ISustnrssr (Earns. JJEOPXE’S pension AND j ATLANTIC MUTUAL BOUNTY MONEY OFFICE. j IKSURAHOECOMPAHY. SNYDER. COOK: & CO., I 61 WaU (corner of Tfelliam,) j KBV TOOK, tsTin* foaj cotapUed -wiOi the laauanee Laws ot CcrserlAks and Dearborn Streets, opposite tbe j H'lnoh, -oger Trcmcmt House, Diciey*B Building, CHICAGO, UIDIOiS, Attorneys for War Claimants In every State in the Union. Icretpo&Kctothetmpenlir*deznan£sorpntrtlc£ece* ! tfiy, wo have estabbßbrdsxChicaco. mtnol&a General > Central Office icr tin Collection mall demands against | iho Government in a Quicker, Safer and Cheaper j Manner than ithwever heretofore Von done. The • gust o jnlacio tint >me heretofore existed to evjEfriog ! cJifrtta haj been ilajot t entirely removed; -We mesa I tton length of time taker, in making the collections. i All parties having the** claims hare almost ttvarUDly i been Bot-jecttd to teelous and Almost.endless delays. | EvefJlli’ng money and personal exerewa could do to rranexy p.".causes Gttbtsc delayshiibytu denebjns. I We thick there wm be no dlumiicfactfon among onr i client* m this respect. Ope A cent will be employed i by us where v-e have not already emp’oved one. Taow 1 acting as oar apentj will be ftnnlsoM with all Blanks. ; Duanicttona.Ac, free. Alia, a copy of oar work on • Pensions and Bounty Mosey. j Those luring rjatros In any locality where we have no Local A rent will address us at CMcaro. m. AU ; nccessaiy forms will be immediately forwarded them. 1 Cialn s forwarded to our Washington panner by es SNYDER, COOS. & CO.. Chicago. IU. Tt-rt Ofhro Box C?bO. Office in rooms 2 and 13. UUS-Irfd-Cw pARR BROTHERS, vy jto. 3. k. cats, x. rrpuTTßin.v cahs. BEAI, ESTATE BROKERS, AND BRANCH HOUSE OF “ The National Claim Agency” Of Harvey, Collins A Ersce. Washington. D. C, Height's Block, 12S Dearborn street, Chicago. The rso*t reliable and ONLY DIRECT War Claim Agency In Chicago. Particular attention paid to Special Glacis, Pen* axoara. Bounties and Patents. NO ADVANCE FEES demanded and NO CHARGE made for prosecuting claims if no: recovered. Address CAKB BHOTHEBS, “National Claim Agency.” P. O 80i409L Bxrcc To Chicago Tribune Company; C. S. Scrivea, Epo ; John A. Nicholas EfeqG Messrs. G. H. & L. Latlln fr Co.; Mrasra. Hollister ii Wilkins; Messrs. Vander voort, Dickerson & Co. Bia2o nSII-iy THE “Washington War-Claim Agency” Hare established en office *t IK Washington street, Chlraro. Til., fer tne rodectldn xf all Cl*ms against tnc I'yiTFD Stat>* Gor*EjncKNT, proving oat of the pßX»nrr Wax. Cin'.inp received and forwarded to the PRINCIPAL AGENTS AT WASHINGTON, For PzinnoHs, Boihstt Mokkt, Back Pat, and claim* dne f-om the Cojiximabt and QTAjrrXKILASTKE DEPaXTXKSTS. end collected Cheeper and Sooner than by any other means. N. B,—Liberal arrangements made with Claim Col lectors In me country. Addrcfe, H. M. SHEPARD, Ally at Law, mtt n27?-Sm ifiO Washington street, Chicago. CLAIMS ON THE UNITED STATES.—The cndertlgned are engaged In the Collection of Claim* on tbeaereral Department* ot tha T7nSt«fl butre Government. and especially those on the Coamhaary and QcsrtermsFter Departments, and all claims reqairtna an act of Cocgresa. They will also attend to procorinp Bounty J.and?, Solders' and W Idow*' PcDH'ona as d Soldlert’ Back Pay. Mr. Dor man will retrain at Washington, D.CX, ana mar he con- Bailed or addressed there Mr. Clartc may be fonnd oradCrtßftcd at the office of ileszra. Waite Towns, ICO Washington street. Chicago. iiL Al! may depeaa oc the ctnKwt promptness In collecting and remitting. O. iL DOLMAN. a C. ci.auirre Frrr.JiExrEe;—Uos. S. Foot. VL: Hon. Ira Harris F.Hon. E.Cowan, Pa* Eon. J. Howard Mich. JJon. 1-yrnpp TmaibnU. III.; Hon. X. N. Arnold, U. Hon. 1» t\ Uradter, M:ch : Bon Thomas Lh-ammond Chiracs; Hoe. .t.*vha AL nilsos, Chicago; Mea n>. Wait® ATowne, Chicago; John L. Bcrlpps Kao, Chi cago fehS-aIK-cm CENTRAL WESTERN \J "War Claim. Boerty sad Pension Office of WILLSON & MERRIAM, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, 15 Click Smutr Chicago, Ilunoia son. k. ttili my. tfeia-kCfil’iy] j.»». w. mscriak. 'J'O INVENTORS. COBIBK & MAKES, A 'T> ■SoLiTTutt?. Chicago, T:r. Otter No. 11 Lam on Block.corner of Clark sad W*«h. latter f*tref u> *’oat (MEre Box 4113. Apeneiea at Waah inptoc ana Lcndcn. Circumrs sent ta any address. 2a pASH ADVANCES MADE ON consign sects op Crain and Flour to Buffalo. I* UNDERWOOD & CO. apri-pAißlm SURVEYING AND KXGI REEEING. SAJtiLI'AL S. GREELEY. fcarrej rr and C:vsl Ecc**ae»-r, has removed hat oi2ce to £ie> C 8 Whitiagtcn Street, Portland Block. \V • P . DAVIE, For several scar* 6tta-h*d as nrHcpbcgmiii to tho otS ecs ol tin- Citi Surveyor, and of ibe Boards of Wa ter Co« mimootrs and Fnbilc Worts, haring a fell and nmpjrt- Aim. ot all .Additions and djU h visions Within the City Limits, is prepared tofurnish Plats or Rial Estate, or Crtplcs from wora*»rt maps, moebartcal and oili- r drawing. at the tame place, GS Wtt®hiacton stre-tt. Port.-u-d B.ock. aiU»pSo>im pASIT ADVANCES ON GRAIN \_y AND FL»'UR for cale In Ewtor" markets. KIHIBAXL &. WOLCOTT, Are m roslre an vance* on Grain and Floor oona'gsetf to John anddvethe Shipper pnvUegp ef m ling In Oswego or Buffalo eft Bi r.\ al of the ccnr.ipr.ircr.ia at either oi these points. Cm QLAKKSON & TREE, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. Bc'oo.B 1 »nd 2. R2 Dearborn street. J.p. ciabksc-k. [mhSl rAck or Shuttle et.tch, (Hilkc on Ikisji Blare) An extwricace ol htx rx*Ae Is tisc hu6:n*-B8 and a practleHl knowlsige of every Sewtnn Machmeof aoyFtandißg,fanyw»rraßt u* In *ayinr that Save, brfar. toe best, silliest, mart (Cnnic bi>(l reU-b '- umchinco, taking ALL OF THESE STITCHES. No one cun den* that each stitch If good wbee well made, and that each Is Its place. 1* preferred by diCtrrcv i.arttet. i»nre U the only office where you can g&in an unprejudiced knowledge of the real xs&rit of tot difi-rect enrehet. and have your choice, with primes® of cxctaiynsc. Different sixes will suit all partlrA whatever tr»cv wt«h to mw. Our Heavy Uaau fteturtep Loot Sutcir ©art>orn street. Is now receiving a well assorted stock of Cloths, Camocbrsr, Yssttkos and Coatings, Ibr Spring Wear, which will bo made up to order m Che most ap proved atyle and at the lowest cash prices, H- BCR WELL, spl-nP©2m Ho. STremont Block. I>e*rbom strso Stationers. BOOKS Tbefcwm required by tha Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Eailroad, FOR SALS AT MUNSON’S, NO. 140 LAKE STREET. i&ttsu Stores. INSTRUMENTS. JVXJUS BAtmß, DRUMS AND BRASS INSTEUMENTS. 99 Sotth duk Streets tUßnoeterer and Importer oc Kuateal Instrcaeeji and Baring*. Hating connect! 00 with sanafacturtnf oouse* to Beriia, Letpstu, Dresden, England and rart& 1* prepared to faiasat '*ealers. Bands and ladtvtfiaals with every orttel* ir thetr uae At the lowest H. York Prices. post ogpa Barst. octtdHHy ISctnobals. 'JURNER * SIDWAT, Maanttcterer* asd Wholesale Dealers la SaddJeSj Horst Volltsrsy Whips, arr., HAVE REMOVED Xo No- 40 I-ako Street. [rays rn la] REMOVAL— RUBBER GOODS, RUBBER OAffiP BLANKETS, Capes, Ponchos, and Havelocks, BCBBEB COATS AND USCSINS, Bnbber and Leather BELTING. HOSE, PACKING, SCO, JOHN B. KDBSON, Sc 00-, m Baalripb rreet. grains* jpAIBBAKKB’ STANDARD SCALES OF iU SRBL Fairbanks A Greenleafc ra EJLZB BTBEBE OEmUS. 80i«7Hf ■ , 1 , i ■WEDNESDAY HAY 14, 1862 * MB. CAMERON’S DEFENCE. HE VINDICATES HIS CONDUCT AS SECRETARY OF WAR. Stands Up to tlie Contraband Doctrine, The Belgian Mnskcfs—Anns Contracts—Horse Trades —Transportation Accounts. FINAL SLAP AT “THE COH EITTEE.” Before Ms departure for Europe, to enter upon Ms new duties, Mr. Cameron accepted a banquet at Harrisburg, Pa., and made the only formal defence of himself aa Secretary of War that has yet appeared. The Mayor presided, and gave the following toast; Sihon Camebon—A Pennsylvanian who has never forgotten Ms native State—an American who has always been faithful to his country and his countrymen. His fellow citizens delight to honor him. The enthusiastic applause with which this sentiment was greeted having somewhat sub sided, Gen. Cameron addressed the company, and having spoken of his early life in Harris burg, he proceeded to the greater question of his public lUe. He said: In responding to the sentiment of onr worthy Mayor, my intention, gentlemen, was simply to speak to you familiarly as friends and neigh bors, without referring to my control of the ■War Department, over which I had the honor to preside, but in view of the charge recently made against me because ot my exercise of the delegated power with which! was intruat- Ed, it may be proper for me to say to you a few words in relation thereto. 1 took a seat last year io Mr. Lincoln’s Cabinet against my own judgment, without consuniag my tiistc for the position, and, I may say, against my own determination. I resigned that post, when I thought my mission was ended in organizing, equipping, and supplying, under the most adverse circumstances, a larg er ai my than had ever becu raised lu the same space of time at any period of Unman history. When I did accept the place it was with the peril ctunce Btan between Mr. Lincoln and myself that whenever I thought proper to resign I should be privileged to do so; and when a vacancy occurred in the appoint ment to Ku6sia,hc offeredmu the post,and I was glad to accept it, "Why, gentlemen, I toiled in that Department as no man ever toiled be fore : I have told you that in my younger years I worked for twenty hours out of the twenty-four for successive months; but that labor was nothing In comparison with the •verpowering toil wMch I underwent at Wash ington. To say nothing of the extraordinary necessities of the Department arising from an unforeseen and threatening nutinrjii emergen cy, the doors of my private dwelling.were be sieged from daylight to the latest hours of the night; The Department was surrounded on all hands and at ail hours. Certain members of Congress, who figure in the vote of censure, were ever besieging my doors, and often pa tiently waiting for hours to catch a part of the drippibgs&om the "War Department.. Mean while, 1 managed the delicate and trying affairs of my situation as well as I knew how. Of conrte I committed some errors, but I did not commit the wrong with which I am charged in the resolution of Congress. I solemnly assert that neither in motive nor deed can i I be justly chargeable with the commis sion of any wrong in the administra tion of those affairs, and I am proud to say here, in reviewing my official conduct, that I see no act which I would not repeat under the same circumstances. Upon my appointment to the position, I found the department desti tute of all the means of defence; without | gune, and with little prospect of purchasing j the maiaid of war; I found the nation with out an army, and I fouud scarcely a man throughout the whole War Department in whom I could put my trust The Adjutant General deserted. The Quartermaster Gener al ran off. The Commissary General was up on his death bed. More than half the clerks ■ft ere disloyal. I remember that upon one oc casion Gcu. Scott came to me, apparently in great menial tribulation. Said he, “I have BjHmt the most miserable day of my life; a friend of my boyhood has just told'me I am disgracing myself by staying here and serving this fragment of the Government, in place of going to Virginia and serving under the ban ner of my native Stale; and I am pained to death. ” But the old hero was patriotic, loy al, and wise enough to say that his friend was wrong; and he was right in remaining where he was. It should be remembered, also, that in these days ot peril and alarm, an outcry weut up from all portions of the loyal States, urging the Government to procure arms, equip ments, and*- supplies, by any means, and at any cost; to disregard the usual routine of contracts; to cut through i “red tape,” and at the hazard of encounter ing peculators, to prepare it scll to meet the Immediate dangers. Groat as w»-re the exertions then made, they fell far ebon of the'Ocruauds of the people. The Ad ministration wag at that time censured for its caution in guarding itself against imposition, because such caution was considered as an evidence of delay. But to procecdl Tou aB remember, gentle men, Ihe day erf the President’s proclamation calling upon the people ot Pennsylvania (be cause the demand was made upon you here, in common with other States) for troops to de fend the National Capital, ily son happening to be in Washington,! gent him hither with the utmost dispatch, and twked him to appeal to every man he met In this town, and through the country, to send down every soldier who would come. With in three days alter the issuing of tho proclamation, 480 troops from Pennsyl vania arrived la Washington. They were the first to.inspire the. Government with hope and courage to contend with the awful crisis then impending.' They came there without anus, ana were famished from tho arsenal at that place. Directly after this, within two or three days, three or four regiments were m ecmblcd at Cockeysville, Maryland, by my order. At the same time a number of bridges on the Philadelphia and Baltimore Railroad, via, Wilmington, were burned or destroyed. It was at tbis time that the mob in Baltimore murdered our unarmed soldiers In her streets on their way to the defense of the Capitol, and the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad refused to carry our troops. At that time, when the loyally of nearly all of the inhabitants was doubted, Mr. Seward, the Secretary of State, in company with the Secretary of the Treasury called upon me and said, “We must have somebody in New York to assist the public officers there in collecting and forwarding troops, 1 ’ asking me to name any individual whom I considered competentjfor that purpose Xwaa acquainted with but a few people in New York, but hfler a moment's reflection I recollected Mr. Cummings, with whom I had an intimacy when bo was a citizen In this Slate. The two gentlemen then informed me that, they had appointed Mr. Cisco of the Bub-Treasury, Gen. Dlx, now in the army, Mr. Opdyke’ the present Mayor of the city ol New York,, and Mr. Blatchford, acitczen of Now York, and as I have stated, requested me to name some other gentleman. I gave the name of Mr. Cummings and associated with it that of Gov. Morgan of the State of Now Yok. To thow how guarded I was in these appointments, I will rend the order that I gave upon that occasion: “ Department of Wac, April 53,1861, “ In consideration of the extraordinary emergen cies which demand immediate and decisive meas ures for the preservation of the National Govern ment, I hereo •• authorize Edwin D. Morgan, Gov ernor of the State of New York, to make aH neces sary arrangements for the transport lou of troops and monitions of war in aid and assistance of the officers of the army of the United btales, until eommnnicaliou by mail and telegraph is complete ly rc-i aiablisbed between the cities of Washington and Hew York. Either of them. Incase of inabil ity to consult with the other, may exercise the au thority- hereby given. “ SIMOH CAMEBOH, Sec'y of War. It will be Been that I did not Intrust those gentlemen with the expenditure of any money. I was careful to give them no authority to act independent of the military offleeraof the Got* orameot. Sometime afterward, I received a telegram signed by Messrs, Morgan and Cummings, asking foe authority to draw money, which' I referred, in the usual manner, to the Treasury Department, That is all I had to do with the matter; and at the end of four teen days, communication having been restor ed, I revoked their authority, as will be seen by the following note: ** War Depabtxznt, Mar 7,1361 “Obntlsxxm: The extraordinary, emergency which demanded immediate and decisive measures for the preservation of the National Capital and the detente of tho National Government. rendered It utceeeary for this Department to adopt extra ordli arj mean* for that purpose, sod having ftil confidence In your Intelligence, experience and In tegrity, >on were authorised to make all necessary arrangements fur the tr asportation of troops, £c., in aid snd assistance ot officers of the Army ■ of the United States, until the re-establishment of ccmtunaicatioD. by mails and telegraph, between the riritF of New York and Wa-hington. * Uninterrupted communication between the two cities being now again established, andit be ing desirable that 'he duties heretofore attended tobyjon should bo hereafter performed by the officers of the army, to whom they properly be long. I begto tt-nderyon the thanks of thU Depart ment for the very prompt and efficient manner in which yon have ditcharged the duties assigned you. and to request yofl to cease making purchases, procuring transports, j knowledge of hlfi character thtt he. was unworthy of a trust. After afurthereo)- oquy with iheChalunau, I ordered him out of tt*e War Dt-partro* nt; and of course I was at tacke^lbyJhatXJommlttee, . , Tr Tho.Cpo)milUeof made the additional charge upon me, .|n my official; connection with the Government, of having bouebt a greater number of than were , needed- I did order a laige number.of,asmsv • but 1 wilt take' this occasion to answerttuA ; charge. It must be borne in mind thit X was - enppiytogam'armyof-mdiWthab 700,000 men szuiAhelofea of arms in^asioglecampaign hav bees eetimtedby military men toreach sshigh a S^ ncc at the statistic o ,l I leave you with great reldctanceif It baa teen the dream of-my life iagb abroad in 1 iz&ttoD of muskets, t almost 100, WO carbines, 6 ome position that would enable me ta catch" and perhaps asmany swords. When I took a proper glimpse of the beauty and grandeur- TKMsession of the, Wax Department, I found of World ; but as the toe tows near that there were, but few nmakfita lfl.the arse- when j u^you a parting adieu, I ip- • na^s » h° swords of any account, and scarcely proach it with the pain caused by theseoara* aay munitions of wax. Within a short time tionfrom old and dear friends. -■ , th c P^Sro&tion,- it became apparent Perhaps I have said enough—it may be too ,; that there was. gnat difficulty hr procuring much—l desire to state to you, however, that 1 arms. 1 found -the Ordnance Deportment; myrelations'wUh thcTresldenthavebeeii and without a headr-the person having charge stm are of the'"most, cordial character, I en-' ‘ there being an old man. who.was concededby tertaffi forhlm aaforany those in. whom I. had confidence, including onewithwhotn I have ever been associated.. Gem Scott, to be incompetent foe the duties He is to honest, high-minded gentleman, or of the position.. I superseded-hinv and put ve U as a faithful public officer. [Great ao- - an his place one who was believed to be folly pianse.] •’ •’ competent, but who soon proved, in the opin- : This rebellion will be ended after awhile/ : ion of mv associates, to be unequal to the eri- with it will end the cause of this and ’ sis. , I felt, peraommy, reluctant to enter Into aUfoturc-intemal strife, as I hope. [Great - any contract myself as 1 had no time for such I have never >»een an Abolitionist. • • details, and therefore directed Sir. Tbon.- ■fm-n-.i one Ur-t if I had the power, I : 48 _ Scott, mv assistant, to ael .In | -ftoold rail into the field every man able to conjunction with CoL Ripley, aud that ghonldtr a musket, whether he be vhite-or he should see that every contract was so tjlsck, that this war inay be brought to a guarded that. In case of failure at the end of speedy and certain close. And I believe we thirty days, the contract should be revoked, come to that. Ido not believe that, after Icayins to Gol. the quality 3 while, when the hot Southern olimatA jg and price of the arms to be eontnicted jor. At our soldiers who are fighting for the this time Governors of States, officers wanting Government, our people will becontkt to see arms, Cabinet Ministers, and members of Con- tlle t r sons brothers die when men accli gress, were conshmUy making application for matcd to g out h arc able to defend the f I K ,D 6 Department country, and, of their own strength and will, with inefficiency, stating that if consent were drive all the rebels out of the'land. ] Ap given tnevconld be procured; and I therefore pbujpc.l There cannot be a doubt about how directed Mr. Scott to act in conjunction with this slavery question is to be settled in the Col. Ripley and to contract with every man eisd . But, go far as lam concerned, lam who was willing to make a musket or furnish, wiping to leave its disposal to the Great Ruler a swoiti, and from whom the other necessary above. I would not punish the deluded rank munitions of war could be obtained—at the fil£ thev have laid down their same time instructing him to see that arms; I would not harm one on the Chief of the Ordnance Department should ns Jiyod of }l individual who was enticed the price and determine the character of the seduced upon misrepresentation to join the arms. The allegation has been repeatedly it- rebel army; tut, Lad I the leaders, 1 would crated that I made these contracts with an eye do utl them as I said I would do with to personal preference. Bat-1 have already the Mayor of Baltimore, when h« asked the prevtn, gentlemen, that the farthest limit ot President to send back the National troops even my official action in the ma.ter was sun- from Cockcysville, and not allow them to pass ply to order the making of such contracts as through Baltimore. I said, “ Let me alone, were necessary, leaving all that regarded price aEd I will hang him and his whole posse upon or quality in the hands of the Ordnance De- the trees around the War Department.” Had partment; and to this day I scarcely know j been allowed to do so, our troops would any of the individuals with whom contracts : never have been impeded in their march The special contract exciting public atten- | rebellion would now have been crushed. Such tlon was made with a party by the name of are my opmionson that question, which, per- Boker. On the sth of September, under cover baps, I sometimes express unwisely for my Irom the President, I received a note, which I qwr good; and this is another reason for the now read; passage of the resolution to which I have al ; inded. Every Border State Representative ' who thinks his brother, or son, or kindred in the rebel ranks does not deserve hanging for his treason, voted in lavor of that resolution. [After a short pause, General Cameron con cluded as follows:} Gentlemen, this is a contest in Which we all have a direct interest. Pennsylvania has a mo ral power which no other State in this Union possesses, and therefore every citizen of Penn sylvania can do a great deal toward bringing this war to an end. I have no right to give advice, but I shall be glad, in leaving the coun try, to believe there is to be no ’p&rty here but the party of the country, the party lor the war and in favor of supporting the Administration in conducting the war, because, whether men were opposed to Mr. Lincoln or otherwise, by his Administration alone is the war to be con ducted. If Pennsjlvania will stand bv his wise and patriotic measures, she can aid the Presi dent, and control the result. I remember that In the war of 1812 every man who opposed the war was considered an enemy of bis country. I trust that the same beneficial rale will be ap plied in the present case. [Applause.] If we falter in patriotic devotion. The people of the South will be encouraged to persevere in their rebellions and infamous design; for the war can only be ceded by a determined and united policy here in the North. Why, it was only the other day that a letter was seen from the wife of the traitor Davis, stating that “ Jeffi was cruelly deceived in Pennsylvania and New York, where he expected the support of half the people, because he wasled to believe more thair one half of the people in both of those States were going to join him.” That is the current delusion"in the South; and ao long as we give them aid and comfort by divisions among ourselves, just so long will they be en couraged to fight the Government. Let us all, with one heart, looking solely to but one ob ject, go through this war; and that being over we can rake up the old political carcasses of days gone by, and again attack each other with ail the spirit of Whig and Democratic futy. Iu the first place kt vs finish the. «w. [Long continued applause.] Short aa the interval is before my departure,! confidently expect to be able to carry with me the news of further vital successes, which will prove to the pow ers of Europe that the Union is safe, and that the day of the redemption of the nation is drawing nigh, and is even now at band. “pVAsnnffiTOK, Sept, 4, 1531. il Hon. Simon Cameron, Secretary of War. “Slit: Our resident partner in Europe advises us by last steamer of a lot of upward of 1(10,000 stand of arms—rilled, percussion muskets—new, cud in good condition—having been placed in his control by making advances thereon. ** We desire to oiler them to vonr Department, and should it appear to von of sufficient impor tance to secure the Immediate delivery there or so large a quantity of good arms, we would invite your attention thereto. “ We offer the arms at a price not exceeding £lB each, subject to the inspection and approvalof an armorer whom you shall select to accum- pany onr authorized agent. If the article is not salitfactory, the Government will Incur no ex pense, and if approved, you will secure an article much needed. “We also control, by advances thereon, 18,000 cavalry sabers which we offer as above at a price not to exceed $7.50 apiece. Very repecifully,your obd'taerv’ta. Hebilin Bokeb & Co. , No. 50 Cliff-st. “ Also of Liege, Solinger, Ecmecherd, Birming ham Brown.” This was at the time when the Queen’s pro clamation bad prohibited, among other things, the exportation of arms to the United States. Yon remember, gentlemen, we sent an agent (Mr. Schuyler of New York) ont to Belgium to procure arms for onr Government. He succeeded in purchasing 100,000 guns there, but being unable to ship them all directly, he sent a portion to England, where (the proc lamation to which I just referred being soon after issued) he was prevented from transport ing or using the arms in any manner. In this extremity, of the large army of soldiers in and about Washington not two hundred thou sand of them were armed. Upon the letter I have just read was the indorsement of the President, In his own hand writing, in these words; “I approve the carrying this through carefully, cautiously and expeditiously. Avoid conflicts and interference A. Lincoln.” —the literal meaning of the indorsement was that the world should not know of our mili tary deficiency and weakness until the evil had been remedied, and tnat care and caution were to be used as heretofore in keeping inviolate the secret of our defeat. Fully coinciding with the President, and in obedience to his order, I promptly directed this contract to be closed; and I assure you, gentlemen* without the arms it produced, wc should not have been able to achieve the late glorious victories In the West. I may add, in proof of the great anxiety of all to obtain arms, that bnt a very few days before ! left the War Department, the Cabi net agreed to adopt a conditional contnct made by Mr. Schuyler for 100,000 gnus in Bel gium, which I successfully opposed, on the ground that wo had guns enough contracted lor, and with the encouragement which had been afforded to onr own manufacturers, the supply would probably be sufficient for our future wants. By this means $1,800,000 have been retained in the country to be expended in those localities from which onr soldiers have volunteered, and this occurred after all those contracts bad been completed of which so much complaint is now made. The Investigating Committee of Congress have said that tbc muskets made at the Spring field armory cost only £l2 apiece. Tnat as sertion, like many others that have been made in connection with supplies for the army, is not the fact. Without taking into considera tion the expense of superintendence, the cost of buildings, machinery or capital invested, the mere net cost of the gun for Libor and ma- ! ttrial when there is no competition in time of i peace, has amounted to $12.60. But had those j guns purchased ou my order proved to bd twice more expensive than they actually wore, then, in view of the fact that the army was j-racliejdly useless without them, I would hare done exactly as I did with the beef contract to which other gentlemen have seen fit to refer. When we expected large arrivals of soldiers from Pennsylvania and other States, and there was nothing to feed them with, the Acting j Commissary General came to me and paid. u T J can now buy 2,000 beeves U I pay 2 or 3 cents } a pound more than they should be worth.”* I “Well,” I replied, “ pay it [applause], pay a dollar per pound rathor.than a soldier should euCt r, hut be guarded that your contract erases when a supply can he had at the custo mary' price”—which was done. Ho made a contract ‘for two thousand beeves, and the whole world rang with the announcement that tl«e Secretary of War had cheated the Govern ment is. order to enrich some favorite, and yet the contract was made with my personal ene mies. 80, again, I was censured at the timeof the battle ofßull Bun for not having sufficient cavalry In the field. Yet I could not sneak in my own defense, for the safety of the Govern ment compelled mo to secresy. Plenty of horsemen offered their services, but I had no Fields, swords, or carbines, to give thousand did cot want the world to know that such was our condition. My function was to raise an army of the largest kind in the shortest possi ble time, and to supply them with whatever needful material I could first lay ha««ta upon. As soon as 1 could obtain pistols, carbines, swoids, and holsters, I had cavalry enough. Lul then the cry was “ he his got too many.” Of course, then again I the Govern wait, by giving my friends all the horse con-, tracts. [Laughter.] "Well, Mr. Mayor, the horses have been in the service, and tne coun try has been saved. Those who then cried “no more horses,” tc-day can see advertisements for the purchase of an increasednumber; dud to-day I saw also a published'advertisement asking for proposals to famish more muskets. Had the material resources of the Govern ment been, in any manner, commensurate with the emergency, the war would have been terminated ere this. So far as concerns my self, I would rather have had a million of gnus ; too many than that a single soldier in any of our battles should have been sacrificed for the want of a weapon. X suppose that had I [ been the willing tool of every maa who wanted to rob the Government, and if in place of at tending to my duties, I had been content to receive men at my house and treat them to the hospitalities of my social and political posi tion. or allowed them to control me in the discharge of my .duties, those men who now aUempt to slander mo would still be most profuse in compliment and profession. More than this, bad I remained in the War Deport ment until this vote came off, I should doubt less have received the compliment paid to my late and esteemed colleague, Mr. Welles. [Laughter.] He was charged, with having im properlyemployed a man to purchase snips; .yet the Moose of Representatives voted down a reeoWtion to censure him by about the same vote that they censured mo forhavipg secured . the services of an employee. Mr. Welles ob 'tained the assistance referred to long after the excitement and confusion attending the com mencement ol the rebellion bad ceased. I did so at a time when the country was almost to tally bereft, of a Government, and when wo did not know whom to trust. ■ Now, gentlemen, I could narrate to you In this way many Incidents of official connection with the 'WarDepartment. Were it necessary I would give yon some particulars connected with the history of this man Dawes, who ap pears to bo most active in the persecution against me. . I understand he is a little prose cuting uttomey, living somewhere in Massa chusetts. lam well aware of the real cause of bis enmity, and I will briefly scale it* Some people of Massachusetts, especially about the good city of Boston, owu nearly ah the stock Inrbc Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. Notwithstandlcg that road has accumulated more money on account of this war, by the transportation of troops and war material for the Government than it ever did before fat double the length, of time (which fact was chiefly owing to the confidence I entertained in its President); yet ihtr managmentof the road were displeased because- they coaid not have an entire monopoly of the Goveromeut’s business.. When the bridge's on the Wilming ton and Baltimore road were burned, It "be came absolutely necessary to construct a new lin eof travel to Washington, By my direction thcPrealdcnt of thePeonaylvama Rail road, Mr. Thompson, In connection with the Wilming ton Hoad .made arrangements to run a line of boat* from PerrjrUle to Annapolis, and suc ceeded in getting the project-into successful operation.. This new route was used until the Baltimore and Ohio road was taken possession or hr me for the Government, and until the bridees-of the Wilmington road were rebuilt. In the meantime an arrangement was made with the Harrisburg, Beading and New Jersey road? to reduce the fare from $6 to 84 from Now York tb Baltimore, per soldier. But my : action in this matter took money out of the purses of gentlemen in Boston, and Mr. Dawes, who appeared to represent the interests af fected, became my enemy. This is the only : reason for bis opposition ot which I am aware. I do not know him further than that he was fr* qnently hanging about the War Department i is common with other applicants for special i favors. Having my whale time occupied la Jin-pa rteg an army out.of rawand undlsclp-. iced soldiers, of course linayuave run coun ter to the desires of such gentlemen, and con sequently they now return the disfavor. This theme is by ho means * pleasant one for me; but after the recent wrong which has . been done.‘me I felt that - when talking to my ) ;oW friends* find neighbors 1 would do myself the simple Bpeak-pUlnlj* - It would ibe needWs for me to attempt to convince you - iofmy honesty of purpose and Intention in ; every official act of mv life. lam known-"to iyonyiersohaliy, and I feel WflUng toabide by :qtd-.wlllfully■ .appreciate jour decision upon r mj character as you r feUow-citlsen,, [Qreftfc’ .applause.] " n. r. iron aim Steel. HALL, KIMBARK & CO, 193 & 195 Sooth Water-St., Chicago, Importers and Dealers la HIM Ml STEEL, NAILS, SPIKES, AND HEAVY HARDWARE. Manufacturers of WARRANTED Thimble Skeins and Boxes. Having capacity for 100 Sets per day W6 possetM anHralled facilities la till line* We also keep in store a large stock of HUBS, SPOKES FELLOES, EEHT STOCK, &c. ASHNTS FOB BURKE & BARNES’ SALAMANDAR SAFES, AND QUEEN’S PORTABLE FORGE AND BELLOWS. spll-p236-im, Q.KEAT CLOSING ’ OUT SALE OF HARDWARE, At 143 Lake Street. In order to close no the basin* s* as early as possible this Spring. I will eell the entire stock without res sire Ibrnash, to those in want of Hardware, for less than ocet, RM. WHBSLBS Tbc above Store (cna of the beet stands in the city), will be fitted up and rented to a eultjble tenant, as Boon as the goods can be disposed of. apt.-p2»7-lm AR & CK H« MILLER, Manu • faeturersof Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. We are now prepared to famish the trade in any. quantity with Tin. Sheet Ibox asd Coppeb Wabz, Of our own manufacture. Uaturnouabat ttiabe< ol matprla and baring experienced workmen, we are confident of being able to salt all m quality and price. Orders promptly attendee to. „ _ _ LS.&6.H. MILLSB, fHeloheous. PRINCE & GO’S mPBOTEO MELODEOKS. Warranted lor Fire Tears. The oldest estaWlshirent tithe United States, on* ploy og 290 mea, and finishing 6S instrumentsr3r week. Husifadorj, cor. of Hurjiiad ft HUgir* gts,, BtFVAUS N. Y. WHOLESALE DEPOTS. BT Pulton street. "WHOLESALE Henry Tolman ± Cs ..... W.F. Coibora Btlmer & Weber Janes Beliak. A*Oouee Ph. P. Werleln A. & 8. Konihelmer Perrom unacquainted with and Its hisioty. will bear ia mind that we are tno pioneers and Uadloa m«snfactaieca. ootomytnihe united States, tut Is the world. Wo coauneaceo-the manoaotore of &Itlodeoa«nrChefalaOf tae jearyscr. and atnro that time hare finished ani-soid TWKKTV-SB VBN'THOU baHDS Tame iiatrnrcaots are now in usemoetiy in the United State* and' Cicada, but also in Europe, Asia, Africa. Bomb Aamrl-oa, and tt« w e*t Indies and uom aj ibrso quarters we bare toe most fUtrennst®- ttmonials of the hlsh estimation In which they acabeid.- At all Indnsfrial Exhlbltisns tb«f have: invariably been awarded the Olgbest Premlam whenever exhibited in competition with others* We ehafl t&ae in lorwirdajg by man (at our own eippn»*) our D~iad Catatoene. in which ev«- ry manimrt.t wa mioQfacsnn a nuy ce*crtDed, and lfiust»a*e would re- be ftunfll aren Deutirtry. whether Is Fiuno.' Qua Sam. BsauiATmu. or ihe IMcf wadiu^ •StEcaabdflMhathhqaeh. iCbamsedMb myim-ir : J&cfiaca. CORBIN & GO. CCCCC 000000 EKBBKBB CCCCCC OOOOQOO . EHB BKB OCC CCC 000 OOO' KSB BRS ; cccc 000 000 bbb:bbe CCCC non 000 BBBEHBBt cfcCC . 000. 000 ' BBBSBBB -CCCC 000 000 EBB 1 Httrc CCO CCC 000 000 - BBS BBS CCCCCC 0000000 , BBR- njm CCCCC 000000 - mm EBBS -bbbbbbb - nm ksh hub- t'Bbsssss • 888 BM m sm KH 883 3883 ,-888-ffIB.DIJ HHKK 'TOT 888 888 888 888 IH . FBSNB KS 888 '■ 888888 - - in - lOrBBN HII 68SS 888888 m NH 'ZrSK KN BSSS ‘ 888 888 -m KK IfKNKN BSSS 888 -888 m SK VmnS BBS 83S 888 888 in KB K2TK 8888 BSSS -Sbbbbbb mn kkk kb «»*««« 000000 WWW WWW SSS SSR 0000000 WWw WW NSN KH 000 000 WW W WW NNNS HN 000 000 WW WW WW KSSSS SS 000 000 WW WW WW: 2JK SSK KJt 000 000 WW WW WW EK SEE EE 000 000 WWW WWW » EE SEE EE 000 000 WWW WWW EE SEES 0000000 WWW WWW EE SEE • 000000 WW WW SEE KE SEGARS. Manc&ctnred from Selected Havana Tobacco. For tiit at Wholesale and Detail at HO. 65 CLABK STREET 'ahl-nlSl-Sra Corner of Randolph street, Chicago, HL IRadjiiterß. A G1 E WORKS Manufacturing Company, DO YOU WAST STEAM ENGINES OR BOILERS, PATENT SUGAB CANE MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, FOB Pike’s Peak orlakeSnperior. SEND FOS Cl RiTTTT.A'RS ) With Cots end Descriptions, Prices, etc* etc. Saw Mills, Flouring Mills, And Machinery of all description. BEND FOR CIRCULARS. P. W. GATES, President, CJAaCAGO, ILlt, S. B.—Agents wanted 07 ery where. feSS-oliSlrdaw ffiHeohen & aMiUoto ©Kate. p # PEUGEOT, jcurrAffrcEza or WILLOW CAJBS, CHUDBEN’S GIGS, AND CAKBXAGES, to be bad only at Peugeot’s Great Variety Store 108 Xiake Street. Also oa band a largo assortment of MABBIES, BALLS. TOPS. «fcc„ See* gARNUM BROTHERS, ISB LAS&BT., CHICAGO* n.lg* Importers and Wholesale Dealers la TOYS AND FANCY OOOSS. WILLOW CABS, Childrens’ Gigs, Carriages, &c M Bas kets, Bird Cages, PEG TOPS, MARBLES AND ALLIES, And a targe and varied stock of ' YANKEE NOTIO3VS, To "which the attention of SUTLERS Is respectfully solicited. Onr SPUING STOCK is now open and very comp] >3B LAKE STREET, Bet. Clart and Lstalle st«. JJEAD QUARTERS WOODEN AND WILLOW WARE. Children’s Spring Gigs. “ Willow Cabs. “ Slat Gabs. “ Willow Cradles. M Willow Chairs. I sell better goods at lower figures Chao con be found n this or any other market in the western county. NATHANIEL WHITE, 95 south: water street. (Cooking Js»tobes. 'J'HE KING OF STOVES. THE TRIUMPH, FOR COAL OR WOOD, Arranged with hot air draught and largo ventilated oven. THE TRIUMPH Win hake, boll, broil, roast, fry, toast, and oerform every oiiercpfradon m Couklngat the SAME Tltfß and In the most perfect manner, and with the greatest economy in ineL THE TRIUMPH Has a fine large ventilated oven which always Insures sweetness to the bread baked In' It. THE TRIUMPH Has a regular range water back for heating water for diffusion in pipes through the bouse, and neats water more advantageously and expeditions!? than any oth er stove. Report of the Chicago Mechanics Institute. " Cook ing titoVCT,” Ac. The articles nnnerthla head were nu meions and meritorious, eo much so. that your Com mittee have bad much difficulty In deciding among the rival claims fir preference. After mneh deliberation year Committee sward the First Psssausc, a&ILYEU MEDAL, to me TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE. JAS.V.Z. BLANBY, ) C HAS. m. GRAY, • £ Committee. J. H. EATON, ) For sole by JAMES P. DAI.TOX. Successor to Allen & Dalton. I TO Lake street. faints. P RENOH WHITE ZINC PAINT, XADS FBOX PURE METAL., BT THE ’ Tleille Montague Co. of Paris. Superlorln aU respects to Lead or American Zinc, la inc from the unhealthy effects of-Load. White zinc wilt not turn ye low or peel Gafres of any nos effect lu color. Will cover one fount mere sarikoa than lead. For Contractor?, it off e n> great economy. Colors vita sse bases retain *beir brlshtncaa. Walla anted sad psarilod. cnesperthsa pap«r. If watbed with water will always look, trash. When p’operTy laid will be smooth as marble. Use spirits for dead white, v«ralah for gloss. For ceilings, dry zinc mixed vitb glue water. Is adaptedforontaWesna Inside work, Corer snots with size or gam sheliask. Use only zinc for priming and first cm**. Do Dot-eome in contact with Dew lead work. Dae enow .white for lon coat only. N& 1 Writs Is Ucd Seal. Snow Whit*, Green sesL Be cure the seals are found unbroken. Packed dry in b*rre!a. 220 and 4Q lb*. Mixer In Oil, 2>. SO, 11-0.2C0. 9M, 500 lbs. Bsow Whtts in Fopft Sksp oil for last coat -extra. JOSEPH fIL STRONG, New York, Agent VifcHle Xontagne Company. FOR SALS 3T LEWIS, PACE & CO-, i 03.50« Water 8t * Chicago. ■ - ©ccultet. JJENRT HAJRPKJE, M. D,, Milwaukee,; Wisoonsin, Opposite the!<&Croe»eßaUroad Depot, P.0.80r573. The above named feel a confident that, having itndled Opth«lmic Surgery In the moKceieonued Un Of the Old World and more specially In the jp-ra log room of the dtotineoishcd Prof tiraefi. bo has acquainted hhnsdf with toe latest diacoreriel In Practical Sye Sargery- ..UewToik. ....Chisago, . .Boston. Haas. ...Clnclnaati,o. ..6s.Lonn,Mo, ~.Philadelphia. ..Detroit, Mich ...Hew Orleans. .Toronto, O. W. In concoction with this. •he would refer to the many racc«*fal operations and ca»o* which be has effected since be opened -practice la thl* cit>. It may not be too much forhun toh *pe. that by extending the flell of his activity, hte usefuinea to the sufferlae ccOeht be greatly Increased- myS'-r£tt4t Roofing materials. Roofingi roofingu BOOFTUG!!! . BABBETT, POWELL A CO., FELT &KD COMPOSITION ROOFS, x And Dealer a In Booling material and Coal Tar* we are prepared take orvnt-icu for Etootin gto any portion oi the ilQrthweflt, or famish Materials wish & recdotsfor qm. BARKETX*S ROOFING Has stood a twelve ye&rt test in Chicago, and Is tued In all first ciaae bollainga. Office No. 8 Basoaio Temple, CMtago, »pa9-cßCßn>- C 7 ■- ■' ®tg ®DOiJ6. T ABGE STOCK OP GfOODS I Crom&HSBIPFSAXiEB JtKtreeelvßdgtßOTLWS Coap btcro. which wiQ besNd at a Kaathacrifi'M. We .arenow offtitaf the greateat bargain.w/er offered In th*Clo. pdees: tibsler BOTglclrtasaaptlh£B.... 25 “ - US* LadkallteHbeft IJS “ Ttabacft,t*wretylu.... • “ 1» “ ;Kew StjU ßqnostn. -TO “ Lg * fiflk * “ L 25 “ •Spriir ftnnaatßJbbcna,.. S9. * u 49 * Piouai»T«fi* . .v*. *l2 H • Sf m .Skin Braks. *Wa.. . i 7 “ • l 4 • V Biek S “ “ IS “ Jaconrt F«»U.***-i 20 “ - “ » * Ccpffrcw Hpd CaflMtt. . ..• , ;iaasaf«ssn”-s=i- f.a - ii*ei#*H*ei snipom l ;- ..-is •* Lfij “ - “ IS “ ■ .Fpjsqdid lot 'Btonng Olcaks, SI to ISifias lota of Tlvwee*. Embrptdsrtes. and BuoA-otis other barntea; i which are aeUfog alhalf price at Boyle's Cheap Store, He. 193 South Clark street abort Ho&roe. ap5H»W95a Iff IN SHIP’S PATENT REFRIGERATOR, Heats, Cfame, Fish, Fruit, VEGETABLES. &e. Vbf Onlf Befiiserator 'OT&erd Ventl* Jailor nei&r itiog, rmaU-aWOml OCOUiIST, JRiscrnaneous. SELF VBimLATIN ; FOB PEESKEVISQ EXPLANATION, L—Bv opening RMdstcrC. air is admitted Into the Ice Chf m&er A, where It is cowled and punned la the most expeditious cianasr. DL-lhe air thus cooled and purified pssses through aperture® DD, (the natural tendency of cold air being downwards,) directly into the Fro vision Chamber permeating every part, and preserving a uniform tem perature tnrongnoattne entire chnmoer. Ill—After the cold air has thus performed Its office, It Is made < o pass tthioagh the BE, where a slight warmth will canse It topasanp through thespice between the cases of the refrigerator and oat at Regis tere FP. thus serving the farther purpose of prevent lug the warm external air from penetrating through the cases into the Provision Chamber. Chicago Assay Omnr, 117 Lake St„ ) March :sco. IS5>. > We have carefully examined Wursazp's Patzst BELF VxjixmATiso Uefkiokuator, and can cond- Gently recommend it as an excellent and enoarlor Re frigerator. Its construction in simple, neat, and con venient, and secures an Important point, neglected or Isnpenectty provided in other reirtgcrators, viz: a cur rent of cold, dry air in tae provision chamber, thereby not only preventing decomposition,bat al*o the accn nmjationa of the odors ptcmiirln many articles of food. BLASEY « MABISER. Analytical and Causal ting Chemists, "We are manufacturing the above well-known Re frlgereto-, ana have a lull atoca of the different sUss now ready for delivers'. Wo tell only to the trade in Jors. For fa’e at retail by the various dealers, both la the cl tv and country, VABDEBYOOET, DICKEESOH & CO., Manufacturers of Wiuahlp’s Patent EclTVentUaUrg itefris erator, 199 and 201 K&nlolph SC, Chicago. apSO-pDUSy "y iHDEBVOOBT, DICKERSON & 03, 09 & 201 Eaadoiph Street, Qilau*. IHPORTEES O? fIN PLATE, SHEET IRON, 4e. ; . bs Tinners’ Stock. AGENTS FOB Howe's Improved Scale®. tnorsi-hSM?} FENCE WIRE. AMERICAN KOS. 8 & 9, Warranted tough, of first quality, In good lengths, and In good order, for sale in large er small lots, bp VAHDEEVOOET, DICKEESON & CO., j Nos, 190 & 201 Randolph SC. apCS pS33 3m ilcgal Notices. PUBLIC NOTICE IS FTEREbV GIVEN that I will r* II or the lllhday of June next, at nsy otHce, No 97 Washington street, at tne hour of iC o*clocs A.SL. my right, title and tnterestde rived under a deed of tor the benefit of creditors, made by T. B. Carter to ms July 9th,iS3l, to the fo'lovlajrU'ta. pieces and pa c-ila of lands, with Improvements ibsreon. viz: Ist. Assessors subdivision of ft. 3,',S E. section 30, town«h‘pri>, int jo Jl oast 2d. Lot ilp Bioct is, with house theron. In town of McLean. McLean county. lUtnols. Sd. Lot 3in Block 2, wltn houre thereon. In town of Caledonia, Boon county, BUnois, on wnich laa mort gage io School Commissioners of 4in. The 8. w. M of 8. w. H section », town fit, y. range, 14 East, 40 acres in on widen is a Diortgae* for about VZO. cm. Bab Let >sof lots, in Block 43, and sab lot 19 of lot 4, 1q Block 38. m city of Ga'tna. UL 6th. Lots 2&*, 3STond t>2. in town of Lake Forest. And will also aei> at the same time and ol*ce. all the notes in my hands that were not sold on the second day or May last. asSER CaRTEU. Assignee of T. B. Carter. Chicago. May 11 th 1362. _. my Q-r-yxLma TORTG-aGE SAXE.—"Whereas, _L» J- Cjreolns Beers and Mary, bis wife, did, on tb« fourth day or February. A. n, §6i, execute and deliver to the undersigned. Jabez K, Botatord. a certain. Heed of Mortgage, bearing ca»e the dav una year aforesaid open the isncssn-* premia** hereinafter desenbeo, to secure the payment of a certain bond for the penal son ot sixty thousand dollar?, given by toe said ijyre* nloa Beers to the eald Botstotd. which bond la more particularly mentioned and describe-! in sala-mort gage; which said mertgaxe is recorded in the Eecor der’s office ol Coot Couniy.ln Boot &iof Horigssres, Pace ESS. - The condition of the said bond being “that whereat theeahi Jabfez£.Botefoid is bound, as Bdreitf-fb* thn above nonnden. Cyrrr.iua Beers to tv. l. Newberry «r a note for ten thoesasd dollars, drawing interest at the rate of ten per cent per annum; also, to I>.ri. Johnson cna note lor five thousand dollars, with interest as aforesaid; also, to Harriet Been, on a note for taree thousand dollars, with Interest as aforesaid; else, to James Carter oo a note for four tbooaana dollars, with interest as aforesaid; also, to tne btate Bant of In diana. at Booth Bend, on a note for three thousand dol lars wlih Interest; also, to.the Firemen's Insurance Company on a note for three thousand dollar#; alao, to George Cobb on a note tor thirteen hundred dollars, with interest, matu pm the gross the sum of twaaty ntne thousand three Hundred dollars, besides interest due and to grow due on said notes, on all which in debtedness the said BciCelum u only surety lornaid Bolts. Now, if the above bounded, Cyrenlos Beers, his heirs, executors and administrators, sbau well and truly p\y or cause to do paid the aforesaid notas aod interest thereon respectively at the maturity thereof ana shall save and Keep harmless the eald Jabez K. Botaford, his executors and administrators of and from ail lia bility for and on accuott of his being surety as afore said on said notes, tn*n and In that case bond Co be void, otherwise to be and remain In fh'l force and vir tue." And whereas It was provided In and by said mort gage, that If dctault should be made by the Beers, hlsheirs, executors and administrators, in the payment ’ of the said notea aod Inttreal, or either of them, either of principal or interest, in the condition.of the said bond menttooed, or In the performance o! any of his covenants therein contained. *y reason whereof the said Botaford. the same, or any part thereof; then and in that c&ae It should be law ml lor the said botsfora. ttomume to fme. as he should pay any of eald indcotcdness la Qie coudltloa of said beno mentioned, afur paoluning a noc’ce In a newspaper printed in the city of Chicago aforesaid, twenty daysbafore the day of such sale* to sell the premises hereinafter described, or so much tcereot as would be necessary to icon burse himself for all mos eys paid, and interest tin-reon with ad cotta and ex penses of aovmibing and selling said property, togeth er with all right and eaurtyor redemption or the add Beers and wile, their heira aod assigns tnaretn. at pub lic ftacJlon at the nr-nb door of tne Court House, said city of Chicago, to the highest tedder for cash, at the time mentioned in such notice. And whereas default has been made In the payment o. (aid indemetncts. mentioned la said bond y the raid Boers; and the said Botaford. surety »g aforesaid, has In consequence of such default ot the said Beer* been obhgrd to pay and has pair of tne said indebted ness and interest, mentioned in saHboart.totae amount of t-m y-onnthontand eight hundred sad forty-throe and elgnty-rti hundredth dollars, v 2.; To tl& firemen’s Insurance Company, Princi pal-and Interest. ISJ3I3S Branch Ban* of Indians, principal and later .est &IMJS7 Geo. Coho, Pilnclgal and Interert 1,33800 J«a. Carter, Principal and Intereat 4JUO >o ■W. I*. Newberry, Fnncipnl and Interest 10.t90.00 *3.3036 Now. tnereferc. In pursuance of and by virtue of the power and authority m me vestde in and by said mort gage, I ehalL onthefilstday of May, A D. -6SA at tile Eturof |0 o’clock lathe lorenoonof said itjz at tne north door of the Court House, m tne dqBC Chicago* State of-iflinolasell at public aactioo,to toeTxlghast bicU der for cash, the fullawmgdeambco premise?, subject to the previous mortgages thereon or so much thereof as may beneesaury to reimburse the undersigned the amount by his eoove paid, interest and sorts, viz: The west half of the east half seventy [eighty] test deep of Lot five [s], in BlocK sixteen [lol- original Town, of Qilcago: also the e*»t eight aid eight tenth* [8 8-101 leti of Lot four [4], and all of Lots five rsj and «x [Gj In Block fight [aj. in Fo«t Dettbord Addmon to Chica go; also Lot eight 181. in Bloch two isj. in Fort -dear born Addition to Chicago; also Lots one fl]. two CZI five pi sx I6T, seven [Tj. eight fß], eleven [Ultwelvo rt2> thtrtfea MSJ. fourteen xw£ seventeen [nj. eigh teen [7Bl, nineteen [l9], rwruey i2D], twenty-three pi], and tw-nty ronr J2»J. m Eloct one hundred and thirtr flTeflSsj.ln.ihe Hmqpl Section Add'floa io Chicago: alto Lot two I2J. In fcflocfc seventeen LIT), in Fractional Section Fifteen Addition to Chicago; alsa -the north mtrty(9(' feet ot LotthreofSJ Inßiook seventeen [tfj, is Fractional Bert-os Fifteen Addition to Chicago; also the tooth west quarter of Ecct'ou five [sl. in Township ihiriy-e!*ht> corh. raaae fourteen oaet, to getber with sU the right anc equity of redemption of the eald Gyre ulus Beeia and wire tralr heirs aod as signs, of. In and to the the aforesaid preadies, nod every part thereef JABVZE. BO7SFOBD, Mortgagee. Hoeas* & Attorneys. CmcASO. May &, igß. myS-rtO-td \f ORTGAGE SALE. —Public no i*TX ticelshereby given that LSeilgmaaScuieSnger the Mortgage# in a certain Mortgage Deed, cate 1 Sep tember ISh. I'ST. executed by Morris Waller, (his wl e JohlagthertlD), arcrecordsd in the office of the Ke corder of Cook County. niaob, in Booa SS of Mort gages, Page \~t, will, by reason of defanlt by the said Wader In the payment of the promlsaery note in said Mortcaseepe-'-ineo. at public auction for esah to the highest deder at the aorta door of the Conn House in the City cs Chicago. County of Cook aioredaid on the 4th o»y oi Jane, at tea o'c.ock m the 1 noon, an ot trne (9>: tn Biork two (2). In H. MyerhoirasnboirUioo of Block or onvLoc thirteen (if) jr the Board of Trustee's of iho rllnotaanl Michi gan n»»»i; of tbs wees pan of auction five (5). InTownahla tinrtT-nlno (S9), cardi ofßanse fourteen (14), ca*t oftbe Third Projctpv Meridian, said aubdtvision oy Slyerhoff recorded in th-> otfiee of the Recorder afforesald. In Book 49 of Maps. F&ga 35. I mail «!ao.4V the earn*; time and ptaoe, under the p t wtws insa!dm*.rtc&ee.ieU any. present rauMlnlns tntersdt oi the • aid Waller to and to the soctn rsß'-erJv oalf at hot ConrtMi 0 1 >. In Block thirty-three (&),- la Oglea’s Addtt.pu to Chicago, tKCag twenty (20) feet la wldsh and fcontinson Miiwankee avenue &LIGMAW SCHLEgnJOSB, Mortgage*. Chicago. May 3d. i»k. • mySiStua MASTER’S SALE.—State-of XUi- IjA nnin Conk County: as. Ctrcotv Court of Cook County—ln Cbaccvry. Btepfaen Childs .vs Samael K. CbDcf, Hruian .W. ': V" " Public notice is bereoy given that I L. C Paine Freer, Master li> Qusacerj of &yosCoonrr. Sfiatqof;- TtWnft«.'w»L'la obedlbabe so the maodisela adecree entovdm the above-' entiUed Causa, s-n'st pnbfic aae- catlvto tne-hlihest biaoer. at Hip north door of the Court aouite. in th* city of Colcago, County of Cookalommld;outfit iStn.dayoof-May, A:;IX iSO,'ht teno’etee* in tb«* forenoon of said day, all tficioUov- Isgdtecnbod p.irecls of l»nd. a!tnat» In the of' Cocvk aforr sal". towxtrau«Qd)vlqfid.cwotbbiUof the east barf of tiie n.-rtbwrrt quarter of tcetioa tnlrtr four(HO. to : townfefalp tnlrty-fire («5). north of range fourteen (U). east of the, third principal meridian, wa t&lsivg eighty i 80) acrt**-’Al*oahnnalrided tro-thlrts of one equal muttvlded half, at thft west fialfiqf tile hertfi e«t qnarru: "oT section three (J) oftownifiip thuts-krar;-ron as may he-xmoetaarv lo jsake the tnonef-dne to can ccmplalnsct. prtßdsal and. interest, with tim-casti. a pAnfß FEraa -• Master in ChaficciT Of Cook County. cbzcaoo, Apm ss, iso, sp9^pUsv4 gjteawtoat l,iues. THE Western Transportation Co. • -■* •• '* ' • iro WESTERN EXPRESS. 1862. pSSF.iS! 3 ™® TRANSPORTATION coil- *rfngementa to no their Lake fcttsjn yropeDea on daya. with those of the HEW >*OBK i.R\T»AT. , ; ...... - eiwraii, biilboads, NmnCaila, qflrtyllratclMt, ttainicVaßdithniir glam ciianoisaacd-prodacetoftiHl from the Saatern. Wert cm. Northern and Southwestern States. The Com pscy’fi Mtgoancd CANAL fstaittea, c Asiatics of 130 Canal Boats, nr the largest class, slsof'whlcMeave New York and Bun&lo daily, connocUag sit BaJ&ld irtth thefbUon-fayc PropCK COMPANY will hold lls aanotl J. Myers, 191 Broadway. New Tone John HocS* ! meeting. for the e’ecaon 01 Directors’find the irau«ac leg. 7 State ftreet, B3l-tia A J. K.MSELT. Sec’/. Toledo. E. K. Mathew*. Detroit. 0. J. llale, MU wan- ■ ■ ■. kte. Taylor. Msrrar&Co., Racine. . CLARY & HOWE, Agents, Foot of North lasalle Bt., Chicago. [apa-ps26cs] gUFFALO, 1862 Chicago Line. 1862 For the ensHing season of navigation, the a teamen ef this line will run in connection, and on alternate dara. wltn these of the WESIEBK TRANSPORTATION CO., Ohicago and. Buffalo, Touching at intermediate ports when practicable, and foiminga DAILY LIVE (Sundays excepted,) for the transportation or Freight and Pars engere. B.i C. &C. Lioft Stops. W. T. Co* Steamers. FOUNTAIN CITY, MOHAWK, galena, free state. WEBOSA. TONaW^t'A. MENDOTA, mouth, Chicago. mavpi-cjwls, ETEP.G ce RN errr, un a. Running to ccnaectlon, at Buffalo, with NEW YORK CENTRAL RAILROAD. WESTERN EX - PSBSS, SPAULDING’S EXTRAS, UNION EXPRESS; The Western Transportation Company, and Troy and Erie, and Troy and Western Lines of Canal Botta, on the fine CanaL At Cleveland, with -CLLV KLAND AND PITTSBURGH BAIABOAD. -The Steamers composing this Use are of the largest Bine, and of great strength and speed, with superior accommodations for Passengers. With these nneqalled faciUUea the Uae Is prepared to contract to transport property nom New York. Bos ton,Aibany. Trojvand all Che principal points on the line of the New York Central R-dlroad and the Erie Canal, to the ports on the West Snore of Lake Michl gad; and from those ports to Cleveland, Buffalo, and appoints East For rates of freight and passage apply to JOHN a MORE, Agent N. Y. C. Railroad, No. 239 Broadway, N. Y. HUGH ALLEN. 7 Ag*ta Wtstbi Transportation Co- A. COLSON. I No. 1 Coentie* Slip. N. Y. M. B. BTAULDING, Spaulding's Express, No.SAs ter Bouse, N. Y. J. H. wILGI’S * CO, Proprietor of Union Express, Jsr.. vtc Broadway, N.Y. W. C. - BICE. Agent Twy and Erie, and Troy and Western Lints of Canal Boats, No. 1 Coentles Slip, N. York. O. G. BIDDER No. © Washlrgtpn st, Boston, Maas. W.F. HURD. Agent w.T.Co.Boston. A. A. WEiIPLE. Agent New York Central S. EL, Albany. B. G. CHAFE. Agent W T.Co. Troy and Albany. J. A. J. SPRAGUE, Agent N. UC.B.H, Troy. N. York. BOND A MGBKIS, Cleveland. Ohio. WM. STEWART, Agent C. i P. K.IL, Pittsburgh, J. L. HURD & CO„ Detroit Mich. J. J. taLLMADGK. Milwaukee, trig. SHELDON PEASE, Btanaginsr Agt., Office foot ot Michigan street Buffalo, C. Y, BICHIHOND. Agent for Eastward Bound Freight Office foot of North Dearborn rtraetChicago. J. "W. TIiTTLE, Agent fbr W«>ftw»fd Bound Freight Office foot of State Btreet Chicago. A. A. SAMPLE, Pawenger Agent Office No. 6 North Clark street Chicago. ap3-p23-2m 1863. MISSOURI RIVER 1862. PACKET LIKE. ST. JOSEPH AND OMAHA, nr conaru libs’ with the EAXyiBAL it ST. JOSEPH RAILROAD. STEAMER OMASA) Captain F. B. KRECHEYAL. S. 80. DAT, Clerk. STEAHEB VEST WIND. Captain J. D. HOOFER. W. w. COPSL AND. Clerk- WILL LEAVE BT. JOSEPH TBI-WEEKLY Dnilng the Season^ For Forest City, While Cloud. Enlo, Aiago, AsptowaT, Brownrflie. Boclrport, Bocora, FeorasKa City, Fiacts month, Council Bioffs end Omaha. oa the antral of the Eipieta r’aoseiiger Train from sc. Louis and e. rp« per Missouri, WfFtem lows, Febrattn Territory and the-Ooid Mlasa, thtsßuelsrecdßueacied as esfe, eipecUUoas sal re lisOle. Orerland Eransportation Compaaies At Nebraska City aaci Omaha will itcoitc ireirat Iron this Lme tor i>*n >er, ssic tare. Oc.. Pass up Charge. This route offers to pafaeagers and b dipper* from tda East Eon and batter faculties than any other. 7HBUCOH MADB , By aulhilzed Agents i,r tuls Line, lasi tre principal cfee? la toe East; '■lilrago and Salat Lotus, lor Freight and PajcpßgKra, slmbaotlasd Sfih -ra bo and Baatirom Denver and the OiJd Mint* wui And it much to their Adr*atajrt to taSe cut cl T fco bo«a of this. Une at-OnuSi or sebraa. R» City, which pia«s themwKnla*»venty-are hours traveling Hmn yf New Yot* and Fblladelphla. v SS3ASEB ALEX. MAJORS, . Captain SAMUEL BDB£B> ilKO> A. KICBLT" a Cltrh ‘ will Ichto laT xIL -lie termlarn orthe Hale County Railroad.' DalL* for Fan'esven worth. Le*ma worth ana Kansas City, sad return ul time to connect with the Aspreaa Train solas 3«s baueCsy PaEMScert leaving 8t Joseoh at fc3fl B. M. on arrival of thtfi.4 6u Joseph Trams Iron the East, will ar rive at Letivtu’rorui and Kaosas City In time tor tnc ' stages !«a'rog for Lawrence, Tope hi. Fort Eller and , Pest Scot', neat day. Rebels Sold onl&ard of all the Boat* ■ via Hannibal ana 8t Jorc-pd Railroad, to all points - Baat by as? of too different route*. p. n v. eight cor auiivd. to. thU L*ne at St. Joseph will belbcvatded by the RiaiA free of charge for handling. ; ,yor further Information ado Tweeta u> caa»i boat*, tflSb ,Ouf solos ioso ' to '^ Bl g ßT & wHfTSar. ip»a I C3ceFo.i>Far<'e* > a BtuUUag, So otaWater | afreet. com*r oTWeils ureet. apW-p7i4-2oi HtfAKRIAGE AND CALLING 'iXl o&ES9l—'nm mostfatMoeaWe BEST 81LTEB BOOR PLATES, f Anderfrybran-di ot ecgravlagla KiperSorstym by ‘ WIU.TAW J. WHITE. S9 dooneMtoiClaA . . Steamboat ILines^ L A K E SUPERIOR. CHICAGO AilD aimimnnr AND LAKE SUPERIOR LINE. On the opening of tuwijation. A FIB ST CLASS BTBABEEB S£SJ£i Te otir"Doc* ftr the naooa ports on Laho sffi&^iffsßgasssg^ st * Marie * »pU-p3C6-fan . 226* nd Wmicrstrcct. 1862 CL&BX&HOWE. ■ Shipping and COMMISSION MERCHANTS For the ‘purchase 'of Produce la this market, and Agents lor the Northern Transportation Company of OFFICE AND WAKSHOUSE, Foot of North J«nnaHo Street) Cbicas Cap4-pg^2m: i 1862 MATHER & CO., 1862 K shipping am COMMISSION MERCHANTS, t s™ a o« of Wortham Transportation an^i«^V ln * ,5 ? n< ? MJcW«a CaaaL Between CM- Ca n?. a (^ tK^ t3 °°iyicoießlTertonSt. Lottie. . H»Ttee orr own ihcPitiss on the Illinois Hirer, we om-Sne^ 50 Ve 45011 property, hy Office—Foot of KortiiLasaJleit. ChJcaso. aptpjt-sar ®D=^arwersl)tps. TAISSOL li’i’lON. The Co-Part- J ~J nerghfp heretofore erfatfng between tfce txnder- Bigned.unaer Pesraon & Batchellsr, sttia day oieolrod by mutual consent JAMBS a. P8&890J7. •W. BATCaSiXEB. CMcnfiO, Miy ICth, 1362. Co.Pxet3tbs*hii*.—'Tbe uaJeistsned have tbl* day icnnta a Co-rartnersbtT'. uncer tbs name orPKABS3jr, i Co, for ibe general transaction of tbs L-im ocrßoMasst. Office anri Yard on ClarS street, near a weUtb, formerly occupied bt Eldred & Balcoau T XT T> PEAIiSOJJ. AVEUr & CO. JamesH.Pcaj&on. Chicago } EOfly. ATBTT & Co, Port IJcron, Mlcb. t HcaiA ATerj & Co.. Y. bit- turer, “ S myia-r35-2t 'THE UNDERSIGNED HATS this day entered into Uo-cartoershlp under tho came ac'l si'le oFJno. Clark & Co, (or ihetrans ictioa of aa eicloslTe Commlaejoa tjaslnes?, over Galena FrsSrhl Depot, oorarr Dearborn and Xorlh Water s:a. r. O, Box 4u.u jxr Cn«k advances on on Fioacce In store, cilia oflamn? and shipment* East. .n«u. nvAP.K. •ISO. H- tf \E3HaLU PAXIL JONES. inyW rttS-Sm Chicago, ifa? let, igS. Dissolution of co-part ytßfHlP.—The heretofore ex isting beMrctn the undersigned, under the name oi Coee, Q*Bbjen * Co , It h-rehy mntna’lT dissolved. All liaMlitits of tht saia firm will he paid *»r Cone and O'Brien, and all debts dne sail firm will "be paid to them. H. B COYS M W.O'HR-.SV, ChICStJO, April Ist. 2362. AHO3 KATBBUXE, SI. w. o'Brisw continues the Lumber Business la the yardhortncrlv occupied bv Com* OTJriea. A Col, on South Clark street, between Twelth and North streets, where all business of the late firm ofCune, U'Brteo & Co. Kill he settled. myTrllt iw i pp-PARTN’ERSHIP. We, the ; Vy uiderslgued, have this day entered into a G> i Pailntrthip under the style and ilrm name of KELLOGG A GUAY, i For the purrese of dealing in Coal ot an kind*. Chicago. May Ist, IS®. - A. R. KRaoiO. : myGpa£da c. w. GRAY’. i T\ISSOLUTION.—The Co partner* ; * ' eli'p heretofore existing between the under signed. uucur the name of S. J. S rdaui A Co* Is nib* day dissolved by mutual consent. Chicago, March 1,1552. The undeialgncdwi l ! continue tlie Star* Hard wars business under the name an \ stylo*'f S. J. Surdaal A Co*tvt the olustand, 178Lakeititet. Chicago, March 1,15*»3 . t as. Berpaj*. Secretary. pniCAGO AND KOKTH V- ; WKSTtRK PAXLWiT COMPACT. CalcagO, May leu ifi>uj with reuaois reference, to any ore who a-ay inquire. Aodrei* W. 4. NIcnoLS. Post Office Box 1452. Cnicago, ITinola. myj-riDtw * LIBERAL, EDUCATION with" MIUTARTIIRSTBDCTIOR AIDDBIU. VVKST7:;iy trslos COIXKGK and MILITABT ACADEMY h«w been located «t FULTON. ILL, end trill open Primary Academic and Collegiate Coarse*, on Sept. ißtb, IS6L Tb e College ana twelve erpeuraoed teachers, thorough appointments. and excellenteppS ancea, both regular and scientific connea, the finest schoot buildings in the West, (cost 8110.000), ample and attractive grounds, a fine Gymnasium, and many ocher advantages which should claim tse attention of parents. Instruction in German free; also, in Aktillbkt, In- YUiTBY AND RIPUt TACTICS, SWORD, BATuNET AN3> Gymnastic Ei*bcises, Common Zocatb and FasoT Dbtt.t under an officer of United State* Army. Stu dent* drees in uniform. Tbbms r—Blls per school year for board, famished room, fuel, light*, washing aad tuition lr every department. Excetisnt accommoda tions 10r Bb l boarders, under the easa* rocf wttfc asd the constant care of the teachers. Addreea for Clrrs lanD. 8. COVERT. President Fulton. UL fe*l-aff lyl l?mnin Exterminators. To Destroy Rats, Roaches, &c. To Destroy Mice, Moles and Ants. To Destroy Bed Bugs. To Destroy Moths In Tars,. Clothes, &c. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, k Covaiy ; mineb, wifl, ta ohedsenen to tn« aaaoata m a t entered b< the above entitle 1 cause Itlcnior cash to tbe WidM-. at the i Const House. ot tueOscr'tj of Cooß. la ns Cttr« ffI^BBBriSSSSBSv^iS SR. w2lrfS