Newspaper Page Text
®Jje ®ti6unt. WEDNESDAY, MAY U, 1862. THE cny. Attention is called to tie advertise' jnent of Dr. Bell’s medical Infirmary in an other column. TbesoxjLl.—Rev. Z. M. Humphrey, of this city, is announced to deliver the address at «t the Anniversary of Lane theological Sem inary, to-day, at Cincinnati. PcspvESS AOTmrx.—Wc notice large arri vals and shipments of goods by Bowen Bros., 7? and 79 Lake street, indicating that the goods they advertise are vrortky tke attention of cp*h buyers. ■ copyright for Snyder, Cook & Co.' s gnat-work Ss being tepidly sold off by coun ties in fie several States. The work is sold at $5,00 a doien to those purchasing copy right. The book is a library within Steelt Address oily Snyder, Cook & Co., Chicago, Illinois. . Stsah Tug Busk.— The steam tug E, B. Ward sank in the South Branch yesterday af ternoon. It collided with the brig Susan A- Clark, In the Madison street draw, one of the anchor flakes of the brig piercing the tug be low the water line. She ran a short distance, rapidly filled and sank. Resignation or an Actoe.—Mr. G. D. Cbipbn, long end favorably known as one of the gtock company at McVickcr’a Theatre, re signed yesterday, and left for Kew York last night- He has an engagement at the Winter Garden, where Ms excellent theatrical abilities will command for him an eminent position.! The Gabhottxg Case.—A young man nam ed Jacob Richmond was arrested yesterday, by officer Peny, charged with being an accom plice in the late garroting case at the grave of Douglas. He was committed to jail in de fault of SBOO bail to await trial at the Record er's Court. • The Picture Sale.— The sale of pictures at &» Dearborn street will be held this evening at 7K o’clock. These pictures attracted a large number of visitors during the day yes terday, and we doubt not, when the sale takes placed there will be plenty of purchasers pres ent. The room will be open to-day to visitors from 10 o’clock a. h. Burial op a Soldier.— John Cloonau, the member of the Irish Brigade, who died on Saturday of pneumonia, was buried yesterday with military honors. Although a private, he had attained a marked distinction in his regi ment for his bravery and soldierly qualities. He was formerly iu the regular service, and passed honorably through the Mexican war. Raised Notes. —One dollar bills on the Citi zens' Ba«k of Pittsburgh have been extensive ly altered to o’s and 10’s, and put into circa latien in Cleveland and Cincinnati. Some of them may soon be offered here, and caution will be required in taking such. The vignette of .the genuine Vs, altered as above, is: Fe males seated each side of an anvil; “Citizen’s Bank” iu a semi-circle above. Fiss Wheat xsv Bxz.—. R. B. Stone, Route Agent npon the Illinois Central Railway, has furnished ns with some "wheat from the field of W. L. Pierce, Centralia, Marion county, and some rye from the farm of T. J. Johnson of the same place. Tbe stalks arc folly five feet and a half in height, the heads foil and plump' and promise a splendid harvest. If these arc lair representations of the crop down In Egypt we may predict a season of unusual plenty. FebsoyAL.—lra. M.. Gifford and Dr. L. J. Centre, of lowa, arrived at the Sherman House; last evening. These gentlemen have been constituted by Gov. Kirkwood a commission to proceed to Pittsburg Landing to look after the sick and wounded of the lowa soldiers. 2s'o better soldiers have been sent to the battle field than those from lowa, and we are glad to witness the interest which the excellent Gov ernor of that State take 6 in their welfare. Pebsonal. —Robert Kennicott, son of Dr. Kcnnicott of “ The Grove,” and an eminent naturalist, who is traveling in the northern British Possessions, collecting specimens for the Smithsonian Institute and the Andnbon Club ol this city, has been beard from at Fort Anderson, lar within the Polar Arc, under date of July, XSGL He purposes visiting the Arctic Coast in July, and then starting for home the first of Auguhl, reaching here in December. Every facility has been extended to him by the British Government to prose cute his researches, in which he has been emi nently successful. - Mu Eveeett’s Lec-tuhe.— The lecture of TTon. Edward Everett upon “ The Origin and Character of the War,” will be given this eve ning at Bryan Hall. The Young Men’s Asso ciation have, only after repeated efforts, been able to secure the services or Mr. Everett to lecture in this city. In this, as in their prtri ous efforts, they are doing all they can to in troduce for our instruction the best talent of the country. We need hardly say that Mr, Everett should be greeted with a large audi ence, This is eminently due to the man and his talents. Tickets can be had at the princi pal hotels and bookstores. *■'" The ZrsGARi Ceiceet Cwn.—A meeting of the new Cricket Club was held at the Tre moat House last evening, and the following gcntleme n were elected officers for the sea son j President, James Stinson; Vice Presi dent, George Me Keand; Secretary, J. J. Kearney; Treasurer, George G. Street; Exe cutive Committee, Thos. B. Leckie, M. R. Monsarrat, Charles Laycock. It was decided that the practice days during the season should be Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, in the afternoon from three to eight o’clock. Uniform and other matters having been decided upon, the meeting ad journed. . Abbbst op a Touthttl Bcbolxr.—John Boche, a youth of about fifteen years of age, tras arraigned at the Folicc Court yesterday, on a charge of burglary. From the evidence of William H. Fuller and his wife, the com plaining witnesses, it appears that, on Sunday evening, they were away from home, and upon returning abont ten o’clock- found the doors open, which bad beenlocked previous to their departure, and, upon entering the house, dis covered the lad Roche. Unable to give satis factory answers in regard to the object of his ■unceremonious Tislt, a policeman was sent for who arrested him. He was bound over to the Recorder’s Court in the sum of $5,000. A Dastardly Outrage.— A few evenings since, two ruflians entered a cottage upon "Weal Lake street, about four blocks from Union. Park, where a lady was sitting alone engaged in sewing. She politely asked them what they wanted. Not giving her any answer, she desired them to leave the house. One of the villains sprang at her and struck her upon, the mouth. Nothing daunted by the unac countable and cowardly attack, she seized a large water pitcher aud broke it over the head of the one who had etrnck her. They then attempted to leave, but had only reached the gate when they were met hy the lady’s hus band, who administered a sound thrashing to both the rascals. They escaped cheaply. Selling Lewd Books,—A young lad, only seventeen years of age, named Jacob 'Wag ner was fined twenty dollars in the Police Court yesterday for selling lewd books and eonge. He tad Issued circulars of the vilest description, advertising the hooka and songs, and had distributed theca throughout the brothels of the city, but unfortunately for himself had left some of them at respectable houses. These were handed to Superintend ent Bradley, and he promptly laid a trap which enared the young man just In time. Mr. Bradley mailed a letter enclosing money to the address of the circular, from Fulton City, and received a book in return. A second let* cr was maned from the same place to the same address. The Post Office was then watched and just as the young man took out the letter an officer took him into custody. On ac count of his tender years the Court assessed the lowest fine under the ordinance I KcYickse's Titrates. —lt is seldom a play 'is p resented to the public, giving a better op portnuity for fine acting than the one now performing at McYicker's Theatre—“ The Lion of St. Marc.” In Us construction It is truly French, and has a plot which cannot be foreseen, while it delights the beholder with gradual unfolding la each act. It may truly be called a great play, and must take Its place among the standard dramatic works, at least while the prominent character is render ed by Mr. Couidock, whose power and pathos ere of the highest order. Miss Hoatuer and Vr. J£y era hax e characters but little inferior to the principal, and most ably do they sustain them, while their support by the other mem bers of the company is a3I that could be de sired. The stage appointments are excellent and the play should attract a large audience Anting fhp w»mft}Bder of Mr. Couidock's en gagement which terminates this week* THE BEili ESTATE BUSINESS. Transfer* of property. Transactions in real estate continue toin crease as the season advances. Every day adds confidence in this kind of secular. The strong chest, ■wherein capital was hoarded In times of distrust, is being unlocked, and hence* forward wc may look for better times. It is through this charnel, more than any other, that we look for a general distribution of cap ital among the masses.. The number of buildings already erected and now neatly completed, has set afloat thou sands of dollars to the great realief of the. community, and the work of Improvement is going forward with renewed vigor. The. heavy building just began, mechanics arc now cl oaring away the rubbish in preparation for more Important improvements. On Dear born street, between Washington and Madi son streets, a large block of stores will be erected during the summer. On the North side, at the comer of Clark and Indiana streets, three brick stores are contracted for, and will speadfly go op. These, together with a large number of others equally important, will add much to the appearance of the city, as well as employ thousands of men in their consfcraction, who in turn will helpswell theamonnt of the re tan trade, and thus keep the wheels of com merce moving around with steady pace. We continue our report of the transfers of property as affording an index to the magni tude of the real estate business. The trans fers date from May 7th to May 10 th; Martin Butz to Henry Greenebanm—Trust Deed dated May 7th, 1862 ; coslderatlon ($t00; lot 4, of lot 2, B. 36, S. E. K. sec 21, T. 89, R. 14. Herman F. Baer to Frederick Mahala—iiortgage dated May Ist. 1682; consideration $2,000; W. X of E.xlot7,block3l, Old Town- John EaS to Wm, H-BushneU—Agreement, date January XSth, 1861; consideration $423; W. X of S. E. aof Sec. 23, T. 41. R. 12 . a . , Henry B- Brown to J. D. M. Carr—Deed, dated \prill4.lß6B; consideration $1,230: Jots 2, 3, 5, 7 and 10. Block 1, Hagan & Brown’s addition Berit T. Cole to Henry L. Rucker—Deed dated December 23, 1861 ; consideration $500; part of lot 2, block 12, Old Town- x Chaa.E. Chase to Sam-E. Sawy cr—Mortgage, date May 7, 1852; consideration SI,OOO ; lot 10, block 49. Carpenter's addition. , JohnD. M. Carr to Charles D. Knox—Deed, I date April 10th, 1562; consideration $-’SO; lot 5, block!; Hagan & Brown’* addition. John Demster to John Peck—Deed, 26th July, 1659; consideration $160; lot 4 and 5, block GO, Evanston. _ „ . _ , ffm. P. Dickeman to Parsons Cooke—Deotr, date Sd May, 1602: consideration $6090; lot 15 and 16. block 124. School Section Addition. John Evans to Wm. Neal—Mortgage, date Sd Mav, 1852: consideration $5,000 ;9 aji; Sec 30, T. 88, R. 14. , x , 0. J. Haß to Chfts. W. Ross—Agreement dated Hay 7.1662; consideration $600; lots 85, 87, and SS, in block 1> Davis'a Addition. , , , _ Ephraim En gills to L. C. P. Freer—Deed dated February 18,1851; consideration $1,500; B. 75 in W.Jtf of Sec. 27, T. 89 R. 14, and W. 20 ft of lot 6, : and part of lot 7, in block 118, School Section Ad- Phillp KeHer to Peter Martb—Deed dated May, 1662; consideration $500: sub lot 2of lot 124, But terfield's Addition. _ , Same to Henry Keller—Heed dated ithMay, 18G2 —Sub Jot lof Jot 134. , „ ~ sine to Wn. Ganthur—Deed dated 7th May, 1662; snb lot Bof lot 184. _ , , x a ,, „ Same to Henry Heller et al.—Deed dated May », ]&;2; snb lot 4of lot 124; consideration SSOO, all in Butterfield's Addition. , , . , Mathew L&flin to L. B. Otis—Agreement dated 27th November, 1661; consideration $1,758 of cer tified sale. „ „ , a peter Emerick et al to Jacob Kauffman—Deeded May 7th. 1862; consideration $500; lot 8, block 51, of Sec. S3, T. 40, R. 14. _ a . . . D&fiiel Egan toL. P. C. Freer—Trust Deed dated Mav Bth, 1862; consideration s4^2B; part block 64. School Section Addition. Samuel P Harrington to Geo. E. Shipman—Deed dates 26th January, 1862. consideration $1; lot 4 lo 6. blocklS of fractional Sec. 2, T 88,14. 1 homas Freeman et al to Franklin Lombard— Deed dates 12th May.lßso; consideration $1,850; lots, C,15 and 10, oflot 197, ItSand 201, and cast 50 feet of block 202, Bronson's Addition. Michael Fichter to Jacob Kauffman—Deed, date 7th May, 1562; consideration $300; lot 8, block 51 of Sec. 3, T. 40, R. 14 _ „ , r . Vi'm. & Wm. H. Fisher to Geo. Russell—Mort* dated Mav Ist 1652; consideration $850; part of Sec. 14, T. 42, R. 10. , Gotlclb Guenther to Elias Greenbcanm—Trust Deed, dated May 6 1862; consideration $1,000; subdivision oflot 1, block 25, School Section Ad- diUou. _ _ . . , Louie Garfield to Alfred Parsons—Peed dated March 58.1857; consideration $1,000; part ofb.W, x of the SVT. K of Sec. 4, T. 42, E 12. Km B.*Johnston to Samuel Johnston—Peed dated December 18, 5881; consideration $1; N2ft. G in. of lot 16, block 23, and part of block S'- of Johnston- Roberts & 9war’s Addition. Allen C. Lewis to Geo. Rae—Deed May 3, l&>2; consideration, $550; lot 39t0 50, block 5, Samsons &■ Green's addition. _ , Master in Chancery to Chas. P. Williams—Deed dated May 6,1862; consideration, SB,OI-0: part AW •3-4 of Sec. 22, T. 30, R. 14. . _ * 3 „ J Master in Chancery to Lewis D. Hoard —Peed dated May 3,1883; consideration, $1,500; 1? 39 ft, lot 1 and 2, block 12, Kinzic’s addition. John W. Is orris to Sanford B. Perry—Trust Peed dated May 7, 1662; consideration, $700; the S# of SE and SW Sec. S4, T. S3. R. IS. a , 4 Jacob Panly to F. Schneider—Trust Deed, date Nov. 7lb, 1861: consideration SSO; E#of S X Lot 5, B 59, of FE % Sec. 21, T. 39. R. 14. Henry L Rucker to Leon Strans—Trust Deed, date May 7,1662; consideration $700; part of lot 2,1)10ck'12, Old Town. . , , Dinah Smith, et aL to Frankhn Lombard—Deed, date May 12, I860; consideration $1,850; Lots 5, 6.15 and 16 of Lot 197,193. 201, and 850 feet of Block BrowpsonsAddition. , . , Michael Shocp to James Hickey—Deed dated 29th April. 1662; consideration $300; let sorS. E. ts Sec 30 T. S9 It. 14. Smith to Daniel Bean—Deed dated Bth May, 1862: consideration ss.t>oo; part of block 81, School Section Addition. . . _ Sheriff of Cook Connty to Wm. F. Dommlc—Cer tificate of Bale dated Slh May, 1862: consideration S2,?SO; lot 4. block 3, Duncan’s Addition. Trustees of Illinois & Michigan Canal to John Jf. Williams—Deed dated March 7th, 1852; lot 6, blr ck 7, Old Town. United States Marshal to John Brooks—Certifi cate of sale date 2l)ih February. 1862; cosidera* alien $1,100; lots 5, 6 and 7, block 18, Johnstons Roberts and Swor’s addition „ James H. Woodworth to Wm. H. Waite—Deed date Mav 7th. ISG2; consideration $1,225; lot 21, block 2, t. Park addition; lot 3?, block il, Shef field’* addition. , . „ „ M-, r w -warren to John Lynch and Thomis Nikon—Deeds date 6th May, 1862; consideration sls(i: tub lot 7of sub lot 7, block 1. Sheffield a addition; sub lot eof block 1, Sheffield a addl- John W. Wright et aL to Wm. R. Smith et al.— Agreement, dale !Wth December, 1860, of N. B. % and E. Xofß. E. 3*, Sec. 5. T. 89, R. 14. t Bcrhena Harding to John V. Fanrell—Mortgage, date May let, 1863; consideration $393; lot 9, block 2, Delevan’e addition. _ _ , John V. Fancell to Hartwig Behrens—Peed, date May Ist, 1682; considerationssoo;lot9, block 2, Delevan’e addition. . , . _ ~ . , Joseph Nelson to Joackim Ludswig—Deed. dated April 9th, 1661; consideration $240; part of S. E. M Sec. 28. T. 41, R. 13. a _ . _ Andrew Nelson to BL A. Atwater—Peed dated Not. 14th, 1861: consideration $400; 8. if ox 812 ofttcTT. JfofthuS. W Jf.Sec. SB, T. 40.8. tl. Lucius B. Otis to Benj. wilder—Release dated April 17th, 1862; consideration $1,934; certificate Ann and James Ryder to JCalharine Mnlvahill— Deed date April S3, '69; consideration $400; lot 40 of of K H block 16, Sec. 7, T.», H. 14. Roeemil Cemetery Go.—Deed date Sd May, 63, consideration $100; lots 604 and 502, Sec. B, Eoschill Cemetery. . _ _ , , Sheriff of Cook Co. to Morris S. Buckner—Deed dateS4th April.’62; consideration $248; part of SE. M Sec. SI, T. 40, R. 14. k t „ . United States to Wm. J. Miller—Pat. date March 10th, 1648; consideration $1; E. # of NB. Hof Augustus Wiswcll to Chas, daten Dec. 6,1661; consideration. $2.500: sub lot 15.16.25. 26. 35.86. of lot 4in block 8, and eub lot 5 and 6 of lot 11, block 7, Rockwell’s addition. Horace F. Waite to Wm. Mathews—Deed dated April 6,1862; consideration, $1; NXof«X ox x. X lot 8, Bronson’s addition. A Tale of a Horae. In the late funeral procession, many of our citizens must have observed a splendid Mor gau-Arabian dark chestnut horse with silver mane and tail, rode by Geo. Gage, Esq. The horse, besides his excellent points, his proud ly arching neck, delicate step and glossy hide, has quite a history connected ■with him; in other words to this animal hangs a tale quite different from the; caudal appendage, with which necessity nature pronided hinv At the breaking out of the rebellion, he belonged to a widow lady in Memphis, of high connections and large wealth, who paid a fabulous sum for him, attracted by his rare beauty. He was a favorite pet with her, and her affections were divided between him and a gallant and gay Mississippi Major of cavalry, a dashing dragoon gotten up exclusively for killing fair ladies with his smiles, and the “damned Tanks v with his terrible cutlass. Just previous to his departure for Columbus 1 (the Major, not the horse,) this murderous Mississippi Major hod an Interview with the weeping widow, who was inconsolable at hi* departure, and wouldn’t be comforted any how. The flattering tongue ef the Major, however, applied to her wounds the sweet oil of assurances that the Yanks could not kill him with bullet or bayonet. He bestowed upon her many parting mementoes of his af fection and promises of his constancy, and she in return bestowed upon him the hand some horse with the silver talL She bade him do nothing to dishonor the horse or hia coun try, and in the thickest of the fight to bear himself bravely, at the same time gcaUy la sinnatiog that a Yankee’s shin-bone for a par- 1 asol handle, or his skull for a workbox, or hia metatarsals for the hypothetlcslhelc to ratUe, would prove acceptable. The terrible Major swore an oath which might have shocked « our army in Flanders” and solemnly, npon bended knee, promised that either his dead body or the horse with the silver tail should be returned to her. She bade him good-bye, he mounted the splendid animal, she went to wooing somebody else, and he went to the war, top-fnll of gallantry. It chanced that the first battle la which the Major was engaged was at Belmont. Prior to the of the fight, the Major and a squad of Ids cavalry were surprised by a reconnoltering party of Federals. These was 14 mounting in hot baste’’ and a general skedaddle of the most approved descripUon. The Major left in such a hurry that he .forgot his horse, who, like & sensible animal, mani fested bis disgust by running into the Federal lines. He was subsequently sent to Cairo, and a few weeks since was sold at Govern ment sale and bought by a Chicago gentle man. As neither the dead body of the Major nor the live body of the horse have made tbeir appearance at the widow’s mansion at Memphis, it is presumable that any farther little love arrangements between them are squelched. In any event the widow is out* hone and the Major is out a widow, and the Chicago gentleman is in to (be amount of * horse worth the owning. Death ofDollrerWalker, Esq. We are pained to learn that Deliver Walker.'Esqi, an old and well esteemed citi zen. of Chicago, died very suddenly of con gefitlwi of the heart at his residence No. 60 Third avenue, on Monday nigh I *. Thedeceas. Ed was lir.t seized with &toI symptoms on the afternoon of the same day while walking up tiie avenue. When near his residence, he hy some of his neighbors to be apparently Sinking down to the sidewalk. Assistance was Immediately rendered hi m and he was helped into the house, but he lived only a short time. The 'lamented deceased was a.native of West Brookfield, Hass. He has resided in this city many years, and by strict attention, to business had accumulated a handsome prop erty. • Every one will remember his furniture stand, in times gone by, opposite the Hatte son House. He will also he remembered as an old and staunch member of the Liberty Guard. In all respects he was an upright, honest, conscientious Christian man, and leaves a large circle* of friends to mourn his untimely end. It is a sad coincidence that ■within a week past the Plymouth Congrega tional Church has lost three of its most prominent members—Carlos Haven, Captain Parsons, and Deliver Walker. Thus one by one the old settlers are dropping away and a new generation ‘ taking their places. Well Merited* Capt. William S. Swan, of Company C, 57th Illinois regiment, at the great battle of Shiloh was severely wounded and lost bos sword. Capt. Swan was formerly in the mail service, holding the responsible position of route agent on the Galena and Chicago Union Rail road. He was & most excellent and popular officer In that service, but his patriotism would not let him remain here when he thought his country needed him in front of the enemy, and he resigned his position in the mull service to take a position as Captain of the company which he commanded on that bloody field. On his return to this city to re cuperate from his wound, his old associates in the Chicago Tost Office, who know him well, and honor him for his noble qualities, deter mined that the Captain should have another sword, as good a one as ever graced a soldier's thigh; and it was immediately obtained, with the accompaniment of an elegant silver mounted Colt’s revolver. Testerday was the day fixed for the presentation, and a goodly party, at about 2 o’clock, proceeded from the Post Office to the Captain’s bouse, where the pleasant ceremonies took place. Mr. , in behalf of his associates, ad dressed Capt. Swan, os follows: Captain Swan lam requested by your for- mer associates in the mail service, to present to you these implemcnta cf war, as a slight token of the respect and admiration they entertain for yon as a mmi and a soldier. It has been customary to make such presentations to soldiers before starting for the field of battle, but in this case it is different, you haring been in active service and have earned them by your bravery. It is not ne cessary for me to ask yon to use them faithfully, and only in a righteous cause. Your conduct in the past is a sufficient guaranty for the future. A little more than one short year ago, the most of us represented here were strangers to each other; we were thrown together from this and adjoining States, all being engaged In the service of Gov ernment in one of Its peaceful departments. At that time out country was enjoying the blessings of peace—the muttcrings of the now formidable rebellion were scarcely heard.. But this time of I peace was not of long duration. Fort Sumter was I attacked; the country was startled from its dream I of peace. Hundreds of thousands of the freemen of the Korth sprang to anus and rallied in defense of the old flag. You, Sir, being qualified to com mand bf former service in the army, raised your company and was enrolled In the Grand Amy of the Union. From that time to the present your friends and fOl mer associates have watched you with unflag ging interest, and when wc heard that you, with your regiment, at Fort Bonclson, was exposed for two long days and nights to the pitiless storm of steel and snow, then we could faintly realize what it cost to fight for our beloved country. The fort was taken, and ft glorious victory won. Then came the order for the advance np the Tennessee. It is useless for me to attempt to describe the events that followed that advance. They are now part of the history of the country. Tour part in the bat tle of Shiloh was an honor to yourself and your command. Struck down by a ballet from tbe ene my, you refused to leave tbe field until the rebels were routed and victory perched once more on the banner of tbe Union. And now, air, as you are again about to join your companions in arms, receive this sword and pis tol, and with them our best wishes for your safe return to your family and friends. To this address Captain Swan replied in the following noble speech: • Gzxtlemuk:— ln acknowledging the pleasure I feel on this most unexpected occasion, lean but briefly express my sincere and heartfelt thanks for the handsome present which accompanies your kind and flattering words. To have been thought worthy of so much consideration among my old associates in the mail service, is in Itself sufficient reward for whatever danger I have passed. In re- i spending to tbe call of my country. I did but recog i nize the first duty of tbe citizen who sees in the entirety of this Republic the first vital principle of its life; and lam sure it will be my greatest pride to reflect, when this wicked rebellion is crushed, I that 1 have been an humble instrument .in the bonds of Providence in bringing confusion to • traitors and in contributing to tbe permanency of our good Government. Gentlemen, I trust it will not be necessary to use these weapons in the field, for I think the dying throes of the rebellion are now bringing despair to all unrighteous traitors; hut, should it he nec essary, I hope to put them to such service that neither the givers nor the receiver of them shall ever blush to remember this hour. The sword bears the following inscription; ‘•Presented to Captain William G. Swan by his former associates in the mail service.*’ Wc bear that Capt. 8. will return to the field a very brief period. XJhiok Depehoe Committee. —All claims against the Union Defence Committee, of which there is any record, having been paid, other claims, if any, must be presented for payment within the next thirty days to THOS. B. BRYAN, Treasurer of the Union Defence Com. May ISlh, 1862. A Bgt Dkowked.—A boy named Hubbard Colosky, four years of age, whose parents re side on Liberty street near Fourth Avenue, was drowned lu the river,yesterday afternoon, at the foot of Liberty street. The little fellow was playing upon the bank with some of his comrades, accidentally slipped in and was drowned before any one came to his assist ance. The Coroner held an inquest upon the body, and the usual verdict was returned. Accepted. —BeY. Jacob B. Bhephard. of Oberiin, Ohio, assumes the pastoral charge of the Plymouth Congregational Church, next month. IiAW CTCEtUGEROE. U«nSD Statbs Circuit Court— BtfOre \Tudgt Drumtr,ond.~ No. 151—Chancery; Edward P. T*js eon tb. Christian Ferin; dismissed at plaintiff's coate. No.Forsyth vs. Meehan et al.; man date from Supreme Court filed, and nsaal order for fifc for costs. No. M3—Chancery: John P-Crozer re. Augustus Prithee et al.; report of master filed, and confirmed, and decree to be entered as pre pared. No 754—Isaac Park vs. Illinois Grand Trunk Railway Co.; default, and writ of enquiry returnable to a future day. No. 735—Samuel €. Darla tb. Joseph King; judgment byde&niuand rrrit of pdfceseion ordered No. 381—Jas. 4L Pen dleton va. Town of Eocktou; upon reinstating this cause, and on the docket of April 14, *63, the ques tion aa to tho coats which occurred to the date of the order reinstating the cause on the docket. No. —; Aaahel Emkh vs, The Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Co.: on trial; the principal part I ofthfedaywas spent in hearmgteßtimany, &v~ Cx»CtJTT CoTEBT 07 COOK OoTOTT— BtfW Judge The following case* are continued, viz; Nob. 745.748,7*7.750.751.753,754. 765.—The fol lowing cases are dismissed, viz: Nos. 743,744,749. 766, 767,770,775. No. 685.—Wm. D. Bezaor va. Charles T. Bogne; leave to piarntin to file several replications, No. 743—John Been t>. John T. Boylnglon; case submitted to court, and tatea under advise ment. No 678—Wm- H. Crawford vs Bichard B. Appleby: now on trial. No. 739—Margaret Ylrard ve. William. Smith; defendant gnllty. Damages assessed at 8 >OO. Judgment on verdict. Motion for a sew trial by defendants. No. 6S9—George Adams vs. Silas Briggs, implead ed with J. Briggs; jury again called; evidence closed,jury retin;. . _ Butbbiob Court— Before Judge Hlppln*.—Cases dl-misf-ed as follows: Noe. 741 and 109. No. 843 J Bossy ct al vs. H. Peistr el al; verdict deteno ante not gnPtr. Motion for a new trial byplain ttffs No 402 J. B Sheffield et al vs. John House •with el td; snbroUted. Verdict, dcfendials i guilty, and judgment on verdict. No. 440-J. Ste- | nuens et al va. James Moore et al; verdict for plaintiff. Damages. $1,239.11. Motion for a new trial by defendants. People, ex rah, va. Perkins; habeas corpus. Order that boy be discharged. No. 448-James Midcap vs. Samuel T. Foss; now on trial. No. 435-John B. Parsons p. The American Express Co. .cause continued at de fendants* costs. mi __ StrPßEirt Cocwr of Irxmors, Ottawa, Mar 15, 1862.—Court met, pursuant to adjournment. Pres ent. all the Justices. 295—Henry J. Mix vs, Moses Netileton; motion to set aside submission and strike bill of exceptions from the files, allowed. 6 P. D.—Michael Reims va. The People; motion to act aside order of dismissal. 83—Thos Snell ▼s. Henry Jaquith et al: errors confessed and con tinuance set aside, and judgment reversed and cause remanded, 10P.D.—Patrick Mullen va. The Peosle: writ of error dismissed for non-compli anoe. 59—Mary Curtiss vs William 3. Brown et al- argument of this cause continued and con cluded by Scales foe plaintiff in error, and taken l under advisement by the Court. Adjourned until 9 o'clock Tuesday looming. Company A* Chicago Light Artillery* A few good steady men are wanted for Company A, Chicago Light Artillery, now in Gen. Halieck's army. Transportation will be famished to ah ac cepted. Apply to Captain James, Kb. 300 South Canal street. maylS-St A BeqnMt-hentah la order to avoid frequent Interruptions in ap pointments and the. loss of time to patients, Dr. Aliport will hereafter devote from 10 to MX a. w. and from Bto3# r. to consultations—at which times be wfil see all those who desire hU advice la regard to their teeth, or wish to make appointments for dental operations, it will ho a very great economy In to Ms patients as well as himself, and be wiß esteem it a favor if all persons wiU so far as practicable, comply with the above request. May 10th. 1663. maylMt The Voice.—“ Brown’s Bronchial Troches,” or Congb and Voice Lozenge b, clear the voice, which commends them particularly to singers and public speakers. Pr Refrigerators and Ice Boxes—wholesale and retail—of the most approved kinds. Refrigerators repaired or exchanged. inayig-St J. W. Barr, 68 LaSalle St. gar* “Yankee Card Writer,” Sherman House, also orders taken in Custom House Place, next to post Office. Samples for two stamps— printed from plate sl. majlS-St par L. Button's new livery Stable is finished, and bis stock of horses and carriages has been re turned to the old stand in Conch place, between Dearborn and Clark. The stable has been enlarg ed and its facilities for boarding horses increased. maylS-3t fg* Madame Bollard, the great Magnetic Doc tress, Is daily astonishing and convincing some of the most skeptical of our citizens of her won derful power in curing diseases! It is to behoped that no oue will [despair of a cure until they have given Madame H. a trial. Satistictory references of remarkable cures will be cheerfully given when required, by applying at her residence, No. 43 Michigan Avenue. may!2x6t Pr A good shade hanger wanted. Apply to E. G. L. Faxon, 70 Lake street. ap2l-pT4S Go to John Jones, 119 Dearborn at., and get your clothes thoroughly cleaned and neatly repaired., novia ‘Call on Dnnlop, Sewell & Spalding for Printing.” novU-hSSi-Iy Buy paper hangings of Chase & Co-, 109 Randolph street. mh23-3m yy For cleaning and dying gentleman's clothes go to Cook & McLean, 98 Dearborn-street. This old establlshedhousc do better and cheaper work fTifln any In the city. cb2l-ly FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL MONETAB Y. Tuisday Evening, May 13. Monetary operations have been exceedingly quiet to-day. There is plenty of money, but few takers. Exchange Is plenty at the quotations— par buying—selling. Gold islittle stiffer to day, andlhebauks'pay 2X and sell for 3c. Ap proved Quartermaster's Vouchers are in demand at 9Tc@97>£c. Auditor’s Warrants 96j£(&07c. Gotzekmem 1 Sscciuties. —One of the moat cheering signs of .the times is the present market value of Government securities. To-day U. S. Government sixes of 1881, sold In New York for 105X> a&d 'l3-10 Treasury notes at 105’£, while gold scarcely touches 3% per cent, premium. This extraordinary prosperity of the Treasury after the tremendous drafts on its resources for the last year, Is a matter of the greatest surprise as well as satisfaction. It is doubtless almost entirely due to the late Federal successes, which has given a ; confidence to capitalists in the Government secu rities beyond that of any other, and the result is the funding and rc-issne of Treasury notes in large quantities, ginng relief to the Treasury and ren dering the future of that department comparative ly easy. Mr. Chase will have no difficulty in get ting any amountof money he requires on six per cent, bonds, and if our successes in the field con tinue. these bonds will realize a handsome pre mium to the Government. Treasury notes are now about as good as gold, and the people arc anxious ly looking for more of them. They imH entirely throw out of circulation in the West the Immense quantities of ambiguous currency which is now forad upon ua. The New York Herald says: Mr. Chase may well be congratulated on the vin-, dication of his financial policy by tbe present con dition of Government securities. We understand that he is determined not to Issue any more Treaa nrynotesatpresent, and not to extend the limit fer deposits at the Sub Treasuries. His certifi cates of indebtedness, having one year to run, are now selling at par. We take the following items from Thompson’s Banknote Reporter: “Of the Federal Securities, the 7-30 a are the cheapest investment: and of the State Stocks, at the price they are going, Illinois are the best in vestment. “ Tbe people are waking up to the feet that any safe stock is better at par, or even at a premium, than tbe irredeemable currency, whether Govern ment or State Bank notes. “Mr. Sec. Cliaao has negotiated some eix mil lions of 7-30 Treasury Notes, in the past few days, in exchange for gold, each at par. This secures all the gold that is needed for interest on the pub lic debt up to the Ist of Oct. Before that time the Cost om House receipts will supply all the gold that wlB he needed for interest-'' “Ekqbaved Signatubes.—The rush of the Banks to force out their circulation upon the peo ple a» fast as the Government does, is eo great that some of them are having the signatures en graved on their notes. We only do our duty in remarking that these ‘promises to pay’ have al ready been held not to be legally binding upon the ireiicr s'*'—Eastern Bulletin. We understand that strenuous attempts will be made to give this style of paper a general circula tion in thcWest, and the people should discount enance any currency except that famished by the Faited States Government ane reliadle banka in their peculiar localities. The wild cats do not all oriiiinatc “ out West.” Eajsed Notes—One dollar bills on the Citizen's Bank of Pittsburgh have been extensively altered to s’a and 10‘s and put into circulation cast of ns. Some of them may be offered here, and caution •will be required in taking such. The vignette of the genuine Is, altered as above is: Females seated each side of an anvil; “Citizen’s Bank" in a geml-circle above. The Public Debt. (From the N. T. Times, 12th.3 The following is the approximate summary of the present national debt; Five and Six per cents., old debt $ 61,700,003 Sis per cents, of 1861 due in 1881 63,300,000 Total Funded Stock $120,000,000 Treasury Bonds, 7-SO per cents, '64..., 1x7,000,600 Treasury Notes, 6 per cents., ’63 3,000,000 Treasury Certificates, G per cents., 12 months 40,000,000 United States Notes of Circulation,.. 110,000,000 Total debt, May 10,1863... Total debt, March 4,1583 Total debt, March 4, 1681 Increase of debt to suppress rebellion. $324,000,000 Xbe Pnbllc Credit—Gratifying Kesults. [From the Kew York Times, 13th.] The Public Credit has advanced rapidly on the Stock Exchange within the past fortnight. On Saturday week the sales of the Public Funds of 1881 at pat at the Board of Brokers, was deemed an event so suspicions and gratifying as to induce an exchange of congratulations between the Pres ident of the Board and the Hon. Secretary of the Treasury. These funds, in the darkest days of the I rebellion in the summerof 1861, were awarded from I the Treastuy as low as 85 per cent, and fell at one I time on the Stock Exchange to 80 per cent., the I accumulated interest being thrown out of 1 tbe account. Another award was aub -1 t-equemlymade to the Associated Banks of the three At‘antic cities at 89 Si per cent, to the ex | tent of fifty millions of dollars, and so fearful 1 were some of banks that this operation might prove a losing one that they accepted they first 1 oflera of the public, through the Stock Exchange, I to telltve themselves at cost aub interest. It was not until late in April that the market advanced materially above 93 or 93 per cent and under all I these circumstances the unexpected pleasure ex l preseedat tbe first sales in Hay at tbe par value of the stock la not to be wondered at. Thispleas- I ure is now increased bv the circumstance that on Saturday last tbe same stock sold at 100 per cent. New York Money Market. [From the New York Herald, 12th.] The specie in the banka is rapidly running down, owing, in some measure, to the $8,000,0u0 of gold bonght by Mr. Cisco in exchange for Treasuey? 3-10 notes; the actual amount In the banks to-day is under SSO,€GS,3OO; showing a decease, compared with Saturday, May 8, of $5,000,000. Tbe weekly average is estimated at over $22,000,000 acainst $35,175,388 the preced ing statement. The commercial loans are to-day $@,300,(*0, against $86,000,000 Saturday. May 8, and the weekly average is a fraction over $57,000,000.- The “net deposits” hare st atiaincd tbe immense sum of $115,250,000, against JICSi 00,0(0 on Saturday, May 3, |D-4,300,000 on April S6, $25,600,000 on April 19, and $91,000,000 on April 7. This Increase in the net deposits of over s&,COf\ooo in a month, while the commercial loans during the same period are increased only about $6,000,000. is unprecedented in the annate of our bank expansion, and evidences unmistaka bly the extraordinary plethora of unemployed private funds. When peace and confidence are restored there will be no want of capital for every | enterprise that promises to pay a profit. COMMKKCXAL. Tuebpat Ktssiko. May 13. u,mmiTWa py J.VVTvma ABTICUBS ATCHICAGO. "Weekend's Since Jan. 1, Same May 10. 1862. time 1861. Flour, brlß 60,583 403,561 418,928 Wheat, bu 171,912 2.061,711 2,434.32; Com. bu 474,510 8,738,778 4^09.631 Oats, bn, 67.699 305.438 917,657 RyoVbu 89.460 978.961 109.980 Barley, bu 42.612 377,459 552.178 Seeds, lbs... 18.649 Potatoes, bu 3,463 82.846 93.802 Beef,btlfi—....... .... 657 1,831 Pork, brls... 1.610 82,672 30,9)6 Cot Meats, lbs 2,995,769 13.466.890 7,768 859 laid, lbs ... 654.7tfT 15,858,570 5,218,519 Tallow, lbs 8,779 180.743 925.717 Live Hoes, no 4,673 190 936 114,367 Dressed Bogs, n0... 5 172,553 144,103 .... 5.4U 87,583 41,934 8ide5,**.....*...., 165,730 4,196,785 2,614,658 WooL Ihs 53. 77 11.9-3 Lumber, ft 9.974,750 94,276 600 96,663,428 Shingles, no .4,180 000 16.175,000 13 016.85 > . LaihVno. 300,C00 5,030,1)00 2,718.250 Timiiec.ftll.ls9CJCo 1.116.000 697,070 81,650 250.M0 156459 15,000 90,000 Wooicds 2,694 14,194 19,83* Staves, no 485,000 2,129,000 1,613.792 Sait, biia 14,279 29.800 14,451 Highwines, bria.... 1,225 28.308 30,091 Fi9n,pkga 81 SeoO 4 661 Butter, *8 16,006 921,528 370.902 DriedPrnlt, 1b5..,. 3,022 646,190 4.317,630 Apples, bris.. 66 - 1.857 86.215 Broom Coro, 1b5.... 8,690 94,2*5 191,500 Mill Stnfis, tt>s 224.781 1.996.326 4.039.623 Lead, S>a 379,097 2.834M7 1,031,936 Coal, tons *OBI 16,510 11,811 SBIPVSKTS OP LEADING ARTICLES AT CHICAGO. Weekend's Since Jaa. Same time May in. J. 1861 188 L Floor, bria TrtJBB 591,418 40,417 Wheat, bo. 688.875 2,069,278 3,146.306 Corn, b0...* 748,685 1,862.1*8 2,582,96* Oats! bO 178,800 287,177 17 *3* BveTba 45,878 158,984 1*698 Bariev bn . 19,430 ILB 5« 83,859 Seed/, B>a Potatoes, bn 81 81 167,891 Beef, bria 1£94 88.W 9»U« fta£,bria 12,884 229;878 1.498 Cut Meats, fts 664,051 88,854.888 20,802.600 Bard,&B7. .1.008,263 24.509,331 11,186,573 Tallow, lbs 3.669609 7.8 637 live Hogs, no U7.853 4&ASS Dre&6edHoga,no.... .... > BMW |9,9T| UIS -'28.889 86,765 Sdes. Ss 17,916 8,084,977 9,788.717 BtSnl 5345.839 Shingles, no 4,4 : 5600 19,065,750 16.817,000 I*Ui no! Timber, ft.....; -• 54,26* 84,680 Posts, n0....'. 9,860 83,364 86,092 picket!, no 9.000 rnooo Wood.cda .... OS .... Blares, .......... 81,000 3,248.360 3,388,146 Balt.brla 9,869 13,696 Higfcwincs.brlß 796 19.083 31.058 rt&Lpkgs! 381 1.196 3.993 Butter, ttfl 11,188 914,818 4W.525 Dried Wnits.fts.... 13,873 388,634 7*0,635 Apples,"brig 44 I#o 2,833 Broom Corn, fta.... 20,999 643,748 • 718,000 MUlitnfla, 173 930 195,015 Lead-lbs.. 128,485 1,618.860 495^40 COfi£tOnS 638 4,188 13,131 BSCBfTfI JOB LAST TWSBTT-JOtJB SOT7BS, Flour Wheat Com Oata Hyo Bor. brio- bo. bn. bu. bo. bn. Canal Q&CUBB .. 1869 11000 1610 3388 964 1281 8188 500 8160 1400 1300 m CEE 2610 8090 8410 1410 200 180 08AQ88... 700 2849 9394 1613 370 160 C&NWBE.. 3234 3661 730 906 1030 870 A&StLEB . 6418 25961 114786 7883 6045 8381 Total. Grass Tftgh Seed Wns L’d. LH'gfl Cattle Hidee lbs. brls fits. No. No. Sbs. rmufl 50 40066 G&CCKK.. SOO 100 SINS. GO 40066 .... iK.. SOO 100 14 560 aoao SO 14520 .... 16 24230 iR. 60 26170 .... 45 2100 - 710 ECRE CB&QEB.. CilfW A&StL.. .. 200 350 807G5 100 165 32015 Total. SBIPJIENTB BT T.nirie T.abt TW2HTY-POBBHOTTHS. Floor Wheat Com Oats Bye Bar. bria. btu bo. bo. bo. bn, Toßnfialo ... 7717 26725 20055 To Kingston 7325 1 at To Ontonagon 57 .... 175 875 | jj, Total wi w aosoii "ire ' m The steamer Jura was telegraphed this after noon, reporting Breadstuff:} quiet asd nominally unchanged. The leading markets today were ra ther more animated. Wheat was steady and mod erately active, with sales of No. 3 Bed Winter at 84#@65c; No. 1 Spring at 77#@79c; No. 8 do at ee&TOc, and Amber lowa at 80c in store. Flour was dull and neglected—buyers insisting on lower prices. There was an active demand for Com, both by shippers asd speculators, and the market was Arm with sales of Hiver Mixed at 29*£ c afloat; Old Canal Mixed at afloat; New do at 26c afloat *, Old Mixed .at 26X@27c in store— principally at the outside figures. New Mixed at 34c in store, and Rejected at 22c in store. Oats were active but lower, sales being made at 26@ 26#c for' No. 1 in store Eye opened firm and higher, but closed dull. Bailey is offered liberally on track, but the demand is light and the market heavy. Seeds quiet. High wines nominal—buyers cfferSo@3B>£, holders askSlc. Lake Freights arc quiet and steady at 7c for Cbru and 7#c for "Wheat to Buffalo. CHICAGO DAILY 3EABKBT. Tuesday Evzklns, May 13,1662. FRIEIGHTS—Steady and unchanged. The en gage mante to-day were as follows: Schr Sweep stakes, wheat, at 7Kc;.schrs E R Martin and Pa rana, com, at 7c; shr Col Cook (to load to-mor row t > at £amfc—all toßufialo. FX.OUB—-Keceipte, -6,418 hrls- Shipments, 7,773 hrls Market doll; sales, 500 hrls “Ex celsior” good Spring Extra, at $3.89# del; SCO hrls “Empire” do, at S3JBO del; 100 hrls “Ke waree” on p t; 100hrlsSaperflnc,at sß.Bl# del WHEAT—Receipt, 25,961 hu. Shipments, 83,950 hn. Market steady. Sales, 400 ha. No 2 Bed Win ter, at S4#c in store; 1,200 hu do, at 85c in store; 1,5i-otmAxQherlowa,atßoc in store; 8,000 hn No 1 Spring, at 77#c in store; 6,000 hn do at 78c in store; 1,200 hn do, at 78#C ; 7,000 hn do, at 79c in store; 7,000 bn No 3 Spring, Flint & Thompson's, at 7Cc in store; 5,000 ha M& A and A, D & Co’s, at 69c in store; 2,000 hn do, S S & Co% at 06#c in store; 15,000 hn do. SS & Co’s and S B & Co’s, at 66c in store. . CORN—Receipts, 112,736 hu. Shipments, 90,200 hu. Finn and active. Sales, 5,500 hu River Mix ed, at 29#c afloat; 26,000 hu Old Mixed Canal, at 2£#c afloat; 10,000 hu New do, at S6c afloat; 18,500 hu Rejected, at 24c afloat; 13,000 hu Old Mixed, at 27c in store; 2,500 hu do at 26#c In store; 17,000 bu New Mixed at 24c in store ; 6,000 hu Re jected at 22c in store. OATS—Receipts, 7,893 bu. Shipments 875 bu. Market easier and more active. Sales 10,000 bn No 1 at 26#c in store; 7,000 bu do at 26#c in store; 4Cobadoat 26c Ip store; 10,000 bu do at 29cf. o. b. at Ottawa; 600 bu Rejected at 33c in store. BXE—lßeceipts6,o4sho. No shipments. Open ed firm but closed doll. Sales 6,000 bu No lat 44c in store; 1,000 bu do at 48c in store; 400 bu do (in Newberry’s elevator) at 42c in store. BARLEY—Receipts 8.381 bu. No shipments. Dull—sales 123 bags at 34c; 825 hags at 87c; 90 bu fair at 45c; 100 bu prime at 55c—all on track. PROVISIONS—Steady and firm. Sales 267 brls Country Mess Pork at $10.75; 235 brls M- O. Pork at $9.73; 60 brls Clear Mess at sll. 100,000 ®s city and country cut Shoulders and Haras at 3#c and 4#c packed; 4,000 lbs Rib Sides at 4#c pack ed.* Lard quiet but firm. Sales 40 pkga country kettle at 7#c; SO tea city do at 7#c. TALLOW—Finn and in demand, sales SO brls prime city at 7#c. BEANS —Prime qualities are firm and in demand, with sales to-day of 10Q bushels at $1.55. Medium to good grades range from 90c@51.35. BROOM CORN—The supply of prime brush is light and the market firm at S9O 00@100.00. Medi um to good grades range from $60.03@80.00 tou. BUTTER—RoII Butler is in good supply and dull at 7®B#c. Fresh Firkin Butter is In fair de mand at B@9#c. Dairy Is in moderate request at 10@13#c._ _ _ CHEESE—Quiet. We quote: Western Reserve, B*@9c; State, 6@7c; N. Y. Hamburg, 9*@loc. CANDLES—Steady and unchanged. We quote.: Star (14 02.), 13*®15c; Stoarine, 12*@18*c,; Mould, B*®9Xc. FRUITS —Green Apples arc in light supply and higher, with sales at $4.0005,00 * hrl for Now York State. Orange* and Lemons are in. fell de mand at* box for the former and $4.50 for the latter. Dried Fruit is steady and moderately active. We qnote; Southern Dried Apples, s*@ Cc; Eastern, 6*@7c; Unpared Peaches, 6®Bc; Pared do. 2C<g22c; Raspberries, 16@30c; Black berries, 12* c. FlSH—There is a good demand for Whitefish and Trout, and the market has advanced 12* c. The following are the closing quotations: Whitefish, No. 1 hf hrls $2.37*02.63* Whitefish, No. S, hf brls 9.12*@2.37* Trout, No. 1, hf brls 9.19*®2.37* Trout, No. SLbf brls 1.75 @9 00 Codfish, i? 100 »s 4.50 @5.00 Pickled Herring 8.75 @4.95 HIDES--The market hi quiet and easy at the following quotations; Green Country, s@s*c; Green Salted, s*® 6c; Dry Salted, 10©Uc; Dry Hint, 13®18*C; Green Kip and Calf, 6@Bc. MILL STUFFS—The supply is large and the market lower. We quote; Bran and Shorts, $6.50 @7.00 pet ton; Middlings, tll.00@17.00; Com Meal, unbolted, |lo.oo® 13.00; do bolted, $19.00® 14.00 per ton. TIMOTHY SEED—Market quiet. Sales 39 bags prime at $1.30; 6 bags good at $1.90. CLOVER SEED—The market is nominal at $5 @525 pet buaheL FLAX SEED—Quiet with limited sales at $1.75 @2.25, according to quality. POTATOES—The supply is liberal and the mar ket quiet at 85@40c for fair to prime qualities on track. POULTRY—DuII. Wo quote Live Chickens at |L2£ per doz; Turkeys, B*®6*c per a. SUNDRIES—The following table shows the closing quotations of the articles named: AlcohoL Sgm. 4C049c Hors-Wisconsin 15@17c Ashes, Babbitts L»K-Barirom3M@4i<C potash. B®lsc Steelcast.... 183*«fc Cukkss—N. T. Sp. Steel... -6*07*0 Hamburgh. i»@9*c How “-...6*oi*c West.Res’yc.7M©B^ c Illinois 6@7C ness oak s&c Goan—Lehigh. W) do hemlock. 96c Scranton egg. 000 Collar * foot 15@16c Blossborghf. 000 Upper “ 17@Wc Erie ... COO Bridle**.. 31@3Sc Mlcetalßidsa 000 Line 80®3lc Chippewa..?. COO Domes Call. 75@S5C Briar 8U1.... COO Domes. Kip. 45065 C CranberraSbri *60@3.00 French Ca1f..100@1.95 Drugs ajjd Dtss— Fr. Kip h’vy. Aloes, Soco- tolight.... 7S@9sc trine,* 1b... -66 c Spanish Solo __ Alum B*@4*c hemlock... S3@26c Annatto sac Good damgd. 20c Arsenic pow.. 6c Slaught'caTa Arr’w EF. Jam2o©S6c o& 29080 c do Ber- 40@45c do hemlock.. 94096 c Bal. Copaira... 75c Nuts—Hicko- BaL Tom? 1.10 ry*bus... 60@73c Bi-carb Soda 6 *@Tc Chean0t5....25003.00 Bi-chroJ’otaah 30c Almonds, eft Borax refined,. 25c shell**.. IB@IBC Camphor . LOO do hard shell 10@l2*c ■ Copperas Am -S*@Bc Filberts 10c CreamTaitar 46c 8razi1....... .Me Cubebs 75C Eng Walnts. Il@t9*c GumTrag...*. 35c Naples d 0... 15C “ ShSiac, 76c Naha—lOd.--. 8.19*4 »• Trag flake 90c 8d 3 37* “ Mytlh.. 44c W 3-|3* Ipecac. 8.00 4d 3-8»* lodine SAO@4.OO 3d 4.37* lodide potas .3.000185 Natal Storks— Jalap 2.50 Spirits tnr- Jnnlperßer.. 7c pentlne... 1.40 OIL ca5t0r...1.6501.75 Tar 10.OT Opium 6.0006.60 Ht<* - 8.00 QuickeQrer.. 59@66c Soain 7.50@19.00 Sal Soda B*oß*o Manila Rope. 19* c Vitriolbloe.. ia@uc Tarred hemp ’ Frms—Otter...2AOo4OQ Rope-.... 14c Mink 1.0001.75 O^um.U.S. Martin, com 1.500 .. • Navy ..... .80*; Martin, OiLa-Keros ne 30@40c and fine...3.5004.00 Coal Oils . ... 35®Wc Bearer* prTe. .6001.00 No-lLardOu 70c Deersktoßiray 19090 c No-9 »c “ blue. 080 c Whale “ 7|c u red.. ®Boc Sperm “ LW Red For ISSOLBO Saleratofl. Bab- Raccoon 10075 c i bitt’sbeet. 7*c Fiflher.prlme. .8.0004.0” * Saleratus, Bab- MmiEst b@l7 bitt'epcic. 7c Wild Ctd. 15@S0 Bo»p.B»bbltt, Prairie W01f... 89@65 ChomlMl.. Sc Timber “ .. E031.C0 annrra-C«m- SS'U 333» =SSS«i« 6c gabs—Cuba T N°T? retSed’wblte iiftee* - - ~lo*@lo*c Hou^fite—K.T.Sogu House SS @3B c PortiuoT ®n e. Pbmuaon « * . :::| g coer^Ko°^ m , 8 .U p .v:;:;;;::;;:® Maracaibo “• §~~ c Santa “ c P t ■Cuiii '’‘c IS I Clotos » c . c ' 7e SAs—Hue Young Eyeoa —TO $ Hack Teas..??. » @9O c ' v-TTuniitP ' .$400,000,000 . 300.000,000 . 76,000,000 St os ~ Snosa—Cassia.. iSgS:;::;;;;:;; Cloves Hnfcmege Teas—Fine Young Eyeoa. Black Teas | CHICAGO LCMBER IUBKET- BZOHPis op iraoEß, eanreus, lats, &c.. tdb 'rxKExxsßra mat 10,1863. 1881 1881. 1888. Lumber ft 0,5 M,750 7.01'’,£5 “■£“■•!* Shingles, No ..4,1»UOO J-715.0M WBO.0B) LnthTpce 8 0.000 1,«T,000 Timber, ft IKW» SLOW Sa.o* Poete.No 3LBO •M» WX) emrauarra or luhbxb, bhxsqlbs, asd lath job WEEB ENDING MAT 10,1862. Umber. Shingles. Lath. j^cSSi' ‘' ■9,619,000 3,667,000 230‘666 8r.Q.»C.tJ.8.8. 681,600 368,000 74,000 ByLC.EB,; 1.048.750 701.500 178,250 ByCT. &B.L B.R. 120,000 13,500 13,000 By C. B.&G.E,E. 778,000 570,600 113,000 By C.A. & StL. RR. 501,350 390,000 61,750 By C.&N.W.E.R. 106,750 ~6,000 6,000 ByM.C.B. B: 20,500 By M. S. B. B. ByP.&TtW.B.B. Total last week... 6,945,839 4,415,500 673,500 Total previous wTc.3,196,000 8,483.000 610,000 Cortes. week 1661-.8,453,975 3,873,360 1,747,000 “ “ 1860,. 6,818,617 Lumber.—The daring the paat week have largely increased, and under an active de mand from city and country retail era, the market has exhibited more life than has been previously witnessed this season. The prospect of nnnsn ally small receipts from some sections of the lum ber regions, and only an average supply from oth ers, contributes to stiffen prices, and sales of a number of desirable cargoes have been made at a slight advance oh last week's prices. ' The following have been the sales daring the week: Cargo schooner Challenge, from Kalamazoo, Rabbld River, strips and boards, $3.25; Harriet -Ass, 60 m Johnson's assorted at $1.50-. Cru sader, 840 m sawed shingles at $3.13#, 40 m cnDa at $4, 30 m shaved shingles Mo.l at $3; Fisher, 70 m Bear Creek mill-run at $7.75; Honest John, & m I amber at $7.62#, 175 m sawed shingles at s3l3#; Illinois, fair Muskegon at $8; Little Belle, 1(0 in coarse Muskegon at SS; Telegraph, 65 m lairmixedMnskegon at SO-13#; Magnet, Mus kegon strips and boards at SS; HirondcH, Rabbld River strips andboards at $8.25; Sam Hale, Oconto mixed at $8.37#; Active, Grand Bivcr, mixed, not rafted, at $7.75; Lizzie Tbttiop, mixed, Mus kegon, at $8.00; Grace Greenwood, 70 m John son's Mills, mill-run, at $7.50; Fisher, Sheldon Mills, mostly dry boards, at ;$8.00,17 m laths at $1,26; Kewaxcum, 80 m Sheldon Hills mill-nm and strirsboaid? at $8.95. 100 m laths at $1.23. LncßZß—The following are the yard price b : First clear .T?T .$22.00 Second clear 18.00 do do I#, 1# and 9 inch 20 00 Third clear boards 13.00® 13.00 Boards, wagon box 12.00 do common to wide 9.0Q do colls 9 CO do stock .10.00® 11.00 Fencing 12,14 and 16 feet 8.50® 9.00 do culls • 6.00 Flooring, common first quality 12.00® 13.00 do do second do 11.00 do clear first quality 18.60 do do second do 16.00 do dressed first quality 20.00 do do second do ...18 00 do common first quality- 14.00® 15.00 do do second do 12.00® 13.00 Siding, common 8.00 do first clear dressed 10.00® 12-00 do second do . •• 0.00 Shingles, sawed assorted 2.50 do shaved do 250 Lath m.. - 1.62#® 1.75 175 875 SUBSETS Bl TJEIEGBAPH. NEW TOEK, Mav 13 —Frora—Receipts. SiOSl « brie. Market 5c lower and more doing. Sales 13,- OOObrls at $4.50®4.55 for super state; $4.7d@4.75 for extra state; $4.50®4-B5 for super western; $4.7C@4-90 for common to medium extra westere; I .0W&5.14 for shipping ’brands cytrr round hoop i )hio. Canadian sour 5c lower. Sales 1,300 brls at s4.7oCj>4-90 for spring; $4 for winter extra. Rvo flour steady at $8 25^4.45. Gbaik—Wheat—Receipts, 57,50S bo, Market rather firmer. Better export inquiry. Sales $6,700 hu at $t.S5 for Michigan; $i 0T for club. Rye firm. Sales 7,000 hu prime North River at Sic. Bailey dull at 70®87c. Corn—Receipts, 18.835 hu. Market firmer. Sales 86,040 hu at sl@-53c for mixed 'western In store aim delivered. Oats dull at 39@42c for western, Canadian, Jersey and state. Puonsious—Unchanged. Balec of 1,600 hila at $12.75@12.67% formers, and $lO for prime. Beef quiet and firm. Cut meats In scare demand. I Rutter unchanged. Cheese unchanged. Whisky—Heavy and lower. Sales of6oo brls at Stocks—Much less active andlower. Monet —Quite easy, and freely offered at 5 per cent, on call. Sterling exchange is doll at 114 for best hankers. _• Stocks—Chi&Rl6s#; CB&Q70; M&Pdu Cl&t pfd 84; T & WI3J4; C&T46&: G&C73; CC&CII6K; C&P2O: ICscrip62% : Panama 130: MSfl’ii MSSS; MCsl%:Hndfl43#;isrie preferred ffl%; North Car 6s 74; Buff & Erie Ist ponds 9J%; IC bonds 9S£s ;N Y C 89%. PacMaii 116; Canton Co 14%; C& P 4th hds 65; US 6s ’Si; coupons 1C5% Treasury 7 3*lo, 105%; U S 6s 1 year certificates 1G0; Ohio 6s ’6O, 1Q2%; Illinois War bonds 96% ; TennSe, ’6O; Mo Ga 52.79;-Cal 7s, 94%; Minn 8 per cent bonds. 98 IBBSS ARRIVED. Stmr Baltic, Averfll, Detroit* Prop Wenona, Conkoy, Buffalo, sundries. Prop Lady Franklin, Napier, St Joseph, 20 m staves, 1,200 railroad tics. Prop CHears, Blodgett, Lincoln. 130 raft lumber, prop J Barber, Perritt, Grand Haren, 100 m ft lumber. Bark Norman, Boardman, Oswego, 175 m lumber from Oconto. Bark Parana, Carpenter, Cleveland, 470 tons co u. Brig Sam Hale, Ferguson, Buffalo, 170 m lumber. Schr D H Martin- Trotter, Buffalo, 12 cds wood. Schr Coliingwood, Doyle, Buffalo, 400 brls salt. Schr Sweepstakes, Buffington, Buffalo. Scbr Exchange, Sewell, Buffalo- Schr Jos Dresden, Finnegan, CharlottevlUe, 70 m lumber, Schr Ethica Thompson, Sand Bay, 8 m posts. Schr Spencer, Everson, Pierre, Marquette, 35 m lumber. 20* m singles. Schr Tartar, Pomeroy, Bay City, 130 mlumber. Schr Cecilia, Glimpton, New Buffalo, 10 cds wood, gchrj Harbridge, Johnson, Kewanee, 45 cords wood-1,000 cedar pos s. , , Schr Boosted, Culver, Muskegon, 40 m lumber, 160 lath- Schr Geo Goble, Perry, Oswego, 400 brls salt. Schr MM Scott, Huntzberger, Presque Isle, 350 tons coal. . Schr Col. Cook, Colton, Bay City, 180 mft lumber. Schr Ellen Pike, Osier, St Paul's Pier, DO cds wood. Brie Trenton, Smith, Manistee, 120 mft lumber. * CLfeABED May 13,'62. Stmr Planet, Ward, Ontonagon, sundries. Prop Dubuque, Silts, Buffalo, 12.0C0 bu com .775 brls flour. Prop Wenona, Conkey. Buffalo, 350 brls pork 700 brls Bout. Prop Adriatic, McLea. Buffalo, 8,025 bu com 300 Dtla flour. . , _ „ Prop Antelope, Galtin, Coliingwood, 3,000 bu - ' Hour. Prop Lady Franklin, Napier. St. Joseph, sundries.. Prop C Meats, Blodget, Lincoln. Bark Ogontz, Croston, Green Bay, Brig Trenton. Smith, Muskegon. Brig Sam Hale, Ferguson, Green Bay. Schr Cecilia, Plimpton, New Buffalo. Schr Ashtabula, Hammer. Grand Haven. Schr J Harbridge, Johnson, Kewanee. Schr Benefited, Culver, Muskegon. Schr Ellen Pike. Osier. Wilkinson's Pier. Schrß G Grey, Dike. Munson’s Harbor, sundries. Schr Jos Dresden, Finnegan, Packard's Pier. Schr D B Martin, Trotter. Buffalo, 21,600 bu com. Schr Itfcica,Thompson, Grand Haven. Schr Gold Hunter, Cottle, Buffalo, 17,000 bn wheat. Schr Spencer, Byerson. Herre Marquette. Schr Forfar. O’Connor, Kingston, 7sIB bu ■wheat. Schr Mermaid, Thompson, Grand Haven. py Vessels Passisq thbouoh tsb Wellakd Cakal. —We are indebted to Capt. B. P. Dorr for the following list of vessels pausing through the Welland Canal; Yesals bound Weft. Wherefrom. On the 7th May, , Sclir Governor, Kingston, Pt. Stanley. Schr Eureka, Oswego, Toledo. Schr Lewis Wells, do do On the Bib- Prop Young America, Ogdensburgh, Chicago. SchrCC Trowbridge, do Chicago. Bchißarbhrlan, Vessel* bound Ea*t. On tbe 7th May. SchrßFDaTy, Milwanhee, Montreal Schr Titian. • Chicago, Oswego. Ontbeeth— Prop "West, Chicago, Montreal. Schr Thos Dyer, Detroit, Oswego. Schr S Bobmaon, Chicago, Kingston. gchr John Bice, ptßarweD, Oswego. Schr Mediterranean, Chicago, do Schr Dreadnaoght, Chicago, do Schr WH Merritt, Milwaukee, Kingston. On the 9th— Prop Prairie State, Milwaukee, Ogdensburgh. Bark Thos Part, do Kingston. Schr Helen Blood, Saginaw. Ogoensborgh. Schr Rival, Milwaukee, Oswego. Sdhr John T Warner, Chicago, Kingston. Schr Acontias, Milwaukee, Oswego. Schr Algerine, * Chicago, do Schrlively, Milwaukee, do Pkofsllbb Bhpibb State.—We took a hasty glance at the propeller Empire State, which was n oui harbor this morning en route for Chicago. She was built In Buffalo to run between that place and Chicago. She is very much after the fashion of the Fountain City, and is certainly a beauti ful craft. Her length is 210 feet, beam 82 feet, hold 18 feet, burthen SCO toni. Her engines have 44- inch cylinders and 40-inch stroke-low pressure. Her bottom is more than three feet In thickness, her sides unusually stoat, and wa‘er-tight bulk heads are constructed fore and aft. Her cabins arc fer more commodious than on most propeller?, and the state rooms are patterns ol neatness. The. offiedrs of the Empire State are aa follows: Cap tain, J. W. Brett; Ist Mate. Joseph Myers: $d Mate, Robert Moore; Ist Engineer, Justus VaUet; 2d Engineer. Basque Kobth-West—One of the most beauti ful vessels upon the lakes was launched on Satur day last by Feck & Masters at their ship yard. She is called the North West, and has been tratlt for B. 6. Shepard, Esq, of Chicago. She waa in the creek this morning, making her last prepara tions for sailing, as she goes to Chicago to-night. Her dimensions are as follows: length of keel 150 feet: over all 160 feet; 31 feet beam, and 13 feet hold, being 637‘tons burden. She is intended to carry 97,100 bushels wheat. Cant. Atkins who commands, feels justly proud of ma craft, and as sures ns that much attenton has been given to her strength. The North-West, although owned in Chicago Js most decidedly a Cleveland boat,be ing built and fitted out here with the exception of her rigging, which is Buffalo make. Her flush is very handsome, being neat and tasty, her cabin and her state rooms, in regular steamboat style. She Is painted white, and a beautiful clear white it is too. Her model is one that promises speed as well aa | extraoidinary strength, and her tre mendous carrying capacity will render her a valua ble boat. Capt, Atkins is weß known to business mon and lake passengers as a competent, energetic sailor and a thorough" gentleman, and his subor dinates are chosen for their undoubted capacity.— Clexdand Herald. MAJRI3SHE LIST. PORT OP CHICAGO. .May 13.1562. BLAnrsm PTBWS. On the 9th. Oswego, Wherefrom. TT.T.TKOTS AND MICHIGAN OANAIu ARRIVED..... May 12. gueen City, La Salle, 6,600 bu com, 6 bria eggs, ooper. La Salle, S.qQS bu com. pua, Joliet. I,OU> meal brls, 6, bria grease. Carlew, LaSalle, B,SoJbucom. Badger State. La Salle, 5.700 bu com, 7 brls eggs. Chapin, La SaDe, SAU) bu com. Contest, Morris, 5,500 bu com. Barrington, MarsaFles. 5,000 bn corn, 69 bu oata. Oneida, Ottawa, 6,500 bu com. Acadia. La Salle, 6£oo bn com. Edinburgh, La Salle, 2*679 bu rye, 1,487 btt Wheat, 64,560 lbs hams, 10 bria beel Lioness. Ottawa, 6490 bu com. trnton,LaSaHe,6,owbucorflu . Arctic, Morris, 3.* GO bu com, 611 bu rye. Bomboldt, La Salf«. 2 200 bn wheat, 1,445 bd pota toes, 36,400 fts laid. 60 brls highwines. Yorkiown, Luca, 8,900 bn com,* bria lime, 22,600 lbs starch. E Homes, La Salle, 6.600 bn com, LOO 4 bn wheat, 28,8*8 lbs bacon. 640 2>a lard. Carondclet. Morris, 6,000 bn com. Adeiis. Joliet. «,60n bn com. Gold Cloud, MarwiDes,s.o(o bn c«ra. Ottawa, 6,600 on com,a bria lard- CLEABED BB Gooden, Ottawa, 15 bri» lime. NLBawley, LatiaHc, SSO brla salt, 1,175 2>a flab 844 tt>a mdse, l bay »caletf .mnwr* Ja* Patrick, Ottawa, 74,896 ft Inmber, 9£oo latm Carozdolet, Morris, #wagons. GoldenCJond. Ottawa, Ugbt. _, ~ Eomo&ta, DuPage, 90 mltlmnber, 18,559 Union,LaSalle, 18,901 ftiamber, 10 a shingles, SS.Sfcfilatti. . died. In tTrbftns, in, on Ibfl 12Ut inst, OEOItGE B. •re Inrned vUboot furtlier notice. QSUmttß. VXTANTED—A young man wants tY a Bitnafl«n garden ins, and can make hitnirtf naeniL Best of reference given. ,* j„° Tribune Office. mylS-rggjft WANTED—A young man wants V t a situation In a grocery store—'would not ob ject to drive wagon. Can come well recommended and understands accounts. Address “M. L-.Tritnme Ogee. mylS-rSOSSS "VAT AS TED —Two tin-smiths and I* two boys to learn the trade. Bone hat smart en erratic ones need apply. Apply at Ho. US Booth Frtnklln street, Chicago. imyls-raystl C. B. OTIB._ TIT"ANTED FOB CASH—A resi f 1 deuce lot, 30 or B feet front, on North LaasTe streetnortb of Chicago avenue, or on a street east of Clark street and sortn of Chicago or on the west side of the liver south (A Mrfiaon street and wot of Halaled street. 8. H. KEKTOOT A CO, No.Tlgear born street. my-3-rtSfr3t_ • WANTED—Any business con w» cernthatwfllseHotttcbeap Jbrcaah,sothata sufficient remuneration can be made ont 01 it by the buyer, can find a enfltomer by addressing with partlcnlars, “B. A. W-" Trtbnne oSce. myi3-r297-3t T\7 ANTED —TVo Caniage Trim- V V me**, two Painter* and two Carriage Iroasra. Bote tut good workmen need apply, at the Novjltt CaSbiagk \\T ANTED—To hire by a respou- T T alble party, a Furnished House In a pleasant location- Address ‘‘fi* Box SWO, Chicago Post Office. m>i3-r3:9-3t ANTED—A Situation by a W young man, as Ship pise Clerk o. In other capa cttr, In a Wholesale Grocery. Boot and Saoc. or Dry Goods Store -Baa ha* three years experience in the Grocery Trade. Can tfve tae best or city references. Address “ Y- n Box fOIT Chicago Post Office, TXT"ANTED.—A Dressmaker wants t T to go ontby the day or week, and has so objec tion to the country, or take charge of a Dreanaater’i Establishment Xb competent to Cutting and Pitting. Addm>to ‘M. S G-,” Post Office Box IWS. my!3-f316-St j TV 7 ANTED—To purchase for cash, TWO SODA FOUNTAINS, New or eecond-hasd. Inquire of J. B. WAISH, Ko. 93 Aladlson street. ayi3»r9M4ltnet XX7ANTED —Boird by a gentle- T T man. his wile and little elil between three and four years old, in s private family where there arc no other boarders, and no children, in a qulet, rw?7>ecti bie part of the city, easy of access bywme: of me poa- He conveyance of the city- Address. lhroui,bth- Pest Office, giving ffiH description of locality, room, price, *C. GEO. CAMPBELL, Drawer £57. myl3.r3S4-8* XX7 ANTED—To Rent a small Cot ▼ * tags containing three or more rooms, one with garden pn&rred, by a good tenant. Address cure of BoxisL pylyrsa? at TXT"ANTED —A young lady of T • plrasin- address, to take charge of Hosiery in a Retail Store cn Lake street, one who knows the business, and Is willing to commence on a moderate salary, will find a pcrmaaeataltuftttoo. Address *‘B-, Post Office Box 241Q, stating experience, rt£r fnce,&c iayi3-r2§4-3t TXTANTED —A good second-hand f ? PIAJfO, for which a"~party has authorized me •jo give Ik exchange 120 seres or good Land. Please 'adore?* p. o. 80r972, or can at Boom 21 >o. iS3 Soath CiarK street. niyl2 nSI-St TA7AATED —Two English, Scotch Tf or German Girls—Cook andNurae. References required, apply at No. 10, Kingsbury Block. myl2-i274-St "Wf ANTED —Bv a young man, a - T T situation. as bookkeeper or entry clerk. He speaks both German and English fluently, and has a thorough knowledge of account?. Employment and W-rmaaeat situation more «o object at present than salary. Address •*£. 3L.” Box 4iat myi2-r2SS-st TXT ANTED—A situation in a v T butebersflhop tolParuthebualnesSjbyayoung wh ■> can come wen recommended. Address •J. B," Noyesnile. Cook county. Hi. myl3-t2©st TX/' ANTED TO RENT—A Cottage v ? containing 6 rooms, in the neighborhood of Blngold Place, or on the west dide. Son- n of loke-st, between pesnialnes and Grecn-sts Communlcariona, stating tent, <£c_ to be addressed to B-x «83. Chicago Fost Office. TOvitirtn-vw WASTE D—AGENTS—MaIe or Female.—Agents wanted In every town of the Hutted states to a*h JT Kohler’s new Improved method for Cutting Ladles’ Dresses, Boys Clothing, Shirts, &c. securea by copyright. Agents making mom *3 tg _« D er day. For particulars Inquire at J. KOILLEKS Office. No. 6 Metropolitan Block, or address P. O. Box 3pv>, enclosing three cent postage stamp, Chicago, XIL neW-iLsgkSm TXT AN TED. —Agents in every T T town In the loyal Statesof the West, to circu late our uew Illustrated Belislous and Historical Vorka. which have the highest testimonials In their la yer, and are adapted to the wants of the people. Soil only by subscription. Extra Inducement* offered to active men. For partfeuiflra call on or address (witn stamp). E.B. &R.C.TEEET, 101 Washingwn street. Chicago. Box 47u7. my -O-rS-il-Inn Wf ANTED —Agents in every T ? ■Western town. Active, Industrious men mate from f3 to 512 per day. The articles are both new and really menu. and where a merchant Jo any town de sires to sell them no other Agency will be established, address, with stamp, WOOu ft CO- Post Office Box 2111, Chicago, or call at Eoom 9, No. 119 South Clark st mjUri&Sw "WANTED —AGENTS— sloo— To sell J. T. LLOYD’S -Groat Military War Maps ol Somhern States. Colored, in Counties. W cents; colored in States, 50 cents, united State* Ban* road Man 25 cents; Virginia Map 25 cents; ILmtuciy Map 25 cents; Missouri Map 25 ceata. Three of any of the above maos, mall free, for f:.Co,or separately for retail price. Bend stamp and get circular, &c. R. Is. LA. DON. Agent, 120 Lake street, Chicago, XIL ap2B-pS2-lm WANTED! WANTED!!—At MBS. BATES’ AGENCY OFFICE, 171 Washington street, near Lasalle, Situations for GOOD RELIABLE HELP. Mrs. Bates Presumes, from past years of acquaintance with we ladles ol Chicago, to be able to provide them with suit able Servants. Orders from the country punctually at tended to. P. O Box. 3&t6. 3eU*<m WANTED. * WATER LOT WARTIB FOR GASH. A low Priced Water Lot, accesaable by an improved street. Apply at 4S Lake sveet, myl-rlis-lw TXTAKTED—Agents and Canvas fl se sln every County In tbe Northwest Every mao seeking employment can learn fall particulars for pro*ecutlnea pleasant and preamble bognMa, by_en cicslriE a three cent stamp to F. A. TBOMsB. Post Offlceßox42s3.Chicago, mmols. • ap36p79T-lm WANTED —We are buyirg States Certificate* or ludebteaneass, QTTABTEB MASXEB’S CHECKS „ r On United Mates Treasuary, payable la Certificates Of Indebtedness end Quartermaster's vouchers. C. C. PaBKS & CO„ Bankers, ap2s-p"53.Jm 96 Lake street comer of Dearbom-at. WASTE D—Employment for American, English, Irish. Scotch, German and colored servants, with good city reference a* the Philadelphia Intelligence Office, ho. 19) South Otari street, between Mourns and Madison streets. Conn try orders punctually attended to. Pos? Office Box 16a9. Mfrg D. PRATT in attendance. deZS-k©-l» T*r A NTED. —Purcb. sers for fif 7 1 teenKtt4 WHEELER & WILSON SewtftgMtt chines, the be«t for family use, nearly new, aad to. per fect order. A good machine will save its cost in six SStSu B SILBEHT.HUBBAI^&CO- Sblp Chandlers and Sail Makers, mbSS-U’ES-Sm 207 South Water at, cor. Wells. WANTE D—B EESWA X In large or small quantities, HO FILL AS ORDER. KING * OWENS, Commission Merchants, mhR So. 1> La Salle street. Whereto. HUNDBED MEN WANT- X ED to work at Lumbering and farming m Michi gan, bnt fourteen boars’ sail from Chicago. Both sin gle and married men, with their wives, will find em ployment by appylne to BALD WIN A CO, North Pier. Chicago. XU. The same firm has 300 Kees Mg’ Oriental Bme Powder for sale to the trade atgreat bargain*; mjfrrggzw Chicago. When to. A GENTS WANTED.—Profitable XX Employment, 132. net profit per grow made by Agents on the new patent latPßoran Ikoklibzjc pejcOh Agen&a bare retailed from one to two gross in one day. Over seventy thou/and sold. Samples sent by mall on receipt of SO cents, or fer sara glcsof marked Unen, terms, one stamp. Address : p qy.AßK'fforthamptoa.Maßfl. mhlfi-paglam. 7VTILLINERT. —Three first class Jsjl Mflllaers wantf d Immediately. EXPERI ENCED HANDS only need apply, at iMXake street. mySrlTl-lw W. K.BTQVY. ISoatfuug. ’ HOARDING—A pleasant front J_> psrkr with board can be had at 77 Adams street In a private family. myl3-r899-3t OOARDING HOUSE—No. 19 I) Michigan avenue. Some good rooms to rent with board. Also, a ffew day boarders can be »ceom pooated- Terms moderate. my10r229-2w BOARDING. —A few unfurnished suites of roon s, with botri. CJost suited for man and wife or slnsle gentlemen.) are yet to be had In the sons half of the Stewart Bouse. A more quiet, sat isfactory and delightful way of living cannot oa found thnn at this estabSShroeat. mjfi-rltvim OOARDING —Board and pleasant X 3 rones to be bad at 24 D«ke street, between Wa bash aid Michigan avenues. Alsoday bosrdarecssbe sceocaaodatca. g>y9-f2QS-lw "OOARDING —With pleasantsuites I) of room?, suitable for families or single gentle men. at So 6 Washington street, opposite i>e«born ; ’art, A few day boarders can be accommodated, ; lefereaces required. - my9r96-iw T>OARDING.—A gentleman and JO Lady, or two tingle gentlemen, can be acesmnuv dated In apri fate fcmDj with a f»nt parlor and board at 5a 10 Hanrison st, South aide, comer of MtoUgu avenue. my»rlßi-lw toOAKDUfG Board with two 1J ple&aanti oomi nuj+able for a gentleman ana bis wife, can be had at O Michigan avenue, corner of Lake street __ ap24-p709-lm BOARDING. —A gemltman and wife, also two tingle gentlemen, can be accom modated with desirable rooms and board. In a pleasant place on the Weatgtde. where there arc no other boarder*. Address Box 2143, Chicago P. O. ns}lO-r2S-lw T7OR SALE—The Furniture of a Jl room, suitable for two young men. Bentof r oom very low. WUI sell Cheap for cash. Ad dree'‘K, Trionne Office. myi2-i3»3t DOARDING —With a front parlor J3 and bedroom, suitable few a lady and gentleman, or two single gentlemen; *l*o, single rooms for gentle men can be bar at No, 15 Monroe street myitr247-*tf XJOARDING —A gentleman and l> ms wife can be accommodated wth board and front parlor and bedroom, at 43 Michigan avenue. xaylS-rS&St T OST.—Three cows ron away’from I j the fnbfcnber on Wednesday, May 7% Cow So. I— red and white spotted, both norna broken om and marked with a Don the right hind leg. >o-2 la quite black. Ko. Bis red, one horn brokenoff. toe other creosed. Whoever will give mejmeh Uoa as to lead to their recovery, win be U*>Wly re* Jacob iCKEdStiBH, 181 KM,e , i «IWS. CTRATED OR STOLEN—From W the Pasture near Bock Island Junction, on the tKhtett. one Bonel Mere. «U 7®" ww-SRhtKLf ■tar m her forehead, and is now very heavy with toaL Also, one sorrel or Chestnut Horw, a old. with white spot on forehead and white hind foot A liberal reward will be paid Or their return to the mftgSS?"aSttWJ orM. B. OgmCKSgek Island Junction. [mylS«rS*Sßt] f. ClA)u6E> .May 12, TF FORMATION OF GREAT VALUE TO EVEBYBODT Sent Irt* on Seeeipt of One Bed Stamp. Aaarne u. a. beasn & CO, Bonn. H«a ayP<BM-la . N IGHT TUGS.—After May Ist, BUGS HONITOB MB PIHW wm m> nltemuelr n»nl*« boas. QKO.BTCBasB •plipestiin rpo BENT—A pleasant front chant ' 1 rwr and bsdrOOID. CunfttrJJHhed) With boardlu a iltSi ntt ottt. coon >l-itib/- o»-d rw®t omce. Address Box 3748, Chicago. nylfrig&St __ rpo REST AND FOR SALE, PIANOS AND BIBIOPEONS. Allowance made fbr hire If purchased. AH Mod* of tnstrwnents repaired. Toning promptly attendea to. Ido not rentto go Into the country, . .... W2J. B. PKQSSKB. ISO Clark street. TT'OK BENT.—Three NEW Dwell- Jj mg Houses on the East aide of State street Al *o, for a term of yews, at a low price, eighty (85) acres of good land, ssdtable for gardening, la section twenty five! adjoining Holstein. WJt A. ft 3. P. SSOVESk iSEandolpb street. myidrZSWw O RENT—Brick Dwellings Nos. 229.233,295 Michigan wreet, ALSO, Briclc Swelllog northwest corner of IDUehlgan and Pine streets. The Senses are In good order and convenient to bosl* ness. Contains modern Improvements. W3L H. SAJIPSON, House and Land Agent ap22-p573 tMls*62 soom So. 8 Metropolitan HaD. BENT—New and second-hand PIANOS. A large Of FIShOS Bnd UCIOdCCQS ll Wholesale and rettH, Order* from abroad promptly attended to W. W. KIMBALL No. 99 Clark street. f JX> RENT.—The Brick Dwelling, 60S Wabaali Avenue, With all modem. Improvements. Apply to Jeaae B. Thomas. Attorney. Omce No 1 Kingsbury Block. o» to L C Huntingdon. PS S. Water street. mv3-r 9?-'W r T'O BENT.—A fine residence, si r- I rounded by shade tree*. In the beautiful vUi- go of Evanston. Bent can be paid to board or impn fo ments ox the place. InqulreatßWomNo.SKiagstKij Block, or of John A. Pearson, of Evanston. mjT-rISM.'W , TD BENT —A "beautiful Cottage, twelve furnished rooms, fine grounds, stable, hoc house and row. on West Side. Rent fffiO tw*r annum. Appiv to wsi. B, &TBVSNS, No. 10 Dole’s B dining. myT-rUTtw TO BENT—Two first-class Kesi dCD Cat, Ncs SS6 and 533 Indiana street, with all modern improvements, etc. etc. and Brick Stables at tached. Inquire of C. C. CLARKE, between 8 and 9 A-M-and 4and6P. iL.attheolfi'.eorWftUeftTown, ion Washington street. Kent S6OO per annum. zch2S-nS'<S 7w rpo RENT—By D. Walker, No. I 68 Third Avenue, a three story brick house, with pasemsnt. stable, fto/between Van Buren and Harri son streets oy3-t6B.w TO BENT—The Brick Store, No 179 Randolph street Depthl7s feet to Alley, possession given immediately. WILLIAM RLsXB, 176 Lake street. TDyl-pffi&-tw JJIYER LOT FOR RENT,— 100x105 Feet on the South Branch, •West Side, at the foot of Mather street. ffiylO-r2S6-lw Apply to L. P. OLMSTED St CO. npO RENT —At a reasonable rate, a 1 first-clsss dwelling house, delightfully situated in the Weal Division In BeJgrave Terrace, containing gas, batblc" room, etc. Horse Car* pass every five minutes. Stable'lf desired. Inquire at No. 10Q Washington stt. Boom So. 6. or at No. SO May street. ap3»pST6 1m TO RENT. —The lour story and basement brick store No. 20 and KMarknt street. In the north half of Lind's Block, Apply to D.OEDDES, OfficeMo.fiover 17 Wellastteet. appiTS-m HTORENT —For three years from I May m, 1864. Dwelling House on Michigan Ave nue, with large grounds, fine shrubbery and trait trees bam. yard and t-hc-d. Tee House harms double par loraTiibniry. and two jamll* ir private rooms, ulmag room, six dosets. pantry am, kitchen. with coo«ung range, hot and cold water, bac. room op first floor, six rooms with closets and store roc "ns, and bot and cold water with bath room on senoDd floor. Good basement under all, with furnace, laundry, hot and cold water and =iore rooms. Coal grates and gas in each story. In abort, combining all tbe modern jonvcnitace# of the aze H Will not be rented for a boarding house, and none but a responsible prompt paying tenant need apply. Address rose Office Drawer SSoB. apg>-p<t>-w r FO RENT—Brick <1 welling, No JL 235 North LaSalle street. Hasten rooms besides bath room, closets, &c Hot and cold water and ew thronghont the house. Goon brick b#ro. Bent SJX». fivgs VAN LSWaGSN. Bo.4DOles Build ng. rpo KENT—To a good and respon _L sible tenant, rcsldence'"No. so North Halrtcd street, within three blocks of the V> cat Market. Tba house has twelve rooms, with gas, water, bath room, streets None but a good paying tenant need apply myßrSt-lw _ . rpo RENT. —House No. 234 Ontario I street—Bent per annum. Inquire of E. W GRIFFIN, next door, corner Dearborn street, from 1 to 2p. iru. or at No. 5 Pomeroy’s Building, oonth ?ater street. ap6 P -9>2m TO RENT—A furnished house for three months from June Iri, to a small family without children preferred, ‘be rent c-»n be pna .n board, if desired. Cad at 95 Van Boren attest. myyir2Sost _ FOR RENT OR FOR SALE.— The lot and house No. 243 w abash avenue. con taining fifteen rooms, new brickbasement, new plumb ed bath rooir. &c„ dralaase perttrt % Lot s»5 ordo frtt front as desired. JOHN C. WILLIAUb, 4o B._Wu f «c street, or 4B Jackson street. myia-rwi-at FOR SALE —A few large Ice Boxes for sale cheap at BOOTH'S Flab and Oyster Depot, corner Madison and Dearborn streets. pylF-x29C3t FOR SALE.—WiII he sold cheap for CASH, Dwelling 141 Jatkson street, near Clirk, Decently bunt end In good repair. Apply on the pre mires. mylS-riSl-St 17 OR SALE CHEAP —A block of i 2 r two ftory dwelling houses, and one store. stand* ire on leased land corntr cf Huron and Franklin streets. Belonging to a non resident desirous of dol ing up bis affairs m CWcago. they will be sold at a great iMrgala, together wIUi the lease. If applied lor umnediafcJT at lia Lake street. AL-o two genteel two and a half story Oo» Wc Cottages, with, the Imp*, on Superior corner of Market streets. myl j-raS-Iw PDR SALE—The five-story Iron Front Store. Ko. 96 Randolph street, near the cor ner ot Dearborn street Price, ■with let. $25,000; one half cosh, balance secored hv mortgage to ron three or four 3 cars. Apply to D. HORfOH.xto. 80 Randolph street. ayl2 r271 Iw FDR SALE.—For sale at a bar gain. the Stock. Fixtures and good will ot one of the best Be tad Grocery Stands In the cltr. A a first rate chance for any one-wishing to get Into the busi ness. For further particulars call at 171 Sou to Clark street myß-r2TS-6t FDR SALE.—A lot of good busi ness and choice CABBUCS BOSSES Joat arrived In town and for sale. Can bo seen at the Eagle Hotel Staples, opposite Chicago and Northwest ern Bsllroad Depot, ■ myiaras-st JOB SALE. 50 lb«. Onion Top Setts (Kentucky.) In store and fcr sale by A. MUGBBT, 17' OR SALE—A 25 horse-po«-er JD stationary engine, with 7 foot drawing wheel, cheap for cash, wnTbe eold. Inquire of P.PALwER 1 ISi. Ui & lie Late street. myd-tsa-kw JpOR SALE—On the South Branch A WHAM, 217 FEET FRONT, Situated between Hafcted-st. Bridge a&d Eaulbrack & Krcigntls packing house. Apply to A.MBB&aT,4O SontaLasalle street, gear Lake. layt-pSldlm XT'OR SALE AT A BARGAIN.— A? One seven-hone power and Engine; one Iron MID. two ran of stone, wit* shafting. belting. &c. Also, elevators nnd kiln for drying, and ail la good running order, wilt brick bail ding, now. occupied. at low rent. Address P. O. Box S7S7, or apply at iso Kin slestTcci. ap!spS«-Un pOR SALE, Between Morgan and Elizabeth streets. J. B. LEE, 32 Clark street. |7OR SALE.—"Wheeler Ss Wilson’s X? Sewing Machines for sale very low.~We have fifteen No. four Sewing Machines in perfect order. These machines have paid for themselves in six weeks in onr business, bat hsYingno farther cse for them we will sell them very cheap. P£J RINQTOM A SCSAKTON. 817 Sooth 'Wafer street. mh2s-n74a-2m. T7OB SALE OB BARTER—A X? good Gnat and Saw Mill, situated on Black Par tridge. Woo tend County, istnota, on the road leading Bom Laccn to Spring Bay. Those Mills are located on a new r tolling «tream of water; Thera is one Hundred acres of splendid timber land wjih the above Mill 3 For farther particulars addrws the subscriber, living te z£V'?g£ar Fe ° rt * O. W. SCHSHBLT. TT'OR SALE,—THE MERCHANT JC and Grist MU, known as the “COMO MILL, ” Situated on Bock Blver. in Whiteside County, niinoia, near the Chicago and Fulton Eailxoad, U offered lor M Xte is in good order; ft driven by Water Power, from * steady stream; has dx pain of Bon, Merchant and Custom Bella, and all the necessary cleaning apparatus. For further particulars apply to Wheels e, b'EXLT & Co,ChlcaCT,prtte «m«riberoa Use premises a, WtHMAb ssu ra. Como, May Ist. 1662. myi-g9S:-lm QTEAM FLOURING MILL FOR O sale at • bargain —This Mm is eligibly located In Chicago, ha# four ran of stone, and Its nachinery and^o^to.pplT ap*s p347-ltn 139 South Water street T'iRUG STORE FOR SALE.— I / Located In a beautiful railroad lowa In WLscoQ sin It has established 6 years—atwaya done a Jarse business, hating a great extent of conn tty to sup ply An excellent opportunity for a physician, there being butone in toe town. Bto Jk and flxtur«i valued at S 1.600. Terms. $lO > Cash, balance In good land U Sooth part of Wisconsin or Illinois. Address J. U. IIuBTEMEH. care of Sox 1601 Chicago, lUaols. mSB-r1473w Host. Co Hent Jbr Sale. 50fbet on Washington street. joafrS. 5200,000 IN ONE OF EEBBINO’S PATENT SAFES, At the great firs in Pearl an s Fulton sts- Jaa.36,1882. Naw Tonx/Jan, 27/1362. «wmh HnfflW A Co, NO. BSI BeoadwaT : . Gkxts: The large HEEKINS’S PATENT CHAM PION SAFE you made for me a tew yean ago, has been pat to a severe test la the great lire, comer ol Pnitonand Pearl streets, on theath last, which en tirely destroyed bf bulwaig; together with many other*. The fire commcacea about 6 o’clock Sunday morning, and the bale was taken from the ruins after an exposure of mote than thirty hours. Tour Safe con tataec an my books. Insurance policies, and other val uable paper*, besides gold and eavsr/paak bda, cott pen bonds, 4c* amounting to over Two Hcidro thousand Hollas*. Everything in the Safa is in per fect order/jexcept the binding of toe books, beta* steamed. Tour Patent Champion Safe gives us great satisfaction, and baa guarded wfely tofongh toe fire every dollar of Its contents. *A^T?t)a^Bß. iwnwaa is tct aiM nxa—fiaooo'sAVsa. i£«ra.H*xxzro»Co l No. 251 rmU-diof orter ’* ad K»oa4. BnsgM * aa l wgiagr. HBJEXS9B HBMBOOT ■reCTnm&mSgKMfB^BBSkiTOWgaSfS assess Vtml ... asaiasra* co.e9tnJ«Kreot ttSsl Mj«6» auction gales, BY GILBERT, SAMPSON & WABNSB BuimiiT. AoonoirßEEa. 53 Lake at. Large sale of Superior Second-Hand and New Furniture, Gilt and Rosewood Mirror#, A. T AUCTION. On FEIDAT, Hay 16th, at ox O'clock, we wm sen at oar salesroom!, bo. Slake street. Fob Faslox—Parlor suites, sofiu, tete-a-tetes. easy, rooting, reception aad parlor chair* and whatnots. Fox thxras-BcoK—Dak and walnut extension dlc- Uwr-tahles. dining chairs, leaf and aide tables Fox BxpxooJf—Elegant bedstead?, half canopy; mahogvny andwalnn; and plain chamoer suites, rcrewood, mahogany and walnnt dressing bu reaus andwatfgtanda, with and without marble tops: lonnzef, French and cottage bedsteads, chairs and rockers, hair and other mattresses. Misc#iXA3Xoi78 —Plano stools. Boston Beckers, nail starrs. Brussels and Ingrain carpets, book.easea aad Becretailea. GILB£KT> SAMPSON ft Warner. myl<-r351-3t Auctioneer!. BY GILBERT,SAMPSON &WARNER. CATALOGUE SALE OP Kes Steel Plate Engravings At Aucties, AT 54 DEABBOBN STB3EBX. We win sen on WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY EVFKISGS, May 14th and I2th. at 7>s o’clock, at M * Dearborn street, a splendid assortment of Steel Flats Ensravtag*, by Cataicgac, consisting la part of Fine English and National ftc -es, In splendidly ornamented frames. This collection la said so be the very finest ever bronchi to Chicago, and embraces many rare and valuable impressions from great wo»ti of art. The collection consists of too great a variety to particu larize. We therefore invite all to vUlt the room, at yl Dearborn street; on Trescw and Wtojtbsdat. Hay ISth aad 14th, when they will he exhibited day and evening. , Persons from the country purchasing at this sale cis have their Eneravino carefully ata *maD expense. GILBERT, SAMPSON ft WARNER. myl2-r5734t AoetiQPeers. ~p>Y GILEERT,SASrPSOjSa WAKSEB Large Trade Sale of 25 Crates Edwards' Best White CROCKERY, 200 Boies American Flint Glassware, And 13 dozen Looking Glasses, AT AUCTION. On Wednesday, May Uth, at 9* o'clock, we will sell at onr salesrooms. No. 53 Lake street, 25 Crates of assorted best White Crockery, a general assortment. 2uo boxes Glassware a complete assortment. IS dozen Loo tans Glasses, la plain mahogany, walnut rosewood, and gilt and rosewood £r*mes-^assorted sizes. The attention of the trade is respectlully invited to the above trade. Terms Casli. GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER. Auctioneers. my9-rISS-5t A TJCTION SALEOFCLOTITING xI AND DRY GOODS.—Br S. Xlckemm, 234 Lake street corner Franklin, on Monday. May 12, Wednm dav, MavU. Friday, May IS. atSrj o'clock A. N, will be'eobi Cloth', Casslmeres Eatlnea. Coctonada. with a general stock oi Drr Goods, Yankee Notions. Jewel- Sr and Furnlibtn-' Goods. Also—to par advance*. 69 oz white and mixed nndmhlTTa and drawers. Also— at private sale, oil cloth and carpetlmr. my9-r!77Jw S. Auctioneer. amusements. McYICKEE’S theatue. Madison street, between State and Dearborn. Doors open at 7* o'clock. Curtain rises at 3. LAtt night but three of the eminent artiM. MR. COULDOOK. Triumphant Success of the Hew Play. The rendition of the principal character by Mr. Conldock is another evidence ol his great geuloua, be ing without doubt one of the most artistic perform ance? of the present age. •WEDNESDAY EVENING. May lUh. third night oC Matilda Heron’s great play, in five acts, entitled THE LION OF ST* 21 ARC; Or, Tun Covncvl or Tns. Orsccola.. Mr. Conldock. Gsdieuo ....Mr. Myers. bpolatra,.,. Mr. Prior. ottnpuk Mr. MrVJckcr. Lt-shia Mi.-w Hosmer, Viola Mrs. Myers. The Play is produced with bca&ifnl SCENEKV as- APPOINVMKNTS The performance will conclude .x quarter bef.*- eleven with a GKAND DANCE BV MISS JENNIE HIGHT. GO AND SEE LITTLE BOBBY Ltnj 9-rl9>3t] TAYERT LADY PRESENT AT m'j Kingsburv Hall on Saturday evening will receive a Photograph of Little Bobby. my J-ri9o-5t TLccttttcs. YOUKO MEN’S ASSOCIATION LECTURE. Hon. Edward Everett Will Lecture belore the Young Men’* Association. a' BRYAN HAU, -ON WEDNESDAY EVE., 14TH INST,, UPON “THE OEIGIE and CHAEAOTES OF THE WAE.” Doorsopen at 7 o'clock. Lecture to commence at 3. Tickets, 50 Cents* E, TT. BtSSBU., njylo-r2S9-4t €Co ©rain Rippers. GRAIN SHIPPERS. RICHARDS’ IRON CORN SHELLER, FOB Warehouses, Distilleries and Farms. BCS3SLS PER DAT. Capacity of BTo. 1 ct « 3 « aa 5 . 3,000 to 5,000 - 1,00910 2,009 SOO to 800 WABHA MT2B TO 6HZTI. CTEA3T IN' ANT (OMUTIOX OF GBABf, And put the same In superior order for market Refer to Illtnoip CrvnuL Bulhoap. Mickiga* Csi-TCAx Batlboap, Kohtox * Co, Chicago and Loctport. j c , BICHABDB, IfASTFACrTTER, 19C and 192 Washington flt K. B.—Ochand a complete stock of Hew and Second Hand Portable and Stationary Engines. ap2*-p'iS6-r-TA»-ir ©metal Notices. TVfOTICE TO CARPENTERS Lw and Bufldera. Old fit«nd to rent Tbr Carp water Shop. Sheds and grounds, occupied by John Solfit and jdtnateoinrciroißandotph street, on alley.between Dearborn and Clark streets. Apply to GEO&6S A. PEAVEKSS. N0.2 Wheeler’s Bubolng, cor. o* CV*'k and South Water street, (up stairs.) myi2-r275-Xw _ nPHE OLD TRINITY CHURCH, & corner of Clark and Mad’son streets, can be renifdfor lecturer, concerts panoramas, or other r cv opt ctable an nsements, at reasonable rates and upon application to the undersigned. Aecnt for the Trustees. ‘ v JAHH3 C. FAIiGO, Cer. Lake and Dearborn sts. myttrß6l»lw XfOTICB. —All persons indebted J_\ to Wn. I>. aie requested to ca*! at tbs OFFICE OF WM. CLIHGW&K and settle and save coat and farther t»ouol& Wm. CUngman AwHguee of Wg. D. Hoffman. mygpg;s 3w OOVAL HAVANA LOTTERY tV CorarCTlD BT THB SPANISH GGV*aWMS«T. In drawing of May 15tt, HriS.N'o 55. 52 drew So. 35.224 drew tSO,CM3; JSo. 230t drew |£S.--0; bo. 15 601 drew fiO.OH); I*o. 24,fi12 drew fsat; being the fire capital prizea. frees casaed and Jidorraanoa furnished by Taylor & Co., Bankers, 15 wall St.2* l nw York. maytzxfgl I w piG IKON, A 100 TOSS SO. 1 Li EE SCPEEIOfi CHiBCOiL PIG IEOL SO TONS WO. 2 LiKK SEPESIOK CB1&C01L PIG IBOJ, For sale low in lots to suit. A. B. HBEKEB, t Foot of Konh Market street. rsylS-rSIS-St TLfUSIC. —A Lady of several years ILL experience in Eastern' Institutes, is prepared ft take a T.nrmm huhBEB OF PUPILS On the Piano Fort*. Melodeon sod thorough base, mlttvatioflof tie voice particularly attended to Ap ply at 74 Adams street. Sooth Side. rnyv-rISI-lw CLOAN & FERRELL.—Commxs k/J alon Merchants for the sale of Floor, Grain aod Mffl Staffs, Port. Sams, Lard, salt, Seeds and all kinds Of Produce. No S2 South "Water street, Chicago. Cash advances made on consignments, sad orders to purchase solicited. , w. r. BooA-s-. Ca»yS-r165-6t] j. h fxxzxll. CPHUTUALISiI Miss Ada L. Hoyt. Test Medium, continues to give slttinva for the Investigation of tb-se phenomena, at the residence of her father. No. !54 South Madison sereat. from 9 A. SL ondl 6F. M. Public Circle on Wednesday evening. [mys r7S2w] LUMBER WANTED V/ Sealed prapevala will be received at this office mill Monday. May if to. 10 a. m . for the deli very the City BHdewe’i dock of the following quantities of beet quality sound white oak lumber: 150 U SH Inches thick. 16 feet long. 50 “ix ** “ B *• “ 50 H 2\ “ “ 12 *• “ 66 “ 3 •' .. is u - 15 “ 4 inches by 6 inches, 13,14, and 16 ft long. 10 11 4 “ by 4 " 14 and 18 feet long. 23 •* 2 “ thick, 16 feet long. 2S “ 2 “ “ 12 “ - 410 “ p. b. m. Proposals should be addressed to ‘be Board of Public Wcrka, bsu endorsed “ Proposal* for Oak Lumber." 100 U of the lumber most be anivored by Jane Isto next, uOM mote pyJniylat, and the whole amount by of the price agreed upon will be paid on toe delivery of the lumber, and the balance on too oomple- the right to reject any ot all bid*. BJ o«ter of tM Boirti. w _ myiarmiw HOSPITAL—This institn- V / ttoc, pleasantly located in toe southern part of toe city, la constantly open fog toe reception of pa tients, both pn&lic and private. It la heated by steam, well vuntiWed. ana afford* aD toe comfort*and conve niences of our best modem Hospitals. For mdmUWoe apply atHospltal. [myß-tlfio3ml A- H. CASTES, gape. IMPORTATIONS—Per ships Ned -1 crland. Jupiter, Benny, 8t Bernard auu Edward, from Eotterdam 910 carta **Wee Proo" Gta, ani 35 ptteased If pipes Kellogg’s Ssniedam Gta. Per shins Eiwtae Fredcricke, from Bordoanx, ead la• AS^lgnctte"orandy Per chip Oce#n Skimmer, from Bordeaux. SB cuts Coacac BranCy, for JOfiN P. &ELLOGO ft CO cylC-rCS- w S5 Broad-st. New York. T ACT SUPERIOR CHARCOAL FIG IRON. AeoouiaMßttftiaiwsUßMrairoansnoaint tpa»y Arena lOcMaafiftciuregfii Chairman Sect. Cota.