Newspaper Page Text
g&fEStteslg %ggg«. GOODS.— X (OOLEf s FABWSLL & CO.j Dry Goods Jobbers* 42, 44 & 46 WABASH AVEKUH, r-c to their extsortre rerclar stock of Dry r oofis’ J-uTe cn hand a full assortment of Military arid ossElmares, Army Bine* and other Colors, WlitCw Vv BE SOLD CHEAPER ibt- ratnctJam South cf Mason and mxor.’s Line. AM one wishing to try the. experiment, will pleaae Cf.:‘ *sd e»». • se23 Fswses Bartlett, azo vEotaBAZJ auaa 3 mm m smm LAKE STREET. We pcvli rcstK-ctmik csii tte Cw-fitir to o;v<r-V'i :•-{ F-JWfc which we hK e r.yv ia. »-3 eelvtcp from cur tr dsytsiv vtfeheunshtref & ,V;i t«r'-n~.v t <‘h-Jt;ir,-ia.aac P*tr>« El" .otoorfc- *d*.yiesoi &PBINC AKD srfflKE* 1 GtKiDftc •Si F * ssj ' r J'UXTLE, HIBBARD & CO, importers of HAfSWABE AND TIM PLATE, L AKE STREET 63 we effarte the Trade, at the IX)WEST MARKET 6,590 boxes TIN PLATE, 5 400 bdls SHEET XBOX. LSO - RUSSIA ISON. ISC ■ IMITATION RUSSIA. J5 535 - BRIGHT and ASNSALD WT?i S» casks SHEET ZINC. 10 tons PIG tin, 1&580 Iba. COPPER BOTTOMS, 1G sets TIN NEBS' TOOLS and HACH-iNES, R casks BRIGHT OX and COIL CHAINS, LtSOdoz. AXES. >,axi " SHOVELS, SPADES and SCOOP 3. so tons ISONS. TUTTLE, HIBBARD & GO. OCZ'SC'? Censer cf Stale and Lake streets. rpc n-.T,TKY;TS MES'-CHANTS. A Card SF«I. WEE'S* ’a?iiLU!«l & Y4LE, >OESiRh OF SLITS. Cat's. GOB9S.. Fififir SflU ASB UISBEBi^ s. ....LASS STBSST. CHIC-L-jO Icvdi tne aoenia! *tiant’-nu 01 IBinr.L-; meareniats tc tr.: rv?r aa'-erted unusually artractlvs Sprite rtc-cfcTor 19R1. which aril! hr- odered at low prl- Lit- arc on favorable terms for C«h or Auprcv&o air" 'rTrz ~t ei a careful attention giver, to order*. WKSTIS. TSTLT.TAVT. & TALK. Peake, mmsn 4 m isms, S7 Late St. ■ - 43 W&bssh Ave,. Conforming to the pressure of the times. we tare determined upon eSNCiLUTIQN ASS CQKCESSEBN, g.-, far as they can be sheeted by Ijotc Price*. T? Stull c£er AT ■WHOLESALE throughout tec ituiaa and during U.a present agitations a stock o'. 3rj Good*, Hoiserj and notions. Unsurpassed la REUKU. RHUPIEZt ARB REAL ?AI3L Tiste p.r, Mrr.:? for Jicfiom rather than W'srda, Aiif, we determined on a ckm or hard -work, rh.‘._ economy and SMALL PROFITS, ana It will be ft .-C.I-.AL on tLi <;t:d of CLOSE BJ EC-ttO ea amine otr fall lines of KKO W1? BRA NDS OP HEAVY DOHSSII Co. HOSIERY COTTONADSS AND DBICEB GOODS. fEIWy 18SI.—SPBIKG TRAD3.—IB6I. FIELD. BESEDIST & CO., $1 and 63 Sooth Water Street, ZKPOBTESB AXD JOBBERS 07 Foreign and Domestic Woolens, LIKEN AND COTTON GOODS, ADAPTED TO KEN’S WARE. TEE TRADE can rely upon finding at thift old es tablished boose a fall line cf Piece Good*, adapted to Ken's Ware, at toe LOWEST PRICES. AGENTSFOS T3EAMERICAN FASBIOYS, gABCOCK & PEEK, 171 RANDOLPH STREET, Mahogany, Eosewood and Walnut* mo, -CHAMBER, BIIHIfBIBBM * IBrrH FQBRITBRE SB eHEAT VARIETY. Wood S“at and Cane-Seat Chair*. Bi’tJsteads«aclCa reaps. Scaool rurnlture on hand and to Order, far- yarfiJcnlar attention paid to ootmtrv Order* AHE : raz plate OSJSTAJL WAfiEHOUgB; . ftmwishMts im. wiiihAM bilaie & 00. 176 isle Street, Chicago. Saving received onr Spring Stock, we off* At tfe» Very £«ctre*t Market SrtM; *,dVi Bc-ie« Tin pißt«s, swserte:- atsea, fiT-r Iros, Ko. it s&Ec.SL lbs*. Ccpner BctSome. W -0; Rr: Brarier - Concur. i-SK Bc-i. Ertgti Wir-v Re. &. 1 Cs-.ln. Ehisjl Zln&e.ia:/ltsd WO, BiU. Betl Fence Wire-. *50.7, Sand 9. CaSj e?-t Kalis, Whevllnr: and ctbw prim* brads. A&BICULTUHAS. EMPZSMEMT3 Of Sli &esCH> uent at -“‘aenry pri.** d ccT.r.’.etefaW.omnft.itoi Cutler-. Shelf Hardware* Japsocoo. aucr’rtiswd Tin Ware, and Tinner® ioc-oi> cf all dcscriptlone ovod as favorable •■j-rrr.% i* t'-‘ Eooos cas be procured from any nuriat, WTJoiAy lE*T6. C.TI. WSJBOS Q. W. BKSXK. ripirpsiiri Ift * 16....5 , k'i.f£8T8E5?....19 & It I L ii I Cl, WHOLESALE HEOGEBS, Casa TdTcrs ait particaiarly invited towexnailaatiol (iivul il>tvuof GEOCEBIBS. Fish. Wf-odes Ware. * FRIED FRUITS, &c„ &0. a. c. cook & eo., 16 ez S8 STATE STREET..,.I 3&. It ffibE’-Sl-ly Sge anb Sat. ttnrHERE’S NO SUCH WORD _A- AS FAlL.”—This saying in fully verified, and every pt-rsoc can cell and see the yroot. Tb Doctor John Phillips, 95 WASHEs'CTOF STBEET. ■Will suit yon with spectacles by inspection of the eye, orer I.oofj persons can tcitify to the truth c this state ment in this city. €©}fi: SC Ter end Steel Spectacles and Eye Glasses, Opera and fiari&e Glasses, TELESCOPES, MICEOBCOFES. MA6NIFIKBS, Barumners, Thermometers, Hydrometers, Mathemat ical Instruments, Etc. **§**** repaired acd Glasses inserted. Pere “osrarmian Pebbles. CM*ln Ueffinp* B abundant experience ana suo PISE ARBS OP THE EYE AND EAR. Sufferers are requested to examine hi# n>*nn«n*Rrt. aa ß m, and test hie stHL JIEARBOKN' SEMINARY, S3 T OTJJB MAXJSS, t’EACTICAL 1 *■ OBOVHB, Principal. _ __ The next term cf tills school, for young Lidles : will OPTiOIAIff, hretnoc DAT. Sept. 16th. Cata’ozucs maybe m c /-w-.ttv c._. -. obtained by adaieaslni: th 3 Principal or oyesiimrac South owat BT**rr ..*» Ue Seminary. ao3 gzutw Opposite the Ccarr Kook. } - Bwt Trench Opeetal and Brazmai Pebble Bpest&cKa. Ere ei*»es. Opera Glasass. Micro?hopes. Telescoped "MstkaaettW! Instrancnta, cic_ etc. constantly on ! hand. AB Sadi oi Icatmmeaa and Spectacles ro pelr*d. end e!»*a« Inserted into olctramet ts* Scatas JJOWS’S STANDARD SCALES, VAnIERVCORT, DICKERSON A CO^ Kos* 198 and SOI Randolph Street, CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. Wdxb out of Level. No Check Bods. AH Friction received on Balls. eel eo-iy Jp* AIR BANK'S STANDARD SCALES OF ALL EIXBS. Fairbanks A Crcenleaf, 8C LAKE STBIEEI CHICAGO. 3Toiia«o, D. S. GARTH & CO.’S SSanufacißred Tobacco. EWIKC, BRSCCS, & CO., Wltiwtie mat/of 3 above celebrated L^Sa2i,g*^iOTraßa» estteloweetratea. anti fßontg to Eoan. , M ONEY TO LOAN ON CHICAGO cm PROPERTY, Or cn GOOD IMPROVED FARMS, within 100 miles of Chicago, in this State. Farms for sate cheap. an2S gi29 Cm CHAMBERS & LEE laLakest. For money to loan On Real Estate Securities In Coot and ad! oSain* Counties, apply to £RNST PRUSSINC, Sealer in Foreto Exchange, Haney and Ke&l Estate Broket* AGEST FOB THE BRITISH COMMERCIAL LTFB TygTTKAVrR CO- AND bOTARY PUBLIC. KO. 6 lABHON BLOCK, poiW K- E. cor. Clark and Washington streets. OKEY TO LOAN ON CITY XvA- Property or Farms in Cook acdadjoldag Conn- LASD WARRANTS BOU&HI AHD SOLD. J. it. L££, £ Clark ctreet dtU-6My Post Office Drawer 61ST. SSaniuna iixft.angE gAHKIKG HOUSE OF CBAPIN*, WHEEIEB Sc CO., Corner Lake and latalle streets Chicago, 111 Collections made aac remitted for on day of bay. meat at currert rats* ofSirhange. Exchange on New York for sale In eua* to suit. au<o-g393-‘ica gAKKING HOUSE OF J. TOI-3SG SCAMMOX. CHICAGO, August 10th, K6L Z lisve purchased the entire circulation of die BBCHAKICS) BANK, HARDIN, Cat.tict-v CotrsTT, iT.T.ryoTa, And am personally for Its redemption. I shall treat Its notes precisely as the notes of the State Banks c-r Indiana and Ohio are treated is Cnlcago, atdshallotall U'ressell Exchange on NewYortror the same, at the same rate* that Eichanee can be had fcrtbei.o;eßCf eittfcrof said State Banks. I am also personally responsible for die circulation cf the KARINE BANE Or CHICAGO, and shall re* deex It as heretofore. aolQ-g5Sf-:m AIBEK & XORTON, BANKERS AND DEALERS IK EXCHANGE, No* 1 Board of Trade Bnlldinsi. Socth WaTan etkbex, cmci©o. CcHoctionsmadc la all the principal cities In the United Slates. Ja?-iy OX NEW YOKE, nob nr sums to suit by B« F. QUIHBI Sc CO* 9 190 South Water street I SETT & BREWSTER, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN Exchange, Bank Notes and Coin. Mcscatute, lowa, ISSIc Particular atteiitten given to Collectic. b through cut lowa. Process of City Collections Remitted on Cay cf payment, at current rates of Exchange BKTTKE^crs:—Dank of North America,Navr York; Clark. Dodse &Co., New Fork: Granite Bank. Boston; Sncncei. Vila A Co. Boston; Work. McCouch & Co, Philadelphia; Bollltt & Fairthcrne. Philadelphia; S. Sturgee «tons, CLicaco; D.ILSoIt. Cutler do.; F. Granger Adams, do.; Clark. Bros. 4 Co~ St. Louis. T. It. Isett. r an&g3oS-omj W. C. BsgwsTßß K. WILLARD & CO., BAKERS ABD EXCHARGE DEALERS, 33 Clark Street, 3< E. Corner of Lake, Dealers In Exchange, Coin and Bank Notes. YT2 ABE PAVING THE HIGHEST PRICE FOB DISCREDITED Illinois and Wisconsin Money. Do mot sell without calling upon us. MERCHANTS AND BANKERS in the Country canrelv upon getting the highest market price by sending to us. ffe do business on a Specie Basts. EXCHANGE ON NEW YORK FOR SALE. COLLECTIONS MADE. je:. £. n'£LL*inn $ co., BA KKERS AND EXCHANGE DEALERS jyls-gt-n.'-am SS Clark-st. cor. of Lake street. gIATE BONDS Illinois Currency. Bonds oi all kinds sold at New York Stock Board and drafts given for proceeds on day of sale. A SEVERAL STOCK ARB lORP SDMMISSIOI BUSINESS TBASSABTED. New York Quotations received by Telegraph Daily 1 aySf6Hy C. B. COBB. No. 9 Telegraph Building. gAKKIKG HOUSE OF C. B. BliAin, I have thl% day opened an office for the transaction of a General Banking & d Exchange Business at No. 86 Clark btrcet, Ascaange B»nk Bmldloe. ec3.gi9s ten, C.B. BLAIR. J YOUNG SOAMMON, Marine • Bank Building, will continue a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. EXCHANGE on LONDON AND PARIS for sale, and Letters or Credit granted, ava labia any where on the Continent «Europe. Jr^-g223-3m ILLINOIS SAVINGS’ INSTETCr 1. TICK, IB THE CITt OF 6HICABQ Incorpented February, 1857. Office 104 & 106 Washington Street. rtl£ Institution receives repoaltt In Gold, Silver and the Bills of Specle-pajißg Banks cf fits cents anb wwams* Frcm Vd classes of person*, including minora and married women, and allows Interest at the rats o SIX P2S CSST. PEE ASXUK. Dividends parable on the first Monday of January and Jcly. OSlce open during the business, and on Taesdav and Saturday orenlaee un til 9 O’clock. join? C. HATt-ga. Broadest. N.B. ELDDEK. Cashier. Ic^Yl-lj ULLMANK & Banker* fea. SxefeitasA, BAUKKCYiit,GOIj) ! tSII,V3S,'*Q. hrT. ,-.; 8e.33 Clar v Stx-r.'t ....Chicago, Ellaott fariVS-My' gANSiKe HOUSE B. P. CARVER & CO., Mamie Bask Bottling, oraer Lafe* acci Lasaiie streets, A general BaaSln£ Bu since? transacted. 0c27 SQ-ty DA3SK OF AMERICA—PubIic L) Kctice 1* hereby given, that all Bills or Circa htlsgSotee ot the “BANK OF AMERICA,” Heretofore incorporated ard dolny hnsiues? in ths city of Chloco, under the general hanidug lavs of tfci State of Ifllicls,niu-t be pre aitedforpavincntto t> e Auditor of Public Accounts of paid Stit'c, at his office,tn the city of Springfield, within three years from the date hcreot ortte 'funds deposited for the redemption of eaid notet, will be given up to said "I ' •il'crt this fcUi daj of Mat A D. IMI. GEO. SMITH, President. E. TT. TTiixAr-D. TasMer. j e 1-64 Cs=li9ttKnghts bSatscts. TAIfSOLUTION OF CO-PART- X/ KEBBHIP.-The Co-rartbsrsblp heretofore ex isting between the undersigned under the firm of IstUsdcy rlssol^cdby mutualconsent. Thebusines® of the late Ann will be settle 1 up by 3?RyF RIOK, who will continue the Commission Baainess at the sac.epl.ce, and r'tuecauVy solicits a continuance of “““‘ tierß l ° t! ‘ 2 K a w K DENS«ORK, BTBOX KICK. Chicago, August 19th, aa-ilxlm. TAISSOLUTION OF CO PART i / FFESHTP.—Theco-paitaerrhlp heretofore ex iting between tee undersigned, under tbs lira of j. M. Silb'E & CO- is this Car dlisolyed by mutual con tent The business cf the firm will be settled up by Hr.J.M.Stir.e.attbeoldfitand, bo S7 Lake ttre t, up stairs, to whom all debts due to the firm are to be paid. J. M. STINE. Chicago, August Ist, 186 L uax kramer. JM. STINE -would respectfully • Inform Ms friends and the trade generally, that he wl’l continue the WHOLESALE DRY4OODS BUSINESS At the old stand, Ko. 37 £>ake Street, Up Stairs, AndsoUcitaaconlinuanceoftbelr patronage. sugi-e?nam iShucational. VOCSB LADIES* SEMINARY, _L at Latte Fokbst. 111. The Fall Term In this Institution, conducted si hitherto ty Eer. Or. Olt hinson and Daughters, wfQ, commence on WEDNESDAY. the 4th day of Seotem her. For Circulars, Ac, address the underbidsea, B. DICKINSON. l*he Forest, July 2ith, ISEL 3y35-g23!Cla TSfeto TN PRE?S:—The Singing School, J- or Part let of ° FESTIVAL CHIMES, By tteycmg American Composer, S. WE'LST MAB publUliedand forcale byttxe 2Jta of Sep. Price 40 Cents (BcUU.) liberal dfeconat to De&lcn and Teachers. Orders nest be sent to the publishers, H. M. HIGGINS, Ko. XI7 Sandolpb street, Chicago. MUSIC! MEW MUSIC!! . JUST PUBLISHED: Badlt thx Exlls Tori, the Death op the _ .Hjßo-ATribatetoCoLEllßflroitt. Price, 33cents. Col KUswcrtb Beqdem March a* cents. Braye Volunteers Quickstep March 25 cents. Btargie Bifies Quickstep SJcente. Douglas Funeral Mann *5 cents. Dovn vrttii the Traitors’ Seraent Flag .85 cents. Gen, Lyons’ Union SchottUch ....ascents. Onr country's Flag. (A new ecus by Loans). 2J cents. Foot Steps on the Other Bide. Quartette.... S3 cents. oyeet Memories. Sonz and Chorus S) cents. BnemsjiHouae Polka/br Aryruera. ~ ...4i cents. The Old House lar atruy. Song, accents. Any or all of the above will be seat b? mall, post- Win. on receipt cf the xnarlred orice. All orders Ist euythlng Maucal addressed to „ „ A. JGDSOIv HIGGINS. Kc. 40 Booth Clark street, Chicago, ill, win receive prompt attention. JB7NE & AT. MIN I, Fresco and Decorative Painters, 101 WASHINGTON BX., CHICAGO. FKESCO AND DKOOHATXVS 7AXKTXNG In the Parian. Biotas EsSt and Libraries of first residences. aikl the Interior of Cburciias, Fob. UcHaH2,*eu InCbloiso, Blmota. aod other Btetea We also give starlet sttmtlon to tte Graining qlWeod sad Marbles, and soHdc your orders confident of «z*> cutter to your sstwgbcttoa- a3nur jxvhs* almihi, in Wwbiacton^t. Chicago ©ttimne The beautiful poem, which comes to na un der this caption, is accompanied by the fol lowing note: Headquarters Mich. 3d Int antsy, \ Ecstee’s Place, Virginia, > August 18,1661. ) Editors Chicago Tribune: Please accept the enclosed lines from a Chicago boy, and do what you like with them. They were suggested by the beautiful night preceding the late disastrous battle at Bull Run. It’s no credit to hare been there, I know; but we were there, and are going again, to try It OTer- and wipe out the disgrace. Very respectfully, W. n. Drake, Company A, Mich. 3d. J. YOUNG SCAMMON, INZEBESIIK6 TRIAL OF ABTIL- The Power of Nine-Inch Colamblaiii The Pittsburgh Dispatch gives an interesting account of the satisfactory testing of a nine inch Columbiad gun near that city, on Friday last. The gun, ■which was a sample of many more, was cast of Cloomfield,metal and weighs 8,578 ponnds. For the purpose of firing, It was swung np by Iron straps in a triangle, thus avoiding the necessity o? correcting the recoil at each charge which would follow the use of a carriage mounting: The triangle is formed of four uprights of heavy timber about thirty feet in length Each pair of uprights Is framed at the foot into heavy timbers and joined at the top In the shape of a letter A, the base spreading nearly thirty feet The pairs ere scfc-Up on each side of the gun, about ten leet apart af the base and in clining together at the top, where they are separated about four feet. A log is fitted to roil at the top, and from it depend four iron reds, in which the gun is swung on heavy iron taacs. To check the vibration of the gnn, which would continue for some minutes alter each discharge, a heavy cable was hitched to the breech, passing around a snubbing post about one hundred feet distent. Foot or five men were required to attend the cable, and by active movements generally caught the piece ou the second vibration, bringing it to a rest A bomt-preof shelter had been constrnctedat about one hundred feet -distant from the tri angle, to protect the men n-om accident in case of the bursting of the gnn, but the shel ter was never used. Three men were em ployed in loading and firing the gun, who re- I beated to the snnbbing-posc, where the end of the lanyard for firing the friction tabes was carried. A stout pen had been built to receive the balls, and preserve them as far as possible, tut the first few rounds knocked the pen to pieces and opened np a clear range to the foot of the hill beyond. The firing was carried on with extraordinary rapidity, the only fall day’s work, on Friday, giving two bandied and two rounds. The Tabor of firing is very severe on the gunners, requiring them to retreat nearly one hundred feet at each discharge. A supply of cartridges in begs of glazed muslin was sept in the bomb proof Before loading, the gnn was carefully swabbed out, and at every twentieth roond washed out and measured. Twenty shells ■were strapped and placed in readiness, In the intervals of measuring, and no delay was necessary in firing, except when a shell, ooried in the bill at some earlier discharge, was un earthed by succeeding shots, when it was at once secured. The measurements at every twentieth round were made with extreme care, the star gauge used, reading to thousandths of an inch, and showing the slightest enlarge ment of the bore. An impression of the In ner extremity of the vent was taken at the same time, and after the six hnndreth round the first hole was filled and the second drilled. The fifty impressions thus taken of the vents area curiosity in themselves, as showing the gradual enlargement of the opening in csr tain directions from first to last. ssint?rs. FRIDAY, AUGUST, 23, 1861. THE EVE OF BATHE. Silently tie shadows fall. Softly brooding overall, Peacefully the sun goes down. Decking with a golden crown Yonder mountain’s regal crest, Purpling in the glowing West; Flinging shadows broad and deep Over woodland, brake and glen; Where the lurking foemen sleep. Bidden in their leafy den. Now the light has dreamed away, Leaving shadows long and grey. Where the golden rays have spread Hues of Heaven, rosy-red; Now the winds are sweetly sighing For another daylight—dying, ‘Till the last faint zephyrs play On the skirts of parting day. Soon the moon her light unveiling, O’er the starry sea is sailing; Through the leafy branches peeping, On the ground, in silence creeping, Gleams her silver light. With silvery woof she deftly weaves. On warp of glimmering forest leaves, The gauzy canopy that veils the sky; As surging on, in heaving waves— Wave on wave, of marshalled braves, Wave on wave, of frosted sheen, Noiseless as a summer dream— Is swelling to the van, to do or die. Up to Heaven in fondness gazing, AH its clustering glories tracing; Up to Heaven our souls are turning, Where the starry lamps are horning Bound the throne of God Thinking of the coming morrow. Of its unreaped yield of sorrow; Who will see these bright lights burning At another night’s returning— Who will strew the sod f Some shall, bravely fighting, fell In the fiery strife; Their knell shall be yon. bugle call— Yon starry flag shall be their pall; Their last bequest, yon battle brand Shall write with swift and gory hand. In heavy strokes, to save the land And give the nation life. Patriots! rest ye for the fray. Nerve you for the coming day; Fret not for the loved ones dear. Look to Heaven—then cease to fear, gome must for the country die; — See your bright home in the sky, Mark its glories on our flag— Let not then your courage lag; Buthcart—be strong! and hand—be steady! Life or death will find you ready! Centre vnxE t Ya., July 20,1861. [For the Chicago Tribune.] OLB LEADER. ** GENERAL, TOU COSTE AND LEAD US.” (.Cry of Gen. Lyon'a soldiers.) 0, fair Connecticut! whose woods Bend laughing o’er thy river, To thy kina keeping we to-day Our precious dust deliver. Tbj hills altne affect to wear The calmness of the stoic, As in thy tender vales we lay The fruit of years heroic. Not less where Susquehanna winds, Nor where the Atlantic surges. Than where Missouri glides, crave hearts Keep time to martial dirges; And miss the cool, clear thought, the band That never swerved or faltered— The captain's skill, the loyal soul That kepi its faith unaltered. O, Great Commander, whose broad plan Not death nor chance disorders, Amidst the thunders of the strife We hear ihy solemn orders; And sadly watch onr hero pass To higher fields of duty— Where, through the ages Freedom smiles In her eternal beauty. For her we fight—no vain regrets Upon his giave are falling ; (A* once before the fiery charge,) We hear his soldiers calling. Like them—like him—we pant to press Where’er our country needs us: O General of the hosts of Heaven, Hear Thou, and come and lead us.” LERI. In finishing the bore of the gun, the finish ing; teal accidentally split, enlarging the bore behind the seat of the nail .026 in. and scoring up the surface considerably. At the close ot the proof, one thousand balls haring been firea, the greatest enlargement of the bore was found to be but ,052 in. or .028 by firing— but little more than one-fiftieth of an inch. The result proves that the material used in the casting of the gnu has never yet been equalled. A large “gully” was cut in the face of the hill by the repeated shots, the dirt being dispersed in a raoxns of over a hundred yards over the surface of the MIL Occasionally a ball would strike one previously burled and shatter it to pieces, or perhaps send it spinning through the air to the height of several hnn died teeu The proof charge of powder is ten pounds, and in the test therefore, ten thousand pounds or five tons of powder were expended. Many of the balls were recovered and fired repeated ly and but about five hundred were expended in the proof The shells weigh seventy-two pounds, making an aggregate of thirty-six thousand pounds, or eighteen tons of iron fired. A large portion of “it will be recovered by digging. The Government has ordered the con struction of a number of these guns cou j uitional on the success of the experimental j piece. A Loving Girl Tkwe Tern Before the mast. A fine looking, bright eyed sir! of sixteen years wsb on r ric ay last placed under the S' rotection of Jdlss Foster, the matron of the ity Pruon, New York. Her case presents features of an interesting character. Her narae is Bridget Dotay, and her parents still ItTe in the city of Dublin, which is her na tive place. The parsicala's of her career were given by here elf, with such an air of modest truthfulness that no one would wish to question her veracity. She stated that when thirteen years of age she became ac quainted with a woithy young man named Kelly, a carpenter, who wished to marry her. Her parents, who were well to do, prudent people, objected to the match because of her youth, and prevailed on the young man to leave the neighborhood, giving him an outfit of SICO. Ills departure grieved her, and she determined to follow him. After a laase of a few ii.ontha the learned that he had procured employment on beard a vessel as ship’s car* • penter, and that he sailed out of Liverpool. Thither she repaired os quickly as she obtain* ed the means, but only to leam that * Kelly’s vessel had a few days previous sailed for N. Y . The damsel was disappointed, but her desire to see her truant lover was not conquered. She immediately procured a suit of sailor boy’s clothing, for which she discarded her own girlish attire, and then shipped, under the same of Edward Johnson, as cabin boy for a trip to New York, -whither she arrived, but stm fa led to accomplish the purpose ehe had nuclei taken. Fritndiecs and without means, after she had bpec heie a week or two, it became necessary that she should obtain employment, and, not withstanding the hardships to which she had been subjected on her fira* voyage, there was a certain fascination about a sailor’s life which induced her to follow it. So, lor three years, she has been voyaging from port to port, two of which were passed in the capacity of cabin boy, and the third as an able seaman, her ro bust constitution enabling her to take her “ trick at the wheel," and perform the varied duties of her lot as well ae the best man on board. During all this time, notwithstanding an evident refinement of manner not charac teristic with an ordinary sailor, and delicacy cf appearance which ought to have betrayed her sex, her secret was never discovered. She performed her duty so well that her three last voyages have been made in one vessel—the ship Resolute, of the Black Ball line,—the captain having pressed her to remain with' him, and complimenting her as ft “ promising young mar.” But, amid all the hardships of her condition, she lost no opportunity of searching for the young carpenter, of whom, however, she has lately lost every trace. On Thursday night, cherishing a hops that ehe nuebt encounter him in some of the low saloons in Water street, which seafaring men frequent, she determined to explore them. Mixing freely with the unruly characters there, ehe lound it necessary to treat them to liquor. An attempt, however, was made to impose on her liberality, which she resisted, and one of the ruffians made an assault upon her. The discovery of her eex was then made, and cre ated such excitement that the police were attracted by the disorder which the crowd oc casioned. "The young sailor girl was taken to the station house, where she made a partial statement to the Police Captain, who was favorably impressed with her ingenious man ner, and provided her with good accommoda tions for the night Yesterday morning she | was arraigned before Justice Osborn, who 1 lectured her upon the impropriety ot her con duct, and informed her that ehe had been guilty of a miedemeonor, at which she seemed greatly surprised. Miss Foster, the matron, made her change her male attire for one more appropriate to her youth and sex, and she is now metamorphosed into a very pretty girl, rather sun-burned, it is true, and having her hair cropped too closely, but withal interest ing and womanly. She acknowledges to feel ing great restraint in her new garments, but declares she will never discard them again. Her great hope row is to obtain some respect able employment, and doubtless it will soon be found for her. A. Child of Four Tears In tbe Delirt* am Tremens. The St. Joseph (Mo.) Journal says One of the most remarkable cases of deliri um tremens was recited in our hearing a few evenings elnco by a physician of extensive practice and observation. He was colled iu to see a child of some four years of age. The symptoms indicated delirinm tremens, but the age of the patient induced the practitioner to doubt his own judgment until he had mads the closest scrutiny into the case. The facts deduced, together with the breath of the child, convinced the physician that the case was clearly made out aa stated. Upon question ing the father, who kept a saloon, it appeared that he had been in the habit of giving the child draughts of spirits, until it had acquired a taste for it, end would imbibe when no one was present to control its appetite. The re sult was a clear case of delirium tremens. No Moan Firing ok Pickets —lt is said that our CoL McCunn, and Capt. Jones, of the First Regiment Virginia cavalry, have agreed to avoid shooting at each other’s picketß.“ The proposition came from Capt. Jones. Since the agreemeDtJthe pickets of the two camps haveheen within talking distance of one an other. J&iscrUanoms QARBON OlL'. Pure Carbon Oil, THE PUREST, HEAVIEST AND BEST IN THE MARKET. Warranted Pore White and Non-Explosive. JOHNSON, SPBWC3H & CO., Ko. 20 Lake street, Chicago, 111., AGENTS FOB TITS WSLL-KNOWN LUCIFEK OIE WORKS, PENNSWANIA. aolfi-gSTTIm JNTEREST DIVIDEND.— Holden of Scrip In the RESOLUTE FIRE ISSURAIVCB CO., OF NEW YORK, Can receive the Interest on eazee by calling at the Agency of the Company to Chicago A new Issue of Snip for the year eadinr lat of July, Jf 61. will be ready xor delivery cu or about the firot of September. Those who are entitled to same will please call for It. HIGGINSON & J AMES Agents, an20g406-im Office No. L Clark street. HTJRLBTJT’S great tight BARREL STAVE SAWING AM* OBESStKG MACHINE* PATENTED JULY 3d. 18fi0. The greatest Invention of the age.—[Cincinnati Com mercial A discovery of national importance —[N. Y Tribune. Deserving the highest praise in both construction and action.—{Scientific American It Is the favorite of all at the Exhibition, (Chicago Mechanics Institute.)—{ Chicago Tribune. We give it our hearty approbation, and commend it to all lumbermen, believing it opens a mine of wealth to them.—l St. Louis Republican. The undersigned are tie inventors and Patentees and still own the right to tie following territory, to wit:—lllinois. Indiana, Ohio, Virginia, Minnesota, Maine, Louisiana, Tennessee, Arkansas, Maryland Flor ida, Vermont, Alabama Oregon, New Jersey, Bela, ware and Rhode Island We are now prepared to sell State, County and Town Bights. We build a splendid new style machine, capable of making a stave from one to tlx feet long, and of any desired thickness, from % of one Inch to 23£ Inches The machine io automatic, and is WARS akted to make a PERFECT TIGHT Barrel Stave. The following persons have the machine* in opera tion, and to them we would respect'ally refer the pub lic Hayward * DeWolfi Michigan City. Indiana; Chccey. Pcft & Co., Afhlcy, m; L. R. & 11. W. Alley, Batcsvllle, Indiana; N. J. ’I empleton. Cincinnati, Ohio; Caswell & Davloeon. Parkersburg, Virginia; A.Thorn ton & Co, Minneapolis', Minn We will take real estate or good personal property in exchange for machines and rights. Persons wishing to make Inquiry in reeard to said territory will please addres hUkLBBT Bso I HERS A CO. post Office Bor 3643. Chicago, Illinois. an For sale or i<:xchange.— The Bubscribsr offers for sale or exchange, hi Residence at Saciae, Wisconsin, The house Is nearly new. built in the best manner, situated on the main avenue of vhe town, Billtof woou and lined throngb «lth brick,—42 feet 'rent inclusive oi wing; marble mantel 0 , bathroom, cellar, two wells, cistern, together with all required out bnildinga, good bam, wooq and ash houses Ac.. Ac: .namplegrounds. handsomely laid out with graveled carriage and foot walks, VARIETY SHADE TREES, SHRUB- BEBI A«© PtINTS, With a fine garden—eastern front of 100 feet—with fine view o: Lake Michigan. Bacine is sixty miles north c f Chicago, directly on tie Lake, with a fiae elevation and psrfictir healthy; about tec thousand Inhabitants; fine r jad®, echo ’la and churches The schools are established and con ducted upon the same principles as those of Chicago, and the town la pronounced the handsomest in North west. Accessible four times ptr cay by rail. Womd be sold on time or exchanged for Chicago property, and the additional, if any, WU be paid in cash or by assuming ami.ricage WM.A. MrjRFET. ta Clark street, K. T. Central Railroad Office, aniexlm Or address P. O. Box 3235. TO EXCURSION AND PIC-XIG PARTIES. The Illinois central Railroad company bare made arrangements fer the use of a fine Grove, located at Mnltsson, on the line of their read, twenty-seven miles from Chicago. This Grove is immediately adjoining the trade. A portion of it has been cleared or the underbrush and put In suitable condition for Pic-Kie Parties. Stands ter speakers, metis benches and swines have also been erected. Within the Grove is a living Spring of Cie&r Water. Adjacent to the Grove Is a niece <3 bcsufcflil level prairie, well adapted for Cricket and other athletic sports. This Grove will easily accom modate 3.HJC people. As a place for Excursions and Pi--Kies it has nnrlvsled attractions. Special Trains can be chartered as reasonable rates bv applying at the office or the General Superintea. d&nt m the Great Central Depot, W. E. ABTHTJS, General Bunt. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen. Pass. Agral ]e3B^i7-&a '\7L t ILSON’S ALB4NY SEED- T! LIKO STRAWBERRY PLANTS.—PIant no w, and youUl get a crop next summer GEORGE B. DAVIS. Morgan Gillens, aorta Slue, near Clsboarno Bridge, trill supply strong. well rooted plasm of this cele brated ' anety »t f4 per thousand. Parties In tract ot large quantities are Invited to correspond. Also. Bookers Seedling and Longworth’s Prolific BABFBEBBT PIIAICXB. Enevctt's Giant, -Franconia, Bed Antwerp, and Large Frulttd Monthly, at to suit the tunes, oiio, hardy Curraaia, Gooseberries, Ac. Orders from the country trill receive promot attention. Plants care fully packed. Addrees 6SO. B. DAVIS, Box SGI ft. Chicago. au!2 g337.1it J S. KIRK CO., SOAP AND * CANDLE KAOTFACItTBrng, And dealers in Resin, Soda Ash, Tallow, TaTow OQ, ftc. Nob. 18 ftc 20 Riser St,. Chicago, an~.g3i4An QEXLDREK'S GIGS. Carriages, SAM BAITS, 6HAJRI BRABIEI, M. Wholesale and Retail, at 138 Lake street. T. CARTER, PAPEE AND PAPES STOCK WAEEHOTOE, 281 South "Water Street Chicago, HL tor Cortca and Woolen Bags, and Metals, JJ'LAGS, DRUMS, BOSETtSS. FLAGS from 8 inches to i feet long. I) HUMS. American and German—ls ala-s. ROSETTES, various patterns. Wholesale trade re> plied at 13* Lake street. bakkttm Rwria, rj.UKS I GUNS ! i GUNS !J ! V/ Guns, ssfle*. Pistol* Coirs, AHec'a, Sharpe's, every variety of Revolver. Botrio Knives. Tenia. Picks, Shovel* Pans. Gold Scales, Blanket and aE kinds of Jliaaris Tools. Powder, Shot. Caps aadAsc- Louis Shot, and Sols Agent to: sp?iy ’isfi Lsie street. "VTATIONAL PREMIUM CA it TAWBA WINE, of John B. MotUer, BY THE CASB OR BOTTLE, At GALE BROTHERS, Druggist* pURE GRAPE JUICE, FOB SAGSAHIITAI PBRPUES, At GALE BROTHERS, pharmaceutists and Dealers in Choice Medics! Mer ebandi**. 208 Randolph street T'WENTY THOUSAND Bosheli I ftARLKY MALT, Cheap for Cash nwu & HOBET, uaatasffis. /CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE \J RAEiEOAD. For Milwaukee? it Crease *St. Paul, flahitcih. Berlin, and Inter* mediate Points* On and after THURSDAY. Aug. 23d, 1851, Passenger trains will leave the Depot, comer of West single and Canal streets (Sundays excepted,) as follows: 8:00 A- M. and 8:’OP- M-and arrive at Milwaukee at A.M. and Hils. P.M. Passenger trains arrive at Chicago at 1:30 P, if, ACCOMMODATION TB&IH leaves Chicago at 5:50 V. M t end arri au23 superintendent. Q ATMA & CHICAGO UNION VjTbalLßOAD.—sranre assanqoceht. On and after Monday. April 14th. 13BL trains win leave Wells street depot ee jcUowj. Sundays ercepte:-; 9.45 A. M. and 9.15 P. M-fer Belvidere, Rockford, Freeport, Warren. Galena, Dunleith. Dubuque, and In termediate pcintr; 9.45 A M. and 9JO P. 11. for Dixon, Polo. Fulton, Cedar Baplds. and intermediate points; 4.00 P M. for Elgin.PelTidere. Rockford. at d intermediate polctH: Geneva and Inter, mediate points. Passengers for Beloit and Janesville wai take the 945 A.M. train. Passengers for Crystal Lake, McHenry, Richmond, Geneva Lake and inter, mediate points, will take tbs 4.00 A. M. train. Sewing Cam cn night trsina. _ C S. TALCOTT, Sen, Bnpt. g. M. wmm/RR. Gen, passenger Ag*t jfl CHICAGO & EOCE ISLAND raILEOAD trains depart frea and arrive at Chicago as foUowa; Day Ex. resa and Mail leave at 9.00 A. M, and arrive at e.j»o p. H . Sundays excepted. Night Express leaves at SISP.IL, Saturday ex. cented: arrive at 6.15 A, M.MGadayaexcepted. • Joliet Accommodation 5.00 P. M,. Sundays except ed. JOHN ?. TRACY, Gan. Sup' w. L. St. Jomv. frer.n AeenL de 7 %anguigu. pAP EB HANGINGS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC, At TFkolusle and Retail* O-. Xx> FAXO2<r, .LAKE STREET. Cyl’6l-ly] 1? f? » DfFOSTEHS JLHB JOBBSBS 07 p&rm& h&jtgijvgs, AKB general House Paiaters. *1 K&XEtO&PSC-ST., CmCAttO. K. .EIGBY & 00., f)RAEE & BROTHER D4ALiSSS 15 P APES’ HANGINGS, WINDOW SHOES, FIXTURES, &C., Souse- and Slga Paiiitsjrs, Pajer Hsa* gen, Etc,j Etc., 2STO. lS4r CLAEK STSEKT, I'OClSf rl D. McFAELANE’S G-as. Steam fitting IKBPLFWBISe ESTABLISHMENT. 5* l ; asal!e treet, €l*lca*c s DUAIHS S3T 6A* mmit ASS IKS* fSSR!T3IS &3S&CTIC*&3* PMeUMSSn, Ana hbhuSw*’ c--. All Tzrt-nria* ot Stearic. WoySLa TO TM£ TBABISt Tie tJfidOßuppllc-d with tools andeveryarticlslatht Ete, Steam Fitting end Plumbing Business. Be-GUtu me and Bronzing done to order. 32T Manufactory 167 andlSEeatWashlngtoaafreet, my 26 C. SMITH & COMPANY, BRASS COCK MANUFACTURERS, Coppersmiths,, AND DEALERS IN WROUGHT IRON PIPE, STEAM AID CAS FITTINGS. .SHEET COPPER, BLOCK TIN, PUMPS, Ac. Also—Fartlcuiar attention paid to -Jobbing of all kinds connected with the Trade. 323 Washington St, Chicago, Hl* [noi4*so-iy) 13593. BAGS 1 3AGSM BAOS! HARWELL’S STEA33 BA6 SO.a MAXSXT STBETT, CHICAGO. BAGS AND SACKS : Of every description furnished on i short notice, and printed with ; New and Beautlfm Brenda. ; SIMEON FAR WELL. 5 apt-trnjy ; JAMES H. CHILDS & CO., HOPE COXIOH MILLS, FlttsburßA, PeniL, lUJnJFACTUMBS OT Seamless Grain Bags, and or OSNABURQ-S, 82 indies to 40 incites wide. f&r We are prepared to receive orders from the trade. jai-aT92-\y l-> AGS—BAGS- -BaGS—BAGS— ±J CORN ENCHANTS BIG MANUFACTOEf, HART. ASTEN * co. 157 South Watcr-et, Chicago, B.JE. CLaRE & CO. Bread street, New York. KASTJ7ACTTTEESS ASTJ D CALEBS 15 Sags of* a'wery Description. Millers’ and Grocers’ Bags made and printed to or der sue beautiful brands. New and Second-Hand Seamless Grain and Gunny Bags, for Shippers, Millers ant Farmers' use. Bags for Flour, Buck wheat. Feed. Harrs, Salt, Seed, Ac. t&" Orders filled with fidelity and dispatch. Bag* loaned to shippers. mys-:y OHIGAGO HAG AGENCY, STS SOUTH WAIEB STREET. BFAMLESS GBAIN BAGS of various sixes and qualities. PLODR—Halves. Quarters and Eljhts, printed to order of any desired pattern. HAM SACKS—Every size used. GUNKvT BAQS—Two or Three Bushels. Comtslealon Merchants. Millers. Grocers and Pro vision Dealers will find just the articles wanted In our etock. Orders solicited. api’M-ly HAWKINS * CHAPMAN. jSramtMß. xt. QLD SACHEM BITTERS AND WIGWAM TONIC. T7533 THB OLD SACHEM BITTERS. It Ib the finest and best srnxss bibbxoikb knows?. Xt xs air tmtQtransD Purifier and Regulator of the Blood. IT IS A THn.ißHTnrr. tonic. TRY IT AND IT WILL 00 YOU 0000. For sals by EDWARD POSTER, 'Wine and Liquor Merchant, ITS Sorth Water street. Chicago. Im. GOODRICH, Proprietor, K«w Haven. Conn. Principal Depot. MB Water street.H.Y. noICW-lj TJININGSB’S OIiS LONDON DOCK Or 1 iST. THIS OEUCiOU TONIC STIMULENT KSFKCIiU-T DKBISSAD Sas tk* ?m of tho Ksdlcsl I~i mlilim sad tt. Family. dened by an of the most prominent Phynctoo* Chem. wdsss&s. «]£« A. 81. BMINBKE * CO., abttahed in 17%) Bonn Psonmosa, No. 19 Broad street, K. T. * aniftß *p.suranM. JJOMS INSURANCE. fibs akddubins. The Union Insurance AND TRUST COMCAST, Office—Room I\o. 2 Loomis Block. Ko. 4 South Clark street. Chicago, ownou, CAS?iTAi.jSaoo,ooo. D §m!nCQ B. PEABODY, Attorney at Law, Cbiea. FABWELIo of Cooley, Fanrsli ft Co„ ° JudgerftteSupsrior Court hss&&sff m * Isaac g Lombard. Chicago. LEVI F. STEPHENS. Bostou,Masa. JaMES w. stone. M. Bpstoa, Maas. MARSHALL AYES& Bank«, UUnol JOSIAH LOMBARD/Baaker, QrigyavliS/iiliacdi. CHARLES CHANDLER. Bjutker,Stocamb, Illinolß, OLIVER WHITAKER, of Hendwaoe ftwhitaker, Toulou, - • - BEKJ. LOMBARD, President VAK H. HlGGlNSyVlcs Presldaot ISAAC G. LOMBARD, Secretory. __ _ lylfrgtM-toavgftM UatlrssQfs. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL ROAD, CHANGE OF TIME. On and after SUNDAY, July asth, 1851, trains win leave from the Great Central Depot, foot of Lake and South Water streets, as follows: THROUGH EXPRESS, daily (except Sundays), at 4:30 A. arriving at Cairo at 13 midnight. This train connects for Peoria. Ait.u, at Louie, Memphis. Kew Orleans and Mobile. ACCOMMODATION (every day) at 440 P. M. for Cairo and Way Stations, arriving at Cairo at &CO P. M. next day. This train os Saturdays whl run only to Urbans Trains arrive at Chicago SM3O A. M. and 9:00 P. M. HYDE PARS. AND WOOD LAWK. Trains will leave Chicago: Leave Wood Lawn; ' &OCA.M* 6:45 A -8:-I5 A. mT, 9:25 AIL, 12.-& C- LfcssP.lL. 2r4aP.iL, 6.-01P.1L, fcfiOP.M^ tW Tot tickets and information apply at the office ‘&S. *3o*o*. <**.***. W. P. JOHNSON, Gen. Pass. Agent. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAIL UX road. GRERT CENTRAL ROUTE To New York, New England and tlte Canada*. On and after SUNDAY, Aug. llth, 1861, Trains leave the yreat Central iep A fcotof Lake street, at 7:00 A. M.—Lightning Express, (except Sunday.) ar at Detroit P. M; Suspension Bridge. 4:00 A. SL; Albany, P. M; NewYotk, W3P.iL; Boston,U:l3P.M, 7:38 P. 3d,—New York and Boston Express, (except Saturday.) arrive at Detroit, «:tj A U.; (Toronto, 8:42 P. M; Montreal, V.’tOO M.:> Sustenslon Bridge or Buffalo, 5:')9 ?. M; Albany, 8:20 A. M; New Fork, WN A. M ; Eop ton, 12R0 P. M, 11:15 A. M.—Cincinnati Express, (except Sunda-,) through to Cmcim ad in 12 hours. Salistomry’s Patent IDnstera Are run on Dav Express Trains. PATENT SLEEPING CAES ON ALL NIGHT THAINS f¥~ Baggage Checked Through, gl THROUGH TICKETS tor sale in all prlrcipalßalL road Ofitces in the West, At the Galena Office, corner Lake and Dearborn streets (under the Tremant House) Chicago and at tsc-Depot r. 2». EICE, Genera! J. Q. A. BEAN, Western rase. Agt. 18 g 1 a — MicMgan Southern & Lake Shore SAILSOAS. On and after SUNDAY, Aug. Uth. and uaGLitS t notice, trains will leave Chicago as follows: New Yoke Day Express : 7:00 A.M. doily (except Sunday), via Old Ml .1- gan lios-, connecting a* Elkhart with i dn on Air-Line Road, at white Pigeon with. i ala for Three avers, at Adrian with trai- for Monroe, Detroit and Jackson. Night Express: . 7:SCf.M daily (except Saturday),TiaOll -Ichl ganEoaa. connecting at Air-Line S notion with trains for Detroit. Trains arrive irom the Eaet at 7:00 A. M. and. 7*o P. M. All tie shore trains mate regular connections to Emnklrk. Buffalo, -Niagara Falls. jLlbanT, New York, Boston. Phllalelrtls, 3all±core, and all pome East. Salisbury's Patent Dusters used on all trams. Luxurious new bleeping Coaches, with all modern, tmprovementa used only on this and ail connecting roads. Through Tickets can be obtained at the Company’s 56 Clark street, undrr the Sherman House, or at the Depot, corner ct Van Suren and Sherman so. JOH« D. CAMPBELL, GEO. M. GRAY. Gen’l Bupt. Toledo. Q. GenT Western Agt. 'TTHE PENNSYLVANIA. OEN- A TEAL KAHJSOAD 13 a a FlraVCla33 3odd la al reapecte. ■With 285 Miles of Double Tracis, TUBES DAILY TEAINS (with connections from all pcinto 'West). from nmnn to Philadelphia, All conne* dDg direct to Kew York, Komiug Mail, Afternoon Fast Line Night Express. One Sia!n Daily from Pittsburg to Seif York, (480 miles), -without change of cars, VIA ALLENTOWN AND EASTON, With direct connections from Western Cities, arriving hours in advance of other routes, In Urns lor Boston by Bail cr Boat Lines. Express Trains Bon Dally*—©tliers Sundays Excepted. NINE DAILY TRAINS from Philadelphia to New York, Tickets good on any Lne or train. New York or Boston Tickets via Pittsburg good via Philadelphia or Allentown, BOAT TICKETS TO BOSTON Good via any of the Boat Lines. Two Daily Conaectioiia from Harrisburg to Baltimore and Washington. BAGGAGE CHECKED THROVGH-ALL T&AESFEBS FREE. FARE ALWAYS AS LOW AS BY ANY OTHER ROUTE. Buy Tickets via Bittslaurg, TICKETS FOR SALE AT ALL MAIN OFFICES. FREIGHTS. By this route Freights of all descriptions can be to r warded from Philadelphia, Newr York. Boston or Bal tdmore to and from auv pc-lnrtin the railroads Ol Ohio Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa or Mis sourl. by Baxleoad dtbzct. The Pennsylvania Eallrcad also connects at Pitts burg with rteamers. by which go-ds can be forwarded to any port on the Ohio, ttuEkmgqm. Kentucky, Ten nessee Cumberland, Illinois, Mississippi Wisconsin, Missouri, Earn as. Arkansas and Red Rivers; and at Cleveland. Sandusky and Chicago, with steamers to all ports on the Northwestern Lakes Merchants and shippers entrusting the transporta’ tion cf their Freieht with this Company, can rely with conficecce on its speedy transit. TBE BATES OF FREIGHT to and from any point In the Wert by the Pennsylvania BoQroad are at all times as favorable as are charged by other Railroad Companies. CT-Be particular to mark packages “ via Penn a, ER" E. J. SNttEiiEE, Fhll&delph'a. If AGE AW & K.OONS, 80 ■s’crth Street, Baltimore. LEECH £ CO. No. 2 aator Home, or No. 1 South WU!!aie street, Ne • Tort, LEtCH A CO. No. 77 State Street, Boston. H. H. HOUSTON. General Freight Agent, Phils. L L. EOUPT. General Ticket mpeat PuOa. EirccgLrwisi GexSupt, Aitooaa. Pa. jacj’6odly CHICAGO AND NORTHWEST ERN RAILWAY. For Bocticrd, Beloit, Freeport, Janesville, Oaleas, Madison, Prairie da Chlen, Fond da Lac. Oshkosh Green Bay, Berlin, Blpon, La Crosse, 86. Paul, &c. On and after Wednesday, May Btn, ISSI. trains wil leave tvs: Bay Express sflO A, M.; Sight Express, 8.-90 P. Si- Through to all she above points, and connecting at both Prairie du Chlen and La Crosse, with steamer ‘ way Passenger B*o P, M., for Janesvfllo. Trains arrive s*o A. M.; lg; »SP. M-. 6:5G P. Se L. DtTNLAP, Superinteadaat 8. Dx Wrrr Eosimsom. Gen. Ticket Agent, ocl2-l? n REAT CONSOLIDATED VjT LINE!! CXHCDTBTATI AND CHICAGO AIK LIRE RAILROAD. Forty Riles the Shortest Scuts t* CindaaeK Indianspoliy and Louixville. TWO S2PHESS TRAINS leave West Side Ualor Depot Chicago, dally, as lellowa: A M.—Da? Express, (Sundays excepted.) T:4O P. Excreta, (Saturdays eiceotud.) THROUGH TO CINCINNATI AND INDIANAPO LIS WITHOUT CSANGB OP CARS. Kabtsbs Connect!as s— At Anderaon and Rich ssoed (or Pequa, Urbar.s. Davtcn. Sen*.?, Columbus and all pclnfe in Central ana Eastern Ohio. ___Botjth3B3 CGHcraoTiuKa ~At Indianapolis Cci Franklin, Columbus. Madleon, Lawrencebur=. Jeffer acnvlDe. ana al ; potato in Centra! and Southern In diana: also for Lonlsvllia, Frankfort, Lexington, and allpcffit? South. Connections at Cincinnati for Hamden, M&rrletta Parkersburg, and points on the Ohio River. Time to Cincinnati only 12 hours. Elegant Slseplns Cars on Night Trains! Through uckrtsby this Use can be obtained at aB principal Railroad Offices in the Northwest, *nd at the Company’s Office, No. tsS Randolph street, Chlcage, (under the Sherman House.) JOHN BRANDT, Superintendent, CHAR. B. FQT.t.rtt, Gen’L Ticket Agent. myli EACINS AKD MISSISSIPPI HAILEOAD. LOWEST FARE And Shortest Time by this Route BELOIT, FREEPORT, GALE NA AND DUBUQUE, On and after ‘WEDNESDAY, Jcly ICth, IS6I, TWO EXPBESB PAFSENGEE TWAINS leare dally £roa tire Depot oltke CHICAGO AND HOB’ AT 8.-00 A. 1C and 8.-00 P. M. Fare to BELOIT. 19.50. Fare toFEEEPOET. ........WOO. Fare to DUBUQUE. Time Saved, Chicago to Beloit. 1 hour ST ruinate*. do. ChlcagotoFreeport..9Bminatea. Can leave Freeport Ibr Chicago at 2 o’clock P. hL, arrive at fcSOP.M. 10 o'clock P.M, • sri*A,M. Time Saved, Freeport to Chicago., .l hoar and 40 min u Beloit ** . 2 hours a min. pw~ Tickets for sale at the Bacme and Miss'artpni Bailroad Office, opposite the ChicagoandNorthwost era Depot B.C.raiß. matt, fto, “ u JeM-e9fis-tf H. W/QBIBWOU). Agent. Chicago. PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & JL CHICAGO RAILROAD. Psaseagar Trains leave the Depot, corner of Haft ion aadOanal street*, Chicago dSly at fSfcSSSfcLST&SB&Uti ra Hens, anr nu, PinLASH-nci BALTIMORE, WASHINGTON, Harrisburg & Pittsburg, auo—toe usuy, bbifaio. dknxisb CLEVELAND COLUMBUS. dKdH 2fATL DATTOH. An c all intermediate Stations between Chicago aat the cities above named. t .eepteg Cara on night trains, and baggage by tfrfr rente checked through to an Eastern due?. Tickets for sale at the principal Ticket Offices In the West, at me Company’s Office, comer of Bandelet and Dearborn afreet* and at the Union Depot, West Bide B. F. PATRICK. JJETROIT TO BUFFALO, VU NORTH IHORS. Through, in Twenty Boors without landing. The fast low manure Steamer FOREST QUEER, Cart Peutbas Kxxnrow, will leave the Dock of Jchn Hutchings ft Co, Detroit, for Buffalo, every MOKDAT SVEKIpG. at 7 o’clock, on the arrival of the Wetoera bmtiii Leave Buffalo for Detroit every WEDNSS DAT EVENIKG, at 8 o’clock, *n*frfag Bailroad con nections at both ends of the rente. .. % The Forest Queen baa snperior passenger a&aMsnt accommodations and makes the trip across Lake isne without bmrilag. . Freight aadltoek carried at Props liar rates. Cabin passage to Buffalo includes meals and r00m.|1.58 Dtek “ “ “ ..v.ftw fr»gSS-lßw ; /CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & \J QUINCY RAILROAD. Trmris leave and arrive at <Bdcago aa toL lows 1-V*J Express at AC a e, (Bnndws exMptsdL arrives at A£s r. au (Sundays exceptedJNightSxprem leareaatß.es v. jU (Batmrdara eneptadL arrive* at «a a.m. (Mondays excegtedb AuroraAmoEamoca. rtonleavesatfcOQ p.,Jt. excepW). arrives CHICAGO AND ST. LOUIS UKR. BUHMEB IHHAMCiKW mT. Ob. Mrf B«1 Tt».b Ittni Wm aid. Doles a&lsßhYfift s Sixw&ssi tandsy.) The Alton Accommodation Train, with Steeping Car attached, leayeato *.-W P. U. djSy (ex- Mptuaday)aad*«vwtoW6A _ myis JftSra bobb, Eectirer, Eigai aabtrttgmmts. WHEREAS, HECTOR 0. . ".j . Buow and Nancy Cordelia Snow, his wife, did py their certain peed of Trust, dated and acknow ledged, March 30th, A. D. 1837, which deed was duly filed fop record on the 81st day of the tame month in the office of the Recorder of Cook County. Illinois, and recorded in Cook 132 of Deeds, Page £y(X convey to me, Hebert Hervay. Lot nineteen (19), in the Sub division cf Blocks thirty ihree (a3j, Wolcott’s Audi, tlcu. and City Klnzte's Addition to Chicago, la tbs Countyof Coot, and State of Illinois, subject to th; condition that lc Building should ever be erected on. ' aid let within ten feet from the west line thereof IS TIiCST in case of default in the payment of dve cer tain promissory notes or interest, or any part thereof, wbi:u taid notes are described in vs, te-witt-One note of two aacdred dollars, payable with Interest at six percent, on the first day of Novem. btr, 38t7; one note of eve hundred and fifty doDara. pa* able wltMnte resist six per cent on tne thirtieth any of March. 165-; on** note of seven hundred and fifty dollars, payable with Interest at -lx percent on t’ e thirtieth day ot March, 1839; one note cfseven Lnndrtd and fifty dcliars, payable with Interest at six per cent cn tie thirtieth dav of March. "860; acd one note cf seven hundred and fifty coHara, pajaele with intern t at six per cent on xh - tturtieth div of Marco, :s*‘, with annual interest upon th • whole amomtuc pain, pat able annually at the rate cf six per cent per at com, then npen application of the legs! holder o' said LiOtcs, I, the undrialgntc, after having advertised ench sale ten cays-Li a daily ne«aoap*r published la The C:t? of Cfilasgo (personal notice on said parrr of tie fi -st part uatneC in tald deedbeinwwaived) ihculd tell eaid premises cr aay part there f all rigat and equity of redemption of ta:. said pa-ty of the firetpait, hishclre, executors, adminltrators or as -■•gts thcr? in. at public vendue, t.> the fiUhsst bidder for cash, at the court Bouse door in gals City o f Cnl ta;o And, whereas, the note described In said TrustDaea and herelnbefcns menrioned ae payable with interest it 6ix per cent on the thirtieth day of Match. L3SQ, ana tie rote described in taic d to. and nereiubefare mtntione d, as ; ayable with interest at six per cent on t the thlroeih ay cf March. iBiL are reipecavely due 1 and unpaid, together with tbe interest tccrsju up tb ! *hia date, except one year's interest on e*ch note, j which has be**npaid, and there U now due and unpaid on said notes for principal and Inter-umo*. one * tfccu’-and eight hundred and five dollars the other notes describes la said deed havmg been paid, ; And. whet eas, apr-lication has been made to me by ; the U gal ho dtrcfealrt two notes to sell said premise. Now, t. erefore, 1, Sobert Hervey, the Trustee named in raid Trust i)e? d. In pursuance thereof and of the ; premi-es, v fil sell at p aollc auction to the highest bid der for cash, on Tuesday, the third day of September : next, at tea o’clock in the forenoon, at the north door ; of he Court Hone, in the City of Chicago, la the t County of Coor. and State of Dllcoia. tee pretoiaes described In said Trust Deed, or so much thereof ai ; maj be necessary, subjecito tbe coiditiou as above, ! together with all right cad equity ol redemption of ; the said Hector u. Snow au-i Nancy Cord-iia Snow, , his wife, and their heirs, executors, administrators or 1 as.-igns therein to pay the amount tbea due sad uu- , pardon eald notes, and the cost of advertising, selling and convejins said premise?, lacliding attorney’s i fttawnich said premises are desmibrd n eaid Deed ‘ as follow sLot number nineleunC 2), la the Subdivi sion of Blocks thirty-three (S3). Wolcott’s Addition, . , ana fifty (SO). Addit'on to Chlcazn. subject to ' the condiaon that no bailling shall ever be erected on said lot within ten feet of the west line thersofi ! ROBERT EEiiVEr, Trustee as aforesaid. '■ Chicago. August etth, 1831. auTl-gt'Atd. CT.ATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK lO COUNT'S. S.S—Superior Court of Chicago. Au gust Term, A. D iSSL Ssaarf C. Davis Charles B. Sawyer and Nathan W. Perkins vs Charles H. Thamp. son.—Attachment. Pnhl-c netee is hereby given to the said Charles H. The mpson that a writ 01 attachment issued out of the office cf the Clerk of the Snper.or C art cf Chi cago, dated the day of Angu-n A D. tSii at the suit of th: eeld Samuel C. Davia, Charles B. Sawvcr and Nathan "w, periiua. and against the eejtats of tae said Charles H. Thompson, for the sum ot t- our hun dred EJgLty One and £3-180 Debars, directed t* the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been re turnee esemte-d Kcw. therefore, unless you, the sa‘d Charles H. Thompson, shall persoDally be and arp-,ar oef:re the eala snoenor court of Chicago, on or before the first da- of the Term thereof. to heiden at the Court House, In the City 'f CMcago, on the first Monday 01 September &. B. ISSi, give aoecial bail. <ad plead to the said plaintlfl’a actno, judgment will be entered against yen, and in Cnaries B. sawver and Katana W. Perslna. and so much cf the property attached as maybe sufficient to satisfy the said judgment and costa, trill be cold to satisfy the same. ■WAI/TEB KIMBALL Clfirt frAT-T.i—p & HrrcncocH Pit its Att’y. aa9 gBU-isr CTATE OF ILLINOIS, CookCoun kj ty,Snpertor Coart of Chicago, Anpast Term A. I K ISCL—James McKindlcj, William ilcKindley and Granville S. Ingraham vs. Charles Damerel, -Pnb lie notice Is hereby given t." the said Charles Damerel that a writ cf attachment Issued cut of the office of the Cleric 01 the Superior coart of Chicago, dated the seventeenth day ci July. A. D. 18P1, at the suit of the said James McKindlev, William McKindley and Gran ville S. Insraham, and against the estate 01 the said Charles Damerel, for the sum of four hundred and nlietj-oce and 5-l-ICO dodars, directed to tee Sheriff of Cock cotmly, -which said writ h«s been returned e~a ented. Now, therefore, unless you. the Laid Charles Damerel, shall personally be and appear before the said Superior Court cf Chicago, on or before t'-o first day of the term thereof to oe holdea at the court house in the city o: Chicago, on the first Monday ot August, A. D. .B*l, give special bail, and plead to the said plslntiGs’e action, judgment will be enteredagalnst yon. and in favor of the said plalndlfe, end so much of the property attached aa may be necessary to satisfy thetaid judgmentandenstawill besoldtosatlsfythe same WALTER KHI3ELL. Clerk. D. C. * T. J. NICHOLS, Pl’ffß’ Attiys. jyW-gi&Hw CTATB OF ILLINOIS, COOS k3 COUNTY, SS.—Superior Court of Cliicasro, Au gust Term, A. D. I&t3, Henry Riggins and A. W. Kel logg vs. John Ellis—Attachment. Public notice is hereby given to the said John Eiiu that a writ of attachment issued out of the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chicago, dated the Sddayof August, A.D. IB6U at the suit of the said Henry Kiggln.- and A, W. Kellogg and against the es tate of the said John Ellis, for the sum of four hun dred thirty-three and ST-100 dollar*, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been re turned executed. Now, therefore, unless yon. the said John Ellis whan personally be and appear before the said Superior Court of Chicago, on or before the fir it day of the term thereof to be holden at the Court House, in the city of Chicago, on the first Monday of September, A. D. ifcj, give special ball, and plead to the said plain tiffs’ action, judgment will ba entered against you and In fhvor ol the said plaintiffs, and so much of the prop erty attached as may be sufficient to satialy the said judgment and costs will be sold to satisfy the same. WALTER KIMBALL, Clerk, Gallup & Hitchcock. Pl'ffj’ Att’ys. aa-g -S7-iw CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOS >0 COUNTY, SS.—Superior Court of Chicago, August Term, A, D- 186 s. James Real- Henry J. Gardner, A Parkman Dexter and Arthur H. Poor t. 1 , Moseley. Lansing & Co.—Attacnn eat. Public notice la hereby given to tne said Moseley, Lansing & Co. that a writ of attachment issued out of the office ol the Clerk of the Superior Court ot Chi. cago, dated the Bth day of July, A. i> issl, at the salt cf the »ald James Btad. Henry J. Gardner, S. Park man Dexter and Arthur H. Poor, and against the es tate of the bald Moseley, Lansing & Co. for the sum cf I Ive Honored Elghty-Elzht andeS-lOODcllars, directed to the She: Iff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned executed. Now, therefore, unless yon, the said Moselev, Lans ing & Co thsll personally be and appear before the said Superior Court of Chicago, on or b fore the first day ol the term thereof; to oe holden at the Court House. In the City cf Chicago, on the first Monday of September, A D. 195’., give special ball, and plead to the eald plaintiffs’ action. Judgment will be entered agalast you, and In favor ofthe said James Bead, fc enry J. Gardner, a. Parkman Dexter and Arthur a. Pocr, and to much of the property attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the said judgment and costs. wiL be sold to satisfy the same WALTER KIMBALL, Cleric, Gallup & Hitchcock, Pit’ft’s Ati’y, au>g3iHw CTATE OF ILLINOIS. COOK - - COUNTY, S.S—Superior Court of Chicago, Aegmt Term, A. D. 186 L joijlah King, j&aac M. Pea- Ji’hnArbnckleva. John Ellis—Attachment. Public notion lc hereby given to the said Jouh Ellis that a writ of attachment Lsneu oat of the office cf the Cierk of the Superior Court of Chicago, dated the third dav of August A. O. UH, at the amt of tae eald Jo -iah King, Isaac M. Pennock and John Arbaekle, and against the estate cf the said John Bills, for the sum cf Three Thousand and Sixty Seven Dollars, di rect d to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has bees returned executed. New, therefore. unless jou, the said John KIP?, shall nersonally be and appear beiore the caid Supe rior Court of Chicago, o.; or before the first day of the turn thercufi to oe bf ldcn at the Court douse, in the City of Chicago, on the first Monday of Septem ber. A. D 1861. give special bail- and plead to the said plaintiffs’ action, judgment will be entered against you. and In favor of the said plaintiff?. and so much cf the property attached is may be euffletent to satis fy the said judgment and costs, will be sold to satisfy the same. WALTER KIMBALL, CTerk. Gallup & Hitchcock, Five’s Atfys. au9-g3&4w XT'STATE OF DAVID S. HAT- J 2j WOOD, Deceased.—The undersigned have bees appointed executors of the estate cfDavld S. Hay wood, late of the County cf Cook and State of Illinois; deceased, hereby give notice that we will appear be fore the County Court of Cook County, at the Court House In Chi ago. at the regular term thereof, on the third Mondav of September next at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified and reqaesied to attend, for the purpose of having Uva same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estate ar? requested toimake immediate payment to the under- Signed. JAMES ¥. DRAPER. THOMAS J. HAYWOOD, Ch:caco, July s, Hfil. Executors. AxdrewHarvie. Attorney for Estate. Jyi>g-117-6w California anE Wilts's ||?ag. pOlft EXPRESS* Ten s>ajs TO SAH FRANCISCO. LETTERS will b« received at the effles cftfcs United States Express Comn&n7 ? COESKS O? CLASH AND LASS ST-3ESTS, ' 0 SO Lake and •20_£lari4* , eete T >— Which win be forwarded'to connect with the Peas Expree®., leaving St. Joseph. Missouri. aver? WEDNSSEAT AND SATURDAY. AT 11 P. S. Best to Fort Eewaey en the mornings of Sfondsy ar.i Frida?, •will connect with the Pony, leaving St Joseph Wednesdays and Eaturdars. EXPESSS CEABG33; Letters weighing X os. or under l tetters weighing over l o*,. 4QC The half dunce letters win be reduced tc one dollar after July Ist BF* Is all cases to he enclosed in Scrmancal : tg^r £!troak ma ■“ aa: igsF RAIL'WAT .|44«. JOKES * CAimVBISHT, PIKE'S PSIAE, TRANSPORTATION UNI FROM LIAVEMWORTH, KANSAS, DMFSii A 5» MSUNTMN CITS, Zn coaaectioii with the Chicago, Burpagton ft Omasa Bailroad Company who are prepared to give through Bills oi Lading from Chicago to Denver city and Mountain City. j. ft C. haring besa enraged In the transportation business for several ye*A, and trsaaperted a large amount of freight to BE»»E* HT? MB THE HIB t£«M During the cast year, respectfully inform their friecdi and patrons that they expect to encage largely la the cusiaees ths ensuing year, and wUl'ba prepared to Irusysrt »sy Aaoant »f FrelgW THAT MAY SFFER, Mb One ThTcaniS ta Siva 2sax, AH freight btnt win be required to be sertled at the date ci shipment; or cash will be required on delivwy ai point cf destination. _ Our Agents also In St Joseph. St. Chicago BostoiCFQW Tori and Cicdnatot will give THROUGH grr-T-S OF LADIHG TGDEBVSB CITS Our first trains w£Q start about fee BOTE BAY 9F APRIL, Or as soon b store as ttie gram on the Flams wS3 u low. Ourteraa will be made known upon application to our office In Leavenworth, or to the offices of any « Our agents. »*Fot rates and contracts caH on WM. MABTXR. General Agent ol the G. B. ft Q. S. B. Go, S3 mh2AeC5Am JOHa ft CARTWRIGHT. SnteHigtntt ©ffices. OLD ESTABLISHED INTSLLIGEKCS OFFICE, - Ko. m W4MAHIU* HTfURET. MBS. BATES dtoWretornotod snd patrons that she to still to be tound to tte above where nhs is ready to supply them with competent help for everestasoh. <mrntromtheoeatorypto|e tutoly attended to. P.O.goxg—• wr®-ly "VTEW INTELLIGENCE OFFICE —There have bean right different nations rep resented atmvtoßee. to seareb of emgiaymrotukme ly- American. Enebak, iriab. Fnct German-Norwu pLa, Bchonlaa and Swede*. .Some^orfigm, iamy Mtimataro, caanot fitil to make toitofto domestic*. KmeoD to IBS DearbozaJt. opposite the new Postcffire. and tr? for ypmrwKTlf you caanot come, dropaßnetoßozßEM. „ . _ niT _,., augtolw Xrs. A. It. BAT.KAM. Irtgsl flßbmismtmg r PRUSTEE J SALE.——Whereas, X Jeamm Atkins, of the County of Cook aud of Hiinolfl. made, executed and delivered t > m° a* trustee. a certain deed ot trust, bearing date the clam day of October, A. P. 186*’, conveying to me as sum trnstee.'lieland and premise* hereinafter described, to the payment of a certain promnissory note of even date therewith, for the stun of sixteen hund red and fifty dollars, with interest, after due, at tea per cert parable to the order of himself two mostw aft“r the dat** thereof as mentioned in said trust deed, widen said tm:t deed is recorded in the Beccrder’s otfloe of Cock County. HHnols, In Book iO6 of Deeds, page r,9; and, whereas, default has been made|u the payment a part of said note, to-wit • the sum of sixteen hundred dollars, and interest thereon, and application baa been mad>* tome by the legal holders thereof to sell said promises under said deed of trust, for the purposes therein expressed. , _ . _ 2»ow. therefore, nubile notice 1* hereby given, teat I shall sell at public auction, at the north door of the Court House, In the city of Chicago, in said Cook, to the highest bidder for casli. for the purposes ; in F:da trust deed expressed, at tcu o’clock A. M., oa Th-.-iTsdar the Fift-enth rgth) dav of August A. il -186-, the premises In ?ald trust deed 'described. to-wit: A certain piece or parcel of land, situate in and being a part cf t-lock one *Vj, in the original town o£ Chicago, commencing one hundred and mbvUi-] feet east of the nor.b-weEj comer of j'aid block, jnd running es-t on the south line ot Klazle street one hundred and fort® HUD] fset to a point thirty [3CI leet west of west line of lot one [l], block one [l], in tanzlea Addition to Chics go: thenc" running ronth mnetv-sevcn lv-12 [«! Ih-li] feet to an alley: thence-west along the north line of the alley; one hundred and fortv [i.t*] feet- tiicuc' north along the ea*t line of land lately conveved to Wa. E. Brown, abont ninety-one [h>] feet, to the place of beginning, situated in the clrt- of Chicago, Count* of Cook, State of Illinois, with all the privileges and appurtenances thereunto belonging, ana all the right and equity of redemption of tie said Jearum Atkins his heirs and assigns therein _ HORACE G. CHASE, Tru-tei- Chicago, July 2ith,L&jL iyi^-g-Au-td The above sale I' adjourned to Monday. *he twentv sixth C26th) day or August A- D. It 6 , at ten o’clock A. M-. at the north door of the Court Souse, In the cir« ot Chicago alc-re&ald. _ Horace G. CHASE, Trustee. Chicago, August litb, S6L aalo-gSTV.ftt 'T'KUSTEE'S SALE—Whereas, JL default ha? been made la the payment of a pro missory note for ?x». dated Jane 4th. i. X). «6»>, made i'T Gilbert c. Noble, ana payable to the order of him -M w~ * i« ,«r* oat r». . a t*' • j sell at Manna Lank, Chicago. Illinois, one year after JY I AbXJthlvS SAliil*. —State ot illl- ' date, with interest after *ne at ten rer cent per ao- XTI nols, County of Cook B.S —Superior Court of i nQm » secured by Deed of same .ante, duly CMcagoChanceiy.Jotoß.raford to Elia* H executed by thesam ohbnrt C Noble to the under £n,iUx Margaret E D. Smith. Beniamin F. Bvadl“v. signed. Georee ScoviLo, truster, and recorded 1q tbe James G. Dudley, James 3d. Brvanh Robert A, iV„t3. I V- co . r s'‘ r u % e oC ,Vr‘ JJ,i hom-ty. Illinois, in Book BichardH Collfna. Jeremiah T Boyle David LD* il» of Deeds. Page 4M, and application bavins been Golver end Stmuel De Golver —BiU’ to Foracl *e maae to mo by tli.- h-sal r--i'i-ail )fo to Jill tbe Mortgage. . real estate m fUivl Trust De-.-u dcsar.bcd for the par- PuMjc notice Is hereby gives tfaat la pur=uan-e cf a ' poses therein stated. Public n'tic? i- hereby sirea decretal order, entered in the above enafed cause on on V> edneeday, the twenty-eighth (irth' da? ot the fourth Oav cf April A. D. 156u. I, Ira Scott, aa August, AD. isfil, at sen o’clock in tin* forenoon ot Master In Chancery *-f tbe Superior Court of Chicago said day.atthe north door of the Court House, in tbo ■wl 1 sell at public auction, to the hlguest bldiet tor c;£y °f *-hlcago, canty of uoofc, and State of Illinois, cash, at the north door of the Co.rt Hosce of Cfor-k I shall sell at public auction, to the tlcacstbidder'or Countv. lr tne City of Chicago, County of Cook and ca*’-, the real estate in said Trust Deed described. to- State cf minds, on Wednesday, the fourth cav of wit r—The west half of LotNo.teu iic. of Block num- Sept-mber.A D 186 Lat eleTen o’clock In the fora- her one cn. In Sawyer’l Addition to CMcaro. Ulinola, noon of that dav. the following described real estate, “ the city of Chicago. Cook County, and State of 1111- S’tuute In the city cf Chicago. County of Coos and I K e il*. cr with an right title, benriit and equity State of Illinois, (or go much thereof as may ba ueces- °* redemption of the said Gilbert C. Noble, :us heir* sary to tatlsfv me amount due complatnant under ■. or assigns therein. , „ said cecre®, with cosie of suit and expenses of said ~ sCOVIIAJS, Trustee, sale) to wit:-Lots one n>-two (2). three (•<), ave {3», Chicago. August fotu, !aM. au..>g!>i*ta . TRUSTEE’S SALE.—Wh-reas. Messrs, of F.S at tt? Saf Sr S 1 4 H?^^S !,0r -*? 4B - ?»’»• “* w*. the Quarter ofr°ctl*** r:t fa' Tow"ehi-> Cutec and dsiivereo to J. Touig Scaauaon, a certain thirty-nine n*),borth Bange fourteen <U)',east of tne ittb. A, 3. 15«3, an d r-- IWri principal Also, Lot &S?f3). la corded-a tie eftee of He Ksorrter ot Oooit Ufo; ty. Block ten (10J, Lota tores (t!K.ati-eotF-eli rain.frort Llincls, os.fte paoevoi Marc ,A.X». iBJL Ist..Ok it* on tear tout. «b-1 Lot* .lx m, olos &■' foun-es j.SjinteoA at iMac », sratyltf ama ioi:.,t (14), aid twenty two fronting on Milwaukee tana and preauees there n_d:scnbel, la traat, «..i sa nce in elock eleven Til). In babl'via.on of Blocks teu cure ibeps’-:..eii;o£ctTtaih nates 1-. (1C) and eleven <11), in Mcßeynold’s Addition to CM- 1 u«s-ecMed; and. w.-ere c .5,1: w%3 ptp<»..ed u ct<*o. lIiASC-iTT. : 6 Md desd tnat in case default should be mine by tilii Master 1c Cbancerv of tbe Snnerlor Court of Chicago, Henry tv aller to ray sail notes and interest as th«ry * «*****■» s - ■ ■■■■ • Gelpcke. their legal ra-Tes'antati«ea or a-itueua. It M.-.TAmy', . ./-»■*-» /n a v-n —* ~. i ahould be lawful icr -ai.l acam-nou to sell a:a ;U --ORTGAGE SALE.—Pubic no- «fb«",“r p«j,«!“«• <!»"«»!> r»i% tlce l, tmiT fra. thtt fcr Tirtue of t tj gape 03rc. tre ard dellveren to tbe nuderslgced, \ n-c f.-** i- I ..t* t /-t? y. at- r»iij f-i -» . a i 1 ! 13 ??. H f C v^ 0 b f lT , t r f i default sasb en made by said Henry WJier.” In pay- Li . t IL VU6, ben. its Q&te on the uiy cf J Ay, , r ,a said int ‘rt,t '-u i n-it"b at the time hen AD. *&. S, arc recorded lr the offlee off:e C:-rk oi ?h|v a ®Vteß dneandl SLact've-a -Ad {?¥ tirc=lt < C-ort ano Ex uia-tio Becorder of Cook , £ El (M 4 Lotewt’^S CouLtj. 1,. ,-6 . tate of .JL:O.., .n B^o*,o of Mvft- fefWkf )t' e lt*2 al ficlCfrp of said nr'tes have mad® C£Sy, ore at PsseS end the - f sail to said Ecamm n to advertise lor sAa and %A-A ?-?® ■ Now.?*cr f.«t nctkw?» hereby glv« that T- tbu c-. nly .l .<*, wit, in. . on s--.u ?u —. a. the r.vtr of ~f, t vr-ri. viu .s-. tmjh»-- ten pe? cent per ann-m. oavabl: semi aanua'ly at the pf JftS AmeTic&n Exchange Bank in the city o. New York. ; X?,? o g RftVfS&r™ i tt-nonh and the cl said Mortgages being to secure the : payin' nt cf the Bond of said gylve t-.r Lind lor lue ; off t ‘r elik prmclpalsum of Five Thousand Dollars, due on the I K*'Sl Cooh ;.nd Stats of iliin n ls, at tue floor cf ten O clock , i »«» \j, ipoelcV • aai?Lc" V' In Block 4 • a-1 ln ,-I wlfl t^lpp fcr n°n»\^T^nch^*mw I Vio’np?il«S? d * Me. 4 . irubcl'.W('n Vf tb» north*hal 4 of the public ven-ne. so much as may be oecessarv to pay r»lf o< the wv-.t fca’f of t- e N k. v of Sec. XL said indebtedness intere-’t and erpen vs of sale o toe i t vqx k fi p ivinir lr » v e Citv of CMimro followirc described premises t>wlt:-The North T h * *-' 14V J VorsG Store in Linda New Block on the north twenty four (24) foet of Wharanc Lots nmnbsred twenty sine ! CB ~ a S°» (25). thirty (<),andtMrt*-OLB (SO, of Btaoley’s acr-; , „ T Te ? ft WLarflrg Loisin the OrgisMTovnofOMcrvgo, j T‘KTJ&TEE S S.ALHi.— WnCTeaS, j i Herr, Waller and Saak B. Wtf,er. hM wife, al of IS srtSSa ™Srtr?-Si ! Bn,a.-IG. CMlSeia, exeru'ed and delivered a canal. Sn I deed of trust, wblch tiaara date ilarcl lilt, i t>. iwg, wr Tl/SI ar.4waa2l=d for record ttl.o offlea of toe Becordor reapectvel- VUilAMA:SCOIT.Mortsskea. jof Cook Comitv, Illinois, llarrl. lair, AD,ls 1, and p TrTr^TT l A\vS Li3 i recorded nteidcfiice. m Bcokidl of Deada, at Vag. BIOBOiTI s. wirtaTO., AUJS. an.s jss.-ta e«, vberetr the- cenv-rpc t-.- J. roaez Scasmo. ■■- j certain premi.eain tra t deed described, tc i&cure -» /rrVD^Tr 1 APT? o tT ~ tttv ; the payment of a n:te for ol evsa M/| OJK l.ij'AVj'Xy &3Jj ~Zi ——* VV nereas, : d~te W l th said deed, druvn r-r caii CauldMd.and pay- X*J John B. Snlght and Edmund Ware, of th« State : ab:e to order of Eentuckv, executed and delivered unto P*ter G«ib, ( months after ite date, with Joterest at tea per cent peg oftheclfyof Cliicago, County of Cook ao*\ state of 1 ahhans. Ulinolr, a certain indenture of mortgage dated tbe 1 And, whereas. It was provided in and by said trual nineteenth day of November, A. D eighteen hundred 1 ceed, In ca-e dc-'an tbe made la the payment ot an" ditv-five-i®?)). which was dal? recorded in the ! *sld note, according to its tenor and effect then, 03 E*;Cordcr'soffice eftald Cook County,lnßook twenty. ; tl-e appllcaUca of the If-gal solder th're )t ><4la Siam two (22) of Mortgages, on pace five hundred and four ' mon, either ta person orby attorney, might and (§C4) t ia and by which said Indenture said John B. 1 d'spcae cf said property or premises in manner pro. Knight and Edmund Ware conveyed to said Peter i scribed by sal", deed. Gtlb. as mortgagee, all of sub-loss numbered one (i) ! And. whereas delault was made Ip payment of said and two (2)' of JamfsD. P.Ogden’a Subdivision of Lot ■ note and no part thereof has o»en pam. acd ao.>Uea> number one (i.) In hlo?*k number nlnetv.a«x t^ - ), In the i tloa has been maie to eslc Scsmmnu by the h 'laera School Seuti-m Addition to Chicago aforesaid: said i therect to sell, as empowered to uo bj said deed, aald Lots taken together being fiftr (3-j.j feet in front on ' premises, end all right title, cer.eflt a d eqniiy of r«- Monroe stre-t, and running back south, on Wells demption therein »f said Caulfieid, and Wiimr and stre-it, one hundred feet (it*- fl‘, to an alley, to secure ; wile, thtir heirs and assigns. _ . _ the pavment of the five (o) certain promissory notes o( : Now, tbeiefore, bouc-si- n«rehy giver, that I shall, the said Knight and Ware to the said Gelb, given for i on tne T'wrnty-Nlnth day of August, A. D. l?oi, attaa part cf the purchase price of said Lots ; *aid notes all i o’clock in the foreuoor, sell ‘-t -lubuc auction at the bearing even date wlthsMd indenture, hundred and eighty 41-1,«3 dolUrj payable to ; Cook County, niinola, to the highest bidder for null, tlie said Gclb,one year from the date thereof- tbesecond : the said propert /or premises, t uvit: —All the follow- C-d) third (8) and iourth(ith)forthe sum often hundred ; irglota, situate In said Ci i v cf Chicago la Swift * and fifty dollars (siWi‘) each, and payable respertivelv ; M- Auleysanbdl'-lsl'n of the north-half of tbs south to f. aid Gc’b, in two (2) three (;>)and four (4) rears from half of the west half cf the north east quarter of See the date thereof, and the fifth and last fortaesamcf , tlon twenty [3o], In Township thlr» L3»l. north ol eighteen thousand five hundred and llftv dollars Rarge fourteen [T4] east, namely, 1 tstwent. -four {Mb (si.-,i>so) pavable to the order of th l ' said ‘Gelb, five twenty-five [2s], [23], [L], tolr. years from the date thereof with Interest. ty-five pß], thinlx f3a;, thirty •?eve r ’ [37], tnirty eight And whereas, delimit has been made In theparment [&■], thirty-nlne raoj. forty [♦■.*], fortr-fi/e fii), forty six ofthe two notes last above mentioned, to wtt. the ; fifty on? [sll, fifty-two s>-l aid fif: -thre; ;s.J. In notes payable in four and five (4 and 5) Tears from tno t Bio k cue [']; Lot* three Pm, four [4], five >s], six u ot, date thereol respectively, and more tlian thirty dav* 1 seven [7], eight [>]. e;e% en [>:]. twenty nine [- ■]. ihira ha. Ing elapsed since the last of th-m foil due; and D’’3. thirty, one [3ll, thirty-two [32'. thirty dro C-Vv, wnereas. there is now due and unpaid ui»o i said not« : thirty-slx [SS], u-rtv-slx rtsj, forty-seven [471, forty, of principal and interest, the sum of about nineteen 1 tlsht r 4jl, and forty alee [4Ol. lr B foe’s three [3]; Lots thousand niue hundred and forty dol are Cfcis.M".) I three Ty 1 seven [7?, eight nil. nln* [9].t.’i [i ] Kow, therefore, In pursuance of the power in me 1 three P'A], twenty nine [2y;, thirty (dOl, thirty-oue [llj, vested by said indenture of mortgage. 1, the under- ' fcrtvflOJ aid flftv-thrce fo 1. in 310 k four [4;, balig signed mertnagee, EhalL on Tuesdav, tlie tf-r.ta : for.y three loti? in all **. th aB boDdinga and un (linh) day of Seateoxher. A-D. 18T1, at tea o’clock ;u . provemenfs on .-a:d js and all rght bma th forenoon, at the north door of thi Court House In ! fit and equltv of of said Henry and Sarah said citv of Chicago, offer the said Lota at public ano i B. TV’ eiltr and Bernard Q. Caulfield, their aeirs or as> Hen and sell the same, and all right and equity of re* ; signs treretn. J, YOUNG SCAMHQS Trustee, dern pHon of tne said mortgagors therein, to the high- jj-2t-g2’.3-td est bidders f reaeh. to pay all costs and esaenscs in. ' corred In advertising and selling said Lot? a-id the said | balance of principal and interest due on said notes. [ PETES GEIB, Mott razee. Chicago, Jane 17,186 L jy2s-g'22i-td ! "VTOIITGAGE SALE—Whereas, ijl default has been made In the pavment of a cer tain note (bearing date the 37th dav of March, A. D. JBC?, and due and payable In six years after date.) for the sum of twenty-nine hundred and ninety-five dol lars and ninety-four cents. s2!*is Si-.cO; and. whereas, also, default has been made tn the payment of a cer tain bond or obligation, of same date as said note, and Sven to secure" the payment or the sum of seven onsancl fire hundred and nlnetv-nine dollar; and • twenty cent*. 2C-;ffl, which said note and bond. . together with other indebtedness, are described in, i and secured by a certain mortgage executed bv E, Randolph Smith and Margaret E„ bis wife, dated' the ; 27th day of March. A, D. law*, and recorded in the lie- ' eorders office of Cook County, Illinois. In Book 19 of | Mortgages, page tfs, which said mortgage has been , duly assigned tome. 1 N c-w, therefore, in pursuance of the powers of sals ' In said, mortgage continued, public notice is hereby given, that onl Wednesday tno twdntv-fltth, day of j September, A. D. Ji»u, at ten o clock in the forenoon of ' that day. at the north door of the Court House in the 1 citv of Chicago, County of Cook and State of Illinois, . I shall sell at public auction to the highest bidder 1 :r cash, the premises mentioned and described In sail 1 mortgage, viz: Fart rf lots seven [7l and eight [S] In . block fifty-eight evs] of the original town ot 0 licago. , beginning at a stake or. the east lice of said lot eight i [T|, as said lot was originally laid out fonv-five . feet north of the centre of said east line; thence ran- ; nine west parallel witn the north line of saM lot eight ; [SI fo a gt&se thlrtv feet wert of the west lice of 1 said lot eight M unto lot number seven [*}. in said j block fifty-eight r&fl; thence northerly, parallel with the east line of said lot seven [:], and the west line of l said lot eight rs] to the north line *.f said lot : even Hi ■ on the alloy: thence along the north I nee of said lot 1 seven [7j and eight [3J to the mirth east corner of said : lot eight ; thence southerly along the ea-t U~e of 1 said lot eight to the place of Deginidng. all in the citv 1 of Chicago, County of Cook, and Stare of fUInoI-. wltii . the tenements, hereditaments aa-1 appurtenances thereunto belonging, and all the right and eqalt of rtr , demption of the said E. Randolph smith and wife. ; aortgacors, their heirs and assigns therein. j F-H. WINSTON, Assignee of Mortgagee. I Chicago, July 22th, IKL jyis-g-2.'i-ti 1»/| OETGAGE SALE.—Whereas, X»_S default bas been made in the parmeot of a cer tain Nets dated the eighteenth dav ol July, in the yew Eighteen Enudred and Sixty for th- sum of o&a hundred and fiflFßevea dollars a~.d dghtein ceita, with interest at ite rate of ten per cer,. per annum, payable one year after date to the order of Bauifaclua Bcmauer, which said note *s seenreu to be pall by a certain indenture ol mortgage of the oremiG-s here- Inai'.txxnenU-'v eft. dated the dav and. afar-aolii, executed by William Schaftr and AUzabetX his wife, tc the underslsci-d a , wtitc-i p.ortFAje U duly recorded in the Keccf ie of Cor.k County, atete oi .iiiaci., in Book cf Mortgages fifty-one. on Page five J-rrdrcd a'dtwclve. Now, then, notice is hereby given that L the under derr-d.b'-virtue of the power nuuame comerreiln and-bygald mortgage, snail, on the tsenty-seventh day cl August In the year Eighteen Euudred and SSnty-One: at the north fie or of said Co.-t Count* Court Bonse, in tie City of Chicago, at twelve o'clock, or toon of said last m enConec dav, sell at jnolic auc ticn to the biehett bidder for cash, the premises, laud and real estate Is saidmorrcAge described, audaUthe right and equity cf redemption ci said WiiUani Scha ler therein; Bald lands ana premises belazdtscrlbsd as folio* s, viz Eight acres cf Vac d from ox it en ‘-rth end or side cf the south half ol the east half of the north east quarter of Section t^oity-two (-2r) in ro wu fihip forty-one (fl) north, and Range imrees u-.\ efiit of the Third Principal Meridian: of land being sixteen (io) rods in wldthfrcm uorth to south, and extending ia lecgth from the east llna of said east half of paid north east quarter of sale Sec tion twenty-two to the west line oi »aid east *»ail of said nortt BERNAUES, Mortgagee. Dxvxa A Kuaxar, Solicitors. _ Chicago, July 22d, 138 L Jj22g!S6 COd QTATE OF ILIIKOI3, COOK COUNTY, S3.—Superior Court of Chicago. Au- SistTerm. A.D. ii«l. Junes H. ChQda. Thomas M, owe, Bobert T. Kennedy and Hary»y Childs tb. John Ellis—a ttachment. Public notce Is hereby given to the said John Ellis that a writ of attachment Issued out of the oSlce 01 the Clerk of the Superior Court of Chicago, dated the ad day of August, A. D. IS6‘, at the suit of the said James H. Childs. Thomas M, Howe, Bobert T. Kennedy aad Harvey Childs, and against the estate of the said John £UI«. fbr the snm of three thousand one hundred anl sixteen and &>ioa dollars, directed to the Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been returned exe cuted. Now, therefore, unless you, the said John THIS, shall personally be and appear before the said superior Court of Chicago, on or before the first day of the term thereof to be holden at the Court House, in the city of Chicago, on the flirt Monday of September, A. D. 1861, clto special ball, and plead to the said plain aßo’ action, judgment will be entereo. against you and In farorof the said Jame«H- Childs, Thomas if. Howe, Bobert T, Kennedy and Harvey Childs, and so much of theproperty attached as may be sufficient to satisfy the sold judgment and cost’ will be sold to satisfy the same. __JZ WALTS S KIMBALL, Clerk. Gaixtjf * Hitchcock. Pllß* Atfys. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE. XJI. Ebtatu or WILLIAM VAN ANTWERP, da ceased.—Notice ia hereby glTen that I have fixed coon a term of the County Coer; of Coot County, la toe State of mmols, to be hclden at the Court House, tn the City of Chicago. tn said County and Slate afera said, on toe Thlra Monday of September text, being the sixteenth day thereon for the purpose of settling and adjusting all dates against the estate of Wi-Haa van Antwerp, late of Warren Counts and state cf New Jersey, deceased. All persons hsvlrg claim? against the same are noti fied and requested to attend then and there, for toe purpose of having their claims adjusted. J lOuVG SCAMMv-'. Administrate? ot tie Estais of miliars Vac Ant* werp, deceased, _ Chicago.!!!., July l»tb, A. D.13.1. jyls-gISMw CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK O COUNTY. S.B —Superior Court of Chicago, August Term, alp.lß6L jutm W. steams and Jamei • Forsyth vs. lsaa<* l<. Bnark.—Attsehmsit. Public notice Is hereby given to the said Isaac L. Shank tisat a writ of attachment issued out ot the office of the Clerk or to*’ Superior Court of Chcauo. oatjd the 20th day of Jnls» A. U. IS6I, at toe sms of -he sald John and Paajth and ag2to?| toa estate of toe L. Shank, Artoe aum of mat and Thirty-Seven 26-lft:DoSara. «aree*edto toe Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ has been i^owftoCT^rS < yen, toe said Isaac .vaii nenocaßy be and appear the said Spue gJJr ofCJhtogoToa'or bstore the fint cay of tarn renntfceteofi to be bcMen M tie Court Sonse. in Pltv of Chlcaso. on toe first Monday of August A D* *fid Plead to ihe said plaintiff •# judgment will be entered against you. and fct matttmu * Taft. Pltlfe Att’ja. au>g^Mw TESTATE OF ROBERT PAT- X- i TBBMUr DwcxAfiKP.—Public Notice la hereby jriren to all persons having ciKima and demands against toe estate of the said Bobert Patterson, deceas ed, to present toe same fox and settiemset at a regular term of the Connty Court of Cook County, to beholden at the Coar ifionse, in toe city of Chicago, on toe third Monday o iSeptsmba’. A. u. 190. bang toe ifitoifiay toereeff SNLBOK THOMASBON. AdeMstrator. Chicago, Jane >:to, 1361. jyS5-«3h>*3 Heggl gsbmigmtma ''TRUSTEE’S SALE.—Whereas, A George Brown and Kate Broun, hlawllfe, did om the tw day of D« cember, A D. las?, execute and deliver to tbe undersigned Trustee, a deed «f trust on certain lands therein and hereinafter ds to s c cure the payment of two certain promis pry note* of even dare therewith and therein particu larly mentioned and described, executed by the said. Brown, parable to himself or order. wnich a trust deed Is tinjr record'd in the Recorder’i .-•f- EefS«pfee?g ti;Slllt,!of *>■ is; “ £ ft -was provided la and by said deed, hfi n^ e « :ailt «wu|.i be made In the parmeat o* legaflrlder ssffii'fEifeSiSss la? jf % t h Sfeaicfa gs&ssts. ft^aasas^fa^^ga north door of the Court Uou.e. ia Ls« highest bidder for cash, at the time mentioned in ?uch And,Vhe?ea«, default va? been mad* in tp> cf one of said notes, and the same has not been raid, nod application ha? be»n made to me by th-> \....3 owntr of saidaotee to sell the said trend ca r'r.d all right and cecity ot redemption of raid Georu'* Brown, his heirs and assign 3 therein, according to the provi sions of said trust deed yow, therefore, notice Is hsrebr given that I. ths =&id George Sconlle. will, on tie twenty-eight d*v of August, A. D. 1-6 L, at the hour of ton o'cl ,»cki:i the ’crenoon. at the north doer of the Court House, in tie v s ty cf CMeasro. in Cook County, and Stats cf llllaoia, pen at pcblicauction, to the highest bidder fur ••a<h, 1 the; aid land and premises wrier are tle*cnVd in •«ud j trust deed as follows, to-witr—The north half uf the t pnuth half of Lot five, in Block twenty-eight C>\ in tae ! Original Town of Chicago (now citv of chi axoj j Cook illi- ois, together with ail the■bxluiag* 1 and improvements thereon and aB right and cq -At of 1 redemption ox sain George Brown, i.i? hei-s uii a?- sign* therein. GEORGE SCOVILLK Trustee. Chicago. Ancnst l-tu. 'T'EFSTEES SALE, Whereas, i Bernard G Caulfield, Henry "Waller and Saran B. Waller, his wile, eret-utfd and dellvert-fito J. Tonn* Scammon, a certain deed of trust, which hear* data March uth, A.B. ISCO, and was recorded in the office of the Recorder of Cook Co ;mty. Illinois, on the lith day of March, A. D. two, In Book v#s of lieefia, at pan 292. whereby they made conveyance of certain parcel* of land therein described, to secure the navme-.t of certain notes and interest thereon also described tn said trust deed, which said notes were drawn by said Caulfield, to secure an Indebtedness to Hoffmann * Geipeke. And. whereas. It was provided la said trust dead, that in esse default should be made in the oayicect o* said promissory notes or interest, orany part tumot, according to their tenor and effect, then, on the appli cation ol said Hoffmann a Gelpcke. their legal repre sentatives or assign', It should be lawful for said Scam mon to sell and dispose of said premises orany part thereof, in manner prescribed by said trust deed; and, whereas, default has been made bv sa.d Caulfield In payment of certain Interest on said notes which la Eastdae and unpaid, And, whereas, application,ha* een made to me, the said Seammon.byUie local hold ers r>f said notes, to sell said premUej, as I am empow ered by said deed to do. Now. therefore, notice la hereby given, that I shaß. on the twentv.eighth day of September, A_ D. at 1" o'clock In the forenoon, sell at public aocaon, at the north doer of the Court House, in the city of Chicago, Cook, Illinois, for the highest and bes tone* the same will bring In cash, the said parcels of land, and all right, benefit and eqoitv of redemption of said Caulfield. and Waller and wife therein, which said premises are desctll'Dd ns follows to-wu: Ah thosa certain pieces and par-ess ofland. situate In tbeConaty of Cook and State of Illinois, and >Le.-cribed as follows, nan.clv: Lots 21. 22,2 , 3. In Block ;; Lots 1.5, •» 7,14, 47, 49. Cb and -•■1 In Block 2; Lota 2, 24, i\ 2>w M, la Block 8; Lots 1,2, be, in Block 4. all in the Swift a M*- Anlev’a subdivision of the north half of the Booth half of the west half of the N. E. quarter of Section ■£, T. 39 N_ E. 14 E., lying In the citv ot Chicago. J. YOUNG SCAMMON, Trustee. Chicago, June 25 l«i. JyAg;i:S-td 'T’RUSTEE S SALE.—Whereas, JL ontlel7tadayot May. ISSS, Hirem C. W. Cow der~ and Mary L. Cownery. bis wife, erecctea to Samuel P. Skinner a mitt deed of tu»t ajou the real c.-:ate hereinafter dercrllKd, wul’.-'i was duly re corded in-hi F&cvrder** office cfC.ok C.-noty, 181- nots, ns Bock of Leeds. Fage 354, to secure the pay ment cf five promissory notes In said Crist dee-1 par ticularly described, all payable to ih« order of Josiah 11. Carter; and,, default has be-:n made la the pavnrent ef the three Ut described notes. In sold trust mentioned, snl application baling been marie to nr a? the execu on and legal representative* of Samuel P. Skinner, decoded, t > sell tae real estate la said trust deeu desirlr.rd,ln pursua'i’-e of thep -war of sale therein cental-e-L Public notice li hereby given, that on Saturday, tbs Thtrty-Flr-t da? of August, b?'. at t-n o’clock la the forenoon of said day. co the premises her leafier dcecrloed, we will sell at public auction t? the highest. bidder for cash, th- reai estate In said fast dee i described, vit:—T*ota number three [3] and four iK In Block ten [lo], >‘-f tae School Section Addition t ■ the City of Culcagv, Cook County Illinois, with the appurtenances thereunto belonalcs. and all the tight and e piiry of redemption cf the said grantor, b:s htira and esaizaa therein, asa lor the purpeaes in said trust detd arated JOHN C 6A JSE?, 2LBUIDGE HALL, Erecutcn of Samuel P. Skinnar, deceaseu. gWt-td /UHAKCERY NOTICE—State of V.' mice LA Co*S Conrty 8. S.—fiapsrior Court ct fliioeea September Term. A. I>. l&X ilsdora JL, Mlllscol-’r vs. Walton G iQUedcler.—ln Chancery. Aff.davit of the of Walton G. Mill 9. cclcr. defendants abeve named, having been filed la the office of the Clerk cf said Superior Court of Cole* go. Notice la hereby given to the said Walton G. that the complainant filed her htl of com plaint Ir said Court on the Chancery tide thereof, on the Sd day of July. lf«i, and that a summons thereupon Issued oat of said Court against said defendant, re turnable on the first Monday of September next (IS3IJ as la by law required. Now, unless you, the saldWaiton G, MTlledoler shall personally be and appear before said Superior Court of Chicago cf Cook County, on the flnl day ot ths term thereofi to be holden at Chicago, In sale County, on the lint Monday of September, ISffi. and plead, answer or demur to the said complainant's bin of complaint, the rams and the matter? and trinay in charged and stated, will he taken as cccf eased, sad a atcrae entered against you according to the prayer of said hilL WALTA3 KIMS ALL, ClertL T.ttttr tun * SxrrH. Compl’ts’ Solhr*. jy^sUl«-t4 NOTICE.-State of Vy Hiinoii. County OS coot S&— Superior Court of Chicago. September Term, 1881.—Jobh S. Gresne and Peter Bese tbl WiDism Briggs, John 3. Hfim t1~a» Edwin Gulliver, J. A, Parsons, E. S- ChamrUn. Hd ward Ballard. I)aide! a. Mama, G. W. li -art, J- BoblntOL. H. J. Preston, "W. J. Jecss. Ctrios, O. P. Harris. Patrick Gallagher, Leans! CnlweU. Ncf man ntinrchin, warren Salto and cnesscteß aores. non-residence of John R. J. A. Parsons. W. J. Jents, Norman renfcmtli mkl Cfiwmor? Burte, named, having been filed in me office of toe saidSroertorCinrtcf Chicago. g 7 *? to the >aid Joan B. J. A- PMSona. W. 3. filed their 1 * KB ofpmfflsMS Court, on the Chancery aide them- Of day of April. 1961, and that a smn of said Court against said dSmdants. returnable on the first Monday of Sop tarn. as ia by law required yoJ^niS^yon.toe said John B. Hamlin. J. A- Par sons. W J Jenta, Norman CcnrcMU, Warren Smith ard chelismore Bnrtis, shall personally be and appear hefbre said Superior Court ox Chicago of Coofc Coun ty. on toe first day of the next tens thereof to be holders at Chicago, ta said County, on the first Man d.ty of September, IS3L aadplaao, answer or demur tr the sals ccmplair&nt'a bDTof complaint and matters and things therein charred andatatad. will be tabpn as confsaeed, and a decree entered *»*“* 103 Ka * es *SffiMmg£& CKrS. H. B. Enn>, complts’ soi’r. Jy3>-gis6-4w an^g-325-iw QTATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK IO co l 6. S-— Superior court of Chicago, September Term. Al»-isSi. The Merchants Buk of nlha t, yv.i. JobaQ Wilson.—Attachment. Public rcticaia hereby given to the said John Q. WUso" that t -ro writs or attachment issued out of tn* office of the Superior Court of Chlaaeo, dated the It to day of July. A- D. 1861, at the suit of tie said Merchants Eaua. cf Albany ana against the ertato cf toe eaid John Q. ‘Wluoa for toe sum of Sixtesa TtcxrfauJ One Hundred acdflfty-serenSMoo ooliar*, directed io the Sheriffs cf Cock and Win Counties, which said writ: ha been returned execut'd. Now, therefore. toeaaid John Q Wilson, shall personally be and act* ar before toe said Supe rior Occxt of Chicago, on or before the fir;* say of toe Term thereof, to be bolden at toe Court la. toe City of Chicago, on the first Monday of Septaas her, aTjD. 1861, rivesnetialbaiL andj»w*dto ths said plaintiff ’a action. Judgment win bp yen. and la laror oi toe said and ao much of wSrliK KXMBS.LL. GlSi Brsfixsfi & Eoof. Bit’ffa Atl'ys, au’i-gtffl-fw A DMINISTRATOKS’ NOTICB. /\ To all whom it may concern, take notice, toaft the nnderticned. Administrators of the estate ot Marr UewviHit. deceased, win apply to the County Court of Cook County, in the State of Dllnote, at to* next September term thereof to be holdea tn tit* Court House, In Chicago, In said County, on the third. Monday of September, IB£i, for leare to sea or cctn sound all toe desperate eiatma, debts and demand* whatsoever due toe estate of the aald Mary LleweUliu d and BSTHSS WBTT*. Admlitiaaratrlx. Pated jolyn.Mll.