'Chicago Crifcuttt
r Better teak Nothdto.— The Police have
received another month's pay, three months
t rill being cue. -v
Peofxe,—Jamt e Ogden, captain of the tag
McClellan, was fined (30 ydßtetdav.by the Po-,
Hoe Magistrate for racing in therlTerafew
csys since with another tug. . ' /
(3T The officers of the BeconA Minnesota
Regiment, on iheir oirivalhere on Tuesday
erenlrg, were entertained,,with. a bounteous
supper by tie proprietors of tie Richmond
Pickpockets.— Hr. W. H. Stone, of Fulton,
this State, had his pocket picked of a pocket*
book containing (47 and some notes and other
papers, at McTlckeris Theatre, on Tuesday
Tekfssasce Lecture.—Hon. U. F. kinder
will lecture this evening at Bryan Hall upon
tie subject of u Temperance.” The populari
ty and well deserved fame of the speaker will
ensure an overflowing house upon this occa
Sixth Wann Union Meeting.—A meeting
will be held cn Friday evening, at half past
t evtn o’clock, at tie Cambridge House, cor
ntr of Carroll and Desplaines streets, irre
r< tpective of party politics, to meet and com
pare opinions and appoint candidates for tie
ensuing November election.
A Corporation with a. Bocl,— The Pitts
burgh & Fort Wayne Railroad. Company is
deserving of all commendation for their patri
otic generosity In feeding tie 21 Minnesota
Regiment during its stay In this city. Bach
public-spirited action cannot but redound to
the advantage of tie Company.
The Barracks at Cottage Gb^te.—The
Mechanic’s FusQeers are making rapid pro
gress In tie erection of the barracks at Cot
tage Grove. Two or three weeks will finish
the job. When completed there win be seve
ral miles of barracks—substantial and com
fortable-capable of holding five or six thou
sand men.
Commendable. —The Board of Trade have
Invested (3.000 In the National Loan. It will
be remembered, also, that this organization
has given (5,000 towards the war fund. 'Tins
action is worth; the imitation of other organ
izations, and creditable to the patriotic senti
ment which has always characterized the
The Recent Camphene Accident.— Mrs.
the lady who wss so. dreadfully burned
seme <ime since, by the careless use of burn
ing fluid, at her residence on Poster street,
between Tan Burenand Harrison streets, is
at present Ijirg in a very low condition. She
hss suffered a great amount of pain, and is
horribly scarred on her arms, neck and chest.
Tee Scandinavian Festival. —We again
call attention to the festival to be given at
West Market Hall for the benefit of the wives
and children of the members of thscompany
oi 8L Oiafs Rifles, now being recruited here
by Capt. Andrew ThorkHson. It should, and
undoubtedly will, prove a paying benefit. The
festival occurs this evening.
Collisions.— Tne propeller R. H. Foss and
schooner Telegraph, while entering the har
bor on Tuesday night, collided. The Foss lost
fctreut-water by the collision and stranded
upon the bar. The schooner was nos mate
rially injured. A steam pump was put aboard
the propeller, yesterday, ehahling her to
speedily return to port. '
New School House on Wabash Avenue.—
The contract is let and the work commenced
for a new public school building on Wabash
Avenue, south of 12th street It will bs one
of the hugest in the city, and iu some respects
superior to any yet erected. It is to cost
about SIB,OCO, and will be completed in Hay
n«.xt. Should the weather be favorable, it
will be enclosed this fall.
The Chicago Post OmcE.-A special dis
patch to the Cincinnati Gazette from Wash
ington, October 12, says “A Post Office In
spector from Canada West, who has recently
visited the Chicago and Detroit Post Offices,
speaks in the highest terms of the conductor
both. The Canada office has not had com
p'aint of the loss or miscarriage of letters to
or from Chicago for a long time.”
A Hell pob ail Teaitobs.— An Universal
i&t Minister of this city, in the coarse of a
recent sermon on the duty, of Christian pa
triots in the present. National crisis,'remark*
ed that he was aware that most of the Chris
tian public differed with him on the mooted
question of tuture punishments. But he would
Bay, that he agreed with them on one point:
he wished It to be distinctly understood that
he had a heU far dU traitor* and rebel s /
Cakal Boat Souk.—'The canal boat Marion
was sunk yesterday in the South Brandi.
The accident was occasioned by a schooner,
passing out of the liver with her anchor drag
girg, colli ding with the boat. In the effort to
disuitai gle, a large hole was made in the
bent by the flukes of the anchor, causing not
only the sinking of the host but the loss of
part of her cargo. It is time this practice of
vessels sailing in the river with anchors drag
ging, was stopped.
Assault with a Deadly Wsapoh.—
Sylvester Reynolds, well known as a fruit
peddler in the main hall of the Court Rouse, ■
was arrested yesterday for assaulting one
Patrick Doyle, a clotbier at Ko. 87 Weils
Street, with a knife. The affray was the re*
suit of jealousy, the fruit peddler thinking
that hie wife was visiting the clothier too fre
quently to suit his notions of domestic felici
ty. The case is still pending before the Police
Afothee Coffidefcb Game.—A Canadian,
named C. 8. Griggs, was relieved of S3O yea
itrday, by the practice of the confidence
«> dodge ” in a manner precisely similar to the
cue detailed in our issue of Tuesday, and at
the same locality,—the Central'depot. The
eptrater, William Bowen, was arrested and
tihtu into custody. Strangers visiting the
city cannot be Ico careful how they accommo
date obliglrg parties always ready to borrow
rrenty on apparently good security.
Cmccn ComT.—ln the Circuit Court, the
case cf J. H. Arnold vs. Geo. R. Dyer, Sheriff
of Will conntj, is sow In hearing. The con
troversy turns upon the ownership of a pair
of L oises levied upon by the defendant iu vir
tue of an execution in favorof Banett,.King,
& Co., of this city, and against Arnold, Fish
& Fhh, of Lockport. The cause was first
tiled In the Will' County Circuit Court, judg
ment obtained and eft aside for anew trial
ard venue granted to this county.
AeetvaljS at the Seeemah House.—E. RJ
Hatch, Eeq., Kew York; Jas. 8. Barnard, Esq,
fit. Louis; H. Mayne, Esq., Baltimore; Mr.
O. W. Woodward, Boston; A. B. Morgan,
E*q-, Troy; Hon. M.B. Latham, California;
A. C. Morrison. E q. t California; Wm. Hale,
E*q-» Detroit; C. W. Armstrong, Esq, Sara
toga; & Paris, Esq., Kew York; E. M. Gil
bert, Etq., and family, New York; James E.
Jessup, Eeq., Kew York; H.G. Jessup, Esq,
Connecticut; C. B. Johnson, Esq nConnecti
cut ; Mr. W, Wanes, Connecticut; Mr. Jacob
Uerkfctt, Rochester, K. Y-, are among the la
test arrivals at the Sherman House.
The Female BscßSSiOKisr.—Sira. Coder
dcnh, the alleged female spy, who was arrested
some days since ut'the Sherman House, la now
cn her way to Washington, in charge of the
Government Agent stationed at this city. It
yet remains to be proven that this lady is a
spy, but the fact is patent that she is a bold
sed unusually Intelligent sympathizer with
the rebels, and we are informed, Is closely
allied to them bytho fact of having two sons
In the rebel army, of her sentiments she
made no concealments while stopping at the
Sherman Housed but_ freely and boldly ex
pressed her contempt-of the Government.
£he will probacy Washhsgtcm-to-clay,,
aid be held for trial as an aider and abettor of
I.iXB STBSXT>-The contractor is saving
good progress in paying Lake street. The
piccera of laying down the {blocks has nearly
reached State street, and if foul weather does
not Interrupt, the work will be entirely com
pleted before winter wets in. By a previous
enlargement, and for the purpose of testieg
lie relative advantages cf one over the other,
the contractor is laying alternate blocks or
equates of oak and pine. Bach has its advo
cates as to Us power of endurance. By many
it le contended that pine, being the softer
t. ccd, the exposed ends will by oontUnt fric
tion 44 broom “out,” P&ck» and fill the inter
fctlccs between the blocks, but not wear off,
while oak, being harder and more brittle, the
end exposed to Motion will break off, and
consequently, will prove less enduring than
the pine. The test now to be applied on Lake
atreet will doubtless settle the question of
pint t*. cak.
the ViMMtt Seesal.
The waptesaant weather kept the Second
boja pretty tioae to thelr quarters lathe Wlg
wamyesteday. TJw officer* trifled ttim
•elves oftiM&dlttiMifinMl&ttatißißMß
building to drill their men la the squad drill.
By acme oversighton the part of those bavins
: the matter in charge, the Wigwam was sot la
so <£«s&ly a condition as it ought to haveboen,
.sad this neglect was the” occasion of some
■faultfinding among the boys; but the pro*
visions for the inner man were purchased 4n
abundance "Ify - onr, clt-fo*p*- The Tremont
' House undertook the job of supplying the men ■
witn a dinner at two hours’ notice, and accom*
pushed the work on time, andina handsome
Tr,cnn#r. Tho order for the dinner—all hot—
was given at ISo’dock, and at 2:30 the follow
ing bill of fare was ready to be served to the
hungry men: 1,000 pounds of warm corned
beef; 700 loaves of bread; 15 bushels of boiled
potatoes, and 10 bushels of baked beans.
At 5 o’clock the Second had & street parade.
led by Major Hough, of Gen. Hunter's staffs
under tie command of Col. Van Cine. They
mode a splendid appearance, and attracted
much attention. Tie opinion 1b universal
among those who saw the regiment
that no finer body of soldiers ias been
in . tils city during tie war. Tie
hardy and sturdy character of tie men Is wall
illustrated in an anecdote related by Lieut.
CoL George. A few weeks ago, a party of
Sioux Indians from tie Bed Hirer of tie
North made an Incursion into the white set*
Cements, killing two persons and carrying off
a number of horses. Lieut. CoL George,
with two companies of tils regiment was .dis
patched in pursuit. They followed tie Bar
eges for days through tie wilderness, pene*
tratieg to the head waters of tie Minnesota,
end surrounded by hostile hordes of Indians,
none of whom dared attack them, and finally
recovered tie entire lot of horses. The last
day of their return march they traveled forty
ihne miles, and after H taps,” went in » body
• to Lieut. Col. George, and obtained permis
sion to have a dance. Such men can never be
killed by fatigue’ or privations, and can be ;
vanquished by nothing.
The Second expected to proceed on their
way to Washington this evening, but the lack
of cars at this end of the Pittsburgh, Fort
wayne & Chicago Railroad detains them until
this morning, when they probably will depart
for tie seat of war. We believe they will ren
der a good account of themselves when the
conflict comes.
We gladly publish the following card from
the officers of the Second Minnesota:
The Second Minnesota Regiment of Volunteers
having been transported from. St. Pan! to Chicago
by the LaCroEse & Milwaukee and Chicago &
Northwestern Railway®, on their way to the East,
the officers of the regiment take pleasure in tes
tify!' g to the completeness and efficiency of the
provision made for the conveyance of themselves
and men by that route, and to the unremitting
attention of the managers and employees of the
line, bestowed in insuring the safety and comfort
of the troops on their passage, and would unite
tn recommending the route via LaCrosse and Min
nesota Junction for the movement of troops from
the Northwest. (Signed,)
Horatio F. Tax Cletx, Colonel.
J. Gcorce, Lieut. CoL John B. Davis, Captain.
Alex. Wilkin, Major. M. C.Tolman, Ass’tSur.
D. Heaney. Adjutant. Jerome Dane, 2d Lieut.
Wa Markham; Captain. Lieut. CaL S Uline.
J. J. Noah, Captain. Lieut. £. A. Otis.
Capt. Foot. W. S. Grow, Q’rmaster.
Capt. Dickerson.
Superior Court.
In the Superior Court yesterday, before
Judge Wilson, in Chancery, a feigned issue
was in hearing, not yet given to the jury, in
volving the rights of parries under a will. It
would appear from the pleading and evidence
that one Dr. Harr, of Blue Island, having a
wife in Canada, married again, and dying, left
his whole property to his second wife, cutting
off his own children by the first marriage, and
hi* zeal wife. This is claimed to be such a
perversion of natural affection, as would show
either a special aberration of mind on the
part of the deceased, or an undue influence on
the part of the second wife, as should set
aside the will
Before acting Judge Macallister,. the
Caldwell Malpractice ease was in hear
ing. The defence introduced evidence to
to show that the plaintiff came to the defend
ant’s cfficeto have an artificial eye inserted. The
defendant examined the ailing eye and pro
nounced the disease staphyloma, at the same
time informing her that it could not be cured.
He then with her consent operated for the in
sertion of an artificial eye, removing a
portion of the eye and’ letting out
the agneons humors, as is usual
in fgthis line of treatment. Defendant
further produced evidence that he gave her
precautionary advice,which, if folio wed, would'
have prevented inflammation in the other eye,
and that by neglecting to follow such precau.
lions, -blindness ensued. Certain diplomas
and documents were also offered in evidence
showing that the defendant was a regularly
educated physician and graduate of well estab*
liahtd oplhalißic institutions, and the case, af
ter argument, was given to the jury.
Judge Goodrich will be absent during the
week, having gone to Geneva to s hold Court
during the absence of Judge Wilson of that
Camp Blemkee.—This, as our readers know,
is a camp of instruction for United States
Regulars. It is located at Maine Station, on
the Noithwestern Bailway, on a beautiful
plain a few rods from Dee Plaines river. The
camp is ekixted on the east and south by a
handsome growth of timber. Ko more de
lightful place could be found for a military
camp. There are now about 300 regulars in
the camp, and they are required to give undi
vided attention to their duties. Constant ac
cessions are being made from the various re
cruiting stations, and companies axe being
prepared for the seat of war. Cipt. Town
send, U. 8. A., is in command, with a roster
of intelligent, skillful and faithful subordi
nates. The recruits are a fine looking body
of men, and will, we think, under the faithful
instruction they are receiving, prove them
cclvea hardy and effective soldiers.'
The Theological Union of Chicago.—
A Society with the above title was organized
in this city a short time since. L. D. Boone,
Eeq., was elected President; Rev. J. B. 01-
cott, Corresponding Secretary, and R. M.
Graves, Esq., Treasurer and Recording Secre
The object of the Union is to provide facili
ties for the theological education of the young
men connected with our University. . At the
first meeting of the Board, measures were
adopted to cany out the design ot the Society,
byarronglrg for courses of lectures on Pas
toral, Biblical and Systematic Theology, and
upon Ecclesiastical History. The following
were appointed lecturers: Rev. K. Colver,
D.D, Rev. J. A. Smith, D.D., Rev. James
Dixon, A.M., Rev. W. W. Everts, D.D, These
clergymen have already entered upon their
appointed work, and will lecture regularly
through the year.
Kew Bbjbges—An iron suspension bridge
is being constructed at Detroit, three hun
dred and forty feet in length, for the Illinois
Central Railway, *to cross Cache river, fire
miles from Cairo. The bridge has three spans
ard four towers, upon which, by means of
wrought Iron chains, the whole weight of the
bridge, and whatever is on it,ore made to rest.'
There are two of these bridges—one called a
“through bridge,” and the other a “deck
bridge.” The train runs through the former,
while it only goes owr the latter, which is only
used where the £rade of the road is sufficient
ly high to. admit of being built above high
water mark. The deck bridge is also made
heavier than the other, and is not so high. A
deck bridge is also buUdlng at the same place
for the Galena and Chicago Union Railway.
The Great Union Depot.—The grounds
upon which the great Union depot is to be
erected are.rapidly assuming shape and pro
portion. The wharfage, is now completed,
and already several vessels have unshipped,
their cargoes of rails and ties. A net work of
tracks is being laid down to accommodate the
rolling stock of the diflv»rAT>fr lines which It is
intended, shall make their termini at this
point. Cais arc being brought upas quickly as •
furnished from Bert Wayne, snd
Alleghany, so that soon the tmarea
uear Madison street bridge win present a
forest of roofs.
MzKCAirrsifeoLH»2B--EvKKiiiQ Sessions.
—The evening Wjgo&i ofßiyaiit & Stratton’s
Mercantile College wiß-oommaace. on Mon
day evening next, ' October
rooms win be open for instruction' eray -
evening of the week, except Saturday evening.
Young men can complete the full course by
attending evenings bhly. Any young man
who has business aspirations should first lay
the foundation with a good business education.
The rooms have undergone thorough re
pairs and are now in beautiful order.
Pttt.t. More or thm Lkunqton Monet.—
John Brown, a member uf the Irish Brigade,
wee arrested at Grand Haven, Michigan, ou
Wednesday last, and taken to Detroit, on a
charge of larceny. Oae hundred and fifteen
dollars were found upon his. person in the'
bins ot the State Bank of Missouri, and-fifty
more were discovered at Graudville, where he
I had recently been. He tats becu sent back to
1 Missouri.
(Hicaca nmaiciL socrert: iwHum
_ . _ , . , _ _ „ Hie Mowing IrttOT, detained la the Ohlctfo
TM»Bodeiymrt.Octoberlstb, W.L. New- fo,tOttcefor poetage.wUl he htnMtotte
btRJt i# th# dllifc Hll MU* ■ TViri IfipAy nffitfi UllMtitf
tloni to He Uhrery cosaleted of S#4 bound poeuge l« preriontlypeld, Cell rt the room of
h00ki,666 unbound books end puvpkMi,.S3: -theDendletter Cledt- np etelre:
fitaofpeilodlcele, 8 Alee of iiempipenj'4 J. B. Green, Bento HHI, El. '
cherthi6memicripte, 1 print, end 3 coflec- .~f'sigwgf-^SS;-SBifc.%.
tlcni of mliceUeolee—la all 1.033, from 43 lire; A. w. Wjmen, MedUon. Wlm .=,
- - jbe. Huaah X-Smith, Menlo Groye, Wle.
oontrfbutMt. -> “j-TJeecbiun, Bt. Loom, So.
The nbeye Included the entire tin of Penn- J. I>. Begin. Whertlend, lowe.
eylyacie, from 1700 tolßl6, ofMerylend from >' I ’
1692t0 1800, of Massachusetts from 1780 to -Hon, Sam'l Hooper, BoaUayUaas/. - ; -
code of 1850, together with the first directory Bon. Francis J. Fute, Boston, Mess.
'of Piltahnrgh, 1815, and others to 1860, as hleo -|S ‘ . -
anumerouß collection of canal documents of - Honi z. M. Crane, Diittm, llaae. -
■ Pent Bylvanla from 1795, and New To* from ISS a G/KiS^“'&
. 1817, s history of Mormonlsoi in 1810,' and ' Hon. John Prince, Essex, Mass,
other rare historical works and documents, e c! &
considerable part of. which was received. Hon* Join Branning, Lee, Mass,
through the liberality of Horn W. Wilkins, C. hS ■
fibailer. Dr. We Addl:-on, and other , esteemed- Bon. Joseph W. Comell.New Bedford, Mass,
citizens of Pittsburgh. Hoi H. Maes!
The Secretary communicated some facts re- ' Bon. Wm- T. Dans, Plymouth, Maes.
Intirg to tic history and growth of Pittsburgh, iSm
and the establishment of printing and pub- Hon. George Walker, SnringSeld. Maaa.
lithing houses in that city, with notices of the -wjS?? hSS' ■
flirt “ "Western Almanack,” printed there Xetteie under c!d style ttanjpß and stamped en
from 1803 to 1820; as also of the “River Navi- velopes, not recognized in payment of postage
gator,” commenced early the present century, Thos Nash, Chicago, HL
by Z&dock Cramer, and continued many «
jears, Bespeclfol notice was taken of Ur. Jacob Barbaras, Long Grove, HL
N. B. Craig, end, Mr. W. Elchbaum. the flying . Whaling, EL
end esteemed historians of that city; as also Capt. Brown, Chicago, HL
of Rev. Dre. Smith and Eliot, the faithful
, . , • • - . , , Mrs. Vary Davies, Cedar Forks, Mich,
chroniclers of the early religious history of George Bowies, Princeton, Ind.
the “ Red Stone” renion. Mrs. al Engert, Cincinnati, Ohio,
me #tea Btoue xegwn. Dr. Geo. w! Noel, UadUonTllle, Ky.
Prom the Horn L a. Arr.olo, U. 0., was re* Mies Murfha a. Strain, Lockpart, B. Y.
edved the msp of the seat of war in Virginia, John Striker, WlUiamßViUe.'N. T.
~ .. j__.-a+k« Joseph Aiats,b»ew York Clty,S.
used by the military commanders at the battle Wm- A Hawley, Washington, D. C.
of.Bnll Run, which was accompanied by the
Chicago, Sept. 19,1861.
Drab Sib:—On Saturday, before tie battle
of Bull Bun, CoL Hunter (now Haj. General)
presented me tie map herewith enclosed. It
is, as yon will perceive on examination, the
official map used by the commanding officers,
in preparing for the attack..
1 wish that the day of that battle and its sad
memories could be obliterated from our coun
try’s records. 1 have no doubt but the hu
miliation of that defeat will soon be forgotten
in tie triumphs of our arms, East as well as
I send the map for the Society’s records: it
will always be a proud gratification to citi
zens of Illinois, to remember, that, although
we were shamefully defeated near Manassas,
there were no such indications of defeat while
our fellow-citizen, Gen. Hunter, had his com
mand ; and that it did not occur until he was
disabled by a severe wound, received while
gallantly leading the attack.
Very truly and respectfully yours,
Isaac N. Aekold.
Dr. War. Bacbt, Sec’y of Chicago Hist Society..
An interesting communication was received
from Mr. P. Anderson, of Lowell, Mass., on.
the subject of Norwegian emigration to the
United States. The number of emigrants ar
rived here, in 1861, is estimated by Mr. A. to
be 2,100, via Bergen, and an equal number
from other parts of Norway, the chief point
of arrival being Quebec. Mr. Anderson no
ticed the early and laudable efforts made for
the religious instruction of emigrants, and
the valued services to that object rendered, by
Mr. Ellin gsom He exposed at some length,
also, the exaggerated and false accounts,
spread in America, of a disease called “lep
rosy,” existing among the Norwegians of the
seacoast, from lat. 58 d€gs. to the extreme
north, erroneously supposed contagious, and
attributed by Mr. A. to the rude fish-diet of
the inhabitants, with their low esteem of per
sonal cleanliness.
Recorder's Court.
In this tribunal, yesterday, the following
cases found disposition: Benjamin Gould,
larceny of a watch from Mr. Dennlston; jury
returned a verdict of not guilty without leav
ing thdr seats. Owen Grady, larceny of a
coat, verdict of guilty. Jerry Callahan, as
sault with a deadly weapon; jury could not
agree and were discharged. Catharine Nolan,
larceny; verdict, not guilty. Margaret Mc-
Clure alias Margaret McCabe, larceny; verdict
of guilty; sentenced to one year’s imprison
mtnt in the Penitentiary. Wm, Graw, larceny
of a coat, verdict, not guilty. William Jack,
sen aid Janies Levens, riot; verdict, guilty.
The case of Jacob Kerth, indicted for arson,
is pending.
Abbaum Upon a. Justice op the Peace.
A nan named Martin Linz was taken into
custody, yesterday, upon the charge of com
mitting, apparently, a most outrageous as*
cault upon Charles H. Barmin, a Justice of the
| Peace in the West Division. The case was
I 'partially examined before the Police Magis
|v.£rate yesterday and elicited the following
facta: Linz was a tenant of Barmin’s, and was
indebted to him to a considerable amount.
On Monday evening Barmm visited Linz at
his residence to arrange for a payment. Du*
ring the conversation some hard words arose,
anting which Linz refused to pay the debt,
and Barmm accused him of being a swin
dler and tbief. This so enraged the
latter thathe suddenly sprang at Barmm
and seized him by the throat. His wife, who
was in the room at the same time, held him
by the hair while a dog, belonging to the es
tablishment, came *in for his share of the as
sault by holding fast to the Justice’s leg.
Having freed himself from his assailants, the
woman rushed out and procuring an axe was
about to commit a murderous assault when a
passer by came in and rescued the threatened
Justice by taking away the axe from the
woman and aiding his escape. The case is
still pending before Justice Akin.
The Sfedkks.—The curious spectacle, ou
Sunday last, observed by many persons, of
dense masses of a white fleecy substance
floating In the air, has elicited much discus
sion in the city. The substance in question
was undoubtedly gossamer, a filmy matter of
ten spread upon furze and stubble, formed by
an insect known as the flying spider, which,
in roaming the air in qnest of food, shoots
ont threads, which are home down by thedew
and lifted again into the air by the wind. The
peculiarity of their position will account for
the spiders and other insects found in the
Hokobable (?) Cobbbsposdencb.—By ref
erence to the unpaid letter list in another col
umn, it will he perceived that some one has
written letters to more than two dozen live
hcnorahles, all in the State of Massachusetts,
and forgotten to pay the postage. The list
embraces the es-Senate of that State. Eith
er the writer of the letters is an unmitigated
humbug or a copy of the U. S. Postal lawn
might reach his case. It is a pretty well es
tablished fact, known to every school boy,
that letters can’t be forwarded without post
Hob&b Thieves —lnformation has reached
the city of a number of thefts committed ou
Monday night by horse thieves. At Downer’s
Grove, the ham of Mr. D. O. Curtiss was en
tered and a valuable sorrel home stolen, The
same sight nearly a dozen cattle were stolen
from Frederick Weis, formerly proprietor of
the Washiogton Hotel in this city, now living
at HainesviDe. The northern section of the
State is largely infested with these candidates
for the State Prison, which, in almost every
instance, they manage to escape.
Barret’s Stearic Lights.—lCr. A. Barret,
of city, is at present manufacturing a su
perior article of can dies which he claims will
bum for twelve hours without snuffing, and
when extinguished or blown out will leave no
unpleasant or snlTocating odors, as in the case
with other stearin® candles.- Hr. Barret has
- christened his improved candles, “ Stearic
Lights.” They may be obtained by applying
to J.L. Patterson, Purchasing Agent of the
Illinois Central Railroad, at the Central depot.
The Betas Hatt. Meeting —Do not for
get the meeting at Bryan this afternoon,
to make arrangements Tor the approaching
festival for the benefit t>f the Home for the
Friendless.- A large attendance of the philan
thropic women of this city is expected, and
pirns will undoubtedly be laid on a generous
Recruiting.—Lieutenants Waterman snd
HaD, of the Chicago Legion, are at Bockton,
Winnebago cou-ty, recruiting far the 51st
Regiment. We can recommend them to the
good people of that region as representing a'
first rate regiment We understand that they
are to have a war meeting in Bockton on Sat
urday evening, at which E. A. Storra, Esq, of
this city, is to speak*
- '
' tiffHalr Brushes, Teeth Brushes,. Nail Bruab-
Combe, in great variety,
with aiarga assortment of other Toilet articles,
lost opened by'SaiiiatJ&fcthecKy, Randolph
and State afreet*. • ’ : ‘ •
t®"Jcwelt* Co, 51 DeJKhom'atrertffiSfirby
catalogue at 10 A. M-, Groceries, Taqueea,- WUte
Lead and Also, 100 packages Rope and
Grain Buga. ;
fy* Turkey Koroeeo Wallet* and Packet Books
of the best quality and Uniat, a,
'receivedby Sargent, Apothecary, corner Bjmdolph
and State streets.
The Monthly Meeting of theXadiea! City
Tract Society win be. held in the room of the
Young Men 1 e Christian. Association, thii (Thura
da;) aheruoou at 8 o’clock-
B. DicxnrwK. Sec’y, -
Wheeler and Wilson’s Sewing Machines. —
The only Sewing ifariiinp mntHng the Lock-Stitch
with a Rotating Hook and using a Glass Foot.
We prefer them for family uee.— 2f. Y. Tribune.
They are the favorites for families. — Times.
It has no rivaL— Sclentijlc American:
. It surpasses all ethers.— Ladies' Repository .
Makes the best stitch for sewing.— Farmers'
Equal to clue seamstresses.—Home Journal.
Saves the time and health of ten women. —Water
Cure. ;
Beyond all question the beet.— Life Illustrated.
It is eminently superior.— Dictionary of Me
We entirely prefer It.— Mother's Journal.
The machine for family use.— Adv. and Journal.
Indlepeneable in every family. —The Preacher.
The best ever invented. —Christian Enquirer.
Most honorable to American genius.— lndepmdr
erd. . ! ‘ •
Are without rival.—Jim. PTtren. Journal.
Its superiority ia unqueEtioaed-— Freeman's
Vaitly superior to all others,— Golden Prist.
Are pre-eminently superior.— Ladies 1 Visitor.
They maintain the pre-eminence.— Express.
We praise it with enthusiasm.— Christian Intel. .
We cannot tire in its praise.— 2Tew Yorker.
■ 'Office—l63 and 165 Lake street.
Gsobge R. Chittekdek,
General Apent for Illinois, lowa, Wisconsin and
Northern Indiana. OCIT-10td-4tWgß94
Books, Books*
Who wants good books at .half price? One of
the finest stocks of books west of New York City
will be sold by J, A. Colby before January 15th,
1862, without regard to the original cost of the
stock. Call soon and pick out your choice at your
own price. Books without jewelry, books with
jewelry, or jewelry without books. This is to
close out a large stock, and a similar opportunity
will probably never occur again in this part of the
country. Remember the old stand, 118 Randolph
street. Oct. 8-3 m
Recruits for Capt. Brooks’s Company will
please report their names to Camp Webb and
passes will be sent by return mail. octSlw
Pr cook & McLain, 98 Dearborn street, have
made their price for cleaning and dyeing Gents 1
garments lees than any other house In the city.
- eeSS . • .
Piakos.—lf you wish to buy or rent a piano, go
to W. W. Kimball’s, 99 dark street. sep26-26t
Wbzeleb & Wzlsox Sewdto Machete—The
only Sewing Machine, in the world making the
Lock Stitch with a ROTATING HOOK, and using
a Glass Foot.
This is the secret of the popularity and success
of this Machine. Gbo. B. Chittenden,
General Agent for Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa and
Northern Indiana. Office 163 and 165 Lake-st.
Kuaai Brigade, Commanded by Brig.
Geu. J c Ji» Lane.
This Brigade is under the immediate, orders or
the Government, Companies or parts of Compa
nies of Cavalry, Artillery or Mechanics, in any
part of the Western States, who desire immediate
service will be accepted Into Gen. Lane's Brigade,
retaining their organization, and he filled up from
the general recruits of the Brigade. The Cavalry
or Mounted Bangers are all armed with Sharpe's
Rifles. Colt’s Navy Revolvers, and Sabres.. Con
nected with the Brigade is a Company of Mounted
Mechanics and Engineer Corps, to consist of En
gineers, Bridge Builders, Carpenters, Black
smiths, Masons,* Shoemakers, Tailors, *c., who,
in addition to regular pay, receive 40 cents a day
while on extra duty, together with all the boun
ties and immunities belonging to the soldier in
the Volunteer Service or the United States.
Transportation and subsistence furnished at once
to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. Horses, arms and
equipments for all as soon as mustered in. To
thetiue patriot, now is the time to respond to the
call of our common country, in this hour of peril.
Apply bv letter, care Metropolitan Hotel.
Recruiting office £l9 Lake street.
J. H. Mills,
ocllgß4o-10t Recruiting Officer, E. B.
October 9th, at tte residence of the bride’s fethrr
(Mount Pleasant, lows,) by the Rev. Mr. Joaivn.
EZEKIEL CLARK. Esq., President oftbc lovaCltv
.Prarchcf the State Bank oflowa,aad MISS MARY
In Utbana, on Sunday. Oct ißth, by Rer. Jno. Wil
kinson. Capt. J. E. SHIELDS, U.B. A. tiHISS SABAS
CDRTI6B, daughter oi the late James Curtlas, Esq.
On tbe 16th lust, at tata residence, No. 189 North
'Water street. Mr. William. Flemlmc, aged 60 years.
Hre funeral will take pl-sce on Friday morning, the
ISib ImL, at 11 o’clock, from the Cathearal of the Holy
Name. May he rest In peace.
wAXTJTAcrcmsBa or
Flouring and Grist Mills,
Smut hills and Separators,
Separators for Warehouse!
Belting of all Binds,
Hoisting Screws and Ball.
Bran Dusters, Picks, Froolßtafls, &c„ Ac
Flans, Specifications and Estimates furnished when
dea'rod. and the construction of Steam and Water
Hills contracted for entire.^
Steam Englnei, Boilers* ftc. } to.
The subscribers having obtained the Agency for Ihe
sale o: Steam Engines and Boilers from tee mannfao.
Tory of GOtTLDING, BAGLSY & SEWELL, of Water,
town, H. Y, would Invite the attention 01 purchasers
to their superior merits of style, workmanship and
powers; also, their very low prices. Tae following la
a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with
Beater, water and Weam Pipes. Cocks, Valves, Arch
Cis tints and Grates, complete and ready for use. d&
Uvereo in Chicago:
S fecrce power 8 5001 SO hone power 81^50
8 " •• 575 j25 - •• I^oß
U) “ « 736 jSQ *• * 1.675
..46 lir.
800 85
aoeU r
13 -
40 -
is “
And in like proportion for larger sizes u required.
Every .Engine tt faralahed with
For Floor mii» we confidently recommend them m
superior to any other style of Engine, and they wDI
Ban from SC to toper rant in Pi«l
over the usual flaw of boners in nse ts the West. We
than keep an assortment of different sires at onr ea
tabhahment, where they may be examined and the
necessary Information obtained regarding item. Com
petent men will, if desired, be furnished to set up and
start engine* In any part ofthe country, Wealao supply
- j At very lew prices.
Mid Famishing Depot. West Water street, between.
Jbaadolph and Madison ota, Colcaco, Hi
Post Office address Box EVA. oOPsMy
Richard’s iros Con Shelter,
frc» 1000 to 5000 Biadi
fi iir.
Warranted to abcll clou Is ar.y condition ol irraa.
without cutting It. and requiring leas power than an*
ahallsr of aaaie capacity.
4T. O. RXOa^R»««
3Bee ana Maaumetoay at Lata * Johagton’a iwi
Worta.No. 84 ItaaiEn street. fearei-ir
£jL FICEES -a few
axtre rood ana cheapJuatreeelTed.' Belts and Saebea
manufactured at BOWEN’S Glove Store, No. *0 CUrfc
strtet,overU. 8. Express Office, oclSdy -
-17 WOB*B,Wm.Tertrary,lffJ South Clark street,
vJ M. BCHOT lENFEL& marinfartarerot.
pave chewiko. tobacco.
WftTGST a MoOtuRE,
f V -- CIUHUgAOaB. Ko. a Laatfle street
AIMiWMd OoflaaaafiJhAdc oridlrtjma. Are
prejmW with Kaaraea Mi CecrtwA and wto
gcSpt atMßtfoß as an hsara.
Tavlt m tha Gwnettvy. H, M«
x «ntotwd M-ts mio.wi;»
' tow«4t.. i bwi3 mi Msair
Vmuui Iram, Oct. 18,1961*
The dfmanda ot bnainsaa are. still baiowttm.
ability of bankers. - In this respect the W|h price
offrelght* and the scarcity of vestele are severely
fit. We tisard prominert wardmaae wm aay
to-day thatae Witten ere now morlng, the ware
hcaseawiH M. haariy fall when navigation closes..
It is to be hoped each will not be the case. They
ought to be empty on the twontUcth of Nor ember,
robmfor? receipts, dnringthe.
Quotations lor money remain at former figures,
v!z: Discounts 10 per cent H. Y. Exchange on
the Board of Trade and outside sells at par®34j
thA Baßlafehatge' 34. A tew charge a fraction
'aboreon amallbills. •
The following are the quotations of Messrs,
Willabd £ Exan, Bankers, No. 8 Booth Clark
street. ' - - - •
Buying. Selling.
EsetemExchaDge..,.....Dar prem.
•01d... ..gbx, />*•*♦•“
Canada and Free Indiana currency 1 per ceuLdis.
'Wisconsin currency 1 * # “
Pennsylvania currency 8 •* u
Exchange onDetrolt par.
Tbiaetjst Nous.—We learn that the people all
over the West aiesendingto this dty.fbr remit
tances of Treasury Jfotcs. The demand for the
past few days Is far In excess of the supply. Our.
hackers cannot get hold of them fast enough to
supply their customers. This Is right. They are
the beat money the people can have. Let them
keep all their reserve funds in these bills, and the
Government will very soon begin to feel the bene
fit. A correspondent makes the following sugges
tions : . •
Editors of the Tribune Why doesn’t the
Government supply the place of our bank bills
with its own currency ? If they had agents trav
eling through cur own State, for instance, who
had large amounts of U. S. currency with them,
they could exchange with banka and bonkers for
specie paying bank bills, assort the currency so
collected, and return it to each bank for gold;
holding enough coin ready to meet such of its own
notes as were presented, out having the advantage
of a loan of the amount of all the currency neces
sary for the use of the country, without Interest
If this isn’t sound policy, why isn’t it ?
Bet ant.
go far as we know, these notes are placed in the
hands of Paymasters, and they are pud out on
Government contracts. The engravers and those
who sign the notes cannot famish them fast
enough to meet these payments, and the course
proposed by our correspondent is at present un
necessary. Contractors and bankers, at least
those of them whose business enables them to get
hold of the notes, and whose patriotism induces
them to circulate them, will in. a few weeks or
months at most, make them circulate freely among
the people. ■ -
New Yobk Stock Maeket.— The
the closing prices for cash, October 16,1861:
Ist board. 2d board.
Sew York Central, H. E. stock... .78 % 783*
Galena. 71% 71%
Rock Island 52 % - 51)£
Burlington & Quincy 65
Michigan Southern, (preferred)...39# 38#
Michigan Southern, (common) 19 18#
Tennessee 6a 43
MiasonriCs 45# 45%
North Carolina 6s 60 00
Virginia Gs 47% 47
Market: let- board firm, 2d board weak.
Milwaukee.—The Sentinel of this morning says;
We have no new features to note ia monetary
matters. Yesterday business was rather quiets
Exchange is of course very abundant, bat as the
bonks have almost exclusive control of rates under
the existing state of affairs, it is not easy to be
had below the price they have fixed upon it, 1 f3
cent, premium, and which they appear determined
to keep it at. We occasionally hear of merchants
buying at #@#cpremium, but much the larger
portion is purchased at the current bank rate.
Gold we quote at I#®2 cent, premium; the
banka supply customers at I#, while brokers
generally charge 2 $ cent, for small sums.
money and Stoclta.
[From the N. T. Tribune, Oct 15.]
Skies are all bright in the stock market to-day.
The new upward speculative movement is fully
inaugurated, and the volume of transactions is
enormous. The board operators are assisted by a
much stronger outside interest than has been felt
in the street for some time, the commission houses
having a largely incrcad amount of .-orders.
The parties who sold out in the early part of last
week appear also to be getting in again as rapid
ly as possible, and the consequence is one of
the most excited and rampant markets we
have ever had occasion to notice. With one
or two exceptions everything on the list shows au
advance of % to 2% per cent., and the speculation
was well distributed. The action of the bulls has
a solid basis. The premises upon which they act
axe: the easier the money market, the gradual but
steady improvement in the general business of the
country, v e Immense expenditures of Govern
ment, the free circulation ofUemand Treasury
Notes, the condition oi the Foreign Exchanges,
the food wants of Europe, which must absorb all
our surplus of provisions, the energy exhibited by
theGovernmeut in the suppression of the ro
be lion, the certainty of the success of its efforts,
and ae a result of all these circumstances, the more
hopeful tone of the pnbhc mind, which reads
favorably upon stock values. The firmness ia Gov
ernment securities, which are the touchstones of
public confidence, gives assurance to the mere
speculators upon the Stock Exchange, and they
operate in the fandes with confidence of ’support
in a bull movement. In the Bond list the dealings
were widely diffused, both in State and Railroad
issues, and prices were generally higher. Missou
ri 6s were unusually active and buoyant, selling
as high a® 45. The retreat of the rebels from the
soil of that State, and the certainty that the Fed
eral farces will be able to hold it, has attracted at
tention to this security. In Federal securities the
transactions were not very large, but quotations
were buoyant. The sixes of 1881 sold as high as
96 In the street, and the fives of 3874 jumped to
84 bid, and improvement of 1% $3 cent.
Sale of StomptaU Stocks.
1 he following sales of stocks were made at auc
tion to-day by Adrian H. Muller, by order of Jesse
E. Dubois, Auditor of the State of Illinois:
$5,000 Ta. 6a, 1886,* and coupons of July, 1861.47#
18,000 “ 1887, “ “ “ “ 41H
2000 " 1883, “ “ “ “ 4~H
“ “ " 47#
“ “ “ 47#
u « « 42#
“ “ “ 42#
“ .« «
“ “ “ 60#
6.000 “ 1691, “
8.000 «» 1892, “
8.000 Tn. 69,1892, “
28.000 “ 1898, “
4,00027.0.6b, 1865, "
B,COO “ 1877, “
8.000 *• 1886, “
1.000 “ 1887, “
11,000 “ 1689, “
2.QCO “ 1885, “
1.000 “ 1887, “
3.000 “ 1889, “
8.000 “ 1890, “
“ “ 60 H
“ “ 60*
of April, “ 60*
“ “ 60*
of Oct. •• 60*
“ “
&SOO Ga. 6s, 188$ “ “ of Ang. “. 66
14.0C0M0. 6b,Hannibal & St. Joseph issues. .4S?»
Jlr. Dubois will also sell, on the 16lh, 18th, 21ft,
and 23d inst., about $460,000 of various State
stocks, assets of Illinois banks in liquidation.—
if. r. Ttibvne, 15th.
Es&llBh Money Market—-Effccta of
Good Crop*,
tFromthe London Shipping List, Aug. 17.]
That an average crop of grain iu this country
must exercise considerable influence upon the
available supplies of bnlllonJnot a doubt can exist;
but, as yet, owing to the improvement in com*
merce. there are no indications of a low. range iu
the value of capital. For instance, no accommo
dation, even on the most approved mercantile
paper, can be obtained in Lmnbard street
under to per cent, notwithstanding
that most of the leading banking establishments
are well supplied with cash. There are, however,
two redeeming features in the market at this time,
and which are worthy of special consideration, viz.,
the rapid falling off th our exports of gold to New
York, and the steady influx of that metal from
the Continent. We may, therefore, assume that
the etcck of bullion in the Bank of England will
steadily increase, and the circulation of the country
will be much greater than it now is. And here ft
is necessary wc should correct a wrong impression
in some quarters in reference to the stock of gold
In the bank. It has been observed that it does
not increase in the same rate as the Importa
tions, even after allowing for the shipments
to America and other portions of the globe:
but it must be undtrstood that at this period
of the year large sums, both in gold and silver,
are invariably forwarded to the provinces to
enable the farmers to meet harvest expenses.
Some'time must of necessity elapse ere these
sums—from £600.000 to £l.ooo,ooo—are returned
to the bank Hence the weekly returns will not
exhibit the full extent of thelate importations of
gold from Australia, until about the middle of
September. As a great commercial nation, we
must not take alarm, even if we are compelled to
send away more gold to America to purchase food,
because, in a general way—though we must at
present regard America as an exception to a
most wholesome rule of trade—the mere
corn or other commodities we import, the
greater must be the extent of our exports
of manufactured goods. We have, for some
time part, imported an immense quantity of
wheat, flour, and other products; but in a general
way, our exports are steadily on the Increase, al
though we have, unfortunately, been deprived of
onr once valuable American trade. There is,
therefore, every reason to look forward to compar
ative ease in the money market, and to a steady
accumulation of gold in the great banking estab
lishment in London. But, of course, the progress
of harvest work during the month, will be watched
with intense anxiety, for upon the yield and coa
dl ion of the new crop will, to some extent, rest
the future price of money.
Wednesday Evening, Oct. 16,186 L
Flour, Wheat, Com, Oats, Bye Bar.
brls. bn.. bn. bu* bu. bo.
Canal ITS 6700 83300 900
8.&C.U.83. £969 60361 643 601 643 766
R.L8.8. 300 15050 8850 .... 350 3300
0LC.5.R..... 2188 90650 81850 .... 7vo ....
0.,8.£Q.R, .1618 16345 16SS4 56 .... 353
N.W.R.R. ... . 554 12366 .... .... S3 48
A. £ St. L. 8.8 662 4375 SSTS .... 143 ....
6466136347 90652 717 1879 4172
Lire Grass Tal- See! Pota-
Hoga Seed tCdre low Cattletoea.
No. 2>a. 2>s lbs No. bn.
Canal SO3
ci.»c-.C.U. ISO 550 SOSO .... 23 ....
8.L8.E 168 1830 16100 .... 62 ....
DLC.E.R,... 400 .. 2090 .... 16 ....
.P IC9* SSOO 2165 8230 275 ....
N. W. B. E 1830
A.&51.L.8.8 01 1320 6SSS 860
2417 7059 29923 8220 831 860
Flour, Wh’t,Con>. Bar.
bda.- be, bu bn. ku bu*
To Buffalo . ... 70600 74100
To Oswego 44500
ToPtColD’ne,' 88 SGSCO 21430
To Pt Sarnia 17000
ToOedenab’h. 1950 3560 583 40 .... ....
To Kingston.. 5 141C0
1991169360 ÜBUB
Receipt*. iShipments.
Lumber, 1t..,..1.113,000 Flour, 5,803
shlngleß.no.:.. 390,000 Wheat, ba 226,530
Lath, no 116.000 Com, bn 18.000
Balt br15....... 3JSTO Seeds, 1ba....... 30.600
Coal, toss 1,690 Beef, brls 3,665
Wood, cdfl, 603 Hides, tbs 1,200
Fleh, pkgs 108 Pork, bda . 900-
Staves, no 105.C00
Timber, ft 20,000 -> .
Bighwlner, brls 20
.Apples, br15...., 29
Receipt*. Coal, t0n5..:... . 145
Flour, bile - 175 Hlghwines, brls 24
.Wheat, bu, 5.700 v - Shipment*. ■• ■
Gore, bn....... 83,900 Lumber, ft 122508
'Barley, bu 900 Oats; bn 7,900
-Batter, lbs 1.730 Silt, brls 832
Bides, 1b5...... 808.
The steamer Arabia, with one day’s later news,
was telegraphed 'fcniay. BreadstcfA were report
ed firm, and tte market excited.
There was a better in the leading mar
kets to-day, and prices tended upwarda, though the
advance was checked by Icgher freights. , '
' Tbe Wheat market opened extremely. dnU, bat'
the receipt of. the New Tcdc dfrpatchci ast
the steamer's new, it rtlUed, and dosed 1®134c
higher. Abort 180,000 bushels changed heads rt
06c Cor Ko. I White; 86087 c for No. lEed; 81®
StefbrMo. IBed; 79®78J4ctorNo.l Spring; snd
71 ®7»34c to yo.B Spring. .. ,
Cie Hour market was more active, hrt in con
sequence ofthe difficulty in' shipping,' sad the up
ward todesey In freights^®*-market, declined B
®locon spring extras afe 10015 c otwlnter ex*
ttac.* Abort 4,000 sold, at |4 5734®*--
75 for winter extras; and for spring
extras. .
; There waa.an active demand for Com for ship
ment, and the market was firmer—with sales of
abort 150,000 boshelß, at »34®5334C for Canal Mix
ed afloat ;«34®3934c for Mixed In etore; and 18c
forßejectedln store.
Oats were scarce and in good demand and ton
at 1634 c. Bye In good request at 90c. Common
Barley is very Highwines quiet at 1434 c.
. Vessels scarce and firmer, with’ light en
gagements at 23c for wheat to Oswego, 16®16Xe
for com, and 17c for wheat to Buffalo.
Bccclpii «f Gnla at Toledo,
The-receipts of flour grain at this port, for
the past week—as shown by the tables iu another
column—■were: flour, 69,619 brls; wheat, 393,891
fcu ; com, 175,704 bu; an increase oyer-the same
week of lut year, of 47,949 brls flour. 235,938 bu
wheat, and 72,771 bu corn. Reducing floor to
wheat the increase was equal to 513,254 bu of
grain.—ls th.
Heavy Business at Detroit,
So heavy have been the grain receipts by the
Central road for a few days past, that the elevator
building is completely filled up,' rendering it
necessary for the road to send someßo,ooobushels
around by "the Grand Trank Junction to the De
troit and Milwaukee elevator in the npper part of
the city,-— Detroit Advertiser. *
FrelghU at Detroit*
There is a great scarcity of vessels, and an active
demand for freight room. Schooner Citizen, to
arrive, was chartered this morning at 7c for wheat
to Buffalo. The transportation companies have
farther advanced their rates to the following:
Floor S hrL 4th Class § cwt.
To Buffalo 80c 15c
To Ogdensburgh & Oewego.TSc 37#c
To ST York & PMladelphia.l.2s 62* c
To Boston 1.35 67#c
Wheat is taken to Ogdensbnrgh and Oswego at
15c.—Detroit Advertiser.
The French Breaditoffi Crops.
[Fiom the Philadelphia North Amerlcau.l
A correspondent of Mr. Henry Paul Beck, of this
city, writing from Paris under date of September
says that it bad been ascertained the previous
day that the com crop iu France “is infinitely
worse than expected I ’—could not be worse”—no
matter what the French papers say. About ten
days before there had been an incipient bread riot
at Bordeaux. This confirms our ownideas on the
subject. Of course the reader will understand
that in a despotic country like France, where the
government sensitively endeavors to guard against
food troubles by interfering to keep down prices,
and buying largely from abroad for the same pur
pose, the real state of the case cannot be manifest
from the tone of the papers. It was known some
weeks beck that buyers for France were in the
Amt-rican cities making large purchases of bread
svuffs. Gut the enormous shipments made by our
merchants must have satisfied the Emperor, for the
agents have disappeared. At all events the testi
mony is clear enough that there is a great market
.now open to us, not only in France but in other
parts of the continent, for all the breads tuffs we
can spare.
The Bread stniT Trade or Pl&lladel*
The breadstuff trade of Philadelphia is one to
which very little importance has been attached by
writers on the subject of commerce; and yet it is
of a consequence exceeding that of other interests
to which more value is often attached. Daring
the year 1860 we exported as follows;
Wheat, bushels...
Wheat flour, brla.
Indian corn, bush.
Indian meal, brls.
Rye meal,brls....
During the half year ending June 30th, 1661, the
exporta were In far greater proportion, belngnear
ly fcqualto the whole exports of the previous year,
Wheat, bushels...
Wheat flour, brla.
Indian corn, bush.
Indian meal, brls.
In the matter of wheat aud corn in bulk, the ex
ports for the last half year were greater than for
the whole year previous by 370,759 bushels.
By the Delaware Division canal we received in
1860, at Philadelphia, 7,600 bushels of wh?at; by
the Schuylkill canal, 9,275 tons of grain and 2.236
tons of flour; by the Lebanon valley aud Raiding
railroads, 33,842 tons of grain, and 17,144 tons of
flour; by the Chesapeake aud Delaware canal,
658.100 bushels wheat, 474,680 bushels com, aud
324,920 bushels rye, oats and barley by ordinary
canal boats, and 87 9 barrels by steam; by the
Pennsylvania railroad, way freight, 45.037.736 lbs
grritr, 248.503 Bh flonr, and through freight, 65.353,-
948 lbs fluur, and 34,754,447 lbs grain. Tne in
ert a?ed r« cclpts over 1859 were, by the Pennsylva
nia railroad, 105,000 barrels of flour and 300,000
bethels "rain, and by the Reading railroad, 21,500
bands flour and 5.500 tons of grain. These figures
may serve to illustrate the activity of a trade which
only needs the use of grain elevators on a great
scale to render it the leading feature of our com
mi rce. Our esporte this year will be double those
of last year.— A'orth American
Custom-House. —The receipts at the. Custom
House are increasing. Lost week the amount re
ceived from duties was $294,000; on goods with
drawn from warehouse, $130,000; from other
tources, $15,000. Total, $439,000. Heretofore the
goods removed from warehouse for domestic con
sumption have been largely in excess of the direct
importations; but now, as will be seen, the re
verse is the case. Nothing will be done in the way
of appointments or confirmations until the Collec
tor returns from Washington.— Y. Tribune.
lUh inst.
Daily Review of Chicago Market.
Wedkesdat Evbkwg, Oct. 16,1851.
FREIGHTS—VesseIs are scarce and freights
very film. - The engagements were as follows:
To Buffalo: Scbrs Berlin and R H. Harmon,
wheat, at 17c; echrs W. H. Craig, Nightingale,
Eveline Bates, and Ocean Wave, corn, at 16c;
schr Curtis Mann, corn, at 16& c; schr Contest,
corn, at 163£ c. To Oswegoechr Wm. F. Allan,
wheat, at 23c.
FLOUR—Received, 6,468 brls; shipped, 1,991
brls. Market more active and s@loc lower on
Spring, and 10®l5c on Winter. Sales, 100 brls
Palrojra “ People’s Mills ” choice white winter at
ti 75 del; 1000 brls choice white winter extra at
4 57#®465 del: 250 brls “Nashville” white
winter at $4 65 delivered; 150 barrels “ Olietta ”
white winter at $4 GO del; SOObrla “Island Queen”
white winter on p. t.; 100 brla “Commercial”
epilog extra, and 100brls “Derwent” do at SIOO
oel; 850 brls good spring extra at $3.85 del: 200
brla do at $3 90 del; 500 brls do at $3 SO del: 150
briefer extra at $3 70 del; 300 brls “Albion” on
p, t.; 218 brls “Roger Harding ”at $3.87# del; 100
brie “ Warner” at $3 90 de.; 250 brls fair extra at
$8 75 del: 100 brls do ats3.6o deL
WHEAT—Received, 126,847bn; shipped, 169,560
bn. Market advanced l®l#c $1 husheL Sales—
Wcjtze—2 000 bn No 1 White instore at 95c; 9,000
bn No 1 Bed in store at 85c: 1,500 bn do at 88c;
I.OCO bn do at 67c; 2,500 bn No 2 Red in store at
81c; 1000 bn do at 81#c; 1,000 bn do at 82c.
Spring —4oo bn No 1 Spring in store at 76c; 5 000
bn do at 77c; 82,000 bn do at 78c; 6,000 bn do at
78#c; 1,400 bn No 2 Spring in store at 71c; 5,000
bn do at 71#c: 8.000 bn do at 73c; 6,000 bn do at
73#c ; £5 COO bn do at 73c; 6.000 bn do at 73#c;
8,000 bn Rejected in store at 60c.
CORN-Eeceived, 90,652 bn; shipped, 113,118
bo. Market firmer. Sales, 20,000 bn Canal Mixed
at 23#c afloat: 31,000 bn do at 24c fob; 5,800 bn
do at 23><c afloat; 60,000 bn Mixed in store at
22c; 10,(00 bn do at 22#c; 5,000 bn do at 2l#c;
15,000 bn do (short receipts) at 21#c; 5,000 bn
Rejected in store at 18c.
OATS—Received. 717 bn. Market firm and #c<
higher. Seles, 1,000 bn No lin store at 16#c.
EYE—Received, 1,879 bo. In good demand and
fiim at 30c In store—bolder? asking 31c.
BAELEY—Received, 4,172 bn. Market very
doll for common grades. Sales 200 bogs fair at
36KC on track; 41 bags common at 18c on track.
TIMOTHY SEED—Market quiet. Soles 45 sacks
trimeat $1.40;* 43 sacks good at $183; 16 sacks
fair at $1.30.
HIGBWIKES—Market quiet. Sales 50 barrels
country at J4*fc.
ALCOHOL—Nominal at 32(£33c. _
PROVISIONS—Mess beef steady and in fair de
mand at $8 for mess and $9 for extra mess. Mess
pork dull and nominal at $11.75@12. Lard nom
inal at 7*f@7#c.
TALLOW—In good demand andfirm at
BlDES—Market s.eady and firm. We quote;
Dry flint, 12@12>fc; green salted, 6©6>ic; green
country, s@s3<c.
POTATOES—4OO bushels good Neshannocks at
45c on track.
BUTTER—Common, dull at 6@7c; Dairy, 10
EGGS—In good demand, with sales at.lOJf®
li%c 33 dcz.
POULTRY—Live Chickens, $L26©1.75 £ doz ;
Turkeys, 7@Sc B>.
BROOM CORK—3 tons common at $35; 3 tons
do at $25.
LIVE STOCK—Eece!ved,2l47 Hogs,B3l Beeves.
Receipts of Hogs heavy and market dull and ir
regular. Beef Cattle quiet. Soles *
140 Hogs, averaging 250
44 “ 315 “
75 “ 224 “
65 “ 280 “
15 Beeves, averaging 1000 E>3 at.
14 “ 1100 “
5 “ 1315 “
Fzb Kobtiz Aeebica.] Ziltebpood, Oct. 4,1881.
Cotton —Salesof cotton for the week, 67,630
bales. Market upward, and an advance of tfd.
Sales to 8 peculators, 28,500 bales, and Co export
ers, 8,500 bales. Sales today (Friday) are estima
ted at 12 003 bales, including 6 000 to speculators
aid exporters. Market clcaes firm and unchanged
at the following authorized quotations: New Or
leans fair, 10 X ; do middling, 10 K ; Mobile fair,
IMf; do middling, 10. Uplands fair, IQtf; do
middling, 9S'- The estimated stock in port is
713,000 bales, indasive of 819,000 of American.
Beeadstutiw— Market steady and generally un
changed. Com has an upward tendency; mixed
quoted 82s. Provisions dull.
London Honey Market. —Consols closed on
Friday at 997£©93 money.
'Wfeucly returns of the Bank of England show a
-decrease in bullion of £117,000.
• Pzb AnsßiA.3 ; Levzxfool, Oct. 4.
Richardson, Spence £ Co., and Wakefield. Nash
£ Co., report flour firmer; sales at 27a 9d@3os.
Wheat— Steady; sales unimportant at
lls 6d for red western; lie 10d®l2s for red south
ern 12s@ 13a 8d fcr white western; and 13s@13s 6d -
for white southern.
Coen—Upward tendency; sales at 31s 6d far
mixed, and3sf@37afor white-
R. S. £ Co. report Been quiet but steady.
Labd—Firmer; sales at 47sSd(|fc539.
Tallow— Active, with an upward tendency;
sales at 495.
Sijgae—Upward tendency.
" Cc-ttee—Sinn. •
Bice— Quiet, at 26e 6d@29s 8d f.r Carolina.
Londob. Oct. 4.— Bseadstutys —Firm. Wheat
65@665. Flour 27080 a.
Groceries— Coffee firm. Bice quiet. Tea—
Common Congou buoyant at ll>tfd.'
Taixow firm at 50*<&50*6d.
Ahxbican Stocks— N Y C shares 66Q67; Erie
233f; X C SSX discount.
Latest—Livebsool, Oct. 6th.—Bbsasstutts—
Firm andexdted.
Photihojib—Quiet and steady.
London, Oct. s.—Consols closed for money at
I C shares 39# discount. Erie
23 H- ■ - -
Pabis, Oct. 6th—Evening.—Rentes dosed at
68135 c.
NEW POBK, Oct. IS —Flour— Narket opened
call, but after the Arabia's news was firmer, and
doted 6c higher. .Bales 15,400 brls, at $5.0095.90
for rejected; for super state; $5.40®
555 fbr extra state; super western;
$6 40285.70 for common to med-nm extra western:
S9O for shipping brands extra r.h.O.,and
GO for trade brands. Canadian floor was
, shade firmer with moderate business do
ing. gsles 960 brls, at $5.25®5 30 for super, and
$5 45®8.50 for common to choice extra. : Bye flour
- quiet at $8.75(264.10. Corn meal nominally un
Whukt—Here active and flnnsr. Sales of 1,390
bin’s news peteetadvianced.lcsl bn, with, howet
' er, only ve*r moderate export' demand.. Safes.
86,600bn inferior topdmeChlcigo spring at SLI3
-01.19:38.600 bn Racine sprinrht $1.18®119;
46,000 W Milwaukee club at $1.90®1 St; 83,060
bn »Tnb«g- lowa at $12101B; 9000 bu Green Bay
tpclrgat sl^6; 96.09Q buwmet red western at
tmaia; m,*» vs m 4 *ut« »t IHSSiffli
13,i00bn ember Mlcbig»n at SISN,IO
Mitt western itlTss®l.a: MOOJbj. wMW
STettLSaiXS. Eye Aim. Belee IS.MBtaetete
ttlMpric- Berler oidet. Belie 1100 ba Mime
CauSert Tie; 1000 be cute it SIX. Ones &Mr
request Ibrexportud biße ommutlattet le>
hJtiecc. BBlesXH.Mlbuiteiasseibr (Umeged
mixed western; 56®58e for Interior to cornmnw
do; 59®flDc far good to prime whipplegdo, a>drtc
for western yellow. Included in tae seise are •
000 bn mixed western in store at 506,' free of stor
age to rite 11th of November, and 5000 ba do to ar
rive, on pt. Oats were scarce and firm. Sales at"
-86®9Seto Canada, and &®BBc>to western and
.state. ... —— -•
Pbovibioks—Fork continues in good demand,.
chiefly speculative, and market firmer; sales 1880
brls at $15®15.8734 for foil weight mess, sls 85 for
uulnspeetea mess, $9.75®16.Q0 for prime.. -Beef
quiet and market steady; sales 100 bris, including
coo&try prime at s4®4 B(M»nnlry mass at $5®5J»,
r*packed mesa , at *9.OO®U-»r and extra mesa
at $1575®1860. Prune mess beef Inactive. Beef
hams quiet as $16@17 for western. Cat meets
• quiet Sales .SO packages at ' 5®534e for
•boulders; 534 ® 634 cto - bams. B eon
firm'asd in fair demand. Sales 160 hhds smoked
sides at 7c; 60 fahds dry salted sides at 734 c, -Lard
In moderate request. Market very firm. Sales.
225bt13 at834®934c- Batter firm at 7®lie for
Ohio; 123f®15c to state. Cheese tn fair request •
at 6®7c. .
Stocks—Dull and lower'; C&E I, 51; CAT,
87)4; 1 C scrip. 6734, b 60: Pan, 117 and 6D;
Mich So, 18J4; Hari, 13; NYC, 7834; Bsc Stall,
93>4; Tenn6a. 43; La 65,57; 8C65,55; MBgtd,
8834, s 60;
3234; Huda, 3834; Mica 8 per cents, 9334; U 8 ss,
’74, coupons, 5434.
BUFFALO, Oct. 16.— Flour— Pair demand and
Graik—Wheat in good' demand . and better. -
Sales, 16.000 bn Chicago spring at 96e: 6,000 bn do
at 37c; 53,000 hu Milwaukee club at $1.02; 6,000
bu Racine spring at 98c; 13.000 bu amber lowa at
$1.(3: 6XOO bn white Canadian at sl.lO. Com ac
tive, and in better demand; sales 60,000 bu at 43c;
17.000 bu at42#c; 29,000 bu at 43c; 18,000 bu at
43#c; 25,000 bu at -14 c. Oats 2®Bcl>etter; sales
25.000 bust 25c; 10,0C0bu atS6c. •
Canal Feeights—l6Xc for com, and 18#c for
wheat to New York.
Lake Imposts—lo,ooo brls flour, 278,000 bu
wheat, 119.000 bu coin, 16 000 bu oats.
Canal Exports—l,ooo brls flour, 249,000 bu
wheat, 145 000 bu com.
New lore Cattle Market*
NEW YORK, Oct. 16.—Beef cattle more steady
to-day under less reliable rates and a fair demand
from butchers. Receipts, 5.157 head. Ist quality
per cwt. $5.25®8.75; ordinary, $7.50@8; common,
S6.GQ®7; inferior, ss®6. Milch cows quiet.
Receipts, 97. Ist quality cows and calves, $45®50;
ordinary, s4o® 15; common, $30®35; inferior,
$22®28- veal in fair demand, with full prices.
Receipts, 507- Ist quality, per pound, s#®6c;
ordinary, 4#®s#c; common, 4j£®4Xc; inferior,
4®*jtf. Sheep and lambs were iu fair demand.
Receipts, 23,813. Prime quality, per head, $1.25®
4 50; ordinary. $3.25®4; common, $3.75®3.25;
inferior. $212@i50. Swine iu fair request. Re
ceipts. 9,587. Ist quality, 4J*®4J(c. Ocher quali
ties, 3#®3%C-
ARRIVED.... OcU 16.
Prop Meudota, Welch, Buffiilo, SO pkgs h wines,
100 do fish, sundries.
Baik Shephard, Atkins, Colbom, 131 cds wood.
Bark Ocean Wave, Id graham, Buffalo, 100 tons
Brig Ocean Eagle, Galligan, Buffalo, 170 m lum
Brig Geneva, Thompson, Sarnia, no m lumber,
20 m rhinglee, 60 mlath.
Schr Flshhawk, Ham, Manitowoc. 210 m shingles.
Schr Commencement, Fandes, Holland, 60 m lum
Schr Gipeey, Jimmereon, Muskegon, 100 m lumber,
60 m lath.
Schr Mary, Spratt, Grand Haven, 145 m lumber.
Schr Plying Cloud, Borland, Oswego, 183 tna coaL
Schr Curtis Man, Stringing d, Detroit, 163 cords
Schr Wm F Allen, Boyle, Kingston, 1500 sacks
Schr W H Craig, Wilson, Colborne, 40 cds wood.
Schr Sea Bird, Thomas, Buffalo, 170 tna coal.
Schr HN Gates, Welch, Manistee, 85 cds wood.
Schr 6 F Foster, Smith, Muskegon, 80 m lumber.
Schr Helen Kent, Retd, Chanotteville, 70 m lum
Schr E M Thayer, Schlobohm, Muskegon, 85 m
lumber, 40 xu shingles.
Schr Kitty Grant, Maloney, White Lake, 65 m
Schr Nightingale, Swectland, Buffalo, 200 tons
Schr Kewaxcnm, Cause, Grand River, 75 m lum
ber, 6000 lath.
Schr Spartan, Cherry, St Joseph, 55 cds wood, 8
tivgs fish.
Schr Midnight. Drake, Cleveland, 420 tons coal.
Schr E Bates, Peterson, Cleveland, 377 tons corL
Schr Contest, Rodgers, Buffalo, 210 tons coaL
Schr B H Baimoni'Burke, Buffalo, 1000 brls salt.
Schr Hero, Bunch, South Haven, 18 m lumber, 130
m staves.
Schr Berlin, Jennings, Buffalo, 600 brls salt.
Schr A C Raynor. Bruce, Buffalo, 200 tons coaL
Scow Mermaid, Thompson, White Lake, 25 cords
wood, 20 m timber.
Scow Hercules, Peterson. Muskegon, SOmlumber
Scow Almira, Miller, White Lake, 45 m staves, 120
m shingles.
Scow Boneteel, Christy, Muskegon, 45 m lumber.
Sloop Aranda], Johnson, South Haven, 80 bu
apples. SO bu peaches.
718 817 $1,134,520
293.463 1, >63,182
446.324 340,339
55,358 197,139
3,434 13,415
682,461 $1,172,825
203 464 1,265,266
669.482 371.249
17,018 51,323
CLEARED Oct, 16.
Prop Meodola, Welsh. Buffalo, 2,500 brls beef, 1,-
500 brls floor, SCO bags seeds, 10 tons sun
Akron, Caldwell, Ogdensburg, 2000 brls floor,
SCO brls pork, 100 bags seeds.
Prop Queen of the Lakes, Crarj. Buffalo, 3,300
brls flour, 1,165 brls beef, 1.200 hides.
SchrFlat-Hawk, Ham, Manitowoc.
Scbr Commencement, Fandes, Holland.
Schr Gipeey, Jimmersou, Muskegon.
Schr Mary, Spratt, Grand Haven,
Schr Fhaiarope. Herring, £nflalo.(18,000 bu com.
Schr Monsoon, Harris, Buffalo, 22,000 bu wheat.
Schr H. N. Gates, Welch, Manistee.
Schr Geo. F. Foster, Smith, Muskegon.
Schr Helen Kent, Reed, Charlottevule.
SchrE. M. Shoyer, Shobohm, Muskegon.
Schr Hero, Bench, South Haven.
Schr Spartan. Curry, Painter"* Pier.
Schr Butty Grant, Malooy, White Lakc,sobrla
Scbr union, Maes, Sarnia. 5,580 bu wheat.
Schr W. F. Preston, Pease, Oswego, 19,000 bu
SchrW. S. Nelson, Patton, Buflalo, 18,000 bu
Schr R H Harman, Burke, Buflalo, 15,000 bus of
Schr Berlin, Jenniug, Buffalo, 13,000 bus wheat.
Schr A C Raynor, Bruce, Buffalo, 16,000 busjwheat.
Scbr Sea Bird, Thomas, Buffalo, 17,000 has wheat.
Schr Kewaxcam, Gauae, Grand River.
Schr Bonsteed, Christy, Muskegon.
Glasgow, Ottawa, 3000 bn corn, 2000 bn wheat, 200
bn barley.
Torktowu, Utica, 4400 bn corn, 308 2>a hides, 1000
hn wheat. 5601bs butter.
Badger State, Ottawa, 5600 bn corn.
Lemont. Lockport, 4200 bu com, 80,823 lbs ship
Btnff, 75 brie flonr.
E Burnham, LaSalle, 145 tons coaL ]
Gold Eagle, La Salle, 2700 bu com, 2700 bu wheat.
Troubadour, Lcckport, 4000 bu com, 24 brla high
Marion, Seneca, 5300 bu com.
Lcckport, Lcckport, 4SOO bu com, 100 brla dour,
llTUTbabutter, 121!b8 mdze.
Gibraltar, La Salle,
Lick Overa'4, La Salle, 7309 bu oats, 193 brls salt,
C neida, Ottawa.
B P Bueley, Ottawa, 70.000 ft lumber,
Robt Holmes, Ottawa,
Luc’&Ann, Ottawa.
G C Morton, Ottawa, 53 503 ft lumber.
Clyde, Seneca, 40 brls salt.
B A Thorp, Joliet, 100 brls salt.
P Northrop, Joliet.
Lemont, Lcckport.
Geo Washington, Kankakee.
Passed Detroit, Oct. 14th- —Bound Up —Props
Mohawi, Fountain City and 17. S. steamer Michl
igan. The latter arrived. Prig Lewis; schra
York State audßreadnought.
Bound Down— Baxka Waverly, Arabia; brig
Venice; schrs Hanover. Seneca Chief, New Lis
bon, L J. Farwcll, L. B. fGoldsmitb, Kediterra
cean, Bonnie Boon, Fashion, B. K. Lummla, Bain
bow, Curlew, lharioaldi, Lucy Baab.
Weather—Pleasant, wind southwest.
CosFmnED. —The brig reported in our last issue
as having lost her jib boom, bowsprit and head
gear on the river, proves to be the Kenice, which
has since been towed here forrepalra. The schoon
er Lncy Baab, in the same tow. had her rail and
four or five stanneheons carried away amidships.
She has also arrived here and is undergoing re
pairs.—Bcfro/f Free Frees.
Ban Foul op—The hark weeney, while
sailing np the river St. Clair on Sunday, near Port
Huron, ranfonl of the schooner Avenger, which
lay at anchor in the stream, parting her chain and
drifting with, her over onto the Canada shore,
where both vessels lay at last accounts hard
asronnd. —lb
“Sailor Overboard —Jcrrj Leary, a seaman be
longing to the schooner York State, bound np,
was lost overboard from that vessel and drowned,
on Saturday merning last, when o S. Bound Eau
Point. While letting' go the anchor he was caught
by the buoy rope which jerked him overboard,
when he was not seen to rise.again. He resided
in Buffalo, where he leaves a'wife and two child
ren to mourn his untimely death.— DetnAt Advtr-
.. 2.75
... 2.60
-SH 2 *
... 2.25
... 2 87#
Vessels Passing theough the Welland Ca
Kal.—Wear© indebted to Cape. BPDorrforthe
following list of vessels passing through the Wel
land Canal:
Tenets Bound Wert. Wherefrom. Whereto.
On the 12th—
Prop Bay State,
Schr Cadet.
On t.e 14ih—
Schr Caroline, Montreal, Clerelaad.
Vessels bound Fast Wherefrom . Whereto.
Schr Miami Belle,
Schr Amazon,
Schr Catsraqui,
Schr Bane.
Ob the X4th—
Prop Tonne America, Detroit. Ogdenshurgh.
Brig E TV Cross. Milwaukee, Oswego.
Brig J S Harvey, Chicago, do
Schr M A Eankib, Cleveland, do
Schr Pierpcnt, Toledo, do
Schr Ellington, Cleveland, do
Schr Buttles, Pt Stanley, Kingston.
Schr Emperor, Ft Stanley, do
SchrEHPeck, . Chicago, Oswego.
Schr Exchange, Chicago ' do
Schr Augustus Ford, Toledo, do
Schr Empire State, Toledo, do
Schr JCKigce, Detroit, Ogdenshurgh.
ScfcrHelen. Toledo, KJngston.
Yeesels discharging at the Elevators—
Bark Plymouth, Chicago, Chicago.
Schr Huntress, do 4°
Schr B Parson, do do
"■ biiitmt nsnunn u> «*iu-
FtJLTOS. ILL-. and Win “P®* fji’S?
am: CoDeslate Connea. onßcpt.lStJL
Se bkiTSrerte upsienew SicnOT.
pemtmenta and excellent appliances, bjta .regular
d*r KieSaoer of United Buiea *rmy- Stadeaadreas
mcnilbra. Tmaai-fiTS -perfc^colyear fbrboart,-
Uabts » whin p and tultloala
Exedlent acwminodatloni lor
the same
slant care of the teaebou Address
8. (T-TEBf. FT^dW't_gult2^LS-i^^^S£S—2--
3,000 to 4,000 lens »f Bq|tri*r Pastue,
Mnetetbr TJmothy, Blue «ru» and Be4-Tt», w«a
vattredud fenced,
neien County; XUiboM, FOR.BEST. -
large droves'of Cattle, 'desirona of
p&oW me- esnhe sceocontodated ttn eastsmhead
ofrmoEth. .If dedred arraogemesta «aa bemads tor
feediTE Cora dnrice the .winter, tbe crop-ol which
never waa better 1b nits rexlon.than V. la tins season.
Apply toILL. SULLIVAST, livur, Cbampaisn
Cooptr. CL -- • h ocUtoo^Sx
VT Bevalrertofali Unda. Oaeerv’Sworis,Belts.
Bachcs.ec. BowieXnivtiand IDltery uooda. Oan
Matsial. Soleagent foe Powder. AllkicdA
.Oct. 15
Ogd’nsb'gh .Toledo.
Toronto, Erie. -
Toledo, Oswego.
Cleveland, do
Detroit. Kingston.
Milwaukee, do
jffHgttn gufow
X so
jijvb mjvb eijv he jib
112,114,116 Lake Street.
ejatiausau ftouste.
Wholesale Dealers
boots m shoes
We have removed nearly opposite oar old stand to
the commodious double store,
Ses. 29 and 31 Lake Street,
comer Wabafh Avenue, where we shall be happy to
receive our old customers and as many new ones as
may be induced to call onus. We have now Instore
In this market, which we shall offer at prices that can.
not fall to convince our Northwestern Merchants It
will be for their interest to boy oi us Instead of going
East. To close
We wonld particularly recommend an examination of
our stock belore purchasing elsewhere.
Cheap for Cash.
1861 - - - FALL TBADE - - - 1861
81&83--SoDtli Wxter Street...Bl &83
To which, they call the attention of the Trade.
72,74 &76 Lake Street,
Buyers are invited to Examine.
Jobbers, Dry Goods Crockers, Ac.
Hardware, tin plate
Established in 1844.
176 Lake Street) Cbleaco.
Having received our Spring Stock, we offer
At the very lowest market rates,
4,0n0 Boxes Tin Plate, assorted sizes.
B£CC Bdls. Sheet Iron, No. 16 to No. 26.
6,tCO Lbs. Copper Bottoms.
iOCO Lbs. Brarler’a Copper _ _
LSC3 Bdls. Bright Wire, No. 0 to No. 25.
IfO Casks Sheet Zinc, assorted widths.
7ACO Bdls Best Fence wire, No. 7. 8 and 9.
6J503 Kegs Nalls. Wheeling and other prime brands.
tion* at Factory prices. _
A complete assortment of Cutlery, Shelf Hardware,
Ulmer's too la Japauedand Pressed Tin ware, and
Tinner’s Goods ol all descriptions, upon as favorable
terms as the goods can be procured from any market.
Saihlerg ?bari)toar?, &c.
Hew York. 1 Chicago. I Cincinnati, Ohio.
No. 338 Randolph Street,
Att now teeming from their maaufictoriea at
Carriage Materialst
Wblch, tegetber with b complete aasorteeat of
BEAMLESS GKAUf BAGS of Tarlon* ilsss and
FLOUR—Halrea. Quarter* and Eight*. printed to
order of any. desired pattern.
bam SACKS—Every size used.
GDKJTT BAGS—Two or Three Bushel*..
Commission Merchants. Millers. Grocer* and
Tlalcn Dealers will find Jaat toe article* wantedto.ow
stoclc. Order* soil cited-
Hobs, £ pokes. Felloes,
{.balls, Bows,
Springs and Axles,
C .A. S H
At Price* that will not he Undersold
H»re ilnii on band the Urgest uortmest or
OAln and SemloeU
harness leather,
Eois« Cellars, Horse BUokets, Ac.,
WUeb, together with ereiTtUsg pertaining to the
ThejwQl sen at prices which caaaotfSß to stress*
- gstatel taction
public Rouses.
MATTKSON house, chi-
XTJL CA9o.—On sad after this date oar rates of
Board wfflhe reduced to
81.80 Por D»y< -
3188*1* A SOODlgpH
cuneo. sept, ran, ran.
Xu. HUM mm; ww oeertora.
Tie Uiun WUdanni»
ilho vffl ippur in Us woiM-resownfld diwtu o4
THTTESDAT; Oct ins. wfllbe pteenW StaW*.
pesse's greet Ccmedy of the
Sir Jobs ZUrtaff. l...^Mr.H«ckrtt;
MuterPilt... -
- , ~ ' "'wm goimarl
GusoDiics. »..Jlißß JxsanßiffiL.
To conclude'wUhtta rotting Circe of .
Hr. Mjv*.
Imliy ~ Mrs. Mjeza. i
O —THUEBDAT EVKNINB tliere will Tie e Keul
val Held in tte WEST BASKET HALL for toe bene,
fit of the families of the *9
b«m Teftival is arranged by the Scandinavian L&dlea
and It is Hoped that the public win
raircnlze them as they deserve, their object being toe
nNFestElnxte ttreet. and at toe door. oelSx-t
70 U?ht Guard Band would respect
’ibllc that Uicj have opened an Of-
X The CU9|fc.
fall; imcrm tllik! 1
lice at r^fW
9* Cer.Betrten,
- And arc to farnlsh Music for .
On resS^|ft£ le term*.
Office hoars from 30 nniaM A.-
51*. M. An; order* left at former once vmbe
promptly aitepdtdto. • A oc yjuw
Corner Madison and Clark sts.—Entrance on iladlion,
Claes cpcn at a’l times for bejinnrrii.
Childbxh’s Glass ererr Tuesday aaii sariraay. ra>
rents only allowed as Tititora. AssemU>7 every Taes
d*y nleLt forScbolarr and Friends, and n«J, *“■
mlttto eicepttncaelntrodacedby scbolari,
flee Box lOJi mnakSWSm
dfot Salt.
OK SALE—A Scholarship in
-L Bryant * Stratton’s Commercial Colles£ AV"
plyto t. S. WELLS, of tiia arm of Sattcrlce. We®
& FMilkcer. at 64 Lake state. oclfixlmV
'C'OR SALE—House and Lot on -
JL Edina Place, north of Harrison street at $1,C09. ’**>w
Hocee and Lot cnEdlna Place, north of Harrison, *j soq
Lot •• ** •• “ si.«oo 1
Lot *• •• BOath “ a ,-JW
cc'CxatJ Apply to PETER SIUMP, 16T State street.
'C'OR SALE—A beautiful Family
J. Fcrsewith Bnggy and Harness for sale. Igqolre
FOR SALS—A Paneled Rock
auav. nearly new, snd:ln good order, will be
lold for half its value. Inquire at PJtNDYMtR’S Shop
on Adams, near State street. oc!2sfit
F}R SALK - House and Lot, 231
Wabash avenue. The home w« wall built, and
has gas and water. The lot Is in a pleasant part of ths
city, and is the highest point of ground in the South
Division. Address L. bOSSITSH. Lake Forest.
SALE—AIso, famished s'eeplng room with or
without the renting of the rooms. Bent of the two
only 1800 per month. Location one of tuebeat
for Beal Estate or Broker Da-lmrp. For information
address “E.NV Fcst Office 8ex3701. oci6xlt
kJ SALE OB TO BENT.—The Steam Flouring MQI
situated on Casal ilrett, between Lake and Randolph
streets, known aa the -Dearborn illU*," containing
three run of stone. Apply on the premises or to Box
4098. Chicago Pott Office. ocl6.gjg.lw
Clear, two vrv handsome Cashmere Goate.
Apply at BOYINGTOITS Ll-ery and Sale Stable, 78
Stare street, between Randolph and Washington sti.
VJT FIXTURES FOR SALE.—Tho stock ani fix
tures of one of the oldest first class Familv Biocery
Stores In this city. Inquire of B, £L COUNTIS3
Comet Clerk and Van Buren ?ts. oca*773-2w
V_/’ The Fixtures and trade of an
Old and Wtll-EstaWisSui Coal Business,
Well located fbrwhclesal* and tetaO trade, can be
bought*.! a reasonable price. Address Post Office
Box 3423. se:9-K6S-3.ua
BOARDING. —Suits of room; and
tingle rooms can be obtained with board at 288
State *tr«.t Also, a few day boarders can bt a corn
mod a ted. cclSiUw
BOARDING. —A gentleman and
his wife and two single gentlemen, can be ac
commccatedwithplea-an: Rooms and Biard at 84
Adam? street. oclCxlw
BOARDING. —Two front rooms
to let with board to a gentleman and wife, or
single eemkmen, on reasonable terms. Apply to 61
Wabwu avenue, comer of Randolph street. oclSxiw
"DOARDItsG.—A piivate family
JLa on Wabash Avenue, a short distance from the
Post Office, offers oce or two large well furnished
rooms to parlies desirous of a nice and pleasant home.
Those eeekirr cheap board neednot apply. Applica
tion, givieg names and pr isen;residence. «U1 he duly
noticed and answered. Address 44 B. F..** Tribune
Office. oeruese
DOARDING.—A gentleman and
X' wife, and f.ur single gentlemen, will find pleas
ant roems, larnh-hed or uaiurtlshed, with hoard, at
118 Soutu Lasalle street—a desirable location.
BOARDING. —A suite of unfurn-
Isbed rooms to rent -with board. In a private
family, centrally located, suitable for a gentleman and
wife. For farther particulars address “ Inquirer.”
Tribune Office. oc a 2.g854.6t
"DOABDING.—A gentlemen and
Jj his wife, or two gentlemen, wishing board with
& large a* d p'ea:-ant room in a central location, w.ll
find such by appljlneatßS La?alls street, corner of
Washlngtoa, opposite the Court House Square.
BOARDING. Desirable rooms
with board may now be had >t 49 Van Boren
street, third door east of State street. ocTxaa
"DOABDING.—A few gentlemen
J3 and families can be accommodated with board
and pleasant rooms at No. 69 Micniganavenne. Also,
a few day boarders. References exenanged. ocSzlm
ttnxeral ’Notices.
CTBAYED—From the subscriber,
KJ state Street Mills, 3T5 State street, a bay year
ling nure Colt, with a white spot In forehead. Who
ever will return said Colt to tae undersigned will be
liberally rewarded. EoclSxSt] JACOB EHEMAN.
r pTTG £ C. BLISH.—Any pspjon
_L having claims against Tug S. C. Bllsh nn.
quested to xorward the same, duly certified to dp un.
ofre'gned fbr payment. Address W. H. BASSE &
SON, Detroit. Mich. P.O. Drawer 313. ocijxlia
JLVi In Drawings of August 17th, 1861,
No. 5.155 drew No. 18.172 drew *50,000; No.
26,153 drew *30.000; No. 2,004 drew *l«<000; Na 17.547
drew *o,rc<3; belae the five principal wires. Prizes
cashed and information furbished by TAYLOR & CO-,
£ ankers. 16 ’Wall street, New York, suicessora of
Chase A Co. oclSzlw
Of everv dcsgjintioa furnished on
short notice., and printed with
Sew sol Bantifn Brenda.
r T
For Sale Low by
aei7 gC4O-liD 42 and 41 LAKE STREET.
EAST, ASTEN & CO. 157 Booth Watar-st, Chicago.
B. B. Ct.aRK * CO. 123 Broad street, New Tori.
MitimwniiM AJtPDUAUawiW
Sacs of iSvery Description.
Mfflm* and Grocers’ Bags made and printed to or
der with heantifol bran da. New and second-Gand
Seamless Grain and Gunny Bags. lor Shippers. Hillers
and Farmers'use. Bags lor Flour, Buckwheat, Feed.
Hams. Sait. Seed, Ac. „
0T Orders filled with fidelity and dispatch. Bags
loaned to shippers. myS-.y
Flttsburcb, Ponru,
Seamless drain Bags,
iiS OF
BS indies to. 40 Indies vide.
•V? We-are prepared to receive" orders iron the
trade. ieu*as4F
Gas, Steam -fitting
- 64 EanUle Street, CUaci,
pwnr.wa 9 -
us mutt. **• umim
Kind* o; St©aa£. 'W’orSc,
Oe trade silled a«ac»fk to*.
Bta, steam Utoaa and Plnmbia* TTthlkm BoSUc_
«wg «mi Broasing gone to order. -
&r Maeutoctocr W eadia KratWetisgtoe
Tnkr. PJtor.