Ctpmgo Cttlmne
Burning A Hatbtack.—Sidney Reynolds Is
now In jail, charged with setting fire to a hay
stack near Ainsworth.
Nuisance -—Several citizens have recently
paid small fines at the Police Court for depos
iting filth and oSal In the streets and alleys
of the city.
Personal.— Lieutenant Governor Henry E.
BddcnofNewTork,ftndHon.E.B. Washburne
ofGalera. are stopping at (he Sherman House.
Abubstkd.—A pickpocket was caught yes
terday morning, at the depot of the CMcago
•sd Northwestern Railroad, and is now in
CosrmsKCS Gave.—A farmer from Wash-
Irgton county, lowa, was diddled out of S4O
yesterday, at the Wells street depot, by one of
our most noted operators.
The Weateeb —Charming beyond com
parison, these fresh cool days, tempered by
breezes straight from Mackinaw. Tne health
cf the city continues excellent.
Lett fob Joliet.— -Sheriff H®slng sent ten
men and two women convicts, under sentence*
to Joliet Wednesday night, to serve oat their
respective terms in the penitentiary.
Police.—The business at the Police Court
yesterday was characterized by extreme dull
ness—less than half a dozen cases graced the
Walsel—Harper’s Magazine and Knicker
bocker for September have been received by
Walsh, comer of Madison street and Custom
House Place.
Personal.—Major SUmmer, of the 16th U
B. Infantry, recently detailed for active ser
vice, left city last evening for Cincinnati,
having been ordered to report himself to the
Department of the OMo.
Bcbglaet.— Night before last the room of
the bar-tender of the Union House, comer of
Madison and Canal streets, was entered by
some thief, and a pocket-book, containing
$4.00 stolen therefrom. A watch was also
stolen from the porter.
Bubied. —The funeral of F. R. Jackson, late
paymaster of the Rock Island Railroad, took
place from his late residence, No. 53 Fine
street, at 10 o’clock yesterday morning. He
was burled with Masonic honors. A large
circle of friends are plunged in grief at the sad
Personal. —Among the arrivals at the
Richmond House we notice Hon. Henry M.
Rice, U. S. Senator from Minnesota, and fam
ily ; Hon. Wm. Windom, M. C. from Minne
sota, and family; Hon. Edward Kilboume, of
Iowa; and J. E. Williams and wife, of Cln
Fob Bird’s Foist,— Lieut. Maclean, of the
12th Bfgiment I. Y., leaves for Bird’s Point
to- morrow morning. He will be happy to
take any letters or packages for the boys at
Cairo or Bird’s Point. Leave them at Chad
wick’s Exchange, Lind’s Block, Randolph
street bridge, before 6 P. m, properly ad
dressed, with the name, company and regi
Musical Union Excursion Postponed.—
The Excursion wMch the Musical Union had
designed fcrlaet evening, was postponed un
til this evening, August 23d, when the steam
er Sea Bird will leave her dock, 'oot of Lasalle
street, at Cp.m. All those who been
fortunate enough to obtain tickets .may ex
pect a spies did time.
Held to Bail —The examination of James
McDermott and William Howe for the larceny
of postage stamps from the office of the Ibst,
was resumed yesterday afternoon at the Ar
mory before Justice Aiken, and resulted in
holding them to bail, in the sum of S3O0 —
each for appearance at the October term oi
the Recorder’s Court. Committed In default.
The Chicago Dragoons. —Having happily
effected their re-organization for the war, a
large number of good men have joined this
company, aside from its old numbers. It is
anticipated that they are to be attached to GoL
Dickey’s Ottawa Cavalry Regiment, and will
eocn see active service. They are recruiting at
Sutherland’s Riding Gallery, comer of Adams
end State street. Let all who desire to serve
(he cause of their country in the most attrac
tive branch of the service, ls fall in.”
Larceny of Boots. —George Dunn was
charged with stealing a pair of $5 boots from
the shop of James Fahey, doing business on
Madison near Market streets. The tMef en
tered the store while the family were at din
ner, took the boots andproceeded leisurely to
draw them on, when some of the neighbors
witnessing the theft raised the alarm. Dunn
seized the boots and ran rapidly into the alley
in the rear of the shop, where after a serious
scuffle in which the owner of the property
was badly beaten, he succeeded in arresting
him and mardurg him to the armory. Held to
haß in the sum of S3O0 —for Ms appearance
at the October term of the Recorder’s Court,
snd committed in default.
Serious Fire.— Early yesterday morning,
at tbe crossing of the P. F. W. &C.R. K. and
Stewart avenue, three buildings were burned.
The fire originated in the house occupied by
Sir. Muhlbausen, which was destroyed—value
SSOO, insured. The house adjoining, occupied
by Mr. Eopp was also mimed. Value s4oo—
insurance. The next house, occupied by
Hr. Morley, was destroyed. Value ssoo—no
insurance. The furniture in the fourth house,
occupied by Joseph Holdemess, is
by fire and water to the extent of s3oo—no in
surance. The house in which the fire origl
sated is supposed to have been feloniously set
cm fire by some persons at present unknown.
Out informant, one of the sufferers, desires
to express his obligations to the Chief Engi
neer of the Department for the effluent aid
rendered the sufferers, and for his personal
efforts to stay the conflagration.
Brutal Ass^ilt. —As Lieut Goodwin of
the army was leaving the residence of Mej.
CobUdge, No. 237 Michigan Avenue, on Wed
nesday evening, he noticed two men, appar
ently Germans, standing on the comer of the
Avenue and Harrison street. When the
Lieut left the Avenue they followed him, and
on arriving at Wabash Avenue, stepped before
him and exclaiming, “here is one of them,”
one seized the officer’s coat and tore it open.
The officer losing his footing was struck a
powerful blow, by the other, upon the back of
the neck with a slang-shot Using a very tall
man—over six teet—the blow took effect sev
eral inches below where it was evidently in
tended to strike. To this mls-calculation of
the vDlians lieut G. evidently owes his life.
The wound is a severe one, but not of such
magnitude as to incapaclate him from duty.
No' arrests have been midp.
Kili.ed At a. Warehouse.— The Coroner
fceld an inquest yesterday between 1L and 12.
a.UL upon tie body of Thomas Hanlon aggjj
18 yean, the step-son of Patrick Cannody, re
dding on Halstcd, between Third and Fourth
streets. He circumstances of the'accident as
developed at the Inquest are as follows, A
freight car belonging to the N. W. B. B. was
unloading at the Warehouse of Mnnn &
Scott on West Water St. After .the bulk of
the grain was removed Hanlon went into the
car to pick up the scattering grains. The
workmen Immediately pushed the car for
ward upon the track, and when opposite the
doorway of the Warehouse the car stopped.
On looking to discover the obstruction, the
boys head was found jammed between the
doors of the ear and the Warehouse. When
the car was drawn back the boy foil dead. A
jury was cnpaneW, and a verdict rendered in
accordance with the above foots.
ExcmKG Eukawat. —About noon, yester
day, a formers team came running past the
Teietoe office at a terrible rate, overturning
everything that impeded their progress. When
opposite our office, the heavy wagon to which
they were attached came in contact with a
light buggy, in which two women were seat
ed, breaking the vehicle, and hurling them
violently upon the pavement, seriously injur
irgore of them. After this exploit they con
tinued their way up Clark '’street, taking off
the wheels and axles of several carriages stand
ing sear the pavement, and at the comer of
Washington street running over and seriously
injuring Mr. Farweli, the father of C. B. Far
wen, Esq. At toe come* of Adams street the
wagon rsnm in contact with a telegraph post,
breaking it into splinters. The horses break
ing loose-from the-Vfchicle, ran the entire
length of Clark street. No further damage
was done by them.
The name of the woman thrown from the
wagon !s front of the Tbibuhe office was Mrs.
M, Andersen, whose husband keeps a tin and
stove store on Blue Island avenue, between
Folk jpd Harrison streets. She was badly in
jured on the right hip, and carried into Black
all's tea store in a fainting condition.
Tbe Nutfcwcrten nagtir*
Elsewhere we g ve the result and verdict of
the Investigation of :h* Ciroaeris Jury In the
melancholy tiag< dy at the Chicago and North
western depot on Wednesday afternoon. It
Is understood that the testimony rssted
where it is left at (he instance and by the pur,
pose of the Jurors themselves, who held that
their sole duty was the finding how the de
ceased cane to his death, leaving to other
constituted tribunals to pass upon the kind
and degree of culpability of the unhappy
yonng officer.
As stated in onr last issue, Capt. Crofton
was committed to jail on the same evening of
the occurrence, end is now detained on a c >r
cner’s warrant for murder. His counsel are
U. a District Attorney Lamed, and the
Messrs. Goodwin. It is, we learn, proposed
to bring Capt. Crofton before Judge Manierre
t<>day on a writ of habeas corpus, to the end
Oi securing a preliminary examination, and
obtaining, if possible, Capt. C.’s enlargement
cn bail, on a charge of manslaughter.
Capt. Crofton was appointed to the 16th
United States Infantry from the State of Dd
sware. He has won the confidence and es
teem of his brother officers, and of our citi
zens since he has been stationed here, and had
entered zealously and intelligently into the
work of bringing his regiment into condition
for tie field as fast as recruited. He was vis
ited at the jail yesterday by many of our citi
zens, who expressed their sympathy with him,
n this sad event. His own statement, freely
made, is to the effect, that as he was following
hastily and excitedly, with his drawn sword,
the young man Krftatej intending only to prick
him with the point, the latter stumbled and
fell, and Crofton himarff being carried for
ward by his own impetus, the weapon in his
hand passed forcibly into the body of the de
ceased, with a power and result entirely acci
dental and unavoidable. The location and na
ture of the wound are both of a character, it
must be s&ld, to support such a statement.
There is still a great amount of excited feel
ing prevalent among the friends at the unhap
py Ersatz, as an incident narrated elsewhere
in this issue attests, in the narrow escape of
Lient. Goodwin from violence at the hands of
unknown assailants. The funeral of Kraatz
was yesterday attended by a large concourse
of his friends, in whose hands, doubtless, if
left to them, Capt. Crofton would be in dan
ger of sure and deadly violence.
Happily, even in these evil times, the law
still maintains its supremacy in onr favored
city, and to its tribunals such cases maybe
safely left to be disposed of without preju
dice, or improper influence.
Army Equipment*,
We have often before this had occasion to
speak of the creditable and considerable share
our CMcago business firms have hod in
various departments of solitary outfit. We
made last night what was well nigh a midnight
call at the premises of Messrs. Condicfc,
Wooley & Co., No. 53 Lake street. Theirs
were the only lighted premises, at that hour,
in their entire block, and yet it is only by this
means of two sets of workmen, busy day and
night, that they can fill their present contracts,
chiefly of cavalry accoutrements.
The immediate purpose of our visit was to
look at a newly invented lot of horse equip
ments, to be eMpped this morning to St.
Louis on an order, from Gen. Fremont, to
whem already (his firm have sent nearly five
hundred saddles. Thoy have also large orders
for lowa and from the U. S. Government for
regiments in various parts of the Northwest,
(o the amount cf several thousand saddles, &e.
To thus speak of what a single firm are do
ing, would be leaving half unsaid, unless due
reference was made to the quality of the work
turned out These raddles are all finished on
the celebrated Orimdeyttre t whereof no sensi
ble trooper or troop horse ever said, <c spare
that tree.” It is from its shape and bearings,
by far the best in use, as the testimony of offi
cers in service abundantly attests, Last eve
nirg wc took occasion to look at the work of
those saddlers, in every stage of pro
gression, and saw faithful workman
sMp and choice material everywhere
combined in results Mghly honorable
to this old established house. They are filling
also a large Government order for their de
partment of Infantry outfit in the five new
regiments being mustered into service in this
For eveiy description of military work,
from superb officers’ saddles (several of wMch
we have from lime to time noticed as coming
from this house), to the trooper’s outfit, or
the straps and boxes of the foot soldier, this
house is prepared to execute any required
amount, and in a style none other than which
could have secured them the reputation they
The Soldier** Widow and Orphan*.
In another column we present a stirring and
pathetic appeal in behalf of the bereaved and
destitute family of the late Captain Me Mur
ray of the Irish Brigade, of this city, recently
deceased in service in Missouri. To the fer
vency and eloquence of this statement little
needs to be added. Captain McMurray was a
gallant soldier, and a man loyal, brave and
true. To his zeal, discretion and self-sacrifice
was the origin and present efficient existence
of the Irish Brigade mainly due. To no
other person more than Mmself, and none
equally share the honor with Mm, belongs
the credit of the formation of this fine regi
For the sake of the.country, he sacrificed Ms
private interests, closed his office and ex*
changed the forum for the field. He has fall*
en in the outset of the campaign. Never waa
there a better time to honor the brave depart
ed soldier than now, nor a worthier instance
offered than the present. If there is a mean
ing and a truth in the pledges made on every
band by the public to our noble volunteers,
that, happen what may, their families shall not
svjfir, the family of Captain Francis McMur
ray are now to be generously aided, not as a
charity, nor a grudged dole, but aa a meed
well earned—a debt discharged from which the
community will not shrink, the sacred right
of those bereaved ones, whose protectors fall
in the service of their country.
Hones for the Army,
A large crowd derive duly huge satisfaction
in watching at Morgan’s stable in the rear of
the Sherman House, the process of testing
and proving the steeds brought up for enlist
ment into the U. S. Army, on the contract re
cently awarded to parties In this city to pur
chase two thousand horses. The Government
is liberal in its views, and pays a good price
for good horses, and will accept no other.
The contract priceis sllO for each horse that
passes inspection. This will put the hand
some sum of two hundred thousand dollars
into circulation in this city and section, ani
help matters much in this tight time we have
feu en upon. Brush up the nags and trot them
Suits Against the old Sewerage Board.
—Yesterday in the Superior Court suits were
instituted in behalf of the city, and against
Sylvester Lind, Philip Conley, and 8. D.
Webster the old Board of Sewerage Commis
sioner’s, and their hall, for a sum amounting
in the aggregate to $280,000, their being four
suits of equal amount. These causes are en.
titled as follows 7749 the City of Chicago vs
S. Lind & George Smith $70000,00. 7750 Same
vs 8. land E. Q. Foes A. H. Heald &B. F.
Carver—7oooo.oo. 7750 Samo vs Jos.D. Web
ster T. Wright & E. Wright—7oooo,oo. 7751
Same vs P. Conley B. F. Carver & T. J. Kin
fg* September Magazines, Harper and
Knickerbocker for September have just been
received at McNally & Co. 81 Dearborn St,
Also the Eclectic. From a glance at the con
tents we should judge them to be of unusual
interest to all anxious watchers of the im
pending civil war sad no doubt will on this
account be read by many who are not in the
habit of wading srlch publications McNally
has also the latest English and Eastern pa
Resoluiioks. —At a special meeting ot the
Bryan light Guard, held on Wednesday even
ing at the office of George Lets, Esq., the fol
lowing resolutions were unanimously carried:
Served, That we, the members of the Bryan
U?ht Guard, tenderonr terries® as a company to
Major General John C. Fremont for the war.
Jietolved, That the foregoing resolution be pub
lished in the morning ana evening papers of t.M«
[For the Chicago Tribune.]
Straws show F. F. At the regular meeting of
the German Working Hen's Society {Arbiter
Verein) of Chicago, on Monday evening, it
was mentioned for the information or the
Society that a petition was circulating in the
diy, asking the President of the United States
to remove Simon Cameron, the present In
cumbent of the office of Secretary of War,
from his post, which he lacks all and every
quality to fill with credit to hhaiirff and with
honor to the country, and to appoint another
mac to that place, a man in whom the people
may have confidence. Upon the announce
ment of this petition being in circulation, one
of the members of said Society proposed that
the Society in a body subscribe the petition
mentioned, at the same time; that hedon
ticertd the appointment of Simon Cameron
as Secretary ot War in the tame light as if a
railroad company would employ a tailor as
head boss of her locomotive shop. The reso
lution, that the Society sign the petition in a
body, was then carried unanimously.
The Im'cMe at the Sorthwesten
Kailread Depot.
At 9 o’clock the Coroceris Jury resumed the
hearing in the inqnestheld to investigate the
melancholy affair that toik piece at the Chi
cago <fe Northwestern Railed Depot on
Wednesday last. At the first session Dr.
Gore, the physician who made the post-mor
tem examination gave his testimony in part,
and having since pursued his investigations
’farther resumed his evidence as follows;
Dr. Gore , remote?— Examined the head of
deceased last evening; failed to discover any
marks of violence or injury, and have not
charged my opinion as to the cause of his
death; my opinion is that he died from hem
orrhage produced by the cutting of the in
ternal ilhac artery by a sharp cutting instru
ment (The sword of Capt. Crofton was
thowntothe Jury and witness.) The wound
could have been produced by this sword.
Walter Tett, sirom—Live a: 47 West Adams
St,; saw the difficulty at the C. & N. W. R. R.
Depot yesterday; did not know either of the
parties; was attracted by the company piss
ing along the streets and went to the* De
pot; noticed that deceased came out of
the cars before the company reached the cars;
heard the Captain order a guard; heard him
tell the guard to allow no one to pass in or
cut; heard that that that Captain’s name was
Crofton; heard the Sergeant of th? guard say
to the men, “allow no one to piss: heard
Capt. Tilden call “Sergeant of the Guard,”
twice: did not know wny. Next saw the de
ceased standing on the platform of the car,
apparently going in the cars; saw the two
guards and deceased standing on the steps of
the cars; saw Capt. Crofton run rapidly np
the steps and caught hold of deceased; told
him roughly, “Get off the cars;” deceased
stood facing the door as Capt. Crofcoa took
hold of him and shook him, but did not speak;
Opt. Crofton tore his coat or shirt, don’t
know which; deceased then stepped from
one platform to the other. Captain Crofton
followed and caught him again; raised his
sabre and struck deceased on the head; de
ceased pushed Capt. Crofton away from him a
short distance; saw deceased push open the
ear door and step into the car and shut the
door after him; saw Capt. Crofton then at
tempt lo push his sword through the car door
window, and then sung out, “Hurrah, boys, put
this man off the carseaw Capt. Crofton go
into the cars, and I think Tilden—am not cer
tain ; the noise sounded as if the deceieedran
through the car; next saw deceased on the side
walk dying; he was the same man I saw on
the platform with whom Capt. Crofton had
bad a difficulty; it was but a minute or two
after the deceased entered the car that they
esme out at the other end; heard no hard
words from deceased to Cipt, Crofton; was
within a few feet of the party and could have
heard easily, if there had been any altercation.
Charles Cook sicom. —Live on Chicago ave
nue, near Halstead street; was present and
saw the difficulty between the parties; saw
the soldiers leaving Dearborn street for the
N. W. R. B. depot; went with them; Capt.
Crofton ordered his men into the car; his men
objected; the deceased came out of the car as
the soldiers went in, and uncoupled one of
the cars; soldiers were in the cars at this
time; deceased then stepped on the sidewalk,
and then turned back on to the pxatform;
Capt. Crofton came out of the car, and ordered
him off the platform; deceased turned round,
mid the Captain caught the deceased by the
shoulder, and tore his coat; the Captain then
shoved the deceased on the other Dlatform;
deceased ran into the car and tried to shut the
door; the Captain then lifted his sabre, and
tried to strike the deceased; don’t know if
he hit him at the door. Captain Crofton then
said “ Hurrah, boys! put the man out of the
car;” captain went into the car, fol'owedby
2or 3 soldiers; in a minute the captain re
turned out of the same door, and entered the
other car where the soldiers were; I stood
along side the hind car; could see tae whole
transaction outside; saw through the window
of the first car that there was no one in it;
saw the deceased next lying on the sidewalk;
saw him fall on the sidewalk; it was not
more than a minute after he entered till he
passed out of the other end; knew deceased
lor 8 years; I am a mason; deceased name
was Fred. Kraltz; heard no talk from de
ceased to the captain, insulting; he was a
sober man; would sometimes take a glass of
beer: was good-natured and not disposed to
quarrel; saw him yesterday; did not think he
had been drinking; I took him from the side
walk and carried him into the depot; he lived
two or three miiTtes; I asked him what was the
matter; he opened his mouth, but could not
speak; never heard him raft any one a 4l son
oi a bitch;” saw Tilden; am not sure that he
was not the one who took hold of deceased; he
did not call the officer “a son of a bitch;”
was sor 6 feet from (he captain; he did not
strike the captain or officer or men; the com
panies were drawn up along the cars; not so
much noise that I could not hear; deceased
did not answer the captain when he ordered
him off the platform; Capt Tilden, Capt.
Crofton and deceased were on the platform,
no others; know nothing more; recognize
the sword before the jnry as like the one used
by the Captain Cralton; think it is the same.
Idvard Mooney , sworn—Live at 59 Fourth
street, West Side; am yard master to the N.
W. R. R. Co; have been in their employ four
years last June; have known deceased for 4
years; he was there before me; his business
was to clean cars, make up tra ns and see that
they were in proper condition to leave; the
train which left yesterday was an extra train
and in his charge, bke all other trains leaving
the depot, special or others; Thomas Murray
was the conductor of this train; he has gone
to Rockford; did not see any of the difficulty
yesterday; last saw deceased at work on the
train about 10 minutes before the soldiers ar
rived; deceased was perfectly sober; never
knew him to get intoxicated; asked conduct
or who was going to break f. .r him; he said
“Fred” —the deceased; never heard him use
bad language to any person; he was a very
accommodating, obliging man; he spoke the
English language plainly; never heard Mm
call any one “a son of a bitch;” never sav
him in a quarrel.
Fred. iWmepr, sworn —Live on CMcago
avenue, near Milwaukee avenue; work for tne
N. W. B. B. Co. as car repairer; knew de
ceased lor 7 years; was present on the occas
ion of his death; eawthe troops; saw him all
day before the troops arrived; deceased told
me 5 minutes before his death that he was
going out as brake-man; saw him jnst as the
troops came; at that time I get on the top of
the car- the third car; there were 4 cars alto
gether ; I stood on the next car to the one
out of which Fred, came; I next saw him as
he came out of the car, and he fell down in a
dying condition on the platform; deceased
had no coat on; had a pair pants two shirts,
and a vest; saw him all day; did not see Mm
quarrel with any one; don’t know of my own
: knowledge the cause of his death.
| The following Terdict was tendered by the
I Jury:
“We, the Jury, find that Frederick Kraatz came
to his death, on the 21st day of August, 1881, at
the Northwestern depot, in the city of Chicago,
by a sword wound inflicted by the hand of Capt.
Robert £. A. Oiofiou.
R. Cleveland, Foreman, David Bloom,
L. A. Brown, O. S. Merrick,
P. J. Huajanon, Geo. W. Lewis.
A, 8. Fay, J. O'Keefe,
Louis Rumour, R. J. Fox.
C. H. Beers, Wm. Stewart.”
The Jury presented their fees to the wife of
the deceased.
Unpaid Letter* ■
The fallowing letters, detained in the Chicago
Poet Office, for Postage, will be forwarded to the
Dead Letter Office, on Monday next, unless the
postage la previously paid. Call at the room of
the Dead Letter Clerk, up stairs:
H. B. Boguc, Chicago, Illinois.
James Peterkin, “ “
6. A. Miner, “ “
Geo. Murray, ** “
John Coolioge, “ •»
James McClellan, “ “
J. E.Nichole, C. B. A Q. R. R,, Chicago, Til,
U. Osgood, Joliet. Illinois.
James Scnpplan, Blackberry, IllLiois.
M. O'Brien, McGregor. lowa.
Mrs. Martha Earfaart, Davenport, lowa.
Sarah Bofitaure. Tedrow, Ohio.
G. W. Willlston. Janesville, W.s.
James Jowney, ’ “ **
McEwt n—Ka direction given.
Letters enclosed in old style Government Envel.
opes, not recognized in payment of postage:
Fleming & Woodruff, Marseilles, Illinois.
H. Carpenter, Mokena, “
E. A. &C. W. Davenport, Cambridge, “
Patterson, Wlltmer* 00., Sterling, “
Ford & Hovey, Belvidere, **
A. Robin, Peoria, “
G. H. Turner, Sterling, “
Rev. P. Terry, Ottawa, **
Dr. John N. Nfglas, Peoria, “
H. W. Loncdell, Batavia, “
Hawks & Somes, Amboy, “
C. A. Gtmgerick. Peru, “
Henry Rogers, Beloit, Wis.
Levi fiaweon, Cleveland. Ohio.
Charles Deggerdoof. Dubuque, lowa.
Miss Sarah w. Lawrence, Hillsdale, Mkfr-
Mm. Harriet R. Smith, Detroit, “
Rev. Wm. Murphy. St Louis, Mo.
Joseph Fllteau, Leporte, Colorado.
Park S. Hosmer, Buffalo, New York.
J. B. Lewis, Blnchampton, “
H. Patten & Co., Albany, “
A. D. Shepexd & Co., “ •*
J. N. King" ••
Gordon Grant, “ “
Bills, Thayer 4k Weber, Troy, “
L. Wright A Co., Oswego, “
Mrs. Mary Pollock, Baltimore, Md.
Oliver Dltson, Boston, Mass.
Thuesday, Aug. 22,1881.
417.—(Chy.) Creditor's BilL Benj. W. Howe
ve. Jonathan E. Hoyt; decree pro confcaso. De
fault, and reft recce to a master.
854.—(Chy.) BUI in aid of execution. James
Freeland etal. vs. Alfred Johnson. Default; de
cree pro confesso, and reference to & master.
458.—A C. Taylor et ah vs. the schooner Col-
Uncwocd. Leavegiven to answer by Ist Monday
In October.
471.--(Debt.) Sylvester Scofield, President,
Ac., Ac., vs. Nicholas Walker et al.—now on trial
before a jury.
A Chance to get to Washington.— We
are requested to announce that twenty men
are wanted for the Stuuoks Rules, now in
Washington. Good allots, and reliable men,
willing to do soldiers’ duty, only, will be re
ceived, and none others need apply, at the of
fice of old Board of Trade Booms, corner
South Water and Lasslle street.
Fieb.—An alarm of fire was rung for the
Ist district yesterday about 1 o'clock p. k.
The Impending conflagration, proceeding from
toe kitchen of the Briggs house, was speedily
quieted by the application of a bucket of wn
%er. No carnage.
ES" Cook A McLain. 185 Clark street, areclean
ing and dyiag ladies silks, shawls, Ac,, at the
lowest passible prices.
Cmpt. Itelluni of the bbk BrfzUfc
At a time like the present when the destruc
tion of onr Government and onr country is
not only menaced, but in actual *»» l rapid pro
gress, we hold it the duty of all patriotic citi
zens to come to the aid of the General Gov*
eminent with all the aid in men and money
at their command; and to assist more by acts
than by speech in Us preservation and per
petuation—and that the true man and the
patriotic may have faith in ohr professions
and deeds of loyalty, and to encourage him in
battling with the common enemy for the
rights and authority of onr glorious Union,
we respectfully lay before the public a case in
The subject of this article, the late Captain
Francis McMunay, a native bom citizen, and
located here for many years practicing as an
attorney,) was one of tne first of his profession
to give np a lucrative practice for the pur
pose of organizing an Irish regiment, for the
preservation of his beloved conutiy. He not
only organized and drilled the Jackson Guard
Company, (of which he was Captain,) of th.it
Eegiment, but was the heart and soul and chief
promoter in getting it up; for weeks he was
through the State, collecting and enlisting re
cruits, bearding and paying all expenses out
of his own pocket, and, in tact, when leaving
for the seat of war, he left his poor wife and.
family penniless, and, I may gay, houseless.
This was not the tint time he served his conn
try in the capacity of soldier; he homraoly
and manfully acquitted himself in the Mexican
war, and was there promoted, bat without pen
The soldiers oi the Irish Regiment loved
him to a man, with brotherly aStction; for he
had the big heart of a true soldier, ever ten
der, affectionate, and loyal to all; Chicago
has lost in his death a patriotic and worthy
citizen, and the State and the Union a brave
officer who was to make his mark ; alas that
the good cause should have lost a Lyon and a
McMnrray. His parents have lost a good and
ever obedient eon, his affict-. d wife a faithful
and tender husband, and Ms poor children,
(for bis wife will soon have an other to claim
the protection of a parent,),the best ofiatuers.
May his ashes rest in peace.
But will the citizens of Chicago allow his
memory and his exertions for the preserva
tion of their hearths and homes and all that is
dear to them, rest here. We trust not! We
trust it never will be said, either at the pres
ent or at after time, that they neglected this
good man’s widow; that they gladly accepted
and lauded bis services whUe he lived, but
when ho died in the service of his country
their sympathy died with him, that they for
got their duty to his family the moment ho
ceased to exist, and avoided his poor forlorn
and starving family. This opportunity is,
alas! now given them to prove whether they
ere hollow or wanting in their promises to
protect the widow and orphans of their dead
soldiers. This one case of justice and
humanity properly attended to, will have
more effect in obtaining volunteers than
all the metiegs that can be got up. In
fact, we believe if this particular case is neg
lected it will have a bad effect here, and put a
damper on the present enthusiasm. We there
fore respectfully solicit the public at their
great meeting on Saturday, to take up their
case, and aid the Defence Committee who have
the matter in hand and the press who have
kindly volunteered their services for this poor
family. The JPoet has already taken the matter
up in a pointed article this day. May we
trust the good Telbune will not be backward.
Let it not be said that because poor McMur
raywas a “ Douglas Democrat,” that there
fore he was passed over, hut show the public
that, os the Democrat is a® willing as any
other citizen to shed his blood for his coun
try, his deserts and exerti idb will meet as
public a reward as any other citizen. Some
one has without authority published that the
Captain’s life was insured, and that
he left his wife property. Both statements
arc utterly untrue. Let the citizens of Chi
cago lock to it that the soldiers’ widows and
orphans will have a Acme, and be not allowed
to starve, at least until able to support them
selves. We trust confidently that the Judges
and the bar of onr city (as he was an honora
ble member of the latter) will assist in the
good work, and that the City Council, Board
of Trade, and every good citizen will give
their mite, —a little from each, will insure the
family comparative comfort and happiness;
and tho public confidence in the speedy and
successful termination of this unholy war.
Manx Citizens.
Volunteers wanted for Company K, 12th
Regiment, now at Cairo, Colonel McArthur com
manding. This regiment has a good name, and
has been mustered in and will probably see active
service as early as any battalion in the field.
The pay of the non-commissioned officers, musi
cians and privates has been raided $2 per month,
which, together with bounties and allowances,
make the pay about equal to a mechanic's
Recruits are sent to Cairo free of charge. Good
musicians, who can play upon band instruments,
will be taken, and will receive extra pay.
All the discharged three months’ volunteers who
have served in this regiment, and partlcnlacly
these who have served m my company, will be
gladly received. Come in and see us at all events,
whether voure-cnlist or not. We shall be glad
to shake bands with our old companions in arms.
The reuniting station is at the corner of Ran
dolph and Dearborn streets, in NewhalTa Baild
iog. James R-JEugumin,
Captain Company K,lM~Ee£. EL Yol.
Engineer Heglntent.
Col. J. W. Wilson having received a commission
from the Secretary of War to raise forthwith a
Regiment of Mechanic JFofeileera, to be employed
for repairing bridges, building fortifications and
all (other mechanical works, to be enlisted for
three years or the war, all Captains and officers
mustering Companies, will please correspond with
Col. Wilson, at Headquarters, No. 62 South Wells
street, opposite the Briggs House., where they will
be mustered into service. Parties wishing to join
the above regiment will bear in mind that privates
receive an additional pay of fifty cents per day
more than other volnnteere. By order of
Col. J. W. Wilson, Commander,
P. O. Box 3898.
P. B.—Mechanics or active laborers wishing to
enroll their names [can do so by calling at head
quarters. tf.
Kansas Brigade.
Commanded by Brig. Gen J. H. Lake.
Recruits fob Kansas Brigade.— Full compa
nies, f quads or single recruits are wanted for this
department of service. Subsistence and trans
portation will be famished, as soon as reported
to me and accepted. No department of the ser
vice can be more inviting to the young men who
desire to serve our common country. Arms and
eq-ipmenta are ready for distribution on arrival
of recruits at Fort Leavenworth.
For information apply to James H. Mills, Metro
politan Hotel, Chicago, or to to the subscriber at
Moline, Rock Island and Davenport, fur two
wteks. H. F. Sickles,
aug 212w* Recruiting Service K. B.
Company A, Twelfth Regiment.— Ail the old
members of this Company who served their three
months, will please meet me to-day, (Friday,) at
Chadwick's Exchange, Lind's Block. Randolph
street bridge, between nine and twelve o’clock A.
m., and two to five r. m. I leave to-morrow morn
ing to join the Regiment in Missouri. All those
wishing to go with me, call to-day. We require
also some good recruits, who will be sent down
free of expense. Call and see me.
Lebut. D. Maclean, Co. A, 12th Regiment,
Gab Fixtures.—s2o,ooo worth of new styles
must be sold within sixty days. 182 Lake street.
jy293ot H. M. Wilxarth.
Church’s Raspberry Jam, the best made,
for sale only at 64 Lake street. aul2-g343-3w
AH should not f&H to read the advertise
ment of Prof. Wood in to-day’s osuer. mh-ly.
In this city, attbe residence ef Mr. T. J. Day, 292
West Madison Ptreet. cn Thursday eve nine, mi a.
ELLEN A. POME LOT. aged S6 year*.
The funeral win take place from Mr. Day’s rest
dence. on Saturday next, at 2 o’clock P. SL The
fli-ads of the accessed are Invited to be present.
Sy Syracuse, N. T„ papers will please cpy.
Flouring and Grist Mills,
Smut Mills and Separators.
Belting of an Kinds.
_ _ Hoisting Screws and Ball.
Bras Dusters, Picks, Proofßtaffs, ACm Ac
, Flans, Specifications and Estimates furnished when
desired, and the construction of Steam and Water
Mins contracted for entire.
. Steam Kudnes, BaUm, *e.,
Tbe subscribers having obtained the Agency for the
sale of Steam Engines and Boners from the manufac
town, H. Y„ would Invite the attention of purchasers
to their superior merits of style, workmanship and
powers; also, their very low prices. Tae following is
a list of price* of Engine and Boiler, together with
Heater, water and Steam Pipes Cocks, valves. Arch
Castings and Grates, complete and ready tor use. de
Uveredln Cmcaeo:
5 horse power g 5H 20 horse power *LZ>’i
8 “ M 575 25 ** M ...... r.yst
10 " 725 SO M “ fsa
i| “ * 808 ss - .... aS»
is “ •» UCB 40 - “ IJQ
And in Ilka proportion for larger sixes as required.
Every Engine is foralahcd with
For Rout Wilts wo eenfidantiy recommend them as
superior to any other stile of Engine, and they will
tewa from 2( to SOpereaat in Fuel
°J^^ etlTCalclawo f boUwalnuselatiie Wa
an assortment of different rises atour es
tablishment, where they may be ormiinwj and the
necessarylzdonnaConobtalnedregardliietheni, Com-
S«*«st men will, if desired. be furnished to set up and
start engines ia any part of the country. We also supply
At very low prices.
*. w. tc ce>s
““ r iSS&, „S'; , SLSS\£ e ” e “
Post Office iddrqa Box 9TA
Kkkard’g Iron Cera Shelter,
Canctirnwi tow t. com bhm.
Warranted to shell m any cf rraia.
r. o. nxoaxASDs,
BOX litf, (OSKABO, sou
werta. No. St FTaotnn sweet. wam-iv
1 I6AL BLANKS of 6fe f T de-
M~J eertnties and mr** awreved fonts, at whole
sle or retail, at the TBIfiUNK OFFICE at ci^rt-at.
THtmaux Nf junne.Aug. 22, 18C,
There was rather more inquiry for exchange to
day, and the market wee a shads firmer, with soles
at the various banks and brokers' offices at
percent presn, and on tte street at par.
Inconsequence of tbs; scarcity of vessels, ths
demand for currency by produce dealers, was not so
active! Gold, however, continues in good request,
at per cent prem-
New Tosk Stocx Mabkct.—The following are
the quotations of to-day’s New York stock market:
Ist Vi, 2db’d
Sew York Central, B-E-itock.... 74 14*
Salens. «S «5Jf
Rock Island }9 40*
Burlington B9
Michigan Southern, gt t d 29# 29#
Michigan Central 43# ....
minoie Central— ®* 64#
Cleveland ana Toledo 29# ....
Erie - ••••
Georgia Cs
Tennessee 6s
Missouri 6s
Virginia 6a
North Carolina 6s.
First Board firm; Sccend Board dull.
Monet Matters vs St. Louis.— The Democrat
efthis morning reports exchange steady at
per cent, prem., and goldper cent.
The >»*-nVp are advised to withdraw their specie
deposits in the branches throughout the State,
lest they may he seised by the Confederate rob
Exchange at Milwaukee. —The Sentinel of
this morning reports exchange weak at 5 per cent,
Cincinnati Monet Market. —Exchange is dull
at # per cent. prem. buying, and at par selling.
Kentucky funds were scarce, and selling at #@#
Monet Matters in New Toes.— The World
quotes money easy on cell at 4®5 cent. Capi
talists are not disposed to take long loans until
Government loans are fairly on the market.
The banks have decided to attach coupons to
the 7 8-10 treasury notes, which will delay their
issue till tlxelst of September.
Foreign exchange is‘dull at 107#©107# for
bankers’ sixty aay drafts, and io6#@rio7for prim*
commercial. ,
Philadelphia Banes— The weekly statement
of the Philadelphia bankB v mide up yesterday af
ter:. oon, presents the following aggregates as com
pared with those oftijeprevious week:
„.. , . Aug. 13. Aug. 19."
Capital stoex $11,811,030 $11,811,030
Eoana 34,061070 21.011,034
Specie 6.790,14* 6.766.120
DneCromotherhanks.... 1.137.533 1.134425
Due to other banks 2,767,679 2,380 428
Deposits 15.568.034 15.335 838
Circulation 2.074,009 2,076 857
Chicago, Alton and St. Louis JR aileoad. —The
new management of this rood is effectively over
hauling its track and rolling stock, and within a
few weeks, or months at most, it will be in as good
condition as any railway in the West. Indeed, it
may already be said to be in capital order. Many
old bridges have been replaced by substantial stone
structures; tresale works are being filled up; the
road bed ia being ballasted with good gravel, and
every department seems to be receiving proper at
tention. Banning as it does between the two
great cities of the West, and through a section of
country that for beauty and fertility has no snpe
rior, it ia destined e:e many years to be one of the
very best paying roads in the Union.
Chicago, Aug. 21,15G1.
Editors Tribune i
How shall the business community continue to
treat Canada currency ? At firet it was received
on a par with Eastern, Ohio and Indiana, and was
as readily converted into exchange at all oar
basking institutional But It was soon discovered
that something like a trap had been sprang upon
the people, and that what they had paid one hun
dred cents for was only worth 93, after aIL It was
still taken, however, as before, only with more re
luctance, yet with the conviction that its circula
tion would rapidly be retired. The writer, with
the balance of the community, has waited patient
ly for this result, but has continued to receive it,
and to submit to the shave noon it, up to the
present time. Is there to be ho end to thi», nM
when ? Yours, Pab.
[lf all dealers will receive Canada currency only
at its gold value, we shall soon have that which is
good, or none at alL—Enirons Teibuke.]
National Currency,
The New York Commercial of Monday eays:
The first lot of United States Treasury nates of
small denominations* redeemable on demand ia
specie, were sent to Washington on Saturday,
and will be ready for emplovmentatt.be «eat of
Government by the dose of the week. The de
nsminations of these notes are five, tea and
twenty dollars, and the whole amount of the
issue authorized is fif y millions. It is under
stood that the Secretary of the Treasury will avail
hia.eelf for the present to only a limited extent of
the privilege of issuing these notes, and as they
will be made redeemable at convenient ooints.
they will afford a most desirable currency, and
while they will obviate the inconvenience and risk
of the transportation of cola between certain
points, it Ir probable that a portion at least will
pare freely from hand to hand without being pre
sented for redemption.
Thursday Evening, August 22, IS6L
The following are the receipts and shipments for
the past twenty-four hours:
uxempra last xwenty-ponb scobs.
Flour, Wheat, Com, Oats, Rye, B’rly
bu,- bd. bu. bo. bu. bn
Canal * 198 61567 6000
G.&C.C.E.R.. 497 32893 9038 1964 60 51
C. &. R. I. R.B. 1606 26950 11200 ... 33) ....
El. C. 626 24150 4*oo 1050 350 350
0., H.&Q.B. r :. 710 81034 33456 579 579 ....
C.&N.W.R.E. 491 8148 556 550
C.A.& St.L.RR. 6T011200 14641
Total 4799 134572 179458 10113 1339 401
Live Grass Beef
Hogs Seeds Hides PorkCatle Wool
No. fcs B>** brls No. lbs.
S.&CVU.R.R 4385 1400
C. &E. I R.R. 50
ULC 50 40000 6600 .... 48 4000
cI,R. 843 4860 6788 223 133 2353
N.W. R. 8.. 350 630
A. & St. L. EE. 6346 47706
Total 443 49595 17454 223 181'"54694
shipments last twenty-four hours.
Flour, Wh’t, Corn, Oats, Eye, Bar.
brls, bu. bu. bu. bu. bu*
To Buffalo 42850 65157
To O-'we, o 28500 16065
Ogdensburgh 11050
To Kingston 16000
Total. 86550 110072
Receipts, Shipments.
Lumber, ft 480,000 Flour, bu 1,200
Lath, no 170,230 Wheat,.hu IStkOOO
Salt, hbls 5,000 Com,ba 65 450
Coal, t0n5........ '6OS
Wood, cds 170
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, brls 360 Lumber, ft. 328.233
Wheat, bu 198 Salt, brls 10
Com, bu 66,066
Oats, bu 6,000
Seeds, lbs .4,635
There was a good attendance on ’Change to-day,
but in consequence of a difference in views be
tween buyers and sellers, the transactions in
grain were comparatively light.
There was a good supply of Flour, and the mar
ket both for spring and winter grades was ;dull—
prices declining on the former 10c, and on the lat
ter, 10@15c per brl. About 2.200 brls of all kinds
changed hands, at $4 GO@s 20 for white winter ex
tras; $4 50 for mixed winter extras; and $3.30@
$4.00 for spring extras.
The receipts of wheat were heavy—l34,s73 hash
els—and the market for spring grades suffered a
decline of 2@3c per bushel, and winter, 3@sc. At
the opening buyers would not pay over 63c for No.
1 Spring, and 60c for No. 2 Spring; hut finding it
impossible to get any amount at those figures,
they advanced them to 62 and 65c—and some sales
were made as high as 66c. Only about 45,090 bush
els of all grades changed hands, at 77@80c for No.
1 Red; 68@70c for No. 8 Red; 63@65c for No. 1
spring; 60@6Sc for No. 3 Spring; and 63@55c for
Rejected Spring—the'•market closing, firm at 62c
and 65#c for No. 8 and No. 1 Spring.
The demand for Com was unusually light, be
cause of the scarcity of vessels and high freights,
and the market declined about 1c per bushel, and
closed duJL Only about 50,000 bushels changed
hands, at 84c for Canal Mixed afloat; 22@22#cfor
Mixed in store; and 13#c for Rejected In store
dosing heavy.
There was a lair inquiry for oats at 16c in store,
but towards tie dose the demand fell off and sales
were made at 153* e. ??o. 1 Eye was in demand at
29c; but there were no sales. Hlgi.wines were
active at 14c. Apples and Peaches are active and
steady. Hides are in good demand and firm, ro
tates are plenty and dun.
Beef Cattle were da& aid heavy—the tendency
being downward. Hogs declined 10@15c, with
quotations. Sheep were ami.
Freights were steady—with engagements—at
lS#c for com andlSQUc for wheat to Bo&lo.
British Com Trade.
The Mark Lant Expret* of August 5, jnet come
to hand, reports the weather more favorable for
the crops. Tae hay harvest wm completed; but
it adds “perhaps nearly half the crop lost color by
the frequent rain, and some was. damaged.” The
wheat harvest had commenced in many places, but
“no certain conclusion can yet be arrived at re
specting the yield.” New Essex wheat was sold
in London, weighing 68M&U hs. to the bushel,
at 7as per quarter.
An extensive demand from France had taken
place, in ooasetmence of the partial fbDure of the
crops there.
Boring the week 20 cargoes of wheat had been
soH afloat, at 4fe 8d for red American; 4&Bdand
45s l#d for imperfect Milwaukee; and 50a Sd for
perfect Wisconsin and Chicago.
In Scotland the weather was fine and harvest
work progressed favorably. Good wheat at Glas
gow was fine; bat Inferior was neglected.
The rain had done much damagelo the potatoes
in Ireland; but the breadth planted was so large
and the bulk as ye! looks so well as to cause gene
ral eatlsfhctlcn. '
The Harrect aa< Crept,
Mbsomokeb, KankakeeCe., 111, Ang. 21,186U
Sdltors Chicago Tribune;
In looking over your paper, I see notices of the
crops from different sernw of toe State, and see
ing jicthicg from this county, and believing that
the crops have been very generally over-estimated,
partfauarkv auJcg. : wheat I take the liberty of
tending this brief statement First as there was
but huk winter wheat sown,-the - yield wiQ be be
low a&average,as& toe quality about No-. 2 oee-
wheat, fbegreatstaple. it almost
aaliuxe- The farmers hers are busy threshing,
ano I have not heard of a single instance where
the jield has been over sere, and
they nearly all sty they get from five to eight
bushels per acre, and I hare not semi the first sam
ple of No. 1 spring wheat I have lived here
twelve years, and this crop, except dm, is the
prerett. Oats are good. Corn will be an average
Yours, W. H. Pxttkesoh.
Galya, Henry county, IU., Aug. 21.
Editors Chicago Tribune:
Seeing no report of crops from this part of the
county in your paper, I will state the prospect.
Spring wheat was supposed to he about three
fourths of an average crop at harvest , but when
threshed it was found that the estimate wis too
high bv 20 per cent- The heads are short and not
well filled, although the berry la plump and well
matured. The yield cannot average over IS bush
els to the aero; last year it averaged about 18
bushels." Winter wheat (very little sown) and
rye good- Oats nearly an average. Corn promi
ses (danger from early frost excepted) about an
average yield. Large quantities stliLin farmers'
hands of old crop. Vikdbx.
Crops la miHote ul teilana*»Sap
pi j of Bogs*
[From the Cincinnati Price Current, 20th.]
At Galena, Illinois, wheat la now (August 12th)
being harvested, and will be secured la good or*
- der. Yield three to five bushels less than last
year. but far more ground being sown, the quanti
ty will be full? up to last year. The quality is
very good, and these remarks will apply to the
whole country northwest of Galena. Cora looks
well, and with favorable weather, the crop will be
a good one. Oats fair crop; straw short, but heads
well filled- Bay crop very good-double that of
lastvear per acre. Bogs very abundant in that
section, and south and west of that place. From
careful information, our correspondent thiaks
there will be an increase of fully fifty per cent as
compared with last year. The high prices of
pork the last few years, have encouraged the rais
ing of hogs- Com being very plenty, and a iar>»e
surplus in the hands of farmers, they are feeding
it to hogs generally. Our correspondent says l->ok
our for an avalanche of hogs from Northern mi
ne!?, Wit cousin a: d lowa, and even from Min
.42*4 43J£
.42# 43
.53)4 53
At Quincy, Illinois, wheat gathered in good or
der ; yield below an average, hut there being more
sown than last year, fully one-third more, the
quantity will be fully up to last year. The army
worm took ail the cheat out of it in June. Cora is
better than last year, and three weeks of hot dry
weather, up to the loth Inst., injured it so much
t hat the crop will be one-third less than last vear.
Hay greatly injured by the army worm, not'over
bustyeS? I*' 1 *' Bogs more abundant, and larger thou
At Naples, Illinois, the wheat baa been harvest
cd in good order; the yield U a fair average, bat
the berry not well fiTed. Last year and the year
previous, the crop was a total failure ia that sec
tlon. Corn is very forward, as much so as usual,
ana the indications are that the crop will be an
unusually large one on the bottom land, and a
full average on the upland, much better than ever
before. Oats not raised ia that place, as tie
ground is too rich for them. Hay short: the army
worm destroyed most of the timothy. Hogs verv
plenty, more so than ever known before; but the
ho. cholera has made Its appearance, and one
termer near that place lost two hundred head bv
it last week.
At Grayville, Illinois, wheat gatheredjin go")d
condition: yield per acre better than last rear,
and one-fourth more ground sown this year. * The
average yield is about twenty bushels per acre.
Corn not as forward as u-ual, injured to some ex
tent by drouto. The crop may be a moderately
good one. Oats poor. Hay not good, injured by
army worm. Hogs more abundant than last year.
At Quincy, HI., winter wheat saved in good con
dition, yields 25 to 30 per cent, over last year.
Sprirg wheat not gootLand yield very poor, and
not over half a crop. Corn not quite as forward
as usual, but the cron promises to beau extraor
dinary heavy one Oats good, as regards quality
and quantity. Hay light, having been greatly in
jurea by the army worm. Hogs not very plenty
m this vicinity, but farther back, stock hogs are
in good anpp.y, and com being cheap and plenty,
they will be fed early and welL
At Peoria, Illinois, the wheat has been harvest
ed in good order, but not yet threshed. The esti
mate Is that the yield will be a full average. Cora
not as forward as usual, but nevertheless promises
to be a very large crop. Hogs very ple.ntv, and the
present indications are that there will be a large
increase, as compared with last year.
At Lagootle, Indiana, the wheat cron is secured
in good condition, the yield about an average; one.
ana probably not that, as upon being threshed the
yield is found to be less than was expected, aud
not as good as last year. Com good, and promises
an average crop. Oats almost a total failure. Hay
hardly an average crop. Hogs more abundant than
At Mount Pleasant, Indiana, wheat crop sared
in good order; yield poor, grain badly tiled. Oats
very light. Com looits welt but can be hardly an
average crop. Hogs and cattle in fall supply.
At Delphi, Indiana, wheat seemed iu good con
dition, but the yield not over one-half that of lost
year. Com not so forward as iaat year, at this'
time: hut recent rains and warm weather reader
it probable that the crop will be as good as that of
last year. Hay an avoraee crop. Hogs plectv.
UAt Wabash, Indiana, the wheat crop has been
secured in the best possible condition; tbe yield
is less than that of last year, and fully one-fourth
to one-third below an average. Since threshing
began, tbe farmers have been disappointed in not
obtaining: tbe yieldthey expected: the heads were
short, ana not filled out welL Com is about as
forward as usual, and there never was so goods pros
pect of an abundant crop in that section of country*
Oats good, but not much sown this year. Hay
poor; the army worm destroyed a good deal of it,
out even without this, the crop would not have
been a good one. Bogs in better supply than last
year, and there will be a greater number fitted,
owing to the abundance and low price of corn.
At Michigan City, Indiana, the wheat crop has
been secured in tbe best possible order, mnea bet
ter than last year; tbe yield not so good as tad
been expected, and is fully 25 per cent, below that
of last year. Corn looks very well, and tbe crop
promises to be belter than l*st year’s. Hay
(■bort. owing to drouth, fully one-fourth less than
that of last year. Oats short one-fourth, for sime
cause as hay. Dogs plenty, much more so thin
last year. Corn is so plenty and cheap that farmers
are now feeding, believing that it is the best dis
position they caij make of their corn.
A. Hew arc’s Montreal Market Report—
Ang. 20.—Flour steady and nnchinged. Sales
about 4.900 btls No 1 super at $4 65(§)4.75. Noth
ing doing In other grades. Wheat—dales of Chi
cago No lat 9T*£c; two cargoes Milwaukee No 1
held at sl. Sales of Canada spring at 95c, only
moderate quality. Freights— Very scares; uo en
Boston Flour Mahket— Aug. 20.—The re
ceipts eince Saturday have been 4270 brls. The
maiket is firm. Sales of western soper at $4.25:
fancy $4 50; extra $4 75@5; superfine $5 25®? <gf
bri. Southern la In moderate demind Sales
of common and fancy at $5.50@5:75; extra $6.36
@6.76; super [email protected] $ brl.
Cleveland— Aug. 21— Received. 19.800 bushels
wheat- ihe Herald reports as follows: Wheat—
No red sold. Holders asking 95c on track, and
shippers offering that price free on boar l . Sales
Scars whitest $1 on track. Com—No sales re
ported in the morning. Held at 34 on track. Oats
—Qniet at 22@23c.
Detroit— Aug. 21.— Wheat— The market has
suffered still another decline of 3c. Holders are
more anxious to realize, while there is a vsrv
moderate disposition to Invent. On the street the
rates are now 92c for No 1 red, and 97c for No 1
white. The eales on ’Change were 3 cars No 1
red at 96c, and 2 cars No 1 white at sl, and near
the close a car of No 1 red at 95c, which was re
garded as the outside figure.
Milwaukee Grain Market. —Flour—Receipts,
1.002 btla. Market he.vy and unsettled. No sales
reported. Wheat—Receipts, 45.960 bu. Mark-t
very dull and about 5c lower, closing at 71@76c
for the two standard grades in store. Sales in
cluded 4.700 bu No 1 in store (early) at 7Sc; 8,000
bn do del at 79c; 700 bu do in store at 76c: 8 500 bu
do in store at 73c; 2,000 bu do del at 76c; 4,800 bu
No 2in store at 73c; 3,500 bu do in store at 70c.
There was not much done in the way of charter
ing vessels. ' -The schooner Myrtle was reported
at I2#c to Buffalo or 17c to o*wego, shippers’ op
tica, to load on Friday. Vessels in port were
held at 13c tc Buffalo.— Sentinel.
Daily Renew of Chicago Market,
~L i] Thursday Enening, Aug. 22,1861.
FREIGHT o—Openedflrm, but clossS dull. TTie
engagements were To Buffalo; Schrs, Eleanor,
Marquette, and Rainbow, wheat, at 14c; brig Isa
bella, wheat, at 13c; schr. City of Milwaukee,
wheat, at 13#c; schrs. Hans Crocker, Matt
Root, Bonnie Doom L. H. Cotton, and Cochrane
com, at 12#c. To Oswego: Schr. Lizzie Throop,
wheat, via Sarnia, at 18yc.
FLOUR —Received, 4,799 brls: shipped, none.
Market for spring grades dull and 10c lower Win
ter grades dull end 10®15c lower. Sales, 125 brls
“ St Joseph xxxx ” choice white winter at $5 20
del; 100 brls “ Eagle Mills ” (Quincy) do at $5 10
oel; 139 brls choice white wlnterafcs4.So dd; 100
brls ** Sullivan ” white winterat $4 SO del; 80 brls
choice white winter at $4.75 del: 100 brls “ Jones
boro ” white winter at $4 60 del; 100 *>ris mixed
winter extra at $4 50 del; 200 brls “ Commercial ’ ’
f. h. spring extra at $3.90 del; 50 brls do at $4 del;
200brls “South at s3.Bodel; 200brl? good
spring extra at $3.75 del; 50 brls “ Warner” do at
$3.75 del; 200 brls “ Winona ”r.h.at $3 70 del;
200 brls “ Uhl’s Premium ”r. h. at $3 70 del; 50
brls “Dayton Valley ”f. b at $3.50 del; 120 brls
“Brown ” superfine at $2 [email protected].
WHEAT—Received, 134,572bu; shipped, 86,-
550 bu. Market for winter neglected, and 3@3s
lower. Spring wheat declined 2@3c. Sales:
Winter— l,ooo bu No. 1 Red in store at 77c; 1)000
bu do at 77#c; 2,000 bu do at 78c; 1,000 bu do at
SOc; 2.000 bu No. 2 Red in store at 63c; 1,000 bu do
at 68#c; 700 bu do at 70c. Spring— 3,ooo bu No.
1 spring in store at 63c; 1,000 bu do 36 63c—gold;
bu do at 63#c; 3,000 bu do at 63#c—cold;
6 000bu do at 64c; 2,000 bu do at 64#c; 18,000 bu
do at 66c; 3,000 bu do at 66c; 5.900 bu No. 3
spring in store at OOc; 1,000 do at 60#c; 4 500 bu
do at 61c; 15,000 bn do at €2c; 700 Da Rejected
Spring at 55c; 400 bu do at 63c.
CORN—Received, 179,468 bu; shipped*® 110.272
bu. Market dull and about 1c lower. Sales, 8000
bu Canal Mixed at 24c afloat; 5000 bn Mixed in
stare at 89c; 3000 bu do at 22c—gold; 6000 bu do
at 22#c; 25.000 bu do at 22#c; 8000 bu Rejected
in store at 17#c.
OATS —Received. 10.143 bu. Market a shade
easier. Sales,7ooobu No 1 in-store atl6c; 1000
bu do at 15*(c.
RYE—Received, 1839 bu. Market dull—buyers
offeringSdc. No transactions.
BARLEY—Received, 401 hu. No demand and
market nominal.
HIGHWTNEB—Quiet, Sales, 50 bbla city ia lots
at 15c; SSS bbls common at 14c.
ALCOHOL—-Nominal at 33®33c.
TIMOTHY SEED—Market doll and 10@15c low
er- Sales It'D bushels good at $1 85.
BEANS—SCO bushelfl prime whitest SI.IS.
WOOL—SOOIbs three-quarter blood at tic ; 300
lbs mixed at 35c.
HIDES—Firm. Dry Hint, B#@9c; Green Salt
ed, 4£@sc; Green Country, S>i@4c.
TALLOW—3 bile country at 00c: 5 brie city at
MESS POES—Nominal at sl4 [email protected].
LARD-22 pkgs country at 7c.
APPLES—In fair demand andsteady, Sales, 175
brls at $2.35<&350 for fair to good, and 50 brls
common at $2.00.
PEACHES—In good supply, with sales at $1.0)
QIAO per basket.
HOTTER—4S pkgs common at s@6c; n pkgs
fair at 7c. Choice Dairy, B@loc,
EGGS—In good supply and market doll at 5©
s}fc per doz.
POCLTrtY— Live chickens, [email protected] «9 dozen.
PRAIRIE CHICKENS—4O dozen at $1 [email protected]
$ dozen.
POTATOES—Very dull, with sales of good at 20c
9 bushel.
BRAN—IO tons bran in bulk at $3.50 on track.
LIVE STOCK—Received, 443 hogs, 181 beeves.
Market for cattle dull. Hogs 10c Tower. Sheep
dulL Sales: *
24 beeves, averaging U46 lbs, at $3 00
U “ “ 1065 “ at 3.62#
10 “ “ 1000 “ at .2.25
14 *• “ 1000 “ at 225
145 bogs “ 375 ” at 800
65 * r “ 280 “ at 800
75 “ “ 260 “ at 2.73
100 M “ 280 “ at 2,73
TiMdaj’a Hew York Cattle market.
{From Yesterday’s N. Y- Tribune.]
This is another hard week for drerera. We find
already entered upon the market-books at Forty,
fourth street about 4,000 head of fresh bullocks,
beside a few stale ones from last week, and about
3.680 of these are in the sale pens, with a greater
proportion of them remaining unsold at 3 o’clock
Chan we have seen In a long time. All the indica
tions are that the week’s business will close very
hard for thedrovers—tile hardest in fact of ail the
hard markets this year; and stdl, with the great
supply, it is so r as haid as drovers might fairly
anticipate. We 4,419 head*r< ported for the
city last week, and oar reports this week will be
still greater, and the average weight remarkably
general average of weight this weds U
aboutae large as last, but the quality!* not as good.
A few of the beet droves may be about as high
In price as last week, bnt the quality Is not as
good today as it was this day week, and we
shall be surprised if all the stock can be sold
tomorrow mi say price tost owners can accent.
The report of asks by the wholesale batchers
at Washington Market la lower than at any time
for years—4®6c per ft for good fair quality
beef by the tide, which la a locs jbtbh attheTecy
low rates of last Wednesday aftafsoon, ana war
net justify the current prices of to-day, paid bytba
.xetall botcben, which u equivalent to. 6®Bc N ft
for the net weight of tits meat in the quartets, the
owners sticking out. , .
- There ar© but few droves, and those- only of the
very choicest quality, that will average 8 cents,
‘net, s pound, 1 »»*» week, and it is doabtiul if all
the droves average 1 cents $ pound.
Last Thursday the hardness of the market was
attributed to the very stormy weather, while to
day it le as fine as could be desired, and remarka
bly cool for the season—just- the kind of atmos
phere that would tempt purchasers to buy heavy,
■ so that unless the market declines ws can only at
tribute the dec.ine to the very large over-supply of
The Sheep and Swine market, too, are entirely
overstocked, and prices low—a cem a pound low
er for bogs than a week ago.
NEW YORK, Aug. 31 —Ploub—There ia a lit
tle more doing for export. Market a shade firmer
without, cowever, an? material change in price’
Sales 14 900 hrli at $4 for super state*
$4.40@4 66 for extra state; $4.20@4 40 for super
■western; $4 [email protected] for common to medium ex
tra western; sa®s 10 for shipping brands extra
round hoop Oulo; $5.30®6 26 for trade brand*—
the market closing steady. Canadian fl >nr more
steady. Sales 950 brls at $4.35@4 40 for sup-r
ard $4 s®®T 50 for extra. Rye flour steady at
$2 [email protected]. Com meal quiet and nominallv tm
changed. J
ii}T™S^w2! lUmportllitciaage - Sake3W
Guam.—Wheat—No decided change in price
Market mav be quoted a shade firmer. Sales «a*
900 bn Milwaukee club at $106&1.15; 7,000 bu
northwestern dub at sl.lo*. 14.000 bu ambj
lowa at [email protected]; BCO bu Greeu Bay sprint at
$1 16; 87,000 bu new winter red western at Si
ao ® l *0 bu red stare
120 bu white California, and 1,203 bu
white Kentucky.! $1 35®1.40, Eye firmer Sites
3.500 bu at 4S@faOc for western, and 66a
68c for state. Barley dull and unchanged: we no.
lice sales of 4,000bn barley malt ou unyate terms
Coma shade firmer with fkir demand for export
and home consumption; sales 141.000 bu at 43<a
47c for infarior to fair mixed western; 455t43c for
goodand choice shipping do; 46@51c for inferior
to good western yellow. Oats steady at 26a23c
for Canada and 32@31c for western and state.
Pbovisioxs— Pork—Only moderate business do
ing, but market generally without important
change. Sales 700 brls at sls for mess and $lO for
prime. Beef steady. Sales 800 brls at [email protected] far
country prime; $5®5.50 for country mess; s9@
11.25 for repacked mess, and [email protected]**
for extra mesa. Prime mess beef Inac
tive. Beef hama in moderate demand at
ntchanged prices; sales of 100 brls western at
sl4 50. Cut meats quiet and steady; sale 50 lbs at
4*<&sc for shoulders; s&6*c for hams. Bacon
quiet and prices nominally unchanged. Lard
more active and a shade firmer; tales 950 bna at
8* <§U)*c. Butter selling at for Ohio; Itxa
14*cior state. Cheesn steady at 6&7* c.
Gbocsbxes. —Coffee business still continues very
firm. Soles 800 bags Rio at 14®15c; 100 bags St
Domingo at 14*. Sugar, raw, in better demand,
and market very firm. Sales 2 839 hhds Cuba, at 6
@7c; 225 hhds NO, at 6*@6*c: by auction, 83
hhds Cuba, at s*@6*c cash. Molasses has been
very quiet, prices still very firm. Sales 25 hhds
Porto Rico, at33c.
Stocks— Lower and dull C & Rl39* ; C & T
29*; Q& 065,30 s; Erie2s*; NYC73*: Pac
Mail 72; Canton Co 10; Penn Coal Co T6; Va 6s
52; Tenn 42*; Georgia 6s 68: Mo 6s 42; Treas
ury 6s 97*.
BUFFALO, Aug. 22.—Flock steady with mode-'
rate demand.
Grain —Wheat in moderate demand and market
easier; sales 15,000 bn red winter at $102: 13,000
bn Chicago spring at 83; 6.000 bn Milwaukee dab
at 91. Com lower; sales 35,000 bu at 36; 8,000 bu
at 35#; 7,000 bu at 35; other grains qniet and no
sale .
Canal Freights— lo# com; 11# wheat to New
Lane Imports— 6.ooo hrls flour 345.0G0 bn wheat:
370,000 bu corn; 25,000 bu oats; 4,000 bu rve.
Canal Exports—l,2oo brls floor; 80*000 bu
wheat; 69,000bu com.
OSWEGO, Aug. 22.— Flour— Unchanged.
Grain— declining, with very little inqui
ry. No. 1 Ahicaeo spring held at 95c, with buvera
at 9Cc. Corn and other grains quiet. The fresh
break at Mud Lock, reported this coming, has a
great influence In depressing the markets.
Canal Freights— Steady. Flour 23c, wheat Bc,
com 7c to New fork.
Lake Imports—23,7oobu wheat, 124.400 bucom.
Canal Expoets-1,414br1s flour, 41,00 bn wheat,
21,800 bu com.
ARRIVED .August 22.
Prop Foss, Wilson, Muskegon. H5 m lumber.
Prop Lady Franklin, Hickey, St Joseph, sundries.
Bark Marquette, Best, Presque Isle, 450-tons coal.
Brig Lowell, Perris, Kingston, 193 m lumber,lo,2so
pcs lath.
Brig Bay City. Tripp, Bay City, 250 m lumber.
Brig Geneva, Thompson, Green Bay, 110 m -lum
ber, 130 m lath.
Schr Magnet, Palmer, Muskegon, 72 m lumber, 30
Schr Harriet Ann, Hanson, Grand River, 70 m
Schr Hunter, Williams. Muskegon, 1*25 m lumber.
Schr Spartan, Cherry, Painter’s Pier, 20 m lumber,
25 eda wood.
Schr Berlin, Jenning, Cleveland, 353 tons coal.
Schr Calcutta, Long, Weheter Pier, GO cds wood.
Schr Malt Boot, Blanchard, Buffalo, 5,000 brls salt
Schr Raynor. Bruce, Milwaukee.
Schr Enterprise, Peterson, Wilkinson's Pier, 33 m
lumber, 85 cds wood.
Schr Union, Ulrich, Eaclnc, 50 cds wood.
Schr J S Wallace, Lorene, Kalamazoo, 50* m stare
Schr Ellea H Baxter, Henderson, Kingston.
CLEARED Aug. 22.
Prop Mecdota, Welch, Buffalo, 17,000 bu wheat,
1,200 brl« flour, 5 tons sundries.
Prop Lady Franklin, Hickey, St Joseph, sundries.
Prop Foss, Wilson, Muskegon.
Bark David Morris, Wright, Colbcme, 17,000 bu
Brig Mary, Rather, Ogden?burgh, 10.950 ba com.
Brig Isabella. Graham, Buffalo, 12.500 bu wheat.
Brig P B Gardner, Caxej, BnffiUo, 17,200 bu wheat.
Schr Sweepstakes, Buffington, Buffalo, 18.000 bu
SchrH H Brown, Middleton, Buffalo, il,ooo bu
Schr Jos Grant, Anderson, Buffalo, 23,000 bu
Schr I) Mclnnis, Graham, Colbome, 14,000 bu
Schr Waterwitch, Moreland, Kingston, 16,000 hu
Schr Cascade, Day, Oswego, 14.000 bu wheat.
Schr Campbell, Steadman, Buffalo, 11,300 bu
Schr Ithpca, Thompson, Buffalo, 8,400 bu corn.
Schr Magnet. Palmer, Muskegon.
Sthr Union. Ulrich, Racine.
Scbr Spartan, Cherry, Gray’s Landing.
Schr International, Hinman, Buffalo, 17.800 hu
Schr ralcn.ta. Long. Webster’s Pier.
Schr Essex, Chron, Buffalo, 12 600 bn wheat.
Scbr Bajnor, Bruce, Buffalo, 16,007 bu wheat.
Schr B Rand; Ciellaa. Buffalo, 5908 bu wheat.
Schr John Gross, Grover, Oswego, 15,300 bu
Schr Enterprise, Petersoa, Wilkinson’s Pier.
Scow Harnd Anno, Hanson, Grand River.
ARRIVED Aug. 21.
Portland, Morris, 5,000 bn com.
St Louis, Utica, 4.790 bu com, 198 bu wheat.
Lockport, Lcckport, 6.000 bu cats, 1,500 bit corn.
Hcirum, Morris, 5,009 bu corn.
Adelia, Joliet, 4,000 bu com.
Goiden Cloud, Ottawa, 5,800 bu com.
George, Morris, 5,000 bu com.
L P Dodge. Ottawa, 5.000 bu co n.
Lockport, Lockport. 5 000bu com, 17,568 lbs bran
125 fcks flour. 10 brls flour.
Arctic, Morris, 5,000 bu com. 103 bu seeds.
Lcmont, Lockport, 4,500 bu com.
F A Leonard, La Salle.
Northmp, Lockpcrt, 720 bu com, 17,980 lbs coop
ers' ware.
Mound City, La Salle, 4,75650-109 ha cqm.
C LHuntoon, Lockoort, light.
W H Brown, Lockport, 7,500 ft lumber
Troubadour, Lockport, 60 m lumber, 20 brls salt,
600 lbs fish.
Marion. Kankakee, 7,598 ft lumber. 8,862 2)3 iron,
49 brls salt.
G G Morton, Ottowa, light.
Rob’t Holmes, Ottowa, 62,033 feet lumber, 31100
Danube, Ottawa.
E C Gooceli, Ottowa.
LP Dodge, Ottowa.
St Louis Ottawa.
Golden Cloud, Ottawa.
Edinburg. Marseilles, 43 brls salt, 1 brl whig Icy.
J Harrington. Marseilles.
Clarrett,Morris, 4,500 ft lumber.
American Star, La Salle, 61 m lumber.
Alice, La Salle. 63,316 ft lumber, 819 2>£ sugar.
Australia, La Salle.
Aqulla. South Point, 183,400 fits ice.
Investigator, Athens Port, 87 cas stone.
H Cooly, Joliet.
Humboldt, Joliet,
Clyde, Seneca, 31,217 ft lumber.
Passed Detroit— Aug, 21.— Up—Stair Cleveland;
props Fountain City, Free State, Missouri, Adria
tic ; harks Alexander, Sardinia; schrs Mary Mor
ton, Peoria, Be.’le City, Aldebaran. Wings of the
Wi; d. D Tod, Metropolis, JH Drake, Belle Sheri
dan, Rebecca.
Down—Props Racine, Galena; barks Great
West No. 9, Sonora. Norman; brig Robert Bams;
schrs Nicaragua, Amelia, S L Noble, Oriole, Jas
Navsgh, G Foote, Onward, J S Newhouee, Empire
State, Merrimac, 6 D Norris.
Board of trade meeting.
-Ti ere will he a meeting of masher* of the
-Scsrd ofTride of tiie City of Chicago." at their
rooms on FRIDAY ETBSINQ O'clock.
.Per order.
_ _ _ i BKTH CaTIilN, Secretary.
Office Board of Trsde, Chicago, August 31st, ISSL
ao3lgdS.3t •
KT? —A CfiUiMaattoa Lock lime’s which cost
8165, fcr sdfM trade on reasonable terms. Ad
dress Pc st Ottae Box isgx aoi«r3t
X A half interest In a flourishing Nursery, near a
Ifcarcsd Depot situated in the central pmx of the
State of Shoots. w|B be exchanged for Goods or Seal
Fstete- For particulars address “C. A* 5 * Box 918.
Chicago, 18. *o2lilw
Xi te Mfflffirr, Kane. Ogle, Whiteside. Grundy,
P>lt3tßoctbanii. BoonaC«iwß«Bdlste.>einK
the same lead catered by THOMAS
and new owned by ArdsUsTß sad Nary monna
B GABBING.—Two pleasant front
room-, or suites of rooms, can be bad for geatle
men and their wires, with board. Also, rooms for
two day boarders, at 11 i Wabash avenue. aallxSt
BO AkDING.—Parties wishing
Beard can be accomic edited, in a nice ne v Brick
Bouse, wit s splendid rooms, at a moderate price, by
calling at 293 West Randolph street. au:&g3BS-lw
BOARDING. —A pleasant suite of
Trout Rooms to rest with board la a private
family, located on Wabash avenue, norm of Aiama
street Address Post Office Box IS4B. aa3
BOARDING. —Pleasant Rooms
foralebrd orunfom'shed, with board, suitable
for lamiles or single gentleman, can be had by calling
at I©4 Monroe street. Afew day boarders can also
be accommodated. References exchanged. au32x2w
BOARDING. —A large and plea-
B3*t front room with board for • geaCsma
acd wife or two gentlemen, at 98 LsssHe street, cor
ner of ion etreef, oppoatse the Court House
Square. audxlw
BOARDING.— To Rent with
Board, a front Parlor and Bedroom, famished cr
unfurnished; also, rooms for singleigestiemen, at 19
and 51 ytrhVan avecae. Also, afew Day Boarders
f«n be accommodated at 71 Wabash avßnu9.Baf2r.
e&ces reqalred. , a*i6 gS3i-3w
ffm?, SCLLITT HOUSE, situated
I on Franklin street, is in new hands and hat
be*n ttcrouahly renovates and reforclsaad, Tns
table la sup/Ueo with the luxuries of tae season and
prices to correspond with the timea. We have now
unoceopi* d choice family and single rooms. Tran
icirnt Board 51.23 ner day:
,n toiir BBONBON A SHKPABO. Proprietor*
enwrei Nantes.
WANTSD-A good Baggy
— au2l-g4auw
WA™D-A small Dwelling
House cn the West Side nMrrri n , D ,ir o
p” a &l “ r °° me '' I »«‘SSsdS£to
TT/'ANTED —By a single gentle
B i Put OfflC< Box 459. an-ox3t
\\T ANTED—A colored girl to do
* ▼ general housework. Mast coma well recom
mepdcr. Apply at ftM West Lake street opposite
Delon Park. aaJoxat
" " Apply Immediately to nr, N, F. C3OKE,
ccreer ot Inclksa and Hoi th Dearborn streets, before
10 A. M. crbctweea i trd P M. au’Orßt
* V, Gocd Second-Hand Pash, Doomed Blind Ma.
Addresa alvln» fall particulars. Post Office
Box Igy.FocddaLac. Wisconsin. aalSreth
—T_fl tenant, a Cottage wifea S or i
of toe Coart Honda Rant
£ l3cati <>a desirable. Address -3,"
r. u. box 3309. anatxst
W ANTED A first class Cutt3r
,7 T „ tor a Merchant Tailor’s Store In the city. Aiv
plants giving references, and where last emploTed
imh name, wf!i receive prompt attention. Address
‘ Q. E D.*P. Q. Box 3SSx Chttego. aui xft
T\T ANTED—To exchange for a
* * rse and Wagon, a’ot of Imported and Do
2SP «HH co £?* Apply toAIG. C. BTJK'iO-ftts.No.
SSc-ctt Ciaik street, or Post Office Sox 2782
T\7ANTED —We want to pur-
Baggy and Haraess, The norsg
“,““ l he well broke, icnlle, ana scru-tomed to Hall.
r^^ ol 7 f , s ’ ■Locomctivea, Ac. Ap;.ly at oar oflei
C< lsnJi r °L ®fand South Water streets
snafrg A'hVODR,
W r NTBD—A good Cutter in a
. 7 Merchant Tailoring Establishment; oaowho
hog had experience in shop-werx, also. Best of re
fcrence required. Liberal saiary pdi to one who
suits Address “M. FELSENHRLD, Aurora lIL
J * or twelve months, on the security
of bajf of Lots 1 and 2. Bloca ti6. School a 'Ctloa
Addmcu. S. B.—Liberal commla-dous will be oald
for the accommodation. Apply to the Salic tar of toe
A. EOHKE, 9 Masonic T•tuple, Chicago.
"WANTED—lnformation of James
T T S, Kcowelton. who left Toronto on the 2nd of
July cataeWfetein Train, nt heard of slrce. Him
or others frrmwing where he is. are reunited to
write to Ids unhappy parents. No. »I 4 Klcioioud
street, west of Broca street Toronto. Canada We<u
Wesura papers pieawt copy. au2ixl;
\\T ANTED—A large or smill
C ,;. T of Vatt street, east -f
State street Onemth m-. cern conveniences would
be preferred Bint modera l eto suite the times. By
addressing Box ft Pest Offlce, stating locat'on aad
rent wil: i z eet with prompt -ttentlja. au2t.g4U)3t
\\f ANTED—To Kent hy a prompt
*.7 Paying tenant, a House suitable for a small
family. Location preferred on the North Side, and
east of Clark street Bent must be moderate, location
desirable, and house convenient. Possession wanted
by the first of October. Address Post Olflce Bos No.
1301. aulsilw
\\/ ANTED.—Good Saddle and
T “ Harness Hands trill be given
Good Wages and Constant Employment,
By applying Immediately to J. B. SICKLES & C 0„
142 Main street, St. Louis, Mo. au 4 gv6-3w
YY^ AjS TED—2O "Wood Choppers.
_* \ 'sll! pay 73 cents per cord for chopping
Beach and Maple Wood. We ask men to go oa y four
hours nde (by raD) teem Chicago. Can get boarded
for fv.so per week Wanted, also, customer* for LObi
cord? of wood. We sell Beach fr.r J? cfl; Bosch and
Mapletl.:*; Maple |J 73 C. A.
per Polk aad Wells nreeta. Wood Dealers. aai'xSt
- TOB—A graduate of Harvard College. who
hao been ciErage(T in trashing during la t tour
years. wlehe» to obtain a bltuat on as Teacher cr Pri
vate f ator, cither in the dr/ <.r country. has l-t
--tera from gentlemen m Kev England Thorough in
struction given in all branches preparatory to c
or business fife. Address •• TTJ f OK." Tribune Ot£ca.
draught bore ea wanted at Stables No. 131 Kia-
Ee street for which CASH wIJ be p-dd.
ani > 432w JOHN HOWE.
a good Forwarder and Finisher, rr a Ruler and
Forwarder C J WaED. 17 Sontu ClartsTeet.
cage. DL P. 0.8053T38. au-0 gi 6St
TVANTED —Parties wishing to rent a Furnished
House iro32 October arst t > May am cau have a good
paylrg tenant with rtrail fam ly Michigan or Wabash
aTennea, sc-nth cf Twelfth s*re**t. preferred A ;dre*s
**A.” Box las Chicago Pest Office. amir g law w
pep month and erpenaea made selling
Lloyd's United ' tat-s Railroad and War Ma \ ann the
Herald’s War Map "Whole*ale c ruar 'tat**
aid Randolph streets. Chicago. m. P. O. Box 1253,
J.H. JOHNSON No circular mailed to any one un
less a return gtamo is enclosed. Tha abovs
Mapfe mailed to am part of the world ca receipt of £5
cents In money or stamps.
QUI6-gS76gw R R. LANDIN'. Agent.
The Sixteenth Resimant of
Applications can he made every day at the
mental Head Quarters, No. jai Daarburn street, n- ar
the Feat Office, or at lit West Randolph strict Any
body procuring an able-bodied tsecrait win rscsiva
TwoDcVars. A. J. SLEMMES,
Vajor ifth Infantry, Superintendent Sect. Recte
TO RENT.—A large room frr
the a'commcdatioa of Parties, &c„ can be hid
at 448 Edina Place. Call and see. autlift
TO KENT—Two Room:* ol second
XA.-f, SEWELL ** BPALDi—'.G, Printers and Station
era, 40 Clirt street anlJgH-l-im
TO RENT A neat Cottage
House, the second ‘oath -ft .e Bail-oad
ttg.ee t fc£ #st 8,(16 rf Wabasb Avenge Inquire of
A- ■BCTMiyGi.Oy, fio. I|>PortlandJßlcck.
feUlfl .Cl9l-1W
, r TQ. BENT—Large and phaant
toe second story of the bnck budding
street, corner ox Monroe. Also, a II 1L
4tiii feet in the third story. Inquire of J. «. CJB-
L>, on the premises. aulT-gS*7-.'m
nno BENT.—Two fow-story
JL Brick Stores and Cellars, 2C by :63 feet, (on North
water street., constructed lor Storage, bat cm he
used to advantage dv Manufacturers. Apply to G.
W. ADAMS, in rear of 180 North Water eireet.
anitjj im
TO KENT—A first class Ren
dence. No. 3SS Indiana street, with all modem
improvements baths. Ac., ana good brick stables at
tached. Federal n given fix<*t of September next in
nn're cl o. M DOuilAN at the office of WaP.e c*
Towue. I*>»- Washington street an Vs w
TO RSKT—The three story Rrick
House, No. 377 Ontario street (jc3t east of
Bosh street) The boos-* la nasrlv new furnished
with all nuaeri Improvements, snd tlie location very
desirable, . Arjtiy to F. K. ROGEtvS. 375 Uutarlq
feireei, or at i*-* Market street, c. ricr
&UV23 2w
TO RENT—A firet-claso Dwelling
House on Wabash avenue, north of Twelfth
street. Monte contains some fourteen room's *itii all
mcdrrn Impronments. Carriage hou’c attached,
i reference giver to wanting Fornitnrd. Pojscs-
Men when wanted; Boardltg house keeparj nor
moee in condition not able t; pav the rent need not
apply. For further paniculate address Post Office
80xN0.453, orapplyatNo, 337 street
cr without -he Furniture, a beautiful Country
gmdfncc, located In Elgin, f.ity miles irom Chlcigo
i e,3 fi !7 cew ‘ j ar ?*l. a t, d commodious then
t acres of laid cover'd with Na’lve Forest Trees
apdaejohsihs residence of the Kev Mr Clark, on
Main street. Ttislsagocd opportunity for any wists.
to.: a bralthvand pleasant tome forchUirex Address
Pest office nox 7»U, B’Sta, Kane County, m.. or call
on the piciLlrrg. aallxlCt
TO BE RENTED—The very ds
sirable English Basement Brick and Marble
front House, Engrave Terrace, No. 44 May street,
between Washington and Madison streets, ten minutes
Kdetoom City frail. House contatos Gaa. Bath Room.
Hot anu Coir Water, and use of Stable If desired Is
to thorough repair, and will be rentMi low to a choice
tenant- Ad tress Pest Office Box 41SS, cr toqu--o cf
J. F. NORTON, soo Washington-sto Gffica Nora.
FOB SALE —A new two-story, American Baio
ment Brick H. use, admirably arranged, containing
an its modern Improvements, together with gas fix
torts, a etose cellar under eats, and a brick barn ou
the premises, whl- h 1b locat’d convenient! - to the
street cats, on the West Side, in a good neignboraood
see within ten minutes ride f the Court Hou:e. Pot.
section given first ot September, or so mer U desired
Address Post Office Box 1143, giving real a d
place cf bnsmets. au*x6t
▼ cr be obtained, without board, la a private
house •within three minute walk of the FoitPOfflce.
Ederence required. Address P. O. Box 1638.
To Bent—new and second baud. Planes fer aa is low
as 113 Lake street, (up stairs) sear Clark ntrec't.
1?OR SALE—2OO,OOO feet assorted
X? Lumber, which will be dosed out FOR CASH
at such prices aa will beau inducement to cash pur
chasers. Apply to J. B. THOMPSON & CO, No. 253
gcutn water street. au'Jl gi2Ultn
FF3NITnp.S-A large and commodious
dweßtegknown aa44 EdinaPlace: also agoodStable
attached. The whole will be sold cheap, with tares
years lease of ground. Apply on the premises.
auitgitS-lw *
POR SALS—An A No. 1 Tavern
A Stand, in a flourishes town on fta Mississippi
• Btto. Eeeolar station tor the Jforth western sure
vomosny durlus the winter months. a caah buyer
oo Ktt a bargain. for fall parttcnlars address
•XASV' hUacela* a Mian. aulSxim
A* Ap excellent opportunity is now offered to any
person w fating to engage In the lumber business. A
iaryr SAW MTLL at Sreen Bay. all complete and la
good running order, with 1550 acres of imj }g
offered in exchange for property In Chicago or ia*
pro-red farms In Illinois. For partiicalszs address P,
O. Box 867S- Chicago. jySl.xlm
FDR SALE—House and Lot, 231
Wabssfa avenue. The boose was well bails, and
ba*gaa and water. The lot t« in a pleasant part of the
city, and Is tee bigbestpoint of around in the Sente
Division. Address L. BOS&iTES, lairs Forest.
Nlclrfgan Avenue, sooth of Bingoll Place, win
he sold, icnted cr exchanged Sir other good property.
The furniture will be acid, os liberal terms zx to prices
aad credit. Apply to JAB. D. 85KSUAS,
atc9gl9g-ly H state street.
FOB LUITBESI—One second-hand Statosary
Steam Eagine, to good ranging order, 90 inch bore by
SO Inch stroke. on heavy iron frame, with toe jmmotlTO
-boiler four feet in diameter, containing 44 3 Inch flue*.
13 ftf*t lonjr flre box five leet cntJd®. Apply to F. w.
GATES ft CO« coiner Canal and Washington streets,
Chisago. EL enl2-g3AMm
TT&R SALE—At low prices, the
,X* largest and best assortment of
cWIaGES APiD 8V69181
la the city. eomtetirg to part of fiocksnja, Side
fieatr, Fheattma. Coneoro B&gaio. Also Sielgha. at
SHELTON ft TUTTLE'S Eastern Carriage Be ooelsoiy,
Storfeet street, neat ■WartdnsteartrwtTcaittgo, HI,
210 Strath Water Street. oor.Welli, Chicajo.ni,
Cash adyaaccs made on Const gnmonta. ’ '
t. mpu. ffrg-ggiataoT] J-Ikapli.
j-. anBOH»T9)
' ** \rrii? (3ißS ' corner South Water and
• wm give PMclg! Chicago. m.
Prcvte&aß, mdncV t i2 u ? nto , the ourchase and sale of
PSTXB hUcSSw* rWSSJ* “»***•
- r s. Gannxar.
ersonal attention etreu tn _
ProTlslona and countrr alw 01 Flcatv
exclusively commtelou. Advft^£, dnera,1 y- Bualneea
men®. H7 Kinzle street n * ae on consign
C. H. SPAJTOUP. u. - faS^ly
Ho.6....BoardofTradcßullutag,Chieaeo m* ■
Personal and exclusive attention a ?eo to a
Sion badness. ADVANCES made oa propen? ta
aadforsaletnthl»marj£Bt.arfor shlpmentSav*
la 2 -*9 My
• opened at 188 Sooth Water street, Ctw Ef .
. General Commladon House, for the purchase' 'Ax
f- e of Grain, Flour, Pro visions, ftc_ and solicit coat
signments and orders. To parties accessible *- «■*
yaaSscae well m Chicago. In connection
Milwaukee House, Nlchoia. Britt* Co, r 7f
give such superior advantages. ap-r^-iy
m a. Biortota o. y. britt. g. a. jicxom.
Personal attention glrea to toe purchase and sale at
tjram. Flour, ana country Produce generally
Office, No. 13 Hilliard’s Block,
■o ~ „ N. E.CorcerSouth Wa'er and Clark Btrceta.
r. O. KOI n->S7.
“vT™- b - Of-a™, Hon. B. W. Bw~
UL; P. Harmoax,
Nepho & Co.. Gourd Ereers, relverdon, Broa. Jaa.
King ft Sons. New York; J. 3. Lucas Esc Edward
Tesson. Em, Chae. Chouleau, Esq, St.'Louis.
Liberal advances made oa cortiEmcec® feIS*SUy
Liverpool and. London.
WiH be made on consignments to tne above boose ei
adT59-ly] By
M usry nelson * CO-
MERCRan TS. J« o. 211 Sonta Water street. Agents for
sta «ih Worjss, Oswego Co.. N. Y Liberal
caahiadvices ;cn Flour ard Grain ler shipment t> o*.
I,T r^. cr gt r -* tfce shipper the
selling In either market lor one commie*
MCfcBT NSLSOH. [ap’. B ] 2. b. STIVKJtS.
XJedford, »iere-i't« & SasseM,
comonssxos xercsant
For the purchase and sale of Pork, Slues, Hoar Grabs
anuPrcducc general]?, No. 2a: and *:,3 rouo Vrater
street Chicago, TIL & ..|v
And dealer ‘a Fruit and Produce. So. \ 'S South Weter
street P. 0. *>ox22s Chicago, ilinols. Wo aolicjs me
consignment ol goods that -re of the beat quality—ii
woui«t be cur own choice to deal in no other class
N. E.-I have PevFral arrea the '•'lson's A’baay
6tra-qerry, aad willßcllrlflusc cftot f at tts
nruai r*te> and In any quaactiw.
For theeslcof Hoar. Grain, Beet Pork. Earn' <hp
Butter, Cuee-e. Seeds, Dried Fmita, Ac,. 123 Scum
Water street Chicago,
Agents far Hamburg and Western Scstrre Cheese.
Water street second door treat of Wells street bridge,
give their exclusive attention to the sale and purchase
of au kinds of Produce Stock, *c, on Coze mission
Cash advances made oa Dills ot lading and or-'pert? in
store. Refer to C-corge Smith Jt Go. Marin's &%nk and
George Steel & Co.
J. m. witj.:*vh. jaT ,; !D.^
316 South, "Water Street, Chicago.
Office and Warehouse. . . ..No. 91 South Water Street.
Advances mude on conalga-nezts. Par r.ular .itioa.
“on given to the purchase and aalo ol Flour Drain.
Seeds, Ac- oa commission. 7-ij
FlreProoi WarehcsaeonMarfetisireet, between Lata
and Randolph eurcetis Chicago, HI
L'beral advanc-.-smads .■■a consignments.
SAJirsn a. ?obp. anirsvy >rttuadortoS.
6ir.Bt.UAN TS. Office MJ South Water ah, Pomerov'a
Building. Pc“ t Office Drawer llhliago. Rsveb
sdcbs—Sturgi-T Burjdnehra A Co; "Was. Martm Sea.
Freight Agent C.8.&Q.8.5. *Q>ceWMy
of Trade K< oie3. will receive Country produce for
sals ta tnta tsarfeet, or for ahiomect to Raasero mar
kHt?. and real-a a&viceß on Eastern ahipm-’cta la
biircr K~ edas-re. e.
X ' COMMISSION MKTICHANTa for tde purchase
tad *Bi-= of Gram, Fleur. Provisions and Country Pro
dsce generally. Burlneas exclusively Commission.
Also, dealers lc Balt Lime, Water Lime, Stucco, Plan
teriog Dair, Land Plaster, «&c„ at .fto, jss aad as*. South
Water street, a. h steelt. H. n. itawßSNCf. w. T.
wikdiats. h. t. i.awhevcx mbsrsn-fcr
Ko. s Looms corner Cl»T£ and SontS Water
streets. £.rt7s.Dce?Tns<c o*l cotrtsriiicmt*.
No. 5 Pomeroy's Block, cemer South Water and dark
streets. Chicago. Advances made cnomsigment*.
7. r. setfflk. mhssvj. iy a- aarrynf.
153 Scatii “Water Street, Cfcicago,
General l ominisiios Serckaats,
f Steal’s Block, Second Floor, ccmer South Watec
and: Kalis strf6 ; -.. Chicago.
Jvbj ?. ytdp. ttijiTfiiy rj. w. upozxs
Atkin's Building.
Butoess confined strictly to commission. Jr3o-1>
No.l Scant of Trade Building, 3d floor, will five their
personal attention to the purchase and lala of all kind*
of Produce. Advances marie on consignment?.
co.Tonssior. hiouch.v.vts.
For the purchase and sale of Pork. Flour, Grain and
Stock. No. 3lg>s South Water street. Chicago. Illinois.
WAXSOS T. OoJk W3f, H. ElC*. 8. L. ITiDAKWOOD.
yAii INWaGEN & GO.,
No. 8 Dole’s Building, comer South Water and Clark
streets. Chicago. HL fa' 'OT-Jy
Give their ex (derive attention to the purchase and
sale of Flour. Giain and other Produce, on commis
sion. No. 148 South Water street, comer of Clanc,
Chicago. uogPySs-
Groceries, &c.
Wholesale Grocers
So, 69 South Water Street,
W. T. AiiXST,
L C. Pat,
S. P. Fi
We call the attention of CA33 BDTEBS to our Terr
large stoca of Groceries, Inducing everythin* kent
by flr t class Grocer*, purchased be;ore the Tariff and.
offered at prices that will tempt close buyers.
auv-'-gSamn D. A. A CO
9000 EWs REFINED and
*" ' \J Clarified Angara, Including Few York
Standard Ciutbtd. Powdered, and Gran (dated. Few
Tori Coffee A £ 8., and all gtades of CMcaso Bn.
finery Goods, for sale 107 for caaii by
«8 South Water street.
1 i 00 Hh^ B * 3E( i Boxes Nej| Or
-1 \" V/ leans and Porto Elco Soears. • store
and arrfTfeff, for sale by DA.T, AtiLatf * CO,
an 2-pS39-Im . g> sooth Water street.
in AH Bass COFFEE, of all
Ivvv grades, la store mdardvfag.fzgufebj
JiiY, AliuSf* *5 ViU
to Soata Witer street.
anlC-gSSS- t m
V/ FEB, of all grades, in for
ale by PaT. ALLKJf & QO~ w
fcp 5-nth Water gtree*
AND SXBOPS, for sale by
Sonta Watsr atrnwj
by DAY. ALLEN ft <3o,^
auis-gSSMm tsa sooth •* ater ttre^.
X BACCO, of approved brands, to store and lot
im DAY ALLES ft C*x7
ao2f.gsS.im ©South vyaterattest.
••t/v Granulated. Crashed and. Pqv*ma a#
- 16 South Water street.
iv V tettaMaliißuM.
- ■ toEouto Wacaretregfi.
w. o. Horrr.Ttt.rx3.