Newspaper Page Text
Special Notices. BatcheUrs’s .Hair Dye! Tfce best tntheworid. WILLIAM A,BATCHELOR'S celebra ted Hair Dye produces a color not to toe elatingulehed rom nature— warranted not to Injure the hair In the least; remedies the 111 effects of had dyca, and lotlro ratcs'the hair for life. Gbit. Urn or Rusty Haxb in- Btoctiy turns a splendid Black or Browc, leaving the bafr soft and beautiful. Sold by ill Druggists, Ac. yar The genuine Is signed William A, Batchelor on toe four aides of eachbox. Factory.No.6l yew York. flate2S3Broadway ondlCßoad.) JyO-sTO?^ EF" Lake Yiew Water Core, Dr. GULLY'S, Is In successful operation. The best place In the West for the treatment of all Chronic or so called. Incurable Diseases. Send for Circular. Address ©r. 3. B. GULLY or Mrs, GULLY, F. O. Box 8123, Chi cago, n. Jyl-aSST-lm HEADACHE! —Peak’s Head- Bchc Remedy Is the THING No lady or gentleman Will ever be without a Bottle after once using It. Price 23 cents. Sold by Druggists generally. Who* e- Sale Agent forthe Northwest, B. R. LONDON. SS Lake «£rt et, opposite Tremont House, Chicago, je37-st7USm HP” Dr. James, formerly of grew Orleans, ha? arrived In Chicago and permanently located at 86 Randolph street, between State and Dear born etreeta. Chicago, HI. SPECIALIST.—Cures old Chronic and recent dlseas 88. the testimonials of the medical fraternity. Medical Journals, and the almost entire press of the Vonth. Office Hours—From 9 A. M. till 8 P. M, -Consultations inviolable. Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder, Cested for 19 years and grows In favor. It kills and exterminates Roaches, Bed Buga, Ants, Fleas, Moths Cloths, Fnrs and Furniture, Garden Insects, AC. AH genuine bears the signature of £. Lyon, and la not poisonous to persons or domestic animals. Beware of counterfeits and Imitations. Lyon’s Powder kCls all insects in a trice, Lyon’s Fills are death to rata and mice. Bold everywhere. D. S. BARNES, myl9-r494-3m 202 Broadway, New York. S. —T. —1860 —X.—Drake’s Plants SION BlTTEßS.—Exhausted Nature’s great restorer. Vbey Invigorate, strengthen and purify the system. Cure Dyspepsia, Acidity of the Stomach, Diarrhea, *c A perfect Appetizer and Tonic. They Invigorate the bsby without stimulating the brain. They are com* .pound of pure St. Croix Bum, Boots and Herbs, and arc recommended by all wbo use them. Adapted to toa old or young, but particularly recommended to the weak and languid. Soldby all Druggists, Grocers, gotels and Saloons. F. H. DRAKE a CO., myl9-r494-Sm 202 Broadway, New York. To the Nervous of both sexes. —A Retired Clergyman having been re itored to health Snafewdare. after many yearsof great lafferlng.tßWtll- Ine to eM&t other* hy wnding (free) ja the receipt Olapost-paid directed envelope, » copy if the pre«rll£ tlon used. Direct the UE\. Jt)llb )L 3AGN ALL, la 6 ITultoc .treet. Brook! vn, 'Sew York. Je3-sl-4m TARS. ANDRE & STRATFORD, DR . ANDRE. Of the Faculty of Medicine, of Parts, Formerly Clinical Chitf of the Hospitals ofParis Surgeon Major of the East* rn Army In the Crimea; ■Modal of Honor of H. M. the Emperor of the Preach.* for the Cholera Epidemic of 185 i, eta All the above documents and many otherson exhi bition at the office. Dr. Andre I*. by Dj.Stidt ford, from Boston and Die different Hospitals of the Union, and for eevt rat years doing an cxttnslvefamily sro woman. ad binds of Surgical Operations skilToLy S. rtve tc the public all guarantee of their chmoetoiiCy to perform all they proiws. _ Ail letters rcomrius an answer must contain one postage tr.liVr iv-t-kT-pvt casks enclose $3.00. with lull Srticularf 5 ard “ shall forward medicine gSMSv. w ItU lull directions. Good accommod^ Cl p o Bos 439 L Office 131 South Clark street. jy»«gesni Dr. Frankin Chavett’s Uterine r-m?m at. tb warranted to curb ali, toumb of Dtebinr Diszas^orthexoney will he refunded BaSsfactorv relercncf'9 can he ecer. Van Bur**n rtreet. Consoltat.on free. 1 Office Box 535. Dr. C. Las practiced ly-nlne rears, four ol walcU have been In this city. HTGIEO-TLEBAPEOTIC SE teeat, tOT on, Titalmcni or Chronic Disease*. Entrance, » gtiTES. M. D. JyT-sGCI-lm Chicago. May. i°r-2. BE YE HEALED —Dr. Whittior 36i South Clark ptroct, can be found froni eight in the moraine until eight In the evening every day.^ Kodiunremr consultation. The afflicted will.e ceivc a speedy and permanent cure of a H eases. ~ Dysentery and diar RHEA—Certain care. Also, the RESTEBK LINIMBST) Tot imcnmrtlnn. Sprains. Rrulses, *c S;i lhtn3gr,ol trdiTtdun! should be with “tit it. ’■. H* ’ 1 tn lAU. •• jea-rir-chSm Bole agent for the West, &il)earbom-6t JT NOW THYSELF l 15*-. J. K. MeCAJCK, raTSIU’AIt AKH STUGHOS, Jetecato j certs!stf Stm^diuSi»=a loialltrof dimum by »pimple SultcieaailcirieU.cxl, WIU.OM rwwwes of the Throat and Liters treated by otjoji atid Constitutional treatment diseases o. the Hea , 't, of the Stomach, of the Liver, Kidneys. Drop- W9 fit. Vitus* Dance, Cancers, chronic Atacama I Kenr&lcta, ParHlyei*. Fistula. Spasms. F.ta,TJL „fthe Eye and Kar. Skin Pis iwmm. Rapture. DlM rh'ea. In short, all corahle die *-awjß ofloas *-nrcd in the shortest possible -tine. We are not a doctor, and ■will nude’tike no «i.ixoat Ui osperv or »cw • i Female Diseases, &c., txh as Suppressions, irregularities, Faiiictr ofUie C’Oinb, Tumors, all UrluaryDiseases.NervousDeul-IW. I&mfui or DilUcnlt Menstruation, Barrenness. Ac, vUI he speedily cured, wm.out poisonous dracs. miuriona Dr tmpalatable medicines so any kind. Have no dell tacy in callinc, co difference what your troubles may t»e. * The afflicted ara cordially tnvlted to call and ». tsiy themselves. Consultation* and Examinations Free. of Charge. ah communications strictly confidentt&i. Office in the Street Eattread corner of btate snd San- streets. Office hours from t A.M. till&r.M. AdOrr-s J. IL JIcCANN, M. IL Chicago, HI. Letters so my address. Incloa’lnr a stamp, will receive prompt Attention, or for two eiamoa I will mu* a pamphlet ree. teu-wiy QARGENT’S PAIN V? EXTEUMISATOr.! SABCENT’S PAIN EXTERMINATOR! THE GREAT Standard Remedy. S?o Hcß*cl>old Is Safe Without It. U if* the onlv positive and radical enre for Dlptherla pv.»nm..ti>tii *Aim<- in the. Face. Kcurulaia, Toothache Bcadrcite, Fresh Wounds. rums. Sprain*. Dysentery Clarrlu a. Earache, and sill kimh <d complaints. Thcr** an* numberless nostromseonrorted and palmed Offnnonn confiding public as remedies for the above mentioned Ulc, which, though in a few Instances may «flbrd a temporary relief, by no means perfect a fml 6l*d complete cure. BABGEKT’S PAIN EXTEBHUiATOB Hftßlbr'Ui tried ami tested, and was NEVER FOUND WANTING. Being cniiiiuiwd of purely vegetable ucl- in rtikt ronlnrnuty with natures tew*, and heals Instead of dLitiacting, builds up instead Of reducing. . Hundreds who haveTelttbe royal power and Denifl eence of Its Healing Qualities, Bear glad testimony to its efficacy in relieving and re BoTiiic rain. Formic by all Leading Druggists and Apothecaries lathe country. Price is cents. 50 cents, ana oco dollar cterbotzlc. Liberal Discount to tup Trade. Manufactory and Wholesale Dcpotat 94 Washington Street, Chicago, A. 'W. KAKGEXX <t CO., post ogee Pox 3745. ap3o-r546-ly Xmroxtantto Females,—Dr Cheese- OM’r l4lla. TlificcmWnatloa cf Ingredient* in these Fill* are the result ofa loop and exu-uhive practice. They are mild tn tfcnlr operntlon. and certain in correcting »h irregu larities.;l McnttruftMona, removing ah obatruc- Uoae, whetberfrom cold or otherwise. headache, pain fn the side, palpitation oj t he heart, whites, all nervous VrecCona, uv.tcrics. fatigue. pain in the. back and mn’hc, & cl. disturbed sleep, which arise from interrup- Hen ol nature. _ DU. CHEESKItIIN’S PItM was the cemmeacemenl oi a new era in iho treatment of these Irregularities and obstructions which have consignedsotnmny to a tbzmatctiz c. rave. No femide can enjoy good health nclees she Is regular, and when ever as obftrnction takes place the general health be* e “t“DB“rHEESSJIAN>S PILLS Ere the most effectual remedy ever known lor all com plaints peculiar to Fcmalsi. To all classes the? are urvalnaolc, inducing. with certainty, periodical •pEUcutniTT. They are known to thousands who have used them at different periods throughout the country, Having the sanction cfaomeoi the raot>t eminent Puts lOLAN6 IK AVEBITA. Ein.iciT dibectionp- btattkq when they should Hot pe used, with each Box—the Price One Dollas pee Box. containing from no to CO Pills. Fills cent by mail, promptly, by remitting tothe Agent O Lake street. fcu> hv Druggists generally. |F* Sold In Chicago at manulactora prices bv LORD b SMITE. ap«2 lyr 33F* - For the cheapest and best Halt Jewsiry, Win. Brsida Curia Prtneta. eta* go to A. CHSWALDTTIOOjikc street and examine those won derful production* of art. No scrutiny can detect the artificial from the natural when adjusted to tire head. HU Bair Jewelry contains always the newest Paris ttyles. All articles will give entire satizlactloa. oat’gl-ly . . . TVR. N. PROFESSOR _1 / cfLnngand Tomaledl?cnpf?s,Tnny be consulted *t hlfl Rooms at tlfe Sherman House, on Fridays, May Vtb. June 23th, Angnst Ist. anti September 32th. Also, WtJollrt. at UiC National HwtuL ouSatunlavs May 10th* Jnne Slet. August 2nd. and September istb. Patients Ihould call earlr. Office hours from 10 to 12 A. M_ and from 2 to 4 P! M. Consultation free. Address Post Office BosSSTi.riiiraso.lHinpls. Pr.D.'s Lectures to ladies and gentlemen sent treeon receipt of three cent Itkmp. mj - 30-r7Ti-2m CATARRH I CATARRH!! CATARRH!!! Ca.SEELTE'aiJaITID CATARRH B£KEDT, Waxxuxtkb to be a sure core lor CATABBH or COLD IN THIS WRiB, OsaEusuKzn THoua*ji> pereom die ve*rly in commenced as a CATARRH IN THE NOSB, The next step being to the throat and branchial tube*, end lastly, the lungs. It Is easier to cure Catarrh than consumption, and hr Curing the first -we prevent the latter. Persons abotii tmderstsnd that the better way to cure ConsumntiQr Is to prevent it. The symptoms of Catcarra as they generally appear are at first very slight. Persons find they have a cold, and find thattuey have freon* ntartseka, andaremore Sensitive to the changes oitt uperatura. In this con riiaon. the nose may be dry, era slight discharge, this and acrid, afterwards becoming thick and adhesive.' fis the disease becomes chronic to© discharges are in creased in Quantity end cimugcd in quality: they air Dow thick and heavy. And are either got rid of by plow ttgthenose, or else they fwimto the throat and are Daw ted or coughed off. The secretions are offensive. Canning a bad breath; the voice le thick and rumn-t * the eyes are weak: the sense of emeu & fesoened or de eteeyed; deafness frequently takes place. Another Common end important symptom or Catarrh la. thsl <he person is obliged to clear hie throat in the morning Of a thick or slimy mucous, which ha* fall endows from Ch« head during the mgbt. When this takes place, the person may be sure that his disease Is on its way to the Vangs, and should lose no time In arresting li. xhe Move are the lympiome of Catarrh as they appear In <sifT«»r»r.r * “* By the aid of the LIU JO) CATARRH REMEDY, aD these symptoms can be quickly and effectually re - Droved. And I hive suffiefeat confidence In the Reme u ’s fter the trial of the Remedy - gm bi- b!, “ M ’• asms ,u£ - Office, 182 Boatli Clark Etieot, (Ui^StalraJ * Address Di, o. a. rkkt.vb del-hStt-Tm Poet Otace Bor <3SLCh»fi4p«.m AP. BXJSCHirK, Practical^la • chlnlfit and Draflßrnsn, will tnake'-Drawtana Cur Machinery of all descriptions, and offpxs bU ser- Wlces to those wishing to seenrv Patent Rights, Sped- Ccations, Drawings and Models mace to order. Office at the Marine Bod* r Work*, Michigan street, fjrtwecn Wells and Franklin street, Chicago. DL ini-tl6Wn .. Uanfimg ana i&ictjange. *yreCHANICS’ SAYING BANK jLTJL OF CHICAGO Ko. 8 Clark Street, Hear South. "Water, This Institution will receive sums of Money of any amount from Mechanics, Laborers, Business Men and others, and intercbt will be allowed when left for a specified time. Buy and sell Coin and Foreign and Domestic Exchance. Exchange on New York, Boston, and England, ire; land. France, Germany, and all part? of Europe. CH AS. T. BOGGS, President L. E. Axexaader, Cashier. mylS-rlSl-ly gANKING HOUSE OF CHAPHf, TTHEELEB & CO M Corner of TjAnand TanaUe street, Chicago,HL, Transactaa flßivmßftT. BAMBINO- BUSINESS. H, D, BuchanaH, Cashier. tt rhflnin South Bend Branch. John B. Howe. Lima Branch Bank of the Slate of ludlaua; A. B. Judson, M ; C.T. Wheeler. Chicago, Ill.;Tolman wff££?.do.- Hiram Wheeler, jo. rnKSuSa-ly . ILLARD & MAXWELL, Stock Brockers, Sew York, STOCKS, bonds and gold bought AND SOLD, At flie Board of Brokers, KO. SB WAIL STBEET, HEW TOSK. K. U. WrrT-LBD. [JeSriTjUSm] 080. L. MAXWULX. W. DREXEL & CO., BANKERS & BROKERS, No, 42 South Olark-st., Chicago, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC ASS FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Mnch, Bank Notes, Land Warrants, Specie, Ac, Ac. Deposits received. Collections promptiy made. Drafts on Ireland, France and Germany, for sale In nuns to suit. . DRAW OS READ 9 DREXEL & Co., New Fork. DBEXEL & CO., Philadelphia. nyg-riss-ly JelS.sl392m TT DOOLITTLE, Banker and SEALES El EXCHANGE, 80. <0 Soutii Clark street, Chicago, miaou, jyparticular attention given to CollectionHjnySrS-ly BANKERS AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, Coin. Bank Notes-and Land 'Warrants, No. 1 Clark street, comer of South Water, Special attention given to Collections throughout the Northwest Accounts solicited, and interest al* towed on special Deposits. my!*p96o-3m .A W. GREENLEAF A CO., BARKERS AND BEOKEBS, 44 Errhance Place, New Yorfc. %*T Orders for the purchase or ealeoftitocks, Bonos, execute Pgg^Sggjy- wmxE jLV HOUSE, baniees AND DEALERS IS EXCHANGE. Saving leased the office recently occupied by too •Exchange Bank of H. A, Tucker & Co, are pre pared to do A genera •p«ntfn TiTohangfl and Collection Business. Deposits received, and advances made npon ship ments or produce In store. mh3l-c9i3-6ia TTHB BANK OP MONTREAL, TTiVTVn- S6TABZ26XCZD AST AGENCY AT CHICAGO, la prepared to do a General Banking Business, Buying and Selling Eastern and Sterling Exchange, Discounting PRODUCE BILLS hosed on shipments, making ABVAECES ON STORAGE RECEIPTS, Ite-navahle in CHICAGO, or at other points, Receiving Ocpodta and Collecting Commercial Paper, maa-nre-iy S. ~W. WILLARD. Agent OILMAN, SON & CO., W BANKEBS, Ho* 41 Exchange Place, New York. Particular attentiondevoted to Western Wxstebn References.— Chapin, v z?’’ Chicago. Illinois; Wisconsin Marine and Firelnsu.; Mjee Company Bant. State ol lowa and Branches; State Savings Association, St.Loola. mtl9-n6is-ly . \I PERCH ANTS’ SAYIN 9S 1.0 AN ill & TRUST COMP ARY, CAPITA!, ,600,000. HEKRY FARRAM, Prest. 8. A SMITH, VlcePrea't. L. J. GAGE. Cartier. Thli Institution will Discount Paper, buy and sell Exchange and Coin, and receive money on deposit, nay Interest thereon when left a specified period ; wlu receive money for accumulation, when lext tor a ►enrs of years; and receive and execute Trusts from Courts* Corporations, individuals and estates. Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn streets. PIIICT0B8: „ J.H-Dnnham, James Goodwin, Jcnn H Foster, D. ii. Holt, IL H. Mac»e, p. Jj. YOC. W. E. Domett A, H. Euriey, FB. Cooley. C.H.McCormlck,T. D. Gilbert, x. ». a, a. smith. mh7-n3t.-iy I?TJROPEAK EXCHANGE. Fbi BILLS OF KI CHANGE ON Brg&md, Fmuc, Ctrauny, Swltwrlanfij Uii other European Countries, for sale at the Bans* ng Cfclce of J, YOUNG scajoion, sCtrine Bant BnOatng, Late street. Chicago. Ullnoli. w~ Dralts ots Hessra. Baring Brothers A Co., Lon* lon, and of Credit available anywhere on the Continent granted. del2-h7SI-ly OAVENPORT, ULLMANN 4s Go 3AHXEES JJTD DE&IEEB Of KXCHAHGZ, BANK NOTES, GOLD. dII/EB, 40. SUIFEO-ly No, 32 ClATfc BL. Chicago. PL DANK OF AMERICA. —Public O Notice 1b Hereby given, that all Bull or Ctrcclat ag Note* of the “BANK OF MIERICA,» Heretofore Incorporated and delnic bodneas totoemty of Chicago, under the general banking laws of the State of niiao&, mnet be presented for payment *o toe Audi tor of Public Accounts of said State, at hU otfice, In the ity of Springfield, within three yean from the date '°reo£ or toe rands deposited for too redemption o? add notes will be given np to said bank. Dated this 23th E. W. WrtLABD Cashier. jy2s-giajtojel-K 'PSLKGRAPHEO SXCHANG3 ON NEW ITOiRK. yoa w.M.g bs anoar cubb. Telegraph Office. «is-pCOMy fliUmcs to Hoan. Treasury notes, gold AND SILVER WASTED AT THE HIGHEST PBEHUJM. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. E. W. MORSE. Agent. S3 Clark street, 3yl-st9Sm Post pace’Dos GiSfi. Culcago. 111. <£l K AAA TO loan on cm- Qp XeJ^V/ \J \J CAOO City Property or upon Improved •Farms in Illinois, in sums to suit. Inquire nt lt« South Water street, boom X *. 3, Aken’s Build ing (up-etairs), adjoining Board of Trade. js 11 bTfttgw G. B. COOK.. \I TONEY TO LOAN ON REAL iji ESTATE In the city of Chicago. or on farms In Illinois iv itliln one hundred miles of Chicago. Apply to GKO. w. NEWCOMB, 80 Dearborn sU Boom No. 8. Jifc-sSSS-lm JJONEY TO LOAN O CHICAGO CITY PROPERTY, Or on Good Improved Fabxb. within 100 miles el Chi cago. in this State. Farms for sale cheap. mhZtnsssffm CHAMBERS & LEK. 121 Lake st. \TOTICE OF Dlf SOLUTION.- i. w The firm of Brewster, Pierce «fcOo« Printers, i herebv dissolved • All monies du- the late arm wll be pal’d only to C. F. Brewster, and the printing bus! ncs* will be cot tinned at the old stand, 13) Lake street bj the undersigned. C. F. PREtv STEU, a D. F. WILSON. Chicago, July IS. 1862. jy25t117-3t TAISSOLUnON OF CO PART i / NERSHIP—ThcCo-partxershlp heretofore ex isting between the subscribers, under the firm of Har mon, Aiken & Gale, was dissolved by lu own limita tion on the Ist of February, 1862, The affairs of the lau firm will besettlcdb* edherof luc undcnslgaedat Uiclrjonner place of business. EDWIN R.HARMON. JAMES E. AIKEN, Chicago, July 22.1862. DAFIEL W.GALB. Notice or Co*Partner»lilp. The tmdendened have th's day formed a Co-partner ship nnder the Arm name of HARMON GALE 4 CJ., and Kill continue the Dry Goods Joshing imslnass at the old stand of Harmon, Akin & Calc. 53 La»e street. EDWIN R HARMON, DANIEL W, G VLB, - C. 35. STAKE WE VTITER. Chicago, July 22,18(2. Jy26-t97-lW DISSOLUTION of CO part- NERSHIP.—■The Co-Partnership heretofore ex isting between John Clark. John H. Marshall and Paul Jonee under the name and firm of John Clark & Co., vbs dissolved on ihelTth Inst, by the withdraw*! of JqUn H. Mw shall. JOHSCLiUt The Prodcee Commission Business rrillbe erndnoted as heretofore by the undersigned, under the fl r m nune of John Clark & Co. . JOHN CLARK, PAUL JONE3. “VrOTICE OF COPAPTNRR* it SHIP.—I have this day associated with myself, In the transaction of a Gesenl Commission finalneis, Messrs. GKO. A. GIBBS and DAVED BUHL, under the name andfinn of Jos. H.Tucker & Co. Chicago, .Inly 15,1662;- • {Jyls-«SS7-2w] JOSEPH H.TU CEE U. 00-PARTNEHSHIP. We, the VA undersign ad, have this day entered Into a Co* . aitnenhip. under the style and firm name of „ KELLOGG & GRAY, dealing I* Com of all.kinds. £££**& May Ist, A. B. KELLOGG. q. w. GBAY. mats, ®aga anfi j^rs. at .THE dLD STAHD. 1G NAT I HER ZOO, Hats, Capa, . Straw Goods, aad Cap Trimmings. I have luxt received a largs and splen lid assortmoit In the above articles, and will sed thma at prices equal to the lowest tn the market. The latest styles of FUR. WOOL and *ILK HATS, at I6SATZ HERZOG'S, No. IS Lata street. I»“ Highest market price paid ffir all- ktnda of Bav Fnra. aolO-oZlfi-ly PRIME BARLEY MALT AL X. WAYS eahs&d and for sale at lowasteaih prices Aiso,BapetterTwme#ißßanelA - N " A. G. MOHSY. tptTSLU I Board of Trade Buadlsz, B. CHAFIN. President ®o=^artntrßt)i?s. i*D fiiaiL dxaisb nr Cll® MONDAY, JULY 2?, ISK2. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining uncalled for in the Chicago Post Office. LADIES’ LIST. Alien Frances Anderson A Tmra Allen Julia A miss Ayeres Ann mrs Aldea S D mrs Armstrong Eliza mrs Aphew Emma miss Archibald Aon miss Anderson Sarah mrs Avery Calhrmc mrs Anrll Anna miss Ashton Cornelia mrs Anderson Louisa mrs 2 Ayers Henrietta miss AndereonHarianmrs Alllare Basillique mrs B»rd Elizabeth miss Buell Mary E miss Earner Frank mrs Burch Lucy W mrs Harriett M M mrs Bradley A 8 mrs. Baxti r Magpie A mles Boyles Alice mrs Ba<kcr Betsy mrs Booth Della A miss Ecrgb Maria C mles . Brennich Maggie miss Beam Mary Ann mrs Bradrick Bridget mrs Bell Jcaonot mrs Brown M E mrs Bernard Henry mis Brown Fannie O mrs BtnnetEßmrs B rmrn'Vfary Augusts mlas Beers Mary miss Brown Mary C miss Berigan Bridget miss Brown Lime A miss Bellows Lydia C Brown Caihrin E mrs Black Augusta M Brown Mary Jane miss 2 Blatcbford Frances mrs Breemer Mary Ana, mrs Bliss Elizabeth mrs 2 Breen Ellea Biesell Eliza F mits Bracken James mra Blanks Maria mrs Brady Cathrine miss Blanchard Annie mra Breggs Clarinda miss Bishop 6 mrs BownellLCmrs Boorman Mary mrs Bramia Ida miss Boone L mins Brass Jess'e L miss Bollen H N mrs Brien Cathrlno Buckley Ellen miss 2 Burdick Louisa M mrs Bunn Ann mrs Butler Elizabeth mrs Byne Hanorah mlsaj Butler Eliza A mrsl Burns Nancy D mrs Bonass Frances M miss Byrne Dennis mrs Bronson 0 E mrs Burncard Lizzie miss Batliw Kitty, mrs Bnel Mary miss CaJlman Caterino - Clark L W mrs CaJdar Marv Ann mrs Clark Esther mrs CnfTry Atine mrs Cootz tv A mrs Camp E A mra 2 Cuchlan Mary miss Cannon Cornelius mrs Cobb Imozine mrs Caneton Eliza miss' Cook Amaud mrs Carter Snpan Cook Julia A CarmU John mrs • Conlyßo-anmlss Canu y Charlotte miss Connor Sarah Carey Barberymrs Connolly Margrct mrs Cassell Lillie miss 2 Conly Adelia miss Cat-hen Mary Jane miss <Jonnore Mary mles CatUn Sarah E miss 3 Coanoly M J mrs Champion IVin mrs ' Coughlin Cathrine mrs •Chapman HemiettaT Couch Emma mUs • Chidgey Eliza mi»« Cooning Dollv mra Cuolhrn Wealthy H Couch Lydia Agnes mra Clifford Mary A miss Cornell Louis mrs C’aflin Mary A mlsa Cressey E M mra Cloyd mra Cross S B mra Clayton Ethe CrettyMargret mrs Cleveland F A ’mrs Cmmos Cornelia E mrs Clark Cornelia mrs Cortes Sarah miss Clark Elizabeth miss Davie Ida miss Donegan Ellen miss Davenport Mary miss Doggett lUblia miss Daman Eliza miss Dooly Wra mre Davia Julia miss Doherty Mary miss Day Emma miss Downhane E mrs •Derreet Mary C miss Dryer P K mrs Dtvoipcck Harriet A mrsDownlng Ciara miss Dcwev Jane miea Duffy Lizzie J miss Dean Eliza E miss Duran Alary Ann miss Delmore Lizzie B miss Dugan D B mrs Dewire Annie J mias Duffy Lizzie miss Davezipcck Alvira mrs Duham Catherine M mis Eagan ITarthcw misa Empergen Lncretta miss il icon Kate S mrs Essex Sarah miss E'sans Josephine miss English, Jenny mrs Fagha Margret miss Fortin Idell miss Feeny Mary miss Foster Agncas mrs Ferry AH mrs Fox Kate C mrs- Fitzgerald Jane mrs Fox Alice mrs Filch Katy miss Fraser Mary mrs Fitzgerald John mrs Frevel Mollie mrs Flint Kate miss FrisMe Kathrine A miss Flynn Eosana mrs Fuller Mary I miss Garvey Marv miss Goodrich Frances Emra Gcraiy J Pinrs Gould EH miss Garrity Mary miss Gosse V mrs Gavigan Margaret miss Gould C mrs Gamand Ellen miss Graves Lew mrs Gallagher Betsy miss Garrison Mary miss Gcorne Emma M. Garvey Wm j mrs Gilmore Julia miss Grey Elizabeth mrs Gilmore Sarah W mrs .Grant Margaret mrs Gifford Ira II mra G 'eggory Thcreaaa miss Gleaeon Mary E miss Greenwood Jennie GiUigait Mary miss GreenawayMa*ilda missZ Goodman Jnllu miss Grcancy Eliza miss Gooaridge Mollie miss Gregory C M miss Goldsmith J mrs Green J O mrs 2 Good Lucinda miss Gunnell Jolla mrs Going Carrie miss Hare Eliza mrs Hawley Alice miss lU.liu J 15 mrs Hofferuau Mary mra Hall Mary miss ±segan Annie miss Hagan Jobana Hebron Sallie S mrs liagauDeiiamrs Hosier Gertrude mrs H»ud Annie, miss Herrick Geo R mra Handy Laura mis Herrick Mary D mra Hann Tbo< mrs Hickey Ellen miss Ilnnshan P mrs Hodge .Mary J mrs Hamilton Emma miss Holmes Rosina mrs Haney Tbos mrs Holmes Hattie A miss Hartenmrs liolmesAngie Amiga 4 Harden Francis E miss Hodges ES mra Harvey Geo mis Haven J R mra Hardlncer Abhy M mrs Hovey Kite mrs Harris John C mra llontaban Anne mrs Harrington Jobana Hutchinson Ellzabtkmrs Hawley Althea miss 2 Hussey A urn H&rvekotlc Sarah E mrs Hutchinson Asa B 3 Hay Amelia S mra Humphry Ctroliac M Igkhart F M mrs Jennings "Maria K miss Jones Tl G mist Jackson E mrs Johnson Morgan mrs James JtlenryWmrs Johnson Louisa F mra James Magale miss Johnson Ellen mis James ,laa W mrs Johnson F E miss Jackson Geo Amrs Johnson Mary M mrs Jnhlc Esther mrs Johnson ilaryuiss Judd A R mrs Eanalic Mary miss Keller L B miss Keith Aj Imer mrs Kellogg John O are Kennedy Ellon J miss Kellogg Louisa miaa Kelly Mary Ann miss Kilvoy rar? Kelly Caihanne F mrs 2 Kinder Sarah it miss Kell'* ilary D miss Kilboam SophronaA mrs L Lawless ratharine miss Lonen Catharine S mia Larkins Elizabeth miss Lon? Sarah E miaa Lester John mrs Lyons MJ mrs Lilly licnrietia mrs Lyon Mary K miaa Lon eJM mrs Mary Mahr miss Miser "Mary E mra Matmhan John mra Miller Kale E miss Marlin Kate or Marga-Michal Eliza miss rt-t miss Monahan Mary mra MahoneyAimmra MoraoME mrs ■' ancy F mrs Moron Maggie E miss Maloney Ann miss Morton Ella miss Monahan Aim Mary Morey Prances mrs MarehKancy mrs Moore Betsey miss Marlin Margaret mrs Moore Matilda M miss Mathew Anny miss Muggy Georgia mrs Merrill fanuy mrs Murray R II mrs WerchantNancy L miss Murdick Sevilla mrs Merrill Barriet mrs Myers Bridget miss Michel Sophia miss Myers Kellie miss Mill I .T miss Mcrriam N Temoic miss Millar Josephine miss Moris Lucy miss Miller Edmond mrs Maw Jane mrs Mitchell Mary Callsta Mason mrs miss McCulloch Isabella miss McDoagall Maggie miss ycCanley Hugh,mrs McDonell Anno miss Mcßlain McDonagh Ellen mra McCinn O miss McGaln Rosa miss McCarty Mary McGrane Hugh mra Mc r 'udain Annie miss McLellan Thos mra McArthur Maty miss Mclntyre Martin mrs. McCarthy Mary miss McLaughlin Nellie miss McCurdy Margret C mra McWaae Anna miss McCue Jane mistress Mcßlain Marie Louiae McDonald J mra miss Noble Lizzie J mrs ••Nellie’- Ycria Olmetead E C mrs Ouderdonk Angelina mrs Olliber mrs O’Brien Johanna mra Olvrlon Isadorc A miss Oherrln Eliu miss Oliver Clementine mrs O'Sullivan Margret E o?band Maggie E miss O'Neil mrs palmer S M mra Towers Mary Ellen Mrs Packard James mrs Polenwn mrs Parker Clata mrs Podgett Martha mrs Ponlk Pledena mrs Potter Getty Ann Mlsa Peterson Nellie mlsa Pratt Marla P mrs Pike Hester M mrs Proctor E L miss. Ryan J A sriss Richardson G A mrs Ruth dgc Sarah Ann ‘ Richardson T H tors Ryder dames J mrs Reed Martha D mrs Ilyerton Maryß miss Reynolds Maria L mrs Rose Margarett mrs Reynolds Ellen miss Roeenkrance AHio EmrsEanney Henry C mrs Rouch Anne Rankin Jane miss Roberts Ruth mrs Rankin M Louisa miss Rice Ellen mra Ran Lizzie F miss Rico Ellen mrs Rosenkrana Allie mrs Richmond Emily SavrsMoßiemies Snow S C mra Salford Mary mrs Slack Alice W miss Sampson mrs Smith Emma miss Scovllle Lucy mra Smith Fanny miss SrooleyLydiaD miss Smith Maggie. J mrs Sewell R H mrs Smith Margaret miss Searing Leonard mrs Smith Celia miss Seymour Jennie mra Smith Harmon mrs Seeley E S mrs Stiles J N mrs Seymour J O mra Stevens W O mrs Serviss Thomas mrs Stephens Mary mrs Shafer Cynthia A mrs Stewart Alexr mrs ghees Mary mrs ' Stuart Jane miss Shepherd DcVtDa mrs Storms Jane Ann miss Sbefdonllattie F misa Stowe Celia Amiss Stalely A N miss Stricklcr James mrs Snider Fred J mrs Strancy Ellen miss < T Tally Catherine mrs Thorne S K mrs Travis Matilda mrs% Taylor Chia mrs Thompson Francis miss Taylor Bessy Thompson Frank miss Taylor E miss Thompson Mary miss Taylor Mary J mrs Thompsons Grace miss Tailor Octavia miss Titter Sarah mlis 3 Tallmsdge Emily B miss Thane Geo mrs Titus AC mrs Thnrston Lin Tingle Mary A miss Thastcr Charles mrs Tanvost Sarah mrs . Vanarsdale S P miss Vandenburg Sarah miss Tail Geo W miss Walter Matilda 31 mrs Webb 111 mrs Wallace N D miss Wetherball mrs Wallace Wm miss White C W miss Walker Abigail mrs Wheeler Frank E mrs Wallace Alice mra ' Wheeler Lyaander mrs Wallace Winnie miss Wtce Phebe L mrs Wsgjroner Emma miss Williams Jenny £ miss Warner Wanseytnra Williams Cordelia mra Watt Nellie 1 miss Williams John mrs Warfield £ J miss Woodruff Elnora miss Webber Sarah J miss Wright Sarahmlss Yeung Bosa mrs GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Apple wall Ang43Atkint»E iahacptAdama H H Andricb & Cope-Allen Frank O Andrews J S land ’ Armsley FaycttoArmscrong JasM Adamsen Adol Adams Geo Allen James Abbott A R llentAbbey Q W & coAgnew John Austin Benj Ayres G P Ambler Wm 'Adler & Bro Arnold Geo Anderson W K Amcfc Cornelius Alexander G,M Anderson Wm rAruet Cfaas L AlvordGQ' - Adams Wm Aiken ChasM AlvordHF Alien Wm Ashworth Chaa AyrcHl Atwood LeviL - Aubrey EP & coAgnew Henry Atkins mr Anderson Ewd Adams H G Abbey Beat Ahgjass Barber Hawley ABsugsD JS Bulger E3wd co Beck Ignatius Bower Geo A Beards <b Cmn-Baliey J H Brown Geo W mings Beck Jos BramcUogGW Bates Ansel Bingham Jno BricnGeoS Flat A Blat. chard Jno A Booth Thos Wgnall B B Beer Jas M . BamhamTedrd Bennett And BeldcnJnoS Brown Geo A Birth E L Balhwick Wm HByron Thos Banks BO’ ,* Bascom Wcstemßrown Grave Baldwin QE BishopW W&coßyron Geo Burks Albert BlilnWmD Rrodie rev G W Barry Owen: Bassett "W" SC Brauigun Hugh Beyer Heat Cha? Bartlett Wm Brady Henry T’o;lht(lCJ . BowmerLucas BrrylogtoaUH T atrlielder C C Baker M O Benedict Lewis pjiik«*rrbßß Baker MR Brace Jas C T’owcll O& ro Black Mich Beanman Jas BeeisDanlE BameaßerryH Brown.laa H Baldwin E J ifccoßuebucll w Brown Isaac C • Barton EMJ Bargojne A C Brewster .1 H Blodget captE KBatrcr Adam Brewer JS& co Bacon Ebb BuckntrAC Buchanan J P Be>rd-lev Ueut EBrunsi n, &CO Browne JR M * ' Becker Abrahamßonhan Jerem'h Bar-sett Ssml T Buchanan A Braddock Jno J Baltaw P A ant Bremer &co ' Breen Jno BeitU-gerOW Bjrna Patrick Brown Wm W Bedford G T Byrne Peter Bart War Hake Geo Bradley Patrick Bonee Win Blackall Thoa Byrria Patrick Brown W M Banner G H Boyer Chas E Bntler mr Parcel Geo Boyie Dan! Brown VC M Bentley Geo E Bntlerrcvdr'D BradyMich Baron fl K Brower David Barnett L M BbHlu«.tt U F Bruce £ A Brluham Levi 2 Bldlon Jacob Brvmmer Robt Brennan Martin 6Br? C <*asc John R Cunnirgbam PatOlooney Jaa Carp enter Joa CookCß - ■ Colvin JB • f sgney John Crumpton EdwdCulver J CampellJCant c'rawE LorA ECrowley John i hapieil W H &"tump RII Ooulsa Joa co Connell Robt T Collins John CLrkeWA Cut**haw Frkln (Idfby John Cavev TV C Corbitt Frank rCramer John W Ct dwell Wm Ciasean Tbos Cranca John , Caulfield Wra Cochlan Thos Corcnraa John Gammons L Dr Cogan Tbos Coleman -John Colcny Jlyron (haddock G - Carrey Jos II Clow Letter H Colby Geo W Cogewell Jobn R Chapman L C Crouch Geo Crawford John S Coiblit alpt ColomTbos Caauniaga Wal Ctben Alec Colvin Geo CayWm. Ccdman Albert Crawford Thos Connell Wm B T Coffin Henry E Canstine sVai Cary Albert B * Cogger Henry C Canny worth *,V m Ccn’lan & Evan - Coagan Henry Cobb TV W Colby A F • Corrln Henry Catlcr Wtn T CtJcnirgbamPatCoDgdon Jas CoukeyWF Lt Currigan PatrickCornnell Jas Crane M-ilcuti S CoMeaball «J P CosJaaH-. Constantine Wnn CoSen Patrick Cunningham JasCraig Bli Cojle Patrick CrimdatiJE Conner j Mike Covey Chas W Cross Jas Cutler uls Gnlberteon C M Cornell J L Comstock aianr Collins Patrick Collins Jas Campbell Oscar Clinard Robt H Gherman II il £ Chivlll Albert GadyßP Co _ ’ Cfaipman Nap’n Carey Richard . Clarke H-hry H Chandler&BakerClarke Edw T Carver H 3 rr.hfll patt Clifford Edwin AClover H C.& CO Cherry Cbae ’ Chafce EbenezerCaton J D Chapman PW Clarke Edw F Ca’der J Clarke CM Clarke Samuel Chase da* capt Callwfll Cfcas « harch Sflae C Calley Jas &co Chandler chaa Chase Fred W Carl J a. Campion Peter Cain, FX) Carpenter J M Chimb C.L ChamberlainFV capt Cfcnull Patrick L'ampell Geo A Church J E Cascdy D E Cameren Geo CampellJas Carpenter Dan Claocy T Clarke Ja» B Carpenter David Ca’ahan Thoß Campell John Chapman D capt Canfield Tho H X> Downing Ez Doanel?aac Danham CM&to Daniels R Darlingl-aac Depue D S Doolittle E A Dearborn Ira W Downing Dan Downer Fred Dean J C Dilun John . Daniels SiephHDavis John dr Dealwor Jos Day Geo capt Doherty John Hadley E J DrteserGcoF Daffy John Dray Joseph Drake Geo Dewev Joseph S Dyer Wm 3 Dayle Thos Dalton John ■ - Degraff Wm E Dunbar G C «£co Downs John DiananWm Deane 0 3 Davis John H D-llam Wm DenmanTS * Davkcc, Palmer Dodge WmJF T*avjnGco &co Balling It mil 1 »akin «WB3 Deuel Alfred Darrow tv m T Duvie Geo Deun £ bro Downs Myron DitmarsllV Davis Alf T d captD.well Lareazo Darrail Henry Diklnson £co Dedsall Martin Dtnnit Deary A Drakeman Cbas Donovan Mich . Davis James M Dnflie Patrick Dnvan Lymaa Dowling James Dement chas Dawlay Maurice Davisd L DonogbuePß Donohoe Mich. Du-kirfcOnJß Dunn Peter Davis Lev I Dunning J S Davis Chaplin Dcsnoyer Louis? Den-ps-tyJaa Doyle ChasS Daly Michael DingmanJ B Dace Peter M DowTrDtlan b Elly & Colby Estes Ezra . Ellis Joshua Eddy AD Elliott Eagan Evans John B ErvtrcAJ Edwards Edw’d Eatin Wm Emerson ft CO Edwards Hugh EEasley Wm BU Eaton B DJI Kge Bulhert Elfriuk John Egcnes A Edmcnds Jaa B Emory Wm & co Earle B T Ebert .1 F Eaton M F Ration chas ftcoEmbre Jesse 2 Ellsworth L 3 Elite C C Eawatds Jaa Emory Monroe Erwin Path Pat'k Edgecomb Jas LFetchcrß A Fairchild Nath Filch FS 2 Forley James Pern B G Ferris E H capt Fry John P Fayette A L Frank George French Josfahß Flynn Patrick Fiizgerald G Fisgihon John Feeey Philip FosterOna FibbinJohn FranklincK FrankliuGoo A Flint W W Fox capt Follansbce Gil Fo*bes Waite* Htny 1-at Ford Geo 112 Fitzgerald \V£ Foeter Chas II Foster G H hon Flynn Wm Folay Pat Fields Geo Fay Wm Foster D J Fake Henry Flack Jno Fuller C Furgnson HughSFrazer L Foote David P Foley Hugh Fay Martin Fitch ft ILineomFleming Henry Fitzgera'd M Farmer Dennis Fritz Jas Flynn M J Forreth Rider Ford Jas W Fuller Luther W FloodE FrashcrJEL Fitzbymo Jlich GoPdrii’geHft GGilli’and S F Gretch J P Guthrie Ales M. Gaoecre Geo Griffin James Garrett Alex Gregory Geo K Goodrich Albert Grady Patrick G Gillet Thos W Geary John Goolit U Gordon GII GalllgarJohn Gannell Allen Gib riel Geo Gonlcy-Johnß Gartland Owen Gale Geo GiUman John Gordi>n A D Green Valncy Gorman John Gillie Alex B Gilbert US 2 Graves John A GoaldN Griffin TIV Grant John Clines A B Gilpinllorace E Gould Wm Griswold < 'has BGoald U N Giles Wm A Grukam Chas George TIL Galligon Wm Gaylord P Gilbert V S Guthrie Wm GcvtnsCH Gritch JP Glenn W HIT Got man Daniel Gcff J C GooduowWm Gould CM GUlett Hiram Gage Lyman n Grean Eden Ganland James Gogin W m Grant RD 2 Grcany James Gilman M E Greene PamT Gnnnell J B hon Oildevelvc L J Gales Frank A Green JMcapt Gridley L W Giles FA Goss J Grady Martin I GrcenThos capt Gardner J H captGilhooly Michael Heath A HamilronThos Hickford P Hoyden & Wil-llarchinu G J H aisled Anson ton HahcayThos Holmes Ribert Hull & brother Hcarhl Geo Hunt Salmon BaleOJ Harper Geo Hull Jas Haskell Benj Beifner G H Higgins Francis noyesOU Darrlß Godfrey Huber GW Ht nderson O Harvj' Hugh J HubbardT df Haskins Fred Hammond U L Uowam Geo Hajnee Beldin Bazlett Hugh noUaaa. H«nry Hardv Peter Hawk flarvy Hubbard JS\ 3 Herbert Pat 3 Hanson Jas Hedenbach-J Harris Chas H Hall Jack T Hmlburtb Hadcn P 2 HamiUon J C Hutchinson J Ball chas FL Hand J A Hobbs Hayes Counte Hall Josephus Humphrey J E Hayes Dennis Hayes Jno W 2 Holt Jas G Bank dr Hart John Hose Jas H Hanes E A Haight WR Holmes John Dajden Edw Hay WW P Hubbard S W liarris EtlwP Harris WmJ Hubbard Jos W Ennley E W Harsher W W Hopper John Hill Edward Heuegan MichT Hitch John HamalvPH Heath Mar-h Howard John Hstper SniH HammdU M R Hogan Win HaU Samuel R Hennesy MchT Hiney \\ m J Hawlty S F Hughes & Don* Humphrey W E HocstJie Sam’l nivan Hoard W Helriet Fr. d A Hibbard ft CO Hicks Wm Hathaway G H Huling H 2 Howard Wesley Bcymclhalk T BooruAlbcrt Holden W H Ht-nesv T F Holden Pat Higgins Wm Hill L P Hopkins W L Hopkins Vt m Hodge L S Holbiook L dr Ingals E prof Irwin Kathan'l B J JamesDK Jennings Wm Johnson A K James W E Jeffers T J Jones Lewis C James 6mola Jennie Geo W Jones Wesley Jamison Jos capJewett S P Jones Ilcnry D Jnnison Allied Jewett Geo D Jones Gouldon Jacob Sami D Jenkens SII Jones Paul Jacobsen EdwdJJonnsou Wm Jolvns Jjr Jacobs Levi Johnson Horace - Joyner Ilorton A Jnckson John 2 Johns jn Chis A Jimmeriield Jno Jackson JW K Kemp M A KcatyThos Kennedy Jno Klnseller B J Kennedy Thom-Kent Jacobi 3 Knowlton Pdr ton Kennedy Hoary Kroctsinger C Keaty Tims Kynaston \V mj Kimmouß.DcdgeKlrlland Giles KerrJas & Maljforth Kenzie Geo II KavanoghThos Kimbail Chas Kearney Theo Jas E Kane Sanford R Knight n H Kimball Mr Knowles F K King Jas A King W Kelley P Kelley JH Kimball LR Nelson Mary mrs Il Lock & Thom-Loc Thoa Lindsay .T R . guest Linn E B Lusk J W Ladd A A Lester JP Llndaay Jas w Lancaster AN LoomiaJT LandrctU Jno U LeeAs»2 LathropeGß Livermore J’n’a 2 Lattner A& A Levcre Thos L Lyons JW L Ladd A E LawreiceEJ Langston •John Lepcom A B Lordin Timothy Lewis John A Leavitt A L Latson U A Lightfoot Jno LathropePM Lyons J A Lee WII Luff C L Latimer J 0 Llncon L D Lipscomb C Lane Jaa 2 Lovering L E Lorigan B Lamb Jas Larry mr Lyons Peter Light J U Laley Mich Lombard Danl Loft James W 3 Nelson B mrs McKinney &co McEwen Peter Mcllwalne R E Mclnlire Aaron McNamea Peter McAllister E Mclnlire & Kob-McClure Danl McDonnell P erte MclnnerneyD : Me lormlck Rob McAulevA&J McKellop Dtnl McNeil Ed J McDonnellAatn Mc'lay Donald Me lone James McAllister A McClellan N B McNair E A McWayneScaptMcEwing Ilngh McKinnon J J McCullough S HcCramo JamesMcKlnnellJ McKcany F McCarthy Jas McDonald Wm McGnrrisThOS McGaffcv J W McKee Wm M'Gnire G capt McCormick Jas McGinn Wm McKsyTE McCormick Jno McDonald Wm Maguire Geo McKerchenJas MacomborZA McKenzie H McMahon John Mcßeal L McCoßnellHuchMcGarch John McCarthy M McMannus H E McNeilJohn G Me Jail Peter Mann & LanplcyManzy James H Mowrey G Q Mcnimau & Ow-M drill J H Mugan. Dan'l cn« Mandclich Jas Mtmlnger RoV Martin Ansrls MeiloyJnoA .Montgomery R Martin Austin Merrill Julius Moore Roh't W Marlin W H Martin James C Mycra L Mcais Pat Means John C Milliken re? F S Maley Edward Mohr John Morse DC Mcrrlman A L Mangold Wm Morton C Maloney D F Muffin Wm . Mullen F J Mai eli Dexios Marck mr Mortlm'rFrancls MeadEW Merrill LG Martaagh Go> Meruit E T Marshall LoomlsMaloney Tbos F Mahan Robert G . Morse fl W Mattlsonß-L Mason LB ’ Miller Sim’l Maris Sami Morris Geo Hillen Thoa W Mallory Smith UMorgan&llofflQcrMany J C Marsh Sami Mognnsen An-Moore J Matson Sami drees Mollin J Manser Geo B 2 Miles Benjamin Muir John Martin Thos WilMorpby Barnard Miller John 3 Manly Geo MumockAndrewMurray John Marsh Geo B Murphy PH Miller Jordon ModairyGlendoriMorris’P L Moore John Marston Thos Morse Clinton Morley Wm B 3 ! Mason Etonian Morris Patrick Moses WP MaJlcnlu-LrjP Mis Chat B* Miner Wmß Marsh VS . JJyoro Dan'l S Malloy Mich 1 Maple JB Morse u C Morgan Lansing Naton,Robb& coNash O W Nichols Frank NeleonALF- NavinPatrick Niles Hiram d Needham A H North Chas £ Normas Jaa Nagle Anthony Newba'J F A Noalin John IT Netting Alfred LNeville Thos Nelly W J Neznen Antonio Nichols Thos Nelson. LB 2 Oliver John A Osborne T O’Oonnot Jas Oaks Jonas Osband L F O'Donnell Danl Oetrick James Olmstead EUshaO’Donaghue Cor OrrJas OtlsC - O'Hara Jas Ogden Jas capt OlmetedCarioi O’Hair Peter Olinatead&Dcna-Osns Chns O'KelfeD more O’Brian Patrick O'Neill P D Ogden Jas B O’Brian Hue O'della Chas Onthct SC O’-onnor Chas O'Shanessy Jas Prickett&Doug-Price E PensSeldHS lass • Palmer 0 TracejPajre F S Palmer & ColvinParker C W ‘ Paige JF Pattlager&co Purvey HobtD -Perry Isaac Palmer A B • Pearsall BN Paver JD V Perkins NP 2 Pratt B B Penny John Pratt Newton Phillips Ewd Pater J Peters Ben Farocher Bit Parsons James Peterson &co Phelps Ewd ‘ Pennock Ira G W Poe AHitchcockPresion FrankEPearaon John Phelps OB PcckE Parker Joseph P Platt Nathan Phelps Sami Pratt John A Peter P PughWH Patterson John Perel C V Pope Sami I • Poleman W C Principle Patk Phillips S 2 Pitts V A Powell Chas& coPope Fred Pendleton W H Parker CF PauenThcronSPrattMV 'Perkins CD Patterson Thos Patterson Morris Fumer David B Pickett T J col Pettit Milton H Peabody D Pollock Thos Patt Minin Porteons RobertPiereon G . Pierce Leynard PiersolEP Patterson Henry Page it P Pratt AH Q Quinlan John -Quigley rev dr Quinlan Edtf Rawley & Hud- Roberta S A Ragen Jeremiah son Robinson 118 Rogers Jm K Richardson A Ricker S A Renfoo Jno M Ring & Seward Band Thos £ Rice Jno Rood A W Honan Tiros Byan Jno Reynolds Andrwßyan Thos Rowley Ja 3 “Richardson capt Randolph Thoa ReedJmyW- Boyce Carin u S Bey Geo F ' Resford a B Root Charter Rlchar dson T H R-ders Jhb Bound* CC B«*gerEThosT Bibs WB Rowley LW C Roberts Harry Ilumsey B Ruertii Robert Hoc Yunranseiarltnuk WT 2 Konkauos Engneßogere J ->6 . Bogeri*on Michl ReldEdwd Roach Reyneld M rev Ramson Robt RoeJaaQ. Roberts Milton B ddt-11 E S Ran alii Jas S 2 Ryan Michl S Reynold Ed Redmond-Jas Rottereon Mchl Rueetli Bad Rea Jas Robbins Mh Robins Ed Robb J H ' Ryne Michl Raymond F HusseU-JBF Shepatdß Sheehey Jno Stetson TD 2 holier. Granger Samway JP. Smith Gao B . Jttyrfctt snancunJiio Smith rhosH bhanron Andrw bbanneesyJo Smith Geo Serg* ant Otcar Sheridan Jno Skinner G Seymour IS A StetsouJnoß Stxlckler-GA Shannon Kfchls Shreffler John Spear Hugh 2 Sanford Chas Shelny Walter Smith HenryP Shaw Caleb 2 SchammarhotC Stone J P hlppocLU Cbas 8 Whitmore Sullivan Jas, -Seymour Pat Schrader W W Smith J H Sberwm Eiwin AShaltuck W A Slattery Jno ■ HnuleyEV . S&fibrd Levi 2 Spear Jno W SbawEW Sbowteilichl Stelnle? Ja?eph Shotwcll E Slaughter B D Stewart James Straders Rober Stevens AH Stevens J C Shape Sami A Smith BW' " Sigwald J2 ■ Scott Pied Steed W ■ SmedleaJos 'Shttaid Sidney Smith A P ' Smith Jos Stcvy SB & W Sullivan Peter ■ Sullivan Jno W3 Snxtoc Sami Sutherland Pet Stoneham J C ShaLcahan TboEStanton Pat Staley W D . Sherwood Geo Singer PP2 Sullivan Wm Shcccraft Geo Stevens CW2 Sampson Walter Shaw Geo Sfearsßhaa Stewart WmJW Semonr Thos Slattery Rani Stockman Win A ‘Sanßerßemy A Spain Peter Stevens'Win A Shtppley Hank StarkwcaiherDASlmonds ffmE. Sexion Geo 11 SmithDJdr Smith LD* Seville Bemy SmithD Story Leona Sawyer Henry Spencer dr Stowe Miltonß Sherman &cb Smith EP Staple 1 o a Michl Saoger Jas Stone E M Soule M sb« arch Jas W Sullivan Edwd Simeoaer L capt t-avege Jamas Stevens S G Swift L k Sarcent James Souk Simeon Sullivan 5t Sheldon JR Swift SW Small Mathew Seeley Jus Sweney TimothySchenck Henry J Thermo?" O D Tucker EC Taylor Joseph. Taj lor BP ThmaaFredk Tamer W C Tead O 11 Thompbuw E A Tamer Jos C Thompson Benj TailamdgeF W 3 Thornton Jao P hr n Taggart Robt Thomas John Tucker B TacuenburgerF Tamer JosephC Thomas Becj Thomas Iliram Totrnln John Townsend A'C T'irrell Volneyß Taylor Wm- Tuuby Patt Tobias M Tyson Win Thonip’on A A Thorp JN . Tomer WE Teal Peter M 2 Tucker Henry 2 Thornton wa ToddCbrJstophr ThonpsonJas K Taber W M Thompson Ptr 2 Tiffany J 3 Tho-p W 8 - 1 homas Cr.rietr Troobey Jerry Taylor Wm Thurman R Thompson JAC ThomasaoaWmP Thayer E ll i Tobias JoimD Toomey Michael TiUelEdftaW Udell EJ Ulmer A F Vinton W* Vogwell Geo Vaußaren S M VnnflcrtJas Vance Thos VanArcnau Chas VuntieU Jis VauVlack 5 B Vance Albert B Va’lecderJacl>2 Vail Geo WW. Vaaßaren AII it VaiißaieiiT Walsh John B Watson Thos Wood Fr ink w tbbt-r PD D WhcelerlleiiryA Wood Sami cipt WalkerMA V.'aUre 3 S Weightman S 3 v\ eeb Frank Wileey J E Wooden S S Waggoner Albrt Wells’J H Wnght ? Walker AJ dr Wakefield 3dr WUsouLlucomM Waiutr £co Whlteford Jas G Wider G G Wai ren O J Walter J Wis wall G E w bite Nicholas WeameJolm Willey GW Wanon* Becj Welch John 2 Wright Jonn Wh trry r hr st Weir John R Wilson GnmvM Warner CH&co Walp Joseph Willis Geo w oiuer il U Whi«mor Jcsdr Wiicj Thus Wai d Part Weed WW 8 Wright- G W Whet lerO Eftco Walker WB G Willis Hugh Wtat Chas Wand Wm Wilson 11 M Welsh David Wtighter Wm Wilts Thos Walker D G White ; G & bro Wood Iliratn R Warden Dnnl Walsh Martin Wright JJ 3 Wulker David Wallace Mathew Wyett levin Watson ED Welch MC rev WoodwardJSdr o hr*. Subt H Wiswell ft eon Wilcox J Wa 1 Riley Woodcock A WilletJ&CO Wh. c Root Wilson B W Willa-d T w eJth it WinchestezChas Wight James F WationEdwd Wright CBf . Woodcock I-aac u olker S J Woodcock Asa WiuditJS Wblopleß H Wiide A T Williams Joha M White Frank A Woodhnll Cdr Williams John F c alber Geo Welsh E A Wright Joseph C Webb TW dr Williams UG 2 Wright JS& co Weyer G W Wimeu col Wilierd Josephil Weaver T W Will Edw Willie Wm Wain rail Thos WfckasE D L’’ Wiiliims \V II Whitman GcoP Woclds Jelmoa capt Webster T bright Sami Williamson Wm Warden Geo Woodßftco ■Woodward W. Ward Guo il W right E Winn Lewis 3 Wells G S win worths Williams Michael VI alien G A lieUtWl key Sami Wills &co Yacom Marion TctmgTMrcv Young Geo W Yates James Q Initials. Oriental Lodge... Howe’BSewingMachineroom .. Western Fanner... H... Iso 40 West Like pfrctt....Mcpsr6D A & C0....01d Dental Rooms, IC9 lAke Stieel... Academy of Natural Sciences Suv.ard en Propeller Chicago —Secretary Doarbt ni Lodge . Secretary Blauey Lodije .. Secretary W B'Warren Lodge—Secretary Ashlee Lodge.... Secretary Waubaneia Lodge Anti* Hum'. Persons wishing drop letters advertised must affix a 8 cent stamp. Office open from Ist May to let November, daily (except Sunday), from *i a. m. till BP. M. On Snmlav from SX tiIITOX a. m. From November Ist till May Ist, from 8 a. m. till Sp. M-. daily (except Sundavs), and on Sundays from 8:80 till 10:15 a. m. l£ S 2i J- L. SCRIP PS. P. M. 'SMIL; t JNIY7IN 'Jfc*AVXrv HAIE. 1 ROAD COMPANY. 5 OTICE OF MEETING OF COiEDHtStONEBS, Tli** umlenlirncd Commissioners named In the act or llic Thirty-seventh Cccgrtsa of :he United Stat-MOf America. entitled “ »n AU loaylln the Construction of u Hallroad and Tel-graph Line from the liiverto the Pacific Ocean, and to Senate to tue Cov ermneid the use of the fame for Po.-dd. Mi.iury a-id otli«*r Pnrno-os,” In pursuance of tlie provisions of said* Act; and ot the Act of said Thirty-seventh smJn’-en'ct tary to and amendatory of tall t'onVd .vt, lie. eby aives notice tlm the tlrst 9 of the Bourn of CoihraLs-sionersmentioeed in s u I drat mi ntloued Act will bo heldat Bryan H:a: <n tio Uty State of Illinois on the Fites I CbEn- Day OF SEPTEMBER SEXT at lio clock at noju. .TniiKß Dnnnlnp. John M. IVood.Euirlu >oyt*A Jos. Eaton, of Maine; Joseph A. Cha.lei W. Woedn-an, ov New Hami’SHlUb; Henry H. Haxt -r. George 'V. Colbmier. Henry Keyes Thomas 11. Cio* del A of Vermont; William 11. Swift. Samuel T. I) in a, John Bertram, FnmkiinS Stevens. Edwar-Hl Tinker, of Mafsacut>etts; W alter S, iVlMafa l . F.’.odaet. Benjamin H. Cheevcr. Charles _ I-omlicL Fletcher. of Rhode Island; Auaustus Br-.«oter. H*nrvP. Haven. Cornelius S. Bushncil. Henry Ha-n --mutid. of Consectkt; Is-isc Sherman, Dea ? Kj c, {' monc, 15«»\al Phc'pA.WilllamH.fccrry. ilcarv A. i ad dock. Lewis J. tstaacllrr. Charles A. secor. te , Campbell Alfied «5. Tilton. Jo-m Andean, Ary l>ih Boocly. John S. Kennedy, H. Carver. Joseph Field, Beni.min k. Camp. Orville W. Ctii.d-. Alexander J. Doreen Ben iloUHav. I). I*. Barney, S. .Dc ivirt Bioodcood Willfara U. Grant. Thomas V>. (Vcott Samuel B icncilcs. James P. Wilson.of Xevv Tor™: Epliraltn Marsh. Charles M. Har- Iter of sJf\v .fERSBT ; John Edgar Thompson, Benjamin Haywood. Joseph H. Scranton, Joseph Geo IV, Cass. John H, Brvant. Pamrf fr. WorclV Thomas M. How* wBlUm F John?on. Hobart Finney. John A.Groen. E. TVMj cr. t italics F. Wells Junior, op Pennsylvania s Swan, Chaunc-yßrooks Edward V\ xkln». op Mart- LAM.; S’oah L. Wilson, Aimisastone. WIU-am H.olo mint S I. LTlommeilten Johnßrongh. Wil iam Dnn nlaon. Jacob Bllckensderter. of Onto; Charles Paine. Thomas A. Morris, David C. Branham, Samuel Jonas Votaw JesxeL. WjUiams, If«uc c, Elston, or Indiana : William B. Ordcn, Charles G. Hammond. Henry Farnum, Amos C. Babcock W. Seld-m Gals, Keb-iulah BuohntJL Lorenzo Bull, of Illinois : John I> Campbell. P..N. Bice. Charles A. Trowbridge. Raa- Bcor Gardner.- Charles W. Penny. Charles l. Gorhaia, j William McConnell, of MicniQA*; W Ullamßnnn. Jr- John Catun. Levi Sterling. John Thompson, ElUm L. Philips Walter D. Mclndoe, T. B, Soddard. E. H. Broadhead. A.n.Vlfjen.PF Wisconsin?; a.D Seward npnrv A «wiit Dwight Woodbury. John McCn?ick, LuciUßll Lamrworlby. ITneh T. Bold, Hoyt Sherman, l.vman Cook.Samnel h. Cmtis.Lewis A.Thomas.Platt W illivrdP.Mall, Annftronp Lenity John Corby, of Missomi; Franklin Gorin. J. Bradford. John T Levis. OF Kenttcey : W. S. Grimes. J. C. Stone, Chester Thomas, .'obn Kerr, Wcrter R, Lnther C Cballis. Joslah Miller, OF K.axsas; Gilbert C. Moneß ISigustnaKonrtz, T. M. Marqnette. William H Tajlor. Alvin Saunders, of; John Evans,of Colobapo: John Atchison. John I). Win ters. or the Tbbbitobt of a evaija : S J. lit us.ej. Peter Donnlmc, C. P. Huntington, T. I). Jadab, Jitnea Ballev James T. Bvan. Chafes Hosmer. Charles Man-n. D. O. Mill A Samuel Bell. Louis McLane Georgs W.Mowe CbarlcaMcLaughlm Timothy name, Jonn K Krbln?oc, or Califobma ; William S. Ladd, A. M. Bern-, Ben Atrin F. Harding, or OnEQON\ _ Dated July ICth. Jydls3l»6w-ltew A KIIT NOTICE.—Asd-tmtQnaiv terma*t?r’sOffice.St.LonlsMo.. July 23L lfifi2. Sealed Proposals will be received at this office until Julv 20th. 1862. for supplying one thousand (LOOd) oav. alrv horses, to be htnected at the Qnartennastcrs horse yards In St Louis, and to be delivered in ten davg from date of coi.t'act. the horses most possess the following qnallficatioas: To be tot less than fifteen (15) bands and one inch In height No- ic*s than Avr. rormore than eight years old. to be well foimcd for cavalry service, and in condi tion for Immediate field use, and to be of col signatures of two responsible parties, for the faithful performance of the contract, must accompany t ThebWe will be opened at 12 M, Joly29th Inst., when allblcdersmustbeprescat. The right to reject aayor all bids is reserved, if the seme be considered dlsadvantacj.-pus. r Jj26-tli7-8t ' M. M\EiA, Col. ana A. Q. M. nro COKTR ACTORS.—The City I Council of the city of Cairo. IHlao'a* having by municipal regulation fixed tbs prude ofthel street at a point 2K fe< t above th *. top oi the present levee £tn bapfcmpui and Inconsequence of suet regn’atlon It having become necessary to fill the ►treets of the cltv to such a height as to afford surface drainage over the topofthe levee, the city authorities of that city are desirous of cot tractlng with some experienced parties to undertake the proposed work. They are now au thorized by their city charter to Issue the amount of about fso.POO which will be the extent of the work required to be done the present season. But at the next session of the Legislature la January n»-xt, th* t expect to procure the extension of their anthon tv so as to be able to l?=oe their bonds to an amonntr?- onired to finish the wort, which it is supposed will cost Iron. S2Oo,CCO to *M.OOO. It U expected that seve ral vears will be fbr the completion of the work, a'd contractors will tbas have ample time to make advantageous sirangtinents for Its prosecution. Prooosals will be received by the undersigned ucttl the first of September next, to do the proposed work, ard snnllca-ions tor it formation to theundcrsljned or to the Mayer of the city, will receive prompt atten tion. B. S. TATLOR. JAS. McKt -tZIS. R. R. CUNNINGHAM, A. EASTMAN. TV. MARTIN. Board of Public Worts of the City of Cairo. UU Cairo. Jnly 220,1662. Jy26-tlStM>t CARRIAGE WORKS 44 Adams Street, Chicago. Btnmdied Bipresly for tie mmafactore of ilglu carriage work, by GEORGE PENNO Yitfß, Who has secured a reputation for superior work ex celled by no toannlhctnrcr, either east or west. Sir. pcnnoyer still devotes his personal attention to every department of the manufacture. The very best mate rial is nsed, and none bat the most skillful workmer 6 BROWN, recently from New Tort city, attends to the purchase of stock, sales, and-genera, management of the badness. ' just enlarged the shops to donble their form er capacity, a fall assortment of our own manufacture will he kept constantly on hand. Special attention paid to the manufacture or Trotting Sulkies. Skeleton Bug §c* aadcvwy style of Light Carriages. Orders prompt, filled. Repairs neatly done at short notice. A large assortment of ■"'EASTERN carriages Of the best manufacture and latest styles, selected, ex ’ pretaly for this market, just received and constantly on -hand. AIso—HARNESS appropriate fbrany stylo ol carriage, of the brat material and manufacture. Orders from toe country promptly attended to. myS7-rS7«-Sm XTATHARIEL A. HAVEN, X v ! No. 342 South Water street,.Chlcago, Is making liberal advances on GRAIN, PORE, FLOOR BUTTER, And otter Produce consigned to M. “VT-* STARIN' Sc OOh No. 209 Dnane-st, New York. Also—Has a large, well vi-otllated and perfectly dry CELLAR, suitable for storing and repacking Butter. Countrv Defers whe aaywlshtosell Butter in this Mark-rt, ship East, or hold through tot season, will have every faculty af forded them. and at moderate rates. iyO-aTIO-lm CLOTHES WRINGERS —The best Clothes Wringers now la use, with Solid Rubber Rollers. are foreale, wholesale and retail, by E. PECK. Agen tor toe State of Illinois, at Hoyey'a Seed store. 73&kt street, Chicago. Agents w&htod. iw&eiM-lin lEhucattonal. y TONS PBM ALE COLLEGE.— A first-class Boarding School, exclusively for Young Ladles. Next session will open on me So day of bepteiuber. ThlslnLtitnt'ou has been lonnded noon a liberal scale of expenditure. In one of the most plea sant and healthy situations In the West, has a full corps oi bmhtul tcachet s. and will meet ail reasonable ex pectations Ol its patrons. For catalogues or other In fhrmatioQ, address Rev. GEO. K. MoOBE. Lvoaa. lowa. Jy2s-tIM-St INSTITUTE AND CLARK SEMINARY. Fall Term opens August 25th. It is one of the most successful'schools In the Wert, and fully entitled to the large patronage it has receiv ed, It has s large and able corns of teachers, and It located In one of the healthiest and most pleasant tovusln Illinois. Toe standard of scholarship la high, toeltondliiu tlieHLeetif the kind in the State. The fe male department clTers special Inducements. Expenses vary from $l2O to £2OO per year, according to the stud ies -Liberal discounts to clergymen. For Circulars address Rev. G. W, QUEF.EAU, A. it, Aurora, HU* note. ’ iyOsTlS-lm LIBERAL EDUCATION with Military Instruction and Drill. WESTERN CJKION COLLEGE and MTUTABY AfiADgMT, at FULTON, ILL- on the Mlsebslppl Riv*r. -will open Its second year. Sept. 3d. 1562, with re* gulnr Collegiate Academic and Primary Classes, Tho College nas a corps of twelve experienced teach ers bud Ii ccurerß, thorough appointments, the finest school buildings In the We*t (cost, with fnrairure.Aix. fr20000);an ample and attractive Military park, an excellent nnd well furnished Armory, a fine Gymna , Blnm. and many.other, advantages which should claim tra: attention of parents and guardians. The largest institution of Its closa and character In the: Union. Instruction In French. German, and Book-Keeping free to Cadets also in astillsst and Lotastes (heavy and light) Tactics Zouave and Faxcy Dbills and Gtxxastics, nnder an officer of U. S. A. • Cadets dress InUtUorros. Tibsh —flSO per school year forooard. famished room, fnel, lights, washing and tuition In every department, payable- qnarterly In advance. Cadets from ab *oad. room and board nnder the same roof with and the constant care of the teachers. For Circulars address D, S. COVERT, President. Fulton, D. teM-aBMa Y OUNG LADIES SEMEtf ABY, AT T.ATTR FOREST, ILLESOI3, The fourth year cf this Institution, cot darted by Key. B, Dlckln bco. D.D„ and daughters, will commence on. THURS DAY, the 4th day of September next, and wltli ample arrangements for the ccmlnrt and Improvement of the pnpfls. For circulars. and all desirable Information, adore® thennderslcned B. DICKLSSITV, Late Forest, ffiiHar (Elams WAR CLAIM OFFICE OF T f LEAVITT ft WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law. DISABLED SOLDIERS and the WIDOWS and MI NOR CHILD -cER of deccaa- d soldiers are entitled to Pensions, coder toe aevUw of Jnlv 1t.1862, Addn»s LEAVITT ft WEIGHT, Chicago. Dl. Office 63 Clark street. lat-blo-lyr WILLSON & MSRRIAM, of the T T “Central Western War Claim. Bounty aad Pension Office." 4S Clark street Chicago, HI?., are In almost dallv receipt of Invalid Pension-Certificates, and certificates for Arrears of Par due deceased sol diers. Their*? la the oldest War Claim Establishment in the West, and parties who wish their business prorartiy, efficlei tly and reliably attended to, can have It cone by applying to them. teia-EMI-ly Alexander siller. Notary Public and Commissioner and Agent for Military Claims. No. 2 South Clark street, corner of South Water street. Chicago, HI. Having been con nected with the United State* Pay Department in the Dlatrictaof Wisconsin, Dliuois. Michigan, Ohio. Ken tucky and Tennessee, lam enabled to procure arrears ofTay. Bounty. Pensions, eta, .with.unusual efficacy and dispatch. Special attention paid to making up ac count? ofresigned officers and discharged soldiers, .wac can obtain toelr paychenper Iw applying to me than by visiting a Paymaster. lam also prepared to sell Ex change on Great Britain, Cotitlr , em-*i Enron*. Inheritances, etc., by power of attorney. Refernucts. by permission—Hon. F. A. Hoffman. Lt. Governor of Dllnols; Hon. Edward Salomon, Govemorol WLscon- Bln|: David Tod. Governor of Ohio. .. PENSIONS, BOUNTY MONET, XT BACK PAY, Etc.—Branch House of Bell & Green's Washington National Claim Agency, No. ISB Lake street. Po.-t Office 80x2337, Chicago. 111. Retteences—His Excellency A. Lincoln. President United States; Hon. Richard Yates, Gov. Ilia Hon.Jesse K. Dubois, Auditor 111. Both members of this Arm re side at Washington. Liberal commissions allowed to co nutty agents, [my2 -r535-2mj JULIAN KUNE. Agt. QARR BROTHERS, ILLINOIS EKAKCH HOUSE OF “ fhe National Claim Agency* Of Harvey, Collins ft Brace, Washington, D. C, Knight’s Block, 123 Dearborn street, Chicago. The meet reliable and ONLY DIRECT War Clalrr Agency is Chicago. Particular attention polo to Special Claim, Pxb signs, Bounties and Patents. SC ADVANCE FEES demanded and NO CHARGE mode for prosecuting claims if not recovered. To parties having LARGE CLAIMS we would say we can give UNQUESTIONABiiE SECURITY foi any amount required. Address CAItU BROTHERS. “National Clam Agency.” P. O Box 1031. Kxteb to Chicago Tribune Companv; C. H. Sc riven Rso.; John A Nichole. Esq.; Messrs. G. H. ft L. LaSk d; Cc.; Messrs. Hollr-ter ft wuklna; Mcsera Vauder voort Dickerson ft Co maJM-uWT-lv Uctmin iiitcrmiuators. TIE HORRID BARBARITY OF THE SOUTH b only equalled by the seductive and destrovine pow«rs of ibe Lightning Ply-Killer. It Is rendered attractive to Flies, and klTla instantly. You will see them dead and dying within five minutes. Darken all the windows but one. and there place the Fly-KilkT. Every Fly will find it In the coarse of the dav. and die. llemember.ltls the Lightning Fly Killer that does this. Kothinu elsewl Ido it. IHE DEAD-SHUT FOR BEDBUG' Is certain and Immediate death to these noxious penis. It breaks up their nesL. destroys their cegs. and Is a besom of de struction to all tint venture near. Both articles for Sale by J. H. REFt) & CO.. Chicago, and dealer* gen* rally. Jya-8577-lm To Destroy Rats, Roaches, ccc. Vo Mice, Moles and Ants, To Destroy Bed Buga. To Drrf.-o-r xr-ii— g- » .jCJl..tKoa Aft. To Destroy Mosquitoes and-1 leas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. To Destroy Insects on Animals, &C. To Destroy Every form and species oi Vermin, •• i'res trom Foisuns.” "Not dangeions to the Human Family." •Katas'© not die on premises." “They come off ont their holes to die. Soid Everywhere—by All Wholesale D&roGZTs In the »arge clues, and bypEirooiSTs, Geocess. Storekeepers and retail ETts psnerallj.lQ all Co an try Towns and Villages in the uKITEHtUTiiL puttEß Jfc FINCH,' Principal "Wholesale Agent, Caicago,fU. tar Cou>t&t ukalees can order aa above. Or ad fluecc—[or for ~, Psttctpal Depot— No. 452 Broadway, New Tori mrc-rTHSm fflumiung. Ed. mcFarlanb’s Sag, Steam Fitting anS PIMHS ESTABLISHMENT! 54 lasalle Street, Chicago, ©SALTS IS Qig SIXTTKE& AHB IEOH iUESITTES, Practical Plumber, iscMiscncramor ktiida ofßteam Work. TO. THE TBADB. Thi Trade supplied with tool# and every articled be Baa. Steals Fitting sad Plumbing bumaeaa. Be* jHarijuterg. g A G L B WORKS Manufacturing Company. DO YOU WANT STEAM ENGINES OR BOILERS, PATENT SUGAH CANE MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPOHATOBB PATENT FIEE EVAPOHATOBB, LATENT STAMP MILLS, —TOS Fike’s Peak or Lake Superior. CT!Tm JOB. dBCTTLAES, With Cutisnd Descriptions, Prices, etc, etc. ' Saw Mills, FlOToring Mills, ava Machinery of aU description. gENP FOB OIBCUIiARS. p. W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, Ul> S.B.—Agents ■wanted everywhere. te26-ai4s-lydA* j&ugic jfetoug. INSTRUMENTS, JULIUS BAUEB, VA3TO7ACTrUSXS Of OSHMS MS BRASS INST K UMENTS. 99 Sdßtb Clark Street, mnaAstozer and importer of Muriel ißslriniKßiM ssd String*. Having connection. with mann&ctorlnt mousestnßerlln, Ldpslc,Dresden. England and Faria a prepared to fnntito I'ealeru. Bands and TndlTldnat vrßi every article tn their mg At the lowest N. VorK Prices.. rost Office Box MM. r - OCU-d3*-lJ , . Rafter ffianginga. AS £ > BBQ,, BXiIXXS'XV PAPER HANGINGS, Window Shadev Fixture*,, Ac. eOIIBB AND HON . FAIHIU PAF3B HANQEEB, ETC, RTO, We* 184 Clark Street, daicais** r UMBER. —1 would invito tha at 1 j tendon of dealers and others purchasing lumber. in Chicago to one of the largest and most complete as sortment of Lumber la this market salad. Dressed Sid ing. Flooring and Stock Boards, Bash, Doors, Shingles, Lath.LoaeTlmber, Joists, Ac. Prices •reasonable to pultthe charges of the times. Write lor Information. Orders filled with promptness and fidelity. Carsloaded inyard. Yard and Office Beach street,between Polk . mSS»6BL re< ’“‘ EEADA,WHiIAJi3. iKiscrilanccms. JQITHRIDGE’S CELEBRATED XYY FLINT glass , Oval and Bound Chimneys, FOB EALE BT POPE * SLOCUST3 lamp and Oil Store, 122 Clark Street. jpnuiT JARS. “BAKER’S FRUIT JARS,” “ BUCKEYE FRUIT JARS,” The best self sealing Jars ever made. For sale wholesale and retail, at POPE Sc SLOCUM'S LAMP AND OIL STORE, 322 CLARK STREET. pETROLITE FURNITURE A POLISH.—A new Icvontlo i. and by fir THE BEST POLISH ever offered to the public. Instantly removes all spots, f tains atd scratches, and makes old furniture equal to new. AUberal discount to the trade. For sale ■ At 122 Clark Street, br POPE & SLOCUM, sole Western Agents tor the manufacturers. JylSs92S-lw FRESH VACCINE VIRUS. FRESH VACCINE VIRUS. Senlby mail upon. receipt of One I>ollar and Warranted. GALE BROTHERS, Druggists, 202 Randolph. St, Chicago. T> OGEES’ CITRATE OF MAO XV EESIA. Infioz. Bottles, la the form of Powder. It Is entitled to special preference over the Liquid Citrate, of Magnesia. Saratoga and most Mineral 'Waters, Seldlltz"Powders aad other atmiiar articles. When taken is the morning regularly. It has an admir able effect on the general eyttenu removes Constipa tion. Correcting Acidities and Cooling of all Febrile Comnlolnts. tor sale In Chicago by Messrs. LOUD ah' SMITH and Messrs. REED ft C 0„ and by most Drug gists. Price 23 cents. Jy2-5375-lm IMPROVED THIMBLE SKEINS, For Wagons and Carriages, The best and strongest mads In the United States. EVERT SKEIN WARRANTED. Raying capacity for 10* seta per dav, our facilities art unrivalled, and we CANNOT BE UNDERSOLD by any first class manufacturer, HALL, EISBABE «fe CO.. Don Merchants and Manufacturers, 193 and 195 Solatia "Water street. [4l>ll-p23G-ly] R r THE BEST “SELF-SEALING JAB” Ever offered to the jubllc. For sale wholesale and retail by BURLEY & TYRREL, 3j21-sSBS-lW 43 LAKE STREET. FAIRBANK’S JP* BTACTAUD SCALES' rfrh OF ATT. KINDS. CgßWlSigsy Fairbanks, Greenieaf & Co. iTi Lane Street. Chicago. jei&eisiy JgELTING. JOHN 33. XDESON «Sc CO„ Sole Agents for the Smooth Vulcanized RUBBER BELTING, Under Goodyear’s Patent Conducting and Engine Dose Of all sizes, warranted best quality. Steam Packingand Caskets, Leather Bel tins:, Lace I.eatbcr and Belt Hooks* JOHN B. IDESON, & CO., &p2£ pBS2-Sm 1U Randolph street. pEUGEOT’S WHOLESALE TOY HOUSE. Tooili Picks of Quill, TootU Picks of Orange Wood. Julip Straws, Straps for Sherry Cobblers. FTS*IOOK5 t FISH POLES, FlSlreG TACKLE, ftc, &C. A large stock of the above goods for sole low for cash, at Peageofs Great Variety Store No. 10S LAKE STREET. CHICAGO, ILL, XTNOCH WOODS, £-J (Successor to CHAS. A. SATCHJ Ko. ISO LAKE STREET, DSALTZS IN Suns, Sportlngr Apparstn*. Flshln& InckJC) Pintols, Bowie Knlvea, AKD MILITARY GOODS. Powder and. Shot, AT WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. aps-pitU-iy TO DEALERS IN Fruit and Vegetables. I have a large STOCK OF BASKETS Settable for shipping strawberries, huckleberries blackberries, raspberries cranberries, curreuta peaches plains tomatoes. &c. Also, MARaE. PASKETS of every QnaUty SAfllAhlEL » iIITE, ■Wholesale Dealer in Wooden and Willow* Ware, JeZl-S4o£-ll* SOOtii V. at«i' owwit W OOLI Wo bare fW.OGO placed In onr bands to advance on Wool, for sale In tills market or for shipment East, wberethe highest prices may be rtullr.ed. Producer* and dealers In Wool will do well to communicate wits ns before selling. Address HAPPLETE Sc SHELDON, C ommis sio 21 Merchants» Jel-riJl6-ly , 24S South Water Et„ Chicago. OID WELL'S CELEBRATED COAL OIL AXLE GREASE. The Best Article Made. FULL STOCK IN BOXES, KEGS AND BARRELS Constantly on t and and for sale to the trade At Manufacturer's Prices —AT THE— SAMP AXD OIT. STOKE OF POPE & SLOCUM, Sole Agents for tie Manufacturer, 132 Clark St. [fclTtC-ly] TAOMESTIC AND FOREIGN I / GOODS continue to ABTAHGE IN VALUE, While we adhere to the RUINOUSLY LOW PRICES Upon our Entire Stock, WHICH IS BEING RAPIDLY CLOSED. CALL in season. JONES & 00., 182 South Clark St. CLOSING SALE OF FANCY DRY GOODS. titst received, per STEAJIEEETIIA, Coventry Frilling or Enffling, nipOEXED ONLY BY SUTTOH S BCBKITI, , e «re In receipt ol a frest jopply ot the abOTB beat. HrnT niaterlaLlnall widths. We would gif to yU], dies who have DOtseei-.thtaarticle,thatltU madeptn SSly me a -rthhon. In lengths ot U yards,andhaM rauung cord in one edge, by means otwhlcU It cant), drawuup to any dcslrsmle .luilneaa. . ItwaSSes and wears well, and Is JuwmpJirab.y flam, gZ: operand better than any other Bnffling in tbenutf mbsitiS. HOSIERY I ZEPHYR WORSTED COBSSIb, BUTTON & BUT.KITT, e2-«3Ma - flLassllestree^ FENCE WIRE. AMERICAS NOS. 8 & 9, Wsmnted offlnt qunUty, l& good lenelliit and in good order, to* H&le In larse «r imaU lots. |>y VABUESYOOET, DICKEESOK * CO* Nos. 169 & SOI Budolph SC. apS-pgS3fim ' . QTORAGE, STORAGE, STOR O AGE.—The undersigned' having taken the Bode formerly occupied-by the American Transportation Comrany, corner of Maritet and Madison street, is In. readmes* to receive Storage and Dockage on the most reasonable terns. Also, orders tor alt Kinds or Goal promptly filled. JONA3SAN NEWHOUSB.T • lylwSS-lm' . ..Post Office BoxSMI. r|VH E NSW" Y AGHI Now lying at the head of Washington street, ta ttt Basin, may be .chartered by responsible parties tor a day or evening. Address P. O.Box 21SL mya-rtSMa ISoilroaGs. TLI.IXOIS C3NTRAL HAIL 1 egad,. . On* and after-Sunday, July 27th, tains from the GreatGmtral Depot as follows: - . fisO :i. m (Saitlays excepted.) arriving at Peoria nt m.; ?t «;55p id.; Naples 7£G p. m.; Q‘iic cylliSS p. to. ; 1 mceuuea 10S5) p. ru.; St. Louis Ssp. n;.: Tim- Haute 2:10 a. a:.; Cairo S;ZI a. m. ii:, ; cciri: ui,« »*• P-Vlp nt (SatirrCuv* < xcertcd) am vng at Si. Louis Piap.m.; Tern; Haute &25 p. m ; Vincennes lit) Evansville Cairo 11:10 a.m. - . On Stturdaysa train wLI be inn to Urbana,leavl-u CMCaBo ats;ls p m. Ti aits arrive at Cidcago -at a. m. aadihOO p.m, S eeplnz Carson Night Trains. Baggigccuccsedto all Important points. ■ • . • r I or ilctcta and Information apply at the office in the Great Central Depot. FOR HYDE PARK AND "WOOD LAWN. Trains leave Chicago: Leave Wood L twa: 9HSO' a. tn. ' 7:00 .t m. 12*0 m. . :• 4.-00 p. m. Lu) p. in 6:15 p m. i-.Vi j».; ;:j. KtSO p. m. 7:*r» o. m. VT. R. ARTUUU.GcuTSup't. TV. P JOHNSON, Gen'l p.s.w-grr Agent.- JBciinnal. SCHENCK’S PULMONIC SYRUP. > A Man almost Raised from the • Read:! HlsCertlOcate certified to by his physician. His Certificate certified to hr hi* neighbors. His Cei tificate cemflrd to by the officers aad mem bers of his Dodge of I. O. of O. F. L JohuC. Green, of the village of Tacony. lathe c*ty and conntvof Philadelphia. co hereby cc’tif/ u» fcio- - following fiicts: That early last laUX took a violent cold, wmch settled on my lungs, and I bad •■bill* Alter nately With fever, pain m my right side, bre-k-t aaj ehouluer blade, with a olstreaslag coucb, an-l no ci nectoration. I kept gating worse uctDl my bed. mv appetite was gone, t y bowels very lrr**ga-ar. Over ano night sweats, suenced with a couth which was very rgbt; my flesn had nearly altgose. and I was so weak that I could scarcely ralaemyaeid trom ibe pillow, and was tru'y an object of pit/ to b'; ’ bold. My friends had been sectfor to &e; du.aal my sickbed was surrounded by kind and nelshbors who had come to wltuese my departure fro n Uie'world. - - When all rays of hope Sed of myre-nvory. Dr. Con rad proposed WtrvSCHEN’CK*S Pu LMOV 1C SYlilT?, with a view of loosening my conzh, and relisvin*. ci-i. of the tough phie/m ana as a means of affcrdtnzren po:srvrelief remarking at the same time “ tuat I was' too fir gone for the ayiup to Bo of any p-manent bfneflt/* My wile, anxious for thi relief of mylutsnso sufferings, procured some of the Pa manic syrup. I found it afforded me relief! and continued Using I could feel ts hsallne influence upon my lungs. Dr. SchenckwasscLtfor. He came ana examined my lungs with his retsplrometer. He fou.d one ronz nearly gone,but the other w a a sound. He said hv* conla generally cure when one lung was disoaied. 1 do hontztlv tltmk that If I had not commenced ustnu Dr. tchecck’sMeclcTer.lcouiauothsvelivea anoitier wtek. my breath appeared almost gone. I coh&nuco to improve under Us us.*, and my friend* were much gratified to witness my unexpected im provement; many of mv nclubbers came to look at me aaone raised irom the dtad. ily couth now became locee, aid I ftilt something hrtakwhorclhad the rain lu lay breast aud I dts cha:gen large qu»ntitlc*of vullow matter. - I have for wei-ksdUcharzedand rats«d aaplvboxfoli of matter everyday, with hard lumps like gialas if sjm dhlag. Sly cowels now became rcgula> aad natoriL ana my appetite whs so fax improved that I coaid s.raice'y re frain from eating too much. My ncalth Improved and 1 regained ny strength. I jell now « wed hb I ever did Inmy life, and ran do as much work. 1 cannot run or go up stops as fast a* fused to, for one luogispa'tially gone and one coa tracti d; out it eevms to me, like a man that has lest one eye. the ether Is stro-ger, I feel now as tuoagh, when I see a person with a bad cough, or look as though they had Consumption, that i must go to them and persuade them to go at once to Dr. Schenek and gtt examined, lor perhaps they were like n»e, and had on» good lung and can oe cored. I am this day a Uv ingtestlmonvof t!ie great effic-acy of Scnenck’s Ihil • momo Svrup* For fear tuoae that lead this may think an I nin/thnc wciwEuuic uploueceLVd the poor i'-fl!icted,lsrtbj"lu theeeitiilcue ot my phy sician, ana also a number ofwtll-snowa Inhatrtauts of Tacony who nv me at different times during my disease, ami never tip* rted t*> see me restored. I aiso append the ct nifiente of the brothers of Mystic Lodge >o.2h\ 1 O ofo.T, who kindly watched over me, and fudy believed they would consign ray rtm\ln» to tuetoiub; but thanksto Dr. Schenci for Ub tuvala able Itxlmonlc Sjmp. rav life his been spared, and I sm permitted to make the foregoing statement for the benefit of Buffering mankind. . _ . 1 reside at Tacouy, »*iid uai well ktown by most of the people there, and will be gratified to have any per son call upon me and l<*arn more particulars of the great virtues of this medicine. JOHN G. GREEN. Tie -übscribers, m-mhers of the Mystic Lodge. No. 2191.0 of O. F. of Rolmeshurg Pa, do hereby certl iythatw»* know John C. Green (who is a number In good standing in Lodge No.'itO.i. O. ot o. K.) ami was djtngvi cusly ill with a low poßaonaty consumption last winter, so that th**r p-ive him no to die he ia low fully restored to perfect health, and thaw be lieve tb rtc«»ve.v was produced by SCIIENGCS PPLM ONIC ST P.LT. Tv e believe thla certificate Is correct In evtryparti calar. lIENHY NEBK. v ALFRED AOUIN6«»N,P.G. ABRAHAM ARTHUR, I’. G. J. >!. OSMAN. N.G. JOSHUA RHINRM )RE. JACOB WATERMAN, Jr.’ JAMES C. CAL VEIL The m - designed. resident* of Tacony. e’gh: miles from pLllaceipnla. being well acquainted with John C. Green. ai.dlhe cireurutt inces attending bis case,C el lnu*-llert w lib a deep sense ofl:nner»al;e duty f» mki* ucivmallv known to the pubMc ms entire recovery from the very last si ages of pulmonary Consumption. So entirt-Iv helpless was his condition —liaviug been but a brlet’period fluce In that rapidly sinking and unadated state—as to ntterlv preclude, tn the opinion of his physician and friends, who watched by lushed sine all hopes of even a temporary re covciy and restorat'on to hb present ro hus: health. Thus the cartful use of invaluable tee Pulmonic Syrup, mates ft. In our bdii-f, under ihe dreum-tvnee of hb previous i«t to sav dying condition. one of the most *tai f dn" nsn tsth-u the whole annals of medical svlll or sc etce cm produce. It deserves t> b- imoerbha bly rt corded to vour crenit, and secures to you. tin «»t* at discoverer of an infallible cure for tills hltiierto n disease, nlai-tlng monument, and a world wide reputation in ibe healing art that no time mvy UUier diminish or destroy. Having witnessed Mr. Green’s distressing straggle and suffering troma cou timial cough, superseded to the othereymptoms conse quent upon o- attending the last stages of a pulmonary iibes'sc- and. mor* over. It being so geceral.y believed hvhl' numerous friends that : o human could relieve or pit tract hb liic. ranch less restore him back again to hb former hr aUh. we feel U Urns our duty to "ivcour nr qualified testimony of Mr. Greens piirfsct ncoverv. hv means of the exclusive use of your won derm! byrn’p: and we should Indeed rerolee. if we could be made the humble instruments of relief and cure to others who may he so unfortunate as to be similarly ulllietcd. PAVTB CONRAD. M. D. JESSEE DI'RFIELD. • Josttceuf tne Peace. . CHARLES UESCLE. Captain rfthe Steamboat Trenton. ANDREW HEATH. Ji:., Captain of the Steamboat 'Vashlugtoa. JOSEPH HEAD. Jn.. JESSEE TVATSOS, ffTEVEN LUCtvKNS, JAMES TORBERt. Of Washington Hon«e. Tacony. JOHN BLOOMSBURY. ALLEN VaNDKGUIFF. Of Bucks Couity. Pa. Dr j IT SCHENCK’Sprincipal olllcc bat fiJNorth 6th street P:diad«'lphlv ra. where al» letters for ad vice Khouldhe addressed. Prlrc of the Pulmonic Syrup and Son "Weed Tonic, each, one dollar per bottle or $."» th»*.half dozen; ilaadrake Pilb23 cents per box. The trade supplied by LORD & S3HTH, 23 Lake street. wholeaAc Agetb. JylS-pOfS-Ptewlm 3Legai ponces. A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. Jfx STATE OF ILLINOIS. COOK COUNTY. 83.- Conuty Court of Cook County. , . Public notice Is herehv given that the undersigned. Administratrix of the i-slito of Deliver Walker, do ceased, will appear beiore the said Court, at the sv utem brrTerm thereof to beholden on the tldrd ilont-ay ol September A. D. IS6*. at the Court In salu Conn tv for the p'irpo'O of hearing and adjusting a.l claliAS a*L*d demands ag ilnstlhn estate, when nud where nil notions lwvine >u V li owin'* to present and file tile same. ABIttAIL F. WAJ,Kbit, Administratrix Estate Deliver W aIVfTT. Chicago. Julj 21d. 1862. Jc3-tL. td A DMINISTRATOB'S NOTICE. 2\, Estate of WILLIAM VAN’ aUTWFJSP. clc ceased, Notice 1» hereby given that I have fixed upon * term of the County Court of Cook Couatv. In the 'State of Illinois, to beholden at the Court House, In the City of Ccicaco. In said County and Stab; afore said, on the Third Monday of August nest, bein ' the eighteenth day thereof, for the purpose of setting a*C accosting all claims aeain*t the t-stat-. ot William yan Antwerp, late of Warren County, and State of New Jersey, deceased. A . _ Ali persons having claims against the same are noti fied and requested to attend then and there, for tue purpose ofWtoß tnslr Administrator of the Estate of William Van Antwerp. JSSXL. JuiJ Sd. A. D, 1562. TRUSTEE’S SALE.—Public no tice Is harebv given that I. L. C. Paine Freer. Trustee Ac. will’. In pursuance with tu« powtra In a Deed Ol Trust dated Amrir.t Ist I*o. '-xec'ited by Charlotte Hems and Charles H. Born*, her husband, pell at public auction lor cash to the bldaer at the north door of the Court House In the Utv of Chi cago County of Cook, and State of Illinois. Lot three (3) In Block fifteen (15). In the Canal Trustees bub division of the west half and the west half of the north east Quarter of Section seventeen (17), In Townsh.u thli tv-nlne <su), North Kanse fourteen Third Principal Meridian, in said City of Chicago, Said sale to be made on tne2l?t day of August, A.D 1£62 at ten o’clock In the forenoon of ealdday. lew, L c PAINE FREER. Trustee.&c. Chicago, June iSlh, ISSi. je2i-s!S-i-td \.T ORTGAGE SALE.-Whereas, ijJL Richard K, Swift and Uelltua A. Swift, bis and JamcsS.-Jonn?tonandJencyJolm?io!i,his wife.par ty ol the first n&jt, did. bv their certain mortgage dated January lot, A. D.lfcs9. mortgage and cjnvey to the un deißl gnedyViUiam B, Ogden, all the property hereinaf ter described, to secure the p*v,nec; of the principal imiq m »«evfnt» ht® thATiwiod rtoi<«—, pi~h!ctcn ysf* niter date, and interest cn the same as follows:—One thousand four hundred dollar*. payable on the first day of January, A. JJ. IS6I and from and after that pe riod semi annual interest on the salu sum of seventy-, five thousand dollars, at the rate or eft percent per manm i payable on the first day of January and July In each j ear, for eacb of which amid payment* of late rest seldtiwtft and Johnston gave their note to the an d'-Tsianed. bearing eves date with aala mortgage, pay able at his cilice in Chicago; and did in and byatid mortgage provide that If default shoal* be uxadefn the payment of any one of said instalment? of Interest at the time and tn the manner In said vromii*sory note* given for said latereet provided, and the uot should remain due and unpaid lor the space of one year alter the same became due, then at tbs election of the un dersigned sals principal sum secured by said mo* tgoge shotudat otcebecomeand bedne anapayaole. any thing in the cote given for the same to the contrary notwithstanding, said election to be made at the time of or at any tune attersuch default, without notice. And That in that caiclt should be lawful for the under signed to enter Into aad upon ell and singular the premises In said mortgage described, and to sell and dispose of the same or any part or parts thereof and all benefit and equity of redemption of said party of the first part to s»ld mortgage, their heirs, executors, administrators, oevisees or asugns therein, at public auction, having first given sixty daj« notice of the : tlme and place of said sale by publication in any dally newspaper published Is Chicago. „ And whereas, said Instalment of Interest, amounting to tbs sum of one thousand four hundred dollars, that beeamedue by the term* of said mortgage on toe first day of. January, A. D ISSL as also the note given for - thaasme. whs not paid when the same became doa and is not yet paid, and more than a-year has elapsed since the same beeamedue; and L said william B. Ogden, have elected and do elect that the priodOhl sum pc cured by palo mortg age. to wit, the sum of e-cv- ai..ii«anA dollars, abiU Wcome and he duo and payable. . .And whereas, thereto now one saa unpaid cn said mortgage said principal sum of seveutv-fivc thousand doLara and said sum of one thousand'lonr hundred dollars that became due thereon as Interest on the first day of January.-A. D. ISSI, aad also the instal*. ire Aof interest amounting to the sura of two thous and two hundred and fl*ty dollars, which became ddh thereon on thefintdayof July. A.D ISSL. And also, the instalment of interest amount!* g to the last above named sum. which became doe thereon on the first day ol J inusry. jl. D. ExSL being in the aggregate the sum of eighty thousand nine hundred dollars Now. therefore, public notice is hereby given tout L the poweti and pfevfalonaln said mortgage contained, bave entered into and upon all and singular the prem ises described In Raid mortgage, to-wit: Lota aixty-one. (SlXrtxtv-two OX). ElTty-lhree (*}).slxtv-foar ("4), six ty-Sve(fcs),slx^r-slr(&s).stitysoven *57), slxcy-eighl («), alxry-nlne (©). tsveuty (7C t ) seventy one pi), sev-; entytwo (SSi, seventy.three <73). «e*entyf«nrfM.) seventy-five (73>. seven tv-elx (T5). t seventy-seven (77), v.renty eight (78). sevuaty-uine (73), eighty (BO), elgaty oce (M). eighty-rwo ()S4>. elghtv-tbroe (<i), eighty-four (H); (S3), elt-ntr-nli,(-a)lad Btaenvc»).ii:l in B onsonV Addition to Chicago; said lots being bounded on the east by- CUrbatreet, on the north by gcfcffler street, on the west b? Wells street and on the south by Goethe street and Ddng all the lots included - within and between wd streets, all situate, 171*2, SD &' belnainthe city of Chicago, conaty of Coox aad State I win. cm-Maudsr, day oi August next. (August. A.D. BK) forenoon, onsaldpremiseilnpuisaanw oT««• > power*andprovMouvOrnld uq sell the said premises ® said b*!n* the same premises n&o™ fltand tqulty of af : Blchard K. 4. Swift; his wlft. and James S. Johußtenand Jeimy Johnson tl» w\lA thMr helrs. execntoia admlsiscracora. «RViseea-or nvslgns therein,. atpubllcauodon to the highest ladder for »ah. - ftkld mortgage was files for record In the Becordera OSes of said Cook County- o* the twenty-first lay of ' A-P.igg. and duly recorded 1a 500i44 o f iLfortaneg. MOTtßaßeht-r" . “-va y , WTT,t.TAM R. Of?OWN. pitcaeo. JeneifiZlflOL 'THE HIGHEST PRICE PAID J- FOB GREASE BUTTER, By PIERSON j* COLLETT, Butter MoehMtsand o?mwlwdnp Ut^arbotnstreet. Jyl2-6*JMn* 3Kantoaas; /CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & \j QUINCY BAILKOAD. - Passenger Trams leave and arrive at Chicago a? fol lows :—Day Express leavesat&OO A. M.andarrives at fcOO P. 3L. (Sundays excepted); Mght at P. M. (Saturdays excepted), arrives at fei. AJ. (Mondaysexcepted.) Aurora Accommodatlonleavti at WOP. M. and arrttbs at 9:10 A. M-^(guntoysex cepted.) C. G.HAMMOND. Supt. Detroit and chioaqo . EAILBOAD LETS, Os and alter Mondat, May sth, the Michigan Bostft* em Railroad Company will run a passenger Use D 6» tween Chicago andDeirolt. via Adrian, without cha ng* ol cars, mafeg g direct connections with all Canadian lines from Detroit. - - Elegant coaches, with raised ventilated root ash Salisbury Dniters, will run through on day trains. Luxurious sleeping cars, of the latest imprcvemsrV Will run'through off Eight train*. The distance » ahorterthaa by any other line The time and ratei of will be the bstbo as on other routes. Leave Chicago at 7A. M. and 7® P. M. Arrive IB Detroit at Pr4OP.II. and 7 A_iL Arrive In Chicago a* i! 3P. M- and 8:U A. JL . . Tickets sold at all the prtrdpal ticket officee in the Northwest, Also, at the Company’s Office. 35 ClarX street, snd at tb« Depot, comer von Barca and Sher* ssn »tre*tn, Chicago. H. A SAWYER, mi s-rST-Sm General Passenger A cent. 18 01 WINTER AKRAHQI» Uicblsan Semnern and LaSe Skss* BAILEOAD. on tzul ensr SUNDAY. Not. Sd. and unta farthtf loUcA. Crains will leave Chicago u follows; Esw Yosx Dxt Rxpxxsa; 700 A.M. dally (except Sunday), via Old 2CC6IMB Koadjconnects» at Elkhart with tram ouiu* Line Hoad, at "White riceon with train for Ting nivers. at Adrian withtralnsfor Jackson, at Adr • LineJnactJonwHb Mat for ¥«roe acd ife - trolt - ■ ' yraxr Expbxss: t 7 «P. M. dally (axeept Saturday), ns Old H)«M> Xan at Air-Line J unction sM trains for Detroit. .drams arrive from the East at I(h5S A. 3C andlL J, & Ai. U>e above tralua make regular connection K - 3aff’ala- WTageaw FftTla, Albany. New TO»2b -lesion. Fhlladelphia, Baltimore, snd all points Kart. Luxurious new Sleeping Coaches, with an >«c<Ue% imorovcmenta, run between Cleveland and without chance on Night Trains Tbroaeh Tickets can be obtained at the Compaaft Office. ?MXark street, under the Sherman House, or IS tho Depot, corner of Vsa Buren snd Gherman Btna& -JDHND.CAMPBELL, H. E. SAWTEST^ Geal Supt, Toledo. O. -- Western AA MICHIGAN CENTRAL HAIL. UX * SCAD. 9BEAT CENTRAL BOUTS TO KSW YOSX, SBH • ENGLAND AND TEE CANADAS. Gffafcd after SUNDAY. Msy 4th. 1362. Trains leaTß :~e Grtat Central Union Depot, foot of Lake street, as follow*; ".-00 A. af.—(Except Sunday) amva at Detroit at SHC P. M, Sncpensicn Bridge at 4bS A. M_ Al bany 3JO F. IL, New York 9ri» P. B<» ton 11® P.M. 7® ?. Si.—(Except Saturday), arrives at Detroit at feft A. U. Sospecslcs Endgf SOS P. Albans 5-0-» A. it. Hew York A. M. Bc«0B P. U, Cttclnaatl Train* via M. C. RaHrosd leave Chicago at • 7® A. M_ Mall Train 7® P. U., Fast Expresr. nrrlv»» la Chicago at Sds A- iL. Fast Express; at SdSP. 3L. Night Mall Tram. t The 7® -■ M. Train leaving Chicago runs throetc Cincinnati without change ofcsxs or baggsre. Huttac’s Patent VestlLitors are rue on D&v ExproJE Tiaiau Potent Sleeplar Cars on all night trams. g3T Baggage Checked Throagh._grt TESoren Ti casts for sale in allprmdpai H&Urccd Ckficealnthe West, at the General Office, comer 1*29 ssc Dearborn streets, (under the Sr*raor.t S,o u*x) Cht eago, and at the Depot E. N. KICK, General Superintendent J. W. SMITH. Western pa.-<a. Ag% /CHICAGO AND MILW AtIKES \J RAILROAD. Fob MnvArm La Cunsax. StTfatl, Csnxaaai fIKBL'nt.AfTP IXTXXIfUZnATZ POTSTS. «»a ecu alter mONDAT. Hay SUI 3352. kPad4Cu«« Trains will leave me Depot; corner of w«sc KuuQb Canal streets, (Sundays excepted.) as follow*: 9:15 A_ M. and 9.-0 F. SL. and anlva si Milwaukee ft) 12H5A.M., and 1233 P.M. Trains arrive at Chicago at 11:30 A. M. aa£ accobbosatioh Tsars leaves CUae# at P. M, and arrives at Chicago at Sj'C A 5L my 3 S. C. BA1J) fY£N. SuperUHeodaiil. O.REAT CONSOLIDATED \A • LESB!! UlECLflft ATI OKiCAGi) AB-USS KiUSQAS, Forty Miles tbs Shortest Bouta to Cincinnati. Irdlaiu polls and LouifTffla. TEAINH Is&va "Weat Side Union Depot, Cb’escCi daily, as follows: 7.COA.M.—Day Mall (Brscayi Express (Saturdays exceptedj Arrive at Cincinnati at S.SO a m. and 9.00 pic Soctkjks CoHMKOTiozfB— ar*> Un. Columbus; Madison. Lawrence?urz. J eSasot>Pl% and all points in Central and Southern Indiana; aUo tor Louisville, Frankfort. Lexington, ar.dall point? South, £j»eTiax L-t«f?fThTncwa—at Aaacrecn iu>cts:eninou4 lor Focua Urbua. Dayton, 2enm, Columbus, and aa points In Central and Eait&rn Otic. Connections at Cincinnati for. Hamden. Harriett®, Farkersburf, and poUte cc the Ohio Klvsv. . • Through tickets by thlr line css oe obtained at an principal Hail road Offices In the Northwest and at ta* Company's OCice. No. ISS Eaacolph street. Cl:icac«* funder the «hc*vnaa Bouse.) JOHN FK&NIfT, Gen. Richmond, Ind, CHAS. FOLLKTT. Gen. Ticket Agent, Chi-ugo, 18, SAM A LETVIS, TVea’nFass. Agent. Chicago. CHICAGO AND NORTHWSfffi}- \J SEN RAILWAY. For RocSfOtd, Beloit. Fresp*rt. Jacccviiie- Gale**. Dunleith, Madison. Prairie duC-brnn, Fond duXac, Ork>- kosh. Vi atertown, Green Bay. Berlin. Eipon. La Crows. It. PauL&c. TKAINfi LEAVE AB FOLLOWS: Day Express'.'.SO A. M./ Through without ct3Ssa Nlgtt *• WC P. il. J of enra. connecting at Prairie du Chlen and La Crcm with sicameri io< fit Paul. <tc. Trains arrive at 9A5 A. M. hcu 6; i P. M. - GEC. L. DUNL&T.ICpt. 8. PBWrrrEQßiwsog. Gen. Ticket Agank oclLl pTJICAGO AND ROCK ISLAND RAILF.OAD.—Chanob OPTntB. Summer Arrangemeiit, conimcncmg Sunday. May lit, * c (vL Trains leav-» Chicago. I>ay Express and Mail, Sun days excepted, WW a. xg Night K*pro«a, gururdays ex>- ceptea. WW i*. at.; Joliet Accorotrodatioc. Sundays ex cepted. 5:001*. x: Through Trains arrive fiiic a. h. ao* and 6^ip. Mg Joliet ACco.xnio j'iMca. 943 a. at. JOHN F. TRACT. GeaT SapT. 13ITTSBUKGH, FT*. WA7NX X CHICAGO RAILWAY. FuaenxerTrainc leave the Depot, corner cl Magaje «ad Canal atreelc. Chicago, dally at 7:oft A. M. Fast Line, (except aundataj i*. M. Night Exp’-fifi". (except SaturdtjU WPV ftpeoTPTatvrwtior- VSV?flr*hVa- .—, Arrive at ChlcavA * Jot Boston, New Vort, Ptuladelpa.lS TSAtTKaOKB-, WiSHWGTOB, Ksrrisbnrg and PUtsbnrsi-l A2ao—Fob aiaast. Btrrralo. i/uNLinr. CtxrxXA&& COLTTJ£BT:S. CDfOZNKATL DaSTOH, Ana «Ii Intermediate Station* bctt-caa Chicago s£t the cities above named. SlsspSnjt Cars oa night trains, and baggage bj *S* ifj cite checked throngh to all Eastern Cities. Cut one change of cars between Chicago and a. Vji; Yl a Allentown on train leaving Cb'oago at T;SO P. iL Tickets for sale at the principal Ticket Offices Is at the Company’s Office, comer of Randolph Si* Dearborn and o£ the Delon Depot. West C 3£« Chicago. WM. P. EKIKM 9«a, PdL AgOt. a. Holliday. Ticket Agent. 1862. THE FESSSTLTASI& CENTRAL B. S«c 38 S SUlce Coahle TncX, (with us eonnecaosi^ ES A FIRST-CLASS ROUTE. FOB SAFETY, COMFORT AND BSTBSIS To All the Kan tern CUlci! THE TRACK IS STONE AHD ENTIRELY FEES FROM DUST I TERES DAILY TRAINS FBCK PITTSBTOGH TOPHIIABELPBX* (with close connections Dorn ‘Western Cities,' »t.t. connecting direct to nsw ycssj THROUGH PHILADELPHIA, e-irt close connections at Earriabureii for >»LTEgOaS ASD .21 jy4-sC3$-6w FEOM PITTSBURGH TO NEW YO2. E One tral° runs dally (150 mlleej VIA ALLENTOWN. WITHOUT CHANGE OF C s fi. Arriving iirante of aD other Eos"*?- EIGHT DAILY TRAINS FROM pmtADELPBIA TO HEW TOSS', Hcfcet, for gals to Bcotoa by Boat mSBaIITSe-SS Boat Tickets good on any of the sound lines. FARE TO ALL POINTS AS LOW AS ANY BOwTS SLEEPING CABS OB NIGHT TRAINS TO PHILADELPHIA, SEW YORK A KiLTIS^a 3ACGA9R CHECKED THROUGH AND TRANS. fSKRSD FREE. UREieHTSt Bi Ihls Boole ol all descripaontcac be rtf Warded tu and from Philadelphia. Bow Turk. BotMS o: Baltimore, to and from any point os the Bavlrcsd of Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, Wisconsin, lowa* or Missouri, sr R*.ix«osb pibxct. v __ Tie Fennsylvama Central Bali Road also conuecit 3E Finsbunth with Steamers, by which Goods eanbe iSf warded to any part on the Ohio, Muskingum. Kdß* tacky. Tensessee, Cumberland, Illinois. XLwViai.-ipL Wlscousln, BUwJrtixl, Kansas, Arkansas and Red Slvvra; and at Cleveland, fianduakr and Chicago with ltGS9> ers to ail Perm oo the North-Western Lakes. Merchants and Shippers entrusting the traiiportßs Uon- et their Freight to thL- Company, can raiy stifil confidence on its speedv transit. .TEE RATES OF FREIGHT to and from any e«=at tit the West hr the Pennsylvania Central EallEcw. in xl At-t. TUCKS A 8 7ATOSAHZ2 AB AXX CHA36X2> 4V OTBK3 BAIL KOAD OOMSOHL &T Be particular and mark packages “ tia Pssa't CmiTSAL a, B." _ - - _ For Freight Contracts or Shipping Direction* tyy* to or address either of the following Agents £. & ft CO-Chicago, Dlinoia. ' D. A. STEWART, Freight Agent PStaburs* CLARKE A GO- Transfer Agents, Plttabnrsfc, H. W. BBOWN ft CO- Cincinnati. Ohio. B. C. MELDBUM ft CO-Madison. Indiana. . J. B.MOOKE, Louisville, By. W. W. AXEMAN ft CO- Evansville, £a<L B. F. SAS&, St. Louis.34o. W. H. ft 5. L. LANGLEY, Gallipoli* Ohlfc . C- B. NEAL, Parkersburg. Virginia. .. HALL* CC-Marietta, Ohio. « tx FIERCE ft CO- Zanesville*. Ohio* McDOWELL ft McCOLM, Portsmouth. tnu4 : 3. McNEELY. Msysvills, Ky. J. P. JOHNSON. Ripley. Ohio. B. a MHJJBllUtGeaeralltaTeiliaEAgSfil K* t 1 . - Esntt aadwert. LITE STOCK* DroyerftedFaanera will fina this thesrea «TjSl . tagoous route fbr Live Stocks. Capoctosa watered and supplied with every convenience, aZr} been opened on this line and its connection*, and attention la paid to their wants. From 1 Harrlabw*?*. where will be found every convenience far feeding an» i«mtiag r a choice Is offered of the FDiLADBLF3Idu SEWTOEKand BALTIMOREMARKETS- Thll-VUi also -be found the shortest, eidfest and mpst dlrsa to New Tcri T rvxa.,A2aatawn*-i** n’l Altoona fa. -•• LTI. HOtIPT, GcaT Ticket Agent. Philadelphia* . g. h. HOUSTON. g«m Freight Agent, ghtfartnlgMTJ « fal-tITMT - ■ ;■ - riATJENA A CHICAGO UNIGSS \JI BAILBOAD.-StoociK AKKAirexmrr. On and alts. MONDAY; Mayi2th,;lSß4 ttataiWSl ®®fi&lSK2aßa gS£SS! «*>“« °* B “ M. KSX ter Asset. T* Chicago and st. Louis BA3USOA3> UNB. CHANGE 8F TIHB. Ato. Trwtfia arrive from bt. Louis at 5d5 A. M, and JoUrtand WGmlagtoa Acoommodattosi lesTs9'®J* 1562,