now In use by said Govern ment. To each musket and rifle 1 ecrew-driver, with cone wrench; 1 wiper; 1 tomplOß, and one spare cone. To each Ss (twenty-five muskets sad rifles. 1 ball screw: 1 spring vice; 1 tumbler and wire punch. SISSS.te OI “- *«*■ The Commlssionere reserve the right to reject any propcßaL The terms of payment under the law are eighty per cent, on delivery, twenty per cannon com pletlun ot contract. Adcrees “Commissioners for Purchasing Arms.* JOHNtILLSOSL* I Cora’ra. - - WM.SHEPHABD.) May 18th, IF6U mytteTSMOd (Bung, See. rj.UNS I GUNS 11 GUNS 11! VJ Gaos, Rifle*. Pistols, Colt*!, AHen’s, Sharpe'S, and every varletr of Revolver. Bowie Knives, Tento. Picks, Shovels, Fans. Gold Scale*, Blankets and aU kinds of Miner's Tools. Powder, Shot, Caps and Am monltloa generally _tF“ Agent for. Bt. Louis Shot, and Sole Agent for Hazard's Powder GEO. T. ABBEY aoriv 1 m Lake street. CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK kD COUBTT. S. B—Superior Court of Chicago, May Term, A, D. 186 L Asa D, Reed aad Sylreatar Bied ra. J.K. Hailam—Attachment. _ _ _ , . FobUe notice Is hereby glren to the tali J. K. Hal* lam that & writ of at'acfinent I«sub 1 oat ot the office of the Clerk of th» Superior Coart of Chicago, dst »d the *7tb day of April. A. D. IMU as the tolt of the aald A*a D. _*ed and Sylrerter Beed. and against the es tate ;f the aald J- K. Hallazn, f:r tbs sazn of Fire Hundred Seventy-two am 48-ion Dollars, directed to the Sheriff of cook County, which said writ haa been retained executed. .* •» w *. How,therefore, aalewyoa. tte nld J. X. Hatton shall oerfonaHy be aad appear before the aald Sape rlor Court or on or before the Ant day of the term thereof to be hold«*n as toe Co art House, in. the City of> the hist Monday of Jane. A.O. ixt give special ton, and plead to the aald plaintiff •* action. Judgment will be entered against yon. and la favor or the said plaintiffs, and ao much of the pro. petty attached as sur be sufficient to satisfy the so lodgment and coats, wlUbe sold to sstisfre he 11 WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk Gallup A HrrcßOOcr. PlftTs Atrys my9^e7-iLiw “VTBW YORK STEAM DYE i-l WOEKS. Wo. Terbury, Iff? South Dirk street, between Madison and Monroe, Chicago. Dyer sad cleaner or all Muds of SUk aad woolen Good*. Also. Straw fiats and Brunet Dying, Bleaching and Frees. Jng. Store and Country Woxw Solicited. All orders by Hauer Express promptly attended to, F.0.80x 3683. _* jefgMy 'J'HE KENOSHA WATER CURE Kenosha, \naoonu, Tbe bttt pUee la th e Wm, ft>r d Sislsd o ™ a FROM I. H. BURCH.— A_y 1 have this day made an Assignment qf* property for the benefit of the creditor* of L Chicago, June 3rd, Ja^ehiMt Irgal SSJsrtKsmtnts. CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK: KJ COUNTY, S.B.—Superior Court of chic.~T August Term, A- D. 1361.-Wiliam T. D. T1 tsworth, Budolph M. Tltswonh. WfllUa Dn . h J H. K. Bn cl Ell H. Mallory- Ethel T. FarnbaiiL ffi?; H. Jordan and Orlando Bellows, Impleaded with a y, Tltoworm. H. L. nil), G. h. Granger. Buuell Jo flphß.ldeson. SamuelH. Turrall and Aaron Haven— Attachment ft aloof scire facias to make party to Judgment. Public notice la hereby given tolho said Bltni t Foret kd, la pleaded as aforesaid, that a writo* toeboent la aid as aforesaid, usued out of the oilw -Tf the Clerk of the Superior Conn of Chicago, dole i otb day oi June. A. D. itfii, attbe suit of tbe raid kreaud against the estate of tba said Famhasi £ rlreded os aforesaid. for tbe sum of six hasdrcai?* Wjy doßanijdlrectet! to tbe Sheriff of Cook Cauare wmclitalclwTitbsabeenretanied executed. aa * 7 * -»tL°? r *. u,er ? C:)r **. ttnlM ’7oa.the said Farnham w pleaded as aforesaid. sb*U personally be and am!*; ft? Eopejlcr Cooxt of Chicago.on orbetiri the term thereof; to be holdeu at th> £ O^AHOCBe, i n . th £, c , 1 17 Qt Chicago, on the fim M £jol Ananit A.I), 1m», give special ball, and pi-»i to the said plaintiff *s action. Judgment wIU be enter?! agalmyon, and In favor of tbe said Borges*, ana U o/ti e property attached a* may h.-* sufficient ®*}J e P r ft e and cost* will bo sold v> satiny me tame. jefrerTt-tw WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY K' OF COOK. SA—Superior Conti of Chicago. FranclsW. BncYlngham n. Charles A. Greearr William Winn. Horace F. Waite, William C G-indr Charles B. Waite. Hamiah lUUrftT. Marlon Karel to Rattray, Francis Wlnn.ardibe of James Wfnn, deceased.—ln Cbaecerv w Affidavit of the non-residence of said Francis W!»» and William: Wlr.p. and that the h-lw oriSd jSS Wlno.ezcept(ald Francis and William, bis brotVrT ate unknown, defendants above n tmed. bavia* h i, tiled In the office of u-e Clerk of tald -up'rtor ofr.meauo >utlceli bsreby rivea la toe saidFraa-» Winn, wmiam Winn, and tbe unknown v elr* o* JamwWmn.deeeaecd. that tbs compfrlaactfifcdvi bill of complalntln said Court, on the Chane*rr aLv th#rept at amended, a&d that a summons lb-rran-5 L-ocd pat of raw Court against sail DefeattoviCw. turnfeblecD the first Monday of August next, i&fiT a* Is by law required * * ow, unlere y cu, t' e raid Frond* Wlan and Wnil ™ Winn, snd the unknown hslrs of lame- Win-* ». crafed. shall pmvonol ybe and appear before ? al-: -V perkr Court cfCUcsffo of Cook u.unty. . In block thirty-one <3l) In IVolcott's AdAldonbc lag forty-nine feet on Clark street by etgbty feet de-p. a cen»lneocambr«ac*: In sold deed specified] to secure the payment of a cer tain bond bearing even date with said deed fbr three Ibonsand dollars rouble in ten years with Interest at ten percent per aimum payableseal-anauaily,said bona temg numbered six ananudepayableto Eaward U. Arnold aa trustee; Ac, and It being provided there in that It definlt should be made In the payme-i t of a>ir of tbe Interest on salt principal sum and any portion thereof sbonld remain due and unpaid far the space of thirty dare after the same should become due and my able, then tbe principal sum with all arrearage? of it. terrec should st tbe rptlon of «a! i Arnold. h $ ei_‘- cutor?, admtnlstrston cr asslgtutilu-reupoa beci.ti! cueand payable and might be demanded Immellat Iv or at any time wltbm tLlrty days after and In and bv said tru» t de. d it N rrovtdcd that la c.vj i of default In the ravment oi wild bond or a**v -Mrj tf>«rf of, according to toe tenor and effect tbereof or l » the performance of any of the c tvenacts In ?ald d-rd cnapilJcatlo?of tl»elegal hoMerofsatd boniorto* rcupocs thereto attach'd, s«ld Arnold or his l.*gnl rerna-ntatives oratfarcey should sell aaldpreuUct at public vendue. how. therefore, default having bean mad? In tbe jit. meat cl th* Irt- rest coupon on told bond due March Uth to l?tb, A. D. X»8l, for the sum of one hundred fifty dollars; and the o«ner and bolder of and afro tbe asVgnee and bolder cf said coupon bre. tng elected to declare the principal sum and back 1-*. terest cue. viz: tbe sum ot 9-VSd u‘, and having mule application to ssJd Edward H-Ar-oli t> pro<:>etl sell raid nreml-«e, notice Is hereby given that hi pur. tcacceof sod by virtue-of tbe powers in cold » siond»y, August istb, tu D. .af.u attbe hour or tvcl > o’clock, coon, of said day at tbe north donrefthv Court House. In the city of Chicago, scM atpuM vradne. tbe r.remises hereinbefore describ'd with all tbe tight and equity of redemption of sold Jane. G Msclay and Matyaret t*U w i e. EDWARD H. ASKOLD, Trent* Davis A Nisszx. Solr's. jetevotd QTATE OF ILLINOIS, Oook kj Term, A_ X>. IS»3. Jibenezer G. Wolcott va. D; c Brrwn. Public u< Uce Is hereby given to thesaM T> C Bmwi that a writ et attachment *saaed out of li- ot'ice f tceCitrk of the Cook Connty Clrcnlt Court. theasth day of May, A.i>.lßsU at the salt pf the f pie MtU). C. Brown, for the *nm cf Ono Hundred Fifty. HveDoll*m acd Thlrty-Flm dlwcr-d to tie SheriffcfCook Connty, whlchsaldwntba;bwarc. tamed sxeented. Now, therefore. nnl»«sron, the said I>. C. Br>wn. shall personally be and appear bef<>re the«ai.i c'o-ii Count/ C'rcnit Conrt. oa or before the art .tar of tie next Term thereof; toteholden at the Court Ho-’sc. In the City of Chlcaec*. enthe third Monday of Jua-, A. D. isni, give special ball, and pleat! to tho add plaintiff's action. Jndzmeat will be ctitaed ac-vl;i-: yon. and in Civcr cf the said Ebenczer G Wolroit. and so mnen of the proper y attached as may Ic «n!h elect to satis yth-sr-id Jadgmeot'and cova, will bo add to safitly the same. . „ _ _ WM. L. CHURCH. CWk. A.E Wolcott, PUT’S Alfy. Jabesriw pHANCERY NOTICE.—State of V-/ nnsoU. County of Cook. B S,—Superior C«tn of rhlcaze. Janet erm. 1911.-In Chancery. _W Ilham T. Seymour vs. Clark Rnnvon and Laura .1. KnuTou, his wife. Joseph Jotuiot'm, C’arl-* u. Wicker. John IMnnlston. American Hone Natl Co.-n nany, hamnel Bailey, John IL Brown. IL Brown. Peter Kinney, Eggleston B. Lodwlck, Una.-',.-.* Starr, Jr„ Robert Huche*. Lnc-an BatlK-e, fu*mlul*;rv t r of the estate of Joel Buttle*. reeeaacd. tb<* in k'town heirs if Joel Buttles, decease-!. Clarkn Fil klce.admlnbtrainxof the estate ofJ>*eph eilklo* o*. coved, the unknown betrsof J.weph Fllklns. deceanri Affidavit having been hied in the oflira of ;n# ;,icrc r f (aid Super or ccurt of Chicago that Robert IltiJuvj. one of the defendants above nswe-l, on due lu.ij'r* cannot he found and that the mid Ihtb'rt H-i,;>i-> hii gene out of this State. Notice la hereby given D u-,» sold Robert Hogtes that the complainant Hied hu v .iii of coiuplaicc lu (ala court, cn tiio Chancery ddu thereof on the twentieth cay of May. lfc*U and that % soc mens thereupon issued oat or said Cour A?v.n«t •ald-HcfFzdaots returnable on tb* first Monday cf June next, (19H.) as is by awreok Connty. on the first dav of tne ceit term thereof to be boldcn at Chitago.'ln »Ld Connty, on the first Monday of June, IS4I, andp!?*f, arswer or demur to tho raid complainant'* bin -M complaint, the same, and the n attera and things there in charged and stated, will be taken at coafpiaod. *ad a decree entered aga&st you mocordlns to the nnver Ofsaldbl'L WAiTSa KIMBALL, Clark. Ena A Scott. CompUtcut's Solxcltora. mj2B.chliAw QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK VO COITNTT. S. P.—Poperlor Conrt of Chicago, 31ayTenn, A D. 1561. An D. Bwd and E#cd ts. J. K Balhur—Attachment. Pubic notice in hereby given to the said J. K. ITil ia tn Uiat a writ of attachment Issued oat of the oiflee of the Clerk of the Superior Coart of Chicago, dated the nth day of April A.D 15m, at the suitor the said A*al>.Ke&andt*jlvest*rßeec, and against thecs. rate ot the aa’d J K. Ilillatn. for the sara of Five Hundred Seventy-Two and tS-100 Dollars, directed to the Sheriff olCooic Counrr which eald writ has bean n tnrnedexecuted. Now.tkeref&re.ualeaayoQ.tnesald J. K. Hallam shall personally he and appear before the said Superior Coart of Chicago, os orbefcre the first day of the term thereof to bo fiolden at the Court Boose,ls the City of Chicago, os the Or>t .Mocday of June, A.D- ISCI, give special bail, and pload to the said plaintiff** action, judgment will be ent-red agaitut Sou, and la favor of the said plaintiffs and so mneii of ie property attached as maybe Bnfllclcr.ttosahify the said Judgment and costa. will be sold to satisfy the *ame._ JWALTKIt Kl O ATT.TTT* * nrmrooci pTreTAtrSriSJii'arw pHANCSKT NOTICE.—State Vj/of DlbKt* cpok County, B.a-Superior Court of Chicago. Jose Term, nw TVIUamT, Sejtaonrvs. ClarJcßnnytm and Laura J Kuor..Q, hi* wife, Joseph Johnston, Charles G. Wicker. John D-nnlston. Amrricaa Horso N.vl Coie- S*nr, S.nmo*l Bailey. John H. Brown. William is. town.Peter Klr,n* r r,Ensle«tnnTi. Lodwlck, Chart ;* Starr. Jr. Robert Hucfce*. Laolan Buttle*. admtati (rater of (be eetatn of Joel Buttle*, deceased, the on known Heirs of Joel Cuttles, deceased. C>am*a HI kla*. admlnin'stratrlx ot-thr es-au cf Jo»rnb vukifa deceased, the unknown Heirs cf Joseph rliklru. do' Ctaerd.—ln Chancery. .affidavit of the nse.reßtdence of Clark Rmyw, Laura J.Jtrnyon.b-H w.fp, Tlie ametina Howe sal! < ompany. luclan Buttles, administrator of tlie ci tato of Joel Bmt’.ev deceased, Samuel Bailey, Jots H Brown. wuHanx It Drown. Peter Kiniicy. Hi §lestonß Lodwlck andCharlesSt«l Buttles. cec«as*d, ana the unknown Helm 0f.1.«-‘,ih Fuklcs, deceased, are Interested Li a-»td snft'a.-l In the lands described In the bill of complaint lu »ala ault and that tee names of the said defendant* nated as the unknown heirs of Joel Buttles, (iceea**!, and the unknown heir* of Joseph FUklCit, coc-a-'d. arr unknown. Notice Is hereor given {> tic *vd Clark Rnnrcm and Laura J. Runyon, hi* wfe.The AmericanißoreeNall Company. Lucian Cuttle*.admin Istntor of the estate of Joel Buttles, deceased. cue us knpwnßtlrs of Joet Buttles, deceased. Samuel Hall**!*. John n. Brown. William R. Brawn. Peter Kin tier, fir* Kies ton B. Lodwlck. Charles Starr, Jr., and tlie nn* known Heirs of Jovph FllkJms deciawd. the complainant filed bts bill cf eumplalct la said Court on the Chancery alda thereof on the 3ttn o' :.f »r, -S6], and toat a summons thtreupoa lamed one cf adi Court aßalistS'ld defendants rctnm ih> on t v ** fine Monday of Jnnj next (li-tin, as is by law required. Now, unless 3 on, the said Claris Utryoa aulLaira J. Runjon hi* wife. Tbs Atr'erlcsn Horse Nallrtum- P*Q7. Inclan Bottle*, administrator of Che estate of Joel Buttles, deceased, Samuel BiU*v. John IL Ur >wn. William it Brown, Peter Kinney. Egrlert n B. Lod wick,Charles Starr. Jr, aud ua said defemlaat* de sigeattd la said bill as the unknown Heir 3 of Jo-1 Butties, deceased, and the unknown Heirs of Joseph Fuklnr, deceased, shall pcraonally bo and appii&r be. fore said Sup. riorro-rt of Chicago. cf Cook County, on the lint day of the nest t:rm thereof to be h-ildea st Chicago, la said Connty, on the ant Mon-lay of June, U6l, and dead, aeswer or dtmur t> the said complainant's bin of complaint, the same :nd the matter* and telngs taercln charged tod stated. Will be taken as con: essed, and a decree enttred agalastyoa according to tic prayer of said blit _ ■ b * WALTER KIMBALL, Cert, Eriro ft Scott, Solicitors for Complainant. n.yu*t»s7sw GTATE OF ILLINOIS, County of O Cook, fa Superior Ccurt cf Chicago, June Tens, I8«]. Samuel Myera va. JohnD Pahlnan. Luther Stooe Lewis W. 6toa&Get*rgu A. Cornea and Caro line H.Carneahi» wife, Theodore j*. Phillip*, William G, Appleton amJhllza G. Appleton his wife, Abijah B*ooe. Robert LalnbridgecGcorge Hntlcdgc,WUliaru U. Wane, Frederick Warne. Hiram A. Tucker. Nathaniel G. Carnes, Samuel Haskell. WUUam WUsoa John It. Corthellsndßlcbardß.Dovell.lnChancery. -• Affidavit of the oou-realdence of Georg-* A Carnea and Carolines.Canes hi*wife,Theodore F.-rtmiiip*. WiniamG. Appleton and KUza G.Apph’trn hi* wife, Abiiah Stone. Robert Balnbridze. Georre Butledinv William H. Wane, Frederick Warms. G- Carnes, Samuel BaskeD, Winiam Wlboa and Richard U. Dovell, fourteen of toe defendant* shore named, having been med In the office of the Clerk of said. Snperior Court of Chlcaao. notice l* t herrbr glvea to the said George A Canes and Caro line H. Canes hi wife, Thcdore P. Phillip*, william G. Appleton an Etlra G. Appleton bU wl*. Abilah etont Robert Bala bridge. George Eotletlge t WiU!am U. Waroe. Freder ick Wane, batbanlel G. Carnes. Samuel Haskell. WU- Uam Wilson and Rlebanl B- Dovell, that the complain ant filed blablll of complaint In said Coart, oaths Chancery side thervot on the 20th day of May IS6X. and that a furrunnud* therenpoo lamed out of said Coart against salddefimdanu returnable on the first Monday of June Of it, IM. »* f.T Now. unle» you. .the said Georgs A. Canes and Caroline H. Cane* bi» wffe.Tbeodor* T. PhiniUA WU l'*m g. Applston and Elkta O. Appleton his wife Abtlah Stone. Robert Balnbrtdge, George Kutlctlge, WDJlam H, Wane. Frederick nine, Nathaniel t*. Canes, Samuel fiaakelL Wllllant Wilson and Richard B. Dovell shall personally be and appear before said Superior Court of Chicago of Cook County, on the first day of the nextterm thereof to be holdoa at Chi cago. In said Connty.on the first Moodayof Jane, usi, and plead, answer or demur to the said comnlanauf* bin of complaint, the same, and the matters and things therein charged and stated, will be taken a* confess*!, and • decree entered against you according to the preyerof said bUL WALTER KIMBALL. Clerk. Kixo ft ScoTt, Comprta Sol*r. myJiq7JS-5W 'TRUSTEE’S SALE. Whereas, A th» ondertlgned, Lawrence JJ. Htoea, has been by decree in Chancery of the Saperfor Court of Chi ttgo. entered on MarMth. 13». in a eagjrt***!? Buchanan la complainant, and Bo&CTSL_?fbiJS imma 8. Fabian. Thomas L. Forms, Rffitoß- ror rest and Mary Forrest, are dc/fladautA appointed Troatee In place of Hecrr carry out the proTlaiosacfa J^djMg cn ted by Robert L. Fabian aad Emm» & Fab^Ato SSRaSS^ssascaH ig^lßs3BSss «£sb££SS&Office ofcobi Coontr. In Booh ns. Deed the Beal Estate herein- JSdS^S^eSaTeredtoMldHsnrylfcForrost a ?torif yot9 wltfc tnm tbs data if mw ■whol& doe aad unpaid, and there la -SmtSeiSmthe sum of Fire ThouaandMna Hundred “J Dollars, to nay which said earn said Seal Jtttate baa bees ordered by said Coart to be sold, W h^t^er^^ d that the u> designed, Lawrence J. J. Mason, win sellatpabUo OTfHnfi on uossat. the seventeenth day of Jua A. D. IML at 13 o’clock noon of that day. at the north door of the Coart Boose 1a Chicago, to the highest bidder tat cash the Beal Estate convoyed as aforesaid via The sooth half of Lot Ten. Block One Hundred »od Twenty-Two, School Section Addition to Chicago. Hllnoia. with all the, right aad equity of tedemptwa ot said Robert L. Fabian ano at mid Emma S. Fabian, bis wtflsj subject. however, to a certain mortgage of said B.L: Fabian and wife to D, Waldo Llneolzvfoae. core the com of $350000 ltd recorded in theßecoc dert Office of Cook County, ha Book «ff of Mortgage* Face lUM23. LAWS* HCB J. J, JOnSSN. Trustee. HISBWtCg DaTXB. SoUffitOC. B^flt-eOS-td