Newspaper Page Text
SHje C titan*. THURSDAY, MAT 1,1863. THE CITY. tST' The Preparatory Class for boys at Dyh- Jx-Llurth’s College and School of Trade, opens tow at 9 a. h. «mdcloses at S r. at. The monthly meeting of the Board of of the Home of Aged Indigent Fe males will be held this (Thursday) afternoon, tit the Home, 157 4th Avenue. jgp We notice that Buck & Bayner, 98 Clark street, arc getting their elegant soda* Crater apparatus in readiness for the approach ing hot season. Trade Bale or Crockery, Glassware, Cutlery, &c.—The attention of the trade is Invited to the sale of the above goods, tiffs morning at o’clock, by Gilbert, Sampson & Warner, No. 58 Lake street. : The Post Office.—The Chicago Post Office Will, after this date, until further notice, be opened at seven o’clock A. M. and close at eight P. M. On the Sabbath day It will open at half-past eight, and dose at a quarter past ten A. M. - Elijah.—The oratorio of Elijah, under the direction of Hans Balatka, which has for gome time been in preparation, was success fully rehearsed last evening. The Society having the matter in charge are doing all that Is'possible to produce a perfect reading of the production. For Chicago Soldiers.—Mr. Charles Fink, of this city, is to leave for the army at Pitts burg Landing on Saturday morning, and will undertake to deliver such packages as the friends of soldiers there stationed maj' leave at the Garden City House previous to Friday night- May Day.—This, the supposed day of May flowers, white dresses and happy feces, has again arrived. Suggestive of all these things, It many times falls to produce them. It may, however, do better this time, the pleasant weather of yesterday promising the same for to-day. May that promise be fulfilled. Promoted.—Captain W. A Murfcy, until lately connected wUhtheUnited States Army, in the Subsistence Department, has recently been appointed to the office of Military Di rector and Superintendent of Railroads for the Government, for this vicinity. CoL D. C. McCallnm is at the head of this branch of business, with headquarters at Washington. A Correction. —"We -were in an error with reference totliefina of Barrett, Powell & Co., in saying that they put one of their roofs upon the Richmond House. They covered the new Sherman and the remodelled Tremont House, and this was what we meant to have Written. 'As to what we stated as to the ex cellence of their work, we have no correction to make. Removal op a Banking House.—By an advertisement which appears in our columns this morning, our readers will be pleased to notice that the banking house of Mr. James Boyd, of late located at No. 40 Clark street, has been removed to No. 3S Clark street, in the basement of what is known as the Ex change Bank Building. The new and commo dious quarters will prove an actual accommo dation to his rapidly increasing array of cus tomers, as well as to the proprietor and em ployes of the banking house. Personal.—F. A- Eastman.of this city, for several year? past connected with the press of Chicago and Milwaukee, has received the ap pointment of Volunteer Aid-de-Camp to Brig adier General Charles S. Hamilton, command ing a Division before Torktown. CoL East man has a host of friends in this vicinity, who will send with him to the seat of war their warm wishes for his welfare and safe return. The division of the army to which he will be attached is largely made up of Western troops. Wc congratulate him upon his position. The New City Banner.—The new piece of bunting sent to the breeze from the cupola of the Court House on Tuesday is a fine affair. The flag-staff is seventy-five feet in length, ar.d ten inches in diameter at the foot, gradu ally tapering to four inches at the top. Its base is thirty-five feet belowtho extreme sum mit of the dome, consequently Its altitude above.the dome Is forty feet. The flag is of the best English material, thirty-six feet long and twenty feet wide, and is denominated a full-sized garrison flag. Long may it wave. Wuxn She Will Sue Will.—ln looking np the assets of a man, lately deceased, by the name of Matthew Higgins, Judge Br&dwell, of the County Court, had brought before him a few days since one Mary Hogan. She testi •ficd that when Higgins died he had S3OO on his person, but the money was not found, and the woman refused to say whether she took It or not. She was committed to jail for con tempt, and at latest accounts was still obsti nate and persisted in remaining u mum *’ up on the subject in question. A &OLDIEB Dbow>-ed.— Some persons standing at the foot of Dearborn Street, upon the dock, noticed, at noon yesterday, the body of a man floating in the river. It was hauled to the shore, the Coroner sent for, and in the afternoon an inquest was held. The hody was recognized by a drayman to he that of James Casey, a soldier in the Irish Brigade, and had evidently been in the water several days. It was dressed In the usual United States uniform, overcoat and aIL In the pantaloons pockets were found a pass in and out of camp, dated April 25th, a comb, and eighty cents in saver coin. A verdict of “ found drowned, 11 was rendered by the jury. I>usrx.—The terrible mud of the past few weeks has now given way to as much of dust ns such a mess only could leave, which dust 5s If anything more annoying than its dirty predecessor. Thickly clouding the air, It fills the nostrils and throat almost to suffocation, while it covers the clothing with a mantle of dirty grey, anything but pleasing to the sight Or touch. This state of things must not last long or we’ll all turn grey. A good time, how ever, is coming. By an ordinance of the Com mon Council, passed some few weeks since, the City Railway Companies are required, on and after the first day of May, to sprinkle all the streets upon which their lines are locited. Tbe time has now arrived, and we have no doubt the Railway Companies will fulfill the requirements of the ordinance. At least, we hope they will. The Half Oeuhjls Asylum.—The lady managers of the Nursery and Half Orphan Asylum being compelled, by the large iu “crease of children tbrown upon their care, os * consequence* of the present condition of af fair*, to remove their Institution to a larger and more commodious building, need many articles of furniture. Those who are about Temoxtns or selling out will do them a great faror If they -will give them any aritcle or arti cles which they may happen to thinV ol little or no mine. They will be useful to them and contribute to the comfort of the numerous helpless little children under their charge. A note addressed to Mr*. Samuel Howe, comer of Pine and Erie streets, or to Mrs. 0. E. Hos mcr, No. 113 Cass street, will receive immedi ate attention, or, if more convenient, articles may be sent to the Nursery, northwest comer of Michigan and Pine streets. Bobberies.—The safe of John E. Hodson, Esq., a commission Merchant, at No. 195 Kin zie street, was feloniously despoiled of the sum of sl3 yesterday forenoon, while the pro prietor of the place was standing In the front part of his store. The robber has not yet been captured. Another instance of the same character turned out rather more disastrously for the thief and more pleasantly for the persons rob* bed. Yesterday afternoon the store of Messrs. Jones & Lnughlin, comer ofßiver and Dock streets, vu entered bv a bold and desperate freebooter, ■who “tapped their till’* to the tune of S4O, and was gallantly making his es cape when detected by a clerk In the estab lishment by tbe name of Brigham. The robber ran. Brigham ran too, and they both ran, as though possessed by ten thousand fiends, out ■upon the street, down one thoroughfare and up another, the depredator still ahead, but the clerk following close upon his heels. Brig ham was the better winded of the two. The east & glance over his shoulder, saw that he was bound to be caught unless he could play a trick that would baulk his follower. He had but a moment to ponder the subject, and needed less. 'With an energetic dash, he skipped up a flight of stain leading to a resi dence on Wabash avenue, bolted in at the front door, unannounced, and baited the door upon the *ngu in chase But here fortune forsook Wm; he was caught !by the ser vwts, locked up, end upon informationlodged by the young in waiting without, a police officer was sent for and the dazing robber car ried off in triumph to the cells of the armory. Tbe money was all recovered, and the thief, who gave fait name as John Watson, will be examined at the police court this forenoon. A Bai Smuh a ltp. At a quarter past one o'clock this morning; the frame building on Wash ington street, between Clark and Dearborn, occupied, by Dr. J. Phillips, Oculist and Eye Infirmary, tell to the ground from the piles supporting It, effectually smashing a large glass case in front, containing barometers, opera glasses, spectacles, artificial cyesj &c., <fcc.; infect, everything in the shape of glass, about the establishment, was broken in pieces. The building is owned by Roberts, Esq, Dr. Phillips’ loss, which can hardly be esti mated at this hour (2 a* ft), will not be less than SSOO, and possibly may roach SI,OOO. For tunately no person was In the building at the time of the crash. Aldermanic Dignity vs. Military haw, Avery “heavy” case came up before Jus tice DeWolf and a jury yesterday, in which Peter Shimp, Alderman elect from the Second Ward, charged that Lieut John Healey, of Company A, Irish Brigade, did “unlawfully assault and heat the said Peter Shimp,” near Camp Douglas, on Sunday last It seems that on that eventful day, Mr. Shimp, in company with three other gentle men (not .aldermen) went to Camp Douglas, Shimp telling his companions that he could gel them in. Applying at the gates, the guard refused to allow them to pass, upon which the party moved along some little distance stopping at an aperture in the enclosure, where one of them mode a remark to a pris oner within, eliciting a curt rejoinder. Lieut, Healey, of the 23d' Regiment, who was on guard at the time, upon this ordered the party away from the fence. The idea 1 A military officer issuing orders to an Aider man ! It was too much; it could not be home; and Aldermanlc dignity at once an nounced that Lieut Healey was an “ upstart,”' a “hireling,” a “servant,” and that said Aldermanlc dignity paid said servant “Up start's” turn then came, who, mildly sug gesting that if he was “Alderman’s” servant, “Alderman” himself was a “Government sponger,” &e., and putting his hand upon “his master,” called the police guard, and ordered them to arrest “ that man,” which was accordingly done, and Peter Shimp, Alder manic dignity and all, ignominiously con signed to “ White Oak.” In a short time Mr. Shimp was released, and left the camp with the stem- determination of having ample reparation for the indignity put upon him—said determination culminat ing in the complaint upon which Healey was arrested; complaint terminating in the fol lowing finding of the jury: “ We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty as charged in the warrant,” with the gratuitous recommen dation of one of the jury, that the “prosecu tor have another dose of 1 White Oak’ on his next visit.” The case was conducted on the part of the complainant by T. S. Howe, Esq., Coh Mulli gan appearing for the defense. Camp Donglai. Affairs at Camp Douglas were rather dull yesterday, about the only item worthy of note being the visit of Gen. McArthur to the camp at about noon, a salute of eleven guns being fired in his honor. About fifty members of Company A, 49th Tennessee, had the pleasure of sunning them selves within a very narrow circle of sentinels through the day yesterday, minus their ra tions, for indulging their love of Innocent recreation in throwing stones and other mis siles at the sentinel on duty on Tuesday night. It will probably teach them better. Three deaths have occurred among the pris oners since onr last report, as follows: W. J. Ayers, Co. D, 3d Mies... Jas. Spears, Co. I, llth Ark.. J. Spurlock, Co. E, 42d Term. Previously reported Total deaths, Rumored Recovery of tho Body of Governor Harvey, A rumor was in circulation in the city dur ing yesterday that the body of the late Louis P. Harvey, Governor of Wisconsin, had been recovered two and a half miles south of Sa vannah, on the Tennessee river, by a colored man, the slave of A. M. Browles, residing on a plantation in that vicinity. The story was told to us by Charles Fink, lately from Savan nah, who seemed positive of the reliability of his Information. He states that the persons having the remains in charge are now on their way to this city and will soon arrive. It ap pears strauge, If the rumor is correct, that no telegraphic announcement of the fact of find ing the body has been received here. ARKGSEfIUBIiTS, The “ Octoroon,” which has attracted excellent houses atMcVicker’e Theatre during the week, is to be presented this evening for the last time. Readers who have not beheld a representation of the play should attend. Mr. Chanfrau, as “Unde Pete,” is very laugh able. The other characters are well per formed. Hooley & Campbell's Minstrels had an excellent house at Metropolitan Hall last eve ning. Their very short season here has been successful. They always give a truly artistic and deserving entertainment, and take with them from Chicago the best wishes of a host of friends and admirers. The performances of George Christy's Operatic Concert Troupe at Bryan Hall, not 'withstanding the number of professionals In the city, draw good audiences nightly. We refer the reader to their card in another col- umn. The patrons of the Post Office, and per* sons having business on Custom House Place, can but have noticed the flaming pain tings of the Aztec Children, the African Earth-woman, and the famous lat woman, Mrs. Batereby, from Maine, and her skeleton husband, there posted. The exhibition within the tent is worthy the attention of the grave, the gay, the old and the young. The fat woman is handsome as well as fat; the Aztecs.full of antics; the bush-woman plays the piano; the skeleton plays the fiddle, and all to be seen at email expense. Two Circuses, Sands and Mabie’s, are ad vertised to open here shortly. The Wholetale Trade. The secret of selling goods low In these days consists In buying with cash and watch ing the market close, Bowen Brothers pur sue tills method, and from daily receipts from importers and auction, and otherwise, are of fering a most attractive variety of seasonable goods at reduced prices. We call attention to their advertisement and thankfully record the fact for the benefit of onr readers in the country as well as city dealers. Reform School lor Girls. An appropriation has been provided for la the current expenses for the year, to be ap plied for the establishment In the city of a Reform School for Girls, to be nnder the charge of the Board of Guardians of the Re form School. The following is the portion of the act of the Legislature calling for the School: Sec. 7. The Board of Guardians of said Re form School are hereby authorised and em powered in their discretion to establish a branch Reform School, tor girls tinder the age of sixteen and oyer the age of sir years, and for that purpose to purchase such lands, and erect such buildings, as In their judgment are required. And such girls may for the same causes, and by tbe same Courts, and in the same manner, be sentenced and commit ted to said Branch Reform School, that boys may be to the Reform School; and all ordi nances of the City, and statutes of the State, relative to the power, management and con trol of said Reform School by the Board of Guardians are hereby made applicable to said Branch Reform School, and the same powers are delegated to and vested in the same; and all ordinances and statutes regulating the { powers and duties of Police Magistrates, Jus- ; tices ol tbe Peace and other Courts, and of the Commissioner, shall In all respects be made applicable to girls under tbe age of sixteen sears and over the age of-slx years, where they are found to be vagrant, or destitute of proper parental care, wandering about the streets, committing mischief, or leading a'vi cious life, or are found in the streets or high ways, or public places, in circumstances of want, or suffering, or neglect, or exposure. Wo loam that the Board of Guardians will take early action upon the subject. It Is time. Fires ard Alarms of Fire,—The store and dwelling of J. Rcnne, corner of Hals ted and Wilson streets, was partially consumed about five o'clock yesterday morning. It is not known how the fire originated. Loss on buildings and goods, SI,OOO. Insured in the Firemen's for SI,OOO. At half-past twelve, P, yesterday, & fire broke out In tbe tin and sheet iron manufac tory of Cbis. Donfield, No. 174 Randolph street. The steamers extinguished it before it hardly showed itself The building Is own ed by Wm. Jones, and is damaged to the ex tent of about SIOO. Mr. Dorrfleld’s loss is about sloo* No ihsuranee. Supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Liw ramuosKOß. Crscnr court or. Come Oomrrr— Before Judge JfojrfSTre.—No, 91,617—Mary Updike et& T s. Hen ry S. Updike; repoftof Master filed, confirmed, and decree for petitioner, and appointment of comxnisrionera; ~ ’ ■<**.■■■ Tbe Ukitss States and Svraooa Courts have adjourned over until the next term, commencing Mopdky.Mayß.lSß.' ' fy Catarrh, or Odd In the Head, relieved .by “ Brtncn'e Bronchial Troche i,” orCougb Lozenges. Their Name is Legion.—The 51st Regl- ment Illinois, volunteers, known a* the Chi • cage Legion, have been in active service during the last three months, and are without their regimental colors. We learn friends of this fine corps, whoso number is also have taken the mat ter in hand, and ordered a superb set to be presented at an early day. Any who wish to add their mite towards a well deserved compliment to these, our brave Chicago hoys, can have an oppor tunity by calling on Messrs. H. C. Livingston & Co., 181 South Water street, or Munson, the stationer, at 140 Lake street. Wedding and ** Cali" Cards, netc eiyUs, written and engraved, by the “ Yankee Card Writer ,” at Sherman House. Mail two red stamps for samples. ap2Mt BoAimmo. Desirable suits of unfurnished rooms. May Ist, Nos. 1 and 8, Van Boren street. aprtl 6t |3?“ A good s> le hanger wanted. Apply to E. G. L. Faxon, TO Lake street. ’ ap94-p743 XST" Go to John Jones, 119 Dearborn at., and get your clothes cleaned and repaired. _ novl9 ; Call on Dtujlop, Sewed &SpaJdlng for Printing.” Buy paper hangings of Chase Jt Co., 109 Randolph street. mh 29-Sm Gab Firroro.—Careful workmen to move and put up gas fixtures and gas pipe at 182 Lake street, H. M. Wllmarth ap!7-15t. Gab Fixtures#—’The place to get new styles at low figures, 183 Lake street, H M Wllmarth ap 17-15t Pr For cleaning and dying gentleman’s clothes go to Cook £ McLean, 98 Dearborn-street. This old establiehedhonse do better and cheaper work pum any In the city. ebJl-ly FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. MONETAE Y. Wednesday Eve.. April SC, 1862. The telegraph Informs us that the Secretary of the Treasury is paying all claims against the Gov ernment, of a dato (previous to February Ist, In foil; forty per cent, on February claims, and thirty per cent, on all others. The new issue of legal tender notes is thus relieving a very large number of meritorious contractors, and the Kew York papers are all noticing Its effect upon the money market of that city. Deposits rose some ten millions last week. One banking house in this city received some $250,000 to-day, of claims long since past due. The disbursements of the Gov ernment are producing greater ease in the money markets East and West, and the question hare, as in the seaboard cities,ls,bow bankers are to employ their snrplus funds safely and profitably. The ar rivals of vessels from the lower lakes is anxiously watched, and it is hoped that the demand which has been slowly increasing will soon be largely augmented. The taking of Kew Orleans and the abundance of money is producing a marked effect upon the price of stocks. Government 7 3-10 bonds went up to 23£ premium in Kew York to-day. In our tele graphic column the prices for the day will be found. New York Exchange continues firm and rather scarce The range in price is so small that a small variation in the market is sensibly felt. Thebuy ing price is pay par; selling X to customers; but wc presume outsiders, by some of the banks at least, would be charged )%. The stringency cannot last beyond a very few days, for the large ship ments of produce will be very sore soon to relievo the market. Gold is firmer. Host buyers were willing to-day to pay 1)6 per cent, premium. The selling price was per cent. The tendency was decidedly to the upper figure, and that was the rate on all re tail parcels. —Willard & Kean, bankers, have removed from No. 8 Clark street to No. 1 Clark street, comer of South Water, where they will continue to transact a general banking and exchange business. See their card. Milwaukee.— The Sentinel of this morning says: Business was rather quiet in the money market yesterday, and exchange dull and heavy. Round euros were sold pretty freely at below the current hank rate, and the ruling buying rate was not probably higher than X premium. Gold was dull, end bank customers readily supplied at 2 per cent. We quote: Buying. Selling, premium, premium. New York exchange X© X ?«© % Specie IX© 2 @2^ Treasury notes % y» New York.—The Evening JPoet of Monday has the following; Money is easy at 5@6 per cent, on call. There is a good demand for prime paper at sQfi)4, ac cording to the date and the preferences of the buyer. Gold is active and scarcely so firm as on Satur day. All the sales were at 101#. Exchange on London is quiet at 112@119X- The Weekly Bank statement again shows an in crease in every department. The Increase of d© posits is very large, nearly $7,000,000. The loans exceed $125,000,000. The comparison with last week is as follows: April 19—Loans $183,070,263 26 “ 125.036,825 Increase April 19—Specie “26 “ Increase Increase A]3ril 19—Net deposits, Increase - The World of Monday says Foreign exchange is firm. The quotations of the banking firms for sixty day sterling bills are prime commercial UI&QiISX, and with bills of lading attached, Oa Paris, 5 07^@5.02>tf; Bremen, 80?i®81J£; Amster dam, 4S®43#; and Hamburg. 86»£©37J£- Gold is in steady demand at 1%@1% premium. Fobeigk Costkebcb ox Nxw Tons.—The fol lowing is the comparative statement of the ex ports (exclusive of specie) from the port of New York for the week endltg April 34 and since January 1 1860. 1851.- 1862. For tbe-n-eek.... $1,536,424 2,084,470 1,831,629 Frey, reported... 24,593,518 38,817,977 87,361,831 SlnceJan. 1.. .$28,129,937 40,899,747 39,193,460 The following Is the comparative statement of the Imports of rorelgn drygoods and general mer chandise for the week ending April 35, and sines Jan. 1: 1860. 1861. 1863. Dry goods $1,703,488 893,061 537,503 GenTmorc'ndßO. 8,446,766 1,710,936 9,815,061 Total for week. $4,150,258 Prev.reported... 74,893,567 66,176,849 68,338,181 Since Jan. 1...579,M3,* Comparisons of specif years: .$18,009,683 8,876,296 7,174,6*6 14.809,668 1858 9.943,889 1857 8,671,581 It is remarkable that the proportions of imports of merchandise and exports of prodace this year and last are nearly the same, and according to the “ balance of trade theory ” our exports or specie and rates for foreign exchange ought to be the same in both years. The foots are not so, and Il lustrate in a striking manner the depreciation of our paper currency compared with that of Great Britain. The following table places the statistics together for comparison Years, Imports. IMS ~555,630,686 $39,193,460 1861 68,280,336 40,399.747 Specie exports. 66 day atari's ex. Oa Paris. 1669.. $12,909,688 lUJf@ll*Jf 5.07V@5.0’# 1861.. 2,676,996 100 @lO6 6.55 @5.40 The specie exports increased about five times, and the enormous differences In exchange are caasod mainly by paper expansion or depreciation of our corrency. The merchandise imports and exports have certainly not caused them, as may be seen by the comparisons given above, which slightly favor this year. COMftIERCIAIi. WcDKaanaT Btektkg, April 80. oti.bjp** yoS LAST TWBXTT-VOCR HOUBS. Flour Wheat Corn Oats Bye. Bar. bris, bo. bn. bu. bo. bo. Canal 42842 GsCUER... JW9 4103 1962 841114 1052 8188 A 896 700 8160 600 mCBB 955 4200 8850 510 CB&QRB... S2BO 1081 4053 .... 2847 .... C&NV88...1865 SI6O S3 1589 €B3 413 A&StLBE SISO 116 Total 7M4 13193 58049 9683 5613 1580 .7844 13193 58049 9683 5613 1590 Seeds he'd LH*gs TalTw Cattle Hides lbs. fts. No. lbs. No. 4bs. .. . . SSSI6 .... IXII9 e«CUEE6S» 8188 m CBR 1130 ICD 170 17 7965 CBiOBE. . 16518 .... 371 109 2STT C&NW.... 100 .... 118 .... 15 8334 AAStL... 13S8 Total 7440 61154 978 11660 914 83761 emreBNTS bt lues labt twxhtt-poub houbs. Floor Wheat Com Oats Eye, Bar brla. bn. bn. bn. bo. bn. To Buffalo 666 18000 88100 ToPiColbom© .... 15695 To Kmtelon 83435 To Collingw’d. 1294 75 ToOnto&sgon. 45 .... VO To other ports. 6 .... 100 800 > BSSSS 86525 Total. 1900 BSSSS 86525 875 There was a good attendance on ’Change to-day, bat owing to a scarcity of Teasels shippers did not take bold so freely. The Flour market was firm, but there being no propellers In port buyers held off, and there were only 3,400 brla eold, at $5.00Q5.10 for white win ter extra, and for fair to good spring extras. Wheat opened steady and firm, bat closed a Shade easier, About 90,000 bn changed hands, at 81®E9ctorNo 1 Spring, and 74®76c for Ko 9 Spring. A difference of Sc per bushel was made os Ko 3 Spring at some booses. Tbe Corn market was firm, and tolerably act! re, bat the balk of tbe transactions were made for -delivery some days hence. About 167,000 ba of &H grades changed bands, at Sic for Elver White .afloat; 59@29.J4c for old Canal and Elver Mixed afloat; 93c for Newßirer Mixed afloat, and S7jf@ SSc for old Mixed in store. - Oats were qutot, but firm, with sales at 99c in store. A lot of 80,000 ba was eold to go to St. Ixmla. at 95c afloat, delivered on tbe line of tbe canal. Bye was sold at 45c for No lin store, and 88c for Be} acted. Barley waa sold at <7Q6>Ke~ according to sample. High wines were sold at 18X&19C.-Seeds were with light aaies Of Timothy at $1.87, and CBoyer at ss.pO@BJ6. . Tbe Provision market isstlfibaoyaat, under the news of tbe conqoset of New Oilcans. There was an active speculative Enquiry for Hess Pork, had the, market advanced fIBQBDe, 'About 8,000 fcilrof aa Usds changed hansk, at $11.09 for city packed, and SKUO@IOAa for country-peeked. A lot of 160 btis city-peeked Prime Mesa was sold at SIO.OO. Balk Meat* are in gooddemaadaad tfc better, wittt sale? of about &\OCO lbs of country* cot Shoulders and Hams, at 3 H&Vic packed, for the former, and-4*fc packed, for the latter. Lard advanced ar.d closed buoyant, with light sales of prime country Kettle at T#@T.BlX- Vessels were scarce and freights were a shade firmer, with light engagements at 6X@6#c for corn to Buffalo, and U#c for wheat to Oswego. A Canadian propeller is taking a cargo of Flour to Montreal at 75c—chartered below. CHICAGO DAILY MARKET. «• Grain told “in store ” is subject to 2c storage* which is paid by the buyer . exclusive of the price paid for the grain to the Seller, When a sate is made, in which the setter pays the storage, it is quoted “ free of storage," or o. 6.” Wednesday EvKSiNa, April 80,1863. FEEIGHTS—Fiimer, hut lees active. The en gagements were; To Oswego—Prop Union, rye, via Port Sarnia, at ll#c; schr Mediterranean, wheat, at ll#c. To Kingston—Schr S Bobinson, latt night, rye, at 10#c, To Buffalo—Schr Van guard, rye, at 7c; brig Banner, corn, at6*£c; bark Great West, to arrive, com, at 6#c. To Montreal—Prop West, floor, at 75c per barrel chartered below. FLOUR—Received, 7,844 brls; shipped by lake, 1 ,900 brls. Market qolet but firm. Sales, 100 brls “Nashville City” choice white winter at $5.10 del; SOO brls “ Potter’s” do at $5.1-6 del; 200 hrla “ Father's” do at $5.00 del; 100 brls do on p. t.; 63 bjls” Pittsfield” winter super at $4.00 del; 200 brls “ Smith’s” r. h. spring extra at s4.l9>£c del SCO brls “Magnolia” r, h. do at $4lO del; 200brls “Wabash” do at $4.10 del; IPO hrls “Mifflin,” 100 brls “Lech Leven” f. b., €6 brls “Menominee,” and 200 brls good th. extra—all at $4.00 del; 100 brls “Geneseo” r. h. at $3 90 del; 1,000 brls “Harmony” at $3.85 on track; 150 brls good spring super at $3.40 del; 60 brls condemned extra at $3.00; 100 brls “ Derwent” extra on p. t. MIDDLINGS—IO tone fair Middlings at $14.50 del. WHEAT—Received, 13,193 bn; shipped, 31,538 tu. Market opened firm, but closed quiet and eaAr. Sales were; 24,000bn No 1 Spring in store at 82c; 4000 bu do at Bi2£c; 8000 bu do at 81#c; 16.000 bu do at Sic; 15,000 bu No 3 Spring in store (at a favorite house) at 76c; 2500 bu do at 73&e; GtCObndoatTßc; 7400 hu do at74j£c; 8000 ba do at 74c; 1000 bu Rejected Spring in store at GCc. CORN—Received, 68,049 bn; shipped, 85,825 bu. Market firm, but less active. Sales werelo,ooo bu prime River White (inspected Mixed) at 31c afloat; 12,000 hu old Canal Mixed at 29#c f. o. b. ; 6.000 bn prime old River Mixed at 29>£c afloat; 16.000 bu do, to arrive, at 29#c afloat; 5,000 bu New River Mixed at 2£c afloat; 80,000 bu old Mixed in store at 2Sc; 5,600 bu do at 27& C; 20,000 bn do at 27#c; 54,0-00 bu do at 80c f. o. b.—for delivery, at buyer's option, up to sth of May; 700 bu New Rejected in store at 22c. OATS—Received, 2,683 bu; shipped, 375 bu. Marketsteady. Sales, 2,500 hu No. 1 in store at 22c; I,ooobu do at 25#c del; 500 bn do at2scdel; 500 bu do at 24c on track; 30,000 bu on Canal at 25c afloat—to be delivered between Jeliet and Morris— for shipment to St. Louis. RTE—Received, 5,&43bu; shipped, none. Mar ker quiet. Sales, 400 bu No. 1 instore at4sc; 1,100 bu Rejected in store at 38c. BARLEY—Received, 1,5£0 bu. Market firm. Soles 250 bgs choice at 6S)£c on track; 400 bu prime at COcdel; 69bgs at 55con track; 400 bu do atsßc on track; 117 bgs at 47c del. PROVISIONS—Mess Pork.—Market advanced 25@50c. Sales, 1,500 bbls city-packed at $11.00; 500 hbls do on p. t.; 150 bbls country do at $10.00; 100 bbls do Oast night) at $10.25; 250 bbls do at $10.50; 628 bbls do on p. t.; 165 bbls Prime Mess Fork, city packed, at $10.09. Bulk Meats—ln good demandand firmer. Sales, 1,800 pcs country cut Shoulders, at S>*cpacked; 10,000 lbs country cut Shoulders and Bams, at 3?« c and 4#c packed. Lasi>— ln active request and firm. Sales, 50 tres prime Kittle Leaf, at 7#c; 160 trea do at S7.BU£. TALLOW— Iq good demand at 7>f®~2»c. BIDES—Dry Flint, 13@14c; Green Cured, 6K© 6c; extra do, 6Kc; Green country, 6(&s>£c. HIGHWINE&—IIO hhls at 19c; 60 hbls at 18J£c; 163 hhls at 18#c. Market closed quiet. SEEDS—IB hags Clover at $5.00; 4 hags do at $5.25; 34hags Timocny seed at 51.37. POTATOES—4OC bushels Noshannocka at 43c on track. EGGS—Vresh, 6®6&c per doz. BETTER—-Dairy in good request at 12@13c; Firkin, B®lCc. Albany Live Stock market, April 28. Beztzs —The market is glutted this week he f ond all anticipation, the close of Lent eeemlng y leading Drovers to believe that there would be a largely increased demand for Beef. Almost every Drover who has been to market during the past year, seems to be here to-day, and several new faces are to be met witn in the different Yards; and each has brought down more than his usnal complement, while there are a dozen or more large droves, bought at the West by specu lators combined Into firms forthc occasion. Ken tucky, too, begins to send forward her spring enpply in old-fashioned numbers, while the sup ply of still-fed from the distilleries of onr own State grows larger as the warm weather approach es. lew or no buyers went West last week from New York, Brighton or this city, and they have saved something handsome by staying at home, for however cheap Cattle were bought at Chicago or Buffalo, they can hardly he so.d at a saving price this week. The supply is at least 1,200 head greater than the demand. The Eastern men will not take more than 700, while SOO or 400 head will be needed lor this market and vicinity, and the remainder must go through to New York, to be sold in a market where au the advan tage will he on the side of buyers. A few have been taken by New York speculators, but the bulk of what goes to that market this week most go in first hands. Some holders think the de cline Is fully half a cent lb., live weight, but snch are among those who have been unable to sell. Taking quality into consideration, the fall is from Ssc to Sue 3100 S>*., on all grades, and as is always the case in a decidedly drooping mar ket, sales are slow. The average quality Is fair, and tho weights compare favorably with those of last week. $3,016,563 $34,671,523 36.297 911 $1,626,416 $8,064 663 8,118,571 $53,908 $95,179,310 101,897,433 $6,718,095 Receipts —The following is our comparative statement of receipts at this market over the Central Railroad, estimated 16 to the car: This week. Last week, last year. Cattle 4,752 8,630 8,360 Sheep 417 890 1,761 Hogs 146 1,818 The Cattle were from the different States and Canada in the following numbers: New York. Illinois.... Indiana ... Ohio lowa 4753 Prices.— The following are the ruling rates at the dose: This week. Last week. Premium @ 5 Extra...... , A'-mX 4K@4X Firstyxalltj.,,,... ........ B&©32£ 35i®4 Second quality 3 @Sj£ S>£®3# Thirdquailty 3#<S&3 SALES OP ILLINOIS A3TD IOWA BEEVES. John Simmons, 16 good Illinois, at $53.50 $ bead. Average a trifle over 1,300 tbs. Ruble & Co. report sales of 83 fair Illinois, at 7c 9 lb, York weight. Average 625 lbs, D. Drummond, 81 prime low&s, at ssl $ bead. Average 1200 lbs. Also, 14 coarse do., at lbs. » exports with preceding 18S6 $6,057,935 1855 7,852,913 1854 7,866,058 11853 8,794,078 1859 7,231,761 E. C. Stewart, 10 light Illinois, at $33 9 head. Average 1020 lbs. Also, 18good do. at S4B 9 head. At. 13009)8. Morris £ Waxell, 110 extra fat Illinois, at SLSO 9 100 Tbe. Average 1460 lbs. H. Livingston, 19 light, ordinary Illinois, at $43 9 head. Average 1,100 lbs. Smith & Baldwin, 85 extra Illinois, at $57 9 bead. Average 1,850 ®>s. William Nell, 90 prime, fat Illinois stillers at $519 head. Average 1.335 Tbs. T. W. Gooding, 53 prime Illinois com fed, at ssl 9 head. Average 1,800 lbs. S. M. Baker, 94 strictly extra Illinois, at $63 9 head. Average 1,506 lbs. Also, 73 prime do., at $55 9 head. Average 1.850 lbs. Erports. ft*. Rhlneman, 48 extra do., fine and fit, at 4*£ c 9 lb. Average 1,830 9>s. Also, IS good do at $44 9 head. Average 1,125 lbs. H. Livingston, 41 do. do. at sls 9 head. Aver age I.JM) Tbs. Heath & Winslow, 131 prime do do, at $53.60 9 head. Average 1,275 lbs Boos—The supply coming forward is large for the reason, and the demand is light. Since last Monday prices have dropped *c9 Tb., and some think tbe decline ta even more than this. During the week upwards of 5,000 were received at Ran Albany, few or none of which changed hands here, the Albany slaughterers being out of the market. Nearly the entire receipts were shipped through to New York aud Brighton—principally to New York. We quote Hogs, nominally at 8X ®4JKc; perhaps an extra lot would bring 3*£ c 9 lb. There is no inquiry for stores, the Eastern men saying that they die about as soon as they get them oyer. New York Cattle market* By Telegraph.] [Nrw Tore, April SO. Arrivals Tuesday and Wednesday. 8,928 beeves, IS9 cows, 1,070 Teals, 6,1&1 sheep and lambs, 13,667 swine. Best Cattle—The short supply of beef cattle caused more buoyancy of feeling, and sales were lively at little higher prices. General selllngraUe ?K<3>SCi and few prime and extra well fed at BX® 9c, and common quality 7c. Sheep—Scarcer and advanced folly 40®50c per head; wool sheep s>f@6c; live sheared do 4#@ 4*c. 56 14500 Veal Calves—Selling moderately at 4®4\c: extra sc. Milch Cows—Dull at s3Ti®4o. Swine- Plenty and continue to decline. Small plga 2>i@Bc; live corn fed hogs B®S*£c; still fed SKfcStfC. NKW TOEK, AprilSO.—Flour—Market s®loc better, and more doing b< t for export and homo consumption. Sales JS,P ’>rls at $4-90®5.f0 for super state; $6.9D@5.25 i xtra state, and 85.57 M for choice; $4.&@5.00 »< oper western; $5. SO® 5.45 for common to mer' .i oxtia western: $5.30 (g5 85 for common, and c0.10@5 45 for good ship ping brands extra round hoop Ohio; and $6,50® 6.75 for trade brands. Market closing firm. Ca ia> dian flour 6@ioc higher, with improved demand; sales 1,600 hrls at $5.33@6.40 for eprlng; $5.5“® 6.50 for winter extra. Bye flour quiet and steady; sales 200 bria at $8 S6®4 95. Com meal without mat erial change; sales 450 brls at $9.75 for Jersey, XXX western and Brandywine. VThiskt—Marcel without decided change; sales 100 brie at 23j*@34c for state and western. £ Grain.—Wneat market firm, with moderate ex port inquiry; waukee club at $1.10; 8,000 bn amber lowa at $1.83, and 9,000 good winter red western at st.3i# @1.83. Bye steady and firmer, with sales of 14.600 bu at 79@8SKc. Barley quiet and firm; sales BTO bn state at 88c. Com a shade better; ■ales 6,000 bn at 67c for mixed western in store; 58Q.58)fc for dellved: 55c for unsound do, and 58c for Jtrecy yellow. Oats a shade firmer; sales 88 V@4lc for Jersey, Canada, western and state. PBormosa—Fork market a shade firmer, and somewhat unsettled. Sales 80 brls at $ 13.5 i >@19.75 for mess; $15.60@13.50 for western and dty prime mess; $18.75 for dear; $11.75 for thin; sln@lo 35 for prime. The government contract for 5135 bris mcas was taken at $13.38@18 59. Beef rule* very quiet, bnt prices are well maintained. Sales 350 brls at $4.60®4.65 for country prime; $5.50®8 for country mesa; $l9@lBAO for repkd mesa; sl4® 15.00 for extra meet. Rime mess beef nominal at saom Beef ham a In better demand and very firm. SaleaSOO brls choice western at $17.00. Cat meats doll and heavy. Sales 825 pkgs at 4V@4Xc for ebouldera; 6£®6>fe tor haem. Smoked meats dull. The govemnie v t ' contract for 993, 0c0 25* smoked bams was awarded at prices ranging from per EX) weight. -Baoon afdes in little better demand, butmarket -unsettled. Sales 635 boxes at 6k(PXf £ r rejected and good shirt ribbed mldde*, and 7k®dc for good western and city sheet clear, do, . lAm vety firm. Sales 1.750 . bna at TgeßJfo; email sales very choice at Stfc., ■Bottfc selims at B®Uc for Ohio: *7®t9c for elate. Cheese very firm. Sales at 7®9e. Gboosesks—Ooffoe market—Bio without derided change. Sales U6OO bags at Idjfc. Sum—Baw unchanged. Salee 900 hhda Cuba at 6*®7Xc; 100 800 ... 100 800 . 588 Michigan 146 .8135 Pennsylvania 48 . 228 Kentucky 425 . 153 Canada 16 . 66 HABKETS ET XELEGBAPH. hbds Porto Bieo at 7V&7KC. and 14,500 bags ift nillaatex 11 - Mover—Market quite easy at B@6 per cant for call loans. Strictly prime paper scarce and wanted anQ£X percent. »ter Ing exchange Arm at lUK @ll9 k for merchants' and USXQuSX for bank ers' bulk Ameiican gold firm as B@9>£ per cent prem. California gold bars firm at per cent prem. Government stocks firmer. Ub 6e ’sl. 97X<&96)«; 7.80 Treasury notes 109*. Stocks —Better and moderately active. C& H I5C#; K J ERI3O: C &T43K; 6*C6B;Pana roaißP2f; MB«d47: MO66M; Harlempfdß3K; FaellllOli: HYCBs#;Erieß7M:Erie pfd6t#; Harlem B cC 13; 111 C scrip 61#: Hudson 80; Am Slid PSK: Ind War Loan 93:111 War Loan 91; OfisSl: Tenn6s Bt#, 6s 20; uS 5s 54, coup 90; U 6 6s or *67,67; U S 6s 81, coupons 98, bonds 8. MARINE LIST. PORT OF CHICAGO. ATEniyßii Prop Antelope, Butlin, Buffalo. Ba*k Co'oraao, Mason, Buffalo, 150 ton coal. Bark Fame, Harvey, Bay City, 800 m lumber. Bark D. Morris, Kerr. Cleveland, 400 ton coal. Brig Banner, Stebbina, Bay City, 390 m lumber. Scbr Odin, Blaychard, Muskegon, 105 m lumber. Scbr 11. Spencer, Everson. Pierre Marquette, SO m shingles. Scbr Summit, Geleon, Cleveland, 351 tons coal. Scbr'Wyoming, Furlong, Grand Elver, 160 m lum ber. Scbr Vanguard, Davis, Cleveland, 350 ton coaL Scbr E G. Grey, HcGraw, Muskegon, 80 m lumber. Scbr H. N. Gau s. Flask, Muskegon, 1,560 B* B. ties, 5 m lumber, 30 mlatb. Scbr Helen Kent, Beed, Muskegon, 60m lumber. CLEARED April 30, Prop G. Dunbcr, Perrett, Grand River, sundries. Prop Bnckas,Chamberlain,Fortage Lake, sundries. Prop Sun. Jones, Collingwood, 1,254 brls flour, sundries. Park Major Anderson, Jones, Buffalo, 27,D00 bu com Brig Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Buffalo, 15,525 bu wheat. Schr Eti. Bates, Ingraham, Kingston, 17.000 bu com. Schr Reciprocity, Day. Kingston, 15,425 bu com. Schr Odin, Blanchford, Muskegon. Schr Arctic, Skinner, Buffalo. 10,975 hu com. Schr H. Speitcer, Everson, Pierre Marquette. Schr Wyoming, Furlong, Grand River. Schr Titon, Robertson, Oswego. 15,803 bn wheat. Schr Theodore Perry, Finn, Oswego, 15,150 bu wheat. Schr Gertrude, Mayes, Baffalo, 17,000 hu com. Schr E. G- Grey, McGraw, Muskegon. Schr A. Bnensch, Helferson, Buffalo, 7,600 hu wheat. Schr Imperial, Stark, Buffalo, 19,000 bu wheat. Schr H/N, Gates, F.ack, Manestee. ILLINOIS AMD MICHIGAN CANAL. ASBIVED Ericsson, Utica, 6,000 bn corn. Adelia, Joliet, 4,000 bn corn, 7,010 fi>s bay. Edinburgh, LaSalle, 5,501 bn corn. Bnmhnm, LaSalle, 130 tona cool. Abbey Sprague, LaSalle, 5,148 bn com. Clyde, LaSalle. 875 brls beef, 300 brla pork, 33,616 lbs lard, 46317 lbs hams, 11,119 9>s tallow. Dickey, Ottawa, 5,700 bn com. Cushman, Ottawa. 5,500 bn com. Cuba, Ottawa. 5,7000 bn com. Lemont, LaSalle, 5,200 bn com. CLEARED Australia, LaSalle, 111.837 ft lumber. Eclipt-e, LaSalle, 4,000 bu com. Antfopa. 105,591 ft lumber, 15,020 feet aiding, 49, SCO shingles. ■ Gen- Grant, LaSalle, night.) Parson Brownlow. LaSaUe, 56,654 ft lumber, 65,500 shingles, SlOlbemdae, 10bdacement, 3,000 lbs molasses, 1,870 lbs iron. MAH INK INTELU6ENCE. The Propeller Mayflower.— The Canadian propeller, West, which arrived here on Sunday evening, fell In with the propeller Mayflower, at the foot of this lake, disabled—having broken her piston ring. She towed her into the Manitons. Vessels Passing Detroit* [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] . Detroit, April 80,1862. Down— Barks Sunshine, Badger State, Consti tution, Indiana, Revenue, Brigs, Mazer, Bay State, Mechanic, Canopus; Schooners St. An drews, Cornelia, H. Richmond, Parsons, HnH, "Utica, Matt Root, Leader, Logan, Return, Sophia, Smith, Douglas, M. S. Scott, Dolphin, Allen, Re public, Ncw-Honsc, Amelia, Dart, Surprise, Egan, Kenosha, E. Williams, White Squall, Resolute, Rapid, Clark, Massillon, Gem, C. T. Richmond, Pilgrim, Grant, Golden West, Hale, Moselle, Sar anac, Dorr, Fillmore, St. James, Fulton, s e * Bird, Michael, Ellsworth, Robb, Clipper City, Eltemo, Bibbard, Newman,' Hart, Milan, Reeve. Up.— Propellers Chicago, Ontario; Schooner Farewell. IBill jpurmsf)ing. CHICAGO MILL-FURNISHING DEPOT. T. W. BAXTER & CO., FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, OF Jbl QOABEIE3, C. W. BEOWK’S PATENT PORTABLE Flourinp’ and Grist Mills, DUTCH “aSKEE BOLTESG CLOTHS,” Smut Mills a„d Separators, _ lfcl „ , _ Separators for Warehouses, Belting of all „ ~ Hoisting Screws and Ball, Bran Busters, Picks, Proo Stalls, tc„ Ac. FAIBBAKfiS’ SCALES, AND MILL FURNISHING GENERALLY Flans, Specifications and Estimates furnishing wben desired, and the construction Of Steam and Water MTlte Contracted for entire. Steam Engine*, Boilers, &o.« Ac* TLe endsclibers Having obtained the Agency for tbe ■ale of Steam Engines and Boilers from tbe manufac tory of GOULDLNG, BAQLEY A SEWELL, of Water town, H. Y n would Invite tbe attention of purchasers to their superior merits of stylo, workmanship and powers; also, their very lew prices. The following is a list of price* of Engine and Boiler, together with Heater. Water and Steam Pipes, Cocks, valves, Arch Castings and Grates, complete and ready for use, d©> liverea in Chicago: 5 horse power t SDO 20 hone p0wer..'....5i.350 8 “ " 575 25 “ “ LSOQ ID “ “ 725 SO “ " 1,675 12 “ “ 800 35 “ “ 2,000 18 •» “ 4Q “ •» awn And In like proportion for larger sizes as required. Every Engine Is fundahet^wlth JUD SON’S PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE. For Flour Mills we confidently recommend them as superior to any other style of Engine, and they win Bare from 35 to 50 per cent. In Fuel over the usual class of boilers in use in the West. We shall keep an assortment of different sizes at our es tablishment, where they may be examined and the necessary information obtained regarding them. Com furnished to set up and ■tart engines In any part of me country. We also supply WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, GEARING, &C* At very low prices. Cor. week T. W. BAXTER A CO’B uni Furnishing Depot, West Water street, between Randolph and Madison bUI, Chicago, BL Post Office address Box 274. 0c5*59-ly Coal anh JBaooh. T EMUEL CRAWFORD 1 J MiT-m nr Chippewa and. Briar Hill COAL by the CARGO. Manufacturer and dealer In (MILL AND FOUNDRY PIG IRON. Office No. 2 Johnson’s Marine Block, Btver street, apa-p636-Sm Cunuyp. Ohio. T\7'OODI WOOD! WOOD! ▼ V Two hundred cords of Dry Hapk and Beech and Maple Wood For sale at MCDONALD’S Wood Yard, corner of Well* and fianhon streets. aplt-pSiS-aw ILLINOIS COAL.—I am now pro pored to fill all orders for tbe BEST ILLINOIS COAL, At the In® wt market price, CHARLES W-G 3 AY. coc. Market ana Washington street*. spat-pMMw QOAL! COAL! COAL ERIE COAL For sale in Quantities to suit purchasers by C. W. GRAY, npTSpiSfrSw Cor. Market and Washington street Hard coal, hard coal.— The Scranton. Pltiston. Wllkabarre, and Fhamo kln Coal Company. ofPeim,aretow unloadingßaage and email Bgc Coal at tbe east end of Uadfeou street briege. and are ready to supply cuatomenat low rates. spSP-pDil-lw ROBERT L AW, Ageut. fgarb Uuttet ®tuss. jgEELEY’S HARD RUBBER TRUSS. Hjjtqtactuszd usnznßzees ft Goodteae’s Pettst. This Trass Is having a success In curing Hernia or Rapture before unknown in the history of Trusses. Pnlike ALL others ever used In the folio wing respeeta: It will kites bust, (the spring being coated with Hard Rubber, rendering It Impervious to moisture or perspiration from the body), kos w«tr, grave, gall ossunza. Will kot sup ob wove vsoe plage, does not PBiaa or the coed, never becomes piltht, and is always clese and as good as ebw. They have been used by over fcOOO persona in this city and surrounding country, within the past two yean, and have never tailed to give SAtlsfaction In all cases of the wont form Beferences can be given of cases CUBED In this city of thirty years standing, which are wen known to some of the most eminent surgeons In the West, and u is universally acknowledged by all as the only reliable Truss fit for use. Or. Seeley having had many years experience In the application and fitting of Trusses wul guarantee thia instrument In every respect to be as represented, as the same Trass can be made very stiff or Umber (as the case gay re quire.) lam da&y receiving orders for this Instra me nt Crom an sections of the North west, and can safely assure the public that it Is rapidly superceding all other Trusses in oaeu Persons wUhlug thi« instrument can be fitted by sending else In tsebes around bis* In lieu of Rupture to Dr. J. B BKBLET. LM South Clark street, Chicago. DU Bolt Proprietor and Manufacturer, to whom all orders must be addressed. Pamphlet seat on receipt of stamp. P.0.80x 4355. auTTfii-T-T-alr A MERIC AN HOUSE, BOSTON, XjL is the largest and Be«t Arranged Hotel In the New England State*; 1* centrally looatod. sad easy of aceea, from all route* of travel. It contains all the modern Improvements, tsdetry conTonlence for tbe comfort and accommodation of the travodng pnt>* H?* **?*« •Gening room* are large andviUrentt-atod; toe nUtt ot ro’Tnt irt well arranged, and eoeptotelr foixtsabed Rir tticblee and Urge traveling parti**- and toe fioose wIQ continue to bflnpt a* « fim class botal toe*«yre§pect. LEWIS KICK, Proprietor aptt-ptfr-wn J^EMOVAL.— RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER OAHP BLANKETS, Gapes, Ponchos, and. Havelocks, BCBBBB COATS AND XJBGGINB, Rubber aadLeatliw BELTIN&. HOSB, PACKING, Ac. JOHN B. XDESON, & 00., apOB-pBSMm liißandolph street XTKW CLOTHES WHINGER, Xv nebert • Self-Aflj listing Clothes Wringers Tet matte, arete Bale SOVBY*B BBSD BTOBB. W B. PBOK, Agent. apepWHir ROOFING! ROOFING!! EOOFTNQ!!! BABBETT, FOWEII * CO., FELT USD COMPOSITION ROOFS, And Desla s In Boofing material and Coal Tar. Wo are prepared to take contracts for Booling In sny portion oi the Northwest, or furnish Materials with di rections for ose BARRETT’S ROOFING Has stood a twelve yean test In Chicago, and Is used In all first buildings. Office No. 8 Masonic Temple, Chicago. ap29-p8658m .April 80. FRAZER’S CELEBRATED LUBRICATOR. The best Axle Gretas b use, for Railroad and Street Can, Omniboases, Carriages, Wagons, Drays, &C. Also, for all kinds of Machinery. Pot up tn Barrels, Sega and Cans, sultaole forrotafflng. Depot, 56 Wells street, opposite tbe Briggs House, where a supply ‘will be kept constantly on hand. TBBdO & CO„ Commiaaioa Merchants. Agents, aplO-p22S-lm] Office He. a, over Board of Trade. CTIAO- Y. CTWO. B. y. BAT. THOS. W. TUB SO ■VfEWFOPNDLASrD FARM XV WATCH D003.-A trsr of tho Urgß Newfoundland Farm Watch Dogs For sale at the SUMMIT FARM, COOK COUNTY, On the Chicago and StLoula Railroad. They unite the merits of the Bhepherd and Watch Doga. Apply on the Farm. Summit Station, or address the saoscnbci; care 01 Hon. John Wentworth, Chicago, lIL splS-p4£22wd*w CEAS- L. BSED. JLLIHOIS GLAKET WINE,— Warranted pure, and better than the Imported Manufactured by us exclusively for medicinal pur DENTAL Dental Ohalrs, Spittoons, Lathe*, Furnaces, BoHlng Mills, Vulcanizing Machines, and Material for Vulcanite Work. DEPOT. Ornm and Armstrong and S. S. White’s Teeth, Gold and Tin Foils, Gold, Silver and Platlna, Plate and Wire, and every other article used by the Profession, constantly on hand and for sale at New Fork prices hy J. H. REED &> CO., 144 and 146 Lake street. ty Some old style Dental Chain for sale very low. mbi4-a729Sm •April S3. .April 29, PARISIAN PATTERNS MG CL APE STREET, announces to the Ladles and Dress Maters generally, her opening of Spring and Summer Fashions, this House Is under the superin tendence Of MILLE. CAVANAGH. who Will take pleasure In serving all former patrons, and as many rew ones as choose to give her a trial. UME. CAN FIELD has no hesitation In eaytog, Ladles desiring their rich and costly dress goods made np, in the latest European (tries, saould not fall to give MGISBLLE CAVANAGH a trial, as sne has made dresses for the flntLadle* in the Courts of Europe, and is every way competent to give satisfaction Co the most fastld'ous. ap2S-pts2o-lw T AEGE STOCK OF GOODS \-J from SHERIFF SAXES lost received at BOYLE'S Cheap btore, which will be sold at a great sicrldce. We are now offering tbe greatest bargains ever offered in the City. Loot at the prices: Shaker Bonnet* S5 Cents. Worth 40 Centa. UcOp Stlrts,So springs.... 75 “ “ L 25 ** Ladles Hose., .. 10 “ “ 15 M Ladlta Fine Hose 12J* “ * IS* “ Turbans, tew style. 87 M ** 125 “ New Style Bonnet* —75 “ ** L 25 ** **•**- T ’ - 75 “ ‘‘ L 25 * Spring Bonnet Blbbons... 20 •* “ 40 “ Bouna Veils 12 “ “ SO “ Skirt Bralo. wide. 7 “ “10 “ Back Combs. Congress Bed Gaiters. silk gore 1/0 ** “ 1.50 " CODgrisa Httl Gaiters 75 “ ** 125 u Misses Heel Callers 65 u M 100 “ Misses Heel Slippers 60 “ ** 1.00 “ Ladles Heel Slippers 73 ** L 25 “ Ladies Embr o’d ollpp era 60 M “ 123 “ Splendid lot Spring Cleaks, $1 to $5; fine lots of Flowers. Embroideries, and nume*ous other bargains, which are selling at half price atßovle’s Cheap No. 183 South C.ark street above Monroe. apao.pS'W-Sn* WE prefer them for FAMILY T V USE.—[New York Tribune. They are the FAVORITES FOR FAMILLES.-fNew York Times. It has NO Rtvat.—TScicptiflc American. There are 65,000 MACHINES In use in th!« country and Europe. Tins Miuhlne Is PROFITABLE and AVAILABLE a LIFE-TIME. It is canal to TEN Seamstresses. An ANNUAL DIVIDEND of F0 to Sltper cent (on Its cost) may be obtained in use—by Ita possessor. This Is the only Sewing Mash'ne mthe world making the LOCH-STITCH with the ROTATING-HOOE, and using the GLASS-FOOT. GEO. B. CHITTENDEN", General Agent for Illinois, Wlscor sin, lowa, Northern - Indiana and Southern Minnesota. ft^otcls. &S.OO per Gallon. 50 cte per Bottle. GALE BROTHERS, Druggists, ace Randolph street. MADAM CANFIELD, 6 - “ 15 “ 20 M M 50 “ iconet Sets. 163 and IGS Lake street, Chicago, HL SF* Circular may be bad on application or hy post. mh2l-BG7S-ly-Tri ATTENTION 1 To BothseQeis, Speculators, Capitalists, p irT rw.n ,^r « >r> ' ltnlA, i* man of enterprise Everywhere FOR BALE. The work entitled, “ A Compilation of Pension Pay and Bounty Money Laws,paesed sin:e the adoption of tbe Constitution, wthO.B. Court Decision* and numerous Explanatory Notee.” By Bntdks. Cook &Co We will receive proposals, in person or by letter, for th» pur chase ofthls work, (and the exclusive right to sell the same an over the United states.) until tee 13tn of May.' 1852. The work has been complied by its authors at a great expense of time and money. The reasons tbe work le offered fur sale are the large amount of oollec tlena that are now on our hands, both at the Chicago and Washington office, render It Impossible to superin tend the sales of the Book and at the same rime to do (nance to our client’s demands on tne Government. The wcikls certainly destined to exceed In tne num ber of sales anything ever publish ©a m tbe United States. It la within the reach of everybody, and is it sot an universal necessity. We cite the re vler to no tices ol the press everywhere. We hare a copyright of the Book, and not a single copy can be obtained of any one In the United States, «ave of the person to whom weaelL No lawyer can advise his cMents withoutlt, every Jus"ce of the Peace, Notary Public, County or Town Officer SHOULD HAVE IX. Every one whohts arelativeln the service and would knew the rights, duties and retponsiblliUes of the po sition WILL HATE IT. To Lawyers, Officers, Booksellers, Fanners aud oth ers who have ordered It, we say be patient—and tbe purchaser of the copyright will supply all orders tbrougooQt the United btaioA ate Book will be delivetedhythe purchaser of the copyright in any form adapted to the oireumitapces of tb« purchase. If tne parry or parries so oedre they can save rime on tbe pree by securing us until tht* make tne money out of the Book. Address, . SSTDEK, COOK & CO. Cnicago, nuaote. P. B.—Remember this is the first book of the kind ever published. Remember this lathe only bc«k cf me kind ever published. Remember that no book of tbe kind cante pubUatacd. except oy toe one holding tbe copyright oemembertbat the business ofthi« country cauoot be conducted wltbotrt *uc*> a work for the next five years. Hememoertbat In this book lacoataiaed all upon that enblect to be found In SSOO of United States fetatntce and United States Supreme Court Decisions. Reroeu-bcrthai not a single cup> baa been orwlllbe delivered, except by the parey wad purchase this cojy right. SNYDER, COOK S CO. ml9-c6BO-6w QLOVKR SEED. SEED WHEAT. Pure and clean, in large or man lota, Ko. I Board of Trade Building. •p6p7T-kmyl-62 WTT.TJAM & BICK- ■ROYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, XV Conducted by the Spanish Government. In crawlre of April is. iS6tN*.S7«9 drew floAuOjho. drew «0«k ; No. 9700 drew f3O.CDU: No. 21.638 drew SiO.a-0 : No. IV7B crew «SW», being the five cap ital prizes Pxlzescaehedaadlmonaationfuaelshedby TAI LOB ft CO n Bankers, 16 Wan street. N. X. apSO-pgg-lw ___ HC. ROSIN, Pattern Milking of • every description. Scroll Sawing li»rgc Circular Taming AND HODKL MAKING. No. 190 South Washington street, Chicago. EL mhl3-B6t»Sm QHICAGO GLUE WORKS.— Gr Xj U Ala 9 Pure, Beflued. Seatafoot OQ, for Machinery azl! oth erases. Smd Piper, Bone Click, Bane Bust, Hants, Bonis ud Boies, At wholesale tad reUH. Office, 60 Souti Weill itreet (Llovo'» Block) Chicago. F.O. Box 3425. JOHK A. LIGHTS 4LL. ‘ “ WsOlßro Saoceesor to ARP WARE. CDTimRY AND QTTNS, Bodcer’s and WostenLolm’s Pocket Knives, dec,, Dixon's Powder Flasks «nd Sporting Articles, Percna sini Caps and Qnn Wadding. Chains, Hoea and. Heavy Goods. WOLEB, DASH * IIHHEB, liDOßixxa, O Warrsi stoeet, Ne v Tork. mplO ptn-teITBAT ' PASH ADVANCES MADE OH V/ OOSBKVOXTS 07 Crain and Flour to Buffalo. - bt dud as wood * co. aplTpWMn ■ N IGHT TUGS. —After May; Ist, TUGS MONITOR AND UNION Wm na alternately aa »«**** boasa. 680. BTDBSSS. r aplbpttHn . "VAULTS AND OUT HOUSES I Cleaned T«ry cheap by JOHK MASON, 5> Kortb Clark Bfctct. mtOficeDoxiSN. apa^pTS-m amusements. TIT cYICKER’ S THE A.TRE, .V i Madison street, between State and Dearborn. Doors open t*7Ji 0’c10ck....... Carts n rises at 8. THURSDAY May Ist Last night but two of the Fopuiar Comeuian, MR. CHAKFRA.IT. Last Right of the Octoroon. Last Night of the Octoroon. Uncle Pete Mr. .Chanfrau. Zoe, the Octoroon au« Hoamer.. Balem Scudder. .Mr. McVlckex George Feyton .Mr.ifyera. Wah-no-tee Mr. Pryor. Tie pis/ will be revived with all its OBIGIUAL SPLEHDOB, with the Introduction of the new melody, KINGDOM COMING. Eung by Mtfs JENNIE HIGfIT and choruses. An en'lrely new Scene snd Mechanical effect. A STE AM* BOATBaCE on the Mississippi by Moonlight, a most beautiful and exciting scene oy J. W. Whytai, Scenic Artist and D. Pratt. Mscuinid. During the play— THE SLAVE THE BURNING BXEAMKB, THE LYNCH TEYAL. Concluding with a Grand. Double Allegory. FRlDAY— Beszfit last night oat one of Mr. Chanfriu. HALL.” The TTorld-renowned and only CHRISTY’S MINSTRELS, Are now performing nightly to Large and Fashionable Audiences. The great and unequalled CHBISTT BROTHERS Anti their STAB COMPANY win appear this evening In a Splendid New Programme. Grand Afternoon Matinee OIN" SATURDAY, APRIL 3<l, myl-p93Stt For Ladles and Children. X>RTAN HALL.—Third appear- JL> aacein three years of GEORGE CHRISTY’S Distinguished Eccentric Melodists. Tills, Thursday Evening, May lit. Esmx op Phograxxr. UTILE JAPANESE TO3OIV In new Vocal Imltalons. Brilliant Dlf play of Melody and Humor. Houses 'bril liantly crowded every night. Tickets 25 Cests. Ko [myl-p9SMt] 'T'HE R. SANDS GRAND A. MULTISEBIAL COMBINATION CIRCUS, -AKD HOMOHIPPODEAL AMPHITHEATRE. CHICAGO, Monday. Tneeday and Wednesday. May sth, 6th and Ttb, FOP. XaiUfiE DATS OHLT. Opposite the Court House, on Wasfa« In "ton Street. Among the many novelties which characterize this establishment win be jonnd the performances of the world-renowned CARLO FAMILY, whose wonderful exploits have challenged the admira tion of the world. Among this family arc SIS. FStIX CARLO, the great Trick Clows, and G jILLIAMO CARLO, who will appear In his Terrific MB. CHARLES SHERWOOD, The great Scenic and Histrionic Equestrian, and re* nowned representative of FETE JENKINS. MADAME VIRGINIA SHERWOOD, The most popular, beautiful and daring Equestrienne ever seen Hr. GEORGJS KUSa, In his classic act, the “Flight of Ariel,"and in his unrivalled “Scenes cu Saute.” SAM LONG, the great Humorist cf the Ring, In Ms choice Melange of Comicalities. Messrs. SHAF FER and WHITNEY, the Trapeze ana Bar Performers. W. H. BERDEAU, the great American Gymnast. LE3 FREKES COiIIOUE, and a host of other artists. ADMISSION—Bos. bd cents; Fit. 25 cents. Children urder twelve years2s cents to Box. Doors open at 3 and 7p.a. Performances to co n mere* at 2H and TH p. si. ap3o pS£9 6t ®Hanmr. WANTED —An Experienced Girl, to bare the care of an Infant. Must be a Frot'ataut Reierence required. Inquire at 290 West Washington street. ap£>pg32-2t \\[ ANTED—To Purchase on the v V ime of the Illinois Central Railroad, a Farm offrom ISO to 2» fiacres. Part must be under cultiva tion, with suitable building* Would prefer a‘place under liabilities to the Company, wulch would be as Burned by the purchaser. Must not be over sixty, nor nearer than thirty miles of Chicago. Adorer, vim tu'l particulars. E. P. COBB. Box No. 3015. PostOfflcc, New York. Also a duplicate of address to Chicago Tribune. apoc-pS9>lw \\: AN TED—A Situation by a T T young man, either as Book keeper or Assist ant, Falennan, Clerk, or Copyist, In any department, having r,ad practice. Can give good references. Ad* dress F. K. GRAY, Chicago. ap3Jp9ls-2t T\' r ANTED.—A Cottage House W T wanted, containing from four to .six rooms Most be tn good repair, and pleasantly located. Would pay ihe whole years rent m advance. If It were made an object to do so. A-iditts immediately 80x2177. apot-pi-O 451 T\ 7 ANTED.—§3,2SO Wanted at 10 T T per cent, for five yeara, on well Improved and centraljy located city property, by a prompt paying puny. No interference of Brokers alloweo. Please address ‘-EPost Office Box No. 3st3. ap3o p<hd3c "lAJ ANTED—At IG9 Dearborn St., f I opposite the new Port Office, Situations for domestic Help. No pirl sent from the office unless able to fanjLjh eat- Isiactoiy rtfe-rtnee from former employer. Parties can cbt-tin uairA by applying as above or addressing Mrs. A. L. BaLKAiI, Post l Office Box 3315. apSOoSttlw 3 G TXT' AN TED—By a young man from T » tie East, a fltuaucn as Shipping Clerk in a Wholesale House. Grocery or Hardware Good rttercnces given. Salary not so much an object as a permanent eltuntlon. tvrites a good hand, and will endeavor to please nia employer. Address " J Drawer So. C 37, Cbicaeo Post utllce. apSOpOoS Iw *4^ TX? ANTED—Situation Wanted.— T V A Book-keeper of experience, who is cotape tcat to take charge of a set of Books, dt d'Dgle or double entry, decree a sllna-.lcm. Undoubted testimo nials a* to ability and integrity given. Address “A. B.T Trtbnne Ulflce. aptf-pl)083t TX7ANTED—By a Competent arc! t i experienced business man, a situ itlon aa sales men or clerk In some mere-anti e, manufacturing or con mission honso inthisclty. The best of city refer ence* given. Address “ Lcare Box 171, Post Office. spld-j-SSd-lw V\7 ANTED—A Situation as Book s' 7 keeper. Ca hler, Entry Clerk, or Correspon dent. Unexceptional references as to integrity, capac ity and tobrieiy given, Andress •* B. care drawer 5693. Chicago Post office. span p370-2w T \T ANTED —A good Cook. T i A good Cook, Washer and Ironer can find a good home in a small family at No 2U2 Michigan Avo nae. American or German preferred. None need ap ply who cannot come well recommended. ap29 3t VV 7 ANT ED—A span of Fine Car ■ » risge Horses, long tafls and bright bay or Iron prey, five to seven years old, warranted Boundfiand kind. Would like to exchange fur tnem W acres of land near Urbans* HUnola. The title is perfect. Apply to 8. C. GRIOG3 sCL ap29p6%-St 89and4i Base street. V\7ANTED—lmmediately, an Ex- T 7 perlenced Harness Maker. One that under stands catting out welL Good wages wJI be paid. Single man_preferred. Good references required. Ad dress GEORGE iIOHLEB, Sterling, Whiteside county, Illinois. ap29-p37»3t ■WANTED—To Bankers.—A IT young man who has for severalyeare been Re ceiving Teller lu a promlnentßanklcg House iu one of the principal cities of the West, cesirea a similar situa tion in Chicago. Con furnish unquestionable testimo nials as to nbltltv and Integrity. Address “F M fL,” Post Office BOX 6220. ap3-pSg-St T \T ANTE Dj— Agents in every * * Town throughout Illinois. Wisconsin. lowa and Minnesota. l'o*tm«ters. Professional u.en, resell er*. and others having a large circle of acquiutance, can make u very prontabiy to act as Agents m intro duclug erw and valuable publications which are soil omy by subscription. For further Information call on or adores* O.F. GIBBS, 131 South Clark street, Chicago. Font Office Box ssa. ap23pS3»7m WANTED—AGENTS— SIOO V 7 To sell J. T LLOYD’S Great Military War Maps of Son’herr States. Colored. In Counties, *to cents; colored la States, £>' rent*. United States Rail roaa Map2s cents; Virginia Msp 23 cents; Kintucoy Mnp2sceLte: Mir&oon Map 25 cents. Three of any of the above tbps, mall free, lor $ fO. or separately for retail price. Bend stamp ande«t circular, Ac. ILK. LA li< N Agent, 129 Lake street. CtUoa&o, DL *p2B-p££Mai ANTED—Tn the North Di v 7 virion, by a gentleman and bis wlf. , a suite of furtleheo rooms with board. LocaQou na-r Ghlcsgo e«tt ofCi&rk street. Address, with re'er-mcea, H. EL." Tr.bUiie Office. ap26-p8 ■3-lw WA N TED i WANTED i !—At MKS. BATHS' AGBKCT OFFICE, 171 Washington street, near Lasalla, Situations for GOOD RELIABLE HELP. Mrs. Bates presumes from past years of acquainting with the lad 1(9 ol Chicago, to be able to provide them with suit able Servants. Orders from the country punctually at tended to. P. O Box, 9996. jaira-U \\- ANTED—A Furnished Room, ▼ ▼ without board, by a gentle Tan. (takes his meals down town.) Private family orenrre't Loca tion, Ticnuty ol the Avenaee. Santn side, iteferesces glvio. AdareiS**South Side,” at Tnnuneoffice. T\ T ANTED.—On or about June T f let Board, with unfurnished rooms, for a gen tleman and wife, and child four years of age la a pri vate lamljr. wbete there are few or no other boarders. Adame Box 1962, at once, stating terms and location. ap2S-p7fcbrt T\7 ANTED—Agents and Canvas- T T se aln eve»y Connty In the Northwest. Every m&T' seeking employment can learn full pixilcoLirs far prosecuting* pleasant and profitable business, by ea ch Bins » three cent stamp to F. A. TfiCMaQ. Post Office box *253, Chicago, mmols. ap36p797-lm \JfT ANTED —We are buying f 1 UnUed States Certificates of QUABTEB « AST EE’S CHECKS On Ucltetl atatee Treasuary, payable in Certificates of Indebtedness and Qoar^rmaster's Vouchers. C. C. PARKS ft CO-, Banker!, sp2s-p7SB-im 95 Lake street, corner of Uearbom-st. \\T AN TED—Secmity Fire Insnr V T taca Compeny’sScrip at ifo. ÜBi< South w«ter street [aptDflSS-im] GEOBaKBS. \\J ANTED.—Parties declining v T housekeeping andhating Household Furniture to dispose ofi can bear oi a cash purchaser by address ing Poet Office Box 11*0. . mh»0778-im AH TED—Hoffman & Gelpcke's T v Notes secured, on the corner of Randolph and Dearborn streets. Also, H. ft G.’a second class in debtednen wanted. Call at (to Dearoorn street. apl-nKKrlm WAKTE D—Employment foi American, English, Irish. Scotch. German and Scored servant*, with good etty references at the Philadelphia Intelligence Office, so. ifio South Clark s&ret, between and Madison etrwtr. Coun try ordert punctually attended to. Foal Office Box 1655. MBS. D. PRATT unwminfCM OKS-OS-1® WANT ED.—Porcfapsers for fif teen NO.« WHEHLBB ft WILSON Sewing Mb etuaea, the best for family use. mrerly new. and in per fect order, a good machfea will save Its coat in six months. GILBERT, HUBBARD ft CO. , Ship Cbandlera and Sail Makers, mhSfinTSfta SOTSouth Water st. cor. Wens. A GENTS 'WANTED.—Profitable f* Employment, profit pa* gross made by Agents on the new patent Xkpbotxd Isnsmuu Biirno Ppcbl Agenm have retailed from one to two groan in one day. Over seventy thousand add.. Baroifieftaent by mall on receipt of SO cents, or fbr asm pieaof marked linen.terms, ac. one stamp. Address E.p.nT.*Bg| Bdrthaaptea. M »— mhifinSSlSoi WANTED—B EESW AX— f 1 Zs large or small quantities, TO FILL AN OBOES. SING ft OWENS, WANTED—Two Hundred ‘ Ageata.—Agenta wanted In every townof *te United sum umj. koßletwacertßiprored method lor Cutting Ladles’ Bremen. Boys CMhln&Sidvta. fta Becuree by" copy right, aj earn making from Dto IS per d«y. For particulars inoulre kJ. KOHLkk 9 oaoeTNo 6 Metropouta& Block, or address P. 0. Box 5582. ncloslsg three cent portage srsmp, Chicago, UL aelTtifitoa T~) RENT—From the Ist of May, that centrally located home known aa the Mo Granile Hotel, onLaaaUeatreat.neer Lake. It la weu arranged for hoarders or public custom gener*uy. ea-. so. the Valley Hotel, at Cherry Va'ley, newly ntwa up and la good condition, with halfway between Belvidern and Bockford on Baflroao. Apply to Jan-es Leonard & Ccl. lumber CAgoVor E. F. Bobem Cherry Valter. ap3o-p9C3t TJ BENT —The two story dwell ing. N0.2£0 Sonth Jefferaonatreet, nearmrriaon. The house la nleaaanur located and bt good order, month and water rent. Gooff rtdmncce of J. CLABK, 250 toffllJeMl TO RENT Home to rent and Fnmiture for pale—and immediate possesion siren. That fine brick House. situated at-Sst Wabaah avenue, now occupied by Isaac Coot, Esq- H c ,° n £!f£ au the modem improvements pow attached to first. Saa* houses. The furniture for stid hoosA yralcii w complete, can be purchased as It sgnda. “S?SSi&t the preir Isea from § to U o clock, A. Hap*> pRJWt rpo BENT—At a reasonable rate, a •JL first-class dwelling house, delightfully situated la the West Division to Beigrave Terrace, containing gas, bathing room, etc. Horae Cir* pass every five minutes. Stable If desired. Inquire at No. ISO Washington at. Boom Ko. 6, or at No. so May street. ap'S-pBTd 1m TO BENT.—The excellent three story Brick House, with good basement. Ko. 290 Huron street, north aide of the river, with handsome furniture complete, lately occupied by CoL Graham. Apply to him. at the Basement oiflce, on the premises or at the Briggs* House. •ap2d-p6M-lm TO RENT—House No. 112 Michi gan Avenue.with gas fixtures, cold and hot water, good furnace, cellar and bam. The bonse -ontalns nine rooms, all to good order. Apply to J. M. MAE SHALL. Agent. Ko. tfi Sonth Clark street. *pg-p33»lw TO RENT—Cottage House No. Cf3 West Jackson street, containing six rooms. Bent sl2 per month. CottagcHoure on Baena Vista street, containing seven rooms. Kent $1250 per month. ALSO. Four roomed Hoose No.S3 South Franklin street, near Lake street. Bent $lO per montlL ALSO, Foot rooms over 217 Lake street. Bent per month. ALSO, Two story Cottage House, West Side, containing nine rooms, ham. gas and a fine weQot water, flower and kltchm garden, etc, eto The Madlaon Street Cara passes the house. Bents’sper month. Anply to at.tiv. WHITE, lii sc eet, ap2B-pBl4 St Oppbelte the Coart Hoa.e. ■o Salt rpo HEIST OR FOR SALE.—The _L eleganthrlcfcTesldeace.No.U3 Tmh street, with in, aid all modem convenience. Apply tv Dr. BBAlNAßD,yo.4s6oaih CUrkstreeC apgpTSMw Ty RENT—Two first class Resi dencea. Sos. SSS and 333 Indiana street, with all modern improvements, eta. etc- and Brick 'Stables at tached. Inquire of C. C. CLAKS.E, between 3 au!9 a. M. and 4 and b P .iL, as the office of Waite A.Town, 100 Washington street. Bent |6OO per annum. mh29 nSTB-Ew TO RENT—With Boarding.—Un famished parlors and 'bedrooms to rent la the Richmond House. Good (rente*! board to be had there also. Inquire of Mrs Plumb or Mrs. at the House, or of Thos. Richmond, No.l, corner of Clark and South Water street. ap3-p7SS-lw T) RENT. —The four story and basement brick store No. 30 and 23 Market street, In the north haUof L’nd’s Block. Apply to P.GEDDEi, Office No. sover 17 Wells street. ap pllS-Im TZ) RENT—Dwellings, Stores, Offices, and Basement. Al“o, Lots In all parts of the city. TVU. H SAMPSON, House and Land Agent, Room Kc. 3 Metropolitan Hall. mh27-n3l£ tMjl*63 RENT.—House No. 234 Ontario JL Street—Rent £4OO per annum. Inquire of E. W. GRIFFIN, next door, comer Dearborn street, from 1 to 2 p. m, or at No. 5 Pomeroy's Building, South Water street. &p5 p-93-lm TO RENT.—Furnished Dwelling House, 379 Wabash avenue, containing eleven rooms, closets, bath. Ac- A good stable attached. Ap ply to J. B. VALENTINE, No. 4 Loomis' Building. oor ner Clark and Sonth Water sta. apS-pS-lm TO RENT—House No. 404 Erie street, (pleasantly situated) atftGOper year to a responsible and prompt paying tenant. Inquire of EuMSET. BRO. & CO., 146Soutn Water street spli'-pgg 1m TO RENT—For three years from May Ist 1562 Dwelling House on Michigan Avo nuc, with large grounds, fine shrubbery and fruit trees barr, van* andsbud. The House having double par lors, library, and two lamli-J v private rooms, alulng room, six closets, pantry ant kltckea. with cooking ran* e, hot and cold water, bati. room on first floor-S’x rooms with closets and store ro. and hot and cold water with bath room on second fioor. Good basement ui.der all, wlta furnace, laundry, hot and cold water and p.ore rooms. Cost grates ana gas In each story. In short combining all the modern cenvemenceaof the age. Will not be rented for a boarding house,aud none but a responsible prompt paying tenant need apply. Address Post Office Drawer 56t*. apg-p745-2w TO RENT.—The pleasant and com modlous residence. No. 61 Hinsdale street, be tween *ells ana Franklin. It stands on a 55 feet lot. fronting tooth, and has gas, water, sewer connection, large sodded yard, and currant garden In bearing. Home cars within two blocks. Apply 10 S. S. -GREE LEY, No. 68 Washington street, Portland Block, or on the premises. ap23-p6iS 2w Ty RENT.—Brick Stores No. 48, 46.*44.42 and 40.wlthcellars.on North Clark street. Also. No. 183 and iSs,Kinzle sc* all situated ouderthe Foster House, corner of North Cl a rk and Kinzle sta. Possession given May Ist* For terms apply to GEOBGE F. FOSTER. 243 South Water street. mhl3-nSB6w 'J'O KENT—New and second hand PIANOS. A Urge assortment of Pianos and Melodeons at wholesale and retail. Orders from abroad promptly attended to "W. W. KIMBALL lal&-kShO-ly So. 99 Clara street. RENT AND FOR SALE, PIANOS AND MELODEONS, Allowance made for hire If purchased. All kinds of Instruments repaired. Tuning promptly attended to. I do not rent to co Into the country. WM. K. PROrfSKB, 130 dark street. TO RENT.—Houses to rent and Lands to Lease.—A larga boarding house, con taining, about thirty rooms, on Cake shore, tear tue Il linois Central Round House ; alao, several other houses drslrebU located. Abo, lands to lease for a term of years, situated on Michigan and Wabash Avenues, State and Clark streets Apply at No. 12 State sxeet, up stairs, between the boon or in A M. and 8 P.M. ap&-pITS-lm B.F. BROOKFIELD, TO RENT—Brick Dwellings Nos. 229,293, 295 Michigan street. Brick retelling northwest corner of Michigan and Pine streets* The Houses axe In good order and convenient to busi ness. Contains modem Improvements \OI. H. SAMPSON, House and Land Agent. sp22-ps72tMls’fi3 Room So 3 Metropolitan Hall. DOR RENT OR SALE—The five 1/ story Marble Front Store, No. SO Lake street, 2tx 180 feet deep, between w»bash and Michigan Avenue. Inquire of A. J. BRO I7N, No. 51 Clark at. ap3-p27 4w FUR SALE.—A few more of those beautiful Uhtow Pabx Lota to cioae the sales. I am celling Lots at Union Park five dollars per foot lees than they can be bought elsewhere la the market Title perfect. Now la. your time. Call and examine my Maps and prices. Boom2L No. 132 Clark street, ap3op9i2st FDR SALK—A Brick Bam, on the Alley between Morroe and Adams and Clark and W ells streets. To be taken down or removed. Ap ply to LOWEST GENTRY 64 Monroe street. (op stairs.) apao-pss&st FDR SALE.—One of the best Sin pie Carriage Horen In Chicago, seven years old. sound ard all right. One Horse six years old, good size, and an excellent saddle horse, would he a good family or easiness horse. Two new open buggies; one light nuatness bug 6 y; one new top buggy; one second band bogey, one new trotting suikcy: one new carter ; three r.uvgy polt a; two setts second hand sin gle harness; one sett light second hand doable harness. Ary perron wishing to purchase any of tho above named article* will do we I Co call ant examine them before purchasing elsewhere, as th-y wiU he sold very low for Cash. Apply to D. SFPOTTBS. Waverlv House No. S3 Kenzie sk cet. ap«9-pS3S-2w FOR SALE—A two story Dwell ing House for {4OO cash; cost CL2OO. Contains n're rooms, and in gof d repair. Itlsonleaasd ground (No. 219 Monroe street.) Apply to JAMES BARBELL, office of Armoor, Dole A Co., corner Sou A Water and Latslle streets, ap2s-p76J-iw JP OR SALE, 50 feet on Washington street, Between Morgan and Elizabeth etrecta. J.B. USB, 88 Clark str&et. C'OR SALE—Soap, Candle and x. potash Msnafactory, located at Monroeville, 0010. and contains all tbu latest ImproveoienCA ana come a good holiness* The caosc tor s-riag is tns proptietor having busircss In the Army. Term* satis factory. For ail particular* Inquire of MITCHELL A ZABM, Pott Office Box SBb4, Chicago. ap.S-pPfi-lai Fdb sale at a bargain.— One seven-horse power Boiler and Engine; one Iron Mill, two run of stone, with snaftlsg. belong. Ac. Also, elevators and kiln for drying. &ad all In rood running order with bnck building, sow occupied, at low rent. Address P.O. Box 3787, or apply at 130 Kln zle street aplStSte-lm FDR SALE.—Wheeler & Wilson’s Sewing Mschlaes for tale very lor.—We have fifteen No four Sewing Machines In perfect order. These machines have paid for themselves in six weeka in onr business, bat having no farther use for them we will eel! them very drop. PURIVGTON A BCKANTON. 2:T South Water street mh2s-n713-2m OTEAM FLOURING DULL FOR sale at a bargain —This MQI la eligibly located in Chicago, has four run of ttoue, and Its nachlnery and fixtures are nearly new. Forf&nherparacalara apply to B v . QUIMBJ ft 00., apISpST-lm 196 South Water street. ■RESIDENCE FOR SALE.— J_V One of the most attractive residences In Che vicinity of Chicago, substantially built of Highland Park pressed brick, and Just completed at a cost of SU.afcisoflVred forealeata great oacgala. It Is situated In the educational village of Evanston, about swerve miles (tom Chicago, on the lake snore, where railroad faculties are such as enable business men cf the dry to reside here and keep their regular business hours and where three of the best endowed Icstitnirra of the NortbweeC are located, which,with good public schools, ™*k* the location most dedrabie. The h oase Is two and a half stories in height, on a commanding eminence overlooks mo village anllake. Sunoundmg It are twenty acres of cu’tTvated laud, with a good barn, excellent water, near 500 sees of the grafted fruits, targe plata of strawberries, blackberries, raapbemts, curranm. Ac, with a great variety of the stationary plants usually cultivated In gardens. This property will be sold at a great sacrifice—one half cub. wttn credit for tt e balance. For further par ti mlan. inquire at No. 3*2 South Water et, Chicago, UL GSOBGE F. FOSTSS T OST —A Black Sint, St. Bernard 1J breed: bad on a leather collar with a small piece of chain attached. She U a pup, about five mouths old and answer* to the name of ■ Ic. Whoever will return her *o H7 West Madison street, will be nnaraMy re warded. • ap»-p9cs3t LOST —On Monday evening a Lady’s Breast Pm, circular la share, black and carved In shamrock leaves from toßwooAXno finder will be liberally rewarded by leaving It at the &ihmie Office. ap3«-p9 l-» LOST— On Thursday, the 24th teat. a. s’ edlnm seised Bay Hone, one of his hind feet and a*t>srt ot the hoof are white. Has white die marks on his back. Black man* and talk Who* reutrn the itae to the subscriber, comer of Tb?ot «£CUnwn strteta. will be raimUy rewwM. C.S.CUOK. (EK REWARD— Coy Lost.— Btreyed from borne last Sunday vndL a Dark Esd r ow, with wnite spot*, heavy body, snort lees, 100 g tail good shaped borM. and open comita*aace—good glxeo baa s«d veil proportioned teats. Whoever win rerun) «aid Cow to ny bouse, on Bmgold Place, be tween Vabash and Michigan Avrauee, thaS barefiTß Sriart Lake street. aoa»pga4»t • - • • Merchants. Ho. 1> La Salle street. •OANJOI BANJO I» banjo »m lYthe Bu]o te Pwenty Trienns by Ur CBABie* HaBBIB. the moat experienced ana tuc cestfal teachsr of the Baalo In tnoCnlted States Ad dress Boxuts, Poet Office, or at the Trioone Office, im mediately, or caU at vs State street, 2To &enf. ALSO, ALSO, jpor Sale. 3LOSt. auction £altg. WM. A. BUTTERS A CO, ? GENERAL &VCTI6NEEBS, Office, Ko. «-8*le«room8, Hos. 46.« ft »Dearborn*, opposite ireaoat House, Chicago. HL toMSrtfiVly . ENTIRE FURNITURE Of 1 Family declining Honsekecpicr, AT AUCTION, •OTiilKyat Reserve, for Cash, On T&mdty, Hay Ist, st oj- o’clock A. a,, At our Auction Room, 4fi, 48 aid 60 Dearborn street, we win aefl aQ the Hnussnold g-wla of a family, consist ing of Blch Bcusmla Parlor and Chamber Carpet*, par lor, Chamber. Diningroom and Kitchen Furniture, Crockery. Glassware, Cooking Store, Ac, Ac. —ALSO— Silver Plated Castors, Spoons, Forks, &e., <tc. —ALSO— One Splendid Englisli Body Brussels Carpet, Containing over One Hundred Yards, ALSO Several New Bolls, all Wool, and OTHER CAEPETS. WltJ. A. BUTTERS At CO., Auctioneers, myl-p93S-lt JJ OUSEHOLD GOODS, FAMILY SOAP, COFFEE, IRON S&FE &C., &C., At Auction, BTTHOUT RESERVE, FOR CASH, On SATURDAY, May 3d. at 9X o'clock A. 3L, At oar Auction room, 46, 43 & 50 Dearborn street, Tfe will sell tlie entire Furniture of a family, consist ing of a general variety ofFarior. Chamber and Kitch en Furniture. Carpets, Crockery Ware, Stores, Ac. ALSO, A lot of new Furniture, each as Lounges, Bedsteads Chain. B area of, Tahlee. *c_ Ac ALSO. 100 Boxes Family Soap. Ground Coffee, Whisky. &c ALSO. A variety of Merchandise, Tools. Ac. Ac. TVM. A. BUTTEKS A CO.. Auctioneers. mylp9B9-St Ea. jessel, auctioneer. • AUCTION NOTICE. Special and Attractive Sale to THE O’H.A.IDE. E. A. JESSEL wm sell to the highest bidder for cash, at Salesroom, No. 93 Randolph street, near Dearborn, on Tuesday, May 6th, 1862, at 10 o’clock, A splendid line of line Blaik Silks and Sarins, just ar rived from French manufactories. Also tine Broad* cloths, Biack Silk Cravats. Ladles and Gentlemen's Hosiery, Shirts and Drawers, Fine White Shim, Ac.. Ac, ac. The attention of the Trade is respectfully called to tb's Bale, as It comprises the richest a«ort ment ever offered. *mvl-p933-6> "JgT GILBERT,SAMPSON &WARNE3. New and Second Hand Furniture, Carpets, Gas Fixtures, dec., AT AUCTION, ON FRIDAY, May 2«t. at 9K o'clock, we win sell af our Salesroom, No. 53 Lake street, a fine as ortm n at of FumPnre, Ac., viz: Book Cues and Secretaries. What nots. Eaay and Bocktng Chairs. Parlor and Reception Chairs, Tete-a-Teics, sofas, Dressing Bureaus, Wash- Stands, Rich Chamber Suits Cane Sent Cbalrsand Beckers, Lounges, Wardrobes, Extension Dlolne Table. Cottage auo French Bed steads Halrand other Mattros ms Brussels and Ingram Carpets, together with a large ana central awortvieut of house£Ccplng coooa. Sale positive aud witaoat re serve. GILBERT, SAMPSON & WaRNER. myl-pS6I-2t Auctioneers. JgY GILBERT,SAMPSON & WARNER Fine Household Furniture AX AUCTION, At Dwelling No. 379 Wabash. Av. WewlllselloaSATtJHDAY, Mav 2d. at o’clock A at Dwelling House No. SJ2 wab u>h Avenue, lha largest ana most complete assortment of Furniture, Hlrrors, Carpets, &c., yet offered, consisting of extra rich Rosewood Parlor suiter. Easy and Bockloe Chairs. Efagaos and Book Cases. Boeewood and Mabog*nj CbamDer Seta. Mat tresses and Claim room Furniture, Kitchen do. embrac ing every article necessary for • Bill furnished hnn*e Also, splendid Velvet. Bmse-ls. three ply ahd Ingrain Cari-ft.-. Also, splendid Mirrors. Also, one PARLOR GRAND PIANO, 7 oc*are, full Iron frame, Bcscwood Case, and la one of the moat powerful lnfttrnm*uts ever Oroaiiht into Chi cago Made by Halett, Davis £ Co.. of'Bostoo, and was from the well selected sto"k of Reed * Watkins, and was valued at 91,000. The above goods will be s^ld FOB CASH 'WITHOTIT BESEEVE. GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNEB. Auctioneers. _ap3op9:o4t By GILBERT SAMPSON & WARNER Trade Sale of 15 Crates Wliite GranitelVare, 200 Boxes Assort'd Glassware, 150 l)oz. Table Cutlery, AT AUCTION. WcwlllacllonTnr’ 9'c o’clock, atoarSaieerootus.SSLiikosrreot, vithoat reserve foe CBBb. H Crates of Assorted Crockery ki <VLlte Granite, ot a cen-*rj»l ateortiaentof Tea, Dinner and Toilette Ware and Plate?. also. 2(>n boxes G asaware, Gobltta. Tumblers, Wine*. Bowl?. Pacces. tJecsatera, Spoon Holders, Syrups. Cans, Sajar Bowls, C*aJlo sucka, Salta, &c , &c. Also, 150 l>oz. Assorted Table Cutlery. GILBERT, SAMFSOX & WARJTSBL. Aucttoneers. ap'JS-pTTC-Ct BY GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER General Auction";; iu;. 53 Lako st- Great Sale of Choice European Oil Paintings, in Rich Gold Gilt frames, A, T AUCTXONr We w n sell at So. SI Dearborn street, on TT7E3OAT and WEDNESDAY Evenings, April 29th sad Ufcn, sc 7£> o'clock, by catalogue. A large and splendid collection of OU Paintings, Which have been selected with great care, and on the most favorable occasions, In France and Germany, du ring the past year, imported dire :tly by Me. L. A. TOIHAN, comprising valuable Original Pictures by eminent artists. and fine copies of the most celebrated idetures by old masters, now ta the different ga’laiun of Europe. Among the subjects may be found Greaos and Figures, life size; B&torlcal Subjects; Coavciaa tlonsl pieces; Agricultural and street View*, in differ rut European cities; Cattle Places, Manns Views, Game, Fruit and Flower Places, Landscape.*, wish a great vsnety of size and stvle, eubjrc and finish. The whole forming, it is believed, one of tho best col lections ever offered In this city The attention of taa lovers of good Pictures Is respectfully invited to tim sale. The above splendid collection Is now on exhibition day and evening until tke site. „ GILBERT, SAMPSON * WARHEIL, apM-pISB-&t Auctioneers. Large sale of second llA NO FURNITURE. On FRIDAY, May 2d. at 3:< o’clock, at room No. Iff* Dearborn street. Carpets, Chairs, Matrasses. Beds. Bedsteads. Lounges/Tables. China oniGiasa Jars with Covers, Japstictd Caams’er*, Good Coot and Parlor Stove:*. One Elegant Carved Parlor Green Hep. S pieces HUGH ALEXANDER. m- l-pMS-gt Auctioneer, S, KICKERSOH* ¥ot. 222 ft 224 Lata street, cor. FraakJtc REGULAR RMJLU Qu WEDSESOAI ASH FSIDAY OF EACH WEES. TBEOCGHOrTT TEX SXABOS, Of Cloths. Casslmeres. Satinetts. Corning. Hosiery sad Furnishing Goods, Boots and Shoes, Straw Gcoda, Yankee Notion* and Jewelry. In lots adapted to the country and city retail trade. Libera] casb advances made when required. Con signments respectfully solicited. S. NICKERSON, ladcago, Aug. 23d. ISSL aai-^SI-lv VARY GOOLS AND CLOTHING L* aT AUCTION-By S. NlCKdaov, Lake-sU cornc’-of Franklin.on MobDAT. April 2St“«, iVnuxsa d*t. AprilS» th Fbidat. it»y 2d, at 9!-* colors A M, will be sol*, tatlneta. c’oths. casslmcres, bro--a linen, gingham*, print, nrown and blcachei eh'evnd. h He »nc half note. Yankee not’on*. fnrt»l»lung goods. Also, at pnvatt sHe, carpets and oil cl Jtaa. Tern s rarii. Sale positive. ap?Sps47-Xw 8 NICKERSON. Auctioneer. Auction sales at whole sale OP BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Tuesday and Thursday. By GORE. WILLSO S A CO., 34 Lake street Beeadvertaembntln WholesalecoingiaJ>pl3-p933 tn. NOTICE. Large, Special anl Attractive Sale Of FRENCH BONNET RIBBONS, Of the Importation cf Messrs. Soleliac Freres. HAGGERTY&CO., ■Will sell on FRIDAY. May 2d, at 13 o’clock at their Salesrooms, Ho. 279 and 281 Broadway, ONFODE MOSTH3 CREDIT. 1,500 Cartons K0.4t0 48 Plain. Csnua t *,r*i3 pontt de bote and Gtoede Naples BONNET RIB3JSS. eutlrelj Etwttylea, jnst Itt ported, Inclaoia; ooa hiv died Canons No. 4t05 Corned Edge Ribbons Is a ack, White, and a*l the choice colon, Doth In solid Cartons . and tt new aparatents NzwSoßK.AprU26ih.lP62. a py»-p3l»»t iSoarbing. ■ROARBING. —A Gentleman and I) m« Wife can obtain a front salt of famished roars and board at f»o. SOT Wabash Avenue, la a pri vate lwelly, where there are no other boarders. ap»-prt£st _ TJOARDING.—Boarders cm be D accommodated with good board, convenient to botineaa, near the treat Office, n»* *&f%?/***}' antroomatolet. friz areightdaybaameiamubeac commodaced froa date. apaspgps-tt TSOABDING Board -with two I) pieasanti ooa»afjd*ablefor a gentleman sad his wife, can be had at a Mlchlganaveaue, corner of Lake greet. apM-pTOsim BOABDING —Board and pleasant <reoma to oehad. at reasonable rates, at GiGS EOUFS, corner of State and Twelfth streets. Otr bonders -I«oreceived. ■pEORTJITS WANTED FOR IV TAYLOR'S BATTEBT. A men wasted for Taylor a Sattary.row iq the field a Ten nessee. Tniuportatiob furslaheft ce apoßeasoa to the nndezslKiiba, at the Central Follee BC«tiou.ln tioart Bouse. [ap3D-p906 IwJ C. P. BaADLETT* {YAK LUMBER AND TIMBER, V / lam prepared to eat to order and deliver on abort r and short lengths. Also, Oak and Fine Lumber cut to order. Pine Lnmber, Lam awe Bhtnalra lor sals. OfflCfitootoCWret Waiftingtoaet. apTp!34-tm GALEN EAarwav IJOMEOPATHIC COFFEE.—A A n wboieensne beveragoicie tho Mck or wen. Highly Becommended by Pbysltlmas of all Schools, G. B. HALSSY, Wtoleeale and B*taH Age&L apT-pUS-ls 80. isi ctaxk meet.