Newspaper Page Text
WEDNESDAY, ADGT'ST 27, 1863. jjj- Die reported defeat of Col. Met calfe at Bichmond, Ky., and the occupa tion of the village by Scott’s Louisiana cavalry, is contradicted by the special dis patch from Lexington. An attack was xnadc on Metcalfe at Big Hill, fifteen miles Booth of Bichmond, in such force that he \ras compelled to fall back on the town, Vherc reinforcements coming up, Metcalfe look the offensive, and pressed the rebels beyond Rock Castle Riven, several miles Bouih of Big Hill Metcalfe's loss is pat at fifty killed, wounded and missing. Fort Donclson has not been evacu ated. It is held by four companies of the 51st Ohio, a part of the regiment ot Col. Jlodney Mason, who so basely surrendered Clarksville to CoL "Woodward's rebel cav alry. On Monday afternoon Woodward, •with a considerable force of cavalry and infantry and two pieces o* artillery, ap- TK?arcd before the fort and demanded Us surrender. The small body of men de- Jending the fort refused to comply, and an sttack was commenced, whi-.di resulted in the repulse-of the rebels, ’f-ith consider able loss, and without the loss of a man Of the Tlet. the sitcation ix vißfimi, The admirable generalship of Pope has fseved us the disgrace of another panic at Vashington, if not the existence of the army of the Potomac itself Johnson and Stonewall Jackson came thundering upon him in the moment that McClclUn was moving around from James Hiver, and the j-cpulse they met at the liapidan, August Cth, with the movements Cvat have fol lowed it, seem to he decisive Tor the present jir.cgrity of the campaign. The line of the JUppahannock is now securely held, from TTredericksburg to Wam-nlon, a dis tance of forty miles. This lino is £fry or sixty miles from the feiiml capital. The right ving (SigeVs) Is easily reached by railroad, and the left CPoie's) via Aqnia Creek. How large a force is embraced in these livisious it U not permitted to. slate, but of McClellan’s cjmy, only Yiiz «Tuim Porter’s corps hus teen joined to the army of the front The rebels may outnumber us, bu: we have the advantage of a river on our side, and this advantage seems to have been used by f?srel in one of the must brilliant exploits of the war. McClellan’s rvrmy (except Porter's dlvis ioi. aforesaid) is reorganizing at old “Camp California,’’ near Alexandria. within sup porting distance of any par: of the line. The new levies are coming m rapidly, and are being tanned with Ibe old, and the fall campaign in Virginia opcuu under aus pices that may ■well inspire courage lor the future. CHICAGO PRODUCE tBiDE. The following tabic shows the receipts and shipments of leading arddea tar the Veek ending August 23,15G2: Bccefpie. Shipments. .. M 1 .182 2*>,uvi .. £9s.9a| 319,%K) . 51.8‘M ‘.\n\ 0 . 31.457 40,r.0 75(1 yionr. hr! Vbcat. ha Corr-.hti Oa;=. bu Barley, bn Scc-dr.. D-e J ork, brie Cut Scats,Tfcß.- - Drf- ln-ik/w, tbs Live Hopp. N0..... Drc-sfcd Hops. No. Berf Cattle. N0... 137.5 SI 2,450 :.3'H 4.9 i» 10 4711 2-'.387 15.410 S,2T(i 2.2 iG Tbe following table shows the receipts of Hour, Groin, Live Stock, &c., since Jan. Ist to dale, for three years; l«si !ISBI IBftO. . 071.517 75M.407 375.55'. , 7,8tr,.55a .9,9*5.182 4.95i19'» .15.U74.W1 1C,54 .lift 12,8*.3,9« Slow, brie, Com, I>u.. 1,6-WL*«3 97.053 861, IS:) 3?vc. bn 267.6*7 18 W® ■Barler bn 4‘lvr.U 9«U»l Turk bri* !>t f.12 3- .750 19.739 Cat Meals,®* 18.425,911 8.427/(9 6.75S 994 -...18,275.673 5,96! 150 B,‘W»!W r r«i ; o-v fl-.e 472 «i'l 4' 5.521 y-t1.17‘5 So... 179.869 144.U5 45.2-m Jueef Collie, yo -11.425 H:.QI7 t1,£21 Tbe Sfonz Outbreaic. Wc publish fall details of tte massacres Committed by the Indians in Minnesota. The number of people butchered is very large. The cause of the outbreak is still indoubt. The pretext alleged is, that the Government iiiul unreasonably delayed the paj meut of the txuuuities, thereby keeping the Si; ux awaiting pa\meet until they were in a starving con- But in answer to this allegation U fchotiM be known that the treaties of ISGI fix y»o time in the year at which the annuities arc to be paid the Indians. The trei.lles simply provide that payments shall bt. made an* jmally. When the savages broke into th>? warehouse tmcck before they commenced their massa cr< p, and helped themselves to flour, the did* turbsnee via & quieted by Agent G.Jbratth giv ing them the jjrovifions that were provided for distribution at the payment, with Ibe positive j-ipurunce on the part of the Indians, that they would go away and not return until they •were t-ent for to attend the payment. Another charge is that Superintendent after receiving tie money from 'Wa.pbirglon, had detained it here Tor the pur pose cf speculating by exchanging gold for paper; but the following letter the Ex pn-ss Company, refutes the assumption in the jnost positive terms. Sr. pAn,, August 22,1362. JMitoir of the Prcsi: pr.Au Sms—Wo underhand that their J# a report On the ftruc-t to-dey that onr present Indian didl cultiet arose partially on acco nr of the Indian sn j*erint undent's withholding their annuity monev jor the purpose of speculating upon the same. In jtr»ticf to Col. Thompson, the supcrlnt.?nde«t,wh > It- al»s<.;.t, we would say that, the ann iit y monies strived by our express. August Ifith. end'that im jjM'hat-ly up* a its arriv-d. Colonel Thompson chartered a and Maj<»r IlH*ca aud party Jorwara for thr purpose of making th** payment, and thty arrived at Fort Uidglev oa Mond.y. the inrt. ,T. O. TVmnxs-R, A Co. The supposed cause of the massacre is set forth in an article from the St. Paul Pro*. At the latcet account sufficient force hr.d in jtureoit of the “ted devils” to put a stop to their bloody work, and io bring them to con tl?gn janishment. About the Draft* Editors Chicago Tribune; I noticed in your i.-sne of yesterday an ar ticle on the drafting question, In which the case is put In a manner that must commend jtself to the common sense of every one (Vave greedy aspirants for shoulder straps.) on justly say: “ Why rsnnot 15.W0 of the men who have a\- jeady volunteered, ho dUtribated amo!:g the old ja gitbtnls. which would then leave H.TiP Stu»Te sviidir-rp to procure in order to nv *t all the o< maud? tUbdc on tlio Stale by the wtr depart ment * If tin- ‘negation fhoald he cirr:cd oat. tome p<-r«one «•!»«< « rpcct to wear i*hrml ler straps will be di*-ii|'jto;iit.-d; mu -.vlih» d ►€!* th it. matter, hen wished against the panic good j'' I apprehend it was not the purpose of the call for 000,000 more volunteer*,-to afford cm •doynicnt to those self-denying patriots who sr<-. wibing to serve their country -provided Ahtv can get a 2*rjtu<j position. Rcepcctfaily yours, V OLtTb'TEEB. High! Illinois Cavalry. "Wo were surprised and pleased \o meet J-icut. Col. GomMc, of the kth Illinol' caval ry, y< sierday, In pur sanctum. He rc irived a Very dangerous wound in the breast from a Xiusket ball while gallantly leading a charge Tjam the rebels at Malvern Hlil, on ’the Bth ans*. It lea matter of surprise that he was mol killed outright. He is slowly recovering, ar.d rith good care will be able to return to his regiment -In a Uvr weeks. It 5s now on the Rappahannock in Sumner or Porter's corps, and has but two of sts field officers present, viz: Majors Clenden xin one Beveridge. Col. not yet returned to his command, though hla men are Impatiently awaiting him. Major Dustin is home on tome business, and Lieut. Cbl. Gamble is at home severely injured. J2i* excuse for absence is a good and valid one. Several of the company officers have resigned recently; among them, Capt. Cleve land of this city, who is now at home. The regiment left Chicago eleven months ago for Washington 1,150 strong. If, needs sbont 300 recruits to liU up Its ranks. 'the Bth ainuoia :b oat 6t the Tciy ciT-Ary regi anents in the service. Several young men Irom this city win start next week to join this crock reg’ment, among them Samuel McdUl, sm employe of the Tbiutkb, (brother of one of the Captains.) He will accompany those ■Who wish to join the regiment. BT Wisconsin has to furnish 6,000 men to fill up regiments in the field; and the Madison Journo! learns trom the officer In charge of recruits for the old reeiments at that city, that fcince tbe first of August there have enlisted and gone forward to reinforce all our old regi ments of infantry and cavalry, and our batter ies o I frrtflleiy, the large number of—l4B. "* \ VOLUME XV. The Fight at Big Hill. Colonel Sletcalf Reaches Bichmond in Safety. THE B£BELS BEXAND A SUBBEIf" DEB OF THE PLACE. The following highly interesting narrative of the recent conflicts of Colonel Metcalfe’s command, with the rebels, near Richmond, Ky., is from the pen of the colonel himself, It was written as a private letter to his wife. Richmond, August 24, 1862.—1 have had Fllning tiroes since 1 left Lexington. Tester day* about one o’clock, my pickets were driv en in from the top of Big Bill, about fifteen miles from Richmond, to my camp near the foot of the hilL I immediately called out all the men I could call together—numbering about 400—and started for the summit. When near our destination we dismounted, and made the attack on foot upon the enemy, who were pooled about 400 yards beyond the top. One company, commanded by Capt. Berry, had gone forward, but returned to the top, several men being killed, and CoL Berry hav ing tttfo horses shot under him. ‘ We then moved forward on foot, amid a shower of bul leta and shell, which go terrified my raw, un disciplined recruits, that I could not bring more than one hundred of them In sight of the enemy. The great majority, I am sorry to say, mounted tbeir horses and fled, without even getting a look at the foe. It was impos sible to rally them, and they continued their flight to some distance north of Richmond, and were only checked by meeting the brigade under Col. Link, who compelled them to re turn to Bichmond, where they now are. The brave boys who did their duty were sacrificed through these cowards; for I have no hesitation in saying that if the latter had obeyed my orders the rebels would have been whipped. Weakened as they were, 100 men fought the enemy for an hour and a half, and compelled them to fall back. My men were frightened by the shells, but I do not think a simile person was killed by them, or a wound received, except a slight one on my hand, from a shell winch exploded within a few feet, enveloping me completely inemoke and dust. Fifty men will cover our loss in killed, v outded and prisoners, ten men being killed. IVc killed twenty-five ot the rebels. I have been holding the enemy ia check for four days, though tbeir forces are greatly su perior to mine, and are posted on both sides of me, less than fourteen miles distant, and may each attack me at any hour. I had deter mined, however, to fight before giving up tbe advanced position I then held, hoping tliat rtinforcements, forage and provisions would airive. During the “four days my horses had been fed with com but twice. The country fonth of Big Hill is entirely destitute, and subsistence for cavalry must be sent from Lexington. To supply onr regiment at the Gap ICO wagons will be required. I hod a narrow escape. Shortly after the above encounter, while with Col Odon, some distance behind onr men, a hundred rebels dashed down the road after us. Fortunately, I bad placed about two hundred Tennessee infinity in the bushes on the roadside, who fired on the enemy as they were seizing us. Several of them were killed and wounded, the rest driven back and we saved. At the lime the Te nnesseeans fired there was not a man of my regiment in sight. In company v ith ny deliverers 1 hastened to the camp, where I Jonnd about 200 men, and tried to rally Uieiu. The enemy appeared again in five or rin minutes, when my force ran pell mell at tic first fin*. The Tennesseans, however, showtd good courage, and checked the rebel f] proach, killing several by their well di rected fire. They also took some prisoners, who say that their command consisted of two regiments of cavalry, having one battery of three pieces of cannon. They were reported to numberaboat 1,2C0 men. The odds were fearful—twelve to one—bnt I was determined to have a fight, and wonld not leave my position unless driven from It. I think we did exceedingly well under the circumstances. The enemy pursued ns to this place, where we arrived about ten o’clock. Shortly after, they tent In a flag of truce, demanding an un conditional surrender of myself and the town. I replied that 1 would not surrender, and. would fight it, out. I sene their flag-bearer out of town, and immediately dlspatcned run ners out on the Lexington road to hasten Col. Link, who was approaching from that direc tion. He arrived about 13 o’clock with rein forcements, and the enemy concluded to post pone their attack, and to-day retreated. Leonidas Metcalfe, TBE WAR Iff KENTUCKY. Cassias HI, Clay Commandio; a Bri gade-General Wallace Anioos the llobel Slaveholders —Bolldias a R«t»d to Cumberland Gap—A New Expedient for Guarding Trains. [Correspondence of the Cincinnati Gazette.] Lbxhcgtok. Ky., Aug 24,1862. Gen. Cassius M, Clay is here, la command of a brigade. He is, by commission a major Lateral, bnt asks only the position of a brig ; d\er, and his command constitutes a part of the loree now hastening forward toward the Cumberland Gap, and thence into Eis tern Tennessee. In addition to this, there are some other things tbatlknow concerning him aud others, which I infer. I know that he has received an urgent letter from Mr. Lin coln, desiring him to return to Russia, and that he has promised to do so, but I inter both from bis conversation and his actions that he intends to first take a turn with the M-ci Zionists, though that may leave the mis aion in the hands of Mr. Cameron for a year or to. Ho begins as a brigadier, but if success • quals his earnestness, he will not fall to take > larger command, unless the purpose of Gen. Halh ck is to cripple every man who has not a West Point sheepskin. There ia just now - a most remarkable revival ol Unionism in this vicinity, the immediate cause of ■which is the formation of a regiment or two of colored individuals. Gen. Wallace needs a turnpike irom this place to the Gap, bfcforo winter sets in, ond he has levied upon •he negroes of secessionists to build it. He fends to each of them and demands three, six, ten or twenty, according to the wealth of the pi niter and the strength ot his secesh proclivi ties. Testerday his aid demanded seven from one who replied that he had not that many able-bodied men, “ You must get them, itm,” was the stern reply, and to-day the man is trying to buy or hire the necessajy number, until he can ran back those ha has run oIT. I was much amused at the special pleading of one man. By a friend, he called upon a known Union man to represent to the general that he was Union. “Union!” said the man, “what has he done for the Union?” Why, he was among the first to subscribe >IOO to the soldiers’ relief fund.” “So he was, but he never paid a cent of it,” was the closing reply, and eecesh had to procure his r.ciirot s. Is not this what is meant by “ mak ing to yourselves friends of the Mammon of unrighteousness.” That significant roll is examined, and eveVy one whose name is not vrrlen thtrciu, with 41 the amount set oppo site” maiked paid, is held guilty of secesh prcclivpii-g, and charged a negro or so as atonement. •Already some 500 of these road builder : are in quarters, and their number is increasing rapidly. The work begins to-morrow. The engineer estimates that with a thousand ne groes he can build a mile per day. The force will probably be 2,000 in ten days or twa weeks. The road is to be thrown np sixteen f*-et wide, and McAdarnized with broken stone cine inches deep. The grade is not to he materially altered from the present State road, but bridges will be put oyer all the stresms. Gen. Rousseau has hit upon a new expedi ent for guarding the road in his Jurisdiction in Tennessee, lie has issued aa order to carry, free of charge, fifty wealthy and influ ential secessionist on each train, so distribu ted on the top of the cars that It would be impossible to shoot at the train without kill ing some of these. The order expressly re quires one preacher to each car. So far it works well. Gutnt>stove. The following is the order referred to in the above. It receives the unqualified approval of the soldiery: HrAT»QATtTEn? Tnmp Tm-iov, lU’ntsvixj.*, Ala., Aug. 3,16*32. FirriAi. OttDEn. 2so. 51.—Almost every day murder.* arc committed by lawless binds of robber* and murderers fixing into the railroad trains. n n j-.rvT' nt thi«, of to let the guilty suffer with ■-he innocent, it }a ordered that the preacuere and leading men of the churches (nut exceeding twelve In number) In and about Hunts ville, who have tny-n active secessionists, be arretted and kepi io custody and that one of them be detailed each day and placed r-n board the train on liir road ranmbg by way of Alliens, and taken to Klk River and back, and that a like detail be made and taken to Stevenson and back. Each detail shall be In charge of a trusty soldier, who rball be armed, and not allow him U) communicate with any person. «ben not on duty, these gentlemen shall bo i °? I, bnably quartered la Huntsville, but not al .V° communicate with any one without leave '■“'i'lnsrtcu. The eoldlers detaßed « character wifi report at these u*l \ ot * forthcr iustrnctione upon the day V mr otd “ t . r , M 3 o'clock p. m. Ixjvki.i, n. Ropsseap. F. J. Jokts, A. A. A. Q, Gen-com'd-g. Ann* find Amronpition sent to tbe Nonbweti, Got. Salomon has cent over GOO rifles and 5,000 rounds of ammunition to the care of lion. J. W. Beardsley, of Prescott, to be used in case the Chippewaa in our State, excited by the Sioux uprising in Minnesota, should com mence hostilities. He also sent 25,000 rounds of ammunition to tbe governor of Minnesota iu response to his request. The arms and ammunition was sen* on the ttaln west this morning.—Madi son {3T* A correspondent states that the extent to ■which the counterfeiting of confederate money Is carried on In the South, is almost incredible. The genuine notes are at best miserable specimens of engraving and print ing. Some of the Union prisoners, while at Salisbury, manufactured quires of this staff with pens, and passed it off with perfect ease. FROM WASH IS SI OX. THE CAMPAIGN IN VIRGINIA. McClellan’s Army at Alexandria. OUR LINE OF THE RAPPAHANNOCK. Great Movements Ahead. PROBABILITIES OF A DRAFT. Opinions Expressed in Cabinet. [Special Dispatch to the.Chicago Tribune.} Washingtok, August 26, 1562. As the time approaches for enforcing the draft, applications for permission to have the draft suspended in certain regions for a brief period, and to allow volunteering to continue tor regiments now partly made up, began to pour in on the war department. Early this morning & few such applications were granted under very strict regulations, and with only a limited extension. As the secre tary began to perceive the extent to which this relaxation of rules would speedily go, he at once refused all remaining applications. Among those granted were one for a Philadel phia regiment, which is permitted to con tinue receiving np to September 3d, and one from Lancaster, Pa., to Sept. Ist. All to which such permission was granted were nearly full, and no doubt was entertained that tbe draft could be wholly avoided by a lew days more volunteering. In these cases the same extra bounties, etc., are allowed as prior to the ex piration of the regular time for volunteering. The belief begins to be entertained that on one pretext or another a draft will be postponed in many cases, and that the rigid rules of the department on the subject will be relaxed to satisfy the wishes of those who regard a draft as a disgrace, and wish to avoid It. The 2,000 prisoner story is partially but not entirely untrue. Gen. Corcoran brought in the 69th this after noon, and left quietly for New York on the five o’clock train. He will accept the invita tion to go to Boston some time this week and speak in Faneull Hall. Gallagher’s rifled breech loading carbines were tested to-day. They threw balls with great accuracy a mile and a half. The govern ment is beginning to introduce them in arm ing Kentucky cavalry. Orestes A. Brownson, the eminent Catholic reviewer, made a stirring speech in response to a serenade this evening at ‘Willard’s,.He de clared himself strongly in favor of emancipa tion, and said he agreed with the president in colonization, hut he was committing a fatal mistake of making emancipation depend upon colonization. Freeing the slaves of rebels he declared to be the instant necessity of the bonr, demanded and justified as a war meas ure. It was a noteworthy fact that every strong declaration in favor of freeing the slaves, and using them in any way they can be made available for military pur poses, was cheered to the echo. He electri fied the audience with the stirring declaration that timid measures were almost treason, and that we must not look for the safety of the nation to those soft-shell conservatives whose conservatism consists in having no eyes except in the backs of their heads. He eulogized the draft as the first evidence of national vigor and purpose in the war, and deprecating the efforts of some governors and other functionaries to avoid it by begging for lime to volunteer. His remarks were loudly applauded throughout. A machine having been invented and put in operation, for clipping treasury notes, the ser vices of the large number of women now en gaged in that business at the department will not be required much longer. Heavy pressure is being brought to bear, of course, to retain them, but it is understood they will all be speedily discharged. Complaints have been made from time to time, in the local papers and elsewhere, that numerous secessionists bad found occupation among these women, but it is believed that all justly charged with secession sympathies were weeded out some time ego, The cabinet had a meeting to-day, and the general feeling over public affairs was deci dedly more hopeful than for some time past. The is understood to have said that the crisis is past, and that the dread point of danger turned. Recent political arrests are jus-ified solely cn the ground that the course of the parties anededwas such as to discourage enlist ments. The government does not in tend nor desire to be understood as intending to interpose any obstacle to the freest criticism of pupllc measures. Its poli cy in suppressing, rebellion is regarded as a legitimate subject of popular discussion, but the rebellion itself must not be defended or government measures opposed to the preju dice of the recruiting service. Gen. Slough, late of New Mexico, formerly of Cincinnati, having failed through mere omission of confirmation by the Senate, has been rc-appointed brigadier-general and sent down to Alexandria as military governor. The city of Alexandria has been in great dis order ofting to the passage of large numbers undisciplined soldiers. Gen. Slough will soon bring order out of confusion: The following appointments have been made under the internal revenue law: for Minnesota, Ist district collector, John A. Hall, of Mankato; for assessor, Geo. W. Baker, of Rochester. 2d dcstrict collector, Thos. G. Jones, ot Avoca; assessor,-A- G. O. Morrison, of Pinched. From information received from various quarters thousands of men hare passed over into Virginia, principally from the eastern counties of Maryland. An entire company of cavalry left Montgomery county, oa the Poto mac. last week, and squads are constantly moving into Virginia. New York, Aug. 26.—A New York Times correspondent states that ‘‘the portion of McClellan’s army, which embarked at York tewn, has already arrived at Alexandria, Two corps under the command of Gen. Franklin, which embarked at Fortress Monroe on Fri dav, arrived at Alexandria to-day. It is also reported that another corps will come to the some place to-morrow. In fact, appearances irdicate that the entire army of the Potomac, excepting Gen. Porter’s corps, which went to Fredericksburg last week, will make Camp California—the old camping ground, situated i two miles and a half from Alexandria—a tem porary rendezvous. It is the opinion here that the troops now at Alexandria will, in the course of a day or two, proceed to join Pope’s army. I am informed that Kearney's division, which arrived at Alexandria about the middle of last week, took pan iu an engagement which occurred near Warrenton yesterday. The new regiments are daily pouring into Alexandria, and every day they are sent for ward to join the army. The New York limes’ Washington dispatch says; Acting Adjutant Murdock, of the 63th Ohio, committed suicide last sight at Alexandria, by blowing bis brains out with a pistol. He was ill with fever, but was not thought to be delirious till the fatal deed was committed. The Herald’s Warrenton Junction corres pondent ears: “ Burnside's troops are here. If the new levies were ever needed, It Is at this time. Gen. Pope Is still held to be equal to any emergency. The crippled but indomitable Bunks is still with his command, and Mc- Dowell has an opportunity to wipe away a bloodv recollection within cannon shot of Bull Run, for he Is active and everywhere pn Bent. 11 The Rappahannock correspondent of the New York Tribune says: “The greatest crisis ot this war occurred between Thursday morning and Saturday night. It is passed and we are safe. j Our army is safe. The nation is safe; for 1 Pope’s artillery la now guarding the line of the Rappahannock, and Fits John Porter, with a very heavy force, joined Pope on Friday even ing, and a best of regiments have joined and ore joining him now by way of Alexandria. Ana now Took ior tbe grand movements of the war within thirty days. Do not forget that Burnside has massed a huge army at Freder icksburg, and Pope is nearly or quite as strong -as Lee and Jackson, and that McClellan is tmfifiom the net which heldhlminits meshes on the peninsula. 'Washington, August 26.—Passengers from Virginia to-dav report that there was an en gagement at Warrenton, Va., yesterday, ia which our forces were successful, having driven the enemy out of the town. We were still holding it at the latest advices. The rebel forces which, had been engaged in the recent fight are mainly cavalry. Some stir was caused la camp, and a thou sand times more In Washington, I find, by a sudden raid of 250 guerillas upon OaUett's Station. Under cover of theoUht they dashed in upon oar small collection of men and wag ons, and stampeding a lot of sutlers, servants CHICAGO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 27, 1862. and teamsters, burned seven wngom, ran off a number of horses, and took about a Hundred prisoners. The most serious part of tie busi ness Is, they took Gen. Pope’s personal bag gage and money, and all his official papers, correspondence, &c., which happened to be in one of the wagons which hud been sent to the rear. In the attack at Catlett’s Station twenty supply teams were destroyed or their contents injured by the rebels. Many wagons were too wet to burn. Baltimore. August 25.— The passenger train on tbe Winchester railroad, which left there on Saturday afternoon for Harper’s Fer ry, was fired" intOabont half way between tfapse points, by a-narty ot fifty guerillas, and Ed ward Lewis, “the express messenger severely wounded. The conductor of the train fool ishly stopped it, in compliance with the order of the gang. Four soldiers of the Ist Michi gan regiment were taken prisoners. Thctrain, with its contents, was then destroyed; and the guerillas made ofTwith their prisoners.- ROM CAIRO AND BELOW, THE ATTACK ON DOWELSON. Cen. Grant Orders a Draft. [SpeclalDiepatchto tbe Chicago Tribune.] Cairo, Ang, 26,1862. Nothing further has been heard of the re cent fight at Fort Donelson. - The 76th regiment, CoL Mack, arrived at -noon to-day all safe, 1,000 rebel prisoners also arrived from Indi anapolis,. en route for Vicksburg, to be ex- changed. A military commission commences its sit tings at Columbus to-day for tlie trial of the guerillas who fired into the steamer Champi on, on her recent trip to Memphis. Llent. Col, Daff, of the 2d Illinois artillery, is presi dent of the commission. If the offense charged is folly proven, the penalty is death. On Saturday last a train of cars on the Mem phis and Charleston railroad, when three miles beyond Cortland station, was attacked by a gnerilla band numbering 400, and destroyed. The train was in charge of a detachment of twenty-five men of the 42d111., Col. Roberta. These retreated a short distance, firing as they ran, and sent lor reinforcements. Before their arrival, however, the train was burned and the rebels escaped, leaving eight of their number lying dead upon the ground. The number ot their wounded Is unknown. Two of our boys are missing, and two wounded. The advance guard, consisting of ten men from the 27th 111, were takenprifioners, [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.} Memphis, August 23,1802. Gen. Grant’s Order No. 74, calling for an enrollment of non-residents preparatory to a draft, is just published, as follows; Headquarters, Diet, or West Tens'., } Corinth, Mbs , Ang. 16,1662. j I. All non-residents of this District, found within the same, who, it at home, would be sub- ject to draft, will at once be enrolled under the supervision of the local commanders where they may be found: and in case of a draft being made by their respective, an eqnal proportion will be drawn from persons thus enrolled. Per sons so drawn will at once be assigned to troops from the Slates to which they owe military ser vice, and the executive thereof notified of such draft. II All violations of trade by army followers maybe punished by confiscation of stools in trade, and the aspienment of the offenders to do military duty as private soldiers. By command of Maj. Gen. tr. S. Grant. John A Rawlings, Assistant Adjutant General. The questions now agitating circles here, are, “ Will my State draft ?” “ Will Ibe able to procure a substitute ?” “ Will Ibe able to serve my country, myself!” The Bohemians are consulting as to whether they are liable to draft, being already enrolled in tho service of the country, Capt. Malbon, of tho steamer Acacia, has entered his protest at this port. He thinks the list of saved much larger than at first sup- posed; probably not more than thirty-five were lost iu all. Mrs. Archerly is the only lady passenger that was eaved. Mrs. Owen was the wife of Robert Dale Owen, of New Harmony, Indiana, Mrs. Richardson was the wife of Capt. Richardson of the 53d Ohio. She passed her husband here (he hav ing arrived to meet her.) The most of the men saved were soldiers. Archie Campbell, Robert Cothron, W. L. Svi, Jas. Ragoa and Bovard Behr, of Memphis, are among the civil ians saved. The money in the safe belonged to Holmes & Son, St. Louis. The Illinois list of saved will be ready to-morrow. The rumor about 3,000 rebel cavalry under Villipigue laying at Union Depot, thirty miles out, is not credited. The city is full of ru mors, and this is one of them. [To the Associated Press.} Fobt Donelson, Aug. 26 via Cairo, Aug. . 26.—Fort Donel&on, garrisoned by lour com" panics under command of Maj, Hart of the Tlst Ohio, was attacked yesterday by the forces of Colonels Woodward and Johnson, numbering SCO, and the rebels were repulsed •with heavy loss. Col, Lowe of the 3th lowa cavalry, commanding the districts of Forts Hciman, Henry and Donelson, started imme diately to reinforce Major dart, arriving after the attack. This morning he started with four companies of cavalry iu pursuit, and came up with the enemy about seven miles from here, on the road to Clarks ville, strongly posted with his men in ambush. He (Lowe) attached them, tikingtheir cannon, and after half an hour’s fighting, the enemy retreated, and Col. Lowe’s force not being sufficient, he has returned to this post We lost two killed and eighteen wounded. Lieut. Sumners, company B, was dangerously wounded. All the men manifested great cour age and coolness, and are now anxious to meet the enemy. _£airo, August 26.—N0 arrivals from be low to-day. Tbe 76th Illinois regiment (Col. Mack’s of Kankakee) arrived this morn ing oil safe and sound, and are a fine looking body of men. Seven hundred and seventy-three more rebel prisoners arrived last night from Indi anapolis. They have already embarked for Vicksburg. Gm. Tuttle’s order closing all liquor shops tabes effect to-day. It was a wise and timely measure, and will work much good for the troops stationed here. We are looking for important Dews from the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers. The reb els in that quarter will, in all human proba bili'V, get a good drubbing ere long. The Military Commission at Columbus yes terday transacted no business of importance. They sit again to-day. Cincinnati. Aug. 26.—The Commercials Lexington (Kv.) dispatch says: There is no occasion for alarm about Gen. Morgan’s posi tion- A courier just arrived reports no fear of starvation. The rebels are 15,000 la front and CO,OOO in the rear, commanded by Bragg, Flovd, and Kirby Smith. Cassius M. Clay left to-day with his brigade. Gen. Nelson has’relieved Lew. Wallace, and will take tbe field. Col. Charles Anderson, of the 93d Ohio, is appointed commander of this post. A negro brigade, to repair roads, leaves to-morrow, Gen. James S. Jackson, late Congressman of tbe 2d district, is here, and takes the field im mediately. The Gazette's Frankfort dispatch says: The arrival from the mountains brings most cheer ing news. Gen. Morgan has repulsed a large force of rebels on the other side of the G ip, and has provisions Add forage enough for thirty daja. There is no danger. CoL Gar rard had several skirmishes with the enemy, repulsing them every time. FBOJI TEE STATE CAPITAL, """"[Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.! SrmxGFinLD, August 23,1563. The Logan county regiment has elected Robert B. Latham colonel, and G. H. Camp bell lieutenant colonel. It has eight com panies in camp. Col. Paddock of Kankakee is here comple ting the organization of his regiment, the 113 th. A fine opportunity is afforded for two or three companies to add to this regiment Gen. Singleton of Adams county was here to-day on his way to Chicago, where he spends a couple of weeks. Gen. S. had a long consultation with the governor. Gen. S. explained himself satisfied, to a gentle man in this city, that the Democratic party was completely disorganized, and that nothing was now left, but for every good Union man to support the administration, both State and national. Gen. S. had long acted with the Democratic party. Judge Trumbull remains here a few days longer. Major Lamed goes to Peoria to pay the reg iments stationed there, which are to he mus tered In to-morrow, officers having been sent by CoL Morrison yesterday. MojorPell goes to Decatur to-morrow to pay the men mustered in there, the mustering officers having left here for that place yester day. From St. Louis. Levying on tie Rebels and Freeing Rebel Slaves. GncrUla Huviivs In Missouri—Major . JLlppert Jbefeatß a Gang Near Bloom- L field. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.] Er. Lo*ns, August 26,1862. Another Illinois regiment arrived to-day, and went through the streets cheering for the Union. They were without arms or uniforms. There are plenty of the latter here, but red tape may delay delivery to the new Illinois troops. Eighteen - ore slaves were emancipated yesterday, aad ? five to-day, by the provost marshal general; The local p.rovost marshals throughout the Slate have been authorized to grant free papem-to slaves proven to belong; to rebels. A memorial is being signed by Minnesota paroled men here, asking for permission to return home to suppress the Indian uprising. Small bands of busljwhaekera are constantly yj isiting the Missouri River towns', and then fleeing to the brush. They are being hunted down by Merrill’s cavalry. Our troops now in Missouri are everywhere Hying on tie rebels, in. accordance' with re cent orders. GiiEEwrLLE, Mo., Aug. 25.—Major Lippert of the 13th Illinois cavalry, with 200 men, met a body of rebels, SSO strong, yesterday between Bloomfield and Cape Girardeau, and alter a fierce engagement rented them. 300 of the band were killed or wounded, and six teen taken prisoners. A number of horses; sevaral wagons, side arms, ammunition and their camp equipage was captured. The survivors scattered through.the woods, and it is not probable the will again join together. Parties of national troops, thoroughly arnied and equipped for guerilla chasing, are after other rebel bandt. Gei-. Blunt has probably ere this engaged Coffee's forces, provided the latter gained sufficient courage to stop running, after form luff a junction with Rains’ forces at Green field. Greenville. M<yr,Aug. 26.—Since the battle at Lone Jack, Gen. Blunt, with a formidable force, has bees pursuing the combined rebel band under Coffee Sand Quantrell, It was ex pected they would form a junction with Kains at Greenfield and offer him battle. All hoped snch would be the case, for Gen. Blunt had sufficient force to dispel any feelings of alarm as to the result being other thana vic tory for the national arms. —, The guerillas would also have almost their entire strength in the engagement, and their defeat and dispersion would virtually end guerrilla raids in Missouri. But rebel Rains was not at Greenfield, and the bauds of Coffee and Quantrell fled on. The Arkansas border alone promised safety, and that was gained as sueedily as possible. General Blunt having found further pursuit useless, ’had sent beta his artillery and cavalry to Fort Scott. £H»s infantry yet remain in the vicinity of Greenfield, where all is at present quiet. In Arkansas, Coffee and Rains have formed a junction, and are recruiting and re organizing, evidently for the purpose of fur ther depredations. Gen. Blunt’s force is so disposed that it can keep dose watch, and speedily move to any point required. "With the exception of small roving bands the Btate at present may be considered free from confederate forces, though they are only waiting forafivorable opportunity to again swarm over it. A Chicago Officer Taken Prisoner In Virginia. [Special Dispatch to the Chicago Tribune.) Cleveland, August 20,1603. Mnjor William Painter of Chicago (a brig ade quartermaster of the army of Virginia) was taken prisoner last Monday while gal lantly leading on a body of men under his command. Revenue Regulations—stamps. Washington, Aug. 26. —The Commission er of Internal Revenue has .established the following regulations in regard to individual stamps for proprietary articles enumerated in schedule of the excise laws:—First, every proprietor can furnish a design for a stamp which, if approved, will be engraved by the government engravers at the cost of tne pro prietor. 2d. In snch cases, the proprietor will be entitled to the discount specified in the 102 d section ot the excise law. fid. If the deigns do not exceed the super ficial area of 13-16 ot an inch for the denomi nation of one and two cent stamps, or 0 3-04 of an Inch for the denomination of three and four cent stamps, these being the sizes estab lished by the office for the above specified denominations, there will be no additional charge to purchasers. If, however; proprie tors desire to increase the size of their stamps for the denominations above men tioned, then additional charge will be made for the additional cost of paper and printing. This additional charge will be ten cents per 1,000 for stamps of three and one-eighth inches, superficial area, and a proportionate sum for intermediate sizes. 4li. Every stamp must be rectangular in form. sth. All dies and plates will be retained by -and under the exclusive control ot the gov ernment. <iih. The general stamp must be cancelled by writing thereon the initials of the proprie ior of the stamped article and the date of the cancelling, while the private stamps must be so affixed on the package that ou the open ing of the same the stamp shall be effectually destroyed. The commissioner will be prepared to issue stamps by the Ist of September for the arti cles known as “proprietary articles,” speci cified in schedule Cof the excise law. Tbe manufacturers of such articles will be re quired to use the general stamp until they severally furnish a design for individual use. Orders for such stamps may be sent to the commissioner of internal revenue, which will be filled as soon as the stamps are ready for delivery. War Enthusiasm at Boston, Boston, August 26.—The 2Sth Massachu setts regiment left for the seat of war this af ternoon. Great preparations are making for tbe war meeting on the Common to-morrow afternoon. The various societies, trade unions, &c., of the city will join in the pro cession, which will march through the prin cipal streets. Edward Everett, Gov. Andrew, and other distinguished speakers will address the meeting. » Tlxe Remains of Y<lent. Col. Crane. ■Washington, Aug. 26. —The remains of Lieut. Cot Crane and Captain M. O’Brien, of ihe Sd Wisconsin regiment, left here this afternoon in charge of G. M. O’Brien. Tbe colcr-ei’s body will be conveyed to Beloit, and the captain’s to Milwaukee. These offi cers died from wounds received at Cedar Mountain. Twenty-nine of the rebels captured at Cedar Mountain, were brought here to-day. I'Geo. IN. Saunders gone to Europe. Clifton House, C. W., August 26.—The gentleman supposed to be Xancey, whoar rivfcd here the other day in a dirty disguise, was not Xancey, but George N. Saunders, supposed to have been bearer of dispatches from the rebel government. He sailed by Sat urday’s steamer from Quebec. Saunders left Richmond the Uth. From Port Royal, S, C. New York, August 26.— The steam gun boat Unas ilia has arrivedfrom Port Koval the 20th. All quiet. The health of the squadron and troops was good. Excitement about the rebel ram at Savannah had subsided, deserters having reported her a failure, leaking badly. Gsu. Wilcox’s progress West* London, C. W., Aug. 26. CoL Wilcox and party arrived here this afternoon by the Great Western Railway, en route for Detroit, They remain oxer night, and proceed by special in the morning, arriving in Detroit at 3 p. m. Great Fire in California, San Francisco, Aug. 26.—The whole busi ness portion of the town of Jackson, Amada county, was burned on lhe23d. Two thousand people are rendered homeless. Loss SiOO,OOD. Very little insurance. SpeaKer Grow Renominated. Wileesbarbe, Pa., August 26.—Hon. Galu eha Grow is unanimously nominated as a can didate for Congress from the 13;h district of Pennsylvania. From Columbus Oblo. Columbus, Aug. 25.—Gen- Taomas of Ky. made a clean sweep of the rebel prisoners of war at Camp Chase. He released over 1,200 yesterday. They will be scat to Cairo, SOO of them starting by Tuesday morning’s cars. Over 600 political prisoners still remain there. Several officers took the oath of allegiance and remained. On Snnday the general reviewed the troops of Camps Thomas andJChise. Four hundred of CoL Carrington’s regulars were included. A fine company from Granville marched Into the capitof eroudds to day, headed by a splendid band. The governor reviewed them and was received with cheers. The band sere naded the governor at night- A large delegation of Cincinnatians was here to-day, in consultation with Gov, Tod on military affairs, who arrived here from Cleve land bytnc 11 a. m. train. Judge Stallo, Cols. Geo. W. H«lmes, Ta’el and Taylor were oftbennmber. Quartermaster-General Wright has supplied iße 90th, 94th, and 99th regi ments with Enfield rifles. Several more regi ments arc under orders, and will move"within two days. Assistant AOjutaut-GenerolWalker is pushing the drafting machinery. The quota of lowa is 8,003 to fill up old regiments, and 21,140 to make new ones. THE INDIAN WAR. DEFECTION OF THE CHIP. PEWAS. 4.000 to 5,000 Indians In Arms. Bt. Paul, August 26.—The latest accounts from New Ulm bring to Saturday night, state that the village has been mostly burned up. An arrival from Crow Wing direct brings intelligence that the great Cfcippewa chief, has issued a proclamation that he would not be responsible for the con duct of bis Indians after Tuesday, warning the whites to leave the country before that time. Hoie-in-the-Day sends a message to commis sioner Dole and Judge Cooper to come up to make a treaty. Chiopew* agent Walker, against whom complaints have been made by the Clappewas, it is reported, has committed suicide in a fit of insanity. The Chippewa difficulty following so dose upon the Sioux raid, causes great alarm, and the northern part of tbe State is making earnest applica tion for raflltaiy aid. . Dispatches from CoL Sibley, 2oth r say he arrived at St. Peter on the 22d, and had been actively engaged, affording all the aid possible to the beleaguered villages. Major Fowler, with fifty mounted men, made a reeonnoia sance of tbe Fort Bidgley route the previous morning}, and returned to St Peter’s at three o’clock -on the morning of the 35th, bringing the bodii's of some women killed ‘within twenty ml les of St. Peter’s. They alsoreport tbe deetm ction of property as beyond cAcu . latlon. The Indians attacked New TJlm-on Satur day, and the fight continued till late in tiae evening. Ni a thing had been heard from there since. Gov. Siblej' asks for a full regiment, to be at once sent L‘p, armed and equipped. He thinks theyai'd still more will be needed be fore the Indlax : s are subdued. He thinks we shall have 4,000 or 5,000 warriors to meat sooner or later. A. Evans, mayor of St. Clond, writes the governor that a committee of reliable citizens appointed to visit the scene of the recent re ported murders, badjost returned. They went as far as PayuesvlUe, and found some 200 per sons, in the vicinity of that place and Norway Lake, murdered. Paynesville petitions the governor to send a company to protect lives and property in Stearns, Meeder and Mont gomery counties. Many persons had been driven from their homes, leaving the crops but partly harvested. Arrivals at this city from New Ultn report Ite usual shocking scenes too horrible to re count. iARL RUSSELL &M THE WAR. BRITISH NEUTRALITY TO CONTINUE. Farther Point, Ang. 26.—8y the steamer Hibernian, which passed thispolnt this morn ing we have received the following highly in teresting letter, written by Earl Russell iu reply to a dispatch from Mr. Se ward : EARL RUSSELL TO Mb. STUART. Foreign Office, London, July 23 th, ISS2. Sib ; I have left hitherto unanswered and unnoticed the dispatches of ifr. Seward, which Mr. Adams delivered more than a month ago. I have done so partly because the military events referred to in it were, in the opinion of Her Majesty’s government, far from being decisive, and partly because there was no proposal In it in which Her Majesty’s government was called upon to come to any conclusion. Events subsequent to the date of Mr. Sew ard’s letter, have shown that Her Majesty’s government, in its opinion on these points, was not mistaken. Victories have been gain ed, reverses have followed, positions nave bi en reached in the near neighborhood of the capital of the confederates, and these positions have been again abandoned. These events have been accompanied by great loss of life in battle and in the hospitals, while such measures as the confiscation hill have passed through both houses of Con gress, and with the proclamations of Gen. Butler at New Orleans, been evidence of the increasing bitterness ot the strife. The approach of a servile war so much Insisted upon by Mr. Seward in his dispatch, only fore warns us that another element of destination may be added to the loss of property and waste of industry which already afflicts the country so lately prosperous and tranquil. Nor on the other point to which I have ad verted, have I anything new to say. From the moment that intelligence first reached this country that nine States and several millions oi .inhabitants of the great American Union had seceded and had made war on the govern ment of President Lincoln, down to the pres ent time, Her Majesty’s government has pur sued a friendly, open and consistent course. They have been neutral to the two parties to a civil war. Neither the loss of raw mateiial of manufacture 60 neces sary to a great portion of our people, or insults personally heaped upon the British name in speeches and newspapers, nor a rigor beyond the usual practice of. nations with which the Queen’s subjects - attempting to break loose from the blockading of the South ern porta have been treated, have induced her Majesty’s government to swerve one inch irom. impartial neutrality. At this moment they have nothing more at heart than a. wish to see that consummation which the Prealent eyeaks of in his answers to the Governors of eighteen States, namely, the bringing of this unnecessary and injurious war to a speedy and satisfactory conclusion. As to the course of opinion in this country, the President is aware of that perfect freedom to comment upon all public events in this country, the invariable practice sanctioned by law and approved by the universal sense of the nation, I am, «fcc-, (Signed.) Russell. TBIK PBHSIS>ENT’S i-eiteb to SIR. GBEfiLEI . Sr. BroTruson lias a Talk with tbe President—The President Gives Some Hope on Emancipation—Prepara tions Tor African Colonization—Tbe Hraltto Commence September I* Washington, August 24,18C2. THE PRESIDENT’S LETTER TO MB. GREELEY. Friends of freedom occupying high posi tions under the government regard the presi dent’s letter to Mr. Greeley as a step forward. Tbc-y say that it indicates that he has the question of emancipation under serious con sideration, and that ho will, so soon‘as he ebftll be convinced that such aa act will has ten tbe hour of triumph over the rebellion, free oil the slaves in the laud. It is remarked that the points discussed by Mr. Greeley in the letter to which the presi dent responds, are carefully evaded, and that tbe president deals, as Is his wont, in general ities, and commits himself as little as possible to a policy. The fear is expressed, not that he will not reach the right conclusion but that he will reach it too late. DB. DROTTNSON WITH THE PRESIDENT. Dr. O. A. Brow-neon, the eminent Catholic, and editor of Jirownsotfs Review, had an inter esting conference with the president on Satur day. The questions of emancipation and col onization were discussed at length. Dr. Browneon agreed with the president on the subject of colonization, bat urged emancipa tion as a means of saving the country, and us a step which must be Taken before coloniza tion on a large scale could become practicable. The talk of the president was in a hopeful strain. He said that he was not fully persui ed that it was yet lime to proclaim emancipa tion, bat Dr. Brownsoa infers from the tenor of his remarks, that if the next battle in Vir ginia results in a decided victory for our arms a proclamation emancipating the slaves of rebels in North, Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, Lou isiana, Texas, and Arkansas, will be forthwith issued. As he was leaving the room Dr. Brownsoa ssked the president If he could give him any definite expression of opinion in regard to the t ; me when emancipation would be proclaimed, neon which the president took up ft news paper and read from it his letter to Mr. Gr. eley. COMMISSIONER OF AFRICAN COLONIZATION. Senator Pomeroy of Kansas has been, ap pointed commissioner of African colonization by the president, and is to have, as his repre sentative, exclusive jurisdiction in the prem ises. Colonization transports are to be fur nished, and rendezvoused at different Atlantic ports. A proclamation will be issued the free colored people of the United States la a few days, by Senator Pomeroy, under the authority of the president, offering them the aid of the government, and invoking their assistance and co-operation in carrying out the scheme for the benefit of both the white and the colored population of the country. THE DRAFT. Secretary Stanton . is reported to have said that a draft will certainly be mode on the Ist of September, if for no other reason than to assert the national majesty, and show the power of the nation to command its subjects tor national defense. INDIAN TROUBLE Ef ARKANSAS PREVENTED. The Indian bureau has received Infor mation from its agents at Upper Arkan sas that they barely escaped an outbreak of the Indians, caused by the action of the officer In charge of Fort Lamed in stopping a train en route for Port Lyon, with goods for the Indians in that agency. He bad told those whom he saw that he should stop the goods and have them distributed therf, andlf the agent did not come would distribute them himsdt e This information spread like wud-fire through the country, and soon large numbers of warrirrs, belonging to the different trices, assembled about tne fort. The officer in fault, on bearing that the commander of the United States forces was coming to Port Lamed, im mediately left, carrying with him all the papers which might traveled to information as to the persons who had nearly succeeded in creating sn Indian war. Humors as to Gen. Mr CleTlan—"Disa greement with Gen. BEallecK.—-Chan ges of Command. Fortress Moxros, August 22,1862.—Yes terday Gen. McClellan spent much of his time at tbe Point, in citizen’s dress, observing what was going on, but apparently without wishing to attract the attention of the army of stragglers, so abundantly recruited from the anny of tbe Potomac. There are various rumors concerning his future position and movements. One is that he will be relieved from active duty, either by his own request or the will oi the government. Another assigns birn to a command in co-operation with Pope, and another still imputes to him the intention to resign. The army of the Potomac, as we have known it, has made its history, and is a thing of the pact. Gen. McClellan cannot be otherwise than, for the time, at least, affected by the feet. Rumor asserts that a disagreement has arisen between him and Gen. HiUeck, from, whom he receives his orders. That a differ ence has arisen between them as to the policy of evacuating the Peninsula, is quite certain. Gen. McClellan believed he could yet go to Richmond by the route he had traveled the last five months, and asked the privilege of making another trial. Gen. Halleck replied, that be bad his orders and was expected to .obey them. It is not improble that Gen. Halleck thinks that Gen. McClellan has taken mote time in executing the order to evacuate the Peninsula than was necessary. Tne order bears date early ia Angnst, and nearly or quite twenty days have been consumed in carrying it into effect. The last thing that Gen. McClellan did was to protest against it, and receive peremptory and spirited reitera tipn of the order. Three days after,his entire force and all the proptrtyof the army were this side of tbe Chickahominv. That there should he so many stragglers does not appear to me to he a necessary con sequence. That hundreds' and thousands of : men should have broken away from their regiments, should he wandering about, with out rations or purpose, seems remarkable, unless there has been a total relaxation of dis cipline in the army. I said yesterday that the ; army would profit by a season of rest, under layering influences. It absolutely requires not only rest, but reorganization. This, lam told, will speedily follow. I understand that new corps and divisions are to be formed, and ' new commanders given them. Gen. Foster, now at Newbern, so much distinguished under Gen. Burnside, will, it is said, be placed at the head of a corps. Some of the most distin guished brigade commanders are to have di visions ; and many other changes, it is said, are contemplated, that wiil remold’and revive the remnants of the army of the Potomac, and bring into the field a new army—an army of veterans, under tried leaders. • The embarkation at Newport News, Hamp ton and Old Point is going on briskly to-day. I hear It said that Gen. Keyes’ corps will be left in this vicinity. I’UO.n IJDIiSAPOIIS. ladfanw Authorized to Continue Re cruiting for Incomplete Regiments Sept* 1. Indianapolis, Ang. 2S, 1562. Gen. Buckingham telegraphs the governor ibis evening that Indiana has responded so promptly and liberally to the call of the presi dent tor troops, that the department is willing to afford yon every facility for filUng your quota. You are therefore authorized to con tinue recruiting for your six incomplete regi ments until the Ist of September. A large refreshment saloon, sufficient to accommodate a regiment at a time, is baing erected at the depot. Keto aauertißements. \\TANTED.—Home wanted in a f T Christian family for an lntelllc°nt orphan pirl, five year* old. of American oHnmtace. (Ver mcr.t-enO Ph'l Particulars of the child’s history dv-n. References required of applicants, a home oat«ld* of Chicago preferred. Addrets “H.,” Post U-'flce Box 1662, Chisago, DL aa?-T t9io-2t TVTANTED—Board with a suite * * of rooms wanted hy a qentietnan and lady, with infact and nurse eiri, in a private family, winre first data accommodation* can be had. Address VIATOR, care Tribune Office. au2T tDJ Mt "V\ T ANTED—A situation as Boole T T Keeper or Assistant, by a zentieman having ten years experience in the city. Address ** W. ” Tri bune Office. au2T-tS3S 3t WANTED—Two steady Protest - * ant servants. One as cook, washer and Inn°r, tho other ns housemaid. In a private fimily. Scotch, Canadian orKuclUb preterrta. Address *K. K..” core of Bm £l*o6. Post Office. ao2 \A T AKTED—A Protestant Girl * T who can do general housework, can secure a jroed situation la a small family, by callinz at No. 7 Sentb Clarft street. References required. P. C. H. an2s-tSOI-2tnet XKT AKTED—By a Teacher of some T v experience. & situation as private tntor, or teacher In a Hick School or Acaiomy. Nowtere in t’’o Wert ohj>.*ctt*il For particulars a •hirers “E Post Office Box 212. Muscatine. lowa. aa27 tfiOMw 'TS7'ANTED—A likely yoanj- man. * » who has a prtttv good knowledge of the re tail Drug business, mid will work for a moderate salary. Situation psnument. Address Post Office Box 960. ao2MW3-3; TSTANTEF—A smart, active Boy V » -to do general office work. One who can write a good hunri, and can bring good recommendations. One whose residence ts near the business part of the city, preferred. Apply at 45 South Water street. av27 toS-it AXTANTED—By a sentlemac, a v T furnished room, wither wlthont board. In a rrlrate fanrily. or In a house where there are few boarders. Location on the S juth Side and not 100 far from the business r> *rt of the city. Adt r.>«s, hn-ae olutdy, post Office Box 188*. anit ffilT-lt WANTED—Asecond hand Steam V 7 Ergine, la eood order, with tubular boiler, between S und d power. Address, for this day only Itootn .Vo. IIS Tremoat Flousc.diamliig price aad where the Unglue. Ac . can be seen. *oi~to3Mc T\rANTED —Merchandize suitable T t for counter retail store, to the extent ofTen Thousand Hollars for which first class securities, drawing ten per cent. Interest, will be *lven: also. onecoodShlosle Machine and Top Buggy. Ad lresa •* K.V Post Office Box 3T71. aa27-ts9s-lt WANTED—A good retail Dry T T Goods Salesman to'go Into the country. A*u unmarried man. active. Intelligent and competent, may hear of a permanent situation oy addressing.wlta references. Poat office Drawer S2ST. anl7-tIUS-1t STfANTED —A gco3 girl to do • » general housework. lacuirc at 591 Srnth Clark street, au27-19-M-lt (J&-JA REWARD.—Strared or A* * stolen fremltß West Tavlor street, between Hajstcd and Desplalnts streets a'Bay Horse, twelve years ole. a white stripe ou his lorehead, one forward and one hind fetlock whit", ana bad the heaves. A nice Bay Mare, six years tld, black mane aad tall, hiack stripe down her back; had on a halter when she left; both shod all aroa.-.d. Any person returning *a’c Horec*. or writing information to R033 DUFF i. Chlcaco, will receive the above reward, aruT-taE-itdAw TTOW TO AVOID THE DRAFT. 3LJ Any person -wishing to avoid the Draft may learn how to do so by add-esslns a letter. Incloring one ($1) VoUar to ELtHU T. eLiVOOD, Battle Creek, Mich , Caie of Box 38. . twrtl-tSQVIw TIE advertiser has gome stock left (about S2OO worth) suitable for a fancy qoodj ►tore. incindlßs Trimmings. Bovs’ Clothing r.nd om-r f-iipdiles, wMch h® will trade, all or part, for aayth'nx u*«* f nl. Also a Sewing Machine. Address ** W. B T- M -.i Tribune office. X. B. —H2 will seU for less than cost. au2ftt&3l3t RHUBARB WINE OR AM SRI CAN SHEKHT—'Rhubarb Wine, grown ou the fsrin of Matthew Laflln. Esq., two years old and very lice, ft r sale by tha cask or package, by X k CSOSKRV. augl£-tSO4-3t glsnd CC South Water Street. VTOTICE.—A rare chance is of ftred to a few good men wishing to Join tie A: tillery service. lieut. A Cndney, of Bouton's Battery, Who arc now s' atloned at Jlenjphi?, Wth to enlist Thirty-Five men. Good inducements are offered Now is tout time, as Drafting will com mence ontlic first or September. LIEUT. A. CtJDNET, au2T-tDOC-lw No. 109 Dearborn street. Chicago IIU SALE— r rhe Stock aad Fix ■ I 1 tares of a Grocery and Provision Store, one of tliebcttlcc r *tionslL the ctfv r nowdoiaxa good busi ness. Satisfactory 1 «»y-2 for Terr's two-thirds ca»b. haiaare in sixty and ninety days. ApplvtoH. C.C-LE.-IGET & CO.. No. 45 L-tsa'.le etrpf-t, or address “ A-,” Post Offlce Sox No, 2745, anil tStt-St __ _ QUBSTITfTTESI SUBSTirtJTES. C» Any person subject to be drafted, aad witbinc to obtain a Substitute, can do so bv eic;o3ing one dollar to Post Office Box j W7i, with fall name end addre-3, aid receive bv return mull, list of parties wishing to act as substitutes with amount asked oy each. _ GEO H M;VNOH' 7 R. an 27 tSIO-Stnet Post Offlce Box 3 )71. IJSBIER * KEaK, Union and General Intelligence, 45 South four doors from Tribune Offlce, between Lake and Randolph streets. Is now open, and will supply male and female help for city and country. Bents and debts collected pane* tuslly. ' atuftaSOMt TO WHOLESALE MER CHANTS aid Countst Dsixsaa.—Tbe _ CNIOX OUTING COEPAWT. Are prepared to contract with any responsible bouse for the mannfaotiue of Hosiery, Artsy Soeka, ana Fancy Woollen Knit Work, from 110 worth to SIOOO. Work warranted In tbe best manner and style, Ad dle'S CHAPMAN « LEriON, Obicsgo.lU. BoomsJl and 42 McCormick’s Block: su2»-t907-iw TX) COOPERS—One million of JL best quality FLOTJE TtATyRTyr. STAVES AHB HEADHTS lent received and for sale at lowest market price?, if. W. O’BRIEN, dealer In Lumber, Ac.. South Clark street, between Twelfth and North streets. anZ7-KGI-6t /“OA BAGS RIO COFFEE, good OOU to prime grades, in store. Also, THREE tows potash. For Bale by T. M. TURLAY & CO., 179 South Water street. au27 t32G 2 w TpOB SALE—A Country Resi 1/ deuce in the village of Geneva, on Fox River, in Kane county, thirty-fi>e miles from Chicago A t pii<! house and barn and » goo i quant t- of choice fruit on the premises. The owner to remore will sell cheap. Addicts P, B. WRIGHT. Geneva, Illinois, augi-taatet 'T'HE CO- PARTNERSHIP A heretoffre cxlrtlnz between tha tmdaripßdJn the name of Mobs* * Yabwood, Ib VHs toy kissoVred wmutMl consent Chicago, August 36U1,1863, , ao3I-SIS-Ua JOJMBEE 42, ahhmtsments. CHOICE COOKING GOODS. J. H. SEED & CO., 1M Lake street, Would invite attention to tbeirstock of Pure Articles for Cooking, such as Fore Arrow Boot, Ground Mustard, Genuine Salid Oil, French Chocolate, Cooper’s Isinglass, Cox’s Gelatine, Crimson Gelatine, White Tapioca, Sago, Barley, Scotch Oat Meal, Foie Cream of Tartar. 1711116 Brandy for Preserves, Preserve Bottles. Flavoilng Extracts of oar awn maatr lecture. We keep the purest and best articles ob tainable. am»T-taa>i6 - 'J'HB UNION EXCURSION. Shield’s Mission and liberty Street Mission, TO FAIR OAKS GROVE. On. THURSDAY, Aug. 23th. Beautiful Cfronilds; Cold Soring of Pure "Water; a taVe P>r sale of Kefreshmects; Hot Tea and Coffee, Ice Cream, 4c. Daring the day a BALLOON ASCENSION Will take place from the Grove. Tickets 50 cts Children 25 cts. Cars leave Central Depot at 9:00 o'clock. A”d Illinois Central Bound Hocse 9rl£) ** au2T-t9k9-« IRON AND STEEL. HALL, KiMSABK & CO., 183 & 195 South Water-St., Chicago, Importers and Dealers in IRON AND STBBL, KAILS, SPIKES, HEAVY HARDWARE. Manulhctnrcra of WARRANTED Thimble Skeins and Boxes. Having capacity for 100 Sots per day wo possess unrivalled facilities In this line. We also keep in store a large stock or HUBS, SPSKBS, FELLOES, BENT STOCK, &o, AGENTS FOR QUEEN'S PORTABLE FORGE AND BELLOWS. anST-tOH-lm Grand Tnmkßailway GrlElAJLls r IN BULK TO PORTLAND VIA. Steamer Sailto PortSamla,thence ran to Portland and intermediate stations. Prompt Dlspatclx given to Grain Flour, &c., &c, A. WALLISTGFOBO, Chicago and Western Agent. an2T-tOI6-lv Corner of L ike and Dearborn sts. T AST CHANCE FOR VOLUN JLi MERINO. THE DRAFT IS COMING. The Ad'utant General of the State has authorized Col. Ii SI. Hough to re-organlzs the 67th Regiment, and also authorized bleat. Cal. T. .1. Pickett to re-or rantze the FPth Bes!m**nt, for the war. now at Canrn Douglas. The term of enlistment of Uv«e two Uegi merts will expire on the 14th day of Sept°njber. All pqnnds or companies d’siring to join either of these Kogiment%wi4t address Col. If. M. Hough or Lieut. Jol. T. J Douglas, Chicago. This Is the only chance enlist AndßecSro Hie Government Bounty and Avoid the Draft* Subsistence will be furnished all companies or squads where enlisted until the Regiments are organized. R.M TIO^GH. T. J. PI-TKETT. Chicago. Aug. 27.15C3. nu37-t939-3t O.RBAT CAMP MEETING, Commences on WEDNESDAY, Aug. 20th, At Desplalncs Station, 16 miles from CUcago, ON THE Chicago and Northwestern R. R, TRAINS "WILL RUN A3 FOLLOWS Leave Chicago for Camp Ground dally at 9:30 A. iL, 9:45 A. M.; 3;15 P. M. and 9:00 P. M. Returning leave C mo Ground at 523 A. M. t 11:33 LM, 42Q P.M. and 5:10 P.M, Fate oat and back, FIFTY CEYTS* On SUNDAY extra trains will be run. leaving Chi cago at ftPO A. M. 2:00 P.M. and fl ; 30 P. M: and leaving Can p Ground at 12.30 P. M., 420 P. M. and 9*M P. M- Tickets may be had at the Station, west end of Kln zle street Bridge. • anitti«4Stnet pHOTOGRAPH ALBUMS AT COST, FOR THIRTY DAYS, At BC©sler*s Grallery, Xl 3 Ijalre St* The subscriber contcmplafirg enlarging his Gallery, rnd desiring to close out his aph-nlld stock of AL BUMS before that time, offers them at cost. A. SESLER. anSatTS-Ctnet No.liS Lake street. MUTUAL life insurance ill COMPANY OF NEW YORK,' This company will Issue TTAE PBBJIITS, WitIiIiEWPOLICIESI'EOMSI i OOOtoSS 003. Full partlcnlara can be obtained by applying to O. CROSKnrTE Agcit. So. 6 C'arS street. auW-s7j>s-stnet Chicago, Ang. 21,1563. BLUE CLOTHS, For Officers’ Uniforms, A very large assortment Just received at COOLEY, FABWELL & GO’S, 42, 44 & 46 Wabash Avenue. an2s-t£46-12tnct Be VB HEs LED.—Dr. Whittier’s office will be open from 8 A. M. until 8 P.M. Jot Consultation Free of Charge. Dr W is the only physician in Chicago that makes blood diseases a speciality and nervous oebUlty, which prodnees some 03 the following effects: headache, conitjpatloD. loss of memory; rinsing In the ears, pimples on theface.anda general prostration of the whole yllal economy. Yon can ray on a PERM CURE. Office 184 South Clark street. Ail letters with stun? answered, f. O. Box 8:1 au33*t73l-9tset MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAIL ILL EOAB. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. Representations having been made in elsewhere that passengers bv this route and through Canada were liable to detention at Detroit. lam *a ihorizedio sav that all Government passes anv line to point* beyond Can®da, as New York. are clrt oned at Detroit, holders being allowed * to rnUltur taSJ Ira to nished in this CUT by C. 3?. BBADLKY, ESQ., Superintendent Police Department also by j-.r. Jones, Ksq., TJ- 8. Marshal, pMfons residing out of the city; and unknown to either of the senuenifcn named, win require the ec downer t of responsible and well known parties here 2?S«twherc before helm aole to obtain passes over mvv une ettiz-nsof otter Statesprovlded with passes bom proper officers within such States, wDI pass with “lloSSksreared lot persons erempl tram^ittar, Aistv • H.K.BAiCQltrtv, iai-tßOMtnet GmwralAgmt Itffto atibertisementg. '^TAR. policies. . •Tht C«infftleaf JfatMl life lor. Co. 'Hm decided to JsSTraW' POLICES. WITH WAT; PEEWITS, at the oroal rates.. WBole araatmc of pre mom can be paid hmr cnafr note when pre ferred. Capital, $430,000. I*. D, OLMSTED & C 0„ Agents Cffleo corner Lata and ab27tS3J«tnrt MORSE & CO., PEOIXTCE aODOSSIIOJT KEBCHiHTS, So* gonti Water atreet. fAltan’s Bolldlnrl Chicago, liuxoia. Business confined strictly to axbsb J fcosag. [aprr-cig-lyj m. 3. yasw^Jp. COUTH '"DOWN SHEEP FOR O SALE,—I have concladed to ’winter only ttro hundred head ofSonth .Down Pfrcep (limns of th's year included.) .Had have selected taem. The balnica g.fmy south Dowc Berd are for sale at a Terr low rate aae 01a sheep will hesold ln lots to suitparehaseri ar.n win 60 out to my English Bams bsfhra delivery if <ie?tre(i Persona cac chH and pick for tlremWcsL Pri.'t* will deperrien tfeSheop tha? maybe aeh-cttfdT There are thirty-two Lumba from my f4n»lifdl Backs. Newcastle and Renfew, and sTso from my Thorne Prize Buck, which will he sold together, Y AMD AT A BiKEACT. Also, my SgtbDosmßttCk. bred fcomstoyt l=rooitt« by £miuei Tborne. and' Widely tooK tba First Prize as a Yearling at the Ttorh State Pair I hire usM i Si ASS.* 1 * =*"* All afcck nnrrtjsed at Smnailt Cepot delivered at Cmergo vithcnt extra charge. It is eleven P 1 ca s%, oa the Si. Lotus and Chicago Hoad. Cara l_esr* Chicago at 4 o clock, giving orertwo at summitto examine sheep and leave Submit tor Chi cago at Ssfcj. It Is better to po and see the She-n th ia &iT,r te ;i There are men at tlie farm to sonar.aeU acrl , deliver ilitm. I have no Sneep to let and none to eiccrt for ready monev- ““ £C27-lK;Sltl>*W Jon* wsyryoßTg. 0 IT) GARDEN CITY course >/ lIEGESTEB aTED.—A: grand Doable Team Baca will come off cn the above course for a premium o£ &9d. ON JNIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1862. with the following named gentleman engaged as con •lesSmcs—E. A, Jewel names the well known team ft» iterlj tvmed by Jacob Gorier. to-wit; Honest John and 4. Anderson. Barney Kellis oases Lillie N'ed and loury Etbsn AlUn. B. A, Chomnlla names Black Diamond andSotrei Hiram—a pair of tyearo'd horses ~!ind oarweT known rmrfmar. Hsnry Graves, nimea hb favorite Little Jolc und ler mate. The mate la & yoarg marc recently purchased by him. The above tacc will be a nove. and exciting one for the Cham nlorshiircftheroad. TheaboyewlUtethe best two in thn e to wagors. This well known track has bcca pot in good order, and the cobllc may ctoect rars s^-f- r » •»» J ViIES E. FISH, Manager. >. B —Mr. Fl=h lias made arrangements with tne H« Ucolb Central Railroad to take people there and >!»»<»*•-. ac3M93E-St TROTTING OK BKIGHTOK _L rorilPE. TirrKsniT. Aug. rath. JS62, for a Pars* end Stake of Mile bcata, three best in flye to Parnefp. Col. Dicker naniM S. G. Prairie Co! ttr kes names B. G. Ohio Billy. ’ to cimmcncc at half-post three o’clock precisely. anfTOZtat fHtscrllancmis. WKOIESAtE OSH. LAMPS! LAMPS! Oils, Oils, Oils, Kier’e, Ardcsco and Lucesco Caraoa Oils,, GStE.ISE. Mace Royal Oval or Ronod Doable Twisted Preescd.or Blown XXX Clumoiea, FOUR TO A POUND. CHAS. L. NOBLE, 175 LAKE STREET. ec-S’ci-istp TOOTH BRUSHES. GOO DOZEN All Styles and Qualities, From tLobest makers of English and French Brasher at Wholesale and retail. SMITH & DffXEB, DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS. 02 «fc 9£ljAJ£E STREET. fanSTstpl BOTTLE. No STetal la its Constm-Uon, Instating exarfy the natural supply, Adopted by tta physicians oi the East, and are for sale by VAB SCHAACK, 47 STATE STREET. Nearly every article reauired for honskeeotnz at VanSlmacke, ° SIGX OF THZ SOLDER TEA EETILB. TCE BOXES, REFRTGERA iToHP, Watercoolers.Filters,iceCrenm Freesera Ice Pitchers, and Summer Goods generally, at TAX SCHAACK’S. "EVRLiI'i 1 JARS, in Glass, Earth oa JL and Tin. lor solo by VAN SCHAACK, ITo. 47 State street the Golden Tea Sittlfl, PEACE MAKER, GOLBEH AGE. VULCAN. SNOWBIRD, and other COOK STOVES, Adapted for Wood, Coal or Coke, nt OCH-g&g-Mp VAN SCIIAACK'S, 47 SUtfl straflP TXATHING APPARATUS.—Hip, Sltz, Plunge, Infant and Foot Bath Tuba, a* TAS SCHAACK’S, No. 47 State atrett. Sign of the Golden Tea glttW A CARD.—Wb, Danieil, Gradoata O- and Professor in the Royal Academy of Music. London, having been elected Organist of Trinity Church, In this City, Solicits pupils on the Plano Tort", in Solfeggio, Vocal izallon. Bravura or Ballad Singing, Fl-assp. nartlcir hmy. the patronage of the members of Trlnirv Church, ns'-vring them tbe> tray f-tlrlv <•ntcrtalu birg* expec tations. He ensures results' by careful training‘of faculties. Among his pupils have been the moat prominent «nd best of the land. TVmsleft to the dfr rlsloa of the Church A list will he left at Mesarsu Boot & radv’s Music Store during the week. au£>-tS7>iw REVOLVERS' —Just received, JLV> two cases REVOLT ERS, For sale at lowest market rates. CHARLES BIGGS, 113 Lake sheet. an2M6&iSt r AES SUPERIOR CHARCOAL PIGt TROTST. & COBtfenmest of this veil-known Iron inn recslysi tad for Mia in Quantities to suit customers, by JESCP KENNEDY & CO.. 13 Well* street, mnui 4rat>fiarVunilketiin(£ CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY O OF COOK. ss—Clrcnlt Con"t of Coo* Coßnty, October '• erm, 1 SR*. George H. Jewell V 3. Mary Jewell,—ln Chancery. Affidavit cf the non-residence of Mary Jewell, do fondant abrrveramed. having been filed In the office of the Clerk of raid Circnlt Court of Cook County. Notice Is hereby given to the said Mary Jewell ciiaC said complainant fllltd bis Mil of complaint In said Court, ou the Chancery side thereof, on tbe fifteenth dav of August. TRfti. and that a summons llierocuoa istned cut ofs id Court against said defendant, return able on the second Monday of October next, (1S&.) as Is bv law required Now. unless yon, the said Mary Jewell shall per sonally tie ana appear b-forc aald Circuit Court of Ook County, on the first dav ofthenext term rtiereoL tr be hoblen at CMcac">. In said County, on the second Monday of October, iSftl. and Plead, answer or demar to the Bald complainants* bill of complaint, the same and the matters and things therein charged and stated will be taken as confessed, ar d adecree entered against you according to the prayer or sa'd MU. * - WM. L, CHURCH. Clerk, tv. S. Felicer, Coroprts Sol'r. qu27-t3ii-tw QTREET lamps and posts O WANTED.—Bids will be received at this office until U> A. M. Friday. Deo-mbcr sth. for 105 Lamp poets to be famished to tne Cltv of Chicago, and dis tributed along certain streets In the Heat Olvblan, to ledeilgnatcabytheßoardof Public Worts. Proposes will be received at the same time and place for 105 Lamps f»r farn'sfalng the posts referred to above The Posts will be of cast iron, to weigh net less than 500 Ibp, each, and bote Lamp Posts »- d Lamps will be of the same pattern, kind, and quality as -ha latest pattern of Street Lamps erected by tne Chicago Gas Light and Coke Company. , Pavmctts for tne above will be mode when the an nual'tax levy for lS62ehall be co-iccted. By order of the Hoard. „ A. w. ttvkham. Secretary. Office of the Board of Public Works,«ro. Aug. 271h, 16K?. a02.-tar7-td TJATLBOAD COMPANIES, AT ill TENTIOV — 2OQ per CE3TP s vvhd by using our fine TOW. matittfacnrcd expressly for wlnmg engines and maclunerv, and la equal to Cotton TS este. beside belr gone tnlril cheaper. natlroadfl In Massachusetts. Ke*Yoifcard Ohio arc now uaieg this material ex clusively Stock on hand and tor sain by AB*4- STnoN w.McCOP.MICK i CO.. No. 107 South Water street. aosb-tScii-5C TUPACIIEB.—A Graduate of the |_ University of Michigan desires a situation as Principal of a tfnlon Scnonl. Can teach the common Er.gllsD tranches, cr the higher Dranches «Jth Grjefc ara LoUn. German and French- Woald be bn.g ta net temporarllv as private tutorlo the City. Address •• TEACIIER" P. U. BoxSCs Chicago. aui»tSb6-SS A RARE chance fob aw InTaSrmentof «J.COO; part trade will be taken !n payment for tb* st-ck in a pay ng concern. Tha owner is going to the war. and otters to sell cheap, and will sell soon, Address Post Office Bos iC29. Royal Havana lottery. - In tlie drawing of August 9th. ’bo2. No., SSSS draw $:0 .000; No. I.TJ2 drew $3>000; No. 1».8U3d-“V fSOOQO* Ko m 90* drew f’fifOt; No. 21.713d^w*3,000, STlijg the five Capital Mies. Prizes cashedvina la fenratkn famished. pncej>a d for Doa^ loons. TAYLOR & CO., Banker* 16 T>ATENT GBAI fATED YOKE Jl SPIRTS —Please go an-; see Mr. H. Garswom) s Sample Shirts at the atom ot S. f. WHITE, S3 street. And he measured for some SVrts that win■ frjL/tS SSttd to «! and pro , orjg money"will be iclaauci Mr. G. Is an Ki* 3 :? ..... StoUf loos prattle* e**m tho tor patentee and sole proprietor of too GRADUATED T OKU, baa town Pat» fe. iSsjt. 1 Afi BWs. LTNSEBD OIL, in j_\JU store and to arrive from the best Ohio Oil marnfßctnrers. for sale at 10UE8T 3UBKEX PRICES* Anoly to ARMSTRONG. iicCOBMICK * CO., go. IC7 South TVaterstree*. ana&tSStat _ CTBAW BOARDS.—IOO tons best O quality of Straw and Tar Board* »U sixes. For Box-Malt er» and Boote-Blnders, * CO TO Sogth Water street. _ Bales FLAX, MOSS AND JOS UPHOJ.STEES’ TiaE. - « ant j 3 on hand and tor sale low. Apply tdt No. U a McCOSMIGE. & CO., en2fttfsSSt 107 South TVater street. iAAn superior JLUUV quality. lor sale by COM)ICT, VOOUEf * imfly.aaat sq,aiiAKSßlßßKr».