Newspaper Page Text
Insurance. UKA.VCU OFFICE KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INS, CO. Kiiissbury Block, Chicago, HI. BESTDENT DIRECTORS: MATTHEW LAFLTN. firm Walter & Roger?, Coal and Pig rS?l A S° nT - Etor. and Cm. ?.■ V C<n- K. G.C. Cook* Co., Wholesale Grocers. t ?£&«H. ro * $ i'rake, Tremont House. - ■ c - i,srs ° * oo - ex o~“«- ?»* s,lpcr *"r court of Chicago. AV circuit Conn. r- -m iVnWr’ &.S s *?'» Superintendent 111 C. K. K. Cj. M. Vi HEELER, Auditor G. & C. L. K li. SfTOTCAI, EXAMINERS: niILTOX PARKER. M. D. J. V. K. BLAJVEV. M. I).. Prof. flush Med. College tiiid Northwestern University. ii. S. MORRIS. JESSE B. THOMAS. o~ricrn« at home orncß EttASXIS LYMAN, President U. F. JOHNSON, Vice President. GKO. F. SNIFSEN, Secretary. A rroiV! of fdty per cent will be clven when the rrenmin: amounts f' $Vi. I».vMend< v::l be raid in ■chM.. t«' apply cn PicDilum Notes or added to the J o:lcy. Kndowtr.t nt and non-forfoitinrr policies issued. Ihe levels of tins Compaev t inelatlinc il« eaJi cird 'al, whirl; .15 perp- tnaU are lanr-r to it< Haol.ltlrs than Hint of ant other Company in ;M* country. Two Hundred and KiPy Pi/.icb s were issued ;it till s oH’ee In sdx months. en.lrid .Uilv in. Anv person win* wip c-di and examine onr piano! doing busint-s.-. wi'.l be satinled That the C-'nipaavca i not be found wind; eM'e: :n -re i.ivoratdw ‘.niuieeuimus or civesa better guarantee to the assured than tills C.mpnr.y. JJ. F. JOtISSOX, Manager Kran.-ii Odico ses-u2;?-im 110 M E INSURANCE CO. Of New York, OFFICE. Soi, 112* 114 BROADWAY Cash Capital 81 000 000.00 twt Jnly, 1562...51,555,f»79. -0 Liabilities *t»S7*S2G.S2 ABSTRACT 0* THE EIGHTEENTH SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT, bfhowlrg the condition of the Company on the Ist day of July, ASSETS. C'-ish halation. inhar.k aorta bd.n£ first lien on real estate 815,033,53 H.oans or stocks. parable on* value of s.xarir: ■*.. f G.vW.OO.' 113.733 31 Vritr.i SiJte? and other stock- (im.ket valcc':)3J."-V» no Keal Estate G'.tiOT.r>s interest due on M .July. i-ii.’. ;of which. $44,- sj sine" in-i n 117,00J.57 .•l.i’aiM lr. iiamls of areiitT an Ila of lriuisn.i-:lon irox on i-t July.tof -hlr'i l,a- < h-.n i.-ciwvoti . ."7.0:5 74 IVils reeep-anie. dor i'-c:;itt:ui > on Inland risks 41.011.07 t prop. -tv. ntisi -.-'.:.-., n. ;t>‘r:;s lO.O'T.'il jTcniinrns ~ sued at oiliec a:.;l on policies I>- TcMl. 'Atm* Pt-p—c? o- Ve t-lCChliohu re on aCLOi’.n' f • CHA.S -T. V.\'?Tl s President. A. t WII.LMAIITH. Viot-I’rofl'lent. Jon:-: McGee. «*«vr.-!:!r.r. _ _ _ iJILI-K:- >V \y\:. i.vj i \v ikl< l£.’siO-\v Mutual Life Ins. Co., OF KSW YORK. PEEDESICK S. WISSTOE, President. CASH ASStTS JCLV 1. 156; PAID CLAIMS HT HEATH, $ 4,000,009. AC-G’IEGATE AMor v 7T OF DIVTOKN’ES, 53,600,000. C j,3b Income for year cntlui~ Junnury Cl?t. 1-yV*. 5 1 ,553,73 1.3 I. •Lcap<‘r" Ccirp.'uy. As-r.ts TVf-O'iii.-.-t.?;:: :: ('..'’i. (r-o not- }■ ‘A I’n ;riesTVir cec-'R'iiry. astlm Company ‘t.*’,!! purcha- 1 -. iv»r r;f«-i v.t'u-. Policies up oh rxr.rtits ia f. i" 'H'V-i f any o’,’u?r Life ii.=araf:' CoTTUaHiy m ,l: " i'airad St at S. i-c tLe of in- Dividends-.pp'nnili <• m'ra-c*. to reduce ■ ti■ >n oj the. In-urtrs. .rt.-.C‘reu’;-_r? an ’•normal! m fnmlst:! or sen' *jy ma'. lu an;. ticuir«;-.-1 y^ 0, CStKSHIIB, Agent in Illinois. He. «5 South C liri itrtvl, Chi'.' •■■’o. ■'VALTER HAT. M. I'.. M.aicai i.E-imin-rr, ICo. ij H. JB, iTEEfITIT'. for "Wi-.consin, IV :Lo; ii'ldi' l '•v>rr !’: t '-nr'r , i''nD?,p'irt , nor.t. •t v.:-:-';. ■ XX.\l\ : u:..l o li'-ir.- —m* Mir.'i.V, Lite—al - 1M m. • n> tj \cn. 'ics’.i: in hcropt:. Extract frOTTi I--- ' Y.. 1 A'b-.t y fa'ul'f’T-i jsi TTHICK IKs: 'rCAKCi&TBL'SSX CCUIT>?-UT. iwirr. roov ”70 •iic'Gs. ?Jo* 4 South Cio.rb nr<-<‘i, Chicago* Capital, SaOO.OOO. 3Ui:HCIOUS: J3?eV l*rr'™«TCi. *£ U Imnn. Goi* W. G«,2v S'nttl'.-w 3\ er. S;v , :-H.’.T\Y(*i-'i, bliVcr v, r V\. Jam ye W r'.ctY. .tosotlt Loiliburi rJiarp. i,- vi F. f'i ’'YiiEE, D. L. :'!ii!:ldh. liuas:'}. L-ot sa/Q. J.V. Hovt. <’;;bs. v'’:aa>!inr, TJ*on:&? Harlem B£V- T Ai£IK LO'iriliD. Prrp^.in' 4. ’/U—lNt:, Isi*.>.rr. uftHtA.w s».’«u.w s4a,us. BAGS, DAGS, BAGS, FAUtVELLo KIZASS SAG- MANTTFACTORT, r- o. I:,.- tout (iv.'a:or-sL. Chicago. • Bajrs aud (if ever" tV-erir-tinn furnish'd on =horl ; V.mi rr;n«eii with 1-ew a2jd .• '•umrvi i-z-NPs. : SIMEON FAKWELLu : ap*t-t<7t -ly CORN EXCHANGE Bag Manufactory. jEtA-KT, AJSXEN Jfc CO., UANCFACTCUERB L‘F B A G- S! OI every description. 157 South. "Water Street, i^nLLEKe, GROCERS, FLOUR, G-RiklK, \\m AND FEED 3AOS. gyEecond-iumd tiazs always oa hand. Hagp loaned to thippert. ■wylgrggly an'c .-fut. Fate jn.t iiijcsw FI-ODH— 'jt &. CllAP.’iiAi*?, I&IICEI],G-A 5s IvIIXjLS. I'ry the very bi-st Buckwheat Flour In tie ciV=—pur* f.nd white. I'.boice Gracam Flour, .ros Winter Wheat. Cracked Wheat fresh and sweet. "While Winter wheat J';our of the Dost quality ■FiStra Epnup Wheat F;our. Delivered to an? part of the city. Etoro—Wo. Sonft Water street. |3am Rangings. HiE. j£ at Bii O, , ■litisi Ifc 3! AJST Q-IJm GrlS, Shade*, Fixture*, &c. rsorrss alks? siqk FAPKB HANGERS- ETC, ETC, Ka. IS4 Clurk Street, €hlc&e», rociEir’ iLrah anh ®il S£lorfes. fJUICASU TTOIIEE, LKaD OH Ccrcer Clipton fcnd Fulton-Su, West Bldt, PIPE; BULLETS, 6A£ k SHE’-n LEAB LINSEED OIL, 2Lot, ‘White Leifcd, Bed Le&d tsd Lythrw^t HYDRAUUC UM& Ordert from the trade soil cited. Hugest mar tel setce paid lor Flar Scad. l\c. Box site. ielP e. w. BLATCHPOBA lilumtiing. n. D - MqF ARLAKH'B Sas, Steam Fiitlog anu f LOBBING ESTABLISHMENT 54 Lasalle Street. Chicago. bums a CAS FTXTTRJS Altlr IKOHV FCEMTUSE, Practical Plumber, All Mndfl ofSteata Work. TO TEE THADB. tte Trade supplied with tools end every mtici# m te (rtx. Bteais Fittmg and ITumhlag basmoa*. 2*. CHlcisg and Bronzing done to order. and ICS EaatWMhingtonetrcurt. cw-ly ISansinp, aim JBietjange. Q.RE!iNEBAUM & FOREMAN, Loan and Discount Office, No. 43 South Clars Street, tup stairs.) Chicago. HI. SLTA? fsrEENBBArai, G. EOTtEMAJf, Notary Public. |_| DOOLITTLE, Banker and DEALER IN EXCHANGE, Ho. 40 South Clark street, Chicago, Illinois. DETarticnlar attention given to Collection mya-Tgii* ■y"AN VLECK & TUCKER, Archdeacon E mrs Allen Mary miss Atzel Caroline Allen Jane miss Ayers Gidoon M mrs Ackers Sarah J mrs Ash Alible miss Alcott Wm mrs Ajialt Audit miss Andrew Eleanor II miss Alice mrs Allen Geo I) mrs B Baker Mary miss Black Emily J miss Burley E mrs Ballon Wm [I mrs Bak.-t Sarah A miss Bowman Louisa miss B.isnil <>.-c.Hr mrs Bonbon Bridge-L mrs Barnett Etta miss Bordoin Emma miss Barnett Mary mrs Bowen Erastus S mra Bench Amanda miss B iwen Lizzi-- mrs Bell Anna Bimtwell James M mrs Bebce Mary mips Bonham E \V mrs Beckwith Anne mrs Brattau ElUmiss Beal M A mrs Birnwall Louisa E Btbce Louisa Breoken mrs Bermitt Hattie mra Brownell Nellie B Benmn Kate miss Brooks Wm mrs Barnett Edward mra Boulder Mary mra Bait .rennet mrs Brown Gusta mi^s Benjamin Hattie miss Brown Delia mrs Bidwtll Geo mrs Balktey E-n lilmtt Wm mrs B’irdrick Lnbie BluomfieldMaryE B trkara Atme T mrs Black E J miss Borton Jennie mlea Bins Laura A miss Burns Lizzie miss Bknrhard Anna O mrs Burke Jas M mrs Bbckstack Saean miss Butlers Eliza A mrs Blackburn mrs Beardsley J J mrs C Calkins A C mrs Cook IIJ mra Cab-ban Richard mrs Cooper Martha mrs 2 Crpo An-.a-ei mrs Comas Franklin miss Cameron J mrs Conlea Electa L mrs ran.phcll'Wmmra Connaughton Biddy mra Cam-11 June mis? Conner Ellen Cominan Caroline miss Conner E Amiss Care li A mrs Conner C A miss Casher Ellen V miss Const-line M mra CasK-ter Magnie miss Cotton Matte Cus- y flamiah mrs Covens ''ary J mrs Cbun’di'T Anna miss Cotton Mary miss Ciiaj man Doily miss Caughlm Anne mrs Chart G Ann mrs Coyle Mary miss ( hmnbcrs Bt nj W mrs Coss E mrs Cba-e Charlotte mrs Corregan Bridget miss Chapman Henry mrs Corcoran Maggie miss (’h'.r'-na Banba mrs Cowles Suk-aa E mrs Close Emma mra Crane Frank miss Clai-cy Margaret mrs Crocker Elisa A mrs Cl nr cy Elen miss Crosby Fannie miss Clapp Win C mrs Crone*Xciiy mrs Clifford Elizabeth Crowfoot Mary mrs Clary Anne dishing C 5 mrs | ClaikMJiniss Cnslmian Margaret mrs /-'< W WOODS CO 1 Claikmrs Curtis Pliny rars I -j- V> * «i. CU., j Col i-: nf; Christiana mrs Cunningham A J mrs • i Cole Murv miss Curtin P mrs B-155E83 AJTD BROKER?, ; Cot-W mrs Cureton leaic mrs ~ . .... „ : Codii s Ella miss Cullen mrs Marine Bank Bui dins:*. Cuinaro. Dealers in Treasury - r.-h-Ma-’- \-n mrs Cii?t«j r-iroHn** m?aa Nous. Cold. Suva. ExchaOEf. Lund Warrsnts. 17-- iV; *,(. *';'° 71 L r = a CUtIS Caroim. mi 33 current Money, Particular attention given to col- ; toroiL.ij ihusmrs lection. aagOlCMCm J 9 W. D REXEL & GO., Ko, 4 Broad Street. New York, BANKERS AND DEALERS CoTerumcal Securities, American Gold, Domes, tic ana Foreign Kxcfcanac. J. r. Vax vlttk, iftnii-t-iT+fm] n. a. rrcxEß. M BCHANICS* SAYING- BANE 4.T1. OF CHICAGO No. 8 Clark Street, 6 S oors above South Water Tnis ToMtuttm will n-c-.-Am f:r Savin z. sums of one dollar, and itpw mi. from l.durars. mar red w.-mor. ami others, unon Widen interest will be paid v l cn left lor a state j time. Account- opened with Corporations. Societies and li»dt» idea's. Sisat I>r ill* lem-ai upon al: the Cities of Kur. pram! Eas*e:n St.tes, llieiiUTt prices paid for Foreign Drafts and Coin. CHAS.T.SOGGS, President. L. E. Alexander, CaFP-. r. mybi-ri&i-ly Tie mek ohaxts, farmers AA'D MECHANICS SAVINiS-S BANS, No. .12 Clark street. Sherman House Bnildinr. Chicago. Op- n dally from y a. m. to ;> p. m.. and ever/ Tne-.liy and Tliiusday. innii op, m to s p. m. Sis'pcr cent. Interest paid on saving*. Incorporated is-ii. i-inErrons.—Hon. Francis C. Sherman. Mavor of ('hioago ; S. H. Fleetwood, E«T.. of t!ie firm of «’jg.i*n, Fieetw <-od <tc Co.. Chicago ; Ib-n. Wm. C. Goudy. Chi cago ;P. U. Ve-tfall. Hanker. Now York; Svdnev liv ers. of t lie firm of Syducv Mvers& Co.. Rankers. Gales burg. Illinois. SYDNEY MYERS. Cashier. auT I !O.Votn ■gANKIKS HOUSES OF CHAPIY, WHEELER & CO., Career of Lake and Lasalle street, Chicago, HI., Transacts a GENERAL BAILING BUSINESS. S. CHAPIN. President. 'i D. Buchanan, cashier. H. Chapin, South Bend Branch. John B. Howe, Lima Branch. Bank of the State of Indiana; A- R. Mi.-hawaka. ln-i.; T. Wheeler, Chicago, Hi.; Toltnan Wheeler, do.; Hiram Wheeler, do. mhf-3 n£s2-ly .•tirusa.fie 1 BANKERS & BROKERS., So. 42 South. Glark-st., Chicago, OE&LKR3 IN DO2iESTIC AND FOEEIGN EXCHANGE, itockf, Bank Net??. Land Warrants, Specie. -Sr., Sc. Deports received. Collections promptly made. on Ireland. France and Germany, lor snla in tUSiL to ELlt. u-r dividends 310 i>s .MAt’TTT. Aco-.t=. .t' r - 1: r t. cau-aro. SCAB, QREXGL ct Co,, New York. DRCXLL & CO«, PUibidelpiiia, mySrlSi-ly D UTTEKASDICOTT * WHTTB JA. ROVES, BANKERS ISO DEALERS IS SXOIASLE. Hivvmc loused the clQce recently acc.r.plcd 'ay the • L.-;rhnTiue r.-;:-k of H. A. Tucker & Co„” me pra paril' 1 lotto h ueaera Banting, Exchange and Collection Business. Df-r-csits received, and ndvauces made upon ship ments or produce in store mtll-nsiSCm THS: HA.TIKG ESTABLISHED AT? £S£NCY AT CKICAOO. Is prepared to do a General Banking Business, Be. lag and Selling Eastern and Sterling Exchange, i3VM<GE3 014 STSRftGE RECEIPTS, Hc-payalue la CHICAGO. ar at oilier points, KeceiTine .Oi p'ji ’t'i and CcHccMng Commercial Paper. iL W. v ; LLi.a. w jj,Ay.eaL Q. IX. ST. AN, SON h CO., p-o. 47 ETChanse PSaco* New Yorki ?srV/- t!iir liUontiondCTOtcd to Westero boknras. West eg:. - Kei^-kckckb.—’.ihsaia. -Tueeier s. Co., 'TV-r-.-, liUaul-; »'.neoi: !u Marine nn.l Firo Insur ance >.'or;7i »nv pink. Milmuiket-; Sintc Bunk of I0V?3 lari I'rnafiifca'; Slate Saving!! Association. 81. Louis, sliis-nrmy MERCHANTS’ SAVINGS LOAN ijX & TRI’ST COMPANY. CAPITAL $500,000. HESKY FaHN Ail. FreiX AA. SMITH. Vice i’res’t. L. J G AOH TLI? iaeliMtioii -Ain iriucoant Psper, Day and sell CzrLance and Cola, and receive money on dopo‘‘iU pp.y intercFt itipreon left sspecimen period; v~tll receive mc.ey for accuma'.-it'oa. '-’lion left for a •:;ro.F of years: aad receive ana execute Trusts from Court** Cors>orni<euo, (udlTldcali and Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn streets. OIBROToO. -7. H. DnntKm, Janies Goodwin, Hear? Famam, John 11 Foster, D. li.Holt, H. H. Maele, t*. L. Yoe. W. E. Ducgett. A. tl. Bnrlcy. F. B. "odey. C.H.Mriv.rmlck. T. D. fi'lbert. S.A.truJ.h. mhT-u34T-'>v VJ.22 Fre?i<l<»aL tj'UROPEan exchange. Sj EtLLE OF EXCHANGE OE 3ndsnd, France, Smsiny, gaUzeiifta?* And other European Countries, ter sale at the Bang- Ins Off ce of .-<ar;ce Bans BaUdlne, Lake street, Chicago, mmols. tPT* Drilti on Messrs. Bmlng Brothers & Co* lion* don, and Liners o:' Credit available anywhere on the Continent granted, deUtTSI-ly ULLMANN * Co R&NZER3 AND DEALERS IN EXCHANGE, BANK NOTES. GOLD, all rait, *O - No. 32 Clark sU Chi cage, EL Bank of America.—p-ibiio Notice 1r hereby given, that oil Bills or Clrcßat ■ag Notes oi the '* BANK OF AMERICA,” Heretofore incorporsted and doing hns'.nec? te the olt> oi CiucßKO, under me general banking laws of the State ■jfllllcoip. raast be preseated for payment to the Aadl :or of IMbllc of «nid at hl« office. In the iltyol Sprlcgflolct, with'r three yeara from the date icreot or the funds -lopo-Jit'd for Una redemption c' :a*d rotes will be given up to said bant, P«i»d this .trv of Mav. A. D. Iffil. GKoiiG’t SMITH. y reaMeat S. rf. ffiLLASD Cashier. Jr2>gi?2to)el-G4 157, 3^CHAN(#S NEW «l>gi:.OMy PRIUQ& & CD's Gir^>rsr. MELODEONS. HSiAT estsr-i'-riTrpni ip t"? Crr.iei em ..,- ivjntu, and vf-.t*. for. of Barjland & Niagara St*., WHOLEiSiILE DEPOTS, 1 tr.tca street. IS L'-viCf’ FtJCPI .. ... . .Chicago. WHOLESALE AG-EINTS. 3.CCJ rotll-.HU & (JO UOSitMJ, SlfiSf. •iV. t. Coi'.urn ClriC'Enati.O. Sfkl=;f!r &. Weber St. Louis, Mo. J&u&i Leilat .Bbiladelohla. Detroit, Mich A..&S.Koraaeim«r Toronto, C >V. rerse-r.6 uuacLiua.uied with the Mcloaeon and \vt hisiory. wi.l la mind that we are tec plon-er? veadina msmuiHctuiers. cot only la the United States ». Ut ii2r l ,ie w c cou'.tticui-i-I the mauulaelura o* MelcdtcßHinUeiahoi tnejeiri*vj. a-.d since that hnie have finished and sold TWENTV -iEVEN THOU- S&.NUS. These irstmirents are now la use mostly in tlie I cued Slates and Canada, but also la V'crone. Africa. South America, and tie West lndh-s aud iotn all these quarters we have the raost lUttcrnctcs amonlah oflfc*> ir.rh estimation In which ther are held. Al all ImluMrlal Exhibition* tliej h»ve invariably been awarded the Highest Premium whenever exhibited In competition with others. ffe snail taKe pleasure m forwarding by mall (at oar jwc exprii: •;) illustrated Catalogue, tn vrnicU eve ry strumpet we manufacture I? (u;:y cepcrl’end, end liustrhtetl DycHpuct i-agraviliga. Ah Mrloorons of our manufacture. either sold hy as 3r ae*=!ers'n eny p-irt of the United States orCaasia. are warranted to be perlect In every respect. anc itoatd any he necessary before the eipirattoa 3 * trotn dare of sale, we hold ourseUs readv «T.r : filing to irate the same free of charge, provided ibe injury Is not caused by accident or design. Ap.-rtf Tor ‘He pme of our Kclodeons may he fonad princ pal town* «1 t>e United States aa^ Atidrese either SEO. A. PRINCE & CO, Bulialo, N. T. GEO. A. PRINCE & CO.. 87 Fulton gt., N. Y SEO. A. PRINCE & C 0.,« Late st., Chicago. above wholesale amenta. »pls-p34Mj axle Grease, gIDWELL’S CELEBRATED COAL OIL AXLE GREASE. The Best Article Made. FULL STOCK IN BOXES, KEGS AND BARRELS Constantly on hand and for sale to thetrale At Manufacturer's Prices -AT THE IAHP .VXD Oil. STORE OF POPE & SLOCUM, Sole Ageut« for the Kaflcfacturcr, 123 Clark St# [fcm’c-lyj IN BANK OF MOHTKSAL* : f-.O.I>L'CL 3U-LS Cioca OX* elilpicenT*, rx&siiiig 3A]* .KEnass, EM silo*. J, YOUTiG SCAlfyiON. FORK SOS SALE BY Kr.IOKT C.'-PR. Telegraph OfflM, fKeioiJCons mPBOVEO lor Five Year*. B? FFALO, N. T, .New rork. yssaaassssssi C||s Cnfitm** MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 15. 1803. LIST OF LETTERS B-~msitting uncalled! frr in the Chicago Post Office. LADIES LIST. Doyle Mary L miss Dnlion mrs Hi.' i.-Il rai?g Dorian Mary mi-is Pavir Francis EraiSs Downer Deiestine miss yanbamrs Pon^la• Xaacy mra liav.rdj. Esther mrs Ihiulvun Marv mrs I), an Emma or Penny Dunne mrs c iss D alley Marv E iVntcr Josephine miss Dtinston '.V I* mrs Hi.clrt i* Ellen miss Duryea Jarvis mrs I>«.it* .lames ars Dustin Marv miss Main-ie miss Deiizman Bertha Eaton Ansalina mrs M mr? 2 Eaton Jennie mrs Emerson E miss Ed'-varils Caroline il Eliz.injth Edwards C miss E iglish Anna miss Kdnerlon Austin mrs Fay Wm M mrs Foster Emma Famuli Bridget miss Ford Pr-mk airs '•an sworth ASI rnrs Foley Margaret miss Fanvcll Nancy mrs F»»rd Estelia mi-s ■•'real cy Cuiharine mra Filler Laura mrs Kelt Anulia S , Fraser Lizzie miss Firlibeck Mars* mrs Furrnau Sojthrouia Fish Mary A miss Freeborn Abble miss Fi\r.n M J mrs Fye Christina mrs Pieman: Mary miss Fr.-ncli i?araSi I* mrs T-lw.i. Johaiicu inirS FitzUnuaw Nellie mrs Foirett W E mrs Ga-dm-r Emrs Gibb? ITnttie miss GurOu-T MoUic TnifS Gilbert E mrs Garni.i-r P.iraii M mi-s Gltc?on Ellen nxrs Gatiiir-TSariili mrs Gilbert Linda G»*i:e il M mr? Glen mrs GniuM-- H.-.rtLa miss Goalt Su?an S mrs miss Gran-re Sophia miss Gant* Elk-n miss G--aaum Julia cni^ Catr.u ikrj-Amits Gmi El'ca M rnns Smah mrs Gridiey Elia D miss Gn;ria- M E inr* Grifll<>. Mary mrs 2 Gtoreo.Mary Ella miss (iu-iui-nn ■ ’arrie mis* Gvu’: J C :urp Gornou X M mrs E:.n’y V miss Groves Jaue nrss Gear .T E mrs lirll Alice mrs Hue-: Annie airs 1 lull Lmr.iTiii cir? 11--ily nri.'^et .In-ia mis? lli’l* Chirior.te A mrs ll.'tinnii 1 r-urali mrs Hill HftTr i'rc.u .T 17 mrs TU’MV.vir. Jennie mrs •‘aijß-rd Lotiy .M mis? Hill Jij mrs lU-M' it J ft mrs noilcrter Lucy Amrs Tlauiften Voli.ey mrs Hold- a I-a'isif A ia*s 2 Harris r-'a’tn miss Ifo;.' Eii/nbeth miss Hartman Karin mips Hollins «a:y C ai;s Harbrif’im Harnett miSaUnlt A E mrs Harris I’a-r, E rar.« 2 Holland mi-* Hart Art ie X mrs 2 HopMo-’ Horace mr? Ik-rdii’E Ahby almr3 llosuorn.t Luce Bill mis -71 Arris Kale mrs Howard R bt;ck i L Harris* Emma mi?= Howard ClirhUni mi- = Hjivh-v Mariar miss Ilark-v Marurot, mrs liait Ellen mrs Hunt N G mis-j Hayward Kmely J mrs Humbert A E mrs jl \ <ir-n VE m« Hull Tracv D rars i'ariijcsitd Marion mrs llu'birt Fannie ml=3 t :nr? Hmrley Sarali mrs Hem-nmar Puree miss Hull Truddie miss lice Jlary A _ Foictlor i't-lcr Franklin VTm Fish Henry i lorei.ce U W Fitzgerald Wm Fumy .Tamos Fr;-;r''Utrick Pot. Ferine A’A Fr- •.■mao Henry F*Til\-neh.»rle>rFo\v!cr Wm K Frvile ll c _ ; M-n-herl has F Klaniiran Juo Fink A Jcnnra-tajimmemlss i FijlvmlJ ftuvcar Johu •Tnyse tjathonnc miss i n Irwin Alice miss Irwin N 13 mrs Jp.ri- eon S L nirs .lacoli* miss Jackson LWinrs Jones Ruth mrs James rm-3 tTrnics Marhaw G mrs Jack*on Mary .T mrs Johnson Sidney 15 mra Jnrk«-c.n Columbia mrs Johnson Su-mt mi->s f]ac dn* F mrs Johnson Ma’ hllda mrs Jacobs Mary E mrs Johnson Mary L miss .lordan Sister Ann RignaJohnson mrs Joi dm- Suriiij E mrs ' Johnson Lemuel mrs Jobnseii Marrien mrs Kohl Lydia miss Kennedy TL-icliel mrs Kthnc Catherine miss Kent S E mrs Ka>lor Anna miss Kenny Eliza J miss Kbiu Kaly K miss Kays Lizzy L mrs Kaj ])!ar Marymis® Kinmn 'Sarah miss Keel Catherine miss Kipp Elnor J miss Kellogg Laura A mrs King John mrs Kelly Mary Ann Kinder Sarah M mrs K« Aitv.cb E miss Kiibridee Ma-v miss Kelly Mary A mrs Kingly KII mrs Lanignn Mary C miss Ler-t Mary W mra Lane mr? Lewis Hattie miss Lane Bay mrs Lees Barbara mrs La-hrrp Benj L mrs Lyons Lucinda mrs Lewis Flkuim?s Ljnch Su?an miss IxrU r Mary mrs Lvun? Alice mrs Lewis Mary mrs Lundegrcen Fannie miss' Marhy Mary E miss Moore Louise miss Mai.y'Mary K mrs Murphy Sarah M mrs Malone Ilanora miss Murphy John mrs Many Mary mrs Mtirdoc Hattie miss Marks Mary E mrs Mullen Emily A mrs Marks EJiza mrs Mn-pliy Maria mrs Margi-tts a mrs Mullen Emily mrs Marsh Arviila miss Murphy Uau'ora Marion Slarv mrs MullinKa.c miss Mathew? DR mra Milieu James SI mrs Matteson. Eliza C mrs Morris John mrs Maueson Mary B miss, McCabe Emily mrs Mathers Laura E mrs McCleau Stalira I* mra MitCcreau F \\ V P mrs McCauley Riche! Mrs Mo-ad Minnie miss McEv y Elizabeth mrs Meloy Bridget miss Me ’leaand Elizabethmrs Mercer Henry mrs McClelland Sarah Mining Mary nPss McDonald Mungo mrs Mll'er Martha mrs MoOonJJ Johanna miss Mills AII mrs McGuire K!!.n miss M'.liirgton Hnric-t mrs Magm* mis-* Mill- r Addle L miss McKav Mary Jane Monk J V. Mrs Mclutire James i? Mrs MortonM miss Mclutim Fannie iui:3 Mconan Mary McLaughlin Annie Moms l.'acuiiel miss McKenl L-mi-c miss Mi-cr.o% Matilda miss McNuiiy il-u.-.ra Morris 11-idpet miss ilcQuoa-n M -ggie miss Mu;.hat A M mrs fir >fltiru FophiAinrs TNowman Annie miss Nail an Karli’ia miss Xugi-nr itanuali iiiiss Ketchum. J mrs Noble Mattie ii mrs OdaT Alter Owen Jam-' 8 mrs OvtTlK.b? Marv E mrs O'* minor ‘lar ; on OwenZiivn mis O’Hara C mrs Palm cm Milton mrs Peter? Jobmmh Palmer T mrs i’alilips Tii )* mrs Palmers M is mrs Piuvui Catherine miss Parker Bmrs Piatt Ma-y C mis? Parks Emma C miss Puiaoy tiavior mrs Patton \';.ry T. Pilb-.’v Marcarct C :nr= PaLM'U M mrs Pt-rreArme mrs lattec Amiii' V miss Pierce li 10 and ] barbery mrs misses Pearsa;! rlctmuy mrs Potter Finer mis* Pecord Elma miss Porter Sarah E mrs Pe:r> .V.jmul P> mrs Powers Pafs* mrs Pony Sa»ab M Porter Williim F mrs Perkin* Mary miss Polas mrs Perry E-hrl A miss Pope M .1 mrs Perry Saralr mrs Portrow* G Gmi-3 Poire Elion mrs Pratt Anno A miss Quinn Sarah mh.s Raihl Frid net miss Robinson Anne mrs Itau sun C b mrs Eobhin? K nm* miss Nice Vrcclmrs Nobinr? Kilt I\'.fhni‘'t.d Sarah miss Roberts .T;ne Wmr« Richajes James miss Roach Anunda Ridmd*-on F II mrs Rose mrs Noiirk KiU-n miss Roy S mrs Robinson John mrs Rubey J j mrs Fran Marv mis? Russel J p mrs Ih.heri? Zuruiak A Ryerson Marv miss Robert?- John II mrs Rvan llanora" miss Kohb Mary miss Rodman ilattic miss S Salomon Emma miss Smith Ira mr? rauford Mary J Spear Josephine miss SdiavflVs John mrs StaCcv Sirah mrs Sheiiand Mainrie mrs S*ar!:‘E;izibeth mrs Shea Kcrivaro mrs Starr Mary mrs SLai iiesriy Bridget Stephens Maria E miss Skaato Maty miss Stevens F K mrs Simmo- s Bridget mrs Stevens M miss S!r:it lli kn Sterrell June mrs SimocsEmre Stevens Ellen Mmiss M< ae Mary miss Stnitefand Nellie miss S:tr« t<* FU/.abith mrs Stone A A tun Snow Rhoda miss Storte Mart; mrs Slade F M mrs Sullivan Maria miss Smith Maggie J mrs Sutherland I) L miss Smith Marita W. mrfi Sheahen Fannv miss f mitb E W mrs Staccv Sarah mrs Smith U arid mrs Terry J E mrs Twisg? Clara E miss Teat John dr mrs TodJohnmre Tbenry Elizabeth Trimble WH mrscol Tiler Rose mrs Tompkins Mary A miss Turner Elizabeth Torodc R 31 miss Tnmshee Annie Vidier E mrs VanarmiaLUsiemra Vtoihecs Rosa miss Wrjtrht E major mrs 3 White 5 miss w allacc M A mrs WUitater M A mre Wagoner Savania White E G mrs \> alter Etlie mi?? White C miss W alter Mary A miss Whiting Alice mrs Malter Mary miss Winters Emilv miss W a;,er Jane mrs Wilkes Mary Lee miss XVatkin? Jancmrg Wiiliun- I mrs W aiwick Elmami?B Wilson Carrie miss X\ alf on Li&tie C miss WiUon Louisa Ward Catherine mrs Wii?nn Annie mrs Wtbl Mena miss Woods mrs Webster Sarah miss Woodcock Ada mrs Webber D F mrs Wood James A mrs Welch Maty miss Wood by Rebecca mrs Welch Jane miss Wright Lilly miss White Angus's mrs Wiley Sarah A miss Whitney Cairie E mrs Y Yearly Caroline mrs Yoacoum Catharine mia GENTLEMEN’S LIST. Arnold Wm II Arnold Geo Adams Calvin E Ad it? W Adams Samnel At.wnod" V J Adame MB Alexanders captAdams col A\- ry 41 U Abbott Smith Aascmd i) col AvneuWm Allen Jno Abbey Chas Aceuw Jos Abbott T AddlcksCnas Akun mr Adame E T Allen A B Adams Jno 2 Ailie David Andrews A J Alexander JcaptAnthony Elliott AMersoa Ohae D Arbabuin I Avona Dominic Aspenwell & Cle- Adum? JNewtonAlcxandcr C vm Biebee L J Earned Elias Baker L ls Bailey DanlW BymsJas Penson WB 3 Birde Patrick Brannon JWcapt Benedict WII3 Barnes Chas Barker Harris Banks ffm Barrette Caleb Bnrgess Hiram Baker J-cmnel B Blue Cbas BnH'llenry B:.lrn«:n \V II Baggettrhaa Birwartn’H P Berry W B Parker C W mr.j Bryant II li Baker‘Wm Balentmc llcip'Hre *er Taos Blake Jno Barron A-0 ill B.oJy G^o Bassett Jno Bailey A N Brigs G W L Bartlett Jno Bal’iwia Austin Geo Bivm Jno Beluin Almerla Blodgett Geo H B.:rm-j-Juu V Barnes ' elson B.rae’Tbo? l eckliy J G caplßarrow A A Brookes T I) Peck Jos Blair A W Briggs Geo L BarriU Jno W BentUyAC Breti'inn Thos Bams Jno Baker AW Bough Geo Didwtli Jno \V Biarher.vick A Byles Iketles Jos Raymond Brown F F Ik i-uc-tt Jho Barnham NTI BrosinStepaea Haltnll'Jno BarConiA D Brooks 3 Bccgsu JII Buriihata L E Brame Fralk BiL Jas Bodeit Lewis Baraao S L Fsidulder J T Btr.Rr .'levll R P Belvid Jones Bradley L BoyingtonE C 2 Blod-et II capt Brower Land A Boden S R Bnscumt II Barn-: Win Brown E P Bigelow Lionry BromcllWll Byarc Ei-vd Bell H R dr Brown tfm G 2 Brown Ephrm Barrcwc Geo W BuchauanWalterßnrk E P Bliss Geo Brockway W XI Brown C S BlodgctiGeoll2Brewster'Wm A Bench Chas Bre’f* Geo Buckingham Jnoßrinck col Bti jammGeo BusleyJnoß Brennan Philip® 1 Bilijiy Geo Boestiek Jno 2 Boynton C W Biggs Tlios Breen Jno Brown Chas Barter Geo L Boyer Jno B Burt & Higgins BcebeGeo Broozmleld Jno Boyntoncbamith LlenmcLdale S PBrowa Jno Brawn &. Barney BigfordTJ Brace Jos Buyde Alex Balling FA BroadbentJH Beers &co Bateman Sami Bracdstoue Jno Bradford A G Ball Fred Beuniugliam Jnoßntler BE Bigelow Scant BovdenJas Bonn A W rev Bm ITW Bcnte J HC rev Burs NJ Bnttersball Fmkßruce J Bnßington W Biggs Jas Barry Edmcnd Braoley Jos Bellinger Richd Baric I-oac Burgoyce A P Erown £ Ham- Butler Jas A Blasgea U mell Campbell S 3 CuIsTTH Haiic M M Clatct-y M C Clark Sami Corbin 118 Carey Michl Campbell Gao Coarehalne II Clancey Micbl Chapman tj il Cos l el!o Henry Champion W W Carter S T Cole Henry Canty Michl Oaesel Fredk J Comer Timothy Carson Lewis M Carter Elwd Combs Geo Clarke il W Cahill Edwd CoboGeoT Casey Micbl Campbell RobtßCroaa Sami Chamber? WcaptCar Edwd Coe Sami T Christian WII Chanplin Robt Conley Steve Clemmons Jno PCorr E1) il CorcoranFrancis Chalifoux Jno Cav* y E Cvimers David CatonJno Chamhcrh-in E Cushman David Cameron Jno Chance Elias Cutler E B Cary Jos W C.-H-ju David < oe rami T Carroll Jas Cavanaugh D L Collins David Clarkson JMC Chat held Chas ACrimmins Patk Clara J W 0 Canuavon Peter C-. zeua Chas B Chapman J P Chandler A F Coyle ?.i r k Caray Jas Clarke A II 2 Cohen Ab-am, Chamberlain C Y CrmvK y c Clement? Jas M Caspy&HennockCalvart & Corn- Car held J T Carroll Patk 2 stock Cherry JR Chamjms B 3 CnrrauOwen Chase Jas capt Crock*;- L B col Collar Cal«;ry H H Co.ocey Myron Cope Bei.J Campbell 11 A Cooke Lemuel S CMvcy 3>7 Cabiry II \i Crockott. Jao CCuuSs A Cad«L*)l 1! D Collier Jos il Crandall A L Chambers II A Conners Jao Cook A Lowers Chase ThosJ Ccukjoo Coos A Poodle- CamThos Cowry .7 no ton Clark Goo Conway Jim IV Covcncy T rev ( iir.pel Geo R Cwhleieh J M Cushman G E Christy Geo Connell Ja= Crah; Jao R Daly rrancis Doltnode EudolfD-'niildaon 3 II 2 DinVy IMicbl M Duffy Ja? 2 Danne Robt Dullaro llickael Dixon.) LI Davis Euirene Dickinson 11 Doiuiarty JC 2 I).:n<-iu?6n R 3 D\ er Ltv Decker Henry Duuzmoro EJ- Davids Laxvr L Day II M m.rad Dodge Warttn Dorovan Tim Day Ralph Sc Chs Ojer LcigliVnW Decker Henry Dotvrey R ; chd Dtckiusoii W U Davt -TF Dean David Douee WII Dickey G W eol Darnels Ellas Dalton Wra De Ray GT dr D;x Dick Dick \Varrcn l>arrow Geo Darling CW3 Ditt John Dually Tho? Dupay Cans il Doig John Dn.MrPH JtotMiey John i»ail)y Tnos Dickinson CP Dcjiou n Jcha Dorney Thos Djckiuson Cus Dum Hi) John 2 Drc-ser Gy,» F Dacley hrs Days Joseph Dave nportGict iVDavenjiart & Dugdale John Dan S M Martin Stratford Downer S Danfonh A G Davidson Ja? Div’ne r-ila- R Dodgy N S Devi-; Ja*' Sjr Davidson Fran Day Alfred Dax .tackron Mm Dan-imse Mark DrukeJames Dalj Geo T DanmcadA E.istoibrocliS MEvrms Ilonry F Edwards Rufß D Kt-ghsh ’lhioa Ef.-kine R R Eal on MillardF Ennis G J Enright DavidS EiiSv-oiiL L 2 Ellis S unT Egbert Park r.ialison Etc ;-U Frank Evers -..has Edward.'Jos rev Ki u'e R. bt Ei'.ioU Autlnuv E.olu-r John Evorani E Eii'Uorth Gas" Kr.;;,:r Jiy ?T Ev* r-Edaii Kddv A \Viihur Evans Jus T 2 Eiliuti Anthony Edmunth Wm Fcrrt-11 11-.nry Fletcher C Fas’kForfyth John Knriiu-r lltnry V'Dlkt Ihiter Fuller Joshua la.} Tim md 2 Firzhciiry Rich Fitzgerald Joim Fitch TL Froatick R-*-co Fish Jan.i’a G 2 Fuller Geo Fronkiin E (J dr Fa-s John FiskcTliLO Ftxrtll A co F -ryJ-i Fei.i'V A M Foster Geo Fereas G \7 Fi:.-jlWld A cap’Famaery John Ful er St( plica Fay U I’-.x John Fairmau Frank Frcim ar Oliver Flower j W dr Fiauk 3 Ferrell B E Fourhice Jerc'h Fairirar. D P FoUoin 1) B Finvoli J ;T P Fromc FrancisM Freeman LII ForMyer JT.iriV Fleiriiig David Flood mr Fi teller J SV F.-ikner M Fnllerron James Fom: Patri'-k I'inn Win serg'c Gatre M & co Gilbert G T Gardner IIA Goodwill G. Timm George Gordon James Gl«\d Byrrn Grccr.e Siank-y Glass Henry GUVoid U G Greenleal ThosKGrccn JohuS Gtss ar-drew Grah-itu Th >s Gale John II Gon*y Nicholas Greanes Tims Goodman Juo Gr/onVieh A B Gambon Thos Gisncl John A George Ohas 11 Green G;orgo Gillett Iliiclm G t ten D K Gregory Thos C Gardner Jo* j Gorman Patrick Gamer George Green Julius A Gage Pan Gross George Graham John F Grady Patrick GGoodnch G ~ Goodwin Ju >OP Gircr'y I)o:uin*kGi:iy J B Gilbert Jno 2cco Gn-ggE G Gallagher Ja? Gregory Wm B Good Edward WGreen James F GoodvudrWm Galas'ce EdwM Goff J M Green Tm IIJ Gurnee Robt II Gibbs Jas B Ganns II Eprof2 Graham liohi B GUcuiisi James Getchell Wm GomlileT Grass Joseph A GILumMA Griffith* Sami E Grant John Geter Louis Gill Stephen Guw John Gordon Lcandcr Gordon F W Harvey mr TTorri? S Ilovcy J S Ihuhor I.iinnn Hamilton S H 11-:l!ow.iy Juo H Jlajt-s Miciuu.l Ilcetor SaniT L Howard Jo-cph lluck-.U .'iiichaclUeinjitou SamT Ilollmaii Jas V lin’d la wis DuPtlugs Robt Hildreth JII IlalcWm Ilcnly itichard liopkias Jas Hall Wolcy TliJmcr K Hutton Tas Harris &co \VS Heath Emory Heair Henry liarkin W'm Il.iskill E II HalgranWß HemmingsEG llowarth Henry Hairi- WA Hagcrty'Hriniel UumoThosD Harding Wm Hamlin Reuben Hicks G B iialjiin John TJiJIGW Huber Geo W Bali John Hard Chas D Howe Goo 2 Harris John Darker E M Hagen Thos Ilajt'ie <t II 2 llervey i lug W Ilininan G P liogetnan John Hammond C P HigginsouGF IbiTper Isaac Haywood Benj 6 11,.vie Thos Huttwick Jas M Henry Otto Hilton Thos hiiyn cs J M Hujdrn A.ironD Hughes .fccoTß Hayden James HarphamOU Hoge G Bcipt Eniey JII Harris A bro UiUibran-i Fred Herkimer JD Holme* Louis Hogett F Herkimer living’lnll Morton B Hudson SA Hatch J Hnlhronk L H drllill-* R T Hannigan JasAl lloyr. Wm HmVßioh W 2 Hall James* Htibberi Wm Hurlhnrt E F Bavuard Hft Hopper Wm Hovt R B Harwell G A Hirst W & J Hoyt Charles HaiKre G Hibbard W C Howell Conirus Hciia:n:.gtoiiTAHnnt)lfry WmTlUuunn P.irrt* S ITr.vk? G W Hillatd 2c co WmHoward O O Hamilton Gdb’t II Hmley H F Harter Geo Houghton W F Hunter Nelson B Hani>Thos Hutchins & coWHucUcock 2c Poo Hav»* Th«>9 S Hamer Alex Djihitun Tin p Hii'koy Jri’un iifii.irtcksou Ja ilammlt Irani*! Horton John Harsvim G UandFuinum Holt J G TtL’Son John B Trontnor.gerT WTv;=ou, l:\vit! Jt bn F Irham vTias A-co IsbitUm Wm 2 i?a-;c£im A capt Jackson mr JohnstonGcoS Jones H B •lacksor.A DuQ’oyJoln.sion Goo J -Tolu.- L U Jan-i-s Bartley J«.liii9tpn O J Jones TT> Jam-s Samuel Johnston Andr 2Joi:cs Frank •Illicit ES .TolilisluuAuloui-JoUcf Sampson .1. tiers Geo Jones Jiio F U Jones & L-ia-zb- JiftVn John M. Jones Jonathae lln JcV- rs T G Jones Joseph vl JordanPatrk 112 Jtit'iups Sami Jones ValentineJiuisou Wm C Jin ell it co Jones Joshua W Ellen Koir.p WIT Kinrfly Henry KVilc-vDati J Kk*:h Leonard K«-!i:;iijr Tho? Kc'.kV »'l' Kipp JJr II Kitchen Uvury Knapp Clus John KliJir.Gco R &coK;<idcr Alaert Ker tv dy John Kciit y Thus K*-i*fe C:ui3 Kc rr John Kennedy ThorntKerr A E Korn* dr. Tame? Helton Edwd Kivaraugh Xich KtllogpJas Km-nan Ro«s» Knapp NLIA: co KingJa? Kirrall Rush C Klmo Aaron KcLEcdyDD Henley David li Linglc .7 Levin J A Lee Gee W Lem 11 I- J 2 Lfiwkr Michael l.awkr J B & I.iary M Larmier J T Linder Ales l-ambl-smon Lewis ,1 A Legrand Patrick Larmon Martin Luchgii V Lewis A Le\y L«wia Law L P Lillcy Henry aker I.oweiymr Lyon Geo R Lyttlc Barnard Lenarc Wm Ltjgluon Fredk Losee it Uinac Lo" ell I.eander Lvomird K 2 Lynu Alex B Liton Wn Lord K 11 i Lockwoci A Lallr Mkbacl Lawless Edw Latimer O II Lukin? Wm K Lone RowtandHLink m ,t co Lacey W capt Little Eunene Lent O J Lanv John Lore P;oid A Lillie A: co Lore Joseph Lead<n Pa* rick Ling N 0 Lsnib Jas E Lake I'avul B Lauigan And 2 I,sribon JT Lombard rbaa ALeitch Archibald Lewis Jacob Liviugsiou i'icrceLaae Torancio Lyman Gt-oF Mceban Mat Meracle E Miller M B Mat bison M Mann E B 2 Miller Josiih MarraJoe Wacbeu Robert V.urryJobn Martland John Mark David Mallory John A Mattock Jno R Mahoney David Morris A M Matheeon Jno ZlM&her Dennis Markin Jno 0 Mars Patrick Miller UGttesdr Marshall Jos JlehanClementDMills Thos M MagncsJno Mead Owen Mills JoseohS Marr J R Marsh M il Moyer S G Malone Jae Martin AmhroeoMooe FH Marshall Jas M Mapner & M’Ad-Mize E A Mathews Jae ams Moore R S Mason Jas capt Mott Moses L Mills B F Martin Mernm’cMorrisL J Munson Bauson Midbory Jos M Mrrse Lucian G Millard Dwid ? M crci rII A 3 MilU rL W capt Mitchell DavldT Malnrv Uenry Moody mr Morgan dr Mcrtiil G H Mills Wm 2 Mo are D S Mav GW2 Moore Wm H Morgan Pat Merrick Geo G 2 Murphy Martin Moore August C MartiiidaleS Millar Wm Morris Nelson MerryE L Morrison W Morrisson N Hapole J A Murton John H Melzer S capt Martin Edward Mitchell Mark MessenaAdanH Messer &Bro McK!rdleyT&co McSweency Jno McCooly F G McCarthy’Michl McNeily Jno McCarty Seth L McLcfiiin MvronMcKever Jno McDoniallFrank McQ.uiad Michl McKeonc Jas Mcßride Sami McDcmoll mr Mclntosh Jas McCoy Samuel McAUistcrWmC Mcßeth J N Me D emu all R R McMahon Jno R McKenlcy Jas McHahoa Rtchd McPbail tnr McAllMer 11 2 McElfresh 0 L McEwanJohn. McCormick Jas McCagheryEdwd McClflrpvir.r McCarthy Jas McLeod Donald McClelh'nWm McSweency Jas McMahonPat-Tno WcElhvniH Wm McCurdy Jas McGrath Pa:k McGiiiLis John McEwcn Jas McLaughlin Petr Mcßcrry Vn> E vcArtbcr JusKMcKcv Peter McGovern John McSean Henry McMahon Path McCampcll r r iHugh2>Tcrarthy Patk McLean John McElvyGeo McWhorter A 2 McDonald Jno AMcAllistrr G 0 McDonald Angel McCormick Jno McGrath Thos McNeil Angus McGurk Jno McWlHiamThoaMcGaire Barney McNamara Jno NcCanll Geo McGnlre&Smith Noble Chan Vrlal Nichols Joshua NathCLasW NortonHolmanJNevinJohn Newcomb H B Nutting .Nicuois WE Noble Edwd E Newberry J T Noblett Wm Nyman Fay Nil* en N NorrnangTe II H Norris G H; N«Jau James L li Nash This Noyes John Niasmr Balm J W OttM C Obitts Aiex O’7onuor Michl OgdrnMH Osborne bros O’Connell John Orr Whi O'Brine Pack 2 O’OotmsU John Owc-neWm L O'Brine James O'Malley John Otter Thos W O’Connor NlchlaO’Nell Edwd (>£fl?nOr O'Connor Pa f k O’doT.ivaa mr O.uen Patrick O’Cummr Eomd Toucher «fc Vate&Pcringrev JD Patrick Edwin Prlrifee Di-r Pn?h J«s A Pard- Edwin I'-iCii-r .it iau.L-Pictujs *lj6 P*'i=euia< E F c-ldor Parker Ja= Patrick E Pr«-n*on I- Prttehcw Jas H Fowl*.! F. iaj D Phillips H Patten J A capt Porter E P Packard -Malc'm Pitkin H W Perkins Edg rev Parm Jno IIA rax’.er Eiw C Phelps Wm Page H G Powers Robin"a Pitts LaCri j e Palmer Hrnry P t-bsDAco PaUerson \V H iPool Thos Pearsons O K Palmer W 4 Phelps Geo S Pierce Chi- V Pope Willard S Pricture Thos Firmly Darld Parker Wfl ParingtoaG A Perry 0 C Perry W F Perry "t P Parkhorn C J Park's hon W "5 Peas ffm Pcoper Pit Pripe Joseph pope Fred Paine Chas Parker Jno P Piakham S S Pow re Phillip Pooncan JaaL Priace satnlß Pi lion Pit Pearson Jno gone & co Peters Ben Pf-tersonJC PiestuanFJ PalmiterAnsonS Pradt Jno O Piper Seth Palmer A K Ptndegiast T PummilSamps'nPoTer Math Pinches J A rev SPorter F Palmer Angus PunceJ £Co Pitkin Eddie Prindcvuic* 40R9pa Jacob P Quirk BarthoFw Quinlan iliehl RorhVTm RenehanJas2 Russell E ’l2 Rand Jas il Ruiznor J B Reading E dr Howfen& Wil- Roberts Jere*h Reassert D K R, znor J P capt Ryman l\TlWj Ramsey Jas Rowland riu- Robinson L L Rod'J Thompsonßutherford Dav Rice Moses Burney Jas Ris=erCha?£l Rice mr Riley Geo Ktrher P nil Runk W T Kodoif H R Reilej P J Bradford A G Brewster £ Wil son Rvan Wpi Rhoades Gidney Itew Caleb I 'I in Becor ErtTory Ruby Julius .Rogers Jas B ILioerts Pratt Roberts Jno L Read Gilbert R>;s= Cua? M Ready Jno Rogers Geo C Riggins Berj F Ryusity Jno R Roainson Geo J Richaids dr 3 SI Rcbertstn Jno Raymond 'fhos Russell Ben) Retd John G Rice G H Reynolds Lank Reasdull Wm M Randall Geo dbco R. ynoids Jno 2 Ray S Reckon & Green Reilly Jno Russell Frank'n Reese B M Repsofh Joseph Roddeld Frank Ruble Benj A Rmlvt'go eas Reel Frank SI Kiye B-.-u ]i\an Jno J Eugglea Sami B Ryan. Alex Rice Jas W Ryan Edw Jas Reynolds E Rued J F Richards Eans’mßleh Jas W Sanford Ulchl Samtell J D Sari Sami Shields ilichl Slr.-dield Ja= P Soaverns F'od A Seaton LB Saunders Jesse Sanborn E Salisbury W bhepe Jas J Seaton Sc co Say;esMF Shepard 11W ScovUl liobcrt SavHL'c Win Should* Ueveli’e Scott C G 2 Shceby Jno Siam r Unary Shea Pa f rick Shannon -Tr.o Sevmour Thos S.uiiard Chis Scapham jas Sellers E-col Smaoa Philip Sbamavny JP Scollan Thos Shirdin Philip Sheffield Jas A ScuUvThoa Shaw prof D E Scott Joaonh Sherlock And'w Shaffer Nieho'as Shepcrd Allvrt. Stewart G T Symmes TiauTy Sheiditt Bt-ru’d bi- iks TLO3 Stuart T U SampTH Wm Si;..thTiso= MrougGenN Sn:i h G W Smith Geo J Si ranks S P Sioat Samuel Stricklau L S Stetson Johuß Spear L Meat Span" John S' otitlu ¥ 5 Seymour J: co Sperry Jamas Fred Sheffnrfon a broSma’ley JII Suudeilin E Sales Sc Koines Skcrilth Jaa II S; ear Kdt ar M Stangth Sc WU- Smith .Tames Mtman E son Spaids J a SpaGinj E Smith «fc Jones buttcrly J E Mi'ith Ri]- c oll Smith Shor- S;lm-ou Jerry Kdw.'iid wondAco Stone Jus I’ Sp-Inzer Davis Smith II C profSturge-s Jls r-ull I) A Sinns 11:171111 Stanton Tag S Stevens DA Steers Wm.C Sidobotham JE Smith D.ivid Spain Wm .Steele J& co Slew an Dan B Strickney Wm Smith Jus Smith PeterE St'ivcy TF Sibhoth Henry Spiff,.!-! GII Smith lli'.hael Small ITecrv W Smith Pa’rick Stephen Wa E Smith ’leiirv C Siili’Viiri P.J Stow WII Stni-h II F'rev Smith liettt col Sullivan W N Skinner Harvey Mtllivan HarneyStnrrrvant JnoCSmall Henry St tele C P Smith Jobeph Slack IIJ Siivcart & HoweStitsou Jnlm B Stewarl H 0 SorthumAJ Spaiiv John Snavels Thoa Spiffonl Siow-Storztl John 'Smith HP s'tt&co Stealer Jno W Stevenson Thos Strobric-tre J A Slop 11 John Sullivan T M " Siirink John Smith GraT Stewart A(t Starring John Som- ra Fl> Sinn-ili &ra S.imi.aon Jno Mounters GOOF Stewart iVlcort Skclly John Smuh OL Siniili GB Stevens J cayt Stewart Geo II Thornton mr Tracey .Tunics Thacker Gao W Tavlnr Janies Tiiaycr.TN Th icke* T’iiog Tra-xy lie-lit Tliomp -“-i -I N Tayror Fhog Thh’.er LC Tavior Isaac Tollman 3 A Todd L O Tailor H II Tnroer FniC'? TV Thomas W* 31 Tnbmj)' , in Har-T.iylor Rilph'-S* 2 'Jh dd W( shy vey -M Tu’-d-d -iiacou Ta)-pen Wi?’ldDTaylor J A Twint-lnm Rude 'lh’id: y- M rev Tram Ilarvov Tobin Richd TaliVvT Tagfu-y Hio- Tiß Town J-. Un E Tincs.’ypojgh II T-.micy !) W Ti-rry Jerome Tlni' Tiioni]» a mi David Timlin .Tames Tmaes Gib'. ot Tray; or i’-o-ir Tucker I-ruel capt Traiuh di ,7 D It d h* mas J Tovrnsbcnd G HTarner O A Train Jaiuv? H Tullnd Geo Vf Tn.air N 0 Thomsen .jamcsTiuinicruiaaGWlVilco’JA L L mis I'* B rev Upton Surancl P Forney J G Van Dagon J Van Vvrror VunonautDavid VaTiNi-rman JWVidles Richd E Vinces Agan VhLdct James Wili-on A corpWarwick it co Warren Oco jlilh i' F Inf Wood A Barns Waller Geo Wood Lolhrnp VWillaxd Sc Ly-Ward Jim WimbT Wni A man Walla? S J W Ed.- Wm Wiilard & Story White S Wiiifhf-'l Wm White. L A sarut W’aU-icc Samuel Wilson John AWcaver Wm UWVlls Frank rapt capt Whu chouse Si- Wilson John G Warren Lnthcr his W‘iili«John B Watson R Williarrs S Slt Wells w r prof Welch 1? G & co Walcott Ja? Vairier W 1) Welsh E ivv A Wood Jas X 2 Walker Webb Walker U C Wilson Jas B We'ch Wm Webber Cnas 'll W( cd J P &co Ward John E Warden A Working JE2 West J.Jin M. Wa'son Robert winters Jas WnMi J X II V WoiJsJN Walsh Jnoß Wilton Charlie Winters HW Warren John W WilceThcs Wcver John Wbedon D P Wood Gen 2 Wlrte John H Patrick Wright Thos Walker J M White C W & co w-h chi 11 T J Welch F Wheeler Chas M ood Frank Well* J II Weston A-a i[ Wright Geo W Wa.dJW Wells Alfred Wi iuht Silas G Walker J D col Wales Ods Wiight Hubert Walker J M Walson Ales Wood E F Wolpe J F White A I) WT on 11 L Walker Trial White & Gnnkl Wilson Charles Ward Horace X Warner Benj M Woods Dewitt White UW Weller John B Wih’OirHM. Walker Henry P capt Wilder H S Walker 11 E Williams C Word C J & co Webster EUowcilWhite G°o Q WcodnifTAJ N M’iUonGo War W;i!att A J Welt on Geo H Walters Geo A Wn-d A M Webb Geo S Wilt Chas While Hugh L Y Tcakc-1 Hiram Young J B Editors Chicago Daily News . DO ..40 Lake ftn 1 1; 4.. Empire Mills ...Agent Morritts Ex- Sress Freight Line P, 2 . Imcperi-il Fioir 1i115... 7(> North Union street Michigan Mills ... AL i’ension Agent, 2 Box twio ...Car ter Pholograi)hic Galicrv Agent S» earner Sea Bird GWB To the HomUest Old Maid in the City To the Girl I left Behind Mo —Land lady uf I'JOSiale street. Person? wishing drop letters advertised mn-=t affix a three cent stamp. office open from Ist of Miy to l:-t of No vember. daily (except Sundayl. from 7 a m til 1 S p. m. On tj’nnday from S;>; till liLV a m. From Nimniber Hi till’Muy Ist, from S a m. f.P ?p. m. daily (Vxcept Sundays), and on Sunday* from ts.3o till R'.lS a. m. J. L. SCUU’I’S. P. M, 2xK T UMBER.—I would invito the at- JL-' t-'iiflon of dealers and otlivf purchnslng '.amber jr Cbm-ero to or.r nf the largest ir. l tev.-t c.nap’- r- sa ?orttM-iit «f Liuiibt-r in {ids market: a 1? ;. Dr<\-»ed s'd mg. Fleering and Stock Boards Sash. Doors. Shingles, L .tii. L<*r.g Timber. «oi?t3. Act, Pric.c« rc.tsonable to suit the ebarg*--of the timec. Write lor Inform item. Orders filled with proroptaessacd fidelity. Pars loaded —-u Yard and Office Bract street, between Polh Phlnney and : vrpl’ih str-tiui. PAYER & li A CON, Mannf-mtrrer* of GRAM>4 SQI A«K FIINO FORTES. lVan:vom No. in* Gra-J <=f. near Broadway NEW YuiiK. T!k* imp experience and tlu* .nar.j* facUlt'.s? tin pro prietors pom #5. enable Uiem ;<-• nroiiuce instruments nr.ft:-pa—er bv any oth-r ■ stsbU-hmiv.t. Tli-'ir ner- Ff-Ci'l httfiitjon ’<sJvcn M the construction liinrovc tr»ntacd introduction of all tsssntiil cbatis-’s that nuij be t • rnske a perV-c: I*i;in■■ Fo. !-*. cm parr l.:ss‘>rs visiting New York nre incite*! to call and exiniirM* nnr ht'g- a-sortment of fianes wliu-h *■.» :uo ottering or. javorable terns. Descriptive cir culars st i.t by nidi!. scpl^'-aCt-Sm SB IETS, WITH PATENT GRANULATED YOKE, MADE BY n. GKT3WOLD ONLY. Frrrv art’clp vnrrastc;! t-> give r p rf?ct satisfaction, or tiu- fnom-y wtu he refunded. This opportunity will bt oiltiroo but Loppc-r Chaa C Levi -aa? A very few days Longer, Therefore don’t defer St imtil too late, but PLEASE CALL SOON. SHir.plc SVrt#shown with rVa-nreat S3 Lakc ?tn-et, JO UP. KING OIL, BEBT QTTALITY, For sale on consignment by sel£-u3Si-Ct r PHF TFXTH ANNUAL SES JL Sioyr of Lacinv Lo'lece, Rapine, will open Sept doth- ISO 3. Terms fihtt p< r annum, pajable in ad- Vi.bcv. wnii au Ei-trance Fee of sl3. There art u f«w vnranrtes. Vor admission apply to Fov. JVMEBDE KoYEN. Rector Racine College, Racine, JVis, sclS-Ti-fr-aw QTRAWBERRY FLAXTS FaD >0 Transplasting isintimejust cow. WET WEATHER FAVOR 3. For the "Wilson’s Albany Seedling," leave orders at £0 State street. H. P. STAKLET. T AKE SUPERIOR PIG IRON, JLi The Northern Iron companv of Lake Superior keep on hand at its Dock. In Chicago, a supply or Char, coal Iron, direct fmm it? Blast Furnace, and of all grades, to which the attention of those wanting the best quality of the Lake Superior Metal Is invited. Office No. 13 Wells street. JESUF, KESSDT & CO., Agents. my24-r6o2£msT*T ’ *_® OBIME BARLEY MALT Al-. m. WATS on hand and tor sale at lowest cash arise} Alio, Superior Taut Malt is Barrels. ft Q UnDVTF ttlTEl-lw MANN St CO., dealers in B. FXTBE DStTGS AFD HEDICUES, Wine# and Liquors, choice Perfumeries, real Havana Cigars. &c.. northeast corner of Randolph and Dear horn streets. Chicago. DUaois. Phvsiclans prescrip tions accurately urm.ired. BELL MANN, scu n2CO-Im GEO. IV. WT gSON, VAULTS AND OUT HOUSES r Cleaned very cheap by JOHN MASON. 51 Norik Clarkfttreet Port Office Box *3St ABIC KFTT A DRYSDALK, ISO J. State street, manufacturers *X Parlor and Chamber Graces aaJ Fenders* Also. * cent? tor Sanford's nh-iUenge Far. rc.c*-?.Ranee? ar.d Fl-e P’acn Stages. Uegtsters and \ cntilKters: Parlor and Cooktnz abres. Tin. Hird ware, b «i;s, &c Fire Brick and ovea Tde. ses-u175-iw Initials. fLumliev kFAT) A WTT.T.TAVa F. S. DAT, No. 10 Dcarnorn street. a. tr. autuin i Board ot Trade BuUffimr. igiutattonal. UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO The Fall Term of theflUniveraity opens WEDNESDAY, Sept. 10th, 1852. Departments and Courses of Study, I.—ACADEMY. Open to Boys of twelve years old and upward, pre paring for College or for Business. Faculty of Instruction asd Course of Study : Principal, A. Jones..Phplea’: Geography.El, Science. ?rcf.STiiA. .Ucadlnir. Sjv-ljai rr.zii mar Linear Betas x & Stratton .Writing. Book Kee;>ia;r, .Greek Lesions. Kr-rulnrVs Gr-re?. (»;!c2(l'Ti. GrceU G: i'li mar, Aviaopaya’? Aua'a: I .*!*. Ger man. .Arithmetic, Alrehra. Prof.MiXEi: Frof. SitVTEE. Prof. Johnson Latin Lessons. Lstlu Grammar. Reader, C;es;ir, Virgil. ‘.Lcero. Prof. Mathews History, English c imposition, French. II.—COLLEGE. President Brr.norGHS Intellectual Philosophy, Logic. Moral Phlloion&v. of Cbristian'tv, Lectures uii the History oi Pniiosooiiy. PrcLMixzir, Greek, viz: Xenophon, Homer. Hero lotus,Thucydnles, D:;n> Select Traged:*-?, Grecian His tory and Ant hinnies Prof. Sawtee, Mathematics. viz: Algebra, Geometer, Trlgouou-etry.'ieusuratiou, Sur veying. Navigation. Civil Ku glTieering. Conic Sect!‘ms, Au.*- htlcal Geometry, Astronomv. Prof. Johnson, Latin, viz: Livy. Horace, Cicero's Philosophical Works, Tacitus Terence. Plautus, Prof., Science, viz: Chemistry, Natural p ill osophy. Mineralogy, Geo.ogv, Botany. Zoology. Prof. Booth, International Law, Constitution! of the L'Lited states. Prof. Mathews, Belles Lottres. viz: Rhetoric. His tory. English comuj-itioa, Lec tufes onStvie. Prof. SvLL-v. English, viz: English Svnonytns. Trench on vVords, English Literature. Elocution. Prof. MiN2E,ModcrnLanguages—French and German. in. -LAW DEPARTMENT. Profs. Hon. Hensy Booth, H. Hrun. Catalogues sent on application, m B. OGDEN* President of the Corporation. Rev. J. A. SMITH, Secrctarv. Maplewood Young tu.lies’ Institute. PittsCelJ Mass., commences its 43d Fem'-anraial session, Oct i, Im3.‘. with an attendance nndlminished by. the war. It adds to its u-aa' la-ulr ties for instruction In the solid and orn mental bracclir-s. aivantares for phv«ioal health fir-! culture For circulars adoress Rev. C. V. SPEAR the Principal. sepl uiihlat-itWiF A CADEMY OF I ISO UAIYER -TV. SITT, AT LAKE FOKEST, ILLINOIS,—TII3 fourth year of thi? Institution, under itie direction of M.C. Bin Ur, A. M. Principal, and Ih-v. ’-Vm. 0. D.ct mson, Professor of Langmges. will commune;* on W?rNEsj>AY,Sept 17th. CircuUrs.givmgfnil particu lars. will be scut cu npid’catb.-n to either’ ol nit.- pro *rs. at T.ako Forest to Uev, 2. M I!umph"rv. Rev. 11. tv. Putt -rs.-n. J). D.. Rev. Arthur Sw-i/.-y. R. M. Thompson, Ksq.H.E. Seelve.Es.i .or to Peter base, Esq Board oflrustees. Chicago, Lake Forest. August In I?G2. au:9-tt?-Hi-lia CELECT CLASSICAL SCHOOL. V 3 —lfr. S. G, SANGER. a graduate of Harvard tlnl vcrsltv.who hr.s had a mrge experience as a t'”.cher. will open a select School lor Bov*. in mica-*.-*. Sen. tembtr Uth. A thorough course ol English and Cias-i --ralvtud ••will be pursued. The best E*v«*ern and city reference? furnl-hed. For circular! and fertile- icor matJon addrefs S. G. SANGER, au.'iMTST Iw P. O. Box 275^. HOME FO’k BOY?. i This family scliord, bom rmt-xal and E.iglGh. is located on the Lake Shore, neirt ie Omlund St-uPu oftho Uvde Park tf:un, four isiilCc south of Chicago, The m-xt term will commence on Dl 3 tlr.l Wulne-day of November. Thoroiiun In.-truction. 1> a =.if-; aad agreeable home, is tie dcs’sru of f'e 0)1. \ Cird ot specific Infont alien with retfao'.e r>- ercnccs will be proniptlv sent tu laqulrlcs. Adere-s w. A. NICIIoLS. Box lift*. Chicago. se‘J-u2o'.sw piIICAGO AC A OEM V.—Tnb seventh year of lb!® soho-M for young l.idi-’s, Kisses LANE & BAKER Principles, Will begin on MOND.kY, S: pt 22d. Arplica’ions may be nude on and aTer that data at the School Budding,2ls Wabash avenue. s-,-i^uN>vtw W 7 £ST emc -(40 LADIES’ ?? PiMINAUY. 354 West R&udolpli Street. The second v<>nr of this institutl' n wli! c-Tmonco M--Di::ty. tf.-j.t. l-'itr. A lunite.i nnnib-r of‘’-..a-d.-rs ran be rcia-ived. For apphc-atlons aid farther par ty u'ar? address Miss C. A. Gi*EGG. Pri -wmal. se2-ullC-i;t P.o‘. Box SU. 1> A LMER’S ACADEMY, JL ’ Ko. 529 Ti'aDP.sli Avenue. The piidl. term of this In«rltutiou will commence cu MONDAY, Sept. lath. IhoJ, at the SEW SCHOOL BUILBISG, On Wabtudi nve-nic. coriier of Dor-gross stn-.-.r. P loe cf tu’tfor!. ul'Oiir <Mi.--:';i'd tc«« lir.n the usual rat-s. ••'or Circulars containing part’cahi-s. ainilv at the building. W. D. PALMER. A‘M . uubO-t;‘-2-2w Principal. FEMALE SEMINARY. J. TliD Ir.s’itutiun offers the accumulated advan tage* of m-:i-lv flfrv year* of successful operatUm Every facility is provided far a t!io-ongh course ol n«i*fnl and oniami’iital education, under the direction of a corps of more than uveiitv professors and teach ers. For Circulars app.y to 'JOHN 11 V*'ILLM:L>. Troy. K. Y. an -.'-i-.i.'-iMlw KNOX COLLEGE.—The F.JI Term of this Institution. in It* several don-ut tnerls. will openonTlHMS-SDAY. the fourth of >»:jv ti*n}b» - r nest. Amllltarv department hasbeen estab lished, and will go into operation under a competent Instructor, at the tx-glnnuig of the term. GalesVrg. Aug. 21st. IS*J•>’. S. F.'imLnEAß. aui>U-6S-2w Secretary of the Board of Trustees, pHICAGO SEMIMAHY FJR *vb Tor.VG LADIES. Kb anil lit* 'lass North Side. Kev. Win. M. Heyi olds, Principal of the English Department. F, G. I’.ertean, Principal of the French Department and Modem Languages. Under the super vision of n Board of Trustees -»iut an ExerutUe Com mittee. Thlfc in«titutition will be re-opened or fie if.tb of Sept next. Fur obeulars containing particulars, or am - other information, app’.v, ntthe in-titutvin, tc «iL5>-ttCSMm. F. C. BcUTEAU. Dearborn seminary, S3 W&BASH AVEHFE.—'The next term of tills Institution will open on MONDAY, £cpt. 15th. Ttu price of tuil'on in the Primary Departnit-nt will be one-third less tli-n herotofire. Circulars can Le o’> tallied by calling at th»* Semiu:»T, or bv addressing the Principal through the Post Office. auly-tTOO-lm " Z.GBOVER. Principal. LIBERAL EDUCATION with ITliJltary Instraction and Drill* WaSTEUN UNION COLLEGE ind MILITAaS O.CADKMX, at FULTON, ILL. on the Mi*;-i-slppl Ktvcr, will open its second year. Sept. 3.1 wlin re gular (.'ullipiatc Academic- and Primary Ciusses. IhcCollcgeuasacorpsol twelve experienced te-ich ers and 1* cturers, tlioronrh appointments, the finest school buildings In the West (cost, furaitnre.Ac.. f 120 GOO), au ample and attractive Military Park, an excellent and well furnished Arnmrv. a fine G/mna sium. and many other advantages which should claim tr e attention of parents and guardians. Tin; largest institution of Its cla<* and cnararr-r In the Union. Instruction in Fr.-nch. German, anil.Book-Keening free to Cadet-*, also in &btilt.xrt anil Int.vstrx (heavv and light) Tactics Zouave and Fvycv Drills and Gymnastics. at)U»*r an ulllccr of U. S. A. Cadets dress in Ui ilomis. Tersii— flS(» per school year for ooard, furnished room, fu ' lights, washing and tuition la sverv department, payable quasterly In advance. CftdtVfroin abroad, room and board under tiic same roof with and the constant ca ,- - j of the teachers. For Circulars address D. S. COVERT, President. Fulton, ill. foit-uSMm Business ®arss. WALTER HAY, D K No. S5 South. Clart Street, CHICAGO, OFFICE HouES,—Sto 9 A M ; 12tol, and 3 to C P. M [au‘22-trs6-om] PRUSSINO, j^RNSI REAI. ESTATE AGENT, Larmon Flock, Chicagio, HI. negotiated (>: citat .ecnrltr. imWJ-j & ii ow A - Rl3 Contractors fob F°s BRIDGING, GRADING DHEDGING, DOCKING. AND MASONRY. Ofnre W> D<?frbnrn street. OM P. O. BoihJnj. Chicago. tSf~ Bridge Timber and Dock materials constantly on bund. jy-5-g»>n atn pAPSR, PIOKEEE PAPER WABEHOT7EE OF 3UTLEB 6c HTJisr-T, Ro. 48 STATE STREET, Manufacturers Had Wholesale Design is si l Bands el Bourse and Fine Paper?, Envelopes. Cards, Cara and Itraw B cards, Paper Baca. Printers' Tak <fco. «c. Cash paid for all kinds ol Paper Stock. mU j s. eibk £ co. SOAP iST- iiSi-LE HiSmnTEEBS. ftad dealers ts Bcsln. Soda Ash. Tallow, Tallow Cii. frs. Sole 18 & 30 Chicago, tuT-eSU-la ffinal ana £2loDb. / VOAL ! COAL! COAL!—The V_y Scranton. Pittston. tvilksbarre and Shamokin Coal Companies of PennsylTaaia, ag-iin. otT*r their Lump. Egg snd Range Coal? at Mining prices; fre ibis and expenses «iddec.‘ Tb<»v mine all their own CoaL and can seß the same cheaper th;m Anthrac te Coal ran b» bcuctit from acy other source. Brewers Bakers and Country Dealers’ attention is called to the above fart?. Pig Iron, Lehigh. Blossburgh. Briar Hill. Erie. Cblo uewa and all other Coils, kept and sold at lowest tvbclessle and Retail price?. Offices: 2S2Madl?an xtreet. at Madison street bridge, 124 and 12S South Market street, and T-13 South Clark street, foot of Liberty street. Post Omce Bos Cl? 7. Jy29 tISS-3m EGBERT LATV. Agent. (groceries (?OA BAGS RIO COFFEE, good UOV/ to prime grodea. In store. Also, THREE TOKB POT Aft H- For sale byT. M. TURLAT & CO., 179 South Water Street an27t9262w 9?- A HHDS. FEW ORLEANS Af f)y SUGARS.—Common to choice In store and for Sale by PARSONS. PITKIN sfr HAWKEY, 71 South Water street. KAA BAGS COFFEE.—Rio,Mar. t/Uv acalbo and Costa Eica. Cdr to prime, arriT IneaadicriElfcbj PARSONS, PITKIN & H4.NKET. 71 South Water street. KAA HALF CHTS, TEAS—A l)v v full assortment of new crop Greer* and Blacks, embracing all grade? of Young Hyson. Hyson Skin. Gunpowder. Imperial Tw*aksy, Oolong, tc, .rrivtessnifc.^ pITKIS & „^- EKT , 71 South Water street. r ,\ TONS TOBACCO—Of reliable O'- and standard Kentucky branda. la boxes, mh Uoxp? and caddie?; also.flee rut chewing and smoklnt of approved m&aufactfire In barrels, half barrels, &c» for sale at current rat®? by X PARSONS. PITKIN ft H ANKHT. ;»7-t39i-ly 71 South Water a^-eet. ®ommi«BKJtt jHmljarrfsf; LITTLE A CO,, COMMISSION MERCHANTS* For the purchase and sale of FLOUR, GRAIN, SHEDS, PORK. LARD. BUTTER. _ BROOM CORN, HIDBB, &a, warehouse. No. 231 South Water street. WILLtAH LITTLE. Isefi-n126-3m3 GEO. -A- SAOKET. ■JJNDERWOOD & CO., GEHEEAI. COMMISSIOK MERCHANTS. OFFICE and WAREHOUSE—IS 7 South Water-st„oi> positu “Board ot Trade” Building. JcMy P. L. TKDSBWOOD. 8. L. "CSDEBWOOD. BEX W. UNDERWOOD. QHADBOURNE & WETHERBE Genersl Commission Merchants, Pardee’s Building, corner Wells and South Water 5t.3., (No. 8 up-statrs.l Chicago. a. s. cnAppocuxE. [se2-u55-gnal G. r. wethekbb. lEOIUCE SOId MISSION MEEOHISI3, No. IS6 South TV:itpr stwt, (Aiken’s Bollilfna) CincAßo. Illinois 7ST Business conenert H.-ictivto Commission. £FH [auN S. TaHWOOD, COTUiniSSIOTf MERCHiNT, So. 3 Pomeroy*? BuUdlm. corner Clark and South ■Water -tjet ts. Chicago. P. O. Bos *2 Busi»e>?roullufc!i strictly t'-.Comn: 8. WILLS & BROS., CO-tmiSSIOS IttERCHiNTS, Chicago, Illinois. OSce, Room No. 4 Pomerov’e Building, South Water street, near corner of Clark street. References : —Woodruff & Co., New York; Devries, Stvphrn? & Co. Baltimore: Crow, McOreerv & Co., Sr. Louis: D. A. .T ir.uarv & Co., do.: Hon.’JohnG. Graham, Canton. II'.: H.m. w. c. Goudv. Chicago, III.; Mm. wiit-el-r, do,; G.C. Cook & Co., do. -OUN S, WILLS. JAHEsQ. WILLS. W. M. WILLS. auaO-iTiS-im M TURLAY & Go-, PRODI’fE AND GENERAL COMMIS SION RIIiIIIiHAMS, OT? SuUTII WATER STREET. We give personal and prompt attention to the sale oj Grain, Hour. Pork, Lard. Butter, Seeds. Broom Corn, ic.. and make liberal cash advances on consignments delOoT-ly r* B. ABOBK & CO., PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NT.W VOEtt, CHARLES B. ABORN, I ANDREW T. MOORE, CHAS. W, DARLING. 1 Special Partner. - •’ • “ »., i V • | C.-CVi'U X .Vi Mr. Anarew Y. Moore, one ot the firm, has located In Chicago for the accommodation of their business. He will make liberal advances on Produce, con«i *n*-d to them in New York. H;s place of business, in the o*?ce of Messrs. Dow & Quirk., No. )f>6 Sonta Wafer street. Chicago. I.’efebences:—Dow & Quirk; Chapin, Wh-sler & : o. au9t{TMm-i Jj'ABWSLL & CO., s?i* u’~-3:-T-wiM coirrnissTON otiss chants, Ftf'Scnth IVat'-rstrert, Chicago. Fil. Liberal advances made on property In store." lii-FEKkxVE:*.—C-xdey. Fv.'-wrl: & Co_ G. C. ceas. b. farwell. [mygl-riklMy ] simeon fabwkll. gATES, STONE & CO., Produce Commission Herohants, Forthe purchase and sale of FLOUR. QBAIX, BEEF, PORK, PIS 3, HISIS, Lard, Butter, Cheese, Setd*, DRIED FHTJIX, 6cc., dec. 217 SOITU WATER ST., CHICAGO, [au>t4oJ-‘>m] JOKES, CULBERTSON & CO., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Office No. IT Wclis street. overSturgcs’ Bank, Chicago, llhaolj. auZ-lAU-oiu PA i'RIOK Ss CO. General Com misso-n Merchants. No. 211 South Water street, Chicc. .0, li ; ;s .\.|vauc Grain, Flour, r«;vi«'- r.s, etc., to real- here an-,’, bv our friends In N>-\v York. I'oit.-u. Ph'hi.itlp'.iia and I.iverpvd, Wc rotor to Merchants’ S ivinzs Loan and Trust Comp mv. Cli’- c.igy; K. K Wl I.i”d Agent Bunk ot' Moutie il.’Chi lo go : .T. H. DuuhaiE, Esq.. Chicago-, 11. A. Tucker. Esq. Chieaco. j. y, i’atbick. [jyZl tih o'tn] c. t. ixsleb JOSEPH H. TUQKER & CO,, GEEEE&L COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. n Boarc. of Tia.le Building, South Water street, Chic'-go. IR. our business stbictly and exclusivult •• •■- - -. vui uu2ai<.co o 1 aii, ili auu LALLtoi. r.,.■ OiHliri.b.-tOr . JAS U. TrOKEIJ. GEO. A. GIBB3. DAVID DUEL. jy!s is'vSS Cm O’ P. STANLEY, Conimission .1 I • Merrbart. and dealer fn Fruit and Produce, No. 50 State street, (iblcago. N. B.—ln the fruit Dade we invite corri-.-p-cnlrTiCa previous to shipment. There J.« great choice in the style of packages, and in the routes and time of Ship- Meat, &c. TXTTIJJAMb &HOUGHTELINQ, * T COMMISSION MERCHANTE, No. 210 V ?onth Water street, .-ei.ond d.wr west of Wells street Widp<* nve the'r exclusive attention to the sab) ana purchase t-J all kin«i» of Produce. Stock. Ar..,t y Comml-ToE Cash advances made 02 billf ol la-iln? md property 1 1 •tore. lief-r to Georgy Smi-ta a Go., Marine Bark, and S-yorge Stt-el Sr- Co. J. J.. Wtl-T.TA Ma. naVSG-l?) W. D. HOtJ3H7ZLniS. s - HIBBARD & CO., GEKEEAI CGEHISSION MEEIH4.NT3, Oulcfc and Wftn , hun.-e. Z-t: SouUi Wat>*r street, between Wc'N and FraakUa sts., Cuicagu. Post {>ffiee B- .x a»Vi7. lc-:l-r1Glk!ru W3l. T-. HIiHURD. .7. M’ALLTSTER. T. W. HALL. CASK ADVANCES MADE ON all kinds of PEOITTCE AJ3D BEOOM CORN, for ga ,a !r. tills market or consigned to our correspond in New York, Boston and Philadelphia. KAP FLKVF. & iHHLDuN, Coinuiission lierehaafs, MS South Water street. Chicago. ap!-h‘.'TO ly QEARLES ‘RANDOLPH, S2NERAL COMMISSION MEECKi^T, Ao. S ix-onns* Building. corner CiarE ana South Water -treeta. Advance- on fton-ignmenta. fei’6Ms A BIEL AKIN & CO., l\ PBonrcz commission Merchants. Ho. ISS South Water strict. Cast* advances made on Floor sac Grain to be sold here er by Hew York. ABLZL AKIN. [aplG- p432-Sgtl J. g. BUELBDT. Q.LASSFORD, JONES A CO., Ff-rwardiag and Skipping Agents. Special attention given to forwar lag Grain, 4c, from Kingston to Montreal and Quebec. Carrying ra rsclty oi our eraft equal to 2Ts,t!ou bushels Grain per trip. 6C Canal wharf. Anglin’s Wharf. Montreal. rap2S-pT9G Cml Kingston. NEELY & CO., GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ko. 7 Board of Trade Balidiug, 0. T. WH7.F.LZS, A.n. KE2LY. E, 7. ZJLXTBSNCS. ftplfi-p447-ty Murry nelson & co., No. 2’4 South Water street Give their exclusive attention to the purchase, sale, shipment and making cash Grain, Flour Provisions, and Produce of ail klndo, FOR A COHIiTIISSION. HUBBY KELSON. B. B. STEVENS. J>EDFORD, MERSDITU * CO M EXCLUSIVE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, For the purchaas and sale of Pork. Stock. Flocr. Grain, iud Produce generally, No. SC %ud tti3 South Wats: sslT-ly PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Give especial attention to the purchase and sals Oi Flour. Grale and all kincs of produce on commission. Office r.T Luke street, corner of Clark. ouvsEn.LEß. ctaelss h. anth*. OaILIE & SEYMOUR, PRO jjj DUGE AND GENERAL COMI-nSSION MER CHANTS Office, U6 South Water street. Fomeroy • «n:lrting. Post office Drawer 6137, Chicago. Kk?bb ikck*—Sturges, Backingliam & Cc H Wm. Martin, Freight Agent C.. I?. 4 Q. K. R. anl&c&l-I; gAWYER , WALLACE & CO., COJTOISSIOS BIRCHIVIs, 47 Broad street. Nd» York. Advances made on Consignments to the above firm 'JS Till. AITVHISUN. Agent, 152 South Water street, Chicago. mh7a23i>ly DALL, BURBANK & 00., jl) PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, l Iftle'B oor. South Wsier and Clarfcsta. "•o. VuS .■iS'-c Driller 62-7. Cnicaro. ars«*XK I r. ball l oso. r. colt. P. S- BALL ! P. i\/J' S. NICHOLS & Go. a.7X*» ope Heft. atlsS South Water street. Chicago, ** Seneral Commlaaloa House, for the purchase ana sale 9f Grain Flour. Provisions. &c_ and solicit couslzc jientß and orders. To parties accessible to Milwaukee is well as Chicago. In connection with their Milwaukee Souse. Nicbole, Britt A Co„ think they can give such mperlor advantages. [apirsi-l^ U. a. NTfTFOT* O. X. BKITf , a, A. "IOHOLS. ML FUKEHOUSER & CO., COiTUnSSIOK MERCHANTS* 215 x South Water Street. }an2s-R63&-iy Q.ILBERT, UPDIKE <s GO., coiTtiissios nE«ri?4S'is. So. 14 Labile ctreet, Chicago. 3TANARD. GILBERT A CO- Ho. 5 City BuMdlngi St. Louis. my1761-'7 Z. S. BHiB2ET. 6. W. TTPDtSS. S, O. STANA2D BROTHERS, To. s Pomerov’s B’?ck. comer South Water and ClarS rfeetE, Chicago. Advances mace od consignments, r. ?. 6ei??is, [mt£?'W-iy] a- s-simr. piCE FAY & GOr, * CO.7OIISS2OS MERCRASTS, So. 12 Lasaile street. Chicago, m. p. U. Box 12IS. 6*ve their exclusive sttentloE to the purchase and sale of Flour. Gnm snd other Produce, ou CommisrioiL nci fat. fau2S*Sl-IFI jjls. h. wounwoTTa. IyjfUSICAL IXSTBUMENTB, ".HJLIUS BAUEB, MUMS AM) BRASS nsrsTE," nanulactnrei and importer ol Musical lastrom&u »~>i strings. HsTlac connection with D&onfacCoritxF fcouees tußerlliL LeTpslc,Dresden, England and Puis, ‘s prepared to furnish 'Valart, Sands «ad Individuals •>mh every in their line At the lowest N. York Prlcesc f Ost OCCe Sox 3401. OOH39HS OH ARLES CLEAVER, Agent, MANUFACTURES OF lard, Kachinery and Lnbncating OiL No, 245 LAKE STREET. anSS-WS-lm amis tDVJSm Wm, A. Brown & €o«. JHusit Stores. 99 South Clark Street, LAKE SUPERIOR. THB T * TPSIXEB F. W. BACKUS TVm leave A. Harvey * no.’s Doct. NEXT SATUS- I>Al. AUGUST a3d, at 7 o’CIoCS F. M., tor The Various Ports on lake Superior. For Freight or Fasaage apply to A, HAHVKV & CO »pU-p3ofr€m 32s and 333 South Water street 'J'HE PEOPLE’S LINE -or— NEW STEAMSHS, For Buffalo & Intermediate Parts These Bo«s are new and splendidly inralahcd. wa a view to tlie One boat of lids :iu - i-ave? iLii'v at f- o'clock P M from the I. C. it. R. Dock. for thy abovj port- ' Ticket office No. Hi S<nub street. opposite th> Central Depot, Chicago. E. SSI9LS?, Only Authorised Agent. THE Western fransperts&Hi ft WESTERN EXPRESS. 1862. THE WISTSEiT THANSPG STATION OC*st PANY hskTlui made arrangements to nm tj-ir Lii Steam Propellers on alternate days with those oi ti HEW YORK CENTRA!. A SB TIICiJSGAN CENTRAL RAILROASft Numbering thirty Urst-class, staunch and straacst°si ere, o3er to the commercial public, the followini eT dently superior facilities for the transportation of inn ckanoi?-and produce to and from the Eastern, Wu-;- era, Northern and Southwestern Stales. The C»‘ pany'a unequalled CANAL facilities, consisting Oi i SO Canal Coats, Of the largest class, sis of which leave New Torß an- Sutfa'o daily. connecting at Buffalo with the following Propeller lines: THE WESTERN EXPRESS. (Qwmed and operated by this Company) will run o»*i t*.“ New York Centra Itadrci'.d to Bunalo. connecCni with the various Railroads leading West, and with tti following Lines of Pro pell era on the Upper and, Lowe Lake*: The t'pper lake Tine Daily* W. T. Ce. Steamers. b. C. * C. Line Steamer TONA WANDA, FOUNTAIN CITY, FREE STATE, WEXONA, MOHAWK, MENDOTA, PLItfIOITH, E\*ERGREENCSTI NEPTUNE, GALENA, MAYFLOWER, CHU AGO, Leaving the doc*< at Erie Basin, and foot of Michliaj street, every evening at 7 o’clock. For freight or •>*: > apply at the »vextern Transportation ]&n; and the Rntfaio. C’.sveiaad and Chicago Lilb ; J'fllce, foot of Michigan street. The Uetrr/U Line S^aily, Vl-Scrth Store direct, ccnncctim? at Buffalo will* Sb KewT n rV Uei.tra:, ani hnUk'o, New To:k ur.t’. Eric itr.Llroadd. W. T. Co Bteomers. t. Co. Sterae? nrNKTRK, MiLISOIS, CONCORD, SAGINAW*, n.VRY SXEWARS OT3AR PASHA. Beavlag the dock. iir;vi Utii'.Zi, evtr» evenin' - ti o'clock. For freight or par-sags apply at the Coapaas l>Clc«. Krle Balia €l< viifftui. Toicdo , Sa mi itshf and isrtnu Siay Liti€. Central Haliroad Steamers, BUI'ATOU, E(U’l.\Ol, AIUXES, EEPKUAa’cSv jfeiCXIPMS, COMET, ROCKET, MARUrfiTTE CI'VIHOOA, OKOXTES FOUES7 QI EEN, Loavirs ttb dork ,»c Erie Basin. st 7 o’clock P. Pe £rt;jrlic jnd apply 10 i'. D. Dole, Agent. offitf foot oi Michigan ptre. r. for btils lading and contracts by Canal or Rallies* apjly following Agents: t.\ f.Ur.TT CLAPP. No-. 1 CocnUes SUo, New TCU HUGH ALt.KN, ** “ •* A. COLSON. No. Astorltoase, New Voik. S. G. CHASE, IIS Pier, Albany. K. Y. A G. CHAPE. I‘dKivir street, Troy, 5. Y. J. L hCRD no. Kurd’* Dock. Detroit viefc. j J.TALLMADGIi. Misy aalppi sadprnir.eXhicii I *- Ra’lrf'nrt Dock, K. A. DUCK.. Green Bv., WLs. ’■v.y. HU l:u. b-j.-:or. Western Transportation Co. Erie 3?flln, Sdnii CONSICiiKEESI BOND Ss MORRIS. C.eve'aml, Ohio. a;EKNIPON B. SMITH * CO, Toledo, OidO. TF. T. DILL. PandusKy, OMc. JOHN HEARN &(0, Hri-j. Pi, Di.'lTUi- «V KAYJ:«;i\O. K.»r;ne, vris. KENOSHA PIEK CO., Kenosha, Wlfl. W.H.’-v.MOUTd CO.. Waakcgai.. IE. J. ?. Kn.Ki.ANT), SUebDycaa. W!3. C. V. BICIUSON?) Do'wtj Freight North D«ftrto?2 it;te. J. W. TUTTLE, I p Frei-bi A s *:-i Foot of Stsl” street, CMca-:o, lIL &ni4-"WJja THE Northern Transportation C : e‘j OF OHIO le prepared to transport property between Somox*. all Points In Pfof* England, Sew Tcs* and tin* West, Wilt care and dispatch. tb!» well ki'own L*iii» or fourteen First class Eortf Stoomers. connects at ocdensbnrK wit** t*:e Railroad for Boston and all Puint« la Sat Ergtand; it Cape v tncect with the Railroad and Line between Vincent and New York, £.ni at Oswego with a LIK2 Ox- 25 FIRST CLASS CANAL BOAT* Between Oswego. Troy, Albany and New York, Forming a-VAILY LINK trom Boston, New Yo?l ()gd«Bs'’r.raii,CHjM» Vlnecut and Oswego ta Clcveitu*; Toledo and Detroit, AKD A TRI-W£ES_LY LISTS TO Chicago, Milwaukee and Intcmediatfl Ports. AGENTS J. Hyera, 151 Broadway. New Tors. John Boss lug. 7 State rtreet, Boston. Geo, A- Eddy, Ogaeasburgr U. J. Crevo'in. Cane Vincent John If. Crawford, Ob wego. Felton & Breed, Cleveland. ‘Walker* Usya Toledo. E. R. Mathew*. Detroit 0. J. Hale, Jiiiwe kte. Taylor, Marray* Co, Sacine. CLARY & HOWE, Agents Foot of Forth Lasalle Et., Chicago.- fapt-p?>2-firnl Carriage ftlahrrs. j^ovEiyrrcAirsiAGEWoßKS 41 ABiidS STREET. The proprietor of tVc.-*-- work-* tikes pleasure in In forming tin.- public irmi* Uic.-e works ln»vo Dcenen -1 aim'd to more than -.icuble their f>rni'T capacity, which bus enabled him to get a good stock of Family, Gentleman and Trotting BUGGIES. Also. SULKIES and SKELETON WAGONS on hard, whlci. are 011-.Ttd to tt.e pub.ic with the full ussur.i.iec ol giving good •.visfictlon. us tbev h*ve been built uml.r the su;>-rvlst.m of GEO. FENSOYER whose npufatlor- :<>r m-.klug good work Is w.-n known Also Of hand and receiving. EASTERN FAMILY CARRIAGE:?, from tb« old and well ktiiwu miunfuc- Hirer?. J.M. Quimly* Co..Newark. N. J.. whose work is surpassed hj no one. Repairing promptly done. r. 11. I’.RoWN. Principal. Gin. I'ENNnVEK. Mmuf.u.turcr. THUS. 11. IMlUWN.Cashier. replO-nSi? pARRIAGF. MANUFACTORY. V,/' —7h“undersigned weal i most respectfully cull Ibe attention o« those who uroi'iU’ii'i'ng to jitrdvi-e for cash anvthirz in their line of AlanoiACture, toan Inspection b: their slock of REAP-Y-MIDB RASimUES, Andhlsoto tbelr superior stock of material from whiih tbeA’an: constactlv mannfacturiog ur*’-c’ue" work Yft-hsre 1 i.Myenlnrccd our u ,j five cow greater iacihUr>ibin tver or * r5 I'rtJmrtU- for ai.v , tv le o:\irrlWe kerp cor.sraiu.ij_ cr. an adv meed atano of tj>sruif.Cl-<*'_ a larte stock of LIGHT TKOTTING WAGONS. OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES. BUSINESS WAGONS. DOCTORS* AND GENTLEMEN'S PHAETONS, Aiil> P.OCKAXVAYS. &C. Please call at our Manufeotory and eNsmlae oar Stock. H. * G. N. WILLETT’S Anf.T-t-:~1ir. Cor. Statea.-d mg'-.U'l -if. liL Uroom (Corn YVAEU, BROOMS. BBOOm OORM, iiav’d 95 So. Water-st, Chicago, 95 sale at the Lowest Cas?! Prices. The larges' suck of WOODED WARE, (Painted and Plain.) WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, Cordage, Twine, COEN BASKETS. Krooni IBiskcr-s Stock, ac.. Ac„ &c. Ever Ercuylit to this City. NATHANIEL. WHITE, eepl-a45-2m 95 S Water-* t, Chicago, BROOM CORN EXCHANGE. We Invite consignments of BROOM CORN, Have AMPLE STORAGE, make advances, and offer Special Inducements By giving onr patrons the benefit of prices paid by consumers in the EAST AND CANADA, AU en quiries promptly an»wereo. KAPFLETEA & SHELDON, Commission Merchants. ‘24s South Water-st. gheto Cage. Mterhtote. • (ruoozseoß to ciKynura * oo> SHOW CASE agAjrtrrACTtnasß, 510, C| BEAKBOBN BTBEET* CHICAGO. ILL. BftV ilW* i "VTO HTJMRUG i—P-ddl»rs and Traveling Agents are positively making from SlO to per Bay innelllng oorCsskfte. Cali aadgeethemandbecoß* vinced. Scle Agents. Ftaje.fs Gieit Vaiietj Store, 103 Lake St> fHilitarg ©ootrs T° military officers.— FULL DRESS Regulation Hats and Caps, Geld Embroidered Bogles, Wreaths. &c„ minrraru tcreu r.nd for sale bv ficpt-o tMm J. A. SMITH & CO. MILITARY GOODS.—Jest re *.i > eelved a birge assortment of all Kinds of IHLSTAKY KOODS, SWORDS S*SHKfI, BELTS, BHOCL DEK STRAPS, &c., Jk.t 91 Lake St., Tremont Block. 11. 11, CI3ESEY, Ageat, s' 1 ? i; -riWw n.UFS! GUNS'! GUNSSU V ’ G.EVOLV.-;:;.' oraLliin'Ja, OfFrCEES' SWOEBS, BEITS, SASHE3, 4C. B jv.c XiiLv>a ele Military Goods, Sna Material. Bole --■ .ur -/ .r id Bowler. All Xind3 of Ao-nnin. C -' r -. SEOEBE T. ABBKT, ■'•t* l ” 136 K-Sa Praa. £'NOC!H WOODS, - cl -* (Successor to CHAS, A. 2ATOSJ ?fo, ISO MEG STREET, nSALRS IN Sun*, Sporting AjPiakiaa Xaefele, Pistols, Bowie Salves, MILITARY GOODS. Powder and Skot, AT WHOLESALE AND BBT AIL, ar-3-r>«T-i7 SUTLERS AND AGENTS—You k_ _ tv;3l find the and Gift* In rny Union > ;srle k y Envelopes worth m-'re bv finv oer cent, than those ap by aiy other dealer. LVge and frcaU supplies oi I always ert V. ind. Also— iniaps, and \. ninn goods of ail descriptions Ad s. rp '? T V - l ru “s. P. ■». 3.)T S-iVT, corner State and, Chicago. Send for a circular, enclosing red eiamD. lr-S-Usj-ita MILITARY NOTICE. Officer. nf the- Tfd. and all other new Rcdraeuts. wfll fir.-! tr r i - . t! ■ t Interest in pn-cha-lnr outhts to cail oa E. R UOWKV. 2J Ginrir street, mp st.iirsl. OVER TH3 UMTr D STATCS EXPRESS OFFICE. Sword Beiti, S-sh*s. ShonMcr Straps Cans. Cucies, Flit ■!?. Cart nders. and everything else needed of The best cnalit. and cheapest in market. E. K. BOWEN. 20Ciark=£ UpTi-LIS JyjJ Dentists. \Y M. AIiBAUGH, DENTIST No, 58 West Randolph. Street, rcylS'SMy # J. LAURENCE, ‘dentist, Office, tCI akp street, opposite TrpT®r.t Hon^. Hr. L.liar Had sineer rears experience in h:s mfe*. s'.on. v. ork done a: £a,-cem prices. Sa Ccs^artnetsliips. f'OP AUTNERSHIP NOTIOE. V Mr. 'VT. r. Winthate I‘>'co'np a ni?-:u-' *r of onr Erin lion lids date. SYLVKSI til * CO. ifeit. 1. IrO’ > DISSOLUTION.—' IV. 8 Copartner- ipTctofp'P existin': under thenim-and si} -O of M a-d 2- :•«*;• is mis dav di,-sol fed t»y n u*a:;'c-T-sen: W, I*. Kt.'omm authorized to s'-tt'.e tre business of said lirai, to whom ail letters f. nr:r"Z 'vtrsoN' cii'c.Tco, Bc?t i. The co k. l:?reVf-e t!ie .•;■ Morse oj Vabwo-.d. by uiuiral cuiscui. -PARTNERSHIP n *!••* Zii?d til !',N ;!-,r ALUKUT M iJ. i. VAiIMUJ. auiMSlMm Chicago. 2<Uh. DTSSOLUTKVX OF OOPART-. NEHfEIR—Ti" isting ttWieen John 4 lark, -lohe H. M '.r-OMiimil Paul Jont>. under tlie n.i:re and 3rm oi John Clark & Co„ tlNsolvcd or. tiie 17th lust, by the withdrawal ot John ll.Marshall. JOHN CL.VUtL PAL L The Prodnre roTut!?Mon Ba.dncsr w.i- iv o ndt-. • 1 as heretofore hy tl c unoorsloaed. the tlnn n Cf coin Clark i: Co. .101 TV i’[, V tnvi -rJUxira Pali, jon- (Clotljcs iLiiiriugrrs, CLOTHES WRINGERS. Till-: I’EPT NC'V IN- USE, wTi ?oi.!r> Knr i:c-LLKr>. Si>i:-Atijw?H!iC. i.kvki: p avj:j; p : SI’UK. easily worked uud durable, fur sslc Wbcl-j and liuluil by E. PECK, Acrr* for : r.?> 'W.-.r.tod. Scud for C.rruiar sad Torn l Cciis ant: jpaunj ©oolis. gARN U BK O THE E 13S LAHE-ST,, CHICAGO, ILL., Import*”-* nr-*! Wholesale Dealers la TOYS AND FAHIY 003DS, WIS.LOW C&SS, CMldrcn’s Gljjk, Carrlasot, &c M Bt* a keif, Bird C'Haeu, Julip SI raws. Quill and TV"ooci 3Tea.llioi' X)ustcrs, Fly Rrapher, And all goods In the line of YANKEE NOTIONS. Headquarters for all kind? of nSHIXG TACKLE, Order? respectfully solicited. No. 138 Lake street, between Clark ani Lasalle streets. ilegal Jjlotuts. STATE OF ILLINOIS COUNTY Uv Or COOK. ?s —Cook County Circuit Court. Oc* w ber Term. a. lc Thomas UioMiiima and oiu-u UUinmmil his wife, v«, Daniel O. ijurv-rv and Henry I!n T!r:i.l;ou-;ir. ; I’liMh; retire 1? hereby given tn the. «aid Daniel«». ( cer.t ey and llenrr HumMcL.-usar iMr :t w-ir . ment issued out of the otlieeot the Cie k rf C'*<»kCoun ty Circuit Court, da - *•<! Hi" ihiv of A 1> : Irßll, at the suit of the said Tlmn.a-i Richmond anil ; Olive Richmond h's wile, and agai- r-t the e-t.iteot tne : fa'd D;.n'ft o. tiulv.'v nn.l H-uirv Humrieh-.usar. for ; the sum of Twplv- iluadrcd and Fifty Hollars, directed to the fcherltf ofPcoK Couutv, which said writ has I been returned executed. Now,Du r<‘f>m*. unle-'s vmi. tlie sal.', Daniel O.QuITCy , and Henry !luirTl'Jiou-ar shall p■•rsun.iiiy b: and ap pear before the said (Vok ‘"ointy Circuit Court on or i before the lir.-l clav of tlri nest Term tluriof, to be holder at the Court Home in the City Ulm-ig J.ontna ilDilMoDdayoiOet ih-r. A D Is-rA.give--p- : \i hail,-*nd plead frith-* s iH pl uutltf's action, Judgment win ha . entered against you. and in favor of the su'd Tli unaa Richmond and Clive Richmond. hi* wife and so mudi , rftr-prope-ty nfurhed as may be MiUbd-nt t •>fy ■ the ndd judgment and costs will he sumi t» sa'ljfy the ean>e. ' W)I. C.Ctit.*KCH. Clerk. ; Burnham & Martin, puts Aifv. w>Mr»T-lw QTATE OF ILLINOIS. COUNTY OF CO*>K. s?—Circuit Con ‘t of cvv.jV: County. October .cm. ;yrd. George H. Jeweii va. Mary jt.w.-U.-S-ci.'n.-vry. Athof.vit of tli- r.or.-r‘-fh!*>nea of Mary .Tcwcll. dd- I'Tiuaut abive r amc*. h-.vine been Hlen in t»i» otQca oilier Clt:k of riul ‘'ireuil C“-irt oi Cook County. Noticei= hereby a!v*r tr t!i« sc-l .I'-w.-u ii:%C said compi < » i i;int till*d r.U Mil of coutnl dn r In Court, on tin- Uh ucerv side thereoL on the li teenrh i!:.-. of Augu-t..eid that u ?umm -ns ther'-unon iv-iifed cut oi s ill Court agai r -t --aid defendant, r-uirn at'b- - n the c-cor d Monday of October aeit. (IrC-e.) as Is hv law r>-iu ; red New,unless jnu. the ?tld Idury J.-w-UJ shill per- Fonallv re and srpear before sud fVi uit Court of Ccot Cuuntv. <»n the 2rst d iv o'the next term thereof, u be hidden' at ». in said County, on tne second Monday of October. ISfu!. and answer or demur to the said eoTTplairnnts* Mil of c-’mptalnt. the «uue nnl the mat Mrs and things rherein charged and ntat-M will i e tuher iisronft?Sr-i, a’ J a decree enteredajjalna* you acccrd’uz to the prayer of sard utjL -r i j tV.M. L. CU'JIJCtT. Clerk. XV. S. Felezr, Compl’ts Sol’r. airiT-tSU-lw CTATK OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY W OF COOE. ss.—Circuit Court 0? Cook County, September Term. 1.-UL George XV. r-otwnau vs. George Atr-un - Johnsoi ant -Jucet M. .Tohnron. —In Chancery. AUl'hiVit ol the noc-tfsidenee of George Asbnry Jctnson ana Juliet M. Johnson, d-fen-iant- move n iTn“d. basins been fi!"d in the oliic? C-e Cl-rrS of said Circuit Court of Cook County. Nutic-? ??,f;erer.y pvi n to the said Georae A?bary Johnson and Juliet SI. Jobn.-on. that ?.»tl complfilnint died Ids bill of complaint in said Court. •■>n the Ch;iQC-:ry side thereof, on the Iwcnty-sect-mldayof AUgii.U-, l;Si and that x summon!-thereupon lr>uc.l out 01 said Court a-.a:a?t said di-A edants. returnable on the first Monday of Septcmbei next, nSfti). as U br law required. Now. u-iie-3 von the said George Asbunr Johnson and Jubet M. .lohnson. shai! person.i'.l-, he and a,ip*-ar befttesasd circuit Court of Cock County, on the first day of the next tern, thereof, to lie hol-ien at , Jiuca"o, in said County, on the first Monday of Sept-nib *r, l&Gl, and plead, answer ur demur to the said com plainants’ bill of complaint, tee same and the martyrs anc tblnc< therein chstrg'-d and rtst *d wUT be t ik’n as coriVsaid, and a d-cree entered against you toj- CorcinK t-j the praver of sa-d bi'l. WjJ. L. CHURCH. Clerk. S. K. Dow, CompTts Sol’r. au.G-tSUMw I?STATE OF A S HLEF Git- M.LJ BERT, Dzcsaskd—Public notice 1* hereby given to all h »ving claim* ag-iinat lu*i eaute of VsLlev Gilbert. t-opre->eoc th= anna for adNidJc alo!) «mi s' , tt!etnr’T’t to the October t-srra of tli4 Conn.y Court of C-»ok County, to be holdea at the Court Hon’?, in t’.e City of Chicago, on the third Monday* Octo‘*r A D. _ MARIA GILBERT, Administratrix. Chlcagr. Aug. r.*th, aulO tT3MIw ctatk of n/f isois, CLV-Tivrr ’k* of COOK, bs.—Superior Court «f Ch'caio. November T-=rm. J.- me* Summer? and Ei^artl Martin va orrin J. Rti>e. Daniel T. Emou, WLliam Lili, V.'l litm I. 1/ v - ‘:irl IL-rtiu. Liivreuco Front, Et-ward Pni'!v. Tv-r.i ti Scolty, Patrick Dana, BriogetQulrk Front, TM’,U;‘ia Fiout, l ;•••- Ptoitt. Onho Klemm, jo&eph E, Slusl-i’M Matin: • -Jordan and Budget Jor dan. ids wife.Jr.!:i- {Tout, v • ael Front, Mary Lieaoa, William Leff>m ai«u JoV ,T •’-'fi- Afiida-it tli.-t O.Lo K :n ■} ~*mh Z. Shetleld, Matthew Jordan. Br di-1.?o; <v a. •-a wife., John Front, Eduard Senile am! •noa-ie! Vr-vic. deieidauts-,b?7d n>med art noo-resM-nts. an- tons Mary Leesoc. wn- Uam Leeson, n:.a Join L c;or, defendants above named, on dan lu-.n rj-Cannot be fou.;d having been fib d In the office ci Vvr rick of said Superior conn; of Chicago. Notice Is hereby given s-> the sa.d Oth-> Klsmm. Joseph E. Sheffield. Mai thew Jordan Bridges Jorcan. his wife. John Front. Michael Leeson, William Lerson. John and tdsr a r<t BcullT that the complainants filed tnelr Dill or com plaint in said Court, on the Chanccrr side thereof on the fifth day of August, ISIS, and that a summons thereat on Israed out - f sM ICoart ugilnst said defen dants returnable on the first Monday of N ovember n*»Tt.Vis62) as is by law required. “y ow l ‘imless son. Theealc Otho Klemn, Joseph 5 Sheffield Matthew Jcrdan. Bridget Jorden. ma wife, John Front. Michael Front. Mar/ Leeirm, William Lee?on,£‘lward Scullv and JohnLecscn shall persm ally be and appear before said Superior Coart of Chi cago of Cook County, oa the first cayofthe nex* term thereof, to be tnlden at Chicago. In sain County, oa the first Monday of Nuvemb- r. 1?W, and pte-id. answ.*r or demur to the said complainants btl* of complaint, the same, and the matters and things therein charg-<i and stated, will be takes as cor fussed, and a dvc-e-e entered against you according to the prayer of so»A till THOMAS B. CARTER. Clrrk. D. IT. "BtrsSKAhi, Compile*’SoTr. au:s-tfcfc-lv A DMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, jtA. STATE OF ILLINOIS. COOK COUNTY, an.— Ccuntv Court of Cock County. pub'lcQOßce is hereby given feat tie uader-ige-d. Administratrix of the estate of Dollve* Wiix da ecasied.'wlUappeKrberorethesiildCourt. A- ptem. b*rTerm thereof to fce bolder* octbs third M vs »-:• t Septembf r, A. D. the Court taaMd C<>u» ty. fut the purpose of hearing and ch»- and demand* agimrt the estate, yrner vui wt-rr-, ‘.a persons havire’ench claim* *re rsiut -,t,»d ro •'•J* and file the »i:c. AB'.GA’L v . ' v *- A.dmlnUtrotns E-’-ilt 11. UTvr • ■ * : vticsg-j. jou m i*; -- ■- 1 ■pl-iv't-lnt