Newspaper Page Text
OTje Cvlfcttnt? THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1833, THE CITY. ' See advertisement of a Photographic A’bum lost, among the new advertisements, on the first page. Ascension Day.—To-day being Ascension Day there will be serviceia St. James’ Church at S;3O A. K. Off foe Europe.— Our well known citizen Allred Booth Esq., leaves this city in a few days for England, his home, after fifteen years .absence. A Band Disbanded.— We are informed that the Light Guard Band has disbanded. One portion seceded from the other, and will play hereafter upon its own hook as well as horns. Presbyterian Church. —The la £ies of this church intend having a Strawber ry Festival at the parlors of the church, on Tuesday evening next. Good for Them,—The Anderson Rifles of this city yesterday tendered themselves as a body to Adjutant General Fuller for three months’ men. It speaks volumes for their patriotic spirit. Theatrical.— The season is rapidly draw ing to an end, and in a short time the theatre will be closed for repairs. Manager McYicker intends to give his theatre a bright, new dress of paint, new decorations, drop curtains, scen ery, otc. Trinity Church Strawberry Festival, —Tbe Strawberry Festival whichistobe given by the ladles of Trinity Church on Friday evening will be the first of the season. There will be plenty of strawberries, excellent mu sic and a good time generally. Accident. — A little German girl named a pupil of the Foster school, re ading on Welle street, while returning from school on Tuesday noon, fell in Monroe street, sustaining a very serious fracture of the leg below the knee. Fob The Thbee Moths' Sekvicb. —Col. Kiler K Jones with Ms usual go-ahead-ative ness will raise a company of Scandinavians for the three months’ local service. He may bs te found at Olson's on WeatDesplaines street or in Newberry’s Block on Kinzie, near Wells street. Recruits should apply as above. The slips in the New England Congre gational Church, corner Indiana and Wolcott streets, will be rented this (Thursday) evening at eight o’clock. The Church will be open this afternoon from two to five o’clock, tor the selection of seats. Rev. W. B. Clarke, formerly of Connecticut, is supplying the pulpit. TTTtr.-n to Bail.—The Mr 6. McGuire arrest ■cd on Tuesday for obtaining a quantity of household goods under false pretences from the Galena Railroad depot, as stated in our is sue of yesterday, was held to bail in the sum of s6oo*in the Police Court yesterday morning for a further examination on Friday, June 6th- Arrivals from Utah. —W. H. Hooper, U. S. Senator from Utah, accompanied by Brig ham Toung, Jr., and C. W. West, Esq., ar rived from Utah last evening, en route for the East Mr. West goes to Europe as foreign emigration agent Mr. Young is simply trav eling for pleasure. They leave by the Michi gan Southern road this evening. Arrivai* op Mormons. —A party of three hundred and eleven Mormons, who recently landed at New York from Europe, and who are on their way to Utah, arrived here on the Michigan Central Railroad on Monday night, hy special train, and went westward. They are to be followed by a number of other squads, probably about three thousand in aIL Exhibition Drill.— The Ellsworth Zou aves, Capt. Brand, will give an exhibition drill this evening at their armory, corner of State and Randolph streets. All are invited. This will afford an excellent opportunity for all those desirous of joining the three months’ service, and no better company can be found to enlist in. A Bbisk Business.— I The records of the Bo- ! lice Court show that during the period from the 23d of December} 1861, to the 2Sth of the present month, 3,000 cases have been examined before that tribunal. This is an average of about twenty-two cases per day, comprised in which are chargee for every crime known to the statutes, aud some to which we have no statutes applicable. This will give our read ers some little idea of the trials of a Chicago Police Justice. Presentation.— The friends of Quarter master J. C. Rankin of the Scotch Regiment yesterday presented him with a superb horse and accoutrements, sword and brace of re volvers. A very appropriate presentation speech was made by Robert Hervey, Esq., to which the recipient neatly responded. The pleasant affair closed with a collation at the residence of Capt. Hoodless, Cottage Grove, and will long be remembered by the partici pants as a very happy occasion. Rat.w or the Sollitt House.— The hotel known as the “ Sollitt House,” located on Franklin street, near Madison, has been sold by Hr. John Sollitt to Mr. Samuel Patrick, of the Railroad House at Galesburg. The Sollitt House was built by Mr. Sollitt, in 1856, at a cost of about $21,000. The ground on which the building stands, was bought iu 1853, for $3,000. The price for which the whole prop erty has now been sold, is SIO,OOO. For Cobinth.— Three charitable ladies of 1 this city personally known to ns to be respon sible, will start for Corinth on Monday. Per sons desirous of sending letters or small pack ages to friends in the army, or snpplies for the sick in the hospitals, will hind this a safe and convenient opportunity. Letters or bundles left at the Western Marine and Fire Insurance Company, comer of State and Randolph streets, or at (he store of E. Higgins, 203 Ran dolph street, will be promptly delivered. Important Meeting op ladies. —All ladies desirous of aiding the Sanitary Commission In the manufacture of hospital clothing, Im mense quantities of which are to be mode im mediately, will please report themselves at the sewing rooms of the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machine office, this morning at the earliest hour possible. Mr. Chittenden has ngain generously placed his rooms, machinery and operators at the service of the Commis sion. Cold-blooded Rebel Murder of a Chi* cago Man* The Atlanta, (Ga.) Confederacy of the 161b, contains a long extract from the Richmond JSzaminer, from, which we take the following signal instance of the atrocious and savage spirit oi the rebel armies. It will be read with especial interest as the victim was for merly a resident of this city: “Many of the 'women and children'escaped from Norfolk, and others were in great dis tress at not being able to get away. We hear that groups of ladies in the streets, with tears in their eyes, appealed to our hurrying sold* lew to protect therm One hasty sympathizer with the Yankees is reported to have been killed by our tropps. The report, as we get it ' from a passenger from Norfolk, Is that a man by the name of Parham, said to be a brother of the Provost Marshal, seeing a Confederate 1 artillery company driving through the streets, j and mistaking them for Yankee troops, dashed Into the street, waving his hat, and bawling, “Hurrah for Lincoln.” St was immediately seized and pvt to death by our troops ! ” This victim of cold-blooded butchery was named William C. Parham. He came to this city about the first of January, 1860, and re mained here eighteen months. Daring a por tion of this time he was in the employ of 8. C. Pomeroy & Co., commission merchants, in the capacity of book keeper, and also of C. H. Scriven, advertising agent. The re mainder of the time, dating until his depart ure, which occurred upon the very day of the battle of Bull Run, be was employed as a mail ing clerk in this office. He was a native of Petersburg, Ya., and all his relatives were tank and bitter secessionists. His father held * commission as captain, and his brother, as lieutenant in a Virginia regiment. During iis stay us, he received fre quent letters from his family, urging md commanding him to return and join the rebel army, threatening- to disown him ■in -case of refusal. In spite of all these threats, he was a strong Union man, although he 'never made a display of his patriotism and lardy talked upon political topics. Upon the day of the Bull Bun disaster, he mysteriously s disappeared, leaving all his effects behind him, which atm remain In the office. Since that time we had heard nothing from him, until the above paragraph met our eye. In ah his habits he was a most thorough gentleman and ■ was sincerely respected by all who ®iew him. pis strong Union sentiments at last he could not conceal and they have resulted in Ids un timely death. It is only another damning instance of that rebel atrocity which is being regarded with distinguished consideration. WAB MEETING AT 'METEO POLTTAH HALL. . THREE MONTHS’ MEM WANTED. Chicago It.’nst Clre Two Regiments. A large and enthusiastic war meeting was held at Metropolitan Hall last evening, to take active measures for the organization of one or two regiments in the city for three months service in doing guard duty at Camp Douglas and other necessary local service. ~ The meeting was caffed to order at eight o’clock by Aid. J. Q. Hoyt. Mayor Sherman was elected chairman, and J. C. Dore, Esq., secretary. Mayor Sherman, on taking the chair, said the opening of the meeting had been delayed some time, awaiting the arrival of Adjutant General Fuller. The call for the meeting was not issued until five o’clock p. m., as up to that time it was not known that such action was necessary. But late dis- patches from Washington peremptorily called for the raising of one regiment io-morrow for guarding the prisoners at Camp Douglas, to allow the regiments sow stationed there to leave immediately. He thought there were men enough in Chicago willing to come up to this duty, and had no doubt they would com ply cheerfully. Maj. R. M. Hooch being called for, said that the Mayor had said everything necessary. The object of the meeting was to take prelim inary steps for the organization of a regiment immediately, and to that end a Committee would be appointed, who would remain at the Trail all day for the purpose of enrolling names and organizing companies for this service. He called upon all to come' up to the work. The {emergency was a pres sing one and must be met manfoßy. At this juncture Adjutant General Fuller eptered the Ball and was introduced to the audience by Mayor Sherman. General Fuller said he had not come to make a speech, for he was not in a condition to do so. We had all been passing through anxious days since Sun day, and he was not here, as a few weeks ago, to talk about contributions for the sick and wounded, but to folk of contributions of men for immediate camp and garrison duty in our own State. Those men must now be had. Flf- keen minutes since, he had received a dispatch requiring bim to organize three regiments at once to relieve those now at Camp Doug las and Butler and allow them to leave at once. They were how under marching orders, but wMther he could not say, as some things were now contraband. On Saturday he had received a dispatch stating that the Capital ■was in danger. There was reason then for such apprehension, but thanks to the citizens of New England and Pennsylvania, who had risen enmasse to the relief of the Government, that danger was now averted- Such an up rising never was seen before. There is still, however, work to do. There are other dan , gers, other points to fortify and protect, j While McClellan is driving the enemy at the I East, Halleck, under whom are our neighbors and onr sons, is pressing on them at Corinth. He needs reinforcements and must have them. On Sunday I telegraphed the Mayor and CoL Mußlgan, with some friends, to meet me at Springfield, not stating business. On their arrival I asked Col. Mulligan how soon he could be ready to move. He replied “As soon as strain of cars will take my men.” lasked Chicago how soon they could raise a tempora-. ry guard for Camp Douglas. The answer was “As soon as we can ring the bells.” I telegraphed to Mr. Steele at Bloomington, At twelve o’clock at night he rang the bells, and when the train passed, four hours after, he put two hundred and fifty men on bo.wd, and end If he could have six hours more time he would raise four hundred more men. All day, until to-night, he had been unde cided, not knowing what was required of him. Now he was settled. He was to raise three regiments of men for three months service In the camps of the State, who were liable to be disbanded at any previous time when such service was no longer required. He had been asked if Chicago might raise them all? He would accept all companies as they came, giving preference to those already organized. But he wanted no paper companies. He wanted no one to present Mm names without men to hack them up. If a regiment could he raised here between now and to-morrow (Thursday) night, he would cheerfully accept it, and said, “If I mistake not people,you will have ten companies before that time. Can you do It? [Cries of “yes,” “yes.”] Then do it if you please, and in relation to the place of rendezvous, you must not go to Camp Doug las by companies, hut come to this hall. Lieut. Christopher will provide subsistence hero to morrow, and, if necessary, the day after. ■When eighty men are enrolled, the company will be organized and choose their own offi cers; and when ten companies have been raised, they will elect regimental officers. These regiments will receive the same pay, ■uniforms and equipments as those in the three years service. Two thousand arms and uni forms are already here, sent before I left Springfield, and nothing is wanted but men to take them. Mr. Hoyt then moved the appointment of a Committee of ten to remain at the Hall to day to receive names for enrollment. This was amended by adding to the list' the names of two Germans and two Irishmen, when the Committee stood as follows; J. Q. Hoyt, Ma jor E. M. Hough, Phillip Wadsworth, Colonel Tucker, Gurdon 8. Hubbard, E. P. Towne, Geo. W. Gage, W. D. Manchester, John B. Turner, C. G. Wicker, Peter Slump, Caspar Bute, PhiL Conley and Hugh Maher. Mayor Sherman then said that this was a business meeting, and it was not expected that there would be much speech-making. The meeting would be kept open for business until to-morrow night, and longerif necessary. Adjutant General Fuller will appoint an In spector and Surgeon who will ho at the H*U all day. Major Hough announced that a muster roll of the Anderson Rifles would he opened at the West Market Hall this morning. Capt. Turner and W. B. Manchester will open muster rolls for two companies of the Chicago Light Guard at their Armory, comer of State and Randolph streets. Capt. Dnddley has already sixty names on his muster roll, which will be opened at Met ropolitan Hall this morning, while the Com mittee will also remain there all day for the same purpose. We know that this appeal to Chicago to famish two regiments, will not be in vain. The exigency is a pressing one and must be met Immediately. Let every man, high or low in station, who can leave his business and shoulder a musket, come up immediately and enrol his name. Companies will be accepted in the order of their formation. First come, first served. "Who wDI be the first to step forward in this emergency ? The committee are in session to-day, and to-day is the time men are needed. Let there be no delay. ; Chicago cannot afford to be behind the rest of the State. BEad* Anna Bishop, The conceit season is not yet closed, and concert-goers will be delighted to know that before the flight of the singing birds they will have an opportunity of hearing Mad. Ann* Bishop, the cantatrice, whom, not to know, aigues one as badly off as—well, as the readers of our evening cotemporary who—as that sheet alleges, referring to Elijah, M ore aware that an oratorio was never attempted before in this city.” They say—'“ they,” meaning the knowing ones—that Bishop sings more richly, sweetly and sympathetically than ever, and that her* voice, like Sillery, has mellowed with time. The mere announcement that she Is to sing at Bryan Hall next Monday evening, will be the index to an overflowing house. This excellent cantatrice has brought with her two adjutants; Seguin, baritone, son of Seguin senior, world-renowned as. a basso, who. It is said, wears the mantle of the lather; and Gnstave de Speiss pianist, by critical re pute, a thorough artist. Tickets for the con cert, with reserved seats, will be for sale at BL 11. Higgins* music store to-day. Secure seats early. . . Camp Douglas Mattebs.—Matters at Camp Donglas remain very quiet among the “aecesh,” their guards, however, having been rather lively within the past few days in the matter of preparation for departure for the Seat of War. The Mulligan battery Is now nearly ready for service, having received their aabrea and all equipments, with the exception of their horses, some two or three days since. No new prisoners have been received lately, and the general health of the inmates is now very good, the sick and mortality lists having materially decreased. Borne little excitement was created at the camp on Tuesday night,' by the breaking ont of a fire in the prisoners* quarters. Bat little damage was done, the fire having caught in the roof from a stove-pipe. It was speedily extinguished, though not until the whole camp was aroused. Bavb totjb Teh EkbCkht.—Water-takers will remember .that after this week ten per cent, is added to unpaid water bills. A Compliment to Mn. Simpson.— The Musical Union lost evening gave a very pleas* ant little party to Mr. Simpson, the tenor, at Root & Cady’s piano rooms. ' Good music, good creams, good society,’ and numerous other good things, mode up the programme, all of' Which were rendered admirably. The musical portion was all that could be asked. The creams, although rather rapid in execu tion, and lacking warmth of feeling, went off remarkably well. The sociality developed into quite a little atmosphere of musical gos sip. A large number of musicians outside the Union (not rebels) and invited guests were present and added to the geniality of tbe even ing. Mr. Simpson leaves for New York to day. The Steamer Planet. —The steamer Planet arrived yestemoon, having made but one trip to Detroit and Cleveland. She has returned to take a load of cattle and freight from this port and Sheboygan, which proved too much for the Sea Bird, which steamer has gone to Cleveland in the Planet’s place this trip. The Planet will leave for Lake Superior ports Fri day evening at seven o’clock, and: will, alter arriving at Ontonagon, resume her place in the Cleveland, Detroit and Lake Superior line. The steamer Sea Bird will at the same time re sume her route from here to Like Superior, assisted by the new and fast steamer Water Witch, so that the trade will be well provided for. Hops Nurseries.— There is no more gen tlemanly, genial, accomplished and reliable gardener in this city, than our old friend A. T. Williams, of the Hope Nurseries. And with these qualities of mind, hand and heart, it is not strange tb**- he succeeds and finds it necessary to extend his business, enlarge his green-houses, and increase his working force annually. Himself or his representative will always be found at his green-house adjoining the old Chicago cemetery, in the midst of the flowers, and ready and willing to fill an order for an excellent boqnet, or a load of the choicest of his well grown plants. LAW INTELLIGENCE. United States Circuit Court— Before Judge J>rummond. —No. 873, Chancery—Connecticut Mu tual Life Insurance Co. ts. E. N. Heald, et. a’;.; report of masters of sale filedand confirmed. No. 527—Chancery -John S. iliesroon, ts. Louisa G. Bigelow, et. aL; defendant having filed their an swer, admitting the allegations in the hill, and amended bill now on motion of complainant’s so licitor, and referred to clerk to report amount due on mortgage. No. 528—Chancery—same ts. same; same order. The Patent cafe Is still on trial and will not he concluded before the last of this week or drat of next week. The most of the time was occupied yesterday in hearing witnesses. Circuit Court op Cook Couktt— Before Eon. Jvdge Manierre. —No. 603—Chancery. .Elizabeth Odlerich vs Claude Oellerich. Proof ofpublicatlon, default, and referred to Master to takeproofa, and report. No. 640—Chancery. Charles ~P. Wil liams vs. John S. Newhouse et al. Service of pro cess on John 8. and Sylvia Newhouse. Default, and referred to Master as to them. No. 621 Chancery. The Eliot Bank, National Bmk of Boston, It. Rising et al. vs. P. B. Roberts et al. Rule to answer extended fifteen days. No. 593 Chancery. Mary Henhig vb. ‘William Henbig. Proof of publication, default, and referred to Master. No.ol9—Chancery—LindH. Yolkvs. Casner Volk; service of process. Default and referred to Master. No. Ssß—Hi S. Hart vs. Simon Hamilton et al; service on defendant Hamilton. Default and Court assess $160.68 and continued with ect/a. No. 976 —James Laflin vs. E. De Witt Robinson; service. Default ana Court asse-s $266.32. No. 974—City of Chicago vs. Marcus Lake; dismissed on pay ment of costs by defendant. No. 1002—John V. Farwell vs. Edward Foster et al.: service. De fault and Court assess $541.88. No. 905 John W. Grossman vs. L. A. Doolittle et al.; service. Default and writ of enquiry. No. 928—C. Christian Johnson et al. vs.S.C.Hull: proof publication, default, judgment for $209.19 property attached. No. 832—Architectural Iron Works vs. John Link; motion by Windett of counsel on behalf of S. A. Smith, a subsequent creditor, to be made a party defendant: motion denied; defendant excepts. No. 995—Helen L. Brown, administratrix of James Brown, deceased, vs. City of Chicago: service, default and Court assess. No. 671—Margaret A. Jennings et al vs. Solomon Sturges; ten days given,in which to plead. Superior Court — Before Judge Higgins— No. 1528—John Turner vs. B. Hiatt; dismissed at de fendant’s costs.peretipalallon on file. The case of T. Jones et al. vs. City of Chicago, was on hear ing all day yesterday. Jones sues for damages to property sustained by the falling of the Van Bureu Street bridge. Mcßsre.Batee.Faller and Roundtree for plaintiff, and Geo. W. Meech and B. F. Ayer for the City. Before Judge Goodrich.— No. 244—Henry H. Handy tb. John Miller; appeal proved and allow ed bond of $300; security to be approved by court; bond and bill of exceptions to bo filed In sixty days. No. 400— H. H. Handy et al. vs. John Hiller; same order as above. No. 456—John B. Walsh vs. J. Schulte, et al.; leave to amend papers so as to change name of defendant from Charles Grogan to Charles Kroger; by stipulation filed. N0.682—M. Hemmerick vs. the City of Chicago; judgment In favor of plaintiff for SBOO, and order that no execution shall issue for ninety days. No. 557—C.Beerevs.JohnQ.Deshler; submitted. Verdict for pliintiff, damages $4,787.- 78. Motion by defendant for a new trial, and in arrest. No. 619 E. W. Evans vs. the City Bank of Kenosha: suit dismissed at plaintiff's coats. No. 560—C. Z. Eager vs. M. O..Walker et al.; de fendant comes and withdraws his plea; default and judgment for $534.53. No. 562 J. R. Railey et al vs. Carl Erler; verdict for plaintiff, damages $350.40. Order that tenire Issue for 13 tales jurymen, re turnable immediately. Watzb Taxes.— Remember pud call to-day at the office of Board of Public ‘Works, No. 15 Court House, and save the ten per cent, addition to the Water Tax made June Ist. May 29—3t. Attiu«tiok Eixswobth Zouatbs.— Ton arc or dered to be at your Armory this Thursday evening, In full dress uniform, at 7>£ o’clock, sharp. All old members expected to be there. Let every one come. By order of E. L. Beakd, Capt. Go toJptaffanes, 119 Dearborn st., and get your clothes'Qioßraghly cleaned and neatly repaired, novia 1 Call on Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding for Printing, novll-hai-ly Boy paper bangings of Chase & Co., 109 Randolph street. mh 29-3 m fW* Far cleaning and dying gentleman's clothes go to Cook & McLean, 98 Dearborn-street. This old estahlishedhonee do better and cheaper work than any in the city. ebSl-ly New styles of Paper Hangings just received at Faxon's, Lake street. Call and see them. ap24-p743 Refrigerators and Ice Boxes—wholesale and retail—of the most approved kinds. Refrigerators repaired or exchanged. my23-12t J. W. Best, 58 LaSalle. Coughs, l2m,rxKzA, Hoaesekbss, and the va rious throat affections to which public speakers and singers are liable, relieved by “Brown's Bronchial Troches.” Having a direct influence to the affected parts, they allay pulmonary irritation. mj27-2t-X&T FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL, MONETARY. Wednesday Evening, May 23,1362. The money market offers very little variety from day to-day. Money continues plenty and paper wherewith to use it, scarce. The abundance con. ‘trusts most favorably with the stringency which for many years has been the role in Chicago. New York exchange is steady at former rates, viz: par@Kc buying, and X per cent, selling, with concessions of a fraction bythe larger banka. Gold is firm. The busing price is 3x@3X ing 4 per cent, premium. Transactions not large. Willard & Kean, bankers, are paying IX premi um for Canada currency. Consolidation Bank, Pa.—A week ortwo since this bank was classed by us and other city papers, with several bogus concerns. The following note explains itself: Chicago, May 28, 1869. Editors Chicago Tribune; We enclose you a sworn statement sent tts by the President of the Consolidation Bank, Philadelphia, of its assets and liabilities.— We believe the bank to be entirely solvent and honestly managed. We have no interest in it whatever. Its notes are received on deposit and In payment of all collections and debts due oa. Yoon, * Solomon Snmois & Sons. We are glad Messrs. Sturgis & Sons are satis fied that the Bank is good, and our readers will b a pleaeedto have the same information. While It is so let its bills be sent home. We have currency enough at the West without them, and as they are good in Philadelphia, why let the “ city of broth erly love ” keep them there. Milwaukee.—' The Sentinel of this morning says: Monetary matters remain in every respect as noted in our last issue. There is a considerable amount of business doing in the discount line for Siin merchants, but the low rates of exchange ve brought out so large a volume of easterncur rency that our banks find no difficulty in meeting the demand. Exchange is steady at former quo tations. Buying. Selling. Now York Exchange par &®&prem Specie 3X<&2Kprem. prem Treatnry Notes .. . K prem. % prem. New Yobx Banks —lncluding the clearing house operations of the last week, which show the inter-exchanges between the banks, and including also the sub-Treasury average of the week, the following is the general comparison with the pre vious exhibit, and also with the movement this time last season: May 25, ’6l. May 84, ’«*. May 17, ’6*. Capital $69,&.r7,000 $69,051,000 $69,051,000 Loans ..118,141,856 143.950.149 143,290,788 Specie 59,628.191 80.672,760 80,830,697 Circulation.... 8,793.883 8.691,676 8,83", 831 Gross Dep0a1ta.107,027,425 146.407,625 147.9J2 271 Exchange 15,693.548 23,801,761 27,893.841 Undrawn. 91,834,879 123,602.864 120,003,920 In Bub-Treas’y. 6,836,003 13,016,269 15,125,703 St. Louis.—The. of this morning has the following; Dullness reigned supreme to-day in the money market. Exchange is abundant, with but little demand, at $ cent, premium. Gold stiffened up considerably, in consequence of the advance in New York. There was no demand- however. In this market, and we quote it nominally at 4 8 cent, premium. Thegoldfeveris intermittent. It may be violent today, and to-morrow the patient may be pro-trate in a cold sweat. Ofcourse, the gold mongers will make the best of their opportunity and - take advantage of any seeming temporary re verse to our arms to ply their avocation, and get up a breeze In their own Xavor. But perhaps Its . no more than fair that they should have a run oc ~ caaionally, now that Government securities yre bo close to a gold Btandard.&nd one class of them still above, we can afford to be liberal towards cold. But we caution onr friends who ore usually so easily led off after gold gods, to wade in with care until they get their soundings. Gold has its ups and downs as well as stocks, and past experience ought to teach those who are al lured by tbe mere glitter of the thing, that gold pays no interest to make up for losses, andjwhat is lost in a gold speculation, is lost for ever. Cikctshati.—The Cautis of this morning says: The money market continues very duU. Capital is in large supply, with only very moderate em ployment for it. Commercial paper sells at from 6to 10 per cent. Bankers generally adhere to tho Jotter figure, bat choice paper can be placed at 6(&8 per cent. Loans hare even been made for one and two years at 6 per cent.; but mere is not much capital for Investment at this rate on long time. Even on first class paper, bearin'* 8 per cent., the aim is to bare tbe funds returned every sixty or ninety days. Lenders look for better times toward the close of summer, and they take care to have their means ‘within reach when the autmnn'tradc sets in. Theaggregatedemandforexchangeislight. The supplies are alao quite moderate, if we compare matters with ordinary times; hat the balances are more than adequate to the wants of consumers. Consequently the market li doll and drawers make smaltarofits. In the way of making exchange out of banknotes nothing Is done, for the reason that there is no opening for this business. There has been a nervous feeling in the gold market for two days past, and prices are unsettled, hut generally higher. In New York to-day it advanced to 4#c premium, hat fell back to 4c, at which it closed. It la held here at 3&@4cprem., but dealers are not willing to pay much over 2#c, though 3c Is ob tainable in some cases, and even' 334 c prem. has bten paid. We quote: Buying. Selling. par KSXprem. 2X@Bprem. 3X@4 prem. New York. Gold The Indiana Swindle. The great Indiana, swindle continues to occupy a large amount of attention in Wail street. To guard against such frauds the World of yesterday makes the following suggestions: This affair is merely a copy of Schuyler’s mode of raising moaey. The final issue of It is differ ent as regards loss to the lenders of money, sim ply because the stock market is now advancing, and in Schuyler’s time it was declining. Who can tell a genuine certificate of stock from a counterfeit ? It was impossible to do so with New Haven Railroad stock in Schuyler’s time, with Pacific Hail oyer issues in 1880, and in this instance withlndiana State stock?. This is all wrong. Why not devise some sys tem which shall enable capitalists or their agents to examine the chain of title to a certificate of stock with as much ease, and certainty as they now examine a title-deed to real estate in the city ball of records ? Let every State and company begin their issues of stocks or bonds, as with real estate in a city, by giving the certificate securities, names and numbers which shall remain forever unchanged, so that the title to No. 1 Indiana state stock can be mafia as simple, clear and legally evidenced as the title to No. 1 Broadway. The original No. 1 In diana state stock shall always remain andbeknown asNo.l. The transfer shall simply register the new owner, and grant him a certificate or proof that the transfer Has been made to h! 3 name, bht this act whnli in no way touch, dr affect, or alter the original certificate or title deed to the No. 1 first issued by the state or company. No. 1 Indiana state stock, New Haven, or any other certificate security, could then be clearly traced through its list of owners by the purchaser or bis agents, and by an organized system of registered and duly wit nessed receipts It could be legally proven genuine beyond dispute. If an ovc-issuc was made it must be a duplicate number, and with certificate of transfer accompanying It bearing the name of the owner of the genuine stock, otherwise the simple inquiry at the office of the name of Che then own er would lead at once to the discovery of the fraud. We suggest this as a practical preventive of over issues of certificate securities. The Schuyler frauds would have been impossible under this system. ~ COMMERCIAL. Wednesday Even ins. May 28,1863. BXCZZPTS FOB LAST TWBHTT-POTJB HOUBS. Flour Wheat Cora Oats Bye Bar. brls. bn. bn. bo. bo. bn. Canal.. 4634 835 T7519 .... 582 .... 6&CDRB». 2051 31651 16193 5749 2UO 113 BIRR STS 6600 6600 .... 350 .... niCBR 1314 5920 17820 580 710 890 CS&QHE... 900 8483 28929 3837 710 717 C4NWRB.. 1578 22818 1204 2793 297 123 A&StLBB.. 200 1820 14830 .... 2150 .... 11052 71115 156115 12979 6190 1343 Total. Grass High. Seed L’d. ws. LlTga Cattle Hides lbs. lbs. brla. No. No. B>s. Canal 4900 Q& CURB.. 7280 .... 65 3075 EIRE 519 17 1630 111 CRB 149 150 86 8157 CS&QRR... 1265 581 835 111 .... 553 C&N W A&StL. 25 250 574 1030 53 17605 8635 581 SHIPMENTS BT LAKE LAST TWBNTT-POTJB HOtTEfl. Flour Wheat Corn Data Bye Bar. brla. bn. bn. bn. bn. bo. To Buffalo 51025 65660 22000 To Oswego 17000 To Pt. Sarnia. 3074 To .Goderich.. 2365 To other Porta 3840 65035 68700 33175 Total. RECEIPTS AND SHIPMENTS BY LASS—MAT IS, 1803. Receipts. Shipments. Lumber, ft 3,430,000 Flour, brls 1,074 Shingles, ft 60,000 Wheat, ba 39,250 Lath, pcs 65,000 Com, bn 91,350 Timber, ft 80,000 Oats, bu 1,175 Staves, no 245.000 Rye, bu 6,600 Poatß.no 9,000 Pork, brls 1,520 Salt, brls 2,204 Lard, brls 25 Wood, cds 595 Tallow, brls 80 Coal, tons 1,050 Broom Com. bis 94 Fifeh.pkgs 75 Cut Meats, brls. 1,316 Bides, no 9,243 Highwlncs, brls 1 3 0 Lead, pigs 3,000 RECEIPTS AKD SHIPMENTS BT CAMXn—May 37. Receipts. Shipments. Flourbrls 4,684 Lumberft -...322.201 "Wheat hn 32S Lath ft 10,530 Combn 77,519 Salcbrls. 3 Byehu 531 Coal tons 884# Pork brls 69 The Europe , with Liverpool advices to the 17th Inst, was telegraphed this morning. Roar was reported6d©le lower; wheat declined 8d; com 3d®Gd lower. Provisions were dull and declining. The news of the 18th telegraphed to Queenstown, shows com to be slightly firmer; lard, upward tendency. There was a good attendance on ’Change to-day; but the Europe's news caused an extreme depres sion In the leading markets, particularly wheat. Tbe receipts of Wheat were comparatively lib eral—amounting to 71,U5bushela. This, with the dull news from Europe, caused a very dull and drag, ging market—and we have to note a decline of 2® 2#c per bushel. Towards the close there was rather a better feeling in the market audit rallied slightly and became firm. Only about GO.OOObush* els of all grades changed bauds, at 79©80cfor Am ber Iowa; 77©79 c for No. 1 Spring; and 67@71c for No. 3 Spring. At the close, sales ruled at 78# ©79 c for No. 1 Spring and CB©69c forNo.SSpring. There was an extremely dull market for Flour, ard wc note a decline of s©loc per brl. —with light sales of good spring extras at $3.60. The Com market also suffered a decline of #© #c per bushel, inconsequence of tho dull news from the East—with sales of about 100,000 bushels at 29#c for old Canal and River Mixed afloat; 80c for New River Yellow afloat; 27#©27#c for Old Mixed in store ; 28#®34cforNcw Mixed in store. and22c forßejected in store. Oats were In good demand and steady at 26#© 27c, but less buoyant—the bulk of the transactions being at the inside quotation. Bye was quiet at 40#@41cfor No. 1 in store. Barley was steady and quiet. Highwlncs were sold at 19#c. Choice Timothy Seed was sold at $1.40, hut the demand Is trifling. HungarianGrassSeedhas'changodhands at $1.25. Freights were steady at the decline noted jester, day—with engagements at 4c for Com and 4#c for v beat to Buffalo, and 7#c for wheat to Kingston. CHICAGO DAILY MARKET. C 5?" Grain sold “ in store" is subject to 2c stor age, which is paid by the buyer , exclusive of the price paid for the grata to the seller. When a sale Xs made, in which the seller pays the storage , it ia quoted 41 free of storage ,” or o. b .” Wednesday Evening, May 2S, 1862. FREIGHTS—Steady at yesterday’s decline. The engagements were: To Kingstonßark Alexan der, wheat, at 7#c. To Boflalo; —Schrs A. E. Hart, Geo. Foote, Fame, A. J. Rich, brig Banner —all with Com, at 4c; hark Sunrise, oats, on p. t.; schrs Newhonsc and Ellen Williams, wheat, at 4#c. To Port ColbomeSchr Lady of the Lake, com at 4c. FLOUR—Received, 11,052 brls; shipped, 8,840 brls. Market doll and s@loc lower. Sales, 500 brls “ Autocrat ” r. h. spring extra on p. t.;500 brls good f. h. extra at $3.60; 75 brls good f. h. ex tra at $3.60; 60 brls low grade winter at $4 30. WHEAT—Received, 71,115 bn; shipped, 63,025 bn. Market dull and l#@3c lower. Sales, 3,500 bn Amber lowa in store at 79c; 1,000 bn do at 80c» B,OCO bn No. 1 Spring in store at 77c; 2,000 bn do at 77Jtfc; 5,000 bn do at 77>fc; 6,5C0 bn do at 73c; 1,600 bn do at 7S#c; 8,000 bn do at 79c; 8,000 bn No. 2 Spring in store at 67c; 11,000 bn do at 68c; 1,500 bn do at 6S#c; 4,000bn do at 69c; 3,SCO bn do 1 (In Flint & T’s.) at 70c; 2,000 bn do (In Munn & Scott’s N. W. elevators) at 70c; 1,600 bn do in same house at 79#c; 5,000 bn do in same house at 71c; 1,000 hn Rejected at 60c; 1,000 hn do at 59c. COEN—Received, 166,116 bn; shipped, 63,700 bn. Market declined Sales were—s,ooo bn New River Yellow at 80c afloat; 8.500 bn Old Canal Mixed at 29#c afloat; 17,000 bn do at 30c f. o. b.; 2,000 bn. Old Yellow in store at 230; 32,000 bn. Old Mixed in stnre at 273£ c; 22,000 bn do at 87#c; 4,000 bn. do at 27Kc; 5,000 bn. New Mixed la store at 14c; 6,600 bn. do. at 23jtfc; 10,000 bn Rejected in store at 22c. OATS—Received, 12,979bn. Market steady,bn 4 scarcely so buoyant. Sales, 6,600 bn. No. lin store at 27c.; 7,600 bn. do. at 26*£ c; 12,000 bn. do. at 96Kc>; 600 bn. do. in bags on track at 2Sc. RYE—Received, 6,199 bn. Market dull. Sales 800 bn No lin store at 41c; 406 bu do at 40#c; 400 bn No 3 in store at 38; 400 bn Rejected instore at 38c; 400 bn do at 36c. BARLEY—Received, 1,342 bn. Market steady. Sales, 950bn medium quality at 40c del; 99bags and 500 bn do at 89c del. HIGH WEvES—Received, 574 brls. Market quiet. Sales, 100 hrls city at 19>fc. SEEDS—Received, 8,635 lbs. Market quiet, Sales, 41 bags choice Timothy at $1.40; 21 hags Hungarian at $1.25; 23 hags Flax at $1.25. BEANS —24 bushels good Mixed at $1.40. PROVISIONS —Nothing doing and market for all kinds of Product nominal. Mess Pork is held at SIO.SO@U OO—with no demand Lard is nomi nal at TX&IHc ; 13 tes Yellow Grease at Sjs^c. TALLOW—City firm at 7Country 7© 7*c. HlDES—Market quiet. Sales 10,200 lbs. Qao tatlons as follows: Dry Flint, 18c; Dry Salted, 10 @10#; Green Salted, s#@6c; Green Country, 4# @sc; Grubby # price. BUTTER—Market firm. We quote: Pirkia fair 8c; prime 9c; old 6@7c, Grease, s#@Tc. Sales,' 4,000 lb old 801 l at 6#c. POTATOES—Batter doH. Good Neshaunocks 85c 9 bu; good common, SO&SS. POULTRY—Chickens 9 doz $175^3.09; Tur keys, 6@6#c9 lb; Pigeons.S7#@soc9 doz. EGGS—In good demand at 6#<s6c 9 doz for fresh. The Crops In Europe—Tlie Grain Trade, The Marl Lam Erprur reports the weather “ brilliant and forcing," and the sickly appearance' which the wheat plant had began to assume is ma terially reduced. The prospects, where the growth has been forward, are not so bright. An early harvest, however, is predicted, if the weather proves at all suitable during the summer. The grass crop was abundant. In Prance the weather has also been highly fa vorable—sufficiently low in temperature to fcsep the early wheat in check, bid not low enough (t create any alarm for the growing crops of either com or fruits. An abundant therefore looked for. In some of tbe departments there have been complaints of drought, and in some in* stances of too much rain; but tbe fears expressed are considered premature. The grain trade in England has been dull sod prices have declined. The French markets hays also given way, as well as parts of Germany. Odes sa was firmer, but that market would probably follow the British, market. ALBANY LIVE STOCK ISABEET. Beeves—Th« receipts are again large, nearly 4.500 having been brought down during the week. This is fcOO bead more than was expected, or is needed, and yet the market opened at an advance equal to at least %c, $ fi>., live weight, (in a few instances %c. $ fi>. better was realized.) Sales, however, were slow. Almost all the New York ers forestalled the market here by going to Sus- J tension Bridge and Buffalo, where they bought argely and rather wildly, cn speculation. They brought down about 1,200 bead, altogether, aod we know of one or two who wish they were well out ef the venture. The immediate effect of so large a number being in the hands of a few men, has been to stiffen the market and enable others, wqth small droves,lwhcu they could effect sales, to realize somewhat better prices than they had an ticipated, Of the total receipts about one-half are still-fed from the distilleries of this State and Illinois. The approach of summer renders it nec essary to get this daes of cattle to market as soon as possible, and, as additional evidence that own ers appreciate this necessity, we may state the fact that every distillery in the northern and west ern part of the State, where cattle have been fed daring the past winter, is represented in oar mar ket this week. The stiliers inn light, and there is hardly any more beef in the yards than would be represented by 4,000 average corn-fed cattle. Receipts— The following Is our comparative statement of receipts at this market over the Central Railroad, estimating sixteen to the car: .Cor. This week. Last week, last year. ....4.245 3,630 3,815 ....3,610 8,420 8,720 .... 934 138 The Cattle w- re from the different States and Canada in the following numbers: Cattle. Sheep. Hogs.. New York. Illinois Ohio Indiana Total 4,300 Peiexs—The market is moderately active at the following prices: This week. Last week. Premium $5 00&5.12 $4.87®5.00 Krtra..- 4.50@4.7S 4.37@L70 First quality 3.75©4.25 8.50©4.00 Second quality 3.15©3.53 3.00®3.90 Third quality 3.C2&2.90 2 50©*78 Boos—Receipts for the week at West Albany, about 4.C00 head. We cannot learn of any being soldhere. The askingprice range from3>tf©3Kc $ lb., and for choice extra fat SB.BO, but there are none here that will realize the outside figure.— Evening Journal. Bnflblo Cattle Market—May 20. [From the Advertiser, 26Uu] The receipts of cattle at the different yards la tbid city for the •week ending on Saturday, foot up 2,568 head. A good demand has prevailed throughout the week, and prices closed at on ad vance of lj£c $ lb. The receipts of hogs were 0,145 bead—more than double the number that came forward during the previon*week. With a S respect of lighter receipts on .Monday and Tues iy the market openedat for fat hogs, but as they came forward more freely towaras the close prices declined to 3c for the best com fed hoes, and dull at that. No sales of stock. Fat Etm fed are quoted at 3&c. J, Fry sold 68 head to L. Daubee at SSO head, averaging 1260 lbs. Llghtner & Co. sold 153 Qllnois biill fed do. to Westbamer & Co. at $45 head, averaging 1.150 lbs. Hyman & Ruble sold 168 Illi nois cattle to Toffee & Con*y at $55 $ head, aver aging 1,850 lbs. Parks & Co sold 85 Illinois do. to Bryant & Simmons at $4 cwt. averaging 1,485 lbs. Parks & Co. sold 75 do. to Bums & GUlett at SSO $ head, averaging 1,225 lbs. L. Daubee sold 70 Illinois do. to Alienon & Co. at S7O $ head, av eraging 3,500 as. Boston Boot and Shoe Market, [From the Boston Commercial Bnlletin.] The trade for the season has about closed; there are a few scattering orders trom the West. On the whole, our jobbers look upon the trade of the past season as having been quite fiilr. Of course, there are croakers who would not acknowledge a good trade, if they were selling largely and getting great profits. Such people damage any trade; there is as much evil is this extreme as in the other. .... 1175 100 .... The hoot and shoe trade ought to be kept here and not be allowed to be scattered all over the country at favorable points like Chicago. There appears to be the same want of energy, and the same lack ol comprehension of what lae business interests of Boston need in this branch as in. others. No manufacturer would have gone to Chicago, if Boston had kept Chicago as near to her market as New York has. These little open ings arellke the small holes made in the bank of the canal—small at first, but increasing till large enough to allow the whole to break away. The chief topic among the dealers in Pearl street has been, the sodden departure of the head of a well-known house in California. Some think that all will he made right, but the majority are of the opinion that all Is w2ong. Tqe total ehlpmrnt of Boots and shoes fromßos ton for the week ending Friday night, May 13, as reported for the Commercial Bulletin, are: By Bail 6,345 Cases. By Water 245 “ Total. Milwaukee Grain market—Stay 27. Received, 93,469bu. wheat, 4,052br15. flour; 3,654 bu. oats; 531 bu. com. Shipped, 861 brls. flour ; 17,453 bu. wheat. The Sentinel of this morning re views the market as follows: The wheat market opened yesterday morning at a decline of 2c on No. 9 spring, but subsequently Improved a little and became tolerably active, at 74c for No. 2 and Bt@Bo#c for No. 1 in store. The sales during the forenoon at these figures amounted to about 60,000 bushels. On ’Change, notwithstanding tho decline at New York, the de mand continued active, and there was a temporary advance of #c on the prices ruling earlier in the day. The market, however, closed at 74©60 c for the standard grades in store. Including the early transactions, about 110X00 bushels changed bands, at 73©74#c for No. 2 in store, 60©81 c for No. 1 in store, and 75®81c for the same qualities delivered. At least three fourths of the amount sold was No. 3, mostly at 74c. Only one lot of No. 1 went as high as 81c in store. There was a good demand up to the close at the middle quotations. Grain freights were dull yesterday, we heard of hut one engagement yesterday, the schooner Kate Darling, at Gc for wheat to Buffalo. This is ono cent above the rates at Chicago. Philadelphia Flour Market—May 26. The flour market continues dull and unsettled. There is little or no demand either for export or home use, and the sales were mostly limited to the wants of the trade at $4.75®5.00 for common western and good Pennsylvania superfine; $5.00© 8.75 for northwestern, and good extra and extra family at $6.00©6.50 $ brl. for fancy brands as in quality, at which rates holders generally are free sellers. Sales of Tobacco In lionlCTlile. In a sale made on Saturday at the Boone Ware house of 55 hogsheads, the largest average was made that ever the same amount of tobacco brought in this market, outside of entries for pre miums. The highest price was obtained by Dr. R A. Kelley, of Christian county, of $16.50. The lowest price for logs was $6.10, and the average was $11.75 for the whole 55 hogsheads. This to bacco was all from Christian county, Ky.-Louis riUe Journal. The East Saginaw salt manufacturing company have shipped this season to Chicago hy schooner Quickstep, 2,086 bris. of salt; schooner Starlight, 2.097 hrls.; hark E. C. Winslow. 1,947 brls.; schooner Bay City, 2,709 hrls ; in all, 8,539 brls.; and to Milwaukee by bark Jesse Hoyt, 2.327 brls. The salt is giving excellent satisfaction in Chica go. and sells with a rapidity which is most encour aging. Proviilons In Philadelphia—May 26. The provision market is dull and neglected, and prices generally lavor the haven About 190 casks hams in salt sold at BJfc, and some hervy rough cut shoulders at 4#c $ ft. Lard and butter dull. Louisville Provision Market—May-27* Nothing doinginmess perk or bacon. Thenom lnal rates-for mess is $lO 50 fl brl with no buyers. Sales ; on Saturcay of 800 tea lard at 7J£c for clt v and 7Kc for country rendered. A sale also of 100 pkgs white grease at Stfc, and 50 tea tallow at 7M'c- Boston Flour Market—May 26. The receipts since vesterday have been 3,674 brls. The market is dull and the demand quite limited. Sales of western superfine at $4 25® 4.57&;®4.62#; extras 4 75®5.00; su perior $5.50®6 75 $ hrl. Southern is quiet and prices are nominal. Boston Hide Market—May 2 4. The market is dull. There has been but little demand for some time; sales of 1,960 TrnxiDo at 17XCi less 4?? cent.; 4.200 Bnenos Ayres at 24c. 4 mos.; 2.000 California at 33c. less 833 cent.; 800 Bnenos Ayres kips at 32c, 6 mos.; 470 do. to ar rive coastwise at 22c, cash; 400 western dry at 16c cash. markets by telegraph* NEW YORK, May 28.—Floue—5c. lower, with only moderate business doing for export and home consumption. Sales, 18,000 brls. at $4.25®4.35 for super state, $4 50®4.60 for ex. state, $4.65 for choice, $4.25 ®4.35 for super western, $4 50© 4.75 for common to medium extra western, SS4»®SAO for common to good shipping brands extra round hoop Ohio, and $5 20®6,50 for trade brands do. Market closing dull. Canadian flour dull and sc. lower, with only moderate business doing. Sales 1,300 brls. at $4.60®4.70 for spring, and $4.75®6.23 for winter extras. Rye flour lower. Sales 150 brls at $3-75@4.00. Com meal steady. Sales 600 brls at $2.90 for Jersey, and $3.15@3.20f0r Brandy wine. . ‘ Whisky—'Without decided change. Sales, 600 brig, at S3K@at.Mc. for state and western. Grair —Wheat 2c lower; good export-demand at decline; salesofSS.fOObu. Chicago springat9oc @{1.01; 1-16,000 bn. Milwaukee club at 95c@51.04; 26,4(0 bu. amber lowa at $1.04@1.05; 8*3,000 bu northwestern club at 9Gc@il.ol; 7.000 bn. smutty Green Bay at $1.03; IS,SOU bn. winter red western at $1.10@113; 16,500 bn. amber Michigan at $1.15 @1.18: 17.600 bn. Canada club at 93c@51.00; 16,- 600 bu. whire Canada at $1.1634@1.19; 6.600 bu. white at $1.90. We notice sales of 30*1 bu. Canada peas. Eye qniet. Oats 62c for west ern ; 70®72c for state. Barley doll; sales 2,000 bn. at TCc; 10.C00 bn. barley malt at sLoo4Com—mar ket opened 1c lower, but at close of 'change ral lied under good export demand, and closed slight ly easier for the boyer. Sales 167,000 bn. at 45@ 4654 c for new western mixed; 47@4Sc for old do, including choice at 49c; a load of yellow was re ported sold at 64c. Oats a little firmer. Sales at 40@44c for Jersey, Canadian, western and State. Pbotibioss.— Pork market without decided change Salesl,6sßbrlsatsl2.2sforme3B; sl2 00© 13.10 for western and city prime mess, and $9-15 a 9-87 for prime. Beef quietand firm. Sales 180 brls at 6@7c for prime; $9.50©10 00 for mesa ; $12.00© 18.60 for repacked mess ; sl4 00@15.00 for extra mess. Prime mess beef selling in small lots at sl9 00@20.00. Beef hams in moderate demand. Sales 100 oris at 16@17c for Mr to prime western, i Cut meats in good demand and steady.' Sales 1,0U) pkgs at 3K@4Xc for shoulders; 4j4@s^cfor h«ma Bacon sides dullandnominallTunchanged. Lard scarcely so firm. Sales 1,260 oris .at 734@ 934 c; also, sales €0 kegs do common at 834 c. • butter selling at 10@l7c for Ohio; 10@20c for state. Cheese firm at 7@834c. Mohet—Market steady and unchanged. 4@5 per cent, for call loana,4>4@6 9 cent, for discounts on strictly prime paper. Sterling exchange quiet at 114»£ tor banker's dHIs. American gola a shade easier, with moderate sales at 3J4®4 per cent, pre mium. California gold bars quoted at 434 per cent, premium. Government stocks-quiet; u- S 6s '81,103J4@103K; ? 8-10 Treasury notes, IM34© Stocks—Steady with moderate business. Chi £ E160J4, M &P da Ohicn 2634, C &T 4234,0* P 21K, G& * h 67, HI C scrip 6034> M S g1(T5434, M S 2374.MC 6034. Harl pfd 3434, Had 13J4 ,b-60, Buds 4334. Erie pfd 63, Erie 3534, NYC 8834, Pac Mall 110J4. American gold U S 6s'Bl 10334, regd ga gx Oregon warloanlOl: u S6s '74*conpons 9334, Treasnry 7 8-10 10434, Teun 6s 6734, Mo. 6s 6134.N-Y c 6s 100, Toledo £ Wabash 2d bonds 63, Pitta Ft W * Chi let bonds 96- . • OSWEGO, Hay 28.—Flour—unchanged, tead—Wheat Ist more active demand, chief! West Albany, May 26, 1863. . 841 Missouri., .2800 lowa . 163 Kentucky H5 Michigan. BALES OF ILLINOIS BEEVES. .6,610 The Saginaw Salt Trade; [From the Saginaw Courier, 90th. 1 middling; sales*7,ooobu. No. SChicago spring at F3#c; 4,000 bu. do. at about 85c; 1,000 bo. white Michigan at $1.16; 3,000 bu. fair white Canada at $1.13; 6,500 bn. amber Michigan at SI.OB. Com better demand; sales bn. 4.100 Illinois at 37c; 7,<‘00 bu. do. at 35#c; 4,300 bu. Indiana at 36#c; and 18,000 bu. No. 1 Illinois at 37c. to be delivered within sixty days. Rye unchanged; sales 1,300 bu. Canada at 61c. Barley quiet. Freights—Canal freights #c lower on grain: flour 86c; wheat 9c, to New York, Lake Imports—lmports 6.0C0 bris. flour; 13,300 bu. wheat; 56,000 bu. com. Cabal Espouts—Exports 2,183 brl. flour; 21,C00 u. wheat; C4.QCO bu. corn; 4,500 bo. barley. New York Cattle Market, By Tt legrapb.] New Yobs, May 23. Cunt at rates this week—beef cattle, first quali ty, sB.oO@B-6D; ordinary, $7A0®3.00: common, |7,ot ©7.5J; inferior. $G 50@7.00. Market opened quite firm on Monday; but with a certainty of heavy receipts, relapsed into a dull state, and pri ces receded aJ*out xc tt on all kinds, ranging from 6&c to SiftSXc, with some few, sales at 9c. Milch cows qoie, and nominally unchanged. Veal calves in moderate request. Sheep and lambs sold quite freely at quotations which enow little varia tion. Swine in limited request. Cornfed 3*a@SK ®3*c; still fed 3M®3X. Total rcceips of all stock for tbta and last week are as follows: Beeves 6863; cows 119}calves;557lambs 6,712; swine 8,244. Latest Foreien Markets. Fsb STZA3SSB Euboea.] LrvKßyooL, May 17. Richardson, Spence & Co., and Wakefield, Nash & Co., report flour dull and declined fid Is. brl: state 24@2fi@80s. Wheat very dull and declined 3d cental since Tuesday; red western9s. 9d® ICsfid: red southern 10s Odi&lls; white western 11s 6d®lls 9d; white southern 125@12 fid. Corn dull and declined 3@6d; mixed 27®29s Sd; yellow 27s Sd®27s 6d; white 32@S2s fid. Provisions— Beef nominal and downward. Pork quiet and easier. Bacon heavy and declined Bd®3s. Lard declining tendency; quoted at 4P®43s. London Mabkets.—Wheat heavy and declined l®2s ? quarter. Sugar quiet and steady, Ameri can Securics—Market firmer. Sales of Erie at SSK ; Illinois Central 47 discount ; U. S. 5s 79® 79X; Mass. ss, 95; Md. 6s S0@8l; Ya. 6s 52®M; Penn. 5s 70; do. bends 73@74. VIST LATEST VIA QUEESSTOWK. Lttehpool, Saturday Evening.—The Persia has arrived with the American mails. Her news was generally canvassed, and opinions are conflicting. Cotton was for a time very doll and difficult of sale. Breadstuff's market dull. Com quoted slightly firmer for mixed Provisions flat and downward. Lard has an upward tendency with a trifling advance. Losnoir, Saturday Evening.—Consols closed at 93*£ for money. American Stocks—The latest sales were: Brie Railroad 31©23; Illinois Cen tral 44@43X discount MARINE LIST. PORT OF CHICAGO. ARRIVED May 98, 1832. Str Sunbeam, Morgan, Two Rivers, sundries. Str Planet, Ward, Houghton, 90 tons iron. Str Baltic, Balble. Colllngwood. Prop Ontonagon, Minton, Colllngwood, 100 cords wood, 75 hrls fish, 5 brie eggs. Prop Adriatic, Mc'kca, Buffalo, sundries. Prop Nile, Hunt, Buffalo sundries. Prop Acme, Hathawav, Buffalo, sundries. Prop Tonawonda, Palmer, Buffalo, sundries. Prop Buckeye, Rostrum, Ogdenaburgh, sundries. Prop Chicago, Collins, Buffalo, sundries. Prop Mohawk, Pheatt. Buffalo, sundries. Prop Montgomery, GILUb. Collingwood. Bark Fame, Harvey, Buffalo. 220 m lumber. 15 lath. Bark Pacific, Morgan, Green Bay, 240 m lumber. Bark Sunrise, Comstock, Buffalo. Brig Banner, Stebbins, Buffalo, 250 m lumber. Brig Alex Mitchell, Bums, Greeu Bay, 150 m lum ber. Brig C J Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Colbomc, 200 m lumber. ScbrCE Bailey.llnmpbrey,Oswego,OOmlumber. Schr W Fuller, Foyle, Oswego, 704 brls salt. Schr PhnlaropCjßarrington. Buffalo, £SO m lumber. Schr Abigail, Winton, Collingwood, 100 cords wood. Schr Illinois, Burke, Muskegon, 95 m lumber. Schr Helegaland, Ackerman, Muskegon, 70 m lum ber. Schr E. G Gray, Bike, Brunson Harbor, 745 rail road ties. Schr Experiment, Dlke.Bruneen Harbor, 55 m shin gles, 20 m staves. Schr Albany, Smith, Grand Haven, 85 m lumber. Schr Argo, Berg. Green Bay, 170 m lumber. Schr Ostrich, IroU, Buffalo. Schr Ithaca, Thompson, North Bay, 8,000 posts. SchrWm Jones, Thomas, Manistee, 99 m lumber, 30 m staves. - * Schr A. E. Hart, Brigdon, Buffalo. Schr Kirkwhite. Griffith, Sheboygan, 93 m staves, Schr Ellen Williams, Fitzgerald, Buffalo, 2CD m lumber, 80 m timber. Schr Traveller, Johnston, Black Lake, 35 cords ■wood. Schr Magic, Cornell, Grand Haven, 85 m lumber, 16 m lath. Schr Amelia, Morey, St. J< seph, 30 cords wood. Schr Tri-color, Petty, St. Joseph, 5 m shingles, 105 m staves. Schr JosephlneDresden, Forregan, Charlottsville, 40 m lumber. SchrMariner, Baker, Grand Haven, 100 m lumber. 25 m lath. Schr Minnesota, Blackburn. Buffalo, 135 mlumber. Schr E. M. Peck, Guyles, Cleveland, 250 tons coal. Sohr Correspondent, Finley, Cleveland, 2SU tons coal. Schr Whirlwind,Nelson,Centreviile, 95 cords wood- Scbr Condor, Robinson, Cleveland, 220 tons coal. Schr Major Anderson, Cleveland, Port Huron, 185 m lumber. Sch Triumph, Smith, Port Washington, 65 cords wood. Schr E. M. Shoyer,Shlolbomh,Muskegon,73 m lum ber. Schr Gazelle.Anderson.Grand Haven, 89 m lumber, Schr 11. L. Whitman, White, Cleveland, 300 tons coal. Schr A. Baensch, Wolferston, Buffalo. Schr U. Johnston, Quinn, Oswego, 1,500 brls salt. Schr X, Harbudge. Johnson, Kewaunee, 1,930 rail roadties, 1,000 cedar posts. Schr A. J. Rich, Crawford. Buffalo. Schr Hope, Woolsen. Sheboygan, 40 cds wood, Schr Laov of the Lake, Martin, Buffalo, 135 m lumber. Schr G. F- Foster, Smith, Muskegon, 90 m lumber. Schr Jane Louisa, Davis, Manitowoc, 70 cds. wood. Schr Belle Stevens, Brown, St. Joseph, 60 cds. wood. Schi J. S. Newhouse, Bartlette, Kingston, 200 m lumber. Schr Thomas, Simms, Kingston, 150 m lumber. Scow Sanrel, Patterson, Webaters Pier, 63 cds stavobolts. Scow Mount Vernon, McKay, Kalamazoo, 50 m ft lumber. Scow Kewascum, Blodgett, Muskegon, 55 m ft lumber. CLEARED May 28 Steamer Sunbeam, Morgan, Two Rivers, sn dries. Prop Union, Cooper. Samana, 1,074 brls flour, 100 brls pork, 23 brls laid, SO brls tallow, 69 bales broom com. Prop Ontonagon, Wilkes, Goderich,? 2,266 brls flour, 1,155 brls hams, 1,175 bu oats, 55 hales broom com, 126 brls bacon, 63 green hides. prop Nile, Hunt, Buffalo. 4,800 brls flour, 420 brls pork, 200 brls highwlncs. 200 green hides. Prop Racine, Arthur, Buffalo, 3,500 brls ffour. 6CI bu wheat, 1,000 brls pork, 3,000 pigs lead, 35 brls bacon. Prop C. Hears, Blodget, Lincoln. Prop Tonawanda, Palmer, Buffalo, 2,ooobzis flour, 2.000 green hides, 100 brls eggs. Bark Pacific, Morgan, Green Bay. Bark Marquette, Best, Buffalo, 32,000 bu corn. Brig Ocean Eagle, Galligan, Kingston, 14,000 bu com. Brig Alexander Mitchell, Bunn, Green Bay. Brig Fashion, King, Cedar River. Brig Algoma, Scanlon, Green Bay. Brig S. C. Hutchinson, Hutchinson, Green Bay. Schr Algerine, Faulkner, Kingston, 14,000 bu com Schr Ellen Baxfcr, Henderson, Kingston, 13,000 bn wheat. Schr Illinois, Burke, Muskegon. Schr Heligoland, Ackerman, -Muslragon. Schr Ithaska, Thompson, Bay de Noquet. Bchr Cecilia. Plonpton, Wilkinson’s Pier. Schr Wm Jones, Thomas, Manistee. Schr Traveler, Johnston, Black Lake. Schr Magic, Cornell, Grand Elver. Schr Amelia, Morey, St Joseph. Schr Tricolor, Petty, do Schr Josephine Dresden, Flnegan, Packard’s Pier. Schr Mariner, Baker, Grand liaven. Schr R H Hannan. Burke’ Buffalo, 18,000 bn corn. Schr Whirlwind, Nelson, Centreviile. Schr Active, Pagelson, Grand Haven. SchrEM Shoyer, Schiohohm, Muskegon. Schr Gazelle, Anderson, Grand Haven. Schr J Harhridge, Johnston, Kewanee. Schr Hope, Woolsen, Sheboygan. ' . Schr Driver, Davison DePere. Schr Vanguard, Davis, Buffalo, 18,930 hn com. Schr Geo F Foster, Smith, Muskegon, Schr Jane Louisa, Davis, Manitowoc. Schr Belle Stevens, Brown. St Joseph. Scow Laura, Patterson, Plummervule. Scow Mount Vernon, McKay, Kalamazoo. Scow Xcwascnmjßlodgett, Muskegon. Scow Mermaid, Thomson. White River. MARINE NEWS. VESSELS PASSED DETROIT. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Detboit, May S3, 1882. Tip—Barks Grace Greenwood, Mory, Stockton, Canada, St. George;BrigsMontezuma,Cairo,Hun ter; Schooners Lydia Case. H. A. Richmond, Monitor, Penfield, Golden Harvest, Fremont, James Navagh, Florence, Star of the North, Lewis Cass. Down—Prop Neptune; Barks Sonora, Success, Sam. Wood, Sturgis? D. Morris, Maitland; Brigs Montezuma, Rio Grande; Schrs Summit, Surprise, Gertrude, Grace Murray, Oarrit Smith, N. Bates, Bermuda, JohnTbursby, Grey Eagle, H. H. Brown, Ironsides, Live Yankee, Ketch tun, Gueilema, Lan sing, Cuyahoga, Denmark, Bonnie Doon, Milan, Barbadian, I. J. Bronson, Jo. Vilas,Delos DeWolf, J. L. Grass, Jo. Grant, Sirius, Emeu, Grapeahot, Cuba, Miami, Biel, St. James. Weather pleasant and wind east. MOVEMENTS OF CHICAGO VESSELS. Abbiybd ax Buffalo rsoac Chicago, May 26 —Prop Mendota, schrs E. Bart, International. Cleabzd mox Buffalo fob Chicago—Props Fountain City, lowa, Empire State; bark Danube schrs International, San Jacinto, R. Dart. Yeesxls Paseikg Thbough rant Wellard Caral. —We are indebted to Capt. E P. Dorr for the following list of vessels passing through, the W elland Canal: Where from. Where to. Vessels bound West. On the 24th May. , t Prop Jefferson, Ogdenahnrgh, Detroit. Bark St. George, Kingston, Sangeen. Schr Crevola, Oswego, Toledo. SchrGeritt Smith, do Chicago. Schr Kate Rohmson, • do Toledo. Schr Mercer, Toronto, Buffalo. Schr Com. Foote, Oswego, Milw’kee, Schr J. J. Morley, do Erie. Schr A. Medbury, Ogdeuahnrgh, Cleveland. SchrPenfield, Osweeo, Chicago. Tug Martin, Pt Bohinson, Buffalo. On the 26tn. _ _ Schr Florence, • Toronto, Chicago. Vessels bound East. Wherefronu . Where to. On the 24th May. Bark Andrew Stevens, Lake St. Clair, Clayton. Brig Saxon, Grand River, Ptßo'bs’n Tog Martin, do do Bark City of Ogd’shnrgh, Chicago, Prescott. Schr Antelope, Kincardine, Kingston. Schr Alliance, Toledo, Toronto. Sfhf Vlrniplnjm, ~ do OswegO. Schi A. Bnctangham, do do On the 26th Detroit! Ogd’sVgh Bear Creek, Clayton . Prop Bay State, Brig New York, ILLINOIS AND MICHIGAN CANAL. ARRIVED Africa, Lasalle. 6,500 bu. com. Kebaaka, Lasalle, 115 tona coal. Cushman, Ottawa, 8,100 bu. com, 480 bna. floor. Wm. Merriam. Morris. 4.442 bo- com, 400 bo rye. Dr. Hanley, Lasalle, 5,060 bn. com. Sebastopol. Lasalle, 150 tons sand. Troubadour, Lockport, 4,000 bo. com. • N. L. Hawley. Lasalle, 5,000 bu. com. E. Burnham, Lasalle, 13934 tons coal. Baltimore, Lasalle. 5,300 bu. com, 885 bu. wheat. Marion, Ottawa, 5.000 bn. com, 183 bu- wheat. - Allnnta,Laealle, 1.454 brls. floor, 4,859 lbs. fire day. Rocket, Lockport. 5,600 bu. com. Gold Eagle. Lasalle, LB6obrls. flour, 69 brls. pork. AiabiaTLasalle. 6,437 bn. com. Armenia, Lasalle, l,B9obria. flour. ■ Old Abe. Lasalle, 4,000 bu com. Alexander, Lockport, bu com.. Arctic, Morris. 6,f 00 Bescue, Lasalle, 140 tons coal. , - - Lioness. Ottawa, 6.000 bu. com. Adelia, Joliet, 4,000 bu. com . Q.C. Morton, Lasalle, 6,400 bn corn, ; CLEARED ...1... ....May»7. ' Lemont, Lockport, 60 bl lumber. ; Charlie, Kankakee, 80 m. lumber. Rock Run. Joliet. . _ MoundClty.La Salle, 5 m. lumber, 10m. lath, 880 fits carp't work, 3,400 lbs stoves. Boston, La Salle. P. Northrop, Joliet, 7,300 lbs machinery. Pacific, La Salle, 51,113 feet lumber. Alexander, Lockport. Old Abe, La Salle, 3,661, lbs merchandise, 501 bris molasses, 760 lbs sugar, 3 bris salt, 6 kegs nail*. Troubadour. Lockpoit, 450 lbs merchandise. Patrick, Lockport. Time, LaSalle, 76,083 feet lumber, 530 lath, lbs nails, 1, scales. HABBIED. At Aon Arbor, Mich- on the 27th Inst, by Rev. G. D. Gilesple. Dr.l*. A. LORD, of tills Cltv, and EMILIE LTSTER BULL, daughter of Wm. li. Sinclair, Esq., of the former place. DIED. Inthisdty, May 24th. MARY LOUISE, only daugh ter of Mr. Frank and Mrs. Lizzie Clark, aged three mouths and four days. In Brooklyn, New York, on the 27th lust., in the 68th year of her «;»•»»- 'ET.TZAheih.-wife of Benjamin Stelle, and mother of lira. A. D. Xltsworth and Alexander Stelle, of this city. ®Hanteo. W7 ANTED.—By a lady, aperma- T T nest situation as - clerk in 8 store. Understands the business, and can give good city references. Ad dress M. M. FTKT.TiiyG, Box IfIZL my23-r713-St TITAN TED —A lady of good Eng v T llsh education desires* situation as Governess or Assistant in a school. Best of references given. Address **il. A„‘* Box 12 P. 0., lowa City, Iowa: my2S-r7l&3t WAN T E D—lmmediately—T wo Good TAILORS. ApplyatNo. 10 South Des plaices street, between Randolph and .Washington. ■ ii^ S- rHA\ RF.NS i f.TNT, Wf ANTED.—A Partner with TT tUOO to 12,000. In an estahlfehed Dm; Store in one of the best localities In this city vand one that may offer oanscal indneements and prospects rarely to be met with. Address “M. W. V.,“BoxS3ii, stating when and where an Interview may he had. my2s-rT2$-3t TV7ANTED.—A Nurse and up f T stairs girl.—A neat, tidy Protestant, can find a pleasant situation by applying at 290 West Washing ton street. mv2T-rTO3-St "V\7 ANTED.—An active business T T man with a cash capital of S6OO or SI,OOO, in a Produce and Commission house, having a good busi ness alreadv established, as partner or clerk. Will pay fair wages and interest for one year. A single mm preferred. Address, for one week, “Produce Mer chant," Box ISI2, Chicago. mv27-r702-Gt ANTED.—A situation in a good * » Commission or Wholesale Grocery House.— Th 6 applicant has been engaged in the commission bus iness for the past ten years, a resident of the city for 20 years, and can bring fils employers a rood trade. City references given. Address “Trade,” P. O. Box 3565. my27-r6SO-3t V\7 ANTED.—A young m;m -wants TT a situation as Shipping or Entry Clerk In a wholesale house, who has had considerable experience and is willing to make himself usetnl. TJndouoted ref erence given. Address **G. R,” at this office. my27-r€E2-3t WASTE D—To hire a good Blacksmith to go Into the country. Inquire at F. J, BALLOU’S Lumber Yard, on Grove street, bo tween North and Old streets. my26-rt63-St VV T ANTED—To purchase a small T T Steam Engine, two or three horse power. Must be In perfect order for immediate use. Address Post Offlceßox 958. my2frrts2-St V\ T ANTED —A young ■woman * * wishes for a situation with a family going East IswilllDgto take care of children from two to three years old, and can render herself valuable as a seam stress or as a lady’s maid. The best of references can be given. Address “A. E.,” Post Office Bos 5597. mySS-rtßMt \\7 ANTED.—A competent and ex • T perlenced Book-Keeper, who can give the best city references, wishes a situation. Address “J. 5.,” P.O. Drawer 6124. niy2S-r6363t TS7ANTED—A situation as Clerk • » in a wholesale or retail Drug. Book or Grocery Store, by one that has had several years experience In ■business, and twenty years residence In the State. Can easily make himself acquainted with almost any busi ness. Address M. HARVEY, Chicago Post Office. mySC-r&W-St _ V\T ANTED—100 Agents, Local f T and Traveling, throughout the WEST, to sell onr twelve new articles of REAL MERIT, {warranted no “Humbugs,”) paying 100 per cent, profit, and selling rapidly. For circulars enclose stamp. J. W. RICE & CO.. Agents, Inventors and Manufacturers’ Depot, corner of Madison and Dearborn-eta- Chicago. my24-r62S-lw T\7ANT£D —I wish to purchase a f T House and Lot well located, worth from $3,000 to $6,000, for which I will pay half cash or more, and balance in desirable real estate. Address Post Office Box 2&to. myat-r6Q6-lw TXTANTED—A Confectioner.—A ▼ T good steady man who understands all branches of the business can find steady employment and good pay by applying to, or addressing THOMAS BARNS, Fond da Lac, Wisconsin. 'my22-rSGI-lw TWANTED.—Agents are making v T more money by selling Dunn’s Prize Sta tionery and Recipe Package, and Patriotic Com bination than by any other investment. These arti cles arc In such demand that Agents easily make from . $lO to |ls a day. Circulars mailed free C. M. DUNN & CO., 134 Clark street, Chicago. my!4-rS6S-lm 4A7ANTED—At 109 DearbomSt., ■ T opposite the new Post Office, Situations for Domestic Help* No girl sent from theofflceunlessableto fnrnlshsatis factorv reference from former employer. Parties can obtain same by applving as above, or addressing Mrs. A. L. BALKAM, Post Office 80x3245. myl-ri3»-lm \\7 ANTED—To exchage for Chi- T T cago City Property orGoods, a good Improved Farm In Green County, W Is.; 200 acres of Land la Iro quois County; S2O acres in Carroll County; Improved propertvin the City of Morrison, UL; 1,300 acres Uuim- 6 roved Land in Wisconsin City; improved property In iorricou, Wis.; LOOO acres in lowa. A portion will be 'paid in cash, if terms suit. P. O. Box 123, or call at &6SH State street. J. A. DANIELS, Real Estate Agent. myls-tSSO-im \\T ANTED—Agents to canvass for T Y Headley’s Life of Washington. Sacred Bio graphy and nfetorv. Christian Horae, and other pnbll - cations, both In the English and German language. In the sale of which agents are meeting with unparalleled success exclusive agencies given for towns and coun ties. For full information call on or address O. F. GIBBS. IS4 South dark street, Chicago. Post Office Box SOS. ap33-pS3P-3m. ANTE D.—Agents in every T * town in the loyal States of the West to circu late our new Illustrated Religious and Historical Works, which have the highest testimonials In their la yer, and are adapted to the wants of the people. Sold only by subscription. Extra Inducements offered to active men. For particulars call on or address (with stamp) E. R &. R. Q- trfet, ioi Washington street, Chlcaco. Box 4Ti>7. my-D-rttl-lm W/ A!NTED—Agents and Canvas- T T se Bln every County-la the Northwest. Every nan seeking employment can learn toll particulars for prosecuting* pleasant and profitable business, by en closing a three cent stamp to F. A. TBOHaS, Post Office Box 1253, Chicago, Hunola, ap2s p797-2m Norwegian salesman WANTED.—For the Retail Drv Goods Trade. Must famish pood references. A constant place to a fitoadv and good man. Also, a Junior band. Address 80X2337P.Q. myiS-iTU-St 8000 TON ’ s OF ° OAL WANTED. Sealed proposals •will be received at this office until 10 A. M„ Wednesday. May 2Sth, for the delivery in the coal hire of the Engine House of the Chicago Water Works of Three Thousand tons of Chippewa, Briar Hill, Mfaeral Ridge, Onnsby or Ht. Carbon Coal. The Coal must he of the best quality of its hind in the lump, and free from dust or dirt. It will be weighed at the Engine House, and the weights there found will determine the amount delivered. The de livery will commence Immediately, will progress as the Board of Public Works shall direct, and will he finished before the close of the season of navigation. The Board reserves the right to accept any hid, or to reject any or all bids. By order of the Board. A. W. TENKHAM, Secretary. Office of the Board of Public Works, Chicago, May nth 1562. my!7-r451-td A GENTS “WANTED.—Profitable Employment, profit per gross made by Agents on the new patent Improved Ihdex-** - - Maikixg Peotii. Agenia h»ve retain-* * om JHiH jFurms^ing. CHICAGO MTLL-FURNISHINQ KJ DBPOT. T. W. BAXTER & CO., FRENCH BURR MILLSTONES, OF A. T. QUARRIES. 0. W. BEOWH’S PATEHT POETABLB , Flouring" and Grist Milia DUTCH “ASKER SOLTLTiG CLOTHS,” Bmut Sud Separators, Sepmtm torirvaom _ Hoisting Screws and wait. Bran Dusters, Picks, Proo StafflCftc^ftc. FAIRBSSKS’ SCALES, AND MILL FURNIBHINB GENERALLY Flans, Specifications and Estimates famishing when desired, and the construction of Steam and Water MHa Contracted for entire. Steam Engines, BoHers, The subscribers haring obtained the Agency for the sale of Steam Engines and Boilers from the manufac tory of GOULD ISO, EAGLET ft SEWELL, Of Water town, N. T* would invite the attention of purchaser! to their superior merits of style, workmanship and powers; also, their very low prices. The following If a list of prices of Engine and Boiler, together with Heater, water and Steam Pipes, Cocks. Valves, Arch Castings and Grates, complete and ready for use, de livered In Chicago: Shone p0wer.,,...* 500 SO hone power 5L25C 8 - ■ 575 25 “ “ LSM 13 ** - 725 90 “ “ ...... LffS 12 “ " 800 S5 “ " 2.000 IB ■ ■ u'SX 40 ■ * a,see And in like proportion tor larger rises as required. Every Engine is furnished with JUDSOJTB PATENT GOVERNOR VALVE. For Flour arm* we confidently recommend them ai superior to any other style of Engine, and they will Save from 36 to 50 per cent, in Fuel over the usual claw of boilers in use in the West. - We shall keep an assortment of different sizes at our ev tabKshment, where they may be examined and the necessary information obtained regarding them. Com petent men win,! f desired, be furnished to set up and itart engine* in any part of the country. Wealsosupply WATER WHEELS,SHAFTING. GEARING, fo, At very low prices. T. W. BAXTER & GO’S . KS2 Famishing Depot. West Water streefcbetweea Randolph and Madison fts* Chicago, HL Post Office address Box 3T&. oeffSMy Hast. QTEATED OR STOLEN, May IO 23d, 1682. a four year old More Colt strayed or stolen from IS3 State street. Color bay, tittle white In her face and on left kind foot, shoe off on right hind foot. Wore ahead stall. A suitable reward; will be given If said horse Is delivered to 183 State street, or notice given to L. A. Hnlse. Stewart House, Boom No S9 [mj24-r630-St] L. A. HULSE.- .May 97. jyjEH WANTED FOR THE GUNBOAT “ESSEX.” Apply ot No. 12 River street. . GEO. WALKER. For Hew Orleans, by way of Ft Pillow. The gunboat “Essex" will go through without faii- All men wishing a safe and speedy trip to the sunny South, will apply at No. 12 River street Only a few more chances left for a trip South with the great war horse, C»pt. W. D. Porter. ... ’ - GEO. W. WALKER, Recruiting Officer, my2B-rtl«t No. 12 River street Chicago. Tj'LOTJR barrel hoops, JD Stavxs and Ctectxd Hxox>rs& on consignment. . 500,000 Staves, best qudity, ' '• 500,000 “ Morell’s ” best Hoops, Circled Heading. In any quantity, sH for sale low by ’ MA&ILL ft LATHAM. 2To Me itt. TO BENT.—A Room on Oonch Aliev, in rear of 117 Lake street, suitable for a Tin carpenter or any other kind of a mechanical shop. InoH-e *'f HOARD & HOES, 117 Lake street. my2B-r720-lw * TO RENT,—The “Napoleon House,” with two acres of land, on Arcuer Road, one mile this side of the Brighton Honse—for a tavern. There is a hay scale in front of the place, which pays very well. Only good tenant*, with good references and securities. need applv. Enquire of SAMUEL and LEOX STRAUS, Room No. 3 Larmon Block, opposite the Court House. my27-r®3-lw TO RENT—A Famished House, situated in themost pleasant locality on the Xorth Side, Xo. 289 Ontario street. To he rented until October and perhaps longer, by a responsible tenant. Posses sion given Jane Ist. For particulars please call at the residence from 9 o’clock nntll 12 A. iL, or in the even ing. myafrrtaMt TO RENT.—To rent cheap to a good tenant the flrrt-class, tlxrcc-story and base ment. Brick House, Xo. 247 Elinofs street. IthasjUlthe modern Improvements—speaking tubes, bells, hath rooms, water closct,hot ana cold water, &c- Possession given immediately. Inquire of C. H. RAT, Tribune Office. TD RENT.—Dwelling House No. 170 East Monroe street containing eleven rooms. Apply to CHARLES H. HAPGOOD,SO.2 Methodist Church Block. my3bt6l4-lw TD RENT —A neat Cottage, con taining five rooms. In the southern part of the citv, on Hardin Place, one block west of Cottage Grove Ho’rse Railway. Xone need to apply except a good tenant. Rent&permonth. Inquireoi S. & L.STRAC3 Xo.SLarmon Block. my22r555-2w TO REN T—lmmediately. —The A following houses: Xo. 214 Ohio street. 120 Rush and 274 Indiana streets. All In good condition, and with mcn.ern Improvements. Apply to WM.S. SA3IPSOX Room Xo. a, Metropolitan Hall. my2l-r536-2w TO RENT—For a temi of years, on favorable terms, the WTTKOWSEY HALL, with dressing rooms attached, to some good responsi ble Society, Club, or Masonic Lodge, *c. This-Hall la wellllghtedand in good order,, furnished with Settees, Tables. Stoves, Chairs, *c. Apply to my2o-r5lO-2w J. M. MAR.SHALL.Xo. VI Clark St. rr'O RENT—At a reasonable rate, a 8 firstrdass dwelling bouse, delightfully situated in the Wert Division in BeJgrav&Terrace, containing gas, bathing room, etc. Horse Can pass every live minutes. Stable if desired. Inquire at No, 100 Washington st, Boom Xo. 6, or at Xo. SO May street. ap33-pS76Im TO RENT—Two firfct-class Resi dencet, Xos. 836 and 338 Indiana street, with all modern improvements, etc. etc. and Brick Stable* at tached. Inquire of C. C. CLARKE, between 8 and 9 a m. and 4 and 6P. IL, at the office of Waite ft Town ICQ Washington street. Bent S6OO per annum. Wdi29-o&7S9w fax Sale. p'OR SALE.—IO,OOO Sweet Potato A Plants. Oranges, Lemons and all other fruits wholesale and retail. VAX' FLEET ft CO. All orders will receive prompt attention. my2g-r7l£st F3R SALE.—A Second-hand Lo comotive Steam Boiler, 4 feet in diameter, with 50 flues, 8 by 12. In perfect order, apply at WAL WORTH. HUBBARD ft CO'S, 181 Lake street. my37-r7Ol-2w F)R SALE.—A fine Mare, snita able for Carriage or any other use. Also—Two Bqsgiesand Harness. Apply at the Music Store of JULIUS BAUER. 99 Sonth cfark-rt. mriT-rtTJD-ot PORTABLE ENGINES.—Two new Portable Engines, six and sevenhorse power. For Sale Cheap for Cash, By GEO. DUNBAR & .CO., Machinery Warehouse, my2g-r6C3-lm 19 and 21 Dearbom-st.. Chicago. "POR SALE —I will sell a first class . -1_ residence, 208 Wabash avenue. very low, or rent the same to a good tenant with furniture. If not sold. my2T-r7OB-St C. H. BECKWITH. UOR SALE OR TO RENT.—A A First-class Dwelling House.with all modern Im provements; I.'o.4Park Row. For particulars inquire of A. RICHMOND, 182 Sonth Water street. roy27-r6E6-?w FOR SALE.—A family wishing to leave the city, offer for sale tlTeir furniturcTcon sisting of a genteel general assortment, suitable for a family of six persons. Inquire at 594 South Clark-st. myfr-rtSl-St 11/TACHINERY FOR SALE.— IT 1. Two very heavy, thoroughly built Triple- Geared Cranes, one Iron Planer, one Upright Drill, Water Pipe Patterns, Cone Bars, Sweeps, Crane Ladles, &c., for sale low by WOOLS ON, HITCHCOCK & CARTER, my26-Ttm-3t Cleveland. Xj'Oß SALE —The entire Stock of .L a flrst-clnss Grocery House. lons established and doing a good business, together with"Fixtures. Horse, Wagon and Lease. Address Post Office Box 124 for one week. my2S-rSS9-lw F}R SALE—Two secondhand Tubular Boilers, each ten feet long. S6 inches in diameter, 24 3 inch Flues, with Fire Fronts, Grate Bars, and Safety Valves. Also, one new 10 horse power Sta tionery Engine. Cheap for cash. Applv to GEO. DUNBAK & CO„ Machinery Warehouse, 19 and 21 Dearborn street, Chicago. myl9-r467-lm FOR SALE —Water Lot 10, Block 83, Section 21, on the comer of South and Lumber streets, 177 M feet on river, SIS feet on South street and 268 feet on Lumber street; also, Ci ty Lots and Blocks situated In the Western, Southwestern and Southern farts of the city, are offered at great bargains for cash, orparticnlara, terms, 4c„ inquire between the hours of ICfA. M. and 2P. M. THOMAS STINSON. S3 Dear bom street, (up-stairs.) my22-r5633w pOR SALE, 60 feet on Washington street. Between Morgan and Elizabeth streets, J. B. LEE. S3 Clark street. pOR SALE—On the South Branch A WHARF, 217 FEET FRONT, Situated between Haftted-st Bridge and Haulbrack <s Krelgnt'a packing house. Apply to A.MURRAY,4O BoninLasalle street near Lake. ayl-p9to-lm 1? ARM NEAR ELGIN FOR f SALE.—Four Hundred Acres on Fox River, well improved, and well watered and timbered, finely adapted for stock and grain raising. For sale cheap by S. if. KERFOOT & CO., 71 Dearborn street.my2,-rGl>Wt HORSES. —A dr< ve of fine team and Carriage Horses arrived, and can be seen at Eagle Hotel Stable, opposite Northwestern Depot. Call and see them. my27-r6lb-3t Fir sale.—the merchant and Grist MU, known as the “COMO MILL,” Situated on Bock Elver, in Whiteside County, nunoa, near the Chicago and Fulton Railroad, la offered lor sale. The Mill ifl In good order; fi driven by Water Power, from a steady stream; has six pain of Burs, Merchant and Custom Bolts, and all the necessary cleaning apparatus. For farther particulars apply to Wheeler, nxslt & Co, Chicago, or the subscriber on the premises. _ & LEHMAN SMITH. Como, May Ist, 1562. myl-p953-lm General Notices. Fsr lake superior.—The splendid steamer “PLANET,” CAPTAIN J. 3?. WARD, Will leave for Lake Sapoiior, stopping at Milwaukee and Intermediate points, on FRIDAY EVENING. May SO, 1562, at 7 o’clock. For freight or passage apply to A. T. SPENCER & CO,, Agents, mj27-r€SS-it Foot of South Lasallc-st., Chicago. K AAA lbs. PURE MAPLE fj v U SUGAR jostreceivcd andforsaleby HOBBS. OLIPHANT & CO., Commission Merchants, 215 South Water street. my27 , r<s9(Wt J 'VTOTICE.—Persons having claims X ’ against the Connty of Cook, are requested to send them into the County Clerk's Office before the first of June. L. P. HILLIARD, Clerk. Chicago, May 24th. 1563. my26-r631-lw ARDS’ XXXX WHITE Winter Wheat Floor, A fresh supply at JOHN B. KING’S, jnj-afrliir-'-- Foot of Franklin street. Photographs.—Stoddard, No. 83 Clark street, opposite the Court House, (having Revived ms Rooks in convenient shape) is now pre pared to execute work In the highest stvle of art. Album Photographs excelled by none. Also. Ivory- S pcs and colored work of all kinds on exhibition at s Gallery. Call and see them before going elsewhere. ruy26-rfo3’3t Soldiers, re ad,—Send your Discharge Paper to SNYDER, COOK & CO., and get your Back Pay by return mall. We do not want soldiers to understand by this that their papers arc to be shaved to Bankers. We account to them for evert coppsr of their demand, dollar for dollar. See our advertisement in another column. my24-r62S-lw SNYDER, COOK & CO„ Chicago R! SYRUP. —100 Brls, Belchers GOLDEN and AMBER Svrnp. for sale cheap. In lots to suit, by WADSWORTH. YURLAY & CO., Com mission Merchants, 17D South Water street. my24-r616-lw TLLINOI3 STATE SABBATH J. SCHOOL CONVENTION.—The Fourth Annual Convention of the Illinois State Sabbath SchoolAssocia tion will be held In the Clark Street Methodist Episco pal Church icornerof Washington), in the City of Chi cago, on Tuesday, the 3d day of Junejjroxlmo. com mencing at 10 o'clock A. M, Its sessions will continue for two days. Distinguished speakers from abroad have signified their intention to be present and mingle in the exercises. The Committee arc in correspondence with practical Sabbath School men from several ofonr large cities, and trust that many of them will be in attend ance. Each evangelical school In tiie State is invited to send at least two delegates (male or female) to the Con vention, with sneb statistics from their school as they may be able to obtain, bringing proper credentials of their appointment. Pastors are especially invited to be present and take part in the proceedings. Tbeohjcct of the to promote the gen eral Interest of the cause, and to awaken a deeper and more abiding Interest In the hearts of Christians in be half oftbe moral and religions education of the chil dren and T-onth in the “ Garden State.” To this end, the Committee ask for a general repre sentation from all parts of the State. Delegates wno export themselves will be cordially entertained In Christian families in the City daring the Convention. VVU.CiiMUtIi Those who can do so are requested to notify (by mail) llr.E. S. Wells several days previous to the Con vention. and all Delegates will confer a favor npon the Committee by reporting themselves, on their arrival, at the bookstore of Messrs. Tomlinsons, 133 and 153 Lake street, (up-stalre). where a member of the Committee will be In readineffi to assign them places. Fraternally, E. S. WELLS. 1 J. G. CONRAD. J.N. BARKER, /Ex. Com. G. C. COOK. I J. G. SWEET, J Chicago, May, 1562. Country papers in Illinois and Wlsc( pRTSTAL LAKE ICE.—The Chicago and Crystal Lake Ice Company have made arrangements with the St. Louis, Alton and Chi cago Railroad Company to bring them Ice over the Boad Instead of bringing it by Canal. It is daily being received atthe depot, corncrof Vanßuren and Canal streets my23-raS-lw (gHAVED- HICKORY HOOPS, 50,000 HICKORY HOOFS, Shaved by hand, put un in bundles of fifty each, for sals cheap. Inquire ofWM. LANG. Cooper shop corner of Michigan and Pine streets. Post Office Box 5623. mylT-rtiMw USE POWELL’S POLISH For Sewing Machines. XGX DSABBOBN STREET. [my2o-r499-Im pUKS RECEIVED ON STOR- X? AGE, and preserved from MOTHS, DAMPNESS, And all damages or loss, through the Summer. Rfy * co- ii 3 L^t. QLEAN FLAX SEED FOR SALE. CHOICE CIE.I.T SEED Tot Sowing purposes. One hundred and fifty bushels for sale by E. W. BLATCHFORD,- myai-rtaC-lw Lead and on Works. CT. LOUIS FLOUR —Floor Deal- O ers and Grocers, we are receiving daily tha choicest brands of St. Louis Floor, made from white Winter Wheat, Try it. GILBERT, UPDIKE ft CO. No. 20 Laealle street, Chicago. iay©*s®-sw” annum jralts central auction ft V SOI.IK4IO* DEAKtORS' »rRE£ t "> P®; 1 ' GREAT TRADE SALE OF s if’, CHINA) GLASS AND CROCKER ;|| AT AUCTION. ’ |||; Commencing on TIirBSDAY morning, ir..r . 9* o’clock, and daily thereafter catU dosedcr " • !.*> The assortment Is lar^oand coaplcP*. (vr;.,(-i-- . , i*v" StoneChiraPlates(allFtzcs.l DlshesCnr-ar.-i- k r•• • ;- Pitchers, Ewers and Basins, Chambers, bngar?,! • v. &c„&c. f L French China Tea Setts, In great variety. Tlie attention of theetty and r 1 - try trade is Invjted to ihLs sale. being the most complete offered this season, ana lot rmt-1 wili positively be sold, v HUGH AT,RTA\'nn» my3S-rt37-St Acctior-.-, TflpiL A. BUTTERS & CO, t genebil auctioneers, Office, Xo.«—Salesrooms, No*. 46,43 *SO Dearborn ft opoGslte Tremont House, Chicago, HL mh23-n6S»ly REGULAR SATURDAY SALE. HOUSEHOLD FUHWITUSE, Iron Saft, Buggy Wagons, Groceries, &c., dec,. AT AUCTION Without reserve fbr Cash, On SATURDAY. May 30th, at 9« o’clock, a' > n . Auction Rooms, 46.48 and 50 Dearborn street my26-r6l«-rw WM. A. BUTTERS ft CO.. Arurr* BY GILBERT, SAMPSOX &WATCfEB General AucnosEEns, 5S Like st. Household Furniture GILT FRAME MIRRORS, &C., &c,, -A.T AUCTION-. On FRIDAY, May 30th. at93< o'clock, W" tt* - ’ ,-, at our Salesroom, 58 Lake street, a general a—. Parlor, Dining Room and Chamber Furniture, French Plate and • other Mirror*. In Gilt and Rosewood Frame*, together with a j assortment of Housekeeping Goods. " GILBERT, SAMPSOX * WARXER. roy2S-r7oC-ot Auction*-—, By gilbert, samps on & warysb Geky.rat, Auctioneers, -5S Lake s* French China Dinner Setts, CHINA VASES, Bohemian Glass & Silver Plated Ware AT AUCTION. We will sell, on Tuesday and Wednesday I've—-, June S and 4. at“X o’clock, at our KoomsT .v ’ applendld assortment of French China War-- complete Dinner setts consisting of about f.i each. Also—A variety of other China go.-d- a".. A large invoice of rich Bohemian Gooils, an:< will be found some of Site richest goods and b—"t ~ ever offered in a sale of this kind. ’ "* ALSO—A rich assortment of Silver Plated G-> l from the same manufacturer of the goods w- >< ,r' been selling fir the lastflve rears, the quality o’ v is known to a large number of our citizens whu >'\ y , had it in use. " '• Tito trade tire Invited to this sale, aa it will be <>■' - a in lots if there are buyer*. " The above assortment will be oacvhibit ! i>n <->- • afternoon of Tuesday, June 3d. GILBERT, SAMPSOX ft WAUXFIh my27-r691-St AucUuow GILBERT, SAMPSON feWARNEa TRASS SALE OF 30 Crates Best Crockery 200 boxes American. Flint Glass* * ware* 70 dox. Looklug Glasses, &c., Ac,, AT AUCTIOiSr. ON THU RSDAY. Jane sth. at 9J< o’clock, vny;’ sell at onr Salesrooms.No.sS Lake street, or e- ‘.i assorted White Crockcrv, of the manufacture of ,i el wares & Son. 200 boxes American Flint Glassware—a com-.let* ■«. sortmect. 70 dozen Looking Glasses, assorted sizes. In Mahorv uy and Walnut Frames. ALSO—An Invoice of Tea Traya-01l of which w ; ' sold without reserve for cash. The attention of the trade Is particularly lnvis-.l n the above sale. Country dealers will tied it to th-iriv terest- to attend. Samples can be examined cir’y the morning of Uie day of sale. Goods carefully packed and shipped for the* country. GILBERT, SAMPSON & WARNER my27-r€o2-9t Auctioneers. VARY GOODS AND CLOTHING L' AT AUCTION—By S. Nickerson. La'si street, corner of Franklin, ou Monday. Mav2*th Wr- NTSSDAY. May 28th, Fhid.vt, May SOtiu at‘i>s ..’ci A. 31.. will be sold cloths, cassimeres. satini'L* br .tr am! bleached linens, cottonadcs, ginghams nr:r.:» brown and bleached sheeting, drcea goods.uml.T-0 and drawers, white muslin slurts, ciolMmc, furnish;: j Soud*. Yankee notions, jewelry, and a general h { ry goods. At private sale. Oil Cloths and r.irt'-f r my23-rsi>-lw S. NICKERSON. Auction- -• A UCTIOX SALES AT WHOLE XJL sale of BOOTS AND SHOES, Every Tuesday and Thursday. By GORE, WILLSON & CO., 31 Lak-* Bee advertisement in Wholesale Colunta.[spl2-p2H>2e amusements, Jg RYAN HALL POSITIVELY ONE NIGHT ONLY. Madame Anna Bishop, The ■World-Renowned Cantatrice and the •—> great Artist now in the United States, will give c.'* Grand Concert, on Mondav Eveninjf.JuneSd. A--;-; ! bv EDWARD SEGUIN. *tbe eminent Farlj.n... a -.: GUSTAV Ds SPEISS, the distinguished Pianist. Tickets. 50 cents; Gallery, 27 cents. The sale of tickets will commence on this (Thu-* :\- morning. May 2Uth, at Higgins* Music 6t-.m-. w.i*'-; seats may be secured without extra charge. XST The grand PiSno used on the occasion i- i-r --nished bv H. SL Higgins. my29-rtsß-4t " I>. C. LaRUE. M-iaag- r j McYICKEK’S theatre. Madison street between, State and Dcarh-.rn. Doonopenat7)s o’clock. Curtain rwes afi En<raecment of the GREAT SHAKSPERIAN COME DIAN. MR- HACKETT, FOR THIS WEEK ONLT. In order to accommodate those who wDh f> f >r* parties to witness the Inimitable nersonsti<>;.-> ■ f i.i;i eminent Corrcdian, the manager aert■’ es the following performances, for which aeati c:ta r. ;w be secured. TUESDAY Evening. Shakespeare’* eelfhratel r-»TV’- dy f THE MEKUY WIVES OF WINDSOR; i»r. facial* Outwitted hy Women. ■WEDNESDAY Evening:, Shakespeare’s nroa: fll-i’’ 1 . Cal Play, entitled the first part of RING LIEN lt» I Or, the Battle of Shrewsbury and Death »t H -l Falrtnff. t: JBUKSDAT Evening, Mr.Hackctt In two char —Only night of MackUa’Sffreat Corned v, MKN <>[■■ HIE ■\VOHLD: or, A Hint to Fathers and Folltirtarw. Ail also the favorite seriocomic sketch written !>y '!• Eackett. entitled MOXSIECTiMALLET; «>r. a 11-:I 1 -: Office Mistake. In all of which pieces Mr. Hack' ur.i be ably snpportedby the entire company. Each evening a grand Dance by Silas Jennie Hiztt ami a favorite Farce by the Company. iSoaching. T>OARDlNG.—Pleasant and.well furnished rooms, suitable for Cmillws gentlemen, at 323 South Clark street. A !>'■* ■!*» boarders can be accommodated. nrv27-r*.*7 iw BOARDING —Two pleasant suite* 5 of untarnished rooms, with board, can it.- •u :- | ed at 68 Adams street, near State. Three orf»ir.!if I boarders can also be accommodated. mv27-r*vs | ~JD CARD.—A gentleman an<l hi* Js_J wife can obtain permanent board and jt'-nv - .: rooms in a first-class house near Union Park, dressing P. O. Box XT®. T?OABDING. —Two or three son \ JL> tlemen can be accommodated with boirL r | private fhmily, near Union Park, convenient t 1 tv cars. References exchanged. AddressPosto:"'-'! I '* 1157. Chicago. m)%T. .-■:r.^t_ OOAKDING.—A front parlor an*i ** bedroom, suitable for two gentlemen. ;it M c roe street. "DOAEDINQ—A large and v.-y JLr pleasant front room, with board for a and wife or two gentleman, at 65 Wabash Avc..i:c. my26-rC6r>-3t "OOARDING —A gentleman an-i I ) wife c?.n obtain, with board, a very lari:.* ■i - '—'" ished front room with a private family in a - cation in the Soutn Division. Address "G. " >. • Post Office Box 167. -ROAltUffiTG —A gentleman and j; unfurnished suite of rn*>tn.*. wt' first-class board, in a pti V! } te Cynily or whvre tht r>: but few boarders. Would prefer «ic West Sn.» A dress “ 3I„" Tribune Office. "DOABDING —Several sic.'rlf tren fl tlemen, a married couple, and a few day ijoa.-i-'i can be accommodated at 15h Washington street v.*-’ the Court House. myj-t-r^3-iw "DOARDIN G. —A gentleman and JL> Uls wife and two single gentlemen <*"" be aero's znodatcdwlth pleasant rooms and Board at h; .viaait street. mrJS-rS^lw T>OARDIN G—With pleasant suites •SLf of rooms, suitable for families or single > men, at No. 6 Washington street, opposite DiMrl’-.'ft Park. .A few day boarders can bo accomra-vlst-.-1 References required. myjy-rfx-v-iw T? OARDIKG.—A few nnfurni«hci U suites of roon a, with board, (Just suited for a*c and wife or sin ale gentlemen.) are jet to be had la booth half of the Stewart Bouse. A more quiet a> isfectory and delightful wav of living cannot be foaal than at this establishment. myS-rlu ia Meeting of gdocfeijoliiers. TVTOTICE,—The Annual Meeting J-' of the Stockholders of the Tonic* acd Peitr» burg Railroad Company will be held at DelavdC. - Tazewell County, on WEnszanar. .lone nth, »'• 1 OcIOCkF.M. W. G. GREENS, Presldaat. Jab. Bgap ajt, Secretary. myT-rIX-ia _ THE CHICAGO SOUTH BRANCH DOCK COMPANY will hold its annai meeting, for the election of Directors and the iraa«*r tlon of other bailees?, st Its office, in Chicago on 9> needay. the4thdayof June.A.D 1862. myS-psl-lm A-J.KNTSHLY. Sect. jnsln please FSC-rGiS-iw CHICAGO AND NORTH W WESTERN RAILWAY COMPANY May Ist. 1662. The annual meeting of the Bondholder* and Stockholders of the Chicago and North W B&llway Company will be held at the Office of the C&' pany.lnthe city of Chicago, on Thursday, the sth d*T of June,lSS2. at 3 o’clock P. M-for the election of D*- rectors for the year ensuing, and for the transaction any other business that may come before them. myi-p924-td WILLIAM B. OGDEN. President, T AKE SUPERIOR PIG IRON'. « a The Northern Iron Company of Lake Sai’-r.’* keep on hand at its Dock. In Chicago, a supply oiVt-i-' coal Don, direct from Its Blast Furnace, ami of ■*- ; grades, to which the attention of those wanting the v-f quality ofthe Lake Superior Metal is invited Orfi No. 13 Wells street. JESUP. KENEDY & Vo As-rff Also for the sale ofthe Pioneer Iron In salt customers. my.l4-rdfr-M nx-rar TTRUIT OF 1362! The first Fruit -1. of the season, SI BAWBERRIES. Parties wishing to engage daily supplies of thl* fruit, should leave their orders at 50 State strvt t. H. P STANLEY USE POWELL’S POLISH For Pianos and Furniture. XOX DEARBORN STREET PtG IRON.—Charcoal and Anting* cite Pig Iron, Sard, Soft and Extra Strong* for sale low to dose consignment by - _ F. H. CUTTIM). I Room No. 3 Walker's Block, Dearborn sweeL i myU-rSR-lm J f i£