Newspaper Page Text
THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1863. CAPTURE OF POPE’S BAGGAGE. 3?nll Particulars ot the Rebel Raid. «f Stewart’s Cavalry at Catletra mutton. Wawrustox Jvtkctioit, Aug. 24,1861. I sent you yesterday a very meagre account ofan attack upon the railroad train at Catlett’s Station. On my arrival here this morning at II o’clock, I learned the full particulars otthe raid, with the exception of the names of our wounded, which it was impossible to get and send yon with this account, by this mau. The particulars are as follows; On Friday night, about S>£ o’clock, while a train of cars loaded with sick and wounded men was on a switch at Catlett’s Station, about two miles above here, it was fired upon by Stewart’s rebel cavalry, and the engineer, Mr. George Thompson, commanded to ear rccdir. He answered by jumping off the train, ard was followed by three or four others, among them a sick soldier. The lat ter was thot through the heart and drooped dead. W here the fireman was lam .unable to learn, but a brakeman sprang upon the engine fted put on full steam. Before the train was bejoed their reach two broadsides were fired into fr, end the rebels continued firing as long as it was within sight. The engineer made his appearance at T\ arrentoa Junction yester day morning, when he was arrested. His ac count is that he jumped off with the intention o- reversing the switch and running back to Warrcnton Junction, but the train moving off, he hid in the bu?hes all night, and in the ex citement escaped. They next rode into the camp of the Ist Pennsylvania Backtab. Rifles, Lieut. Cob. Kane commanding in person. The Bucktails numbered 125 men, and were detached from the ir regiment as a bodyguard to Gcus. Pops atd McDowell. They were compelled to flee to the woods, but no; before they had emptied ri.<:r rifles, and, reloading again, fired from t'-I- -ir ambuscade, ktliiog several and wound ing a 1-rgc number. Their dead were, left upon itc field, as well as one of their men—a corporal—who was mortally wounded, and wic died this morning. Five of th-sir dead were bulled under a large tree on Catlett’s f rm. The twoo hers were not discovered unul this morning, about 11 o’clock, when tiny were found dead in the woods near the station, one shot in the head and the other in the bov els. the cavalry lef;, they rifled the private b ’ggagi: of Gen. Pope, took possession of lira hot.-e- and mules, and collected together and set fire to cver>thing that was not valuable or too V-r iky to car: y off. A report is in circuU r.on limy style £IO,C'UO fitluiging to Gen. ivpc. I nave not yet done the rnfSans justice. Af ter tl.ev aiuckvd the train of cars they rode through a hospital camp, and made prisoners of aifufic. comd walk. Others were dragged from their couches, and some of the sick anl wounded hying u: able to walk, demurred, wiitm iL.y “if you are not able to walk G—d d —u yvu we’Jl treat you to a ride,” aad so soyiog, hoUtcuthem on horses and rode off wi'htlivm. A r-. pui i is in circulation, andhas since been ccs filmed ! y others, that e.riy this morning the wholt fcOul cavalo* Were” surprised and uitucked by MeDuwcli’s entire force, that-they v. i-re bucJy cut up, and that all onr captured men and horses nave octu retaken. The same re; orL also sa}s that the tables have been turucc upon them, and that we ‘have taken a 1 ■T'z , t rt'cTuo. rof prisoners. As our sick were ectnpciicc to ride a horse, I propose that their vcii nn n be compelled to riue a rail. Tv. o c:‘ onr wounded who were ia the raid a‘. Ofli'.u'c Mation, were on the'corj to-night on their way to Alexandria. Thsir names are J-.-hn Felt-y’ to. A, Ist Ohio, wounded ia the loot, ana George Wood, co. F, 7lh Indiana, w> uuccd in the ivg. i: v n the various reports which I have I heard am satisfied that me enemy numbered i tre than one regiment of cavalry. The ma j ii:y in this sdguborhoad say that the differ ent attacks weie" made at the same time by (ktachmi-nts from the main force. Gens. Steward, Lee andOoL Roberlsonwerekuown to b-~ in command of the different detach metis, ns each was seen and recognized by I ersens who knew them well. A gcnrifiuau who left Warrgaton this a-urnbe, elates that Steward’s cavalry and Lev's Virginia rangers were in that village on t. at Friday, aud that on the books of the War r-.n Green”hotel were fifty-two names of offi cers who had put ay there and signed their names iislo the register books. Aiu-mg them were t filet rs ol the Ist, 2d, 3i, 4lh, slh, Gth, On aud 12th Virginia cavalry. The inhabi tant srale teat ih« whole ol the cavalry to the number ol 5,030 or 6.000, left Warreaton on Friday evening and returned on Saturday fuming. They hod with thojn about 300 X>iisonexr, 50u to 600 horses and mules, and that two walrus were filled with their own wounded. Most of onr prisoners were wag oners. Among the party were three offi cers. Gens. Steward's and Lee’s names were among the names on the hotel register. Bat three out of thellfiy-two names were marked “paid,” and neither of the general's names V:ere among them. The rebels stole and drank all the hospital wLnLy at Catlett's Station. Colonization or Colored People in Ccnnlral America Senator S. C. Pomeroy hap, by request of the president, consented to organize emigra i;o:i parties of free colored persons for settle ment in Central America, and being commis sioned accordingly. This gentleman’s former success in organizing emigrant expeditions for the settlement of Kansas and Colorado, af fords a guarantee of a happy consummation of Lis prcai-ut plans. The government proposes to tend out the emigrants in good steamships, and provide them with all the necessary im plements of labor, and al, : o sustenance until they can gather a harvest. Tic following address, jirepared "by Senator Pomeroy, has been sanctioned by the presi dent : To the rrce Colored People oflhe United States; The hour has cow arrived iu the history of y: ur eelUeiucut upon this continent, when it I- within your own power to take one step that will secure, if successful, the elevatioa, freedom and social position of your race upon the American continent. Tlie president c; iite ITr.itcd Slates has al ready sign:!i--L. ai- to carry out fully in tnc idler end rj'ir... ■ i'jc latcact of Congress :lit ikrire ol Uic Legisliture, which made au ra facilitate your emi gration ai.d settlement in some favorable lo calky outside pi these Slates; and at his re •ji.trl 1 Lave toiitOitcd aud agreed with him to aid jnu in organizing this emigration, and ir. ecN'c’lij-; a loculi;.. : :*t will be Valuable and attractive to \oarpeople la itself, as well as Live the promise to you and to us that it shall be a s-Uitab'c location fora threat, irce and i people. I now address you as one u»'..ike to tut momentous revolution In Amer ican nlrtoiy, and alive also to your interest in tb-= conflict. of arms, whereby you are led to hope that in thus tattling established institu kii us jour people may go free. Tin- then 1b the hour for you to make one earnest ellort to sccureyourown social position end independence, by co operating with woo now reach out their hands to aid you. I ask \ou To do this by the pride yon m*y hare to make another exhibition to the world of the valor, heroism, and virtue ol the colored race, by the love yen may have fur your straggling at d oppressed people now among us, as well by the hopes yen may indulge of making smooth ana prosperous the pathway of com ic£ generations. I propose, o.a the Ist day of October n?xt, to take with me 100 colored men as pioneers in this movement, who, with their families, may t<juul the number of 500 souls, and fur whose bcneiit the appropriation of the acts of Coi,gn.?s referred to were made. Tae presi dent will provide ns the means of transporta tion and the protection of the settlement. Iking familiar with organizing and settling the early emigration to my own SUte (Kansas) I indulge the hope that that experience may be made serviceable to you. I am in earnest lor the welfare of your pco j K present and prospective. I want you to f<'!j'e;tUT this as an period for you. If this travail and pain ol the nation becomes the t-irtneay of jour freedom, let ns plant 5 ou fret and independent beyond the reach of the power that Las oppressed von. Consider lids as an opening of Divine Providence when 5 cm are called ofUodto go with me to a coun try ttli;cn tour oppressed peojdearc now to receive !or their inheritance. i pr po.-j to examine, ami if found eatssfac !<•'> i:uC T.r.<uiifitijr, to settle yon at Gttlrlom. ]ii 2%(jt*. 'on-each, faith tbe approval of the i.-ov< jbT2( nt,) only about oue, week’s 6ill from \\ ah.u-crtoi!, D. C. All persons of the Afri can jace, OI sound health, wbo desire to tike v <h me t iie lead i>i this work, will please send t:«ir t.-inc-, Lumber, sex, and ages of *i.<- Topev.ive n.embers of tm-ir families, and 11-ir ; ni>>. nice address to me at tbe city of on, I). CJ. • bile i-erson shall be allowed as a mem '■■■ rof the i -'lv.r.y. I want tm camics and la lor-L*.- —•::i?Des% honest and sober men; for il.e in:»r«.s*s of a Keoeratiou, it saay be o: mankind, are involved in the success of this exj-c rJUieii*, and wdb the approbation of the An >ru tii p» oj Ic, and under the blessing of Aiiaiahty God, i- cap not, it shall not fill. JS. C. i’o.MEuor, U. S. Senate. The l*rcf*Wexjt*B colonization Scheme, Washington. Ang 2G. ISGL The authority under which Senator Pomc rov’t- prc>c::uij «'ion to the tree colored popu lation of the United States is published, was not conferred upon him till to-day, and the correspondence is not yet completed. The liit-t letter irom the president offering i o put him in charge is dated last Saturday. \ esltrday a proclamation was framed, and to lay approver by the president. Previously, owevtr, in conversation, Senator Pomeroy, ,-bo is an abolitionist rather than a colonizi- onist, bad discussed the whole question with jC resident at length, and resolved to use is best uffons to achieve the ends which each id in new, being assured that the president culd be slow to emancipate unless he had ic well-grounded hope that he could colonize .rcesstmly. The president has offered Senator Pomeroy • e line steamer Vanderbilt for tne coarey ce of his first colony, which is to start the u, of October from Washington. It will •nr 100 families, selected from among those id offer to go. A printing press is to be ; rt of the cargo, which is furnished by an '* fjean freeman oi Baltimore, who goes with Vcder the rules and regulations for the ,-eminent of the colony, which Senator meroy has been preparing to-day, sixty cs are to be given to a family of over five • jLbers, forty acres to one of less than that **Tnber, and twenty acres to single adults. . ,-eighteenth ot the land is to be reserved „ school purposes, and is to be forfeited nu ‘ a school and church be built within three All the children are required to go to ed. Pomeroy Is authorized by the presl “ ■*o erect storehouses and all other need* ; )uildVn£&» Id eluding arsenals for the stor r ol arms, *i'h which be hopes the infant v cy tviU De able to defend itself against attack. The place at •which the experiment is to be tried la the Isthmus of Cfalrlqul. The Chiriqui transit company offered the govera emment, some years ago, four milltons of acres for 300,000. and have recently offered It to Mr. Lincoln for $150,000, They were, however, fpursuaded by Gen. Pomeroy that It was to their interest to give it to the United States, reserving: a • right ot way, a town site, and the mines. The land thns appropriated stretches from sea to sea, and is represented to be fertile and produc live of rice, coffee, cotton and sugar. There is said to be a harbor on each coast. The planting season commences in the middle of November, within a month after the colony a ill arrive. Senator Pomeroy, who will also issue a pamphlet Betting forth the nature of the conn try Is sanguine of sneecss in the enterprise. He says that an African journal will be issued from the Baltimorcan’e press within eight days after the colony lands, and that he will himself return within twenty days with lull proofs that the colony is well under weigh. Senator Pomeroy, it will be remembered, had charge of the settlement of Kansas. THE CITY. Hah vakd. Exclusion. —An excursion will be given from Harvard, a station upon tbe Northwestern Railroad, to CbicJgo, to-day. Fob Dutt.—Capt D, N. Welch, Assistant Quartermaster, has reported to Capt. Potter in Ibis city for duty. f?T* Tbe Union Defense Committee hold their weekly meeting this (Thursday) evening, Aug. 2Stb, 1803, at eight o’clock. Finn Alaem —An alarm of fire"was caused yesterday by the burning of a chimney upon the building occupied by the Sisters of Mercy. Joliet Excursion. —An excursion number ing eleven hundred people was given to this city yesterday from Joliet. Presentation.— Charles E. Olcott, of the Mercantile Battery, was yesterday made the recipient of a splendid revolver by the em ployes of Doolittle & Olcoti’sship yard. Bolton’s Battzbt.— Lieut. Tracy, of Bolton’s Battery, has arrived in this city from Memphis. He reports the entire command in excellent health. Identities.—' The hay mares which were taken from horse thieves by the police, about two weeks ago, have been identified by their owner, Mr. Archibald Scott, of Western, Henry county. Chjldken’s School.— Miss Paddock’s se lect school for children, in the rear of St Paul’s Church, corner of Wabash Avenue and Van Buren street, will commence its fall term cn Monday, Sept Ist The Peach Market.— I The extensive peach orchards at Bt Joseph are burdened with splendid fruit which is rapidly ripening. Next week, peaches will pour into this city with a perfect rush. Thanes. —The members ot Captain Snald dieg’s company desire to express their heart felt thanks to tbe ladles of Niles, Desplalnes, Brick!on and Leyden for the bounteous supply of gcod things they yesterday received at their hands. PRESENTATION ON ’CHANGE.—Capt, Jacob S. Curtis of the Seventy Second regiment was presented yesterday upon ’Change with a beantKul sword, sash, pistol and belt. The presentation speech was made by J. W. Sy ki s, Esq. _ JrvENiLE Depravitt. —A lad about eleven years of age, named Peter Riley, was brought befote Justice Miller yesterday, on the charge of stealing a pair of shoes from another boy, one of bis associates. The you’hlnl accused was turned over to the fatherly car© of the Reform School Commissioner. Military ExTEßTAixirExT.—The ladies of Clark street M. E. Church give an entertain ment to the members of Capt. Spalding’s company, Second Board of Trade Regiment, this afterc oon at 4 o’clock. All contributions sent to CC Washington street by 2p. m. will be gratefully acknowledged. Stealing Dry Goons.—Anna KoUn, ottos Anna Blackburn, was before the Police Court yesterday afternoon, charged with the larceny of various articles of dry goods, from different establishments in the city- She was held in S3OO bail, for farther examination on Saturday alternoon at 2 o’clock. An Actor Arrested fob Treason.— George Roscoe, a prominent actor of Mc- Vicktr’a theatre, was arrested yesterday and sent to Camp Douglas, where he is now in close confinement upon the charge of being a rebel spy. The arrest was made by officer Dixon during the theatrical rehearsal. Tde "Washington Coffee House.—lmme diately south of the Garrett block on State Si reel, an elegant and commodious brick building hes just been completed under the supervision of Mr. YanOodell, the well-known architect. It is designed for and will shortly be occuj led by Hugh Spear, Esq., as a public house and restaurant, and to be henceforth known ss the "Washington Coffee House. The Government Vouchers. —John L. Coates, charged with forging the name of Quartermaster Fitch to Government vouchers, and whose examination before United States Commissioner Hoyne, on Tuesday, was no ticed in the Tribune, appeared before the Commissioner yesterday afternoon and waived any further hearing in the premises, preferring to give bail to answer at the next term, of the United States District Court. Correction. —In our issue of yesterday it was stated that Captain Curtis, of the Seventy second Illinois regiment, would take down any parcels for the Young Men’s Christian Association company In that regiment. This was erroneous. He is ready to take parcels for any of the companies in the regiment. Ho haves for the regiment this evening. Pack ages should he left at the room of the Young Men’s Christian. Association before three o'clock this afternoon. The Excursion to Kankakee.— The ladies exclusion and basket picnic to Kankakee for the benelit of missions in Chicago will be ore of the beet of the season. There will be a band of music at the depot to escort the party to the grove, also speeches on the ground. Rev. Dr. Tjfiany with others is ex pected to speak. There will be refreshments also for any who wish to buy. Tickets for the round trip 75 cents ; children half price. Cars leave the Illinois Central depot Thursday September 4th, at 0:45 a, m., returning leave Kankakee at 5 p. m. A C'OMILIttENT WELL BESTOWED.—GOV. Yales, as will be seen by reference to another part of this paper, has recognized the official character and permanent value of the “ Army List.” published in this city, by conferring upon Mr. Geo. B. Smith, its compiler, the ap point ir.ent of Aide de camp to the Commander in Chief. from this direct personal com pliment, the Army List has received the most flatUring endorsements cf State officers and even the Department at Washington. It is meeting with a large and steady sale, and has all cad v attained a circulation in every State north of the Federal lines. Ix ide Horse Business,— A few days ago, Wm. Clark, a stranger In Chicago, was ar rested and examined before Justice ilillikcn, on the charge of stealing two horses from a farmer living in Mercer county. He was at ilut time held to bril, in the sum of §SOO, in default of which he was committed. Yesterday he was again examined before the same jus lice, on the charge of stealing two other hcrics from a man in Henry county. This charge was also pretty clearly sustained, and the unfortunate dealer in contraband horse flesh was asked to furnish bail to the tune of another §800; tailing In which, he was re manded to j ill, where he will await a final abjudication cf the affair belore a higher tri bunal. Arkest of Old Bigelow, the Counter feited. —The notorious old Bigelow, the most daring counterfeiter in the West, was arrested a few days since by Deputy Marshal Munson, at Port Byron, Rock Island county. When arrested, he was engaged in the very act, and was caught by the Marshal with a die in his hands, into which he had just put a dollar piece for stamping. After his arrest be offered the officer any amount of money and jewelry to secure his release. Three presses, a large collection ol coins, ranging from one dollar to : twenty dollar pieces, and a splendid set of dies, were found in his establishment. Three years ago, Bigelow was arrested for the same business. The proofs were numer ous and inconlestible. Surprised In his den, he made a most desperate resistance, but was overpowered and lodged in jail in this city, where he so successfully feigned sickness as to postpone his trial from time to time; and, after Ijlng in jail nearly a year, was discharged. A short time after,he was again arrested while making coin. He was tried in the United States District Court, in this city, and let off with thirty days’ imprisonment The effect of this leniency upon a hardened and uncon querable criminal is apparent He has again been arrested in the very act of counter feiting. ABBITAI OF DISTINGUISHED VISITORS. John Kowonlils way to Washington. The regular passenger train on the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad, yesterday morning brought to this city a large party of somewhat noted visitors, from the far-off prairies of the Indian Territory. The party consisted of the well known Cherokee Chief, John Ross, his wife, children, and numerous other relatives and friends, with their servants —in all fifty .persons. They are on their way to 'Washington, via New York, for the transaction of important business pertaining to the welfare of their people. It will be remembered that John Rees has ever been and is at this moment an uncompromising Union man, and has done all in bis power, by example and patriotic ut terances, to keep his people free from the contaminating influences of secession, though many of them have gone off after strange gods, and are now in arms against the Federal Government. About three weeks ago, Ross and bis relatives were overpowered by superior numbers and forced to leave the territory. Making the best of their Way to St. Joseph, Mo., they came from thence by rail to this city, and left last evening, on the Michigan Central Railroad, for Washington. On airiving at the Federal capital they will seek an interview with the President, and en deavor to induce him to send troops into the Cherokee country, for the purpose of patting down or cleaning out the rebels who infest that region, whether they are Indians, Mis soni! border ruffians, or Arkansas cat-throats. It is quite probable our government may re cognize the propriety of granting this request, and at once send on a force adequate to the work of purging that country of the presence of traitors and treason in every shape. Russ scans to be in fine spirits, and is quite san gefre of success in the important and urgent mission wh'ch he has undertaken. During their brief sojourn here, the party we*e entertained at the Adams House, where all their wants were well supplied. BslowU a list of the persons composing this party: John Ross, wife, daughter aad son; Miss S. F. Stofler; Miss A B. Stofler; H. B. Sfc-fler; Maria Jones; Lizzie Meigs; Henry Meigs, five colored servants and three children; Ra r u* Ross, two colored servants and child; William P. Roes, wlfls, three children and nurse; Dr. Robert Ross, wife and four children; Lewis Ross and servant; Mrs. Geo. M. Murall and infant; Miss J. P, Ross; F. H. Nash and wife; Mrs. AR. Vann; William S. Nash. MILIEU’S BATTERY. Presentations to the Officers, One of the most thoroughly drilled aud promising military organizations now quarter ed In the vicinity of Chicago, is that designat ed as “ 3liller*s Battery,” at present In Camp Douglas. This splendid artillery company was mustered into the service, by Captain Christopher, on the 12th of the present month, and now cumbers one hundred and fifty-five men, rank and file. The organization of the company was begun in May last, its nucleus being composed of Ottawa men, among whom is Captain John B. Miller, the present popular commander. On the 31st of May, the com pany- quartered at Camp Douglas, where it has since remained, the lime being profitably im proved in thorough and systematic drilling, the good effects of which are now visible in the soldierly bearing and scientific movements of both officers and privates. The ordnance used by the company will be the “James Rifled Cannon,” of sis pound calibre, and six in number. Four of these guns are here now, and the other two will ar rive in a few cays. Four hundred and twelve excellent artillery horses, for their use, are also expected soon. Capt. Miller and his brother officers are making every effort to place their corps in the most complete order for active service, in readiness to take the field whenever an order Is issued to that effect. The members of this company are hardy, ro bust, and intelligent. A large proportion of them are mechanics, who have thrown down the tools in their workshops with the deter mined purpose of dealing some heavy aud telling blows on the head of the secession serpent. This battery properly belongs to the first Illinois regiment of Light Artillery, aud is lettered company if, in the third battalion. It is composed of the right metal, aud nothing but a lack ot opportunity will prevent its members from performing most efficient ser vice in their country’s cause, and crowning themselves with honors. The company is full at the present time, and what is more, since its organization, over one hundred and twenty men have applied for admission into its ranks, and been refused. This fact shows how high ly the organization is esteemed by outsiders desirous of joining a model artillery corps. Yesterday morning the first three officers of this battery were each honored by the presen tation of a fine sword, sash and belt, the gift of the company. The affair took place in the giove, a few rods from the grave of Senator Douglas, in the presence of all the officers aud members. The recipients of the gifts are Capt. John B. Miller; senior First Lieutenant Geo. TV, Spencer; and junior First Lieutenant John H. Colvin. The gifts were presented by ; John H. Murphy—in behalf of the company, who accompanied the act with a’brief bat per tinent speech, to which the Captain and Lieu tenants responded in fitting language. The committee chosen to procure and arrange for the presentation of theee testimonials consist ed ol iYm. P. Gregg, Geo. W. Sissender, and Charles M. Judd, who performed the pleasant duty assigned them satisfactorily to ali parties. Help for Sick Soldiers. The Sanitaiy Commission oi this city, as will be seen by reference to their appeal in another column, have exhausted their supplies and treasury, and are no longer able to answer the calls on them for relief for oar sick and wounded men. Wc bare private advices from men and officers at Memphis, Corinth and all through the - Southwest, telling of great and pressing wants in our hospitals. The govern ment furnishes more than any other ever did lor the comfort of its sick soldiers, and yet they are not cared for as they should be. ' We make no complaint against the govern ment for this deficiency. It were well for every family and every individual to feel di rectly in their own persons what this rebellion is costing. We who are at home and at ease, cannot realize a tithe of its terrors. But there must be no deficiency nor lack for anything that money can purchase or skilful hands contribute. Better atrip our homes of all their extravagant luxuries, and ourselves ol needless cosily attire, than that our brave biothers should come to any want which a coble munificence could procure them. The Commission have labored gratuitously from the first, and have received the wcll earred confidence of the public. Whatever is gent them they to any in need of help, without regard to the locality from which men enlisted. The are always glad to receive conlr.bution?, whether great or small, by letter, by railroad, or at their rooms, 41 Wabash Avenue. Thc Bishops Chapel, The Bishop’s Chupi 1 at the corner of Peoria and Washington streets is now so far com- pit ted that it will be dedicated to Divine wor ship on the approaching S-ibbath, upon which occasion Bishop will oiTiciatc. In the alterxoon there will be confirmation. This church, as our readers are aware, Is an alteration and enlareementoftbc old church of the Ator enn nt. However, it is to ail purposes a new church throughout, only the barcS.vails and roof of the old church having been used. As It now stands, the building both in its ex terior and interior is one of the finest and purest mode’s of church architecture In tbs West, and we are informed is the only genu ine Bishop’s chapel in the United States. The style of architecture is the early English Gothic, the peculiarities of which are well produced, giving to the building a unity and harmoniousness of design not often observa ble in this city of mixed architecture. The walls are of stone, rock-faced ashlar and cut stone trimmings. The church Is cruciform in shape with nave and transept. The width of the nave is t hit ty-se ven feet by one hundred and twenty-six In length. Including chincel; and the width of transept thirty-one feet by sixty two hi length. The chancel Is nonagonal shaped with a lancet window in each angle to be fill ed with rich stained glass emblematically rep resenting the saint’s days. There is also a splendid circular stained gloss windowat each end of the transept. The chancel is elevated three steps above the floor of the nave end contains a pulpit, lectern, prayer desk and twenty-five stalls or seats for clergymen. Inside the chancel and elevated one step above it is the sacrerium, containing the ‘ Bishop’s chair, altar and credence. The chair , is of solid oak, elaborately carved, and was manufactured in this city. The sacrerium is s divided ofi from the chancel by a handsome I Gothic railing with a kneeling step o« the I outside for communicants. The celling of : the chancel is stained a deep, beautifol, nltra - marine blue, and will be spangled with stars, i All the inside woodwork of the church is grained oak. The pews bare oak cappings and hook racks. The celling is formed of richly,'3nbnlded arches and trusses, extending down some distance on the, wells and termi nating In moulded corbels, the spaces between the trasses cn the ceiling being formed into squares by moulded ribs. The ceiling of the transept is diapered—alter the old church style—a light figure on a violet ground. The church will seat six^mndred persons comfortably. In all respects, the Bishop’s ebaptl is a model of church architecture. There is nothing to mar the unify of de —no clumsy galleries, side scats or any other of the numerous irregularities which have crept into almost every church in the city. The architect was J. V. Wadskier, Etq., the Bishop himself assisting largely in trie designs. It is contemplated at no very dltlant period to erect a tower one hundred cud riven j Act in height at the south eastern corner of the church, but apart from this and the elaboration of a few details, the church is finished and ready for service. Appeal of tbe Chicago Sanitary Com* rolßfelou in Behalf of tbe Soldiers. We Lave received a copy of the app:al which the Sanitary Commission of this city make to the people for aid in behalf of onr brave men now in hospitals. The appeal is prt ceded by a statement effects, showing what has been done with former contributions ccmmitted to their charge, and,' how great the inert ased demand must be, and referring to the friendly reception their agents have met among the army officers, in their efforts to relieve the wounded and sick. It continues as follows: But we are no longer able to meet the requi sitions upon us. Our depots are empty and our treasury nearly depleted. The demand is con stant and urgent. Brave men. are wasting in hospitals for the want of sanitary stores, and con valescents are c’rooping, who, with proper nour ishment and customary delicacies, might soon return to their regiments. The sickly season in the Southwest is at hand. In a few weeks onr armed foice will be sufficient to constitute twelve divisions of over a hundred thousand men each. The amount ol kindly aid they will need from their friends is almost beyond c jtap enaction. A WORD WITH HEN AT HOME. In view of these considerations, we turn to those who. with us, remain at home. You are prosecuting successful business, and living in the enjoyment of your family and friends. The back spectre of war has tccrcfiy cast his shadow across our • thresholds. Onr mothers are in the field facing a traitorous foe, Wa bid them “ un to the battle!” tfirugh knowing that in its diadiV stock the life-blood shall crimson the at their feet. Weave impatient for its terrible conflict, though ih.-Jp mingled corpses must pile the earth With luay . We demand no more holi day campaigns, but R«vrn and rugged war. While they in arms are periling everything for our coun try, "hat facrfiscea are we willing to make lu its h. The strength of onr armies, under Prov idence, rests largely upon the liberality of tbe peo ple. P> lih what portion of oar income will we suptain them ? Vtu-n hravemcafiiU in deadly am l.usct door before guerilla bands, with how much will we cne e forward to Ptanech their wounds? When cxbarftkm and disease overtake them on weary murctc?, wlmt will we give to rescue their loses frem blanching on desolate plains? These are plain questions, fit for loyal men to answer, and that tight speedily. WHAT IS WASTED. The articles most wanted at present arc shirts and cmwersc-f thin material for the hospital— i. ulie >-f all Mi-6*, dried, canned and preserved; etpedadj dried curran> t prui.ef and currant jelyk wines and coiui&lr, of got. d age. made from small fruits ; farina, tapioca ;and corn starch, and all oiiicaciei of liie kind arc very acceptable; socks, slippers, towels, bed sacks, sheet?, pillow slip. j , and dressing gowns are also wanted. Most pres eiigdemaudsTare made for butter, eggs, vegeta bles, fresh meat and poultry. These last are diffi cult of transportation at this season of the year. Tlwy can ucuady be obtained convenient to the ho.-pitalb where the sick arc receiving treatment. But mon'-y is needed to purchase them. Money is, in fact, the nrcalest present want, for with it eveiy immediate demand can be met. The supply vf baucagos. compresses. Hut, Ac , for wound-dressing, is abundant for many mouths to ceme. AN APPEAL TO THE LADIES. To the women of the Northwest we make a di rect and personal appeal. IS'o tokens of your lojalsy to our cocmry’s cause are needed. In its perilous hours you have ai'uedantly shown your dcvoiiun and sjDjyathy. At the mere mention of work Cc fitting yon. it baa been yosr liigneat pleasure to disparchlt at once. Tne magnitude of this fearful straggle has opened a wide place for your loviuu beans and willing bauds. Tne wo msnly endurance of many of you in the trials of pioneer life have fitted yon the better for the pari you are about to bear. Turn to your own peaceful homes. They are stored with the fruits of your own industry aod skill. Yon might spare much from your abun dance, and yetyonr houses would seem to be fail. Heroic men need a portion of your treasured com bats. You arc now called upon to minister to their sufferings with a portion of your luxuries, tv ill not those who have fared sumptuously every day be glad of au occasion for self-denial io a cause S'-dtarto their hearts? The needless expenses t fmany of us might go far towards saving noble t. inn-ib’ lives, 'ihe fathers of your cbildrea. the defenders of your firesides, the protectors of your pence look to you for help. Will you 1101 send comfi-rt to the sick that shall save him who ia to perish? To what hohtr work can woman’s tender hand arpirc than that which awaits her now ? As your p edges for the past shill be well redeemed, the dying soldier will bless you; the arm vf the Gad 01 Hatties shall Keep you, and your memory shall be precious through all time, wherever the story cf this wicked war Is told Youth—Mronghi in contact as you are wiih parents and children all ovor the laad. your place ie very ne-.T the hearts of the people It were well if you would move them now. As you speak of free governments, give those whom you instruct an opportunity to contribute towards up* holding our beloved one which rebri hands have sworn to puli down. In neighborhoods, as in schools, jou can. if yon will, do much. Vltrginhtn and Sabbath School Teachers— The double claims of civil and religious liberty ate upon you. To you we can .never appeal in vain. For ourselves, we ask nothing, hut for the sake of those noble hearts of oar brothers and our friends who have gone forth, and are eolug to the field of carnage. Let us go to them on the lonely ted of pain and git by them ia the p itlcat watch inns till the day breakup. \Ve appeal to all in humanity’s name and for the PiOlcen ei'c sake. KOW TO GO TO WORK. Permit us to suggest that when one, two or three aiemovedwita to bear a tbare in this work, that they first put their own hams to it,and then go abroad among ibeir own neighbors and I'’ aim induce them to join them. As far as possible interest all energetic, working persons,to unite In forming soldiers Aid Societies where they do not now esis-t, in every village and in every neighborhood. Let the old and tried associa ions renew and redouble their efforts. Apportion the territory into districts, oad appoint working com miticce in each to wait npon ail business men, me chanics and farmers, soliciting present subacrip ti-.-n and pledges of regular weekly or monthly con tnluiiii ns during the war. Afford every one an or.- pori unity to give something according to bis ability ard largeness of heart. Pats nnt bythe comfortable cottage of the day laborer, for be and his children have' an abiding interest in the is tue of transpiring events, extending luto the fu ture, and it is t heir privilege to contribute, though it be but trilling sums Let the effort bu general, omittiiig i.oiie of any class. Let !i be systematic and lasting while this struggle lasts. Ci-//’/at UVifs/or —Ail the railroads terminating at this point firing cofimb' to the Con m.’ssic n free ol charge. Tti« Illinois Ccn inl Railroad also transports matter for us to Cairo, by the regular passenger trains free. This liberality is without a precedent among rail roads. The express companies charge only half their usual mu-s. T< ci’arje? Ktif to ns should be distinctly marked •‘Chicago January Commission. No. >U Wabash avenue. Chic •go.” Aho, with the address of tQo society or individual making the contribution on the outside. Number the boxes or packages when more than one is pent. Attach to the centre of the cover on the iiside of each box a list of its contents, andmail us a duplicate. Observing this will often save u? repacking. Let tbe packing boxes he strong. When you can, put the cover oil with screws To Is Avoidtd. —In no case pack jars of preserves, bottles of nine, etc., with clothes or bedding. They are very liable to breakage, damaging the other articles. Uoic to Pack Bottles, Cans , Jars, <£-a —For pack ing the* e articles, sulecr small boxes that will hold sty, a dozen. Sic that each buttle, etc, be dis tinctly labeled. I re fine hay, straw, or taw dost, (which is hot ter) as packing material. Put a layer on the bot tom two inches thick, and another on each side as yen proceed. Sot the box a little inclined to one side; put In a layer of hay or saw dnst, then a tier of cans or bottles, then more packing mate rial. and eo on till lull. Separate also, by the same material, < ach can or bottle from the others in the tier, an inch or more. r*et the box down again; prers is packing among the cans or Dot tles and at the. aides, un«Q the whole forms one solid mars within the box. Add, ou top, two ii thee of packing, as at the sides and bottom. Donations to special regiments arc discouraged on account of the many losses to such contribu tions. MARK SKTXHES. President AVAL W. PATTON,-Vice President. H. E SEELYE PiCC'Og. Secy. and Treasurer, E. AT. BLATCHFOIID, Cor. Sec.and Ass't. T. E. X ISIIAAL M. D. JAMES WARD. Cblcngo Hicolosical Seminary, This institution which, is located on the west side of Union Park, is soon to be opened for its fifth year of instruction. Its record, short as it is, is one of usefulness. Already it has sent out a quarter of a hundred graduates, who with scarcely an exception are laboring acceptably among our Western churches. Otter useful ministers who did not graduate received their theological training In part at this soulnary. The occasional and vacation lalorsol those who are still members have bixn remarkably blessed. At least one graduate is a chaplain. Oae undergraduate, the lamented Anderson, tell on the field or Shiloh, in the front rank of the patriots. Others have recently enlisted. The Professors ore all able eloquent men, of whom not their denomination alone, hat the city and the "West have reason to be proud. 1 They teach no pro-slavery interpretatign oi the scriptures, and no milk-and-water doc trines on the great and vital questions of the day. Such men and such institutions cannot be spared. The army needs them to educate good chaplains. The country needs laitttfal, fearless, outspoken ministers. Religion needs them to counteract the tearful demoralization of war. Liberty needs them to “give a cer tain sound 1 ’ from the pulpit. If God shall save the Union, the open fields of the South will soon call for hundreds of ministers to preach to them the true gospel. It would be short-sighted policy, even in this emergency, to close such seminaries and send all our young men to war. While many of our pious young men must go into the ranks, there is a class of them who can serve their country most effectually by preparing themselves to preach the gospel. For such the doors of the should be kept open. The lecture term will commence on Wed nesday, the 10th of September, under the in struction of Professors Haven, Bartlett and Fisk. The fund for aiding indigent students is in better condition than at the opening of any* previous year. Catalogues will be fur nished or Inquiries answered by any member of the faculty, or by Rev. H- L. Hammond, agent and treasurer. Arrival of Got. of Tennessee Ex-Governcr TV. B. Campbell* of Tennes see, has arrived in this city to superintend the matter of releasing Tennessee prisoners. Yes terday he visited Camp Douglas, and was there engaged daring most of the day in making the necessary investigations, preparator to the release of about 400 among the Tennessee prisoners, who .Lave * signified their desire to be released cn the terms proffered by our gov ernment, These labors will be resumed to day, and completed as soon as possible. Gov. Campbell brings the most cheering in telligence from Tennessee, and represents the Union sentiment there as steadily increasing and strengthening, The Union men are rapidly oga nizlng their fighting strength into companies, regiments, and brigades, and ex pect eoon to beln a condition to not only pro tect themselves against guerilla raids, but to hold the State firmly to her true position as a loyal State. Praiseworthy Board of Trade, The Chicago Board of Trade has taken the right step in the important work ot filling up the old regiments from this State. In this, as in all other matters pertaining to the prosecu tion pi the Trap, the Board has exhibited that same spirit of patriotic liberality and energy which have characterized its movements ever since the war began. At the.noon meeting of the Board, yester day, the following resolutions were adopted. It is to be hoped that the measures proposed by the Board will be heartily concurred in by all loyal citizens throughout the State. Read the resolutions, then roll up your sleeves and go to work with a will: Whereas, Tbe Governor of the State of Illinois has called lor volunteers to fill up the A d regiments before the first of September next, in default of which a dialt will he made for the purpose. HefdT(d x That in order to obviate the necessity of a draft and add to the glory o«: our noble State, we hereby agree to close our respective places of business at X o’clock In the afternooa, each day foe the remaining daysof this month, ana request and urge all basinet men throughout the State to do the same, and devote our time and services to re cruiting. Hifolitd, That a copy of these resolutions be furnished to each of our daily papers, and. one forwarded by telegraph or otherwise to Gov. Yates, with « request that he issue a proclamation tc the people of the State recommending their adoption generally throughout the State. Chicago, August 20,1662. Premiums to be Paid. Omen of tbe Ilijkois State Horticul- I TDtit Society", Chicago, Editors Chicago Tribune: To correct mlsapiircliecsions that may have arisen, I wish to state that the society, ia de voting tbe proceeds that may accrue from its forthcoming lair to the aid of sufferers ia the ■Union army, made no change affecting the payment of premiums as originally intended. The society In offering a very liberal list, hoped to draw together at this point—believed lo ce the largest 'fruit ruartict in. America— such an exhibition us would be a credit to the city and the Northwest, and thus to comnund such liberal patronage from au appreciative public as to realize a handsome surplus for its own lent-fit. That surplus, if any should ac crue, will now he devoted to the relief of our brothers in arms, whose eulXerings are re ported to be great and unrelieved. It is expected that such division of the proceeds will not diminish the attractiveness bi the exhibition. Assurances of large con tributions of fruit from the finest regions of tbe West had been received; our own skil ful Gardners, in and around me city, bad ex pressed a determination to fill their depart ment with their rarest and choicest flo were; the producers of market vegetables had also pledged to exhibit liberally. It is hoped that there will be more fruits, more flo wers and vegetables on exhibition —that more people util come to see them, and as a result that there will be a very creditable sum. for the sick and wounded soldier boys. C. T. Chase, Cor. Sec’y. To Anus! To Arn>s!! The Van 11. Riggins Inviucibles. Fredcnc H. Braudes. This crack company of expert rifle men Is filling up fast, and will be fall withia a few dais. A few more men will yet be received. Re enming Ollicc—the Niagara House. No. 24S East Randolph sweet, also at Hottinger & Kastler’a, on Randolph street, opposite the court Rouse. oid the draft and secure your bounty. For Good Meals, go to Moore’s Dining Rooms, at 126 Dearbomstreet. Solomon’s Temple.—The last week of this grand Exhibition. Lecture at 3# and 8>; P. M., in Me tropolitan null. _________ aug27-3t *5” Madame Cora James, the great natural clairvoyant physician, the scientific aatrologist ana phrenologist, can be constiitod by ladies and gentlemen, on all things pertaining to the past, the present, and the future. The mysterious lines which naturp and fate have traced in the feces of all human beings, are to her an open book from which she predicts marriage, inheritance, voyages, lawsuits, mental and physical disease. Don’t procrastinate, as this is a rare chance, but come at once. Office No. 63 W. Randolph, corner Clinton street. au26-6t wall paper of Chase & Co., wholesale and retail, JC9 Randolph srreet. au*2s-lm. 237” New Army Regulations, Infantry Tactics, acd Artillery Practice, by the War Department; Mnster Rolls, Zouave Drill. Young Recruit, Sword Exercise, and all other boots, for sale byP. T. Sherlock, 112 Dearborn street. augl4-lSt EF" Coot & McLain, steam Dyera and Scourers, 9S Dearborn and 120 S. Clark streets, clean and dye Ir.dits and gentlemens’ clothes la the best and cheap est manner. The oldest established bouse In the city. Call on Dunlop, Sewed dEcjualdiug for Printing." covll-hSrai-ly FIMXCUL AND COMMERCIIL. MONETABT. Wednesday Evening, Augn-'t 27,1802. The money market continues close, and ex charge ip very dull at per cent, discount.- The scarcity of currency is Btill|embirrasging, both to tankers and merchants; but matters can not long remain thus. The money paid to recruits throughout the Northwest will soon come into general circulation aud relieve all concerned. Gold is steady at 114(3,114)6 buying, aud 116 sel ling. Old Demand notes are in request at 107. Canada currency, S®lo per cent, premium. The Milwaube Siniinel eajs: Monetary affairs were uncharged yesterday. Tne banks reported exchange and money easy, the former, as hereto fore, peiiingat X cent, 'premium, and the de mand for money quite moderate. The ruling premium paid for gold was 13)6 *3 cent., aud the selling rate nominally 15 slcent. Silver buying at S and gelling at lo@i2 xl cent, premium. Old demand notes selling at y premi um. Small denominations of new issue selling at y. premium. New Stock York aod Money Market. By Telegraph.] 2fsw Tobk, August 27,1363. First ifomf—Stocks moderately active and hevu-r. Chi. & R. Inland.. 6SJ£ i Clev. & Toledo ... 532f CM. B. A Quincy.. 66)6 I MiL & P. dit 31 Dei. L. &\f 99 1 BlDES—There is a very light stoc : on hand at present, and consequently the market rales firm, ■ffe quote: Dry Flint ... Dry Salted... . . Green Salted Float Wheat Com Oats Bye Bar I Gmfcby. biis. ha. ha. bo. bo. bn, COMMEHCIAL. AVedkesdat Evskisq, August at. 1863. BBC SIFTS FOB BAST TWBimr-POUB HODiiS. Lake Canal.. 2725 90) 9f007 440 G*Ct/SR . 734 953S 3to 2 S9> iS 139 104 SIER..,, 410 8150 14:350 2100 700 .... EICER 1120 20650 47950 49fl 35U 7CO C24QEE... 703 TWO 40100 S2SUISOO .... C 4 BwEE.. 150 2993 3122 9>09 723 .... A485LK8.. 750 5010 7b75 ICSU 350 .... 6553 54791 236C0G 58577 5759 QZi •Total Beef live High L’d Cattle. r-ogsWocl.VPinesHid’s ft® Ho. Ho. Iha tela, Jbe. Catal 5036G0 GiCCEP. 240 A it£ 14 173 DICES BS9Q 10 SCO 935 ICO A&StLEF, 50 9TCS 50 4CO -?otal ..225370 137 2995 StoW 560 41511 EBIP2HKTS BT LaKT.. ÜBT XTVBMT-FOUIi HOIHI3 Flour. Wuc&LCom. Oats. Rye.Bti’y. brls. ha. bu. ba. ba. ba f 16SS0 890H0 30330 BU5i3 168W) 83»s00 19100 To Buffalo.... Ofweso •• To Pt. Colb’n, To Pt. bare ia. To Ogdens’bg, Kit geton •.. Ontonagon,... ToGcdeiich.. To other porta C-I6 S3OC 28025 046 05145 184STS 30000 Total receipts actd gHiramsTs bt canax#—auo. 25. Pork, brls ..... 290 2,725 Shipments. 950 14.000 90 GOT Posts, Ko 1.850 44U Salt, brl* SB3 Beceipts. Flour, bile Vk beat, Du Corn, bn O&ts.bu. t cal, 1 tone 1?3 do* sacks.... 1,140 Lard, lbs 2C3,C(0 SECEtTTS AK© SUirnESTS ©T LAKE AUGUST 27. Receipts. Shipments. Lumber, ft 1.110.0T0 Flour, brls 695 Shingles, no -... 45U.0C0 Wheat, bu 86 B*s Lath, pea 00.00) Com, bu 241,385 Wood, cds 559 Rye, bn IS.OiO Staves, no 80,000 Lard, brla 9“ Coal, tons lie Butter, kegs.v... 102 The Persia, with Liverpool advices to the 10th was telcgraped to-day—reporting flour dull and lower on inferior qualities; Wheat l®3d lower; Corn fiimer. The attendance on ’Ckange was good and the markets active and brisk. At the opening, under the influence of the steamer's news, the market for wheat was flat; but under the influence of the New York dispatches, it rallied and closed ys(glc higher on winter grades —with sales of No. 1 R;4 at $1.02—1.03; No 2 Red, 9T@9BX C ? and Rejected Red at BS@SB2£c. Spring wheat was scarce and ruled steady for No I, but dull for No 2—with salei of the former grade at 94 <&9sc, and the latter Rejected spring was active at 70c. At the dose the market was firm and steady. There was an active dripping demand for com, and the market ruled firmer and a shade better— with sales cf upward 325,(09 bushels at 45c for choice "White afloat; 41c for White Mixed afloat; £6@37#c for Mixed aflmt; 30c for Ejected afloat; for Mixed in store; and27#@23cfor Re jected in store—the market closing Arm. Oats were in good denand at 36#c. Bye quiet at 48®49c. Bighwines steady at 29c. Timothy Seed. $1 59®1.60. Freights advanced K&tc pet bushel—with, lib eral engagements at 4j£&sc for com, end s>sc foe wheat to Buffalo; 9>sc for wheat and 9c for com to Oswego. Hilwaokee Grain Markot-Ang, 2C. Bcceived, 51,639 bu. wheat and 459 hrla. flour. The Sentinel Bays: The market ruled steadv. About 63,000 bn changed hands at 97c for No. land 93c for No, 3. Freights dull and nominally un changed. Mxpoits ol Bre idituffs aad ProvU* locs from New Yark, The shipments of flour, wheat, com, pork, <fcc., from New York for lie weekending Aug. 19, are as follows: 78,577 brls floor; 597,88 i) bu wheat; -STO,- 489 bn com; 282 brls beef; 1,203 brls pork; 202,798 lbs hams; 83:,958 lbs bacon; 2,567,200 fi>i lard; 603,293 B>a butter; 1,274,574 lbs cheese. New York Wool Market, August 27. The Economist says : par predictions that wool would be very acrive and eee higher prices, have been more than realized the past week. Domestic wools have advanced 3@3 per lb. and foreign dea cripmms S®7per lb. wfth a tendency still higher 1 he hUßinese done- has been usually active princi pally with the trade and speculators, with some few transactions with manufacturers. The s*ock ol all kinds of wool is now reduced, and the high rates of exchange have, and will limit the receipts of fircignfor seme time. We look forward now for much higher prices than have been current ever before. Most holders of foreign refusi to name a price for their wool, and holdes of do mestic are not over anxious to sell even at the ad vanced prices. The government is to be supplied and is advertising for goods, and the dry market is very active for all kind of army goods, some cf which ate ordered ahead so that we see nothing in the future bat aa ac tive call for wool, and an unprece dented demand for goods. These remarks may stem strong, but we are warranted in givia** them from the present aspect of things, and we see no reason why or what is to prevent the raw material from advancing, or goods from being In active request. The sales since Friday last. Lave been very heavy and include 303,060 3b, fleece at 85©62# for coarse and medium 4,( to lbs lambs pulled 57#@55; 7@1P,00.J lbs tub washed 60; bales unwashed African £>.77; 35; several parcels washed do 45^50; 35M0-* bales East India 80@42#; 40.C00 lbs Slhs: 30c. cash ; 35.GC0 lbs washed Turkish wool 47#; 400 bales Mexican 35c; 203 bales Hio Grande, and Black Donskoi on private terms, and several other par cel- of Medlterraneanandother foreign wool, the particulars of which are withheld. At the close there were but few parcels offering. Cincinnati ProvlslonlllaTltct, An". 20. The Provision matket is in better tone under the Influence of a better general demand, as well as heavy operations on account of the army. Bacon shoulders were sold to a pretty large ex tent at 4& @4)4c, and bacon sides at s,Jtfe. The amount out of smoke and ready has bsea greatly reduced. All the shoulders to be had at the inside price were picked up. Bulk shoulders are taken quite freely at and bulk sides at sc. Holders arc rather more reserved. Mess pork is held with more firmness‘and a fair inquiry. Good country packed ia held at $9 50, and city would he hard to buy at leas than $9.75. Plain bams, canvassed, are held generally at 3c, and sugar cored at 10c. Lard is quiet but firm. City would sell at 3#c. but is not to be had at less than S?sc,anJ the n in small broken lota.— Commercial. Baltimore Provision Market—Ang. 25 Market quiet and unchangd No transactions in pork reported. We quote western mos? Nt £lt.UH&ll>2s; prime at s9.uo, and rump at $3.3*1 3? brl. Beef—We notice a flue jobbing demand lor beef, cbifly for *• hip’s stores—Baltimore No. I gelling at and mesa at sls.{;6® 10.30 brl. Bacon is in limited demand; wu quote western shoulders at 4#S,sc; sides at sj.{c ; plain bams at 76fc8c: and sugar cured and fancy do. at at 9<g.-J#c for shoulders; 5c for sides, and 5c E>. for bums. Lard—We quote Western In brla. and tierces at ana kege (regular packages) at llic %} E).—C 'omtnercial Advocate. CHICAGO DAILY ittAHKET. Wednesday Evening, August 27,1562, FRElGHTS—Advanced y bu. The en cagemenia were: To Oswego, schr. Pilot, wheat, via Goderich, at 9)£c; sebr. S. J. Holley, wheat, direct, at 9jsc; Fcbr. Major Anderson, com, via Port Sarnia, at 9c. To Port rolbjmc, bark Wa verly and echr Southampton, com at 4)2 c. To Buffalo, prop. Free State, rye at Cc; schrs. Arrow, SI. SI. Scott, Mott, Casiitia and Amelia, all with com at 4>;c; brig Mariner and prop. Empire State, com at sc; schr. Sophia Smith, wheat at sh :c • ?rhr. Nichols, cats at V)£c. The schr. John 3. Newhcuse was engaged to take iron ore from Marquette to Cleveland at £3.25 y ton. FLOUR—Received, 0,382 brla; shipped, 640 brls. Market quiet. Sales were, lOj brJs ‘‘Nashville City” white winter at $5.70; 200 brls “Stanton" at- §3 55; 100 brla do at $5-50; 130 brla “Coles County” do at $5 £5; 300 brls fair white winter at £5.01); 10J brie “Castele” on p. tj lb? brla 4 -Pickwick SXSS” spring at £4.60;.100 brla “Princeton Eagle” at £4.50; 30brla “Marion County ” win* ter super at §4 25; 75 brls winter super at £415; 50 brls choice epiing spring super at $ 1.10. WHEAT— Received, 54,794 bu; shipped, 03,143 bu. Winter wheat advanced X@lc. Spring wheat steady. Sales; Winter—l,ooo bu No 1 Bed in store at $1.02; 2,000 bn do atsl.o3; 5000 bu No. 3 Red in store at 97c; 8,000 bu do at 97Xc; I,COO bu do at 97& c; 5,000 bu do at 9Sc; 1,3.*0 bn do at S.CGObn Rejected winter in store at 88c; I.OuO bu do at SSifc. Spring— l,oio bu No. 1 Spring in store at 94c; 3,009 bu do at hi#; i»».ouo bu do at 95c; 9,000 bn No. S Spring in store at 80c; 2,000 hu do at SOjtfc; 3,000 bu do at 81c; 10,090 bu do at 70c; Biobu condemned on track at 62& c. CORN—Received, 230.006 bu; shipped, 184,875 bu. Market active and firm. Sales, 5,300 bn choice River White at 43c afloat; 5,5u0 bu White Mixed afloat 41c; 20,000 bu Fellow Mixed and High Mix* d afloat at 37>£c; 10,000 bu River Mixed afloat at 37c; 10,000 bn do at 3i>)£c; 8.003 bu do at 36c; 2,500 bn Rejected afloat at 31-c; 230,(kd ba Mixed in store at 85c; 18,000 bn doat3i?fc; 12,000 bu do at 34#c; 8,900 bu Jan. and Feb. receipts do at 30c; 35,000 bu Rejected in store at 2Sc; 2,500 bu do at at 22c. OATS—Received, 2S,S77bn; shipped, SO,nCO ba. ■Maiket active and firm. Sales, IG,GGO bo, 2so. lin store at gG^c. RYE—Received, 3,759 bu. Market quiet. Sales, 2.000 bo no lin store at 48c; SOO ba do at 49c ; 400 bu Rejected in store at 43c. BARLEY—Received, 601 bu. Sales, 400 bv infe rior cn track at 27c. HlGUWl2o3S—Received, SG2 brie. Market qniet and steady. Sales were; ICO brls at 29c. TIMOTHY SEED—2O bags prime at $i69;50 bags do at $1 57j<c; 29 bags do at $157. MESS PORK—Firm and nominal at $9 75. LARD—Scatci and in good demand at B©S3f£C for prime Leaf. TALLOW —52 bris Conntry at B#c. PEACHES—£S baskets Indiana Poaches at $1 C2tf. SUGARS—The market rules very firm at out side quotations; New Orleans, common to fair 9j£falo c “ •• prime to choice iOX&ilHc Cuba—Fair to choice Porto Rico—Fair to choice lu>6^ll;6c N, Y. Refined—Powdered and graunla T ed White coffee, A. Yellow, B Yellow coffee, O. FRUlT—There is a liberal supply of frail in the market at present, which is brought chiefly from the southern part of this State. A few lots of peaches from Michigan have also been received. Apples, new 2 503.3 25 Peaches, fl bos .1.25© MW Peaches. basket 1.25©2 00 Peats. bu 2.ttt3,l 00 FISH—DuII and nominal. We continue to quote: St 1 Wbxteffsh, hf brls. “ 1 Trout, Dry Calf. Green do, POTATOES—Qniet at Br@Bsc $ btt. EGGS—Strictly fresh bring s@Gc dozen. POULTRY—Chickens per dozen $1.25@1.50. Turkeys fi* 3©4 c. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. KEW YORK, Angn?t 27.—Flouh—Firm; sales 21.UT- brls. at ?4 8o&5 00 for state; $5.40®5 50 for Ohio; «nd $52. r (f»s 75 for southern. Gkaix— ft heat firm; sales IGO.OUO bu. at $1.12® 1.19 for Chicago spring; SIISS-1.22 fur Milwaukee club. Com firm ; sales lUO.OiU ba atC' C. 97 2799 PKovjeiojrs—Pork heavy; sates 2.00J brls. at sll Lara ttrm at lk2.9 s eC- W'iiigKT—i'irin at Latest Foreign market. By Telegraph.] Peb steaxeb Persia. Livr.nvoon, August 10.—Breadstuffs —Qoiet Bi>rt steady. pBOTIi-IONS. Inoclive, London, i-atnrdav evening.—Moket Market.— Consuls' closed at jiß(g.93.Vc lor money. American stocks unchanged and steady. MARINE LIST. FORT OF CHICAGO. ARRIVED Aug. 27. ?tmr Seabird.Bengal!. Ontonagon, sundries. Stmr Comet, Pabel, Two Rivers, fetn-r Mohawk, Morrison, St Joseph, 33 cds wood, Slim staves. Prop Gcu Taylor, Woolnougb, Bay City, 300 m lumber. Prop Granite State, Davis, Ogdeashurgh, suu- ones Prop Merchant, Brings, Buffalo, euEdries. Prop Free State. Rounds. Buffalo, sundries. Prep J Barber, Ptnett, Fraud Raven, 90 m lumber, 20 m lath - Bark F C Sherman, Mason, Buffalo, ICO tons coal. Schr Cecilia. Wiitran. Schr Belle Stevens, Wilkinson, St Joseph, 60 cds wot-cL Schr Barney Eaton, Willis, Pentwater, 100 cds baik Schr Crusader. Coates, Kalamazoo. 450 m shingles Schr C Blbbard, Cor e, Pott Washington, 130 cds wood. Schr Annie Thorlane, Johnson, Green Bosh, GO cds wood. Schr Adriatic, Palmer, Grand Haven, 93 m lumber, 40m lath. Schr Union, Ulrich, Holland, 50 Cds wood- Schr Collingwood, Doyle, Buffalo, 225 m lumber. Schr Grand Turk. James, Buffalo. 230 m lumber. Schr Mariner, Baker. Sheboygan. 94 cds wood. Schr Nightingale, Bartlett. Bay City, 200 m lumber. Schr Warren, Peterkin Grand Haven. 60 cds wood. Schr Challenge, Reed, Kalamazoo. 65 cds wood. Schr Altair, Kyie, Saginaw, 235 m lumber. Scow Black Hawk, Thomson, Plummer’s Pier, 15 Cds wood. Scow Napoleon, Christianson, Manistee. CLEARED.. August 27- Stmr Comet, Pabet. Two Elvers, 800 ba com, sun dries. Stmr Slobawk, Morrison, St. Joseph. Prop J Barber, Peirett, Grand Haven, sundries. Prep Granite State, Oadenshnrgh,7,6Co bn com. 50 brie flour, 97 bris lard, lift kegs butter. Prop Outonaeon, Wilkins, Goderich, 15,075 ba corn. 646 bris flour. , Bark City of Milwaukee, Brown, Buffalo, 21,000 ba corn. Bark Torrent, Schamweber, Buffalo, 19.C00 ba com. Brig Standard, Orr, Buffalo, 30,500 ba com. Bri" Minnesota. Branson, Menominee. Schr Adirondack. McKee, Bnffa o. 19,000bn corn. SchrEssex, thron. Buffalo. 13.500 ba com. Schr San Jacinto, Beed, Buffalo, 16,830 ba wheat. Scbr Emeu. Morgan, Buffalo, 15.U00 bn com schr Empire State, Cornwell, Oswego, 30,225 ba i wheat. Schr Athenian, Mclntyre, Port Samla, 19,000 hn corn. Schr J P Tracey. Alien, Goderich, 8,800 bn whiat, Schr Puritan, Adams, Port-Colbome, U,OPU bu coxa. Schr Atannto, Morey, Port Colbome, 21,000 ha. Scorn. SchrFlorence May, Goderich. 10,656 bn com, Schr Wilson, Frick, Goderich. 3.891 bu com. Birr Cecilia. Wilman. St Jaaeph- Bvhr Belle Stevens, Wilkinson, St Joseph. Swhr Nonpareil, Pari on, Marquette- Schr Barney Eaton, Willis, Webster’s Pier. Sett Crusader, Coates, Kalamazoo, sundries. Schr C Hibbard, Curie, Port Washington. Sclix Cxuelia, For, Buffalo. 16,000 bu wheat. Schr J s Newhouse, Bartlett, Marquette. Schr Annie Thoralne, Johnson. Green Bach. Schr Adriatic, Palmer, Grand Haven. Schr Union, Ulrich, Holland. Schr Cairo, McCartney. Buffalo, 11610 bu wheat. Schr A Bronson, Sinclair. Buffalo, 13.000 bn rye. Schr Mai j ilunisburger, Buffalo, 15.CU9 bu coin. Schr Arrow, Zunmerly. Buffalo, 12.700 bn com. Schr Mariner, Baker, Sheboygan. Schr Warren. Peterkin, Grand Haven. Schr Vanguard, Davis, Buffalo. 13.&» bn com i Schr Challenge, Beed, Kalumazoo. ficbr Shape, Daria Marquette. Schr J S Holley Bayes, Oswego. 13 OCO bu wheat. Scow Napoleon, Christianson, Manistee. Scow Black Bawk, Thomson, plununer’a Pier. MAREVE NEWS. VESSELS PASSING DETROIT. [Special Dispatch to Chicago Tribune 1 ' Detroit, August 27, 1562. Up—Prop. Meudota; bark Golden Fleece; achra H. Hoppock, Sssco, J- Thurgby. Doto—Bark Plymouth; schra. Muskingum, Naw Lisbon, Golden Harvest, Hibbard, Victoria, Yankee Blade, .Mary Horton, Ha«coi,| Mit chell, Garibaldi, Jupiter, ‘Wyandotte, Cmlow, Oneida Chief, Commodore Foote. The schooner Trowbridge, grain loaded, is sack In the St. Clair F Iver. She was in tow of the tog Turner. The latter grounded, and the former ran fool of her, with the above result. Weather pleasant—wind north. ILLINOIS JuiD ail'HivAS CANAL. ARBIV7SD August 38. Cushman, Ottawa. 5.C00 bu core, 440 oats. Com. Foote, LaSalle, 5.500 bu corn. Monitor Kankakee, 4,SU)bu com. F A Leonard, La Salle, 5,500 ba corn. Wm Giles, LaSalle, 116 tons coal. Belle, LaSalle, 4.9\X' bu cam. A Leacb, Ottawa. S,SCO hu corn. H Ccoley, LaSaHe. 4,715 bu com. Josephine, Kankakee, 2,000 bu com. Unionist, Mo-rip, s,t> 0 bu com. Angola LaSalle, 1,445br1s flour, i 'iarinda, DnPage, 4,71)0 bu com. Contest, id orris. 5,510 bu com. Parcgoc. LaSalle 1.260 brls floor, 950 bu wheat. D C Wallace. LaSalle, 5,907 bu corn. Banner, LaSalle. 5 Abo be com. Cavnga, Loekpor:, 5.00->bucom. Gnraba.dl.La alle, 5,300 bn corn. Orator. LaSalle, S.tkiObu com Atlantic. Morris, r. , -' , o ’ ;* C L Bunttoon, LaSalle, 290 brls pork, 233,6C0 lbs lard. CLEARED August 27. Caromlok-t, Mortis, 14 m feet lumber, 1,350 cedar posts. Giadiatsr, LaSalle, 1 sewing machine. H liaxnlin. Ottawa, 50 brig salt Atlanta, LaSalle. 330 brls and 1,140 sacks salt. Angelin, Lasalle. Brilliant, LaSalle. Edwin, LaealJe. A Loach. Locale. * Sultan, Ottawa. Jat Patrick, Ottawa. Contest, Morns. Adt-lia, Joliet. Geo.L. Tajlor, Joliet. fHisrcllaurous. /OHIOAGO MIIJUBTTItNISU2Ns» \J DEPOT. Y. IS!. 3AXTEK & @6., fIENCE BURE BHLLSTONES, OF *.-T. QUABRTSS. 0, Vt, SftOWN’S PAXLHT POETAFLS Flouring- and Grist Mills, srr£B «.»skes Kme eioxsa," Smut Kills &ud Separators, _ „ Separators for Warehouses, noting of all Kinds, HoLWing Screws and Ban 3: un Dustes, FicSe, Proo staffs, esc, Sc. FAIRBANKS’ SCALES, *ms mill rusNiSHise oekerau.? Plana, Specifications and BaQmatee furnishing whet decircd, and the construction of Steam and Water Mm* tout? Acted for entire. Steam Engines* Boilers* &*«« &•« The subscribers having obtained tbe Agency for UK sale of 6l*am Engines and Boilers from the manufac tory of gouliDlSg, baglet & skwblx* ol Water town, N. Y- would invite the attention of porchaseri to their superior menta of style, workmanship and powers; algo, their very low prices. The following it s ofpricea ol Engine and Boiler, together with Hearer Water and Steam Pipes. Cocks. Valves, Arch Codecsandoratcc,complete and read? for nea. op lirereo la Chicago: 5 horro power. t 59*1 20 horse power...,..lfSSt 8 M “ 575 2S - •* W is “ M 7iS S3 ** “ .. L6T! 12 “ “ 800 S5 •* “ 2.00 C 15 “ « i.’oo *0 u “ 2JS& Aj?d m like proportion for argeretax is required. Eyery Engine is famished with JTJBSOIFS PATENT GOVKSNCS VALVS. For Flour Mills we confidently recommend them ft tuperior to any other style of Engine and they wifl Save from 35 to SO per cent, in Fes! over tae usual do©? ol boilers in use in tbo WeeL Wt shall keep an assortment of different sizes at our co tabUshmsnt. where they may be examined and the necessary Information obtained regarding them. Com petent men vrtiU £ desired, be furnished to set up and itart engine* In any part of the country. Wealeosuppij ■WATER WHEELS, SHAFTING, GEARING. ftS.. At very law prices. T. W. BAXTER & CO’S aflii Furnishing Depot. West Water _ street ■ T r ••cu UI.W KSTCCw .. Boauoipb ana Madison Bts, CUcajo, SL poet Office address Box 374- ocS’SWI GRAIN SHIPPERS, RICHARDS’ [EON CORN SHSLLSR Warehouses, Distilleries aud Farms BUSHELS FEB BAT. fajsiity of 3fo. I « % - “ 5 . WA3EAKTED TO SSELL OLZAS ET ANY 4?e3i»£xioar of grain, And put the same In superior order for market. Refer to Illinois Cextbvl Railroad, Miohioah Textual Rallsgad. Koetdn & Co, Chicago and Lockuort. J. C. BICHIKOS, JdANXTACTtmER. 190 and 192 Washington 31. .Qi'i 2'6c .qtA'i c •®H«c -&u>&e 57. E.—Out and a complete stock of Sew and Second Hand Portable and Stationary Engines. H *p2}pCS6-T-T*fc-ly pUBLIC SALS OF LOTS CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Tleldlr.g to the public demand the undersigned will :Uer a: public talc at the city of Cairo, in the State of .$2.65 ©53.00 . 2.50 © 3.7;> .2.50 © 2.75 Illinois, On Wednesday, September 17th, 1562, 2,500 of tlie most eligibly situated .14 ®l4Ke. .12 ■ 7 @ . % price. Lots la that city. The prominence given to the location of Cairo In the nubile emmaiioii bvlate occurrences, Its present relations to trie c ar.trr at lar e ami the general BtirvwtetJgc of Its ercourajing prospects, render it un necessary to sav a word in Us commendation. It Reid only be added that the lota wnJch will hi offered for sale, are situated on some of the highest ground, and are otherwise some of these most eligibly situated within the c'trv limits r , „ . . . XUe sale will 1 e continued from day to day until the Jots it Ip propos’d to offer are disposed of The terms of the sale will be one-half cash and balance in equal amount*. In six and twelve months Without Interest. Kotea will he executed by the purchasers for the do frrred Instalments and bonds providing for the exe cution of occd» when the purchase money La paid la full, or accds. wbb mortgage from trie purchaser to secure the payment of the deferred Instilments, will he given by the ov nets os the pit-chasers may desire. S* ST.i ATS TAYLOR I Trustee: of tbs EHWTS PMhjoKS, S Cairo City Prop-rty. Cairo. El., July 30th. 1302. au2l-t7sj.tdT.B-Ar .10 ®l3 C. . 9 ©lO C. 4 CART). —Wm.DaEii-i!, Graduate c\. and Profe-fiflor in the Royal Academy cf Music. London, having hecn elected Orpanlst of Trin'tr Chnrth, In this City, Solicit# pupils on the Piano Forte. In Solfeggio, Vofiil izalloc. Cra'VUTjvcr Ballad Slniitnc. H> asas. ovtlca lany the natronflgeof the membersof Trlnitrcnurcn ««uiiuv them tnej may fairly entertain large evnec tatior.e. He ensure# rcsnl*? by careful tndalag of faculties. Among his pupils bare been the most r~cmui»'r.t and best of the land. Terns left to the do fitk-c c£ the Church A ll>t trill be left at Ms&'s, i:oot & c-odv’s Music Store during the week. fiu‘2s t-STMW OOYAL HAVANA LOTTERY. A. I In the drawing of Atienst 9th. 1562. No. 9.552 *:0 .OoC: No. UTLi drvw $3 ‘.000 ; No. c.71 oco-No J; PM drew sn.rof.; N0.21.7*3d'-cv Vihs: the five Capital Urlrcs. t*rlz»F. nashe-i r.n: ia fcnratfcr. furnislictl. Highest pricepa'd for Donh loons TAYLOR & CO„ BaaKtrd, 10 Wall -feet, New YorU, aoJK-t,s4-lw PATENT GRADUATED TOES SEIP.TS. —Please go and sea Mr. H. GutaWOLD'S Sample Shirts at the store o: S. F. WHITEj S3 li«ke street, And be measured for some Shirts that win be war ranted io fit and give s iQsfaenon cverv wap, or the money will be rewaded. Mr. G. Is an Eastern shirt zr-ak< r nf lonjr practical experience, and Is ths Inven tor patentee and sole proprl- tor of the GRADUATED TOKI, For Gent’s Jblrts, and which he warrants to at with e-mcino?? when measured by blmse f. N. B.—H<% will be m town bnt a few days, au2s ti67-2w CTRAW BOARDS.—IOO tons best O quality of Straw and Tar Board?, all sizes." For Box-Makers and Book-Binders, for sale at marnfnrtnrer s prices ARMSTRONG, McCOBMICK & CO., au2C-tSS23t 100 TOW® 8 JLA ‘ X ’ MOSS AND IDE, UPHOLSTERS.’ USE. No. 1. 2 and S. on hand atd tor sale low. Apply to ARMSTRONG, McCO SMICK & GO., an26tSS3St 107 South Water street. T AKE SUPERIOR PIS IRON. 1 J The Northern Iron Company of Labe Superior Seep on hand at Its Dock, In Chicago, a supply of Char* coal Iron, direct from Its Blastfurnace* and of an trades, to which the attention of those wanting the best qcality of the Late Superior Metal la Invited. Oflce No 13 wells street. _ „ JESTTP. KE3TEDY & CO., Agents. FRENCH COPYING INK A new supply cfthlc much called for and beautiful article, which will make THREE 15LPHES3IUNS, is now for sale at _ XTOSOB’B, 140 Lake street. OBTLEBERRIES.—The Up- T T land Huckleberry. HARD AND ID RY, In prkne order lor shipment, received diflv, at No. 50 State street, H, P. STANLEY. \\rANTED. —Home wanted xz a *. Christian family for an intelligent orphan girl, are yeare old, of American parentage. (Ver mxntcrs.) Pud particulars of tie chUd'ahlstory given. Eerereuces required of aoollcanta. A' home outside ?X£%^ 0 J ,rt rS rred * iddreas H H„" Post Office Box ICSS, Chicago, XU. aa?f tSO9 2t hung Office. ■ _ an? 7 035 St *'O7’ANTED —Two steady Protest "T ant servants. One aa cook, washer and Ironer the other as housemaid. In a private family. Scotch CanadianorEngllshprelerrtd. Address“k.w."cara Of BOX 5906, Post Offlce. au27-t3st St TXTANTED—Bv a Teacher of some < T experience, a situation as private tutor, or :eacher la a High School or Academy. yowtere in :he Weit objected to For particulars address “E «. Post Office 80x 212, Muscatine. lowa amirtaos-iw W AN XEli—A likely young man, » * who has a pretty good knowledge of th“- re tail Drug business, and will work for a moderate sa’ory. Situation penn-ment. Address Post Office Box 5 so, nuiT-taia-d; TXTANTED —A good retail Dry T T Goods Salesman to go Into the country. An unmarried man. active Intelligent and competent, may hear of a permanent situation by addressing.with references. Pojc Offlce Drawer 6167. au27-ti)is-3t Y\rANTED —100 Cavalry Horses. » T Wanted at Phccnlx Sale Stables, cerner of State and Adams streets, one bat fired Cavalry Horses, for which I will pay cash on delivery. au2otS77-lw WiL PATRICK. TX/’ANTED. — 85,000 wanted for » * two or three years upon first class Improved property in country, at 10 per cent interest; interest payable quarterly. Property insured for $3.0(0. and wot th fully $U .000. Address Post Office Box eass. TXT'ANTED—-A Naise Girl to take v T care of a child, and do chamber work- Apply Immediately at jS Jackson street. aa2&tSaO-3t V\ r ANTED—To Rent a famished V ? or unlurnisbed House, scltahle for a few gen teel boarders. Mast be north ol Adams street, cn the South Side. Address Post Office Box2T3L aniGtSSoSt WANTED Dettal Room?, on » » Lake or Clark streets. Would like to know of stUttble rooms that are likely to he vacated soon. Ad dross Post Ulfice Box 15a. ac26-tSSI-3w II’ANTED —Employment by a j v thorough practical business man, capanlc of tikln? charge of business, laagcod penmac and ac countant; h*sn family to support and is willing to work. Can give satisfactory references. Addcess ” G.. n Post Ogee Box 3553. ao2tJ tßiJr-St T\rANTED— I To Rent untU the » » first of May next, a DwelLng Hou-e. alreidy rarnlshed. with eight or tea rooms. In a peasant part of the city, (the South Si-ie preferred), at a liberal rent, for a simul faullv. The oesc of referen.e given. Address Pott Office Box SS5i aa2o-t&iil-3t \\l ANTED—Situations by three v ▼ young men. Norwegians, (age from 17 ra2l yenrs. i.-. a orcc.ry or Dry Goods stores. Wages m* dt.:«;e. A-'-r-A-st : .Jse Knugnint a**d Eaiploviaect Office No 169 claristreet, or Post Office Box Itili. au26 tS^oa: T\/ ASTI D— 600,000 Agents 7 7 Sonioihinir new. A splendid Vailed Strteg >lflp. also Gaaada* and New Bran* wick. -oloretl la comities. Just published hvJ. T, Lloyd. New York. Cost £20.000 to engrave H. Sample sea; on receipt of rci.»fipritv,3i) cents. dead sumo fur circular. f>t Office Ilex H, It. LAN’DON', Genera: Agent, fS Lane street. opposite Trcmout House. uiffiG-tStO-Un ANTED, East of Lasullr, on five or ten yean* leas'?, for Whole sale Cntlerj tiace, Addrces CiXAKLES BIGGb. i:3 Lake street. aaioot Wf AXTED—Agents for Abbo t’o i • Civil (la two voU ) ll’alley’s l/i’o of ■Wg6hlEsrtoQ. aua other popular lK*oks .Vt-p to LtUVAUH, RiLL * CO.. l£t South Clark street, Chicago. ar>2?-i>S' , .W>ai TT'v'.ANTEID —To purchase fcrC -sh » ' a House snd Lot on to* South Side. at from ss.f* 0 to |R.oco. Address “F. 0. Drawer tf-fir.” eiTln;; Ivvatton&ntl price?. aa£J tfjl-1 * ‘ WAKTEE’—AUENTS—Maie cr » * Female.—Agents wanted in every cotra of the I nited States, to sell J. Koh;cr‘? new Unproved method fer Cutting ladies' Dressr«, Boys Clothing, ■aatrts. i<; Si cured by copvricht. Agent? making from |M to ?5 per djvv. For i-anicn\aTs'lnquire at d. K'>HT.ER’t4 (’dice, Xo. 6 Metropolitan Block, or address Fort Bui CXh, enclosing three cent postage stamp.».’hlcago. 111. del7-b«52-y.u "5S ?' ASTSD A Cook to ao a "• * short clßtinre Into the country. Mn*t ho a Pr-'te«tant and have good recommendations. A t iress i’.O.DiawerC SG. au'2l-tTTv6C ftSTANTED—At l»’’9 Daarboxnßt. V V opposite the new Post Ufflca, Sliuhtlons tor Demesne Help* So elri sent from the office unlovable to farnleb eath factory reference from former employer. Parties ul obtain same by anplylue as above, or addressing Mr: A. 'jj. BAMv Am, post Office pox £745. Jel-s3?M]ts ’VAT’AKTED.—X’ersr.ns requiring T T help, to Call at the Emigrant and Employment Office. Itt) dark street. Methodist Episcopal Church Block, ■when? may be found mule and female help for city and country. Orders from the ountry promptly st’erded to. Post Office Pox ItkA STEWART HAMILTON, persona with good references wanting respectable situations, may find such ct this office. aulS-tPCSIm WANTED, AGENTS r-o per day can be made, and no hnmbng. brp-»n'nir onr great new PATRIOTIC COMBINATION PRIZE PACKAGE. Entirely new principle. Can’t beer,nailed. Circulars mailed free. C. M. DI T :«N 4 CO., No. is* Clark street. Chicago. WASTED.—A young lady, edu- T f catsd In New York Citr, I? desirous of a situa tion ns Governess or 4sal?tai«t Teacher. Is competent to give Instruction In vocal or InstrcmeMat amnio. Satisfactory references given. Address Post Office frox liCW. aula-1607 ivr TXT ANTED—(rood Cooperage, * f by GELPCKE& THORNE, U4 South Water street. aulS tTd-iw W ASrT E D—Agents—To sell SUTLERS’ GOODS, Agents’ Goods, Pedlars’ Goods, The Haw Gar den. City Prize Envelop”, View of the City of Chicago on Outside Envelope, Sclllrg by thousands. Maps of all klnae. Brownlow’s Book, Crowley’s Needle Casket, the best put up in the city, K. G. U, Bonk. Send stamp and get circular. Official Book Army List of the Western States. I*. Ice SO cents. Sent by mall, postpaid, on receipt of price. B. R LANDON, Agent, So Lake street. Oi»po«it8 the Trcmont House. auis-tus-ia betweas tnfobmatiox waxtjsd. X Anv one knowing the whereabouts cfHCTCS S. PAYNx. Sr., 6ewirg ‘Machine manufacturer, would confer a fnvor on giving Information of Ids pro eat dtvmicil to J. B.G.,Pott Office BotS&iß feald Bufos P. Payne having. when -raying the dwelling honse No. iC3 Illinois si eel wiili Ids family, through the bank door in n hurry last spring, forgotten that he off’d not less limn twelvemonths rent. The owner of said tense Jeels interested to know what has become of this model tenant. lysn-rJCO-lni 5,000 to 5,000 - 1,009 to 2,000 500 to 800 WANTED—LAUD AND TAL f t LOtv.—tve are pavtnc tho highest prices for Butter, Lard and Tallow. Our customera ai!pplr.~ to n?- frs m \\w- country. will the benefit 01 our or ders nnd immediate sales. snETSMAX A HALL, 97 Water street, Chicago. _ WAXTKD-AGESTS. Profit- T » aMeemplormert. $32 net profit oer crtwairp-d** fcvAceiltaOC tile OCW p-ltullt lItPROTBI t iNDBi/ii>LC Marking Pencil. Agent* hayarcvu cu from urn.* to tw erw.* Inonedfty. Over seventy thousand sold. Sample:-' sect by mail on receipt ofSToecta or for «aai plei* cf marhcd ilnen. terms. &c., one stamp .Address £ F. CLARK Xorthinptou. Moss. j>2l-»9T7-3ta TV ANTED—Agents. S3O psr T • month a"cl all expend paid! We wjn p«y theater- price to bouest. active agents, or allows liberal roremiflrion for selling the STAR Midi IX !•;. IV tell price. sls, We have Agents wuosc con mh'sk ns average SIOO per monllu fbirt'.cnlara sent free. Send lor Circular J. t>. * CO.. P (». Drawer >59 Chicago, HI. aui-tWA'Im —AT— WASTED —Agents. Wa are T ? row shir fully to supply the very Urge dr ni i’id for our valuable articles. All onr active. indus trious agents are making from $3 to sls per day. Ad dress. with stamp, V.uOD & CO- I*o«t Office Hoi gilt, Ch cflgo. r.rcftil at room X 0 .9,119 South Clark street. jysi-cssssw T\/ ANTE D—To Bxohacge—A T ? Frame Building, with Engine and Boiler of 15 horsepower tcgeiherwitl’ shafting. &c.. now c*.t up Berrien county, Michigan, situated In the midst of a flue timber country and near the lake shore, will ex change for house aud lot In Chicago Groceries, new reaper and mower, a horse power and mill for grind ing com. Inquire ofW H.iAMPSOX.Xo.3 Metro politan HatL lya-miam WASTE D—Employment ’ for American, English, Iriih.Scotch, German and colored servants with good city references, at the Philadelphia Ir.te’Ugence Office. Xo 130 Sooth Clark street, between Monroe and Madison streets. Country r-rderspnurtnu'lv attended to. Post Office Box. Ifiss. MRS. 1». FKATT'in attendance. deio kßi-ty Wanted, agents-To sea » t the new HISTORICAL TTAR MAP« A Historical Sketch of all ihe Rattles from the rail of Fort Sue ter Mailed, pr st-pald. on rec« ipt of retail nrlce. 25 cents ^ c,rca * lo fygi-i-ft s o-im ss Lake st. opposite'ftemont lionae. WANTED —Une purchaser ia es.Vh tow-shin for AIKIX*R‘FAMILY EXIT IXG MAt-HIXE. From $lO to f-V profit per week can be < srned on It bv any man or woman. It will Bike CT DTO jtitches a minute; will knit a pair of Stock ings or socks In fifteen minutes: makes a variety of Fiu-ey W-'-rk. Shawls. Kublss. Pres-ics, Uad« r slerve?. Clonds. Sonfcics. Rlcolcts, MRltarySashes. tc. Wc w 111 give to cue person tn each towaship the ex clnrive right to use and sell the machine for one ye*.r In ‘•ach township, which will enable them to earn the pile - - paid for the machine easily and quickly. It is a wonderful machine, and *very large family will have or-e. Secure your townsbln. Forclrouhir, Hud full p;»rticu ar?. call on or address (with stamp) BKAXSC»X & ELLIOT. General Agents. i-O etrc' t. Chicago. 111. 1yll!-3,.-r^2Tn OOARDING—Three single gen *._? Vemen aad several day boarders can he accom modated at Ro. 65 Adams street auifi tSS'Vit TO BENT—A Store in a good location on South Clark street between Wash ington and Madison streets. Possession glvsnlmme diately if desired. Address Post office Bos 3tS9. suns t&SS iw rPO BENT.—House to Rent -with X Barm So. 179 Third avenue. Possession given on or before the Ist of September. Bent $iV). Apply to 122 South Water street. au2stSisSt TO RENT.—Two or three good offices to rent In the brick bunding Koe. 4t and 40 Lasaile street, over the Bavfcot Montreal. Apply to BUMSET, BRO. & CO., 146 South Water street. T) KENT—Brick House on Third avenue, Ko. 66. Sent moderate. Inquire on the premises. augS-gra-Sw - 107 South Water street. TO BENT AND FURNITURE FOP.SALE—Of a handsome Cottage, containing nine rooms, with barn, woodbouse. Ac, on the premi ses. The lot Is 43x300. Is well laid out with tree-*, shrubbery, plants, and is one of the most desirable of Us hind in tne city. on the premises. Loomis street, between Jackson and Van Bnr*>n streets, next tobiicktouse. Bent S3OO. Will sell tne property if desired. anlS-tteMw T3 RENT—The Steam Factory situated on the southeast corner of Fulton and Green streets. West Side, now occupied as » cam Factory, or would sell the same. Al- o, for sale, ins House and Lot adjoining the Factory on theeaft Ag’ ply to JvHN PHDLLIP& onthcpreoiists. ortoA-B. CLARK, hio. 2£& Randolph street. aal-t332-im ISanifljr. ANTED—A Eituation as Book- A Store on Lake Street, A* PERFECT NOVELTY. auT-ROHm loathing. CTo i\cut. an23tSl2-iw jgLKLOGK & CO M dealers in Newspapers, Periodicals, &c , CAIBO, IIXINOXS, Have Aeeodes at CAIBO, DL; PADUCAH and COLUMBUS, By.; HB2BPHI3 and JACKSON, Tennessee; HELENA, Arkansas; and COB ISTH, Mnsiaiipl. Bpedal Agents for tie CHICAGO TRIBONB at all of the above places. au36-un auction Sales. TDY GILBERT & SAMPSON, Jj General Arcnosznsa S3 Lake street. SBCOKD-HAND AND SEW FnrtJtore, Carpets* Jttlrrora, &c M &c.,* AT AUCTION. On FRIDAY, ACar, »th. at 9>s o’clock. we will sell at oarsairgrooms. No. 59 Lake street, ft large and su perior assortment of Furniture, 4c., consisting la part ofTete-a-Tetw, eagv. rocking and reception Chairs, whatnots, marble-top, dressing ami other Bnreaoa SJiQ'' Parlor, dialog and chamber Chairs, Eat Tree*. Paso Stools, French and cottage Bedsteads, itook. Cases, \VaTfirobes, Loanees, Stands Mattrasses, arceandsmalt cnt-esaitßoccerg. Office. Chairs, oik gtung desks. Mirrors, Silver-Plated Castors and lot ol CABPETS-Elegaot body Brussels and Velvet Car nets.-with a great variety ot other hausihoid goods; Crockery and Parlor Stoves; being the lumitureofft family declining housekeeping. sagf-tSjl-36 GILBERT & SAMPSON AucPw. AUCTION NOTICES.—Trada ■rx KUe or MEBCHAXDISE, During the Bair Week la Chicago, By GILBERT & SAMPSON'. Ccmmeacintr on TUESDAY. Sept. *O, at 9S o’clock wPTrf’rrf^.l^ ooo3^’o 55 Lake street, large wjort- Furnltun* llllo^ aj2at oni Imitation Rosewood trSeMtror*?'? 1 !' E; f t - w - 3t r < "’Co* A. M. M at 1 , Sm cJm'raon miboSm? 3 On FRIDAY, Sept. sth. at Q’-< o’clock- A M t-afla sale of the beat quality of WHITE Gi:-» of the manufacture of James Edwards & Soaa' aV£.* 200 boxes first quality American flint of which have ceca consigned to us for sale a: auction dnnneFajr Week and will h? sold without rc-c“ve Dealers aud others from the country will fiud'it greatly to thetr interest to attend these sale*. Country buyers can have thair goods naihed and ahlppefl by experienced packers. Particulars of tad above sab s mil be given'hereafter. auij-icis-tf Gilbert & saaipson*. iuerrs. EURSMILNG \A GOODS AT -AXTCXIOISr. The sale ofthfsesnaerior goods will be contliued on THURSDAYMORNING. Stti intt.. at a»; nVloclc. atlOT and ICO Dearborn street, with new'.uvoic's nob received In time forthe fir=t sale. The goods aren't superior, adapted to the best city trade, and will bo dcstd out to suit purclupcis, Few and fecond-Hsnd 3?arnxtnra FT.IDAY.29tU lust., at 9!* o’clock. anSTURO-tt U. ALEXAN’DSU Auctioneer. fli ORS, WILLSON & CO.,’ T* Aucttonecn, AUCTION TRADE SALS. Exclusively for the sale oi SOOTS & SHOES. We shall offer to tlm COUNTRY TRADE 3500 Cases BooSs. Shoes and BrosaiM, Of df’ c ir‘.tde ?tvtps nrd will adapted to tlie retell Tf) stern trade-‘la lots to suit e;:-to:::e.-s Tl-* sale win renm-onci* AfnrVT flat’ tinne ever? Tm-sdav at.dTharsaay at 10 a. tn until He stock Is disposed of. COUNTRY JTERCHATrrS Are fcvvlte to cn’l e.’.r!-? tvsd CTirrVne ftoclv, 83 tv. ToraMtaaoiif-ortuilty fi-Hnm oilers. . UOilß, U'ZLaOy ft CO., AncMrii'KH, 5t Lakrt strc-t. < QiCdg-3 on"fi-t375-2m W*' RI3TTKF? * SEtflEEiJ*. *T)es*o?{l|vK*v*. iEce. Ko. jios. 44 «s * ■"* .i/d.-jo. ** "■’.'rs.xcat Bouse. •’ • r-A \J ' A ACTION SALES AT li. TALK OF BOOTS AND 3S£OS *5 , Every Taesiay and t*f ftOßt. ’AiijjjSOT; 5s C r <,. lA't'-"sT c r?l, See advertisementla T/holes^locciaa;j. je-V'-^ig-gs T\ViY OCOI't AISD CTA>Tf(T^ JL / AT AUr.TION'-nr ?. VrrK=r_s-.".\ strv? •'Prncr Fr:i:VL’*n «m» Mottlav. Ana-j 11*.h. rts. :iv,A«2U91271h. Kndav,A*J : A. .M.. w\V. W f-ull Dry Good? Cl-.t-.i-. 'VirAca UriU rs. fcv.ts r:r.d Crimps VonjJsMntr Goods; also* ! ’•'■■■ * "V sicker** Hmuscmnus. cv 10 ja AC -Si ‘ '.V iiE ** • i isl Madisof;?rre*t. between Star--, a:’'? D.r.rtv -ro. J. 31. McVICKSIt. Sole owner and Manager. G-REJVX SIT SEVEN SISTERS. CROWDED HOUSES EVERT NIGHT It will be continued this week with NEW SONGS, Additional Movements In the MAHCII and DllILI* TweulfFive Female Zounves, NEW JOKES AND QUEER SAYINGS, A SHOWER OF G >LD, Will beaddfdto tLclastgreivtscene. IHE iiIETH Or IHE ETJTT£E*EuY, The most gorgeous ever witn~=«~d. BENEFIT OF MR. J.£. McDONCFCH. pHTNESE AND JAPANESE MUSEUM, Including the Wonders of the World, Exhibition of the Oriental Museum, fit the spacious store. 5.' Dearborn street, nearly opposite Trcmoac House, and three doors from the Evening Journal Office. Itlsnoton recordluChicago of a collraioa of the kind. Thousands of curios tics never before prevailed it this country, and the* *»iay nc-j-ral collec tion in the Fait, d St.itrs. It Is impossible. by any wttttvn rtp-crintum. t>» convoy an adequate Ulna of the numerous lots which compose th>* Mmeum. For otuer particulars, see ClrcaUm. Admission, Adult- 1 'il els children, lUct*;n family of six. SI: liter try Institu tions. «0 cts for each member. The Lectures will be found both amusing and insrrnctlve, relating to the m:u ners and customs uf this extraordinary jmopic, •n Ith frelr manufactures, that cannot bo imbnEptl by any oih« r nation, samples of which can be seen m the above Museum. To r.ocm nce on August 23d. and to continue day and evening ft r a shot I>K JOHN JOSE-S ABUAItAM, anT 1 '* tT2‘« 3w Sox gule. OR SME—A Country "Resi dence in the village o' Geneva, on Fox Blv-r, in Kane vor.nty. thirtr f\e r.iilea fr<-m Llile.jig> A fine hoiiM. andharn and a. goo » 'iiiaat t- 01 c’i<j;ce fruit on the premises. The owner being ab-int to rc.nove will sell eheap. Addreja P. K. fIfUIGHT, GvUCVa. Illinois. :iu27-t&(M>C VOR SALE—'‘Tie Stock and F-x - J* lores of a Grocery and Provision Store, one of the be»t locations in the city, now doing a good busi ness Satisfactory gr.* n for s Toms two-thirds ca.-h. ‘balance in *ixtv as-i nin°tv <Ur>. A-t-y toll. C. CX.OTES & CO.. No. 45 Soatl Labile street, or address “A-,” Post yflee dvx . •sd‘, iq'OK SALE— and i‘o !W. i Ten Inch Cylinder Endue and lari:'’ siz-v* 1M < i r. in first rr.nri3u onh'r. for snt«* nVap, at FC.l'ei? * BRATiLEV’S. W ana 5S Xorth Jefl'ersuastrces. auis-Witu-rw "EPOR fcALE.— Store for r^a L at a great bargain for cash” or approved paper—a well select* d retail sfoc/r ct Drugs and Fixtures—in fk good location r n theXorth S!rt*. RentJotr. Reason* for sellln" 111 health. For further rartlen’ars addrtsf R. E. Dt>AXJL Xo. iTii Xcrth Wciid i»tre< t. Chuaiso. Illinois. i>-*JtiTi-r>w S^OB SALE—A .-cap Candle and JL OP Factory, nt Rac>ne, wi?„ with fixtures. Tool*, Stock, &C.. In complete rucLicg order. and doing a lurgi- business The owners wi-S* to settle up their co partnership fctisintsa,and thr-rePM** od-r their jorsale. Terms liberal. Inquire cfiSA AC B IIIRECK & CO„ On tin; premises.or to TL-RX.KB& MITCHFILL, TT Hinzle street. Chicago. jy33-t<olltt £pARM V'OR SALE,—A first class, X* well Improved prairie farm (hounded bj timbrr on the south; ofreu acres. 225 cultivated, over a»(C0 bushels oi grain last year; good fisrm house, out-building? stream of water; SO acres natural mea <*.,*_Mack. rich soli, rrice st.ooh, c«-h. Location two and a half mileisoutheast «f Garden Prtirie De pot on the G- &C. U K. K- TO miles from Chicago, Addn-fi’- * Post Office Box 972.” or call at room Xo hi, Xo. Isa Scutlt Clark street, Chicago. miß-tTSHw XTORSATE—Bauk in Wisc'nsin, .5? located and doing hnsiness at the county peat of one of the Urgent counties of the State. Is for «ale. It lihghppu In operation over four year* and don s asua ressfulbuslocsa. Its credit Is “ A. X o.aedtaroasll all the trouble of Wisconsin Banklug it has IfeTer betn ia a»y manner Discredited, Owing to the present war trouble.*, the owners are not io a situation to bold it, and it will be sold. low. . Circulation secured wholly by Xorthern bonds. Address “Bank,’* Chicago Tribune office. au&tSHlw 5? OB SALS OR EXCHANGE. Admirable ho'se lu the aouth-s'-D port of the city on Indiana ‘•venue, corner of Har Jin Place. The house contains nine roo>* s. besides bath ro<nn*aa«l closets nil Ut ishcd fn the best of stjle. Lot u 50xiSO feet and in a iliis state of cultivation. »ltn flower and vegetable ghrden, containiue a choice variety cf Grai-ets also. Currant Goojbcrry and R.i.->pber?y Btahcp. togethe- with Strawborryg and a Jew fruit tress Go-.d b*ni and ont-buUdiius. Tliehouse wasbnlU In Hit- fail oMV.I. fore ntw and fn good order. Would s 11 chcaofor ri.e-U.irdcn.-h and tha balance on time, or would ex ci.oi'ue for satn-. thing down rowg. Would pr:f>Mt ei ar the Ugh Reboot on tac Wi-st Side. Add’es Past (•tree Bos'2Cfii\ or apply oa i.'ie or at 3T3 Canai stn ■•! a - ’f» T B. SEELEYS TRUSS ESTAB- X • LISHSfE>T, 126 Clark street. Chicago, Sll- Brasch Office—So. SS-North. Filth street, StL Loots, Mo, cole proprietor ana Manufacturer of the Hard P.ubhc Trass, under Ring's & Goodyear's Patent?. The Hard Rubber Truss Is unlike and superior to all ethers in the following respects: Win never break, rust, chafr*. pall or blister; can be made stiff or limber; wQI cure Hernia of yeans’ standing; does not pres? or Ininre the cord, and Is always clean and good as new. Patients can be accurately fitted bv sending size in inches around body ih line of rupture. . , Revxezncbs as the superiority over others, the fol lowing only are offered Professors Careocnaa, and Parker,iTew Tork; Prots. Godard aad Agoew. Philadelphia; Dr. R. Johnson. Surgeon Gereril Bu reau. Washington - Profe. Brainant Freer. »». An drews and Darts, fchicago; Dr. Wolcott. Milwaukee. Manufacturer and dealer tual Supporters, Silk and Cotton Elastic StocSins 3 far varicose veins, suspensory Bandages, Am, ®C. BT post Office Box 4355. r* kta vfotit* Sole Proprietor and Manufacturer ofi>f W«cok“ Vatoit Artificial Leg. ThU Leg-haa advantages over all others, andaa an evidence of Srt r HIu»iSSV«d the first Premium at the Unite*! under the examination of the best aor to onr country. Its mottouis received from a Rubber spring (which will never break) gWagtt a emtt preference over the oplrm Springs used in other Imba. Send for Pamphlet. attCTfif-T-T-iHr COHETHINfi NEW Pedlars and Travelling Agents, Pedlars and Travelling Agents. Call and be convinced that from $lO to as high os SSQ per day Is being made by those who are now selling this new article. KememDcr, the sole Agency for tho Western Stales Is at Peugoet's Great Variety Store, 108 Lake Street. FRENCH COPYING INK. Anew supply of this much called for and article, which will make THREE IMFBE3SIOAS. la now lor sale at „ , HUDSON'S 140 Laio street. Am'.t'.or.eer.