Newspaper Page Text
Snljip ©Sanilers. QU.BEHT HUBBARD & CO., SHIP CHANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS. Wholesale Retail Dealers In Twines and Cordage, 205 &207Sonth'Water-st.jCor.ofWells, ‘ Harr the larrcst and bertaneortmeathTtbe West of ILIMLA atdTAKKKD linFE. DITCHING HOPES. Cotw»n and Bcmp CANVAS BAGS, BACUUNG AND BXTItt,APS, TAB, PITCH, AKCHoRa, CHAINS AND TACKLE BLOCKS/ Coal Tar Roofing Pitch and Pelting. BEP CLOIHE3 LINES, ° BROOM TWINES. all qualities. tvrrSTLS.barrels. BELL AND SASH CORDS. NETS AND SEINES. JFUix and Bcmp 'Ttdncs Or Etiex Descbipiiux. We are Sol© Aceat*fr>r3Uinol».lowa. Wisconsin and. Sllchlcan. and alone authorized to make and sell the SIBLEY TENT, Tents of c-verv kind, and Patent Tent Poles, A WNIN&S, Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Regimental Colors, flags, Standards, Guidons, Of Silk or Banting, as per Army Rccnlarions. . Wo have aflx Sewin'* Machines nm by steam power titnl iit prepared to ©xeente ©ll kinds of wort. To mukc Wool Sacks. Floar Sacks, &c.,wit’.i greater <ii:; insin any House In Chicago. jetT-MiMm <i. ll V IW AUI. IJ. s. TURNER. IG.B. CARPENTER. pUKEsGTOU & SORAKTON, Ship Chandlers AND SAIL MAKERS, SO9 Sontli Water Street. Pf Welle street, offer for sale at the lowest •rates, & fall assortment of Manilla and Tarred Hope, Ealk Rope, Hay Rope Cerclage, Of every description. Octun*, Tor. Pitch and Bosln, Cotton anrtHetnp Dusk, •U widths, Anchors, Chains, Blocks, Burlaps, Wool Twine and Wood Socking, FLAGS AAD BtSTIXfi. Tents onhaefl and made to order. Tarpsullns, Wagon Covers and Awnings. SAILS I SAILS I ! Hade and repaired at the enortest notice. FEBINGTON & SCRANTON, aayf rZT-Sm aa Soath Water street. JPOSXER & HARDEXBERGH, SHIP CHANDLERS, sail Masers. 4SD ESALSES IB TWIJTES ASTD COBBACE, 217 South. Water St, CJucago. Ccve <*vO&f>tcnUT for me, at lowest market prices, KaniUa ana Tarred Bopt*, Hay Rope, Laic I'btt, Bare aud Baskinf, Canvsuis, f.pua Tam. Pltcb, Tar, Chain?, Blacks. *c„ &c. Cotton, Flax and Hemp Twines, SAILS AND TENTS, laTTiaalinge, Awnings, Wagon Covers, Slags, Ere., Etc., Hade to order at the shortest notice. LMDELL 0E SIBLEY TEST. BAGIX'S «t SOXS PATENT HOIST WHEEL PUT UP AT SEOBTESTTJOTICE. enro. t. forms. [ ly] o. y.n'-irDLirsESGH seooDcn &22itU0iB SStarc. gEAD QUARTERS WCGDEN AND WILLOW WARE. Spring Gigs. “ Willow Cabs* *» Slat Cabs. « Willow Cradles* “ Willow Cfaalrs. I w-.‘ hc ; *rr cood® fit lower r.eures than can be found ti thi«~ or any other market la the western count!?. NATHANIEL WHITE, 05 south: water street. [msll-aWO-Sm] WOOL TWINE MAXUF4C Y T tnred and sold by KATIIaSIEL WHITS, S5 Bcukh Wju«*r BUTTER FiSK'NSf ETCE OAK EICKOHY BOTJSD FIEEIKS ktiajacturtd and for pale at 9." Sosta Water street. IVATHsMEh WHITE, Wb'lpjbie dealer In Wooden and Willow Warfl. fcraE.p7«r-2m (Ccai auh £tLlooh. DEiLEP.B IN Anthracite and Bituminous Coal, ET THE CAEGG AEP AT RETAIL. Lehicli and Blo^sburgli GOAL. Ofirr &nc Yard Market street, corner of Washington. g yr 1<? sm CKAWFORD J^ihilUEL Chippewa and Briar ECill COAL by the CARCO. Mancfactnrar and dealer la frliLL AND FOUNDRY PIG IRON. Otf ce No. i Johnson’s Marine 810r.6, HvCr street ej»2l Cleyjiua>d obio. 2Ta ©rain Jgljqjptrs. rpO GRAIN SKIPPERS. RICHARDS' IRON CORN SHEERER, FUB Warehouses, Dibiiileries aa£ Farms. BCSHELS BEli DAY. Cfiparity of R'o. I u a o , K (( § xr±jLTj.vaD to snzix cixijf rs ajjt C«5101TI«X OF GUARf, At pr.t the wune 1e superior order for market R/»f<T to ItUNOIP CeVTSiL RiJi-HOA-T*. MrcmOA-K CrSTT P-ITT.naA.Ti, JCoRTOX & Co* BE I icccport. J. C. RICHARDS' WArrrACiTEEE, i% and Washington St, ‘ F. B- —Othand a complete stock of Hew asd Second Hand Portable and Stationary Engines. »r?iT<r<;T-TiiYy fiflarijmcrj). A G L E WOBKS ManufeotOßg OompaEy. DO YOU WANT STEAM ENGINES OR BOILERS, PATENT SUGAR CANE NEILLS, SfATKST STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, —ro»— Pike’s Peak or Lake Superior. EEKD FOE CISCULABS, With Cut! tad Descriptions, Prices, etc* etc. Saw Mills, Flouring Mills, Aad Machinery of all description. BEND FOR CIKCtJLARS. , P. W. BATES, President, CHICAGO, lit. S.B.—Agents wanted everywhere. feS5-ni4s-lydiW @tl anfi S-am^g. JP OP S & SLOCUM, DiS Clark Sti’eet, STAMPS AND OILS, Hare at all exes fall stocks of RUSTS BEST OH, EXCEESiOK OEL, STAB OIL *Ol of first quality, and warranWi. A1«o, Plthridec’i Patent Oval S3 Flint Olabr Clilmnles# COAL OIL LAMPS AND FIXTURES la great Vflrifr for sale at lowest market ratea. felTOiT fgats, Saps ans jputs. -VTEn FIRM AT **■ THE OLD BTAHD. ICNATZ HERZOG, AST) ynrPATr. nttT.wtnr CupSj Straw Goods, and Cap Trimmings. llibtc just received a larse andsoienlld arsortmeal Sn the above articles, and will sad them at prices equal lothe lowestm the market. - _ w orrca^Sf z '§gp2if■“ ATa - No. 152 Lav- street, tar* Elchwt marksc ptlcc pild for all toads of Raw apio-pZiS-iy ©Berks. SQQ Boxes FIRE CRACKERS. 600,000 Torpedoes. Also, Mannlacturer of Children’s Carriages, Willow Cabs, . Gigs, &c., at Peugeot’s Great Variety Store Ko. 108 LIKE STBEET. CHICAGO. ILL. gABNUM BROTHERS, 188 I.AKE-SXV, CHICAGO. ULh Importers and Wholesale Dealer* in TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, WILLOW CABS, Chfidrens’ Gtgi, Carriagei, Ac., Ba» kets, Bird Cases, FIRE WORKS of all kinds. LOW boxes FIRE CRACKERS, 5C0.0K) No. 1 TORPEDOES, FLAGS OF ALL SIZES. Toy Cannon, Fire Cracker Pistols. Headquarters for all kinds of FISHING- TACKLE, Orders rcspectfnlly solicited. Is o. X3S street, Bet. Clark and Lasalle sts. Brg lottos. EXTRAORDINARY OFFERING! Terrible Sacrifice. We ehall open on WEDNESDAY, the Hth ln3t„ at 182 South Clark street, FANCY DRY GOODS, Which will be offered a unheard of prices, SEGAEDLESS OF COST. Great Bargains in Dress Goods, Laces, Embroideries, fee. Elecant Grenadine Robes, worth SSO. for. Splendid Silk “ * “ 40* for!~I*~i -*oioo! Reantilul Organdy “ “ 15. lor 5,00. Bernec?. worth 4 r> rent? per yard, for .. ST.sct. Orguntlice, worth 'fix cents per yard, for 20 ct. Lawns, Challlcs, Prints, Ginghams, te., Sk., At price? worthy your attention. REAL. THREAD LACES ■Will be sold at 30 cents on the dollar. Swiss and. Cambric Flouncings, Edgings and Insert lugs, sold at Suinous Prices. Sllfc Mitts at one-lnilf the nfnal price. Wonderfnl Vorpsiins in O.ovet and Hosiery for Ladies, Mlssts and Ut-ntleim-n. Lfldi'.s Silk Hose. Tvorth $1.50, for .75c. UXb for ROc. Gcr-t’cmen’g Silt Ht Hose, worth SI.OO, forSOc. GENTS’ GAUZE UNTjEnSHTHTS at fifty per cent luhs tiuiu they cau be bought at any other place in town. MIIimST GOOTOS. Wc rail attention of milliners to oar Ftock of Rib bons, Flowers, £c„ which arc offered at great bargains. FANS AT HALF PRICE Parosols at Wholesale Prices; Hoop Shirts, latest styles and prices to please ALL. Threads. Pins, Tapes, and all sorts of little traps so low that all wiii hay. Jn fact every article offered will be a bargain to the purchaser. Goods all warranted as represented, and will be lr«-clv shown to all. We invite an inspection of oar go.>ds. as.-urlnp onr friends that bv a strict and hilihfnl attendance upon their wants we hopeto merit a large share cf patronage. Come and see us. JONES & CO., filDop YORK AND ILLINOIS Eoop Skirt Manufactory, And importer and dealer In all kinds of French and german Corsets. AT WHOLESALE "D lIETAIL.Xo.T9 ith Clark street, 'posite the Court ■use), and 156 Lake (Marino Bank lldlng,) lacAGo, rxLTXOTH. k and Cotton Skirts »de to order at short ice. Old Skirts ■aired, altered and iped as p<>od as w. Full stock of ven, double div *nrt, l>ridal and rnch Skirts con ntl v on hand, from tiles’ size. S Fprtnps. children's. to CM sprlr.cs, hul >. 15.—W0 rop:ilr:ill cklrts which v. tra riianre. provided liter are kept clean. i Mir c*Kirta are 'u to be of tfc*. best yua’itv. Watch spring Ftrr] tkirte exchanged if not satisfactory, aad ail par cels sent to residence. NOTICE TO WHOLESALE BUYERS. As vc have been In the Start business since the first b-’p .lining of the trade, and have branches of our house \-. nil the priiu-ijetl cities of the cion, us well as Lon or-d ns cur i/'-;-;;.,, furnishes us our steel fit Hi st cost—thus slvir.c our customers the benefit ol wbatwe should otherwise pny for ccmirdsslmis—w? rreoble to sell low*r than ar.v other manufacturer. Orders by ml! prowptlv ".tt n ndcd to. U TBSGin, proprietor for Chicago. Now Tork Factory, 25 Bowrcy. myl.'-rjss-ly Gblr,i~“ Post office Box -IMS. grcimng irlarijines. H E OEI6ISAI HOWE Sewing Machines. {INVENTED IN ISIS, IMPROVED IN’ 15C2.3 Manufactured by A. 1!. HOWE, Brother of ELIAS HOWE, JZL, the original inventor and patentee of the HOWE SEWING MACHINE, Ard from which all ether SewlajMachinesilcrlre their Tltr.’itr. and tn whom all nttn-rspay a License. 1 tils i? U«»* «\U\c*st M«w-h'n«* In the ‘world (Invented In itnprnv.d from tinn- to time, and fnllr perfected in January, is?>. I'nrtlmßirlv adapted tu'family u.-c, tailoring and mar.nractnrlng purposes, boot aud shoe vorK. carriage trimming, <£c., &c. Haring the widest targe of adaptability to sewing, of any machine pro duced, Huy the Improved Howe Sewing Machine, And hare no more dropping of stitches, breaking of needle*, no n:or<- trouble <i. sewing tin? finest fabric or t"io c< u!>rsl sa-lin t, no difficult, in sewing over seams, e.iiU a machine that is warranted uut to get out of or der with proper us*-. fiT - Agents wanted in Ohio and other Western and yerrhwestern htates. where r.-'t alrea-iv apuuiuteiL Circulars, conta'idng full duseription oi Machines, can be had on application, or sunt by mail. Address J. 8. BBYATTT, Gcneial Western Agent, 66 Late street, Chicago. rr.jlT-rISMy to s*ooo - 1,000 to 3,000 600 to 800 L. COMII ELL & Co/s Sewing Machines. Taggart & Fair's Patent WP.cox & Glfeba Patent Empire Patent AB Errtrg yacbi"*» in market make one or another AI tfieae three pitches. Sincle Thread Batch; Double Loch Stitch, (from two common epoolp); Lock or Shuttle Stitch, (alike on both aides ) An experience ox rmt tuaTvS In tbe business and a practical knowledge ol every Sewing Machine of any tUindinc. lully warrant ae m saying that we have, by far. the beet stillest mom simple and reli-tble machines, taking ALL OF TIIESS STITCHES. No one can deny that each stitch is good when well made and that cacr. In Itt place, la preferred hy different parties. Our? is the only office where yea can gain an unprejudiced Knowledge of the rta! tocri; of the different stitches, and have your choice, with prtTllece of exchanging. Different sites will suit all panic*, whatever they wish to sew. Our Heavy Macu tecttulng Lock Stitch (alike on both sides) Machines axe aa large and heavy u Singer's, while they run lighter, faster and with Tee; than one-tentb of the noise. Wc- keen Hewing Msc'uliw? Silk. Cotton. OH, Needlea, and wc btnr Sewing Muhiaes hr the week or month. A Lady Is in all kin la of atltching border. onr Circular*beforepcrrh4«bie. F.cnd red stamp for Samples and Circular, or call and iec them at 133 £alce Street) (up utafrs.) Andrea L. CORNELL & CO.BoiSL Chicago,EL iBES'el-ljl % WSSTERKOF'I';' SEWING MACHINES fnik** rerrs t»iffekent etiiohcs oji one and th« tame Machine. Thus the lock, 3>otmL* LG.-K. knot ami double kxot, all of which make U<** *eam alike on both rides of the fa bric. Either or nil can be produced while the Machine m in motion. They have the SEvznsrßLK peed mottov, which enables the operator to hare the work carry either way, or to chans 6 the direction, and fasten tl»e end of seam?, which, together with waking a long and a abort stitch, is done simply by turning a thomb wrew. TheJr motions arc nil positive. There are no springs to get out of order. They are so simple that the most inexperienced c»n work them perfectly and with ease. They aro noiseless, and can be used where quiet U ne cobßary. ThPV are the FASTEST SEWERS 1* the WORLD, making five rtitche* to each revolu tion. Tliov oil no dresses. Their STITCH Is the wonder of all. because of its combined 3JLASTICITT, STRENGTH and BEAUTT. Agents wanted throochout the Western country. With a small investment of capital, a profitable busi ness can be readily estabUriicU, For circulars and sample of work, address JeS-rWO-ly USE POWELL’S POLISH For Pianos and Furniture. 10l DEAEBORN STREET. [mySKHtf-Im A complete stock of .$25.00. y0.192 South Clark street. PRICES FROM fcs TO s>3. Wi c. OUSOS, TTestcm Agt, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1863, FROM THE SOUTH. News from New Orleans to the 11th 'ROM CHARLESTON TO THE TENTH. NEW ORLEANS. The Grenada (Memphis) Appeal has New Of" leans papers from the 7th to the 10th insL We gather some Items of news: The True Delta of the 7th is tame—appears without any of Its accustomed city and river items, and docs not contain a single word of remark about the condition of affairs in the city. In the advertising columns we find a number of cards from the -military authorities. The military comraapdant issues an order to the council directing fthem to employ the “starving laborers’* upon the streets and levees. Butler calls upou all collectors to pay up at once. He also publishes a notice in which he ears that individuals and co -partner ships who had issued small bills have given ample security for their redemption. Hence “holders are cautioned against parting with them at a sacrifice below their par value, and but chers, bakers and dealers in provisions are expected arid directed to receive them Inpiy meet from their customers, and the city will pi omptly and duly redeem them. Six men, named Abraham. McLane, Daniel Doyle. Edward C. Smith, Patrick Kane, Geo. L. Williams, and Wm. Stanley, were con demned to be shot on the 14th. They had been liberated on parole after their capture at Port Jackson, and the charge against them was that “ they organized themselves in mili tary an ay, chose themselves and comrades officers, relying, as they averred, upou pro mises of prominent citizens of New Orleans for a supply of arms and equipments. They named themselves the Monroe Light Guard, In honor of the late Mayor of New Orleans.” A card also appears, from what is termed a “Üblon association.” The following is one of the provisions ot the constitution; Art. 11. All the officers and members of this as sociation shall take the following oath; ‘ “3, ■ do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will true and faithful allegiance bear to the Uni ted States of America,and shall support and main tain. to the best of my abilities the Union and the lourtitution thereof. So help are God.” Jcmes O’Hana was arraigned before the provost marshal on a charge of having assist ed in the attempt to hang a man named Hunt, cn the day the federal Hag was raised on the custom-house. His mother, an aged and in firm woman, was in the court-room, lie was sent to the parish prison for one year. The Delta ot the Bch says: “Commodore Porter arrived last night from below, and his l\aa-ship, which we understand is the Octo iam, anchored opposite the first district. Two of the gunboats of the fleet also arrived, and wc understand that the balance of the mortar licet, consisting of some thirty or forty sail, arc in the river coming up, and may be ex pected befi re the city this morning.” Mr. Thomas Murray and other gentlemen were sent to Fort Jackson on the 4th. Mr. Murray was the president of the tree market committee, in which capacity he served wed and faithfully since the market was first estab lished, nearly a year since. Ho will be missed by the recipients of that institution. HANGING OF TVM. B. MUMFORD, This morning, at an early hour, a large crowd amounting to many thousands, assem bled on the north front of the mint to witness the execution of Mnmford, the man who was cOLdcmntd by the military commission to be banged for tearing down the United States Hag, on the 24th of April last. The gallows was erected in front of the portico, feeing to the north. About ten o'clock the procession that con ducted the prisoner to the gallows came in view. It consisted of a squadron of cavalry in the van, comprising about two hundred men. IJext came The condemned in an army wagon, accompanied only by officers of the United States. He refused to be attended by a clergyman; and as he passed through the vast crowd, sitting on his coffin, his coun tenance only expressed the firmness of de spair. Arrived at the miut, be ascended the plat ?o:m and made :i spe-cb, of which we hive prepared a lull report for to-morrow’s piper. crowd lucked on very quietly, anti no drironstration of any kind was made. Many w- 1 eot opinion that the execution would not lake place, but that the clemency of tbe com mfliiUmg guntral would by manifested in a pardon, and a large number clung to this be lief to the last moment. At precisely ten minutes before eleven o’clock the cord was cut, the drop fell with a heavy tlnd, and all that was mortal of Win. B. Slumlord dauided between earth and heaven. —A r . 0. Ddti , Sin iust. LATEST FROM VICKSBURG. The Vicksburg Citizen of the evening of the* 12th has been received. Thecditorinaldng article condemns the opinion that Vicksburg must of necessity be surrendered, and says: Ibis idea, which Mats at a preference to sub mission rather than light, cannot be too sTongly reprobated by all good patriots, whether soldiers or private citizens. We hope the determination of our military officers to fight to the last, willbc efficiently audumUnch iiigly eariled out. Wc arc sick of surrender ing our noblest cities in the confederacy with out a light. Wc have had enough of it. It has already sufficiently disgraced us in the ©yes of the world abroad, without adding another to the important list. 'Why should Vicksburg be given up as long as we have the means to de .lend it? “New Orleans, Nashville and ilem pbis,” it is asserted, “could have been so suc cessfully defended that the enemy never could h vc succeeded in capturing either of them.” * will never surrender, as long as it i* Vicksburg.* 1 “She stands firm as a rock, and bids ik-tlancetotbc fnithcrencroachments of the invaders; having already driven away ill Heel, from below, elie now waits the oppor tunity of destroying the one coming from i ab -vo.” We take the following from the Ciihcn: We hear oi no movements of the enemy to day, either above or below the city. Every thing has been quiet this morning. Our preparations to meet the enemy are now assuming such a character that we feel per fectly easy of our ability to defeat the Yankee fleet that is now approaching this city from above. A SOUTHERN EDITOR TELLING THE TRUTH ABOUT OSN. BUTLER’S ORDER. [From the Macon, Miss., Beacon, Jane 4th,] A great deal of simulated indignation has Vein roused against Gen. Butler on account of his rather coarse order respecting the of New Orleans. Now, while we nn- condemn the style of this prouua ciamenrC* we c&Bnot withhold our ccnsare from those ,V*die s who so far forgetful of that modesty and ir s, - Tre witb ‘Which woman should always herself, have stepped from the nalc of womaJ propriety, and in suited strangers in the vtsfY streets of their .city;. When this is the case, woman alwavs subject thmselves to censure, li D 9“ i fl sult-. Nti'hor time nor circumstances wiiJ shield her from the inevitable consequence; her intentions are insulting or otherwise, euC* is no longer invulnerable when that beautiful shield she holds before herself and contact w ilh strangers, is withdrawn, for suspicion alwajs attaches itself to such demonstrations. Is tticre any father who would wish to see his daughter haunting through the streets, and insulting those in whose~powcr fate has thrown the city of his residence; or on the contrary, Low would a confederate officer act, should a lacy, or woman, with federal pro clivities, publicly flaunt the stars and stripes in his face, and use insulting expressions in the stieets where his duly to his government had called him. Is it not better, Is it not more consonant ■with tbe nature of women, to shrink from all contact, all communications of whatever character with enemies and strangers, and thus vh dicale her tcx. from unwonuy suspicion, and insure protection Uom insult and atiusc. CAITUHE OF A YANKEE BY WILLIAM L. YANCEY. iVc nre gl?il tc !enm that the Yankee pris oner, Armstrong, who escaped from his gawd in this ciu two or three nights since, was cap lured on Friday evening by Hon. William 1 Yancey, and brought to town. He was first seen on Mr. Yancey’s plantation by a couple of boys, who conversed with him for some time. The stranger asked a number of ques tions, showing his entire ignorance ol the country. The> informed Mr. Yancey, who at once Marled ontto capture him. Learning he had been seen near a field of com, Replaced bis Decrees around it while he hitmclf entered the Held, gun in hand, and very soon found the individual seated on the ground. The man cave his name as Wilson, said that he was from West Point, and that he had losthla way. Mr. Yancey took him to the house, deputed a couple of negroes to guard him, and then pro ceeded to question him. Finding there was no lurlher use Jor concealment, he acknowl edged that his name was Armstrong, and was a Yankee. He was from New Albany, lud., and professed to be sick of the war, and said he did not wish to be exchanged. He wasfomis-hed with a£upper,andthcu brought to town and delivered to the authori ties.—Montgomery Advertiser. AT CDATTAKOOQA. Atlanta, June 10. —Passengers by the State train report tnc enemy, variously estimated at Ironi three to seven thousand, had left the river opposite Chattanooga, after dividing his forces, a part goinglip and a part going down the river. It is believed that they will attempt to cross and form a junction on this side, to attack tbo city* Gens. Kirby Smith, Leadboatcrandßeynolds arc there with plenty of troops, determined to meet and repel the enemy. The people of Chattanooga arc calm and free trom alarm. CHARLESTON. Augusta, Jtmell.—-Fighting stall continues in the vicinity of Charleston. The papers of that city of this morning contain the particu lars of a sharp engagement on James Island on Tuesday afternoon, which continued until dark. Our forces consisted of three regiments and one battalion of infantry and three bat teries, under commend of Gen. W. D. Smith. The enemy was under the protection of felled trees and bis gunboats. Col. 'Williams of the 4th Georgia was mor tally wounded. Our loss is variously estimated at from thirty to slaty-five, principally Geor gians. The loss of the enemy is thought to be large. The confederates succeeded in driving the Yankees from a piece of woods which they evidently were going to occupy. Coh limar, of Stcestuonville, kept up a fire on the enemy's boats and land camp. On Monday he disabled a Yankee propeller. A federal prisoner taken on Monday reports tie enemy’s force on James Island at sixteen n ghr.cutp, and that a few more were expected tc* arrive shortly. A REPORTED -CAPTURE OP A CONFEDERATE YES* 6EL, wes reported at Charleston that the steam er Cecil, from that port to Nassau with -a cargo of cotton, had been captured by the enemy. - COL. JOHN P. ADAMS. [From the Knoxville Register, 4th.] This' gentleman, -whose arrival here, in charge of a company of Kentucky refugees, we have heretofore noticed, and who la author ized by the secretary of war to raise a battal- Hon for service In Kentucky, leaves our city this morning for Alabama : and Georgin, to ap peal to the citizens of those States for arms. SEWARD’S PERSONAL MOTIVE. [From tbe Columbus (Ga.) Enquirer.] Editors Enquirer : —Upon what slight things hang the destinies of nations! tiome score of years ago, a yonng Yankee schoolmaster came South and spent a year in one of the county sites of middle Georgia. The consequence of that visit was a mulatto child—lts father Sena ator Seward, now Secretary of Slate! The way this became known, the Secretary him self told it to a Dr. R—■ of Georgia, last suinzner, stating that he regretted the embar go on correspondence, as It prevented hit hearing from his daughter and sending her money, which he had done every year for years I lie went on to speak in such a way as to convey the idea that he turned abolitionist and brought on the war in order to liberate his.,beloved daughter from the thraldom of slavery I Well did Paulding say that he was a venomous reptile burrowing la the mud, whose poison and power was unknown till he struck! The bible declares that a bastard shall not inherit or enter into the congregation of the people; and yet the North Is Bankrupting it self to bring into its midst a bastard mulatto —a noble object fora national warl Yet his dupes might rend him to pieces if they knew his motives. Hence U is, the possession of middle Georgia is the nt plus ultra of his am bition; hence negroes must become free on military occupation, that his ‘daughter might flte to a fattu r‘e arms—and that too stingy to purchase her freedom himself, it must be done with the lives and the purse,of a mighty na nation. Hence Charleston is secondary to Savannah in his plans—hence the railroad car stealing, bridge burning exploit—hence Geor gia is threatened with 50,000 on one side and 150,000 on the other—hence the federal army moves towards Huntsville instead of Mem phis. Ought not this thing to be sifted out ? and if It is true, it can be made the cause ot a mighty downfall of our arch enemy, by send ing the negro girl and tte/a-.fs to'Greeley or Fernando Wood, some inveterate political enemy, to spread abroad North on the wings of the wind! This coming to them on the heels of a defeat must complete his overthrow. FROM MEMPHIS. From the Memphis papers of the 15th, we gather some items of iuterest: A Card. —In the Argus ol yesterday, was an article blaming the butchers for selling beef at forty cents per pound, and otherwise using extortion in their markets in this city. "VTe propose to state the difficulties we labor under and let the people judge for themselves, lit ef, the like of which in peace times would bring thirty- live cents per pound, was sold for forty cents at the South Memhpis market. That bollock cost $250, cash. We take all the money that we can buy stock with. In reply to the allegation that there are only five butchers in market, we have only to say that all the butchers are there who obtain stock for love or money. Of course those who can’t buy stock can’t sell beef. Many Butchers. A Little More Extoetios. —Demanding fifty c< nls in Tennessee money for a copy of a Si. Louis, Chicago or Cincinnati paper is an extortion lo ■which we trnst those who pur chase newspapers in the streets will no longer submit. The cause of this extortion is the desire to procure Northern journals, which, venders know, will be purchased at almost any price. Before the war, these papers were retailed on our streets at ten cents per copy, and no one should pay more now. Fifty cents for a newspaper! That's coming it rather steep.— Argus. The Markets.—The supply of meats and vegetables in the markets yesterday evening was much larger than has been on sale for some time past. About half the butcher stalls were open, and prices, we understand, have come down a little. — Argus. sJo?ct flangings. E. RIGBY, JB., Agent Importer and. Jobber oc PAPER HANGINGS AN D General Mouse Painter* ap11p256-6m B9 Randolph street, Chicago. jrjKAKE Ss EEC, 53ALXBB Of FAPSB HANGING'S, Window Shades, Fixtures, &&. 5301? as &SD iIGK PAPER HANGERS, ETC, ETC, 3To. 184 Clark Street, Cldcago. [oclß-ly] ISmicammal. LIBERAL EDUCATION -witfc MILITARY! IRBTROGTIOR ARD DRILL. WESTERN UNION COLLEGE and MELITABI ivCnDESi! has been located at FULTON, ILL., and will open Primary Academic and Collegiate Course*, on Sept. jstn, l3t»L The College has twelve experienced reseller?, thorough appointments, and excellent appli ances, both regular and scientific courses, the haee*. schooibundlrpsln the West, (cost *110.000), ample an-' atimcUve grounds, a fine Gymnasium, and many advantages which should cWlratbc attention of ps'.enta. Instruction in German free; also, in ARTrLT.7 ay Is faNTßTakc Ilirng Tactics, 3~ouo. GTHSABTIC SXfcECISKa, COMMON kOUXVg filial Dsell. under an officer of United states' Army. Btn Cents dress In uniform. Teems *175 per school yea? for board, furnished room, fuel, ligate, washing and tuition in evesy department. Excellent accommoda ;iocs for so-ibourdera. under the same rod with ane the constant cared the teachers Address for Girin lan 2). S. COVERT. President r niton, HL fe«-nlste tanhertatvers, WRIGHT & McCLURE, V ? USDKRTAKEBS, No. 83 liiiuT.r.w BIEKI ffIEXALMO COFFINS. Also. Wood-CoSne and Stareuds of all styles. Are prepared with Bcarscs and Carriage* and will give prompt attenton at alt boon. Have a ChaDd and Vault is the Oezcetarr. any lEigceUanwua. MTJKSON, 140 Lake Street, * BLANK BOOKS Of every description on band and MADE TO ORDER, of any desired style of Rnling, Priittingnnd Binding, Of best materials and workmanship. STATIONERY Of every variety, required in the Office or Counting Room, Together with all kinds of COMMERCIAL TEDITINGi, Which we execute at short notice and low prices, af STAIIOSEB’S HAIt, QHICAGO GLUE WORKS.- GLTJE, Pure, Effised, Keatsfoot OH, for ilachlacryocd oti eruscs. Sand Paper, Bose Blacfe, Bone Dost, Hoofs, Horns and Bones, At wholesale and reun. Office, GO South Wells steset (Lioju’s Block) Chicago. P.0.80x2423. JOHN A. LIGH7HAI.L, inhSi-a904 Sm Bucceaf-or to Wahl Pro vroRTHEUN Illinois coal X' AND IRON* CO.MPANT,of LaSalle. S. S. HAYES, Esq., the recent Agent of this Compa ny, liavlug been appointed C:tv Comptroller, the busi ness of said Company has been transferred to myself. In behalf of the Company. I return their thanks for the liberal patronage heretofore given them, and hone I may make myst-lf worthv of a continuance of the same. I can assure mv friends and trose whom I hope to make snch, that their orders tor Illinois Coal will be faithfully and proinptlvfliled. Liabilities to ana from* the Company, concerning their Chicago business, -will be settled ov the under signed, at bur Docks, foot of Lasalle street. North Di vision- [jell-slos-2w] S.B. WILLIAMS. Agoat. jpnoiCE "WINES ON CONSIGN V> MEST. ’ Just "received from Havre, 250 doe. “Via de L’ Empereur 3 ’ Champagne, 144 “ “St. Jalien-HedocCUret—Vintage 1854 74 “ “St. Estephe “ “ “ 71 “ Brand “ PamUac “ “ “ The above 'Wines arc of choice flavor, full body, we'l worthy the attention of Connoisseurs, and will oe sold at iwkso'iahlf* prices to close consignment. Apply to HPNUT MUAvap.D, General Bnjteer. IS La£\lo*t or to JOSEPHPRICE, Treasurer SI. Louis. Alton ans Chicago Railroad. ■ JcS-rtUl-lm t'TJRS KECEIVED OS STOR. A AGE, and preserved from MOTHS. DaMFHESS, And all damage* or loss, through the Summer. ceipts given, and charges low. xnyl7-r434-0w J. A. SMITH ft CO, llBT.aV^ ipLOUR BARREL HOOPS, JL States and Circled Heading or consignment SCWJWO Staves, best quality, 500,000 •* Morvll's " beet Hoops. Circled Heading la any quaatitv, ail for sale low by myl3-ri&>r.w MCGILL ft LATHAM. Uc2-rSa-Sm] HOSPITAL.—This institu t'em, pleapantly located in rfce oeuthern part of the city. Is constantly open for the rccepfofl of pa ttent?, ncth pucllCand crrvu»- c . it <■ heated by steam. weU ventilated, enc affords all the comforts and conve niences of onr bert mcdcra nospltflls. For admission apply at Hospital. rmyS-rlfir-3ail AIL CASTER. »npt Lake superior pig iron The Northern Iron Company of Late Superior keep on hand at its Dock. In Chicago, a supply orChar coul Iron, direct from its Blast Furnace, sad of all grades, to which thcattrntion of those wanting the best qcalitv oftlie Lake Snnedor Metal is invited. Office No. 18 Wells street. JESUP. KENEDY ft Co, Agents. Also for the sale of the Pioneer Iron In quantities to suit customers. my24.r6fe-6BiST&T TAKE SUPERIOR CHARCOAL PIG IRON. ftcoaslgnmeatof this well-known Iron Just received and tor aalem (ramstittes to suit customers, by JESUP KENNEDY & CO.. 13 Wells street; lyira-u AktctstorManufacturors, r^UKSI. GUHBI! GUKSJ ll VJT BEYOLVEBS of aD ktnda, OFFICEES’ SWORDS, BELTS, BASHES, AC n Boarie Knivea and Military Gooda Gaa UatanaL Bole Agent for Haoxd'i Powder. All kinds of amm mil, Sou- GBOBaB T. ABBEY, Jfthsw grtbwjj. j INSTRUMENTS, JULIUS BAUEK, KAHVMOrnBZB or drums AND BRASS I^SI^TJMEaSTTS. ; 99 Soutli ClaA Streelt itaauftctcnr and Importer of Mortal instrnnjafc dd Strin jt. Having connection with manufactH^Bg. I - lOußertu Berlin, Lelpslo. Dresden, ami ‘aprepared to furnish Z'ealera, Band* and ladlylSSS ' with every article tc their Cna At the lowest N. York Prices. . **©«t Office BoxKOL 0C1W298-U &Usut ana T AKE STREET MILLS— i-J For Coarse and Fine MDI Feed, or anything in the trilling line at onr min, Allkinds of Flourattbelow eftpriuca Will pnrchaseaay supplies in oar Hoe Ifwa are lot anie to grind the article ouraelve*. Lake fiu perlor. Michigan and all other orders solicited. J. S. BTEYEFS & CO* West Lata-6t- cor. Desplaines. Jjlt PATENT BUC^VHEAT X FLOUB—Manufactured by HAWKINS & CHAPSUN, MICHI&AN MILLS. -Try the very best Buckwheat Floor in the city—pure end white. . Choice Graham Flour, from Winter Wheat. Cracked 'Wheat, fresh end sweet, i White Winter Wheat Flour of file best quality. ; ‘extra Spring Wheat Flour. Delivered to any part of the city. Store—Ko. 876 South Water Street. JELEloaeons. PRINCE & GO’S IMPROVES MELODEONS. 'Warranted lor Five Tears. The oldest establishrrent In the United States, am rloymg2oomen, and flnishlng 80 instruments per week. Manufactory, cor. of Maryland & Slagara Sts., BUFFALO, N, X. WJdLOX/ESAJiB DEPOTS. 37 Fulton street. 45 Lake street. W JiOXJESSAIiK AG-ENTS. Henry Tolman & Co .. W. F. Colburn Balmer & Weber James Beliak. A. Couse Ph. P. Werleln A & 6. Nordhelmer. r. Persons unacquainted with the Melodeon and Its history, -will bear in mind that we arc the pioneers and leading manufacturers, not oo’y In the united States, out lo the world. We commenced the manufacture of Melodeona in the fall of tae year 1517. and since that lime have finished am sold T WENTT-SEVEN THOU SANDS. Tnete Irstruir eats are now in use mostly m the United States and Canada, but also in Europe, Asia, Africa. South America, and the Wert Indies and troiii all these quarters we have the most llatterlnKtea tlmonlhla ofthe high estimation In which the; are held. At all Industrial Exhibitions they have invariably becu awarded the KUghest Premium whenever exhibited in competition with others. We ehal! take pleasure In forwarding by mall (at our own expense) our Illustrated Catalogue, In which eve ry Uistrumeiit we manufacture Is loiiy ccscrlbed, and tilußtratfd by elegant engravings. All Melofleons of our manmoctare, either sold by us or atnltre In any part Of the United States or Canada, are warranted to be perfect In every respect, ana should uny repairs be necessary before the expirat ion of five juirs Xrom cate of sole, we hold ourccles reidy end willing to make the same free of charec, provided the injury la not caused by accident or design. Agents for the eaie of our Melodeous may be found in a.I the principal towns ef the United States and Canada. Address either GEO. A. PRINCE & CO, Buffalo, N. Y. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., Si Fulton st., N. T GEO. A. PRINCE £ CO., 43Like st., Chicago. Or either of the above wholesale agents. apL>pSl9d j 31 tab anh ©il rVHICAGO LEAD AND OIL WOOES, Vomer Clinton and rulton-fita. West Stds, LEAD PIPE, BULLETS, BAS k SHEET LEAS, LESSEEE OIL, Sun, White Lead, Bed Lead. End Lythisgs PUMPS AND HYDRAULIC RAMS. Orders from the trade solicited. Highest market price paid lor Flax Bead. P.0.80x 61*8. SCIO H. W. BLATCEFOmi. giggats. CUCCC 000000 BRRP.RRS CCCCCC 0000000 ERR EUK CCC CCC 000 000 KRB RRH CCCC 000 000 EBB Rtiß CCCC 000 000 RRRRRRR corn 000 000 rrebrrr CCCC 000 000 KKB RRR COO CCC 000 000 RF.B RRS CCCCCC 0000000 EBB ERK CCCCC 000000 EBEB SERB BBP3BBR mil NNN NNN BBiisS3B KPII BRB HI NKN RN SSS BBSS T-.BH lU-’.B HI NNNN NN 535 888 BBU 1H NNNNN NR SSS BBRBIUi 111 NNKNN NN S3HS BBTOJBB UI 'TV R*r*T NN 8383 EBB 808 r '! VN ‘HSIfNN 8533 SSK Bub ni nn nsnn ssb ssa PPB DBB m KN jn*** EBBS 5383 SBBBBBB im HOT PH 8683558 000000 WWW WWW STUN SNR 0000000 WW W TO KNW RN 000 000 ww vv ww nnnn nn 000 000 WW ww WW NNNNN ns 000 000 WW WW WW SNNNN NN 000 000 WW W W WW NN NNN NN 000 000 WW WW WW NN JTNN NN 000 000 WW W WWW NN KNNN 0000000 WWW WWW NN NNN 000000 WW WW EHH NH SEGARS. Manufactured from Selected Havana Tobacco, Per sale at Wholesale and Retail at NO. 65 CLAES STREET tth'. nl9l-Sm Corner of Randolph street, Chicago. IU. ILrmobals. TJEMOVAL. —We have taken the XV Store No. 187 South Water Street, And moved our office Into it. Jp2 r842-1m irNDERWO JD * CO. ■REMOVAL.—RUBBER GOODS, i-V ’ HDBBER CAMP BLANKETS, Capes, Ponchos, and Havelocks, KT iSMKJ ’ COATS ANX> I.EGGIN3, Bnbber and Leather BELTIKG-. EOSE. PACKING, &o. JOHN B. IfiESON, & CO., splS -pRS-Sm ill Randolph Btrect, "iJctHuu iSxtcnniuqtors. 3b Destroy Rats, Roaches, &c. To Destroy Mice, Moles and Ants. To Destroy Bed Bugs. To Destroy Moths in Fare, Clothes, <fcc. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. 3b Destroy Insects on Animals, &c. 3b Destroy Every form and species oi Vermin. Tfce “ONLY INFALLIBLE RSMBDISS KNOWN." “ Free trom roleona.” “Not dangeious to the Human Pamfly. - “ Kats eo not die on rrenurea.’’ " “ They come eff ont uiclr holes to die." p&~ Sold Everywhere— by All Wn(>L2s-M*K DBrccrrs In the large cities. aad by Dnrcoiexif, Gbocsbb, btokekkzpbiis aud Rktail ei;s generally. In all Country Towns and Villages tu the UariiD States. ___ FULLER & FINCH, Brlrdpal tVhcletaie Agent, Chicago. CL fjr corKTfcT uealees can order as above.' Or ad* dxi-ea direct— [cr for Prices, Terms. Ac.] to EENKY R. CjSTAR, Pbixcital Depot—No. 452 Broadway, Now York. my6-r73Sm JsljotD €ase. Mtbrhuse, o (BUOCKMO* TO OUfFBXLt A CKO SHOW CASE a£AH77A(mmEB, £7O. 63 DKARBOHH BTR£B3 t CHICAGO, b.L- fori Office Bex «ifw ®atinct jputHiturr. jgABCOCE & PESE. 171 BARIK>LPH BTBEBI. Mahogany, Eosewood and Wabmt, ALSO, CHAMBER!) lItIKGEOOM ft COMMOITFUENITUX XH fiWKAT TASIXTT. Wood Seat asd Cane-Seat Chain, Bedsteads andßv< teauA School Furniture on band and to order. tsr Particular attention paid to Country Orden. ffalS-afe-lT hotels. A MEPJCAN HOUSE, BOSTON, AX, Ift the largest and Best Arranged Hotel In. the New England S^tes; la centraUy located, aad eaey of access tram all rou: es, of craveL It contains ail thetcodern improvements, and every convenience for theoomiortand bccommodaaonof the traveling pab- Uc. Tbcel£cp!ng roomsare large aad wall ventilated; the suites of ro"ms are well arranged, end rooplerd? famished tor families and lane traveling parties, and the Bouse will continue to bekrptaa a fim class hotel b e*erj remect LEWIS EICK, Proprietcs^ .CLOSING OUT SALE PAPER HANGINGS, AtF. ljc3-rS6MmJ Cotnmissum iHmijams. HP. STANLEY,Commission • Merchant, and dealer In Pmit and Produce, No. 60 State street. Chicago, N.B.—ln the fruit trade we invite correspondence prcTlonaxo shipment. There Is great choice In the style of packages, and In the routes and time of ship meat, &c. • TK7TLLIAM LITTLE & GO~ ▼ T COMMISSION MERCHANTS.. 231 Sorrrn Wateb Stbeht Chicago, Tr.v. We shall give special attention to Casii orders for the pnretase or sale of goods oferery description, charging a moderate commission. For sale Flour and Tight Barrels and Firkins. Stares and Head in?. wmt.T tat LITTLE. Ue6-rQS7-Sml • ono a. tinorr. M. B, HIBBARD & CO., 1 6EITEEAI COHHIBSIOff HEBCHAHTS, '.Office and Warehouse. 233 South Water street, between Wells and Franklin sta.. Chicago. Post Office Box 3537. j«6-rSW-3m W3C B. HIBBARD. 3. U’JLZXIBTSH. T. W. TIALL. f\ASH ADVANCES MADE ON all kinds of PEOBUCE ASD BEOOM COEH, for sale in this market or consigned to our correspond ence in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. RAP* PLEYE & SHELDON, Commission Merchants. 248 'South Water street. Chicago. ~ apl-nSTOdy pORD & NORTON, BTOEAGZ AND COSQHSSIOX MEBCHAHTfi, Fireproof Warehouse on Market street, between l£kr and Handolpb streets, Chicago, TP Liberal advances made on consignments. ftAX’LA.YOSD, [aniTSVly] hatbanixlnostox BROTHER & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Give their exclusive attention to the purchase and *ale of Flour. Grain and other produce, on don. No. 145 South Water street, corner of Clark, CM* sago. EL. no2S-a2W "QNDERWOOD & CO., GUTESATi COMMISSION MEECHANTS. OFFICE and WAREHOUSE—IST South Water-et., op posite “Board of Trade” Building, jeMy P. L. TNDEBWOOD. 8. L. USDEBWOOD. BEN W. TTNDEKWOOD. ADSW ORTH.TDRLAT & Co. PBODrOE AND GENERAL COM3HS SIOJN JQERCH.INTS, ms SOUTH WATER STREET. We give personal and prompt attention to the sale oj GrainTFlour. Pork. Lard, Bntter, Seeds, Broom Corn. Ac., and make liberal cash advances on consignments. delO'Gl-Iy JATES, STONE & CO. FBomcß coffinssios HEEcnms, For the purchase and aale of Floor, Grain, Forls, Fisii, HAMS, LAED, BCTTEH, CBOSESE S S!E3EDS,DRIER FRUITS, Ac. No. 217 South Water street, Chicago. myl2-i24S-2m. .New Tori. ....Chicago. QHARLES EAITOOLPH, 6E2TEEAI, COKKISSIOH MERCHANT, Ho. 8 Loomis' Bunding, corner Clark and South Water itreete. Advances made on consignments. feTSfi-ly ..Boston, Uses. .. .Cincinnati,©. ..Be. Louis, Mo. ...Philadelphia. ..Detroit, Mich* ...New Orleans. .Toronto, C. W. QHAMPION & TODD, GEHZBAL COMKESSIOS MESCHAKTB, And Wholesale Dealers in Green and Dried Fruits. No. 141 South Water street, Chicago. a. o. cnAinuoN. [rnyl-p934-Sm ] .tav~»s tcdd. A BIEL AKIN & CO., xa. Pbopucr Commission Merchants, No. 136 South Water street. Cash advances made oa Flour and Grain to be sold here er by New Tort. A3TTTL AETN. rnplfiplC24>ml J. H. IICTRLBCT. QiASSEORD, JONES & CO., Forwarding and. Shipping Agents. Special attention given to forwarting Grain, &<x, from Kingston to Montreal and Quebec. Carrying ca pacity oi onr eralt e«juai to 275,000 bushels Grain per trip. £0 1 'Wharf, Anglin's Wharf, Montreal. Kingston. ILL IAM R. STONE, General Produce Commission Merchant, No. 5 Dole's Building, Cor. CU> k and Sooth Water sis. P. O. Box S2SS, Chicago. 111. Liberal ca c h advances made on consignments. ap2i pT4S-3m HEELER, NEELY & CO., GENERAL COHHISSIOIT KEBGHAHTS, No. 7 Board of Trad" Bulidn». C. T. WlihElxa A.B. KBSLT, S. T. lAT7SSSCH. QYRUS CLARKE, Produce Commission Shipping Merchant, NUMBER 10 CENTRAL WHARF, BUFFALO. Cash advances made by Walker, Bronson * Co„ Chi C»go. apT-plll-Sm Murry nelson & co., No. 21. South Water street. Give their exclusive atientlon to the purchase. salc, shipment and making cash advaiceson Grain, Flour Provision* and Produce of all kinds, __ for a commission. hurry kelson. e. b. surveys. jgKDFOKD, MEREDITH 3s CO n EXCLUSIVE COMMISSIOS MERCHANTS, For the purchase and sale of Fork, Stock, Fiour, Grain, and Produce generally, Ko. 22S and £8 South Watir street, Chicago, lIL laTM? produce commission merchants. Give especial attention to tho purchase and sale of Flour, Grain and all kinca of produce on commission. Office 121 Lake street, corner of Clark. QLITER n. LEE. [tnhl£-D&jO-&aJ CHARLES H. ANTES. T> AILIE * SEYMOUR, PRO- D DUGS AND GENERAL COMMISSION MER CHANTS. Office, lt6 South Water street, Pomeroy's Building. Post Office Drawer 6LT7, Chicago. Kkfbr gNcncs-SturgcA Buckingham & Co, Wm Mertln. Gee Freight Agent C- 3. & Q. R. It. aul6-c£3M? DRUCE, SCOTT & CO., Pvtx’ XX Commlselon Merchants; No. 16 LasaU»' tween Lake end Bond ’Water. Chicago, T ' •sWc*. b-, Ittfcntlbn given to the purchase an«* -.u Fcrponal Flour, ProviMon?, and ojher prod* l ' „„ We make liberal each advance* *-® on cotriajlsa.on,. Sle to this of nrnri-’ oa Consignments for Pert owes Drawer TiS* • A ... _r-s>,_ ALONZO BRUCE. E . SCOTT. B. V. QUEAL- gAWYEIt, WALLACE 3s CO., commission merchants, <7 Broad street. New Tort Advances made on Consignments to the shore fins, by WM. AITCEISON, Jr, Agent, 15* South Water Street, Chicago. mh7B32S-ly (PHAREOUREE & WETHERBE General Commission merchants, Pardee’s Building, corner Wells and South Water sta. No. 8 up stairs, CMcase. a. a. ceapboubse. [rahi-nSU-Cm] e.r. wsthreex. ALL, BURBANK & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHAITTS, No. 1 Dole’s Building, cor. South Water and Clark eta. Post Office Drawer ©O7, Chicago. P, E, BALL IF. W. BCRB.VKK |F. wtr.r. [ qxq. p, COLT fe*C 0147-€ m jLTOBSK & TARVIOOD, ■-J-A. (LAT» ALBKBT HOUSE A OO*) PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 196 SOUTH WATER STREET, Aiken’s Building. confined stflctiy CC Commlselaa. AISBKT MORfig. [?39-ly3 H.B. x^WOQE. MS. NICHOLS & CO. have • opened, at lfcß South Water street, Chicago, * 3et>ex&l Commission House, for the purchase enaselc of Grain, Flour, Provisions,* *e„ anc solicit cousin meats and orders. Topanies eccesslbleto WUwanke> as well a» Chicago. In connection with their Milwaukee House, Nichols, Britt A Co., thin* they e*n give suck superior advantages. [apfiTSi-Xr h. c. MicmoLa a s, bbitt. h. a. hiohoia. WILLIAMS dsHOTJGHTEmTG. * ¥ COMiIISSION MERCHANTS. No. ZIOH South Water street, second door west cf Wells street bridge. <lvc their exclusive sttentlon to the and purcfi-icf of ell kinds of Produce. Block, &<x.> s Commisalca Carti advance* made on bills of lading propertv.n store. Refer to George Smith & Co.7i<nrire Bank, ini George Steel & Co. j. n. Williams, pareo-ly] w. p. notjGnTEJjrq. MEELT, LAWRENCE & GO n COMMISSION MERCHANTS, for tho parehese HUd sale of Grain, i'lour. Provisions, and Cooutry Pro meg generally. Business exclusively Cormnlsslor Also, dealers in Balt, Lime, Water Lime, Btacoo, Flar terlng Hair, Land Piaster, at 246. and 340 Booth Wtter street alszbt x. jtxklbt, bshj.xhih w. law "ZK-'-CX. vnt. T. WXSDIA.TK, SKWASD 7. LXWXXi'Ca. mbW’fiO-ty H. funkhotjser & co^ cojaaissioN mebckasts, Sl6x south Water Street. Jas29-k6SB-ly Q.ILBERT, UPDIKE & CO., COMMISSIOH IHEIICHiNTS, No. 14 insane street, Chicago. BTANARD, GILBERT & CO* No. 5 Cltyßulldlngi, SL Louis. myVrei-ly S. 3. GLLEEET. B. W. TTPOTK*. X.O. eTxJfAitP. Q.RIFFIN BROTHERS, COSOIISSIOR MERCHANTS, 50. S Pomeroy's Blvck, comer South Water aadtHarS streets. Chicago. Advances made on consignments. y. y. GEirrrs, fmbayro-iy] A.aei77is. IJSDERWOOD & CO., €OHCKISSTOW MERCHANTS, £fc, 152 South Water Street, Chicago, 111 mhg*a gTMBALL & WOLCOTT, gE-TEEAI COMEfSSIOS KEECHASVB, No. ISC South Water street. Chicago, OL CoaslgmuentßscUciUid. Orders tor purchase executed with care and dlppaich. OBA3TVTI/LX EUTBAXth tdPjtn.iy] Z. 8. WOLOOTT. FAY & CO., r?o. 12 Las&lie street, Chicago, m. P. O. Box ISIS, Sim their exclusive etteatioa to the purchase &S8 ttle of Flour, Grain and other Produce, on Commission men fat, [aaZTSI-lvl jab. h. woodwobth. UQ*-hT7-ly COMMISSION MERCHANTS, J»o. 6 Wigwam Building, Market street, Chicago, IH. K. w. hewes. [my2C-rC33-3in] L. beauss. pAKWELI & CO., cosianssiOK mebchmk, 133 South Water .L-eet, Clilcago, HI. Uficra! adwmear ma<l rt on propertv In rtore. kkweslnce*. —Cooley, Farwcll ft Co, G.'C. Cook ft Co, Grav. Phelps ft Co. • cHAfi. B. FAITWELL. [my2l-r537-iyi simeos faewsll. Nett!) Sib? S?!)oc NEW AND FIRST CLASS BOOT AND SHOE STOSE ON THE NORTH SIDE. WiSWALU & DAY Have just openedatNo.SSNorth Clark street, a new and complete stock of Boots and Shoes, and. would respectfully invite tie attention of the public to an examination of their stock. The citizens of the NORTH SIDE Particularly, will find it to their Interest to favor ns with their patronage, as we shall endeavor to keep our assortment constantly filled with fresh and desirable goods. . WISWALL ft DAY, • JcSrtmzßH 25 Norta Clark street. Wm. A. Brown & Co M fronts to floatt. Monet to loan on real ESTATitto the city of-CMcaeo,or on firms it. HI nolswithi^^ftlmndrcdmiles 01Chicago. Aiolv toOEO. W.SBBDUMB, SO Dearborn at- Boom No. s. Je4-r£9l-li» A AAA IN SUM 3 TO SUTP \/ borrowers may be had of the undersigned. On Short or long Time, ■at very low rate Interest by applying at once of GBEEXE&AFU BROTHERS, my23-tg93-lm Comer Lake aadLasallostceete. |I|ONET TO LOAN ON CHICAGO CITY PEOPEETT, . Or on Goon licteotzd Farms, within 100 miles OT Chi cago, in this State. Farms for sale cheap. ah2B-aSS«a CHAMBERS & LEE, m Lake st, |?OB MONET TO LOAN A. On Beal Estate Securlttetin Cook az-d adjoining Counties, apply to Ernst PRiissrisr®. Oealer & fettb* Exdmge, Hoaey tad Sul Estate Broken ARCTT jfOB THE BKTTISH CQMHSBCIAX. IdFH HibUKAHCS CO, AND NOTARY PUBLIC. ITo* 6 Larmon Blodz, * B: K, cor. dark and Washington 18. aoiMy D. MoFARLANE’S ©aa, Steam Fitting and PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT 54 Lasalle Street, Chicago, SAS RSTFEEB AffD IKOS FBBmTKB, Practical Plumber, ASD HAHUYACmSZK OV All Itinilg ofSteam Work. TO TEE IBAJDE. Sh» Trade supplied with tools and every article la he Gas, Steam Fitting and Plumbing bualneaa. U* Gilding and Bronxlngdone to order, g* and IQ gart Washington street ■ myes-iy ip s. pO PARTNERSHIP NOTIOE.— V-> The undersigned have this day formed a limited Copartnership for the transaction of a eeneral whole sale clothing business in the cities of Boston. Mass., and Chlrago. Hi- under the firm name of Huntington Wadsworth & Co. HENRY A. HUNTINGTON. PHILIP WADSWORTH. ELISHA S. WADSWORTH Chicago. June 10.15C2. jelO-sVHra TVT OTICE OF CO-PARTNKK ±y ship. dr* Sidney li. XTnderwood and 3r. Bca. W. Fnderwood Areadmltledasmembersof ourilrm from this date. UNDERWOOD & CO. Chicago, June 2d, 1562. je2-r>tMia THE undersigned hate A tbls day entered into Co-psrtaer»blp undir the came and style of jno. Clark & Co, lor thetraas*ctloa of an exclusive Commls«loa business, over Galena Freight Depot, corner Dearborn and North Water TO. P. O. Bos 4frT4. Encash advances on consignments on Produce In store, bills ofia.ung and shiomeats ii**: JNO. C' AF.K JN'O. E. MARSHALL, PAUL JONES. May Ist, IPO. c jl3 r212-Sm pO-UARTNEKSHIP. We, the V-/ undersigned, have this day entered Into a Co Partnership- under the style ami firm name of KELLOGG Sc GRAY. For the purpose of dealing in Coal of all kinds. Chicago. May Ist, 1562. A. R. KELLOGG, mj 3- p»9-3 n C. W. GB AT. Hurial ©ascs. pATEKT METALLIC BURIAL Cases and Caskets, MANUFACTURED BT CS-SJMS, BREED &, CO., Cincinnati, Ohio, May be obtained at Cairo, ill., of J. C. Sfliller, At the COMMKPC^ALIIOTFTi.corherorSInhiS-wsi auu Commercial avenue. The Invaluable qualities of these Boris! Cas-s aad Caskets for ofdibabt ntTXBMtXT, lor ■rajuSsii’OßTa tion and preservation, are nowaulversullysctacw ledeed. They PKOXECT theremaiaaof the departed from Water, Vermin or other Intrusion Puiara rsuio val, should It ever be deeired, may be accomplished wltoout inconvenience. A delay ot days or weeks, the arrival of absent friends, 1? entlrfiy orac tlcafre. Books may he carried to any part of -he glooi at anv season of Uie year, with per’ect They are moreover a sure safeguard against convjpons dla easts. These air .images render them nneinMled hy anything which, eitherln ancient or moien times, has been invented tor the reception of the human body after death- Careiui personal attention will be cl fen to seailna these Case? and Cask* ta. or material furnlahen and In structions given ter the game. JNO* C. WLLER, Commercial Hotel* Cairo. fH "■yg-rirt powdawfcow-r.w ilcgal Helices. A DMtNISTRATRIX NO" , T ~ l\ STATE OF ILLINOIS. COOS, n -AIAaUj. County Court of Cook County. wObNIT. ss.— Public notice fsluTcbr glv«e Administratrix of the «sL»'' . taat the undersigned. Ci ased. will appear befo' ofDolivcr Walker, de* Term thereof, tube ' . e the said Court, at tha July r'ulv, A. J). ISo*.'-*' nolden on the third Monday of lhi;*purpojc “t the Court llonsc in sild County, for demni’uA' vt hearing ami adjusting all claims and soc,*b' -gainst the estate, when and where all per fii* - ...viug such claims are. ruqnestecl to present and «the»ame. ABIGAIL F. waIKKU , Administratrix Estate Deliver Walter. Chicago. June 2d. 1562. jco-rSGg-td A MIINISTKATOR’S NO TICK t\- Estate op Tuoxas Williams. Deceased. The underpinned having be.-a appointed Artiainl«tr.v lor of the Estate of Thomas William?, late of the C< of Cook, and State of Illinois, deceased, here by give notice that he will appear before the County Court ef Cool: I'oni ty. at the Court House in the Citr of Chicago at t!ic jiilv Term, on the third Monday In July IStii next, at which time all persons haviad claims against- said estate are notified and requested to attend for the purpose of having the same adjusted. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment to the undersigned, tais second day cf June. A. D. IS£2. 2eS-IS6S-3W JOHN TEARE. Administrator. T*/| OKTGAGE SALE. - Whereas, ITJ Richard K Swift and Melissa A. Swift, hh wife. and JaisvaJchnston and Jenny Johnrton.his wlitpar- 11 ol tie dr;; nai t their certain mortgage dated sum ofseventy eve thousand dorian ” Om rtter date, uad interest on the samua* '%* a„t thousand loor hundred dollars, payable on w ' ” . <.»▼ of January, A. l>. IS6I aad from and alter tlm*. rted Aeznlannual interest on the s-dn sum of nevencr flTe thousand dodars. at the rate 01 six per cent, ner annum, payable on the first day of January and July In each year, for each of which said payments of inte rest Pali! and Johnston tb«ir n «’e to the nn vrix^lJSort^JS and did in and bysud s°”'*'* proTloe that tf default shoal ? be made In -.e payment cf any one of said instalment* of interest at toe time and in the manner in said nromlf&ory cotes Kirca for said interest provided, and the game should remain due and unpaid for the space of one year after the eantc became cue, th<*u at the elecuon of the un dersigned fate principal gam seen red by said mo.tgage should at occe become and bo due anu payable, any thing In the cote given for the game to the contrary cotwithßtandmg, said elccuou to be made at the Urns of or ay any time a.tersach dcfrinlt. without notice. And that In that cate It should be lawful for the under signed to enter into atd upon all and singular the nre-tl in mia mortgage deicrihed. and to sell and dispose 01 i.- e tunic or any part or parts theroofi and all Denei.:ahdectJ^ ,of reaemptlonof said pirtyof the fii>t pan to said motCT t 5 f, ; th «*f betrg. executors, adir inistiatoro, oevisets or aflSi*.'.' lß therein, at nubile suction, having first given slx'y dajl notice of the time ar.l place of raid sale bv publication m dady newgptipprpnhilfhed tn Chicago. At d wheres* said instalment of Interest, amountls? to ii e suni of oae thous-md four hundred dollars, that bec-iitc due by the term? of said mortgage on the first raj of January. A. I> IS6L as also the note given for die tame, was not paid when the eame became due, tnd Ift not yet paid and sorcinana year ha? elapsed tlncetbc same became dne: and I. said William B. Ogdcr. lave elected and do elect that the priueioal mm eecortd by pair* mortgage, to wit, the snm of-sev entj five tbonsand dollars, shall become and be due snrt pay side. there Is now due and unpaid oa saM principal sum of seventy-five thousand debars and said snm of one thousand lour, hundred doilarn that htcim® due th»reon as InD.-rcst on the first day of January, A. D. ISGI. aau also the Instil ti e Aol Intercft amounting to the sum of two t-na* sad two hundred and flty dollars, which became due thereon cn tbefiritdsy of July. issL And also, the Instalment of IntereatiimoantL'g to the last above named snin. vucb became doe thereon on the first oay ol January, a. D. Ifcf2. being In the aggregate the turn of eighty tnooaasd nine hundred dollars Now. theref'Te.j»nbUcno - lce Is hereby given tuit L the said »U;lamß Ogden, under and m pur«u»nce of the powers ana prariwoue in said mortgage coatatned, baveentrred Into and upon ail and singular the prem ises described is sold motseage. to-wit: Lots alxty-oce (Cl), tlxtv-two (C 2), plxty-lhree (63), eixw-four (t>4), six tr-fivc(frs). (60) stxtvrsveu t»7). atxsv-eight (08). sixty-nine (FSJ. seventv (7T.) sereucy one (?u, ser enivtwo («2>. seven*v.three t <3), »e »enty ceventr-fiv© (7T>). seventy-six (TB>. sevemy-seren (77). seventy eight (78). seventy -tme (73). eighty (80), clgnty one (Si). eighty-*wo (fel). elghtv-tbreo (.«>, eighty-roar (81).eighty-five(SS).etghty-ft'x (86), eigU.T-beTcn (S7). c!g*i!v-?Jght (SS). eigarv-nlac (sy> and ninety (•»>, «U In' B'ocson’e Addition to Colcsgo, said lots being bounded enthceostby Clark street, on the north by Schiller street, on the west by Wells street sad on the south by Goetbc pireC!, and oelnt all the lots incinded within and between f.V(I *tisets, all situate, Iviae and being In the city of Chicago, county of Cook and Sure of 1U in da. And that 1 will on Monday, the twenty-tilth day ol August next (August, A. D. lift!) at ten o'clock in the forenoon, on said premise?.la tursaance of the term*. power: l and provl-ioas ot s*td mortgage, offer tor site aco sell the said premises in said mortgagedesenued, b«lng the Bixe premises above described, and all bene fit and equity of redemption of the said Richard K. Swlftend M-llss:v A his wife, and James S. Johnston ard Jenny Johnston >U wife, their heirs, executors. administrators. devisees cr assigns therein, at nubile ancticn to the highest bidder for cash. Said mortzegc was filed for record in the K.-corder's Or ce of s&ld Cook County, o- the twenty-first luv of January. A. D. 13?. and duly recorded la Book 44 of McitE*ceß« commencing at naze 1-3 of said book. s fc WILLIAM U. OGDEN. ir> IC"V »-”•> iVI xtaAilrlVD brti.lii. OUILO Ul Alil ivX no Is. Comity of Coot, as.—Superior Court of Chi cago—ln Clumcerv. Eds*nKrith aad John A. Gurley vs. Robert G. Boone, Edward A, Larmonand Thomas , Hoyne—Foreclosure of Mortgage. Public notice la imrebv given that In pursuance of a decreetal order entered in the above entitled, cause on the twelfth dsv of Slav. A. D. ISS2, L Sumner Marble, as a Special Master In Chancorv. for such purpose duly appolutedby the Superior Court of Chicago, will, on Monday, tbfctwenty-tilrdday of June,A.D. tSs3,attcn o'clock m tho forenoon of thatd-iy, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for caslt. at the norUi door of the Court House, in the City of Chicago, in the County of Coot, in-the Stole of Illinois, all that certain lot. piece or parcel of Und situate, lying and being In the County of Coot and State of IIUn»Is, known and designated as Block No. twenty-three (23), in Assessor’s Division, of the southwest fractional quarter of Section No. twen tv-two rill, in Township no. thirtvmine (S3), north of Range fourteen (14), east of the Third Principal Meri dian, bounded as followsCommenclnz at a state at tire northwet intersection ofC&lumet Avenue and fUn gold Place, (hence east along the north line of said Rla zoM Place four hundred and live and two-tenths feet (405 2-10 B.>Jp a stake fifty-five feet aad four-tenths of a foot (IS 4-w ft). west of'the centre of the east track of the Illinois Central Railroad, thence northwest on &Unc parallel with said cast tract of said Railroad four hundred and forty-seven anil -three-tenths feet (447 3-10 ft.) to a stake flftv-Sre aad four-tenths feet 153 4-10 ft), west of the east'truck of Bald Railroad, thence west along tire south Hat* of Commerce street two hundred and sen ntv-sis and six tenths feet (276 6-10 ft.) to a state, thence south along the cast line of Calumet ave nue four hundred and twenty-seven and eight-tenths (bet (437 s*lo ft), to the place of beginning, containing exclusive of streets, Circe and three hundred forty, jfrht one-thonsandtns acres (3343-1000 acres). Also, all the right,title and interest of the said Robert G. Boone and EdwardN.Larnion, of; in and to any lands lying eastof the premises above described and westerly o: tli ■ lands of the Illinois Central Railroad Companv, to gether with all and singular the tenements, heredita ments rod appurtenances thereunto belonging, or so much of said premises as may be necessary to satisfy the amount due the complainants under said decree, with the interest thereon and the costs of salt. SUMNER MARBLE, Special Master In Chancery. Gallup & Hitchcocs, Compl’ts. Sol*rs. ’ Chicago. May 13th. ' mvl4-rsr»-td OASH ADVANCES GRAIN \J AND FLOTTB tor sale In Easter* markets. KIMBALL ft WOLCOTT, Are preptrea to mate advaacev on - Gram and F!em ccniTgued to John Wllmot, hew York, and give to* rfjloper pnvUego of telling In Oswego or Buffalo on ai rival of tho coßdgnnsenti at eltiuc tf tticee points, tpii-paas-sa Hsilroaas, TLLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL X. BOAD. „ On-and after Sunday. "May 1! th, tratoswUllcave from the Great CcntralDepotaafbUows: . J 7:15 A. M. (Sundays excepted.) arriving st Peoria at SiflP.Jl.; LocansportatftaOl’JiL; Deeator at 3:15 P. M^Spf!Dgfi e r<l at 4:55 P. M.; Naples «t cy»tllssE.-3U Vincennes »t 1(h20P.M4 St. at WO l-.M.; Terre Haute at 2.10 A. M.; Cairo at 4;TP A. W. a3OP.-M\ (Satnrtlavß excepted.) arriving at Decatur at 1:40 A. 51.: Sprinufleld 3£5 A. M.; Naples 6:10 A. M.; Qulacy WO A.M.; Alton 7:10 A. M.; St Louis 7:50 A.M.: 325 P. M.; VintcnneslSOP.H.; Evansville 5:10 P. M.: Cairo 4:43 P.2L On Saturdays a Train win herua toKmtakEC.lesv- Inc Chicago atS;OOP. M. Trains arrive at nj»-ago at 9-JQ A. 51. and 11:55 P, M SleeplncCats on Night Trains. Baggage Cheesed to 'all impnrtart points. - For tickets and Information apply at the office la the Great Central Depot. . FOR HYDE FARE. AND WOOD DAWS. Trains Leave Chicago: Leave Wood Lawn- M. 7dWA.M. 12:00 M 9:45 A. 5L 4:00 P. M. 1J» p, XL 6:13 P. M. ... 4:45 P M IttSO P. H. - - 7:13 P. M. W. R. ARTHUR. GeaT Sant w. p. jQHKSny. Gen. Pmb. Agent. v nSICAGO AND ST. LOUIS \J BAILBOAD UFX. CHANGE OF TIHIH. Trains leave Chicago at W0 A- M-DsyEtpreo, (ex cept Sundays); WO P. M Fight Express (except Sstur- an! re boa St. LooJa at 5a5 A. M, and Joliet and WTlnrlagton Accommodation leaves Chi cago at 4.-00 P. H. and arrives at 9.45 a. M. nra C. H. ALLEN. Sept. fijousg jpurntstuns. GREAT CARPET HALL O IP HolMer & Wilkins, 13$ & 13T - - LAKE STREET - - 135 & 137 [Up-SxaissJ Tbe Best Goods at Low Prices. CARPETINGS, Save on hand and offerforsale, of their own Importa tion and of the best domestic manufacture, the largest and best assortment In the Fortnwcst of Medallion, waton. Velvet, Brussels, Tapestry. Three-Ply, Super fine Ingrain. Extra Fine Ingrain, Cotton and wool In grain, Wool Dutch. Scotch Hemps, Felt Venetian, Ta pestry, Ingrain, Body Brussel* and ?talr Carpetlnga all oltne greatest variety: comarising the largest, heat ano most desirable assortment ever oefore opened la Chicago, and which they offer at the lowest possible prices. OIL CLOTHS, Of tt esc we offer a lame and unrivalled assortment either as regaida quality, etyleor price ; KoglUU sod America* mbnrfsctcre. in wiottis oi one vara, one-sad a-half yards and two yards wide, at prices from throe thilliogs to six shillings per vard. Aiae, Heavy Sneet Oil C-nths, twelve feet, eighteen feet and rwentj-fonr feet wide, at price* from four to ten shilling* per yard. Airo—Table OH Cloths In pitterna and by the yard, and Stair Oil Cloths in great variety. UTTDB Ai m Cocoa Matting-? for Offices, Churches. V estlbuie*, Ac* ♦r. all wlJi.*!*. from one-hslf to two yards wide; Canton Straw Malting, both white and checked.* quanersnd one-anci-a-baif yards; ilruaic, Velvet, eras'els md Tufted Ruk's. Cocoa Jn'e, M jiUla,Bituh, fckelctca Adelaide and tQicep-Skiu JJata. CURTAIN GOODS, French Broesteße, Satin DeLalues, French Printed Lasting?, Rtfs. Cioih, Dau aah ant Moreens, Embroi dered Lace curtain!?, in pair* an i by the yard. Embroi dered MoßlinCunaioA and by the yard; Cornices, in wood, brass or i llh GUt Curtain Bands and Pina. Centre iMSfels, Leone. Drapery Cords, Gimp Bands, Curtain (limps, Bordering. Curtain Linens, and all kinds? of Trimming* neces-ary for Curtain*. Window Snadealn gold borders. D?y end Oil Painted Shades White Buff. Grteji and Bice Shade Hollands In all widths, together with Bray'* Patent Spring Fixture*,»nce Fixtures, Futnam's Chamberlin's ami Pendulum Fixtures. Brass and Bronze Koilf-r-Fnds, Back. Pulleys and Bracket*, thane Cords and Tassel*. FURNISHING GOODS. Table Linens In patterns and by the yard. Linen Nap klrs and i)ojl : » c , ila-'nnEto Cotton LhccJuio ot all widths, linen and Cotton Puiow-Cas* leg? TtWfls Crash. Plano and Table Covers. embroi dered, printed and eronoved; Fornitore Chintz, 'her with a large assortment oi Fringes, Picture LV -la «gid Tassels. UPHOLSTERY GO^DS Spring Beds, Ralr, Cotton, Soa-Gwg, and Mo*# Msttrei pes. Feather BedA Bolster* R Qd PlUowt. :'laiV'el». Sheet*. Pillow Case-, lounges. Foot :?tools. Billiard Cloth-*. Enameled C' a' Carjld Ht’r rf various grades. Moss and Exceiei' - f j,y the bjkK tea- Gr« a Shrine a Wcbhmg. Bed Lav„ Twines for Upholsterers use. Prime ilie Geese Feathers. MoOMer k Wilkins’ GPJSAT CABPET HULL, LaKe street i ns A 1 si UrairttES, ©in, s23i?.?s, fee. MriYEKST, of tlie firm, of 9 LILL & DIVERST, Importer and O"obiter of* WIKES and LIQUORS. Rectifier and Distiller of Pure Spirits and Whisky. Depat for LUI & Dirersy’s Stock and Pale Cream Ale, Lager Beer, Porter and Salt Vinegar, Bavlnc purchased of Jelosie Mteus the entire stock of Imported WINES and LIQUORS of Hie laic firm of J. E. S. FELLER & CO. ltl»offprPdtocash and prompt paving cn-tomfr?. at the low‘!J=t rates. Tills stock is large and well selected, and consists of pnnsc verr choice old Liquors, and In addition to jnv formiM-’stock. comprises one of the lar-L-sl and best assortments in the NV cst. The agency of the late firm of J. E. S. Fuller & Co„ for celebrated Cbatnpacue Wines and Bitters, has been tran.-pTi-d to me. maklncme Sole Agent in Chicago for G-. H. ilmnra <fc Co’s CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNE WINES. Also, Agent fur BE. J. HOSSZTTZE’S STOMACH BITTEES, And DRAKE'S CATAWBA BITTERS. Fine Old live. Bourbon and Mor.ongahela Whisky constantly on hand. Persons wishing to purchase GOOD LIQUORS, at a Low Price, arc requested to cad and examine the stock. Ko. 30 South Water Street, BDrivern Wabash and Wrcuucs, Chicago, 111. ~~ 9 ~ Post office Bos 3ooS. _ . „ ~ ' f ock ofWTnet* and Honors . ?f rinS ?& u * 5 -vS Full.* *'• Co. Tv M. DIVKttSV. •ately owutsdbjro. * uu VV;- ?* all the patron- of 1 nio.-t chccnul.y rccomme.. 1 MYERS the late film. [my24-rfl3-lm] JEKo- |i?athtoare. AR. & G. H, MILLER, Mau n • factnrers of Tin, Sheet Iron and Copper Ware. Wo are now prepared to famish the trade la any quantity with TLV, ShTTET TKOH A2TD COPPZR T7ARR, Of car own mannfsctnre. Using none bat the bent ol cwterta p, and having experienced workmen, we are confident of b«*lng able to snlt all la quality and prrie. Orders promptly attendee to. A. R. & G. H. MILLER, ap24-pI2O-2in 255 and 237 State street. Chicago, m, insurance. J TNION INSURANCE & TRUST Company. oitict, ■scow iro 3 uooHrs ploce, No* 4 South Clark street, Clilcago, Capital* ----- SSOO.OOO. DIRECTORS: 3cct. Lombard, M.D.Gltoan, Geo W. Gage, Van'H. Biseina, John v. Harwell, Marshall Ayre*, Matthew BoTea, Elvif-Harwood, Oll~er 'vThitaher. Jan.e* W Stone. .Tosiah Lombard. Daniel Sharp, L* Tl F. Steyena, D. L. Phlßlpa. Isaac G. Lombard, J. O. Hoyt Chas Chandler, Thoma-HariMß. Ttex.iAMTK LOMBARD. President. VAN H. HIGGINS, Vice President ISAAC G. LOMBARD. Secretary. jed-a’A-Gm AECTIO Fire Insurance Co., OF NEW YORK. CAPITAL, $259,000. MILIEU & WILMAETH, AGENTS, 150 SonUi Water Sfircet. jnusi&ir JSts ®ooss. Large stock of goods from SHERIFF SALES just received at BOYLE’S Cheap Store, which will be sold at a great sacrifice, we are now offering the greatest bargains ever offered 1s the City. Lookatthe ptiee*; Shaker Bonnets 35 Cents. Worth <0 Cents. Hoop Skirts,3o springs..- ■a “ L2S •* Ladies Hose 30 “ “ 15 *' Ladies Flue Hose 12* •* *• 13 V “ Turbats.rtw NewStrle Bonnets..—..— 75 * “ L2S ** Silk Parasols 73 • “ US “ Sr-riig Bonnet Btmno Veils U “ Skirl Bralo, wide... 7 “ s “ B»ck Combs. Jaconet 5eta...... 20 M Congress Heel Gaiters, __ Rilk g0re...,....,. IS? “ 3*2 * CongiTßaHefctGaUera..., M IS “ MLsee Heel Gaiters €3 ** •• 100 “ M Uses Heel Slippers...... 60 _ *• TJXJ “ Ladles Heet Slippers. 73' ** ’*■ US • ladles Embro'a tLlippers.. 60 “ ** I2S •* Splendid lot Spring Cleats, fl to ?3; line lots of flowers, Emtooiderte*. and numerous other bargains, which are selling athalf price at Boyle's Chs*p Store, Ho, 193 South Clark street above Monroe. apSroß933 a F AIK BACK’S Jfij C STANDARD /I" SCALES! 07 ALL KTKM. Fairbanks, Greenleaf & Co,, JelS-OSiy Hadroaots. F\ETROIT AND CHICAGO. - XJ RAILROAD LETS/ ' On and after Mos»AT,M*ff- sth, the MiehlgaaSouat «m Railroad Company will ran a passenger Un» bo tween ChlcagaandDetrolt via Adrian, without change of can, makn g direct connections with all Canadlax. lino bom Detroit r_i - - - > Elegant coaches wtttr rOsc£ venWlsted root aafl Salisbury Dusters, will rmuhroagh-en day trains. Luxurious sleeping cars, of the latest improvement wm rm th«ngh..oa night trains. The distance Is othar ßoa. 'Thetime and rate*eg aaajffas ou other routes. Txr^T. e o riS^?^. t7A - M-and 7J» P. H. Arrive fit ArtTeluCWcagort «cket‘ offices in tor Forth-west. Alaeva* the Company** OQjce- « ntov street.sndattSeDcpoV OonaVußiMud aS tcan»trett,Chicago, JL R. BAWTEB.^^ mr &-rsT-Sm , General Poaenger Agatt. 1861' “WINTER ARRANQSi Michigan Southern and Lake Sfiajs BAILBOAD.- On a&d after sdfdat, Not. Bd.-asd'u&tfl f*th» notice trains will leave Chicago aalollowi i ,• • Eiv Ton Dat £xmu: Line J auction -with £»£BS (OrItOUMtUM trett. Him BxTxxse* . Luxnriousaew Keeping Coaches. wi*eD tomrremcat*, run hetween Cleveland and r tmTSS without change on Fight Tratea. ***** **** Through Tickets can he obtained at the Cnaanwe Office, SBOartitzeetuttaßr the Sherman Honan.o*«l' toe Depot, corner of van B&rea and ShermaartMW? JOHN D. CAMPBELL, E. E. SAWTVR 6e&l Supt, Toledo. O. GenTWeatesAgt "MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAH* aJJL BO AD. HBEAT CSFTBAb BOTJTB TO FEW YORK. KBIT ENGLAND AND THE * Oaaad alter SUNDAY. May 4th, i>gj. Trains Iftri toe Great Central Union Depot, toot ofX*ke itoeek m foliowi: 7£B A. JL—(Except Sunday) arrives at Detroit at feo P- M, Suspension Bridge at A-0S A. Al> tany aau »■ M- Be* V<K» IMOP.jCW _ton r.m. 7£OP. M.—(Except Ssturtay). amvf s at Detroit at SM A. Suspension Bridge 5:13 P. fic. *iiwi» p it Sew TotkWi a*S:%SS _ Cincinnati Trains via M. c. Railroad leave Chicago st i*9 A. M- Hall Train p. M.. F*st Express, arrive fit at &« A. SL, Fast Express; at 8;15P. M, Nltiil Mall Train, ~ The 7:30 p. M. Train leaving Chicago runs through ts Cincinnati without change or cars or baggage. Rattan's Patent VectUatcrs are run 6u Day Sszreff Train*.' Patent sleeping Cars on annighttraLoL^ Baggflg e Checked Through, . THSOtreH TicxareXorsalelc all principal BaSroad Offices In the West, at the General Office, corner and Dearborn street*, (ueder tbe Tremont House,) tmgo. and at the Depot. B. N. BICE. General Superiateodok J. W. SMITH, Western Past. Ag*L pHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE* KJ RAILROAD. job Mu.'W'Arsxs. La Cross*, Br. Patti* OshsooKs BXEIXW, A>*T> INTTE**ntaTS PoTXTB. On tad fitter MONDAY, Ms; sth. IS3, ng«ugr Trains will l«£re the Depot, comer of Wert uA Canal streets, (Sunday* excepted.) as follows: P:ls A. M. and 9.-0 P. and arrive a: Milwaukee at 12-45 A. M. and 1253 P. M. senger Trains arrive at Chicago at liM A. K. as£ WArx*«njjr TBanr leaves CMcm* at S;SJO p. U. and arrives at Chicago at Si'S* A_ M. mjs S. C. BALD iVEK, Superintendent O.BSAT CONSOLIDATED VJi USXM CTSCISSATI AST) CHICAGO AKt*IiUB RA2LBCAD, Forty HUcs the Shortest Route to Cincinnati, polls and Louisville. TRAINS isava West Side Union Depot Cbleaex dally, as follows: T.CO A. M.—Day Express,and Man (Sundays szeeptadj TJOP. if. Night Express (Saturdays excepted) Arrive at Cincinnati at 5.30 a- k. and 9.00 p sc sov limurr CosNStonoNa—AtlcdiauapoiialorFraaJfr Un, Colombo*, Madison. Lawrenceburg, Jsffenoavlliaw and all points in Central and Southern Indiana• also for Louisville, Frankfort. Lexington, and all points South. Eastsnx corndnon —At ahq-tsou »x:a riicnnozid lor Pequa, Urbana. Daytcn, Xenia, Columbus, and aB points in C-mtral and Eastern Ohio. Connection! at Cin<drn«tf (or Hamden. Farterfbur*. and points o« the Ohio Biv«r through tinket* to this lino can ce obtainod at aB principal Rvdroad Offices in the Northwest, and at the Company's office, No. IS Randolph, street, Chicago, (under v.e House.) JOHN FHANDT, Gea. Sup* Richmond, Ind. CFAS FOLLKTT. Grn. Ticket Agent, Chicago, 18. SAM A. LEWIS, Wes’u Puss. Agent Chicago, CHICAGO, BURLINGTON * QUINCY RAILROAD, Pssheerer Trains leave and arrive at Chicago u MS lowsDj»>- express and Mall leaves Chicago at 950 A M* (Sandsyc ticvptfc-1.) urrlvcu atf-BS P. iL, (Sunday! excepted.) Night Express leaves Chlcagcatlh oP. (csiiurdhya exceptcdj arrives atT.-CO A. M* (Mondays excepted.) Mendota Accommodation leaves Chieaco a:SsoP.M*(&uxda;Bexcepteii.) arrives at 10 DO A. *• f.-acdaiß excaptcdO C, G. hammond, SopX rifflCAGO AND NORTHWEST \J EKN RAILWAY. For noekford, Beloit Freeport. JaaerriUe, Btiesie" Danielch, Madlsoo. Prairie da Chiau, Fond duLac. Od> kosh, Watertown. Green Bay, Berlin, ISpon. La Crottfc *t Paul. Ac. TKAUIB LSAVB AS FOLLOWS: Pay Express S.SO a. hL) Through without Charm Ktgtt “ 950 P. 3L> Of car*. Car* connecting *t I’ralrla du Chlen and La Croat With steamers f(v St Paul, <fcc. Trains arrive at 9:45 A. iL anc 6;ts P. M. GEO. L. DUNLAP. BUM. 3. D*Wrrr Eobutbcn, Gen. Ticket Agent. odM pHICAGO AXD ROCK ISLAND \_' HAIU!OAJ).~CiiA3i'iSWTui«. . • Summer A.n-:in::eir«it,coirim2nrliipSTmaßT.May4lat 2*fc2. Trains leave Chicrj:o. Ha? Esprit RP-l d»ys excepted,9.-00 a. M 4 Ki2!<( ET~roc*. **•*“. ‘ " ar.-C*'*'* <tus.yaex« Pnn«Uys «• uua I’rftlna arrive 0:5/ a. ar. oad .. ji.; ii o’Jel ACcna;inoda»l>m. 945 a. 51. x>rrrs>jUßOH, ft. a JL CHICAGO RAILWAY. Pawwrasr Trtinf '.cave the Depot, comer ol Ma3SBS SCd Canal Btrteta. Chicago, dally at 7 Cfl A. SL Fast Line, {except Sano&yiA 7:SO P. if. NleM Expref*. fexcept SetttrdJiyU s-*P f* M. >»*oo!pr<f*djit*or> «V>- Arrive st Chicago at 5.15 A. M. and S:ls P. 7or Boston, Kst? York, PhfladetpMSi 3ALTOIOHB, W ISKINCTOIt* VTarrinliiirg asd FHtabDi^h; aiso— Foe alsamt, BvrrALO. DcsvrtKX. CumuSSs Cc-riuca, CiMcta'rtiTi. Dsttojj, An all Irtemeillsti. Statiooi between Chicago tas Ui** C.tiv* above named. Sleeping- Cara on airht trains, and baepaga by .T.nte checked through to al’ Esstsm Cites. But cue ch-enge of fcciw cr* Chicago and S?. YCSS Tls Allentown cd train leads? Chicago at 7:30 p. K Tlcketi* for rale at the nrinci-a! Ticket Offices la ttg West. at tee Company's Office, corner of Randolph «e? Dearborn streets, ana at the tJn‘on Depot, West Chicago. WM. P. SHINN. Sen. Fast Acest a, HOLLIDAY. Ticket Agent. 186 S. THE 186 a FFSSSILTASIA CENTRAL S. S* SBS UXilee fionble Tracki (with It* connectlonsj a A FIRST-CLASS BOOTS, FOB SAFETY. COMFORT AND 3TZES Soallthe Eautem CHtatZ TUS TRACK IS STONE BAX&ASCR9 AND EETIBKLY FREE FROM DUBTI THKBS DAILT TEAIEB FSOK HTTSSTJEGH TO TH3XADEX.PEI* -rwite close connections from Western Cities* CL OONKKCTING DIESCT TO KBW YOHRI " THROUGH PHILADELPHIA, h at Harrbbnrgb for initios,,. 4ND W4BHir*«X«S, EALTEttOSk. JBOH PHTSBUESH Ono train nuia dolly (w 7IA ALLENTOWN, WITHOUT UFA*. Arri viiii la advance of an otaer k*. EIGHT DAILY TRAINS FROM FMLA39ELPHIA TO 3KW FOS&r Tickets for Sale to Boston b; Best orJßailreafi^ Boat Tickets good on any of the sound Usofl. PAHS TO ALL POINTS AS LOTT AS ANY SCOTS SLEEPING CABS OH NIGHT TRAINS TO PHIUBKLPIIIAj SEW TORE k BALTISO22 BAGGAGE CHECKED THROUGH AND TEASO YESSHD PRES. FBEI6HTS: E? tMf Boats Freights of &U descrlpacarcaa M W Warded to and from Philadelphia. New Tort. or Baltimore. to at*i from any.point on the BaEraac of Otde. Kectncsy, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin. or Missouri, stßatlboad manor. Tbs Pennsylvania Central Ball Rtvm also cOSfiecttQt Pittsburgh with Steamers, by which Goods da be S3s warded to any part on the Ohio, Muskingum. is tuck-j. Tennessee, Cumberland. Ultnntt, HiaslasSpßL Wisconsin. Missouri, Kansas, Arkansas and Bed Rivws and at Cleveland, Sandcaty end Chicago «lth 3tcL3t ere to all Pons on the Nona-Western Lake*. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the transports* «on of their Freight to this Company, can rely wßfe confidence oa its speedy transit. THE RATES O? FREIGHT to and from any M» in the West by the Pecnsyivanla Central Rad RnwJ, AT.S ±T fcT.T. Ttnzs AS 7ATOKAHIX AS A2X GaAAMB>SS OTHEE WATT BOAS 00XPA5IZ9. S3T Be particciw and mart pacta ge* “ tia Pmasfi CZNTEALR, R." For Freight Contracts or Shipping Directions, W*JS to or address either of the following Agents ot ES * CO3.CMc.tgo, UUnote. D. A. CTEWABT, Freight Agent Flttsbrrrfi? CLABRH & CO.. Transfer Agents, PltWhmsSL H. W. BROWN & CO, Oindniiaii, Ohio. p C. MELDRUM A CO, Madison, Tn/»*«n* J. E. MOORE, Louisville, Ey. W. w. AIRMAN A. CO- Evansville. lad. B. F. SASS. St Lords, ifo. W.H.tS.L LANGLEY, GadpoHS, C. NEAL, Parkersburg. YiraSaxa. .- HALL &CO- Marietta, Ohio. H. S. PIERCE A CO- Zanesville, (Kilo. HcPOWELL & McCULiL PorWmoath, OU3. E. SIcNEELT. Maysvllie, Ky. J. r. JOHNSON, Ripley. Ohio, JOHN TODD, CovmcWC. Ky &. It HEATON. ClevelandTObio. a S. C. UELDBCM. GeaeraTTraveillns Agent tSB tbt Scsth end West. LITE STOCK* Drover* sad Fannera wai find this tee most aasa) tareoos route for Eire Stocks. Capacious Tarda. WG2 . watered and supplied with every con vealenc«/bsxyi been opened os tela line and ha connections, and oyer* attention 1* paid to their wants. From Hamsbtsari. where win be found every convenience for feedtnff«» reeling, a choice is offered of the PHTi^r>gT.wkra- NZWTOES and BALTIMORE MABEBTS. TMaw® also be found the shortest, qlekeat «nj meet rftqsa route for Stock to New York—fvl*. AHaatowuJ—«ES With fewer changes than any other. ENOCH LEWIS, Gen’l Altera », fa. L. L. SODPT. Gem Ticket Agent, Phhftdetolsi*, _ H.H.HO CBTOK. Bear, Freight Areet, PlSadslpaea. Jal-k175-ly M -19 - *» 58 •» . M “ CHICAGO & ROCK ISLAKC BAILSOAD.-QliSß* or Tng-Tflgtg M» £f»«f leare ChJeapo: Day Eiprese and flandayt a. ceptai 1130 A. Hj Slsbtfcprß*. s=!“3»n Itar.JL: JoacTAcSmco&aoo. Sandane^MJ fcOOP.M. TtoonrtTnOuaHi”: *• "• K»M p,~>*»Joliet Acconßrcdfltioo, 959 A. 14 •» is « “ 53 “ a ALENA * CHICAGO UillOH vfSteSet DepotulOlloy»,3tmdj>jaCLeegteli »2 ?• M-t/orßelvldere, Eocaord. £rt«* rSr£x7Miti£ GaleßaTboßleis!!. Dainqua, and Jam* wi&Jw potato; Siß A. iL sadfc«S tcrirzna, Cedar Eaplda, sad totemeiSato points; £2^Koda'ord. pd latop<« SmTtaDOiati* s?w i\ iL, for Genera and Valermodlai* tofeloit and Jaccerllla rrtilttM K«9»ATM.miltoo r stMA oeaeo^aoCnj. S E “^C““^W^ iliCorriaal- G. M.TTHBSLaB.Q<B.ra»SUter Ageal, a JOiis F. TRACT, GenlSopt. TO XSW YOKE -nmllee,) GE OF CAEs