Newspaper Page Text
JShucattnnal. T tons female college. Xu‘ A first-class hoanHn£K!iool CTClOßljelir for young ladles. Next session will open on the Sd of Sap tcrrOcr. This Institution has been founded upon allbe xal scale of expenditure, in one of tne most pleasant and health? sttoatlons In the West: has a foil corps of ftltlifol teachers, ana win meet all reasonable expec tations of its patrons. For Catalogues and other In- Xormatlon, address Bev. GEO. R. M.OORS. President 7~yftni, lowa. an2fl-t725-3t T ASELIi FEMALE SEMINARY jLJ —Tills Institution Logins Its Fall Term on There <l*r. September XI, It lias been In operation eleven ■yeareunaerthewwncPrinnlral. Its Teachers are all experience lu their respective departments. Apply for Catalogue and Information to • . Au^l^. BRIG 2a7-^^meod rf'VNTAJBIO FEMALE SEMI NAHY—Canandaigua, K T_ Messrs. Tyler & xsicnards. Principals; The thirty-eighth annual ses sion will commence September nth. Circulars, giving w*l particulars, on application Refer to kL Rev. Henry J. Whltehnnee. D. 3).. Rev. Z M Humphrey. Wm. Blair, Esq* Chicago. angStSU-Sweol A CADEMT OF LIND TJKIVER JCI BTTY, AT LARK FOREST. ILLINOIS.—The Fourth year of this Institution, under the direction of Si. C. Boiler. A. M, Principal, and Rev. Wm. C Dick inson. Professor of Languages, will commence on 3JONDaY, Sept 17th. Circulars, giving lUII oarticu lair, will be sent on application to either of the Pro fessors, at Late Forest to Fev. Z, M. Humnhrrr Rev. 5t- W. Patterson. D. D.. Rev. Arthur Swazcy, H.M. Thompson, H.E. Scelye. Ksq.. or to Vc-tcr Page, Hgq .beerttary of the Board ofTrustees. Chicago. Lake Forest, August IS. 1862. auis-tffls-ia SEMINARY, 83 JL/ WABASH AYKNUE.—The next term of this anrtttutlon will open on MONO AT, Sept. 15th. Tne price of tuition In the Primary Department will be one-third leas than heretofore. Circulars cm be ob tained by calling at the Seminary, or by ad dressing the JTincipal through the Post Office. aulS-tIDO-lm Z. GROVER, Pjjnclpal. "X7AN NORMaN INSTITUTE. v An English and French finuily, and day school •ftor young ladies. Nos. 8 and 5 West SSth street. New Sort, will ro-open on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER ISth. 7or full particulars see circular, for which address Hev. D. C. VAN NORMAN, Principal. aui3-tSSOSS-ew-imwAß WTOBTHWESTERN UNIVEH X* SlTY.—The nest term commences Tfacrsday, September 4th. Board In p- ivate families from sL2sto ■ S2jso per week. Hcalthfolness of location, freedom xrom immoral influences, extensive Cabinets of Seolo jgy and Natural History .valuable Library and tUorough <jQuree cf study, present the best ladlities to students. The Prepar«tlory School, connected with the Univer sity, is in a flourishing condition, fiend for catalogues. HENRY 8. NOVES. Evanston. HI., Aug. 9.15G2. auli-t49Mw lIfONTICELLO FEMALE SEMI JLTjL NARY.—The 25th term of this Institution will commence on the loth of September. Applications for should be made to the Pnnciptl, Miss jFIHLENA FORKS. Godfrev. Madison county. Illinois, who win fnniish catalogues gratuitously on applica tion. bv mail orolherwlse. au9ttS9-2w X ABIES’ SEMINARY, DIXON, J -J ILL.—Opens Its second year, Wednesdav. Septem k?eriOih. FcpUs hoard la tae Institution. Board and tuition ?S0 per year. A Nonna) Department will be &d.ied tlie present vear. For circular* address auß-MS4-2w ML.S. S. A. COOLET, Principal. PITTSBURGH FEMALE COL EEGE. Krv.T. C.Pjtcsutkgb. A. M. President. Best sustained CollepeintneState—Fifteen Teachers. Attendance last year 21S. Superb brick buildings. Thorough aid extensive cc-ursc of study. Telegraphing end Organ Music Taught. FORTY DOLLARS ptr term for boarding, light. &n, Tall tenu commcuc sept. 2d. Send to t President tor a C-Kiaiogue. ant-t2>6-lm 1L SIMPSON. President Trustees. LIBERAL EDUCATION -with Military Instruction and Drill. WESTERN UNION OOLLKGK and KELTTABF JUCADi-MV, al FULTON, ILL, on the Misshslppi Stiver, will open It* 5-econd year. Sept. skl ISC2, with n> suiar Coili-giute Academic and Prlmarv Classes, tfbc Collrec has a cot ps of twelve, experienced teacti ere and 1* ciurera. tbarooili appointments, the finest school buildings in the Wot (o->st, with fnralnxre.&<L, 4:2000C>, sr> ample and attractive Military Park, an excellent and well fomlfhed Armory, a fine G?moa- Flam, and manv otiier advaotages which Bboold claim •fc-e atti-ntioii of j.utviiis and cnardlana. The largest flnstitnt'on of Its cl»i>* and cnarucrer in too Union. Jnstruction in French, Gorman, and Book-fieeplog free lo Cadets al*o In acrti.i,Eßr and IxpaSTrt (eeavy sir.d light) Tactics Zouavk and Faxcv Drills mid Gymnastics, under a& officer of U. S.A. Cadet? dress 3n Urilorm*. T*em»—s*Sft perselmoi year for board, fumLsked room, fuel, lights, witsuitig and tuidon In everv department, payable quarterly in advance. Cad<*ts from alt ond,roi»*in and hoard under the same xoof with and the constant ca«i of the teactiera. For d:cnlars address D. S. COVERT, President. Fnlton, 2;iL laSf-ceMia Yrrmut SxiErminators. tTo Destroy Rats, Roaches. &c. Dr-troij~‘ —Mice, Moles and Ants, 2b D/niroy Bed Bugs. 2b Destroy Moths in Furs, Olothss, &C. ffb Mosquitoes and Fleas. 2t« Destroy Insects on Plants and Fowls. 2V» Destroy Insects on Animals. 6c. 2b Destroy Every form aud epedes oi Yenniii. Tfco “ HEMKDIES KNOWH,' 1 **F from Poisons.” **Jsot dbiiscioub to the Human Family." ••Hat? cc not din on aremigea.” ** Th-'-y come olf out their holes to die. " Sofa Fveryirfiere—hy All WnoLi*ALB DnrGGiTs in the large cities, and BarG-»itiT>, Geockes. and Retail generally, tn aB Country Towns and Yfllsges in tiie Lxttxb Htateb. __ FUllbu 4FO€D, J. H. ItEEO Ac CO., Principal Wholawde Amenta. Chicago. HL can order as above. Or ad dress direct—lor for Prices. Terms. &c.3 to _ HKNUY a. cjstae, Pettccipat.Dxfot—No. 452 Broadway, New York TD76-r73-Rm Carriage fHafters. OVKLTY CARRIAGE WORKS 44 Adams Street, Chicago. KslaMlphed ezprcßslv for the manufacture oflichl Carriage work, by GEORGE THiohas secured a reputation for BUDerionrort ex celled by no nifuiufaclurer. either east or west. Mr. 3*eanoyt*r still devote* his personal attention to every of the tuonnfactnre. The very best mate- Tint is used, and none hut the most skillful workmor cmpiored.' * 'Jilt >M ASH. BROWN, recently from New York city. Attend* t« the purchase of sales, and genera, •Snanßcement of the business. Having just enlarged tlic shops to double their form Gr cupaeitv, a full assortment of our own manufacture wl-t br kept constantly on hand. Special attention paid to the manufacture ov Trotting Sulkies, Skeleton Eng pirp,>rr strl •• < >f Ltrrht < )-!ers prompt ly aionl. Repairs neatly done at abort notice. A. large assortment of ’ EASTERN CARRIAGES or the b«st inmmfactnr? and latest «±t!ps, sheeted ex Tiie?«lj fur this n*nrk**t. just rewired and constAf.tlv on tftjn’. -HARNESS appropriate foranv etyfe ot earrluce, of the besi nm:**ruii and manufacture. Orders .flv-m thr count*} - promptly attended to. Tiv3T.rfTr7-2in jFlout ana jFgtfa. "PATENT BUCKWHEAT jL TLOCE—Manufactured by HAWKINS 9c CHTAjPSSAI?, ItfICEI&AIN MILLS. Ivy t*:c very best Buckwheat Flourin the dtr—purs wl,ue. choice Graham Flout, iroa> Winter Wheat. :>ac-c<3 Wheat, frean and sweet. Tth'r- winter Wheat Flour oftte bestouaiits. Vnr« spring Wheat Fioar. Vciive-ed to any pert of tha city. Zsr-r 27P South Water etreci. &?ats, Caps ana Juies. EIHjI AT 221 013 BIAK3. ICKATZ HErZOC, WHOLBSAUC AKD XSTTaTT. DEAUTE IS Slate, Caps, Straw Goods, anti Cap Trimmings. I hvre Jest received a large, and splendid exssrenent In thf Above articles, and will soil theca at prices banal tothclcwestln tbe market. Tbv latest styles of FCR, WQHL and *IL£ HATS. Ut XGNATZ HESZOG’H. ~, . - No. 152 L»k*»street. tS“ Highest marfcac ptlcc paid for aU kin-la of Baw aolft oinfl-ly paper Rangings. iS A SLE & 3RO . , 3PAFEB HAXr&INQS; Window Shades, JfiztnreB f &c, IS&IjBK AJSiZe SIGS 7AFBK HAXGKSh. BTC, ETC, 79. IS4 Cluk StrMl, Cldcttili FoclS-lyl 3i)oß> Cast. MTERHUNE, * (avoausoß to oakpbkzs * ooj SHOW CASE JtfAJfIJyAOTTJHESt, ROr 63 DEARBORN STREET. CHICAGO. ILL. ©enlists. TJEKTAL, DK. GODFREY, *-<Recen«r Panalv & Godfrey, New Orleans) may bd consulted at Xo. 1W Lake street from 8 till 5. dally. JyKjßfcCSim -. A* TfifUL ALBAUGH, dentist, '■--iylCTi.i T ‘ Eo - -SS Wert Eandolph Street w. J. lAUBEKCE, DENTIST, v«don. TWorkdone at Eastern pmS! jjStC^m A BEQUEST—DEKTaL.— In or. dc^S°-. RT ? 5d figment Interruptions In appoint the loss of Ume to patients. . DK . allport »'SHS|s ■to hlspa&cntsa* well as hlmsclL « ffcyor if all parsons wu"£>Ji? m ' ply with the above request, which win enaoS him to aUJCOTT-modEtc a larger number of nattentsr ■ IXIIII w Qdeago,Hay IQth. ißfia. • iSjo-rra 8m > FAULTS AKl> OUT HOUSES ISanSing aim ISreljatigeJ |-| m DOOLITTLE, Banker and DEALER IS EXCHANGE, do. 40 South Clark street, Chicago* minds, gyparticular attention given to Y'AN VLECK & TUCKER, Ho. 4 Broad Street, Hew York, BANKERS AND DEALERS -IN Government Securities, American Gold, Domes tie and Foreign Ereian-e. J. T. TAJf VX.ECX. [aul4-t574-em] MECHANICS’ SAVING BANK XTX OF CHICAGO Ho, 8 Clark Street, 6 Doors above South Water, This Institution will receive for Saving, sums of one dollar, and upward, from Mechanics, Laborers, mar ried women and others, noon which interest will be paid when left for a stated time. Accounts opened with Corporations, Societies and Individuals. Slgut Drafts issued upon all the Cities of Europe and Eastern States. Highest prices paid for Foreign Drafts and Coin. „ CHAS. T. BOGGS, President. L. E. Aiaxaxpxu. Cashier. myl9-r4S4-ly 'T'HB MERCHANTS, FARMERS JL AHD MECHANICS SSTINGS BANK, Ko. 52 Clark street. Sherman House Building. Chicago. Open dally from 9 a. m. to 3 p. uu. ana every Tuesday and Thursday, from sp,m. to 8 p. m. six per cent. Interest paid on savins*. Incorporated 186 L Directors.—Hon. Francis C. Sherman. Mayor of Chicago; S. H. Fleetwood, £eq„ of the firm of ugden, Fleetwood & Co„ Chicago; Bon. Wm. O. Goad?. Chi cago; P. R. WeMftfll, Banker. New York; Svdnev My are, of the firm of Sydney Myers fc Co- Bankers, Gales burg. Illinois. SYDNEY MYBBS. Cashier, au7-t405-Sm ■DRESTON,WILLARD &KEAN, A BASKEBS, Comer of Clark and Sooth Water Sts., Chicago, Illinois. 1 Collection* made throughout the Northwest Ao countegollclt ed and interest allowedonaoecial deposits. Advances made on Flonr, Grain Receipts and Eastern Shipments. Exchange, Gold, Government Securities. Uncurrent Tbmif Notes and Land Warrants bought and sold. Claims against the United States collected. D. Prestos, Detroit J. F. Willard, Chicago. 6. A. Kean, Chicago. Qy3I-t22frCm3 - gANKING-HOUSE OF CITIPIN, RHKEUER * CO., Ccmer of Lake and Lasalle street, Chicago, HL, Traneactaa GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. H. CHAPIN, President M. D. BTraHANAN, Cashier. H. Chapin, South Bend Branch. John B. Howe, Lima Branch, Bank of theStatcof Indiana; A. B. Judsoo, Mishawaka.lnd4 C.T. Wheeler, Chicago, Ill.;Tolman Wheeler, niyam Wheeler, do. mh23 n353-ly Q. W. WOODS & CO., BUSKERS AND BROKERS, Marine Bank Bnf dings. Chicago. Dealers in Treasury Notea, Gold, Sliver. Exchange, Land Warrants, Un current Money. Particular attention given to col lection augC t3?i-3m Stock Brokers, New York, STOCKS, BONDS AND GOUD BOUGHT AND SOLD, At tbe Board of Brokers, NO. 86 T7AII STREET, NEW TOSK. E. k. willaed. Qen-riti&Sml geo. l. maxwell. J e W. DIiEXEL & co., BANKERS A BROKERS, So. 42 Soath Olark-st., Oldcago, DSALER9 IN DOMESTIC AND FOEEXGN fctocka. Bank Notes, Land Warrants, Specie, dsc. <fec. Deposits received. Collecticcs promptly made. Draite on Ireland, Franca and Germany, for sale In Enins to sniL DRAW OH READ, BREXKL & Co. s New Fork. DREXEL Ac CO., Philadelphia. mvS-r>S2-iy O OTTEBESDIGOTT & WHITE XV HOUEE, - BANKERS &ND SEALERS IN EXCBaKSG. Having leased the office recently occupied by the 'Exchange Bank of H. A. Tucker & CO-,” are pre pared to do a genera Banking, Exchange and Collectica Bufinesa. Depoeits received, and advances made uuon fhip meats or prod nee in store xhSL-ntU3-fim iJ'HK BANK OF MONTREAL EAVTKQ ESTABLISHED AN AGENCY AT CHICASQ, Is prepared to do a General Banking Buaiassa, Buying snd Selling Eastern and Sterling Exchange, Discounting PBODUCE 'SILLS based on shipments, making ADVANCES ON STORAGE RECEIPTS, Ee-peyable in CHICAGO, or at other points, Becelvlng -*3cac»i»»»A nniiAAtjnsCommercial Paper. E. TV, W7T.LA.gTI. Jtscnt. Q.ILMAN, SON =S CO., BANKERS, No* 4T Exchange Place, New York. pflTtim'.ar sttentlondcvoted to Western business. Wsstskn BBFKBENCEa.—UhapIn, Wheeler & Co., Chlcnpo, Illinois; Wisconsin Marine and Fire Insn> anrt Conipiny Hank, MUtrankce; State Bank of lows cad Bram-hes; State Sartncs Association, StLonla. tnhl&-n6IS-ly IV/TERCHANTS’ SAVIN' SS LOAN XtX ft TBUST COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. . HENKY FABNAM, Prea*t. #. A. SMITH, Vice PresX L. J. GAGE. Cashier. This Institution will Discount Paper, buy and zcli Exchange and Coin, and receive money on deposit, pay interest thereon when left a specified period; will receive mon»*y for accumulation, when left for a terras of yeans; and receive and execute Tbpstb from Courts, Corporations, Individuals and Estates* Office, comer of Lake and Dearborn streets. DIBK0TOB8; J. H. Dunham, James Goodwin. Henry Barnaul, John H. Foster, D.K.HOU, H. H. Maele, P, L. Toe, "W. E. Doggett A. H. Bnrlev, P. B. Cooley. C.B.McCormlck,T.D. Gilbert, B. A. Smith. mh7-nS47-ly OUKOPEAN EXCHANGE. £U BILLS OF KXCHAJiGB OH Bagurad, Jranw, Seraany, Ssltzerbei, ind other European Countries, for sale at the Bank ing Office or YOUNG BCAlfOrOKi v Harms Bank Building, Lake street, Chicago, dlnole. S r Draft* on Messrs. Earing Brothers ft Co* Lon* ■ don. and of Credit available anywhere on the Continent granted. deUhTEI-ly IQ AVENPOBT, ULLMANK & Co BAKKEBB ATTD BEALEES TS EXCHANGE, BANK NOTES, GOLD. uILVBK. fta. SttVHHy No. S3 Clark st* Chicago, 2XL "OAKS OF AMERICA.—PabIio a J Notice U hereby given, that .aU BUIa or circulst* !ng Notes of tbe »‘BANE OF AMERICA,” Heretolore Incorporated and doing business in the city of Chicago, underthc general banking lawaoftne State of Illinois, must be presented for payment to the Audi tor of Public Accounts of said State, at hit office, in the city of Springfield, within three years front the date hereofi or the lands deposited for the redemption of mid notes win be given np to mid bank. Dated this 30tb day of May. A. D. 18SL GEORGE SMITE, President, a.W.WrLLABD Cashier. iy?s-g2B2to’el-« SXOHANGS ON NEW YORK* YOB BALE BY EMOBY COBB, sais-gss-ly Telegraph Office. ffioal anh SStoob. QUEAP FUEL! CHEAP FUEL! Tlieli»cre!»Bliiff demand for the excellent Coal now being mined by the Northern Illinois Coal andiron Com’y, OF LA SALLE, Has obliged me to lncr» ase my facilities for Its supply, atdl hHveju3topene«l another Depot for our Coals on the W>et side, oeß-ach street. second vard north of Twelfth street. I have the SKLKCIKD LUMP COAL, just the tiling for prates, stoves and steam pur poses, 1 desire to caU particular attention to our - NUT SIZE, For Cooking Stoves and Ranges, WhlJilßbclmrnsc>rbj many families In our cuv, and Is pronounced Dy. all as jrood as any other Coal.* I would siso call the attention of Manufacturers. Foundry Men and others Interested la our Desulphurized Coal, WMcbUfhlly equal. If hot superior, at the price I offer It, to any Eastern Soft Coals. Lctconsurmncrscoinc4inds-:e and learn what we b»vi'. and I cm satisfied they will find just what thev wont, and at a price $2 to JAperton less than other good coal In.this market Orders for any quantity left at either of my Yards, on the North Side, foot of La~ saUc street, or on the West Side, on Beach street, will be promptly filled, lySOmi-lm 8. B. WILLIAMS. Acent, uhxsmv pOAL! COALS COALS—The VJ Scranton, Fittstos, wntsbarre and Shamolrin Coal Comnardea, of Pennsylvania, offer their Lump. Egg And Range Coals at Mining prices; freights and expenses added. They mine all their own CoaL and can sell the same cheaper than AuthracteCaal can be benebt from ssy other source. Brewers, Bakers and Country Dealers' attention is called to the above (acts. Rslrw, Briar Hill. Erie.Chip oewa and all other Coals, kept and sold at lowest Wholesale and Detail prices. U4and IJ6 South Market street, and 7-iO South Clark •trevt. foot of Liberty street. Post Oißcp. 80x61!*7 Jy29t3Ss-8m *• • EGBERT LAW. Agent ilumibcr. T UMBER.—I -would invite the at ■» J tentton of dealers and others pnrchaslng lumber In Chicago to one of the largest and most complete Mt : fcortmentof Lumber Is this market: also. Dressed Sid lap. Flooring and Stock -Boards, Sash, Door* - Shingles. Lath, Long Timber, moists, 4c. Prices reasonable to suit the charges of the times. Write fer Information. Order* fill ed'wltbproTnptnessand fidelity. Carsloaded Inyard. TardamdOfloe Beach street, between Polk and Twelfth streets. mTSB-TfiSMbn »Sl. WOO LI 'Wehaves2fl,o» placed in our hands to advance ct Wool; for Bale in tali market-or fbr. shipment East, where the hlmest prices may oerealized. Producers and dealers in Wool win do wall to communicate with ns before Belling. Address BAPPIEYE I; SHELDON, Oommiseion Jsi-raWy WS South Water rt„ Chicago. Cp' Cffimnf, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21 1863. Iteiuiubccuecß ofSlilluo. On that peaceful Sunday morning of April 0, 1862, the sun ■was rising with splendor, I • Lad walked cut to enjoy the fresh air, and, re luming by my friend Lieut. D.’etent, I called upon him. Said he, “H., take a cup of cof fee; I have found some milk.” “Don’t care if I do,” said L “I always write home on Sunday morning, and like to do it over a good cup of coffee.” u Tes, I mean to write to my little wile,” said D, “I expect to re sign £oon. Don’t you want a , pair of new . shoulder-straps, H., and a bran new pair of guantlets?” I told D. I would take them; and in amomentlelt his tent, after makingbim promise to take tea with me. But, how were things al tea time ? D. was mangled and dead, lying* by the. roadside, at the hospital by the Landing, with hundreds of others, and I had passed the most momentous day of my life—had participated, (I am told creditably) iu one of the greatest battles, exceeding in fury, courage, waste, stupeudous ness and gallantry, the wildest dreams of my youth. Should your happy city, on some bright Sunday morning, be sunk with all its life, by an earthquake, and the cold waves rolling oyer it in eternal solitude before night, the change could be no more unexpected, nor could it come upon you with more bewilder ing and stunning suddenness and awfolness. On the evening of the sth, the 18th Wisconsin infantry arrived, and were assigned to Gene ral Prentiss’ division, on the front. Sait Col, the general’s quarters, “here they come—the bully boys—they weigh just 106 pounds apiece. Ju>t left Lome sis days ago.” The 13th Wis consin cooked their first sappers in the field that night at 9 o’clock, and wrapped them selves in their blankets, to be awakened by the roar of battle, and receive, that early, their bloody baptism. Before-they had been on the field one day their magnificent corps was decimated, most of the officers killed— tb<- proud and exultant colonel among ihe dead. I saw an intelligent looking: man with his whole diaphragm torn off. He was holding npucariyall of his viscera with. both, bunds and arms. .Hie face expressed a longing for assistance and an apprehension of fatality. On going to the field the'second day, our regiment strode on in line over wounded, dying and dead. 3ly office detaching me from the lines, I had an opportunity to notice incidents about the field. The regiment haired amidst a gory, ghastly scene. I heard a voice calling, “Ho, friend! ho! for God’s Bike, come here.” I went to a gory pile of dead human forms in every kind of stiff con tortion. I saw one arm raised, beckoning me. I found there a rebel, covered - with clotted bicod, pillowing his bead on tbe dead body of a comrade. Both were red from head to foot. The dead man’s brains had gushed out in a reddish and greyish mass over his face. The live one had lain across him all that horrible, long night in tbe storm. The first thing he i aid to me was, “ Give me some water. Send me a surgeon, won’t you! Oh, God! ’Wnat made you come down here to fight ns ? We never would hive come up there.” And then he. affectionately put one arm over the form and laid his bloody face against the cold, clammy, bloody face ot his dead friend. I filled bis canteen nearly—reserving some for inysrir—knowing I might he in the same sad condition. I told him ws had no surgeon in our regiment, and that wc would have to suffer if wounded, the same as he; that other regiments were coming, and to call on them for a sumeon; that were humane. “For ward!” shouted the colonel, and “Forward!” was repeated by the officers. I left bim. . The above recalls to mind one of the hard est principle in warfare—where your sympa thy and humanity is appealed to and from sense expediency you are are forbidden to ex ircUeit. After our regiment had been near ly annihilated and were compelled to retreat LL-dtr a galling fire, a boy was supporting his dying brother on one arm and trying to drag him irom the field acd the advancing foe. He locked at me imploringly and said, “ Captain, LclpLin-,«oj/V you? do. Captain, he’ll live.” I said, *• He’s shut through the head, don’tyoo. see?aidcan’tlive,he’i3;d>lDgnow.” “Oh, no, he ain’t, Captain. Don’t leave me.” I was forced l%» reply “ The rebels won't hurthiaL Lay him down and come, or both you and I w ill he lost.” The rush of bullets and the yclis of the approaching demons buried ms away—leaving the yoong soldier over his dying brother. 'Nearly every rebel’s face turned black im mtdiaujy after death. Union men’s faces re tained tbe natural palor t,wo or three days. 1 ate my dinner on Monday within six paces of a rebel in four pieces. Both legs were blown off. His pelvis was the third piece and his head and chest was the fourth piece. Those four pb ces occupied a space of twelve feet square. I saw fiverdead rebels in a row with tbfcir heads knocked olfby a round shot, ilystli and other amateur anatomists, when the regiment was resting temporarily on arms, would leave to examine the internal structure cf man. We would examine brains, heart, stomach, layers of muscles, structure of bones, &c., for there was every form of mu tilation. At home I used to wince at the sight ql a TTound or of a corpse, bat here, in uuc Oaj, I Icuucii tv Sc auiUUg tlic dootaoo I am describing without emotion—as perfectly cool as lam now. My friend, Adjutant , and myself on the second night, looking in tbe dark lor a dry place to lie down, he said, “ let's He down here. Here’s some tellers sleeping. Wc slept in quiet uutil dawn re vealed that we hod passed anight among sprawling, stiffened, ghastly corpses. I saw one ot our dead soldiers with his in ontli crammed lull of cartridges until the cheeks were bulged out. Several protrnded from his mouth. This was done by the reb els. On the third day most of our time was em ployed m burying the dead. Shadow pits wire dug which would soon fill with water. Into these we threw our comrades with a heavy splash or a dump against the solid bot tom. Many a hopeful, promising youth thus indecently ended his career. Some of our boys were disposed to kick the seceth into these pits. One fell in with a heavy dump on Ids face. The more humane proposed to tarn him over. “O, that’l do,” said a Union Missourian, for when he scratches hc’l scratch nearerhelL” This is a hard story, 1 know, Lut 1 want you to see real war. I stood in one place In the woods near the spot of tbe engagement of the 57t«i Illinois, and counted cighty-one dead rebels. Tnere I saw one tree, teyeu inches in diameter, with thirty-one bullet-holes. 'Such had been death’s storm. Near the scene of the last of the fighting, where the rebels precipitately re treat id, I saw one grave containing 137 dead rebels, and one side of it another grave con taining forty-one dead fedends. Several ocher .trenches we:e in view from that spot. One dead and uniformed ollicer lay covered with a IHtle homing of rails. On it was a fly leaf of a memorandum book with the pencil writing. “ Federate, respect my father's corpse Many of our boys wanted to cut off his but tons and gold cord; but our colonel had the tody religiously guarded. Many 6l our regiments were paid off just previously to the battle, and our dead com rades were robbed of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The rebels were surprised and abashed at the apparent wealth of our army. They attired themselves in cur uniforms, and rifled Irom officers’ trunks tens of thousands ot dollars worih of fine clothing, toilet arti cles, and Interesting souvenirs of every man’s trunk. They made themselves stupid and drunk over our fine victuils and wines. Taey seem to have gone mad with the lust of pluu dir. To show how complete and successful was the advance of the enemy, their advance guard lay in the woods on the sth, witnessing our parades and reviews. One of our returned paroled prisoners, a mule driver, who was captured two days before the batrie, has told me that he was taken through their whole ar my, which was camped three miles from oura the night before the attack. A resident here told me yesterday that on the retreat of the rebel army from Shiloh, it was utterly routed and demoralized. After the battle was over, we, formerly citi zens, who had never seen blood or heard tbe Lies of bullet, gathered the maogled corpses of those we hod known at home and joked with the day before—Mends who were as full of life, hope and ambition as ourselves—and bu> ied (Item in blankets, or sent them home in boxes, ■with os JitUe concern as possible, and went immediately to joking and prepar ing to fight again. What spirit or principle was it that in one day gave ns all the indiffer ence and stoicism of veterans? Two women, laundresses to the 16th Wis consin, running to the rear when the attack was commenced, were killed. My poor friend Cahsox— the Pcont —after having ionght and worked and slaved from the beginning of the war, unrequited, compar atively, and alter having passed hundreds of hair-breadth escapes and through this wild bat tle, was killed by almost tbc last shot. A round shot took off his whole face and fore par: of his head. Poor Carson 1 We all re-' member ycur pafriotisro, yonr courage, your devotion. We will cheer, all we can, the be reaved and dear ones you have left. Surgeons on the field would halt officers and order them to strip off their “white shirts” for bandages. Many an officer halted on the field, tore off his accoutrements and uniform to provide the necessary bandages. “ Minxie Rule,” tetter from Orpheus c. Rerr [From the N. T. Sunday Mercury.] Editor T. T.: —Theotherday.l went down to Accomac, to see the general'of the Mack erel Brigade, who had -invited me to be pres ent while he made an oiler of bliss to & delega tion from that oppressed race which has been , —ol this unnatural war, and is. the sole,caud. ——-Bra in It therefore, exempted from au c«u.. The general, my boji was seated m his tem porary room ot audience- when I arrived, examining a map of the border States through a powerful magnifying glass* and occasionally l ’ looking into a tumbler, as though he expect- : ed to find something there. ; ** Well, old Honesty,” says I, affably, *‘what ’ is bur next case scheme for the benefit of the human race?” ‘ . . He smiled paternally upon me, and says he: “’lt is my purpose to settle the negro ques tion in accordance with the principes laid down in the book of Exodus. Tmmder!” soys the gefieral, -with magisterial emphasis, “ if we do hot secure the pursuit of happiness to the slave, even, we violate tne constitution, "and become obnoxious to the border com munities.” BEAD A. I was reflecting upon this remark, my boy, and wondering what the constitution had to do with the*book of Exodus, when the dele gation made its appearance, and caused the room to darken perceptibly. Not to lose time, tbe general wavedhis hand for the visitors to best^ted^undsayshet.! -^: c “ You and we-are of~dmerent races, aud.for this reason'lttifust be’Cvldoiitto you, as well as myself that it la better you shoulobe vol untarily compelled to colonize some distant but palnbrlonE shore. There la a wide differ ence between one races; much wider, perhaps, than that which exists between any other two races. Tour race snffera ycry greatly, and nnr race suffers in suflerincryonr race to suffer. Tn a word, we both suffer, which establishes a reason why our race should not suffer yonr race to remain here any longer. Ton who are here are all present, I suppose ?" A voice—'“Tessah.” ; « p er hapß you have not heen hero oil your liyea. Tour race is suffering the greatest ■wrong that ever was; but when you cease to £nfler your sufferings are still far from an equality with our sufferings. Our white men ’ are now changing their base operations daDy, and often taking Malvern Hills. - This is oujourac count You are the cause of it How Ihave caused it X will not attempt to ex plain ior I do not know; but it is better for us both to be separated, and it is vilely selfish in you (I do not speak unkindly) to wish to remain here In preference to going to Nova Zembla. The fact that we have always op pieesed you renders you still more blamable, especially whin we reflect upon the fact that that you have never shown resistance. A trip on your part to Nova Zembla will benefit both races. I cannot promise you much bliss right away. You may starve at first, or die on the passage; but In the revolutionary war Gene ral "Washington lived exclusively on the fu ture. He was benefiting his race; aad, though I do not see much similarity between his case and yours, you had better go to Nova Zembla. You may think that you could live in Washington, perhaps more so than yon could live on a foreign shore. This is a mis take. None but white army contractors and brigadiers oh furlough can live here. 1 ' The festive isle of Nova Zembla has been in existence for some time, and is larger than any smaller: place I know of. Many of the original settlers have died, and their offspring would still be living had they lived long enough to become accustomed to the climate. You may object to go on, on accounfof your affection for our race, but it does not strike me that there is any cogent reason for such affection. 80 you had bettergo to Nova Zem bla. The particular place I have in view for your colonization is the great highway be tween the North Pole and Sir John Franklin’s supposed grave. It is a popular route of travel, being much frequented by the facetious penguin and the flowing seal. It has great re sources for ice-water, and you will be able to have ice-cream every day, provided you sup ply yourselves with the essence of lemon and patent freezers. As to other food, I can prom ise you netting. There arefineharbors on all sides of this place, and though you may see no ships there, it will be sliu some satisfac tion to know that you have such admirable harbors. Again, there is evidence of very rich bear-hunting. When you take vour wives and families to a plaoe where there is no food, nor any ground to be cultivated, nor any place to live in, the human mind would as naturally turn to bear-bunting as to any thing else. But if you should die of starva tion at the outset, even bear-hunting may dwindle into insignificance. Why I attach so much importance to bear-hunting is, it will afford you an opportunity to die more easily than by famine and exposure. Bear-hunting is the best thing I know of under such cir cumsiances. You are intelligent, aud know that hnmha life depends as nmeh upon those who possess it as upon anybody else. Aud much will de- Send upon yourselves if you go to Nova embla. As to the bear-hunting, I think I see the means available for engaging yon in that very soon without injury to ourselves. I wish to speed a little money to get yon there, and may possibly lose it all; but, we cannot expect to succeed in anything if we arc not succcsslnl in it. The political affairs of Nova Zembla areuot in quite such a condition as J could wish, tbe the bears having occasional fights there, over the body of the last Esquimaus governor; but these bears are more generous than we are. They have no objection to dining upon the colored race. Besides, I would cndeavortohaveyonmade equals, and have the best assurance that you should be equals of the best. The practical tiling I want to ascertain is, whether I can get a certain number of able bodied men to send to a place offering such encouragement and at -1 rat lions. Could I get ahundred tolerably intel ligent men, with their wives and children, to partake of all this bliss? Can I have fifty? If I bad twenty-five able-bodied men,properly seasoned with women and children, I could make a commencement. These are subjects of very great importance; and worty a month’s study oi the paternal offer I have made you i If you have no consideration for yourselves | at least consider the bears, and endeavor to reconcile yourselves to the beautiful and pleasing little hymn of childhood, commenc ing, “I would not live alway, I would not a«k to stay 1" At the the termination of this flattering and paternal address, my hoy, the delegation took Ihtirhats and commencedto leave in very deep silence; thereby proving that persons of Af rican descent are utterly insensible of kind ness and much inferior to the race at present practicing strategy on this continent. Colonization, my boy, involves a scheme of human happiness so entirely beyond the hu man power of conception, that the conception of it will almost pass for something inhu man. Movements of New York Regiments* The lolloping regiments forming a portion of the quota of this State, under the call of July 2,15C3, will move from their several en campment on the dates mentioned below, and proceed tofthe city of Washington, where their commanding officers will report for dntyto the secretary of war: To leave iro. Colonel. Location, Camp. l(Rtb„imVßnValkou'biugli..dmin Ann;. IB 118 th O H Palmer Rochester M 18 68d..GABaddngham NewTork * ** 18 lnth..JSegome Autmra * 10 133 th..L O Morris Albany “ 10 110th..3) C Littlejohn Oswego ** 20 Ktfth B F Tracy BinghamtOE ** 90 114th..EBSmith Norwich . ** 21 129ih. PA Porter.... Lockport '* 21 ll7th..WßPease .Porno *• 92 listh..R Sammons .Fonda 22 120ih G B fcliarp Kingston “ as IfcClh E Slterrxl Geneva ** S3 15? d..A McDongall Salem 23 118th,..5 T Richards Plattsburgh “ 23 1P61h..S P Judd .Ogdens!)*g “ 27 121**t ..R Fmnchot Mohawk “ 25 112 th A P Allen Jamestown ** 26 l)9ih..E. Peifsner New York ** 2!) 1561b..E. PCbnpin Buffalo “ 37 ISOth.-W S FuUerton Portage “ 98 Anns will be issued on requisition made by the colonels commanding on the commissary general of ordinance, to be transmitted through this department for approval; and clothing, camp equipage, &c., on requisition made by regimental quartermasters on the quartermaster-general. The quartermaster-general will provide for transportation and subsistence on the route. Tno§., Adj’t General. T B. SEELEY’S TRUSS ESTAB. X* LISJIMEET, 126 Clark street, Chicago, 111. Branch OQCe—No. 58 North Fifth street, St Louis, Me. cole Proprietor sue Manufacturer of the Hard Rubbe True?, under Bigg’? & Goodyesr'o Patents. The Hard Rubber Truss is unlike and superior to all ©therein the following respects: Wifi never break, rust, chafe, pall or blister; can be made stiff or limber; w ill cure Hernia of years’ standing; does not pressor Injure the cord, and la always clean and pood as new. Patients can be accurately fitted by sending size In Inches around bodv in line of rupture. References as the superiority over others, the fol lowing only arc ofiered;—Professors Mott. Carnochau. and Parker,New York; Prols. Godard awl Agncw. Philadelphia; Dr. K. Johnson, Surgeon General Bu reau. Washington: Profs. Bmlnard; Freer. Rea. An drews and Davis, Chicago; Dr. Wolcott, Milwaukee. Wisconsin. Manufacturer and dealer In Shoulder Braces. Abdom inal Supporters. Silk and Cotton Elastic Stockings for varicose veins, Suspensory Bandages, &c„ &c. S3T" Post Ott.CC Box 485 a. C. STAFFORD, Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer of Dr. Wilcox’s Patent Artificial Leg. This Leg has many advantages over all others, and as as evidence ol such. It has received the first Premium at the United States Fairs, under the examination of the best Sur geons In our county. Its motion Is received from a lubber Soring (which will never break) giving it ft great preference over the Spiral Springs us»*d In ocher 'tmbs. Send for Pamphlet. ■ an22*Sl-T-T-fl-ly SOMETHING NEW FOR Pedlars and Travelling Agents, Pedlars and Travelling Agents. Call and be convinced that from $lO to as high as $39 per dav is being made by those who are now selling this new article. Remember, the sole Agency for the Western States Is at Pengoet’s Great Yariety Store, 10S Lake Street. FRENCH COPYING INK. Anew supply of this much cared for and beautiful article, which will make THREE IMPRESSIONS. Is now for tale at MTJNSOITB 140 Lake street. T AKK superior pig iron. .Iwi The Northern Iron Company of Lake Superior keep on band at Its Dock In Chicago, a supply of Char, coal Iron, direct from Its Blast Furnace, aod of all grades, to which the attention of those wanting the best Scanty ofthe Lake Superior Metal Is Invited. Office ro.linVells street. JESTJP, EEITEDY & CO., Agantl, my24-r€(&fansT*T f'UTT HOSPITAL.— I This institu \J tion, pleasantly located In the southern part c: the city, is constantly open for the reception of pa ttents, both public and private. It la heated by steam, well ventilated, end affords all the comforts and ooavu nlesceaof our best modern Hospitals. For adminiOE apply at Hospital, a. h. castes, snpt TAKE SUPERIOR CHARCOAN PICt ffiON. A consignment of this well-known Iron just reetfyet tailor aaieJn Quantities to suit customers, by JEStfc KENNEDY * CO.. IS Wellsstreet, fylgP-iy • • • Arcnts tor Itonfketurta. L COH OL, ALCOHOL, sale by w. HICOIWSON, bEU, . -“n.BEt«Vsß:ocki iy2£4lC-lm FRENCH COPYING INK. A new snonly of this much called for and beautiful article which will make THREE IMPRESSIONS. Is now for sale at srcNSOK’S,' 140 Lake street* OBTLEBERRIE3.—The Up -1 T land Huckleberry. r ±TST> -DRY, In prime order for shipment, received daOy. at Ko. 50 State street. H. P. STANLEY. ‘DU'TTER AND LAKD—We are JD is 'want of Batter and Lard. Persons in tbe conrtTf hv construing to ns will receive the highest prices nod immediate returns. BscTES.STOJTE &CO., 217 Sooth ‘Water street, Gtticago. anS-tJSllm PRIME BARLEY MALT A!. ■ A WAYS on hand and for «le at lowort cash prise. 1 Also. Superior TMit Kilt la BaitelA . • Soart «S ZniA B«IUMi MTO4I ®®ar Claims: BSS NT CLAIM established ado., 1863, For the Collection of Boosties, Pensions and Back Pay OP DECEASED SOLDIERS, Office 56 Dearborn Street, Walter’s BnSMing, CHICAGO. TT.Tncwra, JOHN B, TCBNKB, President. c. A* GBEGOBT, Secretary. T __, _ DlEEcross, taWtP'wthStmJ l, Augustus h. bublet. i D K.IfoGfeS. INKHAM ’ E. d LAKNBD. *?S£ri?.!lH eßent ’ chdms upon the Government win fobowingratesof chlrees: t «sR? 11 clatalß lor sums ofTIPXX DOLLa.IS3 OB LESS, a charge or ONE DOLLAB. t »65'“«£l“ Claims fbr soma exceeding FIFTY DOL- I«ARS,2i-2 percentontheamoont . 252Jp c “bereol this Association have contributed «iSsr ent^ B .? onilt of moncyto meet the necessary expeMefl of its organization and the establishing of an office: and as it la designed to have tae income of the Asspcfatloo simply cover the necessary expenses of conducting its business, should itbe found anon a sew months' trial that these rates are too hlch for that purpose, they will be reduced to a point just sufficient to accomplish this object. All communications to the Association should be addressed to C. A. GREGORY, Secretary RO. Box 103, Chicago, Ills. names or the mevbebs op the association. Van a Higgins, W.s. Gurnee. C.T.Wnesler, Mark Skinner, T. Diummond. Grant Goodrich. C. J. H. Danlnun, L.C P. Freer, J.T.Scammon. H. G. Loomis, F. Moseley. ?* J; Tinkham, S. B. cobb, J. L. James. A. H, Burley, C. A. Gregory, Joe. T. Rveraon W.H. Brown, Hugh T.'Dicscj, J. P, Rumeey, F. G, faltonatall, E. T. Watkm*. A. Garter. II.C. Stearns. Geo. Armonr. Tboß. CLnrcU. E. s. ‘ a Rogers, E. H. Haddock; Geo.Sceel. - I. T. Muon. Sol. A. Smith. J. a-Foster, O. Ltmt. S. C. Hlgginson, LB. Turner, Nathan Meara, F, C. Sherman, J. Beecher. Ed. H. Sheldon. D. Goodwin, Jr, A. C. Coventry, J. K. Boteford. D. Thompson, • M. D. Ovden. John V. FarwelL E-B.McCagg, F.G. Adams, JAJPotter.U.S.A. Bev. Ji. Colyer, J. II Woodworth.'Wm. Bross yirtrcxter Rev.P„H.Clark- Wm 71.Bradley, Ed C Lamed, eon. - J.L.Scrippa, P. L. Toe. N. D. Clapp, sogifrCSMw _ '%\TVLLSO'S & MEKTtXAJiIj of the » * *• Central Western War Claim. Bonntv and Pension Office," 48 Clark street Chicago. Ills..'are In almost daily receipt of Invalid Pension Certificates and certificates for Arrears ofPavdne deceased sol diers. Thclr’s Is the oldest War Claim Establishment in the West, and parties who wish their buMnesa promptly, efficiertly audrellablyattendedto.canhave it cone bv applying to them. fel2-K251-ly Office fok inventors. V_/ GRITZNER & COHEN, Washington. D. C. Post Office BOSISS. BEVne-EKcas:—Hod. C.TrunbuU. U. S. Senate, III; Hon. ,T. W. Grknes, U S. Senate. la.; Hon.E. B. Ui; Hon. Owen Lovejov, M. C., III.: Hon. F. E. Pn’nner. u, B. Treasury; rl H. Watson. E*q., Ast. Sec t of War; Geo. Hanlncrton, of tbe Treasure-; J. R. Jonrs Esq., U. S. Marshal Chicago. JySO-tl’SHm WAR CLAIM OFFICE OF f T GRITZNER ft COHQT, Washington, D. C. Pott Office Box 155. REFEEEtCESHon. L. Train bnli, U. S. Senate, Hon. J. V. Grimes. U. S. Senate, lova; Hon. E, B. Washburnc, M. C„ HI.; Hon. Owen LcveJo'- M. C. Ill; Bon. F. B, Solnner. U. S Trea sury; P.H. Wutson. Esq.. Ast Sec’t. of T\ r ar: Geo. Harrington. Esq..As’t Sec oflreasory;J R. Jems, Esq., U. S. Marshal, Chicago. ' Jy30t1973m WAR CLAIM OFFICE OF v v LEAVITT ft WRIGHT, Attorneys at Law. DISABLED SOLDIERS and th« WIDOWS and MI- Nt»RCHILDREN of are entitled to Pension?, under the new liw of July 14.15(52. Addretß LEAVITT ft WRIGHT,Chicago. DL Office 63 Clsrk street. l£t4-kl"-lyr Alexander siller, Notary* Public and Conmlss'.ouer aud Agent for Military Olulms. No. 2 South Clark street, corner el South "Water street. Chicago. 111. Having been con nected with the United siatca Pav Department in tlie Districts of Wisconsin, lUlqols, Michigan. Ohio, Ken tucky and Tennessee, lam en&uled to procure arrears of Pay. Bounty, Pensions, eta, with unusual efficacy and dispatch. Special attention paid to making up ac> - counts of resigned officersanddischarged soldiers, who can obtain their pay cheaper by applying to me than by visitin* a Paymaster. Inm also prepared to sell Ex change on Great Britain, Continental Europe. Collect Inheritances, eta, by power of attorney. References, by permission—Hon. F. A. Hoffman, Lt. Governor ox Illinois; Hon. Edward Salomon. Governor ol Wiscon sin!; David Tod. Governor of Oblo. je9-sB-3m QARR BROTHERS, ILLINOIS BRANCH HOUSE OF ,s f&e Kailons! ClalM igesicj* Of Harvey, Collins & Brace, Washington, D. C, Knight's Slock, 128 Dearborn street, Chicago. The meet reliable and ONLY DIRECT War ClaUe Agency in Chicago, Particular attention paid to Special CLAma, Fzs> bions, Bounties and PA.TSSTB. HO ADVANCE FEES demanded and NO CHASGB made for prosecuting claims if not recovered. To parties having LARGE CLAIMS we would say we can give UNQUESTIONABLE SECURITY for any amount required. Address CAHR BROTHERS. “National Claim Agency." P. O. Box 409 L Ksfzu to Chicago Tribune Company; C. H. scriven, Km.; John A. Nichols. Esq.:Mesara. G. E. & L. Latin & Co.; Messrs. Hollister & Wilkins; Messrs. Vender* VOortDtc.kerwm&Co. pju2o-nlii7-i» business ©ariis. AF. BUSCHICK, Practical 31a • chinlst and Draftsman, will make Drawings for Machinery of all descriptions, and offers his ser vices to those wishing to secure Patent Eights, Speci fications, Drawings, and Models made to order. Office at the Marine Boiler Works, Michigan street, between Wells and Franklin street, Chicago, 111. jyll-sT6&-lm J£RNST TRUSSING, REAX ESTATE AGENT, 6 Larmon Slocls, Chicago* Til* Loans negotiated on real estat security. lyi-aSIMy FOX & HOWARD, Coktbactoes fob DREDGING. DOCKING. BRIDGING, GRADING * AND MASONRY. OScePG Dearborn street. OldP.O. Bail din?, Chicago. Z3T Bridge Timber and Dock materials constantly on hand. Iri-sßas-Sta pAPER. PIONEER PAPER ’S’AREHORSR OF BUTLER <fe HUNT-, HO. 48 SPUE STREET. Htaafactarew acti Wholesale Healers m all kinds el Coarse and Fine Papery Envelopes, Cards, Card and Se&ir Soaras. raper Bags, Printers’ Ink, &c --paJd for all Bad* of J£ING, KALES & WILLIAMS, Attorneys and Counsellors st tow, No. 48 Dearborn Street, Chicago. O.H.EING. FEAKCI3 IL KALES. NOBMAX WILLIAMS, 73 J S. SIBE * GO. SOAP am CiSDIS KJireFACrCBEiBS, tnd dcalete In Bcs'-h, Soda Ash. Tallow. Tallow OC, S5. Nos. 18 *SO Siv«r-ct M , Ctle»sOo vi7-gSW-i* 3lcab arta ©il aSEorfes. riHICA&e LEAD AJSD OIL %J WORKS, Corner Clinton and Ralton-Sta. West Kde. £Ki3 PIPE, S3HIETS, BiE ft SHEET ESiB, UNSEES Oil., 9hstj WUte Lead, Bed Lesd ftnd Lytbisg, PUMP! km HYOFEAL'UC RAMS, nrdera from the trade solicited. B'.ghput market price paid for Flax Seed, P.0.80x 6146. aelP g. W. SIATGHFOKP. ißarijtnetg* jg A G L E WORKS Manufacturing Company, DO YOU WANT STEAM ENGINES 9R BOILERS, PATENT SUGAR CANE MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS, dike’s Peak or Lake Superior. SEND FOR CIRCULARS, With Cuts and Descriptions, Prices, eta, etc. Saw Mills, Flouring Mills, And Machinery of all description. BKKP for ciecttlars. p, W. GATES, President, CHICAGO, SI,Ii. g.8.-a ffgntw wanted everywhere. te26nHs-lydAW jSge aub 3Har. QURGERY FOR DISEASES OF 0 THE EYE AND EAR.—De. J. B. XValkss, IX7 South Clark tirccV Chicago. Ocnllst and Anrist. gives his undivided attention to this Important speciality, and performs all operations connected with Ophthal mic and Aural Surgery. Certain diseases of the throat which frequently cause Deafness, and noises In the head, will also receive gp»cKl attention. jS^Exam -1 nations free. Post Office 80x2527. jyl7-s92ASni J£TE AND EAR. DH. UNDERTVOOD, Ocnllst and Anrlit, and Operative Surgeon for Dear ness. Blindness, and all diseases ofthe Eye and Ear, Office and Surgery Kb. 124 Randolph street, near She: • dan House. Chicago. HL mvls-rSs&3na fHilitarg ©nobs. O-UNSt -GUNSU GUNSUI KA BSVOLVESB of all kinds, GETICESS* BWOEDS, BELTS, SASHES, *O. BowleKnivtaandMilitarrGoodAQnnMatarlai. Sole jpy Hasard's Powder. All kinds of ATnmmii. .Boar : GEORGET. ABBEY,- ap3-iy . . - - 136 Lake street. Xj'HOCH WOODS, JIU . TBnccfcMQr to CH&S. A. EATOH J ' Ro. 180 iiIKE STKEBT, • ' TO.IT.TH TTT ' Jviju SpotUng Apparatus. Plablni ®** BowleKalves. 1 AND ftTa LITAI * Y COODS. , Pow,de> ian ? Shot ' AT WHOLESALE BBTAU^, ptoamr • -: • jßongg to Aoan. T'REASURY NOTES, GOLZ 1 X AND SILVER " : ' WAHTED AT THE HIGHEST PBESZITX. Land Warrants Bohght and Sold. E. W. MORSE, Agent, 83 Clark street. ' Jyl-SgSm Post Office box 6156, Chicago. DL jyjONSY TO LOAN ON CHICAGO CXTX PBOPEETT, Or on Qoodlxpbotkd Farms, wtthluiM mile* H cU> •again thla State. Fanaa for tale cheap. mWaflWi CHAMBEES*LK£ UllAKett jacloicotts. PRINCE & GO’S IBIFBOTED MELODIOUS. ■Warranted for Five Tear* Tho'oldMt establishment la tie United States, an aionng acumen, and flmabitigßntnßtTrmmwtnpCTweeH. S&aafKtary, eer. of BUryiand fc Hlagtn St&s BUFFALO, N. Y. WTTOT.TUH AT.TU DEPOTS. 87 Fulton street, jrewTOfK, WHQTiV.BAT.IR AGENTS. .■Boston, Maai . .Cinctmaa.O. .St, Louis, Mo. ..Philadelphia, .Detroit, Midi 1 Henry Tolman ft Co w. F. Colburn Belmer ft Weber.... James Beliak. A. CORK Ph. P..Werleln A. ft B. Kordhelmer. *,vlth the Melodeon and its history, will bear in mind that we am the Pioneers and leading manufacturers, noton'ylnthe United States, , the world. We commenced the manufacture 01 Melodeons in the tali oi tae je*ris»7. and since thM toehaye finished ana sold TWENTT-SEVRN THOU* sAiyjo. These Instruments are now in use mostly In the United States and Canada, hnt also in Europe. Asia. Africa, South America, and the West Indies ana com all these quarters we have the most QstterJnetea* cmonlals ofthe high estimation in which they are held. ■At all Industrial Exhibitions they nave Invariably been awarded tbe Highest Premium whenever exhibited In competition with others* We shall take pleasure in forwarding by man <at onr own expense) onr Illustrated Catalogue. In which eve- E instrument we muraiacture Is fully cescrlbed, and narrated By elegant engravings. All Melooeons of onr m&auiacture, either sold by ns or dealers in any part of the United States or Canada, are warranted to be parted In every respect, and should any repairs be necessary before the expiration of fire years from date of sale, we hold onrselts read; and willing to make the same free of charge, provided the Injury la net caused by accident or design. Agents for the sale of onr Ueiodeone may be found la au the principal towns «f tke United States and Canada. Address either GEO. A* PRINCE & CO, Buffalo, N. T. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 87 Fulton at, N. T GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 43 Lake sL, Chicago. Or either of the above wholesale agents, apts-pais-n giijip Cijanblcrs. QJXBERT HUBBARD & CO, SHIP CHANDLERS AND SAIL MAKERS. Wholesale and BetaQ Dealers In Twines and Cordage, 205 & 207 South Water-st., Cor. of Wells, Have the largest and best H^sortment In the West of MANILA ardTARRED ROPE. DITCHING ROPES. Cotton and Htmp CANVAS. BAGS, BAGGING AND BURLAPS. TAR, PITCH, OAKUM. ANCHORS, CHAINS AND TACKLE BLOCKS. Coal Tar Roofing Pitch and Felting. BED CORDS. CLOTHESLINES. BROOM TWINES, all qualities. WRAPPING TWINES. bundles and barrels. BELL AND SASH CORDS. NETS AND SHINES. Cotton 9 Flax and JTemp Ticines Of Evert Description, We are Sole Agents for Illinois,low*. Wisconsin and Michigan, and alone authorized to make and sell the SIBLEY TEiST, Tents of every kind, and Patent Tent Poles, AWKINaS, Wagon Covers, Tarpaulins, Regimental Colors, Flags, Standards, Guidons, Of Silk or Bunting, as per Army Regulations. We have fifty Sewing Machines run by steam power ard are prepared to execute all kinds of work. To make Bags. Wool Sacks. Flour Sacks, &c.. with greater dispatch loan any House In Chicago. Jel7-si Ma G. HUBBARD.! J. S. TURNER, t G.B. CARPENTER. pURINGTON & SCRANTON, Ship Chandlers AND SAIL MAKERS. 209 South Water Street. Comer of Wells street, offer for sale at the lowest atee, a foil assortment ol Manilla and Tarred Rope, Lath Bope, Hay Bope & Cordage, Of every description. Oakum, Tar, Fitch and Rosin, Cotton and Hemp Duck, all widths. Anchors. Chains, Blocks, Huriapa, Wool Twine and Wood Backing, FIiCIS ANB BUNTING. Xenta on hand and made to order. Tarpaulins. Wagos Covers and Awnings. SAILS I SAILS I I ESade and repaered at the anorteat notice. PURINGTON & SCRANTON, ays*r27*€m 209 South Water street. ROSTER A HARDENBERGH, SHIP CHANDLERS, USD DEALHES IE IWISES ASTD COBDA6E, 217 South Water St., Chicago. Have constantly for sale, at the lowest market prteea, Manilla and Tarred Ropes, Hay Hope, i*a Yarn, Bags and Bagging, Canvass, Oakum, Spun Yam, Pitch, Tar. Chains, Blocks, Aa, &c. Cotton, Flax and Hemp Twines, SAILS AND TENTS, rarpaulings, Awnings, Wagon. Covers, Flags, Etc., Etc., Made to order at the shortest notice. LAUDELL OE SIBLEY TEST, KAGAN'S & SOWS PATENT HOIST WHEEL PUT UF AT SHORTEST NOTICE, aso. f. ToaTss. o. sleaudsnotbsh insurance. Fire, Marine, Life BUSURAIUOE. HOME, of ISTevv York PROV. W A 9H tl of Prov ,R. I, ARCTIC, of If. Y, CITIZENS, ofN.Y. GERMANIA, Of N. Y. CONWAY, of Boston, HAMPDEN, of Springfield, UNITY, of London MANHATTAN LIFE, of N. Y. MILLER & WILMARTH, AGENTS, 150 SonOi Street. |ftl*-ES*6-ly Mutual Life Ins. €o. ; OF 3SJiS W YORK. FREDESICK S. WINSTON, President. CASH ASSETS JULY 1.1552. $8,500,000. PAID rtr.ATMR BY DEATH. $4,000,000. AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DIVIDENDS. 53,600,000. Cash Income for year ending January Slst, 1832. 51,593,73 1.3 I. The Oldest, Safest and Cheapest Company. Assets all Cash, (no notes ) - Forfeiture of Policies not necessary, as the Company will purchase, for their cash value, all Policies upon which two jests* premiums have been paid. - Its Funds are greater. Its Rates cf Premiums as low. and Us Dividends larger than those of any othrr Life Insurance Company m the United States. - - Dividends applicable to increase the amount of In surance. or to reduce the annual-premiums, at the op tion ol the Insurers. ■ >: - - Reports, Circulars and Information famished or sent by xnallto’any address by ■ 0, CBOHKHTTE, Agent in Illinois. Ko. 6 South Clark stroet.Chlcago. tTALTER HAT. M.D., Medical Examiner, No. 85. Boath Clark street;/: ; -& B. MEBBELL, Agentfcx Wisconsin, r ■ Post Office address Milwaukee. Extract from Report of sup’t Insurance Department, K. X., dated Alb<my. 1962. AgfrSXXrr- . • ’“And one grand edlfice-^the‘Mutual Life—baa al ready become so and substantial, as to attract general admiration.-both here and HrEurope. . ..1 T?HION'INSURAKeB & TRUI \J Company. OTTICE, EOOJtHO. aLOOSfISnLCOX, {To. 4 BoutU Clark street, Chicago. Capital* -< -• s9oo*ooo* DIRECTORS: ' Beni- Lombard. -U. D. Gilman, Geo W/Gage: Van H. Hlgfrtna,- John v.FarweD, Marshall Ayiek - MstthewßoUee, ESvia Harwood. Oliver Whitaker, James W Stone, Josiah Lombard, Daniel Sham Lt rt F. Stevens, D. L. PhlLire, Isaac G. Lombard, Q. Hovt, - Chas Chandler. Taomaa Harletf. J *«7 I WJAMIH LOMBARD. President. **- - TAKH.dIGaiHS, Vlea President. ISAACG-LOMBARD. - Befiretarv. . jeSaX-Mm- ATSS. S. ANDEBSON, Ciairvoy iVl. aat, Eapplnsi Healing. and Test Medium.caa befcundat No. 118 South Laialleftreet, ‘ iniegard to the fact of Spirit Commtmion lon always guaranteed, aua-ott-aw Commission WmfianfeC J S. WILLS & BROS., COMMISSION KBBOH&NTSi Chicago, minors. Office. Room No. 4 Pomeroy's BnDdlnar. South Water street, near corner of Clark street, Ekfeukhces:—Woodruff & Co„KewTork;DeTrteß, Stephen*-A Co. Baltimore• Crow, McCreery & Co., St. Louis: D. A. January « Co,, do.; Hon. John G. Graham. Canton. HU Hon. W. C.Goudy. Chicago, DU Wo. Wheeler, do.; G. C. Cook & Co., do. JOUK P. 'WILLS. JAMES Q. WILLS. W. X. WILLS. an2o-t7S2-lm M- TDKLAY & Co,, PRODUCE AND GENERAL COMBOS- SION MERCHANTS, C 79. SOUTH WATER STREET. ' We give nersonal and prompt attention to the sale oj Grain, flour, Fork. Lara, Butter, Seeds, Broom Corn, &c.i and make liberal enah advances on consignments. desrsx-iy . CB. ABORN & CO, -PRODUCE • COiQUSSION MERCHANTS, .Chicago. iN’o. 27 Jpearl btreet. CHARLFB B. ABORN. I ANDREW T. MOORE, CHAB. W. DARLING, I Special Partner. Mr. Andrew T.Jloore.oaoof tie firm, has located la Chicago for the accommodation of their Easiness. Ee win make liberal advances on Produce, consigned to them In New York. His place of business. !n the office of Messrs. Dow a Quirks N0.156 Soath Water street. Chicago. r Refzhekczs:—Dow 6 Quirk; Chapin. Wheeler & Co. aua-ttn-Im>l ...New Orleans. .Toronto, C. W. HARWELL & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, . 139Sontb Water street, CWcago.llL Liberal advances made on property-in store. RzraasHOSS.—Cooley, Farwell & Co„ G. C. Cook <t Co„ Grav. Phelps & Co. CHAB.B.FABWXLL. [myt»l*r33r-ljl BDIEOX TAKWELIfc jg ATES, STOSE & CO., Produce Commission Merchants, For the purchase and sale of FLOIB. CBIRT, BEEF. PORK, FISH, IU3H, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Seed*, DRIED FRUIT, «Szc., &o* 217 SOUTH WATER ST,, CHICAGO. JONES, CULBERTSON & CO., coaiaussiON .tier chants. CCcc No. 17 Wells street, OTcrSturges' Bant, Chicago, Illinois. an2-tS3lSni XTEWES & BRAUNS, L COMMISSIOKI JttERCHINTS, STo. c Wigwam BnUdinar. Market street, Chicago, m. PATRICK & CO.. General Com mission Merchants. N0.241 South Water street, Chicago, Illinois. Advances made on Grate, incur, Provisions, etc. for sale h“re. ami by oar friends in New York. Boston, Philadelphia and Liverpool. We refer to Merchant*’Savtn.ra Loan and Trout Companr. Ch'* cage: £. K. WMatd Agent Bank of Montreal, Chita* co; J.ll.Bonham,£sq„Chicago; H. A,Tucker,Esq. Chicago. j. Y. PATRICK. |Jy23-t43-2m] c. T. IK3LES LITTLE & CO., COSOUSSION HEECHINTS, For the purchase r-n l sale of FLOCK, GRAIN. SLEDS. FORK. LARD, BUTTER, BROOM COHN. SIDES. &a. Warehouse. No. 2SI South Water street william umx neS-rfIST-Sml geo, a. sacset. JOSEPH H. TUCKER & CO., GESKEAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 6 Board of T»ade Banding:, South Water street Cidcsgo. lit Ourbusinei-s axmcr.LT and exclusively cotmuis.-doi-. JAB U. TTCKES. GEO. A, GIBBS. JylS-bSoS Cm HP. STANLEY, Commission • Merchant, and dealer In Fruit and Frodnce, Ko. 50 State street. Clilcago. N.B.—ln the fmlt trade we invite correspondence previous to shipment. There Is great choice In the style of packages, and in the routes and time of ship ment, &•:. WILLIAMS &HOUGHTELIN (5, V * COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 210K South Water street, second door west of Weals street bridge, give their exclusive attention to the sale and purchase ef all kinds of Produce. Stock. &c*> a Commission Cash advances made on hills of ladicv Mid propertylu store. Refer to George Smith is Co- Marine R*p?g- aas George Steel & Co. ?.L. wtt.7,tams, W. D. SOUGHTBUB6. B. HIBBARD & CO., GENERAL COMKISSION MERCHANTS, Office and Warehouse. 253 South Water street, between Wells and Franklin a Is.. Chicago. Port Office Box 3637. . Jd>rH>J-3m TO. B. niBBACD. J. M’ALLISTEB. T. W. TT vI.U, Gash advances made on sUMods of PEOLUCE AKD BROOK CORK, for sale In this market or consigned to onr correspond ence In New York, Boston and Philadelphia. RAP FLETE & SHKLDON. Commisaiou Merchants. 343 South Water street, Chicago. apl-n£7o-ly ■JJNDERWOOD & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. OFFICE and WADETIOUSE—IST South Water-st, op posite “Board ot Trade” Building. je2-ly p. l. bndebwood. b. L. tTNDEBWOOD. BEK W. TTNDEBWOOD. r*HAKLKB RANDOLPH, GENERAL COMMISSIOH MEBCKASS, i:0. b Loomis' Budding, corner. Clark and South Water itreeta. Advances made oa consignment* fel*6Ms A BIEL AKIN & CO., aA PsorrcE Commission Meechantß, No. 188 South Water strict. Cash advances made on Flour and Grain to bo add here er by New York. A3TZL AKIN. [ap!6p4(&3ml J. H. mjBLBUT. Q.LASSFORD, JONES * CO., Fr-rwarding and Shipping Agents. Boeoial attention civen to forwar ting Grain, from Kingston to Montreal aed Quebec. Camnngca jwtclty oi our erafl equal to 375,00 c buahela Grain per fS* Canal Wharf, Anglin’s Wharf, Montreal. Cap33-p79S 6m) Kingston. NEELY & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 7 Board ot Trade BaUdlng. O.T.WHEKL3B. LB. NEWLY, 3LF.LAWKKSCCfc »p!6-p447-iy Tt/TURRY RELSOIf & CO., iy * No. 214 South Water street. Give their exclusive attention to the purchase, tale, shipment and making cash advai ceson Grain, Flour FrONisiooK. and Frounce of ail kiedn. FOB A COMMISSION • jgEDEORD, MEREDITH * CO., ESCLUS7VS COMMISSION For the purchase and sale of Pork, droek, Flour. Grain, sad Produce generally. No. 336 and South Water Itreet. Chicago. IIL ja!7-ly JJBE & ANTES, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Give especial attention to the purchase and sale 01 Flcur.GraJn and all tines of produce on .commission. UlhceaZl Lake street, corner of Clark. DLTVEEH.LES. £mh2B*nSsWimj cbahleb h. Asrsa. T>AILIE A SEYMOUR, FR0.13 .13 DUCE AND GENERAL COMMISSION MSB CEANTB. Office, lr6 South Water street, Pomeroy** Building Post office Drawer 6157, Chicago. Rkpie jotCßa—Stnrges. Buckingham * Co H Win. MarUr.. G«b, Freight Agent Cl, B. & Q. B. R. aulS-cS^Xy WALLACE & CO n COMMISSION IHEftOHAJiTSi 47 Broad street. New York. Advances made on Consignments to tne above firm S? Wit. AITCHIBON. Jr„ Agent, 152 South 77ut« street, Chicago. rah 7 ngiMy QHADBGTJRNB & WETHERBS General Commission REerchanls % Pardee's Building, corner Wells sad South Water No. 3 up stairs, Chicago. a.a.cEaz>BOU2ss. iishi-n2II-6m] s. y. wstheuhx. gALL, BURBANK & CO.; PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ho. 1 Dole’s Bonding, cor. South Water and Clark FtL Poet office Drawer 68v7, Chicago. P. E. BAIL I r, W. BtmBAXE | F. BALL 1 CBO. F. OOLT, fe26nK7-6m ■V/TOItSE & TARWOOD, IVJL (LATK AI3S2X VOBBX A OOJ PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ‘ IS€ BOOTH WATBK BTKKST. Aikec'e Building, Business confined stilEtlyto Commissi oa. ALBXZT MOBSg, [y3&-ly] W. B. TXBWOOF. MB, NICHOLS & CO, JQBTB « opened, at icS South Water street, Chicago, it General Commission House, for the purchase anosale of Gram; Floor, provisions, &c ana solicit euueign ments and orders To panics accessible to Milwaukee u well es Chicago, in connection with their Milwaukee House, Nichols, Britt A Co, think they c&n give 'such superior advantages. [aplS'fil-lv a*, s. yionor.» nxssmr, h. a. stchols. |> M. FUITKHOXJSER * CO n COMMISSION MEBCHAKTSt 213K Sonifc Water Street. }aag-K3My QJLBEBT, UPDIKS & CO., unjRfHftTTW. No. 14 Lasclle street, CMcago. BTAIt'ABD:SILBSRT ft CO, Eo. SClty Bonding* fit. .Looi*. mylTCl-ly O.J. 6TI.WIBT. a. W. UPDIKE. X. Q. 9TJLHA9S, QBIFFIK BROTHERS, COJOnSSION atERGHANTS, 30. 3 fonibroy'2 liiecK, corner oouta Wawi aa-idlnrS ttrceia, Ch'cajo. idT&scet* made oc conaisnmena.’ i-.y.SEims, [mli2S*6o-ly] ▲.ean^m ■ym>EHwoox> * go., - , COMMISSION MERCHANTS. ' So. 163 S«ratA .Water ttroet, Chicago,!!!. ntzrz gICE FAY A CO., .COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ‘ ' So. 12 Lfi&aHe street, Chicago, m. p. o. Bos yna, - Sltg their excluslre attention to the prrrchate and jaieolHonr, Grain and other £ro£nce,oaQommla£oiL • BIOS FAT. rauZTHI-lyl •' JJIA, H. WOODWOETHi GREAT EASTtRN. L This magnificent ship lias proved herself the fastest safest-ana-inosi comiarUme Oce&n Steamer latte world,, , r Sea Sickness on I)oard Tjeingaiknown, And la to Intending passengers." The Great Eastern will leave '' ' ' . NEW TORE?' LIVERPOOL ! FOE LXTEBPOOI*jFOE HEW YORK •• Tnesday.Sfpt sth, Calling at Queenstown. Saturday, Oct,2stu, ..Wedncsdav, Oct-lst, : Thursday, Dec. Uth, - Tuesday, Nov, iStb. first Cabin..,, Second Cabin.. Eetnra TUlutsinaed at a Eus-asi-a-lialf. Intermediate. 55. Steerage.. 35. Suites cf apartments for families may- J>e engapen bv special pgreemcnt. : . J ;. 'ln. mediate application by ■parties -wanting bertnstt •desired. PJaaa «f the Ctbms can be seen and bcrtat: secured at the office of JAMES- WARRACK. Agent, 12 Lake street. Chicago. ' HfrwxiJfP & y. T. JylfrfcTa-Sm. rpHS SIW TAO H 2 CONSTITUTION. ! Now lying St.tns boa oT Waihlogtoa Jii Basin, may be chartered by responsible-parties tor a dayoreTetiag. AdflrsHßtf. OTsqxVSL mjSl-rtSWa SGBMGK’S SEA WEED TONIC. Try otic Bottle of Schemas Sea Weed Tonic, If yon have a fullness In stomach after eating. Try one Bottle qf Schenck'e Sea Weed Tonic, If you feel weak or debilitated. Try one Bottle qf Schenck?» Sea Weed Tonic, If you feel low spirited, • Try one Bottle of Sea Weed Tonic, De, Scnsscs; Dear sir:—l meant to can on yon when you was last in Boston to make an acknowledgement to yon for the great good I have derived from the use of your Sea weed Tonic and Mandrake Pills. I called on you in May last. 1 thought 1 bad consumption; bat you saldixwtisliver complaint and dyspepsia, and recjtn mended the Seatyted lonic una ilardrake Plus. I suppose yon nave forgotten me: bat I will try to es- Elam my case, and I tank you will recollect me. 1 ad to wait some time for my turn. Tour rooms were mil. I got to sleep on the ao&; £ felt so dot! taat when I would sit down in the tUy time 1 would All to sleep; hat conldnot sleep at nliut. Ithlnk if I had not come to you 1 would nave been in my grave by tliis time. J»owI will try and relate bow I wai tlisn. and how 1 am now, and if it can be ot use to yon, yon may publish it. For three years before I came to yon I hid a pain in my right aid* and ehooider blades, low spltiteu, new els costive, skin yellow, longue coated, meath bad. appetite all gone. I think I could go a week without eating and not be hungry, and if Z did eatit would fid me lull ol wind. I would often get nervous spells at night, and thlnkl could not live until morning; I a little couch, and have spit a quart of blood at a time, and felt bare, until van examined me. .that I had con sumption 1 have token in all seven bottles of the dea "Wceo Tonic and three boxes of Mandrake Pilld. and they have cured me. I feel like a new man; but on! .no wonder I felt s-ick. The pUls toox right hold of my liver and the my stomach. For nine days I think I felt worse, for every thing appeared alive In me, -»nd Iwusmel was fun of worms: but In a few days things started, ►nd no one would believe what quanti ties of black bile, stma and • corruption passed my towels, but 1 saw no worms. Zwbhthe world knew tae effect of-that Sea Weed Tonic: it Is a goed medl cine, and It wiu bring up the appetite if anything in the world will. Tdo not believe vrm —in fmfSvrtiSS&n' L. BRAUNS. Wm« A* Brown &. Co«, PARES .fUOtofISS. jacatfinat. If yon. have had digestion. . If youhaveabadbreath. ; Try ■. one Bottle of SekeneJde Sea Weed Tonic, liras;’ Masb„ June Ifitb,; 1852. Ido not believe you wlilknow me, for I aa so chanced, hut I um bound to gee yon the next time von come to As I said before. Lan now a well men. My skin Is as dear and tongue as clean asyotirs. J have galnto seventeen pounds in flesh, and solid- at that: 1 can eat as mnch as an; one man in Lynn; am In the shoe business and everybody knows me here, and am w>li known In Boston ana New York. 1 am always talking about yon and your medicine, and sup pose I have been the means of selling many dollars wolth already. Toots respectfully. •TAMES T. JONES. Dr. J.H. Principal Olhce isntSU North Olh street Philadelphia Pa.. where letters for advice , el oulO always be addressed. 1 Price of the Pulmonic Syrup and Sea TVeed Tonic, each One Dollar per bottle, or l ive Dollars per half dozen. Mandrake Pills 23 c- nts per box. The Trad** supplied by LOKD & SMITH. 23 Luke st., Chicago. IVholi side Agents. JylShrfWMm-ltew JUgal Notices. XT STATE OF ASHLE? GIL JLU BERT, Deceased Public notice Is hereby given to all ptrsons hiving claims against th*» estate of Ashley Gilbert. Creased. to present the sim; for adjadicitiou and settlement to the October term of the Conntv Court of Cook County, to be holdea at the Coart Home. In the Citv of Caicugo, on the third Monday of October. A IX iStfc.*. MARIA GILBERT, Administratrix. Chicago. Aag. 10th. isfia. au.HVtr.u-fiy STATE OF ILLINOIS* COUNTY OF COOK, F?.—Superior Court of Chicazo, November Term, l 1 James Summers and ELvard Martin vs Ornn J Rose. Darnel T. £l*tor.. WLliam LiH. WMtam L. Duvis Edward Miitin. Lawrence Front.Edward Sculjy. Thorni>Scully. Patrick Dunn. Bridget Quirk. Ellen Scn'lv. M-*n-uret Sftil.v.Gearge Front, William Front Ellen Ft out, Otho Kleui'u. Jcsepu E. Shtffield Mathew Jordan and Bridget-lor dan. uls wife. John Prout MlcbaelFroat. MaryLeesou, William Let son anc John Lceson. Affidavit that 0:Lo Kleaim, Joseph B. SheUcld, Matthew Jordan. Bridget Joi dan. Ids wl*e John Front. Edward Soolij and Michael Front defe tdauta shove junud are ivoo-residents. and that Mar? Leeson, Wil liam Let pod, and John L-eeor. defendant* above named, cn doe Inquiry cannot be having been llii'il in the office of theCie*k of said Snoetior Court ol Chicago. Notice is hereby Kivea to the said otho Klenim. Joseph t. Sheffield, Matthew Jordan Bridget Joicsn, Ids wife, Jehu Front Michael Front. Miry Lerson, William Let-son. John Leeson and Edward Scully, that the complainant? filea their bill of com* plsintln said Court, on the Chancerv side thereof on the fifth day of August iwa. and 'that a summons tCt:euyon toucd out <-f said Court ag»lu>t said defea darts, returnable on the Monday of November next. (tSRfi, as is hv law required. Now. unless son, the talc Otho Kl«mm. Joseph E Sheffield. Matthew Jordan. Bridget Jorden, ois wife, John Front Michael Front, Mary Lesson, William Leeson. Edward Scully and John Leeson shall per* m nlly be and appear before said Superior Court of Chi cago of Cock County, on the first day of tire next t inn thereof, to he holdeu at Chicago, in said Conn tv. on • the first Monday r. t c 62. and plead, answer or demur to the said complainants Ml' of complaint, tt e s«in“, and the matters and things there in and Mated, will he taken as corfessod. and a decree entered against yon according to the pmv*r «f said hill. THOMaS B. CARTER.'CIerk. D. N. Bcbsiujc, CompTte* Sol'r. aut6-t-i&-iw A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE. jCI- BTAIE OF ILLINOIS. COOK CODSTF. Si- County Court of Cvok Coiu.ty. Public notice Is herebv given that the undersigned. Administratrix of the e&ute of Deliver Walker, de ceased. trill appear before the said Court, a? thi- S. ntem ber Tanu ihercot i>> be boiden on the thinl Mon«L»y oi September, A. D. ISfii. Nt the Court Ibtuse in said Coun ty. for the purpose of bearing and adjusting all clatr-a and dsnmnds against the estate, when end wh-jra all persons having such c’abr.e are reouested to present and file the same. AFU7AIL F. WALKER, Administratrix Estate Deliver Walker. Chicago. July 23d. !S»a. Je3-UUd qtate of HAINOIS, county VO OF COOK, as.—Superior Court of Chicago, Sep tember Term, 1562. Sarah M. Doan vs. David Duun— In Chancery. Affidavit of the non-residence ol David Dunn- defen dant above named, having been fli-'d in the office of the Clerk of saio Superior Court of Chicago. Notice Is hereby given to the said David Duun that the c. m nlair.ant Sled bill of c -raplalnt in slid Court, on the Chancery side thereot ou Hie ninth day of August, 1862. and that n trunnions thereupon issued out ot said Court against said defendant, returnable Ou the first Monday of September next, CIS 62), as £» by law re qnired. • Now. unless you. the said David Dunn, shall person ally be and aipcarbetotc said Superior Court of Chi cago ofCoot County ontht* firs: d iyof the n* j xt term thereof to beholden at Chicago, la sad County, cn the first Monday of SeMember, 1831. and plead, an swerordemurtothe said complelnant* Mil of com plaint. the ss»me, and the matters and thitigs therein charged and stated, will DC taken as coafi ssefi. nud a decree entered against y. u according to the prayer of said hill. Thomas h. carter, ci-rg. J. Woodbuidcb Smith. CompVta’ Sol’r. anU-COO 4w 'T'RUSTEE’S SALE.—Public no- JL ticeis hereby given that L L. C. Paine Freer, Trustee. &A, will. In pursuuace with tnu powers In a Deed of Trait noted August Ist. IS6O executed by Charlotte Burns and Charles H. Darns, her hn-imno, tell nt public auction lor ca*h to the hicauf-t bidder at the north door of the Court House. In the City of Chi cago. County of Cook, and State of Illinois .Cot throe ("). In Blcck fifteen 115), in tne Canal Trustee’s Sub division cf the west LslCanrt the w**st half of the north east quarter of Section seventeen (17), In Township thirty-nine p}), North Ihinge fourteen (It), cist ol Third Principal Meridian, in said Citv of Chicago Said sale to be made on trie 3l?t day of August, A.D 1363. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of said day. L. C. PAINE FREER. Trustee. &c. Chicago, J one 19th. 1362. 3c2i-?AW-td VVfHEREAS, 1)7 Mortgage dated T T April Ist, usd recorded at ;?.K) to 39}, Inclreivc, lu Book P, or Mortgages ol Moultrie County, Illinois, Ebenez»r Noyeaand Ann M. bis wife, conreytduttto the undersigned ottier me fol lowing lands In Moultrie County, Ilia, to wit:—The northeast quarter of section twenty five (25), and the northwest X of the southeast X 01 Section thirteen, both la Township twelve (12) norili; also, the north a of Lot one or the scatnwest quarter of Section (31). lu Township tbtrUen (13) north, all tn ItangcNo. six (G). east of the Third filncipal Meri dian, elves to secure a bond of same date for the sum of two thou# iml dollars, payable one year after date, (and all taxes paid by tbn undersigned on said lands was to be uddeu to said orirclpal sus), with interest at the rate cf tm per rent per aonuffi, wim powar of sale In cose of dtlault the principal sum or interest; an«*, whereas, default having been made in the princi pal sum now anioiuitimr to the sum of twenty tvo hundred and filtet-n dollar?. inciuilng the tixes paid on said lands by the undersigned and a’so the ba'aace of {merest am-.untliis to the sum of four hundred and fifty-sis collars. All of the above sums being now du-* and unpaid, X shall sell by virtue of the power in said mortgage on * ridav, the 2Jd dav of August, X U. 1362, at 20 o’clock A 31. at the north door of tue Court Hon*?. in the City of Chicago, to the highest bid l°r for cash, to make the money duo on sa>a bond with costs oj pule, smd c »nvty the abov-. d- scribed an-* all the light, m e a>;d intense In law a*id in equity of the sa:d Fbenezer N* yes and Aim 11., his wife, their heirs and assigns in and t > the same. , . H£N«5 F.YALEVnyE. Chicago, Jmy GtiCi. 1852. Jy3l t£M-td MORTGAGE SALE,™ Wfcereas, Richard K. Swift and MeP*ea A- Swift, his wife, Jennvjohnt>tonjiiawue.par« ; ?,■ oi the first part, did. by their certain mortgage dated j nnuary Ist. a. D.i;-r*9. mortgage and convey to tceuu- | dtrs'pneo WiUiaoi t>. Ggd*u.ali the properly hereiaar- > lei described, to secure. the, payment of ms principal ; sumotteveiitj five thousand dollars, payaWeleny-ists i alter date, ana interest on the «aiui* h*follower—One i thousand four hundred douarr. payable on tne ar*t \ dev ol January. A. U. ar.f*. trom and after pe- i ritTd aeinl annual mictest on the sale sum of wveniy- i fivethcu ( ar.d do.i.-ir.-. at the rate oi six percent, per j annum, payable on the first da? of January and July I in each year, for eac* of w jleh said payments or Inte rest saidtswifc anc Johnston gave their nous to theun . dtrel&red, hearing even date with said mortgage, pay able sthir office in Chicago; and dlu In and bysud mortgage provide that if del mil slioul-* b« made m the payment ox any one of ealti of interest at the time ano in the manner in said nromissory notes given for said Interest provided, and the same should remain due and unpaid for the space of one year alter the same, became cue, then at ih* elecaon of the un dersigned sale principa* sum secured by saldmoitgage should at oec* become and be due ana payable, any thing" la the uo;e given for the came to the contrary BotwithrtandiEg. said election to be made at the time of or at any time aster such Jeiaa’.L without notice. And that In that caie it should be lawful for the turner signed w enter Into asd upon all and olskolar the j/emietsin said mortgage described, and to ?-jll and ; Sispoee ot the tam** or any partorparta thereof and , &U bereLt and equity of redemption of said party of the fint part to eald morteage. their heirs, eieeutora, orssiigns therein, at public auction, baring first given sixer days notice of Che time and place of mid sale by publicat.on. in. any da'Jy newspaper published InChlcsso. And said iasmlmeat of interest, araountlrg to the saw ni uoq thqubend four hun-lre-X dollars, that became due by tte*tenn“ of said mortgage on the first cay of January t A.D.-iS«i. as also the note given for the same, wna nolphldwheuthe same became due, and is not yet paid and xroreth&aa year has njapged since the same became due; and I. taid WilUani B. Ogder. have elected and do elect that the prlndoal sum secured by sale mortgage, to wit, the sum of sev enty-five thousand dollars, shall become and be due and payable. ~ And whereas, there la now cue and unpaid on raid mortgagesaidprUicipa! sum of sevexiiT-ave debars and smd sum ol one thousand lour hundred dollars that became due thereon as Interest on tha first day of January, X D. 156b- and also the mstal me it of Interest amounting to the sum of two thous and two hundred andJl'iv dollars, which, became due thereon on the first dsy of July, A. D. I£GL And also, the insTalmcnt of interest i-unonntli p to the last aoova named sum. which became due toereon on the first day of January, euD-lfc62. being in the aggregate the sum ol elghw thousand ulna hundred dollars CfAi,9Coj Bow. therefore public uorice is hereby giraatuat L the said wilUamß Ogden, under and m pursuance oi tbe and provieionsln said mortgage rontamed, have entered Into and, upon all and smgoiar the prem ises described In said moitzace, to-wit; Lots eixty-oos , (Bl), tlziv-two‘ (fiZ), rixty-thms (63), stxtr-four (o*;, six ty-fve (f-s>, eixly+ix.(&6) sixtywveii 67), aizvy-eight (fiSJ.BlX'v-Eine (f?). seveaty (<P.) eeveety one (?0. sev entr two (72», seventy.three '-3), seventy-four (74) seventy-five (75). seventy-six (73). seventy-seven (77). seveniy-eight (TS?. seventy-mne (73), etehty (S»). eighty oec (SI), eighty-’wo (S2), elghtv-three (< : ). eighty-four (SI), elzhty-five (Ss>. elehtv-ats (g*), eighvy-eeven (Si), elghty-signt (S8). elgsty-nln* (39) and ninety (30). all -tn B-oason’s-Addition to Chicago, said lots being bonnJed cn the east by Clark street, oa the north by - Schiller street, on the wets by^Wells streetand on the sooULby Goethe street; and being all the lota included within and between said streets, all situate. Mae and •bflESin the efty of Chicago, county of Cook and Stats of Illinois. - AndthstXwQl, on Monday, the twenty-fifth day o( August next. (August. A. t*. 1352) at teu o'clock in .the forenoon, on said premise?, fn turausnee or the terms, powers and provtuons of said Tsortgage. offer lor Bile ana sell the said premises In said mortgage deceitned, .being the same premises'above described, and all bene fit end equity of redemption of the said Richard S HfTUtoßiW'tiFsa i. Swift, his wife,-and James S JohnneoAtKl Jenny-Johnston. wliei thetr halm, ezscutota. adminlfitrahors. devisees or at nubile auction toaSrhjidiestbldder^Drflßffl. Sold mone«ee wa» fiieo for record in ths Ot» ce of said Cook County, or. the twentx-first day of Jsncary. A. D. 1559, and duly recorded. In HookXicX Uortestes. cmameuclnget paeet43 of said bCNik. t - T * - - WTLLtAIf 8. Q6DCT. ■ tn>icftg-r>:.Tvuftta.vw» •*• •• • hma €a^partnrtesips. Dissolution op go part- NEEBEIP.—The Co-Partnership heretofore «x --teting between John Clark. Julm H.'Marehall and rial Jones, under the name and firm of Joha Clare St Co., was diseolvedon the 17th m£t. by the of John H. Marshall. Si nt rr!v» f* r .''..--rAUhJM*v,S ’ TheProdncft Commission 3ndlnc&s win be cinaacted as heretofore by the ,ofJotnClarhiCo. .. - Tivvlfi-rBQ-Xm - - • 1 _ ' t &eal iSstatc. T AXX3S—To all romtiidg Farms—. vnd ciißfltel - larse and thriving settlement oi Vineland. IfILHTY V-iLSS south ■ of PMlalelphla oj railroad..- BIQH SOIL. - Fine -Crops to tie seen growls Twenty acre tracts at trom sls to S3O per acre, payable wiitia*Onr years, , Good-Bn'ineas ppeniags-r-Qooi Society. Hui.2reels are settling na.i maiinginprovamenti £.> -»!y to CHAB. K Ma-ter; YlaelsnS, -Cumbermuc- County. Xtw Jersey. Lettera-answered, -Fa pera cot tabling -full tafhmr-aion wlil bfrMh ftep, 3y21-&ST6-lm 3£moML REMOVAL. EMDEN, KAY & GO. • Have removed to ■ Nos. 45 & 47 Lake Street, "Where they are prepared to show CASH B DTE US at Sadlery Hardware, —AND— OAEEIAGE TEIMMIHGS, TEC largest andbest assorted stock to ba found in QMr NORTHWEST, embracing SPRINGS and AXLE^ HUBb, SPOKES, FELLOES, Carriage Bodies and Seats, Enameled Cloth, Pateht Leather, Ac. Also a large assortment of Hone Cellars and Blankets, Whips andLaSlte^ Skirting, Bridle, Collar and HARNESS LEATHER, All of which will be offered, at Prices that will not be undersold. Agents tbr dowry’s Springs and Axles, Crockets Tarnishes. Dole's Hah Boxing Machine and Hallow Augers, W.V.Kat, Chicago. P. Haydek, New Tort aukrts&dm T> EMOTAL.—Mather & Co. have JLV removed their olßco to Ew'ng's Block, (up stair?.! corner North Water A Clark street*. au9-UTD-2w Segar». CORBIN & CO. CCCCC OOOOUO 8R38823 CCCCCC 0000000 SEB 3RR CCC CCC 000 000 RRR BRB CCCC 000 000 ERR RRR uCCC 000 000 BBRBBRB CCCC 000 000 ERRRRKtt £CCC 000 GOO RRR RRR CCC CCC 000 000 ERR BliS CCCCCC 0000000 RHR RRR CCCCC 000000 SREB BEH3 SFBRBSB HITT BNN NNN BSSSSSS FSB BBS 111 NNN SN. 530 SS33 888 388 HI NNNN NN 535 £33 BBS 888 111 tfNNNN NN ESS BBRBBB 111 NNNNN NN SSt? BBBBHB 111 K-- NNN NN SS33 SUB BBS m KN NNNNN S^SS 388 888 HI FN NNSN 868 533 EBB 888 HI NN NNN SSSS SSSS 8528858 CHI STSN NN SS3S3BS 000000 WWW WWW NNN NHN 0000000 WW W Wff NNS Out! 000 WW W WW KSNN NN 000 000 VTW TTT WW NNNN7T NN 000 000 WW WW WW F!» NNN NN 000 000 WW WW WW NN NNN NN 000 000 WWW WWW NN KNNNN *JOO 000 WWW WWW NN NVVN 0000000 WWW WWW NN NNN 000000 WW WW WNN NN SEGAES. Honufactured from. Selected Havana Totscc% For sale at Wholesale ami Retail at KC*. 65 CLARK STREET <nhT-nl9'-8m Corner of Randolph street. Chicago, HL jpm. tufting. D, &lcE ABLANS’S E. Sas, Steam. Fitting PLOMSINe £STABySHM£MI ; S4 Lasallf. Street, Chicago. SS>LKR IS dsS FSXTTBSS i 53 SSOH FCBSITCSIW Practical Plumber, *JfO THE TBADS« Tho Tntfiu supplied with tools aua ever? article Hi he Ou, Steam Fining and Plumbing bumnsae. Be 9UdloK and Bronzing dene to order. 53?* Mane factory, U3 and 139 But Washington street, siyW-iy Hags. BAKM, BAGB, BAGS, I : STEAM RAG MANUFACTORY, ; • No. 135 SouthWatCMt, Chicago. » I and • : Ofevery description mmlsh-x* «a*!u»rt - Z notice and nriatcl with Nbw and « ; CSAUTIiXL BE-tKOS. s t SIMEON FAR WELL, g : CORN RXCiiAXGR Bag Manufactory. START, &■ CTO., MAHDFACTCKKaS OF BAGS! * OX every description, 157 South Water Street. 157. aULLERS, bsaivile&s, GROCERS^ ETXjOTJR, GrUAXST, GX TNNY, HAM AK'S FEUD DA3S. gySecond-handbagsaiwayß on bang. Sags loanedto shippers. myl2 r2E3-ly fans it 3tom>. MUSICAL IKSTBITMSNT^ 4.TJL tiS BA tJ £UJSzSt S iMMB Mm BRASS rrsrsTitiJMENTs, 99 Sonia Clark Street* Mhccfiisiarsr «ad importer ot Musics: inßMxnisnts iud Ssriaga. Having connection with manufacturin'' bouses In Berlte, Leipsic. Dresden, England and Faria, |r, prepared t*r famlsc Sane* end Individual •♦it'.- every article !r. their lice St the lowest ii. YorK Prices, Post Office Sox 5404. oel£-<I3S9-ly ??oop Stitts. YORK ANX> ILLINOIS Msop Iklrl Mauufacieff, And Importer and dealer In all kinds of French and Cerpian Corsets. ‘*' n WBQT.RSAT.Tt J RETAIL. N0.73 tb Clark street poslte the Court iosO. audl‘4) Nortii rk> bet Indiana A ■ street?. TCAOO. ILLZWOZB. ind Cotton Skirts .ii to order at abort ice. Old Skirts ired, altered ***«* >ed as good as . Fall stock of ?n, double din id, bridal and tch Sklrte con ly on band, from. slant' B sprlngStCbildren's, to 61 bdtliicb, ladlt K.B.—we repair «H stirts wnlcb w' - . - e sell without ex* tra charge, provided they are kept clean. Our S&lrta are warrant'?*! to be of the best quality. "Watch spring steel Skirts exchanged !f not aataisevory, and all par* cels sent to residence. NOTICE TO TCTJOiEgiIE SUTTERS. As we hav& been In ine SL,rt business since the first beginning of 41*9 trade, branches of onr house In nil the' prlccipul citic* -.-i the Union, as well aa Lon don,—end ?*« onr London .Ar ; famishes os onr steel 6t first cost—taoi giving otu • astoraer* the benefit of what we shot:'<T otherwise ; ■" for commissions—ww ere able to sen Inver 11-m- it iqt Orders by mall promptly tj. i, TKiCiS, Pccpricr-r for SUcaso. Fe« Tort Factory, S3 Bowrcy. Post Office Box IS3S. mylS-rSSMy hotels. A MERICAN HOUSE, BOSTON, t\. I* the largest and. Best t Anuged Hotel Diths Eew England Stares; t* eeattaDy located, asfl tasy of access trom all rotites of travel. • If contains aU Cie modern improwneata. ana every convenience for 2:e comfort ana accoicftibeatloa dt the traveling lab ile. Thealeeplnfcroomaaie.large*nitwelLTeaSa»dz tbenltesofroams are well arranged, and eosinloSw Jornlshedfor fcznhleiadiaree SntvaKnzpartiSa and theßonie wfflecaganetobstepi u B irsfeiaaa heal ’ ' *»WSICat Proprietor- ftatimajpurnitut?^ ]g ABO OCK A P SSI, HI BiSBOLPH STKEST. v Makogany, fiosewood and Walnat, .AS>B 0« •. - -- aHAin»gg ( TiTWTKBgOQMatCOMaiOSFUHMi'yog is GUXAT taatsty. ' - ‘ '•'Weoi Beat and Case-Beat Cham, Bedateada «SiS*| ■Puna School mimture oa sand and to order. . afFirticitftr m*£jg* to Conor (Wak P. WILSOT, Cincinnati, O its’ size.