Newspaper Page Text
ffiSat Claims T>ENEVOLENT wab-claiji for the Northwest. (established for 1110 collection 01 DOUSTIES and B® rt the HACK PAY ol dece%«°d Soldiers *od Bailors. Office 5C Dearborn street, Chicago, XU. A PATRIOTIC AID CHARITABLE SOCIETY. JOHN B. TURNER, President. C. A. GBGGOBT, Secretary. DIUCTOEB; KD^SS?f H TRSg‘S JULIAS b.KUMstr. r iK.Roasra 112 '^ £. G. LAHvyn The charactcmnd standing of the gentlemen who that ?hp C on^tD^ SI V«vJ 18 n vuaraut.!*r to the public of ttc wcletr will be conducted ftnd lor the best interest of *’ , Intrust their business tolts care. YN..P«n«r.?r!i rWPnt *. cl,llm * B r oQ the GoToraxent will V^° a tne following rate# of charge*; clXeo"oM riSl^ r -° f W Bourn or . Upon all claims for sums exceeding Fifty Dollars, <where a commlKion Is allowable,) 2* iwr cent, on Ihe amount, Upcnclaimsfor Pensions, (and where a per ccntoce disallowed by law.) the smallest charge possible •within leg*l rates. Ah it is designed to hare the Income of the Assocla- Tlor simply cover the necessary expense* of conduct ing lu buwnes 9 , and to do the business as near g atmt vusly an powlnle, should It be found upon a few months* trial that these rates are too high for Hint pur pose, they will he reduced toa point Joet sufficient to ermre this oh.h'ct. Persons having cla'ms for Pension. Bounty or Back Pay. , should address the Secretary by letter, sut inc all the fiwts nsfar as possible, aoi state plainly the writer# Pott Office and State. Address C. A. GREGORY, Secretory. p. O. Box IC3, CMccgo. Ilia, * xamts or tub laxmrr.n or tub associatios: Vnn H. nicgtos Mark Sklmer. C. H. Ray, J. Young r-.v.mmotL 1.1. Tmkham. A. 11. Rnrlev, L. Hawn. J. b J.unis. y. A. Carter, Thoa. Church. E.H Haddock. S*>l! A. Sm.ih, 8, C. Hlgglnwm, F. C. Sherman. D. Goodwin bey. It.Colyer. Wirt 1 vxter. Ed. C. Lamed. P. L. Yoe. W. S, Gurnee. Thos. Xmmmooc j.H. Dunham, H G.Loomla. S. B?Gobh. A- Grepory, w, n. Brown. F.G. Saitonstall, M. c! t< ri n i-A^ - ; T Geo. Steel, >,• n ’U l *;Turner, J. B«*cher, A. C. Coventry, •xi l - cm - l> . E, ' <n .£- G. adamkj. H Voodwortn. Uer. R. 31 N. D. ClapivC. T. Wheeler. Grant Good* =l ,cli -b C K Moseley. J. L.lami*. Ell BaJes, Jre. T. Hvmon, Hugh T, Dlctrct. E. T. Wa’.lrn* Geo. Armour. E K. Rogers. 1. T. Mnan, O Lent. Natbau pirate.Ed. H.bheldon..t.K. notrforA. John V. Farwell, J.A.PotIer.D.S.A M Wm.Bros*. IVm,H.Bradley. J. L. hcrlppa, £. W. WUlard. se3-all»-iy T\rAK CL*BI OFFICE FOR T» EVERY COUNTY IN THE NORTHWEST. Office SS Dearborn Street.Chicago. UL _ ISAAC R HITT & Attotxeya for Soldier* for T«a VPHJB ya-'t. contlnn** to collect ct>dms «>t bvbrt Xiyoherft. at Wa.-hlngton, and »t each S-atcCnnlul cf xheNutthwcst. Solii*eia una oeic*»r« dlrich.irccd, col- Aivt thclrpvT here; Sobßlctencc BUI* ro!Ji*cted here; O ntnicton. Bill* settled Ec-re; Claims of deceased • I' ci r.4 «rd soldiers, as well ns nl; RountW and j I'nL.OB CerLflcKtrs ohtkinedatW'aililacton. Pension aiojrey collected atu.c several Pension Agencies in ■each bulc. aiull-tICO-lm TV'AR CT.AIM OVPTCE OP T V LEAVITT & WKIOHT. Attorneys at Law. Ai. KuiuA of data* p'-orapUy coUectud. IVnslaus •pan Bounty cbtalned; Treasurer’s Warrants promptly couaclva and the money remitted. Fers $0.50, Di* Charged Sololc-a* iioT collected. Fccf SI.OO Address LEAVITT & WRIGHT,Chicago, HI. OfSco Cl Clark street. Ja4 kl«7-ly OFFICE FOR INVENTORS. V/ Or.ITZNER ft COflltK. Wa-rtilngton, D. c. IW OSlc> 80x155. Up.FZKsvmaHod. L. TniiibalL V. S. Senate, 111; lion. ,1. W. Grimes. U S. Senate, lan "Hi ii. L. It. WasbuoTJC. M. C.. HI; Hon. Owen Loveloy. >l. C_ 111 • non. y, K. t-pisner. U. S. Treasury; "Watson, f>q_ Ast. Sect of War; Gt*o. Ilamucton, 3' e q.,Ast.}*«Hi t t. of tin* Treasurer; J. U. Jones. Ere., li. b. M«JBlia'l. Chicago. Jyßo-tlS*S3m •\\7Alt CLAIM OFFICE OF t ? GCITZKER & CGHKK. Washington, D. C, Tost Office BoxiTu. Uefkrrsces:—Bon. L. Train "hull. U. S. Senate. I *U lion. J. w. Crimea, IT. s. Senate, -ova; Hon. 8.8. Wa-ilibiirne. M.C- 111.; Hon Owen l.ovejo> M.C.DU Hon. F. S. Spinner. U. S Trea sury : P. U. Watson. Esa.. As’t SecX of War; Geo. Jlirrtrgtoh Sec of Truicory: J U -Jones, U.S. Marshal Chicago. jy33tl£T3a £=; ARK .RROTHKIiS ILLINOIS BRANCH HOUSE OP 6 - yiie SattosaS fast® kgmss* Dt Harvey, Collins ft Brace, Washington, O. C-. Height 7 * Slock, 123 Dearborn street, Chicsge, The most reliable and ONLY DIRECT War /agency in Chicago. • i-'amcoiaranennoapaid to Sprcui enacts, Keb- BICSS, BOUKTIEa ftUd t’ATSXTB. trio ADVANCE FIvKS demanded and NO CHAEQB trade lor prosecuting claims U cot recovered. To parties havlnc LAItGS CLAIMS we would any •re can clvc UXCiUESTIONABLK SiiCUKITi* lor cny amount required. Address CARE BROTHHBS, “National Pr!t. OOxacy." P.0.80x4091. I term to CUcaeo TrlOnne Company; c. H. astlvea. n*QA John A. NicCcls. Measrß.G.H. ftL.Laiiln (ftOo.: Me?sre. Hollister ft WuEiss; Uessra. Vander- ft <V> winaftPSn-t^ SLratijrr Sc *ljoc jFinUings, TURNER & SIOWAY, k * 491,»kc f trcct, Chicago, Hanufacturcre and Dealers la SABBLS3., SO3= S E COLLiSS, Biidles, Whips, Horse Blankets, AND DEALERS DT KIATIIE • —AND . SM@E FlU'Bi^SS, Onr ftock leather and Findings la very ftv.d complete as«ortmuutoi Jjr.ported and Domestic Leather, LUTIKGS, SOAKS. TOOLS, &c, OnronUrrstock 1b frefh and clean; every article Vtnv'uc bi-rn bc»crbt Flnre tbc fl-et «f .Inly. Tfcc stlce- Tl« ;i Vxf been cnreftiliy r»i»>tp, and a-» vr, buv only for we ktc coiifldpfi iu bi'lag able lo pvo entire p*ai-:acu<.n to cur ccst-'-mcrs. Onr Ftorl: of PndJl*rr niu be lArg't and more cem- I>.u:u this i-'aU Ilian tu any previous teason. TUENEE & SIDWAT, 49 liOkc Btreet, Chicago 49 Bides wanted at Uic highest market price. Several dcrfrabl#* lots ofklpH cow arriving. Hcmohal. R EFvIOVAL. HAYDEN, KAY & CO. Have removed to Nos. 45 & 47 Lake Street, avimre they are prepared to show CASH BUYfclWof Sadlery Hardware, AND— CAEEIIGE TEIMLUNGS, Thelatr.or't and best assorted stock to bo found in the NOiITH WiiST, embraciug SPRINGS and AXLES, HUBS, SPOKES, FELLOES, Carriage Rodina aim] Scat*, Enameled CU'lh, Patott Lr.ttiiier, dec. Also u lar;e assortment ol ITuht Collar? ard Rackets, \TMps and Lashe?, Skirt in". Bride, Collar and HARNESS LEATHER All cf which vrtU be offered At Prices that will not be undersold* Agents for nowry’w Sprlnjrw niafl Axles, Crockets VurtiUbcA, Dole’s Hub Losing Machine and Hallow Angers. TV.V.K*T. r. HArpes. Isew York. aul3-t'£>3m Chicago, EESIOVaL —Christopher 3£*tz, - Agent Tor the genuine P. P. Stewart Cooking f~tovc f»r coal and wood, uni dca’cr In yionseFurnlalilng n ardwsre,Stoves, Tin Ware, «c. 1M Dearborn street, Chicago. Cobb’s Building. nn.r?-' , .*o(-3m pjoop Ssfems. yOKK AND ILLINOIS Eoofi Skirl MsirnfacSerj, And importer and dealer in all Kind* of I JFrench and German Corsets. '■* TTHOLEBALB 1 -KETAIL.No.3B . .in Cliirk street iposlt*? lb® Coart BB').audi«lNonJi trie, bet Indiana A lo tttrec.u, incMH>. u.txjroi» s and Cotton Skirt? detoordcratMbert I<*e. Old Bkirti aired, altered ana >ed a? poort u pall block ol ren, doable dla id, bridal and ten SW’ta con* tlvoo has d, from le»' size. ... , we sell without ex* tr* cbttrpe, provided they are kept clean. Oar Skirts &re warranted to be of Uic best quality. ty&tch spring cteel Skirts exchanged If not and all par cels sent to residence. » NOTICE TO \mOLEBALE BUYERS* As vrs bava been In tbc Skirt basin cm since the first iMginnlnc of tire trade, and hare branches of oar house 3n all the principal cities of the Union, as well as Lon *don,—and s* oar London A£er.t furnishes n* oar steel *t first cost—than pltlnr oar customers the bear.flt ol wrhatwe should otherwise pay for commission*— wt sare cb'.« to sell lower than any other manufactures. >£}rdcrs by mall promptly attended to. L. TEiGEE, Proprietor for CUcagt. Kew Tork Factory, 85 Bowrey. Chicago Post Offlca Box 458. sunt: SsprlncE. children’*, tod rprlnts. ladlf J\. B.—We repair all skim which w» myls-rssMy . "VETERINARY surgeon. V Dr.GeorOzH Daut> f.»rrmrlj olßoston,Maas* ? ycsDCCtfally announce# th-t he U prepared to treat aU the various diseases Incidental to all kind* of domes -t‘c animal, and ran h« found at IVU. PATRICK'S yiicrnlx Ba'o Stables. >o. 103. comer of blue and Adams streets. Chicago. 111. Dr. Dadd It prepared to jvccivcpnpiiß In view of gcallfyaig tnem tor practice. SCia-nKI-Sw G. H. DiDD. y. g. , FRENCH COPYING INK. A new supply of this tnoch «aVed for and besnUftfl Article, ■%» tiiab am mwke THREE lUPREiSIOKS. la now lor bale at MUNSON’S 140 Lake street laESfeasaKrtagas iJankiuij aim ißxrtiangr. Q.REENEBATOI & FOREMAN, Loanind Discount Office, K0.43 Sooth Cars Street, (up stairs.) Cnlcago, 111. tUA? <>eccxiiutic, q rnr.EM fcn9-c2:.vS:u Notary pahllg. DOOLITTLE, Banker and DEADER IN EXCHANGE, Eo. 42 _ Louth Clark street, Chicago, minolt tyPartlCMiarattttiaon given to CoUec*o"«mTS-rS-ly YAN YLECK & TUCKER, Ho. 4 Broad Street. Hew York, bankers and dealers Gorcmseat Securities, American Gold, Domes. tlc and Foreign Exchange, j. t. tax tlbck. faal4-1374 6m] n. a. pcoksh. ■MECHANICS* SAYING BANK LvX OF CHICAGO Ko. 8 Clark Street, 6 Doors above South Water TMslustltutlon will receive for Paving, sums of one doimr. ud upward. Pom Mechanics. Laborers, mar ried women and others, noon which interest will be paid when left for a suited time. Accounts opened with Corporations. Societies and Individuals. 61?nt Draft* Issued upon all the Cities of Europe and Eastern States. Highest prices paid for Foreign Drafts and Com. cn AS. T. BOGGS, President. L.E. Alexander, Cashier. mylo-rIS4-ly TKR 31BKOHANTS, FARMERS AND MECHANICS SAVINGS BANK, No. 52 Clark etrcct. Sherman House Building. Chicago. Open dally from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m., and every Tuesday and Thursday, from sp,m. to S p. in. Six per cent. Interest paid on savlncs Incorpor»tcd IS6L l*iHEcn»Es.— Hon. Francis C. Sliermaa. Mayor of Chicago; S. H. Fleetwood, E6q„ of the Arm of Ogden, HomWin. C. Goody.Chi cago; P. R. VeMfall. Ranker. New York; Sydney My* ers.of the firm ofSydncv Rankers, Gales* burg, lllmo's. ' SYDNEY MYERS. Cashier. aa7t4o>Sm gANKING HOUSS OF CHAPIN, WHEELER & CO., Comer of lake and Lssalle street, Chicago, HL, Trarsactua SEWERAL BANKING BUSINESS. H. CHAPIN, President H. D. ZtucsASTAir, Cashier. 11. Chapin,Sooth Bend Branch. John B. Howe, Lima Branch. Bank of the State of ludlana; A. B. Judson, StULnwaka. Indj C. T. Wheeler. Chicago. 111.: Tolman Wheeler, doa Hiram Wheeler, do. mh2S-nSS3-ly Q W. WOODS & CO., BiKS EES ASO BEOKEBS, Maxine Rank Bnl’dlngs Chicago. Dealers In Treasury Notes, Gold. Silver, Exchange, Laud Warrants, Un current Money. Particular attention given tn col lection. angC tST-i-Sm W. DREXEL & CO., J= 3A«KEKS & BROKERS, Ho. 42 South Okrk-st., Chicago, BOMESTIC AND FOREIGN EXCHANGE, Stocks, Bank Notes. Land Warrants, Bpode, fto, ftc. Deposits received. Collections promptly made. Draft* on Ireland. France and Germany, for sale In SIU-W OS READ, DREVEt. & Co., Sew Torit, DIttXXX & CO., PLUadelpMa. cya-rliQ-ly T> TjTTER.EKDICOTT & WETTS EOUEK, BANKERS i'Vl) DEALERS IN Having leased the office recently occupied by the * Fidianpe Bank of H. A. Tucker ft Co-** are pre pared to do a genera Banking, Exchange and Colk<tioa Business. Deposits received, and advances made upon ship ments or produce In store mbSl-nSiS-Sm qTHE BAKE OF MOKTSEAB, CITBiO ZSTABI3&SS9 AS AGENCY AT CHICAGO, Xa prepared to do a General Banking Business, Buying and Selling Eastern and Sterling Exchange, itticcnatlng PRODUCE BILLS besed on Bhlpscnta, making lOVArtOES ON STORAGE RECEIPTS, Se-payabie in CHICAGO, or at other points. Receiving Deposit* and Collecting Commercial i’aper. (UlMtfS-ly B. W. WILIiABff, Agent. Q.ILMAN, SON & CO., BANKERS, Ro« 47 Excliauge Place, Mew lork. ratticolAp attcntlocdevoted to Wcstnru business. WraTEUK Kefbf-kkoes.—‘Biapln, Wheeler ft Co- Chicago, tvipconnin Marine and Fire Insur ance Company Bank, Milwaukee; State Bank of lowa and Branches; Slate Sayings Association, SL Louis. mhl9-nCIS-ly \TERCHANTS * SAVIN 9S LOAN irl ft TRUST COMPANY, CA PITAL. HENRY PARK AM, PrC3*L JL A. B'-OITH. YlCerrCfit. L. J. GAGK. Cashier. This Insdtntlon will Discount Paper, bay and sail Kxchiage and Coin, and receive money on deposit, pay interest thereon when Jell a specified period; will receive money for accnnnlatlon. when left for a tens* of years; and receive and execrate Tbustb troa Court*, Corporations, Individuals and Office, corner of Lake and Dearborn streets. CIkECTUE»; Dunham, Jamea Goodwin, Hnnry Parnam, John U. Foster, D.ILHoIt. H. H. Maple, P. L. Yoa, W. K. Dosgett A. H. Burley. F. B. Cooley. C. H.McConalck, T. D. Gilbert. C, A. Smith. znh7n3t7-ly ■J7UROPEAN KSCHAKGS, Sit HUM Of EXCHAKGB OH Ssglisd, Jnoce, Grrmanf, S«ni»rlai:f 9 And other European Countries, for sale at the Bank ing Office of Sm TOUItQ SCATOIOMy liarine Bonk Bnildlsg, Lake street. Chicago, Illinois. tr Drafts on Messrs. Baring Brothers ft Co, Lon don. and Txtters of Credit available anywhere on the Continent granted. defirixTSMy jy AVENFORT, ULLMAKF A Co J3&SSXBS USD DEALERS HT EZCLAKGS, BANS. NOTES. GOLD. oILVEU. 40. snirai-ly No. S2 Clark st. Chicago, EL OANK OF AMERICA PcbUo .%_! Notice Is hereby given, that ell Bills or Circulat ing Soles of the ’’BANK OF AifT£KICA,n BerelOtOre Incorporated ana doing bnetnaa In the city of Chicago, under the general banking laws of Che State of UUnois, must be presented for payment to the Audi tor of Public Accounts of said State, at his office, In the rityof Bpricrteld, within three years from the data aereoL or the fnsds deposited for the redemption ol aid notes will be given no to said bank. Dated this 30th day of May, A. D. ISSL __ GKOB6B SMITH. President JL W. Caahler. lya-cSKoIcJ-W ?RIKCE & GO’S MELODIOUS. ■Warranted tor Five Tears. The oldest establishment in the United States, eta. ploying toco, nnd finishing 60 InsLmmtßteperweek. Smßfiutary, cor. of Barylud & Slagtra-Sts., BUFFALO, li. X. W HOLESATiE DEPOTS. f» Fulton street J7ew Tort 13 Lake street Chicago. WHOLESALE AGENTS. Scary Tolman & Co Boston. Mao. W. F. Colburn ClndnnatLO. Hairier & ‘Weber., Mo. James Bellas Philadelphia. A. Cease Detroit, Mich Ph. P. Wertein .Kew Orleans. A. & a. Kordhcimer .Toronto, C. W. r. wiLsorr, Cincinnati, O lemons unacquainted with the Melodeon and its ffio*. will bear i» mind Uuit we are the pioneers and ioAing manufacturers. cot on;yln the United Slates, 'y« commenced the manuiacture oi 01 tne joarisfi. and since that ??5^5 VB S? ,Wie f l * aa »»l<l T WENTY-SSVKN THOD iA * These Irsirnments are now tn ose mostly la the Milted Slates and Canada, bnt also in Europe. Asia. Africa. South America, and the Wet ladies and tom all these quarters we have the most (Utterinctea Umoulals olthe hlcb estimation in which they are held. At all Industrial Exhibition* they have invariably boon awarded the Highest l*remium whenever exhibited hi competition with other*. We shall taae pleasure in forwarding by mall (at onr awn expense) oar Illustrated Catalogue, in which eve rr Inrtnment we manufacture is fully described, and Ulunrated byeiegamengravinga. All Meloccoufi of our manuiacture, either sold by ui sr dealers in any part of the United State* or Canada, ire warranted to be perfect in every respect, and thould any repair? be nece»?ar« before the expiration of five years from oa«e of sale, we bold bors«l*a read? ind willing to irake the same irve of charge, provided die Irjuryls not caused by accident or design. Agents for the ea<o of our Melodsoas nay be found mail the principal towns afUe C&itvd States and Canada. Address either GEO. A. PRINCE & CO, Buffalo, N. T. GEO. A. PRINCE'& CO.. S7 Fulton st, N. T GEO. A. PRINCE & CO., 43 Lake rt., Chicago. Or titter oi the above wholesale amenta. aplS-pS&lj Coal ©ii ailc ffircasc. gIDWELL’B CELEBRATED COAL OIL AXLE GREASE. The Best Article Made. FULL STOCK IK BOXES, KEGS AND BARBELS Constantly on tand and for saletothetrsde At Manufacturer’s Prices -AT THE— UUP ASD OIL STOKE OF POPE & SLOCUM, SoleAgeitsftrtke MaMtactom, 122 CUrk SL [folTS-lyl PRIME BARLEY MALT AL. X ways on hand and for sale at lowest caU pr;oad Abo. anterior Teas* Halt ti Barrels. WlTfMl -IK SSOO, OUO, ERtatcß. laclnucons. IMPROVED > Bowa « TiMt ssfioasi ®p- .Cntron*, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1802, GOVERNOR RAMSEY’S MESSAGE. The Indian Outbreak in Minnesota. Recommendations for its Suppression and the punishment of the Savages. Governor Ramsey’s message to the Minne sota Legislature presents a correct history of the recent Indian outbreak in that State, to- gether-with some excellent suggestions con* corning the indemnity and security to be ex- acted from tbe savage perpetrators. We make tbe fullowirg extracts A few weeks previous to tbe outbreak, a meracing demonttralion had occurred nt lae upper agency, where tbe Indians bad prema turely asbembled ia large numbers io antici pation ol the payment of their annuities, bat which on fcccouni of the tardy appropriations by (longtcEs, had been unusually delayed. Bat Ibis ai-.tutbance had been promptly allayed by tbe exenions of tbe Indian agent, Mr. Gai hralib, and the Indians had been sent away to their villages apparently butlslled with his as* surer ce ttat the money would soon be receiv ed, when they should be sent for. So assured was Mi*. Galbraith ol their pacific disposition, so untuspictmg of any possible danger of a hoslile oulbreuk, that leaving his family in their midst at Yellow Mcdecloe, he had, on tbe Friday (the 15 Jj of August,) before the re volt, btarud for Rvd Wood with a company of reciuits, and was on his way to Fort Saelllog, when he was recalled by tbe intelligence of a iient r-il massacre of the whites outhe Keser vation. The blow indeed had fallen with appalling suddenness. On tbe 17'h of Aucust, four miscreants, it is euid, of Little Six’s band, made their ap pearance at Acton, .Meeker county, where they luutdtred a family of fix x ,f *KOhs. The aFFOfstrs lied to Red Wood, where fearful of beii-g dtliveird up to punishment, they may have bought tbtlr own safety by ins'.it'Mia*' a gen; r.-.'i revolt. Prrbaps this w,i3 but rhe first stop in the development of a partial con* fplrucy—compiling one or more bauds. At any rate, tbeir bloody example, and incen diaiy arguments concurring with previous causer ol oi«ifiec:ioD, tha deieoseless state ot the w bite inhabltattr, and the tempting pros pecr ot plunder from the well stored ware- houser, to ]i*xz fired the slauiberiog mitre of hute and treachery so long masked under mi appearance of friendship. The san gumniy contagion spread from band to baud, and on tire tnurolnj; of the 18th, in moment, ■wilt-out a word or s!gn of warning, without preconcert on their part, or provocation on ours, til the iouate of this savage race was let loose at occ* on the unsuspect ing inhabitants, and men, women and children were involved in an icdiscriminate and awful inaseacre. A force of forty-five folaierv, which bud been sent uo from Fort Hidub j, rn the first rumor of disturbance, arrived only to be attacked in ambush and lisir ihiir number, with their leader, slain. The hoinble work ot murder, pillage and de vati-avion begun at Red Wood was swiftly ex tended throughout the Sioux Reservation, and the adjacent settlements where the fam ilicF, livirg in isolated habitations at con- s’.dmble distances apart, afforded an easy prey to the skulking toe. Hundreds of every ege and sex perished by the frauds of these rsmoreelf ss butchers. Hundred who narrowly escaped, fled to Fort Rldgely, New Ulro, St. Peter, and other towns lor protection, and the fearful tidings which they bore spread universal consterna tion among the people. Tens of thousands, includu-g many far from the scene of danger, fled wl>h their families from this sudden, ua seen, and stealthy foe, against whom all ordi- nary precautions seemed vain, leaving their crops to perish in the fields, and their property to pillage. The towns and cities could scarcely afford even shelter to this crowd oi frightened fugitives. When the first vague of the revolt at Red Wood was received on the evening of tne Ihtb, I hastened immediately to Fort Sadlloe, and ordered lour companies of the Cth rogl n:t nt, which had just been organized, to march at once to »he scare of reported disturbance, ar d Hon H. H. Sibley, whose residence for thirty years on the frontier, and intimate U miJiarity w |th the Indian character and modes o: warfare, indicated a special fitness for the scivice, w«s designated to the command. On the 21st, when authentic information of he ext'.Dt and character of the outbreak was fir?t received,accompanied with the announce ment that New Uim had been attacked in force, snd Fort Ridgcly beleagurcd, another Joicc of seven companies was instantly sent forward under Col. Crooks, with orders to re port to Col. Sibley. At thy same time mountt d volunteers were called upon by pro clamatloi!, to join the forces moving up the MinnesotaYullt-v. This caff was responded to with generous alacrity by about 500 mount ed citizens. Yffiilc these bodies were moving up the vaffiy, cc-uipaiiles ot mounted men and in- fantry were sent as rapidly as they could be j raised and equipped, for the protsctlon of the (•paisley settled dis'rict-s of country lying north and south of the scene oi the Sioux de predations on the Minnesota River, which teemed to be exposed to incursions ofmiraud ii g parties from that quarter. In the meantime, m*s Cuippewas had as sumed a threatening attitude, for reasons not i now distinctly understood, bat which, from its conjuiicmre with the Sioux raid, gave rise, at the moment, to awidespread apprehension j that these inveterate enemies had buned the hatchet in & l(*ngne against the whites. Tue Chippewa agent, Mr. Walker, having failed in an attcmpl'to arrtst the chief, Hole-ln-the- Day, Hi d lo Fort Ripley, under an impression Uat a general massacre was to be attempted. In ci>ns(queuce of this threatening disposi tion, the citizens of various exposed localities on the Chippewa border were os far as possi ble supplied with arms and ammunition, and detachments of troops, including companies of zl minted citizens, were scat for the protec t’on ol the St. Croix, Rum River, and IJpoer Mistissippi Valleys. Four companies were sunt to Fort Ripley, where the commissioner of Indian afl.ur?, Mr, Dole, who had come lo the State for the purpose of effecting a treaty withtheCbippewasof Red Lake, undertook the tat-k of restoring order among this tribe. Ko depredations, however, have as yet been committed by the Chtppcwas, and If they ever entertained any hostile intentions, which is doubtful, it Is likely that the efforts of Com mbsiciicr Dole, backed by the umplo prepa rations made to enforce his authority, will be fcutlicieut to ensure their quiet. Our new volunteers, though brave, areas yet inexperienced, and in other respects illy prepared for the active service into which they have been ordertd. The want of disci plined troops being early felt, the 3d Minne sota then on parole at St. Louis, was at my r< quest ordered to report here. They arrived on the 4th inst, and were instantly dispttched under Major Welch to the scene of hostilities. In the mean time the progress of the Indians appeared to be checked. On the 24th day of August, New TJltn, Into which a body of citizens under Judge Flm drau, had thrown themselves for the protec tion of its inhabitants, was relieved by a de tachment ot Col. Sibley’s troops, after having most bravely fought and repnls-dthe enemy in a severe battle on the preceding day. Tac place was then evacuated in order to convey the women raid children who had tlvd thence for rutnge, to the number of 2,000, to a place ol permunet t safety. Oo the 20ih, Fort Uldgley was relieved by a volunteer foice of mounted citizens, under Dnu. Col. McPnall, scut forward by Col. Sibley, who arrived next day with his whole I force. They found the brave little garrison ncirly c-xhmtUd with the labo:B andvfcils which they hr>d undergone in their heroic 'detease of that weak j ost for a period of nine days, dar ing which they had sustained and repulsed three several desperate attacks in force. A number of brave men fell in these encounters. AVhilc In this direction, the Indians appeared lobe ret rearing before our forces, news came on the -7th that the settlers at Breckinridge, on the Rtd River, had been massacred, aad that Fort Abercrombie was seriously meu ared. To two companies of infantry already on the march for the protection of settlements in that quarter, t to more were now added. Ou Sept, on Capt. Stmnl’s comoanv was nnexpc ctedly attacked by 350 Indians at' Cedar City, in McLeod county, and retreated to limch.uson, which had been fortified. An at tack was made, at the same time, on Forest City, which also had been fortified by its citi zens, and was repulsed by them. It was re newed again at Hutchinson, a few days after, ; and rvpuised. Tneir depredation* hvd now extended through the whole country west of , Forest City, and many persons were murdered, and much property destroyed. R-inforce men's on the way to this district, at the time of these cccnnencts, have since been dis tributed at various points In and bevoad the settlements, and a portion of the “3d regi ment. as soon as it arrived, was dispatched in this direction. Intelligence was also received that the raid had extend'd into Jackson and adjaccntcoun tics on the lowa border. The troops for the protection of the south western frontier, in the meantime, were placed in charge ot Col. Flandrau, whose energetic dtftnse of New Ulm, bad proved high capa bilities lor the service. Troops were forward ed to him as rapidly as they could be raised and equipped, and he has now under his com mand u force of about 500 men, which, in case ol emergency can be largely reinforced from the citizens in the vicinity. All the arms and ammunition not in the hands of troops in active service, which could he obtained from any quarter have been dis tributed as soon as received to the citizens ot every locality which seemed to be in danger. By these precautions, and the distribution of bodies ol troops at short distances ap irt, our whole Indian border, along the line of the Chippewa country, from Cbengwatana, in the St. Croix valley, to Crow Wing, on the Mis sissippi, and thence to Fort Abercrombie, ou the Ktd River, and all along the frontier ex posed to Sioux depredations, from, the Sank valley, southward, via Fort Rldgely to the lowa line, has been put In a posture of de fense, as faros defense is practicable against these secret and skulting marauders, over such a vast extent of country, with the small number of troops and still smaller supplies of war material at our disposal. Two thousand one hundred and fifty troops and several hundred irregular mounted men arc now scattered along ibis extensive Hue, and there have been Issued to citizens 1,056 stand of arms. 3,175 pounds of powder, 1,-00 pounds of lead, and eighty-eight sacks of shot- In the meanwhile, no necessary prepara tions have been neglected for the pursuit and chastis* ment of the Sioux. Col. Sibley—with a ferce of 1,500 men at Fort Ridgley, a email body of mounted men, and several pieces of artillery, all we have— has tbe direction of offensive operations; which he has been Instructed to carry on with sll possible vigor and dispatch. He is, however, as yet, very deficient in cavalry, the large force of mounted citizens' who generously accompanied him for there I lief of Fort Ridgley, having disbanded that object was attained, with the exception of about ninety men. Alarge organized body of cavalry web con sidered indispensable lor an effective cam paign, and at my urgent request after many delays, the president has been pleased to au thorize the raising aod equipment of a thou sand mounted troop?. The United States quartermaster stationed here Is authorized to purchase horses for this regiment, and I trust that his speedy execution of this order will enable us to press our operations against the Sioux. I have 1 bus far given only bo'much of the htelory of our Indian disturbances as was re quired to show the measures adopted for their suppression and the general scope of our military operations, for details of which I must refer you to the report of the adjutant general, and tbe official dispatches of the officers commanding the various detachments, which will be transmitted to you. But this review of the Sioux revolt would he Incomplete, without Borne further refer ence to the singular atrocities which hive marked its course, and to the mischief inflict ed upon our people. The sudden and treacherous outburst of savage cruelly, which in one sudden blow s iuck down their friends and neighbors of anotLcr bleed, and revelled in agent-mi mas sacre ol men, women and children, has been alluded to. But massacre itself bad been mercy, if it could have purchased exemption from'the re volting circumstances with which it was ac companied. Nothing which the brutal last and wanton cruelty cf these savascs could wreak upon their helpless and Innocent vic tims, was omitted irom the category of their mimes. IltipleFEness and Innocence indeed which move pPy in any breast but their theirs, 6'UEfa to inspire tnem only with a more fier dish rage.. Infante hewn into bloody chips of flesh, or nailed alive to door posts to linger out their little life in mortal agony, or torn untimely Inon tbe womb of the murdered mother and in cruel mockery cast in fragments on her pulseless and bleeding breast; rape joined to murder in one awful tragedy; young girls, even cbildien of tender years, outraged by their brutal isvishers till death ended th“ir shame and sufferings; women held In caotivlty to undergo the horrors of a living cleat a; whole jamllies Vbumtd olive; and, as if their devilish fnry could not glut itself with, out rages ou the living, its last efforts exhaus*ed in mutilating the bodies of tbe dead, sueh are the spectacles, and a thousand nameless cor- rods htbldec, which ibtir firet experience of Indian war bag burned into tbe 'brains and beans of our lioixlier people, and such the enemy with whom we have to deal. Ii is estimated that 500 persons of every age and eex perished, an i worse than perished, by tbe bauds of these rciEors=less butchers iu the course cf the two or three days succeeding the outbreak, before their progress was checked by our forces; and hundreds of them lie jetuaburied n-bere they frll, hidden latte umss and bushes of praines and ravines. Mcny doubtless in th? attempt, to escape, have, became lost, or fainting from exhaustion and tenor, have ditd of starvation. The thtatre ot depredations as far as ascer tained, Los extended from OterTail Lakeaad Fcit Abercrombie, on rhe Bed niver, to the lo*a boundary, or a front of 200 mile?, and Iron: the western border cf the Stale east ■wardiy to »»s heart at Forest City, an area of 20.000 square miles. Tne pi o pert y dt-gt roved or carried off aa booty, la estimated at millions of dollars, in cluding large supplies of arms and ammuni tion pillaged from the governmeutand private stores on the reservation, and the cattle, hordes and household effects of settlers. The indirect damage to our citizens is vast ly greater, and if we include its probable effects on our future prosperity is beyond cal culation. Tens of thousands of acres of crop?, which comprised all the wealth of their owners, have thus been abandoned to destruction, and thousands of piosperous and happy families reduced at one blow to poverty and often to buguary. Throughmt the whole district embracing the comities of Brown, Cottonwood, Fari bault, Jackson, and other counties in the Southwest, through tbe beautiful lake coun try cf Kandiyohi, Douglas, Monongalia, Meek er, McLeod, a large part of Stearns and Wright, and tlronghout the new settlements in the Red River valley—but a few days since the abode of busy and happy communities— desolation and solitude now reign supreme; er i! any remain, it is in iear and terror— armed against surprise—suspicions of every shadow that falls upon the grass—the log cot tage loop-holed for defense—and the peaceful village turned into a fortified post. The dan ger may be exaggerated, but the effect Is too real. Brown county, adj icent to the Sioux Reacr vaiion, haelelt the worst effects of rbU cil uni ty. It was peopled chiefly by Germans, and their neat cottages and fine forms g*ve evi dence of the superior thrift and industry which distinguish this class ot our foreign citizens. Driven from their homes—their property de stroyed or plundered—robbed even of their household goods—many of them mourning wives, husbands, children, and parents mur dered—theirbeautiful and busy town of New Ulm, and their own homes, a blackened heap of ruins:—these poor fugitives, many of whom cannot speak our language, are espe cially deserving of our sympathies. lu all, probability not less than 30,000 peo ple are involved directly or indirectly in the loss of life orlo-s ol property from pillage, distinction or abandonment. The towns and villages have been and are now overrun with fugitives reduced to penu ry, many’ of them without food or clothing except what Is furnished by public and private chanty. To relieve the temporary wants of these people, for which the rescources of private bounty were inadequate. I authorized Cupt. Berkley, of St. Paul, Hon. Henry A. Swiit of St, Peter, and Mr. Bassett, Minneapo lis, to provide Bubsialancc and shelter for the time being, at the expense of the State. Tbe numbers of Indian warriors actually engaged in the raid, as for as known, would seem inadequate to the infliction of so much havee end terror, if they had not been aided by the of rhe outbreak, the peculiar secrecy and rapidity of movement which characterizes their mode of warfare, the sparsely settled character of the country, and I may add, the singular violence and au dacity with which, encouraged by the panic produced by their appearance, they have ven tured into the heart of our settlements. Most of the depredations have, it is believed, been committed by small parties of marauders. Tde number ot ludune engaged in tbe demonstra tions before Fort Ricigely and New Ulm was estimated at only from 350 to 500. Tbe whole number of Minnesota, or annuity Sioux, (men women and children,) is about 7,200, which, it is possible might famish 1,200 warriors. In view ot these provisions, it cannot be doubted that the Dakotah nation has, by its flagrant violation of its treaty obligations, fully and entirely exonerated the government from all corresponding duties on Its part. If this be true, so fir as the Sioux nation is con cerned, the day of annuities and Indian pay ments in Minnesota is past. The government will doubtless refuse to pay any farther sums under the treaty to the offending tribes, but the act which has absolved it from this duty has created another by the destruction of property by acts against the occurrence of which the government had given the guaran tee. It is believed that the authorities at Washington will deny neither the equity nor the legality of this claim when the same snail, os I trust it promptly will, be urged upon their attention, but, while escaping from all future obligations to those tribes, will regard their claims as only transferred to the suffer ers by their depredations. These annuities thus forfeited by the Sioux I eniourt in all, in goods, moneys, and other i classes ot expenditures, to about $2,000,003. I rccommtnd and urge that you earnestly memorialize Congress and the departments to use this sum to promptly idonmify those whose property has been destroyed or pillaged by these Indians, and for the support oi the widows and orphans of those who have faben at tbeir hands. Ido not doubt that if proper representations are made, that this jus: com pensation can be secured. : la tbe extremity to which our military re verses have reduced the nation it is in vain to i expect any immediate or sufficient protecrioa i from the general government. The material [ of war, and means for the payment and sub i sistcncti of troops, will doubtless be famished ! ns sooner or later through the regular chau -1 ntle of military supply; but the required as i shtance, as it docs not come within the gca c-ral system of military operations, under the eye of our generals, we may expect will often come tardily and without system, too slowly and irregularly for the prompt and decisive action required lor the peculiar exigencies of our situation. Wo must, therefore, for the present, depend upon onr own resources to make good to our citizens the protection which tin general gov ernment owes them, and it is to this end chitfly that I have called you together. Con siderable expenditures may he necessary for this purpose, but they must be regarded as a loan to the government, which having failed to prevent this outbreak, and having as yet no direct measures to suppress It, has vir tually left ns, Indeed has expressly authorized us, to adopt on its behalf the measures neces sary for onr effectual protection. Oar course then is plain. The Slonx In dians of Minnesota must be exterminated or driven forever beyond the borders gf the State. 'riie public safety imperatively requires It Justice calls tor it Humanity itself outraged by their unutterable atrocities demand It The blood of the murdered cries to heaven for vengeance on these assassins of women and children. They have themselves made their annihilation an imperative social neces sity. Faithless to solemn treaty obliga tions, to old friendships, to the ties cf blood, regardless even of self interest when it conliicts with their savage passions, incapable of honor, of truth, or ot gratitude; amenable to no law; bound by no moral or social restraints—they have already destroyed in one monstrous act of perfidy, every pledge on which it was possible to found a hope of ultimate reconciliation. They must be regarded and treated as out laws. If any shall escape extinction, the wretched remnant must be driven beyond onr borders, and our frontier garrisoned with a force sufficient to lorever prevent their re turn. So entirely have they destroyed all confi dence among our people in the securities of life and property In the neighborhood ot In dians, that much as many mi*ht regret It, it will doubtless be necessary sooner or later to remove ibe Winnebagoes, now dwelling in the heart of one of onr most populous and beau titnl agricultural districts, beyond the borders ot the Stale. _ A Bald near New Creelc, [From the Wheeling Intelligencer, Ist.) The rebels arc creeping up pretty close to our line* at New Creek. We learn by a letter received Jrom there last night that a d-*y or two ago they made a dash on onr picket* at Bidgcviile and captured three of them, and took James Frost _and ten others _of he principal Union men of the place prisoners. • Captain Fiery gathered some men and pursued them and took three prisoners and five horacs. Among the prisoners was Smoot, ex-postmaster at Ncw Creek, a rebel and a defaulter to the govern ment. It is eta*ed that he had been paroled once, and contrary to. his pledge, was arms. OVB ST, tons LETTER. Why Zltseouri teas not invad'd hy the R‘bebt vhen they invaded Maryland and Kentucky — XfrjHinvc measures-g-Activc erucriUa movement* —V/trir cxntxirdicc—The mio militia available in churches—A jiuttcr among Ssces- OnUls, etc. ISpplal Correspondence of tbe Chicago Tribune.] : i St. Louis, Sept. 15, rebts planned their recent forward move mem upon Maryland and Ohio, that they de- signii to repossess iliesouri likewise. The exectlon of this part of the plan was left to bad hnds. Hindman is no general. Ht has neve Eh own the least military ability. His fortes writing silly proclamations, threaten ing italiating measures and threatening Uniomntuwiih the direst vengeance possi ble. le was, however, foiled in setting his colnmi in motion by two circumstances over whichic had no control. The first is the presence of Gen. Curtiss’ army, now .cam- mandei by Geo. Steele at Helena, ready to fall npm his rear in case he should really march Missouri: and the second is the capture of the load of anus on board the sttuncr Fuirplay, Bent to him from Ritbmind to arm bis new troops. These druwbicks proved too much for Hindman, and heremains, therefore. In the vicinity of Little Rock. An army for the Invasion of Missouri is undoubtedly organising some where (n northwestern Arkansas, Some re- ports place it nt Cross Hollows, others at Fayetteville, still others at Van Boren, and a few at Fort Gibson, in the Indian Nation. The probability is that there are label camps at all of tbe places named, and ttuc at a given signal they will concentrate at 1 favorable spot. Tais coiumu Is acting independently of Hindman. Both rebel armlei, ho vcver, ore deficient in arms and artillery, ind may be several months preparing. It will be on unfortunate nlstike if Missouri did continue on the defensive while these preparations were goi»g forward. Obviously the present danger les in the southwest, on account of the laclliiies afford ed by an advance in that quarter foi: obtaining ivinloreementß among the rend Missouri ms. Cockerell, one of the rebel chleliiins, now rules tbe extreme southwestern <Dmuies of N*«fon flcu McDonald with an ir.m hind. Be is actually drafting the there for the Southern army, oa the grouodiof en*orc itg tbe rebel conscription Uw. Ciffse, Davis aud Hays have lately made raids icto several other counties for supplies. Iu tbemeiutiaie Spricglh Id is kept fortified and in cur posses sion. Gen. Totten’s army is fonidmle in numbers and composition. He h« the balk of the ten regiments of State miitii raised nearly eight months aaro, and wto have seen sufficient service to nuke them reliable. They ere jaid, it will be r- collected, by the United States. He has one Illinois, oueltiiliaiii, and several regiments ot Missouri vollnlcers eu ]?sted far three years. B< side ull ttesi he has several battalions of the ne*ly orgmizad and recently armed militia in Ub counties south of the Os-if.*. 'WUh this ferco amply equipped in artillery and cavalry, and co operating with Gen. Blaut at Fort Siott, a movement against the reoels may be under takxn at any duo. Nor Is the southeast portion-of,the State open to invasion any more than the pouth- T.t-fet. There is only one road £rc>inFo:anon tts. Ark., to Pilot Knob, and that it bordered ;or miles by impenetrable swamps, for some distance, narrowing the road to a width easily defended. Appreciating this neceisity, seve ral regiments have been ordered to the south east-within a week, and their presence will undoubtedly check the rebel advance. CoL Harding’s 25th Missouri, CoL Fincher’s 23-ih Missouri and five companies ol* CoL Cillen der » 29ih Missouri have alreaiy started for that locality. The 33d Missouri, CoL Fisk, will probably be ordered in a similar direc tion, and new militia regiments are held in readiness for the same purpose. All these movements, it will be noticed, aw directed to resitting an advance from Arkansas. This is essential to the preservation of internal peicc. Tbe guerillas feed and live on the hope of Price’s coming with a lirgeartny. Take away this hope, and they will speedily subside. At present tbe guerillas are quite active in a sms!! and cowardly way. Tbe dash by Por ter’s men. SCO strong, on Palmyra, wis a most daring adventure, in view of tbe knowledge that the piece was held by less than one com pany ; and the rapidity with which tbe galUnt 3to skedaddled when they heard cf reinforce ments on their way from Hannibal, is strik ingly chnrac’eristic of guerilla tactics. Their greatest triumph now is to keep out of the way of Union troops, even when the latter arc numerically their inferior. Whenever the guerillas and onr men meet, unless the rebels are overwhelmingly strong ia numbers, they arc defeated. On Saturday about 150 of tbe Schofield Hussars, under Lieut, C>L TVaiker routed an equal number of guerillas ia "Washington county, taking sixteen prisoners, killing twenty and capturing thirty-five horses with a proportionate amount ot arms and big* gage. The guerilla victories have always oc curred of hue without a fight. They rode tell mell into the little town of Middle Grove id Monroe county, recently,land commenced a system of indiscriminate robbery. Before they were half through a Ui ion man rode fifter them and said lha l , the u feds.” ware only two miles distant whereupon the gueriL-is skedaddled as usual. The report was false tut its elltct wholesome. While tbujuterior counties arc kept in a constant ferment by tbe guerillas and by the oiganlzation of the State militia, agood work x* fcteadily and satisfactorily progressing luSt. Louis. The organized companies of militia are drilled every day for at least one and some tinu s tbree hours. The unorganized militia will be divided into companies and regiment, nod the drill masters proceed with their tasks. In spite of all the delays and drawbacks pro ceeding from fifty different causes, the militia of this county Is already in a.sufficiently for ward state lo be relied on where 3,000 or 4,000 men are needed in a great emergency. A week hence the number will "bo largely Increased. Steps arc being taken to root out tbe evil caused by so many apparently able bodied men receiving exemption pipers. It Is surprising how many diseases have come to light since th« dratiing orders came out, aud it is not a little singular that the majority of exemption certificates have been granted to secessionists. Thu number of British and alien subjects has likewise increased wonder fully within a few weeks. There is a rich time for the State prison in store when the poll books and the lists of aliens recently filed are compared. Among the effects of secession none are more marked In this city than the influence in the churches and none more decided in this class than the splits in the congregations of Presbyterian churches. Dr. Nelioms (new school) church is now attended with vcy few exceptious by Union people. The old school churches arc even worse divided still. The question broke up the Union Presbyterian church, or rather reduced the congregation to such an extent that they were obliged to seek a smaller building. A meeting of the old school presbytery of this district was recently held, when resolutions were proposed (bat snbw qucntly withdrawn from fear, probably, cl the provost marshal,) denouncing the ac tion of the general assembly at Columbus, Ohio, and tbe course ol Dr. Breckinridge in particular. Rev. Mr. Porter of the Union church offered a resolution to repudiate ia a mild form the disloyally of some of the mem bers of the church, but it was laid on the table by the majority. Among those who voted to reject it Dr. McPheeters, who has baptized a half dozen babies named after Sterling Price, Jeff, Davis, Beauregard, Johnston and other rebel leaders, and yet had the audacity to siy at Columbus tint no man outside of his family knew his opinions on the Union question, and that calling him a traitor was a slander! The rumor referred to lu Friday’s dispatch, relative to the order from the war department, to proceed with the confiscation of property belonging to rebels—unlike a majority o'f ru mors lias been confirmed by the facts. Gen. Schofield has issued agcnural order on the sub* jeet, by which It appears that the provost mar shal general will proceed to seize such property and make a return of such seizure to cho U.S. District Attorney. No property can be finally endowed and confiscated without a decree of the Courts. Jlf this course be adhered to there Is not much doubt that the confiscation act will be long delayed in this section of Mis souri. The proceedings in the U. S. Courts will doubtless lost through one or two years and then subject the confiscation act to the ordeal of the U. 8. Supreme Court. The se cessionists are much worked up on the sub ject of confiscation. Though they hive the plain reading of the act before them they tremble for fear that some construction will be placed upon it to include almost every man and woman who has countenanced se cession either openly or quietly. May their fears be realized. s When the recent orders removing the restrictions on travel appeared, the seces sionists of this city prepare! for another rush on Canada. Many were sadly disappoint ed to learn that the restrictions on travel to and from St. Louis were of local origin and were intended to prevent the evasion of the State militia law. The draft has not taken place thus far, and nobody appears to know when it will take place. By tbc bye, there Is one absurdity in the restrictions on travel worth noticing. Parses are required to cross the river on the ferry boats, but passengers by the Alton packet are not called on for passes. In other words, you can go to Alton by steamboat without a pa-s, and so escape the State, but to go straight over the river without one is impossible. If tbe Germans cm get assurances that Gov. Gamble will not have the arbitrary power to appoint whomsoever pleases him as their officers, they will speedily fill up a regiment for Gtm SigeL They arenow negotiating such apian. QALIFORNIA WINES. PURE NATIVE CALIFORNIA WINtS, Frm the GOLDEN STATE, These Wines arc warranted pure and superior to the imported wines, and of » much finer flavor than the wines ot Western st«te*. , For MEDICINAL «r SACRAMENTAL nurpewea wc warrant them uvt-Tuallcd. Choice brand* consist ing ot ANGELICA. (Ansel’l Drink) jjl C S€ATE LL, HOCK, (or Dinner Wine) POUT, For tale by the case or In bulk. ARMSTRONG. McCORMICK & CO* Sole Avcuts for Chicago and tU- Northwest, eelG-ulll-St No. 107 South Water at. VfOTICB TO STOCKHOLDERS X w of the TonlcasndPrtcrsburg Railroad routtnuy. A mevttrg of Stockuoidera of tne To uc* and Peters burg: Rail* oadComnauv, will tie held la on uie fenrteenth day of October, for tlie purpoaa of couldrrißj; and approving or rejcctln;; irUcl-A ot Cor so ld*Uon between tno add Company ail tbs JsekeonviPe. Alt*n & Bt, LoaU Railroad Company: and.if *»ld ai tides ehsll be apwcvei. the flret elec tion for DU ccu.r* ol the Consolidated Company will beheld at JackeocvlU*. onth* fiflesnth day of Oeto htr.l662. • WM._Q.GRSttN2, Pro-lleut. Jas. Ebudas-. Sccxetixy. wu-ttWl-svew-nr - Insurance. BRANCH OFFICE KNICKERBOCKER LIFE INS. CO Kingsbury Bloolx, Chicago,Hl. , B2BIDEST DIRECTO23: MATTHEW LAFLIN. E. K. ROGERS, firm Walter & Rogers, Coal and Pig GEO. AUMOITK. Mnneer & Armour, Btor. and Cim. O. C.COOK, G.C, Coos A Co,, Wholesale Grocers D. A. GAGE, Gage. Bro. & Drake. Tremont 1100%. J. C. FARGO, Livingston, Fargo & Co„ American Hi prets Company. P. Gray. Phelps & Co., Wholesale Grocers W. W. BOYXNGTON, Architect. ' T. B. CARTER. Clerk Superior CourtofChlcszo B. 8. MORRIS. Ex-fudge Circuit Court. W. B. ARTHUR, Gen’l Snperlntendent 111. C. R.R. G. U. IV HEELER- Auditor O. A C. U. R. K. MEDICAL BXASnXZBS ; MILTON PARKER, M. D. J. V. Z. BLAAtY. M. U., ProL Rash Med. College and Northwestern University. B. S. MORRIS. oiticees at uoiiz omes: ERASTCS UMA.V, President B. F* JOHNSON, Tice President. GEO. F. SNIFFEN, Secretory. A credit of fifty per cent will be given when tbs premium amounts to 355. Dividends will ba p*ld in cash, to apply on Premium Notes or added to tbe Policy. Endowment end non-forfeiting policies issued. Tbe assets of tala Company (Including its cash capi tal. which is perpetual) are lamer to Its llabhltles than that of any other Company in this country. Two Hundred and Fifty Pollcl-s were Issued at this office In six months, ending July Ist. Any person who will car nnd examine our plan ol doing business, will be satisfied that the Company can not be found which otfer more favorable Inducements or gives a better guarantee to tbe assured than this Company. B. F. JOHNSON, 6€S-n2tf-lm Manager Branch Office, INSURANCE CO. Of York, OFFICE, No*. 112 & 114 BROADWAY Cash Capital 61.000 000.00 A«ftctA. iKt July, 1802...5i,585-H79.»0 LlabUltles ««57,82G 33 ABSTRACT OT THeYiGHTEENTH SEMI ANNUAL STATEMENT, Showing the condition cf the Company on the Ist day of July, 1532. ASSETS. Cash, balance In bank ?1C,139.66 Bonds anii mortgages, being first lien on real *-sritc 819.C5J.53 Loans oc stocks, payable on deman' (market value of securiries- S’G»,OS3.OO) 116,76931 United States ani other stocks (ma.ketvalud)SOl.>s6(.o Beal Estate 60.207.55 Interest due on Ist July. 1562. (of which, $24,- IC2 31 has since b»*en received 27.55 C.57 Balance tn hands of agents and to conrs? ol transmission (Tom agents, on Ist July .(of which 3U.519.72 has e-nca been lecelved).. 59,024.74 B<lls receivable, (for premiums on Inland risks U. 012.07 Other property, mlscellauoons Items 10.0J7A4 Fretnlums due and uncollected on policies Is ened at office 1 326^3 Total. Claims for losses oatniamUne oq Ist .Tnlv. •Ci.fc.T; lifi.S2 Uaeetocklioldcrsonaccouutfumv rdlvMenUs STUM CHAS J. MAHTI *. Prpsldent. A,K. WILLMAUm, Vice-President. Jonr McGsb, secretary. MILLKH & TnLLMiVRTFI. Agents. 150 BjqUi TVateretreet. Chicago. Js.U-SUS.Iv Mutual Life Ins. OF NSW TTOUK. sSEDEEICK S. WINSTON, President. CASH ASSETS JULY 1. ISCi. $3,509,099. PAID CLAIMS BY DEATH, $4,900,009. AGGREGATE AMOUNT OF DIVIDENDS. 53,600,000. Cash Income for year ondlns January Slst, 13C2, 51,593,731.31. The Oldest, Safest and Cheapest Company. Ao«?t3 all Cwh. (nqjiotea ) Forfeiture of Po.lcles not nectary, as the Company will nnxchßS-*. forthclr cash valan. ail Policies upon whirl: two ycnis* premiums have been paid. lu» Funds arc creator, Its of Premiums at low, midUsDividrudtlarcert-.en tlnsonf any othrr Life Instinv-co Company in the United Statvß, Dividends applicable to increase the amount of In surance. or to reduce tbe annual premiums, at tbe op tion ot the Insurers. Reports, Circulars and Information furnished or sent by mall to any address by 6. CRCNRHITR, Agent in Illinois. No. 6 South Clark street. Chicago. WALTER HAT. M. D., Medical Examiner. No. 65 South Clark street. S. B. SEEKBETX, AgenttorWifCousla. Post Office address Milwaukee. Extract from Report of Sno't Insurance Department. N. Y., dated Albany. l&H. Pane XXXIV; “And one crane editlcc—the Mutual Life—boa al ready become fo priM ami substantial. Os to attract general admiration, both her© and in Europe, anl t2T4-Sra TTSIONIKSURAKCE & TRUST W Company. OFFIC3. KOOK ro. S LOOMIS BLOCK, No* 4 Bouih Clark street, Chicago, Capital, 8300,000. DIRECTORS: Bon]. Lombard, H. D. Gilman, Geo. W. Qago, Vui H. Hlzglaa, John v. Fsrweil, Mcraliall Ayres, Uslthew Roues, Elvle Harwood. Oliver Whitaker, James W Stone. Joelah Lombard. Daniel Sharp. Lrvl F. Stevens, D. L. FhUUrra, XawacG. Lombard, j. Q. Hoyt. Chaa. Chandler, TQomaa Horleu. BENJAMIN LOMBARD, President. VAN H. HIGGINS. Vice President. ia**nG.LOMBARD lejUlftSqi : FARWELL*3 : ] ETEAM BAG MANUFACTORY, \ : K0.,139 SoatJiWater-fit, Chicago. ♦ \ Ba"s and. Sacks • • Of every description famished on short : ; notice and printed with Nnw ASD .* : EZAUTIFUL BROJD9. ? I SIMEON FABWELL. t : atf-tjJh 1 *............' CORN EXCHANGE Bag Manufactory. HAST, ASTEN & CO, U&HnFACTUBBRS OF B A Gr S ! Ol every description, 167 South Water Street. 157. MILLERS. ssaivu/kss, GROCERS. FLOUR, GRAIN. GUNNY, HAM AND FEES BAGS. EF“Secoad-hand big! always on hand. Sags loaned to shippers. myigraa-lT jplous anh PATENT BUCKWHEAT IL FLOUR—Manufactured by HAWKINS Ac CHAPMAN, MICHIGAN MILLS. Try the very best Buckwheat Flour In the clti—pun tad white. Choice Graham Flour, from Winter Wheat. (backed Wheat Creah and sweet. White Winter Wheat Flour of the heat quality. Sztra Spring Wheat Flour. Delivered to any pan of the city. ■tor*—-Wo. S7ft South Water street. flangings. OBAEI PAPER HANGINGS. 'Window Shades, Fixtures, Ac, BOUU AMO BIQR 2>AIMTffl P APSIS BANGERS. ETC, ETC, Be. 184 Clark Street, Chleaf*. rocis-ui 3Lcah ani ©il JUBocks. rtHICAGO LEAD AND OiS \J WORKS. Corner Clinton and Fnlton-Sta, West Side. LEAD FIFE, BULLETS, BJUt 4 SHEET LEAH, UNSHED OIL, But, WMU Lead, Sod Lead and Lytiirw-t PUMPS AND HYDIAULIG SAMS. Green from the trade sofidtsd. Highest inarknl price paid (or Flax Bead. p.O.Bozeua. •elf BL W. BLATCH7OHD. D. MoFARLANK’a Gu, Steam Fitting anA PLUMBING ESTABLISHMENT H lasalle Street, Chicago. piii.Ti tw Hi* nXTESiS *S» BOS FCESIItiES. Practical Plumber, an> MAxuraoroEEß cv ai. Mmi« ofHteom Work. TO THE TRADE. «tts Trade supplied with tools sad every articleta he Gar, Steam Fitting and Plumbing business. B* I ayv-xy BUANDT. .JES3E B. THOMAS. HOME .3L555.679.1S 13aq»* BAGS, BAGS, BAGS, A BKO . , BBtT.fM XX Ctmcational. TITAPLE WOOD Tumg X.adies’ JLtJ_ Institute, Pittsfield Muss., commences its 43d semi-annual session, Oct 2, 1862, with an attendance nndlmlnlshed by the war. it odd* to lt§ nsaal laclh tles for Instruction In tbe solid and ornamental branches. p< collar aavantacea (or physical health and culture. For circulars address Rev. C. V. SPEAR the Principal. acpl-uW.lm-MW.kP A CADEMY OF T IND TJMIVER l\. SITY, AT LAKE FOREST. ILLINOIS.—The fourth year of this. Institution, under th<* direction of M.C.Brtler. A.M.Principal. andKer. Wm. C. Dick mfon. Professor of Lanzu+zea. will commence on WsnxESDAT.Sept 17th. Circular?, giving full n.ortlcu lars, will be sent on apollcatlon to either of the Pro fessors. at Luke Forest to Ker, Z. M. Hnmphery. Rev. R. W. Patterson. D. D., Rev. Arthur Swazey, H. M. Thompson, Esq.,ILE. Seelye.Esq .or to Peter Page, Esq, Secretary of the Board ofTrustetSS. Chicago. Lake Forest, August 13.1862. ani9-t6J6-im QELECT CLASSICAL SCHOOL. JO —Mr. 8. G. SANGER, a graduate of Harvard Ual* varsity, who baa had a 'arse experience ass teacher, will op *n a select School for Boy?, la Chicago. Sc'v tembir i.’th. A thorough course cl fioclLn unu ciaid cni »tndr w»ll be punned. The best Eoidem and city rvfctecccs famished. For circular: and farther tu.or matlon. sddreah 8,0. SAN GSR aui2-t7S74w P. O. BoxSTBG. tpOREST HOME FOH SOYS. This family school, both Clascal and English, is locate* on the Lake Shore? necne Oakland stulcn of the Hyde Park train, four miles senth of Chicago Tbe next term will commence oa the fint Wednesday of November. Thoroagi instruction, w » safe and agrecab:-home. Is tie dcs'gn of the school \ cinl 01 specific Infora atlon with reliable references, will Beac to Inquiries. Addre-a W*. A. MCIIOLS, BOX 1462. Chicago. se9-o2‘i&sw CHICAGO ACADEMY.—The V»y seventh year of this school for young ladles. Misees LANE & BAKES, Principles, Will tegln on MONDAY, S*pt 220. Applications may be made on nnd after that data at the School Lauding, as W abash avenue. selMi2G3-2w TS7EST LADIES’ * “ SEMINARY. 354 West Randolph Street*' The eecond year of this Instltatlcn will coimnenca Monoay.sept. 15th. A Umitci uatab-r of hoarders cad he received. Eor appilcatloii« arc! further par- Uc si a m&s C * A * GRHGG.Prlncpal. P be2-PI!G 13t p, o. BoxSU. ’T'BOT FEMALE SEMINARY. .A Till-Ins*ltnt!oD offers the accnmulatcd ft'lvan t-icc? cf neatiy fifty year# of npemtloa- Kyvrj-facility is provided fiir a thorough coarse ol cst-ful and ornainenta! cdacatloa, under the direction of a corps of more tlun twentv professors and teach ers. For Circulars app.y to JOHN U WILLIHD. Troy. N. Y. aaJS-ut3o-Gw pniCAGO SEMINARY FOR VV YOUNG LADIES. 10S and H2 Cass street. North Side. EevjWm.M, Reyio’ds. Principal of the Bozllsh Department. F. G. Bertoan, Principal of the french Department and Modern Languages. Under the super vision of a Board of Trustees ana an Executive Com mittee. This lustltntltlon will be reopened or the Pith cf Sept next. For circulars containing parilcalars, or any other Information, apply, ot the Institution, to au2s-tS3Mm. F. C. BiIRTEAU. “HE ARBORS S?MLS T ARY, S3 JL/ WABASH AVEXCE.—The next term of this iDf-tltntlon triu open on MONO tV. Sept. 13th. The price of tuition In the Primary Department will bo one-third les* th*>n heretofore. Circulars be Ob- taioed by catling at the Seminary,or by addresaing the Principal through the Pest Office. Rttl9-tTOO-lm Z.GKOVBB. Principal. LIBERAL EDUCATION with Military Instraetion and Drill* WESTERN UITION COLLEGE and MILITARY .ICAHKW, at FULTON. ILL- 03 the Mt»sl'Slppt River, will open Its second year, Sd isa, with re gular Collfßlate Academic and Primary Classes. The College has a corps of twelve experienced tenca ers and l» cturers, thoronth appointsents. tbe school liolldin-r? tn tne \Ve«t (cost, wit; furniture..ic (l2o 000). an ample and attractive Military panic, an excellent and well famished Arm -srv, a sine Gymna sium. and many ether advantages which should claim tee attention of parents and guardians. Tbe largest institution of its class and character In tbe Union. Instruction in French. German, and Book-Keeping tree to Cadets, also in ARTILI.2QV sod Infantry (heavy and light) Tames Zocxva and Fixer Drills ana Gymnastics, under an officer of U. S. A. Cadets dresa in Ut Uorms. Tbem»—slSo per school year for board, tarnished room, to ’ lights. washing and tuition In every department, payable quaKerly in advance. Cadets from abroad, room and board under the same mof with and the constant mra of*the teachers. For Circulars address D. S. COVERT, President. Fulton, id. fe24-nS!-5a iSusineas Catfls. JJK. WALTER HA?, No. 85 South. Clark Street, CHICAGO. C?PICB Eons. —8 to 9A M ; 12 to L and 513 GP. M, [auOJ-t7SG-3m] J£BKSI PKUSSING, HE AX ESTATE AGENT, S9*o. 6 Larmon iPloclc, Chicago, HI, Loans negotiated on real ettat security. Jy4-sW9-ly fi'OX & HOWARD, xl Contuactohs fok DREDGING. DOCKING. BRIDGING. GRADING AND MASONRY. Office Dearborn street. Old P. O Bnllutn?, ChteaTO. E7~ Bridge Timber and Dock materials coiist.utiy on band. jyl-oGSj-dm X> PIONEER PAPER WAREHOUSE 0» SUTLER So tSXTNX, So. 4S STATE STREET. Jtnanttcturerg and WfiO’esNie Dealers in all kinds ct Course and Fine papan*. Envelope* Cards. Card and Sfarde. Paper oass. Printers’ Ink, -he, Ac. Sir Cash paid for all kinds ol Paper Stock. rchS S. KIRS St CO., Jo SOA? AITB SADDLE Si&TCACTn&CSSt dealcn in Beeln. Bode Ash. Tallow. Tallow GIL Oa, Nua. IS Sc SO Rlwer-«t.» f.r.l-cSiM* itlacljnicvfi. g A 9 I B WORKS Manufacturing Company. DO YOU WANT STEAM ENGINES OR BOILERS, PATENT SUGAR CANS MILLS, PATENT STEAM COIL EVAPORATORS PATENT FIRE EVAPORATORS, PATENT STAMP MILLS. —FOB dike's Peat or Lake Superior. FOR Hriii.AtWj With Cats and Descriptions, Prices, eta, etc Saw Mills, Flouring Mills, And Machinery of all description. BSND FOR CIBCTJLARB. ?, W, GATES, President, CHICAGO, XIiI.. H.B.—Agents wanted everywhere. 1e26-nUS-lyd*w Also, SULKIES and SKELETON WAGOVS on hand, which are offered to the? public with the full H.«urmsro oi string good {Mtlo&ctloo. a<* eftov have heea built undtr tnc supervision of GEO. PENNOYEU. whoso rei'Otaltun tor ranking Rood work !■» whi known Also oi* Imn’t urd rvcelTlng. EASTERN FAMILY CARRIAGES. from the old and well kn j wo maanfur turers. J.M.QulmiyA: Co..Newark.X. J.. whose work Is bj uu one. Repairing promptly done. P. H. Principal, tiro. PEX-ioVKU. Manufacturer. , TUOS. 11. liUoWN*, Cashier. AT REDUCED PRICES. | scplO-nSIWw American SESiatrijcs AMERICAN WATCHIS fcr soldiers. American Watches for Americans’ THE AMERICAN WATCH COJfPANT give notice that they hove lately Issued a new stylo of Watch ex prcsslrdt signed for soldiers and others who desire a good watch at a moderate price. These watches are Intended to displace the worthless, cheap watches of British aid Swiss manufacture, with which the country Is flooded, and which were never expected to keep time when they were made, being refuse manufac tures, sent to this country, because unsaleable at heme, and used here only for jockeying and swindling parpo-e*. We offer to sell our Watch, which L« of THE MOST SUBSTANTIAL MANUFACTURE, AN ACCURATE AND DURABLE TIME KEEPER, and In Sterling Silver Cases, Hunting pattern, at as low a price as is asked for the trashy Ancrcs and Leplnes of foreign make, already referred to. We have named tbe new series of Watches, WII ELLERT. Bcstor, Mas*., which name will be found on tbc plate of every watch of this manufacture, and Is one of onr trade marks. Sold by all respectable Jewelers In the loyal States. 'Wholesale orders should be addressed to ROBBINS & APPLETON, Agents of the American Watch Company, sep2-cCHm IS2 Broadway. N. T. ©merits. fOA BAAS RIO COFFEE, good Vt) V to prime grades, In store. Also, THBEE TORS POTASH. For sale by T. M. TUTU.AT &C0„17) South Water street. au - NUK62w 9~A HHDS. NEW ORLEANS £f)\J SUG AHS —Common to choice ln«toreaad lor tale by F ARSONS. PITKIN & JHANKET. 71 South Water street. PC AH BAGS COFFEE.—Rio, Mar t) Vf \y nealbo and Costa Rica, fair to prime, airly US aa o 1“ !sl, i t '^ KS!jN - E- jttoX * n AVERT. 71 South Water street. KAA HALF CHTS. TEAS—A tJyJxJ full assortment of new cron Green* and Places embmclEß all grade* of Younz uv a on. Hyson Skin. Gunpowder. Imperial Twanksy, Oolong, Ac. armias and lo^^^ SSi rtTETN' * niNKBT. 71 South Waterasreet. KA TONS TOBACCO—Of reliable 0 \ * and standard Kentucky brands. In boxes, hall boxes asd caddies-airline cat chewlneand smoking of approved manufacture la barrels, hall barrels, «c. for aale at current rate* by _ ,_ T . _. 1 PARSONS. PITKIN A BANKET. -u’-tSW-ly 71 South Water street. Cabinet .-furniture. DABCOCE * PKKE, w ;n kandoups street. Mahogany, Eosawood and Walnut, stio, tmaMWTOTiraTWBBOOII * COMMON FUUKiTUfI xx exRAT vs aim, wood Beat and Cane-Seat Chairs, Bedsteads aadß* raaas. school Furniture on hand and to order. particular to Country Ordaca. Humber. T UMBER.—I would invite the at tsation of dealers and other* purchasing lombes in Chicago to one of the largest and moat complete a sortmentof Lumber In this market: slab,Drtwsed Sid ing, Flooring and Stock Board*. Sash. Doors. Shingles Lath, Long Timber. «olata, Ac. Prices reasonable tc suit the charges of the times. Write far information. Orders filled with promptness and fidelity. Carsloarted tn yard. Yard ana Ofioc Beach nrcet, between Folk and Twelfth streets, SjfirirMa KSAD A.WILLLIIO. J*OR LAKE SUPERIOR. THE T* SPELLER F. W. BACKUS "WDI leave a. Harvey & Co.*s Dock. NEXT SATb’lt- DAT. ADGDBT 2Sd. at 7 o'clock F, At, tor The Various Ports on Lake Superior. For Freight or Pamie apply to A. HABVST A COi, ■ ■pU-paoum Z26 and 20 acuta Water stmt •J<HE PEOPLE’S LINE -OT . NEW STEAMERS, For Buffalo & Intermediate forts These Boats are new and splendidly famished, with a view to the comfort of passengers. „ . „ One boat of this line leaves daily atSo’clockP. M. from the LC.II R. Dock, for the above ports. Ticket office No. 12 South Water street, opposite Gu Central Depot. Chicago. I. BRADLEY, lyl-65»Sn Paly Anthoriied Agent; THE Western transportation S* AS© WESTERN EXPRESS, 1862. TH3 W23TERN TRANSPORTATION COIf PANT havtcz made arrangement* to run tic!? Steam Pror<*uers on altercate day? with those of Ul SEW IORK CENTRAL iND 3nCH2GiS CENTRAL RAHHOA2t Numbering thirty flnt-clns<, someth and strong staaa era, ofler to the commercial public, the following ey dently enpenor acuities for the transportation of n*3 chanolse and produce to and from the Kaatern. Wo* era. Northern and Southwestern States. The Or piny’s unequalled CANAL facilities, consisting of ISO Canal Beats, OI the largest class, six of which leave New YcrK net Buffalo daily, connecting at Buffalo with the followlfij Propeller Lines: 3H£ ’ll KSTr.RX EXPRESS. (Owned and operated by this Company) will nm ©ys the New Yort Centms tiallroul to Buffalo. connecttm with the various Kallroars leading West, and with ts» following Llnao orPropellen on the Upper and Lows - Lakes: Thr Upper- Me fJne Daily. W. T. Ce. Steamer*. B. C. a C. Line Steamer; TONAWANDA, FOUNTAIN CITY® FREE STATE, WENONA, nOHATTK, ITXENDOTA, PLYMOUTH, NEPTUNE, GALENA, HAY FLOWER, CHICAGO; Leaving the dock at Erie Badn. and foot of MlchlgH street, every evening at 7 cviock. For treigat o: pst faze, apply at the Western Transportation OiSo#?, Srlf Basin, and the Enffmo. Cleveland and Chicago U9* OiUce, foot of Michigan street. The Detroit line Dally, 'Via North Shore direst, connecting at Buffalo with li New YorS Central. and Buffalo, New Yolk aoi Kris Railroads. W. T. Co. Eteamcra. W. T. Co. 3tea»cr> DUNKIRK, ILLINOIS, CONCORD, SA C!NAW, in A BY BTE WARS On»R PASHA, Leaving the docE, Erie Bafln, ever? evening. o’clock. For freight or pa&iogp apply at the Company- Oihce, Kile Basin CUrcUnid, Or'ohdcf, Stimius &nsi Cjvru Say Line, Central KaUrood Steamers, EUtJINOX, ABAXES, EI'PitKATES, ECLIPSE, COJIET, ROCKET, ffIAKQUHTTE. CETADOOA, OBONTE3, FOREST QIEEN, Leaving the dock a: Erie Bnaln, at 7 o'clock P. '£, ?a freight and passage apply to f. D. Dole, cxdc foot of £tlcbic&n street. Fcr b!l’* ladlns and contracts by Canal or apply to the follawtnc Actute: 6YEPETT CLAPP. No. 1 Coeullce Vtp ?c?: HUGH ALLEN, A. COISON. No. Ant Or HOP3C, NewTcti. Sr. G. CHASE, 113 Pies. Albany. N. V. S. G. chase. isi Ihvirrtrcet. Troy. N. Y. J.L. HUltG*ro. Ford'* Dock. Detroit. Mich. J. J. TALLMADGE, end i'r^rtpJVu Dock, Milwaukee. E. A- BUCK.Green B»3, wja. V.’.y. KUIO). Bmton, v*n*«. V-’eetem Transportation Co. Brio Sasht, 3c2aic. CONSICSEECI BONDdXOHUIS Cleveland, Ohio. DENNISON B. SMITH «S CO, Toledo, CthX rf. T. DILL. SsDtfnsby, Ohio. JOHN UKAhN ,t» O . Erie.Pa. COTTON & RAYMOND. lioclQAVVla. liKNUSHA PICK CO, Keno*Ji*t, nU. ■sv. a. w.hIOHT & Ct>, Wapkecaa. HL J. if. HIEaLAND. Sbeboyitan. Wis, C. Y. «ICU7IOHS t Down Freight Agent. North Dearborn itra*. J. VST. TCTTJLE, l'p Freight Astst Toot of State ttreet. Chicago, IE. apl4-P?or-6:a TiTST, Northern Transportation C® ! } OF OHIO 16 prepared to transport property tefwssz* Bastes, ail E'u Ints la Set? Sosland, /sew and tbe West,' With promptness. care and dfcpstcb. This well known Unc of Fourteen First-claw Bcrcv Burners. connect? *♦ Oodensbnry with the BaUroad Sas Eoßfc'n and all Feints la 3* 5 England; At Cape Vic cent wile tbs E-allmad and Fropeilur Line between Cap* Vincent ondKew Yoric, And a: Oswego with a LCJJB 0? SS ITSSX CLASS CAT*AL SCATS Between Oswego, Troy, Albany and New Tork, Forming aDAILT LINS from Boston, New Tor] Cgdcusburgn, Capr Vine ant and Oswego to Clevcliib« Toledo and Detroit. AND & TKI-WEEKLT LDT2 TO Chicago, SUlwcdikeo and Intermedia to Port*. A6BNTS: J. 2Sve?s, 131 Broadway. New Tort Join H*st Ins, 7 State street, Boston. Geo. A. Eddy, Ogdeushuirt 11. -I. Crevo'ln, C»p« Vincent John H, Crawford, 0»: wcco. Felton & Breed. Cleveland. Walker €• llayw Toledo. E.K. Mathew*. Detroit. O. J. Hale, llilwar. kae. Taylor, Manray&Co., Baclne. CLARY & HOWE, Agents. Foot of Iforth Laanllo fit., Cfcic^gc, faiM.pS2fiTPl ffiarriage fakers. WORKS 41 STREET. The proprietor of these werks takes pleasure In In forming the public mat* these works nave been en larged to more tbm dcubb; fhmr firmer capacity, which has enabled him to get a good stock of Family, Gentleman and Trotting BUGGIES. CARRIAGE MANUFACTORY. —Thcunierslrned Toni! most respectfully call the attention o? thoeewho *rt luten-lms tn purchase for Cash anything Ln their line of ManaUctaru, toaa Inapectlon of their stock of REAItr-iIIAUR CARRIAGES, And else to thMr superior stock of materUL from which they are constsmly manafiCtnrtne flrst-clasa work V'e have lately enlarged onr Shops, *nd nave now greater (ficllltlts thin ever before for 111110(5 or d» rs promptly for ocv d**slrud -lyie ot i '**. v*"e ke*p cccgtantly on 'hand, at an advanced stage of tnftDnßtctnre. alarte stock of LIGHT TFOTTINQ AVAGONS, OPEN AND TOP BUGGIES, BUSINESS WAGONS, DOCTORS’ AND GENTLER!UN’S PHAETONS, AMD DOCKAWATS. <te. rieaMcallat oar Manufactory and examine onr ftocV. U. A G. N. WILLETTS Cor. Stare nr.d Vhh «ta. CM-a ;o. Flu ISreom (Corn. ■'YY’oodkn wars, brooms, BBOOM CORN, 95 So. Water-st., CMoago, 95 For sals at tbs Lowest Cash Prices. The larges*, stack of WOODEN WARE, (Painted and Plain.) WILLOW AND CEDAR WARE, Cordass, Twine, CORN BASKETS. Brwm Makers Stocfe, * AC., &c., &c„ Ever Ergosht to this City, NATHANIEL WHITE, Ecpl-n43-2m 95 8. Water-*t, Chicago. BROO3I CORN EXCHANGE. TTe Invite consignments ot BROOM CORN, Have AMPLE STOkAGE, make advances, and offer Special Inducements By giving onr patrons the benefit of price* paid by consumers in the EAST AND CANADA. All en quiries promptly answered. KAPPLETEA A SHELDON, • Commission Merchants. 843 Sooth Water-st. Shota) Case. Mterhune, • duoexasom to oaectxll a oqj SHOW CASE luxnrAomn. HO, U DEARBORN STREET, CHICAGO, m. tadOBeeBMO gg*W»_ "VTO HUMBUG) —PeddUrs and Xs Traveling Agents are positively making from *lO to *3O per Day. In selling our Caskets. Call and see them and be CO* vlcced. Sole Agents, ftngNt’B CrtAt Variety Stere, IDS take St. JHilitarp (Sootis TO MILITARY OFFICE as.— TOLLDEES3 Regulation Hats and Caps, Gold Embroidered Bogle*,' Wreaths, 4c., mwrmfy*. tored and for sale by ecpi-oU-Im J.A. SMITH SCO. MILITARY GOODS.—.lust re ceived a large assortmantof allWndaor SUIiITART GOODS, STVORDS. BJSBP9. BELTS, BHOVU DElt BXB.IPS, &c.. At 91 Ijalce St„ Trernont Bloclr, H. 11. OABEBEY. Agent* sc? aiGS-2w fUJNSi SUN'S!! GUNS! 11 V" HEVOLVEBS of iH Kads, OFFICEE3* SWOBD3, BELTS, 3ASEE3, 4C, Scdc K-lvea and Military Goods. Gan Material. Sole fur Assart's Aowaer. All lands of Amman* ilon. SEOUQE T^ABSKY, apM? Tfi'KOCH "WOODS, -AJi (Successor to C3AS. A. SAXCSJ No. 180 LiKE STHEST, ■Smi», Svorilug Apparatus, Fisnlo# Tackle, Pistols, Bowie Rnlves, MILITARY GOODS. Powder and Shot, AT WHOLES ALB ABO fiBTAIL. ao3-pX7-:y CTTI.ERS AND AGENTS—Yoa O Willl fled tie Stationery and Gift* la m? Union variety Envelopes worth more bv fltty per cent, cos's tho«c put up by at y other dealer. Lvrga uac frcdS supplier o> Union fctatfonery always on n\nd. A!so» traps, charts and Union pood* of :i r l description* Ad» dre*s F. A. THOMAS. P. O.Ttox 1.153. comer State and lamdoiph-eta., Chicago. Send for a circular. enclosing red stamp. IySUSMni TLITABY NOTICE. —Officon L*A of the Til. and all other new Regiments, will 2nd It roth- lr Interest la pafch2»lne outfit* tnciHca K- ItjuAVKN.23 Cl-irj; Street.tap Ptnlrj,). oVSB TUB UNITEOSTATES EXFBc,:iS OFFICE. Sword S'*its. S«t.*h»a. Shoulder Strapa, Cap*. Busier, pistols. Cart, ridses. and CTurvthine else needed of the heat aaal'tw and cheapest la market. E. B. BOWEN. 20 Ciarfc «tl op-ctairs ffin=^anneist}ip3. kI?£OLTITICK—The Copartner- -I--/ ship heretofore exUins betwe-a the aiders b’PQOd. in thf* name of "Vber & Sc»*o-„-:;er. U >hf di.stolvcQ mutual catsuit. KK. SC»l'»r^El* T. tVKBES KIS-QtfSSC Chlcfljro, S*pt. Tv iSftJ. -nOPARTNRBSEIIP NOTICE. V-"'* Mr.TT. T.TVIXDIATKI'fCOICO? a member of OUT firm fsom this Cate. bi'LVEbIER .MAlijil A CO. Chicago. eept. I,IS&J u-ps-u itf-ira TMS3GLTJTION.—Tr.e Copartner. .I—' sWn heretofore existing coder tho name and style of Wilson abd freeman. Is this day dissolved by a cocs**nt W. p. Freeman atone is authorized to fwt’e the business of said jirm. to whom all letter* should te addressed. F. CORTEZ WILSOX • 1\ FUEBU.VN. Sepl-oJUnX Chlcngo.Scptl, 1?62. T'lIE CO-PARTNERSHIP i heret-Mere existing between tha undersigned, in the Chine ni‘ Moiwx & Yabwo:i», ti* this Jay dissolved by mutual coujviit. ALBERT M »HSEL IL S. YARWOOO., August tilth, ISC3, aagMOm-lia Dissolution of go part- KERRSIP.—Tbot Copartnership heretofore el istlns hetwren John Clark. John H. M.indall stud Paul Jane*. mulcr the name &ad firm of .John Clark -fc Co_ the ITrh Uut. br the withdraw*! cJ John H.ilnrsLaO. J'inv clakk. r&rL Tic rroflaca Ccmnk*toa wilibo e'.ci!acte& v. iprefc-.fvjst* i:r t?*c «nrf**r th» •l-ra n;ims Of John CltorS & CO. JOHN' i-LMiS. ttvio-ril2-::m p&ui, Jovas. iUgal flatters. ST. A TE OF IT,LIN T OIS COUNTY k/) or COOK. ?>»— Cook County Circuit Coart, oeto ber Term. A. D. I'f-i. ihoma." iUcamor.a and Oliro Ktcbniocd his wife, vs. Dual el O. Qmrcyand Uecry Hn nrchousnr. Public not're 1« hereby ctveu to the “aid Daniel •>. Quoin- and Henry Humiteliousartlmc a writof atr > la ment tamed cut of the odlceoftheClo kofCook.: ;■ - ty CJrmit Court.da »»d th-*2lS' rt wo' Antust. A 1? JmH, at the suit of the paid Thomas lilcfunind Olive Ktcbniocd. Ilia wife, und at the estit'i o» t.i j »a*d Daniel o. ymvey and U**nrv lltimrichantar, tor the van* ofTwelv* Hundred and fifty Dollars, directed to the, Sheriff of Cook County, which said writ bad been returned executed. Nov,thtrefore.unless yon.the said Daniel O Qtdvey and Henry Hairilolion.'or shall persoaailv b? and ap pear before the said C«ok ronntv Circuit Cuurt on or before the Ur*l dav of tlia next Term thereof to DO liolden arth“ Court Ilonieln the City orChica£n.oa ties 2nd Mondavot October. A.D plced totlT-s said plaintiff's action. Jndjrtcect wlL’be eidetiil agalnstyuu. and In favor of the said Tlnnut Ihcbmona and Olive Richmond.hi? trite, nndau mueh of the property attached nanny bo saidcteutcj satrfy the sr.u judgment and cost# will be sou! to patlafv tbo earee. RUdUNCH. Cl-rt Pt nrtnAM w M.\ jvnrr, PUTs Att’y, • STATE OF ILLINOIS. COUN;; V Or* COOK. ?s—Circuit Court *;f f*ooh October • enr. js<w. George IT. Jewell vs. ilnry Jewell.—ln Clt«nccry. tin* noD-wldence ofMarv j«nvell. «le* ft‘rd:iDtutK>vcrum«J.h»rln7hfC3 Ql«id In th* of tlir Clerk cfsaM Circuit Court of Cook Coitr. J*otscr lj*li«*r**fcy civen to the Mi'! Mary .7«*wcll Ij-' *. said complainant till**! Ms 1)1)1 of cotupl'-Jnt !n salt Court, cc tke Clinnccry side tiereol. on ire thteent t dnyof August, VH?i and tint a summon* fhnrenjoa l*>ued rnt of it .id Court aeaWtaaM.lefesd vnt.'ecnrn ableon tbesecosd Monday of October next, USSJ,) m is by law repaired. Sow, unless you. the Mid bfarr Jewill shall r—- Ponallv r>e and appear btioru said Circuit Court '■( Cook C*-unrv. on tbe first d-iy of the next tom »ticn;vf. tc be holden at Chlcnsvtn Mid County, on tae second Monday of October. ISGS. and answer or demur to the «dd f.onjpUtnnntu* bill of complaint. the aamo m<d the matter* and t'.lnrs therein charged and stated will be taken n«confe6?*d, nr d a decree entered against you according to the prayer of said bill. ffM. L. ciicscn. Cterfc. W. 8. Feleeb. CompVU SoVr. axH-OU-tw QTATS OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY k , OF COOK, as.—Circuit Court of Cook County. SeptetnbcrTcrm.l.'CL George tv.Bohioan va,Georga Asbnrv Johnson aar Jn Jet 31. Johnson.—lnCUancery. Affidavit of the non*rrsMence of George Aann-r Jebnsoa and Juliet M. Johnson. dfcoiants aho' j - named. baling been tiled ?a the office of the Clerk • r s«ld Circuit Court of Cook County. Notice Is bereh given to the said George Asbury Johnson •and Jailt-c M- Johnson, (tint stli complainant died hie bill < ; comp'Mntln said Court, on me Chancery >»fde there* •!*, on the twenty-second day of August. frC! and that a summons thereupon issued out of said Court said defendants, returnable nn the dm Monday of Sort* nibcr next, (ISfl'-l), -is I? bv law required. Now. un’e-iu vou the said George Asbory Johnson and Juliet M. Johnson, sbaP Twsonallv he and appear befere raid Circuit Court of Cook Coantr, on the first das of the next lent, thereof, t*» he holdcn at t.Tilcago, In said County, on the first Monday of September; ISfitf, and pl“ad. answer or demur to the said com plainants' bill of complaint, the same and the matter i and things therein charg' d and stat'd will be lakvt aacorfrfMod. and a decree entered against yon no corims to It, prayer of .aid WU. s. K. Dow. Compl’ts Sol’r. atnl3-t3154w Estate of ashley oil- BEIIT. Deceased.—Public notice Is hereby given to all n-rsoneh win* claims against the estate of Aside* Gilbert, deceased, to present the same for ndjadlcitloii hcJ settlement to lue October term of the Conn, y Court of C*okCoon»r. to beholdenot t a Court House, In me City of Chicago, on the thud. Monday«;Octotw-r A 1). !*«. i MARLV GILuEUT, Administratrix. Chicago. Aug. lOtb.lsiy. au.D tTJV^w CTATE OF ILLINOIS, COUNTY 0 of COOK, ea.—Superior Court of Chicago. November Term. IsW. James Summers and Edward Martin vs Orrtn J Ro«e. Daniel T Bistuc, William LUI. William U Darts Edward Minin. Lawrenca Front, Edward Scully. Thom is Scully. Patrick Doan, Bridget Quirk. Ellen Sen Ur. Mirgnr-t Scully, Georgtt Front. William Front. Ellen Front. Otho Klemui, Joseph E. Sheffield Mathew Jordan acd Bridget Jor dan. Ills wife, John Front, Mtcbnol Front. MaryLiesoa, William and John Lceson. Affidavit that O'ho Klein m, Joseph IS. Sheffield Mslthnw Jordan. Bridget Jordan, his wl»‘e. Job-iFrout, Edward Scully and Michael Prouk defendants imu.j are non-re and that Mary L*w*s«m, Wil liam Let-son. and John Lt-esoc, defendants above named, co due Inquiry cannot he found, tawing been Gird lu the office of the Cle'k of said Snoerlor Court 01 Chicago. Notice la here’jv given to the said Otho Klemm. Jcsrpti K. Sheffield. Matthew Jordan Bridget Jorcai. his wife, J.Jiu Prout. Michael Front. Mary Lcef'-’Q, William Le-'S'.n. John Le«on and Edward Scully, that the complainants filed their nlll of cotn plalM In gni«l Court, on the Chancery aide thercoC oa the fifth «lny of August. IWi. and that a summona tncituror. tstned out* f scl:l Courtagdn't sa*d defeo* dact<*, returnable on the fl.-st Monday of November next (ic«),hsU bylaw reqn red. _ Now, unless you. the talc Otho Klemm, Joaeub b Pbiffi*'*!. Ma'thcw Jcrdao. Bridget .Torden, aw John Front Michael Front. Mar/ WUUaiu i Lewon.Edward Scullv and John Leejon- stall p«»>a ally be ard appear before said superior Court of C-d --chvo of rook County, on the first dayoftue nest tar m thereof to be balden at Clilmgo. In said County, on the first Monday ofNoveitb-r. l-02. and plead, saswer or demur to the said complainants bib of complaint, the same, and the matters and things therMn chargea Mid stated, will be taker, at cut fttMud, «ud »'hcr« D\ N. Buhnham. Coropl**-’ sol*r. sui^t-vV^w 5 00 LBS ' NWA3nEO ? fleece WOOL FOR SALE J3y *W. TVX. Boss & Co,. 1(7 & 169 Lake Street. [aelG-nllMw] OH’CAGO RELIGIOUS BOOK \J StOKH. „ _. The largest assortment of Religions Books In taa Northwest, SUNDAY SCHOOL BOOS 3, &0. ( In great variety. Good Book* and Tracts For the Soldiers. Depository ef American Tract Society. TVTOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Xv Chicago. Bur'irctonasd Qolncy R*llroad Com psDT.ChicHjjo. I’lr.icK Peptember 13. *SG2. Scaled proposal/, vtllbe received by the undersigned, at th** offee of th’* Co’fniny. in the City of Chicago tmlU the first d.v»- of i >ct*»oer, at 5 P. M.. for the Grad ing of tlio fh-rfago Branch of sale Company's i«rati froir Aurora to the City of Chicago, a dwt’inco or®* miles. Slaps, y.rofllra and specifications ot the wor= tray be essialr.vd at the o’t'cc !n Chicago after tao-w-a i: formation di sired In roxarencc to the workma?/be obtained. , . The right is rspecU lv r-rred to reject «ny propo sition that may tolb: d- cay’d for the InteMt of ti* Companv. .}. a> >0 vr»> icii, gelSul’SP-td Pr,-.: 1. .stand Chief Engineer. wanted -tor.- AMiott’s Crest Keliellion History. Prceccclus Books are now ready for esavtas gpi. It wlllhcnothintfte Ear ish and German Langnapw: la two Koval Octavo Volumes, in LrATiiits, and Ulas« trate-i on Stssl. Fend for a Circular. Apply foe Territory too F. GIBBS. lOi Sooth Clark street. Cht ca|o. DU Post Pace Box 3». selS ni3L3tead-3w EOT AIR FURNACE. For fCeatlas: Dwellings. PnhlteHiUf« Stores, Cbarcbcs,; «c* . We would advice all la want of the best, Heating Furnace to call at 195 I&KC STBEKT, . And examine the above.’ which wa warrant, for -dani» bllltyand economy.pnpanortjaoylntfto •»«. 3U.j> lactnrcd and sold at M 3 Lake sLoek -«4 Of -Wills street, DT - SKAVBT A CO. au3i-u23ta. DR. JAMES, formerly of Jamea.* Hot dtaL Co/tomhoose street. New Orleans,La« Estib’bhed In IS3O, Has arrived In Chicago, and permanently lor ad- SC Bsudfciph street, between Stats and Dearborn street*, Chicago. DL SPECIALIST. CrrcaOld Ctuoale and Decent testimonial! of the ifedcal faculty, and »he almost entire pr»i of the So«h. tlorh iLvtoiabi e. Ofilce open fre® 9A. 3L “* l * • tcs-u173-ua 196 Lakn street