Newspaper Page Text
IfiOHtj sno jßap^gwgr. skcozaab'S" Tr<moMtt>«Ter»™.' lnrTim,to ' nlt - Baaloess raper 'Wanted. e. r. twct.-d.-g * CO. 88 cnrtßtTßK. 'M'E'W TOBK EXCHANGE For Se!e is Sam* to Sait iy JOKES & CDiaKBTBOK, KO n Soaft Wtitertreet lyiaxla ON KKW YORK, FOB BALE ET ■'"* b. r. QCia*T * ce. f UP Sofath Water street. Monet to loan on city Property or Farms hi Codkjad a<B ohtos Conn. YJUTB WARRANTS 20TT6H5 AJTD 80LB. ‘ - 1' J. Lt LK*«Clarkstreet post Office Drawer 81 gy. , . .deU-61-ly T?OB, MONET TO LOAN JL QußeelS&t&te Securities In Cook and sdjolnlnE Counties, *K>ly to ERNST PRUSSINCS, Sealer la F*re)x» behaige, Bsiey ul Keal Sstat* Bnt*r. AGKNT FOB TEB BRITISH COUHBBCI&L Lin IRbUUARCR CO. ABO KOXAST PUBLIC. NO. e LIBBON BLOCK, »oi*-ly K. R. cor. Clark and Washington streeta, TO LOAN ON Chicago cm fbopebxx, Ox oa Good ImpreTed Faxzns in thla State. novwwM A CO. .nrcaa-ty tsi inap .tract. gflihsia Currtntß, &t. . B. jftwTQH a oo„ 1 5 e. h nrsßCNfi a 00 Cincinnati.O.. $ t ClndnsatUQ. THOMAS is CO., ESALERSIR Exctacge, Gold, Bask Sotes, Etc.. COB. CLA.Bg AND BANDOLEH ST3., CUadec the Sherman Houiej cincAso, -luraon. ntt«» In 60L0 or SEW TSfX. EXCBAKEpanr Ino-»iicr»llted Bmnfcic<‘—. .. • . niimoiw, "Wis cousin, Missouri, AJ*e»n other Uncurrort Funds. Also, Checks, Dralts and Cert Ideates cf MERCHANT T-OAN AND TRUST CO CHICAGO ~M ABUTS AND PIRK ISA CO MARINE BANE, ~ B. P. CARVER & CO- F. GRANGFR ADAMS. E. A_TUCKER SC?. Pattie* sealing u»b> express may rely, on having proceeds retained in cola, by Fame conveyance. On large »m:-nnta, ire mate a liberal advance on our quotations. HORTOK, THOMAS * GO. Caixenter A Venallye..... Irving Bant Atlantic 8ank.............. Bey sstcn Bank lyfaxrvr. ......... .New Tort. ..........Rcvr Tort. .Boston. .Boston. K. WILLARD & CO., EARIEBS AES EXCHANGE DEALERS, S3 Claik Street, a E. Comer of Lake, Dealers In Exchange, Coin and Bank Rotes. WE ABE PATCffQ THE HIGHEST PRICE FOB DISCREDITED Illinois and Wisconsin Money. Do not sell without calling upon u*. MERCHANTS AND BARKERS tntt*rCuUntry can rely opon getting the highest market price by"Bending to u*. We do Easiness on a Specie Basis. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK FOR SUE. COLLECTIONS MADE. £. K. S CO., BARKERS ARD EXCHANGE DEALERS, jyis.gl3da» 83 Clark-st. cor, of Lake street. gTATE BONDS Illinois Currency. Bonds ol SB kinds sold at New Tort Stock Board and drafts given fcrproceeds on day of sals. A EEKERAI STOCK ARD SORB IDMMISSIOR IBSIREU TRANSACTED. New Tork Quotations received by Telegraph DaQy* ■myHVMy C. B. COBB. Ro. 9 Telegraph Building. jfeianimEtg, St, gTATIONERY In an Varieties. BLANK BOOKS Of-our own manufacture. GOLD PENS From the best SCaken. LOWEST PBIOES That afforded. FMXisr r rxjst& Hestlr Executed axSVEANCE AGENTS Should try Ui BANKERS Fimlihed vlth line wort* COUNTRY MERCHANTS Sboald look at oar Pilect. 8T137808T Who sell or consume goods In this line of trade trill find it to sneir Interest to call at otAtloners f HalX f 140 LAKE STREET, F. MUNSON. Practical Blank Booh Manufacturer and dealer in an tin dBOf Blank Boots, Stationery, Printing and SOOS BTSS’SZN'O-. £ap2S-eSg 3ml JONES, PERDUE & SMALL. WHOLESALE ARB RETAIL STATIONERS SLIM BOOK MANUFACTURERS AND COMMERCIAL PRiKTEHS. 122 - - - Lake Street* - - -122 OBXOA GO. JOSE?, PEBDFE & SMALL. TJUTLER & HUNT, 48 State-St, If tare now on hand the following slzegof printing" a 50i« ffiaa ama asiss SJ>X*t MzS4 85z37_ STxAI _>ttM 2 : xS3 25x85 28x37 And are rccdringalarec assortment ofBOOK PAPER &.09S reams of wrerpmg Paper, of different sixes. LOW reams Manilla do. O teams Cap »nd LeSS*T,nnd a general assortment , of Prt T .tcr’e.r&ttonery. I«<| kegs'of vatij ert ctietu sted Book in dScws Ink. STcf which will b« sold lor cash at the lowest pos sible rates, mbit ' >aldforEaga..ja T. CARTER, PARS ASS PARS STOCK WAREHOUSE, 231 Bouth Water Street Chicago, HL -*>*7rp*id tor cotton and Woolen Bags, and Metals. scra-fr D, McFARLA NS’3 *Gas, Steam Fitting MDPLtSIBiSK ESTABLISfiMEJIT. Liiaalle 'itrMt, CMeago, (AS FSTWEt OB IWfi FIMHTiII ' Jt*£*VJt&SJBSSi $ KagdhctPjer of - (ii -ers-neim of Steam “SVorJe. XOTUE TBADSt •ne ride supplied withtools tte see. b*r<UK Flntt? and Plumbing Business. Ee-SUd» snr end broastog none to order. sir >*fiiiu£aSory 1W andlffl East Waflilflgten sbeek ng» _ rp C. SMTXH & COMPANY, BRASS COCK MANUFACTURERS, Coppersmiths, AND DEALESB U» WE OUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AH) SAS FITTINGS. SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, &t ■ iiio—Pertlcclar attentioa paid to Jobbtoe of xll kinds connected with the Brade. • 223 Wsublcgton St, Odeago, SU. rnnireuyl j^anutarg. Q, MORGAN has Removed to 10» Gasdolph Street, «SSSffl£2? bedroom suite* Cft lr» of ril tan<L f T y ” tica aapot begrojwa ‘ ILIT A« T-fJS O ODY.— - Dry Goods Jobbers, 42, 44 & 48 WABABH AVENUE, fiitdAWoft to .UielrettccrtTe Goods, bare on hand-a fnw aaeorioxeiit ofJluUtty Cloths and rwlffiKa. irsi Rues had othartSplaim, Which v4U - i ' ' ' V BE SOLD CHEAPER Ihan patriotism &mtn of-lta»oa-aaddMxonia-Idne. Anyone wlihtag to try the experiment, wfll ideaae iwb«e A Bartlett; SinEiCfCSBS ID WSCUBIIj' BOOTS 4NB SHOES, VO. anoARMH, we weald wepectfaHy can the astenttea of otk? eta Country Merchant to our extensive stock of Boots and teoes, which we now Ja store, and an dally n- MlrttfAm .QgrWafinyr W-wt which consists of a fall aaortment ot those celebrated loots; together wlthaiu liitodTof Styles el SPRING AND IUHDSBB GOODS*' : which we arepr* pared to sell tor nzosnpt canoe trade a) B®on and kbw York JobSngWML!* Wean Agents tor tteiaietiMhcrar*PiSeati£afcl. .. 'pUTTLE, HIBBARD A CO., IMPORTERS OF HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE, 65.......UKEinm. We offer to &e Trade, at the LOWEST HABKET PRICES j A&O6 boxes TIE PLATE, 5.«n bdla SHEET IROBT, SGO * - RUSSIA IRON, - 151 * IMITATION RUSSIA, 2S£C* M BRIGHT and ANSXALD WISB, 821 casks SHEET ZIRC, 1# tons PIG TIN,'‘ KSBOlbs. COPPER BOTTOMS, AO sets TUTKBES' TOOIB and MACHINES, GO casks BRIGHT 9X and COIL CHAINS, LOOO dot awwa, L2OO “ SHOVELS, SPADES and SCOOPS, as tons SAD IRONS. - TUTTLE, HIBBARD & CO. 002*68-17 Corner ef State and Lake streets. *T»O ILLINOIS MERCHANTS. iß6i*—:...a WEBEB, WILLIAMS & YALE, JOBBERS OF MATS, GAPS, STRATT COOPS, PA&JL" sots AliD BBBBKUAB) tm• mi laa .STREET, CHICAGO..*.2S Invito the special attention ol minola mearchants tc hetr very large, veil assortedandmntsaally attractive 1 Iprtng Stock mr issl which will .be offered at lovr pit eet and on favorable terms .for Cash or Approves Credit. t0“ Froapt and careflil attention gtvaa to orders. WBI&KR, Vrt.T.TfcVR * TALA 18*1.—SPRING TRADE.—IB*I. FIELD) BENEDICT & COij 61 and 63 South Water Street, XHPOBTRM A3R> 7QSBXU OV Foreign and BeMestic Woolens, DIRER ARD COTTON GOODS, ADAPTED TO HEN'S WARS. THE TRADE can rely upon finding at this old es. tahltebed bouse a fall line of Piece Goods, adapted to Hen’s Ware, atthe LOWEST PRICES. AGENTS FOB TEE AMERICAN F.ASSIGNS. gABCOCK & PEEK, 111 RANDOLPH STREET, Mahogany, Rosewood and Walnut. ALSO, CHAMBER, DIRIIIItIE *W«bIIFORHITUBE IN GREAT VARIETY. Wood Best and Cone-Seat Chain, Bedsteads and Ba ream. School Furniture on baud and to Order. HT Particular attention paid to country Orders: _ qaYR-aqMgl jq~ARDWARE, TIK PLATE BDSTAL VABEHOUSE, ZstaMitbei U UH, WILLIAM BLAIR & CO. 116 Lake Street, OMeafco* Saving received our Spring Stock, ws offer At tba Te# Xioweat Karket Sates, LOCO Boxes Tin, Flats, assorted sues, fijpr- Bdls. Sheet Iron, No. 16 to No. X. COQO Jbs.<sopper Bottoms.- - - MOO lbs Brazlert Copper. _ _ LEOO Bdls. Bright Wire, NO. 0 to XFo. X XCCasks SheetZlnousortedwidths. 7,800 Bdls. test Pence Hire. No. 7.8 and*. Kegs Nslls. Wheeling and etaer prime broads. AGRICULTURAL IHFLS2ODCTS Of all docrip- ttons at Pacwry price*. _ _ A complete anortmestof Cutlery. Shelf Hardware nancriaTools. Japsaned and Pressed Tin Ware, and Tinner* Goods of sQ destriptton*_nT»cm asfavozObts term* as towgoodsoaa be piacßreff from any market. yrr.T.Ta’if-pT-ar. CONCESSION I PEAKE, MARSH & HE LONS, 87 Lake St. - - 43 Wibaii At#.. conforming to dm ircasnin of the Ctnae, we tare conciliation anb concession, ftofkratt&sraoabenflißcted&r ‘ Xiow Frio**. We offer AT WHOLESALE throughout the end dnHng the praee&tagitattOQs a stock of Dry Good*, Hoiwrymd Motion*, 1 TTnaorpasseltn FRESHNESS, iBEAMEU All REAL TALCL These are times fat •Actions ro«ftcr than W*®***, And ire hays determined cb s wctb of hard wort. rtrid economy and smalt, PROFITS, and It will be SUICIDAL on the part of CLOSB eurKBS not to ex amitia our famine* ofKWO wL 3RAHB3 OF HRftt t- DOMESTICS, BCeiEBT, COTTON ABBS ABB DBBse ooopa. ftis-ig 10 * * 18 Uiil WHOLESALE fiROCERS, Cash BaraM are perticnlsrty tnvttod t# *a eraalnattos at osr &tokof &EOCEEIES, FLsfc, Woed*K Ware. BRUSH FBTJXTBj dec., Ac, 6. 6, COOK & COe, If ft 18....fTAT8 STREET..ft 18 ahfi’ ' fEß=A3atittetstt|i Notices. "niSSOLUTION OF CO PART -1 J KFBSHIP.~The here’oforeex- I-Urg betwetn the nrderslgned, under the Ann of J. 31.8115S A CO, is this car dissolved by mutual eon. wot The basinets of thennnwOl be s*ttlcd np by Mr. J.M.Btire. at the old stand, bo »7 Like street, op ptilrs, to whomall debts due to the Atm are to bo raid* J. M. STINE- Chicago, August Ist, 1851. MAX KBaSEB. JM. STINE -would respectfully • Inform Mi frtendsand the trade generally, that be win consume the WHOLESALE DRY-GOODS BUSINESS At the old stand, lift 37 Z*ake Street, Up Stairs, And roßeltß a continuance of thslr patronage, - nng’-ggasm- - - - - ■ . 'T'HK CO PATKNTSRSHIP, hereto- A loro eaS*tJBE 'brtwoea - Ittaflwtigwa, \mder the firm of JOHW 3BODIB * CO, 1* tbUday dl»- lt» wTrtafll . JQHa BKODtE. J ... - CHABLBB BISMOBB C, J. CUSACK WCi-g8778t July sift, 1F&. TYESEOLUTION. —The Co-Part- XJ nenblp heretofore existing between the a-*-er. signed, under the arm of WHITE, STEWAET * WHITE Uthl» day.dissolved by nwtual eooant The rut standing business of the late firm will be closed by J.A.S. 81.B 1 . WHITE, who la authorised to grant scqultance* and to use f “»• o'***™* hduidaa^ JOHN BTKWAHT Chicago, July tth ISCL JOHN A. WHITE. CAED.—N. WHITE having uorchued the Stock, the Woooder. Were Burtaess'wfube continued at the 014 8U8d.K.,.5 ChiCTf. July Pth. IMI tv«?Lgi*.tm ffigiten, &c. T AKE SUPERIOR CHARCOAL pxo moN. A. conriennient of tfa fe weUtapwn&onJnatrecelTed mdfor =<£=“ - tor Itoa'alkgttTert. jyifn-iy pOUNDIiT PIG IRON.— 800 tossSaarM teatirf Kg Ire«, From ttocrtObr^ ■■B&SggaSWHiSS lauiAer (Books. DELTING, PACKING HOSE, A-J Jto. Tte>patest toM • ciounxE* Bvaiot butisb, Warranted iobe^^bertktnaer BOSE ..ASM. PACKIIG» leather belting ASP • ' LAOS UAfBKB, . And aB Me* of 1 BUB BB B C SOB S. . nra. •.»■«» CijitaaoCtUittnE SATPRpAT,ATJQtrBT ; 3, 1861. 'omcuiiM. .. LIST OF LETTERS Regaining uncalled for In the Chioago Post - Offloa A Hiram D mra 3 Appello Caroline mn Allen Mery mrs Anderson Jane • Alien, Martha A , 7' —•* Addy Eliza mrs Ackeriy C E mrs • Ayers Gearies G mrs Addis Bn.xna miss 3 Atwood.Bettie mi** Atchineon, Battle Amra Avery Samuel sirs Allen Henry J mrs n BaSardDWmrs BostwickEmma GQling’. Ballard E A mrs ham mrs Bamford mra Bradley Grace miss Baker William mn Briggs MenQla M ■Bailey Mary mrs Bradley CM mrs ••• Barker Henrietta Brlnkerhpff jnre Barton Jlille miss miss Barnett SjlTta mrs Bug bee Abbie E mlaa Baitey John mrs BriggsJessyA miss ; Barnard Bell miss Bradly Charles miss Barmard J 11 miss Boark.Margaret miss Barber Miranda mrs Bonrk Thomas mrs; Bates SlUle miss Burt Bella C miss ■ Bennett Ammie M * Bart Joseph mrs - Beard Caroline mrs Bart Henry B mrs . BemonHHmis Bart HT mrs ■Beebe Nellie miss Barcbsl EUza mlaa Best Msrtha’O mn - Batter Julia L min Bell Sa lie P miss BamsMarymiss Bel'h Lizzie miss BurhesEllzabeth mies Bigelow Mary mn Barnes Mary Amiss Blakely David mrs Bark Mary T miss blspeU Minervla mlsi Byron miss Borland A 8 mrs Byron Bessie miss Bolen Sophia- - • Byton James Jmn Boland Catherine Byron An«a miss Booth J mrs f .7^=ae.w. Camp E A miss Cobb Addie miss Calahan Richard mn .. Calling P miss Cain Mary Ann miss CoQotky Mary Ana. Caldwell Jane E mrs Cora Belle mra Caryßarlsna - - Connelly Ed mn Canner Netty miss- Corcoran Mary Ann Miss Canghlin Catharine miss Cotes David mrs Cate Mary Ann mrs Cowins Margaret mra Carroll Bridget miss Cook Lottie £ miss ~ Casey Bfleaa ■ CooDerHAmrel • CaidOHmrs . Conner OTjmrs . dhaceDelia miss Cook OP mrs ■ Christopher Margsrett Constdlott F W mra Chandler Redaon mra : Cnmrolngg Soaan Chandler John mra CushingE B mra. Clsgstone Henry mrs? Cutler Henrietta mlaa Osytos-Maria miss Cnirnnlogs S D mra Clisbrd Lydia mra - - CrofoutN-Lmrs ;. Clzlbw Theresa miss . Crooker .Lizzie mlaa Clinton BtQ miss Crain Ann-M. miss Cline Kate Fonda miss Cross Rebecca Ann miss Coggetbell Emily mice Culver HeUen mlaa Coleman Deborah mra . .Cmmlngham ilaTgarct CoHinß Aim mtfß - Tritan •j . Davisism W mn Dolan Mary Davit Lewis mrs Doen Elizabeth mrs Danlphln Mary Donohue Marymrs Daley Sarah T Dryer JB mrs DaltonUary E mi« Dawlimg Mary Amrmra Dixon KatieraUs Dodson ETxabelh mrs Dices D O mrs Doff JD mrs Dillon Margaret miss Darand-Almira J • Dennison Isabella mis* Dtmcan Klizibeth miss Demm*n EUzabethnris Dunbar Helfen'Mar miss Deidrlck Ann miss DjeMaryDmrs Dewolf B B mrs ■ ■ ■ DveßyronH'mra* Dellahunt Mary mist Dunn Milla & miss • Devlin Eliza mist DowdSUen mrs - Dodge A mrs / ‘ . Ed y Cynthia E mn Ellsworth Anna mrs Farmington Fannie miasPitzgerald Michal mrs Furman Henry mrs FltzgeraldElizabethmiSS Harwell Margaret ran Flynn Maurice mrs - Fanner Agues miss . Foster Sarah H miss Palm Fannie ForiS A mn '■ Ferns Mary miss Fry Hannah mrs <• Feheley Mary mrs Freeman Charles mn Flemming Abby miss Fraser Mary, mrs ■ Finch mrs Fowler RH mra Ganges Louisa mn Gilmore Eliza miss Garmon 21F miss Goss Eliza S miss Gamty Rosa miss Golom Margaret miss Gertrude £ miss Goodbody Catherine mrs Getzler Louisa miss Gorman AM J-miss George Cmrs Qreen-Saßymfs • Gifford Mary mn Graham Charles mn Gifford Minnie miss Green Mary mrs Gitas on Eliza GriffithPhebe S mist Gleeeos Nancy widow Granger Ellen mn Gloyd Julia mrs Hall Joanna mn Hinckley Hattie miss Hale £ mre Biggins Satan mrs Halpia July miss Holcomb Maryann miss Hampson Kate mrs Hodges Eliza Jane mrs Ban ton Abby A miss Howard Lucy: mx£ . hartnett Maria Holbrodk Sarah ‘; Bartney Carrie mn Horan Ann miss Hanley J E mrs Holdrid«e Elizabeth mrs Hart A W mrs Howard.R M mrs Bayes mrs Bollard Madam T Batkins H R mrs Hughes Hattie T miss Hastings Lois miss . ' Hutchinson Eate mrs Hatfield M mrs Hnliuiski Louisa miss Heleny Matilda mrs : Hanes Austin, mrs Beron Madeline mrs ‘ Humphrey James E mrs Bavy Mary ; Hughes Kitty F miss Eaneryßetsy miss Hubbard Laura mist Eeult Ellen mra' t Humphrey e c mrs : Bendncks Hattie Mmrs-Hunen John mrs Healy Mary mrs . Hyallp James H mrs Bills JuUslA mififl I Ingoldsby Margaret mr. Jacob Maria Ann Jones M mrs Jackson Mary Jane Jones Sarah miss Jennings Emma miss Jones Mora S miss Jerome Louisa D mips Johnston PE miss J lacks on Isabella miss • Johnston Francis miss Jackson Mary * Johnston Frank E miss K' ' EeanyMmiss Eerwia Anna E mlsi Keen Sdah mrs Keating H mrs Kell Margaret miss Klasball Ernma J mra Kelly Mary E Kiddle Lucie miss .. Eeawis-mra- Kyle Ellen raiss Kent Thomas mrs Komrow Mary Kearney Catharine BrklandSarahmlgs Ecnovermra King Ann Charlotte mra ' * ' ' * I. Landom John mrs Loomis Lubmlfc sub lAt-hhrock Johu mrs Lowe Emma mrs Latthow Rachel mra Lowry Robert mrs Llndray Louisa mrs Larton Sarah A mrs Lely Anna M mra ' Lyons M C ‘A-nna miss Lennox Mary Lynch Kate miss Lease fftnma -&i m Magne Bridget miss Moor Joseph Mackey Florence mrs Moore Anna Eliza mrs Alnnsfield W A miss 2 Morse AddieM miss Mallnry Lyman mra Morris Jenny miss Warfca Mary mra , Mncgej Joint A HUT* Marion mra Malian Petrie mrs' Mattindale Maiy Murry capt mrs Mae on Mary A mis* Murphy Archy mrs Mathews Rachel mrs Meurfcead G miss Martin Lncena dies McConnell Lydia miss Merldeih Mary mrs Me Arthur Margaret miss Meyer Louisa C JmiesS McEwen Isabella rules - Meden B mra McGrath M M miss Mead Elizabeth mrs McGrath John J mes Miller Mary Aon mrs McKinney Arthur J mrs Miller Janceemrs McKlnzle Elizabeth miss : Milan John mrs Hclatiro Fannie miss Miller Anna Smiss McLallen J £ miss Miller mrs Me Jennies Margaret miss Montgomery Henry mrgS Mclutire Mary mist Moloney Margaret mrs McNiel Sarah, miss Moor Mary J mrs McPkee Marla mra. Na«ala Fannie P mrs Nolan Ann miss Deleon Jolla Amiss North Regia C mrs Norton mrs _ . ‘ O'Brian Margaret mrs O'Connorßosora mrs O'Brien Margaret miso O’Day Manmr°t Osborn H B mrs O'Donnell Ellen miss Owens Mary mrs p Palmer G 8 mrs Planer S Agnes miss P.-.rpcas c M mrs Phillips Kate A miss Pan! Sllzamrs Phillips John mrs Palmer C A mrs Pendegrast Mary Paltn Caroline miss Pickens M T mrs Pattereen Alice min Power Josephine E miss Palmer Ncllj it miss Potter Anna M.mln Paul Kopatna miss Pisnler Mary J miss Packard Z mrs Prints Angelina miss PukHMmri Prentice Eg miss Perkins Mattie W mrs Purclll Mary ' Q Quirk Luther mrs Quackenbosß A mrs Bsdebanch Mary J miss Rogers Leva miss Randall Ella F miss Roberta Wawnnh- mlsa Redmond Jus P mr* Bow mrs Rennets Mary misa Roach mrs Belly Mary mrs Rogers Coni el la A mrs Bice .Ma»y mrs Roberts Adeline L Richardson mra Russell Harriet mrs Richards L R Mies Reardon Patrick mn Rice Henry mis Savage John Amre Sisson Jennie miss Sanderson Phebe mrs Shattcry Maria mist Sanborn Eattie 31 miss Skelton Lizzie miss St-xton mra Smith Lizzie mist Sharp Mary mist Spafford Charles mn Shippr Mary A mra Spencer Mary miss Slintmen Battle mrs Stapleton Ellen, miss Sb.-jiohen Johsnsah mrs Jt John Emma miss Shell ameCatbcrine missStauly John Wmre Sheideslmo&enemisß Street Kate miss Snow Lizzie N miss Sturterant Nellie B IHsa Taylor Eliza miss Thomson Helen misa Taylor Elizabeth miss Tyler George Mrs Taylor Sarah mrs Tomer Prances miss Theryer S mn Trowbridga Olive mis Thomas A'B miss Tracy miss Thomas Nancy mrs Townsend Mary Ann Thomas Mary B mra.. Turner Hollle miss. Thompson mra , Trickey llarymlas . Thompson Mary miss Toohy Annie M miss Thompson. Xaabel miss . Tucker Mary J mra x ■ ' - - - V j ■ Yojt Slaty Bosena mIM Yanbhmt Elizabeth mra Wade Ellen mrs WlQlams Mary B miss , Welle Ellen F mrs WfllLamg Elisabeth mra Warner cant W mrs Willie Pheble mra WethcrellEater A mre Windfield Mary miss Weaver Thomas W tors E miss Wcatherton Saian WUderßFMra Weyle Emma jars Wren Jolla A mra Webber pnrmah F mra Wadsworth Maria mra Wr Her Elizabeth D Woods B C mlea Whittaker Mary mra r Woodworth Altnyramrs Whitney Cmirs Woodford Leonideßmiss Wilson Leonard mra Woodruff A U mrs WilUamaE Jmra Worcester Hattie L miss W llliams Mollic E mlea Woodman Clark mra WilMmnwpaTnh G mra - '■*** Young Henry mrs Austin Asa AckeitEdW Aluslle James Acgeon A J Allen Sylvester Ackerman Ja* Abbey AuguetusAHen Frank S Anderson John Aimltane An’y aum p B Anuia John Anderson Ch as Adams Gee W Allen John F W Anderson Thos Austin. W H Allen C H Anderson WI) Austou W J Arkcnnann. P J Andezton E Alley MHes Ayllng Henry Barker B ... BirtOß-Wm BowlcaS.W hater A E Blake Walter A Bryant FTE: ,• Barker AUany 1 Barker Wb> -Bmgit Prank. Baabitt N Q Baker Willie S. BrowmanG W Bassett Aahley BlodgetWD Braosteai Geo Barnetl|& Her Baldwin W A Burns Tfeoi „ tay - - ■ ror Brown Henry E/ Baldwin A H Bartlett WH Bond Hiram Babcock &Ce Bcaopre W S Bolard Henry C • B*wl«rey Fat Blactifitonc-WP-Bossrotth-H P Bcadell CbasG BlackfordWinDi Brigham JB , Bailey C E rev Bailey Lmnan Borne James BtimtlyPairickßincnamLP BrigcaJ W Blake Peter BnEhnell & Mo- Brown JB BlaneCbas - ran- Barns Jamea 2 Bare es DY BrietolßartoiiHßarton J Banle t Ezekiel Brown Alex Bnrke James; Barnes Smith Brown AH' 'Barnett Jno Barton 8 M Bancll Oscar BracenJehnH BalchT-J - Bradley Nat B -Brodbent John . Block Geo - Butler A.D Boot John Bett eger Q W Byliag Adam Bmen JohnN ~ BccneuCco Brislin Patrick' Bornfield John kaileyOW' Butterfield Char Brown Joseph E Bennett TV BotlerCS Borlckeakoff. BaMwiS'Gß- : Bruce Peter %- Juhodr -2 BeDfwaTP ButlerCS Boron h« Wm B’eck Ecgtcipt Brown.CH Brownlee Wm B BuipkyJu EoopLloaßca Brown Waltsr 3 Boitlklt J.A Booth B' Brown Walle’a BloteJB — - Beldgewaterß- -Brown Wa G / Bvher BB < Bfgwn Wm A Barret John . BrwfSjtJT . Bunnell Use I BUfedrlt Jotxi BonalßW . Bright MS | BJcte -■. . Bedinw PrapoU BovettL & , r'.'. M.-Ancßit Mi 1861. iiDixs* un. B Ellsworth Fred B mrs Ellsworth JJ' '< Young P J miss iCEKTtBBCEN »S LIST. • CtapMaiFratCirpenwr Job :Bk*- . Chspla JehuC ■ ■BUKnj&r n > *' 'Gloganlftcholaa Callao John -■ Cuhßta Om ; : .ClßggeU«fc An- Carigan John ■ Goes Last NeT I , ,deiE.on ’ . • Carroll John J- Courtney;!*. CadehyTatrlck Carxsll Joha, : CoUlhaXflfcM. .Chandler CE . Cagney John CpruajGK') Carb Caron . -Carter John'E Cnotffd.Hjidn , Cahill Pa trick ; Clay JoUa S Cutler JA ; CarbeiryPatrictCSte WmL.-, Conway. James ChipmanDeuiiliQwcjMlchl . , Cook John.B. fcept • : ' , CaryMdrS"; ComfortJaun Christian Eobt FClark L W Culver Joi»; Clarkßobt Clark Ml chi CrOssJotmA Co Camp€USKH"'-Cl!j»3f ; -'- :1-r ‘Ckinroy Joseph r CUrk Prark .. i Clagßtonein*--Cooghlia Jon* 'CavensghJtL’• Culver Beldea Cook Jonathan Campeu Francis OookA- H _ ConolyJobn Clifton P F«’ -Corrigan AJ CorhndgeJoha Carey F E CotasUr ' * Crosten Win Caewell Sidney Colli ns Barney ■ Coldda K’ -r -, Chamber* Frank Curry Alonxo ' CommlnsWaiFt Campm Thoa Conlcj Owen • Carroll Tbos Comstock Chas Curtis wli Csrr H W 3 Curran Pot* Conrad Wo- Clarke HO '■ Cox Ricnard P CoriganWm Chafe B S ' Corawcntß - ComrioiteWll CfaeerfrHoraceDCocgdon Safas Curcn*’Michael Chittick bngh.: ‘ Capps Bichard Co*Xewis Z> Clayton JST Crittenden Chaa - ' 7 : ui •“ ■ Dubpis A v Dnffldd BE Davis Jaa W Dougherty AVmDeForeat EC dr Dniyea Jarvis Desnßenard Dirießobert ■ DaTtsJohn T Davidson EC DaierSlchdp , Dennis Jpa D • ' Davis Aaron W Driven PrAug’t Dnfteme;Jos Delasy AIT DextcrPW* - Doty Joseph DramPhihp : DonovanFlorO Donovan wmO Downie Peter S DemaryThos . Davis Wm P Doody Patk. .DuslspGeoW Delano Wm Dunne Peter ‘ ‘ Danley Thos - Dorgan war DoolittleCfi DaroonGH; Denton WH Dunning dr ' Drake HarlawKSDnnham wm Durant Edw 3 Douglass Hugh Dsvney 51 h . DaklnlßX ■ DeweyHcn’rt) WDowur Maurice • Day E cant - Doudass J T capDe Sales M P Dunlap Isobt L Daria James D Durant Leri Ely&Farco, Erwin Geo C ByteJH . Engle Benard ZlUcott Geo Ewer JnoGndley Earle ChasM ■ Elliott HoraceMßoglislr John E Emerson Eli Edwards Henry Emory Win Enoa EdWard EatoaMC- Ellen wood WE Eader Stephen EIHa-J -EastmanLP - FordßD&eon Fletcher Robert Fletcher Jas B ! Foster AHarcien- : Forrest Foster Jas berg, . .-Fleetwood Fr’nkFLih John Freeman, Holt Frpome Sami Freel John, & Barton Flynn Frank. Flanders John O Fisher Aieby Biy© S Farwell r ohn H- Farroll * ndrew Fatrmas Frank Fitzgerald Wm: FrcmbergOfiß FowlerS * capt • . - 'Fitzgerald Peter Fischer Frank Fitzgerald WmC Forrest Chaer -FarnsmGeoß Fitzgerald Wm- Flood Peter. FrlantGeo.W. FonTSVm.; : FUteaa Cbas FilimoreHartsonFinch Marcus A Teeny Patk Farnam Henry Freeman LaTay- Fangton.Cba* . French. Henry D ette>- > - Fennel Edw Fischer H D • FinchM A ' Flagg EC Fonlk Jacob. - FallagaeL Flood EF 2 Franklin Jas B Grey Rob - Goodrich E J Geary John GoadyAlexahderGoval Frank Gleason John H Gage Aeahel Gage Leth Griffith John . GUl,Rupert &co Gould Fred H GUder Jonaa Ganison& Raw- Gill Stephen •■ GemesJhn leifih • • Cnensey Frank GoodcnowWm, Gray AC &co Galavau ThomaaGract Wm J Grlflen C B Grumbv George Grogan'-Mlchael Goodrich DA Garland ThosH*Greealeaf J L J • Gilmore Eph . Goss Hairy. A ' Graham Lewis Goodrich EJ GilchrletJas M. Gaffey.Hichael GodleonED ' Gorey James .. GageCymanJ GarrabrantßobC Gleeson.Jolm M Gafihey Matthew GarltyE&MS : - k : Hart & Ersting ‘Henegan Jaa 2 Hollister E H Haws Nathaniel Hannahs Jas M Hntchison Fran- BallAJ Heth James dsC Batch O M . Hahaway Israel Higgins P M Hawley AddisonHenderson J L 2 Biiger F B - Bajden Albert ■ Benson John 2 Homer Frank HawesNathaaiel Hathaway JnoA Bodge Silvester Haney. AM Hudig.John J Bohan Thomas Bewey Arthur® Hatfield llm - -Bill George H Hendro Charles Hadley Wm Howard H E Bommard " -Harkin William Hanttegton H C Harrises Horunton M - .Hibberd JaaF dr HcdeP ‘ Hcdigan MathevrHorigan James Baden Professor Hooke & Bell Hussey Jas W . Barrie CM Howes AT ' * • Hatchings J P Harvey ChasT Howc,Pierce&coHines Jacob BathowayDP HigginsHL- Hndnntlsaac Bemmings E G Howe Orville D HolUhg J-T. capt Hamilton RN Hues AM ■ Hough John Hardy Robert Hilton Orvill '• Hotchkiss Jno M Hazard E W • Herd Charles D Hyland John • HallTbomaa- Hull Delos - Hickle John HallT&co HmtDH Hogan Wm Hendry George Holland R C Houelhan Wm HaskSnaH - ,-HUlßobert HllbornWmß HewiiHG HnrlbutEF Hull ffmH Herron Henry Humphrey E H Hill Morgan xitu>«.oz Jaa S HollandßichdCßigginsmr Hanley James • Hills Kassel T Holmes mr BancokJ . .. Irwin Robert Jackson NoysN Jennings B 8 Jamison Gibson JewettßW Jewel Edwin JonesJJ'-hn Joaesßees JonesFMW&CoJon s JohnM Joyce Edward Johnson Samuel Jennston Wcapt King A B . > Knot Elam C Kennedy Sam Ketcnnm Son & Kelley Edwia King Geo W Co 2 KinsloßO . Keegan Hugh Keat BenjamlnAKimball Er elly James KeysChaaH- Kent Elmore Kennedy John Keys Patrick KerbyThue,, Kelly John 2 Kiiig Daniel KendallßA Kelly John EJ Kirton mr ' , • Losie Edward Linn James Lincoln £ J Lighlhuone EW Leonard Bros Loom!* J D LanamaaD T & Lynn Alexander Lyons Jeremiah. Co Lone A G capt Lathrob J S Lobby Peter Leckmanßenj Lamb James Luther ChM S Law BN . ‘ LcEjt Antonio Larcck Peter Lasher Stephen. Lankin Joshua B Lawrence Chas CLeamed S J Lay, John G Lynn C capt - Locke S £ Littlefield Jos LoucksPOS Larkin Thos 2 Leeback Joseph LangleyOß 7 - LeonardTim’ihyLawton Joseph ■ Longß LoughllDghl LanyonWta Lyman &Co Letter Henry Lalande ffm Langley-W'E- LeeWm H • . ,-• m MeadN capt Mitchell & MU-McPliereou Eu- Marcotta Alfred ler ben iltmeglold A F Murphy Peter McCracken Bobt Maria OL Marin Peter H , Mayo Chaa W . Morrison Patk McGuire Francis Meeetve Curtis Millard D J &Mc uire Fredk . MarchS:A •• ,- -, po■ . McEnenrThos , Mansur Geo’B MoloneyJ)P W HcKieiTbes . i.., MsnlyGeoF. MundyßH McLeod T D MeekerTheadoreMyera Edwin J McDcrnnell JT Meadows H. H Mtmro'ejFA McHepryJ ® MaaonlJ. . Blezer McHugh JoJin 'MeadltaacH ■ Mosher SB McMuroe John MadlganJohn MoomSamlC. McCbart Jehu MulvanyJohn MotecPAAco Mc&rdeUJoha Matthlen Jos N Moran Thos McAuley John Matthews Jae BMortan Gilbert Kcßwen John MnreballJohn Miller Thos McAllister WP Madden John' Mitchell HA „ . Mclntosh Wm Meadows .Wm McNamara' Ah-McMallcß Wm, . Malone Martin ** -thony - McWeeny Wm , Mathn Micka McQearyßcrnatdHlichell. Harden MeheganMlchl Machines Arthur B''' Morosey Patk McMurchyArchiMcChnore JB Morey Albt O" McCalloch Aler Mnldas Jas 3 Myrfck 6rin caplMcDougallArchdUills Jas W Morris AndrewMcKinley Palk ; Mury Johm E 8 McElroy P . Malony John Muir, Pat Maylon-Wm, £co McCabe Ccas Moore Wm Merries Nelson McCorquodale DMiHer M B ' Moreland A M McCarthyDenm Is Miller Mlchl L Murray BronaonMcAvery Edwd MoleyMlch Nicholas Michl- Naughton John Norton 8 W -Noltcr Wm H Nesbitt Jas Noakes C C Norton John A SNanuaa Jaa Nicholas Patk Keleoa John Nyman Jay Nelson Peter K agent A O'Connor John O’ConnellMlchlSO’MaßeryEugen O'Briesmr O’ConnellJrry S O’So lly Jas O’Brine James O’Connell Tim O’Shay Taoa O’Connell Patk O’ilara Jss Osborne Henryß Orton J P Piieon O F Parker Miles Father Thos S Perkins Angna- Pratt if J Prescott Q H tnadr Peeler Myron 3 Phillips Thomas Patton A A Pierce Chaa W Pierce Han’bMD. Price Abner • Perkins C D Petrie Horace PalneyNtlhen Pierce Charles Powers HenryW Porter Jaseph A PettibonePF Powers Homan Poller Joseph Paine CL - Palmer S V Palmer John J Prince Charles Petercoa James Paths Josephs Porter DavidC PaxrottJ Patsins John B Phillipe Daniel Perry James S Parmer Joseph PrindervlllßobtPowellJD Peters John H PageCK Paynatl ■ Parker Wesley Parker Ranssn Preston JK Pope W S PorriU George Peachea W Quinlan Patrick Quirk John Richardson A B BowlanFred Reynolds Jas H Ridjardsonßow-Rohert 8 Hoop Jacob jr maw Robb Roht Byerson James Roberts A B BeedFredcapt Btdaer &coS BostiierA RobbThoiP Roach Jeremiah Boss BA By ling Geo Richards JG Eobcnaom Terry Rogers ThosH ReedJohaA2 P Race Gilbert Redden Jsseph BohlandCn BobirsoaGcoS Wdr« Host 3 Reed Thos , RynchJohn Rowland capt Bay Geo F River* Joseph Richardson CWBnpell GW Byaa.WlUlani Roeers Porter F Roet Hiram BolistonWmll BetdCbasli RlefcnlderV Benue W IL BayChasE RIceJJHS Binge Wm Biha Dundy Rutherford Jas Bouigh Wm Rnmsey Davidß Roe H K - Raymond mr Reynolds Daniel Rich James W RoweLß RomcnEK Redden Jsl dr Heading BN Row Samuel Rawlins J Robert James Schneider A G Smith Bernard Simers T D Schrbck & InslejStone B F- Smith Goo W Sectey.CharleaH Storey B F Swift Dion Schafer Charles Spencer Almen Skinner H R Shea David. . Sunonds&coNHStephensonll Bonders Robert Sutter AE, .SmithHJ Sammons F W Stevens Noah -' Snyder Hiram ‘ SpauldlngStuartStrong Bites " Stone James Bbezwooa Slafv Sinclair Synis . Spaulding J C Shaver Geo E Stantan Charlie Swope72 Silver GW* -Bupplee John . Stone JT SaadersH A r£ StueaCharles . BimmJC • Schofield James Skellr Daniel' ’ Swift James B Saifcr JF Bmitn David Soper John H ScottJWlieut Stearrek DavidO Sollivim John Scott Jacob - Stone Daniel SlemsnJohnß Shepard J ' Siu mons Edwd Sgaln John Shi can John Sullivan Dennis Smith John A Scully John Storm E May Starr William Sanders. Joseph Sullivan EdardESpellman Wm J Sherman Wm P Singer & coE M Smith Wm A SoyerLouls Spaulding Stew’tSauth Wmcapt Shay MW Summers Sam - S Southwell Jas Benton BW Smith Thos D S'.evens Levi Shay Maurice Sumner Geo B StevensTHlieuk Tncicr Otis C Thomas T T True Q P Thomas A D Tabor George Trainer B W Thomas Oria D Tee-Tin Thos O Tack J H L Tezier AL Tarltott 9H Taylor -"William. Tartar David Town Harrer Taylor Warren 0 Tenney BA ■' Thomi&oa H D Thomas William Taylor PndM capt, Thire mr Thompsons S Towns Horace ThomaaStordicai TJpdlke Henry E _, VarsantrordSH Yanllceter rev TanVTacklW Violet H J WC3 - TV- . ■White N 3 Whitney Joseph Wnisem John Q Wadden Bryan E capi 3 Wilson £co Jno WaUon John Wren John Welker J t BnachWard John E ' WUUamson JaaA WebbarAwbroaeWalket John - Wlggans JnoH' Whitcomb BA Wheeler W W Wioiatns Joi.nW WrlihPß . WarnnfirMarcaaWoedrnffJS- Whitncv Calvin Watson W T - WrightJ Warier P B Wanurotiee LHWHsan Jamea WalehChafl P WaelchMichiel WlUlanwJM rev Wat* on Bobert Watmanilartiß. Woods luce E.V.-~ .- ■ * . •Wafd. Close A WilliamslaaicK Waleh ThemascoM ‘ Winiama J W Warner E Wilson AEatrsonWHiamaJ-cob Whipple Q A Wilson brolhcrsWlghtmsn IA • Ween Harvey Wilder A Howo Wireta Henry • WandGJ Wood* is HarrisWU&jxT Waxc James WflUa Leonard' Wilder Weed James 2 Willard mr a ’ Wightman G W Welt Jamsa WilUamsMlchaelWi llama Q B - White J - Winters WlHlamWoodwort jSaai'l ,tv*n,erJA ' ’ WoudWracspt Wilder 0 White John B Wizard Wm WUmot'Am Wam'a Homes WBborJnoß W blar'd Alonzo J •:' TT ,• - Tat»s Jamea J> Young Uavil Young Chaa B . CBPt , mrius.: Becrnliisffpffice Marine Corpaa .’.Y C S. box A Co’eßvpr'^ee. Per*oba,wishing drcp-leUe»;aflyertised. mart yfflr * three cent atsmp., • v V ■ ryt Office -open from irt-Hay to 3aTy‘(«xtrfpL Sdtfdaj?), , from 'r A. *. tUI 3‘p k, OneaudapaftemS ft' .-ProHL,ltoTen* best tlUilUxlLfromß A,iC.AIi T BP.*-■ 4dl| (ex ■ cent, Sftad«r-.v. aftdoe. ftaadaja.ft-aiv’a-.nMflLi Ik 15 : BAfMtftAOinSJUMniJ -FABWBItL’B | RKtf tU XIimCMV \ i i BAGS AHD BACKS . : 1 Bn. »4 B—fflki »«*. | TAMES M. CHILDS & CO., u HCPECOTTON HULLS, Plit.tmrsli, Pomu, ■••••• ■* 1 • '■ j :> * Ir' : • ‘ Seamless Grain Bags, • ■ • isi'or • - O SNABtJBGS, 32uu£&i ta CO inebaswido. tr *We arw prepared to raceiva ordera from the trade. • ' lat-d75My ■- T)AGS—^BAGS—BAGS—BAGS— A> . - COBH BXCHAH&E . BIC MASCItiCIOEI. HAST, ABTES A CO, ICTScmtb Watar-ss, Chicago. B.E. CXtAEH A CO, its Brohd street, Hew Tort MssuTACiunsis site or Sags of Description, mnen'asd Grooera* Bags made and printed to or . der with beauttful brands. >-Kcv and Second-Hand Be am loss Grain and Gunny Shippers, ifUleit; and Fafmera r Pse. BagsforKOTr, Buckwheat, Feed. fiams,6alt,fleed,Am ~- f3T orders filled with fidelity a&d.dispatch. Bags leaned to ihlppers. ' - • •: myS.ty ’ QHICA GO BAG AGEJTCr, *7« SoinHWATEBSfBBBT. j SEAMLESS gbaih BAgI of various tiza and qualities.- -i: FLODB—Halves, Quarters and Eights, printed to orderofsnydesircdpattßni.’ . BAM BACKS—Every m«s. • GUHHT BAGS—Two or Torse Bushels. - - Comn)lsslon'Merchaijts,'M!DeTS. Sroc«s snd pro - vldon Pealexs-wOl find juslSba ertlole wanted in our stock. Orders solicited. _« ' api'Wiiv ' HAVaKIWE A-CWA^tAW. j^aitginga. p A PER* HAN GINS S, WINDOW SHADES, ETC, At Wksltula ui Bctab. E3. G-. la. WATEOW, 10 TACT. BTBESI TO - tt,i'6i-ui E. RIGBY & CO., lUfVRRY -NELSON & CO., iTI PEODTTCIL AND BHIPPINQ MEECHANTS. No. 514 South Water street Agents for tbeFnlton Starch Worts, Osv«ffo 00.. H. 7. Liberal cash advances on Flour and, Orpin for shipment to Os vregborNewYork, or In store, giving the shipper tha prrrilegoci aoUlngln either market lor ona commit- VJiJPER MMJr&IJVGS, | wunsT KSLecnr. ‘ ts. Brerks*. -' ' AND . : 'i' General Boose Painters. II BAIVTKH.PW-ST., CITTCAGO. BROTHER "dealbbsdj -f PAPER HANGINGS, WINDOW SHOES, FIXTURES, 50.,, Somite uiflSlgtifaktoTs, FapaJHae* Bte.y-Bte*, WO.lS4r CT/ARK STBJHIBTr, rocistTl.. Mrbhwss Cams. JJGCTOB W. hay, OFFICE HO-85 SOUTH-CLAfiX ST. Ottjcb Homeßtelß, »roSaad7toßP.M. - • ■ ME¥ PATENT LAW.'— MROADNAX* GKAT, tlnrßTCAjr ASP FOSKFSS __ PATENT LAW Yi3B AND.SOXJPITPSa. Orafaculties for securing Patents '"rsew Invea don* and Deehrno n every deacrtjitißn is the United States underthe New Law of March 2d, 186 L and in aE Fareltrn countries are not toipaeeed. Au proies donaTbrslsess confidential. • _ * ! Orrzoxa:; Established. Washington, D, C- (opposite Patent Office) .139. 8L Loo£Mo; JOla Cnitom Boise) iS36. CMcago/nL, (Larmon’sßlock)- ..........IS®, Londw, (EDg1and).........„... 18®. Paris, (France)-- .... * .....IS®. Circulars wits full Instruct!ana to Inventor*, mailed <rateitoesl; unoa apnllcaUon. mvstn-iv Ixefrigerators. PEFRIGERATOBfe AND ICE XV BOXES*-' WATER COOIERSf FILTERERS, Bathing Appjiratna, Plain and dapanned Tin Ware, WHOLESALE AST> RETAIL. : PATIENT Sun (J TP ICH CBBAN PBJBEZEEB. WOOD arid WILLOW WARE STOVES, STOVES 1 ,-STOVES. ' Nearly every article repaired for House-Keeping cnn be'fonrd at the - MMKIApiH HfiUErKUrfir^anillUlp : No. 71 Lake street, (TremontTfleck.) je3-effi<-2m 1 AILET * DAXTOW. Awnher, UNB ERI LUM B E BIT WAIJLAGE * nOIMSS, (TOKMZBLT JOB3T AWilgyLCaJ \ Hate constantly- on., band a area selected rtooz cl Hard u& floft Wood, LUMBER, LATH SPACES STATES ft tHIiILEB* At WHOLESALE OB BSTAIL. And vdE furnish Bills ror X.nmber. Timber and White c*k Filing, to order on the shortest notice. They an abo prepared todo'a general Commission Bunn ess, and to mats liberal cash advance on all Idndsof Lum et a consigned to them to sen either by, cargo or at re tali. t3T Office and Tard on the.comer of Old and Grove streets, Eonth Branch, Chicago, IIL Post flfflceWW-TfltTV', • ~ *uhs*l«4dm- QHICAGO LEAD WORKS, Oer. {Hinton and Folton street, Wart side, : LEAD PIPE, BAR AKD SHEET LEAS, Sul, TOM lie^ulljtkun USAD. reaps AND HYDKAULIO BAKB. Orders from the trade solicited. Cash paid for d Lead and Flax Seed. P. O.Sox itiA fee b. w. blatchfobd. QTEWARTS COOKING STOVE kJ STILL AHRAD.— I The acknowledged sunerloritj of the Stewart Stove has given rise to several Imita doss. The gennine artidc U Sot sale by C. MST2. Asenk at Ifin State street, between Monroe and Aduas. Abo. a good assortment ol Hardware and Tin ware. *oaP-«( iEge anhJEav ‘OyHEBE’S NO SUCH WORD AAS FAlL.”—This Baying In fully verified, and every person con call and see the proof, Th Doctor John Phtllipn, M WASHINGTON STREET. Will suit yon with spectacles by Inspection of rite eye, over l.cco persons can testily to thetrnth o itUs state* ment m this city. • ■ Gold, SUrer and Steel Spectacles and Eye ; Glasses, Opera and Hat Ice Glasses, . TELESCOPES. HIOEOSOOPES. MAOKITOB3S, Barometers. Therm ometers, ical Etc. - c Spectacles repair’d apd irserted. Pore coottle Glasses aaa Brazilian Pcoolea. DrTPnmips has bad abundant^ experience mi. suo ceaslatreaang - ; r-- : ' DISEASES Or THE ETE ASD BAB. Sufferers are requested to examine his yrruimn nml attonsandteetblasMlL jyas-gg&Mspe C. TOUIS MATJSS, PRACTICAL OPTIOIAM. 79 .....iBOTJTH CiA» BTSMt...; M .’^...T* Oppeata toa conrtH—a. Pest French Crystal and BrazQto: Pebble nacirtorlM ly; Glasses. OpervQlaatos* lOcneaspcs, TeJeneorwa, autogaatical Tnatramanta. etc* -etc* eooetaotti f oo hied. AUkisdx'Xir lssttcm«Bts'ua-^eet«aaßw : Bentiste’ dEarhs; W. FREEMAN, Deatia^ 1*U....-WASHIHGX«H R5118....1H F.o.Boicaoct. .. , ocsum- A. WM. ALBAUGH* DESTTISIL T T Office end Residence s**B Weet Budoh* etTMt, (Bucceeaor to * Alhangto "woekl re. tpsewatylnformthepobllcthiathe tray ■ UnhaftnW at tfceoid. place, piepged testretayrartMWilliift JET erenrrf epertaxnfr.efc Peßtjstry. whether URxun Clxaxus, KxTxMTrore. SHVienn'Qtfttmtr iion or AsrmcLix. TacsrtL'. -flpeeimeo* of «£ iS?S» Vorkccnbhseeaftthlaefles.' Charges moderate. OlJlStUr ■ ; - "O EMOTED TO No. 85 dark-st.. I\ 3)r. rOLLKB has reeicwel Ms DeM <*ob traaWWert Bacd<dph»trpct.tD M Clark attoeftera Un. Hopson's HHUnra-*towSratwWckplaced im i ew& tarnished. an .elegant mt ofßoons adaotodtc bf» uroleaglccalnaota;andwhine hevfl Sefleawi to a*e)ds fonaer-patrona atfdsneh other tasfitmm : ■■ Sufrtttatecs.:\ : Weigh t : & iit re, tnroEBTAKEBS. HA«Xftaane Rteeet. ■EUUtfitfRM. A)ae.Weod ottflaMea.' Ars . with SftwjMd Ctfriyes, and via girt- ai aD heern Hftn a Chapa! azt. jetfaiJi: -mse, IVTIW TORK STEAM' R7H XI WORKS, 'between *Vjit af tieiuMr of all Rna EatMßt Pen. -!f.35-‘ H ><- Vi: r! SV.C >W““— '■ £■ TO,H N BBOD lE, cpjmissiosr heechAkt, I .lonite 8int*,..... IS CHICAGO. . ; aogtgWltt MAPLE & CO. fieacral CombMoi BEoreßante, S9 SOUTH WATER BTBEXT, COBHEB WBU£ : , CtalAgo, minds. Cash advances made on consignments. T. Maplb. ~ Ijy C-g2b>tPo7] J. K. MlPlk. T B. THOMPSON & CO M *EZeiBMn SBMIUIU ■EUHAUS, Ha. KB Sooth ■Water Wreak, Chicago, HUntfla. Advances mads on Consignments.ton*, for sale la this or Eastern markets. aollTOHy CPAFFORDj STBWABT & CO., riUIUCBUiUiU lEHHUTt • emenal attenUon' gtvon to aaleß'Ot GrWn,FV>ar t Prtrrisiozißand comxtryProdMe BnWnw exclusive!' ccamietion. Advances made on consign-, mods.' 117 Kinziestraet'Chicago. • fearwiy q. g- BPAFTOTO, . p. BTKWAtS. M.T.W. ALIO. JOSKPH- H. TUCKER, WacmßSlOie JEBBCHAHT, Ko. (...3oard of Trade Bolldisc. Chicago, in Ho. 6 Feraonal sad ezcloalvp attention given to a Commis sion basic cm. ADVAFCSB made oapropertv htstore and fbr sale In this flcXor.iblpsMntSast. MS. NICHOLS * CO., HAVE * opened at I9fi South Water streiet, Chicago, a General commlation House, for the pnrmmse and aale ol Grain, Flour, Frovttons. Ao; and solicit con. algnmests and'.orders. To parties aeeettlble to tiu waukeeae well-as Chteaca lh eonneetlott with their iOiwamkee Haase, Hichofi, Britt A thinkihw can give such superior advantages. . apiSW4y - W.B.WTOgOIA - - O'y. BBtt’ A . p e u &nE. T, ’cOISMIWieN MKBCHAST, . . .Jersonsl attention gtfen to the purchase and sale of Grain, Flour, sad eormtry Produce generally. Ofiioo, 270« 3 Silliard’a Sloc^Q B. E. Comer South Water" and Clark BtrectA BKFzsswoxa—Hon. Wax B. OgdevHon.B. W.Bay mond. B. W. Blpley, Esq; Chicago.' HL; P. Harmony, rietaaTrelverdon. Bros, Jaa. King A Boca, New York: jjH- Lacas, Bdward - MTanosatoadeoneonilgßmunta. : felfffiMy QA S H AD VAN C E S. ; WAKEFIEI.S, WASH 1l CO, XAverpool ■ aiid London. T.TBTO.t. fTASTT ASYAHCES WQI be made on constgnmentoto the’above house ox ■UBI. IABB, BBOfIItBBS ABB TRBBBK BmiAUT, ■ ecrsM,] By . ~ ■ ’ .TgditAS itabh. T?edf«ri, Meretith & Russell, X> Vf. . EXCLUSIVE COMMISSION MERCHANT. For the purchase and sale of Perk, Stock»Flonr,;Gpala and Produce generally, No.SU and bourn Water street Chicago, PL . ■ la >4y H. ,P. STANLEY, • • COMMISSIQB KSBCHANT. ■ And dealer In Fruit and Produce, No, I SS South Water scree** F.X). Box SS, Chicago. JBaola. We solicit the consignment oi goods that are of the best quality—lt would bearer own choice tofiealtn no-other class.. : K.8.-thave several aros of the WHaoD’a -Alhaay 'Btrawqerry, and will sell plants of first variety at the usual ratea and In any quantities. \LL«N VANE • & CO., XjL' ,:: COMMISSION MERCHANTS,-- - For the sale of: Flour, Grain,-Bed.'Pork, Hama,-hard. Better. Cheese, Bomb, Dried Fruits, 128 Soutl Water street Chicago. ? - ■ Agents fcr .Hamburg and Western Beserve Cheese. AXXat-TajlX. - ;• awlSnM&Jy * - . a. STOHn. TmU-MJtfS & HOUGTELLIKG, TT COMHTSEIOS’ MEECHASTS.:So. 510* South Water street second floor wefet of' Wells street bridge, give their extensive attention to the ssle and purchase of an kinds of Produce Stock,'ac, on Commission. Cash advances made on hills ol lading and property in store. Eeferto George 6mUh* Co, Marina Bank and George Steel * Co. - j. itwtlxUMa. . jarso.iy OILBERT, STAKARD & CO., ntOßircE comnssiiur isskcmsts. No. S Steel’s Block. CM Floor), comer Sooth' Water and Lasaßc Streets, Chicago, HL .. C. J. GTXBBST. • xo.stawaxd: 7,1.11 m. - GILBERT MILES A BTAKABD, NO. SCitrßufld. ' lust*. St -Louis. Ms myls»yi3S-3m E G- WOLCOTT, GENERAL • COJODSSIONMEBCHAST.-NO.SimamßiMra of Trade Booms,-will receive Country Produce for sale Is- this market or -for shipment to Eastern mar. Jttts. end make. advances on Eastern shipments Is Bight Exchange. mrSeTTRSm .E. G. WOLCOTT. ■\TEELT, LAWRENCE & GO., -i-V COMHIBSTON MERCHANTS fortbupurehase and sale of Grain, Floor, provisions and Country Pro dace generally. Buslneaa .exaiuslvely Commission, Also, dealer* m Satt.Ume, Water Lime, Stucco, Plas tering Hair, Land Plaster. Ac* at 986. 08 and 240 South Water sweet, a. B ha*lt. H. H. LAwaxuoa, w.t. wtndxxtk. H.y.iawsmrca . mhSTttviy 011 ARLES RANDOLPH, CEIEBAI. COMMISIIOI HEIIHAIT,; No. 3 Looinla Buflding. corner darg and South Water streets. ■ -Advances made on oonxlgmuenta, feiF-ly 0. RIFF IK BROTHERS, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS) 1 No. S Pomeroy's Biock, corner South Water and Clark streets, Chicago. AdVsnceamsde onconalgaaenti. w. t. fiaiFiizr. . mhss%o-ty a> sboth. •JJNDERWOOD & CO, COMMISSION MEBCHANTS, 15S SoTitb. Water Streets Chloago. • • mhSTSg JJUD.D & UPDIKE, General Coeimiealoa Merckanti) T BteoTs Block, Second Floor, comer South Water and Lasalle street*, Chicago. .JQHSX. jrrbn. 'mylT’fily G. w. vrom QTJLYER & COMPANY, coaonssibif 9DEBCHANTB, .Sl6 South "Water Street, CJhioaso. JaHMH BAKER & SPAF.rOBD, Office and 'Warehouse,. .....Jso.9! South Water Street Advances made on consignmenta. Particular atten tion given to .the purchase and sale .01 Tiour, Grain, Seeds, Ac., on commission. mMeiSMy POED - & NOSTO N, STOIABI All KWMItilOl MEICHAITI. Fire Proof Warehouse on Market street, between Lake and Randolph strseta, Chicago, m. Lbcral advanceemade on consignment. sanrzL a, vobd. aui7*6o-iy ..naXHanmaroßTen. J> IT KIN. & COMPANY, SEIERAL 80MMISSI0I MERGHAITSf UDSouth. 'Water Street* Chicago. mas l. qatxs. jyfS’OT-iy aztbkd pmur. Bailie & seymour, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT A Office 13 South Water street, Pomeroy's Building. Fort Office Drawer 057. Chicago. Bbsxb* kkczb—Stnrgls, Buckingham ft Co; Wm. Warkham, Gen,FredghVAxenta 8.&a8.E. ' ;anl6cß9My ALBERT MORSE & CO., CSMNIUIOI ■EU HAITI, 131............800 TH TIATEB STHBSI IS* AlStn’s Building. , Burinesa confined strictly to conußlssKnu . JySO-ly T> & S. P. CARTER, * SUEUI EOMMISSIDI ■atIAITS, Ko.l Board of Trade Bonding, 2d floor, irEl Eire tlielr personal Attention to the purchase and sale ot all .kinds of Produce. Advances made on consignments. BOswaUtoasm rnhseiTS-fim . , alw*L p.oabtsx 'yyTATSON V. COE * CO., T COMMISSION SIEBCHAIVTS) For tWwarekaeesad sale ot Fork, Flour. Grain an 4 Stock.. No. llCi South Water street, Chicago. HUaols. watsowt.oo» vx jlxom, a. i*. rasnwook deJSMy ' ~ VAF INWA9EN & GO., UIUAI UHMIUUIi MUCH AITS, No. 8 Dole's Bonding, comer South Water and Clark ■treeta, Chicago,HL ... . folPfo-ly '*p MAP L » * CO, UIEIAL lUmsniMßiaUTl Sl4 BnthWater Btrwet, cor, Well*, Chicago, IS. Cash advaaees mads oo'cbaElgßments; tuna... , ; kx.xuu. T>TJMSET, BROTHER * CO., COMMISSION 9CEIKCBAHTS, Give toeir ezdnstre sttentom to toe pnrchaa* sal •ale ef yionr, Qialn and-other Frodace, oncwmmls rion, Kow l«So»to Water street, oora» oTClark, CUcaas. _i£i nmasas^ insiwanee. JJ, OME IIFS U B ANCE, FIBG in The Union Insurance TRUST COMMIT, Office—Boom So. S Loomis BIocV. H«. 4 Soath Rut street; Chicago, Hnoala. CABl'i’ii, 8900.000. ' BENJAMIN LOMBA.BD,.ChIC«O. mimoU. GEO W. GAGS. Tiemo*f Hoaae Chicago. Inlno«. M. d, GXLMAET, ef M. 0. -QOznaa & Cog Caieago, B. PBABODY, Attorney at Lae; Cblca- ruarsiL, scooter. Fimui o», Jia» of ti«Bnj>MiorCrart. J4MBB TT. STONE M; E, Bo,tOfc Mm«. DiNUL SHIKEfEosWU-Mai^ VATTBKW lIOLLKS, Han. D L PHILLIPS. Anna, DUnoa- . 1 £Lvis Harwood* Hasher. *iu*q*» —, B* Ha j*m vCU ioA : *, Whitakar. Tonloni ißiadau - ••• .•• •■ _ F;i i; m** 8< nw ( «« 3.ig«l aifcerttßemeiitß. - 'TRUSTEE’S SALK.—Wher^w; JL Jmmß Bowman and Alvin F. Bowman, W» Wife, the oac«.no layol Jnae. A. D. l*o%exe cute and deliver to Bella French a certain trust aeed. ooeveyltg certain lots of lead ufl premiss therein described. in trust to teem tbs psymeut of k certain prembßcry cote, for the sea «f foortesa hoc tired anl •forty doDan [gl MD\4hr nan described sad xpecSded. which deed! recrodedin the Eecurdar’aOfflnapf Coos County, in Boos 80. is? cf D*eda, «t pagt s3t4 sad 2r~ • was provided l&.sam.BmtdeedthAt In case dcfcultibonld be made In the payment rf. said P'oat any note by ta e nil Jesse B Bowman.' or *oy pan thereof, when It thop’a become dan asomaing k> u>e tenet «• d effect thereof; then. on application of the t older of itaonld be lawful mr the aid Bolls rrtnet to aelisnddl pose of eald. premises or any port thereof sod all right, benefit an<T equity of recemptionof thev*ld"Bowm«iiana wife,u*elrae:rßor. assigns therein. In the manner prescribed in >aln deed; and vhmaa. since the execution.and deanery ot sala deed. tbes*ldEoEsFre'Chh»ade;ar ed this life, acu uten lbs application of toe holler cr»ald note, by till only bKuibtli the Superior Court of Chicago .sitting as a conrtof equity, it vaa on the second day of J olf - A, D 190. ordered end decreed or asld Court that ancon 6. appointed trustee in tne place aid fto ad of the retd Bolls Franca, so deceased as afcro ?aiO: and whereas, deitaJt has been nude In the oay meat of said note, and the holder thereof has male, application to the said A> son G. Tower to advertise ror sale, and to a*li and dispose of the said lota and premises according to the provisions of the said toast <*etd: oow, therefore, notice is hereby given, that L the laid Acacn O' Bower.tmatee as atorsaold. will, on the flfteviith.' i-Cthy day - of aajnast. A_ D.i&ft, at tne hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon, at the north door cf tie Cotut Boose, In Chicago. Cook County, State ot filingta. offer lor sale and sell at pnblio a action, fv the U*hett and best trice teat tne will' briar to cash, the premises aforesaid, wl-h all the tint, benefit and«qui’s cf redtmn» lend the aaldJessoß uowmah and-wuSthereiiC ’Theraidpremi-es are flitna’od I* the Counts of Coeicand State ofil inota, ajd described as follow*: Lots numbered four M, uh.e [9 1 , ten xJifl, twelve L‘2] thirteen [iSj. fourteen [l4}, twent»-one Igil twenty two D83.-1E fee town of Bowmanviiie. be ll e a part ol the at rti one-fourth [3£ l r t tue west half si thesontheait quarter of section No twelve ua] in tow DEbJp Fo. lorty t«»i range Bo- thlrteei [Vfl eaat of the third pr ntical meridian, reference being'had to tie reccrtea pl« of «W|" Chicago. QTATE OF ILLEN'OIS, CQOK O COUHTT. S. : A—Superior Oonrl of 'Chicago, Bectember Term A. D. iac. Isaac Cgtir VAjdgar T. Bay, Daniel T. .Wood, Loren G- Butler, Martin Dcdae.lP.H. Bigelow and Jobnß Bay; executors of the last will and testament of Henry HBaJi deceased. . nca-»«itoiCß ofLorea-&. BaUxx and. F. A Bigelow, two of the defendants above. -namyd, baying been filed In ttie ofilce of file Ciark ol Raid Superior.Court of Chlcaao. Kotice Is hereby given to the aald Loren G. Butler and P. H_ Bigelow, that the complainant filedhls bill of complaint in aald * Cornt, on tits Chancery side thereof on the ISth. day of. May. isei, and that a gammons has issued out of said - Court against aald defendants, retainable bn the firH. Monday of Beptombernext lasLaslsby law required. Fow.nnleaa yon. the aald Loren G. Butler anaP. H. Bigelow ahafi-paaosaDy be aid K>pear before aald Superior Court of. Chicago of Cook. County; on tne rflnt'day of the term thereofi to be holden at Chicago, In aald County, on the lint Monday, of September ‘ . and plead, answer or demur to .the aild complain antsbfllufcomplaint,the eame;and themaWsrsand things there n tgayged.sad Btated, ; as cecftaß*d. andadeciß- > entered against yon accord top.-.^of^mi.tee Bubqsbs A .Boot, Cotupl-ta Soft,' ly^gSbtw CTATE OP ILLINOIS, CookCoun- O ty.w.—SawMotTSmtVof CMc-eo, ingnat Tet«, A. D. ISCL^Jamss-VeKindley.-WJfiiaai McElndley spa Granville 6. Ingraham vs. Coarlea Damereh—Pub-’ I'cnoßcp IB hereby elven to the said Charles Damerel tbatavedtof ataCc&nentlaßuedout of tbe.:otfice of the Clerk oi theSuperlor Court of Chicago, dated the sevrateeath day ox Jnlrjk i>. lßki, at the suit of the said JamcaMcßlndley.WiLlsui KcKlndleyund Gran ville B- Ingraham, and against the estate oi the eald Charles Damereh-for the sum of-four hundred and of Cook counly, whlch'vaJd wnt has been returned exe mted. How, therefore unless you, the saldCaariea Damerel, wall pemmally bo and appear before the eaia Superior Conrt'of Cmragpros or before the first day of the torm“thei eof to be bolden at the court house In the dr? cu CblcagSLon the first Monday et ADgustj A.D. iSsi.giTeßpcaalb&lhand plead to the saldplaintlflß’B action, jucgmentwlll be entered against yop, and In lavor of the eald plaintiffs, snd so much of the property attached as may '«o satisfy thecaidOndgmentandcjwte yM* _, tae ■ V B D.*C. AT. ■i . Jyf7?l»4w SALE. —Whereas, X • JO* » bright and C. B. Wtfght his wife. did. on the . SUsh jofSeptember. A. D. .& iexecute and dellve: «wn deed of trust, Dealing date as afore sald.AZttt'Aazdedln the Secord‘-r*a Oflice ot cook county ,ata*.«ol Cbnols. in Book *9 of deeds, page 23% •where n)ttsy ernveyea to Alexander siller certain premia* * U said traßt'derddescribed, whtm said trust deedwai&ad* to Sfcnre me pas meat of a certain promissory note therein described; and whereas, de fault b* Jbeen mad© la-the-payment cf said note, and application hating keen made to me by me legal hold erof eaidnote to sell said premises under sail.deed of trust: now. therefore, public notice is hereby Sir en, that JrbaUa«U*tpoDUc»cc4lon,at the north door pf the court bouse In the city ot Chicago, to the hizh e-1 bidder, for casb.tor the puraosea In said trust deed expressed, at ten o’c-ock. A, it., on Wednesdav. the seventh day of August, lß6Lthe premise b in said trust deed, described, ta wit: Lots two 00, five (5) seven S twelve (12). thin eon na>, and an undivided half of ir M) of the northeast quarter of e codon So, twelve 02) townshipKo.thlity-nirefW)north ofrange No. thirteen a?) east, la Cook fonntD HUoola, with aD the privileges and .appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the risht and equity of redemption, of said John 8. Wright and CL B. Wright therein. _ AT~KX. SILLER. Trustee. . Chicago, July 26, 96L California aim pike’s sts&. w. x>. HOusTULura. pONT EXPRESS Ten Days TO SAN FRANCISCO, LSTTEEawIB ba received at the office of tha United States Expwis Company. OOEJTKB OPCLABKANDLAKBSTBKBTS, CLW Lake and* Clark street*) ■ Which wlB be forwarded to connect with the Pcv Express, leaving St. Joseph, Missouri, era? WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, AT 11 -P. M. Sent to Fort Kearney en the mornings af Monday aai ’ Friday, will connect with the Pony, leaving BL-Joaspl Wednesdays and Saturdays, . EKPBBStf.CHABGBAi. , . Letters weighing H os. or under L 93N -Letter* weighing over loa..ACS The half ounce letter* wlfibe reduced to one dons Mter July Ist. : . bt In all eases .to he, eneloeed in flownaqi »Umj>ed envelopes. and all Eqgeea charges £repalL JOKES * CARTWRIGHT, PIKE’S; PEAK TRANSPORTATION LEAVENWORTH, KANSAS, DENVER AND MOVNTiiN CUT, In eccaecgoßWith the Chicago, Bariftjgton ft Quint* Hallroad Company who are prepared to give throoga Bill* ot lading cm Chisago to Beater CIW tad Mountain CiW....... , , , j. ft c. having been engaged in the transportation business for several years, and transported a tacgt amount of freight to ' lEiVli SITf «* THE MIS SEMIS ZhuiK the part year, respectfuny/latorm a dr. fidaafif and patrons that they, expect to edgige largely In the cosiness the ensplng year, and wfllbc prepared to Transport as; Aasut of Freight From Oat rkqaeiuL to K»». Thrniwnd- lou. An ftrtght wn* win bis required to be settled at thf date of shipment; or caahjrlll bp required on dehvtC at point cf destination. . ■ Oar Agents also in. St, Joseph, 8k Bonis, Chicago Boston.New jodrandCinchuurawßgive. . THROUGH BILLS OF LADING TO DSSTBS CHI Car am ttainawfll start anonttha- - ROTH DAT OF APBIL, Oras soon before aa she grass bn the plains wfllai l °Ovtenu : wfflbemadeksownrrpoa:appßAtlon tc jur office In Leavenworth, or to the offices ol any oi our agents. rw~ For rates and contracts can on W3C. MARTSH General Freight Agent ol the C. B.AQ.S.S. Go, fotf af Sooth Water street , *»*»<o»r- rrnrgp a f* * Tyrw^TogT Q.EOBGE F. FOSTER, SHIP CHANDLER And B»1X Uakeri Save constantly tor sale at the lowest prices KanllAlUps, Fitch, farrod Bape, Hay Sope, lir, IdA Sope, Oekma, Moda, Ipss lin SAILS, TEKTS. TABPATTLINB. AWNTN63, WAGON COVERS, ftn, ftc* Made to order at shortest notice. 842 • Ssmtk Water 'street, Chicags, HL - 243 apITSMy - - QBO. F. FOSTSB. QJLBERT HDBBARD A CO, Ship Chandlery TWINES CORDAGE 90S*S07SMtk Wator ft, (Oar, Wells,) - ■fetfiT Mji Mrtwiig sttaoStoi oftoe'tnda to ovz stock, ss vast alLtones hsre.tttelarnt s&d - beet amortmat totosWsß&Oi BasOtuiTimfltor*, CmaTKM, Oakuu, ARAL TAR Htmi FITU MI mTTM* M OQRDR. : . - . . .tmhmatosoc.bsKgrtfc. » - ■ ’RICT.Ti mrp gAflg~ COSDB. •> -Him AB3> BSDSBW f-ottoa, Hi* and B»af Twines, opitiui mtMSiniua. *avtng «ko • bail Lon ov fteOiaea ara an ef "*» ;^S&ISSk£™ M A lr»«e stock of width wo have constantly on hand© m«-a to orter at the shortest sottae. iTmmBASD i j. a. tubzto i e. b. CAraFm, irnaarnfWi)itw>i~ SJATLOR * COMP ANTS OMt ateol (MUM® ASBPIBK ALABIS BBLLS. We an prepared ordeta for these : CELEBBATEB BELLS it lew Twrk TiiMW, Wiu IMgkt M&si. *n»ißen« WiKKißTjmttraß, jMrjtta'an in* woper usage. If a ben Should break after a year half price is allowed In exchange Car a new one. rot Ml perftealafs and for Ghovlan to TVTILB, HlKllAttl Agent ana importers of Hardware and 'Ho-Plate, qtalCOl—»-*»■ tAT» Wmif' J) < J. GARTH * CO.’S EWiNCV BRtCCS, * co.. LIN I FROM Slip ghaiißlrrs. WhelcMlaaßd BstiD Deataain Cast Steel _... Tobacco SjfalCPriuctfanmrts. "AT BaLBi * Slate of Uii* iTA noU, County of Cook, aa.~Bueztoe Conrt oi - Chicago-Isaac B. W. Barde-f—sm to forecloee Taoitgige.—PnbUe la hereby given, th«t ]a ooxtttnee ecu In virtue of • decretal order eo tered in the above enCtMc*nse, mi toeavi-day or*J Master Id Chancery, ftr twaantl Su perior Court of Cue**©, wIU sell at public auction to SeWtwt bidder fat caeh. at toe nor h dmi 1 ot to® i*e d«»Tibed rent etttte. to wit: icf twelve ral meridian. excemmg a triaac’jM'lieceoi Und.da -Bcrlbedaßf*Bow».towlS: Commencing at toe north east comer of l<rt number - - twelve (17); thence loaning ►croth three (3) feet; tftencelo*northwester ly cbection to a point twenty (*) feet from north east etts-er cf void lot upon the nurthllne of said lot t thenceea»ttetheplareofb c gtunlDg—<Jr so emen ef, Mia premises as tray be necessary to. saris? *• smcuct due complainant nnderaald decree, and costa tcp«toerwrthhpeci»i- Master's tecs, commissions and cltbursemeotaonsaldsate , -IRAJ NICHoLS, Special Master la Chancerr, appointed by tae Superior Conrt ©/Chicago. to thakaaaid sale. Dated at Chicago. July lith 'A. D. itfiL Jy7-g2«td-. i\fASTER’S SALE.—State of BE ‘ JjX noto. County of Cook, SA—Superior Court of Chltaso—ln Chancery. JamcsE, Mallory vAThona* F.Baldvtc, Sarah Baldwin, John Van fiorn, Park* Loon to, Each ard D.l-athrop, Charles H. Luddtnctoa . rasos, Booert J Banter, and Thomas G. ItltcheH—BOlio ForeclosfrMortgaze. - public notice Is hereby given '.hat to pursuance or a decretal ocder,eßt«redint&enhOTQ entitled cause an the twelfth day of July, A. J>. Ira Scott, as Maz ier to Ctovitoery of the superior Court of Chlmgo, wtl seD at public auction, to the high»t ollder for cash. • atthanorth door of the CcarfHouae of Doo* Coun ty. to the City of Chlc»go*. County, cl Cook, and Stata of Hbnnta on Saturday, the serenthecto day a August, a. D.l‘ at ten o’clock to the forenoon o that day, toe following described real estate (or b*. .much thereof aa nay bo.necessary to saris? the amount due complaisant under said decree witucoste; of suit, aodthe Barter* fees, and d!v borsemeata on said sals), situate to-the County ef- Cf ok, and State of and known *sr lats or par cels cf land number eUvei o*> and twelve (ID os toe map cf 7. F. Baldwin’s suodiylatoh of Canal Sec tion thirty-three (SX a owntolp thirtyzlnd (39],Baoga tbbven (IS) cast cootriaingteentyacres and fony fire one huidredthaor aa acre. Also, those two car-. tain c lats or nazctls of land known as nia* • -(?) and ten (ft), on toemap cf T. P. Baldwin's Sulk division uf toe. nortowest-ouaner of Section - tnbty-toree (3»),' TowhrtSp tbirty-ntos (89). Ba«gs : thirteen (IS cast, containingtweotr acres and tlrt #. eight one hundreoths of an acre. The taaoa of said Snbolvislt-B w aa recorded ic'toe Bee-wdo* ot flee of Cook County, minds, October 9th- 1557, la Bo*k IV* cf Bapa, Page SL ' ISA SCO IX, Master to Chancery of jhe Snpenor Court «f CUcagw. Chlcapa, JnlyS3d;la6L' ~ ' lyftglfrT-td SA ORTGAGE SALE —Whereas, IT I John B. Knight and Edmund Ware, of toe State, o 1 Kentucky, executed and delivered onto F\ter Gslh. oftbecltyof Chicago. County.of Cook and Stats wf IDtool'v-a certain tooecture of mortgage, dated ths nineteenth day of November, A. D.elghteca hundred and fifty-fivejnßss),‘which was dolv recorded in the' Sc contort office ef said Book twen?- two (22) of Mortgages, on page five tomdredand tow (500, is and by whioh eaid isdeuture said John & Knight and Edmund 'Ware conveyed ta «a|d Peter G«IK as mortgagee, all of snh-lofc numbered.'one (i> and two (2)* of JamrsJ). P. Ogden’s Suhdirtalouof Lot number one to hloek number nln*?-Blx (9*o. In the School Section Addition -to Chicago aforesaid: Lota taken tocelb«r..betog. fifty, (tei .feet In front oa Monroe etre.t, and running' back south, on Wells street, one hundred feet (uv It), to an alley, to secure the payment of the five (5) certain promissory notes t thesaidKnight aod Waroto-the said Gett>. given for part of the purchase price of bsm Lots; stud notes an Searing even date wltU said indenture, toe fine ft fly« hundrmiaDdelgh?4i-ldQ dollars (•’#> 41-100) payable t* theßaidGclh,Queyear ftom, the date thereof theeecoad ( d) tb'Td (3) and ioorlh(:th}for the sum often hnndrad and fiftv dollars (t-05t ) each, and parable respectivaly to f aid Getb, In two (5) three (?) and four (C years from toe date thereot, and the fiftt and last for the sum of eighteen thousand .five hundred-sad fifty dollars (f i?ASO) payablo to- the order of the said Gelb.fiva '} ears from toe date thereof with Interest. . And whereas, default has been made In theparmsat efthe two uo-es last shove mentioned, to wit: toe notes payable In f->urandflve(4and 5) yean frjmths cate totreof respectively, and more than thirty days ha-tog elapsed since the last of tb m toll due; and wnercaa, mere to now due and unpaid upon said notes of principal and Interest, the sum of about nineteen thousand nine hundred and forty dol ars (.819,94 0 Now, therefore,'W pursuance of the power mine vested bv said indenture of mortgage, L toe coder signed mortgagee, shall, on Saturday, toe twenty seventh (Si) oav of Angust, A.D. •s>!, at ten o’clock la th forenoon, at the north duor of toe Court House, Is paid city of Chicago, offer toe said Lots at public auc tion and sell the same, and all right ard equity of re aezrntionoftoeeald mortgagors therein, to toe high est uddecs tor cash, to pay all coste and expenses In curredtoadTertiragand selling arid Lots ami toe said balance ofprtoclpaland interest due on said notes. * PETES GBIB, Mortgagee. . Chicago, June 17,1PSL TVfOE.T«AGE SALE—Whereas, XtJl de&nit has been made in the payment of a cer tain note (bearing date the JTth day or March, A. D. 1856, and dne and payable In six years after date,; for the sum of twenty-nine hundred and ninety-fire dol lars andninety-four cents. alsa, default baa been made in the payment of a cer tain bond or obligation, of tame date as said note, and g?en to secure tbs payment ot the sum of seres ousand five hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twenty cents, 1V99 20-ICO, which said note and bond, together with other indebtedness, are described in. a:-a secured by a cvtaln mortgage executed by E. Bandolph Smith and Margaret K hiswife, dated tha rth day of March. A D. lais, and recorded in the Re corder's office of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 19 af Mortgages, page t?a, which said mortgage has bean duly assigned tome. New, therefor--, in pursuance of the powers of sale In said, mortgage continued, nobllcnotice U hereby given, that on* Wednesday too twenty-filth, day el September, A.D.USI, at ten o clock in the forenoon of that day, at the north door of the Court House in the city of Chicago, County of Cook and State of DlinoU, I phall sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the premia's nencioned and described in said mortgage, viz: Part of lots seven £7l and eight 13] in alack Efty-elght [sß] of the original town ot C dcaga beginning at a stake on the east line of said lot eight M. as said lot was originally laid out forty-five [4s] feet north of the centre of said east hue; thence run ning west parallel witn the north line of said lot eight lei to a suss thirty [*ol feet we t af tha west line of said lot eight M unto lot number seven [7], In said block fifty-eight rr^lthence northerly, parallel with the cart line of said lot ecvcnP ], and the west line of said lot eight rt] to the north fine of said lot *-even [Tt on the alley; thence along the north Lnes of eald lot seven £7l and eight [E] to tne north east corner of said lot eight [■!; thence southerly along the east line of ' said lot eight to the place of beginning, all la the city oi Chicago, Countv of Cook, and Stale of DliooH with the tenements, hereditaments and . appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the right and eqnit of re demption of the said £. Bandolph Smith and wife, mortgagors, thelrbelre and assigns therein. F. H. WINSTON. Assignee.of Mortgagee. Chicago, July SSth, i£6i. jy2s-g-2*-td A/| ORTGAGE SALE.—Whereas, ij 1 Bernard Q. Caulfield, of Chicago, to tha County ot Cook and State of llltocls, executed and delivers* nntuSKorge Sedgwick, cf tse same place, a certain Indenture of Mortgage, dated the ninth dav of April, A- D Zif% which waaduly recorded to the Recorder*! Office of said Cook County, to Book 45, Page 277 on tbo-tweety second day or April, a. D. which asdtndeetnreaald BcraanT li. Caulfield con veyed to the aald Ueorge Sedgwick, aa Mortgagee, a I t>e following deecribed. lorn, pieces or parcela lords situate to tne County of Cook, and Stote of BU noli, tr-vot: —lx>ca tbre« (S), tour («). flve (SJ, twelve E thirteen OS;, fourteen Q4),- fifteen (15), sixteen and seventeen (17), to •number one 0); number one (0, three Gt). aad uurseen OS), in Block number two Cl), andLctanuaber twenty-eeveu >, and twenty eight (ss), tn Block cumber three (to, all to BwKt and McAuley% SuMivulou of the norm. baK cf the south-half of the.west half ot the north east onartci- of Section twenty, to Township thirty nine (*o. Perth of Range fourteen (>4l east. Alss, Bet two {2), toßlocktwo (s), toaamo Subfirrtston to reenre the payment of three certain Promissory Note*, made and executed by said Caulfield*, and. oi eve> date with eald Mortgage, payable to the order cl said Sedgwick at da Marine Bank, to toe City of Chi cago, to one year from the date thereof; one of sold Notts bttogtor the-sum of thirteen onndrcd aud twenty doilan; oaefor thirteen hundred andseveaty five doßart and toe other 'tor sixteen hundred and font teen dollars aod seventy cents.. And, whereaa, default Dasbeen made In the payn3oi of the above mectioned-.Notas an<L more tham one year baling elapsed since they fell due; and, whereas, there l» now due sod unpaid upon said notes of pits cipalandtotereatthe sum of about Four Thousand Six Hundred and Fifty-Four Dollars and Forty-Saves Gems. . - • : r Now, therefore, to pursuance or the power to ras verted by c&id Indenture of Mortgage. X toe under signed, Mortgagee, stall, on Monday, the fifth day el Auguev A. u. at ten o’cl cE In the forenoon, st tne north door of the Court Houae to Chicago, offer the paid of land at public auction, and sell the same and all tha ng><t mnrt equity of redemption ol the eald Mortgager thereinto the blgheot bidder fit cash, to pay.all costa and expenses Inoarredia advar- Ostog and selling sold lota, and the said balance oi principal and interest due on said notes. GEoBOB SEDGWICK, Mortgagee. Chicago. July .Qth. 1861. Mortgage sale.—whenm, default has been made In the pavmect of a c»r -talnNote dated tbe eighteenth day ot July, la the year Eighteen Hundred and ?lxty for tbe sum of on* hundredand fifty seven dollars and eighteen cents, with Interest at ihe ra« or ten per cent, per annum, payable one year afterdate to the order of B JQlfoclat Berpaner, which said note Is secured to be paid by a certain Indenture ct mortgage of the premiss her* lii#r#rmentloted. dated tho day and year aforesaid, executed by William Schafer and Elizabeth, hlawif*, to the nnacrslgntd monscugoe, which mortgaie 1» duly recorded in the Records of Cook County, amts oi Illinois. In BCK-k of Mortgagss fifty-one, on Pare ire bm died a r d twelve. Sow, then, notice Is hereby given that L (beamier. •Ipbhl, by virtue of the power upon me conferred Is aid by said mortgage, shall, on the twenty-seventh dav of August In the year Eighteen Hundred and hii’y-One, at the north door of said Co-«iC Counfe Court B on? e, In the Citv of Chicago, at twelve o clock or noon of eald last mentioned day. sell at ouhllc aa -*- tnen to ihc lliheet bidder for cash, the premises, laud (.m real estate In said mortgage deairibed. a ad all ths righiMd equity of redemption cf said William Seha. ler therein; eald lands and premises bilngdcacr.bed as folio**. viz:—Elebt acres of land from on the nsrtfc end or side of ths south half ot the east half of the north esetquarterof Section twenty two (30 lo Town, ship fonv-oae «i) north, , and lunge thirteen (131 ew-k of the Third Principal Meridian: sa d elgat aervr of land t cirtg sixteen (lr) rods In w loth ften ootla V Booth, and extending mleogth from tbe east line c gaideasttalf ol said north east quarter of sala Sea U«n twenty two to the west line of said east half o sold northeast quarter. EONuFaCltrs BEHSAITEB, Mortgagee. Davtb A Hieaxjr, Solicitors. Chicago, July 90. 1861. • jyJg-glßdsed NOTICE.—State oi \J lUlnols, Cennty of Cook, RB.—Superior Court of Chicago. September Term. IS6L-Jotn S. Qreaae and Peter Bckeve, WlllUai Briggy, John B. Hamlja. Bdwm Gulliver, X A, Farsona. H. 8. ChampUn. Ed ward Bsllard, bail el S. Martin, CK Bohineon. R J. Preeton. W. J. Jenks, Carlos, Olrolu O P. Harris, Patrick man ChcrcUll. Warren, Smith and Chassmoro Bortia. non-residence of Jolm.B. Hamlin, J. A. Faisons. W. J. Jenka, Norman ran tnuth and €hes#mof« -Burt s, Defendano above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk ol eald ScperiorCourt of Chicago. Notice is-hereby riven .to tho eald. John B. Hamlin, J. A. Parsons, W. J. Jenks, Herman ChurchHl, Warren Smith «nd Cheea more Bnrtia. that the complainant filed their bill of Cmnplaintln said Court, on the Chancery side them of ow. the sixteenth, day of April, IS6I, and that a sruu jnons been Issued out of said Court against said defesdanta returnable'on tbe first Monday of Septenj. her next, OSaj as Is by law required ■ Now; muees you, the wad Joan B. Hsmfis. J. A. Par- Boas, W. J Jecks, Norman ChurchHU- Smith acdCbeaeicorePurtis, shall personally be and appear before said Superior Court or Chicago of Cook Goon ty, cn tho first day of the next term thereof, to b« boldeo at Chicago, in said County, -oaths first Mon day of September, ISO, aaoplead, answer or demur tome said complainant*# bUfof complaint, the same, and the mstterb *nd things therein, chargedAhirtated wlll be taken aa confessed, and a decree entered H.-B. Htrxn. Complte* BoPr- • • Jyßvgl9A4w A DMINISTRiXOK’S NOTICE. XIEKAt* OF .WILLIAM.VAS ANTWERP. d»- eeased.—Kotlee Is terebjgivEattat Xoare lUed opon & ttna of the County Coori of Coot County, la the gtateof d-nois tooeholdeaatthe C<rort Honse, In the CUr of Chicago, in said Comity and State afore said, rathe of September next, htln* the sixteenth day thereof for; theparpoae of MttUa? end ecfßf tine all against the. estate of William Tan Antwerp, late cf Warren County, tod State of pewon*s havliE claims aralmt tbs same are not)' fled and requested to attend them and there* tor the Administrator et tto SttSeof William Van Ant -were. deceased. - • Chics go. Dl«*' JnlT ITOu A D. 1361. INSTATE' OF; DAVID S. HAY I’y WOOD,Dxcsaszdl—Thenndenlzeedharebeen appointed execetore-of-ihe estate cf'David S. Hay wood. late of lie County of.Cookaod State of-HUno;*; deceased, hereby give notice that we wiHappear be forethe County Court of Cook County, at tie Coon ■HouEe in Chl-aco, at tie regular term 'thereof «n the •third Monday of September next at which time all persona having i»Uhrm against said estate ore nodded .MdTwqnmedtoatXend, for the purpose of haring the same adjusted. All person 9 indebted to said estate are requested to.make Immediate payment to the uader signed. JAMES F. DRAPER, ‘ THOMAS J. HAYWOOD, «EBga^ato» 'gS&Si . A DMI*ISTRATORS’ NOTICE. XJ ■ To SHwhom It may concern, take notice. that lie undersigned. Administrators of the .estate of Mary IleweiUn, deceased, will apply to- the County ■Court of CkxxkCounty, is the State of minola, at the next• September terra tbextoC to be'holden.ia the Court House, la Chicago, In said County, omthe third Monday of Scptemberji&i. for leans to saH co“: peuhdaU ttKsdespewto Cl*ta«. debts and whatsoever dim the estate rfthesaid-torridcweinn, DstodJulTtT.iSfl. •• • - ‘ Estate ok h* »hkrt Pat-. togjftw DvoKumr-Pnbbe Notice lahereby ciTcn toaU perrons b«gV-oW™ «b4 demand gbMe estate of theaeid . nt rtVAi«lar;ter« <*, thoCountr Conrtof Cook C- watrto beholden at toe the city oi cue igowonths third Monday a iSeftombo, A. a '**b day > • bps Adawt»mi Irtggl flhbertttmtate., r | ; KU SIMS'S SAUt—W v hw%»», .A. W»ntT WiP*!* and BqstiU WmJlct, M. *~T~ cutac and deHrerw) to J.Jou-K etmn deed of trod* daiedlttwb Mth.- A. O.&K aae re corded to the office of the Recorder of Cx>k pan** Mtorfe.-on the-totoday of Mare*. A,-DHa» : ja. Boefc ifSoi Deeds-, at .Page .2:9, coaveylaz certain tenet landanapretaberOoein described, la truak te »■ cure the payment of certain premi’sory noteela laid trnst deed apeofiedfaml, whereas, it was pfpvltod to aalo deed ttwt la case deonlt thomA-be-iaadeby *sld Henry "waller to ray rail notes- andtoterertas they ebcufij ie»p*ctirely become da*-»eoordlcg-t* teetr tenor amt *ff«t. teen, on application of Hoffmann * 'JSS«^a?®^Sa;.%SBSES: nett of lotITKtOT nSSfit JS£ tbe jKroionaM. .rd nM uuSS & mSI'iSS •ssiJ&SiSß^graahaaffirAa sppLtatlon to laid Scammoa. to adveettoeteraaieanA. Now.tncKffcre, noticeto hereby given that £ tas ealdJ TourgSaEucoiTW*. outhe Twentzßuam 'da*, of aeptitbbeti'Ai D.jaa, at tha- - haue.ortea o'c-cck in the forenoon, at the north door oi the Coat t Hots*-, in the city w Chicago- InCook County, offerer fade «p-«St atgblle Mft^iwrtheaigkesl and b«tbriee toe toeaih.-Qi2pre *-tsea premises are situate to the Coonipof CpciK. Usd Bt*tv of Illinois, ard dtacrtoeo aa foil »wa: -l£ts numbered - fhirag* Jane26th. 19a,‘• • •• - rPKTTSTKE’S SALK—Whereas, X - Ef.rj '9f»Jler Kid Surt ■BerparsQ.Canlfifld ‘executed and de»rveredwcemto deed of trust, which bears date March and was filedforrecordlD the office of toe Kecordey of Cook Count*, minota, March, 15th, A D.-lASta** n corded ;nt aid office, m Book 19J of Deeds, at Pag* ■ 4t&.wber»by the*- eouveyed to J. Toonff Beawsow certain prt ml ea to asid-trm t deed deacrlbed, te seeuxw the payment oi a promissory note fer ot even date with sold deed, diaaii by said Csulfldd,an<i pay able to the order ofßoflmamt-* Oclpckjp.'twelre months after ito date, with Interest at tea pec cent per - .. .^;, * And. whereas, it was provided to and by sald-tra* deed, tost to care default be made to the payment o £ laid note, according to Its tenor and effect, thea. am ttesppflcaticnaf the legal bolder thereot said Scam* men, eithermpersonorby attorney, might «*U aad. dispose of aald property or premlaea-la pew scribed by Mia dftaT And, wberesm demnltwas madetoinajineatof *aU note and no part thereof has b°en paid, and applica tion has been made to e*ki SoMnznnn by the holaera thereto, to tell, sa empow'wed to oo by said deed, said premises; sn6 ail right 'title, benefit sad equity •( re demption thereto-«.f said Caulfield, and. nalmr and wile, tin-lr heir* and as^na. ■ Ifow.thezefbrm notlcßi3herebyzlvea:thatX Shall, ou tbe Twenty-lSlnihdayof Augu»t,A*D.lßi>,attaa o’clock in toefhrenocv, -sellat uublie auction at toe nc.r>h door of tßsC*-vrvSowse, in the Cttr of Cook County, BUncla, to toe higbeot- bidder-tor cash, the raid property or premises, t^-wlt:—All the fallow ing lota, situate in taw Ci-y, ct Chicago to Swift * MuAnleys subdivision of the north-half of the seuto half of thawcathair of the nortn east quarter or Sec tion twentr [2t»i to Township thirtl-niae p*J, north of Bar g» fourteen Pfl east, namely, r*»s twecl--ft>ur [if}, twenty live-(2*3. twen-T-alx-[283, ihir-y-f jjxt ty-flve [3s], talrt~fy fSffi. thirty eight lISB], thirtytolne [Se], City [to], fiHtT-flve [lsl tony six [46 l fifty-one [sll, nlty-two [W] at d pa], to &o:kone [iX lots torse fsj, roar [4), five six [*i seven 17J, eight [-I- eleven [ii], twenty.ntos [2«], thrtr [--> J. thirty cue (311 thirty-two [«*, thirty-Qve [Jil ttbty-slx ps], jt-rty-six f**}. forty-sc«eu (4TU fsrtr eigfat [43], sad (or? tiloe (49], is Block throe [J]; Lots three p) »even (7], eightp], nine f?l,tvnn - 'T, twesty toree [toj, twenty nine psi ttortr t»s]; totrty-waa pfL Bio k. four (*], bol * fbr.y three [44] lota to all. with SB befldtoga and im provements cn *aid premises and all right, tide.bene fit am) equity of redemption of said Henry and Sarto B. IV'elUr and Bernard &. Caulfield, their ueln *r as slgrs tr erem. J. TODIfG i-CAMMON,"Trustee. r PBU&TfiE’ SALE—-Whereas, J jcarnm Atkins, of the County of Coot and State of mmols, made, executed and delivered, to me. as trn>tc«.va certain deed ot tnast.bcaring dote the ninth dav of OctolMjr, A. D-. S6 ■, conyeylny to me as such trustee, the lane and premises hereinafter described, to secure theparment of a certain proranilssory wote •t even date therewith, for the sum of sixteen baud* red and fifty dollars. with Interest, after due, at ten per cent, payable to the order of himself two months after the date thereof as mentioned Insald trust deed, which said trmt deed te recorded to the Recorder's trißce of Coot County, HhnoU,4n Book 20C of Deeds, page 59- and. whereas default has been made In ihepamtcnt of apart of said note, lo.wit: the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, and interest thereon, and application has been made to me by the legal holders thereof to sell, nail premises under said deed of trust, for the purposes thereto expressed. Now, therefore, public notice I« hereby sires, that I ecil at public auction, at the north door of the Court Bouse, in the city ot Chicago, in said Cook County, to the highest bidder forcaslC for the purpose* in ealu trust deed expressed, at ten o clock A. it* on Thursday the fifteenth 08th) day of Angust A, f>. 1851, the premises in said trust deed d&cxlhed. to-wit- A certain piece or parcel oflaud.pUuaie in and being a part of block one [XL In the original town of Chicago, commencing one hundred and dftyfUu] fceteastoftha north-west corner of said block, aim running carton the south line ot Ktozle street one hundred, and forty fi-Oifeettoapotntthlrty [Spllcet west of west line of otone p], black one m. in Ktoxtes Addition to Chica go; thence running Foam ninetv-seven 10-13 [97-10-U1 feet to an alley; thence west along the north line of the alley; one hundred and forty fi-iO] feet;' thence north along the east line of land lately conveyed to TVm H. Brown, abont nlnety-ono t*i) feet, to the place of beginning, .dtaaied in the city oi Chicago, County of Cook. Slate of Illinois, wltt pH the privilege! and appurtenance?- thereunto belonging, and all the right and equity of redemption of the said Jearum Atkina, his hens and tesigus therehi _ HORACE (J. CHASE, Trustee. Chicago. Jaly «tb, Pol. Jyis-g2iQ-td 'T'VUSTEE S SALE.—Whereas, J Bernard G Caulfield. Henry Waller and Sarah B. Waller, his wile, executed and delivered to. J.Toung Scammon. a certain deed of trust,- which bears date March 14th. A. D. and wu recorded to the office of the Recorder uf Cook County. Hltoolfi,ott tba Irth. day of March, A. D. 18«0. to Book 123 of Deeds,-at pare 292. whereby they made conveyance of certain parcels of land therein described, to secure the payment of certain notes and Interest thereon also described In Fald trust deed, which said notes were drawn by aaid Caulfield, to secure an Indebtedness to HofTntaaft * Gclpeke And, whereas. It was provided to-said trust-deed, ttat in case default shotud be made to the naymeot of said promh sorv notes or interest, or any part taereoC according to their tenor and effect, then, on the appll cailoD ofsaid Hoffman a a Gelpcke.their legal repre sentatives or assign*, it should be lawful for said Scam mo* to sell and dispose oftald premises or any part thereof, in manner prescribed by said trust deed; ana, whereas, default has been made by said- Caulfield to payment of certain Interest on said notes whleb la pant due and unpaid. And. whereas, application ha* been made to me, the said Scammon, dtHie legal hold erecfsaldnotea, to acllaald premises, as I am empow ered by said deed to do. _ ■ Now, therefore, noti.-ele hereby given, that I abaft, on the twenty-eighth day of September. A. D, LrtL, at ji. o’clock In the forenoon, sell at public auction, at the north door of the Court House, to the city of Chicago. Cook County, IBlnoU, for the highest and be* I once the Mune.wiUbring.ln cash, the said parcels-.of laud, aod oil rtoht, benefit and equity of redemption of said Caulfield, and Waller and wife tliercln, which said premlH* are described ae follows to-witr All ■. those certain pieces ami pareciscflantT situate In the County of Cook and Slate of Illinois, and describedastollawa, namely: Lota ai, 22. 2\ >3, In Block I; Lota 4, 5. % 7.14. Block 8: Lot* 1. %X 3. <n Block 4, all In the Swift * Mo- AnleV"s subdivision of the north half of the south half of thewerthalf oftheN. E. quarter of Sectioa 4, T. Chicago. JtmsaMEEU iyifrgta-t* 'T'KUSTE'E’S SALE; —Wliereas, ■JL* JamMG. Maclav and Margaret Maday, M#wU?\ did execute and deliver onto Edward IX. Arnold, m Trustee, 4c, a deed oftnut dated March lt A.D, 185*. aod recorded la ■ the recorder’s oiSoe *i Cook county. Illinois, on tbc Uth. day of April A- D, ISS In Boot UA of deeds, page eGi, luand dt which Slid, deed said Maclay ana wife conveyed to the said Arnold, as trustee, the fbllowlDff described pmalMi la tbe county of Cook and State of Illinois, vl*: tta north ftrty-clna feet (4? ft) of lob seven (7) and eight (b> In 'block tolitr one vsi) ta VTo'.coiVa Acte-itio* 00. . in* forty-nine Koton .Clark etreetiby.-mahtT-feet deep, [eald premise# being subiectto a certain eacumhrsaca in speclflod}-la secure tbe payment oCaeer tnjn bond bearing eren date with. #ald deed for three -thousand dollars payable In tea 1 years withlaterostst - ten percentpex annum payable eoml-anntufijv, said boao being numbered six antfnnulepayabla to Edward H. ArnctTa;* Ac, and it being prorated, there in that U default should Dernade In the payment of asy of tbeifc»ere*toa»aldprinClpal-Bnm andaoypartlc* thereof should remain due and unpaid for the space cx thirty days afier the same -ffionldbecome duefiad t>»y able, then the principal ran with all arrearages®* In terest should at tbe xption of said Arnold, hi* exe cutors. adsdnlstzatcn or asalz os thereupon becazaa one and payabl-. and might be demanded immediately or at any tftne fijSlhin telrty days alter such defsulV, • and in and b? said trust de* d itl# provided that la case of default in toe varment ct said bond or any part t" ereof, according to me tenor and effect thereof or la tbe performance of any of the <r-ven*i‘t» In said deed on application of she legal holderof said-born! or the coupons thereto attached, a Aid Arnold orhis legal representative# or attorney should tell said prcaaibcs at public vandue. how. therefore. d efanlt bavin# bean mad? lame pay ment ot the interest coupon on eald bond due Marsh Iflh Mirth, A. J>. I*4l. for tbeema of on* hundred and fifty dollars; and tbe o~cer and holder of,«*ldh-‘C-l and also tbe assignee and holder of asld coupon tar- Ice elected to declare the principal sam sndwefclc. terestane.viz: the snm of s’,*M 9». and having mala application to B'id Edward H. Arnold tonroosen fc* sell E&idpreml-es, notice la heresy.given that moor. eaance of and by virtue of tbe pov era la saW deal contained, the undt-raicned Edward a. Arnold,vrtOcw Monday, August isthr A B. iSoL at the hour of twatvw o’clock, noon, of ttJd day at the north door of Court House, tn the city of Chicago, sea atpebto vendue, the premises hereinbefore deecriboo «iSi w the right and equity of redemption of saldJameaSL HMW “ d “"“iS&Sg-B. Ai.TOWJ.TmWL TKvis * Niwrar. Poir** intowas nhBUSTEE S S*.LE.—WKerets, X ontbeilthdayofMay.lSlS,Hlma C. W. Cow der? and Mary L. Cowdery. his wife, executes to Samuel P. Skinner, a tru-t deed »f that rate nova tee real estate hereinafter described, woick was dclrre coruedinihe Eecorder’a clHce cf CvOk County, Illi nois. in Book 90 of Coeds. Page SW, to secure ta» pay ment cf five premseory nct-a loeald tlcnlsrly described, all payable to the order of Jaala* H. Carter; and, whereas, dttouU has been made in tlie payment of the three .as: described notes, iayil trust deee mentioned; and appUcafcou navlnfr beee made to nr as tfcoexecu'ors aco legal repressasatirow ofSsTDnel P. Skinner, dcce v-ed, t > s*Q too teal wtsto ta #ald trust ccex ceß=rloed,ln parsuairq of of therein'coot&lr-e.i. Public notice ii hereby sivrtU that on Saturday, the Thlrty-Ftmt »< wf Auzost, ]yr, o’clock iu tbe loreuoon «f>Md dav on tbe premises hereinafter desertf'-ed, we will etu at public aucUontotheblghoat bidder foe cash, the «#5 estate Ju eald trust deei described, vl*;-i*ta mmixrthrpfl JR] and four [4-L Ir* Block tea of tie School S-cUon Adamon to the City of Chicago, Cook County Hiinole,’ with the appurtenances thereovto bflorgiugraiulAirthe right and equity .of redeimpttsN cf the eafa grantor, tis heirs and easlgng therela, an lor the oomoset In said stated- ■ -; ' “ , JOHN G. HAI3TB3, . KLBRIDOE HALL. Executors of SamnelF. Skinner, deceased. Jy2>-g?3r-td' '• ~ HTRUSTEE’S SALE—Where-as, Jl John L. Ylok and ‘WUlrTniiYa, tala wife. oftbw County of Cook and State of llUaofa.dld o r - tie first day er December, A: XL 18S3, execute and deliver to me, William S. Darts; as trustee. a deed of trust - duly recorded in the Recorder's office of Cook Gouty aforesaid. In Bock of Deeds 172, pazellQ. conveying to me toa premises hereinafter deserfo-'d, to secure the payment of f.-ur prommissor? rotes, of even dete uerewlth, and amounting to the sum-of eleven hand* reddollars,payableto.toa order ul William it>ract as follow b; to wit: one note payable on the* Sisc day of msy, IS9, fbr the 'Bum o taro ■ band red dollars; one payable .twelve months °°o two years, and one three yean ■ after date it the said trnftoeed, each of three last mentioaed promis sory notes being for the sum- of-three hundred dol lar, interest at the rate of ton per centos per aorum until raid, atdpsyubla sttho office of WOhas S, Davla, in -the city of Chrcago; and.- whams, tse second, third and fourth of said promissory b»b* have been duly-endorsed and negotiated to Robert Devres,thepresentholder-thereon by the i»ltwfr. Haul Homer; and. whereas, default bss ben made ba toepayment of the said three note* last above dew* cribed, according to the tenor and effect thereof and there waa dee on the Erst day of July.iSSL thaama of eleven hundred ar d vq donors to obtaia.wWeh, with die Interest thereon, application ha« been mads to me by the said Robert-Dowes, legal holder of said notes and trns-t deed, to sell the promise* la **d dee* of trust described, fbrthe purposes therehi'-aa 1 forth. Jfo^,therefore, publicoot ce is hereby; glvcathat I will at nubile auction, at the north aoor o( t&o Co'.rt House. In the city of CWcagtvinsaki Cnasty of Cook to the highest bidder tor cash, -in’the issuer at d for the herpeses expreseedJn said 'trn3t~deed» oa Ttcrsday, the eighth day of' August, A. D.ljt'Vat tan. o’clock in the forenoon of that'day,'the'followin' ?i remises, a=. deslgnatcd-in said deedof trust, situate? a raid County of Cook, to wit: One 27- w acre* la the south fractional smarter of S-cdoit thirty (*»), la T< vmthipfcxty-cnc ClO north, - of Baage thirteen 03) east of tfie third principal meridian; comaenetok U » point in ih- centra of the Milwaukee Ifisak £?~,l' 5a chains-sooth *=> cert of Anderson'S northhbfc tu ning them e north 2*» 30 min, west south H west 173 ehmns;.thence aouth^ BP » ate, east kto chains, thence north: f 9 ■* fe- .tv chains* Uir-nce so ,nda. west. Aoo chains; 'tSß^lS£!St^^S^3fSt Jylg-g^Tr / rHAK CERT of minds, Cook County 8. ctf Chicago, September Terra, A. D. 13-i, : MoiSra A. limwoUr MiUcdolftft—le Gsanc*nr- AffldaTit oftkenrirreskieEce of -Waltons dcitr. defendants above named, barton bees Jued to the office qf the Clerk ottold Bupcrfo* CwaTaf sssarsagftffffls®®si plalrtlr said Court-on the Chancary *da toereot on Issued aad^ tornableon-the hr AMoadsy o£deps=“beP no» O. perwnallj be sad.apneM' b^?^ of Chicago «he term tocreoEtp ratogn,Jta •on the prrtemb^r. these'"* and th* tfclag kflEnffi aed rtatad,iWttba : tokSa. ssjhmSHl ** * J,ryTT - Carnffiar IyS»«A>M.