OCR Interpretation

Chicago daily tribune. [volume] (Chicago, Ill.) 1860-1864, September 09, 1862, Image 1

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< o*4* KflfrAe Bent
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tijri!ss«cmcici) TOnri3y> €u«**». mi
g <9ls ®iaafle.
-TUESDAY, >SEPj:gMßiat.9 n l^62.
-< -TBfi SEWS.
Y ,The hows from is. exciting.
: -Jackson ilnd crossed the
Upper Potomac and occupied Frederick,
Maryland, and a large Union army has
been sent agaiiist_ them.J_A renewal of
fitting Is'immihedt. Southern Pennsyl
**•*■ vafiiais greatly Measures
• being taken by-Uie local aulhorides-for de-
•_; 7 : -55 3 -1 •? V‘ C-
Gen. Pope Las been assigned to the com- -
numd of tie “ Department of the LTortlt
vvr.icu presume means Minne
sota ardtbc Indian country beyond. Gen.
gfanted'i leaVc of ab
sence, and one report sends bim to tbe
"West Point- Academy—not,,, wo’dmst, to
in struct of Jim in tbe art tif “
-r The sig
nificant and cheeriug_xijdicatioii, of the,
co’uis'c'bf 'public opinion/ Senator Xatham
is personally & popular man,*nd he has
_ labored with -great ze£l and success, during,
his brief Congressional career, for the
local interests of Ills State. But Senator"
Xatham was opposed to confiscaiiog the :
property and freeing the slaves, of rebels.
.He was In favor of' “ .the Union as it was,”.
2\o other political offense was
alleged against him. IT he did not take
any active part in the war measures of
Congress, he did cot- Yallahdighani &
Co. in opposing them. Ho was 'really a
better man than the average of
pic pfirty —But—hi* constituents
will not tolerate any public man "wffo be
lieves that traitors have rights under the
J which they% are to
overthrow. Hence they have -voted him
out of Ids seat by an immense majority.
Be it remembered, plso 0 that a shoid time
shicg'bliuaif .party da. -California
was the weakest of three political organiza
tions; ‘ TtieTwowidg? of'the Democracy
Wfere tiiber of lhemstxoc.gcr.thaa thcparty
which contended against the slave power.
But the people understand that-this is a
. slavehold er’s reb ellionandt they will have
no one to,represent Micm in the Senate who
thinks it is. any thing jdse., •. -
The gieut religious war meeting held at
Bryan., Sail, on Sunday, evening, for- the
purpose of memorializluir_lhe government 1
subject of emfoieipation, will uu-’
questionably haven, marked inlluuace oh-'
the churches thfoughout’ the country,*
and irdiialelmiang them a movement uut
to be easily resisted.- Without unysecla-'
riau character, but simply expressiog UkT
earnest andTibanimous belief of Christiau
patriots that “universal" emancipation
“ seem pointed out by Providence as the'
“ most cfic’clual if not' the only means of
“saving our country,”: it must asvaken a
responSS"fhioughout the religious com
munity • everywhere which .cannot,
fail to be luard by "tile . chief
. magistrate of. the nation. The reso
• lulioisof the meeting are admirable, both
* in sentiment and conciseness of Cxpres
, £ion. t “That no evils-apprehended from
“ emancipation. are comparable ,to -those
which would arise from .the overthrow
“ of the republic, and that they would fall
“upon those madly provoking thc catas-.
h Strophe,” are propositions embodying the
plainest common. scute.' Xo patriot can
gmnsay thein. .The action of Uio meeting
was such as to commend-it not only to the
.religious .element, of .the loyal -States; but
_lo_idl-aho hold- -the American Union iu
liighet esteem than the rights of traitors.
Let the churches -speak,l ? ■;
Same days agf) the Chicago Times bad*an
- .article-denying; .that a minority of thoTili
acis s-Idicis were opposed to the Demo-'
erratic party in politics. It declared th-it it
tvas a slander onits party to affirm that it
did not furnish its foil quota of volunteers,
and added; “We should not allude to this
matter liad not the ZSiew York Tribune
‘ given tis-fCason fu’r its contemplated defeat
this hill, -that the- Democrat-* -h d re
mained at' home 'WhiU? Republicans had
been pushing forwardtUis War, * especially
7 iri-'tliC 1 "Wesf.* ■ : This viattcr can he easily
."tested, and justice requires that it should be
' done v , Lei the soldiers vote. If. this is done,
there can be no doubt that GreeleyWill
-have to 'chronicle Jleptibicalit
pecially in the West.
’ ’'We accept ,this , proposition 1 , and think
con safely-speak for the Republicans
• iff the Stale. -Let U<e soldiers vote this fall.
Technical. Coiisuimional objections, may
be raised; hut .there is a plain and
avoiding them.- The Democratic
Stntc C t mvc.nLitiii-
at SpripghckL Let -it authorize the Dem
ocratic StAtC Central CqnrnnrtcG 1
propekeion‘froo| the RbpnbU
can Central Committee pledging' each
party W waive any legal objections that
might otherwise be raised by.- contesting
candidates.. Let,the said jC.eßirk.'Com
miUees designate say twenty .reputable
citizens to act as commissioners,-- ten of
each party,. to visit the
couples,—one Republican and -tme'Demo
crat going together. .These commission
ers to be duly sworn, and accredited by
the Governor,; . and hike • ,wiih~4hem
poll books - and blank forma- *of
tickets to be yAcd. Let i the elections in
the regiments beheld in theisame manner
as elections in the State;:; Tnc’;; same .right
of challenge and same oath ; tq: be admin
istered, and none- to- vote but those who
■would be legally entitled iovoto if at home
on election day.' '"When a regiment has
finished voting, and the votes are counted,
let the-returns bcinadc up, and. certified,
and fortvprdqd.tduhe Secretary of State,
iindtr seal, ,ajis jvhen^opened. hy liiin in
presence of tlie ntimber of
Teles oast for ebngi cssiouat and county of
iieei6can.bc crediiod to the- seyeral’ can*
4idatc&. ...
Thejjoldiccs ~poll_ mety vTo so pre
■samesof the voteSj inrrire connty
inwhichthev'rca'hr'wh& at honxe/andin
(another the ■company of the-regiment to
%hich they belong. With a little care and
prudence the whole thiugcim be conducted
'with perfect -fairness,-to'all' sides. What
says the Democratic^. CahvehlihnJ Shill
one hundred thousands ciflaehy of
■who w-ill their cbunlry in the
tented fiela'orr elecllbii' day; Wdepriy^d j) f
the prmlege'of ; v6tiWg fJr'
of their l l ;-the Democratic
•cohycntioh take thb respbh&ibhuy‘6f pla
ting attitude of hostility to
**?£ cotmtry r fir defenders •?.- Will'they con
sition j that s the interests ot the ; party re
tires thatt-e -be cheated-oat <>f
43»drTOte6?^-/'<— • '
* CvnTenUpn forTho iionila&-
tionbfacandidaffr for Congress i Q th&-sixtii
"cllsttWl i& ‘^ufi' Biwb, Jus K faeVn
called, lo.mert at, Morns,” 7 pa
9 sthe 23d-toEfer Tbis DaPage,
Gruaby,'- •
■*#**• ••■:).■■»(; ‘ • i;»s j;.;: .
> r-'- ,r - , - l v' :o
.’il'llXfi? HH•* .S fit. I .
-** ,o%i.oizi:j ,a
wo&mm sy* &
Jackson: Md Loagsfreet at
; CFreden&j fidrr -j
fheir ” Force Estimated at
.. Item 40,080 to 89,000.
A-1 Rtkid into -- PenhsylTenia
:D i •?; fTTE - FTHTTU f :.
: 1 iffE ami op^getusg.-
Alarm, on the Pennsyl
-1 ; £ -vbrtM BorSor. '
Oen. Pope L Placecl: in Confmand of
the- Dep_artiEeiit of tie -ifortliwest.
j~ ¥* V
Gtft.-ffiCßOWai tlAffftD LEAVE
T Hi!I IVloySng
’ Towards Harper’s Ferry.
[Spechd Dispatch to the Chicago Trilnme ]
7 - ... . “WAsnx^cTQs r Sept, 8,1503.
Two refugees from -Leesburg came into our
.-lints i yc^tcr^ay>^ear- I PooisyiHeiT and were
brought-before tho' provoetr marshal in that
«oity. ie Opo of-the in; ‘ arf' EpgHshman, left*-
Leesburg Saturday iight r and crossed the
• rmr-at Solan’s: Ferry,- axohg *with~the wage n
train, of Longstreet’s corps. He estimates
Lor-gstrt-ei’s force st-40,000,’though it is
deimed-hy rebels ofii6eH’td be 50,000.
The crossing was ©fleeted at- midnight and
without opposition. ; Hecoudted'iony-eight
pi(mßß:(ffaxtiUmy*-pitoca.p illy-rifled in Long-,
street’s corps, and . were informed that an
erpial numbejLOf sent on
ahead. Jackson crossed.at the. .same ferry on
Thursday night
-day night at;ie&s£SQ,o9o mgnvaudTlflO pieces
of artillery were carried into Maryland.
Gen*. FLill’s forces Leesburg
ohTh'ursday, towards Harper’s Ferry.' His
’ ferde said tp be,25,800 men; ’ *lll6 rebels are
’wretchedly clothed, and generally’destitute of
shoes. -The-.’.cavalrymen -are- mostly turc
fcotcd,"nud"thc feet of the infantry are- bo and
‘•bp in mgs' bf-raw hide ; their nni
.fqrms are in taltera, and luany.-are wlihout :
hftta orjsapß. c .-: * ! ' .sj. ;i->i
They ore very sanguine of success, and say
that when they get to Baltimore they will get
everything they need. They have veryrfew
tents, tho men mostly, when camped, sleep
ing on the bare ground.: The bridge over the
-canal at Nolan’s Ferry was
day sightibyicur troopshcEorethey left. Tho
rebels let the water out of the canal, andjhus
easily got oven ~ ~ "
The statement that The rebel cavalry General,
Stuart lihd-been killed. in : the late Bull Kuu
baltleVffaS’~a‘ ‘ ’The.'Alassachusetts
cavalry captured at Fredei^ck'by the rebels,
apd released ,on parole, said-.Stuart l , vas. alive
‘and active as ever. It seems to be generally
believed, however, that Ewell died
of wounds received 1 inihos’e battles. ’His’leg.
hadAo be amputated’, and"he is* said to have
" diid from UmTeffects of amputation*. .
Tljis niorning’&J\fi//ftKfl7. I&jtiJduvin. charges
-that the Xalional IttijVSytntxr and tho party it
represents, are renewing the policy pf exagge
rating Ihe ffebel numbers and are delaying,
active operatic it can be seen
whether lor the pcit« Congress
will hoi make- that a peace body. la that
case, it declares that it is the game of this
•party to prevent any more fighting.
Twelve Siate prisoners have arrived from
Illinois, charged with discouraging enlist
ments.- Their cascswill.be speedily.’.exam
ined;.. Orders on this-snlject are bringmuch
. more leniently exercised . than -;they ■were a
few days ago. .
. ..-Theprovost guard has been arresting’jand
and^aol(flc ps r io^ theci 1 1. ;Tae
streets are'Stfuost cleared again from an army
of stragglers lately infesting them.
twcniy ori thirty! hf the “hacks Im
pressed by the government to bring olf the
wounded from the..ba>lUe>lield, have been iu
turn impressed by the rebels to bear offjjielr
«uu^d.r ; . £JJ .C
Another branch of the signal corps has been
csiablishediit Georgetown.; •:
It turns out that the investigation into the
-ori'fittll'lluuTiaß been only -tenphririly "lus
pt-uded._ The_Board. of met to-day.
aiid wfilTestfuie 1 rfcgularly at an
early J«r.od, |TVj 1 IT t u
following ‘dispatch should have, appeared
in our coition of yesterday. It was detained by a
bitak m tbwlfhes :}- r
„ .-.LSpeciilJfli-iiatjch4ta4.be Chicago
i 4 -■* jVAsab^os^Sepu.Slr.lfitfa.
Efforts are being made to have Turchin’s
late brigade, now brdken up and scattered
IfOlongy the; rayrqad;lm?e';by BdcliC iaii>aji®h
meut for their, alleged^miaepaduct, reunited
and removed from Buell's cqiumand to be
put inTthe hs'w division Which it is hoped will
be organized for Turchin.. There is,.Jltyle
• prospect/ however, that/ the effort
ce« d. Tho 'whole ‘ regular “army influence,
whichis predominant, is against TycljinTin j
'thls.maUcr~. k -• I -1 !
It is currently stated that .Gen. McClellan’s 1
command has been extended 1 ; and that he I
noirrfaas.iiontiol'.tff'thg 1 £>r ceA"fln4ho flfeld, as !
■?<Ulas,thQse concenijratecLfox;
- . I
it is rumored thaTOeh. htctoweiTis for the
present* to take command-Of the military
.ncademycaftt'est Point. , - r ~
’•—Cassius M.--Glas' has been here fora* couple
of * Heiiad an mt«vlew_wlth. Sec
retary Stanton yesterday, but if is understood
that no decision had yet been S5 to
the military service, but can only "do if on
certain conditions which
hardly prepared for. It is still expected? that
be w,ifl;ultima tfclyrn to Jlueya, whether
be performs &ny military service here pro-
pr Fpt.^,, ‘' v \ •- - A
r -;. Kas suficessfoi^ln
body of his wlufcwas Kill
ed in
Senator HenVy S Xane is here. It is,stated
that lie, Garrett Davis, and some other prjrn
’inent Kentuckians andThdianiaus, have been
making ' representations with regard’ to., the
management of affairs la fiCntncky. -
"We have information from Frederick down
to Saturday p.
five left there was afterward brought off, and
nothirg was lost-eateepting some medical
i.* Jos session of
rf=ifian^b%'tfesrcak , tsa’e!| If
ofthe restaarant there, with orders to shoot
WJW fJnlsMg thejfcldlOTS ,
bridge across the Monocacy hid been destroy-'
ed, fc"ht
no such intelligence. Therebels are jubilant
and \\ ashiogtoD. The only safe termination
the jeHlerprise^rouW-ecem j tobe‘ ■& detour
to tic west, looking to a supplies
and making a speedy return to Virginia west :
depredate on the free Border States. Rumors
t .fm tim ,t w/ra^
jwb «a*J a? Arum » «a '*«»
s * li 1 ? s
■ft ■-.. c- E fat
g-g &
taken prisoners,, just returned this evening to i- thatmnamniity& council'-and 'acfrou-prevails
Washington, having left Kidgeville this mora--l^iere«-
rivg.j / thT rep@" of Frederick
ppnj&inf qf the xyb&s. .Thfcir csv--
‘“olry roSe into the place Saturday morning
and demapdedrtte fiurrenderof the hospital.':;
Their pickets were thrown out as far as New >
: Market. - -dbhbson tEfrposftfon. with: a a.
heavy to b^-fifteei
sSi£ c(fj late:
news from Poolesville sajs their cavalry ar<
•fedTtriloiftrer inYantry thl
side pf drawn.;i§ lin<
of battle across'the road aud rest upon the!
•arms peajiy for the attack-.in highspttits, ani
'but'say the;
first to procure supplies;
- "prison
nr* wtoJß’asin the-hands of'the rebels- fou
says that at .Fred
-urickfelkbacl£toEPirp erio Ptny, * but befop
domguodadcpn .Thursday th
stages, ay’d. refhove
'thciHcklnd woundedT Fnday.lajt th
rebel s emended’ outtra Ma
miles joCTEredfixiclL- Tc
Wftre withdrawn sixteen mih
ucm toc same place. The rebs3s-feiei'gbt pa
"icßslon of two-or-three ~cars raV ;Fredericl
fCßslon of two-or-three-cars raV^Prederick,
some of which were loaded with old pontoon
bridges. , _
S cifti. p. 'm'—latent-
gerce aud addition-,
ally morning, of .the oficupa-.
tion-of blafj laud-, by tli© rebel.
forces, much surprise, min
gled with indlgdafeih'iad alarm, Taere was
mation from_that ppict, almost all the iutclfl
gt-nce comfeg by way of Baftimore. The gsv-
• the ■” he we* e ir'y
yesterday eveniug,-iQ:ft written documentary
fpim. k LfistT pi
irdc*j» were" ful
of oiir
: thv-hpper Poto :
mac and elsewhere, and to-day the military
l ih* .• r \ r? .. -z r*
f -f' Keaflj
-bc'bn withdrawti'Wom' fifout,* none nflirgfe
iorce remain.
Tfccxe i£ uodoubt tljat Jorge reinforcements :
of rebas-werey esierdAyVaeeitig from Ashley’s *
Gap south of Leesburg, as if intending to
-cijoss- Jrtr £mckerVrFeiry dr between
L’Toint- ward's • FCTry/ The
rebels move in solid columns, first cavalry,"
next artiiieiy, then iqfcmtg, with their bag
goge iurSaQ jcfeffr, are followed;
in the same order by similar descriptions of
troop?. , Thepeople. of jthe valley
• 'tribhted-to the pubsxstence'of the" 'rebels, and.
doubtless have furnished them with all needed
- >vc_- s
oar troops at
Harper's Ferry and_Martinsburg, who are cut
‘ fr£m rabfdrcemdnts by the erf
{lie rebels towards Frederick.
A-gcntl«nan who amvedhere to-day, having
-kft-jFroduiejt bytwneu'tJ Xnd t TO last,
night, Jon horseback, force;
there isbslimated at 40,(3(50 men, under Stone
wall Jackson. From
vtrcatic& with rs&el rfGcere* be derived the
impression that one of their objects is to de
.slfoy the rail-:
read and otherwise operate in that Slate, and
, haying ulterior, designs t on Washington*’ and
-Baltimore.- Chrr informant was glad to leave
the neighborhood of Frederick without caring
to remain ISUaf^-ixrify'TJis’dita.
Gen. Banks is sick at Willard’s hotel. The
emgEoc prescribes and 'rest as
neoecsary~for hi» recovery from the injuries
he received at the battleof Cedar i^.mntams.
T-ste -Companteß • bf’Vermont Cavalry, who 1
were snpposed to have been cut off in an allair
on theßappahahiiock some days 4 - ago, -have
come safbly udo oh? 4p£4.afte£ havlng-fexpe
l*i- pur-_
suir g a circuitous rente to reach the city.
BAiaiisnuiiG, Sept. B.—Gen. Andrew Por-
tc-riirxived this' mdrhihg.Yor tjhe 'purpose of
coblctrihg" wilh'the gbverhof as to the best:
means of cheeking the enemy in the threat
coed raid into
to be ■'chl'erlng 1 Pennsylvania in' loree near'
Hanover, with the intention, no doubt of de- :
stroking the Northern .-Central Railroad. Ru
more of their advance upon Hagerstown arc
unfounded,, Anns,, arc, being, rapidly sent
|brqughout.the on .our Southern
-■idrder.~ ‘ - r - - *" - a
Bxlti.voui:, Sept. S. —Nothing further has
reached lja.e myieufaptfc rebels
in iferyluad.'r aremaby ramors, among,
them, onc"tt'&rthc rfebtls arc gataerlag in
some place near Westminister, twenty-two.
miles from BiAfimore.- Some officers who.
Lave come thence express the opinion that
<-'• took
away all the United States mails and govern
ment funds- before the-enemy 'entered the
... Baltimore, Gov. BfadfpncE h&3‘ is
■'sired a prutlatQ'alion' falling on the citizens to
organize for tie protection of the State.
? 5- , A: pirfll€d“priioncr
who_.a4iiycd; here; tp.iday,:tpports.ithas about
150,(00 rebels have passed into Maryland* .the
main be dy of them over the Monocay. He
had rpafesed? the; ami counted
twenty-seven batteries. This statement is
report'-teachcd Jherettite *mbrhihg tliat'there
•v?us in tlie neighborhood of Foolcs
ville to-day. Many of the citizens of that
locality came to Washington.
New York, S’-pt. 7.—The New York J/lr
reurylm a at I jn.,
Sunday, staring that, .is a tremen
dous exctfeni^t on ac-
but it is not believed that they can hold their
grpund against ..IJaJon troops. There
wH! tre sdbb; 4
The Times' ■\Vashiogton dispatch contains
the following;
on "Fri
day relieved of his command in order to make
.charges egKin&tKrensr Porter,
i £.i . " i i* Ox
Three hundred rebel cavalry from Leesburg,
endeavored to xroas .at: Edward’s Ferry on
Friday, but were repulsed.
4$ e chfiaaarday. tha rebels ghccess
fully retewed the attempt and crossed at sev
eral points. Tuey immediately invaded Pooles
viile and then Daruestown. The operator at
-thefctfterjplaqe escaped and cuttjie ’flfesofthe
••ruiiitary telegraph. wore Union
"forces in the vicinity, the rebels soon retired
and stationed„picketß a .short distance from
the town.
The rebels also crossed between the ferries
abate ITSeTFoint? of ancP matohed
While Oak Springs, across the Monocacy.
The Tutus also has the flg, <d>ted at
4 o’clock on Saturday night:. TttOr. latest
from the Upper Potomac states thaV Jackson
acd-hfc Frederick this morning.
of the Baltimore and Ohio
Railroad, an<i have torn up and de
stroyed culverts eastuf that piipe.’ They also
cut the telegraph; tfie rolUd# st&ck was
6&Vt,di ; "•I
Baltimore, Sept. 7.— Frederick, Maryland, ,
was’Uß3&iiTb?edly occupied yesterday, between ’
10 and 11 o’clock, by the Part. ,of .the
fercefeiftiraod as* IP g&Qg
either toward thfeWasbicgton road or Balti
more pike. The crossing of the Potomac was
three.points.. - --
'FngfftvesSvhd left Frederick Tasf "night re*
-jpoH ibe city. occupied '-by ’about 5,009 -rebels
junderXSen. fiill,'cavalry, dkftßtry,
Jety.'. The rebels issued prom
ising prtjf befiemio priva^'pi^£tfrty| i ‘and ip
%oroted a ■ - PnfchaSes werebe-
44 cattle r ahd- .horse* rWhich; wfere- beot back
towardlHe riVei\/-> " , .. .. .. .
TV’ asu is ' §fcpt/ 3 7?~It" appeal S ffrttfa.
piivate accounts, that the rebels crossed the:
gep n-feji d -p
, tuormng, an 3 thence marched to White Oak •
Springe, One |
of their first acts was to seize the bridge over
point evacuated their position on Friday, i
«nd yesterday,rprocee^Da-to-:
* ' L J y $
A 9S^9^.*W^H9&n st ST^ 8 lI B fgsS rnion;
retog|es fjopi Virginiahad arrived there. '
Ucved from of yir
cink^^- has been assigacdjto the cow.mwyi'
toftbfre«panrt«nt ofW^drth
gardiCgJhe d j^]
.ixiaH jb * jroxT Ja
£ca ,f»j
> i thatomaßiniity&i council'-and acffon'prcvaila :
::r - : -■■_ • c
£ Lr3ALTiSi(SiE, Sept : 7.^ i E'wllierreports from, ’ __

j 1 made provost marshal;---The-rebel—troops
; passed through^thb- fowtip ancD'encatuped in.
7 .;■ Winane’-woods, about - ' OtienSlo beyond the- ,
a a -City. 'J. i: :•-* 1.-v.*: :1
a i Harrisburg, Pa., Sept. 7.— AirangeSaeiits,*
r £ :are being made to forward to the •'-entrance of. .
q „ alttbeltroops now here," .
e: ethep. regiments-trom-Ksw-Yxirk and the / '
5- -.East are - : . *
e l . jGqy* Quriiti ± extended air
: r along the border. The rebel pickets l , extend,
y_ --They., possessed : themselves .of .all'
- . clothiEg T _&Cf, in the.- stores, at Frederick; pay-"
j’ ' ing for them. r . : :- i::r;
jj.,. - The- rebels eayjhat.tkey are-going to BiltF"
l-v-:-' Z rSV l‘.'l .
, e The teliegrapli .operator heoanuot hold""
[q ike oflice muciL^o’DgtJ , . r the.-Uniqn"
: inenlhave left. : i‘_-
iq. ...’W’isDlyGTOSj Septr/T^—Latejand .reliable.
“■ TepOTtßfrtanbhv&t^gouEcqsfroni'Ceptreville,
?- - • stalo that Got "Fioufeoyi witfi’a regiment of;,
le a]Ty»if .m comuumdrof thatplace r ’ahd that :
es tLeir.pickehs exteudwilhia ..twelve.
■£’ miles otAlexandnaT. „ ■ _■- r:
• U&kmxffice’refakiac in thelkte batUewetQ;.
jdelaineclntiGafniivd&.tmTirErldey last,
hi' they were -qoiiducte<l-lo Jjlichmoiidtwith tho : .
~ exception. pTsome others, severely wounde 4r :
,1 * -who by the* humablry;of'Dri Guild, naedloak
.V:- 'director'Of'G6cu-Eeb were allowed tb"go toT
u- : Tii'eehinglqnriu our
a--.' tLoiioi a fUg «f trace. TheJa&t of.the.Gcntre> *
ltd city tojiay. ‘ . , /V
• Major-General R ehb fa As'-been assigned to
•?* ;tLe:eommandDf:tiie thirds army ’
is McDowell having been granted-leave of ab- ‘
> r . seuce for fifteen, days. _ • ■=■,
- : Departmekt, Sept. 8: _
•' The qtiota oi-voltmtem' and cnrollmeat of
: .miiiiii nuYieg beeOrCOihpkled in the'several -
ly Stales, the -necessity for the>tringent enforce-,
try Eient of the orders of the war department, in
■ respect tb'voltmteeiitfgand draftiDg nolboger
. exist. Arrests fer-the vioKtibn of these or- <
ders snd-lpr dj.sloyal .praiiticts':nillhereafcer ‘
try icjfile OLlyupon n*y express warrant, or bw
the' dl Die. miiitary'cotiiDiander or
ir’ . of.gbvenior of in-wbich-BTich arrests'
iu-postd by these orders are rescinded.-
_ . .(Signad) ‘L.’Ch Tujixrii/'Judge Advocate.
rats J'oiiTßEss'MpxßOE, "Sept.'S.—Oat ot’tbeTOO
' 3' : rebel prisoners brougtrt nere 'from the Potb
y -tomae: : "lasr 'Wednesday, over 100 have
, r the oath : ol‘ -allcg iaiice,:aiid were; dis*
1 elarpejch They were Northern men, forced
5 inraibti rebel army,‘and‘§ome Spanfards. The
■ rtmainder were sent to Atkiho ,: Landing by'
_ - flsg of -truce.i, _ .
, , Tee lik-bmond 'Whig of September Ist con
*■ tatrsu iktjgtby and spicy editprial,.censuring
f -Ji iT. Davis-acd-liis cabinet for the“indi=creet
appomtineut ol clerks in the departments of:
,' the slate, calling them (.the clerk*) and
1 ' “ Yankees,”' and. accusieg them of being spies
i and ul-bfcing disloyaitb the 'confederacy.
.rtcoumiendsiheir removal and the substitu
t tion oilmen •of nekcowledgcd-loyalty. and:
"merit, and that the appointments .should Oej
t made unbiased hj’aby poilticaHnlhiencc, itui
i .-latitg ihejCongress of -theJJhited. States.
Washix<;ton, Sept. 7. —
.Gretn, pLtbell'tbJnGlang, returned this morn.-;-
= ftg irem . Gainesville, .\vhere., he.had been,
t. since the battle week, having
e; reinained.bthindat that lime to attend 10 our
v\oufiitd. La»,t-Sunday, our..wounded being
in tuv-h bad coiid;tiun, Dr. Green started olf
l " : -to thee*- atnbnrances coming to" their' assist-.:
e auce under a llagvof truce, and when witnin.
iaeu.by.the rebel General
| . . A. P. liili,.at the head 01 his division, who;
l "* - bj’dtnd llmlo ..return to Gainesville, where
d in- a prisonerfor three days.- . Af-.er
d st tii-g ids case before Gcn. tV'alier, who'came
into the jmd where the prisoners were kept,
w be was uncpnditionallj released.
S Dr. Greeu mrniahes the following;
•Wheu tbe buttle was at its heignt on Fri-.
8 day, Jackf on being in command of the -rebel
uiD-3*, heavily pressed by onf troops,'began to
lS waver ecd tail back, when-the rumbling of
:s Lorgstreet’s artillery was heard-coaiing to.
■ their a.-sislance, and instantly a sbout went
up*, owing to this-circumstance. It inlu-.cd.
new courage into-tbe rebels, acd‘ when .this
ir rt-intorceme nt arrived at nobnbn Friday, they
c : made'a Irish ai-sault upon our lines, dashing
MYer. the wonuded -of ‘ the day 1 previous, who.
" weie lying U]‘on the ground .withoux any
r- avd many of' n CiO
badly ir-jured. _/' ; - ■■
Dr. Greeu.
ter of Pry? Vs brigade—the report being also
coutimied by officers with ■whom he couver-
- the- engigement-of Friday,
,>v GrL. Prjofwus'capturcd- oy our fdrcesj aud
id’ gi veil ih charefi of a -guard oT one ’man, the
ratk'-of Pryor" not beice "known, as he. was
ir rcressi d like a private. ’ He, -howeveri escaped
3- : by shooting, the guard 'with a- Derringer
a- which be tad eoucmled on liis person.
..: Dr. Green conlirms numerous reports rela
° Uvo to ;fce L'o:«siiiJg cl the rebels, and ;
tf they
rn- into Maryland, where-thoy- exaedt to get
. oO;tGO recraue. •• ’: - - r . •
ileilso eorbrmfi the report of.theexistence
13 -of much destrmtiun among the enemy,-bat
Is attri.buU*6 the-s car city ot-food, to-the great
jg, drffieuUy: Ot .‘transportation,■: tneir army being
• such a gr«2ifc dUtance rrom their base of sap
lu • plus; This is the account given by thferfebels.
ro ; . -From ail:appearances, the dlvlsioa Ot : Gen.
ro. .'iVidkfei- ba&leit the scene of. the-lite engage
'mciitslcr Harper’s - Ferry. No one eectn£ to
: know’OJlsthing of thc.movenienls of Geu.
. being a studied-sllence la re
)k turd to him. Gen. Lee hss removcd=his head
a. r.unrterc near Leesburg.
. . Dr. Green was informed by a quartermaster
Je tbut-anLpUji’ii m.any of . the rebel -soldiers ap- "t:^ L
. junrtd-wiiirtjut shoes, they rsiill had suCi- 1C
is- dept on hand, hut, as a matter of economy, •pj
to tnty will not be issued until the middle of this.
I mouth.- He says thtnetllng is general among *[,
tmemcnthatthew^r-will,soon he T ended, and
they say they will die before they will yield in
'iirdep'Vndert nation.” "v
Acctrdiig to their own.esUmate.of their ’
! iiumbels ladbe
i tboyiavdiidt Itssttan 120,©00 mmft with forty
batic-iießof field I'icces, most of them being
r.iUd cannon. . _
- Dr. . Green rcports.tho los§Q4 reh- :
< els as vify large.'
New York, Sept.Ji.—The New York Times'
'Vi":u ?
' From oue or the Tm<cs' correspondents who
} ; asjust returned from Poolesville, we learn •v :
J hat on Thursday qig&t
to cioss with cava£y-at OTTitarthe Ehotrthjof t]
’ the Motccacy. -CWb i^i
’ mints of cavalry and threw over a pontoon -j,
• t ridge, end crossed with ariilb-ry. aad turevv .-v.
~ ? citit On Friday, ./j
[ 1 11» o’clWekj is ‘ CblUihiV commenced to ;
1 cross of infantry and artillery. Tm-y were
i crossingdn the
water baitj: up tola mau’S^ iwaist,rjNo resist- ’ J .
their crossing. Some 1
3 cavalry who were watching them were attack
ed-artirhased to PoolisvHle.*Theft' tfiThogEes
- w/ifc cQuEcdpcdUHistrujtfWDjkidtidjby tbe - ;
. ciPieM.* The-- farictrs flped-dpoh bw flying •
I cavalry as they passtd. About dark Gea. Leo "-f.
aa til & bhifdi) W-Ai r mgi- •
mcnle of intoutry, and guided by a farmer - -
r i?» crossed the Jlonocacy, aqd. passed alonj, the "y
--on bank of the stminrttii'redfficki 1 1 T ' ' 1
A rebel piokef capttAed near*Glarksburg,to- "T
day, says Jack on’s force is 45.000. V*
5S ’ liou. ine is here to obtain certain ■ .
3T- ctecges Y{ of the war in the - •
es- 1 "West.* ‘
. Advices from Gainesville, about two and a »-■
. halt-mile*.
he rebeb&Jij. A.
on jesfeiday with 35,000 meti from Richmond. A
division under;Gen y U’alkttrbha6ieft Gaines- £
ctt Yi]leforLksbh?g. s , E
My informant saw Jackson, Longstrect and ’ ?
Hill; fijr Gaihfff.plcfbutea fofty-lopr ■ n
ies . of art£llery/mostlybifltdgaiis,4hd.Looe t i
: to larger than 12-pcunders. v
** At. Centerville, he_saw. a.few,cavalry only,
battery,- which was 1 return lug from hav- .9
at ing, as they said, ‘‘driven the Yankees away
eat la.wMaDaj,sasmiU’ n f
f Ope of*tbe 2 jfrte* 1 Icprrcspondeits Kftrthe J
o'clock this (Saturdav) morning. Our pickets v
are Awthii>.k»urai)il€s , |bf JEht pfAce.7TSe ene- h
< f Fairfax. A professedly Union man states
that »heir infantry-'went offto the towards f,
Fred<rit-kfrburg._ Til*, rfthp.l Gunerala.Robbrt t
Hill, Stuart apdFbtzJlugh Lee, arq
"-the' ‘main force. rL Tfimt wagon 'trains’ wa*e -7-
crossing tbe Rappahannock on Saturday and
Sunday"morning. The* fanners are bringing -I
in hw aud,p;ovUipnsqf
th«mav<^y/-Tbefo-f6*notta^oyhl i mattf'with |
one or two exceptions, there. ~The women •
rbcelVedlhrra with Hags and’fedtens of j oy.‘
-• Sunday,- !! -p.-' rh.—ihe : fblboWinsr account Q
: has jurt been received from the UppsrPoto
mac, and is believed to be reliable; i
A.rebcl‘lforCfr-'iß‘iii*-tlie : ; of
Darncsiowu and Clarksbuag, estimated at .’
rs;campQfifd«ntirelytil .A
body of tbe crossed c
the river last night at White’s Ferry, and are <
router for- Frederick,- Mary-
land.; -Our troops herfd the bridge across Sen- \
ecaOetk, which’wasf-üb’t’. ibjufld
els’on their retiim from their -recent dadi on '
Haraestowu. ~ :•. - **. -•*•' ■ : :'• I
r The-New/Yotk ‘ttibvne'S -Wagidngtoa - edr- -»
reWOtidetit'Eaysr i
' Tnerrefetl Burgeon "who amputated *
TJwelTs:leg, told Cme ci 'our. surgeons ,ytefcet- ;
fisythat-Rweß hadsince r:’ ■
-The - Order for a 'court 1 of-inquiry itito the 7
- e
teimanded.-- : s;- - -s* -• c 5
;; *AqniaGreek - r
Wiffct cats'wsft' burned;, aild.■ 4 a ? Jphurtlty , * of
fctoros'des'trbyed., eugfaes and whatever
con vißßienGycoarflad. -away,
ghfl>»Ag@it, #■ v&A \
Slry appeared a mile Irom the river, and Weia
thfct quite ajmmber.of-Uie into
Bin iee r yn - sffftiroay we'ek fbrthe pafpose, of ,
tfiewbundcSto -still .
;entt‘e hattle-fividr the jeh'da-haviog .taken the
beUepy and theiFprcyenting n r ft-; t
gS '7'-..."" .
;; 'September .6;—¥eocal:
■ I £TitiJg^lfl<?3p i 6fIjpFW 1 jpFW frqcu€Hy. SutaA j
' ~ '^\ J '^. '" 7 A*' * ' .
. rir -.~ . t . *.■ i; TO -ivsconij ,o3 i
.* an cLrepbrt let,--No • rebels-or rebel gun.-',
boats are to be seen.- - Vj. i*_ '.s-r. zz= •-'■
“WA,sinxGTO>'i‘ September following:
■aefitence,' cents inedbr tbo'Correspondence =O4
a leading journal, was errbnetttely '
to tjj.e coi respen den trod ibe-iAsso dated Prefer
suppusedthat in aonsctjuimctf-nf tb«sd
" cbsnges' m‘ the' afmfx bpGii Secretary 'gtautpa:
'and Adjat&iif Tbomaff %HI resign.” - •
Eejro'rtcd Moromint of tbe3lerrK
s : 5 mic Kb. 2 Down James Hirer. -
_ .. . -
. ' If that the ilerrima? 2 has'
*b’een below PoH Darling, Mid evidently:
_ jnhkiEg towards 2{ewj)art .Taerais no
! Hcubt that a rEconnoiatfonce. Las been nyde of
"the James River by. two or three rebeL guia-
“\TEere .here In conae
' qir. fence of-the report Ihat the; Merriaiac Xn. ’
2 hnd.reacbsd the •Tidßlty-of Newport -News :
andfeadanetgagein.ea.tr with '.bnS.brTwoof
before heiv,
. AU tlne shipping Jnire has beenretaoved to.-a:
-•place 7 bn't-nb featV of anything aeri-‘
bns-are; enterhdptd,,'^as J >ucE
' l;a ve .been znafieMj s,-. owe
> wiil-pWjjably^niakti;the cqfreer '-of 4W-3lerrih
: cinfeake.. r riv^'^rbrn'Ci£y Folnlto-day.
. ftfHirls aJT qiiief'.jon ite riy errand .no' rciye Is or
Amrai ef the Xontoglaaand ins
' " tralasiau.
fjajrorrsnl R feu# fraiif Italy.
Cade Race; SepK-S.—The eteamsMp-Nor-:
-.m-piau;from Liveppool the SSfh.rVia London.-;
dfcrrv.Jhe29lh Ulr., passed this poiatj en route.
It) Quebtc,
Bohemisn Ircm Quebec arrived at Liv
pcol.liTih .-August-- r.< ::*. ; :.a- :
. . TrVuew&ot the Norwegianis two days later
.than tlvht by‘l Ed Cliy of lye* Vodn ~ •;■
--•Bfeadplufls dull.'With sfightTdecUhe on all
- 'Provisions .riuiet.' clpsed
at ; " y V "
• -A feJialii- -conflict has taken . pUtcLbetween.
tLe GHiiosiciats-oEd'Toyal trqopE, iurar llts-j
r pio.-' -If is predicted fhatFrancg Uabout imii
-important • 'military" movements..'The.
Emperor -Naiioieonjmd culled n.couacllOf Ms
:ministers.-•’ 1 - •* .
,‘J*he federal gunboat Xuscarora; left Ply
racuth bn tße=evt*hing of the n7:tt of August.
-It was. said that hfer Cadiz.
• London- journals give considerable alien
tion to' Italian allairs. The- Morning pj*t-:
tnjtrtheEitgllsh and French cabixicts are ipUe:
in'the.darkjn refeard io ihVEioyemeiiEßbl Gar
baldi; aid. urge that if -he .be a fibel add cou
spinubr, he has been encouraged by "a be Ir.Al
ian ; govcrDmeßt -and people from' the kiog-
Gop-nwer-d-. The London Uan}y'-J\ T tws'<lhic.ii<is
Guili-alci, who, it does not rtb-jl
ftgiirft his-eounlry and Pi# king, bar, agaiust
Juifign cerLonstnuion against*, holding'ihc
rjgbtJuFeapital-of-Italy. '• t
_ The London Tinas points-pat'the evils"
•wl ich inust-ehbile if Garibaldi-perseveres in :
'bl?-dtsig.Dß against Rome. •
- Fk.ance.^—The rerls B'.ntse 6u ibe 27th ot
•August was much excited under the news of -
the larding of Garibaldi ai Calabria. Kentes
• ftll DK»re per eeut;; closleg at 681‘.
Tie Emper-.r Napoleon had left i he Chalons,
i.'eu p lor liiarrilz, aceompaulediby the-Duke,
. Italy.—Gfarjbaldi had left Sfelma, and was
■pibcetd-ng toward s’Jieggio. . .fie -is said to
• have. ati*:ouncsd,to las volunteers tliat ia u
a' few da'vsdie would marcll lnto Naples with
ttvnr." “ItT-tS of
'rt j-tit troops tnye; been’ ttot Co -Ueggfo with'
-oidOrs to tetk GuribsJdCs forces immediately
and tborougly detest them." "
Xe-ltaTiau fleet wa? cruising In the Struts, .
cutting off communication with Sicily.
TLe ilazzinjap party.had.:atusraptoi to.
.gtt up a demopstraiipn at Jlessiuu ia favor of-
Vfr«ribald!,;hnt they were put do»n. #
The IdTest.oCicial,news in the Turin Gazette
represents that the.news from,the Neapolitan..
. provinctsia satisfactory.' The s’ate pi siege
wsß •gimferally well received by the' people
there. Geu. La Mormura had issued a strong'
yuvclamailon against' Garibaldi, aud prohlblt-
audretchtiou ofaruis.
'Cate Rave, Sept.. B.—The . steamship' A'us
- tralb'sian, from Liverpool on. theSOiUaud from
Queenstown ulx the GUI,' arrived Sunday
inonnvg. .
GinrAT Biutatj?.—Lord .Palmerston, in a
epte-cirat : sicibourue,_jefer&.d to the. ITent
atiair, wldcb;'he.fcfiid; was crctllcd id a.manner
-cotsi^tfnt wllAtbe- dignify of both Eugiand
and AmeTlca*. There .was, coiTsuiueiuly, -no
.trixniiph bn either side.. ‘ The only tiiumph
• was'Uat of truth and justice, wblcu each side
was equally.inteicsred to maiohiin. - .
’ ’ Jibe London Thucs. rc-Uerates ifs arguments
tic:.tLe North cannot cocqatrtbe Sou;h,' aud
says the time.lor eompiomitc. has-arrived,
-and the ■worstsettlemeni of the dispute ca >-
i.ol be as Jalal ob the conunuance of the war.
The r.ft-tVtbeii draws an amdogy. between the
position of England during the revolutionary
»er and the present position erthe North, and
€aje that is time-the North lollowed the ex
ample of England.-'
. TtiCiAtji'i/endSQvy Gazette degcrihesj Gen.
MiCleUaiJs- .campaign: as -the -mbafc signal
in this century; •“ -
Lord Bruagha m had. made -a £ peeeh,“urging
ilhe. absolute necessity ofmeuTality and. non
intervention in Aim fiea. . * r
r i lit* Liverpool Jt»fdrawr-attention to Secre
tary Scwjtolb late, circular, to encourage £mi*
jiUCtoJon, and urvee tie distressedoperatives-of
;LhpeiH3iiite,aiuLllie:lri6li pocr, to follow r,lr.
jieivaiU’s advice and. eruicrute...
-/Tie. Lcmlon. iliias urges thafthe.Emperor
Napoleon*cannot be allowed to
ilowTe - :control:in' Italian affairs, .and urges
the to speak out
TTLere ■w tre vagutirumora that EnglandJiad
“prelected egaicst any French occup itiou jof
N-tapoiium Teiritory/an'd that .‘England' even
ihnatcntd. a - corrt&nohdlair movement in
Srrly if Trance reedtted to such a.atep. .. .
-FivA'NCE —Tfaeemperpr'presided at. an Im
jrbrtunt d.binetuduricU on lire 2SUi oi August,
m IfpJian rllairs.
A bos been sent-to Kaples,
and an English eqnadron, it.isßaid r 2ias-also
non-plaetd there. r . . "
;Ixalxi—rTdc from Turin re
poit'fhsu.Garibaldi and tis volunteers coniVa
uidthtir B»arcii jrcgi jfieggio, pursued .by. a
; fcviqxun 01.-SersagU-rj.. . .
- by Garibaldi: from
Caiavja, inoiiing the p.tople to insurrection,
-had productd-a strong demonstration in his
'.u*vof at Genoa_and Florence, and some collis
.ifi.slia'dtakttt place between the authorities
and the people.. .. ..I
.. . continue.
Ouunaks arc appichcudcd, bufpreeautioa-;
meat: ures hsve'bten •taken-tocounteract
London Ang. SO.—The Times of to day has
au article on thetilraordinury position o£the
•Dtinoerslic party- in America. Tt says thoy
are lighting m;a cause .forwbich. they ieel, the
-meet boundless 'devotluhi but at the Eanie
rkue'W-behaif-of a'policy and s prt.sid.eat
which they detest.. It *re ga rd s Vall p.uaiiham’s
r receht'FpetClf as tra ‘esposltrotTof the feeling
of the Ucmocrais r and thinks _the dj:Thoa>tra
~ttbh'ia etery Traf-imptrrfant,“as' it spires .to
slow that, in addition to other dilllcutties that
•Pioeidebt. will 'have to: straggle
sgiupst (the icgi>iiuale ctfects of Ihewar) tnere
will be a violent reaction against his o^a- ar
bitrary acts.
* - * * lATESTf VIA XjrEE?STpTT>‘. ‘' • _
Paris, Aug. Golh telegram yast
fccl-lVtd m this city ..stat es that Gimh-ddi had.
T)ttn’cTefuitcd,‘'wpa l ndc4 and captured.
Luxpcos - ,.Aug. Sl.—The Mon&ur says-that
Ihe'iLtu:rtefioa’ which thiealen-d to compro
mise the destinies, ,ot. Itajyhas terminated.
ISaribeldfi afrcra cpnaiPt.'yas cpm
-pelledTo' surferder. ■ An .Itaiim, frigate was
fmbredraie}y‘prQercti-fb conrry nm-tQ
•snai- Thb ■Woekhdc" df.. the .Italian coast "is
drderedttrbcraKed.'. : l‘.
~J > ’aels. aL-^Cjae' capture.of,GlabpMi
-:A Rebel Steamer Bam^l.
• 'Ket\* York; Sep. S.—T-Ue No* York^m^’
correspoodeirce-fit PortßoyaV, udder .ddte/id
li gives- a : report that a largis steamer, sup
■poeca-fe be"the Nashville-, hai-becn burnt
River'on the preceding
Sunday taorfiing.' * Sue got - a ground wttfim
range of theguc Tort -Pulaski, l-.wblhe at
teißjAiDg fa runbutuariyin
being Unable to get -her <>iF, '-the' TCbefrkiere
forced fa bern'-herto prevent her • CiHing into
= : -‘ J ’ _■ * * . : J .:'./
[A“dc epa ta,' GaT, Coptejj
th<? GceijacU Ajigepl,
eajs tha£
tales, '©T :• j33tt6ii(- fan.
Ibiocfcadc-T- - --' *-'-* - >: ”'’~ ■■ ''""'l --’ >••
cr rr>* :-■?; ?•*••-• ~ JO
(h»t -ttiiitefeSt#aaiex
ElOrttfitTarriTeS.; -JLU& J?t& i aEo
tjj£ .c®am,' ig .hjbfc-wnt
;ae ftYV.r,"ina;a’Sp:inf3jtKai' there
to'pTfietiKlse r ToUOwicii aaj-,,A:iuinean Yea
feels Dtlt .‘ AA. 7 . .;;al
‘j&ttfyi&jfoj; BnflaTo.'
V. 'Bcuriio, :Sicv*:or was:
L .afternoon.:
U.0.0C0 hostels o! gram was in ttie
Lose, on tlie.ftgfaioj’ jg-SHBjPQ& .iosnred for 1
$25,000,. Lgsa m iasnred;
,u3ii/ .11 .3! |
r j! t V
Tlifc “ I’arlisaa - Ranger
S£lll” defeated.
fleported Attack b» Tapelb by Gen.
■ . Rosemns. ; ;■. _i
Clarksville .Reiakea-l hy •■.• Union
• ifooopa ' ; :
£6psc!al Eispatchito
.. j: o .. . _.!i3Amo,'Sept; 8; 1862.
. Jnt eHigence has-justreacbed.Uß thatGdarks- ■
-.ville fe-retakeiu TQQr.fcrqopk’
lel^-Fort ponelsqnon Sunday for Clarksville, -
J and~ v saiil..y ’ t£ds- jnprmpg, josj,_.asj they ■
came .near .-the- .were nwt
and attacked. •. by. .the ; ; cqafederateS-
eh- r
.sn£d.hj.wbiclu were.-worsts and’ 1 '
iingiprionsiy-fied —the ■• field, leaving Wen- '
-of;tliejr_ nnmber'lpriso.n'etra' In oar'
■bands.'. 'TEe federal- troop's Jlore look posses- 1 ’
- Sion o£Clarksville without farthcropposltica. •
'' J- ilEhrin=,‘Sept.G 1552. via'.CAiiio, f "
:: _-•■/'• ; “Scpx. .B u is6‘2.*; p;
;Late atrtvais fromJtelena repoji aXL'qaiet.’
tirrve,*. .Pickets etaiibned in the back»oouaisy
■ straggllug-pArties '
of guerillas." ‘ ~ .
: On Tbkrtday the "White Cloud was*, fired
upon, three miics'/bclow Httenai nobody was
hurt... -
“ Porte fVfieet -went downlto' .E anTce, Ark., •
sr (i'bioiighr uptfie Wharf 'boat. '.Tqc wharf
boatatNiip£leop.'.was ateataken to Helena. •
A'prfsovcr 'taken.at Enfice was aA'Little:
'RocE ,d few'dayS.bcfote! lie. very 1 trge ‘
number- of Texas 'frQOj>s, 'fully Armed' and;
‘-.uinipptd/lifid arrlteJ'TJicro.-
" It was' reported atr Helena .tTiat *
made-ftp attackpn conftdtraCs_trobpß atTn
-pclo;-and decisively repulsed tiiem., ,
.. People at- ,Ccmmtrce, ;iUi‘L,'.havo. deter
iriped to Bring dii. passing
boats atthat place,'an(l' Wifi shoot. or.citerml
_ cute them. ‘ -
• .The- scralieriCpriEoiiers reached Helena on
Thursdsiy irighti cn for Vickiburgi:
• The ’Grenada; of .the SiL contains-
Pictro’cnrd bf ’the'.' . iJUpatches -
;l_rorn‘ GeprLfee were cernmninated to Coogressr
: on the' 2dr .Jefll HSrla’: accompumes. Uieth
ef plapatidar From these 'dispilcir-'-
-7?6 seenjctiP.V God has again, extended his
- shield over ‘bur patriotic army, and blessed
•ihc cairse of 'ouc coujulei'acy wild a.
victory pn_thc : held alrtady unmoriol by the
pelistit actiCTcnjents .of one troops: • Too
much'-prafse cmnot be bestowed on the skill;
ahc_darfrg of'c.ur'comiiiandliig ‘generals,.aud
the Conduct, yslorand he dihoudotthe troops'
who fx'ecTrttd'tbis hnllbut inovemeiih” '
: claims a great victory .in Vir—
gij.‘!a, o thinks ir musvnecessorily hayc a
Taoi-t bcmfn'ial result or .the country, and the
Southern cdUECj inspiring coiifldvnCu.lu .their
uli iEiaTc' Enccess- and. have, ’ a dlrefully ‘
: pressing fflfect on thc North, proving the ir.ter
trilility “ot subjogatirg{be South" by arms, -and.-
inclmc them to other means of pad
licaticn. . ' -
The cchfedeVate Senate, on the 2d inSt. re- ■
jectert- the bill coDceniing partisan rangers.
-The new conscription law of the' South
n-.ftkts all'subject .to duty‘between the ages,
cf eighteen UDd forty five, and 'aathorizcSr'tiie’
enrol ment -of Con.scribls where, ever Toand.J
The Socicty of Friends in North Carolina have.’
‘liu'niornliztd the Confederate'Conuresg for a!
Tudciification : of the conscript lay" in their.
FfiVOlS • ’ ‘ .
b’ti# Oflvuiie 3b*o9' of tho'26ilL' The Delta
•paV 5 the federate' are perfectly .. confident of
-th’iir ftbijbv'to'hold the. cl r y .agaias Breckia
;andrVan Dorn, whom 1 it invites to.another
•conUfit: • -*
Gfeß; Butler has ipsued an -order, r:-qulrlcg T
the-'Msrchau’s-andCrcscent Gity banks to go'
into liifafditlioni - • . - :
3Tcarli. all the IBridges on
Lonimih and Frankfori
.Baikbad Burned.
Louisville, Sept, 7.r—Tho passenger train
.for'- Bowilbg Green, which left here at 7
.'o’clock_ChiVmorning, returned from this side
ofSheperdsyille, twenty mile* south of here,
“brlhgiug reports that the small- frderal .torce
ia siockadts,--protecilDg 841 River bridge
. was.altacked this morning by a large, force of
rebel'cavalry with artillery, supposed to be
inoiintaiu ndwitzers. .When our informant
.left, there was heavy musketry ahd.caanonad
ing.' ißemfoceementa have been seat-from
3tfr‘N~.but the bridge will probably be destroy
"fed before their arrival, -No com
miuiiicalion with any'point south ot • IcDuia
ville. • -. 1
. ■ • Louisyixxn, Septi 7:—The‘president has
-eqns.urrcd in tbe:appointment of Chirles Cl
Gilbert.as major and Wm; R; Terrill
.as- Lrigudier.. -Col; Warner, of the IBlh Ken-
TucWy,' son-in-law;bf Gen. Leslie Combs, >rei
>o! ted killed at the recent lightat Hichmondi
Sentneky, tent: Richmond recovering from a
■ SL-vere.Vroncd..
: Thereflels baveburned-all the bridges
: _the. Louisville imd Frankford-Railroad, be*
’ tween Bagdad andExanSlort, except that over
• the Kentucky river and' a ‘Email:.iron: bridge
- oyer a ~ ; r. -.-.*: -
Sirer.siVnsvittEi.-lvy;, Sept.' 7.—About suo
..rebel cavalry burned one-«ect:oh • -of the ffiln
liiver - bridge this-’morning, damaging 'but
slig'aily-tiic’new-Iron pbrioG : recectlj erect*
tfC Gn:«-ral Dumont - fed- his :; forces- under;
arms ail day-at espectiug
tim along the linn of
vihb raUi-oßd* 11 u -*
CiLlFOilNli.; T
Stutc EfcetfoD*-C ! omirtete fiepubUcan
San* FBIycTSCo; Sept. 2.—The supreme,
court decides mat taxes for stafcnparposesire;
lo bepaidin goW otiiy. ' •-•-
-. -Recidpts from mines departure of ;
the last BUamer are $2,000,000.- •. - :
•. . Silver from-Opßlr bailies has yielded $200,-.
-000 the past mouth; ’ ' • -- r : —v 1
' Hie election- to-morrow will- her exciting. ’
:.The probabilities are '•that Xathain' cannot |
elect a majority oi-tUeiegislature, and that the; |
Republican and Union party wUI carry the
siate by a large majority. - ’• j
- &Ay Frakcjsco; Sept. 3.— Sailed, ths strain- ;
’er CoE3litti‘iou{;for Rinama, >R,a
gers and SBTO,BOOnI treasure. jiipce’ tne'de- ’
'Citk)n-of ihesapttme eonit against receiving
- tender notes -for state*" tSsj they hare sold as'
low as hlutn cents dHcoum.-.The* point of
thedcckidn.ia tiattaxes-are-nof debts wlcbin
: tbe meaning of Thc-act of Congress,-'and. fhat j
The -ptoriskm of : the* State constirirtioii' re-;
.•glaring tasts ; tc)' be paid-in goM miiit reuialu
1 - • • ‘ - -• -• --- ■ - -J-: 1 v •
The-electroh-ia £&h Francisco* pissed off
•guleUy’tCMJajv Tb£ njnion arid’-Republican
Ughlature tlcket_ is . uhd6uhtedly*-eiec:ed.
-Hc»y-secession sympathizers ri-ftxsed to ; Vote.
... Siiv Sept; d.—2Td.' Important
‘sal'ds inJm‘batid“importcft,' y bht. jobpsra -are :
:dqhSj. a laige*trade with',the noftoera iriiniag
Tte "( ’ 1 '* Tn an o ver
■wbt-lmii ican fusion
ticket, .ends- ami-
‘decttoa Vest'erdaV results'j f?
iuir iriunjj’ft.of
EverJ'roatftv aKa wnrcr_ se
to-tlitt' CODS' -
: .Steal
adoptee by a large majoritjv : •
. Honolulu dates Jiave arrived, tp
Muen- eJc&eiff heat? being
Oppressive. -Hosiudra stagnant.. 'V 't r'
-*• Cconer’S'
*jf GarsOn v S TalJdjVantr diet a lirger nUpiber
of etfigr&tfVf nrb^y'feoml - oWa;-Iklfss(jari add
■Kansas. 1 -Ail "were’ Teacua. Imd
1 '
rj -’? -r, * . \ s?~-..‘2'
x3ixtisciy ? deader
Cj^^nt.3wc£mn£ W r- i ,•
' ?AecC>tnjis epuntfes -of CaH.-
a continuous: doldaih.- of
thA fraj'-lb. - QplofadfS gold-ia|nes
c ;gfep£^l^^^.cgaragmg. ; ■ •
subject to military duty m Han Franeiaco-is
d ■- the'relifciPdrstiifer
h,ffii^land>*ehl4orwafd:iidt&e‘la*t ©tbadi'er:
- r -The *lfe*tiOb «tbrnsiyeiP hdtf
'Republican ‘of
-tbe£&&mbiyeledfed f l dad-
tgfts Dfctigla3-Ifc-m6cFatSMaTowr
“ptmactals' idlff over,-cdnstßullnir !t6e'ridle
Hfthe senate- Wttelriias
•tfeirtj-Blrte'Qreab&re: ■' Y.“
&ep t. stagp-uiti
pVtse 1 . *~ Sfo*>pcrfpTioa*papers
art*, in circulation to riise.jmoTiey to ..yndltn
iWa'sMCct-bif' fof • rt?Hpf r oi 'wotmded^oV
iijfe .gSCTaL'-? ‘ : "'/■ ,1J c
/.a-!—.r.iiic- jnin -ir b >jt i» i**d
realenjed Kaelojr of. tteiTadfetbil’
Sioux. * t*' ,
- ’O'unAj K. T.-, T3ept. to.—'Bio following -WH33
•Ibrouabl by a messenger to-Connell ikud'i yes--
• lerday: . ; < •,* ■ >*: . -
: : - ■-• tr: Siocs CirY,-Seittain’ber6 l i ISG2. >
ot tb^^T^oiiri Slopes ?
,_iife'W6 c tbaVthe ou,,tbe. £?a -oTu-ifewi^:
■against tfce wbites. : : £ome. .settlers of D i£oL>,t
. -liiive already been attacked.- 3?be wbbndedanA’
::cbildten albrg the Missouri are U4eiqg-xd b'Arf
•RttcdtllrSad 'TbeTdcQ-askfore
to-pipted the yaiious pitots bn tUii frop^
• tier. 'M$b r of law^r^^me' £e|p uAfor
-cr_tbrv6 y?eeks '.until govg>nuiw»t-teMpj at- =
: iiye. ,resigned).::.: : A..R. Smceh,: -- t o
-v *.O c N.G..fli;BSc«f 1 uu.
,- J. Bqrscu . , iL .
• • * «■••: t'Aid Safety/
'Cbm, -GaEpoll»*pn&yement9 1
:! ,'-. i:V ,L~ hvi
, : OAXprous, &iyah7, otoj ;
J ‘ 560 } ;s)fffle‘tbeirapptarauedat G q’.clock,
■ i.tLiS'.; nlSiiag^oii-tHe-Oinh^iVe^opp-sEfw 1
Swan Crctk,
, ..They were.£oiogymr4he#ippctioa of
. are sup post'd -to barns puruod -of
> Jeii'iDsV commandi - Lieut, of the Ota f
- -w%o was-trircir.prisoner at Wjjstodf 1
-reaped here*’this Evening,
• 'beefc patofed Jenkins. •He w'as wYttfuieqi-,
, f 4nfi^,ibeirrnftrcbifftfaiu3s'^HmtorKinairba‘
■ “tires oeen
. domd, in b^Bitt^^p-cdiniunnl
-Xlie* EeWis’ 1 ltei.ul»ea“. niartln I *-
r ’Uintp’tfiltp&tcli • frdm* Jfiiliaa
\ 3fsjiTn,'SßCE(v‘\ s-,; 7, a$Q2,
STajor (j«nGrdl.stpbli”- \o* D•' ‘
X have the honor to*xepdft’fHat the eneiny,
• cdtre feting- : -iBO ■ car a 1 ryf Tvbb 1 J rdt icsed my
.uuiposta, hatßibeeri deieaidd? of
abqut fiftyjiriaoirers, now iUr
opr possession'. ,*our loss was.two T kUied and
-fen ■wounded',-IccXuuiog Capr. Groveiiqr and
Xioit. Logftnydf the 12sg ITHnofecavlltr; Tne
.lofs K>f tgc enen y. grcafcy. excels: oar -own,,
'But is not known. ■■. JUJ *~ i
.... _ Julius Gen. f.-
: 1S Kc|6;^W4tis(;}ucntSiT
T\, r A NXE D E_v .a - ybnr.g iruiri,
•, * • (whose efet:i;etDentXs a'><ut*£o
felonsa c-. TVLchjfeeii; Grocery y: CAaiOiiaaioniToU'C, to
: Jinyir.p vdfy-wlit-re he can a'aalre'n prafifiraV kaow-’
leopt or bniifuia. I Salarv noise timeh of aa bbucbj
at a guc-il he use. ? Best of leforauct*. cuvn. • Art
Pi's* or apply to CL.G.GOUl\_*fci)., 16
and 1# stale street. • .•_ .■. • Bs>uJlo 3C .
IA —-A’ ll^lit.’tecdiidiiaiui
v*t 'VAGOXr Arypfi^onriav’iiSi-Riicbfeo
oT ::in fml !i j>y call'ns <-n .1 AN*;
jvui.i ls,,iy.i 6ir«et.
'.\A ATVTK’f)—A-Giri-who Gan cook
» 7; ondiron.* Spoly. wUh ct>M-<flty e?.
\7f?t Fide ofilicliteau.Aveu'ii;, sLUh duyr trow North
street.-...:: efepbAij.uit
iV il-XT Eip ~-A .iiy a L
V<iUE7trAn.'as-honlrkcCppV <rrSaTejiniAfi. ; “Tni)
adrcitfct 1 * i«4 ; ot atroitl of.ww-t; • sernrt>>taki.
chr.Tgf- i.ri.livvn if !•»><.• ks. <. iQ mvcgoofl citv r*»tvK‘
enc«sftsl-) sict ri:nrs-tUr. Vcoaale/>h‘iU> Uifr'^
rcpuuj, il dcfeire(J,_ACjFcss '■ J.A.G--'*-Box
2SH. .. c
■ \VT A X X.E P—.A\Sitaation, ss
» » clianirtl-tiVurn in a r's3erlalil'‘ fJrai v. ‘C.'V'i.
give good reierecccs. .T .’M\’ihuae
uittf. ‘ .
jV\/ANTiti)—JJiriard ibr a gestio
, T r . nan i«r>a,wjA\-w!k*:re
: of Vflfi Burrn *nrid (“V-t of St:ste sired, or
t-ouii; oi Sui-vru-r -nau ea.-i ol
]»*." I*.*:. 80i.5i>5, siatu'j: terms aad loeslioa.
- . .
'TV A N Tli D -7-JMinera—Seventy
’ V T cents a ton. 1 U*ady work feverv
Tiici.oy owry ntcht, is
t«MJ. OLIXEi. iirvaul St.Uioo, Bear ifafcVHlej Greut
VNN-rteMrK.-' sel-e-a'A - i , -.l <
t\7 ASXEIi-r-!By..a jirpiopt psyjnsr
ft tenaaf/'a final! cculge cou-c, or.four or*o7<n
-rdoii'S-Ui ».private resiih-ECe. Addrvfß. wit*/ i-.-rni-,
IccttioD, c.c., F. O. 5-jx Ig'Jh- . -FeplMicSO-lw '
i t - . WfeEchtoS<-wCoUuq j)r«*w.:r». '
paid: • Handwork crihiCiime.' •’itl.iTiiilhTjEioQstreet. -
Jiucd pr)ct‘.-j.<hh. : •• • *•-- • 6e9 nXJi-lt
AKTKL) -Iq the -cent'al p*rc
- nf thedtj.orni-Ar a st-eet’eari. for a
email b.» a c:irtuil and p unu't.payinct--tu»nr. a ;
small OOltaae, (.r.lh"rte or lour rcoms-Bity laciliiici f->r
:n a larger tfew-lURg', {ffiruShod Wri*--
Ur red.) I'iut ouuh-rtte. Kiferercts ex-
Aadi:ci6i > .O.iioof«soy J lur tarecd-,s'3.- I '
sFj.v-ua>i-~t~ .• -. .. . ... ,
-W’ , -'AKTHI}---'BtarJ. .by a'.geutlQ ■
V *■' Tnar.vrifi- ai d little girl, ia ap Ivate fd.ullr,.
<wlrtrtvthtre ar»* no-'hoanr-r: wllh'n t-sa
ml; i;ue wniktf tlit; TremontHousfe, Aailn,-«> •' 3] NT.'
8.,"! 1 . O. I>ox46l>i, Chicago. ..- * -avisy-uifeiit
'fS' AK.TED--Tir..tlie^e%lil)orl:o(iil^
». rftho Vjftii Alarkc’t," a house! pKiaeaiktly lo
c.rto*l. coi.taliimcfr. nl trur to Ms nOus, ciut ol'
tfertu; irrelcEiccl. AjiMy.vtW Xortli Dearborn s-Tcct.
, seplmOSi-ot a
W ANTEP.—A ypHjigiwSln-'Nvislies'
* * a situat,lon tig teacher hi a f?hoal ortotorln a
privateTaroi'y. jre'iaH' teach the.variuas
nnrd.iss fcduc-.tlorr. • He nan iifecm rinjrou. hif Tfaiami
10r..-the- oilcx: t-f teacher...i.*ijexce}i?li»iiaMt» tenthn.)-1
uial,- juveu-a> to. chara'nter aui • ahhitv-;,- Addn-ss
ANTR!),— I Tyrsk to: cnip!ov.a-.
• 7 '' - in-crcrr cnnntr ia the NcrihNv'lsffor
_ti-e,sivleol r.i uru{Ue th«t.l.-i !’irtlbp?njaMe-to en'rf
uasinrFF n>-m m-tbe coantry. The xctaiprlee Is on’y
-Ore Doiir.r. wLlcliptaCPs at the reach of .jvery
ffihu ■» ho h:inii!cr» mennr,: Actnts are Voninjj ilioh-
Sands, .Wur it-ms n are yerviiJjcrall we will
rrnd h famp'c to'any p»*rs‘):i to art A* accnt,
hpptf receipt of OJ-1 ceu*.S la' •aalpd. AddrcS-r Hr Z.
BATES. Chicago, 111. . ,
W ® TRU - -As entfr to xatiVßS foi
, V T . tic lortlicomir.c idftorv i(.f t|ie Ctrii Wap in
-An encarhy JwiO. S,'<_' - Aimotr. i-iutlior of the Life
A'ttPclet is. iUsrorv.oj th(»LFn:iicklieviJtut!od,Mbnarc!ij
Of Ct iitiLciuii Lur.u>e v Ac > .WUi iiad tLh- a
r:«e Felnni bool;, Twnj>libep.u: Apply for territory
tu O. K
-P©6t-oe<.c.Bos •*- '■ •- ‘ 'apX>p§336ti t
A I'* 1 EX)—rAs •§>*:
Hotel. A.l-vtjy dtslresna-e:,^a^e. , Le;i. , sln £iu)
stove csr-icitv. li-bimii fuvcra'.-jcas practice pri
■pothnCe In diifcrc i.l llibt hotels. Can nroduro
n-ierwKu*. AddriM lor one wetkiMrS. S.'r;ir., Post
OHIO,, -Chicago.- ' seDxUTO’tlt
T OjiT— Sept*
' JL/ 7th; hrtwcvn Xyrth Sfcu:- MWlon’ on I.'ivishia
North Clark Ftrpet, and corner of .Jaiksou .-.atj
fctat» tit- ela,-a !it« Lace Collar :ood Half ‘Hrl* ;it ”ini
A sbitiWereward will .he,paid for the'recovery of
•’siiHiC. 1 - - •- • 0.-H/MfLESsT' • I
schn?7l-3K .. . K05.235 ancUKH.statcstreet. ;
S3iho£A«smt. a small three y.ear o!<l Cow. browse
atdb'ack. w*Tt: a white spot uc t-achthigh. A suitable
. rtwurayUl grvtnJop-hec ifciarn -•
„ ... . -A.-J. K.VSTK >!>,- .
•".:*eS-a26Wt r ‘ Carpenter norti of-take;
.■/VajTS.-i-. OAi^lr^<3saHi-.:.3Jien..-in
~ x s the coontJT. that _lwaiilto.soaa£e:
.-tevtSAl PHrjfep. PiiclF pdintt; tb pcrchaso!
<'al> ct.juu i accuiu t or Umt
' wish to-« In rlthtr'Way.'aDa'wtto art.* Vt'jrouil 1
■nxjT.m- it'T oniind;
slTraCf. frelgl't. etc., ami address H.,” caro ofT. 0..
kTC. C;.ii:;igo. seplhttßMfr
! Aifcsnfoil;; .TststXtli*R3
---A-” A - 7wny : to' ifnrVn.iis ‘an- iCt’erVsf fa
Jjntile: y— bm.wuaid ouy
‘Feir'ins to soil wJi fgU
:.4.nr‘RnFiixs 2isto cnnacity. coi«lUon>i©catloc:«io. of
‘ cittllkTj, and also nbs; price I.T -ail c?&. wul wliat
ior- pun cfcsfc'.d-Acknkss ‘"a.'," care P. n. Kox iWT.
Cbicsso.- .- -■te > t9-iasi ? i6.
. iL-\ -ilidrird Cowan havbig'so’dto 3CG. Ja*-i4nse
nil Ills I' ttmt in the ftfm of?, L. Jaeecliii.i $ Co , tee
-arm i>tuael»y tCsuuVca. ’AW demands', clncyiifl flr&i
- \yiU fcoj'aul to-is. L. JausckPCft an J.all debt.? o-*inc bj
- tae eoacemr Wifi be pat aD 7 him. "S ‘ JAESuHxa,
..HiK.CVH'AKh -J
Chlcsco.Scpt.^.lFK." 4 ' ' sepVJiiMj
become? -d •member’ofMjjr
■fitmf'©tn-thiE <»nte. ‘SXLViifcli.R'iJanSd & C(>-
• 14ifcafco.aept.l-:i9s2 '. -• - v •' -s^iJ-ulO&ld^th
T OST—Bei'woen ';LaT?V.an'4'jSl^4t
im~J fctreiU?. on ‘Dearborn snvFt’a hVdj“s 4io°d
.Hunt:tip.(Just >V«*tcb.‘ il.ellmler.wili.-be tihrfaiUy rfe
•warden tfricuvtL;: It i.ftuc dllkc. tremohtlloise,
. scElMff'ja-ti.~ j :o i.'J -l’ - ■' s o- i
&QT3- ir,U>:o!S. "fiE'PlitKtff.
o<7j-An enll-ted-rae* of thfs restmerff ’oa farlonah
o: olhcrum-. vLo have not 'et repuPtcateCaftam
.lobn A Broi-.e an- lit* d>v crrteied to report tnnliu bv
tVEPNESD-iJ Ail IKU.VUUi. at trie’lrsban-j Offlc*.
or t>e treuted.jft B&jtfow 01 CoI.F.T.
'■•-I .; :-eaptvSEUtililiicl* Volunteer*.
Chicago, Sgpt, > S.3s6j{ > . ;;) ,_ . v r ; ®ep9 u^Ul-JJr
-E'en SA Lsr-a-Wi)l' this
Crouad-Sa* io'clock PndaQßf
■paTrorfinc Bnysrariaoq?. W’Ul-.b< ?oM.«fiu-arat?Tx cr
are» or »iqdglo*_ Can beseeaat-tln
uh'’street.' ‘ r 8e& •
-'JL'" t'DpvJtdln cftinucnn" hotel in fhisrity.
and a*t.c i? not capable ofeuperinbrnWn!r >
jo *\ ? qaM bride re#4on
isiisuUoir af£
Sb& It fftriaeir ii - Bfoea’-s •Connie
ciol CoUego : i•., ses-.tt£&i£- -
3E' EKR ; A ■‘J^S^G/aas
-* .iV. ro
iijarw«fe-P§9i"J3fcee 1 13 11-?I 1 -? t.
4ppty at pig Qgg. yil r j i adgito
(np-Biairs.) jjurti-j-: to OtaeXtg TSSSff
Jt - or exchange ?or go;DWs«rtrcin a>ri*
.scuds, .a Stow, ,*>!*&.»
Irfrei and ■pr6mab!?basmess'n.rfir u -riilTrosS/ J&.5 re
nflsKSJfl? Sid-dil ttlawi
•*ad JJavt- JxafeidC'Waa
8lor» g-e idr srf tficarainr toreftei <• of wj»J Ia slta
bAntaisa -sort *it er,
Vce'coo aiid fclackiiuimjjhoijaXD
ni-iiO ♦.atge&^zaa^
V-- HtC A £tr AGADEMfejEkb
twntii ix»r at aasMtoal *Jr jessg.iidteSt
. -_ —Ki»>«ritASS teUft-OBKi' giin«nWtj -ffp
tSBHI-Jieiln.'ion.nlli>KU4Slcfisp£x2td.-qia.T»lifaaJ(rtfc !
at ■
.yfaJS siitl ol ooillo '{da |
. , „ . j _ . . . j, , j - 1 . TT f® ' ll
f. ai
i S3: =o ica .Jsa; TaSisaa>/T*
v7ou ~oi
j u<-v--ThcZF&k
s WBDMESS&Y, Tgapfc 135^
jitii:i:£.3 £. 5i ::ol i £>vuH .3- II -7l= ,7fib :
.L-CKOVJ ;A*SWU3W3rE .L ?cT» ! Sr.i
; eato’Sc*? &£>
pgr.cfeJarC&lltSfifirfiirßttfetaSiai'i :o ; C£Cl ; -Ilii
?-.<: yi-j'VlOiCa o: ct. dOiii Vl3 • !;<■ \
q**=£ s»fetr»ctlau>iaml j
s c: Li: . 7 -,j
s tao ,ac ircuTaoj *i •J.'vUiJ 2 oi io : * ■
fPgrf.ayxr r.i-i-r c.£f37Stttlth^HpalT6U»i- , e > rlj<h*gf;r'.r-r. _
,»/ viil.
r> r f. c .-. ij'• -, ;n: n • :»?5 Oitaft. Gat> ♦
L-w ** ~ '‘ ‘ ‘ .man. ... r
•’“* : <z<
‘ Prtlf. ‘.'.Latin' i>at run cifcf,
OO i»jJilifiaOiC,6iL“€;if^VlfrfifWri»To.. i ,- T
; a«, a3:«o:r« »JT—.c:uO . - 1 ’ 1-
> • - 1 -'- 1
.;.• -. - xMortii SvKkacis-ot
"r" q‘ 1 '-. i.cotiirsii'on -1%
. •/ -)Hi4wr>
PrdC.'Sllkaß.'C?; eci c *W. i Xvrarr^KW.. • Uczo
' ■ «lo{dATwi;ctlide-» fc Utnit»*tti*ir>tM.-:
.. . r r- %l.tCt (irgi.lAU Hi*
• •. V, tort- aJis -A4o‘(ih:noo_ , v:-; 1
ProL Sa*to&. jfcGtrj..
—. -'- •'Tri^o£.ocjc(f!t.>r'*^iuratio£i.fcaT-.‘'
v<.‘y:nf;^>Tu>ita»iT>o. — GtTb hUri
• .glu-urlug.' U?ni« AnV
• ;*. .vi»iß*ai;jdituticliisV’ Jiiaics:’
«, v I
Prof. Joicrsox, Latin. Tli:-Llcjy Hornet?,; CScer.W
Prof, Mahlaii,Science, viz; Chemistry, Rill,,
UAHilfl. Geo.o^vv
-tnV.'iWlr.ZsSWsK i;
Prcr/Booxn, Intcrn?Ucn;U Lxw.Cwaatiluttari of
to -v 01 '•’OtK<-tH*trfcs; ■-• . !
iJ?& k fc'Mathis, JJtPes .LtUrcS. vli-jißliotnrlf,’ Hi/*-
. . ... to»\ LlUi.iiU Lcc
•. -1 ■- n - - J ~
.•* od .tfocils,. Lit^ature I .''
1..0 D *° •• ’- •' • t .
, P^oLJ^ix^P.tJodeml^iasuaefs—2refcciiaaJ'Gt?rmah.’
'Pit-fe?H7n.‘3es’&VPboVn, iL llopn.
::o'j 6Z
l, Catalogues .sent, on. .application, -
KvOGDEN, J ' r
: PrcsKleht of tbgCoVpo-At'.on.
I" Hor. J. Bfirrctafr.'
JJ -JAUS. The rnost_
.all cl!,i.iil;iji. -A tura.ofTlie (bo Jjar fcli
‘tffcbt*. - NoccaretittcfiilirciL The mort.
pjiiji Efclr. 1 jfc b
% .T, • - 3athe j coiii'i^y ; , .AVo bJ?o:i- ..■
■WiUdiiglitiy's Patent Screw Top Can;
:: f
ErataeCvd K«ttJeft'-wid VQrf.rtHaVtJbofl*. a-'
’ fur sale at wholesale and Ceui^-io^"
‘-for cash." * '• - j
A. B. >fc;Oi H; BlbliKß,
t t97oJ2tcc-
rT> E1 S' l*S A I/SDi—Dr. Whlttisr’i.
_ u?4f ©flJeeiwlU-bo-ropen .t M-.ofltii i P. it ’■
Ter Consultation-Frea of'ClwTg» t ‘ ;
- nrjjWctF SfeE. only yuctrlan vi GWtfaao I 'thit’oiilcet'"
blood discus- s a speciality *n>l nervuu- .icbt;***. wii'.ct,
procures some o: t-.e f-ilowlps tllact*: ’bci-UcSc*.
fttwir-ituni. lusi OF Htf'niprv. rinclngrin IU» ♦ srs
jprapifcß-oatbedic6.-iiod.rv the
whole vital economy. Toa-can.ri;ly.on.a ,- r. ■*
■ Pentti elnrfc Street ill iette-a‘w'tTi'ptjmt 1
antvered. P.v.Bjxi '■ iep^-jO^-XOtart' ■
. TTHEBEAS. Kubba?Booßami*lJoe».E9aanfiici?irGd
‘ln Fordin rpnntrjoj, Ini ve Sepa an,U. j»r* stUI iieinir
••JrirtrotiiTrcd ruid soldi rithf- CNTTItD'STATES. in Direct.
, ylfjbrtfyncf tli‘ ■■' -
'ilicrtio.rc. be St iraow a ail sHiomiy Import* pnr- :
cliase. cr eell^acli-iiabt nr jJo*-t*or Shoes, within tlie
u i? laa luted Juuami,
‘detemrinationoftlie ; ‘
cov'pic eai*.shoe 'jissp cevti-vw, ‘
■To frptj-.utfc to. Uie fcllckt cst2at,iuil parsootso viola-'
ting' said Pat-ill Law's' .
i-- ' " * * -
. .. .- „ - £.SfrCQXV£UBI^- :j * S c °??*
‘ * Eoetoti. A tig. 13. '!?&?.' ' °epi-u'JjViic.y-at t V3y
7iij[&Vcl^liJiJi',&■, XC.H-E'&'PBgy
■,-ji-f?i)ay ratet;wut£; denb
rTT tiitl lail app'jararo; of , , ... . j
■;• ‘ .TV V. M’iJOsrotTSH. .
■OQXdrh’Ji AfrCi-r-iAn pri*?cnfrd fifHh'i flrft time
. Ul ,tU3 city. fyr. runr\y ys ar£ the bo»ticxful rplay of
; i k, gxivx ti- -
Vlrginlus, iIr 4I J„S. ilciJvaoagh.
' 1 • ' : “ ALSO. ' • V
,'Anti Hie lust great scene Lp tbe-play of the, _ i
: J ’ ’sEv^^hssxtfts..•, : i: _
ddn-'tiow lit*' seV.irei at ‘tlic Dax.o'gieo-Jg~B
X TlikTitnity Dij - is
li Oitetfon t3i«
Farfefcam.tfaup-nUiJ 4 s».utii n Ciums.t.
ThrwSt F*Ttn frill co:niht-niv on the llr«t '>V“dii>;.-.tay
of November. JhOcaiuta v '.Uiefenictiv>n, m a safe and
iifrtrqa'uJivJifwac. i> V.o, u-s'jia of t-ii; school. - ere .ri
'oiiFpccrfic tnforA'atlOa'With roliabie ToP-rouccs. \viil
,I*e j»rcuiUjUv sent '&j ILquituaJ.:. W. A,
SIGilQLti. ifas ilia, r • ;BcVu2tiifoW
T> AV:S N ''& V U '&V.Q K, ;i
‘XV’-J.i* ~- ,
.tBJSy tSQiaa B, }>£«:*<) FOBXES,
.Vareroosu.J»o, i:i£«irju*d>c.! near Broatiwar. * 1
.SETV JOUE.. . ~. ' ; !
i’ The?rne experience nnfi-tlieinkDy facllltfifeaii 3 , pito
prltiorrp&etowv enable: iiiftiu f.>bMKin'c6 i in#truraect»
unfu r i>it»»efl by any others »*staWl.«limeat.; jbelrwr
-stEafaitenJiot. iSglven "Jo tlu* couairvtalon. tmprqvc*
lotroduetlen' ef all tjsSntlrt chanu'e.s tb it
> jun J»Mkj reQoirEiLCLLmJte-R: pt-»3*u Pinno FovtS. > west
ern pun. Lasers \igitUis; X'ork er*ln,7itca to call
■ and txamlre f»rirt;l’*ge lyhtch.wiS
: hve onoaTOtable terms. JJescrlptir.rclr*
- -intrymiailai • ill an d*i* ’vhgdjU-tao^ffm
■\JT--'v ‘ . n •■- r. ll'3'r ii
“ toan snOiscoact Office^j. a
NO.4S South,Clai£ Streep. Cup .stales,!
• ; elta? t.vrrjrEtiAVji, '' L ' G.’yohKitN.s- :

I) l-lIS G.: i
_ . AWi SHA'iV'LS.DyBdhC
n - • . .: i;Epirc£i>4?iuwt£. v , .
I - » :
' '- ■-•••-' "'I '. S.'KATII3CaI J
;T1 Ei=r-Tilßi trader i
X-Jjtigtsd'Uab«rud , 'dblsotHceMdlia.* ■•'• • - j
■CoJ , atr-05-Sotiia WaU ranS.
• in.the old frtnif billtKric orivis*le7,"L3fftelrcb*4 e6
tvbfcrejhafrixaataotsia." ! /L ii : ' ;
i ; (ifan 1 aUcnUMnmhi aril'
ialac-r.X.U3iIiK2C edy»Qc«a uc-ojcfiauraaat?.
icrr, tte‘ tX. ..v!}; rJ C4J
• SERIES. a FfitiS
to wifiT th^r
ordersxy> ol IjvXmo iiist. aa-1 yfiiLhaiJe t.lem
, tird'lCn» oi' rieirtnoiifli- jf.O.Box
185.;. Jj. W.UIoBIE. aSOT-SS?
1 ; i:, JTo* B>Taamont Block? Deufcffm 1 \
*^W«Tes'Bßt4«ce!V‘d'd 1 iareiy t^ujity/ot
- f. c 1 • - •-JoJj. W3 Cl93p;u-) !! -) • U
li,->.UzL-a Jl if, ?:il .-. int !j:.> ;
UjsderuhlTits.'DpsJwiMid, .
• j , iinlutiliiV,
ol> 1 ts..' V’-''* 'E •^■'* r [
-7-. _• 7.' 77’ji oi i -i 1 7i.1 '-S3 r-i.’ *C* * ' 1 1 J
’ : j; Beautifully Itlnmiiadfeir ’j i
■: 3\Af tim 7 u i4lcfe ;i n&glnff feJiSM. I
ffaflaEdSee.Uieelua esc -.'>-1 siaT ii->vu -j.,.j .
SffTh ,
m H. i'Bj'Wi’Bi® iiMitfi'KfSai,:
9neß-T>H6asetJDti tc.s>h q.m na a _ : J . v> !
1o c.tni vnfa aansTioatiuOai b 7hcp
Tjfl) V-1M soj io huqn sill Jill U .bveatii =i
.»r. ircVi i)OC ,airil n7£C HOisi/lD 317 13 ;
*d» £f j St33uO
sf«sa»e j
baa .T-l !
",VM:lßpgijy^ J i3!l SJA’EEiSXBEEI,,,; ;
.iSE»lJ;jßsti>Ji “Wf TOSlrertiifoubfflMKeattae fe!
* ,i.\}Jj wSi a iul iU li-ja 1
'mWfXmmk c«,
o goJf:mr*»o liotJj bJifoik 2TP(J
(Jot ban li--40^ J 44% [ 4©bt
i7?i H ICjiJf “ .7T*.TIIOD Olti 10 SHOT!
,o!qooq l &'3fi&£Q o2 ‘ lf « ”
m .slodtn oailodJ^^OTla^fft
:^^ l^ k SiiTti®fcilldmri*<bstifcc:- , !titilll Stripes
Hfgf .rsiiq ••)!?? vci fjojfii3
fff nvrJ AfrMdDl«au£E!taio*io*Si6h
•«l^,g^'jL4tri C i a
~fce I*fc,i «B ;<> LtfSrSfifflfemA S*U
r! ortttii! -Jill Ww'hSs.iiK *>Jtt *
t\'< .6’Gh7-,‘? brp =TT<Mii',[ lo VTioiiff
WHITS- ”»"©od©3.
,ri-. -hcoi s.l5 J A4 a Sgj®® Il OK«i :<■! »
mib --i
: Notions- s fiosiferyi
for eliovclmr zo<-dB. r - i•> 1 • „
'_^Tfiii;Si7t}fWwiU , T«:et4e r 1 > lib3f^r' : jS^¥> I %AtT&
■ ?!.'^.AT T KyTyi’- N %.;., I.
t.iadi'iO - ’ « t-za Jirgis *
sik fr :iU
uj -I; gs •! vr . m-— . i rirr'Y
v,- s-'j Ku XJ i-i/rS
i. j ' S,OCQ Packages^
k>t !.->)// innj
,-J ...i; -.r-vi ■■ :T o
-n- v’::- v ' ■ >: --rt j rj
TiTi -i 1: -t!? i r *;*;o ; • im;J ott
” v io-THi-if*,,
;; 'i-baiiiTitE ’ ' “ ...
1 !;;;J' ••? ii- -T iJ 1 i ]_'"l Ui « -‘VT
• 1;:;: Ilid&lc of 3
Wgfei ,‘of j all
.the •■. newest. > antt • most ■ i ottraotfve
■gßcda' i ef- -dll ’ offWHok
Eastern value. .-.■ ji<>; i.u.s-iJ i.u
; S&5 A State Chicago.'
©asm -TC¥-km :
' Win 1 fiere Sri 3 i,' J sjlep4-3.' at oc£tb.
■ppurcur 1 ’ .ttlHlijiftl
1> r i:.*i 1 : /I y.f?
> The Best- Asssttrf 1 atoi
ClieapestSreck- MtKe SaSrkdt.
*1 yil '■X i :*»!
Now in stoie f : which We tradbwlU
- do’WfiSlio jK&tolriSs
elsewhere.’ ':“V;'”VT Vi'! 1 ...I'
• *“ f< r r: 'S '
IN VA IVIDS : ,' ,!< “ 1
.‘•l dr.use PulmanacjTpr Lnr,4iE>: -
cneesr rn-‘i;i;*i*;rt*-iTil to ray 'patient. hArp? f’iy "*• a
.oce-:iie< milill.* as a laxative ind alF&ugfliej-i
■lL!idigo4tW»-(»Ti!rttn3. r ’ ' ‘
Wrtfch IDTlOpTr l *^^ l^'
.. iml
S$ Baaf i;Hr-;itr«e6s: Citeff %
r ‘ ' T >.V. K V O A' 1. T^-wP-"‘grief;x.
p-j lr.ivii) -V AHlX—hi !*a from
Sp.X ► ** *.lho r gt»iMp of the sabiitlin-:. one wilij
-.soiilldf U«e'ROJr, l VPUrtit W.ih.'n'tii-T V fl-io
Horses n v-a:s pul, ujjout.iasju Ji> .uigiu frp&
lftetritiii>m» ha!»Ti HoCnm'iottor iftt'e DlrtrutJ,
n i ft.U\,Ueok,Ji» d w lu-j|Jirued,&ij4*trp.i-«u-a WtiS
>*taniie?«»e to* pitct-'a lltt e.' Tiia
thcLirgcr.^Jlu;al>v\‘i t
a-rCsrci Urttvcetfad rtcoTerj' of aorpoe. or onebaif
. above. loftitAe.treatyrflFiOS
iofrutaVirrilo ctveii for any lcf«coiaLoa Icad.mr to
, the • WlihrraKou W .of;tb2n*<fr c d JSOrfM; II
1». r!’|i ATTiniXVorlh Slut* Is’snd. or H. ?(Z, MoSAlt-
- v
• : A ■R^iii^cHSqiT-KOS
- llTx; s
cash paying bu-'ineas. cau Icaaß -iuii,inttiCiiva&%.>y
cfiui.g on iiAPFA i coLLiys. yb.
strpet. ■»»■— tt seo mlo-Dc
r\\' ATS-EHOtrsE’S* Ei'&My.
I -J.l; ui .X.l.t
v , , TEX.J}OJ^B«O^J>[KIi?f n r -dl
s crie'Bl.-liisalAVin tills iln’i; Battery, now at Mim-
crflncn SoritbeißattocMs,
• £ - A." vi': WtK3l> WaRU. Lieut, and Uecl y, lidlcir,
t: -jj ; :L-i>ai&dTUai^ttiit^«lWit.
. JL, rtvacitetdi,Cdi3it-€ity.'grew€ry.lHor£E crunaitm
’Wert. Alibi's, niid Bugi>-, : The Ofrner. have tba
-,£9Hifl hi t-ptf.ylns,»f:*bori2.i>r'jTtnai|Jx«i«rtyj3p»yrfg
J chaTßcs, *o. " ITtIED. vVA^ULIf
v2-jdi in .Iwi in a.'-i'-ii-’/x
I Gjoc<rieF73ißafiayde?# ,, CdP‘s ; 9l<yftr s
J?pal Estate la iKonsm.
. <POnSTiil rn ‘Ca'Q- or aai
t t*ijwn scni-atWsc'jfeH/ 3 V^ttir
; JBi.fi Sj'
’ jl\ ffegatlitfc? fora'BOieolO.’-O.
,MJlar «L GhsrHfrfXbfep«b- jWc^TO'tb*
S*fnev‘u>.n; c Pto'f tt oh ratnnluy clgat last. and.
.PBVHsuht pi'ea&-lia3iceftß^t»pptd''' , Ai GvMOHa&y
.. SoksS, *s&.y v ~ ..-, ><~y> gttgj>?fe
s?iifcETß®<MA3i'UFAGTo®Efl : pff
-£jcflcTy»t«i* ;i unit)^ed.irti*li*flWdßQiai4 : B*?&p : bc66
loriahn- • s>; Tart ob Dcrnt. I will
par Mich pdccs a'corduig to qua'lty. la ui la.
■j£*&& ' viafira uishaJ-cS'Ltfr
,aipct.^ v 4jfte
ssbffltorcrt-otsta-ttratr?.ai >.••••.:iathe poichaftoe Sad
D.oilJvd * .QTiSbiilSEniatHlSfMU «) r
_£J5 32>0^
■TV 11
-n'lni'o j; ii:i K .Inn ojf.r.iJ
.g.-ioilliiit 11^
•. i 1' >i o*!
’j-j'i? r
*:;1 l!
iLost. I '-- >^
In. v.l »•
’’ "Mm ttal. OIELfi-I
'‘SpjJVkteS; ll :xI
nj JiidliriE'
• i T»r 'Tstfi* WRs&i^
rT . ufT ,- no .p^gX4^a&t
-MiMJL- S9sTßßSasn)WsaS3S™»
'- ' —iiop - -- ■. -i
In edllng oarCaatete. Call and gee them aadbe coa«
'■<&*! T#^tftnSta«ctlag
•?.r.... >;d

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