Newspaper Page Text
gftttago gMtune MONDAY, AUG JSr 5,1861. THE CITY. Pr The Recorder** Court commences Us, fission cn Monday, at 10 a. as. - t ' Drcwhd,—A eon of Mr. John Fallen was drowsed is Crystal Lake cn Friday afternoon. The body has been recovered. • Douglas Bbioad*.— Dr. Powell, a well known Surgeon of this city, has received and < ccepteJ the appointment of Burgeon of the DOugUs Brigade. ! Smxi they Come.—Capt. 8. W. ’Mnrm from ■Wilmington, Will Co., will arrive on Monday, with a full company for the Tates Phlaur : •■£: meat, and will quarter in the armory. Steamer Britton.—The case of the steam- C’- Britton as regards railroad ties, is contin ued till Monday, when the arguments of counsel on both sides will be heard. Douglas Brigade .—Captain Butts arrived here last night with a company of G3 stalwart men, for the Douglas Brigade headed by the Dr Kalb Brass Band. This is a fine body of men, but yet to be armed and uniformed. TtNSD ros Bathing.—James Hack, Henry Roach, and James Clancy, were arrested yea terfey afternoon, and held to, for -a violation of the city ordinance, by bath ing at Urn foot of Adams street. Drowned.—The body of a man named Wm. Kcß was taken from the river,at the foot of Deszborn street, yesterday afternoon. An Inquest was held by Coroner James. Ver dict—scdcsntal drowning. Northwestern Rifle Regiment.—The members of this regiment invite the public generally to attend divine Berries to be held at the National Hall (late Wigwam) at 3 o’clock this p. u. Sermon by the Rev. Dr. W. W. Everts. Accepted— The Regiment of Infantry ten dered by Hon. Owen Lovejoy has been accep ted by the Government, provided they are ready by the Ist of August An officer will be sent from Washington with instructions to innate? by companies. A Pleasant Trip. —-The steamer Michigan la at her whMf, and leaves for Lake Superior oa Monday evening. Tb.tre is no way in. which tlie pleasure-seeker can get his money's worth this hot weather better than by a trip to tie upper bikes. Fare reduced to $25 for the round trip. Bulbing- & Co , 100 and 102 Randolph street, wish it distinctly understood that they have marked down all their goods, and will sell them to suit the times. They have no compe tition in city, when the quality of the goods sa£. the price is considered. Those who would get goods at retail, at New York Job bing rates, will call and examine their stock. Kns- Matt Peel’s Minstrels.—’ The Camp bell's were afforded last night another evi dence of the extreme popularity they enjoy in Chicago. Between them and our city there has been a mutual like engendered, caused by the delightful performances of this unexcelled troupe* and the hearty appreciation of them by our citizens. Nowhere can an evening be £0 pleasantly enjoyed as at Bryan Hall The State Street Case. —Charles L. Metz lor held to bail in the penal sum of S3OO for ntebbing Wm- Jackson, a fireman on the K, G, R. IL, the particulars of which have been heretofore published. C< Ihgersoß, Wm. Jackson, Albert Williams, James Ward, and a man called “ Jim” was charged with creating a riot on State street— all required to appear at the Police Court on Monday the sth inst Book Island Railroad Bridge. —During the past month Important improvements have been, made upon the noble structure that cyans the Mississippi at Rock Tsinnd } several immense wire cables having been added, which entirely relieve the wooden truss from the weight of trains, rendering it virtually & wire suspension bridge. It is represented sc being mere substantial now than ever be fore. Board or Trade War Fund. —On 'Change Saturday, a resolution was unanimously adop ted* levying an assessment of $5 upon each member in addition to their former very liber al subscription. The Board of Trade have manifested a commendable spirit in these matters, and though often solicited for dona tions and subscriptions have never refused, hut in several instances given more than was caked for. Tub East India Physician. —The afflicted will no doubt be pleased to learn that Dr. Yan Bures, the East India Physician, has opened an office In Chicago, and may be con ceited in rooms in McCormick's Dr. Ysa Bures. has spent the past two years visit lag the principal cities of Canada and this country, and has done much towards relieving r a flerirg humanity. We deem it a good op portunity for those suffering from chronic cteeaae, to obtain relief. A Liberal Stamp Act.— Reading a list in Friday’s Tribune, of some twenty-five letters which were to be sent to the Dead Letter Of fice, because minus the necessary postage-1 •tamp?, J. H. Bowen, Esq., (of Bowen Broth era) with his usual liberality, called at the Post-office prepaid the letters detained for poctags, and tad them forwarded. Of itself, this la a small matter, but it shows the charac ter of the man; and the importance of this generous deed can only be judged, by the wri ters and recipients of the letters. A Tcoublesoke Fellow, —John ilcDcr mout waa arrested and sentenced to six days at BrideweQ, for creating a disturbance at St. itary’n Cirorch, Wabash Avenue. He was de ranged, end being a stout athletic fellow, broke down two cells, and made good his es cape over the fence, yesterday afternoon. He made 2.40 time down Canal street, and was CTOctakon on West Tan Bnren street, by five men dispatched in pnrsnit of him, each of whom lie knocked down as they approached Mm. One of the City Police levelled him, placed him. in Irons, and he will he sent to the Comity House. Major Slemmer’s Recruiting Stations. —ln order that all who desire to offer their eocrlcai in defence of their country, in the 16Ui Regiment U. S. Infantry, may have an opportunity; 'Major Sleznmer has established recruiting statioaajvt the following places: In Chicago, 151 Dearborn st., 134 West Ran dolph, ahd at Keith Clark' street, near the bridge. A3no in Milwaukee, m; Dubuque, Iowa; fit Paul, Min.; LaCrosse, Wis.; Peoria, DL; Janesville, Wis.; Green Bay, Wirt.; Freeport, III; Watertown,HL; Kala mazoo. Mich. Additions are daily being made at each cf these stations. / Pomes Court.— A large number of cases of minor importance, were summaipy disposed of. Jehu Keller was charged wi&i being dis orderly and striking a German on tfrg haad— fined $5. y VoL Lerke, was fined $lO and costs for lag Iff* premises in a filthy condition—return ed by Ms neighbors as a nuisance. There are a thousand similar cases, subject to similar p vniehment in the city. Mary Gallagher, charged with being drank and disorderly—administering a cold douche bath to a Celtic lady named McCarty—fined $2.00. Tim John b. Tdkneb Rifles. —A new com* pauy boaring the above name, in contradis tinction, with the German Tomer Rifles—(and named in honor of one of our most noted Railroad men,) is rapidly filling np with good maa. This company is to be attached to the regiment of Fremont Riflemen. Julius White, Collector of Customs of this Port, haa con sented to serve as. Colonel, and Edward Twoncy as Captain, the latter of whom has been, upwards of 20 years in military service —having served In the British army 15 years, sod five years in the country of his adoption, as Quartermaster in the 75th Rifle Regiment-, v - N. Y, BU£e Let those who wish to enlist Is. defence of the stars and stripes, and \ officers, apply at once at the recruiting office, No. 12 North Clad: street. United States Fate—s22,ooo fob Gbatu itoits Dibtbibution.— The State Agricultural Society of minors win distribute the above sum £a premiums at their annual fair, to com mence In this city on the 9th of September. Tim fcial for premiums js open to competitors in every branch of human industry, in this or say other State, and our Chicago manufoctu rea and Illinois farmers will see to it that this ‘ handsome sum is not «Z? carried away by com petitors ftoiu. abroad. ‘Rytmalyf. aTTange-Tne"t» arobelrgmade by exhibitors throughout this and adjoining States to attend the fair, and those who would “cncourge home manufac tures," antt prepare for competition. Let ati those interested in this fair—which nicios c*xrybody~aZl at Geo. W. Gage's prf .vale cfficc, at the Tremont House, and get one of the Fair Pamphlets, and see if there la not sariieCkXng which he or she can exhibit, and se • cut® alraniiomi urimiT-m. WMbMn, The following iouore, detained in the Chicago Post Office for postage, vill be forwarded to the Dead Letter Office, on Monday next, unless the postage la previously paid. Call at the room of the Dead Letter Clerk, up stairs; T.J.llealy,Chicago, ID. Jefferson Harrington, 1 imicago, lIL Jacob Bose ell, Chicago, HI. 805 Chicago, PL-* American Expre»s,-ChlcagoJ UL Rev. If. W. Dresser, OariinriUo, m. Patrich r .n - . Grove, m. zLs.Doty, JAucs* Tffle, Wlfl. . .' ’ \ { Sbeioub Accident. —Yesterday, •afternoon about 5 o’clock) another accident occurred oh the Lake Street City Passenger cars, which should serve as a warning to passengers t6 obey the rules of the Company, posted in every car, “forbidding passengers getting off or on the cars at the front platform.” A god* tleman with two ladles and a child at tempted to get upon the cars while in motion. . The ladies got on the rear end, while the with the one-year old child in his arms, at tempted to get upon the front pUtfor4, which was crowded. The passengers warned him to wait tDI the car stopped, or to go to. the rear end; ho persisted in his efforts to git on front. His foot slipped and both himsdlf and child were thrown beneath the wheels. The man had his arm broken near the wrist* The child’s legs were nearly severed from its body, and it died from the Injuries a few min utes afterwards. United States Regulars. —Three compa nies, A, D and 1,- numbering 240 men, rank and file, arrived in this city, by the C, & N. W. R. R., at 8 o’clock a* m., on Saturday, and left by a special train on the Pittsburgh and Ft Wayneß.lt, at 10 o’clock a. m. The com panies of this detachment are as follows: Company A, Captain C. 8. Lovell; Com pany D, Lieut. W. H. Jordan; Company I, Capt D, Davidson. Capt Davidson is a native of Virginia, a brave and skillful officer, of whose loyalty there is no doubt Lieut W. H. Jordan is a brother of C. EL Jordan, the well known un dertaker of this city. He succeeds Capt) Sweeney, whs now holds a command under Gen. Lyca, in Missouri. The entire detachment are under the com mand of Lieut CoL H. Day, a native of Penn sylvania. Dr. Smith, formerly of Connecti cut fc Surgeon of the regiment In their inarch overland from Ft. Abercrombie (which place they left on the 20th July) the soldiers suffered greatly from intense heat, several of them felling from exhaustion. They marched at the rate of 30 miles per day. They speak of kind attention from citizens along their route, and especially at St Cloud, Minnesota, and Juneau, Wis. Meeting op T m; Was Committee. —At a meeting of the Citizen's War Committee of thirty, held at the Supervisor's Room, Satur day evening, it was resolved that the Douglas Brigade should share in the division of the $2,000 appropriation, voted at the but meet ing. A committee of seven was appointed to call a public meeting in this city at an early day, for the purpose of impressing upon the citi zens the importance of taking more active measures in military matters, and awakening a deeper interest in the subject of our nation al difficulties. At this meeting of citizens, the War Committee wQI make a full report ot all their proceedings since their appointment, and an estimate of the, probable amount of money required to support the families of vol unteers. Reports will also be made by he sub-com mittee appointed to wait upon Gov. Tates, to inquire into the causes for neglect of our sol diers heretofore, and what arrangements will be mode hereafter. The committee appointed to consult Gen, Fremont relative to the estab lishment of a Military Depot at Chicago, will also report at the same time and place. These are matters of the utmost importance, and we bespeak for the meeting and the sub jects a consideration commensurate with their Importance. Army Contracts.— Such is the cupidity of army contractors, and so universal their practice of slighting their contracts—supply ing second or third rate article* at first-class prices, it has become a subject of complaint in almost every department of the Army. We have had occasion heretofore to allude to the treachery and dishonesty of some of those making purchases in this city. Now, if any class of customers must be swindled by re ceiving an inferior or worthless article, in the name ot humanity, let it be the home patron, who need not suffer from the swindle, as the poor soldier must, whose rations are scant and poor enough, at best, and who has no re course, but to accept and use what Is furnished him, without regard to quality. We allude to this'matter again, because it has been intimated that the parties who have the contract for furnishing the Government several thousand Tents, have solicited bids for white-wood or poplar tent-poles. The differ ence in price between oak or aWhj anfl poplar will not exceed 2}£ cents, while the latter is entirely unfit for the purpose. Of course, if the contract calls for oak or ash, no other .kind will be accepted. Death of Capt. McMurrat.— Francis Mc- Murrry, of Company C, Chicago Jackson Guards, of the Irish Brigade, died at St Jo seph, Mo., on Friday night last. Capt. McM. was a valiant and thorough disciplined officer, who had seen sendee in the Mexican War, and abandoned a lucrative law business to serve in defence of his country. For several weeks he subsisted his own company, and in i enlisting the company and having it accepted, f encountered difficulties that would have dis couraged any but those who enlist in a cause with their whole heart. In his death the Irish Brigade have lost one of their best officers, and Chicago a good citizen. His remains will ; be here, lor interment Monday evening. yLangan's Field Band have volunteered their services for the funeral. Offensive DiTEK5Er=*-MrrDjer from New Orleans made his dehat in the city on Satar day, and forgetting to leave his secession sen timents behind him, attempted to proclaim them “ open and above board,” on the comer of Dearborn and Washington streets on Satur day evening. One of the bystanders, Mr. Leavitt, not eggs actly pleased with his trai torous harangue, in return fired a volley of rotten egg s at the person of Mr..Dwyer, with remarkable accuracy. The act of Mr. Leavitt being deemed the morepennanently offensive of the two, he was taken charge of by the po lice, and will have a hearing on Monday. The Weather.— The following shows the range of the thermometer for the week, as noted by £. L, O’Hara, at his drug store, No. 63 West Randolph, comer Canal street: Sunday, July 28 Monday, July 29... Tuesday, July 50... Wednesday, July 81. Thursday, Aug. 1... Friday, Aug, 2. Saturday, Aug. 3.... Death from Intemperance. —John Leaton, a laborer who resided at 158 Kinzie street, sus pended work on Friday, on account of the heat, sent for a gallon of whisky, and yester day morning was found dead. Verdict ac cordingly. • N Chicago Gardners’ Socnsrr.—There will be- a regular meeting of the above society at their hall, this (Monday) evening, Aug. 5. A full attendance is earnestly requested. By order of the President. Akdeeson Rifles, Attention !—There will be a special meeting on Monday evening, at the armerj. Let every member be there. Sam’l B. Raymond, Capt. CHICAGO COURT BECOBD, UNITED STATES CIBCCTT COURT— August StL No. STS (Chancery)— William Graydon vs. Allen Hunter, et aL Dismissed on motion of complain ant at his cost. No. 544 (Chy)—William Qraydon vs. Allen Hunt er, et ah Dismissed at complainant's costs. No. 449—Jarvis Case vs. George W. Browne, Leave given defendant tD file additional plea. No- 516—01h0 W. Elkelberger vs. Hugh Winn, Continued by agreement to December Term. No. 480—Nathaniel Farkerdal vs. Elijah Fruit. Ejectment. Trial by Court. Issue found for de fendant. Motion by plaintiff for new trial. No. 433—Nathaniel Parkerchal vs. Leri Thus* man. Ejectment. Trial by Court. Issue for de fendant. Motion by plaintiff for new trial. No. 433—Nathaniel Parkerchal vs. Alien Thurs man. Ejectment. Trial by Court. Issue for de •endant for aU except 16 acres off the rent note of £J£. of Sec. 28, North Range 10. 4th Principal Meridian, and/or plaintiff for 16 acres. Motion for new trial hr et **•» vs. Hiram True, ct al. On petition, filed order of sale by Re ceiver. * N0.423 (CbyV-Josephßrackau, et si. MLchrod,etaL lEjuncticneisßolTid withricht of complainants to move to reinstate if thev snwii so direct. No.4l7—Jerria Case m George w. Brown. Ejectment on trial- Admiralty—Augusts Morriaay vs. Schoom Mi ami. Cash paid and dismissed on, motion of libel lant’s Proctor. ~ AdjournedtoAugaststh, 9©clock. A finery. Editors Chicago Tribune: Gentlemen ; 1 notice that a bounty of SIOO is offiered at some recruiting stations in this city for volunteers. Has such bounty really been authorized by Congress, or not ? It so I would be pleased to communicate the fact to my own recruits; if not, I deem it-Just to re cruits that they be not deceived by any such representations. If inducements of interest must be added to those of patriotism to secure volunteers* let us know just what Inducements to offer. We ebsH be glad to know that the -Vet-Tty j. .. It ICutfMa tbe dUeaa* SracooUt To the Chicago Public Several articles having appeared lately in eozne of the Chicago newspapers, in which aspersions have been cast upon ne Chicago Dragoons, while their Captain is held up to the notice of an admiring public, the members feel called upon to moke a plain statement of feels. - That the Chicago Dragoons are now in this and not with Gen. McClellan, U the fruit of out one person, andhe fefrtlretr GopUfiu— Chas. W, Barker. - f The company left Chicago with almost im* pliclt confidence in thtir Captain. They hive gradually lost that confidence, and to day the undersigned are those who refuse to servo nn| dec him any longer. Wc have been under his command three months and ten days, in thd field and in camp. Wc ought to know the man. Wc pronounce him incompetent as ad officer, and habitually dissipated, , | During all the time that the company has been, under him, it has been taught nothing but a few evolutions oh horseback, such as “Right turn,” “Loft turn;” “ Wheel into line,” “Form fonts,” and so forth—move ments that onr horses learned in two weeks, but which he seemed to think: go much of a tax on the intellect of his men that he never proceeded farther. This'drill was occasion ally varied by “Draw sabre.” ‘‘Present sabre,” “Returnsabre,” andthen it was flatteringly said that we were the finest dragoon compa ny in the service! Onr arms consisted of sabre, carbine and revolver. In the use of these weapons for the battle field, we did not receive from m™, during the three months and ten days, one moment’s drilling. Most officers unacquaint ed with cavalry tactics, would have taken a hook, 3carted them, and, as they learned, taught their men. The exercises would have been good to strengthen the particular muscles used in hniufimg those arms, if of no other benefit But Capt. Barker devoted bis leisure moments to bragging and imbib- mg. He never permitted us to fire our arms off our horses. He never instructed us in the use of onr arms in any way; and with two solitary exceptlocs, never permitted us to have target snooting; on one of these occa sions he did not accompany ns, and on the other sat on a log laughing at onr awkward ness, without teaching ns how to do better. He never taught us how to clean or take care of onr arms, never inspected onr arms, and it would not be strange if they were not always in the best condition. He never read the articles of war to the compa ny. He never looked after the health of the men. He never, except on one occasion,when we were visited by Gen. Prentiss, looked into our tents or cooking department We know that he endeavored to deceive his men on the subject of their enlistment Officers, it is known, are'entitledtomore rations than privates, and can draw them in provisions or money, at their option. Our officers have drawn theirs In money, and, against the remonstrance of onr First Lieu tenant, have lived upon the rations intended for the men. Money drawn from the Government to pay ovr traveling expenses from Cairo to Cincin nati, it is believed, was pocketed by the Cap tain, whilst we went with half rations and hungry. If we may believe the statements of one of the Lieutenants, made on a certain occasion, he has changed rations of the men into money, and converted it to his own use, when ever opportunity Offered; and boxes of pro vision, and other articles sent in care of the Captain to the company by friends in Chi cago} have been appropriated in a similar way. At any rate, the men hdievt that, in con junction with the Commissary of the company, a person appointed by himself and kept in office against the expressed wishes of the company, and whose antecedents furnished but shabby guaranty of his good behavior, they were defrauded of their rations. There was a time when eighty odd men de dared with wild cheers their willingness to go for three years. But, as they came to know the man better, to feel his indifference to their welfare, expressed, on one occasion, when our line of tents was, by his orders, pitched in a wet ditch, and he declared that he did not “care a d for the men;” to endure hia abusive language, and to mow that he was not preparing them for encounters in which their lives and the glory of the nation were at stake—a change came over the spirit of their dreams—they determined to serve no longer under him. The Cavalry Bill, under which we arc ac cepted into the State service, provided for equipping, uniforming, and paying us in ac cordance with the regulations 01 the XT. S. Army. Two sets of uniforms have have been made and sent to ns from this city. The first came to Cairo some time before we were or dered to" Virginia, and was returned to the maker, as the Captain alleged, because not as good as the contract called for. The second, though sent to Cairo, we are in formed, soon after we left that post, reached us only a few days before we came from Vir ginia, and, when asked for, tins uniform was refused to us. We did not propose to refer publicly to the causes of dissatisfaction in our company, ru mors of seems, had. already reached the people of Chicago. We thought we might safely leave the public to put a just construc- tion upon our motives, and we were unwilling to do any act that might dissuade or hinder those who would otherwise enter the service of their country. But while we desire all who can to enlist, our own experience causes us also to desire that they should choose cotnpttent officers whom they cau trust and re spect. We bear no malice against Oapfc. Bar ker. The majority of ua will again enlist, but not under him. If others wish to do so we have no objections to make. Much has been said in the newspapers of Chicago about the splendid material of our volunteer army and the incompetent of offi cere. Let these papers look at home, and see that they do not saddle on the Chicago Dra goons a batch of officers unfit to lead them in the field. 8. F. Champion, B. G. Webster, F. D. Spicer, A. P. Moore, Theodore Reese, Charles H. Hutchings, John De Lacy, E. J. Coblelgh, Geo. F, Isbell, P. R. Winter, David Phillips, Martin Gardner, H. P. Bickford. Fred. Greetter, Edward Davis, D. Wollaber, Lewis Walsh, Geo. F. Hodge, C. F. Yoss, Benj. F. Felix, R. Bellamy, W. Eph- Leach, A. L. Bigelow, C. 8. Adams, B. C. Bradley, H. Houghton, Geo. A. Forsyth, J. M. Bruner, Dwight Banker, C. F. Brown, Charles P. Throop, D. F, Clark, Jr., J. W. Gofi; M. Stewart, Charles H. Chapin, M. H. Wing, George Warner, Geo. Edgerton, Thomas W. Huibert, B. S. Vomg, L. Gould, A. J. Aiken. W. H. Medill, d.T. Gilbert, Hugh Donnelly, Wm. Bennett, C. 8. Barnwell, H. W. Cady, Geo. P. Russell, Jas. A Strong, P.Wyckoff, W.R.Town, Ed. Maine, Jas. Ncwsham, Charles G. Haddec, H. Stall, James Sherlock, Fred. Clifton, John D. Burgh, A. M. Beardsley, A. H. ilinor, Ed. Marshall, Louis H. Rucker, E. A. Joalyn. T There arc a number of others who have ex pressed their intention to sign the same, who were unable to attend the meeting. We, the undersigned, members of the Chicago Dragoons, being aware of an attempt to injure, traduce and calumniate the official character of Cspt. Baiker, and others connected with the Dra goons, on the part of a number of discontented and defunct members of the “home squad** recent It attached to the company; and knowing their sole aim to be to bring the company and its officers into disrepute, forthe purpose of gratifying petty personal spites, and avenging fancied wrongs, even at the expense of dishonor to the whole com pany and to Chicago, hereby protest against their scandalous proceedings and base misrepresenta tions. We believe their charges to be utterly ground less, conceived only by unscrupulous personal am bition and a morbid desi: c a) deprive those of hon or to whom honor is justly due. We believe Capt. Barker to be worthy of the confidence and respect of the men under his com mand, and of the highest esteem of all patriots and good citizens, as well as the high regard he etjoys of Major-General McClelland and all the superior officers with whom he came in contact during the war. We earnestly desire that all men, particularly the citizens of Chicago, who desire to speak justly of the Dragoons and their commander, will scan the absurd {md conflicting charges, above alluded to, well, before they condemn anyone, esceptthe authors of them, upon any accounts contained in their luminous indictment. 7a. x. 12 H. 6p. at. ...64 78 75 ...70 84 S2 ...82 95 90 ...84 98 91 ...82 96 95 ...83 97 95 ...70 82 79 In saving this, we speak as men who have been wilhCapt. Barker thus Car daring the war, and who will feel a pride in being in his command dar ing its farther continuance. .Tom Cracker, George W, Gardner. ;T. W. "Ward, Edward M. Hayworth, G. H. Silts, Isaac Convoe, Edward N, Bean, J. W. Hile, WmMcCeuelin, jr., C. Aldrich. T. W. Gaosvenor, W. j. Steele, George Phelps. E. A. Webber, T. ELHaite, S. H. Chapman, . and others. The Chicago Dragoons will meet at the Armory at 6 o'clock, P. jc., to march to the Wabash Avenue He thodist Church. Divine service in the Protestant Episcopal Church, comer of Indiana and Franklin streets, at 10#,a.2L,and4 Holy Communion, first Sunday in each month. JS’ - Her. J. Carrol Stark will preach at the Christian Church, on Monroe street between Ab erdeen and Rucker, to-day at 10# a. a. and 8 p. m. Peaches and Cream. —The place to get a meal, or for a delicious dish of peaches and cream, is at the eating-house of Case and Parmelee, Nos. 123 and 125 Dearborn street. Ices and cooling drinks of all kinds on call. Give them a trial. aug3-2t Wasted—Twelve experienced operators to run Wheeler & Wilson's Sewing Machines. Efficient operators, only. Apply at once to Geo. R. Crit tenden, 163 and 165 Lake street. aug3-St To Merchants akd Others holding Illinois Money.— We will advance two-thirds its value, and make returns when converted, or deliver bonds for some. augfixSt Gab Fixtures-— 530,000 worth of new styles must be sold within sixty days. 182 Lake street. jy29-Sot . . H. M. WnatAßiH. Garden Hobs of the best quality may be had in any quantity, fitted and ready for use, at the Rub ber Store, 115 Randolph street—Kingsbury Block. Cook & McLain, 68 Dearborn street, have made their price for eD*nit»y «ad dyeing Gent's garments Isas than any other house in the eitv. e4 • ghawHjnet fan itqrraad the adrertias- To The Public* E. B. Tuttle, Rector. Eedzzz, Alexander & Co., Bankers,- 52 Clark street. MONETARY. batubdat Braanr#, Aig. 8, MU. The noticeable change in finance matters for the week is the degradation of the causa* bask notes from the list of currency. After securing a very. handsome circulation here, the banks of Montreal have put up the rate of exchange to percents premium, and hence -their issues are no longer treated as those of the neighboring States. It is well for Chicago that this sharp practice has com menced now, for with the cut ire confidence our people in their soundness, scveraLTnlllloni might have been put in circulation before the close of navigation. As yesterday, the banks charge 3 per cent, discount on Canada funds. Afowwcekt will suffice for the brokers tp buy up what is now in circulation, and that will he the end of Canada money in this city, for some time at least. One (having to the time of 3 per cent, is sufficient. Exchange is more active. The range is about • premium for approved currency. The honks still sell at }4 to customers. For Canada currency 9# premium is the rate. For coin it can still be bad at per cent, discount. City Bank or Ottawa.—We find upon our tabic the following notice in relation to the bills of the City Bank of Ottawa; ; The notes of the City Bonk of Ottawa will lie received on deposit and redeemed in New York exchange at %of 1 per cont. by the Western Mar ine and Fire Insurance Company. ‘ J. H. WOODWOBTH, Pt. August 3,1861. New Banking House. —It will be seen by an ad vertisement In another column, that C. B. Blair, Esq., of Michigan City, Indiana, has opened a banking office in the Exchange Bank building. Mr. Blair has been long and most favorably known to our leading men. . He is a most important ac quisition to the financial circles of the city. WISCONSIN BANKS. Messes. Maesbaix & Ilslst, Bakkses, Wtt wausee, are prepared to famish ExchnugeonNew Torkat current rates for all Wisconsin money. The present rate of exchange is 6 cent. Below wc give a list of the current and discredited Banks and the rates at which they buy the latter i. CCKEEST WISCOKBIS BASKS. Fanners’ & Mechanics 1 Rnnlr ( Farmers' & MQlera' B’b Bank of Columbus, “ Beloit, Fcx Lake, “ Green Bay, Forest City Bank, if The Interior, Frontier Btnk,' - Jefferson, German Bank,' Green Bay Bank. HndaonCity Bank, 4t Madison, “ Milwaukee, 44 Monroe, lowa County Bank, 44 Moneka, Jefferson County Bank, The Northwest Jnneaaßmk, Oshkosh, Kenosha County Bank, 44 Foctaee, Lumberman's Bank, “ Prairie da Ch’n Northern Bank, “ Racine, Oakwood Bank, '• lUpon, Oshkosh Commercial Bk “ Sheboygan, Prairie City-Bank, ** Sparta, Racine County Bank, “ Watertown, Bock County Bank, “ Whitewater, Bock River Bank, “ Wejanwega, .Rockwell & Co.’b Bank, “ Wisconsin,. Sank Oitf Bank,'; Cenl’lß’kof Wisconsin, Second Ward Bank, City Bank of Kenosha, ' Shawanaw Bank, City Bank of Prescott, State Bank, Colombia County Bank, StateßankofWisconain Commercial Bang, St. Croix Valley Bank, Corn Exchange Bank, Summit Bank, Com Flamers Bank, San Prairie Bank, Dane County Bank, Walworth County Bank, Dodge County Bank, Waukesha County Bank E. E. Hinckley & Co.’s Wisconsin Bank. BankofGrantCounty, Wisconsin Marine and Exchange Bank of Dar- Fire Insurance Co B’k ling & Co., Waupunßank, Elkhomßank, Wisconsin Finery Bank. niSCHEDITED wiscoNsnr basks. No. 1—75 cents. ‘Waupaca County KatiV, Fanners’ Bank, Two Waushara County Ranh. Mvers. _ Wood County Bank. State Stock Bank. No. 4—GO cents. Wisconsin Valley Bank. Chippewa Bank. No. 2—70 cents. Citizens Bank. Bank of Albany. TTatAnvim tutiV. Bank of Manitowoc. North Western Bonk. Laborers' Bank. Osborn Bank. Manitowoc Co. Bank. Portage conn f y Bank. Mercantile Bank. Tradesman's Bank. Rcedsbnrgh Bank. No. 5—55 cents. *’ No. 8— 65 cents. Arctic Bank. Bank of Food dn Lac. Bank of Appleton. Bank of North America. Clark County Bonk. Bank of Oconto. Hall k Bros. Bank* City Bank of Beaverßam, Nc. B—BO cents. City of Berlin, Oneida Bank of Beaver Bam. Bank. Bank of Horicon. - Lake Shore Bank. Beloit Savings Bask. Monroe County Bank. Mechanics' Bank. Oconto County Bank. Winnebago Co. Bank. St. Croix River Bank. IOWA STATE BANK. Efforts arc being made to discredit the bfriw of the State Bank of lowa. The Tmtilth of the city, with perhaps a single exception, have continuedto take it the same as other currency—that Is, they sell New Tork exchange for it at #per cent premium. We give place with pleasure to the following com munication in regard to the management of the bank. It comes from a well informed and reliable source. Editors Chicago Tribune; I notice in the money articles which have appeared in the Tribune from time to time, that yon are afraid the “lowa Banka” are paying outjtoo much of their circulation, and cautioning them against too large an issue; that a good deal of it isionnd in Chicago, and that they must recollect that over issues will lessen the value,” &c., &c. Now Ido not wish to take exceptions to yonr words of cau tion, although they may have originated with yon, for the same reason that a “burnt child dreads the fire,” yet the principle on which they are baaed is correct. An over issue is always injurious, and Chicago, cursed as she has been with a “ stump-tail currency,” will certainly have a live ly recollection of the miseries of an irredeemable, depreciated currency. I think it will be a lon time before her business men will endorse every hank note which is presented to them, bat on the contrary, will scrutinize their standing pretty cloeely. This is as it should be. and no sound bank would object to such a scrutiny, but would even prefer it. It may possibly interest some who reside in Illinois to understand the se curity which the hillholder of the State Bank of lowa has, and for the ultimate, as well as the immediate redemption of the issues. Each- branch is separate and distinct from each other, as far as the ordinary business of the bank• is concerned, but its issues are controlled by the parent hank or Board of Control, in accordance with the charter. The outside limit of Its issues is two dollars to one of its capital actually paid in and remaining unimpaired. Tiorb branch deposits with the parent bank an amount in coin or in stocks at their market value, equal to one-eigth of the circulation lunished such branch, andJn ad dirionto a prompt redemption of all notes pre sented, on pain of forfeiture of its charter, must keep on .band in coin 25 per cent, of its circulation at all times; and if it ever fails below the proporton, they must desist from any farther issues or the discountingT>f paper until the deficit is made up. The community of interest or general partnership of the different branches is al so a feature of great security, as it naturally makes each one jealoue and walchfnl that none of the othere jcomPiit any act which would compromise them in anyway. I thinkthese safeguards (p rov eu so often and so long by the State Banks of Ohio and Indiana, to be good,} ought to be considered asjrrlmo/acie evidence, at least, of soundness and ability to redeem promptly. In ordinary ca ses, every b*nk is the arbiter of its own reputation, hut with the State Bank of lowa it is somewhat different. If through the mismanagement of the officers of any branch they should be compelled to suspend, yet its circulation wou.d continue just as good as ever: I would instance the Plymouth Branch of the Bank of the State of Indiana, as a recent evi dence of the fact. As to whether there is any im mediate danger of the lowa Banks flooding the country with its notes which they might not be able to redeem, I would here say that the total cir culation of all the branches at this time to which, they are entitled, and alt which they can pet,is only ocejnillionflve hundred and seventy-one thousand two bundled and eighty-four dollars ($1,571,231, certainly not large enough to frighten even Chi cago bankers or easiness men, wnen I sec it sta ted that ouc film alone in Chicago paid out $600,- 000 of Canada money in less than a week witnont creating any alarm. I regret that any of the branches should have sought Chicago as a field for its circulation, for I. think that every dollar of it is needed at home, and certainly the best field fora bank to get a circulation is where it is best known, if it is entitled to credit at all. The State of lowa could easily use two or three millions of good cur rency, and would then not have more than a fair proportion for business purposes. lowa. New York Stock Market. —The following are to-day’s quotations of the New York Stock market: _ Ist board. 2d board. New York Central, R. R. stock. .76X 16X Galena. 63X 63X Rock Island 39X 40 Illinois Central 64 64 V Tennessee Gs 4S4£ 43& Missouri 6a 43X 43X North Carolina 6s 6ix Virginia 6s 50 Eabkrgs op the St. Loins, Altos' ajtd Chi cago Railroad.—The following are the earnings of this zoad for the week ending July 81: Passengers. Freight..... Sundries... Total. Increase.. Military transportation to 80th June $17,100.08 Total this month to date $90,96157 $83,119:79 Total since Ist January 531,855.92 493,032.01 COMMERCIAL. Satttedat Evxmns, Aug. 3,188 L The following are the receipts and shipments for the past twenty-four hours: SZCSZPTB CAST TWEHTT-TOUE HOUBS. Flour, Wheat, Com, Oats, Eye, B’rly bn. bn. bn, bn. bn. bn Lake Cama....... 96652 8000 0.5C.U.8-E.. 797 6553 4523 1074 .... 261 0. £. E. I. EE. 620 3500 4550 lILC.E. E... . ICU 7850 29400 850 if 19496 “!° 1 409 C.A.& St.LEB. 100 350 18100 850 Total 3880 2S2SI 172251 ICM4 5® lois Potatoes, Cattle Hides HoS Lead bo. No. fra, bria. N*. 9>s. Canal C.&R.1.8.R 151 8610 98 57 DLC. E.B 48 4875 .... 150 ISOOOO tu :.B .... 479 492 .... 61 „T. ■ K.W.R.B A.&5t.L.8.8 84 32S 8868 .... 203 .... Hi ; 98 «t leoooo ® ! .. 24 1076 17556 98 471 180000 STB LAST TWZNZT-VOUB BOCSt. ■ .Flour, WlTt, Com, uati, Kye, Sar. bris. ba- ba. ba. ba. bii* OB 800 3560011440* oC 56676 22000 tColDome 16607 toderich.. 2251 tberporta 80 IK) Total. To Buffalo To Oswego... To Pt Col Dome To Goderitih.. 225t To other ports 80 TotaL.... 30S1 82176168007 150 .... ! sxesmsiASD 6ECPXBSX3 STIPES. AUG. 3. Seeapts. Shipment*. Lumber, ft 1,462,000 Flour, brls Wood, cds 479 Wheat, bu Fish, pkza 76 Com. bu Flour, bns.SO Lead, lbs B. Corn, lbs Wool, Salt,bcls.... BSCSIPT3 ASP EHI?H2SY9 BY CAVAIt, ATJG. 3, McceizU. Shipment*. Corn, bn 05.550 Lumber, ft 27.800 Oats, bn 8,000 Lath, no 20,000 Highwinea.brla 107 Sait, bdu 5 Notwilhst&ncirg the unfavorable news brought by the Fulton last night, the leading markets to-day were firm and active, with a strong upward tendency in prices. The light receipts of Wheat —only 58.257 bushes—and the probability that they will continue light till harvest is over, caused an unusual firmness among holders, and prices advanced Icon Spring, and fully Jtfc on Witter—' with, sales of about 40.000 bus olaatSStfcfor No 1 Ped Winter; 75©T8c for Ho. 8 Eod; for N.W. Club; 7 ©TTtfcfor No. I Spring; r.ud 9W9KO for No, 3 Sfdsg—the market dosing tab There was a good shipping inquiry for choice brsndi of Spring extra, and a shade ‘better prices were paid; bat medium brands were doll and drooping. Aboutß.Coobrls changedhnndsat $4.75 for White Winter extra, $3 8T for medium to extras, and $2-50®8JJ0 for supers. . Thowwns a very active speculative and ship ping demand-tor ConL-Andjmder-the fovorabli news from New York, the market X& %c per bushel—with sales of about 200,000 bushels at SBc7dr River Ycllowf. o.'b.;‘Ss®S3#c for Canal and River Mixed, afloat; S3®23#c for Mixed in ■store i and for ’ Oats were In good demand andmorc active, with sales of No. lip store at lC®l6Xc. A cargo of 27,- 000 bushels-in 'an outside warehouse (without an elevator/wassoldat 17#o-free of storage. Rye was in good request at 80c In store. Barley was dull and neglected. Highwines were steady and; firm. The market for Beef Cattle was doll aud depress-' ed,—the prospects east being rather gloomy. The receipts efHogs were light, and holders were ask inghigh prices—but buyers preferred waiting till tc-morrow. Freights were steady—the being light at 5c for Com and 6#c for Wheat to Bulfclo. New SrzuNG Wheat.—C. S. Dole & Co. exhibited, on ’Change morning a sample of a car-load of new Spring Wheat shipped by C. H. Conger, of Oneida, Knox Co., HI. The quality of the wheat was excellent,—the berry being being dear and plump, and “ dry as a bone.” Itwelgbed to the measured bushel. Imports at Osweffo, The imports of Flour and Grain at Oswego, by T.pfce, for the month of July, were as follows: lionr, brls. Wheat, bn. Corn, bn... Oats,-bn... Barley, bn. Total grain for the month (floor to •wheat) pm.. 2,069.210 The imports from the opening of navigation to August let have been; Flour, bris, Wheat, bn.. Corn, bu... Oats, bn.... Barley, bu. Rye, 0n.... Peas,bu.... Lumber, ft. Total grain for the season, (flour to wheat) bu 6,247,614 Movements or Produce in Montreal* ~ * [From the Montreal Witness, 39th.] The following table indicates the arrivals of Brcadstufla, &c., at Montreal, by Hallway and CanaL during the week ending tTth lost., with the totals for the current year s also, the exports in eea-coing vessels,via the St. Lawrence, for same wct£, and since the opening of navigation: BECKIPTB BT CA2TAL EXPORTS BY ST. AKD B. B. IiAWBSNCB. Week end* Week end* log Since ing Since July 27. Jan 1. July 27. op’gnav. Flour, hrls 21,221 683,111 4,296 325,037 Wheat,bu....-.185,519 3,949,146 72,125 2,759,424 Peas, bu 40,738 1,004.083 31,421 1,046.109 Barley, bu 9,960 Oats, bu 3,650 88,910 .... 267130 Oatmeal, brl*'.. 86 14,741 2,369 16,871 Com,bu 140,947 .... 03,289 Kye, bu 3,935 Ashes, brls.... 801 10,500 837 7,928 Butter, kegs... 1,248 13,519 749 3,891 Pork, brls 162 10,333 30 247 Lard, brls..' 1,360 .... 91 Beef, brls 181 .... • 316 Tallow,brls 1,878 .... 112 Lumber, ft.. .2,651,000 17,175,000 The aggregate receipts for the week were 335,487 bushels, including flour into wheat, wbile the exports were 138,871 bushels; the imports, therefore, exceed the shipments by about 200,000 bushels, The week's shipments were 14,842 brls of flour less, and 144,230 bu of wheat less thaw in week ending 20tb ; while the comparative receipts show an increase of 8,724 brls of flour, and 83,876 bu of wheat. The largest arrivals for a single week, since the opening of nation, were lag that ending dun* 1 viz.: 059,906 bu; the low est. during the week ending July 20, being 214.102 bushels. ' Wheat in store at ISOwankee. The. .secretary of the Chamber of Commerce has ascertained the amount of wheat in store at the warehouses of this city on the Ist iost to be 712,350 bushels. At this time last year there was scarcely a cargo of wheat in store here, and the receipts from the whole mouth of July 1860 were not equal to the amount delivered here during the last two days. — MU. Seniind. Hie Oat Crop In New Tork, We have been shown specimens of oats taken from the fields in this vicinity, which are com pletely covered with a small insect, dark red in color, but in other particulars, closely resembling the aphid, which Infects garden and house plants. The fields affected instead of presenting to the eye the lively green of & growing and imma ture crop, are changed in color to that of ripened grain, and a close inspection shows a withered kernel and a dried stalk- The worst or most af fected specimens, look as if struck with blight or rust. We do not know to what extent the oat crop in this locality is affected. The specimens in onr possession, were taken from two fields, one on the flats, and the other oa elevated ground, near the city,— Schenectady Times. 3IABKET9 BITTHE LATEST MAILS. Montreal— Aug. I.—Flour steady, but dull; small soles; No. 1 superfine at $4 40®4 50. and of No 2, at $4.-:0; fancy, nominal at $4 90 ®5 00, and extra* at $5.90®6.50. Wheat inactive; Chicago and Milwaukee No 1 spring, held at 95®97; Cana da at Canada high mixed $1.20®1.25. Freights steady at 8s for flour, and 6s for grain to Liverpool andthe Clyde. Exchange better. Bank 60 days-on London 9# premium; private 7#@B#; bank 3 day's sight bills on New York 1)4 premium. Milwaukee— August 2 —Flour—Receipts 1,650 bbl». Sales included 100 bbls “ Empire ” (Water town) extra at $3 65; 100 bbls “ Pardeville ”do (a very choice brand) at $4.25. Wheat—Receipts 55.205 bushels. Market firm audio better, dosing at 71c for No. 2 and 75c for No. 1 in store. Sales 580 bus No 2 del at 70c: 5,400 bus at 70c; bus do in store at 71c; 2.500 bus No 1 del at 74c; 7,550 bus do del at 75c; 2,000 bus do del at 7Gc; 13.800 bus do in store at 75c; TOfHms do in store at 74c; and 1,000 bus rejected at 53c. Coarse Grains—Re ceipts 968 bus corn, 623 bus rye. Sales included 87 sks rye at 84c. Com is held at 38@39c; oats at 23®24c. Wool—We note a sale of 1,500 lbs prime fleece at 27c.— Sentinel. Cleveland— Aug. 2.— Sales to-day 4,000 bushels red wheat afloat at BSc; 2 care at 86c on track, and 1,050 bus com afloat at 31c,— Herald. Toledo— August 2.—Wheat—New white is freely offered without buyers. Sales of 500 bus prime white at 95c; sales of red, 850 bus new at 85c; 1,600 bus mixed at 85#; 1,000 bus at 65c: 6,000 bus new at 85c; 4,000 bus do at same ; 9,000 bus old p. n, t.; SCO bus at 85c. Com—Sales 1,500 bus at 2Sc; 4,500 bus, 2,000 bus, and 1,000 bus, all at 23c.— Slade, Montreal Grain Market.— July 29—Floor— The demand from Quebec has fallen off. and ship pers are unwilling to pay present prices. There is no great stock of flour in the market, hut to effect sales concessions would require to be made. We hear of no wholesale transactions, but retail parcels move slowly at $4.60 to 4 70 for No. 1. The lower grades are still scarce, and wanted at fair srices,5 rices, though scarcely ec high as a few days ago. to. 2 $4-25@4 SO ; flue $3.75 to 4 00; middling $3 to $3 25; Pollards about $2.50. Wheat—every thing depends on quality and condition. Inferior parcels sell at irregular prices. Good sound par cels are held at 05c to sl, but we hear of no sales at the latter price.— Witness. Daily ReTlew of Cbicago Market, Saturdav Evjlnlsb. August 3. FREIGHTS—Steady. Theengagcme? ta were : —To Buflalo;—Schrs. Muskingum, T. G. Avery, and "Warner, corn, at 5c.; sc hr. Cuba, wheat, at s#c. FLOUR—Received, 3,630 brls; shipped, 3,081 brls. Market active and Arm. Sales were:—so bils “Cbatsworlh** flat hoop choice Extra at $1.25 del: 100 brls “ Lillian .\ \X V rouad hoop, at $4 00 del: 150brls “Hodsons SSX" round hoop, at s4.oodel: 100 bils “Commercial’’ flat hoop, at $.lO del; 110 brls “ Little Giant” at $3 60 del; 100 brls “Princeton City” at S6QO del; 100 brls “ lonic** round hoop, at $3 80 del; 512 brls “ Da cotah,’’ 450 brls “ Wacousta” and 200 brls “ Smith Mills,” all on private terms; 100 brls Janesville “ Union** at $3 60 del: 83 brls “Genesee flat hoop, at S3,SIX del; 50 brls fair extra at $3.50 del; 100 brls “Metropolitan" white winter extra on p.t ; 100 brls “McLeanCo** super at $2 90 del; 100 brls fair superat $2.55; 45 brie “Rapid** super at $2.- 62X del; 30 brls ford" flat hoop extra at $5.72 X del; 100 brla “F F 6" white winter extra at $4.15 deL Wl> EAT—Received, 28.25T bu; shipped, 82.116 bn. Market advances about Icon spring, and X® Icon winter. Sales.—Wears—2,ooo bu No. 1 Red in store at 83Xc ; 800 bu No. 2 Red in store at 15c 1.600 bu do av 16c. Spring— SCO bu N. W. Club in store at 12c—gold; 1,000 bu do at72Xc; 7.000 bu No. ISptlng infctbreat 71c; 2,000bu do at 11c— gold; 1,000 bn do at 71 Xc ; 13,000 bu fioat7lXc; 700buNo. 2 Spring in store at 67Xc ; 2.500 bu do et 6Sc; S 000 bn do at 68c—gold: 2.000 bn do at 68Kc; 12 500 bu do at 68Xc: 2,500 bu do at 6SXc— gold; 8.000 bu do at 69c, Sales by sample on track were as follows: 120 bags good milling spring at 11>£c; 47 bags do at 72c; lß4bag»clnoat7Bc. CORN—Received, 172,251 bn; shipped, 153.007 bn. Market advanced xc per bushel. Sales. 6.000 bn River Yellow at 28c to. b.; 20,000 bn Canal Mixed at 25Xc f. Ob,; 45.000 bn do at 25c, afloat; 2.600 bn Yellow in store at 24c 5 000 bu Mixed in store, at 23c; 85,000 bu do at S3Xc: 5.020 bn do at 23Xc—geld; 60,000 bu do at S3Xc; 10,000 budoat 25Xc to. b.; 1,000 bu Rejected in itore at 18c. By sample, 160 bags Yellow were sold at 25c on track. 1861. 1860. $5,37871 $6,855.59 16,851.61 131915.76 $22,536 05 $21,7X4.67 87188 OATS—Received, 10,914 bu; shipped, 150 Ira. iiajktt active and unchanged- Sales wereSCO buNo. 1 in store fit 16Xc: 1000 bn do at 15c: . 2,000 bn do at 16Xc-ffOld; 97,000 bn No. 1 (In an cnteifie warehouse) at ITJfcfree of storage—cold, - RY3—Receivtd,Sw* bn. Market steady. Ss.les, 1200 bn No. lin store at 30c: 400 bn No. 2in store at 23c; 400 bn do at 30c. BARLEY—Received, 1023 ba. Market dull and neglected. No transactions. HIGHWINKS— Received, 93bbls. Market Quiet, sa3es, 60 bbls city at 14#c, PROVISIONS—No demand and market entirely nominal at $14@14 50 for winter and sl3 5C@18.50 for summer. Labd—l2 brls country at 7c. TALLCW—In fair demand. Sales, 16 tes coun try at sfcc; S tea at 6c; 12 tcsat6Xc. Citytal low. 6Kfo7c. HiDßs—Quiet. Wc quote Dry flint, 7X@Bc; green salted, 4@4Xc; green, S@3#c. DRIED APPLES—9OO sks Ohio at 3e. BUTTER—I,4OO lbs good roll at oitfc; dairy Sfih 10c. BEAKS—2O bushels good mixed at SI.OO. POULTRY—Lire chickens, $1.25®150 per doz; turkeys. BfihSJfcper lb. EGGS—Very dell, •withsales at s®sJ£c per d 'z. LIVE STOCK —Received 1,063 Beeves, 471 Hogs. Market for Beef Cattle dcH and heavy. Hogs are held for higher prices. Sales, 30 Beeves, averaging 1.140 lbs. at $3.70 63 « 1,255 lbs; at 3650 per head. 40 Eogs, “ 340 lbs, at 880 203 IT.’ MAHKBIS BY TELEGBAPH. NEW YOKE, Aug. 3—Flour may be quoted a shade firmer with a fair export demaud. Sales, 8/00 brls at $4,10@415 for super state; $4-80<£ 4.35 for extra state—s4.4o for choice; $8.95&t.10 for super western: $4.25@4.45 for common to me* dinm extra westers; $4 90@5 for shiopiog brands extra round hoop Ohio; and $5.l<X&B 10 for trade brands. Market closing quiet and firm* ex. Canadian flour a shade firmer. Sales, 600 brls at $4 05®4.10 for super, and $4.80®7 6'» for common to choice extra. Eye flour Is quiet and ' teadj at *2.25©S 90 Com meal unchanged. Sales, 630 brls at $2 85 for Jersey and extra west ern. ami 150 puncheons at $15<&15.55 Wsiskt.—Holes firm; fair demand; sales 650 brls at 17c. Graxs—Wheat—supply limited, and with, fair export demand in. part for Prance. Market ad vanced leper bu; sates 18 400 bu. MU club at 95® 100; 1,200 bn Canadian club at ft 02; 8 000 ba amber lowa a* BIOS; 2,250 bu very choice do $1.05 1C8; 3.000 bu Green Bay at $1 Did* 03; 14.000 on wtater red western at slls®ll6#; 14,000 white Mich, at $l Ss<ai-S0; and 1.200 bn white Kr, at $1.85. -Rye quiet and without material change; rales 1,200 bn western, at 47c. Barley nominal. Cora scarce, and 1c better, with seed export de mand; tales 54.000 bn, at Cor shipping mixed western; 4S&4SC for e<stom do; <9{s(*e tor unsound do; 42<a5W for inferior to nod west err yellow Oats anil, at 20j$J8c Cor Oanidiaa; Sl3<®B2lfc£bc western and state. rativtaioH-.—P<«rk—Le»e delne. caarret scarce ly fo firm. Sei«e 10U brie at sis 75foi acs<; $10.C3 6.545 81,600 150,159 135.000 62A00 8,600 AlO.lB for prime. Beef firm. StlM ISO brie At £4 ®4L6O for country prime: ss®£.6o for country mesa; sß®lo 60 for repacked m»i; $U6O®ll5O for extra mess. Prime moMbeef and boefhama quiet onfl TtiAwtwrtly nrirhtmgftd. Cut meats doll &t 4X®sc for shoulders; B®6c for hams. Baron quiet. Lard firm, with a moderate demand. Sales SbO brls at B®9Mo—latter very choice. Butter, 7 ®loJfe for Ohio; B®l4c for state. Cheese la fair 3.—FlotirunchEUgecL. Spadt.—Wheal scarce and held firmly. - Sales 3 000 bn Chicago spring at 82c. Corn scarce 5 mar ket steady. Sales 15,000bn Illinois at 34c. - Canal Fbxiohtb— Steady; flour 37 c, wheatßc, -com 7c, to New York. "'Lass Inpobts —28.800 bu wheat; 860 bu rye. Canal bushels corn. '■- > *f* • -* Canal Expobts pob Jula, —45,838 bbla floor; 694-496bu wheat; 1,072,640 bu com’; 21,763'bu oats: 8,6201 m barley; 8,800 bu rye; 1,120 bushels Since Opening Navigation to Aug. 15t.— 14,900 bbla flour: 8,035,513 bu wheat; 2,438,- sSsbu com; 82,103 buoats; 483 m. feet lumber. . Receipts 01* Canal Tolls (at the Collector’s office in this city lo August 1et.)—223.467 dollars, an increase of $47,611 over the corresponding pe riod last year. BUFFALO, Aug. 3.—FlocA—Steady, very mod erate demand. ... , Gbain— Wheat quiet: holders firmer; only one sale to-day. 18,000 bu MB Club at Ssc. Cornciosed quiet but firm; sales 45,000 bu at s2c Oats firm and good demand; sales 48,000 bu at24®24Jf. Whiskt—Nominal at 15#. Canal Fbeights—loc for com, He for New York. Laeb Intouts—4,ooo brls flour, 12,000 bu wheat, 35.000 bu com. , , , . , Canal Expoeib-4,ooobrlsflour,so,uOObu wheat, 125.000 bu corn, 80 000 ba oat*. MARINE LIST. TOUT OB’ CHICAGO. ARRIVED August 8. Stmr Lady Franklin, Hickey, St. Joseph. 1500 R B tics, 25 cds wood, 6 boxes fish, 50 brls flour. Prop lowa, Hunt, Buffalo, lot mdse. Prrp Edith, Hunt, Goderich, lot mdse. Prop Galena, Steel, Buffalo, lutmdse, 40pkga fish. Bri«r Fashion, King, Green Bay, 160 m lumber. Brig Hutchinson, williams, Green Bay, 180 m lum ber. Brig.Kirk White, Griffith, Sheboygan, 102 cords . 11,150 . 884,878 .1,087,052 . 86J260 . 5,300 ° wood. Schr Challenge. Seed, Kalamazoo, 50 m 1 amber, SCO BIT tics. _ , Scbr Forrester, Peterson, Grand River, 75 m lum- .. 76,3(3 ..3,108.936 ..3,442,793 .r 106.333 .. 47,692 .. 135.103 .. 25.302 ..4,767,400 bcr. Scbr Spencer, Blanchard, Muskegon. 80 m lumber. Schr Elbe, Buger, Muskegon, 66 m lumber. Schr mariner, Eater, Sheboygan, 00 cds wood. fichr E. Q. Grey, McGraw, Muskegon, 65 m lumber. Schr Grey Eagle. Purrett, Bnffalo, 180 m lumber, from Oconto. „ . Schr Perry Canfield, Sarnia, 110 m lum ber, 10 pkgs fish. gchr Blue BenTSoward, Cedar River, 100 m lum ber. Scbr Telegraph, Hayes, Whits Lake, 75 m lumber, 90 page Hob. Schr North. McGraw, Centerville, 87 cds wood. gchr Helen Kent, Reed, Charlo«cville,76 cds wood. Schr Bailey, Foster, Muskegon, 90 m lumber. Schr \t hlrlwind, Nelson, Ceutteville, 97 cds wood. Schr CoL Grover, Achenuan, Muskegon, 80 m lum ber. Schr Dllnoifl, Burke, Muskegon, 87 m lumber. Schr E. Band, Clelond, Pent Water, 75 m lumber. CLEARED August 3. StmrLady Franklin, Hickey, St. Joseph, 25 brls salt, 8 tons mdze. Stmr Baltic, Averlil, Buffalo, 20,000 bu com, 600 brls flour. Prop Galena, Steele, Buffalo, 4,000 brls flour, 250 bales b com, 200 pigs lead, 5 tons sundries. Prop lowa, Hunt. Buffalo, 18,600 bu wheat, 1,600 brls flour, 43 bales wool, 1,500 pigs lead. Prop Whitby, Kennedy, Kingston, bu wheat, 412 brls flour. Bark Adriatic, Miner, Oswego. Bark Nichols, Graves. Colbomc, 19,500 bu com. Brig Sebastopol, Smith, Muskegon. Brig Hutchinson, Williams, Green Bay. Schr Fanny Gardner, Sullivan, Buffalo, 14,000 bu com. Schr Fox, Howard, Buffalo, 16.000 bn com. Schr Peoria, Elsy, Buffalo, 10,500 bu reheat. Scbr Curlew, Tiasler, Bnffalj, 12,900 bn com. Scbr Mary Morgan, Vannetta, Buffalo, 11,500 bn com, 33 brls flour. Schr Reindeer, Murdoch,Oswego, ba wheat. Scbr Gerrit Smith, Morgan, Oswego, 15,000 ba wheat. Scbr Syracuse, Carr, Oswego, 12,500 ba wheat. Saranac, Gale, Buffalo, 22,000 bu corn. Scbr minors, Burke, Muei?«Ou. Scbr Challenge, Reed, Kalamazoo. Scbr Planet, Linn, Kavarino. Scbr Spencer, Blanchard, Muskegon. Scbr Elbe, Eager, Muskegon. Scbr Mariner, Baker, Sheoojgan. Scbr £ G Gray, McGraw, Muskegon. Scbr Blue Ben, Howard, Cedar Hirer. Scbr Telegraph. Hayes. White Lake. Scbr Korin, McGraw, Sheboygan. Scbr Warner. Manning, Buffalo, 16,500 bu com. Scbr Helen Kent, Reed, Parody's Pier. SchrWhirlwind, Nelson, Centerville. Scbr Col Graves. Ackerman, Muskegon. Scbr Forrester. Peterson, Grand River. Scbr H Rand, Leland, Peutwater. Scbr Sophia Smith, Butler, Buffalo, 10,750bu com. ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. ARRIVED Piairie State, Lasalle, 5.433 bu com. 'Wins & Wine, Laea’.le. 4,858 bu com. J D Harmon, Lasalle, 4,673 ba com, 107 brls high* •wines. G C Morton. Ottawa. 5.000 bu corn. Dick Overall, Ottawa, 5,500 bu com, 130 boxes starch. Mary Emery, Ottawa, 4,500 bu com. Prairie Obief, Ottawa. 5 68S bu com. Unionist. Ottawa, 5,400 bu com. Doctor Knne, Ottawa, 5.000 bu com. Arctic, Morris, 6,009 bn com. W Mcrriam, Morris, 5.000 bn com. Golden State, *nx Sable, 6,000 bu com. H Cooly, Du Page, 4.500 bu corn. B A Thorp, Joliet, 4,500 bu com. Old Abe, Joliet, 2,500 bu com, 2,000 bu oats. Humboldt, Joliet. 6,000 bu oats. Adella, Joliet. 4.500 bu com. Edmonia, Lockport, 5,500 bu com. Rocket, Lockport, 5,000 bu com. Mazeppa, Lockport, 5,000 bn com. J. L. Alexander, Lockport, 5,000 nu com. CLEARED Aug. 2. Gen Scott, Lasalle. Central City, Lasalle, 5 brls salt. Belle, Lasalle, 22,800 ft lumber, 20 m lath. Glasgow, Ottawa. Laura Ann, Ottawa. CLlluntoon, Ottawa. Amazonia, Morris. Monnd City, Moms. Humboldt. Joliet. Progress, Lockport. Imperial, Lockport, 5,000 It lumber. Oak Bill, Lockport. J L Alexander, Lockport. Aquila, Willow Springs. Investigator, Athens. MARINE INTELLIGENCE. Vessels Passing theough the Welland Ca nal.—'We are indebted to Capt. B. P. Dorr for the following list of vessels passing through the Wel land Canal: Yesseto Bound West. Wherefrom. Whereto. On the SlsW Prop Cleveland, Ogdenahurgh, Chicago. On the let Ang Prop Jefferson, Ogdenshurgh, Cleveland. SchrJG Beard, Toronto, Erie. Schr A J McDonald Toronto, Cleveland. Vessels hound East. Wherefrom. Whereto. On the 81st— Prop Ogdenshurgh, Prop Vermont, On the Ist Aug— Schr Perseverance, Cleveland, Toronto, Schr John Potter, Cleveland, Toronto, The hark Kiagara Is hound for Chicago. A Fine Vessel.—The new schooner Clarahel, just launched from the yard of Ira Laffrinier, is re ceiving her outfit in the river. The Clarahel is a heautnul vessel and will compare favorably with any on the lakes. She Is for Boston men, and will he ready for sailing soon. Mr L. has built a number of vessels for the oceau trade, and all have given good satisfaction. The fame of the Cleveland ship-yard- will be well sustained by the Clarahel —Cleveland Herald. tSTThe barge Etheland,with 7,253 bu of wheat, cargo of schooner George Steele, sunk at Kings ton, Canada, on the 24th of July; 6.500 bu of the wheat belonged to Uon John Young, and 654 bu to J M Smith, of Toronto. Passed Detroit, Aug. 2.—Bound up—Prop Comet, Omar Pasha, Jefferson, Adriatic; bark In diana, Great West (No. 1), Colorado; schr M H Sibley, Adriatic, New London, H H Brown, J J Bronson,'Winfield Scott. Clarabel. Bound down—Prop Tona wanda ; bark Louisa, Southampton. Stork; brig Hollister: schr Cort landt, St Noble. Jenny Llni, Alary Collins, Mid night, Alnwick, E P Goodell. /CHICAGO MILL-FURNISHING \J D3POT. T. W. BAXTER & CO., FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, C. W. BROWS PATENT PORTABLE Flouring and Grist Mills, BITCH “15K££ BOLTING CLOTHS,” Smut ~Milla and Separators. Separators for Warehouses Belting of all Kindi, Hoisting Screws and Baa. Bran Busters, PlciStProofStads. Ac,, Ac FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, MILL FURNISHING GENERALLY. Plana, Specifications and Estimates forafched wham desired, and the construction of Steam and Water mita contracted for entire. Steam Boiler** &e« The subscribers having obtained the Agency for the sale of Steam Engines and Boners fromtne mannlao tory of GOULDISQ, EAGLET & SEWELL, of Water town, N. T, would Invite the attention oi purchasers to their superior merits of style, workmanship and powers: also, their very low prices. Tna following la a list of prices of Engine and Boner, together 'nth Heater, water and bteam Pipes. Cocks, Valves, Arch Casting* and Grates, complete and ready for use, de livered in Chicago: 5 horse power. $ soo 20 horse power......*L2sn 8 * “ 573 25 “ ** LSM IS ** 725 SO " “ 1,8*5 IS “ * SCO 35 “ “ Socc is “ “ use 43 « “ 2#o And In like proportion for larger sizes as required. Every Engine Is foralahed with JT7DSOIT3 PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE. Tor Fleur Mills we confidently recommend them as superior to any other style of Engine, and they will Safe from 35 to SO per cent In Fuel o«p the usual class of bollera in use la the West, We ecallteepan aaeoruaest of different sizes at our e&> taoßabmeat, where they may be examined and the necessary Izfbnnat'on obtained res&rdlcgthem. Com* petentmen will. If desired, be famished to set op and start engteeataanypart of th“ country. We also supply WAXES WHEgIiS. gffAFTItTO. GSASDTS, AO, At very low prices. T. W. BAXTER A CO’S 1101 Famishing Depot West Water streetbetwesa haadolph ana Edison sts, Chicago, I3L FostOScsaddressDoxSTA oe®J-ty 'J'O GRAIN SHIPPERS: EJckawS’s Irea Ce?a Shelter, SHAM9IIN BF THE WBRIB. £r99R 1090 (9 SOW) Suktll nr *«y. PATENTED SEPT- 25TH, «50. Karractad to lieli tie* Jb *7 eouUtloa o< grata, vithoctcatttcglt and rMiirfag I*s fcaa aaj ifceflar of nme npatitr. KAFirrAcniasD bt v. c a 3d IMI, fffflFftat. &UL 0C« oft UEsoatorr m Lad A Iran TTgrtay go. FT SrfTal'ly OBUHIWt TTT ANTED—Two convenient TV Houses In the same neighborhood, at a mods. rate rent. Addroa.wttn description and »T4 FcsbOttce, an'*»2t TAT ANTED—By a graduate of a TV Crtt-cIM. CoHezo, of five Is High and Graced Schools, a Bttoatioitu. Prlsdprt or A» tstant In a School of last Acsaa nr. In addition to ordinary branch* of collegiate comae. »IU- teach German. Bert of ntfer. cncf bgiven. Aadr»Ba.atatlng salary, TBAoa BB," Box AIB. GaleaborirTlir - » QZlx w i ■An-. 2. Ogdensb'g Ogdensb'g Chicago, Detroit, OF AT.T. QUARRIES. WANTED—TEACHER TXT- W v TOB—A eraduste of Harrwd CoHsgo, who has been esgsgedm teaching daring the last lour year?, wishes to obtain a sltuaton as Teacher or Pri vate Tutor, dlher In the city or country.-He has let ters from gentlemen in New England. Thorough It strucllon liven In all preparatory to college or business life. Address ** TUTOR, Tribune Office. angSxSw f l. WANTED— PcrrLTtr.cni Boaidng f f-• for a Ecmiemp- and Ju J- nu-i ’ t-rct Bmiil children. In a private /'•n SontS .r S’ate street and south c) • ■’V 52 andrequlred. Addrcs* 1' •> nu >-<■ ■\fITANTED On-; :-r v V one pair of Pcnlcs. h- . . ona having any of the a>avtj ■ oddrei&ing roat Office liox •(-«<». T\7ANTED TO PUBCUA e fS—A T V retail stock of Groceries, Boots oidSiioca or liiTGoittf. Address Box 8770. or T flp £V*TrKß S§ and 40 Laaalie-gt, Boom *4. j;3lx6t Als TED.—Agents wanted to T » canvass every County In the North States for the sale of an article wWtt «w«^ijaen man must have every traveler mMthn’^OTeryr^ road man must have, ftt^otf^aSres have. * assortment o *^ w r O~,7 fla * a and Pin*, Mope, Charts, *a. of the scat of war. The Price of these Artie!® brings then Within the Reach of All. Eoclose ft stamp and receive l>7 ratura mill a Clr enlar rivli'Z 101 l particnlare. J. H. JOH-t- Ion! lit Post Office Box 43«». myll-e714-Sm HOUSE WANTED. to Bent, a email, comfortable House, for a small family Address P. O. Bex 3870. statins location, terms. coLvenlencea, &<x. Ac. aug2-g2jl-5t CS ADDLE AND HARNESS MA KEBS WASTED. Good Wages and Regular Employment. TURHER & BIDWAT, 208 B&Qdolpb-SL, Cnloago. au3-g290-2ir 'T’O PRIVATE FAMILIES.— A JL single gentleman, with domestic tastes wishes to find a first class private family, on North or S>uth Side, wt ere be can get boaro with room, and be more a? one of the family than a boardtr. Beferennes ex changed. Address for two weeks, ** BOARD,” Drawer $962. P.O. augaxSt O AWT EES WANTED.-We want Gane, MulejaLd Clr solar Sawyers at mod crate wages aid prompt pay. Al-o, a few Laborers, to work at oar mills. Apply at oar office, on Lincoln street, Soalii Branca, aagixlw N. LtTDISGTON & CO. 9HA SHOEMAKERS AST) 100 FITTERS wantedlmmediattiy at No. S3 Lake street, up stairs Chicago. UL P. o. Boi3a4Q. jygoiaw Thompson, whitney & co. CADDIE AH) HARNESS MA KRRS wanted COKDICT, WO3LLST & CO., 59 Lake btrfet. jysi g270.1v CHOEMAKERS WANTED, at 52 O Lake street. COKDICT, WOOLLET * UO. jsai-eaaiw A BOOKKEEPER of Ions; expari ence In the system of donble entrv. is desirous of a situation at a moderate salary. Habits unexcep tionable. References furnished. Please address “F.,” Box 4248. jyaQxlw LOT WANTED—A Desirable Lot for a Dwelling House, located above Twelfth street, and between Sente street and the Lake, is wanted In Exchange for a flne*Warchouse and Dwell ing bltuated In a flourishing city within 100 miles of Chicago. The property affords a permanent basin ess, a comfortable home and a sure income of from s3w to (SCO per annum to any person with ordinary busl cess bLvlm. For further particulars a-ply to J. L. Tick, Ko. 32 Clark st, or address Box 6151 Chicane Post Office. A Photograph of the Property can be seen at 32 Clark street. The above property Is valued at 13.500. JySxlm PECRTJITS WAITED FOR ii The Sixteenth Regiment of UNITED STATES INEANTKY, Applications can be made every day at the Regi mental Head Quarters, Ho. Ist Dearborn street, near the Post Office, or at 134 West Randolph street. Any body procuring an able-bodied Recruit will receive Two Dollars. A. J. SLEMMEB, Infantry, SuperintendentEegLßectg. A STOCK OF DRUGS, MSDI CENES AND BOOKS WANTED, amounting to $2,000 or or 14.000, tor which valuable city pro perty in Central Wisconsin, now renting for six to eight per cent, on Us valnatlon, will be exchanged at lair figures, or good wild land, well located, and a proportion of cash paid. If In a desirable locality In the country preferred. Any person wishiuc to go ont of the Drug Business, and having a suitable stock, will find a good bargain. Address Box 4443, Chi cago. 18. ty23x2w So T) REE T.—One of these eplen did Stores and Basement? under the Sherman Bouse, on Clark street Inquire of ELDRtDGE & TOUBTELLOTTE, No. SI Clark street. jyl2-gU7-lm T) RENT OR FOR SALE, with or without the Furniture, a beautiful Country Residence, located In Elgin, forty miles from Chicago. The l ouse Is nearlvnew, large and commodious. with two acres of land covered with Native Forest Trees, and adjoins the residence of the Kcv. Mr. Clark, on Main street- This Is a good opportunitv for any wish* leg a healthy and pleasant home for chlldcn. Address Post Office Box 7sU, Elgin, Kane County, UL. or call on the premises. jyi9xim TO RENT.—lntending soon to remove our stock ot Iron, Sleet Nails, &c* to our New Store tlte and 195 South. Water street, op. poslte “Board or Trade Rooms"), we offer thv Store we now occupy for rent. The building Is 40x160 feet, very strong and suitable for Packing House, Machine Shop, Livery Stable, or any heavy business. Forpar tlcnlars Inquire at our Office on the premises. E. G. BALL, HIM BARK A CO. Nos. ISO and 193 Wash. Irgtonetreet, between Weils and Franklin streets. Jy.B-gl&Ma TO RENT—A first-class tenement In the North Division of the city, comer of Pine and Huron streets. The Lot Is 75 by 109 feet. The house is tt-ree stories, having all the modem Im- Srovements; lately the residence of J. B. Dog'ett, Sq. Inquire of C. BENTLEY, 111 Dearborn street. jyg-gBO- m C INGLE AND SUITS OF UN KJ FUBNISHPD BOOMS to rent to families and others, *s low as fl per month. In brick building ad- Joining House, No. 13 South Water street. Apply In basement to auglxlw S. MODE Janitor. XTURNISHED RESIDENCE AT J- HYDE PABK TO LET—The famished resi dence occupied ry the undersigned at Hyde Park will be letlmeedtafely for tne unexpired term of the lea-e —saytol.tMa . The house Is beautifully finished, has hot and cold wafer m every bediosm two water closets, a’-rt isneated by a furnace. For tpma en. quire on the premises between the nours of 11 A. it and SP, M, or at No. 43 Son h Czars etw et jySlxlW DAVID STUART. r FO BE RENTED—The very de- JL alrable English Basement Brick and "Marble Front House. Belgrave Terrace. Nu. 44 May e;rev.t, between Washington and Madison stmts, tenmlantea ride from City House contains Oa% Bath Room. Hot and Cold Water, and use of Stable if desired Is in thoicngh repair, and will be rented low to a choice tenant- Address Poet Office Box 41 »»3, or inquire of J. F. NORTON, iOO Washington-st* UihceNo. 0. ap4*ol ly 'J'O RENT. PIANOS AND MELOOEONS To new and second hand. Pianos for sale low at lift Lake street (up stairs) near Clark street [aplO-Sl-ly] Sals ATTENTION, MILLERS! —We ii offer for asie 4 run 4K feet French BnrrStcnes, but littl? used and In perf-ct order. Can bs seen at cor office. PARKER & BAYMOND. IfOR SALE OR EXCHANGE An excellent opportunity Is now offered to any person «isklne to engage in the lumber business. A l&rf e SAW MILL at Green Bay. all complete and in good running order, with is SO acres of pine land, is offerediuexchaiee for property In Chicago or im prove d farms in Illinois. For particulars address P, O.Box 3673. Chicago. Jyatxim "p'OR SALE.—Pianos and Mtlo- X 1 deens from tbo best Eastern manufacturers, for sale cr to rent W. W. KIMBALL, 99 Clark street. jyia-gip&im L 1 OR SALE—At low rates, 200 X tors best brand Soap-MaVers Soda Ash. by JAMES S. KIhK a CO., 18 and 30 Itiyer street jylfgtte-.m * FJR SALE OR RENT.—The premises now occnpled by the subscriber, situ a ted on the ccmer of Bush and Ontario street North ide. [152-gffT-lm] B. L TINKHAM. TAKUG STORE FOR SALE—At XJ a thriving point on the Mississippi River. Cash buyers can find a good bargain. Applratoncetoßox 3166 St Paul Post Office. jy^rim Lots in ‘ weight wood,’ ETC., FOB SALE —I am now ready to offer 60me of those beantifjl Grore Lots adjoining the city on the north. Alk> One deep Lots on West oMhing. ton street, two b’ocie east oi Union Park. T. WRIGHT, Office No. 6 Pardu s Building, comer oi Wells and S. Water streets. augliiw T ABDS BUR SALE CHEAP, -Xi is McHenry. Kane, Osle. Whiteside, Grundy, I>e Kalb, Heck s, . ill and Lake, befog the same land entered by THOMAS K. GREEKS, and now owned by ArdellaE. a&dMary Ann Greene. Tennaeaay. ApplytoHß HURD,No, II Methcdfst Chnrch Block, Chicago. mk3-eIBS-<m l?OK SALE—House and Lot, 231 X 1 Wabash avenue. The house was well built, and has gas and water. The lot la in a pleasant part of the city, and is the hlghestpoint of ground in the South Division. Address L. EOSSITEB, Lake Forest. jei2-e?ls-6:n ißoaramg. "COABDINS.—Board, wit! p’.ea- J,/ gar.trooTa. initahlefor accommodating either fcmille* or i ingle gentlemen. maj bs obtained atSSS and 32S Soato Clark street. Terms for tingle gentle men. |350 ptr ■» e fc. It Is also a convenient location fer dat-boanJeiß. as It is only a few moments'walk item tse Post-Office. augSrit TWO GENTLEMEN can be so X comrsodatfd with Beard la a private famUv. at ITO State at. References required. augikst "BOARDING.—A few Boarders E£H5 desfraKe location. One or two gentle °r four or five single geaflemea, A. few day boarders will be received. References enchanted. Iy3os±w BOARDING. —Pleasant rooms with bosrdcan he had at 288 Wert Washington street. co.aer of Morgan. • Location very desirable. Aosx. T OST—Geitificate of deposit on “ l Z*cWirll ß LOST —A red, curly haired Water SpasieX. Collar marked “A Parkins’ Dn» pe finder will he smtablyM«Sdid by S turning him to the Omnibus Office, so Randolph augtxSt T OST- A Stott tail BAT MARK, Ag* g°H* cld. is lands htßft. has a star £J^.£S 1 ?'.!? i* ali tt;eovet on tao anees, s*d U & SSL t J^^“i&i2 CT *.- :WllweTerllril4 retain or dm lit re ea d tt ire can bo the sa»- SonihClsri: a tree', or to Biyiag'-on’s y»«y 6t «s=».o2Btateße»i asiri>ljrti-<«.R«»» n«U». sreUs- - sJyjtxl H. 5 f.m’J- ' gUPERIOR KBW AND Second-Hand Household Furniture AT AUCTION. . On TUESDAY, Angmt 6ttu at 9X o’clock, at our Baleamoma, * fine aeaortmsnt of PABLOB F DBNITUKk—Sofas, Marble Top an! Plata Tables, Card do* Piano Stools, qnii Stands. Par t°ii?l^f lid smt )Ckinß Chalra, Rosewood and Brocas. D BEDROOM _ F DRNITTJBE—ilnrble Top Chamber Bmta, Emnneled Cottage Chamber Suites, Dressing Bui cans, Wasbetands, wardrobes Inaoild oak.Lounges, BataMattrßaees, leather emows. tenslooplDlDHTswee DiningCnalrs,Break£iiaiTaDleß. Silver Plated Ice Pitchers. CABrSTS-CarpetsandCU. Clatha cut In any man lity.Mata. Tcgetner-with a great variety of other goods necessar* forbonwkeep'ng. GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER, , apgs-gi99-2t Auctioneers. BY Gilbert, Sampson & Warner, SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FUBBHDBE AI AUCTION, At-Xi Erie street, Nonh-Slde. , T Ve-will sell on WEDNESDAY. Ang.Tth, 1961, at3*l Kii. »trect, between Cass and Wolcott worth side, at {■ -; < .’dock A. M, the entire Furniture In said bouse, nzittlrg In part of Bich Rosewood Parlor. Su'tes la Nr*. ch Brocatella. BmsieU Carpets, Ingrain do, Ma hogany and Enamelled Chamber Setts, Oak Dining* ro- m Fumitoro, Wlnsnlp’s Refrigerator, Cooking and parlor Stoves, Kitchen Furniture. Ac, Ac, comprls lia a tail and complete assortment, and all In the very best order. Sale positive au«s without reserve. GILBEBr, SAMPSON Ss WAENEE, anf-gSCO-St . Auct'onecrs. y£\c.^ or.-- -Viy tv* ;.Tby • U By Gilbert, Sampson & Warner, Gesbbal AugiIONMBS, 82 Lake street A Large and Assorted Sale of WHITE GBAMTE AUD €. C. CKOIKEBf WARE -A.T AUCTION. We wm sell on FBIDAY, Aug. 9th, at 9# o’clock, at rc ?. m »ir I * akc street, a large apartment of White Granite Ware, consisting of rea. Toilette and Dining Ware. Also, C. C. ware of various kinds Samples ready the attemoon previous to the sale. . GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARN SB, am-gSOKt Auctioneer*. l?y Gilbert, Sampson & Warner, -A> General Auctioneers, 82 Lake street; TWO NEW BILLIARD TABLES AT AUCTION. We will sell, ON WEDNESDAY, AUG. Uth, AT 11 O’CLOCK A.M., A*. enr Salesroom, 83 Lake st-two new rosewood MARBLE BED Patent CnaMonBILLIARO TABLES cf the best manufacture. The abwe Tables »Ui be sold to pay advances and freight Tney will be on ex hibition at our store one week previous to day of sale. Sale positive. t _ GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER, Auctioneero. T3y Gilbert, Sampson & Warner, -MJ General Auctioneebs, 82 Lake street Large and peremptory sale of Sew Pianos and Seladeons at laction. OK THURSDAY, AUGUST 15th, AT 9>i O’CLOCK. At cur Salesroom. 81 Lafce street, an Invoice of new Pianos by the following named manufacturers, viz: One splendid seven-octave Piano, rosewood case, full iron liame, fonrroundrornered. serpentine moald ing—s magnificent toned Instrument, made hy T. Gil bert & Co, Boston. Two seven-octave do,. rosewood ca*e. full Iron frame, four round ccrnerel, and very rich and bril liant toned. Made by a, .Newbal! & ecu. Boston. One seven-octave do., rosewood, casq. ;nli iron fr?me. fear round entered, carved lez; ch extra fin ish and tone. Hade by Amssa Dexter, Boston. Foot seve.-octave do.- rosewood case, fun iron frame, fonrroned cornered, wiibbead moulding, aid splendid Instruments. Boston. One 6Ji-cctave do, rosewood case, fall Iran frame, round cornered. Made by Brown & Alien, Boston. also, four otters, which will be described as soon as they arrive. One Melodeon, sir-octave rosewood ca*e. piano style. lenewacd in perfect order, and a line Instru ment. Tte above Pianos were all selected by a thorough musical artist from the retail warerooms of the above named manufacturer?, and will be sold with a warran tee for one year. They win be on exhibition two days previous to the gale, that aU who are desirous ot pur chasing can have an opportunity of examining and trying them. Also, at private two newand splendid Top Bog gles (“from theb*stmanufacturer In. the JBasf'j, and arenotexcen'.drordcrabilltyand finish. They can be seen at our store. GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER, jy Sl-g27S Sw Auctioneers, jDT JEWETT & CO., AT GEOCiET iSD EEil ESTATE Auction Salesroom) 56 Bcarborh'**' On TUESDAY, Aug. Stb, 10 A.M.. at Salesroom, a 2;serul gale of Groceries, tumors and other Merchan dise. comprising Canales. White L*ad, Soap, Tobacco, Gin, Ports Wine. Cognac, Apple and Cherry Brandy. THURSDAY. Ang. Bth, at 10 A. M, Catalogue Sale at Salesroom of Lfio.- packages Soap, Sugar, Crockery, White Lead, Candles, Zinc, Tobacco, Spices, Whisky, and Groceries, Llqoars and Cigars. aos g3054t X\J M. A. BUTTERS & CO. T T AUCTIONEERS AND COMMISSION SIEBCHANTS, Noe. 45, 43 and 50 Dearborn street. Jyl*Glly CHICAGO. ILL. PACKAGES LIQUORS AT AtTOTION. (To pay advance charges.) WXVZ. A. BUTTERS ft. CO. wm sell for cash, ON TUESDAY, AUGUST 6th, AT 9;< O’CLOCK, At their Salesrooms. 46. 48 AND 50 DBABBOBN-ST., 1 0 DLCtages of Llgcors. consisting of Brandy, Wine, Gin, Wh-aky. Cordials, Elttera, .absinthe, Rtune tVme, Cnamragne Wine, &c.. 4c, la casks and bottiea Also. Family Soap, Starch, Spices, Candled, Yellow Ware, &c., Ac. TO. A. BUTTSES & CO* Auctioneers. auS-gCE2-St -JnQ CASES BOOTS & SHOES .A.T AITTHO N\ WM, A. BUTTERS Jc CO. Will sell for cash, cn THURSDAY MORNING, AUGUST 8, AT 9K A. iL At their Salesrooms, 46. 48 and. 50 IBearlsorn.St^ ICO cases Boots and Shoes, consisting of a very gene ral "variety of desirable goods for men’j, boie’, ladles’, misses* and children’s wear. WM. A. BUTTERS & CO„ auS-gTOI-St Auctioneers. ■VfcVICKER’S THEATRE XTX Madison street, between State and Dearborn. LAST WEEK. OF THE SEASON. BENEFIT andlast appearance of the universal lavorite MRS. PIRRIK (LATE MISS WOODBURY.) The eminent actor. Mr. CODLDOCK. has kindly de layed his deoartuie and volunteered his fervlj's. Sir. W.H uILEf btlng rn a visit to tcc city, Qas also volunteered for this occasion. MONDAY EVENING, Aug. sth, will be presented £ now les* beautiful play of THIS HUNOHBAOZ, With the following powerlol cast of characters: J011a......... . Mrs. Perrla. Master Walter. Mr. oooMock. Sir Ihomas Clifford Mr BUey Modus - Mr/Myera* Fathom Ur. McVRk-r. Helen Mrs. uyers. Grand Dascts. btthz Gals Sisxkss. To conclude with the lavorite farce of SA3TUEL JX SEARCH OF HIMSELF. gRT A N HALL SATURDAY, MORDAY AHD TUESDAY, AU5.3.5, S. MRS. MATT PEEL’S CAMPBELL MINSTRELS, SSllxlop lau Soirees. For particulars see programmes of the day. Tickets,- angf-gT® ?t LARGEST WHOLESALE HOUS3 IS Mask*.! I&sirDEsents tsd Strings. JIXIUS SAILER, 99 Sont2& Clarfe Street 3 Clilca^a, Manufacturer and Importer «f Musical Instrument and Strings, haying connection with manulkctunn® houses In Berlin- Lch*3c, Dresden. England ana Paris, la n rrparvu lo fumisu Dealers. Baadt and Indlvldnala, s.lth every article in their line, AT THE LOWEST lEW TDK YRIUU. OC-5-3255-17 J OUU.i S&UO, Drums and brass IK3TBUMENT3. JULIUS BAUER, MANUFACTURES OF BRUMS AND BRASS INSTRUMENTS, 99 Sori.Ua Glarlc Straetj Cticago. rodSd2S9-ITI JJOME INSURANCE. The Union Insurance Office—Bccm No. 3 Loomis Block, No. i South Clark street, Chicago, nusols. CABITAT, $300,000, BENJAMIN LOMBARD, Chicago, Hlinols. GEO W. GAGE, Tremoat House Chicago. Ellaols M D. GILMAN, of M. D. Gilman & CdVCMcsko minois. * FRANCIS B. PKABODT, Attorney at Law. Chica go. Dlmol*. JOHN V. FASWELLi of Cooley, F&rwell & Co— Chicago- Illinois. VAN H. HIGGINS, Judge of the Superior Court. J. Q. HOTT, of Hoyt A Pearce, Chicago. Illinois. THOitAS HARLESS, of Harless A Parker. ISAaC G LOMBARD Chicago. LEVI F. STEPHENS. Boston, Hass. JAMES W. STOKE. 5L D- Dobtoa, 2£ass. DANIKL SHARP. Boston. Haas. MATTHEW EOLLLS, Banker. Hass. D. L PHILLIPS. Arm*. Illinois. ELVIS HARWOOD. Banker, minoto. MARSHALL AYERS. Banker. GrlggsviHe. niiaoi JOSIAH LOMBARD. Banker, Grlgeaville, lUi >ol«- CHABLES CHANDLER, Banker, Masamb. IlUiols. OLIVER WHITAKER of Henderson & Whitaker. Toulon, Illinois.. BENJ. LOMBARD, President. VAN H. HIGGINS. Vies President. ISAAC G. LOMBARD. Secretary. f}.UNS ! GUNS I! GUNS 11 i \_3 Guns, CiSes, Pistols, Colt’s, ABsn’a, Sharpe’a and every variety of Revolver. Bowls Knives, Tents Picks, Shovels, Pans Gold Scales, Blankets and au kinds of Miners Tools. Powder, Snot, Cana and Am mnnltioß generally for nt Louis Sect, and Sals Agent for Hazard 1 * Powder GSO, T. AB3ST ao.Ty ins i a-a ttrest. A GRICUXTURAL furnaces 0£ aar ' r “ t for 3110 ** YEHCEST, TIBBALS, SHIES * CO I Store Dealaci. ~ JQ taka tad 2f< Baitt»vr*t«r iU fs&iUMB ttfyjj B¥BT’ PLftCAROS m»r -*■ alxraja lie fetnd »t tfc* OFSLCS, 51 Oarfc afreet. We will sen, amusements. In their amu?lag .25 Cents. J. T. HUNTLEY, Manager. JHtisit Stotts insurant*. FIRE ISO MARINE, AND. TRUST COM PAST, iy&-g??4-toaug-22-«l ■\TEW INTELLIGENCE OffiCJ X!% —Them lute been right different nations m. resented at my office. In search of emoiormeat, aaw*. ly. American. sngUsh, Irish, French, Genua Norwe. 11-B, B hemloa and swedes Some of than, la a ? est isanot All to make faithful^ati Please can tt ill Dearborn-rt., opposite the new PobWfflce,andtr« foryonraelt If Ton caanot coma drop a Una to Bax 3343- sngaiw Mrs. A. I». BAX.KA3C ■pOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, XVi In Drawings of July 12th, iSol, No. 2®ll drew Ho. 24,795 drew SSOCOO- No. ItUTldrews(3o,Coo; No.s.ri/7 So k*o* crew SiO.rCO. Also 50 of SI,OOO each, 60 of $5 0 each, 133 of S4OO each, and ») Prizes cashed Information furnished by CH tSB ft CO„ Banters, is Wall street New York. jy»»iw p,ASH FOR REAL ESTATE,- Any person having property on Wabash. or Michigan Avenue lor sale chiap fob oass may ad dress “R.” Drawer A 897. Peat Office, wita dßMttp. tion oflot and prico. Lot of so xo M feet front fiat smaiL comfortable house preferred. Proportion for house and lot elsewhere Inthe&ty will be entertained. 3y30-g46>ia‘ TVTORTH TOUR NOTICE.—A m °rc In the capacity of coopaaitn*-tnatol “boarcerO Nearly everrln dneementaof one’s own aome’* Is offeree Tin best ' f references strictly required. box MT TDANKINS OFFICE TO RENT. -U —For rent from the first day of August next, the BANKING ROOMS Now occupied by Messrs. ECPPIffAK & GELPOXD, With Vaults. Counters. Desks and Forulture com plete. Inquire of BUMSRY BBOTITERS ft CO. jy.*.g2U-gw ATTENTION, SCAMMON J_JL LIGHT INFANTRY.—There will be a meeting of this Company at their Armorv, on Moudav-eveata" Ausuit 6th, for the ELECTION OF OFFICERS. Ttß deilred that every member-will be present precise BtS O’CIOCK. H. M. DUPES, J. W. D. KBLdiET, JjC7g2s2-lCt . Committee. TO SHIPPERS OF LUMBER AND SALT.—Mather & Co.'s Northern Trans ponatlon Line having made arrangements with, llgit draft Steamboats on the Illinois River, are now pre pared to contract for the transportation of Lumber Balt, ic- to all points on the Illinois Biver at reason able rates. MATHER & CO., Agents, 3yfs-g224-2m Foot of North LasaHe street. ATOTICE.—Any one -wisliing to i v Exchange a stock cf Goods for DESIRABLE RE AX ESTATE, May learn of an rpprrtunity by Inquiring of the sub scriber at instate street ‘Beal Estate oT varioos scrlptionwClbeolscribed. jyataw XT OTICE.—AH persons having J_ v demands against S. LTNI> are requested to file them with ns for adjoatment. and all persons indebted to him are hereby notified to mahe payment to u. jylT-ffSlm VM.‘ ObBO&X. Asalgneea. TO EXCURSION AND PIC-SIC FASTIES. The Illinois Central Railroad company have made arrangements tor the nee of a fine Grove, located at Mattcson, on the line of their road, twenty-aeveu miles from Chicago. This Grovels Immediately adjoining the track. A portion of It has been cleared of the underbrush and put In suitable condition for Plo-Nic Parties. Standi lUr speakers, rustic benches and swings have also been erected. Within the Grove Is a living Spring of Clear Water. Adjacent to the Grove la a piece « beautiful level prairie, well adapted for.-Cricket and other athletic snorts. This Grove w3l easily accom modate 3.E00 people. As a place for Kxcnzaloss and Ple-N:cs if has unrivaled attractions. Special Trains can be chartered, at reasonable rate* by applying at the office oi the General dant In the Great Central Depot. . W. P. RIGHT & BROTHER, GSO. 8. WRIGHT. Of Cleveland. Ohio. Formerly G. 5. Wright A Go, Of Cincinnati, O. Exchange, Gold and Bank Motei, SO. SO CLAES STREET, CHICAGO. LIST OF ILLINOIS BAMS: Ko. 1....- VALUE 95 CEST9. Alton Bank. Bank of Northern Eiiaik, Bank of fialen, Rone County Bank. Bank of Bloomington, McLean County Bank. So, S .VALUE 75 CENTS. Bank of America, Illinois River Bank, Bank cf Sparta, Mechanic's Bonk. City Bank of Ottawa. Onio River Bank, Cumberland Couutv Bank, Pittsfield Bank, E.LTmkham&Co'aßank, Union Bask. Highland Bank, Wo- 3 - VALUE 70 CENTS. American Bask, " Mahaiwo Bank, Bank of Indemnity. Merchants' Baas, Illinois Sta'O Security St, SlarshiUl County Bask, rilaois Central Bank, Reapers* Banc. Inter national Bank, United States Stock Ho. 4 VALUE 65 CEiTM Bank of Commerce, Fulton Bank; “ minute. Lake Michiganßink. “ Jackson County, Olympic ** Bond County Bank. Patriotic - - *' Colombian “ Psraet • •• -tagle Bank, State Stock H No. 5 VALUE 55 CENTS. Agricultural Bank. Franklin Bank: Bank of Elgin, Kankakee Rang, . M Federal Union. Mississippi River Bank. M Gentseo, Nar-agamjt.rt “ “ Metropolis, Shawancsa “ Ball’s Head Bank. Toulon Bank. '* Ccctrai Bank. Warren County •’ Edgar County Bank. Western Bank of BUtHtt ■Wheat Growers’ Bank. So. 6 -VALUE 52 CENTS. Aliaasa Bank, Cora Planters’Bank Bank of Albion. Douglas Bank. Bank of Aledo, Farmers’ Bank, N.Ca^ta*, “ Ashland, Farmers' Bank of UUnia, “ Benton. Graynlle Saak, *• Broo&lyn. Garden State Bank, “ CarmL Hampden •* “ Pike County, Humboldt *' “ Republic, Kaskadda ■“ u Southern Illinois, Lafavette *’ Canal Bank, Prairie State ** Commercial Bank, N. ffa. Plowman’s “ corn Exchange Bank, Reed’s M Continectal Bank. State Bank of minds. Commerclalß'k, Palestine Southern Bank of min*. No. 7. VALUE 48 GENTS. American Exchange Bank Frontier Bank: . Bank of Aurora. Grand Prairie Bait. “ Cheater. Jersery County “ ** Commonwealth, Lancaster ** “ Naperville, Merchants**Drorsr»’33: “ Quincy, New Market Bank. “ Raleigh, National Bank, Bank, Railroad Bank. Citizens’ Bank, Bock island Bank. Parmer’s a Tracers’ B'k, Union County Bank. "Wisconsin—Current, 90 cent; Uncurrent. 50t05* rts. TTe pay m GOLD or EXCHANGE ONNEWTDBK for the above list. W parties remitting tu Uncurrent Money by “United States Express” can do Boat our expense. Of markingtLelrpackages “Season Contractor Wrmht a Brother." P. S.—on large amounts we make a libe ral advance on ocr quotation*. Ton win do well to give ns a call before elsewhere. jyT-gB-lm. TORN I*. NOBLE & CO., U GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS , WHOLESALE DEALERS 16 FL3OB AKS FEES. No. 253 South Wsterstreet. Chicago, 18. Sole Aeenta for Panton -MIHh, T ARGE OR SMALL OKD3KS JLJ for Feed, Meal or Flour filled In short order so 4 attbelnwpwtrate*. f|vKi BTKVRNR * WOWrifc TVTIGHT SCAVENGER.—CharIes Ll Ktmx will attend to the cleansing of priw rmete. remo-in* of stable manure, and any offes-lve matter Ordtm directed to CHAS. KUNZ. Chicago P. O. Bo* 4140. will raodve m/Mliii atteaHoa. |TU-Sa arms Equipments, &c. ATTENTION CONTRACTORS ABM WAGONS! The would call attention of Army Con tractors and all ether to the capacity of Ms WAGON FACTORY, Corner of Randolph and Franklin Hireetey CHICAGO, E.L, Where, with sixteen vears experience. Steam Powx and a present force of 1:0 men, us is prepared w land A WAGONS OF ANY DESCRIPTION MADS OF BEST SEASONED MATERIAL. In any number that nay be ordered. 200 HTa#4>33B suitable for Army pur poses already on band. Jy2o.gS9.lm PETER SCHTfTTLSK A EMY EQUIPMENTS, . CAMP BLANKETS ASB KNAPSACKS CORBI.VEP, And so arranged that they may be formed into Ts-« KNAPSACKS WITH CAPES. The above are newly Invented equipment!, and cr famished in large qmmtltlas to the Eastern Troop?— being considered tne best in nse. Plain Knamack-i HjLTSBSaCXS, RTraimt Oa3 txxss. &<l, may be had In any quantity at the 3ah her Agency of JOHN B. IDESOH A CO, Hi Bas dolph street Kingsbury Block. gg»e7£L2a jyjILITART EQUIPMENTS. We are now extensively engaged In maanrAsturiag Dragoon Equipments, UANACH, HAVHR3ACU, WATIE-P3i! IIARUTS, GARTSIDSE IDU*. li'.TS, UlfE-MUTH*, And are prepared to furnish large gaantitiai CD SSOKT NOTICE BAMPEES ON HiSO. TURNER * STDWAT, 2£S RANDOLPH STBHR. Macnfftctorers of Saddles, Horse Collars, Ac. iy AE Inquiries promptly answered. ntyfffeSH-BB JJILITABI GOODS. BLUE CLOTH Grey {loth, flannel, JBlnnkvte, And Trimming** FOE SAT.H: BY BOWEN BROTHERS, *4 and TS lake Street. HILITABY CAPS J . Ss A. HERZOG, and Jobbers ei HATS, CAPS ASB STRAW 3JJOBS U3 T..-TF, jTSEST, CHBUC4S, m aias-ecs __ TTf XiITA-BT NOTICE I— "LA KUI/TSi BELTS I KELTS: Offcert Bolto. Prtntrt «tt atrM. PiksA l3«er than ever befre sold. -tTa£R>na stet* scd Caps scpallcd cfceap. K.R-BOrtTBW. 28Clar-<, <»a(>UTcrd»9at*MS«cdreesS^< Ov.'S" J