Newspaper Page Text
Special NTflttea. tW' Cultivation of the Voice.—The eatedened wraW r»i«ctMijtmonn the dHxeuiot Chicago that be b&i located blmaclf In thia dti to to. rsrpoM of te«Ml tte coition rad darelw Jurat of the T o ;cc- ElmMll. POI>U ot Carlo Bawlnl h. prorow. to gl,-partook -“ration to He mtl M_locted manor of Forming rad Developing the Vcjnf J* tBKTiK Rooms Mwicol Union Academy, Larmon Block. H*F«rscif r-Bev. Edward Anderson. Boot A fTfrfly, Carlo IU«llL pat.> with terns fte. at Root ft Cad y'a. jeT-eSSI-Sm [ST To Horte Owners.—Br. Sweet’s lnWliWe Liniment for Hones U unrivalled by any, in an cases cf Lamenete, arising Iram Sprains, Braises Dr Wrenching Hi effect Is magical certain. Ear n«K or Saddle Galls, Scratches, Hange. Ac* it will fti-jcori speedl'y. SpavinandlUngbonemsybeeasl- Jypr >ertel and C;red U their Incipient stages, bit Bonfire-ed cases are beyond the possibility of a radical cure. No ease of the kind, howerrr. is so desperate ci hopeless bnti'may be alk-.l t,'d by this Uaiment, and Its Iklthfol applicuion will always rcaove the Lamenesa, and enable the horse to travel with com parative ease. Every bone owtier should have this remedy athand tDr Its timely nee i.; the first eppsaronce of Lameness Will effectually prewtnt those formidable diseases mentioned, to which all hones are liable, and which reader so many otherwise valuable hones nearly Wsrthleaa. 6ee advertisement For Bale by J. H. JOHNSON. Oenerwl Agent TO State street, BoartSeow-dIY J5gJ~ Oak Orchard Acid Spring Waier.—ramr';!?* containing the opinion* of celebra te ChtmUU ami rhpdclanß respecting the nae ol thl* Weirain ;he cos: of many diseases of the hnman bjb tern, wibbe smelted gratia on application to J.H. REED&CO, Wholesale Drugglsta, CMc«go,lll. gar ‘ ror. t. ?AJcmxaT. watfMy pi*»“ Kennedy's Medical Discovery core* i-'eroful*- Keai cCr'* M • died Discovery cure* Krytlpelta, Kcncrdy** Discovery cures Canker. Kero* fly's Medical Discovery cures Sorting SoreMth Kennedy’s Mcdcul Discovery cures Humor ofUie Eyes Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Scald Head. Kennedy's Medical Discovery cures Running oftiicKar Keuntdy's Medical Discovery cure* Ulcerat'dSore Leg Kennedy's Media J Discovery cores Lepra. Kennedy's Medlcitl OUcovery cures Rheumatism. Kennedy's Medial Discovery cures Salt-Rheum. Medici.! Discovery cures Dyspepsia. K enoecy'a Media i Ditcorery Kcjjulatea the Bowel*. Kennedy's Medic;! the Kidneys. Kvunedy'c Medial Dlreovery llegruates the Liver. Kennedy'a Medial Discovery hu cured Dropsy. trka yon are sick, and do not know what the matter Ja. perhaps yen ha re an inward humor. Try Kennedy's Medical Discovery. For sale by all lirucclst*. Gardiner’s Rheumatic and Neu- TalglaCompfUEd la a positive, safe, and permanent cure for Rheumatism, Neuralgia. and salt Eheom. It it as i.'teexjl, rtsccdv. driving oat and entirely era dir*Uu£ ibi r.l-< rv’qulrtng no change la diet or Zmstnisa. and hut be taken by children and persona the moat CfUrai# eon«tltaUcn* with perfect safety. TutUiicnlalit. like Ac following,—hundreds of them— can be obtained fmn persons well known, who freely £fv< their testimony in Its behalf. - Gardlr ct'p Rheumatic and Neuralgia Compound is the beet meolcine lor the disease I ever saw.’* CHARLES A. SMUH, Xc.l Old &Ut» House, Boston. “After sufierlag with Rheumatism twenty years, ana being confined to sty bed several weebs last a. ting, 1 was entirely cured with two bott'es of Gar diner « Eh* emetic and Neuralgia Compound.*' XoRMaX T. AT RES,« FrankllQ-sL. Boston, “Havlrgbeen a constant sufferer irom Neuralgia fo» eighteen month*, and been driven by excruciating pmm to the trial of numberieas remedies, without ol> ’ali lap ieH»f. 1 was Incoced bra friend «o try Card)- ztr'e Uheumatic and L'eoralgU Compound. 1 have taken but orr botile, and am entirely veil. D, D. BAXTER, Dry Goods Dealer. Ke. S Appleton Block, Lowell, Mass, Tor sale by J. H. JOEKSOK, corucr State and Ran dolph ttreita, CLleipo wholetale aid retail agent lor lie Kr.rttuotern btatefi. R. R. LAXDOX. Agent Übe trade nn»rllcd. jylWMy ttenfeing arißr iaxcfrawgr BARKERS AID DEALERS II lAcliar.gc, Coin, Banknotes and Land Warrants, 5T South. Clarh Street. ...D7 Opp. El encao Bouse, Chicago, HI. I. "Wiilael. S. A, Kean. Collections made throughout the Northwest. Will always pay tie highest price for Ill'noU and Whcon sic Cr rrencj, or will convert it at a commission of 2 percent. ah money not current here, bought at best rates. Any business entrusted to our care will receive prompt attention. jyll-glo4 tin ILLINOIS SAYINGS’ INSTITU- X TICK. II THE CITY OF CHICAGO .February, 1857. Incorporated. Office 10 i £ 106 Washington Street This Institution receives deposits la Gold, Silver and the Bills cf Specie-paying Banks of PITS OX32TTB AN9 UPWARDS, From an clasps cf persons, Inclndlng minors and married Womer, and allows interest at the rate o BIX m CENT. FES ASiTJK, Dividend* payable cn the first Monday of January and July. Office open dally during the usual hours ol l.urlnere. and on Tuesday sod Saturday crenlncs un til 9 O’clock. JOIIN C. HAINES, President. N. B. KIDDER. Cashier. JelO’gl-ly VJT Bankzb* ant> Dealers in EXCHAIEE, GOLD ARD URCURRENT MORET, Cor. Lake urn LaSalle stA, under Marine Bank. TUlnolf D'scmllted Currency bought at the hlrrh-st pisrtet rates. Je»-e53&2m TJLLMANN & Banker* wad Dealers InExcoange, BANE FOIL*. GOLD. SILVER, &C. to. 82 Clar'* S Chicago, Xllinol*. taulffia-lyj jj AKS. 1X G HOUSE B. F. OAKTER & CO., IBarluo Bank-Building, Corner Lake tad Lssafle streets. A general Banking Posi&em transected. oc27CC-ly A IKEN NORTON, AJL BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, Corner of Lake and Clark streets. Collections made in all the principal cities in the XT. B, * .rrw J. D. KOBTOK. JONATHAN SURE. (IsT-iyl A/TARGTK baits, Jji CHICAGO UA-a.'P AND IK&IDIASCS 00. Capital, $500,000* a * im.TOS B. DO XL Cashier ana S-rratarf. J. iODKG &C&MUOH. President. rcraJUea to alTparls Hcfrigerators. T> EFEIGEKATORS AKD ICE JLV BOXES, WATER COOLERS, FiLTERERS, Bathing Apparatus, Plain and Japanned Tin Ware, WHOLESALE ASD BETAJL. WASHER’S PATENT FITE MINUTE ICE CREAM FBJEEZEftS. ''vv OOX> and 'WILLOW WARS' 8T0V33, STOVES, STOVES. Nearly eTtrr article required for Hoaee-Kecplag Can be found at the HAMMOIH HODSE-KEPERS* EMPORIUM, K0.71 Lake street, (Trcmont Dloct.) ALLEN * DALTOS. twtHii-an Rangings. pAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC. At Wholesale and Retail* 22, G-. li. 3?^.aEOMT f 70 ..LAKE STREET 70 UirCMy] E. RIGBY & CO., nC*OBTEB* AND OOBBZEB OF I MP ill H.WGIA'GS, AKD General Boose Painters, 81 BAMIOLPII-ST., CHIC* HO. pRAKE & BROTHER PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHOES, FIXTURES, «C., B9BN and Sign Painter*, Paper Han gers, Etc., Etc., DfO. K>4r QT. ATZ.TT STREET. fcittstnsgg «atfrs- IYOCTOK W. HAY, OITIC2 HO. 85 SOUTH CLASH ST. OmcxHous*;—etoiCA.iL, ZtoSaadTtoßP.K. [mvLeSSS-iyl VEW P/TSNT LAW.— BHOAMAX Sc GRAF, AK-REICiJ AJfD POBXZSir tiuai mfi D r r ■ °* <J«7 dMcripUtn in Uie TJnltad frtotestatfu J,e l»cwLawof Maicb 2<L IS6].aaftin»U toreixm C- ».atrtc« *re not impanel All profsa rin-!gW'.,.ca oosfiCgntfL omen: EiUblUhM, V* X D. C, foppoilte Pitfnt Diet) tta. Bi V?., f„ Me,. (Ow Gottorn Houm) «3, Qj^ei, 3Xooso » (; cTTiT rKrcUid) 1 “ faiiliista-ortioii*tc'lnfe:tor^'Eakli«i fr.l TIPOP >POU<**tf ®obacco j. garth a CO ,’3 Sliiisfeciiirfd Tobacce. EWINC, BRICCS, & CO,, Grooaj, 75 EosthWatsut, Qucigc, Jst/B'j! L« tor tte (Uxrre Mtrtrigjd. , -®h»cco at manufacturer** prtcea. freight mmmmmmfJK*tXDllr <\ r har.c Turw^gj^Pjß Chicago OrT^i;., ll ilp Po< D*V, , ft rulucUwa ;*i‘r*tr Pormu * '*?•*■*. „ * u - *- LC.IWJO6J.O. fHohrs sub TExcljangr. $X8»000 TO IiOAXV FOB FIVE YEARS, On Firet*Clasß City Sectxrity* B. g. DOWNING A CO., 55 Clark street. JfEW YORK EXCHANGE For Bale in Sums to Bait by JONES Ac CULBERTSON, jylSnm yp. 1? Sooth Wells street. J£XCHANGE ON NEW YORK, FOB SALE BY B. F. QUIHBY & CO*, j« Sooth Water street ATONEY TO LOAN QN CITY I* 1 prcperij or Forma la Cook and adjoining Coun- LAND WARRANTS BOUGHT AND SOLD. J. L. LEE, S3 Clark street. Post Office Drawer MST. dcil-ai-iy For money to loan On Beal Estate Securities In Cook and adlolalnr Counties, apply to ERNST PRUSSINC, Dealer is Foreign Exchange, Honey and Real Estate Broker* AGENT FOB THE BRITISH COMMERCIAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. AND NOTAKV.PDBLIC. NO* 6 LARffiON BLOCK, no!4-ly K. g.cor.qsrkand Washington streets. TO LOAN ON CHICAGO CUT PROPERTY, Or on Good Improved Farms In thi%State. CHAMBERS. LEE A CO, 121 Lake street. AoaicSiUy Notice a r PHE CO-PARTNERSHIP .L heretofore existing under the firm same of THOMPSON, BONHAM & CO., was dissolved by n.utual consent on the 2tth June last. The butlnsee of the late fiimwiil be settled oy J. B. Thompson, who is authorized to sign the firm name in liquida tion. J. B. THOMPSON. ROBT. B. STALES, JylTglSMw JQSiAH TYISSOLUTION. —The Co-Part- JL/ nerehlp heretofore existing between the under signed, under the firm of WHITE, STEWAET & WHITE, le this day dissolved by mutual consent. The out standing business of the late hrm will be closed by OcSTO-ly J.A.S. 3T. "WHIT S3, Who la authorized to grant acqultacces and to use the name of the firm in liquidation. JOHN E. WHITE. JOHN STEWART. Chicago. July €th. 1561. JOHN A. WHITE. CARD.—X. WHITE having purchased the Stock, the Woooden Ware Business win be continued at the Old Stand, Xo. 95 South Wa'cr street. JAMES F, WHITE, Agent. Chicago, July 6th, ISol, jyls-glaS-lm RH. STEWART & CO.—The 3 limited partnership formerly doing business under the above name was dissolved by consent of all the partner* on the 23d day of May last, aad the same duly filed in the office of the County Clerk of Cook County pursuant to the Statute. jyl2 gUO-tw R. 11. STEWART & CO. rpHE PARTNERSHIP HERE _I_ tofore existing between the undersigned, under the name and style of AIE£N & NORTON, Zb discontinued from and alter this date, and and all per bona Indebted to exd firm mil please call and male payment, and persona having claims against said firm are requested to receive payment tmmed'ately. The business mil be continued by K. Alaer. under tae same name and style. X. AiKKtr. JONATHAN BCTia. Chicago. April 27th. tnr2^-e77S-2m Educational. CPRINGFIELD FEMALE SEMI- O NARY, Spring feels, Illinois. Eev. B. C. &TTESSEHOXT, Principal. This Institution Is designed to furnish Young Ladles with comprchensl re-substantial, and eminently Chris llan Instruction. The course of study Involves thoroughness in the Elementary Branches, and is as extended and thorough as the best Seminaries of Ue country. Superior facilities are furnished for the PRACTICAL ACQUISITION of tueFrench and German Languages, and in the department of Music (Vocal and Instru mental) ampie provision is made for pupils of all grades of advancement. The situation of the School is retired and yet very accessible from the more public parts of the city. As the number of pupils admitted Into the family ol the Principal will be limited to ten, application should be made as e&ny as possible. The next Academic year will commence on MON DAY. Sept. 9th, U6L Circulars containing satisfac tory Information can be obtained by application to the Principal. Box fi&3, Springfield, ill. Iylß-gI2L2w Jneurance. QHANGE OF AGENCY, lIIGOI\SO.\ Os JAMES, No. 1 Clark street Second Story, Have accepted the Agency of the Liverpool and Lon don Insurance Company for Chicago, and are pre pored to write Fire and life Risks on the most favor able terms. ADVANTAGES OP THE LIVERPOOL AND LON- DON FIRE POLICES L—AII Claims arc paid upon satisfactory proof of less, without deduction for Interest; and not, as usual, sixty days after presentation ol proof! 2.—Fifteen days workman’s privilege allowed, with out NOTICE. B.—Other Insurance is permitted without the Com. pony's consent endorsed on the Policy, and no notice of such addition *1 Insurance is required until special ly demanded. 4. Polices are assignable by simple endorsement No notice need be given to the Company. 5. Ten ponds of .Gunpowder are allowed on the premise*, WITHOUT NOTlCE—none being permitted under ordinary Policies. 6. Policies are more simple, avoiding needless terms and nice descriptions that on'., tend to compli cate the Insurance and embarrass a :ttlement Present cash capital and accmnnlation....... $6,599,130 Invested In United States and held by the Kew York Directors K. B.—The stock cf this Company sells In London at fom times its paz value—or S3O per cent premium. Jyl7-gls3siv JAMES WADSWORTH, • Wa, 1 DeleHi Buildl££, CHICAGO ILLINOIS, AGENT FOR Ooßseotlcat Fire inramco Company, HABTFOBD. AMetß ' $233,008. Western Massaclmsetts Insurance Co,, PITTSFIELD. Assets. $235,000. Atlantic Fir<. and Marino ins, Co,, PSOVIDEKCK. Assets $330,090. Baser Williams Insurance Company, PSOVIDKHCK. Assets ’.....5176,000. Irrlse Fire Insurance Company, NSW TOSS. Assets $237,000. WuhlnstOß Fire Insurance Coap’y, irnis vnoir J&rClJliUf, St£. QLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIGWAM TONIC. ÜBS THE OLD SACHEM BITTERS. It !b the finest anl best ■PHING BIBSIOIira KNOWS, ms ur mnwisLED Purifier and Regulator of the Blood. IT IG A DELIGHTFUL TOHIC. TRY IT AND IT WILL DO YOU GOOD. For sale hr EDWARD FOSTER, Wise and Llaaoc Meichant, iwfioulh Water street Chicago. Wit GOODRICH. Proprietor, Kew Ha Tea, Conn. Prfadpal Depot, lCWat«rßtreet.K.Y. noureo-ly gIHINGKK'S OXIX>- LONDOK DOCK GIN. THIS OELICIfIO TONIC STIMULENT KaPBCIM.T.Y DESIGNED For tiu Use of the Medical FroCmloa and tile Family. Baring isparude tbs totalled “Arcmittc." “CcnEjd."*‘2i©!3icai©d,” "Sstnappa" «c„ la now en dorsed byall of the most prominent raysldana, Cbeau HU, and Connotoeecr*. u poeseaaliiz all ol toow tn bizjdc medicinal Qaahnca, (tonic ana diuretic) which oelosctc an ou» a»p rvn oat Pot np Inquart and plat bottlai and sold 07 *B Druggists, Grocers, fcc. A* BJLe BhriANGEB 4c CO»} ablfehel In ITJBJ sous Pxonaroxt, So. 1? Broad street, K. T. gW“ Ter Mle, wholesale. 1c Chicago., by Hoyt ft pierce, J. H. Reel ft Co„ J. K. B/fuiler & c*. Utntists’ (Saras * W. FREEMAN, A * Dentist, 102....WASHINGTON STREET....IO3 P.O. SczXMl. Qgyw-ly TXrM. ALBAUGH, DENTIST, T T oflee and Rositoccs No. Wert Baadolph •treet (cKcoessor to roller 4c re »ae«ftinF inform the public tbit be may eUH bcfound at the old place, prepared toglrefoll eatfstactton 1c •jery cepartßent of Dentistry, whether la FmaarQ. Cuajoao, Extuacttho. Kzaciu.Tn.a or the lasw- Uca of auttwbit. tmth. fipectoecs or all mil work can be seen at Us office. Chargee moderate. nair«i-iy um; TJ EMOTED TO No. 85 Clark-st,, ■A\> Dr. FULL2B has restored his Dental Office frocsßWest Bandolph street to Clark street, orar Mn Sopaotfs hOliiarry store, at which place he has newly furnished ac elegant suit of Booms adapted to his professional waala, and where ha will be pleased to aae his former patron* aefi inch otter eftiaeat as 35gt arai l£ar TOUI3 MAUS9, PRACTICAL ■ ■ optioian, wp„ ,B<wn cusr er-u5c...... Oppose o* coon gora. . B«ct rreart* Omul *'» d BPe***« Sottfcereo' Sr>- OUwrft. w*r» Ml3Poeooj>«, Taie»3op« i-i-4. Al ttrtdJ A peijM. etfl fluam tots oW IMneA. U“ CJltajp Mtikmt MONDAY, JULY 22, 1861. CHICAGO POST OFFICE, Dafly Arrivals and Deputnrer or Hall Trains* Train* DqxtrU Mailt Clou, Trains Arrive, HAST. _ MICHIGAN SOUTHERN. «-00 Am.* 6.00 p.m. AOO Am. 6.00 a.m. 8.00 p.m. 6.00 p.m. 9.53 p.m. MICHIGAN CENTRAL. 4.46 Am. 10.00 p.m.* 6.00 a.m. 8.00 a, m. 6.00 a.m. 8.00 p. m. 6.00 p. zn. 7.20 p. m. PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE AND CHICAGO. 5.00 A m. 10.00 p. m. 6.25 a m. 7 00 A zn. 10.00 p. m. 6.40 p. m. 7.40 p. m. 6.00 p- m. 9.25 p. m. SOUTH AND WEST. CHICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND. 9.00 a. m. 7.80 a m. 6,15 a jda 9.00 p. m. 7-80 p. m. 6.80 p. a- CIZON AIRLINE. 0.15 A XA 7.40 a m. BAO A m. 5.30 p.m. no mail. 6.00 ILLINOIS CENTRAL-BRANCH. 6.50 a m. 10.00 p. m. 9.00 a m. 6.60 p.m. 5.30 p. m. 9.00 p.m. BURLINGTON AND QUINCY, 8.45 A m. 7.00 a m. 7.15 a m. 8.45 p.m. 7.80 p.m. 6.00 p.m. ALTON AND ST. LOUIS. 8.00 A m. 7.80 &. m. 6.00 A m 8.15 p. m. 7. SO p. m. 7.00 p. m NORTH AND WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 9.15 a zn. 7.30 Am. 5.45 a.m. 5.15 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 5.00 p.m. CHICAGO AND NORTHWESTERN. 8.00 a zn. 7.00 a m. 5.20 a. m. 8.00 p.m. 4.00 p. m. 6.50 p.m. MILWAUKES. 8.00 a m. 7.80 a zn. 2 00 p.m. 8.00 p.m. 7.80 p.m. 7.00 p.m. CINCINNATI AND CHICAGO AIR LINS 7.10 Am. - 6.23 Am. 7.40 p.m. - 6.40 p.m. The Horrors of Battle. The correspondent of the Cincinnati Com mercial writing from the scene of the Rich Mountain battle, describes the appearance of the dead and wounded, as follows : TOT DEAD OX TOT FIELD OP BATTLE. The dead presented a] gh astir spectacle. 1 never conceived anything half so hideous. No power of expression is adequate to de scribe it. It was a complete concentration of horror’s self It is said that the features of those who die by other causes, are usually relieved by a faint smile —that suffering is rarely left imprinted on the countenance of a corpse—bnt that the countenances of those who are shot have impressed upon them the traces of pain. Those which I saw—about fifty—exhibited nothing hut the revolting characters of exquisite agony. There was not the faintest glimmer ora lingering smile, not the slightest possible tint of softness or mildness, not a lineament of beauty remain ing, to relieve the harsh, distorted, a2onized faces of the dead of Rich Mountain. The bright sun, glancing through tire parting leaves, lent no kindly ray to soften the ugly outlines; melancholy had no sad, quiet shaa ow, to mingle with the hard, forbidding aspect of the dead faces on which I gazed with perfect horror. Had there been even traces of angry passion, vindictiveness, revenge, death could not have stare d so horribly as it did, out of those ghastly lineaments; we could have felt there was still something human left In those human faces bnt mere outlines. The faces of our own dead were as fearfully forbidding as those of their dead enemies. It vas impossible to drive from my miud reflec tions upon the terrible intensity of grief which those who see the forbidding counte nances of the dead loved ones on the field of battle, must experience, I imagine It must exceed all other grief for the dead—because every feature is so distorted and unnatural, so entirely devoid of the tone of expression which friends have loved in the living fea tures. Some were lying prone on the fleld as they had fallen, with limbs sprawling, great thick plotchce of coagulated blood near their bodies, their garments saturated with the en sanguined flow, and their gaping frees and stony eyes, staring full at the broad, brazen sky. One who had been shot down in the woods above the breastworks, lay stark upon his face, one arm thrown with a convulsive straggle around the limb of a fallen tree. Clotted blood which had flowed out of his side, woe near him in thick lumps. But the meet hideous scene was that of twenty-nine dead rebels packed horribly to gether in a trench—most of them with fear ful orifices perforating their heads, through which the brains oozed in sickening clots; others with Minie holes full in their breasts; some with shattered limbs, and others with lacerated and mangled flesh, with here and there a splintered bone exhibiting its Oh horrible! most horrible ! Our own precious dead, but few in number, had been more ten derly gathered, and kind comrades had decent ly composed their stiffening forms. I lifted the covering which had concealed their inani mate features, but saw nothing to remove Jrcm my mind that indellible impression of unmitigated ugliness ot dead faces of men shot in battle. Onr own dead occupy separate graves on the battle field they so gallantly won. The bodies of onr brave, but misguided foemen were carefully had in a common grave, and are now resting quietly where but yesterday they fought so welh Our the rebel, wounded lay strown together in blankets on the floors of Hart’s house. Every available space was covered with their convulsive and quivering bodies. Down under the porch there was another line of wounded* There was no difference in the treatment of the sufferers. The severely wounded of the enemy were attended to before the slightly injured of our own army. Most of them suffered in silence, a few slept soundly, but some moaned with intense agony. One poor fellow, an Indlanian, shot through the side of his head, who could even yet stand on bis feet with assistance, suffered excrucia ting agony. If he survives it will be almost miraculous. Now and then a wounded rebel would stare sullenly at our people, but the maforify appeared gratefully surprised at the kindness with winch they were treated. — Indeed everything possible was dons to mitl fate their sufferings. I shall not attempt to epict the ghastly pictures of horrid wounds and shuddering forms ot poor victims, to whom It woold have been merciful if they could have died, but who lay on the cold, cold ground, quivering with agony, with no chance to survive, and yet could not eke out a last suffering gasp. o^.eoo military Bevlew at Baltimore* There was to be & grand review of all the treope at Baltimore, except those in the Fort, lest Thursday afternoon, at Mount Clare. Major General Banks will be present. The troops consist of the Massachusetts Eighth, CoL nicks, 850 men; the New York Thir teenth, Col. Smith, 1,000 men; the Penney!- Tania Eighteenth, CoL Lewis, 850 men; the Pennsylvania Nineteenth, CoL Lyle.9oo men; ihe Pennsylvania Twentieth, CoL Pratt, 850 men the Pennsylvania Twenty-second, CoL Morebead, 850 men; the Boston Light Artil lery, CoL Cook, 118 men. Total, 5,403 men. Five hands of music will enliven the occasion. The famous Massachusetts Cth. CoL Jones, now at the Relay House, has orders to bo in readiness for a homeward march. CoL Jones has accepted ox invitation to Maj. Newton, of the 2d Battalion of Boston, for an escort on their arrival. The identical rebel flag which was flaunted before the 6th on the 19th of April has just been found in the Police Com mißEioners’ office, by Deputy Marshal McPhaU, and is to be presented to CoL Jones before his departure. The Boston Light Artillery will leave for home in a day or two; also the third batallion Mass. Rifles,Maj. Deve&s commanding, station ed since their arrival here, at the forL It is re ported that CoL Fletcher Webster’s command cf Massachusetts troops is daily expected to relieve Major Devcns at the fort. Most of the troops whose terms have expired, express a desire to rtenlist for three years.. The Court of Inquiry in the case of CoL Smith, cf the 13th New York Regiment, ad journed to-day. It is stated that a court mar tial is likely to be the result The Pirate Captain of the Somter. Captain Raphael Semmee, the commander of the Southern privateer Sumter, is a native of the State of Maryland, and is a person of much nautical experience, having entered the United States Navy on the Ist of April, 1830. He has bad over eleven years’ active service at sea, and about ten years' duty on shore; the balance of bis time has been unemployed. Bis last sea duty was in the year 1819. He was appointed commander on the 14th of Sep tember. 1854. Fonhelaat two or three years he has acted as the Secretary of the Lighthouse Board. He commanded the United States brig Somers, which was capsized in a gale off Yera Cruz in 1846. It will be recollected that thirty seven of the crew and three midshipmen were lost by the accident. The commander Semmcs held a IlenUcast’e commission—a position that be also held on the United States frigate Raritan the year following. At the time of the Mexican war, he was re garded as a brave and gallant officer, and he performed many daring acts, for which he re ceived great praise; but, like others of our military and naval officers, he resigned at the commencement of onr present national diffi culties, preferring to follow the fortunes of the seceded States than to remain loyal to the Union. How a Traitor Treats ms Mother.—A correspondent of the New York Tribune, writ ing from New Lisbon, Ohio, relates the follow- It g, to show the character of the notorious Vailcsdlgbam, who dhgraces a loyal constit uency by sympathizing with the rebels. “ This notorious Vallandigham has a poor old mother, well stricken in years, who dally realizes “ How sharper than a serpent's tooth it le To have a thankless child." “ Thia worthy old lady is a respected mem ber of the Presbyterian Church, in Dayton, and although the mother of an honorable member cf Congress—a man very well off in worldly property, besides his | a year and mileage—she is literally to the care cf the parish. At the last meet ing cf the New Lisboa Presbytery, on the mo tion of Rev. O. M. Todd, relief was granted to Mrs. VsUandigham by a vote of that body. And for seveial years past she has been regu larly relieved in the same manner. The con gregation of the church of which she is a number, have also irom time to time fur nished the means of support, without which che must have suffered the last degradation of virtuous poverty—the poor house. From thece facts your readers can judge how little of manly truth and ccrecisutioua scruples stoo&d in the path that' led-Vai-audighaia to the camp of hla country's enemies. The man who tlua neglects a helpless mother, would very naturally incline to the side of the thief treason.” - - i W<w*t EBCiP»o6ixa.—-SecroUry WfiSkny cf« the Rebel Cecfedertcj, requests corspoa* dcata&nd editors of Oouthrra pipers to mip- intelligence nsm'gQthedettlisea* tst'to the gft»fc cmua.” He, note* tovtrdscs “n er©fct smoustt of ebuioed by w (<hoa) thro art tbe m*tiam of Uis ccterprtalfig joanuta of the Nath. ...TB VcsUn{t9a Irving and the Tender Passion* • The New York correspondent of the London Telegraph gives the following interesting his tory of the early life of Washington Irving: “When young, he became intimately ac quainted with a daughter of one of the. Knick erbockers of the time, sturdy In family and in wealth. With the young lady he pressed his suit successfully; and in time the father might have succumbed, despite the. fact that here* garded the resources with which Irving pro posed to support a wife, too slender to main tain the style oflnzory to which his daughter had been accustomed. In an evil hoar, as it seemed, a Dr. Creighton, a minister of the Es tablished Church, despite his Scottish parent age, fell in with the gentleman whom Irving was so desirous of making his father-in-law. The clergyman’s eyes were dazzled by the beauty ot the same young lady who had won the heart of the aspiring author, and the eyes of the father were blinded to all other consid erations, by the wealth which Dr. Creighton offered, together with his heart. Time and persistency pushed Irving from the scene; and ihe girl, obedient to her father’s urgent en treaties, gave his preference the precedence of her own. Bat the saddest part of the story remains to be told. When the question of the mairiege portion was under consideration, the father stated that the family had been tainted with insanity, and to guard against the evils of harsh treatment, should his daughter be af flicted with the same malady, insisted that a' certain sum should be set aside which, in the event of such a calamity, should be devoted to her maintenance on ner estate on the banks o! the Hudson, and that in no event should she be removed from the mansion there. 1 hese terms the ardent suitor, hoping for the best, complied with. It may tare oeen the result of hereditary disease, or cf the effort to crush out and kill heryounghopes, but not many years elapsed before the wife was a ra ving maniac. She became so violent that con finement was rendered necessary, and the family mansion was converted into an asylum, Dr. Creighton building another house on a distant part of the estate. The unfortunate woman is still living, and on quiet nights her shrieks may be heard ringing shrilly along the banks ot the river—almost andible, too, at the secluded retreat which Irving occupied. No heart but his own knows how much the sad event may have tinged his own life, or to what exertions ic may have urged him in at tempting to drown all remembrance of his own disappointment. Dr. Creighton has for years officiated at the humble chapel where Irving worshipped, and, singularly enough, read the burial service for his former ri val.” . The Louisville Journal says that on Monday six boxes of cartridges and several thousand caps came to Jeffersonville, marked “H. Rosseau.” At Jeffersonville, the name was scratched off, and a direction to some German,at Horse Cave, Kentucky, substituted. They were then sent, the Journal thinks, to the rebels in Tennessee. The Journal says that this is but one instance of the careless manner in which the blockade is kept up. Since the stopping of the shipments upon the railroad, there has been a continuous proces sion ot wagons to the Tennessee lines. Neto IJutluattong. JUST PUBLISHED!— “A Tribute to Col. Ellswortb.” “Dead! At the dawning of the BtrUe." “Dead! Late bo loyal, brave and true." Music by J. P. 'WEBSTER. The beautiful words by B. C. BALLARD. Wtth a fine lithograph likeness and title page. Issued In the highest style of art by H. Hl* HIGGINS, Music Dealer and Publisher, No. 117 Randolph-st VEW MUSIC! NEW MUSIC!! JUST PUBLISHED: Sault the Sells Toll the Death op tbs Hero—ATribatetoCoLEllßworth. Price, S5 cents. Col. Ellsworth Requiem Msrcti 4o cents. Brave Volunteers Quickstep March 25 cents. Sturgis Rifles Quickstep 3j cents. Douglas Funeral March S> cents. Down with the Traitors’ Serocnt Flag ,35 cents. Gen. Lyons' Union Schottlsch 25 cents. Our Country’s Flag. (A. new song by Doane) .25 cents. Footsteps on the Other Bide. Quartette... ..s*) cents, Sweet Memories. Song and Chorus... 30 cents. Sherman House Polka, by Anguera 40 cents. The Old House far away. Song. 30 cents. Any or all of the above will be sent by mall, post, paid. on receipt cf the marked price. All orders for anything Musical addressed to A, JUDSON HIGGINS. Ho. 40 South Clark street, Chicago, DU, will receive prompt attention. su. gTATIONERY In all Varieties* BLANK BOOKS Of our own manufacture. COLD PENS From the best Makers. LOWEST PRICES That afforded* FEINTING Neatly Executed* INSURANCE AGENTS Should try u* BANKERS Furnished with fine work* COUNTRY MERCHANTS Should look at our Prices. STBB7BOSI Who sell or consume goods in this line of trade will find It to their Interest to call at Stationers' Ball, 140 LAKE STREET, F. MUNSON.' Practical Blank Book Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of Blankßooka, Stationery, Printing and BOOK BllSmirffG. [apS9-eSS am] JONES, PERDUE A SMALL, WHOLESALE AND I’-KTAIL STATIONERS j BLAKE BOOE MAMJFICTURERS AND COMMERCIAL PRINTERS. 122 Lake Street. 122 OHIOAOO. JOKES, PERDUE & SMALL. DA. INGE r sol l, a Bun Book Manutaotubsk, BOOK BINDER AND BULEB. lam new prepared to manufacture Blank Booxs H every description ruled and bound to any desired pat ttms, with or without printed headings. Particular attention paid to orders from County Officers,Bdnka,&s Bill Heads, Letter Beads, Shipping Bills. .Vo, Baled and Printed to order. Magazines, Periodicals, etc* bound in anyit' le. Old Books bound and re-bound. AU kinds of Printing done with neatness and dispatch. Terms moderate. NO. 126 LAKE STREET, Northeaetcomer of Clark; (entrance on Clark street,) Post Office Box S6S4. my2&4*9l-ly T>UTLER & HUNT, 48 State-St, JJ have now on band the following sizes of printing JBICS 20x44 98x40 38x42 33x33 29x46 2txt4 24x24 85x37 87x41 32x33 26x43 24x94 2ixS3 25x35 30x17 And are receiving a large assortment of BOOK PAPER B,OCC reams of wrapping Paper, of different sixes. LOOO reams Manilla do. 23C reams Cap and Letter, and a general assortment of Printer's Stationery. 1,000 kegs of Mather’s celebrated Book and News Ink. All of which will be sold for cash at the lowest pos sible rates. mh!9 %W Cash paid for Rags. J T. CARTER, TAPES AST) TAPES STOCK WABHtOTISE, 231 South Water Street Chicago, d. Carh paid lor Cotton and Woolen Ragi, and Metals. ooi’aft-iy 33 age. BAGS 1 BAGS!! BAGS! 21 FAB WELL’S STEAH BAG BUSUFACTOEY, SO. 23 HIEOT RSXST, OHIO AGO. BASS AND SACKS Of every description famished on short notice, end printed with Kew and Beautiful Brandi. SIMEON FAS WELL. ap6-VTZMy JAMES H. CHILDS & CO., HOPE COTTON MILLS, Flttaburgli) Perm., MAKTTACTFBSM OF Seamless Grain Bags, AND OF OSNABURG-S, 32 ixches to 40 inches wide. IT We are*prepared to receive orders from the trade. ial-dTW-ly “RAGS—BAGS—BAGS—BAGS— JJ COES EXCHANGE BAG MANUFACTORY, HART. A6TES & CO- 157 South Waterut, Chicago, B. E. CLAHSL A CO- 153 Broad Btreet, Kew York. HAyrYACTURKOB AND DXALSBS CT Bags of JEvery Description. • inUors’ and Grocers’ Bags made and printed to or der with.beautUUl brands. New asd Second-Hand Seamless Grain and Gunny Bags, for Shippers. Hillers gSnMEfSSu *f. aUr> BucMat - ***■ CT Orders filled with fidelity and dhn atch. Bags loaned to shippers. QHICAGO BAG AGENCY, . 21S south' W ATKH 3SSIEET. PFAKLES3 OEAIH 3A(H cf tlrtOM BUS u& ansDtles FLOPB— Halrp*. Quarters and Bighte, printed to cnlor of any dctJrcd pettero. ; paw al*e used. ODNBT BfcOft-Two 6t Ttreo Botheld ' Comßfwioß V»rct&a-«. Hllm Greoersaod Pro sWcsi Dea*eni wH find jut the articles wasted la our WOCk, Ordo*abyllc4ted _ apl’CC-Ir DAWKEJ3 A OSAPM&H. Illinois ffiurtewcg, &c. JLLINOIS CURRENCY. We have to-day converted the notes of the follow. Ing Banks, through oar Clearing Hou:e and, a ter having deducted SB Commissions, accounted to oar Customers. IN NEW YORK EXCHANGE. At the rates named: 7 Bank of Brooklyn-....* ,7454-100 per cent. Commerce ~,.,.€875.100 44 •• “ " The Bepnhllc 6390.100 “ •• Bonthem Illinois 6586100 “ Bulls Bead Bank .0250-100 “ Eagle Bank of Illinois .7237*100 “ Frontier Bank. 6167-ICO " Garden State Bank.... Bumbcldt Bank Illinois Central Bank.. Easkarkla Book Olympic Bank State Bank State Stock Bank... .. ■Wheat Gnawers' Bask. Western Bank Beiders of the papers will see that It Is greatly to their interest to s 4 nd their money to ns rather than to sell It. We can convert the notes ot Eighty.Mae Banks and receive mixed packages of any amount ovcrlSnO. N. H RIUGELT & CO, Jy7o-gi7B-5C Springfield, Illinois. E. WILLARD & CO., RANKERS AND EXGHANSE DEALERS, 33 Clark Street, S> E. Comer of Lake, Dealers in Exchange, Coin and Bank Notes. WE ARE BATING THE HIGHEST PRIC3 FOR DISCREDITED Illinois and Wisconsin Money. Do not sell without catling upon us, MERCHANTS AND BANKERS In the Coanttmaa rely upon getting the highest market price tv teßObg to os. We do business ob a Specie Basis. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK FOR SALE. COLLECTIONS MADE. E. JK. WILLARD s CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS, Jyis-gl3o-2tn S3 Clark-st. cor, of Lake street. gTATk BONDS Illinois Currency. Bonds ol all kinds sold at New York Stock Board and drafts given for proceeds on day of sale. A GENERAL STOCK AND BOND COMMISSION BUSINESS TRANSACTED. New York Quotations received by Telegraph Dally 1 mr?4 ,c l-ty 9. B. COBB. No. 9 Telegraph Building. deal. JLLIKOIS COAL.—The CHEAPEST AND BEST. The Northern Ullnols Coal and Iron Company of Ls Salle, to meet tbe greatly Increased demand for their BITUMINOUS COAL, And to secure uniformity In prices and quality, have opened an office and yard la Chicago, and are now prepared to supply consumers in large or small qaan titles-with a PURE ARTICLE Ob' ILLINOIS COAL, ft-ce from slate, sulphur, slack or water, at Bach prices as to DEFT COSIPETiriOIf. Their coal Is the same heretofore sold here by Messrs. Law & Strothers but Is mined and bandied with Increased ''are. It is well screened and Is kept under shelter, as exposure to weather is known to 6a injurious to all coals, and especially to those which are largely bituminous. This coal Is readily iaflamable. and burns with a bright blaze, yet t as mote body than the Eastern soft coals. It is well adapted for family use, particularly for cooking aa well as for manufacturing purposes. Existing m inexhaustible quantities in cur own State and neighborhood, and affording the only hopo for the large a evelopmeut of the manufacturing Intake sts o» this city, at the same time excelling ANY oi for* dgn coals In Cheapness and Utility Combined. Every prudent housekeeper or manufacturer should give it a trial, which is all that is needed to satisfy him of its merits, . In order to avoid loss, and afford the public the benefit of the lowest prices, the Company have adopt ed the INVARIABLE rule of Cash Upon Taking the Order. PRICES FOR JULY AND AUGUST: By lbeca«o, delivered on any dock, per t0n.....52.75 aTonsandoverattheyard,perton “ delivered, per ton 350 Lees than S tons at the yard, per ton “ * tielifcred.perton 3.76 HT- Office and Yard SOUTHEAST CORNER OF NORTH WATER AND LASALLE STREETS, where they have faculties for forwarding on tbe Galena and Chicago and the Northwestern Railroads. Communications sent by mull will bejiromptly at tended to. Addret-a S. S. HAYES, Post Office Drawer 5810. Chicago. 11U Jvls-g'29?m QOAL!— COAL!!—COAL!!!— Tbe Scranton, 'Wiiveebarrc, Sbamokinand Plttiton Ccal Companies of Pennsylvania, in order to Increase tbe sales of PREPARED ANTHRACITE COALS In Chicago, and insure a permanent supply at never exceeding fifty cents per ton fluctuation between Fummt rand Winter, nor exceeding former prices of Erie and Briar Bill Coate, have conjointly rented tbe yard formerly occupied by Johnß.Newhouse, Corner of Madison and Market Streets, Where they intend to RETAIL and WHOLESALE at 3VtI3NTXI\rOr FZUOBS, FREIGHT AND F.KCHAKGK ADDED- - We mine and have sold to dealers all the Hard Coals that have been brought to Chicago for ten years; and htving made permanent arrangements for five years, can insure a constant supply at lower rates than ever Bard Coals have been sold In this market. No cieclt given for either wholesale or retail, COST AND CASH WILL BE THE MOTTO. The reduction in price must Insure pav meat before any order will be filled This system will be rigidly adhered toun dtr all circumstances. , , , ~ , „ , For B oetburgb and Spring Mountain Lehigh Coals, can offer great Inducements to Railroads and otaer consumers. For prices, or other particulars, address ROBERT LAW, lyf-glis 3m l post Office Drawer fits?. Chicago. PL proposals. ■VTOTICE TO DEALERS IN' STATIONERY. Scaled Proposals for famishing the State ot lowa with Stationery, asperechedileiollowing, will be re ceived at the office ot Secretary of Slat; at DeaMolncs. In said State, until the 10th day of July, 1861. On said day inch proposals as shall have been received, will be opened at sold office and the contract or contracts awarded to the lowest responsible Didder or bidders; the parties contracting for the State, reserving the right to let the contract in pans to different bidders, If advisable. Proposals mo»t be accompanledbv sam t les of the articles to be famished, which said articles arc to be delivered at the office of the Secretary ot State, at the Capital, on orbetore the 10th day of Octo ber next, without claims for freight, boxed, or anything ext^overamountgm^^ 1200 reams Book Paper, 21x38 Inches 150 “ Legal Cap. 2tO “ Commercial Bote, ss “ Flat Cap. |oo “ Letter Paper. 10 “ Folio Post. 2 “ Largest *izthC4TT Peking paper. 80 “ Enveloping Paper. 60 “ Pamphlet covers, assorted. 200 M Envelopes assorted. S4 dozen Inkstands, common. 16 “ Go»d Pens with Silver cases. 15 “ Letter Pads. 2 “ Erasing Knives. 14 “ Cusliing's Manual. l« “ Maps of lowa. 39 “ Japaned Candlesticks. 6 “ Quart bottles of Writing Fluid. 2 “ Be. tiles Carmine Fluid. 2 “ Quart bottles of Mucilage. 2 “ Mucilage bottles with brushes. 8 Gross Bobber Bands, assorted. 1 “ Blotting Boards. SO “ Faber’s Pencils, assorted Nos. 2509 Quills. 6 Eyelet Machine. 75 Boxes Paper Walew, or seals. SO M Star Caudles. 25 “ Eyelets, large size. 100 ponnds Flax Twine, assorted, 10 ** Scaling Wax. J. w. CATTELL, Auditor of State. BesMoines Anrill3.lß6L a-22eW-Uew<>w •Sasuisir Fiores. Largest wholesale HODBiE in Hosicfcl tetnmeDts ud StrSap. JBXXt.'S BAEJEK, 99 South Clark Street, Chicage 9 U&nnftictnrer and Importer of Musical Instruments and Strings, baring connection with manufacturing houses in Berlin. Lelpelc, Dresden, England and Paris, (s prepared to furnish Dealers, Banda and Individuals, with every article in their line. AT THE LOWEST NSW TOBK PRICES. OClSd2ffl.lT JULIUS BAUER. Drums and brass mSTBUMEim JBUtS BABES, manufactures of DRUMS AMD BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 sontb ClaA Street, Chicago. QHICAGO LEAD WORKS, Cor. CHctcn and Felton street. West Side, LEAS PIPE, BAR AND SHEET LEAD, ttM, VllluLwAudltbuct, pis L3A33, PUMPS AKD HYDEiUUC MAMS •saaggftrWsKrr QTEWARTS COOKING STOVE KJ STILL AHEAD.—The acknowledged superiority of the Stewart Store hasriven rise to several imita tions. The genuine article Is for sale by C. MBTZ, - Axest. at iso State street, between Uooroe and Adams. " Also, a good assortment ot Housekeeping Hardware andTlnwam. tpawMy ®a»t £>ttel U?Us. NJATLOR & COMPANY’S OMt Steel CHUBCB AS® FIEE ALARM BELLS, Ws are prepared to dll orders for these CELEBRATED BELLS At Heir Tori FriCM, Vila Fnight Adl.4, Bray Beit IB VABt iKTEJ? tor cne yearwlth fMr udrreperware. If afceEshcraldljT—tsftsr.y—r hsJX Vrtoc U .flow*! P: raiiiMSO fcr »to. oat. Fof tuU particulars tend for Orculars to ■ TtimLK, mBBAEBftCP.j ' - Agent tea laperten ofHardwire aad Tte-Plata, BbILAtLIiB? as liACTMWtILT. Ch|<ny> .^amtttss. T E:V N E & ALMINI, 'Fresco and Decorative Ptlnlers, ioi .vismsMC* sr., cHiciao, FBEMO ABXI DEOOEATIVE PAlimixa la the Partocs. Dlntof Path, and lA>raries .of -firs«- cla«« reeloeom. Also, the tetertor of Cfeurohoa Pah Uoßella.So- taCbloainx niinots. asd otherltataa o eUo rive Uriel »xtent»ou to the Grtlcfn* of Wood andhurblee, at dsilloHjosr omen confidant oTaxa- OcUtjr toyosr eatt fati'ea. T # B. THOMPSON & CO., M Exclusive gdmmissidi meschaits, No. 553 South Water street, Chicago, Illinois. Advances made on Consignments to os, for sale in this or Eastern markets. anlO’&My H-EO. P. BARKER, VJI No. 240 Lake street, Chicago Conaxmeeion IMerdiant, AND DEALER IN HIDES, SHEEP PELTS, WOOL, Ac. gy*’ l*he highest market price paid lor Hides, Sheep Pelts and Wt-01. JyiSziw .6129 100 *• .57 43-100 " ..1768-100 .6129-100 .7237-100 » .6733-100 *• .7180.100 .O St-100 •• ~67 OMOO “ gPAPPORD, STEWART & CO., PRODUCE GSMMIS'SIDN MEBOHANTS. crsonal attention given to sales of Grain, Flour, rh-oTfePms and country Produce generally. Business exclusive!? commission. Advances made on consign men*.-. mKlnzlestrest Chicago feXTSO’y OHSPArKOEr., D. BTBWABT. k. t. w. sllis. TORN L. NOBLE <fc CO., fJ t- K\~ FT? AT. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FLQDR AND FEED. No. 233 South Water street Bole Agents forPanton Mills. JOSEPH H. TUCKER, COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 6—Board of Trade Bunding. Chicago. El. ...No 6 Personal and exclusive attention given to a Commis sion bnsißeat. ADVANCES msde on pr-wrtvla store and for sale In this market, oi fur I«2d*9Hj MS. NICHOLS & CO., HAVE • opened at 188 Booth Water street, Chicago, a General Commission House, for the purchase ana sale of Grain. Floor. Provisions, Ac, and solicit con signments and orders. To parties accessible to Mil. waokee as well as Chicago, in connection with their Milwaukee House, Nichols, Britt ft Co, think they can give such superior advantages. apis’ K.B.HIOHOU* o.r.Bmrr. tr. a. sicmaLa. PEUGNET, ’ctCTEHISSION JIERCHANT, Personal attention given to the purchase and sale ol Grain, Floor, and:country Produce generally. Office, No, 3 Milliard’s Slock, N. E. Corner South Water and Clark streets. P._Q. Bor 6357. RBTkKgNCis—Hon. Wm. B. Ogden. Hon. B. W. Ray mond, 8. w. Ripley, Em, Chicago, I1L; P. Harmony, Nephs ft Co., Gourd Freer*, xelverdon, Bros, Jas. King ft Sous, New York: J.H. Lucas, Esq, Edward Tesson, Esq-. Chaa. Chouteau, Em, St. Louis. Liberal advances made on congjgumenta. feUGO-ly QASH ADVANCES. WAKEFIELD, NASH Sc CO., Liverpool and London. LIBERAL fiARTT ADVANCES Will be made on consignments to tbe above boose ox IAGOI, LADD, PROVISION AID PRODUCE BEIERAUT, OcaVS-ly] By THOMAS KASH. ivtl’RßT nelson & co., XvJL PRODUCE, COMMISSION AND SHIPPING MERCHANTS, No. 214 South Water street. Agents for tbe Fallon Standi Works, Oswego Co., N. Y. Liberal cash advances cn Flour and Grain for shipment to Os. we go or New York, or In store, giving the shipper the privilege of selling In either market lor one commis sion. MCHBT NULSOy. [aplS] S. B. BTSVBHS. TOcdford, Meredith & Bussell, -L> EXCLUSIVE COMMISSION MERCHANT For the purchase and sale of Pork, Stock, Fleur Grain and Produce generally, N0.234 and south Water street Chicago, lIL ‘a'l-ly HP. STANLEY, • COMMISSION MESCHANT And dealer In Fruit and Produce, No. ws South Y7r.t«i etrect, P. 0. Box £5, Chicago, Ulnola. We solicit tne consignment ol goods that are of the beet quality—it would be our own choice to dealln no other class. N. 8.-1 have several acres of the Wilson's Albany Strawqerry, and will sell plaato of that variety at tne usual rates, and In any quantities. ALLEN VANE & CO., X JL commission merchants. For the sale of flour Grain, Beet, Pork, Hatm. i.ard. Batter. Cheese. Seeds, Dried Fruits, &c., 129 SctU Water street. Chicago. Agents for Hamburg and Western Reserve Cheese. ALLAN VASB. SOlsal2S-ly B. STONS. WILLIAMS & HOUGTBLLING, T T COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 210* South Water street, second door west of Wells street bridge, give their exclusive attention to the sale and purchase of an kinds of Produce Stock, so, on Commission. Cash advances made on bills ol lading and property In store. Refer to George Smith A Co* Marine Bulk and George Steel & Co. j. it. Williams. Jal’ptUy w. p. neuGTELTNo. QJLBERT, STAHARD & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, So. S Steel’s Block, (2d Floor), corner South Water and Lasalle streets, Chicago, RL 0. J. GILBERT. S 0. STAHABP. J. B. MILKS. GILBERT. MILES A bTANARP, No. S ary Build tngh, St Louis. Mo mvls-e7W-3m EG. WOLCOTT, GENERAL • COMMISSIOSMERCHANT, So-Snnderßoanl of Trade Rooms, will receive Country Produce for sale In this market, or for ebiument to Easteru mar keta, and make advances on Eastern shipments in Sight El change. pyae779-3m K. G. WOLCOTT. TVTEELY, LAWRENCE «fe CO., X N COMMISSION MERCHANTS for the purchase and sale of Grain, Flour, Provisions and Country Pro duce generally. Business exclusively Commission. Also, dealers In Salt, Lime, Water Lime, Stucco, Plas tering Ualr.Lond Piaster, &c* at 236.233 and 240 South Water street, a. il nebly. h. h. lawbssoh, w. t. WIKPIATE. H.F. LAWRENCE mhSi’dfrly Q HARLES RANDOLPH, BCHERAL CCMKWaiOW MERDHART, No. 3 Loomis Building, corner Clar* and South Water streets. Advances made ou consignments, fel'6-ly Q.RIFFI N BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 5 Pomeroy’s Block, corner South Water and Clark streets. Chicago. Advances made on conalgment i. y. r. Griffis’. mhaß’6Q-’.y a. griffoc. |JNDERWOOD & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 153 South. "Water Street, Chicago. ||JFDD & UPDIKE, General Commission merchants, T Steel's Block, Second Floor, corner South Water and Aasallc streets, Chicago. John j. mutdp. myireiy e. w. wrom QULVER & COMPANY, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 3X6 SouttL "Water Street, Chicago* Jg AKER & STAFFORD, GENERAL GOMMI3SIDR MERCHANTS, Office and Warehouse, No. 9! South Water Street. Advances made on consignments. Particular atten. tion given to the purchase and aals.of Flour. Grain, Seeds, fee., on commission. mb3ei37-ly JPORD & NORTON, STORAGE ABB COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Fire Proof Warehouse on Market street, between Lake and Randolph streets, Chicago, 111. Liberal advancssmadeon consignments. SAMUEL A. XOBD. aal7'oO-lJ NATHXSIXL NORTON. piTKIN & COMPANY, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS) 11.9 Sou til 'W'ater Street, Chicago, JAMS U OATI3. Jy2s’6o-ly ALTEXD PITKIN. Bailie & sktmour, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office 13 South Water street, Pomeroy's Building. Pott Office Drawer 6137, Chicago. Rzzeb kncrs—Stnrgla, Buckingham* Co; Wo, Markham, Gen. Freight Agent C. B. A Q.R.R. aui6ct9l-ly MORSE & CO., ‘produce commission MEOCHANTB, 188 SOUTH WATER STREET IM Alkln'a Building. Business confined strictly to commission. JySO-ly & S. P. CARTER, I ‘general commission merchants, No. 1 Board of Trade Building, 3d floor, will give their personal attention to the purchase and sale of all kinds of Produce. Advances made on consignments, soswxix castas, mh6el73Am saxT. p. oartsk V. COE Ss CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For-the purchase and sale of Pork, Hour, Grain and Stock. No.Siex South Water street, Chicago, Illinois. WJ.T6OK T. COS. WK. IL RIOS, S. L. UNDXBWOOD. deffSUy ■yAN WWAGEN & CO., T CERERAI eOMMISSIQI MERCHAITS, No. S Dole’s Building, comer South Water and dark streets, Chicago, 111. fair 60- ly 'T' MAPLE & CO,, *REHERAI COMNISIOR RtERCHARTS 210 Sooth Voter Street, cor. Veils, Chicago, XU. Cash advances made on Conrignmenta. T. UKJ. [jQjT6l4y] J. X. MAPLE. ■pUMSET, BROTHER & CO., 1 commission heebchants, QiTe their exclusive attention to the purchase and Btle of Flour. Oiain and other Produce,oncommla rion. No. its South Water street, comer of Clark, Chicago. noiiss# 3£uM)W ®oohs. OELTENG, PACKING HOSE, I) Ac. The’ patent solid UIC&NIZED RUBBER BELTOO, Warranted to be the best in use. ROSE AND PACKING, LEATHER' RUBBER CfOeDS. ISO, B, XBESOH <c CO,, Scl. Agent*, 91-4ED-Sm 115 Randolph street, ginnbury Bte-ok Jntclligenw ©ffierg. I?ARMING HANDS, PRIVATE J?. House and Hotel Help f*r city and oauntrr aK wais on ha=d, at. the Gtreral KupUrmant odea, Feet Office Box 1649.’ - - iyst^w. OLD ESTABLISHED una BATES decree to remind her frtsnds end M<«oat tMt she b *thl t» b« found ab »ve oSteo ifan theU rrody t» «bppl« them w.tfx eo*p*tvit hair lor every lUt on. O oersirom thaoasut-y pauo tcsily altenoed to, P. 0. Box 701:6. J-U*?:-:/ •Chlsvgo, HI. mh22*sß JaUb9l4 BELTING AM) UCZ IZIIHGK, fflmplreale ftauxt*. M 1 LITARY GOODS.— COOLEf, FABWELL & CO., Dry Goods Jobbers, 42, 44 & 46 WABASH AVENUE, In addition to their extensive regular stock of Dry Goods, hare on hand a fall assortment of Military Cloths and Casslmeres, Army Bines and other Colors, which win BE SOLD CHEAPER ihan patriotism South of Mason and Dixon's Line. Any one wishing to try the experiment, will please call and see. jell Bawsen & Bartlett) simAßT.iuM AX3 TTCIEIU BXU3H ZK BOOTS MB SHOES, ho. 55...._ iake snasr ,„,so. an OXTCXOC, ILL, W - would respectfully can the attention of City and Country Kerch ante to onx extensive stockof boots and Shcec, which we have now in store, and are dally celviug from our Factory m West BoylstcnTa-asa., DTfciLh consists of a foil assortment of those Celebrated Oostcts-Hade Patna Kip andCalfaud GralnWater Proof fonts; together wlthaiu lletocfc of all styles of SPRING AM) SUMMER GOOD&,' or the best quality and manufacture, which we are pre. cared to sell for CASH and prompt paying trade at 3ceteu and New Tcrk Jobbing Prices. We are Agent* for the sale c? Mitchell's Patent Matot* *le Tin Boots asd Shoe* la all the State*. 'J'UTTIE, HIBBARD & CO, IMiORTEBS OF HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, 62 LAKE yi’KREX 62 We offer to the Trade, at the LOWEST MARKET PRICES boxes TIN PLATE, 5,400 bdls SHEET IRON, 650 - RUSSIA IRON. ISO " IMITATION RUSSIA, 23.500 “ BRIGHT and ANNBALD WIRE, S2S casks SHEET ZINC, 10 tons PIG TIN, 16.500 lbs. COPPER BOTTOMS, 10 Bets TINNERS’ TOOLS and MACHINES, 50 casks BRIGHT OX and COIL CHAINS. 1,000 dot AXES, 1,200 “ SHOVELS, SPADES and SCOOPS. 20 tons SAD IRONS. TUTTLE, HIBBARD & 00. 0c2’60-ly . Comer of State and Lake streets. 'J'O TT.TjTWOTS merchants. 1861 A Card 1861. WEBER, WILLIAMS A YALE, JOBBBH3 OT HATS, CAPS, STRAW GOODS, PARA SOLS AND UMBRELLAS, J5.„ T.ATTR STREET, CHICAGO „.3B Invite the special attention cf Illinois mearchants to their very large, well assorted and unusually attractive Spring Stock for ISBL which wIU be offered at iowrrt tea and on favorable terms for Cash or Approved Credit. jy prompt and careful attention given to orders, WEBER. WILLIAMS A TALE. 1861.—SPRING TRADE.—IB6I. FIELD, BENEDICT & CO., 81 and 83 South Water Street, IMPORTERS AND JOBSSBS OF Foreign and Domestic Woolens, LINEN AND COTTON GOODS, ADAPTED TO MEN’S WARE. THE TRADE can rely upon finding at this old es tablished house a full line of Piece Goods, adapted to Men’s Ware, at the LOWEST PRICES* AGENTS FOB TEB AMERICAS FASHIONS. gABCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH STREET, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut ALSO. CHAMBER, DININGROOM & COMMON FURNITURE IN GREAT VARIETY. Wc od Seat and Cane-Seat Chairs. Bedsteads and Bu reaus. School Furniture on band and to Order, nr Particular attention paid to Country Orders. EJalft-aSO-U] HARDWARE, 63 - - Xuake St., Chicago, - - 63 Corner of State Street* HARDWARE. OARFBNTSB’I fit COOFBR’B TOOLS. AGII I CULT URAL IMPLEMENTS, &c. Sold at the Lowest Prices, and guaranteed In every case to give the greatest satisfaction, BTONE 63 - - Lake 8t«, CMcugo. - ■ 63 mytffieTTs-am Hardttark, tut flats AST* 9USTAL WAREHOUSE, Established in IBM. WILLIAM BLAIR & CO. IT6 Lake Street, Chicago* Haying received oar Spring Stock, we offer At the Very Lowest Market Bates, 4.000 Bozos Tin Plate, assorted sizes. ELSOO Bdls. Sheet Iron, No. 15 to No. 38. e,UW lbs. Copper Bottoms. 5.000 Urn. Brazier's Copper. LSCC Bdls. Bright Wire, Ho. n . to No. 35. £CCasks SheetZlnmaeeortedwidths. 7,600 Bdls. Beat Fence wire. No. 7,8 and 9. 1000 Kegs Hails, Wheeling and other prime brands. AGRICULTURAL THPLEMKMTB of all descrip. Hons at Factory prices. „ _ _ _ . A complete assortment of Cutlery, Shelf Hardware, Tinner's Tools, Japanned and Pressed Tin Ware, and Tinners Goods of all descriptions upon as favorable terms as the goods be procured from any market; WHJJAX *T.tTK- o. B. NELSON. O. W. BMU3XS, raplrsi-iyl CONCESSION I PEAKE, MARSH & OE LONS, 37 Late St. • • 43 'Wabaih Are., Conforming to the pressure of the times, we have determined upon CONCILIATION AES CONCESSION, So far as they can be effected by Low Price*, s=?o sian offer AT WHOLESALE throughout the season and during the present agitations a stock of s)ry Good#, Hoiseiw and Kotion*. Unsurpassed la iKinot, ENunm ann ieai taioe. TAue ars tins, for AH®!!! rather than iVords, And w< have Determined on a course of hard work, rigid economy and SMALL PROFITS, and it will be ST ICIBAL on the part of CLOSE BUYERS sot to ex amine onr full lints of KNOWN BRANDS OF HRAvr DOMESTICS, HOSIERY, COTTONADES AND DHRsa goods. ffiit-i? 16 4k 18...-STATE STREET....I 6& 18 e. G. 131 & Cl, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cosh Boyers are particularly invited to aa examination of onr clock of GROCERIES. Fish, Wooden Ware, DRIED FRUITS, &0., &c. 6i C. COOS & CO., 16 & 18....mTE8T8E8T....16 A IS S?sip (ffi&anhlms. nEOESE F. FOSTER, SHIP CHANDLER And Ball UaUeri Hare constantly lor tale at the lowest prices Haail&Bcpa, Pitch, Tarred Hope, Hay Eope, Tar, Lath Bope, Oakum, Blocks, Spun Yarn. SAILS, _ TSKTS. IABPAULIKB. AWKIKGfI. WAGON COVERS. AC, *C pf" Made to order at shortest notice. 242 - South Water street, Chicago, HL - 242 apIO’Q-ly GEO. F. FOSTER. QJLBERT HUBBARD & CO. Ship Chandlers. Wholeeale and BctsH Dealers in TTSWES and COBDAOE *O6 ft 25T tooth Vatar St, (Oar. V«Ui,> Would can particular attention of the trade to otxr * iSoSraaweat aU timeshave thelUmt and best assortment la the West of tafl Tamil Bopdj wad B ATlftBC. Oaknah Tar. Piteh. tihaiiu, kni XaeU. Block*, HUIU 1357111 WTSR AIR FEITIM* OLW 3BWMTwk?Ei riigaalßSai. WSAPPISG TWINES, . I la bundlas or barren. BELL AND AA 33 005DB. FSTd AND SEISS fatten, Fiar ane Hemp Twines, OF 5733Y DEHTOZnOX enr idH2ee sra'xn nsns. WAGON COWERS, awicpci AisDTiapAiiiijra, Al»rgestockcf which wa have constantly cs hand o ttSjeWoraer at the shortest aetioo. Gj&DBBAHDI J.B. TUSHEttfeB. CAOTSTES. Seed Cor ocrpclow. • teSd^Sai JMPOR T AKT. —Look in at ITS BMIHHPH nit®T, CK«f. , And see tw low they ser »h WhC*. to>A_glgj, P*Ht*.Froeef» asd Ar-rrlc®' Ol.**. raoo rt ad fand-. Alocbd -Htrslng Maid. « Mailroahs, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF TIME. On and after SUNDAY, July 14th, IMI, train* will leave from the Great Central Depot, foot of Lake and Booth Water streets, as follows: THROUGH EXPRESS, dally (except Sundays). at 6:90 A. M- arriving at Cairo at 19 midnight. This train connects for Peoria Alt.n, St. Lonls, Memphis Bew Orleans and Mobile. ACCOMMODATION (every daj)at 490 P.iLfor Cairo and Way Stations arriving at Cairo at 5:45 p. S£ nest day. ThU train on Saturdays will nm only to Urbans _ HYDE PARK AND WOOD LAWN. Trains win leave Chicago: Leave Wood Lawn: 7:00 A it, &2SAS IMOM.. &10A.M, 2.-WP. hL, I±SBP.M* 455P.MZ 2;20 P. 6tlfP.ll, Sj'A P. 1L 7-orrp,m, * pplr ,tti,aofflca ■«-. p. jonssoy. eg Ge °- B ° p ’‘- Great consolidate® LIKE!: CTHCHrSATI AND CHICAGO aii hie lAiimg. Forty Idea tha Shortest Scute to Cindanati Tndiftiflpnlu and Louisville. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave West Side Dales Depot, Chicago, dafly, as follows: ÜB * Ci 9:10 A. H.—Day Express, (Sundays excepted.! WO P. IL—Nlgnt Hitirw, (Saturday* excepted.) THROUGH TO CINCINNATI AND INDIAN LIS WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARa Eaotx£v Cojnnecnoaa—At Anderson and Rich, motid fcrFeqoa, Urbana. Dayton, Xenia, Columbus, and all points in Central and Eastern Ohio. Soctsxsw CONaaunoNß—At Indianapolis fa Franklin, Columbus, Madison, Lawrencebnrg, Jeuer spnvflle, and all pouts in Central and Bontaern In olana; also for Louisville, Frankfort, L*»r<wgtor» Bod all points South. Connections at Cincinnati for Hamden. Marrietta Parkenbnjg, end points on the Ohio River. lime to C&cJnnaa only 12 tours. Elegant Sleeping Carson Night Trains! TbjOTft ockettbythia line can be obtained at a 9 principal Byroad offices in the Northwest, and at tte CHAfi. B. FOLUTT^Oeu-LIrSS. TifICHIGAK CENTRAL RAIL iU ROAD. GREAT CENTRAL ROUTE To Kew York, New finfland and tk* Panadat, On and after SUNDAY, May 13th, 136 L trains lean the Great Central Union Depot foot of Lake streets, aafoUows; 4:49 A. M.—Stops at an Station*, and arrives at Do troii at 6,20 p. b. 8.-00 A, M.—Lightning Express (except Sunday). ar at a * «« P- nx.: Suspension Bridge WX) a. m,; Albany 2rib p. nn; New York 750 p. m.; Boston 11:15 p.nt 5*6 P. M.—New York and Boston Express (except Saturday), arrive at Detroit 6:40 a. ml; (Toronto S;l2 p, Montreal 12H30 m -j Suspension Bridge or Buffalo wo n m P- m.; New York MO a. m. Boston IhSOp. n. B*o A. if.—Cincinnati Express (except Sunday). through to Cincinnati in 13 boon. 8.-00 P. H.—Cincinnati and Lonisville Express (except Saturday), through to Clnctonau In 1! beam. Lonisville mil hours. SaEsbnry’a Patent Dusters are ran on Diy Kx press Trains, patent Sleeping Cars on Night Trains. Chocked Throoffb. THROUGH TICKETS for sale In all principal Rail road Offices in the West, at the General Office, comer Lake and Dearborn streets (under the Xremont House) Chicago, and at the Depot K N. RICE. General Superintendent. J. Q. A. BEAN, Western Passenger Agent. my 8 SPRING AND SUMMER -LOVIX® iBBAHGEMJEST. Michigan Southern & Lake Shore BIIIBOAI. On and after Sunday. April U. and until farther na tics, trains'will leave Chicago as foil?*: MkTT. tvn Btwmi; 6.00 A. iL. Daily except Sunday, reaches Tolstf* _ via Old Line 4J2 P. M. NzwTonr as© Boston Expbxss: 8.00 A- M- Dally except Sunday, reaches Toiedc via Air Use a: U5 P. Eifinm Experss: 8.00 PH., Dally except Saturday,"reaches Tola do "Li Oloßoad atLSO A, iL Drraorp Expbsss: 6.00 A. SL. Dally except Sunday, reaches Detrca via Old Line at 6.3) P. M. 8.00 P.M., Dally except Saturday, reaches Da trolt at 7.15 A. M, PITTMtmeH AanPHIULOSIPSELA. En»«m>« TLA.T6UB DO MKD CLITXLIND: 8.00 A. IL.I Hakes close connections at Clrre > land—time always as quick, and tars 8.00 T. SL,) alwaj sas low as any other route. All the above trains make regular connections tc DunkDk, Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Albany, New Torfc Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and all points Saak Salisbury's Patent Pasters used on all trains. Luxurious new Sleeping Coaches, with all modern Improvements used only on this and all connectlst reads. Through Tickets can be obtained at the Company*! Office, fie Clark street, under the Sherman House, or at the Depot comer of Van Buren and Sherman sta. JOHN D. CAMPBELL, GEO. M. GRAY, Gen'l Sunt.. Toledo. O. Gent Western Agt PITTSBURGH. FT. "WAYNE & X CHICAGO RAILROAD. Paseenger Trains leave the Depot, comer of Mas> son and Canal streets, Chicago dally at 8:00 A. M. Accommodation. 9:10 A.M. Fast Lice (except Sundays.) 7:40 P. M. Night Express (except Saturdays.) FOB BOSTOX, SEW TORE, PHILiDELPSU, BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Harrisburg & Pittsburg. Also—FOß ALBANY, BUFFALO. DUNKIRK CLEVELAND COLUMBUa, ONCCf. NATT, DAYTON. An t all intermediate Stations between Chicago aac the cities above named. L eeptegCarson right trains, and baggage by thH route checked through to all Eastern Cities. Tickets for sale at tbs principal Ticket Offices In the Weet at the Company’s office, comer of Randolph and Dearborn streets, and at the Union Depot, West Bide Chicago. D. W. BOSS, Weat’n Pass. Agent. B. F. PATRICK. Ticket Agent. rr>HE PENNSYLVANIA CSN. _l_ TDAX> UAIMtOAD. _ UO MILES DOUBLE TRACK. The capacUy of (his Bead is now equal to any In th. country. This* Xoroagb Fsiseoger TrahM Be’ween Pittsburgh and Philadelphia. Connecting-Dectln the union Depot, at Pittsburgh with Throngn Tnilna from all Western Cities for Fhfla delphis. New York. Boston, Baltimore and Washington City: thus inrslshing facilities tor the transportation of Passengers unsurpassed for speed and comfort bi t*r other route. Express and Fast Lines ran through to Philadelphia without change oi cars or conductors. Smoking Care are attached to each train; Woodruff! Bleeping Cars to Express and Fast Trains. The Sx press nms dally. Mall and Fast Line Sundays excepted Three daily trtliiß connect direct for New York. Ex grew and Past Line connect tor Baltimore and Wash 111 Through Passenger Trains provided with Lough bldgo’s Patent Erase—speed under perfect control c the Engineer, thus adding much to the safety of tra elers. Btz Dally Trains between Philadelphia and New York; iwoDallyTralns between New York and Boj ton. Throngh Tickets, all rail, are good on either of the above trT>in;. Boat Tickets to Boston are good via Norwich, Pa l Bli er. or Stonlngton Lines. Boston peeeenren trans ferred free of charge through New York. Tickets may bo obtained at any of the taportaa BaDroad Offices in the West; also on board any of thi regular line of Steamers on (he Mississippi or Ohlf River*; and at the office of the Company uxßoelos New York, Baltimore, or Philadelphia. BSrpiia Always as Low ajto Tnt» ab Ones AC o« awt oran aorrx ASK FOE TICKETS BY PITTSBURGH, The completion of the Western connections of U» PeDESvlvarun RaProad makes thlt the DIRECT LINE BETWEEN THE EAST AND THB 6BEAT WEST. The connecting of tracks by the B&Urosd Bridge 6 ntt«borgh. avoiding all drayaje or ferriage of Freight together with the laving of time, are advantages read! ly appreciated by Supers of Freight, and tbs Travel Irr Public. For Freight Cc-ttracts *ad Shipping Directions. ar.nV to or address either oftha following Amenta of th Company; D. A. STETTAE7. PltUborza: H. 0. Fierce ft Co.. Zanesville. t).; J. J. Johnaiat Spier. O.; K. McKeeley, Mararllle. Ay.; Ormabyft Crcpper.roricnoaUi,o.; Fa>idock ft Co.. JaScrioa ▼ire, ind.; H. W. Brown ft Co., Cincinnati • ft Hlbbert Cincinnati - » £. errncm. Ma2i6£ Ini’ J£L £. HCvre, LcaiartUe; P. 6.O'BUey ft Co., Kraat tCTc, Ini,; K.W. Graham ft Co„ Cairo,Hl.; E. F Saas, Shales ft Glass. St, I-onla; John H. Harris, Hash Tlile. Term.; Harris ft HachMetaphla, Tana,; Clark; ? Co.. Chicago; W. H. H. Aoonis Alton, li!.; or tf rcight AgehU of BaLroada at different points in th* We#t Sb» Greatest Jnuo ties aid aptedy TxanrecTtatioa of Tiva Stock. And good accommodaueas with usual priTGegai U3 vzrxai trs.eteE Li ciggtoorgt By this Sc-nta Freight* of all dwcrtptlOM can bo ijr warded to and from Philadelphia, New York. Boston or Baltimore, to and from any point on tie BaiLroaa of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, nmols. Wisconsin. £<nn or Mlaeourt, by railroad direct. Tie Pennsylvania Railroad also connects at Pitts burgh with Steam era. by which Goods can be forward ed to acr port on the Ohio, Muskingum, Kentucky Tennessee, Cumberland. Ullaols, Mississippi, Wiscoa in Missouri. riw*M, Arkansas and Bed sivers; aafi atCler eland. Bandciky and Chicago with Steamer ic all Ports on the Northwestern Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrnsttogthe trasspertaSlet oflbolr freights to this Company, can rely with const fierce on Its speedy transit. The rates of Freight to and from any point la thi West, by the Pennsylvania Ballrond, are at all times ei favorable as are charged by other 5. B. Companies. RSTEe particular to mark packages M ru?uaK. B e ' > 11. J. bKKEDEB. Philadelphia, MAGKAW ft BOONS, 60 North street, Baltimore, LKACH ft CO., No. 2 Aider Booae, or 80. IS, Wli liam street. New York, „ LEECH & CO.. Nc, 77 Buts street, Boston. _ H. H, HOUSTON. Gen. Freight Art, Philadelphia L. L. HOUPT, Gen. Ticket Ag*t. Philadelphia. ENOCH LEWIS GaaTsark. Altoona. Pa. TO BUFFALO, VIA NORTH SHORE. Through in Twenty Hours without landing. . The fast low-pressure Steamer FOREST QUEEN, Cast Pnrsxiß kxktow, will leave the Hock of John Hatchings ft Co. Detroit, for Buffalo, every MONDAY EVENING, at 7 o'clock, on the arrival cf the Western train*. Leave Buffalo for Detroit every WEDNESk DAYEYENING, at 8 o’clock, makingßallroadcon nections at both ends of the rente. The Forest Qneen has superior passenger and freight accommodations and makes the trip across Lake Erie without lending. Freight and Stock carried at Propeller rates. Cabin pateage to Buffalo Includes meals and room.fl.fO Railroad Tickets good.* ****** (JOHN HUTCHINGS ft CO, Detroit Agents | m ARNOLD, Buffalo. Jy9gSs.low ZXALENA & CHICAGO UNION \J| RAILROAD.—SPMJTQ AssassinaT. _ On sad after Monday, April 14th, 1861, train* wtt leave Wells street depot as follows, Sundays excepted 9.4 ft A. M. and 9.lft P. Ml tor Belrldaro, KocMord Freeport, Warren, Galena, Dnnlelth- Dobnqna, and ta termedlale points; 9.4 ft A. M. and 930 P. M_ fee Dixon. Polo, Pulton, Cedar Rapid*. and Intermediate points: 4.00 P. M.7ot Elgin, BeMdera. EocMbrd, and intermediate points; 630 P. M-for Geneva andlntar mediate points. Passengers tor Beloit and Janesvllls trill take the 9.45 A. MTcraln. Passengers for Cryjtai Late. McHenry, Richmond, Geneva taka and Inter mediate points, will take the 430 A.M. train. •• Bleeotns Cara on nlcht trains. blowing £B.TALCOTXS«a.SapX -6.M. WH**rra Gen. Passenger Agt fri CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & \J QUINCY RAILROAD. Passenger Trains leave and arrive at Chicago as foL lowc—hull leaves at A4fi A.M, (Sandays excepted), arrives at 7XO P. if-(Sundays excepted.) Kiprew leaves at 8.45 r. it, (Saturdays excepted), arrive* at 7.15 a. x , (Mondays excepted.) Aaron Accommoda tion leaves &14K0 p. k,. (Bandays excepted), arrive! at Uhlfi a. x-(Saturdays excepted.) „ G. cL TTaVMQSD. Sa^t- /CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE \s . RAILROAD. For nnhnmkee. La Crosui St* P»al . etbkoili, Berlin, asd Ipteme* dlate Point*. On and after Wednesday, May Pass eager, trains win leave the Depot, comer or west Hlrrta and Canal streets (Sandays excepted, as fellows: MB A. M. and Sd)o P. M.. and arrive at HBwwikne “iUSk SSSAJm ti chfewait ijo r. M.»-1 “wAraSAir ACTOMHDDATIOS TSinr Wf ■“£ «° “ »*0 *■«- ** “To SfiSPSf *** lajftl . Superintendent pLEVELAND AND BUFFALO. V 1861. ■ The Michigan Southern BaCrwd Ccmpan., s dldPaewnaorSteamers CUT OF BUFFALO, 2,100 tons onrmoa,' • A-D.-PESRIKSLCOJOUTOrB. WESTERS JEE32OPOUB, 8,000 tasi Inirtiea, • L. B. GOLDSMITH, COWtAM*^ vm ca and after Jane SUh. leave CL AT.Oo*aDacfc M Cleve tod lor Bofflilo altemMely evecy eveakg at 9 o'cl'xL except Satarosy sad Bccd^. Pailrcad Tickets good ocSteacen, Ftrsbclsafitn Isrtodei Metis ac*A r ate Boos*. •These Beats have nc canals (br Speed. Safety end Ooonsctroas made at Bafi>.lo etlfctralnstw , EsraraTsDs, Bsratota, Kasr Yock. *a_ Aa. TreeenWtepthan ' bj ' fberrootca, J C.BAQRfSOF.Maaaxir.BeAle. Ls»ns Agent, damUod. rTTj Haatoaffis. PACINE AND MISSISSIPPI Xii TiATT.BnAP. LOWEST FARE And Shortest Time by this Sant* BELOIT, FREEPORT, 6ALB KA AND DCBCqVE. CHICAGO ASS KOBin w janonq- mTr.w^v AT 8.-00 A M. and SKM P. M, Para to BELOIT. t9M. Far* to FREEPORT Fare to GALENA ..|L9O, Fare to DUBUQUE. 1940. Time Saved, Chicago to Beloit. 1 hour S7 minutes. do. Chicago to minutes. Car. leave Freeport for CUcsgo « 2 o'clock P. M., arrive at fc» P. M. 10 o’clock P. M, “ SSOA.M. Time Saved, Freeport to Chicago...! hour and 40 tml* “ Beloit “ ..Shoots amin. |jr- Tickets for sale at the Racine and Mlas'estel Railroad Office. opposite the Chicago aad_NorthweA ern Depot. rt C. TATB, General Ticket Agent, Pro Tam. MATT. TAYLOR, Superintendent _ H, W. GRISWOLD. Agent Chicago. ST. LOUIS, ALTON AND CHI CAGO RAILROAD LISE. SOINKR ABBIN6EBSNT. One Express and Mall Tra’n leaves West Side Unlew Depot atSOO A. M. daily, (except Sunday), and arrives from Bt. Louis at 7.00 P. M. dally (except 9inlay.) Through Freight Train leaves at P M. claim «X --cept Sundays.) rovis JAMES ROBB. Receiver. W /CHICAGO AND NORTHWEST \J ERH RAILWAY. For Rocitctd. Beloit Freepon, Janesville, Galeae. Madison, Frame da Chien. Fond dn Lac. Oshkosh. Green Bay, Berlin, Blpon, La Crosse, Bt Paul. Ac. On and after Wednesday, May Bth, 1361, trahM wO leave via: Day Express 8.-00 A. M 4 Night Bxpreet &OO P. at Through to aD the abovepotnta. and connecting at both Prairie dn Chien and La Crosse, with ifninlMi for St Panl. Ao. Way Passenger S4B P. Jt, for Janesville. Trains arrive 9:20 A. M: 19:19 P. Ma 6:90 P.X, E. Dn Witt Robin sox, Gen. Ticket Agent oci34y pHICAGO & ROCK ISLAND V_y RAILROAD LlNS.—Passenger trains dopvt from and arrive at Chlcvo as follows: Day Express andMaU!eaveat94oA.kL,aadaßtTt at O.SO P. M , Sundays excepted. Night Express leaves at 9.00 F. Saturdays ost eepted: arrive at 6.15 A, IL, Mondays excepted. Joliet Accommodation 9.Q0 P. M., Sundays era ape ed. JOHN F. TRACY, Gen. Snpk w. L. Bt. Jqhx. Oenl Agent «* lake 'lß6l, SOSTOERa TRANSPORTATION C». "Will during the present season, ran their line of FIRST CLASS SCREW STEAMERS' Hegnlarlr betwoea Os&ex»l»iirgb« Cape Tlacest, Ooreco, ud Ui« Upper LakM, rouczaa A DAILY H NS. For Cleveland, Sandualsj, Toledo uit Detroit, toft Y XiTDTK. TEI-’ To and from Chicago, MUvauiee, and Intermedia porta. Connecting with the Railroads between Ordsa*. baryb and Boston. Lovell, Lawrence, Nashua, hu- Chester, Concord, worces'ier. Fitchburgh. Keene, BeL lews Falls, Rutland, Burlington, and other Interns, dlate points. At Cape Vincent with the Watertown and Rome BtS Road. Ana at Oswego with the New Oswego line of Canal Beats between Oswego, Troy, Albany and New Task. Through jrelgbts subject to bat one tranship ment. |W" Connecting at Chicago with the seroral Line* o i Batlroads to the Sooth and West. AGENTS AND CONSIGNEES. J. MTTBs, No. 191 Broadway, New Tort J. L. Wjlbsxk, No. S Coeauea silpu New Tort Jobs Hockiso, No. » State Etreelßostot S. L. Thobpsos, Ogdensburgh, N, T. . 3L CHXXBXBLIS, Ogdecaborgb, N. T, Gso. A. E»DT. Oswego, N. Y. Cbawtord A Bo tit, Oswego, N. 7. 'A nxtß a Hates, Toledo, Oblo. A. B. Mathiwb, Detroit, Mlcb. 6. J. Hal*, Milwaukee, wla. Tatlo*. Mubsat A Co-Racing. Wl*. Fxltox A Bbbkd. Cleveland, MATERS A CO- Chicago. gUFFALO, CHICAGO AND Lake Huron Railroad Line. JHIPPERt OF PRODUCE AID KEMRAIWM' TAKE NOTICE! The ’Buffalo and Late Haroo Railway romps ny tivins completed their arraagemenU (oraTH-Watta Llxe of ilist-Citse Sntir Fttaacm ECNTEE, 880 Dirt**. ROn’E, 649 ton... Copt L. BnA ONTOHAOOE,.. -.687 toai....Capt,B.WQUn, SDN, 849 tsu....Capt. Joaaa, To ran between CHICAGO and GODERICH, C. W (touching at all istuuduti posts,) la direct connection with tho BUFFALO 4e LAKE HURON R« For Buffalo and at Buffalo with the NEW YORK dk ERIE R R, for New York and Boston, and at ittrtt. ford. C.W- with the GRAND TRUNK RR, of Canadas for Toronto, Kingston. Ogdensborgh, MontreaL Fort land and Boston, and also with steamers, dailt, Aon Port Dslhousle, /Or Rochester, Oswego, Baeketts Har> bor. Cape Vincent, Ogdenebnrgh. Kingston and Mow. (real, offering superior Indncements tor the speedy transportation of any and ail property committed M their care. gy Shippers from theEast,far Lake Michigan parti mil Had It to their Interest to ship by this Una, betnW more railroad and le*» water than any other Uni and a paving of One-Halt Insurance and from S to A DATS THIS. For farther particulars, apply to A. T. BPKNCBR S CO irMWM-Pn- Ag’ta footSonth lanwd California anh lifer’s Desk. pONT EXPRESS'. Ten Days TO SAN FRANCISCO. LETTERS will be received at the office of the United States Express Company* CORNER O? nr.ap.g AND t.aww ktrkitbs, (180 Lake and 20 Clark streetaj Which will be forwarded to connect with the Foal Express, leaving St Joeeph, MtoeoaM. every WEDNESBAY AND SATURDAY, AT U P. M. TELEGRAM* Bent to Fort Kearney on the morning* of Monday tad Friday, will connect with the Posy, leaving fit. Wednesdays and Saturdays. EXPRESS CHARGES; Letters weighing H os. or andcr 1 fUt Letters weighing over 1 05... AM The half ounce letter: will be reduced to one dollar after Jnly irt BT In all cure to be enclosed la Bowiw ilamrcd envelope*, and all Kxpre*a chargee prepaid. »pyW4y H. D. OOLYra. igcoa. JoK E S & CARTWRIGHT, PIKE’S PEAK TRA.NSPORTATIOH LI«<I FROiyi LIAVENWORTH, KANSAS, BESTSB 4SP M6USTAIS SStff, lococaectioawtth theCticago.Bar!lngtoaftQßtM* Batlroad Company who are prepared to give throoGh '.dlls cl Lading from Chicago to Denver CUr ana Mountain City. J. ft C. having been engaged In the transportaflue business for several years, and transported a large mrcnnt of freight to DEIVEt CUT AMI THE SBLB »ES!M Dttriag the past year, respectfully Inform their Meads and patrons that they expect to enrage largely la the Business the ensuing year, and will bo prepared to Trsssport any Anonat of Freight THiTT MAY BFFER, Tnm Os« Thousand to Rts Thoonad lau. AH freight Mils wfQ be required to be settled at tha date of shipment; or cash will be required oa delivery at point cf destination. Car Agents also In Bt. Joseph. St. Loafs* Chlcagw BcstonTKew York and Cfoclnaati will give THROUGH BILLS OF LADING TO DENTES GOT Oar first trains win start about tho SOTH SAT OF APRIL, Or as soon before aa the grass on the Plains win al low. Oor terras win be made known npon application to our offlce in Leavenworth, or to i- v J omcea ol any o< onr agents. %ST For rate* and contracts call on WM. MARTOL General Freight Agent ol the CL B. A Q. B. R. Co„ £»t of Bcnth Wafer street. _ jnh»eS2s4m JONES A CARTWRIGHT. FOE PIKE’S PEAK. The undersigned have connected (with tttlrwd toown Freight TJn* from Atciilnaofl and Nebi aaka City) A FAST FREIGHT LINE, Which cmWm then to tnesport fttleht Jllfc B«j« than heretofore, erta»a mother Uopnow eetabHahed. Alto. (aaeoaWct.t»alownWH nv responsible line. Ptiner satisfaction tcail shippeis Ether by rcgnlar or onr fast ttaa. Wc bare this day established Messrs. 3AMHZLL * RFTNOLD&. 161 Klaale street. Chicago, oar Ageass who are authorized to contract freight to Denver or Mountain Cities for oa. . __ stars. JOHNSON * CO, Monntaln CUV. HA HOTEL * KIWNOLDB, Agent*. _ f __ 80. 161 Klnxis street, CWcagp, aL.. IT Mark goods “ can Parker; Dana *J'®vf£S > p**"*, Johnson m Co, Jestafc gatthtrtaSwg. VSTBIGHT <& McCLUBE, ft Ro. 83 LaaMle street. METALLIC COFFINS. aua wood Ceflns and Shroads e t all styles. Art »£?ai«d with Hearses and Carriages, and irifl gtva prompt attention at all hours. Have a Chapsi and Vinrtm the u* (Sung, ffiotohn, sct. rj_UNS l GUNS !! GUNS! I! U OMA PtstolA OolPa Anm^SfeMjA Had* of Miners Tools. powder,»otCap* aadAaa* aTO -.Lt£gL^ Sst SSorfes. IV7HW YORK STEAM DTE i\ WOPS 3. Wm, Tertcry,U7BoimClarkmrtKft, bctwccc Kadlaoa and Mobcoa Chicago. Dyeraal eteaaerXallfcodscfE* a^wotjiaoGeode. -A^a Ptraw Fsta and B wrt Oyms. Flca<Alng aws ?»«► lop. Store aod Oooatry Ail b' Slsftoi Krpr.’ej jn-rnffty attended *». 55a2. WTWX 1861. apMSM