Newspaper Page Text
gpmal notices. Batohelors’a H»ir Dye I The best fatbeworld. WILLIAM A.BATCHELOB’SceIefin* ted Bair Dye produces a color not to fie distinguished tom nature-warranted notto injure the hair In the east: remedies the 111 effects ol‘bad dyee.anainvlgO' cates the hair fbr life. Gbxt.Bkd orßrorrßaiß in* Irtantljrturns & splendid Black or Brown, leading the Btifeft&pdtteattiftiL Sold by ill Druggists, Ao. c-gayoilfcfelgeiiulne is signed William A. Batchelor oa Bhe four tides of each box. Factory.No.BlßarclEy-st, Slew Torkftl»te<Sß Broadway and 16 BontD J yWTDMy Eg” HEADACHE (—Peak’s Head ache Remedy 1b the THING. No lady or gentleman Win ever be without a Bottle after once using It. Price 25 cents. Bold by Druggists generally. Whole- Bale Agent for the North west B. B. LANDOS, 88 Lake B&eet, opposite Trcmont Souse, Chicago. JeTT-efiMm JSg* Ur. James, formerly of grew Orleans, has arrived in Chicago and permanently located at 86 Randolph street, between State and Bear- Dora streets, Chicago. HI. KT!CIALIBT.--Cnreß old Chronic and recent disen p Bse the testimonials of the medical fraternity, Cfedicsl Journals, the almost entire press of Bib Couth. Office Honrs—From9A.2Ltniß Ooamltsttons Inviolable 3v3S.sßß«a Lyon’s Magnetic Insect Powder, Sorted for 33 years and grow* In faror. It kills and exterminates Boachea, Bed Bugs, Ante, Fleas, Hoths Cloths, Fare and Furniture, Garden Insects, «o. AS genuine bears the signature of E. Lyon, and Is not BOtaonons to persons or domestic Berwvre ol counterfeits and Imitations. Lyon's Powder fcffls an Inse cte In atrtoa, Lyon’s nils are death to rats and nice. Cold everywhere. D. s., SOS Broadway, New Tort. tnyl&-i*94dn S.—T.—lß6o—X.—Drake’s Plant*- riCN BlTTEßS—Exhausted Nature’s great restorer. She; Invigorate, strengthen and purity the system, Bure Dyspepsia, Aridity of the Stomach, Diarrhea, *e A perfect Appetizer and Tonic. They Invigorate tee Dohy without stimulating the brain. They are com* pound cl purest. Croix Bum, Boots and Herbs, and «re recommended by all who use them. Adapted to fihe cld or young,- hut particularly recommended to She weak and languid. Soldby all Druggists, Grocers, Hotels and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE * CO., jnylft-rtStSm 202 Broadway, New Tort. the cheapest and best Hair -Jewelry.Wigs,Braids, Curls, Frizzets. etc. go to A. OBSWALDr. 100 lake street, and examine those won rierful productions of art. No scrutiny can detect the •••-starial from the natural when adjusted tc the head. HRtr Jewelry contains always the newest Paris atv;es. ell articles Will give entire satisfaction. cdweiiy QATABBHi CATARRH 1 3E, EEELYE’S XIQTTED C STARES REMEDY, A sere cure for -C VTAKIIH or COLS IN THE SEAS. It Is easier to cure Catarrh than Consumption, and by curing the Ural we ]u event the latter. Pereooß should enderetand that the belter tray to core Consumption is to prevent it. • . „ The symptoms of Catarrh as they generally appear are at first >ery slight Ptrsone find they have a cold and find that they have frequent attacks, and are more erosanvc to tlic changes ot temperature. In this con dition the nose nmv Ik* dry, or a slight dls-cargc, tldn erad acrid, afterwards breaming thick and adhesive. As the htcomes chronic the discharges are In creased in quantity, and changed In quality; they are now thick and heavy .and are eh her sot rid of by mow ing tiie nose, or els- thrv fall into the throat and are 2ujwl-cd or coughed oil’. The secretions are off-nslvc, causing a had breath; the voice is thick and nassal; the eyes arc weak. the sense of smell Is lessened or dc errored; deafness frequently takes place. _ „ By the aid of tne LIQUID CATABRH REMEDY, all Shew symptoms can he en'ecftially removed. Price oi the Catarrh Remedy. £5.00— sufficient for use cue month, with full :mo clear directions, s-iut by ex press. Office, 182 South Clark Street, (TTp-Stalrgj Address Dr. I>. H. SEELYF, sull-MSq-Jm Post Office Box 4351. Chicago, Di. To the Nervous of "both sexes. —ABeßrcd Clergyman baring been Tettwsd to health tnafew days. alter*iuanyyei.rsof great lofferlug.ioWill tncto assist others by sending (iree) ja the receipt ofa po?t-paid directed envelope, a copy 3fth» nrescrijv ft on used. Direct the REV. JOHN M. OAGSALL.I& Jfoitoa street, Brooklyn, New York- ie9-el-im TWSKNTERV AND DIAR JLs BHEA—Certain cure. AIM), tbe WESTERN tINIMKNT, Fo? Rheumatism. Sprains. Bruises. &c. No family of IcdlT-cu’il should be without it. W. HUTCHINGS, JcS-rSiMSm Sole agent for theWcst, S4 Dearborn-st JTNOW THYSELF! Ds-. J. H. McCAT'm, ffHTSICIAS AND SURGEON. detedatO a certainty fke true condition and locality of diseases, by ft simple Sad scientific method. without asking any questions. fSieeascsof the Throat and Lungs treated by Medical inhalation and Constitutional treatment. Diseases of Uie Heart, oi the Stomach, oftke Drop w, St. Vitus’ Dunce, Caneere, chronic Ulcere, Khenma nzm, Neuralgia. Paralysis, Fistula, Spasms, Tits, Dis eases of tbe Eye and Ear. Skin Die jases. Rapture Dlar ctusa. In short, aft curable diaumes of longstanding rured in the shortest possible time. We are not a *» cure-air doctor, and will undertake no case without 6C*tr prospect of recovery. Female Diseases, Ac., fteb as BappreMdons. irregularities, Falling ot the <VaiPb. Tumore, ail Urii.»ry Diseases, Nervous Debility, rtdnfoi or Difficult Menstruation, Barrenness. Ajl. will fie speedily cured, without poisonous drugs, injurious 45r unpalatable medicine* af any kind. Save no deli- POCf in calling, no difierence vnat year troubles may h&. Tbe afflicted are cordially Invited to call and tat Isjytfcenwsiy**. surd Examination* Fret of Charts. AH ccr^raunlcation* strictly confidential. Office In dbeStreet Raliro*-d Building, comer ol State and Ran ekOlnb streets. Officeboarsfrom I*A. M.tUlfiP.M. Address J. H. JMcCANN, M. D- Chicago, Hi. Letters to oiy address, inclosing a stamp, will receive prompt attention, or far two stamps 1 will send a pamphlet ne. seia-triy Im port-ant to Eemaleti. Btan’aPflia. The combination of ingredient* in these PHIS are the xesnlloraloiiganieiteoeive practice. Tneyaresalld in their operation, and certain In correcting all Irregn* /aritlea. rainftil Menhtraations. removing all obstruc- Sdni, vhetberfn>m coid or otberwlee. headache, pain in the side, palpitation ofthcheart, waltus. all nervous affections, hmerics. fatigue, pain In the back and ■flmbe. which arise from latcrrnp ttos ol nature jnt» CHEESEJUTi’S FILLS eras the commencement of a new era in the treatment Ot these irregularities and obstructions which have fy-naignen to a I'BKMATtrctf geavk. No female pan enjoy good health unless she is regular, and when ever aa obstruction t afrps place the general health be gin* to decline. DR. CHKESEMAIPS FILLS fje the moat effectual remedy ever known for all coxa- Slnlats peculiar to FbmaWw. To all classes they are ivaloatile, n-utrexxo. with osrtaiktt. pbsiodioizi eBGTTLASiTT. Thev ate known to thousands, who havo used them at different periods thro nghoct the conntry, feavlagtbe sanction ofaomeor the mObtSXZHRNT PHYS ICIANS IN ARXBICA. KXVLICIT DZEECTTOTTS. STATING WESN THBT SHOULD Hot »k used. vrti* each Box—the Fmca okx Dollar sks Box, containing irom H) to 6s Pills. Fflla mad promptly, by remitting to the Agent (9 Lake street Sol - - bt DBroniers gevsrallt. in Chicago at manu&ctora prices be LORD r|R. n. s. professor .8-/ of Lung and Fcmaledlscases, may be consulted his Rooms at the Sherman House, on Fridays. May l-tt- June 25th, August Ist and September 12th. Also, swollen at the NatiuDnl Hotel, on Saturdays May 10th, j'ene 21st, August 2nd. and September pith. Patients -Should call early, office hours from 10 to 12 A. iL, and from 2 to 4 P.M. Consultsition free. Address Post Office Bo* 2975, Chicago. Illinois. Dr.D.’s ’Lectures to ladles and gentlemen sent free on receipt of three cent Hemp. myJW-rTn-Sm MEDICAL COLLEGE, CHICAGO, XLXi. The Twentieth Annual Sessiot will commence Octo ber Ist, 1562, and continue sixteen wetkfl. F AC ULXt: 3>anlel Bralnard, M.D..,...., .....Surgery. ■j.V.Z.JhMiey, M. D—.......... ...........Chemistry. J - . W. Freer. M D Institutes. j. Adam* A leu. M.D Practice. jt,L. R«a. M. D Anatomy. He Laekie Miller, M. D Obstetrics. Kphralm Icpais. M, D... .Materia Medica. • Edwin Powell. M. D Demonstrator, Fepß—s4o Dissecting and Matriculation Tickets •each $5. Boflid $2.50 to $3 per week. For further Information or circolar.addres* E. L. RE A, Secretary, P. O.Box 583. aaM-tStO-atd<w -\TAN NORMftN INSTITUTE v An English und Fiecch £aml>y, and day school •fforyoungladles, Nos. 3 and 5 West JBth street. New ■Jork, will re-open on __ THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18th. Tor foil particulars r*o d'cnlar. for which address Ter. D. C. Van NORMAN, Principal. aulS-tfsaSt-ew-imwas -NORTHWESTERN UNIVER EITT.-rTfcc nest tc-m commences Thursday, September4th. Board tap Iratelamlllcsfrom f2.2ito **2JSO per week. Hcaithfuln-M cf location, freedom from unmoral Influences, oxte '-filve Cabinets of Scolo fj and Natural History .valuable Library and thorough courrecf study. pre*ciittoe best xaclHtirs to sfudeuts. The Preparatory School, connected with the Univer sity, is In a flourishing condition. Send for catalozaea. _ HENRY fl. NOYES. Evanston, m M Aug. 9,1862. anll-W«-2w Monticello female semi- NARY.—TIic 2 r lh term of this Institution will -commence on the llrth ofSentcmber. Applications for atdmJpslon should he made to the Pnocipil. Miss TIHJLEN A FOBKS. Godfrey. Madison county. Illinois, who wm frmtlßli catalogues gratuitously on snplica. -tlon, by mail or otherwise. aui} t«»-2w T ABIES’ SEMINARY, DIXON, JLd ILL.—Opens its period year. Wednesday. Sentem- Tier 10th. Pnptlt* board Id the Institution. BcaMand -tuition J9O per year. A Normal Deportment ■will bo -added the present rear, i or clrcnlarnaiafesa bu6-MM-£w S. A. COOLER. Principal. “PITTSBURGH FEMALE COL _I LEGE. Her. L C. PsEaroros. A. M. President. BcttmzsUined CoiWeintneState—FUteea Teachers. Attendance iwt year 246. Superb brick ball dings. ■Thorough and extensive ccurse of study. Telegraphing end Organ Husic Taught, FORTY I)OLLMHp-rte?mfor boarding, light. Ac. yall twin commenc-b Sept. 2d. Send to tat-President •ior a Catalogue, aul-CSWm 1L SIMPSON. President Trustees. INSTITUTE AND CLARK SEMINARY. Fall Term opens Aup ntt tsth. It is one of the znort successful schools in the West sand fully entitled to the large patronage it has recelr wd. It has a large and abie corps cf teachers, and Is located in one of tnc healthiest and most pleasant voansin Illinois. Toe standard of sci olwscip Is high, the building the finest* f the kind in the State. Thefa 'stale department. rflV-rsßpcclallnducements. Expenses •vary from g!2C tu &iOO per year, according to ths Btud- Jea. Liberal discounts to clergymen. For Clrcnlais »ddreas Bev.G. W. QUEBBAU. A. hL, Aurora. HU sstoia. ly^s<l3-im LIBERAL EDUCATION wilt ■ military Instruction and BrOL WESTERN UNION COLLEGE and MUJTi ACAD KMT, at FULTON, ILL on the Missbsippl ‘.Blvcr.wlH open its second year. Sept. Sd IB6i, -with re :-gnlar Collegiate Academic and Primary Classes. TTbe College tas a corps of twelve experienced teach •ersundl'Ciurera. thoron»h appointments, the finest buildings in the West (cost, vntu furniture, •si2OOoo).an ample ana attractive Military Park, an -excellent and welt furnished Armory, a fine Gymua 'fwn. and many other advantages which should claim The attention of parents and guardians. The largest institution of It* cJh*? and character in the Union. ■jLOßtrnction in Preach. German, and Book-Keeping free r%o Cadets. also in aetilleby and Znyastst (heavy «nd light) Tactics Zouave and Fancy Drills and ■ OVTprAfiTICS. Under au olhcer of D. 8. A. Cad eta dress 8011001 year for board, -.famished room, fuel, lights, washing and tuition lu -every department, payable Quarterly in. advance. Cadets frwmsbcoad. room and board under the ■<»«<» Toof with and the constant »re of the teachers. For Circulars address D. 8. COVERT, FnJton, “VOTING LADIES SEMINARY, X AT T.ake FOREST. ILLINOIS, The fourth -year of this Institution, oor ducted by Rev. B. Dickln man, D-D„ and daughters, will commence on THUBS- X)AX. the 4th day of Keptsmoer next and with ample. -Arrangements cor the c*. mlort and Improvement of she pupUa. For circulars, and all desirable information, mdcrem tb*»nder«lvtjed B,DICKINSON, X*iftFoßeS,XlL,duly8 l im faulting atm lEieliangc.! ■yAN- VLECK & TUCKER, Eo. 4 Broad Street, Sow York, BANKERS AND DEALERS -15- Government Securities, American Gold) Borneo tic and Foreign Exchange* [anH-tSTt-Sm] J. T. TAX TLSCK. MECHANICS’ SAVING BANK XVX OP CHICAGO Vo, 8 Clark Street, 6 Boers above South Water. This Institution will receivefor Saving, earns of one dollar, and upward, from Mechanics, Laborers, mar ried women and others, noon which Interest will be paid when left for a stated time. Accounts opened with Corporations. Societies and Individuals. 6lgt>t Drafts lasurd upon all the Cities of Fur ope end Eastern States. Highest prices paid for Foreign Drafts and Coin. CHAR. T. BOGGS, President. L.E. ArsXAimgs. Cashier. mylS-riM-iy Tie merchants, farmers AND MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, No. 9 Clark street. Sherman HonseßaUdlng. Chicago. Open daily from fla.m. to 3 p. m., and every Tuesday and Thursday, from Sp.m. to 8 p. m. Six per cent. Intercut paid on saving*. Incorporated IS6U DißßCToßs.—Hon. Francis C. Bherman. Mayor of Chicago; 8. H. Fleetwood, Esq., of the firm of tjgden. Fleetwood A Co., Chicago; Son. wm. C. Gondy, Chi cago: F.-B. Westfall, Bankcr.NewTork; Sydney My ers, of the firm of Sydney Myers A Co- Ban sera. Gales* burg. Hlinola. SYDNEY MYERS. Caahler. »n7-MflMm ■pRESTON,WILLARD &KE AN, X BAKEBBS, Comer of Clark and South Water Sta, Chicago, Illinois. CoHeeQotm made throughout the North-west. Ao counts solicited andlnterest allowed on special deposits. Advances made on Flour, Grain Receipts and Eastern Shipments, Exchange, Gold, Government Securities. Uncurrrnt Bank Notes and Land ■Warrants bought and aold. Claims against the United States collected. D. Pbkstok, Detroit. J. 7. Whiabd, A. Kkat, Chicago. RANKING HOUSE OF CHAPE?, WHEELER Sc CO., Comer of Lake and Lasalle rtreet, Chicago,BL, Transscaa CTiTiTBBAT. BAKBHJG BUSINESS. H. CHAFIfiT, President. aLD.BrcTEAiTAX, Cashier. H. Chapin, South Bend Branch. John B. Howe, Lima Branch. Bank of the State of Indians: A. B. Jndson, Mishawaka, IndU C. T. Wheeler, Chicago, III; Tolmaa Wheeler, dO4 Hiram Wheeler, do. mUZlng&ly Q_ W. WOODS & CO, B&SEEB3 iHD BROKERS, Marine Bank Bondings. Chicago. Dealers In Treasury Kotea, Gold, Sliver. Exchange, Land Warrants, Un current Money. Particular attention given to col lection. »ug6 t372-3m Stock Brokers, New York, STOCKS, BONDS APTOGOIiDBOUGBCE ANB SOLD, At the Board of Brokers, HO. SB Will STREET, HEW YORK. X w. wnXAitD. Qes-r92Q-3ml geo, l. maxwell. J e w. DRSXEL & CO., BARKERS & BROKERS; Ho. 42 South Olark-st., Chicago, DEALERS IN DOMESTIC ABB rOBBIGH EXCHANGE, Stocks, Bask Notes, Land Warrants, Specie, &c* &c- Deposits received. Collections promptly made. Drafts on Ireland, France and Germany, for eme IB stuns to enlL DRAW OK BEAD, BREXED & Co., Sew ’Fork, PREXEL & CO-, Philadelphia, pyS-rIS2-ly DOOLITTLE, Banker and SEALER IH EXCHAHGE, No. 4C South Clerk street, Chicago, UTlnolf. attention given, to ColiectloQSjnyi- r23-iy I>DTTER s KNDIOOTT^'WHri3 dLV HOUBB, BANKERS Ml) DEALERS IN £X»JIIASiJiS. Having leased the office recently occupied by the 'Ei.chance Bank of H. A- Tucker & Co„" are ore pared to do a genera Banking, Exchange and CoUectlox B urine®*. Deposits received, and advances made upon eh'jv menta or produce In store mbSi-nSiWni BANK OF MONTREAL, AGENCY AT CHICAGO, Is prepared to do a General Banking Badness, Baying and Selling Eastern, and Sterling Exchange, Discounting PRODUCE BILLS baaed on shipment*, making ADVANCES OH STORAGE RECEIPTS, Re-payable in CHICAGO, or at other points, Receiving Deposits and Collecting Commeicial Paper. CeLl-a798-ly E. W. WIUiAKD. Agent. Q.ILMAN, SON a CO., BANEEBS, No. 47 Exchange Place, New Tort. Particular attentiondevoted to Western business. Western References.—ilhapln, Wheeler « Co, Cbtchzo, lilloolR; Wisconrin Marine and Fire Insur ance CompHny Bank, Milwaukee; State Bank of lowa and Brandies; state Savings Association, St- Lonls. mhl£-nSIS-ly MERCHANTS’ SAYINGS LOAN iXL * TRUST COMPART, CAPITAL. $500,000. SBNRY FAENAM, Brest, $. A, SSaITH, VlcePreet. L. J. GAGH. Cashier. Xhia Institution will Discount Paper, buy and sell Sxchnage and Coin, and receive money on deport pay interest thereon when left a specified period: will receive money for accumulation, when left for a tanas of years; and. receive and execute Trust* from Courts, Corporations, Individuals and Estates. Office, comer of Lake and Dearborn streets. hISXOTUBB; J.H. Denham, James Goodwin, Henry Famsm, John H. Foster, D.R-BoVt, H. H. Magie, P. Ia Toe. W. B. Dopgetfc A. n. Burley. F. B. Cooley. C.H-McCormick,T.D. Gilbert, b_ a. Smith. mh7-n347-iy •frUROPEAN EXCHANGE. £i BILLS 07 KICBASQE OE Eagtani, France) Germany, Switzerlsadi, And other European Countries, for sale at the Bank ing Office of A. yotfffi BGiSEiaOR« Karine Bank Bell ding. Lake atreet Chicago, HUnoU. fIF" Drafts on Hewn. Baring Brothers A Co., Lon don. and Lifter* of rredlt available anywhere on the Continent granted. deUhTSHy JJAYSNPORT, ULLMANN AO* lAITKEE! AOT BEAIEM OT BXCBAKGX. SANK S9TSB, GOLD, oILVKB, *O. aaireo-iy No. S Clark st. Chicago, HI. IDANK OF AMERICA.—PubIic Notice Is hereby given, that an BQIb or Orculst lag Notes of the «BARK OF AMERICA," Heretofore Incorporated and doing burin ess In the efty Of Chicago, under the general banking laws of the State of DUnou, must be presented for payment to the Audi tor of Public Accounts of said State, at bis office, in the city of Springfield, within three yean from the date hereot or the fund* deposited for the redemption ot said notea will be given up to said bank. Dated this acta day of May, a- d. 13d. GEORGE BMirajfrerident. S. IT. WXULfcXD Cashier. !y?6-gZStoJeb6l TpELEGRAPHUO EXCHANGE X OJ& NEW YORK,. FOB BALE SY BMOST COBB, Telegraph Office. eeot-sGB-iy Coal anh Mlooh. QHEAP FUEL! CHEAP FUEL! The increasing demand for the excellent Coal now being mined by the Eorthem Uliiiois Coal and Iron Com’y, OF Has obliged mo to increase rav facilities for Its supply, and X haveJnst opened another Depot for our Coals on the West Sldc.oa Btach street, second yard noith of Twelfth street. I have the BELECIED LUMP COAL, just the thing for grate;, stoves and stsam pur poeee. 1 desire to call particular attention to our KUT SIZE, For Cooking Stoves and. Ranges* Whishlsbclngnsed by many families incur city, and la pronounced by all a* good as any other coal. I would a:so call the attention of MiuuCacturers, Foundry Men and others interested, to oar Desulphurized Coal, Which is fully equal, if not superior, at the price I offer it, to any Eastern Soft Coals. Lrt consummers come and ssc and leam what we have,end I am satisfied they will find just what they want, and at a nrlc- $i to fSper toe less Hun a- y other good coal in this market orders for any quantity left at cither of my Tarda, on the North Side, foot of La- Salle street, or onthe West Side, on Beach street, will be promptly filled. T .„ n . jjSO tad 2m S. B. WILLIAMS. Agent pOAL! COAL I COAL!—The \_J Scranton, Plttston, WUksbarre snd Shamofcln Coal Companies, of Ptnnsylvanla. again offer their Lump, Egg and flange Coals at Mining prices: frO'cnta and expenses added. They mine all iticlr own Coal, and can sell the same cheaper than Asthrac-te Coal ran bf benght from any other source. Brewers, Bakws and Country Dealers' attention is called to tne above facts. P»c Iron, Lehigh, Blowbnrgh. Briar Hill, Erie, Chip- I*®ya and all otbrr Coals, kept and sold at lowest Wholesale and Retail prices. . o® CCß *s® Madison street, at Madison streetbridge, U4ano 126 Booth Market street, and 740 8-.mth Clark Liberty street, post Office Box 6157. Jy29t!Bs-8m ROBERT LAW. Agent Carriage IHaferrs. CARRIAGE WORKS 44 Adams Street, Chicago. Established expressly for the manufacture ©flight Carriage work, by GEOKGB r»E32TN‘O'SrBR, Who has secured a reputation for superior work ex celled by no manufacturer, either east or west. Mr, Permoyer still devotes his personal attention to every department of the manufacture. The very best mate rhu is used, and none but the most skillful workmen BROWN, recently from New Fork city, attends to the purchase of stock, sales, and genera.' management of the badness. Baring just enlarged the chops to double their form er capacity, a frill assortment of our own manufacture will be kept constantly on band. Special attention paid to themanufacture or Trotting Smlties. Skeleton Bog g.csandevery styleotLlefatCarriages. Orders prompt -filled. Bepalrsneatlr done at short notice. A large aasortmentof WTEBX GARBUOfiI Of the best manufacture and iktogtstyicaselected ex pressly for this market. Just received and constantly oa hand. AIso—HARNESS appropriate for any style oi carriage, of the best material and manufacture. Orders from the country promptly attended to. my37-r67Ma Cf>e Cnitrnt. SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1862. The Bntler-Fbelpa Imbroglio. We referred in our last iain-itotbe matter of difference between Gen. Phelpa and Geo. Butler with reference to the employment of the negro. The partial presentation of the case Ifi incomplete and will give a wrong im pression. The following ia Gen. Sutlers let ter closing the correspondence, irom which it is evident that Gen. Bntler has the best of the argument, as well as the power to enforce it. Gen. Phelps whs Injudicious, and hasty, or he would not have fallen into tide error of judg ment, not his first, if we remember right. BaADQUABTAES, DBFABTxsar or isa Gulp, I Naw Oblbaks, August 3,1864. \ Gbxbral—l was somewnat surprised to re ceive your resignation for the reason stated. "When you were put in command at Camp Parapet, I sent Lieutenant Weltaei, : my chief engineer to make a recosholsonce of the Hues oi Carroltou, and I understand H was agreed between you and the engineer that a removal of the wood betweenLakoPottafisrtraia and the right of your entrenchments vu a neces sary military precaution. The work could not bc.done at that tima because of the stage of the water and the want of men. But now both water and men concur. You have five hundred Africans or ganized iuto_companies. You write me.thia work they are fitted to do. It must either be done: by them or my soldiers, now drilled and dhciplined. You have said'the location is , unhealthy to the soldiers—it is not to the ne gro. Is it not best that these unemployed Africans should do the labor. My attention is especially colled to this matter at the pres ent tlm*, because there are reports of demon strations to be made on our lines by the reb els ; and, in my judgment, it Is a matter of necessary precaution thus to clear the right oi your line, .so that you can receive the proper aid from the gunboats on the lake, be sides. preventing the enemy irom hiring , cover. To do" this the negroes ought to be employed, and in. so employing them I see no evmence of slave driving dr employing you'as & slave driver. The euldlcrs of the army of the Potomac dll tills very thing last Bummer, In front of Arrington Heights. . Are the negroes any hctttr Ilian they ? Because of aa order to do this necessary thing, to protect your front, threatened by the enemy, you tender jour tl* sigoation and ask immediate leave of absence, la. sure you 1 did sot expect this, either from your courage, your patriotism or your good sfckEe, To resign in face of an enemy Has not been the highest plaudit to a soldier, especially when the reason assigned Is that he is crdired to do that which a recent act of Congress ha* specially authorized a com mander to do—*. e. employ the African to do the necessary work about a camp or upon a fortification. General, your resignation will not be accepted by me; leave of absence will net be granted, and you will see to It taat my orders, thus i ©cessrrj for the defense of the city, are faithfully and diligently executed, upon the responsibility that a soldier in the field owes to bis superior. I will see that all proper requisitions for the food, shelter and clothing of these negroes at work ore at once filled by the proper department. You will also send out a proper guard to protect the laborers against the guerilla force, If any there irn-.y i>e iu,the.neighborhood. "Benjamin F. Butler, ■ Major General Commanding. What tUe Soldiers Want In Warm Wea- ther* The July number of Hall’s Jouraal of Health contains the following excellent advice to those who are writing to soldiers in the army “If you write to a soldier, friend or relative in the army, using a common envelope and a sheet of XboleCiip paper, you may also add, Rphont exceeding the weight for which a three-cent postage stamp will pay, as much tea as a teaspoon will take np twice, or as much black or cayenne pepper, such as is ob tained Jrom a good drug store under the name oi ‘capsicum, ’ as you can take np at once with a common teaspoon, and the smaller envelope ol thin paper to hold either. Chewing the tea. a pinch at a time, every hour or half hoar while keeping guard, or under circumstances of great thirst, or ot excessive weariness or si* epiness. will enliven, will modify thirst, wiu invigorate, or will wakea np to a greatfnl extent, considering tbe amount of tea used, one iis perfect safety from ulterior ill results, such es follow the use of alcoholic drinks. “But a teaspoenful of ganuiuo ‘capsicum,’ ia worth tenfold its weight of tea leaves, especial ly m summer, in many ways; for examole: u single quarter ofa pinch will save a man’s lift—that quarter of a pinch being put in a sletpj eenunei’s eye. If it don’t waken him up and everybody else within an Indian yell’s cisi&nce, then it is not a prime article of cap sicum. A single pinch, iu a glass of hat or w Brinish water, will nullify these qualities, and besides satitfy thirst, will invigorate aacl effectually prevent that uncomfortable sensa tion arising from having drunk largely of wa ter. A good pinch, eaten at each meal, or whenever a cup of coffee, or tea water is swal lowed, will always invigorate digestion, aids to prevent acidity, and is, besides, a great antagonist of the diarrhea, dysentery, flux and ‘looseness,’ which are the great scourges of all aimies. A level teaspoon of capsicum daily taken in eating or drinking, or both, or it taken a pinch atfa time during the day or sight, would do more real good, and that with out any ill results, than ten times the cost iu rum and quinine, as preventive against chills and lever. “Liquor and quinine initiate the soldier in to intemperate habits; they will wake up a love, a craving, a slavery to strong drink, which pepper and water will never do. The latterinvigoratcs like blood; the former mere ly excites, then leaves weaker than before. A pinch of capsicum, which is simply pare csyacne pepper, will do a great deal more to ward warming up a soldier, toward invigora ting him, toward keepiog him vigilant on guard, toward modifying thirst or fatigue, than the best glass of grog ever swallowed. Capsicum goes further, and is more efficient for all purposes than black pepper. If by ex press or privately, send half a pound at a time, matin box. If you have nothing else to send in your letters, send a few pins or needles and some thread. Many have seen the time when a string or a pin would have been worth ten limes its ordinary value. Write often to the soldier. Write long letters. Give all the news yon can think of. Let every line befall of love, of kind, affectionate interest and en couragement. Be sure to inculcate a gener ous magnanimity toward those who oppose, eo >s to have as few obstacles as possible to a cordial coming Togcthersgain,when thatgood time comes, as it certainly will, before long.” Frentlceana. [From the Louisville Joumul, 14th } GaLLATIN. George D. Prentice Tout friend Col. John H. Morgan and hia brave followers are enjoying the hospitalities of this town to-day. ’Wouldn’t you like to be here? The colonel sees your offer of a SIOO,OOO reward for bis bead, and offers SIOu,OW better for yottra at abort range. Nash Morgan, whom yon published in your paper some time ago when he was at Knoxville, accompanies his cousin John with 400 Indians. He seeks no scalp hut yours. Go to Jeffersonville. A Sbcbsh Last. “Well, that’s decidedly refreshing. We sup pose that our pirate-admirer, finding himself too busy at Gallatin in the work of plunder to be able to write to us with his own hand as he had previously done, employed one of his fe male votaries of theft and robbery to write for him. We wonder why we have got nothing from the interesting widow who publicly (and perhaps privately), hugged and kissed him at Versailles. The lie-pirates steal lor the she ones, and the she-onea write letters for the he-one. *Tis a beautiful arrangement. The pirate chief's female pet asks If we wouldn't like to be with him in Gallatin. Cer tainly we would if accompanied by loyal troops half equal in number to his own preclou* gang. She says that we have offered a hundred thou sand dollars for her idol’s head, aad that he offers SIOO,OOO better for ours. Undoubtedly John is right in supposing that our head is worth twice as mnch as his own, but then we never offered $100,090 for his. That’s a higher price than we could afford to set upon suet a foul nestof the obscene bird of treason. The intelligence that Morgan's cousin ac companies him with 400 Indians is new to ns, but not improbable. The whooping, scalping and tomahawking savages ara no worse, we presume,than their white b itternnt confederates. As tor the advice that we go to Jeffersonville, we shall perhaps accepv it in due time, for the Jeffersonville penitentiary is the receptacle ot rebel prisoners, and we shall ?robably be disposed to cross the river with ohn and see him properly bestowed and re ceive a (lock of his hair or a thread of bis butternut breeches as a keepsake for our Gal latin correspondent. Tlie Confiscation BUI. [From the London Times, July SO ] In the meantime, what is the occupation of the federal legislators? While their chief general is shut up in a little patch cf ground under the protection of his gunboata, and the pr eident is in tain as-king Tor volunteers to reinforce him, while the reckless policy of the dominant party Is urging even the Uoion’ets of the border States into opposition and rous ing a spirit of desperate resistance la the Southwest, the two houses, as they exist at 'Washington, are engaged in passing what they call a confiscation Ml, devoting to capital punishment eight millions of people! It is impossible to conceive a more impotent dis play of spite than this piece of legislation, which the Republican party would not consent ■ to modify even at the instance of Mr. Lincoln. The idea of farther embittering an already hopeless straggle try threatening the whole Southern population with death, or five years* imprisonment, could enter only into the minds of the men who were so anxious last year to cany out their political theory by executing a privateer’s crew at the certain cost of a bloody reprisal on federal prisoners. At the present time the number of Northern soldiers in the bands of the confederates probably exceeds that of the confederates who are prisoners at the North, and any attempt to add to the hor rors of the war by a series of judicial murders would provoke the just retaliation of the con federates. Happily, it is certain that no ruler will ever dare to put in force this s;an* dalous law. It will only remain a monument of infamy to those who passed it, and be ranked hereafter with the attempted destruc tion of Charleston harbor and -the savage va garies of Gen. Butler. Charleston Mercury is anxious tor & movement towards the North: ‘ Cannot Jackson, or Hill, or Longstreet ad vance on Philadelphia, and draw McClellan away to the defense of the North Cannot Bragg fall on Mitch el, and crush Bdell in de tail or in force? Can we not we time and opportunity to terminate this war by conquer ing a satisfactory pesce f Wh have large, dis ciplined and tried armies. Shall we wait, until the North raises 800 000. more men and drills them to fight ? Or shall they be need actively, while we are nearer a footing of equality id numbers? Chronology «r the War* IB6o* yceflng of Sontb Carolina Secession Con tention Dec. 17, Secession ordinance passed -.. .Dec. 90. l£*>jorAiiderßonnioTcbMefiJrceefromFort Aiouiirie to Fort Snmter (onthcnightvf;DeC.2B. •Tnfap B. F>nyd resigned poaltloa aa secre tary of war......; .-...Pee.90. 1861. Senator BfinjiTDln'B farewell accession speech to tne Senate Jan. 1* Depan ure of the Sooth Carolina Commi ssioners from Washing ton Jan. 4- Bnchanan’e Fast Jan. 4. , Mississippi Convention passed ordinance of secession .. i,:Jan-9. Star of the West fired on fromFk. MoultrieJao. 9. Florida and Alabama passed the ordinance of secession ......Jan. 11. Mr. Seward's speech to tbe TJ. S. Senate .Jan.-12. Haw Tard at Pensacola seUed by the rebels.— Jan .IS. SeMsHonordinancepassedbytheGoorgls * Convention. Jan. 19. JsfL Davis withdrew frpm the Senate.. ti.J&u. 21. Louisiana pasted the ordinance of seces sion ;Jaiu SO IL S. Mint.and Cm tom House’ seised at KewOrleans . - ...Jan. SI. The Montgomery Contention,organized...Feb. 4. Peace Convention organised at Washing-. ion . Feb, 5 Jeff. Davis tlccted president and Alex. H. • Stephens"vice-president of theSouthem Confederacy by the Montgomery Conreo tlon ... - • —Feb. 8. Jeff. Davie Inaugurated • .Job. 18. PiefideiiiLtocoinarriTedto Washington..Feb. 25. a eaas declared out of the Union .Mar. 4. Commifibionere from the Montgomery gov . ermnentleft Washington Apr. 11. Attack on Sumter Apr. 19. President's cailfor 75,000 men.... Apr. 15. Arsenal at Harper's Ferry burnt .Apr. 18. Pint troops arrive at Washington ... Apr. 18. . Massachusetts-troops attacked to Salti more i. Apr. 19. NtwTorkTth regiment started for Wash ; Iflgtoa Apr. 19. Gotport Navy Yard abandoned Apr. 20. 21,DU0 etand of arms taken by Illinois troop from the St- Louis Arsenal Apr. 25. Captnre of Camp Frost at St. Louis by Gen. Lyon MayU. Gen Sutler enters Baltimore..., May 13. Ordinance of secession passed by North Carolina Convention May 20. ■Telegraphic dispatches seized throughout the North May 20. Death fo Col. Ellsworth May 21. Lieut. Thompklns' dash to Fairfax Court House May 81. •Battle of PhllllppL, Western Virginia ....Jane 3. Border State Lonvention met at Frank fort, Ky Jane 8. Battle of Big Bethel June 10. Western Ta. Conven'lonmcl at Wheeling, June 12. Fast Day in the rebel States Jane 13. Harper’s Ferry evacuated June 14. Massachusetts Ist regiment, Col. Cowdin, left Boatonforwar ' Jana 15.' Ohio troops fired on from masked battery at Vienna ■ June 17. Battle of Boonevßle, Missouri Jons 17- Marshal Banearreated June 27. The Snmter escaped from New Orleans. - .June 29. Baltic of Falling Waters in Western Va.. July 3. Congress met July 4. Battle of Carthage. Missouri ...July 6. Battle of Rich Mountain, Western Va July 11. Battle of i 'amah's Ford, Western Va ... .July 11. Advance from Washington toward Manas sas July 16. ‘Battle of Blackburn’s Ford July 38. Battle of Bull Bun July 21. Gen.Fremontarrrivee at St.Louls July 25. Gen. McClellan arrives at Washington ... July 27. Battle of Dug Spring, Mo. Aug. 2. Hampton burnt Aug. 7. Battle of Wilson’s Creek, death of Gen. Lyon Aug. 10. The backs agree to takesso, of gov ernment loan . Aug. 12. Gen. Fiemont’s proclamation Aug. 29. Captnre of forts at Hatieras ’. .Aug. 29. Gen. Grant takes possession of Paducah. Sept. 6. Battle cf Summersville, Western Va —Sept. 10. The president modifies Fremont’s procla-. » maiion — Battle of Cheat Mountain, Western Ya...Sept. 14. Bnrrenderof Lexington,Mo Sept. 29. National Fast Sept. 25. Man- on's Hill evacuated Sept. 28. Wilson’s Zouaves attacked Santa Rosa Island Oct. 9. Attack on our fleet at the month of the Mississippi ... Oct. 13, Battle of Bad's Bluff and death of Senator Baker ... Oct. 91. Zcgonyi’s charge at Springfield Oct. 21. oen. McClellan appointed Genersl-in-Chief.Nov. 1. Gen. Fremont's removal from his com mand Nor. 2. Battle t f Belmont, Mo Nov. 7. Captnre of Port Royal, S. C. Nor. 7. Gen. H&leck appointed as Fremont’s suc cessor Nov. 10. Fast in rebel States Nov. 15. News of the capture of Mason and Slidell. Nor. 16. The rebels attack Fort Pickens .. .Nov. 22 and 33. Congress met Dec. 3. Gen. Phelps landed troops at Ship Island.. Dec. 4. Battle at Camp Alleghany Dec. 13. Stone fleet sunk in cnarleston harbor.... Dec. 31. Battle of Drant-eville ... Dec. 20. News of the settlement of the Trent affair.Dec. 27. 1862. Gen. Burnside’s fleet sailed from Annap olis Jan. 9. CoU Garfield’s defeat of Humphrey Mar shall Jan. 18. Secretary Cameron retires from the Cabi net {about) Jan.l 3. Battle of Mill Spring and death of ZulU erffer ...Jan. S 1 ). Erpuleton cf Mr. Bright of Indiana from tbe Senate (about). Jan. 25. Capture cf Fort Henry ~Peb. 6. Capture of Roanoke island Feb 8. Capmte of Fort Donelson Feb. 16, Nathville occupied (about) —Feb. 25. Battle of Pea Ridge Mar. 6, 7, 8. Destruction of tbe Cumberland and Con gress by the Merrlmac Mar. 8. Manassas evacuated by the rebels Mar. 9. Captnre of Newborn Mar. 14. Evacuation of New Madrid by the rebels (about) Mar. 15. Baulcjat Winchester Mar. 33. Battle of Shiloh or Pittsburg Landing... Apr. 6, 7. Burrendf rof Island No. 10 to Com. Foote .Apr 7. Surrender of Fort Pulaski. Apr. 11. Com. Fanagut runs past Forts Philip and Jackson Apt. 23. Our fleet before New Orleans Apr. 25. Evacuation of Yorktown May 3. Battle of Williamsburg May 6. Gen. Wool takes possession of Norfolk.. .May 5. Battle of West Point May 7. Gen. Hunter’s proclamation issued at Hil ton Head May 9. Naval battle near Fort Wright, on the Mis eippi. MaylO. Tht Mertimac blown up May 11. Robert Small runs the steamer Planter out of charleston May IS. ThcMoultor and Galcnarcpolscd near Fort Darling, on James River May 16. Hunter’s proclamation annulled by the President May 19. Federal victory at Lewlsbnrg, Western Virginia . ....May 23. Col. Henley’s Ist Maryland regiment rout ed at Front Rcyal May2i. Gen. Banks retr. ats through Winchester..May 25. Evacuation of Corinth May 29. Battle ol Fair Oaks or Seven Pines. May 31, June 1. Great naval victory before Memphis June 6. Battle of Cross Keyes .....June G. Bat lc of Port Republic Juee 8. Rebel raid at White House, rear McClel lan’s army June 18. Reverse at James Island, near Charleston. Jane 16. Great battles before Richmond.. Jane 26—July 1. President Lincoln calls for 3 O.COO volun teers July 1. Congress adjourns July 10. The re: els attack Murfreesboro July 13. Gen Pope takes command of the army of Virginia July 14. The rebel iron-clad gunboat Arkansas suc ceeds in passing our fleet to Vicksburg.. July 16. The President calls for SCO,OOO militia..... Aug. 4. The New French Settlement on the Abyssj nlan Coast* The French frigate Corieux recently ar rived at Saez-and there took on board several Somalis and Dankalis, who about two years ago were conveyed to France by Commodore vicomte de Langle in the corvette La Somme, as having been implicated in the murder, on the Somali coast, of M. Lambert, the French consular agent at Aden, brother of M. Joseph Lambert, the ambassador from the 'King of Madagascar, who has jost quitted Paris on his return to that Island- With these native Africans went a French officer, calling him self “Premier Secretaire Interprets (U VEmp:r eur,” who, having carefully surveyed all the Dankali coast from Massowa to Zella, fixed on a site for a settlement at Obokh, near Ras Blr, about midway between Perim and Ta jnrrah. This place the French purchased for SIO,OOO, and hoisting their national flag under a royal salute, they took possession of it in the name of the Emperor Napoleon HL It is said that the Porte has made over to the French the revenues of Zella, till the stun of $30,000, the estimated expenses of il. de Langle’s mission, shall be repaid. fv?°A good story is told of Gottscbalk during Lie late professional tour in Cxnada. At bis concert in Montreal loud calls were made for “Dixie” as soon as be took bis seat. Fora moment tbe pianist was confused} but soon collecting himtelf, be faced the audience and sat in silence lor a few moments with folded arms. 'Wben the tumult ceased he turned to bis piano, and, as one of bis companions says, played “Hdl Columbia,” tbe “S’-ar Spangled Banner,” and “ Yankee Doodle,” as they were never before played oa that instrument. The audience were completely shamed, and ac knowledging the rebuke, were liberal in their applause during the rest of the evening. ittilitarg ©oobs. nUNSI 6UNSI! GUNS!!! vJ REVOLVERS of all kinds, OFFICERS' SWORDS, BELTS, SASHES, *o^ Bowie Kstvea and Military Goods. Gun Material. Sole ai mt for Qaxard’s Powder. All klndi of Ammunl Bon. 6BOSGB T. ABBEY. . apMv 136 Lake street. TO'KOOH WOODS, JIJ (Succeaaor to CHAfi. A. KATGSJ No* 180 LAKE STRESS, j s Gnus* Sportlns ippantos, Fiihing Tackle, Pistols, Bowie Knives, AKB MILITARY GOODS. Fovrder and Sixot* at wholesale and retail. aphp2Q7-lv _ iSgc awb iSar, QURGFRY FOR DISEASES OF JO TBB EYE AND EMl,—Dft. J. B. WaiSZB.llI South Clark ttreet. Chicago, Oculist ana Aunst. gives his undivided attention to this important speciality, and performs all operations connected with Ophthal mic and Aural Surgery, Certain diseases of the throat which frequently cause Deafness, and noises in the head, will also rectivc special attention. Illationsfr*e. Post Office Box2SgY. tylTß9»3m J£YE AND EAR. DR. TODERWOOD, Oculist and ATEdst, and Operative Surgeon (or Sear ness, Blindness, and all diseases of tbe Ere and Bai. Office and Surgery No. 124 Randolph street, near She* mm* House. Chicago, HI. myls-rS5Mni Coss&rtiucßotpa. Dissolution of go part- KKRSHTP—Tbe Co-Partnership heretofore ex isting between John Clark, John H. Marshall and Paul Jones, under tbe name and firm of John Clark & Co„ was dissolved on the 17th Oat. by the withdrawal of JohnH.Marshall. JOHN CLASS, PAUL JONPB. The Prodnce commission Business will be conducted u heretofoie by the undersigned, under the dm name of John Clark i Co. JOHN CLASH, mylfl-»aia-Sm FaITL .T ! »VK3. ALCOHOL. PHOBIA. ALCOHOL, la lot* of from 5 to 103 b bis, for ulebj GEO, 31. HIGOI3SON, No. 8 Steel's Block, Over No. 173 Soatti Water-«t yS4Ug-lm T3E highest price paid FOB G-HHASE BUTTER, BvKEESON & COLLKT i. Butter Mercfctote tod Cowal*ioaA»ente, SO DMrtKwn street. l/tt-sWUm UußinE3o (ffarflg. Air, iSUbOHICK, Fracdcal Ma • CMnlrt and Draftsman, wm make Drawings for Machinery of all descriptions, and offers his ser vices to those wishing to secure Pateak Bights, Speci fications, Drawings, and Models made to order. Office at the Marine Boiler Works, Michigan street betweea Wells sod Franklin street Chicago. 111. Iyll.H7Bfi.lTn J£RN ST ' PKUSSIKii, R£Ali ESTATE AGENT. No. 6 Larmon Blocls, Chicago, XU. Loans negotiated on real estat eaenrlty. lyi-gflifl-tT Fox & howab D , COKTBACTOBB 70S DKEDGIKG. ’ DOCKING. BRIDGING. GRADING AND MASONRY. Office. S8 Dearborn fetreet. 015 P. O. Building, Chicago. • X3T Bridge Timber and Dock materials const .ntly on hand. 1y+.««35-S»i» pAPBR. PIOHSEB PAPES VABEEOirn OP BIJTLEE. & aTTNT. . Efo. 48 STATE STRKItT. . .oanofacturera and Wholesale Dealers tn an wwii* •» 'hoarse and Pine Papers, Envelope, Cards, Card Uraw Boards, Paper Bags, Printers' ink, Arc, ftc. ■ paid for aiikiadi of Paper Stock, mfrt KALES ft WILLIAMS, ittaneyi mi Comsdhß «t low, Ho. 48 Dearborn Street, Chicago. - O.B.XZK&. rBAJTOIBS.TAXES. WOBHAJTWILMJJB, S3 [my23-rti&3m] i. KIRK |ft CO. J, SOAP ISC «4SM* HiSSMCrreBSS, ikd dealers in Been, Soda Ash. TaH«w, Tallow Oil, ft*. Not. 18 A SO Rlwer-wt*, OUeago. ral-srSW-ly 82dat Clams WILLSON & MERELY, of the » * *• Central Western War Chtm, Bounty and Pension Office,” 43 Clark street Chcago. Ilia., are in almost dally receipt of Invalid Pcislon Certificates, and certificates for Arrears of Par tae deceased sol diers. Their’s is the oldest War Claim Establishment In the West, and parties who wish their business promptly, efficiently and reliably abended to, can hare it cone by applying to them. \. fei2-k2sl-iy /“WFIOE FOR INIEKTOBS. V_7 GIUTZNES & COHEN. Washington. D. C. Post Officeßoz 155. Hefkrencks :—Hjo. L. Trn nbull, U. S. Senate. HI; Hon. J. W. Grimes, C S. Senate, la.; Hcn.B. B. Washbnrne. M. C., Ill: Hon O wen Lo rejoy, M. C-. 111.: Hon. F. E, Spinner. fr. S. Treasury; ?. H, Watson. Ast. Sec‘t of War; Gfeo. Ksq..Aßt. Sect, of the Treasurer; J. B. Jones. Esq* U. 6. Marshal. Chicago. Jyso-tl9B 3m WAR CLAIM OFFICE OF T T GRIIZKER & COHEN, Wishlngton. D. C. Pott Office Box 155. REFBBB.vozsr-Hon. L. Tram* bull, U. S. Senate, III.; Hon. J. W. Grimes. U. S. Senate, lova; Hon. B. B, Washbnrne. M. C. Dl.; Hon Owen Lovejo? M.C.111; flon, F. E. Spinier, U. S Trea sury: P.H. Watson, Esq., As’t Sect, of War: Geo. Harrington. Esq.. As’t Sec of Treasoy; J R. Jonfa, U. S. Marshal, Chicago. jy3otlS~3m WAR CLAIM OFFICE OF T f T-FAvrrr & WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law. DI6ABIBD SOLDIERS and the WIDOWS and iQ- Ki BCHILD-tEK of aeceaai d sol lien are entitled Co Pensions, under the neffhw of July jt, 1362. . Addre*B LEAVITT & WRIGHT. Chkago.llL Office 63 Clark street. , jaftkiTt-lyr ALEXANDER SILLER. JTA_ Notary Public and Commleslonir and Agent for Military Claims. No. 2 South Ciarketreet, comer ol South water street, Chicago. 111. Having been con nected with the United.States Pay Department In the Districts of Wisconsin. Illinois. Michigan. Ohio. Ken tucky and Tennessee, I am enabled to procure arrears of Pav. Bounty. Pensions, etc., with unusual efficacy and dispatch. Special attention paid to making U£ ac counts of resigned offleersand discharged soldiers, who can obtain tneir pay cheaper by applyng to me than by visiting a Paymaster. lam also prewired to sell Ex change on Great Britain, Continental Europe. Collect Inheritances, etc., by power ofattoney. References, by permission—Hon. F. A. Hoffmuc. Lt, G<wemor cl Itiinols; Hon. Edward Salomon. Governor ol Wlscon- Blni; David Tod, Governor of Ohio. leS-sS-Sm. QARR BROTHERS, ILLINOIS BRANCH HOUSE OF ‘ fbe National Claim Ageaef Of Harvey, ColUnt ft Brace, Washington. D. C« Za!ght } 8 Slock, 123 Dearborn street, Chicago. .The most reliable and ONLY DIRECT War Clalu Agency la Chicago. particular attention paid to Special CLAixe, P MS' nous, Bouinrss and Patents. KO ADVANCE PEES demanded and KO CHABGB made for prosecuting claims if not recovered. To parties having LARGE CLAIMS we would say we can give UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY for any amount required. Address CARR BROTHERS, “National ,Claire Agency.” P. O Box 409 L EtspBRTO Chicago Tribune Company; C. H. Scrtveß, KfO-; John A, Nichols. Q. H. & L. Latin * Ca.: Messrs. Hollister ft wliklns: Messrs- Yander voori, Pinkerton ft Co. vxn2o-nK47-lv %ags. BAGS, BASS, BAGS, FAEWELL'S STEAK BAG KAXDEACT OE^ N0.,139 SouthWater-st- Chicago, : Bags and SacUs • Of every description fnrnlsbcd oa shor ; notice and printed wild Nsw : Beatttwui, Brands. , • SIMEON FABWELL. S apo-tm-ly CORN EXCHANGE Bag Manufactory. HAST, ASTEN Ac CO., UiSUFiGIOKaIU OF BAGS! Ot every deccriptiom, 157 South Water Street. 157, MTTJ.EBB, 6KAJMX.KSS, G-ROCKKB. FXjOTTjR, GKRAXNT, GrTT^JT! HAM AND FEED BAGS. |3P“fi©cond-haßd bags aiwaji on hand. Bags loaned to shipper*. myiar262-lT £esars. CORBIN 4. CO CCCCC 000000 ERBRBRS CCCOCC OOOUOOO BKR 888 C CCCCO 000 000 888 BRB CCCG 000 000 BRB BRB CCCC 000 000 RBBBRRB CCCC 000 000 BBRRBRR CCCC 000 000 BRR RRR CCC CCC 000 000 BRB BBS CC CC CC 000 0000 883 BRB CCCCO 000000 8888 BKRB BBEBBBB IHH NNH NUN BSSSBSB 888 888 m NNN SB MS OSj3 888 888 in NNNN NN BBS 883 888 888 HI NNBNN NN BS3 888888 HI NNNNN NN BS3B 888888 m NN NNN NN 8538 888 888 in NN NNNNN BSS3 888 888 HI NN NNNN BSB 83S 888 888 S NN HNN BSS3 BSB3 8883888 ttttt JTNN NN SSBBS3S 000000 WWW _ WWW RNN NNU 000 0000 WW W WW NNN NN 000 000 WW W WW NNNN NN 000 000 WW WW WW NNNNN NN 000 000 WW WW WW NN NNN NN 000 000 WW WW WW NN NNN NN 000 000 WWWWWW NN NNNNN 000 000 WWWWWW NN HNNN 000 0000 WWW WWW NN NNN 000000 WW WW BNH NN SEGARS. JCanu&ctured from Selected Havana Tobacco. For sale at Wholesale and Retail at HO. 65 CLARK STREET mhi4H9i Am Comer of Randolph street, Chicago, m ®atu«t furniture. DABCOCK * PBBK, 171 RANDOIiFH STREET. tiahogany, Boaawood and Walnut, ALSO. A COMMON FUBHITOC Wood Seat and Cane Seat Chairs, Bedstaada andßa, wans. School Furniture <m hand and to order. ■W Particular to Country orders. jtutnbcr. T UMBER.—I wonld invite the at 1 J tentlon of dealers and others purchasing lumber In Chicago to one of the largest and most complete as sortment of Lumber In this market; also, Dressed Sid lug. Flooring and Stock Boards, Bash, Doors, Shingles, Lath. Long Timber, wolets, &C. Prices reasonable tc suit the charges of the times. Write fer information Orders filled withpromptnessandfldellty. Carsloadg) in yard. Yard and Office Beach street, between FOB andTweMthstreets. mrBB-tSfr6o RnAT> A- w I.LLJAMB- Ueal Estate. T ANDS.—To all wanting Farms— lj MUd cUmuto. lareo «nd ttnMpgKUemot oj Vineland, thirty MILES aonto or Philadelphia BJ railroad. RICH SOU-. Fine Crops to t>e seen crowing. Twenty acre tracts at from sls to S2O per acre, payable within Ibnr years. Good Bu»iness Openings—Goad Society, Hundreds are settling Ap ply to CHAS. K LANDIS, Port Ma-ter, Vineland, Cumber lane Comity. New Jersey, Letters answered, Papers curtaining fall information will be sent free. Jy2l-*976-3m fEUmea to 3Loan. TITONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ijfJ- estate in the city of Chicago, or on frnns in Illinois within one hundred mues or Chicago. Apply to GEO. W. NSWCOMB, 80 Dearborn st, Boom No. 8. is&eess-lm T'RBASURT notes, gold X AKD SILVER ■WASTED AT THE HIGHEST FBEXTUX. Umd Warrants Bought«ad Bold, . B. W. MORSE. Agent, S3 Clark street. jyIAGSm Post Ofllceßoi 6156, Chicago, HI. vr ONKT TO LOAN O CHICAGO CITT PROPERTY, Or qb Ooao Ikfxotkd wttfatii in mJlai *f C3i •asaas?*- mssshsauLu** Commission JHercfjantsr X. M- TUREAY & Co,, PBODUCE ANBGEWEBAI SION HEBCHMT9, _ jns.. BOtfTH WATEB STREET, We give personal and prompt attention to the eaie flff- GralnTnouryPork, Lard, Batter, Seeds, Broom Corn, t a.g‘ t ° * <iTimca! ° n CB. ABORN & CO, PRODUCE • COUUXB3IOK MERCHANTS, No, S7 Pearl Streep m toss. CHABLES 8.-ABOBK, IASDBEW T. CHAB. W. DARLING. I BpecSl Partner. Mr. Andrew Y.Moore, one ol the finn, lias located m Chicago for the accommodation of their banr.eaa. Be will mate liberal advances on Prodace! conslcned to themin New York. His place of business. In the office of Messrs. Dow ft Quirk., No, 156 South 'Water street, Chicago. laFSBUiCESr—Dow ft Quirk; Chapin, Wheeler ft Co. " « anU-MTI-lmai PAR WELL * CO,, , coaonssion merchants* 19B8cmth Water street, Chicago, HL Liberal adranoes made on property in store.- Egmggycsa.—Cooley, Farwell ft Co- G.C. qook ft Co, Gray, Phelps ft Co. OEAB.g.TABwmx. [my2L-tS3Myj anaaouTAßwax^ jgATES, STOKE & CO., 1 Produce Conmussion JKerchaiita, For the purchase and sat* of HOES, GRAIIf, BEEF, PORK, EBH, HUB, lard, Batter, Cheew, Seed,, ■ dried lutrrr, &o, &a SIT SOUTH WATER ST , CHICAGO. . Dm3-M3Mm] JOKES, CULBERTSON & CO, COMMISSION SERCHmS, Office No. 17 Wells street, overSturges' Bank, Chicago, rmools. au2-t294-3m jJEWES ft BRAUNS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko. 6 Wigwam Bonding, Market street, Chicago, SL "PATRICK & -CO.. Genera! Com- A. mission Merchants. Ko. 244 South Water street, Chicago, Advances made on Grain. Floor, Provisions, etc- forsale h®re, and by our frlendsin New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Liverpool. We refer to Merchants* Savings Loan and Trust Company. Chi cago; E. K. Willard- Agent Bant of Montreal, Chica go ;J. H. Dunham, Esq- Chicago; H. A, Tncker, Esq. Chicago. J. Y. PATRICK. []j2S-«3-Sml O. T. rSBXBK LITTLE & CO., T COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the-norchase and sale of nOXTR, GBAIS. SEEDS. PORE. LARD, SUITER, BBOOM CORK. SIDES, * 3 . Warehouse, Ko. 231 South Water street. WTLUAM LITTLE. Qe6-r957-3m] GEO. A. fIAOCTf. JOSEPH H. TUCKER & CO„ GESEBAI COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko. 6 Board of Trade Building. South Water street, Chicago, 131. onrbnßlness steictlt and ExcLuarvsLT comniLvdor.. JAS B.TUCKBB, GEO. A- GIBBS. DAVID BUTE. ]ylNHSaB6m , HP. STANLEY, Commission • Merchant, and dealer In Fruit and Produce, No. 50 State direct. Chicago. K. B—ln the frnit trade we Invite correspondence previous to shipment. There is great choice In the style of packages, and in the routes and time of ship ment, Ac. ■YY7M. B. HIBBARD & CO M GENIBAL COMMISSION MEBOHAWTB, Office and Warehouse. 233 Sooth Water street, between Wells and Franklin BtsL. Chicago. Post Office Box 3637. je6-rOSMni win b. iubcasd. j. h’alltstes. t.w. hall. PASH ADVANCES MADE ON \J Elands of PEOiDCE ABD BEOOM COBF, for Bale In Oils market or consigned to onr correspond ence In New York. Boston and Philadelphia. KAP FLEYE & SHELDON, Commission Merchants, 318 South Water street, Chicago. apl-0970-ly "QNDERWOOD & CO., GENEEAI. COMMISSION MEECHAEIS. OFFICE and 'WAREHOUSE—IS7 Souti Water-st.op poelte “Board ol Trade” Building. jc2-ly D. L. UNDEEVTOOD. B, L. UNDERWOOD. BEJT W. UNDERWOOD. /CHARLES RANDOLPH, GEtfEBAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Ko. S Loomis* Building, corner Clark anc South Water streets. Advances made on consignments. fel*sm Ariel akin & go.. Produce Commission MsBOHANTg, Ko- I£6 South Water street. Cnau advances made on Floor and Grain to bt sold here or by Wm. A* Brown & Co,, New York. APriPj umr. Cspl6p462-6ml J. H. HUSLBUT. Q.LAS3FORD, JONES ft CO., rorwardieg end BMpplng Agents. Bperial attention given to fcnvarilng Grain, fte* from Kingston to Hontreffi and Quebec. Carrying ca giclty oi onr eraft equal to ZTSftOu buahela Grain per a Canal Wharf, Anglin’s Wharf, Montreal. rap2s-pT9O 6m] Klagaton. NEELY & GO., GEHEEAt CQSEsUSSIOS KEEOHAHIS, No. 7 Board ol Trade BtiUd'.ng. X. T. I>A.WBSSGE> o.T.wnzzisi api6-pG7-iy MURET NELSON & CO.. Ivl. No. 214 Sooth Water street, Give their exclusive attention to the purchase, sale, Shipment and making cash a«Watceaoa Gram, Floor Provision*, end .Produce of ail triads, FOR A COMMISSION. ITIJBET vnrsnv, S. B. BTS7UI, JgEDEORD, MEREDITH & CO, ESCLXTSITB COMMISSION MEBCHANTo, for the purchase and sale of Port Stock, Flour, Grain, and Produce generally. No. 238 and 23S South water Itreet. Chicago, lIL }a!7-ly JJEE & ANTES, PEODUCE COMMISSION MEECHAHTS. Give especial attention to the purchase and sale o: Floor. Grain and all kmoe of produce en .commission. Offlcel2l Lake sweet. comerofCiark. OLTtiEn.tßs rmh2S.nßSd/?m« <tpare.r* g. antm. TJAILES * SEVMOtJH- PRO- J_> DPCE AND GENERAL COMJOSSION MER CHANTS. Office. IbS South Water street, Pomeroy's Building. Post office Drawer 5137, Chicscc. Kbpsa* Buckingham * Co n Wm. Martin. QfS, Freight Agent C„ B. & (£ R. K. anl6-cS3My C AWTER, WALLACE * CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 47 Broad street. New York. Advances made on Consignments to the above firm by WM. AITGHISON, Jr, Agent, 152 South water street, Chicago. mli7-a306-ly QHADBOURNE & WSTHSRBK General Commission Merchants, Pardee’s Building, comer Wells and South Water ik, Ko. 8 up stairs, Chicago. „ k. B. CEAEBOtTBXH. [tsM-agll-fimj fl, F. WZTEEBBB. JgALL, BURBANK A CO. PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Fa 1 Dole’s Building, cor. South Water and Clark stt. Poet Office Drawer G&/7. Chicago, r. E- | F. W. BURBANK I P. BALL 1030, F. COLT. n!47-6m M°HSE * TARWOOD, DDL (LATE AXBRT XOEBS * OIXJ PRODUCE COMXISSIOT KEBCHAKTS 18€ BOUTS WATER BTBKST, Aiken’s Building, confined ■tilatlyto Commission ALBKBT KOBE*, [y39-lyj 1C 8. TJJSWOOX, MS. NICHOLS A CO. hsve • opened, at IBS South Water street, Chicago, • General Commlssloß House, for the purchase and gale of Gram, Flour, Provisions, fro, and solicit consjgn menta and orders. To parties accessible to Milwaukee u well u Chicago, in connection with their Milwaukee Souse, NlcholTfezitt * Co, think they can give such superior advantage*. _ [aplam-U y, 8. SICSOia O.X.XXTEC, S. A. HIOHOLB. g M. FUKKHOUSSB A CO, COffifffSSlOir MEBCHAIfTS, 21BX South Water Street. iMflb-kesa-iy Q.ILBERT, UPDIKS & CO, “ COSI9IIBSIOS WKBOIUJTS, No. U Lasalle street, Chicago. ITANAKD. GILBERT * CO, No. 9 City Buildings, Bt Louis. mylT6l-iy O. J.6ILBEKT. S.W.TJFSm. S.asZAKABS. OJUFFIK BROTHERS, COMMISSION M£BCHANTS- NaSFometoy'aßieck. comet South Watct andderl streets, Chicago. Advances made oa consign meuta. eawinr. . [mbgsMrt A.eawyig. rjNDEBWOOD Sc 00, conmssioß hebchahts, TO. 162 South Water Street, Chicago, HI. JJICE FAY A CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS* No. 12 Lasalle street. Chicago, HL F. O. Box 151 L Give their exclusive attentiea to tide purchase and isle of Flour, Grata and other Produce. onCommiiwlOG. SOX FAT, rau23'6l-l?l JAB. H. WOUllwuiraL B enlists. TIENT AL, DR. GODFREY, (Recently Parmly St Godfrey, New Orleans) may be consulted at No. 169 Lake street, from 8 till 5, daily, jyl7-g9C&lm W M - albaugh, DENTIST, So. 58 Wert Bsodolpb Street. mylTEl-lT TSf J. LAURENCE, ‘dentist. Office. 321 etc street, opposite TremontHouae. Sr L bt* ead fifteen years experience in hia profea- Bion. Wort done at Eastern prices. jy23-t&tam_ A REQUEST —DENTAL.—la or. der to'avoid frequent Interruptions In appoint' meats, and the loss of lime to patients, . I>B. ALUPOBT Ml hereafter devote from 10 to 10-tf A. 31. and from to SJ% P. M., to CONSULTATIONS, at which times he will see all those who desire his service In regard to their tectii, or wish to make appointments for dental operations. It will be a very great economy in time to his patients as well as hlmsefc and he will esteem it a fhvor If all persons will, so lar as practicable, com ply with the above request, which will enable him to accommodate a larger number of patients. Chicago, May loth. 1862. -myg-rSWSm Scales. Fairbanks’ * C BXX^DABD I P- SCALES! 09 KXSSS * |K|3BPI|' ItiAiaki, Greenleaf&Co., *t* iel &eiss-?jy '; I£oop Shirts. YORK AND ILLINOia Hoop Skirt Hanofuierj, And Importer and dealer In all kinds of French and German Corsets*. ' - ' AT WHOIiBSAIS L AND KETAIL, No.T* yp -y JM South ttark rtreet^ ■ Clark, bet Indiana® chioago, muauia. P 1 L ir-A ant and Cotton Skirts X* 1 l\ r~i made to order at short Jr! S i . notice. Old Skirts *,-A repaired, altered and ; ' shaped^aa^ u woven, double dla bridal and —in* ll 'French Skirts con -1 ■ ■ . atantly on hand, from B sprlngSjdhUdren’B, to 64 springs, ladles* else. H. B.—We repair all sMrfe which we sell wlthont ex tra charge, provided they are kept clean. Onr Skirts are warranted to be of the best quality. Watch spring steel Skirts exchanged!! not sacatßCtory, and all par cels sent to residence. NOTICE TO WHOLESALE BITTERS, As we have been in the Skirt bnstaess «inr« the first beginning of the trade, and have branches of onr house in all the principal cities of the Uniat, as well aa Lon don, —and as cor London Ageat farolßhea ns onr-steel at first cost—thus giving onr customers the benefit ol wk at we should otherwise pay for commissions—we are able to sell lower than any other manufacturer. Orders by mall promptly attended t*.. 1- HUG£K, Proprietor for Cillers*. - Hew Tork Factory. S5 Bowrey. tayiS-TSS-ly Chicago Pest Oflfc* Bor 4SS. amooi. W O OLI W® have 920,000 placed In onr hands to advance on Wool, for Bale in this market or for shipment Bast, where the highest prices may be realized, producers and dealers !n Wool will do well to communicate with us before selling. Address HAPPLEXK A SHELDOn, Commission Merohantii let-rSIS-ly MS South Water Chicago. JHebicmal. SCHENCK’S SEA WEED TOMO. If you have bad digestion. Try one Bottle of ScheneKe Sea Weed Tonic . If yon have a fullness In stomach alter eating. Try one Bottle of Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic , If yon feel weak or debilitated. Try one Bottle of Schenck's Bea Weed Tonic. If yon feel low spirited, Try one Bottle of ScheneJfi Sea' Weed Tonic, If yen have a bad breatb. Try one Bottle qf Schenck's Sea Weed Tonic. Ltnn, Mass., June IStb, lS6i Pear Sir:—l meant to call on you -when you was last In Boston to make an acknowledgement to yon for the great good Xhuve derived fro 41 the use of your Sua v> ced Tonic and Miu.drake Fills. I Called on yon lu May last. Ithought I nan consumption; bat yoa EQirf ix wss liver complaint and dyspepsia, and recom mended ibe Sea Wted Tonic ana Mardrake Pilis. I suppose yon nave forgotten me: but 1 will try to ex* plain my case, and I tiunk you will recollect n\c. I had to wait some time for my turn. Tour room? were foil. I g*>t'o sleep on tbe sofa; £ felt so Uml tiat when I wonld sit down in tee day time I would fall to sleep; Dnt ccmd not sleep at ntsht. I think if £ had not come to yon I would nave been la my crave by this time. Now 1 will try and relate how I was then, and bow I am now and u it can be of use to you, you mr.y onblish lr. For three years before I came to you I had a pain In myrightslde and shoulder-blades, low spirited. Dow el? costive, skin yellow, tongue coated, b<eath bad, appetites!! gone. I think 1 could goaweek without eating ana mt be hungry, and If I did eat it wonld dll me in!! ol wind. I would often get nervous spells at night.amlthuiklcoulcnot Uveuntilmorning: I had a little cough, and have spit a Quart of blood at a time, and felt sure, until you examined, me. that I had con sumption I nave taken In all seven bottles of the Sea Weed Tonic and three boxes of Mandrake Fills, and thtv have cured me. I feel like a new man; bat oht nowoi dcrlfeitslck. The pills toos right hold of my liver hudthetoLiemystomcCh. For nine days I think I felt worse, for everything appeared alive In me. snd Iwa-sme 1 was fuU of worms; bat ina few days things star ted. * nd no one would believe what quanti ties of black bile, si me and corruption passed my bo* els, but I saw no worms. I wish the world knew the effect of thnt Sea Weed Tonic; It is a good medi cine. audit will bring up the appetite if anything in the world will. , Ido not believe yon will know me, for I am so changr djaut I am bound to gee yon the next time yon come to ton. As I EaJd before, lan now a well men. My shin is as clear and longue as yours. I have ga'b-ro seventeen pounds In flesh, and solid at that; I can car ns much as any one man In Lynn: am in the shoe business and everybody knows me here, and am v. r, known in Boston ana New York. 1 am alwavs ta king about yon and yonr medicine, and sno poset liftvc been the means of selling many dollars ™ UI Vonr S r«p.ctf„l,y. 5T Dr. J.H. Schonck’s Principal Office is at 39 North 6th street Philadelphia. Pa„ where letters for advice El onlc always be addrccsed. Price of the Pulmonic Symp and Sea treed Tonic, cat b One Dollar per botMe. or Five Dollars per half dozen. Mandrake Pillsi‘s perhox. _ . The Trade supplied by LORD & SMITH. 21 Luke sti, Chicago, Wholesale Agents. JyW-siPidm-atew jugal potters. A DMINISTRATRLS NOTICE. STATE OF ILLINOIS. COOK COUNTY. 88.- Coanty Coart of Cook County. Public notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Administratrix of the estate of Deliver Walker, fifr ceased, wlllappear beforethesaidCourt, at the Septem ber Term thereof, to be boldea on the third Monday of September. A. D, 1562. at the Court House in said Comi ty, for the purpose of hearing and adjusting all claims and demands against tbe estate, when and where all persons baying such claims are requested to present and Ale the same. ABIGAIL F. WALKER. Administratrix Estate Dollycr Walker. Chicago. July 22d, 1862. Je3-tl2td QTATIt OF IuJiSOIS, COUNTY JO OF COOK ss.—Superior Coart-of Chicago, Sep tember Term, 1562, Sarali M. Dunn ys. David Dunn— Tt» Chancery. Affidavit of the nonresidence of David Dana defen dant above named, having been filed in the office of the Clerk of sab* Superior Court of Chicago. Notice la hereby given to the suid David Dunn tiiat the c-m- Tdairaut filed her bill of complaint In said Court, on the Chancery side thereof on the ninth day of hugest, jgfil. and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court against said defendant, returnable on ths first Monday of September next, (1562), as Is by law re onired. _ Now, unless yon. the said David Dnnn, shall person ally be and at-ptar before said Superior Court of Chi cago of Cook County on the firs: day oftbe next term thereoC to beholden at Chicago, la sa=d County, on the first Monday of Se otember, 166J, and plead, an swer or demur to the said complainants bill of com plaint. the same, and the mutters ana things therein charged and stated, will be taken as confessed, and a decree entered agamstyr n according to the prayer of saidbuu Thomas 11. carter, clerk. J, Woocbridgh Smith, Compl'ts* soi’r. anu-tsoo -iw Administrators notice. Estate or WILLIAM VAN ANTSVEKP, de ceased. -Entice Is hereby given that I have fixed upon a tent of the County Court of Coot County, In the State of Illinois, to beholden at the Court House, in tlic City of Cnlcago. in said County and State afore said, on the Third - Monday of August next, being the eighteen:!* day thereof, for the purpose of settling acd ar jetting all claims against the Antwerp, late of Warren County, and State ot New Jersey, deceased. . , „ All persons having claims against the same am noti fied and requeued to attend then and there, for tne nornose of naving their claims adjusted. p w* uimu.6 j YOUNG SC AMMON, Administrator of the Estate of WQliam Van Antwerp. d?crasrd. Chicago, IIL. JnlyS.l. A. D. ISO. TEIVSTi-E’S SALE.—Vubho no- Hce is hereby given that I. L. C. Paine Freer, Trustee. &c., will, in pursuance with tne powers In a Peed of Trust dated August Ist, 1860, executed by Charlotte Burns and Charles S. Bums, her husband, sell at pnbiic auction for cash to the highest bidder at the north door of the Court House, in the City of Chi cago. County of Cook, and Statu of Illinois, JLo< three (8» In Blcck fifteen (15), in the Canal Trustee’s Sub division of the west half and the west half of the north east quarter of Section seventeen (17). in Township thirty-nine (39), North Range fourteen (14), east of Third Principal Meridian, In said City of Chicago. Bald sale tc be made on the 2ist day of August, A.J). 1662. at ten o’clock In the forenoon of said day. L. C. PAINE FREER. Trustee, Ac. Chicago. June i9th.lS62. jett-aSH-td TV7HERSAS, by Mortgage dated T T April let, 1859, and recorded at Pages SM to 594, inch eive, la Book F. of Mortgages ot Moultrie County.Hlinols.EbcnezfrNoyesaaa Aunll ,his wTs, convevtd auto tbe uuderalanea among other the fal lowing lands in Moultrie Comity, Ills, to wit:—The northeast quarter of Section twenty five (23), and the northwest Jf of the southeast 14 of Section thirteen, both in Township twelve (12) north; also, the north M ot Lot one or th« sontuwot quartet of Section thirty-* ne (SI), in Township thirteen (IS) north, all In Range No. six (6), east of the Third Principal Meri dian, given to secure a bond of same date for the sum of two thousand dollars, payable one year after date, : (and all taxes paid by the undersigned on said lauds was to be added to sold principal sum), with Interest at the tatc of ten per cent per annum, with power of. sale in case of delimit the principal sum or interest?- and, wbeteas,delaalthavingbceumadeln the princi pal sum now amounting to the sum of twenty two honored and fltteen dollars. Including the taxes paid on said lanes by ibe undersigned, and also the baiauce of interest amounting to tne sum of four hundred and fifty sir collars. All of the aoove sums being now due and unpaid, I shall sell by virtue of the power In said mortgage on f ridav, the 22d day of August, A. D. ISC2. at 10 o’clocS A M, at the north door of the Court House, in the City of Chicago, to the highest bid let lor cash, to make the money due on said bond with costs of sale,and convey the premises above d< scribed and all the right, tit<e and interest In law and la equity of the 6,1. d Ebenezcr N f ves and Ann if., his wife, their Mr. «d «Bipa to rurd yALES Chicago, July 30th. 1652. jy3l-t2t2-M^ MORTGAGE SALE.-Whereas? DL Bichard K. Swift and Heliasa A. Bwirt, his wife, and James SJohnrton and Jenny Johnrtoiuhls wlle-pM-- Jrouhe first part, did. by their certain mortgage dated acuary wt, a. D. JW9. mortgage and convey to the us derslenedWiliiam B. Ogden, ail the property hereinaf ter described, to secure the payment of the principal sum of seventy fivethouaand doliaia, payabietenyean afterdate, and interest on the same as follows:—One thousand four hundred dollars, payable on the first day of January, A. if. IS6I and from and after that o«- rlod aeml annual interest on the s»ld sum of seventy five thousand doilar& at the rate of six per cent, per nnwnm, payable on the first day of January aod July in each year, for each of which said payments of latfr rest said Bwut and Johnston gave their note to the un dersigned, bearing er« date with b&lj mortvare, pav able at bis office In Chicago; and did in. and by said mortgage provide that if default shoal" be made in tbe payment of any one of said instalmenta of Interest at the time and in tbe maimer in said promissory notes given for said Interest provided, and the same should remain due and unpaid for the space of one year after the became one, thnn at the election of the un dersigned sale principal sum secured bj-ealdmoitgaga should at obcc become and be due aao payable, any thing In tbe note given for the same to fte contrary notwithstanding, said election to be made at toe urns of or at any tune alter such default, without notice- And that in that ca jc it shoaldbe lawful for the under signed to enter Into and upon all and singular the uramlsesia said mortgage described, and to sell and dispose oi tbe same or any part or parts thereof, and all benefit and equity of redemption of said party ol the first part to said mortgage, their heirs, executors, administrator*, oevtsets or assigns therein, at public auction, having first given sixty days notice of the tipifr and place cf “aid sale by publication in any dally newspaper published in Chicago. _ . And whereas, said instalment of interest, amounting to the sum of one became due by the tense of said mortgage on thß first day of January. A. D ISSL as also the note given for the same, w->s not paid when the same became due, and Is not yet paid and more than a year has elapsed alscelie same became due; and. I. said william 5. Ogden, have elected and do elect that tne principal sum secured by pal rt moitgase. to wit, the sum of sev enty five thousand dollars, shall become and be due there Is now aue and Mpald on said sum of seventy-five thousand doLan and said sum. of one thousand four hundred dollars that became due thereon as Interest on the flrstdayof January, A. D.ISBL and aiao tta tesrtl me-itoi Interest amounting to the sum of two and two hundred and liny dollars. wMchbecamedufl thereon on thefiretdayof July. A-D-18SL Andalao, the Instalment of interest amounting to the last above named earn, which became due thareoa on the nm Now. therefore, public notice is hereby given cast L the said wili'am B Ogden, under and m pursuance of the powers and pravmonaln said mortgage contained, hav s entered into and upon an and singular the preta teea described in said mortgage, to-wit: Lota sizty-ona (81). tlxty-two (62), elxty-three (63), atxtv-foar (64), six S five (65), sixty-ell (66). sixtr-Fcren <67), strey-eight l.atxsy-nine («). seventy (TP,) seventy one Ol). sev enirtwo (72», seventy.three (73), seventyfnir m.) seventy-five (75), seventr-sls OS), aeventy-seven o*>. seventy eight (w). eeveaty-nise 09), eighty (M). eighty oee (Si), Qebty-’wo (B2), eigfitv-three (?■*>, tiguty-rour (BIX eighty-five (85). eighty-sixJa6), aighty-aevot elenty-slght (®). eignty-nlae (p) and ninety (W. all In B osson’s Addition to Chicago, said lota being boanJed oa theesst by Clark street, oa the north by SCblller street, on the west bv Wells street and oft the south by Qoetha streetand oelag all the lota included. within and aald rtreeta, all situate, lytngtod beinelsthe city of Chicago, county of Cook and Sima oT Illinois. * Andthatl will- <a Monday, thetwent3*fiSth day d ' bPln* the same vremiiea above dwaibed, andjtilbene fit and rquity of redemption ot tta said. Richard K. BwiftannV&aea A- Bwrtt, tis.wife, aad Janes, 8. ; Johnston and Jenny Johnston, blsvnfe, .their betra, * Rxecutoiß. administrators.<*evlseca ot asslgsa thereto, r S miMc anctiOß to the highest bidder for cash. , taldnoW*et wa* filed fcwreeotd in the Becordert CooV CouuW. the twenty-first 4af of jSinftrr.AZ dViM. and duly readied in Book 44 o I Chicago JußfiUtisa* iSailroatrs. TLLINOIS CENTRAL RAIL XIJpAD, - On and alter- Bandar, July 20th, trains wlOTeavo from t&e Great Central Depot asfoUowa r 650 a.m. (Soxdays excepted,) arrlvlngat Feoriaat SJOp.m.; Logansport at fcadp.m.; Decatur at 3:13 p. m.: Springfield at *55 p m.; Naples 7:35 n. m.; Quln cy 11:35 p. m.; Vincennes 1050 p. m. ; St. LouisSiisp. m.: Terre Hante 2:10 a. m.; Cairo 3:35 a. m,. . _ S SO P nLfisatardays exceptedj arriving at St. Lonls 855 p. m,; Terre Hante 855 p.m. t t-*wt> m» EvanßVille BdOp.m.. Cairo HdO a.m. •On Saturdays a train will be run to Urbane leaving Cblc&ao atsosp m. Trams arrive at Chicago 855 a. to. and 950 p. m. For tickets and information apply at the office in. tbs Great Central Depet. . FOB BYDE PARK. AND WOOD LAWN. Trains leave Chicago« Leave Wood Lawn* 950 a. m, 7:00 a. m. 1250 m. s : -i5 a. ii* 450 p.m.' too r. m 6J5 p. m, 4:45 p. in. 1050 p. m. . _ 7:15 o. m. W. B. AITTHtTII. Gci’lSttp’t W.P. JOHNSON, GenT Passenger Agent. - insurance. Fire, Marine, Life INSURANCE. HOME, of Hew York; PHOT. WASH., ol Bxot , B. L ABCTIC, of N. Y., CITIZENS, of N. Y. GZBH&NIA, of N. Y. CONWAY, of Boston, HAMPDEN, ol Springfield, UNITY, of London MANHATTAN LIFE, of N. Y. MILLEE & WILMAETH, AGENTS, 150 Sontte Water Streets sall-k345-ly Mutual Life Ids. €o., OF NEW YORK, FEEDEEICK S. 'WlESTOE,President CASH ASSETS JULY I.lß®, $8,500,090. paid claims by death. 14,000,000. AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DIVIDENDS, 53,600,000. Oaahlncome for year ending January Slst, 1382, Si ,593,731.31. The Oldest. Safest and Cheapest Company. Assets all Cash, (no not**) Forfeiture of Po:icles not necessary as the Company Will pnrehase. for their cash value, all Policies upon which two years’ premiums have been paid. It* Funds are greater. Us Hates of Premiums as low, sne Its Dividends larger than those of any other Life Insurance Company m the United States. Dividends applicable to Increase the amount of In* etuuDce. or to reduce the annual premiums, at the o> tlou ot the Insurers. , Reports, Circulars and Information famished or seat by mail to any address hy 0. CBUITKHITE, Agent in Illinois. No. 6 South Clark street. Chicago. WALTER HAY, M.D., Medical Examiner. No. 85 Sooth Clark street. H, B. vfhhft.t.j AgestforWisconsin, Post Office address Milwaukee. Fstract from Report of Sop’t Insurance Department, N. Y„ dated Albany. 18®. Page XXXIV: “And one grand edifice —the Mutual Life—has *!• readv become so and substantial, as to attract general admiration, both here andin Europe, aul tiH-Sm TJNION Us SURAJSCE & TRUST company. omos. soox no. 2 nooatis nzoox. Ho* 4 South Clark street, Chlcata* Capital, sßoo*ooo. DIRECTORS: Beni. Lombard, M.D. Gilman, Geo W. Gage, Van H. Hlggma John V. Farwell, Marshall Ayrea. Matthew Boliea, ElvtoHarwood, Oliver Whitaker, James W Stone, Joslah Lombard. Daniel Sharp. LevlF. Btevene, D. L. FbUlloa. Isaac G.Lombard, j.Q.Hovt. Chaa. Chandler, Thomas Harleaa, BENJAMIN LOMBARD, President. VAN H. HIGGINS, Vice President. ISAAC G. LOMBARD. Secretary. JeS-slMm g»tm> ©tjanuicrs. GILBERT HUBBARD & CO, SHIP CHANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Twines and Cordage, 205 & 207 South Water-st,, Cor. of Wells, Have the largest and best assortment In the West of MANILA and TARRED ROPE. DITCHING BOPE3, Cotton and Bemp CANVAS, BAGS, BAGGING AND BURLAPS. TAR. PITCH, OAKUM. ANCHORS, CHAINS AND tackle blocks? Coal Tar Hoofing Pitch and Pelting. BED CORDS. CLOTHESLINES, BROOM TWINES, all qualities. WRAPPING TWINES, bundles and barrel*. BELL AND SASH CORDS, NETS AND SEINES. Cotton , JCfax and. Hemp Tidnea Op Etbbt DEscßtPTiojr. We are Sole Agents for IHtnoto.lowa. Wisconsin and Michigan, and alone authorized to make and sell the SIBLEY TEWT, Tents of every kind, and Patent Tent Polefl, AWNING-S, Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Regimental Colors, Flags, Standards, Guidons, Of Silk or Bunting, as per Amy Regulation*. We have any Scwlnr Machine* run by steam powm and are prepared to execute all kinds of work. To make Bap*, wool Sarks.FiourSacka, &c.. with greater dispatch loan any House in Chicago. G. HUBBARD, j J. S. TURNER. IG-B.CALPENTBB. Jy4-es3&6w pURTNGTON & SCRANTON, Ship Chandlers AND SAIL MAKERS, 209 South Water Street, Corner ol Wells street, offer lor sate at the lower* stem a foil assortment ol Manilla and Tarred Rope, £«atli Rope, Hay Rope Sc Cordage, Of every deccripUom. OsKnßt. Tar, Pitch and Eosin, Cotton anlHemp Duel, an widths. Anchors. Chains. Blocks, Burlaps, Wool Twine and Wood Backing, FLAGS ASD BMXIITG. rentaonhandandmadetoorder. Tarpaulins,Wagoa Covers andAwnlngx. SAILS I SAILS Z Z Bade and repasred at the inortert notice. PUBINGTOTf & SCRANTON) ey>-r27-gT» 2U9 Soath Water street. ROSTER A HARDENBERQH, SHIP CHANDLERS, SAIL MAKERS. &KD OSaLSEa 15 TWINES AND CORDAGE, 217 Sooth Water St, Chicago. Have constantly for sale, at the lowest market prices, Mfrnma. sad Tarred Ropes, Hay Hope, lath Yam, Bags and Bagging. Canvas, Oakum. Spun Yam, Pitch. Tar, Chains, Blocks, Ac* Ac. Cotton, Flax and Hemp Twines, SAILS AND TENTS, Tarpanlinga, Awnings, Wagon Corers, Flag*, Etc., Etc., Hade to order at the shortest notice. LA2JDELL OE SIBLEY TENT. RAGAN’S A SONS PATENT HOIST WHEEL PUT UP AT SHORTEST BOTICB. cwn. y, JOS'lia. [m3n-p9l»ly] O.M-gAßPgh*mkg> Yftmixi Exterminators. To Boadiee, &C. 7b Destroy Mice, Moles and Ants. To Dedroy Bed Bugs. To Destroy Moths in Fma, Clothes, <fcc. To Destroy Mosquitoes and Fleas. To Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls, . 2b Destroy- —lnsects on Animals, Ac, To Destroy Every form and species oi Vermin. n. -duly IHYALIUIBLB bkmkdiss XSOTfV ~Fros &omi Pmeuna." _ ' **Kot dangeroua to the HnmsaFMtily.* '••Batseoßoc Ale on Brcamse^* “They come eff otft tbelrbolas to dig "auWholesaib SxcsemtothalamcWag sad bT PXT76OIBTS. 6KOCCSS, &TOSXKXSPXCB and RlMIr wa nnotlV>iii aUComtxrTowuaad'Vinageilntkt UmfiDficim. ~ . TtUtERftnRCH, J. H. HEEO A CO.. Prtacfpil WbotaaZrA&sA'CtticßC'xXlL Comma* Dxjxxxa can order aaaDore. <*•* Yetroipjn Ddoip—So. 0 Broadway. BevTonc TOTt-rtiSm \T atjlts and out houses Railroads. pmCAQO AND NORTHWEST. Vy IRK 1 RAILWAY. For Rockford, Beloit. Freepo; 6. JanerrtlTe, Galen*. Danielti, Madison. Prairie <m Cblen. Fond da Lae, Oshkosh, 'Watertown. Green Bar.-Berlin, Elpon, La Crosse. St. PauL Ac. Dav Express departs at..... A.M, Night Express departs at ~950 P. H. Accommodation departs at ..3-J5 F. M. Do* Fxprcsrarritea at 6d5P. X, NightErpress arrives at...... &WA U. Janesville Accommodation arrives at. 12-30 P. U, ' GEO. L DUNLAP, Snpt. E. Bx Wrrt BOBDtsoy, Gen. Ticket Agent. oci3-ly pmCAGO, BURLINGTON * \J_ QCINCT BAILBOAD. Passenger Trains leave and arrive at Chicago as lof lows r—Day Express leaves at9so A. M. and arrives at 650 P.IL. (Sundays excepted) tJflrhf Express leave* »t9sof, M. (Saturdays excepted), arrives at 655 A, If, (Mondiflrs excepted.) Aurora Accommodation leave* at WOP. 14. and arrives at 9:40 A. M- (Sundays an cepied.) C. 6. HAMMOND, fiopt. FaETROIT AND CHICAQO 4-/ RAILEO AD LENS. On and after Uosx>*.t. May sth, the Michigan Bou» Company vrlli run a passenger line h» tween Chicago anoDetrcrtt. via Adrian, without chanct pi cars, makirg direct connections with all nmwiiM Uucr from Detroit. „ Elegant coaches, irttk raised ventilated root in Salisbury Dusters, -win run through on day trainZ. Luxurious sleeping catSvOf the latest uaprovemoaa vritf run through on night train*. -The distance a g:ort» than by any othar line. The time and rates Of fkre wii] baths same aaonotner mates w * LeaveCbicsaoat7a. Stand 7:30 F. JL Arrive <■ Tickets sold at all the principal ticket offices In tM Northwest, Also, at the Company’s Office, 53 Clark street, and at ths Depot, corner Van Boren and Shw mao itreeta, Chicago. H. R. SAWYER, a-e-rST-Sm General Passenger Agefit 18Gl.~‘ mNTER ASRANgsa MisAiga* Santbers ut Lake Steir= ’ BAILROAD. And filer SUNDAY, not. sd. ana until fartMc notice, trains wm leave Chicago as JoUoin: £s*r Tosx Dat Sxzsxes: TOO A. M. dally (exceptStroflay). ns Dm Boad. connecter at Elkhart uiUt tnlnmiN Line Eoad, at Vhlte Plgeoa -wita train lorTto®. RITBTf, at Adrian wltn crams for JacKsoo. at ic*- UflejttEctioa with trains for Ka > csd ** fIttCCT Bajywa: • 7rfflp.iL dapy cexcsptßatardav). via Old ana* ffiST 1 «Air-i£ie JuananWf the San as nw w OnnMitt, Buffalo, Niagara FaiiaJ Albany, Kenr Tov< Boston. Philadelphia. Baltimore. and all point* Kut Luxation* new Sleeping Coache*. -with <ci <»cdra improvements, run between Cleveland and rMfnrm Without ebange on Sight Train*. . Through Ticket? can be obtained at t&e Company; OSce, Ss Ci-art ftreetjUnder the Sherman Home. cr 9* the Depot, comer of van Boren and Sherman ttnigs JOBS P. CAMPBELL. g. K. SA Sen? «upt* Toledo. O. 9enT Wertcm Ajff, lifICHrSAN CENTRAL RAHv i"X so AC. SBKAT C2STKAI. BOOTS TO SETT YORV, m ENGLAND ASP THB CASADAST^ Onaad alter SUNDAY, May 4th, lSW.Trafca leave me Great Central Union Depot. Coot of Lake itreat ai follow*: 7:06 A, M.—(Except Sunday) arrive* at Detroit at &C P.JL, Suspension Bridie at 4:85 A Ml At vSHiISVit 1 * Hew *» P * 7-BBT.M.—®xceptSaiQrda7}. arrivti at Detroit at fcSt A. M n Suspension Bridge p. ic Albans . M- Hew Yori *U Sortos Cincinnati Trains via M. C. Railroad leave Chica*** t* 7£o A M.. Mail Train 7:30 P. Fast Express, arrive IS Chicago at 805 AIL, Past Express: atßos p. IC, Higk~ Mall Train. The Tjg P. M. Train leaving Chicago pans w Clncirnad without change of cars or baggage. Button's Patent Vei tilatcra are run on Dav Tram*. Patent Sleeping Cars on «n night trafas _ |3F“ Baggage Checked Throur-h- THSotren Txckxts lor sale in allprlndpsi Sailrcai Offices* In the West, at the General Office. comer l*** and Dearborn streets, (nndsr the Trcrvrnt C3tf^ sago, and at the Depot. /. w. CHICAGO AND MILWAUKEE KJ HAJXROAD. FOS MiLWAtFXXX. La CROB9K, ST. PAUL. OESE&J6, BSSLIV, AXD IBTZSMKDIATX POINTS. On ana alter MONDAY, Map tin, 18®, FSeMECSE Trains will leave the Depot, comer of West Ktnrfw ggv Canal streets, (Sundays excepted.) as follows t 6:15 A. M. and 9fl P.M, and arrive at Mliwauk6Cßl 8t45 AIL. and 12SSV.iL Passenger Trains arrive at Chicago at A K. su fcisp.u. WATTKBfixw Aoooiq»oi>atioa Tsaxh leaves Chinas at 530 P. IL, and arrives at Chicago at srw A M. xnys S. a BALD »*ly. SupertntendeaL O.RBAT OOKSOLIBA7SD \Jk LINS 11 GISTOIHKATI ABi) CHICAGO AXE-LIS3 BAIXBCAD. Forty Miles the Shortest Rout* to Cincinnati, isce» potto and Louisvnio. TRAINS leave Wen Clde Unlop Depot Chlcaac; dally, •« follows: 7XO A M.—Day Express,and Mali fflanoays ezceptttb) ISOP.M. Night Express (Saturdays excepted} Arrive at Cincinnati at 8.30 a. k. and p x. Bonts*BSCoinaaTio3iß-~Atlndiau6p-u>cslorFrto36 Un, Columbus, Madison. L&wrencebuzs, and all points in Central and Southern indlaaa; atooZfiZ LoutovUie, Frankfort. Lexington, and all point* SontA Eastsnj* uomracnoKs—At Anderson ana Kicnmonx tor Paqu*. Urbans, Dayton, Xenia, Colombo*. and iu points in Central and Eastern Ohio. Connections at Cincinnati (or Hamden, Harrietts; Parkersburg, and points os the Ohio Blvc* Through tickets by this line can ne obtained at S3 principal Railroad Office* in the Northwest, and at tts Company's Office. No. 133 Baacolph street, Chicago, funder tie House.} JOHN BRANDT. Gea.Sup,Richmona,ln4. CHAS FOLLFTT, Gen. Ticket Agent, Chicago, HL SAM A LEWIS, Wes’n Fuje. Agent, Chicago. pHIOAGO ANX> ROCK ISLANE \J RAILROAD.—CnATtsx 07 Timb. Sommer Arrangement, commencmgSnnday. Uay4tk« V 62. TrainsleaveChic»go.DayExpressand MalLSutw days excepted, 9XO a. x.; Niaht Express. Saturday* ct ceptcd. S.iO p. il; Joliet Accommodation, Sunday* «3> cepted. SAC p. » ; Through Trains arrive (h3u a. x übS and ©•X’J p. X; Joliet Accommodation. 9.45 a. x JOHN P. TRACT, GeuT SUpn. ■PITTSBURGH. FT. WAYNS & X CHICAGO RAILWAY. _ FaMenger Trains leave the Depot, corner of Us£Sh£ Sad Canal street*. Chicago. dsQy at 7:oe A. H. Fast Line, (except BuLd»yr.> 7;SO P. M. Night Express, (except Sszar-daysj MO P. V. Accommodation <br traloa-e'an Arrive at Chicago at 8,15 A. M. *nd”6;lsP.K, lor Boston, Hew Voxk, EhSsilelphlaS SUIDIOBE, WASHTRCTOPr, SfasTlHbd’S acts F>ttsbiir£i AIW-fO&iBUK 8T777AX0, DL'JFnKT. CLXTXUSS! ■IHBSuB( CINCINNATI, DaTTO^, Anfl an Bitermediats Stations between Chicago S&2 the dtlec above named. deeping Can on night trains, and aaggage 1 19 It*, route checked through to all Easters Cities. Bet one change of can between Chicagoan* B, T??5 Tta Allentown on train lea via? Chicago at 730 P. ssL Tlckete for sale at the principal Ticket Offices la &J West, at tbe Company'! Office, comer o( Randolph KSS Dearborn streets, and at the union Depot, West E«5 Chicago. WH. P. SHUSH. Sen. 'Sm. AcesV A HOLLEDAT, Ticket Agent. XB6S. THE 1868, ?EMSTLTMIA CENTRAL E. 38S KOm Doolie TraoS* (with Ita connecttcnsj Q A FIRST-CLASS BOUTS, FOB SAFETY. COKFUBT ASS 9TXBB loaUtbe Eastsn Cities! TEE TRACK IB STONE BAUbASCBB AND BZmBSLT FEES FBOM DUffS I THESE DAILY TRAINS FROM PITESBXfBGH 10 PHILADELPHIA (with close eonnectioss from Western ALL OONITECTISQ DIP-SOT TO K3W Y533 THROUGH PHILADELPHIA, And close coaaectionx at Haniaburgb tor SALTS9OBB AND WASSENOT9SB FBOM PITTSBURGH TO HEW YDSJS One tral runs daily (430 mflesj ALLESTOWN. WITHOUT CHANGE OF BA£B bitflag la abaai* ef aQ ,thw Seats, BIGHT DAILY TRAINS FROM PHILADELPHIA TO SEW YGSS^ Tickets toe Sole to Boston ty Boat orZBaUmS Boat Tickets good on any of the soundline*. PARK TO ALL POINTS AS LOW AS ANY 83923 SLEEPIN G CAB 6 05 SIGHT TRAINa TO PEILiDELPHM, HEW lOBS k BRES&23 baggage chbckbd through and TBASZI PRKS. FREIGHTS! vtrttea to and Kew Yort 80«9t3 o* Baltimore, to and from aay pomt os the BaUrOGA of KentncKy, Indiana, Xaino!* Wisconsin, 1091 or Mlaeosil, *T BUOLSOAD DEMOt. _ _ TKe Pennsylvania Ueseal Baa Bead also ecnnesH 3 Htaburgh with Steamers, hy which Goods cache ?S3* warded to any pact os the Obltk MnaMnstus. %S3* tacky, Tennessee, Cumberland. IQlnola, atlSßlaafFyfc Wisconsin, Mlmooil, Kansas, Arkansas and Bed Bivsia and ax Cleveland, Sandoaky and Chicago with eratoaU Porta os the from-Western lakes. Merchants and Shippers entmsCsg the transports t*on of their Freight to this Company, can rsiy ts62 and from any jNtt£ tn. the West by the Pennsylvania Central RsGßttn as* at all th£*B as yavonaßL* as ax* oaaaezp 53 OCBB SAIL KQAD 00XPABZS8. partiCTiar end marX package* w PHSffte FprFrffit* coctracti or Shipping Plrect4o*i,B#sgi a or address of tbs fouoinsc Agena tt Sa : ° I {SSSfcK * CO_ Chicago, nmioa. p A. STEWABT,PreIgnt Agent rtt.amcß A CO- Transler Agent!, Ptttßbniifl*. H. W. BKOWN ft CO, Cincinnati, Ohio. B. C.MKLDRtJM A CO, iladiSOXX, Zsdllßs. J. £. MOORE. Loniavdle, Ky. V. ftCO,STO3TQIe. Ifid. E. T. BASS, fit Louis, Mo, W. H. ft S. L. LASGLSY, GalllPOlU OS& C. B. NEAL, parkersDnrg, Virginia. HALL &CO, Marietta, Ohio. H. S. FIERCE & CO, ZaacsvtUe, Otic. McDOWKLL ft McCOLM. Portmoatt, CWSe . B.MCNKELT. MsTßvffleTKT. J. P. JOHN SON. Ripley, Oaa. JOHN TODD. Ky. rx r. HSATOH. OwrTaad. OiuO. . _ i 'S'.as.'tJTrwSilnxiJW! Sts la EJVS iSOCX. prOffrf rnayamm w- ciuiciii# sbsmor teemx »cute lor livi 'rugacoa* •SgM ad anpp:!«: »itb r*«y cmreateco. US'S* b^OT«nedot> nae *ad twcosnecSloaA, tn* .mtS StSSmfl* po!tf tc tsar ’wsaa. From HarriebssSfe sa^s^ssss^eniffiassiis &B9 befotmd the shortest, qlckert and mott Cirecl rtmteioxßtocfc to Sew loft-fta. illeatowaV”*** with fewer changes than »ay other. ENOCH LEWfe, Geß*! SQp% AItOOBA- Pa. kU EOUPT, Geal TlcKet Agent, p&CadcteOJa. H. HOUSTOS. ObA 3wSt Mrat ra3ad,»ESS Ito-ttß-Iy . S ALENA acme ASP TJKIOB -GRSfiSBS3SS^«^SSf ai»!& ua atenneSme potea; - BocMort» tad taw* gJS&fiS^iHawgUM *•*.*. an, cm. a»mnrn°-B—i«Mtt » Chicago and bt. lotos bsmoib un. ’ CHANGE Of TIME*