Newspaper Page Text
Special fiances. |3y AVhat esnWoman doinWar? Aluclu every wav. Bui she can't teen ps»ce in ma_ ffsjcllv vnfofi a bottle of Dead-Snot to xIH off tie Good tblrtty horcee of Jtad-Buc* that, mHa ■■vltcd, li Irodnoe tb r U3telvcß to fcer lodjjcr&, to Ih dr arrrataunovanc* anddiwart. Now lutne time conse •\t KlD‘in: new! 2scvfamily ehou'd be without it. Tlx* Jl>e»d-&K£ make# ft clean sweep: renderspeace certain the r rr <h »*^ rtn ftf lh * etewj. Soli by fell Drae "{ct. AKT.tiln O.ieajro: J. H. seed & Co-.FaUeri Plnri, BcmiftDi * Smith. apoopS9s-im ImjioitEEt to Females.— Dr Cheese nsan'e rills. The combination of ingredfccteln these mis are the result of a loop and extensive practice. They are mild In their operation, and certain la correcting all irregu larities, Painful MenacmaUons, removing all obstruc tions, vtetherfrom cold or otherwise. headache. pain in tio fide, nalp.tatlon oftbe heart, ■whites, all nervous affections, bystcrlca, fatigue, pain in the back and limbs. &r- disturbed sleep', which arise from Interrup tion oi nature. DR. CHEESESIAN?S PILLS was the coxrtncncetaent of a new era in the treatment of these IrreculnrlUce and obstructions which have conal£nec»o(mßn}toapnKXAmtsGnAVK. No female can enjoy pood health unless abe is regular, and when evu-an obstruction takes place the general health be gtnr to decline. BU. CHEESEEAN’S PILLS arc the root? eflecraai remedy ever known lor an com pla!ni«]w*cnlrftrto FaiiAiis. To all classes they are JnvalUßt-le. T.vprrtKO wirit CERTAINTY. rEEIOIUCAL saorLAUivr. They are known to thousands who have used Uieni at dSCc.cst periods throuphontthe country, having the sanction ofeome of the mohtrxLXEXT Fnr&- 3CIANM?f AKEairA. Exrticn pieitcticns wr xtinq vrnuv tout suort-P yor r-K usrn.wiQi each Box—the pmcE one DollaE fee Bona containing from 50 to G8 Pills. PlllsfeCEt by mail promptly, by remitting to the Agent S3 Lake atrei t toua by Dkyogipts geseeaiXT. U* Bold la Chicago at macufactors prices by LORD & SMITH. y Dr. w. freeman, Surgeon Chiropodist, eradlcatesand cures Com*, Bunions, club and tucrowlnc Toe Sail*. Enlarged Joins, Frosted Feet. Chilblains. CflUoerlcß,C4rb-ncle&. Sack Tumors. Cuccr Wans, M*lea. Wans, and all diseases of tha ha man feet treated successfully by Dr. W. Fueesjan, 6-tugeon Chiropodist Dr. Freemen has devoted many years to the treat ment of roe above disuses. His operations are per formed In a few minutes, and thsreifefi# *o instantane ous that the patient can always wait after tae opera tion without the least inconvenience and wear tin* same boots or shoes, and also attend to business a« ut-caL Advice free Mr W. Freemanmaybecoasulted at Room No h> Hatch Hotel, between 7A. M. ana 9 r. >t„ No. 27 North Weils street, orwlU call at residence to meet any order seat to his address. tayJ-p9C7-lw Eg” For the cheapest and best Hair jrwajry, wigs. Braids. Cnrls. Frtrrets. etc- go to A. OHSWALDT, ICO Late street, and examine those won derful productions of art No scrutiny can detect the artificial from the natural when adjusted to the head. His Hair Jewelry contains always the newest Paris scries. All articles wIC give entire satisfaction. 0c34*61-ly CATARRH! CATARRH!! CATiSEH! I DE.SEELYZ’SUaTIXD C ATASSE EEKEDI, WAEEAimtD to be a Fure cure lor CATARRH or COLB IN THE HEAD. On Httfdkkd Thottbajtd persona die rearlym ttui country of Consumption. Every physician knows that with folly two-UUrds of this namber, the disease first commence* as a CATARRH IN THE NOSE. The next step beng to the threat and bronchial tnb<a, and lastly, the lungs. „ Xt Is easier to core Catarrh than Conamaptloa, and by curing the first we prevent the latter. Persons should understand that the better tray to care ConsumpCop is to prevent it. Tbearmptoissof Cattsrrhaa they eenerauy appeal are at frit very slight. Persons find they have a cold, and find that they nave frequent attacks, and are more sensitive to the chance* of temperature. In this con* ditton. the nose may Be dry. or a slight discharge, thin : and acrid, afterwards becoming thick and adhesive. As the disease becomes chronic the discharges are in creased In quantity and changed in quality: they arc now thick and heavy, and are either got rid of by blow ing the noee, cr else they fall Into tbs throat, and are hawked or coughed off. The secretions are offensive, causing a bad breath; the voice it thick and nasal; the are weak; the sense of smell Is lessened or de stroyed; deafness frequently takes place. Another common and Important symntom of Catarrh is, that the person Is obliged to clear bis throat in the moraine of a thick or nlimv mucous, which has fallen (£>wn from the head during the night. When this lakes place, the person may be pure that his disease Is on Its way to the lunga, and should lose no time in arresting it. The above are the symptoms of Catarrh as they appear In different cases. Bv the aid of the LIQUID CATARRH REMEDY, all Here symptoms can be quickly and effectually re moved. And I bare sufficient confidence in the Reme dy to assure all who are disposed to test its virtues In curing Catarrh, that if after the trial of the Remedy for cbe month, no benefit la received, the amount paid will be returned. _ _ __ Price of the Catarrh Remedy. I3.TO—sufficient for use one month, with full and clear direcUona. Office, 182 South Clark Street, Clip-Stairs.'' Adsnvi Dr. D. A- 6KELYR. dcl-h€SS-5m Lost Office Boi &gL Chicago, lIL T£now thyself; Dr. J. II- McCAWN, PHYSICIAN .AND BURGEON, detects to a certainty the true condition and locality of diseases, by a simple and scientific method, without wiring any questions. Disease* of the Throat and Longs treated by Medical Inhalation and Constitutional treatment. Discuses of Lie Heart, of Uie Stomach, of t if. Liver. Kldnrvg, Drop S, St. Vitus’ Dance, Cancers. Chronic Ulcere, uheuma m, Jicaraljrta, Paralrsla. Fistula. Spasms, Fits, Dis CHM-t of tin’ Eve and FNr, Seminal Weakness. Skin I'l? cases. Rupture, Diarrluea. In short, all curable dis eases of lorn standing cured jn the shortest possible time. We are not h“ curt-aIT doctor.acd trill under take no case without a fair prospect of recovery. Female Diseases, &c., Wncb as Suppress! ona Irretuiarvueh. Falling of tLf- Womb. Tumors, all C ri:mry Nervous Dobi-lfr Yslnfnl or Difficult Menstruation, Barrenness. &c„ wla bespeedlly cored, whliout polsontics drugs. Injurious or unpalatable tredicin"? «» any kind. Have no deli cacy in calling. ao difiereucc what vuar troubles may be. Tlie aiilinted are rorcliallv invited to call and eat !£V themselves. Consalutlona and Examinations Free of Charge. All communications strictly confidential. Office in .he Street Railroad Building. corner of State and Ran folr-b streets. < tffiee hr>ur> from ►A. M. till 9F. M, Addreae J. 11. M' C'ANN. M. D. Chicago, lIL Letter* to my address. tuc'n-lnc a stam->. will receive prompt tticcQon. orl?r two stamp* 1 ■alii send a pamphlet tree. scl2-wly IBebirmal. SARGENT’S PAIN EXTEBMSMATOB, ll ha* l>f rurup a a. POSITIVE NEUKSBIT V fer Xhe n-'-i-fi'-inrft of Hie at>o\p Invaluable Remcrly to fcXIUJC Ui-:*ir lacl'l.i-* tor proparlnE iL TU£ PEhA.’TD FOB FT Blb in^ret*e< , fo rspiuly lor tae paatftw inoath? that vre LsveLt-cD •■uiUely QD»bl« to supply order* wito cur prtFtn: tut Ki-soi mannJaciuniig. For riili* rt-*»or,. r® wt',; as f.»r U;t- object of rlvUig all hlhiou CLL-S 8" opportunity ot tl’i'mevlves o» biuipfi of He HEALING vre Fhalt, on Ihf nn? r D.t of sit, open aa extensive LabraWry and ilanUiaciory at ?so. 9-1 NV.'-.ftiiiiigrt-oia Street. Om CaciliilFF win b- snob mat we ''an TnannlActfire a superior quality of our Remedy, and be aole to fill all oor order* prompiij. TBIs EXTERMINATOR '* recntnjccmdei for only wbat rr can f.t>'£ctvaXlt ccue. namely: Diphtheria, Kbcnniatlhm, Ague in she Face, Neuralgia, Toothache, Headache* Sore Throat, Ficwh Woudi, Scald*, Barn*, Sprain*, Chilblain*, PyaenteiT) Dl&mlica, Earache, Corns, &c , &c. All these It will POSITIVELY and RADICALLY cure, tv* shall t.cre&ricr present some few of the na rr.croos test’.rnoalalß we rave received relating the action of 1U Healing" Properties. At this time wc invite alt our former patron*, and all who are afflicted wim citner of toe snore complaints, to call at rinr anrt Macu'ectory. THE kXTBUMIKaTor can he h»d by application to us. crat all the -.eading Druggists and Apothecarcs In tne country. We rcaperuuiiy Retail to crlve It at least one trial, and ascertain lor themselves Ite sterling value as a pain reliever. A. W. SARGENT CO., 94 Washln;rton Street, Chicago, 3>oe» Office Box inis. Price 25 cent*. FO ceuU. and one JoUarj-erbolUe. L.beral DU-count mad,) to tae Trade. apst HELMBOLD’S GENUINE PREPARATIONS. Xtn.M RfVf.TVP HVn.WnoI.TYK TTRT.WnnT.TrK EXTRACT bdchu, THE GREAT DIURETIC. A POSITIVE AND SPECIFIC EEEEDT I'OB DISEASES OF THE BLADDER, KEDSETB, GRAVKI* DROPSY. AND ALL DXSRASBS ARISING FROM or DISSIPATION. EXCESSES asd imprudences or life, HgpbHiyUW OF TBS BLOOD, Ac, NKSVOUB DISEASES. COKBUMPTIOK, EPILEPTIC ms, LAKGODR, TTKBVOUBKBSa, CmBSiL USSntJDE OF THE BESCCUS fiYSTOL OaiHESS of vision. IK6AKITV, PAIIJD COtTOTESABCB, 8008 STOMACH, SICK. HEADACHE, SEcne FLUSH AH FOB ENFEEBLED aHD DELICATE COB* STITCTIOSB OF BO H 6EXBB. HBLMBOLD’S EXTRACT RCCffB. KO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT PEETiBO fcDOOSDTBS TO pH a RiWAl'l AND CKEjSISXET, rßSscsiaan ak*> cbko bt SKIHK n ’ t W HT6ICIAKB. HKI.BtBOLP’F EXTRACT SUCBTO Jt piwm in 11* tatre ana odor, teemedtete to tte nchon. and tree from alMnnirtoußbroperOea. Csreaat KtUe expense I,TTTT,R Oi> WO CHANGE D 9 DIET. Price OSF DOLLAR po* 'kwCa or Six for fTVB DOLLARS, delivered to any came, teltUl, hotel, peet, c rpreo* otflw. ur store Describe Symptom* tt all CwnunmlcatlOßt, helkboldy ghncikk FRKPASAXIOSB. EXTRACT BnCSD, EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA. Pptboiasi, pixao Kon cat. —we make no secret of lacredleose. They «n- «et«cted by a competent Drug* gst and are of tip tnwt aaaJlr? PTT.iTRnT.Ti’fc SEUTTCB* pSEPASUIOin eur*«jLo ij» vaotru at H* X. ECEIuMBOUD, yRACTICAL AKD ANALYTICAL CHEMIST. I>epot-l9» Sonth Team at. Philadelphia, Pi, *oia> st LOftD * (MIIB, TOoteute lor Qie fitatn of tlUnole ft lap, by *a bieOnswi. sonrxxx or a A«k tor BebnbAUPi XtctlMiSSfifttr ©ns makers. w? EIGHT A McCLURE, T V UKDEBTAJCEES, So.B3l.iUm SOW fIETALiic flOFirnn, aim, Weoe ooSax sad Bbrvadi off tO K/iaL Art prepuce *ta Bmim cad CurlWM. cad trill dr? prompt iSttttD tt *u toosn. Here a Cbcpel cafl TasKla tbfe CtaatteT- «*' Uaufcing anu *jxe{jangc. WF. COOLBAUGH & CO., _ •_ BAEKBBI-Chlc»go.-*llr«renowprepared to Ho a General Banking and Exchange buallujrf, m tliO office formerly occupied Sjß F.Carter*Co, W. F. COOLBAUGH, Late President Burlington Branch Plate Bank of low*. COOLBAUGH & B&JO&E, Burlington, lows. my&-r.9S-im W. D REXEL & CO., J. BANKERS & BROKERS, No. 42 South. Clark-st., Chicago, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC AITD EOBEHCT EXCHANGE, Stocks, Bank Notes, Land ‘Warrants, Specie, &c., Ac, Deposits received. Collections promptly made. Drafta on Inland, France and Germany, for sale in sums to suit. READ, DBEXEI & Co., New Pork, DBEXEL & CO., PlsiladclpUla, mjS-rIK ly DOOLITTLE, Banker and DEILEU IN' EXCHANGE, No. 40 Sooth Clark street, Chicago, Illinois. EFTarUcnl&r attention given to CollcctlonaanyS-rS ly BARKERS ASD DEALERS IH EXCHANGE, Coin, Bank Notes an-' Land Warrants, No. 1 Clark atreet, corner of South Water. Special attention given to Collections Throughout the Northwest, Accounts solicited, and interest al lowed on special Deposits. royi-p9frj-om T W. DREXEL * CO., tl • No. 43 South Clark street, BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Domestic and Foreign Exchange bought and sold, apts-pcis-'m W. GREENLEAF & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, |y Orders for tie purchase or Falcofdtocks, Bonds, Treasury Notes, &c„ executed promptly ana satisfac torily. apll-pSI)7-3m-31-WAT ■pHTTER,ERDICOTT&WHErE XV HOUSE, BANKERS ASD DEALERS IN EXCHANGE. Ha vine leased the office recently occupied by the • Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker & Co ,” are pre pared to do a general Banking, Exchange and Collection Business. Deposit* received, and advances made upon ship ments or produce in store. mbSI-nIES-Om T AND WARRANTS. —The high -1 J cst price paid for Land Warrants and Bounty Scrip. ALL SIZES FOR SALE. E. W. MORSE, Land Agent, Office of Burton & Co., Bankers. 33 Clark street, comer of Lake, Chicago, 111. P. O.Box DQSS. mb29-nS77-3m Jg AN KING HOUSE OP CHAPIN, WHEELER & CO, COENEB OF T.ATTF. ASD LASALLE ST. CHICAGO ILLINOIS. Trsr pacts a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS H. CHAPIN, President. H. D. Bren an an. C&sltler. mb2Sn£j3-ly 'JpIIE BANK OF MONTREAL, BATING ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY AT CHICAGO, Is prepared to do a General Banking Business, Buying and Selling Eastern and Sterling Exchange, Discounting PRODUCE BILLS based on shipments, making ADVANCES ON STORAGE RECEIPTS, Re-payable la CHICAGO, or at ether points, Receiving Deposits and Collecting Commercial Paper. ueis-hTBS-iy E. W. WILLARD. Agent Q.ILMAN, SON & CO., BANKERS, No. 47 Exchange Place, Now Torlc. Particular attentaonoevoted to Western business. Wrr-TEBN References.—-’.hatrtn, Wheeler & Co., GIiICECO, LUno’s; Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insor tare Company Bank, Milwaukee; Slate Bank of lowa and Brunches; Bute Savings Association, &L Loolfl. mhl&-nCi3dy OUXTON & CO., BANKERS & lA BROKERS. Tc*egrapb Building, B. E. comer of Clark and Lake streets Ruv and seil New York Ex change, Gold, Silver and Uncu rent Money. Highest price paid for Illinois and Wisconsin discred ited currency. Prompt attention siren to collection® ana all btu-iness entrusted to ns. mhtS-aISI-Sm JJE3SEY A. STOKE & SOK, BANKERS & BROKERS, NTo. GO "Wall Street. New 'STorlc* < ovytcc.) Government, Railroad and Bans Stocks bought and sold at the Bioken.’ Board exclusively on commlMon. U. A. Treasury Koteabougla andsoltf. Business paver negotiated and advances made. Sterling and French Exchange sold, and Letters of Creult obtained for par ties going abroad Interest allowed on Deposits. Refer to Hon. Hugh T. Dickey, w. S. Gurnee. Esq, James Clapp. Esq mhli-nVu Stn ATERCHANTS'SAYINGS LOAN ItX & TRUST COMPANY, CAPITA!/ $500,000. HENRY FARSAM. ITea’L B. A SMITH, Vice FTCS’t. L. J. GAGE Cashier. Tins Insntatjon will Discount Paper, buy sad sell RzcJisnee find Cole and rrrdve money on deportt, par interest 'hereon when left a specified period: will reevive money for accumulation, when left for a term* of years; and receive and execute Tncaxa from Courts, Corporations, Individuals and Estates. Office, cornel of Loko and Dearborn streets. mnxcTor.F-; J.H.Dunbam, Jaraes Goodwin, Henry Farnam, John H Fofevcr, I). B-Holt, H H. Magte, I*. L. Yoe. W. K. Doggett A. H. Barley, F. B. Cooley. C. 3. McCormick, T. D. Gilbert, 8. A. Smith. mhT-n317-ly QHAS. A. MEIGS & SON, Bankers & Brokers, £0 Exchange Place, N. Y, Stocks, Bonds and Treasury Note* Bought and Sold OO Commission. Adv&Kce» made on&vcuciUea for sale jaKewTork In ten-Ft allowed on Cnrrent Balances Dividends Collected. AC-&C. COAS A MEIGS, Formerly Cashier of the American Exchange Bank, FewYoHE. tfe'.S-k- Q <<-£ml CSAo. H. MEIGS. EUROPEAN exchange, fH.4 BILLS OF EXCHANGE OS gaglamf; Frenee, Swmsny, gKltzerlua, And other European Countries, for sale at the Bank ing Office of J. F9TJHG BCASMOK, Karine Bank Bunding. Lake street, Chicago, mmols. OT Drafts on Messiu. Bonne Brothers A Co, Lon don. and Liters of Credit available anywhere on the Continent granted. del 3 h731-ly A IKEN * NORTON, iA. BANKERS * DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, Ho. 1 Board of Trade Building*, South "Water street, Chicago. Collections made In all the principal cities in the United State*. lal-ly riJLIKOIS SAYINGS INSTITO- S- TION. rS TEE CITY OF OHIOAQO. mCOBFOBATED. FEBBOABr, ISI Office, 104 and 108 Washington St This IcetieatKm receives deposits la Gold, SSver tod me Bills of Specie-paring Bang or FIVK CENTS AND UPWARDS, Erom all classes otoeraoi»,mciu<jm* Minors and. liar* ried Women, and allows Interest at the rate of BIX FEB CENT. PER A.NKTJH. Dividends payable on the dm Monday ot January and July. Office open daßy during the usual hours of business, and oa Tuesday and Saturday evenings until tO'oiock, JOHN G. PATKBS, President. E. B SIDPEB. CaabVfef. ieicrsi-ly jQAVENPORT, BASKEBB AHB DEALERS 33 RXCHA.T?gB, BARR ROTES, GOLD.'SILVRR, *OU nartt-ly No. g Clark su. Qilcago, CL BANK OF AMERICA.—PubIic KoUce Is hereby glran, that eh BUle or Circular tag Rotes oi the “BAITS OF &9I£BIOA,n Heretofore incorporated and dou« biumas in the cit* of Chicago, nnder the general banging laws of the State of Ellcols, most be presented for payment to the And! tor of Public Accounts of aald State, at ms office, In Chr dtt of Bprtnpfteld. within three rears from the data hereof or the fnud» deposited for the redempttoa of <ald notes will be given up to aald bftolc. Dated this Sttb day of Mar.A. D. ifiSL GEORGE BMira, President. .L w. WUxiSD Cashier. lyKgZßtojel-M exchange ON NEW YORK. FOB SALS BT EMORY COBB, tatacmMr Telegraph office. HBoncg to Hoan. $3 000 TO FOR FIVE AT TEN* PEG CENT. On cnJorrmtiereC prohnctive property in tne best busl n*«Bp«rtrf tbeclty. Applyt bla. RO<S£E, Attor* neyioribe lender, 9 MaMmc Temple, Chicago. leyrrus-lw * MONET TO LOAN" ON CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, Or on Good Ikpvutxd Fah***, wnmn ltd mUoaof Chi cago in this State. F*ntM* for pale .-.neap. £h26-nS6S-6m CHAMBERS A LK&. 11l Lake at, MON B Y TO LuaM A Os Real Estate Becuridei in rooV end adjoining Oeur-Uee. apply to ERNST PRUSSINO. Saak? In Foreign Honey til Red RgUto Broker* aSKST fUB THE HKITIBH. COMMERCIAL UFB IBbCTEAKCE CO, AKD NOTARY PUBLIC. 50. 8 Lan&on Bloek, •olf-ly K. K. oor. Curt and WaaMngtoe Stt. ani j ; «h. T AKE STREET MILLS— For Coa«e and Pine Mill Feed, or anything In the trllli: cllne at onr mflt AUkt&deof Flour at taeiow pttnrln* WUi purchase any aappUe* In our Ilee ifwe are iot able to grind tbo article oorartTea. Lake £u peri or wirhiean an* all other order* solicited. J & BTEVBFB ft CO* WeatLaisat- cor. DespUiaea, SSU Patent buckwheat rLODB-JOnuacteroJ BAVSINB * CH4PHAS, MICHIGAN MILLS. Try me twt beat Buckwheat Flour tatha etty—ywe ■»td irtius. . taioice etmnaa Fleer, ffom ihatvwlml Recked WheaL*emjuiC White Winter WbestFiotsr of ms bett «BaH9* EzW* Spring vrhe*v Flour. ‘leUverwl to eay part of tfae etty. Btore- ta m «Md* Wat«r BtreeL |BW fto 6Qwr. HC. RQSI3S, Pattern Making of • BTOI | BewartptJoo, Scroll s«wlne, Latsc olrenlArTarnlnc ABO MODEL ItAKDiO. TTMUIStoa ««<*, ®lnr ®?rtww. SATURDAY, SCAT 10, 1863. [For the Chicago Tribune.] PABniCCX. Oi.ce more nnxo'l the scroll of fame. And write ia light another name; Fieedom! extol joarherotrnc, And crown with laurel Farragut. SccesEion pride and gasconade, Our arms low In the dust have laid; With shivering fright the rebel crew. With blanched cheeks whisper—Farragut. Rejoice'. the most dc-teated crime, "Gainst man, and law, throughout all time. Will soon receive Its righteous doe— Thunks to the blow of Farragut. Rejoice I the oligarchal clan, Who*ve outraged all the rights of man, Will soon have retribution due. Thanks to our hero Farragot. Hed handed war shall soon be stayed. Its implements In plowshares made; And all shall bless the heroes true. Who fought and fell with Farragut. It needs no monumental shaft. Iso tablet, nor historic craft. To blazon forth to future view The name and deeds of Farragut. Nol while the Mississippi's tide Shall leave the Crescent City’s side, Shall pour into the ocean blue, ’Twill gently manner—Farragut. Chicago. Slay 7,18(i2. Alpha. THE NAVAL REVOLUTION. WHAT ENGLAND IS DOING. New Designs and Great Under takings. AS IKON PLATED COAST FLEET, ll’tum the London Times, April il.] Wc arc informed that a. step of great im portance in the existing state of our nival i-ilhirs has Just been taken by the Board of Admiralty. It is well known tint at tlie j>re s. bt luoiiitnt our entire licet of small vessels of-v.ur is bulk of wood, and is wholly unpro tected by armor plating. Every corvette, aim*]i a:-d gunboat in Itio service is liable, 1 lu n fore, to sudden and complete destruction Ly the shell lire of an enemy. In view of tiuco facts, a eompleie stop has recently been put lo the furl her construction of vessels of ibis kind in the royal dockyards. lu France tor tome years past, and In America daring the last year, small iron-plated craft have been deigned and built; but in all cases these have been fit to operate upon home coasts and har bors only, and have been wholly Incapable of performing general sea service. Ourown Ad miralty and their constructors have naturally been averse to the building of similar vessels, but at the same time no means of producing sea-going plated ships of moderate dimensions have been devised. At length, however, a method of construction has been devised, which is said lo afford great security, with a comparatively small amount of plating, aud which has met with the full approval of the Board. Tile new design has been made by Mr. E. J. Kced, formerly of Uie School of Naval Con strue', iou, Portsmouth, now Secretary to the Institution of Naval Architects, under the gencrsil supervision of Admiral Robinson, the 'Comptroller of the Navy. Ic is applicable to ships of various classes, and provides for the use of a powerful plated battery of Armstrong guns, with a great range of fire; for the secu rity of the ship from penetration between wind and water; for steaming power scarcely inferior to that of the present unprotected vessels; mid for the protection of boilers, ca nines, rudder head and steering apparatus. ’These advantages are said to be secured with out at all compromising the fitness of the ship to receive a complete rig and equipment, so that she may be fit for sea service in any part of the world. The design, we under stand, has been placed unreservedly at the disposal of the Admiralty, who have issued an order for its immediate adoption, and have ap pointed the inventor, Mr. Reed, to superin icnd the construction of the vessels in Her Majesty’s dockyards. The timber now in store, and even that already converted, will be available for the new vessels, which are to be timber-built below the water, but incombusti ble at the upper part. Although the design was only completed a week ago, all the pre liminary arrangements for carrying It out have already been made, under the immediate care of the Comptroller and the Duke of Som erset. The first vessel is to be commenced forthwith ;it Deptford dockyard, and is to be named the Enterprise. IMMENSE ARMAMENT FOR TWO NEW FRIG- ATES. [From the London Time?, April 33.] During the past few weeks large supplies of the best Uiscriplions of both angle and plate iron have poured into Chatham, dockyard, to be used in the construction of the iron steam frigate Achilles, 50. The number of hands employed upou the vessel will shortly be in ert attd to 700, tbe utmost number that can be accommodated in the factory adjoining the dock in which the Achilles i? under construc tion. Messrs. Collier, of Salford, have receiv ed orders to erect two powerful machines in the factory—onea u slotting” engine, for cut ting and shaping the slabs of Iron which will fotm the shield plates of the Achilles, and the other a planing machine, the largest of Us kind in the world, for smoothing the surface of the plates before they are ailixed to the shin's i-ide. The projecting bow of the Achilles, forged at the Thames iron works, has been fixed in its place, and the sU-rnpost will shortly be received from Glasgow, where if is being forged. The following are the principal di nwii&ions of the Achilles:—Length between perpendiculars, S-SO feet; length of keel for tonnage, S3S feet % inch; extreme breadth. 5S led inches; breadth for tonnage, 58 fret 1# \ nches; breadth, mould, 58 feet; depth in hold, 21 feet 1 inch; burden, 6,079 tons. Orders have been received at Chaham to prepare tfce following quuniiLkvs of projec tiles to be supplied to the irou screw Hector, 32, and Vnlianr, 33, now under"coa tlruouon at private establishments lor the Admiralty—viz: 290 common one hundred and U-n pounder,and 290 of the segment one hun dred and ten pounder Armstrong shells, 113 common and 113 segment twenty pounder Armstrong, and 200 twelve pounder Arm strong shells, 288 of the sixty-eight pounder smooth bore Mooreom shells, ninety-six of the seven and a half naval sixty-eight pounder smooth bore shells, and ninety-six of the sixty-eight pounder and fifty of the twelve pounder diaphragm smooth bore shells. The solid shot to be supplied to each of the above ships is 1,650 sixty-eight pounder, 280 one hundred and ten pounder Armstrong, seventy five twenty ponuder Armstrong, and fifty twelve pounder Armstrong- Each vessel is also to be supplied witti 115 common Iwclre pounder howitzer shells and sixty twenty-four pounder rochets. The abovels the largest quantity of projec tiles ever, ordered to be furnished to any ves sels of that class. THE “oTEAM BAM" DEFENCE IN A DANGER OUS CONDITION. [From the London Times, April 22 ] The Defence, eighteen, iron frigate. Captain, K. A. Powell, C. B. t in No. 10 dock, at Ports mouth, on the water being pumped out of the dock, into which she was hauled on Friday last, has been found to bare au excessively foul bottom. This will now be thoroughly clettnbud and coated with a preservative com petition. Toe defects specified are not nu merous, but they will increase in number if all apparently requisite alterations and rc- C* s are executed while the ship is in the ds of the dock yard officials. The popu lar belief is that she is so divided and pro tected by water-tight compartment that In the event other bow or stern, the part unpro tected by armour plating, being partially de stroyed by an enemy’s snot, she would still, float and fight her guns nearly as efficiently as she did before her bow or stern was injured. 8o far, however, is this form being actually the case, the probabilityis that she would go down from beneath the feel of her officers and crew, her so-called water-tight compartments, as at present fitted, being quite useless in pre venting water from cither end reaching the midship part of the vessel below. &Co Gen. Hancockt the Hero of TniUams* bars* Gen. Winfield 8. Hancock’* conduct at Wil liamsburg, in taking, with his command, two redoubts of the enemy’s fortifications, and subsequently in turning the left wing of Gon. Johnston's rebel army, ha* been spoken of in a report of Gen. McClellan to the War Dcpart menlas “brilliant in the extreme.” It was tho bravery evinced in taking these works at the point of the bayonet, repulsing Early’s rebel brigade and capturing nearly two hun dred prisoners, besides killing a number of the enemy, including two Colonels, that gave our forces tho advantage which compelled the enemy to evacuate. Gen. Hancock is a native of Pennsylvania, and was appointed from that State cadet in the We?t Point Academy in 1840. Graduat ing In 1644 in the same class with Gen. S. B. Buckner and Gen. D. M. Frost, he whs pro moted brevet second Lieutenant in the Sixth Iniantry, and two.yeara later was advanced to a full second Lieutemmlcy. He was brevet-d firtt Lit ntenant August 20th, 1847, for gal lant and meritorious conduct in the battles of Omrerasand Chernbuseo He waa Regimen* til Quartermaster In 1848 and 1849, atterwards Kegiuu-nta Adjutant, and in HovmnbtT, 1855, was commissioned up a Captain in the Quar termaster’s Department, which rank he held (and still hold*) in the regular army, until ap pointed by President Lincoln a Brigadier Gen eral of Volunteers, his commission dating Sept- 23d of last year. . Gen. Hancock is well known to many of oar citizens. At different penodi he was station ed htre,and only U ft us finally when his regi ment was ordered to California, he being at the time Gen. Clark's Adjutant. Gen, Han cock was married in this city, A number of years ago, to Mis- Russell, daugnter of one of our most estimable citizens, and we have some right to claim him as our own. As indicative somewhat of the charac' or of the man. It may be biattd that, .allCr.hispromoiipn to tne place of Brigade r-Qcneral, and when the or ganization of the brigade had been complet ed, be was tendered a service of plate, bin he dccliocd it, saj lug that it would be proper for him to accept «nm compliment when he had caret dil in battle, Tna». tithe has now come, and he will at least be saluted with the thanks of the country for his gallantry and skill in. the field. 15?* CoL Cluries A. De -ViUieia, of the lOthi Ohio Polmt Pleasant, onthe Eaa- ; avrtia, has by* recent VonrMaarUal been dit pOued from%e service, and has arrired at ■Wheeling, on the vr&y home. A Greater tbonthelTlonltor—HowtK* Iron<lad Galena Looks In Hampt *a Bo&di. [Correspondence of the Xew York Evening Po ?t.] “Some very Important alterations in the plan of constrnction have been made, by which the strength and power of resistance will be rendered much greater than was at first deem ed practicable. The most important of these alterations are, first, the extension of heavy iron mail over {he bow and stem of the boat, instead of common plates, according to the original design; and second, the increase to three and a quarter inches in thickness of the mall on the upper wall or shot proof covering of the fighting deck which protects the batter ies. Tins covering slopes inward at an angle of forty-five degrees, and the sheathing was to have been but two Inches in thickness. The changes, it is believed, will effectually protect the gunners, and render the vessel imprezna nable to ordinary projectiles. “The object which it was designed to se cure in the construction of this vessel has hitherto been deemed impossible of accom plishment, and the project was, therefore, like the building of the Monitor, an experiment. The novel proposition, one that seems wholly inconsistent with itself, was made by a citizen of Boston—the well known naval architect, Samuel 11. Hook. It was substantially as fol lows ; That a vessel could be built, two hun dred feet in length, thirty-six feet breadth of beam, and of one thousand tons burthen—the size and description of a war vessel of the or dinary construction, which would require a depth of water of about twelve feet —and yet that the boat should be strong enough to sus tain a shot-proof covering, nave a draft of water of but ten to twelve feet, and contain engines and machinery which would give her a speed of twelve knotts per hour—in short, that she would be entirely seaworthy, as per fectly adapted to the purposes of cruising as the ‘woodenwall’ in common use, and, in addition, be impenetrable. “Toaccomplish these objects ahull of pe culiar model, designed to effect a greater dis placement of water than is ordinarily seemed, was built, and upon It four hundred tons of armor have been placed, with entirely success ful results. Experiments have been made with the machinery which justify the expectation that the speed of the vessel will be equal to what was originally anticipated—twelve miles per hour. “At a little distance the appearance of the Galena is smooth and regular, her curve lines are rounded from diminishing her apparent | size. A close inspection reveals the joints of the longitudinal plates with which she Is covered, but not a bolt-head is visible. This is one of the peculiarities of her mail, which is of a new design. By means of flanges and longues the heads of the bolts are entirely covered, and thus a source of weakness in the iron plating generally in use is obviated.” Cfl=i3artnerßf)i})s. NOTICE. —The Co-partnership heretofore eil?tlng between BEL3>EN & YOUNG, Is this day dlseelved by mutual consent. CHAS. W. BSLDSK. CAKSTL roL'_NG. The Exchange & Brokerage Business Will be continued by the undersigned at the old stand, SjcCiark-at. CABIL YOUNG. Chicago, Mav 7th, ISE2. myS-rISC-St r T'HE 00 PARTNERSHIP HERE JL TOFOKH p.3ist!ag between the undersigned, an oerthc name and style ct ffm. JI. ULCB & Uo.,ißtUlt dissolved by mutual consent. The accounts of the firm -Kill be settled by W. u. iilee. Tv, h. BICE. E. y*. BONSISR. my 9 nl^St Chicago, May Ist, 1862. r\TSSOLUTIOK OF CO-PART- A-/ SfcRfHIP.-*Thc Copartnership heretofore Gl inting beiwetn ihe undersigned, uncer the name oi Coke, O’Bbies & Co, i» hercoj mutna’iy dissolved All lia!ilL'UtPof tin- naio fim -will lie Coco and O’JJrltn, ami all debts due geld Ann will bo paid to them. ” H- B CUNE SI W.O’BHiEN, AMOS ISATtiBONE, Cnlcago, April Ist, 1562. M.w. O’Eejjk continues the Lurobpr Rnainass in theyardifoniierlj- occooled by Cone O’Brien & Co, on Sonin Clark street, between Twelfth and North smets. where all business of the late Arm of Cone, U’Brlen & Co. will be settled. my7-riHlw CIG-PARTNERSHEP. We, the 1 undersigned, have this day entered into a Co- Partnership- under the style and firm name of KELIiOGS & GRAY, For the penwee. of dtailcg In Coal of all kinds. Chicago, ilar let, ISG?. A. It. KROLOaG. C. VT. GRAY. IpIISSOLIiTION.—The CopartncT 1/ sh'p heretofore existing between. the uader p'pnei. unccr the name of S. J. S *rdam & Co.,is this day dissolved by mutual consent. S. J. StTOUM. W. W. BillTH. Chicago, March 1, ISSi. The under?fpnM wW conttatie lit* 1 Ptore and Hard war* litiPineta under the name uni Ptyle'fb. J. dor dam & Co. at tlio ola stand, ITSLascttreet. S. J. BTTRT>ASI. A.SFHLUS. ap2SpSl7-2ff Chicago. March 1.1863 pO-KARTNEKSHIP NOTICE.— The nr-dendenod have this day entered Into O piirlnnndilp undtr the name and style of “Suxtii ÜBOTiiKhs” for the transaction of the Wholesale Grocery BTirfnffo. at No -l;t -oath Wat<r street. MAKCEJILUb B.FMITa, la*o of Smith, Pollard & Co. ■WMIX) W. PUITU. late of S J Surdam & Co.. A. .U’I‘SOK SMITH, late of Smith, rollata-fe Co. Cnic.iGo. April tU iMvi sp2l pTSi-Lra niSSOLUTION. —The Co-partner JL/ shipheretofore e.'Ustictrbetween Uie undersigned under llie.ftrm ofßmltn.Pollard & Co., is this day dis solved by mutual consent. Either or tne oarties will sign in liquidation. 3Iam:ELLDfi R. SMITH, JOHN K. POLLARD, Chicago, April 14.3862. A.JUDSON SMITH. ni.y’i iiTH-t-ipi IHettius of sjtnrfvholbers. "VTOTICE.—The Annual Meeting it of the Stockholders of the Tonlct atd Peters bar* Railroad Company w ll be held at Delavau, U Tazewell County, cn vVed-vesdat. June 11th. at 2 o'clock P. M. W. G. GREENE, Berdan, Secretary. my7-rim'--«n Til E C U t G A GO S O U T H BRANCH POCK COMPANY will hold its annual meeting, for the election oi Directors and the transac tion of other bui hiiar. at its cQce. In Cbizago, on Wcd newiay. the 4th d ; 'j of J unc, A. D. 1562. mi f-p'd-’-m A- J. KNXSELV. Sec’y. OFFICE OF THE GALENA & Chicago Union Raileoax* compaxt. Chicago. May Ist, ISC2. NOTICE TO STOCKHOiKEBS; The ANNU &L MEKTING cf the Horkboldera Of the Galena and Chicago Union Ibtilroad Company, tor the Ejection of Directors and transaction or oUier busi ness. 'Will be held at the Company'a Office, in the City of Chicago, on "Wednesday, use 4th day of June next, at 10 o’clock A. M. The tranefer books at this office and at the American Exchange Bank In Net? York, ■will be closed at the close oi Business on the 24ih Instant, and re opened on the £ih day cf June next. xnt3-iM.Tr W, m. LABRABBE. Secretary. pIUCAGO AND NORTH \J WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY. Chicago. Maylsc. l?fC The annual meeting of the Bondholders and Stockholders of the Chicago and North Western Railway Company will be held at the f>ffice of the Com p*ny.lntbe city cf Chicago, on Tliai&iay, UreSUi dav of June. IKS. at 2 o'clock p. M_ for the election of Di rectors for the y»»ar ensuing, and for the transaction of any ether business thatmsy come before them. xny’-p«4-td WILUaIM B. OGDEN, President. Sbucatumal. POKEST HOME FOR BOYS. A Thorough instruction in a safe home. In a delight ful superb of Chicago, for ten se-ect lads who are at peeled to enter the School under twelve years of age, nut ran remain nu tndcdntre time after tnat Age. Specific items will be promptly sent, with reliable rcf» renre, tn anyone who may Inquire. Andress W. A. NICHOLS, roetonce Boku&, Chicago, mmols. mySrtoSw LIBERAL EDUCATION with MILITARY! IH8TB0&TI0i ARD DRILL. WESTERN UNION COLLEGE and MILITARY ACADEM V has been located at FULTJN. ILL, and will open Primary Academic and Collegiate <m Sept, ifita. 1361. The College has twalrc experienced teachers, thorough appointments, and excel’ent appll ancef. both regular and aclenttfic oonrsea, the finest achooi buildlngn In the West, (cost SUOJXX)). ample and attractive crounde, a Cue Gymnasium, and many other advantages which Hhonld claim the atteatloa of parent*. Instruction in German (Tee; also, la AurrLLCET, In- VaNtbt and Biflx Tacttos. Swobp, Batontt and GrMxxrnc Exenrisns Common Zouave *ja> Favot Drill, under an officer of United States Army. Stu dent* dress in uniform. Tnasia*l7s per school year for board, furnished room, fuel, lights, washing and tuition Ip every department. Excellent accommoda Uoc« for SO ■ hoarders, under the same rocf with and theconstantcareoftbeteachers. Address for Clrtu laisD. 6. covert. President Fulton. UL ftlWJ»Sns ■Notice tn Contractors. QBALED PROPOS ALS WILL BE kj rrr&lTcdfrom loyal ciUrans only at tho Offlct of the Forage Department, U. 8. A, in the ally of Bt. Louis Mo. till '-2 o’clock M- Monday. May itth. 861, for fttim 100,000t05 6,(00 boshrJaof Oats; huso g’s wC-orn. robeoelly»»redattnaGoveinmeat Ware hocP<w,or atanyortheßillroadDepot*or Steamboat Landlrealntheclty 016 l Louis, free of drayago. Cam ttott bo 36 prnrrti to the bushel and both dads or grain delivered at the rate of 60.000 ouahelscrOatA and HVOO tmsheLi ofCora purweek. Bldsfor each Kladofgnitn most be made scpsratPly, and eudorsad “ Propoau* for Oats,*' and -PropoMds for Com." No bios will be received unless endorwd by two Tesponrt&le names. All bidders «re reoaesteatobepreeent peomptlt at the opening of the bloa Alt bki* not promptly answered to wiu be rejected. The tlgbtl* reserved torero* ar »11 tke B. D.CfiftjtlaM. A Q 1L St Louis. April 29.1862. mvlp^-id hotels. \ MERIC AN HOUSE. BOSTON. Best Arranged Hotel intheSrw England Slue*: U centrally lowted. ul easy cf «tts* nr-ta *li roafe. of travel. It cntiltu *il the modern Improve rt.cnt<j. sr.devcrv convenience for the covilcrlanJ accon,modwtloQ of tirti trivc la< pn»* lie. rooms art- Mrgeand w*!’ v<Mitt>a(«d; tb( suites of rv'ths arc well srmrged. and «T«ple*»»lT fuiul.*hcd for fjmhlessTiilbrge in»vel:ntf pir;;--8. and tie hocw win continue to»“ kept 8 * 4 flr*i ciaas hotel Ise*er; rttj'tcL id£\fls KICK, Proprietor^ *pi£-p<S +m JJ A R D WARE. CUTLERY AND GUNS, Bodger’s and Wofflenholm’s Pocket Knives, dec,, Plion’a Powder Fusts *nd Spotting Articles. Pcrcua ricn Caps snd Gaa Wadding. Chains, and. Heavy Goods. WOLFE, BASH & FISHER, ' Istpobtses, S3 Warren street, fJew fork, mpio p3t?ymT sq r DOCKET BOOKS, PURSES, POBXMONNAIES, TBIVBUKO BAGS, etc, ett, whMeekWeMra'iD.M tiamsnuiacioT; oi C.STBOB>SL k Bd). OUNSI 6UNBU GUNStII \JT REVOLVERS of if! klndk ■ OmCZES 1 BWOBOT, BELTS, SASHS, &C.’ SowlekklTOMidMlUuaTGtwdkmul Mortal. Sol* Akeot Mr kla^A™.^ ms i*ko«re«. TUGS.—After May Ist, XI7GB HOMTOB AKD ITIfION TO run alternately «s night boats. GKO. BTUHGB3 apiS-piw-im - , . • PRIME BARLEY MALT AL JL ways on hsadnad for ele at lowest eoApricefc *UB.Bw»rlorT«rtial«l*Bßnto s-MOBBr . ’ talTC4v B Board of trade Bvafa*. VTAin.TS AND OUT HOUB® V elponsd veer cheap by JOHlf BtABOK. 8< Sprth Clark street. Post Offloe Box i89l» apa^pTlWm Urfrtgcraforsf. jyiNSHIP’S PATENT SELF VENTIimJi J REFRIGERATOR, FOB PBESEEVItTG Heats, Same, Fish, Fruit, VEGETABLES, &c. The Only Befrlgerator "Where Venti lation i* mating, ESPLAXATION. L—By opening Register C. air is admitted into the Ice L'hrmber a, where it la cooled and purified in the most expeditious manner. n.~The alrihCßPoolcdandpuriaedpasses through apertures 1)D, (the natural tendency of cold air being downward*,) directly into the Provision Cnatnbarg, peimeating every part, and preserving s uniform tem perature throughout the entire Chamoer. \ lll—After the cold tlr has thus performed Ifcsdfflco, It Is made to pass Ithiough the EE, where a slight warmth wlu cause it to pose up throozh the space between the cases of the refrigerator and out at Regis ters FT. thus serving the furthor purpose of prevent ing the warm external air from penetrating through the cases Into the Provision Chamber. Chicago Assay Office, U7 Lake St., > March Ititb, lS£h J We have carefully examined Patent Self-Vextclatinq liKKiUGERATon. and can confi dently recommend it as an excellent and auoerior Re frigerator. Its construction Is Simula, neaL and con venient, and secures an important point, neglected or impenectly provided in other refrigerators, via: a cur rent of cold, dry air in tae provision chamber, thereby cot only preventing decomposition, hut also the accu mulations of the BLiNEY * MaRISER. Analytical and Consulting Chemists. "We are manufacturing the above well-known 'Re frigerator-, and have a toll stock of the different sizes now ready for delivery. t\ e aell only to the trade in lor*. For sale at retail by the vationa dealers, both In the city and country, VANDEEVOOET, DICKERSON & CO., Manufacturers of Wlcsbip’s Patent Self-Ventilating Ecfn* erator, 193 and -*Ol Baa lolph St., Chicago. apCO-pDUSw (CooKing StcibFS. ■JHBKISf(i OF STOVES. THE TRIUMPH, FOR COAL OR WOOD, Arranged with hot air draught and large ventilated 4 oven. THE TRIUMPH Will babe, boll, broH, roast, fry, toast, and oerform Cooking st the SAME TIME and in the most perfect manner, and with the greatest economy In feel, THE TRIUMPH ITas a fne large reTiillntrd oven which always Insures tweetnecs to the bread baked in it. THE i'EHSPn Hasa regular rangewater backf >r hc-atlupwater for diliaelon in pipes through the house, and neat* water more advantageously and expeditiously than any oth er stove. Kepott of the Chicago Mechanics Institute. “Cook ing htvvcs.” Ac. The articles under this head were nn morons and meritorious. so much go. that yourCom ml ctee hare had ranch dltflculty in cecMing among the rival claims ftr preference. After much deliberation your Committee award tha Fikst PitrstiUJl, aSILVEK MEDAL, to tha TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE. JA6.V.Z. BLATTET, ) CHAS. U. GIiAY, > Committee. J. H. EATON. ) For talc by JAMES P. DAIXOS. Successor to Allen A Dalton, TO Lake street. Rubier ®russ. gEELEY’S HARD RUBBER TRUSS. Manufactured under Riggs & Goodyear's Fetest. Ttla Trow la bavins a success In curing Hernia or Rupture before unknown In the history of Trusses. Unlike ALU others overused In tbe following respects: lx will kstss BUST, (the spring being coated with Hard Rubber, rendering It Impervious to moisture or ptrepiratlcn ircm the body), nob bbbak. ohvfb, gall n c dlicieb. Will kot slip ob mots fkom piacb. does not psesb or iniurb the oobu, never becomes filthy, and la always clean and as good ar kek. T hey have been nsca by over 3£ofl persons In this city And surrounding country, within tbe past two years, and have never tailed to give satisfaction In all cases of the worst form References can be given of casca C CRED In this city of till] ty years standing, which are well known to some of the roost eminent Burgeons In Uik W«?l, and it is universally acknowledged by all aa the only reliable Truss fit for use. Dr. Seeley having bad many years experience in tbe application and fttlng of Trusses will guarantee this instrument in every respect to bo as represented, as the same Truss can be made very £tlff or lliLberfas the case nay re quire.) lam daily receiving orders for this Instru ment from all sections of the Northwest, and can safely assure the public that it is rapidly imnercedlng ail other Trusses lii use. Persons wishing this Instrument can bo fitted by sending sire in Inches around hips in Hen of Rupture to Dr. J. B SEELEY, 126 South Clark street, Chicago, 111., Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer, to whom all orders must be addressed Pamphlet scat on receipt of stamp. P. O. Box 4355. au22’6l-T-T.s ly cape ans Jfuts. FIRM AT THE OLD STAND. IGNATZ HERZOG, WHOLESALE AST) RETAIL DEALERI4’ Hats, Caps, Straw Goods, and Cap Trimmings. I have JastrecelvedalargsandsDlenild assortment In the above articles, sno win seil them at prices equal to the lowest in the market. ..., The latest styles of FGB. WOOL and SILK HATS, at IGNATZ HESZOG’3, No. 152 Lake street. ra~ Highest market pilce paid for all kinds of Raw Furs * splo-n219-iy pAPER HANGINGS AT LESS THAN COST. Closing Out Sale to Close Concern. GREAT BARGAINS Offered to Cash Buyers. CHIS. AJfDEES, So. S3 Randolph Street, tmysrß3-lml J? E. RIGBY, JR., Agent, Importer and Jobber of PAPER HANGINGS AND General Honse Painter. apU bSSMm 69 Randolph stroeL Chicago. * BRO., 9XAISXB EX PAPER HANGINGS. Window Shades, Fixtures, fts. aODSE &KD SION ?AOrtEBS. PAPES HANBEBB, BTO, ETO^ 8Vo« 184 OUrit Street, ChietfO* lociS-lyl Sags, KAOS, SAGS, BUL6S, fABW^U/B : «TE&K BAfi KAHTirACECET, 170. fi Ua£KZT-6T n CBicaaa : Bseb and Saohs * of every deecripaoti furnished on short * notice Mid printed with bsv ass i*“™“ 4 iSSb„i m H, : »p«771-Jr Bags i sagsc sags; sagsi COKN BICHANQS BAG HASTnPACXOBi. BAHT, ASTKB « 60,. 1« «o;® WKeP«. CUMgo B. e. *' & CO, 12S Bra rtreet. Newt ork. ilsnufretnrera of and Dealaa la gsgb ef Every l>«*crlptl»n, sad Groeera* Bagi taade and printed te or dm with beantiltal bnod*. New and Groin and Gunny Ban, for Shipper* l . Millers and Fanners’ use. Bags, for Flour. Buckwheat Peed. a fidelity aad dlspatcb. Bag! ooned to Shippers. Qf^ly jHilixarg abates. A RTILLBRY AND CAVAKRV /\ oFFICKEa.—An eztta nice lot of Sabres, Beitt and Soshea Sabre snots and Spurs, Beal Buckskin Drew Gauntlets. Also, Inftntry Flaw snd Lme OL fioen* Swords, the beet articles made: Cote s. Smith and and Pond’s Ke*t>lrerß nod Percuas*-oa Car ♦^el/ovtftheTTnlted StatesßxpraesOfltoa. oclMy ®rees. A better strawberry Hu* ei>- ‘ Wllaon 9 * Albany Seedling) Mote hartr and proeactive we *ha»ibe uS found, we are rasdy to farutth plasm of the “ putiee elvisg extensive culture, for a emdi Dorttoaofthe frutof toe Qnt season. SBOU porw* « p BTANtBF, 5Q State street. ffitnnimssion JBlmljanfs. J)AYID E. McLEAN & CO,, PBOLTJCB COHKISaiQH HBBCHAHTB, SSontreal, O. E* Cuh advances made bf IS VET & MOSEY, 2fo. 9 Board of Trade Building, Chicago, on Shipments of Flour and Grain consigned to ns* [mj3p996-lml JR WIN & MOREY, PRODUCE COMSOSSIOH MERCHANTS, No. 9 Board of Trade Bonding, Chicago. liberal advances made on Grain Cargoes or on Floor consigned to DAVID E. McLEAK & CO- Montreal, C. E. GEO. B. POWELL & CO, New YorSCtty. M. 8 HAWIEY & CO- Buffalo, X. Y. DOOLITTLE & IS YIN, Oawego, K. Y. myS-pan-im _ QHAMPION & TODD, GEN ERAT. COMMIRSmiT TffRTMTTTAWTfI; And Wholesale Dealers Is Green and Dried Fmlta. No, 141 South Water street, Chicago. H. o. <~hj aipxoy. [myl-p934-3m] jivm told. JOHN K. POLLARD & CO., (Successors to Smith, PoQard & CoO Wholesale Grocers sad Commission STerchants, IS9AHBI9I SOUTH WATIE STKBT, CHICAGO, apag-pees-im Ariel akin & co., PsonrcE ComnssrON Meschants, No. 186 South Water etraet, Casn advazees made on Floor and Grain to be sold here er by Wm. A. Brown & Co,, New York. A BIEL AKIN. faplC p4fl3-6ml J. H. HTTHLBLT. QXASSFORD, JONES & CO,, Forwarding and Shipping Agents. Special attention given to forwar *ing Grain, &c., from Kingston to Montreal and Quebec. Carrying ca pacity 01 our eraft equal to 275,u ea bushels Grain per trip. WJ Canal Wharf, Anglin's Wharf, Montreal fap%*-p7W Cm] Kingston. B. STONE, Central Produce Commission Merchant, No. 5 Pole’s Building. Cor. Clark and South Water eta- P. O. Box 6253, Chicago. liL liberal rash advances made on consignments. ap2i pst>Gm gHERWOOD & CO., GENEEAX COHHISSIOH MERCHANTS, No. 3 Pardee’s Building, comer of Wells and Soucb Water streets .give their exeluafve attention to the purchase and sale of Floor, Grain and ocher produce. Advances made on consignments. aplS-pUK-lm NEELY & CO., GEHEBAI COMMISSION KEECHAHIS, N0.7 Board ol Trade Building. C. T. WHEELED: A.a. NEELY. E. F. LAWRENCE. aplti-p44;• ly QYRUS CLARKE, Produce Commission BMpping Herchant, KU3IBER 10 CENTRAL WHARF, BUFFALO. Cash advances made by Walker, Bronson £ Co„ CM cago. ap7-pIU-3m PATRICK & CO., GENERAL Commls«!on Merchants, yo. 214 South Water fit„ Chicago. Illlr ols. Advances made on Grain, Floor. ProvUlouß. etc- for Bale here, ana by oarftiends in New York, Boston. Philadelphia and Liverpool. We refer to Merchants’ savings Loan and Trust Com’y, Chicago; K. K. Willard, Agent Bank Montreal, Chicago ; J H Bnnnani,Keg,Chicago; II.A. Tucker, Esq-. Chicago j. v. Patrick. c. t. ln3lse MURRY NELSON & CO., Ko.2U South Water street. Give their exclusive attention to the purchase, sale, shipment and mating cash advai era on Grain, floor Provisions and Produce of all kinds, FOR A COMMISSION. HtTEET NELSON. E. B. STEVEN3. MERKDITa Os CO,, EXCLUSIVE COHMISSIGE MEECEAJTTS, for the pnrehase and sale of Pork, Stock. Flow. Grain, aad Produce generally, So. 238 and 233 South Water itrcct. Chicago. 11l 5a17-ly APPLE YE & SHELDON, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. 248 Eonth Water street, facilities lor shipping Broom Co’nto Ka?tern tdanufacturera. Cash advances made on Consignments and Shipiuonrs. Befeeknce Bowen Brothers, C. B Blair. Chicago, y. b. EAi’PiSTy. [aM-n'JTO-ly] eeth sheldon. jb. JJEE & ANTES, PEODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Give especial attention to me porchise and sale ol Floor. Grain and all since of produce on commisilozL Office 121 Lake street, comer of Clark. OLIY2K IL LKJi. £Dili2S-QSSO-6IHJ CHAF.LE3 11. ANTES. OAILTE tfc SEYMOUR. PRO SJ DCCE AKD SEKEKAi COMMISSION ME& CHANTS- Office, li 6 south Water street, Pomeroy** Building. Post Office Drawer 6137, Chicago. Karas- BKoas—Sturgcs, Buckingham & Co„ Wm. Martin. Oea, Freight Agent C~ B. & c£ R, K. anlfkSSl-ly OBUCE, SCOTT & CO., Prodace JL> Commission Merchants, No. 10 Lasalle street, be tween Lake and South TTater. Chicago, lU. Fersouil attention givrn to the purchase and Bale of Grain, Flour, Provisions, and olier products on commission We make liberal rash advances os Consignments for sale In this or Eastern markets. Post office Drawer C2K. ALONZO BRUCE. 080. E. SCOTT. B. F. QUSAL. QaWYER , WALLACE & CO., connnssioir merchants, 47 Broad street, New York. Advances made on Consignments to the above firm by Wll. AlTCmsoN, Jr, Agent, 152 Scntn Water afreet. Chicago. mh7-aS3C-ly QHADBOURNE & WETHERBH General Commission Merchants, Pardee’s Building, corner Wells and South Water sta. No. 8 np stairs, Chicago. a. s. cHADBouRyg o. f. WBrnsnsß. £JALL, BURBANK S GO., PEODUCE COMMISSIOK HEECHAST3, No. 1 Dole’s Building, cor. South Water and Clark sia. Post Jflico Drawer 62:>7, Cnicago. P. H. rtnt.T. J p. w. BCRBA.VK I F. BALL I 080. P. OOLT. fe*6 ni4 t-fim MORSE & YARWUOD, uJI (LATE ALBEET KOEBB A OO m > PRODUCE commission HEBCHANTf 186 SOUTH WATER STREET. Aiken’s Building. Bnslnces confined sUlstly to Commission. ALSEgT MOEBE. M. B. TA3WOOM. MS. NICHOLS & CO. nave * opened, at Sooth Water street, Chicago, a General Commission House, for the purchase mosaic of Grain, Floor, provisions, Ac, and solicit consign ments and order*. To parties accessible to Milwaukee as Trail as Chicago, in connection with their Milwaukee House, Nichols, Britt A Co., think they can give suet tupetlor advantage*. [splFSl-lf IC. e. KTCHOL* O- 38. SktCT, H. A. SICBOLB. \\J ILLIAMS & HOU GRTELtK 0, T T COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 210K Booth Water street, second door west of Wells street bridge give their exclusive attention to the sale and purchase of all Kinds of Produce. Stock. &o* on Commlaloo Cash advances made on bills of lading and property! n store. Refer to George Smith et Co- Marine Bank, and George Steel & Co. 3. l. Williams, Qal’eo-lyi w. d. auuutftJtLisd. jvteelt, Lawrence & 00, A.l COMMISSION MERCHANTS, for the purchase and sale of Grain, Floor, Pro visions, and Country Pro dues generally. Business exclusively Commission Also, dealers m Balt, Lime. Water Lime, Stucco, Plat taring Hair, Land Plaster. 4c„ at 246,238 and 240 Booth Water street axbxbt *. hzxlst. bbhjaitcs w. u* aEKCX, W3L T. VIK&IATS. XDWASa V, LAWnXHOX. mha'akly ADVANCES MAOS BY N. K> FAIRBANE. No. 5 Board of Trade Build Inga, on Gsanr, FLOtnt. Pnovrerosß and Hishwetbs. For DAVID DOWS & CO., Hew York. The property can be held here in store until the °^gSg?^ Jdoabe * old> ‘' g^i^ <1 J> M. EUNKHOUSKR A CO., cosunssioß nreBCHAYK, ffi6X South Water Street. jana-KfiSO-ly ADS WORTH, TDRLAY * CX), commssios mbbchanw, 8W Clark Street, Cklcago—P. O. Drawer BISi. Pr Cash advances on ahlpmenta to ua or out Correspondents in New York. Boston or Philadelphia, dewsi-iy , UPDIKE ds Ca, coamissioH MEBCHiim, . Na H LasaHe street, Chicago. STAN ARD. GILBERT A CO. No. 5 City Building*, BU Louis. mylT6l-ty a?, selbzet. s. w. updixx x. cx staxabo. Q.RIFFIN BROTHERS, COBQSXSSION SEEBCHARTS, No. 5 Pomeroy's Black, comer South Water and Clark to^.^ga. Ad 7a^»r !,c T^g- TTNDEKWODD & 00, ’ W OOBtmSSIOK BfEROHAtm, STo. 162 Seatb Water street, Ctaioage, HI, niiSSrS TZ 818 ALL * WOLCOTT, - ' QEHERAL COX2QESIOH KEBCSAHTB, No. IS6 Booth Watferatreel,Ghlc«gu,ni- . OonOgnmenta solicited. OtUbt* tor purchases executt with care anddtepateh- xxmuLL. [dtvtisi-ly] x. x. wpiopir. FAT & CO., COOTBUSSIOIf IffEK CHANTS, No. IS Lasalle street Chicago. HL P. O. Box S!A - Give their exclusive attention to the porch*ae aad «a>» of Flour. Grain and other Produce, on Commlssaß ■KICK TiT, (tuXra-IYI JAS. B- WQOPWOXTg. Phakles Randolph, atcvmtAT. COMKIBSIOB KEBCHABT, So s Loomis' Bunding comer Clark ana Sooth Watai street* a trance* made on cousigDmeats. ferSHy SJUMSEY, BROTHER * CO., 11 COMMISSION SfERi^HAfTW, iiTe caen exclusive attention to tae purchase and sale of Flour. Grain and other ProdocA on oom^ uon. No. 14S Booth Water street eorawoi Claris W C'ORD A NORTON, STORAGE Alfa COHMBSIOH KEBOHAJTA pirMoaof woreftooß. oo MMtet ttpeot Ortireoa lAk* and Randolph streets, Chicaco, QL ■ ■Jberal advances made on coDSignmenn. fcAv*r. voun. raniFW-ivi nathantkl nuktci9- lionfins ifiaterials. ROOFING! ROOFING! BOOPISGfIt BABBETT, POWELI * OO m HAKHFACTOXSBa OT FELT AND COMPOSITION ROOFS, And Deale sin Hoofing Material and Coal Tar. We are prepared to take confects for BooSagisMT portion oi ihe Northwtet, or farnlan Mstertsu wnk Oi* reckons for use. BARRETT’S ROOFING Has stood a twelve years test in Chicago, anils used in all find date buUnmgs. Office No, 8 Maffoolc Temple* Chicago, epaff-offßgCT 3caleg. TJ 1 AIRBASES’ STANDARD SCALES ®F ALL SJSDB. A Greenlfttf, 179 lavb BTBSBC; (32CA60. ‘ffiomt jpumisSins- GREAT CARPET HALL UoOMer & Wilkins, 135 i m - . USE STEEEr - - 135 & 131 ’ [trp^rmsj The Best Soods at Low Prices. CARPETINGS, Hare on hand and offer for sale, of their own Importa tion and of the beet domestic manufacture, the largest and best assortment in the Northwest of Medallion, Wjjtoa, Velvet, Brussels. Tapestry, Three-Ply. S cner fins Ingrain, Extra Fine Ingrain, Cotton andwbol’lo grain, ivool Dutch, Scotch Mempe, Pelt Venetian, Ta pestry. Ingrain, Body Brussels and Stair Carpal Inga, all ozthe greatest variety; comprising the largest, best arm most desirable assortment ever oefore Chicago, and which they oiler at the lowest possible prices. OIL CLOTHS, Of these wc offer a large and unrivalled assortment either as regaida quality, style or price ;EngUth and Americas manufacture. in widths or one yard, one-asd a-hslf 3 arcs and two yards wide, at prices from three {hillings to six shlUlngs per yard. Aise. Heavy Sncet Oil Cioths. twelve feist, elchteen feet and tweaty-fjur feet wide, at prices from four to tea shillings per yard. Also—Table Oil Cloths In patterns and by the yard, and Stair GU Cloths in great variety. Mm m res. Cocoa Mattings for Offices. Churches, V estlbnha; Ac, in all widths, from one-hslf to two yards wide; Canton Straw Uauiog, both white and checked, oue, on£>ti3d*a qoaner and onc-and-a-balf yards wide; M tsaxc, Velvet. Brns ? elsandTnlledCut9.Cocoa Ja ? e,M-idlia,lUnsb, Skeleton, Adelaide and Sheep-Skin Hate. CURTAIN GOODS, French Brocatelle, Satin DeLolnea. French Printed Latangr, Iters. Cloth. Damask and Moreeni Bnbrsi dered Lace Curtains, in pairs an» by the yard. Embroi dered Husllu Curtains, and by the yard; CorOicer. in wood, brass or ) lit, Gilt Curtain Banos and Pina. Centre Taeseis, Loops. Drapery Corda Gimp Banda. Curtain Gimps, -ilk Bordering. Curtain Linens, and all kinds of Trimmings neecstary for Curtami nrindow Shades la gold borders. Dry and Oil Painted Shades. White Buff, Grten and Bine Shade Hollands in all width* together with Bray's Patent Spring Fixtures. Balance Fixtures, mtnam'e Chamberlin's and Pendulum Fixtures, Brae and Bronze Roller-Ends, Rock Pulleys and Brackets, Shane Cords and Tassels. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Linens In patterns andby tbe yard. Llaca yap. Mrs and Doyllce, Ma’&elllea QuUla. Linen and Cotton Sheetings ot all widths. Linen and Cotton Pillow-Gas- Inga Ttwela, Crash. Piano and Table Covers, etaoroi dcteJ, printed and etnnosred; Furniture Chintz, rose* tb-:r with a large assortment of Fringes, Picture Cords and Tassels. UPHOLSTERY GOODS Spring Beds, Matr, Cotton. Bea-Grasa, Excelsior and Moss ilaitrefatfS, Feather Beds. Bolsters and Pillow*. Blankets QullU Sheets. Pillow Caws, Lounges, Foo; Stools. BLU'.arl Cloth®, Enameled Cloths. Corleu H\ir rf various grades, moss and Excelsior by the bale. Sea- Grate. Spring*. Webbing. Bed Ease, Mattresa Xufla and Twines lor Upholsterers’ use. Prime Lite Geese Feathers. Hollister & Wilkins’ GREAT CARPET HALL, 135 & 137 Lake street, fap-stair s.) ISS & 137 [an2l-p513-2xnl jLcgal lloticrs. ]\ I OKTCtAGE SALE.—Whereis, XtJL Cyrenloa Been and Mary, his wife, did, on tie fourth dav or February. A- D. Ssi, execute and deliver to The undersigned. Jabez K. Bot&ford, a certain Deed of hearing date the day and year aforesaid open the lanes an* premises hereinafter describee, to secure the payment of a certain bond for the penal sun ol sixty thousand dollar*-, given by the said Jyre ulus Beers to the said Botstord, whten bond is more pafiicularlT mentioned and describe-* in said mort gage; which sfl'a mortgage la recorded in the Recor der b ulhce of Cook County, in Book Gi of ifor tgacea. Pace K3. Tlie condition of the said hood being “ Unit whereas the said Jabez K. Botsfoid is bound. as atm.-it for the a*»ovc r-onnden. Circtiius Beers to W. L. dewberry on a note for ten thousaad dollars, drawing interest at the raie of ten per cent per annum ; also, to D. d. .Johnson cn » note lor dre thon«ana dollars, with interest as iforceaid; also, to Barnet Beer*, on a note for torec ' ~':isd dollars. with Interest as aforesaid; also, to s Carter on a note for four thoa»±na dollars, with rsl os aforesaid; also, to the htme Bans . f In . at 3ontb Benfl. on a note for three thousand dol- inter ei diHE.'l. it-rs wlih Interest; also, to the Firemen's lD9«<o Company on a note for three thousand donate; also, tu George Cobb on a note lor thirteen anndred dollars. wiili interest, makir s tn the gros< the sum of tweaty nine thousand ihrco hundred collars, besides interest due and to grow due on said notes, on au which In debtedners tbe said Botafora it only surety for sa;d Heirs. Now.lflhe above bouaden. Cyrentns Beers, h'a heirs. t-.tfcCOtorß and administrators, shad wel; and truly p <y or cjtube to to paid me aforesaid notes aid interest thereon respectively at the maturity thereof ana *.naU gate and Seep barmless tne said Jabez K. Bouiord, Uis executors and administrators of and from all u* mhiT-nsSMm [)iilc> for and on aceout t of his being surety as aiore :&ld on said nctea, then and in that case this b-ml to be void, otherwise tc be and remain in fuT force and vir- And whereas It waa provided In and by said mort age, that if dciaulc should be aide by the said Beers, is h*us. executors and administrators. 1c the payment t the said notes and Interest, or cither of them, either of principal or interest, in tie condition of the said bond mentioned, or in the performance ot any of ms covenants therein contamea, oy reason whereof tho eairi Botsford, as suretr, Bhcnfa nave to psy tuc s»m«. (»r any part thcreol: then and tn tint case it should 0e lawlulior the said Boudbrd. from time to t me. as he should pay any of said indebtedness In the condition of said bena mentioned, aft* r puDheiilag a noi’ce in a newspaper printed In the city of Chicago aforesaid, twenty daysbeiare the day of such sale. to sell the premises hereinafter da cilbed. or so much tuertof as «oDid he necessary to reimburse himself for all tnoa evs paid, and interest tlureon with ad costs ajd ex peases of auvertblns and seU'ng said property, tozeln erwllh all right and equity 01 redemption or Peers and wile, their heirs and assist s therein, at pub lic «uci ion at the north door of tne Ooun. House, said city of Chicago, to tbe highest bidder for cash. at the lime mentioned in such notice. • And whereas default Das been made in the payment o. raid lodebtecnesa. mentionei la saM bond y the said Beers; and the said Botacord, surety <*s aforesaid, has in consequence of each default 01 the o\M BCcrs bet-a übLgrd to pav and baa pate of toe said indebted ness and interest, mentioned m said bond.totQeamount of t*en'y-one thousand tight hundred and forty-three and elghty-tlx huoaredth debars, vz : To the Firemen's Icsursnoe Company, Princi pal and Interest..,. f 3^2L29 Branch Bank of Indiana, principal and Inter* S/R4.57 1,30800 4.110 UJ iD.teo.oo Geo. Cobb, Princig&l audlntcreat Jae. Carter, Principal and Interest W. L. Newberry, Principal and Interest. ,21^1396 Note, tntrefere, In pursuance of and by virtue of the power and authority in me vesteo in and by sdd more gage, I shall on the Sis* day of May, A. D. >862, at the tur of 10 o'clock In the 10-enoon of sa’rt d*y. at tae notch aoorof the Coon Boose, m the city of «;h«cago» Sta*e of lilinoth.scU at public anction,to the Ulgbast dcr for cash, tho following deecrlbtd premises, ■abject to the previous niorteage* thereon or so much, thereof as may benectsvary to reimburse the undersigned the amount byxiw voove paid, interest and swes, viz: The west half of the Cast half seventy (eighty] feet deep of Lot five [4]. In Slock sixteen (!6j. ominai Town of Chicago; ahio the e*at eight andelgi/ttenths[H 9-10] ;cet of Lot four ft], and all of Lots five (M and alx [R] in Block »igbt [&]. la Fo.t Deazbord Addition to Coica go; alw)Lot eight rgl,ln Block two [?J- in FurU-jear born Addition to Chicago; also Lots one [l], two [2], five CH sx (.61, seven if], eight [B], eleven (It], twelve ii2l thirteen fi3l, fourteen its], seventeen fill, eigh teen (13], nincteto (13], twnney >®l. twenty-three (aSI, and twenty-four f3»]. in Block one hundred and thirty fivefiSsj,lnthe School Section Add-tloa :0 Chicago: also Lot two 12), In Block seventeen IV*). In Fractional Section Fifteen Addition to Chicago: also the north thirty ISO Cental Lot three (3] inßiouk seventeen [l7], in Fractional Section FUteon Addition to Chicago; also the south wort quarter of Section five [s], in Township ttirry-oight. north, range fourteen can, to* ceihtx with ail the right anc equity of redemption of the raid Cvrenlna Beeia and wife ti-eir heirs and as signs. cf. in snd to the the aforesaid premises, and every pari thereof J JAKFZK. BOTSFORD. Mortgagee. HosmebA r EOK, Attorneys. Chicago. May s. IS«C. myg-r9O-tl \TORTGAGE SALE.—Public no i?l ace iehereby given that LSellgmaaSchleaiager iho Sfoneagee In a certain Mortgage Deed, date! »ep tunberiwh 1*57. executed by M-ims wailrr. (nla wi e Joli inzUiertln), ana recorded in, the office of the Re corder of Cook County, Illinois. In Boo*, S3 of Mort ■zagm. Page 21a, will, by reason of default by the tall Wader In the payment of the promissory note in said Mortgage specified, sell at public auction for c«h to the highest MdderatthenorthdoOroftheCourt Hoow in the City cl Chicago, county of Cook aforesaid on the 4th day of June, IS3, at ten o’clock la tne fore noon, all ox Lotnn •.her nine (9), In Block two f2), in H ’ Myerhoff a subdivision of Block or Out-Lot thirteen OS),it the Board ofTrustee’a of Um Ultnoia aai Michi gan Canal; tnhdivlslon of the west part ofbestiaa five (5). InTownshlo thirty-nine (8S). north of Ranee fourteen tl4), eaat ofthe Third Prmdpa- Mandlao. Sam subdivision by Myerhoff recorded In the office of tne Recorder afforesald. In Book 49 of Mspa, Page 35. 1 wulalao. at the same time and place, under the powers In said mortgage, sell any present remaining mtyeat oi the laid waller m and to the eouth iMi oi Lot fourteen ru>. in Block °*S?£S Addition to Ctecign, being twenty (20) feet In Width and fronting on Milwaukee arenne SELIGtiAN SCHLEBING2B, Mortgagee. Chicago. May 3d. 1368. mySrW-tm ASTER’S SALE —State of Illi ijJ note. Cook County ea. ' Circuit Court of Covk County—lD Chancery Stephen CWI. b v». Henry Itidls and Samuel B. CbUos -Foreciotux of Mortgage. Pubnc nonce is hereby given-tost It Ci Paine Freer, Maettr In Chancery of Cook County. State of Illinois, will, in obedience to cue manoatem a Decree entered ih the above entitle! cause 1 sell at pubtin auo tten tor cash to the highest bidder, at the north ooor of the Court Boose ol toe County of Cook, In tne City of Chicago, on the 15ta day of May, A O. ifcoV at tea o’clock la the forenoon of said day, all the following described parcels of land situate In the County oT Cook, and State of tilts ate, aoutnwest quarter cf the eoathwwt quarter of.Section twenty six 06). tn Township thirty-five {SS>, norm of Bangs roar t«Ji. tael of the Third Principal Meridian, containing - forty ai-rrs Also, tne aoutiihaif of the wwfebalfi* oo northp**tnnartfr of Sccttoo thirty-four (34). In Town ship thirty-five (SS). north of Range fourteen fUL east of The Third Principal Meridian. M*o. tftexorthweat auart«7 of the southwest quarter ox Section twenty- MX C26>. of Township thirty-five (3S), noith of Bangs fir»urtePß, east of tho Tmiti .Principal Meridian, or so much ana such portion thereof as m*y be neceeiry to make (he tro&rK-princlpal'asa lutenat, due to com plainant, with the costs of Add sulk and the costa, fee* and expenses oi old sale. L. C. PAINE FBKBt*, Most er tn Chancery of Cook County. Chicago. April 830,1862. ap24-p7i7-td MASTER’S SALE.—State of lUi- LtJL Dole, Cook County. sa. Circuit Court of Coot County—ln Chancery. Stephen Childs vs Bimuel K. uhDoe, Hunan v. Childs. Kioz-us Bsuteret aL— Fons dtwor^of . . . _ T „ Public notice is hereby give® ’hat I L. 0 Paine Freer. Vaster in Chancery of Coot County. Stato of Illinois. vrtiL. la obedience w the mam Usa fo a dno-ee entered In the shove entitled causa,»'ll at public auo t»cn- for c**h. to tae hlahest bldaer. »t the north door of the Court Hou-e. In th- city oj County of Cockatoo-said, onth-» late day of May, »* ten o*tdcca in {he forenoon of said day, UL the t'rtio w in* described osreete ofUnd. situate fe the ouunt* o> Cook aforvsaK to-wit: ad undivided two-thirda of the tbaif of the nurthwe*t qaartor of section ttlrty fourfW. in township thirty-five ("S). north of rauge fmribn nfl east of the third principal mcndlan. o*3n of on-? iqu»rued!Ttd«-d half ot the west half of the north eats ouarttr of reef on tnree fS) of township thirti-low is 4). north of range fourteen f 4) east ot hr third principal meridian coafaluJog tO w-dOiOftfl, be the same more or lejfi, or si much and inch p won aa zpsi- be necetear* Co 'make the money due to tae complainant. principal srd interest with the cosa, ,<** oni'X ? eo**ot**i'* tc . Master la Chancery oXOoot County. CHICAGO, April 23.15S- ap2tp7lß<d MASTER'S SALE.—State of Tlli -1)1 note. Cook County-as. CircaUCourt Of Cook C*»anti—in Chancery. June* H. Beee vs. Uanl*l T. Cleavd»nd and John 0 Haines. _ _ . Pubhc nonce te here-'y m* toa* I, h. C- Falne jfteer. Master in ctancary of Cook Coaoty, state of Tilnois. wta tnpunmancew tb taHs mandate In a De cree »Vred in tiie above entitled cause, on tas 7th day ol Va»ck. &TD:tSBS 8»H a£pubUe anctimi ior c»»h to the bicfctst bidder, at the north door of the- Comt Bocae of Cook County, tattiie City of Chicago, Is ard County, on Bathboat; toe tenth day of May, t D -ffra, a£t6S.o*tto**k tatii6,{o*eßOoa of Midday, all at the premises <fesc<ibed In tnaSUi of OompUlnUa «*id cause, thlrty-aine (3), in Fins Grove five 5.) six fSI seven (7).e^ghtfH.) njnefO.) »noten ( 00 la Block eight (8) tu Handlers Subdlri rion of Let* &i\o tw enty-ooeftl); also, ol Lota thirty three Cs«)‘to thirty-seven £57), aR Pclnsive in. Pine Qmre.aU sttuateln Fractional Section twenty-one (2 ) t» Township forty <4flV Barth of Hauge loortaeafrt) east In the County of Cook and State cf Ullß<us,or jo much and i uch portion toareof as.may be nena-smT » I l£«t«rln clmocery of CookConahr. 1 CWM*o.iPOI“ UI - 18a - «pl9pslS4d TIETBOIT AND CHICAGO I / KittBOAD T.ttsb. Onaadafter Monday, XlaTSth, m Michigan ?; em Ballroad Compact wilt mo a pajaeagcr Hue be tween ChlcagoaoaDtcrolfe via wltboatch»n»c of can, aatep g direct coanesUona with oil Canadian lines from Detroit*- - - . Elegant coaches, wllh raised Tea Elated roof, and oMslnaT Dusters, win run through oa dv trains. Luxurious sleeping ears,of thelatestimprovement, will .run, thro ago on night trains. The distance is Thethue and rate? of ZBrewiu oa theeazaeasoaouier x4Btes. n!SiT?. < ?£ ( S i !??J 7A - “-“U 7*5 P. It Arrive U A ' a - Arrlle m “ aciet offlcca !alUc ftonnweet Algo, at the Company’s office, 5» Clark ecraervan Barea and IDan i t^£: Cblca ß o ' • „ ,H. B..9AWTES, nr 6-16 (8m General Passage? Agent, OF /CHICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND EiILROAD.-CHANesor Tixb. SummerArrangeaient,commeacm 4 jaanday,'\£ayith. 3*62. Trains leave end MiiLSurv days excepted,ftOO a. n.; Nl£ht Express. Baturdava ex ceptfia.ftLop.3L; Joliet accommodation, Sundays ei c«FpTed.ft<CP. H; Through Trains amvs than a. k and cn 1 6 : SI p. 3i4 Joliet Accommodation. a4sa, «. JO 35 F. TRACY. Gea’l 3up»t THE Western Transportation Co. THE WESTERN TRANSPORTATION COM PANY having made arrangements to ran their Lake Steam Propellers on alternate ‘lays with those of the MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROADS, Numbering thirty Srrt-clasa, staunch and strong steam era, cSer to the commercial public, the followios «vt dently Enpertor facilities for the transportation of mer chanolse and produce toand from, the Eastern, West era. Northern and Southwestern States. The Cam posy's unequalled CANAL facilities, c-msistlcg of ISO Canal Boats, Of the largest class, six of w !ch leave New York and Bnilaio dally, connecting at.a Halo with the following Propeller Lines: THE WESTERN EXPRESS. fOwned and operated by this Company) will run over the New York Central Railroad to Banal a. connecting with the various RaHroacs leading West, and with the following Lines of Propellers on the Upper and Lower Lake?: The I'ppcr Take line Sally. "W. T. Co. Steamers. B. C. ft C. Line Steamers. TONAIVANDA, FOOTAUt CITY, FREE STATE, \IESOSA, MOHAWK, MENDOTA, PLIAOITH, EVEKfiBEEXCIXr, SEPTCHE, GALENA, MAY FLOWER, CHICAGO. Leaving the dock a< Erie Ba>i!n, and foot of Michigan street, every evening at 7 o’clo*. Vor ireieht or bas ssge. apply at the Western Transportation Office, Erie Banin, and the BalJ&io, Cleveland and Chicago Line Office, foot of Mlctlgan street. Hailraabs. Jotmnboat ILtncs. AND WESTERN EXPRESS. 18 6 3. NEW YORK CENTRAL AND The Setroit Line Daily, Via North Shore dlrtct, connecting at Buffalo with the New Tors Central, an<l Buffalo, New York and Erie Railroads. VT. T. Co. Steamers. MISSOURI, ILLINOIS, SAGINAW, W. T. Co. Steamers. BtNKIBK, CONCOHX>, MARY STB WART OMAR PASHA. Leaving the dock, Erie Basin, every evening. at 7 o'clock. Forfrelahtcrpa&uccapniyatthcCoiapaar'a Office, Erie Eaaa- Ch veiand, Toledo , Sandusky and Green Say JLine, Central Railroad Steamer?, EQUATOR, EQUINOX, ABAXES, EUPHRATES, ECLIPSE, COMET, ROCKET, MARQUETTE, CUYAHOGA, ORONTES, FOREST QUEEN, Leaving the dock at Erie Basin, at 7 o’clock P. M. For freight an*i pst-sage apply to r. D. Dole, Agent, odlce foot cf Michigan street. For hu?a lading and contracts by Canal or Railroad, apply to th» following Agents: EVERETT CLAPP, No. 1 CoenSea Elio. 27jW Tori. HUGH ALLEN', A, COLSON. Ko. 9 Astor House, New Tort S. G. CHAeE, 113 Pier, Albany. N. T. F. O. CHAFE. JMBlv-r street Troy. N.T. J.L HURD & CO. Uurd> Doit. Detroit. M!ch. J J. ToLLMaHGP, Mississippi and Prairie Du Chlcn Railroad Dock. Milwaukee. K A EUCtf. Green Ba*. Wls. w. i\ HU KD. Boston, elaaa. Western Transportation Co. Erie Basin, Buffalo. CONSIGNEES; BON'D & MORRIS; Cleveland. Ohio. DENNISON B. bill TH & CO„ Toledo, Ohio. W. T. DILL. F<inru«ky. Ohio. JOHN BEARN &t O.Etlr, Ps. DUTTON & RAYMOND. ihielne, Wls. KENOSHA 3MEBCO.,Benwba, Wls>. W.H.WnIGHrfrCO., Waukegan. 111. J. F. KIRKLAND, Sheboygan, wia. C. V. RICHHOND, Down Freight Agent, North Dearborn street. J, W, TUTTLE, Up Freight Agent, Foot of State sireet, Chicago, IIL ap:i-p3Cs*ni THE Northern Transportation Co’y OP OHIO Is prepared to transport property between Boston, all Points In New England, Pfew York and tbe West, With promptness, care aal dispatch Thk well known Line of Fourteen Fi'-st-claaa Screw Steamers. connects at Ogdenslmrg with the Sailrcad for Boston and all Points in New England; At Cape Vincent with toe Eaiircad And Propeller lane between Capo Vincent and New Tors, And at Oswego -with a LUTE OF 25 FIRST CT.ASft CANAL BOATS, Between Oswego, Troy, a Ibaaj and New York, Forming ft DAILY LINE from Boston, New York. Ogdena-nren, Cap** Vincent and Oswego to Cleveland, Toledo and Belroli, AND ATRI'WSSSLY LINK TO Chicago, Hilwatzhee and Intermediate Porte. AGENTS J. Myers. ISI Broadway- New York. John Hock ing. 7 State street. Boston Geo. A, Eddy, Ogdonsborgh. H J.Ctevo'tn, Caoe Vincent John u. Crawford, Os wego. Peltco A Breed, Cleveland. Walter & Hayes, Toledo. E. IL Mathew*, Detroit. 0. J. Hale, Milwan kbe. Taylor, ilarray&Co, Racine. CLARY & HOWE, Agents, Foot of North Lasalle st., Chicago. [ap«-pS36ml gUFFALO, 1862 Chicago Line. 1862 Fcr the ensuing season of navigation, the steamers of i.hi« ima will nm In connection, and on alternate dava. with those of the WESTERN TRANSPORTATION CO., BZTWXXK Chicago and Buffalo, Touching at Intermediate ports when practicable, and fen mine a DAILY LINE .'Sundays excepted.) for tbs transportation of Freight and Pacsesgers B.i C. &C. Use Stars. W. I. Co. Steamers. FOUNTAIN CITY, MOHAWK, GALENA. FREE STATE. WENOKA. TOSTaWDSO4. 3d Elf DOT A, I’L'M )<JTH. CHICAGO. MAYFLOWER, EVERGREEN CITT, NEPTUNE, Running in connection, at Boffialo. with SEW YORK CENTRaL RAILROAD. WESTERS’EX PRESS. BPAULDING'o EXPRESS. UNION EXPRESS; The WsEtcrn Transportation Company, and Troy and Erie, ana Troy and Western Lines of Canal Busts, on the Erie CanaL At Cleveland, with CLEVELAND AND PITTSBURGH BAIAHOAD. Tie Steamers composing this line are of the largest size, and of great strength and with superior accommooetlons for PaweDg^rs. fv nh these oneqallea facilities the Hoe is prepared to contract to transport property irom New York. Bos ton. Albany, Troy.and allihe principal points on me Une of the Pew Tort Central Railroad ana the Erie Canal, to the porta on the «est Snore of Lake Mlchl gad; and from those ports to Clfiyelaad, Buffalo, and aUpolotaEasc. . , Ferrates of freight and to jOHK H MORfi, Agent H. x. C- Railroad, So. 239 > Ag*ts ffts'-’n TraasDortatton Co* A. COLSOK. f So. 1 Coentlea Slip. S. T. H. B. sr’AULDtNG, Spaulding's Express, So. 3 As tor" *' sf.2*nßroad«»y, tf.T. . w , - _ W. c. BICE, Agent Troy and Erie, and Troy and Vestem Uau of Canal Boats. f10.7 CoenUesSllp. N, O *S. KXDPKBL No. 69Washington at Boston, Haas. W.r.HUBD. Anns w.T. Co. Boston. A. A. vrKMPj.g, New Cork Central B. B* Aeent W T. Co. Troy and Albany. j. A- J, BPRAfIUB, Agent 5.X.C.E.a, Troy.N. Yorfc- BONI> * M 68813, Cleveland, Ohio. _ . WiL SIBWABT, Agent C.&F.B.S. Flttabugb* P j. L. hUBD & CO., Detroit Mich. J. J. TALLMADSE. Milwaukee, tfTs. SHELDON PEASE. Sfansglßg Agt, Offlce foot of Michigan Etreet Buffalo. C. T. BieBHONB, Agent for Eastward Bound Freight, Office foot of Nonh Dearborn street, Chicago. J. W, TITTLE, Agent for Westward Bound Freight, Office foot of State street, Chicago. A. A. SAMPLE, Paawoger Agent, Office No. 6 Forte Clark street, Chicago. ap3-p23-2m f\VD O.'WEGCX LIKE TRANS- V_7 POBTAHOS COMPANY TOR 186t-FaWne Dane * Co.OrwesO; F. B. Dane A Co., ICO Broad street. Few York, proprietor*. _ Ibe nct'erslgned. as act nta of the above old wbll BFTaSLiBmD Lnrx.wtiicontract freight at the low«c raUa from Chios*o. by Lake and to Baotcra markets. -Also heavy ireigb** from Eastern oolnw WFHtwsrd TMs route via Cto«f*'> ordy Uie host AKtrorruHra, hat nroids al» ria bbeakk west ol B>racnso. The ConpurlU'w *nem ttcsave Bit vs tor, with fi-r Mowlm, pain, at £w? C o. With *mch ther tranrtbr grate, iblpptd by tn<» Line, from vessels to caa*l boats, with oaf going Into j. wHTTS'HT, igraa, OfßceKo 1 Pardee's Bonding. 2QS«>Ty)SIO*OQWW,teT WTfSt. mm-pTIMn T AKE SUPERIOR. CHICAGO ASD HTLWATTKSS AMD LAKE , SUPERIOR LIME. On the opening of navigation, A FIBST Cl« 198 STEA9IBB Win leave oor Dock for the rartons porfe on Lake ■=noertcr, calling at Mackinaw and Sanlt St. iLule. K«innr- days wOTbo given hereatvr. omum *> 7 A. SABVET & CO, rpit p3*«m ' 226 and 252 South. Water ctreet. 1862 CLARY & HOWE. 1862 Shipping and COMMISSION MERCHANTS OFFICE AED tYAEKHOUSS, Voot of North tasaHe Street, Chicago. [*p<-p6S-2m3 1863 MATBEB & CO., 1862 sHUPnre ahd COMMISSION • MERCHANTS, A"* proprietor* of the northern Transportation tjtia on tha Illinois and Michigan Canal, between Cbt euo and-pototaon the DUnoisstror and St, Lonla. jUvlnc onr owu facTtaea on the Ullnobi River, wb are enabled to give despatch to property shipped by oor line. Office—Foot of KorthLasaUCßt, Chicago. aptpM^m SRailroabs. AERANSS Ulcblgan gMtkero and Lake Shese BAILEOAD, On and after SUNDAY; Kor. sd, and tmtn farther eooce, trains K*wTm Dat Ezras*: «C 0 A. hL dally (except Sunday), Tin Old Mtew—■*. "2*d, connects* at Elkhart with train «!& lAaeßoad. as irate Pigeon with trahiferTgin vSS*h.H with calna for Jackson. atAty. tntu far Monroe and » Rggf Exysaas; 7:30 P. St. Tl*lnsarrlTafroßth»SMttHtk«3.M.ansnp H. dn the shore .trains mako regular eonnecaoos is Dunkirk; Baiaid. Niagara rallA Iflbuny, Sew Tosst Boston, Philadelphia, BalSmoca and all points East. Luximonsnew Sleeping Coaches, »ii nsoc-e Improvements, ro between Cleveland and Chicago without change on Sight Trains. Ticket* can be obtained at the Compesn Office, w Clark streetunder the Sherman House, or a the Depot, comer of Van Bnma and Sherman stream JOHN D. CAMPBELL, H-E. SAWYER^ Genl Supk, Toledo. D. ata.’iWmp** “MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAIL. iXJ_ EOAD. GREAT CENTRAL ROOT® TO NEW TOSS. HEW _ ENGLAND AKDTHB CANADAS. • 'Daand after SUNDAY. May 4th. IfiSt Trains leave g* Orest Central Union Depot, toot of Lake street, as 7:00 A. XL— CExeept Sunday) arrive* at De'xolt at &40 F. iL,Suspension Bridge at 4KB A, AL. AJ ffluapfk*’ K ' w *° rt p vl' Ko * SoanMj A. H, flown Cincinnati Trains via M. C. RaDrosd leave CHeer at TW A. It. Mall Train “;S0 P. IL, F ast Express, arrive In Chicago at 8:15 A- SL, Past Express; at &is e. it, Night The 7:30 F. M. Train leaving Chicago run* through to Ctodrmati without change of cars or baggage. Salisbury's Patent Dusters are run on Day Express Train*. At eat sleeping Cara on all night trains. Checked Ttroa»h-^3 thbotgh Ticxrra for sale In an principal Railroad Offices in the West, at the General Office, comer Lako and Dearborn streets, (under th<j Truman* Hcussj Chi cago, and at the Depot. , R. N. RICK. General SuperiatcaCent, J. V. SMITH. Western Paea. Ag*L pHICAGO AND MILWAHKEB Vy RAILROAD. Fob Mtxwatkzs, La Ceo>sk, St. ParL, Osnsosa, BWBUN, ANT> iNTEKiCEDLATX POINTS. On ana after MONDAY, May sth, 1382, Passenger i rains wuiitav* the Depot, comer of West Kinzia *"< l c S^ l . 6t^ ta 'i Sttnda 7 8 ei«Pted,) «follows; , H. and ftOF. H_ and arrive at Milwanieoat IftKo A. I£, and !ftS3 P. XL 6 r¥*JJ. Ser at Chicago at IL2O A. M. and "Waukegan Acrosnran ATTow Train leaves Chicago at 5::-o P. ana arrives at Chicago *t8:« A. M. mjo S. C. 3AU>*?iN, Eupertatendent. /2J.BEAT CONSOLIDATED V UNBI? tJUTCIOTATI ASD CHICAGO Affi»Us3 EAUBOAD. Fort; Miles the Shortest Route to Qndanat!, fed tan. polls and LoulsnUa. fitajys is&Td Weat Side Union Depot. Gileses, daily, sa follows: A. XL—-Day Express,and Mail (Susdnyi etcoptadj T.GOP.M.N’ght Express (Sotardays excepted.) Arrive at Cincinnati at ftSO a sl and 9.00 p 3L SomrsKs COHWXcrnojrs—ASlndljuiapou* ter Frank lin, Coltunbaa, Hadieoo. Lawreaceborg. Jeffertonviiie, and allpolnc in Causal and Southern Indian*: tin- for Loclayule, Frankfort. Lexington, and ail point* South. £X6TZB2f U!!OHgnOg»-»r AT»>*ywn tr~r,nt* for Feqca.Tjrtjana, Dayton, Xenia, Oolamtioe. and all points m Central and Eastern Ohio. Connection* at Cincinnati for Harriett* FarUersbnrg. and point* oa the Ohio Blvor Ihrongh tickets dv this line ran oe obtained at all g’cclpal Railroad Offices In the Northwest. and at tbs mpany’s Office. No. 133 Riccolph street, Chicago, fonder the Honse.l JOHN BRANDT, ocn. Bnp, Richmond. Ind. CHAS FOT.LETT, Gen. Ticket Kichrcood, Ind SAM A LEtvjg. i* Agent. Chicago. rmiCAGO, BURLINGTON * \J QCINCY RAILROAD. Passenger Train* leave and arrive at Chicago a* fol lows Day Express and Mall leaves Chicago at 9.-00 A. ii, (Sundays excecteo.l arrives atfitW P. (Sunday* excepted.) Ntgbt Express 'eaves Calcago at in C P. iL, (?atnrdays excepted.' arrives at 7;10 A. M„ (Monday* excepted.) Mendota Accommodation leaves Chicago ntarOOF.M., (Sandavs excepted.) arrives at 10 03 A Si, (c: onlays exccntcd.) C. 6. HAMMOND. SnpT. CHICAGO AND NOBTHWEST KJ BKN RAILWAY. For Bocirorn, Peloit. Freeport. Janesville- GsleaS. Onaleitn. iladiKm. Prairie da Chian. Fond da Lao, OO kosiu ‘Watertown, Gram Ear. Berlin. Klpoa. La Cron* tt. Fanl. &c. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: I\vy Express 9 3rt A. M. > Thrnagh without chines Night ** SrfiO H. M. V Of care. Carr connecting at Prairie da Chlen and La Croasc v>imj s> f o:uner« for 3' Pnnl. &c. Trains arrive at 9: !3 A. M. an. o:*s P. M. GEO. L. DUNLAF.SnsI K. Dn Wrrr Roantaox. Gen. Ticket Agent. 0c134 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL. X ROAD.- Cjtanos OT Tim* !—On and altar SOB PAT, February Wih. IF*»2. trains will leave from tb* Crest Central Depot, foot of Lake and South Water Streets: Kiprees 9:80 A. SL, Sundays excepted—arriving at Pee- M., Logaasport 9: o P. &u Deo* tar 3;R5 P. if.. Springfield 7*o I*. 51, Jackson ville 9:10 P. H- Naples lO:-”® P. M_. Altos Udl P. If, SC Loom HA ■ P. M, Terre Haute HUB A. M.. and Cairo l : S> A. M. AccorardodoUoae.-O'i P. M, every day—for Central!* and Way Stations: arriving at Centralis at 6*T> P.M. This train also connoct* at Toloso with Great Western Railroad, arriving at Do cacnr at IMS A. M„ Springfield L3O P. SL, Jack sonville 4*o p. at, P. M- and at with T. IT, a. St. Louis Railroad at Terre ITante at 8:35 P. M. Trains arrive at CJxlraao—Accommodation at SAB A. iL. and Express at 9*o P. M. Bvggare checked to all Important points. SS?~ For tickets and information apply at tha ofl« la the Great Central Depot. FOB HTDK PARK AN D WOOD LiW5 Tralnalrave Chicago: Leave Wood Lawa 6r»A.IL, 7*3 -A. SL, 12*0 M, ItSSP.M. WOP.iL. 6:3 d P.M. W. R. ARTHUR. GemSopt. W. P. JOHNSON, Qen.Faaa Agent. I'UiiDAttU Alii* a’i, LOUSS \J RAILROAD LINS. WXKT3SSS. ASilt: Two express tranm Oa and after Dec. us, lan. Ira£K will leave too Wee? Side Union Depot at 9 A. M, ac cept Sundays, and H:C P. M. except Saturdays. rive at Chicsgtr at 5.90 A. &£, and 9£u c. 3L The Joliet and WUralrgtcn Accommodation. rt*TS Chicago at 4-00 F. 14. daily. and arrives here atIDmtAAJ, myia JAMES ROSE. Raceivg. pITTSBUKUH, FT. WAYNE & X CHICAGO RAILWAY. PaAWhger Trains learn the Depot, corner of M,JWc and Cana! streets. Chicago. daily at 7 Co A, M. Fast Line, (except Snndayaj 7:30 P. M. Night Express, (except *-40 p If c<vr \f»’.nar»tK> Arrlre at Chicago at 8.15 A. iL aed 8:15 P. M. For Boston. Hew York, Philadelphia SALTIMOBE, WASHOGm, Harrisburg and PUtsbwt^ Albo—Fob alsast, Bttpalo. nim™ oumug Counrara, CCTcnnrxTi, Oattos, And all intermediate Station* between Chicago Uie cities above named. Sleeping cars on night trains, and baggage by ISA rente choked through to all Eastern Cities. Bat one change of can between Chicago am N. To it via Allentown on train leaving Chicago at 7£9 P. E. Tickets for sale at the principal Ticket Offices la Ik? West, at the Company's Office, corner of Handotpfc gs* Dearborn streets and at the union Depot, West SC* Chicago. WM. P. SHINS. Gen. Fmb. Agent A-HOLLTDAT. Ticket Agent. 1862. THE 1863. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL R. K,] 886 Miles Doable Track, (with its connections^ IB A fTEST-CLABS ROUTE. FOB SAFETY, COMFORT AND SFXSEB To all the Eastern Cities! THE TRACE 13 STONE Bi AND SSTIRELT FREE FROM DUST I TEREK DAILY TRAINS FROM PITTSBTJEGH TO PHILADELPHIA (with close c ora Cities^- ALL CONNECTING DIEKCT TO NEW TOEK. THROUGH PHILADELPHIA, A&d cloee connections kt Harrtsbnrgb for BAITESOBE AND WASHINCTCII. fBOM PITTSBURGH TO HSW TORS One trvln runs daOj (431 tnlleej VIA. ALLHSTOWN, WITHOUT CHANQB OP CASK irriTlig S» tdruM «f iH «ti« SmMl EIGHT DAILY TRAINS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO SEW AOR£. Tlekea tor S»La t« Borton by Bo»t wTUllmti, Bows Tickets good oa u; ortAa seoadUagL PARS TO ALL POINTS AS LOW AS AST 60USB SJjEEPING cabs OJT SIGHT TEAIFB TO PBILIDELPHIA, SKW TOfiK fc fiilTSti&B BAGGAGE CHECKED THSOUGH A2TD TEAS* FBEIOHTSI sr tela Boots Fronts oi »a oeucnpaon«}c«B MI4K wanted toandfromrhlladelphla, Mew York, Boabat or Baltimore, to and from any point on the BtehrCAt Of Ohio. Kentucky. Indiana, Illinois. WUcoodn, IdMt or Missouri. bt Rafutruo oiuer. Tte Pennsylvania Central Rail Bond aao eonnacfeSt FlKsburghwitt Steamers, by which Goods caaba tea warded to any part on tee OUq, MoakJnxnsn. so tacky. Tenneeeee, Cumberland. Illinois. wmtmitjt, macoum, Hiaeoort, Sanaa*, Arkansas and Bed Biwfite end at Cleveland. Sandusky and Chicago with own era to ailVona on tee Sara-western Lake*. Merchants and Shipper* entnudng tee teiaif iiijr don 01 they Freight to this Company, can calx WHk confidence oh ita speedy ttanatt. .j.,' TSB BATES OFcREIQHT to and £rom m tee West by tee Pennsylvania-Central BaflSoeAi iw at m.mgiisrirosntJismffffiwiate OTD3TB BAH, BO*» OOXTAJnXB. m .. Pr jje particular and mark packages tia PUQTk or Shipping Direct:osa,apWff to or addxae either of tea following Agents el s' - Chicago, DUPqa. D. a. BTBWAKT, Freight Agent, PlttalmpgJu w.arrr A CO- Tranarer Agents. Ptttrtrorafe- H. w. BBOWN A CO- Cincinnati. Ohio. S. c. MELDBCIi A GO- Madison. Indian. J, E. MOOES. LoolsTille. Hy. w. w. AXK.MAN A CO-EvanrrCla. lad. B. F. SaSo, Bt Louis. Uo. ff. BL A B. L. LANGLEY. Gallipoli*, Ofcte. C. B. NEAL. Parkersburg, Virginia. HALL A CO Marietta, Ohio.. H. A PIERCE A CO- Zanesville. Ohio. ateDOWKLL 4 MoCOLM, Poramoath, Ofc*4 5. McNY.KLT. May^rtlleTKy. J. P. JOHNSON. Ripley, OMO. JOHN TODD. Covington. Kx, 6. L.HEATON,Cleveland. Ohio- E. C. Agent ftt ®S- South and west JjTVB STOCK, Drovc?saadF»nn«* *ia flnauita themett aersgi for Lire Stocks. Capacious Yard*, war Md supplied wife every conremenoa. ha*t on flus line and Its connections, and amg ffSrrtirtn is paw to then wants From Hamah wf* vtero wiO he round every convenience tor feeding tit Z.*ans. 0 choice Is offered of the PHTLaDBLITOA, and BALTQiURB MARKETS Thiswlß iifto t>e found tbe shortest, qlckast and moat direct rente for Stock to Pew Tort—fvia. ASentOwial ttf vltb fewer changes than toy other. - BKOCE IxE-KTS, Gem 6ap*t Altoona, ttl kL. HOPFT. Ge&n Ticket AgeuL Philadelphia. S. HOUBTOS. Gem Freight Agent" PffiUdefcttL Chicago * rock islairb RAILBOAJ). —ChjlHO* or Tnt»-Wln«wr Aa rangemajt, comroenctng Sunday, Kdv. leave Chicago ■ Day &presa and MajT&aDdan fa goted, U3D A *U KightSiprefe. Satnrfsyj •CiS P. iL: Joliet Accommodation, H*T p, V Tbrouib Trains arrive: AM A—- «»« F.lLsJoiUet AccomnodsOon-*^ 8A - M ' AI.HTW« * VHIUAOOUSfIOW ©Si®*®** '•sW’* c«. OB M. Hr> D , e<m. ttmmaf* Ap«t. n ssa