Newspaper Page Text
aj|P aa 11* 1 re P orifi of our lose or captured in these vari («r 1v t. 11l llTt Fi* 1 oua engagements. Many gallant officers have * * T.I I been lulled or wounded. Of the general of -1 Hcess, Ewell, Trimble, Taliaferro, Fields, Jen kins and Mahone, have been reported wound ed : Colonels Means, Marshall. Baylor, NeS and Gadberry, killed. About 7,(XXI prisoners have already been paroled, about the same number of small arms collected from the field, and thirty pieces of cannon captured, besides a number of wagons, ambulances, &c. A large number of arms still remain on the ground. For want of transportation valuable stores had to be destroyed as captured, while the enemy, at their various depots, are re ported to have burned many millions of prop erty in their retrent. Nothing could surpass the gallantry andjendnranceofthetroons, who have cheerfully borne every danger an'd hard ship, both on the battle-field and march. 1 have the hocor to be, very respectfully, your obedient servant, R. E. Lee, General. fTp MOKOAT. SEPTEMBER 15, 1802. FKOSt CINCINNATI. Affairs In Cincinnati-—Outrages Upon Jcgroes—-Tlielr Faltbfnluess--Gea. *^ W Wallace In Command Across tne River-—inferior Position As signed to Him-—A Drunken Briga dier—One of Halieck’s Pets. Cincinnati, Sept. 11,15C2. Cincinnati deports herself creditably in the hour of peril. There is intense feeling; bat Hone of the wild, blind, disgraceful panic we have witnessed in other threatened cities. Her people, indeed those of this whole regi 3ncnt, both in Ohio and Indiana, display the Eame touching heroic devotion which all the loyal Slates have shown since the beginning of the war. God grant that it may not be squandered by the same folly and imbecility! The citizens came forward cn to take tl e shovel and the gun. Old and young, the millionaire,and the poorest ot poor devils car ry the musket or dig in the trench side by EiOe. Of course, there are a few sneaks drag g* fi out of back kitchens, garrets, and collars, they were hiding. One follow of the Laser sort was.actually found, in his wife’s clothes, scrubbing away at the wa?h-lub. He •was suddenly stripped of his crinoline, and put in one of The German working parties, ■ttbich received him with shouts of laughter. While all have done well, the negroes, as a class, must bear away the prim. When mar tial law was declared, a lew prominent col ored men tendered their services in any ca pacity.desired. As soon as it became known that they would be accepted, Mayor Hatch’s police commenced arresting them every where, dragging them away from their houses and places of businees without a moment’s notice, shutting them up in negro pens, and subjecting them to the grossest abuse and in dignity. "Mr. Hatch is charged with secession proclivities. Daring the recent riots against the negroes, the animus of his police was en tirely hostile to them, and many outrages were committed upon that helpless and uu oil* nding class. On ibis occasion the same course was pnr- Etu d. 2so opportunity was afforded the ne- C'.ocs to volunteer, but they are treated as public enemies. They were’ taken over the river, ostensibly to work upon the fortiaca ;K>rs: but were scattered, detailed as cooks lor white regiments, some of them haU sUTvcd, and all so much abused, that it finally Caused a great outcry. When Gen. Wallace’s attention’was called to the matter, he iequc*= r cd Judge William M. Dickson, a prominent citizen, who is related by marriage to President Lincoln, to take the xvnfle matter in charge. Judge Dickson na il, nook the tbank'ess task: “organized the 3n gre es Into t« o regiments of 300 each, made lie proper provision for their coratorc, and sc' them at work upon the trenches. TLc-y have accomplished more than any cuter GOO of the who’e im-.n upon the tonifications. Thrir work ha? been entirely voluntary. Ju3*e Dickson informed them at 11 e out .-ft that all could go home who chose; it must l>i entirely a, labor of love with Zi ■•nn OuJy rue tucu of the whole number has UMa'cd himself of the privilege; the rest La*c id; worked, cheerfu-ly and elllcieariv. O* -' of the rcsiments is offiiered by white captains, the ouut by negroes. The latter l'i!Ac so dtcidvdlj superior that bo*h rctri w;li hers-aib-r be commanded by edi ct rs of their own race. “Vy t-re rot only working:, but drilling; si d the} already go through some of tue sim t-r military move-men's very creditably. Visentvcr they app“T?r they are” cheered by ircr trr.ops. La?t nignt, one of the colored y* giments, coming off duty for twenty-four 3 <‘u:s, was bituiud in front of the headquar t»:>, at the House, front faced, and gave three rousing cheers lor Gen. Wallace, to d throe more for Judge Dickson, They are AO’ armed. Gen. Lew M uTacehas removed his charters io Covington, and t ■.ken active command of rdi our forces the Kentucky shore. Gen. W riie’s ordcrj relieving him from the com n a"d of Cincinnati, excites the iudamation of his Mends. * “ Heavy gunrare mounted on Mount Adams tin a Mount Jackson, immediately back of the city. Stven extemporized gunboats are plying on the river. The curry field-pieces, and can run ft'jwhrrc between Win.-* Pug aud Cairo, as fciv<*-alof them draw only fifteen inches of water. A temporary bridge has been built acrcss the Ohio, to give Oftit-r fioili i.-s for the pas- of troops tbau the ferries afford U<’ council «M not be prop.-r to describe 5n detail the preparations which have been made for the reception of the enemy. Tae cities oi Covington and Newport immediately c-ppo=ite Cinmnnari, are separated by the Licking River, wnieix is spanned by a ensneu t-ie-n biidge. Xhrir sites are neariy level ; but Iwo or three miles back from the river wi crane to.thc blntls— a range of high hills, near ly parallel with i?, and commanding the en trances from the interior. Upon their sum mil? batteries of heavy guns are crec f ed ; and sn the proper relation, howitzers, miles of aide pits have been dug, only equaled in ey lei;t by these which the rebels ejasrmeted at Ccbiinbus and Fort Donelsoc, or those with vimh Gen. lialleck crept up to the breast works of Corinth. Gen. Wallace has been the animating spirit Df all the preparations lor defense. * He has more energy, vim and practical business talent lean any "other three Major-Generals lathe "West. Nolw ithi-tandiuir the prevadinj: glo am, Ll had inspired the people and the troops with coi licence and something approaching en- Sbrnlasm. 1 cVnot know that he Is dissatisfied with She abrupt curtailment of his authority, t'u< ugh it i? said to be the subject of pungent cv: rtfpondence betweeniGen. bright ami hiui- E<];. At all e.v* nts, he accepted the iau rl.>r 3»osi lon promptly and ironeto work with characteristic vigor. “It they assign me to ILe dutyof second ji<-utenaut,”caid bv,“at such a time as this. I will do it to the best of mv ability.'’ Its unpleasant feature is, that it is a Dirt of the uniform policy to~ard General 'Wallace. 31c ranks Major-General Wright, the co:a inandortt this department, and every other -tenenu in the west except Grant and McCier l-and. He has had large experience in camp ©nd battle, and Las invariably proved a live, Bide, successful general. He inspires his men ■with enthusiasm and never brings disaster to our arms. But Gen. ILlleck has always kept him in Enboidinate position, and he is under the ban of tic pro-slaury W-yt Polo ter. During the 3uet lao’utb, even Li' old division, now with Steele’s anry, wt s taken irom him, and he is unable to obtain any active command. It is B burning that, with the enemy press ing us everywhere, such agenerri should Lave Leer. kept from active service, and employed ©b a muttering officer, and to make speeches to recruits. But Gen. Wallace is a civilians, cud rid not come into the army through Tu-rl Burnt. Brig.-Gm. n. M. Judah, in command of cu: ureas across the river, was relieved from cuV> Msterday. Notwithstanding the immi lumt peril, ond the supreme necessty for Lis l l ‘ti:'^q v i i= ii.iLCe and energy, he was so ihs- C- ; r : "sic<r-it as he utterly unlit fur Ims was tue case more than once or Iv-ice. , . . • Gen. Judah is oi the regular army, and Et ems to be asocial pet of Gen. Halleck’s, wlr placid iiiiji upon bis stall', and afterward til r-tr.d ol a c’i'.Lion before Corinth. When 110-fi; :larn:s required, be was in command of Caii.p D-. LLir-oL : and it is said that be will be Tdnsiuted ;n Uni position. If there is any cb.s:rc or disposition to punish oflinal ii:;>, fii.duet, bis condition last week, while in command at Covington, is susceptiole of liburdaut proof. lii spite ot ;;li the extravagant estimates of strength ul the invaders, that have ob 1. .rid. currency during the last week, it Is Well known here that Kirby Smith had hardly men when Le entered Lexington. 3 -j .:esthnt arrived lu re three days after the rebels oceuph d the to-vu, even state that he las not over lU.nou. n c certainly had only two batteries that hebrougut from Tennessee. Hi? infantry is poorly clad, one third without shoes, and was indiift-reutly armed up to the Ua.tle oi Richmond. The -I ~’>oo rifled mu-ke's cupiuud from our troop?, however, have since greatly improved their armament. Those that escaped irom Lexington assert that the coa leui rate? aie th r “ hungriest devils they ever saw. But a? they can now luxuriate upon Die fat o! the Blue Grass region, their voracity las already grown 1- ??. J John Morgan s brigade of marauders his cntamly Joined Kirby Smith within the last 51-w days. Other banns arc known to be on Hu wav to lira. Recruiting among secession sympathizer? for tbe rebel rank' is al*o re ported to be very liv> ly in Harrison, Bourbon i-jelte, aid V> cdL rd counties. Neverthe *‘•"s V* no * Relieved in the best informed cueles here that Smith bis now even more than 10,000 men at his disposal. Whether sty comidi rahle bodi-s arc tn inir to join him through Easurr. Kentucky under Humphrey MaraUdl and Cerro Gordo Williams is not pos 3liv« ly known here, only rumors to taat effect Xu.cLiEg ns. X-eUcrfroni Con. Lee to Jeff, Davis on the Lufti itattic*. H;-Ai)(I:r>.Tur;i:s 1 :r>.Tur;i:s Au>:r Northwestern* Vrn ) i'.ima. « jiAKTiu.v. bupt a. 3S(>i. » ilit- Exce.iCiicy, .ToOVisoi: Davis. President Con- Icccrau- ol’ America : hiiMiiENTi-iiy letter of the 00 tlx ail. wxll Lave lulormed your excellency of the progress of tm* army to that elite. General i-Obgfitreui & division, hiving arrived the day preylone. w;is formed in order of battle on Ine right of Gencnl Jackson, who had been engaged with the enemy since mornin--- resist ing an attack commenced on the 2*cn. Tne enemy, on the latter day, was vigorously re pulsed. leaving' his numerous dead ‘and Wounded on the Held. His attack on the morning of the 2oth was feeble, but became Varmer in the afternoon, when he was again repulsed by both wings of the army. Tlfc lots on this day, as stated in his published report, herewith enclosed, amounted to S.OOD lulied and wounded. The enemy being reinforced renewed the attack on the afternoon of the 30th. when a general advance of both wings of the army was ordered, and after a fierce combat, which reged until after 9 o’clock, be was completely defeated and driven beyond Bull Run. The darkness ol the night, his destruction of the Blone bridge after crossing, and the uncertain ty of the fords, stopped the pursuit The next morning the enemy was discover ed in the strong position at Centreville, and liie army was pnt. In motion towards the Lit tle River turnpike, to turn his right Upon reaching Ox Hill on the Ist of September, lie was again discovered in our front on the heights of Germantown, and in the afternoon made a spirited attack upon the front and right of onr columns, with a view of apparently covering the withdrawal cf bis trains on the Centreville road, and junking his retreat Our position was main tained with but slight loss on both sides. Ma jor General Kearny was left by the enemy dead on the field. Daring the night the en emy fell to Fairfax Court House, and abandoned his position at Centreville. Yes terday about iiuoD h«* evicuaV-d Fairfax Coarl, takiv ;r the roads, a? i-. ported to me. to Ah xr-ncrli r.nd * i &S w get pfilcial Political Thirteenth Congressional IDistrict.— The Democracy of the 13th Congressional District met in Vienna, Johnson county, on the dih inst., to nominate a candidate for Con gress. But six out of the fifteen counties were represented. The representation being so exceedingly sparse, the convention adjourn ed to meet at Cairo on the 2oth inst. The Egyptian Democracy are not as lively as they used to be. The present indications are that Allen, K. G. C. present member, (now of Fort Lafayette,) will be the nominee. The Cairo Gazette strongly opposes the nomination, at least until he can thoroughly purge himself from the charge of treason. Anxiis County. The Republicans of Adams county met at Columbus on the 6th lust., and nominated the following ticket; For Bepreseu iatires— Joseph Tamer of Urso, and James E. Fitzpatncs of Camp Point. X/ifrijT— John A. White. Coroner —Ad drew Redman. A series of patriotic resolutions, offered by Hon. Jackson Grimshaw, were unanimously passed, among them the following; Jui-ohxd. That we rec gnize the fact—now de nied by no loyal man—that the government of the United S.ates, under the constitution, the laws of nations end of war, has ample power to do all things necessary for successfully waging war against the rebellion, and that all the laws of Con gress—approved by the President—ln aid of oar devoted armv, should be faithfully obeved bv every officer of the government and by a‘U loyal people. Jicsolvcd, That if lenity towards rebels in arms was ever politic, that lime has passed; and we respectfully, but earnestly, implore the govern ment to make use of all the powers conferred oy Congress—all the powers conferred hy the laws of civilized warfare, and all the means provided by the people, to crush the rebellion utterly and for ever. Kinth Senatorial District.—Hon. Jo seph Peters of Vermillion county is the Re publican candidate for senator of the 9th dis trict composed of the counties of Coles, Doug las, Chrmpaign, Vermillion, Iroquois and Ford. Minnesota Legislature, The Minnesota legislature met at St. Paul on Tuesday last. Nothing of consequence was done on that day, except the reception and reference of Gov. Ramsay's message. The message of the governor is quite long, the principle part being devoted to a detailed his lory and discussion of the recent Indian atro cities in that State. We shall endeavor to make room for a synopsis of it in our next issue. THE CITY. CSn 1 ’ See advertisement in another column of Alcohol Factory for sale. The Mystep.t. —A new novel by Mrs. Wood for sale or to loan by Sherlock 112 Dearborn street. * Notice.-— lf Anthony Granahan will call at the office of Justice Hoisington, 71 South Clark street, he will hear of something to his advantage. To Exrrrr.iTOßS.— The office of the Secretary of the World’s Horse Fair has been removed from the Fair Grounds to ICI South Dearborn street, where he may be found for two days from b o’clock a. m to 12 m. Ps?" «• Madame Demerest’s Mirror of Fall Fashions” and No. 20 of “Leslie’s Pictorial History of the War,” containing index for first volume, has also been received by Mc- Nally oc Co., SI Dearborn street. New Novel in* Mrs. Wood.— “ The Mys tery,” by Airs. Wood, author of “East Lynne,” “Earls’ Heirs,” Arc., is just published and for sale by John R. Walsh, corner Aladisonstreet and Custom House Place. tST “The Mystery,” anew novel by Mrs. Wood; the “Pioneers,” the “Pilot,” of the cheap edition of Cooper’s novels; also, a fresh supply of “ Among the Pines,” has been received by McNally A: Co., SI Dearborn street. REC.ri.AR Meeting.— -The Regular Business Meeting of the Young Men’s Curletlau Asso ciation will occur at their rooms, corner of Clark and Washington streets, on Monday evening, Sept. 15th, at S o’clock. Personae.— Capt. Frank Bostock, of the 12rh Michigan regiment, who was so highly complimented for Lis daring and courage at Shiloh, is at present in this city (bis old home,) on a furlough.- The gallant captain looks noue the worse for his twelve months 1 campaign. The Cnmcn or the Holy Commission.— The repairs to this church are rapidly pro gressing towards completion, and the opening service will take place on Sunday, Sept. 27th. The Rev. Mr. Ilager, the new rector, has offi ciated in several of onr city churches since Ms arrival among us, and has in every instance made a most favorable impression. New Music. —“ The Dying Soldier to his Mother/ 1 is the title of a new and beautiful song, published by H. M. Higgins, 117 Ran dolph street- The poetry is by Thomas Mac kdlar; music by A. B. Irving. The same publisher has also issued a new and attractive quartette, entitled “ The Beautiful Hills ;” poetry and music by James G. Clark. Races at the House Fair Grounds.— Two races will come off at the Horse Fair Grounds this (Monday) afternoon—the first mile heats best two in three for which “Ball,” “Andy Burl” and Eagle’s chestnut filly arc entered. In the second, two mile heats, “Memoma,” “Kansas” and Twilight are entered- On Tuesday afternoon at the same place, “ Geo. Bidwell” and Hasting’s sorrel stallion will trot to harness, mile heats best-three in five. Economy.— To the readers of light litera ture it is on object of some importance to be able to read any of the standard novels either t f the most recent publications or those old familiar authors for a few cents. At Sher- Icck’s bcok and newspaper store, 112 Dear born street, all the literature of the past or proctitis constantly in slock, for sale or to 1- an, Cooper, Dickens, Lover, Lever, Colins, Hugo, Dumas, <vc., only ten conts per volume. Home for Aged and Indigent Females.— An electiou for Matron of this charitable insti tution was held on Thursday last, resulting in the choice ot Mrs. Huntley. This lady come? highly endorsed, having been for several years the Matron of tbe House of Mercy in New York city, and late housekeeper of the International Hotel at Niagara Falls. The Home is. we are glad to say, among one of the most prosperous of cur public charities. The Courts.—The judges of the Superior Court will resume their sitting on Monday, unless, upon consultation, it shall appear that the public interest will be subserved by a fur ther adjournment to the first Monday in Oc tober. The September term of the Circuit Court ol Cock county will open on Monday with a lull docket. Ihe County Court is doing but very little business, and no transactions of public in terest are noticeable. The United States Courts will resume busi ness on the first Monday in October. McVickeu’s Theatre.—By reference to the theatrical advertisement, it will be seen that the favorite actor, Mr. Couldock, with his daughter, will commence an engagement on Monday evening, in the domestic drama of the “T-Yxllow Copse.” Miss Couldock has com menced her career as an actress under favora ble auspices, and with the tuition of her fa ther, must reach an enviable eminence in a short time. She will undoubtedly meet a hearty welcome from a Chicago audience, who have a high regard for her father, undoubtedly ihe best representative of domestic drama now on the stage. Sugar Flowers.—ln our notice of the va rious articles on exhibition at the late fair of the Horticultural Society, we inadvertently omitted a basket of sugar flowers from John Wright’s establishment They were the coun terfeit presentments of the real roses and dahlias blossoming about them, and attracted a large share of the attention of visitors. They are now in Wright’s windows, 83 Clark street, flanked by a splendid locomotive in the oppo site window, fashioned entirely of sugar, and named “ Wm. B. Ogden,” In compliment to the chairman of the late Pacific Railroad Con vention. It is a capital proof of what skillful hands may mould out of sugar. The Late Episcopal Convention.—The Diocesan Convention of the Episcopal Church m Illinois, which closed its sessions in the Bishop's Church in this city on Friday atter noon last, was one of the most harmonious gathcrirge ever convened in the Stats. In eltcUou tor etwidieg committees and dele gates to ihe general convention, there was & good deal of spirited competition,but through out the 'whole, there was none but the best feeling manifested. There were several of the defeated candidates who came very near an election, among others the Rev. Dr. Bishop of St. Johns, who was running for the General Convention. He was five times elected by the clergy and once by the society, and in the end was only defeated hy one vote. Palmer’s Academy* Among the numerous improvements in the best residence sections of onr city this pre sent season, the new enterprise of William D. Palmer, esq., is noteworthy. He has erected on the fine lot on the corner of Wabash ave nne and Congress street, a handsome and substantial structure expressly designed for the accommodation of Ms private academy, to be transferred thither from State street, near Adams, and to be opened for the first time to-day. Mr. Palmer has proven himself an accomplished and judicious instructor of youth, and the success of the first two years of his institution in this city has attested that he has won the confidence of some of onr best citizens. It is certainly a proof of his popularity, and its realized fruits, that he has been encouraged to undertake an enterprise of this nature in a war time. The whole is ex cellently well executed. The building is ad mirably fitted np, and adapted to its destined uses, and joining with it the residence of the principal gives the family and home influence to the school. Mr. Palmer has organized a capable and competent corps of instructors. His plan comprehends a Graded School in miniature, and offers to patrons facilities for instruction in the several departments, allowing thus the younger and elder children to be under the same hands, passing successfully through the different stages of scholarship. It deserves to be added that a beautiful and spacious play-ground is an adjunct to the institution, judicious and careful parents will prize. We have devoted attention to this enterprise be cause it is emphatically one that interests many of the city homes the Tribune visits. Mr. Palmer’s circulars will tell the rest in de tail. “The fates Ironsides.” J. B. Headley of the Banking House of L. Howell & Co., of Peoria, has obtained an or der from Washington to raise a first class cav alry regiment in this State, to be commanded by Capt. D. P. Hancock, an experienced cav alry officer of the regular army. Capt. Han cock is a graduate of West Point, and has been in active service for the past eight years. He has been twice promoted for meritorious services on the field. The regiment in hoaor of the governor is to be called the “Yates Ironsides.” No pains will be spared to make it an honor to the State. Two companies have been offered to Mr. Headley already, and numerous appli plications received for authority to raise others. Judging from the character of the men who have pledged their time, money and influence to this regiment, we have no hesitancy in rec ommending it as one among the very best op portunities for our patriotic young men who desire to enlist in the best branch of the ser- V.ce, that has been presented in the West. Mr. Headley will be at the Sherman House to-day, (Monday,) where any information con cerning the regiment may be obtained. We can most cordially endorse Mr. H. to all de sirous of joining this desirable branch ot the service. Scpartnre oftlie Slelpacr, A day or two since, the Norwegian brig Sleipner took leave of this port and started on her homeward voyage across the Atlantic. A number of Norwegians, friends of Capt. Vaagc. and well wishers of the noble enterprise of which he is the pioneer, accompanied him some distance upon the Lake. As scon as the vessel had passed Rush street bridge a salute was fired, which was continued while the city remained In sight. The national songs of Norway and America were sung, cheers were given for the Siupntr and her captain, and for a direct fu ture intercourse between Chicago and ymile :\Vrgc. Before leaving the vessel, an impromptu meciiug was organized by appointing Christ ian Brown, a schoolmate of Capt. Vaage, Chairman, and Neils Larsen, Secretary; where upon the following resolutions were posted, with three hearty cheers. JhM>h-ed, That we bailed with joy the intelli gence of the arrival of aehlp from our Fatherland, loresrc-ing In it a future intercourse of profit aud friendly feeling with our gmnle Surge. Jtt.'OHid, That our nearer acquaintance with Cap!. H. J. Vaage of the brig Sleipner, the first ves-sel in Lake .Michigan with emigrants from aco.-r the Atlantic, has iaipressed us with a sea?o of gra’Uuae towards lawuiterpnslng merchants (•f liergtu, and with a perfect coafidence in Capt. Vaage**> inlcgniy and honor as a gentleman and a bigh-i-killcd seaman, aud that we aug »r nls fre quent and !-ucce?eful arrivals in our Harbor, with ciiiicrants from our Fatherland. I?r-o!red, That during Capt. Vaage's stay iaour min?!. bis plua?-aut and agrcea >le qualities havj impressed us beyond our expectations, as we have always lound him a most higb-toued nud honor able in all intercourse of secial life. J,’> so!re-J, That wc regard with great pleasure, the signs of direct eiulgra*ion from Norway to Chicago, foreboding from it, not only profit and saiit-faC'ion to the originators of suoh a scheme. Iml also great benefit to the immigrants them selves, as they will thus be enabled to avoid me Udious and vexations overland route through Canada by rail, accompanied often with swind ling and impositions of the grossest kind. Tout we most heartily wish Captam Vaage and his men a successful and sp.-edy voyag.; home, and that on his arrival in Bergen, he’will present onr greetings to Gau.le Xonje. Steps have also been taken to build a ves sel expressly to trade between Bergen and Chicago, and next season will witness the in auguration of a direct commercial line be tween the two cities. Tin: "Woodworth Rifles.— Of the hun dreds of flag presentations which have taken place since the beginning of the present war, one of the most interesting came oil on Saturday, on the grounds of the University of Chicago. Company A of the 127 th Illinois regiment, having taken the name of the Woodworth Rifles, in honor* of one of our worthiest citizens, J. H. Woodworth, esq., that gentleman at once ordered an elegant standard for the company; and at 5 o’clock in the afternoon a large number of gentlemen and ladies assembled in the beautiful grove fronting the University to witness its formal presentation. Two long tables, loaded with “ creature comforts,” had been spread under the trees; and at the appointed hour the Rifles marched on the ground, and by a bril liant 11 ink movement charged successfully on the edibles, sweeping all before them. Beef, pork, ham, and chickens were put mercilessly to the knife ; fierce fork charges were made on the bread and cake; and small rivers of tea and coffee drunk up by invading bests. The slaughter of provisions being over, the company drew up in line, and the colors were presented with an eloquent and s irrirg speech by Rev. Dr. Pratt, of Trinity Church. The doctor was in his happiest vein, and Lis remarks admirably calculated to Lro the zeal of the soldier, and to cheer the heart of the patriot amid the gloom of the present CTbis. The colors were accepted in behalf ot the company by Capt. A. Judson Burroughs, in a brief, plucky speech, with the right ring in it, which was followed by a spirit-stirring speech by Rev. Dr. Evarts, and a short, tell ing address? by the donor of the colors and of the collation. Songs were then sung by a glee club extemporized for the occasion, and throat-splitting cheers given for the Rifles and their captain, Mr. Woodworth, etc., etc.; after which the assemblage dispersed, some to the University for social chat, and the rest to their homes. The Woodworth Rifles num ber, at present, eighty-two guns. They are a fine sinewy-looking set of men, full of patri otic enthusiasm, and will strike some hard blows at the rebellion. Body Recovered.—Saturday afternoon, a conductor on one of the Hyde Park trams no tified Coroner James that the body of a man had been found washed ashore at Oak wood station, near the Chicago Ale and Malt Works. The coroner immediately repaired to the spot, and summoning a jury, held an in quest upon the body, which proved to be that of Geo. W. Graham, the fireman of the tug Union, which was wrecked audsunk by an ex plosion, on the 3d inst. The body was very much mutilated, and in an advanced stage ot decomposition. It was identified by the tes timony of Patrick Walsh, who recognized several articles found on the body. The ver dict was in accordance with the facts hereto fore made public. Cigars ani> Tobacco.—Duffy, whose name is synonymous with capital cigars, is constant ly receiving tobacco in ail its forms—chewing and smoking, of the very best brands. Those addicted to the weed will find at his stand, un der the Tremont, the choicest brands of cigars, and a capital assortment of pipes, with smok ing and chewing tobacco of all grades, to suit all tastes. The most fastidious Nicotian Ist cannot fail to be suited. If people will smoke, Duffy must remain a necessity in the commu nity, and as such he entirely meets all needs. Smokers and chewers will do well to make a note, give him a call, and test his imported and native. Young Men’s Christian Association. The next regular bnsiness meeting of the Association will be held at the rooms on Mon day evening at o’clock. Every memb-r is desired to be present and confer with refer ence to present aid future labors of utmost importance to our people at home and our brethren in the field, THE WOBLD'S HOB«E fAIS. THE EAST SA5> DAT. Why it was a Failure. A few after-Fair Reflections The World’s Horae Fair has proved the second recent failure of a large fair in this city. Last year the State Fair, located in the nmd of Brighton, went down amid the groans of its official worshippers. This year, hard times, the genera 1 , war excitement, and some other causes have contributed to a want of financial success. Last year as soon as ill luck seemed to strike the exhibition the amount subscribed to the citizen’s purse was withdrawn, though made under pledges. The same class of persons this year, who had induced the manager of this exhibition to pursue it under unfavorable circumstances by promising pecu niary aid, have now kept back their support and forfeited their promises. There are very many undercurrent interests in other tracks and grounds, small meannesses and backings out of words passed, connected with the present exhibition, which will keep to venti late at the proper time. , In this, as in the fair of last year, the mate rial for a lair, the stick upon the ground, hive been most ample and pa'sing expectation; but tee Managers have made, in both cases, the mi l take of allowing it to fall into wrong hinds —the hards of those who uss fairs for their o* n purpose, but contribute nothing to their aid. There might be much said ahont the bene fit of horse Mrs any way. Time and space will allow of no labored essay. There has been a great deal, of liutnmery written about the value of “the turf;” upon the necessity -of encouraging horse racing as promoting the n.ariig of thorough brcds, which may be crossed upon the native stock of the country. A great deal of this sort of talk is mere balder dash. Secause one man is virtuous shall there be no more cakes and ale, and because there is no track around Chicago shall we have no good carriage horses, no jfast teams for young bloods to sport on the avenue 'i A great deal, too, has been weakly said about the necessity of the success of this present Fair, because of the great importance of a per manent institution of this kind to the welfare of our city. The welfare of our city, and of every other city, would be furthered by the banishment of all such insti tutions, as they are usuallyj carried on, from their environs. They are made the best pussible gambling schools that were ever gotten up. There are, no doubt, honorable exceptions of gentleman sportsmen, but they are exception^ With regard to this Fair, it may be said that the efforts to get it up well have been inde fatigable on the part of the Superintendent and Secretary: and that their efforts have succeeded iu seeming the presence of a mag nificent show of valuable horses. The times, the weather, and the other matters we have spoken of have kiiled it financially. Bat u may be said to their honor that the great ma jojityof the regular horsemen present, who are used to “chancing” matters, finding how finances were coming out, have donated the whole or a portion of the premiums taken by them, to the Association, THE LAST DAY Saturday was very pleasant, a cool wind but a line and sunny sky. It came too late how ever. The Fair was “ a dead cock in the Dit.” Everybody felt it to be so, and the programme was gone through wita languidly as a matter cf duty. Three painstaking, indefatigable members of the Execirive Committee got o i the stand at an early hour for the transaction of bu'incss. The chill of the day before had not yet passed Irora their blood and preveu tativcs irom the ague were sought at an early hour. The business of the Executive Committee having been satisfactorily arranged and set tled, the dinner hour came, no unimportant W m to him who attends from early morning till late at nigh’. Stimulated by the favorable notice made yesterday, Uobacii made ex-.ra exertion, and spread a lot of wild duck, flav or, d and appetizing. The “three” of the committee came iifbefore dinner hour, and getting scent of the ducks, ordered them up, ate nothing else, and with great ex-r ion put evi ry one of them where “no eye could see them.” To cur certain knowledge,;the fat paunched member—we forget his name —sent up his plate seven times, and was meditating sii eighth attack, wh*n suddenly the sapolv gave out. He moved uneasily and disappoint edly away from the table, and we noticed him on the stand the remainder of the day half asleep, pretending to time the running horses. The day wore away, and the afternoon came slowly ou. Just as slowly came on the exhi bi’ions. At intervals the baud would play to ptreuade the spectators not to leave, and to t-a’her uncertain outriders into the amphi theatre. The crowd bt gan to gather and every thing gave promise ot'a fuH attendance. The Committee men inquire anxiously around, and find that nothing seems on hand to go oil’but the running race. The ranniag race men are consulted, and prefer to start their horses later. Committee men are in a quandary. Some one suggests that, the hour having long passed, if’something does not take place soon, the Committee will be mob bed. The Committee look at probabilities and are startled. The ruuniag-race is hur riedly ordered up. The little yellow darkey in green muslin who has officiated all the week, rides the Lexington Filly, and the thor*. ugh-bred darkey in blue velvet cap and round-about, rides the other Lexington Filly. What is the use of reporting the race, the ac tion of the horses, performance and times ? The running men were about to withdraw early in the week, and the Superintendent p: id Them a stated price to remain and “go through the. motions.” Tue horsemen say that no speed has been attempted, the horses have been held back, andthat that one came in which was told by the trainer to win the heat. Instead of running ior premiums, the run ning horses have been paid lor exercising and getting in condition. The thing got oat t?aturdi*y morning and the running was good, hut ii came practically “a day after the Fair;” Those in the secret heretofore must have laughed in ihdr sleeves at the sporting m,-n who were betting hea*. ily on their judgment upon the stylo, appearance*, and bott-mi of tee horses. Five h humbug, and hurrah for the “ square” turf! A private match for a small wager is made, and a trotting race whiff s away lue better part of an hour. The committee view it as a God send, keep time officially, and the Marshal makes the customary announcement with grand flourish and style. ~ The Marshal calls lor a programme, and his eyes catchiugthe capitals, excitedly calls out; ‘•lmmediately after the. present exhibition a grand loot race will take place.” He was not posted, and the announcement was prema ture. The “running-race” men get up an im piomptu match, and the minutes creep along toward the going down ot the sun. The car riages are removed and the buffaloes enter. Those who had never seen buffaloes, and were present, saw them now. They were not the wild, furious denizt-ns of the plain, but a couple of bulls, several cows and several calves, tame and spiritless. The horses dash among them, scare them, and some of the larger animals run “like all-Jehu.” The “ foot-passengers ” start in and enjoy the fun. Everybody is pleascu with a sort of tame pleasure, and the long agony is over. The Woild’s Horse Fair is ended. Its successes end its failures are already a thing of the post. •‘ So inns the world away.” Il seems cow to be settled that the World's Horse Fair Association is a mythical name, assumed for the purposes of display by the advice of friends, and that the superintendent is the man having the eoie charge and oeneiit of the Fair. It may become a qussaiou, the premiums not having been paid in lull, how tar those allowing their names to be used and themselves held out to the public as members of an association, have by that course made themselves responsible to exhibitors. It is under contemplation to get up, some time in the line autumnal weather of October, a Ladies Equestrian Exhibition, a qff.,: r to be placed in the char;; 0 £ W ell kiown d:i zens. It'would the people, call out a |arge audience, and aid Mr. Smith, the Super intendent, of whose honesty, kind-heartedness mdeiatigable enterprise and endeavors to please, iione* have doubted from the first. Financially, the Fair has eventuated in this way; Mr. Smith pays all workmen in full, pays the ladies in the Equestrian Esibition, and pays a percentage on the other premiums. The following, from the Guhes-on Wkv, Texas, March 9ib, *SGI. is but one of thousands. Dr. James, formerly of James Hospital, S2 Custom Reuse street, Now Orleans, (established 1S50). comes here endorsed. The medical facuby and the press of the North speak of him in the highest terms of praise. In a special class of diseases Dr. James is said to have no superior. Dr. James is now permanently located at $6 Randolph street, between State aud Dearborn streets. Chicago, III.: “We have known Dr. James, of Custom House street, New Orleans, personally, for a number of years, and during that time have been made ac quainted with a number of persous who were af flicted with chronic diseases, which had baffled the skill of some of our most scientific physicians, bnt through the skillful treatment of Dr. James, readily jieldcd, and were permanently and perfect ly cured. We know Dr. James to be a scientific physician and an honorable man, and therefore re commend thbsc requiring his aid to apply to him immediately,-through letter or personally, for re lief’’ Remember Dr, James’ office is SG Randolph stmt. between State and Dearborn streets. Office open from 9 a. m„ except Sunday, when open in forenoon. “Mat.tcte’s Chicago Dakcijtg”— This Academy, the largest and most elegant in the West, Is being thoroughly refitted, and \riH re open in a few days for the year. Marline, the leader of Terpsichorean Art in our city, introduces this season the new Quadrilles ‘’Cubans” and ‘‘Empire,’ 1 the “Neapolitan Waltz*’ and “Sealer’s Gallop.” Will also teach the Qua drilles “Prince Imperial” and “Hoyal Horse Guard,” introduced by him last season. Presto, presto, presto pass, and take a peep at the magic glass. Kerosene lamps, new styles, sold only at wholesale, by C. L Noble, 175 Lake street, up stairs. scptll-6t Solomok*s Temple.—Another opportunity will never offer. Qo and see it. Lecture at 8)4 and 8 p. m. Admission 25 cents. seplO-dt I3T" foot & McLain, steam Dyers and Scourers. 98 Dearborn and 120 S. Clark streets, clean and dye ladles and gentlemens’ clothes In and cheap est manner. The oldest established house In the city. paper of Chase & Co., wholesale and retail, IC9 Randolph street. au2s-lm. u Call on Dunlop, Sewell & Spalding ter Printing.” novtl-bSsi-L* DIED. Rppt. 10th. 1852, Of Billions Fever. Lieut. JAMES EiilTD, of Company F., 9ih Illinois Cavalry, on b:u-c the eu amer Continental, on his way from Helens. Arr* U ULcago, FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. BIOIN ETAKY. Saturday Evening, Sept. 18,1863. Currency still remains scarce, and exchange Is also growing stiller, bnt there Is no variation in quotations—#dieopar buying ;par@# premium selling. Gold declined 1 per cent, to-day, and is now quoted at 117. Silver Is worth 112. Old de mand Treasury Notes went up to ICB. The busi ness for the past week has been exceedingly good —never better. New York Stock 1 By Telegraph.] Ni id money Market. r Tobk, Bept. 13,1863. First Board —Stocks active and better. HI Central bonds 102 ] Mich Southern .... 31# Chic & Rock Island 67% | Mich guaranteed... Ci# Chic., Bur. & Quin. S? 1 Mich Central 63 Galena & Chicago.. 72 do. 2d... .. ..S3# 111 Central ecrip 63% ! Pitts., Ft. W & Chi 93 GOVERN HUNT STOCKS. U. S. Cs of’Bl reg.. DO# I Demand Notes ....109# do. coupons ... 99% 11 year certificates. 98# Second Foard—Stocks firm. Chic &RI C7#. Hudson 52* Ilev'e. & Toledo... 54 ' Erie ... 39# Galena & Chicago-. 72# N. T. Central 94% Cltve & Pittrb'h.. 25 Pacific Mail 11l Mich.Sou guar... 63# Missouri 46# Reading 59# Mich Central 58% GOVERNMENT STOCKS. H.S.6s ’Bl coupons 99# I Treas. 7 3-10 103# U. S. ss’Gl coupons 81 j Monet Market.—Money easy at 401# per cent on call; 4#os# per cent, for prime paper. Sterling exchange—Dull at 130# for Banker’s Mils. American gold lower and dull 138j a '®llß’£ per cent, premium. I Ctillforma Gold bars nominal. \ Government frtocks ■firmer; U. S. flpjt&l'UJa. 7 3-lo Treasury notes at lOSjl Exports of specie to-day, $803,343. COMMERCIAL. Saturday Evening, September la. 1832. asusirsa >on u ao* twenty-four aMiaa. Flour. Wneat.Corn. Brl’y. brla hn. hn hu. Ctaal 14C0 2142 81440 11000 351 700 3.&01’BB. . 925 10399 K-000 5256 ... 1405 B'-E &—690 4900 700 500 370 .... ICCBE- ...1552 27500 Bi9io 2400 653 .... 6SU 9925 3864 840.375 437 0£ IT 'A' EE. 412 Ai-Btvßß.. 484 2780 6112 700 Tctal... . . 6353 64303 176802 33590 1G23 2602 Beef live High L’d Cattle, cogs Wool.Wines Hid’s lbs. He. Ho. lbs. Orla. S>:. Canal B&CPRIS .... 154 180 4*70 2i5?,... . 44900 70 4:9 14140 ill GEE .... £459 144 700 6700 103 6310 CBciORE. 54390 252 2677 4418 105 8533 CSHW .... 33 193 12165 A&StLER .... 243 625 -• 350 •fatal.... 104740 931 4754 11118 268 45533 SHIPMENTS BY ZiAIUS, LAST TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. Plour Wheat Com O&ta Bye Bar bn. bn. be. sa. ha. To Buffalo .. 4500 16950 47600 To Pt Colb'ne 183*5 To Port Sarnia 15000 To Kingston. 19375 *Otai 45 r 0 36325 80925 RECEIETS AND EUEPiIENTS ET CANAL—SEPT. 12. w Receipts. Eeceipta. Flour, bris 1,400 Bariev, bu 700 Wheat, bn 2,142 Seeds, lbs 2G,1c0 Com, bu 81,440 Shipments. Oats, bu U,(KiO Lumber, tc 271.032 Eye, bu 350 Shingles, no 7G,O<H3 The wheat market opened firm and prices ad vanced 101& C bushel, but closed dull after the New York di=patchns were received. Sales were made at SI.OO for No. 1 RedJWiuter; 90391 c for No Sited; So©S2c for Rejected Winter ; 87085 c for No 1 Spring; 76053- fur No 2 Spring, and Ee jeeted spring at 65067 c. There were very few buyers in the Four market and yesterday's prices were scarcely obtained. To effect sale: of moment holders would have had to submit to a decline of 5 010 c barrel. Corn wac loss active but prices were firmer. Sales were made at 3 ! ><c afloat, for High Mixed; s'Jo27>£C afloat and in store for Mixed; 3lc in store for Y«. flow and 23024 c in store forKejected.j Oats were very dull and declined 10l#c, with limited salc»at 31c. Eye was in active reqtest and firm. About 9,CCO bushels changed hands at 42© ISjjtc for No 1 andolo3sc for Rc-j acted. Barley was dull and heavy. Spoils quiet acd unchanged. Provisions inactive. Dighwinciquiet at 2S^rc. Labe Freights ruled quiet at yesterday’s decline Engagements were made at 9c for corn and 10c for wheat to Buffalo, but the demand was principally fur small vessels. There was some Inquiry for vessels to Kingston, tut none offered. Milwaukee Grain Market—Sept. 12, Received, 4G.C4D bu. wheat and 1,198 brls. flour. The Stutiuei reports; The market opened nomi nally ic lower, but after the New York dispatches arrived, recovered and advanced Ic. This Im provement did not produce an active market, however, as the receipts were light. Sales amounted to about 15,(h.0 bu. at SO;* 038 for No. 1, and 79051 c for No. 2. Freights dull, with a downward tendency. Char, ters to Kingston. Baltimore Provision Market, Sept* 11, We bear cf no sales of imparlance to dav, trans actions being confined to jobbing lots of bacon within tie range of our quotations, viz; Pork, western me 55.'511,510.11.7-5: prime $9 50 and rump $8 5609 00 t- 5 brl. Bt-ef—Baltimore No. 1 $12.25012 58, and mess $15,ui>0i6.50 brl. Bacon —Shoulders .606ifc; dies 6wfo»c; plain hams aid sugar cu-edfaucy hams 12014 c lli. Bulk Meat—shoulders s>rfc„ sides be, and hame-7>6c £ tt>. Laid— Batchers SLc, western in in brls ana tierces 9, l iolUc., do iu kegs (regular packages) >c V lb.—6V/a. AdcerCi^fr. New York Cotton Market—Sept. 12; The market is quiet, and holders are a shade less firm; sal s of middling uplands and do. gulfs at 570J>7^c.— T/ioune. CHICAGO DAILY MAISKET. Saturday Evening, Sept. 13,15G2. FREIGHTS— were quiet at yesterday's decline—the inquiry being chiefly for email ves sels. The chancre were; Sclir. Major Anderson, wheat at 10c; sclir. Mary Collins, George Foote and Oneida Chief, corn at 9c—all to Buffalo. FLOUR—Receipts, 0,353 brls : shipments, 4,SCO trie. The market was neglected and dull. Sales were as fellows: 50 brls “Hairs Challenge” at $5.45de1; ltd brls “Bartlett's NX” choice Spring Extra at $4 B*J del; BO brls “Favorite of the Union,” and £0 brls “Shell Bock” at $4.40 del; SO brls “Gcneseo Valley” at $4 30 del; 100 brls “Dixon” at $4.25 del; 50 brls Bye Floor at $2 S3 del. WHEAT—Receipts, 6-1303 bu ; shipments, 30,323 bu. The market opened firm and advanced It-i-lXc, but closed dull. The transactions were as follows: Winter — bn No. 1 Red at SI.OO in store: !),W(*buNo. 2 do at Olein store; 8,000 bu do at 00c in store; 12,000 bn Rejected Red at Sic in store; l.fbObndo atSljtfc in store ; I.SOO bu do at Sic in store; CCO bn do at SQc in store. Spring S,CCU bu No. 1 Spring at SSc in store ; 3,400 bu do at S7Xc in store; 2.500 bu do al STc in store; S,OUO bu No. 2 Spring at 7Sc in store ; 5,000 bu do do at 'itxcin stoie: 7,000 bu do at i7c instore; 800 bu do (in S(urge’s) at 7Gc ; 1,800 bu Rejected Spring at 07c in store ; 2,5 ft o bu do at 00c in store ; 1,000 bn do at Gsc in Jstorc ; 125 bags Spring by sample at 8(c on track; 800 bn condemned at 2ic on tiack. CORN—Receipts, 176,802 bn; shipments, 80,025 bn. There was less activity in corn, and the mar ket was firmer. The sales were: 5,(100 bu White at 30c f. o. b : 18,000 bu Mixed at 30JjC f. o. b.; 50*0 bu High Mixed at 30Xc afloat; 5,000 bu Mix •. Dat c afloat; 5,000 bu do (Red) at 20c afloat: ■KObn Yellon at 3ic in store ; 43,000 ba Mixedat Sf'Xc in store; 17,000 ba do at 20c in store; 3,000 bu (August receipts) at 27>;c in store; 14,000 bn Rejected at 24c in store ; 3.000 bu do at S3#c in ctore ; 400 bu do at £3c in store. OATS—Receipts, 33 500 bu. The market was dull and heavy at a decline of x&lc per bushel. bu No. lat 31c la store; 403 bags at 32c on track. RYE—Receipt?, I,GC6 bn. In active request and firm. Sale?, B,ICO bu No. lat42Xc in store; 800 bu do at 42c In store.; 400 ba Rejected at 34c in store ; 400 bu co at 35c in store. BARLEY—Receipts, 2,602 ba. Market dull. Sales, 25 bag? at 50c on track. SEEDS—Receipts, 103,553 !bs. Timothy seed quiet and unchanged. Sales, 45 bags at ?1 40. DIGUWINES—Receipts, 26S brls. Market quiet :-nd easy. Sales, 50 brls at 2SXc. MILL STUFFS—SaIes, 10 tons Coarse Com Meal at,511.50 delivered. BEANS—Saks of 10 bags at $2.23. PROVISIONS—Quiet. BSRffER— Steady. f3 doz. POULTRY—Chickens dozen, S $1.50@1.75; Turkeys, f? Ib, 3X-(§»4@c, CHICAGO CATTa-E MARKET, For the "Week Ending Sept. 13, 1863. The receipts of Beef Cattle and Hogs daring the past Keek ending to-day, are as x'oIIoks: Beeves. Hoes. "No. No. STOCK FEOJf CHICASO Week ct dir? Sept. 13 T.iTS3 OP FEE I GET OK LIVE S' Cattle. Hogs Mich. Cent & Mich. South, large cars $45 as cti Cars ol 210 feet. Michigan Cent., small cars TO BUFFALO OS BCSPEXSIOX BBTDQS. Mich. Cent & Mich.South. large cars ST? 43ct! Cars 210 feet. 66 43 *' Mich. Cent, small cars 60 43 u Fort Wayne cars, 224 feet 70 43 “ TOriTTBCSGH. Pitts..Ft.'W, & Chi. carsof 224feet..f65 40cti iiich. South., do do ’careof 200 feet 64 40*' i.ktftt TptTT! TO BUFFALO OR SU3PESSIOK BRIDGE, Mich. Cent.&Hich.South. large cars *62 33cte Cars of 210 feet 52 85 “ Mich Cent small cars 47 35 44 Rates to Dunkirk, $5 per car less than to Buffalo, when shipped by all rau. Rates to Dunkirk, 2&c a 100 lbs less than t< Buffalo, when shipped by aH rail. BEEF CATTLE. The receipts of Beef Cattle during the past week have been very liberal, amounting to 3 ; 025 ht ad, against 2.940 the week previous, showing an increase of 85 head. The week ending to-day closes npon a market which differs very little from, that of last week; with the exception that there was a larger propor tion of good shipping cattle offered. Although the New York market closed heavily on Tuesday last, shippers are just as anxious to operate in good stock as ever, and we note no change In the prices of good to choice shipping grades, bnt me drum qualities and 44 scallawags'* are dull and diffi cult of sale, though not quotably lower. A good maty of these grades are 44 thrown” npon the mar ket by aiissouri feeders,who on account of the gue rilla warfare in that State,are compelled to sacrifice rather tba° run the risk of having them seized by the roving bands of rebels. To-dat.—'The receipts to-day amount to 850 hvftd of -which 119 were received at Sherman’s, 374 at the Michigan Southern, and 459 at the Pitts burgh yards. At the latter yards there were sev eral good lots worthy of notice. lUnnemau sold BO head choice State steers from near Lexington at $50.50 per head ; Greer sold 49 head of choice State steers from Springfield at $51.50 per head 1 Aliertonhas 50 choice corn-fed lowa steers; Ru ble & Co. have 50 head choice shipping cattle from the Northern part of this State. Both the lat ter will be shipped to New York on owners’ ac count. There was an active inquiry for shipping grades bnt inferior are difficult of sale. The merkt closed dull, there being a great number left over unsold. We notice no change from lass week. AT SHERMAN’S YARDS. Hodse sold Morris 30 head averaging 1,077 lb* at $3.70. Bingham sold Webb 23 head averaging 1.C41 lbs at $2.30. Edwards sold Humes 45 head at $44.00 per head. Dewitse sold Nelsey 17 head averaging 930 lbs on terms not made public. There were several lots sold at these yards, bn? as they were on private terms we are no? enabled to report them. AT THE MICHIGAN SOUTHERN TARDS. O'Neil sold Fry 34 head at *4l 00 par head. Thorpe sold Belden 18 head averaging 1,090 fi>3 at $2.27#. AT THE PITTSBURGH YARDS. Alberry sold Brewin 42 head averaging 1,253 lbs at s‘i 88. I)alby sold Rinneman 40 head averaging 991 lbs at $2.20. Rinneman sold Brewin 50 head averaging 1,400 a>B at §SO 50 per head. Gretr sold Ruble &, Co. 40 head choice at $51.50 per head. BOGS—Received this weeklT,3s3 against 12,592 last week, showing an increase of 4,760. The mar ket under a good inquiry, both by shippers and laid manufacturers, ruled steady throughout the week. To-dat the receipts are comparatively light, only amounting to 2,090. We have no change to notice since last week, except that extra lard hogs are very firm, and in some instances, a shade higher—s3 25 being the ontside figure. We quote closing prices as follows: Extra Lard Dogs $3.091£3.35 Good shipping 2 75'd“,2.9:l Medium 2.5j©2.70 We give a few of the leading sates, which, alto gether, add up some 2,700. jaogs. Av'g. Price. Hogs, Av'g, Price 46 2.-0 $3.00 57 228 $2 75 49 27S 3.10 4S 216 2.70 44 255 3.00 104 224 2.70 49 256 2 90 44 244 2.74 50 274 2.85 50 203 2.70 r-0 244 2 80 50 2oS 2.05 371 199 3 75 55 223 2.00 SHEEP—Market dull aud 25'550c lower. Sales of 72 averaging 105 lbs at $-3.G0. 3IARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. New York, September 13.—Flock—'Mar ket opened quiet and steady with a mod erate demand, chteilv to supply the wants of home trade. Sales 12.003 brls, at $1 w)@ 5.20 for superfine state; $5 3505 53 for extra state; SS.'A»OS *2G for super .western; $5 35*7, 5.G5 for common to medium, extra western; $5 S'dio 90 for common to jrool shipping brands; extra round hoop Ohio, and So.OG 23 for trade brands. Market closing steady. Canadian floor in moderate request at previous prices; sales TiObrls. at $5 10*7.5 50 for common, and ss.G'i,*7. C.50 for good to choice extra. live flour* quiet and steady at $3 50(5,1 50. Corn meal quiet ami without, decided change. V. msKx—Marketimoro active. Sales 50 brls. at B%c. grain—'Wheat, receipts large and with Only mod erate export demand and firmer freights declined 1c per {bushel. Sales 35,000 bu. Chi cago spring at $1 000,1.15; 51.CC0 bn. Milwaukee cum at $1 1101.16:29 tbObu amber lowa at sll7O l.lf=* ;3i,C(.-obu. winter red western at 26 • ■19.K0 bu. amber Michigan at $1.2701.29, the Ut ter an extreme price; 2, fjOD bu. white Indiana at st.3l, and GT.Cix: bu mixed white in store at ii.-uj 01.45. Eye quiet and steady. Barley dolf and nominal. Corn qnoted a shade firmer for good and sound parcels which are verv scarce. Sales, >tp.( 00 bu. at 590*:uc for shipping'mtxed western; 2l*7sScfor eastern: 43(2,32c for heated and un sound ; 04006 c for common to fair white western. Oats more active and firmer. Sales at 50051 c for Jersey, Canadian, western and state. Groceries—*ngar—Raw inactive. Sale* about SC-0 hhes. New Orleans at S>£@9>;c. Molasses quiet. No sales reported. Provisions—Pork opened heaw and closed dull and a shade easier. Sales* l,sit) brls. a* $11.CC011.62K for mess; $11.2501150 for prime. Beef rules verv quiet, but pri ces Sales 150 brls. at. $5 5)07.00 for country prime; SB.OU©IO for* country mess : $’20i(2.13.75 for repacked moss'; $13.«0(§>14 87, v for extra mess. Prime mess beef and beef bams quiet and nominally unchanged, i ut meats steady and firm; sales 75 pkgs at 4LO 4>jc for shou.dvrs and 607 c for hams. Bic n eides'steady; falcs 35 bris bulk sides at !i y.c. Laid more active and firm; sales ‘2OtJO brls’at 9097*0. Butter selling at 12*7.160 for Ohio. 140 2Ucfor State. Cheese firm at rj<o9>£C. OSWEGO. Sept. 13.—Flour—Quiet. Grain—Wheat quiet since Edinburg news. Sales G.uiHJ bu. winter red Obio on private terms ; ia-t Light, 13,0K1 bu. red Ohio at $1.13;* and 3.UKJ bu. red Illinois at SHI. Cora inactive. Canal F-.’.eiouts—Steady. Flour 406 c; wheat 14c; corn T.'X'c to New York. X'Ake Imports—i.OM) bu wheat,, 7,090 bn. corn. Canal Exports—6.loo bn. wheat, 13.UgJ bu. corn. MARINS LIST. ?OBT OF CHICAGO, ARRIVED....,...Sept. 13 Schr International, Sullivan, Saruia, IWcds wood Sell? I’erry llannau, Crawford. Sariua. 18 ui lumber S< hr B F Davy. Lewis. Kingston, 150 tons salt. Schr Aune Thorine, Johnson, Greeubash, 6) cds wood. Schr E L Dorr, Childs, Bay City, 100 ml amber, 650 m shinnies. Schr E U Harmon, Burk, Cleveland. 195 tons c lal. Schr Seabird, Th'nnas, Buffalo, 4 r) tons coal. Bark American Union, Nickerson, Bafialj 409 tons coal. Bark Sunrise, Comstock, Buffalo, 200 tons salt. Scow Hercules. Gunderson, Grand River, 95 cds wood. Schr St Panl, Shea. Presque Isle, 35 tons coal. Schr J W N*cho ! s, Miller. Buffalo. 1.59-) brls fish. Schr Barney Eaton, Welch, Sand Day. 1M) cds wood Schr Two Brothers, Johnson, Manitowoc, 25 cds woods. CLEARED Sept. 13. Prop Prairie State, Williams, Ogdensburg, 1,»JOO brls flour, 55S brls pnrk. Prep Buffalo. Douglass. Buffalo. 14,C00 ba corn, I.OUU brls flour. Prop Ottawa, Warren, Muskegon. Prop Lady Franklin, Napier, Napier, St. Joseph, sundries. Prop F W Backus, Chamberlain. Ontonagon, 2,223 bn corn. 51U0 bu oats, sundries Bark Pacific. Morgan. Oconto. Srbr Annie Thoriane, Johnson, Grecnbush. Sihr Transit. Hoyt, Manitowoc. Schr Barney Eaton, Welch, Two Rivers. Schr Two Brothers, Johnson. Manitowoc. Schr Belle Stevens. Wilkinson, St. Joseph. Schr Charlotte. Fulton. Manitowoc. ScbrMailner, Baker. Centerville. Prop Westchester, Bum?. Menominee. Schr Knapp, Davis. Two Rivera. Schr Active, Pagelson, Grand Haven. Schr II Rand, McKay, Muskegon. Scbr Whirlwind, Nslson, Centerville. Schr Win Aldrich, Simpson, Two Rivers. NEWS. VESSELS PASSING DETROIT Ur— Props. Ogdensburgh, lowa. Barks West, Orphan, Invincible, Oconto. Brig Pilgrim. Schrs. Marry, Mediterranean, San Jacinto, Perry, Hinde, Grey, Mountaineer, Ogdensburgh, Ellen Williams, Nicaragua, Plymouth, Johnson, Par sens, Allen, Turk, Eoppock, No vhiU, Contest, Milwaukee Belle, Steele. Down— Props. Adriatic, San. Barks Chicago, E. IC. L., Ravenna, Creole, Ravson, Buffalo, Hero, Sunshine, Hart. Brigs Sleipner, Monte zuma, Saxon, Fanny Gardiner, Hale, Frontier. Scbrs. Dart, Scott, Arctams, Baltic, Queen of the Lakes, Vernon, Lone Star, Return, Tnreo Boils. Dispatch. Fortune, Milan, Yorxtowu, Sister, Monsoon, Douglas. Bound Ur.—Propeller Mayflower; bark Mi-t. Andeieon, Canada. Fleece; shooaers Courtwrigh’, Simms, Logan, Culver, Fashion, Dolphin, Light. £1 Tempo. Down.— Propeller Merchant. Fonn*aln : bark West, Pierson: brig Hutchinson; schooner Cuya hoga, Bonnie Doon, DcWilt, Reindeer, Hager, Florence, Lady of the Lakes, Oak. Bark Constitution and schooner Ogdon collided on Lake Huron—both seriously damaged. MOVEMENTS OF CHICAGO VESSELS. Vessels Arrived at Bufealo non Chicago, Sopt. 13.—Prop. Mayflower; bark Unadilla; schr. Hamilton, R. Mott, R. Campbell, Eliza Logan. Vessels Cleared feoh Buffalo for Chicago, Sept. 11.—Prop. Tonawanda; bark Onconta; schr. Morning Light, Frolic, Eliza Logan. Vessels Passivg through the Welland CaSal.— We ars indebted to Capt. K. P. Dorr tor the fallowing list of vessels passing through the ■Welland Canal: Vessels bound West. Where from. Where to. On the 10th September— Bark Wary Jane, St Catherines, Chicago. Schr Com* Foote, Oswego, .Milwaukee. On the lllh— Prop West, Montreal, Chicago. Prop Osdensfcnrgh, Ogdensburgh. (Chicago. Barn W P Allec,~Jr Oswego, Chicago. Vessels bound East. White from. Where to- On the 10th of September— Prop Colonist, Chicago, On the llth— Prop Cleveland, ILLINOIS AND JUCmvAff CANAF,. 40 S5 “ AESlvjo)..*, Eoetoc, Ut ; ca, 5,300 bn com. CW Zimmerman, La Salle, 5,400 bo. corn, 34J ba 35 25 “ wheat. Abbey Sprague. 5.2T0 bn com. G.ldcn State. La Salle, 5,000 bn corn, 132 bn rye, SSSfcmrDeat. • "Wing arid Wing, La Salle, 5,000 ba com. Troubadour, r«octport, 5,000 bucoru, 70) bu bar- Icy. 11-3 bu rye - Glasgow, Ottawa. 5,400 bu com. Progress. La Salle. 5.51-0 bu corn. Morris, Ottawa. 4,8> 0 bu com. 23,100 lbs seeds. Empress, La Salle, 5,600 bu com. Lockpo't, Lockport, 5.210 ou com. Biawaiba. La Salle. 5 CMiO bu com. Brilliant, La Salle, 6,310 bu com, 116 bu rye, 313 bu wheat. Monarch, Joliet. 6,000 bu oats. Humboldt. Joliet, 4.000 bu com, 600bn wheat. Republic, Morris, 135 tons coaL J B Prestos, Aux Sable, 5,0u0 bn com, 4,900 lbs seeds. Prairie State, La Salle, 5,000 bn corn, 700 bn wheat. Edmonla, Kankakee, 6,000 bu com. Placet, La Salle, 1,400 brls flour. CLEABKD.—. Cayuga, Lockport. Nautilus, La Salle, 306,116 lbs floor, H Cooley, Joliet. Clyde. Seneca. A Lincoln, La Salle. Asia, La 90.412 ft lumber. Parson Brownlow, La Salle. I.ooolb* molasses. J D Leonard, La Salle, lu2l'6sft lumber, 75 mshin- glee. Lockport, Lockport. Pr&ino Queen. Ottawa. Unionist, La Salle. Republic, Morris, 1.212 ft lumber. TOO ft aiding, 1 m shingles, 1 scales. Salina. Lockport. B A Thorp. Joliet. Adelia, Joliet. En prt ss. La Salle. EE Qoodeß, Ottawa, 77,593 ft lumber. • ■WANTED IMMEDIATELY—A T * first-das* Pbotofrrap-er. Good wages -will be paid, address “J.S. POUTER, Ottawa, Illinois, Post Office Box 18. sel3-u399-3t TjXT - ANTED—A young man of fiva w v years experience In the Drug Business and for 1 he past year a Hospital Stewart in the army, and now honorably discharged, wishes to obtain a situation In a Drug House ’n this city. Good references given. Address -P.T.H.,” Tribute Office. selSuiO -iw \V ANTED —lnformation of the f f whereabouts of any of the family of Stanleys, wuooe names a:e given betow. They came to tins city Irotu Dunmrk In the year ISSA, Their names areas to lows: James, John. Andrew, Henry, Edward, George. Jane Ellen. Nancy, and Julia ana Aov in formation addressed to ** 6. 8.,” at this office will be thankfully received, seLJ-aAStot \\[ ANTED—Agents with small * capital, to -ell Powell’s Furnpnre Polish Powell’s Saver Solution. Prof. Farr’s Counterfeit De leter, and other articles of REAL MERIT, bavin? teen thoroughly tested the past s<x months. There Is a grtnt demand for them. Agents are making from *‘J to flu per dav. Inclose stamo for circular to Post Office Box 307 D, or call at U9 I)-arborn-at Hoorn No. 2. selS-uW-l-lw CHAS. POW&LL & CO. U’ ANTED—A young man -who y *_ bns bad several years experience as Foreman of an Eastern Beet Manufactory, wishes to form some connection with a person having capital, or with some Boot and Slice lions 1 *, forth* purpose ot m*aufaetur itg Boots at d Shoes. Good Eastern reference siren Address ’* MV Post Office But 1576. s-:io-n3d8-3C It ANTED—To trade from Sl,ooo f T to $1,500 worth ot Shrubbery, for a City Lot o good land !n Illinois or lowu. Shrubbery consist* ct Rhubarb Plants. Rose Bushes, Grape Vines. Currant* • Kasp-.erry. Strawberry, Lilacs. Evergreens and House Plants. Also. 2uo bb‘s. No, 1 White Fish, MaKhuc inspection, at $3 per bbl. Half cash, balance laud. Address, with stamp, P. O. Box 213, Chicago. £fcl2lOjG3: WANTED FOR CASH—To ; ,ur ▼ ? chase for abont ?S,OOO, agoodDwelUne 11. on lot not loss tcan fifty red. in desirable nei'ihijor hood, west of Sangamon street, or on tie North B;de. Address, with description and lowest price, PostOUce Bos 1650. Chicago. ?el2 n36i 3t IV ANT EL'—A situation hy a f • youngman, willing to work. Has had Zvo yeaTsesperienceln the Crockerv bnslness, aid has a knowledge or vßriou* rvihe*?. Good references eiveu. snd can come well recommended. Address’S U.,” Tribune Office. sold u36.*<5l ANTED A Customer. XAKD FOR SAX 3 For cash. Groceries. Er; Goods. Hardws"o. or C:ty Property. Adureas *‘B,,” Post OlfiCi Box 709. stUusOo Ctnet VAJANTED —A Druggist Cierk for “V a Retail and Pnfcatrlptlon Score. Aslnele man who understands Girtßh and Ei glish. Apphcirt* will please mentiem what tsptrieiice thev hive had in the drug bustoeS. THOMAS DANIELS. seX’-uSC-U-ot Toledo, Ohio. T\~ ANTED—By a Graduate of f T rrlC'n Conoco and of n Tbeoloslcal Seminary rnrize echo’s' cf Ms clues), a situatim as leather, lies had cearlv vcars ouccos'tal experience la T LeEast. Address "D. IU" f. U.Uos 006, Rockford. 111. s-12 nJM "W r A NTED—Be-i(iene<;s, T.-ith V T eniple grounds. either in North or South OlvU sicns o r tne city, for which c-kjli will be paid, Pi ices to range from Also—itusines? property on Dearborn Laits orWa. ter streets. will mak.-a fulr payin ’ investment. Amount not to exceed fdO.nOO. A I.6o—Choice buiidit g lot* on the avenues.noir Kin* iro.d. Any persons havi: p property mat will answer the above wan’s, tuav find it to tn“T Interest to >-ive us a call, * I LEES & SLOCUM. ° sclh uak ft SS Dearborn .street. WANTED-Ca ters to work on »'’ Army ClCthlos. App’yatST -abash avenue. SCll-nS4t> ot W. C. TUOaPjON, "V\^AXTED —]>y a ]irora])b ]iayin2T » * _tenant, a smalt cott ne i;on«o. or four or live rooms in a private residence. Address wifi r,>mia lecithin, etc.. I*. O. B.<\ sopy-uasy-iw * IVANTED —.Agents to canvas for T T the fortbeomins Ills’.irv of t!ie Civil War in John s.C.-mujott. (author of the Life Napoleon, History ol the French Involution. Monarchs of Coutlcenral Europe. 5 c i Ateit- will this a rare sedind book. Terms liberal, Applv for territon* to O. I- GIBBS. 131 Sjuth Clarkstreetr Cnicaio. Hi Pest Office BosStfS. apds pSiDCui T\ ANTED—A few thousand del * « lav? pf indebtedness aea'tiS’ the la**- tlr-u -if I.H Burch *Oo.. by J. BEECIISIV-loLasailestreet fii^-udlT-Cw ANTED Orders fiom AGENTS AND SUTLERS For Unitn Variety Eiivtloror, Armv roclet Inkstands. Union Fapcr ;unJ linveiope?. and n!! articles .n this line. Orr.e-s cvce»v<i prompt atun- Ucn. Address c. A. THOMAS, Post Otlice Box C 055 Chicago. ses-cl7i>4W T/U’ANTED —For nud Trade. ? * Anyone haviac a general stock of Good* of ten to twenty thcima-l to dispose *-f oa :‘i r tiTins. m.«y ud-Tfso lsoxsss... Onic igo Husr. o~ce The .uivc.-iiser wid buv a stock of u.i. ami n-.rned.’f ri :bt. '•n-l nay pa~t cash in h -nd and w*‘ ! .i imp-oved Karni'r.g Land 6, part being nub-riaved with n workah'c “i eval. senate i rniles cwli of f ;-lc ego. n-a: and canal. P.iaers to WM. L.CUL*iV 11. Cliii ago. s-Yulsi inj VVS ANTED — Anoma to canvis-a T T for Htudlty’s Keb.-nion HUorv. Published in both Engll.-h and G rmm I’.ngu>gc<. S’xtv first clas.- jji ;tl Plate Kngwings. The Inst Mdlimr book ever ollered to Agents. Km territory, t.-rms. col on imin-diutely. or send camp to E. B. & K.C.nir, \T ~>oi V a-h-ngion str’et- Chicago. sc-T-uuG ,*w Ws NTED—Ge alctupn, LrAc-s, » * or returned Soldiers wlsdng a pleasant and oroStablc Acer. cv. requiring a sma'i f.pital, and v.iroli meets rc.uty return, will fims CLARK’S PATENT I s’- DM.IBI.K MARRIfsG PENCIL v. neit and n-< fu’ a tide cmd no hcmbiur, arul for marking burn die cheapest and best In u*-- > .i o-e dozen, bvnvtb. 5--nt on receipt o. or sample pencil, tern.*.' &C..3) c-:nts in stamps, or samplt ol muikiii", one stamp. AdJ-.-rj E. I*. CLARK. Northampton, Mass. rostOiaer B-,»x‘4t. jviil suTT 3t« X\*^ANTED—To make pg-eeisents » t for Keeping bv the mor.rh. Books written up. pru-ti-t. ai.a y,-is and stiteraents prepared by a hrattical oceoaT-taut. A desirable «*Tting<*tacnt can be m-de with Parties aji havtrga rogu ar b‘-ok kt-cnor. Reference' gtvii ami satisfudlon A'.bl-tFP ACCOUNTANT.” Port QlEce 530X1335. Set-uIHS-2w WANTED, INFORMATION. * * Anv one knowing the whereabouts of RUFFa S. PAT Nls. fcr.. S'-W inj Machine M.'-nnfacturer. would comer a favor cn giving information uriils uros’Ll <i- j;i!c 11 f'J. B. G, Pot Office Box Said Ibr'iy S Payne I aviug, when leaving the dwelling hou*-' No. 203 Ilimo's street wita his tamilv. through the Pack doc r Jr a hum* lest srini' forgotten that ho owed not 1-s-s U-pn twelvemonths rent. The owner of s»H house f* c’s mterehlcd to know at hat has become of tais model tenant. scJ n!2O 1m Ci' ANTED—Agents to Sell F. H. * ■ TVALTHEU’S HOK»E OTFNSH QUIDS. TheKst Horse Book publish'd in this contra*. Be ta!! price 75 cents K. li. I.AN'DJN, Agent. S' Lake •Hmt opposite thrTremout House. ~s--S-uli:7-2w ANTED • To exchange a good * • brick dwelling house formcrehandiz*. .stack of preferred.) A so. several resideuce lots for Books- and Stationary. House and Lots well located lo u p!< aaai-t thriving village in routhem Wise»n-m. on tbe Milwaukee and Prairie du Cblea Railroad. and will be exchanged as above or for Chicago cltv prou dly. Aderers ” E. W..*’ Post Office Box ;V557, Chicago or 1* Ft Office Bos IB.*. Brodhead, Wbconsln. sop2-uSj>2w \V ANTE D—ooo,ooo Agent*. T * Something new. A splendid Fa!t?l States Map. nlso Canadas and New Binnpwick. colored in comities. Just published hv.l. T. Lloyd. New York. Cost $20,000 to engrave it. Sample sen; on receipt of r- tall price, 50 cents Send stamp for circular. Poet Office Box 4422. li, K. LANDON, General Agent. i 3 Lake street, opposite Tremont House. au2Gts:<MiD WANTED-AGENTS—MaIe or v » Female.—Agents wanted In every town of the United States, to sell J. Kohler’s new Improved method for Cutting Ladles’ Presse:-, Bovs Clothing, Shirts. £c Secured bv copvrltrht. Agents making from per dav. For partlculars'inquire at J. EOLILBR’g vVfflce. No. 6 Metropolitan Block, or addre=s Post OStc Box SSSA enclosing three cent postage Btamp. Chicago, 111. denhSSS-Oii Detroit, Sept. 12,1562. l/t,’ ANTED—At 169 DaarfcomSt,, v opposite toe new Post OScc, Situations for Domestic Help« No girl sent from toe office unless? able to Inmlsh satin Isilovy reference from former employer, Parties •'•btaln Fsimc by applying as above, or addrewu;g Mrs, •i.. L. O.ALKAM, Post OStlce*XivJ4s, Jcdo.'l-Um \\’ ANTED.—Persons requiring » » help, to call at the Emigrant and EmplNvgK-ut otl'ce. Ill* Clark street. Methodist Episcopal Uliurch Block, where may be found male and female help for ' ity icl country Orders from the country promptly dtenlff 4 to. Bret Office Box lftJ2, STEIVAHT HAMILTON. Peisons with good reforanre? watAlsg resp-ctaMe MtiiutlOLs. may find ancii at lids office. " aui!>ioiKMm Detroit, Sept. 14, 1862. t/V ANTED, AGENTS—SIS per ' v dsv can be murto, and no humbug, great bvw PATRIOTIC COMBINATION Bl’-LZE PACKAGE. A PERFECT NOVELTY. Entirely new princir-10. Csu’t bee;;aallvl. Circulars mail'o trep. G. M. Db’f-N&CO., No. 134 Clark street. Lineage-. ANTE D —Agents —To b^U Agents’ Goods, Pedlars* Gotds, The Haw Gar den City Priza Envelope, View of the City of Cticegoon Ontfide Envelope, Selling bv tbon&ands. Maps of all klncs. Brownlow’e Bcvk. CruwlcVs Needle Casket, the best put np In the, K. G. (J. Book. Send stamp end get circular. Officitil Book Armv List of the Western States. Price ?0 cents, gent by inail. post paid, on receipt cf price. K. B LAN DON, Agent. SS Lakeetrcet. oppos.tcthe Tremont House. aul3-t3l?-liL \\ AN TKD—-AGENTS. Profit t T able emplovmec t. STI net profit per gross made hv Agents on the new patent Improved Indelible Marking Pencil. Agents hare rctal ed from one to two gross in one day. Over seventy thousard sold. Samples B<-«;t by mail on receipt ofSO cents, or for sam pien ot marked linen, terms. &c., one stamp Address £ P. CLARK Northampton, Haas. Jj2l-5977-3a VAT AN TED —Agents. S3O per ? T montha r dall expenses paid! We will pay the above price to honest, active agents, or allow a liberal commission for selling the STAR SEWING MACHINE. Ri-tailprice. sls. Wehave Agrnts wuosa con miesltns average SIOO per month. Part culars sent free. Send for Circa'ar J. O. JARVIS & CO.. P. (). Drawer 5K39 Chicago. HI. anl-KSWai Montreal. \Af AJN T E D—To Exchange —A * * Frame Euildlctr. with Engine and Boiler of 13 horsepower, together with shafting. &c.. now setup Berrien ccnntv. Michigan, situated in the midst of a fine timber countrv and near the lake shore. Will ex change for bouse and lot in Chicago Groceries, new reaper and mower, a horse power and mill for grind ing coin. Inquire ofW EL SAMPSON, No. 3 Metro poll tan HaJL Jy2S-tHI 2m Chicago, Ogdensbnrgh, ....Sept. 12. WAHTE D —Employment for American, English, Irish.Scotch. German and colored servants with good city references, at the Philadelphia Intelligence Offi-s. No 150 South Clark street, between Monroe and Madison streets. Country orderspunctually attended to. Post Office Bos. 16Dd, MRS. D. PRATT In attendance. de25k63-ly WANTED —One pnrcnaaer io each township for ATKIN’S FAMILY KNIT ING MACHINE. From $lO to S2O profit per week can he earned on It by any man or woman. It wll* make 50.000 stitches a minute; will knitap&ir of Stock ings or Socks In fifteen minutes: makes a variety of e ahey Work, Shawls. Nublss. Head Dresses. Under sleeves, Clouds. Soutags. Kigolets, Military Sashes, Ac. We s Ul rive to one person In each township the ex clusive right t-o use and sell the machine for one yea? in each township, which will enable them to earn the price paid for the machine easOy and quickly. It is a wonderful machine, and every large family win have one. Price. $45. Secure your township. For circular with further and full particulars, call on or address (with stamp) BRANSON A ELLIOT, General Aeenta, 120 Lake street Chicago. PL lyl&eTB-Sa A\G FNT S. —AiXw goo/L ones XjL war/ed. to attend every FalrVid Csrnp Ground In the Wy4t, to sell the only good anc.'wavfanted satis factory stationery Package put up la t\/ country. A profit of iVm $3 to sls per day InstrysN every man. Pediai> an clutters sucpties of all klvus. 'Send stamp for a to J.H, JUSNBON AqxhtvP. O. Box *253./CHICAOi>. Sept, 12. 'JHK NEW YACHT coNsimmoN, bow lying at the bead of Washington street, Ut thi Basin, may be chartered by responsible parties lort day or evening. Address P.O. Box STBi. iaySwr«Ma T ASM SUPERIOR CHARCOA3 Pl<3- IRON. £. eoo«!r?«tr!»mt of W3IH3XOITO iTOB JMt nC&TOI tod foriSe hi onantltfet to salt customers, by „ JESDP KSKMSOY * CQI3 Wdla gtrea^ Uiarswj junati I {ft Mfanffcrtcttii JKaantea. s?o,000 to 815,000. BUH.BHS’ GOODS, jFor Sale. SALK—At a Great Bargain, J* superior toned, seven octave. Rosewood i.‘ an P * ortes. Have been used bat a very short tlm® V, a^r etec n at REED’S Piano Factory, No L» West A’atihcn street. Bell-u33Mw SALE OR TRADE—From * n.^lfi 000 10 worth of Dry Good?, Clothing. !:h, I »•"*'° Ce Jewelry. lor cash and lands la Elu *Tvc-R n tiHs aillheretl Chicago property. Adiress fceplCugrS’t P ‘ °* Box A S e£tts nee “ not a PP!r. FOR SALE cheap for cash, , v< t°of^.n^' reJ fl r^ t 7 P r °Perty in Chicago, or a ni/nr 0 1f;ot'^ t ' c ' IS3 Country Storeddotog a la. and profitable hnsuu s3nei«r a railroad- In a rc- county near Rock Island lt rJ'^ 7 “VS of the best of land u , rc "" cult.\aJon. Good residence with ten rooms, storage lor six thousand bushels of s:raii wel’s with hard and soft water, barrs. stabling for elcht sniche house. Diggey’s Hay Scales * c S *L VGo wsaon and blacksmith shopsen the premise** of HIGGiNS, DEAN & CO.. 2 Board of Traito R->?™ (or suite.) seh-mi: i ■> * p'OR SALE—A Soap. Candlo ace *- OH Factory, at Racine, Wls„ with Fixtures. Tools, Stock. &c., to complete running order, and doing a large cosiness The owners wish to settle up their co partnership business, and therefore offer their worst >prs.iie. Tennsilberal. Inquire of ISAAC H r TRP'2w2 =. UO„ on the premises, or to TURNER A MITCHELL. »» Ktorestreet Chicago. ]y^th>lm UOR tit LE—A Nursery. To close 1- partnership, we offer our whole stock of Fruit Trees. Evergreens. Shrubbery. Small Fruit* and Orna* nir-tital Stock, crowing on twenty acres of laao at Monticelio station. Chicago, Alton and Sc. Lonl* li-ill road, four miles from Alton. Will eitner lea?e or sell Uie i;-nd. To an active, energetic mm. an •‘rc'iitoat epporsurdry fs cow offered. Fcr particulars address us at Altcn. or tettei call and -e<». eeo uIR-Im A. S. & GE J. BARRY, Alton, HI, POR SALE AT A BARGAIN. A. Sub-Lot No. 12 of Lots 5 and 6, in Block CS. in the , Hi'tce's r.ew Sn odivision. Price S7OO. Apply Davenport, lowa. au2s-iBU-lm U'OK SAT.E—Ergine and Boiler. a. Ten Inch Cyl’nder Engine and large sized Bol'er. order, for sa’e cheap, at FtJRST d LKADLLi s. oh and aa M orth Jefferson street. 2ClStf>)o-lW w POR PALE.—Drug Store for salt. i at a great bargain for cash or approved paper—* well telecis-d stock of Drugs and Fixtures—to t good location cn the North S’d*. Rent low. Rjascui 1- -T selling ill health. For farther particulars addre-u I-i. E. DOANr., No. 176 North Wells street. Ciiioigu, Illinois. jyh*tl7-i-Sw QLD BOURBON WHISKY.— On consignment. _£obbls pHiurbou Whisky, elx years old, Mnnuiactuied by Henrv Shawhan. i 'Bourbon county Kentucky, which wj»l l«e cw> 9 ed out at a bargain LEONARD & .TENMSON, Commisdioa M'orcbanta Office No. i Do>e s Built.tog. sep2-u'2-2w STo Lieut. TO R.lKT.—Storage f,r Kerosene and CV.r v on Oil. A desirable location. Ir.tinirc st No.lJ Stare street. scIS-ntW-i’t 'T’O KENT—A St-n-e at Ridott, X Stephenson com tv, Illinois. There is a la-ge crsln bn>:n€s? doltc here and no com'ie'itlon b nu-r- Ricott :sontheG..len*<»ni Chicago I'nton Inilrom. • nQtst statum ea>t of Freeport. Thf* stock oi’c‘'od> on hand were boucht within eighteen mouths mid h* fire the rise. Thev'hive been kept and fmb end willbesoklataba-galn. Aue and he iltli U the cause of my miring from bush css. Address Or airly to wm. c. ir.v* Huloit, Scpt.l*. Ncvado Station. eetS-u 101-Rt r FO RENT—f*. Ilonse, ccnsNtin" of X ten rooms, with barn, cn Hunted street, between Twelfth aid Maxwell streets, at £l=l p,. r month. The owner would furnish the house «nd board whh the family If desirable. Apply immediately at No J74 South Ilal.-icrt street. sc Ik u;bc; it r jpO REN’T—A tirst class Resi- X dence. No. 3k3 Indiana street with all moiiers Iniprcvcinoi ts. etc., etc., and Brick Stia’.e attached InciUire of JaS. WaU!>. i>l West Uamlolnh, Wa.ITS d: TtAVN. ;Pi> •VasliUiuroti street,or address PO. Box 4kS. Kent ftliO per annum. auj‘.*-r>7-:sw BENT AND FOR 3AIM 'S“ PIANOS AND IttifXeBBONS, Allowance made lor hire u pasonawrt. All kino- of InstrvjYt.'cta repaired. Tunicz promptly attunat-i to. I do not rent to zo Into tbc couutrv. WH. K. PROSSSIL 130 Clack stre<*%. T° 2tSNT —Hew aiid seoeo-/.-aj.-» PIANOS. A isr?a ißsortir.ent ol Pianos and at who : e3fc'? and retail. Itoni abroad nror- ntly attendee to w. w. SLlii BAiA WfVliUTlarV stTF-ni iloarbiug. ID GARBING.—There are now _l J tat anJ ,I.' South CArk street, porn’* rk-mnr.r rooms, smtiblc for a-cotnmo.l iti.;" fami ice ;>r.:l .-Inici-i {rcLt emcn. It is ai>.‘ a couv.ui'cnt !nc:;tb'n for rt-*y no «u cr>. u* U N oniy ;i tew minuivs walk ficni the Post OSlco or Court U'mse. "rb'.-s mocie-atc. se^-a.Mih^t Boarding —At We-i Hun <’,c.;r-!i street. Two nrfirhlsh- •! roMiu each f>r a itefleim-n an i wife without chi dr.u. t> o L * bad W'ih Vcani m a g“i.t> el private iau'l'v. uh •—» t'hjrc are r.fothvrboardcta. References jtivea and r.aiuircu. mAuIMiUw O O AR til N't - -A t\w plcfl-fUlt, - furni/i'.id rcoins. w:;Ii bon’d can b-- iad at No. lug the hair cun find acocnimodatiors iiurir.g t -i .v In the cV > ut r-asoi able r:-.tes. .••■pg nl , j“-'Bv' JLost. J- X (¥lrt LOST.—AII peTSDna urc forbidden ts c« g- t a*c the f.How ing Cook County Orders, viz : Nos "M. 35, AG. and each n r the sum ot one tlvn-and dull-raeaciud ited ■Sopt» mbev ijih, is. 2. and par able to F. Granger A-la.u-. cr hear r, thessanm n having br.-r. lost O" st 'U I:, aad payment thereof havlncbtcu stonped. AMG6.S TIIROOP, scir-nh'3-5t Cba’rn ar. Cook County War Fund. (SOA KEW&RD.—Sii!en from the stable of tli" Chicago leg Comoanv. on llieevcidtig of Sunday. Aug, ols*. a Bay Colt.'four T’urs old, dark man*-' a:d tall. The above reward eiil be jaid for his return *>i oiiio** of the Chlcag* Ice C nu* pany. No. S: Castmu House place, a *ri uUji-Gt (b-j ft A REWARD.—StoIen from •* * * th rt Rtubi'' of the sttbsTlber, one mile south of Blue Island Plunk Road. a pair of line Black Horses, 11 vt-a’SoM, about 15-$ to 10 hands Men. Tne larger horse Las a Homan nos.:, lelt cvi* a little Mured, ft h>nj pretty neck, aid when urg.-d faster t'nm a walk unoe-the sadoie. is inclined to pace a litre. The smaller one has a heavy man?, one hind foot white, a little white in fetlock of the other, also alittle wnite in le'ioek cf '■-n.; of fore f < t. a s'-ar about three inches ions m hack part of tirgh; think it the rvrhi one. ■When taken both wee shod on fore feet, hir-,1 feet not 'Hie smaller horse is a Mouther and easier trotter turn the larger. The above re ward will be glvoe for the a’yest t.f th?ev>g and recovery of horses, or one-hall cf the above lor tne recovery of horses. A libara 1 . ic-waid will he given for any InfotunUica lead-ng tc the wher»-nh-mt* of rhpvcs < r horse-. A-hires.* to I>. B. D A WKFS, XmGraine Isbrndoril. W. Mnr'AD t.’LN, (.‘hiiiicoiM, Peoria County. Ul. iieal instate. Lands in Kansas—To sen oi trade for a stock of Dry Goods. 80 percent Land, 20 per cent Casli, For pirtlculnri address, by mail, A. W. SPALDING. Grasshopper Fah?, Kanina. All communication? strictly confidential aum-tTSo-lm T bNDS.—To all -wanting Farms— JLJ Mild climate, large and thriving settlement ot Vineland. THHITY M LLKS euQth of PUilailelphla Dr railroad. P.ICH SOIL. Fine Crops to to seen groTrios, Twenty acre tracts ut from 115 to S2O per acre, payable Wltliin four years. Good Bufiness Openings—Good Society. Hundreds are settling and making improvements. Ap ply to CIIAS, li LANDIS. Post Ma-ter, Vineland, Cumbcrlunc County, New Jersey. Letters answered. Par-ers cot taming mil Information will be urn free. lySMfr.fl-tcclTiS (general -Notices. I^OTrND, —Taken up by the siib * p-'iiber. Augn-t kith, isfi I *, a Browa Mare, about fourteen b tnds tinli, and a white spot cn her ba :k. Tin* (iwj i;r i-i;iv have sail Mare ht calling on FItSD. FiNh, N« w Bremen, and nav p\rcn?<s. bul2-u:‘.M3t FIT. FINK. New Bremen. 111. Q Tp AYED-From tie under- Vi? Flgncd, on IheUth Sept Inst., u Dark B.i~ Horse, {■ .urf a*-?< lu. about sixteen hand'* h;gu. bl-ov mane, tad .v.rt lees and very th‘n in llesh. Supposed to bo lr. th-North Division of Cnicago Whoever will re turn tie Horse or give Information where the sms u av be ft.nnd, at the biitritr.s Uilloo. will be n-war J-id sel2-u:;:s-oC T. M. BllADLtir. r T'AEEN’ *CP—By the sulj-cri'b.-r A. a Sorrel Pcnv. six or vc:>rs old. wtrif • Rvc-’ whirl, the owner can have bv proving prope-t* and laving charges. S,\i STI’NKOHD. seUi-uJIO-Ct Central Liver,* Sttblo WATERHOUSE'S BATTERY. T i There Is room for TEN JIOUE GOOD 3EEX t And one Blacks xltb. In this fine Battery, now at Mem phis. This 1* roarlv the last chance l°r foe Batteries. A. 'A. IVOODIYAKD, Lieut, and Hscfg O'hcer. seS-u‘J-!S 1 w Office T2 lUcd -iph street pox FACTOliy.—The sabsori- having leased a part of the new mill of Washburn & co.. Corner ot Seach and Mather streets, Is prepared tcjtl;i all ordtrs tor BSXES OF EVERY KINS. Also, DKEESED FLOORING, SIDING. Ac. Having had a large experience in the business, he lopes t-- receive a share of i!i- puhMc patronage. Or ders thrench Post Office Box " r SO will be prmianlv at tenoed to." [aell-u331-lw] H. 11. MUNRoE. EXCURSION GROUND The Chlcage ara Mlbranke* Kailrota Cc, Have prepared SPACIOUS FOREST GROUND^ With buildings, walks, swings. dancing floors, Ac., U accommodate Pic-Nic and Excursion Parties The grounds arc bellcvoo to be unsurpassed fo» beauty and convex iencr*. situated Immediately on tla Labe shore, thirty-three miles (an hour and a quarter** ride) from Chicago, convenient to the railroad, whicl Is only one-fifth of a mile distant from the Lake at thh point, affording wed shaded l.twns, free ‘rox under Eowlh, beautiful groves of Oak and Alder -> Q ver an g springs of cool water, wide hard beach easily ao cessible for promenades, with high bluffs, fine view* and cool breezes. For further particulars and term* anr’y at the Company's office, corner Late and Clarl streets. S. C. BALDWIN, Superintendent, Jyll-sTGI-Sm FEENGH AETIETGIAE EYES, FEENGH AETIFICIiL EYES, FEENGH AETIFIOIAL EYES, A Very Large Assortment AT GALS BROTHERS, Druggists, GREAT EASTERN. This magnificent ship has proved herself the fastest safest and: most comfortable Ocean steamer in the world. Sea Sickness on board beina unknown; And Is strongly rt»«wTTimflr.ded to intending pawe-agart. The Great Eastern will leave - York Liverpool NEW YORK. , .•erv-o KVvr FOR LIVERPOOL FOB MiW TOSS Tutprtftv Sfot sth. Calling at Queenstown ftSSSS oclmß. Wednesday. Oct. Ist, ■n.Kd.T.ioT.istar FARES: , __ First Cabin to Second Cabin Setnm Tickets issosd at a Fare-and-a-ball. Intermediate S. Steerage S5. Suites cf apartments for families may be engaged by special agreement. Immediate application by parties wanting berths U desired. Flans *f the Cabins can be seen and bertha secured at the office of JAMES WABRAOE. Agent 12 Lake street. Chicago. Howland & aspiswaxj, K. Y. jylfrtfm-Snt FRENCH COPYING INK. A. new supply of this much called for and beantfnl article, which will make THREE laiPSSSSIONS. la now for sale at . HOTBOITS 140 Lais stmt. auction Sates. T>Y GILBERT & SAMPSON. » J General Auctioneers. Trade Sale of 40 Cr&tei of the BEST WHITE CROCKERY, A.T AUCTION. 1 On THURSDAY. Sept. at 9X o'clock, wfll Beh at our Salesrooms. N0.58 Lafe? street, -in c ateaof .la--. Edward? & Son's lot* to suit ih« trade. The invoice consists of a com plete assoitment of DXNH2B,TEAASD TOILET WARE, All of the he**! styles and shares. Samples can be ex amined the d»y before the sale. Dealers from the country can hare their poo da parsed and shlsped at a un*ll expea'e by an ex perienced packer. Sale po itive aurt without reserve- GILBERT <fc SAMPSON. AUCVTi- T>Y GILBERT m SAMPSON. -M-* Gzjtshai. Atctiosee3s. 58 T.Atre street. 100 Walnut and Cherry Bcduteads, And a large stock of superior XEW FIUXITURE, CARPETS AND SILVER-PLATED WARE* AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY, Sent. 16th. fit 9# o’clock, wo will seO at our Sa’.etroorcs No. SS Lake street, a large assort, tnett ox Mew Furniture, just received from the E ist. con«-sting of I Tetea-T etes. Parlor, and ‘tnck ®at stands marble-top Taol*-s. n i aud catt Cna Cer Saits. Dressing Bureaus S ’ * k l1 ‘ fta,i without margin-tons; •Vard roll snd trade wp. Silver-Pi vtkd a".i Chasid Tea Setts. Tfca and Coffee I— Spoons. Forte Mug*. Fancy Rnniet* Sugars. Cream and Water Richer* Baifrs/ovTuo Probers.4c.. witn a variety einf»cr goods. a*-o 1C I’roan 1 ’roan 1 corner ano panel BedtTe.ui*. “ * Bel3-Uc9~-3t GILBERT & SAMPSON. Auct’ra. G-ENTEEL HOUSE furni ture, NiELCDEON.&c., .A.T AUCTION, S3?* Without reserve, for Cash.^j On WEOVESBiT, Sept. ITtb, at 9j o’cloct, At Dwelling House No, 237 Michigan avenr.o, HVnniit? 11 fha ortlrr mmildreof afdni!!rlireakln» lipdoos.k(,. r . c , costa,,„„ of P.rior Briss.. s T.S rct._F»rlor Suit la Crims .r. Antique Chairs. Easy Chairs, Easy Rocker, ottomans, marble-top Tables. V. hittnots. chamber Saits, Brnsseis and Ingrain Ccam ber('arr«'t?. Malmnny Be-lste-ol?. marble.v>s Bureaus, y, Lite Hair i!att. - e*# >: s Bad'ilnr. Diningroom ana Kitchen Furniture. Chi«a, Crockery and Glassware. Parlor and Cooking Stoves; Ac.. AC. At so—A •very superior toned Melodcon. txT" The above can be seen on Tncsiiy, Sort. I6tlu A. BUriKHS c CO* Auctioneers. scrj-nrrT-i-4! p LOTH] I- G AKD DRY GOODS - _AT Al CTION—By S. Nickerson*. >’4 Lake street, corner of Franklin. on Movdat, Sent s.Vh bdjvesdaT, Sent. 17t . Friday. Sent Hi!: \t *■' ’ o’dcti A. M„ ■vrlh he ?•*!u ary good;* clothing,’Talk nations h;U«. C;ips icii "nods. sel2-Por~'-Mw S. N LcKEllsoy, Auct'.ouesr, poors and siross at auc * ’ TB’-N-By S Nickerson-, lilt Lake M. cot, corner of KraiiKiln, On Tuesday, Sept. pith a* o s o’cl-irk A M„ win be SO'<l ;.‘n Mr c’s. Lt.«vs* arm V..nVh> Cadand £!• Boots: CO cases Women’s G-utera La»i? :UZ end G. at BahaerVs; 15 cases C ular. n’i Gaitore, Balmo’alp and shoe?. s-iC uii-;> It S. NICKERSON Auctioneers, H-OHS;, WILLSON & CO., A ~* Ancticnesn, AUCTION TEASE SALS. Exclusively for the sale of BOOTS & SHOES. We shall offer to tie COTNTRY TRADE SSOt ! ta>cs Suets, sheet and Brogans, or desirable style? and well adapted to th» v attil Western trade- jp lot* to B uit cu-ton-m* ' * Thr sale win commem-e ACGf-r Oitn, and CPU tlnue evert i u.-=.’.ht and Thursday at l& .. m. ncoics* urul the stock Is disputed of. COUNTRY merceasts Are Invito to caT c.-r’v -.rd examine e-j » verabiv an opportunity geb'ont on'**-?. GGivE. WiLs'.'N d CO., aucfi-t.t7T-ihn « Luke strevt.*ciitCHf«. UCTION SALES AT TT^CI^I BOOTS aPfD SHOESa Every Treej%7 and T'.iursaar. k. 'A -b 00., ,V» L-t’s r'svn.entb, ■wr.o>>a!eco;&»cn. l-,v, By vOS eoe adv ■’ wy M. A. BUTTERS GSKEBAIi DfHce.Uo. 44—enb-srooirs. Nca. -is. hVi m i.VmrScrjV* a cppGt'.to Trcmnni Bonae. Chbuvg.x r.i Amusements. ATnVICKER’S . THEATRE. * STaoiaon street, between Stab* and n. a-born. J. H. S*c\ ICKEIi owner and uianagar. Ecgagerrc rt cf the favorite artist. C. W. COUIDOCK, And ft-«t appear?ncc In Clicr.go of his dau’ht:- MISS C. COULDOCK. ' MONDAY EVENING. Sept. 75th , will be prea“Ct<*-l tec bciuititul domestic diama of THE WILLOW COPSE. I-VKE FtvLDrxo c. tv. Coulinck. I OlsE t JELLING M.siC. i'.iu d >ok, M'lr sir- Myers Augustus sir M'Ticker Sir Richard Vaughn Mr Mvcrs* Bill Staggers Mr. Dillon, Grand Dance Miss .Jessie Biuut. To conclude with the Farce of THE WANDESIHG MINSTREL, Jem Paints, with Sum s Mr. pplnn. IHoneg to l.oan. ■■yEEASUKY NOTES. GOLD i Ai'D SILVEK WANTED AT THE HIGHESTPHEMTCH. Land Warrants Bought and Sold. E. W. MOIISK. Agent. :F> Clark street. ;yl-s‘.&ffia Post Office Box riisti. CMcago. tIL TO LOAN ON CHICAGO CITY PEOPESTY, Or on Good Impsotkd FABarB, within 100 mile* 01 Chj. cago. in this State. Farms tor sale cheap, mvis-mw-m CHAMBERS & UJBL 121 Late ft 15))? anb 15ar. YE ‘AND EAR DR. rXDERWOOD, Oculist and Aurjst. and Operative Surgeon for Deaf uesa. Blindness, and all msenscs of the Eye and Ear, Office and Surgery No. 121 Kandolnh street, near Sher- House, Chicago, 111. ‘ auUuC-lia CUR6ERY FOR TISSASKS OP O THE EYE AND E\B—Dr. J. B. Walker. 117 South Clark i-tnvt Ghicago, Oculist ana Aurist. hi« undivided attention to this important sp>-rlall*Y, and performß all opervtions connected with ophthsi' mir and Aural Surgery. Certain diseased of the throat which ft-eqnently CJicse Deafness, and nols.** In tba h‘-a<l will nlso recrivc «pm-K1 attention. GP'Kxata. loatlons free. Post Office 80x2527. iyl* >tfCJ-3ni HOT AIR FURNAGE. For Seatlas Dwollliiccm. Public Halls, Stores. ChareUcx, <scc, Wc would srvice all b w.-nt of t;m be-.t H--atta» Furnace to call as 195 IjAK9£ STHEET, And examine the ahovr. wM -h we warrant, f'r durv i>dily ar.A veonon’v. -.uptne-r t >aov m the *V<—t M i:;n* raetr.’-'d ai.daoMat i'JSLako Ft:e’et. tur--' d>ior? w-aC of ~A *l!> street, Dy SSAVDi & CO. an2t-u2Vm DR. JAMES, formerly of .Tarn-"’ Hos -ital Cn-tomhouse-troet. VewOrleans. L>., Established la ISSO, I7rs arrived In Chicago, an'* permancntlv locat'd at iv liiiudtfiph stret-r. bctwteu State au-i Dearborn streets, tmchgo. HI. SPECIALIST. CrresOld Cluonlc and Recent Diseases, Ha? I*9 lestlmoDhtla of the Medical faculty. Medical .T.-tirn Ha. blcl-he almost ettir.-; prr-?s of tii-5 South. Coasulli tiorF irvloiabie. Office open from 9A. 51. tiUSB.H, tco-ulTb-lm FRENCH COPYING INK A newsupplr ot tbl* much called for and beautiful article which’will make THREE IHTRESsIuNs, 13 now for sale at MITHSO&’S. 140 Lake street. WETE BINARY SURGEON - . * P'.GeorgeH D \dd.f ’rnifrl* ot 51 i'- s -^ respf crfnlly announces til-,* ho ts prepared to treat all the v-»*itus diseases incidental to all kinds of domes* t c arlmri. ar.d ran ha found at WM. Pa CRICK'S I’licenis Sa’e Stables. No, 19.5. corner of state and iuuuia k.*a c ciaxica. x>ul si4.b - .- dan street*. Chicaso. 111. -Dr. Dadd is prep ir<‘d to receive pup:is in view Oi qualifying them for oractice. ECK-U&I-2W O. H. DaPD. V. S. jVjOTIOE TO STOCKHOLDERS i > of the Tcnica and Tt tershqrg Railroad Company. A meeting of Stockholders of the Tothm and CVt trs burg Railroad Coinr-any. will be held In .1 icssoiviue oa the fourteenth day of October, I?'!'-.’, for the purpose of consider'Dg and approving or rejecting Artie}**!* or Cor soildatlon between tne siid Company and uic JactsonvU’e. Alt*n & St, Loris Railroad Company; and. if e**td Articles sh-*Il be approved, the first elec tion for Director* ol the Con-oiltried Company will be held at Jacksonville, outlie fiflee.otb dav i-( Octo ber. 1562. Wit. G. GKEtNE, Pro i lent. Jas. Bzbdas’. Secretary. seW-uSo.'-iiiew-lw JgIELOCK & CO-, deiilers in Newspapers, Periodicals, &c., CAIRO. ILLINOIS, Have Agencies At CAIRO, HL; PADUCAH afid COLUMBUS, By.; MBttPHIS and JACK*OS, Teuressee; HELBHA, Arkansas; and CUR> ISTH, Missiseippi. Special Agents for the CHICAGO THIBUNR a? all of the above places. au26-lm PIANOS. —A variety of seven Octaves. f&H Iron frame Plano Fortes, from $338 to $53 each, will be sold cheap tor cash or on montnly payments Old Pianos taken in exchange. Repairing and Tuning promptly attended to. Steel Music Wire and Kosewood Veneers for sale at 116 South Dearborn street, on the second floor. J. PRESTON. aaSO-ulO-lm WOOL! WOOL;* 3,000 ÜBS. WOOL For sale at Belvidtre, 111., at 60 c»nts per pound, by iL G. LEONARD -1 For particulars Inquire at No. 4 Dole's Builniig. of Leonard A Jennison. Com. Merch*ts. 8512-u353-iw SALT FOR SALE. 3,000 Sacks to arrive. t Mi ScLETT fAN & CO., 18 laudle St, [selfi U356-IW] alcohgiT. PHOBIA. ALCOHOL. la Ict3 ot C om 5 to tOO bbU try. Bale by GEO, M. H!S€ISSOK, No. S Steel’s B1 aet Over No. 17a Soutn. >TaSer-st lyS-tMMia lead crucibles! BISON * CO’S CRUCIBLES « For sale by the cask er nwchor, at IS South street. Chicago, by aal2-B*l-2ai JESSTJP. KENNED r ft CO.