Newspaper Page Text
|aS~ To Horso Owners. —Dr. Sweet’s tcaaiwe unjiroi fw norfK it Sr anr, a CB ok; crmini* nrwns-itoa S?atisj. Bmacs tos cr sMCIn Otis. ScnttliKi K«as«, io, Us-01 •Iss cure tpecilj-. 6p»T!=a34Elne!)oa«msTb6«(ijl. |y prevented nafl curad is tl.dr lucipleat stages, bnt toatraefl case* are beyond the possibimy of aradlcal Curt.. Ko case of the tlaA bmrerrer, is so desperate ©r bcrc!e s » tut U«nay be alkylated bytliis IlatacuS, aadtts'fritirfW crr ;!catloa alrays remora the I *r.d craWe tee torse to travel clilt coa. paratlve icise. , CTnserehojOdharetldsrojnedjtittaai at the first appearance ofieuasnets cm ef.t:ijs2y prevent those formidable dlsearei ocfiari ci, to ’vUch all bonce art liable, aai reciter to many olhertdso rslutble horses nearly trortiuCm. 6ca For gala by J, E. JOETSOir..Gan:?aIA£C!iI T3 State street, Co£T<tcw-d!y fcsz?"' iladicsl DL-scorerr rws *>crofi\fc. J erro-.'r** Medical i-tsocrer? onrsi Erjßlpclia. ixcCTv' :j Discovery cures Cnuier. g KedicaJ Oistcvary chreaJJtircicj SorsiTti Sctasfir sZlfriistißlscave.'rcsresHunicrortJieSyea Me Heal Wscorery cores Scsll Head. E.CU2C. v*s3eJlcai DisßOTerrcnreaßicmlngoftheSar Laauady** Medical OlscsverycurotUlcerafdScreLss l-WUi. rfy’s KeliDJil Ulsooverr cure* Lepra. EotcedW Medics! aiecorcrycurMKhexuctJsa. - Ka-ir,r y.&Mcuical Discoverycures Salt-Eicua, K«*c«ij-*s Msdlcsi Discovery cores DyspspEn. liejoicOv's'ltedlsal Discovery Kc rnl at ea tbs DosrcK. Can.- <lr'i jfiedlotU Discovery S'golatts tie Sidneys, iicuuevj-c Medical i?!scuVßrrßcsruEtes the Liver. lleciH-Iv’f iiedlcal Disco ceryiaa cured Dropsy. yn. *sl you are cldc,ted do act anoß-wtattie matter DerlipoyouliCTetalzvrard Inner. TrySemely’s ModiCnl Dlrrovsry. ’ For salcT? T.H TTraz^cta. Gar&ser-s Klieumatic and Keu ralelr Compound!* a posttiTe. safe. and permanent ©art-i’crßbcTunßsSsw.lsearaleia, and Salt xßiecm. It It an ixtsxnm. remoir, driving oat and entirely era cicttingiht filse£s».,T€ccirlas no change la diet or carinces, and may be taken bT children tu>d persotu perfect salotr. like li^JsTto'wlng,—haadrecs of them— csb be obtained well known. who freely girt- r testimony !»rts hi-half. • : _ CHABLS3 A. SMITH, M . . -'<.ip:d State House, Boston. .After snSsrtng rnth Rseug&tlsia twenty rears, asu. 2-<*nc centred to nr bed sereral weeks last «;=*>•£ «»Urelycared wtzh twohcttieaolGar. C Bn*nmatscjind 5 eureka Compound." AGlfi. a\ T. ATEES, tiFrankto-sL, Boston. ••HstlLgheen a comaat sufferer iron Nenraleia fhr eighteen months, and been driven hr escraclaunn I’Vi 10 tk? of numberless remedies, without oh wdalrEidiet, I was inauced br a friend lo try Gardi ner s aai Nscraljdn Compound. I hare xaLeu hut one refill, and am entirely welh D. D. BAXTRR, Dry Goods Daslcr, l*o. f Appleicn Block, Lowell, Alass. . JOHNSON, corner Stale and Ran- Ch'csro wholesale and retail agent ior the fiortawesteru States. B. B. LANDON. Agent Tbetr&dc mnnUwi. ■ 3rl9 I *b!v Bsittana ato> Sxctjange- JTOUJfG tCAMMOST, Marina • Bank BnildtLjt. will coctiuue a GENERAL RA3SKIHS BUSINESS. FNCSAKGE on LONDON AND PARIS for til. ana LETTiEs or ctiedit granted, ara labl** acv. on t*»e Cootin*-.! tof Europe. 3y?5-g23J-3Qi^ w ILLAKD & KEAK, BARKERS AMD DEALERS IR Exchange, Coin, Banknotes and Land Warrants, S7....SoTitli Claris Street....s7 Orp. Sliencaa House, Chicago, m. Collection* made thidnghoiit the Northwest, win aiwer* pay the highest price for Illinois and Wiscon sin Ctrrency, or will convert it at a commission of 2 per cent. AH mono? not current here, bought at best rates. Any business entrusted to onr care will receive prompt nttfrtlon. JyU-EIM-un TLLT2TOIS SAYDTGS’ INSTITU. JL TIOK, IK THE cm areHIGASB Incorporated .February, 1857. Office 104 & 106 Washington Street Tils Inctittitloc melTcsdepodKiajQold, silver and .tbeSuis C£ EredSpATirtg- RanV? Nt nVB OEKTS AND VPWABDB, * f** Vil ciabee* cf persons, Including minors and Jnarrtei women, ard allows interest at tbe rate o sis rxß cent. peb jlsntx. Dividends cu the first Monday of January anuJuly. SSce open daEy during the natal hours of Impneee.aadonXcesdaTaad Saturday ercnlnrsnn -IJ*• o'clock. JOHN C. HAINES, President. - K J>. KIPDYB, Cashier. JelflVH-ly V_A Baxters axd Dsaxebs or HCHAKGE, GGLB AfiD ORGBRRERT MOHET, Car. Lake ana LasaDe Tindsn-Y.raHnt»naT>g IHlsclsDlEcredited Currency bought at the hlehest market rates. j e2O^SB-2m J)AVENPOKT, ULLMANN & Bsnkers and Beal era in Sxchs.n£s) BAKE’NGTaS, cold, EIL7SE. &0. N0.32 dark Etrt-.t. Chicago, HUnoli, 'auls’&l-ly) Banking house or— B, P. CASVEB & 00., Marine Sank Baildlng, Corner XAfec ana Las&Qe streets. A general Banking BuaUeot <3-auwret«-d. oc2t co.iy A IKEN & NORTON; XI. BANKEBS AND DEALERS XN EXCHANGE, Corner of Lake and Clark streets. Collection* iuact. it all toe principal cities in the Xj. g. Z. *XU3t. J. D. ACKTOS. Tvnww • LJa7-ly] TRANK OF AMERICA—PubIic ■I J Notice is hereby given, that all Bills or Circa-' NcV’S ol the “BANK OF AMERICA,** Heretofore Incorporated and doing business In the city of Chic-'zo, under die general banking laws of tli- State of Illinois, mnifbe pre ented tor payzaentto t>e Auditor of Pubic Accounts of said State, at Ida office. In the city of Springfield, within throe years frost Uic date hereof or the funds deposited for the redemption of said sotei, will be gives up to said a anb. _ Dated this ST'tb dey of May A-P.lS6*. GEO. SMITH, President. X. w. Wildato. jv^-gtas-to-je Coal. JLLINOIS COAL.—The CHEAPEST AND BEST. The Northern IBiooia foal and Iron Company of LaSalle, to meetthcgreatly Increased demand fortiulr BUXMIXOIS COIL, And to secure uniformity In price* and quality, have ore.tcd an office aao yard In Chicago, aud arc now irfer trod to t >pdlt consumer* in large or email anaa rties with a PUNE ARTICLE Or ILLINOIS COAL, free from Elate, sulphur, slack or water, at such prices auto ___ DEFY CO3a»ETIHOX. The!r coal U the same heretofore sold here by Me«n>.L*w&Strotlicr% but is mined and handled with increased cart. It is well screened and U kept ucCcrfhcltcr. as txrcnurcto weather Is known to os injurious to all coals, and especially to those which are largely bituminous. This coal la readflv infiamable. and cures with a bright blaze, yet as more bony than tae Ka-tern .ioft coal*. It is well adautcdXcr family use. particularly for cooking as well *9 for manufacturing purposes. Existing in incnhaaaUWe qnaLlillcs In our own State and nc.ghboriocd. and uttordiut: the only hopT for toe large cevelopmcut of the mauufacturins latcrcta o’ this c!tv. at the ease time excelling ANY ol for eign cools m Cheapness and Utility Combined. Everv prudent housekeeper cr rcaunfacturershould Stb iva trial, v.iiirh la id( tnat is i>cc(icd to satisfy it of its merits. ' In order -o avoid loss, aud afford the public the benefit of the lowest prl-e-i. the Company have adopt ed the U» VAtilAßldS rule of Cash Upoß Tailing tlio Order. FGICES FOB JULY ABB AUGUST; thr car. o. delivered -on any dock, per ton $".75 6 Tom and over at are yard. per ton s.'fl - deliverer, per tun 330 Lew 5 tone at tbe yard, per ten BJ3S m “ delivered, per ton 5.75 »jj njpre and Tard ■SOUTHEAST COSJTEI? OF KoBTH WATEB AN5> I*a£ALLE SXBEETa, wnsre tier have ffcrQIFCS lor fcrwarfilag on the Galena and erfeano and theNortbwesternßallroiMiß. Ccmmnnicatiora sent by mall will hejirtrr.rtly at tended to. Address _ S. S. HAVE a, B Foat office Drawer 6840, Chicago. EL 0OAL!— COAL!!—COAL!!!— Tbs Scranton. WH-cebarre, ShaTßOkJnandPlttiton Ccal t*»c panics of Pennsylvania, la order to Increase the ea'es of PREPARED ANTHRACITE COALS Is Chicago, a&d Jcßnre a permanent snnply at never esce&dlz-g fifty cents per toe flcctnaifon between Sums*' r ano winter, nor t xceodmg former prices of Btie ard Briar HUI Coat?, have conjointly rented the yard formerly occupied by «JOhnfi.xlewhonsc,' Correr of Hsdiios sail Kuiet Streeti, TVhcie they intend to EETATL sod WHOLESALE at MXiaxssro- pxac£3 r - yfTZIGHT JLKD EXCHANGE ADDED. TTe mine andrarsscldto dealer? all the Hard coals tiut hfve teen brought to Chicago ror tea years; and for avc years, can kSdreacottetaiitfiunnir at lower rates than ever Hard Coils b art been fold in tWe mart el. KotaecU ejTenlhretther-wholesale or retail. COST AKDChfeHWILL BE T«E MOTTO. The redaction tn orlce m-et msarepa:ment before any order -will hesDed This system will he rigidly adhered totm- SpringMoanUlnLehigh Coals, tf>aa oCtar errat Inducement* to Hailrosds and otuer con*Smcn£ For prices, or other particulars, address ROBERT LAW, tyig-gTtsftp l Post Drawer fiIST. Chicago, TIL ISfctP lluiluattona. JUST PUBLISHED!— “A Tribnte to Col. Ellsworth.” “Desi; At the dawning of the 6tme." •‘Deadl Late so loyal, brave and true^ McslcbrJ.P. iVtueTEK, The beautiful words toy tj f W'tfe a fine lithograph-likencEi sad title pag®* Ihsuedlnthchtpbestwsleof artby H. M. HiGGL\S, Uo&lc PcOfraedFcMMior, Ko.U7Handoloh-et. "vpEW MUSIC I NEW MUSIC!! ' yl l u l !' Ul I Ul IUUV!M, K.rrr— Tias snu Toll net Dzatb op ten* Brco— Price,Socento. Col. Eitwonh BMolftc MarcOy... ICrji7j VelaEtcxTs Qalckstep —23 cs&ts. Our CoTdtr»’B Flag. (A ncwer.ngtoyßouneJ.S cent*. VootSteps bemeOtherStda. Quartette..., &i cents. Sweet iletr. ones Song and Chorus 3u cento. S«TO,E<m» PoIt»,V AEgncr* “ “5S- TheOlSßonee faraway. Bone. SO Cento. or all or tne above will be sent by malt post. receipt f the marked price. All crJera lor to Ka ne A. JCDSON HIGGINS. Clark cfereet Chicago. JIU wiU receive -gfoatrt -nrmu-n. ! 13ana*rs, J EY » E & ALMIN I, Fresco and Decorative Painters, IM J^ BBO ' eTO * sx., cmciGO, *** paiktikg <*>% realoeaeea. i?*?*, sna Utorartaa of hrrt hcHsXl6,cc. ChmttoeSL Pub- strict and othacSUCse a*d Itamsa, a ri e--otiui Q rainier at Wood entire to tonr aatf ora wnortfloat Of «BO s =l.. i wseiKi. nmuttCML jUfiltgg kohby to iioair, ftan one to fin jtm, to man to BaSU Busmees Baper "Waaitecl. E. r. BDTOnfB t CQ„ aa 01»£ Street JfEW YORK EXCHAXGS For Sftle in gqrng to Suit by JOKES & OUI-BSRTSOSr; iTiaaa - , Ko. 17 South Well* street. J£XCHANGE ON KEW YORK, FG3 BALE BT 3. P. ftUIHBT & OO. t ico South Water street. Tl/TOXEY TO LOAX OX CITY jLT-L FTcpsrtr or Tezsi ia Cool; and adt alrdrr corns, ties. tiEB WAEEASTS BOKSHT AKD SOIB. ro,t Ggce PrsTO- BIST. L IjlS ' G aSSt-Ti. T'OS MONET TO LOAN Cn Real Estate Secnrltleeln Cook an. 1 ad-okinr .- . Counties, applj to ”■ ERNST PRUSSINC, Bfila bs Foreign Ewhange. Honey ud Real Estate Broter. VOETHE eeixish COSOTEECIAL UTa , XI.oCEAI.CE co, and kotasx i’UBLIC. NO. 6 LARLION BLOCK, rtMS-ly K. £. cor. Clark and W&Sfclogt on. streets. M° NET TG LOAN ON Chicago cixr fbofebti, Or on Goal Improved Farms in this Stall. , w CHAM ESS. LEE A CO, ocS’Sg-ly Illinois (Ettttgntg, &c. ,B.XOBTOS*CO, I > JQ, E BTJBSTN& i CO Cincinnati, O. ) \ . Cincinnati, O. THOMAS & CO., DEALERS IN Exchange, Gold, Bank Notes, Etc., COE. CLARK AND RANDOLPH BTS., (Under tie Stezman House.) CHICAGO, .ILLINOIS. We ar* pimsied to nay the highest rates In GOLD or FEW IOEE EXCHANGE for the Dhcreilted 35anksof .. -- Xllin.oi*', • 7 >yisconsiia. JMisscmri, At»S «n other Uacmreut Fuads. Also, Checks, Drafts acd Certificates cf HER CHANTS 1 SAVINGS. LOAN AND TRUST COL CHICAGO MARINE AND FIRE INS. CO.. MARINE BANK, 1 B. F. CARVER & CO„ F. GRANGES ADAMS, E. A TUCKHE &CD. Parties aemTirg us by express may rely on haying proceeds retained in gola, by earns conveyance. On iar-.e amounts, we mate a liberal advance on our quotations. MOHTOK, THOMAS & CO. SZFQ Carpenter * Yermllje. Irving Bank Atlantic Bank. Bcyiston Bank JyV9xi-w J£ e K. WILLARD & CO., BARKERS ARD EXCHANGE DEALERS, 33 Clark Street, S. E. Coraftr of lake, S. iL Eza S. Dealers InExCbaag*. <jo!n and Bani Notes. TPE ABE TH3 HIGHEST PRIGS FOB DISCREDITED Illinois and Wisconsin Money. a 2P° n MERCHANTS AND BANKERS In the Counay can ruly upon eettlne the highest market price by sending to us. “ We do business on a Specie Basis. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK FOR SALE. COLLECTIONS MADE. JE. K. $ CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS, 3yls.gi3Q.2in S3 Cl&rk-st. cor, of Lake street. gTATB BONDS Illinois Currency. Bonds ol aQ kinds sold at New York Stock Board and drafts given for proceeds on day of sale. A GEHEBAL STOCK ARC BORB CQMHISSIOB BUBIRESS TBAHSA6TED. New York Quotations received by Telegraph Dally’ aySf q-ly C. B. COBB. No. 9 Telegraph Building. j&tansiuVd. «e. gTATIOKERY In an Varieties, BLANK BOOKS Or our own manufacture* COLO PENS From the be«t Makers* LOWEST PRICES That can.he afforded, FEINTING Neatly Executed* IISCBANCE AGENTS SJaoald try ns. BANKERS Famished with, fine work* COUNTRY MERCHANTS Should look at our Prices, 8T5375097 Who sell or consume goods In thit-ilae of trade will find it to their Interest to call at 8% t atloner jsi y Sail, 140 IiAKE STREET, F. MITINSON, Practical Blank Book Manufacturer and dealer In all kinds of Blank-Books, Stationery, Printing and BOOK BXNUIWrG-. Sm] JONES, PERDUE & SMALL, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STATIONERS} BLMK BOOM MANUFACTURERS AND COMMERCIAL PRINTERS. 122 Lake Street. - - - 122 oaioAso. JOSES, PERDUE & SMALL. TJUTLER & HUNT, 48 State-St, J-) have now on band the following drea of printing I Sx« r * 33x28 20X44 SSx« 2Sxl2 23x33 28116 53544 24x34 25x87 37x41 te33 £6x42 24x34 23x33 23x35 23x37 And ara receivings large teeortm cat of BOOKPAPES 3.000 reams of Wrapping Paper, of different 1.000 reams Manilla 00. 280 reams Cap and Letter, and a general assortment or Printer’s Stationery. 3.000 kegs of Mather's celebrated Book and News Ink. AQ of which will be Bold for cash at the lowest pos* sfble rates* lahlß PF* Cash ?ald for Bags, art T. CABXER, PAPEB iHDPAPESSTOCK-WABEEOVSS, 231 South, "Water Street Chicago,’lll. Cash paid ior Cotton and 'Woolen Rag*, and Metals, ael*«o-ly D. McFASLASB’S G-as, Steam Fitting AKDPLFMEIS6 ESTABLISHMENT. £4 lituße Street) Chlca£o { nr BAS FIXTURES ABE IBSX rGRBITQXE PMMCTTC+ZX, PZUMBJEB* And Mgnolacturer of All JCindc of iSvoam. "Work; - TO THE TBADBt The trade sapplj&d tools and crerj-ardrle Jn the 9ss, Steam Pirns* and PlraaWag Baslncaa. Se-GUd inp and Brtmting done to order. gSf Macnjfictcry 167 aaal©SfisfWaaliiiyjtra street, my 26 .. - C. SMITH & COMPANY, BRASS COCK MANUFACTURERS, Coppersmiths, akd dealebs nr WROUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AID CAS FITTEVGS. SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, &c. Aieo-Pnrtlcnler attention paid to Jobbing of all kinds connected with the Trade. 333 TVmliißßtou St, Chicago,Hl. fBOlfWWyl furniture. : MOJRGAN hag Removed to 160 Kandolph Street, Where he win be pleased to see an Ms old pnttrens u well as those wtsmsg to purchase Furniture at LOW FBICEB. The stock to eatxely new, and compnalae one of the largest, best aad most fashionable FnrcT tare in the West. PARLOR AND BEDROOM SUITES Of Rosewood. cUrt«Tete iretea,Sottiißedot-adsas’* Ohiraof mUkini yaamsittitoflninlMtttt aiook betore yo* buy. spVSlr ®J)ic^®raune MONDAY, AUGUST 5,1801. CHICAGO MSI tmeo. D®B? AniTsio find IteporCsF&r of ZStii Trains, Cfcs\ F*sindS?*i** EAfiT<" . __ IQCBIQAK SOUTHSBHt fcSf's' - 6.00 p.m. S*R2 6.0U a. 2L 8-COp.ia. 6.03 p.m. 9.55 p.m. . mcmaAN CESTEAL. !•jg «• £~ 10.00 P. a.~ 6.00 a. n. 559»>“• 6.06 a.a. PjrSfiBDKQH, FT. wZt§E ASU CfflCAGO?' C.osa.m, 10.00 p.m. 6.25 a.m. «.40p.m. jC.OOp. m. 7.03p.n. SOUTH ABTD WEST. „ . CHICAGO AND BOCK ISLAK3; •■ P.KU.m. 7.80 a.m. 6.16 a, a. 9.03 p.m. - • 7.80 p.m. DIXON AIRLINE. 9.I3JUC. 7.40 a.m. B^os.n 6.53 p.n. no mail. B.iHp.m, JLT.iy&IS CENTRAL—BRANCH. 8.60 a.m. 16.00 p.m. 9.33 a. a. 6.80 p.m. ' 9.03 p.m. Burlington and quinct. 6.45 a. m. 7.00 a.m. 7.15 a.m. 8.45 p.m. 7.80 p.m..- 6.00 r. a. ALTON AND ST. LOOK. S.OC-c.a. 4.10 p. C. ICOBTH AKB WEST. GALENA AND CHICAGO UNION. 8.15 a.m. 7.33 a.m. 6.45 a.m. 9.25 p.m. , ‘ 8.00 p.m. 8.00p.a, CHICAGO AND NOBTHW2STEBN. 8.00 a. m, 7.00 a. m- 6.20 a. n. ****-. S.Wa.a 7.80 a.m. SOOp. m, S.CCp.m. 7.30 p.m. • 7.00-p.m/ CINCINKATI AND CHICAGO AI2 UNB: . C.05 a, su 7.40 p. m. THE AFRICA’S JOSIVS. EoglUh Oplßloa of tlie Preeideut’s ISccta^. A FAVORABLE OPINION FROM THE DAILY The London Him of July 10, has two edi torial article* based upon the Message of Mr. .Lincoln.. .‘Weqnote: Lincoln’s Message sets at rest, with the simplicity of an nnchangeable re* eoive, many idle mmora.of a compromise he tween the so-called State rights of a rebellions minority, and the fundamental principles cf a national TJnioE and a national which 'Washington bequeathed tcT-the people of the United States, as 1 sacredly obligatory on all,’ as the ‘main pillar in the-edifice of real independence,’ as the support of tran quility at homeland of peace thread, of safe ty of property,.of liberty itself Is that good fabric of self-ruling freedom, to : remain one _Bation,.ortobc split np into as many mutu al destructive tyrannies as the terrorism of the rapacious minorities may establish by vir tue of a pretended right of secession ? Sir. Lincoln shows that the malignant fallacy of tie rchcl leaders means nothing more or less thaiilhc complete destruction of the natio* v vi Union. This was, r in fact, the against which Washington warned his fellow-citizens .K • h u P f!SSIX |S%3^iiJto»?FSS of thutien states to now as sailed oy a iht&L 0 f j a tcrnal ene mieß,-€0 mucb; more heinous is the soph tcm. The blessage of the President plainly treats the war—which a league of parricides has provoked—as a struggle jw national exist cnee. ' - - .New Tori. .New Tori. ....Boston, .....Boston. ‘‘lf the national Government^was unable to lie £r*t blow It is now* in a position id secure by energetic action the . sympathy of foreign powers, with an inflexible pnrpose to maintain the Union nndiminished and nnim paired. To mate the contest short and deci* sive the President asks for legal means to take advantage of the irrepressible patriotism of and to turn to the best account those lavish offerings of blood and treasure which almost perplex the discretion of the Ex ecutive. How faithfully Mr. Lincoln treade in the footsteps of the Founder of the Republic, his argument against the pretended sovereign ty of the several States bears witness. Ic is the corollary of the emphatic and large decla rations of ‘Washington himself! * The very idea,* said Washington, ‘of the power and the right of the people to establish government presupposes the duty of all individuals to obey the established government. 5 Nothing less than ‘an explicit and authentic act 5 of the whole people could change * the Constitution which at any rime exists. 5 ‘ The States/ says Mr. Lincoln, ‘have their status in the Union, and they have no other legal status.' ‘The Union gave each of them whatever independ ence and liberty it has. 5 The plea of State sovereignty, that is, of disruption of the Union, is sheer rebellion. If it be a principle, it is tbe principle of disintegration, ‘ upon which no governmenfean possibly endure ; 5 if it be a right it is the right of a minority to repudi ate its obligations, and of every State in turn to secede from all the rest. It is the negation not only of all national law, honor and duty, but of all national life. “ It seems impossible that tills plain imvar pished speech, of the Republican President should not sink deep into the hearts and con* sciences of a people possessed of any moral sense, of any reverence for the memory of the great founder of their liberties, of any hopes or interests beyond the passions or the appe tites cf the hour. And President Lincoln hears prond and solemn witness that in troth * the plain people’ know-.well that .‘-this is essenli aHy a people’s contest* The secession oligar chy deliberately. ‘ press out of view the fights ot men and the authority of the people.’— Their elections are held in military camps, their state papers are eloquent on the rights 5 of minorities. On the side of the Union the I struggle Is felt to Le one for ‘maintaining a ‘ form and substance of government,’ under , which the condition of the people has been j elevated and improved beyond example in the world. And t.bfs la how the largest army of volunteers ever known, and comprising regi | ments of which cvciy common soldier is a i man of high culture and attainments, has rushed to the standard of the Union. If some officers in the land and sea services have de serted their color* they were the creatures of favor or of fortune; of the common soldiers and sailors not . one has failed for a moment in loyalty, even in the lace of treacheroue commanders. With such sup port as this Preside nt Lincoln is prepared to prove that * those who canfairly carryanelec tion can also suppress a rebellion.’ There is not a free people, or a people aspiring to free dom throughout the world—much less is there a people with Anglo-Saxon blood in its veins —that is not concerned in the momentous crisis, which the President of the United States describes, in the simplest words, as a ‘great lesson of peace, teaching men that wbat they cannot take by an election neither can they take by a war.’ No lesson, it should i be remembered in England, can be more cun- , servative, in the best and only true sense, ! than this. _ “ The American civil war, then, is a qnes- j tion of extending the area of slavery, of re- 1 vlying the slave trade; but it is more than all this for the New World and for the Old; it is a quiSllcn, Indeed, of ‘peace, safety and prosperity,’, cay, of national existence, to tfcat American Union which the genius aod goodness of a Washington created for an cx ■ But far all free people it is a question of upholding the eternal.principles of liberty,moral j iiy and Justice. War lor such a cause though it be civil war, may perhaps without impiety be called I •• * God’s most perfect instrument j In working out a pore intent.” j * * * “ The reol aim ot the secessionists is net to vindicate any great principle, but to 1 create a new Confederacy, in which those j Southern politicians who used to sit in high places may still retain their power. The cause I of secession is not that anv Constitutional ( right tas been violated, but tLat the Southern oligarchy has been forever overthrown. Tne gross treachery of the members of Mr. Buch anan’s Cabinet, has for tbe tlma enabled this dissatisfied oiigajcby to organize a formidable rebellion; but it is the conviction, ot the North that if the real opinions of the South could be ascertained, the majority of the South would declare against secession and in favor of tbe Union. If, therefore, Mr. Lincoln and bis Cabinet are correct in their views, it Is obvious that the success of the war depends, not upon conquering or occupying the South ern States, but upon removing .the incubus which overawes the citizens of these States by an Imposing display of military power. It maybe that the anticipations of the North ere mistaken; but in the meantime it must be admitted that the measures which have been taken by the Government at Washington are ■well adapted for the purpose of defeating the Southern a ray in the field, and enabling the- Union party in the Sonin to assert their power. “Ifthe Union is restored it can only bo by force of arms; and to that end the two essen tia's arc an experienced, commander at the htad of annmcronfl and well appointed armv. Although the treasonable conduct of so manv Southern officers of the United States might have served as some apology for the War Sec retary if he had distrusted any officers from the South, still it is to the credit of Mr, Lin coln’s Adminlsfxation'tbat they should hare retained Gen. Scott, a Virginian, at the Lead of tie Federal army. _To those wbohave ever seen that noble aad gallant old man. it can be no matter •fsurprise that he should exercise a remarkable influence over both officers and men; acdHhose who have watched his mili tary career, and observed his capacities as a scientific fioldier; can have no difficulty in un derstanding why Mr. Lincoln and his Cabinet should place unbounded confidence in his mil itary judgment, and should allow him to con duct the war in whatever way he thinks heat” COMMENTS OP THE LONDON TIKES. Tie.Times of July 10 di has the’ following comments upon the message: “ President Lincoln’s second message alto feller confirms the impression produced by is first. It is an unpretending and business like justification of invite* .Congress, without circumlocution, to provide the legal means for making this coclcst a short and decisive one,’ - Homely in language and somewhat apolugeilcln tone, it shows the ssme dear though not very comprehensive appreciation ottbepclnt at Issue, aadthesame ttnacityof purpose which haa characterized Mr. Lincoln's manifestoes. We can imagine the kind cf state paper in which Pitt ortheFirst Napoleon would have proclaimed the motives ana objects of an European war. But neither the unflinching. egotism of the one, nor the majt&Uc argument of the other would have suited the temper of the American public. TheyjTgard the jwor as thedr own in' a sense which can hardly LcinteiPgible to the subjects of the most limited monarchy,* und rofiuire of thedr Chief Mrgiftrate, above all,things, a strict recount of-his stewardship. . “ About a thjrd of thh mefessgo i* consumed in a vindication of the longfvrbtaiaube of the G overture at and of the measure subsequent ly taken byi.thc President on his ownresponai* i-Ully—such as the deliberate abandonment of Port Sumter to Its fate, ,the orginizstion of the volunteer army, the orders establishing a blockade of the Southern ports, and tho sus pension fn ‘proper cates,’ of tho writ of Aatau coijtur. Another third is devoted to the exposure o! wbat our New Totk content under the pregutn*; hevf. —gacf‘Tbt > T UtjuVjj,* r Ths 8s codiO!i i ralljcyi , < TiLe Baptism ot tha Eshol aad bo forth. Tno passages' from . we caa cull any indication bTnir. Ha coin's precentintentions- tr© scanty enongh. wd ftie so involved .with controversial gene* ralities thatwe do not feel &9 certain' as we OCnld vriah that hofcea maturely weighed sll - ;tbo ebancco or consequences of an Internecine war. Mea with, arms in their hands win hardly listen to distinctions,. however, just, between dkcttca therightcf the Southern States to ’se cede ; the fact is that they; have done so, and the only, questions that are now worth arguing arc whottier-they can be* dr ought to be, re -covered to the union by force. * * *’ “ What are these objects, after, all, that tran scend the paramountlzaportance of preserving' peace between neighbors and brothers f This is a roint on. whica the P» esident’s message, ■ witliallitQ elaborate refutation of secession theories, throws very little light. One thing is clear, and that is &at abclitlonisin has little, cr nclLlng to do with it. The word ‘ slavery ’ dc-cG not occur In this document, the so del question is entirely merged in the const!- - tutionaL In fret, IT. we ere to taka Mr. Lincoln as our guide, the English tones have not greatly erred in regarding the American crisis as a cuprcme trial of republican institutions,- He expressly declares it to ba so, and, though he describes the object of that form of gov ernment in soma vague and high-eoußoing . phrases equally applicable to ar.v other, it is well that the peopls of the United Bt&tea should be jealous of the honor and integrity of; their constitution. The - absurdity of maintaining that the instrument of confed - eiation contained provisions for annulling itself -baa been amply demonstrated, but what follows? Certainly not that it must be enforced at all hazards—ce the risk of ruining those Interests which ft wa« de signed to secure, of estranging forevr those States "which-it was designed to unite, of bringing into discredit these principles of which it was the earliest embodiment "We ' cannot think that Mr. Lincoln rises to the height of this practical,-but not less lofty ar . guKPnt*' He clings to the shadow of consist ency by reverting again and again to the legal merits »f the* question, and animadverts with commendable smartness on the pecuni ary malversations of the receding States, and .'on the aits of the "agitators who* sugar-coated have been drugging the minis of .their section for-more than thirty, yearspreaches the duty ■of . demonstrating, :to the world; and that, too, by rushing into war, that ‘ballots are the - rightful, and peaceful successors of bullets;’ and-makes several - very effective retorts upon Mr. JeffersonDayis, He even persists in dealing with a moverflfint which has. given birth to a constitution, a commercial system, a vast army' and un bounded aspirations, as a hali-h.carted demon strutton, forced pa the good people of the South against their will, and doubts * whether ’ ■ ttcre it to-day a majority of the legaT ? fled voters of any SJate. exce*-? ' Carolinaj in foyer of will not’say that this is dp eay that it goes serr - ™ !hSfc Sp-J e have l 0Ei; observe*- g ' the minds of European I p- r r J r i- r . & P' OBO amative feature in the mes i «mch.we must not pass over. Itcontzins • Twite of Vie harsh recriminations against foreign, that vx ?tad some reason to apprehend, and which, proceeding from an official source! might have impaired,' though it could not de stroy, the sympathy that we have never ceased to leel for the United States. The President attributes the.tcmporary .partiality of Europe for the South—of which -we first 1 carat the existence from American journals—to the extraordinary forheafahdS' 6f ids own leading to an impression * that Ijiji of the national Union was probable’ We are quite ready to admit tcisor any other imaginary interpretation of an fact, and even to accept with a gooa grace the charitable concession of a b«ew York contemporary, which perceives *au imp roved dispositionin England,’so long as we arc not forced to quarrel with one friend be came we will not quarrel with another. We have not. returned railing for railing, for we re spected the sensitiveness of patriotism in the presence of an overwhelming danger. We comment upon the acts of American states men as wc should comment upon those of our • own, though with greater caution and reserve; and when we. prefer a frank, .recognition of Southern independence by the North to the policy avowed in the President’s message, it is solely because we foresee, as bystanders,-that this is the issue in which, after infinite lose and humiliation, the contest must result.” 7.50 a. m. 7.80 p.m. 6.GG a. m 10.40 P« a. 6.25 a.m. 7.03 p. m. NEWS. THE LONDON STAH'S OPISrOK. Tfce London Star closes its comments upon the message as follows “ The most satisfactory portion of this mes sage is the brief passage In which the Presi dent refers to tbc_ relations between the Gov ernment at "Washington and foreign powers pic sovereignty and rights of the United Stales are now, he says, everywhere practical ly respected by foreign powers. We believe that was so, not merely now, bat all along. \\bat air. Lincoln meens is that he and Ms Cabinet have at length come to see the true at titude-of foreign powers, which their over set aitiveness at first led them to misappre hend.” TEE ATTEMTED_ ASSASSINATION OP THE KING OF PRUSSIA. Oscar Becker, the maa who attempted to as sassinate the Klag of. Prussia, has undergone an esomiDation. The following declaration was found in his portfolio : “My motive for proposing to kill the King of Prussia is that he is unable to bring about tiie unity, of .Germany; he must then die in oracr that the work may be accomplished by another. They will make sport of me when they take me for a tnoilm;m oa account of this action ; but I must accomplish it to render happy the German fatherland. r . . Oscar Beceer, ' “ Student of Law at Leipslc.” Becker answeredquestions with perfect cool ness and coUectedness, avowing that he had wished to kill the King, and stating that he should, if possible, mafceauother attempt to do so. On inquiry at Lcipslc it was ascertain ed that he was a laborious student of reserved habits, and that he has very few relatives or acquaintances. AcdrceECo, Ca congratulation on Ms escape isd the King, whereupon lie issued the following proclamation: “ Tfce unequivocal proofs of sympathy that the authorities and the inhabitants of this town have given me on occasion of the abom 'ipable attempt commiitocl against me yester day, and wMch, by a disposition of God at miraculous as merciful, lias failed, have done good to my heart, and assuaged the feeling of profound grief which this sign of the increas ing demoralization and forgetfulness of the laws of divino and human order necessarily occasioned me. In thus expressing from. the depths of my heart by these presents my thanks to the burgomaster and municipal council, as well as the population, thanks In which the Queen, my "wife, joins, we have set apart for the poor the two thousand florins enclosed, which the authorities are requested to distribute among them. William. “ Baden-Baden, July 15.” DlcMcna’a New Novel. The London Atfienatun » proiset Dickens new novel, “ Great Expectations,” in flatter ing terms thus: . “Thereis nothing in English fiction,not even c the print of man’s foot in the sand’ in ‘Eobinson Crusoe, 5 toiler of engrossing and legitimate terror than the night scene of the convict’s return, dogged fromiia first moment by death. From this point to its close the in terest of the romance 1 increases with a resistless and power nev er before attained by Mr. Dicsens. Nor hag he overused his own language with.snca.poi gnant muscular force as here. Not an epithet lest; net a tench is laid on carelessly; not a sentence is mannered. Adventure follows ‘adventure— each one more rivetiagthan the Isst —each one, too, adding some softening and itdccmlrg light to the character of thonoor hunted ‘wonnint,* without making the close of bis sad story maudlin or sentimental. Ev erything is as it should be, great and small; Itum tlTc tumendons murdt-r scene in the lime-kiln down to Wemmick’s lamentation over the portable property.’ “ There are those who will sax that Miss HaviEbain's strange mad life is overdrawn; but such hat e not been been conversant with the freaks and eccentricities which a haughty spir it in agony can assume; ncr the manner in which a resolution once taken becomes a law never to be broken. Wehaveno doubt that, even now, in remote places of Eogland, rich old mansions xriinht be found as strangely peo pled as the deserted brewery—with Us spectre la white. Satis house, with Its dank and weed grown garden and the mouldering bridal feast, s as real, to ns, as the lonely churches on the marshes, ores the wonderful estate in Wal worth, with its worts of art arid ingenuity— the original of which, by. the way, we have heard claimed for half-a-dozen different local ities. One word more. la no late fiction has Mr. Dickens been so happy in his group of what may be called accessory characters. Mr. Jae gers with his handkerchief; Mr. Wopsie with bis dramatic instincts; the creedy, ercophant kh seedsman; that wonderful thorn in every enc’s side, Trabb’s boy—are all capital. We fancy that at the outset he may have meant to make more and more of Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Pocket—but they are not missed—Herbert is as fresh and genial an Horatio as a hero could cctlre; and most particularly are we grateful for the uncertainty in which the talc closes, as we interpret it. We do not believe that Pip did many Estella, thoogh there are two opin ions on the subject. “We part from this tale with as much re luctance as if we had never before known the dear delight of reading a romance. So strong a sentation ol pleasure is 100 rarely received in this wilderness-of dubious literature of cure. * Great Expectations,’ we are satisfied, will Mr. Dickens’ reputation, and is the imaginative book of the year.” ' ’.MiES. Toi!TA3rr'BFATßp.t?*-R , n.—A irfAteuiftut aiade some time since In tbi* paper, to the tllfect that Sirs, Beauregard, the Wife of the insurgent general known by that- name, was in the neighborhood, has been dohbtsd, con tradicted and laughed at as a thing incredible and ridiculous. The thing is one of very liltle consequence, and is probably forgotten, ere this by everybody but ours elves, and we have remembered it only to- prove, when the time c&me« that we were right. TVe now know that Mrs. Beauregard has been in or near New York all summer, and that she is or. was, d few days since, residing at Hoboken. The fact is of no very great interest, except as nn evidence of the truth- of our original state ment, and possibly as an indication that Gcni Beauregard does not consider the South a desirable, it may be not even a cafe place of residence for his family.—X T. Tribune.- - Ai>ticb to Ophba Gokbs.—NeTcr Tolin> teer to take any lady to d performance 'which you are particularly Qgßlrooa of hearing,' for lear ehe.. would has brgtm, and want to go homU' ThcobseryancQ of this rule will by no means be necessarily eclfielness. If yon wish to be kind to her and treat htr to an opera, do to, only wait till you ere asked. Then yon will find that aha will not fall 111 at the theatre, or it the does, bo much the better, as far w your entertainment ie concerned; for you will have taken her to Ufc*x tunic which yon don't ears about, frem which you win be gl*i to get away.— VvvrJi SjjStta£«as& 1$ ottos. MILITARY GOODS*— Cooley, Fisarsu, t et (J ;! Dry Goods Jobbers, 43, 44 & 4fi WABASH AVENUE, In addiacn to their ertauslTO regular etsci or Dr? Poods, beve on band a full jweortmsat of Military Clotha and Cstiiaetcs. Ann? Blues and other Colors, which niU BE SOLD CHEAPER *lba& patriotism Couth of Mason and IHxoa’s r,ig«. Any etc wtiiins to fay tts ud callandtee. * jeai —in- mi'm 3 Mt?i3 MS SifM SO. 99 .IL.—.^,uiES«3sSr....**ww*.2R3,-»N 2Z2e We trmle r=sp~otfaiiy ca? the attention o! city sad Conafry Merchanta to cnreztcnslrettockofEcoaanS Gioee, which "re have sot? tn escre, tnl are dally re ceiving from ccr Factory In West BoyLrton- maw.. which consists of a foil assortment o* those Celebrated Custom-Hade FatnoSir andCelfiandG-rsisW&terProOC Boots; togutiier wlih ala fl«tock cf all sty las of SPRING A3HD> SUKSEE GOODS*! ' 0? &9 best quality end masn&cture, which w* are rra.’ : psr&i to.eell .‘cr CASH end prompt psyos tr&U at Boston and Kei? York Jebbir> Prise" ..We ore Agents for the saleoi MUoaKTs gateatilrtaL HoTlpßoog eod Shosw to aP the States. r £'UTTLE i HIBBARD Ss C 0 HfiPOETEBS OF HARDWARE AND TIM PLATE, 62......LAKE5T8EET...,..6a We orer to the Trade, at the LOWEST MARKET •PRICES:— C.SOO borca TEf PLATE, A<M bdls SHEET IRON, SM _ * EUSBIAISDN. ISO **■; TVrPpATTOX’ •RTTRgT 23,500 **" BRIfiRT «riil A 7WV AT.TI -VyrnT!, . ; 325 Casks SHEET ZINC, ‘ 10 tone PIG TUT, - . lbs. COPPER BOTTOMS, . 1 10 seta TINNERS’ TOOLS and MACHINES, SO BRIGHT OZ and COIL CHAINS. ; LOCO doe. AXES, ‘ - 1,200 “ EHO7EI£, SPADES and SCOOPS, 30 tons SAD ISONS, • TUlrii, iIIBBARQ & GO. OCTSr*^ Cornet of State and Lake atresta. •■jo njjsroia sssrohants, iß6i i csra:.......ißei, ; WliEB s WILLIAMS A VALE, JOBBERS O* HATS, OAFS. STRAW GOODS, FAR&. . SC&S AN2> "CIEBKBIiIaA^ « 1... ....LANS BTBHBT, CHICAGO Invite the specliJ attention of Illinois mearchanta to their very lar?e,well sssortedand unusually attractive Eprlcg Stock far ISSL' which will bs otfered at low pri ces, and on favorable terms for Cash or Approved Credit. • SET* Hrompt and earcfhl attention given to order!. ; • - -WEBKH. WIV-T.TAM& A VAT.W- 1851.—SPRING TRADE.—IBBI. FIELD, BESEDtST & CO., SI and S3 South Water Street, Dgoenotg abz> jobbzss of ' Foreign and Domestic Woolens, LINEN AND COTTON GOODS, ADAPTED TO THE TRADE can rely upon finding at thla old es tablipbod-house-a full line of Piece Goode, adapted to Hen a Ware, at the LOWEST PRIORS. AGENTS FOB THE AMEEICA27 FASSIOXS. gABCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH STREET, Mahogany, Eosewood and Walnut. ALSO, SHAMES, BlSlReneaiß ft BSisnflß FURNITURE IN CHEAT VAKIETT. "Wood Beat and Cane-Seat Chairs, Bedsteads and Ba rcftns. School Furniture on hand and to Order. S&~ Funicular attention paid to Country Order*. • QalS-a-smi 'gTASDWAKB, TUS FLATS EBETAJL WARSHOUSiB, Established in 1844. WILLIAM BLAIB & CO. 176 lake Street, Chlease* Having received our Spring Stock, wo offer At the Very Z*oweat Sarksi SUtes, i.OL<O Boxes Tin Plate, assorted slzec. S£OC Bdli. cbeet Iron, Ho, 15 to Ko, S3, &CCQ lbs. Capper Bottoms. Brszler*B Copper. 1305 Bdla. Bright Wire, No. G to NO. 35. ». £€■ Casts Sheet Zinc, assorted widths. Bdla.-Bert Xtenwe W3re.-Ho*. 7, B and-9. r ifiOO Kegs NaUfl. WUeellng and other prime Dtasda. AGBICBLTDBAI* TMPLSMEMTS of sll deserl> Cons st Factory prices. A complete tusortamatof Cutlery. Shelf nardwarew TOmertToalß. Japannod and Pressed Tin Ware, saa Tinners Goods of -deseziptioos npon ft* lavorakle terms, as the goods can bs procured from any market. • WILT,IS If O.B. KXLBO3C, O.W.B2LSS3T. [aplS-Sldy] i mm marsh a m 37 Lake St. - - 43 watiast Avs., Cenioncinsto the pressure of the times, we here determined upon C3BiCILIA?SSM AME SONSISSiOM, Bo ar as they can be effected bj Xicw Frlces, VTc Shall offer AT WHOLESALE ttreuzhont the season and curia* the present agitations a atocc of Dry Goods, Hoisery and Hotions, UnearpMsedia ffttSSSsSS, BHIAPKBB AI9 REAL TALBS. -Those are tones for .iSciiotio rather ilia:-. T&'-a-rtis, And wu have determined on a course of hard work, rJjrid economy and SMALL PROFITS. and It will bo SUICIDAL on the part of CLOSE BUYERS not to ex amine our famines of SHOWS brands OF HEAVY DOMESTICS. HOSISSY, COTTOKADZS AKD DRKSS GOODS. felWy 16 A IS ...STATESTBHBT....IB & 18 I. E. 11l I El, WHOLESALE GROCERS, Cash Bayers sr? particularly Writedtc an examinsttoa of oar block of O-HOCteRIIEBa Flsfe, WoedcE Wars, DRIED FRUITS, -fee., &C, 6. C. €OOI & €O., 16 & 18..7.3 TATS STREET—I 6 Sc 18 mbS*My 3SaUrcass. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL- X ROAD, CHANGE OF TME. - On and after SUNDAY, Jolv SSth, ISSI. trains will leave hem the Great Central Depot, foot of Lake and Brnth Water streets, as follows: THROUGH EXPRESS, dally (except Sunday!), at G:SO A. iL, arriving at Cairo at 13 midnight. - This train connects for-Pearia Altm, St. Lonla, M e mphl a. New Orleans and Mobile. _ ACCOMMODATION (every day) at 4tlO P.M.for Cairo and Way Stations, arriving at Coin at next day ' Thtotralnon Saturdays win run.only to Urbans. . Trains arrive at Chicago 9tS«» AM. and »;00 P. iL HYDE PARK aHD WOOD LAWN. Train* will leave Chicago; Leave Wood Lawn: CKWA.SU &45A.SU S.-45 A. M.. 9:23 A. St, 12*0 M-. 1455 P.M., S.-COP.M* JiBP.H, For tickets and Information apply attheoSce in the Great Central Depot . w. B. ARTHUR, Gen. Shift. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen. Pass. Agent. ■RACINE AND MISSISSIPPI Xii . RAILROAD. LOWEST FARE And Shortest Time s>y this Bonte BELOIT, FREEPORT, CU.B. M ASO DUBUQUE. On aad after EX?BB£6 -PAESEItttEIS TRAINS leave oiHy from the Depot of the • CHICAGO A3SDSOS: AT 8:00 A. M. and $.-00 P, M, Fare to BELOIT. .....99.50, Fare to FREEPOBT.. 9S4W. Fare to GALENA..... tAfO. Fare to DUBUQUE tS.OO. Time Sared, Chicago to 8e10it..... .1 hour Sf . do. Chicago to Freeport. .58 minutes. C in icare Fracpcrt fcrCMcogo at, _ 1 £ 2 o'clock P.H* arrive at 63D p. M. 10 o’clock P. It, “ SSOA.iL Time SayEd, Freeport to Chicago...! hoar and 40 “ , Beloit ** . .Zhonra; 22min. Mr- Tickets for sale at the Racine and IQainippi Bailro&d Office, opposite the Chicago and Northwcw criil3epot - General Th*etA^ T £^ea. MATT. TATLOR, Sppertntendeci. -Je24.e5Q6-tf H. Tf. 6BIBWOLP, Agent, Chicago. CT. LOOTS, ALTOX AKD CHI. O CAGO RAILROAD LINE. BD9IIIICB ABBANGEJULIX, One Erpress and M&n Tra n leaves W«t ade Union Sunday.) - "WllitJocton and-Joliet Accoafinodation Train leaves at ssiOJB.M. daily, (except Sunday), and .amvee at UhW A, iLd*nr .(except Sunday 1 ... Thrcnxh Freight Tralnleavoa at fcflap.M. daUy(ex- T JAMES EOBB. BwalTO.- ' Irntelligeuct Offices. (\ L D ESTABLISHED STREET. MWB. BATES desire* to remind her mend* and peSroca tkar *e to etni to be Ibeed it the above olee when aim la ready to *appl» them with competent kelp for emj etaUou. Ofdcratrtnn th*Doanirrpa*c»o«sd to r O.norarso* yafwfjv I eiJic-Ir ■;3 :li :2 ol'Ji: Ssscissaas* THE PENNSYLVANIA. GEN - iL TEAIiHAJLEOAI) Isa a First-Class Seal la ull. riipecU. ' •• ’ With 265 Miles cf Double Track, DAILY TBAIE3 (With coanccSois from, an pci&ts west),. ; FF.CM miSCOfiG TO PHIUDFIPfiIA P/ ■ - - Al’ connecting direct to How TorX Hctjuug Mail, Afternoon Fast Line Night Express. One i i ain ll&Uy from riltstmrg to Kew Twit, CK? stilts). without ctsngn cf car* VIA ALLFKTOWN AND EASTON, Willi dl::ft cxmccticss from Western ClUea. arriving hours in advance of other routes, in Has lor Boston 1? Hill cr L:a 11: :s. Express Trains Hus. Dally««0!lier» Sundays Exceptode NIKE DAILY TRAINS from PSCadelphla to New York. Tickets good on ans Ino cr train. New York or Boston Tickets via Pittsburg good via Philadelphia cr AHonICT/u.’ BOAT TICKETS TC BOSTON Gocdvlaenjof tteEcatLlasi. Two Bid!y Ctemeotioiis from Harrisburg to . Baltimore and Washington. BAGGAGE CHECKED. THROVGR—ALL TRANSFERS FREE. BASE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. Buy Tlclcets -via IPitts’b-arg, TICKETS FOB SALE AT ALT. MAIN OFFICES. • n ; ; FREIGHTS. ■ By tMs route Freiehts o£ sli description; can be lor* ward*d£roai-FhDadelphls,NewYork.Bosto:i or Bal* tlmore.xo and fmn aa* print on the raUroada ox Ohio Kentacty. Indlnsa, DllnolE, Wieconrip, lowa or ilia bootLbt Rateeoad direct.. - Tue Pears? also connects at Pitts burg witlirteamera. by which goods can be forwarded to an? pcrton’he Ohio, anakmgnm. Eeatnnky, tec cezsee Cmiberlsnd, Uslr.ol°, Mississippi Wisconsin. U:s«turl, Hamas, Arkansas and Bed Elvers; and at Cleveland, fcsncrrrsky and Chicago, with steamers to all ports on the Nontewestem Lakes.- ’ Merchants and" Shippers entrnsacg the tioa cf theirFrelalit with this Company, can rely rfS.- confii'.toee on Its speeds transit: T6E BATES OP FREIGHT to and from infhe Wtetbythe Pennsylvania BaHro?'!. iv tJmcfiss favorable at are charged by Omsr Companies- "^uruaa l»^Be particular to mark pacStges* ! viA Pzss±. & 1?J. BOTKDEE, FhlMelpli'a. V*®AWi aui}l>B.Bj (IflllllOM.. • • • JV ow— . ... rvsiaihore. LEECH A GO . No. 2 astor Hoose, cr Ko. I South Vi)!taus street, Ke w Tor*. LEhCB & CO., Ko. 77 State Street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent Phils. L L. BOUPT, General Ticket Agent. Bella. Enoch Lawib, Gen. B apt, Ait-oua, Pa. jauT6odly rj-RS AT OONSOUDATEB VJ ‘LESS!! CDfCUIJHATI AHR CHtCAQO Alt LIKE SAILRDAS. Forty Ides the Shortest Route to Cincinnati Indianapolis and Lonirville, TWO EXPRESS TRAINS leave Weat Side Uklm Dwct Chlcagadsßy. ae ioIIowb; -554- rf “5. a ?. % lir££a ’ (Saudaya excepted.) - US WITHOUT CHANGE OP CAB 3. • EABtBEk CojOTcnoue—At Anderson and Kith monitorPecna.Uroaaa. Dayton,- Xenia, Golambcs. and all point* in Central K<mt»»ni Ohio. •Bouthebw Coksuctxohb—At indlanaoolls fci -franklin, Colrnnhue, Maliaos, Lawreuceburz. Jefter sonvHle, acd ali {mints In Central and Southern In- Connecticna at dneinnati for Hamden. Marrietta Parkersburg, and points on the Ohio River • TIE? toCmclunari only 12 honi*. Elegant Sleeping Carson Bigit Trains 1 ThronA tickets by this line can be obtained at aB principal P*llrcad Odious in the Northwest, and at the Company’s Office, No. 13S Bandolph street, Chicago, CtmdertheSherman House.) JOHN 6KANDT, BuporintendeuL CB AS. E. FOLLSTT, Gen’l. Ticket Agent. myll IVPCHIGASr CENTRAL RAIL JJJ. HOAD. GREAT CENTRAL RCOTE To New Tork, Zfew England mad tbe Oaiiadait On and after SUNDAY, May 12th. ISO. trains lea?< the Great Central Union Depwt, toot of Uaku streets, as fonovB: 4:4* A, J£.—Stops at an Stations, and arrives at Us troft at 6.20p zel AOO A. M.—Lightning Expreaa (except Banda?), ar rive at Detroit at fcOo p. m.; Suspension Bridge tOu a. m,; Albany 2sa)p. el; ifcw ___ _,, York <3op.nußoston 11:45p .tsu 6KW P. if.—New York and Boston ExpreM (except Saturday), arrive at Detroit &40 a. m.; (Toronto S.-42 p. cl; Montreal 12,-oe m o finspension Bridge or Buffalo 630 p. m. Albany &5C p. m.j Sew York 93G a. m. Boston Viffip.m. &DO A. if,—Cincinnati kt press (except Sunday), ' through to Cincinnati in 12 hoars. 830 F. M.—Cincinnati andLouievillePxDress (sxceut Saturday), throush to Cincinnati la 13 . , hours, Louisville In 14 hoars. tsr SaJsDory’* Patent Busters are ran on Dw Bx preaa Trains. Irateat Sleeping Cars on Night Trains Baggage Checked Through. THROUGH TICKETS for sale In all principal Ball road Offices la the West, at the General Office, corner Lake andDearbomstreets (cadtr the Tremont Home) Chicago, and at the Depot. __ . N. BICE. Gcceral Superintendent. J. Q. A. BEAN. Western Passenger ray 1 QCI SKITS'© AISD SUMMER aUUI# ABIiA-,' GHMEK T. Michigan Soudiera & Lake Shore HAILKSAD. Mtti!«tter Eima»T,4rxßy.aad wita farilier no ■Cq irolES wul leave a & fallows: •.00 AM- Dally except Sunday reaches Toledo • - iW9UO NXWTOKKASD BOSTON SXH.KKBH; 8.06 A. M- Bait except Sunday, reach® Tc-ledr via Air Line 6t 433 P.M. * ? 9.00 P.IL, CaHy except Tola „ do via OldEoad *1430 a. m. pmoiT Exposes: 6-00 A iL Daily except Sunday, reaches metre* via Old Line at G3O P. M. 5.00 P. M, Daily except Saturday, readies 3?t trolt at 7.15 -e. PrrTSBtrH6H AJTD Prm » fygr.-p'HT t j£xPES3B VIA. Tor e, no USD — v » v ft* 8.00 A.i L.l Makes cloee connections at Clera , r iland—rims always as quick, and fart 8.00 F. iL, J always aa low as an? other rente. _AU the above trains make regular connections t£ Xhirklrk. Buffalo. Niagara Falls. Albany. New Torfc Boston. Philadelphia BaltiinGn!. and all pelats Eioi Sahabury’s Patent Dusters used on all trains. Luxurious new Sieec-ing Coaches, with all modem improvements used only on this and all connecttaj TnroDgh Tickets can be c-btclnsd at the Company Office, So Clark street, under the Sbcmos House ~o; at the Depot corner of Van Boren and Sherman sta. JOHiV D. CAMPBELL. GSO. JL G3AY, 6en’l Sapt„ Toledo. O. Seal Westers ASt "pmSBUHGH, FT. WAYNE £ X CHICAGO RAILROAD. Passenzor Trains leave the Depot, comer of Mad) l bod mo Canal streets, Chicago dally at 6:o# A. K. Fast Line (except Sundays.) 7:40 P; M, Klghl Express (except Saturdays.) FOE BOSTON, SEW YWJK, PfflLilEtPaii, BALTIMORE, WASHINOTON, Harrisbiirg &• Fittsburg, Also—FOE ALB ART. BUFFALO. DUHSESK CLEVELAND COLUMBUS, CJHOIN KATL DAYTON. An i nil Intermediate Statical; Chicago *-y the dries tbovo named. i WplngCanon alnLt trains, and bagpaga Try t*u rsaie cbeclteu tbrocjrc to aU Eastern Ctnea. Tlcifets for sale at vie prlaclpal *nci:et Wept at the Company's Cilice. corner ofSaad-lph saC Dearborn streets, and at tin. Union Depot, TTt»t Eli: C&icego, 3). W. 'ROE-5, West’ll FaM. Awnt B. F. PATRICK, Ticket Afieut. TO BUFFALO, TU NCBTH 8HO&5. Through in Twenty Honrs without landing. The fist loir pressure Steamer FOREST QOSES, Capt Pflrssas Skstox, wHi leave the Dock of Jr-hn Botching! ft Co. Detroit, ior Buffalo, ever* MONDA.T BTEKIfiG, it 7 o'clock, on the arrival of the Western tr.Uns. Leave Buffalo for Detroit every WEDNES DAY EVENING, at 8 o'clock, making Railroad con nection* at both ends of the route. TicForast Queen has saperiorpassengeramllrefctht accommodations and makes tfco trip across Lake Erie without lancing. Freight and Stock carried at Propeller rate*. Cabin passage to Buffalo includes meals Drck u u « i?^n Railroad Tick ets good. . P p nta J JOHN HUTCHINGS* CO. Detroit | jjxTLfi c ARNOLD, Bn£Mo. JyJgßs-18w Q. ALENA & CHICAGO UNION RAILROAD.—3PBT?»q ABXASBXSOnfT. On and after Monday, April l«th. isSL trains wtt leave Weas sheet depot as follows, Sandays excepted 8.45 A, JL &T'd 0.15 I’. SL. for Bslvldcre, Koskfcrd Freeport, Warran, Galena, Dunleith. Duhnqca, and in termediate potato; 9.45 A. M. 840 ?. M., fes Dixon, Polo.* niton, Cedar Eaplda, and Intermediate potato; MOF. H. for Stain. Belviclcre. Eockford, and intermediate potato; 840 F. M-for Genera and inter mediate points. Passengers for Beloit and .TanesrllU win ta*ke the 0.40 4. M. train. Passengers for Crystal Lake, McHenry, Richmond, Genst* Lake and Inter mediate pcistc, will take the 400 A, M, train. Sleeping Cars on night trains. * E. B. TALCOTT, sen. Scot G.IL WHEELER, Gen. Passenger Ag*t Jyi CHICAGO. BURLINGTON £ \J QUINCY RAILROAD. Passenger Trains leave and arrive at Chicago ie lol> lows;— Mail leaves at 8,45 (Sunday* excepted), arrives at 7.00 p. (Sundays exceptwL) Sxpree* leaves at 8.45 p. x, (Saturdays excepted), arrive# at 7.15 A, x., (Mondays excepted.) Aurora Acccsunoda don leaves al 4,-Ou p. x., (Sundays excepted), arrive* atlfcls.i.x, (Saturdays cxe-.-piei) Q. V. EAMHOSD, SapX rpiOAGO AND MILWAUKEE BAILKOAD. For SDlwaakee, Lt Crone, St. Fa«] Oskkodt* Berlin, aci lnscrme>> dlate Points. On sad alter Wednesday. May fiTt, 1931. Passenger trains viE leave the Depot, corner of West- Klnzie aad Canal street# (Sundays excepted, aafoUows: gM A. N. and £OO P. M., and arrive at Milwaukee ttllMAEaiulliMF.M. Paaaenaer train arrives at Chicago at 1:50 P.M. and MOP.M. WAUSEQAK ACCOMMODATION TRAIN leaves Chit ago at §O9 P. iL. and arrives at Chicago at &£? A. M. S. G.BALDWK, ays'll Scperlatendent. QLETELAyP AKD BUFFALO. 2AHWAI 18 e x. Ths SScfcJs*a Southern Hallroad Companya splen did Fasssoger Steamers CITY OF BOTTAXO, 2.100 tons burthen, A. £>. PBEXIKB, COHSumzx. », 2.000 tom ImrtLaxij L. B. GOLDSMITH, COiaciSDZB, •WHL on and alter Jane Mth. leave C. ft T. Co's BtCleveandfor Bnffalo alternately every evening at 9 o'clock, except Saturday and Son day. FailroadTlcielsgp'd on Steam era. firs t-class rare inclndeaMeal? and State Bootna, WIftXSSV Theee Boats hire so equals for Speed. Safety and Comfort. Connections made at Buffalo wlta trains for Klagara Falls, Saratoga, New York. Boston, Ac, Ac. Fmnbt rates ssme as Pro roller. Ttnje quicker than by other routes. J. C. HARRISON, Manager, Buffalo. ijrwreß Mouse, Freight Agent, Cleveland. leiAeSS-fen AND SOUTHWEST \J 3BH KiILWAT. .• For Socmcrd, Beioit, Freeport, JanesvDls, Galen*. Madison, Prune du Chleo,7ond da Lac, Oshkosh Green Bay. Berlin. Rlpos, La Crosse, St. Paul. Ac. On and after Wednesaay.Mayßtn, 1961, Cains wE Through to all the above -points, and connecting a; tooth ratirto duCiden andLc Croeas, with, steamer • P. M.rftsG P.M. *™ SB Snpezintendant. - E. ©a ‘Witt Sohihsov. G en. Ticket Agent. oclSd? /CHICAGO & KOOK ISLANB V/ narr.TM%Aa UNE.—Passenger train* depart eepOd; *rSW at C.15 A, MgMoatojtexceptcA Join AoooeaiaocstiM 6-M P. MJSaadayß ecce*- : JOHKF,TSACF,^es.anp I . ‘ W’.T..!r Ctrl -ign-.v c 3Legal Hahetttßesnrsi?, ; : r rr.Usa>ii; i ji , a sals.—wseteasi Bdwmaa'and Alvin F, Bajrmaa.h’j ,wlfc.c!d,cnt*ieecc<.cd C3yoi4aaa.iL D. l%leio cute srd delivsr to Sella Brunch a certain trust died, cecwjtag certain Tots of land and premises therein ooccnbec. is treat to secure tas of a Certain for the stun -.f hundred and torty ccLors {tltJil tiiTi.a fiestrlbsd and coec'Scd. which deed l-recordcdls tie Zectrdert OCca of Ceos County, in BcoßNo. 157 c? Deeds,atpa'*ea‘2itaad2l% and whereas. It wss provided In calatiuit deed, that Incasedtfaultifcould bsmaielnthopaynisutof said P’orcbeory note by the sail Jeeso E. Bow can. or any pm thereof; wtcaltalurah3 become daeaocordlng to tte Icccr aid effect dot sot Cun. on appUcad'n of the r cider of tald acta. It should be lawful tor the i aid -Ebßa French to sell Kid dipose cf said premises or enyrartthereof and all right, benefit and equity of recemptiOEOfthesaJdßownuaaad wife, their usirs or 1 aedena thcrfla, lathe manner proscribed in said deed; andwhoroasyainoß the execution and deilverr or s&U deed, the eald Rolls Breach has departed this lire, and upon the application of the holder cfeatd note, by LU 1 duly breugirt Li the Superior Coart of Chicago. Bitting asECouitor was on the second day of July,' * A. D. ISil erdersa and decreed by said Court that Anfop G, Bower be appointed trastoa in the place sod steadcf liiataldllGlijt Frsnca,eo deceased as afors c-aiO: end whereas, default Las been made In Che pay* I mettof aaldnotc.-and the holder thereof has male application to the said Arson Q-. Bower, to advertise roraalc-, and to s&ll and dispose cf the lets and premises acccr.ilsgtc the prctlslocs of the said trust f reed: sow, therefore, notice Is hereby eWea. that 1,- t the taM Acscn G .Bower, trustee as aroteasld. will ou i the fifteenth Wth] day of August, A. D. ISSI at the hour of ten o'clock in the fwenecs, at the north docc cf the Court Bouse, In Chicago, Ccok County, Slate of Illinois. oSpr for eale end sell at public aactlou, iir the th-hett tod befit nice that the Bame will bring 'a cash, the premises aloreeaid. whh all the right benefit and t cully cf redemption of the said Jesse B. Bowman - and wif*’. therein. The said prembea are situated In * tLeCouutyofCookandStateof U’lcole.aod described safcllewß: Lots numbered fbnr [<i. nice ID\ ten nav twelve C’2l thirteen [i*l. fourteen ruj,‘twenty-one [2lj, twenty-two [2* l In the town of Bowusaaviife. be* j ituapartol thenorthone-fotmh of theweataalf efthe southeast quarter cf section «o twelve tia] in township Ho. lorty [4o], range No. thirteen [lll east - , f the third principal meridian, reference being had. t t tor “'- tdC '- fU!S ° r 801783.1* " Chicago. August Ist, issu w QTATE OF TLTiIErOIS. r iO ty. Fs.—Snpsdor Court cf Gb* ,„_, r Term, A. D. 26sl—J«a» -gig?. "SSIAijS? t and GrenvUleS. Ingraham v >, * lie notice Is hereby given ♦ -v Cnarlesi that a writ of attachme* the said CUurlCa the Clerk oi theSupp* Issued out of offlw-« seventeenth day of *icr Court of Chicago, dated r said James McKl- D. ta_ 1* Tlile S. Ingrahp * jra P. > CLartesDam' and agamst the estate of Ihewuu 9 alnetj-one- for the sum of fhnr hnudred amrt Ccok cor* 5*J W dpjlsrs. directed to toe Sheriffof 3- cuted. whichealdvmshas been retume<reis -4 •«■ A>,irTi t^Stor^n^ €ft3 ycu * tte Charles t #vgl^^a^ssgassraaisrigs plea l to tha MiaJndgaieat andfestf saaff^Be | “• SALE.-Whereas, 1 John S. Wright and C. B. Wright, his wife. did. on the Uth day of September. A. D. i&A execute and ■ deliver a certain deed of trust, bearing (Lite as afure *° said, and recorded In the Recorder's OSce ot Cook county, State of mmols, in Book 99 of deeds, page w hereby they ccnveyed to Alexander SUlercbnala pruuUee in »id trust deed described, whluh said trust ceedwaattadrto secure the payment of a certain ■preiTrifsorT note therein described; and whereas, de — fault has bcenmadelatfaepaynientcf said note, and r% application having been made to me by the leealhold* & erof sr-ld note, to sell Bald premise* under am deed of trust: now. therefore, public notice Is hereby giy. tp, that X shall s«U at public anctino, at the north door pf the court UOPH in the city of Chicago, to the hlgh e.-1 bidder, for cash, for the purposes In said trust deed expressed, at ten o’clock A. M., on Wednesday, the 1 seventh day of August, IS6J. the premisf s lu said tru*t deed described, to wit: Lots two tf), five (3). seven Ct) twelve OS. thirteen C 3), and an undivided half of » four M) of the northeast quarter of section Ho. twelve 02 ) township No. thirty-nine Qs) north of raugo No thirteen (12) east, in Cook county. llllaoß, with all the ' privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, ■> -undautho rleht and equity of redemption of said Johns. Wright and C. B. wrlnht therein, h atTky., Trustee a. Chicago, Jaly2s, 'SSL jyfJjE'ltMd, E-ske Ctsngpgttaiton. THE WESTERS TRANSPORTATION CO. AKD WESTERN EXPRESS. 18 6 1. THE WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COM PANY having made arrangements to run their Lake btsam Propeller* on alternate days with those of tne NEW FORK CENTRAL MICHIGAN CENTBiI. BAILBOABS, Numbering twenty nine first-class, etannch and strong steamers now otter to the mercantile and commercial public, the following evidently, superior fa-dlldes for the transportaticn of merchandise and, prod ace to and irom the Eastern, western, Noithern and Southwest ern Stales. The Company's unequalled CANAL facili ties consoling of 130 Canal Boats, Of the largest class, six of which leave New York and Buffalo daily, connecting at Buffalo with the following Propeller Lines, enables It tooffer merchants and ahli> pers superior inducements for their patremige THE WESTERN EXPRESS, (Owned and operated by this Company) will run over the New York Central Railroad to Buffalo, connecting with the various Rallro.-itis leading West, and with the following Lines of Propellers on the Upper and Lower 'S'lie Upper take i-lne Bally. W. T. Co. Steamers. B. C. & C. Line Steamers. TONAWAKBA, FOUNTAIN CUT, FREE STATE, WENONA, MOHAWK, MENDOTA, PITMOtTH. EVERGREEN CITY, NEPTUNE, GALENA, MAX FLOWER, CHICAGO, Leaving the dock at Brio Basin, and foot of Michigan rtreet, every evening at 7 o’clock. For freight orcas sage apply at the Western Transportation Office, Erie Bruin.end the Bcffalo.. Cleveland and Chicwre Line Office, foot of Michigan street. " ForßlDs lading and contracts by Canal or Railroad, apply to the following Agents: EVERETT CLAPP, Agent, No. 1 Cocatid Slip, N. T, HUSH ALLEN, Frit Agent, - ** “ X H. PETERa, Fr'tAgenh 9AstorHouse, ** X CO* SON. *• “• “ I* « S. G. CHASE. Agent, 113 Pier, Albany, N. T. S. G. CHASK. Agent. J9i Elver street, Ttor, N. T. H.X GRISWOLD, Frt Agt 191RLrer at., ** - J. L. KURD A CO-Hurd’s Deck. Detroit, Mich. J. J. TALLMADGS. Agent, Mlealsslpol and Ftalris dn Chlen Railroad Dock, Milwaukee. Wla. E. X BUCK. Agent. Green Bay. TO F. EUBD, Freight Agent, Boston. JOHN ALLEN, J2- Preeldont, Buffalo. CONSIGNEES: BOND A SPENCER, Cleveland. Ohio. DENNISON B SMITH & CO ..Toledo, Ohio. J. M. OSBOisN, Sandusky, Ohio. JOHN HEARN * Ct'- Erie, Penn. DUTTON & RAYMOND. Facine, WIl. KENOSHA PIER COMPANY, Kenoeha, Wls. W. E. WRIGHT & 00„ Waukegan, m. J. fTktrklaND, Shebcygon, RICHMOND & TXTXTI.H, Agents, Jy24-g!9B 4m Foot of State street; Chicago, 1861. TEB SSBTHESS TEMSFOETATIOS €6. Win during the present season, ran tbelr line cf FIRST CLASS SCREW STEAMERS Begularly fc rtweea 9cSoual>iirslx« Cape Vincent, Oaprosc, and t3ie Upper bailee, • /ommrs A. DAILY For Cleveland, Sandusky, Toledo end Detroit. &cfi 'TKI-TVTiIEKXiY T/TNTPX Ic-andtrum Chicago, illlrantec, andlnt-anncdla sorts. Connecting with the Esilrcads betwesn oorgLaud Boston, Lowell, Lawrence, Naahaa, Han. Chester, Concord, Worcester, Fxtchburgh. KcentiSil lows Falls, Bull and, Burlington, and other interme diate point*. At Cape Vincent with the Watertown and Borne SaC And at Oswego with the New Oswego Line of Cans! Boats between Oswago, Troy, Albany and New York. iS*~ Through, freights subject to but one tranship, mmt £*r Connecting at Chicago with the several Line* o: rtaiiio£.da to thoSouth and West. AGENTS AND CCNBISHEBtI. J, limsß, Ko. 131 Broadway, New TotX J. L. WABK3m, No. S CoentiN Slip, New Yozi.. vCiarHocETxo.No.BPStateptreeLEofctoa. - C. h. Tsoiosoir, Ogder- e bureh, N, T. J. H. CRaacBKRiJW, OgdengbundL N. 7. Sso. A. £bi>t. Oawcgo, N. Y. 'Sbawfoed & Eotbt. Oswego. N. Y. W&uczk & Hatxs, Toledo. Ohio. t.. K, Matbkwb, Detroit, Ml eh. G. J. Halt. Milwaukee, wit. Tatlob, Mttbeat A Co- Karina, Wla. Pxltojt & Brass. Cleveland. UATHSB A CO* Chicago. apteCS&n IgUFFALO,- OHIO A GO AND Boros Efdlroad Lise. SHiP?Eai CF PiCBIGE MS BUBHAWiK- TAKE NOTICE I TheißuSblo and Lake Hurra BaHwsy Company haylr-s oomph;ted thoir arrangements far a Tri-W ee^3 Use 8 f 51rst-€ifis Serev Stensis:- -580 BDITH,. 549 tcsi-.-.C&pt L, Huai. ONIONAGCS... -.587 Susa....QtpL B. Wiikiifl, To run between CHICAGO and GODZBICH, C. W_ CTODCHiEO AT ALT. ISTSIRETOTaTP POSTS-J la dJr€« eoaneetlos with the BUFFALO & IrAKT* Em»fi S« 8,, For Buaio asd at Buffalo with ths NSW YG3S « ERIE E. E* for New York and -Boston, and st Strap ford. C.W- with ths GRAND TBHNE R. 8.. of Canada.- for Toronto, Kingston, Ggdsnshnrgh, Montreal, Pert •and and Boston, andiuso with ateamers, oailt, frem Pori. Dalhonsle, Kir Rochester. Oswego, Backetts Har bor. Cape Vincent, Ogdenabnrgh, a->fi vriv»- tre&l,'offering muerlcr Inducements tor the spates transportation cf ray and an property committed he their care. ph Shippers from tbe EaatJ’or Lake Michigan porfea will find It to their interest to chip by this line. Peis? more railroad and leas water than any other bus. and a eavlcu ol Oso-Hall Insurance and from & to > DATE THIS. For further particulars, apply to A. T. SPENCER A CO mbfeSfit-te GenTWesCnAs’ta. foot South Shutaiioaal. JJUSH MEDICAL COLLEGE, CHICAGO, ILL. NINETEENTH ANNUAL SESSION. 1351-2. Pre liminary Course will begin Oct- 2. Regular Session Oct-15. faculty Dan'l Brmlsard, M. J>„ J. T.Z. Disney, M. D. J. A dams ABem U. D. «*. R li. Sra, M. I>« Anatomy, . De Lasble Miller. M D Obstetrics. Retrains togals-M. I),. Tier. Se Ma t~ filed. EpTflaPoweiLiL D .Demonstrator. Fzss-840. DSssMting and Mat Tickets each is. Boai d f? ?0 to f3 per week. For forth er information or circular, address JjSogaftMwß4tW S. Li. BEA. Sec'y, VOTING LADIES’ SEMINARY, JL At Laxk Forest. Tt.t, . ran Tem la this Institution. conducted us hitherto oy Bor. Dr, D’ridnscn and Damrtteri. ■will ccmmence on-WEDNESDAY. the4th dayof Septem ber. For Circulars, Ac, address the UDdeniened, Lite Forest July am. ISA.' B ' ®ot)acco & CO.’S Kaaafaclared Tobaccs. EWING, BRIGGS, & CO., Wkdsals Grocsra, *E 3nib TTator^si., Are Ara» at notes*!* Or the «t»cve caisbrMßd mate of Tobacco at mafi«X»ctar«r*s oriels, frtirtH ad - -e3, 4?nr c*octr cv bwt anTM’fcJvcta Aggsl -gMwstisroiraa. ■ V/f AbTEK’S BALBL —Stata of E!i- XiX Ccoh, £3.—Superior court of Chicago —l:aae a. Tool .va. B. W. I?nrte-t*—.9n» * 0 fortenee mortgage.—Pinfflo aokce la hareby clt---*' that fci pnssusace end in virtue of a dscrctsi order c> tercd In the &.l>c-ve entitle csusc, on the 9>d dsr m May, AP.isniT.lmJ’.Klchols.e Special Ma?Ur in Ctas-xr~, fcrtintpnrpcseftDpcintic by the said Sn- Serior Cccrt cf Cinnssc. trilt tell at public ancCoc to in UlrL c: liit’-r fer ce-L, at tie ncr.h mor ot ti a court Lci-52 ci the county cl Cc-ok, In the city of Cd ceco. in raid county of Conk and cf imucla.ct iiOKLAY, the nineteenth day of Austin, A. D. hn, attenokjoclrlnthefcrecoosof thatcay. the fellow- wit; Lot number ttvctve OS of Poor; subdivlsicn of lots fifteen (16). sixteen 1 16) find seventeen 0.7) in block fifty six &>). in Caaat Trus'ee; 1 eubdivticn of fectlon seven () tcrv_i nlr.o (sn north of range fourteen fit) east of id proud pal msiid'an. excepting a triangular piece of land, de scribed as fellows, to wit: Commencing at the north eert corner of said lot number twelve (12); thenco running»cuth three (&> feet; thence in a cortbweeter ly direction to a point twenty CH) frKa north east corner cf «ei<i let upon the nerth line of said 1-5 : thence cart to the plsce o' brglcnlng—or much o. : &£da premises as say be necessary to ss'dsiy the. amount due crnpWrar.t un-ier «sM and co«t 3 - togetter unit Spsclai Master's fees. comraiitUons and dlibur-'cmcrt- ou?aid sale. IB4J KiCHoLS, Special Maarer In Cnancsrr, apr-omted hrtheSuoirfor _Court cf Chicago, to cake ta!d sal?/ DEtcdfttCtlfago, Juiyntk A.D.H.6L JylT.gfiff-td, TV TASTER'S SALE.—Stats of 3U- • Xt_L ncl>. Cocntyof Cooi. S.S.—Saecrlo? Cscrt cf t Ctlcaao—ln Chancery. James E. MaUorvve. Vhoaaa t T. Baldwin, Sarah Baldwin, John Tan Hers. barker ? Loch is. Elchard D. Lathroy.Cbarlen S. Luddlngtov ? John E. Morrlscnr-wiDito Faxon. Robert J. Hunter, - and Thcmas-Cs, iliicbell—Bill to Foreclose ilongacs. i Public nci*ce thereby given ‘.bat In pursuance ot ar I decretal *:»fd6r, entcied.lT. the above entitled cause oa' ? tlic twrjfon da? of July, A. D. nsat. L Ira 3cott as Mas ter I’v ctr-ncer*' of the Superior Court of Chicago. -sill 6e 'i» at public section, to tha highest bidder for cash, - -•ii.e corti door of tte CourtHouse of Coo aCo in- j . tv. in the City d.Chlc*so, County oX Coot, and state ] of 1 Hinds, on Saturday, tte seventeenth day of August. A;Ihl- r Si. stteio'clock In tea forenoonct i tiiat day. the foEowins described real estate (or so I niccb thereof as troy be EtoHsatT to satisfy the { amount due cGmT’lalßßntunccrEaldaCcreeTlta costs of suit. and. tLe ilcitsi's fess.'coamlfdscaaui dis bursements on said sale}, < situate in the County . Cccfc, and State c f IlEnoU, and knowu as flats or par- - cels of land number eleven (U) and twelve (!.•)• on ; the cap of T. F. Baldwin's subdivision of Canal Ses • tten thirty-three (SO.lOTfnshin thlrty-rlna (S3). Cscge thirteen (IS) cast, containing twenty acres and forry » five one huadredtesef an acre. Also, those two cer i tain rlats or parcels of land known as number ulna 5 (5) and ten (IC), on the nap of T. F. Baldwin's Sob* • - clvisloc cf the northwest quarter cf Canal Section % thirty-three (SS), Township thirty nits (S3), Kango I -■ • -♦'*’ HT ardt-'lrt- 1 I - thirteen naj raau ' * n%r ~r I f ? J^i o nehnndredths.ofanscf«. '%S£ Bewrdirt at :* recorded to ■-*•*■ 9th. isi. v% \ a noa oi Ccct County, minds, o c t“, D .-- c ,‘ i j j II IVJ ORTGAGE SALK —Whe, re 2,fi f 1 JohnE. Knight and Edmund Ware, of the bj 1 ■ i 1 «« ss c.f^oTS^d'f,.^, r | 1 t i £=«!»* and Edmund Warecorjevedto^alil3*2? - I • 9,.' **“°- rt ' 3 J e,? »a'-Jof*nblo* numbered one m ' : ‘ andlwo® of .Bmfe I), p. OKden's Suh,Uv”lon of iSt ‘ ; number'onefij in block number ninety six i«? in Thl : . : School, Section Addition to Chicago aforesaid* 4*d 1 • : If tß*axen together being fifty (sy) feet la front on * • f back south, on Wells ; j to an alley, to secure ; certain promissory nows of : : ; Hitf^? n,gllt ? ud to tJie said Gelb, given for ! part of the purchase priceof said Lots; said notes all 1 • ; ccarlngevcndatewltusaidindenture, taeilr^tfurfiva i ; ; bnndjcdandeighty4i*i£» te ‘ the sal d ueiKoae year from the date thereof; the e econd - i L i l|l^.(^,\ a,s dtourlh(<th)for the gam often hundred i , I dollars (sa»3o) each, and parable respectively s 1 : torcl'. ueib. In two (=)three (?)aud tour (Drears from . the unto thereot, ana the Hits and last fur Che sum of ■ ; ; eighteen tiionsand live hnadred and llftv dollars t • ; payable to the ordtr of the said 'Gelb. Cyc ; k j years from the date thereof with Interest. • ! i ba? teen made lu tlicpavnicnt I 1 i efihe two notes last above mentioned, to vnt* the ■ [ I years fr-.mtha : I C ato thereof respectively, and more than thlrtv days ! ha.log elapsed since the last of th-m fell due* and > wetreas. Item Is now due and unpaid upon said cotca oi principal and interest, the sum cf about nineteen i ■ tLoc?and nine hundred and forty dol‘ar.s ■ Kow, therefore. In pursuance of tee power ui me 1 vested by said indenture of mortgage, L the under- : signed mortgagoe. shall, on Sanirdav. the twenty- • • 6evcnlh(27) day of August, A-D. tB6l, atteuo’clockia ; tin forenoon, at tee north door ofthe Court lloasc,la said city of Chicago, offer tee said Lots at public auc tion and sell the same, and all right ard eq/iltv of re- • adoption of tee said mortgagors therein, to the high- i 1 tvtbidders forcash, to pav all costs and expenses ;n- ‘ carrcd in advertising and idling said Lots and the said i balance of principal and Interest due on said not-i?. < P£TIIE GEIB. ilorttasce. i Chicago, June 17.1551. jyg&-gat-td ! "jVTOUTRAGE SALS—"Whereas. i -i-jJL default has been made in the navrnent of a cer* i tain note (bearing date the 2UU day of M*reh, a. D. and due and payable laslx years after date.) fer the sum of twenty-nine hundred and nlnetv-five clol- • lars and ninety four cents. 94-i<X»; and.* whereas, I else, default lias been mad's In the payment of a cer* ; tain bond or obligation, of same date as said note, and ! given to secure Ihs pavmcnt of the sum of seven j thousand live hundred and ninetv-nine dollars and ! twenty Cftnts. s:,‘yy A'-ICQ, which t-yud note ami bond, i together with other Indebtedness, are described In, ' a:d secured by a certain mortgage executed bv E. : Randolph Smith and Marzaret E.. Ids wife, dated* the : -ith day of March. A D. £555, and recorded in the Re* i corders office of Cook County. Illinois. In Book i!) of 1 Mortgages, page oJft, which said mortgage has been : duly assigned to me. ; Now. therefore, in pursuance of the powers of sale In sal tlj mortgage continued, public notice Is hereby given, that on) Wednesday tho iwcntv-fltth. dav of ’ Peptmber. A. D. 1?61. at ten o clock in tne forenoon of ' that day. at the north door ef the Court House In the ' city of Chicago, Countv of Cook and State of Illinois, : 1 sljull sell at public auction to the highest bidder f->r , cash, tuc premises mentioned end described in said > mortgage, viz: Part of lots seven [7] and eight [S] in block liny-eight [St] of the original town oi e deago. : beginning at a stake on the east lino of said l«>s eight : [c], as said lot waa originally laid out forty-ilvc f-U] i feet north of the erntre of said cast I'ne; run ring west parallel with the north line of said lot eight • [SIto a stake thirty HOI feet weit of the west hod of . said lot eight f»] untolot number seven [:]. In said * block fifty-eight [Cel; tlieace northerly, narallel with i the cast line of said lot seven f7],and fhe'west line of • s*ald lot debt f=l to the north line of said lot seven [7} • on the alley; thence along the norta Lncs of said lot i seven IT} and eight [Situ the north east corner of said • lot eight IS!; tltence southerly along the east line of said lot eight to the place of beginning, all In the city of Chicago, County of Cook, and State of Illluoia. with i the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances 1 thereuntobclonglnc, and all the right and eqnit of re* ! drmptlon of the said E. Randolph Smith and wife, > mortgagors, their hetra and assign* therein. F. H. WINSTON, AsSgnee of Mortgagee. ; Chicago, July 22tb, 1861. Mortgage sale.—'whereas, j Bernard &. CacTCcld. of Chicago, in the County ol Cook and State of Illinois, executed and delivered , unto George Sedgwick, cf toe game place, a certain Indecsure of Mortgage, dated the ninth dav of AorlL : X I>. lsa9, which was duly recorded la Recorder’s ; Office of said Cook County, in Boot 43, Page uf7. on I the twenty-second uay of April, x B. -ikO inacdby i whlclieaia indenture said Bernard G. Ciolfield cat* ‘ vexed to the said George Sedgwick, as Mortgagee, an ■ the following deacribsd lota, pieces or parcel* 0; ' lands sltawem the County of C*;ok, and State of Gil- 1 nola, tr-witLcte three (5), four (•»), Qve <Z} 4 twelve j (12), thirteen (13). fourteen (14). fifteen (15). sixteen <l6l, and seventeen (17>, la number one (t):. lets number one (i), three (3), and thirteen ( ?->. b ! Block number two (•), and Lots number twauty-sevei* 1 (271, and twenty-eight (28), In Block number three (3). ; all In fiwUt and ilcAul»y's Subdivision of the irrth- • ball cf the south half of tha -» es t half of tho north east Quarter of Section twenev. In Township thirty nine £*•), north of Range Itmrtecn 0-4) AIm, Lot two (3), in Block two (2). in same Subdivision to secure the payment of three certain PromL'ton Notes, made and exas-nted by said Caulfield, and ol ever date with said payable to the oroer ol said Sedgwick at the bsnr.H ivane, in the Cuy ofChj cago. In one year from tho date thereof; one of ealfi } Notes being for the sum of thirteen auudred and i twenty dollars; one for thirteen hundred and seventy- I five dollars and the other for sixteen hundred and i fomteen doPsrs ai;d seventy cents. I And, whereas, default has bean made in the payment of the shore mentioned Notes and more than cn£ year having elapsed sin c& th ?.y fell due; and. whereas, there la now due sad unpaid upon said notes of prin cipal and interest the turn ef about Four Thousand Six Hundred and PUty-four Dollars ana E otcy-oeves Cenis. 1861* Now, therefore, in pursuance of the power la me verted br said Indenture of Mortimce, X the nna-r --signed. Mortgagee, shall, on Monday; the fifth day of August A. u. I>6 : . at ten o'cl '-cs in the f -renoon, at the north door of the Court Honse in Chicago, offer the said lots of land at public auction, and veil the same and all the right and equity of redemption of Use fc&id Mortgagor therein to the bjeder foi cash, to pay all costa and expenses incurred in adver* tlslrg ar.d selling ec!d lots, and the said balance Of principal and Interest dus oa said notes. _ SEDSTTiCE, Martrage?. Chicago, July iQtb. iSot. jyii-giyi-ti TVS ORTGAGE SALE.—Wh-i-eas, -i-V_E de&nltbas been made in the payra-iit c-f a ovr talnNcte dated the elchteeoth day 6t July, In the viar Zlgfeict-n Hnndreaanrt sixty for tho sum of one hundred and lift? seven dollars and eighteen cents, with interest at ;hc ra:e of ten per cen. per acuam. rcysble one year afl«r date to the order of B jclferiar Bernauer.wblcb said note >s secured to bo paid bv n certain lucscture ct mirtsage of the hers liaittrnuntloied. datedihetlsy and aforyvald. excreted by William Echiicrandill/übeth, hiswU-i, to the nnoprslpn-d mortg-*gee, which mortgage !■• dclj recortifcu lii Uic Eecer-Js"of Cook Counts/ of five hundred and twelve. Now, ther. notice !■• hereby given that L the under- 1 signed, by virtue ox the power upon me confi*rre»l in axdbyssid mortgage,.thalh on the twentr-serectli day ct August, in the year Eighteen Hundred tad • Siity-Oac, at the north door of said Co -k Ccuucv Court Honse In the Citv o? Chicago, at twel re o'clock, or uocnof said laHtxneutloucd day. sell at cmnlioau % , Ccn to the tlghert bidder for cs-h. the premises. land at o CSpl estate la said morrjmge described, and a 5! the rightaoid tqnity cf redemption cl said William Sc ha ler therein: said land? and premlreaL'.-lng'dsscribed sa fcllo«3. \»z:—Elrbt acres r.flasd from off the n«nfc end cr side of the scutli bait ol the cart half of ths norib r aetqnorteryi Section tweity-two fi!) in Town, ship fortyjsPc ft!) cortlu and Bange thirteen (135, east of tsc Third Principal Meridian; pa'd eight acres of bind bclßf 3-stetn (I*--) rods in width from uorta to south, end extending in length from the east line of said eastbalf ot eaiu north cast quarter ofsala Sec tion twenty two to toe west line of said east half of said nerthtart Quarter.' BONIFACrus 3EESAUSB, Mortgagee. Dxrrs & Kisssw, Solidtora. Chicago, Jnlj PHAKCEBT NOTICE.—State ol Illinois, County of Cc-ok, S.S.—Snpurlo- Conn of Chirago, September Term, ISSL—John S. Greene and Peter Iceke vs. William Briggs, John B. Edwin Gnlllver, J. A. Parsons, fi. S. ChampliiiJ nu ward B-liartL Daniel S. MiJlln, G. W. K.-h/iV, J BcMssol. li J. Prertcn. W. J. J-mfes. Olcctu O P. Harris, Prtrick Gallagher, Lemuel Cal writ. Nor man cunrctaUl, Warren Smith and ChessmorC Boitla —ld Chfnceij. Affidavit or the non-residence of John-it. TTftmi»r» J. A, Para QUA, W. J. Jacks, Norman CUurchliL War rensmith atd Chesnnore Burts, Defendants above .named, having: been filed in ths office of the Cleric of said Suirerior Court of Chicago. Notice is hereby riven to tbe said John 8.. Hamlin, J. A. Parsons. W, J, Jerks, Ncnran Churchill, Warren Smith »n*l Che?A more Burt's that the complainants hied their bill of complaint In said Court, on the Chancexr side there of; on the sixteenth dav of Aprih ISSL and that a sum. mens has been Issued out or said Court against sail defendants, returnable on the first Monday of Heptem. ber next (ISSD m le by law required Bow. unless von, the eaid John K. Hamlin J. A. Par sons, W. J Jcnks, Norman Churchill, Warren Smith atd Cteasrroreßnrtls; shall personally bean-J appear before said Superior Coart of CMcsgo of Cook Conn tv, on the first day of the next term thereof to be holder at Chicago, In said County, on the tint Mon day of September, IS6L and plead, answer or demur to the ssiia complainant’s bill of complaint the same, and the matters and things therein charzed and stated, -■win be fokeo as confessed, and a decree entered against you accczdlnx totlio praverofoalc bIU. • "WALTES KIMBALL, Clerk. H. B. Htrsn. Compl'ta’ soiT. Jygvgi3S4w - A DMINIiTR a TOR’S NOTICE. J~\ SsTAIT 07 WILLIAM VAN ANTWERP, de ceased.—Notice Is hereby gtren that Ihave fixed coon a term cf the County CourJ of Cook County, la the State of m-DOfa. to be holden at the Court E ?usc, in tbs Uty of Calftago. in said County and State afore said, rn the Third Monday of September sett, being the sixteenth day thereof, for tbe purpose of settling and ar jutting all claim? ajatnst the estate of WUiiam Van Antwerp, late of Warren County, ana State ol Sew jersey. deceased. All persocs baviig claims a«alaet the same ore notl fist and reonested to attend then and there, icrtbs purpose cf hiving their claim* au lusted J.TOOSG SCAWM ’N. Administrator ot the Estate or TOIIUm Tun Ant ■werp- deceased. • . • Chig.go, RL, July 171b, A. D.ISA. jjl=-gus-V-7 ■p,STATE OF DAVID S- HAY- J-'.TTOOD, Deceased—The undersigned hare been appointed executors of tha estate cfTTarid S. Har wood, late of the Countr of Coot and State of IUino&; deceased, hereby give notice that we will appear be fore tbe County Court of Cook County, at the Court Hon?e in Cbl-ago, sc the regular terra thereof on the - third Monday of September next, at which time a! 7 persons haying claims against said estate are notified andreonesteoxo attend, for the purpose of haring the ?acie adjusted. All person? Indebted to Rfliil estate are rc-questcdto make Immediate payment to the under aigned. JAMES s*. DRAPES. THOMAS J. HATIVOOD, Ch-cagd.JnlyS.l3Sl. Executors ' As drew Harrie» Attorney for Estate. jyfis^3lT-6w Surgery. .Cheen’atiy. ...Practtes; ..Institutes, notice. To all Thom It may concern, toio notice that the undersigned. Administrators of the eßtaie_« Karylievelliru deceased. Tdll appij; tot-ie •Ccurt of Cook County, in. thefctote Oi li-lnola, at lc next September term tiiertof, to be holdcn la tu9 Court House, to Chicago, tu raid County, on the third Lloudav of September, Jeo*. lor I cats to -.11 ot com poondall the uc?pera:e claßnp, debts demands Trbateocver.due ibo catote cf too said «a ESTHES WHILE, Adminlstratrtc. psl»i JuiylT, .. ■ JySfr-g*l»4W Est ate op Robert pat- TKSSQCT H3gsas2o>.—Public Notice is hereby rfven to all person* having claims and demands acalnst the estate of the said Robert Patterson, deceas ed, to present the eame for adjudication and settiem-n* at a regular terra of Uio Cooney Court of Cook Counrp, to be holdec at the Coar iHcuac, la the dti of Chicago. oa the third Honlay o aT». 13H, being the ’ttk day thereof BSLS N THOefASSOK Adsoultiratar- jLrgßl-^jjjnaCTmtatg. nPRTJSTEE’S SAEHi—WhsieM, J_ ’Walter *nd Sarah 81. Waller, hla ui|«, «*». er.t?d end delirered to J. You- g Seaman. a carta fe teed of irnfit, datedMarca iSh.-A, B . J3SSL aal r». corded toe SwJtoer'OtOaufc Conte Bilaiis on tos lit k day of l£accr?.A< J3.U Book isiri L'i.-i!- st Pec 3 certuto Isaac bud and prcnjliestooreia described, in tegs% to «e --t vtz i):c tv -,2.c3t c£ certain rrcsdssciy cttjslasaii trczt deed ; f ;‘ 2 d?*t) That in P»fft*rTt thnnJS. ba cttdabfllll * halier to pa? aali notes sod interest as "City ♦ — 1 r -becorao duencccrdtor to toe* on. application of Haffaaun fc K c^M^?-^;, t? sa: IS Laid Ecaic ccn-tc- wJI a-aidUpea* P^-^-p-oj- juit part torrerf.'aod an rlgb£ w^rVtor 4 ►^c t3 !-° i “asSctlcn of :-Md Waller a 2 2*h%/S »£ M 5, ' tn3 therein, m ioanaet prs tCrlDCu in FBJI dcclt a-.rt «b<-r»iui rortiHn «»afaTT zneater ealdlat : ra- ; t cn sAiinctra at tiee*droJeiidne ; 83d_531n han not^fnr?S CP to Ibis tiae: -aco. wnorsaß, (•>ald Eaff?a»imkai <iel ? cka) toe lenl holers efta'a ““ td? appiicnttcc t 4 ' said Scsstmoa to adf«tise lor aai» tod ?ell,*T!dciSK«cfi«di*eniuc3fca:ticiiisto toecre- Tlsicns cl ml' cTsacftizst r ypw.therefore..noticels glrgntoat Like raid J Voc=cS=amwoa , (nitty» *rweatj-Ki?hte oar of SeptersbcT, A. D. Vot. a* the honr ol j-a. o’cockli tUe foresees, at toe aorta door ol Vie Co«t Hons*. in ins city ot cuicaso. 1 c c oat. vo cot, EiUoU. c£tr fcr tile and set, t* P«M-5 auction for tSatdsheei toe sanJeTnllonig mcaaXtoaprenlaee aforesaid: wltoall rinht, teneat wprtt? of redamp tion of said Henry Wilier and wife toerein.whUaßsl4 n«raissa are sitrcntcin, the Coun.ref Cook, and StUe of Illinois, sad described as fou-awatote Ktctoered il. a& i-7.». i& 41.’ *3. *3 and 40. ui Block i ; Lota 3, u\ ss. \n*Blcck S ; and Let 82. in Block 4; ailln & JfcAclfers £atdlTtsl(m-cC to 2 n'Tth haU of lialf ettke west ialfof toe i«j T li. 14 E.. lylcn In -b-e City of Cbleswj. ■• " ’- fr f omiQ StiAHKOrsJn^^ - Chicago. Jane iXto,lid. - Jja-gtil-td T'BTJSTEE’S SALS.—W.iicraas,, X Herr? Waller &cd S&rakß. Vriler. Better.: G. CiniteicLexcnTad and deaTorodacertaia decdoC trust, vridci decs date March Uta, A and wgp tied fct record In tfce o£ce'OrtMß«cprd«r of Cook Count y.BUuoU. March loti,'A B. a*a records I;nucJdoffice. inßootlSd of Deads;at Paga £22, irbextby tkei coareved to J. Yoons Bcans*oa -certain ? es in said ifu-t deed described, to sasnra tfc&payment oi aprocis>oi j note lor oi O'f*^ dit“ with SAld deed, driven by said Canmsld.*^^ &t>le to tue order cl Hoffmann, & tw?*- - months citcr ita dale, with Interest at ten'p^ axsnns," ' And, whereas, Ittrasprc**-* • deed, that In case d"*!" «a In and by eali treat ..~urtbe pada la the payment o t jrtflng to Its tenor aal effect. Pea, oa -rtjccatlcn or tno legal bolder there :if sail Scam* i men, oiliersapmoaoro? attorney, mlsht sell and dlspcee of eald property or premises la manner pr» scribed by Sildaecd. •' ■■ And, whcrtna, default was made in pnyaent of said * note and no part thereof has been pain, and apolica i Uon, baa been made toss la Scimmoa by tho hodden !i'r:ocL to tell, F8 oproffered to co by said deed. said, title. beneflta»d equity o£ ro dempuoauiereln c'rnh 1 Canfield, and Waller and. h ®i*s and afejjng. • - mi*a t °olocklntbeforenoor, eeUatnnblic attCLoa*at S5 - cftheCcnrtHouse. Lntke Ctttrof J&> * oy«TV Illlnota. to the highest WddSfSSS t&h'A r ?P € T t^or^ reiE,s€B » 15:-All the faS^ «*y cf Chicago ia 31?i3ey? Wao«h-balf of the south half.'? baif or tbs north east quarter or Sec tion twenty pc). to •» Itarge fourteen Q4] ea*^ twvntp five C 53. rty.ft ve. rea], tottUelx **££* tt.fity.nlßo ran. frty liDl **■ t** fifty-one [Sit dfty-two [Wj a?J - 8.0 k one [11; Lota three pL four i?Js Bi w acTca jT]. eight [-]. eleven [H], twenty [■'‘3- tnirtyona [St*, thirty-two [**;. thUty-ftlx fm forty-seven forty e’a’atftS], aedferty r.toe [b].i a Block three [Si? Lots lUrtc pf keveni 1 ?]. efght [g], nine Wl.teu twcc>T threc Iwfnty nine fiyj, thirty 0&1, thirtr-one [UD frrty [■ftjnt.d Sl*y>tbree rs4j In Slo't fonr'rtl, bei'e Tory three [«j lots In aIL with all bolldtnga and «a- Srotepenisonfpti prer'lst* and all -t and equity of redemption of said ttenrv and B. tfelhr end Bcmnnl t>. Caulfield, thetr rMrt nr as signs tf Pinto. J. YODXO shamwov Trustee, jty.-gas-td saidnote,ar-' the TRLST2?j£' SALS ——Whereas, Trarum Atkin?, of the County of Cook and State of Illinois. made, executed aa«l delivered to me. a* trustee, a certain deed ot trust,boaria.z date the ninth uay of October. A. D. >s&y convevinz to me as such, trastce, the lano and premises hereinafter described, to secure the payment of a certain promtedssorr note cf even date therewith, for the sum of sixteen' hand red and Lily dollars, with interest, after due, at ten pcc cent, payable to the order of himself two months after the date-thereof as mentioned lusald trust deed. which said trust deed is recorded in the Recorder's office of Cook County, Illinois, in Book 206 of Deeds pace»- aud. whereas default has been made In the pavtnent ol a pars of said note, to-wit: the sum of siktcen'httndrcd dodars, and interest thereon, and application has been made tome by the legal holders thereof to sell said premises under said deed of trust, f y r the purposes therein fxpres-cd, Sow, therefore, public notice is herebv given that I shall sell at public auction, at the north door of tha (Vsirt House, in the citv of Chlcazo, In said Cook County, to the highest bidder for cash! lor the nnrposiw In >aldtrust deed expressed, at ten o'clock X M- oa Thursday the Fifteenth (igth) dav of August X T>. 135 L tl;f premises In said trust deed described, to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of laud, situate In and being a part of block one LIJ. In the original town of Chicago, commencing one hnndredand uftyfliO] feet east of the north-we*.tcornerof t-aid block, and, running ea't on the south line ol Klnzle street one hundred and forty [1:0] feet to a point thirty pO] lent west of west line of lot one [O. black one [l], m Klusies Addition to Cblcs c.t; thence running fomh nlnetv-seven 10-12 p7 fed to an alley; tlu-nee west along the north lino of tne alley ; one hundred and fortv [l*o] feet: Chenco north along the east line «f land lately centered to Wjn 11. Brown, about nlnetv-one pi j place of beginning, situated m the citv of Chicago, County of Cook, State of Illinois, with all tha privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, auu all the right and equity of redemption cf flic said Jearum Atkina, his heirs and assigns therein _. HORACE G. CHASE, Trustee. Chicago, JnTrCttli. >H Jy2s-g2lo-t4 'WCSTEES SALE.—Whereas, A Bernard G. Caulfield, Henry' Waller and Sarah B. B alien his wile, executed and delivered to J»Ttmng Seannuon. a certain deed of trust, which bears date March I4th.x D. !96C.and was recorded in tho offica of the Recorder of Cook Countv. Illinois, on the dav of March, A. I). [n Book VJ> of Deeds, at page £t.‘. whereby they made conveyance of certain parcels cl land therein described, to secure the payment of certain note* and interest thereon also described la said trust deed, which said notes were drawn by said Caulfield, to secure an Indebtedness to Hoffmann * Geipeke. • And, whereas. It was provided la said trust deed, that in case default should be made tn the navrnent ot c»idproml-sory nates or Interest, or any part turrcoQ according to their teuor and effect, then, oa the appli cation otsuld Hoffmann .s Gelncke, their legal repre sentatives or assigns, it shonldbc lawful for said tjcaa mon to sell and dl-pose of said premises or any pan; thereof in manner prescribed by said trust deed; and. wlit-rens. default has Won mad*» bv said Caulfield ta pavmeut of certain interest oa said notes which Is i ast due and unpaid. And. whereo*. appllcarioa has been made to me, the said Seaum:on.ny the legal hold ers of said notes, to sell said premises, as I am empow ered by said deed to do. Sow*, therefore, notice Is hereby given, that I shall, on the twentv-elghth dav of September, XD. 1.-st, at li> o'clock in the forenoon, sell u; public sacuca. at tha north door of the Court Bouse, in the city of Chicago. Ccok County, Illinois, for the highest mid bus Ipttcc the sainewill bring In wish, the ttsM parcels of land, and all right, benefit and equity of rctlumpfloa of said CHiihicld.' and -'idler mid u£fa thereto, which said prendre* are as follows to-wit: All thosa c«rWin pieces and parrels of land, situate in the Coaatr of Cook and State of Illinois and described ns* follows, namely: Lots 21.22, 1\ ta. In Block I: Lots 4,5,», ?. 14. at. is .V and 11 in Block 2; Lots 2, 24, z% 2d, a:, ia Blocks; Leul.e, S3.m Block4,all in the^wlftA Mc- A nicy's subdivision of the nonii half of thu suotb half of the west half of the K. K. quarter of Sevliaa -jk T ■j-j IL 14 E„ lying laths city ol Chicago. .1. YOUNG SCAMMbK, Tmtea Chicago, Jnne 56. lafij. Jyas*g2t2tA 'T'EUSTEji’S SALE. 'WharsaSj JL James G. Mac lav and Margaret Maclay.bla wlffi, did execute ai;d duUier unto adward H. Arnold, m Trustee, *c, a deed of trust dated Marsh IAA.D. and recorded In the recorder's office ef C»ok conr.fy, EUitop. cu the Ilth dav of April Al U. >SS in Book U4 of deeds, page tei, laand by which said dci-d wild Mir’av and wife cc-nvesed to the uU Arnold, aa trustee, the foliowl?ig described prcmlso* In ibg court? of Ci*ok ard Suite of HILdcU, vis: til* north forty-nine feet O'- ft> of lop seven (T* and eight t?) in block thirty-one (51) In ‘Wolcott's Addition o*. ixig forty-nine feet on Clark street b~ c.chtvfrct dear, (said premises being subject to a corVda uabuntbrtnoa L»i sriadeed specified] to secureths payment of acsr tain bond bearing even date with g-JA deed for three thousand dollars payable in ten voaro with lavreetat ten percent per annum payable wnnl-murcaUT. said bond I tins numbered sis .aidmnu?i«y*b'eto Edward H. Arnold a« trustee, Ac* and It befog provided there in that li default should to made In the payment of any cf the interest cs said principal sum and any portion Thereof should remain due and unpaid fir tbs apace of tMny da ; s after tm- t-sne should become dee and oaf able, then the principal sum with all arrearages of la t«*rr-ft should at the option ofsaW Arnold, hiseus i;c!.on, adn.inirtrs.iorH tr assigns thcreuj c-a become cue and payable ana mlgnt he d*m.’.»it‘ed unrasd!at:sy or at anj rice within firiv davs after such d-.fialk, and In and by said trust fieri! it li provided fait la caaa of default-to the payment of said bond or a*rpart thereof; according to the tenor and effect thereex or la the peronr-ance cf cny cf the on application cf the legal holder of said bond or the coupons thereto attached, said Arnold or hi? legal representatives or attoraovahould sell saldpresaifis* a: public vendue. Isctt. therefore, default havtiisbeen made Is the par mr-nt cl the Intvrest coupon cuvaifl. bond due Mere* i'-tL to lEth, A. X). Uffl, fir ti-e >ui of one hundred aoft fifty dollars; acdtUeowner and aelder of aa'dboad sr.ti also the lic-ritnce anti holler cf oald coupon hay log elected to declare the principal eum and back is t-res! due. viz: the sum of fysai}!, and having made application to said Edward H. Arnold to proceed to aril said premL-f*.notice lahereuy given traitspor raarce cf and by virtne ol the powers in sold deal contained. the undtrclgued Edward H. Arnold. wQI tn 2ionfij-r, Anvast a. D. *.RCI. at the hour of twelve o'clock. coon, cf said da; at the north doer of thr Court House, in the city ef Chicago, wll-atpdhata. vendue, the precilaea herelnt-cfor l ; described wits in the right kud equity of redemption cleaKtJameaß. Maria; and llarjraretni»«i». EPWAS3 E. AEsrOl£D,7nxsto6. Davis a Kis*wr. Sdr’s ipiriuaai ; q'TvUSTEES SS.LE.—Whereas, JL ontbenthdayofMay.iSSLlHrAm C. W. Cow | eery end Marv L. Cowd**rv, bla wif-», cxe-Tntei to I P. Skinner, a iniit dtCu «.! tb:i£ .- s atc upon the • reel estcts-hercinaftardescribed, welch waddolyra ; ccided InUiß Recorder’s office cf C joJc County. Oli • noie, li; Aooktfi r f Page jT*4. topecore taepay i lutiitcffiveprounaflory not-s Insoid trastdeedptr t:c:*Ur;,!.debi;lbcd. all parable to the crdcrof Jonah j H. Carter; nod. whereaft’dtlhult has bofa tcada ts< ■ die ps-cEeatol the three .ass described notes, in atil. 1 irugt deed meotloced, and application having been rr.a*ie(o up a? the executor? and legal representatives ; ct SumneiP. Scanner, detei-td, t > sellinerealestata Id PcJd trust deed described,ln parsnaa'e oftliepowsr I ofs£e therein contai r ed. Public nctlca Is hcrcbv ’ that oa Saturday, the Thirty-First da* 9t *ri£jrec£t. IPS’, at tan o’clock lu the lorenooa of said ! o»r. on the premises her-iaaftrr doacrii'ed. we wDI I i cil at pnbiic auction to the highest bldder-for catii, j th<‘r«:alT,'tjtelne»ldtiUßtdecadescribed, rlrr-Lots nember three [s] and fenr 14J. lc Block tan flfij, of ttxc > bcnoolSsctioiiAdmtioatiiine City of Cntcac-*, Cook i CouLtv Illinois, with the appurtenances theresata i btiopgl-jr, ftftl an tbe rlehtand equity of redemption • of the vala grantor, lus litirs ami thereia, #«ia ; ler tbe purposes In said trnst stated JOHN a RA-N23, ELBKTDGE G. HALL. Executors of Samuel F. 6tmnw d-ceassi. JyS&S^-td r PRUSTEE , S S-vLE.—"Whereas^ JL John L. Flr.k and Wlllrmlaa. Ids wife, of tbe Coontr of Cook and State of Illinois, did. or. We fires cay of December, AiD. 13BS, execute ami (lelirsr to me, william S. DarLs, a? tmi>tre o deed of trust. dulr recorded In the Recorder’s office of Cook Coacty aforesaid, in Boot of Deeds 172, pane lib, coars»las to me tie premises Hereinafter describ’d, to secure tha pajment of f-.ur prommlsisory rotes, of even dote ttercTun,aDdainonstlQgtotliesmn of eleven koa ti red dodars, payable to-tie order of William H’raet as followa. to wit: cue note payable on tbe lr»* day „of May,. 1859, for tbe enm o two bond red dollars; one payable twelve months, one two years, and one three years alter date of tbe said trust deed, each of three last mentioned promis sory notes being for tbe sum or three hundred dal law, interest at the rate often per ctotum per an* am until r aid, aM payable at the ofllC3 of Wllham S-Davis, In the*cl£T of ChJcazo; and, whereas, tfe* second, third and fourth of said promissory aot»a bare been duly endorsed and negotiated to Robert Dewes, the present holder thereot. by the- said Wa liamHotxer; and, whervas. default Lag been made In the payment of the said three notes 'last above des* cilbed, according to the tenor and effect thereof and there was due ca the first day of July, 7261, the sum o C eleven hundred or d fifty-lire doll-ws to' obtain which, with the Interest thereon, application Laa been made to me by the said Robert Dewca, legal bolder of said notes and trust deed, tc sell the premises in said deed cf tnift described, for the purposes therein se-tfortb. Now.thercfore. public ooice is hereby giraa that I will sell at public auction, at the north door oitko Co art HouiC, in the city of Chicago, InsaidCouaty at Cook to and for tbe ohrpescs expressed In said trust deed. os. Thursday, the eighth day of Aucnst. A. D. > t C , u fc rJ Oß> o'clock in. the u<rvcoon of that: day. premises, as designated la said deed of trust, ettnatal fnealdConntr of Cook, to wit: One 37-’W acre tig, the south fractional -quarter of Trwßthlpforf -v-cert.} north, of Kangoairtaea (r& cast of theiiunl principal rolr-t in ’!:• c-.-ti.ire ci the Flank Bom. test chains sonth i° esst of Anderson a north line, ms.- o«b S*=> » m&, west a.W chgne, theaoe ££th v west 17i ehairs; thence south 88P 20 mta_ ea-tchains,thence is min, chain’• scurt Cl- 30 min. west 2.00 chains; ihc-ace norsn ««° w ml’, west i SK ccaim- aloir tha Milwaukee Plan.: Road to place ofb«M»- ping. uxreti*erwith au equity ef redemptio* Jo-'i i-|*Siiaag W:U: ana. his wife, th«dr heirs aat aFsifor tbe perpesea stated ic said deed. ir_i-tJCHd WIKUAat S. DAVIS, TTnstae. f'RAECERY NOTICE-State of V IMnote, Cooi County S. 9-—Superior Court ft Cfeicsgo, September Term. a. D. tsa- Jf””* A ililleColer ys..WaltouG. Affidavit of she BPa-TtoMonce-ofWa-tc*®--”^^ Sb.3S%h SSSSSg^SRiffSSS w®, T-Si Coart agalnat aafriaefeadaSw. SeSyS. lift aaUtyanott Gv WHedelaMfciiH STlaa aSSlwyofaapffSbfe BJis-acr or demur v» the 3Sid comyhstoanmi -InH <x oomcatr t, tbo nrs and tho matter* ead te cowled and stated. wOl bo take* as • Skittv &»PTJ. . cmi per