Newspaper Page Text
Special flotires. |3BT What can Woman do in War? Much. t’TFTT war. Bet tie can’t keen pcvic in the a bottle ofD*ad-Shot to till oT the bi’nodtbln-tr horaea of hungry Bed-Bug* that, unta wltcd- litro'durc th’tr.celfee to her lodgers, to thilr wmit annoyance and disgust, Not? lathe time tonne it 5iU 'tß* new : No family shcc’d be without it The Deed Shot makes a clean sweep; renders peace certain aihr »j<oil>il*tlnn of the eeemy. Soli by all Drug u Agent® la Chicago: J. H. Seed & Co, Fuller & FtflPh. Burnham & Smith. apSop39»’a Impoitsctto Females,*—Dr Ciieese atnlßrina. The combination of inpredientsln these PiUa are the result of a long aad extensive practice, They are mild in their opention. and certain la correcting all irregu larities. Painful Meaitmations. removing all obstruc tion*, vhetherfrom cold cr otherwise, headache, pain Jn tin- .-Mr palpitation of the heart, whiten, all nervous «CecnoQß, byatcrics fatigue. pain In the back and limb*. Ac, disturbed tleep, which arise from Interrup tion ol nature. DR. CHEESEIIAVS PILLS was the cowmcccerncnt of a new cm In the treatment of these Irregularities and obstructions which, have conslerec ®c<Traij' to a PKtKtrrss r.sirt No female can cajor gevd health ntlaes she is regular, and when* ertr an obstruction takes place the general health be gin, to decline. DR. enCESERAN’S PILLS arc the ruott effectual remedy ertr known lor ail com plaint® r-enhsrto Fwjuj. To all classes ther are favalnHilr. iM»r*-TN«>. wrrn cevtaistt. psnionic&li SEra-LAniTT. T bev arc kcotrr. to thousand? who bare tiled Uiem at dlCertnt periods throughout the conutrv, hanagtbe pancoon ofsomcoi the mcbtLaiNzxr Phys icians!” AWEttrA. EXPLICIT L'EEFCTIOKS STaTTSO WTLEN TETET firortO yoTFEfNt»,wt* each Box—the Fkice Oxx Uollab rr.K Bo:-:, routsißlnj: from :0 to GO p",:ls. FillsHcMbymKil promptly, bvreniittlagtothc 4gcat S3 Lake ®lrr« L toLl> nv urvumllt. tf Srttd la Chicago at aisnufactcra rncf by LORD A SMITE. 1 DU. W. FREEMAN, Surgeon Chiropodist. eradtcstesand carva Corn*, Bunions, club aprf tr.crcwinz T«*e Ksdts.EniarcsdJoins. Proved Feel, Chilblains Calioiira, Curb-nri-a. B»ck Tumoia, Cancer Warta, M*-Ica. Wart*. and all «Use*ic* of tin hn m*n feet tr-atcd entceisfiiliy by Dr. ff. Fiifshan. En»ccson Cblrnpod>*t Dr Freeman has devoted many years to the treat ment cf toe above dlwasev Hie operation* are p>rr lortEcC H a few minute*. and the relief!* s> instantane ous that the patient can always ■"•alt after the opera tion wj'honi the lea*t inconvenience and wcvr the tme bvw:« or slices, and aleo attend to harness as osntd. Advice free Mr W. Freeman may beco istiltrd *t Hoorn No i l - Hstrh Hotel, between 7 A. M. ana 9 P. W-N0.*.7 North Well* street, or will call at rwldence to meet any o*dcr sent to fcle address. my2-p9G7-lw fir For the cheapest and best Hair Jewelry. "Wipj. Pra’rt*. Cnrit Frizxetz, etc- go to a. OHSWAI.DT. lOfi Lake street, and examine those won derful production*' cf sit No scrutiny can detect the artificial from the natural when adjusted to tbs head, Els Hah- Jewtlr? contains always the neweet Par-* All srr-tlef will elve entire RatisfarOom 0c24*61-lr CATARRH \ CATARRH I! CATAERH!!! DE. EEELTE’B Liam) CA.TAEEH SEJEEDT, to he a tore curs xor CATa&RH orCOLIi IN THt HEU>« Ok* Hwi»Krn Tbocejl*u persons die dearly in uni coontrv of'oc, Every physician knows that •with felly iwo-thirde of this number, the disease first commixced as a €ATARBH IN THE NOSE. The nctlislep he;ng to the throat and bronchial tabes, nod i&ativ. the lungs. it is easier to cure Catarrh tnaa Consumption, and by rnrlr.g tin- i'.r?t wp, prevent the latter. Persons shoulc anders:* ml that tbs tetter way to cure Consumption li to prevent It. The fruptoEt of OaUarrh b* lh«y generally appear •re at hrst plight. Persons ffM tr?y have a cold, and Sea that trier have frequent attacks, and are more •■vCHJUve to the chance* of temperature. In this con dition. tfco nose nay he dry. or u slight discharge, thin and acrid, afterwards becoming thick and adhesive As the disease becomes chronic, the discharge* are In creased in quant;tv un«! chanced In quality; the* arc now thick and heavy, and arc either got rid of by blow top the nose, or else thev fall Into tbs throat, and are hawked or concaed off.’ The excretion* are offensive, Causing a bad breath; the voice U thick and nasal: the cvce are weak ; the sense of smell If IcsMmed or de stroyed; deulness frequently lakes place. Another common and important Fvmptom of Catarrh I=. that the person is obliged to clear bis throat in the morning Of s thick or sl:n:v mucous, which has fallen down from the head citrine tVf night. When this takes place, the rverten may be pure ’hat his disea«ni Is on Its wav to the lungs, and should -ose no time tn arresting it. The anove sicthe eymotom* of Catarrh «« they appear in dlfftrcci cases. By the a‘<J of the LIOUID CATARRH REMEDY, all tte»e cymptome cue l*e quickly and effectually re moved. And I tmve mfflr'.ecr confidence In the Reme dy to awere all who disposed to teat tu virtue* In curing Catarrh, that If after the trial of the Remedy Jot one month, no v 'cn*Lt is received, the amount oolc will be returned. Price of the Catarrh Remedy. J3.oo—«nlflclcnl for use One month, with fnP and clear direction*. Office, 182 South Clark Street, CCp-Stairs.) Adr.rca* Dr. D. H_ Sh.ELYS. i«; ofice Box 4:551, Chicago, m. del-h€kv.'>ro J£NOW THYSELF! X>r. s7. ET. SXcO-AJNr* t PHYSICIAN AND SCKGRON. detects to a certilntj tlx true condition uccl locality of d‘.!Xa>xfe, by a s'rwple and K'.lrtiliSr. uu-iSiod. without asking nnv questions nf the 1 l.rcal and Lungs treatcd’bv Medical Inhalation and Constitutional treatment. Dlscascs o' tie Bean. of Hit SumuucL. of itc Urcr. KMnevs. Drop S\ St. \ «us* cnrcnic T tlocra ) Itheumr Qstn, Nenralria. Fistula. Spawns, Fits. D;= CMi of t’i-' Five :mrt K.-.r. Seminal Weakness, Skin Dip cawt, Rupture, Du.irhoji. In abort, all cnrablo d!» cMor.g siitaeire far«l In me shortest pOrxlbb time. 'Vo are not « •• f.arp-all" do(‘t.of,aud will ncdiw take no caao without a fair prospect of recovery. Female Diseases, &c. 5 rtnch as f Falling of Womb, Tuimvf. n ;i rrl:iarvDlseus»*M.Nervoasl)ebUUy Palnfni or Dul'.-cU M*-**truatlo:i. Barrenness. Ac., wu: Ixtppfililj cured, without poisonous drugs, injor.CrUc or unpalatab:** oiel:* in*-? *i any kind. Have no doll cacy In calling no »ii?ercnre what vonr troubles may be. Tnt* nCbci. .t ®r*. eorcuVJv ‘r.vlted to call and sat tffy Uiempel'-eo 'lcotultailouß «xna Eia mln& t! o its Free. «f Chttr(;e, All ; omromications wtnctly coaiideatiaL Office ii he Btree« Tiul’dinc. c-arner of State and Itan lolph Ptr**ets. • ’die- noun l from SA. M. til! 91*. M. Addtow J. H. M'CAN'V. M. D„ Chicago. lIL Letter* to my fid'ltiri-, -T.g a ‘■tamp, will receive prompt attention, *■='•'> vmpr I wi'l «ecd a p%:r.plilß' r«e. ecl2-wiy Dr franklin chavetts tTTF.RIbh CORDIAL to waK2jIKTBT> TO ocna iLLtouf or iR-eos, or the money will be ErrrNrrr* c t.-..fcfrriorv r.*ier»'nrp»j ca? be seen at tl* oC <e, 11? vv.*-: •. Burrn street Con«iullatlOD free. P (» H- i .T-u Dr C. has practiced roedicln* for & 7>-*-h. f-.ur of’- 1. ch ha-t l*>ca in tlda ctly. f^uknw.Sin sfirfiinual SAEGENT ; S F&IH EXTLP. It has V co-re a secft»-Ity. A POSITIVE h'ECK*3IT V lor tt.v » n ; r-i tote o' the ••V-te Invaluable Nescdy to crxtna tiicjr j»n ui -e tor preparing n. IKE DEtIAMD FOB IT UMlncresse** po rapidly for the past fear month* that we Luve be cb entirely cn-Me to tcpply orders trim ccr pr«-?< n; m» u;a nmuursCTunns. Fvr lhl» i* pm.u. a** well a.-for the liamane Object of giving all sffitoo ot>e* a" opportunity or availing UicsiM-lvra i** n.e bi-ui-t't of St* VIIH’jBS, U f i ir.-7 PaTof «at. open an extensive Labratory aud> at No. O-J Washington Street. Our faculties will b° such that we ran manufacture & sure: lor quality c« cm Remedy, and be sole to nil all onr oraers promptly TPI? EX fFRaiINATOR Is rccommcnlci for only what IT Can ETFECTVaLLT OPUS, BaBCl/t Dtpblnrrlo, Übenmailom, A sue to the Face, Ncnr*icla^ Toothache, Btadachc. Sore Throat, Fie*h Wounds, Scalds, Bores, &prafn«, ChilMnins, l;y«eiitcry» Dlurrrhes, Earache, Corns, See , &c Ai: X-Ywt n -v.'-l POStTtVELT aad TIA.DIC4.LLT cere. W« aVfth btrurfier pixuait Mar <bw of One na aierour we n»v« cecdred leliUng taa ■cuor. o! itn Ilcalin" Properties. At thth t'rae we i-ivtw *Pcnr former patron*. and all wbo tn- t< o we t. of lue above complaints, to r*'-: at our • Miian ! *rtory. IHM •..U'KkvUmTiik canbe by application *0 ns. cr a« s»u iLe L«-»njag and Apoihsrer es IE tur country. Wt rmj« give It at least one trial, anr sM-eiWii Ira Lteir.stlvcs :ta sterling value at a p*in reliever. A. W, BGEXT d CO., 94 Wsßhlntiloo Street, Cbloago. TW Off* «• Iv.a Price 23 cabla, =0 ceala, aod o«e du’.ja; per hor*.>. L.j-r»l DGcount raeda to tae Trade. apA psfS* - *• HELMBOLD’S BEKBINF ?eEP4BATIBNS. . HELWBOL2rB .HELMBOLD*P EXTRACT BUCHE, TRK «riK&T DIURETIC. l posnms act specific beskdt FOB DIEKASt-y -»F TFTR BLADDER. KIDNETB. GRAVEL DRnriSY, AND ALL DISEASES a HIRING FROM sAßrrs of oiSbiFArioß. Excssara ahd IMWHtTOBNCBS IN LIFE, VPORITIU OF THE BLOOD, 4ce. DISRaSOs, COKBUMf^iUB. «U*ILSPTIC ITTB. LAN GO UK, KEBVOUBKESB, csmssAi of the bcsccl&s eTSTKE. xnm>Kß» or viptok. DSBAKITt. PALLLD COUHTESAHC* *V'TTJ BTOMACS. HICK EBADACHfi, UROTIS FLUSH aw rOK ENFEEBLED AND DELICATE 005* stithtlcns or ho e bed». KXTRiCT SUeBI. KO FAMILT SHOULD BS WITHOUT IT- pwARMAO t.VD CHRHISTBYt ajtd ms xr KiMSKKT PHY6ICIAHB EEUIBOLD') EXTRACT SICBt la pleasant m it* cast* and odor, iuimnillats ts iw A-pn rrww from ail injurious uroperttea. Owes as CMe expeaib. LITTLii uB SO CHAKSS 15 DIET. Free OKE DULLaB per bottle, or Six f« FIYB DOLLAR, Vi any name, initial, hotel, post. «UM WO 'iffb* i»r anrw Decent*- Byxaptoma m dU Casz&snicatlsßf. HZISBOLD'F C, L>TT7T>rK PEKPASATIOSt KkTKaCT BDCBU, KITKAfTT SARSAPARILLA. IVnaoiaiik. PnaAhx Nonas.—We make mo secret of tagrwJieata. The* aeinaad by a ooapetns Drag gtst sod are oftlif cnallty. fiEUCBOU l ’F DLbB IS1HB&XI0II ts tacto, st ASV fI.KAI.Ygr.LT, CHBUZBt. Oepou-194 Fontb Teeth eL, ptliadephlk pk SOLS ST LORO * SMITH, WMeetlt Dnzgtets, 23 L*kf BU,Odt*e», Acettafotthe Rtataof miaoia. Also,bysfl respeota* We tnrvin or oninunm Ask for Helmbold^s—Take mo otbor. toIMHMn Banking anti Eieijange. n-OLD, GOLD, GOLD, Wanted at highest premium by BELDEN & YOUNG, 2 % CLABK STREET* my* r~2t H. DOOLITTLE, Banker and DEALER IN EXCHANGE, Kb. 40 Eouth Clark street, Chicago, Illinois, fcg-fartleclar attention given to CoUect!onsjay3-rtS ly ILLAUD & KEAN. EANKEES ASD DEALESS IS EXCHANGE, Cols, Bank Notes und Land Warrants, No. 1 dark street, corner of South Water. Special attention given to Collections throughout the Northwest. Accounts solicited, and interest al lowed on special Deposits. pyi-pM] 3m JW. DKKXEL & CO, • No. 42 South Cfark street, BANKEE3 AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Domestic and Foreign Exchange bought and soli spS-polS- m . W. GKEENLEAF & CO., A. BANKERS AND BROKERS, 4i txcliantc Place, New York. {y orders for tie purchase or pale efitoep. Boras, executed promptly ana 94ti«fao toiliy apl4-p3Q73mM-v.'Ar T> V TTER.ENDICOTT & WHITE XV' BOCSE, BANKERS AM) DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Having leased the office recently occupied by the • Eichance Dank of H. A Tucker & Coare pre pared to do a central B&niicgf,Exchange and Collection Business. Deposits received, and advances made upon ship ment* or produce In Etore. mhSl-nHiS-Stn LAND WARRANTS.—'The high «t pries paid for Land TTarranta and Bounty sorlp. ALL SIZES FOB SALE. H -W. MOBSE. Land Acsct. OEce of Burton & Co., Backers, S3 ClarK street, corner of Late. Chicago, lIL P.O.BoxOOPS. mh29-cSTT-3ni gAJfKING HOUSE OF CEAPUT, WHEELER & CO, COEKEE OF T.AKF. Ain) Li-SALLE ST. CHICAGO ILLINOIS* Transacts a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS E.CHA?Ifs, President. M. I). Pccttaxat.'. Cashlar. mlr£ n-'AMr 'J'HE BANK OF MONTREAL, EATIXO ESTAtILISnHD AX AGENCY AT CHICAGO, Is prepared to do a General Banking Bminces, Buying and Selling Eastern and Sterling Exchange, Discounting PRODUCE BILLS based on shipments, making ADVANCES ON STORAGE RECEIPTS, Re-payable in CHICAGO, or at other points. Receiving Deposits and Collecting Commercial Paper, E. W. WILLARD. Agent. Q.ILMAN, SON" & CO., BA]\TIERB, No. 47 Exchange Place, New Tork. Particular attentiondevoted to Western business. Wester* tersKESTEs.— -hspln, Wheeler & Co., Chicago, Lllnol«: Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insur ance Company Bank. Milwaukee; Slate Bank of lowa and Branches; State Savings Association, st. Louis. mhl3 nGIS-iy T> USTON & CO.. BANKERS & ll BROKE!**, Tel opr apt Building, B. E. corner of C.ark and l.nke streets. But and aclf New York Ex change. C*ol<L, Stiver and UnVu-rent Monev. HiK’-ioFt price paid for illlro's and Wisconsin dDcred ■ted currency. Prompt attention given to collections ana nil business entrusted to ua. mlillVn4B^3ia |_|ENRY A. STONE & SON, EANKEHS & BROKERS, ISTo. DO "W&ll St-roet, JS'ew *sTorlc. (REAR OmCK.) Gc Railroad &rd B-un, Stocks bongfct asd said at the B»okern’ Board exclusively on commlsrion. c. f. TTvasurv Notes bwnghi and soldi Business paner cecoMsieo anrt advances tnadc. Stoning and French Kacuange sold, and Letters of Creuit obtained for par res going abroad Imprest allowed on Deposit* n*-'rr to Hon. Hugh T. Dickey. W.S Gtiruee, E*i„ J&mra Clapp. Kwi mhll-nitl 3m MERCITANTS’SAVINGS loan * TP.rBT COMPANY, CAPITAL $500,000. HEKBY FABN AM, Prca’t. 5. A SMITH, VicePres'L L. J. GAGE Cashier. This Institution will Discount Pancr. buy and sell Fsctuince and Coin, mid restive money on depo«lt_ pav interest thereon when left a specified period; will receive money for accumulation, when left for a •ernts of years; and receive and execute Trusts from Coarts, Corporations, Indivldaals and Estates. Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn streets. J. H. Dunham, Jam*-* Goodwin, nenrv Famatn, J-. fcnH Foetcr, D. R. II H.’Magic, P. L. Toe. W. E. Doggeit A. H- Barley, F. B. Cooley. C.H.MciT-irmlrk, T. D. G'lbert. 5. A. Smith. mh7 n3t“-ly QHAS. A. MEIGS A SON, Bankers Sc Brokers, 60 Exchange Place, N. Y. Stocks, Points *n rt Treasury Notee Bought and Bold on Commission. Advance* made oaßvcuntlesiur sale •n FewToiX Interest allowed on Corrent Balaam L»lTK?en<J6CollerieQ,&c_4:c. CHAS A. MKIGS Formerly Cashier of the American Exchange Bank, New York [fe B-k97T-ntnl CHA6. B. MEIGS. C'UROPEAN EXCHANGE. lit BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON Scglaod, France, Germany, Swltzerianci, iaa ct&ff European Countnc*. for sals at the Bank* •eg Office of JT. iOUJIC BCA3I3ION, Bank BuSdln*. Lake street. Chicago, Illinois. tr~ &raß> Ob Hcasra. Baring Brothers A Co., Lcn* ion. and 5 ■' ,r tert» of Credit available anywhere on the granted. detahTßt-ly A OvEN & NORTON, A. BAKKKKB & DEALERS IK EXCHANGE, W*. 1 Board of Trada Bnildlagf, South Water straet, Chicago. Collections made In ell -the eriaclpal cities In the tinned Stab* ja7-ly ILLINOIS SAVINGS ENSTITU JL "ION, = THE CITY OF OHIOAQO. IKCOEFOKiTED, FEBBDABY, ISSI Office, 104 and 106 'Washington St mis institution receiver deposits la Gold. Barer and •ie Bills of Spede-paytnj: Banks of ?nT CENTS 4ND UPWARDS, From all c!rim* o: pmots, mctuaiae mid ora and Mar ried women, and allow? Interest at the rate of 611 FKB CENT. FEB ANNUM. . ihriaenrt? payable on me first Monday of January -ad .Inly. open daily during the usual hour* of >u£mes-, and on Tuesday and Saturday evtnlage oatfl ♦ o'clock. JOHN C. Hftjanffl. Proddent K. B KIDDER Cashier. i-iam-lv | >A VKNPORT, IIT.I.MANN & Co tASTKEEfc ACT DEALER! £H EXCHANGE, SAKE, surra. GOLD. SILVER *O. taiFEMy Ko. g Clark sn. Chicafp, m. F»aNK OF AMERICA.—PnhIio y Notice la Hereby etas, that an B1H» or Cirralat imc Notes of the k ‘ RANK OF aMBKKCa,” lore lacorporeWfl and coma ouKiaees In the city if Chicago. under the general baa king laws of the dtat* jf Illinois. most be presented for payment to the Audi .or of Public Accounts of said Stale, at hi? office. la the 'icy of Springfield, within three yearn from the datf. jereot or the fund? deposited for the redmaotiono* -aid uotes wUI be given up to said bank. »hl» aw- -far of May, A. D. Igfil. GEORGE SMITE, president i. W. ffttuo Cashier. )T2fi-R22tojel-64 EXCHAN QS ON 3STEW YORK FOR SALS BY EMORY COBB. *eUf«Wr Telegraph otsoa. jjHoncg to Hoan. $30,000 ™^ OANONCmr at ten per cent. Inoulre at Boom Ko. t Aiken’s Building, adjoining “no*.4 of Trede." m>si36Zl G. B. COOS. $o k OAO to loan on one IP^UsvV’' to five years time on eehtrel city propmy. 1 [aplApT9o-l £] J.H DUNHASL TO LOAN ON CHICAGO CITY PEOPEBTY, Or oa Goon Ihpsotxd F*sata, within ua miles of Chi cago. in th>6 Buie. Farms for tale Aheap. g.hß-nSsfrto CHAMBERS A LBS. 11l Late st, t?OR MONEY TO LOAN *- On Real Eetata Becorttiet in Cook and adjolaln* apply to SRNST PRUSSINS. •fetter U Fartia Fiehugt, Honey ul Heal Estate 8 raker« JL&EKT eOR THB BKITISH OOMMKKCLAI. ZJFB TybCRAKCE CO. AKD 50TABT PUBLIC. Ko. 6 (itnnon Block, K. K oor. Clark tad Washington sta. < ou-ir fHnnufactnms IT C. R<*SIN, Pattern Making of 1 • evej-r descnpOoa, Scroll hawing, liarseOlrenluTamlne AND MODRL KAB.ISG. Ko. IBS Soulfc Wuhisgtaa street, Chicago, 111. \\7OOL TWINE MaNUFA.O * ’ _tyt* br KATHISIKI, WHITS, 9i SonJj w st*r street. BUTTGR FIRK'NS, HICE OAK H3CKOSY BOTIHD FIBKHTS iaanuiactuud aod for sale atps Soiu Water street. NATHINIEL WHITE, WboWale dealer in tVoodea and willow Ware." apg&pTSMm »ais, (Koaa anil jfuca TJEVi FIRM AT THE OLD STAND. ICNATZ HERZOG, A 55 XSTAH, DEIXXB IS Hate, Caps, Straw Goods, and Cap Trimmings: I have lost reoeSved a larc* and solendld assortment iz* *b°w amcios. sod will seU them at prices equal lowest m the market. The latest styles oCFDR, «b4 HAIH, ** IQNATZ HEBZ«K}*a. _ . _ _ v . Ko. IS Lac* street. I* Highest market price paid for aU kinds of Raw aplO-pMUy Ctilnuu^ MONDAY, MAY 5.1868. LIST OF LETTERS : Htmßining uncalled for in the ChloatroFost Office. LADIES’ LIST. Ainsworth E A tnrs Allen Omnrmrs Adam? Mary Emlsa Aliena Millie Anderson A W mi-a Allen Kate miss Anderson C miss Armstrong Mary Adcr Lametta mire Atkins Mary mra Adam® Jane miss Atwater Margaret mra Allen Win II mrs Atwood Julius P mra Armitnge Jane mre Babcock Chae F mr- Bradley Fred mra Earns Lydia mre Brackett Elizabeth mra Barton Chag L mrs Brann mra Barnet Ann mra Brooks Mercena mra Barrett Jane Brock Mary E Barstow Lacy A mra Brayton Mary C ml?a Bar&tow G S mre Bridgman Lanra mlee B- ry Margrd mrs 2 Branock Mary Jane mrs B< 1m c Mary E rare Braggs Alvin mrs Berner Alary mita Bratidell Ilenrletta miss Betlgnn Ann Bryant Catherine Blalrll O mlfiß Bradley Amu mrs Bevler Sophia mrs Bradford mrs Bjssell J O mrs Brandt B.rtba miss Blain Sarah mi?s Brown Kellie mre 2 B1lc!ow Geo NS' mre Brown Bell mlea Bake Emma mlas Brown Elizabeth mrs Bon ti! Julia miss Boon mra Bowers Frar.cls A mra Brown Mary mra Bojlc S W mrs Buckley Catharine miss Boland Mary mlea Bnrgess L D mrs Bowie Elizabeth Stwtb Burnham Lizzie mise Boylton Alice mra Bulman Mary Bots-ford Jos J C mre Burnside Clara mra Boone £ mre Bush Emma M mra Bonham Amandy S Butterfield Mary mre Braun Loucse mrs Byrne Jas L mrs Brotvdy Mary mrs Barns Eliza miss Cameron Margrct mrs Chinslcr Cathrine miss ( amber Mary mlsa Chamberlain M D Carpenter L mrs Chapman Sarah mrs Caen Sarah mrs Chandler Ella miss Caulfield Ann Chase Mary miss Cassidy Bridget miss Cleaves Celoa M miss 3 Carroll Mary Ann miss 2 Clayton Panline miss Carter Ellen miss Cioyet Frances miss Chadwick M J mtes Clark E O mrs Chesbro P M miss Clark Mary mrs 3 Chandler Fanny miss Clark MaryE mrs 3 Christie Jane mrs Clark Sarah L miss Cleveland George mrs Connell Margarett (Icveland F A capl mrs 2 Carson Lizzie miss Cobb Mina C miss Coyne Sarah mrs Colons R miss Corbin mrs Collins Mary mieg Copp Susan mrs Coe’an Ann’misa Curren Bridget mrs role M mrs Crowell Harriet E miss took Mary mrs Cummings mrs Cook II M mrs 2 Curran Mary miss Coughlin Ann mrs Curtis D B mrs Connrly Grace mrs Crowe Wm mrs Connor Ellen Culver Helen SI miss Dawson Marv A miss Delaney Margaret miss Dawson G miss DeMary II II mrs Dawson Barbara mrs Dowling Elizabeth miss Davis E A mrs Donavan Catherine miss Davis George mrs Downer Celestine M miss Davis Emogenc J mra Downs Sarah G miss Darrow liuiinah Dodd Hannah P mrs Dennlston Maria mrs Douglass 3?ellle 31 miss Dennis Andrew mrs Dnnn Jo'aannah mrs Digging Edna Dnnlap Mary J mrs Dennis A E mrs Dnnlap Wm D mrs Delaney Julia Edwards Hattie miss Eldrld RJmiss Edwat du Charlotte mrs Erekine Rebcca P mrs Eddy (' A miss Elfcton A mrs Eastman C L mrs Falcer 31 J mrs Fish Georgana miss Flavin Kate miss Fish Emma A mra FFhcr I ydia C mrs Foster Sophia miss F'j-nn Annymlsa Fozcrty Nellie miss Flj nn Frank mrs Fraser Jeannette miss Gallagher John J mra Goodman Mary F miss Gannon Bridget GoserVUet mrs 2 GahanMargaret mrs Govierxnra Giblen Ellen miss (iibbe Fannie miss Gray P miss Gray Marla mrs G:l!o*-py Francis mrs Green Francis mra Gillmore Isadore mrs Green Bridget mrs Gosllr.d Henrietta miss Greadyllaaoramrs Gould EMe H miss Gnild Susan A mrs Gold Lli'Coln S mrs Gabblns Mary mrs Greene RT mrs Haley £nwm mrs Hill Lydia mrs llugL’ttt Ellen mre Hills Mary R O miss Halpin Judith Hickey Hi pm a mrs Hamel Rosalie mrs Hortou Amalie C Hamblin Ann mrs Hoard S M mrs Hartnett Ellen mrs How Ann mrs Harvey Kitta misa Hodge Mary Jmrs Hast ings Norman mrs llouiand Lucius mrs Havens Hath V miss Hunt Samuel mrs Hay? Maria mrs Hubbard L U miss Hewlett Mary mrs Hutcheson T S mrs llcnelH-rry Bridget miss H admit crly mrs Ilealy James mrs Hulbart Wm A mrs lii'Liy Aiiii miss Hougfaes U E mrs Ulckox ElKlia H miss Iludeou Chag rars Irvin C J mra Jackson Suml mrs Jouob Jennie miss Juckt-on Johanna mies Jones Eli/:ibeih mrs Jackson As n Maria, mrs Johnston .ILutilda misa Jackson Louise mrs Johnson Lavenyraiss Jemisou ft’ary mrs Johnston S H mrs JeiVerron Martha mrs Johnson Luise Fmlaa Jutvetl Elizabeth miss Jutbon Hattie mrs Kelly ratharine F mrs Keeler mrs KehlL miss Kels-o Elizabeth A Kenneda f*arali mrs Knox Mary i mrs Keegan Rosa mrs Kimball Hetty Rico mrs Kcoch rarah mrs Knowles 8 F’mrs Kelley ilaida L misa Kimball Louisa mrs Laden TJo?a miss Lewis E 3 Lawler Eliza miss Lowuey John mrs Lauiherpoii mrs Loomis .Morgan u mrs Lawton Humphrey mrs Lovett Wm mra Larghun Sarah E mrs Lonergm Miry A mrs Law li 1 Mary Jane mrs Lattlu Dile rai-s Livingi-ton Mary A miss Lillcy Ann mra Martbnd Mary miss Mohlye Moraerre miss iliiVgarec miesMolonny mrs Manchester Varlcmles Moran Catherine U S mr* Morey Lucy mra Mason -'utdly xars Morau Joseph mrs Matiis«m Benhcy mias Moroney Bridget Marsh S 0 mra Morris m Elizabeth J Marten Margaret Mo ire Mary C mrs Maulion J II mrs Morey Sarah Bell mrs Maxwell Maria miss 4 Morns Rosanna Martin E mrs Morris Marla Merriacu L T mrs Moore Emma ml*s Millan John mrs Morse Amanda E mrs Milner Bell S miss Moore Pamclia mra Montgomery Almira mrs Murphy Ellen John mra Montgomery Ada Myers Ellen miss 2 McCarthy Mary mrs McDonald Ellen miss McC'an Jeremiah mrs McGsmmoll Jenny mr* McColltckElizab'hmUs McGuire Rosanna mrs McAthen Ann J mra McGuire aroiine miss McArthv vary Ann mrs McHale Margret mias McOormic William mxs McHillip E J mrs McCarthy Margaret mrs Mclnnery George mrs McAulcyM mi-ia McLonghlin Ellen mrs McAuley John mrs McFarland Mary mrs McCracken M A mrs McNamara Caroline mrs McCaliffMnry miss McNeary Thomas mrs McDonnell Mary miss McMahan Eliza mrs McDonough Sara mrs McShane Ann miss Nagle Sophia mra Nash Margaret J mra Nclron W T mrs Newhall 6 mrs Nellis J mm 2 Nanh HeUen miss Na-h Marilla rare Noblock Sarah Aim mre Nicholson Sarah miss Noble Suaan O’Nc-il Mary miss O'Brien Margaret miss O’Uearn Eliza miss O’Bryan Mary mra Oebom alharine miss O’Neil Tressa miss Oldenshaw mra Parkins Sarah R miss 2 Phelan Anastatla mm Payne Hngct mra Phelps Carrie mra Pay>on Alexandrine mxs Philips O rare Pauli* Mary mra Pierce R P mra Pickvn* M T mrs Potter Julia A mra Plumb Mary W mra Price Louisa mrs Paziuwitz M misa Pratt Aurora miss Perry Alice miss Randall Sarah mra Eire Clara N miss Rore Rufus mre Riley Lizzy mra Reinhart Sal’y miss Ridabock Cornelia miss Raymond Emily mlsa Ri<>rd*n llanora Reynolds Ellen miss Russell Frank mm Retells Silvey Roa mra Recon Efferey mre R>aa Patrick mre Redman Mary mre Roberta Roadie mrs Reardon Edward Roe Eliza miss Adelaide mlaa Sampson Lizzie miss Sinclair Julia H mrs f-atchel Katymlss Simons M miss Seward Mary W mrs Smith atherlne miss Srary *» C mra rinider Fred J mra Scanlan Johanna miss Soyer Agnes A mrs Scott Ann mrs Spencer Mary J miaa Seeley E S mm Spaff rd Lucinda Sherwood J mre Spain Margorct J mra Sbiy Joanna raise Speight mre Shepardwin mrs Sieama Margaret mre bbepley John mrs Stevens Susan M Sbetman J L mrs Starks Maoarvamlas Smith Lizzov M miss Sterling Catherine Smith I.leut mra Staoton Bridget Smith T.izricmiaa Starrett Elizabeth miss Smith R S mra Stone Eate P B mrs 8 SkiiyicrCß mra Swomey Edward mra T Taylor Natte miss Thornton Lena miss Taylor Eliza ethmls* Thornee Mary mra Tanner Lizzie miaa Thnrben Anna mf*# Tanner Jane ml?a Tifft Chas II mre Tate Surah miss Tower Anna M mre Taylor F A rare Townsley C mre Taj lor Harriett mra TutUe Emlley rare Taylor Fannie A Turner Dora miss Terry MaiyE mlsa Tucker Henry mra Thompson Mary rare Tucker Elvira mra Thompson CharlottemissTobey S D dr mra Thomson Aggie mra Yan Bnsklxk J A mrs Yan Allen Henry mrs Yaa Doren Katie mist Yan Wyck Helleu M ml«a Van Allen Fannie znies Vansteanberg Sarah mra WslV*prK"t'cymra Wentworth F M miss Walker < hrbtlnemlßS Welles Sarah mUs Walker Tidcy mrs Webber John mrs Walker Archie inra Well* Mary Tmlaa Wallace Snran mrs h'rbbrrO H mrs Wallace Geo m miss Wheeler Molly miss Wal’ernElizahe h tars Whittacker Hit; mrs tt aUeßelenmles Whitney Wm mrs Wninpole Catharine mrs Wii<ma c H mra Wartdock mrs Williams John F YattMarytJ Wiliam* CD imrs Wa’ner Jennie E cars Will i«n s Margret mra Warf Mary W mlr-§ Williams mrs Wa»«*nl*argtetmrs Wlnne Kmrg Ward well A J mra Wickham S Smrs Welch Mary M miss Wilder R A mrs tv»lrh B'idget miss W»lley Phehc >1 mrs Weaver Mary miss Wicker HarlaMmlsi tt lllard 8 b mra Wrone Nancy K Weaver Wary mrs Woodard Amolneti miss Toting Laura E mrs Tonag Lydia D miss Zlmmermaon Kittle misa InUIaU, Mies Lar L CENTtEBtEN’S LIST. Atwood A Avery S SI Andrews H Austin Benj Adams S Web- Jacb Adaim* Abram B ster Anthony James Adams T L Anderson F R Allaire 8 W Ayers AS rev AdbsGeoW Ashton John Adler Dan Arnold Geo Adams John Artiom RobtN Adams Thos Andrews Jndg*E Abbo>t Edwin Abbott T Bddle Ashley Lewis P Amensß Aodree Henry Amsden Leo Andrews S A Agnew Henry Adams Michael Adams bllM W Andrews Wm C Barney Martin HBedford Geo Bnrt J G EarlleeOD M A Birgy Thlm Bowen JUS BcQ T D S Beebe Geo’ Boel J M Btirkc LawnmceßenntniihamTD BnchsnaaH&co Bush L Baland Thos Bags Henry Broun L Baker F R Boyd H cut Bucher hi P Batts Frederick Brewer Hnnson Brown MaslyH 9 Bingham F L Batters Thos B BrownWaibonWßeslßichard R Bowler Thos J. BoaJgcr WmE Blake Bichard Bowler OK Bonner Wm Bllner Kastmon Boel Qeo W Bargees Wm Beers Chas Brace Samad Bro&drldgeWarnßUir 0 Bose Fred Frnckcn Wm Beeson John Brasher Simeon Luitlki! Mr ua~ li, I- a co Tal er rIT rapt Barton P Brlgc* * <fc co BnsncitWmE BaldwinCG BortleEcapt B UngsWadDgtnßlock ;'F Boyterßobt B tker Ji hu Balany & co Brooks Daniel Jiioind John II Birnci & eons 2 Brown L> B’sbj John Beers A B Bosk C 8 Bishop I G Bancks A Brown C flit** BcnjaminlsaacAßennett Allen T A Ward Blaaer.ey J M Bali & Young Brown NewtonC Bair? Sam M Boyd Wm capt Boggs Biddle BjsrdflcvJH BurtWm Brteboe N R Barrett Jaaß Butters Wm II Brown Alfred J Bennett teaacW Butler John A Burke 51J Beebe H S BuckmasterJoshßlnlpan, Morse Baldwin H P Butler John & Avery Batts Henry Britten John Boshc Da^cr Bartlett GooL Brown Jesse F 2 Bain Christophr Bairns on Thos Brown Chas R Carmodv Mich Clark Rueeel L Currey Job H Cassidy Mich CaasedyDE Connote* John CameyMich Cheesman dr Cook H W ChapinLH CaldenDanlelG CombsHM rareblneMichl Chase OF CoyneHugh capt Casey Mich! Clark Chas F County James Clarke H M rev Cleveland C J Cooper J C Clark Watson Carroll Patk CorK Jas S Clark W A Canning Patk Crites Geo A Ca>tlc W J Case C N Cotee Godfrey Chilverß Wm CballertonOß Colston Edward Carroll John Comwcll &co Cox Riley Christian John CbaseOrrinPS Crossfieldß Carliles John Chamberlain B F Conoll D B Mark John Carroll Andrew Coylan Dan! Caryxnore Jae Conners Michi Crouse Chas Z J Cntic Jaa Coon L D dr Craig C W ChollarJaa Cobb'W W * Cutler Coleman 3 Copson IIC Collins Wm Coyle Peter Cla-kDEA ConeWWS Combs C M Coppel Geo CofeyJohn Conolly Peter Cbatd er Shelby Cone John CadyPatk Carer S P 2 Crawford JohnS Corwell & Co (lough Edward Conley John Cutler A C Ca'sidyßlchdZCorkrin John Cutler Aea Carberv Bdwd Crawford John Connell A Clark Roht Cutler John Cole A C CameronHonald Cramer John Curtiss S S Duffy Mich Dudley Jaa Dnyrrell Fred Daily Michi D Dea°yJas Da\ Is Edwin R Dtffoc M Daniels J AII Dada E P Dorgan Wm Dewey Harry Douglas* D 2 Denver Wm Day Harvey J Dnyee Peter Dee Wm P Dodd IIA Dykmaun P Dickinson W C Danford H Dayton Chas Dunlap John C Buddy Thos Davis Benj Delap John Divrlngton Geo Demos B Dewey Jos DeshonGardonGDnrkin Anthony Danlap Jno Dwight Thco Dubois Anson DavollJos Dresser S R DillerAW Driscoll John Dncker Geo Dnrkec Oco Dunn Job Dresser Geo T Ellicott & Den- Ebins Ellis Evans Henry F ning Eillon Edwd EasterleySU Erniis'C Edwards Fdr Ennis James Elliott Cbae II Elliott Geo Ellis Jno Evans Evan W T Estes Geo Ell>ltichd W Finney BO FauntleroyS Farley Ja* Furze John Farefleld S Fares JB i'ullsper&ClaiteFofcter Frank L FoetcrJK Fox Nathaniel 2 FoeterThos. Fish Jus E & co FeatheilyAß FrcgoThosW Ford John 2 Kinkier &Co French Geo Fitzgerald John Faroam CII Fletcher Thos Fisk Joseph Franks C J Flower II D Fheiraons JohnJ Kam-lo C SI Fredrick Henry Frazra K Field Ceeeon Fumis* Henry Fi-zmaurice J Feeney Patrick Freeman Hiram Flanery John Fcgan P S Ferguron Jus WFeron John Flavin Philip Farrell J W Felton Win L Fotheringham RFitzgerald Jas Fisher Whitman FieherSJ Forarty Jaa Perm Wm FreemanEO cnptFlanagan Jas 2 Field Morris Flaherty Edwcf Grimes Lewis Gbson Frank Galle Jos Gow A Gnmndick It A Greenhood J T Gurley & co Griffin G B GoyeyJno Givi n Albert H Greenle.if GII Grafton Jno Green Oliver Geary Thos Gordon Jno Goaty Andrew Gardiner G D Gilbert j L Green & ClaysonGordon T S Gildcsleg J 8 Goodrich &co Groy Geo W Gaston W C Grover Chua M Glecson Thos Graves IV' T Gove Cbas Grover T capt Gonoley Wm Curley P D rev Granger Geo Gilbert Wm H Goodwin P S Gorman Geo Goodwitlc Wm Gale Cbas capt Gaylord Hlt Galloway W B Galiivan Han Givcncc Henry Garnett Wm Gilbert E P Aco Gray IIC Green \V N Grifflrs It Gridley H M Gaantzhora W Grave E M Gillmore II J Goisely M it Goodrich It Gendrie IT E Goodrich oil Griffin EF Granger Jas dealer Gotham E D Griffin Jas G Glindey Geo A Gridby KA 3 Glass J E Gawthncy 1111 ficeranEdwd Gilchrist Jas Gregg Jas Gales S E Griffith Jas dr Goodwin S J HanlevMß Harris DVV Hlit John UalfcUd Debcn Hah D L Hicklev Jno L Hatch soap manHarbito-: D F Honrc Julius Bart ?J F Harvey capt HolUhau Jas Hannis L W Head Patrick H nation James Hall Wm llardv Peter Uowe Jas Hansom W R Hamilton •) S Hubbard J L Harris VV O HatmncJ Peio Hic-lop James Harris Wmß Harney 'has P llogaaJasG Harris W U Hendricks B Holmes UW Harris VVT Hawkins Anson Houston U IlajesVVni Harris A bro Hill Horace C Hard John Har-al. Ilisley & Iloglo Iloraca HalcJllbon2 Kitchen llogle liosea Hanlv John J Harrison & Wll- Hall Tracy D Hawkins JasP son Hubbard Geo VV Hah* Hall Norman Holmes G Hanlon J W Hickey L capt 2 Huntress Geo S Heigv JamesG Holmes Lde dr HmvcTS Hfccr-hlte Jas Ukka Lewis Hyland Finton Hany Jas capt Holmes Wm 2 Hutchins m E Ilegeinian J U Hutchinson mr Higgins Eoin Hamilton H Ilaine W W Hnghes R I) nawUr.pllß Hut.toonWmF llawos Divid HarwThopP Hines -V W IlixouDW3 liaccia G W Hod donWJ Hutchins II Harris Thos Hoyt W T Hughes capt Hazleton S Hughe? Wm Hawley C A Hammet Sami IHckos WmH ITsnrahan EO Hubbard W C Hough M B Haibcnhurghcr Holcomb JC 3 Huntington A very tev Hughes Jno B Highland Alfred Hancock E Higg ns John Hilliard Azro HailEß Uumprry Jobu H'ldenN DalveyKdwd Hovey .Joseph 1101 l Aron Haynes Edwd Howe John Ilurlbut Nathan Icgcrsol! E P lugoxsoil Qco M lumana Henry W Jacobs Jaa Johneton Thos Johnaton WB 2 Janes Joseph T Johnston Saund-Jones C Wf Jt-nnings 1 hos ders i co Joue^RT Jacob Jobuston J LC Joyce Edwd Jeu'cyJcoß Johurton Jno Joyce Juo capt JenkwWm Johnston Jonas Judge Patrick KerrottEM Kennedy Jno Kane IIA Kt-rby Michael Keane James Karnes Geo Kcnnclly ViaunoeKeania Jus H Tims Kinno M Z Keith J A Kirtland C 5 R Kennedy Jno Kelly J J Kane Frank (5 Kelly John Kuoff J Q KAobcl Edwin Kent John J Kcnueoy Jas Kellogg Okas M KilcuyneJno KinchJA Keley 0 C Kt-Ucr John Knapp Jama G Kline Juo U Littlefield L L Lindsay Jas W Lee Erakiue Lackey L P Lantis J O Loomis E & co Letdom mr Lewis Harrison Lynam Robt K Lewis WllorMPLevvis Geo B Lawton 1) D Laccy Wni capt Liddell Taos Livingston P Lewis W H Lowther T D Lattlmer Chas Lovett W E Lobb Thos Lewis Cbancey Lancers Wsßh*n Lcngen Thos Lam C ii capt Lamb John Leo Geo L Locke P i> capt LeavrJohn Lowther TD Landon Phil Locknart John Lewis Geo B Lyaa &co Lit J S Laffln Thos Lord N M Leach Jake Lamb Fred Lawrence, M'.lo- Lawrencc Jacob Lockmoor S A ney & co Lee James W Lattan Frank Lane Alpbons® Lightfoot J T Lyman LIU Leonard Bros Lowe J B Lane £ Leri Bros Lewis JM LiptonEß Maxwell Ilswd’y Miller W Munson E D Mason nB& A B Mill- John W Morgan Curl R P Marcher James Morrisson J W Murphy Rich MaiUs J B Morris Juo U Milmr Rub In M Meicomaon Geo MoffetHosCapt Maglll ’’has M 3 T Capt More John Mackey Michael Markham F H Murphy James Matts Mror ra Manger Seaih Mix Ira Mcddows Wm Melville S1) Moran Jas T Merrlam L Wil- Mannlng Robt L Mltcuell Jared liaon U s'anh I*H MollinJ Madden Jos F Manning 0 B Myers JD Manahan James v arunßarnet Murray James Mathews James Mack A'W 2 Moore Henry Mahar James Marion B& Co Moore Ilcnry Marshall J D Mathews BarneyMullann H / Murphy L Capt Marks Alex Mitchell Harry Miilard DJA Co Melklu John Munson Henry Morgan Daria Munagh MichaelMoas T E Morgan Pat Marian Michael .Myers S G Moreton Clark Morgan L P Morgan F Lieut Pat’k Myers Wm II Miller SL MnisrAJ Movvry Wind- Money P A CapiMulon Bernard son 2 Morey A G Me McCuoMartin McKee Geo McCabe Batus Mcßeady Wm McNally JH McLano D 8 McEvoy Wm McCanghty T McDermott Ptk McGrath Wm McPhoreonG B McVlahonPatk McGregor Wm McCullough G WMcD.mgallNich- McNicnolsJ T McGrath Thos ols&co McKenny Jno S McCoy aatul McGurleyßenj McCann John McCormick Jas McDonnell A Mcßobcrtf John Mcßrldo Silas McDl IAS McKeicham J 2 McCl-iury S H McCullough An- McCnllnngh Jno McGrath W S drew McCoy John McCiaueßobt McClenuan Aluz McNeil JohnS McQuevu D'ncaailcVicker J L McElhoee Jas A Noyes Albert G Nobel Francis Nicola Jeremiah Najt-h Moses NonlsTAß Noble John T Newberry N F N rton QH XT Ntsbit John R Newcomb Alf J Nutting Ilenry RNewman C NeleouCC Norton HE aeiceant Neylon Peter Nicol James Nagale Michael Norton Daniel Nixon James Nichols LD OUnS O’BrmeaSteph O' Flora James Owens OH O’ onnellJofm O’Kane Bmmet Owens Hugh O'CoanorJno J O’LairyJobn OnD&by John O’Connor John O'Malley Eugene Oatle John O'Callaghan B M p Poo M Paddock JeromePamclyE W pieice Leonard Psyson Henry K2Pe rklns P Powell M. W Phj aber Henry Palmer P Patt Martin Pani-h H F rhaa Palmer Wm B Pierce Hiram WPerfcina N P Palleraon WmHPieraon J F Persona Alfred Panl W C PennlngtonTcapPatter Alex Porter Wm PierceFß3 Parson? * Arery Pierre W M Pitkan 6 A Pride Alex. Ferry Wll Pierce ChaaH Palmer Albert Price WmH PittTbos Pierce AW Peters Wm Plttack Ferd Pecii Albert Pound WlUIe WPhllilps 8 B Patter Asabel Pierce W B Powers fi> A Peabody A Pooman Jo* L Palden 8 Phillips Bernard Prosser Wm J Payment Prsnci?Park*T Harry Prcdmore Job Patterson EUaa Painter & Gray For er John A Palrer 15 Parley Thoa P Park j D major Ptuicbcr RM Patta G H Pierpp .1 D Palmer FLA Pruett Henry Patten Jame* Tmesm V. t) Pa-mer-TH Phetteplace Jay Patrick Edwd Pearce W B Palmer J 11 Q QuinlcnPatt Quinn John J Quigley Maladu Quiscnbuiry H S Rando A Wlt-Reyuo. JP Renton Dagil kofckcsty Ray James Reynold* D ror Peamd'AMillerßankin James Randolph Caht Ropers I.ew!s Robb James A RotwilerG W Kaw»on LuibrWßlchman Jacob Raymond Chs W FadrU Aaditou M«e Isaac J Roi-c Philander R« ot l.ewls, F*wwn J Raynor Audnr J Rich TtmfO Riedy James C Reed Abner cp: Kii-dy illchael Reading James Katrson of B & Knot Lewie Rowe A L Hughe* Ryan Lawrence Reuclall QL dr Roc*w.«od Agt RigneyJUß Rnet Thos Robie Benj A Inert wt Rebanks Thom Rassellßanholw RichardsonW £ Ri.har F; ede ackßaj nor. Buck i Jwii-t Jcs< uh L Rawt-on Stephen c'o RleKards do-epbßlchardson S L Ro«s & Toncey Roberta John M Klchardftßdwd RallsonN'J Rthbtrc« John Eod< IfRA Rohens & Qua* R. ndii-g Runyan R P ton Knmmerj John Rtdlli Richard RnnayOnay Bitbardton Johnßntile Richard Rudd James E RtadingJoeeph Shore Lcvl Shockley Arer- Steyena Joha Sherwood W G ickT Smethells Jon F Sarenon Jos Shehan John SplklnsJag Scales Jos J- Sacbett. Belohln Sterer Jack Seeder Joha & co SicklesJßAco Sanford John T Smith BE StevensJacob . Scar-lon John Stewart D capt Slocnm Hinm ' Scales Jos Stanatt DavidA Stoddar Hony ? SbeaJas Speer Chas Btono Henrr XI Sealer Jaa Stevenson Tho* Sitinoer SoUlaß Sc UF P Spaulding a A ScewotthJ Stokes OJ Spafbrt 43 Shall J J Smith C P Smith T A Sanger Henry O Smith N X SolUran Tim M Bchactn Barry Smith AZ T . Skinner Then Backet H A Smith Byron Smith T P capt SangerßA Steel N Sprague PM. •’ Ehalion Thoa Stevenson A • Stone P J Backet Geo Spaulding B ? Swift S 9 Scott Geo 3 Stevens mr Stafford S C Scott Sami Sommers mr Smith Franks 3 Shamheck Frk'nStowell L B Smith FayetteE Seamen;- S£l Stetson Z capt ScnrgassSoelton Seombs Francis tutton Wm Chs Stafford Simeon Scott Silas L Small W W Stone EzekeilM Sterroid R Strock W II SkinnerlMwinA, Starkey Eugene Smale \\ m Sjmonds E K SejmomDF Sally "Walter Stone Mclvillo Shanlr C N Stemming John Stone R W - Saunders Bur- Sutter John Smith Edwd A rows Sterretr John S Smo • tc Rlchd Sadler Orin W Smith Joalahß Smith R hZ clunk A Sipes John B Smith E R Shannon It Smith John Singer A 51 Smith A R Stanley Joseph Taylor ZB Tweedy Jerm’hThayer E Ttalcck MaglnesTuckcr Israel Thomas E H Thomas Mich‘l Todd Horace L Tamer Chas D Timon Michael Thompson HW Trmnbte C Thomas Wmll 2 Thompson n DTnrcott Chas Todd Wm dr Tongue Hdr Tucker C K Teunnans W M Tomer Henry T Tollman Cnas Turner Wm M 2 Travis Thoa Thompson B F Tnrcman Wm Tracey Simeon PTighe Owen Ta\lor Jnolieut Tnmis SW 2 Telford Adam Turner John 2 Thompson FE Thompson 011 Taylor Joseph RThomton Sam Thomson N"T Tlumpson jas Thompson Fra’kToolh Alford Thompson J BThompsonFN Thompson Bros & Co TanseyßP Underwood F J Vernon Wmß Vallean Thos VermctteH Yanßeveync A JYanYechtln Jas Vandervoort P VanVlncK EatonVanAdren Rob 2 H S Vanvcorhiea YanPorslre A Geoß3 TT WhltcWm "Waldron L Whitney E Wcbi-UrWm Walker GW dr Whittle Robert Welch John WhltefordGeo Watts Robert Wcfcth John Walker ThosE Webb D W Writing JasH Weeks TW Waterhouse C Walt-h J B White Thos Whitman C E Welle JH Wallace J A Walter •.'has J WtllJas Warren Francis WarnerChae H "Weeks Jas II Walsh Edward Whalen P W aiding Jsa "W’blteSam W--IchCh Welt-h James Welle F& co Whit* PH WhiteH Ward Edward Wardwoll Calvin warren Henryß Waller E C Whitaker A W" Whitcci Henry White Albert J Wellman Osborn Weeks ThOi Weaver Robert Whipple R W" Win elc-r Gyctt WtllsEPS Wheeler Geo A W hillock & bro "Wilt-on HC Withcrell 'U Wells & Dresser Wing Horace F William* Clifford WheelockOrin Wood Geo Wilcox Chaa It V artier «fc co Wilson G M WiUiston Chas Wleeltr H N Williams ThosC Wright Alonzo Woodson W T Wbright Thos Windett A W "Williams W M Wood Geo Wilkinson B F Winter John G Williamson Geo capt Wood John Wray Simon Wilson.Levering WoodJH Williams S & Waters Willis James Williams E C Wightmaa & Woolverton J A Williams E M Bouton Wilkes J WilkinsonCC "Wood Luke &co Wilson J A Wolcott C 0 Elloy Michael Yercmbley C F Editor of the Morning Bulletin Onondaga Salt Co.. Act of the Harris Agt Tool Factory.... Any Carriage ironer... Fljrence Sewing Machines Boot and Shoe Store, 12S Clake st --Agt N Weet'.rn Ins Co . Bos 472—Editor Ills State Sentinel. Persons wishing drop letters advertised must affix a 3 cent stamp. 657- Office open from Ist May to Ist November, daily (except Sunday), from 7a. m. till Br. h. On Sunday from 8 till 10J£ a. m. From November let till May let. from Ba. m. till 8 p. n., daily (except Sundavs), and on Sundays from 6:30 till 10:15 a. it 2-JX2B J. L. SCRIPTS, P. M. SSiooiicn & fflSSiillotD s2aate. VVE’VE MOVED!'—Got lose f » some acd come down amongst folks. Old irl* mis, (end we hope to make uew,) will dad E. E. W. Blake’s Shop and Store, AT HO. 64 WASHINGTON STREET, Between Dearborn and State, where wc will continue to make all kinds of Kitchen Furniture, Step-Ladders, Clothes Hcrses, Wash-Benches, Ironing Tables, Baker’s Trays, PVlrt Board*. Cotdner Boards, Bosom Boards Bread liiard*. Meat Boards, <tc, &c„ wholesale and retail. Fancy Article** Made to Order. Thankful for past, Acl, we hope. tic. die. (and more too.) Thebe, I guess we got tue start cf the Printers trat lime! raj"Ar2-2met Psp s peu& a o t , iolstplctcezii op WILLOW CABS, CHILDREN’S GIGS, AND CAKEIAGES, to be had only at Peugeot’s Sreal variety Store XOS Lake Street. Also CD hand a large assortment of BARBIES, BALLS. TOPS. Ac.. &C. gARNTTM BROTHERS, n«8 LAEE-ST., CHICAGO, importers and Wholesale Dealers in TOYS AND FANCY 3D3SS, WILLOW CABS, Childrens’ Gigs, Carriages, Ac., Bas kets, Bird Cages, PEG TOPS, MARBLES AND ALLIES, And a large and varied stock of YANKEE STATIONS, To which the attention o! SUTLERS Is respectfully solicited. Our SPRING STOCK la now open and very complete. RzMEMßsit ws aei at §3B LAKE STREET, Bet. Clark and L&a&IIe ct». Q £A D QUARTERS WO&3EH AHO WILLOW WARE. Children’* Spring Gigs* “ TVUlow Cabs. “ Slat Tabs. “ Willow Cradles. “ Willow Chairs, 1 sell better goods at lower D surra than can be found in oils or any ether market in the western country* NATHANIEL WHITE, 95 soxjth: water stbebut. Cmal<-n«4o3ta] BOOKS The fotm required by the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, FOB SALE AT iyioßisGirs, NO. 140 LAKE STREET. Copartnerships. “PiTSSOLDTION—The Copartner- B >Khip heretofore exbtlre between the uade'etgmvl, uaderthe ton e of Morgan & /“arni*, t* tnt* osy dls ojlTcC by mutual consent. G.M't^GiN', K, L.FUKSR33 Furnevsnlle. Ind, Ms- 2d, 1552. my»-»!Mt XHE CO PARTNERSHIP HERE t TOFOBBexinlr ponder the n*me and style of JaM£B DUFFY Sc CO., It this day dlsaolrrd py xau'nai consent JaMkk DL T ?f*Y, joespa MoiLAUO^x^. Chicago, May let, 1861. mjlrU-St OF CO-PART* LJ NE The firm known as Retd & Fyf* U thin day dlaeolved by mutual con-enl. Tns affairs of the fire wllltiesetJedby JosephHeao. he alone h«log autboriztdtonwjtha name of the firm Jn’lqDldtMoa. JOSEPH READ. fflL C.FIFB. The business of die late firm wld be carried on as UiUAI by J. BEAD. myS-rSSSt PO-PARTNERSHEP. We, the urdetslpoed. have this dar entered Into a Co »-Ttr,prwMn>>-Ttr,prwMn niider ibe rtyle a*d firm name of KELLOGG A GRAY. For the pnrpiifM of dealing In Coal oi all kinds. Cblcsro. May Ist. IB®. A. B. KH J.O iG. m}Spfr£9-3di C. W. GR&.T. I"\ISSOLTTTION.—The Co-partner i / scll]> heretofore existing between the nndenlnied. cnder -be name of WorkmanASm.lh. la t v tf Mj dw bolved by matnalconsest. All claims against <n-l or ;de to sat t firm will be settled by George J. Smith, at the old stand. IS! West Maatonn street FSAtf-'IS woBKMaJT, O. J. SMITH. Chicago, April 2S. 1862. Tbe tmderdcrert haring entered Into a co-partner silo will cesUnne the Grocery and Proriaioa tm lasaa a*. the old st*nd of Workman ft Smith, So. 182 We-t SJadbon street. W. DBWBT, Chicago, April 23th.386?. [mjSrTT-Stl G.J.SHICH. po PaPTHEPSHIP.—.Tames SI V_,' Ppafford. late of the firm of Baker ft Spafford. and Wm. il. Tarvman, n u w of the firm George, ila-1- fiureman. bare tbladay formed a co-partnership under the name and style of SPAFFORD & TUREMAN, For the transaction of a General Produce and Com mua*oa business at No. 34 South Tfater Street* J. M. SPAFT«»RT\ WM. M. Tot4Rvi *!T. nifl-p956-l* CWesge. May t, M6S. p.OPARTNER.SHIP.—We, the V -• tmdrrtgsrd, bave tMs day entered into a co-part nership <lr«nnAme of |2. W. BAKbB « BRO , Late Baker sad P pairor*. lor the traiaanttoa of a Gaae- bnalneaa, at the old *Und. Si 8-i/ita letter street. D. W’.Bi.KRK* T.B B4.«C€H mjl-p955 It ffrlfggg. M«y U W2. r\ISSOL U 1 lON.—The Co partner- I. ’ fcb'p heretofore enmng between the under signed. oncer the Dime of 8. j. B rdiin A this d»r dtoolrr d by mats*! consent. J 8, J. BU*n\Nf, Chiceff®, March 1,1811. ff. W. SinrH. ' Tbe andertfrned vl'l continue the Stove end Hard ware bcamtea under th* owlc an' atyU f3. J. durdam *.Co~at t&eolusiAad,l7SLai«ttr«-ec. a. j. snuDAiL A. STfiLLS. ap2B pet?-2w Chicago, March 1« 1363 CO-PARTNERSHIP NOTICE The undersigned hare thii day catered into Co MrtnerFMp under the name and style of **Bjoth BsoTHXBa." for the transaction of the Wluleaale Grocery B"rin«a. at Ko 43 oath ffivrstreet. MAE*’BLLD»B HMn , d,U*eofß®ith, PoUard&Co. 'WaLDO W. late of 8 J Sard am A Co_ A. JUUftON BMTTB. late Of Smith, PoUaxa « Coj Chicago, April 2fll 1952 apM-pXSS-ita TAISSOLUT lON.—The Copartner f / *blpheretofhre eilatlnr betwe-n the nadendgned PTMier thwflrmofSmttauPoUard A Cd*lsthliday <tt*- •oired n* mutual oonaent. Either ot tee jartlee will dan in imoidation. S. BUITH, JOHN K. TODCAHO, Chicago, April 14,19 Q. A,JUOSOKaMIXH. apSi-pTSS-lm Initials. Stationers. s2ili)olcsalc Rouses. DRY aOODS For 1862. W. R. WOOD & CO., 153 & 155 Lake Street, nsrz is stock Englihii, French and American Prints, The Choicest Assortment 1 In Market. B'RTT.T.TAWTH OIHGHAMS AHD PIBCAXEB, OliTillies, Delaines, &c. Alao the heat soortment of general DRESS GOODS, A 53) AT LOWER PRICES THAN EYES BEFORE. Cloaks in Stock and Blade to Order, and Cloaking Material M GEtIT VARIETY; ALSO. GLOVES, HOSIERY, EIBEOHS, Embroideries and Lacc Goods, At unusually low prices. \T. R. WOOD & CO. feT-nITD-Sm GORE, WILLSON & CO., 54 Lake Street, Chicago) AUCTIONEERS AND CO3OHSSION BIER CHAR XS) FOB THE BALE OF BOOTS AND &HDES •f T I» 'Si OI.JES. *Lf ;, Liberal Gash. Advances made on Consignments. We are ooutlanally receiving from EASTERN MANUFACTURERS,* Consignments of desirable styles of Boots which will be sold at Auction to pay Advances, In lots to suit customers, every Weditb*t>at at 10 and at private sale during the week. jyj ARCH, 1862. BARRETT, KIH6 &CO. Are prepared to offer to buyers of CLOTHma Their usual ex tens ire assort* ment. We have many styles which we can sell at OLD PRICES!! SO. 27 LAKE STREET. ch22-n686-2m WHOLESALE LEY GOODS, Yankee Motions, CROCKERY, ■=ve have Just received and are now opening Fite Hfxi red Packages or new *nd deVrahle goons, pa -• dialed rinee the Ist*, decline. Foil CA93, nndc*n olfer li-auctmfQU to CAS3and «Uor; tiuieba-ers. ur etock emoraces all the le thing brants of PRINTS, Ginghams. Brown Sheetings. Bleached Wnsltns Denims. Stripes. Ticks, Bass. Kemnctv Jeans, Farmers and Mecaauica Catslmere, Cotionadee, Drills. DRESS GOODS, BUki, Challles. DeLaluca. Lawns, De Bege*. Balzarlno. Bar egg Angludse Drllllante?, &c. HOSIERY AND OEOVES. Ladles’, Mhses and Men'A A awortment of STk. Llule Thread, Lln«n, Fancy and Cotton Hoaterv. Kid. Ltale «na Cotton Gloves MITTS, A large stock and great bargains offered. DRESS BRAIDS Of onr own Importation, AT GBEAXIiX KEDCCED PRICES. Oor stock of Notions Is complete, and offered at oi usual LOW PKI«jE3. Of CROCKERY, CHINA, GLASSWARE PLATED GOODS, CUTLERY, Honsckeeping Articles, No better stock or lower prices can be found In tae Wert Goods cheerfully shown, orders carefully and promptly filled. BOWEN BROTHERS, 72, 74= & 76 Lake Street, aplfrp&Sly WHOLESALE Hat, Cap and Straw Goods House. E. P. L. BROOM, SUCCESSOR TO E. K. KELLOGG & CO., 60 Lake Street, Chicago, Has now on band and is receiving deny, a large and ENTIRELY NEW rtockof Hats, Gaps and Straw Goods, of all kinds, which bare been bought for cash since Uie great Decline in Prices, And which will be sold tor cash, or to prompt paying Trade at NEW TORE PRICES. HfiTiDjj corftT«i with Mr. Bsrv>M. Ihfpe>to»« my ola frit nd* and cuatomars. aad ahall aa teioro a* my beat In filling Ihtlr orfleiß. spli pSi Jm FIELD, BEN EDICT &Co,, 34 & 36 Lake Street, Are now opening a large and wall assorted stocks CLOTHS, CASSTMERES AND VESTINGS, Together with all the various stiles of Goods for' MEN’S WEAR, such as Cordoroys, Satinet*, Moleskins, Cottonades, Telretcens, F. and 3L Cass, Planter*’ Drill*, Queens Cloth, Planter** Packs, Span’ll Linens, Merino Cass, Prap D’ Btat, Kentucky Jeans, Ital’nClotXis, Fancy Linens, % Tweeds. Ton vIH always find In our assortment all the de*tr able styles In the market, whlca will be eo’d at aatls factory prices. A foil stock of Tailors’ Trimmings al ways on hand. ap7pMoly pO P E * SLOCUM, 193 Clark Street, LAMPS AND OILS, Hare at aQ times fall stocks of Kl£B’§ BEST OIL, SICEUIOB OIL, STAB OIL, Alt Of Unt quality, and warranted. Also, Dithrldpe’s Patent t>val Flint Glass Cblmnies* COAL OIL LAMPS AND FIXTUSBS la grat Tarlfi ty for sale at lowest market rates. feITW It povestry frhvlihg or * '■ HtTFTLP»G —mi als tjrFt- near and inoonpa &- biy ci<e best and cbfa«*t Baffling In Uo market, and a imported only by na. SEN’S COTTON HALF HOSE, Ladles and Children’s Cotton Hosiery, Collarette and M&gfc Ruffling, Tatting aid Tape lYlmrateft ladies Paper Conan, Worsteds, Ceoraa and erecy kind of Embroidery *ta ttiW. L*dl«* are nqaeated to examine oar ne^ JSIWT inrO CORSETS AND HOOP; SKIRTS. Simon * BUBKITI, a LASALLH STSBBT teSBIIMm CASH ADVANCES MADE OH - oosaioirasTs or Crain and Flour to Buffalo. By TTSDBB*rdOD A CO. apW-ptOdn . • TUGS.—After May Ist, •rues MONITOH AND UNION •tpjll nsn alternately aa night boats. QEO.BTUB9R ' apiapOi-lm VAULTS AND OUT HOUSES T cleaned tcit cheap by JOHN MASON, 5< North Clack Street. Boat Office Box apS-pTOdm £55%,:; OSHltilesalc Rouses. GROCERIES. a c. cook & co. 16 & 18 State Street, Cblcage. We offer to Merchants, and the Trade, a large and general assortment of GROCERIES, COKSIBTDJG IS PART OF Sugars, Teas, Molasses, Coffees, Spices, Syrups, Fish, Dri’dFruits, Wooden Ware, Etc. WHICH WB OFFER AT THH LOWEST PRICES FOE CASK, And to which the attention of all CLOSE CASH BUYERS G. C. COOK & CO. T, fischkb. (mhs-B2SS4m] n. BwoaatßxxnT, n 1862—Spring Trade.-—-1865 CLOTHING. Martin & Brothers. Bats Kemoted to the Labgb MAEBLE WAREHOUSE, NO. 44 LAKE STREET, Where they are Receiving and Open- LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK Spring and Summer CLOTHING. TKADEKS Will do well to call and examine our Stock before pm chasing elsewhere, as the STYLE, QUALITY AND PRICE, we are determined shall be satisfactory to all Manufactory, 382 Broadway, H. Y. MARTIN & BROTHERS, Mo. 41 take Street. ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. m!U-c26BSm QABDWARE, TIN PLATE, Ac* WILLIAM TiI,AIR & CO., IMPORTERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS 176 Lake street, Chicago. The particular attention of dealers Is Invited to OUi Spring Stock and Prices of Tin Plate, Pbesbed Tin Wake, Sheet Lbojt, Tikkxes’ Tools Ma C'IPPEE, CIIISES. Zinc, AoßintrLnrEAL lifPL’n’TS Blace Tut, Suelt Hasuwabo, Fence 'wire. Hails. *a Japamexd Ter Wars, Prices in all cases guaranteed AS LOW AS THE LOWEST IS THIS MABKET, Catalogues aad Price Lists famished on application TT.T.TftM Bum, O.B.KKLSON. O. W.BSLPXM. [apl3*6l-ly] EAYDEH, KAY ft CO., So.*BSB Randolph Street, HanofactureT* and Importers ol CARRIAGE, SADDLE iFO Harness Materials, And Dealers ta CARRIAGE AND WAGON TIMBER, SPRINGS, AXLES, Skirting, Bridle and HameM leather, UOBSBCOLL&SS, WEEPS, LASHES, ke,, ft. Are offering low Or CASH the largest tad best u wrted stock is their Una ever brou -ht to the Kortt west. <2T" Orders promptly atteaded to. fis6-t7SB-to CHICAGO. |XJTTLE, HIBBARD A CO IMFOBTEBB OF HARDWARE AND TIN PLATE 61 • LAKE STREET • 62 We offer to tfea Trade, at the LOWEST MAKBw raics* DOZBS TTH FLATS, t«00 txK WtHHT EBOK, oo • buebia moH, ia " DOTATIOH RUSSIA, KJOO “ BRIGHT and AXTfHAT. *35 Ct*£j SHEET ffUTO. E. R. KELLOGG. II too* FIG TIB, ISJSOQ Iba. GOFFER BOTTOMS. 10 aetx TIN HKRS* TOOLS and MAQHZBB. SB Osaka BRIGHT OX and COIL CTMIBB i.300 <lo*. ATRgu L3M a SHOVELS. oFADSS mad SGO9FB. aO.tOB* SA2> XBOBBL TUTTLE, HIBBARD A CO. taygflMy comer of State and Lake itreetL 1882. BPEISQ XBASE. 1862, WEBER, WILLIAMS & YALE, WBOLSBAXS DXJILXU ta HATS, CAPS, Straw Groods, Parasols, Umbrellas and Palm Leaf Goods, 85 LAKE STREET, OHICAG#. 9aTO BOWtDfTOm LUBI ud daairabla ROOK, lot Sfbb9 Taanx which will be offered at Eastern Prices For cahw or approved short oszdit. te&oTt- DICKERSON&CC iM a Ml Baaioh* Street, CUcags, riS FLITB, SHEET !HOS, &6.,* a Tinners’ Stock. AGENTS FOR Sowe’s Improved. Scales. tncm«h34ly3 TTARDWARE CUTLERY AND GUNS, Rodger’s and WostenLolm’s Pocket KnlTes, Dixon's Powder FUski and Bportlne Articlfifl, Perens> aim Caps and Onn Wadding, Chains, Eoea and. Heavy Croods. WOLFE, SASH A FISHES, Ixpobtxbs, 88 Warren street, sew York. aplO pBl7-torrsAT dU.K& GUNS! I GUNS! II VJT BBVOLVRBS of all ktnda, OFFICERS’ SWORDS, BELTS, SASHES, Bowie Katvea and MUltarrGsodkGna Material. Sole SJT* “ B *^^’ a laoßaßT 4 AßßKr““ l »pMy 29 LlkßftMti Tobacco, Rice, IS INVITED Ins a fflSHijolesale Rouses. SPRING OF 1862. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS. Davis, Sawyer & Co., 40 & 42 EASE STREET, Have tn store and now 300 Bales Domestics, 250 cases Prints, 200 “ Staple Cotton Goods, 50 “ Assort’d Dress Goods, Comprising the most popular and desirable goods o the season, and the newest and most at tractive STYLES, PrBCHASEB FOB CASH under the recent depression ot the Eastern Mar kets; all of which trill he sold AT LOWEE PEIOES Than many similar of OLDER STYLES, now offered In and Eastern Markets. Buyers, ONE AND ALL, are earnestly invited to examine our stock, and compare goods and prices, without regard to published quotations DAVIS, SAWYER & CO, O'arfirmlnEt.LODlAiß > SAiI*L C. DAVIS & CO J 1862. SPSIHG TRADE. 1862. H. W. HUNT & CO.. 33 and 35 Lake street, (ITp-Stalrs,) Manafactnrers and Jobbers of CLOTHING. And dealers In CLOTHS, Cassimeres Satinets, Cottonades, Vestings, Tai lor’s Trimmings, Gents’ Furnishing Goods, &c. &c M &0., Offer their stock at the rery lowest market rates. QLOAES, SACKS, MANTILLAS, OF THE LATEST AND MOST APFBOTED SPRING STYLES, Of Oar Own HXanafactare! We are now c Coring a splendid assortment of the shore goods, ranging in price tom ©3 TO ©2 5, HADE OF THE BEST HAESRIAL, And in the Most Substantial Manner, Under onr own Supervision. They will be fennd adapted to thetastes o'slL DRESS GOODS! FOR SPRING AND SUMMER WEAR, In. Great Variety Corsets, Alexander’* Kids, Ribbons, and Hoop Skirts In Endless Variety* EDEiEIER B&LHORAL SKIRTS. Hosory of Every Description, TEE MW STYLES OF Brocbe, Casbmerc and Stella Sbawls JUST OPENED. All of the above poods wc are offering at the Lowest ITlcee, see, at STRYKER *l' CO., 141 Lake Street, [api>p?l3 2w] FENCE WIRE. AMEKIOAX nsros. s & 9, 'Warranted tough, of first quality', Ln good lengths, and in good order, for •ale in large or small lots, by YAHDEEVOOET, BICKEBSOH & CO., Nos. 190 Sc 201 BandolpliSt* ap2BpSS3Bm TI Av PLATE. 3.000 boxes L €., Ist Quality Charcoal Tub 1.000 « 1. X 1,500 I. C., Roofing J lin. 20 Ca.‘ks So. 9,36 in. Mnsselaum’s Zimc* 50 Pigs Banca Tin. NOW LANDING, AND FOB SALE BY VAHBEBVOOEX, BICKEBSOH ft CO., 199 Sc 201 Bandolph Street. Cap2B-p33»-lw] P. FARNTJM, WHOLESALE DEALES IF BOOTS AND SIiUES SI Lake Street (np stairs) OVER Gore, Willson ft Co’s, Chicago. lIL Goods direct from our Eastern Manufactories AT EASTERN WHOLESALE PRICES. Giro us a call and lodge (or yoorselre* mapS-psl-I gAWSON & BARTLETT, Manufacturer! and Wholesale Dealer* is SOOTS AND SHOES. So. to Lift. StTMt, BL We would riwpecatuiy call the atscußoa ot City and iJountry Merchants to our extensive stock of Boots aed Sioea. which we have now in store and are dally re fjVfny trom our Factory ta weet Boylston. Mase. which consist* of a (all assoranent of those Celebrated Doetom-Uade Patna Kip and Calf, and Grain water Pyptf Ttoota : *THfp?tiAr vith a fpn rtrv.k of *n ccvlcw of BFRIR6 AND SUMHEB GOODS, uißie neat qaahty ana manmacturea, wmch we art prapared to sell for CASH and prompt pavlnr trade ai SoKcn and New York Job Mag Prices. We are Agent* for the sale of Hitchein Pateoil He hUIlc Tip Boots and Bbogs la all th* state*. SPRING 1862. COOLEY, FARWELL & CO. 43, 44 ft 46 WABASH AVBHTC, CHICAGO. Are now offering a large and attractive assortment of DOMESTICS, Prints, Ginghams, De Lalne«, NOTIONS. FANCY GOODS. WOOLKBB, and a choice selection cf SBBBB G OODB. Moss o/ our heavy Cotton Goods bavlnff to** pur chased early In the fall, we can and will offer superior tadocemento to the trade. , . We Tin guarantee onrprlctttobe n«r la this m tract, or In New Yortadolag fr«lgnt. and In vite all cio#e bnyer* to a careful examination of out Stock before oo*«b**lng. COOLEY. PAR WELL & CO. XT'KOCH WOODS IH (Successor to CHA3. A. EATON.) No. ISO LAKE STREET, s hbalsb is Guns, Sporting Apparatus, Flahlng Tackle,. Pistols, Bowie Knives, and military goods, Potvfler and. Shot, AT iLE AHB BET AIL. asipSTly _ /CHICAGO GLUE WOKK3.- Xs ■> X. XJ HS , v!)f' Oil, for Machinery and ott Pur *. Be er flsee.' SaadTsA. t Ts-.k. Bone Dust, !!•«&, Shi*Es and Coses, At wbola=jk>. :.a 1 r tail. Office, 60 South Wells e&eet JOBS A_ UQHTHiLL. rnhSl baaoeaaorto Wahl Bro Homeopathic covfke.—a wboleamie beverage for the sick or weQ. Highly Recommended, by Physicians of all Schools, C, 8. HAISBL WholecMe and BotaQ Agent. . ap7-pUB4m 80. 163 Clark meet. PRIME BARLEY MALT AL .L WATaoataadaßdfDrnlsßtlowatOßßptleei. 41ao. Superior Tn«tMalX la BaneM. , ■ A ». MOBST. 9 Board ox Trade Bu&osa ■ftra-ir limobals. REMOVED. Exchange Office or J. Boyd Removed to So. 38 South t'!ark-st., Basiroentof tfc3 ,, ?lxcfcang-i Sia'-c Binding." Underthe Banking House of C. P. Blair. n&v{Bjr dl£?c*ei ct the lease of JTo.*) Clark street for a va,uabic coisiderutlon. I hare taken the Office here tofore occupied Or the Dank of B. B. Mom*—next jt l c“T*. ® -e basement of ihe Exchange Bans i>a..3lrs.>—U.EJ pcnnacectiv located and hsvlnz in- Ucl i Ties ana capital, I shell continue to trans act a - Exchange, Collection and Brokerage Bueinese, Paying the best rate for an specie fond*, uncurrent meter. Treasury note* and government vouchers, *c. JAMES BOYD, myTrSf;>2w REMOVAL— RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER CAMP BLANKETS, Capes, Ponchos, and Havelocks, UI BBEE COATS AND I.EGCISS, Rubber aad Leather belting. HOSE, PACKKG, &o. JOHN B. IDESON, & CO , 111 Baodolph street. ap3B p552-Sm fHcrrijant bailors. Dealers In every variety of DINTS FURNISHING GOODS, 8 TREMORT BLOCK, Dearborn street. Esre last rectlred Ihelr Sprlss stock of nctrsnd de. sizable goods. GOLDEN HILL SHIRTS. apVnMJ-lin "We also mantficture Sk’rts to order, and WABBAHT A ITT IS ATT. CASES, |I BUR WELL, ‘eerchant tailor, No, 8 Xremontßlock, Dearborn street. Ib now reccMn? a well assorted stock of Cloths, CASSIatBBJS, VESTING 3 BCd COATINGS, for fiprift; Wear, which will be trade up to order In the most ap proved style and at the lowest cash prices. H. BUR WELL, apl-B&Cbm Ko. 5 Trcmcot Blocs. Dearborn a tree gTo Stain grippers 'J'O GRAIN SHIPPERS. RICHARDS’ IRON CORN SHELLER, FOR Warehouses, Distilleries and Farms. BUSHELS FER DiT. fapatily of 50. 1 <• ti o . « « j WaHHAKTTO TO SHULL GLEAN IS AST CONDITION OF GRAIN, And pnt the name In superior order for saricet. pefor to Illinois Centsvl Rulboad, MinnoAi Central Railroad, Norton & Co„ Chicago aal Lee* port. J. C. RICHARDS, Manvtacttree, 190 and 13? Waaiilagtoa Bt. K. B.—On hand a complete stock of New and Second Hand Portable and Stationary Engines. ar24-p* g <-1v CORBIN & CO. CCCCC 000000 KKBTSRRB ccccco 0000000 ru« C CC CCC 000 000 KRK RR« C'TC 000 000 BRR KRB CCCC 000 000 EKBUnr.R CITC 000 000 KUKKBRR rccc 000 000 bbr rkr CCC CCC 000 000 SKK S3* CCCCCC 0000000 RUR Bl'R CCCCC 000000 KBKR RLBB 8888888 Hill JCSTi SBS3i«!3 888 888 111 >’N!T NN 533 3SS3 BP.K 8158 HI NNNN N'N 33* S3S 888 BPB in nk SS3 BBPPHB lil JiN NNN NS S&fl BBMJBB HI NN NKN hit 8oS« DBB 888 111 h~N' NICK NN SB *8 BUB 888 111 NN SUNN 953 SSS 888 888 m NS' SNN SSSB 8888888 mil NSN NH 8333338 cocooo wwvr www xxx xtct OOOOOUO WW W WW KN'X XI 000 000 WW W WW NnNX nx 000 000 WW WW Y.’«V* NN> NX ITT 000 000 ww ww ww fx nxx xx 000 000 WW WW WW NX NTH XX 000 000 WW W W WW KN* NX.X XX OIK) 000 WWW WWW NX N.VN'X 0000000 WWW WWW NK XXX 000000 ww ww hxx ?tt SECxAES. Manufactured from Selected Haraca Tobacco. For sale at Wholesale and Retail at HO. 65 CLAUS STREET mhl-Dl9t-6ra Comer ol Randolph street, Chicago. TTL BAGS, BAGS, BASS. : ITEAS BAG XAHOFACTOB?. : xo. 9 Uarkxt-st. Chicago. • Bags and Baohe : • Ofevery description famished oasfcnrt r : motice and printed with Nxw iro ; Bragtu'ijl brands. apfi-tTOly OAGSI SAGS I BAGS I BA<43? D COBH EXCHANGE BAG MAMJFACTOBV, ff ART. aS7EH A CO. 157 Sooth Water-st, Chicle* u g. CLARK A CO. 12S Broad street Hew York. Ifanoftctarer* of and Dealers is Sage «f Ever; Oescriptian. Miller** aad Grocers' Bags made and printed » or -167 with beautifal brae da. Hew and 9ecoo<l-IL>nd Seamless Grain and Gunny Bags, (or Shippers*. Miller** »ad Fanners* use. Bags (or Floor. Ta*;?, flams. Salt Seed, Ac. gy i mien QUed with fidelity and dispatch. Bsg* oaned to shipper*. *T*-ty TCE, JOE, ICE.—The Subscriber JL ofTers for B*I« Turee Thousand Tons of Ice. It will L.- gold at a great bargain at wholesale It U w?Il ptcrec. and equated noon the Railroad. and eta *»o loadi-n fron the bouae In cars without haul a< To uf ote wahtlngla large quantity. is will be sold Tttrrchsaa. For further information inquire of A. FRHBCH, Are t, R ■i-'tn N0.9. barman's Rl'Of. my-ote -tw Hcgal llottccs. \/| ASTER’S SALE— State of Iffi -1» I nota. Coo* C .unty as. Circuit Court o( Co ik Coacty—ln Cb&nory Stephen ChlK 8 vb. Hecry Weil* ard Saanel 11. Childs -Forrdotnr oC Mortg^ee. Pur.iic nocce 1* hereby glren that L L C Palae Freer, Illinois, win. m oHedienc- to cue mancata in a Decree enured li the above entitle 1 catra sell at DQbti'i ano de n lor ca»h to tne highest bl laer. tt the norta coor jf the Court Hone* of the Comity of Coo*, m cne City of Chicago, op the 15t" day ofssay. A D. US?, at tea o'cifcK la Ujo forenoon of day, all (be f>U«wlQg deaenbt d parcels of Uod situate la the County of Co<>k. and State o> rilnofa, to-witt—The eoutnwest qnamr of the soathwest quarter of Secnou twenty six teep. tast of the third Prlncti al Meridian, contalulng fortyarres Also, tne south h-uf of thaeast half o 1 M« conheapt quart! rot Section thirty-four (3t). In Town chip thim-avp (35), north of *mge fourteen (I*). e*«t of \heThird Principal Meridian, also, tne northwest qaarvr of the Southwest qairser ot section tweaty dx(»),of Township thtrcy-dve (36). no.tb of fburteea, east of the Third Principal Meridian, or m mu»*h sue such portion thereof a* m*y beneceS3*rrto make the money, principal sod laterMt, due to con plalcant. with the costs of l*ld salt, andtbecnytA foe* and expense* oi **ld sale. L. C. Master fa Chancery of Cookpoaotr. Chicago, April 33d. 1562. apJI-pTI7-td. jl/TAbTSK’S SALE. —State of lIU iTI Dott.ContCoaat7.B9. Cl-cnlt Court of Coot County—ln Chancery otephen Cbllds vs Simunl K, Lbllofi B> mac >V. Cbllds, ElOZcUa Staler et ah—Por»- Closareof MortfafC- , Pnbllc! notice la hereby given 'feat I L. 0 Palae Freer, Vmm In Chancery of Coot Chanty. State of HUnrls. will, la obedience tuthe miucUtela ad a o*ee frtcn d tn the shore ea'ttle-1 cause, s- U at public auc rrn. fo r c**b. to tae blehest bldaer. at tba north dojr of the jourt Bouse. In th- city ol Culcaeo, Countr of C<>ck atiretaid, on lb* 15U> day of May, A. D. at ten o*cu c* In »h«* forenoon of »*ld day. all tbo 1 *lio *• try dtecrlbed parcels ofUnd. sitaat*ui tho w o'iai* of C*K.k Hioreftal' 1 , to wit: aa undivided two-thirds of Che eaftfcu.f of die n*.r'hw>et quarter of see*loo thirty four(S4>, tn township tolrty-flve (X»). north of range fourteen (14), east of the third principal tn*ndl«o. roa- eighty »eh) acres. A'*oan undivided two-tblrla of an*- eq-iaf undivided half qt me west h&tf of (bo n< rtbraal qanrt-r of *ect*na turee fS) nfcowa.«hlp thirtt-foor C"4), north of ranse fourteen ( 4) ea-it of the third principal meridian chaining &9*>j tCnacm, bcihesatne mo*o or lo<>s,or su much aal*nch p >n*htt a* n-aj be rece*sar« to make the money doe to tae complainant principal »z.d interest, with the ca% Jeaa, and expenses of aa d aa>e. „ r L. C.PADTB Pinren, Master in Chancery of Cook County. Chicago. April 28.2EQ. ap34-p~i3-td. 'VrAfcTER’S SALE,—State of Tlli -I*l noia. Cook County—Bß. Circuit Coart of Cook County—ln Chancery. J*m«a H. Bee* tb. Dsaid T, Clt-avtlcnd and John C HalnM. PnM r entice la bereiy grven that I, L. C Paine Freer. Master in Chancery of Cook county, sue* of 1 Tiat-is. wr.i m pursuance wth tne mandat- In a De mee est‘re<i In theanove entitled caoan. on day ol V*?ch. A D. JH3 Brli at public ior c*«b to the higttot bidder, at the north door of the Coart Hoes*- of Cook County, tn Uh* City of Chicago, in sa ! d County, on R*TtJBDaT. tae tenth day of May, A O TdO. at tea o*c;oek in the forenoon of uid day, ail « u»t Dmm«* described in toe roll of Complaint in «va cause, tovnt—Lot thtny-nme (39), in *»int.G«»ra. Alto,Lot*five s.)six(6) fcven(T).e’ght(SJ and ten ( o.) in Blocs elsht<9> in aandiey^^'’^?/ - sum of Let* tf) ’o-twenty-onohl): ala®. •s3S»£S#sasi^Hsss«sssa of rauMls. CHARCOAL L TPIQ- IRON. jtsrsEsrsssi^l^^'r “* AWtatttlttwiftrtawA S3 Sora Clark st. .Chicago, Tapis poCt-Sta] 3,090 to 5,000 - 1,000 to S, OOO 509 to S9O £cgars. Sags, ?XKSOF F ABWKU. Ice.