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gTJje dtiittns.! - MOOT Ar, MAT 5, 1803- STAR CHA3£BEB COCBXS. The more thc 34th and 39th sections of Uie 6th snide of the new Constitution is examined, the more odious and dangerous they seem. By virtue of these provisions no man’s personal liberty will be Bale, He is liable to arrest, imprisonment and incar ceration in the penitentiary, though per fectly innocent of the offence charged against him, merely on the oath of some personal enemy- It is alleged by the ad vocates of this dangerous assault on the liberties of the citizen, that the Attorney General in England may now, in cases of a libel against the government and in some other cases, proceed by information; but such infor mation only be filed in the Court of Eng's Bench, a court composed of men of the highest legal learning, and of the purest character; and even before this high tribu nal, the humblest citizen is not compelled to be Hied; he may demand a trial by jury, and the cause is sent down so to be tried* The humblest Englishman is thus secured against the malice of his enemies, and the oppressions of the rich and powerful. Arc these safeguards to liberty and property to be denied to American citizens ? The friends of the new Constitution have called It the “poor mans- Constitution.” If this he the protection provided for the poor, God bless them. Ko more effectual instru ment can he devised by which, through the influence of the rich, the poor and humble can be deprived of character and property. One man only stands between him and the prison or s fine. The power of wealth can often mould that one man into the instru ment of his ruin, whereas it would be diffi cult to control the action of twelve men. ■What is offered as a compensation, in ex change for the ancient bulwarks of liberty and prosperity, thus proposed to be demol ished ? It is so despicable and insulting, that It would seem impossible to believe men could be found base, and mean enough, to urge it. Ills an appeal to man's avarice, the meanest and most groveling passion of his nature. It insultingly assumes the character of the people of this State to be so mercenary as to suppose they will bar ter away all the safeguards of liberty aud prosperity, to save a few dollars in taxes. Southern traitors and aristo crats have charged that free labor ers were so spiritless and mercenary that they were willing to sell character, liberty and every thing sacred for money. This provision of the Constitution assumes this to be true. Such an assumption is an insult to the people of this State, aud should be indignantly repelled and rebuked. But in truth, it has not even the recommenda tion of economy. Of the indictments found, a large number arc never tried, for the rea son that subsequent developments acquit the party accused without trial. Circum stances indicating guilt are explained, and the prosecuting officer becomes satisfied of the innocence of the accused and discon tinues the prosecution. In most counties a grand jury spends a week or two in the course of a year, investigating alleged of fences. Hundreds of cases are presented in which no presentiment is found, which under the new system would be tried. There are now twenty-eight circuit attorneys, at a salary of five hundred dollars each. Under the new Constitution there would be one hundred, and form prosecuting attorneys at au ex pense of $52,000 against $14,000 under the present Constitution. The Circuit Courts try the criminal cases, without any addi tional compensation to the judges. There is to be under the new system a county judge for each county, at a salary of at least SI,OOO each amounting to $104,000. Besides, justices of the peace, must be compensated for the cases they may try, so that here is an extra expense of over one hundred and twelve thousand dollars, aver and above what shall be paid to justices. But this is not all, an appeal is allowed in all cases to the Circuit Court when a trial by jury must be had of the same case. All rich rogues, who can secure bail will in all cases appeal, whilst the poor man At Fortress Monroe, on the 33d Inst., who is without friends or money, however a number of flour barrels were received which innocent he muv be, must submit to the Wtre marked, “Eega—handle with care.” finding of the single judge or justice. Tit 'J wcre addressed io private parties, but a • . • « • j « j « /» . some armv official opened said barrels, when A jury Inal is denied before the county . . , . . , the eggs were found to be made of alia* with, judge or justice, but required before the loDgnet . k3i and their contents vrorefound to circuit judge, who ls supposed to be a man QOnbifct of thc . oU ol cora T he r contjlaed of higher attainments than a justice of thc whisky, and of good quality. It was immedi peace. Under this system there will be atily confiscated, two trials in the circuit, where there is one now, because there will be a vast increase of criminal trials, and hence the expense greatly increased. Thc above are some of the objections to this monstrous proposition, fraught with mischief-* and dangers so glaring as ought, if there were none other, to insure the cer tain rejection of the new Constitution MOKBAY, MAY 5, 1803. A MATTES \TORFII CONSIDER neu. Those who imagine that the rebellion ■will be subdued when great field opera tions arc suspended, are doomed to disap- 1 pointment There will be forts to garrison, railroads to protect, bands of to hunt down. Gunboats will ply on the great rivers of the* South, and armed ves sels will watch the coast. The military duty to be performed will bo of the thank less and harassing kind. It will consist of night marches, a»-d chases through, swamps and jungles. The blacks are peculiarly adapted to this service. Their loyalty could be relied on. They could trace the guerillas to their lairs. They could endure the climate and exposure better th-iu the enemy. Nccrsj-Ly will in the end compel us to employ them; and now is the time to train them for the service. The objection to their employment is not on account of ilu-ir color, or want of loy alty, or luck of fighting qualities. They ; fought well nialtr Wdriiingtm. They : fought well under Jack-on. Tiiey have the strongest possible incentives to fight well in this war. Bui they are claimed as pro perty by a few other people, somewhat whiter than they, but nearly all of whom ; are trailers. Through fear of disturbing Ibis property, wc abstain from enlisting black soldiers where they are most needed, and add to ihe rebel side onc-slxth of tho loyal fighting farce ot the country. With out this aid, which we have actually forced upon them, the rebels could not keep in the field hall th«-ir present number of men. This we do rather than damage a species of properly which is purely fictitious, and never enriched the country one cent; fur when laborers are made chatties personal, their market value is just so much taken from the value of the land to be cultivated by them. The practical question is—shall we prepare for an inevitable necessity when ibe means arc within our reach, or shall we push the means away from us. and wait till we are overtaken by the. emer gency ? TBE CMON AS IT WAS, The Republic ut present is like a conva lescent patient—past tie worst stages of 1 disease, but confined to bed, and not be- 1 vend tbe danger of relapse. Caro and waicifuloc-ss an* still necessary in order to remove from the system the roots of the malady. Only an idiot or an enemy would propose to restore the invalid to the con dition of health just before the prostration. That would involve a repetition of the ill ness, with a system weakened by the pre vious attack. In truth it would be no cure at all; but would lead to certain death. And such would be the effect on our body politic of restoring the “ Union as it was.” It would necessarily be the “ Union as It was” under the rule of Buchanan, Breckinridge, Thompson, Cobb, and Floyd. It would be a Union in which the whole military power of the Government could be employed to drag back one poor'fugitive from slavery, but not an arm raised to save the lives of hundreds of true men in Texas and Arkansas charged with the crime of believing. in the Declaration of Independence; a Un:en in which publications urging forcible re sistance to the inauguration of a President constitutionally elected could circulate in all the free States, but in -which every poet master in the South was a spy commis rioned to violate the privacy of the mails, and to use letters and papers from the North as evidence against men who denied the right of the strong to enslave the weak; a Union in which universal freedom of ex pression was allowed to the prevailing sentiment of only half the country, and that half rotten with disloyalty. This is the “ Union as it was n which pro-slavery men wish to have restored. The same con ditlon of things, the same party in power, j the same traitors in office, the same plots maturing, the same dangers ahead—all would be necessary to a complete " resto ration.” Slavery would have to be re-estab lished in the Federal District. The grow ing emancipation sentiment in the Border States would have to be crushed out. Our flag would again have to become a protec tion to the slave trade. The Dred Scott decision would again become our Consti tution. A public sentiment purified by the ordeal through which we are now passing, a public conscience with hatred of slavery burned into it; at home, the rights of rnrrn held more sacred than the rights of prop erty ; abroad, a national character respected everywhere—these can only exist under the Union as it is to be —not as it teas. A FAIB COMPARISON, Could a disobedient son, who had struck, his brother, slandered his sister, insulted bis mother, stolen bis father’s money, and forsaken the parental roof, persist in bis unnatural rebellion and. yet claim all the privileges of a loyal member of the house hold? "Would the causes which led him astray—the bottle, the lewd book, the gam ing table —be held by his relatives as sacred family heirlooms? Would they be care fully preserved in order to convince the reprobate tlat he was beloved at home—as a means of reclaiming him—as a bond of future union and harmony ? Just such con siderations as these—no weaker, but no stronger—call upon us not to abolish slavery. Trlfllns with the Patriarchs, When we are made to say, as in an editorial in yesterday's issue, that “ Jacob took Abner aside,” &c., we shall prefer to have it under stood that the liberty taken with the patri arch’s memory was In the proofreader’s de partment. A u clean proof” would have convicted Joab of what we have always con sidered most unofiicer-likc conduct toward Abner. |3f“Mr. Grimes has introduced into the Senate a bill for the education of colored chil dren in the District of Columbia, It appears that this class pay $36,000 ia taxes on $659,000 in real estate. It is proposed to divert one tenth of this sum, or $3,600, to the education of colored children. The school trustees are directed to provide suitable school teachers and rooms, and are Invested with the control and management of all funds derived from this source, and from all contributions of be nevolent individuals. The New York World's market report says heavy losses result to shippers of eggs from improper packing. Too great care can not be used. Wheat chaff is the best material. Fine cut straw is very good; and later in the season, through the warm weather, oats are more desirable. Sixty to sixty-five dozen arc as many as should come in the ordinary sized flour barrel, and it is a good plan to lay a pa per the size o- the head at the top and bottom. |sr* The Kew York ice companies have stored a crop of 406,000 tons, 200,000 of which were laid in by the Knickerbocker Ico Com pady. Of these 400,000 tons about 200,099 tons, onj account of meltage and wastage, will probably be passed over the scales to dealers. The present crop, although larger than that of last year by 2.500 tons, will, U is expected, not realize as large an amount on the scales as the cron of IS6I. p?T Barnum’s former project to enhance the breed of babies by the same means taken, for the improvement of cattle, hogs sheep, cabbages and other vegetables, is revived. An aavenitcment details how §2,000 will be dis tributed for diaper stock, up to most alarming numbers, “ twine, triplets, quatems.” There is to be a bench of feminine Judges, aud the best infant, under five ‘years of age, will re ceive, or bis sponsors for him rather, SIOO. pip"' At Indianapolis in the matter of the application of Susan S-vcinhart for the dis charge of Daniel Sweiuhart, a minor under ihe age of eighteen years, held by virtue of au a.-sertcd enlistment in th‘e 11th Infantry of the Regular Army of the United States, Daniel Lae been discharged by order of Judge Bay, and returned to his mother’s care. Fremont’d stay in ha been longer Umu he expected. Thu reason has been that be found that be had to organ ize bis whole Department, In a thousand particulars he lacked facilities for carrying out the work before him. He has been l-aborioua -5y ci'gageO ever riocc he reached the city. |S* ; “ The cost of the Government of deport ing negroes to Liberia. Havti, and Chiriqui, from Now York aud Fortress Monroe, will be s£s each to the former, and s2o to the other plaCC f. Our Army «t Pitlabnrjj. The following I- :m vsvract from a private letter received here on Saturday from the camp of an Illinois regiment, dated at, Pittsburg, Apli !Sth Our ‘orce* are m-irc’unsr oa Corinth, by d{- virion*. Our diviriou m-ocnca e.ut t-vo mil;-. «vuy duy. Our advanc-divistnits svitriu rix n:\Jes of Corbdb. >Vc exp-rf to uiir:n Corinth we-k. Gc;i. Pope j- npr.e otirexTriti' 1 left, (Jen. Lew, W..\- ,cc upon oar right, Grant, and Bu-li iu the centre. Our loices-will ieach 350,000, easy. War pickers >rc fetching in prisoners every Oav. The r»«d* sire very mnddy. The .>d brigade, c »ui timvtiec by lieu. U-.M'-viu, will move to- uor iow. Gen. Davis has tat? command of the 2d diviriei:, form»rly commanded by P.idu. , a v i Smith. Lien ported in camp that Boaure curd is falling buck to Jackson. A few rebel cavalry came in under a flag of trued and sur rendered. They report mat the rebels are re ceiving reinforcements daily. It is believe! tbnt this was done to cover their retreat and keep ns back until they get everything re moved Irom Corinth. Who Were tbo Bebol Victims at Sbllob? A letter jubt received from an Ohio Colonel, w*ho, by the way, is a Douglas Democrat, and was “ a strict constructionist,” dated “Field of Shiloh, April 19lh,’’ makes mention of a fact I have not eUewbere seen noticed: “I marched with four companies from Waynesboro, to tho sound of the heavy guns of ihe battle, and arrived at Savannah at 8 r. H., where we learned tbo cattle was woo. “Of course the field was a-? it was left after the baulo, when I arrived, and I saw it in all it b horrors. But one thing gave mo satisfac tion. The confcdcT.ves wereneiriy all ot the ctass that sought this war—well-made mem with email feet and hands, tho southern “ bloods’’ In abort. About ton thousand of this Claes found their ‘‘rights” here.” From Central Missouri, At Springfield; Colonel Marrioo commands Camp Batter, and with the 1-ta Illinois Cav alry, is guarding about 1,700 s«-cc&b prisoners. Col. Mnrrion allows no one to associate or con verge wph the prisoners, except the officers ar.d mi n who guard them. Tun health of tue prisoners is quite good, and about one han ded are detailed each day to work on a huge fence ifhich Is being built around tao camp. Thus tbe prisoners are undo to sire the Government from SSO to SIOO per diyduring the progress of the work. Tne prisoners draw \, e 8au)0 rations as our soldiers, and are clothed with Uncle dam’s condemned clolh ing. ver T quiet. Col. Boyd, ol the Mtaeouri, Use command of the post. Latest accounts place Gen. Cartl®*’army in the vicinity of Vera Cruz, in Douglas’comity, about ninety mile* >outh of Holla, slowly moving toward the nter. J A Slaveholder in Qaeat «t Comfort, [Wash. Cor. N. T. Eve. Post.] One day last week a Prince George’s slave holder, who bad lost some of his peripitetic chattels, called upon one of the members of the Cabinet to* get a crumb of comfort, greatly grieved because General Wadswortn, tbe military Governor of the District of Co lumbia, would not violate the articles of war by turning slave-catcher and reminding the fugitives who were lo Washington Into bond- The Cabinet officer heard his complaints with becoming patlence,and 1» said to have re plied as follows, according to the slaveown ers own account of the Inrerrie w ; “I sec no heJp for yon,” said the Cabinet minister, “but to get. rid of your slaves as speedily as possl ble by the acceptance, on tbe part of Mary land, of the President's plan of emancipation.'' FROM THE ARMY OFTESSESSEE. [From our ownEeporter.} Camp Shiloh, Apnl 26,1883. Now that the armies of the Tennessee, Ohio and .Mississippi—Grant’*, Buell’s and Pope’s —are united under one commander, Gen. Hal- leek, It is to be expected tlmt something •worthy* of the Immense force frill soon he done. That something must be done before the hot weather sets in, is evident to me, judging from the great amount of sickness here even now. Ido not exaggerate when I say that every fifth man in this army is labor ing under a diarrhea of the most prostrating description. Old United States officers who escaped this plague of armies all through the Mexican war, where it was very prevalent, and even among the everglades of Florida, are now down with it Its effects arc most ener- vating, and the usual remedies, opium and tanum, appear to but merely check the disease for a time. Bad whisky may aggravate the symptoms, but even those who never use the ardent are not free from the infliction. I, in common with every medical officer with whom 1 have conversed upon the subject of the health of the army, are of the opinion that the use of ale and beer by the troops should by all means be encouraged. These act as a tonic and operate upon the liver to change the se cretions, This diarrhea operates almost pre cisely similarly to the cholera. In aggravated cases, I have observed precisely the same symptoms, rice-water discharges, cramps, and finally collapse. Anything that will operate to produce a moderate flow of bile will imme diately cure the disease. In addition to the diarrhea I have heard ol some cases of small pox, among others in Gen. Wallace’s (3d Di vision) I saw two well marked cases of vario loid myself, one on the boat upon which I came up and one on the Government boat at the landing. The medical surgeon confirmed my opinion of the latter. To-day is a fine day, but yesterday was so wet and unpleasant that ia at tempting to make my usual horsc-back rounds of the camp, I got wet to the skin despite my india-iubber cape, and accomplish ed nothing. To-day, however, is so fine and warm, that the mud is fast drying up. These extreme changes from hot sunshine to what the Southerners call cold rain, must be very trying to the constitution. ~ Gen. Halleck is evidently determined to keep the troops on the qui rife. Notwith standing the weather, there are reconnois sanctß in force nearly every day, and some times two on one day. On the 2-tth (not 23d as I had it by misdating my last,) as I wrote you, there were reconnoissances on the Cor inth and Purdy roads, that is on the right and right centre. The former I accompanied my self ; the latter I learn found the pickets of the enemy on this side of Purdy. They were driven in with the loss of one or two killed on the side of the rebels and the troops returned. To-day a reconnoissance in force was also made towards Purdy, or by a road to the left of the one leading to that place. It was under the command of the gallant Col. Lawler of the 18th Illinois. It consisted of the ISthlllinois, Capt. Marks, 17th Illinois, Capt. Peets, 20th Illinois, Major Kerens, 30th Illinois, Lieut. Col. Dennis, and 3lst Illinois, GoL Osborne. These latter regiments haA but jnst landed from Donelson, and occupied their camps, or rather grounds for camps, when they were ordered to lay down lueir knapsacks and march. They fell into rank promptly and filed a«ayto the front to meet the enemy. The expedition was also accompanied by the Ist Battalion of the -4th Cavalry, (CoL Dickey’s) under the commandof Lieut. Col- McCullough, a detachment of cavalry from Gen. Hurlout’s division, and two pieces of Swartz’s battery. The expedition returned in the afternoon without having met the enemy. The fact that the enemy had a force at Fnrdy, on our extreme right, and also at ; Corinth in front of our centre, shows that his j lines are very much extended, and that his at my must be of proportionate size. I ) notice a telegraph dispatch going the i rounds of the papers, purporting to I to intercepted from Beauregard, to the ef t feet that he was badly in want of reinforoc > men’s and had but 35,000 men at Corinth on the 9th. Now if suca a dispatch was inter [ cepted, it must hate been a bogus one, in- J tended for a blind. From all the accounts we i get here, and from the extent of his levies, I aid the force with which he attacked our army on the 6lh lust., Beauregard’s force must at that time have been much larger, and at the pusent wri'ing it is no doubt immense. Why, in one of the attacking columns ou the 6th alone, eleven regiments were counted by their colore, and he has since been constantly rein forced from u’l parts of the Soaib. I believe in one of my earlier letters I spoke of the propriety of, to .some o.x'cuL, fortifying tide poM’iou. I now find tint liiis Is being done. Parsing out to the front yesterd-iy, I observed that on the spurs of tbe 'be tween the ravines to tbe left of tbe Purdy road, held works were iu process of coLttiuelion. They consisted of regular works, with parapet, embrazures, flanking feces, traverses, «Jcc., the whole tl inked by abaltie, and protec ; ed in front by chevauz tie /rise. With such works ;is tliese couiauadiug the vflri«-us roads leaning out of tbe place, no force could make a successful attack upon the camp. The situation of tao works I saw were commanding, although iu one instance I thought some ranges of hills or ridges ia front overlooked it, but my uumUitary eye may have been deceived. These, evidences of care and forethought ou tbe port of Gen. H illeck, And the stir and bus-th; iu every portion of the on tbe more, origades un der drill, <fec.. &c.—show that a commander of skill and judgment is now at the helm. I notice tnat'Major (now Colonel) Bray tmoi, of your city, commands the Illinois regiment, and ulso, in consequence of the ill ness of Gtn. Ko?s, the third brigade of Geo. McGlmiand’s Divirion. Id tbe late action no officer in the field B‘nowid more true bravery than Col Brayuiaa. He rallied more than one regiment. At one time he came upon the 20ih, hla present regi ment, and found it deserted by its Colonel, and thy men inclined to leave. The oolor be«rer bad furled tie fl;»g and down with it behind a tree. Major Brayman rode up to him a> d j-sktd him for if-. Having received it he unfurled it and rode along t he line bearing It. This earned immense enthusiasm among the men. They responded with cheers aad curing the remainder of the day the regiment greaUj oistinguished irself. For his gallantry during the two Oajs fight Major Br.iymin re ceived the command of this regiment, every man of which hos the utmost confidence ia him. Our Illinois and the Indiana rvgimcnts boro the brunt of the laic battle, and most, if not all tin so in if, lost fearfully, still, I suspect they will bear aa heavy a shire in «lil- mxt conflict. Buril's force, ho wever, should be thrown forward next ritne. sup ported bj General Popes’ or versa. These nun are better prepared to go into action U anDtc troops engaged In the late butle. A victory is üb.-omtely necessary to restore the morals of tome of the troops in the late; oiion, tno the troops to bear the brunt of the action should b« tbo.-c who have already \ he pr« siige «f victory to stimulate them to Turu.«'tU triumphs. Tbo has doubtl- ,c s ere tins in formed jou of the death of Gen. Ohar'rs F. Snosb. I nndtTst-md the General was •woundtda’ DomrLon, but I have not s-en it u:tii>on»d in tho pap,r=. lie died of l‘-v«*r. li-deid be Pad never recover d his brakn rive- t ba» Pu'tlf- The nftieor' ;.».'k upon him as one of «ur v« n b -t general!. Boulton's battery his been at’a-.-uea to Gon. iinrb u«'s oivwou. Cue men are ail well, arc bring d:i k‘d constantly and arc eager tor the fray. "I urchin’s (10th ll'lno'ie) regiment his doubtless retired into the country, haring been menaced atTurtumbia bj ala'ge cu-airy f*-ro»% The gunboats have returned from there. F. OVR ST. LOUIS LEITSB. Loyalty of tbe Germans—Emwnclpa tiuu in Missouri— meeting of t..e League In St. I««vals—Cal, Jcnnl feon-s Address—Gen, SlgeL {From onr own Correspondent.} St. Louis, Mo., Msyl, 1562. The patriotic freemen of the North have to return heartiest thanks to their German breth ren in this city and State. Had it not been for the Tectonic element, so largely interfused here, this State of. Pukes and Pikes, Border Ruffians and Conditional Union Men, would long ere this hare been sealed to Dixie. In the gloomy hours which darkened the early summer of last year, the Germans of Missouri, but more especially of this city, made the loyal blood bound impetuously as the nows of the taking of Camp Jackson flashed overtba wires, and everywhere throughout the State, where the Germans had made a resting-place, the march of Union soldiers announced the opea »ing of the struggle which since his devastated the State. These things are already part of the national history; but in the city of St* Louis there is an nnwritten prologue of heroic sacri fice, patient preparation and untiring sogiclty, which never failed or faltered. I passed by the arsenal to-day, and my companions re counted the scenes of twelve months since, when the noble soldier Lyon kept vigilant watch and ward, with bnt fifty soldiers, over the arms, &c. stored therein. The secession minute men then swarmed throughout the city, and the Germans had to meet secretly for organization and drill. Within a quarter of a mile of the arsenal is a German medical and scientific institute under Ur. Hammer. It had some sixty students, who requested arras of Gen. (then Capt.) Lyon, which were furnished, and these gallant youths lay upon their arms for many nights, ready under their Professors to fall upon the flanks of the minute men If they,attempted their purposed capture of the arsenal. Incident after incident was thus nar-' rated of iho events of those anxious months, and each added in my heart to the gratitude which aa a loyal citizen I have ever felt to the. broad-armed, . great-hearted Germans. Freedom has marched on since then, and bnt fourteen months have rolled by, when an avowed, nncompromising Emancipation League, holding its stated meet ings, and fearlessly advocating And-SUver? principles, takes its place among the institu tions of the State which but seven years since poured forth its men and treasure to enslave Kansas. On Tuesday evening, with Cob Jennison, I attended the second meeting of the General. Emancipation League ol the State of Missouri. As a coincidence worthy of note, this meeting wps held In a mansion belonging to, and but last year used os the headquarters of Gen. Harney. This society completed its public organization the week previous. Its officers consist of the following gentlemen: Presi dent, Judge Clover, (of the Connry Criminal Court); Vice Presidents, John C. Vogel and Judge Moody; Recording Secretary, J. F. Wielandy; Corresponding Secretaries, Charles - P. Johnson, (a prominent and talented young lawyer) and Dr. Hillgmrtner, Editor of the Anzkger. The object of the Society is set forth in its title, and the officers are busily engaged in laying the foundations of a thor ough canvass and organization of the State. They intend to commence agitation upon an acceptance of the proposition put forth in the President’s late glorious message. They will commence this work immediately, and the forthcoming session of the Slate Convention will not be allowed to pass without a thor ough discussion of the question. Nothing can save Jilissouri from constant embroilment for the next three years but the emancipation of the slaves left there within a short period. If any body must be colonized, and conditions of that kind be imposed, would it not be more beneficial to the State to remove about a halt million of the poor Pokes who fester therein ? The proceedings of the meeting were ani mated. CoL Jennison was invited to address the League, and did so In the style peculiar to the man. He told them that he was not In the habit of speech making. He had tried to be a doer of deeds, and not a maker of speeches. But his opinions were plain and direct, and therefore could be readily, though blontly ex pressed. He had none to conceal. It gave him much pleasure to meet with this organi zation, especially when he remembered its glorious objects. Freedom had been his aim, and his only ambition was to be a soldier of liberty. He had sought to do this in Kansas, as a citizen, through her struggle, and as a soldier and officer in the war for the Union now raging. He claimed that both were part of the same struggle, and as he went in to win when with only six men he had * resisted tbe pro-slavery men in Southern Kan sas, so had he gone in to this war. Be'causc of ibis, and this only, had he, he believed, been arrested, and treated in an inhuman manner by Gen. Sturgis. Because he had there, as here, frankly told his opinion of the men set to command, and the policy pursued in Kan sas, he had been placed in a filthy dungeon at Leavenworth, and confined by Sturgis’ orders in the slave pen on ’ Fifth street. In Kansas the war had been merely a political war, controlled for the pur pose of not hurting slavery, demoralizing the State,and filling the pockets of swindlers with Government gold. What it might be in St. Louis, he didn’t know, though from the evi denccf|he had seen, much of the same policy prevailed. The Kansas soldiers, as fins troops as can be found in the world, had been for a year up the hill and down again, except when left to sacrifice ua at Springfield. For weeks we had laid within three days march of Curtis and Sigel, and nothing to prevent our rein forcing'them, except want of orders, and then finally his command was ordered to Fort Riley to equip lor New Mexico, there to gar rison forts in all probability. It was stated we were to march on Fort Rfley tor equipment, hut the facte were that, as Major Easton, Quartermaster at Fort Leavenworth, told my Quartermaster, the First Kansas Cavalry was sent there to consume a hay contract, which would be lost ii some horses were not sent up tht re. Because he would not serve these pro slavery men, their schemes of political fraud, thtir treachery to freedom, and their plunder ing, he had been placed in arrest. More than all tin se, it was because he was an abolition ist, and whenever he marched, somebody aud something got hurt. So much for himself, and he bad alluded to these mat ters because they illustrated the fight going on throng bout the nation. All of the bunker forces had had lime to crystal i?.e themselves during this -war into plans of saving slavery that they might again on its tt-mains build up political power and control the nation. This Kansas fight, in which he was involved, was but a bolder manifestation ot the tight. The only way was to organize, jut-t as this League had organized, in every possible locality, aud on the basis of the rueidi-nt’s Itr.c noble message, demanded enmucipation, and thus lift up Mr. Lincoln’s hands to highi-r aud nobler things even. In Kansas we have organized an Emancipation League and called a State Convention, and it was" gratiJjing to moot the Missouri friends and carry back to his own S?ate, their pl-ius and purpo-es, that we might there co-opento'* He was, bad always been, aud trusted to re main, an avowed radical, working, fighting nboiitioiisr, and in that fellowship worked with all whose aim was justice and liucrtv. The above is the substance of the Colonel's remarks. The manner of the min cannot be givtp. Qu.Jnt, terse, ofren rough in expres sion, bis “ wordo are indeed bullets” aud his speech, like his good sabre, hews down the supporters of despotism. I had the p leisure to-day of meeting Gcu. Steel for the first time, and need not say how much I was gratified by the opportunity. Unr public men are generally so much over rat i d, that one most generally feels di>appoint td in int e ing them. Not so with Major Gen eral Franz Steel. H»s face and manner is full of the repose of intellect and strength, which Las well weighed its forces and therefore knows its own power. A more modest and ■unassuming geatkmm it has not for a loLg time been tuy pleasure to meet. Lei me remark here, that from all I can learn of his opinions, and from the character of the man as told by bis face, I do nut believe that that there te to day in the Union a truer sol dier of liberty and a heartier hater of oppress ion in all its shapes Than General Slgel The Gt utTal bus bei-n for some time confined to his house by rheumatism, but is now much better, though not entirely recovered. Col. Jentnson intends leaving for Washing ton in the morning with the intention ot de manding a full investigation of his arrest at the hands of the authorities. He will iu all probability withdraw his resignation, which J5-6 been accepted by Gem Halleck, and takes effect to-day By letters from Kansas I learn that Lieut. Hoyt is suffering severely from rheumatic fever, brought on by his confine ment in the damp, dirty, filthy *hol«, wherein the brute Sturgis confined him. Tho Lieu tenant has always been in delicate health, aud suffered severely by his winter campiignlng, and the confinement was brutal in the ex treme. Thank God, the fellow is ordered from Kansas, and, if justice is done, he will be starless in a short time. A Letter from t. S. marshal Phillips, TJkttud States Maiwral’ij Omca,) Soutusun District or Jllisois. V Springtisus, 111., April 1863. j Editors Chicago Tribune : In your paper of yesterday your Cairo cor iCt-pODdeut, stales that “there was a prospect, yesterday, of a conflict between the civil and military authorities upon the et-Tnil niggor qnrt-tiOD. The United States Marshal of this District churned the right to take a contra band captured at Fort Donelson, and now em ployed by the Government, and return him to Ms mari* r, who U said to be a loyal Hi-sou ri;«i>. The Provost Marshal resisted aatl dc molded bis authority. For a time there was a prospect of a scrimmage, but tao prompt lit ts of the Provost Marshal prevented it and the U. S. Marshal abandoned the claim. New it is enough to state, that tne tilth in stant, the day on "which the above is mi l ro li vt- happened, I i-p* ot in the city of Chi-.Mgo. Aid tint 1 never heard of the case alluded to, until I read Ui>- above pangr.iph in your pa per. I have not been to Cairo for week,*, if I wire there, I would scorn to do what is charged by your correspondent. If any one bss at'empted In my name to do such an act, I will on tl-e first Intimation disavow and re pudiate such conduct. More, I would dis charge instantly any deputy guilty of such m.perrintst intermeddling with tho military aulLorides. It the negro, captured os stited, was cmpkijcd by the Government at Cairo, 1 heartily approve of such disposition of him. Allncgioes of the re bels ought to be employed in the sauio way. Please do mo the justice tp insirt this note in your paper, a* I do ne wish foramoment to appear before the public as doing that for which I should despise my self. Tour correspondent at Cairo owes me an apology. Yours truly, D. L. Phillips, U. S. Marshal. Remarks.—We deeply tvgret that any para graph in our news should do Injustice to Marshal Phillips, but wo find our regret mit igated by the foot that an occasion was thus furnished for the public utterance of senti ments we rejoice to see belonging to a Federal officer in his responsible position. They do honor alike to his head and heart. As to the misstatement we must say. that a journal like oars is at the mercy of its many correspond ents, and we can only make the best amende is our power when they mislead us or do in justice in any case. Tfon’t be Deported* The negroes of Beaton have held a pwblle meeting to consider the subject of colonisa tion. They don’t believe in the project/and their resolutions are pointed: Hefoited, That when we wish to leave the Vnited States we can and and pay for that terri tory rhat fhall suit us be-t. JSetclred. That when we are ready to hare wo sh»U be able to pay our own expenses of travel. Jicsotv&d, That we don’t want to go now. i'e*olwd. That if anybody else wants ns to go they mubt compel uj*. ShootlDgabarlag Foe. [Torktown Cor. N. Y. Evening Poit.] A liitle Incident happened to-day worth re lating. Ever since onr pickets have been within six hundred yards of the enemy’s works, a rebel seven-footer has sho vn himself tsupUD&lj at a safe dls’aoc© from evidently braving the fire of onr sharpafioot eis. All the pieces had been repeatedly level ed upon him. hut without effect To-diy he came outride as waving his ha%wßeut«vo balls went whizzing toward him, but fell shcrl. The rebel continued his observations. Meanwhile a messenger wse despatched for a certain telescopic target rifle known to be in the hands of a sharpshooter, and Colonel Berdan and one. of his officers, accompanied, by two of hia idpd, waited out to see the re eult as one would go to a bear hunt. Arrived at the point designated, the seven-footer was still there, when the owner of the rifle drew op at arm’s length, and the moment the muz zle fell to as to coyer his heart, the hair-trig ger was touched, and the taunting foe fell without a struggle. A skirmish ensued, our sharpshooters t ryingto prevent the rebels from recovering the body, and it was finally left outeide until nightfall. THE CONDUCT OF THE WAR. GHOULISH OF THE REBELS. THEIR ATROCITIES TO OUR' DEAD. Revolting Barbarism of Seces sionists In Their Gamps and At Home. The Joint Committee on the Conduct of the pre sent War beg leave respectfully to submit a .Be port, in part, as foUotcs: On the first day of April the Senate of the United States adopted the following resolu tion: which was referred to the Committee on the Conduct ol the War; JUtoived, That the select committee on the con duct of the war be directed to collect the evidence with regard to the barbarous treatment by the ret - els, at Manassas, of the remains of officers and soldiers ol the United States killed in battle there; and that the said select committee also in- quire into tbe fact whether tbe Indian savages have been employed by the rebels. In their mili tary service, against the government of the United States, and how such warfare has been conducted hy said savages. Ib pursuance of the instructions contained .In this resolution, your committee have the honor toreoon that'thcy examined a nnmber of witnesses, whose testimony is herewith submitted. Mr. Nathaniel F. Parker, who was captured at Falling Waters, Virginia, testified that he wes kept in close confinement, denied exer cise, and, with a number of others, huddled up in a room; that their food, generally scant, was always bad, and sometimes nauseous; that the wounded had neither medical atten tion nor humane treatment, and that many of these latter died from sheer neglect; that five of tic prisoners were shot by the sentries outside, and that he saw one man, Tibbitts, of IheNew Fork twenty-seventh regiment, snot as he was passing his window on the the Bth of November, and that he died of the wound on the 12th. The perpetrator of this foul murder was subsequently promoted by the rebel government. Dr. J. M. Homiston, sugeon of the 14th New Fork or Brooklyn regiment, captured at Bull Run, testified that when he solicited per mission to remain on the field and to attend to wounded men, some of whom were in a help less and painful condition and suffering foe water, he was brutally refused. They offered him neither water nor any thing in the shape of food. He and his companions stood in the streets of Manassas, surrounded by a threat ening and boisterous crowd, and were after wards thrust into an old building, and left, without sustenance or covering, to sleep on the bare floor. It was only when feint and exhausted, in response to their earnest peti tions, they having been without food for twen ty-four hours, that some cold bacon was grudgingly given to them. When, at last, they were permitted to go to the relief of our wounded, the secession surgeon would not al low them to perform operations, but entrusted the wounded to his young assistants, “some of them with no more knowledge of what they attempted to do than an apothecary’s clerk.” And further, “that these inexperienced sur geons performed operations upon our men in a most horrible manner: some of them were absolutely frightful.” “ When,” he adds, “ I asked Dr. Darby to allow me to amputate the leg of Corporal Prescott, of ourreglment, and said that the man mast die if it were not done, he told me that I should be allowed to do it.” While Dr. Eomiston was waiting, he says a secessionist came through the room and said, “ they are operating upon one of theFankec’s legs up stairs.” “I went up and found that they mid cut off Prescott’s leg. The assist ants were pulling on the flesh at each side, try ing to get flap enough to cover the bone. Thty had sawed off the bone without leaving any of the flei-h to form the flaps to cover it; and with all the force they could use they could not get flap enough to cover the bone. They were then obliged to saw off about an inch more of the bone, and even then, when they came to put in the sutures (the stitches) they could not approximate the edges within It ss than an inch and a half of each other; of course, as soon as there was any swelling, the stitches tore out and the bone stuck through again. Dr, Swalm tried after wards to remedy it by performing another operation, but Prescott had become so doril iiuti d that he did not survive.” Corporal Pretcott was si young man of high position, and had received a very liberal education. The sumo witness describes the sufferings of the wounded after the tittle as inconceiv ably horrible : with bad food, no covering, no water. They were lying upon the floor as thickly as they could be laid. “There was not a particle* of light in the house to enable us to move among them.” Deaf to all his appeals, they continued to refuse water to thete suffering men, and he was only enabled lo proeme it by betting cups under the caves to cutch the rain that was falling, and in this way he extent the night catching the water and convening it to tho wounded to drink. As there was no light, ho was obliged to crawl on his hands and knees to avoid shopping on their wounded limbs; aud, Uo adds, h is not a wonder that the next morning we found that several had died during the night.” The young surgeons, who seemed to delight in hacking and butchering these brave defenders of our country’s flag, were not, it, would seem, permitted lo peifonn any operationa upon the rebel wounded. “ Some of our wounded,” says this witness “were left lying upon the battlefield until Tuesday night aud vv'edm-aday morning. When brought in, their wounds were complexly alive with larva? deposited there hy the flies, having laid out through all the rain storm of Monday, and the hot, sultry sunshine of Tuesday.” The dead laid upon the field unburud for five days; and this in cluded men not only of his own, the 14th reg iment, but of other regiments. This witness te-blilics that the rebel dead were carried off and interred decently. In answer to a ques tion whether the confederates themselves were not also destitute of medicine, he replied “they could not have been, for they took ull ours, even to our .-urgieal instruments.” lie received none of the attention from the sur geons on the other aide, “which,” to use his own language, “I should hare shown to them had onr position been reversed.” The testimony of William F. Swalm, assist ant surgeon of the 14th New York regiment, who was taken prisoner at Sndley’s church, confirms the statement of Dr. Homiston, in n gard to the brutal operations on Corporal Ihescott. Ho also states that after ho himself had been removed to Richmond, when seated one day with bis feet on tho window-sill, tbo sentry outside called to him to take them in, and on looking out ho saw tho sentry with his musket cocked and pointed at him, aud with drew in time to t»ve his life, fie gives evi dence of the heartless, careless, aud cruel manner in which the surgeons operated upon our men. Previous to leaving for Richmond, and ten or twelve days after t-.e battle, he saw some of tbo Union soldiers nnbnricd on tho held, and entirely naked. Walking around were a great many women, gloating over tho horrid sight. The c&*e of Dr. Ferguson, of one of the New York regiments, is mentioned by Dr. 3 -vaim. “When getting into bis ambulance U> look after his own wounded, he was fired upon by the rebels. When he told them who ne was, they said they would take a parting shot at him, which Iht-y did, wounding him in the leir. He bad Ms boors on, and his spurs on his boots, and as they drove along bis spurs would catch in tbe tail-board of tho aana lance, causing him to shriek with agony." An officer rude up, and, placing his pistol to his hiad, turcatened to snoot elm if he con tinued to stream. This was on Sunday, the day of the bank*. One of the most important witnesses was Gem ml James B. Ricketts, well known la Washington and throughout the country, lately promoted for his daring aud self-Stcri licing courage. After having been wounded in the battle of 801 l run, he was captured, m»d as be lay helpless ou his back, a party of rebels passing him cried out, “ Knock out' Ms brains, the d d Yaokee!” He met General Bc;«un £aro, an old acqn ilotauco, only a yeir his senior at the Uni'cd States Military Acad emy, when* bofcn were eduetted. He had met the rebel General in the Sooth a number of times. By this head of the rebel army, on the day after me battle, be was told that hi* (Gen. KlckcU’ti) tn-af incut would depend upon the t.rvatmt-nt extended to the rebel privateers. Ills Fiist. Lieutenant, Rimsey, who was killed, was stripped of every article of his clothing, but his socks, and left naked on tho field. He testified that those of oar wounded who died it* Richmond were buried in tne negro bury ieg-groued among the negroes, and were put into the earth in the most unfeeling maa,-, ner. Tbe statenr nt of other witnesses as to how the prisoners were treated la fully con firmed by General Ricketts. He himself, while in prison, subsisted mainly upon what he purchased with his own money, the money brought to him by his own wife. “We hid,” he says, “what they called bacon soup —soup made of boiled bacon, the bacon being a little rancid—which you could not possibly eat; and that for a man who e system was being drain ed by a wound Is no diet at all.” In reply to a question whether he bad heard anything about our prisoners bring shot hy the rebel sentries, he answered: “Yes, a number of our men were shot. In one instance two were shot; One was killed, and tbe other by a man who rested hifl gun on the window sill while be capped it.” General Ricketts, in reference to hia having teen hold *s one of the hosragr® for the priva teers, states: “I considered it bad treatment to be selected as a hostage for a privateer, when I was so lame that 1 could not walk, and while my wounds were . till open ;ind unheal ed. At this time General Winder came to see me. He had be«-n an officer la my regiment; 1 had known him for twenty-odd years* It was on the 9> h of November toot he came to see me. He saw that my wounds were still un healed; he saw my condition; bus that very d»y be received an order to select hostages for tbe pnvateers, and, notwithstanding Ue knew ro\ condition, the nextday, Sunday, the 10th of November, I was selected as one of the hostages.’ 1 “I heard,” be cooumi**, “of a great many of our prisoners who had hc*-n bajouetted and shot. I saw three of them—two that had been bayonetted and one of them shot. One was named Louis Francis, of the Now. York 14th. He had re c« Ivcd fourteen bayonet wounds—one through his privates and he had one wound wry mncli like mine, on the knee, in consequence of which his leg was amputated after twelve weeks bad pa-ar-d: and I would state hero that in regard to bis case, when it was determ ined to amputate his leg, I heard Dr. Peachy, the rebel suigeou, remark to one of his young assistants, ‘X won’t be greedy; you miy do lt;’-«Dd the young man old it. I saw a num ber in my room, many of whom had been badly amputated. The flaps over the stump were drawn too tight, anil some of the bones protruded. A man by the name of Prescott (the samr refj-rred to In the testimony of Sur geon Homiston) waa amputated twice, and was then, 1 think, moved to Richmond before the taps were healed. Prescott died under this treatment. X heard a rebel doctor on the steps below my room say 1 that he wished he could take out the hearts of the d—-d Yan kees as easily as he could take off'their legs.* Some of the Southern gentlemen treated mo very handsomely. Wane Hampton, who was opposed to my battery* came to see md and behaved like a generous encmy.*‘ It appears, as a part of the history of this rebellion, that Gen. Ricketts was visited by his wife, who, having first heard that he was | killed in battle, afterward that he was alive and wounded, traveled under great difficulties to Manassas to see her husband. He says: “She had almost to light her way through, but succeeded finally in reaching' me on the lonrth day after the battle. There were eight persons in the Lewis House, at Ma nassas, in the room where I lay, and my wife, for two weeks, slept in that room ou the floor by my side, without a hod. When we got to Richmond, there were sis of us in a room, among them Col. Wilcox, who re mained with us until be was taken to Charles ton. There we were all in one room. There was no door to it. It was much as it would be here if yon should tkke off the doors of this committee room, and then fill the pas sage with wounded soldiers. In the hot snm- mer months tbe stench from their wounds, and from the utensils they used was fearful. There was no privacy at all, because there being no door the room could not be closed. We were there as a common show. Colonel Wilcox and myself were objects of interest, and were gazed upon as if we were a couple of savages. The people would come in there and say all sorts of things to us and about, us, until I was obliged to tell them that I was a prisoner and had nothing to say. On our way to Richmond, when we reached Gordonsville. many women crowded around tbe cars, ana asked my wife if sbe cooked? if sbe washed? how she got there? Finally, Mra. Ricketts appealed to the officer in charge, and told him that it was not the intention that we • should be subjected to this treatment, and if it was continued she would make it known to the authorities. Gen. Johnson took my wile’s carriage and horses at Manassas, kept them, and has them yet for aught I know. When I got to Richmond Ispoke to several gentlemen about this, and so did Mrs. Ricketts. They said, of course, the carriage and horses should be returned, but they never were. “ There is one debt,” says this gallant soldier, “that I desire very much to pay, and nothing troubles me so much bow as the fact that my wounds prevent me from enteringupon active service at once,” The case of Louis Francis, who was terribly wounded and maltreated, and lost a leg, is re ferred to by Gen. Ricketts; but tbe testimony of Francis himself is startling. He was a pri vate in the New Fork 14th regiment. He says: “I was attacked by two rebel soldiers, and wounded in the right knee with the bayo net. As I lay on the sod they kept bayoneting me until I received fourteen wounds. One then left me, the other remaining over me, when a Union soldier coming up, shot him in the breast and he fell dead. I lay on the ground until ten o'clock next day. I was then removed in a wagon to a building; my wounds examined and partially dressed. On tbe Saturday following we were carried to Manassas, and from there to the general hos pital at Richmond- My leg having partially mortified, I consented that it should be am putated, which operation was performed by a young man. I insisted that they should allow Dr. Swalm to be present, for I wanted one Union man there if X died under the opera tion, The stitches and the band slipped from neglect, and the bone protruded; and about two weeks after another operation was per formed, at which time another piece of the thigh bone was sawed off. Six weeks after the amputation, and before it healed, I was removed to the tobacco factory.” Two operations were subsequently per formed on Francis—one at Fortress Monroe, and one at Brooklyn, New York—after ids re lease from captivity. Revolting as these disclosures are, it was when the Committee came to examine wit nesses in reference to the treatment of our he roic dead, that the fiendish spirit of the rebel leaders was most prominently exhibited. Daniel Bixby, jr., of Washington, testifies that he went out in company with Mr. G. A. Bmart, of Cambridge, Massachusetts, who went to search for the body of his brother, who fell at Blackburn’s Ford in the action of the 18lh of July. They found the grave. Tae clothes were identified as those of his brother on account of some peculiarity in the make, for they had been made by his mother; and, in oidtr to identify them, other clothes made by her were taken, that they might compare them. “We found no head in thegrave, and no bones of any kind—nothing but the clothes and portions of the flesh. We found the remains of three other bodies all together. The clothes were there; some flesh was left, but no bones.” Tbe witness also states that Mrs. Pierce Butler, who live s near the place, S’4d that she had seen rebels boiling portion* ol the bodies of our dead in order to obtain their Loucs as relics. They could not wait for them to decay. She said that she hid seen drumsticks made of “ Yankee shinbones,” as • they called them. Mrs. Butler also stated that she had seen a skull that one of the New Orleans artillery had, which, he said, he was going to send home to have it mounted, and that he intended to drink a brandy punch out of it the day he was married. Frederick Scholes, of the city of Brooklyn, New York, testified that he proceeded to the battle-field of Bull Run on the fourth of this month (April) to fiud the place where ho ciip posed his brother’s body was burled. Mr. Scboles, who is a man of unquestioned charac ter, by his testimony fully coutirras the state ments ot'otherwitueese-. Hemeta freenegro, named S.’mon or Yimous, who stated that it was a common thing tor the rebel soldiers to ex hibit the bones of the Yankees. “I found,” ho fays, “in the bushes in the neighborhood, a part of a Zouave uniform, with the sleeve sticking out of the grave, and a portion of the pantaloons. Attempting to pall it up, I saw the two ends of the grave were silli unopened, but the middle had been pried up, pulling up the extremities of the uniform at some places,' the sleevts of the shirt In another, and a por tion of the pantaloons. Dr. Swalm (one of the surgeons, whose t etimeny has already been referred to) pointed out the trenches where the secessionists had buried their own d«ud, and, on examination, it appeared that tln-jr remains bad not been disturbed at all. Mr. Schoks met a free negro, named Hamp ton, who n-sided mar the place, aud when be told him the manner in which taeso bodies bad been dug up, he said he knew it had been done, and added that the rebels had commenc ed diguing bodies, two or three days afror they were buried, for the purpose, at first, of obtaining the buttons off their nuiiorms, and that afterwards they disinterred them to get their nones. Be said they had taken rails aud pushed the ends down in the centre under the middle of the bodies, and pried them up. The informa tion of the negroes of Benjamin Franklin Lewis corroborated fully the statement of this man, Hampton. They said that a good many oi the bodies had been stripped naked on the field before they were buried, and that some were buried naked. I went to Mr. Lewis’ house and spoke to him of the manner ia which these bodies bad been disinterred- fio admitted that it was infamous, andcondetnned principally the Louisiana Tigers, of General Wbcaris division. He admitted that our wounded had been very badly treated." Ia confirmation of the testimony of Dr. Swaltn aud Dr. Homistoo, this witness Mr. Lewis mentioned a number of instances of men who had been murdered by surgical treatment. Mr. Lewis was afraid that a pestilence would i break out in consequence of the dead being Uft unburied, and stated that ho had gone and warned the neighborhood and hud the dead buried, sending bis own men to assist in doing so. “Ou Sunday morning (yesterday) I went out In search of my brotbt-r's grave. We found tbo trench, and dug for the bodies below. They were eighteen inches to two feet below the surface, and had been hustled in in any way. In one end of the trouch wq found, not more than two or three inches below the sur face, the thigh bone of a man which had evi dently been dag up after the buriaL At the other end of the trench we found the shiabone o! a man, which bad been struct by a market ball and split. The bodies at the ends had been pried np. While digging there, a party of solders came along and showed us a part of a shinbone, five or stxinchcs long, whicahid the end sawed off They said that they hid fonnd it among many other pieces in one of the cabins the rebels had deserted. From the apjKrarance of it pieces bad been sawtd off to m:ike finger rings. Aa soon as the negroes noticed this, they said that the rebels had h*d rings made of' the bones of our dead, and that they had them for sale ia their camps. When Dr. Swalm saw the bone he said it was a part of the shin bone of a man. The soldiers represented mat there were lots of these bones scattered through tbo rebel buts sawed into ring*," &c. Mr. Lewis and his negroes all spoke of Col. James Caun-ron’s body, and knew that “it bad been stripped, and also where it had been bnriid." Mr. Scholes, in answer to a ques tion of the committee, described the different treatment extended to the Union soldiers and the rebel dead. The latter had little head boards placed at the head of their respective graves and marked; none of them hod the appearance of having been disturbed. The evidence of that distinguished and pa triotic citizen, Hon. William Sprague, gov ernor of the State of Rhode Island, confirms and fortifies some of the most revolting state ments of former witnesses. His object ia ▼Wring thebatilefield wu to recover ihs bodies of Col. Slocum and Major Ballou, ot theßhode Island regiment. He took out with him several of his own men lo identify the graves. On reaching the place he states that “we com menced digging for tbo bodies of Colonel Slocum ana Major Ballou at the spot pointed out to us by these men who hid been, in the action. While digging, some negro women came up aud asked wnom we were looking for, and at the same time said that ‘Colonel Slogan’had been dug up by the rebels, by some men of a Georgia regiment, bis head cat off, and fals body taken to a ravine thirty or forty yards below, and there burned. We Stopped digging and went to the spot desig nated, whtre we found cools and ashes and bones mingled together. A little dis tance from there we found a shirt (still buttoned at the neck) and blan ket with largo quantities of hair upon it, everything indicating the burning of a body there. We returned and dug down at tbe spot indicated as the grave of Major Ballou but fonnd no body there; but at the place pointed out as the grave where Colonel B‘ocnm was buried we found a box, wtjicu, upon being raised and opened, was fonnd to contain the body of Colonel Slocum. The sol diers who bad buried the two bodies were sat isfied that the grave bad been opened, the body taken out, beheaded, and bamed, was that of Major Ballou, because it was not in the spot where Col. Slocum was buried, but ra ther to the right of it. They at once said that tbe rebels bad made a mistake, and had taken the body ot M»jor Ballou for that ot Colonel Slocum. Tbe shirt found near the place where tbe body was burned I recognized as one belonging to Major Ballou, os 1 had been very intimate with him. We gathered up the ssbe s containing the portion of bis remains that were left, and put them In a coffin with his shirt and the blanket with the hair leftup on It. After we had done this we went to that portion of the field where the battle bad first commenced, and began to dig for tbe remains of CaptahrTower. We brought a soldier with ns to designate tbe place wherehe was buriett He bad been wounded in the batrie, and had seen from tbe window of the house where the captain was interred. On opening the ditch or trench we fonnd it filled with soldiers, all buried with theirfacea downward- On taking upborne lour or five we discovered the re 4 mains of Captain Tower, mingled with those of Die men. We took them, placed them in a coffin, and brought them home." In reply to a question of a -member of the committee as,to whether he was satisfied that they were 'buried Intentionally with their faces downward. Governor Sprague’s answer was, “Undoubtedly! Beyond all controver sy 1” and that “it was done as a mark of In- dignity.” In answer to another question as to what their object could have been, espe cially in regard to the body of Colonel Slo cum, he replied: “Sheer brutality, and noth ing else. They did it on account of his cour age and chivalry in forcing his regiment fear lessly and bravely upon them. He destroyed about one-half of that Georgia regiment, which was made up of their best citizens.” When the inquiry was put whether he thought these barbarities were committed by that regiment, he responded, “by that same regi- as I wss told.” While their own dead were buried with marble head and foot stones, and names upon them, ours were buried, as I have stated, ib trenches. This eminent wit ness concludes his testimony as follows: “I have published an order to my second regi ment, to which these officers were attached, that I shall not be satisfied with what they shall do unless they give an account of one rebel hilled for each one of their own num ber.” The membirs of your committee might content themselves by leaving this testimony to tbe Senate and the people without a word of comment; but when the enemies of a just and generous Government are attempting to excite the sympathy of disloyal men in our own country, and to solicit the aid of foreign governments by the grossest misrepresenta tions cf the objects of the war, and of the conduct of the officers and soldiers ot the re public,this, tbe most startling evidence of their insincerity and inhumanity, deserves some notice at our hands. History will be examined in vain for a parallel to this rebellion arrainst a good government. Long prepared for by ambitious men, who were made*doubly con fident of success by the aid and counsel of for- I uu r administrations, and by the belief that ( tbeir plans were unobserved by a magnani mous people, they precipitated the war (at a moment when the general administration had just been changed,) under circumstances of astounding perfidy. ” Without a single reason able ground of complaint, and iu the face of repeated manifestations of moderation and peace on the part of the President and his friends, they took up arms and declared that they would never surrender until their rebel lion bad been recognized, or the Institutions established by our fathers had been destroyed. The people of the loyal States, at last con vinced that they could preserve their liberties only by an appeal to the God of bittlcs, rushed to tbe standard of the republic, in response to tbe call of the Chief Magistrate. Every step of this monstrous treason has been marked by violence and crime. No transgression has been too great, no wrong too startling for its leaders. They disregard ed the sanctity of the oaths they had taken to snpport the Constitution; they repudiated all thtir obligations to the people ot the free States; they deceived and betrayed their own fellow-citizene, and crowded their armies with forced levies; they drove from their midst all who would not yield to their despotism, or filled their prisons with men who would not enlist under their flag. They have now crowned the rebellion by the perpetration of deeds scarcely known even to savage warfare. The investigations of your committee have established this fact beyond controversy. The witnesses called before us were men of undoubted veracity and char acter. Some of them occupy high posi tions in the army, and others high positions in civil life. Differing in political sentiments, their evidence presents a remarkable concur rence of opinion and of judgment. Our fellow countrymen, heretofore sufficiently impressed by the generosity and forbearance of the Gov ernment of the United States, and by the bar barous character of the crusade against It, will be shocked by the statements of these unimpcachcd and unimpeachable witnesses; and foreign nations must, with one accord, however they have hesitated heretofore, con sign to Listing odium tbe authors of crimes which, iu all their details, exceed the worst excesses of the Sepoys of India. Inhumanity to the living has been the lead ing trait ot the rebel leaders; but it was re served for your committee to disclose as a concerted system their insults to the wound ed, and their mutilation and desecration of the gallant dead. Our soldiers taken priso ners in honorable battle have been subjected to the most shameful treatment. All the con siderations that inspire cnivalric emotion and generous consideration for brave men have Been disregarded. It is almost beyond belief that the men fighting iu such a cause as ours and sustained by a Government which in the midst of violence and treachery has given re peated evidences of Us indulgence, should have been subjected to treatment never before resorted to by one foreign nation in conflict withanothtr. Ail the courtesies of professional and civil life seem to have been discarded General Beauregard himself, who on a very recent oc casion ooasted tha* be had been controlled by humane feelings after the battle of Bull Run, coolly pro; osed to hold General Ricketts as a hostage for one of tbe murderous privateers, and the rebel surgeons disdained intercourse : and communication with, our own surgeons i taken in honorable battle. The outrages upon the dead will revive the rccolU-clious of tue cruelties to which s»vago tribes subject their prisoners. They were buried in many eases naked, with their faces downward; they were left to decay in the open air; their bones were carried off as tro phies, sometimes, ns the testimony proves, to be used as personal adornments, aud one witness deliberately avers that the head of cue of our most gallant officers was eat off by a stcessioD'Bt to be turned into a drinking cap on the occasion of his marriage. Monstrous as this revelation may appear to be, your com mittee have been informed that dnringthe last two weeks the skull of a Union soldier his been exhibited In the office of the Sergeant-at arms of the House of Representatives, which had been converted to such a purpose, and which had been found on the person of one of the rebel prisoners taken in a recent conflict. The testimony of Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, is most interesting. It confirms the worst reports against the rebel soldiers, and conclusively proves that the body of cue of the bravest officers in the volunteer service was burned. He does not hesitate to add that this hyena desecration of the honored corpse was because the rebels believed it to be the body of Col. Slocum, agaiust whom they were infuriated lor having displayed so much cour age and chivalry in forcing his regiment fear lessly and bravely upou them. These disclosures establishing, as they in contestably do, the consistent inhumanity of the rebel leaders, will bo read with sorrow and indignation by the people of the loyal States. They should inspire these people to renewed exertions to protect onr conntry from the restoration to power of snen men. They should, and we believe they will, arouse the disgust and horror of foreign nations against this unholy rebellion. Lei it be oars to furnish, nevertheless, a continued contrast to such barbarities and crimes. Let ns perse vere in the good work of maintaining the au thority of the Constitution, and of refusing to imitate the monstrous practices we have been called upon to investigate. Your committee beg to say, in contusion, that they have not yet been enabled to gather testimony In regard to the additional inquiry suggested by the resolution of the Senate, whether Indian savages have been employed by the rebels in military service against the Government of the United States, and how such warfare has been conducted by said sav ages, but that they have taken proper steps to attend to this important duty. B. F. Wade, Chairman. Gottecbalk is giving concerts m New York, and Mies Bateman is haring great suc cess as “Juliet” at the Winter Garden, FROM AXTCXIOIN. GREAT BARGAINS WHOLESALE AND RETAIL For Nett Cash Only. 100 Pieces (rood all Wool De Lainea For Two SbilUnss & Ford. 50 f ieces Fine MIK and Wool Ohallies FOR THREE SHILLINGS. So Extra Quality Lnpfos FOR SEX. SHILLINGS. 50 PIECES WIDE. HIGH LTTSTEED Fall Boiled BLACK. BILKA FOR SIX SHILLINGS. SPEma STYLES PLAID SILKS FOB THBEE SHILLINGS. EXTRA HEAVY Dotibte Faced Black and Colored Figured FOB ONE OOLLIB. Heal French Ginghams for 1 Shilling CHOICE HEW STYLES Poll Bladder Calicoes for Ten Cents. B.ack aac White Checked Wool Valomlaa for One Shilling, Fine Pore Linens for Two and sixpence. Pillow Case Llnau for Three Shillings, la feet our store Ufull of bargains in allllniaof Goods. LAPGB DAILY ABBXYALS OF GOODS mn ABCTIOB. IMPORT*** AID maibfab- TBRtRS DIRECT. Opr entire stock I* bought for nett caakata large Discount from Eegu’ar Prices, making erery piece of Goods m our stock a bargain. Kow OT STOCK, all thelitesc novelties In SPS33O CLOAKS, SAQTJIS ASD MASTLES Of 811k and all fashionable materials. Also, PATTERN CARDS Of High Novelties 1b Dress Goods, Os board steamer HAHBA. which wia be ta store la a lew days. W. M- &CO., 167 & 169 Xialce Street. mhJOoWfiSm* BIStWINS V\TE prefer them for FAMILY ** ; iTßl£~fKewT#Tt Tribune. Yo&nx&t' FAVOErrB3yoB ' pAMTT - raH .—{Hew It has no rival—fSetenttfle Aaetlcea. There ere 85.C0Q MACHINES ta use la tW* counter no o Europe- ■ * PSOFTTABLU aaft AVAILABLE ft LJtiS-TIH&- ■ _ It is eqcsf toTEH Beaman twu An AFSUAL DlVlDßinj of TOto Sttsercehh fCB IttcotT) may be obtslaed la D«o—byitt»ott*wsor. Tbte MsA’nataUift worn the BOTATIMO-aaosTsaa using the GtASB-FCOT. - GEO. B. CHITTENBES, • GecaalAreot for DUnals. Wteoretn, lows, Bortkerm inalanaand Southern Minnesota. Circular may be had oo application or oy poet. ohii-aejs-u-Trl fflaanten. WANTED— A First-Class Coot. >To other need apply. a* 223 Slichlgaa avenue. my3-r43-St TA/ANTED —By two single gen it tleaen. board and a comfortably furnished room with a respectable ftmily. who dine at five or dx o'clock j*. ir„ pleasantly locator on the Sontn Dine, •within twenty minute* walk from the Tremont House. Jlio-eM BoiKo. 639. mj3.i5.2t WANTED. —Flouring Mill wanted. Any person having a good Flouring IHII for sale, driven by a steady stream af water ln» gc-od location ftr doing merchant and custom wok, can hear of a cash customer by addressing, giTlag d&- scripilOH of property and price, W. M. WATAON, Tonics, Lnsalle County, HL m;3rlß-3t WANTED —Agents m every Western town. Active, industrious men mala from f3 to Sp per day. The articles are both new sad really ujefaTTard where a merchant in any town de sires to seQ them no other Agency will be established, address, with stamp, Wou*/ » CO- Pcs:Office Box r,n. Chicago, or call at Boom 9, No. i! 9 South Clark at mS-rJS-rw WA NT E B—A Partner with $5,600 capital in good credit la Chicago to list amount, In the manufacturing of AlconoL The Distillery la capable of making seventy (IV) sorrels dailv of 95 per cent. Alcohol and In good running or der. Kelt profit dally. S3O Address •• alcohol Dis- TILI.SKT," Poet Office Box IS3, FeorlA. lIL mySr2o£t RANTED, A COPPER STILE, with Column Goose and Worm. Capacity four to five barrels. Address Post Office Box 4517. myapSSS-U VVT ANTED—A Partner with a * * cafb capital of from $3.0(0 to $3 non in a Staple JfAxrpACTcujse Btrsisnss, already established, that wl lpay atlr&stlOO per cent profit per annum. Ad dress Poet Pace Box #3. Chicago, lii. my£p37r-3S ~\\T ANTED—A gentlemen doing » T bminecs soma forty miles from Chicago, on the line of one of oar nest railroads, is desirous of forming a Co-Fannershlp with an active mas who can odd to the capital of the concern two or three thousand d Hiara (S3,<ML) To such s person a *ood onpormmty i* of. ftred. Address for one week Post Office Hoi aws. Cal cago. tnyhplWß.iw WANTED—To Purchase on the * » line of the Illinois Central Railroad, a Farm offrom KOto 2loacres. Part must be under cultiva tion, with suitable buildings Would prefer a place under liabilities to the Coapanv, walch would lie as sumedby the purchaser. Sfastouc be over sixty, nor nearer than thirty miles of Chicago. Address, wlta tun particulars. E. P. Ct>Bß, Box No. 3015. Pogt Office, New York. Also a duplicate of address to Chicago Tribune. apds-pS9siw WANTED—At 109Deaiborn St., v T opposite the new Po 4 t Office, SUaations for Domestic Help* No girl sent from the office unless able to furnish *at fritetory rtferecce from former employer. Parties can tbtalnsaire by applying as above or addressing Mrs. A-L. BaT-Kav. Post office Box 3245. apSo-oSt7 lw X\ r ANTED—By a yoiujg nun from v v the East, a situation as Shipping Clerk in a Wholesale House. Grocery or Hardware preferred. Good rtiereacee given. SilAry not bo much an object as a permanent situation. Writes a good hand.and will endeavor toolrass his employer. Addre« “J Dr&wtr No. c?S7. Chicago Peat office. apto-p9u9lw W ANTED—Agents in every * T Town throughout lllinolß, Wlaconsln, lowa and Minnesota. Postmutcrs. Professional u.en. Teach ers. *nc others having a large circle oi acqnintauc*, can make it very profitably to act as Agents iniatro during new and valuable publication? which are Mdd omy oy snbecrfptloa. For further information cait oa or aooieaa O.F. GIBBS, ISI South CiarKstseef, Chicago. Po&t Office Box SOS. ap3S pd39 3oi WAITED-AGENTS— *loo— ▼ To Ben J. T LLOYD’S Great Military War Maps of Son'herp States. Colored, ta Counties. eo cents: colored la States, 50 cents. United States Kall rcai Map2scents; YlrslniaMap 23 cents; Kentucky Map 25 cette ; Missouri Map 125 cas*s. Three of any of tee abOTe mans. mall free, for f fO. or separately for retail price. Bend stamp and Bet circular, Ac. ±L R. LA. LON. Agent, 120 Lake street, Chicago, lIL Bp2S-pSS2-lm WANTED! WANTED] I—At ?T MRS. BATES’AGENCY OFFICE, 171 Washington street, near Laeallo, Situations for GOOD RELIABLE HELP. Sirs. Bates presumes, from past years of acqualntan:e with the ladles ot Chicago, to ho able to provide them with sale able Servants. Orders from the country punctually at tended to. r*. O Box. 3596. 1611*31-1? T\7 ANTED—Agents and Canvas. v T se sln eve»y Connty !n the Northwest. Every m.v seeking empl'jment can learn Tull particulars far pro*ecu*lnga pleasant and profitable badness. by en ci- sing a three cent stamp to F. A, TBOMa**. Post ©dice Box 4253, Chicago. Illinois. apd’i pTDMm T \7 ANTED —We are buyrr g T T Unßed States Cerrifiratt« of Indebtetnesss, QTJAUTEB fiASIES’S CHECSd On Unlttu ttaies rrcasuary, psjVd* In Orrtificatea of Indebtedness and QuHr.ermm.rerV Vouchers. C. C PaKKS A CO.. Bankers ap2s-p”S3-lm 93 Like street corner of Dearborn st. T\7 ANTE D—Employment fo. v v American, English, Irish. Scotch, German aaL Colored servants, with pood city references, ut thi Philadelphia Intelligence Office. No. 150 South Claris streeL between Mmr,* Varilsoa Conn trv orders puncHallv attended to. Pc«» 03ce Box M 59. M.-S. D. PUA.TT ihattcntiaace. •laus-t'Svu 7 ANTED. —Purchrsers for fif T T teen N0.4 WHEELER & WILSON SewingMa chine?, the he*t for farailv nsc. ntarly now. la per ttret order. A good mnehtoe win ”ave Its cost lu elx rnthths. GILBERT. & CO. Ship Chandler* :ic.t S.ul M tkora. 20T oouth Water st, cor. ‘Yells. nih2S-n'.^i-3ni A GENTS WANTED.—Profitable A"V Employment, proSt per ”o»« made by Agents on the new patent Lvdbuipu Maukino FKsctL. Ageawnave rvtaUe>l from oq« to two gross la one day. Over seventy thouiand *o i. Samples sent by mall oa receipt of 3i> reaw, or for sum pleaof marke<i llac-a. term*. -tc-,<m« atamp. A«ldr*»A* E. P RT.ARK, NortfcamptcH. Mass maiO-n.>3lSm TXT ANTE B—B EESW A X If In large or small Quantities. TO FILL AN ORDER. KING « nwiSVS, Coiorn'tston. Vsrrhants. rahS No li La Salle streeL C\/ ANTED—Two Hundrv-fl * * Agent?.—Agents wanted In every town of *ce United Raters t<* e°il J. Koblei ‘a new Improved method lor Cnttlai Ladies’ Dresssa Boys Clothing, ribl-'s. ,to. Secnrea bycoojngbt, Atenu nstiar from f:> to |> per Oar For particular* Inquire at .1. Office, Ko fi Metropolitan Block, or addre*« P. () X /x 3552. enrl'ifißg three cent postage stamp, Chicago, iiL oelTh3S2-5m Hast. LOST —Between North and South Watar streets, on Cart, a Hair Bra;«’tt with po'dd«p. topaz Re", and heavy eoia attache ■ SBibe glr era* re atlvlsT*lavalmuTe upon c» pc. K.w t o .1 h, W The flaaer wiu he re warded by leavleg the fame at the Tribune oHlcs. mjS-pOb'-St jfouub. TAKER UP.—A Red Cow, about thre* years old and baa a calf. Thn owner cm have Lcr by applying In ruar'sfnbi il-lu-oa proving property, etc. CmyS-rtl-St] B. BJ WktA2C. General Notices. f ITTLE BEAUTY PIANOS made in Boston, the admiration of all that hare seen and used them, and axe aold so very cheap that every one can hare one. Call and gee or send for a de scription at r«o. 115 Lake ctreet. N.GUOLD. iDyS-rti-St OAK AND HICKORY LUMBER, OAK PILES, TIB 3, 4a, delivered onshore no tice. Beech. Maple and Hickory Wood* P-.L. FUBNRS3, corner of Wells and Michigan atraeta, Chicago. Poat'>ffice,Furnc»7iile, Indiana. Mlehig-u Cectral BaUroad. my3f t-tw OTY SCRIP —All parties who hold any ‘•CerUflcatc* of Indebtcdae<w” of the City oi Chicago p iflt due, are requested to oresent th< m at the Comptroller's Otflct immediately for pay ment, a* the mt**rvtt on them «ill cease afer tals date. PASTT. D. TTABO, City Comptroller Chicago. May Zd. IS6E. my3-ra<3t |JN&EED OR. 20 Bkls. LINSEED OIL, and 500 SECOftD-HAaD BAGS, For pale by S. 8. WILLIa.HSOX myD-p9533t 8 D-ili’a BoUdiag. $— SOMETHING NEW—Agents • Wantfa to malre SaO to a mon h. ssliiog onrtfewty n&tcntcd article*, want* d la erery faml-y. PtUitg raplafy. Sa'lsfßCUoo gnararteed. Rumples r»c&. Enrluee stamp. a cdrt4s CSA9. Ct-j, Sc-x 3UII. Chicago, ill. mrl-pOlt tw pOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY, JLV‘ Condnc»ed by the Spanish Government. In crawlie ofAprtl fB, «BdtK*.B7*9 drew Ko. I2jbl! drew ffOOO : No. 979* drew S3o(fk : ; Ifo. tLBOB drew No. \ being the fire cap ital prizvs Prize-rarhed aod Inioimatjon fcraUbedby TAI U*B & CO, Bankers, 15 Wall street, H. T. apGO-p835-lW TJEURUTTS “WANTED FOR X\ TaTLOB’R BATTERY. A few able-bodied men •wanted for Taylor a Battery, cow in the flell in Ten ne°ee*\ Transportation farotshee rm «p plication to U-e nudersltted, atCie Orotrai Pollee 84*tloa.ia ifoart House. [ap3o-p9o6jwj C.P.BKADLBY. NOTICE. —AH persons indebted to Wm.D. Hoffman aio requo%t«d to ca’V at the OFFICE OF WM. CLINGSfdJ* wd settle end are cost mad fafthertoajle. Wtl Cimfcman Assignee ofWm. D. Hoffman. mytpOifaw r PHE NATIONAL BANNER JL TbU fit? published, Ko, 1, YoL 1, THfi NATIONAL BANNER, A handsome semlmouthly Journal of is pace*, pe- Tttni to Literature, Art, Mu»tc and General InVslll* erzee. Publbhed for the benefit eftho PATBXO nC FUND, ByDBLPHINB P. BAKER, Portland Block, Chicago, Terms ;—Two Dollars misinA parable in ad ▼acce hU-glc nambers torsale by all Bewsddalers. Prlre W cents each. IS~ Sc rend ladies and gentlemen are now ciavtss lug the dry for subscriber#. mys-ritods A EYES.—Persons JTX deprived of an Bye can have the defect remora 1 bytfaeuue'tloa of aa artificial ooe without a operation, kavfrg all the motion, color, Ac„ of the av turai organ. It so closely jcseipblce nature that It cannot be detects. Th«j are made oa a new priscl plr, with a new material, which cann n be imitated or equalled by *bj othrr maier. T. F. D*.tis, the m*na fkrturer. is the o»ly pr*.r?!c*l maker Li tola coont'f. >» B.—SeodforaQrcnlir So H0.433 Broadway, New York. mylp97S-lm (\AK LUMBER AND TIMBER. V " lam prepared to cat to order and deliver on short rcUce, in long and short lengths. Also, Oak and Pine Lmntrr cut to order. Ploe Lumber, Lsth and Sbißslr# .'or sale. Office foot of West Wa«hiostou at. apf pJM-im GALSST EAST*IAN. Parisian Patterns, BUBAM CAIVFIELD, M 6 CLAPS, b i BEET. Announces to the Ladles ana. Drew Makers gerer»lly. be* opening or Spring atm Summer Faebtoos. This House »a anaer the aapirin* “ILLS Ca.V4.MAQH. who will t*k» pvwnre in serving all former p*tro&«. and as n-«ny opes as choo*e to giro her * acJis. OA2t* FIELD baa so bes taQou in saying. Ladle* deal/ing weir rt-b and rost’y drees go >dR made op. ta the Uteat not fall to clre HCI3BLL3 C»y_AKSQU. a*riaJ,a»goß bm mads d*eseesf.;r tha unt Ladle* In the Courts of Surooe. and Is every way cnnHffl'to give satisfaction to tae most Cistld’oas. ap2B-pfcac-£w rj-ENEEAD OFFICE PITT3- UtTEaH, FOBT WaXITB ASD CHICAGO BiIX.»OAO Company. PltUbarsh.Ms7lls.i3sa. NOTICE: The PltUhnryh, Port wajne sod Chicago Hallway Cmcpaby, tJSTtcg r«*ired s proper Lsg*l eoaroyaaco ofthelsaUroad,fram Pittsburgh to Ca'caro, with sH Ita spM»dsffe*. real. persons! sol mixed, lata the pro pen>oft&erTUsiur«h.Fort ■wsyne aaa Chicago tUit rosd Company, now assures the control sad manage atoc of said mad and property. t All person* empkyeo on or nboat Mil road, mar conerne to theirlespectfreposWoßS or statloss until faitter wobce. , ' *!» persetw. soweiatioo* sad. norporatioaa, dee!ring business amagftnenm, or it’s-log to continue or changeaarhaetoforeexisting. wtuatoued apply to the proper r.ffleera of this Company. asthls Company is bound by no arraagpmcnt or understanding that it does not expressly gafome, _ G. W. CASS) President, 2To Kent. TO BENT—Two pleasant furij. lahed front rooms without board. In a pr!m> family. Will Do rented only to sentlemea. Inquire at tie residence, ITZState street. m}3-ri>3; TO BENT—The Brick Store, No. I*? 9 Bandolph street Depth I*3 Feeaewlon given Immediately. WILLIAM 176La5estr«d; myl-pJAw? T3 RENT—House to Rent.—Ths Duelling House, corner IflcWgM Avenue act Adams street. Possession given immediately, inqu.pi at No. IfO MlchlgßnArfcnne. myl-pi«*-<w TO RENT.—The four.story brick house, No. 287 UUncle st. near comer of Bush. Tte above building contains all modem Improve mentsandlslngood condition. . ... AI nccf=sa»y repairs will be made. Bnqture attic*. S& SMethooiat Church Block- myl-iw.-nv RENT. —A fine residence, sur -4 rounded by shade trees. In the beautiful village of Evanston. .Bent can be paid in beard or iranro mrnta on the place. Inquire at room No, 2 Kingsbury Block, or oi John A. rearson, of Evanston. myi-pS63-lw TO RENT House to rent and Furniture for sale—and immediate poswaslon eivm. That tee brlckHouse. situated at 53i Wr.haah avenue, now occupied by Issac Cook, Esq. It contains ail the modem Improvements now attached *o first* clam bouses. The furniture for said ho«jsa% wnich is complete, esn be purchased as ic stands. Inquire oa the preir i?cs from 9 to 11 o’clock, A. M apSJ pSA>ot TO RENT—At a reasonable rate, a fIPSt-ciSK dwelling bouse, delightfully situated In the West Division In Be grave Terrace, containing gas, bathing room, etc. Horae C vr* pass everv five miaates. Stable If desired. Inqnir-? at No. 100 Washington 6L, Boom No. R or at No. £i) May street. ap33i.-7'»lm TO RENT—House No. 112 Miohi van Avenue.with gaa fixtures, cold and hot water, *ocd turn ace. cel l ar and bam. The house oatiiU Site rooms, all in good order. Apply to J. M. MAR- Agent, No. *i aouta Clark street. aph>p9i>-lw TO RENT—Two first class Resi dencea. Nos. 536 and 338 Indiana street, with an modern Improvements, etc- etc- and Brick Ovwlcs at tached. Inquire of O. C. CLAUSE, between 9 A M. and i and 6 P. M. at the office of &,Tywn, ltd Washington street. EectsooG per annum. mhSS-nPifc-Bw RENT. —The four story aa-1 1 DSMUiMit tries store Vo. 20 MS 22 «r-ej In the north ballot Uud’s Block, Apply to F.iriDOr.i, Office No. Sever 17 IVella street. sp pl-a-I-q HTO RENT —House No. 234 Ontario X Street—heut £-500 per annum. Inquire of H. W. GBIFFIN. next door, corner Denrbom street from 1 to 2p. m n or at No. 5 Pomeroy’s Building, So-x; b water street aps p-9>lra TO BENT—House No. 404 Erie itreet, (pleasantly situated) at S4CO per year to a responslMp and prompt paying tenant. Inquire of BUM SET, BRO. & CO, 145600ta Water street. »pltxp23lia TO RENT—For three years from May l»t, 35*72 Dwelling House on Mlcblgan Avo nuc, wi f h large grounds, fine shrubbery and fruit trees barr, yard s»nd tbed. Tie House having double par lors. library, and two l*ml }r v private rooms, atolsg room, six cicsets. pantry aov sitetea. wlih cooking ranvA hot and cold water, biL. room oa first fioor a*x rooms with closet* and store rot *'A and hoc and cold water with hath room on floor. Good b-wemeut Ruder all, witfi fani'ice. laundrv, hot and cold water and s.ore rooms. Coal grates arid css In each atorv. la short, combining all the snodert. :ouveaitnce» of the age. Will nor he rented fora boirdtag boose, and none buramponalble prompt pacing tenant need apply. Address Post Office Drawer SS-a. apfs-p745-»w T) BENT.—The pleasant and cam mcdloos residence. No. *sl Hinsdale street. 'be tween r*e : is ana Franklin. Itstandson a 55 feet lot. CrorUcg ‘outn, and baa gaa, water, sewer connection, large s-'ddfd yard. and currant gardes In brartnz. Borpe cars within two blocks. Apply to S- S. G-iiKE LEV.Ko.6S Washington street, Foreiand Block, or oa tie premises. ap2S-pois2-g T 3 RENT.—Brick Stores No. 48, 4fv4i42*nd-sa.TFlthConaraon North Clark street. Also. No. island ‘53, Klezie an. ail situated nader the Foster House. corner of North Cl“rt and Klar.le sts. Possession given May Ist. For terms apply tc GEOBUE F. FOSTER. 243 South Water street. mhiD-nfiOJSw r pO BENT—New and second hand PIANOS. A Ir.rri" assortment of Planes and Meiodeons at wholesale and retail, Orders from abroad promptly attended to W. W. KIMBALL jalS-kSKi-ly No. a Clark street. r J''o RENT.—Honses to rent and A. Lands to Le«e.—A largo boarding house, con tFininpahom thirty roerna. on Lake rhore. r ear tie Il linois Centre! Round Hou^c; also, several other hons-s dnslrsblj located. Abo. lands to leaao fir at-rmof ?ch»s. sitnsitd on Michigan and IVabiSh Avenue*, Lite and Clark streets Apply a* No. 12 State 9 xeot, up stairs. between the hoars of If* A M. and 3 P. 'I. apS-pITS-lm B. F. DIIO',)tvFLELD. TO BENT—The Home No. 2*7 Wert Bsn lolph s'recL hivin'* n beautiful lor»- tlon end In the b-’*r «.f repair Apply on the oremLae* or to I) W MITCHELL, No, l Kingsbury Block. inyd ptTi :>t TO BENT—To rout, wih b.-ar.!, pleasant suites cf roimsto Camille* orslvjle g«a tlen en »t No 6 Wa.-hu gt-r. street, npp>?iN» D-irCnrrt Park, a f=w day ooarders c--«a bo acuomnoitced. Reverences required. myi pCKi-a KENT AND FOR SALE, PUJiOS AX3S ?IELODLONS Arcwanmnadeforhtreirnnrrh.'iStSd. All klada of lastruniimfi* repniretl. Tnntnc prompfy attended to. I do not rent to co Into the ronntrv. Wit. U FllOsSKli. 138 Clark itraet. y> IV Ell LOT TO RENT. 100 FEET OH TEE SOUTH BE 4HCH, "West Side, BY 105 FEET BEEP, At the root ot TOatlicr Street, stud SroDtlD" on Ellsworth Street, L.L.OL3SIIJ) & CO. EylT>9ss 1W nro KENT—Frick DwtNos. A. 219. 253. L3G Michigan street ALSO, Erick FTrelHns northwest corner of niobiKan and Pine streets* The Houses a;e in good order «nR to busi ness. Contains modern Improvement«. \F3I. H BAHIPSON, Uou»«anl ’.and TL-ora No 3 Metropolitan HsD. NOTICE TO CARPENTERS i. « ard Bnljrfers. Old ptaarf f» r»*nt TbeOarprtac-v Bhopf, Stwlij and Grounds occupied by John Solllt, ju d rllnatf* l tn rear n: Randolph street, on »Hny o*v tirppa ts-ft-bora and Clare streets. \p.-!y to GH >&GP. A SO. 2 VThe«ter> BoJj.tlo*-. -irsfirf Clark and Swath rtrtet, (no s*.»lro ray*-p USlw jpflt PATE—Lots on Lake street A and Park avenue, near Cnioa Park. They ara pome oi fbs . J Finest Residence lots in tie City, And wm at* to d at p ii*a which win bs actßuvriedgnd by buyers to afford a great bargain. my*pm-3t BEKB * bLOCCM. S3 Dearbora-at JpOR SAT E—On the South Branch A WHAkF, an FEET FBOSt» wtnated between Haktcd-at Bridge and Hanlbraok «fc Knueaf* packing hocse. Apply to A. Mt’K-ta.T.49 Sombhaiaile street, near Lake. myi-ptft nm FOB SALE.—THE MERCHANT J- ard Grist MU, known as the “COMO MILL,” Bltnated on Rori Hirer. In Whtt«»irte Cwnaty. IlTtaoib nea-the Qiicago ann Fulton K»»Lo*d,U offered lar fciHo. Ihe MUX it In good order; ft driven by Water Power, from ■ steady stream ; h*a six pair* o( Cara. Mtrcnant and Custom Bolt*. sad all the necessary For further particulars spg.r to wuxsLna, K'EgLT 6 Co, Chicago, or the aonsertberoa the premises S. LBHMaN 3*l TEL Como, May t at. ISB2. myt-yDSe-ta F3R SALK.—Onn of the best, 3m gin Carriage Kotsas in Chicago seven y**rs o.d, socnaarn ail riant. One Horae six years ojo, gaod Size, sod an exo-lient saddle horse, Would be agood f*ridly or on*:cesa horse. Two a»«- ooea baggies; ona light ouaiaese buc.y ; one new typ bngiy; aocoal h-t.O pj,ea buegy; 010 sacsefions new cutter : three ha»gj pebs; two t-ct., «e.:ood n*nd din gle bamess; oooseu light sec>mu hand double barsrsa. Aty pt-rt-io wUblng to purchase say of t2xe abore aaa’tn articles win no w« Ito r ad aa l eismiß**, them before purchsalcg elsewhere, as tb r wi l oe Mil *try low for rush Apply to D. S. P JTTSS, 17,rmr House Bo 233 SeazV st ret. ap<k pfCB-iw jf OB SALE, 50 feet on tTashtogtOQ street, Between Morgan and Elizabeth Btreef». J. B. LBS, n! Clark strsoC. *C'OR SALE—Soap, Caudle aud 1 Potash M»nn(hctory, loevad at MonroevlllA Ohio, and contains all th« latAiC improvemfcu, aad ocmg agool barlre** The rause for spring U t«9 propHctcrhaviig bnsfneM In tho Army. sauA fsetory. Foradrartlcalart Inqc-ire of MITCHSLi. A ZAHM, Putt Offlce Box SIW, Chicago. ap S-pMiS-Im POR SALE AT A BARGAIN.— 1. One ireveo-borpe p«werßoiler asdEagtas; oaa Iron Mill, two rua of atuso. with saaatog. belong. 4c. Also, tlevatora aad kiln for dryiOf, and all la rood raanmg order with brick balMlog. n rt w occupied, at low rent. Addreta P. O. Box 37b7, or apply at 138 Kln rle street. apts iStMm 17QR SALE.—Wheeler & Wilson’s a. Sewtnr Machines for isle very low.—We here fifteen >o four Sewing Machines in perfect order. These machines have paid for in Hz week* in our business, bat haring no farther use for them wo will sell them rery chrep. PU tIHGTOW A BCKANTON. 2.7 Sonth Water street mh2S-Q74»-fc* CTEAM FLOURING MILL FOB V? sale at a barrala —This Mm la eligibly located la Chicago, has <oor nm of atone, and Its eacainery sad nirnrce are nearly new. For farther particulars *pory to B ®*. QDTMBr A -JO, ap15p347-;m iw South Water street. Residence for sale.— One of the most attracare residence* la r*e jtcinity of Chicago, substantially bom of Gish land Psrk prewed brick, and just eompl-ted a: a cost of f U.« tt. Is offered for sate at a great bargain. It Is dtnj*tcd ha the educational Tillage of Evanston, ebou* twe.Te mile? kom Chicago, ou the I&saguoeL where rshrosd facttitlw are such m enable business raep l. me city to reside here and keep taetr regular bublates hours and where three of the b.-*s r endowed losutu'aocs of tbe North wen are located, which, wuh S*** 1 Public schools, make the location most ueairaito. The Bouse is two and a half stories Is be'ghe. on a commanding eminence orerio »fc» me vl;l* w e'*a luce, Surtoond'rsg « are -wmty arres of ra tjvatsd load, witb a good bare, grafted fruits. lame plats of itruwt* rms. blaeto«rri%% raepboarua. cnrran*a with s great variety of th* stattenars plar.ts Q»usUy cultivate* la games'*. Tb-a prooerty will b* sold at a great M-rirt.!e—o»o --nalf catb. with credit torßebslaact*. For fa'tber pare timjare, inquire at Be 342 w«*r st. 111 ayS-p-SiSm GSORGB P. FOSTER 33oactimg* Boarding. —Two single looms wanted by gentlemen f n a family where then am butrew boarders. At dress Immediately °iil Box «h9. ayj-rsv-tt OOABDING. —A gemleajan and JDlady or two slnete gentlnnes, can ac-ioam >- dated. In a private f*aaiy, -with n front parlor and beard, at Po. JO Harrison atreet*noßSh aide, corner of Michigan arenoe. myJ*t-3t BOARDING —A lady aid gentle msnwlselDg a pJeaaiat front room. wt'n hoanL caabeaccozmoosted by ipolytagai No 26 »->- .« •lux *»e!e genUeaea who desire rooms or a»y Ooxri! ByS-rST-St X>OAK T >lNft A gentleman and JL> his wlfb»nd a few single geatlaman csa bn Ac commodated fttta hoard sad pleaasat rooms at 81 Adams street. myj-p993-3c T>OaKDIK6 Beard with two XJ plesssaiiootostaTablefor s gentleman aaa hts wile, c*n be bad at • Michigan arenas corner of Lass street. apM-p7o»m l> OaBDING —Board and pleasant 4 * room* tp oe had. at reaaosable rates, at GIQB HOTJhB, corner of State and Twelfth streets. o*y boarders slw recelred. apSpSKHw 3»